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Practice discipline. A good leader needs discipline. ...

Take on more projects. A great way to develop your leadership skills is to take on more responsibility. ...

Learn to follow. ...

Develop situational awareness. ...

Inspire others. ...

Keep learning. ...

Resolve conflicts. ...

Be a discerning listener.

Leadership, as we know, is the art of motivating, influencing and directing a group of people to work
together and achieve the goals of a team.

● Willing to serve others

● A good listener

● A good communicator

● A good decision-maker

● Encouraging

● Positive mindset

● Responsible

1. Waking up early, setting and following your daily routine and gradually warding off
2. Take on more projects in school/college/university and try to lead them. By taking control of
these projects, you can identify how to delegate, help associates stay on task and resolve
differences that may surface.
3. Being a leader also means you should be able to inspire and motivate others. When a team
member needs reassurance or assistance, offer it. And sometimes, all a person needs is
someone to hear them out and up their motivation level.
4. Be a people's person. If you're not already this, condition yourself to be approachable, open-
minded and friendly. If people you collaborate with don't find you pleasant to communicate or
work with, chances are even if you lead them, they will choose not to follow you.
5. don’t just tell others what to do — they also show how it’s done the right way.

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