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Dear Editor,

I am writing in response to your newspaper article about the environment which appeared in the
newspaper last Monday. Personally I agree with you, because you said just the truth.

Firstly, I know that many teenagers think that they cannot do anything for the environment, because
it is too late now. I believe that we can change our lifestyles, thereby also helping the environment.
Furthermore, teenagers are not as mature-minded yet, but they will realise there is a lot that can be
done for change.

Next, many teenagers say that they are alone, but it is not true, beacuse many people want changes,
they want to help the environment in many ways. Nevertheless, there is the evidence for example
for that, some people clean the beaches and the oceans or seas and it makes a big difference,
beacuse the sea animals are not dying in that much speed.

Finally, they say that it is too late to do anything for the environment. However, I think that we
should make groups all around the world and go on some programmes, where we collect the trash
and make something good for our environment while we spend quality time with our friends. It is
never too late to do something incredible for our envirement, our planet. What is more, I think that
we can do anytime a small thing for the planet, for example we do not throw the chewing gum down
the street.

I will will be interested in reading other’s reactions on this article.

Yours faithfully,

Vivien Orbán

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