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Questions for QA training

1. How to create tests cases when there are no requirements and the tests should be based on
the application functionalities?
2. If there is a form with many fields should you either
 create separate tests for each field (save, change, delete)
 combine all the fields in one big test
 separate tests for different form sections (combining fields in one section)
 test each field or test only the important and most used by customers
3. How to define which area of the application to test first (f.e. ask the PO)?
4. Should you first test the whole most important area in the application
5. How to define the optimal structure of the test cases – more fragmented structure with
separation of test cases or smaller number of folders with more test cases in them?

1. How to create tests cases when there are no requirements and the tests should be based on
the application functionalities?
2. Should we test each field in one form or test only the important and most used by
3. How to define which area of the application to test first (f.e. ask the PO)?
4. Should you first test the whole most important area in the application or most important
parts of different areas in the app and then go back to the less important parts?
5. How to define the optimal structure of the test cases (Test Rail) – more fragmented
structure with separation of test cases or smaller number of folders with more test cases in

6. If there is a form with many fields should you either:

 create separate tests for each field (save, change, delete)

 combine all the fields in one big test
 separate tests for different form sections (combining fields in one section or some with
logical connection)

При нас имаш свободата да се усъвършенстваш и отговорността за това. Имаш свободата и

гъвкавостта да създадеш свой баланс между работа и личен живот. Ние вярваме, че това е
формулата за по-щастливи служители, които създават качествен продукт, отговарящ на
високите изисквания на нашите клиенти.

Ако търсиш място, което да ти даде спокойствие и сигурност, за да се развиваш в желаната

посока, приятелска атмосфера на взаимопомощ, споделяне на знания и опит, свободна
комуникация на всички нива, ела при нас и стани новият Hypoporter!
При нас имаш свободата да се усъвършенстваш и отговорността за това. Имаш свободата и
гъвкавостта да създадеш свой баланс между работа и личен живот. Ние вярваме, че
щастливите служители създават качествен продукт, който клиентите обичат.

Ако търсиш място, което да ти даде спокойствие и сигурност, за да се развиваш в желаната

посока, приятелска атмосфера на взаимопомощ, споделяне на знания и опит, свободна
комуникация на всички нива, ела и стани един от нас!

Here in Hypoport you have the freedom to improve yourself and the responsibility to do it. You have
the flexibility to develop your work-life balance. We believe that happy people build high-quality
products that customers love.

If you are looking for a place that offers you opportunity to improve yourself in the desired direction,
friendly atmosphere, knowledge sharing and open communication, come and be one of us!


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