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Section 3.

Theory of
One-Dimensional Consolidation

Introduction to Terzaghi’s Theory of One-Dimensional Consolidation

• The theory for the time rate of one-dimensional consolidation was

first proposed by Terzaghi (1925).

• The following assumptions are made:

1. The soil layer is homogeneous.
2. The soil layer is fully saturated.
3. The solid particles and water are incompressible.
4. Compression and flow are one-dimensional (vertical).
5. Strains are small.
6. Darcy’s law is valid at all hydraulic gradients.

7. The coefficient of permeability and the coefficient of volume

compressibility remain constant throughout the process..
8. There is a unique relationship, independent of time,
between void ratio and effective stress.

Introduction to Terzaghi’s Theory of One-Dimensional Consolidation

Terzaghi’s theory of consolidation relates the

following three quantities.

1. the excess pore water pressure (ue);

2. the depth (z) below the top of the soil layer;

3. the time (t) from the instantaneous

application of a total stress increment.

Introduction to Terzaghi’s Theory of One-Dimensional Consolidation

• Consider an element having dimensions dx, dy and dz within a clay

layer of thickness 2d, as shown below.
• The sand layers at the top and bottom are assumed to be highly
permeable and serve as drainage layers for the water coming out of
the clay layer.




Introduction to Terzaghi’s Theory of One-Dimensional Consolidation

• An increment of total vertical stress Δσ is then applied as an

infinitely wide surcharge to the soil layer.




Introduction to Terzaghi’s Theory of One-Dimensional Consolidation

• The soil element of dimensions dx, dy and dz will also be subjected

to the vertical stress increment  on its top and bottom faces.


• Note that, in this case, since the infinitely wide stress increment 
is applied in the vertical direction, the compression of the clay layer
is in the vertical direction only.

• Hence, the flow of water into and out of the soil element is in one
direction only, i.e., in the z direction.
Development of the Governing Equation for the 1-D Consolidation Theory

• In the z-direction, the flow can be described as follows when viewed

in the 2-D plane: v z
vz + dz

0 dz 0
y x


• For flow continuity in the z-direction:

In Flow (z-direction) = v z dx dy (1a)

 v z 
Out Flow (z-direction) =  v z + dz  dx dy (1b)
 z 
• Note that, if the in-flow and out-flow are not equal, then the soil
element volume V will be changing with time.
Development of the Governing Equation for the 1-D Consolidation Theory

• That is
 v z  dV
 vz + dz  dx dy − v z dx dy = (2a)
 z  dt
v z dV
 dz dx dy = (2b)
z dt

• In consolidation theory, we need to re-write the above equation so

that the velocity vz is replaced by the excess pore pressure ue
generated in the clay due to the applied loading .

• This is done in the next 3 slides.

Development of the Governing Equation for the 1-D Consolidation Theory

• To simplify Eq. 2b, note that the flow velocity through the element
in the z direction is given by Darcy’s law as
v z = kiz = − k (3)
where h is the total head of the element at depth z. (See slide 3.2-5)

• In our derivation, since we are considering a soil element that is

located at a fixed position z, any change in total head (h) is due only
to a change in the pressure head hp (since the elevation head he
does not change):
dh = dhp + dhe = dhp (4)

• Hence, with the help of Eq. 4, Eq. 3 can be re-written as
h hp
v z = kiz = − k = −k (5)
z z 3.2-9
Development of the Governing Equation for the 1-D Consolidation Theory

• Recall that the pore pressure u is related to the pressure head hp

by the relationship
u = w hp (6)

• Hence, the change in pore pressure due caused by a change in

pressure head dhp is given by
du = w dhp (7a)
 dhp = (7b)

• Substituting Eq. 7b into Eq. 5, we obtain

hp k u
vz = − k =− (8)
z  w z

Development of the Governing Equation for the 1-D Consolidation Theory

• In this derivation, the pore pressure u associated with a change in

the pressure head hp is strictly the excess pore pressure ue.

• Hence, Eq. 8 can be re-written using the excess pore pressure ue

k u e
vz = − (9)
 w z

• Now we are ready to re-express Eq. 2b in terms of the excess pore

pressure ue.

• By substituting Eq. 9 into Eq. 2b, we obtain

k  ue2
− dz dx dy = (10)
 w z 2
Development of the Governing Equation for the 1-D Consolidation Theory

• In the next few slides, we will see how to handle the dV/dt term on
the right-hand side of Eq. 10.

• Note that, during consolidation, the rate of change of volume dV/dt

is equal to the rate of change of the void volume dVv/dt.

• This is because the solid particles are treated as incompressible,

and hence, any change in volume of the soil mass must be due to a
change in the volume of the voids Vv.

• Hence,
dV dVv
= (11)
dt dt
• Also, from phase relationship,

Vv = e Vs (12)

where e is the void ratio and Vs is the volume of the soil solids in
the element (which is constant)
Development of the Governing Equation for the 1-D Consolidation Theory

• Substituting Eq. 12 into Eq. 11, we get:

dV dVv de V de dx dy dz de
= = Vs = = (13)
dt dt dt 1 + e dt 1 + e dt

• This is because the solid particles are treated as incompressible,

and hence, any change in volume of the soil mass must be due to a
change in the volume of the voids Vv.

• Substituting Eq. 13 into Eq. 10, we get

k  2u e dx dy dz de
− dz dx dy =
 w z 2
1 + e dt

k  2u e 1 de
 − = (14)
 w z 2
1 + e dt

Development of the Governing Equation for the 1-D Consolidation Theory

• The change in void ratio, de, is due to the increase of effective

stress d(’); assuming that these are linearly related, then
de = av d(') (15)
• Note that, from the principle of effective stress, at any time t after
the stress  is applied, the following relationship holds:

 = ’ + ue (16)
• The incremental form of Eq. 16 should also hold, that is,

d() = d(’) + due (17)

• During the consolidation process, however, the value of the
applied stress  does not change, that is
d() = 0 (18)
• Hence, by combining Eq. 17 and Eq. 18, the effective stress and
excess pore pressure must change such that
d(’) = - due (19)
Development of the Governing Equation for the 1-D Consolidation Theory

• Substituting Eq. 19 into Eq. 15, we get

de = - av due (20)

• Substituting Eq. 20 into Eq. 14, we get

k  2u e av due
− =−
 w z 2
1 + e dt

k  2u e due
 = mv (21)
 w z 2
where mv = is the coefficient of volume compressibility
1+ e
and is defined as the volume change of the soil per unit increase
in effective stress.
Note that mv is equivalent to the reciprocal of the constrained
modulus D or the one-dimensional oedometer modulus Eoed. 3.2-15
Development of the Governing Equation for the 1-D Consolidation Theory

• Eq. 21 can be rewritten as

due k d ue 2
kEoed d2ue
= = (22a)
dt mv  w dz 2  w dz 2
due d ue
= cv 2
dt dz
where cv is the coefficient of consolidation:

k kEoed
cv = = (23)
mv  w w
Equation (22b) is the basic differential equation of
Terzaghi’s consolidation theory and can be solved with
proper boundary conditions. 3.2-16

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