Evaluation - Module 3

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Module 3

Supply Type A. Answer the following questions with brief yet accurate concepts in a sentence
1. Why do you think the meaning of good life differs from person to person?
- The meaning of good life differs from person to person because we have our own lives and
decisions. We have experiences and memories to treasure to build a good life with our family,
relatives, and friends. We have our perspective in life to define what good life is, what is our
happiness and what aspect we feel contented with.
1. In your own words, what is the meaning of good life according to:
1. Plato
- For Plato, the meaning of good life is about knowing yourself or being a master of what you are
to promote the stability of your community. Even though there are changes or improvements if
you know yourself it will remain constant.
1. Aristotle
- For Aristotle, the meaning of good life is only by observation of the external world that one can
truly understand what reality is about, or simply understand what the reality is. Once we have
already experienced reality, we can experience what is a good life. We all want to be happy, and
Aristotle says that happiness is the end of everything that we do, because and the end of the day
we just want to achieve happiness.
1. Kant
- For Kant, the meaning of good life is achieving happiness through continuous well-being,
enjoyment of life, and complete satisfaction. He says that happiness is according to someone’s
will and wish and it is not virtuous. He simply identifies that happiness is simply getting what we
want in life. 
1. Nietzsche
- According to Nietzsche, to love your fate is to know that everything that has happened in your
life, the good, the bad, and the ugly has contributed to who you are and what you are doing at
this very moment, that is why if you want to enter in a serious relationship, you are open from
that thing that might happen, whether it is good or bad, because Nietzsche, says that trying to
create yourself will lead you to many failures, but those failures will help you see the meaning of
you as a person.
1. Among the four mentioned philosophers, who have an opposing definition of a good life?
- Among the four philosophers, I think the one that is opposing the definition of the good life is
Philosopher Plato because for him the individual becomes a master of himself using his reason to
reign in his passions and doing what he can help to promote the stability of his community. I
think this philosophy is more on the self and without thinking the others because for me having a
good life is about experiencing things, and interacting with other people to grow and improve
yourself at the same time. Among the four philosophers, I think the one that is opposing the
definition of the good life is Philosopher Plato because for him the individual becomes a master
of himself using his reason to reign in his passions and doing what he can help to promote the
stability of his community. I think this philosophy is more on the self and without thinking the
others because for me having a good life is about experiencing things, and interacting with other
people to grow and improve yourself at the same time.
Supply Type
1. In your own words, what is the meaning of good life according to
1. Materialism
- The meaning of good life according to Materialism is about the matters that make us attain
happiness. Because Democritus and Leucippus primarily believe that the world is made up of
and controlled by tiny indivisible, for them the world including us, is made up of matter which
such only material entities matter. Things that will lead us to happiness and power because we as
humans do not recognize well what is true happiness since we just obtain it in different material
1. Hedonism
- The meaning of good life according to Hedonism is all about pleasure. For them, pleasure has
always been the priority and life is full of pleasure since life is limited. Hedonists believe that life
is about, “Eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die”. That is people nowadays define life as
“YOLO” which means You only live once, that is why do the things that make you happy and
1. Stoicism
- The meaning of good life according to Stoicism is the idea of one must learn to distance oneself
and be apathetic to be happy. When we say Apatheia it means to be indifferent. That is why we
must adopt the behavior that things are not within our control, and it happens because of purpose.
The sooner we realize things, the happier that we become.
1. Theism
- The meaning of good life according to Theism is having communication with God. The
ultimate basis for happiness is interacting with God even though we cannot see Him. Having a
good life is not here on Earth but we will achieve it in Heaven with God, we are all just
temporary living here on earth and not engaging in just material things because only God will be
the key to having a good life and achieving the true happiness.
1. Humanism
- The meaning of good life according to Humanism is about espousing man’s freedom to carve
his destiny and legislate his laws, free from the shackles of a God that monitors and controls. For
Humanism the man is the captain or the leader that holds everything and seeks to the
improvement of lives of inhabitants.
1. Among the five philosophies, what has opposing and similar beliefs regarding the good
life? Why?
- Among the five philosophies, I think Materialism and Hedonism have similarities when it
comes to the good life since they obtain happiness through materials and pleasure as for them life
is limited. On the other hand, Theism does not recognize material things as the ultimate basis of
happiness, because only God can give happiness and fulfillment in life. Material things are just
temporary according to Theism.

B. Complete the following metacognitive phrases.

1. For me, the true definition of the good life is having a God in life, because if you are
having a God who will give you strength and persevere to cope with all your challenges it
will be easy, and you will know your worth. Having a God is a power that no one will
take away because your saviors are powerful in every aspect, and you know you are
always safe and grateful. 

1. Among the philosophers, I believe in D. Fried rich Nietzsche because According to

Nietzsche, to love your fate is to know that everything that has happened in your life, the
good, the bad, and the ugly has contributed to who you are and what you are doing at this
very moment, that is why if you want to experience the good life you need to be open
from that thing that might happen, whether it is good or bad, because Nietzsche, says that
trying to create yourself will lead you to many failures, but those failures will help you
see the meaning of you as a person and will lead to you to become a better version of
1. Among the five philosophies, I am Theism because for me the ultimate basis of happiness
and the key to having a good life is having communication with God. And all of the
things that we have here on earth are just temporary because our permanent home is in
heaven with our ultimate savior our Lord Jesus.

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