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Academic Year Subject Name Section Date

2019–2020 Final Term English Y3 – ____ ___ /__ /____

Unit 7 Playscript

Read the extract from the story carefully and write a play script with a
suitable title.

Red riding hood

Once upon a time there lived a little girl, Red Riding Hood, with her mother. She used to
visit her grandma who was very old and ill. Here is the extract from the story:

One fine day, in the kitchen, her mother was packing a basket on the kitchen table while Red
Riding Hood puts on her cape.

Her mother said firmly, “Be sure to carry the basket carefully so as not to damage the cakes.”

“Of course mother, they are so prettily decorated. I wouldn’t want to spoil them,” she replied

“You know the way?” asked her mother.

“Yes, mother I know the way,” she replied.

Giving basket to Red Riding Hood and kissing her, the mother instructed, “Be careful, and
don’t talk to any strangers.”

“No mother. I’ll keep to the path,” said Red Riding Hood.

Red Riding Hood with hand on door handle, “I’ll be back before you know it. Bye!”

“Bye love! Take care!” Mother said, quietly to self.

Using the text form the story “Red Riding Hood”, write a playscript on the given

Your play script must include the following:

 Title
 Scene setting
 Characters
 Narrator
 Dialogues
 Stage directions

What is the name of your play? (Title)

Who are the characters?

Where is your scene set? (Scene Setting)

What happens in your play? (Dialogues and stage direction)

Play Script Features Me
My play has a title.
I have listed the characters at the beginning
I have introduced and described the scene (when/where).
Characters’ names are written on the left
Characters’ names have a colon after them
I have started a new line for every new speaker.
My stage directions are in brackets [ ] / ( )
My stage directions are written in the present tense
I have stage directions for how the actors must speak
I have stage directions for how the actors must move
There are NO inverted commas (speech marks)

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