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Chapter 13

Our Environment

A. Answer the following questions:-

1. Why do we study about the natural environment?

Answer: We study about the natural environment because all living beings
present on the earth are influenced by the physical or natural environment.

2.Why are the areas in a desert or a mountainous region sparsely


Answer: This is so because these areas have harsh climate with very less or
almost no opportunity of agriculture . Secondly , means of transport are not
so easily availablein such areas .

3.Why should we protect our environment?

Answer :We should protect our environment because it provides us with

various necessities of life such as air to breathe , water to drink, food o est and
land to live. All our industrial activities depend upon different raw material
provided by the natural resources.
B. Distinguish between natural and human environment

Natural Environment Human Environment

i) Natural Environment is the i) Human environment is the
physical surroundings of man environment developed from
which is present in nature. natural environment and is man
ii)Sky, rivers , trees , mountains etc ii)Buildings, bridges, highways etc
are part of natural environment. are a few examples of human

1. Read the chapter till explained
2. Make a list different ways you can protect your environment

Answer: i)Conserve water.

ii)Conserve natural resources like forests , pastures , farms , mineral
iii) Plant Trees
iv) Follow the 3 R’s of Envronmental protection that is Reduce.
Reuse and recycle.
v)Keep your surroundings clean.

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