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Tanauan, Leyte

WORK IMMERSION 12 SY 2022-2023

Lesson 3

Rights and Duties of Employees & Employers, Confidentiality

in the Workplace, and Conflict Resolution


Directions: Identify whose duties or rights are the following. Choose among the employer, employee or other person. Write A if it’s for the
Employer, B, if it is for the Worker/Employee, or C if it is for other person.
_____1. Comply with Occupational Safety Health Standards including training, medical examination and where necessary provision of protective
and safety devices.
_____2. Comply with the provision of this R.A. 110581 and in any regulations issued by the Secretary of Labor and Employment.
_____3. Provide where necessary, for measure to deal with emergencies and accidents including first aid arrangements.
_____4. They shall have the right to report accidents, dangerous occurrences, and hazards to the people concerned.
_____5. The right to safety and health at work shall be guaranteed.

Activity No. 1: True or False

Directions: Write true if the statement is true, and false if it is incorrect. Write your answers in a yellow paper.

_____1. Ideas about what is private or secret can be very individual therefore you should treat all information confidentially.
_____2. If the conflict between two parties arise, it is best for the employers to postpone addressing the issues right away.
_____3. If your work situation puts you or others in unusual danger, you have the right to refuse to work without telling to your supervisor.
_____4. Employers should make every worker informed of the chemical, electrical, ergonomical and mechanical safety.
_____5. The individual’s medical record belongs to sensitive information.

Activity No. 2: My Actions

Directions: Read the following situations and answer the questions that follow. Write your answers on a sheet of paper.

1. There is a group at work that often gossips about others on the job. You like these people but don’t want to be a part of the gossip scene.
What will you do?
2. Your supervisor wants you to work overtime every week, but you have other commitments outside of work. What will you do?
3. Your colleague in the company you are working has learned that the manager’s brother has just been arrested for assault. He tends to
discuss this loudly wherever he is. What should you do without creating any conflict with your colleague?


Performance Task No. 1

Directions: Answer the following questions on a sheet of paper.

1. If you are given a chance to be a team leader of a certain organization, how will you maintain harmony in the organization? What rules will
you implement? Enumerate them together with their importance or reasons why.
2. Being a trainee or an employee someday, how will these rights and duties help you in your job? Answer this in two sentences.
3. What is the implication to you of learning the confidentiality of data information? How will you apply it now?
4. You have also learned the resolution and prevention of conflicts. What do you think is the importance of all of these at home, in school, in
an organization or in the company?

Post – Test

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

_____1. Computer passwords and telephone codes must be divulged to anyone asking for it in the workplace.
A. Always False B. Partly True C. False D. True
_____2. What definition of confidentiality is being referred to by this example: Telling that one of your colleagues is being interviewed in another
A. Casual B. Legal C. Layman D. Formal
_____3. Refusal to work without threat or reprisal from the employer if, as determined by the DOLE, an imminent danger situation exists in the
workplace that may result in illness, injury or death corrective actions to eliminate the danger that have not undertaken by the employer. What does
that statement indicate?
A. Duties B. Challenges C. Responsibilities D. Rights
_____4. If you can keep confidential records and information to yourself alone, what value do you manifest as an employee?
A. Confidence B. Flexibility C. Truthfulness D. Trustworthiness
_____5. Imagine that you were in a certain company for an immersion. One day you accidentally heard from the conversation of the two staff about a
critical issue in the company. What would you do?
A. I would just keep it to myself.
B. I would share it only to my parents.
C. I would go directly to my close employee and share about it.
D. I would choose somebody from the company to make it secret too

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