Rubrics For Performance Task

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Rubrics for performance task

Group 1 – Infographics
The group will create an infographic that shows the moral lesson of the story then present it to the class.

Criteria Exceptional (5) Admirable (4) Marginal (3)

Content  Appropriate details support main idea  Most details support main idea  Few details support main idea
 Accurate and detailed information  Accurate information for almost all subject  Lacking accurate information
 Information adequately support matter  Inadequate information is not clearly supporti
 Information is mostly adequate and supportive
of visual’s purpose
Focus  Topic and title clear and easily identified  Topic and title are mostly clear and easily  Topic and title difficult to identify
 Main idea is clearly appropriate to topic identified  Main idea not clearly stated
 All illustrations complement purpose of visual  Main idea is appropriate to topic  Few illustrations complement purpose of visual
 Most illustrations complement purpose of
Visual appeal  Outstanding use of color, design, and space   Adequate use of color, design, and space  Inappropriate use of color, design, and space
Original and creative design  Design is adequate  Design lacks creativity
 Overall design is pleasing and harmonious  Overall design is mostly pleasing and  Lack of harmonious design in presentation
Mechanics  Free of grammatical errors  Mostly free of grammatical errors  Frequent grammatical errors
 Words are legible and pertinent to topic  Most words are legible and pertinent to topic  Presentation is illegible and confusing

Group 2 –SONG
Using a tone of a song, write your own lyrics that shows the moral lesson of the story. After composing, they will sing it in front of the class.

Criteria Exceptional (5) Admirable (4) Marginal (3)

Content / The song lyrics are outstanding. The words The song lyrics are good. The words memorable. The song lyrics are some what coherent. The
lyrics memorable. The song lyrics are enthusiastically The song lyrics are enthusiastically received by song lyrics are well received by the audience.
received by the audience. the audience.
Creativity The student composed an original lyrics but
The student composed an original lyrics with a there are some elements that are not excellent.. The song composed is not very original, but
clear theme. there are some elements that are not excellent..
Organization The writer clearly organized information, used The writer lacked one of the following: clearly The writer lacked two of the following: :
mostly correct grammar and spelling and used organized information, correct grammar and clearly organized information, correct grammar
legible handwriting. spelling usage, and/or legible handwriting. and spelling usage, and/or legible handwriting.
Mastery of the There are no errors and the presentation is There are few errors and the presentation is There are many errors and the presentation
outstanding better was difficult to understand.
Group 3 – POETRY
The group will create 2 stanza quatrain poem showcasing the moral lesson of the story then recite it on class.

Criteria Exceptional (5) Admirable (4) Marginal (3)

Content Message is compelling, engaging, and very Message is engaging and clear. Message Message is somewhat engaging, but lacks
clear. Message achieves purpose of achieves purpose of encouraging one to vote. focus. Message somewhat achieves purpose of
encouraging one to vote. encouraging one to vote.
Use of Free of spelling and punctuation errors. Some spelling and punctuation errors; meaning Problems with spelling and punctuation causes
Convention Grammar usage is controlled and error free. is not interrupted by these errors. Grammar is some interruption in reading. Several
somewhat controlled; minimal errors grammatical problems are evident.
Technique Effectively uses vivid vocabulary, unique details, Uses vocabulary, figurative language, and Weak use of vocabulary, figurative language,
figurative language, and sensory details to sensory details to create tone and meaning. and sensory details to create tone and meaning.
create tone and meaning. Evokes a strong Evokes a moderate response from the reader. Evokes a minimal response from reader.
response from the reader.
Originality Writer's distinct voice and unique perspective is Writer's voice and unique perspective is evident; Writer's unique perspective is somewhat evident.
very evident; a highly creative and innovative a creative and innovative approach grabs Approach lacks imagination.
approach grabs reader. reader.

Group 4 -TALK SHOW

The group will present a short talk show showcasing the moral lesson of the story.

Criteria Exceptional (5) Admirable (4) Marginal (3)

Content Consistently focuses on topic; provides much General focus on topic; provides adequate Moves away from focus; provides inadequate
information on survey results; information on survey results information on survey results
Participation Each group member assumes an active role in Each group member assumes an active role, Uneven participation by group members; 1- 2
presentation; gives at least three pieces of but 1-2 members dominate; gives at least two members are mainly passive; member offers only
information and asks all other talk-show pieces of information and asks most of the other one piece of information and asks only one other
participants for input participants for input participant for input
Language Use New vocabulary is used often and appropriately; Much new vocabulary is used, usually Some new vocabulary is used, often
few or no syntactical errors; past tense forms appropriately; some syntactical errors; past appropriately; syntactical errors are common;
are used correctly tense forms usually correct past tense forms often incorrect
Pronunciation Pronunciation and enunciation are level- Always intelligible, although there are some Pronunciation or intonation problems partially
appropriate accent and intonation lapses impede comprehensibility

Group 5 - VLOG
The group will pretend that they are vlogging showcasing the moral lesson of the story.

Criteria Exceptional (5) Admirable (4) Marginal (3)

Participation Participates beyond the required number of Participates, but does not post anything that Participates, but does not meet the minimum
postings, including discussion on other students' encourages others to respond. Participates with number of posts. Few to no discussion or
posts. the required number of postings. Responds to comments with others. Some comments to other
questions from others when present. or response to questions.
Content Appropriate, engaging, reflective, and respectful Appropriate and respectful to others. Vlogs have Vlogs and comments done, but lacks
to others. Vlogs are in-depth, analytical, a purpose or main topic about reading and is engagement, analysis or substantial reflection, or
reflective, make a point and make connections reflective. may be off topic.
beyond the text.
Grammar Vlog has originality and flair, emphasizing Speech is fluent. Vlog may contain one or two Vlog may contain several errors in grammar;
important points; contains no errors in grammar. errors in grammar; errors do not impede viewer's errors may impede viewer’s understanding.
understanding. Speech lack fluency.
Speech Sound is clear and volume is appropriate. Vlog is understandable and volume is Vlog somewhat difficult to hear or is occasionally
appropriate. too loud.

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