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Name: Judette Pagdilao-Guerra Grade Level: Grade 8

Subject: English Lesson For: April 3-4, 2023 (Day 1-2)

School: Camarin High School Quarter: 3rd Quarter – Week 4

TIME SECTION Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Checked By:

12:30-1:20 pm JUDE 1 2 Ms. Sarah Jane R. Battulayan
1:20-2:10 pm MICAH 1 2 Critic Teacher
2:10-3:00 pm JONAH 1 2 Date Checked:
3:30-4:20 pm ACTS 1 2
4:20-5:10 pm ZECHARIAH 1 2
5:10-6:00 pm THESSALONIANS 1

A. Grade Level Standard
The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding of
Philippine Literature and other text types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture and
those other countries.
B. Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC):
MELCs #5: Create cohesion in speeches using transition devices.
MELCs #6: Use parallel structures
C. Learning Competency
EN8LCQ3W5: Creating cohesion on Speeches Using Transitional Devices.
EN8LCQ3W6: Parallel Structures as a Cohesive Device
D. Learning Objectives
At the end of the discussion, the learners are expected to
a. review lesson on transitional devices & speech; and
b. discuss their performance task about writing and delivering their own speech.

• Performance task # 2
• MELCs 5 & 6


A. Reference:
English 8 Quarter 3- Week 5: Creating Cohesion on Speeches Using Transitional Devices.
English 8 Quarter 3- Week 6: Parallel Structures as a Cohesive Device
B. Other reference:
C. Materials:
Student’s English notebook, bond paper and pen

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity (Answer may vary)
Preliminary Activity
• Opening Prayer • One of the students will lead the prayer.

• Greetings • The students will also greet their teacher.

• Checking of Classroom Cleanliness • The students will check if there are any
trashes under their chairs.

• Checking of Attendance • The leaders of the groups will tell if there

is an absentee or none.
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity (Answer may vary)
A. Reviewing the previous lesson or presenting the new lesson
• What was our discussion last meeting? • All about speech

• Okay, is there anyone from the class who • Speech is a formal talk given usually to a
can define speech based on our discussion last large number of people on a special
meeting. occasion.

• Very Good!

• Types of Speeches
• So, can you determine the types of speech 1. Informative
that I discussed last meeting? - The speaker who is knowledgeable on the
topic is expected to provide and explain
information about the topic.

• 2. Persuasive
- The speaker presents ideas or
beliefs to convince the audience to side with
the case of the speaker or to forward an
advocacy or action.

• 3. Special Occasion
- The speaker commonly
speaks to give a praise, to pay tribute, or to
entertain during a ceremony or program.

• Very Good! Class

B. Establishing a Purpose for the lesson

• The teacher will ask the student to write • The students will prepare to write their
their speech using the transitional devices speech using the transitional devices. And
discussed in the class. Then, choose if they they will choose if it is informative,
want an informative, persuasive, and persuasive and entertainment, or special
entertaining speech. occasion speech.
• The teacher will ask the student to • After that, the students will perform their
perform their written speech after they
speech in the class.
write it on bond paper.
C. Presenting example/ instances of the new lesson
Performance Task #2 & 3 • The student will write their own speech
Write a speech using the transitional devices on base by the teacher’s instruction a piece of
the bond paper that consists of 300 to 400 words. bond paper.
Then, they must deliver it for 1 to 3mins.

Choose your types of speech:

1. Informative
2. Persuasive
3. Entertainment
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1

E. Discussing new concept and practicing new skills#2

F. Developing Mastery (Leads to Formative Assessment #3)

G. Finding Practical application of the concept and skills in daily living?

H. Making generalization and abstraction about the lesson
• The student’s ability must express their ideas in writing a speech using the transitional
devices in various types of speech.
• The student must deliver their speech orally, developing their self-confidence in the
I. Evaluation
• Output/PT will be evaluated based on the • The students will write and deliver their
following: speech based on provided rubrics.

a. 5pts- Technique
b. 5 pts - Elements of description
c. 8 pts - Organization
d. 7 pts - Use of Transitional devices and
e. 8 pts - Convention

(Speech Delivery)
a. 5 pts - Clarity of voice
b. 5 pts - Mastery of the speech
c. 15 pts - Over- all Delivery
d. 5 pts - posture

Overall total of 60pts

J. Additional activities for application or remediation (Assignment)
Complete this phrase in 20 words:
The things that I have learned in this lesson_________________.

______ Lesson carried/ Move on to the next objective.
______ Lesson not carried.
______ Reteaching
______ Lack of Time
______ Classes Suspended (Transfer of lesson to the following day.)

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