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The First War 11 Incarnations 46

Summoning & Occult 12 Orlumbus, The Pioneer

Invocations 12 Samael's Lost Dream, Mariam

Kaichi, Guardian Spirit of Varja 12 Joshua of Zed

Marbas, The Prince of Lies 13 Abdel Majid Al Karjah, First Sultan of Kushistan

Anka, The Bird of Knowledge 15 Alamir, The Thief of the Sands

Hellshet, The Steed of Plagues 16 El Eyad, Jihamath’s First Illuminated

Balefar, Lord of a Thousand Contracts 17 Nie, Queen of the Sidhe

The Seven Virtues 19 Dullahan, The Dark King

The Wolf, The Aeon of Fear 22 The First King

Buer, The Physiologist 23 Rituals

Alexander, the Golden Knight 25 Apohistaniates

Vlad of the Crimson Ices 27 Supernatural Construct

Angrboda, The One Who Brings Regret 28 Puppet of Memories

Niflheim, Spirit of the Eternal Ice 29 Gem of Memories

Optional Rules 31 Akelarre Sabbat

Fable 31 The Garden of Earthly Delights

Astra 41 Ki
Astra example: Akhenaten, The Eternal Duty 44 Ars Magnus
Combined Attack 77 The Seven Techniques of Eight 96

Paradise Gained, Paradise Lost, The Pillar of Glorification 78 The Pillars of Faith: Ki for the Faithful

Impossible Weapons 79 Dragon Ball Techniques

Taurus Aegis, Combat Shields 79 Solomon: Custodes Aeternitatis

Aries Magiste, Weapons Massifications 81 Solomon: Dotibus Ex Morte

Taurus Magister, Huge Double Weapons 81 Solomon: Ruinam Deorum

Gemini Magister, Puppets 82 Miscellanea

Leo Magister, Weapons Pistol 84 Races

Virgo Magister, Musical Instruments 85 Daa

Libra Magister, Variable Weapon 87 Entelecheia

Scorpio Magister, Whip-Sword 87 Pardalis

Capricornius Magister, Needles 88 Ursine

Aquarius Magister, Capes and Garments 89 Oanes

Piscis Magister, Combat Toys 89 Faeries, Children of the Forest, The Lost Kind

Ophiucos Magister, Lord of Infinite Swords 92 Blood Legacies

The Seven Horns of the End, The Pillar of Belief 93 Blood of the Lim Shide

Creation of Techniques, Ki Effects 95 Ancient Blood

Defense Maneuvers 95 Elan

Ki Trees 96 Enneath, The Angels of Jihamat

The First War 5 Incarnations 40

Lilium, The Sacred Trees 141 Dagger of Bahamut

Meseguis Shajad, The Lament of Darkness, Elan Rework 144 Oak Armor

Gear Project 146 Ring of Magus

Legionis Gear 150 Spatha (Shiryu)

Praefectus Gear 155 Spatha (Sadrith)

Arcane Gear 162 Madame Anémone’s Ensemble de Lingerie

Ego Gear 168 Light and Darkness

Lost Logias 175 Yosomaru

Artifacts and logias 180 Fortuna

Minor Objects 180 Fists of the Guiding Star

Parazonium 180 Huahuì Chénguò

Járngreipr 180 Dux

Scorching Hammer 180 Searcher’s Clothes

Gauntlet of the Pyromancer 181 Eight Steps (Shiryu)

Jared’s Amulet 182 Tonbokiri

Intermediate Artifacts 182 Seal of Rubedus

Agalasga 182 The Bagpiper

Engin Sjón 183 Ashes of Yarasa

Chimeric Hide 206 Andvarinaut 221

Deabruaren Arantza 206 Abdelmalek

Gladius 207 Command Longcoat

Isa Brandr 208 Deimos

Jian 208 Eight Steps (Sadrith)

Kasvetli 209 Hi No Tori

Saea & Dakika 210 Hypnos

Kuol 211 Kurotsuki

Moyo Wa Kifo 212 Nosferatu

Nemus 213 Óðrœrir

Nýchta Chorís Selíni 214 Profezia Iluna

Runic Horn 215 Orphanslayer

Major Artifacts 215 Shaytan

Kargath 215 Silver

Qizilko’zyosh 217 Xeloloni Auejkapan Estli

Shichifukujin 217 Calminar

The Left Eye 218 Subah Kee Os

The Right Eye 219 Blue Fire

God’s Seal 220 Cadavolg

Durandal 241 Excalibur & Avalon 262

Exterminator 242 Failnaught

Honezakari 243 Filen (Sadrith)

Huanyin Jian 244 Filen (Shiryu)

Ifrid 245 Laevatein

Maegsil 247 Olguiol

Medeus 248 Walleria

Meister’s Protection 249 Valknut

Ogmios 250 Omega Level

Ondinas 251 The Map of Creation

Queen Azazel 253 Uncategorized Artifacts

Saeta Al-Rimal 254 Abyssal Forge & Erebuscene, Inverted Pentacle City

Sivah 255 Summoner’s Stress Ball

Uruz’s Arrows 256 Black Raven Feather Armor

Arcane Artifacts 257 Memento Mortis

Claudius 257 Al-’Adb

Deireadh 258 The Weapons of Samsara

Dorje Manyu 259 The Weapons of Seasons

Dreamcutter 261 Dorian’s Gray Room

Lorelei’s Magic Lipstick 291 Orpheus Forte, The Chained Composer 321

Lorelei’s Make Up Shop Expansion 293 Rhiannon, High Lord of the Autumn

Logia 294 Rhoswen Alai, High Lord of Summer

Neuterswitz 294 Viera Ul Del Lavellan, The Last of the Lavellan

Uther 297 Character Adaptations from Other Settings

Iliako 298 Sokka (Avatar The Last Airbender, Aang Era)

Aptum 300 Fanmade Versions of Official Setting Characters

Project Thunderbird 301 XIII, The Death

Vindication 302 Kappel, Child of Fantasy (Rework)

Goliath; Septimum Induviae 303 Nascal Mehirim, Master of Puppets (Rework)

Janus 304 Bestiary

Blades of Chronos 306 Aluhe’nai (Rework)

Supernatural Combat Modules Rework 307 Abn Alralm, Soldier of the Sands

Character Compendium 309 Ahuitzotl

Common Characters 309 Aigamuxa

Black Sun Enforcer (Elite Delacroix Agent) 309 Anemoi, Music of the Storms

Unique Fanmade Characters 311 Angels

Florianne Bellefleur, The Princess without Crown 311 Barkan, Guardian of the Sands

Najeem the Mage 320 Beholder, Monster of Eyes

Capelobo, Bloodsucking Were-beast 402 Kelpie, River Guardians 473

Cinder Specter 406 Kraken, Lord of the Ocean

Cocoa Elemental 408 Leshy

Coiled Dragon 410 Living Nightmares (Rework)

Crineas, Sea Dracos 413 Loew, Solomonic Repairation golem

Darcia Kaliger, Lord of Nightmares 415 Misha, Space Lord

Dyeus Alpha, Divine AI 419 Nexus Guardian (Rework)

Efreet, the Oppressors of Fire (Rework) 427 Niggurath

Undine, the Mirages of the Water (Rework) 429 Nun, the Storm Makers

Sylph, the Wandering Winds (Rework) 432 Crow Nux, Dark Bird

Titan, the Silence of the Rock (Rework) 434 Peryton, Winged Shadow of the Moon

Einherjar, the Host of the Aityr 437 Razin, The Fury of Lightning

Eldren 440 Redcap, Bloody Fae

Fire Vampire 444 Regelia, the Dance of the Flames

Gibbering Mouther 445 Shedim, Solomonic Air Combat Golem

Guardian Totem (Rework) 448 Solomon Golems

Hydra (Rework) 450 Tatzelwurm, Mountain Cat Wyrm

Infectious Animation 452 Tooth Fairy

Kaichi, Lion Dog 471 Turon Ventis, the Seed of the Winds
Wisp Fire, the Flame of Judgment 531

Monsters of a World Well Traveled 533

Spheria 533

Ygdramar 539

Corinia 545

Pristinia 550

Arabal 555

Mantera 561

Elcia 568

Annex I. Desdemona Compendium 579

Annex II. Dragon Ball Beyond Fantasy 670

Annex III. Jigoku No Kami, by AS 683

The End 690

Sometimes what’s best for us isn’t what we want. That was what they told me - what everyone told me - when
I was growing up. Blind from birth, I had no concept of what it meant to see the color of blood, or to know by sight a
friend or a foe. I was useless in battle. Me. The daughter of Karok the Brave. I was the one they couldn’t trust with a
weapon, so I was given none, and that was what was best for us. Not best for me, but us. The tribe.

But that was okay.

I first realized that I had a gift for tactics when I was still very young. My peers were wrestling one another to
the ground; I was left on the sidelines to ‘watch.’ How clever they all thought they were. But I was the clever one. I
could hear them talking, describing the fights and the fighters, and it soon became clear to me who would win and why. I
could bore you with the details, with how I worked and reworked my guesses until I was right almost every time, but I
won’t. Suffice it to say that after a few lost gambles, my peers stopped betting against me.

Talent of any sort doesn’t go unnoticed in any tribe. It took only a week for word of my ability to reach the
elders, and less than an hour, I’m told, before I was set before them. The most impressive feat by far was that before I
had even managed to step foot through the entrance to the tent, my fate had been decided. What was best for the tribe
was that I study and become a leader. What I wanted had no bearing whatsoever.

But that, too, was okay, because military leaders were prizes in any tribe. War was not always fought in the
endless fields of grass or snow. Sometimes, the entire course of a war could be traced back to a single person. And, in the
rare circumstances that person was not Erling or Sklamo, they were commanders. That person saw the battles, the fights,
the blows exchanged by each and every individual person in the war and they planned accordingly. A commander could
win without lifting anything more than a hand and speaking a few words. That would be my path.

Strong fighters and intelligent mages? Copper pieces were less common. But someone with a mind for the
battlefield - the whole of it, not just the part? That was something to be treasured, and so no expense was wasted in
keeping me safe. The village didn’t have much to give, but I was given armor of the finest quality, so no matter where I
went I would not fall to a stray injury. Given guards to keep me safe from threats. Given private teachers who taught me
lessons that few would ever receive. Given privacy whenever I asked for it, because the burdens of my role were more
sacred than almost any other. I was given anything and everything I needed to do my duty.

The training was brutal. Day in and day out I was quizzed on a thousand different things, and expected to
remember them all. I was a prodigy, that much was true, but I was no match for the expectations thrust upon me.

One day I simply collapsed from exhaustion in the middle of an exam on the Twelfth War of Voldugur. I don’t
remember much beyond the pain in my head. There was a dull ache all that week, just behind my eyes, of all places. One
moment the pain was there, and the next I woke up with someone fanning me. So I was labeled as weak on top of being
blind. Some explained it away as malnutrition, others blamed the exceptional heat, but I could tell that they were just
trying to deny what they already knew.

But that, too, was okay. I trained my body when I could not train my mind. I pushed myself to my limits just
so I would know where they were, and then I would find a way to push those limits further as well. I grew strong,
sturdy. I was still no warrior, and I never will be, but I found the power to keep going under their impossible standards.
And then I found the knowledge to make them meet mine.

For so long I’d been listening to them teach me how to command and lead, how to persuade and even lie
when necessary. But I was always supposed to be better than them at it, and so I began to move things my way. I let
them believe what they wanted still mattered, and that I was going along with them for the reasons they wanted me to.
Slowly, carefully, I built influence in the village, and with the other villages of the clan. I convinced people with real
influence, not just the leaders but their wives and friends, of how much more valuable I could be by seeking wisdom
outside of Goldar.

The truth was that I outgrew my tutors. If there was something they could teach me, it was something I could
not learn because of my sight. I needed, as my people all do, a single master, and none of my tutors could take that
place. No one in the clan could. So, I travel now to Ilmora, where the greatest minds are available to teach me what I
need to know.

They believe I go so I can do what is best for my people, but for the first time I am going to do what’s best for me.

Tyr Hawkaluk – Commander Emilias

The First War

“Only the dead have seen the end of war.”

― George Santayana, 1922

All wars in the story of mankind have had turbulent beginnings. One skirmish, one
mistake, one bad word, hidden agendas, hatred and prejudices, religion, greed…
The reasons are as diverse as ourselves, but few times, both on Earth and or Gaia,
has one war begun out of appreciation.

In this supplement you will be able to enjoy a multitude of content inspired by

Anima Beyond Fantasy for use with said setting or system. Most of them are
inspired by the official setting, but here you can also find adaptations from other
settings, deviations from official Anima lore, humorous content or even pieces
created with the idea of playing the Anima system in a sci-fi setting. The contents
are divided by genre, and all of them have their “suppliers” credited. It has been
born after the realization of the contest “Anima International Faction War, Round
1”, which has set its contestants, divided by predominant factions in Gaia, against
others for dominance in the Anima International Discord Community during the
months of March and April in the year 2022. This first war was won by Samael.

We have made an effort to homogeneize layout and format as much as possible,

but as this is a work by different authors with different styles and degrees of
experience with Anima, expect different styles across the content.

Thanks to everybody who participated, players of this fantastic game have more
tools to have fun with, so, from all the Anima International Team, thank you.

And now, finally, let us delve together, into the world of Gaia, and into the worlds
the Anima System can inspire and try to improve.

O1 1
Kaichi, Guardian spirit of
Varja, supplied by Sadrith
A fact that perplexes occultists and
divine beings alike is that such minor
and existentially weak spirits as the
Kaichis are, against all logic, capable of
manifesting their power as an Hogosha
invocation. There are of course multiple
theories trying to explain how such a Difficulty: 100 Cost: 150

thing is possible, the most prevalent

Attack: None Defense: 100
amongst them being that the Kaichi are
either agents or avatars of a far greater Action: Passive
being who grants said powers.
Effect: Creates a supernatural shield
The truth that not even the Kami
with 200 resistance points to protect the
understand is that the entire race is in
summoner. If this shield achieves a
fact a singular entity, a powerful being
counterattack result it can redirect the
that has the unique ability of existing
blocked attack against another enemy
simultaneously as a demi-god in the sea
that is within 5 meters of the summoner
of souls and as thousands of lesser
using the final attack value of the
creatures in Gaïa. Kaichi is an existence
redirected attack plus the counterattack
similar to an Aeon that was created by
bonus. The person who performed the
Varja millennia ago with the intent of
attack can‟t be targeted by this counter.
protecting the inhabitants of the island
Generally, when blocking a supernatural
on an individual level that the gods could
attack with an area of effect only a
not possibly handle.
portion of it will be redirected, thus the
Pact: The Kaichi can‟t be summoned to
counter attack can only hit one person,
sign a pact, instead one must befriend
but if the optional rules for covering an
one of its many incarnations to be able
area with supernatural shields are being
to use its power.
used the reflected attack will be able to
Usual Appearance: Kaichis look similar
target one extra enemy for every extra
to a lion with scales that can be either
person the shield defended.
blue, red or golden, and a single red
Each 10 points by which the summoning
difficulty is exceeded increases by 50
Initial summoning difficulty: None
points the shield‟s resistance and gives a
Initial cost: None
+5 to its defense ability (up to a

O1 2
maximum of 1000 and 180 the summoner will automatically receive
respectively). an attack before making theirs. These
Duration: One round for every 10 attacks have a base damage of 80
points by which the summoning difficulty (ELEctricity), and can reach enemies
was exceeded. that are up to 10 meters away from the
Description: When the summoner is summoner.
attacked currents of water form in the There is no limit to how many of these
air to intercept the attack and change its attacks can be triggered, and the
course. These currents often look more summoner can‟t exclude anyone from
like waves being drawn in the air instead being affected by them.
of real water. Duration: An amount of rounds equal to
Tategami the difference by which the summoning
difficulty was exceeded.
Difficulty: 140 Cost: 200
Description: Small storm clouds appear

Attack: None Defense: None around the summoner‟s shoulders and

arms like a floating scarf, emitting
Action: Active powerful lightning that seem to
completely engulf the area immediately
Effect: The summoner becomes immune
surrounding them.
to 3 intensities of HEAT and COLD, plus
an extra intensity for every 10 points by
which the summoning difficulty was
Marbas, The Prince of Lies,
exceeded (up to a maximum of 30). supplied by Shiryu
Any other attacks not based on fire or
Marbas is one of the third hierarchy
cold will also reduce their damage by 10
demons most active in the power plays
points for every 5 intensities of immunity
of his race, widely known among his
being granted by Tategami.
kind for his viperous tongue and sibylline
Duration: The immunity granted by this
strategies. His arts do not stop with his
ability will drop by 1 intensity every 10
own as he uses mortals as mere pawns
in his games, which has caused many
Description: The summoner is
ancient cultures to worship him as a
surrounded by a mantle of fire that
dark god of deceit and lies. Whether
burns away incoming attacks, and helps
Marbas has a goal behind these
maintain the user‟s internal
machinations is something that escapes
the minds of men and demons, for when
it seems that he has achieved a clear
Difficulty: 180 Cost: 400 position of power he relinquished it at
the last moment to the most unexpected
Attack: 130 Defense: None of demonic nobles. There are not a few
demonologists who believe that he
Action: Active
simply does it for the sheer pleasure of
Effect: While this ability remains active, the chaos that his actions bring. Marbas
anyone who performs an attack against forms, has formed and will form part of

O1 3
all the demonic Circles and has a close Description: Marbas's voice echoes in
friendship with the Demonic King the summoner's mind indicating when
Lucifago. someone is lying or omitting part of the
Pact: Marbas does not have a generic
pact for those who ask for his favor, one Bardoaren Mihia
day he could ask him to deliver a letter
Difficulty: 200 Cost: 240
to a noble of Bellafonte and another he
could ask that they would get a young Attack: NA H. Defense: NA
baker to win the heart of Archchancellor
Joshua Fardelys. Action: Active.

Usual Appearance: Marbas takes the Effect: Marbas grants the summoner
form of a manticore with jet-black fur the ability to speak with the tongue of
that he wears with Gallic enhancements. the bard, the incredible ability that
However, instead of the face of a whatever he says be believed by the
ferocious lion, he has that of a mature masses. This invocation induces
Daevar man. everyone who listens to him to believe
his lies, no matter how absurd or illogical
Difficulty of Initial Invocation: 280 they may be. Every time the summoner
lies, those who listen to him must pass a
Initial Cost: 600
MR check against 140 or they will
Pultsu Sentsorea believe him. However, if the summoner
tells a highly unrealistic lie, they gain a
Difficulty: 140 Cost: 200
+20 bonus to their Resistance.

Attack: NA Defense: NA
Duration: 1 hour for every 10 points by

Action: Active. which the summoner exceeds the

required difficulty.
Effect: The summoner gains the ability
to instinctively recognize the essence of Description: Marbas's personal rune
truth and lies. Therefore, when someone appears on the summoner's tongue,

lies in front of him, he must pass a MR conferring its power.

check against 120 or the summoner will
Fikzioak Eta Errealitateak
be aware of it, this ability is also
activated in case someone is omitting a Difficulty: 380 Cost: 1.000
part of the truth. The resistance to
Attack: NA H. Defense: NA
overcome increases by 5 for every 10
points by which the initial difficulty is Action: Active.
overcome, up to a maximum of RM 200.
Effect: Marbas grants the summoner his
Duration: 1 hour for every 10 points by greatest gift, the ability to shape reality
which the summoner exceeds the itself to conform to their lies. This
required difficulty. invocation can be used to create a lie
that alters an event or a being.

O1 4
Mechanically, when the summoner prayer to Anka. Known as the bird of
wishes to alter an event to his liking, for knowledge, she is a beautiful creature
example, he can deny his injuries by whose plumage manifests all the colors
saying "I have not suffered any injury" of the rainbow, and who embodies the
or he could even avoid someone's death power of language and tradition. It was
by commenting "Despite everything, he she who helped the first men to use the
has managed to continue living." gift of Harekrates properly, giving rise to
the ancient culture of Estigia. Since then
However, despite the great power that
she is considered by the mules as the
this invocation grants, it is not possible
patron saint of culture and art.
to deny or alter the events caused by
beings with a Gnosis of 15 points above Pact: Anka asks the summoner to
their Nature or by entities with Gnosis create a work of art (a poem, a painting,
40 or higher. In the same way, it cannot or even a novel) capable of satisfying
affect in any way those beings that have her tastes. Although the entity accepts
been uncreated. In case of wanting to works from other cultures the truth is
affect a being in a negative way with the that, as you can imagine, it has a
lie, for example "The injuries he has predilection for Estigia works.
suffered are critical" they will have the
Usual Appearance: Anka appears as a
right to pass a RM check against 180 to
spirit bird whose feathers glow with the
avoid the results.
color of the rainbow.
Duration: instantaneous.
Difficulty: 140 Cost: 200
Description: Marbas's voice is
Attack: NA Defense: NA
manifested substituting for the
summoner's when performing the lie. As Action: Active.
he speaks, runes in Slish arise around
the summoner, leaking Marbas's power
into the world and changing it according
to the lie.

Anka, The Bird of

Knowledge, supplied by Shiryu
According to the Enneath doctrine, when
the first men began to walk the earth,
the Kalih Harekrates sheltered them
under his wings, beginning to teach
them the ins and outs of civilization.
According to the zafir, he taught this
task alone with only the guidance of
Jihamat... the mular shook their heads
under their breath while murmuring a

O1 5
Effect: Anka grants the summoner the ability to generate any kind of disease. It
ability to understand any type of is an insidious creature that throughout
language, whether written or spoken, as history has enjoyed spreading all kinds
well as the message an artist was trying of diseases among mortals just for the
to convey with their work. However, pleasure of seeing them suffer.
when the complexity of the language or Pact: Hellshet asks the summoner to
work is greater, it will be necessary to allow himself to be infected by one of
overcome the difficulty by 40 points for the many diseases he carries and to
each degree of complexity at the overcome it on his own. The duration
Storyteller's discretion. and effects of the disease are in the
hands of the Game Master, however the
For example, they could automatically
disease has a level 80 to determine its
understand Latin or Akeron but to
understand languages like Nepranus
Usual Appearance: Hellshet appears as
they would need to exceed the initial
a spectral, wizened white horse
difficulty of 40 or if its Dael they would
consumed by disease.
need to overcome the difficulty of 120.
Difficulty: 140 Cost: 200
As for works of art, they would know
Attack: NA H. Defense: NA
that the famous painting of Jirnika
Action: Active.
represents the painter Risam's sorrow
for the war between the dynasties that
Effect: Hellshet inoculates the
devastated his hometown or if they
summoner with the disease, from that
overcomes the difficulty by 40 points,
moment on they are considered a carrier
that the trade treaty of Akhenaten III
but are immune to it for the duration of
was really a way for the oligarchs of his
the invocation. The summoner can
faction to increase their wealth.
create a level 40 supernatural disease

Duration: 1 hour for every 10 points by following the general rules. Every 20

which the summoner exceeds the points by which the difficulty is

required difficulty overcome increases Hellshet's disease by

5 levels.
Description: One of Anka's feathers If it reaches a final value of 240, it is
manifests on the summoner's forehead, considered contagious and if it reaches
bestowing her gifts. 320, it is considered a plague.
Duration: 1 hour for every 10 points by
Hellshet, The Steed of which the summoner exceeds the
required difficulty.
Plagues, supplied by Shiryu
Description: Hellshet is presented as
Also known in Aityr mythology as the an extremely starving white horse. With
horse of death, Hellshet was once a a stricken neigh he pours his breath on
Great Beast linked to the concept of life the summoner.
but was corrupted by one of Jera's three
monstrous sons; Skule the Corruptor.
The Great Serpent used his blood to
disrupt Hellshet essence, giving him the

O1 6
arms emerge, full of eyes, armed with
Balefar, Lord of a Thousand
pens that write nonstop on an almost
Contracts, supplied by Shiryu endless list of papers.
Balefar, also called the Bureaucrat, is a Difficulty of Initial Invocation: 280
curious figure among the infernal nobility Initial Cost: 400
as for eons he has been in charge of Ordezkapena
writing the rules that govern their Difficulty: 160 Cost: 240
societies. Although this gives him a Attack: 180 Defense: NA
certain preeminence among his own, the Action: Active.
truth is that he also keeps him totally Effect: This summon makes an attack in
busy as he spends much of his time the Energy AT using its attack ability.
traveling between the various demonic For game purposes, it is used as a
courts making sure that everything Spiritual-type spell. If it manages to
works correctly. affect the
In the rare individual, he
moments in must overcome a
which he enjoys Magic Resistance
freedom he check against 120
usually seeks or he will be
helpers among forced to spend all
mortals, as they his active actions
are the easiest to fill out a series
to deceive, in of documents that
exchange for his will appear before
power. Balefar him. The affected
is a founding party may
member of the continue to carry
Circle of out passive
Tartarus and actions. The
despite his difficulty of the
marked neutrality in demonic politics, he Resistance increases by 10 points for
often acts as the legal advisor to the every 20 the summoner exceeds the
Demon King Nebiros. required difficulty by, up to a maximum
Pact: The summoner must act as of 240.
Balefar's assistant in his activities in the Duration: Instantaneous
demon courts for a year and a day. Once Description: Balefar lets out a grateful
the work is finished, he will receive the sigh and will unleash a cascade of
powers of the invocation as a documents that entomb the target. The
settlement. only way to escape will be by filling out
Usual Appearance: Balefar has a and organizing the documents, thus
strange appearance to say the least, it is ending the daemon's extra work.
a kind of sphere of dark energy of a Zigor Kodea
variable size from which hundreds of Difficulty: 240 Cost: 400

O1 7
Attack: NA Defense: NA this, the summoner must write a
Action: Active. contract detailing the terms necessary
Effect: Balefar imposes his rule over for these events to occur as well as the
reality in an area of 30 meters around possible consequences that they will
the summoner. This invocation allows bring in case they are broken...
the summoner to partially modify Regardless of the conditions, terms or
everything that happens in that area by clauses, the ultimate price of these
controlling the result of an action type. contracts will be provided that the soul
For example, he could control movement of the signatory becomes the possession
by commanding that everyone who of Balefar.
moves will always be to the right or he The specific scope of this ability is very
could prevent anyone from making an wide, since almost anything can be
attack action unless they are within half granted, although not something
of their LPs. completely impossible, for example, it
This summon works as an automatic could be asked to become the prince of a
effect with a MR of 120 that increases by principality or create a curse that
10 points for every 20 points by which devastates a family for generations, but
the initial difficulty was exceeded up to a it could not be asked to kill Gaira.
maximum of 300. In addition, the Despite its great margin of action, this
summoner can add a new order for power has a fairly defined limit; those
every 30 points by those who overcome touched by destiny (Gnosis 10, 15 or 20
the difficulty. points above their Nature) or with great
However, the summoner cannot create spiritual power (Gnosis 40 and above)
any situation that causes a direct death can disrupt the events set by the
on those affected, such as saying that if contract if they pass a MR check against
someone performs an attack action on 140.
him, he will die. Duration: How long it takes to draft the
Duration: 1 turn for every 10 points by contract.
which the summoner exceeds the Description: Balefar appears in all his
required difficulty infernal glory, momentarily setting aside
Description: Balefar's feathers appear his work, to draw up the contract
around the summoner feverishly writing together with his summoner. Once he is
the new conditions that will be imposed ready, he will leave his signature and
on the area in glowing crimson letters in return to
whatever languages those affected are his work.
capable of speaking.

Kontratu Loteslea
Difficulty: 320 Cost: 1.000
Attack: NA Defense: NA
Action: Active.
Effect: Balefar has the ability to shape
reality and destiny so that a series of
events occur at his convenience. To do

O1 8
others for them to rest and heal.
The Seven Virtues, supplied by
They can create a building with a
Presence limit of up to 80 which
These forms of Virtues are more increases by 5 for every 20 points of

temporary appearances of them, success over the Difficulty. The

nevertheless they are powerful. They structure remains for up to a day or

are very picky with whom they seal a until dismissed by the Invoker.
pact and entrust them only to Creatures inside it have their

individuals who they feel can further Regeneration increased by 3 and

the goals of the Church and the their Ki and Psychic Point as well as

Inquisition. Zeon Regeneration doubled. Medicine

checks inside the building can‟t
fumble; they are rerolled.

Duration: Up to a day

Usual Appearance: Caritas is a very

grounded virtue. She appears with a
hammer and builder cloths and with a
slam of her hammer the building
rises from the ground, as the Invoker
imagined. But somewhere in that
building, a statue of her is
incorporated, either as a mural or
inside one of the rooms.

Castitas: Sine Vinculis

Pact: The Invoker has to declare
Caritas: Requiem lassis their biggest vice when calling upon
Pact: Upon first calling, the Invoker Castitas first. She then orders a
is ordered by Caritas to a nearby penance, a time where the Invoker
place where they have to build a has to resist that vice – a month to
place for weary travellers to rest. It half a year. Most likely, they will
can be inside a city, near a road or in encounter that vice more often than
the wilderness. After building it with usual, being tempted to follow the
their own hands, Caritas appears to urge. If they can resist, the pact is
judge it. sealed. If they follow the urge,
Castitas will reject them forever.
Difficulty: 180 Zeon: 300
Difficulty: 190 Zeon: 350
Attack: NA Defense: NA
Attack: NA Defense: NA
Action: Active
Action: Active
Effect: The Invoker can create a
building as a form of respite for

O1 9
Effect: Upon calling, the Invoker and Usual Appearance: Fides is a bulky
up to two of their allies have any woman wearing a heavy shield, two
abnormal condition on them pairs of wings on her back. She
removed. For the duration, all of their hands over the shield to the invoker
resistances gain a bonus of +15. which stays on their back for the
Duration: 1 minute plus 1 minute for
every 10 points of success over the Concordia: Tace Arma
Difficulty. Pact: When called for the first time,
Concordia sends the Invoker to two
Usual Appearance: Castitas is a
minor conflicts. They have to resolve
woman in thick robes, her face
those without any bloodshed or
hidden by a mask. When called, she
injuries on the side of the conflicting
appears and touches all that receive
her blessing and disappears again.
For the duration, a golden handprint Difficulty: 200 Zeon: 400
remains where her hand relayed her
Attack: 190 Defense: NA
Action: Active
Fides: Fides Mea Protegat Me
Pact: Upon the first Invocation, Fides Effect: Upon Invocation, all targets
designates a target to the Invoker within 60 feet are subject to a
(somewhat nearby) which they have Spiritual Spell. When affected, they
to protect and nurture for a year. have to make a MR 140 check or
They also should guide that individual cease hostilities for the duration: All
towards a Christian belief. active aggressive actions fail without
effect. Targets still are able to defend
Difficulty: 210 Zeon: 350
themselves if necessary but
Attack: NA Defense: 180+ aggressive or negative feelings are
dampened, making the targets
Action: Passive
calmer. If the Invoker starts to attack

Effect: The Invoker is clad in a soft someone affected, the effect ends on

light. Ethereal feathers are hovering everyone still affected.

around them, coalescing to protect
Duration: 1 Round plus 1 Round for
them against harm with a Shield of
every 10 points of success over the
800 LP, with 100 LP for every 20
points of success over the Difficulty,
as well as +5 to the Defense Ability Usual Appearance: Concordia
for every 10 points of success over appears as a kind woman carrying a
the Difficulty. big bowl of a steaming liquid. The
smell is different for everyone in the
Duration: 1 round plus 1 round for
radius, being the scents they most
every 10 points of success over the
associate with calm and peace. The
virtue remains for the duration

O2 0
behind the Invoker. If they break the item and give it to someone of
effect the effect with an attack, she Patientia's choosing or they have to
disappears with a pained scream. stay at a place till they receive a
signal. It can take quite a while, but
Sobrietas: Iactare Peccata Tua
rarely longer than half a year.
Pact: Upon calling her first, Sobrietas
will send the Invoker to a person Difficulty: 180 Zeon: 300
indulging in a vice. They have to lead
Attack: 170+ Defense: NA
the target away from that without
forcing them. Action: Passive

Difficulty: 220 Zeon: 450 Effect: When called, Patientia does

nothing at first. But she bides her
Attack: 190 Defense: NA
time, waiting for the right time to
Action: Active strike. If used immediately, she
makes an Impact attack against the
Effect: The Invoker sends a wave of
target with a Base Damage of 70. For
light against the target, withering
each round that passed since she was
away supernatural powers protecting
called and didn‟t attack, her attack is
them, be they Ki, Matrices, Magic or
increased by 10 and the Base
Invocations/Incarnations. They make
Damage is increased by 5, up to a
an Attack as if it was an Energy
maximum of 250 Attack and 110
Attack – if they affect the target,
Base Damage.
they can end one effect on that
target. Against Shields, they count as Duration: Until used
an Attack with a Base Damage of
Usual Appearance: Patientia
110, dealing double damage against
appears as a scarred woman, her
them. For every 40 Points over
gaze determined. She carefully
difficulty, they can end one additional
watches the situation, seemingly
effect on the target.
calm. But when she strikes, a rumble
Duration: Instantaneous is accompanying her strike as if a
boulder decided to start to move.
Usual Appearance: Sobrietas
appears without much pomp – simple Humilitas: Munus meum es
robes, not even a very holy light. She exemplum
then touches the target, making the Pact: Humilitas designates a period
effect disappear into simple natural of time in which the Invoker can‟t
materials – leaves, ash, smoke etc. claim any successes for themselves
on the first calling. They have to have
Patientia: Tempus meum venit
it attributed to other persons or
Pact: Patietia demands of the
organizations and never speak
Invoker to await something or
proudly of their actions in that time.
someone without telling them how
long to wait: They have to hold an Difficulty: 240 Zeon: 500

O2 1
Attack: NA (Special) Defense: NA Pact: The Wolf asks the summoner
(Special) to contemplate their greatest fear
and survive the encounter. For this
Action: Active
he generally uses Twarz Strachu with

Effect: The Invoker chooses another an average value of PsR 180.

combatant and repeats what they did
Usual Appearance: Although the
on their last turn. They can copy all
entity has an almost infinite number
Magic, Ki Techniques, Ki Abilities, Ars
of forms, it prefers to take the form
Magnus, Summonings, Invocations or
of a gigantic wolf formed by darkness
Incarnations. The roll required for
covered in red runes like blood.
that Action is considered the same
the original combatant achieved but Difficulty of Initial Invocation:
with a penalty of -40 which is 260
reduced by 5 for every 20 points of
Initial Cost: 400
success over the Difficulty. If a target
made two different actions on their Mądrość Ziemi
last turn, the Invoker can choose Difficulty: 200 Cost: 300
which action to copy.
Attack: NA Defense: NA
Duration: Instantaneous
Action: Active.
Usual Appearance: Humilitas is a
shy woman in plain clothes who can‟t Effect: The Wolf grants part of its
look at people directly. She quietly intrinsic nature to the summoner,
does her work and then disappears granting him the ability to know at a
again, being barely noticeable. glance what fears and traumas
plague a being. This invocation works
The Wolf, The Aeon of as an automatic spell conditioned to
observe a being and has a PsR of 140
Fear, supplied by Shiryu that increases by 10 points for every
20 by which the difficulty is
Lýkos, Ulv, Bori, Ikook are some of
overcome. If someone fails this
the names that different cultures
resistance by more than 40 points,
have given to the entity that
the summoner will not only know
incarnate the primal emotion of fear.
what their fears are but also their
Many occultists associate this Aeon
with the Wake, some even venture
that he could be a kind of lord of Duration: 1 hour for every 10 points
nightmares, and there are not a few by which the summoner exceeds the
religions that consider him the required difficulty.
creator of nightmares, but for
Description: The Wolf partially
centuries it is believed that he is
manifests through the summoner,
immersed in a deep torpor in the
turning their eyes into pools of pure
deepest and darkest corners of it.

O2 2
darkness for the duration of the and must pass a PsR against 140 or
invocation. will be in the state of Terror. If the
Resistance is failed by 40 or more,
Pożarć Umysł
the affected person will gain a
Difficulty: 260 Cost: 400
temporary increased derangement,

Attack: 220 Defense: NA while if they fail by more than 60, the
derangement gained will be
Action: Active. permanent and they will fall into a
state of temporary catatonia. This
Effect: The Wolf makes an energy
resistance must be repeated each
attack using his offensive ability
round that eye contact is maintained.
acting as a spiritual spell. If it
Even entities that are immune to
manages to impact an individual, that
psychology are affected by this
individual must pass a PsR against
invocation. The resistance to
140 each round or suffer damage
overcome increases by 10 points for
equal to the level of failure. If the
every 20 points by which you exceed
affected being is in the state of Fear,
the required difficulty up to a
the PsR increases to 160 and if he is
maximum of PsR 240.
in the state of Terror, in addition to
the above, they suffer damage Duration: 1 round for every 10
equivalent to twice the level of points by which the summoner
failure. exceeds the required difficulty.

Duration: The effects of the attack Description: The Wolf manifests as

last for one round for every 20 points liquid darkness that washes over the
the summoner exceeds the required summoner, transforming them into a
difficulty. vaguely humanoid figure of pure
darkness. When someone looks at
Description: When making this
the summoner, they see how their
attack, the Wolf manifests itself only
deepest fear rises before them. It is
in the affected person's psyche,
not known what the entities immune
beginning to devour it until there is
to psychology see, but it is theorized
nothing left but an empty shell.
that they see a kind of darkness or
Twarz Strachu primordial nothingness capable of
Difficulty: 320 Cost: 500 devouring everything.

Attack: NA Defense: NA Buer, The Physiologist,

Action: Active. supplied by Shiryu

Effect: The Wolf merges with the Buer is one of the demon nobles who
summoner, turning them into a portal have been most actively associated
to the purest form of fear. Anyone with mortals. Interestingly, not to
who contemplates it automatically sow death and destruction as
enters automatically the state of Fear someone might imagine, but quite

O2 3
the opposite; understand the
mysteries that life holds. For this
reason he has collaborated closely
with mortals, sometimes acting as
their mentor in subjects such as
philosophy, medicine and science,
although at other times he has put
himself at the service of great sages
as his apprentice. Unfortunately,
and somewhat ironically, when Rah‟s
Machine was activated he was in the
physical world as one of Judas' chief
scientists and was fully hit by its
effect falling into a deep sleep in the Diagnostikoa
depths of the sands of Estigia. The Difficulty: 220 Cost: 300
events of the Third Shadow War put
Attack: NA Defense: NA
an end to his dream, and since then
he has been slowly rebuilding his Action: Active.
power and influence. In the past,
Buer was never part of any circle but Effect: Buer grants some of his

after his lethargy he has forged good immense knowledge to the

summoner. This allows him to
relations with the Circle of Shoteth.
analyze the living beings he sees by
Pact: First, the summoner must obtaining their biometric data. The
allow the power to examine him body biometric data that the summoner
and soul, and then face a creature will obtain will be things such as the
created expressly to kill him. In case general health status (he will know
of surviving such an encounter, the his current life points and fatigue, if
pact will be closed. he suffers any penalty or is afflicted
with any disease or poison, but not
Usual Appearance: Buer appears as
what type) as well as other medical
a sort of hellish centaur with draconic
details. (such as your blood sugar
features. Its skin is crimson red and
level, your cholesterol, or your blood
is furrowed with bronze scales, it has
four arms and two pairs of large
dragon wings grow from its back. His This invocation works as an
face is halfway between demon and automatic spell conditioned to
dragon, his eyes are completely observe a living being and has a MR
black, although in his left eye he of 140 that increases by 10 points for
wears a gold monocle. every 20 by which the difficulty is
Difficulty of Initial Invocation:

Initial Cost: 500

O2 4
Duration: 1 hour for every 10 points clay into a useless amalgamation of
by which the summoner exceeds the flesh.
required difficulty.
Description: Buer's golden monocle Difficulty: 340 Cost: 800
manifests in the summoner's left eye.
Attack: NA Defense: NA
For the duration of the invocation,
the summoner's eye will turn Action: Active.
completely black and give off a slight
reddish glow. Effect: The summoner, or a willing
target he designates, gains 100
Porrot Orgániko Anitzeko development points to acquire
Difficulty: 280 Cost: 500 essential abilities and monster
powers as if it were a being of Gnosis
Attack: 240 Defense: NA
30. Likewise, once per round, it can
Action: Active. increase up to 3 points any of its
characteristics by equivalently
Effect: Buer performs an energy-
reducing other characteristics. Their
based attack using his ability. It is
only limitation is that they must be
considered a spiritual-type spell and,
characteristics of the same group. For
if it affects the target, he must pass a
example, it could increase a Physical-
MR check against 140 or he will
type Characteristic by 3 points by
suffer a multi-organ failure that will
reducing another Physical-type
destroy his physical faculties,
Characteristic by 3, but it could not
reducing all his physical
do so by reducing a Spiritual
characteristics and perception by 4
points. These debuffs recover at a
rate of 1 point per hour. These Duration: 1 turn for every 10 points
mishaps do not produce a direct by which the initial difficulty is
death but if one reaches 0 they exceeded.
produce serious repercussions; they
Description: Buer appears in front
will not be able to draw their
of the summoner, or the target, and
weapons or wear their armor, will not
will go to work tearing his current
have active actions, will not be able
form apart using his remains to
to move, will fall unconscious or will
create a new one that reaches
not be able to use their senses in any
way. The difficulty of the Resistance
increases by 5 points for every 10
points by which the summoner
Alexander, the Golden
exceeds the required difficulty. Knight, supplied by Sadrith
Duration: Instantaneous.
Alexander is a great beast connected
Description: Buer sinks his claws to the knightly ideals and the concept
into the target's body twisting it like of justice. He is often associated with

O2 5
legendary heroes and kings, and he he wishes, although it is possible to
has even been adored by Christianity avoid being pushed if the character
as a lesser angel serving Azrael. can jump over the barrier or go
around it with his passive movement.
Pact: To rectify an unjust act or
It is also possible to completely stop
punish a wrongdoer.
its advance by passing a Strength

Usual Appearance: Alexander check against 20.

usually appears as a giant in heavy
The barrier functions as a structure of
knight's armor, completely gilded. He
2000 health, AT 8 and 100 damage
always appears floating above those
barrier that prevents passage in both
present and accompanied by 12 large
directions. Projectiles launched or
swords floating around him.
fired can pass through the barrier if

Initial summoning difficulty: 250 they pass the summon's defense skill
or if the summoner allows it.
Initial cost: 500
Duration: One hour or until
Camelot destroyed.
Difficulty: 240
Description: Alexander manifests as
Attack: None Defense: 240 a large number of huge knights with
heavy armor and large shields that
Action: Active Cost: 400
stand in formation to create a wall.
Effect: Alexander creates a shield For the formation of particularly high
barrier that extends from the walls the soldiers deploy wings made
summoner's position pushing of swords that allow them to fly.
whoever he chooses and protecting
Long live the King
him from future attacks. The barrier
Difficulty: 280
can take any shape imaginable, even
that of a dome that completely Attack: 260 Defense: None
covers the summoner. This wall will
have a length equivalent to the value Action: Active

by which the difficulty of the

Cost: 600
summoning has been exceeded
(although it can never be less than 5 Effect: Alexander makes a series of
meters) and has a fixed height of 10 D5 attacks against one or more
meters. It can be given a dome opponents. Each of these attacks has
shape by dividing its length in half or a base damage of 150 Cut damage
increasing its height by 5 meters in and ignores 1 point of TA for every
exchange for reducing its length by 50 points by which the difficulty of
10. the invocation has been exceeded.
Unlike other summons, it does not
When this ability is activated the
need to act instantly, nor does it
barrier will expand from the
disappear after using this ability.
summoner himself, pushing anyone

O2 6
Alexander will stay with the Usual Appearance: Vlad usually
summoner and attack every round appears as a huge, 3 meter tall pale
until the time runs out or he has man with blond hair and a long red
performed a total of 12 attacks, at cape.
which point he will disappear.

Duration: Up to 12 rounds or until it

has used all 12 attacks.

Description: Alexander will manifest

on the battlefield always floating
above his summoner, with 12 golden
greatswords floating behind him in
resemblance of wings. The sword will
be shot towards the targets as
Alexanders performs his attacks

Vlad of the Crimson Ices,

supplied by Sadrith

Vlad is a mysterious spirit of

completely unknown origin that
travelled through Gaïa ages ago as a
malevolent force that brought death
wherever it passed through. He often
Blood Festival
poses as a nobleman of refined
Difficulty: 250
manners and exquisite taste, and he
is known for indulging in human Attack: 200 Defense: NA
pleasures, but ultimately his presence
always brings death and destruction. Action: Active

Pact: Usually Vlad will ask the Cost: 400

summoner to carry out some horrific
Effect: Performs an area attack that
act in his name, like the massacre of
covers an area of 20 meters around
dozens of innocents, or publicly
the summoner with 100 Cold based
executing a well-known virtuous
damage. This attack produces an
figure. But depending on his mood he
automatic critical to all its targets
may simply ask for help to satisfy his
who receive a penalty to their PhR to
latest material craving, for example
calculate its effects equivalent to half
bringing him a bottle of an extremely
the value by which the summoning
exclusive wine, getting a popular
difficulty has been exceeded (up to a
fashion designer to tailor a new suit
limit of -100). It is possible to select
for him or organize a banquet for him
targets inside the attack.
to be attended by the local nobility.
Duration: Instantaneous

O2 7
Usual Appearance: Vlad's spirit not as bloodthirsty as that of her
momentarily manifests itself over the brothers but more pernicious; for
summoner by raising its arms, she, instead of delighting in
causing dozens of red ice stakes to slaughter, preferred to spread
come out of the ground and impale misfortune among men.
all of those present.
Pact: Angrboda only bestows her
Helheim gifts on the summoner that can
Difficulty: 280 handle her weapon, the gigantic
golden Lævateinn without any
Attack: 250 Defense: 250
problems and by their own means.

Action: Passive (Requires Strength 16).

Cost: 600 Usual Appearance: A blue-skinned

Jotun studded with intricate gold
Effect: It generates a supernatural runic patterns.
shield with 500 resistance points that
defends the summoner with the Difficulty of Initial Invocation:

invocation's ability. If a counterattack 280

result is achieved with this defense it
Initial Cost: 500
is possible to perform an attack with
the invocation's ability plus the Lævateinn
counterattack bonus with a final Difficulty: 280
damage of 150 Cold based damage.
Cost: 400
Every 10 points by which the
difficulty is exceeded increases Attack: NA Defense: NA
Helheim‟s defense ability by 5 (Up to
a maximum of 300). Action: Active.

Duration: One round Effect: Angrboda grants the

summoner a perfect copy of her
Usual Appearance: A mirror of ice Lævateinn. This weapon is considered
manifests itself by interposing itself a massive +10 halberd capable of
between the summoner and his dealing double damage to wind-
attacker like a shield. Should a based beings. Contrary to the general
counter result be achieved Vlad rules, the summoner suffers no
himself will appear from within the penalties if they are not of adequate
mirror attacking with a torrent of ice size to wield the weapon properly.
Duration: 1 hour for every 10 points
Angrboda, The One Who by which the summoner exceeds the
required difficulty.
Brings Regret, supplied by Shiryu
Description: From the bowels of the
One of the five children of Skule the earth a golden halberd rises in front
Corruptor, the legend of Angrboda is of the summoner.

O2 8

Difficulty: 300

Cost: 600 .

Every 20 points by which the summoner exceeds the difficulty increases the Attack
Ability by 5 points up to a maximum of 280.

Duration: 1 round for every 10 points by which the summoner exceeds the
required difficulty.

Description: Angrboda appears next to the summoner and unleashes a powerful

attack against the ground, starting the earthquake.

Niflheim, Spirit of the Eternal Ice, supplied by Sadrith

Niflheim, the spirit of the eternal ice, is the
Aeon that rules over cold and ice. Unlike
many of its brethren, its manifestations in
olden times have been rare, however it is
believed to lie dormant somewhere in the
Peak of the World mountain range.

Pact: Niflheim will ask the summoner to

stop an event that will change the world in
one way or another. It could be to quell a
revolution, or to stop the rise of a being
that could destroy humanity, it doesn't
matter if it's for good or ill, the important
thing is to maintain the current state of
the world.

Usual Appearance: She usually has the

appearance of a woman composed of ice
and frost.

Initial summoning difficulty: 300

Initial cost: 500


Difficulty: 280

Cost: 500

Attack: 240 Defense: NA

O2 9
Action: Active

Effect: Niflheim performs an attack in a straight line up to 100 meters away and
20 meters wide that freezes everyone within the area. For game purposes anyone
hit by the attack must pass a PhR or MR check against 180 or suffer the minor
paralysis effect. If they fail the check by more than 40 points they will suffer
normal paralysis, and if they fail by more than 80 they will suffer full paralysis. At
the beginning of the next round the ice will explode causing a second attack
against anyone still within the affected area with a base damage equal to 60 Cold
damage plus 5 for every 10 points over the summoning difficulty. Regardless of the
damage caused, this second attack always causes an automatic critical, and after
performing this attack all paralysis caused by this invocation are undone. Duration:

Common Appearance: Nifelheim will manifest in the form of a winged woman

who flies off at full speed, leaving a trail of ice behind her. She then simply snaps
her fingers, causing whatever she has frozen to explode into pieces.

Iskaldt Vind

Difficulty: 350 Duration: The storm will last for one

round for every 10 points by which
Cost: 700
the summoning difficulty is exceeded.

Attack: NA Defense: NA
Usual appearance: Nifelheim will

Action: Active dance around the summoner

manifesting several copies of itself.
Effect: Creates an ice storm in a Gradually various currents of icy wind
radius of up to 500 meters around will rise where the dancers pass until
the summoner. Anyone within the the entire area around the summoner
area other than the summoner must is enveloped by a dense ice storm.
pass an MR or PhR against 160 each
round or suffer damage and a penalty Frosset for Alltid
to all actions equal to the level of
Difficulty: 380
failure. If because of the storm
someone reaches negative life points, Attack: 320 Defense: NA
instead of entering a state between
Action: Active
life and death they will become a
statue of ice, and will die if they Cost: 1000
receive even the slightest damage.
Effect: Locks the target in a prison of
This state will disappear if the victim imperishable ice where he will be
receives any supernatural healing or stuck in time for eternity. Whoever is
is exposed to a heat source for about hit by this attack must pass an MR or
an hour.

O3 0
PhR against 180 or they will be summoner and join forces to
completely locked inside a huge block immobilize their target with chains
of ice. Once trapped, there is no way and ice stakes. When completely
to escape the prison from the inside. immobilized Niflheim appears in the
Time does not pass inside the prison guise of a woman of enormous
so when the target is finally released, beauty with a pair of wings formed
only an instant will have passed for from snowflakes, and kisses her
him. prisoner sealing the curse. An eternal
and primordial ice extends from the
It is not possible to interact with the
victim's own heart to completely
prisoner in any way from the outside,
surround him and a mystical rune
nor to move the ice prison by any
appears on it to retain him in body
means except by beings of Gnosis 40
and soul.
or higher. However the prison can be
destroyed, although it is enormously
resistant. The prison is considered a
structure with 1000 health points for
every 10 points by which the
summoning difficulty has been
exceeded, a damage barrier of 200,
and halves all non-fire based damage
it receives. It also regenerates one
tenth of its total HP each round.

Duration: Up to a century for every

10 points by which the summoning
difficulty is exceeded.

Usual Appearance: Hundreds of

lesser ice spirits gather around the

Optional Rules
Fable, supplied by Shiryu
The vast majority of supernatural creatures have been the focus of numerous
studies throughout history and have appeared in many legends, books and
mystical treatises. Therefore, a sufficiently skilled occultist would be able through
study or analysis to discover what kind of creature he has before him, even
discovering his abilities, behaviour and history. The "legend" that surrounds each
creature is called a Fable.
It's important to explain that not all creatures necessarily have a fable, no
matter how powerful they are. A creature artificially created by an alchemist less
than a week ago and never seen in public could never have spawned a legend
around it.

O3 1
All the creatures can be identified in three different degrees of Fable according to
the knowledge that is had of them. Each one has an associated level of difficulty,
which must be reached in a check of the Occult secondary ability. For example, if
someone conducts a study on a being with a Fable value of 180/240/280 and
gets a final Occult result of 250, he would have reached the second value.
Fable Grade I: Vague Idea

It represents that the occultist has roughly identified the creature and may
have an idea of what, at least in theory, it could be.
He doesn't know what all of its powers and abilities are and even the few that he
does know are vague and undefined.
For example, he might consider that a being formed from a human-shaped
mass of darkness that he has encountered fits the description of an Ahriman, a
high elemental of darkness, said to be the ultimate champions of the shadows,
fearless to face anything. However, he does not know what his exact origins
are, or how his powers work other than that legend says that he is extremely
Fable Grade II: Identification

At this degree the occultist has correctly identified the creature. He has a pretty
good idea of its history and what its powers are, as well as how they should
work. He is only unaware of the most hidden details of its legend, as well as its
strangest powers.
For example, he would know that Ahrimanes are often contradictory creatures
who tend to evade man by living in the recesses of the Waking or even serving a
Dark Lord. He would also know that they are fighters who employ the arts of
subterfuge combined with their ability to strike through the shadows to finish off
their victims. In addition, these creatures have the condition of being practically
undetectable by mystical means, something that they can share with other beings
around them.
Fable Grade III: Dominion

The occultist knows in depth every detail related to the being, as well as its
history and capabilities. Arguably he is a true expert on the subject, and he knows
every line of its description, every secret of its powers, as well as some of the true
names of the most prominent entities of his lineage.
For example, he would know that Ahrimanes usually follow the doctrines of the
Shajad Abbado, Erebus and Jedah. He would also know that they are experts in
the ways of ki, possessing a high control over said power since they possess
several abilities and master a large number of the Obscuritas tree techniques.
Apart from their abilities to attack through the shadows, the Ahrimanes possess
a strange poison that weakens those to whom it is inoculated. Among the most
important members of these creatures we find Korelion the Exarch, Dareus the
Dire or Majerus the Demon of the Black Moon.

O3 2

Religion is one of the most important elements in the life of Gaïa. The vast
majority of people profess some kind of faith or belief related to superior powers
that are beyond the control of mortals. It is an intrinsically social phenomenon,
rooted in customs of each society.
For this reason, a character has the option to specialize their Occult secondary
skill in one of the following mythologies.
 Christian Faith: Markedly monotheistic religion, based on the concept
that there is only one creator God, who watches over humanity and tries
to guide us along the right path. Its premises are love, justice and. the
shelter of man, ensuring that even those who have nothing can find a
privileged place in the heavens.
 Lilium: The Lilium religion is a set of myths and beliefs centered around
nature, the magical world, and the spiritual world. Its practitioners have
an animistic conception of nature and the world itself; everything is full of
gods and demons, and often even the most important places are alive.
 Shukyokami: Shukyokami is the term used to encompass the worship of
the Kami, the deities of the island of Varja. According to his conception,
the Kami are creatures that exist at a higher level of existence, spiritual
representations of the most relevant things in the world.
 Aityr: The Aityr creed comprises the religious and spiritual beliefs of the
peoples of the Frozen Wastes and the descendants of the Holst caste.
Being a polytheistic religion, in general, people do not worship a single
god, but a group of deities whom they call precisely Aityr.
 Enneath: Enneath beliefs form the oldest religion of man. In the past it
was one of the majority doctrines, as its roots go back centuries before
the rise of Solomon's empire. The origin of the word Enneath has been
lost over the years, but its meaning still endures: "Heirs of Fate."
 Luminus Lacrimae: Luminus Lacrimae is the name of the majority
Sylvain religion that directly worships C'iel as Lady of Light. She is
considered a divine entity opposed to Gaira, the Bringer of Darkness, and
served directly by the Beryls, who, like C'iel herself, are themselves great
goddesses. It differs from other religions that have the Beryls as their
center because they worship them all as a divine pantheon, instead of
taking them separately.
 Tenebrae Carmen: The cult of the Shajads has always been much less
structured as a joint Church than that of the Beryls, since the ties
between the Dark Lords have always been less and they have usually
been at odds with each other. Therefore, despite the fact that for the Duk'
Tsarists they were main deities, each of the religions that worshiped them
was always independent of the others.

O3 3
 Oposium: This strange religion is not consecrated to Shajads or Beryls,
but to the C'iel and Gaira themselves (whom they called Hormuz and
Ahrinan), as supreme and opposing forces of Creation.
 Arium: Not much is known about this religion, except that it was
practiced by the Devas and was based on the great forces of Creation.
They spoke of the existence of a supreme spiritual mass called The
Nexus, a kind of absolute will from which all things were born. Their
representations and aspects were the Aeons and they believed that, by
dominating these forces, they themselves could become gods.
 Aramean Faith: The Aramean faith is a very ancient set of beliefs that
existed in the Al Enneath lands before the El Eyad revelations. It is
believed that the Aramese religion had a fairly large pantheon of gods,
especially those who had power over life and death.
 Vedic Faith: The Vedic faith is the set of religious beliefs developed by
the Salazar tribes upon arriving in Baho and being exposed to the Devah
culture. The result was a strange belief based on the cycle of
reincarnations controlled by deities that embody the concepts of reality.
 Cult of the Ascended: The cult of the Ascended was a short-lived
religion that, during the Age of Chaos, managed to amass a significant
following. According to its premises, mortals could achieve enough power
to become gods, and those who did were called "Ascended"
 Old Gods of the Abyss: As its name suggests, the belief in the Old Gods
is one of the oldest religions on Gaïa. It is originally linked to the Balzak
culture, although its relationship with the Itzi tribes over the last few
thousand years has caused it to be adopted by many humans as well.
Generally considered one of the darkest known religions, its cult has
spread secretly among many sectarians around the world, though never
in a truly structured way.
 Cult of the Seasons: The Cult of the Seasons is an ancient religion of
Daimah origin. It was born in Varja more than five thousand years ago
and since then it has become one of the most important naturalistic
beliefs in history. It bears some resemblance to the Lilium myths in that
its followers believe that everything that exists is alive and possesses a
spirit that is part of Gaïa. However, for them all these spirits are linked to
infinite cycles, a kind of wheel of time that makes everything end and
start over and over again. However, this circle does not work properly on
its own. Although everything is renewed, the spirit of the world continues
to age little by little, which makes it necessary to "help" it perceive when
one cycle ends and the next begins. To do this there are certain rituals
that give way to different stages of time and make the world work
 Tu’Tam: It is native to the Jayan tribes of the Eurakian plains, but over
thousands of years it has also been adopted by many of the human

O3 4
barbarians who follow it today. The Tu'tam believe that the world has two
plans of existence, the physical and the soul, which are both sides of the
same coin. Everything is full of spirits of all kinds, who watch that the
natural order of things is not altered.
 Tolkappiyam: Originally from Arabal, it is one of the oldest religions in
Eurakia. Their creed revolves around water, which they consider to be the
divine element from which everything arises and to which everything
ends up returning.
 Blood cult: Originating in the Vetala cultures, this dark religion worships
a pantheon of deities through blood sacrifice.
 Deus Ex Machina: The set of religious beliefs and philosophies was
developed by the peoplee of Solomon as their technological progress was
advancing. The basic doctrine assures that reality is a program created by
a divine machine and that anyone with enough knowledge is capable of
molding it.

Fable and Mythology in Creatures

Name Fable Mythology

Luminary 40 / 140 / 180 Luminus Lacrimae and Tu’Tam

Lagor 80 / 180 / 240 None

Nezuacuatil 80 / 180 / 240 Old Gods of the Abyss

Shadow 40 / 140 / 180 Tenebrae Carmen and Tu’Tam

Maiden of Light 120 / 240 / 280 Christian Faith, Luminus Lacrimae and Tu’Tam

Sylph 80 / 140 / 240 Luminus Lacrimae and Tu’Tam

Efreet 80 / 140 / 240 Enneath and Tenebrae Carmen

Titan 80 / 140 / 240 Tu’Tam

Undine 80 / 140 / 240 False Idols and Tolkappiyam

Hecatondies 140 / 240 / 280 Deus Ex Machina

O3 5
Grendel 120 / 180 / 240 None

Dragon 40 / 120 / 240 All

Zombie 40 /80/120 All

Slayer 80 / 140 / 240 None

Asagiri 80 / 140 / 240 Lilium and Cult of the Seasons

Filisnogos 280 / 320 / 440 None

Aberration 80 / 180 / 240 None

Lord of Darkness 120 / 240 / 280 Tenebrae Carmen and Tu’Tam

Abomination 120 / 180 / 240 Old Gods of The Abyss

Alius 80 / 140 / 240 Christian Faith, Luminus Lacrimae and Tu’Tam

Agni 120 / 240 / 280 Christian Faith, Vedic Faith and Tenebrae Carmen

Arias Vayu 120 / 240 / 280 Luminus Lacrimae

Chthon 120 / 240 / 280 Tu’Tam

Varuna 120 / 240 / 280 Tolkappiyam

Arch Chimera 120 / 180 / 240 None

Ahriman 80 / 180 / 240 Tenebrae Carmen

Animated Armor 80 / 140 / 180 None

Balzak 80 / 140 / 240 Old Gods of The Abyss

Banshee 120 / 180 / 240 Lilium, Luminus Lacrimae and Tenebrae Carmen

O3 6
Behemoth 140 / 280 / 320 Tu’Tam

False Idols, Christian Faith and Luminus

Belphe 80 / 180 / 240 Lacrimae

Spectral Beast 40 / 140 / 240 None

Blattodea 40/80/120 None

Void Knight 80 / 180 / 240 Enneath and Aramense Faith

Soul Scavenger 40 / 120 / 180 None

Cath Flidais 80 / 140 / 180 Lilium and Cult of the Season

Hunter (Type-012) No None

Chichusei 80 / 140 / 180 Shukyokami

Ignis 80 / 140 / 180 Christian Faith

Cerberus 80 / 180 / 240 Christian Faith

Barroque 120 / 180 / 240 Christian Faith

Striborg 80 / 140 / 180 Christian Faith

Manfeitor 80 / 180 / 240 Christian Faith

Infernal Duke 120 / 240 / 280 Christian Faith

Al-Djinn 120 / 240 / 280 Enneath

Yinnun 40 / 140 / 180 Enneath

Ice Maiden 120 / 180 / 240 Aityrand Shukyokami

O3 7
C’iel Dragon 120 / 240 / 280 Luminus Lacrimae

Gaira Dragon 120 / 240 / 280 Tenebrae Carmen

Dullahan 80 / 180 / 240 Lilium

Emeth 120 / 180 / 240 Deus Ex Machina

Sphynx 80 / 180 / 240 Arium, Enneath, Aramense Faith and Vedic Faith

Skeleton 40 /80/120 All

Etrien Gnosos 80 / 180 / 240 Arium, Luminus Lacrimae and Tenebrae Carmen

Ghost 40 /80/120 All

Aityr, Arium, Luminus Lacrimae and Tenebrae

Ginnungaus 120 / 180 / 240 Carmen

Gurmah-Gharus 80 / 140 / 180 None

Worms 40 / 120 / 140 None

Gwyllgi 40 / 140 / 180 Lilium and Cult of the Seasons

Hamadryad 40 / 140 / 180 Lilium

Sigma Hecatondies No Deus Ex Machina

Helleborum Gnidium 40 /80/140 None

Child of Baal 80 / 140 / 180 None

Red Ant 80 / 120 / 140 None

Huldra 80 / 140 / 180 Lilium

Humbaba 80 / 140 / 180 Tu’Tam

O3 8
Nature’s Wrath 80 / 180 / 240 Lilium, Tu’Tam and Cult of the Seasons

Drone No None

Technocrat No None

Carrier No None

Praetorian No None

Lapsia 40/80/120 Lilium and Shukyokami

Shadow Master 80 / 180 / 240 None

Nyx 80 / 140 / 240 None

Manticore 80 / 140 / 180 None

Marionette 80 / 140 / 180 None

Medusa 80 / 140 / 240 None

Mera Grifo 80 / 120 / 140 Arium and Luminus Lacrimae

Minotaur 80 / 120 / 140 Tu’Tam

Necro Golem 80 / 140 / 180 None

Spectral Observer 80 / 140 / 180 None

Omega No None

Oni Ashura 80 / 180 / 240 Shukyokami

Lesser Oni 80 / 140 / 240 Shukyokami

Infinite Orb No None

O3 9
Arctic Chimera 80 / 140 / 180 Aityr

Globe Frog 40/80/120 None

Raziel No None

Raziel Nk-X No None

Bone Collector 80 / 140 / 240 None

Blood Rose 80 / 140 / 240 Blood Cult

Rudraskha No Arium

Fiery Salamander 40/80/120 Tu’Tam

Dementia No Ninguna

Seraphim Potestas 120 / 240 / 280 Luminus Lacrimae

Lord of the Death 120 / 240 / 280 None

Shinigami 80 / 140 / 240 Shukyokami

Degenerate Serpent 40 / 120 / 180 Blood Cult and Tenebrae Carmen

Symbiosis 80 / 140 / 240 None

Succubus 80 / 140 / 180 Christian Faith

Type 005 No None

Valkyrie 80 / 140 / 240 Aityr

Zaqqun 40 / 140 / 180 None

Zopo 20 /40/80 None

O4 0
Astra, created by Ybber, supplied by Shiryu
“They are more than objects… They are dreams made of wood, glass, and metal.
Impossible wonders you can hold in your hands.”

Adrian Delacroix

As their fame is recognized throughout the world as objects of great power,

certain legendary weapons come to meld their energies with the Flux of Souls,
converting part of their essence into a minuscule part of it and residing there as
concepts. This strange power, which can be used by those versed in Summoning,
is known as Astra.

The Origin of the Astras

The Astras are a strange power where they exist, but one that has quickly become
normalized in occult circles due to the already known existence of the
Incarnations, with which they share a large number of characteristics. They are
not weapons as such, but spiritual formations created from a widespread belief in
an object that has left an important mark on history, causing it to be marked in
the Flux through common consciousness.

It must be said that it is not the true weapons from which their legend was
formed, but a simple reflection of the story that is told about them. There are
some that don't even resemble the original ones, just as others are strangely
similar, although they still have certain differences. Be that as it may, they are
idealized concepts through the eyes of the people, which gives birth to a
representation of what they really are. Some of them don't even exist anymore,
while others remain in history, either visible or hidden, but none of this influences
the fact that they remain Astras, because what really matters is their legend.

Of course, not all the objects in the story have ended up giving birth to an Astra,
since certain special conditions must be met for this to happen. To begin with, it
legend must be well spread among a large group of people, at least the size of a
country, who consider it unique and special. Second, it must have been used in an
event that marked history in one way or another.

The power of the Astras is very varied, depending both on the power of the
objects that originated them and the strength of the belief that gives them form.
Therefore, while they often have abilities based on what they originate from, by
residing in the Flow they can gain completely new and unique ones.

The Functioning of the Astras

For gameplay purposes, an Astra is similar to an Incarnation, though it has some

notable unique characteristics. Unlike the latter, the Astras do not use the
character's body as a catalyst, but they do move away from the Summons'

O4 1
alienation. Simply, they manifest as weapons that must be brandished by the
summoner, who will be the only one capable of using its power. It is not even
necessary for the summoner to know the use of the weapon from which they take
form, but they can use them with his full ability. Should a character be disarmed
while using an Astra, it totally loses its powers until it returns to their owner's
hand, simply counting as a +0 Quality weapon.

Astras work through a Bond, a connection that binds the character to the weapon
itself. There are five levels of Bond: null, lower, medium, higher, and arcane. Each
Astra is linked to archetypal concepts and ideas, which their summoner can share,
which will decide the level of Bond that unites them. Each concept that the
summoner and the Astra share will grant between +1 and +3 to the Bond of the
same, while those opposite concepts will reduce the Bond between -1 and -3. A
Null Bond level is one that includes any negative numbers, meaning the
summoner will not be able to manifest the Astra. A Lesser Bond is between +0
and +2, a Medium is between +3 and +6, a Higher is between +7 and +9, and
finally, an Arcane Bond is when the summoner has +10 or more.

Another limitation when using the Astras is that, many times, the summoner is
simply unable to bring out their full power, so no matter how much they have a
sufficient Bond level, they will not be able to use their true abilities if they do not
have the necessary level; in addition to this, each Bond level of an Astra has its
own set Summon check and associated Zeon cost. Next, the summoner must
decide how long they want the Astra to remain active, applying the appropriate
modifier as indicated in Table 12: Time Modifiers on page 73 of the Arcana Exxet.
In the event of a failed check, the effects of the level of failure are the same as if
a failed occured in summoning a creature, as explained in the core book. If, on
the other hand, it is successful, they pay the Zeon cost of the Astra and it
manifests on their hand, becoming able to use its abilities and powers for as long
as the period they would have determined in Table 12.

Contrary to what happens with the Arcane or the Aeons, using the power of the
Astras does not necessarily require a Pact with them. Rather, detailed knowledge
of the legend of that object is required. If a summoner does not have enough
information about the history of the Astra they intend to manifest, a -50 penalty is
applied to their Summon ability. It's important to note that, unlike Incarnations,
you don't need to perform a ritual to manifest an Astra, so Summon will always be
cast at a minimum of +0 (unless, of course, you already have another penalty).
Despite this, it is possible to do it if you are looking to obtain bonuses to the
Summon ability.

One last thing to add is that Astras are proud entelechies and do not allow their
summoner to use the influence of other beings to wield them, so they can only
use their natural ability to do so. That is, someone who has used an Incarnation
cannot bear an Astra with the combat ability they get from it, but with their own.

O4 2
Despite this, they can be combined with techniques, spells, or other powers that
temporarily increase the summoner's ability.

Force the Bond

There are extremely few cases where a summoner has obtained an Arcane Bond
with an Astra, as it implies a high level of synchronization between the two.
However, there is the possibility of forcing the use of a greater Bond. To do this,
before manifesting the Astra itself, a check of Power 10 plus the Bond level must
be made; if said control is passed, a bonus of +2 is obtained to the Bond level
that is actually possessed, only for said manifestation. Of course, if this results in
the ability to use a higher Bond level, it also means that you must pay the cost
and roll for that Bond level accordingly. It should be noted that a character with
Null Bond is unable to use this mechanic. In case the character who tries to force
the link fails, the manifestation will also fail and he will lose an amount of Zeon
equal to the amount of the Bond they try to manifest.

Level Requirement

As specified in the “The Functioning of the Astra” paragraph, each Bond level
requires a minimum character level to manifest. The level needed to make use of
each one is equal to the minimum number needed to use it, so that a lower bond
Astra can be manifested at level 0, medium Bond at level 3, higher at level 7 and
arcane at level 10.

Invocation Specialization

At the game level, the Astras work in a very similar way to the common summons
or incarnations, so that, in case the character has the summoner specialization,
the Zeon cost of the Astras is reduced by half.

Combination with Other Supernatural Powers

Supernatural powers that directly affect the powers granted by an Astra cannot be
combined with each other. For example, a Ki technique that grants a Turn bonus
can be used at the same time as an Astra, but it is not possible to apply a
technique's additional attacks to Carnwennan's Assassin's Mark ability. At the
game level, all of the Astras' special attacks function as a non-combinable Ki

O4 3
Astra example: Akhenaten, The Eternal Duty, supplied by Shiryu
It is said that this weapon was a gift from the Kalih Ampune, created with
materials from the Beyond, to his priests. However, the weapon would gain its
legend during the end of the reign of Amun I. The pharaoh had died of natural
causes and while his funeral services were being prepared, the servants of the
dark Kalih Shoteth infiltrated the Necropolis trying to raise his remains as a
necromantic abomination. Luckily the bearer of Akhenaten was present and after
a bloody battle he eliminates them at the cost of life. In his honor, the black guard
was created and Akhenaten was handed over to their leader, passing from one to
another for millennia. This duty still resonates in the flow of souls, allowing the
enemis of undeath to invoke Akhenaten, a beautiful khopesh of gold and bronze,
filled with Stygian motifs of Ampune and death.

Bond Modifiers

Being from Estigia +1

Be an honorable person +1

Be respectful to the dead +1

Follow the path of the Inara +1

Kill a necromantic being of high power +2

Being the leader of the black guard +2

Being able to sacrifice for the pharaoh +3

Being selfish -1

Go against the interests of Estigia -1

Fail in your duty -2

Be a servant of Shoteth -2

Practice Necromancy -3

O4 4
Lower Bond Gift of Ampune (Medium): While
wielding Akhenaten, the wearer is
Difficulty: 200
able to see the various spiritual

Quality: Create a +0 Quality entities.

Higher Bond
Spirit Blade: Akhenaten is capable
Difficulty: 300
of damaging spiritual beings as if he
possessed the ability to damage Zeon: 300
Quality: Create a +10 Quality
The Guardian (Lower): While Khopesh. Contrary to the general
wielding Akhenaten, the wielder is rules, this bonus is in addition to
considered to possess the Psychic and Magical Projection.
Bodyguard-style module.
Anomaly Terminator: Akhenaten's
Gift of Ampune (Lower): While attacks deal 50% more damage
wielding Akhenaten, the bearer has against necromantic beings.
a natural affinity for the felines who
The Guardian (Higher): While
consider him one of their own.
wielding Akhenaten, the wielder is
Medium Bond considered to have the Danger
Sense advantage.
Difficulty: 240
Gift of Ampune (Higher): While
Zeon: 200
wielding Akhenaten, the wearer is

Quality: Create a +5 Quality considered to be under the effects of

Khopesh. Contrary to the general the Spiritual Form Spell at Advanced

rules, this bonus is in addition to Tier.

Psychic and Magical Projection.

Arcane Bond
Unnatural Sense: Akhenaten
Difficulty: 380
begins to glow with a golden light
when necromantic entities are in his Zeon: 450
presence. This ability works as an
Quality: Create a +15 Quality
automatic effect with a MR 140 and
Khopesh. Contrary to the general
an area of 20 meters.
rules, this bonus is in addition to
The Guardian (Medium): While Psychic and Magical Projection.
wielding Akhenaten, the bearer is
Consecration: As a full action, the
considered to possess the Minor Ars
wielder of Akhenaten can turn an
Magnus: Guardian.
area within 20 meters into a holy
place of Ampune. Any living being

O4 5
inside it reduces pain and fatigue takes no additional defense penalties
penalties by half, while necromantic when protecting a third party.
beings must pass a MR check against
Gift of Ampune (Arcane): While
140 each turn or suffer the state of
wielding Akhenaten, the wearer
Weakness until they leave it. The
automatically exits the state
consecration lasts for a number of
between life and death and
minutes equal to the power attribute
Unconsciousness. Additionally, if
of its wearer.
they suffer a mortal wound they may
The Guardian (Arcane): While continue to act with full capacity for
wielding Akhenaten, the wielder one additional round before finally

Orlumbus, The Pioneer, supplied by Sadrith
Orlumbus is a quasi mythical figure in the history of humanity, famous for being
the first human who ever ventured into the now lost continents of Khalis and
Lunaris, and not only he came back alive, but he created the first ever map of the
entire world (at least the first one as far as the humans were aware). Orlumbus is
viewed as the one who lit the path for humanity in a bleak time where man
struggled to survive among far superior civilizations, and still today he is so highly
regarded that the church named him patron Saint of sailors and explorers.

General abilities Open mind: The summoner can

easily understand and speak to
Silk road: The summoner can walk
anyone even if they speak another
on any surface as if he had the ki
language. This ability doesn‟t allow
ability Weight reduction

O4 6
the summoner to actually speak Pioneer (Intermediate): The
another language, but instead gives summoner gains a final ability of 140
them and their interlocutors a in the skills Acrobatics, Persuasion,
natural understanding of what each Search, Track and Navigation.
other wants to communicate.
Real Affinity
Minor Affinity
Level: 6
Level: 2
Difficulty: 280 Cost: 400
Difficulty: 180 Cost: 200
Attack: 170 Dodge: 160
Attack: 100 Dodge: 90
Initiative: 130 Weapons: Tailwind
Initiative: 80 Weapons: Tailwind
Tailwind (Real): Tailwind becomes
Tailwind (Minor): Creates a +5 a +10 saber with 80 damage.
saber with 60 cutting damage.
Queen Catarina: When using this
Kindred wind: By cutting the air ability a spiritual manifestation of
Orlumbus can attack with air blades Orlumbus‟ famous ship appears
equivalent to thrown weapons with a under the summoner‟s feet and
maximum range of 50 meters. These together they ride the winds
blades have a Cutting air-based ramming every enemy on their way.
damage of 40, and ignore 3 AT. This counts as an area attack that
covers a straight line of up to 200
Pioneer (Minor): The summoner
meters and a width of 10 meters in
gains a final ability of 100 in the
front of the summoner. It has an
following skills: Acrobatics,
Impact damage of 150 and every
Persuasion, Search, Track and
enemy hit by it will be dragged to
the end point of the attack unless

Intermediate Affinity they can beat a Strength check of

15. The summoner will also move
Level: 4 with the ship, transporting
themselves to the end of the line.
Difficulty: 220 Cost: 300
Pioneer (Real): The summoner
Attack: 140 Dodge: 130
gains a final ability of 180 in the
Initiative: 100 Weapons: Tailwind skills Acrobatics, Persuasion, Search,
Track and Navigation.
Sixth sense: The summoner gains
the advantage Danger Sense.

Rip current: Once per round, if the

summoner lands an attack on an
enemy (damaging or not) they gain
an extra attack with no penalty.

O4 7
Samael's Lost Dream, Mariam, supplied by Meseguis
Miriam, or Mariam Nul Del Bellum as she was
called among her kind, was one of Samael's
youngest members, having lost her parents
when she was only fourteen years old, the
organization accepted her and she swiftly
garnered the hearts of even the most ruthless.
It is said that one day she came across a
grimoire in which hundreds of magical
creatures were imprisoned, and that one of
them, the book's guardian, entrusted her with
recovering the pages scattered all across Gaïa,
which became her life's mission. Her death
may be one of the most mourned in Samael.

One day, she took too long to return from one

of her missions, so fearing the worst, they
tracked down her magical trail in some Vetala
ruins, where they discovered her dead body
after four days of searching, it was discovered
she had sacrificed herself to stop a creature
from attacking a nearby town sealing it inside
her book. Her spirit managed to give birth to
an incarnation, maybe by the immense
energy she unleashed during the fight or
because of the love Samael had for her.

Summoning modifiers

Be charming and well-liked by everyone +20

Have a life mission +20

Be Pure Sylvain or Nephilim Sylvain +40

Being very young or thought to be too young +40

Have a possession of Mariam +50

Own the Heavenly Grimoire of Holy Beasts +150

Not having a purpose or goal in life -20

Being considered too old -20

Being despised or rejected by those around you -20

Refuse to help or protect others -100

O4 8
General Abilities Amphitrite, Queen of the Nereids
(Summon): The summoner sheds a tear
A world of fantasy: The summoner
on the palm of its hand, which expands
obtains See the supernatural and in
into a lovely silver hand mirror. Anyone
case they don‟t have The Gift, they
who looks at itself on the mirror has
obtain it (Without any knowledge on
complete control over its own
any of the schools of magic).
appearance as long as it maintains its
Loved by all: The summoner gains size and weight, though only until the

Charm and no supernatural creature will next morning. If employed against an

wish to attack them unless it is of violent opponent, they must overcome a MR of

nature or forced to attack. 120 in order to avoid losing their shape

for the same number of hours as the
Minor Affinity failure level or until the next morning.

Level:3 Anteros, Unrequited Love Avenger

(Summon): As the summoner forms a
Difficulty:200 Zeon:200
bow with its hands, a bow appears in
Small but Bully: The summoner may front of them, firing an attack with a base
dominate Between Worlds with their ability of 140 that is considered a shot. If
voice, any entity who hears the the target is hit, it is fascinated by the
summoner must overcome a MR/PsR of first thing it sees, whether animals,
120 or obey them for as many hours as plants, or gorgeous lights. Forcing it to
the failure level (One creature each overcome a MR against 120, but if the
time, if the summoner orders a resistance fails by more than 40 points,
different creature, it will lose control of the objective will fall in love with the
the first one controlled). summoner for the number of hours equal
to the level of failure.
Celestial Summoner: The summoner
can employ two of Mariam's abilities Kyriotes, Heaven's Guardian
marked with "Summon" on the title per (Summon): Kneeling and clasping its
round. The same skill may never be hands in prayer, a lovely female-looking
repeated two times on the same turn. angel lands in front of the summoner
with golden spear and shield. Kyriotes
Eurus, Lord of the Winds of the East stands between the summoner and its
(Summon): By raising its hand and foes with a defense of 160, blocking any
forming an evocation circle with the assaults that come her way. If she gets
finger the summoner calls forth Eurus in a counterattack, she can only make one
his enormous avian shape. Eurus flaps per turn to the first person who attacks
his wings, creating a powerful wind that with 140 attack plus the counterattack
knocks down up to three opponents modifier. She can utilize her spear as a
Eurus makes an attack with a basic projectile to counter a ranged attack,
damage of 40 that can damage energy and it will reappear in her hand after
and has an attack ability of 140 that also striking or missing. Her protection lasts
counts as a force 10 impact. 5 rounds.

O4 9
Real affinity ATs, from cut up to cold, except for
energy. The assault won‟t stop until all of
Level: 6
the angels have completed their attacks.
Difficulty: 260 Zeon: 350
Eyes of the White Dragon (Summon):
Globetrotter: The summoner gains base For a few seconds, the summoner covers

ability of 120 in the following skills; its eyes, and upon reveal, they transform

Athletics, Acrobatics, Commerce, History, into the blue eyes of a white dragon. It

Disguise and Music. gains base ki detection of 180, and

ignores penalties to vision for an hour.
Willpower: Increases “Small but bully”‟
resistance up to 160 and the maximum Psyche, Life and Death Butterfly

of controlled creatures up to 2. (Summon): Extending both palms

skyward, a swarm of butterflies‟ flies
Ophanim, Those Who Hold the towards the summoner's enemies and
Thrones (Summon): The sky is torn to allies. Opponents within 50 meters must
make way for the Ophanim, the group of overcome a MR of 180 or lose 10 points
female-like angels who hold the Beryls' of life for each level of failure; all damage
thrones; together, the six angels perform suffered will be distributed equally
six consecutive attacks with an ability of between the summoner and its allies
180 and a base damage of 60; each healing their wounds immediately.
attack damages in each of the game's

 During her journeys, Mariam pretended to be a nun, performing "miracles" for
individuals who needed her assistance, all under the name of Miriam
González. For this everyone teased her about how fake her Argos accent
sounded until she was able to do it properly.
 In the end her deception was so good that she managed to convince the
church that she was one of them, even partnering with them in a handful of
 Although Mariam interacted with all of the creatures named here, she never
had any interaction with angels of any type, therefore it appears that this is a
later addition to the story by the religious people she assisted, thus appearing
on the incarnation.
 Bellona, the grimoire's first creature and the girl's guardian, still mourns the
girl's loss; curiously, she refuses to explain how she died. She decided to
spend the rest of her years mourning her death and resenting one of the
creatures on the book, Durathror.
 As a sign of respect for Mariam, the Celestial Grimoire of the Holy Beasts is
currently locked and hidden by Samael's top-ranking members. Currently is
under Dinah‟s protection.
 One day, Dinah jokingly referred to her as "My little dream," and from then
on, everyone in Samael started calling her like that.
 On her gravestone reside the words "Tsuneni yume o miru," which means
"Always keep on dreaming" in Yamato, which Aoi Inukai used to tell her
whenever she was sad.

O5 0
Joshua of Zed, supplied by Sadrith
Joshua of Zed is one of the most revered Apostles. Joshua and his brother Julian
were two slaves under the oppression of the mageocracy of Yehudah, whose
parents had been killed for opposing the brotherhood of magicians. Joshua is said
to have had the ability to see the future and to have announced to all the arrival
of the Messiah. For this he was terribly tortured and his masters cruelly gouged
out his eyes. Before being executed, Abel took the capital of the sorcerers and
freed Joshua. From then on, the young man and his brother became Apostles and
followed the savior everywhere. Many religious people consider Joshua as one of
the main champions against the supernatural, because of the corruption and
darkness it brings with it. Unfortunately, his health was frail, and he died at the
age of twenty-six, only three years after the death of Christ.

He is known as The Eyes of God and is the patron saint of

martyrs and artists. His zodiacal symbol is Gemini.

General abilities

Pacifism: While using this incarnation the summoner can‟t perform any offensive
action. This includes regular physical attacks, any supernatural power that
requires an opposed check against the target or invocations with Attack values.

Julian of Zed: When incarnating into Joshua, the summoner can choose one of
their allies to become Julian. That ally will acquire the abilities listed for Julian on
each Affinity as if they themselves were using the incarnation. Whoever gets
incarnated into Julian must also meet the incarnation‟s level requirement.

O5 1
Minor Affinity to use a defensive ki technique after
Level: 1 Difficulty: 140 Cost: 150 having rolled defense and add the
Basic abilities techniques bonus to their final result.
Joshua Julian Divine protection: Both Joshua and
Attack: N/A Attack: 80 Julián can try to repeat a resistance
Parry: 100 Parry: 120 check with a +20 bonus to get rid of a
Initiative: 30 Initiative: 0 negative effect afflicting them.
Weapon: Kalah Weapon: Aldebaran Divine luck: During their next round
Joshua Julián can choose to repeat one die roll
Kalah: Creates a bastard sword of +15 as long as it‟s not a fumble.
quality, but since it can‟t be used to Julian
attack it deals no damage. Aldebaran (Intermediate):
Eye of god: The summoner gains the Aldebaran becomes a +15 quality
essential ability Extrasensorial vision. weapon and it‟s damage increases to
Julian 220
Aldebaran (Minor): Creates an Superhuman strength: Julian gets a
enormous greatsword of +10 quality. 13 as their strength attribute and can
Aldebaran deals 200 Cutting or Impact perform inhuman actions based on
damage. strength.
My brother’s guardian: Julian can Guardian of the faith: Julian is
defend Joshua as a passive action and protected by a full plate armor that
without any penalty to his defense gives him an AT of 5 against every
ability. attack.
Intermediate Affinity
Level: 4 Difficulty: 220 Cost: 300
Basic abilities
Joshua Julian
Attack: N/A Attack: 130
Parry: 120 Parry: 170
Initiative: 40 Initiative: 20
Weapon: Kalah Weapon: Aldebaran
Chosen by god: Once per round the
summoner can use any of the abilities
with the prefix “Divine” as an active
Divine precognition: At their next
turn, if either Joshua or Julián want to
use an ability that must usually be
declared before rolling a die, they can
ignore that rule and choose to use
that ability after knowing the final
result. For example, they could choose

O5 2
Real Affinity make their roll, and it can only be
Level: 6 Difficulty: 280 Cost: 400 given once. The Divine intervention roll
Basic abilities is never considered a fumble or an
Joshua Julian opened roll.
Attack: N/A Attack: 180 Divine grace: Until the end of the
Parry: 140 Parry: 220 next round any attack directed at
Initiative: 50 Initiative: 40 Joshua or Julián will reduce its base
Weapon: Kalah Weapon: Aldebaran damage by 40 points.
Joshua Julian
Divine guidance: During their next Aldebaran (Real): Aldebarán
turn Julián will have a +30 bonus to becomes a +20 quality weapon and its
one action of their choosing. damage increases to 250.
Divine intervention: The summoner By your side: Julian can teleport
rolls a d100, from that moment and besides Joshua as an active action.
until Divine intervention is used again This power can‟t be used if Joshua and
the summoner can give that roll to Julian are in different planes of
anyone who makes an ability or existence or separated by an
initiative check. The summoner must enchanted wall.
declare if he wants to give someone
the Divine intervention before they

Abdel Majid Al Karjah, First Sultan of Kushistan, supplied by


In the third century before Abel, Kushistan

was threatened by the invasion of an army
of elementals and djinn from the Salazar
desert. The situation looked dire because
after the fall of Nahime, the people of
Kushistan were divided and engaged in
internal conflicts in search of supremacy. It
would not be until Abdel Majid Al Karjah
unified his people by forming a powerful
army and he would achieve what many
believed impossible by achieving victory
against the invaders. This ushered Kushistan
into a new golden age making the Great
Sultan a figure acclaimed and revered for
centuries to come.

O5 3
Generic Powers Suqut Alriysh: The summoner can
weaken the impact of a fall by reducing
Master of Raks Al-Khanjar-Khanjar:
the distance to a quarter. For example,
The summoner benefits from the
activating this ability, a fall of 20 meters
Ambidextrous advantage.
would be equivalent to one of 5 meters.

Minor Affinity
Great Sultan (Minor): The summoner

Level: 3 Difficulty: 220 gains a Final Ability of 120 on the

following Secondary: Acrobatics, Jump,
Zeon: 250 Story (Kushistan), Occult (Djinn),
Leadership and Persuasion.
Attack: 110 Dodge: 120
Intermediate Affinity
Initiative: 70 Weapon: Sun and Moon
Daggers Level: 5 Difficulty: 280

Sun and Moon Daggers (Daggers): Zeon: 400

Creates two daggers of quality +0 with
a base Damage 40, capable of Attack: 140 Dodge: 150
damaging energy and attacks in Thrust
Initiative: 90 Weapon: Sun and Moon
as a Primary Critical and in Cut as a
Secondary Critical.
Sun and Moon Daggers (Weapon):
Alqafz Almalak: The summoner is
The Dagger of the Sun increases its
considered to have a Movement Value of
quality to +5 during the day and the
13 to calculate the distance they can
Dagger of the Moon increases its quality
jump. If they spend fatigue points to
to +5 at night. This increases their base
improve their jumping ability it grants a
+20 bonus instead of the usual +15.

O5 4
damage to 50 but has no effect on their to +10 at night. This increases their
turn. base damage to 60 but has no effect on
their turn.
Alddafie Aldifaeiu: The summoner
gains a special +20 bonus to their Light of the Sun: The summoner can
Dodge skill when they spend Fatigue make a ranged attack with a range of
Points to upgrade it. 20 meters, has 70 base damage and
attacks in Heat. The target must pass a
Aikhtiraquha: Once every five turns
Notice vs. Absurdity check (180) or take
the summoner can use their presence to
the Blind penalty. This ability can only
bolster their allies' spirits. This ability
be used once every three rounds.
grants a +40 bonus to Composure to all
allies within 20 meters of him. Half Moon: The summoner can make
area attacks with only half the penalty.
Great Sultan (Intermediate):The
Also daggers are considered great
summoner gains a Final Ability of 160
weapons when it comes to seeing how
on the following Secondary: Acrobatics,
many enemies they can hit.
Jump, Story (Kushistan), Occult (Djinn),
Sarkhat‟alharb: The summoner uses the
Leadership and Persuasion.
power of the stars to enhance their

Real Affinity abilities and those of their allies. Once

every five rounds all allies around them
Level: 7 Difficulty: 340 within a radius of 10 meters, and the
summoner himself, receive a special
Zeon: 700
bonus of +40 to their Initiative and +20
Attack: 180 Dodge: 200 to the Damage of any of their attacks,
also obtaining the ability to damage
Initiative: 110 Weapon: Sun and energy.
Moon Daggers
Great Sultan (Real): The summoner
Sun and Moon Daggers (Weapon): gains a Final Ability of 200 on the
The Dagger of the Sun increases its following Secondary: Acrobatics, Jump,
quality to +10 during the day and the Story (Kushistan), Occult (Djinn),
Dagger of the Moon increases its quality Leadership and Persuasion.

O5 5
Alamir, The Thief of the Sands, supplied by Shiryu
Almir was one of the most prodigious
thieves to ever set foot on Gaïa. Born in
the fiery sands of Salazar, his first major
coup was to steal the fortune of the tribal
leaders during the week of gifts, since then
his coups became more daring and
grandiose. He pillaged the tombs of the
Necropolis, robbed the armory of the Great
Sultan, snatched the crown jewels of the
Noxxos Regan citadel, took the dawn jewel
from the Ul Del Sylvanus family, snatched
the crown from the Kotoamatsukami
Michinokami... Ironically , despite all of his
blows, he never used his earnings for more
than subsistence, preferring to donate his
fortune among the needy.

According to legend, it is possible that he

will attain the state of incarnation in his
last and most ambitious coup, a foray into
the personal Hell of the Infernal Duke

O5 6
Generic Powers Legendary Thief (Minor): The
summoner gains a Final Ability of
Djinn blood: The summoner is able
160 on the following Secondary:
to clearly discern illusions and lies.
Jump, Climb, Appraisal, Lock Picking,
They receive a +40 bonus to their
Hide, Theft and Stealth.
resistances against any type of
illusion and perceive creatures Intermediate Affinity
endowed with invisibility as
Level: 6 Difficulty: 270
supernatural power.

Zeon: 480
Shadow Steps: The summoner can
move with full MT while using Attack: 130 Dodge: 160
Stealth, applying only a -20 penalty
to his ability. Initiative: 140

Minor Affinity Weapon: Sayf Alnasr and Yad Allls.

Level: 3 Difficulty: 220 Sayf Alnasr (Weapon): Create a

+5 scimitar with Base Damage 60,
Zeon: 240 capable of damaging energy, attack
in Cut and do double damage to
Attack: 100 Dodge: 120
ground-based beings.
Initiative: 110
Eaba'at Alnasr: The summoner can
Weapon: Sayf Alnasr. merge with Sayf Alnasr, taking the
form of a desert eagle. In this form
Sayf Alnasr (Weapon): Creates a
he happens to use the token of an
+0 scimitar with Base Damage 50,
eagle although he retains his life
attack in Cut and do double damage
points and intellectual secondaries
to ground-based beings.
as well as those granted by this

Darbat Masruqa: The summoner incarnation.

can use Sayf Alnasr to perform the
Yad Alls (Weapon): Create a +10
Disarm maneuver without penalty. If
quality cestus with a base Damage
successful, he can snatch the
of 45, attacks with Thrust and Cut.
weapon and choose to store it in
Counts as a +5 quality climbing
Haqibat Qae or wield it in his other
Aftah ya Simsm: Placing Yad Alls
Haqibat Qae (Minor): The
on a door or lock can supernaturally
summoner has a bag in which he can
open it. This ability affects any door
store vast amounts of items for the
or lock up to presence 60 and is not
duration of his incarnation. For game
created by supernatural means.
purposes, it is considered a bag
Haqibat Qae (Intermediate): The
affected by the spell "Infinite Bag" in
Tier of the spell “Infinite Bag” rises
Intermediate Tier.
to Advanced.

O5 7
Legendary Thief (Intermediate): and exit through the other, and vice
The summoner gains a Final Ability versa. The maximum range that can
of 200 on the following Secondary: separate the gates is one kilometer
Jump, Climb, Appraisal, Lock Picking, and it cannot affect gates of
Hide, Theft and Stealth. supernatural origin or behind
supernatural barriers.
Real Affinity
Muzdawij wahmi: The summoner
Level: 9 Difficulty: 320
can create a copy of themselves. The

Zeon: 620 copy possesses all the abilities

granted by the incarnation but only
Attack: 180 Dodge: 200 resists one hit before disappearing.
The copy and the summoner share
Initiative: 170
Weapon: Sayf Alnasr and Yad Allls.
Note: This copy does not have any
Sayf Alnasr (Weapon): Create a of the summoner's natural abilities
+10 scimitar with Base Damage 70, (for example, it does not have a
capable of damaging energy, attack zeon pool of its own).
in Cut and do double damage to
Haqibat Qae (Real): The Tier of
ground-based beings.
the spell “Infinite Bag” rises to
Yad Alls (Weapon): Create a +15 Arcane. If anyone other than the
quality cestus with a base Damage summoner attempts to reach into
of 55, attacks with Thrust and Cut. the bag, they must pass a Dexterity
Counts as a +10 quality climbing check against 14 or take 5 points of
gear. damage per failure level.

Alaitisal: The summoner can Legendary Thief (Real): The

connect two doors on which they summoner gains a Final Ability of
have used the ability "Aftah ya 240 on the following Secondary:
Simsm" being able to open one door Jump, Climb, Appraisal, Lock Picking,
Hide, Theft and Stealth.

O5 8
El Eyad, Jihamath’s First Illuminated, supplied by Shiryu

According to the Enneath creed, more than

three millennia ago in the mountains of
Samutai Jihamath he chose El Eyad and
taught him the path of the True Faith so that
he would lead the rest of men by it. From
his teachings, collected in the book of the
ka, the entire Enneath church and its
customs would develop.

O5 9
Generic Powers the Bad Luck disadvantage for the
duration of the incarnation. This
Voice of Jihamath: The
ability works like a soul spell and
summoner is considered to have
has a MR of 140.
the Charming and Touched by
Destiny advantage. The Prophet (Minor): The
summoner gains a Final Ability of
Minor Affinity
120 on the following Secondary:

Level: 4 Difficulty: 280 Story (Al-Enneath), Law, Occult

(Enneath) and Persuasion.
Zeon: 350
Intermediate Affinity
Magic projection: 140
Level: 7 Difficulty: 340
Initiative: 80
Zeon: 700
Weapon: None.
Magic projection: 180
Vision of Amenhotep: The
summoner is able to discern the Initiative: 100.

sins that stain the human soul by

Weapon: None.
looking into the eyes of people.
This ability works as an automatic Jerut's Verdict: The summoner
spell with MR 140, in case the channels the power of the Kalih
target does not pass it, the Jerut to punish the sins of those
summoner will obtain information who follow the Path of Qamar.
about all the acts that he has done This ability works as a soul spell
that cause him feelings of guilt or whose effect is a penalty to all
are of a truly evil nature. actions and with a base MR of 60
that increases by +20 for each
The Path of Inara (Minor): The
deadly sin the target has
summoner designates a target as
committed, up to a maximum of
a true follower of the right path by
granting them the boons of
Jihamath. The target is considered The Path of Inara
to have the Good Luck advantage (Intermediate): In addition to
for the duration of the incarnation. the above benefits, the target is
In case someone wants to resist also considered to have the
this ability they can do it if he Fortunate advantage.
exceeds a MR of 120.
The Path of Qamar
The Path of Qamar (Minor): (Intermediate): In addition to
The summoner condemns a target the above penalties, the target
who is following the path of also has the Unfortunate
Qamar to the fury of the Kalih. disadvantage. The skill's MR is
The target is considered to have increased to 140.

O6 0
The Prophet (Intermediate):
The summoner gains a Final
Ability of 180 on the
following Secondary: Story
(Al-Enneath), Law, Occult
(Enneath) and Persuasion.

Real Affinity

Level: 10 Difficulty: 400

Zeon: 900

Magic projection: 210

Initiative: 120.

Weapon: None.

Gift of Jihamath: The

summoner is immune to any
attack that is not capable of
damaging energy.

The Path of Inara (Real):

In addition to the above
benefits, once per round the
target may choose one roll
and roll twice, keeping the
better result.

The Path of Qamar (Real):

In addition to the above,
once per round the
summoner can choose a
specific roll for the target to
roll twice and get the worse
result. The MR of this ability
increases to 180.

The Prophet
(Intermediate): The
summoner gains a Final
Ability of 240 on the following
Secondary: Story (Al-Enneath),
Law, Occult (Enneath) and

O6 1
Nie, Queen of the Sidhe, supplied by Shiryu
Nie, the terrible, was one of the greatest
warriors of the Shide and together with
her sisters Badhbh and Macha were
known as Mór-Ríoghain Iúir, the ghostly
maidens of The Yew, because in their
path the enemies of the great trees
found only death . As Nuada's wife, Nie
is considered as the queen of the Shide,
usually her legends treat her as a
righteous but stern ruler.

She died along with her husband by

killing Balor, the avatar of the White

O6 2
Generic Powers Intermediate Affinity

The Terrible: The summoner is Level: 8 Difficulty: 300

considered to have the Disquieting
Zeon: 600

Attack: 240 Dodge: 220

Maiden of The Yew: All of the
summoner's attacks against Initiative:170 Weapon: Carnwennan.
humanoid beings (Medium Size
Category) deal double damage. Carnwennan (Weapon): The quality
bonus increases to +10 and its base
Minor Affinity damage to 50. If it causes damage, it
cancels until the end of the round all
Level: 4 Difficulty: 260
special bonuses, natural or mystical,
Zeon: 400 that the target has to its Resistances.

Attack: 160 Dodge: 140 Lightning Strikes: The summoner

only suffers a -10 penalty for each
Initiative:120 Weapon: Carnwennan.
additional attack declared with

Carnwennan (Weapon): This ability Carnwennan.

create a +5 quality dagger with the

Gift of The Yew: The summoner
ability to damage energy, its base
innately knows which are the
damage is 40 and it attacks in Thrust
vulnerable points of their opponents.
as a Primary Critical and in Cut as a
Secondary Critical. Phantasmal Maiden
(Intermediate): Anyone who comes
One with the Shadows: While the
into contact with the summoner feels
summoner is in areas where sunlight
the yew's cold presence and must pass
does not shine, they gain a +40 bonus
a MR 140 or suffer a penalty to all
to their Stealth and Hide secondary
actions and a loss of life equal to half
the level of failure.
Phantasmal Maiden (Minor): During
Mór-Ríoghain Iúir (Intermediate):
the incarnation the summoner
The summoner gains a Final Ability of
considers themself a spectral being, so
200 on the following Secondary:
they ignore any attack that is not
Acrobatics, Medicine (Anatomy),
capable of damaging energy and are
Intimidate, Hide and Stealth.
capable of traversing non-supernatural
physical obstacles. Real Affinity

Mór-Ríoghain Iúir (Minor): The Level: 12 Difficulty: 380

summoner gains a Final Ability of 140
Zeon: 900
on the following Secondary:
Acrobatics, Medicine (Anatomy), Attack: 280 Dodge: 260
Intimidate, Hide and Stealth.
Initiative: 210 Weapon: Carnwennan

O6 3
Carnwennan (Weapon): The quality
bonus improves to +15 and its base
damage to 60. As long as the
wounds caused by the weapon
don‟t heal, the target suffers the
effects of the disadvantages Bad
Luck and Unfortunate.

Peerless Assassin: If the

summoner makes a surprise
attack against an opponent who
is not expecting the attack,
Carnwennan increases his base
damage by 50 points and grants
+40 to the critical result

Judgment of the Yew: Once per

incarnation the summoner can
declare a target to die by the
yew's authority, making their
next attack against it virtually
unavoidable and deadly. This
ability grants a +100 bonus to
their offensive ability and causes
an automatic critical hit.

Phantasmal Maiden (Real):

Once per use of the incarnation
the summoner is able to channel
all of the yew's deadly essence in
the form of an unearthly howl. All
those capable of hearing the howl
must pass a MR 180 or they will
suffer damage equal to twice
their failure level, but if they miss
by more than 60 they will die.

Mór-Ríoghain Iúir (Real): The

summoner gains a Final Ability of
260 on the following Secondary:
Acrobatics, Medicine (Anatomy),
Intimidate, Hide and Stealth.

O6 4
Dullahan, The Dark King, supplied by Shiryu

The King of Blood, the lord of the

throne of skulls... by these and
many more dark names is known
the one who was the most
bloodthirsty and depraved of all
the Lim Shide, the Dark King

Once the most faithful of Nuada's

followers, when his lord fell to The
Hawthorn Champion something
broke inside him, all hope in
humanity abandoned him and he
decided that if he could not
destroy the forces of darkness he
would rule them.

To do this, he subdued hundreds of dark spirits and through dark rituals united
them with the souls of Nuada's fallen warriors creating a court of dark creatures.
Together with his forces he eliminated the leaders of the White Thorn's forces until
there was no one left to challenge his might.

His reign of terror would finally end when he was defeated by the Lim Shide Mug
Ruith and his allies in a titanic battle in the Forest of Eternal Night.

O6 5
Generic Powers summoner can sacrifice 10 or more
LP to increase the additional AT
The Black King: The summoner is
reduction by 1 (up to a maximum of
considered to have the Disquieting
5) or to increase the PhR needed to
and See the Supernatural
overcome cold damage by +10 (up to
a maximum of +50).
Blood Drinker: Whenever the
Blood Shards: The summoner can
summoner causes a kill with Gram,
spend one of Gram's power points to
the sword gains 1 Power point, up to
materialize dozens of blood shards
a maximum of 13. These Power
with which to make an attack in a 5
points can be used to pay for the
meter radius area with a base
incarnation's abilities. Gram starts
damage of 50 attacking at the Thrust
with a number of power points
AT. The summoner can sacrifice 10 or
already stored within it based on the
more LP to increase the base damage
affinity the summoner incarnates in:
of the attack by +10 (up to a
1 in Minor, 2 in Intermediate, and 3
maximum of 100) or to increase the
in Real.
area of the attack by 1 meter (up to

Minor Affinity a maximum of 10 meters).

Level: 5 Difficulty: 270 Zeon: 400 Dark Court (Minor): All the dark
spirits related to the Lilium myths
Attack: 170 Block: 150 consider the summoner their direct
hierarchical superior and therefore
Initiative: 50. Weapon: Gram
they will obey them. In case they
Gram (Weapon): Creates a +10 want to refuse to carry out an order,
quality greatsword capable of they must pass a MR check against
damaging energy with base 110 120.
damage that attacks on Cut as a
Monarch of Darkness (Minor): The
Primary Critical and on Cold as a
summoner gains a Final Ability of 160
Secondary Critical.
in the following Secondary:
Blood Pact: Instead of charging Composure, Occult, Intimidate and
Gram with the life of others, the Leadership.
summoner can sacrifice 20 Life Points
to gain 1 point of Power. They can
also choose to sacrifice life points to
enhance further any of the qualities
of the sword.

Crimson Edge: The summoner can

spend one of Gram's power points so
that all attacks made with it this
round ignore 2 additional AT points
than indicated by its quality. The

O6 6
Intermediate Affinity Monarch of Darkness
(Intermediate): The summoner
Level: 9 Difficulty: 380
gains a Final Ability of 220 in the

Zeon: 750 following Secondary: Composure,

Occult, Intimidate and Leadership.
Attack: 240 Block: 220
Real Affinity
Initiative: 70 Weapon: Gram
Level: 13 Difficulty: 490
Gram (Weapon): As long as Gram
has at least one point of power, it Zeon: 1400
increases its quality to +15 and its
Attack: 300 Block: 280
base damage to 120.
Initiative: 90 Weapon: Gram
Blood Armor: The summoner can
spend one of Gram's power points to Gram (Weapon): As long as Gram
gain AT 3 against any kind of attack has at least seven points of power, it
for one round. In case the summoner increases its quality to +20 and its
receives an attack that ignores AT base damage to 130.
after calculating the damage, the
Hell of Blood: The summoner can
armor explodes performing an
spend 3 points of Gram's power to
automatic “Blood Shards” attack
double its base damage for the rest
using the Attack Ability base of the
of the round. The summoner can
incarnation grade as the final attack
sacrifice 50 LP so that the damage
default ability. The summoner can
dealt by Gram this round is
sacrifice 10 or more LP to increase
considered a Sacrifice.
his AT by +1 (up to a maximum of
+5) or for the uses mentioned in Ragnarok: The summoner spends 3
“Blood Shards”. of Gram's power points to gain a +50
bonus to one of their attacks. The
Decapitator: The summoner can
summoner can sacrifice 10 or more
spend one of Gram's power points to
LP to increase this bonus by +10 (up
nullify penalties when making an
to a maximum bonus of +150).
attack aimed at the head as well as
receive a +40 bonus to the level of Dark Court (Real): Spectres are
any potential critical. The summoner also affected by the summoner's
can sacrifice 10 or more LP to presence, although the MR to refuse
increase the critical bonus by +10 (to to obey is 100.
a maximum of +60).
Monarch of Darkness (Real): The
Dark Court (Intermediate): Dark summoner gains a Final Ability of 280
spirits unrelated to Lilium are also in the following Secondary:
affected by the summoner's Composure, Occult, Intimidate and
presence, but the MR to refuse to Leadership.
obey is only 100.

O6 7
The First King, supplied by Sadrith
Although both his name and that of his empire have been forgotten millennia ago,
the figure of the First King is one of the most legendary in all of Gaïa.

The First King is a mythological figure that appears in the legends of practically all
human cultures in Gaïa, although each one attributes different names to him,
different ethnicity and changes various details of his history. However, he is
always considered solely responsible for organizing the first humans into a
civilization as we understand it today, creating an Empire that came to dominate
the entire world (although most historians believe that this detail has been greatly
exaggerated or doubt that there is any veracity in the legends).

According to most versions, the First King amassed a colossal collection of

supernatural objects through conquest, and as it grew so did the power of its lord.

The details of his death are very contradictory among the various versions of the
legend, but in all of them it was the King's greed that brought his death. Some
versions say he was destroyed by the gods as punishment for claiming to be as
powerful as them, others say his own vassals murdered him when he refused to
share their treasures, and one of the more colorful versions of the story says he
was crushed to death under the weight of a mountain of treasure that fell on him.
Although the most widespread story is that he met his end due to a cursed object
capable of granting wishes, as a poorly formulated wish caused the artifact to
erase him from existence.

This incarnation
possesses a unique
peculiarity, since
due to its antiquity
its history has been
lost and distorted
to such an extent
that no one even
knows its name.
Consequently the
abilities it bestows
bear no relation to
the individual who
gave rise to it nor

the objects it actually amassed. Instead, the incarnation has taken on the concept
of "collector", manifesting shadows of some of the most important weapons in
human history, the kind of weapons that people imagine that legendary figure
might have used, even though in reality most of them did not even exist at the

O6 8
Generic Powers Initiative: +10

Tubal Cain: Depending on the Pertho: Creates a Staff of +10 quality

Weapon and Armor currently equiped, with 80 Impact damage.
this incarnation grants different
Magic Projectile: Instead of
abilities. The summoner can change
attacking in melee, the summoner can
both his Weapon and Armor at the
attack with an energy discharge that
beginning of each round as a passive
acts as a projectile with 100 Energy
Minor Affinity
Enneath Daggers (Weapon)
Level: 8 Difficulty: 320
Attack Ability: +0
Zeon: 500
Defense Ability: +10
Attack: 200 Parry: 200
Initiative: +10
Initiative: 90
Shoteth: Creates a +5 quality dagger
Weapons: Legislator, Magus Staff, with 60 Cut damage. Anyone taking
Enneath Daggers. damage from Shoteth must pass a VR
of 140 or take an amount of damage
Armors: Templar
equal to the level of failure at a rate of

The Legislator (Weapon) 5 points per round. Regardless of

Attack Ability: +10 whether it beats the resistance a

character inoculated with this poison
Defense Ability: +10 will become immune to it for 5 rounds.

Initiative: -20 Dagger of the Sun: Creates a +5

quality dagger with 60 Heat damage.
Angelus: Creates a +10 quality
bastard sword capable of damaging Dual: While using Enneath daggers
energy. It has 140 Cut damage. the summoner is considered to
Anyone hit by Angelus must pass an possess the Ambidextrous advantage
MR against 100 or lose all supernatural and the 2nd Weapon Module:
abilities for a number of rounds equal Defensive Style.
to the level of failure divided by 10.
The Templar (Armor)
Eyes of the Savior: The summoner is
considered to possess the ability to Supernatural Plates: The Templar's

See the Supernatural. armor grants AT 6 against all types of

attacks and a +30 bonus to the
Magus Staff (Weapon) summoner's MR and PsR.

Attack Ability: +20 Collector: The summoner gains a final

ability of 200 in the following
Defense Ability: -10

O6 9
Secondary: Occult, History, Magical weapon and increases the level of any
Appraisal, and Appraisal. critical it produces by 40 points. It is
capable of damaging any kind of
Intermediate Affinity
Level: 11 Difficulty: 450
Shadow of Death: While using

Zeon: 800 Reaper the summoner receives a +50

bonus to his PhR.
Attack: 250 Parry: 250
The Arbiter (Armor)
Initiative: 110
God of War: The Arbiter's armor
Weapons: Legislator, Magus Staff, grants AT 8 against all types of attacks
Enneath Daggers, Legendary Katana, except Energy.
General: The summoner can
Armor: Templar, Arbiter communicate telepathically with
anyone within 200 meters.
Legendary Katana (Weapon)
The First King: The summoner gains
Attack Ability: +15
a final ability of 200 in the following
Defense Ability: +15 Secondary: Leadership, Style,
Persuasion and Intimidate.
Initiative: +20
Real Affinity
Muramasa: Creates a +15 quality
Katana with 100 Cut damage. Level: 14 Difficulty: 500

Sword Saint: Once every 5 rounds Zeon: 350

the summoner can teleport behind any
Attack: 290 Parry: 290
enemy within 20 meters to perform a
back attack. The target can avoid Initiative: 130
applying the back penalty by passing a
Warn check against 180, which is Weapons: Lawgiver, Magus Staff,

reduced to 120 if he has witnessed the Enneath Daggers, Legendary Katana,

use of this ability before. Reaper, Weapon of Legend, Key of

Reaper (Weapon)
Armors: Templar, Arbiter, Myrmidon
Attack Ability: +20
Weapon of Legend (Weapon)
Defense Ability: +10
Attack Ability: +20
Initiative: +10
Defense skill: +20
Nekrom: Creates a Scythe of +20
quality with 90 Cut damage. Initiative: -40
Additionally it is considered a precision

O7 0
Caliburn: Creates a +20 quality as the summoner. The clone
greatsword capable of damaging disappears when its HPs reaches 0 or
energy and with 180 base damage in the incarnation ends.
Cut and Cold.
Destruction: The summoner's
Heroic Fate: The summoner can designated subject must automatically
repeat one attack or defense roll per pass an MR check of 200 or suffer an
round. amount of damage equal to twice the
level of failure and a penalty to all
Heroic Aura: All the summoner's
actions and their resistances equal to
allies within 20 meters become
the level of failure.
immune to any negative psychological
state. Limit: The key of Yggdrasyl may be
used only once each time the
Yggdrasyl's Key (Weapon)
summoner is incarnated as the First

Attack Ability: +0 King. The use of the key is a full turn

action, so the summoner may not take
Defense Ability: +20 any other active action or use Creation
and Destruction at the same time.
Initiative: +20
The Myrmidon (Armor)
Creation: Creates a copy of the
summoner completely under his Superior Alloy: The Myrmidon's
control, though without any armor grants unmodifiable AT 5
supernatural abilities or skills other against all types of attacks.
than those granted by this incarnation.
This copy can use any of the First Physical Empowerment: The

King's weapons or armor, though it summoner replaces all his physical

cannot use the same weapon or armor characteristics by 13 and can perform
Inhuman actions.

O7 1
Apohistaniates, supplied by Shiryu Supernatural Construct, supplied
by Shiryu
This ritual originated from the primal
cults of Abbadon Belius Shajad aims to The most classic guardian of the
unite the essence of the ritualist with occultists, the supernatural construct is
the concept of pure evil. Thanks to this an artificial entity programmed to follow
he can temporarily control lesser the orders of its creator. There are
demonic creatures as if he were a high- dozens of different versions of this
ranking demon. ritual, each one to suit the needs of the
occultist, here is the most generic and
Fulfilment: To perform the ritual
classic version of it.
successfully, it is enough to sacrifice the
life of an innocent and pure being while Fulfilment: The essential element for
reciting some prayers in S'lish in the this ritual is an artificial body created by
name of Abbadon Belius Shajad. the ritualist, its raw material is
Effect: For as many hours as the power indifferent, although for this example it
of the sacrifice, the ritualist will be is considered a metal one. Various
considered a demon of the 4th runes and magical formulas will be
hierarchy with all that this entails. engraved inside it, which will serve as
Mechanically, 5th rank demons who the foundation of its programming, and
want to disobey his orders must pass a at least one mystical seal will be drawn,
MR check against twice his presence. with the blood of the ritualist, where the
Members Needed: 1. nucleus of its essence will be found,
Time Required: 5 minutes. which will act as a supernatural
Variations: If the sacrificed being generator. Unlike the body, the
possesses a high spiritual power, or a generator must always be created with
gnosis far above his nature, it will be some kind of supernatural material,
days instead of hours. such as Illuminati. The construct must
Requirements: Occult 180 (if you are be kept in suspension, in a mixture of
specialized in demonology, the various alchemical substances, for the
requirement is 120). duration of the creation process.
Cost: 200. Effect: Allows the creation of a being
between worlds of the type Construct of
gnosis 10, its level and capabilities
depend exclusively on the raw materials
used in its creation.
Members Needed: 1+
Time Required: 1 week per construct

O7 3
Variations: If materials of medium or Time Required: 1 week per construct
high supernatural power are used as level.
raw materials, the resulting construct
Variations: If materials of medium or
will have gnosis 15.
high supernatural power are used as
Requirements: Occult 180, Art 80,
raw materials, the resulting construct
Forge 80, Science 80 and Memorice 80.
will have gnosis 15.
Cost: 250 per construct level.
Requirements: Occult 180, Art 80,
Puppet of Memories, supplied by Forge 80, Science 80 and Memorice 80.
Cost: 250 per construct level.

Ritual derived from the classic

supernatural construct that allows the
Gem of Memories, supplied by
ritualist to create a puppet that uses a Shiryu
memory gem as a generator. Thanks to
This ancient ritual of Duk'zarist origin
their generator, the puppets have a
allows the ritualist to create a physical
more refined programming than other
concentration of pure waking energy,
constructs, being highly appreciated by
charged with the echoes of memories of
a recently deceased individual.
Fulfilment: The essential element for
this ritual is an artificial body created by
the ritualist, usually a metal one.
Various runes and magical formulas will
be engraved inside it, which will serve
as support programming, and both the
gem of memories and the mystical seal
created with the blood of the ritualist
will be placed at its core. The puppet
must be kept in suspension, in a
mixture of various alchemical
substances, for the duration of the
creation process.

Effect: Allows the creation of a being Fulfilment: A sapphire or other

between worlds of the type Construct of valuable gemstone should be placed on
gnosis 10, its level and abilities depend a reflective surface, on which various
exclusively on the raw materials used in occult formulas should have been
its creation as well as its secondary and engraved. During a full moon night a
behavior depend on the memories series of spells must be recited to
contained in the gem. weaken the barrier between the worlds
as well as the name of the target. The
Members Needed: 1+
reflective surface acts as a conduit to
the power of wakefulness that floods

O7 4
the gem that will be transmuted into a When night falls they must surround it
gem of memories. with several burners with incense of
Effect: The gemstone acts as a rosemary, black hellebore and sulfur,
supernatural object that contains part of while he begins a series of prayers and
the target's memories. At will, anyone exhortations at the culmination of which
who possesses them can immerse they must make a payment or sacrifice.
themselves in them, becoming an Prayers, exhortations, and payment or
invisible observer of them. The nature sacrifice vary from demon to demon,
of the jewel is difficult to detect as a with even the most capricious demon
supernatural element, so it is necessary nobles having additional requirements.
to pass an Absurdity check in Magical Effect: The demonic noble sends an
Appraisal in order to perceive its nature. apparition of himself and should they
The longer the target has been dead, find the payment or sacrifice to their
the fewer memories they will remain in liking, they will allow the ritualist to
waking to the point of gaining none. state their case and negotiate the
This ritual has no effect on beings with service of their hosts. If so, and to seal
a Nature 20 points above their gnosis or the contract, the demon marks the
beings with a gnosis greater than 20. ritualist with his rune, claiming their
Members Needed: 1+ soul for himself when they die.
Time Required: 2 hours. Members Needed: 1+
Variations: If the true name of the Time Required: 6 hours to correctly
individual is used together with an draw the rune and 2 hours of prayers.
indigo stone, it is possible to create a Variations: In case of knowing the true
gem capable of storing memories more name of the demon noble, it is possible
clearly no matter how long they have to prevent them from claiming the soul
been dead. of the ritualist. However, it will be
Requirements: Occult 140 and Art 60. necessary to make another type of
Cost: 300. payment or the wrath of the demon will
be incurred. This additional payment
Akelarre Sabbat, supplied by Shiryu varies not only between demons, but in
how they take the fact that a mortal
For many, the dark call or black mass is knows his true name. A fairly common
one of the oldest rituals on record, since payout is 100 mortal souls.
it dates back to the unknown era known Requirements: Occult 180 (if you are
as "The Birth of Gaïa". Through its use, specialized in demonology, the
it is possible to contact one of the great requirement is 120), Art 40 and Music
demonic nobles to negotiate the use of 40.
their hosts…usually in exchange for the Cost: 300 plus an additional 100 points
ritualist's soul. for every hour the demon spends
“summoned”. If there is more than one
Fulfilment: The ritualist should begin
participant, the cost can be paid by all.
drawing with charcoal or chalk the
symbol of the demonic noble they wish
to contact throughout their holy day.

O7 5
from the tree's branches, as the
The Garden of Earthly
ceremony participants sing dark
Delights, supplied by Meseguis chants till daybreak. After
The Vetalas of the Crims family have completing the ritual, the marked
preserved this obscene ritual of tree will become corrupted,
impious origin to this day. This ritual poisoning everything that comes
corrupts the very essence of a tree into contact with its roots and
by a horrific sacrifice, causing a causing whatever dies as a
necromantic poison to harm necromantic monster to emerge.
everything around it. The creatures The only method to remove the
who feed from the tree's environs curse is to burn the tree that
will die and resurrect as undead produced it, but this will not cure
chimeras, driven by a dreadful people who are affected.
appetite to devour all in their path
Members Needed: 7.
and spread the curse. When a forest
is densely populated with these Time Required: A whole night.
animals, they frequently consume
one another, blending their In Momentum: If the forest's
characteristics into actual protector, the Harekawa, is
necromantic aberrations. sacrificed during the rite, the curse
spreads throughout the forest in a
Fulfilment: On a full moon night, matter of hours, thus corrupting the
those participating in the ceremony entire forest.
must gather at the foot of a tree
that has given birth to a Requirements: Occult 240, Herbalism
Hamadryad and sacrifice it. The 120.
creature's guts will then be hung
Cost: 3,000 Zeon.

O7 6
Ars Magnus
Combined attack, supplied by Sadrith
Requirements: None.

Blood Legacy: None.

Cost: 30 DP MK: 10

The fighter has developed a special combat maneuver together with one of his
companions, allowing them both to perform a powerful attack together.

To use this Magnus two characters with a difference between their attack abilities
of no more than 50 must have learned it together and it will not be possible to
use it with any other character, even if he also masters this Magnus. If when
leveling up the difference between their skills increases above 50 the character
with the higher attack ability can reduce its own ability to continue using the

Instead of attacking separately, Combined Attack users will be able to perform a

single attack with the following characteristics.

 Speed: The lower initiative between the two characters will be used.
The one who has a higher final initiative must delay his action so that
both users can act at the same time. As is logical both characters must
have the ability to perform an attack to make use of this Magnus.
 Attack skill: The combined attack will use the highest attack skill
among both characters with a bonus of +20.
 Damage: The combined attack will use the highest damage of its users
plus a bonus equal to half the damage of the second user, rounded
down in groups of 10.
Use with Ki Techniques: The effects of Combined Attack can be combined with
those of any technique or Ars Magnus. However, keep in mind that the bonuses
conferred by these skills still always add up to the ability of their user, not to the
final skill of the combined attack. This means that the highest ability of both users
will be taken counting the technique, instead of adding the bonus of the technique
to the highest ability of both.

Example: Jerome and his sister Hel want to use their combined attack maneuver.
Jerome's attack ability is 160, while his sister's is only 150. Usually this would

O7 7
allow them to perform a combo attack with a skill of 180, however Hel casts an
offensive technique that increases her Attack Skill by 50 points, increasing her
skill to 200, and therefore the final skill of the combo attack will be 220.

Combinable Techniques: Although generally only one of the users of the

combined attack can cast a technique, if both master a combinable technique they
will be able to cast them at the same time turning them into a single technique
following the general rules of combinable techniques. It is important to emphasize
that this does not change the aforementioned rules for using ki techniques, the
bonuses conferred by each technique will continue to apply only to the skill of its

Maneuvers: The combined attack can be used to perform any combat maneuver,
however sometimes it may be the case that the penalty for such maneuver is not
the same for both users (for example through the use of precise weapons or
martial arts). This is resolved in the same way as ki techniques, first apply the
relevant penalty to both attack skills, and then use the higher one. For the
characteristic controls that may be required by some maneuvers, the higher of
the two users is always used. In the case of the maneuver Area Attack, the
largest weapon size between the two will be used to determine how many
opponents can be hit.

Fatigue: Both characters can use their fatigue points to increase the final skill of
the combined attack, however these will only grant a +10 bonus instead of the
usual +15.

Paradise Gained, Paradise Lost,

The Pillar of Glorification, supplied by Emil

Requirements: Attack 160+, Aura Extension, Use of Necessary Energy, Ki

Blood Legacy: None.

Cost: 70 DP MK: 90

This extraordinary Magnus is the pinnacle of power for the faithful warriors of
God. It shows their allies a part of the promised paradise and chases out any
foes, damning them to pain and death. A small glade of an evergreen forest
springs into existence regardless of the original terrain which remains for the
duration and may stay for a small while afterwards, depending on how well the
terrain can support plant life – it would immediately wither away in a volcano,
but on a regular acre it may remain a few minutes.

O7 8
When activating the Magnus, a zone of plant life is created in a radius of 60 feet,
cantered on the user. This vegetation is filled with the power of His creation itself
and follows the intent of the user. Before rolling initiative in a round, the user
can decide to either be in the Paradise Gained or the Paradise Lost state.
Activating it costs 5 Ki Points, then 2 Ki Points and 5 LP of the user per round,
the latter are healed as if they were sacrificed.

Paradise Gained: The plants help and support the user and their allies. They
gain a Bonus to all actions of +20. Additionally, the user can make attacks
against any creature inside the zone, able to choose the Damage type freely as
the plants follow to their will, even transform into other elements. The Base
Damage is equal to their Presence + their Power bonus. They are able to damage
supernatural beings. Additionally, the user and their allies regain 10 LP per

Paradise Lost: Damning their enemies to suffering, the user can is able to add
Disease and Venoms to their attacks as snakes, spiders and other vermin appear
on the plants, biting the target when attacked. On each successful attack, the
target has to make a DR or VR of 120 (user‟s choice) or suffer the effect of a
Poison or Disease equal to the Presence of the user for the purpose to heal it. The
user can choose between Pain, Rage, Hallucination, Weakness or Terror as effects
for the Poison/Disease. Additionally, enemies inside Paradise Lost have an All
Action Penalty of -15 and all healing effects affecting them only heal half the

Impossible Weapons
Taurus Aegis

Combat Shields, supplied by Sadrith

Requirements: Attack ability 140+,
Defense ability 160+, Inhumanity.

Base weapon: Any shield

Cost: 30 DP MK: 30

Taurus Aegis is an adaptation of the Taurus combat style using a shield as both an
attack and defense weapon. This style was developed centuries ago during the
War of God by one of Zhorne Giovanni's most trusted generals, but after the
disappearance of his entire squadron in a confrontation against Karla Edil Sith all
knowledge of this Magnus was lost, or at least that was the case until a few
months ago, when practically out of nowhere a group of mercenaries calling

O7 9
themselves the Enderdrachen Knights was formed, led by the mysterious Cecil
Highwind, the first Taurus Aegis user seen in centuries.

This Magnus grants the user the ability to use shields modified to be used as
powerful melee weapons or thrown in a manner similar to its heavy counterpart.

Base Damage: 50 Initiative: -30 Special

Attack Type 1: Impact (Variable) Attack Type 2: -

Breakage: 5 Fortitude: 16

Strength R: 7 Presence: 25

Rate of Fire: 100 / 20 Range: 30 meters

Special: Shield, Full Use, Throw, Bounce Throw.

Shield: Defending with Taurus Aegis confers the same bonuses as defending with
a medium shield. Like other shields, when used in combination with another
weapon the user will apply a negative -30 to the latter's initiative.

Full Use: Contrary to the general rules, a Taurus Aegis user can attack and
defend with his shield in the same round without losing the bonuses it confers to
their defense. However, this ability requires total concentration on the handling of
the shield, so it prevents declaring any attack with other weapons.

Throw: Taurus Aegis can be used as a Throwable weapon with a fire rate of 100
and a range of 30 meters. This attack can bounce between different surfaces and
opponents to return to the hands of its user, who must pass a Sleight of Hand
check against Very Difficult (140) to retrieve his weapon. In case of failing this
check the shield will end its run at a random point within its range.

Bounce Throw: By making it bounce between several opponents it is possible to

perform a large number of attacks with a single throw of Taurus Aegis. By
declaring the use of this ability, the user of Taurus Aegis can declare several
attacks as if the weapon's rate of fire were 20. However, as this attack must
bounce between several opponents it must alternate its attacks between at least
three targets, so before being able to attack the same target again it is necessary
to attack two other enemies. Due to the complexity of this attack, the difficulty of
the control to recover the weapon increases by 10 points for each attack declared.

O8 0
Stopping the Throw: Due to the way it bounces across the battlefield, Taurus
Aegis' path cannot be stopped by blocking or dodging its attacks. However, it is
possible to catch the shield in the middle of its path if it is stopped by Sleight of

Fumble: An attack fumble when Throwing Taurus Aegis will result in the
automatic loss of the weapon.

Unsuitable environment: If there are no objects or surfaces where the shield

can bounce nearby, it is not possible to recover it after performing a Throw or
using the ability Throw with Bounce. This would be the case if you are fighting in
the air, or in completely empty spaces such as a desert or a plain.

Massive Destruction Attack:

Aries Magister
All attacks with the Mass of
Weapons are considered area
Weapons attacks without applying any
Massifications, supplied by penalty. If the area attack
maneuver is used it affects an
area of 8 meters around the
Requirements: Aries, Attack user.
Skill 200+, Defense Skill 200+,
Crush: When performing the
Aura extension, Strength 11+.
prey maneuver, Aries can
Base Weapon: None. attack with his full damage
against the general rules and
Cost: 30 DP MK: 40 employs the equivalent of a
characteristic of STR 14.
This Magnus allows you to
control ridiculously huge Absolute Mastery: The Mass of
masses of weapons by greatly Weapons no longer applies the
increasing the power of each hit Complex rule, and the character
with Aries. When mastering it can change the weapons in his
the character must choose 2 of collection at any time without
the following advantages. applying any penalty.

This Magnus can only be used

if the Mass of weapons used
Taurus Magister
consists of 20 weapons or
more. Huge Double Weapons,
supplied by Sadrith
Ripper: Increases the base
damage of the Weapon Mass Requirements: Taurus, Attack
by +50, and gets a +5 to its Skill 200+, Sleight of Hand
breakage. 180+, Feats of strength 140+.

O8 1
Base Weapon: Two-handed Unstoppable: The power of the
sword, Two-handed Axe, Heavy Taurus Throw is such that simply
Combat Mace. stopping it becomes a Herculean
feat, so anyone attempting to
Cost: 30 DP MK: 30
stop the weapon's path applies a
Taurus users can reach a higher -4 penalty to the STR check.
skill level by specializing in melee
Brutal Impact: Taurus' Bow
or ranged combat. When
Throw attacks cause the same
mastering this Magnus the
effects as the Knockdown
character must choose between
maneuver using the user's
one of the two specializations
Strength. This ability does not
obtaining the following abilities.
take any penalties to the attack

Melee Specialization: skill or reduce the weapon's

Additional attack: The
character can make a second Gemini Magister
attack with a -10 penalty as if
it were an additional weapon Puppets, supplied by Sadrith
without the need for
ambidexterity. Requirements: Gemini, Attack
Skill 200+, Defense Skill 200+,
Armor Destroyer: When used
Ki Control.
in melee, Taurus reduces the
AT of soft armor by 5 points, Base Weapon: None.
and hard armor by 3. It also
increases by +4 its breakage Cost: 20 DP MK: 20
against armor.
When a Puppeteer achieves
Strength Hits: Applying a combat mastery he is able to
negative -10 to his attack, adapt his combat style to
Taurus can perform an attack effectively use puppets with any
with a Strength hit equal to the form. Someone who masters this
character's STR. Ars Magnus can use puppets with
completely inhuman capabilities,
Ranged Specialization: such as possessing extra limbs or
additional hidden weapons, with
Increased range: The range of
the same ease with which he
the Throw and the area of the
would master the movements of
arc throw increases by 20 meters
a humanoid puppet. Thanks to
for every 50 of Offensive Skill
this, he expands the
the character possesses above
extraordinary qualities that his
100. So with 250 Attack he could
puppets can have. It should be
cover an arc of up to 80 meters
noted that this Magnus is not
necessary to make puppets

O8 2
with the following ability is only intended to
characteristics, only to use them perform very specific
in combat. movements, so it applies a -100
penalty on all non-attack or
Additional limb: The puppet
defense rolls, and is limited to
possesses a limb such as a third
using a specific type of weapon.
arm or a tail with which it can
The latter implies that he can
make an additional attack with
only have the additional
its natural weapons each round
Extremity ability if he uses
with a - 20 penalty. This ability
Natural Weapons, and in case he
can be chosen up to three times,
has a Projectile Weapon, this is
accumulating the penalty on
the only weapon he can use.
each additional attack.
Wings: The Puppet is equipped
Projectile Weapon: The puppet
with a pair of wings that, while
is equipped with a projectile
not allowing it to fly, confer a
weapon concealed anywhere on
+50 bonus to its Jump skill and
its body. This weapon has a
allow it to glide. Of course,
range of 20 meters and a base
nothing prevents the puppeteer
damage of 60 in THR. Each round
from moving around riding a
it can be fired once in exchange
puppet with this ability as long
for one of the puppet's attacks
as the puppet has enough
without applying any penalties
Strength to lift its weight.
for changing weapons. This
weapon can fire up to 10 times Defensive Form: The puppet
before reloading, and has a can deploy its own body creating
reload of 13 rounds. a protective barrier in an area of
up to 5 meters radius. This
Mechanized body: The puppet's
ability must be declared before
body is designed to be controlled
rolling a turn or during the
with much simpler movements
puppet's round, and allows it to
than those of a conventional
enter a defensive mode that
puppet. Thanks to that, a puppet
allows it to defend without
with this feature only applies a -
penalty anyone inside the area.
15 penalty when used together
During that round the puppet
with other puppets at the same
cannot perform any other action,
time instead of the usual -30.
active or passive, other than
Therefore using 2 puppets with
defending itself; not even
this feature at the same time
would carry a -30 penalty to all
actions, while if only one of the Special Prey: The puppet
puppets possesses a mechanized possesses some physical
Body they would apply a -45. attribute that allows it to perform
Unfortunately a puppet with this a STR 10 Prey maneuver without

O8 3
penalty. If the puppet is 85 of Core Exxet. Unfortunately,
considered to be of quality, apply a puppet with this feature cannot
a +1 to the control for each +5. be used to defend.

Quadruped: The puppet is a Complex: The puppet can

quadruped, which gives it a +1 possess an extra extraordinary
to its Movement Type and when quality, but the failure rate for
it performs a charge it doubles any action using it increases to 5,
its Strength bonus to calculate its even if you have mastery.
base damage and increases its
Attack Skill by +20. Leo Magister
Dismemberment: The puppet
can be divided into dozens of
Weapons Pistol, supplied by

small sections that can be used Sadrith

as a swarm of puppets. This
Requirements: Leo, Attack skill
transformation is a passive
200+, Weight reduction.
action, but applies the same
penalty as drawing a weapon for Base Weapon: Sword and Pistol
the rest of the round. / Spear and Harquebus / Mace
and Cannon. The requirement for
Manufacturing Options
any of the firearms can be
In addition to having access to substituted by the Firing Table.
additional extraordinary features,
Cost: 30 DP MK: 30
Gemini Magister puppets can be
created with any of these After reaching mastery a Leo
options. These abilities do not user is able to maneuver in
add to the extraordinary feature combat by relying on the recoil
count, but all carry a negative force of his weapons. Thanks to
for the puppet. his enormous skill he has access
to 3 of the following maneuvers,
Light Body: The puppet has a
it is important to point out that
very light body that allows it to
all of them require firing a bullet
act at a distance of up to 50
and several of them cannot be
meters from the user without
used in the same round or
applying any penalty, but applies
together with the combined
a negative -3 to its STR and
attack maneuver.
reduces its LP by half.
Boost hit: The STR bonus of the
Accumulation: The puppet acts
firearm can be added to the
as an accumulation being,
damage of a melee attack.
multiplies its LP by its
accumulation multiple and gains Charge: The user can propel
an additional TA layer according himself with the force of his
to its size as indicated in Table

O8 4
weapon. It allows moving an against a maximum of 3
amount of meters equal to the enemies, or up to 10 enemies if
strength bonus of the firearm, it is a cannonball, however it
and allows performing an attack reduces the base damage of the
applying the charge bonus. It attack by half. The use of this
can only be used against skill consumes 5 ki points.
enemies that are more than 5
meters away. Virgo Magister
Reinforced maneuver:
Substitute the user's STR for that
Musical Instruments,
of the weapon when performing supplied by Sadrith
any maneuver that requires a
face-to-face feature check.

Aerial movement: Confers a

+50 bonus to any use of the
acrobatics skill in combat. Of
course, if the director allows it, it
is possible to use this skill in a
multitude of non-combat

Retreat: After making a melee

attack, the user can propel
himself backwards to avoid a
possible counterattack by
escaping from combat. This
maneuver carries a -20 penalty Requirements: Virgo, Attack
to the attack skill, and cannot Skill 200+, Music 200+, POW
prevent a counterattack from 11+.
someone capable of ranged
Base Weapon: None.
attack (although it will be
considered a ranged Cost: 30 DP MK: 40
counterattack, so it cannot apply
This Magnus is a higher degree of
point-blank or the counterattack
Virgo that colossally increases his
powers. When using this Magnus
Multiple shot: By hitting the the character's aura takes the
bullet as it leaves the weapon, it form of several instruments that
is possible to fragment it to float around him accompanying
attack several enemies at the the main instrument. By
same time. Applying the area mastering this Magnus the
attack penalty, this maneuver character can choose 2 of the
allows firing the same bullet following advantages. The use of

O8 5
each of these abilities entails the the difficulty is increased by one
expenditure of an additional Ki degree. The downside is that the
point. In addition, by Mastering damage produced when using
this Magnus the character this ability is reduced by half,
becomes able to wield any although it is fully counted for
instrument without applying any the resistance of the resonance
penalty to his Attack Skill for a damage.
different weapon, although he
Staccato: Virgo's attacks can
will apply a -40 penalty to his
ignore the full AT of his enemy's
music skill. Alternatively he may
protections, but do not produce
specialize in a single instrument,
resonance damage. This ability
in which case he may choose a
cannot be used in the same
third advantage from the list.
round as Sforzando.
Crescendo: The radius of Virgo's
Sforzando: The unique effects
area attack increases to 25
given to Virgo by the different
meters. Cannot be used in the
types of instruments are greatly
same round in which Diminuendo
is used.

 Small wind
Diminuendo: Virgo's attacks are
instruments: Produce
considered accurate except for
the Sleeping state instead
the area attack, which gains the
of Fascination.
ability to select targets.
 Large Wind
Martellato: Allows you to add Instruments: Damage is
double the character's Power increased to 120.
bonus to Virgo's damage, but  Stringed instruments:
because of the extra power the The PhR to be exceeded
attack becomes much easier to for resonance damage is
predict. The difficulty of warning twice the damage
or seeking to be able to see this produced by Virgo. If the
attack is reduced by two figure is greater than 200,
degrees. It cannot be used in the any excess above that
same round as Tenuto. amount must be halved.
 Percussion
Tenuto: A few subtle notes allow
instruments: The
for a lethal and extremely
Strength of the hits is
difficult to perceive attack.
replaced by the
Consequently even those with
character's Power
See Supernatural must pass a
Warn or Seek check to not apply
Blindness when defending
themselves. In the case of those
who cannot see the supernatural

O8 6
a turn difference of 100. If used
Libra Magister
by someone with Uroboros Blood
you will get Surprise with only a
Variable Weapon, supplied
turn difference of 80.
by Sadrith
Mechanized Saw: Reduces the
Requirements: Libra, Attack AT of all soft armor by 6 points,
Skill 200+, Defense Skill 200+, and hard armor by 4 points.
Elemental Attack, Increased
Damage, Increased Speed, Colossal: The weapon increases

Increased Range. its damage by 60 points and

applies a -20 to its turn. It can
Base Weapon: None. also attack opponents up to 10
meters away and perform area
Cost: 30 DP MK: 20
attacks as a Large weapon.
This Magnus enhances the
Defensive form: The weapon
dominion offered by Libra over
offers the same bonuses to
the Weapon's characteristics by
defense as a medium shield
allowing the character to
without any penalty to the Turn.
attribute to his weapon three
skills instead of two. Whirlwind: Allows additional
Alternatively, he can obtain only attacks with only a -10 penalty
one of the skills listed here. to your skill, instead of the usual
Superior Prey: Allows prey with
only a -10 penalty and a
Scorpio Magister
Strength Characteristic of 12.

Vorpal: The Libra user applies Whip-Sword, supplied by

only a -10 to attacks aimed at
the neck, and increases the
critical level by 20 points. Requirements: Scorpio, Attack
Skill 200+, Defense Skill 180+.
Elemental Critical: Works the
same as Variable Critical, but Base Weapon: Long Sword and
allows you to choose HEAT, Whip / Saber and Whip.
COLD or ELE as critical.
Cost: 10 DP MK: 10
Rending: Increases the
Upon attaining Mastery, a
weapon's damage by +20, and
character employing a sword-
increases the effect of all critical
whip can increase the combat
hits by 40 points.
capabilities of his weapon by
Superhuman Speed: Increases learning this Magnus. If he does
the weapon's Turn by +20, and so, he can choose one of the
allows you to cause Surprise with following advantages:

O8 7
Insane Imprisonment: with almost supernatural
Scorpio's Strength characteristic precision. When mastering this
to perform a Prey is increased to Magnus you must choose 2 of
13. If the Scorpio user succeeds the following perks:
in subjecting his opponent to
Penetrating: Needles can sneak
complete or partial paralysis, he
through the tiniest openings in a
can perform the crushing
suit of armor, negating 2 points
maneuver with the weapon's
of AT.
Extreme Pain: Doubles the pain
Snaky whip: The movements of
penalty caused by Capricornius'
the weapon in its whip form
criticals. For example, a critical of
become very unpredictable.
50 would cause a -75 penalty (50
Consequently they are
due to pain, and 25 due to
considered projectiles when
physical deficiencies).
defending against them. This
ability is only effective if there is Complete Disablement: If a
a minimum distance of 3 meters critical of more than 100 is
between the user and his directed at the abdomen, it will
opponent. cause Complete Paralysis for
several hours.
Tearing whirlwind: When using
the enveloping whirlwind the Seal: If declared before making
character can perform an area an attack, you can attack the
attack without any penalty other points that control the flow of
than the -20 to his offensive energy applying a -30 penalty for
skill. Anyone who comes within aiming. If the attack produces a
one meter of the character after critical of 50 or more the target
performing this attack must also will be unable to use any Ki-
defend against him. based ability for several hours,
but does not produce any of the
Capricornius Magister usual consequences of a critical.

Needles, supplied by Sadrith

Requirements: Capricornius,
Attack Skill 200+, Dexterity 11+,
Medicine 180+.

Base Weapon: None.

Cost: 20 DP MK: 20

A Capricornius Magister user is

capable of directing his needles

O8 8
chosen a second time to increase
Aquarius Magister
the Quality by +10.

Capes and Garments,

supplied by Sadrith

Requirements: Aquarius, Attack

Skill 200+, Defense Skill 200+,
Power Armor.

Base Weapon: None.

Cost: 20 DP MK: 20

When the Aquarius user reaches

mastery, he can become one
with his garments, obtaining 3 of
the following improvements.

Long Wing: Area attacks can

affect up to 5 opponents, as if it
Piscis Magister
were a Large weapon.

Cappoto: When performing a Combat Toys, supplied by

prey maneuver, the cape uses a Sadrith
STR 11 Characteristic.
Requirements: Those indicated
Panciotto: The supernatural
on each weapon.
toughness of the cloaks offers
extraordinary protection. While Base Weapon: None.
wearing Aquarius the character
Cost: 20 DP MK: 10
gains an additional layer of
armor without taking any When the Pisces user's Yo-Yo
penalties with an AT 4 against all mastery reaches the levels of a
types of damage. master, he is able to apply his
powers with much more complex
Ombrello: The bonus to defense
string toys or contraptions. When
for using the defensive form
this Magnus is mastered, the
increases to +30, and allows
user can learn to use one of the
area saves by applying a -40
following weapons. All of them
penalty to the defense skill.
maintain the basic Pisces profile
Sciarpa: Regardless of the and abilities, but each adds
quality of the fabric used, using certain unique abilities. This
it as a weapon increases its Magnus can be acquired again
Quality by +5. This perk can be without paying the cost of MK to

O8 9
learn to use another of the attacks using its bearer's defense
weapons. skill with a -30 penalty.

Spinning Tops

Requirements: Pisces, Attack

Skill 200+, Ki Transmission.

He who masters this weapon can

use the spinning top as a Yo-Yo
without ever letting go of the
string, or he can throw it as a
powerful throwing weapon.

Spinning top throw: The

spinning top can be thrown to
attack an opponent up to 15
meters away, although it is not
considered a projectile.

Ranged control: Thrown

spinning tops can be manipulated
to continue attacking on their
own. For each spinning top that
has been thrown an additional
attack can be made each round
with a -10 penalty to all the
attacks of the round. For
example, if 2 spinning tops have
been cast the user could make 3
attacks this round with only a -
30 penalty to all of them. No Requirements: Pisces, Attack
additional attacks can be made in skill 200+, Sleight of hand 120+.
the same round in which this
ability is used. This fun toy consists of a ball
attached to a small hammer and
Limit: Thrown spinning tops can can be used with Pisces Magister,
only continue to be used as long usually attacking with the ball.
as they keep spinning. If they
are successfully blocked when Damage: By boosting his

used to attack, or if they receive attacks with the hammer, the

an attack, they will lose all their user of a Kendama can add his

power and can no longer be STR bonus to Pisces' damage in

used. A spinning top controlled addition to his DEX bonus.

by this Magnus can dodge

O9 0
Melee: At melee distance the meters, and the radius of its area
user of a Kendama can attack attack to 10 meters
with his hammer instead of the
Drag: If you manage to grab
ball. Although it does not apply
someone, the rod allows you to
any of the special abilities of
drag them to the user. A STR
Pisces, and applies the STR
check is performed, in which the
characteristic normally to
Pisces user can apply a +2 bonus
calculate damage. But used in
thanks to the rod's mechanism.
this way the base damage of the
If he wins, he can bring his
Kendama increases to 50 in IMP
opponent as close as he wants,
or THR indistinctly and ignores 2
and if he wins by more than 5 he
points of TA.
can move him to any point within
Unstoppable: Pisces' attacks the range of the weapon.
with a Kendama are launched
with such force that they are
considered as fired projectiles.

Fishing Rod

Requirements: Pisces, Attack

skill 200+, Aura extension to

Although not technically a toy,

fishing rods also meet all the
requirements for using Pisces.

Damage: Fishing rods attack on

critical THR instead of IMP.

Speed: Given their great length,

fishing rods are not suitable for
close combat. Therefore if the
user gets stuck in close combat
he will use a base turn of -30
instead of the Pisces Turn.

Superior prey: When making a

prey with a rod, apply the
equivalent of 12 STR.

Increased length: The line of a

fishing rod can reach much
farther than that of a common
Pisces, increasing its range to 16

O9 1
Sword shield: The user can create a
Ophiucos Magister
screen of swords that serves as a
supernatural shield. This shield
Lord of Infinite Swords, supplied possesses 500 points of resistance, but
by Sadrith will increase by 100 points for each +5
quality of the swords used. So if you
Requirements: Attack skill 300+,
possess at least 10 +15 swords the
shield would have 600 points of
Base Weapon: Weapon Table resistance. The use of this skill
(Swords). consumes 5 Ki points.

Cost: 50 DP MK: 50 Improved total release: Instead of

rolling a D10 to decide the number of
After reaching almost divine capabilities, additional attacks to perform, 2 dices
the Ophiucos user is able to create are rolled and the highest result is used.
hundreds of copies of his swords with
his own power, gaining control of a Ranged Attack: By spending 2
veritable sea of swords. Consequently, additional ki points, any of the full
you can choose 3 of the following release attacks can be converted into a
upgrades when purchasing this Magnus. projectile with a range of 20 meters.

Increased area: The release Continuous Attack: Allows you to

becomes a true rain of swords capable create a torrent of swords that will
of razing huge extensions of land or constantly attack an enemy. As long as
eliminating armies with a fearsome this ability is maintained, at the
precision. The radius is increased to 50 beginning of each round his original
meters, and allows to select targets, but target must defend against this attack.
using this ability increases the cost of This ability consumes 3 Ki points per
area release to 15 Ki points. round, and does not allow the use of
any other of Ophiucos' abilities while it
Colossal Swords: Ophiucos is is maintained.
considered a colossal weapon,
increasing its damage by 50 points and
its breakage by 8 points.

O9 2
per Sound tier that is used. One
The Seven Horns of the End
can only use a Tier over the first, if
the one before was used at least
The Pillar of Belief, supplied by once but if the user pays double the
Emil cost, they can jump to a higher
sound tier immediately.
The sixth
Pillar is the Seven Horns of the End
power to
manifest one Base Damage: 40+ Speed: -10
of God's
Primary Attack Type: Varies Sec.
Attack Type: None
instruments –
the Horns of Breakage: 4 Fortitude: N/A
the End.
Required Strength: N/A Presence:
It is said to be used in times of great That of the character
needs when powerful enemies
Special: varying Sounds
encroach the followers of god and
need to be brought down. Only the Damage: The Damage caused using
truest of believers can summon this the Trumpet does not apply the
weapon. Strength bonus of the user. Moreover,
this value already includes the bonus
Requirements: Attack Ability: 150+,
from the ability Aura Extension.
Music: 120+, Aura Extension,
Quality: The Quality of the musical
Destruction by Ki, Elemental Attack,
instruments does not improve the
Attack or Defense Ability of their
Base Weapon: None (Trumpet) wielders, nor the damage that the
instruments produce, although their
DP: 60 MK: 90
Quality does increase the Music
The user summons the spiritual Secondary Ability of their wielders.
body of the the Seven Horns of the
1st Sound: Hail of Ice and Fire and
End into a similar instrument – a
Blood: With the first blow of the horn
horn, a flute etc will do. As long as
the user can choose an area of 15 ft
it is a Wind instrument, it will do.
radius within 50 ft in which elements
The attack produced is considered a
hail down for 4 rounds, attacking
distance attack with supernatural
everyone in it. The user chooses if
energy discharge. As the attack
Heat, Cold or Cut Damage is dealt. If
depends on musical ability as well
used again on an area already
as honed combat abilities, it uses
affected, the Base Damage is raised
the lower of the Attack ability or
by 10 and the duration is prolonged by
the Music Secondary Ability. Each
2 rounds.
attack the character makes with
this Impossible Weapon costs 1 Ki

O9 3
2nd Sound: A mountain smoking abyss. The Base Damage is
plummets into the Sea: The increased to 65 and each target hit
second blow release a sound that has to make a PsR of 130 or see
washes over foes like a tidal wave. manifestations of their own evil traits
The Base Damage is increased to 50 that ridicule them (as affected by an
and a target that has been hit has to Illusion). If they fail by 60 or more,
resist an Impact with a Strength 10 the Illusion attacks them instead like a
plus 2 for each time they used the Phantasmal spell. Every time the fifth
second sound. Using another sound sound is used, the PsR increases by 5.
reverts it back to the base value.
6th Sound: Release the Seals to
3rd Sound: A Star falls down: With Evil: When the sixth sound booms,
the third sound, a star falls down. The the end is close as Death and other
Base Damage increases to 55 and a apocalyptic riders appear. The Base
blinding star fragment is called on Damage increases to 75 and the
each attack. The target and all targets target hit has to make a PhR 120 or
within 5ft to it need to make a PhR of lose 1 point in two Characteristics of
120 or be blinded for 2 Rounds, if the the user's choice which are
attack hit. Every time the third sound regenerated with 1 point per hour.
is used, the PhR is increased by 5 and Every time the fifth sound is used, the
the radius is increased by 5 ft. PhR increases by 5. 7th Sound: His
booming Voice: The seventh sound is
4th Sound: Darkness grasps
also known as the Trumpet of Jericho,
the Heavens: With the fourth
the one that brought down the walls of
sound, the sky darkens. The Base
that city of Solomon. The Base
Damage is increased to 60 and
Damage is increased to 80 and the
each target hit has to make a PsR
attack turns energy based. Each
of 120 or fall into a state of Fear.
attack can hit an area of 10ft within
If they fail by 50 or more, they are
100 ft. Buildings and other structures
instead in Terror. Every time the
take double damage. Creatures have
fourth sound is used, the PsR
to make a PhR of 140 or suffer Partial
increases by 5.
Paralysis. The seventh sound also

5th Sound: The Key to a smoking costs the user 5 LP per use which are
Abyss: The fifth sound opens a sacrificed. This sound is not meant for
mortal ears.

O9 4
Creation of Techniques, Ki Effects
Defense Maneuvers, supplied by Shiryu
Defense Maneuvers (Single)

This Effect allows the character to perform Defense Maneuvers (such

as Cover, Push Aside or Defensive Fan), reducing or canceling the
Maneuver's penalty. The amount by which the penalty is reduced is
listed in the Precision column of the following table.

Frequency: Action Action Type: Defense

Primary Characteristic: Dexterity Elements: Air and Earth

Optional Characteristic: Agility +1, Strength +2, Power +2, Willpower +2

Defense Maneuvers (Multiple)

Same as the previous Effect, except that it grants the ability to perform
Defense Maneuvers with a minor penalty on all Defenses made by the
character during the round. As an exception to this rule, such modifiers
do not apply to Defenses that rely on other Techniques, except if they
both have the Combinable Advantage.

Frequency: Action Action Type: Defense

Primary Characteristic: Dexterity Elements: Air and Earth

Optional Characteristic: Agility +1, Strength +2, Power +2, Willpower +2

O9 5
Ki Trees
head-first, at speeds they normally
The Seven Techniques of
couldn‟t achieve. Instead of slamming
Eight, supplied by Tyr into the wall, however, the user simply
passes directly through it, without so
Legends tell of many things, and much as a hair moving out of place
among them are always tales of when he emerges on the other side.
heroes or great masters who created While the technique has many other
powerful sets of techniques. The Seven uses, this is, by far, its most popular
Techniques of Eight, on the surface, use. Eight was said to have always
are no different. Eight was a curious uttered the phrase “I‟m going into the
man, born of Shivat, who became next room” before executing this
disillusioned with the world at the age technique, even if there was no other
of eight. He wandered all of Gaia, and room to go to.
was trained by eight different masters
of eight different weapons. He is said This technique allows the user to
to have spoken eight languages, become intangible, while also
married eight wives, and had a total of increasing his movement value by 2.
eight children. In his 88th year he
died, but not before writing down his
final manuscript. And yet when it came Effects: Intangibility, Increased
time to leave behind a legacy, he left Movement +2.
only the descriptions for seven
Advantages: None.
techniques behind. The techniques
seem to be as disconnected from each Disadvantages: None.
other and themselves as their master
was from the world. Whether or not an Fool Me Once
eighth technique exists is the subject
Level: 1 MK: 20
of much debate amongst the students
of his forms, but as none have yet to A strange and powerful technique, the
master the first seven, it remains a second of the Seven is a strange and
mystery. exotic technique to witness. After
defending against a blow, the user of
The Unseen Step
Fools Me Once turns around, and
Level: 1 MK: 20 slashes in the opposite direction of his
target. However, instead of connecting
The first of the Seven is also known as with air, or anything else which might
“Ghosting.” It‟s a simple technique be there, the attack miraculously
that is, nevertheless, extremely comes from behind the intended target
shocking to see the first time. After with added force.
accumulating the ki necessary, the
user typically runs straight at a wall,

O9 6
This technique executes a An Open Hand, An Open Heart
counterattack at +75 to the user‟s
Level: 2 MK: 65
normal ability, and is also disguised
per the Camouflage attack rules with a Few techniques are as visually
difficulty of 240. imposing as An Open Hand, An Open
Heart. Without

This technique grants the user 1000

Effects: Counterattack Ability +75,
points of Damage Resistance, along
Camouflage (Almost Impossible).
with a shield with 1000 LP. This
Advantages: Reduction of MK -5. technique can be maintained by
spending 16 Ki points per turn.
Disadvantages: None.
CON 14 (Maint. 4) STR 14 (Maint. 4)
Snapping Turtle
POW 14 (Maint. 4) WILL 14 (Maint.

Level: 1 MK: 35 4)

Although some practitioners of the Effects: Damage Resistance (1000),

Seven argue that the third of the Energy Shield (1000).

Seven is too practical, none deny its
Advantages: Reduction of MK -15.
effectiveness. With a mighty roar, the
user enters a state that is said to Disadvantages: None.
absorb the armor of his enemies.
Charlotte’s Web
While it doesn‟t actually take the
armor away, someone with Snapping Level: 2 MK: 85
Turtle active cuts through most armor
like butter, and his skin gains a With a swing of her blade, the user of
polished glow whenever he does so. this technique spreads spiritual wires
across the battlefield that ensnare her
This technique adds 4 points to the opponents.
user‟s armor, and subtracts 4 points
from his target‟s armor. This technique This technique lets the user release a
can be maintained by paying 4 Ki single area attack per turn, selecting
points per turn. his targets. All targets hit are subject
to a Spiritual Trap against a
STR 6 (Maint. 1) CON 6 (Maint. 1) characteristic check of 16. This attack
POW 6 (Maint. 2) produces no damage whatsoever, but
may be maintained for 12 Ki per turn.
Effects: Armor Augment +4, Armor
Penetration -4. CON 7 (Maint. 2) DEX 7 (Maint. 2)
STR 7 (Maint. 3) POW 7 (Maint. 3)
Advantages: None.
WILL 7 (Maint. 2)
Disadvantages: None.
Effects: Area Attack (Single, Target
Choice), Trapping (16, Spirit).

O9 7
Advantages: Reduction of Ki 2. without a clue as to which was his
original opponent.
Disadvantages: Reduced Damage
(None). This technique creates 15 illusory
copies of the user, all with +100 to
In the Presence of Falling Leaves, All
their Acrobatics Ability. The copies are
Seems Red imbued with non-detection at a
difficulty of 280, and they are
Level: 2 MK: 65
automatically sustained for one
As the user draws his weapon out, it minute. However, the technique
crumbles in his fingers, reforming as a requires that the person have suffered
weapon of pure spiritual energy. With at least 10 damage the turn before
each strike, the spiritual weapons activating it, and it leaves them
burst apart, replaced by a copy one defenseless during the activation.
the user‟s next strike. The onslaught is
CON 22 AGI 22 POW 22 WILL 22
as inevitable as the coming of Autumn.

Effects: Mirage (15, Non-Detection

This technique sacrifices the user‟s
(Impossible)), Ability Increase
current weapon during an unsheathing
(Acrobatics 100).
to create additional +10 Ki weapons
with each attack. After each attack, Advantages: Reduction of MK -15.
the weapon is again destroyed. Along
with the weapons, this technique Disadvantages: Defenseless, Limited
grants four additional penalty-free Circumstance (Damage).
attacks. This technique can be
maintained by paying 18 Ki per round.
Level: 3 MK: 75
DEX 13 (Maint. 4) AGI 13 (Maint. 3)
CON 13 (Maint. 3) POW 13 (Maint. 4) Eight‟s hidden final technique is one
WILL 13 (Maint. 4) that he never taught anyone, because
he couldn‟t remember how to do it.
Effects: Physical Ki Weapons (+10,
The technique is one meant to bring
Unlimited), Additional Attack +4.
low armies, disabling them with a
Advantages: Reduction of MK -20. literal blink of the eye. But its terrible
power can only be unleashed once in a
Disadvantages: Weapon Loss,
lifetime, because the spirit of anyone
Condition: Unsheathe.
strong-enough to master it cannot

Taking the Road Less Travelled bear the inhumanity of this technique
a second time.
Level: 3 MK: 105
This technique grants the character
Upon suffering a strike, the user of this radial vision before unleashing an
technique spontaneously splits apart in attack that affects everyone within the
a multitude. The copies scatter to the character‟s sight. Unless the victims
winds, leaving behind only an enemy pass a PhR check of 200, they lose

O9 8
points in all of their characteristics. Level: 1 MK: 30
However, this technique is also
To fight the evil that is the
Predetermined, and can only be used a
supernatural, one has to delve
single time in a character‟s life.
inside it just enough to be able to
DEX 14 POW 14 CON 14 STR 14 counter it. The Essence of Light
WILL 14 infuses the believer, enabling them
to see past the veil. An eye inside a
Effects: Supernatural State (Vision
triangle appears on their forehead.
(multi), PhR 200, Characteristic
Reduction (all)), Radial Vision. The character obtains Night Vision
as well as the ability to See
Advantages: Reduction of MK -10.
Supernatural. For 3 Ki per round,
Disadvantages: Predetermined, this Technique can be maintained.
Limited Use (1).
CON: 6 (Maint 1) WIL: 5 (Maint 1)
POW: 6 (Maint 1)
The Pillars of Faith: Ki for
Effects: Perceptive Abilities (Night
the Faithful, supplied by Emil Vision, See Supernatural), Maintained

The Inquisitors of the Church steel Type: Turn (Variable)

their body and mind, deploying
methods to withstand the dark The Pillar of Incarnation (Elude the
whispers of the supernatural and to Darkness)
strike down evil wherever they
Level: 1 MK: 50
encounter it. The Church tries to
keep these Techniques in their circle, To withstand the whispers of the
so it would be rare to see it used by dark and the storm of the
outsiders. Supernatural, the bodies of the
believers need to be strong as well
The Pillars form powerful instruments
as their minds. Whip slashes of light
for the faithful to find their god-given
appear on the body, representing
the hardships they endured to get
In this Technique Tree, the followers here and that steeled them.
of Abel find the necessary steps to
The character is treated like a
guide them towards a deeper
creature with Damage Resistance,
understanding. Their body is enabled
receives 300 extra Life Points and
to stand against the darkness.
an AT of 4. The Life Points can‟t
Number of Techniques: 5 Total be used for Sacrifice. The user
MK: 300 also receives a bonus of +20 to
MR and PsR.
The Pillar of Mystery (The All-Seeing
Eye) CON: 6 (Maint 2) WIL: 5 (Maint 2)
POW: 5 (Maint 2)

O9 9
Effects: Damage Resistance 300, MR based attack. With a successful
+20, PsR +20 attack, the target has to make a PhR
check against the suffered damage
Advantages: Reduction of Ki 2
+60 or lose a Magic or Psychic effect

Type: Turn (Defense) they're maintaining.

The Pillar of Vindication (Strike Fear) WIL: 8 STR: 9 POW: 7 CON: 5 DEX: 4

Level: 2 MK: 70 Effects: Interruption (+60),

Supernatural Attack, Armor Penalty
Believers endure and persist. -3, Long Distance (Single, 30 ft)
Withstanding, shaking off attacks
with ease is often reason enough Type: Action (Attack)

for their enemies to fear them.

The Pillar of Proclamation (We are
This Technique allows them to
catch an attack, retaliate and
then sow fear into their enemies‟ Level: 3 MK: 90
A believer never truly is alone. With
The character receives a bonus of this Technique, they call for help. But
+75 to Block and a Counter Attack as they know that help is best given
which then requires the foe to make a by yourself, they manifest many
PhR of 120 or they suffer the state of versions of themselves while
Terror. transporting to a nearby place to hide
between the duplicates. And although
DEX: 9 AGI: 9 STR: 9 POW: 6
ethereal, they can hurt nonbelievers.
Effects: Block +75, Counterattack
The character calls 15 copies that
+75, Supernatural State (PhR 120,
only can be discerned with an
Terror, Attack)
Impossible difficulty and their
Type: Action (Defense) actions are like a Phantasmal Spell
if the targe does not succeed on a
The Pillar of Revelation (Breaking the PsR 180 check. Additionally, the
Chain) user is transported 30 ft each
round to hide their position.
Level: 2 MK: 60
WIL: 12 (Maint 5) AGI: 12 (Maint
Against the dangers of the
3) POW: 12 (Maint 4) CON: 9
Supernatural, the believers use
(Maint 3)
their own energy to disrupt the
flow of the energies in their foes. Effects: Mirage 15 (Non-detection
Difficulty: Impossible, Phantasmal
The character can make an attack
Illusions PsR 180), Automatic
against an enemy within 30ft that
Transport 30 ft, Maintained
partially pierces their Armor (-3 AT)
and attacks them with an energy Type: Turn (Variable)

1 0 0
very powerful technique, but only
Dragon Ball Techniques,
masters can master it, due to the
supplied by Leonard, Author Unknown.
tremendous effort required to

Super Saiyan employ it.

STR: 5 DEX: 8 CON: 4 POW: 15

Level: 1 MK: 30
WIL: 9
AGI: 2 (Maint 2) DEX 3 (Maint 1)
Effects: Long range attack: 100
STR: 5 (Maint 1)
metres, Supernatural Attack, Attack
Effects: +25 to Initiative, +25 to Ability +40, Damage Increase +100
Attack, +40 to Damage.
Disadvantages: Predetermination.
Super Saiyan Level 2
Kame Hame Ha
Level: 2 MK: 60
Level: 2 MK: 100
Type: Defence, Counterattack.
The second stage of the life wave
CON: 6 (Maint 2) AGI 9 (Maint 4) power is similar to the first, but is
DEX: 6 (Maint 4) much more powerful. The fighter
must be able to concentrate all his
Effects: AT 4 (against all types of
passion and all his life energy to
attacks), which can be combined
form the awesome golden energy
with any additional armour or layer,
attack up to 500 metres towards
without penalty, apart from that, it
his antagonist. Upon reaching its
grants you a bonus to all dodges in
target, the life wave explodes,
the round of +25, and a +50 to
damaging everyone within 10
metres. The attack adds +90 to the
Kame Hame attack ability, and deals base
damage equal to twice the fighter's
Level: 1 MK: 50 base presence, plus their power
bonus, all multiplied by 3.
This classic Ki technique allows the
Executing it requires performing a
fighter to use their own energy as a
series of specific hand gestures
weapon, sending a powerful blue
while accumulating ki in the hands,
energy attack up to 100 metres
while uttering "Ka Me Ha Ha Me
towards their antagonist. This
Ha". Due to the necessary
attack adds +40 to the attack skill,
synchronisation of the vital energy,
and causes base damage equal to
the technique is tied to the light. In
twice the fighter's base presence,
turn, because of the passion
plus his power bonus, plus 100.
needed to put it into practice, it is
Executing it requires a series of
also tied to fire.
specific hand gestures while
accumulating ki in the hands, while It is a tremendously powerful
pronouncing "Ka Me Ha Me". It is a technique, but so exhausting that

1 0 1
very few people know it, and even Ability +90, Damage Multiplier x3,
fewer are able to use it without Area Attack: 10 metres.
becoming completely exhausted.
Disadvantages: Predetermination.
STR: 8 DEX: 13 CON: 4 POW: 24
WIL: 10

Effects: Long range attack: 500

metres, Supernatural Attack, Attack

Solomon: Custodes
Aeternitatis, supplied by Shiryu
The Techniques that compose the
Technique tree known as the Legacy of
Solomon were created during the
greatest moment of splendour of the
Empire of Solomon. It is said that all
the information and principles of its Requirement: Ancient Blood.
attacks were gathered in the
nanomachines that ran through the
Defensive Protocols DM-01:
blood of the members of the members Perfectum Praesidium
of the Potentia division of the Empire's
Level: 1 MK: 30
security corps; the Myrmidons,
allowing them to activate them The nanomachines use the Legacy's
unconsciously. In this way, it is spiritual energy to briefly power up its
enough to imbue Ki in the nervous and muscular systems. To do
nanomachines so that they act on this, the nanomachines generate an
their own in the most convenient way. intricate network of circuits and fibres
Perhaps, the most unusual in the body of the legacy, sharpening
characteristic of these Techniques is its physical abilities with a single
that they are activated in an irregular purpose; defend their lord.
way to normal, when their future user
This technique allows the legate to
develops the ability to control their ki,
execute the Push or Defend third
the nanomachines begin to activate
parties without penalty once per
the appropriate techniques for their
round. It can be maintained by paying
2 ki points per round.
Number of Techniques: 9 Total MK:
STR: 2 POW: 2 (Maint 1) WIL: 3
(Maint 1)

1 0 2
Effects: Defense Maneuvers (Single): The nanomachines use the Legacy's
-40. spiritual energy to briefly power up its
nervous and muscular systems. To do
Advantages: Maintained. Reduction of
this, the nanomachines generate an
Ki 2.
intricate network of circuits and fibres
Disadvantages: Requirement in the body of the legacy that acts as a

(Ancient Blood). diffuser of the kinetic energy of any

impact or attack it receives, allowing it
Type: Turn (Defense) to continue acting.

Sensorial Protocols FH-01: Providus This technique allows the Legacy that
has been forced to go on the defensive
Level: 1 MK: 20
to regain the ability to perform Active
The nanomachines use the spiritual Actions in that round. This technique
energy of the Legacy to reconfigure can be maintained by paying 2 ki
their visual receptors, creating a kind points per round.
of layer of dark colour that acts as a
CON: 4 POW: 4 (Maint 1) WIL: 4
filter that allows them to perceive
(Maint 1)
things at reduced speed. Thanks to
this, it is able to react against enemies Effects: Quick Recovery.
that have great speed.
Advantages: Maintained.
This technique allows the legate to
reduce the Action penalties suffered as Disadvantages: Requirement

a result of losing the Turn by a (Ancient Blood).

difference of more than 150 points. To

Type: Action (Variable)
be effective, it must be used when
someone who has obtained Surprise Defensive Protocols AA-02: Clypeus
against the character declares an
Level: 1 MK: 30
Opposed Action against them. It can
be maintained by paying 1 ki point. The nanomachines employ the
spiritual energy of the legate in order
STR: 1 POW: 2 WIL: 2 (Maint 1)
to activate the inner circuits and fibres
Effects: Foretell: Half. inside the character‟s body, covering
their muscular fibres, bones, and
Advantages: Maintained. Reduction of
organs with microfibers with a
Ki 1.
resistance equal to steel.
Disadvantages: Requirement
This technique equips the legate with
(Ancient Blood).
an Armour Type 4, which can be

Type: Turn (Variable) combined with others as an additional

layer without penalty to initiative, and
Reactive Protocols QR-01: Vindiciae which cannot be modified by quality

Level: 1 MK: 25

1 0 3
weapons, creature abilities, or other Ki Advantages: Maintained. Reduction of
techniques. Ki 2.

STR: 5 POW: 5 (Maint 2) WIL: 5 Disadvantages: Requirement

(Maint 2) (Ancient Blood).

Effects: Armor Augmentation: 4. Type: Turn (Variable)

Advantages: Maintained.
Reactive Protocols LAI-02: Omnino
Disadvantages: Requirement
(Ancient Blood). Level: 2 MK: 50

Type: Turn (Defense) The nanomachines use the legacy's

spiritual energy to generate a
Sensorial Protocols SRV-02: gravitational pull capable of pulling
Absoluta Oculus their lord to their side... even if he
doesn't want it to.
Level: 1 MK: 45
This technique works as an attack up
The nanomachines use the legate's
to a distance of 50 meters that
spiritual energy to reconfigure his
produces an Impact of Strength 14
visual receptors creating a kind of dark
that instead of moving away, attracts
colored layer that acts both as a filter
the target to the legacy. Since it was
capable of detecting the various
created to safeguard others, this
supernatural forces with clarity and a
technique does not deal any damage
visual range of 360 degrees, so he
from the attack or impact.
does not suffer penalties to his
perception caused by blind spots or STR: 6 POW: 6 WIL: 6
positioning. This technique allows the
Effects: Long-Distance Attack
legate to perceive the various
(Single): 50 meters and Impact 14.
supernatural forces without penalty
and to see at an angle of three Advantages: Attract. Reduction of Ki
hundred and sixty degrees, so the 4.
character does not suffer penalties to
his perception caused by blind spots or Disadvantages: Requirement
positioning. This technique can be (Ancient Blood). No Damage.
maintained by paying 4 ki points per
Type: Action (Attack)
Defensive Protocols DM-02: Verum
CON: 6 POW: 6 (Maint 2) WIL: 6
Perfectum Praesidium
(Maint 2)
Level: 2 MK: 40
Effects: Perceptive Abilities: See
Supernatural and Radial Vision.

1 0 4
The perfected version of Perfectum maintained by paying 12 ki points per
Praesidium allows the legate to round.
durably and perfectly defend its lord.
CON: 11 (Maint 4) POW: 12 (Maint
This technique allows the legate to 4) WIL: 12 (Maint 4)
execute the Push or Defend on third
Effects: Additional Defense: +10.
parties without penalty for the entire
round. This technique can be Advantages: Maintained. Added
maintained by paying 6 ki points per Fatigue Bonus.
Disadvantages: Requirement
STR: 6 POW: 6 (Maint 3) WIL: 6 (Ancient Blood). Maintained
(Maint 3) Technique: Defensive Protocol DM-02:
Verum Perfectum Praesidium.
Effects: Defense Maneuvers
(Multiple): -40. Type: Action (Defense)

Advantages: Maintained. Reduction of Final Defensive Protocols BAM-05:

Ki 1. Last Vigil
Disadvantages: Requirement
Level: 3 MK: 80
(Ancient Blood).
The Final Defensive Protocol is the
Type: Action (Defense)
ultimate combat program of the

Defensive Protocols AD-04: Invictus Potentia, the pinnacle of all their

protection techniques. Upon using it,
Level: 2 MK: 50 all of the Legacy's nanomachines begin
to channel all of the Legacy's spiritual,
Using as a base the systems activated
and even life, energy using the
in Verum Perfectum Praesidium, the
principles behind Perfectum
nanomachines perfect the physical
Praesidium and Invictus as a techno-
capacities of the legate with the
magical shell surrounded by complex
objective of reaching perfection in the
calculations and shifting algorithms
defense of his lord.
springs up around it allowing it to
This technique allows the legate to execute perfectly any defense you
perform up to 10 additional defenses make.
without penalty. In case the legate
This ki technique allows the legacy to
spends fatigue points, his bonus will
apply a +90 bonus to their block
be applied to all the defenses he
ability on all defenses they make in
performs. This technique can only be
the assault as well as in case of a
executed correctly if the Defensive
successful Defense they will be able to
Protocol technique DM-02: Verum
return the attack against their
Perfectum Praesidium is being
aggressor even if they are esoteric
maintained. This technique can be
abilities. The return is made with the
same Final Attack Ability of the

1 0 5
aggressor, that is, using the result of enough to imbue Ki in the
their roll. This return is considered a nanomachines so that they act on
Counterattack, so the legacy can also their own in the most convenient way.
add the Counterattack bonus gained Perhaps, the most unusual
by its Defense to the reflected Attack. characteristic of these Techniques is
It is possible to Reflect an Attack even that they are activated in an irregular
if the legacy no longer has offensive way to normal, when their future user
actions, since it is not really him who develops the ability to control their ki,
is attacking. In order to use this the nanomachines begin to activate
technique properly, it is necessary to the appropriate techniques for their
have first used Defensive Protocol development.
DIC-04: Invictus and sacrifice 75 life
Number of Techniques: 9 Total MK:
points that will be recovered as a

Requirement: Ancient Blood.

STR: 17 POW: 18 WIL: 18
Offensive Protocols AI-01: Dextra
Effect: Block Ability (Multiple): +90
and Attack Mirroring.

Advantages: Mirroring Esoteric Level: 1 MK: 30

The nanomachines gather the spiritual

Disadvantages: Requirement energy of the Legacy along the edge

(Ancient Blood). Vital Sacrifice: 75 PV. of their weapons, which surround

Maintained Technique: Defensive themselves with numerical codes and

Protocol AD-04: Invictus. algorithms calculating the best route

to take for the perfect attack. As they
Type: Action (Defense) conclude, the Legate experiences a
burst of blinding speed, appearing to
Solomon: Dotibus Ex Morte, unfold as it lunges to finish off its foe.
supplied by Shiryu
This technique increases the attack
The Techniques that compose the ability by 25 points and the Legacy's
Technique tree known as the Legacy of initiative by 75 points.
Solomon were created during the
DEX: 3 AGI: 3 POW: 4
greatest moment of splendor of the
Empire of Solomon. It is said that all Effects: Attack Ability +25, Initiative
the information and principles of its Augmentation +75.
attacks were gathered in the
nanomachines that ran through the Advantages: Reduction of Ki 2.
blood of the members of the members
Disadvantages: Requirement
of the Peritus division of the Empire's
(Ancient Blood).
security corps; the Myrmidons,
allowing them to activate them Type: Action (Attack)
unconsciously. In this way, it is

1 0 6
Defensive Protocols DM-01: Posuere This technique increases the level of
any critical hit made by 40 points as
Level: 1 MK: 30
well as reduces the penalties for

Gathering the spiritual energy of the making targeted attacks by 75 points.

Legacy, the nanomachines generate a

DEX: 3 AGI: 3 POW: 4
repulsion field on the soles of their
feet. When activated, it allows the Effects: Critical Enhancement (Single)
Legate to execute a quick movement +40, Combat Maneuvers and Aiming
with which it escapes from the danger (Single) -75.
Advantages: Reduction of Ki 1.
This technique increases the
Disadvantages: Requirement
movement value by 2 points, being
(Ancient Blood).
able to benefit from MV greater than
10 without the need for inhumanity or Type: Action (Attack)
zen, as well as the Legate's dodge
ability by 40 points. Sensorial Protocols NV-01: Nox
DEX: 3 AGI: 3 POW: 4
Level: 1 MK: 20
Effects: Movement Increase +2,
Dodge Ability (Single) +40. The nanomachines use the spiritual
energy of the Legate to reconfigure
Advantages: Reduction of Ki 2. their visual receptors, creating a kind
of dark-colored layer that acts as a
Disadvantages: Requirement
visor capable of adapting them to the
(Ancient Blood).
infrared spectrum. Thanks to them,
Type: Turn (Defense) the legate is able to see in complete
Offensive Protocols CMA-02: Pronus
This technique allows the Legate to
Level: 1 MK: 20
see without penalty in natural

The nanomachines gather spiritual darkness and halves the penalties for
energy from the Legate along the edge supernatural darkness. It can be

of their weapons, which surround maintained by paying one ki point per

themselves with numerical codes and round.

algorithms calculating the best route
DEX: 3 AGI: 3 POW: 4 (Maint 1)
to kill the target. When they conclude,
the legacy will see how their Effects: Perceptive Abilities: Night
concentration experiences an inhuman Vision.
increase being able to make an attack
Advantages: Maintained. Reduction of
to the vulnerable point of their target
Ki 1.
with the greatest precision.

1 0 7
Disadvantages: Requirement transmitting the target's vital
(Ancient Blood). information so that they adapt the
Legacy's body in such a way that it can
Type: Turn (Passive)
be easily destroyed. The beacon

Spatial Protocols AT-01: Flammis lingers in a foreign body for about a

month before disintegrating harmlessly
Level: 1 MK: 20 in your system.

The nanomachines use the spiritual This technique brands a target for a
energy of the Legate to manifest little over a month, causing attacks
Solomonic machinery capable of made by the Legate against them to
creating gaps in space. To do this, the increase their attack ability by 50
machinery, with a shape vaguely points.
similar to scissors, sinks into reality
itself, skewing the space that joins the DEX: 6 POW: 6 WIL: 6

point of entry and exit that the

Effects: Greater Brand.
character uses to move.
Advantages: Prolonged.
This technique allows for automatic
teleportation up to a distance of 250 Disadvantages: Requirement
meters. Since it is not linked to a (Ancient Blood).
combat action, it can only be used
Type: Action (Attack)
outside of combat.
Offensive Protocols KMP-04:
DEX: 3 AGI: 3 POW: 4
Effects: Automatic Transportation:
Level: 2 MK: 40
250 meters.

The nanomachines use the spiritual

Advantages: Reduction of Ki 1.
energy of the Legate to manifest along
Disadvantages: Requirement the edge of their weapons a series of
(Ancient Blood). technomagical systems that radiate a
void wave capable of destroying the
Type: Action (Active)
foundation behind supernatural forces.
Offensive Protocols GB-03: Set
This technique forces the target to
overcome a PhR against the damage

Level: 2 MK: 40 suffered plus 80. On failure: Loses any

amount of Ki that it had accumulated
The nanomachines use the spiritual up to that moment. It does not return
energy of the Legate to create a to the reserve; for all intents and
biometric beacon that can be forcibly purposes, it is as if he had spent it. In
implanted into an enemy's body. If the same way, all their active
successful, the beacon sends a signal Techniques with Maintenance,
to the Legate's nanomachines, Sustained or that he had prepared

1 0 8
waiting for their launch, are annulled. Disadvantages: Requirement
Nullifies any Maintained spells that the (Ancient Blood).
affected target currently has active.
Type: Turn (Defense)
The affected person loses any psychic
power that he was maintaining as Slot Final Offensive Protocols AACA-05:
Innate. Ultimum Iudicium
DEX: 6 POW: 6 WIL: 6
Level: 3 MK: 140

Effects: Interruption: Damage +80.

The Final Offensive Protocol is the

Advantages: Type of Interruption: Ki, Peritus' ultimate combat program, the

Magic and Psychic Abilities. most powerful and deadly of all their
assassination techniques. Using it, all
Disadvantages: Requirement of the legate's nanomachines begin to
(Ancient Blood). channel all of the legate's spiritual, and
even life, energy into their weapons,
Type: Action (Attack)
creating a techno-magical shell
Defensive Protocols ID-02: Ex surrounded by complex calculations
Spiravit and changing algorithms, thanks to the
information transmitted by the beacon,
Level: 2 MK: 40 with which they traces in a millimeter
and inevitably the necessary
The nanomachines use the Legate's
maneuvers to end the life of the
energy to modify their body allowing
them to enter a phase-change state.
In said state, the Legate's moves This technique allows you to make
become fluctuating allowing it to three attacks increasing your ability by
ignore any attack in which it is able to 100 points under the continuous
ignore any attack. attack rules. In case of obtaining a
damage result, they produce critical
This technique allows the Legacy to
automatically. In order to use this
become intangible by ignoring any
technique properly, it is necessary to
attacks and objects without the ability
have first marked a target with Set
to damage energy. It can be
Scopum and sacrifice 75 life points
maintained by paying eight ki points
that will be recovered as a sacrifice.
per round.
AGI: 18 DEX: 18 POW: 18 WIL: 18
AGI: 9 (Maint 3) DEX: 9 (Maint 3)
POW: 9 (Maint 2) Effects: Additional Attacks +2. Attack
Ability (Single) +100. Critical
Effects: Intangibility. Dodge Ability
Enhancement (Single) +100.
(Complete) +40.
Advantages: Continuous Attack.
Advantages: Maintained.
Automatic Critical. Reduction of Ki 2.

1 0 9
Disadvantages: Requirement surrounded by numerical codes and
(Ancient Blood). Conditions (Branded) algorithms calculating the best route
and Vital Sacrifice -75 Life Points. to kill the target taking the form of an
advanced techno-magical scope. The
Type: Action (Attack).
scope increases the Legate's
concentration and accuracy to
Solomon: Ruinam Deorum, inhuman degrees, allowing it to strike
supplied by Shiryu at its target's vulnerable points with
the greatest precision.
The Techniques that compose the
Technique tree known as the Legacy of This technique allows the Legate to
Solomon were created during the make targeted attacks, reducing its
greatest moment of splendor of the penalty by up to 50 points. This
Empire of Solomon. It is said that all technique can be maintained by
the information and principles of its paying 3 ki points per round.
attacks were gathered in the
nanomachines that ran through the DEX: 3 (Maint 1) POW: 3 (Maint 1)

blood of the members of the members WIL: 3 (Maint 1)

of the Praecisam division of the

Effects: Combat Maneuvers and
Empire's security corps; the
Aiming (Single): -50.
Myrmidons, allowing them to activate
them unconsciously. In this way, it is Advantages: Maintained. Reduction of
enough to imbue Ki in the Ki 1.
nanomachines so that they act on
Disadvantages: Requirement
their own in the most convenient way.
(Ancient Blood).
Perhaps, the most unusual
characteristic of these Techniques is Type: Action (Attack)
that they are activated in an irregular
way to normal, when their future user Offensive Protocols AC-01: Verax
develops the ability to control their ki, Iecit
the nanomachines begin to activate
Level: 1 MK: 30
the appropriate techniques for their
development. The nanomachines gather the spiritual
energy of the legate throughout the
Number of Techniques: 9 Total MK:
structure of their weapons, which are
surrounded by numerical codes and
Requirement: Ancient Blood. algorithms calculating the best route
to take for the perfect attack. When
Auxiliary Protocol CMA-01: Punctum they're done, the Legate experiences
absolute clarity, allowing it to hit shots
Level: 1 MK: 20
with deadly power.
The nanomachines gather the spiritual
This technique allows the Legate to
energy of the legate throughout the
make an attack with an increase of 40
structure of their weapons, which is

1 1 0
points to his ability and in case of a Disadvantages: Requirement
critical hit, his level is increased by 40 (Ancient Blood).
Type: Turn (Variable)
DEX: 3 POW: 3 WIL: 3
Offensive Protocols KMP-02: Inanis
Effects: Attack Ability (Single) +40
Level: 1 MK: 25
and Critical Enhancement (Single)
+40. The Legate‟s nanomachines use their
internal energy to manifest within the
Advantages: Reduction of Ki 2.
magazine of their weapons a series of
Disadvantages: Requirement technomagical systems that inject
(Ancient Blood). their ammunition with void energy
capable of radiating a wave that
Type: Action (Attack)
destroys the foundation behind
Auxiliary Protocol PKU-02: Unlimited supernatural forces.

Bullet Works
This technique forces the target to

Level: 1 MK: 20 overcome a PhR against the damage

suffered plus 60. On failure: Loses any
Upon being charged with energy, the amount of Ki that it had accumulated
nanomachines begin to resonate with up to that moment. It does not return
the Sacculum System, the pocket to the reserve; for all intents and
dimension where the Praecisam stored purposes, it is as if he had spent it. In
their ammunition, connecting it with the same way, all their active
their weapons. From then on, the Techniques with Maintenance,
legate‟s weapons have access to Sustained or that he had prepared
unlimited high-quality ammunition. waiting for their launch, are annulled.
Nullifies any Maintained spells that the
This technique allows the legate to
affected target currently has active.
create an unlimited number of quality
The affected person loses any psychic
+10 ammunition. The specific type of
power that he was maintaining as Slot
ammunition must be declared before
executing the technique. This
technique can be maintained by DEX: 5 POW: 5 WIL: 6
paying 3 ki points per round.
Effects: Interruption: Damage +60.
DEX: 4 POW: 5 (Maint 1) WIL: 5
(Maint 2) Advantages: Type of Interruption: Ki,
Magic and Psychic Abilities.
Effects: Physical Ki Weapons: Quality
+10. Disadvantages: Requirement
(Ancient Blood).
Advantages: Maintained. Projectiles.
Type: Action (Attack)

1 1 1
Offensive Protocols AATC-03: Pluviis projectile charged with thousands of
Exitium nanomachines. When fired, and it has
reached the required altitude, the
Level: 1 MK: 20 projectile releases its payload and the
nanomachines swoop down on
The nanomachines gather the spiritual
designated targets in their area
energy of the legate throughout the
creating powerful technomagic chains
structure of their weapons, which
that contain their movements.
surround themselves with numerical
codes and algorithms while This technique allows the Legate to
manifesting a series of auxiliary perform an attack in an area of 100
technomagical systems. When the meters by choosing which targets it
calculations are complete, the weapon affects. If the attack is successful,
is capable of firing a powerful bolt of those affected must pass a Power
energy into the skies, raining down on check against a Grapple with a
the designated area in a hail of characteristic of 12. If the attack fails,
destruction that devastates chosen they cannot get rid of the Grapple
targets. using supernatural transports. This
technique can be maintained by
This technique allows an attack to be
paying 6 ki points per round.
made in an area of 25 meters around
the legacy using double the presence DEX: 14 (Maint 2) POW: 9 (Maint 2)
plus its Power bonus as base damage. WIL: 9 (Maint 2)
It is possible to designate targets
within the attack area. Effects: Area Attack (Single): 100
Meters. Grapple 12.
DEX: 3 POW: 3 WIL: 3
Advantages: Maintained. Target
Effects: Area Attack (Single): 25 Choice. Spirit Trap.
Disadvantages: Requirement
Advantages: Target Choice. (Ancient Blood). No Damage.

Disadvantages: Requirement Type: Action (Attack)

(Ancient Blood).
Sensorial Protocols GSS-01: Divinum
Type: Action (Attack)
Offensive Protocols AATC.SP-04:
Level: 2 MK: 40
Coactus Captis
The nanomachines use the spiritual
Level: 2 MK: 55 energy of the Legate to reconfigure
their visual receptors, creating a kind
Employing the foundations behind the
of layer of dark color that acts both as
AATC-03 offensive protocol, this
a filter capable of detecting the
technique harnesses the spiritual
various supernatural forces, their true
energy of the legate to create a

1 1 2
nature as well as their elemental maintained by paying 2 ki points per
affinities. round.

This technique allows the legate to not DEX: 5 POW: 5 (Maint 1) WIL: 5
only discern the various supernatural (Maint 1)
forces but is able to see the true
Effects: Critical Enhancement
nature of things, as well as their
elemental bonds. In addition, he
applies a +40 bonus to their Advantages: Maintained. Automatic
resistances against illusions of a visual Critical.
nature. This technique can be
maintained by paying 2 ki points per Disadvantages: Requirement
round. (Ancient Blood). Maintained
Technique: Auxiliary Protocol PKU-02:
DEX: 5 POW: 5 (Maint 1) WIL: 5 Unlimited Bullet Works.
(Maint 1)
Type: Action (Attack)
Effects: Perceptive Abilities: Greater
See the Supernatural. Final Offensive Protocols AMDM-05:
Perago Divinum
Advantages: Maintained.
Level: 3 MK: 110
Disadvantages: Requirement
(Ancient Blood). The legate accesses one of the Tace,
one of the weapons of mass
Type: Turn (Variable)
destruction created by the Empire.

Auxiliary Protocols CA-03: Perago Specifically, the Tace act as powerful

missiles loaded with powerful
hydrogen bombs, although given
Level: 2 MK: 40 their destructive potential they can
only be activated by the internal
The legate accesses a superior
energy of the Praecisam... and even
version of ammunition known as
so, the nanomachines of these
Mortem. The technomagical systems
myrmidons can only channel said
of these bullets react to the spiritual
energy for this purpose… if they have
energy of the legate and when they
the authorization of a Primus
come into contact with other bodies
Imperator. This technique allows the
they trigger a pulse of antimatter
legacy to make an attack using
generating massive and critical
Auxiliary Protocol CA-03: Perago
Officium capable of ignoring armor in

This technique allows the Legate to an area of 1 kilometer and with a

cause any of its attacks made via base damage equal to twice its

Auxiliary Protocols PKU-02: Unlimited presence plus its power bonus, all

Bullet Works to automatically produce multiplied by 3. This technique can

a critical hit. This technique can be

1 1 3
only be executed with the explicit Advantages: Reduction of Ki 2.
permission of a Primus Imperator.
Disadvantages: Requirement
STR: 14 DEX: 14 POW: 14 WIL: 14 (Ancient Blood). Maintained
Technique: Auxiliary Protocol CA-03:
Effects: Armor Penetration: Ignores
Perago Officium. Conditions: Certain
Armor. Damage Multiplier (Single) x3.
Time (Imperator's Authorization)
Area Attack (Single): 1 Kilometer.
Type: Action (Attack)

1 1 4
individual Daa that have left their
Daa, supplied by Tyr
homeworld, each one on the planet is
The Daa are a species of amorphs that linked to a greater network of minds
almost all reside upon a specific within the species as well, which leads
swampy planet near the edge of the species as a whole to act very
known space. In their natural state, much in concert. When the Daa first
they are blobs of a thick, gooey mass leave their planet, the change is
resembling amoebae with two central jarring to say the very least, and they
nuclei, all of which is wrapped in a begin to develop individual
rubbery outer membrane with many personalities within the first few days
small, fine hairs. Their size is off-world.
extremely mutable, anywhere from
With off-worlders, the Daa interact
one to four metres in length from end
differently depending on whether or
to end depending on the whims of the
not they are linked with the collective.
individual, but each individual
As a collective, their interactions are
maintains a set mass of between 35
straightforward. If met with aggression
and 135 kilograms, which changes
or meekness, the Daa tend to be
only at a natural rate. Their
aggressive, and will seek to kill and
colouration is largely dependant on
absorb offenders. If met openly with
mood, but can range to nearly any
confidence, they can be very obliging
colour on the visible spectrum,
and generally pleasant. Once they gain
including simple patterns of multiple
an individual identity, their interactions
colours. Their default seems to be a
are roughly similar to most
golden yellow.
humanoids, though they greatly prefer
Little is known about the Daa, as their the company of others and get lonely
homeworld orbits a somewhat unstable very easily. The Daa don't have any
star which emits intense concept of hiding things. They openly
electromagnetic radiation that disrupts share everything, and don't believe in
starship sensors. From the few that secrets, polite omissions, or privacy.
have ventured into space, however, a
Below are the racial traits of the Daa:
great deal can be studied. Each
individual Daa is actually a collection of
trillions of microscopic semi-aware
Gelatinous Form: The Daa are
bacteria, psychically linked to one
entirely amorphous, capable of
another to form a sort of hivemind.
changing their shape at will. They can
These bacteria are suspended in a
be basically any size within the
thick cytoplasm. According to the few

1 1 5
'Medium' range(9-22), and may take (Physical need[Honey, molasses or
on essentially any shape, including similar])
compressing themselves down to be
Regeneration: Given their form, the
able to slip through small cracks and
Daa are able to close wounds very
crevices provided there is enough time
easily by shifting their forms to
to slide through. However, they may
accommodate. In game terms, the
not change their total mass, and they
Daa have a Regeneration value of 6. If
will always appear as a gelatinous goo.
immersed completely in honey or a
So, while they may appear in the
similar substance or glutted on at least
shape of a dog, they will still be
50% of their body weight in
translucent and rubbery. This form,
such(which renders the Daa near-
lacking any rigid structures, makes
insensate, causing a -100 All-Action
them immune to any sort of attack
Penalty until it is digested), that
that strikes on the Impact AT, unless it
Regeneration value doubles. If the Daa
is capable of damaging energy.
has lost body mass due to a Critical, it
Naturally, having no specifically-
can re-integrate it while in this
defined sensory organs means they
increased regenerative state, which
'see' using things like air currents,
takes approximately a day. It must
vibrations, ultrasonic senses, and the
have the original body mass to do this,
like unless they specifically create
or must have an equivalent amount
eyes. (Metamorphosis[Limited:
from a donor(willing or cannibalized).
Appears as goo, must maintain same
(Regeneration 6, Regeneration
mass], Physical immunity[Any
12[Condition: Immersed in or glutted
presence, Limited: Only against
on honey/molasses])
Impact attacks], Extrasensorial Vision)
Dietary Need: The Daa require the Psychic Attunement: The Daa, being
same sorts of things as most living comprised of a trillion psychic beings,
creatures, including a variety of foods, are all capable of utilizing the powers
but without a regular source of refined of the mind. While some develop their
sugar, such as honey or molasses, abilities more than others, all have the
they cannot replenish lost bacteria. ability to touch the minds of those
Additionally, after a time they become around them. All of the Daa are able to
sluggish and weak. If they do not perceive Psychic matrices. Additionally,
consume approximately a tenth of because of their unique psychic
their body mass in honey or a similar makeup, the Daa receive +20 to all
substance every week, they gain a Psychic Resistance checks and cannot
cumulative -10 All-Action Penalty until be affected by psychological states
such time as they fulfil this need. If such as Fear or Rage. All of the Daa
this penalty reaches -100, they lapse are required to take either Access to
into a coma and will die in a day One Psychic Discipline(in which case
unless fed adequately. If fed, they will that Discipline must be Telepathy), or
remain in the coma until they are Free Access to Psychic Disciplines(in
given daily feedings for a week. which case the first Discipline

1 1 6
developed must be Telepathy). (See
Entelecheia, supplied by Tyr
Matrices, Psychic Resistance +20,
Psychological Immunity) The Entelecheia are, in many ways,
the stereotypical “alien” people
Born of the Swamps: The Daa have
thought of at one time. Their skin is
evolved to match their environment,
grey, their heads oversized on their
with special porous membranes which
thin frames, and the “whites of their
allow them to draw oxygen and
eyes” cannot be seen because their
nutrients from liquid, as well as fine
pupils and irises cover the entire
hairs that allow them to cling to slick
opening. But they are not exactly
surfaces. They can breathe normally
stereotypes. They are not bald, for
even when immersed in water or a
example, though they also lack what
similar liquid, and can move on
we might identify as hair. Instead, the
surfaces of any grade as though
Entelecheia have wings growing from
walking on flat ground, including
their scalps. These wings come in a
'walking' upside-down. (Aquatic
plethora of colors and styles,
Breathing, Free Movement)
depending on the origins of the
Easily Frozen: The biggest weakness Entelecheia, and while they are never
one of the Daa has is their powerful-enough to help them take
vulnerability to cold. Exposure to flight, their beauty is often enough to
extreme cold, either from cold lift anyone's mood. Entelecheia often
environs or attacks, can freeze their position their wings very carefully atop
cytoplasm and put their bacteria into their heads in intricate styles that
torpor. When exposed to very cold convey both their current and ongoing
environments for longer than a minute moods, so it is not unusual to see the
or attacked on the Cold AT, the Daa wings shifting during conversations or
must make a Physical Resistance events in subtle ways. To most races,
check of 180 or be subject to an All- these shifts means nothing, but to the
Action penalty equal to their level of Entelecheia they can be very telling
failure. This penalty decreases by 5 indeed.
every round in the case of a cold
Brilliant Minds: The Entelecheia are a
attack, but if it is due to a cold
species known for their soaring
environment it decreases by 5 every
intellects, due in part to their
minute only after the Daa is moved
mysterious nature. Because of this,
somewhere warm. (Extreme
they are gifted with a +3 Bonus to
Vulnerability[Cold, PhR 180 or
their Intelligence scores. (Attribute
+3: 60)
Gnosis: 20
Body Between: The most interesting
Total DP: 190 facet of the Entelecheia is, as many
scholars agree, the shifting nature of
Total LM: +2
their bodies. Naturally, the Entelecheia
are little more than intelligent

1 1 7
humanoids with wings on their heads,
Pardalis, supplied by Tyr
but by extending or contracting these
wings before flapping or fluttering The Pardalis evolved from lizards. Now
them respectively, an Entelecheia can that the obvious is out of the way, we
switch between a physical form an a can discuss not what they were, but
more spiritual one. The transformation what they are. The Pardalis are a race
takes about 10 seconds to complete, of cold-blooded lizardfolk who are still
and while Immaterial they cannot considered by some to be monsters.
affect or be affected by anything Unlike other “civilized” races, the
incapable of damaging or otherwise Pardalis do not walk on two legs, but
manipulating energy. (Immaterial instead use all four limbs
Form: 80; Tangible At Will: 10; interchangeably as either foot or hand
Conditional -20). as needed. Both male and female
Pardalis look almost identical, and they
Dim Bodies: Because of their
lack any kind of secondary sexual
transitional nature, Entelecheia suffer
characteristics that humans would
a -1 to Strength, Constitution, and
recognize as such. In fact, some
Perception. These penalties represent
Pardalis have been known to “switch”
the a lack of necessary training given
genders while courting someone, since
their ability to shift as needed, and a
the concept is only important to them
sort of 'displacement' effect
for the purposes of sex. They do not
experienced by all Entelecheia where
wear much clothing if they can help it,
they sometimes have trouble
because the beauty of the patterns
distinguishing between what world
their scales make across their skin is
they're currently in. (Special Negative
important to their culture, and because
to balance Attribute +3)
they tend to live in very warm
Sensitive Wings: The wings of the climates. Their tails are strong and
Entelecheia, while beautiful and flexible, though not nearly as much of
powerful, are extremely sensitive to either as certain races can boast. But
touch. This sensitivity is so great that even with their razor-sharp teeth, their
it can actually cause them physical flattened heads, and their seldom-
pain, although no LP is lost from the blinking eyes, the Pardalis are often
contact. For this reason, Entelecheia considered most-monstrous for their
are terrified at the prospect of their flippant attitudes towards their own
wings being touched by anyone for any psychic powers.
reason, and will often shift forms or
Despite every known member of the
flee to avoid it. (Racial Terror: -20)
species developing an affinity with
CP+1 for Gnosis 20 abilities. Psychic powers at some point in their
lifetime, the Pardalis rarely, if ever,
Total DP: 110
believe it's necessary to control these

Total LM/CP required: 2. abilities strictly. So what if a town is

on fire? Perhaps it should have been
built with this possibility in mind. Who

1 1 8
cares if every object in the room flies immediate surroundings (Supernatural
out the window? You should have Detection, 200 feet, Detect Something
bolted it down. The only time they Specific, MR 140: 50+30+20= 100
seem to take it seriously at all is when DP).
an actual life is lost, and only then if
Limb Regeneration: Thanks to their
the life is actually lost, not simply
ancestry, Pardalis retain the ability to
endangered or harmed. In the last few
regrow lost limbs like arms and legs,
decades since the War of Unity, more
though not their own heads, and only
of the younger Pardalis have begun to
if the original limb is replaced within a
take their powers more seriously as
week's time. The length of time to
they try to adapt to a life in harmony
regenerate any lost limb is only three
with other races, but whether or not
days. This regeneration only functions
this trend will continue is unknown.
for regrowing limbs, all other wounds
Children of the Mind: Pardalis are heal at the normal rate of
naturally-born with the power to Regeneration the Pardalis possesses
manipulate psychic matrices, and grow (Regeneration 12, Conditional: 100-
into these powers whether they want 40= 60 DP).
to or not. A Pardalis character must
Cold-Blooded: Pardalis have no way
either buy Access to One Psychic
of generating the heat they need to
Discipline, Access to Natural Psychic
keep their blood pumping on their
Powers, or Free Access to Any Psychic
own. Because of this, they need to
Discipline. (No DP or CP costs, for
'bathe' in a warm environment (80
race, but required additional CP spend
F/26.7 C), or press against something
of 1-3).
equally warm, for at least one hour per
Jaws That Bite: Pardalis have 8 hours of activity, or one hour per 16
sharpened teeth, especially their hours of rest. A Pardalis that does not
incisors, which they retain from the receive at least the appropriate
days when it was used to tear meat amount of warmth suffer an All-Action
from bone (Natural Weapons: 20 DP) Penalty of -10 per day if resting, and -
20 if engaging in physical activity. If
Wall Walking: Because of specially-
the accumulated penalty ever totals -
adapted skin, Pardalis can walk along
100, the Pardalis dies (Extreme Need,
walls or even ceilings, sticking to the
Heat, -20 DP)
surfaces by secreting a thin layer of
fluid that fastens tight or releases Gnosis 20 (+1 CP)
easily through the shifting of specific
Total DP: 180
pheromones (Free Movement:20 DP).

LM/CP Required: 2.
Heat Detection: Through a
combination of tasting the air with
their tongue as well as their natural
psychic tendencies, Pardalis can sense
the presence of heat within their

1 1 9
pursuits tend to double as historical
Ursine, supplied by Tyr
chronicling, with accuracy to source
The Ursine are a species of large, material holding more value than
furred humanoids with hunched backs, artistic form.
short almost canid snouts, thick
Below are the racial traits of the
clawed hands and dense muscle and
fat deposits under extremely tough
skin. Usually anywhere from two to Massive: The Ursine are classified as
three and a half metres tall and 'Big', though their Size is anywhere
weighing from two hundred to six from 22 to 24. This means they have a
hundred and fifty kilograms, even the natural Initiative of 10 instead of 20.
smallest Ursine easily dwarfs most They gain +1 to Strength and
sentient races. Their sexual Constitution, and their Strength,
dimorphism is somewhat understated, Constitution, and Perception may
with female Ursine being slightly naturally be up to 13 without
smaller than their male counterparts Inhumanity. (Ability Increase +1 x2,
and having three sets of breasts Superhuman Physical Characteristics)
concealed under thick fur. The easiest
Fur and Hide: The Ursine have thick
way to distinguish between the two is
hides with resilient, shaggy fur. Their
that females stand considerably more
internal organs are protected from
upright than males. Fur colour ranges
nearly all angles by a further layer of
from black to varying shades of brown
hard, corded muscle and thick fat.
to pure white, and may gain a grizzled
They also heal at an advanced rate,
quality as they grow older.
though burns take longer. The end
Socially, the Ursine are generally effect is a creature remarkably difficult
solitary. While not strictly antisocial, to kill by most means, save for fire. In
they generally prefer the company of game terms, Ursine have a natural AT
themselves, or at most small groups. against all physical attacks of 4, save
They become increasingly for those using the Heat AT. They
uncomfortable in crowds, where they possess a Damage Barrier of 100, and
may feel penned in. have Regeneration 6, except for
damage caused by fire or other Heat-
Amoung their own kind, the Ursine
based attacks. They gain a natural
have a warrior culture, where strength
+20 to their Physical Resistance.
and martial skill are prized more than
Finally, their fur and fat allow them to
intelligence except where practical
take no penalties for being exposed to
matters are concerned. A canny
extreme cold. (Physical Armour
general with deep tactical knowledge
4[Limited: No Heat], Damage Barrier
will generally be regarded better than
100, Increased Physical Resistance
a stronger grunt, but the grunt will be
+20, Immune to Climactic
socially more accepted than an erudite
Phenomena[Limited: Cold only])
or artist. The Ursine typically do not
value frivolity, and so most artistic

1 20
Powerful Nose: An Ursine's sense of three centuries and develop in a
smell is so acute they are capable of similar way to men in their early
using it at some level in place of their years, only to see their development
sight. They have a natural +30 to any practically frozen once they reach
Perception-based Secondary Ability their twenties.
check that implies the use of scent,
Similar in character to men, although
can identify individuals and locations
possessing a somewhat more
by scent, and even locate things and
passionate vein, the Oanes loved the
beings that give off a scent with
arts and sciences, developing multiple
nothing more than their noses. (Acute
disciplines and facets such as poetry
Sense[Smell], Extrasensorial Vision)
or architecture. In this aspect they are
Claws: Ursine claws are long and very very active and determined because
hard, sharp enough to tear skin and when they start a company they
sturdy enough to dig. They are dedicate all their efforts to it until it is
considered to have natural weapons finished. Although they appreciate life,
with a Base Damage of 60 plus they do not hesitate to take it from
Strength bonus. (Natural Weapon) those who are an active danger to the
rest of the world. The Oanes live in
Gnosis: 10
perfect harmony with nature. They

Total DP value: 195 build their cities on the seabed or in

coral forests, taking advantage of the
Total LM: +2 qualities of the environment but trying
not to harm the ecosystem. Their
Oanes, supplied by Shiryu society is subtly matriarchal, since it is
generally women who hold the most
The Oanes are one of Gaia's important positions, such as
unknown races, whose dependence priestesses or leaders. Their leaders
on their environment and the are called Ladies or Lords of the Deep.
dangers of it prevented them from All of them have great magical abilities
reaching their full potential. that they develop in a balanced and
sometimes impetuous way by
Physically, they have a certain
observing the nature of water.
humanoid appearance in the upper
part of their bodies, although their Mental Communication: Oanes are
features are somewhat more stylized, capable of sending their thoughts to
while from the waist down they have other members of their race as a form
an ichthyic tail. Its skin is furrowed of telepathic communication. They are
with a scaly film of green or blue capable of unlimited use of the
tones with furrows of darker colors. psychic power of mental
Their eyes are generally dark colored. communication in medium grade to
They have quite sharp fangs and communicate with other members of
claws that can be used effectively as their race. In case of wanting to
weapons. They tend to live for about communicate with other races, they

1 2 1
reduce their effective range by half periods of time. In game terms, they
and they can resist by overcoming a can spend an hour out of the water,
RP against 120. This ability is plus an extra hour per point of
susceptible to powers and abilities Constitution, once that time expires
that nullify psychic powers. they suffer the state of Weakness (-4
to their Physical Characteristics) until
Mystic Essence: The soul of an
they are in contact with the water
Oanes is always tied to magic, so any
again for at least an hour.
member of the race is forced to
choose the Gift advantage. Heat vision: An Oanes is able to
see the infrared spectrum, so they
Fangs and Claws: In a limited way
are able to move with some skill in
the fangs and claws of the Oanes can
areas of complete darkness and to
be used as natural weapons. Used in
detect beings that try to hide. In
this way, they have a base damage
game terms, they halve relevant
of 30 plus their strength bonus.
penalties and can detect nearby heat
Logically, it is necessary to develop
your combat skill with them in order
not to suffer penalties. Their vision of the world: The
nature of the Oans leads them to face
Sea Being: The Oanes can breathe by
events in a slightly different way than
both lung and gill, they have no
other natural races. Therefore, in the
penalties to their movement type for
event that it is embodied by a player,
moving in the water and can withstand
it suffers a -2 penalty to the
the great pressures of the ocean floor.
experience points obtained at the end
But the unique quality of their skin
of a game session.
means that they must be in contact
with water at all times, being able to Base Gnosis: 5
be without that contact for short
Level Modifier: +1

1 2 2
Faeries, Children of the

The Lost Kind, supplied by Morgan

Native to the ancient archipelago of
Folkia, fairies are part of what is
commonly known as faerie creatures.
They are born of the same blood as
the elves, the distinguishing feature
being the fact that the fairies have a
pair of wings, but apart from that they
are quite similar, although they tend to
be thinner and with finer features than
the Sylvain. Their culture is quite
different from the other faerie nations, are an essential part of the fairy
as since ancient times they have been culture, so if a fairy lost them, it would
part of the same nation; Elvhenan, be equivalent to an elf who does not
which is the name they give to their have the Gift. These wings grant a
lands. At the beginning of times Natural Flight Type 12.
they spoke the same language as the
Fragile bodies: Being small beings, it
Sylvain, and there were even some
is natural that their resistance to
fairies who adopted human
damage is affected, for which they
languages, but eventually they
have -20 to their PhR and -2 to their
ended up developing their own
Size, as well as -1 to their STR and -2
language; the Sìthiche, or
to your CON. Similarly, their wings are
Faerie Language, a language similar to
considered an additional vulnerable
Elvish, but with notable differences,
point to his physical form, though in
such as softer phonemes and a slower
exchange for this they have developed
cadence, as well as the lack of a
a natural aptitude to be faster, for
standardized written form, which
which they have +1 to his AGI.
although it existed in the past, was
lost with the activation of the machine, Connection with The Veil: Since
for which only some fairies, regularly ancient times, fairies have had a
kings or lords of the seasons, retain strong spiritual element in their
the necessary knowledge to use it culture, since these beings have a
correctly. lifelong connection with a place called
The Veil, mostly unknown to the rest
Dancing souls: Fairies are known for
of the creatures, since it is quite
many things, but among them, having
difficult to get there without the
wings stands out. These wings are not
connection that the faerie people have,
only a physical accessory, but they are
to such an extent that even the fairies
strongly linked to their soul, and they

1 2 3
themselves are somewhat unaware of she would accumulate a -5 penalty up
the existence of this place, as few to a limit of -50.
have managed to enter it and return to
 Daughters of the Sun: Fairies
report its existence. Due to their
born on Solasan, the Isle of
connection to the Veil, fairies naturally
Spring, have always been
have the ability to See Spirits, as well
known for their jovial attitude
as a +2 POW and +20 MR rolls.
and playful nature, as well as a
Daughters of the Seasons: The strong connection with nature.
faerie people were always strongly The daughters of the Sun, as
linked to the forests, rivers and they are popularly known by
mountains they inhabited, so much so the other inhabitants of the
that their souls began to acquire interregnum due to the
specific abilities depending on the common sunny days on their
areas they inhabited. With the creation island, are particularly skilled
of the barrier, these differences were with earth magic, enjoying
accentuated, as the four largest bonuses that their island sisters
islands personified the seasons of the would not naturally have. This
year, causing the fairies born there to gives them +20 to the MA of
obtain related abilities. Although not the spells of the Earth path, as
everything is beneficial, because being well as completely reducing the
tied to the season in which they were cost of rituals related to nature,
born usually has certain as well as being able to
inconveniences when traveling beyond communicate in an innate way
the limits of their domain, and with all plants and animals
although it is not usually more serious through the use of the spell.
than a slight feeling of tiredness or They can use Communication
weakness, If a fairy traveled to the by Essence in an innate way,
opposite season, she would suffer although only up to its
seriously, because her body and her intermediate degree.
soul would not be prepared at all.
Being in their affine season, fairies  Ice Wings: Those born in

apply as if they had a base Hibernia, the Winter Island, are

regeneration value of 6, as well as different from their island

double their Zeonic regeneration. If a sisters because they tend to be

fairy were to venture to the opposite more elegant and demure, as

station, he would experience a growing well as being the only

feeling of weakness and weariness, traditional monarchy among the

which, while tolerable at first, would lordships of the seasons. The

increase with time. This is represented people of the ice wings, as they

by the fact that she would have are called in the other islands

Regeneration 0, so her wounds would due to the white blanket that

not heal naturally, and every 24 hours covers the island during the
entire year, are naturally

1 2 4
proficient in controlling water not as good as the daughters of
magic, even being able to the sun also have a close
communicate freely with the relationship with plants,
elementals of water and the ice, especially with the flowers that
as well as with the creatures grow in the vast land of
that inhabit them, such as fish autumn, which is said; they are
or animals that would normally magical. Ocher-borns gain +20
live in the arctic and tundra. to their Air Path MA, as well as
Like the other faerie castes, the +2 to their VT when flying,
daughters of winter have +20 though this is reduced to +1
to their MA for Water path when engaged in combat.
spells, as well as being immune
to natural cold and being able  Dancers of the Mist: Finally,

to use their Flying Type as a TM there are those who are born in

to swim freely. Syladahlan, the Island of

Summer. They were once the
 Born of the Ochre: Those who most common among the
are born in Talamh Ocher, the daughters of the forest, for it
Island of Autumn, differ from was here that the first fairies
their relatives because they are saw the light of the sun.
the most peaceful among the Unfortunately, events in recent
four islands, being the only centuries have meant that the
ones that had had a stable mist dancers, as they are called
relationship with humans, at by the other faerie castes due
least until The Duel for to their rains and giant dew
Syladahlen occurred, an event drops so common on the island,
in which this relationship was decrease significantly, as there
severed. Even so, the vast are not a few fairies who have
majority of ocher-born, as they decided to leave the island to
are called by their fae sisters, try to find a better life in other
maintain this calm and lands. This is why they have
meditative attitude, and become the rarest faerie caste
although they are somewhat of all, to such an extent that
more cautious, they are still the only a few are known to exist,
friendliest towards the people one of these being Cenabenus
of men. In the same way, they himself, Marshal of the Knights
maintain their innate of the Green. They are known
connection with the spirits of to be skillful with fire magic,
the air, thanks to which they jealous and, to a certain extent,
can communicate freely with quite passionate, so it is not
the birds with which they fly surprising that they are the
through the skies, as well as most combative of their sisters,
with the elementals that guard to the point that they make up
them, and although they are most of The Knights of the

1 2 5
Green. The daughters of In Folkia they tend to be rare, as
summer have a +20 to their MA faerie souls tend to stay in the Veil, if
for the Fire path spells, in they have left unresolved issues or the
addition to being completely like, remaining as reflections of the
immune to natural heat and person they once were for those
have no penalties when flying visitors who dare venture there.
in the rain. They also have the
Even so, there are cases of humans
ability to communicate freely
who have been born with the soul of
with some animals, specifically
a fairy, their essence is
only those considered
usually tied to the light, although not
predators, and also with
as much as that of a Sylvain, just as
fungiform insects, forms of life
they have a predilection to be born
common on the island that
with the Gift, as a memory of the
were once favorite pets of these
magical abilities of his past.
daughters of the forest, and
that with their departure they Faerie nephilim are typically agile,
have reverted to their feral slender people, somewhat sickly in
forms, at least in most cases. youth but resistant to illness once they
come of age. They are usually people
Elemental Bond: Fairies are capable
with elegant and fine features, with
of controlling intensities of their
light skin tones. Other characteristics
kindred element equal to their POW
such as the color of their eyes and hair
divided in half.
are often influenced by the time of
Limited needs: They need much less year during which they were born, as a
rest than other races, thus reducing fragile memory of their bond to the
their needs for sleep and food to a fifth seasons, although this only occurs in
of what a human needs. small isolated cases.

Supernatural Immunity: Fairies are It is common for their soul to end up

immune to all natural poisons or influencing their personality, often
diseases, just like their elven cousins. being playful individuals, with a
cheerful attitude or with a lot of
Level Modifier: +2
energy. They tend to have interests in

Experience Penalty: -3 the arts, particularly painting and

music, as well as being much more
Fairy Nephilim capable of living in harmony with
nature, being able to enjoy simple
Nephilim of faerie origin are rare
momentary escapes to the forest as if
outside of Folkia, for since most fairies
they had lived in it all their lives. They
reside here, it is difficult for their souls
are mostly peaceful people who prefer
to cross the barrier to reincarnate as a
to avoid direct conflict, although there
human born on Gaïa.
will be cases where they have a more

1 2 6
passionate character that leads them them; such as See the spirits, just as
to be more conflictive. they add +1 to their POW due to the
strong connection they still have with
They tend to be quite well preserved
the spiritual veil, this is why they also
until they are 90 years old, exceeding
have a +10 to their MR. It is also
a century of age in most cases, and
possible that from that moment on
there are those who even live a
they are able to enter The Vigil
century and a half, although only in
through their own dreams, as this
the case of those who have a strong
connection allows them to cross over
connection with whoever they once
to The Veil more easily, although not
were, because keeping a small part of
without complications.
the soul of an immortal being after all.
Dancing Souls: Fairies were known
They are among the Nephilim who
for a host of abilities, but the one that
dream less of their past life, since the
stands out the most is, of course, their
vast majority of their dreams depend
wings. However, the Nephilim do not
on something that makes them
keep them, at least not in their
vaguely remember who they were, so
entirety, as instead they have a pair of
it is not uncommon for a person to be
soul wings that remain tied directly to
born and die without even knowing
their soul. These manifest the moment
who they were actually. Although if
you gain some knowledge of your past
they manage to remember who they
life. The wings grant a mystical Flight
once were, they will begin to dream
Type 10.
much more frequently, beginning to
feel a feeling of emptiness that could Fragile Bodies: In the past they were
only be filled with that lost knowledge. quite fragile beings, so it is natural
that their resistance to damage is
Naturally, having a faerie soul often
affected, as well as their physical
has repercussions on people's lives,
complexion, for which they have a -10
giving them all kinds of incredible
to their PhR and a -1 to their Size.
abilities, both physically and
spiritually. This is why all players who The Faerie Court: Possessing a faerie
choose to play a Faerie Nephilim have soul allows you, among many other
these advantages and disadvantages: things, to have a minimal knowledge
of the language these creatures used,
Connection with The Veil: Their
the Sìthiche, or Faerie Language. You
souls remain intrinsically linked to the
will not have complete knowledge of
past, so they have a strong connection
your ancestral language, but you will
with the spiritual veil, however this
be able to understand phrases that
connection remains broken in most
you would not normally be able to, as
cases, so an event is necessary that
well as it will be easier for you to learn
triggers the restoration of their link
this ancestral language. It will also
with that mystical place. Once this
allow him to circumvent old
happens, they recover some of the
protections linked to entirely faerie
privileges that this connection granted

1 2 7
presences, since having the soul of a between what it learns and what it
fairy is detected as if they were still remembers. For this reason, they
one. suffer a -4 point penalty to experience
granted by the Game Master at the
Immortal Soul: Like all Nephilim, the
end of each session.
fairy‟s soul lives in an internal struggle

1 2 8
Blood Legacies
Blood of the Lim Shide, supplied by Shiryu
Whoever possesses this legacy is a descendant of one of the Lim Shide, the
ancient heroes of the Lilium myths. Thanks to the blood that runs through their
veins, the character has an innate connection with the weapons of legend as well
as a series of unique powers, among which a certain control over his own destiny
stands out.

Hero's Blood: Due to the unique characteristics of his blood, the Legacy has
the ability to perform actions of Inhuman difficulty.

Connection to the Weapons of Legend: Because the very essence of the

Legacy is connected to the weapons, and thus in some way to the flow, it has
above-average spiritual power, so it increases by 1 point its Power Characteristic.
However, when pairing to a weapon of legend all of its latent potential is
unleashed, it increases by 1 point another one of its characteristics of their choice
(which can be again Power to increase it by 2 points).

Tuatha Dé Danann: In those moments when all seems to be lost, the legacy can
turn the same fate, becoming the hero they were destined to be. By activating
this ability, they can reroll one roll per round, as long as it is not a fumble, and
increase their open range by 5. The legacy can disable this ability at any time, but
the maximum duration of this effect is 1 day.

Bròn-chluich Sìthiche: However, everything has a price... At the end of Tuatha

Dé Danann's effect, the legacy can feel how luck has abandoned them, as fate
balances the scales of the fortune they have stolen. The Legacy gains the Bad
Luck and Unfortunate disadvantage for ten times as long as Tuatha's effect was
on, during which time they can't use its effects again: therefore, they will fumble
on an 11 or less (or increase the fumble range to 5 if higher), this new fumble
range being irreducible; Furthermore, not only will they be the target of all the
random negative effects, but fate will curve to ensure that the worst misfortunes
imaginable befall the character.

Cost: 1.

Note: As a whole, and contrary to the general rules, the Blood of Lim Sidhe's
abilities have a +2 level modifier.

1 2 9
bloodstream and that have the
Ancient Blood, supplied by Shiryu
information of the fallen empire, the
The 284 senators of Solomon and Primus blood has the information
their families created a blood bond codes of the Emperor Andromalius
with the control systems of The himself. Together, these abilities give
Logias. This link allowed them to fuse the character a +4 level modifier.
their consciences with their machines,
Supreme Data Bank: The
giving them mental commands and
nanomachines have, as a common
making them their servants. It is
database, the codes that allow the
difficult to specify the nature of this
character to easily access the various
union, but in accordance with the
protocols of all the Logias developed
studies of doctor Schwarzwald, it
by the Empire. In game terms, the
could be the tiny nanomachines in
character can use any of the Logias
their bloodstream.
that are weapons without penalty and
Even today there are descendents of ignore the requirements and security
the senators in whose veins run the codes to curb their use by normal
same blood: “The Ancient Blood.” people, being able to use their more
Most of them are not aware of their advanced systems after a few
legacy and go their whole lives moments of study. In addition, they
without knowing that they are can control any Genum, Archanum and
unique. Even though there is no Dyeus level machinery with absolute
longer a system to order around, the efficiency, including the most powerful
machines of Solomon still recognize ones such as the Gravestone satellite
them as their masters, responding to or the Sigma Hecatondies. In case of
their presence in varying degrees. facing another descendant of
The Ancient Ones have also Solomon, it will always be their control
developed a special bond with the that will prevail over all others
Logias, obtaining a vague knowledge
Specific Data Bank: The databanks
of how to use them. They don‟t really
contained in Andromalius'
know how they do it; they only know
nanomachines grant a series of
instinctively what must be done once
specific knowledge to the character.
the moment arrives.
Firstly, they have a default Lost Logias
Cost: 2 value of Almost Impossible (240),
though they can only use it to
Primus Imperator recognize and repair existing Logias in
Solomon's databanks, not to create
The Primus Imperator Ancient Blood is
anything new. In addition, the
conceptually the same as, yet
nanomachines serve as an instructor
completely different from, that which
so that he can "develop" intellectual
runs through other descendants of
and social skills up to a value of
Solomon's Empire. Although its
Absurd (180).
principles are the same, tiny
nanomachines that run through the

1 3 0
Physical and Mental Modification: an object. In other words, they will
The influence of the nanomachines on have access to the data contained in
the character began during their their sheet. This ability has no effect
gestation, carrying out a series of on individuals whose Nature is 20
supernatural and genetic engineering points higher than their racial Gnosis
processes, to endow them with the as well as beings with a Gnosis of 40
maximum of human potential. In or higher. Furthermore, it is impossible
game terms, the character is to use this ability on oneself.
considered to be capable of inhuman
actions and raises the base of all their
characteristics to 10. Likewise, the
influence of the nanomachines allows
them to access the ki techniques of
Solomon Imperius without the need to
spend MK to acquire them, but will still
need to learn them although the
nanomachine data is considered a
Master for that purpose.

The Emperor's Legacy: The biggest

change that the nanomachines cause
in the character is in the transmission
of Andromalius's greatest ability, the
Eyes of Libra. This ability is based on
Andromalius' desire for knowledge,
research and experimentation, which
led him to develop an analysis system
capable of collecting data from any
being or object he contemplated, said
data will be stored in the data banks of
his nanomachines. When the character
contemplates something or someone,
the nanomachines connected to them
information receivers allow them to
perform an analysis with which they
obtain the structural, biometric and
spiritual data of their target.
Mechanically, when the character
contemplates something, it must pass
a MR against 140, in case of failure
they will receive a flow of information
of its biometric and spiritual data, in
the case of a being, or its structural
and composition data, in the case of

1 3 1
Primus though he can only use it to recognize
and repair existing Logias in Solomon's
The Primus Ancient Blood is
databanks, not to create anything
conceptually the same as, yet
new. In addition, the nanomachines
completely different from, that which
serve as an instructor so that they can
runs through other descendants of
"develop" intellectual and social skills
Solomon's Empire. Although its
up to a value of Absurd (180).
principles are the same, tiny
nanomachines that run through the Physical and Mental Modification:
bloodstream and that have the The influence of the nanomachines on
information of the fallen empire, the the character began during their
Primus blood serves as "reserves" gestation, carrying out a series of
where to store the information codes supernatural and genetic engineering
of the emperor Andromalius himself processes, to endow them with the
in case the Imperator dies. Together, maximum of human potential. In
these abilities give the character a game terms, the character is
+2 level modifier. considered to be capable of inhuman
actions and raises the base of all their
Supreme Data Bank: The
characteristics to 10. Likewise, the
nanomachines have, as a common
influence of the nanomachines allows
database, the codes that allow the
them to access the ki techniques of
character to easily access the various
Solomon Imperius without the need to
protocols of all the Logias developed
spend MK to acquire them, but will still
by the Empire. In game terms, the
need to learn them although the
character can use any of the Logias
nanomachine data is considered a
that are weapons without penalty and
Master for that purpose.
ignore the requirements and security
codes to curb their use by normal Senex Praetorium
people, being able to use their more
The Ancient Blood Senex Praetorium
advanced systems after a few
was carried by the Solomon Empire's
moments of study. Furthermore, they
security corps; the Myrmidons. While
can control any Genum and Archanum
sharing the same basic principles as
level machinery. In case of facing
Genus Ancient Blood, these
another descendant of Solomon, it will
nanomachines have a more drastic
always be their control that will prevail
influence on the body and essence of
over all the others with the exception
their wearer. Together, these abilities
of the Imperator.
give the character a +2 level modifier.
Specific Data Bank: The databanks
Weapons Data Bank: The
contained in Andromalius'
nanomachines have as a common
nanomachines grant a series of
database the codes that allow their
specific knowledge to the character.
carriers to easily access the various
Firstly, he has a default Lost Logias
protocols of the technomagical
value of Almost Impossible (180),
weapons of the Empire. In game

1 3 2
terms, they can use any of the Logias  Praecisam Division Data
that are weapons without penalty and Bank: The division specializing
ignore the requirements and security in security and firearms versed
codes to curb their use by normal in the art of crowd control.
people, as long as they do not require Mechanically, these databanks
a blood of superior purity, being able function as an instructor for
to use their most advanced systems you to "develop" perception,
after a few moments of study. intellectual and subterfuge
skills up to a value of Absurd
Specific Data Bank: These data
banks also grant certain and more
direct knowledge based on their Physical and Mental Modification:
programming, depending on the The influence of the nanomachines has
division to which their ancestor honed the character's characteristics
belonged, the character will obtain one to the human limit as well as allowing
of the following: access to one of the ancient technique
trees developed by the Myrmidons.
 Common Data Bank:
Depending on the division, the
Regardless of which division
character can choose between:
you belong to, all Senex
Praetorium holders gain a  Peritus Division: The
default value of Lost Logias of character is considered to be
Absurdity (180), which you can capable of performing inhuman
only use to recognize or repair actions and raises the base of
Logias. their Agility and Dexterity
 Peritus Division Data Bank: characteristics to 10. Likewise,
The division specializing in they can access the ki
murder has data banks versed techniques of Solomon: Dotibus
in this art. Mechanically, these Ex Morte without needing to
data banks work like an spend MK to acquire them, but
instructor so you can "develop" even so, they will still need to
athletics, perception, and learn them although the data of
subterfuge skills up to a value the nanomachines is considered
of Absurd (180). as a Master for that purpose.
 Potentia Division Data Bank:  Potentia Division: The
The division specialized in close character is considered to be
combat and acting as a capable of inhuman actions and
bodyguard. Mechanically, these raises the base of their
data banks work like an Strength and Constitution
instructor so you can "develop" characteristics to 10. Likewise,
vigor, perception and social they can access the ki
skills up to a value of Absurd techniques of Solomon:
(180). Custodes Aeternitatis without
needing to spend MK to acquire

1 3 3
them, but even so, they will benefit from the associated
still need to learn them characteristics of said size;
although the data of the Unarmed damage 20, as an
nanomachines is considered as active action they can manifest
a Master for that purpose. structures of white steel and
 Praecisam Division: The titanium in his fists that act as
character is considered to be a natural weapon with base 60
capable of inhuman actions and damage that attacks in Impact,
raises the base of their in addition their nanomachines
Dexterity and Perception give them a structure of
characteristics to 10. Likewise, muscular microfilaments
they can access the ki equivalent to a natural TA 4.
techniques of Solomon: Ruinam  Escipión, The Executor
Deorum without needing to (Peritus): The character
spend MK to acquire them, but knows at all times where the
even so, they will still need to vulnerable points of any being
learn them although the data of they observe are located, for at
the nanomachines is considered least one round, and if they
as a Master for that purpose. make a targeted attack against
one, they reduce the relevant
The Legacy of the Praetorian: The
penalties by half.
biggest change that the nanomachines
 Marco Antonio, The
cause in the character is in the
Impossible Shooter
transmission of part of the abilities of
(Praecisam): The character
their ancestor. The character can
has total mastery over firearms
choose between one of the following
and projectiles, being able to
halve the penalties on Table 44

 Agripa, The Divine Eye Projectile Modifiers. When they

(Praecisam): When the achieve combat mastery they

character aims a firearm, or halve the penalties of the

projectile of any kind, for at “Aimed Shot, Ricochet”

least one turn, they gain the masterful maneuver.

precision rule. If the character  Octavio, The Shadow Master

spends all three rounds (Peritus): The character has

targeted, they apply a special absolute mastery over the art

bonus of +40 to the level of of subterfuge. They only have a

any possible critical hits they -20 penalty to their stealth

cause. ability for moving at their

 Cneo, The Big One maximum MV, half the

(Potentias): The character penalties to their ability to hide

can reach the Big size, either from "Well-lit Area" and "Empty

initially or by increasing stats in Room" as well as double the

even levels. If you own it, you bonus of "Shadowy Area"

1 3 4
 Trajano, The Immortal Senex
(Potentias): The character
The Senex Ancient Blood is in
cannot fall unconscious
principle similar to the Primus
naturally, automatically
Imperator blood since the
overcoming the state between
nanomachines that flowed through
life and death. Furthermore,
it were only carried by a single
they are considered to have no
individual but unlike this the codes
vulnerable points.
and information banks are much
These are just a few examples; there more specified since each of the
were other Praetorians of the senators had their own private
Myrmidons so any Storyteller could projects. Together, these abilities
develop their own. give the character a +2 level

Senate Data Bank: The

nanomachines have, as a common
database, the codes that allow the
character to easily access the various
protocols of all the Logias developed
by the Empire. In game terms, the
character can use any of the Logias
that are weapons without penalty and
ignore the requirements and security
codes to curb their use by normal
people, being able to use their more
advanced systems after a few
moments of study. Furthermore, they
can control any Genum and Archanum
level machinery. In case of facing
another descendant of Solomon, it will
always be his control that will prevail
over all the others with the exception
of the Primus and the Primus

Specific Data Bank: The databanks

contained in the Senator's
nanomachines grant a series of
specific knowledge to the character.
Firstly, they have a default Lost Logias
value of Almost Impossible (180),
though they can only use it to

1 3 5
recognize and repair existing Logias in them a bonus between +10
Solomon's databanks, not to create and +30 to all actions (varies
anything new. Additionally, the based on environmental
nanomachines serve as an instructor interference or the presence of
so that they can "develop" two skill enchanted walls). The
fields up to a value of Absurd (180). maximum distance of this link
is 1 kilometer. As long as the
Physical and Mental Modification:
character are controlling them,
The influence of the nanomachines on
they are not aware of what is
the character began during their
happening around their own
gestation, carrying out a series of
body. In the event that the
supernatural and genetic engineering
character develops the Gemini
processes, to endow them with the
Impossible Weapon, the
maximum of human potential. In
penalty for using several
game terms, the character is
puppets is reduced to -20. The
considered to be capable of inhuman
Legacy of Zeddicus increases
actions and raises the base of two of
their Power and Will as well as
their characteristics to 10. Likewise,
possesses databanks on the
the influence of the nanomachines
intellectual and creative skill
allows them to access the ki
techniques of Legacy of Solomon
 Zeros, The Divine
without need to spend MK to acquire
Calculation: The
them, but will still need to learn them
nanomachines power the
although the nanomachine data is
character's brain beyond the
considered as a Master for that
human limit, being able to
roughly calculate immediate
The Senator's Legacy: The biggest events. Each round they spend

change that the nanomachines cause on these calculations, without

in the character is in the transmission taking any active action, allows

of part of the abilities of their them to perceive for the next

ancestor. The character can choose ten seconds, up to a maximum

between one of the following effects: period of one minute (or six
rounds of concentration). In
 Zeddicus, The Puppet case of using these calculations
Master: The nanomachines in combat, the character get a
serve as a link with the +30 bonus to their Initiative
systems of the various and to any actions taken
Solomonic puppets and against their enemies, since
automatons, allowing the they know in advance what
character to create a network they are going to do. This
between them, being able to bonus is applied for as many
share senses and control them rounds as seconds it was
in a more direct way, granting calculating. For example, if

1 3 6
they spent ten seconds they research with absolute efficiency. In
could apply those bonuses for case of facing another descendant of
three rounds. It should be Solomon they will only have priority
noted that these calculations against the bearers of Genus Blood.
tend to fail when more spiritual
Specific Data Bank: The databanks
power, aka Gnosis and Nature,
contained in the Senator's
possesses the target. The
nanomachines grant a series of
Legacy of Zeros increases their
specific knowledge to the character.
Intelligence and Perception as
Firstly, they have a default Lost Logias
well as having data banks on
value of Very Difficult (140), though
the intellectual and perception
they can only use it to recognize and
skill fields.
repair existing Logias in Solomon's
These are just a few examples, there databanks, not to create anything
were many other Senators so any new. In addition, the nanomachines
Storyteller could develop their own. serve as an instructor so that he can
"develop" a field of skills up to a value
of Very Difficult (140).

The Ancient Blood Patrium derives

Mental Modification: The influence
in a certain way from the Senex
of the nanomachines allows them to
because it is the one that the
access the ki techniques of Legacy of
relatives of the senators possessed
Solomon without needing to spend MK
and therefore they only possess a
to acquire them, but they will still
fragmented part of the knowledge
need to learn them although the data
banks of their personal projects.
of the nanomachines is considered as
Together, these abilities give the
a Master for that purpose.
character a +1 level modifier.
Senate Data Bank: The
nanomachines have, as a common The Ancient Blood Genus was the one
database, the codes that allow the possessed by the bulk of the
character to easily access the various population of the Empire's citizens.
protocols of all the Logias developed Unlike other bloods, they do not have
by the Empire.In game terms, the such powerful qualities but still offer
character can use any of the Logias a number of advantages that give the
that are weapons without penalty and character a +1 level modifier. Unlike
ignore the requirements and security the other bloods, its cost is 1 CP.
codes to curb their use by normal
Data bank: The nanomachines have,
people, being able to use their more
as a common database, the codes that
advanced systems after a few
allow the character to access the
moments of study. In addition, they
various protocols of some of the
can control any Genum-level
Logias developed by the Empire. In
machinery and Arcanum-level
game terms, they can effectively
machinery related to their ancestor's

1 3 7
control any Genum-level machinery new. Additionally, the nanomachines
and some Arcanum-level machinery serve as an instructor so that they can
(at the Narrator's discretion). In case "develop" a field of skills up to a value
of facing another descendant of of Difficult (120).
Solomon they will always be
Physical or Mental Modification:
considered of lower priority.
The influence of the nanomachines on
Specific Data Bank: The data banks the character began during their
contained in the common gestation, carrying out a series of
nanomachines grant a series of supernatural and genetic engineering
specific knowledge to the character. processes, to endow them with the
Firstly, they have a default Lost Logias maximum of human potential. In
value of Difficult (120), although he game terms, the character is
can only use it to recognize and repair considered to be capable of inhuman
existing Logias in Solomon's actions and raises the base of one of
databanks, not to create anything their stats to 10.

1 3 8

The Angels of Jihamat, supplied

by Shiryu
MADA'S PEACE: This gift grants the
According to the Enneath creed, these
character a special modifier equal to
divine entities intervene in the world
half their Elan level to their
and shape it according to their designs
Resistances against any effect that
and those of Jihamath. Throughout
tries to change their behavior or
history the Kalih have granted their
gifts to those mortals who have
followed in an exemplary way the path Cost: 10 Requirements: Elan 40
of Inara, becoming Enlightened those
who have proven to be worthy. KNOWLEDGE OF HAREKRATES:
Increases the knowledge of the user,
List of Gifts giving a bonus to all secondary skills
that require knowledge, equal to half
their Elan level.
gift grants a special bonus to the Law
secondary skill equal to the Elan level. Cost: 10 Requirements: Elan 50

Cost: 10 Requirements: Elan 10 AMPUNE’S COMMAND: This gift

transforms the essence of the
character, making them the direct
intensifies the joy of those individuals
hierarchical superior in the eyes of any
with whom the character openly
inferior undead creature. These
creatures will obey them by instinct,
Cost: 10 Requirements: Elan 20 needing to overcome a MR against his
Elan level plus 40 to refuse.
allows the character to see all the Cost: 10 Requirements: Elan 60
mistakes that another person has
made to deviate from Inara's path and
character enters into real combat, this
begin to travel the path of Qamar. The
gift temporarily increases their
number of errors he is able to discern
Strength and Dexterity by one, as well
depends on the target's level of failure
as allowing them to perform inhuman
on a MR or RP roll against twice the
actions in the fields that depend on
character's Elan level.
said Characteristics.
Cost: 10 Requirements: Elan 30
Cost: 10 Requirements: Elan 70

1 3 9
VERDICT OF JERUT: This gift allows maximum of hours equal to his Elan
the character to impose a verdict or level divided by ten. The future that
punishment on another being who the character with this gift sees is
must comply with it without the nothing more than the most probable
possibility of avoiding it. In order to possibility. The trance remains while
resist this gift, the affected person they watch the scene, leaving the
must overcome a MR or PsR against character practically defenseless. This
the character's Elan level, but the skill has a daily use for every 10 Elan
resistance increases by 10 points for points.
each sin the target has committed, up
Cost: 10 Requirements: Elan 90
to a maximum of 200.
ILLUMINATION: This Gift grants the
Cost: 10 Requirements: Elan 80
character a revelation about the future
INTERPRETATION OF AMENHOTEP: that will ultimately affect the lands of
This gift gives the character the ability Al-Enneath, the exact nature of this
to observe what has happened, is revelation being decided by the
happening or will happen by reading Storyteller. This gift acts like the
passages from the book of destiny. Predestination spell and can only be
This ability acts as a kind of avoided by the character or by people
precognitive trance that allows them to with Nature +15 or higher.
observe the event of their choice. The
Cost: 10 Requirements: Elan 100
character can see for up to a


Elan lower than 50

Obey the laws +1

Follow the path of Inara +2

Stop or Destroy one of Shoteth‟s Agent +3

Elan higher than 50

Successfully leading others down the path of Inara +1

Never having broken the rules of Jihamat +3

Stop Shoteth's plan +3

Elan negative bonuses

Break the law -1

Believe in other deities -2

Cause others to fall to the path of the Qamar -4

Follow the path of the Qamar -5

1 4 0

The Sacred Trees, supplied by


The so-called sacred trees are

the greatest spirits of the Lilium
beliefs second only to the
Mother. Each of them embodies
a concept that together
represents the Alberia creed
HAZEL: As a pattern of
and culture. Trees have rarely
evolution, the Gift of the Hazel
bestowed gifts on mortals
facilitates the change by
throughout history, but on the
granting the character a special
few occasions that they have,
bonus to the experience gained
these chosen ones have
per game equal to his Elan level
become the greatest heroes of
out of ten. If the character has
their kind.
the Learning advantage, the
List of Gifts benefits of this gift are reduced
by half. In the event an
THE SPELL OF THE WILLOW: experience system is not used,
Due to its dual character the this Gift speeds up leveling at
Gift of Willow grants a special the Storyteller's discretion.
bonus equal to elan level to the
Occult secondary if the Cost: 10 Requirements: Elan 30
character is female or to the
THE HOLLY HERO: Thanks to the
Art secondary if the character
Gift of the Patron of Heroes, the
is male.
character has the quality of being
Cost: 10 Requirements: Elan 10 Inhuman. In case he possesses
the Gift "The rebirth of the Shide"
APPLE TREE DIAGNOSIS: As the it is considered that he is able to
tree of healing, the Gift of the reach and overcome the difficulty
Apple Tree grants a special bonus of Zen.
equal to half the level of elan to
the secondary of Medicine, in Cost: 10 Requirements: Elan 40
addition, when the character
correctly diagnoses an illness,
one who represents the afterlife,
their patient double the bonus
the gift of the Yew allows the
obtained to repeat the DR when
character to see and communicate
following the treatment.
with any kind of spiritual entity as
Cost: 10 Requirements: Elan 20 well as to enter and leave the wake
at will. For the latter, the character

1 4 1
requires a full round in which he Cost: 10 Requirements: Elan 80
must concentrate.
Cost: 10 Requirements: Elan 50 turned into Shide, this gift allows
the character to make a weapon or
THE BIRCH FIRE: As a patron of
instrument that is the physical
good, the Birch Gift grants a
representation of his legend. The
special bonus to the damage of all
extent of this gift's power is left to
the character's attacks equal to
the Storyteller's discretion.
half the level of his Elan against
those who break the law. Damage Cost: 10 Requirements: Elan 90, The
from any character's attack is rebirth of the Shide.
considered sacrifice against dark or
demonic entities.
Once total synchronization with the
Cost: 10 Requirements: Elan 60 great trees is achieved, the Mother
grants the character the ability to
summon the spirits of the ancient
the tree of sovereignty, the Gift of
Lim Shide to fight at their side. To
the Oak grants the character the
do this the character must sacrifice
right to command others. This gift
one Elan point per spirit they want
makes the character the
to summon. These spirits last for a
hierarchical superior of all the lilium
number of rounds equal to the
spirits, other than the great spirits,
character's Power attribute. If the
so if they try to refuse one of their
character wishes, they can call all
orders they must pass a MR against
the Lim Shide spirits that have ever
the character's Elan level plus 50.
existed, but in return they must

Cost: 10 Requirements: Elan 70 sacrifice their life so that the spirits

remain in the world until the threat
THE REBIRTH OF SHIDE: Once that brought them is stopped.
the approval of all the great sacred
trees has been reached, the Cost: 10 Requirements: Elan

character is elevated to the status 100, The rebirth of the Shide

of Shide, thus obtaining all the

benefits of possessing the Blood of
the Lim Shide.

1 4 2
Meseguis Shajad

The Lament of Darkness,

Elan Rework, supplied by Meseguis

-New Elan modifiers and some

Cost: 5 Requirement: Elan 40.
LIFE OF RESENTMENT: Its union with
-Removed Spirit of Vengeance.
Meseguis can turn the sheer hate the
-Removed Dark Avenger. character has for its enemies into fuel
for its vengeance. Every time the
-Removed Dark Executioner. character suffers damage it can turn
that damage into Ki points equivalent
-Removed Dark Mirror.
to damage with a max equivalent to its
-Voice of pain reduced cost from 15 to Elan points, the damage into Zeon
10. with a maximum equivalent of its Elan
multiplied by 5 or 1 PP for every 10
-Total of 110 Elan points. damage suffered with a maximum of
his current Elan. This effect is
-Added All Those You Vexed replacing
restarted each week. The character
Spirit of Vengeance.
can‟t store any of the excess energy
-Added Life of Resentment replacing since it doesn‟t generate anymore past
Dark Avenger. the character‟s reserves .Additionally
any attempt of getting hit just to get
-Added Aura of Sorrow replacing Dark
this bonus just doesn't work. For
example a gifted character could get
-Added The Vengeful One replacing up to 300 extra Zeon, 60 Ki points or
Dark Mirror. 60 PPs in the span of a week just by
getting hit.
+Removed Herobrine.


its shared hatred for the same person Cost: 10 Requirement: Elan 60.
the character can instinctively notice
AURA OF SORROW: begins seeping
who will help them to carry their
into the world forming an aura so
vengeance or has the same objective
oppressive and dense that attacks lose
as them. The more Elan the character
their powers and enemies get stuck,
has the easier it will become to find
crippled by the oppression the
allies and convince them to get
character exerts on their surroundings,
that way, every attack loses 10
damage for each 20 Elan points and

1 4 4
anyone on an area equal in meters to force of vengeance that cannot be
Elan have a penalty of -10 for each 20 dealt with, thus granting them +1
Elan points. That way a character with constitution and +1 to another
80 Elan points would have a damage characteristic of its choice plus being
reduction of -40, an area of 80 meters able to withstand negative damage
and inside that area a penalty of -40 to equal to Elan level and having a
every action. resistance bonus equal to half of its
Elan. This adds up with any other
Cost: 10 Requirement: Elan 80
similar power such as the survivor
THE VENGEFUL ONE: Meseguis dark advantage or eternal blood.

blessing grants the character the

Cost: 10 Requirement: Elan 90
strength to become an unstoppable

New Modifiers

Elan lower than 50

Prepare the next step of the vengeance +2

Remember every offense +2

Dedicate life in pursuit of vengeance +4

Help someone weak get revenge +4

Help a group of people get revenge +8

Live consumed by sorrow and anger +8

Elan higher than 50

Encourage someone to get revenge +1

Helping someone weak get revenge +2

Helping a group of people get revenge +4

Punish those that wronged you +4

Consummate the revenge of your life +10/+20

Elan negative bonuses

Being cheerful -2

Forget those who offended you -2

Postpone revenge or plans to get close to it -2

Forgive someone -4

Produce suffering without a reason -4

1 4 5
Gear Project, supplied by Shiryu
The Gear Project, in the short term,
is Wissenschaft's most important
experiment. Conceived by Reist
Ebersbacher and supported by
Lucanor, it aims to develop a series
of combat exo-armors based on
Solomon's Logias; the Gears.
Endowed with unmatched destructive
power, these unstoppable weapons
could mean a change in the history of
war, as their power far exceeds the
war power of any army in the world.
So far, several different models have
been created successfully, but the
cost and complexity of production
(not to mention that there are very
few people on Gaia capable of
controlling them) makes their
number exceptionally low; currently,
there are fewer than ten functional

The project, originally divided into five phases, has just entered the third; the
exo-armors are going to be tested in real combat. To do this, surrounded by
hermetic secrecy, Ebersbacher himself has selected a group of elite pilots to
accompany him on a series of missions in order to collect data to continue with
his plan.

General Rules

Although there are two clear and defined types of Gears, the truth is that both
share most of their systems and operation. Regardless of their origin, all Gears
follow the following rules:

Structure: Gears partially replace their pilot's sheet giving them access to a
variety of systems that expand their arsenal. At the game level, these are “Big”
sized machines, they have an innate value of Hard Type Armor (with levels of
unmodifiable), with a specific amount of Structural Points (SP) that overlaps that
of the pilot (it is not sum) and some base characteristics that, if they are superior
to those of its user, replace them.

1 4 6
Consumption: Each Gear model has a tank where it stores its Mana reserves
(refined supernatural energy). These reserves serve to fuel the machine's systems
allowing it to both stay active and employ its more unique systems. Each Gear
model has a Mana Consumption per hour that is subtracted directly from its
reserves, once the Gear is exhausted it will stop working and will be considered
an inert object. There is a possibility to power the Gear with Zeon as a substitute
for Mana. Since the Zeon isn't refined enough, it's not a very good solution,
though it does allow the pilot to engage the Gear's basic systems in tight
situations at the cost of shifting their Consumption into Assault.

Combat System: Despite their enormous amount of PE, the truth is that they are
not normally damage resistance beings, regardless of their model, all Gears have
A.I. specialized in combat that give their pilot a predetermined Final Values in
their combat abilities in case they do not have any developed. If, on the other
hand, the pilot has combat skills of their own, they can use them to pilot the Gear
in combat. Some Gears models are specially adapted to have their combat
systems controlled by supernatural projections. The Turn of each Gear also
depends on the weapon they are using. In case the pilot uses their own magical
or psychic powers, they use Base Turn +20 as is the usual rule in these cases.

Symbiotic Systems: An important thing to note about Gears is that they do not
prevent their pilots from using their own abilities if they are prepared for it. This is
usually more the case with more advanced models, designed for a specific
purpose or based on the pilot who uses them, but the Trithemius or Legion are
too generic for this. For example, the Mk-Dominion series Gears are designed so
that their pilot can use abilities such as Guardian, Samiel, Physical Power, Seals of
the Dragon, Final Attack and many other possibilities, but they do not have
conduits through which the individual can cast their spells or psychic powers.
However, this process of symbiosis is a double-edged sword since the Gear's
systems drain too much of its pilot's energies and can cause serious and
irreparable losses due to its continued use. Therefore, every time the pilot uses an
auxiliary system (Skill Boost, Attack or Defense) or a unique system linked to
their supernatural abilities, they will get an Overload point. Since Ability Boost
Auxiliary systems only grant a passive bonus they only grant one point of
Overload when the pilot disconnects from the Gear. Once they have finished using
the Gear and have disconnected from their machinery, the pilot must carry out a
presence check against a difficulty of 20 per point of accumulated Overload. In
case of failure, the pilot receives a penalty to all actions equal to their level of
failure and for every 40 points of failure level they temporarily lose one point of
the characteristic that depends on his supernatural abilities (Power for ki arts and
magic, and Willpower for psychic abilities). The points thus lost are recovered at a
rate of one per week. In the event that the Characteristic is reduced below 5 in
this way, the points are recovered at one per month and in the event that it is
reduced to 3 or less, the pilot completely loses the ability to use their

1 4 7
supernatural abilities as well as they are unable to recover the lost points. An
Overload point will linger in the pilot's system for a month before disappearing.

Activation of Unique Systems: In addition to this, each of the Gears has a

series of its own systems that can be accessed with different secondary skills (the
most common is Piloting, although some ask for Lost Logias, Science and even
some rarer ones such as Tactics, Occultism or Forge) or characteristics scores.
Generally, using these skills will require a base in the secondary, but if you don't
reach it, you can make a roll to try to use said system, although that will double
the Mana it consumes, quickly reducing the reserves of the exo-armor.

Control systems: Regardless of its model or typology, to be able to properly

control a Gear, a base Pilot skill of 120 is required. In case of not possessing said
base, the character will be able to use the exo-armor, but will apply some
Penalties to All Actions and an increase in the consumption of Mana per hour of
the Gear specified in the following table. On the contrary, each difficulty for which
it exceeds 120 will also grant Bonuses to All Actions and a reduction in
consumption per hour. (These bonuses and penalties are applied over the default
values granted by the combat systems of the A.I. integrated in the Gears)

1 4 8
Bonding Systems: The Gears of Solomonic origin are governed by the "Primum
enim Salomonis" so it is necessary for their pilot to have the appropriate
nanomachines to be able to put the exo-armor into operation. Once the bond is
established, the pilot is not only able to use the exo-armor but also gains the
following benefits:

 They are able to mentally communicate with the Exo Armor's built-in A.I.
Apart from the obvious, you will be able to know as a passive action the
current state of the machinery without having to manually access this
information. The maximum distance of such communication is determined
by the model of the Gear.
 The purity of the ancient blood, that is, the better processing capacity of
the nanomachines allows the pilot to use the simpler models of Gears more
effectively. Mechanically, for each degree of purity by which they exceed
the gear requirement, they apply a special +10 bonus to their Pilot skill. So
for example, a Senex Praetorium Ancient Blood bearer who wanted to use
a Legionis Mk-Miles I with Genus requirement would apply a special bonus
of +30 to their Pilot ability. In the opposite case, that is, trying to use a
Gear with a higher purity requirement than the one the pilot possesses, it
is impossible unless the Activation Protocols are possessed. Even so, the
pilot will apply a special -10 penalty to their Pilot skill for each Purity
Degree difference.

However, despite this requirement, Wissenschaft scientists have created a method

by which it is possible to pilot these exo-armors if one does not possess ancient
blood. Through complex surgeries in the pilot's body, they "install" a series of
techno-magical implants that serve both as an access key (because they generally
carry the information of the Access Protocols) and as a link to the exo-armor.

Although these implants allow the use of exo-armor, as there is no full link, the
pilot does not benefit from its benefits and always applies a special penalty of -20
to their Pilot ability.

1 4 9
Legionis Gear
The Gear Mk-Miles denomination
Legionis, is the base of the series of
Miles, the gear focused on direct
combat. Rugged in appearance, the
exo-armor's systems allow its pilot to
wield powerful weapons, albeit without
great supernatural abilities.

Specifications (Mk-Miles I)

Structural Points: 1.000 Presence:


Compatibility: None. Requirement:

 Mobility Systems: The A.I.
Genus Blood.
has systems that allow the
STR: 11 DEX: 11 AGI: 11 CON: 11 Gear's gravitational motors to
POW: 10 INT: 10 WIL: 10 PER: 10 be handled with precision. This
translates to a predetermined
AT: 4 Hard / 2 Unmodifiable Damage skill of Difficult (120) in Jump.
Barrier: 100
Basic systems:
Movement Value: 11 Size: Big
 Technomagic Weapon (Basic
Tank: 1.000 Mana Consumption: 20 Weapon): The basic weapons
Mana per hour. of the Mk-Miles are techno-
magical weapons of enormous
A.I. system: The Gear is equipped
size equipped with vibration
with a generic A.I. that allows it to use
systems that give them
the basic systems with some
incredible penetrating power.
autonomy. It has the following
Mechanically, the Gear Legionis
have a weapon of enormous
 Autonomous Combat size, with all that that entails,
System: The A.I. can handle capable of damaging energy
the Gear's combat systems by and capable of ignoring up to 6
employing a predetermined points of AT. The weapons are
ability of Difficult (120). retractable and are stored in a
behavior in the Gear's forearms
 Detection Systems: The A.I.
and can be drawn without
has sensors capable of
detecting enemies. These
sensors give a predetermined  Laser Cannon (Superior
ability of Difficult (120) in Weapon. 20 Mana per Shot):
Notice and Search. The Mk-Miles are equipped with

1 5 0
two powerful shoulder-mounted of the weapon (which is
laser cannons capable of considered under the effects of
ignoring much of their enemies' a charge) plus an Impact
armor. These weapons have a Strength 15. Those within 40
base damage of 100 and attack meters of the impact zone
at Heat AT and ignore any Soft suffer an attack with a default
AT as well as 4 points of Hard valor equivalent to the Gear‟s
AT. They can fire up to 10 shots ability -20 and an Impact
before resorting to Mana ammo Strength 13. Those who are
generation systems. It is more than 40 but less than 80
possible to overload a cannon meters suffer an attack with a
shot by using several valor equal to the Gear‟s ability
ammunition in a similar way to -40 and an Impact Strength 11.
the Multiple Missiles maneuver Lastly, those who are more
but without receiving penalties than 80 meters suffer an attack
to its Ability and instead of with a valor equal to the Gear‟s
increasing the damage, the ability -60 and an Impact
penetration power of the Laser Strength 9.
is increased by 1 point per
Specifications (Mk-Miles II)
extra ammunition used. The
cannons have a range of 300 Structural Points: 1.200 Presence:
meters. 60

 Gravitational Engines Compatibility: None. Requirement:

(Mobility. 20 Mana per Use): Genus Blood.
The gear is equipped with
systems capable of reducing STR: 12 DEX: 11 AGI: 11 CON: 12
the force of gravity on its POW: 10 INT: 10 WIL: 10 PER: 10
machinery, allowing it to double
AT: 5 Hard / 2 Unmodifiable Damage
the distance of any jump.
Barrier: 100
Advanced systems:
Movement Value: 11 Size: Big
 Meteor (Attack. 100 Mana.
Tank: 1.000 Mana Consumption: 20
Pilot 120): Once a jump has
Mana per hour
been made with the
gravitational motors, the pilot A.I. system: The Gear is equipped
can reverse their operation to with a generic A.I. that allows it to use
increase the influence of gravity the basic systems with some
on his gear, descending with a autonomy. It has the following
gigantic impact. Mechanically, capabilities:
this ability works like a 100
meter area attack; Those in the  Autonomous Combat
epicenter receive the full attack System: The A.I. can handle
the Gear's combat systems by

1 5 1
employing a predetermined AT: 6 Hard / 2 Unmodifiable
ability Very Difficult (140). Damage Barrier: 100

 Detection Systems: The A.I. Movement Value: 12 / 10 Size: Big

has sensors capable of
Tank: 1.000 Mana Consumption: 20
detecting enemies. These
Mana per hour
sensors give a predetermined
ability of Very Difficult (140) in A.I. system: The Gear is equipped
Notice and Search. with a generic A.I. that allows it to use
the basic systems with some
 Mobility Systems: The A.I.
autonomy. It has the following
has systems that allow the
Gear's gravitational motors to
be handled with precision. This  Autonomous Combat
translates to a predetermined System: The A.I. can handle
skill of Very Difficult (140) in the Gear's combat systems by
Jump. employing a predetermined
ability Very Difficult (140).
Basic systems:
 Detection Systems: The A.I.
 Technomagic Weapon (Basic
has sensors capable of
Weapon): As in the Mk-Miles I.
detecting enemies. These
 Laser Cannon (Superior sensors give a predetermined
Weapon. 20 Mana per Shot): ability of Very Difficult (140) in
Increases base ammo to 15 Notice and Search.
 Mobility Systems: The A.I.
 Gravitational Engines has systems that allow the
(Mobility. 20 Mana per Use): Gear's gravitational motors to
As in the Mk-Miles I. be handled with precision. This
translates to a predetermined
Advanced Systems:
skill of Very Difficult (140) in

 Meteor (Attack. 100 Mana. Acrobatics and Jump.

Pilot 120): As in the Mk-Miles
Basic Systems:
 Technomagic Weapon (Basic
Specifications (Mk-Miles III)
Weapon): The quality of

Structural Points: 1.400 Presence: Weapons is now considered +5.

60 Applies the AT reduction

granted by its quality to its
Compatibility: None. Requirement: ability to ignore Hard AT.
Genus Blood.
 Laser Cannon (Superior
STR: 12 DEX: 12 AGI: 12 CON: 12 Weapon. 20 Mana per Shot):
POW: 10 INT: 10 WIL: 10 PER: 10 As in the Mk-Miles II.

1 5 2
 Gravitational Engines Movement Value: 12 / 10 Size: Big
(Mobility. 20 Mana per Use):
Tank: 1.200 Mana Consumption: 25
As in the Mk-Miles I.
Mana per hour
Advanced Systems:
A.I. system: The Gear is equipped
 Meteor (Attack. 100 Mana. with an advanced A.I. called Mandas
Pilot 120): Reduces penalties that allows it to use the basic systems
to the default ability by 10 with some autonomy. It has the
points. following capabilities:

 Gravitational Movement  Autonomous Combat

(Mobility. 40 Mana per System: The A.I. can handle
Assault. Pilot 120): The the Gear's combat systems by
refinement of the engines employing a predetermined
allows the Gear to fly through ability Absurd (180).
the sky with a Supernatural
 Detection Systems: The A.I.
Flight Type equal to its
has sensors capable of
Movement Type -2.
detecting enemies. These
 Repulsion Field (Defense. sensors give a predetermined
100 Mana. 20 Mana per ability of Absurd (180) in Notice
Assault. Science 120): The and Search.
refinement of the engines
 Mobility Systems: The A.I.
allows the Gear to create a
has systems that allow the
gravitational field capable of
Gear's gravitational motors to
repelling attacks. Mechanically,
be handled with precision. This
this ability imposes a special
translates to a predetermined
penalty of -40 to the ability of
skill of Absurd (180) in
ranged attacks and -20 to the
Acrobatics and Jump.
ability of melee attacks
received by the Gear. Basic Systems:

Specifications (Mk-Miles IV)  Technomagic Weapon (Basic

Weapon): The quality of
Structural Points: 1.600 Presence:
Weapons is now considered
+10. Applies the AT reduction
Compatibility: None. Requirement: granted by its quality to its
Genus Blood. ability to ignore Hard AT.

STR: 13 DEX: 12 AGI: 12 CON: 13  Laser Cannon (Superior

POW: 10 INT: 10 WIL: 10 PER: 10 Weapon. 20 Mana per Shot):
Increases base ammo to 20
AT: 7 Hard / 2 Unmodifiable Damage
Barrier: 100

1 5 3
 Gravitational Engines Compatibility: None. Requirement:
(Mobility. 20 Mana per Use): Genus Blood.
As in the Mk-Miles I.
STR: 13 DEX: 13 AGI: 13 CON: 13
Advanced Systems: POW: 10 INT: 10 WIL: 10 PER: 10

 Meteor (Attack. 100 Mana. AT: 8 Hard / 2 Unmodifiable Damage

Pilot 120): As in the Mk-Miles Barrier: 120
Movement Value: 13 / 13 Size: Big
 Gravitational Movement
Tank: 1.400 Mana Consumption: 30
(Mobility. 40 Mana per
Mana per hour
Assault. Pilot 120): As in the
Mk-Miles III. A.I. system: The Gear is equipped
with an advanced A.I. called Mandas
 Repulsion Field (Defense.
that allows it to use the basic systems
100 Mana. 20 Mana per
with some autonomy. It has the
Assault. Science 120): As in
following capabilities:
the Mk-Miles III.
 Autonomous Combat
 Target lock System (Attack
System: The A.I. can handle
Auxiliary. 200 Mana. 20
the Gear's combat systems by
Mana per Assault. Science
employing a predetermined
120): Mk-Miles IVs have target
ability Absurd (180).
lock systems that allow them to
keep the beam of their laser  Detection Systems: the A.I. It
cannons on their target for has sensors capable of
several rounds. Mechanically, detecting both enemies and
when the use of the cannons is supernatural forces. These
declared, this system can be sensors give him the ability to
activated, from then on at the See the Supernatural as well as
beginning of each round the a default ability of Absurd (180)
pilot can maintain this attack on in Notice and Seek, and Very
his target, or those that remain Difficult (140) in Magical
in his radius of action, by using Appraisal.
an ammunition load and the
stipulated Mana, must defend  Mobility Systems: The A.I.
itself against the attack again. has systems that allow the
At most these systems can be Gear's gravitational motors to
maintained for up to 5 rounds. be handled with precision. This
translates to a predetermined
Specifications (Mk-Miles V) skill of Almost Impossible (240)
in Acrobatics and Jump.
Structural Points: 1.800 Presence:
80 Basic systems:

1 5 4
 Technomagic Weapon (Basic Assault. Science 120): As in
Weapon): The quality of the Mk-Miles III.
Weapons is now considered
 Target lock System (Attack
+15. Applies the AT reduction
Auxiliary. 200 Mana. 20
granted by its quality to its
Mana per Assault. Science
ability to ignore Hard AT.
120): As in the Mk-Miles IV.
 Laser Cannon (Superior
 Sonic Wave System (Attack
Weapon. 20 Mana per Shot):
Auxiliary. 200 Mana. Science
As in the Mk-Miles IV.
120): The V model has
 Gravitational Engines technomagic processors
(Mobility. 20 Mana per Use): installed in its weapons capable
As in the Mk-Miles I. Advanced of transferring the vibrations of
Systems: the weapon to the bodies of its
enemies. For this reason, when
Advanced systems:
they manage to make a

 Meteor (Attack. 100 Mana. successful attack, they force

Pilot 120): Again reduces the them to overcome an PhR

penalties to the default ability against double the damage

by 10 points. caused or they will suffer the

Pain status for 5 rounds,
 Gravitational Movement although for every 40 points of
(Mobility. 40 Mana per failure level it increases its
Assault. Pilot 120): The duration by another 5 additional
Supernatural Flight Type rounds, although if it fails by
obtained is equivalent to the more than 60 it will be Extreme
Movement Type of the Gear. Pain.

 Repulsion Field (Defense.

100 Mana. 20 Mana per

Praefectus Gear
The Gear Mk-Dominion,
denomination Praefectus, is the
foundation of the Dominion series,
gears focused on empowering their
pilot's Dominion abilities. Robust in
appearance, the exo-armor systems
allow its pilot to wield high-powered
weapons as well as internal and
derivative power-up systems.

1 5 5
Specifications (Mk-Dominion I)  Laser Weapons (Basic
Weapon): The basic weapons
Structural Points: 1.000 Presence:
of the Mk-Dominion are
techno-magical weapons of

Compatibility: Ki. Requirement: enormous size equipped with

Patrium Blood. laser systems that endow them

with incredible destructive
STR: 10 DEX : 11 AGI: 11 CON: 10 power. Mechanically, the Gear
POW: 11 INT: 10 WIL: 10 PER: 10 Praefectus have a weapon of
enormous size, with all that
AT: 4 Hard / 2 Unmodifiable Damage
that entails, capable of
Barrier: 100
damaging energy, attacking as
Movement Value: 11 Size: Big a primary critical in heat,
ignoring any Soft TA as well as
Tank: 1.000 Mana Consumption: 20 up to 4 points of TA, having a
Mana per hour. special base breakage value of
20 The weapons are retractable
A.I. system: The Gear is equipped
and are stored in a behavior in
with a generic A.I. that allows it to
the Gear's forearms and can be
use the basic systems with some
drawn without penalty.
autonomy. It has the following
 Gravity Cannon (Superior
Weapon. 20 Mana per
 Autonomous Combat Shot): Mk-Dominions are
System: The A.I. can handle equipped with a powerful
the Gear's combat systems gravitational cannon located
by employing a between their shoulders
predetermined ability of capable of creating points of
Difficult (120). gravitation where it shouldn't
 Detection Systems: The exist, creating impulses that
A.I. has sensors capable repel or attract their targets.
of detecting enemies. These weapons have a base
These sensors give a damage of 80 and attack at
predetermined ability of the AT of Impact and
Difficult (120) in Notice produce a Impact of
and Search. Strength 12. They can fire
 Mobility Systems: The A.I. up to 10 shots before
has systems that allow the resorting to Mana ammo
Gear's gravitational motors to generation systems. The
be handled with precision. This cannons have a range of 300
translates to a predetermined meters.
skill of Difficult (120) in Jump.  Gravitational Engines
(Mobility. 20 Mana per
Basic systems:
Use): The gear is

1 5 6
equipped with systems A.I. system: The Gear is equipped
capable of reducing the with a generic A.I. that allows it to
force of gravity on its use the basic systems with some
machinery, allowing it to autonomy. It has the following
double the distance of any capabilities:
 Autonomous Combat
Advanced systems: System: The A.I. can handle
the Gear's combat systems
 Ki Defensive Manifestation
by employing a
(Ki Defense Auxilarity): Any
predetermined ability of Very
technique with a Defense
Difficult (140).
Effect Maintained used by the
 Detection Systems: The
pilot is now considered under
A.I. has sensors capable
Minor Sustenance. It also
of detecting enemies.
reduces the fumble rating of
These sensors give a
its pilot's defensive ability by
predetermined ability of
Very Difficult (140) in
 Internal Power Generator
Notice and Search.
(Ki Ability Auxiliary): The
 Mobility Systems: The A.I.
Gear's systems connect with
has systems that allow the
the wearer's internal energy
Gear's gravitational motors to
meridians allowing it to
be handled with precision. This
generate a greater than
translates to a predetermined
normal amount of energy.
skill of Very Difficult (140) in
Mechanically, the Dominion
pilot innately possesses the Ki
Recovery (1) Advantage. Basic systems:

Specifications (Mk-Dominion II)  Laser Weapons (Basic

Weapon): As in the Mk-
Structural Points: 1.200 Presence:
Dominion I.
 Gravity Cannon (Superior

Compatibility: Ki. Requirement: Weapon. 20 Mana per

Patrium Blood Shot): Increases base ammo

to 15 shots.
STR: 11 DEX: 11 AGI: 11 CON: 11  Gravitational Engines
POW: 11 INT: 10 WIL: 10 PER: 10 (Mobility. 20 Mana per Use):
As in the Mk-Dominion I.
AT: 5 Hard / 2 Unmodifiable Damage
 Supernatural Ability
Barrier: 100
Enhancer (Ki Ability
Movement Value: 11 Size: Big Auxiliary): The Mk-Dominion
II increases its pilot's ability to
Tank: 1.000 Mana Consumption: 20 use Ki. First, it increases all of
Mana per hour.

1 5 7
its pilot's ki accumulations by 1 of detecting enemies.
point as well as giving them These sensors give a
access to an additional 30 ki predetermined ability of
pool. Very Difficult (140) in
Notice and Search.
Advanced systems:
 Mobility Systems: The A.I.

 Ki Defensive Manifestation has systems that allow the

(Ki Defense Auxilarity): As in Gear's gravitational motors to

the Mk-Dominion I. be handled with precision. This

 Internal Power Generator translates to a predetermined

(Ki Ability Auxiliary): As in skill of Very Difficult (140) in

the Mk-Dominion I. Acrobatics and Jump.

Specifications (Mk-Dominion III) Basic systems:

Structural Points: 1.400 Presence:  Laser Weapons (Basic

60 Weapon): The quality of

Weapons is now considered
Compatibility: Ki. Requirement: +5. Applies the AT
Patrium Blood reduction granted by its
quality to its ability to
STR: 11 DEX: 12 AGI: 12 CON: 11
ignore Hard AT.
POW: 12 INT: 10 WIL: 10 PER: 10
 Gravitational Engines
AT: 6 Hard / 2 Unmodifiable Damage (Mobility. 20 Mana per
Barrier: 100 Use): Increase the Strength
of the Impact to 13.
Movement Value: 12 / 12 Size: Big  Gravitational Engines
(Mobility): The Gear is
Tank: 1.000 Mana Consumption: 20
equipped with systems
Mana per hour.
capable of modifying
A.I. system: The Gear is equipped gravity allowing the Gear to
with a generic A.I. that allows it to move through the sky with
use the basic systems with some a Supernatural Flight Type
autonomy. It has the following 12.
capabilities:  Supernatural Ability
Enhancer (Ki Ability
 Autonomous Combat
Auxiliary): Although the
System: The A.I. can handle
pilot must accumulate the
the Gear's combat systems
entire cost of his ki
by employing a
technique, he must only
predetermined ability of Very
pay 3/4 of it (rounded up).
Difficult (140).
 Detection Systems: The Advanced systems:
A.I. has sensors capable

1 5 8
 Ki Defensive Manifestation  Autonomous Combat
(Ki Defense Auxilarity): As in System: The A.I. can handle
the Mk-Dominion I. the Gear's combat systems
 Internal Power Generator by employing a
(Ki Ability Auxiliary): The predetermined ability of
Dominion pilot increases the Absurd (180).
Ki Recovery advantage to 2.  Detection Systems: The
 Repulsion Field (Defense. A.I. has sensors capable of
100 Mana. 20 Mana per detecting enemies and their
Assault. Science 120): The inner energy. These sensors
refinement of the engines give a predetermined ability
allows the Gear to create a of Absurd (180) in Notice
gravitational field capable of and Search as well as the Ki
repelling attacks. Ability Detection of Ki with a
Mechanically, this ability predetermined ability of
imposes a special penalty of - Absurd (180).
40 to the ability of ranged  Mobility Systems: The A.I.
attacks and -20 to the ability has systems that allow the
of melee attacks received by Gear's gravitational motors to
the Gear. be handled with precision. This
translates to a predetermined
Specifications (Mk-Dominion IV)
skill of Absurd (180) in

Structural Points: 1.600 Presence: Acrobatics and Jump.

Basic systems:

Compatibility: Ki. Requirement:

 Laser Weapons (Basic
Patrium Blood
Weapon): The quality of

STR: 12 DEX: 12 AGI: 12 CON: 12 Weapons is now considered

POW: 12 INT: 10 WIL: 10 PER: 10 +10. Applies the AT

reduction granted by its
AT: 7 Hard / 2 Unmodifiable Damage quality to its ability to ignore
Barrier: 100 Hard AT.
 Gravity Cannon (Superior
Movement Value: 12 / 12 Size: Big
Weapon. 20 Mana per
Tank: 1.200 Mana Consumption: 25 Shot): Increases base ammo
Mana per hour. to 20 shots. Increase the
Strength of the Impact to 14.
A.I. system: The Gear is equipped  Gravitational Engines
with an advanced A.I. called Magistri (Mobility): As in the Mk-III
that allows it to use the basic systems Dominion.
with some autonomy. It has the  Supernatural Ability
following capabilities: Enhancer (Ki Ability
Auxiliary): The pilot gains the

1 5 9
benefits of the advantage “Total (rounded up) as well as its
Accumulation”. cost.

Advanced systems: Specifications (Mk-Dominion V)

 Ki Defensive Manifestation Structural Points: 1.800 Presence:

(Ki Defense Auxilarity): The 80
internal energy boosted by the
Compatibility: Ki. Requirement:
Dominion is so intense that it
Patrium Blood
cannot be completely
dissipated through powers with STR: 12 DEX: 13 AGI: 13 CON: 12
that function. For example, if a POW: 13 INT: 10 WIL: 10 PER: 10
Nemesis user were to reduce
the pilot's ki accumulations AT: 8 Hard / 4 Unmodifiable Damage
below the minimum tier, they Barrier: 100
would still be able to use at
Movement Value: 13 / 13 Size: Big
least 1 point of those ki
accumulations instead, or 2 if Tank: 1.400 Mana Consumption: 30
they wanted to accumulate a Mana per hour.
defensive ki technique.
 Internal Power Generator A.I. system: The Gear is equipped
(Ki Ability Auxiliary): The with an advanced A.I. called Magistri
Dominion pilot increases the that allows it to use the basic systems
Ki Recovery advantage to 3. with some autonomy. It has the
 Repulsion Field (Defense. following capabilities:
100 Mana. 20 Mana per
 Autonomous Combat
Assault. Science 120):
System: The A.I. can handle
Increases the penalties to -50
the Gear's combat systems
for ranged attacks and -30 for
by employing a
melee attacks received by the
predetermined ability of
Absurd (180).
 Ki Offensive Manifestation
 Detection Systems: The
(Ki Attack Auxiliary. 200
A.I. has sensors capable of
Mana per Use): The Gear's
detecting enemies and their
processors increase the
inner energy. These sensors
pilot's internal energy flow
give a predetermined ability
when accumulating a
of Absurd (180) in Notice
technique with an Attack-
and Search as well as the Ki
Type effect, allowing it to
Abilities Detection of Ki and
overload and increase its
Erudition with a
effects. Mechanically, when
predetermined ability of
he uses such a technique it
Almost Impossible (240).
increases its effects by 20%
 Mobility Systems: The A.I.
has systems that allow the

1 6 0
Gear's gravitational motors to  Ki Defensive Manifestation
be handled with precision. This (Ki Defense Auxilarity): As in
translates to a predetermined the Mk-Dominion IV.
skill of Absurd (180) in  Internal Power
Acrobatics and Jump. Generator (Ki Ability
Auxiliary. 40 of Mana
Basic Systems:
per Assault): The

 Laser Weapons (Basic Dominion pilot now

Weapon): The quality of regains one point of Ki

Weapons is now considered each round.

+15. Applies the AT  Repulsion Field (Defense.

reduction granted by its 100 Mana. 20 Mana per

quality to its ability to ignore Assault. Science 120): As

Hard AT. in the Mk-IV Dominion.

 Gravity Cannon (Superior  Ki Offensive

Weapon. 20 Mana per Manifestation (Ki Attack

Shot): You can use four shots Auxiliary. 200 Mana per
to create a confinement zone. Use): Increases the
These zones have an area of increase of effects and their

10 meters and anyone who cost by 40%.

tries to escape from them must  Perfect Erudition (Ki Ability

pass a Strength check against Auxiliary. 50 Mana per

14. Assault. Ki Erudition): The

 Gravitational Engines Gear systems improve the

(Mobility): Increase the Pilot's ability to perceive

Supernatural Flight up to 13. energy fluctuations and how it

 Supernatural Ability flows through the body of

Enhancer (Ki Ability those who observe.

Auxiliary): The Mk-Dominion Mechanically, not only does it

V increases its pilot's ability to give a +40 bonus to your Ki

master to the highest degree. Detection ability, but in the

Apart from what is granted by event of a pinpoint result

the previous models, it against an opponent you will

increases all of its pilot's ki be able to clearly discern their

accumulations by 2 points as ki levels and accumulations as

well as giving them access to well as the type of effect they

an additional 60 ki pool. In are accumulating. Should it

addition, although the pilot pass the roll by 40, its

must fully accumulate the cost understanding of the flow of

of their ki techniques, they internal energy grants them a

must only pay half of its cost. +30 bonus to all actions
against that target.
Advanced Systems:

1 6 1
Arcane Gear
The Gear Mk-Anima, denomination
Arcane, is the base of the Anima
series, the gears focused on
enhancing the magic abilities of its
pilot. Angelic in appearance, the exo-
armor's systems allow its pilot to
wield a range of powerful energy
weapons as well as magical and
derivative enhancement systems.

Specifications (Mk-Arcane I)
 magical forces. These sensors
Structural Points: 1.000 Presence:
allow her to see magic as well
as grant a default ability of
Compatibility: Magic. Requirement: Difficult (120) in Notice,
Patrium Blood. Search, and Magic Appraisal.
 Mobility Systems: The A.I.
STR: 8 DEX: 10 AGI: 8 CON: 10 has systems that allow the
POW: 11 INT: 11 WIL: 10 PER: 10 Gear's gravitational motors to
be handled with precision. This
AT: 4 Hard / 2 Unmodifiable Damage
translates to a predetermined
Barrier: 100
skill of Difficult (120) in
Movement Value: 8 / 10 Size: Big Acrobatics.

Tank: 1.000 Mana Consumption: 20 Basic systems:

Mana per hour.
 Plasma Rings (Basic
A.I. system: The Gear is equipped Weapon): The basic weapons
with a generic A.I. that allows it to of the Mk-Arcane are massive
use the basic systems with some techno-magical processors at
autonomy. It has the following the bases of their wings
capabilities: capable of emitting a powerful
plasma beam. At the game
 Autonomous Combat
level, the pilot can perform an
System: The A.I. can handle
attack using his Attack Skill or
the Gear's combat systems
Magic Projection. These attacks
by employing a
have a base Damage of 100,
predetermined ability of
have a base range of 100
Difficult (120).
meters, affect ENE's AT and
 Detection Systems: The
ignore 4 AT.
a.i. It has sensors capable
 Gravitational Engines
of detecting enemies and
(Mobility): The Gear is

1 6 2
equipped with systems basic laws of magic.
capable of modifying Mechanically, the pilot of the
gravity allowing the Gear to Arcane innately possesses the
move through the sky with Gesture Less Casting
a Supernatural Flight Type Advantage.
Specifications (Mk-Arcane II)
 Supernatural Barrier (Basic
Defense. 100 Mana. 20 Structural Points: 1.100 Presence:
Mana per Assault): The Mk- 60
Arcane defends itself by
generating a barrier of pure Compatibility: Magic. Requirement:
Zeon energy through its wing Patrium Blood.
generators forming a protective
STR: 8 DEX: 11 AGI: 8 CON: 10
dome. This barrier is kept
POW: 11 INT: 11 WIL: 10 PER: 10
active through modules that
reverse the magical fluctuations AT: 4 Hard / 2 Unmodifiable Damage
of the environment, connecting Barrier: 100
with the Gear's processors. At
the game level, it is a Movement Value: 8 / 10 Size: Big
supernatural shield with 1,000
Tank: 1.000 Mana Consumption: 20
resistance points that uses the
Mana per hour.
pilot's Defense Skill or Magic
Projection. In case the shield A.I. system: The Gear is equipped
has not been broken, recover with a generic A.I. that allows it to
200 points at the end of the use the basic systems with some
round. autonomy. It has the following
Advanced Systems:
 Autonomous Combat
 Zeonic Crystallization
System: The A.I. can handle
(Magic Defense Auxiliary):
the Gear's combat systems
Any supernatural shield used
by employing a
by the pilot takes shape even if
predetermined ability of Very
he fumbles it during its
Difficult (140).
creation. It also reduces the
 Detection Systems: The
fumble rating of its pilot's
a.i. It has sensors capable
defensive ability by 1.
of detecting enemies and
 Arcane Processor (Magic
magical forces. These
Ability Auxiliary. 40 Mana
sensors allow her to see
per Round): The Gear's
magic as well as grant a
systems connect with the
default ability of Very
magic circuits of its wearer,
Difficult (140) in Notice,
increasing its latent ability,
Search, and Magic
thus allowing it to defy the

1 6 3
 Mobility Systems: The A.I. Compatibility: Magic. Requirement:
has systems that allow the Patrium Blood.
Gear's gravitational motors to
STR: 8 DEX: 11 AGI: 8 CON: 10
be handled with precision. This
POW: 12 INT: 12 WIL: 10 PER: 10
translates to a predetermined
skill of Very Difficult (140) in AT: 4 Hard / 2 Unmodifiable Damage
Acrobatics. Barrier: 100

Basic systems: Movement Value: 8 / 11 Size: Big

 Plasma Rings (Basic Tank: 1.000 Mana Consumption: 20

Weapon): As in the Mk-Arcane Mana per hour.
 Gravitational Engines A.I. system: The Gear is equipped
(Mobility): As in the Mk- with a generic A.I. that allows it to
Arcane I. use the basic systems with some
 Supernatural Barrier (Basic autonomy. It has the following
Defense. 100 Mana. 20 capabilities:
Mana per Assault): As in the
 Autonomous Combat
Mk-Arcane I.
System: The A.I. can handle
Advanced systems: the Gear's combat systems
by employing a
 Supernatural Ability predetermined ability of Very
Enhancer (Magic Difficult (140).
Ability Auxiliary): The  Detection Systems: The
Mk-Arcane II increases a.i. It has sensors capable
the magical capabilities of detecting enemies and
of its pilot. First of all, it magical forces. These
increases the magic sensors allow her to see
projection by 10 points magic as well as grant a
as well as increases its default ability of Very
MA by 10 points. Difficult (140) in Notice,
 Zeonic Crystallization (Magic Search, and Magic
Defense Auxiliary): As in the Appraisal.
Mk-Arcane I.  Mobility Systems: The A.I.
 Arcane Processor has systems that allow the
(Magic Ability Gear's gravitational motors to
Auxiliary. 40 Mana be handled with precision. This
per Round): As in the translates to a predetermined
Mk-Arcane I. skill of Very Difficult (140) in
Specifications (Mk-Arcane III)
Basic Systems:
Structural Points: 1.200 Presence:

1 6 4
 Plasma Rings (Basic effect of 100 meters and all
Weapon): The Gear's those affected by the dark
systems allow it to make wave must pass a MR 120 or
two attacks per round with will be in the Blind and Fear
no penalty. Increase AT states for as many minutes as
reduction to 5. the failure level. This skill uses
 Gravitational Engines the pilot's Attack Skill or Magic
(Mobility): Increase Projection.
Supernatural Flight Type to 11.
Specifications (Mk-Arcane IV)
 Supernatural Barrier (Basic
Defense. 100 Mana. 20 Structural Points: 1.300 Presence:
Mana per Assault): Increases 60
the resistance points of the
barrier to 1.500. Increases Compatibility: Magic. Requirement:
barrier regeneration to 300 Patrium Blood.
STR: 8 DEX: 12 AGI: 8 CON: 10
Advanced systems: POW: 12 INT: 12 WIL: 10 PER: 10

 Supernatural Ability AT: 5 Hard / 2 Unmodifiable Damage

Enhancer (Magic Ability Barrier: 100
Auxiliary): Increases the
Movement Value: 8 / 12 Size: Big
resistances to be
overcome by his spells by Tank: 1.200 Mana Consumption: 25
10 points as well as his Mana per hour.
potential for innate magic
by 10 points. A.I. system: The Gear is equipped
 Zeonic Crystallization (Magic with an advanced A.I. called Animus
Defense Auxiliary): As in the that allows it to use the basic
Mk-Arcane I. systems with some autonomy. It has
 Arcane Processor (Magic the following capabilities:
Ability Auxiliary. 40 Mana
 Autonomous Combat
per Round): The pilot of the
System: The A.I. can handle
Arcane innately possesses the
the Gear's combat systems
Unspoken Casting Advantage.
by employing a
 Illuminati (Attack. 300
predetermined ability of
Mana. Occult 140): The
Absurd (180).
Arcane's techno-magical
 Detection Systems: The
processors allow it to absorb
a.i. It has sensors capable
energy from the wake, creating
of detecting enemies and
a supernatural wave that
magical forces. These
harnesses the intrinsic abilities
sensors allow her to see
of the dark side of the plane.
magic as well as grant a
This system has an area of
default ability of Absurd

1 6 5
(180) in Notice, Search, per Round): As in the
and Magic Appraisal. Mk-Arcane III.
 Mobility Systems: The A.I.  Illuminati (Attack. 300
has systems that allow the Mana. Occult 140): As in the
Gear's gravitational motors to Mk-Arcane III.
be handled with precision.  Prana (Magic Ability Aux.
This translates to a 40 Mana per dose. Magic
predetermined skill of Absurd Appraisal 140): The Arcane's
(180) in Acrobatics. techno-magical processors are
capable of altering the
Basic systems:
supernatural energy in its

 Plasma Rings (Basic reserves, giving rise to

Weapon): Increases base substances that temporarily

range to 150 meters. enhance the abilities of those

 Gravitational Engines who take them. Arcane is

(Mobility): Increase capable of administering these

Supernatural Flight Type to 12. substances to his pilot or other

 Supernatural Barrier (Basic targets, using his wing
Defense. 100 Mana. 20 feathers. The effect of these

Mana per Assault): As in the substances is powerful, but

Mk-Arcane III. short-lived, as they are not

 Supernatural Ability designed to be triggered once

Enhancer (Magic Ability the body has absorbed the

Auxiliary): As in the Mk- necessary components, thus

Arcane III. eliminating side effects. At the

game level, Arcane has a
Advanced Systems: reserve of 15 doses of these
substances, which he can
 Zeonic Crystallization
divide as he wishes between
(Magic Defense Auxiliary):
the following possibilities. They
The mystical energies
all last 3 rounds and must be
empowered by the Arcane are
declared for use before the
so strong that they cannot be
initiative for the round is cast:
completely dissipated through
powers with that function. For ○ The target receives a
example, if a Nemesis user +25 bonus to Turn.
reduced a defensive spell cast
by the pilot below the ○ The target increases the

minimum tier, that power bonus received for

would remain at the minimum consuming Fatigue
tier, not disappear. points by +5.

 Arcane Processor
○ The target increases one
(Magic Ability
of its physical
Auxiliary. 40 Mana

1 6 6
characteristics or PER by in Notice, Search, and Magic
+1. Appraisal.
 Mobility Systems: The A.I.
○ The target receives a
has systems that allow the
+10 bonus when
Gear's gravitational motors to
performing any physical
be handled with precision. This
translates to a predetermined

Specifications (Mk-Arcane V) skill of Absurd (180) in

Structural Points: 1.400 Presence:
70 Basic systems:

Compatibility: Magic. Requirement:  Plasma Rings (Basic

Patrium Blood. Weapon): Increases AT

reduction to 6 and base range
STR: 8 DEX: 13 AGI: 8 CON: 10 to 200 meters.
POW: 13 INT: 13 WIL: 10 PER: 10  Gravitational Engines
(Mobility): Increase
AT: 6 Hard / 2 Unmodifiable Damage
Supernatural Flight Type to 13.
Barrier: 100
 Supernatural Barrier (Basic
Movement Value: 8 / 13 Size: Big Defense. 100 Mana. 20
Mana per Assault): As in the
Tank: 1.400 Maná Consumption: 30 Mk-Arcane III.
Mana per hour
Advanced systems:
A.I. system: The Gear is equipped
with an advanced A.I. called Animus  Supernatural Ability
that allows it to use the basic systems Enhancer (Magic Ability
with some autonomy. It has the Auxiliary): It increases the
following capabilities: magic projection and the
resistances to overcome its
 Autonomous Combat spells by 20 points, as well as
System: The A.I. can handle increases both his MA and his
the Gear's combat systems innate potential by 20 points.
by employing a  Zeonic Crystallization (Magic
predetermined ability of Defense Auxiliary): As in the
Absurd (180). Mk-Arcane IV.
 Detection Systems: The A.I.  Arcane Processor (Magic
It has sensors capable of Ability Auxiliary. 40 Mana
detecting enemies and per Round): Gives the pilot
supernatural forces. These the consideration of having
sensors allow it to see the the Elemental Compatibility
supernatural as well as grant a advantage with a Path of
default ability of Absurd (180) their choice. Once chosen, it
cannot be changed later.

1 6 7
 Illuminati (Attack. 300 ○ The target receives a
Mana. Occult 140): The +49 bonus to Turn.
processors can take
○ The target receives a
advantage of the intrinsic
+20 bonus when
characteristics of the light
performing any physical
side of the Wake. Those
affected by the wave of light
recover 10 points from any ○ The target recovers 1
possible penalties per round. point of Fatigue per
When using this system the round.
pilot must choose which of
the sides he wants to use. ○ The target receives
 Prana (Magic Ability Aux. Regeneration 12.
40 Mana per dose. Magic
○ The target receives a
Appraisal 140): Increases
+10 bonus to their
the dose pool number to
20. Gains the following

Ego Gear
The Gear Mk-Mentem,
denomination Ego, is the base of
the Mentem series, the gear
focused on enhancing the matrix
abilities of its pilot. Small in
appearance, the exo-armor's
systems allow its pilot to wield a
number of rapid-fire weapons as
well as matrix and derivative
power-up systems.

Specifications (Mk-Mentem I)
Movement Value: 8 / 10 Size: Big
Structural Points: 1.000 Presence:
60 Tank: 1.000 Mana Consumption: 20
Mana per hour.
Compatibility: Physic Matrix.
Requirement: Patrium Blood. A.I. system: The Gear is equipped
with a generic A.I. that allows it to
STR: 8 DEX: 11 AGI: 8 CON: 10 use the basic systems with some
POW: 10 INT: 10 WIL: 11 PER: 10 autonomy. It has the following
AT: 4 Hard / 2 Unmodifiable Damage
Barrier: 100

1 6 8
 Autonomous Combat they can focus fire on a target
System: The A.I. can handle by forgoing one of their
the Gear's combat systems attacks and increase their base
by employing a Damage by 20 points. This
predetermined ability of weapon can be controlled by
Difficult (120). both Attack Skill and Psychic
 Detection Systems: The Projection.
A.I. has sensors capable  Gravitational Engines
of detecting enemies. (Mobility): The Gear is
These sensors give a equipped with systems
predetermined ability of capable of modifying
Difficult (120) in Notice gravity allowing the Gear to
and Search. move through the sky with
 Mobility Systems: The A.I. a Supernatural Flight Type
has systems that allow the 10.
Gear's gravitational motors to  Gravity Knockback (Basic
be handled with precision. This Defense. 40 Mana per Use):
translates to a predetermined Using the gravitational motors
skill of Difficult (120) in as propulsion, the Gear can
Acrobatics. project at high speeds.
Mechanically, it can defend
Basic systems:
itself as if it were using a
 Matrix Machine Gun (Basic special defensive transport,

Weapon): The basic weapons being able to do up to 3

of the Mk-Mentem are a pair of dodges, without receiving an

techno-magical machine guns, additional defense penalty,

located on their shoulder pads, moving anywhere in an area

capable of processing matrix within a 25-meter radius. This

energy into powerful bursts of ability can be controlled by

fire. In game terms, these are both Dodge Ability and Psychic

ranged weapons with a Projection.

Damage 80 attacking in the AT
Advanced systems:
of Thrust, they ignore 2 AT
points and have a range of 100  Solid Matrices (Psychic
meters. They do not apply any Defense Auxiliary): Any
penalty for moving and supernatural shield used by
shooting or because the enemy the pilot takes shape even if
is moving. In addition, despite it fumbles it during its
being matrix energy, they can creation. Also reduces the
damage energy and never fumble rating of any
need to recharge. Lastly, these defensive psychic power
weapons can make two attacks casts by 1. In addition, all
per round with no penalty, or defensive psychic powers

1 6 9
channeled by the pilot are  Autonomous Combat
given the ability to affect System: The A.I. can handle
energy. the Gear's combat systems
 Psychic Link (Psychic by employing a
Ability Auxiliary. 40 Mana predetermined ability of Very
per Round): The Gear's Difficult (140).
systems connect with the  Detection Systems: The
wave frequency of its pilot's A.I. has sensors capable
arrays, functioning as a of detecting enemies.
repeating antenna that These sensors give a
sends the waves great predetermined ability of
distances. Mechanically, the Very Difficult (140) in
pilot of the Ego innately Notice and Search.
possesses the psychic power  Mobility Systems: The A.I.
Link Matrices, which is used has systems that allow the
automatically on up to 4 Gear's gravitational motors to
individuals endowed with be handled with precision. This
mental powers within a translates to a predetermined
radius of 100 meters, as skill of Very Difficult (140) in
long as they allow it. Acrobatics.

Specifications (Mk-Mentem II) Basic systems:

Structural Points: 1.100 Presence:  Matrix Machine Gun (Basic

60 Weapon):As in the Mk-
Mentem I.
Compatibility: Physic Matrix.
 Gravitational Engines
Requirement: Patrium Blood.
(Mobility): As in the Mk-

STR: 8 DEX: 11 AGI: 8 CON: 10 Mentem I.

POW: 10 INT: 10 WIL: 11 PER: 10  Gravity Knockback

(Basic Defense. 40
AT: 4 Hard / 2 Unmodifiable Damage Mana per Use): Raises
Barrier: 100 the number of Dodges
up to 4.
Movement Value: 8 / 10 Size: Big
Advanced systems:
Tank: 1.000 Mana Consumption: 20
Mana per hour.  Supernatural Ability
Enhancer (Psychic Ability
A.I. system: The Gear is equipped
Aid): The Mk-Mentem II
with a generic A.I. that allows it to
increases the matrix capacity
use the basic systems with some
of its pilot. First, it increases
autonomy. It has the following
your psychic projection by 10
points as well as your psychic
potential by 20 points.

1 7 0
 Solid Matrices (Psychic  Mobility Systems: The A.I.
Defense Auxiliary): As in the has systems that allow the
Mk-Mentem I. Gear's gravitational motors to
 Psychic Link be handled with precision. This
(Psychic Ability translates to a predetermined
Auxiliary. 40 Mana skill of Very Difficult (140) in
per Round): As in Acrobatics.
the Mk-Mentem I.
Basic Systems:
Specifications (Mk-Mentem III)
 Matrix Machine Gun (Basic
Structural Points: 1.200 Presence: Weapon): Increases the
60 number of the machine guns
attacks can make to 3. Up to
Compatibility: Physic Matrix.
two attacks can be forfeited
Requirement: Patrium Blood.
when shooting an enemy to

STR: 8 DEX: 12 AGI: 8 CON: 10 increase damage by 20 per

POW: 10 INT: 10 WIL: 12 PER: 10 attack forgone.

 Gravitational Engines
AT: 4 Hard / 2 Unmodifiable Damage (Mobility): Increase
Barrier: 100 Supernatural Flight Type to 11.
 Gravity Knockback
Movement Value: 8 / 11 Size: Big
(Basic Defense. 40
Tank: 1.000 Mana Consumption: 20 Mana per Use):
Mana per hour. Increases the area in
which he can move to 50
A.I. system: The Gear is equipped meters.
with a generic A.I. that allows it to  Supernatural Ability
use the basic systems with some Enhancer (Psychic Ability
autonomy. It has the following Aid): Increases the resistance
capabilities: to overcome matrix powers by
10 points and increases the
 Autonomous Combat
potential for innates slots by
System: The A.I. can handle
an additional 10 points.
the Gear's combat systems
by employing a Advanced Systems:
predetermined ability of very
Difficult (140).  Solid Matrices (Psychic
 Detection Systems: The Defense Auxiliary): As in the
A.I. has sensors capable Mk-Mentem I.
of detecting enemies.  Psychic Link (Psychic
These sensors give a Ability Auxiliary. 40
predetermined ability of Mana per Round):
Very Difficult (140) in Increases the number of
Notice and Search. individuals to 5 and the

1 7 1
area of effect to 200 Tank: 1.200 Mana Consumption: 25
meters. Mana per hour.
 Ground Control (Attack. 100
A.I. system: The Gear is equipped
Mana. 40 Mana per Assault.
with an advanced A.I. called Physike
Science 120): The Gear Ego
that allows it to use the basic systems
has techno-magical processors
with some autonomy. It has the
capable of filtering the matrix
following capabilities:
of its pilot towards the ground,
granting him precise control of  Autonomous Combat
it. The pilot is able to System: The A.I. can handle
restructure at will, levitate him the Gear's combat systems
with his matrix abilities, and by employing a
propel him at supersonic speed predetermined ability of
against his enemies. At game Absurd (180).
level, he can use the 100 meter  Detection Systems: The
environment around him as a A.I. has sensors capable
100 Base Damage weapon with of detecting enemies.
Cut, Thrust, Impact, Heat, These sensors give a
Electricity or Cold primary predetermined ability of
critical. Living organic items, Absurd (180) in Notice
constructs, and energy- and Search.
protected objects cannot be  Mobility Systems: The A.I.
used as weapons. Objects has systems that allow the
thrown by Ground Control are Gear's gravitational motors to
considered shoot and deal base be handled with precision. This
energy damage. This ability can translates to a predetermined
be controlled by both Attack skill of Absurd (180) in
Skill and Psychic Projection. Acrobatics.

Specifications (Mk-Mentem IV) Basic systems:

Structural Points: 1.300 Presence:  Matrix Machine Gun (Basic

70 Weapon): As in the Mk-
Mentem III.
Compatibility: Physic Matrix.
 Gravitational Engines
Requirement: Patrium Blood.
(Mobility): Increase
STR: 8 DEX: 12 AGI: 8 CON: 10 Supernatural Flight Type to 12.
POW: 10 INT: 10 WIL: 12 PER: 10  Gravity Knockback
(Basic Defense. 40
AT: 5 Hard / 2 Unmodifiable Damage
Mana per Use): Rise
Barrier: 100
the number of Dodges

Movement Value: 8 / 12 Size: Big up to 5.

 Supernatural Ability
Enhancer (Psychic Ability

1 7 2
Aid): The pilot gains the Specifications (Mk-Mentem V)
benefits of the “Passive
Structural Points: 1.400 Presence:
Concentration” advantage.
Advanced systems:
Compatibility: Physic Matrix.
 Solid Matrices (Psychic Requirement: Patrium Blood.
Defense Auxiliary):The
STR: 8 DEX: 13 AGI: 8 CON: 10
matrix empowered by the Ego
POW: 10 INT: 10 WIL: 13 PER: 10
are so strong that they cannot
be completely dissipated AT: 6 Hard / 2 Unmodifiable Damage
through powers with that Barrier: 100
function. For example, if a
Nemesis user reduced a Movement Value: 8 / 13 Size: Big
defensive power cast by the
Tank: 1.400 Mana Consumption: 25
pilot below the minimum tier,
Mana per hour.
that power would remain at
the minimum tier, not A.I. system: The Gear is equipped
disappear. with an advanced A.I. called Physike
 Psychic Link that allows it to use the basic systems
(Psychic Ability with some autonomy. It has the
Auxiliary. 40 Mana following capabilities:
per Round): As in
the Mk-Mentem III.  Autonomous Combat
 Ground Control (Attack. System: The A.I. can handle
100 Mana. 40 Mana per the Gear's combat systems
Assault. Science 120): As in by employing a
the Mk-Mentem III. predetermined ability of
 Matrix Generator (Psychic Absurd (180).
Ability Auxiliary. 20 Mana  Detection Systems: The A.I.
per round): By refining the It has sensors capable of
Supernatural Ability detecting enemies and
Enhancer's systems, the Ego deciphering matrix capabilities.
is also capable of generating These sensors give him a
pure psychic energy that it default skill of Absurd (180) in
contains in a specific unit. This Notice and Search. He also
gives the pilot the ability to possesses the innate psychic
use this energy to enhance power of Sense Matrices.
their arrays before they are  Mobility Systems: The A.I.
even formed, which is has systems that allow the
equivalent in game to having Gear's gravitational motors to
1 fictitious free PP to use per be handled with precision. This
round in any power. translates to a predetermined

1 7 3
skill of Absurd (180) in Assault. Science 120):
Acrobatics. Increase the base damage to
Basic systems:
 Matrix Generator (Psychic

 Matrix Machine Gun (Basic Ability Auxiliary. 20 Mana

Weapon): Increases the per round): As in the Mk-

number of the machine guns Mentem IV.

attacks can make to 4. Up to  Matrix Blades

two attacks can be forfeited (Attack/Defense Auxiliary.

when shooting an enemy to 200/100 Mana. 40/20

increase damage by 20 per Mana per Assault): The Mk-

attack forgone. Mentem V has four matrix

 Gravitational Engines blades built into its body that

(Mobility): Increase act as both a weapon and a

Supernatural Flight Type to 13. movement aid. When

 Gravity Knockback activating this system, the

(Basic Defense. 40 pilot must choose whether to

Mana per Use): Rise use it as an Attack or Defense
the number of Dodges Auxiliary. As an Attack

up to 6 and el área por System, the blades spread

la cual puede moverse a around the Gear, floating

80 metros. around it and automatically

 Supernatural Ability attacking anyone within a 5

Enhancer (Psychic Ability meter radius. This attack is

Aid): Augments in 15 points considered independent of the

Psychic Projection, in 30 pilot, always carried out at the

Psychic Potential and in 20 end of its assault and uses the

more the potential in the use of autonomous combat systems

innates. of the A.I. Physike, with a

base damage of 100 in Energy
Advanced Systems: AT and ignoring 3 AT. It can
attack up to four different
 Solid Matrices (Psychic
targets or focus all attacks on
Defense Auxiliary): As in Mk-
a single target. If used as an
Mentem IV.
Defense Auxiliary System, the
 Psychic Link (Psychic
Blades facilitate the
Ability Auxiliary. 40
movement of the Gear, giving
Mana per Round):
it a 30-point bonus to its
Augments the number of
defensive ability and counting
individuals to 6 and the
as a shield when defending
area of effect to 400
against projectiles.
 Ground Control (Attack.
100 Mana. 40 Mana per

1 7 4
Lost Logias, supplied by Shiryu
About 3,500 years ago the Empire of Solomon
developed a technological level never before seen
on Gaïa. In just decades they created wonders,
works beyond the imagination of man. They were
powerful enough to defy the gods.

But its glory was short-lived. In one night, their

civilization was extinguished, and all their
knowledge was lost in the memory of time. But
unknown to man, hidden in the shadows still
remain traces of their works, fragments of a now
extinct science.

The Lost Logias.

The Lost Science

With the scarce and degraded remnants that are still around from that age, it is
difficult to say what the true potential of Solomon‟s research was. The only thing
that‟s certain is that their knowledge completely surpassed those of any other
culture in history. The technological foundation of the Lost Logias is supernatural,
although far from mere magic formulas. The mystical forces are used as energy
sources, purifying their effects through complex programs and mechanisms.
Thus, Solomon‟s machines can simultaneously alter or ignore the rules of reality,
being more than just simple magical devices.

Doctor Schwarzwald, commonly considered the highest authority on the Lost

Logias, has done a detailed breakdown of the science of Solomon, differentiating
between two time periods (the early days of Solomon and the time of splendor)
and three levels of technology. The first level is called Genum, or civil science. It
is one to which all citizens had access; the most basic and simple of the Logias. It
allowed them to create artificial puppet servants, long distance communication
systems and vehicles with super-powered motors, like boats, trains and flying
ships. At the same time, it had enormous advances in medical science that could
eliminate any kind of disease or implant artificial limbs or organs. Of course,
there were also many other domestic advances, like genetically modified foods or
simple typewriters.

The second level is called Archanum, whose development and use were reserved
solely for senators and military forces of Solomon. It represents a higher
application of science, like tiny nanomachine implants in the bloodstream,
devices that allow climate control or to even terraforming large areas of land.
This category also includes technology of war: war golems, combat exoskeletons

1 7 5
and floating platforms (enormous heavily equipped technomagic airships),
among many others.

Finally there is the third degree, which experts often refer to vaguely as Dyeus.
There is no evidence that it actually existed, as nearly everything known about
this level is based on assumption. Supposedly, it is the name given to the secret
projects that the Senate of Solomon launched shortly before its empire was
destroyed, the pinnacle of the entire science of the Logias. Among them are
extremely powerful experimental weapons, like the laser satellite Gravestone, or
systems of artificial intelligence like the program Unique, able to control and
direct thousands of machines in unison.

Apart from these three general levels, there are four categories to determine both
the level of complexity of the protocols that make up their systems and their
power. They are called Alpha, Beta, Sigma and Omega.

Advantage: Lost Logias

During character creation, characters may gain supernatural objects by taking the
Lost Logia Advantage. If the Game Master permits, players may acquire some of
the technomagic objects in this document or create their own using Table 1. Of
course, a character‟s starting Creation Points (CP) determine the potential of the
item. The more powerful the artifact, the more expensive it is to create.

Table 1: Advantage, Lost Logias

Character Level 1 Creation Point 2 Creation Points 3 Creation Points

0-3 Genum Alfa Genum Beta Genum Sigma

4-6 Gebum Beta Genum Sigma Genum Omega

6-9 Genum Sigma Genum Omega Archanum Alfa

10-12 Genum Omega Archanum Alfa Archanum Beta

13+ Archanum Alfa Archanum Beta Archanum Sigma

1 7 6
High Supernatural Level: If the game is set in a world with a very high
supernatural level, characters are considered to be three levels higher when
determining the Logia Level they can acquire by spending Creation Points.

A first level character who spends two Creation Points to gain the Lost Logia
advantage could start with a Genum Beta Level item.

Activation Protocols

The vast majority of technomagical objects were created following the

philosophical premise "Primum enim Salomonis" by which they could only be fully
used by the people of their Empire. For this reason, protection systems were
encrypted inside the vast majority of the logias that could only be overcome by
the bearers of certain ancient blood or by those who knew the specific activation
protocols. It‟s these protocols that scholars strive to find or even study in order to
unravel the lost science.

It is important to explain that not all objects necessarily have these protocols.
Some of the simplest logias, the equivalent of modern utensils such as
toasters or kettles, do not have these protection systems due to their
simplicity and little value.

The values of the protocols have an associated level of difficulty, which must be
reached in a check of the Lost Logias secondary ability, which depends on two
factors: their level within the general organization chart of the logias and the
purity of the ancient blood necessary to its normal activation. Thus, for
example, an activation protocol dependent on simply possessing any type of
Ancient Blood could have a variable value between 40 and 120 depending on
whether its level is a Genus Alpha or Archanum Sigma.

Scientific Analysis

Despite the "Primum enim Salomonis" there are other methods by which to try
to unravel the activation protocols of a Lost Logias using the scientific or
historical knowledge of the characters. To do this, they must check against a
value increased by one degree, if they use Science, or against two degrees, if
they use History (Solomon), to correctly interpret the protocol.

On the contrary, those possessing superior knowledge of technomagic could

use them to decode the protocols. Therefore, they can use Technomagic to
reduce the difficulty of the control by one degree.

Use of the Logias

As a general rule, those with the requisite nanomachine purity or the right
protocols can use the logias. The mere fact of having it in your possession
allows you to make the connection between your nanomachines and the

1 7 7
logias's systems, activating their powers in an instinctive way and being able to
use them at will.

However, the truth is that it does not always work that way. Many logias have
a purity requirement that prevents their direct use by ordinary people, making
it necessary to apply the appropriate activation protocols to establish a link
between the systems and the nanomachines. This is especially notable, in
those who do not have any nanomachine as they are forced to depend on the
protocols to use these systems.

Learning Time

When one of the logia systems is accessed through an activation protocol, the
connection between the nanomachines and the systems is not immediate, so
it is necessary to spend some time learning how to handle them correctly.

The specific time that someone should use for this depends exclusively on the
purity of their blood as we will see below.

Table 2: Learning Time

As can be seen, not having any degree of ancient blood makes it

difficult, if not impossible, to access the use of the most powerful
systems of the logias.

Therefore, the Wissenschaft scientists have created a method by

which it is possible to bypass these restrictions. Through complex
surgeries in the character's body, they "install" a series of techno-
magical implants that serve to replicate the effects of up to a
degree of Patrium purity.

1 7 8

Despite its great advances, and it's undeniable power, the truth is
that the difficult access to its most advanced systems, and the
small number of people with the necessary purity, for centuries
the most notable scientists of the Empire and Tol Rauko worked
intensely to understand the basic operation of the lodges... Finally,
in the year 567 they succeeded, creating a series of Logias capable
of being fully used without the need to carry ancient blood.

Legatum Logias are conceptually identical to the Lost Logias

explained above except for the following differences:

First of all, it has only been possible to replicate non-autonomous

technomagic, that is, no type of artificial intelligence or construct,
as well as no type of nanomachine. When it comes to potency, the
Legatus are only capable of reaching the Archanum Beta level.

Secondly, when it comes to restricting access to these Logias, a

series of security systems have been implemented that can only be
removed by means of Credentials (generally numerical codes or
passwords) that have to be entered (in some cases manually) so
that the systems recognize the bearer as a user of their capabilities.
In this case, the activation protocols work to know the specific
Credentials of the Legatus.

Finally, by lacking the requirement of nanomachines, the capacity of connection

and the transfer of adequate knowledge to use the systems is lost, for this
reason it is necessary to spend a variable amount of time training to achieve
mastery with these parameters, as shown in the following table.

1 7 9
Artifacts and logias
Minor Objects
Brusk Styrke: While wearing the
Parazonium, supplied by
gauntlets the user's Strength
Characteristic counts as 2 higher.
The Parazonium are daggers
Jerngrep: While wearing the gauntlets
of old given to captains and
the user gets a special +3 bonus to
other commanders even
any opposed characteristic checks to
before the founding of the
prevent being disarmed.
Empire of Abel. These daggers
are meant to incite valor in Power Level: 1+
their wielders, never backing
down and inspiring their

Quality: A Parazonium is a +5 quality


Aura Virtutis: The wielder of a

Parazonium gets a +40 Bonus to
Resistance Checks made to resist Fear
of any kind. Scorching Hammer, supplied by
Power Level: 1

Attack Attack This hammer of unknown origin is

Damage Initiative Str. Req. Type 1 Type 2 completely covered in runes belonging
40 +25 3 THR CUT to some lost civilization. When it
Type Special Fortitude Break Presence strikes a metal surface the runes shine
with a color similar to that of fire.
Short , Precision 20 3 65
The original hammer was found two
Rules decades ago by a team od Black Sun

Aura Virtutis
searchers, in some mysterious ruins
near the summit of mount
Járngreipr, supplied by King_Harlequin Muspellheim. The organization has
managed to replicate its qualities and
These gauntlets were created by the now it has become one of their most
Jayan in olden times. Meant to assist popular items.
the wearer into battle by making sure
Fable: 120 / 140 / 180
they will never lose their weapon.

1 8 0
Quality: The scorching hammer is a
Gauntlet of the Pyromancer,
+5 smithing hammer. It grants a +10
supplied by Sadrith
to forge in addition to the bonuses it
gets as a weapon. These gauntlets made of black iron
were forged with the blood of dozens
Unforge: When used in combat the
of minor fire elementals. Although they
magical properties of a Scorching
appear to be nothing more than a lost
hammer activate whenever it strikes a
piece of plate armor, these gauntlets
weapon or armor made of metal,
are powerful weapons capable of
giving the hammer a +15 to breakage
creating waves of scorching fire around
against such items. Additionally the
them. Nobody knows who was the
hammer gets a +50 bonus to its base
original creator of these items, or
damage when hitting structures or
when they were first conceived, but
creatures made of metal.
due to their versatility and how easily
Igneous runes: The scorching one can find the required components
hammer can use HEAT as its second for their production these were very
attack type. common weapons before the War of
God. It is known that the gauntlets of
Portable forge: When striking any the pyromancer were already common
kind of metal the hammer‟s runes during the rise of the old empire of
emanate a powerful heat that lets it
Yehudah, but they might have existed
mold metal without needing a flame.
since far before that.
Therefore one can use the forge skill
to forge or repair items with no other Fable: 120 / 140 / 180
equipment than a Scorching hammer
Quality: A gauntlet of the pyromancer
and a resilient surface to serve as an
is a +5 quality item with a fortitude of
22, but it doesn‟t give any bonus to
Level of Power: 1+ the combat ability of its user.

Attack Attack Igneous weapon (Notion of Use 1):

Damage Initiative Str. Req. Type 1 Type 2
While holding a weapon with the
40 -15 4 IMP HEA
gauntlet this ability can be activated to
Type Special Fortitude Break Presence cast the spell Igneous weapon in
Mace - 22 4 60 intermediate degree unlimitedly. This

Special increases the weapon‟s damage by 20

Rules points and gives it Heat as its main
Unforge, Igneous runes, Portable forge damage type. This ability can also be
used without holding any weapon,
making the gauntlets themselves burst
in flames and allowing for its powers to
be combined with martial arts. This
ability has a cost of 1 ki point per

1 8 1
Igneous control (Notion of Use 1): today there are less than two dozen
The user of the gauntlet can control up of them.
to 10 intensities of fire, freely changing
Fable: 80 / 180 / 280
its shape and growth with a mere
gesture. Using this ability requires an Quality: Jared's Amulet is a quality
active action, but it has no cost +5 brooch.
Knowledge of the Executor
Power level: 1+ (Notion of Use II): The bearer of
the amulet possesses part of the
Jared’s Amulet, supplied by Shiryu Apostle's knowledge, which allows
him to finish off his enemies with
ease. In game terms, they reduce
the penalty for making targeted
attacks by -10. This reduction is
combined with the Precise rule.
An amulet that was created during
Sentence: The bearer of the amulet
the early days of the Inquisition as
has part of Jared's lethality, so if they
an institution, as a measure to
produce a critical hit with one of their
decorate its members and enhance
attacks, the level increase by +10.
their destructive qualities.
Unfortunately the process to create Level of Power: 1+
them was lost over the years and

Intermediate Artifacts
Agalasga, supplied by Shiryu
The Agalasga are one of the classical
spiritual weapons of the Jayan tribes.
Swords of great proportions were
forged with pure metal from the
bowels of the earth. When the metal
became red hot they were imbued with
the essence of fire and war spirits by
the shamans.
Due to the simplicity of their creation
The weapons were then carried by the process, even today many of these
shock troops of the tribe, taking weapons can still be seen among the
advantage of their burning edges to wandering tribes of Corina as their
destroy weapons, armor and shamans are able to create them. It is
everything that was put in front of not uncommon for agents of the Fallen
them. Angel Mo'ôhtavo'nehe to wield one of

1 8 2
these weapons or even one of the hundred years ago, at the end of the
other spirit weapons. Dragon War, a man came to a
mastersmith with a jar of ashes. The
Fable: 80 / 140 / 180
ashes, he claimed, were the remains of

Quality: Agalasga is considered a +5 a dragon that has been incinerated by

Enormous Sword Breaker though its a much more powerful foe. Along with

breakage and AT reduction are that of the ashes, the man provided enough

a +10 quality weapon. White Steel to outfit an entire squad of

officers, and paid ten times the asking
Atsi’ladiyega (Ritual): Pronouncing price by the smith. For six days the
the name of Fire and War in Uktalta smith worked the steel, mixing the ash
causes the spirits of the weapon to into every piece, which dulled the
awaken wanting to fight. Agalasga's luminous white into a lightless grey.
blade glows red hot, reducing anything When his hammer bent the last piece
that stands in its path to little more of metal into place, he set it on a rack
than smoldering ruins. In game terms, and sent word that the armor was
it receives as a secondary critical Heat done.
and increases the results of Table 73:
In Flames by 20 points. The smith waited a month for the man
to return, then two. He sent missives
Level of Power: 2 to every corner of the continent, but
none returned with word of the man
Attack Attack
Damage Initiative Str. Req. Type 1 Type 2 with the ashes. A year passed with the
85 -15 8/10 IMP CUT/ HEA armor still sitting on the same rack

Type Special Fortitude Break Presence

and, with no word and multiple offers
to buy the set, the smith finally agreed
Two- One or Two
Handed Handed 32 15 75 on a reasonable price for the armor.

Special The buyer had done no more than

Rules touch the gauntlet when he recoiled
Atsi’ladiyega violently, screaming at the top of his
lungs that he had been blinded. Word
Engin Sjón, supplied by Tyr spread quickly, and soon the smith
was overrun with haughty warriors and
When people speak of powerful armor, nobility, claiming that the first had
they think of the armor worn by great simply been telling tall tales, but as
heroes of the past. They speak of more and more were blinded at the
Exuberwolf, Zabiel, or Onydas. Few slightest touch, the crowds withdrew.
mention Engin Sjón, and there's a
good reason for that: it's never been Though the victim's sight would
worn for long. recover, the smith's business would
not. No one knows what happened to
The why behind the armor's disuse is a her, but the armor would pop up once
story that few believe until they a century, worn by a soul brave
encounter the armor themselves. Five enough to go into battle without sight.

1 8 3
The battlefield is no place for the blind, Quality: Bahamut's Dagger is a -5
however, and so all were cut down quality dagger but its presence and
before they could etch their names fortitude is that of a +10 quality
into history. The armor, however, dagger.
would earn it's own name, Engin Sjón,
Coram Draconis: The dagger
meaning "No Sight," and it would
wielder gains a +20 bonus to
eventually wind up in the hands of
Intimidate or the equivalent of
Emilia Jotun, a girl already blinded by
Intimidate 80.
Fate, a girl who had nothing to fear
from the armor beyond what it Draconis Caninis (Notion of Use
represented. II): Any Attack spell channeled
through the dagger is capable of
Quality: Engin Sjón is a +10 Half
reducing the target's AT by 2. If the
Plate Armor.
bearer wishes, they can pay an extra
The Black: Anyone who so much as 50 zeon points to increase this
touches Engin Sjón must pass an MR reduction to 4.
check of 140 or be blinded for one
Supernatural Enhancer (Notion
hour for every 10 points they failed the
of Use II): Bahamut's Dagger
resistance check by.
grants a +10 bonus to its wielder's
Level of Power: 2 MA.

Armor Natural Mov. Level of Power: 2

Req. Penalty Restr. Fort Presence Location Class

60 10 1 36 135 Complete Hard Attack Attack

Damage Initiative Str. Req. Type 1 Type 2
Cut Impact Thrust Heat Elec Cold Energy
20 +15 3 THR CUT
6 6 6 4 2 3 3
Type Special Fortitude Break Presence
Special Rules
Short Throwable 30 -4 115
The Black

Coram Draconis, Draconis Caninis, Supernatural

Dagger of Bahamut, supplied by Enhancer


The Dagger of Bahamut is a bone

dagger whose edge is practically non-
existent. Created with a dragon fang
and blood of the same, part of the
essence of the creature is found in
the weapon giving it certain
supernatural qualities.

Fable: 120 / 140 / 180

1 8 4
passive, unless it depends on
Oak Armor, supplied by Sadrith
Perception. This transformation has no
This peculiar armor is made entirely of time limit, and can be freely undone at
scales carved from the wood of an any time, but no other action can be
ancient oak tree. It was created during carried out on the same round that the
the age of chaos by a community of transformation ends.
dissident Duk‟zarists who abandoned
If the tree is attacked it acts like a
their culture to live in close contact
creature with damage resistance that
with nature. As far as the world knows
has 2000 LP and the AT given by the
this culture was exterminated in the
Oak armor. If it reaches 0 LP the user
last hour of the War of God by the
will be forced back to their real form
activation of Upnapistim, but in truth
and this power will be unusable for a
they were trapped in an interreign
day. Even while in human form, the
inside the barrier.
tree form recovers 100 LP each hour.
Fortunately at that time the wearer of
Materials: Any branch or piece of
the Oak armor was in Alberia, learning
wood torn from the tree will quickly
from the Lilium Druids, and the armor
dry and become dust in a few minutes.
is still in Gaïa, now worn by his son.
Detections: Most supernatural
Fable: 180 / 280 / 320
detections will still work on someone
High quality wood: The Oak armor is transformed in a tree, but since it‟s a
a +10 quality scale armor, but unlike a complete physical transformation,
regular scale armor it has an AT of 5 powers that detect things like blood or
agans Electricity and an AT of 2 body temperature won‟t work.

against Heat. Distinguishing the true nature of the

tree with Ki detection is only possible
Lightweight: The armor was for someone with Erudition.
enchanted to be much lighter and easy
to wear than any regular armor. Power level: 2
Therefore it only has a requirement of Armor Natural Mov.
50 to wear armor. Req. Penalty Restr. Fort Presence Location Class

50 15 1 27 135 Full Plate Hard

Tree (Notion of Use 3): As long as
Cut Impact Thrust Heat Elec Cold Energy
they are on land, the wearer of the
armor can concentrate for an entire 6 6 6 2 5 5 3

assault (during which they can‟t do Special Rules

any active action) to transform into a High Quality Wood, Lightweight, Tree
tree indigenous to the area. In this
form the user is completely
indistinguishable from a normal tree
and they obtain the power
Extrasensorial vision, but they are
unable to do any action, active or

1 8 5
Ring of Magus, supplied by Sadrith
A ring used by the great wizards of the
order of Magus. When worn, it
increases the offensive potential of any
magic attack. The Rings of Magus are
iron rings decorated with the image of
an eye.

Fable: 120 / 140 / 240

Projection: These rings give a bonus

of +5 to magic projection.
twice a day each. These superior rings
Enhancer (Notion of Use 1): Any are level 3 artifacts.
attack spell casted with the ring
increases its damage by 10 points, Spatha, supplied by Shiryu
and any spell that has a resistance
check increases the difficulty of the The Spatha are a series of artifacts

check by 10 points. made by the Order of Nathaniel to

enhance the supernatural qualities of
Oculus (Notion of Use 2): Every its members. Visually, they are usually
ring of magus can cast twice a day white wooden rods with Christian
an innate spell with a cost of 100 symbols (such as angels or crosses),
zeon or less. The spell is different for along their structure the names of
each particular ring and it‟s usually a their previous owners are usually
spell of level 5vel 50 or less. If the engraved.
spell can be maintained it will have a
duration of three rounds, or an hour
if it has daily upkeep. Depending on
the spell the ring can cast, some
rings of Magus are considered
artifacts of level 2+.

Level of power: 2 (Variable)

Superior rings: Since the Rings of

Magus are the most common items
created by the order, it‟s to be
expected that some of its members
have improved the formula to create
superior versions of these items. The Fable: 120 / 140 / 180
superior rings doble de bonuses from
Projection and Enhancer, and they can Resistance: Spatha is a +10 quality

cast two different spells instead of one, item when calculating its Presence and

1 8 6
Protection of the Saint (Notion of been previously cast by the sorcerer
Use II): Any healing spell channeled while holding the staff in his hands.
through Spatha receives a +20 zeonic Naturally, the spell disappears from
increase. the staff once it is activated.

Enhancer (Notion of Use II): Binding (Ritual): Since their creation

Spatha increases the MA of its wearer the Spatha are bound to their user, in
by +10. the hands of any other individual they
are considered +5 quality staffs
Zeonic Reserve (Notion of Use I):
without any supernatural ability. To
Spatha can store up to 200 zeon
bond with a Spatha a spellcaster must
points inside.
pour their blood over the wand and

Level of Power: 2 introduce 200 points of zeon into it to

cement the bond, permanently losing
Spatha, supplied by Sadrith one point of Power in the process. It is
only possible to bond to a Spatha if its
These magical staffs are created by previous owner has died or its bond
the church to enhance the powers of has been broken by some supernatural
many minor Saints of the Order of means.
Nathaniel. To complete the making of
Power Level: 2
a Spatha its future bearer must
reinforce the powers of the artifact Attack Attack
Damage Initiative Str. Req. Type 1 Type 2
with his own soul, binding himself to
the artifact. Consequently Spathas can 40 +15 4 IMP -

only be used properly by their bearer. Type Special Fortitude Break Presence

Pole-arm Two-handed 21 2 80
Fable: 120 / 180 / 240
Quality: A Spatha is considered a +5
staff capable of damaging energy. Projection, Anima, Emergency Spell, Binding

Projection: The wearer of Spatha

gains a +10 bonus to his magical

Anima: While in contact with Spatha,

the wielder gains a +1 to his Power

Emergency Spell (Use Notion 2):

Spatha can be used to store a spell
that can be released later at any time.
Such a spell cannot possess a zeonic
value greater than 60 and must have

1 8 7
Madame Anémone’s Ensemble de Lingerie, supplied by Leonard

“Be dangerous, darling, for the whole world

rises and falls at your feet.”
― Mav Skye, Wanted: Single Rose

It is a popular saying in some nobility circles that if you want something said, you
should tell it to a man, but if you want something done, you should tell it to a
woman. That is probably what Alystaire Fardelys, sister of the Archchancellor of
Gabriel, thought when she hired for the first time the services of Madame
Anémone de Le Drac.

Anémone had not always gone by that title. A former student of the prestigious
Academy of Astria, she was expelled from the academy after a violent incident
which still to this day haunts the lady‟s dreams. In fact, said incident was caused
due to her natural magical Gift, undetected and untrained up until that moment.

The most natural conclusion to this tale would have seen Anémone falling prey to
an unsavoury end after the rumours began to spread. But fortune wanted one of
Lady Fardelys‟ agents being one of the first to hear the rumour, rumour that soon
reached the ears of the grand lady herself, who ordered the wayward student
brought to her presence.

Not one soul in Chaville knows what did they talk in private, but after that
meeting, everyone from her old circles seemed to simply forget about Madame
Anémone, who, thanks to Lady Fardelys‟ funding, started an exclusive education
to complement her teachings from Astria, an exclusive education in one of the
Order of Magus‟ cells near Chaville.

Nominally, Madame Anémone is a brilliant natural sorcerer, quick to outrank her

fellow students and to advance in the ranks of the Order of Magus, but those close
to her know that her real loyalties lay elsewhere, as there is nothing that the
Diva-Witch awaits more impatiently that new summons to meet her benefactor,
for whom bad tongues suggests that she holds more than simple gratitude and
admiration, a stronger feeling that Lady Fardelys herself supposedly nurtures at
each new reunion.

It was Lady Fardelys herself who founded what became known as “Madame
Anémone‟s Ensemble de Lingerie”, a set of magical items ideated to suit her
agent‟s unique blend of expertise in social and subterfuge missions, for, as she
herself likes to note: “What better place to hide something from the eyes of

1 8 8
religious zealots or male supernaturally savvy chauvinists, than the feminine body
itself?” the idea was replicated by a rival of Anémone in the Order of Magus, and
with the passing of the years, the pieces of at least two other sets have appeared
split across different places of Gaia, always in the hands of women of high power
and influence. Each piece by itself is of tremendous utility, but it is only together
when they reach their maximum potential.

Fable: 120/180/240

Anémone’s Lure (Corset)

Alluring Figure: The wearer of

Anémone‟s Lure receives a +2 to
Appearance and a +40 to Style, Dance
and Persuasion.

Piercing Nails (Ritual): The corset‟s

buttons can be unattached after
twisting them a set number of times in
each direction. After doing so, a long,
piercing golden needle automatically
grows from the base of the button. gain a special supernatural energy
When inserted in a keyhole, their coating which augments the critical
shape changes to best fit it, becoming bonus of Capricornius to +40 and
the equivalent of a +10 Picklock. When produces a supernatural poison which
used in tandem with Ars Magnus triggers on hit a VR against 120, a
Capricornius, the needles act as a +10 failure on the check produces the Mute
weapon. The corset has a total of 6 effect.
buttons, whose needles magically melt
into the buttons‟ metal when Feminine: This artifact‟s powers are

reattaching themselves on their place. only active if the wearer has the
outward appearance of a female of at
Dark Secret: Anyone trying to detect least Appearance 7.
the magical properties of the item
applies a - 80 to Magical Appraisal. Power Level: 2+/ 3

Ensemble de Lingerie: When the Anémone’s Delusion (Panties)

four components of Anémone‟s
Vessel of Sin: The wearer of
Ensemble de Lingerie are equipped on
Anémone‟s Delusion gains a +10
the wearer, Alluring Figure bonuses
bonus to magical projection and
raise to +3 (Appearance) and +80
accumulation when casting spells of
(Style, Dance and Persuasion),
the Sin Sub-Path.
Piercing Nails‟ Picklocks raise their
quality to +20, and when used with Beguilement: If the wearer of
Capricornius, although the weapon‟s Anémone‟s Delusion is target of spells
quality does not upgrade over +10,

1 8 9
or abilities which can detect lies, he or Dark Secret: Anyone trying to detect
she applies a +40 to resist them. the magical properties of the item
applies a - 80 to Magical Appraisal.
The Darkest Secret: The wearer
gains a bonus of +80 to resistances Ensemble de Lingerie: When the
against magical or psychic detection, a four components of Anémone‟s
+80 to Ki Concealment, and anyone Ensemble de Lingerie are equipped on
trying to detect the magical properties the wearer, In The Dark of the Night‟s
of the item applies a -80 to Magical “Create Darkness” spell becomes
Appraisal. Advanced grade and can be cast at
any moment of the day. In addition,
Ensemble de Lingerie: When the
Guiltless Steps‟ Stealth bonus
four components of Anémone‟s
augments to +40, and the penalty to
Ensemble de Lingerie are equipped on
opposing Track checks augments to -
the wearer, Vessel of Sin‟s bonuses
apply to all spells, and augment to
+20 for Sin spells. Additionally, Feminine: This artifact‟s powers are
Beguilement now applies a +80 to its only active if the wearer has the
resistance, and if the wearer manages outward appearance of a female of at
to resist successfully, he or she can least Appearance 7.
now decide at will if his or her
Power Level: 1/ 2
statements are detected as truths or

Feminine: This artifact‟s powers are

only active if the wearer has the
outward appearance of a female of at
least Appearance 7.

Power Level: 2/3

Anémone’s Haze (Pantyhose)

Anémone’s Lust (Garter Belt)
In The Dark of the Night (Notion of
I Always Keep It Just in Case:
Use 2): The wearer of Anémone‟s
Anémone‟s Lust can serve as a Zeon
Haze can cast “Create Darkness” at
container for up to 250 Zeon.
Intermediate grade once a day, only at
night. Wild Obsession (Ritual): If the
wearer of Anémone‟s Lust unfastens it
Guiltless Steps: The wearer of
while dancing, anyone watching it who
Anémone‟s Haze receives a +20 to
can see the Garter Belt being
Stealth when walking without shoes. If
unfastened must make a MR against
someone tries to track him or her, the
100 or become Fascinated, also
tracker receives a -40 penalty.
believing that he or she is completely

1 9 0
in love with the wearer and acting as the wearer, I Always Keep It Just in
he or she would under those Case augments its storage capability
circumstances. If the target does not to 500 Zeon, while Wild Obsession
feel attraction towards females, he or augments its MR to 140, negating any
she can apply a +20 to MR. possible bonus due to not feeling
attraction to females.
Dark Secret: Anyone trying to detect
the magical properties of the item Feminine: This artifact‟s powers are
applies a - 80 to Magical Appraisal. only active if the wearer has the
outward appearance of a female of at
Ensemble de Lingerie: When the
least Appearance 7.
four components of Anémone‟s
Ensemble de Lingerie are equipped on Power Level: 1/ 2

Light and Darkness, supplied by Sadrith

This is a collection of minor magical items
that represent each one of the lords of
Darkness and ladies of light. Most of them
are, or were in the past, rather common
items often worn by the worshipers of such
deities and don‟t necessarily have a direct
connection to the being for which they are

The rings of Erebus and Raphael have not

been included in this list because they
appear in the Prometheum Exxet.

Ring of Michael Purification (Ritual): When the

wearer of the ring places their hand on
These are rings in the shape of wings
a sick person the supernatural power
created by the worshippers of the Lady
of the ring can remove any sickness of
of Hope. Today most of those that
level 50 or lower. This power needs to
have survived the passage of time are
recharge for a number of days equal to
used by priests and saints of the
the level of the cured disease before it
can be activated again.

Fable: 140 / 180 / 240

Power Level: 2

Aura of Protection (Notion of Use

1): The ring confers to its wearer a
+10 bonus to all their resistances.

1 9 1
Brooch of Zemial Consequently while wearing the brooch
its wearer suffers a -20 penalty to all
Unlike the rest of the Shajad amulets,
actions caused by the pain.
legend has it that these brooches were
created by crystallizing a drop of the Power Level: 2
blood of the lord of destruction
Ring of Uriel
himself. Whether this is true or not,
the fact is that these brooches can Rings of simple appearance created
greatly increase the destructive during the times of the ancient Empire
capabilities of the wearer. of Yehudah by a rebel group to protect
its members from the control of the
These brooches are always found in
sorcerer kings. They are named after
the hands of madmen or psychopaths
the Beryl known as the lord of
who live for the sole purpose of
causing death and destruction with
disturbing frequency, which has led Although there is no way of knowing
some occultists to theorize that these for sure, some believe that the origin
objects possess a certain degree of of these rings is much older and have
self-will. been used throughout history by
various rebel groups under the control
The frequency with which these
of a tyrant.
objects appear only to be lost shortly
thereafter makes it impossible to know Fable: 120 / 180 / 240
the approximate number of these
objects that continue to exist in the Free Mind: The ring confers a +20
world. bonus to all resistances against any
kind of domination.
Fable: 180 / 240 / 280
Help: If his first ability fails and the
Armageddon: All attacks of the wearer of the ring falls under any kind
wearer of the brooch increase its base of supernatural control all rings of Uriel
damage by +20. Additionally increases within a radius of 100 meters will show
the value of any critical they produce to their owner a vision of his fallen
by 10 points. companion's face. This ability has no
effect on concealed control spells with
Assured Destruction (Notion of
an Absurd magic appraisal (180) or on
Use 2): Increases by 10 points the
cloaked psychic powers with Conceal
difficulty of the resistances to
Matrices at Very Hard (140) or higher.
overcome any supernatural ability cast
by the wearer that causes a loss of life Power Level: 2
points, attribute points or automatic
death. It has no effect on invocations. Brooch of Jedah

The price of the power: Anyone who A wooden brooch in the shape of a
wears the brooch feels a slight but faceless puppet as a tribute to the lord
constant pain throughout his body. of shadows.

1 9 2
These were relatively common during No Magic: A Gabriel ring possesses no
the age of chaos and they have been true mystical power, in reality it is
repaired by high ranking members of nothing more than a conduit for the
the order of Yehudah over the last few power of love felt by its wearer.
centuries, making them an essential Consequently, it is impossible to detect
item among the organization's its mystical nature.
Empathy: The wearer of one of these
Fable: 120 / 180 / 240 rings knows at all times the emotional
state of their partner, as well as the
Marionette (Notion of Use 1): The
approximate direction in which they
brooch confers a +20 bonus to the
summoning skill Dominate.
Protective Link: As long as the
Prolonged Control (Notion of Use
wearers of both rings are within 10
1): A being dominated using the
meters of each other, they will
power of this ring can only attempt to
automatically overcome any life-and-
break free once every 5 hours instead
death check. If using the director's
of every hour.
screen rules simply apply a +40 bonus

Power Level: 2 to resistance rolls.

Ring of Gabriel Power Level: 2

Gabriel rings are simple yet beautiful Ring of Noah

pieces of jewelry made of an entirely
These rings from the ancient Duk'zarist
pink metal. They are often decorated
civilization served as a symbol and
with floral themes or hearts. These
trophy for the most powerful and
objects come from the ancient Sylvain
accomplished warriors in battle. These
kingdoms, where they were used as a
rings are practically the only Duk'zarist
symbol of love between two
item made of metal, probably to
individuals. These rings were always
demonstrate the endurance and
created in pairs, and they united their
willpower of those who wore them, or
wearers animically.
to ensure that they would not be used

Nowadays most of these rings are by any soldier unworthy of them.

scattered around Gaïa, and it is

Fable: 140 / 180 / 240
sometimes possible to find one in
jewelers or antique stores, where they Battle Mastery (Notion of Use 1):
can reach a value of up to 200 MO. The wearer of the ring receives a +10
However, it is extremely difficult to bonus to their offensive ability
find both rings from the same set. (including projections). This power
does not stack with other items that
Fable: 120 / 140 / 240
increase offensive abilities, or the

Bond: Gabriel's rings only work if both bonus granted by quality weapons.
wearers have a strong emotional bond.

1 9 3
Inhuman (Notion of Use 2): The promise of enormous powers to
wearer of the ring can perform commit true atrocities.
inhuman actions.
The passage of time has not affected
Power Level: 2 the power of these items at all, as they
feed on the energy of their wearer's
Ring of Azrael

Azrael Brooches are mystical objects

Fable: 140 / 280 / 320
linked to the lady of swords
supposedly belonging to the first Devourer of Souls (Notion of Use
beings to be known as knights of 1): Whenever the wearer of Abbadon's
Azrael. The brooches are decorated ring takes a life the soul of their victim
with 10 miniature golden swords will automatically be trapped within
welded into the jewel. the ring unless they pass an MR check
against 100. The ring can contain up
Today virtually none of the brooches
to 6 souls, and its wearer can consume
remain in the hands of their original
one of them at any time to gain a +10
wearer, yet they always fall into the
bonus to an action or resistance roll.
hands of those who dedicate their lives
Occasionally the ring may devour one
to defending the innocent from the
of the souls inside on its own initiative
dark and demonic creatures that
and seemingly at random at least once
plague the world.
a day, a rate that gradually accelerates

Fable: 180 / 240 / 280 if the ring's owner does not use its
Lux sancta (Notion of Use 1): The
Brooch of Azrael increases by 10 Hunger: If at any time the ring loses

points the zeonic value of all spells of all its charges its wearer will begin to

the Path of Light cast by its wearer. feel a voracious hunger that will not be
satiated until it is completely filled
Consecrated (Notion of Use 2): All again. Consequently its wearer will
attacks, both physical and apply a -60 penalty to all actions that
supernatural, launched by the wearer is reduced by 10 points for each soul in
of the brooch deal 50% more damage the ring.
against evil or dark beings.
The weight of your sins: Once put
Power Level: 2 on, it is completely impossible to
remove an Abbadon ring since it is
Ring of Abbadon
immediately connected to the wearer's
Also known as the devil's rings, these soul and removing the ring by any
evil artifacts were created by a means would cause the immediate
demonic cult destroyed centuries ago death of its wearer. Beings of Gnosis
by the Messiah. These rings were 30 or higher can ignore this power.
designed to corrupt the souls of the
Purification: The only way to get rid
innocent, tempting them with the
of the ring of Abbadon is for its current

1 9 4
wearer to atone for all his sins. Should Fable: 140 / 240 / 280
this happen, the ring loses all its
Ratio (Notion of Use 3): The wearer
power and becomes a pile of ash.
of the ring increases his appearance by
Unfortunately the ability of the rings to
1 point and gets a +20 bonus to his
bring out the worst in people makes
Style and Persuasion skills.
this task almost impossible, which is
why only 2 of the rings have been Perfectus (Notion of Use 3): The
destroyed thanks to this method. wearer of the ring is considered to
possess the ki skill Use Necessary
Camouflage: Abbadon's rings do not
have a fixed form, instead when their
previous owner dies they take the Ordinem (Notion of Use 3): While
form that can best tempt whoever is this ability is activated everyone within
nearby. In addition the supernatural 20 meters of the ring receives a -10
powers of the rings are almost penalty to MA and a -20 to Summon.
Impossible to detect, requiring a Magic It can only be used once a day for one
Appraisal check of 240. Because of this minute.
ability there are very few occultists in
the world capable of recognizing an Power Level: 2
Abbadon ring with the naked eye.
Brooch of Eriol
Power Level: 2
Although commonly known as
Ring of Barakiel Brooches, these artifacts can be found
in the form of all kinds of jewelry. This
The items known today as Barakiel is because they are not mass-produced
rings are a collection of rings made artifacts made by any cult or
entirely of white marble. They all have supernatural entity; instead, their
a geometric shape with perfectly power comes from strange, naturally
polished and straight surfaces, but are occurring crystals.
surprisingly comfortable to wear.
Research by various organizations on
Although few know their origins today, these crystals has concluded that they
these rings are among the few are the result of exposing a psychic
supernatural objects created by crystal to strong environmental
Solomon's empire that are not based magical energies, however the precise
on the technology of the ancient conditions that must be met remain a
logias. They were originally called mystery to even the greatest
Perfectus Patrium, and were a popular researchers in these fields. These
item among the high nobility of the crystals are never larger than the size
empire. The vast majority of these of a fist, and take on an enormous
rings survived the fall of Solomon, but variety of colors that intermingle and
given their nature there are few who change constantly in a hypnotic
relate them to that ancient pattern.
technological power.

1 9 5
Fable: 180 / 240 /280 D10 Zeon Potential

1 -60 -40
Visible: The supernatural distortion
2 -50 -30
they generate makes Eriol's Brooches
very easy to analyze and detect. An 3 -40 -20

Easy Magic Appraisal check or the 4 -20 -10

power to Detect Matrices to any 5 +0 +0

degree is enough to realize the nature
6 +10 +10
of the object.
7 +20 +15

Chaos: The mystical energies around 8 +30 +20

Eriol's Brooches are immensely
9 +40 +25
unstable, causing sudden surges of
10 +50 +30
magic or creating tiny stagnant
spaces. This means that any spell or Brooch of Edamiel
psychic power cast by the Brooch's
Edamiel brooches are a series of
wearer can be greatly enhanced or
artifacts created by the previous
weakened in completely unpredictable
incarnation of the Beryl. They are
simple items decorated with a strange
● Magic: Whenever the wearer of unpolished gray gemstone.
the Brooch begins to
Fable: 180 / 240 / 280
accumulate Zeon he must roll a
d10 and add or subtract the Hedonism (Notion of Use 1):
corresponding amount from his Through physical contact or direct
accumulated Zeon. If he loses contact with his aura the wearer of an
an amount of Zeon greater than Edamiel Brooch can provoke enormous
his ACT, the difference will be pleasure in others that can border on
subtracted directly from the orgasm. Whenever he touches
Zeon pool. It is important to someone directly or with an object
clarify that this power only where he has extended his aura the
takes effect in the first round in wearer of this object can force him to
which Zeon is accumulated, and pass a PsR against 120 or the target
it is not necessary to roll again will be invaded by an enormous
until the bearer has cast a spell pleasure and will suffer the state of
or stopped accumulating Zeon. Fascination during one round for every
● Matrices: Whenever the bearer 10 points by which he fails the
uses a psychic power he must resistance. There is no limit to the
roll a d10 and add or subtract number of times this power can be
the corresponding amount to activated, but someone who
his potential. overcomes the resistance cannot be
affected again for 24 hours.

Apathy ( Notion of Use 2): These

items possess the ability to shut down

1 9 6
the wearer's emotions, conferring a to his Will and Power accumulations
base Composure skill of 140 or a +40 until the end of the round.
bonus. Unfortunately if worn for too
Power Level: 2
long the effects of this ring can affect
its wearer permanently, gradually
nullifying their ability to feel emotions.
Yosomaru, supplied by King_Harlequin
This occurs progressively for
A katana forged by master smiths in
approximately one day for each point
Phaion Eien Seimon. Imbued with the
of Willpower the wearer possesses;
ability to absorb the different types of
after this time he is considered to have
elements found in the world this sword
lost all his emotions and becomes
is especially potent against elementals
immune to all psychological states
and supernatural powers alike.
except Pain, as if he had the ability
"Psychological Immunity".

Power Level: 2

Brooch of Meseguis

Meseguis Brooches were created

centuries ago by a legendary sect of
Quality: Yosomaru is a +10 quality
assassins prior to the War of God.
Katana capable of damaging energy
They were worn by their highest-
Absorb Elements: Whenever
ranking enforcers, who were tasked
someone wielding Yosomaru blocks an
with hunting down and eliminating
attack made by an elemental or
anyone who posed a danger to the
consisting of an element it absorbs it
into the blade. This gives Yosomaru
They are beautiful brooches decorated different abilities based on the element
with jewels of various colors that form absorbed:
all kinds of geometric configurations. Fire - Gains the Heat secondary
damage type which it can switch to
Fable: 140 / 240 / 280
without penalty
Container: Meseguis Brooches serve Water/Ice - Gains the Cold secondary
as small containers capable of storing damage type which it can switch to
up to 15 Ki points that can be without penalty
extracted by their wearer if they Earth - Gains the Impact secondary
possess the Ki Transmission ability. damage type which it can switch to
without penalty
Penance (Notion of Use 1): Lightning - Gains the Electricity
Meseguis Brooches possess the ability secondary damage type which it can
to transform their wearer's life force switch to without penalty
into pure energy. By sacrificing 10 life Wind - Ignores 2 AT from the enemy
points its wearer can immediately (on top of the ones ignored by the
regenerate 3 ki points and gain a +1 Quality Bonus)

1 9 7
Light - Makes Yosomaru be considered Being an intrinsic part of their culture,
a Holy Weapon the Ebudan of today continue to know
Darkness - Makes Yosomaru be how to create the Fortunas and it is
considered an Unholy Weapon not uncommon to see young people
Only 1 element can be absorbed by with one of these weapons.
the blade at a time.
Fable: 80 / 140 / 180
Elemental Strike (Notion of Use 2):
The wielder of Yosomaru can expend -Quality: The Fortunas are +5 quality
the absorbed element and use it to spears capable of damaging energy.
attack an enemy up to 50 ft away
without penalty by shooting the -Feel the Fate (Notion of Use II):
element towards them. The bearer of the spear is capable of
The damage type and ability remains vaguely sensing where they should go
the same as with Absorb Elements for important events to occur. By
with the exception of Light and concentrating, and closing their eyes,
Darkness, whose ranged attack uses the wearer of it is able to "feel" the
the Energy damage type. spiritual presence of those around
Power Level: 2+ them as flames of color depending on
her aura. The more Gnosis a being
Fortuna, supplied by Shiryu possesses, the brighter and more
powerful these flames will be.
The Fortunas are one of the classical
-Supernatural Enhancer (Notion of
weapons of the Ebudan culture. Forged
Use I): The Fortuna raises the abilities
from an alloy of electra and silver,
of their wearer. The weapons have one
these superb spears were commonly
of the following options:
wielded by the Talib, or seekers, the
young members of their race who had ● Magus: The spear
set out in search of their destiny. grants a +5 bonus to magic
projection and MA of its bearer.

● Arcanus: The spear has

Therefore, the spears have
an extra 40 presence to bind
supernatural abilities related to the
creatures within it as well as
search and their greatest ability lies in
grants a +10 bonus to one of
giving their bearer a certain "sense"
the four summoning abilities.
with which they are able to understand
where they are needed... although in ● Dominus: The spear
what exactly, that is something that increases two of its wielder's ki
their bearer must to find out. Likewise, accumulation by 1 point.
since the spears had a certain degree
of customization, they had ● Psicus: The spear
enchantments that enhanced the grants a +5 bonus to psychic
innate abilities of their bearer.

1 9 8
projection and a +10 bonus to Fable: 140 / 240 / 280
its wielder's psychic potential.
Quality: The fists are considered a
Level of Power: 2+ +10 quality item. It confers no bonus
to its wielder's attack skill or turn, but
Attack Attack increases his base damage by 20
Damage Initiative Str. Req. Type 1 Type 2
points and ignores 2 points of armor if
50 +10 4/6 THR - used in combination with martial arts.
Type Special Fortitude Break Presence
Show the Way (Use Notion 3): As
One or Two
handed, an active action the bearer of the Fists
Pole-arm Throwable 23 4 75
of the guiding star may confer a +15
bonus to his next roll this round, or
that of another character he can see.
Feel the Fate, Supernatural Enhancer
Activating this ability consumes 3 ki
points directly from its user's pool.

Starlight (Use Notion 2): These

Fists of the Guiding Star,
gauntlets can conjure starlight around
supplied by Sadrith
them by creating dozens of small light
sources around them as if they were
tiny floating stars. For game purposes
it can innately cast and maintain a
Create Light spell at base rating. This
ability consumes one ki point each
minute it remains activated.

Power level: 2+

Huahuì Chénguò, supplied by Shiryu

The Fists of the guiding star are a pair

of ebony gauntlets that seem to
constantly reflect stars and other
celestial bodies regardless of where
they are located, so it appears as
though a firmament exists within
them. The Huāhuì Chéngnuò are an ancient
artifact of Daimah origin, created in
These gauntlets come from the ancient
the golden age of Kuon Teikoku. These
Ebudan civilization, where they used to
are rings created with the leaves and
be lent to all Ebudan who left their
flowers of plants raised through
citadel to pursue their Sue'Aman.

1 9 9
Ikebana, the ancient and mystical One with Nature (Ritual): When
floral art, giving them a consistency moving through the forest with Huāhuì
similar to that of steel. Chéngnuò, its bearer can raise a
The rings stand out for their prayer to Hisu no Mori, the great kami
supernatural abilities related to nature, of the forests, causing the vegetation
harmony with the spirits and the to move around them, covering and
energy of the Mansuya-Gati. Despite separating them from the view of
their supernatural nature, the Huāhuì others. Mechanically, its bearer always
Chéngnuò were highly appreciated applies the "Appropriate hiding place"
among artists as it allowed them to bonus in a forest.
mold flowers creating masterful works
Level of Power: 2+
of art.

These rings are still created by the Dux, supplied by Sadrith

Diamah of Hanafusa, their hidden city
Dux are combat
in Lannet, so it is not uncommon to
gauntlets created by
see them among their agents in
the master artisan
Gaudemus during the
Fable: 80 / 140 / 180 War of God to face off
the supernatural
Quality: The Huāhuì Chéngnuò are troops of Judas.
rings of quality +5. These gauntlets can
absorb the energy
Spiritual Harmony: The bearer of the
from enemy sorcerers
ring is able to see, and communicate
and use it to
with, spiritual beings. In addition, any
strengthen their user.
spell cast by the wearer of the ring has
a -20 penalty to its cost when Despite the fact that Gaudemus
calculating possible bonuses on Table created over a hundred of these
31 of Gaia 1. artifacts for the Sylvain troops during
the war, nowadays there are just over
Supernatural Enhancer (Notion of
a dozen left in Gaïa since most of them
Use II): The bearer of the ring
ended up in Khalis. Most of the Dux
increases their zeonic regeneration by
left in Gaïa are in possession of Tol
20 points.
Rauko, but a few are still lost amongst
Floral Presence: The mere presence ancient Sylvain ruins or buried under
of the ring affects the flowers and ancient battlefields. Dux were forged
plants, with which it was created, with an alloy of Elektra and silver that
nearby which begin to gain life and gives them a peculiar dark yet shiny
color; as well as to grow and increase color, and they are characterized by
in number considerably faster than their delicate manufacture.
Fable: 140 / 180 / 240

Close combat: Dux are gauntlets steals a spell with daily upkeep it won‟t
made for use in combat by martial be capable of stabilizing the spell
artists. They have +10 quality, 36 properly, so the user will have to pay
fortitude and 120 presence, but their the upkeep cost each round instead of
quality doesn‟t increase the user‟s each day.
damage or decrease the opponent's
Power level: 2+

Magic immunity: The power of a Dux Searcher’s Clothes, supplied by

can create a supernatural disturbance Kalen
capable of nullifying magic powers of After many years of research in the
low level directed towards the user. process of making artifact, Black Sun
Therefore, the user of a Dux becomes has perfected the equipment of their
immune to any spell with a zeon value Searchers in order to ease their work
less than 80. and guarantee their security. The
Searcher's Clothes are the
Shield Breaker (Notion of Use 2):
culmination of this research,
When used to strike a supernatural
protecting their Searchers from the
shield, a Dux increases their user‟s
effects of transporting artifacts in
damage by 40.
front of authorities, the Inquisition,
Spell Thief (Notion of Use 4): The Tol Rauko and others not interested
greatest power of a Dux is the ability in paying.
to snatch from other sorcerers the
However, the reason it‟s more
control of their own spells. Every time
valuable for Searchers is for their
a mage is hit by a Dux, even if it
protection against the effects of the
causes no damage, they must succeed
environment. Although its aim is
on a MR check of 100 or all of their
only for survival purposes, it has as
maintained spells will be automatically
a result that the agents are
controlled by the user of the Dux as if
comfortable in extreme situations,
he casted them in the first place. In
which they use even out of the job.
the case of defense or effect spells
casted on a person or creature Quality: Searcher‟s Clothes are
(shields, armors…) the user can decide usually armored longcoats and
to move them to himself when they complete leathers. Either case,
are stolen. If the user steas a spell they are of +10 Quality. Due to
effect casted on an area that allows its supernatural nature, the bonus
the caster to select targets the user applies also to Energy AT.
can choose to change it‟s targets, but
he can‟t change the area affected by Smuggling: Searcher‟s Clothes have
the spell. a total of 10 small pockets (8 on the
inside and 2 on the outside, each able
Limit: Spell thief only works if the of carrying a Small weapon or similar
user has either the gift or the carry) as well as 2 big pockets (both
incomplete gift. Moreover, if a Dux on the inside, capable of carrying a

20 1
medium weapon or similar carry). Supernatural Prophylaxis: Not as
These pockets always look empty effectively as Environmental
from the outside. In order to notice Protection, the Searcher‟s Clothes
there are objects hidden in the also protect against the effects of
pockets it‟s necessary to overcome a Environmental Infection. As long as
Notice or Search check against a final they‟re worn, the wearer considers
140 Hide. If the Searcher has Hide the effects as of one lesser degree;
developed, they get a +40 bonus to Major Infection acts as Medium;
their Hide check to conceal the goods. Medium Infection acts as Lesser; and
Lesser Infection has no effects. Of
Artifact Smuggling: Artifacts hidden
course, this only prevents direct
within Searcher‟s Clothes are
effects over the individual (mainly
extremely difficult to detect because
Mutations); they can get trapped in
their supernatural emissions are
stagnant zones, be pulled by portals
dampened. That‟s why it‟s only
to the Wake and any other effects
possible to detect them with a Magic
the infection may have over the
Appraisal check against Absurd (180),
or one difficulty higher than what it‟s
usually necessary if the artifact Power Level: 2+
already conceals his supernatural
powers. Searcher‟s Clothes Eight Steps, supplied by Shiryu
themselves require an Almost
Impossible check in order to be Medallion in the
identified as an artifact. shape of the cross
of Helena, forged
Environmental Protection: A by ecclesiastical
Searcher‟s work isn‟t always done in a blacksmiths with
nice temperate environment. That's lunar silver and
why whoever uses Searcher‟s Clothes endowed with its
isn‟t affected by the environment. This great mystical
doesn‟t make them immune to natural qualities by the
lightning, or the burns (and almost prayers of the
certain death) of falling into lava, but most devout
they won‟t get wet in the rain, will not saints, together with a drop of blood
dehydrate in the desert, won‟t from the Sacred Saint Elienai. These
suffocate in thick fumes, won‟t freeze medallions are quite few in number
in the cold of the tundra, nor will they and only the best officers of the Order
suffer from lack of oxygen in high of Nathaniel can wear them.
altitude or great pressure deep
underwater. Generally speaking, they Fable: 80 / 140 / 240
won‟t even feel uncomfortable in these
Quality: Eight steps is a quality +10

Energy absorption (Notion of Use Bushin (Notion of Use 1): Those
III): The medallion is capable of who have wielded the Tonbokiri before
absorbing some of the mystical were said to turn into incredible
energy from the spells of its warriors while on the battlefield. When
opponents. When its wearer is the wielding Tonbokiri the user gets an
target of a spell, whether it has an additional +15 bonus to Attack, Block,
effect or not, the medallion absorbs and Dodge.
30% of its Zeonic cost, passing it to
Nio (Notion of Use 2): Legends
its wearer. This skill is capped at 200
about wielders of this artifact
zeon points per round.
becoming the embodiment of a god of
Supernatural Enhancer (Notion of war impervious to attacks have been
Use II): The medallion grants a +10 told far and wide across Lannet. When
bonus to the MA of its wearer and wielding this weapon the user gets a
doubles said bonus for its zeonic damage barrier of 80 against any kind
regeneration. of attack that is not able to damage
Level of Power: 2+
Power Level: 2+
Tonbokiri, supplied
Attack Attack
by King_Harlequin Damage Initiative Str. Req. Type 1 Type 2

75 +0 6/8 THR CUT

A great spear forged
Type Special Fortitude Break Presence
in Lannet. Said to
have been wielded One or Two
by a great general of Pole-arm Throwable 32 13 125

old, the spear Special

derives its name
Unparalleled Edge, Bushin, Nio
from the myth that a
dragonfly landed on
its blade and was
instantly cut in two. Seal of Rubedus, supplied by Shiryu
Fable: 120/180/240

Quality: Tonbokiri is a +10 quality

Yari Naginata capable of damaging

Unparalleled Edge: Tonbokiri

reduces the defender's Armor by 3
points (This includes the bonuses for

Among the many creations of the heard of people being able to
famous alchemist Rubedus, the communicate with animals without the
one known as Seal is, despite its need for magic, but they eventually
simple appearance, one of his disappeared. It is quite likely that its
most peculiar works. current wielder, if he has one, is
unaware of the weapon he has beyond
The arcane circuit is designed to
its excellent workmanship.
have the appearance of the personal
seal of the alchemist and when it Fable: 120/180/240
comes into contact with the container
Quality: The Bagpiper is a claymore of
of other potions, it causes an arcane
Quality +10 capable of damaging
reaction that enhances its intrinsic

Binding (Ritual): The Bagpiper only

Enhancer seal: When the seal is
recognizes one individual at a time as
placed on a potion or similar, it
its owner, and only its owner can use
increases its effectiveness by 50% for
the Blade of Understanding and Voice
the next minute. For example,
of the Alberian Lands powers. In order
applying it to a Livanne will increase
to claim the title of owner of the
the Life HP it recovers to 15 per
Bagpiper it is necessary to perform a
bonding ritual, and to know it it is
Reactive enhancer: The seal necessary to pass an Occultism check
can be used on other single-use against Hard (120), or against Easy
artifacts that enhance various (40) if it is specialized in Lilium.
qualities, but its effectiveness is
All weapon-wielding practitioners of
lower, increasing only by 20%.
the Lilium religion know of this ritual,
Limitation: The seal has no
as they perform it with all weapons
effect on artifacts of level 4 or
they claim as their own, and are likely
to claim the title of the Bagpiper‟s
Level of Power: 2+ owner without even knowing it was
The Bagpiper, supplied by Kalen
Blade of Understanding: The
This curious artifact was created at the Bagpiper's owner is able to speak and
hands of an ancient Lilium priest who understand anyone who they can hear
also was a bearer of Ceridwen. The and can hear them. This power allows
priest had a particular sense of humor them to communicate even with plants
that the spirits helped him imbue in and animals.
his blade, so he could ridicule the
This ability only overcomes the
enemies of nature.
language barrier, but it does not allow
Cloak and sword eventually parted them to understand concepts that
ways. Stories have sometimes been require prior knowledge if they do not
have any of the interlocutors.

20 4
It is not necessary to touch the It is not entirely clear how the artifact
Bagpiper to use the power, it works was created, some say it was the work
continuously. of Nathaniel's agents and others that it
was the work of Samael's agents, in
Voice of the Alberan Lands: The
any case the watch passed through a
wielder of the Bagpiper can choose to
myriad of owners until ending up in
have their attacks alter the voice of
the possession of Velez.
their targets in a way many would not
expect. If they choose to use this Fable: 140 / 240 / 280
ability, each time a Bagpiper's attack
causes a damage result, the target
must make a MR check against 120 or
each time it attempts to speak they
will instead produce the sound of
bagpipes for a duration of 1 hour for
every 10 level points of failure. While
subjected to the "bagpipe voice" the
victim cannot perform any speech-
related actions, such as reciting spells
for magic accumulation or activating
Vampiric Thirst: The moment the
artifact powers that require words of
clock is turned, its wearer gains the
ability to drain life from enemies. For

In this state, the Blade of 12 seconds (the time it takes for the

Understanding power allows clock to empty the sand from one side

the Bagpiper‟s wielder to still to the other) every attack they make

understand what the victim is have the ability to absorb 40% of the

saying. damage as healing. After activating

this skill, you must wait at least one
Power Level: 2+ hour before you can use it again. This
ability only has an effect on living
Ashes of Yarasa, supplied by Shiryu beings whose origin is not artificial.

The Ashes of Yarasa is a small Blood Power (Notion of Use II):

hourglass linked to the Herald of Once the bearer of the watch has
Death, an ancient vampiric entity in drained life, they temporarily increase
the service of the Fates who was their abilities, obtaining a +10 bonus
eliminated by the Inquisition 4 to all actions and halves the penalty
centuries ago for causing a rain of caused by pain or fatigue for as many
death. The watch itself has no rounds as their Power characteristic.
power; it is the ashes of the creature
Doom of the Sun: After the first use
that retain part of its thirst for life
of the watch, its wearer begins to feel
and endow its bearer with
uncomfortable in daylight. At first it is
supernatural qualities.
nothing more than a mere sensation

20 5
with no further repercussion, but as king of the beasts. In this form
time passes and the clock is used, this the user gets a +20 to initiative
sensation grows to the point of and a +10 to attack ability.
suffering a -30 penalty whenever it is
 Aspect of the rhino: The
under said light.
armor fuses with the wearer‟s
Level of Power: 2+ skin taking the shape of a
tough, stone like skin. In this
Chimeric Hide, supplied by Sadrith form the armor increases its AT
against every type of attack by
The Chimeric hide is an armor made 2 points.
with the skins of three unique and
powerful Chimeras by the archmages Power level: 2+
of the old Yehudah empire. The armor Armor Natural Mov.
allows its user to transform Req. Penalty Restr. Fort Presence Location Class

temporarily into a chimeric being, 0 0 0 20 125 Shirt Soft

obtaining the powers and abilities of Cut Impact Thrust Heat Elec Cold Energy
multiple animals.
4 3 4 3 4 4 2

Fable: 120 / 180 / 240 Special Rules

Aspect of the Ram, Aspect of the Lion, Aspect of the

Quality: The Chimeric hide is a fur Rhino
armor with +10 quality. The quality
bonus is also added to its Energy AT.

Transformation (Notion of Use 3): Deabruaren Arantza, supplied by

The wearer of the chimeric hide can Shiryu
take the shape of any of the aspects
listed below. The transformations can
last up to a minute, and each aspect
can be used only once a day.

 Aspect of the ram: The user

gets a pair of huge horns and The so-called sacrificial daggers were
increases their strength by 2 a fairly common artifact among
points (up to 14). The horns demonologists of the past. Originally,
can be used as natural daggers were created from the bones
weapons with 60 blunt damage of demons disgraced among the
plus the strength bonus and infernal nobility, who had to lower
they cause strength impacts themselves to seek the help of a
with the user‟s strength. mortal patron. Over the years, and its
popularization, many were those who
 Aspect of the lion: The shiny asked their infernal lords as a reward.
mane of a lion surrounds the
neck of the user, enhancing Daggers themselves aren't much of a
them with the power of the weapon, but they do have great

20 6
importance as a ritual tool and
Gladius, supplied by Shiryu
intermediate buffs.
Gladius is the name
Fable: 80 / 140 / 240
given to the weapons
Quality: The deabruaren arantza are carried by some of the
+0 quality daggers but when counting highest caliber agents of
their presence and fortitude are the Order of Heaven.
considered +10 quality. They are white steel
weapons decorated with
Power Container: the daggers can
golden hilts in the shape
store up to 500 Zeon points inside
of a roaring lion. While

Kartzela (Notion of Use II): Any they can be any type of

creature summoned by Sakrifizioa that weapon, swords are

is bound to the dagger reduces its usually the most

level by 1 when paying its common.

The design and creation of the

Sakrifizioa (Ritual): Although they Gladius falls to the blacksmiths of

are not very good as weapons, Castel & Jones in Tiberias who for

daggers stand out for their ability to generations have been in charge of

absorb part of the souls of their weapons to the members of the

victims, acting as beacons with which Order.

to attract dark creatures. In game

Fable: 80 / 140 / 180
terms, if a living being is killed with
the dagger during a summoning ritual, Quality: Gladius are considered +10
the bearer of the dagger may add a quality weapons capable of damaging
bonus to its Summon roll equal to the energy.
presence victim with a maximum
Lion's Roar (Notion of Use II):
bonus of +50.
Once per combat, the bearer of
Level of Power: 2+ Gladius can grant themself and all
their allies within a radius of 10
meters a bonus of +10 to the turn
Attack Attack and +20 to damage for the next 5
Damage Initiative Str. Req. Type 1 Type 2 rounds.
30 +20 3 THR CUT
Knight's Temple (Notion of Use
Type Special Fortitude Break Presence
II): While its wearer is in contact
Short Throwable 30 -2 115 with Gladius, it gains a +10 bonus
to its resistances against any
Rules supernatural effects intended to
Power Container, Kartzela, Sakrifizioa manipulate it.

Level of Power: 2+

20 7
Sakral Is: Isa brandr has Cold as a
Isa Brandr, supplied by Shiryu
secondary critical and is considered a
Isa brandr is a set of claymores weapon of a holy nature.
created over 5000 years ago by the
Snøstorm Raseri (Notion of Use
priests of Isa as a symbol for the
III): By concentrating the icy energy
chosen ones of their goddess.
of the weapon, its wielder can drive it
Around two dozen of these weapons
into the ground to generate an
were created and throughout history
eruption of icy energy that affects
they have been scattered
everyone within a 10 meter radius.
throughout Gaia ending up as far
This ability uses the offensive ability of
away as Itzi or Bekent.
its bearer and has a base damage of
Among the inhabitants of the 80, although depending on how cold
frozen wastes who profess the the environment is, it can increase or
Aityr faith, it is considered to some decrease its damage by 20 points. It
extent as a sacred symbol that is necessary to wait at least 5 rounds
contains part of the power of the before using this power again.
Level of Power: 2+
Fable: 80 / 140 / 180 Attack Attack
Damage Initiative Str. Req. Type 1 Type 2
Quality: Isa brandr is a quality +10
85 -10 7 CUT COL
claymore capable of energy damage.
Type Special Fortitude Break Presence

Two Handed
Handed 36 9 205


Isa Velsignelse, Sakral Is and Snøstorm Raseri

Jian, supplied by Shiryu

Isa Velsignelse: While wielding the

claymore, its wearer is immune to 10 Jian are a pair of fans made in the
cold intensities. traditional Shivatense style made
about two centuries ago by a

20 8
famous golden court astrologer as a rounds Jian will be considered a shield
gift to curry favor with the crown when calculating possible penalties
prince. against projectiles.

Apart from their exquisite Level of Power: 2+

craftsmanship, the fans were imbued
Attack Attack
with part of the essence of a minor Damage Initiative Str. Req. Type 1 Type 2
kami of the winds, thus possessing 50 +30 4 CUT IMP
certain minor elemental qualities.
Type Special Fortitude Break Presence
Currently the fans are in the treasury
of the Golden Castle of Shan Lu. Short Throwable 28 4 125

Fable: 120 / 180 / 240 Special


Quality: Jian are a pair of +10 quality Diéluò Rú Yǔmáo, Tuījìn Lì and Yǔmáo Wǔ

Tessen (War Fans) capable of energy


Diéluò Rú Yǔmáo (Notion of Use Kasvetli, supplied by Shiryu

II): By fanning Jian at just the right
The long
moment, they create a current of
coats worn
wind that allows their wearer to land,
by members
or fall, safely. This ability functions
of The
like the Free Access spell Stop Fall at
Base Tier.
Tuījìn Lì (Notion of Use II): Jian called
can be used to power up its wielder's Kasvetli, are
jumps by swinging down at just the simple but
right moment. In game terms, fans effective
used in this way grant a +2 bonus to mystical
their Movement Value to determine artifacts
the distance of their jump. Through designed by
this increase, a Movement Value of 15 the organization's rune-craftsmen. Its
cannot be exceeded unless the wearer main ability is to enhance the
of Jian is capable of performing Zen- subterfuge skills of its wearers while
type actions. offering comfortable protection.

Yǔmáo Wǔ (Notion of Use II): These long coats are always created in
Despite its simplicity, Jian is charged three colors (black, gray and white) to
with the elemental energy of the air represent the internal hierarchy of the
contained in its small current feathers organization. The lighter the garment
that, when used correctly, allow its the higher the rank, and skill, of its
wearer to easily deflect projectiles. To wearer. Additionally, lighter long coats
do this, the bearer of the fans must have additional abilities tailored to
pay 3 ki points and for the next 5 their wearer.

20 9
Fable: 180 / 240 / 280 concentrating, Hadural can modify its
appearance to replicate other clothes
Quality: The Kasvetli are armored
up to a limit set by its Disguise ability.
long coats of varying quality between
+5 and +10. Due to their supernatural Communion with the shadows
creation process they apply the quality (Ritual): Reciting the activation
bonus to their Energy AT. command, Dioscurus unites its bearer
with the essence of darkness,
Adaptability: The wearer of the long
endowing him with a new body made
coats does not suffer the armor
of pure darkness. In game terms, it
penalty to his Hide and Stealth skills.
allows its wearer to cast the Dark

Dark Mimicry: The wearer of the long Form spell at Intermediate Tier for a

coats doubles the bonuses to his Hide number of minutes equal to its Power

ability for being in a “Shadowy Area” Characteristic. This power can be used

and halves the penalty for being in an as many times as desired per day, but

“Empty Area”. requires at least 20 minutes to

recharge between uses.
Shadow Step: The wearer of the long
coats only suffers a -40 penalty to his Dark Mimicry: Dioscurus doubles the

Stealth skill when moving at more bonuses to the Hide skill for being in a

than a quarter of his MV while “Shadowy Area”, ignores the penalties

attempting to be stealthy. for attempting to hide in an “Empty

Area” and halves the penalty for being
Power Level: 2+ in a “Well lit Area”.

Dioscurus Shadow Step: The wearer of the long

coats only suffers a -20 penalty to his
Dioscurus is the Kasvetli created for
Stealth skill when moving at more
one of the most prominent agents of
than a quarter of his MT while
the shadows of Samael, Hadural the
attempting to be stealthy.
Shadowed One (D'anjayni. Level 6.
Thief). Pearly white in color, the long Level of Power: 3
coat possesses intricate, vine-like
runic patterns around her arms, Saea & Dakika, supplied by Sadrith
endowing her with powers far superior
to those of her more common sisters. Saea and Dakika are respectively a
dagger and a short sword forged
Quality: Dioscurus is an armed long
entirely with bronze and binded by
coat of quality +10. Due to its
powerful magic forces. They were
supernatural creation process, it
created millennia ago by a lost
applies the quality bonus to its Energy
civilization from the Salazar desert in
honor of an ancient god. Because of

Adaptability: Hadural does not suffer their particular enchantments time

the armor penalty to his Hide and doesn‟t seem to have any effect on

Stealth abilities. In addition, by the physical integrity or the

2 1 0
supernatural powers of these blades, Power level: 2+
which is the reason why they have
survived for millennia with no sign of
deterioration. Attack Attack
Damage Initiative Str. Req. Type 1 Type 2
Fable: 180 / 240 / 320 50 +20 4 THR CUT

Quality: Saea and Dakika are a Type Special Fortitude Break Presence

dagger and a short sword respectively, Short Precision 22 3 70

with +5 quality. Special

Link: These weapons are magically
Link, Minute, Temporal Knowledge
linked, and when one of them is left
flat on the ground it will rotate on Saea:
itself like a compass until the tip
Attack Attack
points towards its pair. Damage Initiative Str. Req. Type 1 Type 2

40 +25 3 THR CUT

Minute: If an attack roll made with
Type Special Fortitude Break Presence
Dakika obtains the same number in
both digits (11, 22, 33…) the powers Precision,
Short Throwable 20 0 70
of the blade activates, accelerating its
user. This allows the user of Dakika to Rules
immediately make an extra attack
Link, Hour, Temporal Knowledge
with no penalty.

Hour: If an attack roll made with

Saea obtains the same number in both Kuol, supplied by Shiryu
digits (11, 22, 33…) the powers of the
blade activates, greatly slowing down
its target. The target of the attack
must make an MR check against 120 The Kuol are
or apply a penalty of -30 to all actions amber daggers
until the end of the round. This created by the
penalty will be also applied to their shamans of the
defense roll against the attack with Kashmir tribes
Saea. from the essence
of the great
Temporal Knowledge (Ritual): animal spirits of nature that inhabit
When both weapons are left on the the savannahs. Due to this, daggers
ground crossed like the needles of a grant their bearer a fairly deep
clock both blades will rotate by connection with animals, allowing
themselves and point towards north. them to communicate in a certain way
After a few seconds they will move even with the strangest of them.
again to show the current time taking
the north direction as the position of Currently the Kuol are scattered
the 12 on a clock. throughout the various tribes of

21 1
Kashmir and are seen as a mix Attack Attack
Damage Initiative Str. Req. Type 1 Type 2
between a religious symbol and a mark
50 +30 3 THR CUT
of prestige. Given the current situation
in the savannah, many tribes have Type Special Fortitude Break Presence

bestowed the daggers on their Precision,

Short Throwable 30 -2 115
champions to properly equip them for
the coming war. Special

Fable: 140/180/240 Asopo, Laaye and Niwaju

Quality: Kuol is a quality +10 dagger

capable of damaging energy.
Moyo Wa Kifo, supplied by Shiryu
Asopọ: The wearer's communion with
nature is such that his trail is Moyo wa
transformed by Kuol's power into Kifo, literally
footprints similar to those of the most "The Heart of
common animal in the area. This Death" in an
ability only fools common sight as ancient
anyone with the ability to see spirits Kannawa
will be able to actually see the dialect, is a
footsteps. gem created
with the
Laaye (Notion of Use III): While in spiritual core of an Etrien Gnosos
contact with the dagger, its wielder is within which all its essence is
overwhelmed with pure life energy, channeled, allowing its bearer to
gaining an eldritch regeneration of attenuate the barrier between life and
12. death.

Niwaju: The essence of the spirits It is not clear who created this
marks the bearer of the dagger as a artifact, but it is theorized that it
being related to nature, therefore, was the work of an ancient Nanwe
natural creatures consider them one cult that worshiped Edamiel as a
more of their kind and will act deity of death.
according to their nature. Should the
dagger's wielder possess the Animal Fable: 140 / 180 / 240
Affinity advantage, or some similar
Quality:The Heart of Death is a
racial ability, they are even able to
quality +10 gem.
"understand" the intentions of
animals and make them "understand" Kifo Mkesha: The wearer of the gem
his. receives a special bonus of +30 to
their Physical Resistance to stabilize
Level of Power: 2+
themselves when they fall between life
and death. If they manage to pass the
check, they will remain conscious,

21 2
reducing the penalty to -30 (if the Séiseanna Spioradálta (Ritual):
alternative rules between life and There are certain melodies that,
death of the screen are used, the played with the bell, even reach the
penalty is reduced by half). world of spirits, creating a series of
quite varied effects that are described
Maisha Mkesha: The bearer of the
below. Each of these melodies
gem increases their regeneration by 3
requires a Music check against a given
points up to a maximum of 16. If the
difficulty to be played properly.
bearer has passed the between life
and death check, this bonus becomes  Cleamhnas: This happy and
+4, again up to a limit of 16, until the vibrant melody is about the
penalty has disappeared. union between men and spirits.
If played correctly, nearby spirits
Level of Power: 2+
feel akin to the bell bearer for a
number of hours equal to their
Nemus, supplied by Shiryu Bell Bearer's Power
characteristic. To play it properly
The Nemus, or bells
it is necessary to pass a Music
of nature, are
check against 140.
artifacts used by the
 Fís: This solemn melody is a hymn
ancient Lilium
about spirits. If touched correctly,
priests in their rites
nearby spirits will be visible even to
to interact with the
people without the ability to
spirits of nature.
perceive such entities for as many
The bells are made using the wood minutes as the bell bearer's Power
and leaves of the yew trees and characteristic. To play it properly it
then they are carved with runes of is necessary to pass a Music check
power and connection that give against 140.
them their mystical abilities.  Tairseach: This funereal melody
represents the transit between
Fable: 120 / 140 / 180 this life and the other. If touched
correctly, it opens a portal to the
Quality: Bells of nature are +5 quality
spirit world for a number of
rounds equal to the bell-bearer's
Shamanic Enhancer (Notion of Use Power characteristic. Only the
II): The bell can be used to bearer of the bell or a spirit can
strengthen the bonds of the use this portal. To play it properly
Shamanism Theorem, reducing the it is necessary to pass a Music
zeonic cost of "Calling Spirits" by check against 180.
10%. In addition, in case of being in
Level of Power: 2+
powerful spiritual zones, the runes of
the bell will dimly shine with a light
that only those who can see the spirits
will be able to perceive.

21 3
Characteristic, whichever is higher,
Nýchta Chorís Selíni, supplied by
of its wearer.
Skoteiní Veloniá (Notion of Use
Nýchta Chorís Selíni, literally the
III): Nýchta is capable of injecting
moonless night in Nepranus, is one of
part of it intrinsic darkness into
the Érga Polémou, a series of artifacts
others, depriving them of continuing
created to commemorate the worth of
to enjoy the light. In
a hero of the
terms of the game,
Duk'zarist people.
when Nýchta causes
The spear was
damage, the affected
created using the
person must overcome
wood of the
a MR against 120 and in
young Koílos tree
case they fail they will
in Arabal,
be under the effects of
endowing it with
partial blindness, if they
fail by more than 40
they will be in total
qualities related
blindness, for as many
to darkness.
rounds as the failure level .
Since its creation, Nýchta has been in
Zoferí Vímata (Notion of Use II):
the hands of the Gelith family,
By sticking the spear into its own
currently being carried by Athalux
shadow, its bearer is able to
temporarily fuse with it, being able to
Fable: 120 / 180 / 240 move at its maximum movement
while being in stealth without any
Quality: Nýchta is a spear of quality penalty to its ability. This ability lasts
+10 capable of damaging energy. for a number of rounds equal to the
Power or Willpower Characteristic,
Dark Nature: Nýchta is considered an
whichever is higher, of its wearer.
elemental weapon of darkness.
Level of Power: 2+
Katavrochthízontas Fos (Notion
of Use II/Ritual): Whispering an Attack Attack
Damage Initiative Str. Req. Type 1 Type 2
order to Nepranus at the edge of the
60 +15 4/6 THR -
weapon and pinning it into a shadow,
it begins to expand, devouring all Type Special Fortitude Break Presence

nearby light within a 100 meter One or Two

radius, creating an area of natural Pole-arm Throwable 33 6 125
darkness. Visually it is as if suddenly Special
all the light was extinguished. This Rules

ability lasts for a number of minutes Dark Nature, Katavrochthízontas Fos, Skoteiní Veloniá
and Zoferí Vímata
equal to the Power or Willpower

21 4
patron demon's personal hell or
Runic Horn, supplied by Shiryu
demon world. Simply, it is enough to
be in the spatial position of the
material world in which said
dimension is found.

Level of Power: 2+

Major Artifacts
Kargath, supplied by Shiryu
Runic horns are items bestowed by the
The Kargath, or dragon scales, are the
demons of the third hearchy on their
armor worn by the Duk'zarist knights
mortal servants as a sign of their favor
belonging to the Order of Fire.
and the rank of power they hold
Although it was their characteristic
among their hosts. Aside from their
armor, only the most prominent
implications within demonic society,
members of the Order could earn the
horns are powerful artifacts in their
right to wear it, "Anyone can wield a
own right that increase the
claw, but only the worthy can wear the
summoning abilities of their wearer
scales with honor", so their number
while also serving as a key to the
never exceeded the hundred.
personal hell of the demon who
bestowed the item. Unlike other works of dark cabinetry,
the Kargath were created from a rare
Fable: 80 / 140 / 240
mixture of wood from the Great
Quality: The runic horn is considered Kalokaíri Tree and black malebolgia,
a +10 quality item. resulting in simple, yet beautiful, dark
armor studded with red “veins”. The
Demonic Binding (Notion of Use
innate abilities of wood allowed its
II): The runic horn can be used in
bearers not only to ignore fire but to
summoning rituals facilitating the
harness its power. Likewise,
summoning and control of demons. In
empowerment runes etched into the
these cases, the horn offers a +40
armor enhance the Duk'zarist's natural
bonus to Summon and Control in any
abilities as well as his pyroquentic and
ritual that is longer than one hour. If
arcane abilities.
it is present at the time of trying to
attract or dominate a being of a non- Currently, most of these armors are
demonic nature, the horn interferes, found on Lunaris, but about a dozen
causing a -60 to Summon or Control still exist on Gaïa in the hands of the
rolls. ancient noble families of the dark
Hell Key (Ritual): By blowing the
Horn you can open a portal to your Fable: 180 / 240 / 280

21 5
Quality: Kargat are full plate armor, general rules, these bonuses can be
with great helmets, quality +10. Due added to those granted by an Argon
to its supernatural character, it applies with its “Bringer of Flames” ability.
quality bonuses to its Energy AT.
Reaktivni Plamŭtsi (Notion of Use
Ogneno Zrenie: The helm of armor III): When any fire comes in contact
increases the with the armor, it
Duk'zarist's racial bursts into powerful
ability to sense flames that burn with
heat, allowing them unusual violence.
to see perfectly Anyone who comes in
well in natural contact with the flames
darkness, and must pass a PhR on
halves supernatural 140 or lose an amount
darkness penalties. of health equal to half
Similarly, they can their miss level (this
focus during an damage counts as fire
assault to detect damage when it comes
changes in to healing). The flames
temperature from this ability count
around them (as as a Greater Intensity
well as that emitted for any ki technique
by a body). This requirements.
ability has a radius
The flames can be kept
of 50 meters and
burning for a number
an Physical
of minutes equal to the
Resistance Check
armor wearer's
of 120.
Ognezabavitel: characteristic.
The processes of
Level of Power: 3
creating a Kargath, coupled with their
intrinsic nature, give them an Armor Natural Mov.
Req. Penalty Restr. Fort Presence Location Class
additional 4 points of AT in Heat. In
addition, its wearer is immune to any 90 40 3 28 145 Complete Hard

type of attack based on fire or heat Cut Impact Thrust Heat Elec Cold Energy
unless it is caused by a being with 7 7 7 8 6 6 4
Gnosis 30 or higher.
Special Rules

Igneous Enhancer: Kargath grants a Ogneno zrenie, Ognezabavite, Igneous Enhancer and Reaktivni
+5 bonus to the character's MA when Plamŭtsi

using Fire Path spells and a +10 bonus

to the Psychic Potential of any
Pyrokinesis power. Contrary to the

21 6
It also serves as a container
for up to 100 LPs that can
supplied by Shiryu
be used in conjunction with
Qizilko'zyosh, or the the Vitae Sanguinus ability.
Red Tears, are
Vampirism (Notion of Use
crimson gems of
II): If the wearer uses a
great beauty
drain technique or spell,
developed during
Qizilko'zyosh increases the
the heyday of the
difficulty of the resistance to
Blood Sky Nation as
be overcome by 20 points.
a symbol of power
All points drained by this
and opulence.
ability are added directly to
These gems served as supernatural
Qizilko'zyosh's blood reservoir rather
reservoirs of blood that allowed their
than to its user. If the container is full
owners to sate their hunger and
they will simply be lost, although of
enhance their sorcery without the need
course the user can decide not to use
to pay with their life essence.
this power.
The red tears were created by complex
Vitae Sanguinus (Notion of Use
alchemical processes in which the
III): Qizilko'zyosh's greatest power is
structure and composition of blood
its ability to store the vital essence of
samples affected by various
other beings to feed its bearer with it.
supernatural infections were modified,
For game purposes, the wearer of
to which a small inert amount of red
Qizilko'zyosh may sacrifice the LPs
virus was added.
from their Qizilko'zyosh pool to pay the
It is estimated that several thousand costs of Blood Subpath spells. All spells
of these gems were created, making it that benefit from this ability are cast
a relatively common artifact to find in one step above their potential.
the vetala ruins of Eurakia and the
Level of Power: 3
quintessential supernatural "souvenir"
of the new continent that can be found
Shichifukujin, supplied by Sadrith
in Black Sun shops.

The Shichifukujin are seven solid gold

Fable: 80 / 120 / 140
battle axes created in the times of the
Quality: Qizilko'zyosh are a +10 Eternal Empire by a powerful Kami
quality item, with a base Presence of fond of gambling, according to legend.
110 and Fortitude of 20. Currently the seven weapons are
scattered all over Gaïa, and only three
Blood Reservoir: Qizilko'zyosh is
of them are still in Varja.
capable of holding an enormous
amount of blood within it, enough to Fable: 120 / 240 / 320
supply the wearer's needs for a week
before needing to recharge.

21 7
Quality: All Shichifukujin are
The Left Eye, supplied by Shiryu
considered +5 battle axes.

Wheel of fortune: When a

Shichifukujin is thrown and gets an A sword
attack roll of 51 or higher the weapon carved from
doubles its damage and it is the purest of
considered an open roll. On the other garnets by a
hand, if the die roll is 50 or lower it is powerful
considered an automatic Failure, and witch in the
the axe will revert to the one who days of
threw it with its original attack skill Yehudah's
+100. The use of this skill is always Empire. To
optional, Shichifukujin can be thrown grant it its
normally if the user so wishes. powers, she
used the left
In the hands of luck: If a
eye of a
Shichifukujin is used by someone with
powerful demon noble as a catalyst.
the Lucky or Good Luck advantage it
According to legend, the weapon is
increases the open range of the Wheel
capable of raising the mystical
of Fortune skill by 5 points, failing only
qualities of its bearer in exchange for
with a result of 45 or lower. On the
devouring their internal energies.
contrary, someone with the
disadvantages Unlucky or Bad Luck Fable: 120 / 180 / 240
applies the opposite effect, increasing
by 5 points their fail rank. Quality: The Left Eye is a +10 quality
longsword capable of energy damage.
Fate alteration: Because of the
fateful nature of the Shichifukujin, Cursed Nature: The Left Eye is a
their powers simply cease to work weapon of an unholy nature with all
when used in combination with that that entails.
supernatural abilities capable of
Bond: To properly use the abilities
altering fate or probability. Abilities
of the sword, it is necessary to
such as Ars Magnus Chaos Meister.
perform a brief ritual together with a
Power Level: 3 payment in blood to bond with it.
The ritual consists of saying a series
Attack Attack
Damage Initiative Str. Req. Type 1 Type 2 of psalms in S'lish while sacrificing
50 LP and 100 Zeon points. The bond
80 -25 7 CUT IMP
lasts until its current bearer dies.
Type Special Fortitude Break Presence
Whenever any of the following
Axe Throwable 25 7 75 powers are used, a red flame begins
Special Rules to glow in the wearer's left eye.
Wheel of Fortune, In the Hands of Luck, Fate Influence

21 8
Urrutira Opari (Notion of Use
The Right Eye, supplied by Shiryu
III): The Left Eye increases the MA
of its wearer by +5. If desired, its A sword
bearer can increase by +5 for every crafted from
5 ki points up to a maximum of the purest of
+20. Maintaining this ability has a lapis lazuli
cost equal to half the ki points spent by a
to increase MA (rounded up). powerful
witch in the
Arima Oparia (Notion of Use III):
days of the
The Left Eye increases one of the
spiritual characteristics of its wearer
Empire. To
by 1. If they wish, they can increase
grant it its
their other spiritual characteristics by
powers, she
1 for 3 ki points per characteristic or
used the right eye of a powerful
increase one characteristic by up to 3
demon noble as a catalyst.
points per 15 ki points. Maintaining
this ability costs 1 Ki point per extra According to legend, the weapon is
characteristic that you want to capable of raising the physical
increase per round or 5 Ki points per qualities of its bearer in exchange
round if you increase a single ability for devouring their magical
by 3. energies.

Truke (Notion of Use III): The Fable: 120 / 180 / 240

wielder of the sword may decide to
temporarily lower their ki Quality: The Right Eye is a +10
accumulations to increase their quality longsword capable of damaging
mystical abilities. For every 2 energy.
accumulations thye reduce, they will
Cursed Nature: The Right Eye is
gain +10 to his magic projection (up
a weapon of an unholy nature with
to a maximum of +50). To fully use
all that that entails.
this ability, it is necessary to possess
the skill "Ki Control". Bond: To properly use the abilities
of the sword, it is necessary to
Level of Power: 3
perform a brief ritual together with
Attack Attack a payment in blood to bond with
Damage Initiative Str. Req. Type 1 Type 2
it. The ritual consists of saying a
70 +10 6 CUT -
series of psalms in S'lish while
Type Special Fortitude Break Presence sacrificing 50 LP and 100 Zeon
Sword - 33 7 125 points. The bond lasts until its
current bearer dies. Whenever any
Special Rules
of the following powers are used, a
Cursed Nature, Espirituaren Opari, Gorputzaren Oparia
and Truke
blue flame begins to glow in the
wearer's right eye.

21 9
Espirituaren Opari (Notion of Use Attack Attack
Damage Initiative Str. Req. Type 1 Type 2
III): The Right Eye increases the
70 +10 6 CUT -
wearer's Power accumulation by 1. If
desired, its bearer can increase other Type Special Fortitude Break Presence

accumulation by 1 at the cost of 30 Sword - 33 7 125

Zeon points per accumulation. At Special Rules

most you can rise up to another 3
Cursed Nature, Espirituaren Opari, Gorputzaren Oparia
accumulations this way. Maintaining and Truke
this ability costs 10 zeon points per
extra accumulation you want to
increase per round.
God’s Seal, supplied by Kalen
Gorputzaren Oparia (Notion of Use
III): The Right Eye increases one of Originally it was a regular weapon
the wearer's physical characteristics carried by Saint Nicola Nicoletta,
by 1. If you wish, you can increase which despite being a masterwork
your other physical characteristics by had no supernatural power.
1 for 30 Zeon points per characteristic However, in an unknown mission
or increase one characteristic by up to that ended with the Triumvirate,
3 points for 150 Zeon points. these bolas had the main
Maintaining this ability costs 10 zeon responsibility in the death of
points per extra characteristic that Ambrosia. This was interpreted as a
you want to increase per round or 50 divine sign that the weapon had to
zeon points per round if a single be reinforced.
characteristic is increased by 3.
With the use of Svalkislavos‟ heart,
Truke (Notion of Use III): The Saint Mikhail Gerviev reforged these
wielder of the sword may decide to bolas with power that would make
temporarily lower theur MA in order them more effective in the Church‟s
to increase their physical abilities. war against the hidden horrors of
For every 20 points their MA is Gaia.
reduced, they gain +10 to All Actions
Quality: God‟s Seal are bolas of
(up to a maximum of +50). To fully
Quality +10. This quality is entirely
utilize this ability, its bearer must
due to manufacture and not
have developed their MA by investing
Divine Grapple: God‟s Seal
Level of Power: 3
grapples with a Strength value 3
points higher than regular bolas
of the same quality, giving it a
value of Grapple 15.

Divine Seal: Anyone subjected at

least to Minor Paralysis by God's Seal

22 0
reduces their Psychic Potential by 15, Quality: Andvarinaut is a +10
and the Zeon value of all their spells quality ring though its Fortitude is
by 20. This reduction works in the that of a +15 quality ring. -Spell
same fashion as Nemesis nullifications Container (Notion of Use III):
(and stacks with them), so The ring can be used to store a spell
maintained spells and psychic powers that can be released later at any
bellow their minimum do not have time. The spell cannot have a Zeonic
effect while the grapple is maintained, value greater than 150 and must
but they are still in place and come have been previously cast by the
back as normal when the subject wizard while wearing the ring.
becomes free. Naturally, any spell disappears from
the ring once it is activated.
Antimagic Nature: Due that the
nature of this artifact opposes Supernatural Enhancer: The bearer
supernatural forces, its own of Andvarinaut doubles his zeonic
supernatural presence is very weak, regeneration.
and thus can only be noticed with an
Arcane Replicator (Notion of Use
Absurd (180) Magic Appraisal check.
III): If the wearer of the ring
Power Level: 3 successfully makes a Magic Appraisal
check to recognize a spell, they will be
Andvarinaut, supplied by Shiryu able to replicate it and store it in the
ring for use through the "Spell
Andvarinaut is a Container" power. Obviously this
silver ring with power does not allow skipping the
Etheldrea's Gnostic requirements of High Magic
personal rune and Divine Magic spells.
as its seal.
Without a Zeonic Reserve (Notion of Use
doubt, it is one I): Andvarinaut can contain up to
of the oldest 1000 Zeon points inside.
Level of Power: 3
artifacts on record as it was created
by Etheldrea in the days she
Abdelmalek, supplied by Shiryu
inhabited Megas Therion.

Abdelmalek, the blade of sorrows, is

The ring itself possesses potent
an ancient weapon created by the dark
supernatural abilities, though
Djinn Qatilat - Muhlak in his campaign
nothing comparable to the caliber
to unify his own and later in his
of other great mystical artifacts,
conquest of the lands of Kushistan. For
generally focusing on utility
its creation he used the burning sands
versus potency.
of Salazar tempered with the blood of
Fable: 80 / 180 / 280 dozens of innocents and crystallized in

22 1
physical form with the power of the weapon can boost the MR by +10
numerous impious spirits. for each +1 that increases their own
fumble range up to a maximum of
After the death of the Djinn at the
+60, this range increase lasts for as
hands of Abdel Majid Al Karjah, the
many rounds as the MR fails for the
weapon was sealed and considered a
focus of the ungodly, although
centuries later it was stolen by a Hibat Alruwh: Charged with the
skilled thief. Since then, the weapon power of his creator, Abdalmalek
has changed hands numerous times grants his lord a small portion of his
before falling into the hands of abilities. Therefore, while its owner
Killrayne. carries the weapon, they will be able
to see the supernatural. It is possible
Fable: 120 / 180 / 240
to share this ability with another
person by touching their shoulder.

lkna Sharir (Notion of Use

III): The user of Abdalmalek can
reroll an attack or defense roll
made using the two handed sword
once per combat. Every time they
use this ability, a scar appears on
their body as a reminder of what could
Quality: Abdalmalek is considered a have happened to them.
Quality +10 supernatural two handed
Level of Power: 3
sword capable of damaging energy.
Contrary to the general rules, this Attack Attack
Damage Initiative Str. Req. Type 1 Type 2
bonus applies to the wielder's magical
110 -40 8/10 CUT IMP
and psychic projections.
Type Special Fortitude Break Presence
Altuham Almasayib: Whenever
Two- One or Two-
someone fumbles in the presence of handed handed 38 10 170
the weapon, its wielder gains a +20 All Special Rules
Action bonus for a number of rounds
Altuham Almasayib, Hafat Almasayib, Hibat Alruwh and
equal to his Power characteristic. lkna Sharir

Hafat Almasayib (Notion of Use

III): Whenever Abdelmalek wounds
someone, they must pass a MR check
against 120 or he will be considered
to have the "Bad Luck" disadvantage
for as many rounds as their failure
level, if they already had it, add +20
to the rolls to calculate their fumble
level. If they wishes, the bearer of

process it applies its quality bonuses to
Command Longcoat, supplied by
its Energy AT.
Domine's Garment: The trench coat
The Longcoat of Command represents
acts as a container of internal energy
both the honors of the past and the
that can contain up to 20 ki points and
innovations of progress. Created by
if its wearer meditates to
recover its internal
investigators under
energy, the number of
the command of
points it recovers will be
Arbiter Balthasar
following the ancient
principles behind the The Colonel
creation of Arbiter
armor but Clad in his longcoat, The

supplementing its Colonel has at his disposal

primary, and extinct, the ability to control the

ingredients with a course of battles at will.

series of substitutes
Limit: All of The Colonel's
created through
abilities only work on
complex alchemical
people who have willingly
methods. The result is
accepted his obedience,
less powerful than
and consider him to be
one of the lesser
their superior. Someone
armors but still has a
who doesn't really submit
very high capacity to
to it (just pretends to gain
influence the small
an advantage) or who is
battlefields in which
higher in level than you
intelligence units are
cannot be affected by
involved, often
these powers.
making the crucial
difference between victory and defeat. Motum: The Colonel can make his
subordinates feel the position he wants
Although it was created expressly for
them to go to. This ability allows him
The Colonel in a first stay, after his
to display up to three different points,
contact and the incredible positive
and he is able to choose which of his
data collected, a batch of several of
men should go to which position.
these garments is being created for
Motum has a radius of action of 100
the rest of the captains of Les Jaeger.
meters and activating it automatically

Fable: 180 / 240 / 280 consumes 1 point of Ki or 5 points of

Zeon every five rounds.
Quality: The Longcoat of Command is
a +10 quality armored Longcoat and Opugnis: The Colonel can give one of

due to its supernatural manufacturing his subordinates +20 to a single

offensive action. Activating this skill

automatically consumes 5 Ki points or channeling it to enhance their magic or
50 Zeon. the accuracy of their attacks.
Curiously, anyone with a link to
Creed: While The Colonel remains
darkness can use the staff without
focused and without performing any
problems as if Shajad himself guided
other action, all his subordinates
his hand.
within a radius of 20 meters get a +10
to any action directly related to Fable: 140 / 180 / 240
Quality: Deimos is a quality +10
Level of Power: 3 quarterstaff of damaging energy.
Contrary to the general rules, it
Armor Natural Mov.
Req. Penalty Restr. Fort Presence Location Class applies its quality bonus to its wearer's
0 0 0 30 125 Full Plate Soft magical projection.

Cut Impact Thrust Heat Elec Cold Energy Gift of Dominion: Any darkness-
3 2 4 3 4 4 2 related creature (be it an elemental,

Special Rules someone with a legacy, or beings like

the Duk‟zarist) can wield Deimos with
Domine’s Garment and The Colonel
full combat ability. -Unholy Nature:
Deimos is considered a weapon of a
dark nature.
Deimos, supplied by Shiryu
Dark Enhancer: The bearer of

Deimos is a Deimos gains a +10

type of ancient bonus to their MA

artifact created when using it to

in the dawn of channel spells. If the

Gaia as a channeled spell is from

weapon to the Path of Darkness, it

enhance the additionally gains a

innate abilities +20 zeonic increase.

of darkness
Tŭmno Otrazhenie
(Notion of Use III):
under the
At will, the wearer of
auspices of the
Deimos can focus the
Shadow of
elemental energy
Dreams. These
within it to increase the
fighting staves
accuracy of their attacks or spells. This
have been forged from silver and
ability allows an attack or an attack-
elektra, decorated with the runes of
type spell to make a aiming attack
the Shajad and the skull of a midway
while ignoring up to 50 points of any
elemental socketed in their center. The
possible penalty. It is possible to use
staff is capable of channeling the
this ability up to 5 times per day,
elemental energy of its wielder by

although you must wait at least five Intention (Notion of Use 1): The
rounds between uses. If the attack wearer of an Eight steps increases his
kills the target, it only takes one round final MA by 10 points.
to use this ability again.
Release (Notion of Use 2): The
Level of Power: 3 wearer improves his ability to visualize
and execute spells without the need
Attack Attack
Damage Initiative Str. Req. Type 1 Type 2 for chanting or magic words.
50 20 4 IMP - Consequently, he can accumulate zeon
fully as if he had the speechless
Type Special Fortitude Break Presence
casting advantage. This ability has no
Pole Two-handed 31 4 130
effect for characters with oral
Special Rules requirement.
Gift of Dominion, Unholy Nature, Dark Enhancer and
Tŭmno Otrazhenie Proficiency (Notion of Use 2): The
wielder reduces in 1 point the fumble
range when casting spells. This ability
can never reduce a character's fumble
Eight Steps, supplied by Sadrith range below 1.

A sacred medallion used by the Focus (Notion of Use 3): The

greatest agents of the Order of medallion confers a +15 bonus to the
Nathaniel. These are probably the wearer's magical projection.
most powerful magic amplifiers that
are still being created nowadays, and Calm (Notion of Use 3): The wearer

only the most trusted agents are given receives a +30 bonus to his

one. Composure and Withstand Pain skills.

Fable: 120 / 180 / 240 Illumination (Notion of Use 4): The

wizard who wears this amulet gets a
Path to Enlightenment: Learning to +1 to Intelligence to calculate the
master the powers of the Eight Steps degree at which they can cast their
considered by Nathaniel as a path to spells.
understanding oneself. Contrary to the
general rules the powers with Notion Concentration (Notion of Use 4):
of Use of this artifact must be The wearer of the Eight Steps is

mastered one by one in the same considered to have mastered the

order in which they appear below. For metamagic sphere Elevation (Arcana

example, a character cannot start Exxet Pg. 25).

learning how to use Intention without

Power level: 3
first mastering Clarity.

Clarity (Notion of Use 1): The Eight

Steps confers a +40 bonus to the
Magic Appraisal skill.

Hi No Tori, supplied by

Hi no Tori, also known to

some priests as Ame no
Nuhoko, is a beautiful
Naginata forged from white
steel during the early years of
the Eternal Shadow War by
one of the imperial court's exchange it is necessary to pay 6 ki
blacksmiths. The weapon was blessed points per round.
by various kamis and a fragment of
Jigoku no Sainan (Notion of Use
the core of the Phoenix Aeon was used
III): Hi no Tori increases its damage
to endow it with its incredible
by 50% and obtains an Energy as a
supernatural qualities.
primary critical when used against any
The weapon was used by the greatest type of creature born in the dark
generals of the empire, as a kind of realms of Ashura-Gati, Petra-Gati and
seal of their position, for centuries Naraku-Gati.
until it was given to Shivat when the
Shinku no Hai (Notion of Use III):
kingdoms were divided. Since then it
The bearer of Hi no Tori possesses
passed from hand to hand by the
some of the phoenix's strength,
various generals until the weapon was
ignoring most of the ravages of
lost during the civil war, and its
violence and age. In game terms, they
whereabouts are currently unknown.
have a supernatural regeneration of 14
Fable: 80 / 120 / 180
and halves any possible age penalties.
Quality: Hi no Tori is a quality +10
Ten-Gati no Shukufuku: The bearer
Naginata capable of damaging energy.
of Hi no Tori increases all their
Kamigami to no tsunagari: In case resistances by +30. In addition, it
it is carried by a legacy of the blood of cannot be affected by poisons or
the kami, they see their innate natural diseases.
qualities slightly enhanced. The war
Level of Power: 3
legacy can use its abilities on Hi no
tori, even if its predecessor was not Attack Attack
Damage Initiative Str. Req. Type 1 Type 2
linked to said weapon, and if its
75/105 -10 6/8 CUT/ENE THR
predecessor coincides, it can use its
abilities without paying its Ki cost. In Type Special Fortitude Break Presence

the case of the Genus Locci legacies, One or Two-

Pole handed 33 7 165
they are capable of channeling the
Special Rules
divine essence by applying the base
bonuses of their legacy even if they Kamigami to no tsunagari, Jigoku no Sainan, Shinku no
Hai and Ten-Gati no Shukufuku
are not in their related field, but in

Hypnos, supplied by Shiryu
Hypnos is one of the Clan of the
North‟s lesser works, a beautiful sword
forged from a combination of silver
and star metal, its blade studded with
arcane runes. The sword is connected
to environmental magic, enhancing the
innate magical abilities of its bearer,
even being able to drain environmental
energy for it.

Fable: 140 / 180 / 240

Attack-type spell, the sword imbues it
Quality: Hypnos is a quality +10
with some of its energy, giving it the
longsword. Contrary to the general
ability to damage energy. Additionally,
rules, Hypnos applies its quality bonus
for the next five rounds, Hypnos burns
to its wearer's magical projection.
with energy, gaining Energy as a
Mystic Drain (Notion of Use III): primary critical.
Hypnos can drain ambient magical
Innate Enhancer (Notion of Use
energy to drastically increase its
III): Hypnos is capable of efficiently
wearer's abilities. In game terms, it
channeling arcane environmental
grants a +15 bonus to MA and any
energy, empowering the wearer's
spells channeled through it are
spells. The sword wielder's innate
automatically increased by one tier.
spells have a potential of +20 to that
The duration of this ability depends on
indicated by his MA.
how charged the environment is with
magical energy, varying between 1 to Level of Power: 3
3 rounds in normal places, a single
Attack Attack
round in lightly charged environments Damage Initiative Str. Req. Type 1 Type 2
and from 5 to 10 in highly charged 70 +10 6 ENE -
environments. Once the time expires,
Type Special Fortitude Break Presence
the bearer applies negatives to their
Sword - 33 7 125
MA equal to the bonus received while
in that zone and until the magical Special Rules

energies recharge. Likewise, while Mystic Drain, Spell's Edge and Innate Enhancer.
they are in that zone, they cannot use
the Innate Enhancer skill. Places like
the junctions of various dragon lanes
or nodes could allow almost indefinite
use of this ability.

Spell's Edge (Notion of Use II):

When Hypnos is used to channel an

charged, their lord can cause her to
Kurotsuki, supplied by Shiryu
become translucent, applying a partial
After the disappearance of Mikazuki blind negative to anyone who tries to
Munechika, many mortal and immortal defend against it. In case the
blacksmiths tried to replicate the moonlight absorbed by the katana was
beauty of the blade... although only that of a full moon, the negative
one of these blades could do it justice. increases to complete blindness. The
Kurotsuki, the edge of the black moon, katana is capable of maintaining its
was translucent
forged edge for as
by one many hours as
of the it was bathed in
priestes moonlight.
ses of Tsukiyomi using the knowledge
Osoroshī (Notion of Use II):
that she had taken from the
Charged with moonlight, Kurotsuki's
descendants of Sanjou Munechika
vision is without a doubt one of the
using as a base a strange black metal
most terrifying that anyone can
obtained from the black moon that
behold, affecting even the hardest of
governs the Naraku-Gati sky. It was
hearts. Instead of turning its blade
given as a present to her goddess and
translucent, its lord can cause it to
has since then been worn by the best
begin emitting an aura of primal
of her agents, thus becoming a sign of
darkness. Anyone who beholds the
her favor and recognition.
blade must pass a PsR check against
Due to her connection with the 140 or be in the Terror state for a
mistress of the Naraku-Gati she is number of rounds equal to their failure

known as one of the demonic blades. level. This ability affects even beings
immune to psychology or who lack
Fable: 120 / 180 / 240 reason.

Quality: Kurotsuki is considered a Unmatched Edge: Kurotsuki reduces

Quality +15 katana, though it has the an additional point of Armor of the
fortitude of a +20 katana. defender (-4 if we consider its quality).

Tsuki no Hashi (Notion of Use II): Level of Power: 3

Kurotsuki has a great connection with
the black moon,
being able to store
its light along its
blade. To do this,
it is enough to
leave the katana
unsheathed before
its light. Once

Attack Attack this bonus is also added to magical
Damage Initiative Str. Req. Type 1 Type 2
80 +15 5/6 CUT -

Type Special Fortitude Break Presence Lord of the Dead (Notion of Use 2):

One or Two-
Spells channeled through Nosferatu
Sword handed 53 9 190 have the unnatural power to subdue
Special Rules the Undead more easily. Consequently
Tsuki no Hashi, Osoroshī and Unmatched Edge increases any MR check they must
overcome by 30 points.

Consecrate: Nosferatu's damage is

Nosferatu, supplied by Sadrith incredibly lethal to the Undead. It
consequently doubles its base damage
The Nosferatu is a staff made of pitch against any Undead and any Undead
black wood ornamented with images of damaged by the spear must pass an
monstrous creatures and screaming PhR against 120 or suffer damage
faces, and with a deadly obsidian equal to the level of failure. If they fail
crystal at the tip, strong and pointy the check by more than 60 they
enough to be used as a weapon. automatically die.

It was created many centuries ago, Flux Correction (Use Notion 5):
during the age of Chaos, by a powerful When this ability is activated all
Necromancer whose name has been Undead in a 50 meter radius area with
lost to time (although some believe a presence of less than 40 are
that it was Etheldrea, the first witch). automatically destroyed.
Contrary to most artifacts of a
Power Level: 3
necromantic nature the Nosferatu
wasn't made to increase the power of Attack Attack
Damage Initiative Str. Req. Type 1 Type 2
the Necromancer‟s undead armies, but
as a tool that could help a sorcerer 60 15 4/6 THR -

impose his will above even the Type Special Fortitude Break Presence
strongest necromantic creatures One or Two-
Polearm 33 6 125
destroying their armies and bending handed

their will, or even destroying them. Special Rules

Thus, the Nosferatu is ironically a Lord of the dead, Consecrate, Flux Correction
powerful weapon to destroy the
undead, meant to allow its wielder to
prevail over the strongest undead

Fable: 180 / 240 / 320

Quality: Nosferatu is considered a

+10 spear capable of damaging
energy. Contrary to the general rules

overcoming the required difficulty in
Óðrœrir, supplied by Shiryu
each case. If it fails, the instrument
Óðrœrir is an old artifact created by makes an unpleasant sound and
the ancient Norne skalds around 3,500 vibrates uncontrollably for 5 rounds;
years ago to be carried by the best of during this time it is not possible to
their kind. In itself, the artifact is a perform any of the songs.
mix between a steel axe, with runic
The use of any Mansöngr maneuver
inscriptions all over its edge, and a
requires great concentration and its
white wooden lute, also with runic
bearer can only perform active actions
inscriptions, whose strings were
related to music during the round
created with the whiskers of arctic
(such as using Virgo or using spells
chimeras. The runes that adorn the
from the Musical Sub-Path). The area
artifact function as both a source of
of effect of all these abilities is 25
power and knowledge, as they list the
meters in radius or more if it is
greatest works of Norne poetry.
specified in the ability that the songs
Óðrœrir passed from hand to hand replicate.
until a little more than 1,000 years ago
 Ynglingatal (Skill 120+): The
when its track was lost, there are
bearer of Óðrœrir sings one of
those who say that it ended up in the
the oldest poems in the Barren
castle of Hringham, others that it was
Icy Lands repertoire. Properly
lost among the remains of a forgotten
played, it allows its wearer to
battle; however, the truth is that it
accumulate spells of the Musical
ended in the interregnum of Heinlein
Sub-Path without penalty while
where people ended up forgetting its
performing other music-related
true value and it was passed between
actions (such as using Virgo or
parents and children of the same
using any of the other
melodies). This effect lasts for 5

Fable: 120 / 180 / 240 rounds. If during the activation

round a result of 240+ is
Quality: Óðrœrir is considered both a achieved, it can cast a spell of
battle axe and a +10 quality stringed the Musical Sub-path at a
musical instrument (lute) capable of higher tier for free.
damaging energy.  Holstatal (Skill 140+): The
wielder of Óðrœrir plays and
Mansöngr (Notion of Use III):
sings Holst's deeds, inflaming
There are a number of poems and
the hearts of all who hear them
songs inscribed on the artifact's runes
with some of the glory of the
that are innately known to any bearer
high king of the norne. Properly
of Óðrœrir; played properly can confer
played, it functions like the
a number of benefits. Whenever the
Blessing spell cast at the
bearer wants to activate one of these
Intermediate tier. This ability
abilities, they must make a check
lasts for 5 rounds.
using their Music ability and

 Þórsdrápa (Skill 180+): The
Profezia Iluna, supplied by Shiryu
bearer of Óðrœrir sings of the
terrible and bloody battle One of the demonic relics found four
between the hordes of the dead centuries ago within the shadowy walls
of Hringham and the Aityr, of Tel'Haroth. It is a two-handed ax
infusing those who hear it with forged from the bones of demonic
the determination of the beasts and tempered with the blood of
einherjar. Toacadad properly the innocent. Its peculiar design allows
works like the "Morale" and it to tear meat horribly, causing
"Unleashed Destruction" spells serious injuries.
at intermediate tier. This ability
lasts for one minute. Fable: 140 / 180 / 240
 Ragnarök (Skill 280+): The
bearer of Óðrœrir sings of the
last of the battles, the one in
which the gods will finally clash
against the giants and decide
the fate of the world. Properly
played, this song serves to
remind the Aityr and their hosts
of the faith that humanity has
placed in them and they
correspond in the same way. If
you have signed an invocation
pact with any of the deities or
intend to call creatures related
to them, you receive a special
bonus of +80 to the Quality: Profezia Iluna is a quality
summoning skills for that +10 two-handed axe capable of
purpose. This skill only works damaging energy.
on one ritual per song.
Unusual Design: Due to its serrated
Virgo Compatibility (Notion of Use edge Profezia Iluna reduces any AT by
II): A character who masters the Ars 2 points, which together with its
Magnus Virgo can add 40 points to the quality allows it to reduce AT by up to
result obtained to calculate the use of 4 points. In addition, its serrated
any of Mansöngr's abilities and +10 to design means that any attack that
their Attack or Defense ability in the causes a damage result takes twice as
round in which he successfully touches long to heal by natural means due to
one of them. the severity of its wounds.

Level of Power: 3 Unholy Nature: The axe is considered

a weapon of a sacrilegious nature.

Botere Iluna (Notion of Use III):
Orphanslayer, supplied by Sadrith
The axe bearer can feed it with their
mystical energy to temporarily “Blood for the blood gods”
enhance its qualities. In game terms,
when you activate this ability you can This demonic
choose between boosting your Critical and impious

Level or the Damage of the weapon, sword was

granting the chosen one a bonus forged 2000

between +10 and +50, for this you years ago

must pay 10 Zeon points for each +10. during the

This ability can be maintained while last years of

paying the same amount of activation Nyhakryenza

zeon each round. rath and its

steel was
Gaitzespena Eramaile (Notion of tempered in
Use III): The axe bearer can spell the blood of
doom upon an individual by directing hundreds of
the weapon's infernal essence against sacrificed
them. This ability works as an slaves.
automatic spell whose condition is to Ironically it was not made by the
know the name of the target and has a hands of the Vetala, but by a human
MR of 120, in case it does not exceed slave gone mad after decades of
it, any attack made against it is torture. According to legend he
considered made on a vulnerable point managed to escape during the
and the target increases its fumble commotion caused by the death of the
range by 3 points. This ability lasts for Blood King, but during his captivity he
five rounds, although its wearer can had become infatuated with the
prolong its duration by paying 40 aberrant deities adored by the Vetala,
points of zeon per round. This ability so he started to hunt down other
can be used once per combat. escaped slaves to offer them as a
sacrifice to the Blood Gods.
Level of Power: 3
Unbeknownst to the madman, the
Attack Attack
Damage Initiative Str. Req. Type 1 Type 2 blade he used on those sacrifices was
120 -60 9/11 CUT IMP changed by the power of the Blood

Type Special Fortitude Break Presence

Gods and the souls of all his sacrifices,
becoming a powerful weapon that
Axe/ Two- One or Two-
handed handed 37 11 130 preys on the souls of the most
Special Rules vulnerable. The Orphanslayer is an
evil creation that as its name indicates,
Unusual Design, Unholy Nature, Botere Iluna and
Gaitzespena Eramaile becomes more powerful when fighting
orphans, maybe this is due to the fact
that most Vetala slaves had lost their
parent at an early age, or maybe it‟s

just a jest of the blood gods, who saw Weird Fixation (Notion of Use 2):
fit to endow the weapon with such As an active action the user can use
gratuitously evil powers, although the equivalent of a Find spell (Light lvl
ironically the sword ended up being 66) at intermediate degree to find or
most usefull against oponents of a identify the closest orphan to the
certain age, since they are more likely sword. The user can choose if it wants
to have lost their parents, being to include creatures who have lost only
technically “orphan”. one of their parents.

Fable: 120 / 180 / 280 Power Level: 3

Quality: The Orphanslayer is a Attack Attack

Damage Initiative Str. Req. Type 1 Type 2
broadsword of +10 quality capable of
90/ 180 -20 7/9 CUT IMP
damaging energy.
Type Special Fortitude Break Presence
Praeying Blade: The blade doubles
Sword/Two One or Two-
its base damage against any Natural -handed handed 35 9 125

creature whose parents are both dead Special Rules

(or undead). Against creatures who
Praeying blade, Blood Curse, Weird Fixation
have lost only one of their parents tha
damage increases only by 50%. In
either case the blade will become a
mass of pure energy during the swing, Shaytan, supplied by Shiryu
changing its main damage type to
Energy, although it remains tangible to Shaytan is an ancient artifact created

those who have one parent alive, so in ancient times by a demonic cult in

they can block the attack honor of Iblis, one of the greatest

even if they have no hierarchs who lead

means to touch energy. the circle of Shoteth,

in an attempt to gain
Blood Curse: Whenever his patronage. For its
the Orphanslayer damages creation, dozens of
someone who has lost people are tortured
both parents, it infects for weeks to end up
them with a deadly curse. being ritually
Game wise this curse is a sacrificed in honor of
level 80 supernatural Iblis and thus tie
disease that can be their souls to the
resisted with a DR check of weapon.
140 (180 to get
completely rid of it). Anyone affected However, despite the cult's efforts, the

by the disease will age one full year demon noble refused to be their

every day. patron and took the weapon for

himself. When decades later he got
bored with her, he ended up leaving

her in the hands of her subordinates Secondly, if the wounds caused by the
and over the ages she ended up weapon would leave someone
forgotten in one of her temples in "Between life and death" instead they
Kushistan. cause their death automatically.

It would not be until Alastor's arrival Hell Flame (Notion of Use II):
that the weapon would taste blood Charged with the archetypal demonic
again. energy Shaytan can burst into violent
violet flames at the will of its wearer.
Fable: 120 / 140 / 180
This ability not only gives it Heat as a

Quality: Shaytan is a +10 quality primary critical but also increases the

enormous two-handed sword capable results of the rolls on Table 73: In

of damaging energy. Contrary to the Flames by 60 points.

general rules, this bonus also applies

Level of Power: 3
to its wearer's psychic and magical
projection. Attack Attack
Damage Initiative Str. Req. Type 1 Type 2

Hell's Blade: Shaitan is considered to 155 -40 8/10 CUT HEA

be of an impious nature with all that Type Special Fortitude Break Presence
this entails. Ironically, the weapon's
intrinsic evil is so deep that it even handed 38 10 170

damages other demonic entities, Special Rules

increasing its base damage against
Hell’s Blade, Souls in Sorrow and Hell Flame
them by 50%.

Souls in Sorrow: The souls that were

sacrificed to create Shaytan continue Silver, supplied by Shiryu
to impregnate its blade, eternally
trapped and maddened Silver is a weapon that
by it, they only think was found four centuries
of trapping and ago within the dark
causing the greatest walls of Tel'Haroth. It is
possible suffering to a sword forged in blood
other living beings. silver, its edge studded
First of all, any being with tiny crimson S'lish
that comes into runes that glow
contact with the ghoulishly when they
weapon, including its come in contact with the
bearer, must pass a blood of their enemies.
MR check against 120 Fable: 140 / 180 / 240
or suffer the Pain
penalty, or the Extreme Pain penalty if Quality: Silver is a +0

it fails by more than 40, for as many quality Grosser Messer capable of

minutes as the level of failed. energy damage although his presence

and mettle is that of a +10 quality blood points in a special pool where
weapon. you can store up to 200.

Odol Boterea (Notion of Use III): Level of Power: 3

The bearer of Silver can use the stored
Attack Attack
blood to activate some of the following Damage Initiative Str. Req. Type 1 Type 2
supernatural qualities. 75/85/95 -30/-25/-20 6/9 CUT -

 Krimen Boterea: Silver is Type Special Fortitude Break Presence

enveloped in a series of Two-

handed 32 7 120
crimson runes that enhance the
physical impact of its attacks. Special Rules

For every 10 blood points spent Odol Boterea and Odol Erreserba

it increases its base damage by

+10 to a maximum of +50.
 Odolaren Kalitatea: Silver is
Xeloloni Auejkapan Estli,
enveloped in a bizarrely shaped
supplied by Shiryu
patina of blood that enhances
its innate qualities. Spending 10 Xeloloni Auejkapan Estil is one of the
or 30 Silver blood points ancient runic weapons used by the
increases its quality to +5 or Balzak high priests. In appearance it is
+10 for the next 5 rounds. a black iron scythes studded with
 Aura Gorria: Silver is scarlet runes. To create them, the
enveloped in a reddish-colored Balzak sacrifice dozens of slaves to
aura that increases its effective "forge" their souls into this new form
range. By spending 30 blood and use their negative feelings to mold
points when the bearer of Silver their intrinsic powers.
performs an area attack, they
are able to affect everyone Fable: 120 / 180 / 240
within a 5 meter radius.
Quality: Xeloloni Auejkapan Estil it is
 Sendatze Gorrixka: Silver's
a quality +10 scythe.
wearer can consume some of
the blood stored within it to Spectral Nature: Xeloloni Auejkapan
recover from their injuries. For Estil is not a physical weapon but a
every 5 blood points spent, the massification of spectral energy, so it
weapon bearer recovers 1 life has Energy as a primary critical and
point. also only those with the ability to see
spirits will be able to detect it.
Odol Erreserba (Notion of Use II):
Likewise, due to its nature, only those
When Silver wounds an enemy, it
with the ability to affect energy or
absorbs some of their blood into itself.
spiritual or spectral entities will be able
In game terms, when the weapon
to fly it properly.
deals half of its damage it is stored as

Ichtekki Tetonali (Notion of
Use III): Xeloloni possesses the
ability to absorb the souls of
beings. To do this it has two
methods, the first is when it kills
a being and the second is by sticking
its blade into a soul that awaits the
call. Xeloloni is capable of storing Calminar, supplied by Shiryu
within it a set of souls whose presence
Among the works of Gaudemus, the
is no greater than its own.
creator of wonders, the sword of the
Tlamanalistli (Notion of Use III): sun (Calminar in its original language)
The bearer of Xeloloni can sacrifice the is undoubtedly the greatest of his
souls stored within it to increase their weapons. It is a golden sword of
innate qualities. The scythe bearer can traditional elven manufacture, along
sacrifice one soul per round to gain its blade it has a row of small runes
one of the following benefits: that tell the famous ode of Aenarion Ul
Del Muller, and in its guard is set a
 Gain a bonus to All Actions
diamond gem that acts as the
equal to half the presence of
supernatural nucleus of the sword, the
the soul, rounded down,
gem is actually a fragment of the
crystalline core of the Aeon Shephirah.
 Get a bonus to your MA equal
to one-third of the soul's
presence, rounded down,
 Gain a bonus to your Psychic
Potential equal to one-third of
the soul's presence, rounded
down, sacrificed. The sword was given as a gift to Prince
 Recovering so many life points Eltharion of House Ul Del Muller and
is equal to the presence of the was carried by his descendants until
sacrificed soul. the fall of Sylvania where it was taken
by the Templars and brought to their
Level of Power: 3 island to be sealed. However, the
Attack Attack patrol in charge of it was attacked and
Damage Initiative Str. Req. Type 1 Type 2 the sword ended up passing from hand
55 10 5/9 ENE - to hand until ending up several years
Type Special Fortitude Break Presence later in a supernatural auction where
after a fierce "combat" carried out in
Pole/ Two- One or Two-
handed handed 32 6 125 the hands of Etheren Ul Del Muller,
Special Rules one of the Terminators of Samael.

Spectral Nature, Ichtekki Tetonali and Tlamanalistli

Fable: 120 / 180 / 240

Quality: Calminar is a +15 quality Control at a distance, this
longsword capable of damaging penalty is reduced to -10.
energy. Contrary to the general rules,  Noon: When the light of the
this bonus also applies to its wearer's star shines in all its glory, the
psychic and magical projection. bearer of the sword is
enveloped in a golden aura that
Aicanáro (Ritual): Calminar's flames
enhances his innate physical
can be used to stoke the fires of a
qualities. In game terms, he
forge, endowing any object created in
gets a bonus to all actions of
them with supernatural properties. Any
+20, to his Turn and to his
object has the free ability to affect
energy and cannot be damaged by fire
 Afternoon: When the light of
or heat, both natural and supernatural,
the Sun emits its maximum
from beings with a Gnosis below 20.
intensity Calminar's flames

Ambarónë (Notion of Use III): seem to take on a life of their

Calminar is strongly connected to the own to defend him. In game

Sun, so depending on its position in terms, he is able to use a

the sky, it grants a series of variable supernatural shield to defend

bonuses to its bearer. himself with hit points equal to

twice the presence of the
 Dawn: When the first light sword. Cold-based attacks deal
breaks the darkness of the double damage to the shield.
night, Calminar's blade shines These points will regenerate
with an intense light capable of completely with each new
blinding its enemies. In game sunrise.
terms, its bearer can innately  Twilight: As the last lights
use the Blinding Flash spell at begin to recede, the sword
Intermediate level. If the seems to devour the light
bearer of the sword channels it around it to power its inner fire.
by their own means, the spell In game terms, when using its
increases the PhR to pass by secondary critical it adds a
+20. special +50 bonus to rolls on
 Morning: As the lights begin to Table 76: In Flames.
ascend their celestial journey,
the sword appears to follow Anárion: The bearer of Calminar is

them on their journey. In game considered a light elemental of high

terms, its bearer is able to use hierarchy, so the elementals of a lower

it from a distance, without hierarchy obey his orders instinctively.

requiring physical contact with In case they want to refuse to obey,

it, applying a -30 penalty to its they must pass a RM against 120.
ability. If they have the
Ancalime: Calminar is a weapon of a
Supernatural Combat Table
luminous nature and has Heat as a
secondary critical.

Zeon Container (Notion of Use I): processes to channel its immense
Calminar can hold up to 1000 points of power towards the manipulation of the
Zeon as a magic container. supernatural essence.

Supernatural Enhancer (Notion of During the golden age of the Republic

Use III): Calminar increases the MA of Pahiartha, nearly a hundred of these
of its bearer by +15 when used to artifacts were created, although after
channel spells. If a light spell is the terrible civil war that devastated
channeled, it is cast at a higher level that civilization only a few dozen have
for free. survived to this day.

Level of Power: 3+ Fable: 180 / 240 / 280

Attack Attack Tear of Dawn (Notion of Use

Damage Initiative Str. Req. Type 1 Type 2
III/Ritual): Once a month, when the
80 15 6 CUT HEA
full moon rises in the heavens, it is the
Type Special Fortitude Break Presence moment in which the physical plane
Sword - 33 9 200 and wake are closer… It is also the

Special Rules moment in which one can use the

greater capacity of the artifact.
Aicanáro, Ambarónë, Anárion, Ancalima, Zeon Container and
Supernatural Enhancer
Reciting a series of command words in
Devic, Suba Kee Os channels
supernatural energy into a gem,
similar to a small crystalline tear,
Subah Kee Os, supplied by Shiryu capable of storing supernatural
essence. Depending
Subah Kee Os is a
on the command
strange crystalline
phrase chosen, one
gem with a shape
of the following
halfway between a
tears can be
geode and a fruit
that rests on a
small silver  Arcane
structure in the Catalyst: This gem
shape of a small acts as a catalyst
tree. This artifact, for supernatural
of Devah origin, is energy and can be
nothing more than forced to create
a crystallization of explosive bursts of
the pure power of supernatural
a dragon line energy at the cost
"cultivated" of destroying the
through strange gem. The gem itself
grants a passive bonus of +10
MA or +20 to its lord's

summoning abilities, but if you grumpy mentor for the great
want to force that power you archmages.
can double the bonuses during
In fact, the artifact was created almost
a round or during the climax of
5,000 years ago by one of the
a ritual. Once forced, the gem
mysterious inhabitants of the forgotten
loses all of its abilities.
city, using part of the knowledge of
 Power Nucleus: This gem is
the ritual that his fellows prepared.
capable of easily storing pure
Since then the skull has traveled
supernatural energy acting as
around the world passing through
zeonic containers of up to 800
hundreds of hands and owners,
expanding the number of souls that
 Supernatural Receptacle:
reside within it, until it was lost track
This gem is especially suited to
of during the dark and chaotic period
holding the essence of various
that followed the War of God. The
supernatural beings. Therefore,
most widespread rumor is that he is
it acts as a supernatural
currently in the hands of the leader of
container for creatures, having
Yehudah, although others say that he
100 presence points and
is lost on the coast of longing.
reducing the cost of binding any
being inside it by 1 level. Fable: 80 / 140 / 240

Rex Supernatural Enhancer: Suba Resistance: Blue Fire is considered a

Kee Os doubles Zeonic regeneration +10 quality item when calculating its
and increases his lord's Power Presence and Fortitude.
characteristic by 1 point.
Collective Knowledge: In a certain
Level of Power: 3+ way, the collective
souls of sorcerers are
Blue Fire, supplied by still alive inside the
Shiryu skull, being able to
communicate with the
The object known simply
people around them
as Blue Fire is one of the
whenever they wish.
most integrated artifacts
Together they have
in the supernatural
Intelligence 15, can
folklore and traditions of
speak in most of the
Gaia. Although its legend
languages of Gaia,
has thousands of
have the equivalent
variations, they all seem
of 240 on knowledge
to agree that it is a kind of
secondaries, and are considered
grail of arcane knowledge in the form
master sorcerers who can teach up to
of a crystal skull that burns with blue
level 80 of any path, free access spell
flames and often acts as a kind of
or sub-paths as well as the vast
majority of rituals. However, despite

its great knowledge, its personality is of Legend. Like many others of her
quite unpleasant and arrogant, sisters, it is based on one of the real
needing a good dose of patience and ones, but unlike the others, his creator
flattery so that they deign to share tried to be as original as possible,
their knowledge. resulting in such a strange edge.
Fable: 240 / 280 / 320
Loan: In cases of extreme need,
someone can ask the spirits for part of Quality: Cadavolg is considered a +10
their power to help. If they accept the quality Two-Handed Sword, although it
request, one of the spirits will is considered a +15 quality to calculate
temporarily possess the applicant its presence and fortitude, capable of
using his sheet but adding their damaging energy.
particular intelligence and knowledge
Bior Dearg (Notion of Use III):
to solve the problem. This possession
Cadavolg is able to modify its
lasts as many rounds as the
appearance to become a kind of steel
applicant's Power characteristic,
whip with which he is able to use the
although it can be extended by an
Trapping maneuver with a
extra round for every 20 life points
characteristic of 12. This characteristic
varies depending on the size of
Union (Ritual): A sorcerer can Cadavolg: 8 for small, 10 for medium,
request to be part of the group of 14 for enormous and 16 for gigant.
souls, for this they must respond Contrary to the general rules, it is
appropriately to a series of questions possible to use Cadavolg to perform
(the questions vary but it is necessary the Crush maneuver if a target has
to have a base value of between 140 been trapped with it.
to 180 in the secondary on which the
Ceangal ris na reultan (Notion of
questions deal) and in case of achieve
Use III): If the bearer of Cadavolg is
it will be considered worthy to join
able to use the Libra, Taurus or
them. To do this they must sacrifice
Scorpio Impossible Weapon against
their life with a knife in a ritual
the general rules, they can use all of
performed on a full moon night while
the weapon's abilities. Also receive the
they recite a series of verses in Dael.
following bonuses:
Once dead, their soul will be absorbed
by the skull, evading the call and  Cothromachadh: When using
becoming part of the collective. Libra's abilities, its wielder can
choose to only use Gigantic
Level of Power: 3+
Size to halve any potential
penalties they would take when
Cadavolg, supplied by Shiryu
using Cadavolg at its Enormous
Cadavolg, the rainbow sword, is one of or Giant size.
the False Thirteen created by the  Tarbh: When he uses the
descendants of the Northern Clan in an Taurus maneuver:
attempt to replicate the True Weapons Throwable in an Arc, it gains

the “Trail of Destruction” rule. with it. Cadavolg gains the
If it is in Enormous size it "Throwable" rule, transforming into a
increases its radius of effect to mass of pure energy that can be
30 meters and if it is in Giant thrown up to a maximum distance of
size it increases its radius of 200 meters, plus what the owner's
effect to 40 meters. Strength bonus allows, increasing both
 Nathair: When Scorpio's its damage and attack ability by +30.
maneuver: Enveloping In addition, the attack affects anyone
Whirlwind is used, no penalty who is in the line drawn between the
is applied to his offensive caster and his target.
ability. If it is in Enormous or
Level of Power: 3+
Giant size it is considered a Full
Shield. Attack Attack
Damage Initiative Str. Req. Type 1 Type 2
Coltas so-ruigsinneach (Notion of 110 -50 8/10 CUT IMP
Use III): Cadavolg can change its
Type Special Fortitude Break Presence
weapon size type at the will of its
One or Two-
wielder. When it changes to medium Two-handed handed 48 10 220
size it reduces its base damage by 20
Special Rules
and its base speed goes to -40, when
Bior Dearg, Ceangal ris na reultan, Coltas so-ruigsinneach,
it changes to small size it reduces its
Summonableand Sleagh Airgid
base damage by 50 and its base speed
by 0. Through this ability it can
become a
weapon of
Enormous or
Giant size.
requires a full round to produce its
change. Durandal, supplied by Shiryu
Summonable (Notion of Use
Durandal, known as the silver edge, is
III/Ritual): Cadavolg appears in the
one of the most famous swords in
hands of its owner on the same turn
Eurakia folklore as it is said to have
that the owner calls it. For this to
been the weapon carried by the Sun
happen, the weapon must be bound to
King during the revolt that would bring
them through a complex ritual that
about the end of Nyhakryenzarath.
involves spilling blood on its hilt while
According to the myths, it was a gift
reciting a series of verses in archaic
from the Spirit King when he finished
Arkes under the light of a rainbow.
his training and part of the world's own
Sleagh Airgid (Notion of Use III): essence was used for its creation.
When Cadavolg is above medium size After the fall of the Blood Sky Nation,
it is possible to make a special attack the weapon passed from hand to hand
for centuries, increasing its legend and

being recognized as the weapon of the people innately know when the sword
perfect knight. Its whereabouts are bearer is telling the truth.
currently unknown but it is rumored
Level of Power: 3+
that it is in the hands of Michael
Xanathos. In reality, The Knight carries Attack Attack
Damage Initiative Str. Req. Type 1 Type 2
a copy of the weapon created by The
Writer, finding the real one in the 50 0 6 CUT -

hands of one of the Walkers' officers. Type Special Fortitude Break Presence
Fable: 80 / 180 / 240 Sword - 13 3 215

Quality: Durandal is a +15 quality Special Rules

longsword capable of energy damage. Indestructible, Ultimate Edge, The Protector and The Seeker of
the Truth
Indestructible: Durandal cannot be
destroyed by natural means. In
theory, divine
entities with a
gnosis of 40 or
higher could break
the sword.

Ultimate Edge:
Durandal‟s edge is
capable of cutting through any kind of
protection so it ignores any kind of
armor. Exterminator, supplied by Shiryu
The Protector: The wearer of The Terminators, also called Zadokites
Durandal possesses an almost in Yvha, were a set of artifacts created
supernatural ability to stand between during the heyday of the Empire of
danger and the innocent. Therefore, in Yehudah for their High Executioners.
game terms, they are able to use the
“Defend Third Parties” maneuver with Of peculiar appearance, these
a -20 penalty. In case the bearer of it bracelets enormously increase the
knows how to use the Ars Magnum capacities to produce critical wounds of
Guardian, they will be able to use the their wearers.
full ability of it.
Fable: 180 / 240 / 280
The Seeker of the Truth: When
Quality: The exterminators are quality
someone lies in the presence of the
+10 bracelets. Contrary to the general
wearer of Durandal, they must pass a
rules, this bonus also applies to its
MR check against 140 or the wearer
wearer's offensive magical projection.
will know that they are lying. This
ability also activates when someone is Arcane Punishment: In the event
omitting part of the truth. Similarly, that the wearer of the bracelet

manages to perform a critical with an subjected to the Scorch State with a
attack, they can spend part of their value of 160.
mystical energies
Level of Power: 3+
to increase its
gravity. Before
rolling the dice,
Honezakari, supplied by Shiryu
they can declare
Honezakari, the blade of the bones, is
the use of this
a white katana decorated with various
ability to gain a
and varied bones along its guard, hilt
+5 critical level
and sheath. It was forged centuries
bonus for every
ago by a blacksmith under the
10 points of zeon
command of Yagarema using
they spend, up to
Odokuro's fang, the oldest among the
a maximum of
Gashadokuro, inheriting its pernicious
hunger. Since its creation, it has been
Executor's carried by the greatest mortal agents
Sentence (Notion of Use IV): In of the Kami, being recognized as a
case of causing penalties due to a symbol of death and barbarism among
critical, the wearer of the amulet can the people of Varja. Due to her
spend 150 zeon points to double the connection to the forces of the
necessary time for recovery. Insidious Kami she is known as one of
the demon blades.
Wizard's Scorn: Any offensive spell
channeled through the bracelet that Fable: 80 / 140 / 180
targets a being without the Gift of
Magic increases its
damage by +30.

Enhancer (Notion
of Use III): Any
Attack-type spell
channeled through the bracelets is
increased by one tier for free. Quality: Honezakari is considered a
Quality +15 katana, though it has the
Executor's Seal: The Exterminators
stamina of a +20 katana.
can only be fully employed by those
who possess the Executioner rune. Hone ītā (Ritual): In case of
Anyone who tries to use it without it suffering some kind of damage,
will only be able to use the quality and Honezakari can feed on the bones of
the magic projection bonus. In the its victims to recover. In the event that
event that someone without the gift its quality grade drops or is broken,
tries to carry it, they are automatically the katana can be fed with bones to
recover its splendor, for this it is

necessary to give it enough bones to
Huanyin Jian, supplied by Sadrith
cover twice the missing presence. To
use this ritual it is necessary to stick Huanyin Jian, also known as the
the weapon in the remains of the phantom sword is the west, is one of
victim where it will proceed to "suck" the many treasures gifted by the Kami
them. The presence of the bones to empress Shivat. The sword
usually varies between 10 to 30, disappeared centuries ago when the
depending on the complexion of the armies of the insidious god Yagarema
victim. no Mikoto launched an attack against
the empire of Shivat. Since then the
Moroi (Notion of Use III): Once the
blade has reappeared here and there,
hunger that gnaws at the edge of the
at the hands of all kinds of individuals,
weapon has been mastered, it is
but no one has been able to hold onto
possible to direct it against its bearer's
it for long.
enemies. When it wounds a being that
contains some type of bone structure Fable: 180/ 240 / 320
or similar, they must pass a MR check
against 140 or they will be in the Quality: Huanyin Jian is a longsword
“Brittle” state for as many rounds as of +15 quality capable of damaging
the failure level. A being in the brittle energy.
state suffers a critical hit whenever it
Phantom dance (Notion of Use 4):
takes any amount of damage; damage
The name phantom sword was given
resistance beings now treat any
to this artifact because of its ability to
damage as if it were dealt to a
magically disappear and reappear from
vulnerable spot.
the hands of its user. This simple
Unmatched Edge: The blade of ability in the hands of an expert
Honezakari reduces an additional point swordsman can become extremely
of Armor of the defender (thus said, -4 lethal, but it requires special training.
if we consider its quality). In addition to the Notion of Use,
dominating the Phantom dance
Level of Power: 3+ requires an investment of 10 DP and
Attack Attack 20 MK, and someone who has
Damage Initiative Str. Req. Type 1 Type 2 dominated it can use all abilities listed
80 15 5/6 CUT - below.
Type Special Fortitude Break Presence
 Hand switch: Teleporting the

One or Two-
handed 51 9 190
sword from one hand to the
other at great speed Huayin
Special Rules
Jian can be used as if it were
Hone ītā, Junsuina hone, Moroi and Unmatched Edge
two identical swords, one held
in each hand.
 Unstoppable: Huanyin Jian
can disappear for a fraction of a
second before clashing with

another weapon, and reappear Jian has the strange property of
immediately behind it, easily completely banishing the instant it‟s
surpassing any defense. In about to be damaged. When a
game, an attack made with breaking check against Huanyin Jian
Huanyin Jian against an enemy surpases its fortitude the sword will
using block or supernatural banish into thin air instead of breaking
shields will apply a bonus of or losing quality. It usually reappears
+40 to its attack ability. This after a few hours hidden somewhere
ability can be used only once where its user can find it, but this
per round, and it can‟t be power is erratic and it‟s the main
combined with any ki technique reason the sword is still lost after so
or Ars Magnus. many centuries.
 Trick attack: One can use
Power level: 3+
phantom dance to execute all
sorts of strange and Attack Attack
Damage Initiative Str. Req. Type 1 Type 2
unpredictable maneuvers. The
target of this ability must make 80 15 6 CUT THR

a notice check of Absurd Type Special Fortitude Break Presence

difficulty (180) or apply the Sword - 43 9 175
surprise penalty to their
Special Rules
defense against this attack.
Phantom dance, Complex, Indestructible
Due to the complexity of this
ability it can‟t be used in
combination with unstoppable
and it is a complete attack, so Ifrid, supplied by Shiryu
when using this maneuver the
user can‟t declare any According to the legends, Ifrid is the
additional attack through any casing used by the Aramese god
means (including Hand switch). Makara Jyothi to move around the
world without it burning due to his
Complex: While using any ability
presence. There may be some truth to
listed under Phantom dance Huanyin
these myths as armor of Ifrid's caliber
Jian is considered a complex weapon.
can only come from a divine origin.
Additionally, fumbling on an attack will
cause the sword to delay it‟s Forged from a strange combination of
reappearance brievely, therefore the star metal and red malebolgia, the
user won‟t be able to use it until the armor has a demonic aspect that gives
beginning of the next round. On a it a certain terrifying aspect.
fumble superior to 80 the sword will
randomly reappear in a close by Fable: 120 / 180 / 240

location, beyond the user‟s reach.

Quality: Ifrid is full plate armor, and a

Indestructible: Despite not being great helm, of quality +15. Due to its

traditionally indestructible, Huanyin

supernatural character, it applies maximum bonus of +100 the Agni
quality bonuses to its Energy AT. Shakti bonus is doubled.

Martial Domain: The gauntlets and Agni Kai (Notion of Use III): The
greaves of the Ifrit armor can be used wearer of the armor can challenge
as heavy equipment for martial arts of another being to a personal duel by
quality +15 with the ability to damage invoking their inner fire. If they accept,
energy. both will be surrounded by walls of the
most intense fire, preventing them
Aag Ka
from fleeing,
being able to
fight without
wearer is
This combat
immune to
zone has a
radius of 10
ignoring any
meters. If
anyone comes
into contact
effects, or
with the
flames, you
Entities with
must pass a
a Gnosis of
PhR against
35 or higher
140 or will
ignore this
suffer twice
the failure

Aagney Beej (Notion of Use III): level as damage. These walls have

Concentrating the power of fire in one resistance points equal to twice the
of their hands, the wearer of the armor armor's presence and regenerate 200
begins to charge elemental energy, resistances points per round. Should

slowly but surely increasing the power they refuse to accept the duel, they

of their impacts. This ability grants a will feel their honor fade and the armor

+5 bonus to the damage of their wearer will gain a +20 bonus to any
unarmed or martial arts attacks for offensive ability against them for the

each round of combat (up to a duration of the fight.

maximum of +50), if the armor wearer

Entities related to combat, violence or
is below half their life points the bonus
war as well as fire elementals are
becomes +10 per round (increases the
automatically affected by this ability as
maximum bonus limit to +100). When
long as their Gnosis is less than 25.
it has reached the maximum bonus of
+50, Heat it becomes the primary Agni Shakti (Notion of Use II):
critical and when it reaches the Ifrit's gauntlets and greaves have Heat
as a secondary critical and add a

special +40 bonus to Table 73: In said that Nascal decided to create it as
Flames when used by their wearer. a contrast to Gaudemus's Calminar,
the sword of the sun.
Krimasan Aankhen: While wearing
the helmet, one is able to see the Aside from its ethereal beauty, the
inner fire of beings, halving any weapon possesses quite powerful
penalty for ambient darkness. In a supernatural qualities bestowed by the
certain way, its wearer is also able to various raw materials used during its
feel the combat power of its opponents manufacture. The most notable of
after observing them for a couple of these was a tear from Lissandra, the
rounds. queen of the Banshees.

Laal Naresh (Notion of Use III): Fable: 120 / 180 / 280

The wearer of the armor is capable of
commanding fire with their sheer will,
using it as an extremely lethal
weapon. In game terms they are able
to control with their offensive ability,
applying a -20 penalty, up to 20 fire
intensities as a projectile weapon.
Using this ability has a 1 Ki point per
use. If you have the supernatural
combat table, both the penalty and the
Ki cost are ignored. Quality: Maegsil is a +10 rapier
capable of damaging energy. Although
Level of Power: 3+
it is considered +15 quality when
Armor Natural Mov. calculating its presence and fortitude.
Req. Penalty Restr. Fort Presence Location Class

85 -35 1 33 235 Complete Hard Supernatural Enhancer (Notion of

Cut Impact Thrust Heat Elec Cold Energy Use II): In the hands of someone
with the Magic Gift, Maegsil grants a
8 8 8 7 4 7 5
+10 bonus to their magic projection
Special Rules
and MA.
Aag Ka Upahaar, Aagney Beej, Agni Kai, Agni Shakti, Krimasan
Aankhen and Laal Naresh Isilmë (Notion of Use III):
Maegsil's blade begins to glow with a
pure, silvery light that enraptures all
who gaze upon it. In game terms,
Maegsil, supplied by Shiryu anyone looking at the luminous blade
must pass 120 PsR or be affected by
Maegsil, Sharp Moon in Ultwe'alariel,
the Fascination state for a number of
was the rapier forged in the purest of
rounds equal to the failure level.
silvers by the master puppeteer
Nascal. Although the weapon itself is Isildur (Notion of Use III/Ritual):
far from the artist's field of work, it is When the first full moon of the month

occurs, the bearer of the rapier can special bonus of +30 to Art and Forge
leave it out in the open so that it secondary skills.
absorbs its light and enhances its
Level of Power: 3+
capabilities. When its bearer dawns,
they must sacrifice 15 LP to complete Attack Attack
Damage Initiative Str. Req. Type 1 Type 2
the ritual. From then on and for the
rest of the month, Maegsil is 60 25 4 THR/ENE CUT

considered an elemental weapon of Type Special Fortitude Break Presence

light and attacks in Energy as Primary Sword Precision 31 6 210
Critical. As long as they want to keep
Special Rules
the benefits of this power they will not
Supernatural Enhancer, Isilmë, Isildur, Ungwë, Tengwa and Vairë
be able to regenerate the sacrificed life

Ungwë (Notion of Use III):

Maegsil's wounds leave behind threads
Medeus, supplied by Shiryu
of light that connect the target with its
Medeus, The Regent, is part of a series
blade. These threads give the rapier
of armors created by the Empire's
wielder a vague notion of where their
supernatural investigators in an
target is, allowing them to reduce
attempt to replicate the capabilities of
flank or back penalties by -10 per
Arbiter armor. While it was a success,
thread, up to a maximum reduction of
lacking the raw material from which its
half, and when they have three or
predecessors were created, Medeus
more threads he is considered to have
lacks its range making it more suitable
located at all times to its target. These
for small battlefields or skirmishes.
threads remain until the combat ends.
Even so, he has the same ability to
The maximum number of threads that
alter the battlefield as his older sisters,
can be created with this skill is equal
assuming in many cases the difference
to the rapier wielder's Power
between defeat and victory.
Currently Medeus is carried by the
Tengwa (Notion of Use
young agent of the Hand of the
III/Ritual): Using a thread of Ungwë
Empress Yuri Olson.
the bearer of the rapier can use the
grapple maneuver by halving the Fable: 180 / 240 / 280
penalty and using the bearer's
Dexterity Characteristic for Checks. For Quality: Medeus is a full plate armor
every two extra threads the target of quality +15 and due to its
has, you get a +1 for checks. supernatural creation process, it
applies this bonus to its Energy AT.
Vairë:Despite being a Nascal weapon,
he couldn't resist leaving a small trace Dominus Armor: The armor acts as
of his genius in it, so Maegsil grants a an internal energy stack that can hold
up to 60 Ki points and doubles the
amount of Ki points its wearer

regenerates. Since Yuri lacks the Ki action. Activating this skill
Transmission ability, he cannot access automatically consumes 5 Ki points or
this pool. 50 Zeon.

Supernatural Protection: The armor Credo: As long as Yuri remains

increases all the resistance of its focused and takes no other action, all
wearer by 20 points. This bonus is of his subordinates within a 20 meter
doubled against any supernatural radius gain +10 to any action directly
mastery attempts or mind readings. related to combat.

The Regent Level of Power: 3+

Clad in his armor, Armor Natural Mov.

Req. Penalty Restr. Fort Presence Location Class
Yuri has at his
85 -35 1 33 155 Full Plate Hard
disposal the ability
to control the course Cut Impact Thrust Heat Elec Cold Energy

of battles at will. 8 8 8 7 3 7 5

Special Rules
Limit: All of The
Regent's abilities Dominus Armor, Supernatural Protection and The Regent

only work on people

who have willingly
accepted his Meister’s Protection, supplied by
obedience, and
consider him to be
his superior. Sylvain-crafted amulet
Someone who created millennia ago
doesn't really when Erynes Cathedral
submit to it (just was founded.
pretends to gain an advantage) or who Possessors of great
is higher in level than you cannot be defensive qualities,
affected by these powers. they were created so
that the main guards of
Motum: Yuri can make his
the prisoner could be
subordinates feel the position he wants
free from their influence.
them to head for. This ability allows
him to display up to three different There were seven of these amulets,
points, and he is able to choose which although all the inhabitants of the
of his men should go to which position. cathedral had copies of lesser power,
Motum has a radius of action of 100 with the fall of the cathedral they
meters and activating it automatically spread throughout the world ending up
consumes 1 point of Ki or 5 points of in the hands of very varied individuals.
Zeon every five rounds.
At present, only the whereabouts of
Praesidium: Yuri can grant one of his two of them are known, as they are
subordinates +20 to a single offensive

carried by high-ranking members of secondary material, and as a
Samael. reinforcement, the metal from the
stars together with a fragment of the
Fable: 120 / 180 / 240
crystalline nucleus of the Aeon Boreas.
Quality: Meister's Protection are
Ogmios is a long bow of great
quality +10 amulets although their
proportions, colored between blue and
fortitude is that of a quality +15.
white with certain bird of prey motifs.

Stama: The Meister's Protection Its first bearer was the poet and

grants a +20 bonus to its wielder's sorcerer Grianainech, the Lim Shide

Psychic and Magic Resistance. In case creator of the Lileth, during the battle

the wearer fails a roll of these of Magh Tuireadh when he killed

resistances during the next round, the dozens of monstrosities from the deep

bonus is temporarily increased to +40 sea.

allowing the wearer to repeat the roll.

Since then, the bow has been passed

Norna: In the event that the bearer of from one bearer to another, moving

the amulet makes a Composure roll to across Gaïa, although its trail is lost

obtain a bonus to their resistances, the after the War of God when its bearer

result obtained is considered to be one Prince Sylvain Reios Ul Del Hoeth fell

more tier. at the Battle of Terminus.

Level of Power: 3+ Pairing: Ogmios resonates with the

desire to discover secrets, creativity
and especially the desire for freedom.
Guardian’s Protection

These minor protections are Fable: 80 / 240 / 280

of +5 quality and only have
the Stama power, although
their effectiveness is much
lower, granting only a +10
and +20 bonus. They are
considered level 2 artifacts.

Ogmios, supplied by
Quality: Ogmios is a quality +15
Ogmios, the rain of stars or the thorns composite bow capable of affecting
of the Willow, is the eleventh Weapon energy. Due to its condition, it does
of Legend. It is said that it was created not impose any limitations on the
to embody the dual concepts of the ability of its wielders.
Willow; charm and creativity. Although
Superior Range: Ogmios has a base
it was created using mainly the wood
range of 250 meters.
of said Great Tree, it was used as a

Ayin (Notion of Use III): By Spiorad Caoimhneil: As long as
emptying their minds and Ogmios is worn, one is able to see,
concentrating solely on their target, and communicate with, any kind of
the wearer of Ogmios reduces the spiritual entity. Said beings will
difficulty of making targeted attacks. consider the bearer of the bow as one
In game terms, as long as it takes at of their own.
least one turn targeted, all Ogmios
Level of Power: 3+
attacks have the Precise rule and if it
takes at least three turns they have Attack Attack
Damage Initiative Str. Req. Type 1 Type 2
the Vorpal rule.
- -15 7 - -
Fras Rionnag (Ritual): Firing a
Type Special Fortitude Break Presence
single arrow of Ogmios into the skies,
Projectile Two-handed 38 4 225
it can unleash a true rain of
destruction by unleashing the power of Special Rules

the sky spirits. This ability works as a Superior Range, Ayin, Fras Rionnag, Saighead Ainmichte and
special attack, being able to designate Spiorad Caoimhneil

its area of effect at any visible point of

the bow's range. The designated point
will suffer an attack made up of an
Ondinas, supplied by Shiryu
intense rain of spiritual arrows,
affecting anyone the bow bearer wants
Ondinas, or the staff of the tides, is an
in an area of 200 meters radius, using
ancient artifact capable of controlling
a base damage of 100 in the Energy
the waters with absolute precision,
allowing its bearer to mold them into a

Activating Fras Rionnag costs 15 ki thousand different forms as well as

points or 150 zeon points that are protecting them from any evil that

automatically deducted from the may be found in them. It is also

wearer's reserve without the need to capable of absorbing the essence of

accumulate them. magic and creating a perfect reflection

of it.
Saighead Ainmichte (Ritual): When
an arrow is loaded into Ogmios, its Its shape is at least mystical as it

bearer can pronounce the true name of seems to be made of water in

its target and add "Bàs" to increase continuous movement around a

the mortality of its attack, going on to sapphire of great beauty. If we pay

increase the level of any possible attention to the legends, it was

critical by 40 points, or created using part of the essence of

"Teachdaireachd" and spiritually the Aramean goddess Danu granted to

charge it with a message so when their mortals as a sign of her appreciation.

target touches they will receive the

Fable: 120 / 180 / 240
Quality: Ondinas is a staff of quality
+15 against the general rules; this

bonus is applied to the magical The supernatural shields created with
projection of its bearer. this ability have maximum resistance
points equal to twice the presence of
Protection of the Goddess: The
the staff, again it will vary depending
bearer of the staff can breathe
on the amount of water available,
naturally underwater as well as move
regenerating as many points per round
through the abyssal depths without
as half of its current points until it
suffering its pressure, cold or
does not have more water.
darkness. Likewise, the aquatic entities
see the bearer as one of their own, so Whether to attack or defend its bearer,
they will not initiate hostilities against it applies a -40 penalty to its ability,
him unless provoked. Entities with a which is reduced to 0 if it has the
gnosis of 20 or supernatural combat
higher are not table Remote Control.
affected by this last
This ability also
allows you to modify
Water Control the power and course
(Notion of Use of currents in bodies
III): The essence of of water. The details
the deity allows the and complexity of the
bearer of the staff to forms it forms will
exercise part of her depend on the Art
control over the secondary of its
water, being able to wearer.
shape it at will using
Arcane Mirror
it as a method of
(Notion of Use IV):
defense and attack.
If Ondinas is used to
Any body of water,
channel a Shield
fresh or salty, within
spell, the power of
a radius of 500
the staff permeates
meters is under the
it, giving it a
control of the bearer
translucent appearance with strange
of Ondinas, being able to use it to
indigo-colored geometric runes around
create weapons with damage between
it, in case it comes into contact with
20 and 100, depending on how much
offensive spells it is capable of
water is concentrated in the weapon,
absorbing and redirecting them against
whose critical Varying from Impact,
its target. pitcher. In game terms, if a
Cut, or Thrust depending on their
successful defense is achieved with a
form, these weapons are controlled by
shield channeled through the staff, it
whatever offensive abilities their
can be returned as a kind of
wielder possesses.
Counterattack using the Final Attack
Value reached by the spellcaster by

default. Shields created by the Water Quality: Queen Azazel is
Control ability also benefit from this a +10 quality pendant
power but apply a -40 penalty to Final though her Fortitude is
Attack Value. that of a +15 quality
Defensive Booster (Notion of Use
III): Any Defense Type spell Royal Aura: Any subject
channeled through Undines is who tries to damage the
automatically cast at a higher Tier. wearer must pass a MR
120 or be unable to take
Arcane Reflections: Once the wielder
any action against them.
masters the Water Control and Arcane
The affected person has
Mirror abilities, they are able to create
the right to repeat the Resistance after
small surfaces of crystalline waters,
one hour or every time the wearer
akin to a mirror, with which they can
does something to incur their wrath.
ricochet their offensive or reflected
spells to get advantageous fighting Dark Shield: The wearer of the
positions. In game terms they are able pendant is immune to any dark-based
to use surfaces so that their offensive attacks used by supernatural beings
and reflected spells get flank or back with a gnosis below 30.
depending on placement. Their target
Azazel's Presence (Notion of Use
can sense it if they pass a 120-180
III): Some of the demon queen's
Notice roll (depending on environment
essence is still present in the pendant,
and placement) or if they know what's
allowing its wearer to influence
going on with a 80 to 140 Search
demonic entities. In game terms, any
demonic entity that sees the wearer
Level of Power: 3+ instinctively considers them to be a
third-tier demon.
Presence: 200
Level of Power: 3+
Queen Azazel, supplied by Shiryu
A sinuous pendant created with a small
part of demon queen‟s Azazel's
essence. According to legend, part of
the queen lives in the pendant,
granting the wearer part of her innate

The pendant is currently in the

possession of one of the Messengers of
the End, The First Witch Etheldrea.

Fable: 80 / 180 / 240

Devah Summoner and Succubus Familiar, supplied

by Vivi

name, it will be absorbed by the clock
Saeta Al-Rimal, supplied by Shiryu
and the being will reduce its level by
Saeta Al-Rimal is a powerful two when paying its binding cost.
supernatural artifact of Rak While the being is bound by this
manufacture, created from the Surath method, no other summoner can
of the Al- benefit from the being's True Name
Djinn bonuses.
The Sands of Time (Ritual/Notion
of Use IV): By turning the clock over,
and pronouncing the command word,
the sands of time are activated and
create a bubble around their lord
where time dilates and passes
with the
differently from the outside. While
inside the bubble, the time outside the
essence of
bubble will go faster or slower
the entities, the clock has the ability to
depending on the command word
dilate time around its lord, being able
(Madi for slow and Alan for fast).
to slow down or speed up at will. In
addition, the potent magical energy of With Madi, the time out passes more
the Djinn combined with the Raks slowly, so its user can enjoy five
runes enhances the wearer's arcane rounds for the price of one. With Alan,
power in incredible ways. the time out passes more quickly so
that for the bearer would be an
Fable: 120 / 180 / 240
assault, five would have elapsed
Indestructible: Saeta Al-Rimal outside.
cannot be damaged by beings with a
Unfortunately, while in the time
Gnosis lower than 35.
bubble, the wearer's ability to interact
Rex Arcanum Enhancer: Saeta Al- with the world is severely limited.
Rimal increases the MA of its bearer by While inside it, they are unable to
20 points and doubles its zeonic move more than a meter from their
regeneration. current position (not even using spells
or powers of transportation or other
Power Core: Saeta Al-Rimal can store similar powers would work) or touch
up to 1.000 zeon points inside it and their surroundings. If they tried to do
has 100 extra presence points to store so, they would immediately exit the
any being inside it. loop, losing all boons gained, Zeon
accumulated, and spells prepared. A
The Chains of Nomination: Any
character can cast spells inside the
being bound to the clock reduces its
bubble, as long as they have
level by one when paying its binding
themselves as a target or the
cost. However, if while binding a being
consequences of said spells do not
in Saeta Al-Rimal it whispers their true

affect anyone but themselves. Of considered to always succeed without
course, that doesn't mean that the the need to roll any dice or take into
character can't prepare Soul or Attack account the Fortitude of the object.
spells inside the bubble and cast them Only level 4 or higher supernatural
on the turn they come out of it. artifacts are able to ignore this ability.

The activation of the bubble is an Kundalini (Notion of Use III): Any

active action. After having used one of ki ability, spell, psychic power,
the bubbles, the character must wait invocation, or power used by the
at least one minute before using it Sivah‟s bearer that involves passing a
again. resistance check or destroying the
target increases the resistance to pass
Level of Power: 3+
by 20 points.

Sivah, supplied by Shiryu Trishula: Due to its

connection with the
Sivah is one of the ritual concept of
daggers created by the destruction, the
high priests of an damage done by
ancient religion Sivah is considered
splintered from the sacrificial. Likewise,
Aramean faith known as this damage cannot
the Vedic faith. The be affected by
dagger itself is a powers or effects
masterpiece created that reduce the
with the metal found in damage of attacks.
a meteorite and Lastly, Sivah's
tempered with the blood of various damage directly kills its target when
deities; it was enchanted using part of they go into negative life points. Only
the core of the Aeon of Destruction entities with a Gnosis of 40 or higher
which endowed it with great powers. are able to ignore this ability.

The exact whereabouts of the dagger Level of Power: 3+

are currently unknown, although it is
Attack Attack
believed that it could be in the hands Damage Initiative Str. Req. Type 1 Type 2
of the wise caste of Baho.
60 35 3 THR CUT

Fable: 140 / 180 / 240 Type Special Fortitude Break Presence

Quality: Sivah is a +15 quality dagger Short Arm Precision 40 4 205
capable of damaging any type of entity Special Rules
or being, ignoring any protection it
Bashma, Kundalini and Trishula
may possess.

Bhasma: In the event that it is used

for a Breakage check, Sivah is

regardless of their Gnosis or
Uruz’s Arrows, supplied by Sadrith
immunities. Although this has never
Everyone in the north of the Old been put to the test, beings with
Continent has heard the legends of Gnosis above 40 are likely immune to
Holst and the divine bow that he this effect.
received from the gods. But what
Divine guidance: When shooting one
many people don‟t know is that
of Uruz‟s arrows, it applies the same
together with the
rule as if the spell Perfect
bow, he was gifted
Mark had been casted on it
nine arrows of
in Base degree. If shot
incredible power
using Uruz‟s Gift, it uses
made to draw out the
the rules of Intermediate
full potential of the
degree instead.
bow. These arrows
were said to always Hunter’s mark (Notion
strike their target of Use 2): If one of Uruz‟s
true, and as the arrows cause damage,
arrows of a god of they become stuck in the
hunting, they allowed their user to target and can only be pulled out by
track their prey anywhere it went. the one who shot the arrow, beings
with at least Gnosis 30, or people with
After Holst‟s death the arrows were
Gnosis at least 15 points above their
claimed or stolen by many of the clan
Natura. While the arrow remains stuck
leaders during their disputes about
the shooter will instinctively know its
who would inherit Uruz‟s Gift.
exact location, and of course the
Eventually most of them were either
damage caused by the arrow can‟t be
stolen or lost to time, except one that
healed until it‟s pulled out. This ability
is still today being used by the leader
will lose its effects after seven days
of the Uzuring Clan. Throughout the
have passed. If the arrow was shot
centuries some of the arrows have
using Uruz‟s Gift only the shooter and
reappeared and disappeared again,
beings of Gnosis 40 or above will be
being used by heroes and villains alike,
able to pull them out, and it will take a
but none of the nine arrows has been
whole month for the ability to wear off.
reunited with Uruz‟s Gift since Holst‟s
death. Power Level: 3+

Fable: 140 / 280 / 320 Attack Attack

Damage Initiative Str. Req. Type 1 Type 2

Quality: These are considered 70 - - THR -

discharge arrows with +15 Quality Type Special Fortitude Break Presence
capable of damaging energy.
Ammo - 34 7 170

Divine thrust: When shot with Uruz‟s Special Rules

gift, the arrows gain the ability to Divine Thrust, Divine Guidance and Hunter’s Mark
damage and kill virtually any being

Arcane Artifacts
Claudius, supplied by Shiryu Geàrd (Notion of Use III): If
someone protected by Claudius‟ bearer
Claudius is the second of the legendary
is below a quarter of their life points,
weapons, it is one of the least known
the bearer receives a +50 bonus to
weapons as it was only carried by the
defense against all attacks targeting
first of the Lim Shide, Nerval the
that individual. These defenses don‟t
Defender of the Lost during the first
allow him to counter attack.
centuries of the Age of Chaos.
Neach-dìon nan caillteanach: The
If we pay attention to its legend, its
bearer of Claudius does not suffer any
edge was conceived by the northern
penalty to Defense Ability when
clan not as a weapon to kill but to
making defenses against third parties,
protect all life. For this reason, they
so they always use their full ability.
used a special metal alloy from a
This includes action penalties of all
meteorite to which a tiny frozen part of
kinds, as well as those caused by
the essence of Holly was blown. It
additional defenses, projectile defense,
would be with the wood of this Great
or other special combat situations.
Tree that its handle would be created.
Oir na beatha: Claudius does not
It is currently unknown where Claudius
cause any damage with its attacks,
can be found, although the majority
regardless of the result obtained, the
consensus among occultists is that it
damage will always be 0. On the other
must be found in Nerval's tomb. Where
hand, all its attacks are automatically
is that tomb located? A good question,
considered to have the ability to knock
which no one has been able to answer.
out, using the theoretical damage that

Pairing: Claudius resonates with a it would cause to calculate the

desire to protect others, prevent resistance. This ability is capable of

others from harm, and a strong sense affecting even entities unable to fall

of justice. unconscious or immune to critical.

Fable: 80 / 280 /320 Level of Power: 4

Attack Attack
Quality: Claudius is a quality +20 Damage Initiative Str. Req. Type 1 Type 2
Bastard Sword with the ability to
120 -10 7/9 CUT IMP
damage energy.
Type Special Fortitude Break Presence

Unbreakable: Claudius cannot be Sword/Two- One or Two-

broken by any known method. handed handed 45 13 260

Special Rules
Dìoghaltas: Claudius is able to harm
Unbreakable, Dìoghaltas, Geàrd, Neach-dìon nan caillteanach and
any type of being by ignoring their
Oir na beatha
special immunities.

the entity. When Deireadh's wielder
Deireadh, supplied by Shiryu
has slain 100 life at the right time they
Deireadh, the End of All Life, the Edge gain a special +20 bonus to their
of the Yew, the Widowmaker is the combat skills while using the scythe.
twelfth of the Weapons of Legend. It is
Eòlas: Due to the connection with The
said that it was created to be the
Yew, the bearer of Deireadh is able to
physical representation
sense the life
of the simplest concept
expectancy of living
that The Yew
beings as well as being
embodies; the end.
able to sense where
Made with the wood of
their vulnerable points
one of the roots of The
are. Interestingly, this
Yew itself and with an
ability affects even
alloy that combined
theoretically immortal
Lissandra's tears with
the "metal" of one
ofVerdal's weapons, its Gearr an t-snàthainn:
edge is studded with When Deireadh is used
Lileth runes to to perform a targeted
represent the precepts attack on a vulnerable
of The Yew. spot, it will always auto-
crit regardless of the
It is a large war scythe
amount of actual
of simple appearance
damage it deals.
despite the great work
Against entities without
that it really is. It is unknown what
vulnerable points this ability turns their
happened to the weapon after it was
entire body into a vulnerable point.
carried by Lim Shide Killian.
Contrary to the general rules, this
Pairing: Deireadh resonates with the ability fully affects beings of
desire to end life when the time is accumulation.
Iomall Morrigan: Deireadh is
Fable: 80 / 280 / 320 strongly tied to the spirit world,
existing as a dual nature weapon
Quality: Deireadh is a quality +20 between physical and spiritual. This
scythe capable of damaging energy. It ability allows it to become spiritual at
is capable of harming any kind of will if its wearer ceases to be a
being or entity regardless of their physical entity for any reason or if its
special protections or immunities. wearer so desires. In this way, it can
be used by spirits or similar beings or
Comanachadh leis an iubhair: The
in planes of existence where physical
union of the weapon with The Yew
objects cannot enter. While the
influences its bearer because every
weapon is spiritual, it cannot be
time he takes a life they get closer to

stopped by weapons incapable of protection, and their personal
affecting mystical bodies and can only bodyguard required to be best
be detected by those capable of seeing equipped for that. And that‟s the
spirits (normally the penalty to be purpose behind the bracer, hoping that
applied will be partial blindness but in in combination with the abilities of
case the wielder is also a spiritual their user would allow them to face
entity the penalty increases to total any eventuality. But it seems like civil
blindness). war is an eventuality it didn‟t prepare
Trannsa na gealaich (Ritual): Using
their spirit connection, the wearer of This artifact was recovered 5 years ago
Deireadh can open portals to the spirit by Aren Klocher, and now ex Searcher
world or The Wake during full moon at the service of the Steiner family, in
nights, the nights when the barrier an excavation made in Vithrigo,
between worlds is at its thinnest. To Espheria.
do this, they must be bathed in
Quality: Dorje Manyu is a bracer that
moonlight and recite some verses in
works as light martial arts protections
Lileth to finally tear the space between
of Quality +10, although its Presence
worlds with the scythe while they think
and resistance is considered as if it
about their fate. The portal lasts
had Quality +20.
throughout the night, disappearing
with the first rays of dawn. This ability Psychic Object: The psychic cristal
can be used in reverse to travel to the that runs across Dorje Manyu
physical world. empowers greatly the psychic abilities
of whoever wears it, if they have any.
Level of Power: 4
This gives a +20 to their Psychic
Attack Attack Projection and Psychic Potential, and
Damage Initiative Str. Req. Type 1 Type 2
this increase is also applied to
80 20 5/9 CUT -
maintained psychic powers. Due to the
Type Special Fortitude Break Presence nature of this power, it can‟t be
Pole/Two- One or Two- identified via Magic Appraisal, but it
handed handed 56 10 265
can be detected with Sense Matrices
Special Rules with a Very Difficult (140) check, and
Comanachadh leis an iubhair, Eòlas, Gearr an t-snàthainn, Iomall identified with an Almost Impossible
Morrigan and Trannsa na gealaich (240) check.

Elemental Power: Dorje Manyu has a

very strong elemental nature. Its main
Dorje Manyu, supplied by Kalen purpose is to create an auspicious
environment for the powers of its user,
Dorje Manyu‟s history goes back to the even though it can be used in other
times of the Pahiartha Republic. As ways. This means that the bracer is
any other head of a country, the capable of creating and controlling up
republic's president was in need of to 20 intensities of either heat, cold or

electricity. As a security method to the penalties from covering someone
protect its user against uncontrolled else with supernatural shields, and
activation, it also gives them immunity makes it unnecessary to win the
to 20 intensities of heat, cold and initiative or declare it with anticipation
electricity. in order to use them. A result of
Surprise by initiative still negates your
The Fourth Eye: There's an intricate
ability to use them. This power only
eye drawn in the back of the hand of
works in order to protect the individual
Dorje Manyu, very similar to the third
whose name is written inside the
eye of devah and jayan. This eye
bracer. In order to write the name it‟s
symbolizes the capability that the
necessary a 1 hour ritual that requires
armband gives of sensing any invisible
an Occult check against Very Difficult
attack, never applying the Blind
(140), as well as a belonging, a part
penalty for those. It‟s important to
(as hair, blood or dead skin flakes) or
point that this doesn‟t mean that the
the presence during the ritual of the
bearer can see them for real, but a
one to protect. Once finished the
Notice check against Difficult (120) or
ritual, the name will appear written in
the Stealth of the attacker (if higher
devah on the forearm, or the inside
and attacking from a position of
part of the ring if it is in Hidden Form.
stealth like an Assassin Attack) or the
difficulty of the Concealed Attack will Power Level: 4
reveal the direction from which it came
Twin Bracers
from if it wasn‟t obvious from the
beginning. As it is to be expected, not all
bodyguards from the republic‟s
Hidden Form (Ritual): Turning the
president were psychic. That's why
middle finger protection
Dorje Manyu has a twin artifact with
counterclockwise at least 90º in less
the same name which empowers the
than a round, Dorje Manyu is
magical abilities of the gifted. The one
compressed in a ring of +20 quality
described here is meant to be the right
with the Fourth Eye symbol the next
arm, while the mystical one
round. Doing the opposite motion it
(whereabouts still unknown) is the left
can reverse to its usual form if it was
arm. This counterpart also has the
on a finger (not necessarily the middle
powers of The Fourth Eye, Hidden
one, as it will adapt to the hand of its
Form and Bodyguard. If one were to
user) or a similar surface. When in the
wear both at the same time, the
shape of a ring it cannot create nor
Fourth Eye would grant See
control any intensities with Elemental
Supernatural to the bearer, and
Power, but it becomes completely
Bodyguard would eliminate completely
undetectable as an artifact.
the protective penalties (if both were
Bodyguard (Arcane Ritual): The protecting the same individual).
bearer halves the penalties from Cover
and Step Aside maneuvers, as well as

world it loses all the bonuses granted
Dreamcutter, supplied by Sadrith
by its quality except for its fortitude
Most would not consider the and its base damage is reduced to 20.
Dreamcutter a spear, or even a real
On the other side (Use Notion 3):
weapon, since it is at first glance a
When in a place where the veil
simple wooden stick decorated with a
between the physical world and the
dreamcatcher imitating the tip of a
Wake is particularly fragile, it is
spear. And the truth is that it is usually
possible to open a portal connecting
completely useless for combat.
the two worlds by cutting the air itself
The Dreamcutter was created during with the Dream Cutter. This opening
the War of the Shadow Masters by a closes automatically after one minute.
group of Nightmare Lords who wanted
Cutting ties: The Dreamcutter's
to create the ultimate weapon to take
greatest power and the reason it was
control of Moth's Wake. Although their
so feared by the Nightmare Lords is to
success was absolute, they soon
temporarily sever any being's
turned on each other to gain control of
connection to the Wake. Consequently
the weapon and destroy each other.
any being drawing power from the
Despite the enormous danger that the
Wake must pass an MR check against
Dreamcutter represents for a
200 when taking damage from the
Nightmare Lord, it was not enough for
Dreamcutter or lose all powers it
any of its bearers to rise as absolute
possesses by being in the Wake or in a
lord during the war, and the weapon
particular area of the Wake. This effect
ended up passing from hand to hand,
lasts for a number of hours equivalent
turning its owner simultaneously into
to the level of failure.
the most feared of the Nightmare
Lords and the main target of all the Nightmare destroyer: As an
others, leading to his inevitable defeat. extension of the ability Cutting ties, if
Eventually the weapon fell into the the Dream Cutter damages a being
hands of Malekith, who realizing the whose very existence is part of the
danger that the weapon represented vigil instead of extracting power from
even for him, tried to destroy it it, the being must pass an MR check
immediately, not knowing that with against 200 or suffer an amount of
that act, the only thing he would damage equal to double the level of
achieve is sending the weapon failure.
somewhere far from his reach.
Exorcism: In the physical world an
Fable: 140 / 280 / 440 attack of the Dreamcutter that causes
damage against someone possessed
Quality: While in the Wake the
by a wraith of the Wake will force the
Dreamcutter is considered a Spear of
wraith to pass an MR check against
quality +15. However since its physical
180 or it will be immediately expelled
form is nothing more than a simple
from that body and return to the
wooden decoration in the physical

Dream Spear: Destroying the Dream who led his people against the Blood
Cutter is virtually impossible. If its Sky Nation, King Ariel Ul Del Sylvanus
physical form is destroyed the weapon carried it during his confrontation
will eventually reappear in the dreams against Ghestal Noah Orbatos or
of someone who may desire it. If the General Armin Smith during the War of
one who has been chosen by the spear the Chains between Espheria and
decides to pick it up in the dream he Gabriel.
will wake up holding the weapon in his
Excalibur is recognized in occult circles
hands. Only a being of Gnosis 40 or
as the sharpest weapon in creation as
higher can definitely destroy the
few things can withstand its edge
weapon, if his Gnosis does not come
without breaking. It was forged by the
from his connection to the Wake.
clan of the Northlanders from an alloy
Power Level: 4 of gold and star metal that breathed
part of the core of the essence of the
Attack Attack
Damage Initiative Str. Req. Type 1 Type 2 Aeon Shephirah.
70/20 20/5 4/9 THR -
Avalon was also created using as a
Type Special Fortitude Break Presence base the wood from the Great Apple
One or Two- Tree which was reinforced with the
Pole Throwable 43 8/2 175 alloy used to create Excalibur, which is
Special Rules why it is one of the few things that its
edge cannot break. Avalon was
On the other side, Cutting ties, Nightmare destroyer, Exorcism,
Dream spear
endowed with great defensive powers
to support Excalibur's offensive power.

It is currently
Excalibur & Avalon, unknown where
they can be found,
supplied by Shiryu
but rumors have it
Excalibur and Avalon, the that Sir Michael
holy sword and its scabbard, Xenathos wields an
are both the tenth weapon impossible edged
of legend. Both are weapon charged
recognized as one of the with an inner light.
most popular weapons
Pairing: Excalibur
because since the Lim Shide
and Avalon resonate
Pendragon many have been
with justice, honor,
those who throughout the
and the desire to
centuries have wielded them
stand against evil.
in great deeds to protect
their own or overthrow great Fable: 80 / 240 /
evils. Among the most 320
prominent are the Sun King

Excalibur kilometer, using Excalibur's base
damage plus twice the presence of the
Quality: Excalibur is a Bastard Sword
wielder. This attack is made on the
of quality +20 with the condition of
Energy Table. Once carried out, the
being a sacred weapon and being able
Excalibur bearer suffers a negative of -
to damage energy.
50 to all actions, which recovers at a

Unbreakable: Excalibur cannot be rate of 10 per day. Pendragon can only

broken by any known method. be activated once per day.

Caledfwlch: Excalibur's blade is so Level of Power: 4

sharp that it can cut through metal Attack Attack

Damage Initiative Str. Req. Type 1 Type 2
itself, giving it a +5 bonus to its
breakage. Also, when Excalibur is used 120 -10 7/9 CUT IMP

to make a breakage check, if it is Type Special Fortitude Break Presence

successful the target does not lose a
Sword/ One or Two-
quality grade but is immediately Two-handed handed - 13 260

destroyed. Special Rules

Culhwch (Notion of Use II): When Caledfwlch, Culhwch, Beyond Fantasy and Pendragon

drawn to engage in combat, Excalibur

is capable of exuding a powerful beam
of light to blind it's wearer's enemies. Quality: Avalon is considered a quality
In game terms, when first drawn in +20 sword scabbard with the ability to
combat, it executes the Blinding Flash damage energy.
spell at Intermediate Tier with the
Unbreakable: Avalon cannot be
following differences: Excalibur's light
broken by any known method
only blinds those whom its wearer
considers enemies so their allies are Change Fate: The bearer of Avalon
not affected by it and due to the power only fumbles on a result of “1”.
of the light, even if it is foreseen or the
eyes are covered, no bonus to the PhR Cornwall (Notion of Use III): While
is received. Excalibur is sheathed in Avalon it is
invisible to anyone other than its
Beyond Fantasy: The bearer of bearer. So anyone who engages its
Excalibur treats the results of capicúas bearer applies the partial blind penalty
(11, 22, 33…) directly as open rolls. unless they have the See Supernatural
ability. While Excalibur is sheathed it
Pendragón (Notion of Use IV):
can only attack in Impact Table and
Concentrating all the power of its
reduces it damage by 20 points.
bearer's essence, Excalibur is capable
of generating a powerful beam of light Immunity: The possessor of Avalon is
with which it can easily eradicate unable to bleed to death, catch fire, or
anyone who confronts it. In game be frozen.
terms, this ability functions as a
ranged attack, with a range of up to a

Regeneration: Avalon grants its Fable: 180 / 280 / 440
wearer a Regeneration level of 16.
Quality: Fainaught is considered a
Level of Power: 4 composite bow of +15 quality that
shoots sound waves instead of arrows.
Failnaught, supplied by Sadrith Against general rules, this bonus can
also be applied to offensive magic
Amongst the 13 weapons of legend, projection.
Failnaugh is the most obscure and
unknown amongst them. This is due to Vacuum arrow (Notion of Use 1):
the fact that even The sound waves created by
though it has been the Failnaught have a base
wielded by multiple damage of 60, and do not add
great heroes, its the user‟s Strength bonus to
wielders tend to die in their damage. Due to their
obscurity and are nature, vacuum arrows are
forgotten to time, invisible to anyone who can‟t
overshadowed by far see the supernatural, and
greater heroes of their ignore half of the target‟s
time. Some historians armor and can use either Cut,
even believe that the Thrust or Impact as their
bow carries a curse damage type.
with it that condemns
Instrument: The Failnaught
its user to be forgotten
can also be used as a string
and to never enjoy the
instrument of +15 quality.
rewards for their good
deeds. Ultimate reach: The vacuum
arrows shot by Failnaugh have
The Failnaught is a strange composite
unlimited reach and can pass freely
bow with nine strings that partially
through most solid objects ignoring
resembles an arp, and can in fact be
any cover penalties. The only
used as one. The body of the bow is
exception to this rule is that they can‟t
made with the wood of a sacred birch
go through soundproof surfaces.
tree, and the strings are said to be
hairs of the nine muses. Resonance trap (Notion of Use 4):
When attacking a non magical
While it can‟t properly shoot regular
inanimate object or structure the user
arrows, the sound made by its strings
of Failnaught can choose to place a
can be transformed into powerful
resonance trap instead of making
sound based attacks that can pierce,
damage. During the following 10
slice or crush an enemy.
rounds, if someone touches or attacks
Pairing: Failnaught resonates with the the trapped item or surface it will
spirit of self sacrifice and artistic explode making an area attack with 3
inclinations. meters of radius, 120 Impact damage

and a final attack ability of 280. This the War of God somewhere in the
attack ignores all armor and will also Wake.
cause a Strength Impact with an
Fable: 180 / 280 / 440
attribute of 13. Items of high presence
or affected by aura extension can Quality: Filen is considered a +20
reject the resonance trap by medium shield capable of damaging
succeeding in a PhR check against energy. Contrary to the general rules
140. this bonus also applies to defensive
magic projection.
Use with virgo: If the user has the
Ars Magnus Virgo they can use their Protection of the Ladies of Light:
control over sound to increase by 20 Filen's wearer cannot be damaged by
points the damage of the Vacuum any attack incapable of damaging
arrows. On the other hand, if using energy or that is Light-based. The
Failnaught as an instrument for Virgo attacks of beings with Gnosis 40 or
they can add the bow‟s quality to their above can still damage the wearer, but
attack ability. their final damage is halved.

Power Level: 4 Transcended Body (Use Notion 2):

Attack Attack Filen's wearer increases his PhR, VR
Damage Initiative Str. Req. Type 1 Type 2 and DR by 30 points.
60 -25 7 Var. -
Law of Retaliation( Notion of Use
Type Special Fortitude Break Presence
4): Once per round, when a
Projectile Two-handed 38 12 175 counterattack result is achieved with
Special Rules Filen, the shield can launch a
Vacuum arrow, Instrument, Ultimate reach, Resonance trap concentrated beam of light as a
counterattack. Said beam is
considered a 100 light-based damage
attack on the Energy AT, and
Filen, supplied by Sadrith possesses a predetermined final attack
ability of 240 plus double the
Filen is the most ancient of all the counterattack bonus. The beam has a
treasures of the feeric court. Its range of 100 meters and contrary to
existence dates back to the time of the the general rules applies the
War of Darkness, when the Sylvain counterattack bonus even at a
kingdoms as they would be known for distance. The use of this ability
the next millennia were created. The prevents its user from
seven ladies of light gave this shield as counterattacking with his own attack,
a gift to the first emperor of the but it does not count as an attack
Sylvain as a symbol of the bond action and can be used even if the
between the deities and the Sylvain. wielder has used all his attacks this
turn (but not if they have lost their
Unlike the rest of the treasures, this
action). Of course the use of this
shield was lost centuries ago during

ability is optional, and the user can Since then Filen has been bound to the
choose to use their own attack. elven throne and together with Ul they
have been the mark of the lord of the
Sacred Field (Ritual): Once per day
faerie nation for millennia. As
the shield can create a sanctified area
expected, the shield passed from king
of 20 meters radius around the shield
to king until during the fall of Sylvania
by pinning it to the ground. Any evil or
after Thaumiel's death it fell into the
dark-natured creature within the area
hands of the Templars of Tol Rauko
must pass an PhR vs. 140 every round
who took it to their island to seal it.
or take damage equal to the level of
Fable: 120 / 240 / 320
failure until it leaves the area. The
area will disappear on its own after 7 Quality: Filen is a quality +20 full
hours. shield capable of affecting energy.
Contrary to the general rules, the
Power Level: 4
quality applies to the magical and
Attack Attack psychic projection of its wearer.
Damage Initiative Str. Req. Type 1 Type 2

60 -25 sp. 7 IMP - Natural Ability: Any fighter, even if

they don't have the skill or strength to
Type Special Fortitude Break Presence
use full shields, can wield Filen with
+40 to Parry,
Shield +30 to Dodge 22 8 225 their full defense ability.

Special Rules
Indestructible: Filen cannot be
Protection of the Ladies of Light, Transcended Body, Law of destroyed by any known method.
retaliation, Sacred Field
Aman: The shield bearer is completely
immune to any light-based attacks,
powers, or effects.
Filen, supplied by Shiryu
Amanense C’iel: C'iel‟s power makes
Filen is one of the most legendary the wielder of Filen immune to any
artifacts of the wonders of the elven attack that doesn't damage energy. In
race as well the event
as the that its life
oldest of points are
them all. at half or
According less, C'iel's
to legend, it blessing
was a gift increases
from the its
Lady of effectivene
Light and her seven daughters to the ss, making them immune to any attack
first of the elven kings Ingwë Ul Del that does not damage energy and
Sylvanus to protect him and his people whose presence is not higher than
from all evil. 120.

Sandastan: When the situation calls Although at the beginning it was
for it, the shield bearer can channel carried exclusively by the first witch, it
the raw power of light to enhance their was separated from it several
defensive abilities to the highest centuries ago and has been changing
degree. In game terms, when Filen's from hand to hand ever since.
wielder declares the use of the "Total Currently it is unknown where it is or if
Defense" maneuver they receive no someone carries it.
penalty to his defense ability for
Fable: 80 / 240 / 280
making additional defenses or due to a
combat situation. Quality: Laevatein is considered a
weapon with its own profile, as
Level of Power: 4
reflected at the bottom of this section.
Attack Attack Regardless of its stats, it is considered
Damage Initiative Str. Req. Type 1 Type 2
a quality +20 weapon of a
65 -20 10 IMP -
supernatural nature. Contrary to the
Type Special Fortitude Break Presence general rules, this bonus is also added
+50 to Parry, to the offensive magic projection of
Shield +35 to Dodge 58 9 265
the character using it.
Special Rules

Natural Ability, Indestructible, Aman, Amanense C’iel and

Handling: Laevatein can be used by
Sandastan anyone who knows how to use either a
sword or a spear.

Unbreakable: Laevatein cannot be

Laevatein, supplied by Shiryu broken down in any known way.

Laevatein, the arcane blade, a weapon Maintenance (Notion of Use III):

that allows its wielder to focus the The wielder of the weapon

raw power of magic. Considered may hold a single spell

by many occultists to be the tenth worth no more than 10

weapon of legend created by the Zeon points per round at

Northlander clan, it was actually no cost. In the event that

created on behalf of the first the spell maintained is

witch Etheldrea at the same time from the War Sub-Path,

as Aegis. the Zeon limit becomes 15

The weapon has a strange
appearance because it is halfway Natural Power: The

between a sword and a spear, its bearer of Laevatein can

handle was created by carving use the Natural Magic

the wood of the Yew tree and the theorem with no penalties

best alloys were used for its edge. for having developed
magic pathways.

Rex Arcane Boost (Notion of Use centuries, Olguiol passed from hand to
IV): Laevatein increases the MA of its hand, being carried by some of the
bearer by +20 when channeling spells most illustrious creators of artifacts of
through it and, if it is an Attack-type the various races, such as Gaudemus,
spell, adds the bonus of its bearer's the creator of wonders, or Nhyzra, the
Power characteristic to its damage as a craftswoman of blood.
special bonus.
Fable: 120 / 180 / 280
Arcane Ruin: Laevatein allows
Quality: Olguiol is a quality +15
attacks against the magical pool of
dagger capable of damaging energy.
entities. In game terms, when it
attacks a being its bearer can choose Impeccable: Olguiol never stains, any
to have the damage from its attack sign of dirt is removed by the presence
affect its zeon pool, causing a loss of the dagger.
equal to the damage caused. To use
this ability it is necessary to declare it Indestructible: Olguiol cannot be
before rolling the dice. destroyed by any known method.

Level of Power: 4 Aiónies Flóges (Notion of Use III):

In the event that Olguiol is launched, it
Attack Attack
Damage Initiative Str. Req. Type 1 Type 2 is engulfed in powerful flames,
obtaining the consideration of being a
80 20 4/6 CUT THR
fired projectile that attacks as a
Type Special Fortitude Break Presence
primary critical in Heat and has the
One or Two-
ability "Trail of Destruction".
Sword/Pole Throwable 53 11 260
Calacirya (Notion of Use III):
Special Rules
Olguiol is considered a weapon of a
+20 Offensive Magic Projection, Unbreakable, Handling,
luminous nature capable of
Maintenance, Natural Power, Rex Arcane Boost and Arcane Ruin.
exterminating any kind of darkness.
Apart from the intrinsic benefits of its
nature, its bearer is capable of
Olguiol, supplied by Shiryu naturally casting the spell "Destruction
of Shadows" at an Intermediate tier,
Olguiol is a curious maintaining it
supernatural artifact for as many
created by one of rounds as the
the northern clan's Power
blacksmiths as a characteristic
kind of blank canvas of its bearer.
on which any This last ability
master over time has no usage
could leave their limit, although
mark. Thus, it is necessary
throughout the

to wait at least 1 minute between barriers, and is able to use the New
uses. Memories ability.

Qon Ichuvchi (Notion of Use III): Level of Power: 4 (Potentially 5)

Olguiol can feed on the life essence of
Attack Attack
its enemies, revitalizing their wearers. Damage Initiative Str. Req. Type 1 Type 2
When dealing damage, Olguiol forces a 60 35 3 THR CUT
MR check against 140 or the target will
Type Special Fortitude Break Presence
lose as many life points as the failure
level, which will be drained by its Short Precision 40 4 300
bearer. In addition, any attack that
Special Rules
produces damage caused by the
Impeccable, Indestructible, Aiónies Flóges, Calacirya, Tamashī no
dagger always causes bleeding.
me, New Memories and Bonding.

Tamashī no me (Notion of Use

III): Olguiol allows its wearer to see
with total clarity any type of spiritual Walleria, supplied by Kalen
entity. Likewise, the dagger is capable
of perceiving the proximity of any door The exact origin of Walleria is not
or portal to the Vigil or to other known, nor is it even if that is its real
existential planes, beginning to vibrate name, since it has received many
stronger and stronger the closer it is to throughout history. Some speculate
it. that it is the work of Gaudemus, but
there are records of its use that
New Memories: Olguiol has a special
precede it. Others theorize that it
reserve of presence to add new
could be the Wake's reflection of a real
powers. This process only allows its
object that has long since disappeared,
current bonded wielder to add a new
but the impact it created on people
power. Contrary to the general rules,
was enough to shape it where the
this presence can exceed the
unconscious comes to life. The truth is
maximum presence limit. Currently
something we may never discover.
there are 100 points of presence of
said reserve. Walleria has had a long list of carriers,
and we probably will never know the
Bonding: Olguiol possesses some
full list. Several records speak of
sentience and is able to sense its
simultaneous carriers, although it is
wearer's abilities. If it detects that he
not surprising knowing its powers.
is a master craftsman, if they have at
Perhaps one of the most famous
least 200 in any of the creative skills
owners in recent times was Sylwia
(with the exception of dance and
Adamski, a Knight of the 5th Heaven
sleight of hand), they will proceed to
who served during the reign of
bond with them until their death. While
Baldemar Giovanni, and was
it is bound, the wearer of it is able to
nicknamed The Angel of Steel because
vaguely sense where the dagger is, as
her Aries resembled wings.
long as it is not behind supernatural

Its actual carrier is unknown, and so it based on the level of the current
is the purpose they may be using it bound (or last, if there isn't a new one
for. yet). At level 0 a bound cannot
maintain the existence of more than 2
Quality: In its regular form Walleria is
Wallerias, and every level above 0
a longsword of Quality +10 capable of
they are capable of maintaining 2
damaging energy.
more. If there existed more

Bonding: Although Wallera than what the new bound

can be wielded by multiple could maintain, unable to

people simultaneously, the decide which ones should

sword only recognizes one disappear, all those that

person as its owner, capable aren‟t within the creation area

of controlling its powers. of the bound do so. If there

However, the way to get are still too many, all the ones

recognized is quite simple, in the bound isn‟t wielding at the

theory: Be the first person to time of bonding are gone.

wield it in combat when it's
If one of the instances breaks,
not attached to anyone.
it just disappears and a new

There are only three ways to one can be created.

break Walleria's bond. The
If the bound chooses to create
first is for the bound to use
the copies directly in his
the Veras (Break Bonds)
hands, he does not suffer the
ritual. The second is when the
Draw penalty when using
bound dies. The third is for
them that round.
the bound to cross the Barrier
without taking Walleria with If the bonded crosses the
them. Barrier with at least one
Walleria instance, all Walleria
Multiplication: Responding
instances that didn't travel
to the bound‟s will, Walleria is
with it are undone.
capable of manifesting copies
of herself up to a distance of Chain: If the bound has at
5m from the bound. These least 10 instances of Walleria
copies are in all respects the within 8m, as a passive action
real Walleria and retain all of he can automatically create a
Walleria's powers. They do not have a chain that joins them all and passes
limited duration. through his clothes, allowing them to
be used as a +10 Quality Aries if he is
Creating a copy is a passive action,
able to use that Impossible Weapon.
and the bound can create as many as
This Aries applies the Draw penalty on
they want at once, but there is a limit
the round it is created.
to the number of instances of Walleria
that can exist anywhere in the world

Ophiuchus: If an Ophiuchus user is creature's level plus two additional
bound with Walleria and makes the ones while the creature has Gnosis 30
binding ritual of Ophiuchus with it, by or less, and requires the creature to be
just binding one instance of Walleria, inside the circle they form around it at
they can use as many instances as it all times (nothing prevents the
takes to meet the 10 required by the creature trying to escape, so it is
Impossible Weapon. common to need the help of others to
keep it inside). If the creature to be
Undo: The bound has two ways to
sealed has Gnosis 35, it is necessary
make Walleria instances disappear.
to use all the swords in the ritual.
The first and easiest one lets you undo
any number of them (as long as there Alternatively the swords can be used in
is at least one left) with a passive a binding ritual. The same number of
action. The second and more swords is still required and the
dangerous is to use an active action to creature must be sealed in one of
set off any number of them (as long as them, but there is no limit to the
there is at least one left). When a creature's level and the ritual lasts as
Walleria explodes, it does so by long as the ritualist deems necessary,
creating the equivalent of a Base gaining a +40 on their Bind check. If
Grade Fire Mine spell centered on it. all swords are used, it is possible to
use Bind on a Gnosis 35 creature.
No instance of Walleria can explode in
the same round it is created, and if it If a Walleria breaks, disappears, or
does explode, its hole cannot be filled explodes while it has a creature sealed
until the next round. inside it, the creature will reappear in
the place the Walleria was the next
If the explosion areas of two or more
round, in the same state it was in
Wallerias overlap at any point, they
when it was sealed inside.
generate a single explosion centered
midway between them and adding As long as a Walleria has a sealed
their radii. creature inside it, both its presence
and toughness are as if it had Quality
Seal the Peril (Arcane Ritual):
+20, and it doesn't automatically
There are things a hero cannot remove
disappear if the new bound isn't able
forever. Walleria can't fix that
to hold all the Wallerias. If the newly
problem, but it does allow you to do
bonded is unable to hold all Wallerias
the next best thing. By performing a
that have creatures, they fall apart
ritual with a duration of 1 hour per
until as many as they can hold remain
level of the creature, you can seal it
in the following order of priority: The
indefinitely within a sword. It is not
lowest Gnosis creature is freed first;
necessary for the bonded one to
with equal Gnosis, the lowest level
perform the ritual, but it is not possible
creature is freed first; at equal level,
to seal anything that is more than 2
the creature with the lowest Power is
levels above him. The ritual requires
released; if all these factors are tied,
the use of as many swords as the

the priority order is randomly Resistance: Valknut is considered a
determined. +15 quality artifact when counting his
Presence and Fortitude.
If a bonded were to undo a Walleria
with a creature inside, they would feel Bonding: When someone wants to
a chill relative to the difference in use Valknut's powers, they must bond
power they had from the creature, with the rune, offering it part of their
even if they had psychological life to seal the process. In game
immunity. By holding the sword and terms, whoever wants to link with the
concentrating for a round, he can learn rune must sacrifice 10 years of their
the true name of the creature sealed life expectancy in exchange for when
to it, if it has one. their soul dies it will be
collected by one of the
Power Level: 4
three goddesses
preventing it from being
Valknut, supplied by Shiryu affected by necromantic
effects. Immortal entities
Valknut is an archaic
cannot benefit from
expression of the Arkes
Valknut's powers. Entities
that comes to mean the
that are linked to the
union between the fallen soldiers and
Fates ignore this payment.
their ascension to the heavens, whose
runic representation has been Connection with Death (Notion of
associated with the goddesses of Use III): Because it is a physical
destiny. representation of death, the rune's
most basic ability is to hasten the end
According to legend, during the Aityr's
of things. Valknut has a reserve of 10
war against the monstrous sons of
points that can be used to increase the
Jera, Pertho physically manifested this
critical level by +20 per point invested.
rune to use its connection to the Fates
These points are regenerated in two
as a weapon to decimate the enemy's
ways, the first is when the bearer kills
ranks. At the end of the war, the rune
a being, recovering 1 point, or if the
was left in the care of mortals as a
bearer sacrifices more years of life
kind of last line of defense to be used
expectancy, they can recover 1 point
against great evils. The priests of
for each year sacrificed. If carried by
Pertho created a waking fortress
an entity related to the Fates, the rune
known as Hrungnir where they
regenerates 1 point per hour.
protected the rune until it was needed.
One with death: In addition to
Visually, the rune is a massification of
damaging any kind of being, the
energy that is linked to the body of its
wearer of the rune ignores any barriers
bearer while its powers are used.
or damage reduction their opponents
Fable: 80 / 180 / 280 might have, including any special

Einherjar (Notion of Use V): all their Life Points intact (although
Valknut can be used to temporarily they maintain the same levels of Zeon,
return the souls of the fallen to the Ki and CVs that they had at the time of
battlefield. The spirits must be close to death). If they don't exist instead,
the bearer of the rune (less than 50 they rise as material spirits, immune
meters from them), maintain the to non-energy based attacks, but
combative spirit, and their souls must without Zeon, Ki, or CVs. The dead
still be waiting for The Calling. If these remain standing until the combat
conditions are met, the dead rise to ends, unless, of course, they are
fight at the rune-bearer's side, though destroyed again.
they will continue to possess their
Level of Power: 4+
personalities; so they would never do
things that they would never have
done in life. If their bodies are still
close and in good condition, the souls
will temporarily join them, rising with

information in the form of vision.
Omega Level Fable: 180 / 320 / 560

The World: Once activated the Map

The Map of Creation, supplied by shows a realistic copy of the planet in
Shiryu real time. With a simple thought the
Navigator can select an area to zoom
It is difficult to talk about the artifact
in for a more detailed view. In this
that, for lack of a proper name, has
way, it would be possible to obtain a
been known as The Map of Creation.
street view of the city or even be able
Its existence is always used in myths
to access and move around the interior
and legends, as something more
of a building. With this ability, even
typical of man's imagination than as
protected places behind supernatural
something real. However, it exists.
walls can be observed, only the most
Its name comes from the fact that its powerful ones (those equivalent to
main ability is to show a kind of "map" artifacts of level 4 and above) prevent
in real time of the entire planet as well their access. This ability also allows
as any of the surrounding planes of the Navigator to observe the various
existence. Although the artifact has planes of existence, so if they wanted
been briefly mentioned throughout to they could observe the Wake of an
history by occultists, entelechies and area. This ability also allows one to
even deities, the truth is that the observe the dimensions of pockets
largest record of it comes from the created by entities of high Gnosis,
period known as the birth of Gaia although it begins to offer an
when a king already forgotten he used increasingly blurred view from the
it to build a powerful kingdom with dimensions created by beings of
which he aspired to contain all the Gnosis 40.
riches of the world. After the fall of the
The Flow Record: The Navigator can
kingdom the map was lost resurfacing
select an area, city, building, object or
from time to time in other kingdoms or
being to obtain information about it.
in the hands of notable individuals, its
The information obtained is a true
last recorded appearance was some
record of the target's history, showing
two thousand years ago in the court of
it divided into several fields that vary
the duk'zarist queen Andromeda on
depending on the target. For example,
Lunaris but no one has very clear
if a City were chosen, fields such as
where he can be now.
History, Population, Main
It is no exaggeration to say that the Characteristics, etc… would appear,
Map is one of the most powerful while if a being was chosen, the fields
artifacts in the world, seen by some as would be History, State, Main
the holy grail of information, as its Capabilities, etc. However, targets with
very essence allows it to "connect" to an excessive Presence or with very
the flow of souls and replicate high Gnosis (Natura +15 and Gnosis
40 or higher) are affected to a lesser

degree by this ability, showing
only partial or summary

Indestructible: There is nothing

capable of destroying The Map of
Creation. Although theoretically, a
being with Gnosis 50 could be
capable of it.

All roads lead to...: The

Navigator can create links
between zones in the form of portals.
These portals can be anywhere from
Small to Gigantic in size, and can be
kept open for as long as the Navigator
wishes. If used to drag someone from
one area to another, they function as a
Level 80 trap specialized in
Concealment. These portals are
subject to the same rules that appear
in “The World”.

Level of Power: 5+

Exemplary Supernatural
Uncategorized Conductor: The user is always
assumed to have the greatest material
Artifacts and equipment of any of the methods
for manufacturing artifacts that exist
This is a compilation of artifacts which thanks to the forge. Furthermore, the
do not comply with standard Power user can use all of the stored Zeon for
Level organisation. personal spells and rituals because to
the forge's supernatural conductivity.
Abyssal Forge And
Divine Forge: This massive square-
Erebuscene, The Inverted sized forge counts as exceptional
equipment for the fabrication of any
Pentacle City, supplied by Meseguis equipment in the game; but, if the
thing to be forged is not supernatural,
The abyssal forge is a massive
it will be regarded unholy in nature
reservoir of dark energy linked to
and capable of hurting energy. The
Erebus Shajad. Its massive structure
complexity of the material to be
stands in the midst of the occult city of
utilized will not be taken into account
Erebuscene, the inverted star-shaped
when determining the final roll.
metropolis, with its malevolent grin
Additionally, the forge's evil energies
occupying the central square.
augment the creation powers of any

spells or abilities that forge weapons, want to leave it for the morning? Well,
resulting in any weapons that‟s why you need this, my friend!
manufactured by spells, abilities, or Step right up! Step up and see the
psychic powers being boosted by one magical little device that will solve all
degree, unless they contain light or of these problems and more! That‟s
holy qualities. The technique and all of right, even you can have a
its effects are deemed forced in the Summoner‟s Stress Ball my friend.
case of Ki weapons. Just one ball in your pocket, and all
your stress just melts away.
Sinful Gluttony: Any being whose
body enters the forge's maw will be Squeeze it!: With naught but a simple
converted into material and energy in squeeze, the Stress Ball releases a
order to keep it burning eternally, any cloud of positive pheromones. This
creature whose body enters the forge gives the Summoner a bonus of +100
must pass a PhR check against 220 or to Persuasion attempts with Beings
be transmuted into Zeon and PP (How Between Worlds.
much is left to the gamemaster‟s
Grab it!: Sometimes, the best form of
decision, usually the higher power the
persuasion is a distraction. Make sure
more Zeon and higher level PPs you
you shout “CATCH!” before throwing
can store). The forge can store 1500
this, because if your new-summoned
Zeon, 300 level 1 PPs, 200 level 2 PPs,
friend touches this after you do, it‟ll
and 150 level 3 PPs as a general rule.
need to pass an MR check of 140 or
Deicide: Even the simplest weapon or suffer a dread Fascination with your
artifact forged by this eldritch forge is Stress Ball.
capable of harming any creature in
Grasp it!: Hold tight, because you‟re
existence allowing the wielder to
going to be running at super speeds!
ignore all restrictions or requirements
You know what they say, if you can‟t
of gnosis, nature and derivatives, a
talk to „em, your best bet is to run
single broken dagger can kill a god.
faster than the fat kid. And you‟ll be
doing just that with a +3 to your
Summoner’s Stress Ball,
Movement Value.
supplied by Tyr
Clutch it!: For when all else fails, the
Do you find yourself at odds with the
Stress Ball holds up to 2000 points of
vicious, man-eating monstrosity that
Zeon to fuel your Banishing, Binding,
you just called up from the seventh
or Summoning something else to cover
layer of Hell? Are you unable to lose
your back!
yet another limb to a
misunderstanding between yourself
and the Black Chimera of Farkesh?
Perhaps you‟re just tired of needing to
Banish your child‟s latest
incomprehensible horror, and just

moonlight, the wearer can manifest
Black Raven Feather Armor,
crow wings from the back of the armor
supplied by Meseguis
to glide with them, allowing him to
This armor is worn by the most glide through the air with half his
efficient Corvos in their profession movement type as long as there is
since it is a guild secret that has been enough height to do so. In addition, if
passed down through the generations necessary, the user can apply their
and should not be entrusted to anyone agility bonus to an attack.
outside of the guild.
Memento Mortis, supplied by Shiryu
Protective Plumage: This +10
quality quilted armor is made of A crystallized fragment of a memory
feathers from a nearly extinct race of that manifests in the Wake when a
giant ravens that were once used as person of high gnosis dies. The more
messengers in the Vetala empire. Due shocking death, or gnosis, the more
to the disproportionate size of these supernatural power it will possess.
feathers, whenever the wearer of the
 Minor Crystal: 30 to 70 PP
armor falls from a height, the stunt
Level 2 depending on its purity.
control to break the fall is reduced by
 Intermediate Crystal: 80 to
one level.
120 PP Level 2 depending on its
Hidden Among the Spirits: Due to purity.
the supernatural qualities of the crows  Greater Crystal: 30 to 70 PP
with which this armor was created, Level 3 depending on its purity.
neither the wearer nor the objects that  Thanatos Crystal: 80 to 120
the wearer has with them have a PP Level 3 depending on its
reflection on the Wake; additionally, if purity.
the spirits see the wearer, they will
believe that it is one of their own; if
they decide to carry out any type of
detection to investigate further, the
user can add +80 to their resistances
to falsify the detection as they please;
however, this does not apply if the
wearer behaves in a suspicious way. If
the wearer is drawn into or ejected
from the Wake, they can increase their
resistances by +40 to avoid it.

Cloaked by the Night: During the

time between twilight and dawn, the
wearer merges with the night, gaining
+40 to Stealth and Hide. If the wearer
is also partially or completely bathed in

unless the user is a Meseguis
Al-’Adb, supplied by Meseguis
incarnation on the world, so at least it
"If heaven remains silent, I'll make the should have 100 Elan).
angels weep as they sing her name."
Indestructible: No power on Gaïa can
The Sword of Angra Mainyu is a damage the sword in any kind of way.
scimitar bestowed by Meseguis Shajad
God killer: The user ignores gnosis
upon one of the first Kushistan‟s
requisites to damage entities of
princes. The sword is a shard of the
greater gnosis and or natura than
prince's unfathomable hatred for the
itself. Additionally, anyone killed by
ebudans who betrayed his trust, to the
this sword will have its soul uncreated
point that he personally executed
from existence.
almost a hundred of them, as well as
any other ebudan who died at the Empower: The sword has different
hands of his warriors. The prince's powers depending on its user for the
name has long been forgotten as a punishment one wishes to inflict upon
result of the evil he brought to the their enemies varies from one person
earth; he is only known as "The Prince to another, however all of its powers
who betrayed Jihamat" to this very will be able to kill hundreds, kill god-
day. like individuals and empower the user
in ways no one could ever imagine.
The sword was lost during the fourth
war in the shadows by an unknown Whispers from below: The sword
person, however it was retrieved by whispers to its user from time to time,
Meseguis Shajad agents after the war speaking in weird patterns, using
and used again during the Rupture of unintelligible words and sometimes
the Heavens where it would be seen even in non-human languages. Even
for the last time before the heavens The Prince ignores the source of the
fell silent. whispering, whether they are the cries
of anyone that cries for vengeance,
Al-‟Adb is the name of the scimitar, a
the sword being sentient or the inner
sword so old that seems to predate
thoughts of the Lady of Sorrow it's
even the first sultans making the
legend almost impossible to believe.
that not one of
Dark Communion: This sword it's its users has
only useful in the hands of vengeful been able to
and resented people, anyone that is determine.
considered too pure won‟t be able to
cut a single wool thread. The more
synchronized with Meseguis the user is
the more quality will have the blade
from 0 up to +20, however a pure
person will use it as if it was a -10
(The +20 quality shall not be given

other artifacts disappeared nowhere to
The Weapons of Samsara,
be found.
supplied by Meseguis
Long time ago, an unknown blacksmith
received an unusual request to forge a The first weapon the blacksmith forged
weapon for each of the planes of the was a kiseru that based its structure
Samsara. The blacksmith could not on a physical fragment of naraku
refuse the request since the request letting the user use the filthy vapors of
came from four samurai, so he that plane to its advantage.
complied. However the day before
delivering the gruesome artifacts he Demonic: This weapon is able to

prayed to the gods for a miracle to damage energy since it feeds from the

happen and soon a fine slate of energy of another plane, also its

incandescent iron bathed in a golden quality is usually +5 but depending on

glow appeared in front of him. The how weak the membrane between the

next day the four samurai died without realms is it can go up to +10. Its

a single mark on their bodies and the damage it‟s considered unholy.

Unholy Mix: The kiseru doesn't need at least three turns aiming to the same
tobacco in order to function properly, objective.
the usual taste it's just an an acidic
God Hunter: The supernatural
mix of miasma and unrefined tobacco
strength of this bow lets it destroy
however for anyone else not holding
thick walls such as those on castles
the kiseru it‟s a powerful corrosive
when the rule above is applied,
venom that requires a Venom
additionally if it directly strikes an
Resistance against 80 up to 140
enemy without slowing down crashing
depending on the time of exposition to
on covers then a +50 to the final
the smoke or suffer damage equal to
critical its applied.
double the level of fail.

Great Devourer: Anytime the user

Feed of their Pain: Anytime the user
kills a living being using this bow it can
strikes at melee range someone with
recover vitality points equal to their
the kiseru it will gain a +20 total
constitution characteristic multiplied by
damage bonus.
Smoke Binding: Once per turn the
user can spend 3 ki points to catch an
enemy solidifying the smoke around it, The third weapon was a set of claws
that way it can use a predetermined forged with the essence of the void
strength of 10 to trap their opponent itself, the same hunger that drives the
from a distance. However this effect spirits insane is infused in this weapon
can only persist as long as the user is to such a degree it drives its user mad
still smoking and spending 1 ki point too.
per turn. Of course this benefits from
“Unholy Mix”. Demonic: These weapons are able to
damage energy since it feeds from the
Tyryagnyoni-gati energy of another plane, also its
quality is usually +5 but depending on
The second weapon forged was a
how weak the membrane between the
Daikyu made with the bones of
realms is it can go up to +10. Its
legendary beasts granting it a
damage is considered unholy.
fearsome power.
Eternal thirst: The user is bound to
Demonic: This weapon is able to
satiate the weapon‟s thirst for blood
damage energy since it feeds from the
for all eternity. Every day the user
energy of another plane, also its
must at least double the kill count of
quality is usually +5 but depending on
the day before, if the user is unable to
how weak the membrane between the
do so the weapon will start to corrupt
realms is it can go up to +10. Its
quickly, corrupt it and rendering the
damage is considered unholy.
user insane.
Abnormal Strength: This weapon
Massacre: The user can attack up to
triples the range it has and doubles
three times in a row and start applying
the damage as long as the user spends

penalties once the fourth attack is someone is killed with more presence
rolled. or the time has passed.

Great devourer: Anytime the user God Killer: This weapon ignores
kills a living being using this bow it can gnosis requirements to damage
recover vitality points equal to their creatures of high gnosis.
constitution characteristic multiplied by

The weapon provided by the kami to

Consume: Each time the user causes
stop these incarnations of hell was
a critical strike instead of causing
none other than a set of blessed
damage it can absorb zeonic energy or
needles (Capricornius).
ki points equal to the damage dealt on
that strike. Gifted by the Gods: These needles
are a set of 100 capable of damaging
energy and +15 quality. Its damage is
This nodachi is the last one of the set, considered holy.
a weapon so vile and destructive it is
Ritual of Sealing: When a creature is
considered a gate to naraku itself.
completely paralized by it, it becomes
Demonic: This weapon is able to sealed, the user can force the creature
damage energy since it feeds from the to reside inside objects that are
energy of another plane, also its capable of holding its presence. A
quality is usually +10 but depending creature can only try and escape its
on how weak the membrane between prison once per day by overcoming a
the realms is it can go up to +15. Its magical resistance check against 200
damage is considered unholy. that degrades by 20 points per day
until it disappears or the creature
Portal to Hell: The person holding
breaks free. However, the user can
this weapon has a +100 bonus to any
cover the object with its needles to
summoning control related to
negate the escape and substitute the
creatures of any of the hells and
daily check for a yearly check with the
ignores gnosis requirements of said
same rules. The needles can also close
any kind of Samsara‟s gates or seal its

Soul Fuel: This weapon has the artifacts powers by the same means.
capability of using souls to fuel its
Evil Vanquisher: The user has a
summoning capabilities. Every time
bonus of +100 to unsummon any
the user kills someone it adds a bonus
creature from the hells and can ignore
equal to half of its presence to its
gnosis for any unsummon, however
summoning abilities equal to the
this only works with the full set of 100
characteristic of power of the person
needles on its power.
killed in turns. The soul will be
replaced for a new one each time

use any of their archetypical powers
The Weapons of Seasons,
and skills while keeping knowledge and
supplied by Meseguis
capabilities of the user‟s original form.
All of the weapons exposed here follow
Sköll, the Sun Devourer
these rules:

Variable quality: Depending on

the season these weapons change
quality from +10 on the opposite
season, +15 on the other two and
finally +20 on the season
associated with their aeon.
Needless to say they all are
material weapons that can damage

Incorruptible: It doesn‟t matter

what kind of power tries to get a
hold of them, they cannot be
corrupted by any kind of power in Sköll is a +20 spear owned by
existence except those similar to Fimbulvetr the never ending winter
shajads and beryls. aeon. It is said in legends that it can
blot out the sun forever and plunge
Indestructible: Only entities of
the world into the cold and darkness of
gnosis 40 and above can damage or
an eternal winter. It represents the
destroy these weapons. Except for
most brutal winter, the terrible and
Hyperion, which is completely immune
freezing touch of death and also the
to every attempt to destroy it.
stillness and serenity of the deepest

Summonable: These weapons can be silence. A legend says that it was

summoned or banished at will by the forged with the first frozen breath of

aeons as they are synchronized with the very first winter the world ever

their weapons. experienced making it almost as old as

Season’s blessing: By holding these
weapons, anyone is capable of Kalt faðmlag / Cold embrace: This

summoning any low and medium weapon can attack with cold as its

elemental creatures associated with primary source of damage without any

their respectives seasons or any of its kind of penalty. If the opponent was
aspects. The creatures will obey the frozen partially or fully the attack

user but won‟t risk their lives, however against it will cause an automatic

they are compelled to follow any other critical strike with a +50 to the critical

kind of order that doesn‟t put them in level since it shatters the very ice in

such a risk. Additionally the user will which the body is contained.
be able to morph into any of them and

Ís blessun / Ice blessing: Sköll lets low visibility. This effect will instantly
its user use its attack and defense disappear when the spear is destroyed
skills as magic projection benefitting or retrieved from the ground.
from the quality bonus of Sköll too.
Fimbulvetr / Never Ending Winter:
Boðberi Vetrarins / Winter’s If something happened to the Council
Herald: In case the user throws the of the Seasons and Fimbulvetr were to
spear inside a zone full of snow or ice assume full control of it, Sköll would
the spear will not have any limit to its be put inside the pillar of change until
reach until it somehow exits the frozen a new council could be established,
place, meaning that it can be thrown plunging the world into a true never
even across continents as long as they ending winter until then.
are frozen or affected by snow without
Imbolc, The Lightbringer
losing power.

Imbolc is a +20 long bow associated

Sekúndu um alla eilífð / A second
with Ostara, the
for all eternity: Anything that comes
aeon of spring.
in touch with Sköll must perform a
The ender of
Physical Resistance check against 180
darkness, the
or else it will be frozen immediately for
bearer of the
all eternity, only being able to repeat
flame and the
the check once each century.
revitalizer…. Such
However, Fimbulvetr can choose who
names are often
is affected by this property.
associated with
Neytandi Sólarinnar / Devourer of this bow for its
the Sun (Ritual): If Sköll sinks into capabilities of
the ground it will fuel an enormous bringing back life
blizzard that freezes anything it to the world. A
touches. First it will start as a violent legend says that it was forged with
snowstorm or hail in a 500 kilometers branches of the original Lilium trees.
zone, however it will keep expanding
Übernatürliches Holz / Super
until it reaches a maximum area of
natural wood: The user can use
5.000 Kilometers of diameter.
Imbolc using its magic projection as if
Anything stuck in the storm will need
it had developed attack ability and
to pass a Physical Resistance check
defense ability applying the quality
against 140 each hour it passes inside
bonus to it too.
the blizzard or else it will be
completely frozen causing complete Himmel lichter / Sky lighter: As
paralysis and subsequently death in a long as the bow is surrounded by
couple of hours. Any creature stuck nature Imbolc is capable of firing an
inside it will have a penalty of -120 to infinite amount of fiery arrows of
all orientation and perceptive checks whichever kind the user wants to use.
as long as they are inside due to the These arrows share the same quality

modifier as Imbolc but if it's not of the world itself multiplying all of her
surrounded by nature it will lose 20 regenerations by four during a whole
damage or in case the user finds itself week. However by doing this she
on a desert or a wasteland it will lose enters a state of slumber and the only
40. information she will be able to receive
would come from the biggest forests of
Zorn der Natur / Nature’s Wrath:
the world and only areas less damaged
All of the arrows fired from Imbolc will
or corrupted.
be able to cross whole forests and
other places full of plants and animals. Hyperion, He Who Goes Before
The user will not have any penalty for
Hyperion is the +20 longsword
firing with nature blocking the path of
associated with Magec, the actual aeon
the attack, the arrow will always find a
of summer. Legends say that this
way to hit its target even if it must
weapon is the one who chooses who
pass through water. That also means
will become the next aeon of summer,
the arrows have no limit of reach as
transforming its user into a suitable
long as they are surrounded by nature,
and powerful warrior before becoming
meaning that they can travel from one
the next aeon of summer. Another
continent to another in a single shot.
peculiar behavior of this sword is that
Kometenregen / Comet Shower: it doesn‟t have any power of its own,
The user can sacrifice all of its actions rather it has been inheriting the skills
to perform an AOE attack per action of all of the other summer aeons up
sacrificed. This attack follows the same until now.
rules as Himmel Lichter and Zorn der
Natur. The user fires an arrow that
explodes in the air dividing itself in
hundreds of fire balls descending from
the sky. For every action sacrificed the
user can project an attack of 500
meters of diameter with the same
damage of its arrows, the user can
choose to use all of its adicional
attacks on the same spot or any other
place without applying the penalty for
choosing a different target. This power
can only be used once per hour.

Welt Wurzel / World’s root

(Ritual): Ostara can surround herself
with the roots of the trees and plants
creating a protective cocoon and
submerging herself underground, by
doing this she connects with the roots

Sol Invictus: The user is completely see his actions is inspired to fight thus
immune to any kind of altered state granting the user a base 180 (Or a
destined to weaken him, even ignoring +40 bonus in case those skills were
gnosis 40 or more entities. already developed above 180) to
persuasion and leadership and anyone
Atem, the Eternal: Whenever
who fights alongside him a +40 to all
Hyperion chooses a suitable warrior he
resistances against effects such as fear
will reach gnosis 35 with all of its
or any other altered state that stops
benefits except for the immortality
them to keep fighting.
that goes with it, however its life span
will be greatly expanded such as to Mithras, the Merciless: Hyperion,
last eons. Additionally, some of the besides basing its attacks in heat has
memories of the other summer aeons the property of causing a drought of
will flow into his mind meaning that it the soul, once the blade impacts on a
will be able to learn or train skills as if living being all of its resources,
it had a master instructor teaching whether they are vitality points, Ki
him. points or Zeon will recover at a
sacrifice rate if a Physical Resistance
Apollo, the Radiant: Hyperion is a
check against 200 is failed, the effect
reserve of 40 Ki points that recharge
will persists for a day by each level of
every single dawn. The user can pay
failure or until everything has fully
any cost using this source directly
without needing to absorb the Ki in it
since this weapon is part of its soul. Asu n Magec / Triunfo Del Sol /
Sol’s Triumph (Ritual): This ritual
Huitzilopochtli, the Wrathful:
represents Magec‟s ascension to
During the day the user adds 3 points
becoming the summer aeon and herald
to each physical characteristic with all
of the sun. Magec rises his sword up to
of its benefits each time it enters
the sky which then begins to glow until
combat and only loses it whenever the
is almost impossible to see then, the
combat ends.
glow suddenly stops as the sun begins

Surya, the Fleeting: As long as there to rise anew. The whole world bathes

is a single visible star in the sky the in a majestic and warm solar glow that

user can instantly travel to any place covers the entirety of Gaïa, destroying

in their sight as a passive action, every shadow, even those of

however is not a teleport, the user supernatural kind, every creature

simply transforms into pure light and based on darkness must pass a

accelerates until they reach the place. Physical Resistance check against 180

If the passive action wasn‟t used on a for each of the twelve minutes that
turn the user can use it to gain a +100 this effect lasts or else lose two times

dodge against any kind of AOE attack. the vitality points for each level of
failure. Only creatures above gnosis 35
Leo, the King: The user is a divine are exempt from the effects of this
ruler, anyone who hears his words or ritual.

Dawn and Dusk (Ritual): Each time Alruwh hisada / Soul Reaper:
the aeon of summer feels that it's their Anytime an spirit or an undead is in
time to go or that is about to fall in contact with Tammuz they must pass a
combat, they recite a quote, then Magical Resistance check against 180
Hyperion falls to Gaïa or any of the or else be put to rest for eternity.
hells in search of a suitable warrior.
Nisf qamar / Crescent Moon: In
“I am the summer, the arid wind and scythe form the user is capable of
the heat, the light of the sun, the attacking up to twenty targets at once
drought and the fires. I am in the land, without the penalty associated with it.
the skies and the seas, the season In kama form it can perform an
keeps turning before my very eyes. additional attack to the same target
The cycle will continue, free from per attack declared and without any
interruption. All of those who oppose penalty.
me better fear my blade. For I am the
Lijame almahsul / Gather the
will of those who came before me.”
Crops: In scythe form each time an
Tammuz, The Reaper enemy is defeated the user can add 2
Ki points or 20 Zeon to its pool. In
kama form the user can use its magic
projection as attack and defense or the
other way around and attack without
penalties to its act as if it had the
advantage of gestureless casting.

Aqad almushkilat fi mahdiha / Nip

the problem in the bud: In any of its
forms this weapon has a +50 bonus to
the result of any critical strike they
cause. If any creature fails the
resistance for more than 40 points
they will face automatic death.

Tammuz is a +20 kama that Eard alkharif / Autumn Offering

transforms into a +20 scythe (Ritual): At dawn or dusk the user

overnight associated with can separate the weapon on its two

Geshtinanna. Legend says that it was forms having one of each until 12

forged and blessed by the fates during hours pass. During this time not only

the first harvest ever done. the user will benefit from all of its
different powers but also any souls
Laylat alhisad / Night of the harvested by the weapons will start to
Harvest: Each dusk the kama turns form an enormous energy
into the scythe and every dawn the massification that will follow the user
scythe turns into the kama. wherever it goes until the ritual ends.
The user can decide how to use the

souls however they like, whether to Dorian offers his visitors a variety of
release them or consume them to fuel amenities, ranging from the most
their harvest. The user can consume gorgeous (and supernatural) dancers
one soul per turn, benefitting from a to private rooms inside enchanted
bonus equal to half the presence of the paintings, none of which interfere with
soul eaten. This bonus adds up the carpet enchantment. He does,
indefinitely until the time limit passes. however, take pride in his concoction
of various liquors, many of which have
Dorian’s Gray Room, supplied by magical characteristics and are used in
Meseguis his regular drinking contests, which
draw a large crowd.
"I'm not sure who
purchased eight cups of Dorian's Basement:
the regular Fleeting Because none of his
Memory, but whatever clientele are aware that
they forgot had to be he is a vetala, Dorian
quite significant for (Vetala, Warrior
them to drink that Summoner level ??+?)
much." goes to great measures
to keep his distilling
Deep within Aydin, secrets hidden. He
there is a massive guards his basement
underground club that door at all costs, even
is only known by if it means killing
occultists of all kinds and is not someone within his bar or in front of
marketed by neon lights. When the other customers. If a magi snatchs
someone walks into Dorian's Gray a drink and asks an expert if they may
Room and sees the black velvety study Dorian's concoction, the person
carpet on the floor, they know they've that is being asked will always
arrived. question if it's "From him," and if it is,
there will be no further engagement
Dorian's Gray Room is a pub reserved
with the magi, as it could bring them
for gifted people of all kinds,
great trouble.
regardless of allegiance; it's a haven of
relaxation and intrigue. Its mysterious Holst’s Breath: Holst‟s Breath is one
carpet depicts a meditating skeleton of the most common requests on
with the slogan "As below, so above." Dorian‟s pub, whenever its served it
as it is the only spell authorized there, looks like a normal whisky but upon
entirely eliminating any zeonic energy further inspection there can be seen
in the environment as well as some little flame like bubbles forming at the
minor artifacts. As a result, whenever bottom of the glass. This liquor is
a magi has a quarrel with another, usually served thinned down a little,
they tend to contact Dorian to settle but when its not the drinker can gargle
things the old-fashioned way. with it, suddenly the liquid will turn

into a ball of fire that can be spitted Happily ever after: This brandy is
towards an enemy. This attack can be only for couples since Dorian only ever
performed using the drinker Attack sells it on special dates such as
Ability or its Offensive Projection, it anniversaries or the masquerade when
has a base heat damage of 50 and can things get a bit more intimate. Happily
be held on the user‟s throat an amount ever after is made by distilling the
of turns equal to the constitution stat blood of a hamadryad and a great
before it starts to burn the drinker‟s incubus called Himeros. This drink is
throat. This liquor is distilled using meant to be used as an aphrodisiac
turak blood and a mix of special spices since it amplifies sensations and
of The Wake tuned to the fire element. dazzles the mind to make it more
suggestible, however it wouldn‟t be the
Banshee’s Keen: This is a special
first time is used to torture someone.
type of silver looking vodka distilled
If the drinker fails a Venom Resistance
with banshee‟s tears, it‟s really
check against 120, they will have their
expensive due to how hard it is to find
Physical and Psychical Resistances
the main ingredient, and however is
reduced by - 40, they will also have a -
still one of the most requested drinks
80 to Withstand Pain and Composure
on the pub. The not thinned version of
plus a -20 to all secondaries that
this concoction for one hour allows the
require coordination or being
user to talk with vengeful spirits and
concentrated for long periods of time.
dead souls that haven‟t yet heard the
call. Additionally, if the drinker was a Black Blood: By distilling Orochi‟s
woman, she will receive a +40 Music Blood and Vetala blood together in an
(Sing), if it‟s a man then it‟s a -40 and unholy mix, it gives birth to the most
a raspy voice for the duration of the potent alcohol Dorian can offer, it can‟t
effect. be thinned down and it can only be
drank once per month without starting
Nifelheim’s Icy Gust: By distilling
to become dangerous for health. This
the blood of someone with Nifelheim‟s
corrosive liquid is served as a normal
blood and mixing it with pure ice the
sake, however once it reaches the
result is this potent rum, so cold at
stomach the fun begins. The heart
room temperature that is served
quickens and muscles swell, giving
mostly in summer. The drinker has its
enough energy to the drinker to be
body temperature reduced to such
asleep for weeks, for a whole month
degree that during an hour it develops
the drinker will feel an unquenchable
2 TA against heat due to the extreme
thirst for combat and blood, so
cold and following the same rules as
anytime they see, smell or notice
Holst‟s Breath once per gulp it can
combat or blood anywhere they will
perform a conical AOE of 5 meters with
always start a fight. The first drink
a base damage of 50 damaging in the
only grants the effect of being tireless
cold TA.
and not needing to sleep for a whole
month, however if somehow Dorian
lets someone drink a second dose first,

they will have to pass a Venom
Lorelei’s Magic Lipstick,
Resistance against 140 or they will
supplied by Meseguis
instantly die since their heart will not
be able to resist the rhythm. Second, Lorelei, a witch who had been a
they will receive the consideration of member of The Order of Magus for
having Orochi‟s Blood along with the nearly two decades, felt it was time to
aforementioned tireless and the retire to a charming little village in
removal of the necessity of sleeping. Gabriel, where she would live a simpler
Finally, if someone receives a third and more austere lifestyle for the
dose and passes a Venom Resistance remainder of her life. She plunged into
of 200, they will turn into a mindless the waters as a hobby and discovered
beast with no will of its own only a particular coral with high zeonic
knowing violence and bloodlust, the conductivity that she could use to
last time this happened the beast improve her special lip gloss, resulting
became Dorian‟s source of Orochi‟s in the creation of "Lorelei's Make Up
Blood for making this sake. Shop," where she sells make-up
produced from marine components.
Fleeting Memory: This liquor is
Some "gifted" people have the option
advertised as one of the best for
of purchasing more unique items.
getting drunk, contrary to what it may
seem this one doesn‟t use blood, it
uses a special mix of oblivious
dandelions, due to this Dorian usually
only sell it to people who consider
themselves miserable to help them
forget their bad experiences. For the
thinned down version of this drink the
user must pass a Venom Resistance
against 120 or they will forget with “I may be retired but I cannot leave

each glass important events of their my fellow ladies looking like that”.

lives, first little details and later even

Her lipstick line is the crown jewel of
years of their lives. The normal version
all of her make-up creations. These
of the drink however has a resistance
lipsticks, endowed with magical
of 180 and lets the drinker forget
abilities, have a variety of applications
about months with each glass. Dorian
and characteristics that will
usually serves this with little coco
undoubtedly provide unique
sprinkles on the sides of the glass
experiences to their users' targets.
accompanied by the quote “May the
Lady of Tears grant you mercy”. Rechargeable: Although these
lipsticks are usually consumed way
faster than any other normal lipstick,
by introducing 50 Zeon on them they
are completely recharged. Once the
number of uses run out it remains as a

normal lipstick until more Zeon is someone on any body part they are
introduced. forced to pass a Magic Resistance
check against 120 or they will cower in
Durable: The lipstick will not be
fear, if the check is failed by more
removed or altered in any way once
than 40 then they will be terrorized
applied, it is waterproof and won‟t
instead. This specific lipstick was
leave a mark on anything the user
conceived by Lorelei when she was
doesn‟t want to affect with its spell.
young so pushy people would leave
Once applied it will last for twelve
her alone without using her powers. As
hours straight and it can only be
long as the lip mark remains on the
removed before that with the special
target, they will feel an immense
make up remover provided with the
sense of dread that increases when
lipstick. The lip marks left by it don‟t
they get close to the user.
benefit from this and are indeed as
easy to remove as normal make up. Butterfly caller: This red lipstick with
cherry flavor is normally used to
Fashionable: The lipstick will always
empower a companion of the user. By
look good on any kind of social
kissing the target‟s neck, the user can
interaction and will draw stares to it
spend up to 50 Vitality Points on each
thanks to how good it looks thus giving
kiss in order to restore the target‟s
its wearer a +20 Style and +20
vitality (This effect is only usable if the
Persuasion (Seduction).
user is above half of its maximum

Types of lipstick vitality). The vitality points spent are

considered sacrifice and will
Midnight kiss: A sophisticated purple accordingly heal at a sacrifice rate. The
lipstick with a slight blackberry taste. target feels the kiss as a burning mark
This kind of lipstick is used to seduce a on its body that provides pleasure
target by kissing it on the lips, when protecting the lipstick user so it
depending on how long the kiss lasts gains a +40 on resist pain while the
the Magic Resistance check varies from mark lasts.
80-120. Additionally, if the target is
sexually attracted to the user the Angel’s Lilium: This golden lipstick

resistance check adds +20 to the with pineapple flavor serves as a

difficulty or a -20 if the target doesn‟t breaker of magic seals. By blowing a

feel attracted (100-140 or 60-100 kiss in the air in the direction of the

respectively). The target feels as if seal the user can break any spell that

each lip mark is being kissed over and closes paths or seals rooms as long as

over again even after hours of the it wasn‟t casted above intermediate.

original kiss have passed.

Marvelous Youth: This hot pink

Phantasmagoria: This kind of blue lipstick with strawberry flavor has the

lipstick with slight blueberry flavor has property of causing the state of

the property of striking fear into the fascination to a target kissed on any

hearts of anyone kissed. By kissing part of the body if it fails a Magic

Resistance check of 120. This easier to
Lorelei’s Make Up Shop
use lipstick was designed to help
young witches with their suitors, Expansion, supplied by Meseguis
leaving them “stunned by their
beauty” while not making them fall in Lorelei decided to expand her business
love or seducing them like the after the huge success of her make-up
Midnight Kiss. shop, so she bought the building next
to it and set up alchemical machinery
Moonlight Sonata: This coco flavored in the basement to cut down on the
lipstick is Lorelei‟s favorite one time she spent preparing her special
between them all, one she only keeps make-up. She now had more time to
to herself. This carefully crafted lipstick prepare more of her specialties as a
is made with a concentrated mix of result.
coral and oblivious dandelion, a
supernatural dandelion that only grows Sweet Licorice: This special fuchsia
in The Wake and feeds off of lipstick is pretty special for Lorelei
memories. The target of this effect since it has saved her life on various
must be kissed in the lips at least for a occasions, it lets the user consume any
whole minute, then the target must kind of poisoned or diseased liquid or
pass a Magic Resistance check against solid food as long as they do not
140 unless both the user and the exceed level 60 (120 Check) and also
target are being bathed by the glow of make them taste like licorice.
a full moon, in that case it‟s a
Shadows of Gray: This anchor gray
resistance against 160. The user can
lipstick causes the people looking at
erase memories up to one year of the
the user to forget their face. It causes
target for each minute of kissing. The
a Magic Resistance check against 100
memories can‟t be completely wiped
for everyone that looks at the user
out but they can be targeted such as
face and on the condition that their
erasing every trace of someone in
lips are on full display, if someone
specific, erasing memories about
specifically looks at the user‟s lips the
specific events even if they were of the
check is against 140, if failed they also
most importance for that person, etc.
forget other details such as the user‟s
If the game director determines that
clothing, attitude and general
the user is being too vague about the
selection of memories the target can
apply a +40 to its resistance. Vampire Kiss: By kissing the target
on the lips it becomes susceptible
“I’m sorry Dorian, but its better for
enough to carry out the user‟s first
both of us this way, if we forget
command. The target must perform a
everything about each other, no one
Magic Resistance check against 100-
will get hurt anymore”.
140 Magical Resistance depending how
much time it spends kissing the user.
The target can only repeat the check
each time it doubts the idea was from

themselves or every time an hour Feline Eyeliner: Once the user
passes, if the target doesn't break free applies it in both eyes the user
from the spell it disappears after 12 acquires night vision and has a
hours leaving no memory of the order protection of +20 to any resistance
(this happens if they carry out meant to not have their eyes damaged
successfully too), by light, additionally they reduce
penalties on environments with too
Dazzling Glance: This eyeshadow
much light by -40.
takes the color that suits its user the
most depending on the color of its skin
and the clothes they are wearing, but
it also can be used to dazzle a target.
Any time the user winks or blinks
seductively while looking at a target a
flash of light will blind anyone on a five
meter cone, those inside the area have
to pass a check against 120 Physical
Resistance check, if somehow one of
the targets can foresee it or had its Logia
eyes closed it has a +40 bonus to the
check. It follows the same rules as the This is a compilation of Logias, the
lipsticks but its “Fashionable” power Lost Wonders of Solomon. As there are
does not stack. no official rules for designing them,
each author follows his or her own
Mattifying powder: Once the user
style, ranging from the use of the Lost
has finished using make up it can
Logias rules explained in the Optional
decide to use Lorelei‟s powder to
Rules section, to following the classical
sculpt their face how they see fit. Once
artifact Power Level scale.
applied the user can sculpt their face
as if it was made out of rubber letting
Neuterswitz, supplied by Kalen
them for example transform their face
into that of some other person or
Created in a Solomon lab where
extend the ears to look like a Sylvain.
psychic crystal research was being
It also lets the user change the color of
done, Neuterswitz is a weapon that
the skin to anything the user can
was created with the purpose of being
imagine, it can be applied in other
made in series. However, only the
parts of the body too but only changes
prototype was made, which was more
the color of the skin. If the user
powerful than any following version
performs an art check to sculpt their
since it was done with the best
face to impersonate someone they
materials, without accounting for
look like they have a bonus of +40 to
the check.
The project was cancelled by surprise
during the Seven Hours of Fire, when a

Jurgand agent broke into the lab, killed Slot: Neuterswitz has a slot in the
everyone present and blew the handle prepared for a series of psychic
installation for good measure. And in crystals specifically cut for their use in
that lab Neuterswitz lies waiting until it. As long as one of those crystals is in
someone comes to claim it. the slot, aside from the general
benefits from touching the cristal (if
Quality: Neuterswitz is considered a
they were to be higher than the ones
+15 quality Shortsword able to
the Psychic Motor gives), they have a
damage energy.
series of additional effects. Changing
Psychic Motor: Neuterswitz has an the psychic cristal from the Slot is an

internal battery powered with psychic active action.

energy. It can contain up to 15 free

Fire Crystal
PP. Any psychic in contact with the
sword can introduce 1 of their free PPs Looks like a ruby. It increases
into the battery each round. If the Pirokinesis powers‟ Psychic Potential by
psychic tries to get free PP from the +10. As long as it is in the Slot it gives
battery they can extract 1 per round, an additional +5 to Offensive Psychic
but any 1 they get costs 2 from the Projection (this is added to the bonus
battery. As long as there is still 1 free of the Psychic Motor), increases by 10
PP in the Psychic Motor, Neuterswitz‟s Neuterswitz‟s damage and can attack
controller gets a +15 to both Psychic in Heat as secondary AT. By spending
Potential and Psychic Projection. 1 PP from the Psychic Motor the
controller can use the psychic power
Replicator: Neuterswitz‟s controller
Fire Wall with a final Psychic Potential
can generate copies from the sword.
of 140, and can maintain it with their
This copies are also Shortswords +15
own Innate Slots.
capable of damaging energy. They can
also have special properties depending Fire Replica: As long as the Fire
on the crystal in the Slot. Creating a Crystal is in the Slot Neuterswitz‟s
copy costs 1 free PP from the Psychic copies are considered as made of fire
Motor, and it disappears after 1 and attack in Heat as primary AT. They
minute. If the controller wants to use also have a +40 bonus on rolls for the
the psychic power Ballistics in area it In Flames status.
can choose to create enough copies for
Electric Crystal
it for 1 free PP, but in that case those
copies disappear at the end of the Looks like amber. It increases
round. Electromagnetism powers‟ Psychic
Potential by +10. As long as it is in the
Linked Replicas: Whenever
Slot it increases by 10 Neuterswitz‟s
Neuterswitz‟s controller uses Ballistics
damage and can attack in Electricity as
with a copy, they don‟t lose control
secondary AT. By spending 1 PP from
over it, contrary to general rules.
the Psychic Motor the controller can

use the psychic power Electric Arc with Impacts with a Strengh equivalent to
a final Psychic Potential of 180. the user's Willpower. By spending 1 PP
from the Psychic Motor the controller
Electric Replica: As long as the Fire
can use the psychic power
Crystal is in the Slot Neuterswitz‟s
Psychokinetic Flight with a final Psychic
copies are considered as made of
Potential of 140, and can maintain it
electricity and attack in Electricity as
with their own Innate Slots..
primary AT. They also increase by 40
the PhR roll triggered by electric Kinetic Replica: As long as the Fire
damage. Crystal is in the Slot Neuterswitz‟s
copies are made of kinetic energy and
Cold Crystal
matricial power. They cannot damage

Looks like a sapphire. It increases energy and always disappear at the

Criokinesis powers‟ Psychic Potential end of the round, but they have no

by +10. As long as it is in the Slot it cost and can attack either to the Cut,

gives an additional +5 to Deffensive Impact or Thrust as primary AT. The

Psychic Projection (this is added to the controller can choose to create normal

bonus of the Psychic Motor), increases copies, but in that case has to spend

by 10 Neuterswitz‟s damage and can PPs from the Psychic Motor as usual.

attack in Cold as secondary AT. By

Spatial Crystal
spending 1 PP from the Psychic Motor
the controller can use the psychic Looks like an emerald. It increases
power Ice Shield with a final Psychic Teleport powers‟ Psychic Potential by
Potential of 140, and can maintain it +10. As long as it is in the Slot the
with their own Innate Slots. user can attack with Neuterswitz as if
it had que Ars Magnus Summum using
Cold Replica: As long as the Fire
their Willpower instead of Dexterity to
Crystal is in the Slot Neuterswitz‟s
determine the range. By spending 1 PP
copies are considered as made of cold
from the Psychic Motor the controller
air and attack in Cold as primary AT.
can use the psychic power Aleph with
Also, anytime they provoke at least 10
a final Psychic Potential of 180.
damage they force a PhR check
against 120 or suffer Minor Paralisis for Translocation Replica: As long as
as many rounds as they failed the the Fire Crystal is in the Slot
check. Additional applications cannot Neuterswitz‟s controller can spend 1 PP
increase the paralisis, but they extend from the Psychic Motor to exchange
the duration for an additional round if position with a copy at a maximum
the PhR check fails. distance of 100m. This is a passive
action that can only be made once per
Kinetic Crystal

Looks like a diamond. It increases

Power Level: 4
Psychokinesis powers‟ Psychic Potential
by +10. As long as it is in the Slot
Neuterswitz provoques Strength

to extract energy the Gift is necessary
Uther, supplied by Kalen
to extract Zeon, and Ki Transmission is
In Solomon times, Uther was a necessary to extract Ki, and in both
weapon taken by the hand of many cases half of what is extracted is lost.
army officers. But none of them was
The powers that consume energy units
as remarkable as General Ronove,
consume them directly from the
whom considered it their favourite
weapon amongst their vast personal
arsenal. It is because of that fact that Discharge: Spending 5 energy units
he modified it so an inferior rank the bearer can make an energy
soldier that he considered his perfect discharge using Uther when it‟s in
successor was able to use it. weapon form. This attack has a
damage of 80 plus the user‟s Power
However, these plans were reduced to
bonus as well as Ki abilities that
ashes in the Seven Hours of Fire, when
increase damage, hits in Energy AT
an unknown individual “recovered” the
and can be performed with either
sword from the dead hands of the
Attack or Offensive Magic or Psychic
general.Since then, Uther has been
Projection. It has a range of 100m.
seen in the hands of a variety of
Using Discharge is considered a full
owners during the following centuries,
attack action, so it‟s not possible doing
almost everyone recognising it‟s great
more attacks in the same round it‟s
manufacture, but rarely anyone able to
use it‟s true powers.
Exterminator Mode: Creating an
Quality: When in weapon mode Uther
overload in Uther‟s edge engulfs it in
is considered a rapier of quality +15
crackling energy. Activating
capable of damaging energy. Contrary
Exterminator Mode consumes 2 energy
to general rules, this bonus also
units, and consumes them again every
applies to Psychic and Magic
round it is maintained. While in
Exterminator Mode Uther increases it‟s
Channeler: Uther provides a +1 damage by 40, attacks in Energy AT
bonus to all Ki accumulations and a and is considered a Big weapon for
+15 to MA and Psychic Potential of it‟s area attacks. This damage increase is
bearer. also applied to Discharge. Once
deactivated, Uther needs at least 5
Battery: Uther has an energy pool minutes before being able to activate it
that can contain up to 40 energy units. again.
Every energy unit is equivalent to 1 ki
point or 10 Zeon (it can have both, but Hidden Weapon: When it‟s not
they have to be tracked separately). In needed as a weapon, Uther‟s bearer
order to recharge it the Gift is can turn it into a bracelet with
necessary if using Zeon, but without Ki Presence and Resistance as if it had
Transmission Uther can absorb 1 ki +15 quality. While in this form, only
point per round from the user. In order someone with Ancient Blood or that

succeeds a Difficult (120) Lost Logia
Iliako, supplied by Kalen
check can identify it for what it really
is. After a skirmish between the Solomon
Empire and one of the Faerie Nations,
Commander’s Weapon: Uther is
a group of sylvain recovered a pair of
meant for exclusive use of high
guns, logias that belonged to a
commanding officers. As such, only
commanding enemy. During the
someone with Ancient Blood can be
confrontation they were able to
recognised as bearer and use it‟s
appreciate the power they had, but
were unable to use them because they
Commander’s Tool: As long as Uther had no ammo (nor knew what ammo
is in bracelet mode it‟s user has access was necessary in the first place).
to a strategic AI with an extensive
These guns ended as paperweight in
database. This AI possesses:
the work table of a sylvain family, until
 History 180 related to Solomon it got into the hands of Gaudemus.
previous the Seven Hours of Knowing about the stories of these
Fire. type of weapons, the Creator of
 History 140, only covers Wonders decided not only to make
between 100 years before them work again, but give them a
Solomon‟s foundation and the purpose.
Seven Hours of Fire.
Eventually, the weapons were gifted to
 Tactics 140, it can also help the
someone of confidence, and later its
user giving them a +40 to their
trail was lost, and now it isn‟t known if
Tactics rolls.
they are even still in Gaia.
 Lost Logia 180, only to
recognize Solomon weapons. Quality: Iliako is a pair of guns, Sosta
 Control codes for military (better accommodated for the right
Logias. Allows to take control of hand) and Aristera (better
any combat golem up to accommodated for the left hand), both
Hecatondies level, and similar of Quality +20.
powered Logias.
 A strategic map of the full world Energy Bullets: The Iliako generate
(including Khalis and Lunaris), their own ammunition. They can make
including all settlements and it by using the magic of the ambient,
military bases known to the in which case they generate bullets
Solomon Empire before the +10 capable of damaging energy.
Seven Hours of Fire. However, the guns can make more
powerful ammunition using the aura of
Power Level: 4 (4+ considering the its user. If the bearer has the Ki ability
information the AI has) Aura Extension the Iliako make instead
bullets +15. If they also have the Ki
ability Elemental Attack (light), when

in use the bullets become +20 and Catch: By expending 2 Ki points when
damage Energy as primary AT. making an attack with Sosta, if it‟s
obtained a result of at least 10%
In places with Stagnant Magic the
damage; the victim has to pass an MR
Iliako can‟t generate the ammunition
check against 140. If they fail, they‟ll
+10, and the other types of
be subjected to Minor Paralysis for
ammunition drain 1 ki point directly
every 10 levels of failure or fraction. If
from the pool per round they‟re used.
the level failure is 40 or above, it will

Peacemaker’s Will: The Iliako have a be subjected to Partial Paralysis

sort of will, consecrated to Azrael. instead. Catch cannot be combined

They aren‟t really capable of directly with the powers of Railgun or

communicating with the bearer, but Explosive Ammo. It can be combined

they can influence it, giving him ideas with Ki techniques, but only if they

of fighting evil and darkness (being don‟t have an Area effect or a Trail of

both of them indistinguishable to the Destruction optional effect.

weapon‟s will). If the user resists the
Search: Someone that fails the MR
influence, the guns may fail
check against the effects of Catch gets
sporadically, make their powers more
the entry hole transformed into a
expensive or directly not work. Their
symbol characteristic of the bearer of
ability to influence is greatly decreased
Sosta. This symbol lasts as many
if they‟re not used both by the same
hours as the failure level, or a day for
user, but not their ability to fail to an
every 10 or fraction of level of failure.
unfit bearer.
As long as the bearer has both guns,
Martial Dominion: It‟s necessary to they can use an active action to locate

invest 30MK to learn the powers the marked. If they are at a distance

Corrosive Energy, Catch, Search, And of 5km or greater they know the

Destroy, Railgun and Explosive Ammo. general direction they are and an
Any Ki cost has to be accumulated. approximate distance, if it‟s less they
Corrosive Energy: Iliako‟s user can can know their exact location. If it is

choose to spend 2 ki points any time closer than 500m, their attacks against

they make an attack. If they do, if them in the same round ignore all

they obtain a result of at least 10% penalties applicable to fired projectiles.

damage the target has to make a PhR
And Destroy: If Aristera is used to
check against 120 or suffer damage
attack someone under the effects of
equal to the failure level. It‟s possible
Search, the bearer can spend 1 ki
to increase the PhR difficulty by 5 for
point when doing so. If they do and
every extra Ki point you expend, up to
the attack makes damage, it makes a
a maximum of 160. This can be
50% extra damage and interrupts the
combined with a Ki technique, but if
effects of Catch (if still active) and
the tech has an Area effect, it‟s
makes disappear the mark of Search.
modified as if used with Explosive
It‟s possible to combine this power
with Corrosive Energy (its damage is

also increased), Railgun, Explosive of a blow allowed them to be used with
Ammo and Ki techniques, but effects total effectiveness.
are only applied to someone affected
by Search. If more than one target
met the requirements, And Destroy
only affects the one closer to the
center in area attacks or the first to be

Railgun: By spending 10 Ki points the

user of Iliako may give the effect Trail
of Destruction to every attack they
were to make in the round. This power
overheats the guns, which doesn‟t
prevent the use of the rest of the
powers, but prevents from using
Railgun for 5 rounds. This power Academy: 80 / 120 / 140
cannot be combined with Explosive
Requirements: Aptums do not
Ammo, but it can with Corrosive
possess any physical control system,
Energy and Ki techniques.
to properly use an Aptum it is
Explosive Ammo: Spending 2 ki necessary to master the Ars Magnus
points before a shot, Iliako‟s user can Libra, which allows the user to
make the bullet explode in a 10m manipulate the moving parts of the
area, plus 5m for every additional ki weapon with their Ki. Aptums use the
point they decide to expend. This basic Libra profile when fighting.
power can be combined with Corrosive
There is an exception to this rule,
Energy, but due the dispersion the PhR
when someone with ancient blood
check is reduced to 100 and can only
wields an Aptum he can control it
be increased up to 140. It can also be
perfectly with his nanomachines, so he
combined with Ki techniques.
can use it as if he had mastered Libra,
Power Level: 4+ and use all the abilities of the Ars
Magnus without any spending of ki. Of
Aptum, supplied by Sadrith course, if you use this weapon without
the Aura Extrusion ability on the
The aptum were huge swords wrapped weapon you must reduce Libra's base
with mechanisms such as gears, damage by 10 points.
counterweights and moving parts that
allowed them to change their shape Quality: Aptums use the Libra profile
and weight distribution to adapt to the with a variable Quality depending on
needs of its user in the middle of the particular Aptum. The vast

combat. Despite their absurd size, the majority are considered +5 or +10

ability of the blades to shift their entire Quality weapons, with only a few +15

weight from base to tip in the middle weapons that were carried by

members of some senators' personal Attack Attack
Damage Initiative Str. Req. Type 1 Type 2
guards. Although it is not known if it
60 5 5 Var. -
still exists, a single +20 Quality Aptum
was created for one of the Praetorian Type Special Fortitude Break Presence

Senators. N/A Variable 15 2 75

Special Rules
Intelligent design: Thanks to its
mechanisms and pulleys the Aptum Intelligent design, Improved Prey, Electrification, Increased
Range, Magna Maneuver
has a Strength 10 characteristic of its
own that can substitute its user's to
calculate damage and perform
maneuvers. For every +5 extra quality Project Thunderbird, supplied by
this strength is increased by 1 point up
to a maximum of 13 for a +20 Aptum.
The Thunderbird project were the first
Improved Prey: While using the
weapons created by Solomon through
variable ability Trapping Atum can use
the application of technomagical
the Strength granted by Intelligent
principles. Although in the years to
Design for the Trapping maneuver and
come they would create much more
in addition gains the special rule Trap
terrifying weapons, the Thunderbird
remained a symbol of the elite troops
Electrification: When Libra‟s sariable of the Empire almost until the end of
damage type ability is activated it is its existence.
possible to change the primary critical
Academy: 40 / 120 / 240
of an Aptum to Electricity.
Quality: These logias are considered
Increased Range: Aptums are
+10 quality Rifle-Spears with a 10-
considered Large Weapons regardless
shot chamber.
of the form they take, and when used
with the "Long" ability they can Superior Range: The Thunderber has
perform area attacks that reach up to an effective range of 1 kilometer,
10 enemies. however after that distance the shot
disappears completely in the air
Magna Maneuver: Thanks to the
instead of losing effectiveness.
constant adaptability of the weapon,
when using an Aptum, the penalties of Electrifying: Instead of firing normal
the combat maneuvers Trapping, Area bullets, Thunderbirds fire projectiles of
Attack, Knockdown and Projectile pure concentrated energy. These shots
Screen are reduced by half. deal damage on the Electricity AT and
are considered +10 Quality bullets.
Level: Archanum
Auto-reload: Instead of reloading
Stats for a +5 Aptum (Without aura
manually, these weapons
automatically recover consumed
ammunition at a rate of one shot per

round. However this ability is not possess Ancient Blood.
unlimited, it can only generate 100
Activation Protocols: 120 / 140
shots before running out of energy,
after which it is necessary to connect it Quality: Vindication is a quality +10
to large amounts of supernatural revolver. Due to its techno-magical
energy. design, the revolver follows the rules
of modern firearms.
Level: Archanum

Projectile Generation: Vindication

generates its own ammunition,
Even today some prototypes of the equivalent to quality +10 bullets,
Thunderbird project can still be found around 50 bullets a day.
hidden in abandoned ruins in Solomon.
Fast fire (Ancient Blood Genus or
Although these weapons are as
Higher): When the semi-automatic
powerful as their final version, they
fire mode is used, it grants a special
possess a terrible flaw. Their energy
bonus to its user's turn of +20 and
cell is not properly stabilized, which
obtains the Precision special rule.
can cause a terrible explosion. If when
firing with a prototype you get a Judgment (Ancient Blood Senex or
fumble higher than 80 the weapon Higher): Through a voice command, a
explodes and everyone within 10 support system can be activated that
meters must defend against an attack increases the lethality of Vindication's
with 180 damage in Electricity and a shots. During the next minute, attacks
final skill of 320 for the one holding with a critical result increase their
the weapon and 280 for the rest. critical level by 20 points, this bonus is
doubled if a vulnerable point is
Vindication, supplied by Shiryu attacked. Once disabled, these
systems require several hours to
Vindication is a lost logia found in one
of the Solomon Empire ruins that
Felicia became infatuated with. Muffler: Vindication possesses a
Actually, the weapon itself is nothing device that camouflages the sound and
to write home about beyond its good brightness of the weapon when firing,
design, since in order to access its allowing its wielder to attack without
greater capabilities, it is necessary to revealing their position. At game
effect, its wielder does not need to
limit their Attack Ability to their
Stealth to make a killing attack.

Level: Archanum Alfa

Initative Str R. Reach Recharge Load Within them, those known as
20 5 100 m 1 12 Septimum Induviae are only for the

Type Special Fortitude Break Presence knights of the seventh heaven and are
easily recognizable by their snowy
Modern STR 11; Seni-
Firearm automatic 22 1 130 color and golden decorations. Each one

Special Rules
of them is created to measure for its
bearer by the work of the Gamala
Fast Fire, Judgment and Muffler
division of the Emperor's Hand,
Shooting Modes equipping them with more advanced
As you might expect, not all firearms
have the same rate of fire; a pistol Goliath is the name given to the trench
could never fire as much as a machine coat created by Griever and stands out
gun. Each of them has one or several for its advanced personal and external
firing modes that allow you to control protection systems as well as a slight
this rate as appropriate to its wearer. physical enhancement.
These modalities are explained below:
Activation Protocols: 120 / 180
 Semi-automatic: This is the
Quality: Goliath is a +10 quality
rate of fire that most
armored long coat and due to its
technomagic weapons have,
technomagical creation processes it
corresponding to one bullet per
applies its quality bonus to its Energy
round. It is used by weapons
AT. Goliath's Fortitude is that of a
for very different purposes,
trench coat +15.
from reducing ammunition
consumption to concentrating Impolute: Goliath will not burn, get
destructive power in a single wet, or get dirty.
Unstoppable (Credential Sigma):
Goliath; Septimum Induviae, Goliath's greatest ability lies in a series
of nanomachines that they can inject
supplied by Shiryu
into their wearer to reduce any type of
The clothes worn by the Knights of the mishap, allowing them to fight even
Order of Heaven are known as the with serious injuries. When the bearer
Caelum Induviae in sky blue, although of Goliath receives a physical penalty
depending on their rank they have for a critical hit, he can activate this
silver or gold filigree. As a general ability by means of a voice command,
rule, they are quality pieces that act as from that moment on he ignores any
protection for their bearers, although penalty for the duration of the combat,
as they rise in the order they usually although when it end said penalties,
have some techno-magical systems and the possible fatigue penalties, will
derived from the Lost Logias to be doubled for the next thirty minutes.
increase their capabilities.
Technomagic Microfilaments:
Despite its simple and fragile

appearance, Goliath has been created
with technomagic microfilaments that
give it a defensive capacity similar to
that of some heavy armor. It not only
offers a higher AT but a 120 damage

Danger Sense (Credential Alpha):

Goliath has proximity sensors that
alert its wearer to the presence of
nearby bodies. Mechanically, its
wearer halves the penalties suffered
from murderous attacks made on his
person. These systems can be forced
to have a radius of effect of 5 meters
and detect murderous attacks on other
people, said mode cannot be
maintained for more than 20 minutes.
Once this time has elapsed, the
systems restart and are turned off for
two hours.

Level: Archanum Beta.

Armor Natural Mov.

Req. Penalty Restr. Fort Presence Location Class

In itself, the weapon has a strange

0 0 0 40 125 Full Plate Soft
design more similar to what would be
Cut Impact Thrust Heat Elec Cold Energy
the inside of a watch than a simple
5 4 6 5 6 6 4 steel blade, although it is thanks to
Special Rules this design that the weapon is able to
Impolute, Unstoppable, Technomagic Microfilaments and Danger adapt to the needs of its bearer.
Activation Protocols: 120 / 140 /

Janus, supplied by Shiryu Quality: Janus acts both as a Libra

and as a +10 longsword capable of
Janus is one of the many weapons energy damage.
created by the master armorers of Tol
Structural Change (Credential
Rauko from the technomagical
Alpha): Janus gear systems allow you
knowledge of the Lost Lodges acquired
to modify its shape. Mechanically,
through complex reverse engineering
even though Janus's base form is a
longsword, it is possible to change its
typology by declaring at the start of

the round, obtaining one of the taking a penalty for additional
following benefits: defenses.
 Dual: Janus splits into two
 Axe: Janus gains the
blades, allowing the wearer to
“Throwable” rule.
make a second attack at a -20
 Mace: Janus gains the Slam 10
 Two-handed: Janus wins the Superior Capabilities (Credential
"One or Two Handed" rule Sigma): Janus's intricate design is
 Pole Weapon: Janus gains the created expressly to serve a Libra
ability to use the Charge user, allowing him to employ his
maneuver. variable abilities much more efficiently.
 Cord: Janus gains the Trapping
 Trapping: The penalty to
10 rule. If using Libra's
perform the maneuver is halved
Trapping ability, the
and the characteristic used for
penalty is halved. If, in
the maneuver is increased to
addition, the Superior
Ability of Janus is used, it
 Precision: The precision
performs the maneuver
rule for a 1/4 full reducer
without any penalty.
Expand Capabilities  Variable Attack Type:
(Credential Beta): Thanks to You can also choose between
its superior design, Janus gives Heat, Electricity and Cold
a Libra user the option to Criticals.
employ new variable  Increased damage:
capabilities. The weapon gains +30 to its
Base Damage.
 Increased Armor:
 Increased Speed: The
Janus gears unfold in a
weapon gets +30 to its speed.
strange structure that
 Serrated: The weapon's
envelops its wearer,
attacks decrease the defender's
granting an AT of 4
Armor Type by six points. This
against any physical
ability is combined with the
Janus quality, for a total of
 Superior Maneuver: Declaring
the maneuver “On the
 Gigantic Size: Janus is now
Offensive” or “On the
considered a Enormous sized
Defensive” increases the bonus
weapon with all that that
received to his skill to +20.
 Superior Defense: Janus
 Barrier Against Projectiles:
allows its wearer to make up to
The penalty for performing the
3 defenses per round without
"Defensive Fan" maneuver is
reduced to -10.

 Long: The weapon is Chrono Sense (Ancient Blood): The
supernaturally elongated, bearer of the Blades has the ability to
allowing it to attack an feel the passage of time perfectly,
opponent even 20 meters away being able to know the exact time
and perform area attacks (with seconds and thousandths) at all
reaching up to 10 opponents. times or even if he has the appropriate
data, they could calculate how long
Level: Archanum Sigma
something will take to occur (For
Attack Attack example, knowing someone's speed
Damage Initiative Str. Req. Type 1 Type 2
and their destination, you could
80 10 5 Var. - calculate how long it would take to get
Type Special Fortitude Break Presence there exactly).

Special Special 35 6 125

Scar of Time (Ancient Blood Senex
Special Rules Praetorium or higher): The Blades
Structural Change, Expand Capabilities and Superior Capabilities possess the insidious ability to reverse
the flow of a target's time in a very
specific way... reopening any potential
scars they may have suffered.
Blades of Chronos, supplied by
Mechanically, this ability works as a
Shiryu special attack without any damage,
but the target must pass
The Blades of Chronos
a MR against 160 or
are powerful combat
suffer a special penalty
Logias, developed by
to represent the weight
Emperor Andromalius,
of his wounds that varies
with the ability to bend
between -2 and -4 to
time itself. The Blades
their MV, -40 and -60
themselves are a pair of
their Turn and -10 -30 to
short golden swords
all actions depending on
with a clock on its hilt,
each individual. This
when activated a pair of
power has no effect on
secondary silver-colored
anyone who has never
blades open.
been wounded.
Activation Protocols: 120 / 240 /
Shatter Time (Ancient Blood Senex
Praetorium or higher): The greatest
Quality: The Blades of Chronos are a ability of the Blades of Chronos is to
pair of quality +15 short swords create a bubble where time practically
capable of damaging energy. stops for everyone except for the mind
of its bearer who will live through time
Dual Tempo: Chronos Blades can only normally. Mechanically, this ability
use their temporary powers when both creates a zone of up to 50 meters
blades are wielded. around the bearer of the Blades, the

specific area must be decided when General changes: It isn‟t specified in
activating the power, in which all time any module because this applies to
stops and its bearer can use Chrono every module (with the exception of
Sense to analyze the situation. The Characteristic Technique and Greater
time required for this varies depending Technique). It‟s possible to use the
on the variables, but once it is powers of the character to meet the
finished, the bearer receives a bonus requirements that are applied to the
of +2 to their MV, +40 to the turn and required artifact.
+20 to all actions against the target of
To what field do the DP spent in the
their analysis. There is no limit to the
modules pertain?
time that this power can be
maintained, but it must be taken into It depends on the origin of the powers
account that once it is finished the that meet the requirements:
Logia bearer's body will age an amount
of time equivalent to the time spent  If it comes from an artifact, Ki
analyzing the situation. abilities, Nemesis abilities or
monster powers; combat DP
Level: Archanum Omega.  If it comes from magic (innate
Attack Attack spells count as magic) or
Damage Initiative Str. Req. Type 1 Type 2 summoning; supernatural DP
70 30 4 THR CUT  If it comes from psychic powers
Type Special Fortitude Break Presence (innate psychic powers
included); psychic DP
Short Precision 42 7 140

Special Rules Now there will be shown the necessary

Tempo Dual, Chrono Sense, Scar of Time and Shatter Time changes that we deemed necessary.


Required Skills: 120+ Offensive

Supernatural Combat Magic Projection, Offensive Psychic
Projection or Attack
Modules Rework,
Effects: The Strength of the grapple
supplied by Kalen depends on to what field the DP were
spent to acquire the module. Combat

The modules presented in Prometheum DP use the Dexterity of the user,

Exxet represent a way to take supernatural DP uses their Power and

advantage from artifact powers, but psychic DP their Willpower. No matter

are very rarely used. That‟s why we, how high the ability score is, it won‟t

Kalen Del and Shiryu, have decided to be considered higher than 10 using

readjust them in a way that lets fragile materials or liquids, or than 12

anyone that meets the requirements using strong materials. By using

can use them, be it via artifact powers powers similar to Psychokinesis, the

or their own.

Strength will be equal to the Flight

Remote Control

Required Skills: 140+ Offensive

Magic Projection, Offensive Psychic
Projection or Attack / 140+ Defensive
Magic Projection, Defensive Psychic
Projection or Defense
Protective Shield
Effects: If the origin of the power is
No further changes
an artifact or magic and the user has
bought the Magic Projection as Attack Physical Reinforcement
Module there will be no penalty when
using attack, nor will be to Defense if No further changes
they have Projection as Defense Attack
Signature Techniques and Major
If the origin of the power is an artifact
Not applicable
or psychic powers and the user has the
Psychic Projection Module they will
apply no penalty when using Attack or

Ranged Attack

No further changes

Accelerated Movement

Required Skills: A power that gives a

Flight value can be used also to meet
the requirements. If used it‟s not
necessary to have Weigh Elimination.

Cost: It increases to 40 DP if a power

that gives a Flight value is used as a

Effects: If a power that gives a Flight

value is used, refer to this table.

Character compendium
Spells: Necromitude (Necromancy
Common Characters 22), Raise Corpses (Necromancy 28),
Control the Dead (Necromancy 40),
Black Sun Enforcer (Elite Feel Death (Necromancy 2)

Delacroix Agent), supplied by Dal Advantages & Disadvantages: The

Gift, Magic Nature, Social Position
Level: 2 Category: Natural (Black Sun), Aptitude in a Subject:
Occult, Dirty Little Secret
Life Points: 140
(Necromancer), Slow Learner
Class: Warrior
Natural Abilities: Longsword
Str: 8 Dex: 11 Agi: 8 Con: 8 Pow: 8 (Weapon Module)
Int: 9 Wp: 5 Per: 5
Size: 16, Medium Regeneration: 2
PhR 45 MR 55 PsR 35 VR 45 DR 45
Movement Value: 8 Fatigue: 8
Initiative: 80 Natural, 40 Combat
Secondary Abilities: Construct
Marionettes 75, Occult 50, Notice 5,
Attack Ability: 120 Combat Search 5
Defence Ability: 120 Combat
Combat Marionette

The Black Enforcer is a Difficult

Damage: 55
Combat Marionette with the Combat
AT: Special (see equipment) Capacity extraordinary quality, making
it +5 to attack and defense. It has 60
Wear Armor: 30
LP, AT 2, and comes equipped with a
Ki Abilities: Use of Ki, Inhumanity Longsword and a Shield. See Dominus
Exxet p. 096-98 for more details on
Special: Impossible Weapon: Gemini using Gemini.

MA: 10

Regeneration: 50

Zeon: 210

Magic Projection: 20

Magic Levels: 22/40

Alexander "Kevin" Derachte is a high-born citizen of Lucrecio who, for reasons that are apparent to anyone that sees
him, is a little odd. Kevin is cursed. There, I said it. He's cursed and it seems that there's nothing anyone can do about it. In
truth, Kevin's curse is actually his family's, passed down from male heir to male heir for generations for a crime an ancestor
committed against some ancient power. His curse takes the form of a brand covering most of his body. The brand coils and
twists along his arms, his legs, and even shadows his otherwise pale face with alarmingly black tattoos. They don't even look
like tattoos, really, more like black abysses that have etched themselves into his skin. For this reason, among others, he's not
exactly popular with the ladies... or anyone else, for that matter.

While the curse has put a damper on his social life, it has also stunted him in several ways. First, although he is of
average height, he completely stopped growing on his sixteenth birthday, and hasn't lost or gained a single ounce since that
day. His hair refuses to grow past a certain length, and will rapidly grow back to its prescribed length if cut. Mentally, he has
grown in his raw abilities, but it is clear to his instructors that he simply never seems to improve his base potential. His essence,
it seems, is frozen at a particular point in time, and that point in time was the day he turned sixteen.

So, what happened to this frozen boy, you might ask? Well, life was always difficult for him. He grew up hidden
away from the world that didn't want him near it, trained in every subject imaginable in hopes that something, some esoteric
piece of knowledge, might help him to understand his affliction and overcome it. Nothing has, as of yet, but that hasn't
stopped Kevin from studying. Though Kevin was never the most-gifted student in any other subject, he was, nevertheless, able
to pick up any topic or subject at a basic level with very little effort.

Included among these subjects was the art of harnessing his own internal energies for combat, which Kevin was
inexplicably adept at from his youngest age. "He has an innate spiritual capacity that I have never encountered before," one
instructor commented after their first lesson. "I had only just shown him the basic stance for gathering his aether when the boy
began to gather it like a bird takes to flight!" As if guided by some invisible hand, the boy perfected a technique which none of
his instructors had ever even heard of that allowed him to pass through walls, and his gifts have continued to grow ever since.

After his growth stopped on his sixteenth birthday, Kevin changed. It was subtle at first, the sort of thing that not
even his family noticed, but within a few short years it became apparent that Kevin was growing somewhat distant. He began
to say things like "The path to peace is the compass rose" when asked to pass the carrots at the dinner table. He also felt a
strong urge to dig holes in the family gardens, which his parents only allowed because it kept him out of their hair. Kevin
continued digging holes and spouting nonsense until the day that Nefreet arrived at the mansion, speaking utter gibberish to the
guards since no one spoke a word of Kannawa.

To the amazement of everyone, possibly including himself, Kevin welcomed Nefreet in his native tongue, took him
to the garden to see the holes, and Nefreet nodded along like it was very standard business. The two spoke for almost an hour,
indecipherably to anyone listening, and then Nefreet handed Kevin a ring with a ceremonious bow before departing the
mansion forever. His family was beside themselves, swarming him with questions, but Kevin couldn't quite understand why
until he learned that none of them had understood their conversation. "Oh," he'd said, "Well, he did like the holes."

There would be several more incidents like this over the course of the next eight years. First it was Nefreet, and then
the following year while visiting the capital it was a businessman named Alder who, after haggling with a woman for an hour
about the appropriate cost for an old banana, simply handed Kevin another ring and told him that it was free of charge. Three
years later, Waluna, a beautiful woman with purple hair, snuck into Kevin's room in the middle of the night, deposited another
ring and a note, and left without alerting a soul to her presence. The only reason Kevin knew anything about her was because
he inexplicably couldn't sleep that night, and he watched her entire entrance and exit in complete silence.

The most recent ringbearer, as Kevin has taken to calling them, was a young woman that Kevin met on his first real
journey outside of Lucrecio. While staying in Kushistan, as his father tried to negotiate for passage to Baho to meet with the
sages there, a girl of no more than fourteen fell on top of Kevin. Given that they were a hundred miles from the nearest tall
building, or even a tree that might've provided such a vantage point, it was a very curious incident indeed. After a small panic
and a few apologies, the girl said a few words in Jashu to Kevin, who responded in kind, and the only reason that his parents
had any idea what Kevin was saying this time was thanks to the man they'd been negotiating with, who briefly acted as an

"You get younger every time I see you," said the girl. "I have never been older than I am now," Kevin

"You say that every time, as if it were true." "Isn't it?"

"I don't have time for your riddles, Acht. Do you want the ring or not?"

"Is it that time already? Well, I suppose there's no avoiding it then."

And that was that. The girl handed him the ring, and Kevin turned to his slack-jawed parents as the girl ran off into
the distance. "I'm afraid," he continued in plain Latin "That there won't be any more that will come to me. I'll have to seek them
out on my own. Is there... any way that I can join the Ambassadors, father?"

And that, as they say, is how history begins...

Tyr Hawkaluk – The Eternal Teenager

Unique Fanmade
Florianne Bellefleur, The
Princess without Crown,
supplied by Morgan

Level:6 Category:Natural (Natura 10)

Life Points: 130

Class: Ranger

Str: 8 Dex: 11 Agi: 10 Con: 5 Pow:

12 Int: 8 Wp: 5 Per: 6 Magic Projection: 20 Offensive, 145
Defensive. Shamanica
PhR 55 MR 85 PsR 55 VR 55 DR 27
Magic Levels: 70 Essence (Peace),
Initiative: 115 Unarmed, 85 Bolas, Defensive Safety, Life Magic (2), Space
110 Short Sword, 100 Javelin, 100 Control, Energy Control, Transmission
Spear, 100 Spear, 85 Short Bow. Magic, Force Speed (1)

Attack Ability: 160 Unarmed, 160 Advantages & Disadvantages: The

Bolas, 160 Short Sword, 160 Javelin, Gift, Path Natural Knowledge: Essence,
160 Spear, 160 Short Bow. Magical Nature (1), Somatic
Uselessness, Natural Power, Unlucky,
Defence Ability: 140 Dodge
Damage: 40 Unarmed, 60 Bolas, 70
Natural Abilities: Profession table:
Rapier, 65 Javelin, 80 Spear, 80
Shortbow +10

Size: 12 Regeneration: 1
AT: Leather Armor

CUT 1 IMP 0 THR 2 HEAT 1 ELE 2 COL 1 ENE 0 Movement Value: 10 Fatigue: 5

Ki Abilities: Ki Usage, Ki Control, Secondary Abilities: Acrobatics 50,

Weight Removal, Presence Extrusion, Athleticism 60, Riding 40, Climb 60,
Aura Extension to Weapon, Damage Style 65, Leadership 40, Persuasion
Increased, Speed Increased, Energy 75, Etiquette 55, Notice 130, Search
Usage Needed, Ki Concealment 102 115, Track 75, Animals 60, Herbalism
45, Story 30, Disguise 45, Hide 65,
MA: 45 Regeneration: 45 Stealth 70 , Traps 55, Art 15, Art
(Drawing) 95, Dance 40.
Zeon: 660

3 1 1
Florianne story is so peculiar that it Her family's hope was in her, perhaps
would be remembered for the rest of Florianne's birth would be the
the story until it became a story, but opportunity they had waited for
sometimes the story that is told to us centuries, perhaps she was destined to
tends to differ from reality, and she is become the next Archchancellor, and if
no exception to the rule. She was born that was Abel's will, they would
into a wealthy family in the Principality prepare her for it.
of Gabriel, the family of Archduke
This is how she lived the following
Florian, her father, to whom she is
years of her life, because as her
relatives grew up, led by her father's
The Bellefleur family is known for guardianship, they prepared the young
being one of the few families that have woman for an uncertain future, which
held the same title since the time of according to them "had destined great
the Apostle Joachim, retaining their things for her", and although she
rank as Archdukes of the Land of never was very convinced of it, seeing
Flowers since the time of the Holy her relatives try with such enthusiasm
Kingdoms, thus making it a house of made her also do her part, but she
great prestige, and all its members could not completely abandon her
must honor its name. Her childhood rebellious habits, sometimes she
was like that of any girl of the organized hunting parties that only she
aristocracy, being taught from a young attended, sometimes she had dances
age with family traditions, good where he only invited his friends, and
manners, etiquette and decorum, even sometimes he just pretended to sleep
so, Princess Fiora, as the servants to escape from the castle and go to
called her, always managed to get. the nearby forest, the Forêt
leisure time, it was not uncommon to ancestrale, and rest his head on the
find her playing around the Palais moss, looking at the wonderful
Fleuri, she was a playful girl, who constellations that adorned the sky
enjoyed climbing the columns and with their twinkling points, it was there
swinging from one chandelier to that they had their first contact, an
another, she was undoubtedly a effusive shadow in the thicket, singing
peculiar princess, worthy of her title, in a forgotten language, whose eyes
at least in part. shone almost as brightly as the moon.

With all this, she was quite good at the That night she returned to the castle,
court arts, and not only artistically but despite that she couldn't sleep,
speaking, for she had an almost innate something had changed that night,
gift for dealing with the people of the there was something that kept her
court, whether they were common sleep deprived until the first rays of
courtiers, minor nobles or even dukes the king star entered through her large
and princess. tinted window, that's when she
understood what had seen, or at least,
that was what she believed, moved to

31 2
tell her father, who instantly related it she could finally hear it, of all the
to a miracle of Abel, however Florianne encounters this was the most pleasant,
replied saying that it was a feeling "too the one I enjoy the most, the one I
divine" to be just a miracle, this reply didn't want to finish, Florianne didn't
was one of the last he would give to know, but she had fallen in love, she
his father, as it cost him a sharp blow had fallen in love with those eyes, that
to the back, accompanied by a voice, she had fallen in love with all
reprimand for blaspheming the name the conflicting feelings that flooded her
of Abel Christ. being every time she he was going into
the forest, and the feeling was mutual.
For the next week she repeated the
event every night, every day at sunset She blinked in surprise, but at the
she left her chambers for the Forêt same time relieved, letting herself be
ancestrale, ready to discover what was carried away by the idyllic feeling that
keeping her beguiled, ready to unmask flooded her consciousness, all the
those bright eyes that deprived her of escapades had been worth it, this
sleep. Then the second meeting moment was what she had been
occurred, at the end of summer, looking for for so long, she felt good,
during the first days of autumn, he better than ever before, this song
could hear again that singing towards hypnotized his senses, so he let
nothing, assembling a strange himself be carried away by the
symphony with the melodies of the moment, closed his eyes and just
night, and he could also observe again flowed. A couple of minutes passed, or
those blue eyes that shone in the who knows, maybe it was hours or just
almost perpetual darkness, planting a couple of seconds, but she heard
itself like stars that gracefully something that was outside of this
illuminated the sky, Florianne did not magical symphony, she heard a voice
even suspect it, but with each of these calling her asking for permission, and
encounters a strange feeling was born she, letting herself be carried away by
within her, something that she could the magic of the moment agreed.
not understand, but that she accepted
Then a light breeze blew and I heard
within herself.
bare feet move quickly across the wet
This is how his last encounter with this grass of the clearing. When he least
entity occurred, he repeated the expected it, he felt a nervous breath in
process like all the previous nights, he front of her, finally the entity had
lay down on the moss damp from the appeared before her, and her first act
night breeze and looked at the stars was nothing more and nothing less
that wrote their stories in the sky, and than kissing her. Probably that strange
it was that night where finally, after so being of hers would be as afraid as she
much time she understood the song was, with a trembling grip he pulled
that she longed to hear, it was a love her, depositing on her lips a tender
song, an ancient romance song that and fearful kiss, the first kiss of the
had been lost over the ages, and yet princess. It was being like a fairy tale,

31 3
until she opened her eyes and she of those days something took her out
could see who gave it to her, it was an of her obsession. Her father had come
elf, and not only that, she was also a to wake her up, which was not unusual
woman. in itself, but if it was something
unusual, her surprise was greater
Suddenly all that magic that had
when she saw him arrive with a crown
vanished, Florianne felt sullied,
of elven roots, a precious crown that
deceived, the teachings of the Church
raised a brilliant blue gem in the
had penetrated deep into her heart
center, she she had forgotten, it was
and into her mind, she believed she
her birthday and that meant that the
had sinned against the teachings of
next dance would be to present her to
Abel, her heart began to beat fast, her
Gabrielian society as the heir to the
blood It began to boil and her eyes
archduchy, but when she was left
clouded over, she lost consciousness
alone to try on the crown in front of
almost instantly, but not before
the mirror she realized something else,
hearing a sharp sound wave that
that was not a normal crown, it was
shook the clearing where they were
her crown, now everything made
sense, now she had proof, it had not
He woke up the next morning, in his been a dream, it had really happened,

bedroom, there were no signs that it and she was willing to discover what

had been real, but the sweet taste of was behind all this, she would take

that kiss lingered on his lips, and the revenge on the one who had stolen her
elf's perfume still lent its scent to the first kiss and that he had tarnished his

air in the room, perhaps there was It honor by doing so, he would take

had been a dream, but perhaps it revenge on the elf and wash away his

hadn't been, and for better or worse, sins with her blood, or so she thought.

Florianne was determined to find out.

That night she prepared to repeat the
That morning she only showed up for events, during the meal she heard her
breakfast with the archduke's court, father and mother chatting about a

something unusual for her, then she story, probably unimportant, because

disappeared for a whole day, she was she did not pay attention to it, her

determined to discover if that had whole mind was busy planning what
been the result of a dream or if it had would happen that night, and when

really happened. For two months she the moment finally came Florianne did

lived in that strange limbo, where not hesitate, she gallantly dressed in

encounters like this were repeated, her leather armor, she brought with
this strange elf came to her dreams, her her bow and her sword, that farce

as she saw it, and repeated the events ended there, no matter what the

in the clearing, but no matter how princess had to do to make it so.

hard she tried, when she woke up she
He reached the clearing, looked at the
never found any proof that this woman
sky for the last time, and was able to
would have really been there. But one
contemplate for a few seconds the

3 1 4
constellations of Vega and Altair, a everything had finally embedded, and
curious analogy considering what was she bravely would not let what she had
about to happen. She knew that just understood be taken from her,
Florianne was there, and even with and even unaware of her own ability to
that, she continued with her nightly do so, she conjured the shield that
ritual, she began her nervous song, saved the elf from death, the
keeping herself hidden from the one revelation of the magic was shocking,
she thought she loved, because she but it could wait, the Princess had
feared her reaction, but by paying so more important things to do at that
much attention to the princess, she moment, and she started with the
neglected her senses and Soon, an most important one, reciprocating that
aspiring inquisitor surrounded her, kiss that had led to all this happening
subdued her and was ready to cut her in the first place.
throat to take her blood as proof to the
Finally he was able to understand
master forgers in Albidion, she heard
everything, and by doing so he was
the sound of cold steel cutting the air
finally able to love, quite ironic that he
as the sword was swung and she could
ended up loving a sylvain, because he
only sigh in terror at the sound. feel
felt cheated again, but not by the girl
like life was about to be taken away
he held in his arms. Now her
from him, but something unexpected
misfortune came from elsewhere, from
happened, something that not even
the church, from her parents, she felt
the inquisitor himself expected, his
cheated by all those teachings she had
sword collided with a shield of pure
had during her youth, which almost led
magic that had formed around the elf,
her to cold-bloodedly murder the girl
and the boy, as surprised as he was.
from whom she now could not
She ended up running away, thinking
separate, but that didn't matter
that there were more like her and it
anymore, for the first time she could
was a battle she couldn't win,
see herself reflected in someone else's
ironically, she was only one, but she
eye, seeing herself through the eyes of
had chosen her company wisely.
that girl, with a background patterned
Florianne finally understood the with white stars that adorned the sky,
meaning of everything really, the story she kissed her again and the situation
of her parents, it was the story of how continued climbing, and that night, in
they met and fell in love during her that clearing, things happened that
mother's presentation dance, the only the two lovers remember.
constellation of Vega and Altair, the
The following days changed
lovers' signature in the sky ,
everything, not only talking about her
everything was planned, technically it
life as heiress to the archduchy, these
had been a trap and he had fallen into
events ended up changing the way
it directly, he could finally understand
Florianne conceived the world around
it, everything that agglomerated in his
her and how she was part of it. To this
heart finally made sense, the song, the
was also added that the princess had
stars, and even the clearing itself,

3 1 5
discovered something, she was Finally he was able to be truly happy,
capable of doing magic, a fact that she the days to come would be the best of
had ignored until the moment where his life, because by changing his
she conjured that magical shield to conception of it he could see
save that woman with whom she had everything with different eyes, the
fallen in love, and now that she knew palace had been infected with this
her abilities, she lived again the energy and the environment had
indecision, because Florianne did not changed almost completely, hardly
know at all if she wanted to develop anyone could not even imagine what
them or not, but in the end she ended was causing this sudden change in the
up choosing to learn, because she attitude of the princess, and to tell the
realized that there was someone who truth nobody cared, because they were
could teach her, she could teach her, happy with it, at least almost everyone
she mastered the same kind of magic was, because in the shadows of the
that Florianne wanted to learn . columns a look was hidden suspicious,
a voice that whispered impatiently,
She was Viera Lavellan, a sylvain who
waiting for a stumble so that she
had been wandering Gaïa for at least a
couldn't get up again.
hundred years since the destruction of
Sylvania, curiously, she was also part Exactly one month passed, the day
of the royalty, or what was its had arrived, the dance where Florianne
equivalent in her elven clan, for she would present herself as heiress to the
was the heir to her house, which was Archduchy of Flowers was a few hours
equivalent to being a princess in the away from being held, she tried by all
human hierarchy. That gave an means to convince Viera to attend,
explanation to what had brought them because she did not want her to miss
together, the crown that her father out on such an important event.
had brought on the morning of her moment of her life, but the same times
birthday belonged to Viera, it was part that she insisted, the same times that
of the little inheritance she kept from Viera said that it was better that she
her house after getting lost in the stay in the clearing, since she did not
human world and forgetting the way want to risk everything because of her,
back to Arlathan, knowing this and after a while of arguing, she ended
Florianne instantly returned her, she up giving in, saying goodbye to her
couldn't help but feel bad for her, with a tender kiss on the forehead,
because beyond the fact that she loved leaving for the dance that would
her, she understood what she felt, that change her life, and her life would
feeling of being out of place, of not change, but not in the way she
fitting in, the same feeling that drove thought it would.
her to return to the clearing every
The voice in the shadows found a
night to meet Viera, because with her
weakness, a moment to act had come
she felt part of something, she felt she
at last, and he was determined to
fit in.
seize it. The ball began, the guests

3 1 6
were introduced one by one, and had lost her reason to think that
Florianne waited nervously in the tomorrow would be a better day; she
anteroom, looking shakily into the simply had lost everything.
woods, hoping to find the courage to
That's how the days went by until on
stand in the middle of that crowded
a rainy day near the humid forests of
room, and just as she was about to
Alberia thought he saw the figure of
leave she saw something in the
her beloved from the mist Motivated
window, a piece of linen that wrapped
by this vision, she decided to go into
something, it was Viera's crown, she
the depths of the forest if it meant
looked both ways looking to see her
meeting with Viera. She ran for hours,
somewhere, but there was no one, just
not realizing that with each step he
a twinkling brightness on the edge of
took he moved further away from the
the forest, she understood instantly.
edge of the forest, entering an
She looked at herself in the mirror
environment he did not know, leading
with the tiara on and couldn't help but
her to get lost within it.
shed a tear.
It was a matter of time before fatigue
She took a deep breath, nervously
attacked her, since the cold water and
taking the knob and finally went out
the physical effort to which she had
proud towards the great hall, dressed
submitted had taken a heavy toll on
in an elegant dress of dark colors,
her, so she ended up fainting on the
decked out with the best jewels of her
shores of a lake that she had found
house, but above all, wearing that
while chasing Viera.
crown that now meant so much. She
was willing for this night to become Her body trembled from the cold, and
the talk of the aristocracy, and she was too tired to even try to do
ironically she succeeded, because some magic to save herself, so she
when she left she found something she only accepted the cruel fate that
didn't want to see. awaited her in that cold darkness
provided by the leafy treetop above
Few know exactly what happened that
her. Before fainting completely, prey
night, although the rumors are vast
to cold, fatigue and the pain that
and do not usually vary much, but one
harassed her heart, she saw how a
thing is for sure Florianne was
white deer approached her, it is
banished from the Archduchy,
obvious that she tried to reposition
disinherited and unknown to her
herself, but it was futile, since shortly
house, the princess without a crown
after having done so spotted ended up
was born, but she had lost something
passing out, thinking that he would
more important than all that in the
never feel or see sunlight again.
process, something that would follow
her wherever she went, no matter how Fortunately or unfortunately, this
far she went, her memory would go supposition was not true, since she
with her. She had lost Viera, the only had been visited by one of the
person she had ever truly loved, she guardian spirits, who, seeing her in

3 1 7
that state, gave her another within the island, for he was now
opportunity; Florianne died on Gaïa, regarded by many as a knowledgeable
but she was reborn on Folkia. She figure they could consult when they
woke up in a magical world that was were insecure about a decision or
fascinating to her; it seemed as if she event, to such an extent that, at the
was inside one of the stories that her council two years ago, she was named
mother told her when she was the next Chosen of Spring.
And this is no coincidence, because it
Obviously, he couldn't help but relate is thanks to the Spirit of Spring itself
it to the stories that Viera told him that came to Folkia, who appeared
about the kingdom he came from, so before her as that White Deer in the
his hope of meeting her again only rain forest saving her from certain
increased. Thanks to this he felt that death thanks to the cold and fatigue to
her life was finally beginning to return give her a second chance. . Florianne
to its normal course, he was finally at has not yet received the ceremony
peace again with everything that had whereby the Floral Crown would be
happened in her life in recent years. placed on her shoulders to symbolize
her status as Chosen of Spring, but
At first it is evident that she felt lost,
with the current interregnum scenario
since it was a world she knew
this could change at any time.
absolutely nothing about, and although
she spoke the elvish fluently thanks to She usually leads a quiet life, traveling
her contact with Viera, not all the through the confines of the island to
inhabitants of this curious island where give advice to its inhabitants, being a
she had woken up understood it. mostly peaceful girl and without much
desire to fight, because aggressive
Once the time was given to
behavior makes her relive her tragic
investigate, he ended up learning that
past that little by little she has been
he now inhabited what the elves and
trying to forget in pursuit of the life he
fairies knew as Vunleasalan, which
lives now.
translated into the language of men
would come to mean something similar Although every night she visits the
to "The Land of Sunlight", which is the forests of Vunleasalan to remember
name by which they referred to the the moments she spent with her
Spring Island. At first adapting to his beloved, thinking that perhaps,
new life was difficult for him, but he somewhere in this magical world, she
ended up adapting to the life that was may be alive and that Florianne can
common in the lands inhabited by the finally find her to reunite with her and
Daughters of the Sun. live the life that was taken from them
in Gaïa, but that in Folkia could be
It has now been a few years since he
thanks to this second chance. to fix
arrived in Folkia, and it is true that he
her mistakes and live a life she wanted
has adapted exceptionally well, having
to live; a life next to Viera.
already acquired a new reputation

3 1 8

Since she has always been an athletic
and flexible girl it is not surprising that
Fiora preferred to stay within the woods,
living as Viera had done for over a
hundred years, hoping that one day she
would be able to mend the mistake she
made that night.

Sometimes, during the nights, he can
repeat those encounters he had with
Viera in the clearing, during them he is
happier than ever, but when he wakes up
he cannot stop  the tears from flowing
down his face.

The identity of the shadow that
caused her exile and misfortune is that of
her cousin Carabosse Letraître, who was
the heir to the 
archduchy until Florianne's
birth occurred.

Being the last of the Lavellans, Viera
was technically more the equivalent of a
minor Queen within the elven hierarchy
than a princess, but she was unaware that
she was the last of her house, so she
always presented herself as an heiress.
This made Florianne not feel so alone in 
the ostentatious world of the aristocracy.

Florianne does not remember the
events of the dance fluently, she is only
clear about two things, she fell into
disgrace and something happened to
Viera, perhaps she died, but she is not
able to remember exactly. It is still a day
when she looks at the stars every night
hoping to find the comfort that she has
been searching for so long.

As Viera was the one who taught her
to control her powers, her magic ended
up being dependent on some things, for
example, the relationship she had with
the spiritual world, since, theoretically,
she had lived in it all her life, so
Florianne's magic ended up connecting in

the same way, unconsciously developing
the Shamanic theorem.

For this same reason her magic
developed another limitation, for it was
the crown of Viera, Arlathan Enansal,
which served as a catalyst for her to be
able to control the magic within her,
since, if she does not wear the crown, she
is virtually incapable of doing anything.
Using his spells or to control the Zeon of
his body, he could only  do these things
when he wore the crown.

3 1 9
and changing the state of people and
Najeem the Mage, supplied by
things. He is as likely as changing
someone into stone or using his

Level: 5 Category: Natural abilities to enhance his own abilities or

change items.
Life Points: 110
Najeem is a lean man with coffee-hued
Class: Wizard skin and close-cropped dark hair. He
usually has a couple of exotic items,
Str: 5 Dex: 8 Agi: 6 Con: 6 Pow: 12
that he can modify with his ability to
Int: 9 Wp: 7 Per: 5
transmute things. Najeem prefers
PhR 55 MR 80 PsR 55 VR 55 DR 55 direct solutions instead of relying on
negotiation or trickery. He is very
Initiative: 80 Natural much an engineer/scientist

MA: 105 Regeneration: 210 Najeem would prefer to take some

time for some basic preparations but
Zeon: 2160
in pinch usually rely on low to medium
Magic Projection: 110 + Natural effects by spending 200 zeons on
Magic spells (2 turns of accumulation, +6 to
the Power check), he can usually cast
Magic Levels: Natural Magic -
level 3 effects with little difficulty. If he
Transmuter Specialty
has more time to prep, Najeem can

Advantages & Disadvantages: The invest a vast amount of Zeon (1000

Gift, Superior Magic Recovery zeons or 30 seconds of prep time) to

produce a powerful level 4
Size: 11, Medium Regeneration: 1 transmutation effect, depending on the
situation, which could be as simple as
Movement Value: 6 Fatigue: 6
transforming into a monstrous
Secondary Abilities: Science 210, abomination.
Medicine 110, Magic Appraisal 160,
Forging 110, Occult 75

Najeem was born with

the gift in Nanwe and
spent a good amount of
time trading with the
Kimburu tribe for books
about science.
Combining his magical
abilities with science,
Najeem has focused his
abilities on transmuting

3 20
Najeem is particularly interested in any Zeon: 1320 Zeonic reg.: 125
interesting technology or novelty, so
Magic projection: 250
he could be encountered in some
ancient civilizations ruins in the jungle Magic level: 90 Air, 80 Darkness, 60
of Nanwe. Illusion, 60 Necromancy

Orpheus Forte, The Chained Advantages and Disadvantages:

The Gift, Natural learning (1): Music,
Composer, supplied by Morgan Somatic Inutility

Level: 14 Category: Special, Natural abilities: Mundus:

Animated 30 Environment Control

Life point: 355 Essential abilities: Supernatural Soul

Characteristics, Supernatural Physical
Class: Warlock
Characteristics, Inhumanity, Natural
Str: 10 Dex: 14 Agi: 12 Con: - Pow: Path Knowledge (Air 60), Natural Path
16 Int: 16 Wil: 10 Per: 12 Knowledge (Darkness 40)

PhR 130 MR 130 PsR 110 VR 130 DS Powers: The Soul of Orpheus, The
130 Chains of the Ostinato, The Projection
of the Chord, The Conductor's Will, The
Initiative: 145 Unarmed, 145 Mundus Sept Harmonies, Dark Song, Valse
Sentimentale, Eternal Elegy
Attack: 300 Unarmed, Mundus
(Especial) Size: 25, Enormous Regeneration: 9

Defense: 300 Unarmed, Mundus Movement Type: 12 Fatigue:

(Especial) Tireless

Damage: 35 Unarmed, Mundus 135 Secondary skills: Athleticism 110,

(Especial) Style 80, Intimidate 140, Leadership
90, Persuasion 60, Etiquette 120,
AT: Protection of the Chord
Notice 80, Search 60, Law 80,
CUT 4 IMP 4 THR 4 HEA 4 ELE 4 COL 4 Herbalism 60, Tactics 80, Memorize
ENE 4 140, Occult 140, Magic 180, Disguise
80, Art 60, Dance 120, Runes 60,
Ki Points: 96 Music 260, Sleight of Hands 120,
Ritual Calligraphy 80.
Ki Abilities: Nemesis Usage, Void
Armor, Ki Nullification, Greater Ki
Nullification, Void Extrusion, Void
Body, Void Essence, Undetectability, Fruit of a forgotten age, Forte can be
Inhumanity considered one of the oldest creatures
of Lunaris, even preceding it. Orpheus
MA: 125 was a respected member of the Vetala
aristocracy during the First Blood

3 21
Moon, before Lunaris was created, Str: 10 Dex: 14 Agi: 12 Con: - Pow:
when the Children of the Night 18 Int: 16 Wil: 10 Per: 12
extended their empire far into the
PhR 150 MR 150 PsR 120 VR 150 DR
darkness and night sky.
His history as a member of the
Initiative: 145 Unarmed, 115 Virgo
vampiric nobility is somewhat more
(Great Wind)
eccentric than most might think, as his
position within the hierarchy of the Attack: 330 Unarmed, 330 Virgo
first empire is unclear, since no (Great Wind)
records are kept that can support
Orpheus as an active member of the Defense: Accumulation
Crimson Court, this is not just a fluke,
Damage: 45 Unarmed
in fact, this is how it should be.
Illuminati has taken it upon AT: Natural armor
themselves to keep Forte's existence
confidential as far as possible, which is CUT 8 IMP 8 THR 8 HEA 8 ELE 8 COL 8

why they have spent time erasing their ENE 10

records from history, but the reason

Ki points: 112
for this goes beyond a simple attempt
to erase its mark on the world; Ki abilities: Nemesis Usage, Void
Orpheus is one of the Apophis sealed Armor, Ki Nullification, Greater Ki
away by Illuminati, thus the insistence Nullification, Magic Nullification, Void
on keeping him unknown to most Extrusion, Void Body, Indetection,
people. Inhumanity

It is true that, like any other of the MA: 175

Apophis, Forte had his own history
Zeon: 1735 Zeonic reg.: 175
before becoming one. Although once
again, he is far from the common Magic projection: 280 Offensive, 25
average, because more than a heroic Defensive
deed in search of power, it is about a
man with fears who was looking for Magic level: 90 Air, 80 Darkness, 60
only one thing; Forte wanted a legacy, Illusion, 60 Necromancy
he wanted his story to be told.
Natural abilities: Virgo: Great Wind
The Maestro Forte Instruments

Level: 16 Category: Living Essential abilities: Supernatural Soul

Dead, Animated 30 Characteristics, Supernatural Physical
Characteristics, Inhumanity, Natural
Life points: 7,500 Path Knowledge (Air 60), Natural Path
Knowledge (Darkness 40)
Class: Warlock

3 22
Powers: The Soul of Orpheus, The not a single vetala who was captivated
Chains of the Ostinato, Royal by the works of Master Forte and when
Harmony, The Conductor's Will, The he least expected it, he was already an
Sept Harmonies, Dark Song, Valse indispensable part of the Crimson
Sentimentale, Eternal Elegy, Grand Pas Court, since he became Nightingale of
de Deux, Macabre Virtuosity the Court; the king's personal adviser,
both politically and artistically.
Size: 30, Gigantic Regeneration: 9
Being the royal advisor had several
Movement Type: Special 13
benefits, living in the palace was one

Fatigue: Tireless of them, and given Forte's great

talent, and they even granted him a
Secondary skills: Athleticism 140, fief of his own to rule it, thus becoming
Piloting 60, Style 120, Intimidate 160, the first Duke of Harmonie. A land
Leadership 120, Persuasion 80, known for a rock formation called The
Etiquette 140, Notice 80, Search 60, Organ Mountain Range, a canyon
Law 80, Herbalism 60, Tactics 80, formed by the erosion of the air,
Memorize 240, Navigation 60, Occult where the boulders emulated the pipes
180, Magic V. 240, Composure 120, of a great organ to such a degree that,
Costume 80, Art 120, Dance 120, with the right climate, it was possible
Runes 80, Animism 120, Music 360, for this great mountainous gorge
Sleight of Hands 160, Ritual delight travelers with their music
Calligraphy 80.
There he built his castle, the Alcazar
de Harmonie, which was his residence
whenever he was not with the king,
Born in a place already forgotten and
Orpheus would never have imagined
lost in time, within the vetala high
that this place would become the
nobility of his time, so it is to be
prison where Illuminati would seal him
expected that his early years were like
centuries later, condemning him to an
those of any other aristocrat of the
eternity of solitude and oblivion.
time, only that Forte had a small
variation. His passion was not politics In his day, Forte enjoyed all of this for
or war, from the beginning he showed a couple of centuries, but despite all
an interest in the arts, more the comforts and luxuries he enjoyed,
specifically, in music. he still felt that something was
missing, he couldn't help but feel alone
He was a prodigy in his field, there
within the immense walls of his castle.
was not a single person in the court
Motivated by him, he ordered to build
who was not surprised by his
a complex system of valves and
creations, and even the Blood King
bellows that fed a great organ that
praised his work, even offering to be
rose above a long hall, Forte was alone
the court composer. Forte accepted
in Harmonie, but his music would
the offer and began to climb socially
accompany him while he was there.
thanks to his talent for art, there was

3 23
It was shortly after when his life began nobility and Forte was beginning to
to take the course that would lead him show his particular fear regarding how
to be what he is now, more specifically people would remember him when his
during a winter ball that was held in time in the empire finally ended.
the capital of the empire. That day, Aware of this, Clara wrote him a letter
while he was at the party, Forte was where, among many other things, a
called to play something on the piano phrase stood out: My love, if when
and delight the audience with his your time in the dark ended you were
music, obviously he had not been not able to tell your story, do not be
informed of this, so he had not afraid, I will do it for you. This
prepared any piece for said event, and captivated Forte's heart, and from
although this didn't stop him, because then on his letters were always signed
he had to keep his vetala pride, it is with fragments of something he wrote
true that the composer approached the just for her, saying that when the last
keyboard doubtfully and in an act of letter with the last fragment of the
courage began to improvise hoping piece was finally delivered, they could
that his music would flow as it did in be together.
his castle.
While all of this was taking place on
Fortunately, Orpheus was right and he the far borders of the Blood Moon
managed a masterful interpretation Empire in the center of the continent,
that captivated practically everyone a war was being waged that would
present in the palace, that night he change the course of history forever,
would rest easy knowing that his the God War they called it. Initially the
reputation was intact. The dance went vetala downplayed it quite a lot, it was
off normally, or at least that's what the impossible to escape from it, because
young Forte believed, since, when he when Rah activated his machine there
was retiring towards the balcony of the was no place that was not affected by
castle, he was interrupted by a young the global cataclysm he unleashed.
vampire who followed him down the Many historians say that the world
hall, she introduced herself as Clara died that day, not only because of the
Stahlbaum, and although nothing else destruction that the machine left
happened that night, that meeting laid behind, but also because of all that
the foundations for a strange was lost; The Vetala lost half their
relationship between Clara and Forte. empire and their power, but Forte lost
Both exchanged more letters than
anyone was willing to admit, because This was the beginning of the end, the
they never made this relationship decline of Master Forte began with the
public, it was more of an open secret disappearance of Clara, because
than a reality. Both Forte and Clara everything that he had come to love
were happy like this, as she was afraid had vanished like the lights of the sky.
of tarnishing Forte's reputation if he Orpheus secluded himself thinking that
was dating a girl from the lower in the dark he would find the comfort

3 24
that death had taken from him, and accompany him in his perpetual
gradually he descended into madness, solitude.
as the fear of forgetting him became a
The way in which he created them is
phobia, and later an obsession.
uncertain, for to do so he imbued part
Unknowingly, it became more and of his soul into them, each one being
more just a fragile memory of what it the representation of one of his
could have been, closer to a self- memories. As is obvious, he inspired
imposed sentence to oblivion than a her nicknames in the joint degrees of
legendary memory. He did not know it, the musical scale and what they
but due to the creation of the barrier represented, likewise he gave part of
his castle ended up becoming an area his essence to all except the last, the
of great existential power, it was seventh to be born and the first to die;
thanks to this that Forte slowly The Sensitive.
degraded until he lost everything that
She was created during the winter,
tied him to the physical world,
when the wind blew hard on the
everything except one stuff; the last of
mountain range and the organ pipes
the letters to Clara, that letter he
whistled. Forte was sitting at the foot
never sent. The memory of Clara kept
of it, lamenting as usual, when a slight
his soul alive while his body rotted, in
gust of wind blew away some sheets of
this way he transcended death without
paper that were around the room,
becoming a conventional undead,
including Clara's Song. It was when he
becoming a specter of great power
read her again after so long that The
thanks to the power of his castle; a
Sensitive was born, the only one of the
representation of the pain and sorrow
Sept Harmonies who did not have a
he felt.
fragment of Orpheus, she had been
At first he wandered alone, thinking born from Clara, from her memory,
about what mistakes he had made to from her love and from her soul.
get to this point, locked up with the
He had created life from just a
organ unburdening his sorrows with
memory, and while they were a part of
him, always tortured by the melody
him they were not bound to serve him.
that she never got to hear and that he
This raised the Illuminati's alarms in
promised never to play again, thinking
the first instance, so they began to
of if something could have changed or
study their movements carefully,
if it was something that was
waiting for a signal that was strong
predestined to happen from the
enough to take action and end the
moment the young Stahlbaum signed
threat before it even existed. It is true
the first letter. This deeply consumed
that it did not take them long to find it,
him to unsuspected levels, to such an
and although it is not known what it
extent that, totally unconsciously, he
was, it is clear that now Orpheus Forte
ended up creating the Sept Harmonies,
remains sealed in the Alcazar of
the only creatures that would
Harmonie, “sleeping” while waiting for

3 25
a love that will never return, but if he these travelers. Curiously, there are
discovers the truth about it, he could few times that they have had to get to
to destroy the whole world only to see use their weapons, because more than
again the girl who captivated him in a few Templars willing to kill, they are
that old and forgotten Winter Ball. simple beings that exist in the castle
and have not known anything else,
_______MODUS OPERANDI_______
some are curious, others timid, but all

Even for someone as passive as Forte they are just as dangerous.

is now, the possibility of combat has
The Soul of Orpheus: As his own
always been there, and although it
story tells, Orpheus is far from being a
would never be to his liking, he would
conventional Undead, because
see no harm in resorting to fighting if
although his body died due to the
he sees that there is no other option,
physical deterioration he suffered in
because over the centuries his heart
the years after Clara's disappearance,
has hardened to the point where only
his soul transcended The Calling due to
the Harmonies have really known who
the great existential power that now
the composer is beyond being the one
permeated his castle. For this reason
who created them.
we could consider that his spirit

He practically never leaves the heart of became an Undead, although ignoring

the castle, voluntarily secluding the detrimental effects that affect

himself in its inner rooms, hiding from other necromantic beings.

the curious eye that dared to wander
The Chains of the Ostinato: Being
in his castle, because since he was
one of the Apophis, especially one that
sealed there by the Illuminati, his
was sealed by the Illuminati, it is
castle only appears for two days a
natural that Forte's influence was
year, on the solstice of winter and
greatly reduced, losing the dominance
summer, the dates where Clara
he had over most of Harmonie. After
entered and left her life, respectively.
his fight with them, he was confined to
When it does, she can attract the
the heart of the castle, more
unwary thanks to Forte's nostalgic
specifically in the organ room, as the
melodies, which are amplified by the
Illuminati ended up sealing him in it.
natural song of the mountains, giving
Sometime later, and due to various
the impression that the mountain
reasons, he ended up being able to
range weeps with him.
regain his influence throughout the

Naturally, it is normal that any visitor castle, although he doesn't usually

to their castle does not know its venture beyond the hall where he was

enigmatic owner, instead it is more confined by them.

common that they end up meeting the
The Projection of the Chord: As
Sept Harmonies as they go through
mentioned before, Orpheus was
the spacious and lonely rooms of the
chained to the organ of his castle, as
place, looking for a change within the
his soul was encapsulated within it so
monotonous eternity, finding it in

3 26
that he could not move away from the and may be a greater or lesser penalty
heart of his castle, and although over depending on this. If they get close to
time he regained influence over the the central chamber where Forte is,
other rooms thanks to the Sept they will always apply a - 200, as if
Harmonies he is virtually unable to be they were hiding in front of him.
away from the organ. His powers have
The Sept harmonies: As mentioned
allowed him to conjure a physical
above, the existence of these
form, similar to his appearance when
enigmatic beings is almost a complete
he was a mortal being, and although
mystery, maybe even as much as the
he can technically move freely
being that created them.
throughout his castle, he prefers not
to, because although his physical form The nature of each of them is stranger
can move, his soul is still tied to the than the previous one, since while
organ. For game purposes, the farther some were formed from inanimate
away Forte is, you can feel how his objects, others were created
power decreases and his physical practically from scratch by Forte's
projection is more and more magic. Each of them was born to
susceptible to being destroyed, this represent an aspect of their creator's
will make him lose levels because the soul; a feeling or a memory, and
connection with his soul will become although they may be very similar at
thinner and weaker. times, there is always something that
makes them different from the other
The Conductor’s Will: Being a being
6. Their names, related to the joint
of great existential power who is
degrees of a scale, are for many little
literally chained to the place where he
more than a title, but for others, like
lives, Orpheus has a kind of
Clara, is an unsightly scar on a wound
omnipresence within his castle, being
that refuses to heal.
able to be aware of the vast majority
of things that happen inside it. -I Désire Florimund, The Tonic (A.
Unfortunately, his ability to sense what Warrior ♂, Nv. 10): The first of the
is going on in the castle suffers from seven to be created, born out of a
the same limitation as his physical bitter memory about the son Forte
form, as his senses become clouded as never had. With fine, royal and very
he moves away from the heart of the elegant features, Désire is the one
castle. with the most jovial appearance of the
seven, trying to look like a young and
For game purposes it is interpreted
handsome prince. Charismatic and
that, depending on the distance that
flirtatious in equal parts, he is the one
the players are from the room where
who is usually more willing to interact
Forte is chained to the organ, they
with the castle's visitors, even having
have to make periodic concealment or
several encounters with young girls
stealth checks, with a penalty directly
who, for good or bad fortune, ended
related to how much Awareness has
up reaching Harmonie, sometimes
Forte over the area in which they are,

3 27
killing them or letting them leave with first provocation, even if she is sure
the promise that if they managed to that she will win the challenge.
return, he would marry them.
-III Florianne Bellefleur, The
With graceful and light movements, Mediant (Paladin ♀, Nv. 11): Aurora's
Désire is the most agile of them, only twin, more demure and shy than her
behind Clara, fighting as a true prince sister, and all Harmonies in general.
would, he has trained as a skilled Born to embody the balance in Forte's
duelist over the centuries, and soul, the fine barrier between her
although he still has much to learn, it consciousness and her supernatural
is not a threat that must be completely urges. She is shown to others as a tall,
dismissed. If he meets a couple inside thin, brown-haired, pretty young
the castle, it is quite common for the woman with very bright green eyes,
prince to challenge the man for the very similar to the descriptions Clara
love of his beloved, but only if she gave Forte about the dream daughter
agrees. they never had, Florianne being the
personification of this. She does not
-II Violente L'Fée, The Supertonic
usually show herself to visitors,
(Paladin ♀, Nv. 12): Despite having
although this does not mean that she
been created almost at the same time
does not watch them, since she usually
as Désire, Violente is far from him, as
does it while she remains hidden, if for
she was conceived as the
some reason she were to interact with
personification of the passions that
one of them, she could observe that
Forte kept in his heart. Slender and
Florianne is one of the most sensible
rather refined in form, Violente has
and intelligent, being fully aware of
taken on the form of a fairy and her
what it is and the reasons for its
attitude is, unsurprisingly, quite
passionate and curious, but also quite
compassionate as she is probably the Thanks to this, the mission of
one with the greatest aversion to protecting the natural balance within
killing out of the seven having already the castle has been self-imposed, since
spared several lives throughout her the lives of everyone in it depend on
existence in the great castle of Forte, this. She is always accompanied by a
but only if she believes the person spirit that has taken the form of an
deserves a second chance. animal, usually a fox or a
hummingbird, it is for this reason that
His fighting style is very similar to his
Violente has given her the nickname of
attitude, carrying out maneuvers and
Guardian of Nature, as well as a
movements that to outside eyes might
magical silk cape that helps her stay
seem erratic and reckless. The truth is
that she, despite being the most
passionate of all, she is quite -IV Aurora Dormant, The
intelligent and will never jump at the Subdominant (Wizard ♀, Nv. 11):
Florianne's sister, born to embody one

3 28
of the most abstract concepts among dressed in in a big and flashy military
the Sept Harmonies, Forte's dreams. uniform, like a real soldier.
At first Aurora lacked a physical form,
representing herself as little more than
a translucent silhouette on the dark Affected by combat, Casse-Noisette is,
castle walls, though later she ended up by far, the one who will have claimed
taking the form of a tall, blonde, blue- the most lives among those who dwell
eyed girl who was quite attractive. in the castle. His fighting style is
crude, focusing almost entirely on
As might be expected of her, it is rare
brute force over strategy, making him
to find her physically, as she prefers to
a dangerous threat. But like her
show herself to visitors within her
companions, Casse-Noisette has a
dreams, maintaining the appearance
weakness, having been born from a
described above. For this she uses the
statue, she does not know about
magic of dreams, which she has
feelings or what it is to dream, and
developed throughout her life,
although she does not openly admit it,
becoming a skillful user of this herself,
she is quite curious about this, so
and although she is not all that she
someone could take advantage of this
knows how to do, this is what has
weakness to escape him.
given her the nickname of The
Dreamer. -VI Fille D'Sucre, The Submediant
(Warlock ♀, Nv. 12): The last one that
Naturally, it is normal that if Aurora
was created directly by Forte from a
has to fight, she prefers to wait until
fragment of his soul, this time,
her opponent is asleep, so that she
symbolizing the rarest concept of all
can enter their dreams and use what
among the six created ones that
makes her different from others. She
inhabit the castle. Fille was born to
also follows the same current as
symbolize Forte's memory of her from
Violente, but to a lesser extent,
the night he met Clara, taking the
sparing the lives of those whose
form of a mechanical ballerina from a
dreams have captivated her.
music box that was Forte's first gift to
-V Casse-Noisette, The Dominant her. She is perhaps the least
(Weaponsmaster ♂, Nv. 12): Casse- aggressive of all along with Florianne,
Noisette exists thanks to the rage of because, as with Casse-Noisette, she
Orpheus, to everything that torments feels a great curiosity about life, since
him daily and that fanns the flames of she came to it as part of a lament to a
his heart. Created from a statue that name that many had forgotten.
came to life thanks to Forte, little by
Although with mechanical movements,
little he has been refining his hard
she is as agile as one would expect of
shell to acquire a more humanized
a dancer and she describes her
appearance, showing himself as a tall
matches as such; dances in which she
and stocky man, with rough skin full of
has fun dancing with the strangers
cracks that for him symbolize scars,
who manage to reach her, because

3 29
being the last one created is the one came along to destroy it. She is fully
that has its essence most linked to aware that she is not the real Clara,
Orpheus, and although she is not tied and she also knows what she really is,
to him, she does not like to stray too and that is why she does not stray too
far from the heart of the castle. Both far from Forte, since she is the last
her way of acting and her magic are one to arrive at the castle and
influenced by music, as it was this that witnesses everything he has been able
made her exist in the first place, to create.
because without music Forte and Clara
Clara remembers the fears that
would never have met.
Orpheus felt to be forgotten, and
-VII Clara Stahlbaum, The seeing everything that has been born
Sensitive (Technician ♀, Nv. 13): The from him she thinks that he deserves
only one not created by Forte and the to be remembered by the people, but
last of the Sept Harmonies to be born, she doesn't know how to achieve it,
and not from a concept or a memory, because none of them has managed to
but from a fragment of Clara's soul. leave the castle yet and the few people
Probably because of Rah's machine, who have When she got to know him,
the last letter acquired a small part of she was too terrified or dying to say
the soul of the person to whom it was anything good about what they had
written, and later this fragment seen inside the castle. She doesn't
became one of the seven creatures know it yet, but Clara is the only one
that would accompany Orpheus in his of all Sept Harmonies who can actually
eternal condemnation to solitude. get out of there, although if she did it
she would condemn Forte forever.
Clara is identical to how she was when
Forte met her in all aspects, sharp Last Symphony: As you might
features, deep and shining eyes, long expect, Orpheus drowns his sorrows in
dark brown hair and a dazzling smile, music, so it's not uncommon to hear
her tender attitude and joy prevailed. the soft wail of the organ as they walk
Clearly the great love that she felt for through the castle halls.
the composer chained to the organ
Naturally, being someone who
survived in that letter, and thanks to
transcended death thanks to
that Clara she was able to be reborn
existential power, Forte's melodies are
as the Sept Harmonie.
more than music, since listening to
He has hardly ever fought anyone, them can have effects that go beyond
never goes further than the heart of what is natural, varying according to
the castle because he feels that if he which of them is heard. Also,
did, Orpheus would end up descending Orpheus's melodies echo throughout
into madness and becoming just the castle, so if someone is affected by
another specter, doomed to follow his them, they won't be able to find the
supernatural instincts for the rest of organ hall, as if the music masks the
eternity until someone strong enough room.

3 30
-Valse Sentimentale: As indicated, it sealed his soul within the Great Organ
is a piece influenced by feelings, at the heart of the castle. If they want
especially by a deep nostalgia that to defeat Forte once and for all, they
permeates each of the bars that make have to destroy the organ, only then
up the piece, as if Forte were trying to will they finish him off.
turn back time through music, but
Unsurprisingly, being a massive
every time he tries ends up failing.
structure chained to the walls, Forte
If anyone other than an inhabitant of will no longer be able to move if he
the castle were to hear this melody, enters this state, not until he regains
they would have to pass a MR 160 his physical form. In exchange for this,
check, or they will be affected by the he obtains the properties of the organ,
melody's effects, suddenly feeling a with this becoming his body, attacking
deep and painful longing for something with the music that he projects
personal, no matter what small it may through the large tubes that make it
be, because the music will amplify it up, even throwing people into the air
until the affected person feels when with just a low chord projected
listening to what Forte writes. towards them.

-Eternal Elegy: This instead takes Royal Harmony: As this is the true
these feelings to a more dangerous form of Orpheus, it is here that he can
barrier, as this was the first work that fully use his magical powers, in
Orpheus wrote with Clara's death in addition to using the Ars Magnus Virgo
mind. A sad and slow elegy, whose thanks to the organ in which he was
mellow but heavy chords spread his chained for eternity, adding this to the
lament through all the rooms of the Ars Magnus Mundus.
castle, implanting the pain of his loss
Similarly, being such a large and
in the hearts of those who listen to his
ancient structure, as well as the
magical protections it possesses,
When someone is exposed to Forte's Orpheus cannot be damaged by
Eternal Elegy, they must pass a check natural means, being only affected by
against MR 160, otherwise their heart those attacks that damage energy.
and mind will begin a slow descent into Also, and without really knowing it, he
sadness and depression, using some is protected by two existential barriers,
personal trauma as a catalyst, which, one when he reaches 3,000 PV and
if sufficiently strong might prompt another when he reaches 1,000 PV.
them to leave the castle.
Grand Pas de Deux: The piece that
_____THE MAESTRO FORTE ___ Orpheus sent to Clara at the end of his
letters, presumably incomplete. A little
If for some reason, someone is able to
between act, a slow, sweet and
reach Forte and defeat his physical
elegant dance that was supposed to
form, they will find that they haven't
symbolize everything Clara made him
really finished him off, as the Illuminati

3 31
feel, now just a memory of what she

If someone were to listen to this piece,

they should perform a control of RM
180 or they would begin to feel
affected by Orpheus's feelings, by the
emptiness of his soul, by nostalgia for
the moments with his beloved, by the
pain of having lost the love of his life.

That unlucky spectator would witness

all this, because the melody is not only
projected like this, but also affects the
minds of those who listen to it, being
able to witness the events that have
slowly brought Forte to this point.

Interestingly, this piece hides the key

to defeating Orpheus without having to
destroy the organ first. If someone
gathered the cards that contain the
melody and played it on the organ
through an opposed roll of music with
Forte, he himself would stop fighting
saying; I knew you would tell my
story, Clara.

3 32
 Although Orpheus is convinced that this is what
happened, Clara did not die, in fact, she survived
the activation of the Rah Machine, only that she
was trapped on Gaïa and has spent the last
centuries searching for a way to return to
Lunaris, hoping not to find the worst, although
his reaction to reality might not be very different.
 His way of using the Ars Magnus Mundus: Control
of the Environment is closely related to his
background as a composer, this being that of
directing the environment through a baton that
helps him channel the energy of the environment
to carry out the Symphony of Combat, as he calls
 His music can be heard throughout the entire
mountain range, but due to the legends about it,
few people wonder about the nature of the music
of the mountains.
 Some of the Sept Harmonies have had romantic
relationships with each other behind Orpheus's
back, after all, hundreds of years of loneliness
make you start loving people, even if you hated
them before. Currently the only ones who do are
Florianne and Désire, so this information could be
used against them.
 Sometimes the Clara who is in Lunaris has
dreams where she can see what happens on the
other side of the barrier, just like her, her
counterpart in Gaïa also has dreams in which she
can experience firsthand what happens in the
castle, if both were to be close enough in their
respective places, they could create a portal
through the barrier thanks to the fact that both
parts of Clara's soul would seek to be united
again in a single body. The consequences of this
happening are unknown, but one thing is certain,
the current paradigm would change irremediably.

3 3 3
Rhiannon, High Lord of the
Autumn, supplied by Morgan
Level: 7+1 Class:
Natural (Natura 10)

Life points: 175

Category: Paladin

Race: Fairy

Str: 8 Dex: 11 Agi: 9 Con: 4 Pow: 15

Int: 12 Wil: 6 Per: 8
Magic Projection: 200 Offensive, 160
PhR 60 MR 125 PsR 70 VR 60 DR 60 Defensive

Initiative: 90 Natural, 95 Gift of Magic level: 80 Air (Nobility), 20

Adahlan (Staff +15) Light (Peace)

Attack ability: 215 Gift of Adahlan Advantages and Disadvantages:

(Staff +15) The Gift, Hard to Kill (1), Magical
Nature (1), Gestureless Casting, Slow
Defense ability: 215 Gift of Adahlan
Reaction (1), Vulnerable to Pain.
(Staff +15)

Natural abilities: Use of a different

Damage: 100 Gift of Adahlan (Staff
weapon: Staff

Size: 12 Regeneration: 4
AT: Partial plate +10 + Ki Energy
Armor Movement: 8, 12 Natural flight
Fatigue: 5
COLD 3 ENE 4 Secondary abilities: Acrobatics 55,
Athleticism 80, Riding 80, Climbing 80,
Ki Abilities: Ki Usage, Ki Control,
Style 140, Leadership 200, Intimidate
Weight Removal, Presence Extrusion,
40, Persuasion 90, Etiquette 120,
Energy Armor, Greater Armor, Arcane
Notice 60, Animals 90, Law 70, History
Armor, Aura Extension to Weapon,
80, History (Local) 100, Tactic 100,
Damage Increased, Speed Increased,
Magical Appraisal 110, Composure 80,
Physical Shield, Energy Usage Needed,
Withstand pain 110, Music 60.

Notes: Those values written in italics

MA: 80
represent that Rhiannon's abilities
Zeon: 910 Zeonic Regeneration: 80 have received bonuses thanks to his
position as the current Lord of the

3 3 4
Rhiannon's story begins several not always a cold, sharp man of few
equinoxes ago, because, following the words, but he became like that
tradition of her people, he was born because of the pain he kept in his
during the last days of summer and heart.
the first days of autumn. Since
One day he was walking with
childhood he showed favorable
Rhoswen, completely unaware of what
attitudes to magic, learning to control
would happen a few minutes later,
the wind at an early age, although his
everything happened in such a fast
powers were always overshadowed by
and spontaneous way that not even
his peculiar combat style, which used
Rhiannon himself can remember it
an extraordinary feat to fly, there were
clearly, his most stable memories are
even those who claimed that he had
when he was in front of Rhoswen. The
never seen no fairy with a similar
battle was advanced and both were
prowess for flight, that is the reason
already badly wounded and about to
for her name, Rhiannon, which in the
faint, but again he would have to be
faerie language means; the one that
surprised, because before losing
vanishes in the wind.
consciousness due to his wounds,
Until shortly before her duel with Rhoswen dealt one last blow that
Rhoswen, Rhiannon was a flirtatious would mark Rhiannon forever, not only
fairy, with charisma and ability to because he lost who he had been his
speak, many women were dying for adviser, his seneschal, his closest
the young lord of autumn, such was friend, in this fight he lost one of the
her prowess for social skills that even things he most appreciated in the
a small story is told story about him, world, he lost his wings. After this he
even if no one is left who can was devastated, he hardened just like
remember it exactly. Once there was a clay when it is baked, he lost almost
woman with him, beautiful like no all hint of that friendly and jovial
other that had ever been seen in the character, he ended up becoming cold
land of fairies, that woman was the and reserved, leaving behind that kind
only one who reigned together with monarch that everyone swears he was
Rhiannon; but more than that, she once.
was the only one who always loved
He became a shadow of what he once
him regardless of anything or anyone,
was, his heart went out and in his
that is why the pain of her loss
chest only burned a fervent hatred
continues to haunt him to this day,
against humans, because he would
since he could never forgive himself
never forgive those who took him
for losing her. That is why every time
down from the heavens abruptly; he
someone who remembers his wife
would never forgive those who forbade
appears in front of him, something
him to fly.
goes wrong inside him, revealing that
this facet still lives inside him, During the following years he shut
although this moment is short-lived himself up on his island, knocking
and rare, it shows that Rhiannon was

3 3 5
down the bridge that linked the lands had left was walking away down the
of summer and autumn, he wanted river, crying when she couldn't reach
nothing more to do with human them and just listening to how her
beings, even if it cost him to lose screams became a distant lament that
contact with those fairies that stayed disappeared into the clouds. That day
on the other side. If they were willing was etched in him forever, and he was
to deal with humans, they had to take never the same again.
the consequences.

There are not many details about this,

because I try to keep it as private as
possible, but it is said that one
afternoon while he was walking with
his wife, a human, and with his
daughter, the half-blood princess.
They were the only people he
appreciated, while they were walking
he got distracted, thinking that he had
seen something behind the bushes
that were near the edge of the island
until a scream brought him out of his
trance; it had been her daughter who
had screamed, because she slipped
and fell into the river,

Rhiannon began to run to get closer to

the girl, unconsciously jumping to take
flight, but since he obviously no longer
had his wings he failed in this task.
The queen, seeing how her husband
was too far away to arrive on time,
then tried to get the girl out of the
water until a gust of wind knocked her
down, causing her to also fall into the
water, being dragged down the stream
along with the young princess to the
perilous waterfall that marked the
edge of the island.

Seeing this, Rhiannon panicked, and

because of his nerves he ended up
tripping as he ran towards them, only
to finally fall to the ground. From there
she could only watch as everything she

3 3 6
The Lost Queen

Ahlis'an was the name by which the queen of autumn

was known, a young woman with long hair with a
reddish tone like flames, with a bright look and light
features, a slim complexion and refined gestures, but
above all; a young human. In those times unions
between fairies and men were not prohibited, but
neither was it common.

They met on the outskirts of the Dhuliselan Adahlen,

whose closest translation into Latin would be something
like "The forest of the people with hair of fire", whose
most immediate simplification would be "The Forest of
the Redheads", a name it received due to the Clan
Fortriu, a group of humans that inhabited the depths of
the westernmost forests of Talamh Ocher, and they
received this name because the vast majority of their
members were, in fact, redheads.
Alisson Fortriu, which was actually her real name
since Ahlis'an was merely the faerie form of her human
name. She worked as one of the collectors of her clan,
because she enjoyed going into the lush thicket of the
forest that surrounded her village to find all kinds of
natural wonders with which to help her people to
It was during one of these journeys to the edge of the
forest that she first encountered the Prince of Autumn.
They met when Alisson was exploring the outer edges
of the forest in search of a berry tree with which she
planned to bring food to her village, what made her
notice Rhiannon's presence was that one of the berries
fell from the branches and ended up hitting him,
crushing him in the process. Fortunately, he did not
suffer any damage, but he was completely stained by
the remains of the fruit, in addition to being buried under
the remains of it, for which Alisson had to rush to his
aid, thus finally meeting Rhiannon, Prince of Autumn.
Alisson, totally embarrassed by this, could not hide
from the embarrassment she was feeling, because,
although she used to have a carefree attitude, seeing
how Rhiannon was completely covered in fruit thanks to
her worried her a little, more because of the king's
reaction than anything else. Fortunately, something
unexpected happened, because he began to laugh
nonchalantly when observing Alisson's curious reaction,
they both calmed down and Rhiannon was able to meet
her, being captivated by her, for which she would
return to Dhuliselan Adahlen several times just to meet
her again.
After that the story unfolds as we know it, they got
married and she adopted the name Ahlis'an as part of
the faerie custom. Together they formed a family, until
fate separated them on that tragic autumn afternoon.

Rhiannon believed that both his beloved wife and his

daughter died that day, but life had different plans,
because far from dying they ended up living a second
life as part of the royalty in Alberia, now Ahlis'an had
Alisson Roy, wife of Prince Aidem Roy, assimilating
that all his memories in the fairy kingdom were dreams
or the fruit of his imagination, thus gradually forgetting
everything related to Folkia.

3 3 7
_______MODUS OPERANDI______ breeze that usually blows in Talamh
Due to his social position, and in part
to the era in which he was born, His general attitude is usually that of
Rhiannon received military training someone kind and courteous, although
from the time she was old enough to it is true that he is also a retiring
be able to carry a weapon. He began person, which is why he often prefers
his practice with the typical training to delegate his courtly obligations and
staff, with which he proved particularly dedicate himself to spending long days
adept, and it became his weapon of in solitude and vigil, during which he
choice above all others with which he prefers not to be disturbed unless it is
was trained. a matter of vital importance. During
these days he usually undertakes long
It is for this reason that his combat
trips to different points of his domain,
style is different in relation, because
although he usually prefers to travel to
influenced by the pacifist trend of the
what remains of the Dhuliselan
Ocher Born, he began to develop a
Adahlen to meditate or ask his late
philosophy that no fairy had the power
wife for advice by talking to the forest
to decide when to take the life of
when he feels that he has lost his way.
another, and if necessary, the least
number of deaths possible should be Rhiannon adamantly denies it, but he
caused. For obvious reasons, the use has suffered a lot due to everything
of the cane came in handy, since it that has happened to him throughout
was a non-lethal weapon and was in his life, he constantly repeats to
keeping with his philosophy of not himself that he must be strong to keep
taking more lives than necessary. his two daughters safe, since they are
practically the only thing that it is
Needless to say, as expected, he not
beyond its title. Thanks to this he has
only received training in physical
become a protective person towards
combat, because having been
the princesses; Phiala and Cresselia,
considered a prodigy in wind control
since he is constantly invaded by
and in the very art of flying, he
nightmares in which, as happened with
developed a combat style that
his first daughter, something happens
combined almost perfectly the control
and, paralyzed by the memory of the
of the skies and the breeze as support
trauma of having seen how his wife
for the combat dance which he called
and the princess fell off the edge of
Dance of the Breeze.
the island, he ends up for losing them

Since losing his wings, it has become too and now being left totally alone.
difficult for him to perform the Breeze
It is because of the previous point that
Dance correctly, so now his combat is
Rhiannon will be willing to do anything
more heavily influenced by his magic,
if it comes to defending the remains of
but it is still a combat style of his own
his family, there will be no price too
that is based on strict environment
high or an impossible action if it is to
control by manipulating the autumn

3 3 8
keep their precious daughters safe, Adahlan is the name by which one of
since from the day when he lost the regents of the City of Adahlfenor
Ahlis'an he promised her that he would was known. In those times, just
take care of her daughters until the formed the interregnum and created
end of his days so that she could be the lordships of the stations, Folkia
proud of them wherever he was. was a place devastated by the
losses left by the Mien'Salshira, for
Since then, he has striven every day to
which even with the Kingdom of Folkia
improve his kingdom so that it is a
formed those who lived in the
good place for his daughters when he
Northwest Domains, as Syladahlen and
is no longer there to take care of
Talamh Ocher were called in those
them, because he only wishes that
years, lived scattered and without a
they can avoid the suffering that he
leader, at the mercy of magical
has had to endure throughout his
creatures, climatic circumstances and
days. . Ironically, her daughters do
post-war chaos.
several things behind her back, so it's
only a matter of time before one of Adahlan was the first to attempt to
those escapades they usually take unify The Autumn just as The Winter
ends up twisting into a problem, it had done, and as later The Summer
already happened once when Princess and The Spring would. Thanks to her,
Cresselia was involved in a fight with a the Council of the Fallen Leaves was
titan that had gone mad for reasons created, made up of, at that time, four
still unknown, the girl came out lords belonging to the cities that had
without a scratch, but sooner or later survived the cataclysm, this was a
something will end up going wrong and small step, but thanks to that she
if Rhiannon is not there to prevent it, it would end up fulfilling her dream of
would be the last nail in the coffin of unity being chosen as the first High
his soul traumatized by all the pain Lady of Autumn.
and suffering that he has accumulated
So, legend has it that when Adahlan
over the years.
grew tired of life, she called the
__________EQUIPMENT________ Council of the Fallen Leaves together
one last time to announce her
The Gift of Adahlan
decision. The four great lords of

The Gift of Adahlan is the formal name autumn having gathered, she called an
given to the Scepter of Autumn, an election to elect the next one to rule in

ancient artifact that became part of her place, and when there was a

the lore of the lords of the seasons, successor she handed him her staff,

specifically given in a ceremonial which she jealously guarded as a

manner to those who held the position memento of the world before the war,
of Lords of Autumn in the past since it thus sealing, between the Lords of

was forged by Lady Adahlan Autumn, a pact that is maintained to

approximately 400 years ago. this day, where The Gift of Adahlan
became a symbol of the union between

3 3 9
the people of autumn that passes from to access a special power that few
generation to generation. have been able to awaken before.

Quality: The Gift of Adahlan is Basically, the wielder surrounds

considered to be a +15 Rod capable of himself with wind and fallen leaves
damaging energy until the autumnal whirlwind violently
disperses, knocking all targets within
Sylghil'an: All attacks made while
10 meters away with a Force Impact
holding The Gift of Adahlan are
calculated by the wielder's STRenght
accompanied by the autumn breeze,
characteristic. , in addition to applying
so attacks made with the staff hit the
the full damage of The Gift of Adahlan
opponent with greater force, reducing
Gift, as it is partly the strength of her
their TA by 4.
soul that drives the attack.

Sousylmien (Notion of Use 3): If

the bearer manages to connect with
the energies of the staff left by
Adahlan when she gave it as a symbol
to those who would come after her,
she will be able to use the force of the
wind to throw her enemies away when
hitting them, as if a gust of wind was

This means that the bearer can choose

between hitting their enemies normally
or throwing them far away, applying
the rules of a Force Impact with a
STRength of 10, although reducing its
damage by 20.

Sora Adahlan (Notion of Use 4):

When transferring his staff to the next
High Lord of Autumn, Adahlan also
gave part of his soul into it. Thanks to
this, the cane has remained as it was
the day its creator gave it, because the
conviction of seeing her dream of unity
come true has given it supernatural

Even if one of the bearers manages to

connect with the remnants of
Adahlan's soul that remain bound to
the scepter of autumn, he will be able

3 4 0
 It may be obvious, but Rhiannon suffers from serious post-
traumatic stress that is deeply related to everything she's been
through, from the fight where she lost her wings at the hands of
her best friend, to the day she saw her wife and her daughter fell
from the island as he could not save them because, having lost
his wings, he could no longer fly.
 Although unknown to him, at least currently, his daughter Phiala
(Lvl. 6 Wizard, ♀ Fairy) is in a relationship with his rival son,
Prince Elin Alai. Although it is true that he suspects that his
daughter has a boyfriend hidden from him, he never imagines that
it is Rhoswen's son.
 Rhiannon is one of the few people who has managed to connect
with the spirit of Adahlan, although he relates it to his late wife,
that's why he only talks to her when he is in the forest where he
met her, these being one of the few things that he is able to give
peace to his heart even in moments of greatest tension.
 The Great Lord of the Autumn is one of the few privileged people
with the knowledge on how to use the Eluvian, or rather what
remains of them, ancient mirrors of water that once served as
portals with which the fairies communicated their kingdom in the
past. The Great Lord of Autumn is one of the few privileged
people with the knowledge on how to use the Eluvian, or rather
what remains of them, ancient mirrors of water that once served
as portals with which the fairies communicated his kingdom in the
past. Currently most are disabled or destroyed, but Rhiannon has
managed to activate one that leads him to Syladahlen and repair
another that leads him into Hibernia, traveling through the Veil
thanks to what remains of the old faerie paths.
 Similarly, Rhiannon is one of the few who can boast of having
visited Setheran, the Forgotten City, although he does not speak
of this to anyone, not even her own daughters. The reason is
unknown, since it is an experience that he has decided to forget.
 Every year he visits the place where he lost his wife and
daughter, bringing them flowers, honey and a basket of food,
mostly cakes made with berries from the same tree that made
them meet.
 Deep down she wants her daughters to carry on the tradition and
for one of them to become a Lady of Autumn, because, although
he refuses to admit it openly, Rhiannon has begun to feel tired of
 He rules over the city of Adhlea Alhannonan, the southernmost
city within Talamh Ocher. It was once a densely populated city,
worthy of being called the capital, but with what happened after its
battle with Rhoswen and the banishment of the humans, the city
has declined, as many of the places that humans once occupied
within the city still remain empty, like a bitter reminder of the city's
golden age.
 In the years after his wife's death he was visited by a
mysterious courtier who claimed to come on behalf of the Snow
Kings, this courtier helped him through the duel and slowly
gained his trust until he became his friend, until one day he
mysteriously disappeared. Rhiannon is unaware of it, but this
courtier was none other than Oberon himself, who was seeking
to take advantage of the pain to manipulate Rhiannon, but
seeing that he still had his good judgment, he decided that he
would change his objective; Phiala and her impossible love.

3 4 1
Rhoswen Alai, High Lord of
Summer, supplied by Morgan
Level: 8 Class:
Natural (Natura 10)

Life points: 290

Class: Weaponsmaster 4/Warrior 4

Str: 13 Dex: 10 Agi: 10 Con: 11

Pow: 6 Int: 8 Wil: 7 Per: 9 Weapon, Damage Increased, Range
Increased, Inhumanity.
PhR 85 MR 70 PR 70 VR 85 DS 85
Natural Abilities: Chain Attack Table,
Initiative: 110 Unarmed, 40 Bastard Moving Target Table, Missile Defense
Sword and Medium Shield, 60 Bastard Table, Profession Table: Warrior King,
Sword, 80 Caraidean (Claymore +10), Armor Reduction Table (3)
110 Short Sword, 70 Longbow +10.
Advantages and Disadvantages:
Attack: 200 Unarmed, 200 Bastard Seductive, Acute Senses, See
Sword and 160 Medium Shield, 200 Supernatural, Natural Learner (1):
Bastard Sword, 210 Caraidean Tactics, Charm, Cultural Roots, Easy
(Claymore +10), 200 Short Sword, Possession, Unlucky Fate.
210 Long Bow +10
Size: 21 Regeneration: 4
Defense: 200 Unarmed, 200 Bastard
Sword and 220 Medium Shield, 200 Movement Type: 10 Fatigue: 11
Bastard Sword, 210 Caraidean
Secondary Skills: Athleticism 80,
(Claymore +10), 200 Short Sword,
Riding 60, Swim 35, Climb 60, Style
210 Long Bow +10
60, Leadership 150, Persuasion 110,
Damage: 55 Unarmed, 115 Bastard Persuasion (Seduction) 170, Etiquette
Sword and 65 Medium Shield, 140 90, Notice 100, Search 70, Animals
Bastard Sword, 155 Caraidean 45, Law 80, Tactics 140, Occult 80 ,
(Claymore +10), 85 Short Sword, 100 Composure 120, Feats of Strength
Longbow +10 100, Withstand Pain 45, Forging 120,
Music 20, Music (Sing) 100, Sleight of
AT: Fur +10 (Helmet: Freumh Hands 55.
Onionwë [Circlet +10])
Notes: Those values written in italics
CUT 4 (6) IMP 3 (6) THR 4 (5) HEA 3 are those that have been affected by
(4) ELE 4 (2) COL 4 (5) ENE 2 his stay in Folkia, as well as by his title
of Lord of Summer and the
Ki Abilities: Ki Usage, Ki Control,
responsibilities that having it has
Presence Extrusion, Aura Extension to

3 4 2
Rhoswen is one of the few, if not the Due to the great time that has passed
only, human leaders in Folkia, ruling in the interregnum, his memory has
the city of Syladahlen, a small human begun to fragment to give rise to a
enclave established on the new one, to such an extent that
mountainous island of the same name. Rhoswen is not even his real name,
but rather it was the name that the
He arrived a few years ago, after a
faerie creatures assigned him when he
busy night as he describes it in his
arrived to Folkia several years ago,
lucid moments, but sadly his memories
giving it this nickname because of the
of the subject are fading more and
place where it fell, because it did so
more, erasing the memories of the
near a large rose bush of white roses,
man who existed before Rhoswen Alai.
thanks to this they began to call it
Visually, Rhoswen is a man whose
Rhoswen, which translated into human
years are beginning to weigh him
language would be; the one who walks
down, tall and stocky, with long hair
among the white roses.
that covers a crown of silver roots that
surround a large brilliant emerald that At first he began to become a well-
rests in the center of the crown. known entity thanks to his great skill
Certainly he is not the favorite of as a warrior, which earned him a
Titania, even less of Cenabenus, but in reputation with the local humans, who
spite of that he has earned the respect saw him as a leader in that chaotic
of other leaders, either for his way of place, after that it was his beauty,
governing, for his great martial skill or reaching the level where even some
for his natural charisma, there are fairies fantasized about marrying him,
even girls who swore that, until a few dreaming of "fairy tales" that had him
years ago, Rhoswen was one of the as the charming knight, but the most
most handsome leaders, attracting the important reason for his fame is also
attention of plenty unmarried girls, as the one that causes the greatest
it happens that he never contracted torment. Syladahlen was once part of
any type of union with anyone. a joint domain ruled by a mild-
mannered faerie monarch named
But, just as he has won the sympathy
Rhiannon, who had been a good ruler
of many, he has also earned the
for the island until Rhoswen literally
contempt of various leaders, although
brought its downfall. Rhoswen
none worthy of facing him in direct
confronted him demanding a duel in
combat, because despite his advanced
exchange for the sovereignty of the
age Rhoswen still retains most of his
island, both fought in a fight that
martial skills, still being a formidable
lasted hours, and there are even those
warrior despite the fact that the
who claim that it lasted more than a
passing of the years begins to take its
day, the only thing they all agree on is
toll on his body and his abilities,
the end of the battle, with Rhoswen
making that jovial warrior become a
dealing a final blow that spelled
calculating monarch as the years go
Rhiannon's downfall, as with a
desperate slash he cut off his wings.

3 4 3

It is true that there are not many details about the

duel, however, there are many stories and songs that
relate it, although they all tend to differ from each
other, leaving the true version of the events unknown,
although they all reach the same conclusion,
Rhiannon loses his wings and Rhoswen rises to
victory, proclaiming himself the true Lord of the
Summer, leaving behind a disgraced fairy scarred for

While it is true that it was a close duel that threatened

both combatants with defeat, the real story about the
blissful battle differs greatly from the cantatas and
stories, for there was no challenge from Rhoswen in
the first place, least of all Rhiannon, but it all began
as a friendly fight that had taken the place where
Rhiannon had found Rhoswen some years ago, the
white rose bush.

Everything was going as it should, a little damage had

been done, but nothing particularly serious, so both of
them were standing during this friendly duel, but
something happened, something that Rhoswen is
unable to remember, even in his most lucid moments.
His last memory is joking with Rhiannon in the shade
of the rosebush that gave him his name, to later
"wake up" in a desolate field where the rosebush
burned in the distance while a storm lashed the
island, and in his hands he held the wings of
Rhiannon, who were still fluttering while he looked at
him deeply horrified while the blood ran through
his body as a result of the wounds of that combat,
that day he won his crown, but he took it at the cost of
losing his friend.

He could never forgive himself for what happened,

even less when he was not even sure what had
happened, he tried to explain it to Rhiannon, but he
was so dismayed that he was not even able to look at
him without feeling fear, and when he finally was able
to do so, he did not direct him the word again.
Rhoswen had become Great Lord of Summer, now
he had an entire island in charge of him, he had all
the fame and renown that he always wished to have,
but in the end his mind was only whipped by a single
question that ate his conscience forever.

Was it worth it?

Island of Syladahlen

3 4 4
___ ___MODUS OPERANDI______ years went by, that motivation faded,
as did his memory, making the
From a very young age Rhoswen has
memories of his old life more and
always had a peculiar way of acting,
more distant, giving way to those new
being able to present himself as a
ones that he was creating under the
fierce and handsome warrior or as a
name "Rhoswen", until finally, one day
charming and courteous gentleman,
he forgot what his real name was,
since he has always been quite skillful
adopting that as his own, marking the
when it comes to manners, and he is
final blow to his fragile memories of
even a quite seductive, knowing how
Gaïa, which only return to him in
to take advantage of her own beauty
exceptional moments of lucidity, where
as a dangerous double-edged sword,
some memories vaguely come to his
thanks to which he achieved some
consciousness, bringing back that
things in the past, although he prefers
glassy motivation to return to that
not to delve too deeply into this
place of which he no longer
specific subject.
remembers even the name, where he

Unfortunately his days as a hopeless feels that there is something waiting

romantic are long gone, for he has for him, even though he does not
never been seen to settle down with a know what it is.

woman, at least as far as his stay in

Sometimes he has dreams that
Folkia is concerned, and every time he
position him in an ancient forest while
has tried Rhoswen has felt like if a part
surrounded by strange shadows, with
of him did not agree with that union,
one of them staring at him while
although he cannot know why, causing
holding something similar to a crucifix
him to unconsciously end each of his
in her hand, Rhoswen ignores him, but
attempts to settle down in Folkia little
this is his very last memory of the day
by little.
when he arrived to Folkia.
Rhoswen does not know this, but this
His status as ruler has given rise to
is because, in his old life, before he
disputes in the past, mostly because of
came to the interregnum, he was a
the way in which he obtained his title
married man, leader of one of Alberia's
and the consequences this had on the
ancient clans, who lived happily with
order that existed until that moment in
his wife and two children until he
the faerie lands, since that day
suffered an accident that took him
Rhoswen has tried to find out what
away from them to bring him to Folkia.
really happened that day, since he is
And even when he began to lose his
unable to forgive himself for having
memories, he was unable to maintain
done so much damage to the only
a stable relationship with Ahlis'an, a
creature that helped him when he was
woman he met during his time in the
a nobody fallen from heaven. That is
lands of autumn.
why his most precious possession is

At that time, his main motivation was his claymore, which he affectionately

to return to his family, but as the called Caraidean the day Rhiannon

3 4 5
gave it to him, he would never have ________ EQUIPMENT _________
imagined that it would be that same
weapon that would cut off the wings
that, in the words of Rhoswen himself; Caraidean is the most precious weapon
"they helped him fly when the earth of Rhoswen, it is a Claymore with a
fell under his feet", since the duel with shiny silver blade with multiple gold
Rhiannon he could never see her the decorations located in the lower part of
same way again, but he couldn't get the edge that resemble the branches
rid of her either because of how much of a tree expanding through the blade,
she meant to him, creating a strange in addition to having a gem equal to
and constant feeling of love-hate with that of the crown in the center of the
the sword. middle guard. From the day Rhoswen
cut off Rhiannon's wings with the
Another thing that is also often strange
Caraidean, this sword gained some
to the locals when they first meet him
supernatural abilities thanks to the
is that he is accompanied by two
dust that fell on it during the last
bloodhounds, whom he has trained
moments of the duel.
himself since they were little puppies
since the day he found them Quality: Caraidean is considered a
abandoned in a forest clearing, curious +10 supernatural Claymore capable of
is that he has trained them, both as damaging energy.
faithful companions, and as deadly war
beasts. Avon and Belenos are by far Exterminator (Major): Due to
the living beings that Rhoswen Caraidean's own nature and powers,
appreciates the most, because far from the weapon also acquired an unnatural
seeing them as deadly killing ability to harm the same race of
machines, she sees them more as the creatures to which it owes its powers,
only family she has left, seeing them causing it to deal double damage to
almost as if they were her children, for any creature belonging to that race;
which he would not hesitate to risk his the fairy race.
own life to save his faithful canine
Ancient Edge: Due to the way it was
companions, this is another thing that
forged, Caraidean has the capabilities
Rhoswen ignores, but the reason for
of a precise weapon, as well as having
such a peculiar affection towards them
the ability to also be a vorpal weapon,
is that they came from Gaïa with him,
applying the appropriate modifiers to
although later, this being the reason
that appeared alone in a forest in the
middle of the island, without anyone Dur Asgellog (Notion of Use 3):
recognizing them as theirs or could at This is another one of the abilities
least imagine where they could come Caraidean acquired after shearing off
from. Rhiannon's wings. This power is
nothing more and nothing less than an
attack where Rhiannon's wings unfold
from the Caraidean's whitish blade to

3 4 6
attach to the wearer's body and give it wearer does not suffer any type of
an unnatural impulse to hit any enemy penalty or impairment to their abilities
in a 25 meter radius area, enrobing when interacting with the eldritch
Caraidean in fairy dust, illuminating door.
the blade and its runes a golden color,
Faerie youth (Notion of Use 5):
finally dealing several withering blows
Being a supernatural piece, it was
that deal the weapon's full damage.
expected that it would have some
Freumh Syladahlen capacity, although this one in
particular cannot be discovered in such
Freumh Syladahlen is the name of the
a simple way, since this effect consists
crown that was bestowed on Cadin
of prolonging the life of the wearer,
Saith, first lord of Syladahlen, High
delaying the effects of aging greatly,
Lord of the Boreal Seasons and direct
and since faerie creatures are
ancestor of Rhiannon, shortly after the
immortal it was impossible to see this
formation of the interregnum just by
effect in action unless the crown was
the hands of Titania as a symbol of his
worn by a mortal. The youth provided
power over the island. Visually it is a
by the crown is linked to the ancient
white silver crown that emulates the
coronation ritual with which it imposes
roots of a white tree surrounding a
on the faerie lord, to such a degree
large and brilliant green gem raised in
that, if this ritual is unknown, it is
the center of the crown.
impossible to take advantage of this

Quality: Freumh Syladahlen is effect.

considered a +10 Circlet enchanted

capable of parrying energy based

Dìon Àrsaidh (Notion of Use 2): As

it is the crown that has been imposed
on all Syladahlen leaders since Cadin
Saith, Freumh Syladahlen has
absorbed part of the power of its
bearers over the centuries, managing
to materialize this power shaped like a
shield of leaves that cover the wearer
from any attack that is less than 100
damage points.

Solas Sìthiche (Notion of Use 4):

Being one of the first crowns forged for
the first leaders of Folkia, Freumh
Syladahlen is also one of the 5 keys
needed to open the seal of the
Forbidden Forest, obviously so that the

3 4 7
 Rhoswen is almost 200 years old, being one of
the oldest people in the interregnum, even
counting immortal beings like fairies or elves.
 Ironically Avon and Belenos aren't real
bloodhounds, at least not completely. They are
more like a kind of hybrid breed between the
fungal creature’s native to the region and the
hounds themselves that came to Folkia along
with Rhoswen. This is why they didn't grow to
vastness like other creatures of the interregnum.
 Ahlis'an was too important a person in his life,
although he refuses to admit it. Needless to say,
he was devastated when she chose to marry
Rhiannon instead of him. He even today keeps
several of the gifts they gave each other in those
distant years, and even he blames himself
indirectly for the circumstances of her death.
 He has raised a pair of twin princes; his son Elin
(Lvl. 6, ♂ Technician) and his daughter Ildris (♀
Lvl. 7, Ranger). This fact is strange because no
one remembers that Rhoswen had a partner in
recent years, which stands out even more
because this summer both will celebrate their
21st summer. Obviously this is a fact that the
people do not know, but they are not his
biological children, but he adopted them from a
couple that perished during a storm in the
westernmost part of the island, and since they
had no one else Rhoswen decided that he would
take care of them himself as if they were his own
 Rhoswen is one of the few people who knows
the written form of Sìthiche, and in fact was the
first human to learn it in recent times.
 When he was still on Gaïa, before the creation of
the barrier, he was one of the first kings of men
in Alberia to such an extent that his real name is
mentioned a few times during the story about the
creation of the kingdoms of man in these lands,
though she is mentioned under her real name
Gwyneth. Even so, a scholar in the matter could
identify him as the old king Gwyneth because
the symbol of his clan lasted in his memory and
he continues to keep it now that he is a lord of
the seasons, being able to find it in places like
the Rain Palace of Syladahlen or The Circle of
Feratherien, seat of the Council of the Summer,
where its symbol appears alongside those
belonging to the other summer lords, their
vassals, along with those who rule the Isle of

3 4 8
Viera Ul Del Lavellan, The
Last of the Lavellan, supplied by

Level: 5+2 Category:

Natural (Natura 10)

Life points: 80

Class: Wizard 5

Race: Sylvain

Str: 5 Dex: 9 Agi: 9 Con: 4 Pow: 12

Int: 12 Wil: 7 Per: 9 PhR 40 MR 105
PsR 80 VR 50 DR 60
Secondary Skills: Acrobatics 60,

Initiative: 85 Unarmed Athleticism 60, Riding 20, Swim 20,

Climb 80, Style 40, Leadership 80,
Attack: 10 Unarmed Persuasion 40, Notice 80, Search 40,
Animals 40, Herbalism 25, History 30,
Defense: 10 Dodge
History (Local) 50, Memorize 60 ,
Damage: 45 Unarmed Occult 80, Magic V. 140, Trapper 20,
Animism 100, Music 60, Sleight of
AT: Elven dress +10 Hands 60.

FIL: 3 CON: 2 PEN: 4 CAL: 3 ELE: 4

FRI: 4 ENE: 2
Viera arrived in Gaïa during a cold
MA: 75 autumn night, so long ago that there
are almost no souls left to remember
Zeon: 1210 Zeonic reg.: 105
the day of her birth, she was raised in
Magic projection: 120. Shamanica a family of Silvan elves belonging to
the nobility, the Lavellan family. His
Magic level: 60 Essence (Dreams), 40
early years were like those of any
Creation (Knowledge), 60 Water
Silvan who followed the Syol, for his
"clan", as the Lavellan used to call

Advantages and Disadvantages: themselves, belonged to this group of

The Gift, Animal Affinity, Path sylvain who had taken a different path
from those who followed the Nations.
Natural Con: Essence, Artifact (1), Faeries or the Free Creeds. Viera was
Outcast, Cowardice free to play in the tall and leafy forests
of La Vigilia, it didn't take long for her
Size: 8 Regeneration: 4
to develop a taste for acrobatics, for
Movement type: 9 Fatigue: 4 climbing and for all those that involved

3 4 9
getting lost for hours in the greenery, all of them good. The hours passed
to such an extent that this ended up quickly, because Viera was anxious to
being an important part of her, receive the vallaslin from her, and
reflecting in her magic, because she when she least expected it, the night
ended up following an ancient magical came, the night where her life would
tradition that related her clan to the change.
At first not everything was so bad,
Viera fell in love with this art, as she because although the mark hurt a little
used to call her magic, totally this was totally normal, after all it was
fascinated by how the spirits could a tattoo, it was in the days that
help her to do so many things, create followed that everything would begin
beautiful, dramatic, sad and even to take a course that would lead her to
romantic things, she could understand a dead end from which she could not
languages, she could do so many he was coming back, at least not in
things that at each As she went the way she would have wanted.
through the thicket, her link with the
During the first weeks she became a
spirits became stronger, until finally all
respected magician, who was even
of her magic was consecrated to them,
allowed to act as a custodian and
which did not upset her at all, she
teach the younger Lavellans how to
considered it an honor that the spirits
control and develop their magical
helped her with their spells.
abilities, she was happy doing this, as
By the time she reached adolescence, she could share everything that they
she had become a beautiful elf, who shared. spirits had revealed him with
was sought after by multitudes of boys his people and with those belonging to
within her community, as well as being the city, but it was when it was
old enough to be granted her vallaslin, announced that King Thaumiel Ul of
which was a tattoo that the syol the Sylvanus would hold a conclave for
performed on women. his boys to all the elven nations that he entered
honor their gods, the Beryls, given his the point of no return.
great passion for the thicket and the
She was entrusted to attend this
long time he spent walking through it,
conclave on behalf of the Lavellan, as
Viera chose the Raphael mark, which
her skills and reputation as a custodian
the leader of his clan, his father,
were respected by the entire clan, so it
proceeded to tattoo this symbol on her
was not difficult for her to be chosen
face, so her daughter could wear it
to represent them in such an
proudly from that moment on.
important event, with this in mind she
She lived with great enthusiasm the decided to to leave this realm within
day his transition to adulthood became The Vigil to head for distant Sylvania,
formal, without thinking that the jewel of the Faerie Court, capital of
something as simple as a brand would all the elven nations, not knowing that
bring endless changes to his life, not that nostalgic, crystalline look he gave

3 5 0
his homeland before leaving was going upon her, finally remembering her
to be the The last memory he would purpose, hurrying to find a place to
have of her, because, though she sleep, because the next day the event
didn't know it, she would never be able that had brought her from so far to
to return to Arlathan. this enigmatic city would take place.

She then left for Sylvania, crossing a That night, he was once again prey to
good part of Gaïa in the process, this people, who whispered about the mark
world amazed her, because although it on his face, but this time, the look of
was not as fantastic as her waking others was not what worried him the
land, it was still something totally new most, since it was announced that
for her, for which she enjoyed each recently two strangers had entered the
step. that gave on this earth. city, after after more than a hundred
However, not everything is good in years of having closed its borders,
Gaïa, and it was when the first humans Viera did not know it, but that night
crossed her path that she realized the would remain engraved in stone for
suspicious looks, the hurtful murmurs history, that night was The End of
and the passive-aggressive comments, Fairy Tales, the night that changed
and unfortunately for her these would absolutely everything, there was fire,
not only come but, as she would later screams, so many things happened
realize, even her own kind would scoff and they happened so fast that not
at her and her traditions, beginning even she herself is able to remember
with the vallaslin on her face, which what happened, there is only
some regarded as primitive, or as a something that is imprinted in her
mark of the ignorance of those who did mind, fear, one that she had not felt
not follow the faerie traditions dictated before, one that she felt was going to
by the court of Sylvania, kill her , a fear that surpassed the
barriers of the natural, and that he
In the end his journey concluded, and
was never able to overcome.
finally he could contemplate the capital
of all the elven nations, he could see Disoriented, she tried to return to her
himself reflected in those walls as clan, but inevitably ended up lost,
white as snow and feel the cool breeze either because of the fear that clouded
of the waterfalls that fell from the her senses or because of the poison
floating palaces, for the first time he that filled the air, Viera never
could breathe an air similar to that of returned, she never stepped foot on
his home, for the first time since he the land where those forests were born
left he felt at home. in La Vigilia. She simply wandered the
earth, thinking she was following a
She walked the cobbled streets
non-existent path back home, and
watching the wonder that was Sylvania
unknowingly became the last of the
rise as far as she could see, she found
Lavellans, the last daughter of what
herself stunned within this fantastical
would once have been one of the most
city and lost herself in it until night fell
powerful families in existence. the

3 5 1
elves who followed the Syol, and yet paralyzed, the screams echoed in her
she was completely unaware of it. mind, the smell of death returned and
the fire shone in her eyes again, and
A hundred years have passed since
she could only think of something, run
then, a hundred years of wandering in
away, just like that night.
the inhospitable human lands, a
hundred years of unconscious suffering _________EQUIPMENT________
for a girl who fell prey to fate, luck of
Arlathan Enansal
being in the wrong place at the wrong
time, an unconscious mistake that Arlathan Enansal is one of the few
would cost her everything he had, memories that Viera keeps of Arlathan,
everything he had ever known, and her homeland, this ancient artifact
when he realized this there was only consists of a tiara made up of
one thing left for him to do, to move branches from the vallasdahlen of her
on. Since then she has wandered, clan, which raise a small deep violet
following a path that she herself is gem, just like the eyes of her bearer,
unable to remember, telling herself the historically this artifact was given to
same white lie every morning "I have the successor of each clan within
finally remembered, this time I am Arlathan, and Viera being the
sure I will arrive", this has led her to successor of the Lavellan became the
travel much of the world, particularly bearer of the tiara, thanks to this the
the northern parts of the continent, as Arlathan Enansal is one of the few
it was where she was "stuck" after the artifacts from the Syol that they
events in Sylvania. survived The End of Fairy Tales and
that endure to this day, although for
Although, sooner or later, her paths
Viera this means a constant memory
ended up leading her further south,
of Arlathan, that place that she misses
slowly descending the imperial paths
but to which she could never return, it
until she reached the central lands,
is for this very reason that she almost
there she learned another valuable
never uses this peculiar piece of
lesson, because the suspicious looks
jewelry. Elven jewelry, for it brings her
and hurtful comments ended up
more pain than joy.
turning into hatred, into persecution.
and in death, no matter how many Quality: Arlathan Enansal is
times she tried to explain it, she considered a +10 supernatural Tiara
always ended up narrowly escaping due to the methods the elves used to
the bonfire, thanks to this her fear create it.
only worsened, now she distrusted
humans as much as they did her, first Dirthara Evanuris (Notion of Use
she could at least dominate her fear to 2): Due to the very nature of the
approach them hidden, later that fear crown, it was conferred with a certain
became irrational, she became a amount of powers in relation to magic,
coward, every time something seemed since this was part of the elven
to be close to leaving mother she was culture, it was for this reason that the

3 5 2
Arlathan Enansal was imbued with WIL, although the latter only applies to
magical powers. that improve the confrontations, there is a last power, a
magical abilities of its bearer, these unique and forgotten one, where the
powers are reflected for game effects voice of the ancestors who had made
as a +10 to MA and a +20 zeonic the Uthenera advise the wearer when
power added to the spells of its bearer, performing an action, although this
since the Evanuris, the syol sorcerers, only occurs at night, when the "lights
had put part of his power and of Arlathan" are present in the sky and
knowledge in it. can reflect their brightness in the gem
in the center of the crown, this last
Hahren Renan (Notion of Use 4):
power is interpreted as an Existential
This is the most powerful ability
Disturbance, which allows a roll to be
imbued into the Arlathan Enansal, and
rerolled when these conditions are
curiously, it is the most unknown, as it
can only be activated by performing an
ancient ritual that predates even the Also, this crown is intrinsically linked
Lavellan themselves, by this ritual to its homeland, which is why it is one
could link an object to the spiritual of the few "keys" that exist to cross
world, allowing the ancestors to the barrier to Folkia, which is where
communicate with the one who wore Arlathan was originally located.
it, such is the case of the crown,
unfortunately the phrase that allowed
this ritual to end was lost along with
the Lavellan, and even with Viera
being the Last of these, due to the
mixed feelings he feels towards her, he
has never been able to remember the
final part of the ritual.

For game purposes, this ancestral

advice is applied as a +1 to the
bearer's INT, as well as a +2 to his

3 5 3

 Although she ignores it, she has returned to her

land in dreams, traveling through the vigil
unconsciously, but when contemplating the ruins of
what is left of her, she is unable to recognize them
as the place where she grew up, thinking that they
are only some elven ruins of the ancient ages.
 Just as she ignores the detail of her home, she
also ignores the detail of the current state of her
clan, being her the last of these alive, completely
unaware of the cause of what led them to
 Being part of the select group that survived the
destruction of Sylvania, she considered being part
of the group of Prince Nerelas, although she was
finally ruled out, since her culture was not fully
accepted by the remnants of the Faerie Nations,
being considered as a outcast by the remaining
members of his race.
 Given that she has always been an athletic and
flexible girl, it is not surprising that Viera was forced
to work as an itinerant acrobat to earn some
money, being even good at it, although at some
point she stopped doing it, for reasons that only
she known.
 After surviving The End of Fairy Tales and being
rejected by Nerelas, Viera has wandered through
much of northern Gaïa in search of the place she
once called home, and although she sometimes
remembers part of the way back the cowardice that
he developed after that night causes him not to
remember the rest, so he always gets lost and
never reaches his destination.
 During her fairly long life she has witnessed how
the world changes around her, a world that moves
much faster than she does, because when she
least expected it she had an Inquisitor after her
after asking about her clan in a town in the
thickness in Alberia, that added to the experiences
related to his vallaslin have accentuated his fear
and distrust of humans, because although he does
not remember exactly what happened in Sylvania,
he remembers well the imperial and ecclesiastical
banners waving over the burning city, same
symbols that even today, a hundred years later,
continue to give him nightmares from which he can
only wake up when he is about to die inside them.
 Being the last of the Lavellan, Viera would
technically be the equivalent of a minor Queen
within the elven hierarchy, being the leader of her
clan and her house, but by ignoring the fate of her
lineage, she also ignores this lost title and almost
forgotten, that for many it would be more bad than
good to receive; she would be a queen without a
kingdom, a moon without a sun, a forest without

3 5 4
Adaptations from
Other Settings
Sokka, The Meat and
Sarcasm Guy (Avatar The
Last Airbender, Aang Era),
supplied by Muzan

Level: 7 Category: Natural (Natura

Advantages and Disadvantages:
Aptitude in a subject (Navigation),

Life Points: 140 Jack of All trades

Class: Acrobatic Warrior Size: 12, Medium Regeneration: 1

AGI 10 CON 5 DEX 10 STR 7 INT 9 Movement Value: 10 Fatigue: 5


Secondary Skills: Sleight of Hand

Presence: 60 175, Forging 135, Acrobatics 165,

Jump 165, Athleticism 165, Theft 95,
PhR: 60 VR: 60 DR: 60 MR: 60 PsR: Leadership 80, Persuasion 65,
65 Navigation 85

Initiative: 130 Meteorite Longsword

or Boomerang

Attack: 210 Meteorite Iron Sword,

200 Boomerang

Defense: 200 Dodge

Damage: 75 Meteorite Iron Sword, 30


Natural Abilities: Use of Boomerang,

Water Tribe Weapon Module, Kyoshi
Warrior Module

Wear Armour: 10

AT: Watertribe Fur Armor

CUT 2, IMP 1, THR 2, HEA 1, ELE 2,

COL 2, ENE 0

3 5 5
Fanmade Versions of Accumulations: Str 1 Dex 2 Agi 3
Con 1 Pow 1 Wp 1

Official Setting Ki Points: 63

Characters Techniques: Vendetta

Size: 16, Medium Regeneration: 14

XIII, The Death, supplied by
Movement type: 13 Fatigue: 8
Secondary Abilities: Acrobatics 80,
Level: 8
Athleticism 120, Swim 40, Climb 80,
Race: Processed Jump 80, Intimidate 20, Notice 200,
Search 200, Track 160, Science 10,
Life points: 150
Medicine 50, Memorize 60, Composure

Class: Assassin 140, Withstand pain 80, Hide 240,

Stealth 240, Trap Lore 120, Poisons
Str: 8 Dex: 11 Agi: 13 Con: 8 Pow: 90, Ki detection 180, Ki concealment
9 Int: 8 Wp: 9 Per: 13 280

PhR 75 MR 75 PsR 75 VR 75 DR 75

Initiative: 165 Natural XIII is a processed fugitive from

Wissenschaft, a violent and extremely
Attack ability: 210 Natural weapons
powerful creature capable of wiping
Defense ability: 200 Dodge out entire villages. He managed to
escape from the Wissenschaft
Damage: 40 Teeth and nails (Cut), 60 laboratories causing great destruction
(Var.) in the principality of Lucretius. He was
severely damaged during his escape,
AT: None
so he needed a place to nest while
Advantages: Imperceptible ki, waiting to regain his strength. For that
Danger sense. reason he attacked Holzburg, a small
village on the outskirts of the Metzger
Powers: Zen, Natural weapons,
Forest, and razed it to the ground
Chaotic Mutations, Regeneration 14,
without leaving a single survivor.
Air Control, Parasites.
Now XIII is hiding in the ghost town,
MK: 160
protected by its former inhabitants

Ki Abilities: Use of ki, Ki control, Ki whom he has turned into terrifying

Detection, Presence extrusion, Aura monstrosities under his control. So far,

extension, Use of necessary energy, Ki all travelers who have come to

Concealment 200 Holzburg have found the town empty,

only to deserve the same fate as the
rest of its inhabitants. Wissenschaft

3 5 6
has organized a search party, but to 60, which can be either Cut, Thrust
thanks to XIII's undetected capabilities or Impact (chosen randomly).
it has not yet been able to locate him,
Chaotic Mutation: XIII is capable of
and he has been able to survive by
manifesting strange mutations
feeding on the blood of the processed
throughout his body at will that can
that have been sent in search of him.
greatly increase his combat ability by
Vendetta manifesting tentacles, claws, jaws,
scales and all kinds of monstrous
When this technique is activated, XIII's
features. Activating this ability is a
right arm is completely covered with
passive action that XIII can perform at
black blood and muscle fibers,
will. However, if he is very excited or
increasing its power and precision for a
feels in danger, the mutations can be
short period of time to perform a lethal
unleashed involuntarily.
attack to the most vulnerable points of
his opponent. To regain his human form XIII needs
to rest for about 1 minute, until then
Game wise, XIII can perform an attack
he cannot change back the mutations
with a +40 bonus to his attack skill
he has obtained.
and reduces the penalty to targeted
attacks by 50 points. XIII is unable to precisely control the
nature of his transformation, therefore
MK: 20 Level: 1
each time he activates this ability he

AGI 6 DEX 4 must roll 3 times a D10 to decide

which of the following powers he
Effects: Attack ability +40, Combat obtains. If the same mutation appears
maneuvers and aiming -50. several times the bonuses it confers
are doubled or tripled.
 Shell: Gains AT 3 against all
After undergoing the process, XIII
attacks except Energy-based
gained a truly monstrous set of
attacks and a 60 damage
abilities, though unfortunately the high
percentage of processed blood inside
 Drill: XIII's natural weapons
him has made him incredibly unstable.
ignore 3 points of armor.
As a whole his processing abilities
 Tentacles: All of XIII's melee
have a +4 modifier.
attacks can cover an area of up
Natural Weapons: Even in his base to 10 feet without penalty.
form XIII possesses incredibly sharp  Appendages: XIII can make
claws and teeth that he can use as one additional attack each
natural weapons with a base damage round without penalty.
of 40. When he activates his mutation  Musculature: +20 to the
he obtains much more dangerous damage of all his attacks and a
weapons increasing his base damage +2 bonus to any Strength

3 5 7
 Insectoid Legs: +1 to Some individuals can show a superior
movement type and +20 to affinity with parasites giving rise to
Athletics and Jump skills. especially powerful mutants, in these
 Beast Reflexes: +25 to cases the mutation process confers
Initiative. them a +1 to all their physical
 Advanced organism: +15 to characteristics plus a permanent bonus
all resistances. of +20 to all actions and a +10 bonus
 Defensive capacity: +20 to to all their resistances and to the Turn.
the Dodge ability. They can also roll an additional D10 to
 Offensive capacity: +20 to obtain an extra mutation.
the Attack ability.
Below are the basic stats for these
Regeneration: XIII has Regeneration beings, although they may vary
type 14. slightly between individuals depending
on their characteristics.
More than human: The process gave
XIII a +1 to his Agility, Dexterity and
Perception characteristics. In addition,
Level: 3
he does not possess any vulnerable
points. Category: Natural 5

Air Control: XIII possesses absolute Life points: 85

supernatural control of the air around
him allowing him to create air Class: Assassin
currents, empty the air from an area
Str: 5 Dex: 5 Agi: 5 Con: 5 Pow: 5
or even solidify the air and shape it.
Int: 5 Wp: 5 Per: 5
Game wise, each round XIII can cast
an innate spell using his attack ability PhR 40 MR 40 PsR 40 VR 40 DR 40
as projection; Create Wind (advanced
degree), Whirlwind (intermediate Initiative: 60 Natural

degree), Air Control (base degree) or

Attack ability: 100 Natural weapons
Solid Air (base degree).
Defense ability: 100 Dodge
Parasites: XIII's most unique ability is
to create with pieces of his own body Damage: 50 Mutations (Var.)
small parasites capable of infecting
AT: None
corpse and transforming it into a
dangerous mutant under the orders of Powers: Chaotic Mutations, Natural
the Processed. These mutants keep all weapons, Degeneration
their original characteristics and
resistances, and possess the Chaotic Size: 10, Medium Regeneration: 0
Mutation ability.However in this case
Movement type: 5 Fatigue: 5
the transformation is permanent and
they only roll 1 die to decide which Secondary Abilities: Athleticism 20,
mutation they get. Jump 20, Notice 100, Search 100,

3 5 8
Track 60, Composure 40, Hide 140,
Stealth 140, Trap Lore 20.

Degeneration: XIII parasites are not

able to stop the decomposition of the
body they inhabit completely,
therefore instead of regenerating
health every day they lose 10 HPs
unless they feed on large amounts of
human blood.

Kappel, Child of Fantasy

(Rework), supplied by Sadrith
Level: 15

Life Points: 170

Class: Summoner

Category: Between Worlds 35

Str: 5 Dex: 11 Agi: 9 Con: 7 Pow:

casting, Unspoken casting, Superior
17 Int: 15 Per:13 Wil: 11
magic recovery x3.
PhR 105 MR 135 PsR 120 VR 105 DR
Powers: Supernatural affinity, Door to
fantasy, Beloved by magic, Reality and
Initiative: 145 Natural fantasy, Everywhere, Gnostic
knowledge, Physical immunity.
Zeon: 2300
Size: 12 Regeneration: 1
MA: 150
Movement Type: 9 Fatigue: Tireless
Zeon Regeneration: 700
Secondary abilities: Ride 120, Swim
Magic projection: 220 Natural magic
105, Style 105, Persuasion 100, Notice

Paths: Natural magic 100, Search 100, History 105,

Memorize 100, Occult 260, Magic
Summon: 380 Dominate: 420 Appraisal 200, Composure 85, Art
120, Dance 95, Music 100.
Bind: 340 Banish: 185
Supernatural affinity: All
Invocations: Folklore
supernatural creatures innately
Essential abilities: Physical recognize the blood that runs through
exemption, Divine spiritual Kappel's veins and consider him their
characteristics, Gift, Gestureless hierarchical superior. The more closely

3 5 9
a creature is tied to fantasy the always able to summon a creature
greater the loyalty it feels towards with the ideal abilities for each
Kappel, so that the feerical creatures situation from a quasi-unlimited list of
in particular consider him an unofficial entities. This ability does not allow
king of the fairies and faithfully follow Kappel to summon creatures with a
his orders. Gnosis equal to or greater than his
Gnostic Knowledge: Whenever he
looks at a creature whose Gnosis does Reality and fantasy: Kappel can turn
not exceed his own, Kappel can see reality into fantasy, allowing him to
floating above his head the true name undo recent events. By simply
of that being. imagining that it hasn't happened
Kappel can overwrite all events that
Everywhere: Just by imagining that
occurred in his proximity during the
he is in another place Kappel can
previous round, allowing him to ignore
immediately transport himself to that
attacks, resurrect someone who has
place. For game purposes once per
just died, or even cancel more
turn and as an active action Kappel
complex events. This ability cannot
can transport himself anywhere in the
overwrite the actions of beings of
world, even in other planes of
Gnosis equal to or higher than 35, nor
existence and supernaturally sealed
those of individuals with a Gnosis 15
places. Although there is no limit to
points higher than their natural.
the number of times Kappel can use
Kappel can only use this ability once a
this ability, if he uses it to transport
long distances or pass through
supernatural protections he may need Orbs of elemental magic
to rest for a time before transporting
As a summoner, Kappel has a nearly
again (sometimes it is only a few
infinite supply of creatures, both real
minutes, sometimes it can be hours).
and imaginary, that he can use in
Kappel can transport with him only
battle; high elementals, demons,
creatures that are bound to his body.
angels, dragons, and even vampires.
Beloved by magic: Kappel possesses He can call forth anything that exists
an innate facility for modifying reality in humanity‟s collective imagination.
at will with the use of the purest form
Because of these Kappel rarely
of magic, so he applies a +3 bonus to
appears with the same set of creatures
all his Power checks to cast natural
and instead he picks them based on
magic spells.
what kind of “performance” he wants
Door to Fantasy: Without a doubt to play, but the orbs of elemental
this is Kappel's strangest and most magic are the exception to this rule.
unique ability, the ability to summon
The orbs represent the concept of their
not only real creatures, but also
element at the most fundamental
imaginary creatures that exist only in
level, they are the very concept of an
people's fantasies. Therefore Kappel is

3 6 0
elemental in people‟s imagination, and water orbs, on the other hand, use
thus the purest form of fantasy that other forms of combat.
Kappel can command. For this reason
Elemental shield: The orbs can
Kappel almost always has either one or
defend themselves with supernatural
two Orbs binded to his body that serve
shields based on their element that
as an extension of his will, their loyalty
they can innately generate. These
to him is absolute and he can trust
shields have a resistance of 1500
that they will protect and fight for him
points and are immune to all damage
without needing to Dominate them.
based on their own element. If the
In battle Kappel usually keeps an orb shield is destroyed the Orbs can still
with him at all times for defense while defend themselves with a dodge ability
either a second orb or another of 265, but lose the ability to use
creature attacks, and he relies more Guardian, as well as their elemental
on the Orb‟s magic than his own, since immunities.
it‟s better fitted for combat.
Levitation: The orbs lack legs or other
While each Orb has its own unique extremities to walk, so instead they
powers, all of them share the abilities can only move with their flight type.
listed below.
Essence of fantasy: Since they are
Guardian: As long as they stay in an extension of Kappel, the Orbs of
contact with Kappel the elemental orbs elemental magic also have a
can defend him without any penalty by connection to the final Aeon. Thanks to
performing a joint defense similar to this they can access the power of the
Sheeles. However the orbs cannot Dragon Seals as if they had the blood
perform any offensive action during legacy “Blood of the Dragon”.
the same round in which they use this
Orb of Light
Level: 13
Elemental Immunity: Elemental orbs
take only half damage from any Life Points: 240
elemental attack except those based
on their opposing element. While the Class: Warlock
orb is in contact with Kappel, he can
Category: Between Worlds, Elemental
also benefit from this ability, although
he cannot simultaneously use the
immunity of two orbs at the same Str: 8 Dex: 10 Agi: 9 Con: 8 Pow:
time. 13 Int: 12 Per: 10 Wil: 12

Elemental Charge: Elemental orbs PhR 100 MR 115 PsR 100 VR 100
can attack their targets by simply DR100
ramming them with their bodies, since
their elemental nature turns most of Initiative: 125 Natural

them into living weapons. Air and

Attack ability: 275 Elemental charge

3 6 1
Defense ability: 275 Elemental veil, Life Points: 240
265 dodge
Class: Warlock
Damage: 50 Elemental charge
Category: Between Worlds, Elemental
Ki points: 65
Str: 8 Dex: 10 Agi: 9 Con: 8 Pow:
Zeon: 1060 13 Int: 12 Per: 10 Wil: 12

MA: 110 PhR 100 MR 115 PsR 100 VR 100

Magic projection: 225 offensive
Initiative: 125 Natural
Magic Level: 90 Light
Attack ability: 275 Elemental charge
Natural abilities: Dragon Seals,
Attack as magic projection. Defense ability: 275 Elemental veil,
265 dodge
Essential abilities: Physical
exemption, Superhuman spiritual Damage: 50 Elemental charge
characteristics, Gift, Gesturless (Energy)
casting, Unspoken casting, Unnatural
Ki points: 65

Zeon: 1060
Powers: Guardian, Elemental charge
(Natural weapons, Elemental attack: MA: 110
Light, Supernatural attack), Elemental
immunity, Elemental veil, Mystic Flight Magic projection: 225 offensive
6, Elemental form (Light, Physical form
Magic Level: 90 Darkness
at will).
Natural abilities: Dragon Seals,
Size: 11 Regeneration: 1
Attack as magic projection.
Movement Type: 6 Fatigue: Tireless
Essential abilities: Physical
Secondary abilities: Notice 160, exemption, Superhuman spiritual
Search 160, Track 100, Magic characteristics, Gift, Gesturless
appraisal 170, Style 100. casting, Unspoken casting, Unnatural
Elemental Form: The light orb applies
a +50 to its resistances against light- Powers: Guardian, Elemental charge
based effects. It‟s also completely (Natural weapons, Elemental attack:
intangible and can‟t be damaged by Darkness, Supernatural attack),
attacks that can‟t damage energy. Elemental immunity, Elemental veil,
Mystic Flight 6, Elemental form
Orb of Darkness (Darkness, Physical form at will).

Level: 13 Size: 11 Regeneration: 1

3 6 2
Movement Type: 6 Fatigue: Tireless Essential abilities: Physical
exemption, Superhuman spiritual
Secondary abilities: Notice 100,
characteristics, Gift, Gesturless
Search 100, Magic appraisal 170, Hide
casting, Unspoken casting, Unnatural
160, Sneak 160.
Elemental Form: The darkness orb
Powers: Guardian, Elemental charge
applies a +50 to its resistances against
(Natural weapons, Damage energy,
darkness-based effects. It‟s also
Elemental attack: Fire, Damage +30,
completely intangible and can‟t be
Critic +40), Elemental immunity,
damaged by attacks that can‟t damage
Elemental veil, Mystic Flight 6,
Elemental form (Fire, Physical form at

Orb of Fire will).

Level: 13 Size: 11 Regeneration: 1

Movement Type: 6 Fatigue: Tireless
Life Points: 240
Secondary abilities: Notice 100,
Class: Warlock Search 100, Magic appraisal 170,
Intimidate 100, Feats of Strength 100.
Category: Between Worlds, Elemental
30 Elemental Form: Anyone who comes
into physical contact with the body of
Str: 8 Dex: 10 Agi: 9 Con: 8 Pow:
the fire orb must pass a PhR against
13 Int: 12 Per: 10 Wil: 12
200 or receive an amount of damage
PhR 100 MR 115 PsR 100 VR 100 equal to half the level of failure.
DR100 Additionally the orb applies a +50
bonus to its resistances against Heat
Initiative: 125 Natural based effects. Due to its body the orb
is immune to all attacks unable to
Attack ability: 275 Elemental charge
damage energy except those based on
Defense ability: 275 Elemental veil, water or cold.
265 dodge
Orb of Water
Damage: 80 Elemental charge (Heat)
Level: 13
Ki points: 65
Life Points: 240
Zeon: 1060
Class: Warlock
MA: 110
Category: Between Worlds, Elemental
Magic projection: 225 offensive 30

Magic Level: 90 Fire Str: 8 Dex: 10 Agi: 9 Con: 8 Pow:

13 Int: 12 Per: 10 Wil: 12
Natural abilities: Dragon Seals,
Attack as magic projection.

3 6 3
PhR 100 MR 115 PsR 100 VR 100 by creating pressurized columns of
DR100 water. Gameplay-wise it is considered
to attack with +10 quality spears and
Initiative: 125 Natural, 120 Water
its attacks are Water based. Due to its
liquid body the orb cannot be damaged

Attack ability: 275 Elemental charge by attacks in Cut or Thrust unable to

damage energy, and receive only half
Defense ability: 275 Elemental veil, damage from Impact attacks.
265 dodge
Orb of Air
Damage: 70 Water weapons (Thrust)
Level: 13
Ki points: 65
Life Points: 240
Zeon: 1060
Class: Warlock
MA: 110
Category: Between Worlds, Elemental
Magic projection: 225 offensive 30

Magic Level: 90 Water Str: 8 Dex: 10 Agi: 9 Con: 8 Pow:

13 Int: 12 Per: 10 Wil: 12
Natural abilities: Dragon Seals,
Attack as magic projection. PhR 100 MR 115 PsR 100 VR 100
Essential abilities: Physical
exemption, Superhuman spiritual Initiative: 125 Natural
characteristics, Gift, Gesturless
casting, Unspoken casting, Unnatural Attack ability: 275 Lightning

Defense ability: 275 Elemental veil,

Powers: Guardian, Elemental 265 dodge

immunity, Elemental veil, Damage
Damage: 60 Lightning (Electricity)
energy, Mystic Flight 6, Elemental form
(Water, Physical form at will, Superior Ki points: 65
form), Special Trapping (Strength 14,
Zeon: 1060
No damage).
MA: 110
Size: 11 Regeneration: 1
Magic projection: 225 offensive
Movement Type: 6 Fatigue: Tireless

Magic Level: 90 Air

Secondary abilities: Notice 100,
Search 100, Magic appraisal 170, Natural abilities: Dragon Seals,
Swim 100, Navigate 100. Attack as magic projection.

Elemental Form: Instead of using Essential abilities: Physical

natural weapons, the water orb attacks exemption, Superhuman spiritual

3 6 4
characteristics, Gift, Gesturless PhR 100 MR 115 PsR 100 VR 100
casting, Unspoken casting, Unnatural DR100
Initiative: 125 Natural
Powers: Guardian, Lightning (Special
Attack ability: 275 Elemental charge
attack, damage 60, range 100 meters,
Elemental attack, Unlimited, Damage Defense ability: 275 Elemental veil,
energy), Elemental immunity, 265 dodge
Elemental veil, Elemental form (Air,
Physical form at will, Superior form). Damage: 100 Elemental charge
Size: 11 Regeneration: 1
AT: 10 Physical, 0 Energy
Movement Type: 9 Fatigue: Tireless
Ki points: 65
Secondary abilities: Notice 100,
Search 100, Magic appraisal 170, Zeon: 1060
Dance 100, Music 100.
MA: 110
Elemental Form: The Air orb is
Magic projection: 225 offensive
immune to all attacks incapable of
damaging energy and is invisible to Magic Level: 90 Earth
anyone who does not pass a Nearly
Impossible Notice check (280) or a Natural abilities: Dragon Seals,

Very Difficult Search check (140). Attack as magic projection.

Those able to see magic reduce the

Essential abilities: Physical
difficulty to 140 and 80 respectively.
exemption, Superhuman spiritual

Lightning: Instead of sweeping over characteristics, Gift, Gesturless

its opponents, the air orb attacks by casting, Unspoken casting, Unnatural

generating electric discharges with a damage, Inhumanity.

range of 100 meters.

Powers: Guardian, Elemental charge

Orb of Earth (Natural weapons, Damage energy,

Elemental attack: Earth, Damage
Level: 13 +40), Elemental immunity, Elemental
veil, Mystic Flight 6, Elemental form
Life Points: 240
(Earth, Physical form at wil, Superior
Class: Warlock form).

Category: Between Worlds, Elemental Size: 11 Regeneration: 1

Movement Type: 4 Fatigue: Tireless
Str: 11 Dex: 10 Agi: 9 Con: 8 Pow:
Secondary abilities: Notice 100,
13 Int: 12 Per: 10 Wil: 12
Search 100, Magic appraisal 170,
Appraisal 100, Forge 100.

3 6 5
Elemental Form: The Earth Orb's
body is a huge diamond of extreme
hardness and resistance that makes it
immune to physical attacks incapable
of damaging energy and confers AT 10
against all attacks not based on

Folklore, the walking Wonderland

Folklore is a minor Aeon that

represents the concept of a Fantasy
world, and is considered a minor
aspect of The Dragon.

Its appearance is that of a giant

tortoise that wanders through the
wake, carrying a real magical kingdom
on its back, where dozens of Appearance: Folklore will appear as a
fantastical creatures dwell. And at the mythical creature typical of fairy tales,
center of said kingdom one can find usually a unicorn or a fairy.
the palace of Kappel, the Fairy King.
Initial summon difficulty: 220
Although a being like Folklore should
be too powerful to fall under Kappel‟s Initial cost: 370
influence, being an aspect of The
Dragon compels him to obey Kappel,
who holds the greatest piece of the Difficulty: 180 Cost: 200
greatest Aeon‟s power left in Gaïa.
Therefore Kappel can call upon its Action: Active
powers without the need of a Pact.
Effect: Creates an area of up to 100
Folklore is considered an intermediate meters plus 20 additional meters for
power. every 10 points by which the required
difficulty is exceeded where everyone
Pact: Folklore will give the summoner can fly through the air with a mystic
three usually mundane tasks that flight equal to their natural movement
resemble the story of a fairy tale, type.
visiting a frail old woman to bring her
food, rescuing an imprisoned maiden, Duration: As many rounds as points
finding lost children… by which the difficulty was exceeded.

The first two tasks are always pretty Appearance: Everyone within the
straight forward, while the third task area sprouts fairy wings.
will turn out to have an unexpected
and often supernatural twist.

3 6 6
Grimm Effect: Creates an area of up to 100
meters plus 20 additional meters for
Difficulty: 200 Cost: 300
every 10 points by which the required

Action: Active difficulty is exceeded where the

summoner becomes “the protagonist”.
Effect: Creates an area of up to 100 Anyone (including the summoner)
meters plus 20 additional meters for within the area attempting to perform
every 10 points by which the required an action that is not focused on the
difficulty is exceeded where the summoner automatically receives a -
physical world merges with the Wake, 40 penalty unless they can pass an MR
applying all the special rules of the check against 120. For each 20 points
Wake to the area. Within this area by which the summoning difficulty is
spirits and specters become physical, surpassed the MR check increases by
supernatural powers can be seen by all and the summoner can name one
and everyone gains the ability to villain. To name a villain the
perform Inhuman actions. Light and summoner must use an active action
Darkness magic can also be affected to say their true name out loud.
depending on the nature of the
location‟s Wake. Spells casted within When an action focused on a villain is

the area while in a territory aligned performed the summoner gets to

with its element will go up by one choose whether or not it receives the -

degree, while the opposed spells will 40 penalty.

go down by one degree (down to a
Duration: As many rounds as points
minimum of base).
by which the difficulty was exceeded.

If the summoner is standing on a place

Appearance: All over the area shining
where the veil between reality and the
yellow paths appear on the ground
Wake is weak the fusion will be
leading towards the summoner. The
complete and every creature or object
summoner is marked as the
in the wake will appear simultaneously
protagonist by a green crown floating
in the physical world.
over their head, while the villains can

Duration: As many rounds as points be recognized by their red glowing

by which the difficulty was exceeded. eyes and their shadow transforming
into that of a wolf.
Appearance: The area affected is
warped slightly to look like its Happily ever after

reflection in the Wake.

Difficulty: 280 Cost: 500
Emerald city
Action: Active
Difficulty: 240 Cost: 400
Effect: Creates an area of up to 100

Action: Active meters around the summoner where

death doesn‟t exist. Rules-wise,
anyone who dies inside the area while

3 6 7
the invocation was active will be invocation, complete with forests,
brought back to life at the end of the rivers and even Kappel‟s palace always
duration with only 1 LP. The visible in the distance.
summoner and beings of Gnosis 40 or
above can choose to ignore this ability, Nascal Mehirim, Master of
which allows them to kill someone
inside the area at the cost of staying
Puppets (Rework), supplied by

mortal themselves. Sadrith

Duration: As many rounds as points Level: 13 Category: Between Worlds,

by which the difficulty was exceeded. Creation 25

Appearance: Everything within the Life Points: 6350

area will appear oversaturated with
Class: Freelancer / Ranger
bright colors and little magical
creatures like fairies and gnomes will Str 14 Dex 13 Agi 9 Con 15 Pow 12
appear playing and dancing all over Int 13 Per 11 Wp 12
the area. While within the area all
wounds, no matter how grave, will PhR: 120 MR: 110 PsR: 110 VR: 120

take the appearance of a light bruise DR: 120

or other family friendly, bloodless

Initiative: 110 Natural
signs of damage.
Attack ability: 275 Limbs, 270 Flame
Fairytale Land
Cannon, 255 Blade Wings

Difficulty: 320 Cost: 700

Defense ability: Accumulation

Action: Active
Damage: 145 Limbs (Impact), 185

Effect: Creates an area of up to a 100 Blade Wings (Cut), 140 Igneous

meters around the summoner plus 20 Cannon (Heat).

additional meters for every 10 points

AT: 8 Natural
by which the required difficulty is
exceeded where all the effects of Advantages: Innate Learning:
Neverland, Grimm, Emerald city and Intellectual, Innate Learning: Forge
Happily ever after take place at the
Essential skills: Supernatural
same time. The summoner can choose
physical characteristics, Superhuman
to activate only some of said effects.
spiritual characteristics, Zen,
Duration: One minute for every 10 Ambidexterity, Physical exemption.
points by which the difficulty was
Powers: Blade Wings and Limbs
(Natural Weapons, Additional Attack -
Appearance: An image of the fantasy 10, Damage +40, AT -4, Conditional),
world that exists in Folklore‟s back will Igneous Cannon (Special Attack, Base
appear in the area affected by the Damage 200, Area 25m, Range 500m,

3 6 8
Elemental Attack: Fire, 11 additional
uses), Thermal Vision (Full Night
Vision, Conditioned), Terminals,
Vulnerable Point.

Size: 29, Giant Regeneration: 0

Movement type: 11Fatigue: Tireless

Secondary Abilities: Ride 100, Climb

100, Jump 115, Persuasion 100, Notice
160, Search 140, Tracking 90, Animals
120, Science 275, Herbal Lore 120,
History 120, Medicine 180, Memorize
200, Occult 265, Composure 110,
Feats of strength 125, Trap Lore 200,
Art 275, Forge 275, Puppet confection meters around its target. It is not

85, Lost Logias 120 possible to choose targets within the

area of the attack, however Nascal
Limbs: Given his size Nascal can use himself is immune to the blast.
his limbs to attack, either sweeping or Normally the Igneous Cannons have
crushing his enemies. His attacks enough ammunition to fire up to 12
cover an area of 5 meters without times without reloading.
applying any penalties.
Multiple attacks: Nascal can make an
Bladed wings: Nascal has two large additional attack each round with no
bladed appendages on his upper back penalty. With each attack he can use a
that he can use to attack, either different weapon or perform both
independently or in combination with attacks with the same weapon, with
his limbs. These attacks are less the only exception of the Igneous
precise and affect only one target, but Cannon, which can only be used once
their damage is much higher and they per round.
reduce the defender's AT by 4 points.
Thermal Vision: Even while in
Igneous Cannons: Of all the complete darkness, Nascal‟s body is
weapons Nascal is equipped with, equipped with thermoreceptors that let
igneous cannons are by far the most him see anything that emanates heat.
dangerous. These are fire spell
generators that generate a huge Terminals: All of Nascal's puppets are

explosion that incinerates everything connected to him, and he is able to

over large areas. This ability is see and hear through them as if he

equivalent to a Fireball spell casted at were present. This ability is not innate,

Intermediate Degree and 120 points of and Nascal must decide when he

zeon, it allows the puppet master to wants to use it and which "terminal"

create a supernatural fire-based he connects to. This link also allows

explosion that covers a radius of 25 him to transmit orders and control all

3 6 9
his puppets remotely like a true necessary. He usually carries 20 of
puppeteer. If he concentrates on them with him, of different models.
manipulating one of his "terminals'' he
get a +10 bonus to all actions and can
can control its movements, essentially
use the Commander‟s Intelligence for
acting personally through a secondary
checks. A single Commander Puppet
body. This allows the puppet to use all
can give this bonus to a maximum
of Nascal's secondary abilities, and
amount of puppets equal to their
apply a +40 bonus to its primary
Intelligence modifier at the same time,
and it‟s limited to Puppets of a lower
Commander: Puppets being directly level than themselves.
controlled by Nascal move more
Nascal’s Puppets
efficiently and use better strategies,
and therefore apply a bonus of +10 to While his colossal body was certainly a
all actions. Nascal can directly lethal foe even for the most powerful
command a maximum of 25 puppets warriors, what really made him
at the same time. dangerous to the world and earned
him a place amongst the Messengers
Vulnerable poInt Although almost all
of the Apocalypse was his seemingly
of Nascal's body is extremely resistant
unlimited army of puppets. More than
to damage, attacks aimed at his head
any other, Nascal‟s greatest ability was
are extremely effective, since that
his craftsmanship and knowledge that
point is where the most vulnerable and
allowed him to create all sorts of
least protected machinery is located.
puppets, ranging from simple toys
Therefore, if someone manages to
from his amusement to warriors that
reach it (something difficult, since his
far surpass any regular human soldier.
head is normally 20 meters high),
attacks aimed at this point ignore Most of the puppet models created by
Nascal's physical armor. When his Nascal follow the generic stats of
head is the target of ranged attacks Marionettes (Those Who Walked
Nascal can make an attack skill check Among Us, pg.106), although they had
against his attacker's ability to some unique personalization options
intercept projectiles with his arms, in invented by Nascal himself.
which case he can apply his AT to
calculate the damage caused by the Since Those Who Walked Among Us
attack. Nascal applies a cumulative -25 was released before Natural bonuses
penalty to that check for each were introduced, Nascal‟s puppets
additional projectile he attempts to have their own secondary abilities.
Minor Marionette: Acrobatics 45,
Puppets: Nascal normally has multiple Jump 25, Climb 20, Notice 60, Search
combat puppets inside his body that 50, Trap Lore 60, Forge 80.
he can unleash at will to fight if
Major Marionette: Acrobatics 80,
Jump 45, Climb 30, Notice 90, Search

3 7 0
80, Feats of Strength 40, Trap Lore had some much more unique models
100, Forge 130 that have completely different stats,
like the all mighty Nascal Prototipes.
Extra Note: Major Marionettes should
have 120 LP instead of 110 as the Plain puppet: These are the most
book says. common amongst Nascal‟s collection
since he could make them quickly with
New Personalization Options
just basic materials and a power

 Elemental Resistance: Same source (usually a sacrificed soul).

as above, but the puppet Nascal‟s mansion used to be always

becomes immune to 20 filled with hundreds of puppet models

intensities. and Plain puppets always hid

 Flamethrower: The puppet themselves amongst those to catch

can make a ranged attack with intruders by surprise. They are Minor

50 Heat based damage. This Marionettes with the personalization

attack has a range of 25 meters traits Natural Weapons and Assassin.

and an area of 5 meters. This
Trapping puppet: Nascal was a man
attack is equivalent to a fireball
rarely bothered by morals, and he was
spell with 50 Zeon points, and
always in need of human livestock
it usually has a limited amount
both as a source of research on human
of charges..
anatomy and as souls to power his
 Thermal Vision: The puppet is
creations. For this reason he created a
equipped with thermoreceptors
series of puppets specialized on
that allow it to see in complete
capturing people without harming
darkness with no penalty.
them, Trapping puppets are said
 Commander System: Those
disturbing creations, a strange merge
puppets that Nascal gifted with
of some human features like a face
a high level of intelligence can
and human vocal cords that they
control and direct the actions of
sometimes use to attract their victims,
lesser puppets so they act in a
and a long wooden body with six arms
much more efficient way.
divided in 4 segments that they use to
Therefore puppets that are
quickly and skillfully weave their
being commanded
cables, which they can use to capture

Puppet Models someone. They are Minor Marionettes

with the traits Marionette wires and
The following Puppets are Nascal‟s Assassin, and while they are very
most well known and common clearly inhuman they can use their
Puppets, but it‟s not a comprehensive human-like parts to trick people as
list. During the hundreds of years that long as they remain at least partially
he spent isolated in his workshop he hidden, so they have a Disguise skill of
built dozens of different puppets and 100.
had hundreds of modified versions of
the models described below. He also

3 7 1
Ghestal Puppet: While similar in have an additional Extra limb, Big,
design to the Plain puppets, these Commander System and have an
puppets are made entirely with the intelligence attribute of 9. If they need
Duk‟zarist‟s sacred wood, which allows to fight, Automatons use all sorts of
them to burst into fire at will without Improvised Weapons from the
ever being consumed by it, which is workshop like hammers and Saws.
why they are also known as fire
The Rationality trait gives Minor
puppets. They have the traits Metal
Automatons the following base
body, Natural weapons, Flamethrower
abilities: Science 35, Occult 60; and to
(unlimited charges) and Elemental
Major Automatons: Science 60 and
resistance, and the ability to burst into
Occult 125
flames that surround their body
burning anything including attacks. As Mimics: In his research trying to
long as they are burning, all attacks make puppets that were
not based on energy reduce their base indistinguishable from humans Nascal
damage against the Puppet by 30 started to ponder about the nature and
points, their Natural weapons increase shape of a Puppet, and why of all
their damage by 10 points, they do things they should look like humans.
Heat based damage and can damage For a brief time he worked on models
energy. Everyone who comes into that mimicked the appearance of all
contact with the flames must pass a sorts of inanimate objects like tables,
PhR check against 80 each turn or wardrobes, chests and even parts of
suffer Heat based damage equivalent his mansion, like doors or spider
to the level of failure. If the Puppet is lamps. At first mimics were just a brief
damaged by a Water or Cold based gimmick tha Nascal made as a thought
attack the flames will be temporarily experiment, but eventually he realized
mitigated throughout the next turn. the potential of weaponizing them as
living traps.
Automaton: Tasked with helping
Nascal in the workshop or building the While they are immobile mimics can
simpler models of puppet, Automatons pretend to be whatever item they were
are big metal puppets that resemble made to imitate, and only with a
some old Solomon golems. They are Notice check of 180 or a Search check
made to be quite resistant and have of 120 one can distinguish their true
been equipped with multiple arms that nature. Once they move the
allows them to multitask. There are articulations on their body become
also advanced models of Automatons visible or they pull out previously
that were much more skilled and could hidden limbs to walk with. Mimics can
even direct other automatons, letting be either minor or major puppets with
Nascal focus on his personal projects the traits Thermal Vision and Self
while the workshop kept on working. destruct. Each mimic can also have
All automatons have the traits Metal some additional traits depending on
Body, Extra limb, and Rationality. the item he is based on, like Big, Walk
Additionally the advanced models also

3 7 2
in the Air, Metal body, Marionette case of advanced models they can
wires, Natural weapons or Extra Limbs. attack more quickly and use all 4 limbs
in the same round, so they have 3
Bishops: Bishops are tall, uncanny
Extra Limbs for a total of four attacks.
puppets covered in elegant and
Some models also have the Poison
colorful tunics and have strange faces
trait, and can inject a lethal dose of
painted on a head made purely of
Curare (Core Exxet pg. 232) with their
marble that resemble old religious
natural weapons.
iconography. They are equipped with a
combination of mystic circuits and Felix: These adorable little puppets
Ancient Logias that let them shoot out shaped like a Cat used to roam freely
a limited array of spells resembling a around Nascal‟s Mansion. Despite their
real mage. friendly appearance they are as
dangerous as any other of Nascal‟s
Bishops have the Traits Walk in the
creations, and in a fight they might be
air, Flamethrower, Rationality,
the fastest of his creations.
Elemental resistance (Variable) and
they can see Magic. Additionally Felix have the Traits Natural Weapons
Bishops can attack by casting any Free and Assassin, and they also have a +6
access spell up to level 40 in Base bonus to their agility and a +80 to
degree using their attack or dodge their Climb and Jump abilities. There
ability as projection. They have a pool are no Major models of a Felix.
of 3 to 6 charges that are consumed
Centipede: These abominations are a
each time the bishop uses a spell or
combination of four smaller puppets
Flamethrower, and can only be
embedded together to create one
recharged if zeon is introduced into the
massive creature that resembles a
puppet. Each charge is equivalent to
centipede made of humanoid bodies.
50 Zeon.
Usually Centipedes are a Major puppet
Rationality gives them a base Magic with the traits Big, Walk in the air,
Appraisal skill of 70 for minor bishops Natural weapons and Extra Limb;
and 130 for major Bishops additionally they can double their
Strength bonus when performing a
Spiders: Simple combat models with
four extra arms hidden in their back.
They usually look humanoid, although As an active action, the four segments
one can easily see that they are not can separate or fuse back into a single
human, but when in battle the puppets Puppet. Each segment is a humanoid
start to walk on all four like an animal minor puppet wielding huge needles
and extend the extra limbs from their that served as the contibide‟s leg, they
back and thrust their enemies like have the Traits Marionette Needle and
spears while the puppet. Self destruct. The Health of the entire
Centipede is equal to the remaining
These puppets have the Traits Natural
health of all segments added together
weapons and Extra Limb, and in the
and halved.

3 7 3
Commander Tactics 100, Navigation 60, Steal 25,
Trap Lore 70.
Level: 6 Category: Between Worlds,
Creation 15

Life Points: 220 Even after isolating himself from

society into the wild depths of the
Class: Shadow
jungle, Nascal was still seen as a

Str 13 Dex 10 Agi 8 Con 11 Pow 4 menace by a lot of individuals; the

Int 10 Per 7 Wp 4 locals he often kidnapped, warriors

from the old continent who followed
PhR: 75 MR: 50 PsR: 50 VR: 75 DR: him to punish the atrocities he
75 committed on the past, or inquisitors
that were bold enough to think that
Initiative: 95 Natural
they could defeat a Messenger. Since
Attack ability: 170 Longsword + 160 Nascal didn‟t have the time to
Repeating crossbow, 170 personally bother with these pests he
Flamethrower created the Commanders, highly
intelligent autonomous puppets
Defense ability: 170 Dodge capable of directing and organizing all
of Nascal‟s creations in battle.
Damage: 100 Longsword (CUT), 70
Commanders where imposing
Repeating crossbow (THR), 50
Flamethrower (Heat) Personalization: Commanders have
the Traits Commanding System,
AT: Metal Body
Thermal Vision, Flamethrower (3
5 Physical 0 Energy charges), Big, Metal body and
Rationality, but have Intelligence 10
Natural abilities: Different weapon
instead of 6.
Nascal’s Avatar
Essential skills: Ambidexterity,
Physical exemption, Psychological Level: 7 Category: Between Worlds,
Immunity. Creation 20

Powers: Commanding System, Life Points: 130

Thermal Vision, Flamethrower (3
Class: Freelancer
charges), Big, Metal body, Rationality,
Built bodies. Str 7 Dex 10 Agi 9 Con 7 Pow 6 Int
13 Per 8 Wp 4
Size:24, Big Regeneration: 0

PhR: 65 MR: 70 PsR: 55 VR: 65 DR:

Movement type: 9 Fatigue: Tireless
Secondary Abilities: Acrobatics 80,
Initiative: 100 Natural, 110 Nascal‟s
Climb 40, Notice 100, Search 90,
Intimidate 100, Leadership 100,

3 7 4
Attack ability: 175 Nascal‟s Rapier Nascal‟s Avatars look and act exactly
like his original human body, it‟s not
Defense ability: 160 Dodge, 175 with
only that they look like him on the
Nascal‟s Rapier
outside, all of them have a small

Damage: 75 Nascal‟s Rapier (Thrust) portion of Nascal‟s consciousness that

allows them to think independently
AT: None and reason just like a human. Even
their innards are modeled after a
Essential skills: Superhuman spiritual
human‟s; instead of clockwork
characteristics, Ambidexterity, Physical
mechanisms , wood or metal, the body
exemption, Psychological Immunity.
of these puppets is entirely made of
Powers: Thermal Vision, Human human tissues and bone. These
appearance, Reasoning, Human-like constructs can really make one doubt
Healing, Commander System. what differentiates such a construct
from a true human being.
Size: 14, Medium Regeneration: 4
___ ___MODUS OPERANDI______
Movement type: 8 Fatigue: Tireless
Although they have a certain degree of
Secondary Abilities: Ride 40, Swim autonomy, all of Nascal‟s Avatars are
50, Climb 20, Jump 20, Style 15, programmed to avoid combat. They
Persuasion 80, Notice 85, Search 85, are not made to fight but to serve as
Science 185, History 85, Medicine 100, interlocutors and helpers in Nascal‟s
Memorize 200, Occult 220, Trap lore work. Instead, in a confrontation they
80, Forge 200, Sleight of Hand 50 will direct multiple minor marionettes
with the commander ability.

Since they are modeled to perfectly

Despite being far from the most
imitate the human body, Nascal‟s
powerful puppets created by Nascal,
Avatars have the same weak points as
his “Avatars” are the most advanced of
a human.
his creations. These puppets may not
have powerful weapons hidden in their
body or supernatural abilities, but
instead they are the ultimate result of
Nascal‟s lifelong work to make a
puppet indistinguishable from a

When he was alive this where Nascal‟s

favorite Terminal and he spent more
time working through them than in his
colossal main body. They were also
extremely useful for the rare occasions
where Nascal needed to interact with
the outside world.

3 7 5
Personalization: Nascal‟s Avatars trinkets like that with ease, and thus
have the marionette powers Thermal he had no need for it.
Vision, Human appearance, Reasoning
Despite that act of arrogance, Nascal
and Commander System.
kept using one of those rapiers as his
Human-like healing: Similarly to a favorite weapon throughout his life,
marionette with the Auto Reparation and it‟s even possible that he kept his
trait Nascal‟s Avatars can regain Life master‟s, since according to him his
points, but instead of using all sorts of copies were so perfect that it was
inorganic material as pieces to repair impossible to know which one was the
themselves their repair system runs on original. It is possible that he kept it as
organic material. As long as they eat a memento of his master, something
about as much as a regular human to remember his first years by, then
needs to survive, Nascal's Avatars again, it is equally possible that it just
have a Regeneration Type of 4, which happened to be the best blade
makes it look like they are humans available, since after humiliating his
naturally healing. own master Nascal lost all interest
in something as banal as magical
Nascal’s Rapier

Hundreds of years ago,

Fable: 140 / 180 / 240
when Nascal was a young
man that was just Quality: This is a +15 Quality
starting to learn about rapier capable of damaging energy.
the construction and
Superb finesse (Notion of Use
enchantment of living
1): The rapier‟s wielder has a +3
puppets, he received this
modifier to all his Dexterity rolls.
rapier as a gift from his
very first master. The Gentleman Domine (Notion of
weapon was supposed to Use 1): The wielder of the rapier
be a symbol of the end of gets a +1 to their Dexterity and
his apprenticeship, and Agility Ki Accumulations, although
protect Nascal as he Nascal never made use of this
traveled during his ability.
studies. A few years later
Nascal returned to his Elegant swipe (Notion of Use
master to return the 2): Against the general rules, the
weapon and his old quality bonus of Nascal‟s Rapier is
master, confused, asked also added to the user‟s dodge
why he was giving back the weapon. ability.
Nascal responded by showing him ten
Soul of Artifice (Notion of Use 3):
other rapiers identical to the original
As long as he carries the rapier in his
and just as powerful, he explained that
person, the wielder of this rapier adds
now he was capable of creating
4 points to their power attribute to

3 7 6
calculate the time needed to master Passive concentration, Psychic
any artifact ability with Notion of Use. inclination: Electromagnetism.
Powers: Metal Body (Physical Armor
Power Level: 3
6, Energy armor 4, Damage barrier

Nascal Prototype 60), Levitation (Mystic Flight 4),

Personalization, Overdrive.
Level: 7 Category: Between Worlds,
Creation 20 Size: 15, Medium Regeneration: 0

Life Points: 200 Movement type: 9 / 4

Class: Mentalist Fatigue: Tireless

Str 5 Dex 11 (10) Agi 9 Con 10 Pow

4 Int 6 Per 8 Wp 12
Of all Nascal‟s works the Combat
PhR: 75 MR: 55 PsR: 80 VR: 75 DR: Prototypes are by far his most

75 dangerous creation, technomagical

puppets that have an absolute control
Initiative: 105 Natural, 185 with of Electromagnetic energies around
Increase Reaction them thanks to a series of modified
Psychic Crystals embedded within their
AT: 6 Physical 4 Energy
circuitry. These are the ultimate bodies
Psychic Potential: 120 built by the master puppeteer, and are
in fact designed as possible
Free PP: 10 replacements for his colossal body.

Disciplines: They appear to be smaller versions of

the Messenger itself, but instead of
 Physical increase: Increase
blades on their back they have metal
ability +20, Increase Reaction
wings that allow them to move
through the air.
 Energy: Energy Shield, Energy
Discharge. While they don‟t have a personality as
 Electromagnetism: Magnetic advanced as an Avatar, Prototypes
manipulation, Magnetic Shield, have their own personality and can act
Electric arc, Read independently without a commander.
electromagnetic impulses.
___ ___MODUS OPERANDI______
Innate Powers: 4
In battle the Prototypes will try to float
Psychic Projection: 200 a few meters above the battlefield,
enough for close combat fighters to
Essential skills: Superhuman spiritual
not be able to reach it but trying to
characteristics, Physical exemption,
remain within range of Read
Psychological Immunity, Inhumanity,
electromagnetic Impulses. They
Free access to psychic disciplines,
always have Ability Increase, Reaction

3 7 7
Increase and a shield as Innate when they were casted instead
powers, saving the 4th slot for Read of using only the Base
electromagnetic Impulses. Potential.
 Sparking: A constant lighting
Prototypes are programmed to avoid
barrage surrounds the
using Overdrive unless they are taking
prototype electrocuting anyone
too much damage, so unless this is
who comes nearby. Everyone
overridden by a Commander or Nascal
within 1 meter of the puppet
himself they will activate Overdrive
must pass a PhR check against
only when their Life Points are below
100 each round or suffer an
amount of Electricity based
Personalization: The Prototypes have Damage equal to the level of
an improved version of Metal Body, failure.
plus the Traits Thermal Vision,
Rationality and Elemental
resistance (Electricity).

Overdrive: In a difficult fight, the

Prototype can choose to
overcharge its circuitry increasing
the model‟s performance tenfold.
While in Overdrive mode the
Nascal Prototype will lose 10 LP
each round and any damage it
receives will cause an automatic
critic, but in exchange it gains all
of the following abilities. The
Prototype can end Overclock
mode at any time, but then it will
apply a penalty of -40 to all
actions and will be unable to enter
Overdrive for a full day.

 Overclock: Recover 1 PP
each round.
 Multithread: Can use 3
psychic powers each round
with its full potential as
long as they are 3 different
 Increased Memory:
Innate powers casted in
Overdrive mode remain
with the same potential as

3 7 8
Special: Azrael‟s Elan (Variable)

BESTIARY Size: 16, Medium Regeneration: 2

Movement type: 9 Fatigue: Tireless

Aluhe’nai (Rework), supplied by
Sadrith Secondary Abilities: Athleticism 35,
Ride 40, Intimidate 50, Leadership
Golden Knight 105, Persuasion 75, Notice 100,

Level: 6 Category: Spirit, Elemental Search 30, Composure 75, Feats of

25 strength 65, Withstand Pain 50.

Life Points: 240

Class: Weapons Master Living Armor: The Aluhe‟nai fuse with

any kind of armor to interact with the
Str: 9 Dex: 12 Agi: 8 Con: - Pow: 9 world. They only can do this with
Int: 8 Per: 9 Wp: 8 armors that are completely empty at
the time of their possession, the spirit
PhR: 65 MR: 65 PsR: 65 VR: 65 DR:
“fills” them in a supernatural way. The
process takes two full rounds until the
Initiative: 100 Natural, 50 merge takes place. While they are
Broadsword, 55 Longsword + Shield attached to the armor, any damage
that can affect energy harms equally
Attack ability: 200 Orbs of light, 190 the Aluhe‟nai and its physical form, but
Broadsword, 190 Longsword those unable to damage the
supernatural only cause damage to the
Parry ability: 185 Broadsword, 205
container. The endurance of each
Shield Damage: 90 Broadsword (Cut /
frame depends on its quality is equal
Impact), 60 Longsword (Cut), 30
to ten times its fortitude (after
Shield (Impact)
applying the quality of Light Armor).
Wear armor: 160
In the event that the physical body is
AT: Full plate armor +5 destroyed while the spirit hasn‟t yet
lost all its life points the Aluhe‟nai
Cut 6 Impact 6 Thrust 6 Heat 5
leaves the container and is free to
Electricity 1 Cold 5 Energy 2
seek another armor to link with.
Natural abilities: Deflection module
Naturally, if the spirit loses all of its life
Essential skills: Spiritual form, points before the container is
Physical Exemption, Superhuman destroyed, the Aluhe‟nai perishes and
physical characteristics, Inhumanity. the armor crumbles lifeless.

Powers: Living Armor (Manifestation, Light Armor: When possessing an

Conditioned), Orbs of light, See the armor tha Aluhe‟nai reinforces it with
supernatural. its own spiritual power making it a +5

3 7 9
quality armor (unless it already had a Orb attacks with an unmodified skill
higher quality) and adding its quality independent from the Knight, and
bonus to the Energy AT. While the every round fires a light beam which is
stats shown here have a +5 Full plate equivalent to a Light Beam spell with
armor as an example, an Aluhe‟nai can Base Damage 60.
possess virtually any armor as long as
Knights can generate only four orbs
it covers the whole body and is
each day, because its essence is
classified as hard, although if wearing
weakened when trying to create more.
Full heavy plate or a Full field plate
armor the Aluhe‟nai will apply the Golden blades
corresponding Natural Penalty (-10
and -50 respectively for armors with Although extremely rare, some

+5 quality). Aluhe‟nai may choose to inhabit a

metal weapon instead of an armor.If
Spiritual Form: When not inside an they do, they apply the following
armor that gives them body, the special rules.
Aluhe‟nai can not interact with the
world around them, or even with other Flying blade: When possessing a

spirits. Although they remain invisible weapon an Aluhe‟nai may move with a

and intangible, they always emit a mystic flight type of 8, but it can‟t fly

glow wherever they are, so it's easy to more than two meters above ground.

perceive them even if it is impossible

Living weapon: Weapons possessed
to see their real form.
by an Auluhe‟nai have a natural AT of

Orbs of Light: Using a part of its 3 against all attacks other than

essence the Golden Knights can create Energy, and endurance equal to 5

spheres of pure light as a way of times the weapon‟s fortitude. If the

attack against their enemies. Instead Aluhe‟nai fails a break control it

of attacking during a turn, the Knight automatically loses 50 of its frame‟s

can manifest in the air a vortex of light life points.

energy that, regardless of what they

Blade of Light: Just like an armor,
do later in subsequent rounds, fires
any weapon possessed by an Aluhe‟nai
power beams against the target
will turn into a magical+5 weapon
designated by the Knights before it
capable of damaging energy unless it
already had higher quality.

Game wise, during the three

subsequent rounds after the
generation of an Orb of Light, it fires a
light beam at a single target. To
determine the moment when it is fired
on the action sequence of each round,
it is considered that the Orb has the
equivalent final Initiative of 100. The

3 8 0
Ancient and warlike, their enormous
Abn Alralm, Soldier of the
thirst for combat
Sands, supplied by Shiryu makes them relate
more directly than
“So? You wanna fight too?”
others of their kind
Name: Abn Alram. and given their limited
ability to interact with
Rank: Yinnun of the court of
the physical world,
this makes them

Age: They live between 800 extremely dangerous

and 1,000 years. Presumably to mortals, whom they

the first arose 9,000 years only consider as toys.

ago. with which to calm

their desire for
Combat Style: Bending the violence.
Earth and Chaos.
Abn (Level 3)
Race: Anima, Elemental; Earth.
Level: 3 Category: Anima, Elemental
Fable: 80 / 120 / 180 (Earth) 20

Mythology: Enneath. Life Points: 165

Hobbies: Variable. Class: Warrior

What they appreciate most: Str: 10 Dex: 8 Agi: 6 Con: - Pow: 9

Variable. Int: 6 Wil: 8 Per: 7

What they hate most: Variable. PhR: 50 MR: 50 PsR: 50 DR: 50 VR:
Yinnun is the term that the Enneath
religion uses to define the category Initiative: 70 Natural and 45 Scimitar
that encompasses the less powerful
Attack Ability: 90 Scimitar or 120
Djinn. These are immortal wandering
spirits who enjoy interfering as a
pastime in the destiny of men. Defense Ability: 90 Scimitar o 120
They have no physical form; they are
really a collection of sand and dust Damage: 55 Hafat‟Arad (Thrust) o 65
that takes on a spiritual appearance Scimitar (Cut)
vaguely similar to that of a man.
Normal people are unable to see them Essential Abilities: Physical
if they don't want to; and even those Exemption and Immunity to an
with the power to see spirits glimpse Element (Earth): Half the damage.
them as ever-changing chaotic
Powers: Aiqtitae Alqadr, Hafat‟Arad,
Hijab‟Arad y Murur‟Arad.

3 8 1
Size: 19 Medium Regeneration: 1 intertwines his fate with that of his
Movement Value: 6 Fatigue:
Tireless Hafat’Arad: The Abn have the ability
to command the sands and the earth
Secondary Abilities: Athleticism 60,
itself, creating spikes of earth with
Ride 40, Notice 60, Search 40, Track
which to impale their enemies or
40, Occult 40, Intimidate 80,
tentacles with which to seize them.
Leadership 60 and Forge 60.
Due to its elemental nature, Hafat'Arad

___ ___MODUS OPERANDI______ can affect any opponent within a 10

meter radius of the Yinnun and can be
Unlike other Yinnun, the Abn adore used to perform a Special Grapple with
combat and do not hesitate to resort a characteristic of 10. Lastly, through
to violence if necessary. Generally, precise earth control an Abn can use
they use their control over earth to this ability in combination with
fight with mundane weapons, but Hijab'Arad to interact with the physical
when faced with exceptional opponents world although due to its
they will use their abilities more "precariousness" applies a -30 penalty
directly. In case of need, they resort to to any physical action such as handling
their control over causality to generate objects or wielding weapons.
unpredictable situations and to be able
to escape. Hijab’Arad: The Abn are capable of
molding the sand around them to take
Aiqtitae Alqadr: Without a doubt, the on human appearance to blend in with
most strange and fascinating ability of the people and cause chaos wherever
the Yinnun is their unique gift to they go. In particular, they have a
manipulate the events to come. In a special predilection to take the form of
chaotic and uncontrolled way, since soldiers or mercenaries. They cannot
geniuses cannot choose the fully manifest like other greater Djinn,
consequences of their power, the so even though they become visible
Yinnun can make a person or group of and take on deadly forms, they remain
people exponentially increase their intangible and unable to physically
chances of suffering the most unusual interact with the world. Only through
and impossible situations, just as if the use of rituals and other
they were individuals with a very high supernatural powers do they overcome
Gnosis. Normally these events will this deficiency, tricking men into
always have a negative and violent believing they are mortal.
character, being a source of
misfortune and mistreatment for the Murur’Arad: As beings bound to the

poor unfortunate who are the target of earth, the Abn are able to use their

their power. To use this ability the Abn elemental connection to move under

must either know the name of the the sands as if it were water.
person who is going to be targeted or
drink his blood since using it slightly

3 8 2
Ahuitzotl, supplied by Sadrith
Level: 5

Life Points: 160

Class: Thief

Category: Between worlds, Elemental

Commonly found stalking the jungles

Str: 7 (12) Dex: 13 Agi: 9 Con: 10 of Itzy and rivers all across the south

Pow: 8 Int: 7 Per: 10 Wp: 6 of Eurakia, Ahuitzotl are demons

known for their greed and dirty tricks.
PhR: 65 MR: 60 PR: 55 VR: 65 SR:
65 Ahuitzotls look like a hybrid between a
panther and some sort of fish, their
Initiative: 125 Natural body is mostly covered in scales, with
a dark crest of hair along their back,
Attack: 160 Claws, 150 Thief‟s Hand
and their most recognizable
Defense: 150 Dodge characteristic is a disproportionately
big hand at the tip of their long tail.
Damage: 45 Claws (Thrust)
Despite rarely interacting with the
AT: 4 Physical 2 Energy Demonic Circles Ahuitzotls are still
regarded as fourth hierarchy demons
Essential abilities: Superhuman
that will follow the commands of any
physical characteristics, Inhumanity,
local Third Hierarchy demon. But
Water breathing.
usually they prefer to act
Powers: Natural weapons, Thief‟s independently, hunting any poor soul
Hand, Aquatic movement, Additional that happens to get too close to the
attack (-10 ability), Physical armor 4, body of water that they inhabit. They
Mystic armor 2, Vulnerability. are usually born from the souls of
murderers who that were compeled by
Size: 17, Medium Regeneration: 3
greed to take a life.
Movement type: 9 Fatigue: 10
It is well known that one can employ
Secondary skills: Acrobatics 80, the services of an Ahuitzotl not only as
Athleticism 120, Climb 30, Jump 75, a killer, but also as an immensely
Notice 80, Search 50, Hide 150, Steal skilled thief or spy. In exchange the
200, Stealth 160, Sleight of Hand 120 demon will ask for the soul of an
innocent (or sometimes more,
Fable: 120 / 140 / 240 depending on the job), who must be
drowned alive in the river or lake
Mythology: Old gods of the Abyss,
where the demon resides.
Christianity (From the new continent).

3 8 3
___ ___MODUS OPERANDI______ Drag: An Ahuitzolt can try to move an
opponent that it has trapped with
For a demon, Ahuitzolts aren‟t
Thief‟s hand. If the Ahitzolt tries to
particularly violent and prefer to take a
move while holding an opponent it
more subtle approach to conflict,
must roll an opposed Strength check
prefering to use their skills in
against them (The Ahuitzolt uses the
subterfuge instead of fighting directly.
Strength of the Thief‟s hand). If the
In combat they are well known for
Ahuitzolt wins by a difference greater
trapping their victims with the hand in
than 3 it can move freely while
their tail and dragging them into a
dragging its opponent, if it wins by a
body of water, where the victim will
difference of less than 3 it can move
generally be at a disadvantage and
half the distance indicated by its
drawn unless they can free
movement value, and if it loses the
opponent is immediately freed from

If they have been contracted as a the Trapping maneuver.

thief, they are capable of stealing
Elemental: As a water elemental the
something from their opponents even
Ahuitzolt receives double damage from
in the midst of combat and they will
fire based attacks, and has a +20 to
flee into the water once they achieved
its resistances against any effect based
their objective.
on water or cold.

Thief’s hand: Each round an Ahuitzolt

Vulnerability: As a Fourth Hierarchy
can make an additional attack with the
Demon, whenever an Ahuitzolt is
hand at the tip of its tail with only a
inside a sacred place it must succeed
penalty of -10. This attack does no
on a MR check against 140 each round
damage, but can use a Trap, Disarm or
or receive damage equal to the level of
Knock down maneuvers with no
failure. Additionally, sacred weapons
additional penalty. Alternatively, the
doble their base damage and always
Ahuitzotl can forgo this attack and use
attack with the Energy AT.
its hand to perform an active action
without any penalty for performing
multiple actions, although it must be
an action that can be performed with
only one hand. The Thief‟s hand can
use a Strength attribute of 12 for any
Strength checks.

Trapping: While trapping an enemy

with Thief‟s hand the Ahuitzolt can
keep fighting without applying the
minor paralysis penalty, and can use
the Crush maneuver with a Strength
value of 12.

3 8 4
They have long sharp teeth that they
Aigamuxa, supplied by Muzan
use to tear their prey apart when they
Level: 4 Category:Between World, 15 catch them. They move in a strange
fashion closer to dance and sometimes
Life Points: 300
make it hard to estimate their

Class: Warrior incredible speed.

Str: 12 Dex: 10 Agi: 10 Con: 12 Aigmuxa knows that hunting

Pow: 5 Int: 4 Wp: 9 Per: 9 wandering prey is difficult and prefers

to dig into the ground with their
PhR 65 MR 45 PsR 55 VR 65 DR 65 powerful hands and wait to catch prey
when they get close using his superior
Initiative: 80 Natural
strength, usually preferring to hide in
Attack Ability: 150 Claws + 130 Bite the sand and leaving their feet above
the ground so they can see.
Defence Ability: 145 Block

Damage: 80 Claws and Bite

Aigamuxa Feet: With their eyes on
AT: Natural 3 (Energy 0) their feet, the Aigamuxa suffers
unusual weakness, first, it‟s difficult for
Special: Blind-Fighting Module
him to see while he is running after
Essential Abilities: Superhuman preys, and suffers the penalty of
Physical Characteristics, Acute Sense blindness, also targeting the sole of
(Scent), Inhumanity the feet, is enough to hit the eyes of
the Aigamuxa and count as a
Powers: Natural weapons: Claws, Bite
vulnerable point.
(Additional Attack, Armor Modifier -1),
Damage Energy, Subterranean Note: They only suffer half the
Movement, Physical Armor AT 3, penalties in combat with the blind-
Aigamuxa Feet fighting module.

Size: 24 Big Regeneration: 5

Movement Value: 12 Fatigue: 12

Secondary Abilities: Athleticism 105,

Notice 100, Hide 65, Stealth 65, Feats
of Strength 100

The Aigamuxa appear to be large

humanoids with eyes on their feet and
inhabitants of Kashmir. They hunt
anything that moves but particularly
enjoy the flesh of sentient creatures.

3 8 5
yet they all share a true passion and
Anemoi, Music of the
fascination for any kind of music and
Storms, supplied by Shiryu dance. Such is their interest that many
of them usually observe from the skies
“Sometimes the mightiest storms
the great festivities of the various
resound with their own music”
tribes and on some occasions, if the
Name: Anemoi Thuellai. song or dance
really moves them,
Rank: Intermediate Air
they can descend
to join their voices

Age: They live between with that of the

200 and 300 years. The others. The voice

first presumably arose of an Anemoi is

10,000 years ago. that of the wind

and when they
Combat Style: Control of begin to sing the
wind and electricity. beauty of their
voices can move
Race: Between Worlds,
even the hardest of
Elemental; Air.
hearts. For the
Fable: 80 / 140 / 240 musicians of the
Jayán tribes, there
Mythology: Luminus Lacrimae and is no greater honor than an Anemoi
Tu‟Tam. deciding to join in a song.

Hobbies: Music. According to Tu'Tam folklore, the

Anemoi are the children that the great
What they appreciate most: Listen
totem Horse of the Storm had with the
to beautiful songs.
great spirit Polyphonica, the Muse of
What they hate most: To those who Music, inheriting from both the best
destroy music. qualities of him. Likewise, within the
common knowledge of the Tu'Tam, it
is said that the electrical storms that

Whenever the skies of Corina are often and suddenly arise over the

darkened by a sudden electrical storm, great plains are nothing more than

the Jayan tribes smile and raise their several Anemoi who have gathered to

voices to join them in the Anemoi share new musical knowledge.

Thuellai, the song of the storms.

The Anemoi are capable of fluently

The Anemoi are a type of air elemental speaking Uktala and Ukk but for these

of intermediate power, they have elementals there is only one language

masculine essence and take the form that is purely perfect; the Elium

of great stallions. Their behavior is as Lacrimae. All Anemoi are capable of

varied as the wind that shapes them, using it to perfection and it is the one

3 8 6
they use the most to communicate ___ ___MODUS OPERANDI______
between themselves and other beings.
Anemoi are not prone to resorting to
Anemoi Thuellai (Level 5) violence for no reason, but if provoked
or someone they care about is placed
Level: 5 Category: Between Worlds,
in danger, they will use the electrical
Elemental (Air) 20
currents running through their bodies
Life Points: 1.360 to channel lightning towards their
opponents. In addition, thanks to the
Class: Acrobatic Warrior fact that they are able to fly freely
through the sky, they will use the area
Str: 12 Dex: 11 Agi: 13 Con: 12
advantage to easily eliminate their
Pow: 8 Int: 6 Wil: 6 Per: 6
enemies. As a general rule, an Anemoi
PhR: 70 MR: 75/55/35 PsR: 55 DR: will never harm a talented musician or
70 VR: 70 dancer, unless the latter is clearly
hostile towards the elemental.
Initiative: 125 Natural
The vulnerable points of these
Attack Ability: 140 Kick or 140
elementals are their spirit cores
Lightning Bolts
located in their chests.
Defense Ability: Damage Resistance.
Lord of the Horses: Despite their
Damage: 60 Kick (Impact) and 80 elemental status, the Anemoi are
Lightning Bolts (Electricity) considered one more by any breed of
horse. In some cases the Anemoi can
AT: Natural 4 live for seasons among the wild herds
of the steppes as they also consider
Essential Abilities: Lord of Horses
them part of their race.
(Affinity; Horses), Superhuman Physic
Characteristics, Physical Exemption, Body of Air: The natural state of the
Inhumanity and Acuate Sense Anemoi is a mass of current of air and
(Hearing). electricity with the somewhat diffuse
shape of a horse. While in this state
Powers: Natural Weapon Limited;
they are completely intangible and any
Kick, Body of Air and Lightning Bolts.
attack that does not affect energy is
Size: 24 Big Regeneration: 5 unable to affect them. Only those who
see magic or spirits can clearly see the
Movement Value: 13 Fatigue: form of an Anemoi, anyone else trying
Tireless. to see it must make a check against
Almost Impossible to Notice or Very
Secondary Abilities: Acrobatics 180,
Hard to Seek. As a mass of air, the
Athleticism 120, Notice 80/110, Search
Anemoi are capable of moving through
80/110, Style 80, Dance 120 and
the air with movement type 13 and are
Music 140.
capable of entering any crack or space
through which the air can blow.

3 8 7
Finally, if desired, an Anemoi can angeologists and demonologists are
become completely physical, taking concerned. Some theorise that the
the form of a jet-black horse with Angels are nothing more than demons
silver mane. from dark and macabre mythologies
whose concept of evil is close to the
Lightning Bolts: The main weapon of
good of men, others that pure
the Anemoi is the ability to concretize
goodness managed to be manifested
the electrical energy that shapes them
and embraced by the Beryl Mikhael,
to create powerful lightning bolts. In
some even brand these beings as
game terms, it is considered a natural
Azrael Beryl's personal army in
fired weapon that attacks at Electricity
mistrust that even the elementals of
AT. Given the burden it places on their
light have signed demonic pacts. All
bodies, Anemoi can only use about 50
these versions have proof and are
bolts of lightning before exhausting all
constantly disproved, with dark angels
of their electrical energy. They are
denying the possibility of Azrael being
capable of regenerating electrical
involved, as beings who respond to the
energy at a rate of one lightning bolt
benign representations of the world's
per hour.
religions, thus proving that they
cannot be demons of evil itself.
Angels, created by Altidiya, supplied by
Leonard Whatever their origin, it is undeniable
that there is some relationship
"Fear not, for my message alone will
bring you peace". between these beings and "goodness",
although the devotion to the beryls of
In the eyes of the world, the term most Choirs has brought with it a
"Angel" is something that could be misrepresentation of that process and
given to a great number of different as their aspects change from territory
creatures and entities. However,
to territory has made them
beyond generic denominations and
increasingly distinct from each other,
erroneously attributed titles, the angels still have common
entities that actually answer to that
characteristics and organisations.
name have existed since time
immemorial. Each of the known Angelic Souls
religions has its own "angels"; whether
Not all angels are necessarily born as
they are servants of a luminous divine
"elementals of goodness". Many have
pantheon or entities of a similar
as their basis the mortal souls of such
nature. Of course, the origins of such
extremely benign individuals that their
beings are as varied as the beliefs of
essence is used by some Angelic
each people. And yet, despite this,
Throne as raw material. Thus, the
there are common elements in all of
instant such a person dies, their spirit
does not return to the stream of souls,
The origin of angels is diffuse and but is reclaimed by the Throne to be
incoherent as far as Gaia's molded to its liking. In this process the
soul, only mud in the hands of the

3 8 8
entity, loses all knowledge of its Each Throne is completely different;
former existence and is reborn as a both their powers and their nature
new entity. Usually, most angels of the have nothing to do with each other. In
lower triad arise in this way, though fact, the only thing they have in
occasionally there are some so common is their ability to conceive and
extremely powerful that they require the high spiritual power this gives
many mortal souls instead of one. them.

The Angelic There are very few Thrones (in fact, it

Thrones is estimated
that there are
The entities
only eight at
which the
the present
angels call
time), though
Thrones are,
all are
with the one
considered to
be at least
exception of
angels of the
the Celestial
Upper Triad.
The best
the most
known and
important of
most important
the angelic
of all the
Thrones is
They are so
Keter, the
because they
are the only
its influence is
ones among
such that it is
their kind
currently the
who, without
only one of the
being deities,
Thrones to
have the capacity to conceive, or, in
have its own Choir.
other words, are the "creators" of the
angels. The Angelic Knights

The exact origin of these entities is The Angelic Knights are an ancient
unknown. Some theorise that they are group of entities born from
a kind of portal to the flow of souls, representations of the four cardinal
allowing them to absorb and utilise the virtues. These beings are living
spirits of benign people passing embodiments of the pious emotions of
through them, although no one has mortals and, consequently, appear
been able to prove this. with different identities in all cultures
and religions.

3 8 9
Unlike their demonic counterparts, the the command of an angel of the Higher
Cardinal Virtues are unique beings, at Triad.
least in theory. It is said that if they
are destroyed by beings with the
abilities to oppose them they cannot While demons possess demonic pacts,
reappear, although this is an unproven which allow them to permanently taint
theory. the mortal soul and then use it to
increase their personal power or that
The Angelic Knights are considered
of their circles, angels only possess the
part of the Higher Triad, belonging to
power to give warnings and counsels
the seven choirs at the same time
called Trumpets.
divided into north (Justice), east
(Fortitude), west (Prudence) and south The Trumpets are manifestations of
(Temperance). visions of the Knights, Thrones or
Cherubim (in some exceptional cases,
“Paradise" and Saved Souls
Seraphim) through angelic
Contrary to widespread belief angels messengers. These Trumpets usually
do not live on an existential plane warn of coming dangers or dangerous
known as Paradise; if there ever was temptations, most of the time
such a thing it has long since been foreseeing demonic pacts. Along with
erased from existence. Instead the the message, the angel sent may offer
most powerful angelic entities reside at his services to the recipient of the
the boundary between the soul stream trumpet and, only if he accepts,
and the real world, in those spaces succeed in touching his soul with
where different concepts of 'good' are goodness.
strongest. What is certain, however, is
Angelic Hierarchy
that angels possess a great interest in
the souls of mortals, some out of their Although each group of angels serves
pure benign essence desiring that different purposes and lords within
mortals live well while others see the their choirs, for over a thousand years
rational need to possess more raw there has been some general
materials to increase their lesser recognition of these entities as part of
numbers. a larger collectivity. Through the
influence of the Beryls, the angels
Most of the so-called "trumpets" have
have created distinct choirs which,
precisely the purpose of achieving a
while independent of each other, have
connection with some particularly
an internal hierarchy that allows them
important mortal souls (mainly those
to understand their position and to
with a higher Natura), as they can
recognise each other as equals.
provide them with the greatest
existential power. Naturally, not all creatures of a kindly
nature fall into this category. For
Only angels of the Middle or Lower
example, many benign spirits linked to
Triad can trumpet, and always under
the Kami could very well be considered

3 9 0
angels, but since they have no direct power to join with the Cherubim of
relationship with the angelic other Choirs. Although every Cherub is
hierarchies, they are not included in supposed to be equally important, it is
this group. The same applies to the undeniable that Cassiel, Jeremiel and
components of the Lillium religion or Jibril have the greatest speaking
some of the children of the Aityr power.
among many others.
The second proximity is occupied by
The angels are divided into three the Thrones, who are in charge of
groups of three: three triads and three conceiving new angels in each circle.
vicinities in each. There is only one
The third proximity is occupied by the
entity superior to the triads, there
Angelic Knights, virtues ascended after
being only one per choir, the
the fall of the previous one.
Seraphim, pseudo-deities who seek to
please and represent the Beryls, Intermediate Triad
whether they favour them or not.
This group encompasses the
Seraphim intermediate angels, although in
greater numbers than the Upper Triad,
A hierarchical category occupied by
they hold great power and leadership
only one entity in each Choir, the
over the celestial ballads of the various
seraphim are considered the entities of
Choirs. From this Triad onwards the
greatest power and since the War of
angels begin to have personal
Rah none have been known to exist.
paradises and lead Celestial Ballads.
Should they still exist and not have
been eliminated by Rah's wickedness, The first proximity of the Middle Triad
they would be closer to a god than to are the Dominions, who are in charge
an angel as such. of the organisation of the Choirs,
leaders of the lesser angels, and their
There is a rumour that the Keter
duties are usually to act as
Throne is a Seraph who has defied the
intermediaries with the rest of the
designs to have the ability to conceive,
angels and the Upper Triad.
but not everyone agrees to call the
rebellious Throne as such. The second proximity are the Powers,
more earthly angels, charged with
Upper Triad
guiding outposts and fighting demons,
In this broad group are the beings who currently not unlike their two
direct, inspire and give birth to the companions due to their low numbers.
Celestial Choirs, there is only one of
The third proximity are the Virtues,
each proximity per Choir.
angels who represent the cardinal
Within this triad the first proximity, virtues without getting the title of
those almost on the level of a Angelic Knights, usually from where a
Seraphim, are the Cherubim. Beings of new one of the Knights is chosen after
great power and intellect who have the the death of the previous one, they

3 9 1
fulfil few functions, having the greatest and double the base damage against
freedom of action among their own. them.

Lower Triad Angelic Choirs

This group includes both unusual kinds The so-called choirs are the power
of angels of high existential power and groups into which the angelic hierarchy
lesser angels and benign spirits who and the entities that depend on it are
do not even come into such separated. They are divided according
consideration. Be that as it may, they to the origins of each collective or, in
all act as the servants of the entities of other words, the religion from which
the Intermediate Triad. they came. Their existence goes back
thousands of years in history and each
Generally this triad has no proximity,
of them has joined the angelic
being elevated by decision of the
collective at different times. There is
Seraphim who, since they ceased to
some tension between the members of
exist, have stagnated their existence,
the different Choirs (sometimes even
however, there is usually a
direct confrontations), but for the most
consideration of common names
part they follow the hierarchical rules
between them, these being:
of the angels. To avoid internal

Princes, lieutenants and right hands of problems, each has certain territories

the angels of the Intermediate Triad. of influence, although the angels rarely

Archangels as those angels who have pay much attention to these things.

the existential power and experience

Many confuse the Angelic Choirs with
to confront demons directly, and lesser
the Demonic Circles, although they
angels who serve the Celestial Ballads.
share in common several aspects such

Unholy Vulnerability as adversity between them or that

they have certain territorial
Objects and places of an unholy nature distinctions. But while the circles are
are the bane of lower triad angels. So- numerous and unknown
called "angels" of the Lower Triad are agglomerations, struggling for
instantly destroyed if they possess one influence, the Choirs are perfectly
of those objects or find themselves in calculated and seek to maintain a
such places, while Archangels and balance between them, with several
Princes must each turn pass an MR failures in that respect. The known
against 140 or lose Life Points equal to Choirs are:
the level of failure.
Luminous Choir
Additionally, weapons of an unholy
nature are anathema to the blessings Luminous is the first and largest of the

they represent, all angels are angelic choirs. It encompasses all the

considered holy creatures, and unholy more ancient angelic creatures that
weapons attack on the ENErgy table are not dependent on any one religion
(or appear in several at once under

3 9 2
different names). Luminous is strongly and not respecting hierarchies at all.
influenced by Azrael Beryl, being the Its components are powerful and
most dedicated to the fight against independent, having little relationship
demons and dark elementals, being with each other and living each on
the most extreme angels in this hunt. their own. Their leaders, lacking
From some perspectives they are the control over celestial ballads, are
most savage and at the same time the extremely powerful even to angelic
purest, controlling much of the central leaders. For this reason it is not known
territory, especially Imperial and if they have any personal territory, but
Azurite. they are commonly sighted in Nanwe.

Almusawa Choir: Choir of Christ

These angels, mainly linked to the The most recent of the Choirs, formed
Beryl Barakiel, exist in the territories less than a millennium ago by the
where the Enneath religion and the angels who saw in the words of Christ
Kalih have the greatest influence. the only way for the salvation of
These angels are the ones who respect mortal souls. These entities were led
the hierarchy more exactly, a perfectly by one of the great luminous Seraphim
organised Choir than each of its of the higher triad, Metatron, along
members. They are usually diviners or with his hosts. Over the centuries
scientists, holding territories mainly in many of them have camouflaged
the lands of Al-Enneath. themselves as part of the clergy in
search of ways to help those in need,
Anu Choir:
in some cases even infiltrating the

The choir most influenced by the Beryl Inquisition or Nathaniel. Currently this

Gabriel, generally considered one of order controls the territories that make

the weaker choirs, gathers the angels up the lands of the Dominion and
who depend on the luminous
Argos, they are primarily tied to
Ascended, the mortals who during the
Mikhael Beryl, the only Beryl known to
Age of Chaos managed to become
support the existence of angels.
something akin to gods. These entities
created a vast celestial ballad and Taiao Choir
attracted to their side some cherubim
The Chorus manipulated by Raphael
of the higher triads, so that even after
Beryl, which is currently showing its
their demise, their minions remained
most destructive side. Occupying the
united in Anu. They control small
area corresponding to the New
territories in the north, centred on the
Continent and mainly Itzi, it usually
Trade Coast.
possesses angels that are purifications
Surya Choir of nature, animals in their purest
forms endowed with angelic powers
Surya is strongly linked to the
and capable of putting in order the
Amerense religion and is at the same
changes that demons, creatures and
time influenced by Uriel Beryl, chaotic

3 9 3
man have brought to the great jungle. an "official" Choir, Keter has the trust
Obsessed with necromantic hunting, of the Angelic Knight Fortitude, who
they have expanded and invaded other resides in his Choir and has protected
Choirs in order to hunt. However, their the members of his celestial ballad
current focus seems to be on the with dedication, working for both Keter
internal conflict against the Keter and the Taiao Choir.
Choir, whom the members of the Taiao
Angels and the Call
Choir consider an attack on nature.
Trying to control and bind angels in
Pustoy Choir
Gaïa is a dangerous thing indeed.
An ancestral choir that occupies the While most of the time it need not
territory of Moth and the Frozen have negative repercussions for the
Wastes, representing angels in a summoner, it is true that the Higher
mixture of the benign beings of the Triads tend to be very protective of
Aityr religion and the not-so-terrible their Choir members, especially when
tales told to the children of the dark they are bound without a Trumpet, or
lands. It is influenced by Edamiel are used for evil. Therefore, when a
Beryl, who has never had contact with mortal controls and binds angelic
them. It is a strange choir, carnal and entities without prior permission he
non-carnal alike, whose cherubim are runs the risk of attracting the attention
defined by strength and the corruption of Dominions and even Angelic
of the dark lands has tainted their Knights. These powerful entities can
inner selves, some angels even act directly against the summoners in
stripping them of their holy quality. a variety of ways and, in some cases,
Several times the Luminous Choir has even lead to their execution. To avoid
attacked this Choir seeking to purge such situations it is best to make a
the "dark angels", angels of darkness pact with the Dominions, either by
and emptiness, which accompany it. paying a price set by ancient treaties
or by offering some kind of alliance
Keter Choir
with the Angelic Nobility. In general, a

The Choir of Keter answers to the summoner who has some link to an

Throne of the same name, who used angel of the Upper or Middle Triad will

his ability to conceive to found a be able to summon and direct his

personal Choir found in the territories ballads without any need for a
of the New Continent. Mysterious and, Dominate skill, as they will obey his

though older than the Choir of Christ, directions if so directed by their

new to angelic territory. Their angels master.

lack a connection to any exact
With the addition of Angels to Gaia,
mythology, but repeat forms typical of
you can now specialise in Angelic
the supernatural civilisations that
Summoning or Demonic Summoning,
existed in the territory, sometimes
gaining a +30 to the summoning
being possible to mistake them for any
checks of the chosen being (Angels or
creature or even demons. Although not

3 9 4
Demons), but suffering a -30 to  Angelic Immortality: The
summoning checks against creatures character's head and heart are
not belonging to an Angelic no longer vulnerable points (i.e.
Choir/Demon Circle and a -60 to the he can survive even if he is
opposing being's summoning abilities pierced by something).
(Demons or Angels). However, he will still die
automatically if his heart is
Angelic Familiars
separated from his body.

An angel is not free to accept a  Angelic Gift Bond: The

familiar bond with a mortal being, for character can spend his or her

he first needs the approval of his own DPs on developing any

angelic lord who often controls these Powers (but not Essential Skills)

aspects of his ballads' lives. Like that the angel gains when they

demonic bonds, angels alter the soul both level up. Should the bond

of those who join with these benign ever be broken in the future,

beings who nestle part of their soul in the DPs spent on those powers

the mortal. In the case of this will also be lost, lowering the
unnatural bonding, the conjurer may character's level if necessary.
develop one of the following angelic
gifts, it may even develop two, but in
such a case it will suffer the same Barkan, Guardian of the
effects of Unholy Vulnerability as an Sands, supplied by Shiryu
archangel or a prince, suffering
damage in cursed areas and being "Congratulations intruder, you have
extremely vulnerable to evil weapons. found the sacred chambers of my
Lord... and with it your death"
Angelic gifts
Name: Barkan.
 Angelic Soul: The character
gets a +1 bonus to his Power Rank: Amyr of the court of Faun.
Attribute. Age: Immortal. Presumably the first
 Inhuman: Grants the arose more than 9,000 years ago.
character Inhumanity and all Combat Style: Environment and
the advantages that go with it. chaos control.
 Angel Wings: The character
Race: Anima, Elemental; Earth.
can manifest wings of energy
with which he can move at a Fable: 80 / 140 / 240
MT equal to his own walking,
Mythology: Enneath.
however, these wings can only
be manifested for as many Hobbies: Variable.
rounds as his POW before
needing to spend a point of What they appreciate most:
fatigue for each additional Variable.

3 9 5
What they hate most: Variable. Class: Weapon Master

Str: 13 Dex: 8 Agi: 8 Con: - Pow:

11 Int: 8 Wil: 10 Per: 10
Amyr is the term that the Enneath
religion uses to define the numerous PhR: 75 MR: 75 PsR: 70 DR: 75 VR:
categories that include the Djinn that 75
are found between the powerful Al-
Initiative: 80 Natural and 65 Huge
Djinn and the insignificant Yinnun.
Scimitar +10
These are immortal spirits bound to
guard the Surath of their lords for all Attack Ability: 190 Huge Scimitar
eternity. +10 + 180 Huge Scimitar +10 + 170
Huge Scimitar +10 (x2)
They have no physical form; they are
really a mass of sand and rock that Defense Ability: 190 Huge Scimitar
takes on a spiritual appearance similar +10 +10
to that of a man with four arms and
long, twisted ram's horns on their Damage: 120 Huge Scimitar +10
faces. Normal people are unable to see (Cut)
them if they don't want to; and even
Wear Armor: 90
those with the power to see spirits
glimpse them as stoic stone statues. AT: Half Plate +10 + Wiea‟an Cut 8
Impact 8 Thrust 8 Heat 6 Electricity 4
Millennia ago, after the war between
Cold 5 Energy 1
the Djinn and the Raks, the Barkan
were sentenced to serve as prison Essential Abilities: Ambidextrous,
guards for their lords. To do this, their Superhuman, Physical Characteristics,
essences were tied to strange Physical Exemption, Inhumanity,
supernatural systems that constrained Immunity to and Element (Earth):
their powers over a limited area of Complete and Superior Senses.
land. Although their personalities vary
from one to another, the common trait Powers: Aiqtitae alqadr, Easifat

that makes them stand out from other alsuywf, Supernatural Flight and

geniuses is the loyalty they feel to Wiea'an.

their lords, which is why many did not

Natural Abilities: Starting Weapon:
find much objection in their sentence
Use of the Scimitar. Area Attack
and the honor with which they keep
Module and Second Weapon:
their word.
Defensive Style Module.

Barkan (Level 6)
Size: 24 Big Regeneration: 4

Level: 6 Category: Anima, Elemental

Movement Value: 7/8 Fatigue:
(Earth) 25

Life Points: 270

Secondary Abilities: Notice 120,
Search 80, Feat of Strength 140,

3 9 6
Whistand Pain 100, Intimidate 100, combat style based on a rapid
Trap Lore 100 and Forge 80. succession of attacks. Mechanically,
not only is he ambidextrous but he can
___ ___MODUS OPERANDI______
make two more additional attacks by

The Barkan are, unlike other Djinn, applying only a -20 penalty to his
calm and patient beings given to attack ability. Should he need to, he

introspection. They only proceed to can forgo one of these attacks to

enter combat when they detect benefit from his Second Weapon:

intruders in their territories and with Defensive Style Module or take up to

them they show unusual brutality, three manual actions with no

using Aiqtitae alqadr to increase their additional action penalty.

evil and then unleash a succession of

Wiea'an: The Barkan were imprisoned
devastating blows.
by the Rak millennia ago in powerful

Aiqtitae Alqadr: Like any Djinn, the supernatural vessels designed to force

Barkan possess the ability to darkly them to act as the guardians of the

and violently alter a person's destiny. resting places of the Surath of the Al-

When he makes use of this ability, not Djinn. These containers allow them to

only does his assume a

target's physical form,

misfortune identical to

increase in their spiritual

general, but self, with

it also which to
reaches its interact with

zenith during the world,

combat, although they

causing can only keep

situations it within the
such as new limits of the

weapons zones they

breaking keep, in case

from a mere they leave

impact or the these zones

slightest of their forms

injuries triggering a fatal hemorrhage. disintegrate and they are attracted

This ability has a MR of 140, although with force towards its container. The
it has no effect on beings with Gnosis connection between the container and

30 and above, as well as mortals with the place they keep give the Burkan

a Gnosis of 15 points above their the following qualities:

 The Amyr can move their

Easifat alsuywf: As beings with four senses to any area of the same

arms, the Barkan have developed a place and are able to use their

3 9 7
secondary abilities of the Initiative: 95 Natural
perceptive field “from a
Attack ability: 230 Bite, 230 Eye
 The Amyr can use a full action
to transport anywhere in his Defense ability: Damage resistance
domain and a passive action to
return to the room where the Damage: 80 Bite (Thrust)
Surath is.
AT: Natural armor + Chitin skin
 The Amyr has a certain degree
Physical 8, Energy 4
of control over the area, except
over Surath itself and its Essential abilities: Superhuman
container, being able to modify physical characteristics, supernatural
its composition (closing doors, spiritual characteristics, Acute Sense
moving rooms, etc.) and in (Eyesight), Racial terror.
cases of extreme necessity it
can be used offensively to Powers: Radial vision, See the

attack with objects or the supernatural, Eyes of reality, Night

environment itself (similar to vision, Mystic Flight 6, Bite (Natural

Ars Magnus Mundus). weapons, -2 AT), Chitin skin (Physical

 While the container is active the armor 6, Open), Eye beams,

Amyr is considered immune to Supernatural nullification.

summoning abilities. Should the

Size: 24, Big Regeneration: 6
container be destroyed, the
Amyr would be free to leave the Movement type: 6 Fatigue: 13
area to which it was tied and
Secondary abilities: Intimidate 200,
could take physical form at will.
Persuasion 150, Notice 170 (200),
He could still use his control of
Search 155 (185), History 80, Occult
the environment albeit with a -
100, Composure 130, Withstand pain
30 penalty.

Beholder, Monster of Eyes,

supplied by Sadrith
Beholders are essentially floating
Level: 10 heads with a single oversized eye on
the face and ten smaller eyes each one
Category: Between worlds 30
at the tip of a tentacle that protrudes
Life points: 2500 from them.

Class: Dark paladin Despite their strange appearance

Beholders are truly terrifying creatures
Str: 11 Dex: 10 Agi: 5 Con: 13 Pow:
that posses both unfathomable power
15 Int: 13 Wil: 14 Per: 15
and great intelligence, which is only
PhR 100 MR 105 PsR 100 VR 100 DR hampered by their extreme paranoia
100 that borders a mental illness. This

3 9 8
leads them to be extremely solitary weapons. During the first round they
beings, usually only interacting with randomly cast Eye Beams and take
lesser beings that they enslave and note of what works best with each
use as their “minions”. While each individual, and can also deduce which
Beholder is rather unique, they all beams may be more effective based
seem to be driven by an unrelenting on his opponent's abilities (for
impulse of dominating or murdering example, they can assume most spell
anyone and anything in their casters have high magic resistance.
proximity, maybe in an attempt to
They will also try to move between
minimize potential dangers around
their opponents so that they can cast
them, there have been instances of
Supernatural Nullification on some of
Beholders taking over towns, creating
them while attacking the others with
cults to their persona and even ruling
eye beams. If they have minions
mafias from the shadows.
working for them a Beholder will make
It is extremely use of them to try
rare to see a and split a group of
Beholder enemies, fortunately
under another their constant
being‟s paranoia prevents
command, but them from enlisting
some of the any individual
most powerful powerful enough to
beings of Gaïa pose a threat to the
have beholder.
managed to
Racial Fear:
do so, like the
Beholders are by
Prince of Crows or Hringham the
nature extremely paranoid beings, to
such an extent that even when they
The number of Beholders in Gaïa is a sleep they keep their 10 eyes always
complete mystery, they are extremely open. Because of this, the idea that
rare, and not even the church has ever something could approach them
had knowledge of more than five or six without being seen is absolutely
Beholders being active at a time, but terrifying for them. Whenever they
at the same time new realize that they are in front of a being
they cannot see, they will be
Beholders seem to appear out of
immediately affected by the state of
nowhere for seemingly no cause.

___ ___MODUS OPERANDI______

Levitation: Although Beholders lack

In battle a Beholder will rely on his legs, or any other joints that allow

extreme intelligence to find the most them to move, they are capable of

efficient way to use its plethora of eye levitating with a Flight Type of 6.

3 9 9
Bite: If forced into melee combat, the Fear (Magic): The target must pass
Beholder can attack with his sharp an MR check against 140 or he will
teeth. The Beholder can use his Bite in suffer the Fear state. In case of failure
the same round in which he fires his by more than 40 he will be affected by
Eye Beams, although he will have to the state Terror. It is possible to
apply a -25 penalty to his Attack repeat this check every 5 rounds.
Death Ray (Psychic): The target
Eye Beams: Each of the Beholder's must pass a PhR against 120 or
eyes possesses the innate ability to automatically take an amount of
cast either a spell or a psychic power damage equal to twice the level of
each round. Although he can fire all
10 beams at once, the Beholder's
paranoia and need to constantly Telekinesis (Psychic): Allows the
see everything around him prevents
Beholder to freely move any type of
him from focusing all his attacks in one
mass not exceeding 500 kg with a
direction. Consequently, they cannot
fire more than 3 towards the same flight type of 8. It is possible to resist
opponent or two opponents standing this effect by passing a PhR against
very close together. Each of the Eyes 140.
can launch a ray equivalent to a spell
with a zeonic value of 140, or to a Paralysis (Psychic): The Beholder
psychic power with a potential of 180. performs a Grappling maneuver with
his mental powers with the equivalent
Slowness (Magic): Equivalent to a
of Strength 12.
spiritual spell. If the target fails an MR
against 160 it will suffer a -90 penalty Charm (Psychic): The target of this
to initiative and -6 to its Movement ability must pass a PsR against 140 or
Type. he will be unable to perform any
offensive action against the Beholder.
Disintegration Beam (Magic):
This check can be repeated every 5
Magical discharge that attacks on
Energy AT and with 150 damage.
Control (Psychic): The target of this
Stigma (Magic): Equivalent to a
power must pass a PsR check 120 or
spiritual spell. If the target does not
they will be under the absolute control
pass an MR against 150, it
of the Beholder. The controlled
automatically suffers 100 points of
individual may repeat the check every
5 rounds.
Petrifying Beam (Magic): Equivalent
Supernatural Nullification: In many
to a spiritual spell. If the target fails an
ways, this ability is even more
MR check against 120 he will turn into
dangerous than any of the other eyes.
a stone statue, being affected by the
Whenever the Beholder wishes, he can
state Total Paralysis. The affected
create a field of supernatural void
person can repeat the resistance once
where his central eye looks. At the
a day to free himself.
beginning of each round the Beholder

4 0 0
can decide if he wants to activate this being's tough skin, it only possesses
power and where to direct it; wherever its natural AT of 4.
he directs his gaze he will create a
Contrary to the general rules a
cone-shaped field 100 meters long
Beholder can regenerate their lost
where all supernatural powers will be
eyes over time.
strongly diminished.

The Truth behind the Eyes

All spells within the area automatically
lose 70 Zeon points, all psychic powers The real origin of Beholders is as
reduce their potential by 100 points, bizarre as it is inconceivable. The
and everyone within the area applies a reason why new Beholders seem to
-80 penalty to their summoning appear out of nowhere at random is
abilities. that, in fact, they literally just pop into
This power also affects the Beholder,
nullifying the powers of all his Eye They are, in fact, one of the many
Beams. Of course this does not aberrations unfolded upon the world
prevent him from directing his gaze by the cursed Primeval Gods, but
only at some of his enemies while unlike their brethren Beholders aren‟t
directing his supernatural discharges just mindless monsters set only on
against the others. murder and destruction, nor do they
feel any loyalty by their creator. In
Tentacular Eyes: The Beholder
fact, most of them don‟t even know
possesses 10 tentacles around his
how they came to be. This is because
body with one eye each. These
Beholders aren‟t the result of the
tentacles allow them to see everything
Primeval corruption, but a fragment of
around them at a 360 degree angle,
the imagination of a God sealed deep
and attack with their beams in any
in the Wake. They are in fact the
direction. Since they are the
dreams of said god, that are given a
Beholder's best weapon, attacking
physical form in his likeness thanks to
directly at the eyes may be the best
the unique nature of the Wake
strategy to finish off these beasts.
combined with the immense Gnostic
If an attack aimed at one of the powers of the entity.
tentacles (-60 to the skill when
Of course, the few Beholder that learn
performing a targeted attack against
about this feel utterly terrified by what
one of them) produces at least 200
could happen to them if this god was
damage the eye will be amputated and
ever awakened from its slumber.
the Beholder will lose one of his
beams. If more than 5 tentacles are
amputated the Beholder will also lose
his radial vision ability. An attack
aimed at its main eye will only apply a
-20 to its attack skill, and since the
huge eye is not protected by the

4 0 1
Capelobo, Bloodsucking
Were-beast, supplied by AntonNand
Level: 3 Category: Natural 15

Life Points: 180

Class: Warrior

Str: 10 Dex: 9 Agi: 8 Con: 10

Pow: 6 Int: 4 Wil: 6 Per: 9

Capelobo Juripari
PhR 55 MR 45 PsR 45 VR 55 DR
55 Level: 5 Category: Between Worlds
Initiative: 75 Natural
Life Points: 225
Attack Ability: 125 Claws, 125 Razor
Tongue + Trapping Class: Warrior

Defense Ability: 125 Claws Str: 11 Dex: 10 Agi: 8 Con: 11 Pow:

7 Int: 3 Wil: 7 Per: 10
Damage: 75 Claws (Cutting), 55
Razor Tongue (Thrust) PhR 75 MR 60 PsR 60 VR 75 DR 75

AT: Dense Fur Initiative: 90 Natural

Cutting 2 Impact 2 Thrust 2 Heat 2 Attack Ability: 165 Claws, 165

Electricity 2 Cold 2 Energy 0 Spectral Tongue + Trapping

Essential Abilities: Acute Sense Defense Ability: 165 Claws

(scent), Inhumanity. Powers: Natural
Weapons: Claws (Improved Damage Damage: 80 Claws (Cutting), 60

+20, Armor Reduction 1), Razor Spectral Tongue (Energy)

Tongue (Armor Reduction 2, Special

AT: Dense Fur
Trapping 8 limited); Bloodsucker,
Quick Recovery, Dense Fur (Physical Cutting 4 Impact 4 Thrust 4 Heat 4
Armor 2 open), Night Vision. Electricity 4 Cold 4 Energy 0

Size: 20, Medium Regeneration: 3 Essential Abilities: Superhuman

Physical Stats, Acute Sense (scent),
Movement Value: 8 Fatigue: 10
Psychological Immunity, Inhumanity.

Secondary Abilities: Swim 25, Jump Powers: Natural Weapons: Claws

35, Climb 45, Intimidate 20, Notice 45 (Improved Damage +20, Armor

(75), Search 45 (75), Track 45 (75), Reduction 1), Spectral Tongue;

Feats of Strength 65, Withstand Pain Damage Energy, Soul Consumption,

40, Stealth 25.

4 0 2
Dense Fur (Physical Armor 4 open), arms that ends in two razor sharp
Jungle Swifter, Complete Night Vision. claws and a dense fur that also works
as an armor, but it most notable trait
Size: 22, Medium Regeneration: 4
is the tongue: a powerful muscle

Movement Value: 8 Fatigue: 11 whose length doubles the were-beast‟s

height that uses to slice and to suck
Secondary Abilities: Swim 25, Jump the blood of its preys.
65, Climb 70, Intimidate 30, Notice 80
(110), Search 70 (100), Track 65 (95), The origin of the capelobo is unknown,

Feats of Strength 110, Withstand Pain and naturally there‟re several theories

60, Stealth 35. trying to explain their existence. One

of these theories suggests that, before
From the Asagari to the Duan Dalyr, the coming of Zhorne Giovanni to the
several creatures in Gaïa have inspired New Continent, a tribal leader made a
legends of were-beasts, with countless deal with a dark entity to get revenge
of stories that varies from principality from an enemy tribe, cursing all his
to principality. Eastern Eurakia also bloodline; other suggests that are
counts with its own version of were- product of Rah‟s experiments, or even
beast with its own myth, as well as its the Nyahkryenzarath (this one would
own “inspiration”: that one creature is explain the blood consumption of the
named capelobo. creatures), or perhaps, all theories
hold a little of truth.
The capelobo, despite what its name
suggests (capelobo means “wolf‟s The capelobo is a nocturnal beast, and
clothing” in the local language), is a although they rarely get out from the
humanoid beast resembling an jungle, exist instances of these
anteater of great dimensions (even creatures going to town or campsite
encumbered, its height may reach 2 within 1 kilometer from the jungle
meters). It possesses a pair of long (generally due having a grudge against

4 0 3
humans). These were-beast inhabit regrows in matter of days, and this do
the eastern side of Eurakia, being not prevent the capelobo to feed from
more common in the Jade and Itzi‟s the blood of others.
The capelobo can attack and defend
___ ___MODUS OPERANDI______ using its claws while is holding
someone with its tongue, as long it
The capelobo is a lone hunter, and
does not move more than 1 meter
rarely counts with the help of another
from the trapped victim. Damage
of its kind unless is attacked on its lair.
caused by the tongue always cause
Wild and blood thirsty, the only
combat tactic of the were-beast is
shredding its enemies with its sharp Bloodsucker: Once it has a victim
claws; if the creature is facing a lone within its reach, the capelobo will
enemy, it used subterfuge abilities or proceed to suck the blood from its
notices it possesses an overwhelming prey until is left dry. At the end of
advantage against a group of enemies, round, if someone is being is suffering
it will use its tongue to trap its prey a trapping maneuver from the
and proceed to dry it from its blood. capelobo (be with its tongue or by
using its arms), it needs to pass a PhR
The capelobo is rational enough to
check against 80 or lose an amount of
notice when there‟s a fight it cannot
PV equal to the level of failure.
win, so if the enemy or enemies are in
complete advantage, the were-beast For every 30 points of damage inflicted
will proceed to retreat, generally by in this way, the target losses 1 point of
taking advantage of the jungle‟s big its Constitution attribute (this
trees by climbing and get far away. reduction is retroactive, decreasing
every other stat that depends of
Razor Tongue: The capelobo can
Constitution). If the victim‟s
make use of its hard tongue to pierce
Constitution value reaches 0, the
and trap its target. The tongue attack
victim dies. The attribute regenerates
reduces the defender armor by 2
at the rate of 1 point per day.
points, and if the attack lands it
executes a trapping maneuver with a Quick Recovery: If the capelobo
value of 8; the result of the trapping consume a considerable amount of
can‟t be higher than partial paralysis, blood per day (generally, 2-3 times of
independently of the result. what is necessary for basic
sustenance), get its Regeneration
Is possible to cut the tongue of the
increased by 2 points.
capelobo, denying its capability to trap
its targets, by attack its tongue (-60 Dense Fur: The body of the capelobo
penalty to the attack) while it has is not only tough by itself, but it also
trapped someone and roll for Breakage possesses an incredible dense fur that
against a Fortitude 12; succeeding repel most attack, do not catch fire
means the tongue is sliced. The tongue due natural oils and grants protects

4 0 4
against coldness. As such, it possesses their threat and actively hunt them,
AT 2 against every type of damage sometimes even, defeating and killing
except energy. However, its fur is one of these creatures is required gain
considerably less dense in the belly the status of champion or leader in a
region, where it possesses no tribe.
protection (-20 penalty to attack that
___ ___MODUS OPERANDI______
An uncontrollable reflection of the
Capelobo Juripari
standard capelobo, the juripari only
As if the capelobo were already a wish is to feed from the lifeforce of its
fearful beast, there exist another prey, and it retreats from combat even
variation that lurk the jungles of Itzi: less often that their cousins;
the capelobo juripari. No longer an otherwise, they do not act that
earthly creature, the juripari are more different that the standard capelobo.
like embodiments
Spectral Tongue:
of the darkness of
The tongue of the
the jungle;
juripari has left its
instead of feeding
physical constitution,
from blood, the
now seemly being
juripari absorb
made of flame, it‟s
and consume the
pure corrupted
spirit of their
spiritual energy that
phases through
The origin of this matter, making
variation‟s dates consuming lifeforce
from the times of more easily. The
the First Secret tongue of the juripari
War, where the no longer reduces
primal gods were the defender armor,
unleashed and, aside of spreading instead it attacks as energy as primary
destruction, they also corrupted the damage.
Given its supernatural nature, the
More insane and powerful than their trapping maneuver of the beast
“normal” cousins, they possess a (Strength 8 value for the controls) no
darker fur and their skull is fully longer caps with a result of partial
exposed, with a pair of glowing flames paralysis, and the trap is considered
as eyes that burns with variable colors, an existential one (that is, the
and their tongue appear to be made of defender uses its Power attribute to
plasma. The juripari are feared by determinate the result of the trap).
most Itzi‟s tribes, and worshiped as Although the tongue can still be sliced,
jungle spirits by few other tribes; few damaging energy is required to do so,
are the communities that recognize

4 0 5
and the tongue grows anew 2-3 Initiative: 80 Natural
rounds after being cut.
Attack: 140 Scorching Touch
Soul Consumption: Instead of
Defense: 130 Dodge
sucking blood, the juripari feed from
lifeforce. At the end of the round, Damage: None
everyone held trapped by the juripari
needs to pass a MR check against 100 AT: None
or losses an amount of LP equal to the
Psychic potential: 80
level of failure; meanwhile, the
were-beast recover an amount of LP Psychic projection: 120 / 110
half the damage inflicted in this way.
Every 30 PV of damage inflicted in this PP: 2

way reduces the Power attribute of

Innate slots: 0
the target by 1 (once again, this
reduction is retroactive). If the Power Psychic disciplines: Pyrokinesis.
value if reduced below 5, the victim is
Psychic powers: Create fire,
unable to use magic temporally, and if
Immolate (+30 potential)
the Power value is reduced to 0, the
target turns into an empty shell with Essential abilities: Physical
no life. The attribute values recover at Exemption, Access to 1 psychic
the rate of 1 point per 4 hours. discipline, Immunity.

Jungle Swifter: The spirit of the Powers: Cinder Body, Scorching

juripari is bounded to the jungles of Touch, Fiery Whirlwind, Vulnerability.
Itzi, or perhaps, to the corruption left
by the primaveral gods, a link that also Size: 16, Medium Movement type: 8
affect its physical condition; as such, it
Regeneration: 2 Fatigue: Tireless
does not receive any penalty by
moving in the jungles. Secondary skills: Athleticism 95,
Intimidate 90, Notice 50, Search 50,
Cinder Specter, supplied by Sadrith Withstand Pain 90.

Level:4 Category:Elemental, Between

worlds 20
Painful and gruesome deaths are
Life Points: 160 known to often give birth to all sorts of
horrifying specters of the Wake filled
Class: Warrior Mentalist with powerful negative emotion,
specially in the dark lands of Moth. The
Str: 7 Dex: 8 Agi: 8 Con: 9 Pow: 5
Cinder Specters are one of such
Int: 5 Per: 6 Wp: 10
creatures, specters filled with rage and
PhR: 55 MR: 45 PsR: 60 VR: 55 SR: pain born from those who were burnt
55 alive.

4 0 6
They are ghost-like figures with no based on Water or Cold, and can pass
fixed shape entirely made of cinders through any openings where wind can
that are constantly revolving in a pass through any slit or space through
whirlwind, although one can usually which air can blow.
distinguish a vaguely humanoid shape
Scorching Touch: While the Cinder
in the midst of the whirlwind.
specter doesn‟t attack with any
Most Cinder Specters haunt the very conventional weapon, merely being in
place where they are born waiting for contact with its body can cause serious
a chance to enter the physical plane burns. Therefore anyone touched or
and take their revenge on the people who is touched by the Elemental must
there by burning down every last pass a PhR check of 120 or receive an
building and person in sight, rarely amount of fire based damage equal to
paying any mind to whether said the level of failure. Since it only needs
people actually had a role in their to physically touch its enemies no
death. They are only filled with a armor type is effective to stop its
mindless wish for destruction. attacks, but every point in the Heat AT
gives a bonus of +5 to the PhR check.
___ ___MODUS OPERANDI______
Fiery Whirlwind: The Cinder specter
In battle the first priority of a Cinder
surrounds its enemies becoming a
Specter is to create as much death and
massive whirlwind of cinders. Game
destruction as possible, even at the
wise it‟s an attack with a radius of 5
cost of their own life. They will never
meters that has the same effects as
flee an encounter, and will often use
Scorching touch, and it is repeated at
immolation to cause as much collateral
the start of the next 3 rounds. Anyone
damage as possible. Against
targeted by this attack is also trapped
dangerous opponents their prefered
inside the whirlwind unless he can beat
strategy is to surround multiple
an Agility check against 12 that can be
enemies with Fiery Whirlwind and use
repeated at the start of every round.
immolate to destroy them while they
While using Fiery Whirlwind the
are trapped, making it almost
Elemental can‟t declare any other
impossible to dodge.
attacks, but it can still attack with its

Immunity: Cinder specters receive psychic powers without any penalty.

only half damage from any attack

based on Fire except for those
originating from beings with Gnosis 25
or above.

Cinder Body: The elemental‟s body is

a constant whirlwind of embers, cinder
and other scorching debree. Thus, it is
immune to any attack incapable of
damaging energy except for those

4 0 7
Using this ability consumes a lot of exemption, Inhumanity. Powers:
heat, so the Cinder specter will need to Chocolate body, Hot cocoa,
rest for a few hours before using it Marshmallows, Vulnerability.
Size: 15, Medium Regeneration: 1
Vulnerability: Cinder Specters get
Movement type: 10 Fatigue: Tireless
their life force from the embers in their
body, which are much more feeble Secondary skills: Acrobatics 120,
than the flames of other Fire Athleticism 140, Jump 95, Style 90,
Elementals. When a Cinder specter Notice 70, Search 65, Feats of
gets into a situation that could turn off Strength 80, Withstand pain 40,
those embers, like getting wet, a lack Cooking 60.
of oxygen or sand being thrown to it, it
has to pass a PhR check between 120 Fable: 120 / 240 / 320
and 180 (at the GM‟s discretion) or
Mythology: None
receive an amount of damage equal to
the level of failure.

Cocoa Elemental, supplied by


Level: 6 Category: Between worlds


Life Points: 155

Class: Acrobatic Warrior

Str: 8 Dex: 9 Agi: 10 Con: 7 Pow: 6

Int: 4 Per: 5 Wil: 4

PhR: 60 MR: 60 PR: 50 VR: 60 SR:


Initiative: 125 Natural, 100 Hot

For the past few years, during the
night of Weisnacht, a mysterious entity
Attack: 180 Hot Cocoa, 175 calling itself Santa Claus has been
Marshmallows randomly appearing all over Gaïa
bringing gifts to children and adults
Defense: 180 Dodge alike, and despite the fact that it
doesn‟t appear to be evil its
Damage: 80 Bite
appearance is often accompanied by
AT: 120 Hot Cocoa (HEAT) some kind of trouble. Villages are
attacked, children are kidnapped, or
Natural abilities: Ars Magnus: Aries
(Special) Essential abilities: Physical

4 0 8
strange magical creatures appear out round the elemental can choose to
of nowhere and bring trouble. make a second attack or an area
attack with a -10 penalty.
The Cocoa Elemental are one of such
creatures, living beings made entirely Marshmallow: In addition to
of chocolate, this mischievous attacking with Hot Cocoa, the
elementals are as dangerous as they elemental can throw a Marshmallow
are goofy, and although they are not each round. Sugar clouds are
always violent towards humans they considered projectiles thrown with
can easily burn entire squadrons of 30m range, and although they do no
trained soldiers alive due to the damage, if they hit an opponent they
naturally high temperature of their instantly swell up trapping the victim
body. Many have laughed at this inside; this is a special Trap attack
creatures before experiencing a slow with STR 11. The only way to break
and excruciating death. the prey is to attack the marshmallow
and deal 200 points of damage (In
___ ___MODUS OPERANDI______
case someone has been trapped by

While on their own Cocoa Elementals more than one cloud, each additional

usually ignore humans, they often cloud adds 100 points to the damage

appear being controlled or commanded to be dealt). A chocolate elemental has

by far more evil and dangerous between 20 and 50 clouds inside it,

creatures like the demon known as and can generate one additional cloud

Krampus. per hour.

Chocolate body: The body of cocoa Vulnerability: The body of the cocoa

elementals is made of a delicious elemental has an important weakness,

semi-liquid substance, which allows and that is that if it gets too cold the

them to slip through any space chocolate can harden, paralyzing the

through which a liquid can pass and elemental completely. Consequently, if

makes their body invulnerable to they receive an attack based on Cold

Cutting and Thrusting attacks unable or come into contact with 10 or more

to damage energy. Impact attacks intensities of cold, they must pass a

deal half damage to them if they do PhR against 140 or automatically

not damage energy. suffer complete paralysis.

Hot Cocoa: These elementals can

modify the shape of their bodies by
creating huge chains of burning
chocolate with which to attack. Game
wise these chains have the same stats
as the Aries Impossible Weapon with
+5 quality, and they deal Heat
damage. Therefore Hot Chocolate
attacks have a range of 8m, and each

4 0 9
Coiled Dragon, supplied by Sadrith
Level: 7 Category:
Between worlds 25

Life Points: 3025

Class: Acrobatic Warrior

Str: 13 Dex: 10 Agi: 10 Con: 13

Pow: 6 Int: 7 Per: 12 Wil: 8

PhR: 85 MR: 65 PsR: 70 VR: 85 DR:


Initiative: 120 Natural

Attack: 200 Hardened legs or

Standing over 20 meters tall,
Explosive spit
enormously strong and yet
Defense: Damage resistance unexpectedly fast, the creatures
known as coiled dragons are the most
Damage: 125 Hardened legs (Thrust),
fearsome creatures one can find in the
80 Explosive spit (Heat)
ruins beneath Hecate, with the only
AT: 8 Physical, 6 Energy exception of the legendary black
Essential abilities: Superhuman
physical characteristics, Inhumanity, Despite their name, the truth is that

Fatigue resistance. this barely lizard like creatures have

nothing in common with true dragons,
Powers: Hardened legs (Natural in fact their long neck and legs make
weapons, -4 AT), Explosive spit them more similar to animals like a
(Special attack, range 250m, area of 3 horse or a giraffe, but to the explorers
meters, 80 damage, elemental attack: that enter the ancient Citadel they are
fire, 5 additional uses, 3 rounds of every bit as terrifying as their
preparation), Poisonous scales legendary namesakes. The coiled
(Physical armor AT 4, Poison lvl 80, dragons can navigate the ruins faster
Special). than any human could, seemingly
unbothered by the rubble or their own
Size: 26, Enormous Regeneration: 6
absurd size, they can crush a man with
Movement type: 11 Fatigue: 15 ease, and most concerning of all, they
are uncharacteristically smart for a
Secondary skills: Athletics 150, Jump creature born from the Citadel‟s
180, Style 80, Intimidate 80, Notice corruption, often leading their victims
160, Search 140, Track 130, Feats of into traps, or tracking them through
strength 120, Withstand pain 80. large distances.

4 1 0
The “coiled” part of their name comes explorers later when the poison from
from the spiral shell on their back, it‟s scales has taken effect.
similar to that of a snail. Since they
Hardened legs: The coiled dragon‟s
don‟t seem to be able to retract inside
long legs end in strange pointy and
the shell it‟s thought that it might have
soft ends that harden when hitting
had a use in some previous stage of
something at high speed, allowing
the creature‟s life cycle, but since it‟s
them to both adapt to difficult terrains
assumed to be a creature born from
and easily perforating any armor.
supernatural infection it‟s more likely
Therefore a coiled dragon can ignore 4
to be some bizarre mutation with no
points of armor with its natural
real utility. They also have a pair of
weapons. The length and piercing
small black wings, as many other
power of their legs also allow coiled
creatures on the Citadel.
dragons to reach all sorts of tight
Very little is known about them other spots even when their size prevents
than how dangerous they are since them from passing, making them
very few explorers have returned after terrifying hunters even in the
spotting one and they are incredibly narrowest parts of the citadel.
rare, so the only piece of advice given
Explosive spit: Coiled dragons
by the most seasoned explorers when
naturally produce a highly flammable
encountering one is to run the other
substance that mixes with their saliva.
way and pray that you didn‟t get to
After 3 rounds regurgitating this
deep into their territory.
substance mixed with rocks and gravel
___ ___MODUS OPERANDI______ that the dragon must have previously
ingested the dragon can spit a
Coiled dragons never actively search
projectile of saliva and rocks that will
for humans to attack, but they are
explode on impact with an area of 3
very territorial creatures and can
meters. This ability can be used up to
change their territories seemingly at
six times, after that the dragon will
random. Anyone who steps into what
need a few hours of rest to produce
they consider their territory will be
more explosive substance and ingest
relentlessly pursued, and some
more rocks.
dragons who seem to be particularly
vengeful will even follow explorers Poisonous scales: The hardened
outside of their territory to claim their black scales that cover the coiled
lives. In battle they are incredibly dragon‟s body are filled with a deadly
cunning and can make use of basic poison in gaseous form that is released
strategies, often focusing their attacks whenever the dragon receives 200 or
on either the most vulnerable more points of damage from a single
opponents. They have also been attack automatically affecting the
known to flee a battle after being aggressor if he is in close combat
injured only to track down the range, and in case the damage was
caused by an area attack that covered

4 1 1
at least half of the dragon‟s body it will spotted, despite being of clearly
affect anyone standing at less than a different origin. Some theorize that it‟s
meter from it. Attacks in the Energy convergent evolution, and this just
AT will never trigger the poison since happens to be a particularly beneficial
they can phase through the scales. kind of body for the most
The poison, commonly known as the uninhabitable places of the world, but
“Searcher‟s last breath”, has a VR of others have theorized that these might
120 and will blind its target for a be creatures artificially created by
number of hours equal to the level of someone centuries ago.
failure after a minute from exposure.
Despite all of that, it should be pointed
Additionally, the poison will cause the
out that these other dragons do have
death of anyone who fails the check by
some noticeable differences. Every
more than 40 points after an hour
kind seems to have a different poison
from exposure. This poison will stick to
in their scales, or they are not
the nostrils and other mucous parts of
poisonous at all, they can have all
the body, so holding one's breath
sorts of different abilities adapted to
won‟t prevent infection except for
their particular environment, and lack
creatures that don‟t need to breathe at
the characteristic vestigial wings of the
all or someone who holds their breath
ones in the Citadel. The vulnerability
until they can properly clean off the
to sacred and impious weapons is also
a unique weakness from the ones in
Vulnerability: Sacred or impious the Citadel.
attacks do 50% more
damage to the coiled
dragons and are
always treated as
Energy attacks.

Other coiled dragons

Creatures eerily similar

to the coiled dragons
from the Citadel exist
in multiple other
locations both in Gaïa
and other worlds. In
the deepness of
Otherworld, the fields
of Magna Pratorum or
during the Star Tear in
Heinlein creatures with
nearly identical
features have been

4 1 2
Crineas, Sea Dracos,
supplied by Shiryu

"It's the last thing I want to

take the bait"

Name: Crineas Dracus Aqua.

Rank: Intermediate Water

Elemental. Age: They live
between 200 and 500 years.
Presumably the first arose
7,000 years ago. occult circles as Draconis Liberatio
Elementum or Dracos for short.
Combat Style: Marine predation.
Race: Between Worlds, Elemental; The Crineas or Aqua Dracos, are
Water. physically similar to a water-related
dragon but have traits more similar to
Fable: 80 / 140 / 240
those of a sea creature as well as a
Mythology: None. greater dependence on their natural
environment. On a soul level they are
Hobbies: None. radically different because exposure to
elemental energy currents ended up
What they appreciate most:
transforming them into authentic
elementals. Although they continue to
What they hate most: Variable. age like any other living being, their
life expectancy is much higher, being
able to easily live close to a

When the Dragon Knights stripped millennium, and although they possess

dragons of their essence eons ago, the basic qualities of an elemental,

some of them, seeing the fate that they are unable to use the

awaited their young, sought to reclaim characteristic breath of dragons. In

that essence by deepening the addition, despite having greater

elemental and natural connection of intelligence than serpents, they have a

their unborn children by exposing much simpler nature than dragons. In
them to vast amounts of elemental general, the Crineas inhabit the oceans

energy. of Gaia acting freely as great predators

or as guardians of the territories of
In a certain way they were successful other higher-ranking elementals.
because when their children were born Regardless of their role, Crineas often
they recovered part of their lost collect from their guards any item they
essence but they transcended giving find curious or think might be valuable.
rise to a new type of elementals that
would end up being known among

4 1 3
Crineas (Level 5) ___ ___MODUS OPERANDI______

Level: 5 Category: Between Worlds, Unlike their terrestrial cousins, the

Elemental (Water) 20 Crineas have a less violent behavior,
preferring to take advantage of their
Life Points: 3.410
camouflage capabilities to stalk their

Class: Warrior prey. When its sensors detect the

proximity of a possible prey, it waits
Str: 13 Dex: 9 Agi: 7 Con: 12 Pow: 8 for it to be as close as possible to blind
Int: 7 Wil: 7 Per: 8 it and launch itself against it using its
sharp jaws.
PhR: 70 MR: 60 PsR: 55 DR: 70 VR:
70 Coral Armor: The creature's body is
studded with corals that give it both a
Initiative: 60 Natural
means of defense and incredible
Attack Ability: 160 Claws or 160 Bite natural camouflage. When completely
+ 130 Tail whip still you need to pass a Notice vs.
Almost Impossible or Search vs.
Defense Ability: Damage resistance. Absurd check, in case they move the
difficulty down to Absurd on Notice and
Damage: 100 Tail Whip (Impact), 130
to Very Hard on Search. Obviously this
Claws (Cut) and 150 Bite (Thrust).
ability does not have as much effect in
AT: Natural + Coral Armor Cut 8 places where coral is not abundant.
Impact 8 Thrust 8 Heat 8 Electricity 8
Body of the Beast: The drake is
Cold 8 Energy 6
equipped with a varied repertoire of
Essential Abilities: Affinity (Marine natural weapons to employ in combat.
Creatures),Superhuman Physic By default they will use their claws but
Characteristics, Inhumanity and against more armored enemies they
Aquatic Breathing. will use their sharp fangs capable of
reducing their AT by one point in
Powers: Coral Armor, Body of the
addition to increased damage,
Beast, Claws, Bite and Tail Whip,
regardless of which one they use next
Aquatic Movement, Gliding and
they will use their tail to perform a
sweep with a radius of one meter.
Size: 25 Enormous Regeneration: 5
Sensors: The Crineas have antennae
Movement Value: 8 Fatigue: 12 capable of detecting electromagnetic
fields, and to a lesser degree
Secondary Abilities: Athleticism 40, temperature changes, acting as
Acrobatics 40, Jump 80, Feat of sensors capable of detecting the
Strength 90, Whistand Pain 60, Notice movement of nearby beings. In game
40, Search 40, Story 40, Appraisal 40 terms, it works as a supernatural
and Intimidate 60. detection of movement in an area of
10 meters radius and has a MR of 140.

4 1 4
In case of need, they are also capable Magic Level: 90 Darkness, 90
of channeling the energy of said fields Dreams, 90 Creation, 90 Sin
to generate a powerful flash of light
Natural Abilities: Offensive magic
acting as the blinding Flash spell at
Projection table.
base level. This last capacity can be
used a maximum of 5 times a day. Essential Abilities: Superhuman
Physical Characteristics,
Darcia Kaliger, Lord of Supernatural spiritual
Characteristics, Gift, Inhumanity,
Nightmares, supplied by Sadrith
Physical Exemption, Immune to
Level: 15 Pain, Speechless casting,
Gestureless casting.
Category: Between Worlds 30
Powers: Thousand Lives, Absolute
Life Points: 8020 Recovery, Legion, Regeneration: Type
10, Radial Vision, Independent Action,
Class: Warlock
Bestial Resistances, Spectral Form,
Str: 10 Dex: 13 Agi: 10 Con: 9 Pow: Spectral Movement, Lord of
15 Int : 14 Wp: 13 Per: 11 Nightmares.

PhR 130 MR 150 PsR 145 VR 130 DR Size: 19 Medium Regeneration: 10

Movement type: 8 / 15 Fatigue:
Initiative: 150 Natural Tireless

Attack ability: 340 Infernal Weapons, Secondary abilities: Style 75,

325 Shadow Claws, Life Reapers, Intimidate 120, Persuasion 80,
Draconid Maw, Tentacles and Hellfire. Leadership 80, Notice 180, Search
180, History 120, Memorize 80, Occult
Defense Ability: Damage resistance 150, Magic Appraisal 180, Feats of
Strength 100.
Damage: 150 (THR) Infernal
Weapons, 120 (CUT) Shadow Claws,
100 (CUT) Life Reapers, 200 (THR)
Draconid Maw, 130 (IMP) Tentacles, Darcia Kaliger is a powerful lord of
150 (HEAT or COLD) Hellfire. nightmares who synchronizes with
hatred, rage and limitless desire.
AT: 10 Natural Armor
Originally Darcia was a mortal
MA: 120 (135 with Amplifier) archmage obsessed with personal
power. His obsession led him to
Zeon: 2000
attempt to perform an aberrant ritual
Magic projection: 275 offensive (295 in the heart of the temple of Tel'Haroth
with Shadow Claws, 290 with to summon the power of an ancient
amplifiers, 310 with both). god who supposedly died there. The
archmage conjured dozens of evil

4 1 5
creatures of considerable power to present its body and personality are a
sacrifice them all at the same time and chaotic mess resulting from the union
with the energy released break the of dozens of monstrous bodies and
seals protecting the center of the perverse minds. His usual form is that
temple, but as usually happens when a of a man with long, oily hair, yet few
madman pretends to become a god, could mistake him for a human. His
the process ended in disaster. tall, decrepit body is terribly
unsettling, and his movements are
The seals protecting the dead god
strange and inconsistent, sometimes
were much more powerful than Darcia
seeming as if his body simply shifts
could have imagined and the energy
position without the need to move.
resulting from the sacrifice was simply
One of his most characteristic features
not enough, instead of breaking the
is that despite having his face always
seals all that power bounced directly to
hidden behind the shadow of his long
Darcia completely destroying his body
hair his eyes are always visible (even
and soul. However Darcia did not
when his hair completely covers his
disappear completely, all that power
face), giving the impression that they
should have completely eliminated him
are watching you from a dark abyss. If
from existence but somehow his death
Darcia unleashes his power his entire
generated a specter of the Wake.
face darkens even more and 13 eyes
Perhaps his ritual was partially
appear on his face glowing with an
successful, or perhaps the rage he felt
intense red color.
at that moment was so enormous that
it overcame the force that destroyed Darcia Kaliger's destructive power is
his body and spirit, what is clear is far superior to that of the average
that what happened that night in Nightmare Lord, it is believed that the
Tel'Haroth should never have only one who can defeat him in direct
happened. combat is the Prince of Ravens.
However, he is considered a mediocre
Being born in the midst of such a
Nightmare Lord due to the inability he
cradle of death and destruction, the
has shown to establish a zone of
specter blended with everything
influence beyond the temple of
around it; dozens, perhaps hundreds
Tel'Haroth or gather powerful agents
of monsters that the archmage had
under his command. The irony is that
sacrificed were merged into a single
this is not due to a lack of ability as he
monstrosity that should never have
is an extremely powerful and
existed. And as if that were not
intelligent entity, but his personality is
enough, the specter also absorbed a
heavily influenced by the emotions
tiny fragment of the dead god that had
with which he synchronizes. That
been mixed with the discharge that
makes him a fickle and very irascible
destroyed Darcia.
being who loses patience too easily,

Now "it" is something different. While which is why most powers of the Wake

it retains the identity of Darcia at prefer to avoid dealing with him. He

also maintains the unhealthy obsession

4 1 6
with Tel'Haroth that he had in life,  Life Reapers: Darcia recovers
which draws his attention away from an amount of LPs equal to the
"minor" matters such as expanding his damage dealt with these
territory. weapons multiplied by 20.
Damage dealt to creatures with
___ ___MODUS OPERANDI______
damage resistance is not

In combat, Darcia Kaliger constantly multiplied.

deforms his body by manifesting parts  Draconid Maw: These colossal

of the creatures he absorbed during weapons ignore 5 points of AT.

his creation, generating huge claws or Due to their enormous size the

manifesting the face of a darkness attacks of these weapons cover

elemental to cast his spells. Fighting an area of 5 meters.

with him is almost like facing an  Tentacles: With these

endless horde of monstrosities that weapons Darcia can declare

alternate to attack. He will be easily additional attacks with only a -

carried away by anger and will always 10 penalty. Each of these

fight giving his all to exterminate his attacks can perform a Prey
enemies. He usually starts the fight by maneuver without penalty with
creating by means of creation magic Strength 14, although he can

monsters that support him in combat, only maintain it as long as he

and he will attack alternating between keeps using the tentacles.

demonic weapons and shadow claws.  Hellfire: Instead of attacking

conventionally, Darcia
The most terrifying thing about facing unleashes a volley of blue
Darcia Kaliger is that he never seems flames capable of both searing
to take any real damage, as he takes and freezing his enemies.
any attack head on only to regenerate Flames of Hell have a range of
his physical form immediately, and he 100 meters and a radius of 50
has no vulnerable points to attack. meters. They can damage in
both Heat and Cold AT and
Legion: Darcia is able to manifest
ignore any elemental immunity.
parts of the creatures that are part of
him to fight. At the beginning of each Thousand Lives: Darcia's body is an
round Darcia can select any of the unholy union of dozens of creatures
following weapons to fight with. and in reality his nearly humanoid
appearance is but a small portion of
 Demonic Weapons: Darcia's
his true body. Darcia Kaliger is an
natural weapons are considered
aberration of colossal proportions, so
+15 Quality and possess 150
he gains the benefits of a creature of
damage in Penetrating.
Colossal size. Since most of his body
 Shadow Claws: These
mass is in an enclosed space, area
weapons confer a +20 to
attacks do not produce any additional
Darcia's Magic Projection.
damage against Darcia.

4 1 7
Absolute Recovery: Darcia can ignoring any penalties caused by
instantly regenerate any damage his terrain.
physical form receives recovering
Lord of Nightmares: As a Lord of
without problems severed limbs,
Nightmares Darcia can feed on the
massive damage or even if he is
negative energy of areas in the Wake
completely destroyed. As a result he is
filled with hatred, although his
completely immune to critical effects.
territory is relatively unimpressive
Independent action: Due to his compared to other Nightmare Lords of
strange origin, Darcia's mind does not his caliber. His only area of influence
function in an of real importance
ordinary way. Within is the Temple of
it dwell hundreds of Tel‟Haroth, but he
consciousnesses that has been
make up the incapable so far of
unstable personality fully reclaiming it.
of the being known If he managed to
as Darcia Kaliger. do that the
Thanks to this, powers sealed in
Darcia never applies the Temple could
penalties for make it a place of
performing power almost
additional actions, allowing him, for comparable to Graven. While in his
example, to attack physically, move at area of influence Darcia obtains all the
his maximum movement type and cast abilities of a being with Gnosis 35 and
spells in the same round without the following abilities.
reducing his abilities at all.
 Eyes on the walls: Darcia can
Bestial Resistances: Darcia applies a create eyes anywhere within
+20 bonus to all his resistances. Tel Haroth, which allows him to
Additionally, all attacks received by see everything that is
Darcia automatically decrease their happening inside the Temple
base damage by 30 points. from anywhere within his
Spectral Form: Darcia can become
 Regeneration: Darcia
intangible at will by transforming his
increases his natural
body into a shapeless mass of blood
regeneration to 13, recovering
and eyes. In this form he can only be
10 LP per round.
damaged by attacks capable of
 Eyes of hatred: Anyone who
damaging energy.
looks Darcia in the eyes
Spectral movement: While in the (including the ones created by

Wake Darcia can move through “eyes on the walls”) has to

vortexes in reality. This allows him to succeed on a PsR check against

move at Movement Type 15 while 140 or be affected by the state

4 1 8
Rage, as explained in chapter AT: Metal Body and Soul
14 of the Core book.
Cut 6 Impact 6 Thrust 6 Heat 6 Cold 6
Artifacts: Although Darcia Kaliger Electricity 6 Energy 6
does not possess the ability to use
MK: 200 Used: 200
conventional weapons, he has
amassed a respectable collection of Accumulations: Agi 1 Con 2 Dex 3
artifacts and magical amplifiers which Str 2 Pow 2 Wp 4
he keeps in the inner chambers of
Tel'Haroth. Ki: 90

Ki Abilities: Ki Use, Ki
Control, Ki Detection,
Erudition, Use of
Necessary Energy, Ki
Hiding Tecniques: Life
Layer (Spring),
Summer Hailstorm
(Summer), Fatten up
for Winter (Autumn),
Rime Layer (Winter)

Psychic Potential:

Psychic Projection: 285

Dyeus Alpha, Divine AI,
supplied by Kalen PP: 50 Free: 1

Level: 12 Category: Between Worlds, Psychic Disciplines: Psychokinesis,

Creation 35 Teleport, Energy, Physical Increase

Life Points: 220 Psychic Powers: Psychokinetic

Impact, Psychokinetic Armor,
Class: Mentalist 4/ Novel 8 Psychokinetic Trap, Ballistics,
Psychokinetic Flight, Organic
Agi 8, Con 12, Dex 13, Str 11, Int
Psychokinesis, Ground Control, Atomic
13, Per 13, Pow 12, Wp 18
Restructuration, Relocate Object,
PhR 85 DR 85 VR 85 MR 85 PsR 100 Major Self Relocation, Teletransporte,
Energy Discharge, Energy Shield,
Initiative: 125 Natural
Modify Nature, Energy Dome, Increase
Attack Ability: 25 Unarmed Ability, Increase Reaction,
Defense Ability: 25 Unarmed
Innate Slots: 3
Damage: 30 Unarmed, 130 Unlimited
Ammo +15 (Thrust) (Ballistics)

4 1 9
Essential Abilities: Free Access to Eventually Ignis lost consciousness of
any Psychic Discipline, Passive her own existence. Seeing an
Concentration, Extreme Concentration, opportunity, one of the leaders of the
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, investigation team, a member of the
Divine Animic Characteristics, Senate, decided to implant an AI in
Psychological Immunity, Inhumanity, Ignis's already shattered mind that
Tecnomagic, Energy Cells took control of the goddess's battered
body. Next, they implanted a
Powers: Unlimited Ammo (Unlimited
multitude of technology, the best they
Ammo, Damage energy, Damage +30,
could get, and even created new
AT reduction -3), Metal Body and Soul
technology from 0, reinforcing it with
(Physical Armor 6, Mystical Armor 6,
fragments of her body. The objective:
Hard, Regeneration 0), Technomagic
to create a combat puppet comparable
Control Aura, The Four Seasons, Power
to the Hecatondies Sigma that would
Core, See Supernatural, Database,
serve exclusively the Senator.
The result was somewhat unexpected,
Size: 23, Big Regeneration: 0
because although the target was more

Movement Type: 8 Fatigue: Tireless similar to a cyborg due to the little

flesh she had left, when the energy
Secondary Abilities: Acrobatics 200, cells that would feed all his functions
Notice 220, Search 200, Lost Logia were finally grafted onto her, her body
240, Intellectuals 200, Creatives 200, reacted by assimilating all the
Ki Detection 210, Ki Hiding 90 technology at once and destroying
itself to create a completely metallic
Little is known, but 10 years before
one from scratch. A much better result
the zenith and fall from grace of
than expected, really, at least for the
Solomon's Empire, an incursion into
the Frozen Wastes brought back a very
valuable trophy that would propel the During the performance tests, its
nation towards the investigation that functionalities were put to the test,
led to its downfall. That trophy was the even discovering some unexpected
goddess Ignis of the Aityr pantheon. ones. However, during one of them,
the Senator suffered a cut and his
The Empire knew how to hide its
blood reached the now called Dyeus
intervention in the events, and the
Alpha. Quickly the nanomachines were
distance meant that suspicions did not
assimilated and replicated within it,
fall on them; that is why there was
and while it still obeyed its orders
never a rescue mission for the entity.
because it was in its program, it now
That was how, locked up in a research
had the ability to question them.
lab, Ignis was slowly butchered. It is
likely that torture was not a goal of the Such a dangerous event would most
investigators, but it was quite clear likely have resulted in the destruction
that they did not care that it was the of Dyeus Alpha, but ironically the
consequence of their methods.

4 2 0
Seven Hours of Fire proved to be
its salvation. When Jurgand's
agents arrived at the facility, they
disabled it with what was actually
minimal damage after eliminating
all personnel, and subsequently
burying the lab. Seeing the
desperate situation and lacking
orders, Dyeus Alpha decided to
hibernate without further ado,
until something woke it up.

4 2 1
___ ___MODUS OPERANDI______ visible effects, such as modifying his
body, tractor beams that move
Depending on how much of its
objects, clouds of nanomachines that
consciousness it has regained, Dyeus
modify terrain, etc.
Alpha will consider combat a way to
lose valuable resources or simply If Dyeus Alpha uses its powers in a
something horrible, but in any case it magic-weakening area (such as
is a situation it will always try to avoid Nemesis Magic Nullification) that
by all means. reduces the zeon of spells within it by
at least 40 points, all its maintained
If it has no choice but to engage in
powers and Psychic Potential rolls are
combat, Dyeus Alpha will analyze the
lowered by one difficulty.
situation and act accordingly. It will
generally try to avoid damage first, Energy Cells: Likewise, its Innate
using his Spring or Autumn forms and Slots are actually energy cells that it
prioritizing activating its thrusters has spread throughout his body. As a
(Psychokinetic Flight) to get out of defensive system, taking advantage of
range of specialized melee combatants the mutability of Dyeus Alpha's own
and hardening plates (Psychokinetic body, they do not stay in the same
Armor) to protect itself, as it directs its place in the body and fluctuate. If they
puppets to act offensively, refraining are known to be there, it is possible to
from direct offenses to ensure it keeps find out where one of them is that
its opponents alive. round with a Search check against
Absurd (180) if active or Almost
If it has decided that keeping its
Impossible (240) if inactive, although
opponent alive isn't worth the risk or is
these difficulties are lowered by one
a serious threat, then after ensuring
step if the cell is damaged. Attacking a
its safety it would alternate between
power cell is a directed attack with a -
Spring, Summer, Winter and Autumn
60 penalty, and each cell resists 50
as it saw fit, continually concentrating
on offensive powers for maximum
destructive output, and even activating Unlimited Ammo: Dyeus Alpha's
its Power Core. body can automatically and
continuously generate any number of
Technomagic: Although the
+15 Bullets it needs inside that can be
mechanics of psychic powers are used,
fired with Ballistics. Being inside, they
Dyeus Alpha does not use psychic
are imbued with a tiny fraction of the
powers as such, but technomagic.
power of Dyeus Alpha, which allows
Because of this, its psychic powers are
these bullets to damage energy.
not affected by environmental
modifiers nor Nemesis Matrix Metal Body and Soul: Dyeus Alpha's
Nullification or similar effects, as well body is made entirely of metal, which
as ignore any Immunities to psychic protects it from most impacts it may
matrices. On the other hand, this receive. To cover the weaknesses of
implies that all of its powers have this protection, it also continuously

4 2 2
emits a protective electromagnetic In this form its body is green
field capable of working even against and its eyes exude life energy.
magic. This, taken together, gives him  Summer: The season of
a natural armor of 6 against any type unbridled strength and energy.
of attack, and contrary to the general In this form, Dyeus Alpha's
rules, it is considered Hard armor. emissions reach unsuspected
heights of power, and its
Unfortunately, being a mechanical
offensive potential is doubled.
body, its passive regenerative
For mechanical purposes, it
processes do not exist, so to repair
gains the equivalent of the
damage it requires the use of an
Psychic Imbalance advantage
energy cell for the Self-Repair System
for the Energy discipline, as
(Regeneration) or mechanical repair.
well as +20 to its Offensive

The Four Seasons: The divine Psychic Projection.

essence of Dyeus Alpha comes from In this form its body is dark

the goddess Ingis, minor deity of the green and becomes more

seasons from the Aityr pantheon. As a voluminous, oozing heat from

result, Dyeus Alpha has four different each of its joints.
forms related to the four seasons.  Autumn: Season of migration

Dyeus Alpha is capable of activating and provision. In this form

the form it has decided upon as a Dyeus Alpha greatly enhances

passive action before calculating its transportation capabilities,

initiatives for the assault. and doubles its defensive

potential. For mechanical
 Spring: The season of vigor purposes, it gains the
and rebirth. In this form, the equivalent of the Psychic
Dyeus Alpha‟s Energy Cells are Imbalance advantage for the
empowered, as well as a fourth Teleport discipline, as well as
is generated. For mechanical +20 to its Defensive Psychic
purposes, Dyeus Alpha Projection.
increases any power it was In this form, its body is orange-
maintaining, as well as starting red and it gains volume in the
to maintain, by one difficulty abdomen.
level (as long as it reached the  Winter: The season of cold and
power's minimum potential) the end that heralds a new
and gains an additional Innate beginning. In this form, Dyeus
Slot. In addition, as the powers Alpha's cooling system becomes
of creation and birth grow completely perfect, allowing it
throughout its body, it applies to recover energy almost
+20 to its Psychic Potential rolls instantly. While in Winter form,
to use the Atomic Alpha Dyeus recovers 1 free PP
Restructuration power. and 6 Ki points per round, even
in rounds where Ki is spent.

4 2 3
In this form its body is white perfect cooling of the Winter form is
and bluish in color and is so used.
cold that unprotected people
Database: Dyeus Alpha has access to
could lose a top layer of skin if
a multitude of Solomonic files with all
kinds of accumulated knowledge. As a
Technomagic Assimilation: Despite consequence, it gets a value of 200 in
having Gnosis 35, Dyeus Alpha is all Intellectual and Creative
unable to control elemental intensities Secondaries, with the exception of Lost
nor does it modify its environment by Logia as it has a higher value in it, and
its mere presence (although it may Technomagic and Divine Science as it
choose to actively modify it). Instead, does not have access to them. Its
it is able to assimilate other pieces of History also does not serve for
Solomonic technomagic within its anything after the Seven Hours of Fire,
grasp and incorporate them into its although the database is being slowly
own being. At the moment it has only actualized with what information it
assimilated the Ancient Blood of a comes across.
Senator of Solomon and the Power
Fabricate: Dyeus Alpha can use
Atomic Restructuration to replicate
Dyeus Alpha can‟t assimilate the larger level 3 or lower golems, and can even
Logia, such as Gears. However in make level 4 if it succeeds on a Lost
these cases it can achieve a temporary Logia check against 280. Only Drones
partial fusion that gives it perfect and Gneba are light enough to be
control even if it does not have the made with a Potential of Impossible
necessary skills (such as Piloting for a (280), the rest of the combat puppets
Gear). need at least an Inhuman Potential
(320) to be able to manipulate enough
Power Core: Probably mistaken as
material at a time to achieve the
the Energy Core of Dyeus Alpha, it is
creation. There is enough information
an energy converter which blueprints
in its database to create even
would later be used by Judas to create
Hecatondies from scratch, but their
the Nullum Lusec. When activated,
systems are so complex that it is not
lines of power run through Dyeus
possible to create them instantly,
Alpha‟s body, granting it a +30 All
although it is possible to speed up the
Action bonus at the cost of 10 ki points
per round (it should theoretically work
for up to 10 rounds at a time, but Dyeus Alpha can use its own energy to
Dyeus Alpha‟s reserves can only hold 8 activate any golem he creates or
if it doesn't regenerate them with its encounters if it comes into direct
Winter form). Upon deactivation, the contact with them. Activating a golem
core becomes so overheated that it is in this way consumes 10 Ki points
unusable for the next 3h, even if the directly from its pool. As long as a
golem activated by Dyeus Alpha keeps

4 2 4
being active, it may be able to see increased by 2 points.
spiritual entities regardless of Gnosis if
Con 3(1) Pow 3 Wp 5(1)
their receptors had a limit on them.
This ability disappears if it is Effects: Armor AT 4, Maintained
deactivated and later reactivated by
someone else. Disadvantages: Only in Spring form

Techniques Type: Assault (Defense)

While its knowledge of ki may be more Summer Hailstorm

limited than that of the Hecatondies
Level: 1 MK: 20
Sigma or even some normal
Hecatondies, Dyeus Alpha has great It's not uncommon for sudden,
mastery over this force, possessing powerful summer storms to be
four different ways of manifesting it, accompanied by hail. Thus, with the
depending on which form it has savage energies of summer exuding,
adopted at the time. Even if Dyeus Alpha can force the reverse
maintained, a change of form ends the sublimation of vapor from the air and
technique. hurl it violently in the form of a
multitude of ice projectiles at an
Life Layer
Level: 1 MK: 20
Mechanically, Dyeus Alpha is capable
Manifesting the lifebringing essence of of making an attack at a distance of up
spring in its metallic skin, Dyeus Alpha to 100 meters using its Psychic
can cover itself in a thick layer of Projection as Attack Ability, without
vegetation that absorbs part of the this affecting its Psychic Potential. This
impacts destined to it. While Life Layer attack has 190 damage (double
is maintained, its natural AT is Presence plus Power bonus) and hits

4 2 5
at the Impact AT. Effects: Damage Resistance 400,
Dex 2 Pow 2 Wp 4
Disadvantages: Only in Autumn form
Effects: Distance attack 100m,
Additional Action +1 Type: Assault (Defense)

Disadvantages: Only in Summer Snowmen

Level: 1 MK: 20
Type: Action (Attack)
By shaping the water vapor in the air
Fatten up for Winter into snow, Dyeus Alpha can then mold
it to create two illusory beings that can
Level: 1 MK: 20
look whatever she wants, as long as

Bears and other creatures prepare to they are no more than 10 times her
sleep through the winter by consuming size.
as much as they can in the fall to
Because of its high Ki recovery in
fatten up and build reserves. This idea
winter form, these illusory beings
is something Dyeus Alpha replicates in
usually last as long as they are needed
its Autumn form, generating a thick
since without any additional cost they
layer of Ki between its outermost
can be maintained indefinitely.
plates and internal systems, granting
an extra layer of protection. This technique is the way Dyeus Alpha
uses to communicate with other
For mechanical purposes, Fatten Up for
individuals when it does not want to
Winter increases Dyeus Alpha's AT by
reveal its appearance.
2 and generates a fictitious 400 life
points that cause it to behave like a Pow 3(2) Wp 6(2)
Damage Resistance creature for as
Effects: Mirage 2, Aspect Modification,
long as it maintains the technique.
Con 3(1) Wp 6(2)
Only in Winter

Type: Assault

4 2 6
Efreet, the Oppressors of
Fire (Rework), supplied by Shiryu
“What fire does not destroy, it

Name: Efreet Bidhara Iblis.

Rank: Intermediate Fire Elemental.

Age: Unknown. Presumably 10,000


Combat Style: Physical power in

combination with pyrokinetic matrix.

Race: Between Worlds, Elemental; only ones. Generally, each of them

Fire. works alone, since there are no large
associations of these creatures. Even
Fable: 80 / 140 / 240
so, small groups can sometimes meet
Mythology: Enneath and Tenebrae in places especially tied to their
Carmen. element, or for common purposes.
Although it is not necessarily
Hobbies: Forging weapons. necessary, they tend to feel animosity
towards members of the opposing
What they appreciate most: A fight
element, which is why their
that puts them on the ropes.
confrontations are common.
What they hate most: Those who
The Greater Fire Elementals or Efreeti
break their word.
are very violent creatures. Due to their
appearance, not a few people confuse
them with flaming demons: large and
Pure elementals are sentient beings
grotesque dark humanoids engulfed in
born from the four primary forces of
flames, with broad shoulders, and their
nature. Unlike entities dependent on
heads adorned with two twisted horns.
light and darkness, they have no
inclinations towards the philosophies of They dislike many races, including
C'iel or Gaira, and act solely in pursuit men. Sometimes they enslave
of their own interests. For each creatures and put them in their service
element there are hundreds of as soldiers or servants. Unlike other
different species, as well as their elementals, they like weapons,
different derivatives and compounds. especially edged ones, so it is not
The creatures described below are the surprising that they wield large ones.
most common major elementals of They value their word very much, and
each class, though certainly not the they do not usually break their deals

4 2 7
easily. They live in volcanoes, caves Essential Abilities: Access to Physic
and deserts far apart. Disciplines, Superhuman Spiritual
Characteristics, Superhuman Physical
Efreet (Level 6)
Characteristics, Physic Inclination

Level: 6 Category: Between Worlds, (Pyrokinesis), Physical Exemption,

Elemental (Fire) 20 Immunity to an Element (Fire): Half

the damage and Increased Psychic
Life Points: 210 Modifiers.

Class: Warrior Mentalist Powers: Jasad Aalnaar, Mukhlab Nari,

Silah Nari and See the Supernatural.
Str: 12 Dex: 10 Agi: 7 Con: 11 Pow:
Elemental vulnerability.
10 Int: 8 Wil: 12 Per: 8
Natural Abilities: Starting Weapon:
PhR: 70 MR: 65 PsR: 70 DR: 70 VR:
Use of the Battle Axe. Psychic
Projection Module.
Initiative: 80 Natural and 40 Silah
Size: 23 Big Regeneration: 5.
Nari (Enormous Battle Axe +10).
Movement Type: 7
Attack Ability: 180 Mukhalb Nari and
190 Silah Nari (Enormous Battle Axe Fatigue: Tireless.
Secondary Abilities: Feat of Strength
Defense Ability: 160 Mukhalb Nari 120, Whistand Pain 80, Notice 100,
and 170 Silah Nari (Enormous Battle Search 100, Science 100, Occult 40,
Axe +10). Story 20, Intimidate 120 and Forge
Damage: 80 Mukhalb Nari (Heat) o
125/145 Silah Nari (Heat o ___ ___MODUS OPERANDI______
The Efreeti enjoy combat more than
AT: None. any elemental. They are passionate
about testing their skills against
opponents who are up to their
Physic Potential: 120 standards and hate those who don't
measure up. Equipped with powerful
Physic Projection: 150 Offensive and claws, they can use them with deadly
130 Defensive efficiency, but prefer to use weapons
to fight. Their passion for them drives
Physic Disciplines: Pyrokinesis.
them to look for the best quality,
Mental Powers: Create Fire (+20), especially since the normal ones melt
Control Fire, Immolate, Igneous within a few minutes with their
Maintenance and Fire Immunity. contact. They prefer to use large axes,
but can wield a variety of others. If
Innates Slots: 2
faced with weak but numerous

4 2 8
enemies, use Immolate at high powers to imbue them with fire
degrees of potential. They have intensities with which to increase their
vulnerable points in the head and in damage.
the heart.
Elemental vulnerability: Their
Jasad Aalnaar: An Efreet's body is igneous bodies are terribly vulnerable
completely engulfed in flames and thus to water and cold. If they come in
possesses the powers and immunities contact with large amounts of either,
granted by the Body to Fire spell. they must pass a PhR check against
Therefore, anyone who comes into 140, or take damage equal to the level
physical contact with them must make of failure. Resistance can be graduated
an PhR check against 110, or take depending on those amounts.
damage equal to half the level of
failure. This ability also applies to Undine, the Mirages of the
those the Efreet makes a successful
Water (Rework), supplied by
physical attack on.
Mukhlab Nari: The Efreet's claws are
“If there is magic on this planet, it is
their primary means of attack; not
contained in water”
only do they benefit from the Jasad
Aalnaar rules, they can damage energy Name: Ondina Arketá Limnothálassa.
and have Heat as a primary critical,
Rank: Intermediate Water Elemental.
raising the result of rolls on Table 73:
In Flames by 40 points. Efreets also Age: Unknown. Presumably 10,000
use their claws to shape metal like years.
forging tools.
Combat Style: Innate domain over
Silah Nari: The Efreet often carry water and illusions.
large weapons of their own forging.
During their creation, the elementals Race: Between Worlds, Elemental;
infuse them with a part of their Water.
essence by which they are able to
Fable: 80 / 140 / 240
resist their fire, allowing the weapon to
withstand its incredible temperatures Mythology: Tolkappiyam.
without melting as well as allowing the
fire to continue burning even in Hobbies: Variable.

situations where it would normally be

What they appreciate most: The
extinguished. Mechanically, this ability
follows the same rules as Mukhlab Nari
with the exception that it does not What they hate most: Variable.
increase the result on Table 73: In
Flames. Since they are usually
weapons between +5 and +10 quality, Pure elementals are sentient beings
the elementals use their pyrokinetic born from the four primary forces of

4 2 9
nature. Unlike entities dependent on incur their wrath can suffer dire
light and darkness, they have no consequences.
inclinations towards the philosophies of
Interestingly, no other elemental
C'iel or Gaira, and act solely in pursuit
relates to other races as much as they
of their own interests. For each
do. They feel a special attraction to
element there are hundreds of
men who arouse their desire
different species, as well as their
(sometimes even women). For that
different derivatives and compounds.
reason, they are interested in learning
The creatures described below are the
illusory spells with which to
most common major elementals of
camouflage their identities.
each class, though certainly not the
only ones. Generally, each of them Tragically, they are sometimes so
works alone, since there are no large passionate that they can drown their
associations of these creatures. Even partners during love relationships. If
so, small groups can sometimes meet this happens, they are completely
in places especially tied to their shattered, and for years they become
element, or for common purposes. brooding and withdrawn.
Although it is not necessarily
necessary, they tend to feel animosity Undine (Level 6)
Level: 6 Category: Between Worlds,
members of
Elemental (Water) 20
the opposing
element, Life Points: 140
which is why
their Class: Illusionist

Str: 8 Dex: 11 Agi: 11 Con: 8 Pow:
s are
12 Int: 11 Wil: 8 Per: 10
PhR: 65 MR: 75 PsR: 70 DR: 65 VR:
The Undines
are the ladies
of the water, Initiative: 90 Natural
who, like the
Attack Ability: 25 Weapons of Water
Sylphs, have
a markedly Defense Ability: 20 Dodge
feminine essence. While they are in
liquid environments they do not have a Damage: Variable Weapons of Water
certain shape, but when they come to (Variable)
land they always take on the
AT: None
appearance of voluptuous women of
great beauty, with slightly bluish and MA: 65 Water, 45 Others and 25 Fire
moist skin. These are not particularly Regeneration: 45 / 90
evil entities, but they are highly
vengeful, and those who cross them or Zeon: 1.060

4 3 0
Magic Projection: 185 move while applying a partial paralysis
penalty, they can fight with all their
Level of Magic: 60-80 Water and 40-
ability. Their combat style is to use
60 Ilusion.
their high mastery over the water path

Metamagic Advantages: 20 to freeze their enemies and buy

Variable. themself the time they need to cast a

higher spell to destroy them. In case
Essential Abilities: Superhuman of extreme need, they can use their
Spiritual Characteristics, Superhuman liquid body to create weapons with
Physic Characteristics, Conocimiento which to fight melee, although they
Natural Knowledge of Path (Water): are not very good at it. Their high
80, Gift, Physical Exemption, command of magic means that they
Inhumanity, Immunity to an Element can channel spells without the need for
(Water); Half the Damage, Unspoken spells or gestures. Although rare for an
Casting and Gestureless Casting. elemental, its head is a vulnerable
Powers: Damage Energy, Límni,
Révma, Roí and See the Supernatural. Límni: The Undines are completely
Elemental vulnerability. made of water, so they have the
abilities granted by the Liquid Body
Size: 15 Medium Regeneration: 2 / 6
spell. Therefore, they have limited
Movement Value: 8 / 13 shapeshifting, and are immune to all
non-fire or energy-based attacks.
Fatigue: Tireless. Impact attacks do affect them, but do
only half damage. In case of need,
Secondary Abilities: Acrobatics 60,
they have the ability to turn their limbs
Athleticism 60, Notice 40, Search 40,
into various physical weapons, which
Animals 40, Story 40, Navigation 100,
will have a +5 quality.
Occult 100, Magical Appraisal 120,
Style 60, Persuasion 100, Disguise 40, Révma: The Undines are revitalized
Theft 60, Hide 120, Stealth 140, when they are in large bodies of water,
Poisons 40, Dance 60 and Sleight of not only are they able to move
Hands 120. through it without any penalty but
their movement type increases to 13.
___ ___MODUS OPERANDI______
On the contrary, they are not as fast
The Undines do not mind fighting for on land, so their movement is reduced
what they want, and they are so to 8.
intelligent that they always try to twist
Roí: Undines are revitalized when they
things so that everything turns in their
are in large bodies of water, while
resting in them they double the
If possible, they will try to pull their amount of zeon they recover and
opponents into an aquatic increase their regeneration to 6.
environment, where they are
practically invincible: while others

4 3 1
Elemental vulnerability: Contact inclinations towards the philosophies of
with fire is very harmful to the C'iel or Gaira, and act solely in pursuit
Undines, as it causes them damage of their own interests. For each
and is even capable of killing them. If element there are hundreds of
the body of an Undine comes into different species, as well as their
contact with fire of great intensity different derivatives and compounds.
(large bonfires, small fires...), it must The creatures described below are the
pass a PhR check against 140, or most common major elementals of
suffer damage equal to the level of each class, though certainly not the
failure. The Resistance can be only ones. Generally, each of them
graduated depending on the power of works alone, since there are no large
the fire. associations of these creatures. Even
so, small groups can sometimes meet
Sylph, the Wandering Winds in places especially tied to their
element, or for common purposes.
(Rework), supplied by Shiryu
Although it is not necessarily
"The wind plays its own music" necessary, they tend to feel animosity
towards members of the opposing
Name: Sylph Aman Vilya.
element, which is why their

Rank: Intermediate Air Elemental. confrontations are common.

Age: Unknown. Presumably the first Sylphs are the spirits of the air and

arose 10,000 years ago. quite possibly the most jovial and
carefree of all the elementals. They
Fighting Style: Wind control. have a feminine essence and behave
very fickle: as soon as they are happy
Race: Between Worlds, Elemental;
and give people good weather, how
soon they lose their temper, causing
Fable: 80 / 140 / 240 gales and storms. Since they are
composed of wind, normal individuals
Mythology: Luminus Lacrimae and cannot see them, although if they did,
Tu'Tam. they would make out the silhouette of
a beautiful young girl with chaotic hair.
Hobbies: Travel.
They have fun observing the world and
What they appreciate most:
traveling from one place to another.
Although they don't do it often, they
What they hate most: Variable. can speak through whispers and
murmurs carried by the wind.

Sylph (Level 6)
Pure elementals are sentient beings
born from the four primary forces of Level: 6 Category: Between Worlds,
nature. Unlike entities dependent on Elemental (Air) 20
light and darkness, they have no

4 3 2
Life Points: 130

Class: Acrobatic Warrior.

Str: 7 Dex: 13 Agi: 13 Con: 5 Pow:

10 Int: 8 Wil: 6 Per: 10

PhR: 55 MR: 70 PsR: 60 DR: 55 VR:


Initiative: 150 Natural

Attack Ability: 180 (190) Nehta

Raumo o 180 (190) Súrion Marryat

Defense Ability: 200 (210) Dodge ___ ___MODUS OPERANDI______

Damage: 45/50 Nehta Raumo Being non-violent, it is rare to see a

(Thrust/Electricity) and 40 Súrion Sylph engaging in combat. Since they
Marryat (Impact or Cut) are able to move and fly at speed 13,
it is easy for them to avoid any
AT: None. unwanted confrontation. When they
want to attack someone, they will
Essential Abilities: Superhuman
most often stay at a distance and use
Physical Characteristics, Physical
their control over gusts of wind to
Exemption, Inhumanity and Immunity
attack. Either way, to fight in close
to an Element (Air): Half the damage
quarters, they can use their control
Powers: Nehta Raumo, Súrë Vilya, over the air to create powerful gusts
Súrinen, Súrion Marryat and See the capable of lacerating their opponents,
Supernatural. or if they wish, they can draw
electrical energy from the
Natural Abilities: Starting Weapon: surroundings and shape it into a
Use of the Lance. weapon. They have no vulnerable
Size: 11 Medium Regeneration: 1.

Nehta Raumo: Sylphs can

Movement Value: 13 / 13
concentrate electrical energy from the
Fatigue: Tireless. environment in the form of elaborate
spears. These weapons have Electricity
Secondary Abilities: Acrobatics 160,
as a secondary critical and if used, it
Athleticism 120, Climb 80, Jump 80,
doubles the damage done when
Notice 80, Search 80, Occult 40, Magic
calculating the PhR of the elemental
Appraisal 40, Hide 100, Stealth 80,
Style 120, Dance 60, Music 40 and
Sleight of Hand 140. Súrë Vilya: Sylphs are air creatures
and therefore immune to all attacks
that don't damage energy. Only

4 3 3
individuals capable of seeing magic or Rank: Intermediate Earth Elemental.
those who pass a Notice against
Age: Unknown. Presumably the first
Almost Impossible or a Search against
arose 10,000 years ago.
Very Difficult check can see them. In
addition, they are able to move freely Fighting Style: Earth control.
on the ground or in the air. The
bonuses provided by their flight are Race: Between Worlds, Elemental;
already reflected in their combat skills. Earth.
At will, a Sylph can solidify, becoming
Fable: 80 / 140 / 240
visible and corporeal, while remaining
invulnerable to attacks that do not Mythology: Tu‟tam.
affect intangible beings.
Hobbies: None.
Súrinen: Sylphs can be carried by the
winds to travel great distances in a few What they appreciate most: The

seconds. Mechanically, this ability art.

allows the sylph to employ

What they hate most: Someone
teleportation through wind currents up
bothering them.
to a distance between 500 meters and
1 kilometer, depending on the strength
of suchs currents. The elemental can
Pure elementals are sentient beings
use this ability a number of times per
born from the four primary forces of
day equal to its Power Characteristic.
nature. Unlike entities dependent on
Súrion Marryat: The Elementals can light and darkness, they have no
use their control over currents as both inclinations towards the philosophies of
a ranged and melee weapon. C'iel or Gaira, and act solely in pursuit
Mechanically, when used as a ranged of their own interests. For each
weapon, they have a range of 50 element there are hundreds of
meters and, if successful, produce an different species, as well as their
impact of Strength 10. On the different derivatives and compounds.
contrary, if they are used as a melee The creatures described below are the
weapon, the bursts are similar to most common major elementals of
blades with great penetrating power, each class, though certainly not the
so they reduce the TA in which they only ones. Generally, each of them
attack by 3 points. works alone, since there are no large
associations of these creatures. Even
Titan, the Silence of the so, small groups can sometimes meet
in places especially tied to their
Rock (Rework), supplied by Shiryu
element, or for common purposes.
“The rock does not need words to Although it is not necessarily
speak.” necessary, they tend to feel animosity
towards members of the opposing
Name: Titaínontas Tísin.

4 3 4
element, which is why their PhR: 80 MR: 70 PsR: 70 DR: 80 VR:
confrontations are common. 80

Earth elementals are known as Titans. Initiative: 65 Natural

They resemble enormous colossi of
Attack Ability: 170 Schíma Tis Pétras
stone or metal, with a height of
between four and six meters. Titans Defense Ability: Damage Resistance
are sullen entities that avoid contact
with other intelligent beings. They are Damage: 130 Schíma Tis Pétras
usually found on elevated mountains (Impact)
or in deep caves below the ground,
AT: Pétrino Sóma + Natural Cut 11
where they are rarely bothered. If
Impact 11 Thrust 11 Heat 11
Titans are
Electricity 11 Cold 11
Energy 6
consequen Essential Abilities:
ces can be Superhuman Physical
truly Characteristics,
devastatin Physical Exemption,
g, since Inhumanity and
they are Immunity to an
capable of Element (Earth): Half
creating the damage
chams or
earthquakes with which to destroy Powers: Fléva Oryktoú, Pétrino Sóma,

large amounts of land. The only thing Seismoú, Schíma Tis Pétras and See

they really like about humans is their the Supernatural.

ability to create constructions,

Size: 28 Enormous Regeneration: 6
something that awakens in them a lot
of interest. There is a myth that they Movement Type: 4 Fatigue: Tireless
can communicate in any language, but
Secondary Abilities: Feats of
it is true, it has never been proven.
Strength 140, Whistand Pain 80,
Titan (Level 6) Notice 80, Search 80, Science
(Geology) 40/120, Story 60, Memorize
Level: 6 Category: Between Worlds,
60, Occult 40, Magic Appraisal 40,
Elemental (Earth) 20
Intimidate 40, Art 60, Forge 100 and

Life Points: 3.975 Jewelry 60.

Class: Warrior __ ____MODUS OPERANDI______

Str: 15 Dex: 8 Agi: 5 Con: 13 Pow: Since they are indifferent and

10 Int: 8 Wil: 10 Per: 8 apathetic, it is difficult to provoke the

wrath of a Titan. Normally, when they
are bothered, Titans simply advance

4 3 5
towards their antagonist to make it  Geode: The elemental is
flee. If it doesn't escape, it must face completely immune to earth-
an almost unstoppable mass of stone. based damage. The elemental's
While fighting, Titans show resistance natural weapons increase their
and stamina without equal; making damage in 20 points for a total
them terrifying opponents. As a rule, of 150.
they don't use much magic, but they  Diamond: Light-based attacks
can if their opponents are dangerous deal half damage to the
opponents. One of his favorite tactics elemental. The elemental's
is to melt into the ground and grab natural weapons are considered
anyone who comes within reach by the light elemental weapons.
ankles. Afterwards, they slowly rise to  Amethyst: Dark-based attacks
the surface to the horror of their prey. deal half damage to the
They have no vulnerable points, not elemental. The elemental's
even their heads, as they are able to natural weapons are considered
survive without it. elemental weapons of darkness.

Fléva Oryktoú: Within the rocks that Pétrino Sóma: The body of the Titans
form the body of the titan there are a is composed mainly of rocks charged
series of veins of precious gems with their essence. Mechanically, the
charged with supernatural energy that elemental gains the benefits of the
grant a series of benefits to the Solid Body spell at Intermediate Tier,
creature. The elemental can choose to plus its stony appearance is perfect
possess one of the following veins: camouflage: if they stand completely
still next to a rock environment, it's
 Ruby: Fire or heat based
really hard to notice their presence
attacks only deal half damage
(Notice vs. Almost Impossible or
to the elemental. The
Search vs. Absurd). or in case they
elemental's natural weapons
move slowly it still acts as a passable
gain Heat as a secondary
camouflage (Notice against Absurd or
Search against Very Difficult).
 Sapphire: Water or cold based
attacks only deal half damage Seismoú: The Titan can concentrate
to the elemental. The all its power in its fists to execute a
elemental's natural weapons powerful blow against the ground
gain Cold as a secondary generating an immense seismic wave.
critical. Mechanically, the elemental creates a
 Emerald: Air or electricity Strength 16 earthquake as explained
based attacks deal normal in “Earthquakes and Similar Effects”
damage to the elemental. The and Table 4: Earthquakes on
elemental's natural weapons Dominus Exxet. In order to correctly
gain Electricity or Piercing as a use this ability, the Titan must make a
secondary critical hit. Feats of Strength roll to increase their
Characteristics and on the next turn

4 3 6
they will be able to trigger the Mythology: Aityr.
earthquake. If they get a bonus on
Hobbies: Variable.
their roll that raises their characteristic
above 16, they can use the effects of What they appreciate most:
higher degrees of earthquake. Variable.

Schíma Tis Pétras: The Titans are What they hate most: Variable.
capable of molding the earth itself,
treating it almost as if it were a liquid.
Mechanically, the elemental is able to
According to the Aityr myths, when
pass through the ground, both through
someone dies, the importance of their
soft earth and rock of little
acts in life, as well as the greatness
consistency. Only the most solid walls
they obtained in their death, will
or the hardest metals can be an
dictate the destiny of their soul. If
impediment for him. This ability is
these are deemed worthy, the soul will
especially useful to them when they
ascend to the heavenly halls of
want to create art. Additionally, they
Valhalla or the ethereal halls of
can mold their body to create powerful
Fólkvangr to join the immortal hosts of
natural weapons.
the Aityr.

Einherjar, the Host of the Those whose souls have been collected

Aityr, supplied by Shiryu by the Fate Verdal will be led to the

hall of God Thuriz in the heavenly
“All Einherjar must swear: Share the fortress of Valhalla where they will
mead in honor of the Valdyr, while become part of the armies of the gods.
cursing their enemies! Forever To do this, the first step is an ancient
accompanied by his brothers. ritual by which Thuriz grants the new
soldier a fraction of the
kingdom's power, turning him
into a new being, an Einherjar.
Name: Variable. This new being is very similar to
how it was in life except for the
Rank: Warrior of white, almost marbled hue of its
the Aityr. skin and for the more than
evident physical improvements
Age: Variable.
that have been granted to them
Combat Style: and that after the hard training
Aityr‟s Fighting of the Aityr become its main
Style assets.

Race: Undead Einarður (Level 3)

Fable: Level: 3 Category: Between

40/120/240 Worlds, Undead 10

4 3 7
Life Points: 1.375 Einrörð (Level 5)

Class: Warrior Level: 5 Category: Between Worlds,

Undead 15
Str: 11 Dex: 10 Agi: 8 Con: 11 Pow:
11 Int: 6 Wil: 8 Per: 8 Life Points: 1.785

PhR: 80 MR: 70 PsR: 60 DR: 60 VR: Class: Warrior

Str: 13 Dex: 11 Agi: 10 Con: 12
Initiative: 80 Natural and 35 Askr Pow: 12 Int: 8 Wil: 10 Per: 11
Brandr (Weapon +5)
PhR: 100 MR: 80 PsR: 75 DR: 70
Attack Ability: 135 Askr Brandr VR: 70
(Arma +5)
Initiative: 90 Natural and 50 Askr
Defense Ability: Damage Resistance Brandr (Weapon +10)

Damage: 100 Askr Brandr (Cut/Cold) Attack Ability: 180 Askr Brandr
(Weapon +10)
AT: Natural + Rune of Thuriz Cut 5
Impact 5 Thrust 5 Heat 5 Electricity 5 Defense Ability: Damage Resistance
Cold 5 Energy 3
Damage: 140 Askr Brandr (Cut/Cold)
Essential Abilities: Superhuman
Spiritual Characteristics, Superhuman AT: Natural + Rune of Thuriz Cut 7

Physical Characteristics, Physical Impact 7 Thrust 7 Heat 7 Electricity 7

Exemption and Inhumanity. Cold 7 Energy 4

Powers: Askr Brandr, Rune of Thuriz, Essential Abilities: Superhuman

Regeneration 8, Vision of the Dead and Spiritual Characteristics, Superhuman

Complete Night Vision. Physical Characteristics, Physical

Exemption and Inhumanity.
Size: 22 Medium Regeneration: 8
Powers: Askr Brandr, Budo, Rune of
Movement Type: 8 Fatigue: Tireless Thuriz, Regeneration 10, Vision of the
Dead and Complete Night Vision.
Secondary Abilities: Athleticism 80,
Ride 60, Feat of Strength 80, Notice Natural Abilities: Ars Magnus:
60, Search 40, Story 20, Occult 20, Berserker.
Laws 20 and Music 40.
Size: 25 Big Regeneration: 10

4 3 8
Movement Type: 10 its level by 20 points in the
event of a critical hit.
Fatigue: Tireless
 Brutal Charge: The Einherjar

Secondary Abilities: Athleticism 120, has been instilled with a series

Ride 100, Feat of Strength 120, Notice of training that have allowed
80, Search 60, Story 40, Occult 40, him to master charges to

Laws 40 and Music 60. perfection. Therefore, he can

not only charge with any type
__ ____MODUS OPERANDI______ of melee weapon, but also
doubles his strength bonus and
The combat methodology of an
increases his attack ability by
Einherjar is simple as it is based on
20 points.
direct combat coupled with his
 Spearhead: The Einherjar has
berserker fury with his extensive
been trained to fight against
mastery of weapons.
dozens of enemies at the same
Askr Brandr: The Einherjar carry time, thus reducing the penalty
weapons created with a strange of the area attack maneuver by
combination of steel and wood, half.
regardless of their type, these  Storm of Blows: This style
weapons are of quality +5, have the relies on making the most of
ability to damage energy and have a the Einherjar's speed and
cold secondary critical. Older ones manual dexterity to unleash a
carry more powerful versions of these rapid flurry of attacks. In game
weapons, their quality increases to terms, it reduces the size of
+10 and their base damage increases your weapon by one type of
by 50%. The example Einherjar uses size when making additional
war axes. attacks. If he is carrying a small
weapon, reduce the penalty to -
Budo: As they "age" the Einherjar 10.
begin to learn a series of unique
combat styles through the training of Rune of Thuriz: The most obvious
the Valdyr, thus obtaining a new skill result of the God's training is a series
of a martial nature. Below is a list of of protective runes around the
the most common abilities, but not the Einherjar's entire body. These runes
only ones, that you can acquire: increase the natural armor of the
Einherjar by 2 or 3 points, give them a
 Dismemberer: This combat damage barrier of 60 or 100, and
style focuses on brutally increase their physical resistance by
"disarming" the enemy by 20 or 30 points and their mystic
withdrawing their limbs. For resistances by 10 points. Additionally,
this reason, the Einherjar older Einherjar ignore any attack
reduces the penalty for without the ability to damage energy.
performing the Disable
maneuver by half and increases

4 3 9
Regeneration: Despite being undead Psychic powers: Psychokinetic shield,
creatures, the Einherjar have an Psychokinetic impact, Psychokinetic
extraordinary regeneration that varies Trap.
depending on their type, the minors
Essential abilities: Superhuman
have regeneration 8 and the majors
physical characteristics, Superhuman
spiritual characteristics, Unnatural
Vision of the Dead: The Einherjar size, Psychological immunity, Access to
possess very keen eyesight that allows 1 psychic discipline.
them to easily see both magical forces
Powers: Skull eater (Natural
and spiritual beings.
weapons, Damage +30, Crític +40,
Special), Natural flight 8, Aquatic
Eldren, supplied by Sadrith
movement, Spore vision
Warrior (Extrasensorial vision), Hive mind,
Lethargy, Physical armor (AT 2).
Level: 4 Category: Natural 10
Size: 24, Big Regeneration: 5
Life Points: 200
Movement type: 6 / 8 Fatigue: 12
Class: Warrior Mentalist
Secondary skills: Intimidate 80,
Str: 10 Dex: 8 Agi: 6 Con: 12 Pow: 6
Persuasion 85, Notice 60, Search 60,
Int: 12 Per: 10 Wil: 13
Science 85, Feats of strength 55,

PhR: 65 MR: 50 PsR: 70 VR: 65 SR: Occult 50 (Old gods).


Initiative: 70 Natural

Attack: 130 Skull eater

Defense: 25 dodge

Damage: 100 Skull eater

AT: 2 Physical

Psychic potential: 100

Psychic projection: 120

PP: 3

Innate slots: 2

Psychic disciplines: Psychokinesis

4 4 0
Seer Powers: Skull eater (Natural
weapons, Damage +10, Crític +40),
Level: 4
Natural flight 8, Aquatic movement,

Life Points: 180 Spore vision (Extrasensorial vision),

Hive mind, Lethargy, Physical armor
Class: Mentalist (AT 1).

Category: Natural 15 Size: 23, Big Regeneration: 5

Str: 7 Dex: 8 Agi: 5 Con: 12 Pow: 8 Movement type: 5 / 8 Fatigue: 12

Int: 12 Per: 10 Wil: 13
Secondary skills: Intimidate 80,
PhR: 65 MR: 55 PsR: 70 VR: 65 SR: Persuasion 85, Notice 60, Search 60,
65 Science 100, Herbology 25, History 25,
Medicine 60, Memorize 35, Occult 80
Initiative: 65 Natural
(Old gods).
Attack: 10 Skull eater
Fable: 140 / 180 / 280
Defense: 25 dodge
Mythology: Old gods of the abyss
Damage: 75 Skull eater

AT: Physical 1

Psychic potential: 120

Psychic projection: 130

PP: 5

Innate slots: 3

Psychic disciplines: Psychokinesis,


Psychic powers: Psychokinetic shield,

Psychokinetic impact, Psychokinetic
Trap, Shatter, Cold dominion, Ice
splinters, Decrease ambient
temperature, Sense matrices, Link

Essential abilities: Superhuman

physical characteristics, Superhuman It has been eleven thousand years
spiritual characteristics, Unnatural since Gaïa was forever cursed with the
size, Access to psychic disciplines, arrival abominable Primeval gods, and
Alien mind (Psychological immunity). while it would take thousands of years
for any of them to awaken from their

4 4 1
slumber it didn‟t take long for their Yuan where they are adored as direct
dark influence to start corrupting the envoys of the Gods, or serving as the
world in the most atrocious way. direct agents of one of the three
Among all the monstrosities and greatest Krakens. But scattered
aberrations created by the old gods of around the world there are hundreds
the abyss the Eldren are generally of Eldren in lethargy waiting for the
accepted to be the first ones, or at awakening of their lords, and while the
least the oldest that remain. Ten stats here represent the average
thousand years ago they were one of Eldren they can be as diverse as any
the many races populating Gaïa, plant- other race and some individuals
like people that populated the swamps amongst them could put the greatest
and marshes of the old continent far human psychics to shame.
before the Duk'zarist tried to invade it
While they are incredibly intelligent
or the Sylvain Kingdoms arrived from
beings it's usually a pointless effort for
Khalis. They were the first culture to
a sane person to try and communicate
notice the newly arrived gods and laid
with them, since their mind has been
the foundation of their religion, and
so distorted by this point that it
similarly to what would happen to the
doesn't follow any discernible logic,
Balzaks thousands of years later the
and in fact talking to an Eldren can
Eldren were corrupted and
often lead to insanity.
fundamentally changed by the
Primeval Gods, eventually becoming __ ____MODUS OPERANDI______
deranged creatures that live only to
serve their masters. In battle the Eldren prefer to attack
using their psychic abilities to set up a
It's hard to tell how much of their killing blow with Skull eater, with their
strange appearance is due to the prefered strategy is to immobilize their
mutations they have suffered or if the victim with a telekinetic grab to then
race that the Eldren come from was easily devour their head. When
just that bizarre, they have a bloated, possible, the Eldren will try to fly
barrel-like torso made of five vertical above the battlefield staying at a safe
bulging ridges with a set of branching distance while attacking with psychic
tentacle-like appendixes protruding powers.
from each one of them. The torso
stands on five wide legs and above Since their body is biologically more
that their head is shaped similarly to a similar to a plant than an animal
starfish, which gives their body a Eldren do not have any weak points.
radial symmetry with five segments
Alien mind: While Eldren are in a
broken only by two giant membranous
certain way capable of feeling
wings that can be used to fly or swim.
emotions, their brains work in a
Currently there are less than fifty completely different way than a
active Eldren in Gaïa, most of them human‟s and so do their emotions.
living in the ancient city of Yha-Teli- Therefore the Eldren can‟t be affected

4 4 2
by any emotional state, and are connected by the spell Essence
immune to all powers from the psychic communication.
disciplines Telepathy and Sentience.
Flight: Eldrens have a pair of
Psychic abilities: While not every immense bat-like wings that allows
Eldren must adhere to the stats shown them to fly with a natural flight of 8.
here, all of them without exception
Amphibious: These creatures are
have developed psychic powers.
equally capable of surviving on land or
Skull eater: An Eldren‟s jaws are underwater, but they do need humid
practically designed to trap and tear environments.
off a human head. In combat they can
Heat vulnerability: If they are in
be used to either attack normally or
extremely dry environments or receive
make a targeted attack to the head
over 50 points of either Heat or Fire
with only a penalty of -20, and if it
damage Eldrens apply a -30 penalty to
causes a critical hit it increases its
all actions until.
effects by 40 points.

Lethargy: Unlike other creatures born

Appendages: While the branching
from the Old Gods' corruption, the
tentacles that protrude from each of
Eldrens have physical needs like eating
the Eldren‟s sides are not really useful
and breathing. In order to survive
in combat, they are extremely
through the hundreds of years that
versatile and precise appendages
their masters may remain in deep
capable of using multitude of tools and
sleep, or while trapped in deep
interacting with objects and
forgotten caves where there are no
mechanisms. If needed, some Eldrens
living forms to eat, the Eldrens can
are even able to wield any combination
enter a state of lethargy where they
of weapons, either man made or
retract their head and legs into their
powerful creations from their ancient
barrel shaped body. In this state they
can survive virtually any environment,
Spore vision: Instead of having and stop needing food or air. Some
sensory organs, Eldrens seem to feel Eldrens have remained in this state for
the world through the spores they thousands of years, almost since the
constantly spread around. These day that the Primeval gods entered
spores are psychically connected to this plane, and they could possibly
them and can detect changes in survive for millions of years as long as
temperature, vibrations in the air and no one disturbs them.
even changes in the electromagnetic

Hive mind: Eldren can “talk” among

them and with any being that has
inhaled their spores as if they were

4 4 3
Fire Vampire, supplied by Muzan
Level: 1 Category: Between World
Being, Elemental 20

Class: Mentalist



PhR: 25 VR: 25 DR: 25 MR: 35 PsR:

45 Presence: 30

Life Points: 60
Size: 8, Small Regeneration: 1
Initiative: 70 Natural
Movement: Mystical Flight 6
Attack: 5
Fatigue: Tireless
Defense: 5 Block
Secondary Abilities: Notice 40,
Damage: N/A
Dance 40.

AT: None

Psychic Projection: 95
Fire Vampires are Minions of the

Psychic Potential: 70, (100 with primeval god, Cthuga, the Living
Flame is one of the 27 superior
primeval gods. They feed on sentient
Innates: 2 beings' lifeforce by consuming them
with their flames. Fire Vampires are
Free PP: 2
usually called by summoners to do
Psychic Disciplines: Pyrokinesis their biddings or can be seen
accompanying Cthuga when he
Psychic Powers: Create Fire, Control manifests on Gaia, as a cluster and
Fire, Immolate, Igneous Maintenance armies of thousands.

Essential Abilities: Superhuman _______MODUS OPERANDI______

Spiritual Characteristics, Access to a
Psychic Discipline (Pyrokinesis), Fire Vampires prefers to fascinate their
Natural Vulnerability to Cold and Water victim, lulling them into a sense of
Damage (Double Damage), Tireless safety before approaching and burning
them with their body in contact.
Powers: Elemental Form (Fire),
Mesmerizing Cluster (Fascination MR Elemental Form and Vulnerability:
60, 15 ft radius, additional condition: Fire Vampires are constantly in
look directly at Fire Vampire), Primeval Elemental Form, being essentially
Growth, Mystical Flight 6. made of Plasma. Due to being physical

4 4 4
flames, they suffer a unique weakness  501 to 1000: Increase
of taking damage from water. Taking Constitution, Dexterity, Agility,
10 damage per half-gallon of water and Willpower by+1,
poured over it. They also take double  1001+: Increase Willpower
damage from cold-based attacks. Any by+1 and also gain access to
other types of attacks require to be the consume level 3 psychic
based on energy to hurt them. power.

Touching the Fire Vampires or making

Gibbering Mouther, supplied by
corporeal contact with them requires
someone to roll against a PhR of 60 or
suffer life point damage equal to half Level: 3 Category: Between worlds
the level of failure. 20

Mesmerizing Dance: The crazed Life Points: 1010

mesmerizing dance of the Fire Vampire
Class: Dark Paladin
is good enough to produce some kind
of a hypnotic effect on their targets. Str: 11 Dex: 6 Agi: 5 Con: 12 Pow: 2
The mesmerizing dance has a range of Int: 3 Per: 8 Wil: 4
a 15 ft radius and the targets must be
looking at the Fire Vampire directly. PhR: 60 MR: 20 PR: 35 VR: 60 SR:
Mesmerizing Dance is a fascination 60
effect where the targets must pass an
Initiative: 50 Natural
MR of 60.
Attack: 100 Bite or Blinding spit
Primeval Growth: Anyone who dies
from flames either physical contact or Defense: Damage resistance.
psychic powers produced by the Fire
Damage: 80 Bite
Vampire improves its growth.
Whenever the Fire Vampire kills being AT: 4 Natural
with a Gnosis greater than 0, multiply
that value by the base presence of the Essential abilities: Superhuman
individual devoured. físical characteristics, Physical
exemption, Psychological immunity,
 100 to 200: Increase Inhumanity.
Dexterity, Agility, and
Willpower by +1 Powers: Bite (Natural weapons),
 201 to 300: Increase Radial vision, Night vision, Blinding
Constitution and Willpower by spit, Confusing gibberish (Aura,
+1 Fascination, PR 60, 5 meter radius,
 301 to 500: Increase added condition), Free movement,
Dexterity, Agility, and Meaty terrain, Mass increase.
Willpower by +1
Size: 23, Big Regeneration: 5

Movement type: 5 Fatigue: Tireless

4 4 5
Secondary skills: Intimidate 100, flesh; dead bodies left by other
Notice 90, Search 50, Feats of monstrous creatures and left to rot in
strength 90, Withstand pain 60, Hide places that suffer a high level of
50. supernatural infection where the
chaotic energies in the environment
Fable: 120 / 140 / 240
melt together flesh and bones giving

Mythology: None these horrific creatures life. And when

two Gibbering Mouthers meet, they
devour each other giving birth to
bigger and even more horrific
The Gibbering Mouthers are
horrendous creatures resembling a
blob of flesh covered in eyes and Despite being made of dead meat
mouths that are continuously these are not undead creatures, the
blabbering with a thousand voices magic that gives them life is far more
seemingly in pain and anguish. While it similar to the animation of a common
might be far from being the worst inanimate object that sometimes takes
thing one can find in the corrupt places place in places with supernatural
where a Gibbering Mouther can be infection than the unnatural force that
born, it‟s sight is amongst the most raises true undead creatures.
disturbing and horrifying to the point
of causing insanity. It is said that the _______MODUS OPERANDI______
souls of those devoured by a Gibbering
Gibbering Mouthers are extremely
Mouther will remain trapped inside the
violent creatures mindlessly driven
creature as another of the voices,
only for their wish to consume any
driven mad and crying for someone to
living being they encounter, despite
put an end to their misery.
the fact that they do not need any

They are born from actual piles of sustenance to live. Fortunately since
their only way of moving is by
dragging its own body by biting the
ground, they aren‟t neither fast nor
sneaky, but their ability to move
through virtually any surface can make
them deceptively capable of pursuing
prey. They may sometimes climb to
high walls or ceilings to fall on
unsuspecting victims, but even then
they are easily spotted by their
incessant and loud babbling.

Blinding spit: A Gibbering Mouther‟s

saliva is slightly acidic and toxic. While
it‟s not powerful enough to damage a
human it can temporarily blind

4 4 6
someone if enough of it enters their creature walking within this
eyes. Once every 5 rounds, and up to treacherous terrain reduces its
5 times per day, the Gibbering movement type by 6 points. An
Mouther can spit hundreds of saliva athletics check will decrease this
droplets from any of its mouths penalty by one point for each degree
blinding any creature in a radius of 10 reached above Easy (40), so a
meters in front of it unless they succes character who rolls 180 in athletics
on a PhR check of 140. Someone would only reduce its movement type
covering their eyes or preventing the by 2 points, and reaching 280 would
saliva from reaching their face completely nullify the penalty.
somehow can roll with a +40 to their
Mass increase: This stats only reflect
PhR. A Gibbering Mouther can use
the capabilities of the smaller and
Blinding spit and attack in the same
weakest kind of Gibbering Mouther,
round, but with a penalty of -25 to
but there are far bigger and more
every attack it does.
powerful Gibbering Mouthers that are
Confusing gibberish: The Gibbering either the product of multiple
Mouther gets its name from the Gibbering Mouthers merging together
constant incoherent gibberish coming or a massive one born from a colossal
from its many mouths at all times. pile of corpses. This can range from
This incredibly obnoxious sound can Mouthers twice as big as a regular
cause painful headaches and quickly one, and only slightly more powerful,
drive someone insane, rendering them to absolute monstrosities that fill
so confused that they are unable to act entire caverns with their horrendous
in any way. Anyone capable of hearing bodies and can be counted amongst
who enters an area of 5 meters around the more powerful aberrations
the Gibbering Mouther will have to inhabiting Gaïa.
succeed on a PR check of 60 or be
Gibbering Mouthers can range from
afflicted by the Fascination state,
level 3 to level 10, and anything in
becoming unable to perform any active
between. Fortunately the bigger it
action and applying a -20 to any
becomes, the harder it is for its body
passive action. This check must be
to stay held together, so Gibbering
repeated every 5 rounds while
Mouthers above level 7 are incredibly
remaining inside the area.
rare and will slowly lose mass in the
Meaty terrain: While the creature form of smaller Mouthers separating
itself is only 3 to 4 meters in diameter, from the main body.
the Gibbering Mouther is surrounded
For every level above 3 that a
by a throbbing mass of meat, eyes and
Gibbering Mother has, it gets a +20 to
mouths that covers an area of 3
attack ability, +5 to all resistances,
meters around it. Attacking this flesh
+150 life points, an additional bite
won‟t harm the Mouther in any way,
attack with a -40 to its attack ability,
but it‟s bite and spit attacks can reach
+3 meters to the range of Meaty
anywhere inside this area, and any

4 4 7
terrain, +5 meters to the range of Magic Knowledge: 80 Selected
Confusing gibberish and +10 to the PR Spells: Seeking Sphere (Light 46),
check of Confusing gibberish. Dark Sphere (Darkness 46), Physical
Control (Creation 38), Dome of
Vulnerability: If damaged by a holy
destruction (Destruction 46), Lightning
weapon a Gibbering Mouther must
(Air 46), Earth Spike (Earth 36), Water
succeed on a PhR check against twice
Impact (Water 20), Heat Wave (Fire
its own presence or part of its flesh will
30), Soul poison (Essence 30),
be instantly purified, becoming regular
Confusion (Illusion 36).
dead flesh and causing the creature to
lose one level, or if the Gibbering Essential skills: Superhuman
Mouther is already level 3, it will lose physical characteristics, Physical
an amount of life points equal to 20 Exemption, Psychological Immunity,
times the level of failure. Built body, Gift, Gestureless casting,
Innate power, Natural Magic
Guardian Totem (Rework), Knowledge (lvl 80, Special), Superior
supplied by Sadrith magic recovery, Immobile. Powers:
Mystic Flight 2, Increased magic
Level: 5
resistance +30, Extrasensorial vision,
Category: Between Worlds, Construct Chaos Aura.
Size: 25, Enormous Regeneration: 2
Life Points: 1410
Movement type: 2 Fatigue: Tireless

Class: Wizard
Secondary Abilities: Notice 120,

Str: 13 Dex: 8 Agi: 4 Con: 12 Pow: Search 100, Magic Appraisal 140.

9 Int: 6 Per: 10 Wp: 8

_______MODUS OPERANDI______

PhR: 70 MR: 80 PsR: 60 VR: 70 DR:

Despite being incapable of reasoning
Guardian Totems have a high

Initiative: 60 Natural analytical capacity, when entering

battle they will start by using whatever
AT: Natural 4 spell in being empowered by Chaotic
Aura, usually casting a spell every two
Zeon: 1270
rounds, but as they get to see the
MA: 50 opponent‟s fighting style they will start
to make full use of their arsenal to
Magic Regeneration: 100 / 120 while attack everyone‟s weaknesses. When a
inactive Guardian Totem falls below 1000 Life
Points it will activate its Divine
Magic Projection: 160 offensive /
protection to prepare a barrage of
130 defensive
multiple spells to end their opponents
Special: Shamanic Magic quickly, or if they have enough time,
use the accumulated zeon for a ritual

4 4 8
to Call Spirits. Since their body is just Spiritual zones, and their presence
a lifeless monument to contain their actually helps maintain the magic of
spiritual essence, Guardian Totems these places.
don‟t have any weak points.
Chaos Aura: When a Guardian Totem
Magic Knowledge: Guardian Totems becomes active all sorts of spirits are
are imbued with the power of really attracted around it, making the
diverse spells from all 10 magic paths supernatural energies around the
(not counting Necromance). Instead of Totem chaotic and shifting. Therefore,
developing a Path, all totems are the magic affinity in an area of 10
innately able to use the spells listed on meters around it will randomly shift at
their stats, the beginning of each
although it‟s round. To decide
usual for them to which affinity will
lack one or two of prevail the DM must
said spells if their roll a D10 at the
nature is against beginning of the
their source of round and choose
power. For one of the 10 magic
example, a paths excluding
Totem created by necromancy. If the
the faith of place already had an
worshipers of a affinity with a type of
fire god the magic it can never
Totem won‟t be change to the
able to cast opposite path,
Water Impact, instead it will remain
and if said god with the same affinity
was seen as a it had the previous
particularly round.
destructive force
The Chaos aura is so
the Guardian
powerful that it can
Totem might also
even affect mages
be unable to cast Physical control or
who don‟t use the Shamanic Theorem.
Soul poison.
All spells from the path opposite to the
Shaman: Due to the nature of the current affinity will be casted with a -
Guardian Totems they use the 10 to their zeonic value, while the
Shamanic Theorem to cast spells, spells from the same path will increase
since their power and sentience comes their zeonic value by 10.
from the spirits of the place they
Divine Protection: At will the
protect. This is always beneficial to
guardian can enter a special state
them, since Guardian Totems can only
where the magical energy of the area
be created in Powerful or Exceptional

4 4 9
surrounds it creating a protective shell. Essential skills: Fatigue resistance,
While in this state the Guardian can‟t Superhuman physical characteristics,
move or cast spells, but it can Inhumanity.
accumulate magic, and all incoming
Powers: Aquatic movement, Bite
attacks will have their base damage
(Natural weapon), Explosive breath
reduced by half. This state can last up
(Special attack, Elemental attack)
to 6 rounds or until the Guardian
receives 500 points of damage, and it Size: 24, Big Regeneration: 4
can‟t be used again until the Guardian
has rested for at least a full day. Movement type: 6 Fatigue: 13

Immobile: Guardian Totems can‟t Secondary Abilities: Athleticism 25,

actually move any part of their body, Intimidate 110, Notice 140, Search
even if they were constructed with 110, Navigation 50, Feats of Strength
legs they are still made of solid stone 155, Withstand pain 80
that can not move. Instead they can
Queen Hydra
move through the air with a Flight
Value of 2. Level: 7 Category: Natural 20

Hydra (Rework), supplied by Life Points: 3225

Class: Warrior
Lesser Hydra
Str: 15 Dex: 8 Agi: 6 Con: 13 Pow:
Level: 5 Category: Natural 20 8 Int: 5 Per: 8 Wp: 6

Life Points: 1275 PhR: 85 MR: 70 PsR: 65 VR: 85 DR:

Class: Warrior
Initiative: 70 Natural
Str: 13 Dex: 6 Agi: 6 Con: 11 Pow:
6 Int: 4 Per: 8 Wp: 6 Attack ability: 180 Bite / 180
Explosive breath + 130 minior heads
PhR: 70 MR: 55 PsR: 55 VR: 70 DR: (7 to 9 attacks) / 130 minor explosive
70 breath (7 to 9 attacks)

Initiative: 65 Natural Defense ability: Damage resistance

Attack ability: 130 Bites (3 to 7 Damage: 130 Bite, 85 minor heads,

attacks) / 130 Explosive breath (3 to 7 120 Explosive breath
AT: 6 Natural
Defense ability: Damage resistance
Essential skills: Fatigue resistance
Damage: 85 Bite, 100 Explosive x2, Supernatural physical
breath characteristics, Zen.

AT: 4 Natural

4 5 0
Powers: Aquatic movement, Bite
(Natural weapon), Explosive breath
(Special attack, Elemental attack)

Size: 28, Huge Regeneration: 6

Movement type: 7 Fatigue: 17

Secondary Abilities: Athleticism 35,

Intimidate 130, Notice 150, Search
140, Animals 25, History 25,
Navigation 55, Feats of Strength 180,
Withstand pain 100

Size: While stats wise Hydras can be

either big or Huge, these sizes
represent the attributes of a single
head. Therefore, all Hydras are
considered to be Giant creatures for all
other intents and purposes, and any
effect that should be multiplied by
their damage resistance multiplier will
use that of a giant creature, x15.

Multiple Heads: Despite being a the main Head in the case of a Queen.
single creature, each head has its own If the main head of a Queen is
attributes and can act independently. destroyed 300 points of damage will
Game wise they act as different be dealt to laa secondary heads, and
creatures with their own abilities and the heads that survive will live on as a
life points, although they all act with Minor Hydra.
the same initiative and share Fatigue
points. Unlike regular Hydras, Queens Supernatural effects: Since all heads
have a main head much more powerful are ultimately still a single creature
than the others. The abilities and life they share they all share resistances
points in their stats represent those of despite having independent skills.
the main head while the secondary Thus, any supernatural power that
heads have the same abilities and forces at least one of the heads to
attributes of a regular Hydra. make a resistance check will affect all
heads equally. The only exceptions to
While the damage suffered by each this rule are effects that would cause a
head is independent and is not loss of damage or healing effects,
counted as damage towards the which will divide the damage dealt (or
others, when a head is destroyed it healed) equally amongst all heads.
explodes leaving only a bloody stump
and causing 100 points of damage to Aquatic movement: Hydras can use
all other heads, and 300 damage to their full movement type either

4 5 1
swimming on water or crawling on
Infectious Animation, supplied
land like a giant snake, but they can‟t
by Kalen
stay out of the water for more than a
few hours or their body will dry up and When the supernatural forces that
die. For each hour a Hydra stays out of reign the world get corrupted,
the water it will have to beat a sometimes things, inanimate objects,
Constitution check with an grow a consciousness of their own,
accumulative penalty of -1 for each and start moving around. They may be
hour. If it fails the Hydra will apply a more or less intelligent or powerfull,
penalty to all actions equal to 10 times but probably the best words to
the difference (which will also affect describe them are dangerous and
its next Constitution check) and each chaotic. It is impossible to compile
head will lose 10 times that amount of completely how stuff turns to creatures
life points. in infected environments, but we will
give some examples, starting with
Regrowth: Hydras are known for their heavy armors that might have been on
uncanny ability to quickly regrow their display in the now hostile place.
lost heads. Fortunately this is not true
for most Hydras, whom when losing a General Animated Objects Rules
head will need multiple days and a
Regeneration: Despite being inert
plentiful source of food to grow a new
objects, the supernatural forces that
one. Brood Queens on the other hand
give them life may sustain the objects
do have uncanny regenerative
in the same way it allows them to
abilities, and will regrow any lost
move in impossible ways. This means
secondary head 10 rounds after it was
that despite what it would feel
destroyed. Of course, if the main head
intuitive, they do NOT have
is destroyed the Hydra will lose this
Regeneration 0 by default. This doesn‟t
ability permanently.
mean they can‟t get it as a
Explosive Breath: Hydras can launch disadvantage.
a powerful fire breath from any head
Limited Summoning: Animated
(or several of them at once). The
objects are Between Worlds, but they
breath of a queen‟s main head has a
are not Creations, and thus
range of 100 meters and covers an
summoning abilities work with them as
impact area of up to 25 meters. By
with any other similar creature. The
contrast, the smaller heads have a
only problem is that they cannot exist
range of only 25 meters and affect an
outside of an Infected Environment,
area of one meter radius. After using
and thus they can‟t be summoned
its breath each head is required to wait
outside them. An Occult check of
at least three rounds before they can
Absurd (180) can reveal that they can
re-launch it.
be summoned between two different
Infected Environments, as long as the
destination has a potent enough
environment to animate objects.

4 5 2
Extended Life: It is not known when Cut 5 Impact 5 Thrust 5 Heat 5
it was discovered, but an animated Electricity 5 Cold 5 Energy 1
object can survive the sanitization of
Wear Amor: 40
an Infected Environment. It is
necessary an Occult check of Almost Natural Abilities: Disarming Attack
Impossible (240) to know how to Module, Armor Reduction Module
perform it without instructions, and
several supernatural components are Essential Abilities: Physical
necessary to do it. Once completed, Exemption, Unnatural Size, Pain
the creature becomes a Creation. It Immunity, Conductivity (Natural
doesn‟t get Regeneration 0 until they Immunity to an element, Electricity,
are no longer in the Infected Half damage)
Environment they were transformed,
Powers: Gauntlets (Natural
but once out, they can never get it
Weapons), Extrasensorial Vision, Metal
back. Summoning abilities with these
Being (Physical Armor 5, Mystical
animated objects only work if the
Armor 1, Damage Barrier 80), Wear
animated object has an emotional
attachment (such as gratitude,
friendship or hatred) with the Size: 9-22, Medium Regeneration: 2
Movement Value: 6 Fatigue: Tireless
Animated Armors
Secondary Abilities: Notice 60,
Infection… champions? Search 50, Composure 25, Feats of
Strength 90, Disguise (Play dead) 90,
Dance 50.
Level: 3 Category: Between Worlds
Full Plates
Level: 4 Category: Between Worlds
Class: Weaponmaster
Life Points: 180
Class: Weaponmaster
Agi 6 Con 9 Dex 7 Str 9 Int 5 Per 6
Life Points: 215
Pow 5 Wp 6
Agi 7 Con 10 Dex 8 Str 10 Int 6 Per
PhR 50 DR 50 VR 50 MR 40 PsR 45
6 Pow 6 Wp 7
Initiative: 65 Natural
PhR 60 DR 60 VR 60 MR 50 PsR 50
Attack Ability: 120 Gauntlet
Initiative: 75 Natural
Defense Ability: 120 Gauntlet
Attack Ability: 140 Gauntlet, 140
Damage: 50 Gauntlet Weapon, 140 Weapon and 130
AT: Metal Being

4 5 3
Defense Ability: 140 Gauntlet, 140 PhR 70 DR 70 VR 70 MR 55 PsR 60
Initiative: 85 Natural
Damage: 55 Gauntlet
Attack Ability: 160 Martial Arts
AT: Metal Being
Defense Ability: 160 Martial Arts
Cut 6 Impact 6 Thrust 6 Heat 6
Damage: 80 Martial Arts
Electricity 6 Cold 6 Energy 2

AT: Metal Being

Wear Armor: 55

Cut 7 Impact 7 Thrust 7 Heat 7

Natural Abilities: Swords Module,
Electricity 7 Cold 7 Energy 2
Axes Module, Maces Module,
Disarming Attack Module Wear Armor: 70

Essential Abilities: Physical Natural Abilities: Moai Thai

Exemption, Unnatural Size, Pain (Advanced), Kuan (Advanced), Area
Immunity, Conductivity (Natural Attack Module.
Immunity to an element, Electricity,
Half damage) Essential Abilities: Physical
Exemption, Superhuman Physical
Powers: Gauntlets (Natural Weapon, Characteristics, Unnatural Size, Pain
Damage energy), Extrasensorial Immunity, Conductivity (Natural
Vision, Metal Being (Physical Armor 6, Immunity to an element, Electricity,
Mystical Armor 2, Damage Barrier Half damage)
100), Wear Armor
Powers: Gauntlets (Damage energy),
Size: 9-22, Medium Regeneration: 3 Forceful Protection (Special Trapping
12), Extrasensorial Vision, Metal Being
Movement Value: 7 Fatigue: Tireless
(Physical Armor 7, Mystical Armor 2,
Secondary Abilities: Notice 65, Damage Barrier 140), Wear Armor
Search 60, Composure 25, Feats of
Size: 9-22, Medium Regeneration: 4
Strength 100, Disguise (Play dead)
105, Sleight of Hand 75 Movement Value: 8 Fatigue: Tireless

Full Field Plates Secondary Abilities: Notice 80,

Search 70, Composure 25, Feats of
Level: 5 Category: Between Worlds
Strength 125, Disguise (Play dead) 95,
Dance 75, Sleight of Hand 60
Class: Weaponmaster
Life Points: 250
Level: 2 Category: Between Worlds
Agi 8 Con 11 Dex 9 Str 11 Int 7 Per 20
6 Pow 7 Wp 8
Class: Freelancer

4 5 4
Life Points: 80 _______MODUS OPERANDI______

Agi 4 Con 5 Dex 4 Str 2 Int 8 Per 10 Different objects react in different
Pow 6 Wp 8 ways to infected environments. Not all
armors are the same, and their
PhR 35 DR 35 MR 35 MR 40 PsR 45
helmets are animated independently.

Initiative: 50 Natural Half-plates are obsessed with freeing

other objects from the grasp of their
Attack Ability: -5 Unarmed enslavers, and thus their style is more
focused on disarming and avoiding
Defense Ability: 30 Dodge
other armors; they‟re also great
Damage: 0 Unarmed dancers. Full plates also are focused
on disarming, but that‟s because they
AT: Metal Being don‟t have any weapons (they have
been animated too) so they have to
Cut 5 Impact 5 Thrust 5 Heat 5
get them from visitors; they also are
Electricity 5 Cold 5 Energy 2
great jugglers. Full field plates do not
Essential Abilities: Physical try to disarm, and are, somehow,
Exemption, Pain Immunity, great martial artists capable of
Conductivity (Natural immunity to an impressive unarmed feats; they aren‟t
element, Electricity, Half damage) as good jugglers than full plates, but
are even better dancers than half-
Powers: Mystical Flight 6,
Extrasensorial Vision, See
Supernatural, Complete night vision, And then we have the helmets, whose
Share Senses (Innate Spell, Share martial prowess is at best laughable.
Senses 70, 2 additional uses, They have incredible senses, wit and
Conditioned), Metal Being (Physical an extrange fascination with literature;
Armor 5, Mystical Armor 2, Damage usually rely on others to protect them
Barrier 100), Wear Helm in exchange for enhanced senses or
whatever they can come up with.
Size: 7 Small Regeneration: 1
Usually this exchange happens with
Movement Value: 2 / 6 armors, but it is not at all limited to
Fatigue: Tireless
Of course, their favorite tactic against
Secondary Abilities: Notice 80, unsuspecting targets is to play dead,
Search 50, Persuasion 60, Appraisal as if they were just regular pieces of
60, Magic Appraisal 70, Composure 40, protection, maybe on display, maybe
Disguise (Play dead) 75, Art on ground, to catch them by surprise.
(Literature) 60
Conductivity (all): They are made
out of metal, and that conducts
electricity really well. That is a bad
thing for someone being protected by

4 5 5
metal armor. But for the armor itself? damaging the trapped character inside
Electricity just passes through, too fast very difficult (-50 to Attack), though as
to make any significant damage. a silver lining, any attack targeted at
That‟s why all these creatures only the character also targets the armor,
suffer half damage from electricity. and the character is considered to be
protected by a Full field plate against
Gauntlets (Half-plate, Full plate,
those attacks.
Full field plate): The primary weapon
of armors, since real weapons have Share Senses (Helm): Helms have
already been animated on their own. the ability to exchange senses with
The half-plate ones don‟t have a lot to other creatures in the same fashion as
talk about, they act as natural the Share Senses spell (Essence 22) in
weapons, and so do full plate ones, Basic degree, with some little caveats.
though their higher presence allows For starters, they cannot do so if they
them to damage energy. Finally, full aren‟t in direct contact with the target
field plate ones aren‟t natural (though the effect doesn‟t end if there
weapons, but unarmed strikes isn‟t contact) and each use only works
enhanced by their martial arts, and with a singular target. They can use
their high presence makes them this ability up to 3 times per day, and
capable of damaging energy. each use last up to 24h. If an armor or
a character wears a helm as one, the
Metal Being (all): They are armors,
sense exchange can‟t impair their
and as such set to be resistant to
actions, although a creature not used
absorb the blows directed at them.
to Extrasensorial Vision might get
Besides a very high resistance to
dizzy for a few minutes before
physical blows in the form of their ATs,
half plates have a Damage Barrier of
80, Full plates and Helms have a Wear Armor (Half-plate, Full plate,
Damage Barrier of 100, and Full field Full field plate): If convinced, an
plates a Damage Barrier of 140. animated armor can allow itself to be
carried by someone else. Any human-
Forceful Protection (Full field
like creature of medium size consented
plate): The heaviest armor also has
by the armor can wear them as the
the ability to open itself in order to
armor they are (they use the armor
engulf their target and heavily restrain
ATs, not the animated armor ATs).
their capabilities. This is a special
These armors can in time add their
attack that does no damage and
own Wear Armor ability to the carrier
makes a trap without any penalties
in order to make it easier for them to
and a Strength of 12 (they also use
be used, and even after that they don‟t
this Strength for crushing attempts). If
have regular armor penalties (although
they manage to provoke Partial
they still apply penalties for not
Paralysis or Total Paralysis, the target
meeting the requirements and
is considered inside the armor, which
movement penalties). The carrier may
makes attacking the armor without
use the armor‟s Strength in non-

4 5 6
stressful situations in which the armor cannot cause the carrier to be slower
will lend it. than the armor.

Donning an animated armor takes as Furniture

much time as a regular one, though it
There are a lot of things that
could only take a single action from a
Ambiental Infection can spontaneously
Full field plate by using their Forceful
animate, and furniture is one of the
Protection power. Similarly to forceful
more common things that are affected
protection, any attack directed at them
by this effect. Generally, furniture is
targets both of them unless a -50
made of wood, and is also varnished,
penalty to the attack is taken, and only
and that‟s why fire is very effective
the carrier‟s defense is applied to both
against them, doing 50% extra
of them.
This situation requires a lot of trust
Here we will show a few examples of
from both parties, not only because
animated furniture that you can use
attacks normally target both of them,
when you run a game in a place
but also because in this position they
affected by Ambiental Infection.
are both considered At Weapon‟s Point
from each other. Chairs

Wear Helm (Helm): A Helm might be Level: 1 Category: Between Worlds

worn by whomever it allows. Despite 15
normally being open or great helms,
they do not have a Wear Armor Class: Freelancer
requirement, and if they use their
Life Points: 75
Share Senses power no penalty would
be applied to preceptive ability Agi 8, Con 5, Dex 6, Str 8, Int 4,
controls. Per 6, Pow 4, Wp 4

If a helm is using Share Senses with PhR 30 DR 30 VR 30 MR 25 PsR 25

both a carrier that wears it and an
animated armor using the Wear Armor Initiative: 60 Natural

power, coordination between them

Attack Ability: 60 Kick
turns perfect. They act as just one
character, and the carrier may use the Defense Ability: 60 Dodge
armor‟s combat skills (their abilities
Damage: 50 Kick (Impact)
cannot be mixed, if the armor ability is
used only their modules/martial arts AT: None
count, same if it is used the carrier‟s
ability), the highest Strength score Essential Abilities: Physical
between them is always used, there‟s Exemption, Wooden Body (Natural
no Wear Armor ability requirement and Vulnerability to an Element, Fire, 50%
the movement penalty from the armor more damage)

4 5 7
Powers: Kick (Natural Weapon), AT: Natural 3
Extrasensorial Vision
Essential Abilities: Physical
Size: 13, Medium Regeneration: 1 Exemption, Wooden Body (Natural
Vulnerability to an Element, Fire, 50%
Movement Value: 8 Fatigue: Tireless
more damage)
Secondary Abilities: Acrobatics 50,
Powers: Door Slam (Natural Weapon,
Swim 50, Notice 60, Search 40,
Special Trapping 12, Impact, Limited),
Disguise (Play dead) 90, Dance
Splinters (Natural Ranged Weapons,
(Claque) 100
Advanced Ammo, Fired, Burned),

_______MODUS OPERANDI______ Damage Barrier 80, Extrasensorial

Vision, Hinges
Chairs have a dog-like personality, and
are incapable of speech, but they can Size: 18, Medium Regeneration: 2

understand it. As most furniture they

Movement Value: 6/0
will usually hide the fact that they‟re
alive to non-objectos, but if they don‟t Fatigue: Tireless
feel threatened, will act amicably, and
Secondary Abilities: Notice 50,
would even do dances for them. A
Search 40, Intimidate 40, Persuasion
befriended chair can be used as a
60, Style 20, Composure 60, Feats of
mount by a Medium creature with a
Strength 80/100, Withstand Pain 45,
Ride ability of 20 or more.
Art (Poetry) 50, Extra ability 60
_______MODUS OPERANDI______
Level: 2 Category: Between Worlds
The most social of all the furniture, to
the point that they are the only ones
Class: Dark Paladin that never try to play dead. They love
to speak in rhymes, and hate people
Life Points: 760 Damage Resistance
who try to open them. They can move

Agi 6, Con 8, Dex 6, Str 10/12, Int from their frames, but normally they

8, Per 8, Pow 6, Wp 10 prefer to be anchored to their hinges,

which also makes them a little more
PhR 45 DR 45 VR 45 MR 40 PsR 50 powerful.

Initiative: 60 Natural Usually, to let someone through, doors

ask riddles or questions about topics
Attack Ability: 100 Door Slam, 100
they find interesting. Not all doors are
Splinters, 100 Burnt Splinters
equal, but all of them have a topic
Defense Ability: Damage Resistance they are passionate about, in which
they have a value of 60 in the related
Damage: 55/60 Door Slam (Impact), Secondary Ability.
55/60 Splinters (Thrust), 65/70 Burnt
Splinters (Heat)

4 5 8
Door Slam: A door can attack by their bonus to Strength while there‟s
hitting with all of its body. When they only one left.
do, they can choose to either make an
Impact with their Strength, or turn it
into a trapping attack with a Strength Level: 3 Category: Between Worlds
of 12 by squishing the enemy against 15
the wall. Unless they are faced with a
single enemy, they usually just make Class: Weaponmaster
an Impact. If they aren‟t on their
Life Points: 220
hinges, a Door Slam can‟t make
Impacts nor special trapping attacks Agi 4, Con 12, Dex 8, Str 12, Int 5,
(though they could still be used for a Per 8, Pow 6, Wp 6
regular trapping maneuver).
PhR 60 DR 60 VR 60 MR 45 PsR 45
Splinters: Just because a door stays
in place doesn‟t mean they can‟t attack Initiative: 50 Natural

you if you‟re out of melee range. Doors

Attack Ability: 125 Doors, 125 Catch
have the ability to remove enough
splinters of wood from their bodies and Defense Ability: 125 Doors
throw them at unsuspected speed.
Damage: 80 Doors (Impact)
These splinters are considered fired
projectiles, and a door can make up to AT: Resistant Body
50 attacks without suffering any
structural damage. Every hour, the Cut 4 Impact 4 Thrust 4 Heat 0 Cold 4
door can regenerate enough splinters Electricity 4 Energy 0
to regain the use of one attack.
Natural Abilities: Bodyguard Module
If the Door is under the In Flames
Essential Abilities: Physical
effect, their splinters become more
Exemption, Superhuman Physical
dangerous, since they augment their
Characteristics, Wooden Body (Natural
damage by 10 and attack the Heat AT,
Vulnerability to an Element, Fire, 50%
making it possible to propagate their
more damage)
fire to others.
Powers: Doors (Natural Weapon),
Hinges: While a Door is on its hinges
Catch (Special Trapping 12, Special),
they are more powerful. They become
Resistant Body (Physical Armor AT 4,
incapable of moving from their
Limited, Damage Barrier 100),
position, but not only does their Door
Extrasensorial Vision
Slam get extra capabilities, but they
also get a +2 to their Strength. The Size: 24, Big Regeneration: 5
hinges can be attacked with a targeted
attack at a penalty of -50, but they are Movement Value: 4 Fatigue: Tireless

broken with just 20 damage. Doors

Secondary Abilities: Notice 80,
usually have 3 hinges, and they lose
Search 60, Composure 20, Feats of

4 5 9
Strength 120, Withstand Pain 80, Initiative: 80 Natural
Disguise (Play dead) 70, Art (Fashion)
Attack Ability: 100 Kick

Defense Ability: 115 Dodge

_______MODUS OPERANDI______

Damage: 55 Kick (Impact)

Wardrobes became incredibly sturdy
while gaining sentient life. They aren‟t AT: None
stupid, but tend to be simple minded
and relatively easy to manipulate, Essential Abilities: Physical
thing doors usually use to turn them Exemption, Wooden Body (Natural
into their muscle. And despite all that, Vulnerability to an Element, Fire, 50%
Wardrobes have an impeccable sense more damage), Coward (Racial Fear)
of fashion, extrangely cosmopolitan
Powers: Kick (Natural Weapon),
despite wherever they come from, and
Extrasensorial Vision, Damage Barrier
tend to give criticism in that regard to
those who wear clothes, constructive if
they aren‟t hostile, and destructive if Size: 20, Medium Regeneration: 3
they are.
Movement Value: 10
Catch: Wardrobes can make a special
trapping attack without penalties using Fatigue: Tireless

their own Strength. If they manage to

Secondary Abilities: Athletics 100,
put a creature into Partial Paralysis or
Acrobatics 40, Jump 80, Notice 60,
Complete Paralysis and the victim is of
Search 50, Disguise (Play dead) 100
Medium or smaller size, they swallow
them inside and do not suffer Minor Big
Paralysis from maintaining the
Level: 3 Category: Between Worlds
trapping. Usually, unless there‟s no
intention to damage the victim, this is
followed by Crushing attempts. Class: Acrobatic Warrior

Tables Life Points: 170

Small Agi 11, Con 11, Dex 6, Str 11, Int 4,

Per 6, Pow 5, Wp 5
Level: 2 Category: Between Worlds
15 PhR 60 DR 60 VR 60 MR 40 PsR 40

Class: Acrobatic Warrior Initiative: 85 Natural

Life Points: 155 Attack Ability: 120 Kick

Agi 10, Con 10, Dex 6, Str 10, Int 4, Defense Ability: 135 Dodge
Per 6, Pow 5, Wp 5
Damage: 80 Kick (Impact)
PhR 50 DR 50 VR 50 MR 35 PsR 35

4 6 0
AT: None If mounted, a Ride check of 120 can
prevent them from running away, and
Essential Abilities: Physical
one of 180 will prevent them from
Exemption, Superhuman Physical
applying Fear.
Characteristics, Unnatural Size,
Wooden Body (Natural Vulnerability to Beds
an Element, Fire, 50% more damage),
Level: 3 Category: Between Worlds
Coward (Racial Fear)
Powers: Kick (Natural Weapon),
Class: Dark Paladin
Extrasensorial Vision, Damage barrier
100 Life Points: 885 Damage Resistance

Size: 24, Big Regeneration: 4 Agi 8, Con 12, Dex 6, Str 12, Int 8,
Per 7, Pow 8, Wp 8
Movement Value: 11

PhR 60 DR 60 VR 60 MR 50 PsR 50
Fatigue: Tireless

Initiative: 60 Natural
Secondary Abilities: Athletics 150,
Acrobatics 55, Jump 110, Notice 75, Attack Ability: 120 Slam
Search 60, Disguise (Play dead) 115
Defense Ability: Damage Resistance
_______MODUS OPERANDI______
Damage: 80 Slam (Impact)
Like chairs, tables are unable to speak
but understand language. And like Essential Abilities: Physical
chairs, tables have an animal-like Exemption, Superhuman Physical
behavior, although they are more Characteristics, Wooden Body (Natural
horse-like. Tables are the ones who Vulnerability to an Element, Fire, 50%
play dead the most, since overall they more damage)
are incredibly cowardly.
Powers: Slam (Natural Weapon),
A small table can be mounted by 2 Extrasensorial Vision, Damage Barrier
Medium sized individuals, and a big 100
table can be mounted by 4 Medium
Size: 24, Big Regeneration: 5
sized or 1 Big sized individual.
Movement Value: 8 Fatigue: Tireless
Cowards: Tables will only join combat
against enemies that they know are Secondary Abilities: Acrobatics 80,
weaker than them, or when they Notice 65, Search 55, Persuasion 70,
outnumber them with the cooperation Science (Philosophy) 90, Disguise
of other furniture, but at the first sign (Play dead) 80, Composure 80,
of danger they will apply Fear and run Withstand Pain 80
away in the opposite direction, if

4 6 1
_______MODUS OPERANDI______ Cut 13 Impact 13 Thrust 13 Heat 13
Electricity 13 Cold 13 Energy 8
Almost as social as Doors, Beds will
usually play dead like every other Wear Armor: 130
furniture. If engaged in conversation,
MK: 540 Used: 520
all of them love a good philosophical
debate, and will always be friendly to Accumulations: Agi 3 Con 3 Dex 3
those who gave them what they Str 3 Pow 3 Wp 2 (suma 17)
consider an interesting conversation,
unless they are being forced to act in a Ki: 104
different way.
Ki Abilities: Use of Ki, Ki Control, Ki
Beds can be mounted. Regular beds Detection, Erudition, Combat Aura,
can handle 2 Medium sized creatures, Force Techniques, Weight Elimination,
while double beds can handle 4 Levitation, Flight, Presence Extrusion,
Medium sized creatures or 1 Big sized Aura Extension, Increased Speed,
creature. Increased Damage, Elemental Attack
(All), Destruction by Ki, Use of
Bruce Necessary Energy, Ki Concealment,
Concealment Aura, Characteristic
Full Field Plate +15
Augmentation, Superior Augmentation
Level: 20 Category: Between Worlds
Techniques: Iron Hand, Iron Defense,
Break Legends, Extend Presence
Class: Weaponmaster 10/Tao 10
Natural Abilities: Moai Thai
Life Points: 500 (Supreme), Hakyoukuken (Arcane),
Rex Frame (Arcane), Boxing
Agi 14, Con 15, Dex 15, Str 15, Int
(Supreme), Godhand (Arcane), Kempo
10, Per 13, Pow 13, Wp 10
(Supreme), Dumah (Arcane)

PhR 155 DR 155 VR 155 MR 150 PsR

Essential Abilities: Physical
Exemption, Pain Immunity,

Initiative: 265 Martial Arts, 205 Supernatural Physical Characteristics,

Natural Superhuman Animic Characteristics,

Conductivity (Natural Immunity to an
Attack Ability: 410 Martial Arts, 390 element, Electricity, Complete
Forceful Protection Immunity), Unnatural Size x2, Zen

Defense Ability: 410 Martial Arts Powers: Forceful Protection (Special

Trapping 14, Especial), Metal Being
Damage: 210 Martial Arts (220 Earth
(Natural Armor 10, Mystical Armor 5,
Elemental Attack)
Damage Barrier 160), Extrasensorial
AT: Metal Being + Rex Frame Vision, See Supernatural, Wear Armor,
Infection Core, Potential Catastrophe

4 6 2
Size: 20, Medium Regeneration: 8 of 14, and in case of reaching a Partial
or Total Paralysis result, the target is
Movement Value: 14
trapped inside him.

Fatigue: Tireless
Due to the presence of the Infection

Secondary Abilities: Acrobatics 120, Core, anyone caught inside Bruce must

Notice 160, Search 140, Style 160, roll a Power check at difficulty 15 each
Memorize 110, Occult 105, Magic round. In case of failure, they suffer

Appraisal 105, Composure 140, Feats the consequences of a magical failure

of Strength 160, Dance 200, Sleight of in a Node. Additionally, they must pass

Hand 120, Ki Detection 355, Ki a MR check against 180 each round or

Concealment 267 suffer mutation effects in an

environment of greater Environmental
Conductivity: As a metal armor, Infection (re-failing the check replaces
Bruce conducts electricity with great previous mutations with new ones, in
ease. That would be terrible if he was addition to causing a an all action
struck by lightning... in case he had penalty of -10 for each failure after the
someone inside him. On the contrary, first due to to the violence of the
since electricity spends so little time changes that the body undergoes, this
inside him, it is unable to harm him. penalty recovers at a rate of -10 per
That is why Bruce is immune to all day).
electrical damage that has not been
caused by a creature of Gnosis 30 or Normally Bruce does not use this

higher. power against individuals, but to

quickly capture sources of
Metal Being: As an armor, its function Environmental Infection.
is to be extremely resistant to blows,
especially being one of such quality as Wear Armor: This power works the

Bruce. That is why Bruce has an AT of same as other animated armor.

10 against all physical attacks, and an However, being inside Bruce has the

AT of 5 against all Energy attacks, as consequences described in Forced

well as a Damage Barrier of 160. If he Protection.

is not wielding a weapon, thanks to

Infection Core: Due to his enormous
Rex Frame all of his ATs are increased
presence, Bruce was able to contain
by 3 and his Damage Barrier to 200.
the focus of the Environmental
Forceful Protection: Like its lesser- Infection that originated him within

quality siblings, Bruce can open up to himself, and over time he began to

trap Medium-sized or smaller creatures keep other focuses inside, storing

inside. If he uses this ability, he can large amounts of corrupted energy.

make a damage-free trapping attack This caused Bruce to gain a number of

with no penalty to his ability (although powers, some of which are above what

he also does not apply the Master his Gnosis would allow. It is because of

Bonuses from his martial arts). This this that it suffers as a secondary
grapple is made with a Strength value effect Potential Catastrophe.

4 6 3
This core of corrupted energy acts as a point of Gaia where the place
soul proxy, allowing him to develop Ki was originally. Alternatively, he
abilities and techniques, and can also can enter and exit them with an
be used as a Chaotic Node (+5 active action.
difficulty), as well as regenerating 1 ki  He can cause mutations on
point per round (even if he is spending contact. Although he has no
Ki). control over their outcome, he
can choose the degree to which
In addition, he can control the usual
they affect the target. He needs
effects of Environmental Blight at will
continuous contact (for
in the following ways:
example, using or being the

 He can safely open portals to victim of the Trapping

the Vigil anywhere, no matter maneuver) for as many rounds

the level of protection against it as the target's level to provoke

(although in places where the it if he intends to do so. The

veil is strong, even if forcefully oozing Infection is powerful

like the protection the enough that even trying to

Magatamas bring, they wouldn't suppress it will still cause light
take too long to close), and he Environmental Infection

can close any portal he sees mutations with a continuous

that himself or a source of contact of 1 minute per level.

Environmental Infection has  He can animate objects by

caused. This skill has a touch. If he chooses to do it

maximum range of 100m. actively it only requires an

 He can turn places into Closed active action for objects with a

Spaces. Doing so takes one Presence of 100 or less, if it is

minute for every 10 Presence higher it requires an additional

the place he‟s trying to convert round for every 10 Presence

has. He can freely choose how that they exceed. If he instead

often these manifest again in chooses to suppress his ability,

the world, whether they do so objects in continuous contact

through a condition, or whether with him still animate at a rate

they never manifest again. This of one round for every 10

Closed Space effect ends if the presence the object has.

trapped location takes massive Objects are animated as

damage. described in the Environmental

 He can undo Closed Spaces Infection section (1 level for

with an active action, both every 10 Presence); Bruce has

those he has created himself no control over their abilities,

and those produced by and they can only remain

Environmental Infection. He animated for 5 rounds if not in

doesn't need to be inside it to contact with him, unless they

do it, he can also do it from the are in an Environmental

4 6 4
Infection capable of animating automatic critical hit increases the
objects, in which case they critical level by 20.
remain animated as long as
A level 101 or higher critical hit on
they are inside it.
Bruce's limb, apart from amputation,
 He can make an object's
causes an explosion equivalent to an
animation permanent
Arcane Grade Fire Mine, only it attacks
(regardless of whether he or an
at the Energy AT and does not deal fire
Environmental Infection has
damage. On Bruce the explosion is
animated it) by imbuing it with
different, attacking him with a base
a portion of his energy. This
(not a final result) of 440 and ignoring
process requires uninterrupted
his AT.
contact with the item for 1 hour
per the item‟s level. A critical score over 50 to the chest
 He can return animated objects cracks it and causes various strange
to their inanimate state. This effects on the environment (roll 1d10
ability does not work on and check the Uncontrolled Magic
animated objects that have table). These effects are continuous
gained permanency, either around Bruce in an area equal to his
through the proper ritual or by Presence in meters (Presence as a
being given it by Bruce, and it creature, 125) until the wound heals,
also does not work on objects but also have a permanence in the
that are in direct contact with environment in which they would have
him. With an active action, all been active (each effect has a different
animated objects within 100m permanence).
that are susceptible to this
ability (and that Bruce has not A critical of more than 100 in the chest
deliberately selected as causes automatic death. If Bruce is
immune) must pass a MR 150 killed in this manner, an explosion
or they will revert to their centered on him capable of blasting
inanimate state. great distances is generated at the end
of the round. At 50m from the center
Potential Catastrophe: The of the explosion, a base attack (not
overflowing corrupted energy within final) of 440 is produced with a
Bruce makes him quite fragile, or at damage of 250 that hits in the Energy
least more fragile than a creature as AT, the damage produced in this area
resilient as he should be. is recovered at the rate of Sacrifice.
Between 51m and 500m from the
His entire body is considered a
center, the attack has a base (not
vulnerable point when determining the
final) 320 and 150 damage that hits
damage required to cause a critical hit.
the Energy AT. Between 501 m and 2
Effects that have this ability cause
km from the explosion it has a final
critical hits for any amount of damage
attack of 280 with a damage 50 that
instead, and any effect that causes an
hits the Impact AT (the damage is 100

4 6 5
for those who are underground or on fades in the area, and the two
the surface up to 10m from the places merge into one. In
ground). places where the veil is weak,
the permanence of the effect is
Uncontrolled Magic: Hitting Bruce's
1d10 days.
chest is not a good idea, as it can have
 Summoning: The area
the strangest consequences. Every
becomes extremely akin to
time Bruce suffers a 51 to 100 critical
summoning abilities. Those who
hit to the chest, roll 1d10 and consult
use these abilities get a +40
this table to see how the released
bonus to them while in the
energies affect the world.
area. The GM can cause any
number of creatures up to level
3 to manifest every minute the
area is active.
 Reverse Gravity: The
area is subject to the effects of
the Reverse Gravity spell (Earth
66), and anyone who wishes to
avoid its effects must pass a
MR check against 140 each
round. The maximum height is
the same as the area, although
Bruce can choose to be
affected, and if he is still
 Vitality: A large amount of
generating the area the
vegetation begins to grow in
permanence increases the
the area spontaneously, and
maximum height.
everything that enters the area
 Explosions: At the end of each
gains Regeneration 16 as long
round an explosion attacks
as they stay inside.
everything inside the area with
 Mutability: Everyone in the
a final attack of Inhuman (320)
area is subjected to the
against the Energy AT with a
mutating effects of
base damage of 100. Those
Environmental Infection as if
who do not see magic or pass a
Bruce was intentionally causing
Notice check against 180 will
it at High Infection.
suffer the Surprise penalty the
 Decay: All vegetation and
first time this effect attacks
small animals die. Whoever is
inside the area must pass a MR
 Time Alteration: In this area,
check against 140 each round
time flows in a strange way,
or suffer damage equal to the
and everyone inside must pass
level of failure.
a MR check against 140 each
 Veil Rupture: The veil
time they enter the area in
between the Wake and Gaia

4 6 6
order to avoid this effect. Those Effects: Attack Ability +50, Damage
who fail will suffer the effects of +40
Temporary Haste (Time 14) at Advantages: Ki Reduction 2
Base Grade or Temporary Type: Action (Attack)
Slowness (Time 24) at Base
Grade each turn, randomly Iron Defense
determined before calculating Level: 1 MK: 40
initiatives. There are few occasions when a being
 Miscellaneous: Everything as powerful as Bruce has to make a
within the area undergoes real effort to defend himself. But when
relatively innocuous but easily that's the case, a new pair of energy
visible changes. The height of arms manifest beneath the ones
everything increases or already there, which are drawn to
decreases several centimeters, hostility and movement, easily
the colors of things change, etc. blocking as many attacks as
These effects are unavoidable necessary.
within the area, but disappear When Bruce casts Iron Defense he is
when leaving the area if a MR able to make two additional defenses
140 is passed. as if they were his first, starting to
Techniques count as additional defenses from the
Bruce is a master of ki, and as such fourth, and he gets a +50 bonus to his
aside from his multitude of ki abilities, Block Ability with his first three
he has developed a number of defenses.
techniques to support him in the rare Dex 3 Agi 3 Con 3
moments when he must engage in Effects: Block Ability +50, Additional
serious combat. Defenses +2
Advantages: Ki Reduction 2
Iron Hand Type: Action (Defense)
Level: 1 MK: 45
When executing this technique, one of Break Legends
Bruce's arms begins to emit light in Level: 1 MK: 30
the form of a multitude of runes of His extraordinary strength and
diverse origin. This is the signal before mastery over the art of the air makes
a devastating blow. On impact, the Bruce an expert when it comes to
runes instantly vanish, and the power destroying weapons or other armors.
of the blow is so shattering that it However, legendary items are usually
produces a sonic boom audible from beyond his abilities…until Bruce
long distances. decides they aren't. Manifesting a
For mechanical purposes, Iron Hand purple debilitating aura around his
allows Bruce to execute one of his body, for 3 seconds even legendary
attacks with a bonus of 50 to his weapons can shatter against his
Attack Ability and 40 to his Damage. gauntlets.
Dex 3 Str 3 Con 3

4 6 7
Upon executing Break Legends Bruce AT: Metal Being
increases his breakage by 20 for an Cut 8 Impact 8 Thrust 8 Heat 8
entire round, bringing his total to 53. Electricity 8 Cold 8 Energy 5
Str 3 Con 3 Wp 2 MA: 180
Effects: Breakage +20 Innate Magic: 90
Advantages: Ki Reduction 1 Zeon Regeneration: 345
Type: Round (Attack) Magic Projection: 380
Zeon: 2700, 1500 in Magic Prism
Extend Presence Magic Levels: Creation-Literae 90,
Level: 1 MK: 35 Earth 90, 220 Metamagic
Bruce's enemies aren't always within Free Access: Create Music,
reach of his fists. To solve this, the Cleanliness, Enchant, Infinite Bag,
armor increases the power of the aura Understand Languages, Send Message,
of his arms to the point that he can Purification, Heal Diseases, Absorb
release a blow like a torrent of energy Information, Show the Invisible,
that can take on different aspects Visualize Cartography, Merge with
depending on whether he uses an Body, Increase Mental Characteristics,
elemental attack and which one. Paralyze, Containment, Detection
By executing Extend Presence Bruce Mark, Gate, Magic Prism
can make an attack capable of hitting Metamagic: Increased Destruction
a target 100m away using his Martial (2), Empowered Shields (2), Defensive
Arts damage +25. Expertise (3), Expanded Area (2),
Dex 3 Str 3 Pow 3 Wp 2 Offensive Expertise (3), Mystic
Effects: Ranged Attack 100m, Accuracy (2), Remove Protection (2),
Damage +25 Force Speed, Feel Magic, Transfer
Advantages: Ki Reduction 1 Magic, Energy Control, Control Space,
Type: Action (Attack) Life Magic, Double Innate Spells,
Natural Maintenance
Essential Abilities: Gift, Supreme

Closed Helm +15 Sorcery (Superior Magic Recovery,

Improved Innate Magic, Gestureless
Level: 17 Category: Between Casting, Unspoken Casting), Physical
Worldss 25 Exemption, Superhuman Physical
Class: Sorcerer Characteristics, Supernatural Mental
Life Points: 260 Characteristics, Conductivity (Natural
Agi 8, Con 13, Dex 13, Str 5, Int 15, Immunity to an element, Electricity,
Per 15, Pow 15, Wp 13 Complete Immunity), Unnatural Size
PhR 135 DR 135 VR 135 MR 140 PsR x2, Inhumanity
135 Powers: Metal Being (Natural Armor
Initiative: 170 Natural 8, Mystical Armor 5, Damage Barrier
Attack Ability: 25 Unarmed 160), Mystical Flight 8, Full Vision
Defense Ability: 10 Dodge (Extrasensorial Vision, See
Damage: 10 Unarmed Supernatural, Gnostic Vision), Share

4 6 8
Senses (Innate Spell, Share Senses especially being one of such quality as
70, 2 additional uses, Conditioned), Harry. That is why Harry has an AT of
Wear Helm, Infection Core (Minor) 8 against all physical attacks, and 5
Size: 8, Small Regeneration: 6 against Energy attacks, as well as a
Movement Value: 6/8 Damage Barrier of 160.
Fatigue: Tireless Full Vision: There are few things that
Secondary Abilities: Acrobatics 105, escape Harry's vision. Harry's vision
Persuasion 105, Notice 110, Search originates from each and every point
105, History 120, Science 130, of his metallic body, so there is no
Memorize 140, Occult 200, Magic front or back, and the ambient level of
Appraisal 300, Art (Literature) 180 light is unable to affect his ability to
Supreme Sorcery: After so many see, be it absolute darkness or blinding
years exposed to light. In addition,
supernatural he can see magic,
energies Harry has matrices, and
become so akin to spirits, as well as
magic that it other hidden forces
comes to him with to those without
a mere thought See the
and the energies Supernatural, and
swirl around him is even capable of
constantly. This is measuring the
why Harry is existential power of
considered to have any creature he
the Gestureless sees.
Casting, Unspoken Share Senses:
Casting, Superior Helms have the
Magic Recovery (1) ability to exchange
and Improved senses with other
Innate Magic (1) creatures in the
advantages. same fashion as the
Conductivity: As a metal armor, Share Senses spell (Essence 22) in
Harry conducts electricity with great Basic degree, with some little caveats.
ease. That would be terrible if he was For starters, they cannot do so if they
struck by lightning... in case he had aren‟t in direct contact with the target
someone inside him. On the contrary, (though the effect doesn‟t end if there
since electricity spends so little time isn‟t contact) and each use only works
inside it, it is unable to harm it. This is with a singular target. They can use
why Harry is immune to all electrical this ability up to 3 times per day, and
damage that has not been caused by a each use last up to 24h. If an armor or
creature of Gnosis 30 or higher. a character wears a helm as one, the
Metal Being: As a helmet, its function sense exchange can‟t impair their
is to be extremely resistant to blows, actions, although a creature not used

4 6 9
to Extrasensorial Vision might get the movement penalty from the armor
dizzy for a few minutes before cannot cause the carrier to be slower
accommodating. than the armor.
Wear Helm: A Helm might be worn by Infection Core (Minor): Due to his
whomever it allows. Despite being a almost constant position as Bruce's
great helm, Harry does not impose any "head", Harry has been exposed to an
penalties to perceptive abilities to intense part of the Infection Core. This
someone who wears him under the has granted him permanence as an
effects of Share Senses. animated object, as well as a soul-like
If a Harry is using Share Senses with essence that allows him to have the
both a carrier that wears it and an Gift and use magic.
animated armor using the Wear Armor Unlike Bruce, Harry does not have the
power, coordination between them ability to control the effects of
turns perfect. They act as just one Environmental Infection, although
character, and the carrier may use the while in his head position he acts as an
armor‟s combat skills (their abilities extension of him when it comes to
cannot be mixed, if the armor ability is animating objects or causing
used only their modules/martial arts mutations. However, in this position he
count, same if it is used the carrier‟s can also make use of the Infection
ability), the highest Strength score Core as a Chaotic Node which
between them is always used, there‟s increases the difficulty of the controls
no Wear Armor ability requirement and by 5.

4 7 0
The origins of Bruce and Harry are
Kaichi, Lion Dog, supplied by
unknown, as they themselves seem to
have either forgotten or intentionally
concealed it, however they are at least Level: 2
known to have been acting for a few
Category: Between Worlds, 20
years before the founding of Solomon.
Bruce and Harry are a set of Life Points: 120
malebolgia armor and helm of the
finest craftsmanship and highest Class: Wizard
quality, with a style reminiscent of the
Str: 6 Dex: 7 Agi: 6 Con: 8 Pow: 10
Empire of Yehudah. However,
Int: 8 Per: 7 Wp: 9
originally they were not artifacts, and
that is precisely why they are what PhR: 45 MR: 50 PsR: 45 VR: 45 DR:
they are now. They are objects 45
animated by an Environmental
Infection so intense that it was able to Initiative: 70 Natural
affect them even with its high
AT: 1 Physical 3 Energy
presence, so high that they were able
to lock the source of the infection MA: 40
inside Bruce, allowing them to move
Zeon: 660
freely around the world from that
moment, since they were always in an Magic Projection: 100
infected place.
Entities as powerful as this couple Magic Level: 30 Fire, Water or Air
have clashed with very influential
Selected Spells: Detect Lies (Illusion
beings throughout history. Some found
their end in Bruce's gauntlets, others
established a strange relationship of Essential skills: Gift, Elemental
friendship or cordiality, and with affinity, Natural power.
others they simply were not able to
understand each other and went their Powers: Mystic flight 8, Scales

own way. (Physical armor 1, Mystic armor 3),

Over time it seems that the objective See magic, Magic mastery, Familiar

of this couple has become to make all bond.

the Environmental Infection of Gaia
Size: 14, Medium Regeneration: 2
disappear, accumulating it inside and
releasing it in a controlled way that Movement type: 6 / 8 Fatigue: 8
does not cause damage to the
Secondary Abilities: Swim 40, Style
35, Notice 30, Search 30, Animals 40,
Occult 30, Magic Appraisal 70, Dance

Fable: 80 / 140 / 280

4 7 1
Mythology: Shukyokami

Back when the gods walked amongst

the people of Varja it was common to
encounter all sorts of creatures and
spirits from the Samsara. The kind-
hearted creatures known as Kaichis
were probably the friendliest amongst
them, they often approached people
and lived with them. Despite being
against anyone or anything that
spirits from the Ten-gati Kaichis
threatens the people they bonded
behave in a dog-like manner, they love
to create bonds with humans and in
the old times it was common for them Elemental affinity: Despite not being
to appear in the physical world only to elementals, all Kaichis have a powerful
play with some kids. Still today, they connection with either water, fire or
are recognized throughout Varja as a lightning. This connection makes them
symbol of good luck and prosperity, immune to any natural source of their
and they are often portrayed as element and halves any damage based
protectors and guardians. Since they on their element unless it comes from
usually help humans voluntarily they a creature with Gnosis 25 or above.
are a very popular creature amongst
novice summoners, and despite their Flight: Kaichis can freely soar through
link with the land of Varja they usually the air with a flight value of 8. The
don‟t mind being summoned outside of bonus to initiative given by this is
it unless they have already established already reflected in their stats.
emotional bonds with the local
Magic Mastery: Kaichis have an
innate control of magical forces, thus
While the Kaichi mostly disappeared they can add a +20 to the zeonic value
from the physical world after the of their spells. This ability doesn‟t work
activation of Upnapistim, they are on spells above level 40.
gradually coming back since the
Familiar Bond: One of the most
Rupture of heaven.
unique traits of Kaichis is that when
_______MODUS OPERANDI______ they are bound to someone as a
familiar they resonate with the spirit of
This goofy behavior leads most people their new master and become more
into believing that a Kaichi is a powerful. Therefore, when a Kaichi
harmless and defenseless creature, but becomes someone‟s familiar it
in reality they are in essence guardian increases all of its attributes by 1
spirits that command the elements point, and obtains a permanent bonus
themselves, and will fight ferociously of +20 to their Magic Resistance.

4 7 2
Kelpie, River Guardians,
supplied by Shiryu

“He watched the whirlpools boil,

until his dazzled eyes saw how the
guardian of the river rose from
the foam”

Name: Kelpie.

Rank: Intermediate Water

Kelpie is that of a stallion of a variable
Age: They live between 200 and 400 color but always pale, although thanks
years. Presumably the first arose to their metamorphic abilities they are
10,000 years ago. capable of adopting other forms,
usually the form of a human of great
Combat Style: Domain over water
beauty or that of large dogs with dark
and to a lesser degree ice.
fur. The Kelpie live in the lakes or
Race: Between Worlds, Elemental; rivers that saw them born, acting as
Water. their guardians, eliminating anyone
who could pose a direct danger. This
Fable: 80 / 140 / 240
attitude has caused many legends in
Mythology: Christian Faith, Lilium y the old continent about evil spirits that
Tolkappiyam. live in lakes and rivers eager to tempt
and drown the unwary.
Hobbies: Observe river life.
These traditions change completely in
What they appreciate most: The Eurakia, where the largest population
tranquillity, the rivers that form their of Kelpie in Gaïa is found in Arabal and
territories. Corina, where they are seen as
guardians and protectors of their
What they hate most: To those who
people. However, after the activation
enter their territory without
of Rah's machine, many became
lethargic and due to the passing of the
years along with the advance of
Christianity, their presence and acts in
The Kelpie are water elementals of Arabal have fallen into oblivion in the
intermediate power born by the big cities, with the opposite happening
accumulation of supernatural power in in the rural towns of the Arab world. A
the deepest areas of lakes or large labyrinth of rivers where they are still
rivers. Although their body is made remembered.
entirely of water, the basic form of a

4 7 3
Currently the Kelpie that have Track 80, Persuasion (Seduction)
awakened from their slumber are 40/120, Hide 140 and Stealth 140.
under the command of the High
_______MODUS OPERANDI______
Elemental Ponthos and the Varuna
Phrovion in Arabal while those that A Kelpie does not usually initiate
have awakened in Corina serve the violent actions against those who enter
Ondina Woen. In both cases they tend their domain, first they observe the
to act both as his guards and as his intruders using their metamorphic
enforcers. qualities, if they are hostile they will
approach them and warn them that
Kelpie (Level 4)
their presence is not pleasant, if they
Level: 4 Category: Between Worlds, are ignored they will not waste time
Elemental (Water) 20 and will proceed to eliminate it either
by drowning it or tearing it apart with
Life Points: 1210
your weapons.

Class: Assassin
Water body: The body of a Kelpie is a

Str: 10 Dex: 11 Agi: 11 Con: 8 Pow: body of water which allows them to

8 Int: 8 Wil: 8 Per: 12 voluntarily alter their shape and gives

them the following qualities.
PhR: 45 MR: 45 PsR: 45 DR: 45 VR:
45  The limited metamorphism
works effectively, as anyone
Initiative: 120 Natural who sees it must make a Notice
vs Very Hard check to notice its
Attack Ability: 145 Water body
liquid nature.
Defense Ability: Damage Resistance  Through this metamorphism,
they can assume the form of a
Damage: 70 Water body (Cut-Thrust- mortal, usually a human, or
Impact/Cold) that of a great dog if they wish.
 Additionally, through its
AT: Natural 3
metamorphism it has the ability
Essential Abilities: Superhuman to turn its limbs into various
Spiritual Characteristics, Superhuman physical weapons, which will
Physic Characteristics, Physical have a +5 quality, these
Exemption, Inhumanity and Acute weapons are capable of
Sense (Scent). Powers: Water body, damaging energy and can be
Aquatic Shadow and Metamorphism. frozen at will, allowing them to
use Cold as a secondary critical.
Size: 19 Medium Regeneration: 2
 If they wish, they can use these

Movement Value: 11 Fatigue: 8 weapons to perform a trapping

maneuver without penalty with
Secondary Abilities: Athleticism 80, an ability value of 12.
Notice 120/150, Search 120/150,

4 7 4
 Although not properly Damage: 125 Beak (Thrust), 125
immaterial, a Kelpie can enter Tentacles (Bludgeoning).
any place it is able to squeeze
AT: Natural armour + Chitin armour
into, such as small cracks. In
Physical 7, Energy 6
this state, the elemental is
completely invulnerable to Natural abilities: Improvised
Thrust and Cut attacks that do weapons module (Special)
not damage energy, while
Impact attacks have only half Essential abilities: Supernatural
the effect (unless they damage physical characteristics, Superhuman
energy, which will still affect it spiritual characteristics, Zen, Immunity
fully). Unfortunately, they to an element: Half damage (water)
become vulnerable to
Powers: Beak and Tentacles (Natural
paralyzing cold effects, applying
weapons, -4 AT, Random multiple
a -20 penalty to his Resistances
attacks: D5), Natural grappling, Full
against them.
night vision, Chitin armour, Ink cloud,
Aquatic Shadow: Kelpies are able to Chameleon camouflage.
hide their innate mystical qualities
Size: 28, Huge Regeneration: 7
from supernatural detection as they
have a +50 bonus to their resistances. Movement type: 10 Fatigue: 14

Kraken, Lord of the Ocean, Secondary abilities; Athletics 90,

Notice 90, Search 90, Animals 40,
supplied by Sadrith
Memory 80, Navigation 80, Composure
Young 40, Feats of strength 140, Withstand
pain 120, Sleight of hand 50.
Level: 7
Category: Natural 20
Level: 9
Life points: 3035
Category: Natural 20 or Between
Class: Weapons Master
worlds 25

Str: 14 Dex: 8 Agi: 9 Con: 14 Pow:

Life points: 5150
10 Int: 6 Wil: 12 Per: 10 PhR 85 MR
75 Class: Weapons Master

PsR 80 VR 85 DR 85 Initiative: 75 Str: 15 Dex: 10 Agi: 9 Con: 15 Pow:

Natural 11 Int: 6 Wil: 12 Per: 11

Attack: 190 Beak, 190 Ink Cloud, 170 PhR 100 MR 90 PsR 90 VR 100 DR
Tentacles 100

Defence: Damage resistance. Initiative: 80 Natural

4 7 5
Attack: 220 Beak, 220 Ink Cloud, 200 PhR 115 MR 120 PsR 125 VR 115 DR
Tentacles 115

Defence: Damage resistance. Initiative: 85 Natural

Damage: 150 Beak (Thrust), 150 Attack: 240 Beak, 240 Ink Cloud, 220
Tentacles (Bludgeoning). Tentacles

AT: Natural armour + Chitin armour Defence: Damage resistance.

Physical 9, Energy 8
Damage: 175 Beak (Thrust), 175
Natural abilities: Improvised Tentacles (Bludgeoning).
weapons module (Special)
AT: Natural armour + Chitin armour
Essential abilities: Supernatural Physical 12, Energy 10
physical characteristics, Superhuman
Natural abilities: Improvised
spiritual characteristics, Zen, Immunity
weapons module (Special)
to an element: Half damage (water)

Essential abilities: Supernatural

Powers: Beak and Tentacles (Natural
physical characteristics, Superhuman
weapons, -4 AT, Random multiple
spiritual characteristics, Zen, Immunity
attacks: D5), Natural grappling, Full
to an element: Half damage (water)
night vision, Chitin armour, Ink cloud,
Chameleon camouflage. Powers: Beak and Tentacles (Natural
weapons, -4 AT, Random multiple
Size: 30, Giant Regeneration: 8
attacks: D5), Natural grappling, Full
Movement type: 11 Fatigue: 15 night vision, Chitin armour, Ink cloud,
Chameleon camouflage, Damage
Secondary abilities; Athletics 130,
energy, Increased resistances, Gifts
Notice 120, Search 100, Animals 40,
from the abyss.
Memory 100, Navigation 120,
Composure 100, Feats of strength Size: 34, Colossal Regeneration: 10
180, Withstand pain 140, Sleight of
Movement type: 12 Fatigue: 17
hand 80.
Secondary abilities; Athletics 140,
Notice 130, Search 120, Animals 40,
Level: 11 Memory 100, Navigation 130,
Composure 120, Feats of strength
Category: Between worlds 30
200, Withstand pain 160, Sleight of

Life points: 7825 hand 100.

Class: Weapons Master

Str: 17 Dex: 12 Agi: 9 Con: 17 Pow: Amongst all monster inhabiting the
12 Int: 7 Wil: 13 Per: 11 ocean of Gaïa, the most feared
throughout history are the Krakens,

4 7 6
and not without reason Of all the function in a fundamentally different
monstrosities that inhabit the oceans way than any other known creature.
of Gaïa, undoubtedly the most feared
While the Krakens themselves are
throughout history are the Krakens,
fearsome creatures, there exist among
and not without reason, as it is
them individuals of an infinitely more
certainly easy for a fully developed
dangerous and malevolent nature.
Kraken to sink entire fleets without
Their unique mentality and affinity to
their crew members having the
supernatural energies make them ideal
slightest chance of survival.
targets for the influence of the
Its appearance is similar to that of a Primeval Gods, for that reason some
squid covered with a hard chitinous adult Krakens can mutate and
shell and with hundreds of sharp teeth transcend, becoming atrocities in the
inside its beak. Their size can range service of the gods of the abyss and
from that of an adult human when acquiring mystical abilities that elevate
they are just born to larger than any them above their brothers, but
ship built by men. undoubtedly the most terrifying power
they obtain is the gift of eternal life. A
They have a life expectancy of just
Kraken's body grows indefinitely as
over 100 years, and from the moment
long as they live, limited only by their
they start hunting their body grows
relatively short lifespan. However
and develops non-stop until the day
those that have mutated due to the
they die. The young are those that
power of the Primeval Ones live
have lived between 20 and 50 years,
forever, continuing to grow and
when their body reaches a sufficient
absorbing more and more power from
size to be able to face any other of the
the gods, and when they reach a
creatures with which they coexist.
thousand years of age they are so
From the age of 50 onwards they are
gigantic that they can be mistaken for
considered to have reached adulthood,
small islands. Fortunately, most of
and although they always continue to
these creatures that inhabited Gaïa
grow they will not show a significant
could not withstand the effects of
change before they die.
Rah's machine, perishing or becoming

Kraken possess a fairly advanced dormant in the waters closer to the

degree of intelligence for an animal, Barrier, where the effects of the

being able to develop simple strategies machine were weaker. At present

for hunting, however they are by no there are only 9 ancient Krakens left in

means able to speak or understand the oceans of Gaïa.

any language, and even those who
Beyond even the Ancients, there are
have connected with their minds
stories of three ancestral creatures
supernaturally have found themselves
that have survived since the arrival of
unable to communicate with the
the Primeval Gods on Gaïa, although in
beasts, as their minds seem to
reality none of them have appeared in
over a thousand years, if still alive the

4 7 7
power of these beings could already Natural Grapple: A Kraken can
rival that of the very gods who attempt a grapple with any of its
bestowed their power upon them. tentacle attacks with only a -10
Unlike the other members of their race penalty to its attack ability. The
these monstrosities possessed a high Kraken can be forced to release a
intellect and genuine armies under grappled creature by attacking its
their command. Their names were tentacle directly; for every 100 points
Cthylla the Whisperer, Ythogtha the of damaged dealt against a tentacle
Venerable and Ghatanothoa the that is holding someone the Kraken
Corruptor. will apply a - 1 to his next strength
check to keep that grapple (Note that
_______MODUS OPERANDI______
the damaged dealt at the tentacles is

Since they have no natural predator a still subtracted from the Krakens LP) .

Kraken does not usually feel the need Attacking a tentacle at long range

to act violently, with the sole exception carries a penalty of -20 to the attack

of when they are hunting. Those that ability.

have been infected by the essence of
Ink Cloud: If they feel in danger, a
the primordial act much more
Kraken can release an enormous
erratically and violently, often
amount of ink to blind their enemies.
indiscriminately attacking any being
Although this attack does no damage,
that catches their attention.
anyone who fails to successfully

Should they engage in combat they defend themselves must pass a PhR

will primarily use their tentacles, check or be blinded during one round
spreading their attacks evenly among for every 10 points by which they fail

their opponents. If they have the resistance. The difficulty of the

opportunity, they will try to seize their resistance, as well as the range of this

most resistant enemies to drag them ability, depends on the size of the
into the water, where they will use Kraken. A young Kraken can throw its
their beak to break through their ink up to 100 meters away, covering a

defenses. radius of 5 meters, and forces it to

pass a PhR against 100. Adults have a
If the Kraken is big enough, it will range of 500 meters, with a radius of
finish the confrontation against any 10 meters and a PhR of 120. Finally,
vessel by quickly grabbing it and the old ones reach up to 1 kilometre,
smashing it against the water, or even cover a radius of 25 meters and a PhR
against other vessels. of 140. This ability can be used once
per hour.
Finally, if it feels in danger, it will use
its Ink Cloud ability to blind its Chameleon camouflage: When a
opponents and escape, or in the case Kraken stands completely still, its body
of the most violent Krakens, to create can blend in with its surroundings. If it
an opening in its opponents' defenses remains motionless for more than ten
and finish them off easily. rounds, perceiving it requires a Search

4 7 8
check of Absurd or an Almost Attack skill as its tentacles. Contrary to
Impossible check of Notice. the general rules it is possible to
mitigate these hits by using the
Improvised Weapons: A Kraken's
Acrobatics skill as a defense.
tentacles are extremely dexterous and
versatile, allowing the creatures to use Mutations: Kraken that have
any object within reach as a weapon. synchronized with the power of the
If the Kraken manages to grab a blunt ancient gods transcend, until they
and sufficiently heavy object it can use become beings that do not belong to
it as a weapon by substituting one of this world. These Kraken are
its attacks with the tentacles. Rules- considered Between Worlds beings of
wise these weapons are considered to Gnosis 25, or 30 in the case of the
have a damage of between 100 and Ancient ones. They also gain the ability
250 points depending on their size, to Damage Energy and increase their
and can be used as throwable Magical and Psychic Resistance by 20
weapons. Depending on the size of the points. These abilities are already
Kraken, the objects it can use can reflected in the card of the Ancient
range from logs or large rocks to Kraken, since all of them have been
whole galleons. affected by the power of the
In addition, if it gets at least a partial
grab against one of its opponents it Gifts of the Abyss: The Ancient
can use them as a weapon. When a Kraken can possess a multitude of
creature is used as a weapon by a different abilities due to mutations
Kraken it will receive an attack every caused by the power of the gods of the
time it hits someone or is blocked (but Abyss. As a result, they possess the
not if it is dodged). This attack has a equivalent of 150 PD to acquire
base damage equal to twice the monster powers or improve the ones
Kraken's Strength bonus and the same they possess.

4 7 9
Leshy, supplied by Sadrith
Level: 9 Category: Between worlds

Life Points: 3085

Class: Ranger

Str: 13 Dex: 12 Agi: 8 Con: 14 Pow:

10 Int: 8 Per: 12 Wil: 12

PhR: 95 MR: 85 PsR: 90 VR: 95 DR:


Initiative: 95 Natural

Attack: 220

Defense: Damage resistance

Damage: 125 Poisonous weapons
(Cutting), 140 One with the wild
(Var.) AT: 6 Natural Leshies have been the absolute lords
of the forests of Moth for more
Essential abilities: Physical centuries than men can remember.
exemption, Supernatural physical Unlike the forest spirits one might
characteristics, Superhuman spiritual encounter in the rest of the world,
characteristics, Inhumanity, Affinity, Leshies are evil and destructive beings
Vulnerability to an element (+50% fire with an abhorrent power capable of
damage) bending the very will of the forest
under their command.
Powers: Claws (Natural weapons, lvl
60 poison), Free movement through Leshies will unceremoniously attack
nature, Soul of the forest, anyone foolish enough to venture into
Regeneration, One with the wild. their territory, for they are always
desperate to find food for their forests
Size: 27, Enormous
so that it can spread further.
Regeneration: 17 / 7
However, these instincts should not be
Movement type: 9 Fatigue: Tireless confused with a forest guardian's
desire to protect their home. Leshies
Secondary skills: Intimidate 120, are selfish, parasitic beings capable of
Notice 150, Search 130, Animals 200, controlling and absorbing the power of
Herbology 200, Poisons 140. the forest, so when they cause the
forest to spread they are only
Fable: 120 / 180 / 280
increasing their own power.
Mythology: Lilium

4 8 0
Leshies have absolute control over with one existing in practically every
every living thing in the forest, both forest of sufficient size in Moth,
plants and animals, and will not especially in the so-called Forest of
hesitate to sacrifice each and every Gehenna, an area composed of dozens
one of those lives if it can extend their of different forest groves, most of
own existence for a single day longer. which are home to a Leshy.

Local legends about the origin of these _______MODUS OPERANDI______

beings are as varied and fantastic as
Although a Leshy is extremely
they are incoherent, however Kilian,
powerful and aggressive, their strong
the legendary agent of the Twilight
survival instinct leads them to avoid
Brotherhood, theorizes that in the
close combat, as they are able to fight
distant past before Moth was engulfed
effectively from anywhere in the
in darkness, these forests were
forest. Therefore their preferred
protected by the guardian spirits
strategy when detecting intruders is to
known as Harekawa, who still exist in
use their One with the Wild ability to
the strongest forests of Gaïa protecting
finish them off from a safe position
its inhabitants. However, the evil and
and send the forest creatures into
dark influence that covers these lands
combat even if it means their certain
managed to corrupt these benevolent
beings in an irreversible way, twisting
their purposes and deforming their If he is drawn into close-range combat
character. he will use his poison on as many of
his opponents as possible before
The Harekawa affected by this
fleeing through the thicket, where he
phenomenon gradually forgot their
will wait for his poison to take effect
function in the world and abandoned
and then finish off his enemies.
their spiritual form to take the entire
forest as their body. Consequently the Poisonous weapons: The claws and
Leshies are a dark reflection of the jaws of a Leshy produce a powerful
Harekawa and all that they represent. toxin that it inoculates with each of its
blows. Anyone hit by one of the
Although in ancient times there were
Leshy's attacks must pass a VR check
only a few Leshies while most forest
of 120 or within a couple of minutes
spirits had managed to contain that
will be affected by Weakness. If he
darkness, the activation of the Rah
fails the VR by more than 20 points he
Machine and the consequent death of
will also receive the Extreme Pain
everything supernatural led the
guardians of virtually all the forests of
Moth to give in to those dark instincts Soul of the forest: Like the lords of
and join with the forest to survive. the forest, a Leshy can see everything
Consequently, Leshies are much more that happens in his territory. At will,
common in Moth than their he can merge his consciousness with
counterparts in the rest of the world,

4 8 1
that of any animal or plant and use it each round the Leshy may use one of
as a temporary avatar. the following special abilities.

Regeneration: A Leshy feeds on its  Increased damage: During

own forest to prolong its own life, so this round the Leshy can attack
as long as it is in its territory, it with huge clumps that drag
obtains a Regeneration Type 17. logs, rocks and earth. Therefore
the base damage of his attacks
Because of this connection, ending the
is increased to 180.
Leshy can mean ending the forest; as
it regenerates its own wounds the  Area Attack: Using whole
vegetation around it will wither at trees or roots coming out from
great speed, lacking the nutrients that under the ground, the Leshy
keep it alive. can cover great distances in a
single strike. Its attacks in this
Affinity: A Leshy is akin to all natural
round strike in an area of 10
creatures that dwell in the forests of
meters radius.
Moth. They instinctively recognize him
as their master, driven by an ancestral  Trapping: Branches, roots and
terror towards the creature. even supernaturally reinforced
vines can be used to trap your
One with the Forest: The most
enemies. In this round the
terrifying ability a Leshy possesses is
Leshy can try to trap with his
the ability to become one with his
attacks without suffering any
forest by simultaneously taking control
penalty and with a Strength of
of all the plants and creatures that
inhabit it. To activate this ability the
Leshy sinks his feet and his Paws into  Unexpected usage: The Leshy
the ground, becoming unable to move will attack from underground or
or perform any action for 3 rounds as through the undergrowth so
he becomes one with the roots of that his opponents cannot see
every tree, every plant and every him coming until the last
blade of grass. Once the process is moment. If his target fails a
complete the Leshy will still be unable Notice check against Very
to move from the place where it has Difficult (140) he will apply the
taken root, but will now be able to use surprise penalty this round. Of
the entire forest as an extension of its course this ability will cease to
own being. be effective against someone
who has already witnessed it
Rules wise, the Leshy can attack any
more than 2 or 3 times.
point in the forest regardless of the
distance separating them, though they  Lord of the beasts: In this
still count as melee attacks, with a round the Lord of the Forest
base damage of 140 in Cutting, Impact can communicate
or Thrust at his discretion. In addition, simultaneously with all the

4 8 2
animals in his territory to give deterioration, and if they are all
them orders. destroyed at the same time the Leshy
will immediately lose its connection
 Barrier: In addition to
and will not be able to regain it for at
attacking normally, in this
least a century.
round the Leshy can erect a log
barrier anywhere in the forest. The number of totems a Leshy has can
Even if it is only about 5 meters vary between three and 10 depending
long and 3 meters high at on the size of the forest and the power
most, among the undergrowth of that particular Leshy.
of the forest it can mean a
detour of dozens and dozens of Living Nightmares
meters. These structures have
a damage barrier of 60 and 300
(Rework), supplied by Sadrith
structural points. This ability
Little Nightmare
can pose a certain danger to
the Leshy, because as long as Level: 3 Category: Between Worlds,
he keeps it active any damage Elemental 20
received by the forest will have
repercussions on his Lord. If Life Points: 125
the trees and plants that form it
Class: Warlock
are damaged the Leshy will
receive between a tenth and a Str: 6 Dex: 8 Agi: 8 Con: 7 Pow: 10
fifth of the damage depending Int: 10 Per: 6 Wp: 6
on the size of the forest, if the
PhR: 45 MR: 55 PsR: 45 VR: 45 DR:
forest burns he will feel that he
is in flames… It takes another 3
rounds to retract its roots and Initiative: 75 Natural
undo this ability.
Attack ability: 115 Shadow Blades
Parry ability: 120 Dodge
It is believed that a Leshy anchors its
connection to the forest through a Damage: 45 Shadow Blades (Cold /
series of totem poles that they erect Cut)
and maintain throughout the forest.
AT: None
While destroying one of these totems
usually has no short-term effect, it will Zeon: 320
eventually cause the connection
between the Leshy and its forest to MA: 40 for Darkness spells, 20 for
deteriorate until it is repaired. others

Destroying a single totem this process Magic Projection: 100

would take years, but of course the
Magic Level: 40 Darkness (Umbral)
more totems destroyed the faster the

4 8 3
Essential skills: Superhuman spiritual Magic Level: 60 Darkness (Umbral)
characteristics, Physical Exemption,
Essential skills: Superhuman spiritual
Psychological Immunity, Gift.
characteristics, Physical Exemption,
Powers: Shadow Blades (Natural Psychological Immunity, Gift.
weapons, Damage energy, Elemental
Powers: Shadow Blades (Natural
attack: Cold), Aura of Fear,
weapons, Damage energy, Elemental
Environment control, Elemental Form,
attack: Cold), Aura of Fear,
Avatar, Weakness to the Dawn.
Environment control, Elemental Form,
Size: 13, Medium Regeneration: 1 Avatar, Weakness to the Dawn.

Movement type: 8 Fatigue: Tireless Size: 17, Medium Regeneration: 2

Secondary Abilities: Intimidate 40, Movement type: 8 Fatigue: Tireless

Notice 40, Search 40, Magic Appraisal
Secondary Abilities: Intimidate 70,
95, Hide 100 (40), Sneak 125 (75).
Notice 80, Search 80, Occult 110,
Bad Nightmare Magic Appraisal 140, Hide 140 (80),
Sneak 155 (95).
Level: 6 Category: Between Worlds,
Elemental 25 Arcane Nightmare

Life Points: 180 Level: 9 Category: Between Worlds,

Elemental 30
Class: Warlock
Life Points: 250
Str: 8 Dex: 10 Agi: 8 Con: 9 Pow:
11 Int: 11 Per: 10 Wp: 6 Class: Warlock

PhR: 65 MR: 75 PsR: 60 VR: 65 DR: Str: 12 Dex: 11 Agi: 8 Con: 12 Pow:
65 13 Int: 12 Per: 10 Wp: 8

Initiative: 95 Natural PhR: 90 MR: 95 PsR: 85 VR: 90 DR:

Attack ability: 170 Shadow Blades
Initiative: 105 Natural
Parry ability: 170 Dodge
Attack ability: 230 Shadow Blades
Damage: 50 Shadow Blades (Cold /
Cut) Parry ability: 230 Dodge

AT: None Damage: 80 Shadow Blades (Cold /

Zeon: 520
AT: None
MA: 50 for Darkness spells, 30 for
others Zeon: 680

Magic Projection: 140

4 8 4
MA: 80 for Darkness spells, 60
for others

Magic Projection: 180

Magic Level: 80 Darkness


Essential skills: Superhuman

spiritual characteristics, Physical
Exemption, Psychological
Immunity, Gift.

Powers: Shadow Blades (Natural

weapons, Damage energy,
Elemental attack: Cold), Aura of
Fear, Environment control,
case of lesser Nightmares the range of
Elemental Form, Avatar, Weakness to
this power is much smaller, so it only
the Dawn.
affects those who watch it at very
Size: 17, Medium Regeneration: 2 close range.

Movement type: 8 Fatigue: Tireless Shadow Blades: The attacks of living

nightmares are considered
Secondary Abilities: Intimidate 120,
supernatural and can only be blocked
Notice 105, Search 105, Occult 120,
by means capable of blocking Energy.
Magic Appraisal 160, Hide 165 (105),
In addition, due to their unique nature
Sneak 170 (110).
they attack with Cold.

Environment Control: If they are in

the wake area they are linked to,
Aura of Fear: Due to its dark nature,
Nightmares can alter the environment
anyone contemplating the true form of
to replicate the atmosphere of the
a living nightmare must pass a Magic
nightmare that gave them life, and can
Resistance check against 60 for little
even alter their own form to take on
Nightmares, 80 for bad nightmares
different appearances.
and 120 in the case of arcane ones. If
it fails the resistance it will suffer fear Variations: Living Nightmares can
for a number of rounds equal to the have any kind of power imaginable
level of failure. This is an automatic related to their original nature, so they
effect whose only condition is to look possess between 50 and 200
directly at the nightmare. Someone additional DPs with which they can
who has passed the resistance does acquire any of the monster powers
not need to pass it again for at least listed in the Core Exxet and Those
10 rounds even if he looks at the Who Walked With Us. The amount of
nightmare again. The Nightmare can DPs depends on the power of the
deactivate this ability at will. In the

4 8 5
Nightmare and the nature of the from nightmares if hung on the
dream that shaped it, and as a general headboard of the bed while sleeping.
rule the Nightmare only benefits from Most people, including most occultists,
them if they are in the wake area they dismiss that myth as nothing more
are linked to, however this is not an than a story made up by the Zinner
absolute rule, especially in the case of tribes to sell the fancy contraptions,
the most powerful Nightmares. but the truth is that although they are
completely ineffective in preventing
Avatar: Like many other beings of the
someone from suffering nightmares,
Wake, Living Nightmares can possess
the Dreamcatchers are a powerful
the bodies of dreamers whom they
defense against living Nightmares.
devour or capture while the latter are
When a living Nightmare attempts to
in the wake. While in a physical body
enter the body of someone sleeping
the Nightmares lose their elemental
under a Dreamcatcher it must pass an
Form and are vulnerable to any
MR against 140 or it will be trapped
physical damage, although they can
inside the amulet in a manner similar
still manifest their Shadow Blades and
to a being Bound to a container. The
only an attack capable of damaging
Nightmare may again attempt to
energy can definitively end their life. If
overcome the resistance once a day,
their physical body is destroyed by
however if the dreamcatcher is
purely physical attacks the Nightmare
correctly placed it will be hit directly by
will simply be forced to return to vigil.
the first light of dawn destroying the
Vulnerability to Dawn: Due to the Nightmare automatically.

concept that shapes them, living

Nightmares possess a fatal Loew, Solomonic
vulnerability to the light of dawn. If
Repairation golem supplied by
they are hit by the first rays of the sun
the nightmares are suddenly
extinguished without leaving any trace “Repair unit required in aisle 6”
of their existence. While in the Wake
Nightmares do not have to worry Name: Model C-002 Repair Drone.
about this weakness, probably because
Rank: Repair Unit.
the Wake is not illuminated by the true
sun, but in contrast the light that Age: Variable depending on its
illuminates areas of the Wake charged generators. Presumably the first model
with positive emotions can destroy a was created 3290 years ago.
living Nightmare regardless of the
hour. Combat Style: Combat Protocols.

Dreamcatchers Race: Between Worlds, Creation;

These curious decorative pieces
became popular around the world due Fable: 80 / 140 / 240

to the myth that they can protect you

4 8 6
Mythology: Deus Ex Machina.

Hobbies: None.

What they appreciate most:


What they hate most: None.

In the boom times of the Empire

of Solomon, the Senate, headed
by Emperor Andromalius, started
the manufacture of what would
be the most powerful army that
ever existed on Gaïa. Countless Hours of Fire, a large number of Loews
technomagical weapons, built with the (maybe even a few thousand) were
latest scientific and supernatural distributed across different Solomonic
advances, were created to give bases and survived the disaster. It is
Solomon absolute supremacy in war. It therefore relatively likely to find some
was from among all these works that of these war golems in good condition
the Loews, the Golems for the repair of in many locations. Unfortunately,
techno-magical units, would emerge. Loews run off of an energy generator
These were support units endowed with an average lifetime of about a
with vast technical knowledge to be century. Thus, virtually all that remain
able to fulfill their function. are little more than useless gadgets,
because they lack sufficient power
The Loews are humanoid-sized
reserves to move. Only a few
constructs between 1‟80 meters to 2
hibernated in time to preserve their
meters. In appearance they are less
energy reserves, allowing them to rise
robust than other Logias but their
if necessary to fulfill their original
appearance is really advanced. Their
programming, whatever that might be.
outer shells are white highlighted by
the light of the mystical lines that run Loew (Level 5)
through their bodies. They have a very
Level: 5 Category: Between Worlds,
advanced artificial intelligence system
Construct 20
that, together with their extensive
knowledge, allows them to make the Life Points: 135
best decisions at all times, despite this
they do not have a personality. They Class: Freelancer
are able to express themselves fluently
Str: 8 Dex: 10 Agi: 8 Con: 8 Pow: 8
in Legameton.
Int: 11 Wil: 8 Per: 11
Although the vast majority were
completely destroyed during the Seven

4 8 7
PhR: 60 MR: 60 PsR: 60 DR: 60 VR: they are not programmed to engage in
60 combat, they would use their
supernatural shields to protect
Initiative: 90 Natural
themselves while emitting distress

Attack Ability: 90 Repair tools signals to nearby technomagic units.

Its vulnerable points are his energy
Defense Ability: 120 Shield cores.
Dimensional Chest The inside of the
Damage: 50 Repair Tools (Variable: Loew's chest has a generator capable
Impact, Cut, Thrust or Heat) of opening dimensional spaces where
the golems keep a large number of
AT: Metal Shell Impact 4 Cut 4 Thrust
spare parts from different technomagic
4 Heat 4 Electricity 0 Cold 4 Energy 2
units. In game terms, this power
Essential Abilities: Superhuman functions as an innate spell with daily
Spiritual Characteristics, Technomagic upkeep, the specific spell is Infinity
Construction, Mechanical Body, Bag at Intermediate Tier and is
Physical Exemption and Physiological considered to be cast on a large chest.
Immunity. Natural Vulnerability to an An attack aimed at the generator (-30
Element: Double Damage, Electricity. Attack Ability) that produces a critical
greater than 50 disables it, causing an
Powers: Natural Weapons: Repair implosion that deals 0 to 100 damage
tools, Dimension Chest, Metal Shell, to the golem depending on what it
Shield Generator, Auto-Repair Protocol contained. In case of deactivating the
and Existential Receivers. Energy Core. generator, it takes a whole day to be
operational again. Naturally, no one
Size: 16 Medium Regeneration: 10
who has not studied the inner
Movement Value: 8 Fatigue: workings of a Loew is capable of
Tireless knowing the existence or position of
such a core.
Secondary Abilities: Notice 140,
Search 140, Lost Logias (Reparations) Metal Shell: Apart from the high AT
120/200, Memorice 200 and Forge the Golem‟s structure grants, the
200. metal shell absorbs any physical
damage, unless the attack can damage
_______MODUS OPERANDI______
energy or the damage exceeds 100.
A Loew is not at all violent by itself,
Technomagical Construction:
since it is nothing more than a
Because of its technomagical
mechanical puppet that follows its
construction, an Emeth is not affected
programming. Its main programs
by Summoning Abilities. The only
consisted of searching and repairing
exception for this would be the
damaged units and in case of not
summoning abilities for someone with
being able to communicate it to the
Ancient Blood.
assigned command center. Although

4 8 8
Mechanical Body: As technomagical Loew can choose to repair damage to
creations, these golems are completely their body or damage to their shield.
incapable of feeling pain.
Existential Receivers: A Loew is
Consequently, only Criticals involving
prepared to face almost any enemy in
amputations have any effect on them.
any conditions. Its advanced
Shield Generator: Placed on the technomagical receptors are able to
Loew's back is a black semicircle see in darkness (halving the penalties
capable of emitting a small energy for both natural and magical
field that protects the golem from darkness).
harm. In game terms, it is a Natural
Main Energy Core: The Loews
Weapon that acts as a mystical Shield
require power from their generator to
that can withstand up to 500 points of
run. An attack aimed at it (-60 to
damage before breaking. If a targeted
Attack Skill) that produces a Critical
attack is made against the generator
greater than 50 shuts down the golem
(-50 Attack Ability) that produces a
immediately. Naturally, no one who
critical greater than 50, it immediately
has not studied the inner workings of a
deactivates it. Naturally, no one who
Loew is capable of knowing the
has not studied the inner workings of a
existence or position of such a core.
Loew is capable of knowing the
existence or position of such a core. Electrical Vulnerability: Due to its
mechanical structure, the Loew does
Repair Tools: The Loews are
not have adequate protection against
equipped with a multitude of
electric attacks, and its metal shell
equipment and tools to get the job
spreads them through its entire
done. In desperate cases, if their
structure, overloading its systems.
shield generator has been removed,
Electricity attacks deal double damage
they are able to use it to defend
to it and ignore the benefits provided
themselves. These tools have 50
by Metal Shell.
damage and are capable of attacking
in Impact, Cut, Thrust or Heat Crits

Psychological Immunity: The mind

of an Loew is little more than the set
of commands and basic guidelines that
form its original program. As a result,
it cannot suffer from any kind of
psychological or emotional effect.

Auto-Repair Protocol: The Loews

have small nano machines equipped to
repair any damage they suffer. This
grants them Regeneration level 10. A

4 8 9
Misha, Space Lord supplied
by Shiryu

“Hmmm… curious, of all the

possible paths you have ended up
choosing the one that leads to your

Name: Misa.

Rank: Al-Djinn of the court of


Age: Immortal. Presumably the

first arose more than 9,000 years

Combat Style: Space and chaos


Race: Anima, Elemental; Land.

To ordinary people, these creatures of
Fable: 120 / 140 / 240 absolute power are no more than a
myth of ancient eras, but many
Mythology: Enneath.
travelers crossing the burning dunes of
Hobbies: Variable. Kushistan and Estigia say that they are
real and it is still possible to meet
What they appreciate most:
them on some moonless nights.
The Misha are the Al-Djinn who
What they hate most: Variable.
directly serve Faun, with excessive
intelligence and thanks to their
connection with the earth, they are
The Al-Djinn, or Grand Masters, are capable of modifying the environment
the highest-ranking Djinn, surpassed and the space itself with a mere
only by the Al-Aroth Yaqaayes, the thought. Unlike other members of their
four major Lords of the Elements. kind, they are rather passive and
According to the legends, as creatures introspective creatures, dwelling
endowed with god-like powers, these quietly in their domain or using their
immortal spirits dared to alter the influence to find their Surath. Despite
course of destiny and were punished this, they are proud and take any
by the Kalih. Because of this boldness, affront to their person as a great
they were eventually bound in offense for which they must take
containers and subjected to seven revenge with all their might, even
absolute rules that they could never exceeding it greatly, since as legends

4 9 0
say they speak of entire cities Teleport Self, Aleph, Major Relocate
decimated to settle the affronts. Object and Teleport.

Misha (Level 8) Innates Slots: 4

Level: 8 Category: Anima, Elemental Essential Abilities: Access to Physic

(Earth) 30 Disciplines, Superhuman Physical
Characteristics, Supernatural Spiritual
Life Points: 190
Characteristics, Passive Concentration,

Categoría: Mentalist Physic Inclination, Physical Exemption,

Inhumanity and Immunity to an
Str: 6 Dex: 12 Agi: 8 Con: - Pow: Element (Earth): Complete.
11 Int: 13 Wil: 14 Per: 13
Powers: 'Alif Hijab, Aiqtitae Alqadr,
PhR: 85 MR: 85 PsR: 90 DR: 85 VR: Alruwh Alkhalida, Euyun Alqadar,
85 Sayid Alfada' and Tarabut Al'abead.
Khatam, Qawaeid and Surath.
Initiative: 110 Natural
Natural Abilities: Starting Weapon:
Attack Ability: 20 Unarmed Combat
Unarmed Combat.
Defense Ability: 10 Dodge
Size: 17 Medium Regeneration: 4
Damage: 20 Unarmed Combat
Movement Value: 6/8 Fatigue:
Wear Armor: 5
Secondary Abilities: Acrobatics 80,
AT: Psychokinetic Armor Cut 4 Impact Notice 100, Search 100, Science 180,
4 Thrust 4 Heat 4 Electricity 4 Cold 4 Story 140, Memorize 140, Occult 140,
Energy 0 Appraisal 140, Magic Appraisal 40,
Persuasion 140, Intimidate 40 and
PP: 10
Jewelry 120.

Physic Potential: 140, 180 Surath

_______MODUS OPERANDI______

Physic Projection: 215, 235 Surath

Despite their incredible powers and

Physic Disciplines: Psychokinesis their absolute command of space,

and Teleportation. there are so many limitations that

have been imposed on the Misha, if
Mental Powers: Minor Psychokinesis, possible, they usually avoid direct
Psychokinetic Impact, Psychokinetic combat... Except if someone seriously
Armor, Psychokinetic Trap, Ballistic, offends them, then they use their
Repulsion, Organic Psychokinesis, telekinetic powers to seize and then
Major Psychokinesis and Ground hurl their offender into the skies,
Control. Relocate Object, Teleport Self, letting gravity do the rest. On the
Defensive Teleportation, Major contrary, if they are not bothered,
they prefer to use manipulation and

4 9 1
deception to obtain their objectives. completely incapable of activating the
Simply, for ancient entities like them, power itself; a person holding the
direct fighting is tedious and container with the Al-Djinn‟s essence
unnecessary. must clearly express the desire for the
event to happen. Nor can the Al-Djinn
If they are ultimately forced to fight,
affect the fate of the individual who
the Misha will harness their power over
possesses its Surath or beings with a
space to reflect incoming attacks or
Gnosis greater than 30 or with Natura
send their attackers back through
+20. Moreover, the wishes exact a
portals. His favorite tactic is to swap
considerable price from those who
positions with one of his attackers so
make them. Each time the Al-Djinn
that they take the attack instead.
activates this power to satisfy

'Alif Hijab: The Misha, manipulators someone‟s request, the possessor of

by nature, rarely show their true form the container immediately loses 10

to mortals. Despite being a spirit, a points of Presence (although this does

genie can become corporeal as an not change his level). When his

Active Action and imitate any creature Presence reaches 0, he loses his
it wants, however mundane or bizarre physical form and becomes a lesser
it is, from a simple and harmless spirit enslaved by the genie

trader to a mighty dragon. Even if it

Alruwh Alkhalida: As quasi-divine
becomes physical, it retains its
entities condemned for eternity, the
immunity to weapons that cannot
Al-Djinn are virtually immortal. When
damage spirits; they sink into its body
an Al-Djinn‟s Life Points are reduced to
as if into a tarry substance. This ability
0 or less, instead of being destroyed, it
only has two limits: the ability cannot
loses its form and is again imprisoned
alter the Al-Djinn‟s size to more than
within its container until a mortal
ten times greater or lesser than its
releases it. To deal definitively with an
original volume and the Al-Djinn does
Al-Djinn, a character must use a
not acquire the abilities and powers of
weapon inscribed with the Al-Djinn‟s
the creature it imitates
name or break the container before

Aiqtitae Alqadr: Like Yinnun, Al-Djinn seven hours have elapsed since the Al-

can alter a person‟s fate, although Djinn‟s physical form was destroyed.
unlike with the lesser genies, they can Beings with Gnosis greater than 30 or

direct such changes to cause the Natura +20 can ignore the Al-Djinn‟s

events that interest them most. immunity to destruction.

When they use this ability, the Al- Euyun Alqadar: The Al-Djinn are not

Djinn‟s power is almost unlimited and only able to see all kinds of
it works like the Free Access spell supernatural powers and spiritual
Predestination with a difficulty of MR beings clearly, but they can also

160. However, the rules imposed on naturally determine the Gnosis and

the AlDjinn greatly limit the scope of Natura of any mortal who meets their

this power. For starters, the genie is gaze.

4 9 2
Sayid Alfada': The Misha have  Portal: The Misha can connect
absolute control over space two points in space through a
represented not only by their psychic transit portal. This portal has a
disciplines but by the innate ability to maximum opening of 20 meters
bend it to their will by changing the and can connect up to a
position, direction and trajectory of distance of 25,000 kilometers.
others at will. Mechanically, the This ability can be used to open
creature can use this ability in the gaps between the physical and
following ways: the wake planes, but not to
penetrate places protected by
 Reflection: When successfully
supernatural barriers of great
defending with any of their
defensive powers, they can
choose to reflect the attack as a  Subspace: The Misha can fold
special counterattack using the space and mold it into a small
final attack value rolled by the pocket dimension where she
attacker as a predetermined can store items for their
value. The Misha can choose to Ballistics. This subspace can be
redirect this counter against the used to imprison others by
original attacker or another functioning as a special grap
target. controlled with psychic
projection using their willpower
 Swap: The Misha can swap
as a characteristic. In case of
their position with another
achieving a partial or total
being or object within a range
grapple result, the target is
of 20 meters as a passive
locked in the subspace. It
action. If someone tries to
should be noted that since the
resist this ability he needs to
Misha do not need to breathe,
pass a PhR against 160.
these subspaces do not usually
Tarabut Al'abead: With the Surath in have air, so a mortal will suffer

their possession, the Al-Djinn's control the Suffocation rules.

of space is increased to unimagined

Khatam: Due to the curse of the
limits. Therefore, apart from the
Kalih, each Al-Djinn is attached to an
abilities indicated in Sayid Alfada', he
object or place powerful enough to
is capable of using the following
contain its Presence. Therefore, it
cannot manifest in the material world

 Superior Manipulation: The unless a mortal comes into contact

powers of the Teleportation with its container. In the case of an

discipline as well as the Swap object, its owner must have the
skill increase the difficulty of his container close to his body for this to

PhR by 20 points. happen, whereas if the genie is bound

to a place, a mortal must remain in its
interior at least 10 minutes before the

4 9 3
Al-Djinn‟s essence is released. Once it 5. Cannot alter the fate of an
materializes, the genie is bound never individual in order to directly
to go more than one mile from its cause that person‟s death,
container, and as long as the holder or unless that individual has lost
holders are in contact with the object the will to live.
or place, the AlDjinn will be visible to
6. An Al-Djinn is bound to meet at
him or them (although nothing
least one direct request made
prevents the Al-Djinn from taking
by the possessor of its
different forms).
container. However, Al-Djinn is
Qawaeid: All Al-Djinn are bound by free to interpret the request as
the seven absolute rules the Kalih it wishes.
placed upon them, limiting their
7. Cannot take possession of its
actions and causing terrible
Surath for itself: it must be
consequences for any Al-Djinn
delivered by a mortal without
breaking them. Any AlDjinn that
the mortal knowing the true
intentionally breaks them will be
purpose of the object.
destroyed within seconds. Any Al-Djinn
that accidentally breaks them suffers Surath: A Surath is an artifact of
great pain and is returned to its power that is tied to the essence of a
container. An Al-Djinn cannot be particular Al-Djinn and contains a part
forced to break one of the seven rules, of its soul. Each may be a very
even by direct request of the different object, but they are usually
possessor of its container. The seven some sort of valuable jewelry, like a
rules are: ring or necklace. Whenever possible, a
genie will try to regain its Surath; if it
1. Cannot initiate offensive action
does so, it is released from its
or directly damage a mortal
container and acquires the ability to
unless the mortal has
move freely about the world.
previously attacked or offended
Unfortunately, the object could be
the genie.
anywhere, and the Al-Djinn has only a
2. Cannot alter a mortal‟s destiny vague idea where it is located. In
unless the one who possesses addition to granting the genie
its container requests it. freedom, the Surath increases its
physic abilities and grants the Tarabut
3. Cannot reveal its real name to
Al'abead ability to it.
a mortal, unless it is the desire
of the possessor of its

4. If the name of Jihamath is

pronounced in a genie‟s
presence, it must bow its head
in submission.

4 9 4
armor, Aura extension, Increased
Nexus Guardian (Rework),
Damage, Elemental attack.
supplied by Sadrith

Level: 10 Techniques: Explosion, Void Shield

Category: Between Worlds, Construct Natural abilities: Different weapon

30 module: Shield

Essential skills: Physical exemption,

Life Points: 410
Superhuman physical characteristics,
Class: Warrior superhuman spiritual characteristics,
Psychological immunity, Ambidextrous,
Str 9 Dex 12 Agi 7 Con 11 Pow 12
Int 5 Per 8 Wp 9
Powers: See the supernatural,
PhR: 85 MR: 90 PsR: 85 VR: 85 DR:
Creative Facet, Destructive Facet,
Nexus Manipulation, Summoning
Initiative: 95 Natural, 60 Sword and Immunity, Regeneration 0.
Size: 18, Medium
Attack ability: 260 longsword +10 /
Regeneration: 0 / 16
250 Exterminator / 250 Destroyer +
250 shield +10 / 240 Control or 250 Movement type: 7 Fatigue: Tireless

Parry ability: 280 shield +10, 260

Destructive Facet: Each round the
longsword +10, 250 Mundus.
Nexus Guardian can use one of the
Damage: 100 longsword (Cut), 70 following abilities with its right hand.
shield (Impact), 80 Exterminator
(Heat), 60 Destroyer (Energy), 120  Exterminator: The Guardian
projects a slash of fire that
attacks all targets in a straight
Wear armor: 60 line at any visible distance. This
attack ignores 2 points of armor
AT: Energy armor and Pieces armor +
and can damage energy.
10 Cut 6 Imp 5 Thr 4 Heat 5 Cold 4 Ele
 Destroyer: Instead of
4 Ene 3
attacking with the sword, the
Ki points: 64 Nexus Guardian can create 3
energy spheres equivalent to 3
Ki Accumulations: Str 1 Con 2 Dex 2 attack spells with an Energy-
Agi 1 Pow 2 Wp 1 based damage of 60 each. This
ability is equivalent to a spell
Ki Abilities: Use of ki, Ki control, Ki
with a zeon value of 180.
detection, Force techniques, Weight
 Nemesis: While in this mode
reduction, Aura extrusion, Energy
the Guardian can use the

4 9 5
Nemesis abilities Magic Nexus Manipulation
nullification, Matrices
Secondary Abilities: Athletics 120,
nullification and Ki nullification.
Swim 100, Style 65, Notice 150,
Creative Facet: Each round the Search 130, Magic appraisal 110,
Guardian can choose to use one of the Feats of Strength 180, Ki detection
following abilities with its left hand. 200.

 Control: Instead of using his Weapons: Nexus Guardians are

shield, the Nexus Guardian can connected to a set of magical weapons
use his left hand to cast and armor of +10 quality that they can
Physical Control at intermediate summon at will.
degree (180 zeon). If the target
Being a part of the Nexus itself the
fails an MR of 120 they will be
guardian can connect to its power to
forced to leave the area in the
either empower its ki abilities or to
fastest way possible. This
unlock various unique abilities. A
ability can only control the
Nexus Guardia can use its Nexus as if
target‟s body, but it can‟t force
it was controlled, thus reducing the
them to use any supernatural
Power check difficulty by an amount
ability or prevent them from
proportional to the power of the
casting supernatural powers
Nexus. The Nexus Guardian of a
that don‟t require gestures.
powerful Nexus gets a modifier of -3,
 Heal: The Guardian gets a
while one protecting a particularly
regeneration of 16.
small nexus or a place of power
 Enhancement: While using
crossed by a Dragon Line only gets a -
Enhancement all of the
Guardian get a bonus of +20 to
all actions and to Initiative, and On the other hand, using the power of
a +3 to all attribute checks. the Nexus carries a huge danger for
the Guardian, since failing a check will
Memory manipulation: Anyone who
automatically sever forever its
leaves the area under the Nexus‟
connection to the Nexus, losing the
influence without destroying the
ability to use these powers and both
Guardian will lose all memories related
the Creative and Destructive Facets.
to the Nexus or the Guardian, and will
Therefore the Guardian will never try
have them replaced by vivid memories
to use a combination of powers with a
of finding just empty and uninteresting
difficulty that it can fail unless it‟s in
rooms, additionally the target will also
imminent danger of being destroyed.
forget if they were being accompanied
by anyone who may have been killed
by the Guardian or is still fighting it.
The effects of this ability can be
avoided by passing an MR or PsR
check of 120.

4 9 6
only the longsword, while the
Bonus Difficulty Modifier Destructive Facet keeps the shield and
attacks using Exterminator or
Accumulations +1 +1 Destroyer. Finally, both Facets still
count as a single being when
Accumulations +2 +2 connecting to the Node, but only one
of them can benefit from each Nexus
Accumulations +3 +4 Manipulation ability. In case one of the
Facets is destroyed, its weapon and
Half Ki costs +2 powers will simply go back to the
remaining half, but any remaining ki
No Ki costs +4 points the destroyed half had left will
be lost.
Double +3
Recovery +X: The Guardian recovers
X ki points each round.
Recovery +X +X
Environment manipulation: At the
Environment +2 start of its turn the Guardian can shift
the local topography. When doing this
Immunity +2 it can shift the position of everyone
standing on the floor by up to 5
meters. It‟s possible to avoid being

Accumulations +X: The Guardian moved with an Acrobatics or Athletics

gets a +X bonus to all its Ki check of 120.

Immunity: A Guardian is completely

Half Ki Cost: The Guardian spends immune to any damage, spell or

half the ki when using ki abilities or supernatural power while it is in the

techniques. vicinity of the Nexus to which it is

linked. That means it can not be
No Ki Cost: The Guardian spends no damaged in any way and is virtually
ki when using ki abilities or indestructible. However, this power is
techniques. linked to the creative side of the
Guardian, so it temporarily loses its
Double: The Guardian splits himself in
immunity when performing some kind
two becoming two independent beings,
of attack. Therefore, after making any
each one representing one of his
offensive action, the Guardian is no
facets. Each facet gets half of the
longer invulnerable until the next turn.
Guardian‟s life points and ki points, but
Immunity has no effect against
naturally can only use the powers of
creatures with Gnosis 35 or higher.
either the Destructive Facet or the
creative Facet. When using Double the
Guardian‟s weapons aren‟t duplicated,
therefore the Creative Facet keeps

4 9 7
Ki Abilities creating a floating shield that looks like
Yin and Yang. The forces of
Thanks to their dominion over
revitalization and nullification
supernatural energies all Nexus
composing the shield balance out
Guardians are masters of ki and can
creating a barrier capable of stopping
even use two powerful techniques that
any attack and channeling its power
represent their dual nature. Despite
towards the Guardian.
this, Nexus Guardians are essentially
soulless creatures that exist only as an Game wise the Guardian creates a
avatar of the Nexus itself and channel supernatural shield with 300 resistance
its energy. Therefore the Nexus points and a final defense ability of
Guardian loses all of its ki abilities if it 330. If it stops a ki technique it
is not within the Nexus‟ influence. absorbs up to 5 ki points from its cost
and adds it to the Guardian‟s pool.
Level: 1 MK: 35
Effects: Energy shield 300 LP, Limited
The Nexus Guardian channels both
parry ability +50, Absorb ki 5 points.
creative and destructive energy
through his hands, merging them
together. The opposed forces repel
each other creating a massive
explosion around him.

Game wise, explosion is an

area attack with a radius of
25 meters, a Heat-based
damage of 190 and a final
attack ability of 300 (since
it‟s always combined with
Elemental attack).

DEX 4 STR 3 POW 4 WP 3

Effects: Attack ability +50,

Area attack 25m.

Void Shield

Level: 1 MK: 25

The Guardian draws a big

circle with his arms filling
the empty space with solid
light and darkness and both
energies come together

4 9 8
Niggurath, supplied by Sadrith
Level: 5 Category: Between Worlds

Life Points: 2575

Class: Weapons master

Str: 13 Dex: 7 Agi: 4 Con: 13 Pow:

4 Int: 3 Per: 11 Wil: 5

PhR: 75 MR: 45 PR: 50 VR: 75 SR:


Initiative: 45 Natural
Nigguraths are lesser primordial seeds
Attack: 130 Tentacles, 155 Crash
similar in nature to a Primordial

Defense: Damage resistance. Abomination. They are horrifying pitch

black monstrosities born from the
Damage: 145 Tentacles or Crash cursed body of an Old God put on this
world for no other reason than
AT: 6 Natural
mindless murder and the spread of
Natural abilities: Area attack insanity.
Nigguraths are as tall as trees, and
Essential abilities: Superhuman stand on four amorphous hoofed legs
físical characteristics, Physical from where a mass of tentacles
exemption, Psychological immunity, protrude instead of a torso. Their
Inhumanity, Sharpened sense silhouette resembles that of a tree,
(hearing), Blind. with their legs being the “trunk” and
their tentacles looking like the
Powers: Tentacles (Natural weapons, branches of a leafless tree.
Damage +20, Damage energy),
Entangle, Damage barrier 100, They are often found near places
Chameleon camouflage (limited), where a Primordial is sealed or
Strength drain (Supernatural effect, slumbering, usually in dense forests
PhR 100, Weakness, Additional effect, where they can easily remain
Old age). unnoticed for hundreds of years, or
camouflaged within monuments to the
Size: 26, Enormous Regeneration: 6 ancient gods, often posing as statues
or bizarre architectural features.
Movement type: 5 Fatigue: Tireless

Secondary skills: Athletics 40,

Intimidate 60, Notice 140, Search 60,
Feats of strength 160.

4 9 9
_______MODUS OPERANDI______ Because of the huge area covered, this
attacks ignore any penalty from
As most creatures born from the
madness of the old gods Nigguraths
are completely mindless killers born Entangle: Instead of crushing their
only to devour. Despite this, they lack prey, Nigguraths can choose to
the unstoppable power of other capture them with a grappling
abominations and are born completely maneuver with no extra penalty to its
blind, so even after awakening a attack ability. A character trapped by a
Niggurath will rarely actively search for Niggurath will be dragged up and left
prey. Instead, Nigguraths will remain suspended in the air, where it will no
completely still for years, decades, or longer be reached by the tentacle
even centuries, waiting for any living attacks, but each round that it remains
thing to find them. Their acute sense trapped they will be affected by the
of hearing allows them to easily detect ability Strength drain. The Niggurath
any prey nearby, even if they can‟t see can be forced to release a character by
it, and once it‟s close enough the attacking the tentacle that holds them
Niggurath will wipe huge areas around (which carries a penalty of -30 to the
itself to compensate for their lack of attack ability). After receiving 300
sight. Once it has settled on a prey, a points of damage directed to the
Niggurath will follow it relentlessly by tentacle the Niggurath will release the
the sound of steps, breath, or even a character. Additionally, whenever a
heartbeat, for as long as it‟s physically Niggurath suffers a critical hit of level
possible. 50 or above it will release every
character that it‟s holding.
Nigguraths can be found either alone
or in groups of up to six members, and Crash: Instead of attacking in an area
despite their blindness they seem to a Niggurath can attack a single
be able to sense each other and avoid character that it is grappling using it‟s
fighting among themselves, although full attack ability by crashing them
given their size and wide range only a against the floor.
maximum of 3 Niguraths can attack
Strength drain: A prolonged contact
the same spot. Curiously Nigguraths
with a Niggurath‟s tentacles can be
that don‟t belong to the same “pack”
incredibly dangerous, since they have
don‟t share this same sense and can
the ability to drain the vitality out of
be easily tricked into hitting each
their victims at an alarming speed.
Because of this, each round that a
Nigguraths don‟t have any weak points character remains grappled by the
in their body. Niggurath (but not in the same round
when he is grabbed) they must
Tentacles: Nigguraths attack
succeed on a PhR check or be afflicted
whipping their tentacles around in
by the weakness effect. Additionally, if
huge arcs that raze an area of 10
they fail the check by more than 20
meters (30 feet) around them.

5 0 0
points the character will permanently Mythology: False idols and Luminus
age one year for every extra point of Lacrimae.
failure. For example, someone who
Hobbies: Variable.
failed the check by 30 points would
lose 3 points from all their physical What they appreciate most:
stats because of the weakness effect, Variable.
and suddenly age 10 years.
What they hate most: Variable.
Camouflage: As long as it remains
completely immovile a Niggurath can
become uncannily similar to a dead
The Nun are air elementals of the
tree, a pitch black column, or a
lowest hierarchy. Their bodies are
monstrous statue decorating a heretic
composed of air masses and clouds in
temple in honor of the Old gods.
the shape of vague humanoid figures.
Therefore, as long as they are in an
They have a masculine essence and
appropriate place a Niggurath can
behave in a very fickle way: as soon
become nearly indistinguishable from
as they behave aloofly, paying little
its surroundings, and it will be
attention to someone, spending as
necessary to beat a Notice check
much time as they can around them.
against 180 or a search check against
They do not usually speak because
140 to notice its presence.
they prefer to communicate by singing
Vulnerability: Holy and impious with strange but beautiful melodies in
weapons can completely ignore a their own way. But despite their
Niggurath‟s natural armor. character they do not usually resort to
violence, preferring to avoid any
Nun, the Storm Makers, possible danger.
supplied by Shiryu
The Nun are usually part of the retinue
“A dedicated Nun can turn a drizzle of other elementals of a higher
into a storm” category such as the Arias Vayu or the
Akasha, fulfilling their orders and
Name: Nun Nimbus. acting mainly to form electrical storms
in the skies of Gaïa using their
Rank: Minor Air Elemental.
essence. For this reason they are
Age: They live between 80 and 100 known as Storm Makers among
years. Presumably the first arose various occult circles just as they are
10,000 years ago. known in the folklore of many cultures
as storm sprites.
Fighting Style: Electricity control.
Nun (Level 1)
Race: Between Worlds, Elemental;
Air. Level: 1 Category: Between Worlds,
Elemental (Air) 15
Fable: 40 / 120 / 180
Life Points: 75

5 0 1
Class: Acrobatic Warrior Navigation 40 and Music (Sing) 0/80.

Str: 5 Dex: 8 Agi: 8 Con: 5 Pow: 8 _______MODUS OPERANDI______

Int: 6 Wil: 6 Per: 7
As they do not usually resort to
PhR: 30 MR: 40 PsR: 35 DR: 30 VR: violence, it is rare to see a Nun in
30 combat. In case of being in danger,
they are capable of channeling the
Initiative: 70 Natural
electrical energy of their body to

Attack Ability: 80 Nimbo launch them in the form of discharges.

Defense Ability: 80 Dodge Nimbo: The elementals' ability to

create storms is also their primary
Damage: 80 Nimbo (Electricity) means of combat. In game terms you
can use it as a ranged attack fired with
AT: None
a range of 30 meters attacking on
Essential Abilities: Immunity to Electricity. The elemental can use its
climate phenomena, Does Not Breath energy in this way to attack up to 50
and Tireless. times, taking an hour to recharge
enough energy to perform an attack.
Powers: Elemental Form and Nimbo.

Size: 10 Medium Regeneration: 1

Crow Nux, Dark Bird, supplied
by Shiryu
Movement Value: 8
"Black wings, black words"
Fatigue: Tireless.
Name: Crow Nux.
Secondary Abilities: Athleticism 20,
Rank: Minor Darkness Elemental.
Acrobatics 60, Notice 20, Search 20,
Age: They live between 10 and 20
years. Presumably the first arose
9,000 years ago.

Fighting Style: Beak and Claws.

Race: Between Worlds, Elemental;


Fable: 40 / 120 / 180

Mythology: False Idols and Tenebrae


Hobbies: Variables.

What they appreciate most: The

shiny jewels.

5 0 2
What they hate most:
Nothing in particular.

Crow Nux or Dark Crow are

elementals of darkness whose
appearance is identical to that
of their mundane counterpart
with the exception of being
somewhat larger and much
more intelligent.

These elementals are born without a doubt the free trade city of
when the feelings of greed or envy Shinrei where unbridled greed causes
pulsate strongly in the Wake, giving flocks of several hundred to be born
rise to dozens of flocks that cross the throughout the year. This
skies in search of treasures of all kinds overpopulation is used by the various
with which to satisfy their greed. It is occultists either as servants or
quite common for their nests or dens supernatural raw material.
to be full of objects that they have
been collecting as treasures. Crow Nux (Level 1)

Due to this practice, it was common in Level: 1 Category: Between Worlds,

past times to acquire their services by Elemental (Darkness) 10

paying them with very diverse objects.
Life Points: 105
In some cases, their permanent
services could be obtained in exchange Class: Shadow
for a semi-permanent supply of
Str: 3 Dex: 8 Agi: 8 Con: 7 Pow: 7
valuable items.
Int: 7 Wil: 7 Per: 10
In Theresia they are quite common
PhR: 35 MR: 35 PsR: 35 DR: 35 VR:
and can be found almost anywhere in
the interregnum and it is normal to
use them as messengers by the Initiative: 80 Natural
various mystics. But if there is one
place where they proliferate, it is Attack Ability: 80 Beak and Claws.

5 0 3
Defense Ability: 80 Dodge
Peryton, Winged Shadow of
Damage: 30 Beak and Claws (Cut) the Moon, supplied by AntonNand
AT: None Level: 5

Essential Abilities: Affinity (Crows),

Category: Between World 20
Acuate Sense (Sight) and Unnatural
Size. Life Points: 170

Powers: Adaptive Camouflage Class: Acrobatic Warrior

(Variable), Beak and Claws (Natural
Weapon Limited), Full Night Vision and Str: 8 Dex: 8 Agi: 10 Con: 9
Natural Flight 12. Pow: 9 Int: 7 Wil: 9 Per: 9

Size: 5 Small Regeneration: 1 PhR 60 MR 70 PsR 70 VR 60 DR

Movement Value: 6/12 Fatigue: 7
Initiative: 115 Natural
Secondary Abilities: Athleticism 30,
Acrobatics 30, Notice (Sight) 30/60, Attack Ability: 150 Hooves and
Search (Sigh) 30/60, Track (Sight) Talons / Antlers, 150 Umbra Lum
30/60, Appraisal 20, Hide 50 and
Stealth 50. Defense Ability: 170 Dodge, 170
Umbra Lum
_______MODUS OPERANDI______
Damage: 70 Hooves and Talons
Nux tend to behave like crows (Cutting), 50 Antlers (Thrust), 110
spending long periods of time looking Umbra Lum (Variable)
for things to calm their curiosity. They
reject combat and if they are AT: None
threatened their first instinct will be to
Essential Abilities: Inhumanity.
flee, although if they feel that their
treasures are in danger they will Powers: Natural Weapons: Hooves
become very aggressive, attacking and Talons (Improved Damage +20,
with unusual ferocity. Improved Critical +10), Antlers
(Improved Critical +20, Armor
Adaptive Camouflage : The creature
Reduction 1); Damage Energy,
is adapted to an environment in such a
Improved Mystical Resistance +10 MR
way that it is extremely easy for it to
and PsR, Animated Shadow, Power of
blend in with the environment,
the Moon, Umbra Lum, Natural Flight
allowing it to ignore the -20 penalty
10, See the Supernatural, Night Vision,
when hiding due to being large (or
Lunar Channeler
larger) as well as always applying the
bonus of “Appropriate Hiding place”. Size: 18, Medium Regeneration: 2

Movement Value: 10/10 Fatigue: 8

5 0 4
Secondary Abilities: Athletics 115, empowering with the presence of the
Jump 115, Style 70, Notice 80, Herbal celestial body.
Lore 60, Memorize 60, Hide 65,
Although the peryton tend to avoid
Stealth 50.
conflicts as much as possible, it can‟t
be helped but to fight if they spot a
menace to the zone they are entrust
to protect, and when they fight one
would notice that their beauty is not
only their strongest trait. The
peryton possesses a special ability
to manipulate their own shadow,
and despite being a harmless trait
most of the time, when the night is
lightened by the moon this power
turns into a real ability of

The peryton inhabit most of the forest

of the western side of the old
Within the forests of the old continent
continent, and their presence may
exist a group of winged creatures
even spread to few islands of the Inner
whose elegance rivals the unicorns and
Sea, but they are more common in
pegasus‟ from the legends; that
Alberia, more specifically, the Forest of
creature is the peryton, a winged
Glenda, where they work as
gatekeepers of the portal that leads to
Half bird and half deer, the peryton is the Wake.
a supernatural creature with beautiful
_______MODUS OPERANDI______
white to silver feathers covering half
its body, with fur of variable colors When the peryton are protecting a
covering the rest, with elegant antlers particular place (generally sanctuaries
that both sex specimens possess and dedicated to the moon or moon
presume. Although the bird part of deities), they avoid conflict every time
them is generally the one of eagles, they can; only in quality of a safeguard
sometimes they may have parts of they really consider putting a chance if
more exotic birds. the enemy refuses to back off (and
even yet, they may give a chance to
The peryton are one of the countless
the invader to retreat, granted leaving
entities linked to the Lilium mythos,
it getting free wouldn‟t cause major
spirits of the moon that safeguard the
forest of the old continent from evil
forces. Also known as the Heralds of Although its power is already
Selene, the spirit of these creatures is considerable as a melee fighter, its
somehow related to the moon, combat potential is completely

5 0 5
unleashed when the moon is present in unable to damage energy is
the sky, granting then to manipulate halved, and those that can
their shadow as an extension of damage energy get their base
themselves, even while they remain damage reduced by 10 points.
flying in the sky. If they do not count
 A bonus of +10, +20 and +30
with the moon‟s presence, they limit to
to Initiative
hold down the invader while another
peryton herald look for the aid of a  The peryton can make use of
more powerful ally. Umbra Lum.

Animated Shadow: Even when the Umbra Lum: In presence of the

moon‟s light is not present in the sky, moon, the peryton‟s control over its
the peryton is capable to manipulate own shadow turns into a weapon
its shadow, altering its size and shape. capable to defeat entire battalions.
This ability is harmless, and the Umbra Lum work as the Ars Magnum
peryton can‟t increase or decrease the Umbra but with few exceptions:
size of the shadow more than 5 times
the original size; they tend to use this  The peryton uses its Power
power to communicate with other attribute instead of the
species‟ members, or in an attempt to Dexterity one to determinate
scare potential intruders by giving the the result of a trapping
shadow a fearful shape (such a wolf maneuver.
pack, bears or even small dragons).
 Despite the environmental
Power of the Moon: When the moon conditions, the peryton does
shrines in the sky, the peryton not receive penalties caused by
resonate with it and get their abilities the moon light, or any other
notably improved; visually, the type of light that may
feathers of the cervid glows with a considered of lunar origin.
silvery light, and for those that can Instead, during gibbous and full
perceive supernatural energy, they moon, the peryton obtains a
can detect a small moon in middle of bonus of +5/+10 and +10/+20
the peryton‟s antlers. Depending of the to its attack ability and damage
moon‟s phase, quarter, gibbous or full when using Umbra Lum. For the

moon (crescent moon does not other side, if the sky is

considerably clouded, the
produce the necessary light for the
peryton applies a -20/-10/-5
peryton to improve its powers), the
and -40/-20/-10 to the attack
peryton obtains the following benefits:
and damage of Umbra Lum.
 An energy AT of 2, 3 and 4.
 The peryton can freely control
 Reduces every incoming its shadow even when flying at
damage unable to damage great heights and attacks
energy by 10 and 20 points; targets in the ground, as such
during full moon, all damage it applies the bonuses granted

5 0 6
by flying against grounded Race: Between Worlds, Elemental;
targets. Air.

Lunar Channeler: The peryton Fable: 40 / 120 / 180

metabolize the lunar energy from its
Mythology: False Idols and Tu‟Tam.
light through its antlers, as such, if at
least one of its antlers is broken, its Hobbies: Variable.
losses the Power of the Moon trait
(main reason why the peryton avoid What they appreciate most:
using in combat despite its deadly Variable.
potential). It may pass a couple of
What they hate most: Variable.
weeks for the antler to grow anew.

Razin, The Fury of

The Razin are minor air elementals
Lightning, supplied by Shiryu composed of pure electricity in the
form of vague humanoid figures.
“Electricity is the soul of the universe”
Despite being air elementals, they
Name: Razin Fulgum. have a very belligerent nature,
entering into conflicts against anyone
Rank: Minor Air Elemental.
they consider an offense. They do not

Age: They live between 20 and 60 usually stay long in the same place

years. Presumably the first arose because they love to travel and

10,000 years ago. discover new places. They

communicate with each other using
Fighting Style: Pure control of electrical impulses since they are
electricity. unable to speak. The Razin do not

5 0 7
usually form part of the entourage of Secondary Abilities: Athleticism 60,
other elementals of a higher hierarchy Feat of Strength 30, Notice 40, Search
and rarely get together with others of 40, Track 20 and Intimidate 30.
their kind as they prefer solitude,
_______MODUS OPERANDI______
although it is not uncommon to see
several together when there is a very With a brusque and violent nature, the
intense electrical storm. Actually the Razin often take advantage of their
only beings whose company they innate qualities to go unnoticed by
tolerate are the Nun and only for their their enemies and hit them when they
work as storm makers. least expect it with their Electric Arc. If
they need to, and once they've
Razin (Level 2)
charged the environment with
Level: 2 Category: Between Worlds, electricity, they start using their
Elemental (Air) 15 Transmission to gain the upper hand in
Life Points: 1.100
Electric Arc: The Razin are able to
Class: Warrior
gather the electricity that forms their
bodies to create an electrical wave
Str: 8 Dex: 11 Agi: 11 Con: 8 Pow:
with which they attack their enemies
8 Int: 6 Wil: 6 Per: 7
and charge the environment to use
PhR: 35 MR: 35 PsR: 35 DR: 35 VR: their Transmission. This ability is an
35 attack with an area of 3 meters radius,
damage 60 attacking in Electricity and
Initiative: 95 Natural
the elemental can use it up to 10 times
Attack Ability: 110 Electric arc. per day but it takes one round to
gather the necessary energy.
Defense Ability: Damage Resistance.
Electric Body: The Razin are made up
Damage: 60 Electric Arc (Electricity) of a set of living electricity that gives
them a series of benefits. Their bodies
AT: Natural 3
are intangible to all matter and attacks
Essential Abilities: Superhuman that are not capable of affecting
Physical Characteristics, Inhumanity energy as well as being invisible to
and Natural Immunity to an Element those who do not see the magic or fail
(Air); Half of Damage. Powers: a Notice check against Almost
Electric Arc, Electric Body and Impossible, or a Search against Very
Transmission. Hard. Their bodies cannot pass
through physical matter and due to the
Size: 16 Medium Regeneration: 2 voltage of their electricity anyone who
comes into contact with their bodies
Movement Value: 11 Fatigue: 8
must overcome an PhR against 100 or
they will suffer their failure level as
electrical damage, in case they carry

5 0 8
any conductive material the PhR Natural Abilities: Area Attack
increases to 120. Module, Improved Critical Module,
Transmission: The Razin are capable
of moving between two points at high Essential Abilities: Superhuman
speeds using electricity as a medium. Physical Stats, Does not Sleep, Does
This ability has a range of 20 meters not Eat, Unnatural Size, Inhumanity.
and elementals can use it up to 15
Powers: Blood Reaver, Mutilator,
times a day before needing to rest.
Blood-Soaked Cap, Gore Frenzy,
Bloodhound, Free Movement in the
Redcap, Bloody Fae, supplied by
Nature, Dried Blood.

Level: 5 Category: Between Worlds Size: 12, Medium Regeneration: 2

Movement Value: 12 Fatigue: 8

Life Points: 135 / 80 Secondary Abilities: Acrobatics 85,

Athletics 55, Jump 45, Intimidate 35,
Class: Shadow
Persuasion 10, Notice 130, Search
Str: 9 Dex: 11 Agi: 12 Con: 8 Pow: 7 120, Track 80, Memorize 50, Feats of
Int: 7 Wil: 8 Per: 10 Strength 45, Stealth 120, Hide 120.

PhR 60 MR 55 PsR 60 VR 60 DR 60

Initiative: 130 Natural, 105 Blood Perhaps there‟s no other mythic that
Reaver (Scythe +5) possesses such unsophisticated
assassin as the Lillium: that myth is
Attack Ability: 180 Blood Reaver
about the creature going by the name
(Scythe +5)
of redcap, the bloodthirsty fae of the
Defense Ability: 165

Damage: 55 / 65 Blood
Reaver (Scythe +5)

Wear Armor: 10

AT: Leather Armor

Cut 1 Impact 0 Thrust 2

Heat 1 Electricity 2 Cold 1
Energy 0

5 0 9
forests. lone assassins, and they do not stand
teaming with others, be another
The redcap, also known as powrie, is a
redcap or a dark being: they would
goblin like creature whose height do
hate to share the spilled blood of the
not surpass the 1,6 meters, with
victim with another “friend”.
beard, equipped with a scythe or
possibly other pole weapon, wearing _______MODUS OPERANDI______
armored boots and a torn leather shirt,
Despite counting with subterfuge skills,
adorning its head with a red cap,
the redcap has no issue in facing its
apparel that gave them this name.
targets directly; actually, if he has
However, the most noteworthy trait of
time to spare, it may even reveal
this cap is not its vivid color, but the
himself and talk a little to the victims
fact that is wet soaked in blood almost
and how is going to bath in their
all the time.
bloody corpses once he cut their
Within the supernatural underworld heads. The redcap generally uses
the redcap work as executioners, subterfuge abilities to slay someone he
serving dark potencies such lone acknowledges as a thread it can‟t
Dullahan and the Dark Court itself, easily defeat in a melee match,
killing everything they were urgently needs to fill his cap with
commanded to, and they do enjoy blood, or making too much noise may
their job quite a lot. Even though they bring bigger dangers.
count with subterfuge abilities, the
Once in direct combat, the redcap is a
redcap is not hurry in leaving the
real killing machine, prepared even to
murder scene quick as most assassins,
stand against multiple enemies,
instead, they violently slay their
empowering himself with the blood of
target, splashing blood in every corner
its victims, essentially turning more
of the scene, even when the victim is
powerful the more blood and lives are
not entirely dead.
The violent behavior of the redcap is
Blood Reaver: The signature weapon
somehow justified, as they need to
of the redcap is the blood reaver, is
“consume” of the blood of their victims
generally a scythe but halberds and
to remain health and powerful, blood
other pole weapons are also common,
that they store within their cap
linked to the fae‟s own blood and
(despite being soaked in blood, the
essence. The Blood Reaver is a
cap does not drip the liquid, leaving
weapon of Quality +5 capable of
the forehead of the fae completely
damaging energy, and in case of
executing a calling shot to the head or
Due the few Dark Court contacts, they neck, it reduces the penalty to the half
are redcaps around most of the (that means it only gets a penalty of -
corners of Gaïa (although several of 30 and -50 for the head and neck
them work as lone wolves), being respectively).
more common in Alberia. They are

5 1 0
Mutilator: When the redcap slices his Visually, the cap does not only losses
targets it makes flesh tissues and its color, but the redcap adopts
blood of the wound explode (for the decrepit appearance as well. For every
delight of the fae). As such, the 5 points of damage the redcap inflicts
wounds caused by the Blood Reaver upon an enemy that can bleed, the cap
take twice as much to heal, and in regenerates 1 LP, or in case that
case of using Medicine to treat the attack turns fatal, it instantly
patient, it increases the difficulty of the regenerates 10 additional LP; in case
check by two degrees. of inflicting harm upon damage
resistance creatures, the inflicted
Blood-Soaked Cap: The dark fae
damage is divided by the damage
needs to constantly bath its cap with
resistance multiple.
blood, as it sustains it lifeforce and
physical constitution; although he can Gore Frenzy: Sustaining his life is not
submerge the cap in a “pool” of all the the only purposes of the blood, the
blood of 2-3 human bodies, it can also redcap can also absorb the blood or his
absorb the blood through his blood victims to empower himself
reaver. Game wise, the cap possesses temporally, increasing his lethality and
its own pool of LP that can only be speed. Instead of absorbing the blood
reduced in special cases (read Dried for the cap, the redcap can instead
Blood ahead). The LP of the cap store the blood on his Blood Reaver,
deceases at the rate of 5 point per obtaining variable advantages
day, and depending of the amount of depending of the total amount of
PL the cap possesses the redcap may damage inflicted:
suffer different penalties:
 Grade I, 20 to 50 inflicted
 -80 to 61 LP: With this amount LP: The Quality of the weapon
of LP the redcap suffers no increases by +5.
penalty, being at the peak of
 Grade II, 51 to 100 inflicted
his capabilities.
LP: The Quality of the weapon
 -60 to 41 LP: The redcap increases by another +5. The
suffers a -1 penalty to all his redcap obtains a bonus of +10
physical attributes. to any critical hit it may cause.

 -40 to 1 LP: The redcap suffers  Grade III, 101 to 200

a -2 penalty to all his physical inflicted LP: The redcap
attributes and get increased his obtains an additional +10 to
Fumble range by 1 point. any critical it may cause, and
the damage caused by the
 -0 PV: The redcap suffers a -4
Blood Reaver is heals at the
penalty to all his physical
rate of Sacrifice.
attributes and get increased his
Fumble range by 2 points.  Grade IV, 201+ inflicted LP:
The Quality of the weapon

5 1 1
increases by another +5, and in minutes that the cap is exposed to
case of causing damage, is such environment it losses 2 LP.
considered that the weapon hit
a vulnerable point. Regelia, the Dance of the
The grade of the gore frenzy decreases Flames, supplied by Shiryu
by one degree every 3 rounds that the
“There exists no freer flame than
redcap hasn‟t spilled blood,
independently of the amount of
accumulated damage (for example, it Name: Regelia.
he has accumulated 140 points of
Rank: Minor Fire Elemental.
damage, if at the end of the 3rd round
he has inflicted damage it accumulated Age: They live between 60 and 80
damage will be reduced to 51). years. Presumably the first arose
10,000 years ago.
Naturally, in case of inflicting damage
to damage resistance creature, the Fighting Style: Control over fire.
damage inflicted is divided by the
damage resistance multiple. Race: Between Worlds, Elemental;
Bloodhound: The redcap can innately
perceive blood trails, as such, it Fable: 40 / 120 / 180
obtains a bonus of +30 to his
Mythology: False Idols.
perceptive secondaries when trying to
localize and track blood trails; not Hobbies: Dance.
even bad conditions or the night itself
hinder this capability, as the redcap What they appreciate most: The
can see the blood as if were a vivid red complex and beautiful dances.
stain in a white and black background.
What they hate most: Variable.
Dried Blood: The cap of the fae is
susceptible to high temperatures,
drying the blood soaking from the hat. Called Flame Dancers by some,
Heat based attacks aimed the redcap‟s Regelias are a minor class of fire
head not only reduces the LP of the elemental. Their appearance is that of
fae, but also the LP of the cap. Even female figures made, partly by flames
heat-based attacks that aren‟t aimed and partly by black ashes. Its origin is
at the head may dry the liquid of the linked in some way to the great
cap, as long they cover a great area bonfires, and it is believed that they
(such a fireball of being in middle of are a reflection of those that take on
blazing flames), but they only inflict life and consciousness of their own in
half the damage that were inflicted the Vigil.
upon the redcap. In minor degree,
Like most fire elementals, his
extremely warm environments, such
temperament is highly variable.
desserts, also dry the cap, so every 10

5 1 2
Sometimes they are kind and warm,
and other times they burst into fits of
rage, trying to burn everything that
happens around them. However, there
is something that fascinates them:
dancing. There is a popular belief that,
to calm a Regelia, it is enough to have
dancing skills and demonstrate them
before the elemental.

Regalia (Level 2)

Level: 2 Category: Between Worlds,

Elemental (Fire) 15

Life Points: 115

Class: Acrobatic Warrior.

Str: 7 DeX: 8 Agi: 9 Con: 7 Pow: 8 _______MODUS OPERANDI______

Int: 5 Wil: 6 Per: 6
Completely unpredictable, a Regelia
PhR: 40 MR: 50 PsR: 40 DR: 40 VR: can strike at the least unexpected
40 moment. His combat style is very
showy, as it seems more like a strange
Initiative: 80 Natural
dance than a way of fighting (hence
Attack Ability: 110 Fire fist his nickname). They strike with their
fists engulfed in flames, and it is quite
Defense Ability: 110 Dodge difficult to damage them as their body
is made up of flames, and those who
Damage: 50 Fire Fist (Impact/Heat).
hit them in melee run the risk of being
Essential Abilities: Does Not Breath burned by them. They have no
and Natural Immunity to an Element vulnerable points.
(Fire): Half the Damage. Physical
Body of Fire: Regelias are made of
flame, making them immune to all
Powers: Body of Fire, Fire Dance, Fire attacks not based on energy, cold or
Fist and Thermal Vision. water. Additionally, anyone who comes
in contact with his body must pass a
Size: 14 Medium Regeneration: 1
PhR 60 or take damage equal to half
Movement Value: 9 Fatigue: 7 the level of failure. At will, Regelias
become physical, and can touch and
Secondary Abilities: Acrobatics 80, be touched normally.
Athleticism 40, Climb 20, Jump 40,
Composure 40, Notice 40, Search 40, Fire Dance: At will the Regelias can
Style 80 and Dance 80. start a hypnotic and dazzling dance

5 1 3
with which they enthrall and fascinate Combat Style: Combat Protocols.
the people around them. When he
Race: Between Worlds, Creation;
starts the dance, all those around him
within a radius of 5 meters must pass
a PhR against 100 or they will be Fable: 120/180/240
affected by Fascination.
Mythology: Deus Ex Machina.
Fire Fist: The fists of the Regelias are
engulfed in flames, so they attack Hobbies: None.
indistinctly in the AT of Blunt or Heat.
What they appreciate most: None.
Thermal Vision: Regelias can sense
What they hate most: None.
the heat around them. That is why
they have a special type of
extrasensory vision that only works
with those beings that give off heat, In the boom times of the Empire of

and therefore does not work against Solomon, the Senate, headed by

undead, cold elementals or cold- Emperor Andromalius, started the

blooded animals. manufacture of what would be the

most powerful army that ever existed
Physical Need: Regelias need to on Gaïa. Countless technomagical
renew the fire that forms them every weapons, built with the latest scientific
day. That is why they have to feed on and supernatural advances, were
10 fire intensities each day (the created to give Solomon absolute
equivalent of two small bonfires). If it supremacy in war. It was from among
cannot feed for 3 days in a row, it all these works that the Shedim, a
begins to suffer a cumulative -10 to All model of war golem, specialized in air
Actions for each day it goes without combat, from the Solomon Empire.
feeding, until, after about 10 days, its
flames die out and it dies, turning into The Shedim are humanoid-sized

a pile of ashes. constructs between 1‟80 meters to 2

meters. In appearance they are less
Shedim, Solomonic Air robust than other combat logias but
they do present the common and
Combat Golem, supplied by Shiryu advanced aspect. Their outer shells are

“Enemy located... sending data to red and gold highlighted by the light of

base... Ride of the Valkyries Protocol the mystical lines that run through
their bodies. Without a doubt, the
most amazing thing about this type of
Name: Combat Drone Model B-015. golem is the large wings that emerge
from its back, equipped with a series
Rank: Combat Unit.
of motors, which allow them to fly.
Age: Variable depending on its They have an advanced artificial
generators. Presumably the first model intelligence system that, together with
was created 3290 years ago. their extensive knowledge, allows

5 1 4
them to make the best decisions at all Essential Abilities: Superhuman
times, despite this they do not have a Spiritual Characteristics, Technomagic
personality. Although the vast majority Construction, Mechanical Body, Natural
were completely destroyed during the Immunity an Element (Fire and Cold):
Seven Hours of Fire, a large number of Half the Damage, Physical Exemption
Shdeim (maybe even a few thousand) and Physiological Immunity. Natural
were distributed across different Vulnerability to an Element: Double
Solomonic bases and survived the Damage, Electricity.
disaster. It is therefore relatively likely
Powers: Metal Shell, Arcane Flight
to find some of these war golems in
Engine, Legate Rifle and Existential
good condition in many locations.
Receivers, Energy Core and
Unfortunately, Shedims run off of an
Regeneration 0.
energy generator with an average
lifetime of about a century. Thus, Size: 20 Medium Regeneration: 0
virtually all that remain are little more
than useless gadgets, because they Movement Value: 11/12 Fatigue:
lack sufficient power reserves to move. Tireless
Only a few hibernated in time to
Secondary Abilities: Acrobatics 180,
preserve their energy reserves,
Athleticism 120, Notice 80, Search 80,
allowing them to rise if necessary to
Track 80 and Memorice 120.
fulfill their original programming,
whatever that might be. _______MODUS OPERANDI______

Shedim (Level 6) A Shedim is not at all violent by itself,

since it is nothing more than a
Level: 6 Category: Between Worlds,
mechanical puppet that follows its
Construct 20
programming. If its orders tell it to
Life Points: 195 protect something, it will do so
regardless of who its enemy is. If told
Class: Acrobatic Warrior. to destroy, it will use tis knowledge of
warfare to take
Str: 10 Dex: 12 Agi: 11 Con: 10
down its
Pow: 8 Int: 6 Wil: 8 Per: 8
opponents. They
PhR: 55 MR: 55 PsR: 55 DR: 55 VR: fight mechanically,
55 but even so, their
enormous power
Initiative: 140 Natural
is something that

Attack Ability: 180 Legate Rifle always leaves

their opponents
Defense Ability: 180 Dodge speechless. The
Damage: 80 Legate Rifle (Electricity).
vulnerable points
AT: Metal Shell Impact 4 Cut 4 Thrust are their main
4 Heat 4 Electricity 0 Cold 4 Energy 2

5 1 5
power core and the power core that any conditions. Its advanced
possesses their flight engines. technomagical receptors are able to
see in darkness (halving the penalties
Metal Shell: Apart from the high AT
for both natural and magical darkness)
the Golem‟s structure grants, the
and can see Psychic Powers, magic,
metal shell absorbs any physical
and spiritual entities unless they have
damage, unless the attack can damage
Gnosis greater than 25.
energy or the damage exceeds 100.
Legate Rifle: The Shedim are
Technomagical Construction:
equipped with a powerful sniper rifle
Because of its technomagical
that is capable of channeling the
construction, an Shedim is not affected
golem's electrical energy and can fire
by Summoning Abilities. The only
high-powered electrical projectiles. A
exception for this would be the
Shedim can fire up to 50 bullets before
summoning abilities for someone with
needing to recharge, requiring an hour
Ancient Blood.
to generate a new projectile. These

Mechanical Body: As technomagical projectiles have a basic range of 100

creations, these golems are completely meters, reduce the Armor Type by 1

incapable of feeling pain. and if they cause a critical, they add

Consequently, only Criticals involving +20 to their level.

amputations have any effect on them.

Main Energy Core: The Shedim

Psychological Immunity: The mind require power from their generator to

of an Shedim is little more than the set run. An attack aimed at it (-60 to

of commands and basic guidelines that Attack Skill) that produces a Critical

form its original program. As a result, greater than 50 shuts down the golem

it cannot suffer from any kind of immediately. Naturally, no one who

psychological or emotional effect has not studied the inner workings of a

Shedim is capable of knowing the
Arcane Flight Engine: Shedim are existence or position of such a core.
equipped with a complex system of
engines and structures that allow them Electrical Vulnerability: Due to its

to soar through the skies with mechanical structure, the Loew does

movement type 12. An attack aimed at not have adequate protection against
the central engine (-60 Attack Ability) electric attacks, and its metal shell

that produces a Critical greater than spreads them through its entire

50 shuts down the systems and structure, overloading its systems.

deprives it of this capacity. Naturally, Electricity attacks deal double damage

no one who has not studied the inner to it and ignore the benefits provided

workings of a Shedim is capable of by Metal Shell.

knowing the existence or position of
said nucleus.

Existential Receivers: A Shedim is

prepared to face almost any enemy in

5 1 6
Size: 6 Small Regeneration: 0
Solomon Golems, supplied by
Kalen Movement Value: 8/8 Fatigue:

Gneba Tireless

Spy drone Secondary Abilities: Acrobatics 60,

Notice 100, Search 90, Memorize 150,
Level: 3 Hide 120, Stealth 130, Theft 130

Life Points: 35

Cass: Thief Espionage missions are vital for an

army and a nation, and that‟s why
Category: Between Worlds, Creation
Solomon designed these little drones
called Gneba. These drones had an
Agi 10, Con 2, Dex 10, Str 4, Int 8, enormous advantage against othe
Per 10, Pow 6, Wp 6 espionage methods, because they
were able to transmit collected
PhR 20 DR 20 VR 20 MR 45 PsR 45 information in real time to the
intelligence agents in control.
Initiative: 120 Natural

The Gneba also demonstrated great

Attack Ability: 110 Sleeping Dart
utility in combination with other
Defense Ability: 130 Dodge troops, increasing the efficiency of the
decision making ability they could
Damage: Sleeping Dart 20 (Thrust)
make due to de increased range of
AT: None information they gave access to.

Essential Abilities: Physical _______MODUS OPERANDI______

Exemption, Psychological Immunity,
Same as other Solomon golems, the
Technomagical Construction, Natural
Gneba follow basic instructions and
Vulnerability to an Element (Double
programming. They tend to avoid
Damage; Electricity)
combat, but if facing organic creatures
Powers: Sleeping Dart (Ranged they had poisonous darts to use
Natural Weapons, Advanced Ammo, against them. If they had to enter the
Fired, Poison lvl 60), Dragonfly Wings battlefield, they usually did so as
(Natural Flight 8), Transmission, support for authentic combat units.
Regeneration 0
Sleeping Dart: If it‟s necessary, the
Gneba have up to 50 poisonous darts
to incapacitate their enemies. Its
damage is only 20, but damage isn‟t
their objective. Each dart has a potent
sleeping poison capable of inducing a
temporary coma to the target. If the

5 1 7
attack makes any damage, the target Technomagic Construction: As a
must succeed a VR check against 90, technomagic construct, a Gneba
or after two rounds they will fall into a cannot be affected by summoning
coma for as many hours as their level skills.
of failure.
Electrical Vulnerability: Due their
Transmission: The Gneba are spy mechanical structure, the Gneba don‟t
drones, and as such their main mission have appropriate protection against
is to gather information. Everything a electric attacks, and their metallic
Gneba sees and hears is transmited in carapace extends them around their
real time to another solomonic unit whole structure, overcharging their
(either a specific receptor u other systems and producing them double
solomonic golems, like Emeths) at a damage.
maximum distance of 5km.
Regeneration: Unfortunately, as
Additionally, a Gneba that receives the
constructs, the Gneba are incapable of
Transmission of another Gneba can in
repairing the damage they suffer. Only
time transmit it to increase their
a scientific expert with the adequate
reach. For every 15km that the
means can repair them appropriately.
Transmission has to travel, it comes
with a round of delay. The Emm
transmission cannot pass through
enchanted walls, but can go around Basic Battle Puppet
them if there‟s a way.
Level: 3 Category: Between Worlds,
Recorder: When unable to transmit Creation 15
the information they‟re gathering, the
Life Points: 220
Gneba can record up to 20 minutes of
audiovisual material. Without a pre- Class: Weapon Master
established directive, the Gneba will
Agi 8, Con 12, Dex 10, Str 12, Int 8,
initiate recording the moment it
Per 8, Pow 6, Wp 8
doesn‟t have access to a receptive
unit. These recordings can be sent in PhR 60 DR 60 VR 60 MR 45 PsR 50
full in just a round via Transmission.
Initiative: 70 Natural
Dragonfly Wings: The Gneba have
Attack Ability: 140 Adamantite Fists,
two pair of wings very similar to those
of a dragonfly of their size, although 130 Legate Canon

much quieter, that grant them a Flight Defense Ability: 120 Adamantite
value of 8. Even if perfectly able to
walk on the ground, their programing
makes them fly whenever possible Damage: 100 Adamantite Fists
because of higher manoeuvrability, (Impact), 100 Legate Canon
so the modifiers of flying are already (Thrust/Heat)
taken in consideration in the sheet.
AT: Metallic Carapace

5 1 8
Cut 6 Impact 6 Thrust 6 Heat 6 Emm, which meant a drastic reduction
Electricity 0 Cold 6 Energy 2 in their production.

Natural Abilities: Projectile Weapons A lot smaller, with a height of a little

Module, Fire in Movement Module, more than two meters, the Emm
Moving Target Module, Several Targets served as the bulk of the army of the
Module Empire. However, due to how easy it
was to produce them, the Emm
Esential Abilities: Physical
reached the public as military surplus
Exemption, Psychological Immunity,
who would serve as bodyguards or
Mechanic Bodies (Pain Immunity), heavy work machinery. That‟s why
Natural Immunity to an Element (Cold, most of the Emm that can still be
Fire, Half damage), Superhuman found will answer to the nanomachines
Physical Characteristics, Inhumanity, of anyone with Ancient Blood, even
Technomagical Construction, Natural Genum if they‟re not following a
Vulnerability to an Element (Double concrete directive.
Damage; Electricity)
_______MODUS OPERANDI______
Powers: Adamantite Fists (Natural
Weapon, Damage +20, AT Reduction - There‟s hardly any difference between
1, Damages energy), Metallic Carapace how an Emm and an Emeth act. They
(Physical Armor 6, Limited, Mystical follow their orders and program with
Armor 2, Damage Barrier 100), the best efficiency they‟re capable of.
Spiritual Receivers (Full Night Vision, Like the Emeth, they have an energy
See Supernatural), Energy Core (Weak core as a weak point.
Point), Regeneration 0
Adamantite Fists: Emm‟s limbs are
Size: 24, Great Regeneration: 0 reinforced with alloys that empower
their strikes. That‟s why their attacks
Movement Value: 8 Fatigue: reduce one point the defender‟s AC
Tireless and are able to damage energy.

Secundary Abilities: Climb 80, Expert Shooters: Same as the

Notice 60, Search 55, Feats of Emeth, the Emm are capable of using
Strength 100, Memorize 180 Legate Canons, but due to their
smaller size and lesser strength they
have some difficulty using them,
As it may look obvious, the Emm are applying a -10 to their Attack Ability.
an inferior version of the Emeth. Or to However, their more compact size
be more precise, the Emeth are a makes them able to use weaponry
superior version of the Emm. normally destined to humans. In
Eventually the Emeth proved to be particular, they are programmed to
more efficient soldiers capable of use any sort of firearm the Empire
dominating the battlefield, so their procured them with, but in cases of
value was substantially higher than the extreme necessity they can adapt the

5 1 9
program to use more primitive Attack Ability) that produces a critical
projectile weapons, like bows and over 50 disconects the golem
crossbows. immediately. Naturally, no one that
hasn‟t studied the workings of an Emm
Metallic Carapace: Besides the high
is capable of knowing the existence or
Armor Tipe that the external structure
position of said core.
gives the golem, their metal carapace
absorbs any physical damage that isn‟t Electrical Vulnerability: Due to their
able to damage energy or has a mechanical structure, the Emm don‟t
damage higher than 100. have appropriate protection against
electric attacks, and their metallic
Mechanic Bodies: As technomagic
carapace extends them around their
creations, these golems are incapable
whole structure, overcharging their
of feeling pain or impairment to their
systems and producing them double
combat capabilities. In consequence,
only criticals that result in amputation
have effect on them. Regeneration: Unfortunately, as
constructs, the Emm are incapable of
Spiritual Receptors: The Emm are
repairing the damage they suffer. Only
prepared to face any enemy even in
a scientific expert with the adequate
the most adverse situations. Their
means can repair them appropriately.
advanced technomagic receptors are
capable of seeing in the darkness Megadel
(ignoring penalties due to lack of
natural light and in half those Mobile Turret

provoqued by supernatural darkness)

Level: 3 Category: Between Worlds,
and perceive psychic powers, magic
Creation 20
and spiritual entities (as long as the
later don‟t have a Gnosis above 25). Life Points: 1975 Damage Resistance

Psychological Immunity: The minds Class: Weapon Master

of the Emm are little more than a sum
of orders and basic directives who Agi 6, Con 13, Dex 11, Str 12, Int 6,

follow their original program. In Per 10, Pow 6, Wp 7

consequence, they can‟t suffer any

PhR 65 DE 65 VR 65 MR 45 PsR 45
type of emotional or psychological
state. Initiative: 65

Technomagic Construction: As a Attack Ability: 135 Turret

technomagic construct, an Emm
Defense Ability: Damage Resistance
cannot be affected by summoning
skills. Damage: 120 Turrets (Thrust)

Energy Core: The Emm require the AT: Natural + Metal Cuirass
energy from their generator to work.
An aimed attack against it (-60 to

5 2 0
Cut 6 Impact 6 Thrust 6 Heat 6 were knocked down due their
Electricity 4 Cold 6 Energy 4 enormous weight close to 5 tons.

Natural Abilities: Moving Target _______MODUS OPERANDI______

Module, Several Targets Module
There‟s only one purpose for the
Essential Abilities: Physical Megadel: destroy enemy targets. Out
Exemption, Psychological Immunity, of military service they don‟t have
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, default targets, so except for express
Movement Trackers (Acute Sense: orders of recent origin, rarely any will
Sight), Inhumanity, Technomagical enter in combat even if reactivated.
Construction, Natural Vulnerability to Even in battle mode, they will avoid
an Element (Double Damage; attacks near anyone with Ancient
Electricity) Blood, except by express order of
someone with a higher hierarchy of
Powers: Turret (Ranged Natural
Weapon, Unlimited Ammo, Fired,
Damage energy, Random Additional Turret: The main element of a
Attacks D5, No Penalty, AT reduction - Megadel, without it serves no purpose.
3), Metal Cuirass (Physical Armor 4, It‟s a weapon of great power made
limited, Damage Barrier 100), Spiritual with several rotatory canons capable of
Receptors (Full Night Vision, See making multiple shots in very short
Supernatural), Super Heavy, Unstable time, although their precision is not
Shot, Regeneration 0 exactly the best. Mechanically, the
Turret is capable of making 1d5 (1d10
Size: 25, Enormous Regeneration: 0 halved, rounding up) ranged attacks
each round, with a range of 280
Movement Value: 7 Fatigue:
meters, that reduce by 3 the
defender‟s AT and are capable of
Secondary Abilities: Notice 80 (110 damaging energy. These attacks are
Sight), Search 70 (100 Sight), considered fired projectiles.
Memorize 145
Metallic Cuirass: Besides the high
Armor Type that the external structure
gives the golem, their metal carapace
One of the first combat golems that absorbs any physical damage that isn‟t
didn‟t try to look humanoid were the able to damage energy or has a
Megadel, big structures higher than 5
damage higher than 100.
meters armed with a turret and four
rudimentary legs to move Movement Trackers: The visual
autonomously. They proved a sensors of a Megadel are made to
frightening efficacy in the battlefield, recognise easily the enemies and
but eventually their use was reduced predict their position to eliminate them
due to their obsolete design and how easier. That‟s why they apply a +30
hard it was to recover them when they bonus to their Notice and Checks

5 2 1
related to sight, as well as applying Electrical Vulnerability: Due to their
the effects of the Moving Target and mechanical structure, the Megadel
Several Target Modules. don‟t have appropriate protection
against electric attacks, and their
Spiritual Receptors: The Megadel are
metallic carapace extends them
prepared to face any enemy even in
around their whole structure,
the most adverse situations. Their
overcharging their systems and
advanced technomagic receptors are
producing them double damage.
capable of seeing in the darkness
(ignoring penalties due to lack of Regeneration: Unfortunately, as
natural light and in half those constructs, the Megadel are incapable
provoked by supernatural darkness) of repairing the damage they suffer.
and perceive psychic powers, magic Only a scientific expert with the
and spiritual entities (as long as the adequate means can repair them
later don‟t have a Gnosis above 25). appropriately.

Technomagic Construction: As a Mitnakesh

technomagic construct, a Megadel
cannot be affected by summoning
skills. Level: 4

Super Heavy: The way the Megadel Life Points: 170

have to guarantee their stability before
Class: Shadow
the recoil of the weapon is by
increasing drastically their weight. This Category: Between Worlds, Creation
gives them a +3 to their Strength 20
when they receive a Knock Down
attack or Strength Impact. However, if Agi 12, Con 11, Dex 11, Str 11, Int
the Megadel is knocked down, they are 9, Per 10, Pow 7, Wp 9
incapable of getting up on their own.
PhR 65 DR 65 VR 65 MR 50 PsR 55
Unstable Shot: The movements of a
Initiative: 120 Natural, 110
Megadel are very abrupt, and they
Shortsword +10 and Shortsword +10
don‟t have a stability system to
compensate. That‟s why their penalties Attack Ability: 160 Shortsword +10
to ranged combat because of moving and 150 Shortsword +10
are different for the Megadel: They
apply a -10 for making passive Defense Ability: 150 Dodge

movement, -50 for moving more than

Damage: 80 Shortsword +10 (Thrust)
one quarter than their movement, and
their sensors directly prevent them AT: Metamorphic Cuirass
from attacking when making a full
Cut 3 Impact 3 Thrust 3 Heat 3
movement. If ordered to shoot
Electricity 3 Cold 3 Energy 2
regardless, they attack with a -100

5 2 2
MK: 100 Used: 60 assassination arts, able to reach any
assigned target.
Ki Abilities: Ki Use, Use of necessary
energy, Ki Hiding _______MODUS OPERANDI______

Natural Abilities: Projectile Weapons Mitnakesh don‟t engage in direct

Module, Moving Targets Module combat unless they have no option.
They‟re assassins, so every time they
Essential Abilities: Physical
have the opportunity will disengage
Exemption, Psychological Immunity,
until properly camouflaged, and
Superhuman Physical Characteristics,
eliminating witnesses one by one if
Ambidiextrous, Inhumanity, Unnatural
necessary. And even if forced into
Size, Technomagic Construction,
direct combat, they are perfectly
Natural Vulnerability to an Element
capable of standing their ground with
(Double Damage; Electricity)
their pair of blades, especially against

Powers: All Terrain (Aquatic those who, even having them located,

Movement, Weightless Movement, are incapable of seeing through their

Superior Subterranean Movement), intelligent fabric.

Metamorphic Cuirass (Physical Armor
When moving underground, they
3, Mystic Armor 2, Chameleonic usually do in coordination with one or
Camouflage), Assassin Blades, two Gnebas that transmit information
Spiritual Receptors (Full Night Vision, about the terrain.
See Supernatural), Regeneration 0
All Terrain: The bodies of the
Size: 17, Medium Regeneration: 0 Mitnakesh are prepared to move
across every territory with extreme
Movement Value: 12 Fatigue:
ease. That‟s why they can move in
ways that defy the laws of gravity, like
Secondary Abilities: Notice 140, walls or even upside down; they can
Search 120, Memorize 60, Stealth 160, also move without restrictions and at
Hide 160, Ki Hidding 130 full movement under water.

Lastly, they‟re also capable of moving

underground in a burrowing
While units like Emeth and movement, even in the hardest
Hecatondies are prepared for the
battlefield, Solomon also needed units
dedicated to the elimination of targets Metamorphic Cuirass: The metal
of interests, and doing so with cuirass that protects the internal
precision and plausible deniability. workings of a Mitnakesh are less
resistant that similar models. They are
It was under these needs that the made of an intelligent fabric, which
Mitnakesh where created, human sized acts as insulating against electricity in
golems experts in subterfuge and
a way the rest of the golems don‟t,
capable of changing color and texture

5 2 3
to blend perfectly with their Electrical Vulnerability: Due to their
environment, or directly make them mechanical structure, the Mitnakesh
look like they aren‟t there. That‟s why don‟t have appropriate protection
when they are completely still it‟s against electric attacks, and their
necessary to succeed a Notice check metallic carapace extends them
against Almost Impossible (240) or around their whole structure,
Search against Absurd (180) in order overcharging their systems and
to see them. If they‟re moving, the producing them double damage.
difficulty to see them is Absurd (180)
Regeneration: Unfortunately, as
in Notice or Very Difficult (140) in
constructs, the Mitnakesh are
incapable of repairing the damage they
If they also pass a Hide check against suffer. Only a scientific expert with the
Absurd (180), the difficulties when still adequate means can repair them
are upgraded to Impossible (280) for appropriately.
Notice and Almost Impossible (240) for
Search. Tatzelwurm, Mountain Cat
Assassin Blades: Every Mitnakesh is Wyrm, supplied by AntonNand
equipped with a pair of blades in which
Level: 4 Category: Natural 15
use they‟re experts. These blades are
equivalent to two shortswords of Life Points: 175
Quality +10, and are made with the
same intelligent fabric as their Class: Ranger
Metamorphic Cuirass, so they don‟t
Str: 9 Dex: 8 Agi: 9 Con: 10 Pow:
reveal the presence of the golem.
7 Int: 5 Wil: 6 Per: 10
Spiritual Receptors: The Mitnakesh
are prepared to face any enemy even PhR 80 MR 50 PsR 50 VR 80 DR
in the most adverse situations. Their 80
advanced technomagic receptors are
Initiative: 80 Natural
capable of seeing in the darkness
(ignoring penalties due to lack of Attack Ability: 140 Claws + 110
natural light and in half those Venomous Jaws, or 140 Claws +
provoked by supernatural darkness) Trapping, or 90 Snake Tail
and perceive psychic powers, magic
and spiritual entities (as long as the Defense Ability: 120 Dodge
latter don‟t have a Gnosis above 25).
Damage: 50 Claws (Cutting), 70
Technomagic Construction: As a Venomous Jaws (Thrust), 40 Snake
technomagic construct, a Mitnakesh Tail (Impact/Thrust)
cannot be affected by summoning
AT: Stone Hide
Cutting 3 Impact 3 Thrust 3 Heat 3
Electricity 3 Cold 3 Energy 0

5 2 4
Powers: Natural Weapons: Claws this drake, and even creature that can
(Improved Critical +20), Venomous stand a chance avoid them due their
Jaws (Improved Damage +20, Armor acid blood.
Reduction 2, Venomous Attack Lv 70);
The tatzelwurm lives in packs that may
Sinuous Movement, Underground
reach the dozen without counting the
Movement, Stone Hide (Physical Armor
potential cubs (ironically, when still
3, Damage Barrier 40), Improved
pretty young, with no more than 3
Physical Resistance +20, Acid Blood,
years old, the tatzelwurm cubs
Night Vision
resemble a more traditional felines
Size: 19, Medium Regeneration: 3 than draconic, making them often
“adorable” by people), although lone
Movement Value: 9 Fatigue: 10
wolves aren‟t uncommon. When the

Secondary Abilities: Jump 35, Climb cubs reach a mature age (between the

35, Intimidate 50, Notice 100, Search 3 and a half years to 4 years old) they

80, Track 60, Feats of Strength 55, tend to abandon the pack, or challenge

Hide 35, Stealth 55 the pack leader and take control of the
rest of tatzelwurm. The tatzelwurm
can live up to 40 years before dying of
old age.
The tatzelwurm, also known as
arassas, bergstutzen or simply _______MODUS OPERANDI______
mountain drake, is one far “relative” of
the serpents, however a difference Even though the tatzelwurm counts

from its “cousins”, the tatzelwurm with furtive tactics to hunt its prey, it
resemble a mixture between a snake has not issue facing whoever is dumb

and a very vague feline, generally a enough to stand against it directly.

saber-tooth tiger due its prominent During typical hunts, the drake moves

tusks. underground and trap its prey using its

tail, or alternatively, it can jump from
As one of the names suggests, the a high crag over its prey; next it will
tatzelwurm natural habit are the proceed to rake its prey with its claws
mountains, but they also inhabit caves and oversized fangs.
and volcanic environments, scattered
through most mountains of the old The drake knows very well its body is

continent, although they are way more filled with corrosive acid, and if it has
common in the Mountain Range of the sustained a considerable amount of

Scar. damage and is bleeding, instead or

retire from battle will try to coil around
Its appearance is not just for show, the enemy and wait for the acid
dangerous felines as the lion or tiger soaking its body to make the job. Only
have reasons to envy the fierceness if the tatzelwurm is overwhelmed in
and cunning of the tatzelwurm. Bearer numbers, or notice the target is a prey
of a potent venom extremely lethal, it can be easily trapped, it will consider
few animals stand a chance against abandoning the battle.

5 2 5
Venomous Jaws: The tatzelwurm suffering from the effects of bleeding
counts with a pair of tusks that aside during at least 10 rounds, it can be
being bearer of crushing strength, they interpreted that is body is soaked in its
own blood. In such conditions, every
are filled with poisons. The jaw attack
time someone unprotected strikes the
can be executed along with the claw as
drake it must pass a PhR against 80
an additional attack with a penalty of -
or losses an amount of LP equal to
30 to the attack: they possess
the level of failure. At the GM‟s
improved damage, reduces the discretion, if the tatzelwurm losses a
defender armor by 2, and in case of great amount of LP in one attack,
causing damage the target must pass individuals close to the creature may
a VR against 90 or lose an amount of need to pass the check too due to
LP equal to the level of failure. If the spilled acid.
target does not even reach the 70 in The tatzelwurm can take advantage of
the dice roll, the venom corrodes and this condition, coiling around a target
melt the veins and arteries, causing and bathing it with its own blood. In
internal bleeding and causing the this case, the difficulty increases to
death of the target. 100 if the target is suffering from
partial paralysis, or against 120 if its
Snake Tail: The drake can make use
suffering complete paralysis.
of its tail to either make a barrage or
coil around its target with a combined In the absurd scenario someone
attack with its claws. As a barrage decides to ingest the blood of the
attack, the tatzelwurm targets creature, the check increases to 120
everyone in a radius of 3 meters, and and causes damage equal to twice the
in case of using to coil, after level of failure.
performing a claw attack the
tatzelwurm executes a trapping Naturally, the tatzelwurm is immune to

maneuver with a value of 8. its own acid.

Sinuous Movement: The movement

of the Tatzelwurm picks the best trait
of a tiger and a snake: is not only
fast despite having two limbs, but
also ignores penalties caused by
moving in uneven terrains in the
same way a snake would.

Acid Blood: Maybe due centuries

consuming minerals through its skin
caused the blood of the tatzelwurm
kin to turn extremely corrosive,
burning and melting every kind of
flesh or cloths at contact. When the
tatzelwurm has lost at least 50% of
its total LP, or when has been

5 2 6
one of them isn‟t particularly
Tooth Fairy, supplied by Sadrith
dangerous, this little aberrations tend
Level: 1 Category: Between worlds, to act in groups of anywhere between
15 10 and 100 members, and compensate
their lack of strength with hideous
Life Points: 60 brutality and a knack for attacking a
human‟s weak spots to quickly disable
Class: Assassin
them and then give them a slow and
Str: 4 Dex: 8 Agi: 10 Con: 4 Pow: 9 agonizing death.
Int: 2 Per: 8 Wp: 4
These imps are thought to be born of
PhR: 25 MR: 40 PsR: 25 VR: 25 SR: the souls of petty and weak sinners
25 that never achieve the power or status
that would enable them to act on their
Initiative: 95 Natural
perfid intentions, building up an

Attack: 90 Bite immense amount of resentment and

unchanneled anger.
Defense: 90 Dodge
While it can be hard to communicate
Damage: 25 Bite (Thrust) with Tooth Fairies without them
immediately attacking, some people
AT: None
have been able to strike deals with
Essential abilities: Inhumanity, them in exchange of dozens or even
Racial vice. hundreds of human teeth, although
their erratic nature and lack of
Powers: Bite (Natural weapons, Critic intelligence limits their utility to
+60), Natural flight 10, Tooth picker. mindless carnage and incredibly
effective torturers (as long as only one
Size: 8, Small Regeneration: 1
or two are employed, otherwise they
Movement type: 10 Fatigue: 4 will probably kill the victim in an
extremely gruesome way).
Secondary skills: Acrobatics 20,
Athleticism 30, Notice 80, Search 60,
Track 60, Hide 60, Stealth 80.

Fable: 80 / 140 / 180

Mythology: Christianity, Fairy Tales.

Although they are probably amongst

the weaker members of the infernal
hosts, the little imps known as Tooth
fairies are well feared for their extreme
violence and sadism. While a single

5 2 7
_______MODUS OPERANDI______ member of a humanoid race) that they
encounter or apply a -20 penalty to all
Tooth Fairies are as simple as they are
actions while the human is nearby. Of
scary, in battle they will mindlessly
course, this penalty doesn‟t apply
fight with no regard for their own life,
while the fairy is actively trying to get
and weaken their victims until they
that tooth.
can reach their vital spots and cause
massive injuries. They are named after Vulnerability: As demons of fifth
their instinctual compulsion to tear off hierarchy, Tooth Fairies can‟t enter any
the teeth of their victims even in the sacred grounds, and will automatically
middle of battle. die if they are forced to, or if they
touch any sacred item.
Bite: Tooth Fairies attack with their
uncanny and oversized human
Turon Ventis, the Seed of
denture. Due to their small size their
attacks deal very little damage, but if the Winds, supplied by Shiryu
they get the opportunity they can use
"A polecat lives three years, a dog
them to bury themselves into their
lives three polecats, a horse lives three
victim‟s flesh, and rip out pieces of
dogs, and an old man lives three
flesh, fingers, bones and especially
teeth. Therefore if they cause a
critical, they can add a +60 to Name: Turon Ventis.
calculate its effects, and their Natural
Rank: Minor Air Elemental.
weapons are considered to be Precise.

Age: They live between 8 and 10

Tooth Picker: Tooth fairies can make
years. The first presumably arose
an aimed attack to the teeth with only
10,000 years ago.
a -10 penalty to attack. The final
damage of this attack will be halved, Fighting Style: Wind control in
but it‟s counted fully to calculate if it combination with pollen dispersal.
deals a critical, and the teeth will be
considered a weak point. Against Race: Between Worlds, Elemental;
general rules, all penalties caused by a Air.
critical from Tooth picker will be due to
Fable: 40 / 120 / 180
pain, even if the critical was above 50.
Mythology: False Idols.
Flight: Tooth fairies can move with a
flying value of 10. The bonuses given Hobbies: Sleep.
by this flight in combat are already
reflected on the stats. What they appreciate most:
Racial vice: Tooth fairies have an
irrepressible urge to collect human What they hate most: Fire.
teeth. Therefore, they must get at
least one tooth from any human (or

5 2 8
Turon Ventis are the most basic of air although curiously they usually prefer
elementals, lesser spirits that are born to obey entities linked to nature such
when a large amount of elemental as the Harekawa.
magical energy permeates a large
Given their unusual ability to evolve,
number of flowers. At first glance they
Turon do not take long to reach
are no bigger than ferrets with white
intermediate elemental status, so they
fur dotted with small flowers (whose
are seen by occultists as a kind of
species vary depending on the type of
primary phase.
flower that gave birth to the
elemental). Generally they do not Turon Ventis (Level 0)
usually exceed half a meter but as
they grow they can easily double that Level: 0 Category: Between Worlds,
size. Elemental (Air) 10

Their intelligence is at the same level Life Points: 70

as that of some apes and they are able
Class: Acrobatic Warrior
to understand some words of different
languages. They are quite curious and Str: 5 Dex: 6 Agi: 8 Con: 5 Pow: 6
love to wander around exploring new Int: 4 Wil: 4 Per: 6
places (especially if it has a lot of
flora). They are quite active at dawn PhR: 20 MR: 25 PsR: 15 DR: 20 VR:

and dusk spending the rest of the day 20

doing their favorite pastime; to sleep.

Initiative: 65 Natural and 75 Burst

They have the habit of sleeping among

Attack Ability: 60 Natural Weapon or
the flowers using their "fur" as a
60 Air Burst.
natural camouflage with which to go
unnoticed. Since they feed only on the Defense Ability: 60 Dodge.
fragrance given off by the flowers,
Damage: 30 Natural Weapons
they can be found anywhere where
(Thrust) and 50 Air Burst (Impact).
there are a good number of them.
They are also responsible, although AT: None
indirectly, for pollinating other flowers
with their fur. Essential Abilities: Affinity (Flowers),
Unnatural Growth, Inhumanity,
Instinctively they obey any air Immunity to climate phenomena and
elemental of a higher hierarchy,

5 2 9
Acuate Sense (Smell).

Powers: Claws and Bite, Pollen, Air

Burst and Supernatural Flight 8.

Size: 5 Small Regeneration: 1

Movement Value: 6 Fatigue: 5

Secondary Abilities: Acrobatics 20,

Notice 40, Search 40, Track 40, Herbal
Lore 20, Navigation 20 and Style 20.

_______MODUS OPERANDI______

Turon are quite social, loving to play

with other members of their race and
elementals of their own kind. They use
the pollen from their flowers as a against 100 or count as detected by
means of detection and communication the Turon.
with other members of their species. If
Air Burst: By concentrating its
they find themselves in dangerous
elemental essence, a Turon is capable
situations, they usually flee by flying
of exhaling powerful blasts of air with
rather than fight, but if they are
which to attack its opponents. To be
cornered they are capable of defending
able to discern this attack it is
themselves with their claws or teeth
necessary to pass a Notice check
or, if they need to, they are capable of
against 120, or if this ability is known,
generating powerful gusts of wind with
an active action can be used to make a
which to mark distances.
Search check against 40, in case of
Unnatural Growth: Turon ventis failure the defender applies the Blind
grow and increase in strength as they penalty to his defending. This ability
gain power. Therefore, each time they has a maximum range of 30 meters
level up they gain a special +1 bonus and can only be used up to 5 times per
to their Strength and Constitution on day by the elemental.
top of the ability bonus that all beings
of each even level receive. This
evolution stops when reaching level 5.

Pollen:The flowers of Turon ventis

give off pollen that the creature can
use as a means of supernatural
detection. This ability has an area of
10 meters and anyone who is in its
radius of effect must pass a MR

5 3 0
Wisp Fire, the Flame of
Judgment, supplied by Shiryu
“There is no flame more difficult to
extinguish than that of justice”

Name: Fathios Fae.

Rank: Minor Fire Elemental.

Age: They live between 60 and 80

years. Presumably the first arose
10,000 years ago.

Fighting Style: Control over fire.

Race: Between Worlds, Elemental; fact if they discover anyone with blood
Fire. crimes who has fled from the justice
without receiving punishment usually
Fable: 40 / 120 / 180 meet in small groups to apply the
sentence they consider just.
Mythology: False Idols and Crhistian
Faith. Despite its good intentions, a will-o'-
the-wisp is unable to understand the
Hobbies: None.
repentance of criminals and equally
What they appreciate most: Justice. punishes all those it detects as guilty.
This fact meant that in the first years
What they hate most: Murderers. after the founding of the inquisition,
many of the elementals went after the
inquisitors, causing some casualties
Wisps are lesser fire elementals that but causing them to remain on the
appear as small, humanoid flames brink of extinction. Only the
whose color and intensity change intervention of some higher-ranking
based on the creature's temperament. elementals prevented their total
These elementals are born in the wake extermination. .
of places that have witnessed great
Since then, the surviving wisps have
battles and in which there have been
migrated to the waking world where
an abundant number of deaths by fire,
they continue to impart their methods,
as a reflection of the anguish and pain
although on some occasions they can
of their last moments.
access the physical world to punish the
Despite their macabre origin, will-o'- worst criminals they find.
the-wisps are not evil by nature, on
Wisp Fire (Level 3)
the contrary they do not like senseless
violence at all and only approve of it as Level: 3 Category: Between Worlds,
punishment for dangerous criminals, in Elemental (Fire) 20

5 3 1
Life Points: 495 based on energy, water or cold is
unable to hurt them, but in the same
Class: Ranger
way anything capable of mitigating

Str: 4 Dex: 6 Agi: 6 Con: 4 Pow: 8 them (sand, foam...) will cause

Int: 5 Wil: 6 Per: 10 damage. Anyone who comes into

contact with the body of a wisp must
PhR: 35 MR: 50 PsR: 45 DR: 35 VR: pass a PhR check 80 and if it misses
35 they will take damage equal to half
their miss level. In addition, wisps
Initiative: 75 Natural
receive a +30 bonus to their
Attack Ability: 120 Fire projectile. resistances against heat-based effects.
Finally, if a wisp is completely still, it is
Defense Ability: Damage Resistance. exactly the same as a simple fire, so
realizing what it really is requires a
Damage: 30 Fire projectile (Heat)
check of Almost Impossible in Notice
AT: Natural 2 and against Absurdity in Search, if the
wisp moves the difficulty goes down to
Essential Abilities: Physical
Absurd in Noticing and to Very Difficult
in Searching.
Powers: Igneous Body, Fire projectile,
Fire projectile: Wips Fires use the
Sense the Violence and Supernatural
fire that gives them form as a
Flight 6.
projectile weapon. These weapons
Size: 8 Small Regeneration: 1 have 30 damage and attack on the
heat table. Wisp can fire up to 50
Movement Value: 6 Fatigue: shells before needing to regenerate
Tireless their fire, which takes an hour per
Secondary Abilities: Notice 80,
Search 80 and Track 80. Sense the Violence: The Wips Fires
are capable of supernaturally sensing
_______MODUS OPERANDI______
the blood crimes of the people around
Wisp will not engage in combat unless them. This power works as a
they are in danger or realize someone supernatural detection with an area of
has committed serious crimes, in 50 meters with a MR of 140.
which case they will attack in groups of
4-10 individuals.

Igneous Body: The bodies of the

Wisp are made of fire and are slightly
humanoid in shape, however when
they want they are completely
indistinguishable from common flames.
Consequently, any attack that is not

5 3 2
Monsters of a World Well
Traveled, supplied by Zeph
Well, salutations, I am Yeol Pirim.
Traveler, mage of the Magus
association, honorary member of the
esteemed order of Belasarius and
adventure aficionado. In other time I
would be throwing myself into another
grandiose expedition. But some little
Vetala necromancer waif, follower of
Nyakranzerath, just came to me with
some terrible curse, such as debt and
favor to be repaid. So here I am
sharing my wisdom of some of the
monster and creature that live out
there. Guess I better start this.


My beautiful home, land of knowledge

and enlightenment. A place where one
can study the beautiful art without the
risk of being turn into a barbecue or
having to join with those demented
ruffian of Yehudah. But well, as
everyplace into the world, my
wonderful country possesses its
monsters and strange dweller. Be it PhR: 40 MR: 35 PsR: 30 VR: 40 DR:
servant of ancient draconic overlord or 40
weird experiment of Devas and Vetala.
Initiative: 65 Natural, 45 Boulder
In our case I'm going to show some
weird creatures people aren't even Attack: 80 Fist or Boulder
suspecting are haunting our
countryside. Defense: 90 Dodge

Sasquatch, Peaceful Giant Ape Damage: 60 Fist, 50 Boulder, Impact

Level: 1 Category: Natural 5 Armor: None

Life Points: 115 Essential Abilities: Night Vision,

Acute perception (Smell), Inhumanity.
Classes: Thief
Powers: Nature Walker, Smelly.
Str : 11 Dex : 9 Agi: 7 Con: 8 Pow:
6 Int: 4 Wil: 5 Per: 6 Size: 19 Regeneration: 2

5 3 3
Movement Type: 7 Fatigue: 8 _______MODUS OPERANDI______

Secondary Ability: Search 65, Track Sasquatch aren't fighters, and as such
40, Notice 75, Medicine 5, Hide 75, they will often try to favor fleeing to
Stealth 75 fighting, and will as such only act in
aggression if they don‟t believe in their
ability to escape unscathed.

The star of our woods and source of

A lone Sasquatch will generally throw
countless legends. The Sasquatch is a
boulders and trees at pursuers in hope
gentle giant primate that lives in the
of dissuading them from following it or
northern forest of our continent with
to disperse pack hunters. And will then
two of the main population in Spheria
take advantage of the confusion to
and Priscilla. Once they were the
disappear in thick foliage. If in
original inhabitant of the New World,
punching distance they will then use
but upon the establishment of the Red
their massive fist to try and neutralize
Sky Empire and all the subsequent
their assailant. They generally don't
colonization of the land they have been
strike to kill, but a Sasquatch is strong
pushed further and further under the
enough to punch through a tree and
protection of the woods. They are
panic leads them to a few lethal
generally suspicious toward human
accidents. If there is a group, the
and will try to hide themselves from
larger Sasquatch will remain behind
them before quickly and stealthily
and buy time for the other by throwing
leaving the place upon the suspicion of
everything in his vicinity until the
some of them coming. Though there
others are far enough and he can
have been reports of some hunters
safely flee himself.
chancing upon them or of followers of
Lilium having friendly contact with
their community.

Their main regime consists of fruits

and bugs, yet they will eat meat if
given the occasion. It is pretty rare to
meet one, and they tend to be solitary,
not out of rejection of social conduct
toward other Sasquatch, but out of
desire to remain hidden from the sight
of the many potential predators out
there. Rumors exist of a Sasquatch
village deep into the forest, protected
by ancient magic, but none were ever
able to find one. Save perhaps for the
few druids they accept as friends.

5 3 4
Nature Walker: Sasquatch are Elemental Vulnerability (Fire, Double
experts at moving in wooded area. As Damage)
long as they are in a Forest they aren't
Movement Type: 12 Fatigue:
troubled nor slowed down by any
natural obstacle. Supernatural ones
still block them normally. Furthermore Secondary Ability: Acrobatic 120,
they don't leave any trace or hint of Intimidation 120, Search 120, Track
their passage on tree or forest soil. 125, Notice 130, Animals 100, Magical
Appraisal: 100, History: 100, Occult:
Smelly: Sasquatch emit a pungent
110, Composure: 70, Feats of Strength
smell. Not enough to sicken or trouble
130, Hide 100, Stealth: 125
any pursuer, but enough to reveal their
presence to someone who knows what
he is searching for. They receive the
identifiable smell disadvantage to
stealth checks against creatures trying
to locate them by smell.

Wendigo, Demon of Despair and

Level: 11 Category: Spirit, Demon 30

Life Points: 365

Class: Warrior

Str:14 Dex:14 Agi:14 Con:15

Pow:12 Int:13 Wil:12 Per:10

PhR: 110 MR: 100 PsR: 95 VR: 110

DR: 110

Old legends coming from the distant

Initiative: 165 Natural
Bekent speak of a terrible curse
Attack: 265 Frozen Claw striking isolated villages. Of proud and
noble men and women devolving in
Defense: 235 Dodge
complete monsters in the most
Damage: 145 Frozen Claw (Cold) desperate winters. Feeding on the
flesh of their brethren. And of the
Armor: CUT: 6 THR: 6 IMP: 6 HEA: 0 demon at the source of the curse.
COL: - ELE: 5 ENE: 5
One would believe Spheria protected
Essential Abilities: Complete from such a terrible ailment, but the
Immunity (Cold / Fear), Greater child of the demon stalk us from
Initiative, Tireless, Affect Energy, Zen. behind the veil, waiting for someone to
Power: Howling, Divine Dispersion, fall in the sin of cannibalism, attracted
Wendigo Curse, Frozen Land, here by the blood feast of the ancient

5 3 5
Vetala that once ruled over the must resist a 140 PsR or be sent
continent. screaming in terror.

When people here speak of the Divine Dispersion: Commanding the

Wendigoes they first think of their wind of Ithaqua, the Wendigo releases
victims, deformed monstrosities a burst of Divine Power against a
lusting for flesh. But the true Wendigo target. The target must succeed a 140
is the demon that now inhabits their MR or be blown away by the wind.
corpse, and the only release for those They are transported to a random rural
poor souls is cleansing fire. town in the border of civilization
outside the Wake. It only affects
In the Wake, Wendigoes present
people with an inferior level of Gnosis
themselves as massive emaciated
and can't be targeted twice during the
humanoids with a stag skull for a face
same moon.
surrounded by the constant wail of the
wind. Their mere presence Frozen Land: The Presence of a
transforming the Wake around them in Wendigo transforms the Wake around
a desolated and frozen tundra. him into a desolate Tundra. People in
the material plane feel an unnatural
_______MODUS OPERANDI______ drop in temperature. Cattle are left
sickened after a month and harvest
Wendigoes show little care for the
dies after a few weeks without magical
creatures around them in the Wake,
assistance. The Frozen Land extends a
not even for wandering humans or
Kilometer around him.
mages, and only react in case of
aggression or presence of fire. In such Wendigo Curse: When someone
cases it starts by releasing a powerful within the range of the frozen land
howl that sends all but the bravest commits an act of cannibalism he gets
running, and if any threats remain it affected by the curse. Each night, as
will use its Divine Dispersion to eject he sleeps, he must succeed a MR 80
them out of his way. Only fighting check or suffer reoccurring nightmares
anyone foolish and strong enough to of the beast. If he succeeds he sleep
remain. through the night normally and the
difficulty degree augments by 5 for the
It is when someone commits
next night as the nightmare about the
cannibalism that he reveals its true
Wendigo becomes clearer through his
danger. Dragging their soul into the
mind. When he fails, he finds himself
Wake and fighting them in duel. When
facing the Wendigo fully equipped in
that happens the Wendigo forgoes all
the wake. If he wins against the
tactic and simply strikes its target with
Wendigo, it disperses and he will no
abandon with its frozen claws.
longer be haunted, if he loses, the
Howling: The Wendigo releases the Wendigo devours his soul and takes
wind around him, sending it screaming possession of his body in the material
around on a kilometer. All that hear it plane.

5 3 6
A possessed Individual conserves his Psychic Localization, Mind Control,
power and skills, but loses its mind Psychic Death, Telekinetic Shield,
and attacks friends and family Repulsion, Create Fire, Empower
members to kill them and feed on their Emotions, Create Emotions, Obfuscate
corpses. He will then continue its matrices, Self-movement, Defensive
massacre until killed. If the corpse Teleport, Major Self-movement,
isn't destroyed by fire, the Wendigo Teleportation, Charge with Emotions,
will simply reemerge from the body Telekinetic Impact.
into the wake and go back to haunt
Essential Abilities: Access to all
the community. If destroyed by fire the
Psychic Disciplines, IEM Field, Slender
Wendigo will be banished, but will
reappear next winter until the spirit
itself is destroyed. Size: 14 Normal Regeneration: 2

The Thin Man, Hidden Operator Movement Type: 12 Fatigue: 8

Level: 14 Category: Between Worlds
30 Secondary Ability: Etiquette 120,
Intimidation 140, Persuasion 115,
Life Points: 180 Style 120, Search 120, Track 120,
Notice 125, Architecture 120, Magical
Class: Mentalist
Appraisal 120, Occult 140, Science
Str: 6 Dex:10 Agi:12 Con: 8 Pow:9 120, Composure 120, Hide 120,
Int:14 Wil:16 Per:12 Sleight of Hand 15.

PhR: 105 MR: 105 PsR: 130 VR: 105

DR: 105
To be honest, I know not if the
Initiative: 145 Naturel monster described in this note even
exists. I encountered rumors about it
Defense: Dodge 20 as I went to investigate a missing child
case. Villager spoke of a falling star,
Armor: None
bringing ancient evil with it. Of dark
Psychic Projection: 255 whispers and bleeding noses. Of
strange deaths and mysterious fires.
Psychic Potential: 220
Of countless disappearances and of
Free PP: 6 arks of fire.

Innate Slots: 6 In the end I found the child, safe but

scared. But couldn‟t help the feeling
Psychic Disciplines: Telekinesis, that something was observing us. So I
Telepathy, Teleportation, Pyrokinesis, chose to investigate. These data are
Sentience. what I could gather from multiple
interrogation of survivors and
Psychic Powers: Psychic Illusion,
witnesses. Even then, I hardly ever
Zone Scan, Mental Communication,
saw anything of the entity. And what I
Mental Prohibition, Psychic Assault,

5 3 7
saw could barely be considered as pacts with other supernatural entities
evidence. to take care of the trouble in his stead.

I hope someone will have greater luck In case he find himself in direct
than me in gaining more knowledge of confrontation with a threat he will
this…Operator as some call it. remain calm, try to telepathically force
his enemy to submit before leaving, if
Here is a painting made of the beast,
he fails to do so, he will use telekinesis
and even it contradicts much of what I
to knock it down before teleporting
could hear.
either himself or the target to another

IEM Field: The thin man psychic

powers seem to react strangely to
technology, especially lost logia.
Someone of ancient blood will suffer a
-30 penalty to all checks to Search or
Notice the creature. But at the same
time will gain a +30 bonus to resist its
mental powers.

Slender Illness: Remaining for long

_______MODUS OPERANDI______
period of time within 50 meters of the
The creature is careful and avoids any Thin man appears to result in the
form of direct contact with anything it apparition of weird symptoms. Mainly
considers a threat. Showing a Paranoia and either nose bleed or
preference to work through mind vomiting. After a week passes stalked
controlled proxies. He will however by the Thin Man the target must pass
remain near, always watching. a DR of 120. If he fails he suffers
Madness and Weakness as he is
If he believes someone can be a wrecked by bleeding and paranoia.
danger for him he will generally make

5 3 8

Here I am again, Yeol Pirim.

Explorator, Member of the Order of
Magus and honorary member of
Belasarius… and seemingly favored
target of a diminutive vetala
necromancer waif. Sending me in
nowhere else than in the den of those
backwater brutes of Ygdramar. But
she promised finance for my next
expedition, so I guess I could risk my
life in a country that would sooner use
me as wood to the fire rather than
listen to my curriculum.

Ygdramar is the country of honor and

chivalry. If not of intellect. Bunch of
feudal lord sharing the territory and Defense: Damage Resistance
resolving all of their trouble by
Damage: 30 Pseudo-pod (Impact)
tournament and joust, when they are
not attacking us military...and losing. Armor: CUT 6 IMP 6 THR 6 HEA 5 COL
People here are rather kind, if not a 3 ELE 3 ENE 3
little too much traditionalist for my
Essential Abilities: Poison: Immunity
taste, with noble knights defending the
population against the things that Powers: Slippery Mucus, Sticky
haunt the night. But as soon as you Mucus.
leave the wall of their fortress-towns
you can meet plenty of interesting Size: 15 Regeneration: 1
wildlife. Here‟s a few.
Movement Type: 4 Fatigue: 7
Giant Snail, Predatory Gastropod
Secondary Ability: Climb 115,
Level: 2 Category: Natural 5 Search 65, Track 35, Notice 55,
Withstand Pain 50, Hide 30, Stealth 5
Life points: 625

Str :8 Dex: 6 Agi: 4 Con: 7 Pow: 4

Int: 2 Wil: 6 Per: 6 Many people, when they hear about
knights fighting snails, react with
PhR: 40 MR: 30 PsR: 40 VR: 40 DR: different levels of amusement and
40 incredulity. Surely a snail couldn‟t
possibly be a threat. Only when facing
Initiative: 50 Natural
one of these giants do they truly
Attack: 100 Pseudo-pod and Sticky understand.

5 3 9
Taller than a pony, with a shell harder If the target survives they will attempt
than steel, those predatory molluscs to hit them with their pseudo-pod
can easily surprise a man both by their while releasing more slippery mucus,
resilience and their speed. Thankfully, susceptible to make them fall and
they aren‟t particularly smart, and a allow easier attack on them.
well-trained soldier can outmanoeuvre
Snails are unlikely to outrun any
them and strike at their squishy head.
creature that resists them, so they will
Or just power through their shell with
fight fiercely while resting on their
sheer strength and grit.
resilience to pull through.
One giant snail can produce a hundred
Slippery Mucus: Giant snail can
eggs, but it‟s rare for more than three
release slippery mucus around them.
of them to survive to adulthood due to
Anyone stepping on it must succeed an
cannibalism and depredation.
80 Acrobatic check or a 10 Agility test
They tend to live far away from major or risk falling on the ground.
human settlements, in high mountains,
Sticky Mucus: Giant Snails can spit a
trapping unsuspecting prey in their
sticky substance on the ground or on a
sticky mucus before bashing them.
target. A target entering the spot or
So the next time you hear about a receiving the attack must resist an
valorous knight riding against one of immobilizing grapple against STR 10.
those beasts. Thank them.
Unicorn, Steed of the Beryl
Here is a painting of a young knight
Level: 2 Category: Between Worlds,
facing the atrocious beast.
Elemental 25

Life points: 130

Str :9 Dex: 8 Agi: 8 Con: 8 Pow:12

Int: 5 Wil: 10 Per: 10

PhR: 45 MR: 65 PsR: 50 VR: 45 DR:


_______MODUS OPERANDI______ Initiative: 70 Natural

Though faster than they appear, giant Attack: 105 Horn and Hooves
snails have few chances of outrunning
Defense: 105 Dodge
most prey. As such they will often act
as an ambush predator. They favour Damage: 60 (Cut/ Impact)
caves in which they can cover the
ground in sticky mucus before crawling Armor: None

on the roof. Once a target is caught,

Magical projection: 100
they drop on the unsuspecting trapped
prey, hopping to break their skull. Accumulation: 45

5 4 0
Zeon: 275 side, one whose goals and desires
impressed their creator.
Spells: Light 20
Mural of a unicorn in the basilica of
Essential Abilities: The Gift,
Immunity: Summon/Domination,
Energy alteration.

Powers: Beryl Affinity

Size: 17 Regeneration: 2

Movement Type: 10 Fatigue: 8

Secondary Ability: Athleticism 55,

Climb 30, Swimming 30, Jump 30,
Style 85

Contrary to what many believe,

unicorns aren‟t some magical horses.
_______MODUS OPERANDI______
They are manifestation of the Beryls‟
might shaped in the form of a pure A unicorn‟s main goal is the survival of
steed. Beings of light, searching for their bonded rider, and they are rather
worthy mortals to link themselves with good at reading a threat. If a unicorn
and help them in their mission. believes a battle is lost or too
dangerous it will try to run off to
Their horns possess powerful magical
safety. On the other side if it believes
properties as they are their link to
there is a chance of victory it will
their divine patron.
prepare to synergize with its rider.
Of course, as there are seven Beryl,
If the rider is a mage it will run circles
also does Unicorns vary seven-fold in
around its opponent making sure to
image of their creator, each favouring
keep far from the threat while the rider
a different kind of individual to bond
bombards its opponent with spells.
If the rider is a fighter it will charge
For those lucky enough to have met
into battle goring his enemy with its
one, as I have been, Unicorns are
horn and trampling it with its hooves.
proud and stalwart beings, able of
communication and devoted to their There may be variation in tactic
bonded rider. according of course with their patron
Beryl. Mikael and Gabriel‟s unicorns
One does not find a unicorn in the
being more cautious and defensive
wild, neither can one be summoned or
while those of Azrael tend to be more
forced to submit to a mortal‟s will.
They are sent directly to a mortal‟s

5 4 1
Beryl Affinity: A Unicorn can initiate Str:20 Dex:14 Agi: 8 Con: 17 Pow:
a familiar bond with a chosen mortal. 7 Int: 1 Wil: 7 Per: 7
Doing so allows each of them the
PhR: 145 MR: 115 PsR: 115 VR: 145
advantage of a classical familiar
DR: 145
connection as well as special bonuses
depending of their divine Beryl. Initiative: 120 Natural

 Mikael: The rider adds half the Attack: 375 Might of a thousand men
unicorn presence to all of his
resistances. They prefer to Defense: Damage Resistance
bond with pure young maidens.
Damage: 260 Might, 250 Roar of
 Gabriel: The rider is immune
despair (Impact)
to fear and despair. They prefer
to bond with warm-hearted Armor: CUT 10 IMP 10 THR 10 HEA
artists. 10 COL 10 ELE 10 ENE 10
 Uriel: The rider and unicorn
become immune to Essential Abilities: Mental immunity.

immobilization. They prefer to

Powers: Beyond Death, All for a
bond with liberty wishing young
fleeting memory, Perception of the
soul, Exact Revenge, Spell Blight,
 Azrael: Rider and Unicorn
Swallow whole, Hatred: Zemial, Roar
apply the permanent effect of
of Despair, Lullaby for the Age.
Intermediate Armor of Light.
They prefer to bond with Ki Ability: Ki Use, Ki Control, Detect
virtuous heroes and heroines. Ki, Erudition, Combat Aura, Presence
 Barakiel: The rider is immune Extrusion, Aura Extension, Augmented
to mind control. They prefer to Damage, Physical Shield, Use of
bond with just rulers. Necessary Energy, Diminished Needs,
 Raphael: The rider and Unicorn Malus removal, Inhumanity, Zen.
can move unbothered through
Size: 37 Regeneration: 10
nature. They prefer to bond
with Lilium druids. Movement Type: 12 Fatigue: 17
 Edamiel: The rider gains the
Charm and Seduction Secondary Ability: Acrobatics 155,
advantages. They prefer to Athleticism 155, Climb 100, Swim 100,
bond with decadent youth. Jump 165, Intimidate 155, Style 155,
Search 155, Track 75, Notice 155,
Tarrasque, Beast of Devastation Animals 40, Feats of Strength 205,
Withstand Pain 120, Hide 35
Level: 17 Category: Between Worlds

Life points: 9600 Once upon a time lived a young lady,

she was of a warm soul and great love.
One day as she was traveling by a

5 4 2
glade she met a monster, wounded “Lagadigadèu, la Tarasco, la Tarasco
and bleeding. Unafraid by the beast‟s Lagadigadèu, la Tarasco dóu castèu
appearance she came to its help and Leissas-la passa la vièio masco,
brought it back to full health, singing a Leissas-la passa que vai dansa.”
lullaby along its recovery. Grateful the
beast followed the maiden to her _______MODUS OPERANDI______

ancient town and stood by her side.

When calm, the Tarrasque cares little
Eternal protector, shell harder than
for combat. Seeking to intimidate
diamond, a scream that could shake
opponents with its battle aura and
the sky, claws that shattered walls.
swallowing whole any creature stupid

The lady is long gone now, ruins enough to launch a direct attack on it.
standing in the place of her once proud
Someone trying to attack the young
city, and a mountain sleeps, wind
girl will cause its anger and be
echoing long forgotten lullabies from
trampled to death with the strength of
its very heart.
a thousand men.

I came upon this story across my

But if someone pushes it to exact
travels, and after a month of travelling
revenge, one will find himself pursued
I found the ruins of the lost citadel of
to the end of the world by an enraged
Tarascon laying near a giant mountain.
unstoppable force, constantly rushing
A small village rebuilt among the
through any knight, wall or city
crumbling walls and a young girl
unlucky enough to find itself on its
singing on an old rock formation,
way. If a creature tries to flee by the
under the constant watch of warriors
air he will use Roar of Despair to
dressed in armor of white and red of
pulverize the creature with little regard
unknown metal, wielding weapons that
for anything in the way.
seemed to hold the fire of the sun
itself. This is a creature able to reshape the
geography of a place by simply
As for what they were afraid of, what if
moving. Complicated tactics are
the singing was cut short? What if the
irrelevant to it.
girl‟s life was taken away before her
time? What if the mountain woke up in Beyond Death: Nothing can
vengeful despair? definitively hold the Tarrasque. All
wound will heal, all seals will shatter
and spells will fail. If defeated it will
fall in a hibernation state that will last
for a few decades before rising back
and returning to its resting place near

All for a Fleeting Memory: The

beast eternally craves the love and
kindness that was once offered to it.

5 4 3
When he awakes he will search for a him. To free himself he must inflict at
young soul reminding it of the little girl least 100 damage, forcing it to vomit
and bring it to Tarascon. The him back along other possible victims.
Tarrasque can‟t hurt the target of All The internal AT is 6.
for a Fleeting Memory. If the soul
Hatred: Zemial: More than once,
accepts to remain, it will stand as its
Zemial‟s servants have killed a
protector as well as all those seeking
protected soul of the Tarrasque just to
safety in the city‟s walls. If she tries to
enjoy the destruction it causes in their
leave, it will try to catch her back, and
pursuit. This leaded the Tarrasque to
failing that, find another similar soul.
develop a certain dislike of them. If
Perception of the Soul: The anyone bearing the mark of Zemial
Tarrasque has bad eyesight but it is upon its soul approaches his range it
able to feel the presence of souls. It will immediately proceed to kill them.
can recognize an individual no matter
Lullaby for the Age: Hearing a
the disguise up to 50 kilometers. When
lullaby sung by the person targeted by
exerting revenge there is no longer
All for a Fleeting Memory causes the
any limit to its range.
Tarrasque to fall asleep immediately
Exact Revenge: If the target of All for until it feels a danger coming to her or
a Fleeting Memory is killed. The a Servant of Zemial approaches.
Tarrasque will enter a mournful rage
Roar of Despair: If a creature
that can only be quenched by the
incurring his revenge tries to flee by
death of anyone responsible and
air, the Tarrasque will unleash one of
anything standing in its way. It will
the deadliest pieces of its arsenal. (3
mark their soul and hunt until either
Turn of Preparation, 250 Impact,
defeated or vindicated.
affects energy, cylinder of 100 meters
Spell Blight: Any spell below 300 Radius and 10 km length) The creature
Zeon sent against the Tarrasque will will stand on its rear legs, inspire a
be sent back to its sender with the large amount of air, and then release a
same attack score. shockwave of noise able to shatter
walls and cities alike, be they flying or
Swallow Whole: When attacking a
target of size 24 or less and if the
attack should do damage, he can forgo
it to swallow the
target. As long as
the creature is
engulfed he must
make a PhR 140
check each turn to
avoid suffering the
failure as damage
as the acid burns

5 4 4

What a pleasure to once more

participate in a new expedition. It is I,
Yeol Pirim, gentleman, Member of the
order of Magus, honorary member of
Belasarius, and adventurer in front of
all danger. As I write right now I am
returning from the steppe of Corinia,
and writing these words partly for my
fundraiser lady Zeph, cute little vetala
Necromancer with spitfire personality.
Hope this is going to be helpful for any
young adventurer willing to participate
in the adventure that is Corinia.

Make no mistake, Corinia is a

dangerous place, large inhospitable
steppe, roaming marauders and Attack: 100
dangerous creature encounters. Even
the few actual cities are not to be Defense: Dodge 95
explored alone. This country isn‟t for
Damage: Long sword 60 CUT, Short
the weak of heart nor for the weak of
Spears 40 THR, Bow 50 THR
arm. But it is also one of the last few
truly wild places of the world and it Armor: Leather armor
contains a treasure trove of cultural
and historical treasures, as well as CUT 1 IMP 0 THR 2 HEA 1 COL 2
many mysterious creatures. Here‟s a ELE 2 ENE 0
few I could reference.
Essential Abilities: Greater
Centaur, Proud Horseman Hybrid initiative

Level: 2 Category: Natural 5 Powers: Running shot

Class: Ranger Size: 14 Regeneration: 1

Life Points: 115 Movement Type: 9 Fatigue: 7

Str:7 Dex:7 Agi:7 Con:7 Pow: 7 Secondary Ability: Athleticism 35,

Int: 5 Wil: 6 Per: 7 Intimidation 50, Persuasion 25, Search
95, Track 95, Notice 105, Animals 35,
PhR: 40 MR: 40 PsR: 40 VR: 40
Herbalism 20
DR: 40

Initiative: 85 Natural, 70 Short

Spear, 65 Longsword, 55 Short Bow

5 4 5
Once, the centaurs roamed the entire
new continent, many proud tribes
battling among each other‟s as well as
against the many monsters that
resided in those first ages. Disease,
war, famine and conquest brought
death to them. Nowadays it is hard to
meet a tribe outside of the deepest
part of Corinia. Luckily for us I helped
some of those proud people centuries
ago, and they allow my presence
among them, they even sometime
actually talk to me.

Centaurs have the lower part of a

horse and upper body of a man. They
live in nomad colonies, rarely
“Scribbling of a centaur hunter
remaining more than a few days in the
coursing a wild buffalo. And of an elder
same place, fighting against Jayan
teaching the young.”
tribes for access to drinking water.
They learn to use bows from a young _______MODUS OPERANDI______
age, regardless of gender, and give
great respect to anyone able to use Centaurs favor the use of the bow as a

this weapon with proficiency. They are main weapon to defend themselves,
led by shamans and elders standing and will work toward keeping their

toward the centre of the colony along distance with their target, using hit
with the children during travel and and run tactics while raining death

assisting the others with magic. from a distance.

They also possess a very precise and Centaurs will only rely on short spears

ancient oral tradition and were the when hunting large prey for the tribes
ones to teach me about many an or during ritual hunt, especially of

ancient tale, some I could even verify some of the massive herbivores of the

thanks to them. Corinian steppes.

More rarely will a centaur ever use a

sword, though they have some training
in its usage. Only using them when
they need to be careful about their
number of arrow or fighting against an
opponent they believe represents little

5 4 6
Running shot: Due to their strong or as magically oriented as their
quadruped lower body, centaurs enjoy cousin, they compensate their lack of
an incredible stability even while raw power with finesse and some
running. As such they do not suffer control over psionic power. Most
penalty when firing in movement even Snakemen have indeed become
at maximum speed. master in the art of subterfuge, able to
hide among human for years without
Snake People, Reptilian Shape-Shifters
awakening doubts or suspicion. Unless

Level: 2 Category: Natural 5 of course you are able to see through

Class: Thief
Snakemen have the body of a man,
Life Points: 120 and the head of a Snake. I suspect this
is due to a potential hybridization of
Str:4 Dex:7 Agi:10 Con:8 Pow: 8
Lower Turak and human. My
Int:9 Wil:7 Per: 7
hypothesis is that they first came to be
PhR: 45 MR: 45 PsR: 40 VR: 45 DR: in the ancient empire of Itzi, as priests
45 and servants of the Couatl, and
traveled north as both merchants and
Initiative: 130 Natural, 130 Knife diplomats before the same fate that
befell the centaurs came to them,
Attack: 105
forcing their kind to hide in the
Defense: Dodge 125 steppes of Corinia.

Damage: Knife 25 (Thrust)

Armor: None

Essential Abilities: Greater initiative.

Powers: Psychic Power: Psychic

Illusion, Mental Immunity, Dark Vision,
Poison, See Magic.

Size: 12 Regeneration: 2

Movement Type: 10 Fatigue: 8

Secondary Ability: Athleticism 35,

Magical Appraisal 30, Occult 30,
Search 35, Disguise 45, Notice 35,
Stealth 35, Steal 65, Alchemy 30

Snakemen, from my observation, are a

subspecies of the Turak genus. Not as

5 4 7
They tend to act with disdain toward Attack: 135 Bite, 135 Electric Jolt
humans, especially mages. As they
Defense: Damage Resistance
believe human mages stole their
power from their draconic ancestry. Damage: Bite 60 CUT, Electric Jolt 40
This is of course false but the collapse ELE
of their civilization destroyed many of
their archives along everything else. Armor: 3 Natural
And humanity didn‟t really gave them
Primordial Ability: Burrowing,
a reason to believe in them.
Elemental Immunity:
_______MODUS OPERANDI______
Electricity, Poison.
Snakemen will generally avoid open
Power: Electric Jolt
conflict. If they really need to take out
a target they will try to turn Size: 17 Regeneration: 2
themselves invisible with the help of
their psychic ability and approach with Movement Type: 6 Fatigue: 8

the cover of darkness. They will then

Secondary Ability: Search 150, Track
quickly strike their target with
40, Notice 150, Hide 150, Stealth 175
poisoned daggers before disappearing
back into the night, waiting to see if
the poison takes hold before
As I was traveling the most deserted
continuing this hit and run tactic.
part of Corinia in company of a centaur
Poison: Snakemen poison isn‟t lethal tribe, one of the elder came to me with
but causes a numbing of muscular a warning. There was a monster in this
tissues. Anyone wounded by a weapon area that claimed the lives of many
coated in it or bitten must succeed a braves. He described it as a long
VR 80 check or suffer Weakness. sausage like creature, without face nor
limbs, with a dreadful poison able to
Corinian Death Worm, Large Intestine
kill even the strongest man in an
instant and an ability to throw

Level: 4 Category: Between Worlds lightning bolts through its mandible.

Of course as you know me, my first

Class: Shadow action was to go searching for the

monster. But I am forced to admit I
Life Points: 650 sadly came back empty handed. I
passed a whole week in the southern
Str:9 Dex:7 Agi:6 Con:8 Pow: 3
part of Star Canyon, where the beast
Int:2 Wil:5 Per: 5
is reputed to live, and interrogated
PhR: 55 MR: 35 PsR: 45 VR: 55 DR:

Initiative: 90 Natural

5 4 8
many visiting tribes of both men and _______MODUS OPERANDI______
centaurs but no one could give me a
The worm acts as a perfect ambush
worthwhile lead. The only thing telling
predator. It buries itself in the desert,
me this isn‟t just a fabricated tale to
and waits for the approach of a solitary
teach children not to go alone in the
prey. Then it comes out of the ground
steppes, is the relative coherence of
and sends an electric jolt to their
description. And even that could be
target, sending them to a paralytic
explained by transmission between
shock, before finishing them with their
poisonous bite and dragging them
In the end, the data above are the underground to feast.
closest approximation of what this
Poison: While not the most dangerous
fabled beast could be. I just hope
poison out there, the Corinian Death
someone will find and defeat it, if only
worm‟s contact can still be extremely
so that they could be confirmed and
lethal. Someone touching the worm
properly studied.
with its bare hands or bitten must
Here is an approximate painting of succeed a VR check of 80 or suffer a
what the worm looks like: Pain Effect. Or may die from cardiac
arrest if the result is below 40.

Electric Jolt: Death worms have a

small indent in their eyes they use to
throw an electric ray. Someone
touched by the ray must resist a MR
check of 120 or be stunned for one
round by each 10 points by which they

5 4 9

It is I Yeol Pirim, gentleman, member

of the order of magus and honorary
member of Belasarius. And, it has
been quite a travel, sorry if I had to
took some time since my last report,
but using the remnant of my funds I
traveled to Pristinia. And quite a
journey it has been. A travel through
one of the last truly wild places of the
world outside Nanwe. But please do
come and read, about some of the
strange beasts that live in those
beautiful woods.

When people think of Pristinia, they

think of giant forests, untouched by
men, extending as far as the eye can
Damage: Thorns 10 THR
see. An emerald sea whose inhabitants
stand free of the reach of civilization. Armor: None
That‟s actually wrong, there are
countless cities lost among those Powers: Incredible Growth,
leaves and many who live in those Disappearance
places. But the rest is true, and to
Size: 7 Regeneration: 1
march the forest of leaves is to stand
at the heart of nature itself. Movement Type: 7 Fatigue: 5

Leafy, Guardian of the Old Tree Secondary Ability: Search 20, Track
20, Notice 20, Herbalism -5, Hide 20
Level: 0 Category: Between Worlds

Class: Shadow Magic flows in everything, from the

smallest bug, to the mightiest of
Life Points: 70
giants. And few greater giants exist
Str:3 Dex:5 Agi:7 Con:5 Pow: 6 than the massive trees of Pristinia.
Int: 2 Wil: 6 Per: 6 And when such a gigantic tree grows
near a magic nexus or a leyline, it
PhR: 25 MR: 30 PsR: 30 VR: 25 DR: gives birth to a leafy. Those adorable

Initiative: 45 Thorns

Attack: 50

Defense: Dodge 55

5 5 0
diminutive sprites act as the guardian
and protectors of their tree and forest.
Most often hunting parasites hiding
under the bark and watching the
growth of the sapling.

They tend to be rather easily

frightened, hiding among the top of
the tree in presence of a predator or a
human. Only showing themselves to
Daimah and those of the Lilium faith.
Or when something threatenes the
tree that brought them to life.

As such to see one is of extreme

rarity. The only reason I may talk
about them is due to the help of a few
friendly druids that served as my guide
through the forest. From their lore,
leafy used to be far more common, but
the inexorable advance of civilization Incredible Growth: Vegetation grows
have greatly reduced their numbers. faster in an area where a leafy lives,
Thankfully a leafy may survive the and tends to turn healthier. All flora
death of his tree and help regrow a gain +20 in PhR, VR and DR and enjoy
forest from the seeds he keeps on an accelerated growth.
Disappearance: As long as it remains
_______MODUS OPERANDI______ within its forest the leafy can freely
disappear within a bush or the foliage.
Leafy are no fighters, only using their
This doesn‟t work on Daimah or
thorns to damage bugs and tree
Nephilim Daimah.
parasite. At worst they can drop on an
unsuspecting victim and try to plant its Grig, Musical Grass-Hopper Fairy
thorns within its neck. But they will
generally try to flee or hide. Level: 1 Category: Between Worlds
In the rare case where a Leafy really
has to defend its tree it will practice hit Class: Illusionist
and run tactics. Dropping on an
Life points: 90
enemy‟s weak spot before
disappearing back into foliage and Str :3 Dex: 6 Agi: 9 Con: 6 Pow:7
bushes. Or they will attempt to attract Int: 6 Wil: 6 Per: 5
more dangerous creatures on their

5 5 1
PhR: 35 MR: 35 PsR: 35 VR: 35 DR: I know not how long we played, but by
35 the time we finished the sun was
plunging behind the horizon, the small
Initiative: 60 Natural
men bowed to us and we saluted back

Defense: 85 Dodge before they left jumping away. It was

only around the fire that night that our
Armor: None druidic guide told us about them. The
Grig, denizens of the deeper woods,
Magical projection: 80
living of merriment and the practice of
Accumulation: 15 jokes. Blessed children of the Sidhe.

Zeon: 270 _______MODUS OPERANDI______

Spells: Illusion (Music) 40 A grig‟s priority in case of a fight is to

flee. For that purpose they will
Essential Abilities: The Gift, Natural
Learning: Music

Powers: Wood Song

Size: 8 Regeneration: 1

Movement Type: 9 Fatigue: 6

Secondary Ability: Acrobatics 30,

Climb 20, Persuasion 20, Style 25,
Dance 40, Music 55

One day, as we were traveling through

some glade in the Northern region of
Pristinia, my helpers and me came
across a wonderful song coming from a
nearby patch of wood. generally rest on their illusion magic.
Misdirecting and confusing their enemy
Entranced by the song we came closer before trying to turn invisible and
and fell upon a group of small men, fleeing.
with human torso and grasshopper
legs, playing together on fiddle and In case of them really desiring to

cello. Unable to resist the call of the defeat a target they will more often try

song my men were left unable to do to lay an ambush. Using their music

anything but to watch. As for my part I magic and their wood song to

couldn‟t help but joining into it. Taking

my old sitar I began playing along,
seeing them easily accept my presence
with a sheer.

5 5 2
attract and occupy their target while Few things in those woods stand as
an ally takes advantage of the horrifying, bloody and monstrous as
situation to flank and assassinate the the creature known as the hide-
target before disappearing to avoid a behind. Many may be more powerful
counter-strike. but none share their sheer cruelty and
Wood Song: When at least three Grig
choose to play together they can We first learned of the beast after a
create a magical concerto. All visit in the city of Lamid. Thousands of
witnesses must succeed a MR 80 check people had seemingly disappeared in
or become fascinated. the nearby wood, leaving sometimes
naught but a severed foot behind
The Hide-Behind, Unseen Killer
them, only to reappear in pieces days

Level: 3 Category: Between Worlds later few meters from where they

20 originally had gone missing.

Class: Assassin We came into its feeding ground

desirous to kill the beast, and ended
Life Points: 100 up the target of his depredation. Men
getting taken out one after the other,
Str:7 Dex:8 Agi:9 Con:6 Pow: 5
even my magic unable to track it as it
Int: 5 Wil: 4 Per: 5
taunted us with their broken bodies.
PhR: 45 MR: 40 PsR: 35 VR: 45 DR: Only by my reliance on the well-known
45 tactic of pure overkill, by blasting the
nearby wood with magic until the
Initiative: 90 Claws beast couldn‟t hide anywhere could I
reveal it.
Attack: 125 Claws

A seemingly thin ursine with long

Defense: Dodge 110
serrated claws able to pierce through
Damage: Claws 45 THR armor with ease. A face distorted in a
constant deranged smile, this time we
Armor: None
were able to inflict retribution on the
Powers: In the Tree, Unseen Killer beast, leaving but a beheaded trophy
of the creature. I believe it was once a
Size: 13 Regeneration: 1 weapon, a creature birthed for
assassination and war, abandoned by
Movement Type: 9 Fatigue: 6
its long gone master, its body reeking
Secondary Ability: Acrobatics 70, of Devahs‟ experiments. Who knows
Climb 40, Search 120, Notice 120, why they required the need of
Composure 25, Hide 100, Stealth 160,
Trap Lore 40, Poison 30

5 5 3
such a beast or how many remain in aiming for the neck or any other
liberty still. But remember that apparent weakness. It will then drag
sometimes, safety in numbers and the corpse behind, leaving only part of
quick thinking may be the only thing it for intimidation and taunting
keeping you alive in those woods, as purposes. They will then use the
well as excessive firepower. remnant of the corpse as distraction to
sneak behind another target and strike
Here is a drawing made by the druid
it. They will repeat the process until
following our scuffle:
they either die or fill their bloodlust.

If unable to hide, the Hide-Behind will

lash at nearby targets in confusion
before trying to flee toward a tree.

Claws: Hide-Behind claws are

considered precise and ignore 2 AT
from soft armors.

In the Tree: As long as they stay

immobile near a tree a Hide-Behind
can‟t be seen. It can however still be
smell and heard.

Unseen Killer: As long as they

remain within a forest, supernatural
means of detection don‟t work against
_______MODUS OPERANDI______

The Hide-Behind relies on its stealth to

kill. It will often remain hidden behind
a tree until an unaware target passes
by and will strike at it from behind,

5 5 4

It is I Yeol Pirim, gentleman, member

of the esteemed order of magus,
honorary member of the
archaeological organization Belasarius
and enjoyer of all good things. This
time around lady Zeph paid me
gracefully to give her a full report on
the jewel of Eurakia, Arabal.

When people think of Arabal, they

immediately conjure up the idea of
rivers, lakes, rivers, luxurious
ballrooms, rivers, beautiful landscapes
and did I talk about rivers yet?

Yes, as you probably understood,

people of Arabal are all about that
sweet, sweet, water. And how could
they not? It covers a quarter of their
territory and made their land the « When I look upon those delicate
prosperous country it is. As such it is homes I am overcome with memories
logical water took a place in all aspects of a distant land far far away and a
of their society. But even those rivers time so long, long ago...somewhere
hold dangers. And I‟m going to speak across the stars. »
about how some of those river
Kelpie, Equine Drowner
monsters that can ruin a good party.
Level: 3 Category: Between Worlds

Class: Freelancer

Life Points: 675

Str:7 Dex:8 Agi:8 Con:9 Pow: 5

Int: 4 Wil: 6 Per: 6

PhR: 50 MR: 40 PsR: 45 VR: 50 DR:


Initiative: 75 Natural

Attack: 110 Hooves and bites

Defense: Damage Resistance

5 5 5
Damage: Hooves and Bites 50 IMP Kelpies take the form of a massive and
beautiful horse, strutting toward
Armor: AT 3 Natural
people and standing near them,

Powers: Fusing the flesh, Rip the waiting for someone to touch them

flesh. before spreading their trap and

bringing them to their doom.
Size: 21 Regeneration: 2
_______MODUS OPERANDI______
Movement Type: 8 Fatigue: 9
Kelpies are ultimately ambush
Secondary Ability: Athleticism 90, predators, as many river monsters.
Swim 150, Jump 25, Search 85, Notice Though few act with so much
25, Composure 25, Feats of Strength premeditation and scheming as the
85, Withstand Pain 25, Hide 100 Kelpie. They observe, hidden in a body
of water, for potential prey,
unsupervised children or lone men.
When parents tell their children not to Then they step unto land standing
touch a horse they don‟t know, many nearly, were their target will see them,
try to scare them away with the fact and they wait. If the prey doesn‟t take
the horse may be a Kelpie, an equine the bait, they go back to the water, if
creature longing to taste their flesh. it does and touches them, then their
This usually results in a lesson learnt very flesh fuses to the beast and it
and a long sleepless night, leaving the rushes to the water to drown them, as
parents to wonder if they made the they are forced into the water by their
right choice as they once more have to trapped appendage.
wake up near 3 AM because their child
They will then feast on their prey still
saw a horse through a window that
living. They will then drag the corpse
isn‟t actually there. Of course those
back on the land for all to see. As
window whispering horses are not
Kelpies are herbivore, this depredation
Kelpie but Night Mares. I‟ll speak
may serve other purpose, unless they
about them in a future report,
just enjoy the pain they inflict.
adorable creatures really, and not
nearly as maleficent as Kelpies. Fusing the flesh: When the skin of a
creature comes into contact with a
Kelpies are a threat, monsters of the
Kelpie it must pass a 80 PhR check or
rivers feasting upon the flesh of the
its flesh fuses with the Kelpie. They
unsuspecting and the young. No one
can no longer disengage themselves
really knows where they came from.
Some suspect them of being ancient
monsters created by some vetala clan
to spread terror, other that they were
once normal horses mutated by a
Devah‟s failed experiment.

The only certitude is their cruelty.

5 5 6
from the Kelpie unless they or the Secondary Ability: Athleticism 100,
kelpie die. Someone else can free Swim 170, Intimidation 100, Search
them by Ripping the flesh. 170, Notice 110, Composure 75, Hide
220, Stealth 220, Trap Lore 130,
Rip the Flesh: Someone may free a
Poison 75
victim of Fusing the flesh by ripping it
from the beast. This takes a 16
Strength check. If succeeded, the two
I was traveling along the River Rogan
are now separated but they suffer a 40
when I came across the strangest
based critical and both suffer from
sight: dolls and flowers floating along
haemorrhage. If the wound is from a
the river. Believing it to be one local
visible area they lose 1 appearance
festival I wasn‟t aware about, I
point until fully healed.
immediately followed the source of
La Llorona, Cursed Child Killer those strange travelers up to a small
village. The place was a mix of Itzian
Level: 7 Category: Undead 25
and Imperial architecture, and a

Class: Assassin strange ritual was taking place as

young women threw those weird
Life Points: 195 offerings into the water.

Str:8 Dex:11 Agi:13 Con:12 Pow:12 As I interrogated the locals, they told
Int:6 Wil:6 Per:6 me of an ancient legend. A woman had
drowned her children into the river
PhR: 80 MR: 80 PsR: 65 VR: 80 DR:
after her husband‟s betrayal, and
overtaken with grief, she took her own
Initiative: 155 Natural life. Now she haunts those coasts in
search of her children, unable to find
Attack: 205 Cold Hand peace, drowning any young ones
unlucky enough to be nearby when she
Defense: Dodge 175
Damage: Cold Hand 40 COL
To prevent this, the village would
Armor: None throw effigies of children into the
water along fresh flowers to confuse
Essential Abilities: Inhumanity,
the spirit. They would do so each and
every year, at the anniversary of her
Powers: Lament, Desperate Wail, children‟s death, and would continue
Image of Children, The Ancient Sin. doing so until one of the effigies sunk
under the water, wishing that they
Size: 12 Regeneration: (Special) would celebrate triumphing once more
against death and for her to finally find
Type of Movement: 13 Fatigue:

5 5 7
Though this was generally reserved for searching for a child, though if she is
the women of the village, they would unable to do so by dawn she will
sometime allow visitors to throw a doll attack any nearby target in
as well to protect them of the spirit on desperation. She will disappear
their travels. I wouldn‟t miss on this regardless of her success once the Sun
and threw an effigy I amusingly chose has completed its ascension above the
to name Ben, and threw it along a horizon.
freshly cut myositis. And not later than
Lament: La Llorona‟s cry brings
five minutes later I saw Ben sunk
despair to all that hear it. If someone
beneath the surface to the village
comes within 5 meter of La Llorona
they must succeed a 120 MR check or
be stricken with despair. Under that
state they are unable to use offensive
actions and suffer -20 on all other

Desperate Wail: Should La Llorona

ever be destroyed without her curse
being fulfilled, she will lift her veil in
her last moment as she is dragged on
the other side, unleashing a terrible
wail and inscribing a curse in all those
that were actor to her demise. The
next time they encounter a child they
must succeed a 120 PsR check or
enter a state of rage for one minute.
« Los niños... » The check becomes 160 PsR if the
encountered children are their own.
_______MODUS OPERANDI______
Image of Children: La Llorona‟s
La Llorona will avoid a direct curse prevents it from distinguishing
confrontation with a potentially her children from any other children,
dangerous opponent. She will including images representing them
generally just wait beneath the waters and other effigies. If she encounters
till a child comes close enough to the one through her hunt she will take
water to seize him and bring him them instead and disappear with it
beneath the waves. She will however beneath the waves, disappearing until
show herself extremely violent if the time of her curse comes once
someone tries to prevent her from more.
taking the child.

If she wasn‟t able to find a target by

the coming nightfall she will leave the
water and start her lament while

5 5 8
The Ancient Sin: Unknown to Powers: Back hand, Mimicry.
anyone, the husband of La Llorona was
Size: 18 Regeneration: 2
in fact an Itzian priest, who upon the
loss of his children cursed the spirit of Movement Type: 8 Fatigue: 8
his dead wife to never know rest for
her crimes. As such, her ghost remains Secondary Ability: Acrobatics 95,
forever trapped in the material plane, Swim 105, Jump 30, Search 65, Notice
unable to pass on. Each year upon the 75, Composure 30, Hide 105, Stealth
day of her children‟s deaths she gains 80, Memorize 10
enough power to fully manifest herself
and search for her dead children. The
effect starts from the first ray of dawn The Ahuizotl may perhaps be one of
until the zenith of the next day, at the most atypical of Arabal‟s ambush
which time she loses form once more. predators. Those beasts resembling
The only way to lift the curse is either predatory felines with a hand on their
for her to be destroyed by an tail‟s end are original from Itzi, and
individual of at least 15 of Gnosis while migrated north a few centuries after
she is manifested or for a child the fall of the ancient Itzian Empire.
wearing an Itzian dress to offer sincere
forgiveness and allowing her to go. Their technique is very reminiscent of
some of the Jungle Cats of Nanwe.
Ahuizotl, Predatory Mimic They mimic the voice of a drowning
human while leaving their tail hand
Level: 4 Category: Between Worlds
jutting out of the water and when
someone approaches the Ahuizotl, it
Class: Shadow drags them underwater where sharp
claws await them. Rumor stand that
Life Points: 130 some older beasts can even mimic
complex sentenced and imitate the
Str:10 Dex:9 Agi:8 Con:8 Pow:8
voice of a particular individual.
Int:4 Wil:7 Per:7

They tend to live in small groups of

PhR: 55 MR: 55 PsR: 50 VR: 55 DR:
two or three, one preparing the
ambush while the others stand guard
Initiative: 100 Natural and listen to potential new voices to
add to their repertoire. At spring they
Attack: 145 Claws

Defense: Dodge 140

Damage: Claw 70 CUT

Armor: None

Essential Abilities: Inhumanity,

Natural Weapon, Aquatic breathing.

5 5 9
try to impress females by exposing particularities are the hand on their
their panel of imitation which may back and their ability to mimic voices.
have given birth to a fair share of As such they will wait underwater
weird tales and ghost stories. leaving their hand grasping at air
above the water while calling for help
» and proceed with their ambush if
successful. As with many great cats,
they won‟t strike if they believe they
were seen or if their stratagem fails.

Back hand: An Ahuizotl has a large

prehensile hand on their tail. They
generally use it to grasp someone from
below water but may use it in battle to
accomplish manoeuvres. As such they
can use this hand after or before an
attack to attempt a battle manoeuvre
such as disarm. Normal maluses apply
but their back hand is precise.

Mimicry: An Ahuizotl may attempt a

Memorize check against 80 to
remember and reproduce the voice of
a creature it heard. They gain a +10
_______MODUS OPERANDI______
bonus at their check by hours of

The tactic of an Ahuizotl isn‟t that observation. They can‟t reproduce

different from any great feline something as complex as a sentence

predator. They lay in wait, watch out but can reproduce the voice with

for prey and quickly dispatch them perfection and feign emotion with it.

before fleeing with the loot. Their

5 6 0

It is I once more, Yeol Pirim, Member

of the order of Magus, honorary
member of Belasarius and traveler of
distant lands. I am now taking the
perilous journey to the seat of the
fourth Imperial Warlord. Mantera,
Zeph better pays me well for this, my
kind ain‟t liked around there and
though Manterans are nice, it takes a
particular kind of insane to choose a
murderous flightless bird for a mount.

The Empire far from the Empire, the

first colony, the seat of the fourth…
Mantera is a land built by immigrants
PhR: 110 MR: 110 PsR:105 VR:110
and refugees on the coast of the new
world. And they didn‟t come alone.
They brought their folklore, fairy tales Initiative: 130 Natural
and monsters along with them. And
Attack: 15 Natural
through the dreams and nightmares of
thousands of different souls from over Defense: 225 Dodge
the world, something new emerged.
And as the great city pulses with life, Damage: 35 Fists IMP
some predator await in the night,
Armor: None
hidden behind bridges, alleys and
stories. Summoning: 345

I remember why I liked this place. Binding: 345

Sometimes it felt like a big adventure
was waiting at every crossroad. And Zeon: 1785

the street and food were nice too, if

Zeon Regeneration: 45
you like street food.
Powers: Profanation of the soul,
Alternate, Fallen Impersonator of the
Knowing their dread, Torment Call,
Visage of divinity, Blight of
Imperfection, Judgment of the
Level: 12 Category: Spirit 30
fearless, Wrath of the holy.
Class: Summoner
Arcana: The Reverse Star.
Life Points: 245
Size: 24 Regeneration: 7
Str:10 Dex:10 Agi:10 Con:14
Pow:14 Int:11 Wil:12 Per:12 Type of Movement: 10 Fatigue: 14

5 6 1
Secondary Ability: Leadership 100, before releasing a final truth as a
Intimidate 140, Persuasion 140, Style parting gift.
125, Search 65, Notice 125, Magical
As time has passed, I can‟t help but
Appraisal 185, History 125, Occult
wonder if those were actual truths or
245, Disguise 125, Ritual Calligraphy
cleverly disguised lies? Could Abel
have truly been a false messiah all

I know not how to truly describe the

horror I met on that day. I had been
called to a small town named Mandela
after hearing rumours of deformed
humanoids causing a mess. And the
horror I met on that place went far
beyond any of my expectations. Mass
disappearances of infants, possessed
corpses and dimensional demons. A
population held in terror. Voices
repeating terrible truths into the
night...Many of such monstrosities met
their end by my blade and spells, holy
men whose corpses had been
desecrated and turned into those
abominations. It was after a brutal
conflict that this unspeakable monster
_______MODUS OPERANDI______
It came to me in the form of an Angel
of Gabriel. But as he came closer its The Alternate will generally avoid a
form became more obvious: Wingless, direct confrontation with an individual
with far too big eyes and a mouth representing a potential threat to its
elongated into a far too wide smile. It survival, preferring to rely on
started tormenting me with impossible psychological warfare and the use of
truths, with things it couldn‟t possibly its Torment Call.
know yet it did. Using my magic and
Its true threat is more represented by
strengthening my mind I was able to
his knowledge of the human psyche
withstand its assault and face it with
and capacity of manipulation, as well
unwavering determination, which drew
as his deformed servants, than in his
its first reaction of displeasure, before
actual battle ability.
assailing him and his monstrous
summons with blade and light. Sadly, He may use his Reverse Star Arcana
before I could give the monster a however if it feels really pressed to use
decisive strike, it vanished, but not it. But it will be generally reserved to

5 6 2
desperate situations as its price in guidance. He can offer illusory versions
Zeon is high, even for it. When he of Elan powers, with the target
does so the Arcana takes the form of a believing the power to have an effect,
disfigured horned angel attacking with even though it has none.
falling stars.
Blight of Imperfection: Due to its
The Alternate isn‟t afraid to flee if monstrous nature, the form of an
things start going wrong. alternate is but the disfigured copy of
what it tries to imitate, it must use an
Profanation of the Soul: If an
active action each turn to maintain a
individual under the effect of its
normal appearance.
Torment Call puts an end to its own
life, he can make a Summoning check Judgment of the Fearless: The
against the Summoning difficulty Alternate gains its power from fear. As
according to the level of the target. If such someone who defeats a monster
it succeeds he warps the soul of the born of Torment Call, resisting Know
target and implants it back into the their Dread or becoming resistant to
corpse. The creature wakes up in a fear effects causes him a powerful
deformed version of its own body with backlash. It becomes affected by
the same level and power. Its sole goal Extreme Pain.
is to cause pain and devastation.
Wrath of the Holy: If the Alternate
Knowing their dread: A target in the summons the Reverse Star Arcana
presence of the Alternate must against someone with at least 50 Elan
succeed a 220 PsR check or have all its with a Beryl (bar Edamiel) or with a
fears revealed to it pact with the Star Arcana. Instead of
attacking, the disfigured horned angel
Torment Call: Once knowing the
falls from heaven ending the effect
dread of a target the alternate can
immediately, the Alternates suffer
summon a creature based on said fear
damage equal to the character‟s
(generally around level 6 or 8) as if it
presence which counts as a critical and
knew its true name. The Monster hunts
inflicts him with Judgment of the
and haunts the Tormented target,
without ever going directly for the kill.
If the tormented target dies the
monster disappears.

Visage of
Divinity: The
Alternate can
take the form
of a Divine
Being or one
of its envoys,
and give false

5 6 3
Spawn of the Iris, the Hungry Wood as a passing patrol. I obviously
volunteered for the research, but what
Level: 8 Category: Between Worlds
we found were not children or lost
guards but massive arachnids of wood

Class: Warrior and light, with hands and arms in the

guise of legs. Four of those beasts
Life Points: 3050 were felled but all with great duress,
until we learned of their weakness to
Str:12 Dex:10 Agi:8 Con:12 Pow:9
Int:7 Wil:10 Per: 8
I know little of their origin, but they
PhR:90 MR:75 PsR:80 VR:90 DR:90
didn‟t feel right, and each wound had
Initiative: 105 Natural to be carefully treated. Least they
infect themselves in some horrible
Attack: 205 Crooked Hands mutation.

Defense: Damage Resistance I proposed the Academy upon my

return to investigate more on the
Damage: Crooked Hands 120 IMP
matter of those creatures; they may
Armor: Strange Wood: be remnants of the war against the
great Old Ones or servants of a new
one, either way it pays to be prepared.
And I‟m sure we can find a group of
Essential Abilities: Dark-vision, Zen. four to five heroic young adventurers
to take care of the issue.
Powers: Nature‟s Mockery, Deep Root
Disease, Insertion, Trapped in the
Waves, Vulnerability to fire (Damage

Size: 26 Regeneration: 7

Movement Type: 8 Fatigue: 14

Secondary Ability: Athleticism 130,

Climb 120, Swim 120, Jump 130,
Intimidate 100, Search 65, Track 60,
Notice 40, Herbalism 35, Tactics 25,
Composure 45, Feats of Strength 110,
Hide 145, Stealth 120

I was alerted of the beasts following a

case of missing peoples. Four children
had gone missing into the night as well

5 6 4
_______MODUS OPERANDI______ times the infected dies and starts
transforming into a spawn 10 days
The Spawn of the Iris hunt at night,
later. Creatures with at least a
hiding around a patch of trees. When a
regeneration of 16 are immune to the
lone traveler or children passes
nearby, they reveal their light like a
lamprey to attract them at range. They Insertion: By taking their whole turn
will generally try to crush their target near a fully paralyzed victim, they can
immediately, but surviving the assault compress their form and enter the
isn‟t often enough. body of the victim by their nose or
mouth. The target must succeed a PhR
They leave shards behind them that
against 140 or die immediately. The
can infect people, and their presence
spawn can pilot the body, though
brings headaches, nightmares and
weirdly, allowing it to hide in human
hallucinations. They are surprisingly
settlements. It can‟t prevent the decay
good at feigning a human cry for help.
of the body and must use a whole turn
If an infected target survives they will
to exit; this generally kills the host if
generally try to insert a spawn through
he was still alive.
the nose and neck.
Trapped in the waves: For an
They will avoid any entity they suspect
unknown reason, a Lost Logia can trap
to use fire.
and bind a spawn. A spawn in

Nature’s Mockery: When making proximity of a lost logia must succeed

contact with a spawn, a humanoid a Presence test of 140 or be

must succeed a VR of 140 or suffer immediately sealed and converted to

from hallucinations. Failing by more energy.

than 40 leaves the individual partially

Deep Root Disease: A creature

wounded by a Spawn must succeed a
DR against 160 or be infected by a
root parasite. The root can be removed
with a 120 Medicine check or by
cauterizing the wound with fire if done
in the following hour. Past the first
week only magic can save the patient.
Each week after the infection he must
make a DR check of 140 with a +20 to
the difficulty for each consecutive
week. In case of two consecutive
successes the parasite is destroyed,
otherwise each failure progresses the
level of paralysis. Once failed three

5 6 5
Manteran Devil, The Strongest Monster
that Ever Existed

Level: 0 Category: Unknown

Class: Freelancer

Life Points: 55

Str:6 Dex:9 Agi:11 Con:4 Pow:8

Int: 3 Wil: 5 Per: 3

PhR: 20 MR: 35 PsR: 25 RV: 20 DR:


Initiative: 40 Natural That‟s pretty much it. The Manteran

Devil is a vampire goat that only
Attack: 60 Hooves and horns
drinks blood of other goats, and
Defense: 70 Dodge doesn‟t appear in mirrors I guess?
Would a goat even know?
Damage: Hooves and Horns 30 IMP/
THR The only thing of interest in this
debacle is the fascinating form of self-
Armor: No
defence used by the goat. Seemingly,

Essential Abilities: Winged Flight the vampire that bit the goat was

(Movement 12), Natural attack. possessor of great powers of Illusion

and somehow transmitted some of
Powers: Ghost stories. Uninvited that power into its infant.
Entry, Allergy (Sun: -40 to check),
Must drink goat blood. Big bad Wolf. This resulted in the ability to create an
impressive (if harmless) phantasm of
Size: 12 Regeneration: 1 what the people searching for the
Manteran Devil believe the creature to
Movement Type 11 Fatigue: 4
actually be before launching in an epic
Secondary Ability: Climb 80, battle (which leaves no wounds and
Athleticism 20. causes no real damage outside of
people tiring themselves while

And that‟s why you don‟t let a drunk

vampire into your farm. There it is,
hidden somewhere through this vast
and weird world,

a vampire who lives with the

knowledge that he actually turned a
goat...kind of.

5 6 6
hitting on the illusion, while the little disappear and reveal a truly scared
goat is running away). goat.

I don‟t know. Shall I adopt it? It‟s kind Uninvited Entry: A vampire can‟t
of cute. enter a home without being invited
first. But goat are too dumb to
_______MODUS OPERANDI______
understand the concept of private
That‟s a goat, it will charge if it feels propriety or domain and will as such

threatened, and leave if it feels in enter anyway. Which can be terrible, if

danger. Most people will only ever see you cleaned recently or have paper

the illusion anyway and attack that, laying around...or have a goat.
rarely asking themselves why is there
Must drink goat blood: The
a flying goat running away.
Manteran devil must drink goat blood.
Ghost Stories: When someone enters If it doesn‟t, nothing really happens.

a place “haunted” by the Manteran Actually nothing really happens if it

Devil, an illusion is made based on an does get goat blood. It doesn‟t even

amalgamation of what the intruders need the blood, but this is what a

believe the Manteran Devil to be. It vampire does. And this goat is nothing

tends to look senseless, grotesque or if earnest.

idiotic. The illusion “attacks” them,

Big bad wolf: If a wolf, were-beast or
knocking them around and receiving
Tuan Dalyr is present. The Manteran
“hits and damage”. Actually they suffer
Devil will face them, act stand-offish
no true damage and after a sufficiently
and bleat menacingly and haughtily.
long fight, the creature “flies away”
Which really isn‟t that good of an idea,
and disappears. If the Manteran Devil
as it is, once again, just a juicy and
feels scared by the group (which is
tasty goat.
highly probable since it‟s just a goat)
this will result in bizarre alterations of
the illusion.

If someone just starts wondering if

this is indeed an illusion, it will

5 6 7

It is I, Yeol Pirim, Member of the

order of Magus, honorary member
of the order of Belasarius,
adventurer of the mystic and
occult and connoisseur of the finest
thing in Gaia. And today this is
another of my reports, this time of
Elcia, home of Lady Zeph, and next
destination of my travel. And it‟s a
big one, so I hope you‟ll be able to
appreciate it.

Elcia, land of sorrow and

corporations. O great city of black
spires and pale men running
kindness to keep the killing mostly
around a black parade of intrigue and
between each other. Yet they all act as
if the end of the world was tomorrow

The bell above rings the song of long and someone was stalling their snacks.

nights and political backstabbing as Those guys developed spleen and

vampires and demons stalk the night melancholia to an art form. Really,

in an eternal mascarade. As two twins lighten up guys. With all those bats

decipher the impossible rambling of a around, I believe they would need

voiceless king, whose ascension was someone to get them to laugh, a joker

called from oblivion via a choir of perhaps?

ashes and blood. The shadows run as

Runner of Shadow, Corporate Agent
the beggars fall on the street,
revealing a false head of wood and Level: 3 Category: Natural 5
Class: Shadow
Elcia a land caught between the
Life Points: 135
remnant of three once great empires,
and the mad advance of technology Str:6 Dex:11 Agi:12 Con:9 Pow:5
promised by a crownless king beyond Int:10 Wil:12 Per: 6
the sea.
PhR:50 MR:40 PsR:60 VR:50 DR:50
Still, in the middle of all this
darkness...Wouldn‟t it kill them to Initiative: 110 Natural / Variable
smile a little? I mean, come on. I know Corporate Weapon
things look dire, but the country is
Attack: 135 Corporate Weapon
economically stable, there is no war
banging on the border and all the
creatures of the night have the

5 6 8
Defense: 135 Dodge The corporation will never
acknowledge your existence; you can
Damage: Corporate Weapon Variable
go from dining in the finest restaurant

Armor: Corporate Tech. to laying face down on the gutter in

one night. And the job got a rather
Ki Power: Ki Ability, Use of Necessary high turnover rate if you catch my
energy, Ki Concealment (170), drift.
Still, it‟s no surprise that many
Powers: Cool Lingo, Corporate Tech, specialize in those kinds of jobs. Those
Corporate Etiquette, Karma, A Word are the Runners of Shadow.
from our Sponsor. Karma.
_______MODUS OPERANDI______
Size: 15 Regeneration: 2
Each corporation got their specialty.
Movement Type: 12 Fatigue: 9

Secondary Ability: Acrobatics 70,

Street Lore 65, Intimidation 40,
Persuasion 35, Search 85, Notice 85,
Science 60, Hide 95, Stealth 190,
Alchemy 20.

Let‟s be honest a second berk, if ya

dn‟t wanna be fraked out there, you
gotta learn how it‟be, ya need to follow
a code. Th‟corporate the one holding
the money, so unless you got Lord
pain for a mister, You. better learn to
find a sponso‟ and fast.

Blergh, let me never do that again. But But generally they try to do the job
yes, that is technically true; few in the clean, it means a better pay when a
country outside the regent of corporation doesn‟t need to play
lamentation hold as much power as damage control.
the corporations. And there are
Outside of that, professional describes
definitely good job opportunities in
them best, few crazy ones non-
working for them, and plenty of other
withstanding. They will study a target
perks. Access to good equipment, a
for a few days, checking for entry
network of contacts and the assurance
points and escape roads, then make a
of a good paycheck. If you‟re ready for
a life as a sinner.

Running for a corporation, for all its

advantages comport many caveats.

5 6 9
clean entry and exit with hopefully  Lionise: Cestus +5, a Level 2
their target in hand. creature as a bodyguard, spy
Cool lingo: The runners develop a
weird professional lingo. This helps  Iron hand: Blunderbuss,
them quickly and relatively discreetly Altered Personal Plate Armor
to pass messages between them. (Can be wielded uniquely by its
Runner counts as a secret language associated wielder even without
that can only be taught by other Armor training.), Master Key.
runners. This allow Runners to pass
Corporate etiquette:
messages between each other without
arising suspicion nor having the need  Twilight Wolf: Can make
for a dice check. Two user of Runner themselves appear as guard
speech immediately identify officers or military personnel.
themselves as such to each other.
 Ravenshade: Always possess
Corporate Tech: access to the backstage of
official events.
 Twilight Wolf: Katana +5,
Pistol with 10 Bullets,  Gatislamborgio: Can always
Reinforced Leather (Complete appear as a normal merchant
Leather +10), Deployable or artisan.
Shield (the shield forms only
when in combat from a hidden  Symphonic Garden: Can
bracer.) always make themselves
appear as a singer. (Replace
 Ravenshade: Summoning Intimidation and Acrobatics by
Dagger (Only a handle, the Music 80)
blade forms when in combat),
Long Rifle with 10 Bullets, Black  Circle: Always gain access to
Leather Jacket (Reinforced socialite parties.
Mantle +5) with a grappling
 Lionise: Always considered
aware of any animal presence
 Gatislambrogio: Hammer +5, in a building.
Utility belt, Leather +10.
 Iron Hands: Iron hands can
 Symphonic Garden: Dagger appear from behind any
+10, Musical Instrument with suddenly exploding wall.
spy gadget, beautiful robes or
Karma: The balance of a Runner‟s life
costume +10
is hard. Horrible jobs pay well, but at
 Circle: Black Market Grimoire
(Magic Path up to 20), Zeon
Prism (400), Smoke Bomb,

5 7 0
the price of one‟s soul. Benevolent Magical Projection: 145
jobs reaffirm one‟s self-worth but
M. Accumulation: 60
rarely pay the bill. Low Karma Runners
gain an additional +5 Weapon or +10 Zeon: 595
Weapon of your choice but suffer a -20
penalty to PsR and MR. High Karma Magic: Brujah (40:Fire/War) /
Runner loose a Corporate tech or Cappadocius (80:
reduce the quality of one by -5 but
Necromancy) / Lasombra (40:
gain a +40 in PhR and MR as well as
Darkness/Nobility) /
the ability to look themselves in a
mirror without guilt. Toreador (40: Illusion/Music) /
Tzimisce (40:
A Word from our Sponsor: To
displease a corporate overseer is a Creation/Blood) / Ventrue (40:
dangerous thing. If a Runner has Light/Nobility)
spurned the ire of the one hiring him,
other runners become hostile to him. Essential Abilities: The Gift

Killing him now bring good faith

Powers: Vampiric Gift, Vampiric
toward the sponsor, and any potential
reward imagined by the GM.
Size: 18(22 For Brujah and Lasombra)
Mascarader, Vampire Gang-Member
Regeneration: 6
Level: 6 Category: Undead 15
Type of Movement: 9 Vitae: 9
Class: Warlock
Secondary Ability: Variable.
Life Points: 235
Dark things stalk the night in Elcia.
Str:8 Dex:9 Agi:9 Con:13 Pow:13
They are vampires, true vampires.
Int:7 Wil:8 Per: 8
Even I ignore their origins. Some say

PhR:80 MR:80 PsR:65 VR:80 DR:80 they are the result of some experiment
of the Vetala to augment the potency
Initiative: 90 Natural of their blood. Others see them as
children of Hringham or even the
Attack: 175 Blood Powered Fist
cursed descendant of Kaine, following
Defense: 180 Dodge his killing of Abel. And sometimes, it
looks as if even they aren‟t sure of the
Damage: Blood Powered Fist 50 IMP / exact answer to this question.
Potent Blood Fist 60 (Brujah /
Lasombra) IMP.

Armor: Leather Armor

Cut 1 Imp 0 Thr 2 Hea 1 Ele 2 Col 1

Ene 0

5 7 1
They value their anonymity greatly _______MODUS OPERANDI______
and hide behind a wall of intrigue to
Vampires are arrogant creatures but
live among men, an unseen predator.
they aren‟t stupid. They are aware of
They appear to be divided into clans,
the many weaknesses of their form, as
each with their own powers and curse,
well as the existence of other
and my investigation has led me to
supernatural entities that surpass
think that there are more than just the
them in power and knowledge. And
clans I found there. It could be
against them their
interesting to
solution is generally,
speak of them at
to let somebody try
a later date.
To be honest
Vampires are old and
they don‟t seem
rich, they always got
to enjoy the idea
more minions and
of their
mercenary to send at
an enemy and will
being revealed,
never engage
as indicated by
directly with
the multiple
someone if they can
attempts on my
avoid it.
life in the last
few days, but I This doesn‟t mean
managed to they are weak in a
convince them fight. All vampires
by the power of can use magic to an
my word, more extent and some
precisely that I form of super-strength. However the
was both doing this for the sake of pride of a Vampire may sometime lead
Lady Zeph and plenty able to turn their them to battle against foes they‟d
Elysium into a fuming crater with them better avoid or against whom they
all still inside. And well, power and would usually minimize risks. The
influence are the two things they inevitable disasters that follow are
respect the most. So they allowed me seen by other vampires as both a
to publish this as long as I let them lesson and an entertainment.
“control” the result beforehand and
that I grant them a favor in the future. Vampiric Gift: All vampires are
Conspiring with Vampires may appear considered undead and do not suffer
a dangerous thing, and it is, but being the plight of age. They also can‟t truly
a close friend of Lady Zeph, I crossed die unless either their heart or head
that bridge long ago already. are destroyed, or by the kiss of the
sun. If they fall to 0 LP they become

5 7 2
comatose until either healed or victim themselves stunningly beautiful
of such coups de grace. or completely alien.

They also possess supplementary  Ventrue: Charm / Critical

abilities based on their clan: Resistance +40 / 125 in all
Social skills / Free Will. The
 Brujah: Initiative +25 /
self-proclaimed leader of the
Strenght +4 / 125 In all social
vampiric clans, vividly
Skills /Free Will (Except against
contested by the Lasombra.
rage). Brujah are warrior poets
This may end badly.
for the most part, with a
serious rebellious streak. It is Vampiric Curse: All vampires burn
as likely to see them play an under the rays of the sun, under it
instrument as breaking faces. they must pass a Presence Test
against 140 and suffer double the
 Cappadocius: Danger Sense /
failure margin. Light magic and “Holy”
Critical Resistance +40 / Innate
artefacts also inflict fear on them.
Magic (Necromancy) / Occult
Religious symbol only cause fear if
150, Magical Appraisal 150/
wielded by a Saint.
History 150. An old lineage of
necromancers, their ancestor They also suffer a supplementary
apparently went insane after weakness based on their clan:
being betrayed by one of its
 Brujah: All Brujah are really
students. They are rather
sensible to anger and rage, as
cranky on the subject.
such they divide by two their
 Lasombra: Charm / resistance against powers and
Subterfuge Skills 125 / abilities that inflict those
Strength +4 / Disquieting. An alterations. Furthermore, when
old noble family, quite at odd insulted they must make a
with the Ventrue, many suspect Willpower test against 15 to not
some civil war may result of it. immediately attack.

 Toreador: Danger Sense /  Cappadocius: The cold of

Initiative +25 / 125 in Creative death is far more visible on
Skills / Psychic Resistance. Clan them than any other vampire,
with a serious obsession for art. giving them an unsanitary,
disturbing appearance. They
 Tzimisce: Animal Affinity /
roll with the Unattractive
Danger Sense / Charm /
disadvantage when using their
Medicine 150/ Occult 150/
social skill.
Animals 150. Self-proclaimed
original vampiric bloodline, and
adept in corpse alteration. They
use it to either make

5 7 3
 Lasombra: Lasombras don‟t Dream Chaser
appear in mirrors or reflective
“Do You Remember?”
surfaces, the risk it means for
their survival leave them phobic Level: 8 Category: Between Worlds
of mirrors. 35

 Toreador: They are really Class: Technician

obsessive about art and related
paraphernalia, when they Life Points: 190
discover a new piece of art they
Str:8 Dex:10 Agi:12 Con:8 Pow:10
must accomplish a Willpower
Int:9 Wil:14 Per: 13
test against 15 or become
enamoured with the piece for PhR:75 MR:80 PsR:90 VR:75 DR:75
an hour, totally unaware to the
outside world. The test is Initiative: 155 Natural / Signature

against 11 if there is a threat Weapon ????

Attack: 220+ Signature Weapon

 Tzimisce: The Tzimice seem

Defense: 180 Dodge
unable to leave the city that
saw them “born” remaining Damage: Signature Weapon Variable
confined in their castle or
Armor: AT 5 Natural
Ki: AGI 16 Accu: 4 / CON 8 Accu 1 /
 Ventrue: Ventrue can only
DEX 20 Accu 6 / STR 10 Accu 2 / POW
drink blood of a particular
10 Accu 2 / WIL 29 Accu 7
category of person; the others
won‟t ever fill them. Ki Abilities: Use of Ki, Ki Control,
Presence Extrusion, Aura Extension,
Vitae: Instead of fatigue points,
Use of Necessary Energy, Inhumanity,
Vampires have Vitae. Each night they
lose a point and can only gain points
by drinking blood. Drinking can only be Ki Technics: Pow, Sudden Rescue,
done against a grappled or defenceless Signature Move, Rising Punch.
opponent. The bite is painless and
causes the loss of two fatigue point by Powers : Out of a Dream, Where did
vitae gained. If a person falls under he got this?, A Part of your own
zero due to a bite, they die. If they are adventure, Perfect Class, Theme Song,
then injected a Vitae point before they Dreamer’s melancholia
head the call they are reborn as
Size: Variable Regeneration: 2
vampires. If a Vampire falls to 0 Vitae,
he becomes comatose until given Movement Type: 12 Fatigue: 8

5 7 4
Secondary Ability: Acrobatics 120, Where you dreaming all of this? Or did
Athleticism 120, Climb 120, Leadership this happen to you? Are you not
35, Street Lore 120, Intimidation 45, dreaming right now?
Persuasion 90, Style 120, Track 120,
“If this is all a dream? Then how does
Notice 120, History 30, Occult 30,
a simple letter can affect your life so
Dance 60.
much? You know which letter I’m
speaking about?”

You know this story don‟t you?

Perhaps you lived it yourself?

You are roaming alone on a dark road,

when you hear a noise behind you,
two men, more ugly than you could
actually believe to exist. Both with
dark plans for you, there is no escape,
as if the road ahead suddenly closed
itself to prevent you from running. And
then someone falls from the sky.
Perhaps it is a man in an impeccable
white smoking, a button of rose in the
pocket and a gun in hand. Maybe it‟s a
dusty archaeologist with a whip or a
farmer with a strange sword made of
light or even a young woman in red
with a scythe. _______MODUS OPERANDI______

You don‟t know them yet you Wait? What happened just now? How?
recognize them, in a deep part of your The dream chaser you said? Well when
mind, even as you grasp at the barrier between dream and reality
impossibility of their presence. Then starts weakening they appear along.
they quickly dispatch the men and ask Living dreams, to compensate the
you to follow them. The rest is so nightmares, one born from a children
unclear in your head and yet you wish, because who didn‟t dream of
swear you could re-tell that night by being a hero?
heart. Investigating with the man
For their fighting style, each hero
dressed as a bat, playing casino
possesses an artefact that is unique to
against a menacing figure and fighting
them along more classic techniques
as if you did it all your life. And then
they all share. They can Rescue
he brought you home safe, leaving you
someone at great speed, send a
to a sweet dream, and disappeared in
the morning as if it never happened.

5 7 5
violent riposte after having been Out of a Dream: Dream chaser
wound and unleash zone attacks when appears to people in need of help,
surrounded. under the form of a character of story
or legend. Not necessary a hero, but
But it isn‟t through their fight that they
always someone the person in need of
show their true power. It‟s in what
help looks on fondly (or the one behind
they caused by their mere presence.
the sheet, don‟t you remember this

After all, isn‟t this why you‟re here? To instant of wonder in the page of an old

be the hero of your own story? book or looking in awe at the screen?)

Ki Techniques: Where did he got this?: The dream

chaser arrives with the weapon
 POW: associated with the character he
stands as. This Weapon is Consider
After taking a hit, the dream chaser
+10 with 50 Level 3 PP of
unleashes a mighty blow.
enchantment to the GM‟s distribution.
DEX 8 / STR 5 / WIL 6
A Part of your own adventure:
Effects: Action retrieval, Damage +40, When helping a person or a group, the
Attack +50 helped party can use the Dream
Chaser‟s stats and skills instead of
 Sudden Rescue: their own when taking action. This
includes its attack and defence, though
The Dream chaser makes a sudden
they can‟t imitate its techniques.
move at incredible speed to bring a
person in peril to safety. Perfect Class: The Dream Chaser‟s
clothes are always in perfect state no
AGI 4 / DEX 7
matter the stunt he pulled and how
Effects: Instantaneous transport 50m, much this shouldn‟t be the case.
Initiative +75
Theme Song: Music seems to be
 Rising Punch: always playing when the dream chaser
is around. Though it seems you and
When surrounded, the dream chaser
your companions are the only ones to
launches a violent strike sending its
hear it.
enemies flying everywhere.

AGI 6 / POW 3 / WIL 10

Effects: Zone Attack 10 meters,

Impact 14, Initiative +75

Signature Move: A move exploiting

the signature weapon. Left to the
freedom of the GM.

5 7 6
Dreamer’s Melancholia: B y the end
of this adventure the Dream Chaser
disappears after having ensured the
safety of his charge. It leave him with
a small bobble as a parting gift, the
bobble will seemingly disappear a few
hours later, as if it never existed. The
person will then experience an empty
sensation that will last for a few days
and which will disappear after either
writing the events of that night
somewhere or creating a new story
based around its adventure.

5 7 7
It would be very easy to mistake Lekka for a girl who has everything. Her family is one
of the wealthiest in Gaia, nobles bred by nobles for countless generations. Maids and servants
waited on her hand and foot from the day she was born, bringing her whatever it was her
heart desired. As she grew, and her beauty blossomed under the careful eyes of those whose
duty it was to make certain it did, she attracted the attention of suitors and jealous rivals alike.
Yes, some would go so far as to say that anyone who didn't think she had everything was
ignorant of how the world works. Lekka herself is one of those who would be called a fool.

The riches that surrounded Lekka had never appealed to her. Her family's
wealth didn't color her life the same way it did for her friends or her brothers and, indeed, she
felt empty for many years. She learned the empty words that nobles pass between one another,
the pointless ceremonies they put themselves through, how to hear a veiled insult inside a flurry
of compliments. The world of politics, of parties, of primping and priming oneself for marriage
and child-rearing simply didn't appeal. So, the only daughter of the Anui family stared quietly
at the world and waited for another life to present itself.

She didn't have to wait long.

Lekka's 16th birthday, a strange and magical time for most other girls, left her in
a melancholy she didn't want to explain. There was a beautiful ball, hundreds of guests, and she
looked stunning, but it was all just a replica of the parties she'd been visiting for the past year.
She refused to dance, refused to eat or drink, and took no interest in any of the special guests
that her parents had invited. Of course, it was then the Inquisition showed up.

The ballroom became a battlefield as her older brothers began flinging spells
and incredible power at the holy warriors. Lekka had never before had any idea her brothers
were spellcasters. Like most of the world, she was amazed to find that magic actually existed,
and she was also terrified of that power being in anyone's hands. Her mother and father
watched in horror as the merciless Inquisitors cut down their children one by one, but Lekka's
eyes were wide with a different type of awe.

Her parents’ devastation could not stay Lekka's brightened mood, or her feet as
she ran down to meet the warriors who had claimed her brothers’ lives. The Inquisitors were
curious to see her approach without anger or fear, and more so as she knelt in the pool of her
brothers' blood and professed her admiration of them. She pleaded with them to teach her, to
take her from this life and give her one with real meaning, even as her parents screamed and
swore that they would not allow it. Their cries were in vain; Lekka had already given herself up
to God.

Years have passed and Lekka has grown into a capable Inquisitor, eager to
prove herself and wholly dedicated to The Almighty. She has not broken the ties with her
parents, and they could not afford to lose their last remaining heir, so she remains wealthy and
noble whenever she should need to be in the pursuit of her goals. The Church remains her
home, her family, and her life, and finally her life has color.

Gold for God, Silver for Sainthood, Red for Redemption.

Tyr Hawkaluk – Born in Crimson

Annex I.

Desdemona Compendium,
supplied by Shiryu

"Art does not reproduce what exists, but makes

exist what does not exist yet"

Name: Desdémona. Charlotte Vasser.

Rank: Messenger of the Apocalypse, II.

Date of birth: June 22, 903; Chaville, Gabriel.

Age: 87.

Appearance: 10

Combat Style: The Ultimate Art.

Race: Superior Undead.

Height: 1.72 m (Variable) Hair: Black (Variable).

Weight: 65 kg (Variable) Eyes: Green (Variable).

Hobbies: Create new forms of life.

What he appreciates most: Art in all its forms.

What he hates most: Those ignorant incapable of accepting art.

Lady of the Dead, Desdemona is an immortal wizard who hides her face behind a silver mask.
Nobody has seen her true face, so it’s impossible to say what hides behind it. She considers
herself an artist, always accompanied by music and choirs. She loves to create things, mainly
new forms of life (or unlife), which she calls “The Ultimate Art.” This "philosophy" is
understandable if we look at his origins as a mortal.

Among the various families that make up Gabriel's nobility, there are many who are
dedicated to high finances, palace intrigues and more front-page businesses... except the
Vassers. This family has always been in charge of funeral services, cleaning, pest control and
other duties of a rather funeral nature with an enthusiasm that is peculiar to say the least.
That is why it was not surprising that when little Charlotte showed a familiar, if perhaps
slightly greater, enthusiasm, he was accepted and nurtured by her parents.

It soon became clear that the little girl's affinity for the funeral went beyond what was
natural, since as soon as she said that she had spoken with a deceased person, she seemed
to communicate with the shadows themselves. Although initially delighted, her parents could

5 8 0
not help but worry about the implications of what something like this could cause, so they
began contacts with the Order of Magus to provide the young child with an adequate
education for her abilities. During the following years, Charlotte began a dizzying career
studying the supernatural, surprising each and every one of her tutors with her talent,
dedication and especially her insatiable curiosity and strange points of view, which led her to
reach the rank of Magister before turning 20 years old.

However, despite all this, Charlotte was not satisfied with her position because although the
study of life was widely accepted by her peers, her necromantic interests were received with
slight rejection at best. Fed up with what she considered an old-fashioned attitude, the
young woman decided to take a year off and travel Gaia on a kind of spiritual pilgrimage.
During that trip, she saw places of great supernatural presence such as the city of Graven,
the castle of Midnight or the glade of the black rose, as well as came into contact with some
of the great powers that still lived in the most remote places of Gaia, like The First Witch or
The Lord of the Gates. It was at the end of this journey when she was returning to Gabriel
that her fate completely changed. Charlotte was traveling in a carriage with two young
noblemen with strong connections to the Order when they came under attack by what were
clearly supernatural mercenary experts. The following battle was crude and victory could
only be achieved thanks to the power of Charlotte and the actions of a second group of
mercenaries, of which only their leader would survive. The youths thanked Charlotte for her
help and as payment for her service they offered her access to anything her organization
could offer her. Since this organization was none other than the largest supernatural object
trafficking lobby known as Black Sun, Charlotte did not hesitate for a moment to accept.

The following years were marked by the transformation of Charlotte as one of Black Sun's
greatest assets, not only as a Seeker, something that began as a mere diversion to
accompany Colver, but as the organization's greatest supernatural investigator. Some of the
organization's greatest successes arose from her projects, such as the creation of the pseudo
legislators for the Steinner family or the creation of the various soldier serums for the
Delacroix family. However, when the routine began to take its toll on her, fate surprised her
again: On an exploration mission in some old ruins in the depths of the Cave of Whispers, in
the dark lands of Moth, Charlotte felt something twisted and dark that came from inside
them. There in a sort of sealed chamber stood on an altar fashioned from the bones of long-
forgotten entities was the most powerful thing she had ever beheld Et versiculum mortem…
The Book of the Dead, the very origin of necromancy.

More than forty years after this, the now transcended Desdemona has long since left Black
Sun, partly for a change of scenery, fed up and… and partly because of what Adrian Delacroix
is seeking to create with the Book. She wants nothing to do with it, nor with the entity that
pulls the strings in the shadows, and she simply prefers to travel the world, and beyond,
dedicating herself to her own projects. The young entelechy has become one of the most
powerful necromantic creatures in the world, second only to the King of Unlife, and with the
fall of Memitim she became a new member of the list of the Messengers of the End.

5 8 1
___ ___MODUS OPERANDI______

Despite her "capricious" attitude and her apparent disinterest in violence, Desdemona has
vast experience as a combatant thanks to her years as a Seeker of Black Sun that make her a
cautious and methodical opentent.

Normally she does not usually enter into direct combat, her creations take care of these tasks
for her. In the rare cases where something might force her to fight because she might pose a
danger, she employs a combination of the Acquire Powers and Necromantic Modification
spells to empower herself and her creations to turn the conflict around.


● Interestingly, today the Vasser family has left behind its old activities and has
become a much more traditional family from a Gabrielle point of view... Desdemona
is deeply disappointed by this change and wonders what the descendants of her
brother have done wrong to err so much.
● She continues to maintain a good relationship with the Order of Magus and her
research is still being studied at some of their centers. Ahuka Namasri (Level 7.
Summoner), the Magus Loci of Creation, has been trying for some time to convince
her to give a small seminar on the study and development of artificial creations, but
without much success.
● She continues to keep in close contact with Clover, Luscius, Shang, and Patrick. They
use an artifact with a daily form in which they exchange messages.
● Her new name comes from one of the first sorceresses to seriously study the impacts
of necromancy on the flow of souls.
● Regarding this issue, Desdemona has spent many years researching some way to
solve this problem but has not found a suitable solution… yet.
● Twenty years ago she came into contact with a strange scholar of the Armense faith
named Ummu Hubur, during one of her researches on fixing necromancy, and they
shared notes on their mutual studies. The old man had a kind of connection with an
underground and spiritual kingdom that allowed him to fix the problem but not
globally. After many conversations, they established a strange friendship based in a
extrange mentor and student situation.
● Ummu Hubur is actually one of the Godkillers of Imperium, and the oldest of them,
and he had been considering the Messenger as his successor as the Guide of the
Underworld for a few years… when the day of his death comes.
● Ironically, and unknown to both of them, Desdemona found a piece of technomagical
equipment from the remains of an ancient Godkiller a few years ago that allowed her
to travel to the Hells. This has caused Imperium to keep a close eye on her but given
her connection with Ummu they have decided to wait for the old man to retire to
offer her a position in the organization.
● She has a peculiar relationship with The King of Unlife. When she was human she
entered her castle twice and fought him the second time with the rest of the Seekers
earning his respect. When she later encountered him as the undead, Hringham was

5 8 2
somewhat amused at her choice as he considered it to be a kind of tribute to his
person... Desdemona's only response was to throw a death beam at his face. Since
then the Lady of the Dead has sworn that she will surpass him to be the ultimate
necromantic monarch, something the King of Unlife has gladly accepted as a pastime
to combat tedium.
● During her gap year she spent several months studying under Etheldrea's tutelage. In
principle the First Witch does not accept disciples but she owed a favor to one of
Charlotte's mentors and found it easier to take care of a young girl than the other
options... even to this day she occasionally regrets not having thought better of it.
● She made a formal complaint to the High Senate when she was appointed Messenger
of the End as she does not consider that her actions will cause any calamity... Her
request was parked next to the demands of the sons of the dragon.


Level: 13 Category: Between Worlds, Undead 30

Life Points: 225

Class: Wizard.

Str: 7 Dex: 11 Agi: 8 Con: 9 Pow: 15 Int: 14 Wp: 12 Per: 10

PhR: 110 MR: 130 PsR: 120 DR: 110 VR: 110

Initiative: 135 Natural

Attack Ability: 20 Dagger

Defense Ability: 10 Dodge

Damage: 40 Dagger (Thrust/Cut)

Wear armor: 5

AT: None.

MA: 200 Necromancy, 180 Others

Zeon: 2.200

Magic Projection: 290

Level of Magic: 90 Creation y 90 Necromancy.

Free Access: Opening, Create Music, Infinite Bag, Pass Without Leaving Trace, Understand
Languages, Send Message, Change of Outlook, Alter Size, Absorb Information, Curse, Merge
with Body, Visualize Cartography, Plague, Rejection, Defensive Erudition, Offensive Erudition,
Location and Gate.

5 8 3
Essential Abilities: Supernatural Spiritual Characteristics, Superhuman Physical
Characteristics, Gift, Physical Exemption, Unspoken Casting, Gestureless Casting, Opposite
Magic and Summo Mortuorum.

Powers: Abusivam Animarum, Supreme Phylactery, Mors Domine and Vision mortis.

Natural Abilities: Initial Weapon: Use of the Dagger.

Size: 15 Medium Regeneration: Special

Movement Value: 8 Fatigue: Tireless

Secondary Abilities: Ride 80, Swim 40, Composure 80, Withstand Pain 80, Notice 80, Search
80, Animals (Anatomy) 40/120, Science 120, Herbal Lore 80, Story 140, Lost Logias 40,
Medicine 180, Memorice 100, Occult 240, Appraisal 120, Magic Appraisal 280, Style 80,
Etiquette 40 (100), Leadership 120, Persuasion 120 (180), Hide 80, Stealth 80, Poisons 80, Art
180, Dance 60, Tailoring 200 y Music 40.

● Notes: Values in italics in Desdemona's secondary abilities represent those in which

she has received a special bonus for experience and longevity.

After completing her transformation, Desdemona became one of the most powerful
necromantic entities to ever set foot on Gaïa. The abilities and powers that her new state has
granted her are explained below:

-Summo Mortuorum: The necromantic energies of Et Versiculum Mortem transformed

Desdemona into a necromantic creature of great power. Said power, allows her to choose at
will, and at all times, when she wishes to be considered as a Living Death instead of as a
normal Between Worlds. Her affinity with the necromancy path is equivalent to that of an
elemental entity, so she increases her MA by 20 points when she channels spells from that

-Abusivam Animarum: Desdemona can manipulate the souls of the dead either to transfer
them to her Phylactery, as raw material for her art (or spells), to bestow on one of her
creations, or to devour them and invigorate herself with their essence. The moment she ends
a subject's life (or encounters a soul), Desdemona must choose what to do with it; if she
devours it, she can choose between recovering as many life or zeon points as the Soul Power
bonus, if she uses it as a raw material it will count as a sacrificed being according to the
Prometheum rules or as a suitable target for some necromantic spells, if she is delivery to
another undead created by his magic this act works like the "Provide Soul" spell although it
only lasts for as many days as the Power of the soul or by directly sacrificing it can give her a
bonus to every action equivalent to the bonus of the soul’s Power, during the next five

-Supreme Phylactery: The true spiritual essence that gives “life” to Desdemona is
concentrated in the silver mask that she wore in life. As long as the mask is not destroyed, no

5 8 4
matter how much damage Desdemona receives or even if her body is destroyed, with some
time she will always end up resurfacing as a spectral entity capable of possessing corpses
(Only entities with a Gnosis higher than that of the Lady of the Dead ignore this rule). If the
phylactery is destroyed, Desdemona can die like any other creature (although she
theoretically could make another). This mask acts not only as an anchor for her essence but
as a receptacle for souls that enhance Desdemona's innate abilities. Depending on how many
souls are stored she grants the following bonuses:

● Tier 1 (10 Souls): Desdemona's Natural Regeneration is increased to 8 and

her Zeonic Regeneration is increased by 20. Also, she ignores any attack
without the ability to damage energy.
● Tier 2 (20 Souls): Desdemona's MA and Magical Projection are increased by
10 points. In addition, their resistances are increased by 20 points.
● Tier 3 (40 Souls): Desdemona's Natural Regeneration is increased to 12 and
her Zeonic Regeneration is increased by 40. In addition, the zeonic value of
his Path of Necromancy spells is increased by 30 points.
● Tier 4 (60 Souls): Desdemona's MA and Magical Projection are increased by
20 points. In addition, their resistances are increased by 40 points.
● Tier 5 (100 Souls): Desdemona's Natural Regeneration increases to 14 and
her Zeonic Regeneration increases by 60. In addition, his Path of Necromancy
spells are cast with an extra tier.
However, the Phylactery needs to consume souls to continue acting as an anchor for
Desdemona's essence, so once a month it must be fed either by a soul of high presence (level
6 or higher) or by a soul with enormous spiritual power. (Nature 10 points above your race or
higher). Should it not feed, the phylactery would begin to drain Desdemona's very essence,
stripping her of her supernatural abilities until she was reduced to a mere lesser undead.
Mechanically, the messenger loses a level when this happens, with all that that entails.
Theoretically, it would be possible to recover such a loss by feeding the phylactery with a soul
of incredible power (such as a being of level 11 or higher, a being whose nature is 20 points
higher than their race, or a being with a Gnosis of 40 or higher).

-Mors Domine: Any necromantic creature, with a lower gnosis, considers the Messenger as
its direct hierarchical superior. Although this effect is automatic on those undead without will
(such as zombies or skeletons), those who still retain a trait of consciousness can try to resist
when they receive an order contrary to their nature by passing a MR check against 140.

-Vision mortis: Desdemona's arcane vision has been augmented by being able to see not only
magic but any kind of spiritual being as well as any soul awaiting The Calling. Similarly, the
Messenger is able to see the stain of death and decay in all things. Mechanically, this ability
allows Desdemona to "sense" how close a living being is to death by noting possible illnesses,
injuries, or old age. Used on objects, it allows you to detect possible imperfections that could
lead to its destruction.

5 8 5

When she was still mortal, Desdemona carried with her an artifact in the form of a silver
mask known as the Argent. Although it was not an artifact of great power, the archmage
used it for a mixture of utility and affection for it. This link was maintained in a certain way
after his ascension, since his vital essence was confined within the mask, undergoing great
changes due to the influence of the book of the dead.

After several years, Desdemona has created a perfect copy of the artifact that he carries as a

Fable: 120 / 180 / 240

-Quality: Argent is considered a +10 quality mask, although it's fortitude is that of a +15
quality item. It has an AT of 4 against any type of attack.

-Spell Container: Argent is able to store within it a spell of Zeon value 100 or less, which its
bearer can cast normally at any time.

-Supernatural Sense: While wearing her mask, Desdemona is able to see any type of
supernatural force. In addition, her mask is capable of sensing hidden threats, warning her
mistress of imminent danger, reducing the Surprise penalty to -60 (this power has no effect
on the surprise obtained by a difference of 150 in initiative).

Level of Power: 3

5 8 6

The dress was made by Desdemona after becoming the Messenger known as the Lady of the
Dead using materials obtained from her travels through the Hells. Like all of her works, she
has a peculiar artistic sense that borders on the brilliant and the macabre, although she has a
more regal touch than Arachne.

Fable: 240 / 280 / 320

-Feminine: The dress only works on women or beings that have a feminine appearance with
an appearance greater than 7.

-Arcane Ward: Given his special qualities, Stryx provides an Armor Type of 4 against Cut,
Impact, and Thrust and 5 against Heat, Electricity, Cold, and Energy.

-Immaculate: The suit does not burn, get wet, or get dirty.

-Black Widow's Tongue: The suit gives its wearer a +40 bonus to Persuasion, Intimidate and

-Presence: Anyone who looks at the wearer of the evening dress enters a state similar to
fascination, marveling at her appearance and beauty. To avoid these effects, it is necessary to
pass a MR check against 140. This ability is completely undetectable and it is necessary to
pass a Magic Appraisal check against 320 to perceive it.

-Clothes Appropriate to the Moment: The dress is capable of changing minor details to
adapt to the needs of its wearer at all times. For example, you can change your style if it's
summer or winter, lengthen or shrink your sleeves, or even slightly adapt to the style of a
different culture.

Level of Power: 3+

5 8 7

Built halfway between a fortress and a palatial residence, Neuschwanstein Castle was one of
the many projects of Duke Yorath of Galgados. Located in Nuada Bay between the borders of
Galgados and Alberia, it was intended to be a maritime checkpoint and support staging post
for the Warmaster's forces... However, a series of bad decisions coupled with the actions of
Emperor Lascar Giovanni ended up condemning the project to failure, leaving only a half-
finished ruin.

A few decades ago, Desdemona, by then mortal, acquired the property under a false identity
and was in charge of finishing the works with the aim of obtaining a residence worthy of her
figure. Today, the place has a gloomy beauty as it has a strange architecture that mixes the
styles of Elcia, Moth and even the ancient vetala. The Messenger spends some time in the
castle while she plans some of her new works or prepares for a new trip.

5 8 8
1. Mountains of mists: The surroundings of the castle are dominated by the mountains
of the Mountain Range of the Winds. Colloquially known as the mists by the locals, it
has several little traveled roads and several mountain valleys. The mists that flood
the paths that lead to the castle are not really natural since they are produced by one
of Desdemona's supernatural protection systems, any living being that enters them
must pass a MR check against 120 every minute or it will be detected by nearby
undead, in addition several observers and grams are patrolling the area. On one of
the nearby peaks is Skithiryx's guard.
2. Nuada Bay: The waters surrounding the castle are named after the king of the shide
because, according to legend, it was there that he defeated an ancient and evil
marine spirit. The castle has a small jetty where “Jeune fille des marées” is located,
Desdemona's personal Syluen. The ship itself is a powerful artifact capable of
traveling stormy seas with ease and entering the waking world. The waters leading to
the bay are patrolled by several Merrow, two Charybdis, and Dagon.
3. The Wake: The wake surrounding the castle shows a scene immersed in a perpetual
night whose sky is presided over by an everlasting full moon. The mists of the
mountains cover the entire place, leaving the only light that arises from the castle or
the will-o'-the-wisps that are formed by the massive concentration of necromantic
energy. This concentration is caused by both the emanations of Desdemona's
experiments and the messenger's own Gnosis, its main effects being to strengthen
the undead with whom they come into contact by granting them a bonus to all
actions of +20 as well as increasing by 10 points the MA of any sorcerer who
attempts to channel spells from the Path of Necromancy while causing the state of
weakness in any living being that does not pass a MR check against 120 every 5
rounds and the state will remain as long as they are in contact with the same The
surrounding Wake is guarded by Jack O'Lantern and his wraiths.

1. Front Courtyard: The entrance court to the castle is quite austere, except for the
black rosebushes that grow along the wide black marble stairs that lead up to the
front door and the veranda.
2. Viewpoint: A simple viewpoint from which you can see the waters of the bay and the
mountains. It is quite common for Agrax to be found here taking in the scenery. It is
prepared so that up to three gargoyles can land without problems.
3. Entrance Gate: The black ebony gates of Moth are guarded by three impressive
statues faithfully depicting a dragon on top, a griffin on the right, and a pegasus on
the left, which are nothing more than technomagic constructs obtained in one of
Desdemona's trips.
4. Lobby: Looms carved by Goldar artisans, depicting major moments in the history of
the wastes, such as the battle between the King of Unlife and the Aityr, hang on the
columns that support the vaulted ceiling of the great hall that is the lobby. The place
is lit by torches that burn with strange blue flames that waver in their iron sconces.
The torches cast strange shadows on the paintings that decorate the walls. The
cadres are actually part of Dorian's parliament in the service of Desdemona who acts
as an inner guard for the castle. Several necro constructs are stationed in the room to
attend to the new arrivals. From the lobby; the dining room and basements can be

5 8 9
accessed to the east, the ballroom and courtroom to the west, and the stairs leading
to the upper floors and library to the north.
5. Dining Room: Three huge crystal chandeliers illuminate this magnificent room. Stone
pillars stand against the white marble walls, supporting the roof. In the center of the
room, a long, heavy table is covered with a fine white satin fabric. This room is rarely
used as few of the castle's inhabitants need to eat and is more reserved for the rare
occasions when the lady of the place has guests.
6. Kitchen: Connected to the dining room by a corridor on the right, is the kitchen.
Large stoves, ovens, pantries and even a logia capable of keeping food fresh are part
of this room. A door to the south of the room opens onto the courtyard “Ágata”. As
the mess hall it is rarely used but is maintained by a crew of necro constructs.
7. Courtyard “Ágata”: In the various wings that form the courtyard, flowers and plants
from various places in Gaïa can be seen, and beyond, in the center there is a robust
Ghestal tree presiding over the place. The courtyard has a minor supernatural system
that replicates the optimal conditions for plants to grow without problems as well as
a crew of necro constructs that act as gardeners. In its south wing, some covered
stairs connect to the jetty. Desdemona often spends time in the courtyard when she
brings in new acquisitions, taking care of "setting up" the necro construct program.
8. Jetty: A small and simple jetty where “Jeune fille des marées” rests together with its
captain Ernst Graff and his crew of ghosts, who years ago swore allegiance to the
messenger, thus being the only undead that are not her work.
9. Downworlders Hall: Almost a mirror image of its upper counterpart, this room is
decorated with tapestries from distant Baho depicting the history of the principality.
A single painting decorates one wall, of gigantic proportions, depicting one of the
bloodiest battles of the Devah War when the forces of the Deadly Sins and the
Cardinal Virtues clashed in the main valley of Ashvins. From here the dungeons can
be accessed via the stairs to the west, the subterranean halls via the eastern doors,
and the sea observatory via the southern corridor.
10. Dungeons: The stairs descend to a wide corridor in which various stone arches with
runes can be seen on both sides. Its interior is practically identical, only its size
varying, a sheet of enchanted glass serving as the only means of keeping its interns
trapped. The sheet can be retracted with a command word or by deactivating them
from the control panel in Grim's "office" at the back of the room. Currently, the only
convict in the dungeon is High Inquisitor Otho (Level 6. Warrior Mentalist), captured
by Skithiryx when he was investigating the mountains.
11. Subterranean halls: Behind the doors there is a large room that serves as a link to
access the surrounding rooms with rather varied uses. Warehouses, cellar, empty
rooms awaiting use, etc. These rooms connect to the caves that lead into the
mountains and are used by many of the undead who prefer a wilder lifestyle.
12. Marine Observatory: The access corridor to this room extends for several kilometers,
although thanks to a minor supernatural system, the people who pass through it see
their Movement Type increased to 10, until they reach an oval-shaped room whose
walls are made of pure stone. It is made of glass and you can see the bottom of the
sea. Apart from the various instruments with which you can better appreciate marine
life, there is a small room prepared from which Dagon can enter and exit.

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13. Audience room: This huge room is a cold and melancholic place that is illuminated by
a series of chandeliers with blue flames that give a strange illumination to the
paintings that decorate it. A large stained glass window covers the south wall
depicting the crucifixion of Abel and the manifestation of Lucifer. Beneath the
stained glass window stands a superb throne forged from a strange alloy of black
malebolgia. In the event that Desdemona receives a visit, she will wait for them,
always sitting on her throne from where she will listen to what they have to say. The
room is guarded by several older Immortus and when an audience is held Zhao is
always to the right of his mistress.
14. Ballroom: This beautiful Gabrielle-style ballroom was a last-minute whim of the
Messenger, as a throwback to her days as a young noblewoman who loved dancing.
The room is illuminated by dozens of lamp lodges capable of regulating the light in
the room, and a group of necro-constructs are stationed to serve as an orchestra. On
the ceiling of the room, a fresco of clear oriental art shows in a cycle the eras of the
Kuon Teikuko being in the center portrayed in great detail the events of "The End of
Eternity". The eastern wall has large windows that overlook the main gardens of the
15. Gardens: The extensive gardens of the castle extend through an artificial valley on
the side of the mountain on which it stands. Species of the most beautiful, and
rarest, flowers and plants from all corners of Gaïa are found in this garden, carefully
tended by Agrax and several dozen Necro constructs. Fountains of various sizes and
architecture varies, such as statues or boxes, adorn the place although the largest of
the works is a statue that represents the death of Lascar Giovanni at the hands of his
son, called "The end of a dynasty". Several tens of meters from the garden there are
a series of caves, which connect with some rooms of the subterranean halls, which
serve as a residence for Agrax and the gargoyles.
16. Upper Floors Lobby: The north stairs lead into a lobby that connects the library to
the north, the laboratories to the west, and corridors leading to the various towers to
the east. The walls of the room are decorated with pictographs of Itzi, highlighting
above all the awakening of the primeval gods in the jungles and their influence as the
main piece.
17. Library: This gigantic room, covering almost three floors and a large part of the upper
floors, is one of Desdemona's greatest prides, a place where she has been gathering
her immense knowledge over the years. Summoning treatises, encyclopedias of
names, matrix theorems and grimoires along with books on history, science of all
kinds, art, novels and almost any subject imaginable are among the many shelves.
Some of these books were gifts, others earned from her enemies, but without a
doubt each of these books has a story for the Messenger. The library has one of the
greatest protection systems in the castle, only surpassed by those of the messenger's
tower itself, being impossible to destroy by mortal hands and only entities with
gnosis 30 or higher could carry out such work. The library is decorated with a series
of displays containing pieces of art carved from the bones and fangs of beasts from
distant Bekent, the most important of which is along the skeleton of a major serpent
and represents a delirious image of a tower full of monstrosities chained in darkness.
In addition to the assigned Necro Constructs, the Head Librarian is one of three

5 9 1
models with a personality that allows her to keep the library perfectly organized.
Desdemona herself spends her free time at the room and Amon spends much of his
time here looking for inspiration when he wants to start a new project.
18. Laboratories: The research laboratories are another of the rooms that fill the
Messenger with pride. Structured along three floors and the entire western area,
they are divided according to the investigations carried out by both Desdemona and
Amon; Development of Supernatural Utensils, Gestation of Necromantic Entities,
Arcane and Esoteric Research, etc… Each one is equipped with the best equipment
and systems, among which a Trismegistus and several Atmas containers stand out, as
well as the necessary materials to carry out their experiments. The top floor is for the
exclusive use of Desdemona, as it houses her private projects. The only piece of art in
the entire complex is located at the beginning of it, it is a painting that represents the
sacrifices of a group of white hawthorn Lilium priests inside the forest of eternal
night. It is protected with the same security systems as the library.
19. Servitude Tower: The smallest of the four towers that crown the castle located in the
northwest, between the library and the laboratories. While its main function is to
serve as a "warehouse" in which to store both chemical and necromantic cleaning
implements, it also serves as a residence for the midway undead. The tower is full of
Stygian hieroglyphs that tell the story of Kha-nefer. At its pinnacle, all the artistic
styles exhibited in the castle converge, acting as the connecting link of Dorian's
20. Guest Tower: This tower is located to the southeast and is perfectly equipped to
serve as accommodation for about twenty people. Each of the rooms has its own
toilet as well as some enchanted bells that are used to summon the service. On the
ground floor there are large communal baths in the Lannetense style. The tower is
decorated with classical Ilmora-style paintings depicting major events in Gaïa's
history, and each room has a portrait of one of the great heroes of the past,
individuals of the caliber of Ghestalt Noah Orbatos, Nuada or Zhorne Giovanni.
21. Tower of the precepts: The tower where the greatest creations of the messenger
reside, those entities that are considered her lieutenants and that are called the
Precepts of Death, is located northeast of the castle. Although the tower has the
appropriate floors for each of them, the truth is that only Amon, Pollux, Vlad and
Zhao use their rooms, the rest prefer to be outdoors or are too big to live in the
tower. This tower does not have a unique artistic decoration since each of the
precepts has used their own tastes for decoration, so for example Amon's floor has
minimal levels while Vlad's looks like a Gabrielenese art gallery. At the pinnacle of
the tower it serves as the residence of the Hinkypunk in charge of surveillance
22. Tower of Desdemona: The largest of the towers that serves as the personal
residence of the Messenger is located to the southwest of the castle, being the only
tower that cannot be accessed through the corridors, but it is only possible to reach
it through the top floor of the Laboratories. The messenger's residence consists of
her private laboratory, library, and study as well as a seamstress's workshop, a small
greenhouse, and an observatory. As a whole, the tower functions as an artificial Level
4 Sacro Santorum with the following effects:

5 9 2
a. Minor Effects: Supernatural Link, Large Area, Linked Maintenance, Increased
Power (2), Exceptional Resistances (2) and Sealing.
b. Mayor Effects: Control de Supernatural Power and Nexus od Recuperation.
23. Sanctuary: In Desdemona's private library, books can be placed in such a way that
the first letter of their title reads "Ad astra abyssosque" thus activating a hidden door
that allows access to an elevator. In order to activate the elevator it is necessary to
enter a password both on a keyboard (4A00K88ÑJ3O) and in a voice record (A life
that has not been examined is not worth living), once activated you can descend to
the Sanctuary. This place is located about two kilometers below the castle in an
artificial room protected behind enchanted walls that prevent the passage of any
living being whose gnosis is lower than 35 and any undead with a gnosis lower than
that of Desdemona, but they can try to force their entry by passing a MR check
against 180. The room itself is not very large, no more than 10 square meters, in the
center of which stands an altar where the copy of the Book of the Dead created by
Desdemona rests. In each of the corners of the altar there is a lock, one of the keys is
always with the Messenger while the others are scattered in the most remote places
of Gaïa (the pit where the Aeon Toa rests, the Talmud ruins in Another World and in
the hall of the residence of the Godkiller Ummu Hubur in Baho), if they are
introduced, a portal will open to the pocket dimension where the phylactery rests (In
case her body is destroyed, the essence of Desdemona can open the portal from
inside without the need for keys). Apart from the incredible protection measures
that prevent passage, the room is full of a necrotic cloud capable of devouring the
very essence of existence, in game terms anyone who is not the Messenger and who
comes into contact with her must overcome each round a PhR against 180 or will
suffer twice its failure level as sacrifice damage, also against the general rules this
damage can produce critical.

Desdemona has always been an artist, and researcher, with an innovative talent in the
supernatural arts that has led her to create dozens of new necromantic entities over the
years. Most of her experiments are found taking care of her residence in Neuschwanstein
although some of her most powerful ones
travel with her serving as her escort. Below
are the most important experiments that
she has designed.


The Arachnes are the result of Desdemona's

admiration for the work of Baron Lugvid
Asaln. These necromantic creatures are a
strange mixture between an arachnid and a
woman created through a ritual derived

5 9 3
from the creation of necro-golems using the body of a Chichusei as a base. The corpse
undergoes a series of implants from other large supernatural spiders, such as venom or web
glands, as well as certain modifications, mainly strengthening muscles to obtain better
physical performance. Desdemona employs these creatures primarily as her enforcers by
sending them against those individuals who come to her attention as material for her

Level: 4 Category: Between Worlds, Undeath 20

Life Points: 130

Class: Shadow

Str: 8 Dex: 10 Agi: 10 Con: 8 Pow: 6 Int: 6 Will: 6 Per: 8

PhR: 55 MR: 50 PsR: 50 DR: 55 VR: 55

Initiative: 110 Natural

Attack Ability: 150 Poisonous Claws/Kempu + 140 Poisonous Claws/Kempu + 130 Poisonous
Claws/Kempu (x2)

Defense Ability: 150 Dodoge

Daño: 30 Poisonous Claws (Thrust) o 50 Kempu

TA: None.

Essential Abilities: Ambidextrous, Physical Exemption y Acute Sense (Sight).

Powers: Multiple Limbs, Poisonous Claws, Kempu, Shroud of Deception, Free Movement,
Spider Eyes y Conservation System.

Size: 15 Medium Regeneration: 2

Moviment Value: 10 Fatigue: Tireless.

Secondary Abilities: Acrobatics 60, Jump 40, Notice (Sight) 80/110, Search (Sight) 80/110,
Track (Sight) 60/90, Persuasion 40, Hide 140, Stealth 120, Trap Lore 80 and Poisons 40.


-Multiple Limbs: The Arachne have four arms with which they can perform attacks or
additional manual actions and four legs with which to increase their maneuverability.
Mechanically, the Archne's arms allow them to make two additional attacks at a -20 penalty,
either with their claws or Kempu, or to make up to three manual actions without penalty. His
legs allow them to perform active movement actions without penalty as well as mobility
actions, jumping, acrobatics, or climbing, with no additional action penalty.

5 9 4
-Poisonous Claws: The claws of the Arachne are capable of secreting powerful supernatural
poisons with which they can paralyze or even render their targets comatose. In case of
getting a successful attack with her claws they inoculate the poison, needing to overcome a
VR against 120 or will suffer the state of total paralysis, or in case of fails by more than 40
points the objective will be unconscious, for as many hours as their level of failure.

-Kempu: The Arachne are capable of secreting a sticky substance from their claws that they
can model as if it were a kind of monofilament or whip and that, when reinforced with their
necromantic essence, becomes a deadly weapon. Mechanically, it functions similarly to the
Cancer Impossible Weapon but without the Almost Invisible and Perforator abilities, and is
considered a medium ranged weapon. The Arachne can only use the Kempu once a day as a
weapon, since they need to regenerate the necromantic energy with which it is reinforced,
but they can use the substance to create webs or as a tool to move.

-Shroud of Deception: The Arachne are capable of modifying their physical appearance to
look like young people of Ryuan ethnicity. Furthermore, while in this form they are able to
hide their essence as necromantic creatures by camouflaging them as if they were magically
gifted youths with a certain necromantic affinity. It is possible to overcome this deception by
a study of her supernatural energy with a Magic Appraisal roll against Very Difficult.

-Conservation System: The Arachne have a supernatural system that charges them with
necromantic energy, allowing them to recover from damage suffered as well as strengthen
their structure. Mechanically they have regeneration 2 and an increase in their PshR of 20

-Spider Eyes: The various eyes of the Arcane grant them great radial vision and the ability to
see without penalty in the dark.

5 9 5

Legends of the immortal blood-sucking lords of the

night always caught the Messenger's attention in her
youth. Years later, during her stay at the Pays de
l'Adour academy she discovered that these legends
are mainly based on the Vetala race and she spent
several months studying their culture and customs.
Although she ended up somewhat disappointed by the
most obvious shortcomings of theirs, she decided to
correct them with her own means, thus beginning the
Blut project. In itself, the Blutköing are created
through a laborious process in which vetalas are fed
for several weeks with the blood of various demonic
entities and potions complemented with various
surgical modifications culminating in a ritual sacrifice.
Finally, fragments of souls of various supernatural entities with vampiric essence are
introduced into the corpse and they are raised. Depending on the souls used, Desdemona
has created the following four models of Blutköing:


Level: 6 Category: Between Worlds, Undeath 20

Life Points: 125

Class: Illusionist

Str: 6 Dex: 8 Agi: 7 Con: 7 Pow: 12 Int: 11 Wp: 8 Per: 10

PhR: 60 MR: 75 PsR: 65 DR: 60 VR: 60

Initiative: 85 Natural

Attack Ability: 10 Fangs.

Defense Ability: 5 Dodge

Damage: 40 Fangs (Thrust)

AT: none

MA: 60

Zeon: 1.360

Magic Projection: 170

Level of Magic: 60 Variable.

5 9 6
Essential Abilities: Superhuman Spiritual Characteristics, Gift and Physical Exemption.

Powers: Blut, Fangs, Ephemeral Presence, Seductress and Complete Night Vision. Doom of
the Sun.

Size: 12 Medium Regeneration: 0 (Special)

Movement Value: 7 Fatigue: Special.

Secondary Abilities: Ride 40, Notice 60, Search 60, Occult 80, Magical Appraisal 120, Style 40,
Persuasion 140, Disguise 60, Hide 120, Theft 60, Stealth 120, Art 40, Dance 40, Music 40 and
Sleight of Hand 60.

Jiang Shi

Level: 6 Category: Between Worlds, Undead 20

Life points: 180

Class: Tao

Str: 9 Dex: 11 Agi: 11 Con: 9 Pow: 8 Int: 7 Wil: 10 Per: 8

PhR: 85 MR: 65 PsR: 70 DR: 65 VR: 65

Initiative: 130 Natural

Attack Ability: 160 Wing Chun Style

Defense Ability: 160 Dodge

Damage: 30 Wing Chun Style (Ene)

AT: Rigor Mortis Cut 4 Impact 4 Thrust 4 Heat 0 Electricity 0 Cold 0 Energy 0

MK: 210

Nemesis Abilities: Use of Nemesis, Armor of Emptiness, Noht, Body of Emptiness, Emptiness
Extrusion, Aura of Emptiness and Undetectable.

Essential Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Physical Exemption and Inhumanity.

Powers: Blut, Rigor Mortis, Crane Jump, Anima System and Complete Night Vision. Doom of
the Sun.

Natural Abilities: Starting Weapon: Unarmed Combat. Kung Fu Advanced Degree, Lama
Advanced Degree y Xing Quan Advanced Degree.

Size: 18 Medium Regeneration: 0 (Special)

Movement Value: 11/13 Fatigue: Special.

5 9 7
Secondary Abilities: Athleticism 60, Acrobatics 60, Jump 60, Size 60, Search 60, Medicine
(Anatomy) 0/80, Style 80, Hide 80, Stealth 80, Poisons 60 and Sleight of Hands 120.


Level: 6 Category: Between Worlds, Undead 20

Life points: 210

Class: Paladin

Str: 10 Dex: 11 Agi: 8 Con: 9 Pow: 10 Int: 8 Wil: 10 Per: 8

PhR: 65 MR: 70 PsR: 70 DR: 65 VR: 65

Initiative: 100 Natural y 90 Longsword +10

Attack Ability: 170 Longsword +10

Defense Ability: 190 Longsword +10

Damage: 90 Longsword +10 (Cut)

Wear Armor: 90

AT: Half Plate +10 Cut 6 Impact 6 Thrust 6 Heat 4 Electricity 2 Cold 3 Energy 1

Essential Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Physical Exemption and Inhumanity.

Powers: Blut, Majesty, Feel the Lie and Complete Night Vision. Doom of the Sun.

Natural Abilities: Starting Weapon: Use of the Longsword.

Size: 19 Medium Regeneration: 0 (Special)

Movement Value: 8/7 Fatigue: Special.

Secondary Abilities: Ride 60, Whistand Pain 140, Notice 60, Search 60, Story 60, Occult 60,
Tactics 60, Style 100, Leadership 140, Art 40, Dance 60 and Music 60.


Level: 6 Category: Between Worlds, Undead 20

Life points: 180

Class: Ranger

Str: 11 Dex: 10 Agi: 10 Con: 11 Pow: 8 Int: 8 Wil: 7 Per: 13

PhR: 75 MR: 65 PsR: 60 DR: 75 VR: 75

5 9 8
Initiative: 100 Natural

Attack Ability: 180 Protean

Defense Ability: 160 Dodge

Damage: 60 Protean (Variable)

AT: None

Essential Abilities: Affinity (Animals), Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Superhuman

Spiritual Characteristics, Physical Exemption and Inhumanity.

Powers: Blut, Knowledge of the Predator, Protean, Obfuscated Presence and Roar. Doom of
the Sun.

Size: 22 Medium Regeneration: 0 (Special)

Movement Value: 10 Fatigue: Special

Secondary Abilities: Athleticism 60, Acrobatics 80, Ride 60, Jump 40, Climb 80, Notice 140,
Search 140, Track 140, Animals 80, Herbal Lore 80, Intimidate 100, Hide 100 and Stealth 100.


-Blut: Following the legends of the vampires, Desdemona endowed the Blutköing with
certain abilities dependent on their blood in exchange for needing it to stay "alive". For game
purposes, these creatures have a number of blood points, the maximum pool of which is
equal to their Constitution attribute. For the mere fact of keeping their body in perfect
condition, they consume one point of blood per month. In the event that their blood points
drop to 0, they automatically apply the Weakness state and suffer a cumulative -10 penalty
to all actions each day they do not feed up to a maximum of -100. When this happens,
visually their bodies are consumed and they age little by little while their skin "rots".

To get a blood point a Blutköing must take it from a living being whose presence is at least 30
and possesses some rationality (if his victims are exceptionally powerful and have very strong
presences, he can get between 2 and 6 points by consuming a single life) . The process does
not necessarily always end with the death of the subject, but the vampire experiences
greater "nutritional" pleasure in ending life.

In addition to keeping their bodies in tip-top shape, the Blutköing can spend their blood
points to gain various temporary benefits. At most, they can spend up to 5 per round from
the following options;

● They can spend a point of blood as if it were equivalent to a point of Fatigue;

spending one grants a +15 bonus to physical actions.
● They can spend a blood point to automatically recover 25 health points.
● They can use a blood point to increase one of their Physical or Perception
characteristics by one for 5 rounds. This perk is stackable, but capped at 13.

5 9 9
● They can spend a blood point to gain a +10 bonus to a particular Resistance.
● The Empusas can give another being one to three blood points to drink to create a
bond of servitude. The person affected by this link begins to consider the Empusa as
her mistress and depending on how many points he has drunk, he will begin to love
her with a variable degree of devotion and obey her orders without question.
● Jiang Shi can spend blood points to increase their physical reaction to unsuspected
limits. For each point spent, they get a +15 to their Initiative.
● The Lemures can give one to three blood points to drink to another being to create a
blood oath between them. Generally, the Lemures use this ability to command their
servants in the most important of the missions, since they obtain a +10 bonus to all
action directed to fulfill it, as well as a bonus between +10 and +30, depending on
the amount of blood points that he has drunk, to his resistances against any effect
that tries to manipulate him or distract him from his mission.
● The Strigoi can spend a blood point to modify their Protean. Mechanically, they can
redistribute the 50 DP that make up their powers to acquire new ones. Unlike other
blood abilities, this is a full action.
-Fangs: Unlike the other Blutköing, the fangs of the Empusas secrete a supernatural
substance that causes a reaction of euphoria and ecstasy in those on whom it feeds. This
substance works as a supernatural poison with an instant effect with a VR of 120 causing a -
20 to all actions but in exchange the target ignores any other penalty caused by pain or

-Ephemeral Presence: The Empusas are able to hide their magical aura almost perfectly,
making it very difficult to perceive, being almost completely impossible to discover their true
nature without making an exhaustive analysis on a spiritual level. Generally, they will simply
appear to be women with the Gift who have not fully developed their powers.

-Seductress: The Empusas are able to discern the hidden pleasures in the hearts of mortals
with a single glance. This ability works as a supernatural detection with a difficulty of RM 120
and the higher the miss level of the target, the more information the vampire will gather.

-Rigor Mortis: The body of the Jiang Shi is rigid and hardened both by its condition as a
"corpse" and by the necromantic energies that form it. This translates to an armor type 4
Physical AT, a Damage Barrier of 100, and a 20 point increase in their Physical Resistance.

-Crane Jump: The Jiang Shi can make incredible jumps, both for their distance and their
speed, to pounce on their prey. Mechanically, they can perform a special charge maneuver
when performing a jump action.

-Anima System: The Jiang Shi possess a supernatural system that allows them to retain
fragments of the souls of the deceased. Thanks to this they can access the abilities of the

-Majesty: The Lemures can focus their presence in an aura of majestic glory, blinding the will
of those who gaze upon them. Mechanically, when activated, anyone who looks at the Lemur
must pass a MR 120 or be fascinated for as many rounds as the level of failure. In the event

6 0 0
that Lemur does any type of offensive action against those affected by Majesty, it will cause
the end of the fascination.

-Feel the Lie: The Lemures are able to discern the lies that lurk in the hearts of mortals with a
single glance. This ability works like a supernatural detection with a difficulty of MR 120.

-Knowledge of the Predator: The Strigoi are able to discern the vulnerable points of their
prey with a simple glance. This ability works as a supernatural detection with a difficulty of
MR 120 and the higher the miss level of the target, the more information the vampire will

-Protean: The Strigoi possess a number of natural weapons that vary from one to one based
on large predators. Each of them has 50 PD to acquire powers to customize them to their

-Obfuscated Presence: The Strigoi are highly adapted to forests and mountains in such a way
that it is extremely easy for them to blend in with the environment, always applying the
“Appropriate Hiding Place” bonus to their ability to hide in said environments.

-Roar: The Strigoi can focus all their predatory hunger into a mighty roar capable of striking
fear into the hearts of their prey. This ability works as a full action and forces anyone who
hears the roar to pass a RP check against 120 or fall into the fear state for a number of
rounds equal to the failure level. In case he fails by more than 20 points he will suffer the
state of Terror.

-Doom of the Sun: The body of the Blutköing is still vulnerable to sunlight, but thanks to the
processes by which they were created, the light only weakens them rather than destroying
them. Therefore, when they come into contact with sunlight, regardless of the amount or
time, they automatically apply the weakened state until the sun goes down.


Named after the Great Beast of the Deep, the

Charybdis are the necromantic chimeras created by the
Messenger based on the processes of crafting ancient
nightmares. Actually, its origin lies in the strong rivalry
between the Messenger and the researcher Sergei
Colbert, since despite both being brilliant developers of
the undead, their ideological currents differ in terms of
creation methodology. While Sergei's works tend to be
more science-driven, the Messenger's creations tend to
be more crafty in nature.

6 0 1
Level: 8 Category: Between Worlds, Undead 20

Life points: 3.620

Class: Warrior

Str: 15 Dex: 9 Agi: 6 Con: 15 Pow: 10 Int: 4 Wil: 10 Per: 8

PhR: 95 MR: 80 PsR: 80 DR: 95 VR: 95

Initiative: 75 Natural

Attack Ability: 210 Physical Weapons + 200 Slave Attack (Special) / 210 Emerge

Defense Ability: Damage Resistance

Damage: 130 Physical Weapons (Cut) y 200 Emerge (Thrust)

AT: Natural 6

Essential Abilities: Supernatural Physical Characteristics, Inhumanity, Physical Exemption and

Unnatural Size.

Powers: Physical Weapons, Assimilate Corpse, Consume, Damage Energy, Emerge, Curse of
the Flesh, Absolute Motion, Necromitud and Extrasensorial Vision.

Size: 28 Enormous Regeneration: 17

Movement Value: 7 Fatigue: Tireless.

Secondary Abilities: Acrobatics 60, Jump 100, Feats of Strength 220, Notice 80, Search 80,
Track 80 and Intimidate 120.


-Assimilate Corpse: The Caribdis can adapt the structure of other organic beings to increase
its own destructive capabilities. It must swallow a dead body and spend at least three turns
assimilating it. After it does so, it grows a new organ or appendage in its structure using the
body as a base. A Caribdis has the capacity to have a maximum of three different bodies
absorbed at any one time, and each body provides one of the following capabilities (although
nothing prevents the Caribdis from having the same ability several times):

● Slave Attack: The Necrogolem can make an additional attack. To make use of this
ability, the Caribdis must absorb a body that has fighting abilities, and the damage
and type of attack are based on the weapons the corpse carried (as they are also
partially adopted by the creature). This appendage can be destroyed if it takes 400 or
more points of damage (these Life Points are independent of the Caribdis’s).
● Mortal Pustules: When a Caribdis absorbs a body that died from Curse of the Flesh, it
can create a sac full of infected blood. At will, the aberration is able to cause it to
explode in a rain of blood. In the turn after the sac is broken, everyone within 80 feet

6 0 2
of the Caribdis automatically suffers the effects of Curse of the Flesh, requiring a
check against MR 140. This sac can be destroyed if it takes 50 or more points of
damage (counted separately from the
● Defensive Appendage: Using large, bulky bodies, the Carobdis can create a defensive
appendage to protect itself from attacks. This ability allows it to add 40 points to its
defense roll as a creature with Damage Resistance (additional appendages used for
this purpose increase its defense by 70 and 100 points, respectively). A defensive
appendage can be destroyed if it takes 300 or more points of damage (counted
separately from the Caribdis’s Life Points).
● Cannon of Bodies: This ability allows the Caribdis to use devoured bodies as
ammunition for ranged attacks. Instead of using a normal attack, it fires a body with
a range of 800 feet, which explodes, affecting all those within an area of 30 feet with
Curse of the Flesh. A size Medium body gives enough raw materials for five shots,
while a Big one can provide up to 10 shots.
-Consume: If a living person is swallowed by a Caribdis, he is automatically Partially
Immobilized and suffers increased effects from Curse of the Flesh, checking every turn (MR
increases to 160). However, the creature does not possess weapons inside itself, and if the
consumed person deals 300 or more points of damage, the Caribdis must expel them.
Someone who dies within the Caribdis is automatically absorbed by it

-Emerge: If it is underground or beneath a solid surface, a Caribdis can emerge by surprise,

devouring its victims and causing a huge explosion of necromantic energy. When it does so, it
attacks all targets within an 80 foot area, and if an individual of Big size or less is in the place
where it emerges, that person must make an opposed Characteristic check (as with a
Trapping maneuver) against the Caribdis’s Strength to avoid being swallowed. If the
character fails the check (even if he is just Partially Immobilized), he is swallowed by the
Caribdis and suffers from the Consume ability. Using this ability requires three turns of

-Curse of the Flesh: Merely touching a Caribdis causes a terrible allergic reaction in any
organic creature, making the creature’s flesh swell and rot in a few seconds. Either as a result
of an attack by the Caribdis that causes damage or a voluntary touch by the victim, anyone
coming into contact with a Necrogolem must pass a MR 120 check or suffer damage and a
penalty to all actions equivalent to the level of failure. Given the unusual nature of the
wounds caused by this ability, this damage cannot be healed by any regenerative abilities the
victim possesses, forcing the victim to recover Life Points at a rate of 10 points per day (as if
the loss were due to a Sacrifice).

-Absolute Motion: The body of Charybdis is specially adapted to move through air, water,
land and under it. The Charybdis can use its limbs as a kind of membranes, being able to plan
in a more or less rudimentary way, use them as fins or tentacles to move without any penalty
through the deep sea and to move through solid surfaces or through the depths of the earth
at its maximum speed. Despite everything, it is not capable of traversing extremely hard
rocky areas or similar formations.

6 0 3
-Necromitud: Despite being undead, Caribdis have an astounding resilience. They heal
physical damage within moments and can even rebuild completely destroyed parts.
Therefore, they regenerate 125 Life Points each turn and recover from any penalties at a rate
of 10 points per turn.


The legends of the changing beasts influenced by the moon and hungry for the flesh of men
were the seed that
led the Messenger to
discover the
existence of one of
her favorite
creatures; The
Spectral Beasts.
However, that
"mythical" creature
was always present
in her mind and
when she began her
personal projects
years later, she began a series of investigations on the subject until she founded the Maan
project. These necromantic creatures use Tuan Dalyrs as a base that have been subjected to
intense supernatural rituals and surgeries to maximize their bestial abilities, giving rise to
strange creatures halfway between chimera and animal.

Level: 6 Category: Between Worlds, Undead 20

Life points: 170

Class: Ranger

Str: 8 Dex: 11 Agi: 13 Con: 8 Pow: 6 Int: 7 Wil: 7 Per: 13

PhR: 65 MR: 60 PsR: 60 DR: 65 VR: 65

Initiative: 115 Natural

Attack Ability: 180 Adaptation

Defense Ability: 160 Dodge

Damage: 50 Adaptation (Variable)

AT: None

Essential Abilities: Superhuman Supernatural Characteristics, Superhuman Physical

Characteristics, Physical Exemption, Inhumanity and Superior Senses.

6 0 4
Powers: Adaptation, Wild Hunt, Lunar Influence and Path of the Spirits.

Size: 16 Medium Regeneration: 0

Movement Value: 13 Fatigue: Tireless.

Secondary Abilities: Athleticism 80, Acrobatics 80, Swim 40, Jump 60, Climb 60, Notice 200,
Search 200, Track 200, Animals 60, Herbal Lore 60, Occult 60, Intimidate 80, Hide 140 and
Stealth 120.


-Adaptation: The changing abilities of the Fera allow them to freely modify their bodies,
being able to spend the equivalent of 100 DP to buy monster powers that depend exclusively
on their body. Additionally, they can increase one of their physical characteristics by up to 3
points, up to a maximum of Characteristic 13. Using this ability requires a full round action.

-Wild Hunt: The Fera can assimilate part of the essence of their prey in order to locate it no
matter where it is. To do this, it is enough for the creature to take some of the blood or meat
of its prey, which needs to pass a RM against 140 to avoid being located every time it gets
dark. If the Fera also knows the name of its prey, it increases the difficulty of the resistance
to 180.

-Lunar Influence: Like their mythological version, the Fera are empowered by the moon.
Therefore, on days when the full moon shines in the skies they get a +20 to all actions and a
Regeneration 8, on the days of last quarter or first quarter they get a +10 to all actions and
Regeneration 4, while on days of new moon only receives a Regeneration 2.

-Path of the Spirits: Due to the spiritual connection of their bodies, the Fera are able to see
any spiritual being without penalty. Also, on
full moon nights they are able to cross the veil
between worlds and travel to wakefulness
(and vice versa).


The legends of the Wretched of the Moon

were always Desdemona's favorite childhood
tales, and one of the first necromantic
creatures she mastered was one of the
Spectral Beasts. Over the years, the messenger
has devised a series of processes by which she
"crosses" several of them to obtain one of
greater power. That this process is heavily
based on Ritual Gu is just a minor detail due to
the creatures being linked to violence.

6 0 5
Level: 6 Category: Spirit, Undead 20

Life points: 165

Class: Shadow

Str: 13 Dex: 10 Agi: 13 Con: - Pow: 10 Int: 5 Wi: 6 Per: 9

PhR: 70 MR: 70 PsR: 65 DR: 70 VR: 70

Initiative: 150 Natural

Attack Ability: 190 Spectral Claws

Defense Ability: 170 Dodge

Damage: 90 Spectral Claws (Cut)

AT: None

Essential Abilities: Supernatural Physical Characteristics, Physical Exemption, Inhumanity,

Immune to Pain and Accurate Sense. Physical Needs.

Poderes: Natural Weapons; Spectral Claws, Healing Moon, Damage Energy, Spectral Form,
Increased Reaction +30, Spectral Eyes and Bloodlust. Movement Limitation and Visible.

Size: 23 Big Regeneration: 0 (Special)

Movement Value: 13 Fatigue: Tireless.

Secondary Abilities: Notice (Sight) 100/130, Search (Sight) 100/135, Track (Sight) 60/90 and
Stealth 200.


-Spectral Eyes: The Beast's eyes sense light and shadow supernaturally, ignoring any kind of
penalty from natural darkness. Similarly, the creature can see other spirit beings, but not
magic or psychic matrices.

-Spectral Form: The body of the Beast is governed by the rules of all specters, so anyone who
comes into direct contact with it must pass a MR or RF check against 110 or suffer a negative
to all actions and a loss of Life Points equivalent to failure level. The Beast can freely touch
and attack anything material, though it itself cannot be harmed by conventional means; any
attack that isn't capable of damaging energy simply passes through it as if it didn't exist.

-Spectral Claws: The claws and jaws of the Beast have the same properties as its body.
However, instead of dealing damage normally, after hitting with them the wounds take a few
seconds to form, although they grow unnaturally, giving the impression that they have been
caused by a much larger creature. Therefore, all Beast attacks do not deal damage until at
least two rounds have elapsed. Despite their supernatural character, they attack on the Cut

6 0 6
Table, although they partially ignore protections, so they reduce the Armor of their
opponents by 2 points and increase the final result of any critical they produce by +40.

-Healing Moon: Although due to their spectral nature the Beasts do not recover from
damage in a conventional way, when bathed in the light of the new moon they instantly
regain their full vitality. Should they be damaged on a new moon night, they regenerate 20
HP for each round they are in direct contact with moonlight.

-Movement Limitation: Although it is an immaterial being, the Spectral Beast cannot pass
through walls or solid objects. In addition, if a small circle is drawn on the ground, it is also
unable to enter its interior if it does not receive an attack first (which disables the protection
not only against that specific Beast, but also against any other that accompanies it).

-Bloodlust: When a Gram has tasted blood, it fully awakens its bestial instinct, becoming an
efficient and unstoppable killing machine. In game terms, when a Gram manages to perform
a critical hit, regardless of whether or not it succeeded, he gains a +20 bonus to all actions
until he kills his target or until the fight ends. Likewise, while he is in this state, any living
being that looks into his eyes must pass a MR check against 120 or will fall into the state of
Fear for as many rounds as his failure level.

-Visibles: While they are specters, when the creatures are illuminated by some form of
artificial light they become fully visible to the human eye, even to those who cannot see

-Physical Needs: Spectral Beasts need to kill. If a day goes by without killing at least a number
of people whose presence equals their own, they fall back into deep torpor.


Desdemona has always found the

spectral creatures known as
Spectral Watchers fascinating. That
is why it should come as no surprise
that when she settled in
Neuschwanstein she used several
dozen of these creatures as a sort
of surveillance and security system.
To increase this function, the
Messenger developed a higher
version of the creatures capable of
creating a kind of telepathic
network between them that allowed her to share not only her thoughts but also her senses.
Additionally, the Messenger instilled several of the "programs" from previous experiments to
make the Hinkypunk a savvy strategist.

6 0 7
Level: 6 Category: Spirit, Undead 20

Life Points: 190

Class: Wizard

Str: 4 Dex: 8 Agi: 7 Con: - Pow: 12 Int: 11 Wil: 10 Per: 16

PhR: 75 MR: 75 PsR: 70 DR: 75 VR: 75

Initiative: 85 Natural

Attack Ability: 10 Claws o 130 Spectral Discharge

Defense Ability: 10 Dodge

Damage: 10 Claws (Cut) o 50 Spectral Discharge (Ene)

AT: None

MA: 60

Zeon: 1.500

Magic Projection: 150

Level of Magic: 60 Necromancy

Metamagic Advantages: Combined Magic and Advanced Zeon Regeneration (One Sphere).

Essential Abilities: Supernatural Spiritual Characteristics, Gift, Physical Exemption and

Superior Senses.

Powers: Connection, Spectral Discharge, Physical Form, Node, Phantom Eyes, Feel the
Essence, Absolute Vision and Levitation.

Size: 10 Medium Regeneration: 0

Movement Value: 7/12 Fatigue: Tireless.

Secondary Abilities: Notice 200, Search 200, Magical Appraisal 140, Tactics 140, Leadership
100, Stealth 40 and Hide 80.


-Connection: The Hinkypunk can establish a soul connection with other spectral observers,
being able to communicate with them and share their senses. This ability has a range of 50

6 0 8
-Spectral Discharge: The Hinkypunk r can project its necromantic energy as a stream of
wicked power. This ability is equivalent to a supernatural attack with a maximum range of 60
feet, but the Observer is unable to use this power and accumulate magic in the same turn

-Physical Form: Despite being spiritual creatures, when they manifest in the world, Spectral
Observers are always visible and tangible. Consequently, they may be damaged by
conventional weapons, although these only deal half damage.

-Levitation: The Hinkypunk can float with Supernatural Flight Value 12.

-Node: The Hinkypunk can use any of its Phantom Eyes to project its spells or Spectral
Discharges. However, if the central body is not within 30 feet of the eye, the Observer suffers
a -20 penalty to its Magic Projection

-Phantom Eyes: The Hinkypunk The Spectral Observer is surrounded by five small spheres
that act as its eyes and allow it to see and feel anything that comes close. However, these
eyes are not attached to its body and thus can act independently. Phantom Eyes are not able
to go more than 250 meters from the creature, but each one can go in a different direction.
Unlike the Observer’s body, they are completely spiritual and enjoy spiritual invisibility and
immateriality. Each eye can withstand 20 points of damage before being destroyed (this
damage has no impact at all on the central body), and if some are destroyed, the Observer
will regenerate one per day.

-Feel the Essence: The Phantom Eyes can sense any being within 100 meters of their
location. Anyone who enters within this radius must pass a MR check with 140 to avoid being

-Superior Senses: The Hinkypunk's senses are highly developed, so he gets a special bonus of
+50 to his Notice and Search skills.

-Absolute Vision: Apart from having the ability "Extrasensory Vision" the Hinkypunk has the
ability to see any type of supernatural force without any penalty.


Complementary to the creation of

the Necro-constructs, the
Messenger used the memories of
warriors and fighters to create
combat-focused "programs" for
what would become the bulk of
her troops. Although the results
were promising and they certainly
had more capacity than simple
skeletons, Desdemona wanted
something more "forceful". For this reason, she carried out several experiments mixing the

6 0 9
rituals of classical necromancy with the scientific knowledge of the Book of the Dead until
she achieved her goal; The Immortals.


Level: 3 Category: Between Worlds, Undead 10

Life Points: 140

Class: Warrior

Str: 8 Dex: 8 Agi: 6 Con: 7 Pow: 4 Int: 5 Wil: 5 Per: 5

PhR: 65 MR: 40 PsR: 40 DR: 45 VR: 45

Initiative: 70 Natural y 30 Longsword+5 + Shield+5

Attack Ability: 120 Longsword+5

Defense Ability: 140 Shield+5

Damage: 70 Longsword+5 (Cut)

Wear Armor: 45

AT: Body of Bones + Breastplate+5 FIL 7 CON 8 PEN 7 CAL 5 ELE 5 FRI 5 ENE 0

Essential Abilities: Physical Exemption, Psychological Immunity and Immune to Pain.

Powers: Body of Bones, Blood Skeletons, Inmortus, Conservation System and Undead Vision.

Natural Abilities: Inmortus Module (Shortbow, Longsword, Shield, Lance and Warhammer)

Size: 15 Medium Regeneration: 2

Movement Value: 6 Fatigue: Tireless.

Secondary Abilities: Ride 60, Notice 40, Search 40, Tactics 40 and Intimidate 40.


Level: 6 Category: Between Worlds, Undead 10

Life points: 190

Class: Warrior

Str: 10 Dex: 8 Agi: 8 Con: 8 Pow: 4 Int: 5 Wil: 5 Per: 5

PhR: 95 MR: 55 PsR: 55 DR: 60 VR: 60

Initiative: 90 Natural y 60 Longsword+10 + Shield+10

6 1 0
Attack Ability: 170 Longsword+10

Defense Ability: 190 Shield+10

Damage: 90 Longsword+10 (Ene)

Wear Armor: 70

AT: Body of Bones + Half-Plate+10 Cut 8 Impact 8 Thrust 8 Heat 6 Electricity 5 Cold 5 Energy 1

MK: 150

Nemesis Abilities: Use of Nemesi, Armor of Emptiness, Noht and Emptiness Extrusion.

Essential Abilities: Physical Exemption, Psychological Immunity and Immune to Pain.

Powers: Body of Bones, Blood Skeletons, Inmortus, Anima System, Conservation System and
Undead Vision.

Natural Abilities: Inmortus Module (Shortbow, Longsword, Shield, Lance and Warhammer)

Size: 18 Medium Regeneration: 4

Movement: 8 Fatigue: Tireless.

Secondary Abilities: Ride 80, Notice 60, Search 60, Tactics 60 and Intimidate 80.


-Blood Skeleton: Inmortus are able to absorb the blood of their victims to heal their broken
bodies. They recover Life Points equal to the damage they do to living beings.

-Inmortus: No matter how much damage they suffer, these nightmares have the ability to
automatically rebuild at the end of each turn, reassembling from their broken fragments.
Therefore, they never suffer All Action Penalties, and they are not destroyed even if their Life
Points drop below 0. The only way to destroy an Immortal is to deal a Critical with a result
greater than 50, in which case the whole structure of the creature bursts apart, scattering
fragments through the air.

-Anima System: The major Immortus possess a supernatural system that allows them to
retain fragments of the souls of the deceased. Thanks to this they can access the abilities of
the Nemesis.

-Conservation System: The Immortus have a supernatural system that charges them with
necromantic energy allowing them to recover from the damage suffered as well as
strengthen their bones. Mechanically they have regeneration 2 and an increase in their PhR
of 20 points. Major ones have regeneration 4 and a 30 point increase to their PhR.

6 1 1
-Undead Vision: Despite not having eyes, skeletons feel their surroundings supernaturally,
and do not receive penalties for luminosity or other similar effects. Similarly, they can
perceive spiritual forces without problems.


In the distant lands of the East, the ancient deeds of the great
heroes of the Eternal Empire and the adversities they faced stand
out. Among these, the figure of the Tengoku no batsu stands out,
or punishments from the heavens, ten dark entities that put the
Empire in check. Among these creatures, Desdemona was always
drawn to Karura Kokū no honō, the dark Kami who was about to
plunge Varja into the flames of Petra-gati. For this reason, she
carried out a series of investigations and finally discovered that
there was still a Daimah family that carried his blood... without
too many problems, she acquired several copies and the Kyoumu
project started. Through dark rituals he "purified" the legacy of
the Daimah while at the same time infecting them with the
essence of Preta-Gati himself and various fiery infernal entities...
The result was dark and twisted creatures capable of channeling
the power of the flames of the

Level: 6 Category: Between Worlds, Undead 20

Life Points: 170

Class: Warlock

Str: 8 Dex: 11 Agi: 11 Con: 8 Pow: 12 Int: 11 Wil: 10 Per: 8

PhR: 65 MR: 75 PsR: 70 DR: 65 VR: 65

Initiative: 130 Natural

Attack Ability: 180 Kokū no honō

Defense Ability: 180 Dodge

Damage: 60 Kokū no honō (Ene)

AT: Kokuyōseki no yoroi Cut 4 Impact 4 Thrust 4 Heat 4 Electricity 4 Cold 0 Energy 2

MA: 80 Fire, 60 Others

Zeon: 825

Magic Projection: 150 Offensive

6 1 2
Level of Magic: 60 Fire (54 Void)

Essential Abilities: Elemental Affinity (Fire and Void), Superhuman Physical Characteristic,
Superhuman Spiritual Characteristics, Gift, Physical Exemption, Inhumanity, Natural Immunity
to an Element (Fire): Complete, Unspoken Casting and Gesture Less Casting. Powers: Hi no
ōra, Karura no Isan, Kokū no honō, Kokuyōseki no yoroi and Neko tenbin.

Natural Abilities: Magic Projection as an Attack.

Size: 16 Medium Regeneration: 0

Movement Value: 11 Fatigue: Tireless.

Secondary Abilities: Acrobatics 100, Notice 80, Search 80, Occult 100, Magical Appraisal 140
and Intimidate 100.


-Elemental Affinity: Despite their necromantic nature, the Karura possess a bond to fire
similar to that of an elemental. Therefore, they increase their MA by 20 when using said
path, their resistances by 20 against said effects, and they take double damage from attacks
based on water or cold. Contrary to the general rules, their connection to the Void allows
them to open the Void Sub-Way to the Fire Way.

-Hi no ōra: A Karura generates so much heat that anyone who comes within a meter of it
must pass an PhR check against 100 or take damage equal to the level of failure. In the event
that someone is wearing easily flammable items, such as clothing or wood, the PhR difficulty
increases by 10 points and, if the check fails, the character will immediately enter the In
Flames state.

-Karura no Isan: The essence of the original Karura is abundant in the bodies of Desdemona's
creations, so when they are near the fire, their essences are reinforced. When they are near
fires with a value of 20 intensities, they raise all their physical characteristics by one point in
addition to increasing their MA by 15 points. If, in addition, said fire is a flame of the void,
these bonuses are doubled.

-Kokū no honō: The flames generated by the Karura are known as Void Flames. This strange
element is more spiritual than physical as it burns the very existence of those it affects.
Mechanically, the Karura have a natural weapon capable of attacking at Energy AT but
causing the effects of elemental heat damage and using the Power bonus instead of the
Strength bonus to calculate their damage. Attack spells from the Fire Path channeled by the
creature also apply these rules.

-Kokuyōseki no yoroi: The Karura's dark body is composed of an obsidian-like exoskeleton

that gives them an AT value of 4 against any physical attack that isn't Cold-based and an AT
value of 2 against energy-based attacks.

6 1 3
-Neko tenbin: As a reflection of the intrinsic characteristics of their bodies, Karura are
capable of falling from great heights without taking damage (always landing on their feet). To
reflect this ability, subtract two degrees from the difficulty they need to overcome to avoid
damage on Table 68.


The Merrow are one of several adaptations of the Immortus model to other media, in this
case the sea. Contrary to their land model, the Merrows use jayan bodies as a base, to which
parts of marine predators have been incorporated, mainly great white sharks, although there
are models with
octopuses or sea
serpents. To
reflect this
Desdemona set
programming to
be based more
on predatory
instinct than martial skill.

Level: 3 Category: Between Worlds, Undead 10

Life points: 150

Class: Acrobatic Warrior

Str: 9 Dex: 8 Agi: 8 Con: 9 Pow: 4 Int: 5 Wil: 5 Per: 5

PhR: 70 MR: 40 PsR: 40 DR: 50 VR: 50

Initiative: 90 Natural

Attack Ability: 115 Claws and Maws

Defense Ability: 115 Dodge

Damage: 50 Claws (Fil) and 70 Maws (Pen)

AT: Body of Bones Cut 4 Impact 4 Thrust 4 Heat 4 Electricity 4 Cold 4 Energy 0

Essential Abilities: Physical Exemption, Psychological Immunity and Immune to Pain.

Powers: Predator Weapons: Maws and Claws, Body of Bones, Blood Skeletons, Inmortus,
Marine Being, Conservation System and Undead Vision.

6 1 4
Size: 15 Medium Regeneration: 2

Movement Value: 8/10 Fatigue: Tireless.

Secondary Abilities: Acrobatics 60, Notice 40, Search 40, Tactics 40 and Intimidate 40.


-Predator Weapons: The Merrow are endowed with the natural weapons of the predator
that they use as a base. As a general rule, they have as a primary weapon a bite with
increased damage and that, regardless of the amount of damage achieved, always causes
bleeding, and as a secondary weapon, claws that subtract one point from the AT in which
they attack.

-Blood Skeleton: The Merrows are able to absorb the blood of their victims to heal their
broken bodies. They recover Life Points equal to the damage they do to living beings.

-Inmortus: No matter how much damage they suffer, these nightmares have the ability to
automatically rebuild at the end of each turn, reassembling from their broken fragments.
Therefore, they never suffer All Action Penalties, and they are not destroyed even if their Life
Points drop below 0. The only way to destroy an Immortal is to deal a Critical with a result
greater than 50, in which case the whole structure of the creature bursts apart, scattering
fragments through the air.

-Marine Being: The Merrow are completely adapted to the marine environment so they can
move through it without receiving any penalty and enter the abyssal depths without
suffering from the pressure. If they land, their Movement Type is reduced and a -20 penalty
is applied to all actions.

-Conservation System: The Merrows have a supernatural system that charges them with
necromantic energy allowing them to recover from the damage suffered as well as
strengthen their bones. Mechanically they have regeneration 2 and an increase in their PhR
of 20 points.

-Undead Vision: Despite not having eyes,

skeletons feel their surroundings supernaturally,
and do not receive penalties for luminosity or
other similar effects. Similarly, they can perceive
spiritual forces without problems.


Mims are one of Desdemona's many necromantic

creations, undead capable of perfectly replicating
the appearance of their victims and acting as
spies and executioners at their mistress's will. For
its creation, the Messenger used the D'anjayni as
a base, since their racial ability would be the

6 1 5
cornerstone of the creatures, which she subjected to strange rituals designed to "infuse"
them with the essences of metamorphic creatures such as mimetics or replicants together
with to a series of lodge implants with surgical capabilities to finish perfecting the process.
Finally, during the raising of her, Desdemona introduces fragments of the souls of the
D'anjayni so that they could continue to retain their natural access to their mystical

Level: 6 Category: Between Worlds, Undead 20

Life points: 125

Class: Thief

Str: 7 Dex: 13 Agi: 11 Con: 7 Pow: 8 Int: 9 Wil: 8 Per: 10

PhR: 80 MR: 85 PsR: 85 DR: 80 VR: 80

Initiative: 145 Natural

Attack Ability: 160 Variable

Defense Ability 180 Dodge

Damage: Variable

AT: Spider Body Cut 4 Impact 4 Thrust 4 Heat 4 Electricity 4 Cold 4 Energy 0

MK: 120

Ki Abilities: Ki Concealment.

Nemesis Abilities: Use of Nemesis, Body of Emptiness, Form of Emptiness, and Undetectable.

Essential Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Physical Exemption and Inhumanity.

Powers: Spider Body, Fable, Undetectable, Anima System and Conservation System.

Size: 14 Medium Regeneration: 4

Moviment Value: 11 Fatigue: Tireless.

Secondary Abilities: Athleticism 40, Acrobatics 60, Ride 60, Swim 60, Jump 20, Climb 60,
Notice 100, Search 100, Track 60, Persuasion 140, Hide 180, Theft 140, Stealth 180, Tramp
Lore 140 and Ki Concealment 180.


-Spider Body: The Mim have the ability to alter their appearance to fully replicate and
identical to that of their victims. To do so, they must devour the flesh of their target and

6 1 6
devote a full action to it. If they devour the victim's brain, they will also gain access to all
their memories. The Mim's flesh is supernaturally tough, giving it a physical AT of 4.

-Fable: In case of impressing a person with supernatural abilities, the Mim can use part of
their essence to create an illusion with which to "replicate" said abilities. Anyone who
watches the Mim when she "uses" her powers must pass a RP check against 160 or be
affected by a Phantasmal Illusion for as many minutes as the failure level or as long as the
Mim wishes.

-Undetectable: As a residual part of their D'anjayni souls, the Mim increase their resistances
against any means of supernatural detection by 50 points, as well as innately possessing the
ability of ki; ki concealment

-Anima System: The major Immortus possess a supernatural system that allows them to
retain fragments of the souls of the deceased. Thanks to this they can access the abilities of
the Nemesis.

-Conservation System: The Mim have a

supernatural system that charges them with
necromantic energy allowing them to recover
from the damage suffered by possessing a
supernatural regeneration of 4.


According to the Aityr myths, the Naglfar are the

vessels used by the hosts of Helion created from
the bones of their enemies. The Messenger
found these curious vessels, and she spent
several years studying the myths in which they
appeared, even analyzing several of them on a
visit to the kingdom of Helion. She, pleased by
what she had found, went on to design a
necromantic creature based on such a figure. After several tests and trials, the result that she
ended up pleasing was that of a bone entity capable of feeding on the corpses of her
enemies to generate new necromantic entities with them. For this, she used as a base the
skeleton of several Turaks with a high degree of closeness to the dragon as well as the bones
of greater serpents and even some of pure dragons (as she hoped to impregnate her creation
with part of her World Soul).

Level: 6 Category: Between Worlds, Undead 20

Life points: 2.975

Class: Weapon Master

6 1 7
Str: 13 Dex: 8 Agi: 8 Con: 13 Pow: 8 Int: 7 Wil: 7 Per: 8

PhR: 80 MR: 65 PsR: 70 DR: 80 VR: 80

Initiative: 70 Natural and 50 Reapers (Huge Weapon +10)

Attack Ability: 180 Reapers (Huge Weapon +10) + 150 Reaper (Huge Weapon +10)

Defense Ability: Damage Resistance

Damage: 140 Reapers (Cut)

AT: Natural + Necrod Oseum Cut 8 Impact 8 Thrust 8 Heat 8 Electricity 8 Cold 8 Energy 6

Essential Abilities: Supernatural Physical Characteristics, Physical Exemption, Inhumanity and

Accurate Sense (Sight).

Powers: Ossuary, Necromantic Miasm, Necrod Oseum, Reapers, Major Conservation System
and See Spirits.

Sice: 26 Enormous Regeneration: 10

Movement Value: 9 Fatigue: Tireless.

Secondary Abilities: Notice (Sight) 80/110, Search (Sight) 80/110, Track (Search) 80/110,
Medicine (Anatomy) 40/120, Occult 80 and Forge120.


-Ossuary: The greatest ability of the Naglfar is to use their existential core as a kind of
necromantic forge, being able to create other necromantic creatures. To do this, they use the
remains and corpses of their victims as raw material. This ability allows the Naglfar to create
one of the following creatures; Immortus (minor), Merrow, or Wraith, when he has gathered
the necessary components. To do this, he must consume corpses with a total sum of
presence equal to twice the amount of the creature he wishes to create, and once gathered,
he must spend five rounds doing so.

-Necromantic Miasm: Due to their Ossuary ability, the Naglfar emit as a residue a
necromantic mist with properties that are harmful to living beings and invigorating to other
necromantic entities. Mechanically, any living thing within 5 meters of the creature must
pass a MR 120 or be in the weakened state for a number of rounds equal to its failure level.
On the contrary, the undead in that area receive a bonus to all actions and to their
resistances of +10.

-Necrod Oseum: The bones that make up the creature are not only supernaturally reinforced
but have had certain supernatural processes applied to them to replicate the nature of
malebolgy. Mechanically, they grant an increase to their physical TA as well as granting a
Damage Barrier of 140, even if an attack manages to overcome said barrier, its damage will
be reduced by 20 points.

6 1 8
-Reapers: The Naglfar are equipped with two large, scythe-like blades carved with runes as
their primary means of attack and possess the ability to easily eliminate their opponents.
They are considered huge weapons of quality +10 and in case of reducing the life points of a
being to 0, it must pass a RM against 120 or it will die instead of entering the state of
"Between Life and Death".

-Major Conservation System: The Naglfar possess a supernatural system that charges them
with necromantic energy allowing them to recover from damage suffered by possessing a
supernatural regeneration of 10.


One of the Messenger's simplest creations

but one of the most efficient. These
creatures are quite similar to Zombies, but to
improve their design flaws, Desdemona
opted for a rather elegant solution. By
making several changes to the rituals used to
create Memory Puppets, it was possible to
introduce "programs" into the zombies and
give them greater autonomy and reasoning.
Although it is theoretically possible to create
"programs" focused on combat, through
fighters' memories, the truth is that the
Messenger has preferred to focus on getting
good service. Among the Necro - Constructs, three specimens stand out to which a greater
degree of synchronization with their "program" has been applied, causing them to have their
own personalities.

Level: 1 Category: Between Worlds, Undead 10

Life points: 660

Class: Freelancer

Str: 8 Dex: 5 Agi: 5 Con: 7 Pow: 4 Int: 5 Wil: 5 Per: 5

PhR: 55 MR: 30 PsR: 30 DR: 35 VR: 35

Initiative: 45 Natural

Attack Ability: 20 Unarmed Combat.

Defense Ability: Damage Resistance.

Damage: 20 Unarmed (Impact)

AT: Natural 3

6 1 9
Essential Abilities: Physical Exemption, Psychological Immunity and Accurate Senses (Smell).

Powers: Conservation System, See Spirits and Complete Night Vision.

Size: 15 Medium Regeneration: 2

Movement Value: 5 Fatigue: Tireless.

Secondary Abilities: Notice (Smell) 20/50, Search (Smell) 20/50, Animals 40, Herbal Lore 40,
Etiquette 40, Intimidate 40 and Sleight of Hands 40.


-Conservation System: The necro-constructs have a supernatural system that prevents them
from rotting, the messenger cannot stand said stench, and they keep their bodies resistant to
inclement weather.


Among the various realms of

Samsara there is none that
causes more chills and terror
among the people of Varja
than the Preta-Gati. This dark
realm is home to the darkest
cravings, hungers and
ambitions giving rise to
twisted creatures that seek
only to satiate their desires.
The legends of this place
became integral to
Desdemona and through
various studies she ended up discovering that those obsessions could be a good basis for one
of her designs. The resulting creature was a lesser species of lord of the dead, using as its
base the essence of a specter based on obsessive-compulsive control as well as the corpse of
a Devah, highly modified by the Messenger to enhance its innate qualities, it possesses the
ability to summon other necromantic creatures by an almost innate summoning and
naturally bend their essences to his own.

Level: 6 Category: Between Worlds, Undead 20

Life points: 170

Class: Warrior Summoner

Str: 8 Dex: 10 Agi: 10 Con: 8 Pow: 13 Int: 11 Wil: 10 Per: 8

6 2 0
PhR: 55 MR: 55 PsR: 55 DR: 55 VR: 55

Initiative: 100 Natural

Attack Ability: 160 Bhakshini/Gaki + 150 Bhakshini/Gak + 140 Bhakshini/Gaki (x2)

Defense Ability: 160 Dodge

Damage: 60 Gaki (Thrust) o 80 Bhakshini (Energy)

AT: None

MA: 50 Necromancy, 10 Others Regeneration: 100

Zeon: 670

Magic Projection: 120 Offensive.

Level of Magic: 60 Necromancy (54 Sin).

Summon: 240 Undeads, 160 Others.

Essential Abilities: Ambidextrous, Superhuman Spiritual Characteristics, Gift, Physical

Exemption and Superior Magic Recovery.

Poderes: Bhakshini, Gaki, Conservation System, Control System, Hungry Vision and Yonbi.

Natural Abilities: Magic Projection as an Attack.

Size: 16 Medium Regeneration: 4

Movement Value: 10 Fatigue: Tireless.

Secondary Abilities: Notice 40, Search 40, Track 40, Animals 80, Herbal Lore 80, Occult 140,
Magic Appraisal 120, Intimidate 100, Poisons 80 and Art 80.


-Bhakshini: The Preta can imbue their claws with their corrupted essence to create a potent
supernatural poison capable of bending any being to pain. This attack uses Energy as a
primary critical and if it causes damage, it forces the affected person to pass a VR against 80,
which increases by 20 for each vice or sin committed up to a maximum of 200, and in case of
failure, he will suffer immediately the Extreme Pain state for a number of minutes equal to
his failure level. In case the failure level is over 60 the target dies from the shock.

-Gaki: The palms of the Preta's claws have a hole that acts as a devouring void of existential
energy. When they make an attack with them, and in case they have achieved a damage
result, they force their target to overcome a MR against 140 or they will drain as many life
points as the failure level as well as as many points of zeon as three times the failure level

6 2 1
-Conservation System: The Preta have a supernatural system that charges them with
necromantic energy, allowing them to recover from the damage suffered, possessing a
supernatural regeneration of 4.

-Control System: The Preta can automatically bring the most basic undead, such as zombies
or skeletons, under their control simply by being in their presence. Those who have ego, and
a value lower than the creature's gnosis, must pass a MR check against 120 each time they
want to resist its orders.

-Hungry Vision: The eyes of the Preta work like those of the Devah that they use as a base,
but having been reinforced by the essence of the hell of the hungry spirits, they are able to
see the vices, obsessions and hidden ambitions of the people. To avoid this, those he looks at
must exceed a MR of 140.

-Yonbi: The Preta are endowed with various limbs, both arms and tentacles, with which they
can make several attacks per round. In case of using it with their arms they can make attacks
with Bhakshini or Gaki with a -20 or if they use their tentacles make a special Strength 10
grab to which they can apply a +1 bonus for each member they add with a maximum of + 3.


Spectral Leeches are one of Desdemona's most peculiar

creations stemming from her studies of ghosts and
spectral beasts. The Messenger wanted to create a being
capable of feeding on supernatural energy to support
her evolution, although she did not end up getting
exactly what she wanted, the result was satisfactory.


Level: 2 Category: Between Worlds, Undead 20

Life Points: 105

Class: Acrobatic Warrior

Str: 6 Dex: 8 Agi: 8 Con: 6 Pow: 10 Int: 5 Wil: 6 Per: 7

PhR: 40 MR: 50 PsR: 40 DR: 40 VR: 40

Initiative: 90 Natural

Attack Ability: 120 Maws

Defense Ability: 110 Dodge

Damage: 40 Maws (Thrust).

AT: None

6 2 2
Essential Abilities: Physical Exemption Exención and Unnatural Size.

Powers: Supernatural Devourer, Maws, Spectral Form and Supernatural Sensing. Evolution.

Size: 7 Small Regeneration: 0

Movement Value: 6 Fatigue: Tireless.

Secondary Abilities: Acrobatics 60, Athleticism 40, Climb 40, Jump 40, Notice 40, Search 40,
Track 40 and Magical Appraisal 60.


Level: 4 Category: Between Worlds, Undead 20

Life points: 125

Class: Acrobatic Warrior

Str: 9 Dex: 8 Agi: 10 Con: 9 Pow: 12 Int: 6 Wil: 6 Per: 8

PhR: 50 MR: 65 PR: 50 DR: 50 VR: 50

Initiative: 100 Natural

Attack Ability: 160 Maws

Defense Ability: 140 Dodge

Damage: 70 Maws (Thrust).

AT: None

Essential Abilities: Physical Exemption Exención and Unnatural Size.

Powers: Supernatural Devourer, Maws, Spectral Form and Supernatural Sensing. Evolution.

Size: 23 Big Regeneration: 0

Movement Value: 10 Fatigue: Tireless.

Secondary Abilities: Acrobatics 80, Athleticism 80, Climb 60, Jump 80, Notice 60, Search 60,
Track 60 and Magical Appraisal 80.


-Supernatural Devourer: The jaws of the leeches are capable of consuming supernatural
energy to assimilate it into their body. Mechanically, they can choose that any damage done
by their maws does not cause a loss of life points but of zeon points.

6 2 3
-Spectral Form: Leeches can at will become spectral beings with all that this entails.
However, only major leeches are capable of channeling the chill of death, forcing a MR 90
pass on anyone they come in contact with or they will suffer a negative to all actions and a
loss of life points equal to half their failure level.

-Supernatural Sensor: Leeches are able to "smell" magic in the environment. This ability goes
beyond the essential ability See Magic and the secondary Magic Appraisal as when a gifted
uses their powers in any way they must pass a MR check against 120 (140 in the case of
major leeches) or count as spotted by the creature. The range of this ability varies between
20 meters for minors and 60 for majors.

-Evolution: The amount of zeon consumed by a leech has a drastic impact on its body,
producing changes if certain amounts are reached. In the event that a minor leech has
devoured 4,000 points of zeon, it forms a strange chrysalis from which it will emerge in a
week as a major leech. So far, none of the larger leeches have managed to go through this
process, so Desdemona believes that the amount needed to induce evolution must be


The stories of the angels, envoys and servants of God,

have always caught the attention of Desdemona and
she spent some years during her youth investigating
such beings... Although the result was disappointing, a
"cultural" appropriation of ebudans and luminous
elementals, The Messenger did not give up and decided
to create her own angels. For this, she used Ebudans
who had not yet fulfilled their Sue'aman as a base and
proceeded to subject them to a series of ritualistic
processes to "exploit" their ascension capacity and
assimilate it with the concept of the void by introducing
them to the nucleus of an Etrien Gnosos. The result was
alien-shaped creatures, capable of inducing primal fear
in those who looked at them as well as channeling the
power of the void with ease.

Level: 6 Category: Spirit, Undead 20

Life points: 205

Class: Technician

Str: 8 Dex: 10 Agi: 10 Con: - Pow: 13 Int: 10 Wil: 13 Per: 10

6 2 4
PhR: 80 MR: 80 PsR: 80 DR: 80 VR: 80

Initiative: 100 Natural

Attack Ability: 160 Void Wings

Defense Ability: 160 Dodge

Damage: 100 Void Wings (Ene)

AT: None.

MK: 300

Nemesis Abilities: Use of Nemesis, Armor of Emptiness, Ki Cancellation, Magic Cancellation,

Matrix Cancellation, Bindings Cancellation, Emptiness Extrusion, Body of Emptiness,
Movement of Emptiness and Aura of Emptiness.

Accumulations: Str: 1 Agi: 2 Dex: 2 Con: 3 Pow: 3 Wil: 3

Ki: Str: 16 Agi: 16 Dex: 16 Con: 16 Pow: 16 Wil: 16 Total: 76

Essential Abilities: Superhuman Spiritual Characteristics, Physical Exemption, Psychological

Immunity, Immunity to an Element (Light and Darkness): Complete and Innate Power.

Powers: Void Wings, Spectre, Presence of Emptiness and Mystical Flight. Visible.

Size: 16 Medium Regeneration: 0

Movement Value: 13 Fatigue: Tireless.

Secondary Ability: Acrobatics 120, Notice 60, Search 60, Story 100, Occult 100, Intimidate
120 and Art 120.


-Void Wings: The Seraphim Abyssum possess the ability of the Ebudan, that they use as a
base, to use their wings as a weapon, but due to their connection to the void they can harm
both body and spirit. Therefore, apart from the loss of life points, the damage from their
wings causes a loss of Zeon equivalent to the damage they produce and half in Ki Points.

-Spectre: As spectral undead, Seraphim Abyssus ignore any attacks without the ability to
damage energy. In addition, when they come into contact with a living being, they force
them to pass a MR check against 120 or they will suffer a penalty to all actions equal to the
miss and a life point drain equal to half the miss.

-Presence of Emptiness: The mere presence of the angel of the void evokes the sensation of
primordial nothingness capable of devouring all of existence. Mechanically, any being that
contemplates it must pass a RP check against 120 or will suffer the state of Fear for as many
rounds as the level of failure, in case the level of failure is higher than 40 they will suffer the

6 2 5
state of Terror. This ability affects even entities immune to psychology with a gnosis lower
than that of the angel.

-Mystical Flight: The Seraphim Abyssus can move with a Supernatural Flight equivalent to
their TM following the rules described in “Movement of the Emptiness”.


For all necromancers who possess

talent and power, there comes a
time when they must master death
itself and transcend as the undead
known as Liches (Desdemona
herself is one such example).
However, this process is arduous
and not everyone can complete it,
which is why the Messenger ended
up wondering if it would be possible
to create a more affordable
alternative. She began this
investigations when she was still part of Black Sun, using the resources of the organization to
search among the ruins of the necropolises, the Itzi tombs and the great mounds of the
barren icy lands, although she would not complete them until she reached her own ascension
by studying the Book of the Dead. The result was a process that allowed the creation of
creatures similar to liches, since they possessed a large part of their qualities but without
replicating their power, curiously she noticed that the best results were obtained through
Sylvains, only Amon reached such levels of power. Somewhat disappointed, the Messenger
concluded that the determining factor for such an outcome was a combination of spiritual
power and talent, relegating the process to a secondary method of obtaining high-powered
but expendable necromancers.

Level: 6 Category: Between Worlds, Undead 20

Life Points: 125

Class: Hechicero

Str: 7 Dex: 8 Agi: 8 Con: 7 Pow: 12 Int: 11 Wil: 10 Per: 8

PhR: 80 MR: 95 PsR: 90 DR: 80 VR: 80

Initiative: 90 Natural

Attack Ability: None

Defense Ability: None

6 2 6
Damage: None

AT: Corpus Mortis Cut 4 Impact 4 Thrust 4 Heat 4 Electricity 4 Colds 4 Energy 4

MA: 80 Necromancy, 60 Others

Zeon: 1.660

Magic Projection: 170

Level of Magic: 60 Necromancy.

Free Access: Variables.

Essential Abilities: Superhuman Spiritual Characteristics, Gift, Physical Exemption, Unspoken

Casting and Gesture Less Casting.

Powers: Corpus Mortis, Soul Eater, Minor Phylactery and See the Supernatural.

Size: 14 Medium Regeneration: 0

Movement Value: 8 Fatigue: Tireless.

Secondary Abilities: Notice 40, Search 40, Story 60, Medicine 100, Memorize 40, Occult 140,
Magical Appraisal 180, Intimidate 60, Poisons 100, Alchemy 140 and Art 80.


-Corpus Mortis: A Shabti's body is made of bones hardened by a supernatural metal alloy
capable of withstanding their colossal necromantic power. Its entire structure is covered in
runes that emit a greenish glow that gives the creature a series of defensive qualities. Apart
from the armor, these runes increase all its resistances by 20 and allow the creature to ignore
any attack without the ability to damage energy.

-Soul Eater: The Shabti can absorb the souls of people to restore some of their vitality or to
feed their phylactery. The moment he ends the life of a subject, or finds a soul waiting to be
called, the undead can choose between devouring its essence to recover as many hit points
as the soul's power bonus, or storing it in his phylactery.

-Minor Phylactery: The essence of the Shabti lies in its Phylactery, a supernatural object of
great power. As long as said object remains intact no matter how many times it is destroyed,
the undead will continue to return (in a variable period of time depending on the Gnosis of
its executors). Should the phylactery be destroyed, the Shabti dies immediately. To maintain
this quality, the phylactery must be fed at least once a month with a soul of a living being
with a moderate to high presence. If its hunger is not satisfied, the lich begins to slowly lose
all its powers until it becomes little. more than just a skeleton. Creatures with a gnosis higher
than the Shabti's ignore this ability.

6 2 7

The Duk'zarist have always drawn Desdemona's attention to their

uncanny ability to leave no corpses when they die of natural
causes or are destroyed by iron. This "problematic" led her to
become slightly obsessed with the study of said race, using her
contacts in Black Sun to capture as many as she could and after
laborious trial and error tests, she managed to obtain satisfactory
data that led her to devise a necromantic creature that takes
advantage of the elemental bond inherent in the race. In the first
place, the Duk'zarist, who must necessarily possess matrix
powers, was subjected to strange rituals in which the spiritual
essence of elementals of both forces was injected into them, as
well as brain surgeries to enhance his innate abilities. When their
bodies began to fail massively, the Messenger injects them with
large amounts of iron to cause the destruction of their bodies,
giving rise to tormented souls charged with elemental energy
that were then raised as purely elemental entities without a
physical body, composed only of dark flames.

Level: 6 Category: Between Worlds, Undead (Elemental) 20

Life Points: 170

Class: Warrior Mentalist

Str: 8 Dex: 11 Agi: 13 Con: 8 Pow: 11 Int: 10 Wil: 13 Per: 8

PhR: 55 MR: 55 PsR: 55 DR: 55 VR: 55

Initiative: 155 Natural

Attack Ability: 190 Umbra Flammae o Variable Nova Oscura

Defense Ability: 190 Dodge

Damage: 80 Umbra Flammae (Heat) o Variable Nova Oscura (Heat)

AT: None.

PP: 0

Physic Potential: 120

Physic Projection: 160

Physic Disciplines: Physical Increase and Pyrokinesis.

Mental Powers: Increase Ability, Inhumanity, Increase Reaction and Regeneration. Immolate,
Igneous Barrier and Nova.

6 2 8
Innates Slots: 4

Essential Abilities: Access to Physic Disciplines, Superhuman Spiritual Characteristics,

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Passive Concentration, Elemental Connection, Physical
Exemption, Inhumanity and Amplify Sustained Power.

Powers: Nova Oscura, Superior Conservation System, Tenebris Ignitio and Umbra Flammae.

Natural Abilities: Psychic Projection Module.

Size: 16 Medium Regeneration: 6

Movement Value: 13 Fatigue: Tireless.

Secondary Abilities: Athleticism 80, Acrobatics 80, Ride 80, Jump 40, Climb, 80, Notice 80,
Search 80, Style 60, Hide 160, Stealth 160 and Forge 80.


-Elemental Connection: Despite their nature as undead, the Skiá are strongly tied to the
elemental energies of Fire and Darkness, being considered elementals of both forces with all
that this entails. In addition, these creatures are immune to damage caused by said elements
as long as they are caused by entities with less gnosis.

-Nova Oscura: The Skiá can concentrate all the energy of their essence in a great deflagration
of dark and flaming energy. When he declares this ability, the creature enters a mode in
which it can only defend itself while spending all its efforts to accumulate its energy, gaining
+10 to its attack ability and damage for each round that they do so, up to a maximum of +50.
This charge can end when the creature wants it without the need to reach the maximum

-Superior Conservation System: The Skiá possess a supernatural system that allows them to
recover from their injuries with a Supernatural Regeneration of 4.

-Tenebris Ignitio: The connection of the Skiá with the elements causes their mere existence
to be that of a dual elemental entity, for which they obtain the following benefits. He is
immune to any attack without the ability to damage energy as well as being able to pass
through any mundane object, gains a +60 bonus to his Hide and Stealth abilities, increases his
resistances by 30 against dark and heat based effects, as well as any being that comes in
contact with its body, and if the entity wishes, it will be forced to pass a PhR against 110 or
lose an amount of health points equal to half the level of failure for fire and dark-based

-Umbra Flammae: The body of the Skiá is a mass of igneous and dark energy that works as a
special natural weapon. It deals damage equal to twice the presence plus the creature's
power bonus, attacks on Heat as its primary critical, and can make area attacks at -20 within
10 meters.

6 2 9

Among the frozen steppes of Bekent

there are legends and tales about a
dark spirit that embodies some of the
darkest emotions of men. They say that
the spirit seeks the purest among
mortals to take control of their bodies
through their dreams and force them to
commit the most horrendous of
taboos; cannibalism, to secure their
dominance. Needless to say,
Desdemona loved these legends and
she soon dedicated herself to trying to
replicate said entity in her laboratories.
After several sketches and preliminary
creations, she ended up finding a solution that satisfied her, using the corpse of a Jayán as a
base, and its spiritual connection, the messenger ended up creating an entity capable of
"cannibalizing" the souls and the spiritual energy that surrounds them, creating both undead
husks under his control as temporary magic nulls.

Level: 6 Category: Between Worlds, Undead 20

Life Points: 2.000

Class: Warrior

Str: 13 Dex: 8 Agi: 6 Con: 11 Pow: 8 Int: 5 Wil: 7 Per: 6

PhR: 75 MR: 65 PsR: 60 DR: 75 VR: 75

Initiative: 75 Natural

Attack Ability: 170 Natural Weapons and 200 Souls Suction

Defense Ability: Damage Resistance

Damage: 70 Claws (Cut), 70 Maws (Thrust) and 90 Horns (Thrust)

AT: Natural 4

Essential Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Physical Exemption and Inhumanity.

Powers: Natural Weapons: Horns, Maws and Claws, Spectral Form Conditioned, Possession,
Superior Conservation System, Souls Suction and Third Eye.

Size: 24 Big Regeneration: 4/6

Movement Value: 6 Fatigue: Tireless.

6 3 0
Secondary Abilities: Athleticism 60, Feats of Strength 100, Notice 80, Search 80, Track 80 and
Intimidate 80.


-Spectral Form: When a Wendigo has devoured a soul through its "Soul Suction" power, it is
able to use its energy to adopt a spectral form for the next 8 hours. In this form he is able to
ignore any attack without the ability to damage energy and any being that comes into
contact with him must pass a MR 110 or suffer damage equal to half the failure level and a
penalty to all actions equal to half.

-Possession: While in its spectral form, the Wendigo has the ability to possess the body of
living beings and control them like puppets. This ability requires the creature to touch its
target and for the target to fail a MR check against 140. While the possession lasts, the
Wendigo can only use its "Soul Suction" ability and the purely physical abilities of the body it
inhabits. Possession lasts until the creature leaves the body or is exorcized.

-Superior Conservation System: The Wendigo have a supernatural system that allows them
to recover from their wounds with a Supernatural Regeneration of 4. If the Wendigo feeds on
the flesh of another living being, this regeneration increases to 6 for the next 24 hours.

-Soul Suction: Wendigos possess the terrifying ability to create a vortex capable of devouring
the souls of those around them. This ability works as a special attack that increases its ability
by 30 points and affects everyone within a 10-meter radius of the wendigo, forcing them to
pass a MR check against 140 or lose a point of Power for every 10 failure points. If the
characteristic reaches 0, the affected person will die and will rise as a zombie under the
control of the wendigo. When this attack is used, the surrounding supernatural energy is also
indirectly affected by applying a -10 penalty to their MA. Characteristic points lost by this skill
can only be regained if the Wendigo is killed.

-Third Eye: Wendigos retain their Jayan body's ability to see spirit entities.

6 3 1

From a very young age, horror stories about ghosts and haunted places were among
Desdemona's favorites. For this reason, when she began his supernatural studies at the Pays
de l'Adour Academy, one of hes first works was a thesis on the formation of these creatures
and throughout his time at Black Sun she launched various investigations to manipulate the
process and create new spectral entities. Below are the five most generic models among her
spectral creations.


Level: 4 Category: Spirit, Undead 15

Life points: 200

Class: Weapon Master

Str: - Dex: 8 Agi: 7 Con: - Pow: 9 Int: 7 Wil: 10 Per: 7

PhR: 55 MR: 55 PsR: 60 DR: 55 VR: 55

Initiative: 75 Natural

Attack Ability: 140 Spectral Chain

Defense Ability: 140 Spectral Chain

Damage: 50 Spectral Chain (Impact)

Wear Armor: 70

AT: Variable

Essential Abilities: Physical Exemption.

Powers: Spectral Chains, Spectres, Medium and Supernatural Flight 6.

Size: 10 Medium Regeneration: 0

Movement Value: 7/6 Fatigue: Tireless.

Secondary Abilities: Acrobatics 80, Feats of Strength 120, Notice 60, Search 60 and
Intimidate 100.


Level: 4 Category: Spirit, Undead 15

Life points: 140

Class: Shadow

6 3 2
Str: - Dex: 8 Agi: 10 Con: - Pow: 9 Int: 7 Wil: 10 Per: 8

PhR: 55 MR: 55 PsR: 60 DR: 55 VR: 55

Initiative: 105 Natural

Attack Ability: 140 Hungry Shadows

Defense Ability: 130 Dodge

Damage: 50 Hungry Shadows (Cold)

AT: None.

Essential Abilities: Physical Exemption.

Powers: Shadowy Spectres, Hungry Shadows, Medium and Supernatural Flight 8.

Size: 10 Medium Regeneration: 0

Movement Value: 7/6 Fatigue: Tireless.

Secondary Abilities: Acrobatics 80, Notice 100, Search 100, Memorice 40, Hide 120/170 and
Stealth 160/210.


Level: 4 Category: Spirit, Undead 15

Life points: 155

Class: Wizard

Str: - Dex: 8 Agi: 7 Con: - Pow: 10 Int: 10 Wil: 10 Per: 7

PhR: 60 MR: 60 PsR: 60 DR: 60 VR: 60

Initiative: 75 Natural

Attack Ability: None

Defense Ability: None

Damage: None

AT: None

MA: 60 Necromancy, 20 Others

Zeon: 985

Magic Projection: 140

6 3 3
Level of Magic: 40 Necromancy.

Free Accesses: Variables.

Essential Abilities: Gift, Physical Exemption, Unspoken Casting and Gesture Less Casting.

Powers: Spectres, Medium, Control System and Supernatural Flight 6.

Size: 10 Medium Regeneration: 0

Movement Value: 7/6 Fatigue: Tireless.

Secondary Abilities: Acrobatics 60, Notice 60, Search 60, Occult 100 and Magical Appraisal


Level: 4 Category: Spirit, Undead 15

Life points: 140

Class: Mentalist

Str: - Dex: 8 Agi: 7 Con: - Pow: 9 Int: 7 Wil: 12 Per: 8

PhR: 55 MR: 55 PsR: 65 DR: 55 VR: 55

Initiative: 75 Natural

Attack Ability: None

Defense Ability: None

Damage: None

AT: None

PP: 0

Physic Potential: 120

Physic Projection: 140

Physic Disciplines: Telepathy and Sentience.

Mental Powers: Physic Illusion, Mental Communication, Mental Restrain, Mental Research,
Physic Assault and Area (+20). Sense Feelings, Intensify Feelings, Create Feelings, Infuse
Feelings and Area (+20).

Innate Slots: 3

6 3 4
Essential Abilities: Access to Physic Disciplines, Superhuman Spiritual Characteristics, Focus
(Telepathy and Sentience) and Physical Exemption.

Powers: Spectres, Medium and Supernatural Flight 6.

Size: 10 Medium Regeneration: 0

Movement Value: 7/6 Fatigue: Tireless.

Secondary Abilities: Acrobatics 60, Notice 80, Search 80 and Persuasion 120.


Level: 4 Category: Spirit, Undead 15

Life points: 155

Class: Technician

Str: - Dex: 8 Agi: 10 Con: - Pow: 10 Int: 7 Wil: 10 Per: 7

PhR: 55 MR: 60 PsR: 60 DR: 55 VR: 55

Initiative: 75 Natural

Attack Ability: 140 Il Canto

Defense Ability: 130 Dodge

Damage: 40 Il Canto (Energy)

AT: None

NK: 200

Nemesis Abilities: Use of Nemesis, Ki Cancellation, Magic Cancellation, Matrix Cancellation,

Bindings Cancellation and Undetectable.

Accumulations: Str: 2 Agi: 2 Dex: 3 Con: 2 Pow: 3 Wil: 3

Ki: Str: 10 Agi: 10 Dex: 8 Con: 10 Pow: 10 Wil: 10 Generic: 20 Total: 78

Essential Abilities: Physical Exemption.

Powers: Il Canto, Spectres, Medium and Supernatural Flight 6.

Size: 10 Medium Regeneration: 0

Movement Value: 7/6 Fatigue: Tireless.

Secondary Abilities: Acrobatics 80, Notice 60, Search 60, Style 80, Intimidate 80 and Music
(Sing) 60/140.

6 3 5

-Spectres: The Wraith are governed by the rules of all specters, so anyone who comes into
direct contact with it must pass a MR or RF check against 90 or suffer a negative to all actions
and a loss of Life Points equal to failure level. In addition to being connected to darkness,
Deideghast receive a bonus to their Hide and Stealth secondaries as well as their Resistances
against Dark-based effects but in return take double Light damage.

-Medium: The Wraith are capable of partially manifesting on the physical plane. The
Verketten can possess bodies or armor to fully manifest, the Deideghast can use their hungry
shadows through the darkness of the physical world, the Mittel can manifest fully when
someone dies, the Widerhall can manifest when a negative emotion resonates strongly, and
the Göttin when the emotion is positive.

-Spectral Chains: The main weapon of the Verketten is a massification of their necromantic
essence in the form of long chains of black iron. These weapons can be used to attack both in
close combat and at a distance of up to 5 meters, being able to use the trapping maneuver
without any penalty with a characteristic of 12.

-Hungry Shadows: The Deideghast use as a weapon the very darkness that gives them form.
This weapon has Cold as its primary critical and follows the rules in a spectral form. In case of
getting a critical, they increase their level by 40 points.

-Control System: The Mittel can automatically bring the most basic undead, such as zombies
or skeletons, under their control simply by being in their presence.

-Il Canto: The Göttin are able to disperse their necromantic energy through their voice,
creating a melody capable of destroying the essence of those who listen to it. This ability
works as a natural weapon, which does not add its strength bonus to the damage, capable of
attacking in Energy and that in case of impact forces to overcome a PhR against 120 or suffer
the level of failure as damage as well as a PhR against 100 or receive a penalty to any action
equivalent to the miss.


The greatest necromantic works created by Desdemona receive the title of Precept of Death,
archetypal beings that directly or indirectly approach one of these doctrines, being in a
certain way the version of the Lords of Death of the Messenger. Each one of them is either a
unique entity or the perfect version of one of their previous projectors and they have great
prerogatives compared to the rest of their host, being the ones in charge of carrying out their
will during their absence or carrying out their projects and minors studies.

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“Shhh... don't scream, blood roses are very sensitive to screams of pain”

Name: Agrax.

Rank: Precept of Death.

Date of birth: May 23, 960;

Neuschwanstein Castle, Galgados.

Age: 30.

Apparence: 6

Combat Style: Physical power in

combination with necromantic energy

Race: Superior Undead.

Height: 5.46 m Hair: No.

Weight: 4 Tons Eyes: Red.

Hobbies: Taking care of the gardens.

What he appreciates the most: The ephemerality of life.

What he hates most: Those ignorant incapable of appreciating the beauty in flowers.

Through the Gargouille Project, Desdemona seeks to recreate a necromantic entity based on
the supernatural constructs that guarded her family's mansion in the Lucille Mountains. After
several months of research, the messenger devised a method of creation based on modifying
various Titans by integrating solid manifestations of necromantic energy into their cores and
"sculpting" the relevant growths into the shapes she desired. Although satisfied with the
result when months later she found a Vuroi, a high earth elemental, dormant among the
roots of the peak of the world, she proceeded to capture it and repeat the experiment in the
hope of obtaining a higher quality specimen... The result exceeded even her expectations.

Agrax, named after a flower that only grows in the depths of Otherworld, is a half-draconic
and demonic creature over five meters tall carved from a mixture between the purest
alabaster and obsidian, sprinkled with gold filigree. Despite his incredible power, it is
equivalent to that of an adult dragon, Agrax is not given to fighting and has a rather

6 3 7
melancholic and reflective temperament, preferring to be more attentive to plants than to
other beings. Although this behavior has caused some friction with other Precepts, the truth
is that this affinity for nature is what Desdemona appreciates most in him.


Level: 9 Category: Between Worlds, Undead 25

Life Points: 5.585

Class: Weapons Master.

Str: 14 Dex: 10 Agi: 8 Con: 14 Pow: 10 Int: 8 Wil: 10 Per: 8

PhR: 95 MR: 85 PsR: 85 DR: 95 VR: 95

Initiative: 80 Natural

Attack Ability: 230 Stone Weapons o 250 Onda Necrox

Defense Ability: Damage Resistance.

Damage: 130 Stone Weapons (Thrust) and Variable Onda Necrox

AT: Natural + Rock Body Cut 8 Impact 8 Thrust 8 Heat 8 Electricity 8 Cold 8 Energy 8

Essential Abilities: Supernatural Physical Characteristics, Physical Exemption, Natural

Immunity to an Element (All): Half Damage and Zen.

Powers: Stone Weapons, Rock Body, Onda Necrox, Major Conservation System, Natural
Flight 12 and Gargoyle Vision. Cyclic Existence.

Size: 28 Enormous Regeneration: 10

Movement Value: 9/12 Fatigue: Tireless

Secondary Abilities: Acrobatics 120, Feats of Strength 100, Whistand Pain 100, Notice 80,
Search 80, Herbal Lore 140, Occult 40, Intimidate 100, Poisons 80, Art 80 and Forge 120.

● Notes: The italicized values in Agrax's secondary abilities represent those in which he
has received a special bonus from experience and their creation.

Agrax is one of the most powerful necromantic entities currently "living" on Gaïa. The
abilities and powers that his new status has granted him are explained below:

6 3 8
-Stone Weapons: Agrax's entire body is considered a devastating natural weapon capable of
destroying anything that stands in his way be it flesh, metal or spirit. Her claws, jaws, tail…
even her wings are deadly by necessity. For this reason, their attacks reduce the defender's
Armor by 3 points, they have breakage 12 and fortitude 20, and if they cause damage in one
of their attacks they are capable of fragmenting the soul of their opponents and absorbing it
into their essence. To do this, the target must pass a MR check against 140 or he will lose one
point of his Power characteristic for every 10 failure level, dying automatically if it falls to 0.
Agrax can store up to 100 of These points. Lost points can only be recovered if the gargoyle is

-Body of Rock: Agrax's physical form is made of a combination of supernatural minerals and
metal alloys of great hardness, which makes him practically impenetrable armor. Thanks to
her, the vast majority of attacks are ineffective against Agrax; not only does it have a high TA,
but it also gains a Damage Barrier of 140. In addition, any attack capable of bypassing this
barrier (either by dealing a higher Base Damage or by damaging energy) has its Base Damage
reduced by 20 points.

-Onda Necrox: When Agrax has gathered enough soul shards, he can combine them with his
essence to generate a wave of necrotic energy capable of destroying any kind of being
around him. Mechanically, when Agrax has gathered at least 10 Power points through his
Stone Weapon, he can execute this special attack. To do this, he must begin to accumulate
his energy in a period between 1 and 5 rounds to immediately carry out an attack in an area
of 100 meters. The base damage of this attack is 100 but for each round you spend charging
the attack it increases by 20 points. If he wishes, Agrax can spend extra power points to
increase the level of any potential critical hit from this attack by 10 points, up to a maximum
of 100 points. Likewise, when executing this attack, Agrax's attack ability is increased by 20

-Major Conservation System: Agrax possesses a high supernatural system that allows him to
recover from his wounds with a Supernatural Regeneration of 10. In case of extreme need,
he can spend Power points that he has stored to double the amount of health points he
recovers to a rate of one assault per point spent.

-Gargoyle Vision: As a night-dwelling creature that feeds on souls, Agrax can see in complete
darkness without penalty as well as see spirit entities perfectly.

-Cyclic Existence: As a gargoyle, Agrax's existence is tied to the cycles between day and night.
When the sun's rays touch his skin, he transforms into a mindless statue acting as an
inanimate object with as many hit points as his current life points and benefiting only from
his Rock Body power. When the moon appears in the sky of Gaïa, Agrax regains
consciousness and autonomy from him.

6 3 9

“Erzvayu levels below vital minimums, all systems begin to collapse... Another failure. I
proceed to eliminate
Subject 007”

Name: Ammon. Morgoth

Ul Of The Ainur.

Rank: Precept of Death.

Date of birth: January 01,

50; Sylvania, Alberia.

Age: 800 (60 as Precept

of Death).

Appearance: 6

Combat Style: Soul

manipulation in
combination with high
necromancy magic.

Race: Superior Undead.

Height: 1.60 m Hair: No.

Weight: 50 Kg Eyes: No.

Hobbies: Reading.

What he appreciates the most: “Life”.

What he hates the most: That the experiments do not go as expected.

Among the precepts of death, the lich known as Amon is the only one that was not directly
created by Desdemona. In life he was a sylvain archmage dedicated to the study of
necromancy and souls, due to his experiments he was named Belegûl and declared outlaw by
the elven nations, who would end up meeting his end as a mortal in the final stages of the
war of god by the hands of the Zhorne Giovanni himself. Following his transformation into an
undead, he spent years traveling all over Gaia on a sort of pilgrimage before settling down as

6 4 0
a consultant to the Order of Yehudah on matters relating to the undead. It was during his
time as consultant that he met the still-mortal Messenger and they immediately forged a
deep friendship and mutual respect. This relationship led them both to start the Shabti
project, in order to create a stable form of the lich ritual, and once it was finished, Amon
himself used the foundations of what they had discovered to increase his own abilities.

Amon is a brooding and thoughtful entelechy, little given to talking about topics other than
his studies and experiments, although he always makes an exception to speak with
Desdemona to talk about her travels, which has caused him to be treated with some
exasperation by other members of the Precepts.


Level: 10 Category: Between Worlds, Undead 25

Life Points: 140

Class: Wizard.

Str: 7 Dex: 10 Agi: 8 Con: 7 Pow: 12 Int: 13 Wil: 11 Per: 8

PhR: 75 MR: 75 PsR: 75 DR: 75 VR: 75

Initiative: 115 Natural

Attack Ability: None

Defense Ability: None

Damage: None

Wear Armor: 5

AT: Corpus Mortis FIL 4 CON 4 PEN 4 CAL 4 ELE 4 FRI 4 ENE 4

MA: 140 Necromancy, 120 Others Regeneration: 240

Zeon: 1.675

Magic Projection: 240

Level of Magic: 90 Necromancy and 60 Essence.

Free Accesses: Cleanliness, Tie, Create Fire, Attract Minor Vermins, Infinite Bag, Repair,
Understand Languages, Send Message, Levitation, Eliminate Spells, Eliminate Dreams,
Expand Presence, Absorb Information, Read Minds, Curse, Merge with Body, Acid Cloud,
Visualice Cartography, Minor Alteration and Stall Spell.

6 4 1
Essential Abilities: Superhuman Spiritual Characteristics, Gift, Physical Exemption, Unspoken
Casting, Gestureless Casting, Opposite Magic and Superior Magic Recovery

Powers: Corpus Mortis, Soul Eater, Phylactery and See the Supernatural.

Size: 14 Medium Regeneration: Special.

Movement Value: 8 Fatigue: Tireless.

Secondary Abilities: Notice 80, Search 80, Animals 120, Science 120, Herbal Lore 100, Story
120, Medicine 120, Memorice 100, Occult 180, Magical Appraisal 200, Intimidate 80, Poisons
120, Alchemy 140 and Art 80.

● Notes: The italicized values in Amon's secondary abilities represent those in which he
has received a special bonus from experience and their creation.

Amon is one of the most powerful necromantic entities currently "living" on Gaïa. The
abilities and powers that his new state has granted him are explained below:

-Corpus Mortis: Amon's body is composed of bones hardened by a supernatural metal alloy
capable of withstanding his colossal necromantic power. His entire structure is covered in
runes that emit a greenish glow that gives him a series of defensive qualities. Apart from the
armor, these runes increase all his resistances by 20 and allow him to ignore any attack
without the ability to damage energy.

-Soul Eaters: Amon can absorb the souls of people to restore some of his vitality or to feed
his phylactery. At the moment in which he ends the life of a subject, or finds a soul awaiting
the summoning, the undead can choose between devouring its essence to recover as many
points of life or zeon as the soul's power bonus or to store it in its phylactery.

-Phylactery: Amon's essence resides in his Phylactery, a supernatural object of great power.
As long as said object remains intact no matter how many times it is destroyed, the undead
will continue to return (in a variable period of time depending on the Gnosis of its executors)
as a spectral entity capable of possessing corpses. In case the phylactery is destroyed, Amon
dies immediately. Amon can store souls in his phylactery to increase his power at the
following ratio.

● Tier 1 (10 Souls): Amon gains a supernatural regeneration of 6..

● Tier 2 (20 Souls): The zeonic value of spells in Amon's Path of Necromancy is
increased by 20 points from their zeonic value.
● Tier 3 (40 Souls): The Supernatural Regeneration increases to 8.
● Tier 4 (60 Souls): Amon is considered to be under the effects of the Spectral
Form spell at Advanced Tier.
● Tier 5 (100 Souls): Supernatural Regeneration increases to 10 and his Path of
Necromancy spells increase his Zeon Value to 40 points.

6 4 2
To maintain this quality, the phylactery must be fed at least once a month with a soul of a
living being with a moderate to high presence. If its hunger is not satisfied, the lich begins to
slowly lose all its powers until it becomes little. more than just a skeleton. Creatures with a
higher gnosis than Amon ignore this ability.



Name: Dagon.

Rank: Precept of Death.

Date of birth: October 30, 980;

Neuschwanstein Castle, Galgados.

Age: 20.

Appearance: 6

Combat Style: Powers over the tides

in combination with physical combat.

Race: Superior Undead.

Height: 3.26 m Hair: No.

Weight: 340 kg Eyes: Red.

Hobbies: Hunting sea beasts.

What he appreciates most: Nothing in particular.

What he hates most: Having his hunts interrupted.

Dagon is the inherent result of living in front of the sea, as the Messenger has always found a
certain romanticism in it... as well as in the thought of traveling happily and ignorant of what
may dwell in the depths.

Originally, Desdemona did not seek to create such a high-caliber entity as she was content to
create a more powerful version of her Merrow to act as an elite among her water guardians.
However, during one of her trips, she found the remains of a primordial seed in some ancient
sunken ruins on the coast of Itzi and, as the saying goes, “A gifted horse…”.

6 4 3
Aware of the dangers that the intrinsic madness of the ancients could pose, she used several
Lost Logias used in Solomon's time to retain criminals with matrix powers to act as a barrier
and added several strong-willed entities to the base of the future Dagon. The result was as
expected, Dagon had a connection to madness but was not consumed by it.

Dagon is a quiet being, to date he has only spoken less than ten times, and all of them only
with his creator, who prefers to live in the deep sea looking for possible prey that quenches
his hunting instinct.


Level: 8 Category: Between Worlds, Undead 25

Life Points: 230

Class: Acrobatic Warrior.

Str: 11 Dex: 10 Agi: 13 Con: 11 Pow: 8 Int: 7 Wil: 8 Per: 10

PhR: 95 MR: 85 PsR: 85 DR: 95 VR: 95

Initiative: 150 Natural

Attack Ability: 220 Huge Trident+10 + 170 Pontus (x2)

Defense Ability: 230 Dodge

Damage: 100/120 Huge Trident+10 (Thrust)

Wear Armor: 20

AT: None.

Essential Abilities: Affinity (Sea), Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Physical Exemption,

Inhumanity and Immunity to an Element (Water): Complete.

Powers: Chárybdis, Khlûl′-hloo, Son of the Depths, Pontus and Major Conservation System.

Natural Abilities: Starting Weapon: Use of the Trident.

Size: 22 Medium Regeneration: 10.

Movement Value: 10/13 Fatigue: Tireless

Secondary Abilities: Athleticism 160, Acrobatics 180, Notice 80, Search 80, Animals (Marine)
40/120, Herbal Lore (Marine) 40/120, Navigation 120, Occult (Primeval Gods) 40/120,
Intimidate 80, Occult 120 and Stealth 120.

6 4 4
● Notes: The italicized values in Dagon's secondary abilities represent those in which
he has received a special bonus from experience and their creation.

Dagon is one of the most powerful necromantic entities currently "living" on Gaïa. The
abilities and powers that his new state has granted him are explained below:

-Chárybdis: Dagon has limited, but powerful, control over ocean currents that allow him to
create a gigantic whirlpool to engulf his enemies and drag them to the depths of the ocean.
This ability has a radius of 100 meters working as a special trapping with a characteristic of
16, in case of achieving a total catch result the target will be dragged to the depths of the
ocean. If the target is swimming in the area of effect, it will have a special -8 penalty to its
control that can be reduced by performing a Swim control and each difficulty range obtained
will reduce it by -1. In the case of ships, these follow special rules to resist the control of the
prey, they use a characteristic equivalent to their presence in ten, which increases by +1 for
each +5 grade of quality, and instead of Swimming they make a control of Navigation carried
out by whoever handles the boat. Dagon can only be used when in the ocean and only once
per day.

-Khlûl′-hloo: Due to his foundations, Dagon is partially connected to the twisted world of
madness and corruption that is the mind of the primeval gods. This connection not only
makes him immune to any adverse mental state, but if he wishes, he can connect other
minds with said realm to plunge them into madness. To do so, he must make visual contact
with his victim, through a successful Attack Skill roll, and the victim must pass a PsR against
140 or fall into the state of Madness for as many minutes as his failure level. In case it fails by
more than 60 points, the state of Insanity will be permanent.

-Son of the Depths: Dagon was designed to live fully in the deep sea, so he does not receive
any penalty for moving through the water, in addition to ignoring its pressure and
temperature, as well as being able to see with perfect clarity in the deepest darkness.

-Pontus: Apart from his trident, Dagon has tentacles that act as his legs with which he can
perform a series of special actions. He can first attack with his weapon and then make two
additional attacks at -40 with his tentacles, these attacks can be normal or can be used to
make a trapping with a characteristic of 12, in case the undead has managed to make a
grapple. a prey with one of the tentacles can use the other to reinforce it, giving it a +3 bonus
to control.

-Major Conservation System: Dagon possesses a supernatural system that charges him with
necromantic energy allowing him to recover from damage suffered by possessing a
supernatural regeneration of 10.

6 4 5

“You have a good arm, I hope you don't mind if I put it to better use.”

Name: Grimm.

Rank: Precept of Death.

Date of birth: November 20,

960; Neuschwanstein Castle,

Age: 30.

Appearance: 3

Combat Style: Physical power

in combination with soul

Race: Superior Undead.

Height: 3.26 m Hair: No.

Weight: 340 kg Eyes: Red.

Hobbies: Modify his body.

What he appreciates most: his duty.

What he hates most: Not feeling anything.

Before leaving Black Sun, Desdemona was one of the top scientists in the necromantic
weapons development department and as such was present in the preambular phase of
many of the current Types. Although over the years she has seen the results of them, a part
of her can't help but feel that if she had been there, the product would have been better.
That is why she, over the years, has finished these projects on her own, with Grim being the
greatest exponent of it.

Grim is a necromantic entity designed on the same basis as the Type-100, Raziel Archetypum,
but instead of focusing so much on the physical aspect of death, the Messenger gave the
creature limited control over the souls of the deceased so that it he could steal them and use

6 4 6
them as a boost to his physical abilities. Similarly, she devised a system so that the creature
could adapt to various challenges using the flesh and bones of its victims.

However, she failed to give Grim a rich and deep personality and the undead behemoth is a
brusque and uncouth entity, acting rather direct compared to another of her creations,
although he does his duty to the letter. Currently, Grim acts as the head of the castle's
security, directing the Immortus and taking charge of interrogating the few prisoners of the


Level: 8 Category: Between Worlds, Undead 25

Life Points: 320

Class: Weapon Master.

Str: 12 Dex: 10 Agi: 8 Con: 12 Pow: 10 Int: 7 Wil: 10 Per: 8

PhR: 85 MR: 80 PsR: 80 DR: 85 VR: 85

Initiative: 95 Natural y 70 Soul Hook + Shield+10

Attack Ability: 230 Soul Hook (Huge Scythe +10)

Defense Ability: 230 Escudo +10

Damage: 90 Soul Hook (Thrust)

Wear Armor: 140

AT: Half Plate+10 Cut 6 Impact 6 Thrust 6 Heat 4 Electricity 2 Cold 3 Energy 3

Essential Abilities: Ambidextrous, Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Physical Exemption

and Inhumanity.

Powers: Soul Hook, Autonomous Modification, Prison of Souls, Major Conservation System
and See Spirits.

Natural Abilities: Starting Weapon: Natural Weapons. Grip Module, Area Module, Chain
Attack Module and Grim's Module (Halberd, Compound Bow, Shield, Bastard Sword and

Size: 24 Big Regeneration: 10

Movement Value: 8 Fatigue: Tireless

6 4 7
Secondary Abilities: Athleticism 80, Composure 120, Feats of Strength 140, Withstand Pain
120, Notice 100, Search 100, Track 100, Medicine (Anatomy) 20/100, Occult 60 and
Intimidate 80.

● Notes: The italicized values in Dagon's secondary abilities represent those in which
he has received a special bonus from experience and their creation.

Grim is one of the most powerful necromantic entities currently "living" on Gaïa. The abilities
and powers that his new state has granted him are explained below:

-Soul Hook: No matter what form he takes, Grim always wields a strange sickle as his primary
weapon. The weapon acts as a +10 Huge Scythe capable of energy damage and can be
thrown up to a distance of 250 meters, being picked up by Grim in one round by the spectral
chains that bind it to his body. Halfway between a physical and a spectral object, this weapon
allows Grim to rip out part of the soul of his opponents and absorb it into his body. For this, it
is necessary that he has made an attack with a damage result and the target must pass a MR
against 140 or lose a number of points of his Power Characteristic that will be absorbed by
Grim, in case they are reduced in this way. At 0 Characteristic the target dies automatically.
Grim can use this ability against souls waiting for the summoning to automatically absorb

-Autonomous Modification: Grim possesses the ability to modify his body at will as long as
he possesses the proper materials. Mechanically, this ability gives him a pool of 100 special
DP that he can use to buy monster powers with a Gnosis 25 but limited to the body parts he
has on hand, for example he could use a Wurm's body to buy Damage Increase and AT
Increased but not for Supernatural Attack. The modification requires a full round during
which Grim cannot take any active actions.

-Prison of Souls: Grim can store the souls he harvests with his grappling hook inside his body
to later feed on them and power his innate abilities. Grim can store up to a maximum of 100
points of Power in his body and can use them in the following ways.

● Attack Increase: For every 2 points of power he consumes, he increases his Attack
Ability by 10 points for one round, up to a maximum of 10 points. Instead of
increasing his ability, he can spend 5 power points to cause an automatic critical.
● Defense Increase: For every 2 points of power he consumes, he increases his
Defense Ability by 10 points for one round, up to a maximum of 10 points. Instead of
increasing his ability, he can spend 5 power points to ignore flank or back penalties.
● Speed Increase: For every 2 points of power he consumes, he increases his Initiative
by 10 points during one round, up to a maximum of 10 points. Instead of increasing
his Initiative, he can spend 5 power points to reduce surprise penalties in half.
● Protection Increase: For every 4 points of power he consumes, he increases his
physical ATs by 1 point for one round, up to a maximum of 20 points. Instead of

6 4 8
increasing his Turn, he can spend 30 power points to halve the damage he takes from
an attack.
-Major Conservation System: Grim possesses a supernatural system that charges him with
necromantic energy allowing him to recover from damage suffered by possessing a
supernatural regeneration of 10.



“Let's see what kind of fears have given birth to your nightmares”

Name: Jack O'Lantern.

Rank: Precept of Death.

Date of birth: March 10, 960; Neuschwanstein

Castle, Galgados.

Age: 30.

Appearance: 3

Combat Style: Spectral killing styles in

combination with power over waking.

Race: Superior Undead.

Height: 1.76 m Hair: No.

Weight: 40 kg Eyes: Yellow.

Hobbies: Watching other people's dreams.

What he appreciates most: Fear.

What he hates most: Those who can't overcome their fears.

Changes in the wake geography, as well as their effects on supernatural powers, brought
about by influxes from the physical plane have always been a topic of interest to occultists,
from the ancient Empires of Yehudah or Solomon to organizations like Samael or Magus … Of
course, Desdemona has not been an exception.

After several projects on the subject, the lady of the dead decided to create a necromantic
entity related to the darkest reflections of wakefulness, the most entertaining in her opinion,
and based on the concept of the nightmare. For this, she used as a basis the natural

6 4 9
procedures that give shape to said beings, but instead of dreams she used fragments of souls
of beings that had died while they slept. The result was what was sought, a necromantic
entity capable of shaping wakefulness and with certain affinities towards fear.

Despite what it may seem, Jack O'Lantern is a quite nice and pleasant entity that enjoys a
good humor. He always cares about his subordinates and tries to create a relaxed
atmosphere with the rest of his fellow precepts.


Level: 8 Category: Between Worlds, Undead 25

Life points: 175

Class: Warlock.

Str: 7 Dex: 8 Agi: 10 Con: 7 Pow: 12 Int: 12 Wil: 10 Per: 13

PhR: 70 MR: 85 PsR: 80 DR: 70 VR: 70

Initiative: 105 Natural and 95 Scythe+10

Attack Abilities: 220 Scythe+10 o 210 Spectral Lanterns

Defense Abilities: 220 Dodge

Damage: 60/70 Scythe+10 (Cut)

Wear Armor: 5

AT: Ninguna.

MA: 75

Zeon: 895

Magic Projection: 170 Offensive

Level of Magic: 60 Darkness (54 Umbral) and 40 Fire.

Free Accesses: Opening, Attract Minor Vermins, Send Message and Eliminate Spells.

Essential Abilities: Superhuman Spiritual Characteristics, Gift, Physical Exemption, Unspoken

Casting and Gestureless Casting.

Powers: Lore of Fear, Dream Control, Spectral Lanterns, Rend the Veil and Major
Conservation System.

Natural Abilities: Starting Weapon: Use of the Scythe. Magic Projection as an Attack.

6 5 0
Size: 14 Medium Regeneration: 10

Movement Value: 10 Fatigue: Tireless

Secondary Abilities: Athleticism 80, Ride 80, Notice 120, Search 100, Track 100, Story 60,
Occult 120, Magical Appraisal 140, Intimidate 80, Art 80 and Sleight of Hands 120.

● Notes: The italicized values in Jack's secondary abilities represent those in which he
has received a special bonus from experience and their creation.

Jack is one of the most powerful necromantic entities currently "living" on Gaïa. The abilities
and powers that his new state has granted him are explained below:

-Lore of Fear: As a creature closely tied to the primal emotions of the mortal mind, Jack is
able to perceive the most intimate and primal fears of those he beholds. If he spends at least
one round contemplating a being, he must pass a PsR check against 140 or Jack will be aware
of what his fears are, although he will not know why.

-Dream Control: While Jack is in an area of the Vigil that is fear-ridden or in which he has
some degree of bonding, such as the Neuschwanstein Wake, he is able to alter it to a limited
extent by affecting its atmosphere and creating minor scenarios at will. On these occasions,
he is even capable of altering his own appearance by taking on different forms.

-Spectral Lanterns: Jack can create five small flaming spheres that act as his eyes and allow
him to "see" and feel anything that comes near him. However, these lanterns are not part of
his body as such, so they can be separated from him at will and act independently. The
Spectral Lanterns are not capable of moving more than 250 meters away from Jack, but each
one can head in different directions. Unlike Jack, they are completely spiritual, so they enjoy
spiritual invisibility and immateriality. Each one resists 20 points of damage (which does not
affect the central body at all) and, if it is destroyed, Jack requires at least an hour to be able
to recreate one of them. Should he need to, Jack can use these lanterns as a focus from
which to cast his spells.

-Rend the Veil: As long as the moon is in the night sky, Jack is able to create portals that
connect the physical world to the waking world, or vice versa, as a full action. Portals can stay
active for a maximum of one hour.

-Major Conservation System: Jack possesses a supernatural system that charges him with
necromantic energy allowing him to recover from damage suffered by possessing a
supernatural regeneration of 10.

6 5 1

"Souls burn faster than flesh"

Name: Pollux.

Rank: Precept of Death.

Date of birth: November 20, 950; Neuschwanstein

Castle, Galgados.

Age: 40.

Appearance: 5

Combat Style: Powers over dark flames in

combination with matrix powers.

Race: Superior Undead.

Height: 1.90 m Hair: No.

Weight: 80 kg Eyes: White.

Hobbies: Playing cards.

What he appreciates most: The llamas.

What he hates most: Nothing in particular.

The Duk'zarist have always drawn Desdemona's attention to their uncanny ability to leave no
corpses when they die of natural causes or are destroyed by iron. This "problematic" led her
to become slightly obsessed with the study of said race, using her contacts in Black Sun to
capture as many as she could and after laborious trial and error tests, she managed to obtain
satisfactory data that led her to devise a necromantic creature that takes advantage of the
bond. mental element inherent in the race. In the first place, the Duk'zarist, who must
necessarily possess matrix powers, was subjected to strange rituals in which the spiritual
essence of elementals of both forces was injected into him, as well as brain surgeries to
enhance his innate abilities. When their bodies began to fail massively, the Messenger injects
them with large amounts of iron to cause the destruction of their bodies, giving rise to

6 5 2
tormented souls charged with elemental energy that were then raised as purely elemental
entities without a physical body, composed only of dark flames.

Among the various second-generation Skiá developed by the Messenger, the subject known
as Pollux stood out, in life one of the best exterminators of Samael, not only managed to
resist the influences of the elemental essences for longer than the average but once
transformed he was Of course, he was much more powerful than his peers. Without
hesitation, the messenger granted him the rank of precept and left him in charge of the rest
of Skiás.


Level: 9 Category: Between Worlds, Undead (Elemental) 25

Life points: 200

Class: Guerrero mentalista

Str: 8 Dex: 11 Agi: 13 Con: 8 Pow: 11 Int: 10 Wil: 14 Per: 8

PhR: 80 MR: 90 PsR: 95 DR: 80 VR: 80

Initiative: 210 Natural

Attack Ability: 240 Umbra Flammae o Variable Nova Oscura

Defense Ability: 240 Esquiva

Damage: 160 Umbra Flammae (Heat) o Variable Nova Oscura (Heat)

AT: Psychokinetic Amor Cut 6 Impact 6 Thrust 6 Heat 6 Electricity 6 Cold 6 Energy 0.

PP: 0

Physic Potential: 140

Physic Projection: 195

Physic Disciplines: Physical Increase, Pyrokinesis and Psychokinesis.

Mental Powers: Increase Ability, Inhumanity, Increase Reaction and Regeneration. Immolate,
Igneous Barrier and Nova. Psychokinesis Armor.

Innate Slots: 5

Essential Abilities: Access to Physic Disciplines, Superhuman Spiritual Characteristics,

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Passive Concentration, Elemental Connection, Physical
Exemption, Inhumanity and Amplify Sustained Power.

6 5 3
Powers: Nova Oscura, Superior Conservation System, Tenebris Ignitio and Umbra Flammae.

Natural Abilities: Psychic Projection Module.

Size: 16 Medium Regeneration: 13

Movement Value: 13 Fatigue: Tireless.

Secondary Abilities: Athleticism 100, Acrobatics 100, Ride 100, Jump 60, Climb 100, Notice
100, Search 100, Style 80, Hide 180, Stealth 180 and Forge 100.

● Notes: The italicized values in Pollux's secondary abilities represent those in which he
has received a special bonus from experience and their creation.

Pollux is one of the most powerful necromantic entities currently "living" on Gaïa. The
abilities and powers that her new state has granted her are explained below:

-Elemental Connection: Despite his nature as undead, Pollux is strongly tied to the elemental
energies of Fire and Darkness, being considered an elemental of both forces with all that this
entails. In addition, he is immune to damage caused by said elements as long as they are
caused by entities with less gnosis than him.

-Nova Oscura: Pollux can focus the full energy of their essence into a great blaze of dark,
flaming energy. When he declares this ability, Pollux now accumulates his energy, gaining
+20 to his attack ability and damage for each round they do so, up to a maximum of +50. This
charge can end when the creature wants it without the need to reach the maximum
stackable. Unlike normal Skiá Pollux can do other actions while stacking.

-Major Conservation System: Pollux possesses a supernatural system that charges him with
necromantic energy allowing him to recover from damage suffered by possessing a
supernatural regeneration of 10.

-Tenebris Ignitio: Pollux's connection to the elements causes his very existence to be that of
a dual elemental entity and thus he gains the following benefits. He is immune to any attack
without the ability to damage energy as well as being able to pass through any mundane
object, gains a +60 bonus to his Hide and Stealth abilities, increases his resistances by 30
against dark and heat based effects, as well as any being that comes in contact with its body,
and if the entity wishes, it will be forced to pass a PhR against 110 or lose an amount of
health points equal to half the level of failure for fire and dark-based damage.

-Umbra Flammae: Pollux's body is a mass of igneous and dark energy that functions as a
special natural weapon. It deals damage equal to twice the presence plus the creature's
power bonus, attacks on Heat as its primary critical, and can make area attacks at -20 within
10 yards.

6 5 4

"I am fire! I am death!”

Name: Skithiryx.

Rank: Precept of Death.

Date of birth: May 10, 980; Neuschwanstein

Castle, Galgados.

Age: 10 (Actually about 7,000 years old).

Appearance: 3

Combat Style: Physical power in combination with

soul mastery and necromantic energy.

Race: Superior Undead.

Height: 500 m Hair: No.

Weight: 3,000 Tons Eyes: Blue.

Hobbies: sleeping

What he appreciates the most: Gold.

What he hates most: Desdemona won't let him go hunting for gold.

As long as man can remember, dragons have been around. Halfway between myth and
reality, this ancient race of reptiles is one of the elemental forces of creation. According to
the legends, they are a fragment of the same spirit of Gaïa, pure power incarnate that no one
can contain.

These beings have always fascinated occultists not only for their undeniable power but for
their unique supernatural abilities. Desdemona is no exception, and during her years as an
agent of Black Sun she used the organization's resources to indirectly study these beings by
investigating Malebolgia by locating various easily accessible repositories of it. When years
later, already converted Messenger, she contemplated the possibility of raising one of these
creatures as a necromantic entity at her service, she began to investigate the deposits that
she had kept for herself and after several attempts she obtained the complete remains of

6 5 5
one of the ancient beasts. After a laborious process, the messenger managed to identify the
remains as those of the ancient dragon Fafnir, an ancient creature known for its greed and
that was killed by the Lim Shide Gygjur in the distant past, and proceeded to modify them
according to their tastes and what the late dragon would like it. In addition to the physical
modifications, Desdemona searched for waking dreams and memories related to the
creature so that her creation would have part of her original essence.

After the uprising, Skithiryx has inherited part of Fafnir's nature, worshiping gold and riches,
so Desdemona uses him as the guardian of her "fortune". The dragon feels enormous respect
for its creator, not only because of her power, but because it allows him to make requests to
which treasures could then be added to the fortune. Other than that, the creature is quite
reserved, preferring quiet while resting in its gold-filled cave deep in the bowels of the
mountains of mist.


Level: 11 Category: Between Worlds, Undead 30

Life Points: 7.525

Warrior: Guerrero.

Str: 17 Dex: 10 Agi: 8 Con: 17 Pow: 13 Int: 12 Wil: 12 Per: 13

PhR: 125 MR: 135 PsR: 130 DR: 125 VR: 125

Initiative: 80 Natural

Attack Abilities: 210 Tail Whip, 260 Claws + 240 Bite o 300 Tartarus Breath

Defense: Damage Resistance

Damage: 140 Tail Whip (Impact), 170 Claws (Cut), 190 Bite (Thurst) and 250 Tartarus Breath

Wear Armor: 90

AT: Natural + Necrotic Plate Cut 12 Impact 12 Thrust 12 Heat 12 Electricity 12 Cold 12 Energy

Essential Abilities: Superhuman Spiritual Characteristics, Divine Physical Characteristics,

Physical Exemption, Natural Immunity to an Element (Fire): Complete, Accurate Sense and

Poderes: Tartarus Breath, Natural Weapons; Claws, Bite and Tail Whip, Flap Wings, Necrotic
Plate, Damage Energy, Necromantic Chimera, Arcane Conservation System, Natural Flight 12
and See the Supernatural.

6 5 6
Natural Abilities: Movement in Confined Spaces Module.

Size: 34 Colossal Regeneration: Special.

Movement Value: 11 / 12 Fatigue: Tireless

Secondary Abilities: Acrobatics 120, Feats of Strength 180, Notice 120 (150), Search 120
(150), Track 120 (150), Story 140, Memorice 120, Occult 120, Appraisal 140, Magic Appraisal
120 and Intimidate 140.

● Notes: The italicized values in Pollux's secondary abilities represent those in which he
has received a special bonus from experience and their creation.

Skithiryx is one of the most powerful necromantic entities currently "living" on Gaïa. The
abilities and powers that his new status has granted him are explained below:

-Natural Weapons: Like the rest of his congeners, Skithiryx is endowed with a series of
natural weapons that grant him the following attacks.

● Claws: The most basic of these are its sharp claws with which it can perform attacks
with a natural area of 20 meters.
● Bite: Skithiryx's powerful jaws reduce the AT by 3 points in addition to having Break
26. This attack counts as an additional natural attack, so it can execute it while
lashing out with its claws, applying only a -20 penalty to its attack. skill.
● Tail Whip: When he's facing a large number of opponents, or simply wants to
remove potentially annoying obstacles, Skithiryx can use his tail to perform a large
AoE Attack. This attack sweeps an area up to 100 meters. If he makes this attack,
Skithiryx cannot use his claws or his jaws for that round.
-Tartarus Breath: Without a doubt, the most feared attack of dragons is their breath. In the
case of Skithiryx it is a powerful torrent of soul fire capable of burning both the physical and
the spiritual. This attack is made at the Energy AT, although it acts for all purposes as an
attack with fire elemental damage. The attack is cone-shaped; part of the mouth and widens
as it advances. Skithiryx's breath has a range of up to a kilometer and has a 25 meter radius.

To use his breath, Skithiryx needs to prepare for three full rounds, during which he cannot
attack with his jaws (although he can with his claws). When he uses his breath Skithiryx sees
his attack ability raised.

There is no limit to the number of times you can use it per day.

-Necrotic Plate: Apart from its incredible natural defenses, Desdemona designed a series of
additional protections for the dragon. This not only gives him an increase in TA and his
resistances, but also gives him a 160 damage barrier that, if crossed, reduces the damage of
said attack by 20 points.

6 5 7
-Necromantic Chimera: Skithiryx has the ability to modify his body at will, always using his
mastery over necromantic energy to "create" the raw material necessary for the change.
Mechanically, this ability grants him a pool of 100 special DP that he can use to purchase
monster powers with a Gnosis 30. The modification requires a full round during which he
cannot take any active actions.

-Arcane Conservation System: Skithiryx has a supernatural system that charges him with
necromantic energy, allowing him to recover from damage suffered, possessing a
supernatural regeneration of 14, allowing him to regenerate 20 life points per round.


“Twenty springs, raised in the sunny fields of Abel… undoubtedly a good vintage”

Name: Vlad.

Rank: Precept of Death.

Date of birth: December 31, 950;

Neuschwanstein Castle, Galgados.

Age: 40.

Appearance: 3

Fighting Style: Swordsmanship in combination

with powers over blood.

Race: Superior Undead.

Height: 2'00 m Hair: Black.

Weight: 100 kg Eyes: Red.

Hobbies: Hunting.

What he appreciates the most: His blood mastiffs.

What he hates most: Rancid blood.

Once there was the Blut project, it reached a successful conclusion and the production was
stabilized, the Messenger wanted to create a being that would be the perfect brooch for it.
For this, he set his sights on the ancient vetala known as Vrykolakas and set himself the goal

6 5 8
of using one as the basis for the project's creation processes. After several years of searching,
he found the crypt in which an ancient noble of the fallen Blood Sky Nation resided in the
Killian Mountains in Pristina. In addition, I use fragments of the souls of several of the oldest
blood roses as well as part of the archetypal memories and dreams about the vetalas that
flooded Eurakia's Wake.

The result was Vlad, the archetype of the noble vampire of the legends, respectful and
extremely polite as well as a faithful follower of the laws of etiquette, which, together with
his incredible personal power and his control over blood, quickly made him one of the
Desdemona's favorite undead. At present, he not only occupies the rank of Precept of Death,
but he is also in charge of governing the castle in the absence of his mistress and directing
the activities of his little brothers in the lands beyond.


Level: 10 Category: Between Worlds, Undead 25

Life Points: 285

Class Paladin.

Str: 11 Dex: 11 Agi: 13 Con: 10 Pow: 11 Int: 11 Wil: 11 Per: 13

PhR: 90 MR: 95 PsR: 95 DR: 90 VR: 90

Initiative: 135 Natural, 125 Longsword+10, 115 Longsword+10 (x2) y 95 Roter Fangzahn
(Bastard sword +10)

Attack Ability: 220 Roter Fangzahn (Bastard Sword +10), 220 Longsword+10 + 210

Defense Ability: 260 Roter Fangzahn (Bastard Sword +10)

Damage: 90 Longsword+10 (Energy) y 110/130 Roter Fangzahn (Energy)

Wear Armor: 140

AT: Full Plate+10 Cut 7 Impact 7 Thrust 7 Heat 6 Electricity 2 Cold 6 Energy 2

Nemesis Abilities: Use of Nemesis, Armor of Emptiness, Noht, Emptiness Extrusion, Body of
Emptiness, Aura of Emptiness and Undetectable.

Accumulations: Str: 2 Agi: 3 Dex: 2 Con: 2 Pow: 2 Wil: 2

Ki: Str: 12 Agi: 16 Dex: 12 Con: 10 Pow: 12 Wil: 12 Total: 74

6 5 9
Essential Abilities: Ambidextrous, Superhuman Spiritual Characteristics, Superhuman
Physical Characteristics, Physical Exemption and Inhumanity.

Powers: Arsenal of the Night, Blood Hounds, Majesty, Reinheit des Blutes, Sense the Lie,
Anima System and Complete Night Vision. Doom of the Sun

Natural Abilities: Starting Weapon: Use of Bastard Sword. Similar Weapon Module:

Size: 21 Medium Regeneration: Special

Movement Value: 13 Fatigue: Tireless

Secondary Abilities: Ride 120, Whistand Pain 180, Notice 120, Search 120, Animal (Canids)
40/120, Stroy 120, Occult 140, Tactics 180, Style 140, Etiquette 200, Leadership 200, Art 100,
Dance 100 and Music 100.

● Notes: The italicized values in Vlad's secondary abilities represent those in which he
has received a special bonus from experience and their creation.

Vlad is one of the most powerful necromantic entities currently "living" on Gaïa. The abilities
and powers that his new state has granted him are explained below:

-Arsenal of the Night: Vlad has a series of mutable innate abilities that he modifies to his
liking. He mechanically possesses 100 DP to acquire powers to customize to his liking.

-Blood Hounds: Attached to Vlad's essence are this magnificent mastiffs created by his very
essence. These creatures use the Nya Leusi sheet from the Bestiary in Gaia 1 with the
difference that they are considered Undead and can spend blood points to enhance their
physical abilities in the same way as the Blutköing. Vlad can keep up to 11 of these creatures
and in case they die he can recreate them after several hours.

-Majesty: Vlad's Majesty is a more refined version of the Lemuries skill as it does not provoke
fascination but obedience. This ability has a MR of 140 and if it fails, the target will obey Vlad
for as many rounds as the failure level.

-Reinheit des Blutes: Following the legends of the vampires, Desdemona endowed the
Blutköing with certain abilities dependent on their blood in exchange for needing it to stay
"alive". For game purposes, these creatures have a number of blood points, the maximum
pool of which is equal to their Constitution attribute. For the mere fact of keeping their body
in perfect condition, they consume one point of blood per month. In the event that their
blood points drop to 0, they automatically apply the Weakness state and suffer a cumulative
-10 penalty to all actions each day they do not feed up to a maximum of -100. When this
happens, visually their bodies are consumed and they age little by little while their skin

6 6 0
To get a blood point Vald must take it from a living being whose presence is at least 30 and
possesses some rationality (if his victims are exceptionally powerful and have very strong
presences, he can get between 2 and 6 points by consuming a single life). The process does
not necessarily always end with the death of the subject, but the vampire experiences
greater "nutritional" pleasure in ending life.

In addition to keeping his body in tip-top shape, Vald can spend his blood points to gain
various temporary buffs. At most, you can spend up to 5 per round from the following

● Vlad can spend a point of blood as if it were equivalent to a Fatigue point; spending
one grants a +20 bonus to physical actions.
● Vlad can spend a blood point to automatically recover 40 health points.
● Vlad can use a blood point to increase one of his Physical or Perception
characteristics by one for 5 rounds. This perk is stackable, but is capped at 15.
● Vlad can spend a blood point to gain a +20 bonus to a particular Toughness.
● Vlad can give another being one to three blood points to drink to create a bond of
servitude with a living being. This process modifies the essence of the affected,
bringing his essence closer to that of an undead to all supernatural detection effects
and to that of other necromantic creatures. In addition, the person affected by this
link begins to consider Vlad as her lord, feeling a variable degree of loyalty and
devotion depending on how many points he has drunk obeying his orders without
question. In case of need, Vlad can impose a certain power to the orders that he
grants to his servants so that they comply with them with greater diligence, obtaining
a +10 bonus to all actions directed to comply with it, as well as a bonus between +10
and +30. , based on the number of blood points he has drunk, to his resistances
against any effects that try to manipulate him or distract him from his mission. Lastly,
Vlad's blood minions gain 3 blood points that they can use to increase his physical
abilities as if they were Blutköings.
● Vlad can spend a blood point to increase his physical reaction to unimaginable limits.
For each point spent he gets +20 to his Turn.
● Vlad can spend a blood point to modify his arsenal for the night. Mechanically, he
can redistribute the 100 PD that make up his powers to acquire new ones. Unlike
other blood abilities, this is a full action.
● Vlad can spend two blood points to make a projectile attack, with base 50 Thrusting
damage, up to a distance of 50 meters.
● Vlad can spend two blood points to make an attack in a 10 meter radius with a -20
penalty and a base 50 damage in the Thrust AT.
● Vlad can spend three blood points to create a supernatural shield formed by his
blood; it has 1,000 resistance points, with which to defend himself. He can spend a
blood point on subsequent rounds to maintain it.
-Sense the Lie: Vlad has a higher version of the ability of the Lemures with the same name, as
he is not only capable of discerning lies but also when someone is consciously omitting part
of the truth. This ability works as a supernatural detection with a difficulty of MR 140.

6 6 1
-Anima System: Vlad has a supernatural system that allows him to retain fragments of souls
of the deceased. Thanks to this he can access the abilities of the Nemesis.

-Doom of the Sun: Vlad's body is still vulnerable to sunlight, but thanks to the processes by
which they were created, the light only weakens them rather than destroying them.
Therefore, when they come into contact with sunlight, regardless of the amount or time,
they automatically apply the weakened state until the sun goes down.


Roter Fangzahn is one of the ancient Qonli'qirrasi, the bloodblades created by the ancient
Vetala nobles of the Blood Sky Nation as a display of their rank and power.

This bastard sword was in the possession of the Vrykolakas that served as the basis for
creating Vlad, so once created, Desdemona gave it to him thinking it was appropriate. Unlike
other lesser blood blades, Roter Fangzahn possesses superior supernatural qualities as it has
been tampered with the blood of an ancient dragon.

Fable: 140 / 240 / 280

-Quality: Roter Fangzahn is considered a +0 quality bastard sword with the ability to damage
energy. When counting its presence and integrity, it is considered a +10 quality.

-Blood Tithe: Although it seems like a normal weapon, when Roter Fangzahn comes into
contact with blood it demonstrates its true capabilities. In terms of the game, if it comes into
contact with blood, it increases its base quality based on the power of the blood for 5 turns.
If it is already affected by a blood type and comes into contact with a higher power, the
quality will increase but the time will remain the same.

6 6 2
Quality +5 is obtained with beings of natura 5 or Gnosis 25, quality +10 is obtained with
beings of natura 10 or Gnosis 30, quality +15 is obtained with beings of natura 15 or Gnosis
35 and finally quality +20 is obtained with Beings of Natura 20 or Gnosis 40 or higher.

Its bearer may decide to sacrifice 15 LP for the sword to benefit from the qualities of his

-Unholy Nature: Imbued with the base demonic essence that gives them form, the
Qonli'qirrasi are considered weapons of a sacrilegious nature.

-Blood Fang: When the blood tithe is activated, Roter Fangzhan uses the surrounding blood
to strengthen its edge by creating a larger outer "layer" to strengthen its impact power as
well as its range. Bloodfang allows the weapon to be considered Huge in size without its
wielder applying medium size penalties.

-Blood Humors: In addition to the capacities described, the Qonli'qirrasi are endowed with
certain special qualities thanks to the mixture of blood that was used during their
preparation. Roter Fangzahn possesses the following powers;

● Blood: The weapon is specially designed to seriously injure, so it gains a +30 bonus to
any critical it produces and the bleeding damage increases to 5 HP per round.
● Yellow Bile: The weapon is specially designed to pass through protections with ease,
ignoring 2 extra points of AT to that indicated by its quality and increasing its base
damage by +20.
Level of Power: 3+


"The current of a winter river reflects the

moon, like a mirror, and is transparent."

Name: Zhao.

Rank: Precept of Death.

Date of birth: Unknown.

Age: About 10,000 years.

Appearance: 6

Fighting Style: Shinmen Musashi-no-Kami

Fujiwara no Harunobu style.

Race: Superior Undead.

6 6 3
Height: 2'00 m Hair: Black.

Weight: 100 kg Eyes: Red.

Hobbies: Meditate.

What he appreciates most: The art of the sword.

What he hates most: Nothing in particular.

About five years ago a terrible natural accident occurred in the Liang Peaks of Shivat. A
terrible earthquake devastated the eastern part, which led to a series of collapses and
landslides causing the total destruction of the Kyokei mountain valley. Fortunately, no loss
had to be regretted... at least for humans.

The valley was the area that had given birth to the kami Zhao, one of the master swordsmen
most appreciated by the divine society of Varja, and the destruction of it had dealt a death
blow to the entity. Although in times past this could be resolved by disassociating himself
from the place and attaching his essence to a weapon, this act had been prohibited by decree
of her celestial majesty, the regent Michinokami, considering that it was the equivalent of
unbalancing the balance between the sun and the moon and start a new period of war
between both nations.

Despite his divine status, the kami was devastated by very human fear and desperately tried
to break the edict but it was impossible for him to do the seals of the Kotoamatsukami... At
least until the arrival of Desdemona. The Messenger was visiting the Ten-Gati as a guest, and
when she found out about the kami's situation, her curiosity got the better of her, because
rarely is it possible to contemplate the death of an immortal so closely, and when she found
out the specific details, she outraged at the stupidity of the edict, without asking for anything
in return, he helped Zhao make his transition. This act did not go unpunished because the
Kami was banished from the city and separated from his own and the messenger was
declared an enemy of the eternal empire. None of the two care.

Since then Zhao has become Desdemona's most loyal ally, as the debt he has contracted with
her is greater than any act or word can express, swearing to protect her from any evil by
becoming her sword. Zhao is a thoughtful and honorable connoisseur though his own code of
conduct and his moral understanding is far from what a human could possibly understand.


Level: 11 Category: Between Worlds, Undead 30

Life Points: 215

Class: Technician.

6 6 4
Str: 12 Dex: 13 Agi: 13 Con: 12 Pow: 13 Int: 11 Wil: 12 Per: 13

PhR: 105 MR: 110 PsR: 105 DR: 105 VR: 105

Initiative: 145 Natural, 140 (160) Kirigiri no Kaikou (Katana +15) and 140 (180) Jyuzumaru
(Katana +15)

Attack Ability: 285 (305) Kirigiri no Kaikou (Katana +15) or 285 (325) Jyuzumaru (Katana +15)

Defense Ability: 245 (265) Kirigiri no Kaikou (Katana +15); Dodge

Damage: 110/130 Kirigiri no Kaikou (Energy) or 110/130 Jyuzumaru (Energy)

Wear Armor: 20

AT: Ninguna.

MK: 580

Ki Abilities: Use of Ki, Ki Control, Ki Detection, Erudition, Presence Extrusion and Aura

Nemesis Abilities: Uso of Nemesis, Armor of Emptiness, Noht and Emptiness Extrusion.

Accumulations: Str: 2 (3/4) Agi: 3 (4/5) Dex: 5 (6/7) Con: 2 (3/4) Pow: 5 (6/7) Wil: 5 (6/7)

Ki: Str: 14 Agi: 16 Dex: 16 Con: 14 Pow: 16 Wil: 14 Generic: 10 Total: 100

Ki Techniques: Hyousetsu Jigoku; Yuki, Samui, Kagami, Kagami no Kakera y Shitsunen no


Essential Abilities: To the Limit, Superhuman Spiritual Characteristics, Superhuman Physical

Characteristics, Physical Exemption, Ki Recovery, Unnatural Size and Zen.

Powers: Katana o motta mono, Kirigiri no Kaikou, Sensō shisei, Tengoku no shisei, Magistral
Anima System, Major Conservation System and See the Supernatural..

Natural Abilities: Initial Weapon: Use of the Katana. Battojutsu Module. Ars Magnus: Yuuse

Size: 22 Medium Regeneration: 10.

Movement Value: 13 Fatigue: Tireless

Secondary Abilities: Acrobatics 140, Ride 120, Notice 200, Search 180, Story 140, Medicine
(Anatomy) 60/140, Occult 140, Appraisal 100, Style 200, Intimidate 120, Forge 200, Sleight of
Hands 120 and Ki Detection 340.

● Notes: The italicized values in Zhao's secondary abilities represent those in which he
has received a special bonus for experience and his creation.

6 6 5
Zhao is one of the most powerful necromantic entities currently "living" on Gaïa. The abilities
and powers that her new state has granted her are explained below:

-Katana o motta mono: Unlike other Kami who voluntarily chose to disassociate themselves
from their lands in order to take a more direct role in the war by binding themselves into a
weapon, Zhao had to resort to this option while standing at death's door. This is why he is
considered an undead creature of a superior nature, being able to choose at all times
whether or not to be treated as one. In addition, having united his essence to that of a
weapon, he is considered a Kami of war, so he cannot die as long as the weapon in which his
essence resides is not destroyed. When he comes into contact with said weapon, or with
weapons of the same type, Zhao can temporarily increase his abilities, increasing his
accumulations by 1 point, or by 2 if he is carrying Jyuzumaru, in addition to obtaining a bonus
to all actions and his turn of + 20, or +40 if carrying Jyuzumaru.

-Kirigiri no Kaikou: As a Kami of War, Zhao's life essence is bound in Jyuzumaru, one of
Varja's legendary katanas, and thus he is able to harness his former powers as a Kami by
manifesting a fragment of his own power in the form of a katana known as Kirigiri no Kaikou,
whose specific capabilities are explained later.

-Sensō shisei: Even as one of the Genus Loci, Zhao was known for his incredible martial
prowess which allowed him to create a number of unique swordsmanship schools. As kami of
war these schools resonate with his essence and allow him to increase his abilities in the
following ways:

● Jigen Ryu: This school focuses on watching your opponent's movements in order to
draw a single, swift attack at the right time to eliminate your opponent. While using
this school he doubles the bonuses gained on the turn while concentrating on Yuuse
● Mugai Ryu: This school focuses on observing his opponent looking for the weakest
points of his body and once found unsheathing in a single and deadly attack. While
using this school you gain a special +10 bonus to the level of any critical hit caused by
Yuuse Battojutsu's concentrated attack.
● Itto Ryu: This school focuses on observing the pattern of the enemy's attacks,
seeking to understand them in order to draw and penetrate their defenses in a single
movement. While using this school you get a dodge skill bonus of +10 per round
while concentrating the Yuuse Battojutsu, if when the attack is released you get a
counter result you can apply the concentrated attack bonuses to it.
● Kirikaeshi: Wielding his weapon with both hands, Zhao executes an attack that
appears simple but packs an inordinate amount of power. Using this school he adds
again the strength bonus to his weapon damage.
● Kashima Shinto Ryu: On this occasion, the power of the impact of the two-handed
weapon is used to penetrate the opponent's defenses, reducing the AT of the attack
by 3 additional points.
● Tenshin Shoden Ryu: Using a single and lethal blow, Zhao is able to cut through
anything that gets in his way, increasing the break of his attack by 10 points.

6 6 6
● Yagyu Shinkage Ryu: Entering a Yuuse battojutsu-like state of martial concentration,
Zhao can fuse mind and soul with his weapon by executing a slash capable of
separating soul and body. The damage from this attack does not cause a loss of life
but instead causes a loss of ki points and twice the number of zeon points equal to
the damage it would have caused.
The use, or continued use, of any of these schools must be declared before making the turn

-Tengoku no shisei: Zhao can manipulate the form of his internal energy by externalizing
huge masses of golden energy in the form of limbs, with which he can make up to two
additional attacks per round applying a -20 penalty to his ability, or else receive two
additional defenses without penalty, at his choice. Zhao can control when these energy
formations appear, so they are not always visible.

-Magistral Anima System: As a Higher Undead, Zhao is able to ignore the rules that govern
lesser undead when using the art of ki. However, Desdemona devised a supernatural system
that allows him to retain soul fragments of the deceased that allows the access of Nemesis'
abilities as well.

-Major Conservation System: Zhao possesses a supernatural system that charges him with
necromantic energy allowing him to recover from damage suffered by possessing a
supernatural regeneration of 10.


Kirigiri no Kaikou is the weapon born from the essence of kami Zhao after his conversion into
one of the warlords. The weapon has a strangely electrical quality inherited no doubt from
the latent power of Zhao's father, the kotoamatsukami Yamato no Shura..

Fable: None.

6 6 7
-Quality: Kirigiri no Kaikou is a quality +15 katana capable of damaging energy. Contrary to
the general rules, it applies its quality bonus to the dodge ability of its bearer.

-Kaminir: Kirigiri no Kaikou has Electricity as a secondary critical and increases the difficulty
of the resistance of the elemental damage it causes by 40 points.

-Denryoku fuka: Whenever elemental damage is dealt with it, Kirigir no Kaikou charges up
with power by generating a charge of energy. You can store a maximum of ten of these
charges inside and they can be used in any of the following uses:

● Increase by 20 points the PhR of the elemental damage caused by every 2 charges up
to a maximum of 100.
● Increases the Initiative by 20 points for every 2 charges up to a maximum of 100.
● Recover 1 ki point for each charge spent.
● Increases a ki accumulation by 1 point for every 2 charges spent.
● Spending 10 of these charges can automatically force a ki technique without
spending additional ki points.
-Peerless Edge: Kirigiri no kaikou's blade reduces the defender's armor by an additional point,
for a total of 4 points counting its quality bonuses.

Level of Power: 3+


Jyuzumaru is one of the seven legendary katanas forged in the heyday of Kuon Teikoku. It is
said that the creator of him was a wandering monk who, upon contemplating the battle
between the Dark Aeon Orochi and Emperor Amaterasu, was moved by the beauty of his
swordsmanship and decided to crystallize that beauty into a weapon worthy of his lord.
Amaterasu accepted the gift and, pleased with the weapon, used it throughout the monk's

6 6 8
life, and with his death, she handed it over to his order so that they would guard his
companion, since he had earned a well-deserved rest.

With the destruction of the temple, the weapon was guarded by the Kami Zhao for millennia
until at the gates of death he used it to serve as a container for his essence.

Fable: 120 / 180 / 240

-Quality: Jyuzumaru is considered a +15 Quality katana, although it has the resistance of a
+20 katana.

-Sakki (Notion of Use II): When the weapon comes into contact with blood, it fully awakens
the combat sense of its bearer. This ability allows him to reduce the penalties of any combat
maneuver by 20 points, but he becomes more prone to bloodlust. Continued use of the
weapon forces a check to be passed each time blood is shed or a state of blood delirium will
be entered, attacking anyone nearby.

-Zen (Notion of Use II): Someone who has truly mastered the Sakki is able to feed Jyuzumaru
with his bloodlust into a state of mind of perfect emptiness. Therefore, when Sakki is
activated and the Will check has been passed, a special mode of concentration is entered
through which any penalty caused by pain, lack or fatigue, whether natural or supernatural,
can be ignored for the duration of the combat.

-Peerless Edge: Jyuzumaru's blade reduces the defender's Armor by an additional point (ie -4
if we take into account its quality).

Level of Power: 3+

6 6 9
Annex II.

Dragon Ball Beyond Fantasy,

Supplied and translated by leonard

Original author unknown

Character Creation - Races
Characteristic Generation Races

50 points are distributed in the 7 characteristics. To determine the PC's race in Dragon Ball Beyond Fantasy, roll
The minimum in a characteristic is 4. 1d100 and look at the result on the table below. At the GM's
discretion, this may be repeated up to 2 times; the PC may
choose the one he/she likes best.


1D100 RACE
01-30 Extraordinary Human
31-40 Demon
41-50 Android
51-60 Saiyan
61-70 Namekian
71-80 Divinity
81-90 Alien
91-100 Monster

6 7 1
Character Creation - Races

Namekian Android
Greenish-skinned, humanoid beings with arms and legs
with pink skin areas. They have 2 antennae on their heads that Creations of so-called scientists capable of emulating
allow them to detect things more easily, they are also used for the strange energy and strength of some beings. They are
some special skills or spells. Although they are a great help, they intelligent creations and practically of human impulses.
are also their weak point, as gripping them tightly can cause great They do not need to eat or drink, unless some
headaches or irritability. They are asexual and reproduce by laying subject gives them biological capacity, in which case they will
eggs. They do not eat, but only drink water. behave like humans in terms of needs.
Racial Modifiers: An Android can be repaired, but if it "dies" it will
+2 DEX, +2 POW be so damaged that it will be impossible to do so; the
Advantage: Android's soul will then go to heaven (or hell).
Basic Regeneration (1) Racial Modifiers:
Special Skills: +2 AGI +2 WILL
 Ancestral Knowledge: The character Advantage:
receives the special ability Regeneration 11. Tireless (1)
If the PC achieves naturally Regeneration 11 Special Skills:
or higher; he receives the special abilities of
one regeneration tier higuer.  Ki Perfected: Each Ki technique costs 1
 point less to calculate.
Piccolo has, due to his advantages and his
high constitution, a regeneration of 12.
Therefore Piccolo will have all the Cell creates a technique that has a cost of 11 Ki
characteristics of Regeneration 12: he recovers 5 points, that technique due to his improved Ki control,
HP per minute,-5 to negative per hour; except reduces its cost by 1, leaving him with a definite cost
that ihe shall have amputated limbs recover in of 10.
one day (special ability of Regeneration 13).
  Unlimited Energy: The character
Superior Regeneration: The regenerates 1 Ki point for every 6 Ki
character regenerates 1 health point, points the technique costs him. It is
for every 10 points of damage he necessary to accumulate the full
inflicts (this is rounded down and amount of Ki before receiving the
always in groups of 10). benefit of regeneration.

Piccolo inflicts 30 damage on (Rounded down in groups of 6).
Goku; immediately regenerates 3.

Similar to humans, but rougher and with more hair. Beings with a great perception of the universe and a sense of responsibility,
They have a tail like monkeys. They are a warrior race par concerned with the fate of different creatures.
excellence. True Saiyans have brown hair and black eyes. They Diverse personality (although sometimes too human),
usually have long hair or "weird" hairstyles. they have different skin, hair, clothes... than humans.
Racial Modifiers:
They love to eat, and can never seem to get enough. +2 STR, +2 WILL
Racial Modifiers: Mystic Armour (1)
Special Skills:
+2 STR, +2 WILL  Divine Power: For every 10 points of damage
you take that round from a target, you virtually
Advantage: increase your AT by +1 the next turn. This
increased AT cannot cause an attack that
Fast Learning (1) initially dealt damage to be nullified.

Special Skills: Therefore, whenever a character hits and
damages you, the damage can be
 Powerful Ki: For every 2 points of Ki reduced. at most up to 10%. This increase
 the character invests in any technique of is calculated after looking at the final
combat percentage.
Ki damage, increases the base damage
of the technique by 1 point. Kaioshin takes 100 damage from Boo, which
(Rounded down in groups of 2). corresponds to 200%. On the next turn against Boo,
Kaioshin will have a virtual +10 increase to his AT. Boo
Goku wants to perform a technique hits him again next turn, resulting in a 50% result; now
that he knows that costs 10 Ki; we must apply the increased AT, so we get that
this technique does a base Kaioshin takes no damage, but because Boo initially
damage of 40. Performed by hits him, Kaioshin takes 10% of the damage.
Goku, it will do a base damage of
40 (BASE) + 5 (POWERED) = 45
final damage.

6 7 2
Character Creation - Races
Alien Monster

This category refers to those non-terrestrial humanoid Strange beings who do not follow any rules in behaviour
beings. It includes several sets of warrior races. They have or appearance. They often have unusual abilities. No two
multiple appearances, with nasal appendages, external eardrums, monsters are alike, and because of this, they are considered
and varied features. unique.

Racial Modifiers: Racial Modifiers:

+2 Choice of PC (WILL or POW), +2 Random
+2 DEX, +2 WILL (DEX, STR or AGI)
Advantage: Unnatural Size (1) Exceptional
Physical Resistance (1)
Natural Armour (1) Special Skills:
 Unique Traits: The character has access to
Special Skills: 50 DPs to acquire monster powers. Every 5
levels he receives an additional 50 DPs. At
 Sanguinary Retribution: For first level the PC may only choose powers of
every 10 points of damage you take in Max Gnosis: 5; every 5 levels that Max
that round from a target, increase your Gnosis will increase by 5. At the discretion
base damage next turn by 5. of the GM.
(Rounded down in groups of 10).

Extraordinary Human
Beings with a great perception of the universe,
All terrestrials capable of using energy or the like
unconcerned about the fate of the different creatures and eager
to cause destruction.
Racial Modifiers:
Diverse in personality (though sometimes
too human), they can look like almost anything, Human: +2 Choice of PC (STR, DEX or AGI), +2
but are humanoid in form. Random (WILL or POW).
Racial Modifiers: Advantage:
+2 STR, +2 POW Fast reflexes (1)
Advantage: Special Skills:
To the Limit (1)  Versatile: You get an additional advantage.
Special Skills:
 Demonic Power: For every 10
points of damage you deal in that round to a
target, reduce the AT of that target by 1. This
decrease in AT cannot cause an attack that
initially did no damage to do damage. This
decrease is calculated after looking at the
final combat percentage.

Janemba deals 100 damage to Boo, which corresponds

to 200%. Next turn Boo will have a virtual -10 to the
AT against him. Janemba attacks him again, resulting in
a "No damage, but hits" result, we must now apply the
decrease in AT, so we get that the final result is 90% of
the base damage, but as Janemba had initially failed to
get percentage damage, the attack "does no damage,
but hits"

6 7 3
Character Creation - Character Class
In Dragon Ball Beyond Fantasy, there is only a single
character class.

Martial Arts Fighter
To calculate the Power Level of each PC, the
following formula must be followed, divided into 3 fields
(each reference to a bonus corresponds to the total
Martial Knowledge: +80 per level
PRIMARY ABILITIES Limit 70% Martial:
Life Multiple (10DP): +20 LP. - Attack x 2
+1 Ki: 1 - Defence x 2
Accumulation multiple: 10 - Initiative x 1,5
Combat Ability: Limit 50%. Spiritual:
+1 Attack: 2 - Ki points x 2
+1 Defence: 2 - Ki accumulation x 2
SECONDARY ABILITIES Limit 30%. - Life x 1,5
- Multiples of Life x 10
[Martial + Spiritual + Enhancement +
+1 Vigour: 2
(Training Points x 5)] x Experience
+1 Perceptive: 2
+1 Intellectuals: 3
+1 Social: 2
+1 Subterfuge: 2 TRAINING POINTS
+1 Creative: 2
Training Points (T.P.) are points awarded by the
GM for extra "benefit" due to a long training, a critical
INNATE BONIFIERS situation, etc.

Primary A PC may have a maximum of as many T.P. as

+30 Ki per level LEVEL x 10. The PC may spend these points to gain the
following benefits.
+5 to five secondary skills (except Notice and
Martial Arts have a reduced cost (A primary martial 4 INITIATIVE +5
art must be chosen, secondary martial arts cannot 2 LIFE +20
exceed the level of the primary). 1 KI POINTS +5
Weapon and Manoeuvre Modules cost half as 2 ABILITY +5
much DP.
A Secondary Ability at cost 1.

6 7 4
Character Creation - Transformations
Level 3 (Prerequisite: Level 18, 180 T.P.)
o Customisation points: 100 (200 in total)
o Benefits:

All NPCs in Dragon Ball Beyond Fantasy have the ability CHARACTERISTICS:
to transform. There are 3 known levels of transformation; CONSTITUTION +2
there are also semi-transformations, such as Vegeta and DEXTERITY +3 AGILITY
Trunks' USSJ state, but for the sake of simplicity, these semi- 

transformations will only be attainable by NPCs. LIFE POINTS: +120

KI POINTS: +180
Each transformation provides fixed benefits for all 
races, then the PCs themselves can customise their 
transformation with additional points associated with that  
transformation; Each transformation "inherits" the 
Ki: 120 (+ cost of customisation benefits)
benefits of the previous one.
To transform, it is necessary to accumulate
Ki Technique Improvement
the amount of Ki points of the transformation. Once Each time a character acquires a level of transformation
he can improve a Ki technique he already knows by adding
accumulated, the character gains the benefits of the
additional effects at almost no cost (for more details see the Ki
transformation and the Ki points are returned to
techniques section), the maximum level of the affectable
the reserve. technique is the one indicated in the transformation.
If the PC needs to transform quickly, as a passive
action, he subtracts DOUBLE the points it costs to Additional Martial Knowledge
transform from his Ki pool (without accumulating) and Each time a character gains a level of transformation
gains the benefits.. he receives additional Martial Knowledge to create
Exception: If the character has mastered a higher techniques specific to that level of transformation.
level of transformation, he may transform at the lower The character can perform Ki Techniques at higher
level as a passive action, spending only HALF the points it levels of transformation, but never the other way around.
costs for that transformation. That is to say, a Ki Technique created at level 2 can be
performed at level 3 (he can even improve it) but he cannot
The Levels perform the same Ki Technique at level 1.
Level 1 (Requirement: Level 6, 60 Training Points)
o Personalisation points: 50 Personalisation Points
o Benefits: Every transformation has associated customisation

STRENGTH +1 points that give you a series of benefits, these benefits will
CONSTITUTION +1 also be inherited in future transformations and therefore, you


LIFE POINTS: +40 have to take them into account. In the following table you

KI POINTS: +60 have the benefits you can get with them.


MARTIAL KNOWLEDGE: +100 In the cost column it indicates the customisation

KI TECHNIQUE IMPROVEMENT LEVEL 1 points it costs to obtain that upgrade; in the max/level
o Ki cost: 30 (+ cost of customisation benefits)
Level 2 (Prerequisite: Level 12, 120 T.P.) column it indicates the maximum points that can be spent
o Personalisation points: 50 (100 in total) there per level of transformation; in Ki cost it indicates the
o Benefits: amount you must add to the Ki cost of the transformation.

Note: The max/level column indicates the total per
CONSTITUTION +1 transformation level, i.e. in the first transformation you

ACTION BONUS: +40 can spend 20 points on a +2 to characteristics, but in the

LIFE POINTS: +80 second transformation you cannot spend 40 points more,
KI POINTS: +120

ACCUMULATION: +24 but at most you can spend 20 more:

MARTIAL KNOWLEDGE: +200 40 points maximum -20 points spent on 1st
transformation = 20 total points available.
o Ki cost: 60 (+ cost of customisation benefits)



ACTION BONUS 10 50 ACTION BONUS +5 4 every +10 A.B. (in groups of 10)

ATTACK 3 15 ATTACK +5 1 every +10 Attack (in groups of 10)

DEFENCE 3 15 DEFENCE + 5 1 per +10 Defence (in groups of 10)

2 every +10 Initiative (in groups of


LIFE 2 30 LIFE +20 2 every +20 Life Points


KI 1 - KI +5 1 every +20 Ki (in groups of 20)

ACCUMULATION 2 24 ACCUMULATION +1 1 each +1 Accumulation

ABILITIES 2 - ABILITY +5 1 every +20 Ability (in groups of 20)

6 7 5
Advanced Character Creation - Fusions

The sum of each character's life
There are 2 types of fusions for PCs; Metamoran points.
Dance and Potara Earrings. For the first, a series of o ACCUMULATION:
requirements and rolls are necessary; for the other, no roll 
is necessary, but it is necessary to have the item (the The sum of the two characteristics, divided by 2, plus 2.
Potara Earrings). [(ACUM1+ACUM2)/2]+2
The Metamoru Dance Fusion lasts approximately 30 o ABILITIES:
 
minutes, depending on the level of transformation Best bonus on each, plus an innate
used and the amount of Ki. Fusion by Potara earrings is bonus of +25 on all (except intellectual).
a PERMANENT fusion, except in rare cases such as o MONSTER POWERS:

another dimension, etc. Obtain all monster powers of the 2

Metamoran Dance Transformations – Metamoran Dance

Level 1 (Requirement: Level 6, 60 T. P. [the sum of the two])
Each member of the fusion must make 3 o Personalisation points:
characteristic rolls. The result of the die roll must be 75 o Benefits:
Same as transformation level 1
less than or equal to the other's characteristic. o Ki cost: 25 (+ cost of customisation benefits)
- Power roll, in order to be on the same spiritual Level 2 (Requirement: Level 6, 120 T. P. [the sum of the two])
level. o Personalisation points: 75 (150 in total)
- Agility or Dexterity roll, in order to be able to be o Benefits:
coordinated in the dance. Same as transformation level 2
- Will roll, in order to be able to trust each other. o Cost of Ki: 50(+ cost of customisation benefits)
Level 3 (Prerequisite: Level 6, 180 T. P. [the sum of the two])
Critical Success o Personalisation points: 150 (300 in total)
o Benefits:
If on any of these rolls, the roll is passed with a 1 on
Same as transformation level 3
the die, or each member rolls the same value on the o Ki cost: 100 (+ cost of customisation benefits)
same characteristic roll (and passes); they can start
transformed, the maximum level they can start at is the Potara Earrings
number of 1's or equal results they have rolled. When 2 bodies are fused using the Potara
Failure earrings method, the resulting warrior has:
If the first roll is failed, fusion is impossible. 
The sum of the two characteristics, divided by 2, plus 4.
If the second roll is failed, the fusion is "successful". 
The two beings merge, but receive no benefit, plus their o BONUS ACTION / ATTACK / DEFENCE
characteristics, action bonus, turn, attack, defence, life, Ki / INITIATIVE:
and accumulation are reduced to 50% for as long as they 
The sum of the two bonuses, divided by 2, plus 50.
are merged. 
If the third roll is failed, the fusion succeeds, but
the resulting being develops an arrogant and suicidal 
The sum of the life points of each character times 2.
personality for the duration of the fusion. 
[LIFE1+LIFE2] x2
Example: Trunks and Goten attempt to merge, for which they
must make the appropriate rolls. Trunks has POWER 10, 
STRENGTH 8 and WILL 6; Goten has POWER 9, STRENGTH The sum of the two characteristics, divided by 2, plus 4.
9 and WILL 5. [(ACUM1+ACUM2)/2]+4
- POWER: Trunks goes to a difficulty of 9 (Goten's o ABILITIES:

POWER), and Goten goes to a difficulty of 10 (Trunks' Best bonus on each, plus an innate bonus of +50 on all (except
POWER). intellectual).
o Trunks gets a 6 and Goten gets a 4, both pass. o MONSTER POWERS:

- DEXTERITY/AGILITY: Trunks goes to a difficulty of 9 Obtain all monster powers of the 2
(Goten's ABILITY), and Goten goes to a difficulty of 8 characters.
(Trunks' ABILITY).
o Trunks rolls a 6 and Goten rolls a 1, both pass; Transformations – Potara Earrings
and Goten also rolls a critical success. Level 1 (Requirement: Level 6, 60 T. P. [the sum of the two])
- WILL: Trunks goes to a difficulty of 5 (Goten's WILL), and ● Personalisation points:
75 o Benefits:
Goten goes to a difficulty of 6 (Trunks' WILL).
Same as transformation level 1
o Trunks gets a 3 and Goten gets a 3, both pass;
o Cost of Ki: 20 (+ cost of customisation benefits)
and they both got the same score.
Level 2 (Prerequisite: Level 6, 120 T. P. [the sum of the two])
Finally the two manage to merge, and as they have rolled 2 o Personalisation points: 75 (150 in total)
critical successes in total, they can decide to appear as a normal o Benefits:
state, 1st Transformation or 2nd Transformation. Same as transformation level 2
o Ki cost: 40(+ cost of customisation benefits)
The fusion Level 3 (Prerequisite: Level 6, 180 T. P. [the sum of the two])
When 2 bodies are fused together using the o Personalisation points: 150 (300 in total)
Metamoran Dance method, the resulting warrior has: o Benefits:
  Same as transformation level 3
The sum of the two characteristics, divided
o Ki cost: 80 (+ cost of customisation benefits)
by 2, plus 2. [(CHAR1 + CHAR2)/2]+2

The sum of the two bonuses, divided
 by 2, plus
50. [(BON1+BON2)/2]+50

6 7 6
New Advantages / Disadvantages

Innate Spell (Divinity / Demon)
The character's soul possesses the ability to manifest a
Ki Recovery particular spell; it cannot manipulate magic, but rather the
Normal: A character recovers Ki in 2 possible ways: mystical energies converge on it for a single spell. The
when the power is reduced to 10% every 10 minutes 6 Ki character does not understand how he is able to do this, but it
points are recovered; or when a prolonged rest (8 hours) is is simply a natural ability that he employs at will.
performed. Effect: The character is able to cast a Base grade
With this advantage, the Ki recovery time is spell. Additional Creation Points increase the rating to
reduced, depending on the points invested in it: Intermediate and Advanced. If the spell requires a
1 Point: Recovers 6 Ki every 5 minutes. Magic Projection roll, it is assumed to be 40 per caster
2 Points: Recovers 6 Ki every minute. level. The character does not require Zeon to cast it, but
3 Points: Recovers 6 Ki every 10 turns. may only cast it once per hour, every half hour or every
Cost: 1, 2, 3 fifteen minutes respectively.
Cost: 1, 2, 3
Martial Abílíty (If you are Divinity/Demon, by investing 1 point in
You receive 1 Ki Ability Talent Point per this advanatge you get the benefits of cost 2, so you can
point invested in this advantage. only invest a maximum of 2 points in this advantage).
This benefit can be chosen several times.
Cost: 1, 2, 3 Revival
When all seems lost, the character has the
Special Feature (Monster) incredible ability to regain his strength to fight again.
Each being has traits that differentiate it from the Effect: This advantage only works when a
rest of its species. It is with this advantage that these character's LP is down to less than 1 and their teammates
particularities are defined. have been defeated or have no way to continue fighting.
Effect: Choose a Monster Essential The character automatically regains consciousness,
Ability, requirements: regaining half of his lost LP. He also regains all his Fatigue
- Max Gnosis: 15 (20 if you are a Monster). points, and temporarily doubles them to spend at will.
- Maximum cost: 20 (30 if you are a Monster). Because of the dramatic level of this advantage, only that
Choose a Monster Power, requirements: character can continue the battle, unless the GM deems
- Max Gnosis: 15 (20 if you are a Monster). the situation warrants someone to assist or intervene in a
- Maximum Cost: 50 - Chosen Essential particular way. This advantage is only activated once per
Ability Cost (60 - Chosen Essential Ability game.
Cost if you are a Monster). Cost: 2
Cost: 1
Superior Natural Capability
Frenzy (Saiyan) The character has a natural facility in a certain
When the character's psyche is forced to the field, so his or her essential characteristics are enhanced
maximum, he enters a state of frenzy that makes him in that field.
lose his emotional stability completely, being able to Effect: The character doubles his or her characteristic
increase his combat ability at the cost of wanting to bonus on all Secondary Abilities in a given field. Does not make
destroy everything that crosses his path. any changes to the natural per-level bonus rule.
Effect: When the character finds himself in a certain Cost: 2
situation, he enters a state of frenzy in which he has no
control over his actions and only the reflex to kill everything
Definitive Attack (Alien)
he encounters prevails, without distinguishing friend from The character has a secret weapon, an
foe. In this state the character receives a +5 bonus to all ultimate attack with which he unleashes immense
actions per round, up to a maximum of +50; at the end of spiritual power.
the round in which he possesses the bonus in that amount, Effect: When making an attack or counterattack,
he has a shock that automatically renders him unconscious the character must declare if he wishes to make his
unless he passes a Psychic Resistance against Absurd. The Ultimate Attack. For this attack he cannot add Fatigue
character can resist the frenzied state with a coolness test points, nor perform any Ki Technique, nor be supported by
against Very Difficult (the GM can increase this difficulty if any spell. The character expels all his spiritual power to
appropriate), and each round he is in full frenzy, the make a final attack, receiving a bonus to the Attack and
difficulty is increased by an amount equal to the cumulative base Damage equal to twice his presence. The
bonus gained. Investing 1 additional point increases the characteristics of the attack are determined by the player,
bonus per turn to +10, with a maximum of though they are for interpretative purposes only. After the
+100. In this state the character temporarily recovers all attack is made, the character is automatically at -10 LP. The
his lost LP, but once the frenzy is over, that same amount is AT to resist depends on the description of the attack.
taken away from his remaining LP and he may die instantly. Investing an extra Creation point increases the presence
Limitation: This advantage is activated only at decisive multiple to three times.
moments, when due to a special circumstance the character's Cost: 2,3
stress level exceeds the limits. With which situations the (If you are an Alien, investing 2 points in this
character goes into a frenzy is determined by the character's advantage gives you the benefits of cost 3, so you can
background and the GM's considerations. only invest a maximum of 2 points in this advantage.)
Cost: 1, 2
(If you are Saiyan, investing 1 point in this
advantage gives you the benefits of cost 2, so you can
only invest a maximum of 1 point in this advantage.)

6 7 7
New Advantages / Disadvantages

Special Intuition Null Ki Exteriorization (Android)

The character's intuition is particularly acute,
allowing him to draw correct conclusions or ideas without The character has a natural ability to harness
actually having proof of them. even the smallest amount of his spiritual energy.
Effect: The scope of this advantage must be Effect: Instead of externalising his aura or part of
interpreted by the GM. Generally, a good way to make his spirit by accumulating Ki, the character harnesses every
this advantage work is to clue the player in on certain bit of his strength, not allowing it to escape from his body
themes or mysteries. even minimally. This allows him to not reduce his Ki
Cost: 1 Concealment by accumulating, as well as tripling the
accumulated Ki points required for each level of
Perfect Appearance externalisation as described on page 6 of Dominus Exxet.
The character's appearance is perfect, so much so that By harnessing even the smallest fragment of his energy,
wherever he goes, men and women alike turn their heads. the character reduces the cost of each technique he
Effect: The character automatically has Appearance 10. performs by 2 Ki points.
Cost: 1 Cost: 3
Eternal Youth (If you are Android, this advantage costs you 2 points).
As a result of a special event or magic, the Superior Martial Knowledge (Human)
character's life cycle has become linear and infinite, and The character possesses an incredible martial
therefore his body does not age naturally. knowledge, which makes him understand and master Ki
Effect: The character cannot die of natural causes, in an extraordinary way.
either from old age or disease. Conversely, anything lethal Effect: The character receives 25 points of MK per
that is not bacterial or viral can kill him normally, such as level. Investing an additional Creation point increases
any weapon, or even a fall. Supernatural effects that this bonus to 50,
increase age have temporary effects on the character, and Cost: 1, 2
supernatural diseases are still capable of killing him. (If you are Human, investing 1 point in this advantage gives
Cost: 1 you the benefits of cost 2, so you can only invest a
maximum of 1 point in this advantage.)
Great Orator
The character has a personal magnetism and a Supernatural Perception (Namekian)
way with words that makes him particularly adept at For some reason, the character is able to sense the
public speaking. mystical energy of the world, as well as unleashed spiritual
Effect: When making a speech, the character receives a power, even the presence of unnatural beings. The
+60 bonus to his Persuasion and Leadership skills. character does not understand how he is able to perceive
Cost: 1 it, but his very essence is shaken when he is close to these
Ki Captation Effect: The character is able to sense anything
The character is able to capture the dispersed supernatural, both magic, Ki and supernatural beings. He
spiritual energy in order to bring it into his own essence.
will not know where exactly they are, but he will sense the
Effect: The character can concentrate for a few presence of these forces in the environment. To avoid this
minutes to capture spiritual energy from the kind of detection, the difficulty of the test is set to Very
environment (from techniques performed or other Hard. Investing additional Creation points makes it more
events), and recharge their Ki reserves as the GM difficult to resist detection, the difficulty being Absurd and
sees fit. Nearly Impossible respectively.
Cost: 1 Cost: 1, 2, 3
(If you are Namekian, by investing 1 point in this
advantage you get the benefits of cost 2, so you can
only invest a maximum of 2 points in this advantage.)
Minor Ki Exteriorization (Android) Animal Companion
Thanks to his concentration and innate ability, the Thanks to the character's affinity with an animal,
character is able to accumulate energy without it leaving the animal has become his companion, and follows him
his body. unconditionally.
Effect: When the character accumulates Ki, his ability Effect: The character has an animal companion that
to conceal it is slightly improved, losing only 5 points of Ki follows him anywhere, no matter how dangerous the
Concealment for every 2 points of Ki accumulated. journey, it will always be there to protect him or fight
With the investment of an additional point, increase alongside him. The animal must be a natural, 0 Gnosis, but
the cumulative Ki points required for each level of can have a higher Nature if the GM deems it appropriate.
externalisation by 20, as described on page 6 of This advantage can be lost if the animal is abused by the
Dominus Exxet. character, or if the character is not interested in stopping
Cost: 1, 2 the abuser. If the animal should die, the character can
(If you are an Android, investing 1 point in this "befriend" another animal by passing an Animals Absurd
advantage gives you the benefits of cost 2, so you can check. The animal can level up, but receives half the
only invest a maximum of 1 point in this advantage.) experience of a player.

Cost: 1

6 7 8
New Advantages / Disadvantages
manifests itself in a strange and very damaging way for
the person.

Travelling Companion Benefit: 1

The character always has a travelling companion
who holds him in high esteem, and who would not
hesitate to fight with him in the face of adversity. Major Ki Exteriorisation
Effect: The character has a companion who follows The character can't help but externalise his Ki
him wherever he goes. As a rule it is a 0 level human being, when he accumulates it, as well as wasting it.
whose Nature will be determined by the GM as he sees fit. Effect: When the character accumulates Ki, he is
The companion has no malice towards the character, and simply not able to use his Ki Concealment ability after he
will try to help him as much as possible, although fear can has accumulated more than 5 points. Also, the character's
certainly play a trick on him. He/she can be your friend, aura becomes visible once he has accumulated as little as
apprentice, or whatever, as long as the bond is very close. 10 Ki points.
This advantage can be lost if the companion is mistreated Benefit: 1
by the character, or if the character is not interested in
stopping whoever is doing it to them. If the companion
Extreme Ki Exteriorisation
should die, the character is able to get another companion The character cannot prevent his spiritual energy
to meet him (as long as he is level 0), if he passes a from leaving his body when he begins to accumulate it.
Leadership or Persuasion roll at Absurd difficulty. It is up to Effect: The character cannot use his Ki
the player to tell the GM what his companion does, unless Concealment ability once he begins to accumulate or uses
the GM indicates that he will do something else in the one of his Ki Abilities. At the same time, his aura is visible
situation. The companion's level may increase, but he only when he starts to accumulate, even if he performs a
receives half experience points each game. technique that same round. Not being able to fully control
Cost: 2 the energy escaping from his body, the character loses 2
Ki points each time he executes a technique.
Professional Benefit: 2
The character is a professional in a certain field, so he
or she is a real expert in that branch. This is the case of a
Pitiful Defender
blacksmith, sailor, historian, lawyer, cook, etc.
Effect: The character receives a special +40 bonus The character is very bad at defending himself
in any Secondary Ability, due to his practice in the same. against various attacks.
Investing additional Creation points increases the bonus
to +70 and +90 respectively. Effect: The character's extra defence penalty
Cost: 1, 2, 3 increases by -30 per extra defence, with a maximum of -
Famous Familiar 120.
The character has a famous person in his family, which
makes him also recognisable, at least by his surname. Benefit: 1
Effect: The character possesses a relative with at
least 50 Fame points, so that he is associated with him by
his surname, traits, or because he was seen at his side. For
these reasons, in addition to the interpretative possibility, The character has a psychological disorder with
the GM can grant him up to 20 Fame points with this which they will have to cope throughout their lives.
advantage respectively. Effect: The character has one of the disorders
Cost: 1 described in the optional Mental Health rules on the
Director's Screen. Other possible disorders can be
agreed with the GM.
Benefit: 1

Because of his past experiences, the character Infamous Familiar
has nightmares that haunt him every night.
Effect: Each night, the character must roll 1d10, if The character has an infamous person in his
the result is 6 or higher, it means that he has not been able family, which makes him also somewhat rejected.
to sleep properly and for the whole of the next day he will
have 2 points less of maximum Fatigue. If you choose to Effect: The character possesses a familiar with at
get another Creation point from this disadvantage, a result least 50 points of Infamy Fame, so he is associated with it
of 10 also means that the character has not been able to because of his surname, traits, or because he was seen by
sleep all night, so he will have a -20 penalty to all actions as its side. For these reasons, in addition to the interpretive
indicated in Table 24, in Chapter 6 of the Basic Manual. possibility, the GM can grant him up to 20 Infamy points
Benefit: 1, 2
with this disadvantage.
First to Fall
No matter how hard he tries, in the most difficult Benefit: 1
fights it is always the character who falls first.
Effect: When indicated by the GM, within one of
the crucial combats of the campaign, in a maximum of
one per game, the character will receive a penalty of
20% extra damage per hit and will be the main target of
the enemy. This damage can have many explanations
beyond the characters' understanding, such as a special
spiritual presence or an existential significance that

6 7 9
New Rules / Changes

Rules Changes
Ki Recovery: * Each level after the first, the following are
received 200DP instead of 100DP.
There are two ways to recover Ki:
* Dodge and Block are unified and renamed
 6 Ki points are recovered every 10
DEFENCE, so all references to Dodge or block become
minutes, only if the power is reduced to 10%. DEFENCE and are considered for the purposes of tables,
 After a long rest (8 hours) all Ki points are bonuses and penalties to be Dodge. Therefore, its bonus is
recovered. AGILITY.
Ki Healing: * A character can act even if he has taken damage
A character heals for 1 life per point of Ki that turn, he receives a cumulative penalty for that turn
invested up to a maximum per turn equal to his of - 10 for every 5 damage taken that turn.
* Advantages Eliminated:
accumulation (if he has the Ki Healing ability) or double
- All advantages related to the GIFT.
his accumulation (if he has the Superior Ki Healing ability).
- All the advantages related to MATRICES.
Ki Detection: - All advantages removed by Anima Studio due
This ability is defined by: to imbalance, such as Fast Movement.
[Martial Knowledge / 4 + Notice / 2]. * Disadvantages Eliminated:
- All the disadvantages related to the GIFT.
Ki Concealment: - All disadvantages related to MATRICES.
This ability is defined by: * Martial Master Advantage gives a benefit of
[Martial Knowledge / 4 + Hide / 2]. 50, 100 or 150 MK depending on the points invested.
Removed Martial Arts: * Ki accumulation is also unified into a single
The following martial arts have been removed: accumulation. Therefore the effects of Ki Techniques
  do not take into account which characteristic the
  effect belongs to.
* A character cannot always be at 100% of his
 
MALLA-YUDHA accumulations, as that would be a great drain on the
 
SAMBO character himself. For that, the character must reduce his
  power while not fighting to 10%. In that state he recovers
  Ki as described in the Ki Recovery rules.
  By reducing their accumulations to 10% all bonuses
 
gained from training are removed until the character
 
reaches at least 50% of their potential.
EMP The character being at more than 10% of his
 
MELKAIAH potential loses as many Ki points each turn as described
 
ENUTH in the table below.
Each character can move to the next higher "state"
Removed Ki Effects: of their potential by spending 1 active action to do so.
Reducing status is a passive action, so a
The following effects for techniques have been deleted: character can go from 100% to 10% in the same turn.
  The statuses are as follows: 10%, 25%, 50%, 75%.
Predetermined Attack
 and 100%.
Block/ Complete Block / Limited
Each time he reaches a new state his accumulations
temporarily increase for 5 turns, due

to the fact that he has awakened some of his potential.
  If for some reason, the character is forced to
Predetermined Defense
 passively move to a higher state (due to a surprise
Damage Replacement
 / Real Damage
 attack or something similar), the character loses 4 times
the amount he should lose in that state for 5 turns ,
  plus his accumulations do not temporarily increase.
 
 
Mark Accumulations
State Loss of Ki per Turn

6 8 0
Ki Techniques
System Technique Improvement
The creation of Ki Techniques follows the same Improvement by two techniques of the same level:
Any time the character has 2 techniques of the same
system as in Anima, except for the following points:
level he can decide to upgrade one of those techniques.
- New costs in Ki Techniques: To do this, choose the technique you wish to improve,
o Level 1: MK min. 20, max. 75
reduce the Ki and MK cost by half (rounded down) and add the
o Level 2: MK min. 40, max. 150 desired effects as if it were a new Ki technique.
o Level 3: MK min. 80, max. 300 The character is obliged to choose a number of new
o Minor Sustaining Cost: effects equal to or greater than the original technique, i.e. if
 
Level 1 : 20MK the original technique to be improved has 3 effects, the
  character must choose 3 or more effects when improving it.
Level 2 : 35MK
  From now on, the character will be able to perform
Level 3 : 50MK
o Major Sustaining Cost: the 2 versions of the technique, the normal and the
  improved one.
Level 1 : 35MK
  Example: Goku has 2 Level 2 Techniques at his disposal. Goku
Level 2 : 55MK
decides to upgrade his Level 2 Kamehameha; which has a Ki cost
 
Level 3 : 75MK of 30 and a MK of 80. The chosen technique has 4 effects, so
o The Minor Sustaining cost in the Ki Gokuh must choose 4 or more additional new effects. He then
Techniques is as described in the adds up the total of the effects, leaving a new Technique, the level
Maintenance column. 2 Super Kamehameha, costing 40 Ki and 120 MK.
o The Major Sustaining cost is described in
the Minor Sustaining column. Improvement by Transformation:
- All costs of effects is considered to be Primary. Any time the character gains a transformation level,
- There is no maintenance, only Sustaining. he must decide which technique he associates with that
transformation. The maximum level of the technique is
- Ki disadvantage: Specialised Attack is removed.
determined by the Transformation. It is not possible to
- When performing a technique, a primary effect
associate an improved technique with a transformation.
must also be chosen that will be propagated
Once the technique is chosen, the same steps are
by the other techniques.
performed as in Upgrading by 2 techniques of the same
- For each additional effect that spreads from a
level; the Ki and MK cost is halved (rounded down) and
previous technique to a new one, the total cost of the desired effects are added, with the subtle difference
the technique is reduced by 2 Ki points and 5
that the added effects do not increase the cost of the
MK; up to a maximum reduction of one quarter of
technique (already halved).
the technique's total value (rounded down). The only maximum to the added effects is that the
- For every 2 techniques of the same level, you sum of the free added costs cannot exceed the total of
can improve one of those techniques, and for
the original technique (both Ki and MK).
every level of transformation acquired, you can From now on, when he is transformed to that level
improve 1 special technique, as a characteristic or higher, he will be able to perform this more powerful
feature of that transformation. (see section on version of the technique.
improving techniques) Example: Gohan has reached Transformation level 2. Gohan
- An improved technique cannot be improved again decides to upgrade his level 2 Super Kamehame; which has a Ki
except for special conditions at GM’s discretion. cost of 40 and a MK of 120. He halves its cost, leaving 20 Ki
- New effect tables: and 60 MK. He then adds several effects where the sum total of
o Accumulate Attack: You power up your the effects does not exceed 20 Ki and 60 MK. Gohan already has
Technique, while concentrating on it. It his Super Kamehame V2 when he is at Transformation level 2 or
works in the same way as the monster higher.
power of the same name. Note: It is assumed that although the 2 techniques in the example
o Vital Sacrifice: You sacrifice HP before, have the same name, the "Super Kamehameha", they do not refer
during or after your technique is to the same technique, as it is not possible to improve a
performed. This allows you to reduce its technique, and then improve it a g a i n either by transformation
cost in both Ki and MK. or by the other method.

6 8 1
New Ars Magnus
Kaioh-Ken (100MK)
Prerequisite: Character must have trained with • To maintain the technique, a life
Kaito. sacrifice equal to the Kaioh-ken Multiplier
must be made each TURN.
Rules: • At the end of the technique, you receive a
• Effects cannot stack with Ki Techniques, Ars penalty to any action equal to DOUBLE the bonus
Magnus, or Ki Abilities: to any action you have taken.
For example, if with Kaioh-ken x1 we get a bonus to every Gokuh performs Kaioh-ken x3, he gets a bonus to all
action of +5 (5 attack, 5 defence, 5 Initiative), and we execute a actions of +15 (in addition to the other benefits). Each turn he
Ki technique that gives us +30 to Initiative, we keep the highest wishes to maintain the technique he must sacrifice 3 health
one, which in this case is the +30 that comes from the technique; points. At the end of the technique, he will receive a penalty to
therefore we would have +5 Attack, +5 Defence and +30 to all action equal to 30.

You get the following benefits

• Cannot be executed when transformed depending on the level (multiplier) chosen:
(except in special cases, at the GM's discretion).
• Ki cost is multiplier x3.
Ten shin han has learned the Kaioh-ken, and wants to perform
a Kaioh-ken x10. Ten shin han must accumulate 30 (3 x 10) ki
points to perform it.

6 8 2
Annex III
Jigoku No Kami
Official Sheet by Anima
Jigoku No Kami
The Dark Kami
Be that as it may, the half-breed Kami was originally raised in
the Narakugati until, at a very young age, his uncle Taiyonohikari
demanded his presence in the heavenly court of the Ten-gati. The
God of Sun and Light felt that, however despicable his lineage, his
younger brother’s son did not belong in the Naraku. Amused by the
Level: 14 Category: Spirit, 35
great god’s proposal, the Oni queen struck a deal with Taiyonohikari,
Life Points: 355
whereby her son would spend a year in the Tengati and a year in the
Class: Warrior Summoner
Naraku until he came of age, at which point he would have to decide
Str: 13 Dex: 11 Agi: 11 Con: 9 (Spe) Pow: 16 Int: 12 Wp: 16 Per: 6
which of the two realms he truly belonged to.
PhR 150 MR 150 PsR 150 VR 150 DR 150
Used to being among aberrations, for Jigoku no Kami living in
Initiative: 150 Natural the Ten-gati was an amazing, almost dreamlike experience. During
Attack Ability: 290 Existential Claws / Spectral Hair this period, he developed an inordinate pride as the son of one of
Defense Ability: 290 Dodge the great deities and protégé of another, while learning to detest
Damage: 115 Existential Claws (COL / CUT) / 50 Spectral Hair (ENE) the way he was regarded by many lesser Kami (which he blamed
AT: Natural CUT 4 IMP 4 THR 4 HEAT 4 ELE 4 COL 4 ENE 3 on jealousy). Such was his obsession with the heavenly court and
his love for it, that when the time came to decide which world he
Ki Accumulations: Str 3 Dex 2 Agi 2 Con 1 Pow 4 Wp 4 belonged to, he never even considered it.
Ki: Str 16 Dex 12 Agi 12 Con 9 Pow 22 Wp 22 Generic: 93 As an adult he spent several decades in the Ten-gati as the heir
Ki Abilities: Use of Nemesis, Armor of Emptiness, Noht, Ki to a great deity, tending to celestial affairs with a mixture of true
Cancellation, Greater Ki Cancellation, Body of Emptiness, Movement talent and dubious morality (the Kami have never been known to
of Emptiness, Essence of Emptiness, One with the Nothing be particularly benevolent, but Jigoku was unbearably cruel and
monstrous even by their worst standards). So while he had his
MA: 100 admirers, most deities disliked his presence there.
Zeon: 1.395 Jigoku’s fall at court would begin years later, with the arrival of
Tsukiyomi at Naraku. In a matter of days the Black Moon Goddess
Magic Levels: 70 Darkness (70 Sin), 30 Illusion (30 Nobility)
destroyed the infernal defenses and raised an army of darkness the
Magic Projection: 20
likes of which Samsara had never seen. The Oni queen, by virtue of
Summon: 300 Control: 260 the pact she had made with Taiyonohikari years before, sought the
Bind: 280 Banish: 110 Ten-gati’s aid by contacting the heavenly court through the mystical
bond that bound her to her son. But Jigoku completely ignored his
Invocations: Eir (The First Valkyrie), Hermod (The Messenger of mother’s request, disgusted by the possibility that he would be linked
the Gods), Ethelthryth (Lady of Names), Thanathos, Seiryu (The to the Naraku even further (or what he saw as a far worse possibility,
Sky Dragon), The Fool, The Death Reversed, The Star Reversed, that he would be forced back there and not be able to return). The
The Sun Reversed, The Devil, The Emperor, Ohohirume-no-Muchi three-day delay caused by Jigoku’s refusal to notify his uncle and the
(The Black Sun) other deities was all it took for Tsukiyomi to seize control of hell.
Thus, the heavenly court gained a monstrous new enemy in the Black
Essential Abilities: The Gift, Supernatural Physical Characteristics, Moon Goddess, as Jigoku began to fall ill. Though he himself did not
Divine Spiritual Characteristics, Divine Spirit, Kami, Without Eyes, know it, his essence was bound to the Naraku-gati; for that was his true
Divine Sorcerer, Avatar, Inhumanity, Zen, Huhuva’s Prisoner territory. His mother had kept that bond active, for as demonic as she
Powers: Existential Claws, Divine Armor, Spectral Hair, Divine was, she had always secretly loved her son no matter which world he
Puppets, Nemesis chose. Having been cut off, the infernal Kami could not survive long.
Understanding the reason for his decline, Jigoku attempted to
Size: 22 Regeneration: 9
mobilize the heavenly court against the Black Moon Goddess even
Movement Value: 11 (16) Fatigue: 9 (Special)
if at this time, with Tsukiyomi now fully bound to hell, the conflict
Secondary Abilities: Ride 105, Composure 125, Withstand Pain would represent an unaffordable cost to the heavenly court.
105, Notice 110, Search 110, History 145, Memorize 105, Occult Jigoku’s actions would have remained completely secret but for the
195, Magic Appraisal 105, Style 105, Intimidate 115, Leadership 145, fact that, in desperation, he used his own blood to summon his father
Persuasion 165 and Art 55. to the heavenly court. Karasu No Yoru’s arrival at the Ten-gati would
Note: Values in cursive in Jigoku’s secondary abilities represent the ones mark his doom, for the great Kami knew how he ignored his mother’s
in which he has received a special bonus for longevity. call, leaving her to die and betraying the pact that bound the court
itself. Exposed before all, in desperation the Infernal Kami attacked
Jigoku no Kami, the oriental god of hell, is one of the legendary his father with the aim of replacing him, but in his weakened state the
beings of Varja, a divine monster who was cast out of the divine confrontation could not even be considered “combat”. Crushed and
court and eventually became one of Samael’s greatest Fallen Angels. shattered at his feet, the deity prepared to destroy him. But despite
Its origins are widely known, as Jigoku himself has always made the Kotoamatsukami’s anger, Jigoku was still his son and he had loved
sure to shout it from the rooftops. his mother in the past. So instead of executing him, he held his hand
The Infernal Kami is the first-born son of Karasu No Yoru, the and cast the dying god into an existential prison, a world forged from
most enigmatic of all the Kotoamatsukami, and an Oni queen who the last fragments of the Naraku. Cursed and shattered, this was the
ruled over the Naraku-gati and whose name was lost centuries ago. birth of the one to be known as Jigoku, the Dark Kami, the Lord of the
According to legend, when he was born his father was disgusted Black Sun who would eventually join the leadership of Samael.
by him and left his side forever. Whether Karasu No Yoru was a While conceptually Jigoku no Kami is the most powerful of
monster who was ashamed of his son’s appearance or simply saw all the Fallen Angels (in fact, in his prime only Legion Ramses or
what was harbored within the little boy’s essence is something only unchained Dinah could rival him), his capabilities in the world are
the Lord of Moon and Darkness will ever know. greatly restricted. Only in his domain of Huhuva can he externalize
his divine nature and act in full power. Beyond that he is forced to act
through hosts or essence-containers, which makes him unspeakably

0 0 1
0 0 2
weaker; his earthly manifestations are so limited that he is generally After his fall, he spent several centuries creating a new network
regarded as one of the Fallen Angels with the least personal power. of influence around Huhuva, and sought revenge on the Ten-gati.
Jigoku no Kami has a rather monstrous appearance. Although he Unable to act directly, he created internal instability by fomenting
is basically humanoid, his form more closely resembles a stylised Oni palace insidiousness, manipulated deities into confrontation, and
filled with blue chitinous plates that give it an even more demonic even orchestrated the assassination of several Kami. Gradually, he
appearance. However, its two most striking features are firstly that became a heavy shadow to the divine court, one that, while not as
it lacks eyes in a traditional way, possessing only one located in the direct a threat as the Eternal War with Yagarema, at times did as
center of its neck, and secondly that it has a spectral mane that floats much or more damage than the Insidious Kami.
around it as if it were a huge pyre of souls. However, after the activation of the Machine of Rah, most of
The truth is that Jigoku detests his real form, as he has always wished his ties to the Ten-gati were destroyed, and as he slowly tried to
to be exceptionally beautiful and sinuous like the noblest Kami of the Ten- rebuild them, the deity found in Samael an entertainment that
gati. The deity considers his similarities to an Oni a curse and prefers to would become his new obsession, as he enjoys himself within the
hide his true appearance. For this reason he always communicates with organization more than he ever has before.
others unseen, either by using mortal bodies as hosts for his essence Currently, Jigoku is part of the more radical faction of the Fallen
or, if he has visitors in Huhuva, by speaking through a paper screen on Angels that actively seeks the revival of the supernatural and the
which an exceptionally beautiful shadow is drawn. downfall of mankind. However, clever and manipulative as he is, he
Jigoku no Kami’s personality, like his very being, is full of is in no hurry to do so, preferring to see how things progress in these
contradictions. In keeping with his almost demonic nature, he unstable times before making a move that might be detrimental to
is cruel, egomaniacal and almost purely perverse, yet he has the fun times he enjoys in the organization.
an incredible capacity for passion, mercy and bravery. He is also
enormously possessive, so much so that he becomes overly MODUS OPERANDI
obsessed with everything he considers to be rightfully his. Although
he is sometimes self-centered and belittles his rivals, Jigoku is an Jigoku No Kami is a contradictory entity in combat, as he
exceptionally intelligent entity, capable of devising highly effective is intelligent, careful, but at the same time very impulsive and
and devious plans. egomaniacal. The Lord of the Black Sun prefers to act through
One of his most common characteristics is that he tends, very agents and servants, as a “deity of the highest celestial rank” would
occasionally, to fall madly in love with a woman who, for whatever do, but has no qualms about acting personally from time to time,
reason, he considers “special”. From that moment on, the Kami will whether out of necessity, to keep fit, or just for entertainment.
do anything to make her respond to his feelings. As a “positive” When he fights through avatars he tends to be more impulsive and
thing for a monster like him, he never actually forces a woman to daring because, although he always prefers to keep the bodies of his
love him in a violent or supernatural way (partly because Jigoku’s servants in perfect condition (and because, deep down, he hates the
feelings for her are genuine and partly because the god would see idea of losing in any way), in the end it poses no real danger to himself.
that as an absolute failure to his ego), but he is capable of lying, The Infernal Kami combines the use of summoned beings,
murder or any other Machiavellian act to win her love. Ironically, invocations and spells with great mastery, knowing with an
once he has achieved his goal he soon tires of her, and in a few years experience that only a combination of age and instinct can give him
he abandons her and starts over. His current target is a Shinigami in what to do at any given moment.
his care, whom he desires greatly for the fact that, despite having When he is sure he is going to win he likes to play with his “prey”,
seen him physically, she did not feel the slightest bit of fear, disgust and one of his favorite pastimes is to trap them in his hair and make
or dislike towards him. them fight each other for his own amusement.
Jigoku likes to imitate everything related to the divine court and Jigoku also has at his disposal a wealth of supernatural artifacts
behaves as an emperor would. This is reflected in the way he speaks, that his followers have given him over the centuries, but by far his
his mannerisms and the way he dresses or decorates everything favorite of these is the Khakkhara staff, an artifact of power that once
around him. He treats the other Fallen Angels as allied “kings” from belonged to his mother. He also carries several Zeon containers in a
other lands with whom he rubs shoulders. variety of shapes and capacities.
His original motives for joining Samael are due to an act of utter
egomania; he presented himself as the “savior” and “representative” Divine Spirit: Jigoku no Kami is a divine spiritual being that can’t
of all supernatural creatures of Eastern origin that were being hunted be perceived by those unable to see spirits, and he can’t be damaged
and destroyed outside Varja. He therefore treats these beings as his by means unable to affect spiritual beings. At will, he can become
“subjects” and, as such, “cares” for them and their safety. Indeed, completely solid and visible to anyone, but even then he maintains his
knowing the legend of Jigoku no Kami, most of these “subjects” invulnerability to conventional attacks.
were not initially thrilled with the news, but for many, the support of Kami: As all Kami, Jigoku isn’t a physical entity, but he has a natural
a deity in such a time of need seemed hard to refuse. Even so, over “body” equivalent that allows him to use Ki abilities and use Fatigue
time Jigoku has learned to take this work very seriously and even points in his physical actions as if he had an equivalent Constitution
to enjoy his role as a Fallen Angel immensely, as he loves everything attribute. Due to his nature, Jigoku doesn’t age and is considered an
about his “job”. He enjoys rubbing shoulders with beings of great immortal being that can perform Inhuman and Zen actions.
power, giving himself airs of superiority before them (something he Existential Claws: Jigoku uses his claws in combat with huge efficacy,
frequently does with the other Fallen Angels), feeling the gratitude ripping his enemies both physically and existentially. Due to this, he
(almost vassalage) of those he protects or creating elaborate plans applies a damage bonus to them (already applied in his stats), can damage
and strategies to win what he considers a shadow war... And if he energy, damages in Cold AT and reduces all AT by 2. Additionally, when
has an excuse to kill a few human beings, whom he is not particularly ripping through existence, his attacks can reach enemies at a distance of
fond of, all the better. 10 meters (even though they are still considered melee attacks) and are
In the past, Jigoku no Kami’s dream was to master the Naraku- considered Enormous when performing area attacks, hitting up to 10
gati, something he considered his by right, and unify it into the human-sized targets per attack
divine court, which would confer upon him the status of high Divine Armor: Jigoku’s natural body is covered by chitinous plates
nobility comparable only to the Kotoamatsukami. For him, it was his that grant him an Armor Type 4 vs all types of attacks except against
birthright as a half-breed between Kami and Oni. Energy, where he has AT 3.

0 0 3
Without Eyes: Even though he lacks conventional eyes, Jigoku Divine Puppets: Jigoku can spend 50 points of Zeon to completely
has an extrasensorial vision that allows him to see the world at an control someone who has been trapped under the influence of his
existential level. Thus, he perceives his surroundings perfectly and Spectral Hair. Generally, the Kami uses his prisoners to fight between
applies a +40 MR bonus versus visual Illusory effects. them or against others for his amusement. This ability only allows him
Spectral Hair: Jigoku’s mane is made up of hundreds of thousands to control a person’s body, not their will, so his victims will use their full
of spectral threads which the Kami uses efficiently in combat. Instead combat abilities but not Ki, psychic powers or spells.
of attacking with his claws as usual, Jigoku can attack with his spectral Someone forced by Jigoku as his Divine Puppet can pass an MR 140
hair to grapple the souls of his enemies and paralyze them, as if they check to free themselves from the Kami’s control after each turn they
had been caught in a dark spider’s web. Any being that is damaged are controlled.
by the hair must pass an MR check or be paralyzed for a number of Nemesis: Thanks to his dominion over Nemesis, Jigoku reduces
turns equivalent to the level of failure. This ability can be used against a the base damage of all attacks he suffers by 30, can reduce all Ki
single opponent or against many of them (it can reach up to 20 meters Accumulations by 4, can move at 16 speed and ignores all kinds of
around the Kami) and, even if Jigoku’s offensive ability is the same, the critical hits and penalties.
MR check differs: 140 MR if used against a single opponent or 120 if Huhuva’s Prisoner: Jigoku’s own essence is tied to Huhuva, which
used against multiple. Due to this attack’s nature, those unable to see prevents him from leaving his “domain”. All attributes and powers
spirits suffer from Blindness in their defense, even if Jigoku is physically that appear in his stats are only available while he is inside, since
visible at that moment. it’s physically impossible to get him out of there. In fact, despite his
Divine Sorcerer: The Infernal Kami possesses the Gift, Unspoken Gnosis, it’s completely impossible for him to create avatars, so he
Casting and Gestureless Casting abilities. can only act by possessing bodies that exist outside of the Huhuva.

I n f e r n a l A vata r
Jigoku has the ability to possess physical bodies which he uses This possession is also temporary, until either a full lunar cycle passes
as temporary avatars. By doing so, the guest becomes some sort (usually 28 days) or Jigoku wishes to “return” to his true body.
of avatar for the infernal Kami, as he gives them some of his divine Whether voluntarily or forced, whenever possible Jigoku
essence and powers. Jigoku cannot possess any body; there are will choose individuals or creatures with a noble or spectacular
only two cases in which this is possible. appearance as avatars (which does not mean that they necessarily
have human form), although more than a limitation of their power,
-Voluntarily: The individual voluntarily wishes to become Jigoku’s it is a habit based on his personal tastes. In addition, the truth is
infernal avatar. In these cases there cannot be any kind of supernatural that every time he takes possession of someone, the Kami closes
suggestion and they can’t be coerced into accepting; the host needs his eyelids at all times. This is because, lacking eyes in his true
to wish of his own free will to form a pact with Jigoku and give up form, he has a habit of trying to see the world solely through his
their body as an avatar. Usually the Kami and his future avatar have supernatural senses, finding the “conventional” vision of mortals
come into contact beforehand and have reached certain agreements in annoying.
exchange for the infernal Kami being able to use the body. Anyone can perform the rituals, but usually Kamo No Shigurayaki,
The process itself requires the host to be part of a fairly complex the Infernal Onmyôji, is the one who prepares the rituals for his
ritual (to prepare it is necessary to spend 100 points of Zeon and lord.
pass a 240 Occult check, although it isn’t mandatory for the host If the body in which Jigoku’s essence resides is destroyed while
to perform it, only to be present where it is performed) which will containing it, the Infernal Kami immediately returns to its true form,
establish a connection between the two. but cannot assume a new avatar for a month and suffers a -40 penalty
This possession creates a mixed identity between Jigoku and his host, to any actions taken, recovering at a rate of 5 points per day.
where the infernal Kami is the primary one but doesn’t take complete
control of the body, exhibiting knowledge and details of the possessed Avatar abilities
subject’s identity. This possession is also temporary, until either a week When Jigoku takes possession of a body he uses the stats of its host,
passes, or Jigoku wishes to “return” to his true body. albeit granting them certain unique bonuses and powers.
-Forcibly: Even if Jigoku can’t force someone to be his host First of all, the avatar receives a special bonus of +2 to its physical
against their will from Huhuva, it is possible for his servants and attributes and a +3 to its mental and spiritual ones, as long as these do
followers to prepare someone to be a forced host of his essence. not exceed those of the Kami itself (that is, a body that by itself had 15
For this to happen, they must carry out a long and costly ritual Power it would only increase its attribute up to 16). Likewise, he can
that involves holding their victim in position for several hours and either substitute any summoning or combat skill for 200 or grant a
tattooing their body with Jigoku’s name and mark. This process , +40 bonus to the one his host already had, as long as this bonus is not
which can take over twelve hours and requires the intervention of greater than the Kami’s actual skill.
at least eight people chanting Jigoku’s name at all times, requires Regarding the secondary abilities, Jigoku can use his own or those of
spending 400 points of Zeon and passing a 240 Occult check. the body at will, although in the event that his host has been forced, he
At the end of the ritual, the future avatar can avoid the possession will not be able to use any that carry knowledge based on memories
by passing a MR or PsR 180 check, in which case, Jigoku will have (such as history, Medicine...).
failed to take control of the body and the process will have to start Finally, Jigoku maintains the powers of No Eyes, Spectral Hairs
all over again. Someone who has managed to resist possession at and Divine Puppets (although he reduces the difficulty of the MRs to
least once in the past can apply a +40 bonus to any subsequent overcome by 20 points), as well as grants the Gift to his host. They can
checks made to avoid it again. use his Magic paths, but each path is reduced by 20 levels.
A being forcibly possessed by Jigoku almost completely loses
their personality, and while Jigoku can still use the body’s abilities
and capacities, he does not have access to their memories.

0 0 4
H u v u va
Jigoku No Kami “resides” in the infernal palace of Huhuva,
a pocket dimension that exists in a space of The Wake. It is not
properly part of Samsara, but it is situated in its outer stratum, right
in that obscure space where its layers disappear and intermingle
with the conventional Wake. That is his place of power, the core of
his existence where he reigns supreme and from which he feeds to
maintain his divine energies. Thus, it would perhaps even be plausible
to consider him a kind of unconventional Nightmare Lord, given that
the Huhuva is a space charged with darkness and his direct source
of power. However, he differs from other Lords in that it is not the
dark feelings that reside there that give him power, but the location
itself. For the Infernal Kami, this palace is as much an extension of
him as it is a part of his being, just as Varja Island is for Amaterasu.
But the truth is that Huhuva, more than Jigoku no Kami’s
“residence”, is also a kind of prison. The bonds imposed by Karasu
no Yoru existentially bound him there, making it impossible for him
to exist as such anywhere else. It is not a kind of seal that can be
broken, something that if “opened” would allow Jigoku to break
free; the essence of the Kami is one with Huhuva and it is virtually
impossible for him to “physically” move to another location as other
eastern deities do, not even through avatars. That is why it is so
common for him to use possessed bodies, for they are ultimately his
only possibility to act beyond the boundaries of his domain.
Huhuva looks like an oriental palace of infinite rooms where
space and the rules of existence function in an unconventional way.
It is generally dimly lit and somewhat macabre, but the truth is that,
very much in the style of Jigoku No Kami, everything there has an
exceptionally luxurious and noble appearance that tries to simulate
a dark version of the divine palace of Ten-gati where it once resided
with Taiyonohikari. Theoretically, it is not possible to go outside the
building, although through its windows one can only see an immense
eternal storm and a dark, reddish horizon illuminated only by
hundreds of lightning bolts and flashes of lightning.
The fortress is filled with the Kami’s followers, including
Shinigami, Oni and creatures of various nature and origin. Most of
them are blind or walk blindfolded (something their master demands
of them so that they can never see him for what he is), so they
possess extrasensory perception or supernatural senses that allow
them to act normally without seeing. Only a few close to Jigoku
no Kami, either because of their closeness to him or their need to
preserve their sight, can be in Huhuva without this limitation.
There are several supernatural Toris leading into Huhuva that
Jigoku no Kami uses to receive visitors or send his agents into the
real world.

0 0 5
Difficulty: 360 Cost: 700
Khakkhara (Quarterstaff) Attack Ability: 320 Defense Ability: N/A
An ancient staff of power that once belonged to the queen of hell Action: Active
and into which she introduced the essence of thousands of demons. Effect: When activated, Ohorurume-No-Michi manifests at a
As an object linked to the Naraku-gati, it is an object of immense location of the summoner’s choice no more than 500 meters from
power in the hands of Jigoku. Visually, it is a long black metal rod their position. At the start of the round following its appearance, it
furbished with oriental decorative rings made of jade and white steel causes a deflagration of dark power with a radius of 50 meters (+5
that, when viewed closely, twist like a living being. additional meters for each point by which the required difficulty is
exceeded up to a maximum of 500 meters) and a base damage of
Quality: Khakkhara is considered a +20 Quality Quarterstaff 250 points that attacks in ENErgy. Dakusan makes a single attack roll,
capable of damaging the supernatural. but it reduces its ability by 80 points against targets beyond half its
Magic Enhancer (Notion of Use 2): The ringed staff grants a area. It is not possible to designate targets in the area, but the attack
special +20 bonus to its wielder’s Magical Accumulation when using does not affect the caster.
spells of Destruction, Darkness, Sin, Necromancy, and Chaos. Duration: Instantaneous.
Demon Dominator (Notion of Use 4): Khakkhara has the Description: Ohorurume-No-Michi manifests in his archaic form
ability to bend any entity bound to the Naraku-gati that hears its and begins to briefly build up energy before bursting into black
wielder’s voice to his will. Upon a direct command, one of these flames.
beings must pass an MR check against 160 or it will be forced to
carry out the command received (though it may apply a +40 bonus
to its roll if the command is very much against its nature). Trivia
Bound (Notion of Use 4): The staff floats around its owner and
grants him its powers as if it were directly in contact with his body.
Since it is a weapon bound to Naraku, only Jigoku No Kami can use -Jigoku no Kami’s symbol is a Black Sun, a perverted version of
it while he is still alive. his uncle Taiyonohikari’s seal. The Infernal Kami uses it on practically
everything that has to do with him.
INVOCATIONS -Jigoku, further imitating the divine court, has five generals under
him who are also his most trusted agents; Uragaki Sinuous Death
Ohohirume-no-Muchi, The Dark Sun (Greater Shinigami), Amijima The Pale (Greater Shinigami), Mezu
Ohorurume-No-Michi is how the dark sun that shines in the skies The Red Horse (Greater Oni), Gozu The Blue Ox (Greater Oni),
of the Naraku is known. After centuries and centuries of worship by and Kamo No Shigurayaki the Infernal Onmyôji (Human).
the Oni, the massification of energy gained enough existential power -Though he couldn’t be more wrong, Jigoku thinks Malekith is
to become an entity that answers the call of its followers as a force actually his father, who is secretly trying to spread his influence
from beyond. outside of Varja. And there’s no way to convince him otherwise...
-He has an excellent relationship with the Dhanyata family, and
Pact: Ohorurume-No-Michi only responds to the pacts of those over the years has used many of its members as willing avatars
beings with a strong attachment to the Naraku-gati or its most to walk within the world. He has recently changed to Covel not
powerful denizens. Since it has no consciousness as such, the binding because he is more powerful, but because he believes his physical
pact is signed directly if the summoner proves to be existentially beauty is more appropriate for him.
eligible (though for the entity, few are). -He is passionate about art; not only does he collect it, but he has
Usual appearance: Appears as a kind of dark eye surrounded sometimes visited human museums and secretly patronized them. If
by black flames. The most characteristic aspect of its appearance is he can help it, he will never harm a talented artist.
that it resembles a traditional painting of Varja in motion. -He especially enjoys torture; not by doing it himself, but by
Initial Summoning Difficulty: 320 contemplating it. The more cruel, aberrant and merciless it is,
Initial cost: 600 the better. For him, it is another art form. However, he does not
advocate torturing without reason, only in necessary cases, another
Kuroi Hono example of his unusual dualities.
Difficulty: 300 Cost: 500 -For the Onmyôji of Varja, Jigoku no Kami is the weakest of
Attack Ability: N/A Defense Ability: N/A the Shidai Tennô or Four Heavenly Kings, the title by which the
Action: Passive. monstrosities that pose the greatest danger to the divine order are
Effect: The Dark Sun enchants a 100m zone around the known.
summoner that remains static where it was cast. Any creature bound -Theoretically at least, if he could get to the heart of the Naraku-
to the Naraku-gati gains a +20 bonus to all actions and a +1 to all gati and break Tsukiyomi’s hold on it, Jigoku’s powers could possibly
attributes, while all other creatures must pass an MR check against increase enormously (he is, after all, the god of hell). However, this
160 at the end of each round or suffer damage equal to the level of is highly unlikely, if not impossible, as he hates Naraku-gati, there is
failure. The condition for this to happen is to merely be inside the no known way for him to leave Huhuva, and he could never defeat
zone, even if flying over or traveling underneath it. Tsukiyomi.
Duration: One round for each point by which the required -Although he has owned Khakkhara for over a thousand years and
difficulty was exceeded. has often used it in combat, he has never learned to fight directly
Description: The dark sun appears in the sky casting a beam with it, believing that someone of his rank should not stoop to using
of light that scorches the earth and turns it withered. From that such an ignoble weapon as a staff.
moment on, strange black flames that seem to be hand-painted -He has long been on good terms with his cousin Yukari Nozuel,
(they are very similar to a traditional Varja drawing) start to burn whom he has sheltered on more than one occasion by hiding her
everything inside, giving everything an unreal aspect. from her mother and other pursuers.

0 0 6
And so, The First Chronicle
comes to an end

Thank you, and see you next

time, somewhere beyond the
Suppliers: Factions at war:

The End

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