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Question: Answer Format

Contract: Consideration
Before Contract: Representation
Inconsequential: Nominal
Injury: General
Indirect: Consequential
Direct: Special
Molecular: Internal Energy
Complete in 3 yrs: 60 CU
Leader, Budget: Matrix
Isa-isang electron: Aufbau Principle
Gas sa mixture, individual properties: Gibbs Theorem
3rd Law of Thermodynamics: Nernst Law
Model of proton: Ernest Rutherford
Electron jump on what model: Bohr
Quick assets to current liabilities: Acid test ratio
CPM: J. E. Kelly
Unit of dynamic viscosity: Reyn
Pipe: Venturi meter
Follow simple harmonic motion: if arc is not too long
Newest carbon allotrope: Fullerenes
Velocity of flow: Pitot tube
Dagdag water, pressure valve: Thistle tube
Builds DNA: Zinc
Telephone: Nickel silver copper
Core of the Earth: Iron
Thermocouple: Platinum
Cold to hot: Claussius statement
Deviate from ideal gas: High pressure Low temperature
Costs before zero time: Sunk cost
Igneous rock: 90%
Oxygen in the body: 65%
Solid cylinder rolling down rotational KE to translational KE: 1:2
Tension > Compression: Bauschinger Effect
IRR of RA9292 approved: October 2, 2007
Type approval: MC 02-01-2001
Most potent hardenability: Boron
Hardness: Copper, Thermoset, Magnesium, Thermoplastic
All member of truss needed: Method of Joints
Noble metals: Gold, Iridium, Silver, Platinum
Can be redeemed before maturity: Callable bond
Variety of, Twice: Hyperons
200 times: Muons
3000 times: Tauons
Dow process: Magnesium
1 double bond: Alkenes
Hydrocarbons are soluble in water: False
6.25%: paid up capital
25%: S capital
1st: Principal Quantum Number
2nd: Azimuthal Quantum Number
3rd: Magnetic Quantum Number
4th: Spin Quantum Number
Nitrogen gas has odor: True
MARR: hurdle rate
False statement on simple harmonic motion: Amplitude is too small
Salvage value independent, accumulated depreciation: DDBM
Work done: Heat input; Heat discharge
Isentropic: actual to Ideal extracted
Most stiff: Diamond
Angular momentum: J-s
Continuity equation: Conservation of mass
Earth ang momentum on axis: Revolution
Around Sun: Less than
Rigidity: Unitless
Stiffness: N/m
Babbitts: Tin, Copper, Antimony
Hall Process: Aluminum
Haber Process: Ammonia
Impulse: N-s
Section modulus: cubic inches
Mass moment of inertia: Kg-m s
Solar spectrum: Fraunhoffer
Are the primary goal: Interest and ____
Acid react: Carbon Dioxide from Carbonates
From Carbonates: Carbon Dioxide
Wala sac enter: Eccentric
Sa Sun pag noon: Polarized East-West
Work done over heat input: Thermal Efficiency
Bulletproof: Kevlar
Whiskers: Metal matrix composites
Arrhenius slope: Activation energy
High energy: Proton gains mass
Turbulent, Laminar: Moody diagram
Not silvery white: Beryllium
Not used in Medicine: Barrium (module 17)
Can give in what phase: Gaseous phase
Hold together atoms: Binding energy

Answers Bank:
Distortion Theorem
Cost method

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