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Rift Valley University Nekemte Campus

Department of B/Management Self test Exam

Course Title;-Management Information System Self Test Question
C/Code: MGMT 3151 Status; Major
Remember; - This self test question is prepared for you to do by your own. It carries 100 %. The
self test question should be completed and mailed by the students of Business Management
department. Do not try to forget the self test question until you have covered all questions and
exercises in the course material. If you have any questions in the Exam sheet that you have not
been able to understand, please state on a separate question sheet paper and to contact the subject
1. In an information system which one is not a technology driver for an information system?
A. knowledge asset management
B. networks and the Internet
C. object technologies
D. enterprise applications
E. collaborative technologies
F. none
2.In a formal system development process which of the following
A. statement of the system users’ business requirements
B. business problem statement
C. software and technical hardware solution for the business problem
D. Specification and technical blueprints for a solution that fulfills the business requirements
E. both A & b
F. none of the above
3.Using a business performance management software to monitor performance __________
A. reduces costs. B. adds value. C. manages risks D. create a new opportunity.
E. both A & b. F. none of the above.
4_________ is the general transformation cycle for information?
A. data to information to knowledge.
B. data to knowledge to information.
C. knowledge to data to information.
D. information to data to knowledge

BY;-Gemechis Bekele
Rift Valley University Nekemte Campus
Department of B/Management Self test Exam
Course Title;-Management Information System Self Test Question
C/Code: MGMT 3151 Status; Major
E. none of the above.
F. both A & b.
5___ technology includes computers hardware, software, database management systems, and
data communication system.
A. Information B. Computer C. Marketing D. All of the above
6. System development of cross life-cycle is?
A. prototyping B. object modeling C. data modeling D. data flow diagram
E. fact-finding F. None of these
7. The starting point of MIS planning is general ______ planning.
A. business B. manager C. objective D .firms
8. Which of the following is a computer based system that stores and, manipulates data that are
viewed from a geographical point or reference?
A. Database System (DS)
B. Geographical information System (GIS)
C. Geographic System (GS)
D. Software System (SS)
9. Which phase is not available in software life cycle?
A. Testing B .Maintenance C. Coding D. Abstraction
10. Information systems that monitor the elementary activities and transactions of the
organizations are _____
A. Operational level system
B. Management level system
C. Strategic level system
D. Knowledge level system

11. The advantages of creating a prototype are ____________________

A. It can serve as means of communication between developers and customers

BY;-Gemechis Bekele
Rift Valley University Nekemte Campus
Department of B/Management Self test Exam
Course Title;-Management Information System Self Test Question
C/Code: MGMT 3151 Status; Major
B. It allows developers to experiment with number of different design options
C. None of above
D. All of above
12 . Projections and responses to queries are Information output characteristics associated with
A. Management Information System (MIS)
B. Executive Support System (ESS)
C. Decision Support System (DSS)
D. Transaction Processing System (TPS
13. ____________is a set of processes and procedures that transform data into information and
A) information system B) Knowledge system C) Database system D) Computer system

14. Which of the following steps is/are the implementation plans involved in MIS?
i) Preparing organizational plans ii) Planning of work flow iii) Training of personnel
iv) Development of software v) Acquiring computer hardware.
A) i, ii and iii only B) i, ii, iii and iv only C) i, ii, iv and v only D) All i, ii, iii, iv and v
15. The_________ is defined as a set of activities performed across the organization creating as
output of value to the customer.
A) development process
B) business process
C) quality process
D) customer focus
16. Which of the following is NOT an objective of MIS?
A) Facilitate the decisions-making process
B) Provide requisite information at each level of management
C) Support decision-making
D) recruit people for system

BY;-Gemechis Bekele
Rift Valley University Nekemte Campus
Department of B/Management Self test Exam
Course Title;-Management Information System Self Test Question
C/Code: MGMT 3151 Status; Major
17. What among the following are the primary characteristics that information must process?
A) Relevance
B) Availability
C) Timeliness
D) Accuracy
18. The information of MIS comes from the
a. Internal source
b. External source
c. Both internal and external source
d. None of the above
19. The flow of information through MIS is
a. need dependent
b. organization dependent
c. information dependent
d. management dependent
20. A management information system is composed of
B. Software
C. hardware
D.All of the abaove
21. The types of data transmission modes are
A. half duplex. , duplex. , singlex
B. half duplex. , duplex. , simplex
C. half duplex. , duplex. , half singlex
D. singlex, duplex, half triplex
22. System Development process is also called as ______________.
A. System Life Cycle
B. System Development Life Cycle

BY;-Gemechis Bekele
Rift Valley University Nekemte Campus
Department of B/Management Self test Exam
Course Title;-Management Information System Self Test Question
C/Code: MGMT 3151 Status; Major
C. System Process Cycle
D .None of above
23. System development is a __________.
A. It is a development of SRS of a system
B .Process of successive changes of system from new and changed requirement
C. All of above
D. None of the abov
24. Projections and responses to queries are Information output characteristics associated with
A.Management Information System (MIS)
B.Executive Support System (ESS)
C.Decision Support System (DSS)
D. Transaction Processing System (TPS)
25. Management is linked to the information processor by
A. Decisions
B. Data
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. Neither (a) nor (b)
26. The first step in the systems development life cycle (SDLC) is _____________.
A .Design
B. Analysis
C .Problem/Opportunity Identification
E. Development and Documentation
27. In the system concepts, the term integration is ______________
A. refers to the manner in which each component functions with other components of the
B. means that parts of computer system depends on one another
C .implies structure and order
D. refers to the holism of system

BY;-Gemechis Bekele
Rift Valley University Nekemte Campus
Department of B/Management Self test Exam
Course Title;-Management Information System Self Test Question
C/Code: MGMT 3151 Status; Major
28.. ___________ Is the capability to continue as if nothing has happened, even after a major
component failure.
A. Redundancy
B. Interoperability
C. Fault Tolerance
D. Backup
29. Materials Requirements Planning (MRP) software is an example of an information systems
in which of the following areas?
A. Office automation systems.
B. Operations management.
C. Marketing
D. Human resource management.
30. What is the role of document image processing (DIP) systems?
A. Conversion into digital format
B. Product management.
C. Cash flow forecasting.
D. Producing customer invoices.
31. Decision trees could be represented in different ways such as
A. Bottom to top
B. Left to right
C. Top to bottom
D. All of the above
32. The types of data transmission modes are
A.Half duplex. , Duplex. , Singlex
B .Half duplex. , Duplex. , Simplex
C.Half duplex. , Duplex. , Half Singlex
D. Singlex, duplex, half triplex

BY;-Gemechis Bekele
Rift Valley University Nekemte Campus
Department of B/Management Self test Exam
Course Title;-Management Information System Self Test Question
C/Code: MGMT 3151 Status; Major
33. The elements of control will consist of
A. Authority, Direction, Management
B. Authority, Direction, Information
C. Authority, Application, Management
D. Authority, Application, Information
34. The flow of information through MIS is
A. need dependent
B. organization dependent
C. information dependent
D. management dependent
35. Which of the following information system supports planning and assessment needs of executive
E. both b & c
F. none of these
36. which of the following application of information is used to scan an organization’s environment?
A. world wide
B. internal communication
C. external communication.
D. sensing.
E. none of the above.
37. Management information systems (MIS)
A. Development and share documents that support day-today office activities.
B.process business transactions (e.g., time cards, payments, orders, ecapture and reproduce the
knowledge of an expert problem solver
C. use the transaction data to produce information needed by managers to run the business
D. none of the above
38. In information system which one is not a business driver?

BY;-Gemechis Bekele
Rift Valley University Nekemte Campus
Department of B/Management Self test Exam
Course Title;-Management Information System Self Test Question
C/Code: MGMT 3151 Status; Major
A. redesigns a business process
B. security and privacy
C. collaboration and partnership
D. knowledge asset management
E. proliferation of networks and the Internet
F. both A & b
39. A university creates a web-based information system that gives access to faculty who can record
student grades and advise students, this is an example of a/an CRM.
B. extranet
C. 213
D. none of the above
E. both A & b
40.Which attribute manager require for quality information.
E.both A & b.
41. An information system that supports the planning and assessment needs of
executive management is
E. None
42. The first CMM level at which measurable goals for quality and productivity are
established is

BY;-Gemechis Bekele
Rift Valley University Nekemte Campus
Department of B/Management Self test Exam
Course Title;-Management Information System Self Test Question
C/Code: MGMT 3151 Status; Major
A. Level 1.B. Level 2 C.Level D.Level4 E.Level 5
43. Which one is NOT a phase of the systems development life cycle?
A. problem analysis
B .scope definition
C. requirements analysis implementation review
E. decision analysis
44. Equest for quotation (RFQ) is
A. a document that compares business and technical requirements of a commercial
application package against the capabilities and features of a specific commercial
application package
B. a document that communicates business, technical, and support requirements for an
application software package to vendors that wish to compete for the sale of that
application package and services
C. a document that communicates business, technical, and support requirements for an
application software package to a single vendor that has been determined as being
able to supply that application package and service
E. a contract with management and the user community to develop or enhance an
Information system
5. None of the above
45. Contemporary Information Systems are interfacing with customers and suppliers using
A. BPR B. CRM C. SCM D. Both A and B E. Both B and C
46. Which one of the not types of Information
A. Strategic information
B) Tactical information
C) Operational information
D) Action and Non-action information

BY;-Gemechis Bekele
Rift Valley University Nekemte Campus
Department of B/Management Self test Exam
Course Title;-Management Information System Self Test Question
C/Code: MGMT 3151 Status; Major
47. Managers who are potential users of the MIS
A. Describe information needs
B. Identify alternate equipment configurations
C. Evaluate alternate equipment configurations
D Select the optimum equipment configurations
48. Which one of the following is not an important characteristic of useful and effective
A. Accuracy B. Timeliness C. Completenes D. Economy
49. He most important reason for failure of MIS is
A. Use of improper tools for design
B .Non involvement of end-user
C. Improper specification
D. None of the above
50. In management information system which is the correct order of the reference of
activities that the manager processes?
A. Planning, organizing, staffing, coordinating, directing, controlling
B. Planning, staffing, coordinating, organizing, directing, controlling
C. Planning, organizing, staffing, coordinating, controlling, directing
D. Planning, directing, organizing, staffing, coordinating, controlling

BY;-Gemechis Bekele

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