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Chapter 1




“Good marketing makes the company look smart. Great

marketing makes the customer feel smart.” (Joe Chernov).

Businesses are always on the look-out for potential

opportunities to gain more individuals who can purchase their

products and services. As a result, companies need a certain

aspect in order to incite and engage with their customers —

a certain facet that allows them to better analyze different

factors that influence customers' decision-making as well as

understand the psychology and motives of consumers, which

would not only allow them to achieve profitability but also

better understand their target audience.

Corporations, political campaigns, and nonprofit

organizations all consult findings about consumer behavior to

determine how best to market products, candidates, or issues.

In some cases, they accomplish this by manipulating people's

fears, their least-healthy habits, or their worst tendencies.

Consumers themselves can be their own worst enemy, making


rash purchasing decisions based on anxiety, faulty logic, or

a fleeting desire for social status.

Nowadays, consumer decision on purchasing products

online is influenced by opinions and reviews of peers who

are also engaged in the social media sites such as Facebook,

Instagram, twitter, etc. Consumers tend to

look for reviews and recommendation before dealing

with any purchase transactions as they seek for advises

and opinions from their peers.

This has prompted researchers to conduct a study not

only on how different marketing strategies can impact

consumer behavior and the decision-making abilities of

buyers, but also to discover which strategy most consumers

prefer to be used which then increases a business’


Literature Background

All businesses strive for profitability. Marketing

greatly impacts how consumers respond to its effects. One of

the most prevalent consumer cultures worldwide is found in

the Philippines. In order to accommodate these, one must take

into consideration their needs, wants, desires, and wishes.


Steiner’s and Lavidge’s Republic Act No. 10667

Hierarchy of Effects otherwise known as the
Theory “Philippine
Influences consumer's Competition Act” (PCA)
decision which protects the
(Gray A Steiner and well-being of
Robert J Lavidge, in consumers

Kahneman’s And Tversky’s Republic Act No. 7394

Prospect Theory otherwise known as the
where consumers’ make Consumer Act of the
decisions when Philippines which
presented with choices protects the interests
(Daniel Kahneman and of the consumer
Amos Tversky, 1979).

Ajzen’s and Fishbein’s

Theory of Reasoned
behavioral intention
to do an action
(Martin Fishbein
and Icek Ajzen in
1967 1975).

High School Students

Marketing Effects

Consumer Behavior Decision Making

Proposed Improvement Plan

Figure 1. Theoretical and Conceptual Framework


This study is anchored on Steiner’s and Lavidge’s

Hierarchy of Effects Theory (1961), Kahneman’s And Tversky’s

Prospect Theory(1979) and Ajzen’s and Fishbein’s Theory of

Reasoned Action (1975).

Steiner’s and Lavidge’s Hierarchy of Effects Theory

(1961) emphasizes on how advertising influences a consumer's

decision to purchase or not purchase a product or service.

The hierarchy represents the progression of learning and

decision-making consumer experiences as a result of


The theory describes how advertising affects consumers’

behavior and leads to the transition from not knowing a

product or brand to liking it and finally making the action

to purchase.

Kahneman’s And Tversky’s Prospect Theory (1979)

emphasizes the behavioral economic subgroup, describing how

individuals make a choice between probabilistic alternatives

where risk is involved and the probability of different

outcomes is unknown and evaluates the phases in decision


This theory states that decision-making depends on

choosing among options that may themselves rest on biased

judgments. Thus, it built on earlier work conducted by

Kahneman and Tversky on judgmental heuristics and the biases

that can accompany assessments of frequency and probability.

Such judgments involve evaluations of the external world;

decisions involve more fundamentally internal choices across

values. Thus, the essence of decision-making involves a

trade-off between values.

Ajzen’s and Fishbein’s Theory of Reasoned Action (1975)

points out the relationship between human action and their

behavior and attitudes. Individuals are said to possibly act

on the basis of their intentions and existing attitudes.

Furthermore, this understands the behavior of individuals by

evaluating the deep-lying behavioral intention to do an


This theory suggests that marketing strategies of online

business aim to change the attitude of the consumers towards

the brand (Burak et al., 2013). This attitude is impacted by

the individual’s belief towards online shopping to save money

and time. Attitude towards online shopping generally

formulates the actual habit of online buying. If users have


a buying attitude towards online shopping from their past

experiences then they are likely to buy it.

Republic Act No. 10667 otherwise known as the Philippine

Competition Act promotes and protects the competitive market

in the economy. The law is enforced to adapt and evolve along

with the market, vigilantly guard against outward monopolies,

and prevent disruptions to the flow of competition. It is

applied to a wide range of questionable business activities,

including but not limited to market allocation, bid rigging,

price fixing, and monopolies.

The law protects the well-being of consumers and

preserves the efficiency of competition in the

marketplace. It defines, prohibits, and penalizes anti-

competitive practices, with the aim of enhancing economic

efficiency and promoting free and fair competition in trade,

industry, and all commercial economic activities.

Republic Act No. 7394 otherwise known as the “Consumer

Act of the Philippines” is the legal basis for consumer

protection in the country. The law aims to protect the


interest of the consumer, promote his general welfare, and

establish standards of conduct for business and industry.

The law was enacted to protect the interests of consumers

through the promotion of public health and safety measures,

and the prevention of deceptive and unfair acts of

unscrupulous businessmen. This provision is meant to protect

and safeguard the public against unreasonable risks of injury

associated with consumer products and assure the public of

the consistency of standardized products.

There is a sudden shift in consumer behavior among

Filipinos with the pandemic accelerating this emerging trend

and new way of shopping in the new normal. More Filipinos now

are using eCommerce platforms for the very first time. These

current consumer behaviors are attributed to the benefits and

convenience that Filipinos are experiencing while shopping

through online and eCommerce platforms using cashless payment

methods during the ongoing pandemic (Luna, 2021).

In the article by Ochave (2022), Selective buying

behavior noted in PHL FMCG segment as inflation bites, the

fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) market has been marked by

more selective purchasing behavior because of inflation,


according to data and analytics firm Kantar. While value can

be as straightforward as cheaper goods or paying less for the

same quantity, other factors such as the increase in gas

prices, traffic and uncomfortable modes of transportation

have redefined value in more encompassing terms when it comes

to shopping.

Stated in the article, Post-Pandemic Trends In Consumer

Behavior: What Small Businesses Need To Know by Lesonsky

(2023), It’s increasingly challenging for small businesses to

keep up with consumer demands. Pre- and post-pandemic habits

have merged, creating new consumer behaviors. I hesitate to

call it “the new normal” because I’m not sure how many of

these activities are entrenched since many consumers seem

ready to pivot at any point. Convenient and stress-free

shopping experience is what is going to drive more customers

to your business (Lesonsky, 2023).

Consumers’ definition of trust has become focused on

capability and the ability of a financial institution to

provide members the digital tools they need to manage their

daily financial lives (Plager, 2023). Members say they don’t

trust their credit union to provide such digital tools. The


way consumers move money, and the role fintechs play in

members’ finances.

From the article, How consumer behavior has changed

during this pandemic by Go (2022), the key learning from this

whole situation of two years is that public health is as much

the business of business as it is of consumers. If you are

not yet into omnichannel marketing, then be worried because

many of your consumers and customers already are. They are

still far from being in the majority, but the trajectory is

already clear.

Over the past couple of years, online shopping

experienced meteoric growth worldwide, and it’s here to stay.

The International Trade Administration reported that

ecommerce’s global retail sales went from 13.6% of the market

share to 18% in the first year of the pandemic.With more

people embracing online shopping, businesses around the globe

are rethinking their retail strategies and ramping up their

digital presence. The Philippines is no exception to this

trend. Despite returning to near pre-pandemic levels, online

shopping in the Philippines continues to grow, but that means

so is the competition (Chan, 2023).


An article by Lezoraine (2021), 12 Trends That Will Shape

Consumer Behavior in PH, the fundamentals of brand growth

will remain the same in 2021 in that attracting the largest

number of consumers and shoppers will remain key. As the

COVID-19 pandemic influences the complexity of overall

consumer behavior and mobility, Kantar, the world’s leading

data, insights, and consulting company, identified 12 trends

that will impact how consumers navigate the new normal in

shopping this 2021.

In 2022, consumers were beset by competing forces. High

savings fed by government stimulus vs. high inflation that

ate away at both wage gains and savings. Low unemployment vs.

the tech hiring freeze and layoffs (Baird, 2023). Those

opposing forces are still very much in play, and will continue

to shape both consumer confidence and their spending habits.

The Philippines is a hotbed for e-commerce with its young

and tech-savvy population and people whose eyes are always on

the lookout for great deals due to the economy. Many people

in the country prefer online shopping because of convenience,

something augmented by the Covid-19 pandemic that started in

March 2020 when the government imposed lockdowns and

restricted public transportation (Pielago, 2022).


The article by Ciotti (2022), Understanding Consumer

Behavior to Convert More Customers, implies that when it comes

to converting consumers, the secret to more sales is as simple

as understanding consumer behavior and learning what your

buyer wants from your business. Consumer behavior research

has shown that people like being labeled and are more inclined

to participate if they feel included. One of the best ways to

employ this tactic to boost customer retention is to follow

up with customers after they make their initial purchase with


Over the previous years, behavioural decision analysis

has been one of the most prominent academic study fields in

the industry. According to behavioural choice theorists,

customers make bad decisions in a variety of

settings. Soni (2021) reveals that customer behaviour is

extremely useful, and the circumstances in which decisions

are made are critical. Marketers must be aware of how these

consequences appear in the marketplace. Since, consumers have

a limitless number of options.

A study about how does digital marketing benefit

consumers by (WebFX, 2022) is because consumers trust e -


marketing applications because it keeps them current on the

new products that can give comfort in their

lives; these online applications also give

convenience and quick services for most of the time, and last

it gives the consumer a 24/7 access in shopping rather than

in traditional retail stores where there is a limited schedule

within the day.

Consumer Electronic Products are deemed essential in the

new normal. Even with the increasing popularity of online

marketplaces in the country, Filipinos are meticulous or

careless in choosing a product. This pandemic has changed

consumer behavior factors over the long term for further

research - that is why this study aims to describe and

identify the most influential purchasing behaviors of

electronic products on Shopee and Lazada. Further

understanding how the generations differ from each other’s

purchasing behavior; Knowing also the preferred online

marketplace by Filipinos. The researchers conducted a

quantitative descriptive-comparative study to achieve the

objectives and gather data through an online survey. From the

results, Filipino consumers’ most influential purchasing

behavior is the Product-Related Details. Filipinos wanted to

physically assess the electronic product but with the


restrictions of buying the product online. It is hard to base

on all the product information, reviews, and feedback from

other buyers (Dulay, 2022).

Thus, a certain study suggests that the new normal of

consumer behavior has psychological factors that have

affected buyers and that the pandemic was not just a health

crisis but has changed the way the whole way of life of

consumers which has created new factors which are called

Utilitarian Shopping which means necessities products such

as food, medicine, clothing, medical care while the other is

non-necessities which is called hedonic shopping which

are different products such as making impulse purchase

of a product, jewelry, and electronics and other

products more. Based on the study, it has become a fact that

because of the covid-19 virus, the consumers will buy

necessities and non-necessity products because of the

emotions that they feel, which are depression, stress,

generalized anxiety, and others (Di Crosta, Et al., 2021).

In recent years, research into consumer behavior and how

they make decisions has progressed, and it has become a major

topic in the marketing community and academia. This study

includes an exhaustive literature evaluation of educational


papers in this domain of purchasing policymaking procedure in

market and its position in order to develop the research. In

addition, the study discusses the most recent patterns and

topics that have emerged (Soni,2021).

In recent years, social application with shopping has

become an indispensable activity in people’s daily lives. A

number of previous studies have investigated various risk in

online shopping and consumer’s belief. However, few scholars

paid more attention to buying behavior, especially on consumer’s

cross-platform buying behavior (Yu, 2020).

This paper explains the consumer attitudes as to buying

behavior that surrounds the typical Filipino style and

highlights their own consumer buying identity. In many cases,

family members, friends, and colleagues are the usual

influencers to Filipino consumers. They usually listen for

the advice of people around them in choosing the brand that

will suit their needs and wants. Except for personal things,

this can be done alone without introducing a product that is

ried and tested. In some cases, it can be either way as some

products require knowledge and tests.


The study “The Influence of Online Advertising on the

Consumer Behavior of Smartphone Customers” is about small-

scale research that focuses on the new behaviors of Filipinos

in buying products in the new normal (Covid- 19 Pandemic).

The new normal is because of the Covid-19 pandemic virus that

has affected not only the Philippines but can also be felt

around the globe in; which this has also affected how we live

on a daily basis which is, of course, buying necessary

supplies such as food and medicine to keep living such the

consumers now buy in the online market and online safety

stores the study also uses Focus group discussion for the

qualitative approach and non-probability sampling method

which is convenience sampling to have a conclusion on what

are the new behaviors of consumers in the new normal (Sulayon,


Many people think that the most important stage in a

sale is when a customer hands over the money. But actually,

when it comes to how to influence consumer behavior, every

single step in the consumer decision-making process plays an

important role. For businesses to maximize profit, it’s

imperative that they pay attention to every stage in the

buying process. The stagcaraanes comprise of awareness,


research, consideration, conversion, and lastly, re-purchase.

(Millwood, 2021).

An article conducted by (Todaro et al., 2022) about

brands are essentially patterns of familiarity, meaning,

fondness, and reassurance that exist in the minds of

people, suggest that branding is important since it

gives the consumers the perception of memorable

impression such as what are the things expected of

the business or company to give to consumers such as

quality, affordability, and trust the product.

Globally, a new consumer is emerging — one that is

financially constrained, more advanced in their use of

digital technologies, more thoughtful and selective in their

decision-making. The changes we’re seeing are likely not

short term. Most consumers believe they will be living their

lives very differently for the foreseeable future. Businesses

will be faced with new challenges in this new reality


Nowadays, different strategies with concern in marketing

are performed by businesses in order to attract consumers to

make purchases. Some Filipinos usually use various internet


platforms to evaluate potential purchase decisions before

making a final decision. With that said, what Filipinos see

and hear influences their purchase patterns, which has a

significant impact on their purchasing habits.

The fundamental purpose of the study was to determine

which domain of the online advertising significantly

influence consumer buying behavior. Design /methodology

/approach: This study employed a quantitative non-

experimental research design utilizing correlational

technique. The survey was conducted at Tagum City, Davao del

Norte, Philippines. A total of 365 customers participated in

this study. Findings: Results revealed that online

advertising is much evident as perceived by the customers. On

the other hand, the consumer buying behavior towards

purchasing smartphones is much observed. The statistical

result further revealed that there was a significant

relationship between online advertising and consumer buying

behavior of smartphone customers (Sulayon, 2021).

A research conducted by Klein and Sharma tested consumer

involvement as the mediator in the relationship between

consumer intention to participate in online group buying and

their decision-making styles. The results show that


involvement significantly mediates the relationships between

the recreational, hedonistic; price-conscious; habitual,

brand loyal; and the confused by over-choice consumer

decision-making styles and their intention to participate

(Sharma, 2022).

The study titled “The Impact of Social Media on Consumer

Buying Decision-Making Process”, it was designed to

adjudicate if social media has an impact on consumer

preferences in buying, thus this study was conducted to the

students, faculty and staff of De La Salle University -

Dasmarinas. The researchers asked questions to the

respondents through online questionnaire to determine if

there will be impacts of social media presented. The

respondents share the different factors on how social media

affects their buying decision-making process. The study shows

that there is a significant relationship between the social

media and the consumers’ buying decision-making

process(Caraan, Et al, 2020).

This research paper aims to explore the influence of

celebrity endorsement on consumer decision-making in the

Philippines. By conducting an empirical research, the paper will


determine whether celebrity endorsement has an influence on

consumer decision-making in the Philippines. It will also

examine the factors that influence the decision-making process,

such as the influence of product features, brand loyalty, and

price. The results of the research will be used to provide

insights and recommendations on how to better use celebrity

endorsement in the marketing of products in the Philippines

(Alonzo, 2022).

The research will examine the effectiveness of online

advertising in comparison to other marketing techniques. Data

will be collected through qualitative and quantitative

methods, such as surveys, interviews, and focus groups. The

findings of this research project will provide insights into

the impact of online advertising on consumer decision making

in the Philippines, thereby helping businesses make informed

decisions about their marketing strategies (De Guzman, 2023).

With the recent rise of internet-based businesses within

the confines of the Philippines, people started to pay closer

attention to shipping costs and other completion concerns,

which are variables that influence a consumer's perception


prior to purchasing. Ultimately, online buyers in the

Philippines are fairly neutral about whether the amount of

shipping fee completely affects the customer's online

evaluation and choices (Manapul, 2022).

Digital marketing is arguably one of the preeminent

marketing strategies utilized by today's vast number of

businesses and companies. This strategy offers tools that

enable them to promote their products to a much larger

audience as it encompasses geographical boundaries. Also, it

can build better relationships with customers since the

content is customized to their liking. In the current study,

the researchers aimed to determine how digital marketing

affects the consumer behavior of Filipinos, specifically

customer engagement and purchase intention (Astoriano,

Gerona, Marzan 2022).


Statement of the Problem

This study aims to know the effects of marketing on

consumers’ behavior and decision-making.


Specifically, this investigation will seek answers to

the accompanying inquiries:

1. What is the respondent's profile in terms of:

1.1 age;

1.2 gender; and

1.3 grade level?

2. What is the profile of consumers’ purchasing intentions

in terms of:

2.1 consumer behavior;

2.2 decision-making?

3. Is there a significant relationship of marketing on

consumer behavior and decision-making?

4. Is there any significant difference on how different age

groups respond to marketing effects of companies?

5. What improvement plan could be proposed based on the

findings of the study?

Statement of the Null Hypothesis

There is no significant relationship between consumers’

behavior on marketing and decision-making.

Significance of the Study


This study would help businesses understand what

influences consumers' buying decisions. The results provide

assistance to the following:

Consumers. This study could help in the decision making

and abilities of buyers. It encourages people and businesses

to acquire products and support specific brands.

Business. This study helps businesses learn the

decision-making process of consumers.

Future Researchers. This study will give opportunities

to future researchers who want to study about the behavior of

consumers' and their decision making when it comes to

business. This study will serve as their support in furthering

their research. Through this, they will be able to provide

more concrete information that will be helpful in the

development of business.



A self-made questionnaire will be the major tool the

researchers utilize to collect data for this study. In this


study, they plan to employ the descriptive research

methodology. It is descriptive in the sense that the data

obtained will be analyzed and described. This design also

validates certain phenomena in which explore how it

influences the variables of the study.

After retrieving the results from the survey, the

information required to evaluate and assess the marketing

effects on consumer behavior and decision-making will be


Environment and Participants

This study will be conducted at Bohol Wisdom School,

located at Peñaflor Street, Carlos P. Garcia Avenue,

Tagbilaran City, Bohol. Bohol Wisdom School (formerly Bohol

Chinese School) is a private Filipino-Chinese academic

institution in Tagbilaran City. It was founded in 1930 as an

elementary school. With the mission to integrate the Chinese

and Filipino cultures, the Chinese founders had Chinese

Language Arts as a focus of the academic programs. The school

is currently a K-12 accredited institution. It has a Senior

High School (SHS) department offering the Academic Track,

particularly the ABM, HUMMS, and STEM strands. Its College of


Education, on the other hand, has degree programs in

Elementary Education and in Secondary Education, both of

which have specific majors which students can take according

to their interests.

The participants of the study will be the high school

students of Bohol Wisdom School from Grades 7 - 12. They will

be within the age range of 12 - 19 years old, which is our

target demographic for the conduct of this study.


The research instrument that will be used by the researchers

in collecting and gathering data needed for this study will be a

self-made close-ended questionnaire.

The questionnaire aims to assess the following: 1)

profile of the respondents according to age, gender, and grade

level. 2) perception of the respondents on the marketing

effects on consumer behavior and decision-making. 3)

distinction of any significant effect of marketing on

consumer behavior and decision-making. 4) action programs

that could be proposed based on the findings of the study.


Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers will be sending a letter to the high

school principal and the researchers' research adviser asking

for permission to conduct a survey on the school campus. The

researchers will personally provide the printed

questionnaires which will be answered in the respective

classroom of the respondents. The collected data will undergo

a statistical treatment which will later provide data to be

used to gather results.

Data Analysis
To clearly determine the analysis of the results

exemplified by the survey that will be administered, the

following statistical formula will be used:

To determine each of the respondents’ demographic

profile namely: age, gender and grade level, the percentage

formula will be employed.

𝑃= 𝑥 100%


P = simple percentage

𝑓 = frequency

n = number of cases

In order to determine the effects of marketing on

consumers’ purchasing intentions, the Weighted Mean will be


∑ 𝑓𝑥


WM = Weighted Mean

fx = summation of frequency of scale x

N = number of cases

Meanwhile, in order to determine the significant

relationship of marketing on consumer behavior and decision-

making, the Pearson Product Moment Coefficient of Correlation

will be utilized.

𝑛(∑ 𝑥𝑦) − (∑ 𝑥)(∑ 𝑦)

√[𝑛 ∑ 𝑥 2 − (∑ 𝑥)2 ][𝑛 ∑ 𝑦 2 − (∑ 𝑦)2 ]


r= the Pearson Product Moment Coefficient of


n = sample size

∑ 𝑥𝑦 = the sum of the product of x and y

∑ 𝑥 = summation of x

∑ 𝑦 = summation of y

∑ 𝑥 2 = sum of the squares of x

∑ 𝑦 2 = sum of the squares of y

Meanwhile, in order to determine the significant

difference on how different age groups respond to marketing

effects of companies, the One-way ANOVA formula will be


Source of Sum of Degrees Mean F

Variation Squares (SS) of Squares
Freedom (MS)

Between ̅̅̅
SSB = ∑ 𝑛𝑗 (𝑋 𝑗 −
k – 1 MSB = F =
Treatments ̅ 2 𝑆𝑆𝐵 𝑀𝑆𝐵
𝑋) 𝑘−1 𝑀𝑆𝐸

Error (or SSE = ∑ ∑(𝑋 − N – k MSE =

Residual) 𝑋̅𝑗 )2 𝑀𝑆𝐸
Total SST = ∑ ∑(𝑋 − N – 1
𝑋̅ )2

X = individual observation

𝑋̅𝑗 = sample mean of the jth treatment ( or group)

𝑋̅ = overall sample mean

k = the number of treatments or independent comparison

N = total number of observations or total sample size.



Business. This refers to an organization or enterprising

entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional

activities. Businesses can be for-profit entities or non-

profit organizations. Business types range from limited

liability companies to sole proprietorships, corporations,

and partnerships.

Consumer. This refers to the person who purchases the

product for his or her own needs and uses or consumes it. A

consumer cannot resell the good, product, or service but can

consume it to earn his or her livelihood and self-employment.

Consumer Behavior. This refers to the analysis of how

consumers make decisions about what to buy, when to buy it,

and how to do so.

Decision-making. This refers to the process of making

choices by identifying a decision, gathering information, and

assessing alternative resolutions. Using a step-by-step

decision-making process can help you make more deliberate,


thoughtful decisions by organizing relevant information and

defining alternatives.

Marketing. This refers to a whole gamut of activities

aiming to make people aware of the products and services and

persuade them to buy them.

Marketing Strategies. This refers to a long-term plan

for achieving a company's goals by understanding the needs of

customers and creating a distinct and sustainable competitive

advantage. It encompasses everything from determining who

your customers are to deciding what channels you use to reach

those customers.

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Amor, M.A. & Perdices, M.V. 2020. Impact of Online Advertising

on Consumer Decision-Making Process: Evidence from
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Astoriano, L.C., Gerona, J. A. & Marzan, J. C. 2022. The

Impact of Digital Marketing on Customer Buying Intention
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Psychological factors and consumer behavior during the Covid-
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Go, J. 2022. How consumer behavior has changed during

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Guevarra, E. 2022. The Impact of social media on Consumer

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Lesonsky, R. 2023. Post-Pandemic Trends In Consumer

Behavior: What Small Businesses Need To Know

Lezoraine, M.A. 2021. 12 Trends That Will Shape Consumer

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Liban, R. P., Rustia, J. R., Dulay, F., Tayag, M. 2021.

Generation Y and Z Filipino Consumers’ Purchasing
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Manabat, R.G. 2020. The New Consumer: Financially Constrained

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Millwood, A. 2021. Understanding the Consumer Decision Making

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Name (Optional):_________________________________________

A. Profile
1. Age
__ 11-13 years old __17-19 years old
__ 14-16 years old __20-22 years old

2. Gender
__ Male __ Female

3. Grade Level
__ Grade 7 __Grade 10
__ Grade 8 __Grade 11
__ Grade 9 __Grade 12

Directions: Please indicate your level of effectiveness or

ineffectiveness to the following statements by
checking the boxes. We highly appreciate it if
you would answer with HONESTY so as to make this
study reliable. Your answers are rest assured
confidential and will be only used to gather data
for the study.

5 - Highly Effective
4 - Effective
3 - Neutral
2 - Ineffective
1 - Highly Ineffective


1.I get interested when business use good

marketing strategies.
2.I am encouraged to purchase a product
from a business with good marketing.
3.I desire to purchase a product when
marketed to my needs.

4.I stay loyal to businesses that

continue to reach out to me after I
purchase a product.

5.I get annoyed when a business’ way of

marketing is repetitive.
6.I recommend products to friends and
family if I am getting rewarded.

7.I get drawn to products when their

logos and visuals look good.

8.I join the hype and talk about

products that are currently trending.

9.I use products from brands that are

more familiar and well-known.
10.I engage with brands that listen to
their customers.

5 - Strongly Agree
4 - Agree
3 - Neutral
2 - Disagree
1 - Strongly Disagree

1. I buy from brands that market the
products I need.
2. I buy from brands that connect to
their customers.
3. I buy from brands that are honest and
transparent about their products.
4. I buy from brands that are more
focused on what the customers want.

5. I buy from brands when I see

celebrities promoting them.
6. I buy from brands that follow trends.
7. I buy from brands that sell at better
8. I buy from brands that go on sale more.
9. I buy from brands that listen to their
customers and improve from them.
10. I continue to buy from brands who
follow up and reach out even after I
purchase from them.

Thank you for your cooperation!

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