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General Changes: In Bleach anyone with the slightest amount of gnosis will start hearing
and seeing spirits. At a gnosis of 5 you will be able to interact with them just as if though they
were real. Spirits with a gnosis of 5 or more are basically a part of the physical world but

Ki Abilities: To better cater to the setting some Ki Abilities are changed:

• The following Ki Abilities have been removed: Presence Extrusion, Aura Extension,
Levitation, Object Movement, and Mass Movement. Any abilities or modules that
previously had these as a prerequisite now have the next highest Ki Ability as a
prerequisite. Flight will now have Weight Elimination as a prerequisite for instance.
• Flight now grants the user a Natural Flight speed rather than a Mystical one, it’s more
akin to running on air.
• Combat Aura has been changed in the following manner:
o All characters will receive Combat Aura as soon as they unlock Use of Ki,
without spending extra MK.
o A character’s ki accumulations no longer affect the difficulty to resist the aura.
o The difficulty is now double the user’s presence, and can be increased with
Intimidate (Style) by the same scale that Composure gives bonuses to
• Use of Ki costs 20 MK less.
• Ki Control costs 10 MK less.
• Erudition costs 20 MK more.

New Advantage: Strong Reiatsu: The characters Reiatsu (soul pressure) is abnormally high.
This means that he has the potential to develop magic and his soul is strong enough to form a
bond with a Zanpakuto (the weapon of a Shinigami). This basically means that he may
become (or already is) a Shinigami, that he can sense magic and use Magic Appraisal, and
that he can learn to use Kido. Cost: 2 CP


The Zanpakuto is the weapon of choice for all Shinigami. Forged in the heart of the Soul
King’s Palace and imbued with a part of the wielder’s soul, the true abilities of a Zanpakuto
can only be realized by its true master. Even if broken, a Zanpakuto will slowly return to its
original form, unless it was broken in its Bankai state in which case it will be permanently
destroyed. It should also be noted that as long as the hilt remains intact in all of the
Zanpakuto’s forms, then the other unbroken forms may still be used (A Zanpakuto with a
broken sealed form may still have a perfectly fine Shikai for example). The Zanpakuto is
given to the Shinigami at the graduation from the Shinigami academy (with the exception of
Kurosaki Ichigo) and possess different stages of power: Sealed form (a fancy katana with
minor abilities), Shikai (Released form with mystical abilities) and Bankai (True Release, a
form of extreme power) although most normal Shinigami never learn to release their
Zanpakuto at all. All Zanpakuto have the capability of affecting the immaterial. A lost
Zanpakuto will teleport to its wielders side after 8 hours of unbroken meditation.

Sealed form: Upon being granted a true Zanpakuto, the player is granted 50 lvl 2 PP that he
can buy the blade’s sealed form powers for. These points may be spent on passive bonuses
and buffs, but special active or supernatural abilities may be taken with GM permission if
they have a mundane appearance. Hitsugaya for example has a chain attachment to his hilt
allowing him to make Trapping special attacks, while Ikkaku’s blade has a salve inside its hilt
that can be described as a Regeneration spell. The player can choose for his character’s
Zanpakuto to start with 150 lvl 2 PP, rather than 50 lvl 2 PP, at the cost of the Zanpakuto
having a strong personality and stronger demands on the Shinigami (as explained under “The
Spirit Within” below). The shape of the sealed form will be a +5 Quality Katana, Tanto,
Wakizashi or No-Dachi and may not change while in sealed form (ergo the variable weapon
effect may not be chosen). Note that once these statistics have been set they may never
change; this is now the permanent sealed form of the Zanpakuto.

Shikai: The more skilled of the Shinigami will often go on to understanding the true nature of
the fragment of their soul that is the Zanpakuto and learn to release its power. The releasing of
the Zanpakuto is referred to as Shikai and is performed by speaking its name. Rules wise the
Shikai can be seen as a special Ars Magnus. The DP cost of this special Ars Magnus will be
paid with Combat DP if the character is from the Fighter or Domine archetypes or
Supernatural DP if the character is from the Mystic archetype. A character from a mixed
Fighter or Domine / Mystic class may pay the DP from either of these of her choice.
Prerequisite: Strong reiatsu advantage, owning a Zanpakuto, Attack and Defence 120+ OR
Magic Projection 120+
DP Cost: 10-100 MK Cost: 10-50
By acquiring this Ars Magnus the wielder of the Zanpakuto will realize its name and will
henceforth be able to release it as a passive action. The form and abilities of the Shikai will be
decided at the time of purchase and may then never be changed. Additionally, the quality of
the Zanpakuto’s sealed form will increase by +5 to +10.
Building your Shikai:

• Add the amount of DP and MK you spent on the Ars Magnus together. This number
will be referred to as you "Point Reserve".
• Decide the physical form of your Shikai: It may be any weapon imaginable and will
have the same quality-bonus as the sealed form.
o Choosing a different form than the sealed form costs 5 points from your point
reserve, although you will automatically be proficient with it. You may choose
for the form to be one not meant for combat-purposes, like a sceptre, without
paying these 5 points.
o If you would like for the form of your Shikai to be that of an impossible
weapon, you must spend an amount of points from your Point Reserve equal to
the greater of the DP or MK costs of learning that weapon’s Ars Magnus.
Example: BÅT would like for his Shikai to be a monofilament weapon. The DP
Cost for this Ars Magnus is 40 and the MK cost 20 so BÅT will have to pay 40
points (the greater of the two) from his Point Reserve for the form of his
Shikai. Additionally, since the monofilament form is different from the
Zanpakuto’s sealed form he will have to pay an extra 5 points.
o You can choose to pay 15 points from your point reserve to have your
Zanpakuto grow into two linked weapons during Shikai. These weapons would
then be identical and physically linked in some fashion, by chains for example.
Both weapons would count as one Zanpakuto and would therefore have the
same quality bonuses and powers. If the Zanpakuto has an activated ability,
such as the capability of performing a special attack, both weapons would have
to be used in the manoeuvre, they cannot for example launch one attack each.
The weapons of a dual Shikai will always share the same fate, if one
transforms though Libra for example then both would always have the same
• Decide the mystical abilities of your Shikai: You may convert any number of points
from your Point Reserve to lvl4 Power Points to be used on powers from Prometheum
Exxet. These power points may be freely converted downwards to lower levels at a
ratio of 1:2 per step.
• Establish the cost of your Shikai: Activating and maintaining a Shikai costs a number
of generic ki points each turn the Zanpakuto remains in its released form. The cost is
equals to:
The number of points from your Point Reserve spent on powers and form divided by
30 and rounded up. This cost may be permanently lowered using the rest of your Point
Reserve; 15 points from your Point Reserve decreases this cost by 1. (This means that
it is entirely possible, although expensive, to have a Shikai with a cost of 0.)

Releasing and re-sealing a Zanpakuto is a passive action, although this can only be done once
per turn. Once the Zanpakuto is released it will gain all the abilities purchased above in
addition to those of its sealed form. Releasing your Zanpakuto has a ki cost in generic ki
points as established earlier that will then need to be paid every turn the Zanpakuto remains in
its Shikai.

Bankai: Bankai is the pinnacle of a Zanpakuto’s powers. When a Shinigami has truly become
one with the essence of their Zanpakuto they will have access to the incredible powers of
Bankai by speaking the full true name of the blade. Bankai can be seen as an Ars Magnus:
Prerequisite: Shikai, Mastery in Attack and Defence OR Mastery in Magic Projection.
Additionally, the Shinigami must face a physical manifestation of the Zanpakuto’s inner spirit
and earn its respect, often by trial by combat. The exact specifics of this requirement are up to
the GM.
DP Cost: 50 MK Cost: Variable
By acquiring this Ars Magnus the wielder of the Zanpakuto will be able to release the
extraordinary true powers of her Zanpakuto at will. The first time this Ars Magnus is
purchased the quality of the Zanpakuto increases by +5 to +15. Before purchasing this Ars
Magnus, the purchaser must decide the function of its power:
Building your Bankai:

• Bankai is built just as a Ki Technique of up to lvl3. This technique will not be a part of
any tree and cannot have disadvantages requiring you to maintain other techniques nor
disadvantages requiring you to use specific weapons, or the Predetermination
• An amount of MK equal to the amount spent on the Bankai Ars Magnus will be
available for the building of this technique. Additionally, 20 MK extra is awarded that
may be used to either:
o Make the technique maintained.
o Lower the technique’s activation cost.
o Make the technique sustained.
• The Ki cost for the technique will be converted to generic ki points at no additional

Using your Bankai: There is no need to accumulate the Ki necessary for you Bankai, it is
the ace up your sleeve. At the moment of activation, the technique’s cost is automatically
drained from your ki pool. Using Bankai is incredibly physically straining however, and upon
completing the Bankai (meaning the moment it is no longer maintained), the character using it
will lose 3 fatigue. You must have your Shikai active to be able to release Bankai (You could
release them at the same time).
Optional: Magic as Bankai. Some Shinigami have a Bankai of more mystical nature. If
you want such a Bankai you could use an alternate method for determining its effects:

• The Bankai can be chosen as any High Magic spell of the Spiritual, Effect or
Automatic categories (no Attack- or Defence-spells) cast at any degree.
• The MK cost for this Ars Magnus would then be: (Int. Req.)×2 + (Zeon cost)/5
rounded to the nearest 5.
• The Ki cost:
Activation cost: The Bankai would cost 1 Ki per 10 Zeon the spell costs. If the spell
costs more than 200 Zeon the Bankai would then cost 1 more Ki per each 20 Zeon the
spell costs above 200. (Meaning 100 Zeon => 10 Ki, 200 Zeon => 20 Ki, 300 Zeon
=> 35 Ki, 400 Zeon => 50 Ki etc.)
Maintenance cost: The Maintenance cost in Ki would be the spell’s maintenance cost
divided by 5. Daily spells would be "hourly" Bankai, meaning their cost would be paid
each hour.

Optional: Mystic Item as Bankai. Some Shinigami have a Bankai of a more tangible or
permanent nature. If you want such a Bankai you could use an alternate method for
determining its effects. Create your Bankai just as you would a Shikai but with the following

• The Point Reserve is based on the amount of MK spent on the Bankai + 50.
• The Bankai may not gain the capacity to cast spells, use Ki techniques, or have the
Mystic Effect or Special Attack powers.
• Points from the Point Reserve may be used as lvl5 power points, but at a 2 to 1 ratio.
• All effects from this Bankai are added to those of the Shikai.
• The Bankai has an initial activation cost of the amount of DP and MK spent on it
divided by 2.

Several Songs: Some Bankai have different stages of release, manifesting as different powers.
Most Shinigami refer to these stages as songs or dances where one song follows the next in a
grand performance. A Shinigami may purchase the Bankai power several times, choosing
different powers each time as they represent different “songs” of the same Bankai. Using a
Bankai with different songs imposes one limit however; they must always be performed in the
right order. This means a Shinigami wishing to use her “second Bankai” or “second song of
her Bankai” must have already activated her “first Bankai” or “first song of her Bankai” in the
last minute. An additional benefit to having a Several Song Bankai is that the fatigue loss for
having used one stage of your Bankai is postponed for up to 5 turns if there are more songs
that could follow. If a new song of the Bankai would be activated before these 5 turns are
over, the fatigue will not be drained at all, but the now active song will instead drain +1 more
fatigue when it is finished. Several songs of a Bankai may be active at once.

General Rules: Zanpakuto may never be attuned to more than one element of nature,
therefore one cannot have effects that produce both heat and cold damage, nor contain a
multitude of spells from different elemental paths. If a Zanpakuto is to be attuned to one
element, both its Shikai and Bankai must have at least one effect pertaining to that element.
Resources stored in powers awarded by a Zanpakuto’s Shikai or Bankai state (Zeon container,
Ki reserve) will remain between activations of the state.

The Spirit Within: A Zanpakuto holds a fragment of its wielder's soul that has merged with
the weapon to form a powerful entity representing the true potential and powers of the
wielder. As a Shinigami learns the secrets of releasing his Zanpakuto, he will also become
more in tune with this fragment and will therefore have an easier time communicating with
this entity. This entity has a will, personality, and motives of its own, but is much like a
Sheele in that its goals and personality often harmonize well with its master.

• A Shinigami who has not yet learnt his Zanpakuto's name (has not mastered Shikai)
can seldom communicate with it and may hear but faint whispers in times of need or
deep meditation.
• After mastering Shikai these whispers become more frequent, and the Shinigami and
Zanpakuto might even have full conversations while he dreams or meditates.
• One of the prerequisites for Bankai is that a Shinigami faces a physical manifestation
of his Zanpakuto and earns its respect, often by trial by combat. After this the
Shinigami and Zanpakuto are as one and may communicate freely, although most
Zanpakuto are by now content with being silent weapons.

As the Zanpakuto has its own will, and is essentially its own creature, it can withhold its
power if it feels that it is treated unfairly, or if it feels that its owner has acted in the wrong.
An example of behaviour that could anger a Zanpakuto could be parrying a blow you know
would shatter it, just to gain a slight edge in combat. If the Zanpakuto decides to withhold its
power, it will immediately return to its sealed form, and it will not be possible to use Shikai or
Bankai, but all the sealed form’s abilities bought from the starting lvl 2 PP will continue to

If a Zanpakuto has withheld its power, it should become obvious why after some brief
communication with it (usually through Jinzen, see below), and it should be possible for the
Shinigami to make amends. The difficulty in regaining your Zanpakuto’s trust should reflect
the seriousness in the perceived slight.

If the player chose for his character’s Zanpakuto to have 100 lvl 2 PP for its sealed form, the
Zanpakuto will have a more demanding personality, and be more easily angered. For instance,
one Zanpakuto could demand that his owner show no weakness, and so would be angered and
withhold power if the Shinigami would let wounds stop him or if he would lose battles.
Another Zanpakuto might fear for its owner’s life and would therefore withhold power in
every battle where the Shinigami’s life is not in direct danger, so as to convince the Shinigami
that he is not powerful enough to go after the truly lethal enemies.

Jinzen: To uphold the bond between Shinigami and Zanpakuto, the Shinigami must spend at
least 1 hour each day in meditation over the powers of his blade. This meditation is called
Jinzen. Failing to pass this requirement will temporarily lower the quality of the Zanpakuto by
5 for each day without Jinzen, to a minimum of –5. It is during Jinzen that the Shinigami is as
most attentive to his Zanpakuto’s will, and it is one of the times he is most likely to
successfully communicate with it.

Twin Blades: Some people, such as Ukitake, have a split or fragmented power, and therefore
display a set of two twin Zanpakuto. By paying 50 lvl 2 PP from the Zanpakuto’s sealed form
power points it will split into two identical blades, which both benefit from quality bonuses or
other powers the sealed form possesses. Developing a Shikai or Artefact Bankai for Twin
Blades is a bit different from normal. Any flat or constant bonuses will apply to both blades.
When choosing active powers however, like spells, special attacks, etc. you must choose
which of the blades possess which of these abilities, as they will be divided between the two.
This means that it might be rather expensive to purchase special attacks or the like, but if both
the blades possess different special attacks they can use them during the same attack action, as
per the normal rules for attacking with an off-hand weapon. Each active power of the blade
with the least amount of active powers receives a -10 discount in point cost. If the blades
possess any kind of transformational or stat-changing ability they will change individually,
meaning if the blades have Libra they can benefit from different sets of stats at the same time.

Example Zanpakuto: SHINSO, Ichimaru Gin’s blade

• Sealed Form:
o +15 Quality Wakizashi
o Powers (equivalent to 50 lvl 2 PP):
▪ Precise (50 lvl 2 PP)
• Shikai: “Shoot to Death, Shinso!”
o +15 Quality Wakizashi
o Powers (equivalent to 80 lvl 4 PP):
▪ Special Attack, usable once per turn:
• 1 kilometre (40 lvl 4 PP)
• 150 damage (20 lvl 4 PP)
• Armour Penetration -8 (20 lvl 4 PP)
• Strikes at Thrust AT (0 PP)
o Ki cost: 3 per turn
o MK/DP cost: 80
• Bankai: “You fool, my Bankai is actually...!”
o Technique Bankai (note that this technique is meant to be used at the same
time as Shinso’s Shikai special attack)
o Effects:
▪ Critical Enhancement (Single): +100 (14 Ki, 30 MK)
▪ Indirect Attack (12 Ki, 30 MK)
▪ Camouflage Attack: Zen (13 Ki, 25 MK)
▪ Reduced Ki cost × 2 (20 MK) – Free MK
o Disadvantages:
▪ Condition: Target must have previously been stabbed by Shinso’s
Shikai (-10 MK)
▪ Advance Preparation: 1 hour (-15 MK)
o Ki cost: 37
o DP cost: 50
o MK cost: 60

Kido (or “The Demon Way”) is a form of advanced spells Shinigami utilize as support in
combat. Kido is split into three ways: Bakudo (the way of binding), Hado (the way of
destruction), and Kaido (the way of mending).
In rules terms, Kido is a way of casting magic using Ki instead of Zeon. To be able to learn
spells so that they can be cast as Kido a character needs to have the Strong Reiatsu advantage.
Casting Kido works much like using a Ki Technique:
• The spells’ cost in Ki will be equal to their cost in Zeon divided by 3, and this Ki must
be accumulated through any combination of Power and/or Willpower accumulations.
• Turn maintenance is converted the same way, but daily maintenance spells do not
drain Ki other than at activation; but rather they lower the Shinigami’s maximum Ki
reserve by their maintenance value divided by 2 until the spell is deactivated. If a daily
spell is maintained for more than one turn, its penalty will last until the day has
• Kido uses the caster’s choice of either her Magic Projection or her Attack or Defence
ability (Defence for defensive spells, Attack for offensive and those that are neither).
• When accumulating to cast Kido, the caster must specify what Kido she is
accumulating for, as well as speak incantations aloud while accumulating. There are
two ways to circumvent certain requirements, found below. Adhering to the speaking
requirement however, double the Base Ki Accumulation granted from the character’s
Power characteristic for the purposes of using Kid:
o A Shinigami may cast Kido with Ki that was not accumulated for a specific
purpose, if the Shinigami’s Power characteristic is high enough. The Power
requirement is equal to the Intelligence requirement of casting the attempted
spell at the degree it is currently being cast at. If, however, the character’s Path
Level in the Path the spell is from divided by 10 and added to 5 is equal to or
higher than the requirement, it is not necessary to have high enough Power, the
Path experience alone is enough. Example: Rukia, a Shinigami with 8 Power
and 46 levels in Hado, decides she wants to cast Hado #12 Fire Ball at
Intermediate degree without chanting. So, she wants to accumulate the Ki
without declaring its for the purpose of Kido, and without chanting, but to do
this she needs a high enough Power score. The Intelligence requirement for
Fire Ball at intermediate degree is 9, higher than Rukia’s Power, but since she
has 46 levels in Hado (46 / 10) + 5 = 10, her Path knowledge is high enough
for Rukia to cast the spell as she pleases. Note however, as she does not speak,
she does not gain the bonus to her Power Ki Accumulation.
o If a Shinigami has accumulated Ki for one Kido spell and decides to start
accumulating for another one without casting the first, she can keep half of the
Ki she has already accumulated in an accumulated state, provided she has a
high enough Power characteristic. The Power requirement is the same as for
casting Kido with unspecified Ki, but in this situation, it is not possible to
substitute the Power requirement with high Path level. A Shinigami must finish
casting the same turn she takes advantage of this rule, and the Ki she did not
get to keep accumulated will be lost.
• Practitioners of Kido cannot use innate magic to cast it.
Learning Kido functions similarly to learning magic in normal Anima. There are only three
paths available however; Bakudo, Hado, and Kaido, and advancing in these paths costs
Martial Knowledge instead of Magic Levels. The cost in Martial Knowledge is as much as it
would cost Magic Levels for a normal wizard multiplied by the character’s class’ Magic
Projection cost minus 1 (meaning a Technician would have to pay twice the amount of MK, 3
– 1 = 2, and a Wizard would pay equal amounts, 2 – 1 = 1). When reaching a new spell in
these paths, the Shinigami will have to choose one of two spells to learn. When the chart says
“Kido Secret” it means that the wizard has learnt or discovered an unusual form of Kido. A
spell may then be chosen from the complete collection of spells found in Core Exxet and
Arcana Exxet, with the requirement of it not being present in any of the Bakudo, Hado, and
Kaido spell lists, and that its level must be one range of ten lower than the “Kido Secret”
level. Free Access spell can be the same range of ten. (Meaning the level 18 Kido Secret can
be a level 2 to 10 Path or Sub-Path Spell or a level 10-20 Free Access spell.)
When learning individual spells, the spells learnt must be chosen from one of these spell lists,
and it will count as having the level listed in this tree, not its original one.
Learning Kido has Use of Ki as a prerequisite.
Magic Level Spell Alternative 1 Spell Alternative 2
2 Feel Death (Necromancy 2) Static Message (Free Access 1-10)
4 Tie (Free Access 1-10) Move (Air 6)
8 Kido Secret
10 Shield of Light (Light 10) Protection Bubble (Water 16)
12 Knowledge (Knowledge 14) Visual Illusion (Illusion 12)
14 Detect Illusion (Illusion 16) Pass Without Leaving Trace (Free Access 10-
18 Kido Secret
20 Royal Shield (Creation 18) Armour of Light (Light 16)
22 Net (Free Access 20-30) Send Message (Free Access 20-30)
24 Air Screen (Air 22) Soul Barrier (Essence 20)
28 Kido Secret
30 Void Shield (Void 24) Bonds of Light (Light 28)
32 Pass Through Solid Matter (Earth 32) Read the Ashes (Fire 32)
34 Immunity (Creation 32) Ice Screen (Water 36)
38 Kido Secret
40 Spy of Light (Light 36) Electrify (Air 36)
42 Physical Control (Creation 38) Cancel Magic (40-50)
44 Telemetry (Earth 42) Dominate Life (Necromancy 48)
48 Kido Secret
50 Void Aura (Void 54) Reflect States (Water 56)
52 See Truth (Light 60) Forbid (Destruction 58)
54 Paralyze (Free Access 60-70) Destroy Powers (Destruction 60)
58 Kido Secret
60 Perfect Shield (Creation 60) Petrify (Earth 60)
62 Reverse Gravity (Earth 66) Dark (Darkness 66)
64 Tear Membrane (Dreams 64) Shield From Negative (Light 62)
68 Kido Secret
70 Find (Light 66) Teletransportation (Air 66)
72 Containment (Free Access 70-80) Mark of Fear (Darkness 70)
74 Terrain Erudition (Earth 72) Solid Air (Air 76)
78 Kido Secret
80 Weather Control (Air 80) Gravity Destruction (Earth 80)
82 Location (Free Access 80-90) Gate (Free Access 80-90)
84 Zone of Safety (Creation 82) Inside the Mirror (Water 90)
88 Kido Secret
90 Void (Destruction 90)
Magic Level Spell Alternative 1 Spell Alternative 2
2 Create Fire (Fire 2) Create Light (Light 2)
4 Blinding Flash (Light 8) Create Energy (Creation 8)
8 Kido Secret
10 Minor Destruction (Destruction 10) Void Wave (Void 14)
12 Sphere of Destruction (Destruction 12) Fire Ball (Fire 16)
14 Ancestral Rage (War 14) Aggravate Damage (Destruction 20)
18 Kido Secret
20 Air Blow (Air 20) Fire Barrier (Fire 22)
22 Light Beam (Light 22) Wound (Destruction 26)
24 Igneous Weapon (Fire 26) Unleashed Destruction (War 34)
28 Kido Secret
30 Produce Damage (Destruction 30) Heat Wave (Fire 30)
32 Undo (Free Access 40-50) Fire Mine (Fire 40)
34 Mystic Bolt (Destruction 36) Destroy Ki (Destruction 28)
38 Kido Secret
40 Air Cut (Air 42) Increased Critical (Fire 42)
42 Lightning (Air 46) Seeking Sphere (Light 46)
44 Acid Cloud (Free Access 50-60) Dome of Destruction (Destruction 46)
48 Kido Secret
50 Aura of Destruction (Destruction 50) Whirlwind (Air 50)
52 Vampire Stigma (Necromancy 50) Melt (Fire 50)
54 Exsanguinate (Blood 54) Combat Knowledge (Knowledge 54)
58 Kido Secret
60 Incinerate (Fire 60) Consume Essence (Fire 62)
62 Greater Mystic Bolt (Destruction 62) Soul Beam (Necromancy 68)
64 Memento Mori (Death 64) Kill (Necromancy 66)
68 Kido Secret
70 Direct Critical (Fire 70) Death (Destruction 72)
72 Catastrophic Light (Light 72) Hurricane (Air 72)
74 Devouring Zone (Destruction 76) Fire Storm (Fire 76)
78 Kido Secret
80 Destroy Capabilities (Destruction 78) Sever Existence (Destruction 80)
82 Rain of Destruction (Destruction 82) Pyre (Fire 86)
84 Implosion (Void 84)
88 Kido Secret
90 Devastation (Fire 90) Void (Destruction 90)

Magic Level Spell Alternative 1 Spell Alternative 2
2 Cleanliness (Free Access 1-10) Autopsy (Death 4)
4 Slow Pulse (Blood 4) Reconstruct (Creation 6)
8 Kido Secret
10 Regeneration (Creation 10) Stop Breathing (Air 12)
12 Increase Resistances (Creation 16) Firmness (Earth 16)
14 Drain Life (Necromancy 12) Healing (Essence 16)
18 Kido Secret
20 Freeze Emotions (Water 26) Serenity (Free Access 20-30)
22 Healing Light (Light 42) Resistance to Pain (Free Access 30-40)
24 Purification (Free Access 30-40) Heal Diseases (Free Access 30-40)
28 Kido Secret
30 Reaction Increase (Air 32) Confusion (Illusion 36)
32 Ecstasy (Light 38) Enrage (Darkness 38)
34 Cause Sickness (Free Access 40-50) Raise Abilities (Creation 40)
38 Kido Secret
40 Heal (Creation 20) Transfusion (Blood 44)
42 Revitalize (Essence 40) Recover (Creation 48)
44 Crystallization (Water 46) Eliminate Fatigue (Free Access 50-60)
48 Kido Secret
50 Protective Aura (Creation 56) Resistance (Earth 56)
52 Spiritual Standstill (Creation 58) Vital Sacrifice (Fire 56)
54 Create Good Feelings (Light 58) Create Negative Feelings (Darkness 58)
58 Kido Secret
60 Increase Psychic Characteristics (Free State Induction (Essence 60)
Access 60-70)
62 Vitality (Creation 62) Increase Physical Characteristic (Free Access
64 Power Sacrifice (Fire 66) Devastate (Darkness 68)
68 Kido Secret
70 Magic for Capacities (Fire 72) Zone of Weakness (Destruction 68)
72 Recreate (Creation 76)
74 Tears of Blood (Blood 74)
78 Kido Secret
80 Consume Life for Magic (Fire 80) Immortality (Free Access 80-90)
82 Eliminate Needs (Free Access 80-90)
84 Stop Death (Death 84) Flowing Blood (Blood 84)
88 Kido Secret
90 World of Blood (Blood 94)

Metamagic: Kido practitioners will not gain the benefits of Metamagic spheres acquired
through purchasing them with Magic Levels. However, Shinigami with a high Intelligence
characteristic will be awarded Metamagic spheres that, when acquired this way, will affect
their spells cast through Kido rather than normal spells. These spheres may have a total cost
according to the following chart:
INT Total ML of spheres
1 to 7 0
8 5
9 10
10 20
11 30
12 40
13 55
14 70
15 85
16 100
17 120
18 140
19 160
20 200
A Shinigami may purchase extra Metamagic Spheres for affecting Kido with MK, in excess to
that given through having a high Intelligence score, for double the cost the spheres would
have in Magic Levels.
Most metamagic spheres work differently for Kido practitioners than for normal wizards. As a
general rule, every time Zeon or Magic Accumulation is mentioned it should instead read as
that Zeon or Magic Accumulation value divided by 3 in Ki or Ki Accumulation respectively.
Generally, when dividing by 3 produces a fraction, round down, except in the case of
Defensive Expertise, where you round up. Other special cases for Metamagic are as follow:
• Exploitation of Natural Energy: The first sphere grants +1 extra to Power and
Willpower Ki Accumulation per fatigue spent to increase Ki Accumulation. The
second sphere also grants +1 extra to Power and Willpower Ki Accumulation per
fatigue spent.
• Advanced Zeon Regeneration: Each sphere makes it so that the character regains +1
more Ki per hour. This applies before the rate change for ‘Superior Ki Recovery’,
meaning a character with 2 spheres of ‘Advanced Zeon Regeneration’ and 1 creation
point worth of ‘Superior Ki Recovery’ would recover 8 points of Ki every 10 minutes.
• Avatar: The +50 MA instead grants a bonus of +8 to both Power and Willpower Ki
Accumulations. Instead of damage transferring to Zeon, it is divided by 3 and
transferred to Ki.
• Double Innate Spells: is now a second sphere of ‘Superior Innate Spell’.
• Spell Specialist: The +10 MA instead grants +1 to Power and Willpower Ki
• Superior Innate Spell: The first sphere of this allows Kido practitioners to use innate
magic according to the innate magic table from Anima Core. The second sphere works
just as described in Arcana Exxet.

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