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Recent developments in machine learning applications in landslide susceptibility

Na Kai Lun, Mohd Shahir Liew, Abdul Nasir Matori, and Noor Amila Wan Abdullah Zawawi

Citation: AIP Conference Proceedings 1905, 040022 (2017); doi: 10.1063/1.5012210

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Recent Developments in Machine Learning Applications in
Landslide Susceptibility Mapping
Na Kai Lun 1, a), Mohd Shahir Liew 2, b) , Abdul Nasir Matori3, c) and Noor Amila
Wan Abdullah Zawawi4, d)
Civil & Environmental Engineering Department, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Perak
Research & Innovation Office, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Perak
Corresponding author:

Abstract. While the prediction of spatial distribution of potential landslide occurrences is a primary interest in landslide
hazard mitigation, it remains a challenging task. To overcome the scarceness of complete, sufficiently detailed
geomorphological attributes and environmental conditions, various machine-learning techniques are increasingly applied
to effectively map landslide susceptibility for large regions. Nevertheless, limited review papers are devoted to this field,
particularly on the various domain specific applications of machine learning techniques. Available literature often report
relatively good predictive performance, however, papers discussing the limitations of each approaches are quite
uncommon. The foremost aim of this paper is to narrow these gaps in literature and to review up-to-date machine
learning and ensemble learning techniques applied in landslide susceptibility mapping. It provides new readers an
introductory understanding on the subject matter and researchers a contemporary review of machine learning
advancements alongside the future direction of these techniques in the landslide mitigation field.

Landslide susceptibility assessment (LSA) is an established approach as a preliminary solution to mitigating or
minimizing landslide damages [1]. It is a function of the likelihood of future landslide occurrences based on a
relative ranking of categories of each landslide causative parameter [2]. The resulting output is a solely spatial
distribution of the predicted categorized hazard probabilities across grid cells, known as landslide susceptibility
maps (LSM). LSA is generally categorized as qualitative and quantitative techniques in the evaluation. Pioneering
qualitative techniques are based upon expert knowledge and experience in defining the parameters involved and
susceptibility value in descriptive terms. Consequently, quantitative methods, such as deterministic and probabilistic
models, greatly diminish the subjectivity of heuristic (qualitative) techniques. While deterministic models based
upon physical properties of mass material are deemed the most effective approach, they are limited to local-scale
assessments with the availability of homogenous and high-resolution spatial features [3]. In practice, not all of
spatial layers can be economically and reliably determined over large regions to generate functional and accurate
maps [4], [5]. Consequently, probabilistic models are especially applicable for assessments over large regions
predisposed to landslide events with inadequate or inaccurate legacy and environmental information. The adeptness
of susceptibility methods is significantly dependent on the data distribution and size of datasets; therefore,
distribution-free multivariate techniques are ideal for landslide assessments [6]. The advent of soft computing has
enabled advanced quantitative approaches, such as machine learning and ensemble learning, to analyse extensive
spatial datasets made up of unstandardized data formats. It is widely acknowledged that there is no universally best
approach to landslide susceptibility mapping [7]. Each technique comes with its own distinctive challenges and
advantages. Surprisingly, only a handful of review papers are devoted to this field [8], [9], [10], [11] with a majority

Proceedings of the 13th IMT-GT International Conference on Mathematics, Statistics and their Applications (ICMSA2017)
AIP Conf. Proc. 1905, 040022-1–040022-6;
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1595-9/$30.00

published prior to 2013. The foremost aim of this paper is to narrow these gaps in literature, particularly for Asia,
where the threat of landslide mortality is high. The countries most affected are southwestern China, northern India,
southern Himalayas and northern Pakistan, Italy as well as regions in Central and South America [12].
This paper discusses more recent (2012-2017) publications on machine learning applications in LSA. More than
45 up-to-date and highly cited research papers from referred journals such as Environmental Earth Sciences, Natural
Hazards, Landslides, Remote Sensing, Geomorphology and International Journal of Remote Sensing have been
reviewed and a comparison on the different machine learning techniques used for regional scale hazard mapping is


Machine learning is a judicious fusion of applied mathematics and computational intelligence. It focuses on
‘training’ an algorithm to probe for and learn from data structure robust enough to make predictions; even without
predecessor knowledge of the structure. Machine learning algorithms are usually categorized according to the
approach of “learning”. The most common learning tasks are supervised learning techniques (for regression and
classification problems), such as logistic regression (LR) [13], [14], [15] Artificial Neural Network (ANN) [16], [17],
[18], [19] and Support Vector Machine (SVM) [20], [21] and unsupervised learning techniques (for clustering
purposes), such as k-means clustering and association rules. This paper also includes probabilistic machine learning
approaches for instance Evidential Belief Function (EBF), Certainty Factor (CF) and fuzzy logic applications. These
are of course not an exhaustive list of the techniques. Interested readers can refer to [22], [23] for further elucidation
on the concepts and differences. Available literature on machine learning applications in landslide susceptibility often
report relatively good predictive performance. There are also authors who found no difference in the predictive
performance of advanced techniques compared to conventional methods [24], [25].
Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is a popular method, which has robust tolerance towards noisy and incomplete
datasets and possesses rapid generalization capability [26], [27]. However, the disadvantage of ANN is its “black
box” model status, which prohibits straightforward assessment of the model’s validity. A hybrid neuro-fuzzy
weighting technique was applied in [28] to overcome the shortcomings of this black box nature of ANN. Fuzzy logic
is especially helpful when detailed data is not available. The authors derived weights for each category of landslide
causative factors using the Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm and ratings for each category using the cosine amplitude
method. The resulting susceptibility map was constructed using the weights and fuzzy set derived ratings. Relative to
the typical subjective weighting method, ANN method, and fuzzy set method, the hybrid technique constructed the
most accurate susceptibility map when measured up against existing field data [28].
Chauhan et al. [29] tested a modified ANN model, which allocated a weighted rating to every category of the
landslide causative factors. Forty-two categories, from seven causative factors, formed the input layer of the ANN.
Input neurons were allocated random discrete connection weights, which were continuously adjusted until a
satisfactory training accuracy was attained. The area under Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve
(AUROC) is a standard measure in landslide assessment to describe the predictive performance of a model. The
resulting modified ANN based map (AUROC = 0.88) performed better than the conventional ANN based map
(AUROC=0.84) in terms success rates and density analysis. Dou et al. [19] developed a hybrid certainty factor (CF)
and ANN model to predict landslide susceptibility in Japan using six predisposing causative features. The hybrid
model realized an AUROC of 0.82.
Evidential belief factor (EBF) is another machine learning algorithm which is gaining attention due to its
flexibility in uncertainty acceptance and its capacity to incorporate the probability confidence or belief of multiple
sources. Centred on the Dempster-Shafer theory, it is a generalization of the Bayesian theory of subjective
probability [30]. Using the same set of landslide causative factors, [30] compared the performance of an EBF model
and nine fuzzy logic models. Upon validation, all resulting models demonstrated high prediction capabilities with
area under curve (AUC) values ranging from 0.9185 to 0.9370, wherein the EBF model resulted in the best
performance. [31] established a runout propagation and landslide susceptibility map using data driven EBF. The
resulting map, built from nineteen landslide causative features, combined the landslide and spreading susceptibility
of the study site.
Jebur et al. [32] proved that the combination of EBF and RBF-SVM methods were highly effective for
susceptibility prediction compared to standalone methods of SVM and EBF. The radial basis function (RBF) kernel
was identified to work best for the selected case study. Moreover, SVM results in finer spatial structuring
particularly for spatially complex landscapes [33]. SVM is found to be advantageous in dealing with small training
sample numbers and a robust approach requiring minimum model tuning [34].

Another study [35] for the same area tested two variations of neural networks namely the Bayesian Regularized
Neural Network (BRNN) and Levenberg–Marquardt Neural Network (LMNN). The study aims to explore the
variations to overcome the disadvantages of ANN being difficult to interpret at the level of individual features.
BRNN is an innovative approach while LMNN is an established robust method with good prediction capability due
to applied cluster analysis pre-processing and is deemed one of the faster ANNs approaches. The BRNN model was
independently trained while the LMNN model was divided into three subsets to prevent overfitting. The area under
the curve for BRNN and LMNN are 0.903 and 0.861 respectively, in comparison to a logistic regression model
(AUC= 0.938) implemented in an earlier study. BRNN not only outperformed LMNN, it was also a more robust
alternative for landslide susceptibility studies.
Bui et al. [36] studied the impacts of various kernel functions on SVM susceptibility models. The models were
SVM with linear function (LN-SVM), radial basis function (RBF-SVM), polynomial function (PL-SVM), and
sigmoid function (SIG-SVM). The grid search method with cross validation was applied to determine the “best”
classification parameters [37]. The same ten causative factors were employed and all maps were assessed using
prediction rate curves and Cohen’s Kappa index (Κ). The predictive capabilities of all resulting maps were
exceptional and comparable, with PL-SVM performing the best (AUC = 0.955, Κ=0.823), followed by RBF-SVM
(AUC=0.954, Κ=0.822), LN-SVM (AUC=0.952, Κ=0.756) and SIG-SVM (AUC=0.945,Κ=0.722). Κ values
represented the reliability of a model, the higher the value, the stronger the agreement between observed and
predicted values. These models performed better compared to logistic regression (AUC=0.938) and Bayesian
regularized neural network (AUC=0.903) models generated in earlier studies [36]. Bui et al. [38] compared the
performance of support vector machines (SVM) with two kernel functions, decision tree (DT) and Naïve Bayes
(NB) models in the computation of landslide susceptibility indexes for Hoa Binh in Vietnam. Subsequently, the
ensuing four susceptibility maps were contrasted against a map constructed based on logistic regression model by
the same researchers in 2011. The same ten parameters were used as the preceding study. A visual comparison of the
high susceptibility classes of the new maps demonstrates good agreement with field evidence and assumptions. The
predictive capability of the RBF-SVM and PL-SVM models were marginally superior to the logistic regression
model used in a previous study.
A comparison of five machine learning methods for a landslide susceptibility study in Uttarakhand concluded
SVM to be most feasible for the site compared to Logistic Regression (LR), Fisher's Linear Discriminant Analysis
(FLDA), Bayesian Network (BN), and Naïve Bayes (NB) [39]. The results were in line with prior case studies where
SVM was proven to outperform other learning methods such as logistic regression, Naïve Bayes and decision tree
[25], [33] , [40], [41]. The same authors further compared the performance of RBF-SVM and Naïve Bayes Trees
(NBT) for the spatial prediction of landslides for a mountainous Uttarakhand region. NBT is a hybrid of Naïve
Bayes and decision tree classifiers, which is an improvement of both techniques [42]. This study marked the first
application of NBT in landslide susceptibility assessment [43] and proved that NBT is a technique on par with SVM.
Bui et al. [44] evaluated the performance of five different landslide susceptibility model from support vector
machine (SVM), multi-layer perceptron neural networks (MLP Neural Nets), radial basis function neural networks
(RBF Neural Nets), kernel logistic regression (KLR), and logistic model trees (LMT). A list of twelve predisposing
causative factors was assessed beforehand with a ten-fold cross-validation technique. It was inferred that both KLR
and LMT performed the best for the training case study of landslides at Son La hydropower basin in Vietnam.
More recently, performance of Naïve Bayes (NB), Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) Neural Network and Functional
Tree (FT) were evaluated [45]. A part of the mountainous Uttarakhand region with coverage of about 323,815 m²
was selected as the study site. Naïve Bayes assumes that all features are provisionally independent to optimize
posterior probability in the classification process [46] and is ideal for small training datasets whilst retaining its
predictive performance [47]. These features are also a disadvantage as not all landslide features are independent of
one another and hinges on the absence of multicollinearity. In fact, the landslide causatives factors are usually
correlated [48]. MLP Neural Network is one of the most used ANN techniques [49]. It is robust and able to
generalize imprecise input data. However, users are required to define the optimal number of hidden layers first to
optimize errors in the training samples. Functional Tree is a hierarchical model to build multivariate trees, which
separates landslide and non-landslide classes using logistic regression function. This is the principal difference
between FT and the traditional decision tree models, where the latter divides input data at tree node with a constant
value [50]. For this study, the predictive capability of MLP Neural Network model was the best (AUC=0.851),
followed by FT model (AUC=0.849) and NB model (AUC=0.838) respectively. The authors hypothesized that the
excellent predictive performance of MLP was due to the optimization of input data weight values, not implemented
in FT and NB model [45].

Pham et al. [51] further paired MLP Neural Network as a base classifier and various ensemble techniques to
evaluate the performance of each pair of ensemble frameworks. The study area covered 1325 km2 hilly environment
of northern part of Himalaya. Ensemble methods were first used to classify and optimize the input training data
before the base classifier groups the data into landslide susceptibility classes. The six ensemble techniques evaluated
were AdaBoost, Bagging, Dagging, MultiBoost, Rotation Forest and Random Subspace. The input data is made up
of fifteen landslide causative factors with each weighted using Relief-F method [52]. The higher the weight, the
more important the factor is for the framework. The input layer (landslide causative factors) was propagated forward
through a number of hidden layers to produce output values (inferring landslide or non-landslide classification). The
network was trained with 1 hidden layer and 500 epochs and the validation threshold is set to 20 upon a trial-and-
error course. As a standalone base classifier, the MLP neural net yielded an AUC value of 0.874. In comparison, the
ensemble framework with the MultiBoost model exhibited the best predictive capability (AUC=0.886) due to the
efficiency of MultiBoost in lowering both bias of the learning algorithm and variance of the learned model [53].


The use of hybrid machine learning techniques is observed to be picking up in contemporary literature. Applied
research as reviewed earlier has proven that these techniques are feasible solutions to the complex relationship
between input features. Ensemble learning combines multiple base machine learning classifiers to enhance their
performance by merging the benefits of both methods and accelerating processing time. These techniques are not
new and have been applied widely in the fields of computer science and banking. Nevertheless, the complexity of a
model is not the sole indicator to improved predictive performance. In designing an ideal landslide susceptibility
model, considerations such as input data quality and classification, model degree of freedom, reproducibility and
verification are crucial but, at times, overlooked in the process in proving “successful” models. To conclude,
although the predictive performances of most machine learning are comparable, each is unique in modeling the
relationships between the predictors and landslide initiation as well as ranking of relevant predictors, which is site-
specific. Insight into these differences is vital in the selection of a compatible technique for a particular study aim.
Attention should be emphasized in the data pre-processing, feature selection and model setup processes.

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