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Dear Founder,

We are honoured to have you join our accelerator.

The journey to launching a highly scalable business is more often than not a long and arduous one. We at
Founder Institute Lagos are here to hold your hand and walk you through this long and lonely road. Founder
Institute Lagos is the Lagos chapter of Founder Institute, the world’s largest pre-seed accelerator. Our
well-structured programs are framed to set up you and your company for success. Through our well-established
critical support networks, founders have the opportunity to connect with other founders, partners, alumni, and
more than 15,000 mentors globally.

One of the perks of graduating and becoming an Alumni of the Founder Institute is the post-program support we
provide via several internal programs. By joining Founder Institute Lagos, you will have access to global
networks, establish ties with ecosystem experts, and establish connections with advisors and investors
worldwide. Over time these benefits spill over into the broader Lagos startup ecosystem. Our Alumni community
includes founders from different sectors and diverse backgrounds each building fast-growing, highly scalable

Founder Institute has operated in Lagos for four years and as a pre-seed accelerator, we work with founders,
business leaders, investor partners, legal partners, and mentors to help them get the ecosystem ignited. Our
100+ portfolio companies have gone on to build highly scalable startups that have created values for over
60,000 users with transactions worth over NGN337 million and have a total valuation of NGN13 billion.

Our mentor-driven program includes 14 weeks of immersive education, critical appraisals, and meaningful
discussions. Founders leave the program with a well-formed corporation, a local network of experienced
entrepreneurs and investors, significant product progress, and more importantly, clear and actionable next steps
for growth. To help you navigate this program, it would be useful for you to familiarize yourself with the Founder
Institute Guide.

Through lifelong support, we ensure that you build a business that matters.
Ifedy Eze, Esq
Managing Director,
Founder Institute, Lagos Chapter
Dear Founder, 2

Index 3

Global Program Layout 4

Key Concepts you will find useful 5

Program Rules 7

Program Sessions (See Session Calendar Below) 8

1. Orientation 8
2. Vision and Mission 9
3. Customer Development Sprint 9
4. Revenue and Business Models 9
5. Pitch Mastery 10
6. Mentor Idea Review 10
7. Legal & Equity 10
8. Go-to-Market & Scale 10
9. Product Development 11
10. Mentor Progress Review 11
11. Co-Founders and Team 11
12. Marketing & Growth 12
13. Investor Pitch Review 12
14. Equity and Funding 12
15. Graduation 12

Our Partners 13

Surf your ecosystem 14

Graduation Support 14
Global Program Layout
Key Concepts you will find useful
● Mentor Scheduling: After each week’s session, mentors will make time slot available for you to meet

with them for office hours. During that time, you will have the opportunity to properly have a deep dive

conversion about your business.

● Office Hours: Office Hours are crucial to developing strong graduates. Our data shows that Office

Hours are one of the most transformational components of the semester and are the difference

between Founder success and failure.

● Working Groups: Founders in the program are divided into Working Groups of 4 - 8 Founders that

rotate 2 - 3 times throughout the Semester. At the beginning of the semester, you will be placed in

working groups where all advanced founders are in one group. The Working Groups are required to

meet twice per week to help Founders get to know their peers and learn about other businesses. Each

Working Group elects a President by their own process that organizes the group meetings, posts notes

from weekly meetings (regarding assignment discussions, company building progress, etc.), and reports

back to the Institute on the performance of Founders in the Group.

● Working Group Presidents: The President is the cornerstone of the working group. These groups live

and die by the quality of the President. The President's job is to lead the entire team to success by

ensuring each member graduates. Functionally, they are responsible for taking notes during the

working group meetings and posting those notes to their profile in the system. A Leader needs to help

the Founders in the group deal with issues that may arise, and help motivate the team to accomplish

their weekly goals. Presidents are expected to send weekly reports via email and also in the working

groups Whatsapp group with the Directors. The President must have the time and capacity to lead. The

President is ultimately responsible for the success of a Working Group and has a variety of duties,

designed to reflect being the CEO of a startup:

■ Organizing Meetings: Each Working Group should meet at least two times per week.

The President organizes these regular meetings and keeps attendance, tracking the

progress of Founders in the Group.

■ Report Absences: The President should report all absences from Sessions before

sweeping it under the carpet and from Working Group Meetings on the Rating Page.

■ Posting Notes: After each session, the President needs to post notes from the Group

efforts to complete the Assignment on the Working Group Page, under "Notes.”

■ Identify Drop Outs: The President posts notes on the performance and attributes of

Founders in the Working Group using a special note area with a chat bubble on the

Rating Page. At the end of the Working Group, the President informs the Director of the

Working Group's performance and recommends removing any inactive or

poor-performing Founders from the Institute.

NOTE: The President is held accountable for the performance of his or her Working Group. If two or more

Founders drop out that were not flagged by the President, then the President may be asked to leave the

program as well.

● Rating with No "3": The 1 to 5 rating system for the Founder Institute does not include a 3, forcing the

raters to choose if someone is good or bad. Mentors, Directors, and Founders SHOULD NOT rate

Founders as a 3. This is important to understand.

● Pitch: You are required to pitch during the feedback and review sessions. The time allocated is usually 1

minute. By the first review session, the time allocated is 3 mins and by the second review session, the

time allocated is 5 mins.

● Assignment: Assignments are the company building that forms the very core of your presence in the

program. Every session has its assignment to help you incorporate what has been into your business.

● Founders who are consistently missing or turn in incomplete work would be dropped or given a special

assignment. Course actions correct poor performance and bad behaviour early on in the program to

push Founders to achieve excellent results.

● Special Assignments (aka Epic Sprints): Special Assignments are sprints of work given to Founders in

addition to the normal program deliverables. They are broken down into a variety of categories, ranging

from pitch improvements and go-to-market to customer validation and product development. Epic

Sprints are mandatory for Founders who score below a 3.0 during the Mentor Idea Review and Mentor

Progress Reviews, but every Founder should be given a special assignment at least once in the

● Post-session Networking: The value of Founder Institute is in its network. Your job is to foster strong

relationships among the Founders, Mentors, and Directors. The stronger the bond among the Founders,

the more likely they will be to incorporate, join the bonus pool, and graduate. The best way to foster

this teamwork and collaboration is by having a networking session after every recruiting event and

program session, usually at a local bar or cafe. This establishes tradition and allows the Founders to

speak with the mentors one-on-one. This is an extremely valuable program part and should not be

skipped. Although it is not mandatory that mentors or Founders attend, I highly encourage you to


● Cohort Communication: You are encouraged to set up Slack or WhatsApp groups for intergroup

communication. Presidents should monitor it and let the leaders know immediately if they hear any

contentions or grievances. In general, Founders should try to resolve problems amongst themselves,

such as system or tech issues, questions on the homework, etc. If they cannot resolve it, then they

should bring it to their President, and then if the President cannot resolve it, then the President should

bring it to the Local Leaders. It is important that when issues pop up, they are resolved quickly and that

the Founders feel "immediately heard."

● Incorporation: Incorporating a company is one of the most important benchmarks you will complete in

the Founder Institute program. Incorporating your business is an important requirement to graduate

from the program. Read more on Incorporation.

● Incorporation Documents: In order to graduate, you need to incorporate your company and upload the

appropriate documents to your profile. You will be prompted through email and through the curriculum

with instructions on how to upload your documents. The most important documents are the Equity

Collective Agreement, the Warrant, and the Board Consent for the Warrant.

● Warrant (Convertible Debenture Stock Agreement): A document signed by your company that

authorises the Founder Institute to purchase 2.5% of your company’s equity at a future date.

● Board Consent: A form of agreement for the board of directors of the Founder's company to approve

the issuance of the Warrant or Option.

● The Equity Collective: You are required to allocate 2.5% of your company to the Founder Institute

through the form of a Warrant or Option to join the Equity Collective. The Equity Collective provides

Mentors, Leaders, and the Institute with shared equity upside from all of the companies created during

the one semester. From that 2.5% share, any future financial returns from a liquidity event (for example,
an IPO or acquisition) are distributed back to those who helped you (Mentors, Leaders, and FI), with the

majority returned to your local ecosystem to support local growth. During the program, you will be

invited to join the Equity Collective. To join the Equity Collective, you must digitally sign or upload the

appropriate agreement. Founders that do not wish to join the Equity Collective need to withdraw from

the program before the last 45 days of the program.

Please note that Founders do not sign the Warrants to join the Equity Collective at the start of the

Core Program. Instead, you will be asked to join approximately two-thirds of the way through the

program, allowing you to fully understand the value the Founder Institute Network provides before

committing equity in your business. Read more on The Equity Collective.

Program Rules
Please note that the following rules are to ensure that the program objectives are met and founders must
strictly adhere to these rules.

● The WhatsApp group is created solely for the purpose of passing information that is vital to your
success in the program. Do not spam the WhatsApp group. Any founder spamming the WhatsApp
group will be removed from it.
● Attendance at ALL sessions (Virtual and Physical) is compulsory and important. Upon absence from
three consecutive sessions, you will be dropped from the program. Please inform the Admin (Esther or
Precious) ahead of time if you will miss a session, and you can only miss two sessions throughout the
cohort. Moreso, your absence from Mentor Idea Review and Mentor Progress Review will have you
dropped from the program. Attendance at physical sessions is compulsory. Kindly inform the team if
you would need help with hotel bookings for those travelling into Lagos.
● You must be ready to pitch at all sessions as any Founder CAN/WILL be called upon to pitch during
the session. In the instance you will not be able to pitch during a session, ensure to inform the admin at
least one day before, otherwise, you stand the risk of not being rescheduled hence you LOSE your
rating for the session. If you fail to pitch at any of the two Mentor Reviews, you will automatically be
dropped out of the program.
● Your video must be ON during pitching, asking questions, or making comments. Failure to turn on your
video loses you the right to speak.
● Lateness to sessions will not be condoned. Any Founder who joins a session 20 minutes after the
session begins will not be allowed into the meeting room.
● You must join the session with your Full name (the name you registered for the program with), not your
business name. Any strange name will NOT be admitted into the meeting room
● All sessions are private, hence the link must NOT be shared with a third party
● Note that the FI week runs from Thursday to Wednesday. Each session marks the end of the week.
Thus, Thursday is the first day of FI Week. assignments are due by the end of the next session. All
assignments must be submitted as at when due and late submission of assignments three consecutive
times; you will be dropped out.
● You can find all your resources, assignments, session videos, and presentation slides here:
● Visit to book office hours. Every week till your Pitch Mastery session, you will get the
name of the Director you have been assigned to have office hours with.
● Always ensure to check your emails and Whatsapp for all information.

Program Sessions (See Session Calendar Below)

There are two main types of sessions across the 14-week program. The Feedback session and the Review

session (Mentor Idea Review session and Mentor Progress Review session). Attendance at all sessions is

compulsory. However, if Founders miss any reviews, they automatically get dropped.

1. Orientation - Hybrid Session

Goal: This is where it all begins. During Orientation, we review the Founder Institute program structure,

methodology, tools, and requirements.

Electing Presidents

● Role: The President is the cornerstone of the working group. These groups live and die by the quality of

the President. The President's job is to lead the entire team to success by ensuring each member

graduates. Functionally, they are responsible for taking notes during the working group meetings and

posting those notes to their profile in the system. A Leader needs to help the Founders in the group

deal with issues that may arise, and help motivate the team to accomplish their weekly goals. It is

important that the Presidents display adequate levels of 1) Professionalism and Competency, 2)

Passion, Charisma, and Positive thinking, and 3) A drive to lead and succeed. The President must have

the time and capacity to lead.

● Election Process: During Orientation, have the individual groups select two candidates for President.

They will then pitch to the Local Leaders why they are a good fit to lead the team and how they will
lead them to success. The Local Leaders then choose the President and Vice President. The Vice

President will be the backup for the President if they drop out.

● The Working Groups need to be meeting twice weekly.

● It is common to lose between 15% and 25% of the enrolled Founders during the first week.

● You stand the chance to get your full refund if you drop out before the Customer Development Sprint

Session. If you drop out after Customer Development or You get dropped, you are not entitled to a

refund and you are still obligated to pay up your instalment in the case you are paying by installment.

● Every Founder is placed on the Launch Track. To be placed on the Growth Track, your Monthly

Recurring Revenue (MRR) must be above $100,000.

2. Vision and Mission - Virtual Session

Goal: Define a strong business vision. It takes a strong vision for a better world and a lot of passion to drive a

Founder through all of the hardships and obstacles of entrepreneurship towards success.

3. Customer Development Sprint - Virtual Session

Goal: Analyze your customer feedback. Founders must test their assumptions by speaking with customers.

This week's company-building assignment is very important so make sure you take it seriously and exceed

expectations. You stand the chance to get your full refund if you drop out by this session. If you drop out

after the session or You get dropped, you are not entitled to a refund and you are still obligated to pay up

your instalment in the case you are paying by instalment.

4. Revenue and Business Models - Virtual Session

Goal: Validate a scalable revenue model. If Founders plan to raise money, they need to understand that they

must have a plan to obtain $1mm in sales by the end of year one and $50mm in revenue by year 5.

5. Pitch Mastery - Virtual Session

Goal: Learn how to build a great pitch. Mentors will provide advice on how to effectively pitch a startup.

Founders will learn the latest best practices in building a great pitch, and get feedback on the pitches they

already have.
6. Mentor Idea Review - Virtual Session

Goal: This is the first review session. The goal is to test your core business on a mentor panel. You will receive

expert feedback to improve or be dropped. Pitch time is increased to 3 mins with a deck from the Mentor Idea

Review session.

Note: 2 of the 15 scheduled sessions are the Mentor Idea Review and the Mentor Progress Review. In a

Review session, all Founders present to a panel of Mentors to receive a multivariate rating on their business,

as well as detailed verbal feedback. 6, 9, or 12 participating Mentors are broken into groups of 3, and the

Founders are divided equally by the number of Mentor groups. So, if there are 30 Founders and 6 Mentors, two

Mentor groups will be formed with 15 Founders pitching. Co-founders pitch together once.

Incorporation Milestone: After the Mentor Idea Review session, you must begin the incorporation process of

your company. Note that company incorporation is handled by our legal partner, Olisa Agbakoba Legal. To

start your incorporation process, send a mail to Note however that this does not stop you

from engaging another law firm to handle other company formation matters.

After the MIR session, you can request for introductions to Mentors via The email

format will be thus:

● An introduction of yourself and the startup you are building

● The reason why you want to be introduced to that mentor

7. Community Hangout - Physical Session

Goal: This is the first community hangout. The goal is to meet up with the other Founders in your cohort, Local

Leaders, Team and Partners. Kindly inform the team if you would need help with hotel bookings for those

travelling into Lagos.

8. Legal & Equity - Virtual Session

Goal: Set up the company and review your legal structure. Incorporation is mandatory and any Founder that is

not ready to incorporate would be asked to return to a different semester.

Incorporation Milestone: By the Legal and Equity session, you must have selected a law firm to work with. You

are expected to upload the Law firm engagement letter this week. Make sure that you fill out your law firm

information, and upload your engagement letter in your Documentation tab on


9. Go-to-Market & Scale - Virtual Session

Goal: Improve your strategy to launch or scale. Receive feedback on your current go-to-market plans and


10. Product Development - Virtual Session

Goal: Get feedback on your current product and/or product roadmap.

Incorporation Milestone: By now your company must have been incorporated. You must upload the

incorporation certificate along with the formation agreements, such as bylaws or articles of incorporation. You

must also appropriately fill out, sign, and upload the Founder Agreement, the Warrant, and the Board Consent

to your profile. All agreements can be found here.

11. Mentor Progress Review - Virtual Session

Goal: This is the second review session. The goal is to test your progress on a mentor panel made up of

industry experts. Pitch time is increased to 5 mins from the Mentor Progress Review session.

12. Community Hangout - Physical Session

Goal: This is the second community hangout. The goal is to slowly incorporate you into the alumni community

and you will meet up with the other Founders in your cohort, Local Leaders, Team, Partners, and Alumni.

Kindly inform the team if you would need help with hotel bookings for those travelling into Lagos.

13. Co-Founders and Team - Virtual Session

Goal: Improve your team and hiring. Identify the roles needed to build a world-class company and develop a

strategy to recruit, onboard, and retain the best people.

Incorporation Deadline: By now you must have filled out, signed, and uploaded the Founder Agreement, the

Warrant, and the Board Consent to your profile. Founders who have not complied, will not see the sprints

from this session and onward.

Founder Institute Headquarters Review: FI HQ will review the final pitch decks and a video submitted by the

Founders. You will need to pass this review in order to graduate. The founders will need to do the following

before the next (Growth) session:

1. Complete all company-building work and ensure that they submit high-quality work. They should

provide thorough, thoughtful, and insightful answers. Nothing should be pending or in progress.

2. Finalize the formation of their corporations and upload all required Founder Institute documents to their

profiles. They can find the Warrant/Option and Board Consent/Shareholder Resolution Forms on the

Agreements page:

3. Review and refine their Mentor Progress Review deck and upload a high-quality investor pitch video

with the deck. The video should be 3 minutes long. Upload the deck and the video to their FI Lagos


4. Update their company descriptions in their profile if needed. The description should be succinct and


14. Marketing & Growth - Virtual Session

Goal: Establish a scalable engine for growth. Receive feedback on your current marketing, growth, metrics, and


15. Investor Pitch Review - Virtual Session

Goal: Pitch and get feedback from investors.

16. Equity and Funding - Virtual Session

Goal: Fix any impediments to fundraising.

17. Graduation - Physical Session

Goal: Celebrate and onboard our post-programs, quit your day job, and launch an amazing company. Kindly

inform the team if you would need help with hotel bookings for those travelling into Lagos.


5.30 PM- 8.30
15-Mar-2023 Orientation To be Communicated Hybrid
5.30 PM - 8.30
22-Mar-2023 Vision and Mission Full Virtual
PM vV2YxVG41bWNEUT09&sa=D&source=calendar&
Customer 5.30 PM - 8.30
29-Mar-2023 Full Virtual
Development Sprint PM vV2YxVG41bWNEUT09&sa=D&source=calendar&
Revenue & Business 5.30 PM - 8.30
5-Apr-2023 Full Virtual
Models PM vV2YxVG41bWNEUT09&sa=D&source=calendar&
5.30 PM - 8.30
12-Apr-2023 Pitch Mastery Full Virtual
PM vV2YxVG41bWNEUT09&sa=D&source=calendar&
Full Virtual
5.30 PM - 8.30 vV2YxVG41bWNEUT09&sa=D&source=calendar&
19-Apr-2023 Mentor Idea Review PM usd=2&usg=AOvVaw0CniJDnyw9GSB7YyQVDUzb

Meet up with the

Founders,Directors, 5.30 PM - 8.30 Full
22-Apr-2023 To be Communicated
Team and Sterling PM Physical
26-Apr-2023 Break
5.30 PM - 8.30
3-May-2023 Legal & Equity Full Virtual
PM vV2YxVG41bWNEUT09&sa=D&source=calendar&

10-May-2023 Break
5.30 PM - 8.30
17-May-2023 Go-To-Market & Scale Full Virtual
PM vV2YxVG41bWNEUT09&sa=D&source=calendar&
5.30 PM - 8.30
24-May-2023 Product Development Full Virtual
PM vV2YxVG41bWNEUT09&sa=D&source=calendar&
Mentor Progress 5.30 PM - 8.30
31-May-2023 Full Virtual
Review PM vV2YxVG41bWNEUT09&sa=D&source=calendar&

Meet up with the

Founders,Directors, 5.30 PM - 8.30 Full
2-Jun-2023 To be Communicated
Team and Sterling PM Physical
7-Jun-2023 Break
5.30 PM - 8.30
14-Jun-2023 Co-Founders & Team Full Virtual
PM vV2YxVG41bWNEUT09&sa=D&source=calendar&
5.30 PM - 8.30
21-Jun-2023 Marketing & Growth Full Virtual
PM vV2YxVG41bWNEUT09&sa=D&source=calendar&
5.30 PM - 8.30
28-Jun-2023 Investor Pitch Review Full Virtual
PM vV2YxVG41bWNEUT09&sa=D&source=calendar&
5.30 PM - 8.30
5-Jul-2023 Equity & Funding Full Virtual
PM vV2YxVG41bWNEUT09&sa=D&source=calendar&

Showcase & 5.30 PM - 8.30

12-Jul-2023 To be Communicated TBD
Celebration PM
Our Partners
Sterling Bank
Sterling Bank is our exclusive banking partner and offers a wide range of exclusive products and services to
founders and alumni of Founder Institute Lagos. Find out more about Sterling Bank’s products and services

Olisa Agbakoba Legal (OAL)

OAL is our exclusive legal services provider partner. OAL provides innovative legal services and is available
from the very start to provide incorporation services to the founders. The services provided span across a wide
range including incorporation, corporate and startup advisory, intellectual property management, and more.
Find out more about OAL’s services here.

All our partners will be available throughout the program to assist you with the relevant support required.
Kindly reach Precious to connect with a partner. Below is a list of our partners and the services they offer.

S/N Partner Service

1 Sterling Bank Banking

2 Olisa Agbakoba Legal Legal

3 Marcforte Business Consulting HR

4 Colad Gray HR
5 Worden HCD HR

6 Alexander Stephens IQ Accounting

7 Kodex Limited Product Development

8 Dream VC (For Alumni only) Investment Deck Analysis

Team Support
Below are the emails that will be used for correspondence during the program.
● All session invites will be sent to you from
● Invitations for events and other programs will be sent to you from
● Contact Esther - for program related enquiries
● Contact Precious - for introduction to partners and/or mentors;
for legal related issues

Surf your ecosystem

Lagos is a great place to build a startup, but most early-stage entrepreneurs aren't aware of the local tech
resources that are available to help them.

Consequently, our Lagos Startup Ecosystem Canvas was developed to provide entrepreneurs with a list of
local resources for their startup journey and outline a basic framework for startup communities to map their

Access it here.

Graduation Support

Founder Guide
For more info, visit the Founder Guide.

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