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Perspective – life and death of a photon: an intuitive

Published on 13 November 2020. Downloaded by Goteborgs Universitet on 12/7/2020 10:02:59 AM.

Cite this: DOI: 10.1039/d0pp00274g

non-equilibrium thermodynamic distinction
between photochemistry and thermochemistry
Brian Chapman *a and Denis Loiselleb

Neither the thermodynamically determined probability isotherm nor its kinetically manifest rate isotherm
can be applied to photo-absorptive reactions such that the participants, including photons, may be
treated as if they were chemical reactants. Photons and chemical reactants differ from each other funda-
mentally: firstly, a photon’s energy is absolute and, in all instances of practical relevance to the present
paper, independent of its surrounding electrochemical field, while the energy of a chemical reactant is
relative and defined by its surrounding field; secondly, while both photons and chemical reactants can
and do engage in entropy creation, only chemical reactants can engage in entropy exchange. Clarification
of these differences requires identification and abandonment of fundamental historical errors in photo-
chemical thought deriving from inappropriate overreach of analogies drawn between light and ideal
gases, and including: treatment of photo-absorption as a reversible chemical reaction; attribution to light
of thermal potential, or temperature (as distinct from the idealised abstraction of a ‘temperature signa-
ture’); attribution to light of exchangeable entropy content. We begin by addressing widespread misappre-
hensions concerning the perennially misunderstood concept of entropy and the frequently overlooked
Received 14th August 2020, distinction between entropy creation and entropy exchange. Armed with these clarifications, we arrive at
Accepted 3rd November 2020
a useful perspective for understanding energy absorption and transfer in photosynthetic processes which,
DOI: 10.1039/d0pp00274g through the chemical ‘kidnapping’ of metastable excited states within structured metabolic pathways, achieves outcomes which the Second Law denies to thermal chemical reactions.

Introduction – how should we think crucial distinction between entropy creation and entropy
exchange is unfamiliar to many scientists, as will become appar-
about entropy? ent when we consider the incorrect but not uncommon prop-
In this perspective we shall be challenging what we believe to osition that a useful distinction can be drawn between entropy-
be three historical misconceptions in photochemical thought driven chemical reactions and those that are enthalpy-driven.
pertaining to (i) the reversibility of photoabsorption, (ii) the Despite these uncertainties, or perhaps because of them, some
attribution of temperature to light and (iii) the attribution of investigators are occasionally moved to issue purportedly
exchangeable entropy content to light. Dealing with the third weighty statements about entropy and Life on Earth, typified by
of these misconceptions requires us to commence by addres- the following two passages – the first published by Katchalsky
sing some crucial areas of misunderstanding in mainstream in 19651 and the second published by Endres in 2017:2
thermochemistry concerning entropy so as to clarify the posi- 1. Several years ago, Prigogine pointed out that steady
tion for photochemistry; this will involve development of what nonequilibrium systems produce entropy at a minimal rate. This
we hope will be a helpful and instructive distinction between remarkable conclusion from Onsager’s law sheds new light on
changes in free energy and bound energy in chemical reactions, “the wisdom of living organisms”. Life is a constant struggle
based on the fundamental distinction between entropy creation against the tendency to produce entropy by irreversible pro-
and entropy exchange, respectively. cesses. The synthesis of large and information-rich macro-
Entropy has always been an arcane concept that few fully molecules, the formation of intricately structured cells, the
understand with unalloyed confidence. In particular, the development of organization – all these are powerful anti-
entropic forces. But since there is no possibility of escaping
the entropic doom imposed upon all natural phenomena
Honorary Principal Research Fellow, School of Health and Life Sciences, Federation
under the Second Law of thermodynamics, living organisms
University Australia, Victoria, Australia. E-mail:
Honorary Member, Department of Physiology and the Auckland Bioengineering choose the least evil – they produce entropy at a minimal rate
Institute, The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand by maintaining a steady state (Katchalsky, pp. 200–201).

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2. For the last 150 years, there has been speculation that Intuitive non-equilibrium
universal extremal principles determine what happens in
nature,† most prominent being the maximum entropy pro- thermodynamics of thermochemical
duction principle (MaxEPP)*. Its most important conclusion is reactions
that there is life on Earth, or the biosphere as a whole,
because ordered living structures help dissipate the energy We begin with an exposition adapted from an Appendix,
from the sun on our planet more quickly as heat than just requested from us as part of the peer review process of our
absorption of light by rocks and water* (Endres, p.1). earlier paper,4 dealing with the distinction between entropy
Clearly, at least one of the above mutually contradictory per- exchange and entropy creation in a transition between states A
Published on 13 November 2020. Downloaded by Goteborgs Universitet on 12/7/2020 10:02:59 AM.

spectives must be quite seriously wrong; modern cellular and and B specified as
molecular biology reveals the first perspective to be at least kf
A)B ð1Þ
naïve‡ while a moment’s reflection on global photosynthesis kb
and its relation to the global meat industry exposes the second
perspective as nonsense. where the ratio of the forward and backward rate coefficients,
In pursuing our goal in this perspective we shall use an kf and kb respectively, is determined thermodynamically by the
approach best described as Intuitive Non-Equilibrium equilibrium constant, KAB, thus:
Thermodynamics (INET), which should not be confused with kf
the approach known as Linear Non-Equilibrium ¼ KAB ð2Þ
Thermodynamics (LNET). Our reasons for excluding the latter
approach from useful input into any form of chemistry have The First Law of thermodynamics states that, for such a
been illustrated and discussed elsewhere.§3 state transition, the change in enthalpy (ΔHAB) within the
system relative to its surroundings is equal to the sum of
• the heat (Q) gained by the system from its surroundings,
† Three citations have been removed here and a further four and three citations, • any work (W) performed by the surroundings on the
respectively, have been removed at the positions indicated with asterisks in this system, thus:
‡ Even the quasi-stationary states of higher organisms – implicit in the concept ΔH AB ¼ Q þ W ð3Þ
of homeostatic regulation of the relative constancy of their ‘internal environ-
ments’ – are dependent at the very least on the far-from-steady-state cardio- For exothermic transitions that release heat into the sur-
vascular and respiratory cycles, while even the deeply sleeping human brain is roundings, the quantities in eqn (3) are commonly negative
characterised by large electrical oscillations arising from synchronised cyclic
with respect to the system, in which case the situation is
variations in neuronal activity.
§ Interested readers may peruse contrarian views of LNET expressed in this publi-
described by saying that the loss in enthalpy from the system
cation’s “Review History” in response to Reviewer 2 (Appendix A, p.13 and to its surroundings is equal to the sum of
Appendix B, pp. 17–18) which is openly accessible online. • the heat lost by the system to its surroundings, and
• any work performed by the system on the surroundings.
The Second Law of thermodynamics states that, for state
Brian Chapman is a retired transition (1), the change in enthalpy (ΔHAB) within the system
physiologist and educational relative to its surroundings is equal to the sum of
software developer, and remains • the change in Gibbs free energy (GAB) within the system
an active professional concert relative to its surroundings, and
pianist. He has held academic • the product of the temperature (T ) and the entropy
appointments at Monash (SABX) gained by the system from its surroundings by the
University’s Faculty of Medicine process of entropy exchange, thus:
(tenured 1973–89), QED
Research Unit (contracted
Director 1994–97) and For spontaneous processes (i.e., those in which ΔGAB < 0),
Gippsland Medical School (con- the quantities on the right side of eqn (4) are commonly
tracted 2008–14), and at Duke different in sign and the situation is thus commonly described
Brian Chapman University Medical Center by saying that the loss in enthalpy from the system to its sur-
(Visiting Associate Professor of roundings is equal to the difference between
Physiology on eight occasions over the period 1975–86). His • the free energy lost by the system to its surroundings, and
research career began with experimental studies of energetics in • the product of the temperature and the entropy gained
skeletal and cardiac muscle in the late 1960s, progressing from by the system from its surroundings.
the mid-1970s toward theoretical studies of consistency between It is also useful to conceive ΔGAB as being the component
thermodynamics and kinetics in bioenergetics where his interests of ΔHAB that is free to do work (hence the term, free energy),
continue to the present. while conceiving the product TΔSABX as being the component

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of ΔHAB that is not free to do work, being inescapably bound probability ratio for forward and backward state transitions ( pf/
to the material transformation A → B and thus conveniently pb):
and instructively described as bound energy.¶ This conceptual
description will become helpful when we consider the inter- ΔGdiss ¼ RT ln ð10Þ
action of light with matter.
Equating the First Law and Second Law statements, we where ΔGdiss is the molar free energy dissipation of the tran-
have: sition. For any reaction mechanism, the probability isotherm
is manifest kinetically as the rate isotherm, determining a rate
ΔGAB þ TΔSAB X ¼ Q þ W ð5Þ
Published on 13 November 2020. Downloaded by Goteborgs Universitet on 12/7/2020 10:02:59 AM.

ratio for forward and backward reaction, rf/rb:

The Second Law determines that the external work per- rf
formed by the system on its surroundings can never be greater ΔGdiss ¼ RT ln ð11Þ
in magnitude than the free energy available from the trans-
formation. Thus, for spontaneous processes, These isotherms apply at all times to all chemical, osmotic
and chemiosmotic reactions, however complex, whether
jΔGAB j  jW j ð6Þ unbranched6 or branched.7 They also proclaim the Second
Law’s requirement for non-equilibrium free energy dissipation
The theoretical limit whereby the work performed is equal
while, for isothermal processes, also proclaiming pari passu
in magnitude to the free energy available is known as thermo-
the Second Law’s requirement for non-equilibrium entropy cre-
dynamic equilibrium; at this condition no transformation
ation according to the relation given by eqn (9). Thus, chemical
takes place, i.e., no work is done and nothing happens. In
reactants – through their involvement in non-equilibrium rate
order for any transformation to occur, a non-zero amount of
processes – participate in both of the following entropic
free energy must be dissipated as heat. The thermodynamic
efficiency (η) of transformation is the work (W) performed,
1. Entropy exchange, through the differential entropy
expressed as a fraction of the free energy available, thus:
content of reactants relative to products;∥
η ¼ W =ΔGAB  1 ð7Þ 2. Entropy creation, through the forward to backward rate
ratio which obtains whenever there is a non-equilibrium differ-
For all non-equilibrium situations, the free energy is either ence between the forward and backward rates.
conserved as work or dissipated as heat in the process of For given electrochemical boundary conditions the molar
entropy creation, ΔSC, thus: entropy creation will be constant and independent of the level
of catalysis, while the absolute rate of entropy creation will
ΔGAB ¼ ηΔGAB þ ð1  ηÞΔGAB ¼ W  ΔGdiss ð8Þ depend on the level of catalysis. We shall see that light quanta
where ΔGdss = −(1 − η)ΔGAB. Thus, the total heat (Q) lost by involved in photochemical reactions participate in entropy cre-
the system to its surroundings derives from two entropic ation but not in entropy exchange, having no entropy content
sources: of their own to share or augment.
• the entropy (ΔSABX) exchanged between the system and We are now in a position to clarify the widespread misun-
its surroundings, inescapably bound to the material trans- derstanding as to the supposed distinction between chemical
formation A → B; and reactions that are said to be entropy-driven and those that are
• the entropy (ΔSC) created within the system and its sur- said to be enthalpy-driven. The probability isotherm reveals
roundings through the free energy dissipation required by the that chemical reactions are driven always and everywhere by
Second Law, thus: free energy dissipation and nothing else. The magnitude of
entropy exchange associated with any given reaction has absol-
ΔS C ¼ jΔGdiss j=T ð9Þ utely no bearing on the essential requirement for free energy
dissipation. Perhaps the confusion arises from, for example,
and depending on the thermodynamic efficiency at which the the case of diffusion in which the enthalpy change (ΔH) is
transformation takes place. ideally zero while the changes in free energy (ΔG) and bound
Thus equipped, we may now examine how the thermo- energy (TΔSX) are equal and opposite; such an example has
dynamic requirement for free energy dissipation plays out absolutely no enthalpy change to act as a driver, but the
dynamically in non-equilibrium rate processes. bound energy change is not a driver either because it does not
It has been proposed5 and demonstrated3,4 that an intuitive result in entropy creation. Only with free energy dissipation do
non-equilibrium thermodynamic framework for biochemical we have entropy creation; entropy exchange does not have any
kinetics inheres in the probability isotherm determining the

∥ All chemical reactants and products contain absolute entropy relative to zero
¶ Because ΔH frequently has a magnitude less than that of ΔG (as is the case for entropy content at the absolute zero of temperature. Net changes in their
diffusion, where ΔH is ideally zero), it is perhaps an unfortunate legacy that the entropy content during isothermal chemical reaction result in entropy exchange
First Law’s ΔH usually takes precedence over the Second Law’s ΔG. Perhaps it’s with their surroundings as heat absorption or heat loss represented by the term
time for a change – after all, it’s ΔG that makes the world go round! TΔSABX in eqn (4) and (5) above.

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direct quantitative bearing on the fulfilment of the Second physical entity to have a ‘temperature’ (i.e., a thermal poten-
Law requirement for entropy creation through free energy tial), that entity must have a non-zero thermal capacity
dissipation. (specific heat) in order to bear the heat within itself at the sup-
posed temperature. Light has no such thermal capacity.
• Incident light bears entropy. The alleged entropy com-
ponent of light is sometimes given as its energy divided by its
Fundamental misunderstandings alleged temperature. At the ‘molar’ level (i.e., per Einstein of
concerning the energetics of photo- incident radiation), the alleged molar entropy of monochro-
absorption matic light of frequency ν would be given by
Published on 13 November 2020. Downloaded by Goteborgs Universitet on 12/7/2020 10:02:59 AM.

In our view, three major errors have appeared over the years NA hν
Sν ¼ ð14Þ
concerning the energetics of photo-absorption occurring when TR
a chemical reactant, A, absorbs an incident photon – hν, where where NA is Avogadro’s number and TR is the alleged tempera-
h is Planck’s constant and ν is the frequency – to form an ture of the monochromatic radiance.
excited state A* in the photochemical reaction While one can divide any quantity having the dimensions
A þ hυ ! A ð12Þ of energy by the ambient temperature and declare the result-
ing quotient as ‘entropy’, the meaning of such a division is not
The three fundamental errors are as follows: always clear. For example, division of both sides of eqn (5) by T
• Reaction (12) is assumed to be fully reversible according results in
to its representation as
1 1
ka ðΔGAB þ TΔSAB X Þ ¼ ðQ þ W Þ ð15Þ
A þ hυ 
 A* ð13Þ T T
which yields
where ka is the rate coefficient for spontaneous absorption of
light quanta having frequency ν and ke is the rate coefficient ΔGAB =T þ ΔSAB X ¼ ΔSAB X þ ΔS C þ W=T ð16Þ
for spontaneous emission of light quanta having the same fre-
reducing to
quency ν. The pedagogy of photo-absorption – including
exhaustive explication of the multiple possible fates of A* – is ΔGAB =T ¼ ΔS C þ W =T ð17Þ
quite disappointingly confused and variously incomplete in its
many manifestations. However, even a cursory reading of the In eqn (17) only one of the three terms – the created
relatively exhaustive Appendix to Blankenship’s excellent entropy, ΔSC – has any entropic meaning; no entropic
monograph on photosynthesis8 should alert the reader to the meaning attaches to the terms ΔGAB/T and W/T just as there is
casual naïveté inherent in such a formulation as appears in no meaning in the quotient of light energy and its supposed
reaction (13) above. Suffice it to say that the only conceivable temperature.
circumstance in which this formulation could take on any Thus, entropic attribution for light can be dismissed on
possible validity might be in the case of resonance fluo- two distinct grounds:
rescence. As resonance fluorescence is such an exceptionally i. As already argued, there is no possible temperature
limited possibility for the fate of a photon incident upon A attributable to light apart from the kind of temperature ‘signa-
among other possible fates – such as reflection, refraction, ture’ which light of specific radiance, spectral distribution and
scattering, extinction, etc. – it does not even rate a mention as uniform omnidirectional propagation might bear in relation to
such in Blankenship’s otherwise comprehensive section A.8 an emitting blackbody having the supposed temperature in
Molecular energy levels and spectroscopy ( pp. 267–278 and see question. Consequently, the denominator of eqn (14) is a
in particular Fig. A1.15 and associated text). This conceptual meaningless, invalid entity.
error about the reversibility of photo-absorption is dealt with ii. The energy contained in light – whether viewed at the
more fully below. quantal level as hν per photon or at the molar level as NAhν per
• Incident light bears temperature. Light can be said to have Einstein – is all free energy; indeed, light may be correctly con-
a ‘temperature’ only insofar as sidered as being, rather than containing, free energy. This free
○ its spectrum conforms to perfect black body energy is literally free to raise the energy level of any atom into
radiation, which it might be absorbed by any amount up to the limit pre-
○ its propagation is equal in all directions, and scribed by its frequency. In the case of resonance absorption
○ its absolute intensity corresponds to that emitted by all the free energy is conserved in the excited state A* so long
a black body at the particular temperature in question. as it continues to exist; in all other cases of absorption where
Such light – of such specific absolute intensity and spectral the energy of the excited state relative to the ground state is
distribution – can be said to bear the temperature ‘signature’ less than that potentially available from hν, then there is
of the emitting black body, but it cannot be said to bear within instantaneous free energy dissipation and, therefore, entropy
itself that temperature, or any other temperature. In order for a creation. There is no bound energy component of light – and

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therefore no internal entropy content – such as might partici- rate isotherm given in eqn (18) has the unfortunate effect of
pate in entropy exchange with chemical reactants such as A. making the backward rate implicit rather than explicit, thereby
It is important to note that the relevant possible fates of A* veiling a problem that ultimately boils down to the questions:
in this instance include reversion to the ground state via (a) 1. Is the absorption of a photon represented in reactions
resonance fluorescence, (b) free energy dissipation as heat (12), (13) and (19) reversible?
(i.e., entropy creation) associated with either non-resonance 2. May we treat the participants in these reactions as if they
fluorescence or no fluorescence at all, and (c) engagement of were chemical species governed by the Second Law according
A* in chemical reaction. to the probability isotherm given in eqn (10)?
All three of the above fundamental errors are contained in a While the case of resonance fluorescence might afford a
Published on 13 November 2020. Downloaded by Goteborgs Universitet on 12/7/2020 10:02:59 AM.

chapter on solar energy conversion authored by Grätzel and loosely affirmative answer to the first question in a context irre-
Moser9 which, in turn, seems to be based almost verbatim on levant to the present discussion,†† one should not be dis-
an earlier article by Porter.10 Similar suppositions were also tracted from a fundamental difference between the energetics
entertained by Ries and McEvoy.11 of photons on the one hand and the energetics of chemical
There is also a problem with the assertion that absorption reactants on the other; this difference impinges directly on the
of incident light is equivalent to scattering the radiation in all answer to the second question.
possible directions.9,10 Very simply, the light is not scattered at Consider a single photon, hν, travelling through space until
all – not in any direction; it is annihilated – it ceases to exist. such time as it might interact with matter. From such an inter-
Following annihilation of absorbed light beams or photons, action, the photon may emerge unscathed or it may vanish
their energy becomes variously distributed through the atoms forever, ceasing to exist. But, for as long as it exists, its
and molecules upon which they have impacted, either dissi- quantum of energy is conserved and immutably fixed at a
pated as heat or transiently stored in whatever excited states value of hν. A photon is thus energetically quite different from
have been produced in the electrons of certain atoms. Possible a reactive chemical: a photon’s energy is absolute and inde-
productive fates of such photo-absorption include photochem- pendent of its surroundings,‡‡ while the absolute energy of a
istry in general and photosynthesis in particular. reactive molecule is essentially undefined and dependent on
its surrounding electrochemical field – only differences in
energy between reactants and products determine the bidirec-
tional progress of reaction according to eqn (11). This con-
Misapplication of the rate isotherm to sideration alone disqualifies the rate isotherm, developed for
photo-absorption thermal chemical reactions, from being applied to the inter-
action of light with matter in photochemical reactions.
The rate isotherm of eqn (11) for chemical reactions has also It is bemusing to reflect on what possibly might have led to
been assumed 9,10 to apply to the photochemical reaction (12), this fundamental error in application of the rate isotherm to
using a curiously notated formulation, thus: photochemical reactions. A clue to identifying the offending
Δμ ¼ RTln½1  ðj=JÞ ð18Þ influence might possibly be found in the comprehensive over-
view of a particular aspect of the history and philosophy of
where j is the net rate of the reaction, J is the unidirectional quantum theory explored in an important paper by Norton.14
forward rate of reaction and Δμ is the molar chemical potential We suspect that some scientists may have been unduly
difference between reactants and products. In fact, this beguiled by what is a patent overreach in the analogies drawn
expression is identical to eqn (11); because the net rate, j, is between ideal gases, dilute solutions, suspensions, and
identical to (rf − rb), then it follows that [1 − ( j/J)] is identical
to rb/rf and so the molar free energy dissipation, ΔGDiss, is
equal but opposite in sign to Δμ, the molar free energy change †† The phenomena of resonance fluorescence, stimulated emission and the grav-
between reactants and products (Δμ is always negative for itational bending of light are excluded from the present discussion as being irre-
spontaneous processes). levant to the particular issues being addressed here.
‡‡ This assertion is true in all situations of immediate practical relevance to the
Relative to the self-evidently intuitive notation used in
issues discussed in this present perspective. However, the apparent behaviour of
eqn (10) and (11), the more operationally obscure notation of light pulses in refractive media has given rise to the suggestion that this asser-
eqn (18) arose from an equally non-intuitive expression of the tion may not hold for refraction. The relevant literature is ambivalent on this
underlying photochemical reaction as: issue. On the one hand, a 2010 paper by Mansuripur12 develops a purported
resolution of the Abraham–Minkowski controversy by examining the behaviour
A þ hυ ) A* ð19Þ
of a light pulse traversing a refractive model system represented in his Fig. 3
Jb ( p.2002) in which ( p.2001) “the entire pulse can enter the slab from the free
space on the left, then re-emerge into the free space on the right, without losing
where J is the (unidirectional) forward rate and Jb is the (uni- any of its energy or momentum.” On the other hand, a 2017 review by Partanen
directional) backward rate.** The resulting formulation of the et al.13 deals extensively with the same issue but differs by proposing that “In
the relaxation process, a small amount of photon energy is dissipated into
lattice heat” without addressing the obvious question as to whether thermal dis-
** We wonder why such an exposition would notate the forward unidirectional sipation of photon energy occurs by annihilation (absorption) of photons, by
rate as J, i.e., not Jf, while notating the backward unidirectional rate as Jb. preservation of all photons with a red-shift, or by a combination of these effects.

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volumes of high-frequency electromagnetic radiation. It is infinity according to the probability isotherm. This would be a
perhaps unfortunate that the set of “disanalogies” noted by thermodynamic impossibility: the total energy of a photon is
Norton (section 5.3 p.91) does not include the biggest ‘disanal- finite, determined by its frequency, and is the maximum differ-
ogy’ of all: the fact that the finitely many individual particles ence of energy that the photon may confer on an excited state
of an ideal gas move by random Brownian motion involving relative to its ground state.
continual inter-particular collisions whereas the finitely many Thus, the portion of a photon’s energy conserved in the
individual quanta of light – in all conceivable contexts ranging excited state is available to drive any ensuing chemical reaction
from Einstein’s famous thought experiments to the quotidian that might be fortuitously located such that it can accept A* as
falling of sunlight on terrestrial vegetation – travel in straight a chemical reactant. This, then, is the mechanism whereby
Published on 13 November 2020. Downloaded by Goteborgs Universitet on 12/7/2020 10:02:59 AM.

lines at the speed of light, free of any inter-particular col- photosynthesis is able to drive backwards the highly exergonic
lisions, until such time as they interact with matter and so oxidation of reduced carbohydrate; so long as a mechanism
succumb to any one of a number of possible fates. for the equivalent of reaction (20) exists at the entry points of
These fates are manifold, including reflection, refraction, photosynthetic reactions, then sunlight provides unlimited
scattering and absorption; the results of absorption are also energy to drive the necessary reactions against the unfavour-
manifold and commonly include thermal heating, fluo- able gradients of their intrinsic and extrinsic probabilities.
rescence, phosphorescence and photochemistry. In all The structured proximity of the equivalents of reactions (12)
instances of photo-absorption, the respective light quanta are and (20) in photosynthetic pathways means that the only prac-
annihilated – they cease to exist; only in the special case of tical fate of A* is to drive reaction (20) forward, while reversal
resonance fluorescence can the annihilation be possibly con- of reaction (20) is effectively crowded out by continuous photo-
ceived as being reversible. It is therefore forbidden to treat any excitation of A by sunlight via reaction (12). The metastability
manifestation of photo-absorption as a reversible reaction of photo-excited states in such targeted catalytic environments
subject to the thermodynamically determined laws embodied thus results in a de facto escape of Life on Earth from the
in the probability isotherm and the rate isotherm applicable to normal thermochemical constraints of the Second Law of
thermochemical reactions. thermodynamics. This is another way of saying that neither
the probability isotherm nor the rate isotherm may be practi-
cally applied to reaction (12), particularly when a kinetically
faster chemical mechanism exists for the metastable photo-
Metastability and implications for the excited state to revert to the ground state. Such chemical ‘kid-
feasibility of photosynthesis napping’ of metastable intermediates may not be quite
Maxwell’s demon, but it effects a ratchet mechanism – a kind
The inapplicability of the rate isotherm to a photo-absorptive of reverse escapement – facilitating the ascent of biochemis-
process such as reaction (12) becomes greatly magnified by the try’s Mt Improbable (carbohydrate synthesis) as a matter of
metastability of photoexcited states, consideration of which routine, operating continuously wherever the sun shines.
serves to clarify some essential bioenergetic principles relating Although this perspective is far from being prescriptive in its
to the thermodynamics of photosynthesis. mechanistic implications, it seems significant that the elabor-
Consider circumstances wherein a metastable excited state A* ate systems of photo-receptive antenna molecules feeding
can revert to the ground state by a chemical reaction such as: photoelectricity via fast solid-state conduction mechanisms
into the photosynthetic reaction centres8 might function as
A* þ B 
AþC ð20Þ ‘photon-clamps’ to clinch the required crowding out of poss-
ible reversal of the equivalents of reaction (20). This ‘clinching’
where kf and kb are the forward and reverse rate coefficients, effect would be an unsurprising outcome of the very fast reso-
respectively. Here, the excited state enters the realm of thermo- nance energy transfer processes15 that are possibly involved in
chemical reactions, governed thermodynamically by the prob- communication of photochemical potential from arrays of
ability isotherm and manifest kinetically through the rate iso- antenna molecules toward the photosynthetic reaction centres.
therm. Reaction (20) thus affords a thermo-chemical mecha- Thus, atomically discrete injection of photo-energy from sun-
nism for reversion of excited state A* to ground state A that is light into enzymatically structured metabolic pathways
altogether distinct from, and independent of, any possible achieves outcomes which the Second Law denies to thermo-
reversal of the photochemical reaction (12). chemical reactions.
If the metastable dwell-time of species A* in reaction (12) is It cannot be overstated that the synthesis of glucose from
significantly longer than the time constant of diffusion-limited carbon dioxide and water via thermo-chemistry is a thermo-
binding of species A* to species B (or any intervening catalyst) dynamic impossibility: according to the probability isotherm
in reaction (20), then this would determine de facto irreversibil- of eqn (10) glucose synthesis relative to glucose oxidation at 20
ity of reaction (12) in the face of a mechanism for reaction C has an adverse improbability ratio exceeding e1100, a value
(20). The practical consequence of this is that the de facto rate beyond the numerical capacity of today’s personal computers.
ratio for reaction (12) would approach infinity, meaning that Photosynthesis allows this massive chemical improbability gra-
its de facto Gibbs free energy dissipation would also approach dient to be overcome by the absolute certainty of continuous

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discrete energy input via the irreversible absorption of solar non-equilibrium thermodynamics, R. Soc. Open Sci., 2017,
photons through structures integrated into the respective enzy- 4(6), 170429.
matic pathways. It is thus important for the understanding of 4 B. Chapman and D. Loiselle, Thermodynamics and kine-
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This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry and Owner Societies 2020 Photochem. Photobiol. Sci.

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