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DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS MANIPUR UNIVERSITY CANCHIPUR: IMPHAL NOTICE Dated: 06/04/2023 MU/Eco./2023/CBCS-2: It is hereby informed to all 4 Semester Students of this University that the Department of Economics offer CBCS paper, ECOGE —2 (Economies of Social Sector) Interested Students may apply to the Department Stating their names, parent department, Students No. along with photofbopy of their Identity card on or before’12" April, 2023 . The application should be forwarded by their respective parent department’s Head. gfe HOD/Economics (Prof. Decontmen a anwar Crwersity Imphal Copy to: 1. PA to the Vice Chancellor, Manipur University 2. All Dean,s School of Studies/Students welfare, MU 3. Registrar, MU 4, All the HODs/Directors, MU 5. Webmaster, MU 6. Notice Board 7. Relevant file APPLICATION FOR CBCS TO DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS 1. Name: 2. Gender: 3. Category: 4. Parent Department: 5. Student ID no: 6. MU registration No: 7. Whatsapp No: 8. Contact No: 9. Exam Roll No: 10. E-mail: Date Recommendation from the Head Signature of the Student Signature of the HOD with Seal (Parent Department)

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