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Worksheet: Key Must-Haves

1. Identify the key elements that are a ‘must’ to include in your virtual events. G et granular!

Opening ceremony
Supprise box ( such as - lucky pinwheel...)

2. Create a road map for your event from the organizers’ perspective
(F or thos e producing proprietary corporate virtual events , you are the organiz er!)

• C ontent (types of educational s es s ions )
• C ertification
• Networking (receptions , breaks , ceremonies , mus ic etc.)
• E ngagement/Interaction
• New s tuff!

1- Get everything prepared: time& date

have a professional design for the virtual website..
2. Promote the event
- Send EDMs, post information through social media...
- recruit exhibitors; sell sponsorship...
- send EDMs to invite attendees..
3. Show days : make sure all the technical issues; video records...
- Opening ceremony
- Networking
- Engagement/ Interaction ( Q&A for viewers, chat boxes..); Webinars along side with the
- Certification
- New stuff ( for visitors such as lucky spin wheel..; virtual coffee break...)
4. post show
thank you letter & recored videos sending to exhibitos
thank you letter for visitors

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