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We received support from a non-specialist consulting firm. We trusted th7s company and 7t would prov7de
commun7cat7on w7th wholesalers for us and we asked them to supply products. We asked D7sney to manage the
brand approval process, but th7s company could not properly fulf7ll the author7ty we gave and the serv7ce we
rece7ved by m7smanag7ng th7s process. Caused our account to be suspended. We ended the whole process we took
w7th th7s company. We are aware of our m7stake, and we w7ll def7n7tely not r7sk our account by gett7ng serv7ce from
a company 7n th7s way 7n the next process. If our account 7s act7vated, we w7ll cont7nue on our way w7th a more
profess7onal team. We w7ll establ7sh a company, we w7ll create our own brand, we w7ll buy products from rel7able
wholesalers and we have many plans.
Dear amazon team, I request you to please act7vate our account and we are look7ng forward to sell7ng. Have a n7ce

- Who are we ?
We have been sell7ng on Amazon Amer7ca for about 3 years and we have been sell7ng D7sney products for the last 6
months. We only do FBA. We are 7n the process of establ7sh7ng an LLC company 7n the USA.

- Why was our account suspended?

About 6 months ago, we had to complete the brand approval process 7n order to sell D7sney products on Amazon
Amer7ca, and we uploaded our 7nvo7ce and rece7ved approval. A few months ago we dec7ded to sell the same
D7sney products on Amazon Canada. We needed approval to l7st the same product on Amazon Canada, and amazon
asked us to upload the 7nvo7ce for the products. We uploaded our prev7ous 7nvo7ce several t7mes, but amazon d7d not
accept 7t.

We dec7ded to seek more profess7onal help to be able to sell D7sney products on Amazon Canada and to get
approval for the d7sney brand. For th7s, we agreed w7th a consultancy f7rm and got help on how to apply for the
D7sney brand for sale on Amazon and why amazon d7d not accept the 7nvo7ces we sent.

The consultancy f7rm requested a full author7zat7on from us 7n order to complete th7s process successfully. These
author7zat7ons were as follows;

• By agree7ng w7th wholesalers to supply us w7th products and present val7d 7nvo7ces.
• Send7ng the 7nvo7ce through the amazon platform

They 7nformed us that they suppl7ed the products w7th our 7nformat7on and prov7ded the val7d 7nvo7ce. They sent the
7nvo7ce for the D7sney brand v7a amazon. Our amazon account was suspended shortly after the 7nvo7ce was sent.

They d7dn't share the 7nvo7ce w7th us and d7dn't want us to rev7ew 7t.
We certa7nly couldn't rev7ew the 7nvo7ce.
The consult7ng f7rm uploaded documents on our behalf and uploaded man7pulated documents 7ndependently of us.

Why was the 3nvo3ce fake?

They ordered from on my behalf, to my address, but the product ordered was not a d3sney
product but another product.

We saw that the as3n number and product t3tle on the 3nvo3ce were changed.
Asin number on fake invoice: B0089M29ZK When we query on,

different products appear

-How was the 3nvo3ce sent?

The 7nvo7ce was sent to amazon v7a remote desktop connect7on. For th7s, the teamv7ewer (
program was used. They accessed our computer remotely and logged 7nto our account and uploaded the 7nvo7ce. We
had no 7ntervent7on. The whole process was under the7r d7rect7on because we agreed that way to make the process

- Why d3d I get help from th3s company?

To get D7sney brand approval and to l7st products on Amazon Canada

- What help d3d I get?

We shared our personal 7nformat7on w7th th7s company for D7sney brand approval and asked 7t to agree w7th
wholesalers. We asked h7m to prov7de the necessary 7nvo7ces on our behalf and we asked amazon to get th7s

- Why d3d I author3ze 3t?

Because of the fa7lure of the trademark process 7n my prev7ous D7sney trademark appl7cat7ons. We wanted to ensure
that the process 7s carr7ed out profess7onally by g7v7ng full author7ty to a company that knows the whole process.
For th7s reason, we have author7zed

- How d3d they upload the documents?

It happened w7th a remote desktop connect7on, and teamv7ewer ( program was used for th7s. In
remote desktop connect7ons, you g7ve the control of your computer to the other party and ensure that your computer
7s managed. The consult7ng f7rm uploaded documents on our behalf and uploaded man7pulated documents
7ndependently of us.
Documentat3on we prov3de so Amazon can ver3fy our documentat3on

- IMPORTANT: You can query all documents at --

Invo7ce of the company we consulted w7th Amazon => (consulting_support_invoice.pdf)

Screenshot show7ng that the 7nvo7ce 7s genu7ne => (consult7ng_screenshot.png)

(contact number: +90 535 542 95 51 )


Fake invoice sent by consulting firm => (fake_invoice_disney.pdf)


Our original invoice => (manufacturer_invoice_disney.pdf)

(NOTE: You have requested the invoice of all the products we sell. The invoice of 100 products we received from
the manufacturer. The products were obtained from a supplier that we believe is a licensed supplier.

Manufacturer contact number: +90 553 957 93 98 )

Screenshot showing that the invoice is genuine => (manufacturer_screenshot.png)


To prove that we are a reliable seller, we have included the invoice of another product we bought from the
wholesaler. (wholesaler_invoice.pdf)

(NOTE: You can find the current contact addresses of the wholesaler on this site or you can call this number +90 312 397 03 90)

Screenshot showing that the invoice is genuine => (wholesaler_screenshot.png)



What measures will we take to prevent this from happening again?

We will no longer receive consultancy services.

We will not authorize any company on our amazon account

When there is a problem with Amazon, instead of consulting, we will get help from the amazon team, learn
the problem and work towards the problem.

We will start the branding process for our own brand on Amazon and list the products of our "soyax" brand
registered on Amazon.
Photo of our brand's boxes

In order to become a more professional seller on Amazon, we will start the LLC company formation process in the
United States after our account is active.

After establishing company in the United States, we will deal with reliable wholesalers.

We will receive all products with an invoice. Reliable wholesaler companies that we will deal with are as follows;

• EE distribution (
• Wholesale Universe (

After our account was suspended, we then set up our own team in order to fully comply with Amazon policies.

The structure of the teams we have establ3shed 3s as follows;

Research7ng Amazon pol7c7es and mak7ng our account compl7ant w7th amazon pol7c7es (w7ll cons7st of 2 people)
We w7ll ass7gn a d7fferent team to check the documents sent to Amazon.(It w7ll cons7st of 1 person)
Manag7ng the process related to our own brand 7n Amazon (w7ll cons7st of 4 people)
Establ7sh7ng an agreement w7th rel7able wholesalers 7n Amer7ca (w7ll cons7st of 1 person)
Deal7ng w7th the product7on, customs and returns of the products (w7ll cons7st of 1 person)

How we conduct the checks related to suppliers and product authenticity:

Prior to making a purchase, we now reach out to the right owners directly, making sure the supplier we are
purchasing the products from is authorised by them to do so. We now request letters of authorisation directly from
the right owners asking for permission to sell their products on Amazon.

We do not modify invoices or request suppliers to do any modifications to match Amazon's requirements.

We understand that all documentation we submit to Amazon must be genuine and unaltered, with the exception of
the removal of prices, and I promise to obtain and present only authentic and unaltered invoices from our suppliers.

Prohibited Seller Activities and Actions:

We now have a member of staff who specializes in invoice documentation checks to ensure we are up to standards.
Also, we will be seeking advice from independent solicitors when required to ensure; we are in compliance with
Anti-Counterfeit Policies and Intellectual rights policies. All these steps will ensure that we are able to provide
Amazon with all official documentation for any items listed on the marketplace.

In addition to the above steps, we work in full compliance with the following policies and guidelines:

Product Detail Page Rules

Condition Guidelines

Amazon Anti-Counterfeiting Policy

Prohibited Seller Activities and Actions

- How will I train my team?

It was ensured that all teams had undergone certain training before being recruited and joined the team after
successfully completing these trainings. The trainings received by our team members are as follows;

• Complete Amazon Seller University programs and successfully pass our exam.

• Knowledge of Amazon policies

• Having knowledge and previous experience on issues such as the brand process and how to create and succeed in
a new product on Amazon

• Having at least 2 years of Amazon training experience


- Every 7tem we sell on Amazon w7ll be sourced d7rectly from the author7sed d7str7butor. We w7ll 7nd7v7dually
check th7s 7nformat7on w7th the manufacturer about purchas7ng from author7sed d7str7butors.

- Pr7or to subm7tt7ng any 7nvo7ces to Amazon, we w7ll check that the product t7tles match, and we only subm7t
the 7nvo7ce w7th correct 7nformat7on on 7t. The 7nvo7ces must be prov7ded from ver7f7able suppl7ers, and
should Amazon ever requ7re 7nformat7on for ver7f7cat7on purposes; we should be able to prov7de the correct
7nformat7on as soon as poss7ble.

- We w7ll make sure that all or7g7nal documents are send and w7ll make sure there 7s no alterat7on done on
them. Moreover, we have 7nformed whole team to refra7n from chang7ng anyth7ng on the documents to
subm7t and any m7sconduct 7n follow7ng pol7cy w7ll result 7n 7mmed7ate term7nat7on of employment.

- We ensure that we source all the products that we w7sh to sell on Amazon d7rectly from the manufacturer or
through author7sed d7str7butors – who w7ll be able to prov7de the R7ght Owners AUTHORISATION
LETTERS AND LICENSES. Th7s w7ll be ver7f7ed by call7ng the Manufacturers or R7ght Owners D7rectly.

- We genu7nely understand that allegat7ons of forged/man7pulated documents are a severe matter, and the
affected customers are not just ours; they are Amazon's customers too, and our carelessness can hamper
Amazon's 7mage. As an Amazon seller, our pr7me goal 7s to prov7de the customers w7th authent7c products.
In order to do so, we must source the 7tems from a ver7f7ed suppl7er and ensure we supply the correct
documentat7on when requ7red.
- We are aware that this issue violates the amazon policy below and we guarantee that it will not happen
- Categories and products that require approval :
- We have joined seller-university to gain insight into the Selling on Amazon marketplace, tools and policies
for sellers, and the
- products and services that can help us swiftly grow our business with this curriculum of instructional videos.
Amazon Business
- Invoicing Policy:
- This PDF will provide an overview of invoice requirements including what Amazon's accepts. This is to
reduce the contacts, time to
- register for new sellers creating new ASINs and seeking approval, and number of declined applications due
to requirements not met:
b105- b7c5477ded5f&ref_=su_refined_search&modLanguage=English

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