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Tanauan School of Craftsmanship and Home Industries

Tanauan, Leyte

WORK IMMERSION 12 SY 2022-2023


Imagine you are an employer of a company. There are two applicants left after previous screenings. But you need only one to
fill in the vacant position. Whom are you going to choose? Is it the applicant with very good credentials besides being an honor
graduate, but during the interview, he appears to be arrogant as seen on his ways or actions; or is it the other applicant who is just an
ordinary graduate but seems to be humble and sincere as what is projected in the interview?
Most of the time many choose the second applicant. He may not be as academically good as the other applicant but the way
he answers during the interview revealed his character; the interviewer considers much the attitude. That’s why, your attitude towards
work is very important which is about our lesson for today, Work Ethics.
Work Ethics is a group of moral principles, standards of behavior, or set of values regarding proper conduct in the workplace.
Some of you after graduation, you might prefer to work right away or others after college they will go on work. During this
Work Immersion, you will be deployed in a certain institution or company. It is necessary to know if your actions conform to the work
ethics. You can ask yourself: Do I show respect to everyone in the workplace? Am I becoming rude to others? or Did I tell the truth
about the problem?
There are many instances or stories you heard about employees being fired from a job or work. What could be the reasons?
These are some of them:
1. Noncompliance with the rules and regulations
2. Harassment to fellow employees
3. Theft or stealing
4. Utterance of offensive language
5. Negligence of the responsibility
6. Troublemakers or frequent cause of conflict
7. Grievous offenses

What are the common Work Ethics that you as an employee should remember?
A. For attendance
a. Be on time or 10-15 minutes before the time.
b. Don’t abuse leave time.
c. Avoid absences without valid and important reasons.

B. Character
1. Honesty- An honest employee fosters good reputation to an organization. So be honest by telling the truth at all times and never
attempt stealing nor theft, just like a tricycle driver who returned the lost money and gadget to the owner.
2. Punctuality- You need to submit your work early or on time. Always come to your work 15 minutes before the time.
3. Integrity and Loyalty- Never disclose nor reveal nor share confidential matters. You must be trustworthy so that people will rely and
trust you.
4. Teamwork- Be a good team player with your colleagues in a workplace. Always help one another to achieve more.
6. Productivity- You have to accomplish more within the stipulated or specified time. Never use your time for doing nonsense things like
chatting, gossiping, texting, etc.
7. Reliability- It is a quality of being able to be trusted or believed because of working or behaving well. Your employer trusts you that
you can do your own work without so much supervision. You can also be asked for help at times your employer and your co-worker.
8. Commitment to Excellence- You do not only work just for compliance but you work hard to produce the best output or best quality.
9. Professionalism- It is more than just how you look but it’s a way of speaking, behaving and even thinking that helps a person to be
successful in the workplace. You must know how to follow all workplace rules. You also know how to admit if you made a mistake and
learn from it. Ask for help if you’re not sure how to handle a situation. Language is an important aspect of communication whether you
are talking with a co-worker in the privacy of your own office or to a customer. Practice using language that is appropriate for the
workplace in your everyday conversations so that you get into the habit of sounding professional. Lastly, always dress up appropriately.
10. Attitude- Many always look for an employee with right attitude. To be a better employee, you must listen to suggestions. Be positive
on different challenges. You also accept responsibility entrusted to you and admit your own mistakes if ever you commit one. Respect
everyone in the workplace. Respect begets respect.
11. Cooperation- So how do you demonstrate your cooperation in a workplace? You’re right...You know how to follow rules and
regulations of the workplace. You also know how to get along with others. Besides, you also show appreciation of the privileges and
never abuse them.

Professional Appearance and Grooming for the Workplace in today’s competitive and modern business world, it is highly
essential to adhere with professional appearance and grooming for the workplace. You need to keep in mind the following basic
guidelines for good grooming in the workplace: Wear business suits in basic colors.

1. Always be neat and clean including your teeth, fingernails, face, hair and even your shoes.
2. Keep your pockets empty and as much as possible avoid tinkling coins or keys and bulges.
3. Avoid eating candies, smoking cigarettes and chewing gum when you are inside the office.
4. Use portfolio case or light briefcase when carrying important documents with you instead of compiling these documents in folders
and carrying these between your armpits.
5. As much as possible get rid of tattoos and body piercings for these will just make you look untidy and unprofessional.
6. Wear light perfume/cologne and minimize using lots of jewelries.

Activity 1: Work Ethics On the Go!
Directions: Answer the following questions after each situation. Please write your answer on a yellow paper.
A. If you start your Work Immersion or even Culminating Activity, you will be told your exact schedule and time you are in the
workplace and time when you are to be out. How will you keep good record of attendance considering that attendance matters?

B. Two scenarios below happen in the real world. How would you apply your Work Ethics in the following situations?

1. There might be times your boss allows you to work from home. Having the permission to work from home, you just took some office
supplies, anyway you are using it for work from home.

2. There are companies or other workplaces that allow trainees like Work Immersion students to just finish the work for the day and
they can go home. That scenario happens to you, so you can go home already as per instruction. But you see other trainees like you
are still working.

Activity 2: Work Ethics in Me

Directions: Among the different work ethics we have studied, which among them do you often practice at home, in school, or
anywhere? In five sentences, write instances you practiced it.
1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________________

Is it good to be always transferring from one company to another? If all the employees or workers are in good relationship with one
another, they might stay longer because they are happy and satisfied because of exercising right character and attitude in a work
Write an essay on how you envision yourself as part of the industry’s or company’s workforce. How will the work ethics be helpful in
maintaining good work relationship? Write your essay on a yellow paper.
Tanauan School of Craftsmanship and Home Industries
Tanauan, Leyte



Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer on a sheet of paper.
1. What is being referred to by this statement? It refers to the physical or environmental conditions of work or employment, which
substantially comply with the provisions of this Standard.
A. Safety B. Workplace C. PPE D. Health
2. What is an unplanned or expected event in the workplace that results to injury or damage to property?
A. Recognized Hazards B. Risks C. Work Accident D. Work Safety
3. Why do you need to work safely on the perspective of the management?
A. For the most important people in our lives C. To be more productive
B. To earn more for the family D. To protect ourselves
4. What shall you do when a potential hazard is discovered?
A. Make sure that everyone else in your workplace is aware of the problem.
B. Just keep quiet and avoid it.
C. Notify your supervisor.
D. Stay calm.
E. Both a & C.
5. What agency has the mandate to protect an employee if he encounters problems with his work?


Why do we have signages? Of course, they are for everyone’s safety. According to Department of Labor and Employment
(DOLE), Work Immersion is an integral part of the K-12 Program in fully realizing its goal to produce job-ready graduates quipped with
industry – base skills.

Likewise, it strongly affirms that while work immersion contributes to the full realization of the objectives of the K to 12
Program, the safety, health, and morals of SHS students, especially those below 18 years of age, shall be a paramount area of

Hence, being a Work Immersion student, who will also become employees or even an employer, or an entrepreneur soon, you
must learn this lesson: Safety in the Workplace.

To learn about this, let us be familiarized with what Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHS) is. This was
formulated in 1978 in compliance with the constitutional mandate to safeguard the workers’ social and economic well-being as well as
their physical safety and health. The Department of Labor and Employment under Article 162 of the Labor Code of the Philippines, the
OSHS was promulgated for the guidance and compliance of all concerned. This body of rules and regulations is referred to as
“Standards”. OSHS aims to protect every workingman and woman against the dangers of injury, sickness or death through safe and
healthful working conditions, thereby assuring the conservation of valuable manpower resources and the prevention of loss or damage
to lives and properties, consistent with national development goals and with the State’s commitment for the total development of every
worker as a complete human being.

Here are some definitions you also have to understand:

“Employer” includes any person acting directly or indirectly in the interest of an employer, in relation to an employee, and shall include government
owned or controlled corporations and institutions, as well as non-profit private institutions or organizations.
“Employee” shall mean any person hired, permitted or suffered to work by an employer.
“Safe or Safety” shall refer to the physical or environmental conditions of work or employment, which substantially comply with the provisions of
these Standards.
“Health” shall connote a sound state of the body and mind of the worker, which enables him to perform his job normally, in a state of well-being.
“Work Accident” shall mean an unplanned or unexpected occurrence that may or may not result in personal injury, property damage, work stoppage
or interference or any combination thereof, which arises out of and in the course of employment.
“Work Injury” shall mean any injury or occupational illness suffered by a person, which arises out of or in the course of his employment.
” Workplace” means the office, premises or work site, where the workers are habitually employed and shall include the office or place where the
workers, who have no fixed or definite work site, regularly report for assignment in the course of their employment.

Types of Hazards:

1. Physical Hazards. These are brought by unhealthy working conditions, poor lighting, poor ventilation, insufficient facilities, inefficient or faulty
equipment or machine, and improper work practices like wrong use of knives.
2. Biological Hazards. These are brought about by workers infected with diseases or illnesses, unhygienic personal practices that can transmit
bacteria, parasites, fungi to other workers and food and equipment being handled. Hence, it is advised that Covid-19 probable cases should be
isolated right away.
3. Ergonomic Hazards. These are brought by poor posture when working long periods of standing, bending, pushing, lifting, carrying that can cause
body stress, muscle pains, and soreness, back injury, numbness of hands, feet and other parts of the body
4. Psychological Hazards. These are brought by too much stress from work that may cause mental emotional strains, anxieties, depression losing
focus on one’s work and others

When potential hazard is discovered, what does an employee need to do?

 Be sure that every individual in the workplace is aware of the problem.
 Inform or notify your supervisor. Unless you are the supervisor, then get going on that safety committee plan.
 Make a follow up. Informing about the hazard is not an assurance that problem is resolved, unless you make follow ups.
 Record or file any reports or documents about the problem. Identifying the hazard is not the only way to make everyone safe. You and I have to
keep ourselves clean, to keep the food clean, and to keep the workplace clean.

A. To Keep Oneself Clean

1. Wash hands thoroughly.
2. Keep the finger nails short and clean.
3. Always wear PPE while at work.
4. Wear mask anywhere and anytime.
5. Remove all accessories before working.

B. To keep the Food Clean

1. Never handle food when you have wounds, cuts, and infections.
2. It is best to work with clean and sanitized gloves all times to minimize hand contact with food.
3. Refrigerate food, especially perishable ones.
4. Keep food in clean containers with cover.
5. Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly before use.
6. Check food and containers for any possible contamination.
7. Clean the containers of ingredients regularly.
8. Follow the policy of first in, first out. Those stored earlier should be used first before those stored later.
9. Label package of food to determine information.

C. To Keep the Workplace Clean

1. Do not do personal hygiene activities in the workplace.
2. Do not eat, smoke or spit in the workplace.
3 Do not sit on equipment and worktables.
4. Keep the surrounding areas free from dirt and disorganization.
5. Follow the Japanese philosophy of good housekeeping

Risky Experience Think of a most risky activity you have already experienced either at home, in school, barangay or any place
you have visited. Shortly narrate your experiences on how you discovered and dealt with it or how you resolved it. Write your answer in
a yellow paper

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answers on the space provided before the number.
_____1. Why is Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OHSP) being implemented?
A. For compliance C. For popularity of the department
B. For safety and protection D. For evaluation and reflection
_____2. If you know you are not feeling well due to colds, cough and fever, you prefer to stay at home and rest. This act can help
everyone in the workplace safe from spread of the illness. What type of hazard can be avoided?
A. Biological B. Chemical C. Ergonic D. Physical
_____3. What kind of hazard causes emotional strains like anxieties and depression?
A. Biological B. Ergonic C. Physical D. Psychological
_____4. What value is being inculcated in you upon the discussion of the safety in a workplace?
A. Empathy B. Flexibility C. Obedience D. Reliability
_____5. You are the 3rd worker who came into a shop. You have noticed spilled milk on the floor which could be considered a
physical hazard. What is the best thing you have to do to avoid this hazard?
A. I will just look for a signage and put it on the wet floor.
B. I will inform the others not to step on that wet floor.
C. I will ask my colleagues why there is spilled milk.
D. I will get a wet mop to clean and dry the floor.

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