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Pakistan Movement

Second Phase 1905 till 1913 (British + Muslims vs. Hindus)

During this period British made some administrative and legislative
changes which favored Muslims. Hindus during this period were very
active against both British and Muslims.
The impact of Minto-Morley Reforms
• Reaction from the Hindus: (Congress)
• As a matter of fact, the Indian National Congress was divided into two
factions i.e. the “moderate,” which was led by G.K. Gokhale and
the “extremist,” which was led by B.G. Tilak. The moderate
faction welcomed the Reforms. In the Imperial Legislative Council,
Gokhale said, “My Lord, I sincerely believed that you and Lord Morley
have saved the country from anarchy and chaos”
• Reaction from the Muslims:
• Increased representation:
• Separatist sentiment:
• Rise of Muslim nationalism
Views of some authors:
• Akbar S. Ahmed, in his book "Jinnah, Pakistan and
Islamic Identity: The Search for Saladin," suggests that
the Minto-Morley Reforms laid the foundation for later political
developments in the subcontinent.
• K.K. Aziz, in his book "The Making of Pakistan: A Study
in Nationalism," argues that the Minto-Morley Reforms were
largely insignificant and failed to address the fundamental
grievances of Indian Muslims.
Third Phase 1911 till 1928
(Hindus+Muslims Vs British)
Change of strategy by the AIML
• Sudden annulment of Bengal Partition in
• Strategic rethinking
• Loyalty with the British didn’t pay well
• Hence, there was a shift in the political
choices of AIML. Consequently, they decided
to join hand with congress. For this purpose,
efforts of unity were started.
• The issue of separate university
• Kanpur Mosque Incident 1913
The condition of Muslims at that time;
hurting the feelings of Indian Muslims
• Italian invasion in Tripoli in 1911
• Balkan wars in 1912
• Russian attacks on Iran
• The role of Al-hila, comrade, and Zamindar newspapers
The Role of Quaid
• Joined ML in 1913
• His role  Created conducive
environment for the talks
• Change in AIML constitution
• Memorandum of 19: : Since 1909 there
were 27 elected Indians in the ILC out of
which 6 were Muslims. In memorandum
of 19, 19 out of 27 elected Indians adopted
a memorandum in assembly known as
memorandum of 1915. Through this
memorandum the 19 members demanded
reforms from British
• Two sessions, one city (Bombay)  1915
Lucknow pact 1916
"The Lucknow Pact of 1916 was the high-water mark of Hindu-Muslim
unity." - Jawaharlal Nehru
• Lucknow session: It was a combined
session between AIML and congress.
• This was the 1st and the last combined
session between the 2 major parties.
• it was a symbolic sign of unity. Even
though unity was very much there
from 1915-1916;
• In this combined session
whatever was agreed between
Congress and AIML, later on
came to be known as Lucknow Pact.
Major points:
• The Hindus agreed to the right of separate
electorate for the Muslims, for the first and the last
• The Hindus conceded that the Muslims would have
one third representation in the Imperial Legislative
• A 'weightage' formula was proposed under which
the Muslims would get less representation than
their population in the Legislative Council in those
provinces where they were in majority but more in
provinces where they were in minority.
• It was decided that no non-official member would present any bill,
resolution or a part of it, related to another nation in any elected
body if three-fourth of the members of the affected ration opposed it.
• It was demanded that the number of the members of the Imperial
Legislative Council be increased to 150 and 4/5 of its members be
directly elected by the public. The president of the Council be elected
by the members themselves and not selected by the Government. It
was proposed that local members of the Legislative Councils of the
larger provinces should be 125 and that of the smaller should be from
50 to 75.
• It was demanded that members of the Central and Provincial
Legislative Councils be given the right to move adjournment
• All sources except customs, post & telegraph, salt, opium and
railways be transferred to the provincial governments.
• The Council of the Secretary of State for India be disbanded and
two Assistant Secretaries may be appointed to assist him
instead; one of them must be an Indian. Besides, the salary of
the Secretary of the State must be disbursed from the British
exchequer instead of from the Indian treasury.
• Half of the members of lit Executive Council of the Governor-
General must be Indian who should be elected by the members
of the Imperial Legislative Council.
Summary of the points


Increased Fixed Separate Protection to

Imperial Devolution of
elected representation electorate for other
legislative list powers
members for Muslims Muslims communities

Increased to
_____? _____? The formula How___? ____?
The reaction of the Muslims and Hindus
• Hindus of th U.P  opposed because it ensured the right of
separate electorate for the Muslims.
• All India Hindu Mahasabha strongly criticized the whole pact
• Muslims:
• Followers of Sir Sayyid School of thought rejected the pact
• Mian Muhammad Shafi led Punjab provincial Muslim League had to be
scuttled from th AIML
• Widespread resentment amongst Bengali Muslims
• Fazal Haq- Supported the pact
The Importance:
• Sarojni Naidu Quaid  The ambassador of Hindu-Muslim
• The impact:
• For Muslims Separate electorate issue resolved  How it is linked
with TNT and Muslim nationalism?
• Congress exploded the myth of the congress that it was the sole
spokesman of the whole of the India
• Legal guarantee to Muslims? How… think!
• Impacted Chelmsford reforms
• Showed sagaciousness in Indian politics. How?
• Proved short lived.
The Montagu-Chelmsford
Reforms 1919
Chelmsford was the Governor-general
The background
• WW1
• Hindu-Muslim Unity
• The fame of Home Rule League
• British narrative that it was striving
for Democracy acorss the globe, then
why not in India?
The reforms:
• Introduction of Dyarchy in the provinces, No change in the
5 British
Executive Council
1919 Act

3 Indians

42 officials
Indian Legislative 145 members
30 Muslims
Assembly (Elected 3 years)
103 Indians
Central Legislative
73 General seats
26 officials
Senate/Council of 60 Members
11 Muslims
state (Elected for 5 years)
34 Indians
23 General

Central subjects (Defense,

Foreign Affairs, Customs,
telephone, currency, Railways)
Division of legislative work
Reserved subjects

Provincial subjects (Local self

govt, public health, edu)

Transferred subjects
Why Dyarchy failed?
• Inauspicious combustion of conditions
• Massacre at Jalianwala bagh and Rowlett act
• Khilafat movement and Non-Cooperation Movement started
• Assmeblies were boycotted
• Ministries but no ministries
• Parliamentary--? Ministries jointly responsible under parliament
• Dyarchy no such concept
• Inappropriate distribution of provincial subjects
• All mighty governors… Again!
Any gains of the reforms? Any??
• Awakening of Indians
• Separate electorate for muslims… Given
• Self governance in provinces
The Massacre of Jallianwala Bagh
• Secret and revolutionary activities
during WW1
• Committee was formed, presented bull
in the Imperial legislative council in
• Powers to the admin
• Accused had neither the right to appeal
nor could take the services of a lawyer for
• As a result, Quaid resigned.
Dr. Saifuddin and Dr. Satyapal were arrested which led to widespread protests. Gen Dyre
opened fire on the protesters arranged at Jallianwala Bagh at Amritsar. Hunter report after
Khilafat Movement
• Muslims of India had an emotional
attachment with Caliphate.
• Sultan of Turkey was considered as
Ameer-ul-Momneen by Indian Muslims
as they did not have their own identity
and always saw towards Ottoman Caliph
• Turkey sided with Germany in WWI
• The Peace settlement and the Treaty of
Severs broke of the Ottoman Empire and
reduced Sultan to the status of Vassal
• Majlis-i-Khilafat was made by traders in
Bombay in 1919.
• First Khilafat Conference held at Delhi in
November 1919
• Muslims Of India launched this movement to
fight Turkey’s battle from India though they
were thousands of miles from Turkey.
• Peak period 1919-1920: demonstrations,
protests, boycotts and pressures
• Carried out both by Hindus and Muslims
• Mahatma Gandhi had supported the
movement as part of his opposition to
British Empire and he also advocated
wider non-cooperation movement at the
same time.
• To maintain the Turkish caliphate
• To protect the Holy Places of the Muslims
• To maintain the unity of the Ottoman Empire. They wanted that
Ottoman Empire should be kept intact
• Maulana Muhammad All Jauhar, Maulana Shaukat All, Maulana
Zafat All Khan, Hakim Ajmal Khan, Dr. Ansari, Maulana Hasrat
Mohani, Syed Salman Nadvi and Maulana Abul Kalam Azad were the
nain leaders. Gandhi, Moti Lal Nehru and Madan Mohan halvia also
joined this movement as a result of the Lacknow Pact
Major steps taken by the movement
• Doctors, nurses arid medicines were
Medical Aid:
dispatched to Turkey
• A large amount of money, gold and silver was
collected in the general meetings to give
financial aid to Turkey.
• Large processions were arranged, protest
meetings were held and strikes were
observed in all big and small cities in the sub-
• Zarnindar of Zafar AU Khan, al-Hilal of Azad
Role of
and Comrade and Hamdard of Jaunar played
vital roles in the movement.
Role of • he secured cooperation of the emotional
Gandhi: Muslims for his own purpose.
Hijrat Movement
• Jamiyat Ulema-i-Hind proposed that
when a land is not safe for Islam, a
Muslim has two options-Jihad or Hijrat.
• Fatwa was signed by 925 prominent
• Hundreds of Families sold their
properties and migrated towards
Afghanistan, but were not allowed to
enter in the premises of the state.
• This was a tragic event as thousands of
Muslim Families suffered
• Many died and borders whereas some
went to USSR
How they pressurized the govt?
• Resign from the government jobs
• Come on the streets against the government by getting the
• activities
• Present themselves for arrests
• Refrain from paying the taxes
• Refuse to receive financial grants from the governments
• Migrate to Iran, Afghanistan and other Muslim countries
Major event
• In 1921,Moplah uprising,400 were killed and tens of thousands
were injured.
• Moplah train tragedy, 66 were killed.
• Hindu-Muslim communal riots particularly in Multan and
• Arrest of Ali brethren in Sep.1921.
• Feb 1922,Chaura Chauri incident, 21 policemen killed as
Congress volunteers set a police station on fire
End of Khilafat movement
• Gandhi called off the whole movement making an excuse that
the National Volunteers were responsible for the murder of
• A sever blow to Khilafat Movement. When in 1924 Turks
announced an end to Khilafat and made a new government.
• Khilafat conference and committee died down in a short time
and there was nothing but the name remained
• In 1922, Mustafa Kamal Ataturk emerged with his Turkish
National Movement
The Khilafat movement had no economic programme, no social
programme, no educational programme, no political
programme except the restoration of the Sultanate's
sovereignty. It was not a movement of the masses but a
movement of the Muslim elite. It was not a political movement in
any sense of the word but a religious movement, aiming at the
defence of the Ottoman Caliphate as the spiritual centre of the
Islamic world." (The Making of Pakistan: A Study in
Nationalism, K.K. Aziz, Lahore: Vanguard, 1967, p. 40)
The impact:
Unnecessary involvement • Alien concept, not directly linked with the Muslims

• Ulama
• Represents continued supremacy of Islamic law
• Western educators
• Symbobilsed the principle of religious freedom and self-determination
• Extremists
• Futility of any accommodation with the western culture and political institutions
• For laborers
• Symbolized Islam itself
Created political
• Muslims realized their own identity
Neutralized supported
• How____?
Put an end to drawing room
• Protests and demonstrations
• Pakistan Movement
• Broadened role of Ulama and students
Basis of another movement • Now the main players
• Role of women
• Bi Amma (Abadi Bano)
Views of different authors
• The honor of Islam lies in the preservation of the caliphate and not in
the independence of any country or nation." - Mahatma Gandhi
• "Our Khilafat is not a political movement but a religious and spiritual
movement." - Maulana Mohammad Ali Jauhar
• "The Khilafat is the pivot round which the whole of Muslim India
revolves." - Shaukat Ali
• "We must fight to maintain the unity of India and the integrity of the
Ottoman Empire." - Abul Kalam Azad
• "The Khilafat movement is not a matter of politics or diplomacy, it is
a matter of faith and conscience." - Hasrat Mohani.
The Delhi Muslim proposals
For Hindu-Muslim Unity
• Communal rifts intensified
• Shuddhi, Sangthan (initiated by
Pandit Madan Mohan Malavia, lala
Lajpat Rai, and Shardhanand)
The proposals:
• Jinnah and the company declared that they
would withdraw the demand of separate
electorate in order to bridge the gap
between the two big parties which was left
by the fiasco of the Khilafat movement:
• Sindh should be separated from Bombay.
• Reforms should be introduced on the same footing in
NWFP and Balochistan.
• Weightage should be given to the Muslims in
provinces where they are in minority.
• Muslims representation shall not be less than 1/3rd in
the central legislature.
• The League accepted to drop its condition
of separate electorate on
certain conditions. These conditions were
Delhi Proposals.
Simon GO BACK!
• Diarchy was introduced in India by the Government of India Act 1919.
• The Act also promised that a commission would be appointed after 10 years
to review the working and progress made on the measures taken through the
• In 1927, British announced statuary commission which consisted of 7
members of Parliament under the chairmanship of Sir John Simon.
• One of its members was the future leader of the Labour Party Clement Attlee,
who came committed to self-government for India
• The Secretary of State for India, Lord Birkenhead had berated Indians on
account of their perceived inability to formulate a concrete scheme
• This commission had no Indian member and was boycotted by a group
underJinnah. Other group led by Mian Muhammad Shafi wanted to meet.
• Large scale agitations erupted against the commission with slogans "Simon,
Go back"• The commission's detailed report was rejected by Muslim league,
and Congress.
The reaction

Muslim League
divided in two groups
• Jinnah League
• Against
• Shafi group
• Favored
The report of the Commission
• Abolishment of Dyarchy
• Introduction of Federal system in India
• Extending the right to vote to more people
• Committee for the recommendations of the:
• division of Bombay
• Giving equal status to NWFP
Nehru report
In response of Secretary of State remarks
• In response to this commission Congress being the largest
political party of India invited all other political parties to talk.
• They called All Parties Conference in 1928. Dr. M.A.
Ansari was the president of the conference.
• The main idea was that British have put up a challenge
in front of Indians and now the time has come to unite
and work together. All political parties of India welcomed it.
• Even Muslims League under Jinnah was a part of this unified
The points
• Immediate dominion status.
• “Declaration of Rights”, should be adopted, insuring fullest liberty of conscience and religion.
• N.W.F.P should be given full provincial status.
• Sind should be separated from Bombay.
• *Separate Electorates should be immediately abolished.
• Reservation of seats was recommended in center and provinces where they are in minority only,
and reservation was strictly to the proportion of population.
• Bi-cameral legislature was proposed, Senate as upper house and House of representatives as lower
• Senate would have 200 seats. Its members would be elected from provincial councils and representation of
provinces would be proportional to its population.
• “House of Representatives” of 500 should be constituted on the basis of direct elections from all over India
according to the population.
• Residuary powers would be given to the center
375 Indians
House of
representative or 500 members
Upper House
125 Muslims
according to Nehru
150 Indians

Senate or lower
200 members

50 Muslims
Rejection by Quiad
Jinnah rejected it and presented 4 demands:
• 1/3rd representation in the centre.
• If adult suffrage is not established the representation of Punjab and
Bengal should be on the basis of Population.
• Constitution should be a federation with residuary powers in the
• Sind separated immediately and reforms in NWFP and
The impact

Quaid said Buried

Reawakening Quaid 14
Partition of Hindu-
of Muslims points
ways” Muslim unity
Quaid 14 points
14 points
• a. Territorial
• b. Communal
• c. Constitutional
• d. Muslim exclusive
The reaction
• Dr Moonjee, leader of Hindu Maha Condemned
Past paper questions
• “Khilafat Movement was an emotional movement”. Discuss.
(CSS 2015)
PMS Punjab
• Why was the Khilafat Movement started? Explain its three
• "Nahru Report created more problems than solving the
communal issues." Elucidate.
• Discuss the circumstances which led to the conclusion of Luck
now Pact 1916.

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