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Wall Street is a place where the sun never shines. This doesn't mean it has a different climate from the rest
of New York City. It simply means that the buildings here in New York's financial centre are so high that the
street is always in the shade.
The people who work in the Wall Street area are too busy to worry about the weather, They are employed
by great banking houses or giant financial companies. They handle big sums of money every day.
Twenty years ago, life was a lot quieter on Wall Street. Many of the companies were old family firms.
They had always been sussecful and did not see the need to work very hard for their money. Sons entering their
fathers' businesses could come to work late, leave early and be certain that no one would notice. Those days are
gone forever. Wall Street's big bosses still have beautifully furnished offices on the top floor with wonderful
views over New York. But downstairs in the trading rooms clever young people work at their computers
sending money around the world.
Americans have never quite used to trusting their banks closed and thousands of people lost their money.
In order to keep the dangers small, American law prevents banks from becoming too big. No bank can have
offices in more than one state.

1. According to the text
The sun never shines on the Wall Street because there ... .

A. are too many people

B. are too tall buildings
C. is too dull weather
D. are too many trees
E. is too bad climate

2. The main idea of the text

A. Banking houses and financial companies employ the young.
B. If banks are small Americans do not trust them.
C. Young people work with money in Wall Street.
D. Financial Life is concentrated in Wall Street.
E. Sons inheriting their fathers' businesses work in Wall Street.

3. People's attitude to the banks is described in the

A. Last paragraph
B. Third paragraph
C. Beginning of the text
D. First and last paragraphs
E. Second paragraph

4. The tense of the bolded part

Those days are gone forever.
A. Future Simple Passive
B. Present Simple Active
C. Present Simple Passive
D. Past Simple Passive
E. Present Continuous

5. Appropriate variant to the sentence

American law ... banks ... becoming too big.
A. comes, to
B. worries, about
C. differs, from
D. prevents, from
E. works, at

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