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Base Template:

The template will be applied to any existing character, where the following changes will occur:

By typical definition or tradition, the first idea is to make them "undead". However, the book defines them
as soulless husks or wraiths, which has nothing to do with my idea of a vampire. So they will NOT be


 Type of being X -> Between Worlds

 Level 1 adjustment -> 100 DPs in Essential Abilities and Disciplines
 Generation of its creator +1.
 Regeneration X -> Degeneration 25
 Life Points / 25 -> Current Blood Reserve (Just after transformation)
 Willpower/2 + Fate points -> Willpower
 The WRATH state is renamed FRENZY

Essential Abilities (Disadvantages):

 Racial Vice: Blood (10 DPs)

 Racial Fear: Sun (10 DPs)
 Physical Need: Blood (10 DPs)
 Natural vulnerability to an element (Fire) Double Damage (20 DPs)

Extra DP's for disadvantages in Essential Abilities: 50

Essential Abilities (Advantages):

 Affinity: Darkness and Undead (20 DPs)

 Inhumanity (10 DPs)
 Physical Exemption (50 DPs): Tireless, Non-breathing, Immune to Natural Poisons and Immune
to Natural Diseases

Mandatory DPs in Essential Abilities: 80 DPs

Extreme vulnerabilities:

 In front of an object (Sun/Sunlight) -> Death -> Difficulty 200 (65 DPs)
 In front of an object (blood) -> Anger/Frenzy -> Difficulty 140 (subject to modifications 30 DPs)
 To a given personal condition (faith/priests) -> Penalty equal to failure -> Difficulty 160 (35 DPs)
 To a generic material (wood)+attack aimed at the heart -> Full Paralysis/ Difficulty 200 (50 DPs)

Extra DPs for vulnerabilities to spend on powers: 180 DPs


 Natural Weapons (Fangs): 20 DPs

 Supernatural Attack (Fangs): 60 DPs
 Damage Barrier 60: 10 DPs
 Mystic effect added (only to fangs) -> PhR 120 -> Full Drain -> 90 (Conditional)

Conditional: It does not steal life but 1 blood point for every 25 LP drained, cumulative if you do not reach a
multiple of 25; i.e. if you steal 20 life points you do not gain the blood point, but if in any subsequent attack
(on the same or a different creature) you drain 30 life points, you will gain the blood point plus an additional
blood point (20 from before + 30 from now = 50/25 = 2 blood points).

DPs in Powers: 180 DPs

The Blood:

The blood reserve and blood that can be used per round is equivalent to that of WoD.

 13th generation - > 10 maximum reserve / 1 Blood Point per turn

 12th generation-> 11 maximum reserve / 1 Blood Point per turn
 11th generation-> 12 maximum reserve / 1 Blood Point per turn
 10th generation-> 13 maximum reserve / 1 Blood Point per turn
 9th generation -> 14 maximum reserve / 2 Blood Point per turn
 8th generation -> 15 maximum reserve / 3 Blood point per turn
 7th generation -> 20 maximum reserve / 4 Blood Point per turn
 6th generation -> 30 maximum reserve / 6 Blood Point per turn
 5th generation -> 40 maximum reserve / 8 Blood Point per turn
 4th generation -> 50 maximum reserve / 10 Blood Point per turn

Each blood point used will recover 25 LP.

Each blood point used will increase a physical characteristic by 1 for 1 scene/hour (depending on how time
is being kept), if a characteristic is attempted to be increased above 11, it will only be maintained 3 rounds
after it is no longer increased.


Vampires do not gain powers like other creatures between worlds. They can only expand the powers they
already have with the DPs gained (Increased Damage Barrier, Bite PhR and if the master allows it, Double
Health Drain). This is a disadvantage of 60 dps that can only be used to buy disciplines.

Instead, vampires can purchase disciplines worth 20 DPs per point (up to level 5, and 40 above 5).

Therefore, vampires can start with 3 discipline points (60 DPs/ 20 DPs = 3).


 Wild Whispers (level 1): The scion, while maintaining face-to-face eye contact with an animal, is
able to communicate with it using the secondary "Animals" or "Persuasion" (whichever he
prefers). The master will estimate the difficulty of the requests he makes depending on the animal
itself and the request (simply getting information may be easy for a bird but very difficult for a
tiger, while getting it to attack someone may be difficult for a wild bear but almost impossible for a
 The Call (2nd level): The scion may call out to creatures of the species he chooses (only 1 at a
time) that are within hearing distance. To do this he will use the secondary "Track" or
"Persuasion" (originally Charisma+Survival). The higher the success, the more animals will come.
 Repress the Beast (level 3): The vampire will touch or look an animal or human in the eye and
make an "intimidate" or "persuade" roll depending on whether he wants to frighten it or make it
friendly. The affected party must make a PsR or fall under the scion's sway. In a friendly state it
will not attack you and will try to help you in any way it can, while in a frightened state it will not
even be able to defend itself against you if it is attacked (although it can re-roll PsR with a +60 if
your life is in real danger).
 Spirit Communion (level 4): Looking into the animal's eyes, you make a roll of "Animals" or
"Persuasion" against a difficulty of "Absurd" (it is absurd to think that one creature can displace
the soul of another). For every 10 points above that difficulty, it is equivalent to having 1 additional
success in seeing what disciplines can still be used and how displaced the animal's psyche is.
When returning to its own body, 7 willpower points must be spent. If really intense experiences
have been maintained, a "Composure" roll against Absurd must be passed, or a feral state will be
maintained (a failure produces the Anger/Frenzy state).
 Push the Beast Away (level 5): A scion who is about to, or who enters FRENZY/WRATH, may
transfer that state to another person/vampire. He must pass a composure roll (originally requires
self-control) vs. absurd. The target may resist by making a PsR roll equal to 100 + the amount by
which the vampire passed his "composure" roll.


As a base, each point in Auspex grants a +20 to resist illusions or detect invisible beings (including
chameleon camouflage).

 Keen Senses (level 1): Equivalent to the "Keen Senses" perk. The character will gain an extra
Sense roll when danger is looming, even if it is out of sight. Noticing a gun to the back of his head
might be Difficult while knowing that the inquisition is thinking of hunting him down might be
Nearly Impossible.
 Aura Perception (level 2): Equivalent to "Analysing the Soul" of the Path of Essence.
 Spirit Touch (level 3): Equivalent to the mental power "Read the Past" from Telemetry But the
roll is made with the Notice skill instead of Psychic Potential.
 Telepathy (level 4): Grants the ability to use the following mental powers through the Notice skill
instead of using Psychic Potential: "Mental Communication", "Mind Reading" and "Mental
Analysis". The results of Mental Analysis will be in the form of images relating to your thoughts,
and never as specific as the actual power used by a mentalist would be.
 Psychic Projection (level 5): Equivalent to Extend Presence of free spells (30-40) but with an
indeterminate distance. Requires the use of 1 point of Willpower for each destination you wish to
visit and passing a roll of "Very Difficult" in Occult if you have already been there or "Impossible" if
you have never visited.


 Level 1-5: Each point gives you 1 additional active action or an additional attack with -10
(cumulative; -10 for the first extra attack, -20 for the second, -30 for the third, etc.).


 Level 1-5: Each point increases all of the target's AT's by 1 (counts as an additional layer
although it does not provide multi-layer penalties) and grants a cumulative damage buff between
them (and only between them) of +20. They can only be reduced if attacked on the ENErgy
(equivalent to aggravated) or HEAT AT's, all other AT's have the advantage equivalent to that
found in "unmodifiable" ki.

 Level 1-5: Each point increases the level gained on the Combat Table by 1, grants a +20 to all
tests made with a STR-based skill, and increases strength level by 1 when making checks (not an
actual increase in strength, only for checks)


 Eyes of the Beast (Level 1): Night Vision advantage

 Wolf Claws (Tier 2): Legacy of Blood "Natural Weapons" with the addition "Attack on ENErgy
AT" to simulate "aggro".
 Earth Fusion (Level 3): Spell "Traverse the Solid" (Path of Earth) conditioned to only earth and
to stay buried.
 Shadow of the Beast (Level 4): Spell "Metamorphism" (Path of Creation) conditioned to only
wolf and bat (Gangrels can choose others but only 2, one combat and one flight).
 Mist Form (Level 5): Spell Intangibility (Air Path) + Spell Levitate (Free access 20-30) + Spell
Metamorphism conditioned to water drops.

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