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A Review on Interface Modification and Characterization

of Natural Fiber Reinforced Plastic Composites


'Department of Mechanical Engineering

Technical University of Eindhoven
Post Box 5 13,5600MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands
2School of Chemical Sciences, M a h a t m a GQndhi University
Priyadarshini Hills, P. O., Kottayam 686 560, Kerala, India

An important aspect with respect to optimal mechanical performance of fiber re-

inforced composites in general and durability in particular is the optimization of the
interfacial bond between fiber and polymer matrix. The quality of the fiber-matrix
interface is significant for the application of natural fibers as reinforcement for
plastics. Since the fibers and matrices are chemically different, strong adhesion at
their interfaces is needed for an effective transfer of stress and bond distribution
throughout a n interface. A good compatibikation between cellulose fibers and non-
polar matrices is achieved from polymeric chains that will favor entanglements and
interdiffusion with the matrix. This article gives a critical review on the physical
and chemical treatment methods that improve the fiber-matrix adhesion and their

1. INTRODUCTION in applications such as boat hulls, bathtubs and

archery bows. The synthetics being challenged by
E cological concerns have resulted in a renewed in-
terest in natural materials, and therefore issues
such as recyclability and environmental safety are be-
this natural revolution are composite materials -
plastics reinforced with glass or carbon fibers. For
coming increasingly important for the introduction of high performance materials, DuPont Kevlar and car-
bon are the fibers of choice. They are very strong,
new materials and products. At this moment, design-
highly temperature resistant, expensive and limited
ing for recycling or in a somewhat broader perspec-
to high performance applications such as in aero-
tive, eco-design, is becoming a philosophy that is ap-
plied to more and more materials and products. I t is space. Glass fibers have many benefits like low cost,
high strength etc. But the main disadvantage is their
for these reasons that natural fibers based on &no-
non-biodegradability. This is where natural fibers
cellulose can be considered as an interesting - envi-
ronmentally safe - alternative for the use of glass come into their own. They are abundant, renewable,
cheap, recyclable and biodegradable..They exhibit low
fibers as reinforcement in engineering polymeric ma-
density and the extent of environmental pollution
terials. Natural fibers like flax, hemp, kenaf, jute and
caused is less compared to synthetic fibers. They are
sisal have a number of techno-economical and ecolog-
naturally designed to be incredibly tough. According
ical advantages over E-glass fibers. The combination
of interesting mechanical and physical properties to- to Hills (11, natural fibers could turn up in everything
gether with their environmentally friendly character from cars to golf clubs. In Germany, car manufactur-
ers aim to make every component recyclable and
has motivated a number of industrial sectors, notably
biodegradable. The door panels in the Mercedes have
the automotive industry, to consider these fibers as
potential candidates to replace glass fibers in environ- been made from plastics reinforced with flax fibers.
Also Canadian companies are using the flax fibers in
mentally safe products.
Natural fibers are undergoing a high-tech revolu-
a polypropylene matrix to create moldable material to
form the rear-shelf panel of the 2000 Chevrolet Im-
tion that could see them replace synthetic materials
pala (2). The performance advantages of plant fibers
in polymer matrix composites (PMC) are their chemi-
cal properties, high specific stiffness, high specific
*lCorrespondhg author. Email: strength and sound absorption.

Jayamol George, M.S. Sreekala and Sabu Thomas

2. CLASSIFICATIONAND STRUCTURE OF closeness of approach of the molecules to each other;

NATURAL FIBERS i.e., the crystallinity of the fiber. One practical feature
of the solubility of fibers is that the fiber molecules
Depending on the origin, vegetable fibers can be may degrade either because of the chemical reactivity
grouped into bast (jute, banana, flax, hemp, kenaf, of the solvent or because the separated fiber mole-
mesta) leaf (pineapple, sisal, screw pine) and seed or cules are more accessible than the molecules in the
fruit fibers (coir, cotton, oil palm). Mechanical proper-
solid fiber.
ties of some natural fibers are shown in Table 1. (3).
Textile fibers are crystalline and the degree of crys-
Cellulose is the main component of the vegetable
tallinity depends on the origin of the material. This
fibers. The elementary unit of a cellulose macromole-
crystallinity not only influences physical properties,
cule is anhydro d- glucose, which contains three hy- but also affects solubility very obviously. Cellulose
droxyl (-OH) groups. These hydroxyl groups form hy-
and its derivatives such as cellulose acetate, provide
drogen bonds inside the macromolecule itself
good examples of the influence of crystallinity on solu-
(intramolecular) and between other cellulose macro-
bility. The large number of hydroxyl groups in cellu-
molecules (intermolecular). Therefore all vegetable
lose would increase the affhity of polymer to water.
fibers are hydrophilic in nature. Conventional fibers
The hydroxyl groups in the amorphous regions com-
like glass, aramid. carbon etc. can be produced with a
bine with water to give the relatively high moisture re-
definite range of properties, whereas in natural fibers,
gain of cellulose fibers. The most satisfactory solvents
this will vary considerably. The cellulose of natural
for cellulose are alkaline and a common solvent is
fiber contains different natural substances such as
cuprammonium solution (5).The copper ions proba-
lignin and waxes. The fibers are made up of cellulose
bly form a complex with the hydroxyl groups of cellu-
microfibrills, which are bonded together by lignin.
lose and the ammonia, which in turn probably forms
Physical properties of natural fibers are basically in-
a complex with the copper, which is already joined to
fluenced by the chemical structure such as cellulose
the cellulose.
content, degree of polymerization, orientation and
crystallinity, which are affected by conditions during
growth of plants as well as extraction methods used.
There is an enormous amount of variability in fiber The combination of a plastic matrix and reinforcing
properties depending upon whether the fibers are fibers gives rise to composites having the best proper-
taken from which part of the plant, the quality of ties of each component. Since the plastics are soft,
plant and location (4). Different fibers have different flexible and lightweight in comparison to fibers, their
lengths and cross-sectional areas and also different combination provides a high strength-to-weight ratio
defects such as micro compressions, or pits or cracks. to the resulting composite. A major disadvantage of
So one way to achieve the same flexibility using nat- cellulose fibers is their highly polar nature, which
ural fiber is to regenerate the cellulose and make it make them incompatible with non-polar polymers.
more uniform by dissolving the microfibrils in solvent Also, the poor resistance to moisture absorption
and then precipitating under controlled conditions. makes the use of natural fibers less attractive for ex-
terior applications. The properties of composites de-
3.REGENEWTED CELLULOSE pend on those of the individual components and on
their interfacial compatibility. Several types of poly-
The solubility of textile fibers and the properties of
mers have been used as matrices for natural fiber
solutions of fibers are important, not only in the pro-
composites (6-14). The most commonly used are ther-
duction process as such, but also in the control and
moset polymers such as polyester, epoxies and phe-
investigation of these processes. The ease with which
nolics. Thermoplastics like polyethylene (PE), poly-
a textile fiber dissolves depends on the chemical na-
styrene (PSI and polypropylene (PP) have also been
ture of the groups that hold the molecules and the
used (6-9).These polymers have a different af-fhity t o
wards the fiber owing to the difference in their chemi-
cal structure. It was reported that sisal/LDPE com-
Table 1. Mechanical Properties of Some Plant Fibers.
posites showed a better reinforcing effect because of
Fiber Initial Ultimate Elongation Flexural high matrix ductility and high strength/modulus ratio
modulus tensile strength at break modulus of sisal as compared to that of LDPE matrix (8).Nair,
(GWm2) (MN/mz) (%) (MN/m2) et al. (6)reported the tensile properties of polystyrene
Sisal 9-22 568-640 3-7 12.5-17.5 reinforced with short sisal fiber and benomylated sisal
Pineapple 34-82 413-1 627 0.8-1 0.24-0.40 fiber. The bemylation of sisal fiber was found to en-
Banana 7-20 54-754 1 -4 2-5 hance the tensile properties of resulting composites.
Jute 18 226 1.3 0.3-0.5 The incorporation of sisal fiber considerably reduced
Mesta - - 1 -2 0.35-0.65
Flax 27.6 780 2-4 0.18-0.25 the glass transition temperature (Tg)of polystyrene. It
Sunhemp - 760 2-4 12.5-17.5 was reported by Joseph, et al. (8)that among poly-
Palmyrah 4-6 180-27 5 7-1 5 - ester, epoxy and phenol formaldehyde composites of
Cotton - 200-400 6-7 0.03-0.10 sisal fiber, the phenolic type resin performed as a
Reference3 better matrix than epoxy and polyester resins with

Review on Interace Modijkation and Characterization

respect to tensile and flexural properties owing to the Surface modification by discharge treatment such
high interfacial bonding in phenolic composites. as low temperature plasma, sputtering and corona
Joseph et al. (91 found that the reinforcing ability of discharge is of great interest in relation to the im-
sisal fiber in PP matrix is less. It was found that provement in functional properties of vegetable fibers.
kudzu fiber (Pueraria lobata) extracted from kudzu Low temperature plasma treatment causes mainly
vines and banana strands have potential economical chemical implantation, etching, polymerization, free
value with polyester to make a commercial fabric radical formation, crystallization, whereas sputter
woven on power looms (10, 11).The flexural behavior etching brings about chiefly physical changes such as
of coir, straw and jute fibers in polyester have been surface roughness and this leads to increase in adhe-
studied and analyzed by various workers (12-14). The sion and decreases light reflection (31). Low tempera-
potential of sunhemp/polyester composites in terms ture plasma is a useful technique to improve the sur-
of tensile and impact properties has been investigated face characteristics of the fiber and polymeric
by Rohatgi and co-workers (151.Zadorecki and Flodin materials by utilizing the ingredients such as electron,
(16)used cellulose fiber in the form of paper sheets as ion, radical and excited molecules produced by elec-
reinforcement in unsaturated polyester composites. trical discharge. Low temperature plasma can be gen-
The reinforcing effect of sisal, jute and bamboo fiber erated under atmospheric pressure in the presence of
in epoxy composites is also reported (17-201. Several helium (311.
studies have been carried out by Kokta and co-work- The action of these plasmas involves abstraction of
ers using chemithermomechanical pulp in different protons and creation of unstable radicals that convert
thermoplastics (21, 22). Crystallization kinetic studies functional groups such as alcohols, aldehydes, ke-
were carried out by Chen and Porter (231 on compos- tones and carboxylic acids. Electrical discharge meth-
ites made of polyethylene and kenaf fiber, which is ex- ods are used for cellulose fiber modification to de-
tracted from the bast of the plant Hibiscus cannabi- crease the melt viscosity of cellulose- polyethylene
nus. The environmental performance of flax fiber mat composites (32) and to improve the mechanical prop-
reinforced polypropylene was investigated by monitor- erties of composites. Corona treatment is one of the
ing the moisture absorption and swelling and measur- most interestmg techniques for surface oxidation acti-
ing the residual mechanical properties of the samples vation. It changes the surface energy of the cellulosic
at different moisture levels (24). The effects of filler fibers, which in turn affects the melt viscosity of com-
content and size on the mechanical properties of posites (30).Mechanical and rheological properties of
PP/oil palm wood flour composites were reported by cellulose-PPcomposites subjected to corona treatment
Zaini et aL (25).The stress transfer at the interface were reported by Sapieha et al. (33,34). Corona treat-
between two different phases is determined by the de- ment modifies the surface composition and therefore
gree of adhesion. A strong adhesion at the interfaces the surface properties of the composite components.
is needed for an effective transfer of stress and load
distribution through out the interface. This situation S.2 Chemical Modification
calls for the development of strategies for the surface
Strongly polarized cellulose fibers me not inherently
modification of cellulosic surfaces, thereby an effec-
compatible with hydrophobic polymers. The compati-
tive control over the fiber/polymer interface. In
bility and dispersability of fiber and matrix can be im-
order to improve the mechanical properties of com-
proved by developing a hydrophobic coating of a com-
posites, a coating is applied, which generally con-
patible polymer on the surface of filler before being
sists of coupling agents or compatibilizing agents
mixed with polymer matrix. Generally, coupling
that introduce chemical bonds between the fiber
agents facilitate the optimum stress transfer at the in-
and matrix. Effects of coupling agents on cellulosic
terface between fiber and matrix. Coupling agents are
fiber reinforced thermoplastic composites and their
molecules possessing two functions. The first is to
influence on mechanical properties have been re-
react with OH groups of cellulose and the second is to
ported (26-28).Vanna et aL (29) reported the effect
react with functional groups of the matrix. The selec-
of various chemical treatments such as organoti-
tion of a coupling agent that can combine both
tanate, zirconate, silane, N-substituted methacry-
strength and toughness to a considerable degree is
lamide on the properties of sisal fibers reinforced
important for a composite material. The most com-
polyester composites. Reinforcing fibers can be
mon coupling agents are silane, isocyanate and ti-
modified by physical and chemical methods.
tanate based compounds, the chemical composition of
which allows them to react with the fiber surface,
which forms a bridge of chemical bonds between the
fiber and matrix. In the case of cellulosic fiber com-
6.1. Physical methods of modification
posites, isocyanates were found to be reliable. It is ex-
Physical methods involve surface fibrillation, elec- pected that the formation of a primary type of bonds
tric discharge (30, 311 (Corona, cold plasma) etc. - covalent bonds between cellulose and isocyanate -
Physical treatments change structural and surface and a secondary type of weak bonds between thermo-
properties of the fiber and thereby influence the me- plastics and isocyanates improve the mechanical prop-
chanical bonding with the matrix. erties of wood fiber filed thermoplastics. Pretreatment

Jayamol George,M. S . Sreekala and Sabu Thomas

of fibers by encapsulated coating with silanes or iso- properties of the composites (36). Treatment of fibers
cyanates, grdting etc. provides better dispersion by with silane coupling agents significantly improves the
reducing the fiber-fiber interaction with the formation interfacial adhesion and therefore the mechanical
of coating on the fiber surface. properties of the composites (28, 37, 381. The perfor-
mance of silane coupling agents in hard wood aspen
5.2.1 Silane Treatments fiber in different polymeric systems was reported (26,
36). The coupling action of silanes is accelerated by
Several theories have been proposed to explain the the presence of solvents and initiators.
interfacial bonding mechanisms of silane coupling
agents, which are responsible for the improvement of
5.2.2. Isocyanate treatment
mechanical performance and hygrothermal stability of
the composites. Among these, the most widely ac- Isocyanates, especially poly(methy1ene)poly(pheny1)
cepted is chemical bonding theory. In the chemical isocyanate (PMPPIC), are h o r n in wood chemistry as
bonding theory, the bifunctional silane molecules act wood binders with successful application in particle-
as a link between the resin and the cellulose by form- board in Europe. They are also used for the produc-
ing a chemical bond with the surface of cellulose tion of oriented strand board, OSB, in North America.
through a siloxane bridge while its organofunctional Extensive experimental work on the application of iso-
group bonds to the polymer resin. This co-reactivity cyanate as coupling agents for different types of cellu-
with both the cellulose and the polymer via covalent lose materials and polymers has been carried out by
primary bonds gives molecular continuity across the Kokta and co-workers (36). Composites were manu-
interface region of the composite. A number of factors factured with cellulosic material, which was either
affect the microstructure of the coupling agent, which precoated with an isocyanate polymer mixture, or the
in turn controls the mechanical and physical proper- isocyanate was added directly into the mixture of fiber
ties of the composites (35).They are the silane struc- and polymer. Thomas et al. (28, 39) reported on the
ture, its organofunctionality, acidity, drying condi- mechanical properties of isocyanate treated fiber
tions and homogeneity, the topology and the chemical reinforced thermoplastics composites. Urethane deriv-
composition of fiber surface. The general chemical for- atives of cardanol were treated with sisal fiber to im-
mula of silane is X,Si-R, a multifunctional molecule prove the compatibility between fiber and matrlx (39).
that reacts at one end with the cellulose fiber surface The urethane derivatives of cardanol (CTDIC) is the
and the other end with the polymer phase. R is a reactive product of cardanol, the principal component
group, which can react with the resin, and X is a of cashew nut shell liquid and toluene di-isocyanate.
group, which can hydrolyze to form a silanol group in The long chain structure of CTDIC linked to the cellu-
aqueous solution, and these react with hydroxyl lose fiber makes the fiber hydrophobic, compatible
group of the cellulose surface. R-groups may be vinyl, and highly dispersible in the thermoplastic matrix.
y-aminopropyl, y-methacreloxypropyne etc. The The poly(methylene1poly(pheny1)isocyanate (PMPPIC)
X-group may be chloro, methoxy, ethoxy etc. The type treatment has significant influence on the properties
of organofunctional group and pH of the solution dic- of composites, i.e., increased thermal stability, re-
tates the composition of silane in dilute solution. It is duced water absorption etc (28, 40-42). PMPPIC is
essential that the R-group and the functional group chemically linked to the cellulose matrix through
be chosen so that they can react with the functional strong co-valent bonds. The -N = C = 0 group of
group in the resin under given curing conditions. Fur- PMPPIC is highly reactive with the -OH group of cellu-
thermore the X-group must be chosen that can hy- lose and therefore a urethane linkage is formed.
drolyze to allow reactions to take place between the 0
silane and the OH-group on the cellulose surface.
When the treated fibers are dried, a reversible conden- II
sation takes place between the silanol and -OH
groups on the cellulose fiber surface, forming a poly-
R-N=C=O + H O - c e l l -+ R HN-C-0-cell
siloxane layer, which is bonded to the cellulose sur- The urethane group results from the interaction of an
face. When the silane coated cellulose surface in con- isocyanate and hydroxyl compound. The reaction
tact with the resin, the R-groups on the fiber surface leads to polyurethane when multifunctional reactants
react with the functional groups present in the poly- are used. When a di-isocyanate and a diol react to-
mer resin, forming a stable covalent bond with the gether, a linear polyurethane is obtained, while a &-
polymer. Once all these reactions occur, the silane isocyanate and a polyhydric compound lead to a
coupling agents may function as a bridge to bond the crosslinked polymer. Crosslinked polyurethane could
cellulose fibers to the resin with a chain of primary also be derived from a compound containing three or
strong bond. more isocyanate groups. In the absence of a catalyst,
Apart from the chemical structure of silane, disper- electron-withdrawing groups of the isocyanate mole-
sion aids such as solvent and initiator (different or- cule and electron donating groups on the active
ganic peroxides) provide various chemical reactions as hydrogen molecule of cellulose increase the rate of re-
well as physical interactions at the interface. In this action. Joly et al. (43) studied the effect of alkyl iso-
way they play important roles in the mechanical cyanate treatment on the water absorption behavior of

Review on lnterace Modification and Characterization

cotton cellulose-reinforced composites by varying the monomer/cellulose, initiator conceiitration and reac-
length of alkyl chains. Their results showed the im- tion time are the grafting parameters varied. The
portance of critical length of the alkyl chain for reduc- grafting of vinyl monomers onto cellulose and other
ing the amount of sorbed water. Ni and Frazier (44) cellulosic fibers has been studied extensively by vari-
reported the formation of urethanes and polyureas in ous research workers (4749). This reaction is initi-
isocyanate /wood by 15N CP MAS, NMR studies. They ated by free radicals of cellulose molecules. Reaction
found that resin polymerization occurs via the reac- can also be possible by ionic initiated processes. Free
tion of isocyanate with wood moisture to form radical sites may be formed on the cellulose molecules
polyurea. Biuret formation and isocyanate dimeriza- by dehydrogenation, depolymerization, oxidation or
tion were also detected. In the presence of traces of formation of unstable metal complexes, which may
humidity, isocyanates will react preferably with water lead to one electron transfer to the metal, and cleav-
instead of hydroxyl group of cellulose. This results in age of the gluco pyranoside ring. Ionic processes usu-
disubstituted ureas on the fiber surface. Because of ally involve the formation of an alkoxide of cotton cel-
their basicity they can react easily with further lulose with which copolymerization of vinyl monomers
isocyanates, which results in side chains that are is initiated. The most commonly used methods of free-
bonded to the hydroxyl group of cellulose. The main radical initiator on cellulose are high-energy ionizing
reaction of isocyanates therefore consists of inclusion radiation, ceric ion redox systems and oxidative
or adhesion of alkyl or aryl ureas and their further re- reagents (48).Then the cellulose molecules break and
action products with isocyanates. Rench and Reid1 radicals are formed.
(45) modified chemithermomechanicalpulp (CTMP) Grafting of poly acrylonitrile on jute fibers was done
with various isocyanates such as n-butyl isocyanate by aqueous polymerization of acrylonitrile in the pres-
(BUI), phenyl isocyanate (PHI),hexamethylene di-iso- ence of a NaIO, or (IOJ and C U +ions ~ combination
cyanate (HMDI) and polyhnethylene) poly(pheny1) iso- as the initiator (49).Ceric ion initiated grafting of alkyl
cyanate (PMPPIC) in DMF in the absence of catalyst, arylates such as methyl, ethyl, propyl and butyl or
and their effect on the thermoanalytical behavior of methyl methacrylate to cotton, paper or other hard
CTMP was investigated. Aliphatic isocyanates such as cellulosic fibers have been reported (50).Ghosh and
BUI and HMDI showed a low potential of reaction with Mohanty (51) have reported the effect of grafting on
CTMP, compared to ammatic isocyanates with equal the performance of unsaturated polyester based jute
functionality like MDI and PHI. The use of MDI and its composites. Chemical modifications were achieved
oligomeric modifcation PMPPIC as coupling agent re- through graft copolymerization with acrylonitrile or
sulted in an increased thermal stability of modified methyl methacrylate. It was reported that polyacry-
pulp compared to untreated pulp. FTIR studies of the lonitrile (PAN) graflmg showed a higher improvement
isocyanate modifled pulps showed urethane formation in the strength of the composite in comparison with
as being the main component of these chemical pulp polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) grafting. Important
modifcation processes. They also reported the pres- factors in initiating graft copolymerization reaction of
ence of endothermic peak in DSC experiments with vinyl monomers with activated cellulose are the acces-
the use of PHI at high concentrations due to a sec- sibility of free radical sites to the monomers, the life-
ondary reaction between isocyanate and humidity, time of free radical sites, and the interaction of the
which yield urea, or to an isocyanate trimerization monomer solutions or vapors with activated cellulose
product-an isocyanurate. The presence of this sec- to increase the accessibility of the free radical sites to
ondary reaction component is linked with a high re- monomer. After radical formation, the radical sites of
duction in water uptake of modified pulp. the cellulose are treated with a suitable solution (com-
patible with the polymer matrix) e.g. vinyl monomer
5.2.3. Graft Copolymerization (48)acrylonitrile (49)and polystyrene (52).The result-
Grafting is an effective method for the modifcation ing copolymer possesses properties characteristic of
of natural fibers. Grafting on the cellulose fiber may both fibrous cellulose and grafted polymer.
take place before or during compounding. In the for- One of the important factors to be remembered dur-
mer case, pretreatment of fibers by compatibilizing ing the direct grafting to fiber is that the monomer
agents generally occurs in solution. The excess of (un- cannot diffuse into ordered regions such as the crys-
reacted) compatibiling agent is eliminated by washing. tallites, but only into amorphous or disordered re-
In the latter case, treatment during compounding oc- gions. Since the mechanical behavior of the fibers is
curs at the mixing temperature of the matrix. Grafting largely determined by the ordered structure, grafting
efficiency, grafting proportion and grafting frequency does not bring about any drastic changes in the prop-
determine the degree of compatibility of cellulose erties (48).The distribution of MA moieties on PP is of
fibers with a polymer matrix. The grafting parameters great importance in the coupling action if MAPP is
are influenced by the type and concentration of initia- prepared at low temperature or in solution. The graft-
tor, the monomer to be grafted and the reaction ing of MA onto PP occurs along the chain without
conditions. Puig et al. (46) reported the effect of modifying the length of the initial PP. The reaction of
methylmethacrylate (MMA) grafting on henequen this comblike structure with cellulose may lead to a
fibers and its applications in composites. The ratio of coating of fiber with several anchoring points. At


Jayamol George,M. S . Sreekala and Sabu Thomas

higher temperatures, the scission of PP chain occurs 5.2.5. Alkali swelling and substitution reactions
with the formation of MA prepolymers at the scission An old method of cellulose fiber modification is mer-
end. The scission of chain is initiated by a decrease in cerization. Mercerization is an alkali treatment to cel-
the molecular weight. Reactions with cellulose will lulose fiber that depends on the type and concentra-
then produce a brushlike grafting on the fiber, which tion of alkali solution, time of treatment and
is favorable for the entanglements with the matrix temperature. The changes in the surface morphology
chains. The MAF'P chains of different lengths grafted of alkali treated oil palm fiber for 48h can be seen in
to the cellulose surface is explained in terms of a Fig. 1. It was reported that when the fiber was im-
brush concept (53).When a long chain polymer is at- mersed in alkali for 48h, the globular pultrusions pre-
tached to a surface or an interface, the mobility of the sent in the untreated fiber disappeared, leading to the
chains is restricted. The grafted chains would adopt a formation of a larger number of voids (59).These voids
random walk configuration in order to maximize their promote mechanical interlocking between fiber and
configurational entropy (54). Under certain condi- matrix. Loss of cuticle by the rupture of alkali sensitive
tions, the grafted chains may stretch away from the bonds leads to a rough surface. Varma et d (60) stud-
surface and form a brushlike structure. Important ied the thermal stability of natural and chemically
factors that affect the stretching tendency are graft treated coir-fiber including mercerization in the nitro-
density, the molecular weight of grafted chains and gen atmosphere. Effects of NaOH treatment and
the character of the surrounding medium (55).A high y-preirradiation on coconut fiber/ PF composites were
graft density allows neighboring chains to overlap. reported by Owolabi et al. (61). In general this treat-
Thus they stretch away from the surface in order not ment reduces the cementing material followed by the
removal of volatile products with the rupture of bonds.
to overfii the space. The adopted conformations lead
Optimal conditions of mercerization ensure the i m
to a brush height that grows faster than the typical
provement of tensile properties. George et al. (28) re-
chain dimension when the molecular weight in-
ported reduction of tensile properties of PALF/LDPE
creases. This brush formation is likely to occur in var- composites at higher concentrationsof NaOH.
ious systems such as in solutions or melt containing In substitution reactions, those that substitute OH
block copolymers as surfactants or compatibilizers. groups of cellulose molecules in the presence of alkali
Joly et al. (43) found that partial masking of cellu- can be utilized. By impregnating fiber with alkaline
losic fiber with maleic anhyride grafted PP reduced swelling agents and by reacting with some chemical
the water absorption in cotton fiber composites. The agents that can be substituted for the hydroxyl groups
effectiveness of MAH-PP copolymers as coupling on cellulose molecules in the presence of alkali,highly
agents in jute/PP composites was studied by Gassan decrystalked fibers can be obtained (62).The effective
and Bledzki (56).They found that improved fiber-ma- substitution reactions include acetylation by acetic an-
trix adhesion gives a higher damage resistance under hydride and cyanoethylation. Richards found that
cyclic dynamic loading. acetylation of wood increases the dimensional instabil-
ity and reduces the susceptibility to decay (63).In-
5.2.4 Impregnation ofjbrs. creased strength, rot resistance and hydrophobicity of
jute fiber after acetylation are reported by Anderson et
A better combination of fiber and polymer i s
al. (641. In a review article, Bledzki and Gassan re-
achieved by impregnation of the reinforcing fibers ported the surface modification of natural fibers, the
with polymer matrices compatible with the polymer. processing and properties of natural fiber composites
Fibers are impregnated in liquid monomer and then and their technical applications (65).
these monomers are polymerized in-situ using cata-
lyst, heat or radiation (57).A wide range of composite 6. CHARACTERIZATION METHODS
properties is possible by varying the monomer with
crosslinking agent, the monomer f??lingmethod and A clear understanding of the complex nature of cel-
lulose surfaces is needed to optimize surface modifca-
the polymerization process. Improved dimensional
tion procedures and thus to increase the usefulness
stability of wood polymer composite fwpc) using sol-
of lignocellulose as a constituent of composites. Since
vent exchange technique of impregnation was re-
the fibers and matrices are chemically different,
ported (57). It is known that the elevated viscosity of strong adhesion at their interfaces is needed for an ef-
the matrix during processing of the composite hinders fective transfer of stress and bond distribution through
the complete impregnation of the fibers which results out an interface. Several theories describe adhesion
in a low mechanical interaction with the matrix. phenomena, which include chemical bonding, wetting
Monomer solutions of low viscosity are used for the diffusion (mechanical or entanglement interlocking of
purpose (27). F'ranco et aL (58)reported the improved components), electrostatic and acid/base interaction,
interfacial properties of henequen/HDPE composites which act as a driving force for interfacial bonding
by the impregnation method. The HDPE was de- (66). Fundamentally, adhesion is a thermodynamic
posited on the henequen fibers from a dilute solution event, with the enthalpy of adhesion determining the
of xylene at 115°C. strength of adhesion at equilibrium (67).There is also

Review on Interace Modijkation and Characterization

a thermodynamic need to decrease the interfacial ten- of MAPP on cellulosic surface increases the surface
sion at interfaces (681.Good wetting is a requisite for energy and significantly decreases both the acidic and
these thermodynamic demands, and this can only basic character (70). The increase in MA content of
occur if the surface energy of the wetting substance is MAPP enhances basic character because of the higher
lower than that of substrate (67). number of ester m e s , while the increase in molec-
ular weight reduces both the hydrophilic and acidic
6.1 Inverse Gas ChromatographyAnalysis (IGC)
character of the fiber. When thermodynamic consider-
Interfacial adhesion, wetting and mechanical prop- ations are applied to inverse gas chromatography at
erties of composites that depend on the interfacial infinite dilution, it can be shown that (71).
characteristics are functions of the acid/base, or elec-
tron acceptor/donor properties of the materials in- - AG, = R.T. In V,,t k (11
volved (68).The IGC methodology is convenient for the
evaluation of acid/base interface potentials for a wide where V, is the retention volume of a vapor probe by
range of polymers and reinforcing fibers (69).This al- stationary phase and k is a constant for a given chro-
lows the determination of surface characteristics of matographic column. G is related to the work of adhe-
materials and it is a sensitive method to look at surface sion Wa by (68)
modification. Concerning cellulose fiber, IGC allows the
AG = N.a. Wa (2)
determination of the dispersive component of surface
energy using non-polar probes and acid base character- where N is the Avogadro’s number and a is the cross-
istics using polar probes. It was reported that grafting sectional area of the adsorbed vapor molecule.

Jayamol George, M. S. Sreekala and Sabu Thomas

Combining Eq I and 2 leads to caused a si@cant increase in the proportion of oxy-

gen atoms relative to carbon atoms on the surface.
R. 7’.In V, = N . a. Wa + constant (31 Zadorecki and Ronnhult (75) used the XPS technique
and since to evaluate the cellulose surface modified with triazine
coupling agents. They found that coupling agents
were concentrated on the surface rather than uni-
formly distributed throughout the fiber. XPS spectra
R. T.In V,,= 2. (y$)’’2.a. (-yF)’/2+ C 151 provide the chemical composition of cellulose surface.
George et al. (76) used the XPS technique to study the
If R. T. hV,,is plotted vs. a (yld)1/2,(ySd)can be ob- surface composition of flax fibers. Figure 2 shows the
tained from the slope of the linear function. That lin- electron intensity as a function of binding energy of
ear function can also be used as a reference for inter- untreated flax fiber, silane treated fiber and iso-
action with vapors that are able to interact with the cyanate treated fiber in the XPS survey spectra. For
substrate by non-dispersion forces. The distance be- lignocellulosic materials, oxygen and carbon are the
tween the retention volume for such a vapor and the predominant species, as is evident from the absorp-
reference line is the specific free energy change AGab tions of 01s and Cls occurring at 531 ev and 280 ev,
due to polar interactions. Then, respectively. Some other species, such as Ca, Si etc.,
are also observed in small concentrations at 340 and
A Gd =A H d - TASd (6) 105 ev. In the case of silane and isocyanate treated
If G,/T is plotted vs. 1/T,AHab can be obtained fibers, absorption peaks are shifted to some extent. It
from the slope of straight line. G, H and S are the free can be seen that 0,, and C,, are the predominant
energy, enthalpy, and entropy term. The enthalpy species and occur at 50 and 281 ev, respectively.
contribution may be expressed in terms of acid/base Other species present in small amounts are Ca 2 p at
interaction as follows (72): 344 and Si 2p at 98 ev. Joly et aL (43)used XPS analy-
sis to study the C/O ratio for cellulosic fibers treated
AH* = U N + &AN (7) with isocyanate.
Here AN and DN are the vapor phase acid/base
6.3 Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy
characteristics and K , and & are the acid/base inter-
action potentials of the solid. Then by dividing both
sides by AN, Eq 7 can be rewritten as ESEM has proven useful for investigating wood
polymer interactions at fracture surfaces and polymer
AHdAN = &(DN/AiV) + Kd (8) distributions in W C s (77). ESEM allows observation
If AHab is plotted vs. (DN/AN), then the acid and of the monomer impregnated samples directly and
base interaction parameters, K, and Kd are readily ob- after cure to W C s to yield information on the interac-
tained. The availability of K, and & for components of tion of the polymer formed with the wood compo-
a polymer system allows for an empirical evaluation of nents. The advantage of the ESEM instrument is that
an acid/base pair interaction parameters, ZP (72)from it allows wet, oily and electrically nonconductive spec-
imens to be observed without special preparation and
Ip = & (f).
Kd(m) + &(m)*I(d cf) (9) at relatively high pressures.
IP data are useful for the interpretation of the depen-
dence of specific interactions of composite perfor- 6.4 Energy Dispersive Analysis of X - R a p
mance parameters. (EDAX)
Elemental composition can be determined using en-
6.2 X-RayPhoto Electron Spectroscopy ergy dispersive analysis of X-rays. An energy dispersive
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy provides an un- X-ray analyzer attached to an ESEM works on the
derstanding of both the quality of interfacial bond and principle that when an electron beam of sufficient en-
the performance of the bond during service. Felix and ergy bombards a specimen, X-rays characteristics of
Gatenholm (27) used this method to characterize the each element present are emitted. From their energy
bonding in modified cellulose and PP/MAF’P copolymer. and intensity, the atomic number and relative concen-
This technique was applied to determine the surface tration of a particular element can be determined. The
composition of cellulose and wood fibers by Doms and presence of polymer within the wood cell walls of a
Gray (73). They found that the observed chemical balsa WPC containing 1:1 copolymer of ethyl-(hydroxy
shifts and peak shapes were in accordance with the methyl) acrylate (EHMA)and ethyl(chloromethyl) acry-
molecular structure of the components. X-ray photo- late (ECMA) was determined by Wright and Mathias
electron spectroscopy (XPS) studies of surface modifi- using this method (771. This type of analysis is partic-
cation of cellulose fibers by chemisorption with stearic ularly useful in determining the depth of a chemical
acid are reported (74).XPS studies on cellulose showed used for wood modification and to ascertain if the
that extraction of samples with organic solvents chemical is homogeneously distributed.


Review on Interace Modification and Characterization

c 1s
100000 -
0 1s
-* 80000 =-I
N 1s
60000 - 0 KLL Si 2p
C siiane treated
Y I\ I I
$ 40000 -

20000 -

8.5 Solid State 13C Nllw Spectroscopy and spinning of the sample about the magic angle of
54.74O, with respect to the static field to reduce the
Solid state 13C N M R spectroscopy using cross polar- chemical shift anisotropy effects. A spectrum of
ization and magic angle spinning (CP/MAS) is useful Southern pinewood obtained using CP/h4AS spec-
for characterizing WPCs since detailed information trometer is shown in Fig. 3 (77). The peaks in the
can be obtained from solid samples (78). In general, spectral region, from 160 ppm to 1110 ppm,are due to
solid state N M R involves proton-carbon cross polariza- the aromatic ring carbons of lignin, while those be-
tion to enhance the I3C signal, high power decoupling tween 1 6 0 ppm and 143 ppm are assigned to oxygen
to eliminate dipolar line broadening due to protons substituted aromatic carbons. The peak at 56 ppm

Fig. 3. Solid state 13C iWW? spec-

trum of Southern pinewood and
structure of cellulose unit Source
Re3 76.

1 1 l l 1 4 l 1 1 l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f

00 150 too 50 0

Jayamol George, M. S . Sreekala and Sabu Thomas

corresponds to lignin methoxy carbons, and the peaks cyclically into the surface. AFM utilizes much smaller
at 122 and 135 ppm correspond to unsubstituted and forces between the tip and specimen (typically0.1 pNl
alkylated aromatic carbons, respectively. The acetyl and the smaller radius of curvature of the tip gives
groups from hemicellulose components yield peaks at better spatial resolution. Mai and co-workers (79) used
2 1 ppm (methyls)and 172 ppm (carbonyls).The single this technique to determine the physical properties of
peak at 105 ppm is assigned to the C-1 carbon of the the interphases. The microscopic image produced is
cellulose anhydroglucose repeat unit. Thus, chemical that of a surface, representing the locus of points of
shift data allow qualitative and quantitative identifica- constant force between the tip and the specimen. An
tion of the three major components of wood. important feature of the AFM is its ability to image
non-conducting surfaces. The information collected
6.6 Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)
during a scan of the surface is quantitative in three di-
Atomic force microscopy is a useful technique to de- mensions. When presented as a topographic image,
termine the surface roughness of fibers. Its advantages the elevation of each point in the picture is encoded
such as high resolution and non-destructivity offer a according to a gray scale or false color scale. This vari-
unique possibility for repetitive examinations. The ation is clearly understood from the three-dimensional
force modulation mode gives a qualitative statement picture of untreated and silane treated fibers. Figures
about the local sample surface elasticity using an os- 4(a) and (b) show three-dimensional images of un-
cillating cantilever tip, which indents into the sample treated and silane treated flax fibers (80).After fiber
surface. The amplitude of this deflection is measured treabent, the surface roughness of the fibers was in-
as a function of tip position when cantilever tip intends creased considerably compared to untreated fiber.

Fig. 4. AFM three-dimensionalim.

ages dmiufibers.

Review on Interace Modification and Characterization

6.7 Ildicromechanical Studies

There are several micromechanical tests that are
useful for characterizing the composite interface
properties. These include the single fiber pullout test,
the microbond test, the single fiber fragmentation test
and the micro-indentation test. The shear strength of
the fiber/matrix interface in a fiber reinforced com-
posite can be determine by measuring the force
needed to pull a single fiber axially out of the single
matrix. The microbond pullout test is considered as a
modified single fiber pullout test: it consists of a single
fdament embedded in the matrix. This experiment in-
volves the deposition of small amount of resin onto
the fiber surface in the form of a droplet that forms
concentrically around the fiber in the shape of an el- Fig. 6. Photomicrographof a typical microdropkt on afiber.
lipsoid. In the case of microbond test, it is assumed
that the interfacial shear strength is uniformly distrib-
uted along the embedded length of the fiber. When the In the fragmentation test, a single fiber is totally en-
shearing force reaches a critical value, pullout occurs capsulated in a matrix coupon, which in turn is
and the droplet is displaced along the axis of the fiber. loaded in tension. Depending on the level of fiber-ma-
The force/displacement curve of a microbond test ob- trix adhesion, tensile forces were transferred from the
tained from debonding droplet of flax/PP is given in matrix to the fiber. The stronger the fiber, the higher
Rg. 5. (81).The average shear stress is calculated by the strain needed for the observation of the first rup-
dividing the maximum measured force of debonding ture. For specimens containg a straight fiber, the
by the embedded fiber length area. The bond strength strain at which the first fiber ruptures is also not
values can be used for investigating the dependence of identical from one specimen to another. It has been
composite performance on the energy absorbing char- observed that the later the first fiber rupture, the
acterization of the interface and to establish the ex- higher the fiber fragment length reached at satura-
tent to which the fiber surface treatment can alter tion. Fiber rupture in flax/epoxy composites during a
bonding. The reliability of the data is dependent on fragmentation test is shown in Rg. 7. Fiber fragment
the shape of the droplet. Symmetric, round droplets length or aspect ratio is obtained by dividing the
are easier to test and analyze than droplets with flat length of domain of investigation by the number of
surfaces. If the length of droplet exceeds a critical fiber ruptures added by one.
value, the fiber will fi-acture prior to debonding and The pullout experiment, believed to possess the
pullout. A photomicrograph of a typical droplet on a characteristics of fiber pullout in composites, consists of
filament is shown in Fig. 6 (82). a fiber embedded in a matrix block or thin disc normal

o.20 I
0.1 5
Fig. 5 . Force displacement curve
?.lo -
of microbond test obtained from
debonding a droplet ofJlax/PP. -

0.05 -

0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20

Vertical displacement [ mm ]

Jayamol George, M. S . Sreekala and Sabu Thomas

Fig. 7. Fiber breakage during

fmsmentation test

to the surface of the polymer. A steadily increasing The majority of commercial plastics are not directly
force is applied to the free end of the fiber in order to biodegradable. In order to improve potential biode-
pull it out of the matrix. Load and displacement are gradability, the following factors should be consid-
monitored as the fiber is pulled axially until either ered (83):i) The environment in which biodegradation
pullout occurs or the fiber fractures. The strength of is to take place must be appropriate to the require-
the Aber/matrix interface can be calculated to a first ments of the mechanism. The organism must be able
approximation by balancing the tensile stresses (af) to flourish and the natural elements (moisture, sun-
on the fiber and the shear stress IT) acting on the light) balanced accordingly. ii) A high surface area to
fiber/matrix interface, obtaining a simple relationship mass ratio is required, not only to accelerate the pas-
of the form T = (9/2)(dll), where it is assumed that sage of liquids through the medium, but also to as-
the shear stress is uniformly distributed along the sist in fragmentation, once decomposition is initiated.
embedded length and d is the diameter. iii) The molecules or additives in the compound must
The micro-indentation test is conducted on real com- possess particular groups of chemicals that can react
posites and therefore has the advantage of reflecting with the organism. iv) The chances of biodegradation
actual processing conditions. A compressive force is are reduced if the polymer is highly crystalline or is of
applied to individually selected fibers in a polished high molecular weight. Addition polymers are gener-
cross section of the composite to produce debonding. ally resistant to biodegradation, since the carbon-car-
The interfacial shear strength is then derived from the bon bonds in the backbone are not very susceptible
debond length. to enzymatic attack. If an easily hydrolyzable group
can be introduced into an addition polymer by a free
radical process, a wide variety of biodegradable poly-
Biodegradation is considered to be desirable for dis- mers can be prepared. Chemical effects have not
posal of plastic products such as packaging for food- been used to achieve the biodegradability of poly-
stuffs and agricultural products. Biodegradability is mers. However, activation of carbon chains by certain
defined as the tendency of materials to suffer degra- functional groups can markedly increase the suscep-
dation by living organisms present in the natural en- tibility to chain cleavage.
vironment (bacteria, fungi). It occurs by reaction be- Studies of degradation have been mainly done for
tween the enzymes secreted by the organism and the LDPE and HDPE by Albertsson et al. (84-88). They
polymer chains or additives that make up the com- pointed out that biodegradation of PE is affected by
pound. The three basic stages t h a t constitute preliminary irradiation with a UV source, by the
biodegradative molecular breakdown in plastics are morphology and surface area of the material, by an-
(83):i) Change in appearance due to slight chemical tioxidants and by additives (84-89).The initial photo-
change associated with the onset of decomposition. oxidation facilitates a n attack of polyethylene by
This may be due to the formation of double bond con- micro- organisms owing to a synergetic effect between
jugation in the polymer chain. ii) Significant change in photo oxidation and biodegradation. The microbial
the range of physical properties as a result of a sub- degradation of an ultra-high mo1e:wt PE/starch com-
stantial degree of main chain scission resulting in a posite film was studied by Nakashima and Matsuo
much lower average molecular weight. iii) Visual dis- (90) using two kinds of filamentous fungi, Myrothe-
appearance of the polymer when mechanical break- ciurn verrucarria and Chaetorniurn globosurn I t was
down (fragmentation)is sufficiently advanced to dis- found that in both drawn and undrawn films, the num-
perse the material to submicroscopic scale. ber of starch particles between PE fine filaments became


Review on Interace Modification and Characterization

much lower and the average size of the residual starch droxybutyric acid) [PHBl and its copolyesters are the
particles was smaller, indicating their effective biodegra- most important example for fermented biopolymers,
dation. With respect to biodegradable additives, the e.g. Biopol (97).Biopol (a bacterially derived biode-
most effectiveoption appears to be the incorporation of gradable polymer) is a thermoplastic and has tensile
naturally occurring materials such as starches (91). strength comparable to that of polypropylene. Roper-
The production of lignocellulosic enzymes has re- ties of some of the biodegradable polymers in compar-
ceived importance in recent years because of their ison with polypropylene are given in Table 2. Mohanty
possible role in achieving effective bioconversion of lig- et al. (98) reported the surface modification of jute
nocellulosic waste into simple sugars, chemicals, al- fibers on the performance of jute/biopol composites.
cohols etc. Nobuo et aL (921 produced sugar and etha- Properties of Bioceta and flax fibers were reported by
nol from cellulosic resources like rice, straw, grass, Riedel and Nickel (99).Peijs et aL (100) found that ad-
bagasse, sawdust and newsprint, after chemical delig- dition of flax fibers to the relatively cheap PHB matrix
nification with trichoderma cellulose. Cellulase pro- offersthe possibility of obtaining cheaper products to-
duced from T. viride was capable of extensive degrada- gether with improved toughness while retaining the
tion of cellulosic materials and this enzyme was very biodegradability of the resulting polymer composites.
stable (93).The physiochemical properties of lignocel- When modifying the resin systems more or less exten-
lulosic wastes determine the rate of enzymatic degra- sively, biocomposites being completely made from bio-
dation of these cellulosic wastes. Both cellulose and logically renewable resources can be designed for dif-
hemicellulose as such are highly susceptible to the ferent applications to be either biodegradable or not.
action of cellulolytic microbes. Bioconversion of tapi- The composite Polymers Division of Ashland Special-
oca waste and water hyacinth into the production of ity Chemical Co. and Cara plastics are jointly assess-
food products and fuel was studied (94). ing the viability of using technology based on the use
'The DLR institute of structural mechanics devel- of soybean oil in resins across various processes
oped biocomposites by embedding natural reinforcing (101). Apart from reuse or recycling, this offers addi-
fibers, e.g. flax,hemp, ramie, etc. into a biopolymeric tional possibilities of a convenient removal after the
matrix made of derivatives from cellulose, starch, lactic end of a lifetime, i.e. biodegradation or composting of
acid, etc. Polymers of natural origin, e.g. starch and the biodegradable kinds of biocomposites or combus-
cellulose have to be modified physically or chemically tion of any kinds of biocomposites, which is now car-
to be suitable for processing as thermoplastic resins. bon dioxide-neutral and completely slag-free. Thus
For example, the structure of starch can be made biocomposites are fully integrated into natural cycles
thermoplastic using glycerol and water (95). A fre- and can also meet the steadily increasing environ-
quently used option to improve the properties is to mental demands of legislative authorities.
add copolymers, which can even be of petrochemical With respect to mechanical properties, biocompos-
origin, or the partial or complete esterification of the ites are comparable to the well-known glass fiber-rein-
hydroxy groups in the side chains with short chained forced plastics. The main motivation for developing
organic acids such as acetic acids. The esterification biocomposites has been to create new composites that
of the hydroxy groups at the side chain is preferred are completely environmentally compatible in terms of
for making cellulose a thermoplastic material while production, usage and removal. Since raw materials
keeping its cellulose chain structure (96).Applying are entirely taken from biologically renewable re-
the methods of biotechnical synthesis, in many cases sources, biocomposites are fully integrated into nat-
by fermentation, polymers in particular built up by ural cycles. Since natural fibers are biodegradable,
microorganisms are obtained, using such polymers as matrix systems c a n be designed to be either
storage for energy. Compared with plants, here the biodegradable or not according to the specific demands
task of storing energy is done by the starch. Poly(hy- of a given application. Since biodegradation and/or

Table 2. Properties of Biopolymers.

Properties PP Polylactic Biotec Novamont Biopol Paragon
acid starch starch PHB starch
Density (gk) 0.9 1.25 1.2 1.28 1.25 1.4
Tensile 25-35 53 30 16 20-30 30-35
strength (MPa)
'Tensile 1.4-1.8 3.5 1 0.5 0.4-1 .o 2.5-29
modulus (GPa)
Elongation at 400-500 5 10 >goo 8-42 1 -5
break (Yo)
Charpy impact 46 -
notched (kJ/rn2)
MFf (gllornin) 35 - 8.7 2.5-3.0 8-1 2 -
Tm (OC) 160 55 73 - 162 -

J a y m l George, M. S. Sreekala and Sabu '?7ronuis

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