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Contact Number 0948-693-1360

BA201N-B Organizational Theory

Of the Division of Labor by Adam Smith

Reaction paper

Adam Smith describes the importance of the division of labor that the firm can benefit and to the
society as also the main benefactor of this invention. The segregation of duties and responsibilities in the
company creates more productivity for each employees’ output. He also explains the three circumstances
under the division of labor; dexterity, no switching between task, and automation. Division of labor focuses
the mind of an individual worker to innovate his work to come up with new methods in work, the individual
worker is good at one specific task than having more than one or many tasks, and the individual worker
should at least focus their task at one time. Division of labor influence the creativity of worker to discover
efficient methods at work that saves time

At present, the manufacturing economy follows these great inventions of Adam Smith where there
is separate work (area, process, department), requires different tools, equipment, and different labor to
produce and sell the goods. The improvements in the production are necessary and continuously
monitored by the management of the firm to facilitate the production process and to serve the demand of
the goods and services in the marketplace. The increase in the quantity of work that leads to a successful
production meets the needs of the great demand of people also creates an opportunity for other people in
the society by identifying the opportunity to grow and expand the economy – it creates jobs and. In the
Agricultural economy, the division of labor is difficult to apply in it because the different tasks have to be
done during different seasons, so the worker cannot specialized easily on it.

Because of the inventions we tend to adapt our behavior to a new one and influence others to
adopt also, innovations come from the new process of work, new methods of work, new information, and
ideas to use and apply and new product to adopt and influence others also to adopt. We are inclined to
what is something new, the new to the world product is created by the sum efforts of many specialized
workers that come up together for one specific goal, it is the cooperation of one another with their
distinctive expertise, and working together with the division of labor produce promising results in the
production and development of new inventions that recognize the solution to every individual problem.

The great inventions is a consequence of great ideas and knowledge of a man, as we go forward
following the flow of the pre-constructed social norm that associates living with hardworking and aiming to
improve the quality living for the betterment of our family and to the society, the time has come for us to
appreciate, use and consume the efforts of our inventions and for the next generations they will have their
own too it might be superior to us and advance technology that corresponds to their needs and time.

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