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Module 2

Self-perceptive Writing
For me, the definition of human flourishing is not just having a positive traits and thoughts, it
also the key to improving the quality of life for every member of the society to achieve the
dream world which is focusing on unity and piece.
For me, the meaning of human condition is all about the characteristics and process of every
person. We all know that being a human consist of different stages before we become
conscious to all the aspects, our life consists of infancy, youth, the middle years and old age.
Each stage is an important and beautiful time of growth, learning, caring and sharing in a
special and unique way.
I do believe in Aristotle’s principles because he says that there is an end to all of the actions
that we perform, which we desire for ourselves. We all know that happiness is the only end
or good that we desire, we are pushing ourselves to something that is more crucial but we
do not give emphasis to things that make us feel what is happiness all about. That is why we
must always consider every actions that we make, and achieve the true happiness in life.

I agree to verification and falsification theory because, when we say Verification theory it can
be confirmed or interpreted in the event of an alternative hypothesis is accepted. The good
thing about verification it only allows the said theory if it is measurable and experiments
that are repeatable. On the other hand, Falsification theory asserts that as long as an
ideology is not conclude as false and can explain a phenomenon over other alternative
theories, we should accept the ideology.
Between the three (3) discussed famous quotes that deeply critique human condition, I
personally believe in “Humanity is lost because people abandoned using their conscience as
their compass”, because for me conscience it enables us to know ourselves and our world
and act accordingly. Seeing conscience in this way is important because it teaches us
ethics is not innate. We consider what is right and wrong, what is really the life is, and
how good is being kind to promote humanity in the world.

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