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Gross Profit Revenue from opera

2018 2019 2020 2018

Kajaria 70775 74309 67003 Kajaria 278255
Cera 44635 50764 41998 Cera 122368
Somany 39149 35308 30667 Somany 161007
Pokarna 17491 20012 15279 Pokarna 39391
Orient 10331 14046 17851 Orient 49228
Total 184399 196458 174818 Total 652267

Gross Profit Margin 2018 2019 2020

28% 28% 26% -2% -2%

Gross Value Added Margin

Product Gross Value Added
2018 2019 2020
Kajaria 171834 180447 169936
Cera 67344 73822 66161
Somany 103604 98650 93294
Pokarna 25800 31670 27389
Orient 25426 31273 37086
Total 396026 417881 395886

Gross Value Added Margin

2018 2019 2020
61% 59% 58% -2%

Operating Profit Ratio

2018 2019 2020
Kajaria 36783 36043 30781
Cera 15014 17033 12677
Somany 7244 11913 14457
Pokarna 10738 11754 7384
Orient 576 2087 3176
Total 72373 80849 70495

11% 11% 10% -1%

Core Profit Ratio

2018 2019 2020
Kajaria 34373 34484 28830
Cera 14038 16179 11672
Somany 2302 7321 10465
Pokarna 8531 9216 4524
Orient -233 1216 2448
Total 61029 70435 59959
0.1 0.1 0.1 0%

Net Profit Ratio

2018 2019 2020
Kajaria 22860 22875 25353
Cera 10605 11516 11060
Somany 7910 5329 1950
Pokarna 4224 8068 7073
Orient 3984 928 711
Total 51601 50735 48167
8% 7% 7% -1%

Gross Cash Profit Margin

2018 2019 2020
Kajaria 45318 59847 58573
Cera 17966 20250 17488
Somany 19177 15559 14242
Pokarna 10059 15389 13722
Orient 7032 3920 3070
Total 101570 116984 109115
0.15571844 0.165317099 0.1611781076 1%

Short Term Borrowings Per Rupee of Sales

2018 2019 2020
Kajaria 31179.28 27,333.38 24,849.15
Cera 5026.21 5104.36 4849.64
Somany 31179.28 27333.38 24,849.15
Pokarna 9822.74 8665.37 6384.86
Orient 4989 5585 602
Total 84215 76040 36686
13% 11% 5% -7%

Long Term Borrowings Per Rupee of Sales

2018 2019 2020
Kajaria 2,151 3,145 5,942
Cera 4,590.44 3,955.44 4,344.50
Somany 19,656.30 23,727.99 16,543.96
Pokarna 22365.76 15165.05 16146.72
Orient 3,335.49 4,513.38 3,754.79
Total 54116.99 52525.86 48751.97
8% 7% 7% -1%

Net Cash Profit Margin

2018 2019 2020
Kajaria 43352 32140 41265
Cera 3970 4373 6337
Somany 14360 11745 16793
Pokarna 9751 13077 39480
Orient 3970 4373 6337
Total 77421 67727 112232
12% 10% 17% 5%

Borrowings Per Rupee of sale

2018 2019 2020
Kajaria 33,330 30,478 30,791
Cera 9,617 9,060 9,194
Somany 50,836 51,061 41,393
Pokarna 32,189 23,830 22,532
Orient 8,324 10,098 4,357
Total 136314 126547 110287
21% 18% 16% -5%

Average Interest Cost Ratio

Finance Cost
2018 2019 2020
Kajaria 2410 1559 1951
Cera 976 854 1005
Somany 3992 4592 4941
Pokarna 2859 2538 2208
Orient 728 871 809
Total 12983 12433 12934
10% 10% 12% 2%
Revenue from operations
2019 2020
295620 280801
135155 119761
171505 174719
46222 33747
57113 65936
707634 676984 2036885
Total Asset Turnover Ratio
Revenue from Operations
2018 2019 2020
Kajaria 278255 295620 280801
Cera 122368 135155 119761
Somany 161007 171505 174719
Pokarna 39391 46222 33747
Orient 49228 57113 65936
Total 652267 707634 676984 2036885

2018 2019 2020
Kajaria 159162 178666 192180
Cera 72105 82374 90285
Somany 92432 102650 100017
Pokarna 36261 43197 76397
Orient 28811 31770 31485
Total 388771 438657 490364
1.677766603 1.6131829653 1.3805744304 -0.29719217

Total Asset Intensity Ratio

Revenue from Operations

2018 2019 2020
Kajaria 278255 295620 280801
Cera 122368 135155 119761
Somany 161007 171505 174719
Pokarna 39391 46222 33747
Orient 49228 57113 65936
Total 652267 707634 676984 2036885

2018 2019 2020

Kajaria 159162 178666 192180
Cera 72105 82374 90285
Somany 82112 93404 100017
Pokarna 36692 43197 76397
Orient 28811 31770 31485
Total 378882 429411 490364
0.5808694906 0.6068264103 0.7243361734 0.143466683

Net Working Capital Intensity Ratio

Revenue from Operations

2018 2019 2020

Kajaria 278255 295620 280801
Cera 122368 135155 119761
Somany 161007 171505 174719
Pokarna 39391 46222 33747
Orient 49228 57113 65936
Total 652267 707634 676984 2036885

2018 2019 2020

Kajaria 40264 58466 67078
Cera 31392.32 37302.06 40395.39
Somany 13033.77 17212.89 19276.98
Pokarna 8048 4726 2048
Orient 7771.65 6706.54 7048.28
Total 100509.74 124413.49 135846.65
0.1540929405 0.1758161564 0.2006644913 0.046571551

Net Working Capital Turnover Ratio

Revenue from Operations

2018 2019 2020
Kajaria 278255 295620 280801
Cera 122368 135155 119761
Somany 161007 171505 174719
Pokarna 39391 46222 33747
Orient 49228 57113 65936
Total 652267 707634 676984 2036885

2018 2019 2020

Kajaria 40264 58466 67078
Cera 31392.32 37302.06 40395.39
Somany 13033.77 17212.89 19276.98
Pokarna 8048 4726 2048
Orient 7771.65 6706.54 7048.28
Total 100509.74 124413.49 135846.65
6.4895899641 5.6877594222 4.9834427275 -1.50614724

Non-Current Asset Intensity Ratio

2018 2019 2020

Kajaria 278255 295620 280801
Cera 122368 135155 119761
Somany 161007 171505 174719
Pokarna 39391 46222 33747
Orient 49228 57113 65936
Total 652267 707634 676984 2036885
Kajaria 118898 120200 125102
Cera 40713.15 45071.8 49889.12
Somany 69078.13 76190.71 80740.36
Pokarna 28643.91 38470.84 74349.4
Orient 21039.25 25063.42 24436.47
Total 278372.44 304996.77 354517.35
0.4267768261 0.4310092081 0.523671682 0.096894856

Core Asset Intensity Ratio

Revenue from Operations

2018 2019 2020
Kajaria 278255 295620 280801
Cera 122368 135155 119761
Somany 161007 171505 174719
Pokarna 39391 46222 33747
Orient 49228 57113 65936
Total 652267 707634 676984 2036885

Kajaria 125362 107783 115413

Cera 36013.92 38586.01 43853.46
Somany 64821.44 71004.33 77787.64
Pokarna 25092.08 25889.58 26906.86
Orient 19649.91 23882.22 23267.89
Total 270939.35 267145.14 287228.85
0.4153810479 0.3775188021 0.4242771616 0.008896114
Revenue From Operations
2020 2019 2018
Kajaria 280801 295620 278255
Cera 122,368 135155 119761
Orient Bell 49,228 57113 65936
Pokarna 39,391 46222 33747
Somany 161,007 171505 174719
Total 652795 705615 672418

Inventories 2020 2019 2018

Kajaria 51,272 40,580 37,847
Cera 24,298 21,578 19,351
Orient Bell 8,059 8,546 8,883
Pokarna 9,127 9,995 10,146
Somany 32,818 16,206 15,652
Total 125,574 96,904 91,879

Industry Change 5.20 7.28 7.32

Trade Payables 2020 2019 2018
Kajaria 23,931 30,907 25,775
Cera 9,531.41 11,093.97 9,435.04
Orient Bell 7,728.31 7,088.02 7,829.84
Pokarna 3362.67 3887.53 2829.94
Somany 17,289.15 19,861.62 23,316.10
Total 61,843 72,838 69,186
Industry Change 10.56 9.69 9.72 0.84

Trade Receivables 2020 2019 2018

Kajaria 39,669 47,505 45,067
Cera 22,285 29,835 26,800
Orient Bell 8,693 11,621 12,620
Pokarna 3,379 6,837 6,907
Somany 27,981 41,794 50,372
Total 102,007 137,593 141,766

-2.12 Industry Change 6.40 5.13 4.74 1.66

2020.00 2019.00 2018.00
Kajaria Operating Current Assets 95261.00 91885.00 86892.00
Financial Current Assets 23497.00 25238.00 8239.00

Cera Operating Current Assets 52882.99 57202.42 50669.76

Financial Current Assets 19163.00 16806.59 13223.37

Orient Bell Operating Current Assets 17281.80 20453.34 21895.41

Financial Current Assets 298.62 354.92 275.99

Pokarna Operating Current Assets 14423.00 18158.00 20790.41

Financial Current Assets 3207.00 3682.00 2090.00

Somany Operating Current Assets 69573.35 69888.30 71732.36

Financial Current Assets 5418.80 10829.43 12778.73

Total 301006.56 314498.00 288587.03

Current Ratio 1.82 1.65 1.53

Industry Change 0.29

Current Assets - Inventory 175432.35 217593.86 196708.12

Quick Ratio 1.06 1.14 1.05

Industry Change 0.02

Financial Current Assets 51584.42 56910.94 36607.09

Liquidity Ratio 0.31 0.30 0.19
Industry Change 0.12

Net Cash Flow From Ops 2020.00 2019.00 2018.00

Kajaria 37294.00 25071.00 39465.00
Cera 12905.00 12442.00 7543.00
Orient Bell 6450.00 4096.00 2730.00
Pokarna 576.00 2087.00 3176.00
Somany 15274.00 8592.00 11088.00
72499.00 52288.00 64002.00
1.17 0.66 0.83

2020.00 2019.00 2018.00
OCL 31068.00 38064.00 32846.00
FCL 20612.00 20593.00 22021.00

OCL 12084.00 13935.93 11775.65

FCL 19566.96 22771.02 20725.16

OCL 8702.00 8410.92 9371.58

FCL 1829.72 5690.80 5028.17

OCL 8127.00 7807.00 5192.00

FCL 7455.00 9307.00 9640.00

OCL 24352.00 28296.36 32267.60

FCL 31363.15 35208.48 39209.72

165159.83 190084.51 188076.88

Operating Profit 2020.00 2019.00 2018.00

Kajaria 30781.00 36043.00 36783.00
Cera 12677.00 17033.00 15014.00
Orient Bell 576.00 2087.00 3176.00
Pokarna 10738.00 11754.00 7384.00
Somany 7244.00 11913.00 14457.00
62016.00 78830.00 76814.00
Debt-Equity Ratio = Non-Current Liabilities/Shareholders’ Equity Debt-Asset Ratio = Non-Current Liabilities/Total Asse

Non Current Liablities Non-Current Liabilities

2020 2019 2018 2020
Kajaria 14,379.00 14,585.00 17,451.00 Kajaria 14,379.00
Cera 12,442.43 11,249.27 10,868.74 Cera 12,442.43
Orientbell 7,522.97 8,513.10 6,573.23 Orientbell 7,522.97
Pokarna 42,528 16,151 17,127 Pokarna 42,528
Somany 29,963.82 32,677.44 24,773.53 Somany 29,963.82

Total Aggregate 106,836.22 83,175.81 76,793.50 Total Aggregate 106,836.22

Shareholders Equity Total Assets

2020 2019 2018 2020
Kajaria 171,427 157,490 135,102 Kajaria 192,180
Cera 77,074.20 70,091.19 60,562.35 Cera 90,285
Orientbell 23,961.78 23,256.86 22,237.67 Orientbell 31,485
Pokarna 33,870 27,046 19,134 Pokarna 76,397
Somany 60,644.36 61,300.58 58,068.25 Somany 100,017

Total Aggregate 366,977.34 339,184.63 295,104.27 Total Aggregate 490,364

Debt-Equity Ratio 0.291124842 0.245222816 0.260224971 Debt-Asset Ratio 0.2178713

Industry Average 0.030899871 Industry Average 0.0203424
Non-Current Liabilities/Total Assets Total Leverage Ratio = Total L.T. Funds/Sh. Funds

Total L.T Funds (Total Liablity)

2019 2018 2020 2019 2018
14,585.00 17,451.00 Kajaria 192,180 178,666 159,162
11,249.27 10,868.74 Cera 90,285 82,374 72,105
8,513.10 6,573.23 Orientbell 31,485 31,770 28,811
16,151 17,127 Pokarna 76,397 43,197 36,261
32,677.44 24,773.53 Somany 100,017 102,650 92,432

83,175.81 76,793.50 Total Aggregate 490,364 438,657 388,771

Shareholders Equity
2019 2018 2020 2019 2018
178,666 159,162 Kajaria 171,427 157,490 135,102
82,374 72,105 Cera 77074.2 70091.19 60562.35
31,770 28,811 Orientbell 23961.78 23256.86 22237.67
43,197 36,261 Pokarna 33,870 27,046 19,134
102,650 92,432 Somany 60644.36 61300.58 58068.25

438,657 388,771 Total Aggregate 366,977 339,185 295,104

0.189614688 0.197528879 Total Leverage Ratio 1.336224193 1.293269097 1.317402151

Industry Average 0.018822042
Total Debt Ratio = (NCL+FCL)/Total Assets Degree of Financial Leverage = OP Profit/PAT

2020 2019 2018 2020 2019
Kajaria 34991 35178 39472 Kajaria 30,781 36,043
Cera 32009.39 34020.29 31593.9 Cera 12,677 17,033
Orientbell 9,352.69 14,203.90 11,601.40 Orientbell 576 2,087
Pokarna 49,983 25,459 26,767 Pokarna 10,738 11,754
Somany 61,326.97 67,885.92 63,983.25 Somany 7,244 11,913

Total Aggregate 187663.05 176747.11 173417.55 Total Aggre 62,016 78,830

Total Assets PAT

2020 2019 2018 2020 2019
Kajaria 192,180 178,666 159,162 Kajaria 25,353 22,875
Cera 90,285 82,374 72,105 Cera 11,060 11,516
Orientbell 31,485 31,770 28,811 Orientbell 711 928
Pokarna 76,397 43,197 36,692 Pokarna 7,073 8,068
Somany 100,017 93,404 82,112 Somany 1,950 5,329

Total Aggregate 490,364 429,411 378,882 Total Aggre 46,147 48,716

Total Debt Ratio 0.3827015 0.4116036 0.4577086 Degree of F 1.343879 1.618154

Industry Average -0.0750071 Industry Av-0.205321
everage = OP Profit/PAT Interest Coverage Ratio =PBIT/Finance Cost Retention Ratio = (PAT - Dividend)/PAT

PBIT PAT-Dividend
2018 2020 2019 2018 2020 2019
36,783 Kajaria 30,781 36,043 36,783 Kajaria 31.44 24.37
15,014 Cera 12,677 17,033 15,014 Cera 87.08 85.52
3,176 Orientbell 576 2,087 3,176 Orientbell 4.99 6.52
7,384 Pokarna 10,738 11,754 7,384 Pokarna 22.81 26.02
14,457 Somany 7,244 11,913 14,457 Somany 3.54 10.93

76,814 Total Aggr 62,016 78,830 76,814 Total Aggr 149.86 153.36

Finance Cost PAT

2018 2020 2019 2018 2020 2019
22,860 Kajaria 1,951 1,559 2,410 Kajaria 25,353 22,875
10,605 Cera 1,005 854 976 Cera 11,060 11,516
3,984 Orientbell 809 871 728 Orientbell 711 928
4,224 Pokarna 2,208 2,538 2,859 Pokarna 7,073 8,068
7,910 Somany 4,941 4,592 3,992 Somany 1,950 5,329

49,583 Total Aggr 10,914 10,414 10,965 Total Aggr 46,147 48,716

1.5492 Degree of 5.682243 7.569618 7.005381 Degree of 0.003247 0.003148

Industry A -1.323138 Industry A 0.000151
AT - Dividend)/PAT






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