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Includes a Special Section on Common Latin
Words and Phrases Used in English Today

More than 160,000 Entries The Complete

and Translations
2-in-l Reference

Supplements on Roman with a
History and Culture
Quick Reference

Grammar Section

pli^G rammar

An Imprint of WarperGoWmsPubUshers
first published in this format 1997

© HarperCollins Publishers 1997

latest reprint 2003

HarperCollins Publishers
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ISBN 0-00-472092-X

HarperCollins Publishers, Inc

10 East 53rd Street, New York, NY 10022

ISBN 0-06-053690-X

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data has been applied for

First HarperCollins edition published 2003

Dictionary based on the Collins Latin Gem © 1957 by

Professor D.A. Kidd
Canterbury University

Grammar text and dictionary supplements by

Mary Wade

Editorial coordinator
Joyce Littlejohn

Latin consultants
Ian Brookes
Denis Bruce Michael D. Igoe

Series editor
Lorna Sinclair

Editorial management
Vivian Marr

All rights reserved

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

Dictionary text typeset by Tradespools Ltd, Somerset

Grammar typeset by Latimer Trend Ltd, Plymouth

Printed by Legoprint S.P.A.


Abbreviations used in this dictionary iv

How to use the dictionary V
Latin alphabet and spelling vii
Pronunciation and accent viii
Quick reference grammar
Noun declensions xiii
Verb conjugations xvii
Verbal nouns and adjectives xxiv
Irregular verbs xx vi


Roman life and culture 1-25

Latin verse 1-9
Latin phrases used in English today 1-15



Introduction 3
Nouns 7
Adjectives 24
Adverbs 42
Pronouns 48
Prepositions 58
Numerals 70
Dates 76
Sentence structure 80
Translation tips 132
Verbs 146
Verb tables 188
Principal parts 220

adj adjective MED medicine

abl ablative MIL military
acc accusative mod modern
adv adverb n noun
AGR agriculture NAUT nautical
ARCH architecture neg negative
art article nom nominative
ASTR astronomy nt neuter
AUG augury num numeral
COMM business occ occasionally
CIRCS circumstances P participle
compar comparative pass passive
conj conjunction perf perfect
cpd compound perh perhaps
dat dative pers person
defec defective PHILOS philosophy
ECCL ecclesiastical Pi plural
esp especially POL politics
excl exclamatory ppa perfect participle active
f feminine PPP perfect participle passive
fig figurative prep preposition
fut future pres present
gen genitive pron pronoun
GEOG geography prop properly
GRAM grammar PROV proverb
impers impersonal relat relative
imperf imperfect RHET rhetoric
impv imperative sg singular
indecl indeclinable sim similarly
indie indicative subj subjunctive
inf informal superl superlative
infin infinitive THEAT theatre
inter] interjection UNIV university
interrog interrogative usu usually
LIT literature vi intransitive verb
loc locative voc vocative
m masculine vt transitive verb
MATH mathematics


Whether you are learning Latin for the first time or wish to “brush up” what
you learned some time ago, this dictionary is designed to help you understand
Latin and to express yourself in Latin, if you so wish.


Entries are laid out as follows:

This is shown in bold type. On the Latin-English side all long vowels are shown
by placing a above them. Latin nouns show the genitive singular form in bold.
Latin verbs show the first person singular of the present indicative as the
headword, followed by the infinitive, the first person singular of the perfect
indicative and usually the past participle, all in bold type:
elegia, -ae
elementum, -i
elevo, are
ematuresco, -escere, -ui

Part of Speech
Next comes the part of speech (noun, verb, adjective etc), shown in italics. Part
of speech abbreviations used in the dictionary are shown in the abbreviations
list (p /V). Where a word has more than one part of speech, each new part of
speech is preceded by a black lozenge (♦). If a Latin headword is a preposition,
the case taken by the preposition comes immediately after the part of speech,
in italics and in brackets.
era, -ae/
ticklish adj
thunder n tonitrus m ♦ vi tonare, intonare,
erga prep (with acc) towards; against.

Where a word or a part of speech has only one meaning, the translation comes
immediately after the part of speech. However, many words have more than
one meaning. Where the context is likely to show which translation is correct,
variations in meaning are simply separated by a semi-colon. But usually there
will also be an “indicator” in italics and in brackets. Some meanings relate to
specific subject areas, for example religion, politics, military matters etc -

these indicators are in small italic capitals.
ensiger, -T ad) with his sword,
toy n crepundia ntpi ♦ vi ludere,
toll collector n exactor m; portitor m.
eo, -Ire, ivi and ii, Itum vi to go; (mil) to march; (time) to pass; (event) to proceed,
turn out.

Most words can be translated directly. On the English-Latin side, translations
of nouns include the gender of the Latin noun in italics. However, sometimes a
phrase is needed to show how a word is used, but in some cases a direct
translation of a phrase would be meaningless: the symbol - in front of a
translation shows that the translation is natural English, but does not mean
word for word what the Latin means. Sometimes, even an approximate
translation would not be very helpful (for place names, for example) - in these
cases, an explanation in italics is given instead. In other cases, the user will
need more information than simply the translation; in these cases, “indica¬
tors” are included in the translation(s), giving, for instance, the case required
by a Latin verb or preposition or further details about a place or person.
thumb n pollex m; have under one's ~ in potestate sua habere,
elephantomacha, -ae m fighter mounted on an elephant.
Erymanthus, -I m mountain range in Arcadia (where Hercules killed the bear).
thwart vt obstare (dat), officere (dat).

Since Latin pronunciation is regular, once the basic rules have been learned
(see pp viii, ix), the dictionary does not show phonetic transcriptions against
each headword, but does show all long vowels.

Other Information
The dictionary also includes:
• a basic grammar section
• information about life in Roman times:
- how government and the army were organized - how numbers and dates
were calculated and expressed - family relationships - geographical
names - major Roman authors - key events in Roman history-(important
historical and mythological characters and events are listed within the body
of the main text).
• a section on Latin poetry and scansion
• a list of Latin expressions commonly used in English today


The Latin alphabet is the one which has been almost universally adopted by the
modern languages of Europe and America. In the Classical period it had 23
letters, namely the English alphabet without letters j, v and w.
Letter v
The symbol v was the capital form of the letter u, but in a later age the small v
came into use to represent the consonantal u, and as it is commonly so
employed in modern editions of Latin authors, it has been retained as a distinct
letter in this dictionary for convenience.
Letter j
The symbol j came to be used as the consonantal i, and is found in older editions
of the Classics, but as it has been almost entirely discarded in modern texts, it
is not used in this dictionary, and words found spelt with a j must therefore be
looked up under i.
Letters w, y, z
The letter w may be seen in the Latinized forms of some modern names, e.g.
Westmonasterium, Westminster. The letters y and z occur only in words of
Greek origin.

Many Latin words which begin with a prefix can be spelled in two ways. The
prefix can retain its original spelling, or it can be assimilated, changing a letter
depending on the letter which follows it. Compare the following:

ad before g, 1, r and p:
adpropinquare appropinquare
adgredi aggredi
adloquor alloquor
adrogans arrogans
ad is also often assimilated before f and n:
adfectus affectus
adnexus annexus
and ad is often shortened to a before sc:
adscendere ascendere

in changes to il before 1, to im before m or p and to ir before r.

con becomes cor when followed by another r and col when followed by 1.
We have provided cross-references in the text to draw your attention to the
alternative forms of words. Thus, although arrogantia does not appear in the
Latin-English section, the cross-reference at arr- will point you to the entry for
adrogantia, where the translation is given.

The ancient pronunciation of Latin has been established with a fair degree of
certainty from the evidence of ancient authorities and inscriptions and
inferences from the modern Romance languages. It is not possible, of course,
to recapture the precise nuances of Classical Latin speech, but what follows is
now generally accepted and generally understood as a reasonably accurate
guide to the sounds of Latin as spoken by educated Romans during the two
centuries from Cicero to Quintilian.

The Latin accent in the Classical period was a weak stress, perhaps with an
element of pitch in it. It falls, as in English, on the second last syllable of the
word, if that syllable is long, and on the third last syllable if the second last is
short. Disyllabic words take the accent on the first syllable, unless they have
already lost a final syllable, e.g. illlc(e).
Inflected words are commonly learned with the accent wrongly placed on the
last syllable, for convenience in memorizing the inflexions. But it is advisable
to get the accent as well as the ending right.
The correct accent of other words can easily be found by noting carefully the
quantity of the second last syllable and then accenting the word as in English,
according to the rule given above. Thus fuerunt is accented on the second last
syllable because the e is long, whereas fuerant is accented on the third last,
because the e is short.

Vowels are pure and should not be diphthongized as in certain sounds of
Southern English. They may be long or short. Throughout this Dictionary all
vowels known or believed by the best authorities to be long are marked with a
line above them; those unmarked are either known to be short or of uncertain

Short Long
agricoin rat ramus rather
hedera pen ave pay
itaque km cfvis keen
"favor rob amplio robe
nebula full luna fool

y is a Greek sound and is pronounced (both short and long) as u in French ie rue.

aestas try
audio town
hei payee
meus ay-oo with the accent on first sound
moecha toy
tuitus Louis

balneae baby
abstemius apse
subtractus apt
castra car
chorda sepulchre
interdo dog
coitflo /ortune
ingredior go
habeo hand (but faintly)
iaceo yes (consonantal i=j)
Kalendae oak
congelo let
comes man ( final m was hardly sounded and
may have simply nasalized the
preceding vowel)
panis no
pango finger
stugeo apt
raphanus gill
exsequor quite
supremus brae (Scottish)
magnus sister (never as in rose)
laetus stop
theatrum take
vapor (and win
dextra six (ks, notgs)
zona zero

Double consonants lengthen the sound of the consonant.

Quick Reference Grammar

1st Declension

mainly f m
Nom. terra crambe Aeneas Anchises
Voc. terra crambe AeneS Anchisa, -e
Acc. terram cramben Aeneam, -an Anchlsam, -en
Gen. terrae crambes Aeneae Anchisae
Dat. terrae crambae Aeneae Anchisae
Abl. terra cramba Aenea Anchisa

Nom. terrae crambae
Voc. terrae crambae
Acc. terras crambas
Gen. terrarum crambarum
Dat. terris crambls
Abl. terris crambls

2nd Declension

mainly m
Nom. modus Lucius D61os (f) puer liber
Voc. mode Luci D€le puer liber
Acc. modum Lucium Delon puerum librum
Gen. modi Luci Dell pueri libri
Dat. mod6 Lucio Deie puer6 libre
Abl. modo Lucio D616 puer5 libr6

Nom. modi pueri libri
Voc. modi pueri libri
Acc. modos puerOs libres
Gen. modorum puerorum librerum
Dat. modis pueris libris
Abl. modis pueris libris

Nom. donum
Voc. dOnum
Acc. donum
Gen. dOnl
Dat. dono
Abl. dono

Nom. dona
Voc. dona
Acc. dona
Gen. dOnorum
Dat. donls
Abl. donls

3rd Declension
Group I: Vowel stems, with gen pi in -ium

m andf nt
Nom. clades navis rete animal
Voc. clades navis rete animal
Acc. cladem navem, -im rete animal
Gen. cladis navis retis animalis
Dat. cladi navi reti animali
Abl. clade nave, -I reti animali
Nom. clades naves retia animalia
Voc. clades naves retia animalia
Acc. clades, -Is naves, -Is retia animalia
Gen. cladium navium retium animalium
Dat. cladibus navibus retibus animalibus
Abl. cladibus navibus retibus animalibus

Group II: Consonant stems, some with gen pi in -ium, some in -um and some in
either. Monosyllabic nouns ending in two consonants (e.g. urbs
below) regularly have -ium.
m andf f nt
Nom. urbs amans laus aetas os
Voc. urbs amans laus aetas os
Acc. urbem amantem laudem aetatem os
Gen. urbis amantis laudis aetatis ossis
Dat. urbi amanti laudi aetati ossi
Abl. urbe amante laude aetate osse
Nom. urbes amantes laudes aetates ossa
Voc. urbes amantes laudes aetates ossa

Acc. urbes amantes laudes aetates ossa
Gen. urbium amantium, laudum, aetatum, ossium
-um -ium -ium
Dat. urbibus amantibus laudibus aetatibus ossibus
Abl. urbibus amantibus laudibus aetatibus ossibus

Group III: Consonant stems, with gen pi in -um

mandf nt
Nom. mos ratio pater nomen opus
Voc. mos ratio pater nomen opus
Acc. morem rationem patrem nomen opus
Gen. moris rationis patris nominis operis
Dat. mori rationi patri nomini operi
Abl. more ratione patre nomine opere

Nom. mores rationes patres nomina opera
Voc. mores rationes patres nomina opera
Acc. mores rationes patres nomina opera
Gen. morum rationum patrum nominum operum
Dat. moribus rationibus patribus nominibus operibus
Abl. moribus rationibus patribus nominibus operibus

Group IV: Greek nouns

m f nt
Nom. aer heros Pericles Naias poema
Voc. aer heros Pericle Naias poema
Acc. aera heroa | Periclem, Naiada poema
1 Periclea
Gen. aeris herois Periclis, -i Naiadis, -os poematis
Dat. aeri heroi Pericli NaiadI poemati
Abl. aere herbe Pericle Naiade poemate

Nom. aeres heroes Naiades poemata
Voc. aeres heroes Naiades poemata
Acc. aeras heroas Naiadas poemata
Gen. aerum heroum Naiadum poematorum
Dat. aeribus heroibus Naiadibus poematis
Abl. Seribus herbibus Naiadibus poematis

4th Declension 5th Declension
mainly m nt mainly f

Nom. portus genu dies r€s
Voc. portus genu di€s r6s
Acc. portum genii diem rem
Gen. portus genus diei rei
Dat. portui genu diei rei
Abl. portu genu di§ re

Nom. portus genua dies r6s
Voc. portus genua dies r6s
Acc. portQs genua dies r6s
Gen. portuum genuum dierum r6rum
Dat. portibus, -ubus genibus, -ubus diebus rebus
Abl. portibus, -ubus genibus, -ubus diebus rebus



First Second Third Fourth
parare habere sumere audire
prepare have take hear

1st pers paro habeo sumo audio
2nd pers paras habes sumis audis
3rd pers parat habet sumit audit

1st pers paramus habemus sumimus audimus
2nd pers paratis habetis sumitis auditis
3rd pers parant habent sumunt audiunt

1st pers parem habeam sumam audiam
2nd pers pargs habeas sumas audias
3rd pers paret habeat sumat audiat
1st pers paremus habeamus sumamus audiamus
2nd pers paretis habeatis sumatis audiatis
3rd pers parent habeant sumant audiant

1stpers parabam habebam sumebam audiebam
2nd pers parabSs habebas sumebas audiebas
3rd pers parabat habebat sumebat audiebat
1stpers parabamus habebamus sumebamus audiebamus
2nd pers parabatis habebatis sumebatis audiebatis
3rd pers parabant habebant sumebant audiebant

1stpers pararem haberem sumerem audirem
2nd pers parares haberes sumeres audires
3rd pers pararet haberet sumeret audiret
1st pers pararemus haberemus sumeremus audiremus
2nd pers pararetis haberetis sumeretis audiretis
3rd pers pararent haberent sumerent audirent

1st pers parabo habebo sGmam audiam
2nd pers parabis habebis sumes audies
3rd pers parabit habebit sumet audiet
1st pers parabimus habebimus sumemus audiemus
2nd pers parabitis habebitis sumetis audietis
3rd pers parabunt habebunt sument audient

paratGrus, -a, -um
sim or essem
habiturus, -a, -um
sis esses
sumpturus, -a, -um
sit esset
auditurus, -a, -um
paraturi, -ae, -a
simus or essemus
habituri, -ae, -a
sitis essetis
sumpturi, -ae, -a
sint essent
audituri, -ae, -a

lstpers paravi habui sumpsi audivi
2nd pers paravisti habuisti sumpsisti audivisti
3rd pers paravit habuit sumpsit audivit
1st pers paravimus habuimus sumpsimus audivimus
2nd pers paravistis habuistis sumpsistis audivistis
3rd pers paraverunt, habuerunt, sumpserunt, audiverunt.
-e -e -e -e

1st pers paraverim habuerim sumpserim audiverim
2nd pers paraveris habueris sumpseris audiveris
3rd pers paraverit habuerit sumpserit audiverit
1st pers paraverimus habuerimus sumpserimus audiveri¬
2nd pers paraveritis habueritis sumpseritis audiveritis
3rd pers paraverint habuerint sumpserint audiverint


lstpers paraveram habueram sumpseram audiveram
2nd pers paraveras habueras sumpseras audiveras
3rd pers paraverat habuerat sumpserat audiverat
1stpers paraveramus habueramus sumpseramus audivera¬
2nd pers paraveratis habueratis sumpseratis audiveratis
3rd pers paraverant habuerant sumpserant audiverant

lstpers paravissem habuissem sumpsissem audivissem
2nd pers paravisses habuisses sumpsisses audivisses
3rd pers paravisset habuisset sumpsisset audivisset
lstpers paravissemus habuissemus sumpsissemus audivisse¬
2nd pers paravissetis habuissetis sumpsissetis audivissetis
3rd pers paravissent habuissent sumpsissent audivissent

1st pers paravero habuero sumpserO audlverO
2nd pers paraveris habueris sumpseris audiveris
3rd pers paraverit habuerit sumpserit audiverit
1st pers paraverimus habuerimus sumpserimus audiverimus
2nd pers paraveritis habueritis sumpseritis audiveritis
3rd pers paraverint habuerint sumpserint audiverint

SING para habfi sGme audi
PLURAL parate habete sumite audite

2nd pers parato habeto sumito audito
3rd pers parato habeto sGmitO audito
2nd pers paratote habetote sumitote auditote
3rd pers paranto habento sumunto audiunto

parare habere sQmere audire

paravisse habuisse sumpsisse audivisse

par&tGrus, -a, -um, esse
habiturus, -a, -um, esse
sGmpttirus, -a, -um, esse
audltQrus, -a, -um, esse


1st pers paror habeor sumor audior
2nd pers pararis haberis sumeris audiris
3rd pers paratur habetur sumitur auditur
1st pers paramur habemur sumimur audimur
2nd pers paramini habemini sumimini audimini
3rd pers parantur habentur sumuntur audiuntur

1st pers parer habear sumar audiar
2nd pers pareris habearis sumaris audiaris
3rd pers paretur habeatur sumatur audiatur
1st pers paremur habeamur sumamur audiamur
2nd pers paremini habeamini sumamini audiamini
3rd pers parentur habeantur sumantur audiantur

1stpers parabar habebar sumebar audiebar
2nd pers parabaris habebaris sumebaris audiebaris
3rd pers parabatur habebatur sumebatur audiebatur
1st pers parabamur habebamur sumebamur audiebamur
2nd pers parabamini habebamini sumebamini audiebamini
3rd pers parabantur habebantur sumebantur audiebantur

1st pers pararer haberer sumerer audirer
2nd pers parareris habereris sumereris audireris
3rd pers pararetur haberetur sumeretur audiretur

1st pers pararSmur haberemur sumeremur audiremur
2nd pers pararemini habgrgminl sumeremini audiremini
3rd pers pararentur haberentur sumerentur audirentur

1st pers parabor habebor sumar audiar
2nd pers paraberis habeberis sumeris audieris
3rd pers parabitur habebitur sumetur audietur
1st pers parabimur habebimur sumemur audiemur
2nd pers parabimini habebimini sumemini audiemini
3rd pers parabuntur habebuntur sumentur audientur

paratus, -a, -um sum/es/est parati, -ae,-a sumus/estis/sunt
habitus, -a, -um sum/es/est habiti, -ae, -a sumus/estis/sunt
sumptus, -a, -um sum/es/est sumpti, -ae, -a sumus/estis/sunt
auditus, -a,-um sum/es/est auditi, -ae, -a sumus/estis/sunt

paratus, -a, -um sim/sls/sit parati, -ae,-a slmus/sltis/sint
habitus, -a, -um sim/sls/sit habiti, -ae, -a slmus/sltis/sint
sumptus, -a, -um sim/sls/sit sumpti, -ae, -a slmus/sltis/sint
auditus, -a, -um sim/sls/sit auditi, -ae, -a slmus/sltis/sint

paratus, -a,-um eram/eras/erat parati, -ae,-a eramus/eratis/erant
habitus, -a, -um eram/eras/erat habiti, -ae, -a eramus/eratis/erant
sQmptus, -a, -um eram/eras/erat sumpti, -ae, -a eramus/eratis/erant
auditus, -a, -um eram/eras/erat auditi, -ae, -a eramus/eratis/erant

paratus, -a,-um essem/esses/esset parati, -ae,-a essemus/essetis/essent
habitus, -a, -um essem/esses/esset habiti, -ae,-a essemus/essetis/essent
sumptus, -a, -um essem/esses/esset sumpti, -ae, -a essemus/essetis/essent
auditus, -a, -um essem/esses/esset auditi, -ae,-a essemus/essetis/essent


paratus, -a, -um ero/eris/erit parati, -ae,-a erimus/eritis/erunt
habitus, -a,-um ero/eris/erit habiti, -ae,-a erimus/eritis/erunt
sumptus, -a, -um ero/eris/erit sumpti, -ae, -a erimus/eritis/erunt
auditus, -a, -um ero/eris/erit auditi, -ae, -a erimus/eritis/erunt

SING parare habere sumere audire
PLURAL paramini habemini sumimini audimini

2nd pers parator habetor sumitor auditor
3rd pers parator habetor sumitor auditor
3rd pers parantor habentor sumuntor audiuntor

parari haberi suml audiri

paratus habitus sumptus auditus,
-a, -um, esse -a, -um, esse -a, -um, esse -a, -um, esse
paratum Irl habitum Irl sumptum Irl auditum Irl


Present Participle Active

parens habSns sumens audiens

Perfect Participle Passive

paratus habitus sumptus auditus

Future Participle Active

paraturus habiturus sumpturus auditurus
(acc, gen, dat and abi)
parandum, -i, -6 habendum, -I, -6 sumendum, -I, -6 audiendum, -I,
parandus habendus sQmendus audiendus
1st paratum habitum sumptum auditum
2nd paratu habitu sumptu auditu

Note. Some verbs of the 3rd conjugation have the present indicative ending in -io; e.g.
capio, / capture.


Active Passive Active Passive

capio capior capiam capiar

capis caperis capias capiaris
capit capitur capiat capiatur
capimus capimur capiamus capiamur
capitis capimini capiatis capiamini
capiunt capiuntur capiant capiantur

capiebam etc. capiebar etc. caperem etc. caperer


capiam capiar Present Active capere
capies etc. capieris etc. Present Passive capi
Active Passive
cape capite capere capimini


Pres. capiens capiendum capiendus, -a, um
In all other tenses and moods capere is similar to sumere.


Esse Posse Velle Ire

be be able wish go

Present Indicative
IstPers sum possum volo eo
2nd Pers es potes vis Is
3rd Pers est potest vult, volt it
1st Pers sumus possumus volumus Imus
2nd Pers estis potestis vultis, voltis Itis
3rd Pers sunt possunt volunt eunt

Present Subjunctive
IstPers sim possim velim earn
2nd Pers sis possis velis eas
3rd Pers sit possit velit eat
1st Pers simus possimus velimus eamus
2nd Pers sitis possitis velitis eatis
3rd Pers sint possint velint eant

Imperfect Indicative
1st Pers eram poteram volebam Ibam

Imperfect Subjunctive
1st Pers essem possem vellem Irem

Future Indicative
1st Pers ero potero volam Ibo

Future Subjunctive
IstPers futurus, -a, -um — — iturus, -a, -um
sim or essem sim or essem

Perfect Indicative
IstPers fui potui volul Ivi, ii

Perfect Subjunctive
IstPers fuerim potuerim voluerim Iverim, ierim

Pluperfect Indicative
IstPers fueram potueram volueram Iveram,

Pluperfect Subjunctive
1st Pers fuissem potuissem voluissem Ivissem,

Future Perfect Indicative

IstPers fuero potuero voluero Ivero, iero

Present Imperative
SING es - - I
PLURAL este Ite

Future Imperative
SING esto - - Ito
PLURAL estote Itote

PRES esse posse velle Ire
PERF fuisse potuisse voluisse Ivisse, iisse
FUT futurus, — — iturus,
-a, -um, esse -a, -um, esse

PRES — - - iens, euntis
FUT futurus iturus

Gerund and Supine

GERUND — — — eundum
SUPINE — — — itum

A, a
a prep (with abl) from; after, since; by, in away, throw down; to abandon, degrade,
respect of; ab epistulis, a manu secretary; ab abiectuspppo/abicid ♦ adj despondent;
hac parte on this side; ab integrd afresh; a contemptible,
nobis on our side; a tergo in the rear; abiegnus adj of fir.
copiosus a frumento rich in corn; usque ab abiens, -euntis pres pof abed,
ever since, abies, -etis/fir; ship.
a interj ah! abigo, -igere, -egl, -actum vt to drive away,
ab prep see a. abitus, -us m departure; exit,
abactus ppp of abigo. abiudico, -are, -avi, -atumvt to take away
abacus, -im tray; sideboard; gaming board; (by judicial award).
panel; counting table. abiunctuspppo/abiungo.
abalieno, -are, -avi, -atum vt to dispose of; abiungo, -ungere, -unxi, -unctum vt to
to remove, estrange. unyoke; to detach.
Abantiades m Acrisius or Perseus. abiurd, -are, -avi, -atum vt to deny on oath.
Abas, -antis m a king of Argos. ablatus ppp o/aufero.
abavus, -T m great-great-grandfather, ablegatio, -onis/sending away,
abbas, -atis m abbot, ablego, -are, -ivl, -atum vt to send out of the
abbatia / abbey, way.
abbatissa/abbess. abligurrio, -Ire, -Tvi, -Itum vt to spend
Abdera, -orum or -aentpi orfs a town in Thrace. extravagantly.
Abderitanus adj see n. abloco, -are, -avi, -atum vt to let (a house),
Abderites m Democritus or Protagoras, abludo, -dere, -si, -sum vi to be unlike,
abdicatio, -onis/ disowning, abdication, abluo, -uere, -ul, -utum vt to wash clean; to
abdico, -are, -avi, -atum vt to disown; to remove.
resign; se - abdicate, abnego, -are, -avi, -atum vt to refuse,
abdico, -Icere, -Txl, -ictum vt (aug) to be abnepos, -otis m great-great-grandson,
unfavourable to. abneptis/ great-great-granddaughter,
abditus ppp of abdd. abnocto, -are vi to stay out all night,
abdo, -ere, -idl, -itum vt to hide; to remove, abnormis adj unorthodox,
abdomen, -inis nt paunch, belly; gluttony, abnuo, -uere, -ul, -utum vt to refuse; to
abduco, -ucere, -uxi, -uctum vt to lead deny.
away, take away; to seduce, aboleo, -ere, -evi, -itum vt to abolish,
abductus ppp of abduco, abolesco, -escere, -evi vi to vanish,
abecedarium, -lint alphabet, abolitio, -onis/cancelling,
abegi perf o/ abigo. abolla, -ae/greatcoat,
abeo, -Ire, -il, -itum vi to go away, depart; to abominatus ad; accursed,
pass away; to be changed; to retire (from an abominor, -arl, -atusvt to deprecate; to
office)-, sic - turn out like this, detest.
abequito, -are, -avi, -atum vi to ride away, Aborigines, -um mpi original inhabitants,
aberratio, -onis/relief (from trouble). aborior, -Iri, -tus vi to miscarry,
aberrb, -are, -avi, -atum vi to stray; to abortio, -onis/ miscarriage,
deviate; to have respite, abortivus adj born prematurely,
abfore/iit mfin of absum, abortus, -us m miscarriage,
abfui perf of absum. abrado, -dere, -si, -sum vt to scrape off,
abfuturus/utpo/absum. shave.
abhinc adv since, ago. abrasus ppp of abrado,
abhorreo, -ere, -ulvi to shrink from; to abreptus ppp of abripio,
differ; to be inconsistent, abripio, -ipere, -ipul, -eptum vt to drag
abicio, -icere, -iecl, -iectum vr to throw away, carry off.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -«re = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
abrogatio-accio 2 LAT1N-ENGLISH

abrogatio, -onis/repeal. were etc) within an ace of.

abrogo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to annul, absumo, -ere, -psl, -ptum vt to consume; to
abrotonum, -int southernwood. ruin, kill; (time) to spend,
abrumpo, -umpere, -upl, -upturn vt to absurde adv out of tune; absurdly,
break off. absurdus adj unmusical; senseless, absurd.
abruptuspppo/abrumpo ♦ adj steep; abrupt, Absyrtus, -Im brother of Medea.
disconnected. abundans, -antisadj overflowing; abundant;
abSetcsee a. rich; abounding in.
abscedo, -edere, -essi, -essum vi to depart, abundanter adv copiously,
withdraw; to cease. abundantia, -ae/abundance, plenty; wealth,
abscido, -dere, -di, -sum vt to cut off. abunde adv abundantly, more than enough,
abscindo, -ndere, -di, -ssum vt to tear off, abundo, -are, -avl, -atum vi to overflow; to
cut off. abound, be rich in.
abscissus ppp of abscindo, abusio, -onis/(rhet) catachresis,
abscisus pppo/ abscido ♦ adj steep; abrupt, abusque prep (with abf) all the way from,
abscondo, -ere, -I and idl, -itum vt to conceal; abutor, -ti, -sus vi (with abf) to use up; to
to leave behind. misuse.
absens, -entis pres pof absum ♦ adj absent, Abydenus adj see n.
absentia, -ae/absence, Abydos, Abydus, -Tma town on Dardanelles.
absilio, -Ire, -iland ulvi to spring away, ac etc see atque.
absimilis adj unlike, Academia, -ae/ Plato's Academy at Athens;
absinthium, -land il m wormwood, Plato's philosophy; Cicero's villa.
absis, -idis/ vault; (ecci) chancel, Academica nipt Cicero's book on the Academic
absisto, -istere, -titlvi to come away; to philosophy.
desist. Academus, -I m an Athenian hero.
absolute adv fully, unrestrictedly, acalanthis, -dis/thistleflnch.
absolutio, -onis/acquittal; perfection, acanthus, -Im bear’s-breech.
absolutus ppp of absolvo ♦ adj complete; (rhet) Acarnanes, -um mpi the Acarnanians.
unqualified. Acarnania, -iae/ a district of N.W. Greece.
absolvo, -vere, -vl, -utum vt to release, set Acarnanicus adj see n.
free; (law) to acquit; to bring to completion, Acca Larentia, -ae, -aef Roman goddess.
finish off; to pay off, discharge, accedo, -edere, -essi, -essum vi to come, go
absonus ad; unmusical; incongruous; - ab not to, approach; to attack; to be added; to agree
in keeping with. with; (duty) to take up; ad rem publicam - to
absorbed, -bere, -bul, -ptum vt to swallow enter politics; props - ad to resemble; -adit
up; to monopolize, quod, hue -edit ut moreover,
absp-etc see asp-. accelero, -are, -avl, -atum vt, vi to hasten,
absque prep (with abl) without, but for. accendo, -endere, -end!, -ensum vt to set on
abstemius ad; temperate, fire, light; to illuminate; (fig) to inflame,
abstergeo, -gere, -si, -sum vt to wipe away; incite.
(fig) to banish. accenseo, -ere, -ui, -um vt to assign,
absterreo, -ere, -ui, -itum vt to scare away, accensimpi (mil) supernumeraries,
deter. accensus ppp of accendo and accenseo.
abstinens, -entis ad; continent, accensus, -1m officer attending a magistrate,
abstinenter adv with restraint, accentus, -us m accent.
abstinentia, -ae/restraint, self-control; accepi perf of accipio,
fasting. acceptio, -onis/receiving,
abstineo, -inere, -inul, -entum vt to acceptum nt credit side (of ledger); in -
withhold, keep off ♦ vi to abstain, refrain; se referre place to one’s credit,
- refrain. acceptus pppo/accipio ♦ adj acceptable,
abstiti perf o/absisto, accerso etc see arcesso,
abstd, -are vi to stand aloof, accessio, -onis/coming, visiting; attack;
abstractus ppp of abstraho, increase, addition.
abstraho, -here, -xl, -ctum vt to drag away, accessus, -us m approach, visit; flood tide;
remove; to divert. admittance, entrance.
abstrudo, -dere, -si, -sum vt to conceal, Accianus adj see Accius
abstrusus pppo/abstrudo ♦ adj deep, accido, -dere, -dl, -sum vt to fell, cut into; to
abstruse; reserved, eat up, impair.
abstuli perf o/ aufero. accido, -ere, -1 vi to fall (at, on); (senses) to
absum, abesse, afui vi to be away, absent, strike; (usu misfortune) to befall, happen,
distant; to keep clear of; to be different; to accingo, -gere, -xl, -ctum vt to gird on, arm.
be missing, fail to assist; tantum abest ut so (fig) to make ready.
far from; haud multum afuit quin I was (they accid, -Ire, -Ivl, -Itum vt to summon; to
LATIN-ENGL1SH 3 accipio-Acrisius

procure. (emotion) violent; (mind) shrewd; (conduct)

accipio, -ipere, -epi, -eptum vt to take, eager, brave; hasty, fierce; (circumstances)
receive, accept; (guest) to treat; (information) severe.
to hear; to interpret, take as; to suffer; to acerbe adv see acerbus,
approve. acerbitas, -atis/bitterness; (fig) harshness,
accipiter, -ris m hawk, severity; sorrow.
accisus ppp o/accido, acerbo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to aggravate,
accitus ppp of accio, acerbus ad; bitter, sour; harsh; (fig)
accitus, -us m summons. premature; (person) rough, morose, violent;
Accius, -i m Roman tragic poet. (things) troublesome, sad.
acclamatio, -dnis/shout (of approval or acernus odj of maple,
disapproval). acerra, -ae/incense box.
acclamo, -are, -avi, -atum vi to cry out acervatim adv in heaps,
against; to hail. acervo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to pile up.
acclaro, -are, -avi, -atum vt to make known, acervus, -i m heap,
acclinatus ad; sloping, acesco, -ere, acui vt to turn sour.
acclinis odj leaning against; inclined, Acestes, -ae m a mythical Sicilian.
acclino, -are, -avi, -atum vt to lean against; acetum, -int vinegar; (fig) wit.
se - incline towards, Achaemenes, -is m first Persian king; type of
acclivis ad; uphill, Oriental wealth.
acclivitas, -itis/gradient, Achaeus ad; Greek.
accola, -ae m neighbour, Achaia, -ae/ a district in W. Greece; Greece;
accolo, -olere, -olui, -ultum vt to live near, Roman province.
accommodate adv suitably, Achaicus adi See n.
accommodatio, -onis/fitting together; Achates, -ae m companion of Aeneas.
compliance. Acheloius odj see n.
accommodatus ad; suited, Achelous, -im river in N.W. Greece; river god.
accommodo, -ire, -avi, -atum vt to fit, put Acheron, -ontism river in Hades.
on; to adjust, adapt, bring to; to apply; se - Acherusius ad; see Acheron.
devote oneself, Achilles, -is m Greek epic hero.
accommodus odj suitable, Achilleus ad; see n.
accredo, -ere, -idi, -itum vi to believe, Achivus ad; Greek.
accresco, -escere, -evi, -etum vi to increase, Acidalia, -ae/ Venus.
be added. Acidalius ad; see n.
accretio, -dnis/increasing. acidus ad; sour, tart; (fig) disagreeable,
accubitio, -onis/reclining (at meals). acies, -ei/sharp edge or point; (eye) sight,
accubo, -arevi to lie near; to recline (at keen glance, pupil; (mind) power,
meals). apprehension; (mil) line of troops, battle
accumbo, -mbere, -bui, -bitum vi to recline order, army, battle; (fig) debate; prlma -
at table; in sinu - sit next to. van; novissima ~ rearguard.
accumulate adv copiously, acinaces,_-is m scimitar,
accumulo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to pile up, acinum, -int berry, grape; fruit seed,
amass; to load, acinus, -im berry, grape; fruit seed,
accurate adv painstakingly, acipenser, -eris m sturgeon,
accuratio, -onis/exactness, acipensis, -is m sturgeon,
accuratus ad; studied, aclys, -dis/javelin,
accuro, -are, -avi, -atum vt to attend to. aconitum, -im monkshood; poison,
accurro, -rrere, -curri and rri, -rsum vi to acor, -oris m sour taste,
hurry to. acquiesco, -escere, -evi, -etum vi to rest,
accursus, -us m hurrying, die; to find pleasure (in); to acquiesce,
accusabilis ad; reprehensible, acquiro, -rere, -sivi, -situm vt to get in
accusatio, -onis/accusation, addition, acquire.
accusator, -oris m accuser, prosecutor, Acragas, -antis m see Agrigentum,
accusatorie adv like an accuser, acratophorum, -im wine jar.
accusatorius ad; of the accuser, acredula, -ae/a bird (unidentified).
accuso, -are, -avi, -atum vt to accuse, acriculus at# peevish,
prosecute; to reproach; ambitus - prosecute acrimonia, -ae/pungent taste; (speech,
for bribery, action) briskness, go.
acer, -ism maple. Acrisioniades, -ae m Perseus.
acer, -ris odj sharp; (sensation) keen, pungent; Acrisius, -im father of Danae.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -ire • 1st; -«re = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -ire • 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
acrrter-adesus 4 LATIN-ENGL1SH

acriter adv see acer. adactus ppp o/adigd.

acroama, -tis nt entertainment, entertainer, adactus, -us m snapping (of teeth).
acroasis, -is/public lecture. adaeque adv equally.
Acroceraunia, -orum ntpi a promontory in adaequo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to make equal,
_ N.W. Greece. level; to equal, match 4 vi to be equal,
Acrocorinthus, -I / fortress of Corinth. adamanteus, adamantinus odj see adamas,
acta, -ae/beach. adamis, -antis m adamant, steel; diamond,
acta, -drum mpi public records, proceedings; adamo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to fall in love
- diurna, ~ publica daily gazette. with.
Actaeus ad; Athenian, adaperio, -Ire, -uT, -turn vt to throw open,
actio, -onis/action, doing; official duties, adapertilis odj openable.
negotiations; {law) action, suit, indictment, adaquo, -are, -avl, -atum vt (plants, animals)
pleading, case, trial; (rhet) delivery; {drama) to water.
plot; - gratiarum expression of thanks; adaquor vi to fetch water,
~dnem intendere. Instituere bring an action, adauctus, -us m growing,
actito, -are, -avl, -atum vt to plead, act often. adaugeo, -gere, -xl, -ctum vt to aggravate;
Actium, -land ilnt a town in N.W. Greece; (sacrifice) to consecrate,
Augustus's great victory. adaugesco, -ere vi to grow bigger,
Actius, -iacus odj see n. adbibo, -ere, -Ivt to drink; (fig) to drink in.
activus ad; of action, practical, adbltd, -ere vi to come near,
actor, -oris m driver, performer; {law) adc- etc see acc-.
plaintiff, pleader; {comm) agent; (rhet) orator; addecet, -ere vt it becomes,
{drama) actor; ~ publicus manager of public addenseo, -erevt to close (ranks),
property; - summarum cashier, addled, -Tcere, -TxT, -ictum vi (auo) to be
actuaria / pinnace, favourable ♦ vt (law) to award; (auction) to
actuariolum, -im small barge, knock down; (fig) to sacrifice, devote,
actuarius ad; fast (ship), addictio, -onis/award (at law).
actuose adv actively, addictus ppp 0/addico 4 m bondsman,
actuosus odj very active, addisco, -scere, -diclvt to learn more,
actus ppp of ago. additamentum, -Im increase,
actus, -us m moving, driving; right of way for additus ppp of addo.
cattle orvehicles; performance; {drama) addo, -ere, -idi, -itum vt to add, put to, bring
playing a part, recital, act of a play, to; to impart; to increase; - gradum quicken
actutum adv immediately. pace; ~e quod besides,
acuTperfo/acesco; per/ of acuo, addoceo, -ere, -ul, -turn vt to teach new.
acula, -ae/small stream, addubitd,-are, -avl, -atum vi to be in doubt
aculeatus ad; prickly; {words) stinging; 4 vt to question.
quibbling. adduco, -ucere, -uxl, -uctum vt to take,
aculeus, -Im sting, prickle barb; (fig) sting, bring to; to draw together, pull taut,
acumen, -inism point, sting; (fig) wrinkle; (fig) to induce; (pass) to be led to
shrewdness, ingenuity; trickery, believe.
acuo, -uere, -ul, -utum vt to sharpen; to adductus ppp o/adduco 4 odj contracted; (fig)
exercise; (the mind) to stimulate; to rouse (to severe.
action). adedo, -edere, -edi, -esum vt to begin to eat;
acus, -US/needle, pin; acu pingere to eat up; to use up; to wear away,
embroider; ram acu tangara = hit the nail on ademi perfof adimo,
the head. ademptio, -onis/taking away,
acute adv see acutus. ademptus ppp o/adimo.
acutulus ad; rather subtle. adeo, -Ire, -il, -itum vt, vi to go to, approach;
acutus ad; sharp, pointed; (senses) keen; to address; to undertake, submit to, enter
(sound) high-pitched; severe; intelligent, upon.
ad prep (with acc) to, towards, against; near, at; adeo adv so; (after pron) just; (after conj, adv,
until; (num) about; with regard to, according adj: for emphasis) indeed, very; (adding an
to; for the purpose of, for; compared with; explanation) for, in fact, thus; or rather; -
besides; ad Castoria to the temple of Castor; non... ut so far from; atqua slva - or
ad dextram on the right; ad hoc besides; ad rather; usque ~ so far, so long, so much.
locum on the spot; ad manum at hand; ad adeps,-ipis m/f fat; corpulence,
ram to the point; ad summam in short; ad adeptio, -dnis/attainment.
tampus in time; ad unum omnas all without adeptus ppa of adipiscor,
exception; ad urbem asse wait outside the adequito, -are, -avl, -atum vi to ride up (to),
city gates; ad verbum literally; nil ad adesdum come here!
nothing to do with; usque ad right up to. adesse infin of adsum,
■dictio, -onis/enforcing. adesus ppp of adedd.
LATIN-ENGLISH 5 adfabilis-adiunctio

adfabilis adj easy to talk to. adf luentia, -ae/abundance,

adfabilitas, -atis/courtesy, adfluo, -ere, -xi, -xum vi to flow; (fig) to flock
adfabre adv ingeniously, in, abound in.
adfatim adv to one’s satisfaction, enough, ad adf ore jut infin of adsum,
nauseam. adforem imperf subj of adsum,
adfatur, -ri, -tus vt (defec) to speak to. adfuiper/o/ adsum.
adf atus ppa of adfatur. adfulgeo, -gere, -sivi to shine on; to appear,
adfatus, -us m speaking to. adfundo, -undere, -udi, -usum vt to pour in;
adfectatio, -onis/aspiring; (rhet) to rush (troops) to.
affectation. adfusus adj prostrate,
adfectatusad; (rhet) studied, adf uturus/itt p of adsum,
adfectio, -onis/ frame of mind, mood; adgemo, -ere vi to groan at.
disposition; goodwill; (astro) relative adglomero, -are vt to add on.
position. adglutino, -are vt to stick on.
adfecto, -are, -avi, -atum vt to aspire to, aim adgravesco, -ere vi to become worse,
at; to try to win over; to make pretence of; adgravo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to aggravate,
viam - ad try to get to. adgredior, -di, -ssusvt to approach, accost;
adfectus ppp 0/ adficio ♦ adj affected with, to attack; (a task) to undertake, take up.
experienced (ah/); (person) disposed; (things) adgrego, -are, -avi, -atum vt to add, attach,
weakened; (undertakings) well-advanced, adgressio, -onis/introductory remarks,
adfectus, -us m disposition, mood; fondness; adgressus ppa of adgredior.
(pi) loved ones. adhaereo, -rere, -si, -sum vi to stick to; (fig)
adfero, adferre, attuli, adlatum and to cling to, keep close to.
allatum vt to bring, carry to; to bring to adhaeresco, -ere vi to stick to or in; (speech)
bear, use against; to bring news; to falter.
(explanation) to bring forward; to contribute adhaesio, -onis/ clinging,
(something useful). adhaesus, -us m adhering,
adficio, -icere, -eci, -ectum vt to affect; to adhibeo, -ere, -ui, -itum vt to bring, put, add;
endow, afflict with (ably, exsilio - banish; to summon, consult, treat; to use, apply (for
honore - honour; also used with other nouns to some purpose).
express the corresponding verbs. adhinnio, -ire, -ivi, -itum vi to neigh to; (fig)
adfictus ppp of adfingd. to go into raptures over,
adfigo, -gere, -xi, -xum vt to fasten, attach; adhortatio, -onis/exhortation.
to impress (on the mind). adhortator, -oris m encourager.
adfingo, -ngere, -nxT, -ctum vt to make, adhortor, -ari, -atus vt to encourage, urge,
form (as part of); to invent, adhuc adv so far; as yet, till now; still - non
adfinis, -ism/f neighbour; relation (by not yet.
marriage) ♦ adj neighbouring; associated adiaceo, -ere, -uivi to lie near, border on.
with (datorgen). adicio, -icere, -ieci, -iectum vt to throw to; to
adfinitas, -atis/relationship (by marriage). add; to turn (mind, eyes) towards,
adfirmate adv with assurance, adiectio, -onis/addition.
adfirmatio, -onis/declaration, adiectus ppp of adicio.
adfirmo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to declare; to adiectus, -us m bringing close,
confirm. adigo, -igere, -egi, -actum vt to drive (to); to
adfixusppp o/adfigo. compel; ius iurandum - put on oath; in verba
adflatus, -usm breath, exhalation; (fig) - force to owe allegiance,
inspiration. adimo, -imere, -emi, -emptum vt to take
adfleo, -ere vi to weep (at), away (from dat).
adflictatid, -onis/suffering. adipatum nt pastry,
adflFcto, -are, -avi, -atum vt to harass, adipatus adj fatty; (fig) florid,
distress. adipiscor, -ipisci, -eptus vt to overtake; to
adffictor, -oris m destroyer, attain, acquire.
adf lictus ppp o/adfligd ♦ adj distressed, aditus, -us m approach, access (to a person);
ruined; dejected; depraved. entrance; (fig) avenue,
y adffigo, -Tgere, -ixi, -ictum vt to dash adiudico, -are, -avi, -atum vt to award (in
against, throw down; (fig) to impair, crush, arbitration); to ascribe,
adflo, -are, -ivi, -atum vt, vi to blow on, adiumentum, -i nt aid, means of support,
breathe upon. adiuncta ntpi collateral circumstances,
adf luens, -entis adj rich (in), adiunctio, -onis/uniting; addition; (rhet)
adfluenter adv copiously. proviso; repetition.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -ara = 1st; -are = 2nd; -era = 3rd and -Ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
adiunctus-adolesco 6 LATIN-ENGUSH

adiu netus ppp o/adiungd ♦ adj connected, administratio, -onis/services;

adiungo, -ungere, -unxi, -unctum w to management.
yoke; to attach; (suspicion etc) to direct; administrator, -drism manager,
(remark) to add. administro, -are, -avi, -atum vt to manage,
adiuro, -are, -avi, -atum vt, vi to swear, govern.
swear by. admirabilis adj wonderful, surprising,
adiuto, -are, -avi, -atum vt to help, admirabilitas, -atis/ wonderfulness,
adiutor, -oris m helper; (mil) adjutant; (pol) admirabiliter adv admirably; paradoxically,
official; (theat) supporting cast, admiratio, -onis/wonder, surprise,
adiutrix, -ricis/see adiutor. admiration.
adiutus ppp o/adiu vo. admiror, -ari, -atus vt to wonder at, admire;
adiuvo, -uvare, -uvi, -utum vt to help; to to be surprised at.
encourage, admisceo, -score, -scui, -xtum vt to mix in
adj- etc see adi-. with, add to; (fig) to involve; se - interfere,
adlabor, -bi, -psus vi to fall, move towards, admissarius, -i and iim stallion,
come to. admissum, -int crime,
adlaboro, -are, -avi, -atum vi to work hard; admissus ppp of admitto,
to improve by taking trouble, admitto, -ittere, -isi, -issum vt to let in,
adlacrimo, -ire, -avi, -atum vi to shed tears, admit; to set at a gallop; to allow; to commit
adlapsus ppa of adlabor. (a crime); «quo -isso charging,
adlapsus, -us m stealthy approach, admixtio, -onis/admixture,
adlatro, -are, -avi, -atum vt to bark at; (fig) to admixtus ppp of admisceo,
revile. admoderate <utv suitably,
adlatus ppp of adferd. admoderor, -an, -atus vt to restrain,
adlaudo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to praise admodum adv very, quite; fully; yes; (with
highly. neg) at all.
adlecto, -are, -avi, -atum vt to entice, admoneo, -ere, -ui, -itum vt to remind,
adlectus ppp of adlegd. suggest, advise, warn,
adlectus ppp of adlicio. admonitio, -onis/reminder, suggestion,
adlegati mpi deputies, admonition.
adlegatio, -onis/mission, admonitor, -oris m admonisher (male).
adlego, -are, -avi, -atum vt to despatch, admonitrix, -ricis/admonisher (female).
commission; to mention, admonitu at the suggestion, instance,
adlego, -egere, -egi, -ectum vt to elect, admordeo, -dere, -sum vt to bite into; (fig) to
adlevamentum, -Tnt relief, cheat.
adlevatio, -onis/ easing, admorsus ppp of admordeo,
adlevo, -are, -ivi, -atum vt to lift up; to admotio, -onis/applying,
comfort; to weaken. admotus ppp of admoveo,
adlicio, -icere, -exi, -ectum vt to attract, admoveo, -overe, -6vl, -otum vt to move,
adlido, -dere, -si, -sum vt to dash (against); bring up, apply; to lend (an ear), direct (the
(fig) to hurt. mind).
adligo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to tie up, admurmuratio, -onis/murmuring,
bandage; (fig) to bind, lay under an admurmuro, -are, -avi, -atum vi to murmur
obligation. (of a crowd approving or disapproving).
adlino, -inere, -evi, -itum vt to smear; (fig) to admutilo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to clip close;
attach. (fig) to cheat.
adlisus ppp of adfidd. adnecto, -ctere, -xui, -xum vt to connect, tie.
adlocutio, -onis/address; comforting adnexus, -us m connection,
words. adnlsus ppp of adnltor.
adlocutus ppa of adloquor. adnltor, -tl, -sus and -xus vi to lean on; to
adloquium, -iand ti nt talk; encouragement, exert oneself,
adloquor, -qui, -cutus vt to speak to, adnlxus ppp o/adnrtor.
address. adno, -are vt, vi to swim to.
adludio, -are, -avi, -atum vi to play (with), adnoto, -are, -avi, -atum vt to comment on.
adludo, -dere, -si, -sum vt to joke, play, adnumero, -are, -avi, -atum vt to pay out; to
adluo, -ere, -ivt to wash, reckon along with.
adluvies, -ei/ pool left by flood water. adnuo, -uere, -ui, -utum vi to nod; to assent,
adluvio, -onis/alluvial land, promise; to indicate.
admaturo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to hurry on. adoleo, -olere, -olul, -ultum vt to burn; to
admetior, -tiri, -nsus vt to measure out. pile with gifts.
adminiculor, -ari, -atus vt to prop, adolescen- etc see adulescen-.
adminiculum, -int (agr) stake; (fig) support, adolesco, -escere, -evi vi to grow up,
administer, -ri m assistant. increase; to burn.
LATIN-ENGL1SH 7 Adonis-adstrictus

Adonis, -is and idis m a beautiful youth loved by adsentatrlx, -ricis / flatterer (female).
Venus. adsentio, -entire, -ensT, -ensum; -entior,
adopertus ad; covered, -entlrl, -ensus vi to agree, approve,
adoptatio, -dnis/adopting, adsentor, -ari, -atus vi to agree, flatter,
adoptio, -onis/adoption, adsequor, -qul, -cutus vt to overtake; to
adoptivus adj by adoption, attain; to grasp (by understanding).
adopto, -are, -avl, -atum w to choose; to adsero, -ere, -ui, -turn vt (law) to declare
adopt. free (usu with manu), liberate (a slave); to
ador, -oris and oris nt spelt. lay claim to, appropriate; - in servitutem
adoreus adj see n. claim as a slave.
adorea/glory. adsero, -erere, -evl, -itum vt to plant near,
adorior, -M, -tusvt to accost; to attack; to set adsertid, -dnis/ declaration of status,
about. adsertor, -oris m champion,
adorno, -are, -avl, -atum vt to get ready, adservio, -Ire vi to assist,
adoro, -are, -avl, -atum vt to entreat; to adservo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to watch
worship, revere. carefully; to keep, preserve,
adortus ppa of adorior, adsessid, -dnis/sitting beside,
adp- etc see app- adsessor, -oris m counsellor,
adrado, -dere, -si, -sum vt to shave close. adsessus, -us m sitting beside,
Adrastus, -Ima king of Argos. adseveranter adv emphatically,
adrasus ppp of adrado, adseveratid, -dnis/assertion; earnestness,
adrectuspppo/adrigo ♦ adj steep, adsevero, -are, -avl, -atum vt to do in
adrepo, -ere, -si, -turn vi to creep, steal into, earnest; to assert strongly,
adreptus ppp of adripid. adsideo, -idere, -edi, -essum vi to sit by; to
Adria etc see Hadria etc. attend, assist; to besiege; to resemble,
adrldeo, -dere, -si, -sum vt, vi to laugh, smile adsldd, -Idere, -edlvi to sit down,
at; to please. adsidue adv continually,
adrigo, -igere, -exl, -ectum vt to raise; (fig) adsiduitas, -atis/constant attendance;
to rouse. continuance, frequent recurrence,
adripid, -ipere, -ipul, -eptum vt to seize; to adsiduo adv continually,
appropriate; to take hold of; to learn adsiduusad; constantly in attendance, busy;
quickly; (law) to arrest; to satirize, continual, incessant,
adrodo, -dere, -si, -sum vt to gnaw, nibble adsiduus, -I m taxpayer,
at. adsignatio, -onis/allotment (of land),
adrogans, -antis ad; arrogant, insolent. adsigno, -are, -avl, -atum vt to allot (esp
adroganteradvsee adrogans. land); to assign; to impute, attribute; to
adrogantia, -ae/arrogance, presumption, consign.
haughtiness. adsilio, -iilre, -ilul, -ultum vi to leap at or on
adrogatio, -dnis/adoption, to.
adrogo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to ask; to adsimilis ad; like,
associate; to claim, assume; (fig) to award, adsimiliter adv similarly,
adsc- etc see asc-. adsimulatus ad; similar; counterfeit,
adsecla etc see adsecula. adsimulo, -are, -avl, -atum vt, vi to compare;
adsectatid, -dnis/attendance, to pretend, imitate.
adsectator, -oris m follower, adsisto, -istere, -titivi to stand (by); to
adsector, -arl, -atus vt to attend on, follow defend.
(esp a candidate). adsitus ppp of adsero.
adsecula, -aem follower (derogatory). adsoleo, -ere vi to be usual,
adsedl per/ of adsideo; perfof adsldd. adsono, -are vi to respond,
adsensio, -onis/assent, applause; (philos) adsp- etc see asp-,
acceptance of the evidence of the senses, adsterno, -ere vt to prostrate,
adsensor, -oris m one in agreement, adstipulator, -oris m supporter,
adsensus ppa of adsentior. adstipulor, -arl, -atus vi to agree with,
adsensus, -us m assent, approval; echo; adstitl perfof adsisto; perfof adstd.
(philos) acceptance of the evidence of the adsto, -are, -rtl vi to stand near, stand up; to
senses. assist.
adsentatio, -dnis/flattery, adstrepo, -ere vi to roar,
adsentatiuncula/trivial compliments, adstricte adv concisely,
adsentator, -oris m flatterer (male). adstrictuspppo/adstringo ♦ adj tight,
adsentatorie adv ingratiatingly. narrow; concise; stingy.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -Tre = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
adstringo-Aeetes 8 LATIN-ENGLISH

adstringo, -ngere, -nxl, -ctum vt to draw advectus, -us m bringing,

close, tighten; to bind, oblige; to abridge, advehd, -here, -xl, -ctum vt to carry,
adstrud, -ere, -xT, -ctum vt to build on; to convey; (pass) to ride,
add. adveld, -are vt to crown,
adstuped, -ere vi to be astonished, advena, -aem/f stranger ♦ adj foreign,
adsuefacid, -acere, -ecT, -actum vt to advenio, -enlre, -enl, -entum vi to arrive,
accustom, train. come.
adsuesco, -scare, -vi, -turn vi to accustom, adventicius adj foreign, extraneous;
train. unearned.
adsuetudo, -inis/habit, advento, -are, -avl, -atum vi to come nearer
adsuetus ppp of adsuesco ♦ adj customary, and nearer, advance rapidly,
adsultd, -are, -ivi, -atum vi to jump; to adventor, -oris m visitor,
attack. adventus, -us m arrival, approach,
adsultus, -us m attack, adversaria ntpi daybook,
adsum, -esse, -fulvi to be present; to adversarius, -i and ii m opponent ♦ adj
support, assist (esp at law); to come; to opposing.
appear before (a tribunal); animo - pay adversatrix, -Icis/antagonist.
attention; iam adero I’ll be back soon, adversio, -onis/turning (the attention),
adsumo, -ere, -psi, -ptum vt to take for adversor, -arl, -atus vi to oppose, resist,
oneself, receive; to take also, adversum, -i nt opposite; misfortune ♦ prep
adsumptio, -onis/taking up; (logic) minor (+ acc) towards, against ♦ adv to meet,
premise. adversus ppp o/adverto ♦ adj opposite, in
adsumptlvusadj (law) which takes its front; hostile; -6 flumine upstream; ~ae res
defence from extraneous circumstances, misfortune ♦ prep (+ acc) towards, against
adsumptum, -Int epithet, ♦ adv to meet.
adsumptuspppo/ adsumo. adverto, -tere, -tl, -sum vt to turn, direct
adsuo, -ere vt to sew on. towards; to call attention; animum - notice,
adsurgd, -gere, -rexi, -rectum vi to rise, perceive; (with ad) to attend to; (with in) to
stand up; to swell, increase, punish.
adt- etc see att- advesperascit, -scere, -vitvi it is getting
adulatio, -onisf(dogs) fawning; servility, dark.
adulator, -oris m sycophant, advigilo, -are vi to keep watch,
adulatorius adj flattering, advocatio, -onis/legal assistance, counsel,
adulescens, -entis mjf young man or woman advocatus, -I m supporter in a lawsuit;
(usu from 15 to 30 years). . advocate, counsel.
adulescentia, -ae/youth (age 15 to 30). advoco, -are, -avl, -atum vt to summon; (law)
adulescentula, -ae/girl. to call in the assistance of.
adulescentulus, -Tm quite a young man. advolo, -are, -avl, -atum vi to fly to, swoop
adulo, -are, -avl, -atum; adulor, -arl, -atus down upon.
vt, vi to fawn upon, flatter, kowtow, advolvo, -vere, -vi, -utum vt to roll to; to
adulter, -Tm, -a, -ae/adulterer, adulteress ♦ prostrate.
adj adulterous, advor- etc see adver-.
adulterinus adj forged, adytum, -Int sanctuary.
adulterium, -land i?nt adultery, Aeacides, -idae m Achilles; Pyrrhus.
adultero, -are, -avl, -atum vt, vi to commit Aeacus, -I m father of Peleus, and judge of the
adultery; to falsify. dead.
adultus ppp o/adolescd ♦ adj adult, mature, Aeaea, -ae/Circe's island.
adumbratim adv in outline, Aeaeus adj of Circe.
adumbritio, -onis/sketch; semblance, aedes, -is/temple; (pf) house,
adumbratus adj false, aedicula, -ae/ shrine; small house, room,
adumbro, -are, -avl, -atum vt to sketch; to aedificatio, -dnis/building.
represent, copy, aedificatiuncula, -ae/little house,
aduncitas, -atis/curvature, aedificator, -oris m builder,
aduncus adj hooked, curved, aedificium, -land IF nt building,
adurgeo, -ere vt to pursue closely, aedifico, -are, -avl, -atum vt to build,
adurd, -rere, -ssT, -stum vt to burn; to freeze; construct.
(fig) to fire. aedilicius adj aedile’s ♦ m ex-aedile.
adusque prep (with acc) right up to ♦ adv aedilis, -is m aedile,
entirely. aedilitas, -atis/aedileship.
adustus ppp of adurd ♦ adj brown, aedis, -is see aedes.
advecticius adj imported, aeditumus, aedituus, -Im temple-keeper.
advecto, -are vt to carry frequently. Aedui, -orum mpl a tribe of central Gaul.
advectus ppp of advehd. Aeetes, -a am father of Medea.
LAT1N-ENGL1SH 9 Aegaeus-aestuo

Aegaeus adj Aegean ♦ nt Aegean Sea. Aequicus, Aequiculus adj see n.

Aegites, -um fpl islands off Sicily. Aequimaelium, -i and ii nt an open space in
aeger, -riadj ill, sick; sorrowful; weak. Rome.
AegTna, -ae/ a Greek island. aequinoctialis adj see n.
Aeglneta, -ae m inhabitant of Aegina. aequinoctium, -I and ii nt equinox,
aegis, -dis/ shield of Jupiter or Athena, aegis. aequiperabilis adj comparable,
Aegisthus, -T m paramour of Clytemnestra. aequipero, -are, -avi, -atum vt to compare;
aegoceros, -otis m Capricorn, to equal.
aegre adv painfully; with displeasure; with aequitas, -atis/uniformity; fair dealing,
difficulty; hardly; - ferre be annoyed, equity; calmness of mind,
aegresco, -ere vi to become ill; to be aequo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to make equal,
aggravated. level; to compare; to equal; solo - raze to the
aegrimonia, -ae/ distress of mind, ground.
aegritudo, -inis/ sickness; sorrow, aequor, -is nt a level surface, sea.
aegror, -oris m illness, aequoreus adj of the sea.
aegrotatio, -dnis/illness, disease, aequum, -i nt plain; justice,
aegroto, -are, -avi, -atum vi to be ill. aequus adj level, equal; favourable, friendly,
aegrotus adj ill, sick. fair, just; calm; -6 animo patiently; -6 Marte
Aegyptius adj see n. without deciding the issue; -um est it is
Aegyptus, -I/Egypt ♦ m brother of Danaus. reasonable; ex -6 equally.
aelinos, -T m dirge. aer, aeris m air, weather; mist,
Aemilianusadj esp Scipio, destroyer of Carthage. aeraria/mine.
Aemilius, -T Roman family name; Via ~ia road in aerarium nt treasury.
N. Italy. aerariusadj of bronze; of money ♦ m a citizen
aemulatio, -onis/rivalry (good or bad); of the lowest class at Rome; tribuni -I
jealousy. paymasters; a wealthy middle class at Rome.
aemulator, -oris m zealous imitator, aeratus adj of bronze,
aemulor, -an, -atus vt to rival, copy; to be aereus adj of copper or bronze,
jealous. aerifer, -i adj carrying cymbals,
aemulus, -Tm rival ♦ adj rivalling; jealous. aeripes, -edis adj bronze-footed,
Aeneades, -ae m Trojan; Roman.
aerius adj of the air; lofty,
Aeneas, -ae m Trojan leader and hero of Virgil's
aerugo, -inis/rust; (fig) envy, avarice,
aerumna, -ae/trouble, hardship,
Aeneis, -idisand idos/Aeneid.
aerumnosus adj wretched.
Aeneius adj seen,
aes, aeris nt copper, bronze; money; (pf)
aeneus adj of bronze,
objects made of copper or bronze (esp
aenigma, -tism riddle, mystery,
statues, instruments, vessels; soldiers' pay); -
aenum, -Tnr bronze vessel,
alienum debt; - circumforaneum borrowed
aenus adj of bronze.
money; - grave Roman coin, as.
Aeoles, -um mpi the Aeolians.
Aeolia/Lipari Island.
Aeschylus, -7 m Greek tragic poet.
Aeolides m a descendant of Aeolus. Aesculapius, -7 m god of medicine.
Aeolis, -idis/ Aeolia (N.W. of Asia Minor). aesculetum, -7 nt oak forest,
Aeolis, -idis/ daughter of Aeolus. aesculeus adj see aesculus,
Aeolius adj see n. aesculus, -7/durmast oak.
Aeolus, -T m king of the winds. Aeson, -onis m father of Jason.
aequabilis adj equal; consistent, even; Aesonides, -ae m Jason.
impartial. Aesopius adj see n.
aequabilitas, -atis/uniformity; impartiality, Aesopus, -7 m Greek writer of fables.
aequabiliter adv uniformly, aestas, -atis/ summer,
aequaevus adj of the same age. aestifer, -7 adj heat-bringing,
aequalis adj equal, like; of the same age, aestimatio, -onis/valuation, assessment;
contemporary; uniform, litis - assessment of damages,
aequalitas, -atis/evenness; (in politics, age) aestimator, -oris m valuer,
equality, similarity, aestimo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to value,
aequaliter adv evenly, estimate the value of; magni - think highly
aequanimitas, -atis/goodwill; calmness, of.
aequatio, -onis/equal distribution, aestiva, -orum ntpl summer camp, campaign,
aeque adv equally; just as (with ac, atque, et, aestivus adj summer.
quam); justly. aestuarium, -7 and Tint tidal waters, estuary,
AequT, -drum mpi a people of central Italy. aestuo, -are, -avi, -atum vi to boil, burn;

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ire = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
aestudsus-alazdn 10 LATIN-ENGLISH

(movement) to heave, toss; (fig) to be excited; agna, -ae/ewe lamb; lamb (flesh),
to waver. agnlscor, -scT, -tus vi to be born after,
aestuosus adj very hot; agitated, agnitus, -Tm relation (by blood on father's
aestus, -usm heat; surge of the sea; tide; (fig) side).
passion; hesitation, agnellus, -T m little lamb.
aetls, -Itis/ age, life; time, agnTnus ad; of lamb,
aetatem adv for life, agnitio, -onis/recognition, knowledge,
aetatula, -ae/tender age. agnitus ppp of agnosco.
aeternitas, -Itis/ eternity, agnomen, -inisnt an extra surname (eg
aeterno, -Irevt to immortalize, Africanus).
aeternus ad; eternal, immortal; lasting; in agnosco, -oscere, -6vT, -itum vt to
-urn for ever. recognize; to acknowledge, allow; to
aether, -erism sky, heaven; air. understand,
aetherius adj ethereal, heavenly; of air. agnus, -Tm lamb.
Aethiops, -isad; Ethiopian; (fig) stupid, ago, agere, IgT, Ictum vt to drive, lead; to
aethra, -ae/sky. plunder; to push forward, put forth; (fig) to
Aetna, -ae/Etna (in Sicily). move, rouse, persecute; to do, act, perform;
Aetnaeus, Aetnensis ad; see n. (time) to pass, spend; (undertakings) to
Aetolia, -iae/ a district of N. Greece. manage, wage; (public speaking) to plead,
Aetolus, -icus ad; see n. discuss; to negotiate, treat; (theat) to play,
aevitas, -atis old form of aetas, act the part of; - cum populo address the
aevum, -Tm age, lifetime; eternity; in - for people; age come on!, well then; age age all
_ ever. right!; actum est da it is all up with; aliud -
Afer, -ri a4; African, not attend; animam ~ expire; annum
afore/ut infin of absum. quartum - be three years old; causam ~
Afranius, -T m Latin comic poet. plead a cause; hoc age pay attention; id - ut
Africa, -ae/Roman province (nowTunisia). aim at; lege - go to law; nil agis it’s no use;
Africlnae/pi panthers. quid agis? how are you?; res agitur interests
Africanus ad; name of two Scipios. are at stake; se - go, come.
Africus ad; African ♦ m south-west wind. agrlriTmpl the land reform party,
IfuT, afuturuspei/, futpofabsum. agrlrius adj of public land; lax -a land law.
Agamemnon, -onis m leader of Greeks against agrestis adj rustic; boorish, wild, barbarous
Troy. ♦ m countryman.
Agamemnonius adj see n. agricola, -ae m countryman, farmer.
Aganippe, -Is/ a spring on Helicon. Agricola, -ae m a Roman governor of Britain; his
aglso, -onis m ostler, footman, biography by Tacitus.
age, agedum come on!, well then, AgrigentTnus adj see n.
agellus, -Tm plot of land. Agrigentum, -Tnt a town in Sicily,
Agenor, -orism father of Europa. agripeta, -ae m landgrabber.
Agenoreus adj see n. Agrippa, -ae m Roman surname (esp
Agenorides, -ae m Cadmus; Perseus, _ Augustus's minister).
agens, -entis adj (rhet) effective, AgrippTna, -ae/ mother of Nero; Colonia -a or
ager, -rim land, field; countryside; territory, -ensis Cologne.
agg- etc see adg-. AgyTeus, -eT and eos m Apollo.
agger, -ism rampart; mound, embankment, Ih inter) ah! (in sorrow or joy).
any built-up mass. aha inter) expressing reproof or laughter.
aggero, -Ire, -Ivi, -Itum vt to pile up; to ahen- etc see aen-.
increase. Ailx, -Icis m Ajax (name of two Greek heroes at
aggero, -rere, -ssi, -stum vt to carry, bring, Troy).
aggestus, -usm accumulation, lid vt(defec) to say, speak; ain tu?/ain vero?
agilis ad; mobile; nimble, busy. really?; quid ais? I say!
agilKIs, -Itis/mobility, Ila, -ae/wing; armpit; (mil) wing of army,
agitabilis adj light, alabaster, -rT m perfume box.
agitltio, -onis/ movement, activity, alacer, -risadj brisk, cheerful,
agitltor, -oris m driver, charioteer, alacritls, -Itis/promptness, liveliness; joy,
agito, -Ire, -IvT, -Itum vt (animals) to drive; rapture.
to move, chase, agitate; (fig) to excite (to alapa, -ae/slap on the face; a slave’s
action); to persecute, ridicule; to keep (a freedom.
ceremony) ♦ vi to live; to deliberate, IlIriT mpl allied troops.
agmen, -inis nt forward movement, Illriusadj (mil) on the wing.
procession, train; army on the march; - Illtusad) winged.
claudere bring up the rear; novissimum - alauda, -ae/lark; name of a legion of Caesar's.
rearguard; primum - van allzon, -onis m braggart.
LAT1N-ENGLISH 11 Alba Longa-AlpTnus

Alba Longa, -ae, -ae/a Latin town (precursor alienus ad; of another, of others; alien,
of Rome). strange; (with abi orato) unsuited to,
Albanus adj Alban; Lacus Mons - lake and different from; hostile ♦ m stranger,
mountain near Alba Longa. aliger, -lad; winged,
albatus ad; dressed in white, alimentarius ad; about food,
albeo, -ere vi to be white; to dawn, alimentum, -Tnt nourishment, food;
albesco, -ere vi to become white; to dawn, obligation of children to parents; (fig)
albico, -are vi to be white, support.
albidus ad; white. alimonium, -i and ii m nourishment,
Albion, -onis/ ancient name for Britain. alio adv in another direction, elsewhere; one
albitudo, -inis/whiteness. way ... another way.
Albula, -ae/ old name for the Tiber. alioqul, alioquTn adv otherwise, else; besides,
albulus ad; whitish, aliorsum adv in another direction;
album, -Tnt white; records. differently.
Albunea, -ae/ a spring at Tibur; a sulphur spring alipes, -edis ad; wing-footed; fleet,
near Alban Lake. aflptes, -ae m sports trainer,
albus ad; white, bright. aliqua adv some way or other,
Alcaeus, -I m Greek lyric poet. aliquam adv: - diu for sometime; - multi a
alcedo, -inis/kingfisher, considerable number,
alcedonia ntpi halcyon days, aliquando adv sometime, ever; sometimes;
alces, -is/elk. once, for once; now at last,
Alcibiades, -ism brilliant Athenian politician. aliquantisper adv for a time,
Alcides, -ae m Hercules. aliquanto adv (with comp) somewhat,
Alcinous, -T m king ofPhaeacians in the Odyssey. aliquantulum nt a very little ♦ adv somewhat,
alea, -ae/gambling, dice; (fig) chance,
aliquantulus ad; quite small,
hazard; iacta - est the die is cast; in -am dare
aliquantum adj a good deal ♦ adv somewhat,
to risk.
aliquantus adj considerable,
aleator, -oris m gambler.
aliquatenus adv to some extent,
aleatorius ad; in gambling.
aliqui, -qua, -quod ad; some, any; some other,
alec etc see allec.
aliquid adv at all.
aleo, -dnism gambler.
ales, -itisad; winged; swift ♦ m/f bird; omen. aliquis, -quid pron somebody, something;
someone or something important,
alesco, -erevi to grow up.
Alexander, -rim a Greek name; Paris (prince aliquo adv to some place, somewhere else,
of Troy); Alexander the Great (king of aliquot ad; (indecf) some,
Mace don). aliquotiensadv several times,
Alexandrea (later-Ta), -eae/Alexandria in aliter adv otherwise, differently; in one way
Egypt. ... in another,
alga, -ae/seaweed. alitus pppo/alo.
algeo, -gere, -sivi to feel cold; (fig) to be alium, -i and if nt garlic,
neglected. aliunde adv from somewhere else,
algesco, -ere vi to catch cold. alius, alia, aliud ad; other, another; different;
Algidus, -im mountain in Latium. alius ... alius some ... others; alius ex alio
algidus ad; cold, one after the other; in alia omnia Ire oppose a
algor, -oris m cold, measure; nihil aliud quam only,
algu abi sg m with cold, all - etc see adl-.
alia adv in another way. allec, -is nt flsh pickle,
alias adv at another time; at one time ... at allex, -icis m big toe.
another. Allia, -ae/tributary of the Tiber (scene of a
alibi adv elsewhere; otherwise; in one place great Roman defeat).
... in another, Alliensis adj see Allia.
alicubiadv somewhere, Allobroges, -um mpi a people ofS.E. Gaul.
alicunde adv from somewhere, Allobrogicus adj see n.
alid old form of aliud. almus ad; nourishing; kindly,
alienatio, -dnis/transfer; estrangement, alnus, -T/alder.
alienigena, -ae m foreigner, alo, -ere, -ui, -turn and -itum vt to nourish,
alienigenus ad; foreign; heterogeneous, rear; to increase, promote.
alieno, -are, -avi, -atum vt to transfer Alpes, -iumfpi Alps.
(property by sale); to alienate, estrange; Alpheus, -T m river of Olympia in S. W. Greece.
(mind) to derange. Alpinus ad; see n.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -Ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
alst-amita 12 LATIN-ENGLISH

alslperfo/algeo amatorculus m poor lover,

alsius, alsus ad; cold, amatorie adv amorously,
altiiria, -ium mp/ altars, altar; altar top. amatorius adj of love, erotic,
alte adv on high, from above; deep; from afar, amatrix, -ricis/ mistress.
alter, -Tus ad; the one, the other (of two); Amazon, -onis/ Amazon, warrior woman.
second, the next; fellow man; different; - Amazonides/pi Amazons.
ego, ~ Idem a second self; -urn tantum twice Amazonius adj see n.
as much; Onus et - one or two. ambactus, -Tm vassal,
altercatio, -dnis/dispute, debate, ambages, -is/windings; (speech)
altercor, -ari, -atusvi to wrangle, dispute; to circumlocution, quibbling; enigma,
cross-examine, ambedo, -edere, -edi, -esum vt to consume,
alternis adv alternately, ambesus ppp 0/ ambedo,
alterno, -are, -avi, -atum vt to do by turns, ambigo, -ere vt, vi to wander about; to be in
alternate. doubt; to argue; to wrangle,
alternus ad; one after the other, alternate; ambigue adv doubtfully,
elegiac (verses). ambiguitas, -itis/ambiguity,
alteruter, -iusutrius ad; one or the other, ambiguus ad; changeable, doubtful,
altilis adj fat (esp fowls). unreliable; ambiguous.
altisonus ad; sounding on high, ambio, -ire, -ii, -itum vt to go round, encircle;
altitonans, -antis ad; thundering on high, (pol) to canvass for votes; (fig) to court (for a
altitudo, -inis/height, depth; (.fig) sublimity, favour).
(mind) secrecy. ambitio, -onis/canvassing for votes;
altivolans, -antis adj soaring on high, currying favour; ambition,
altor, -oris m foster father, ambitiose adv ostentatiously,
altrinsecus adv on the other side, ambitiosus a4; winding; ostentatious,
altrix, -Teis/ nourisher, foster mother, ambitious.
altum, -T m heaven; sea (usu out of sight of ambitus ppp of ambio,
land); ex ~d repetitus far-fetched, ambitus, -us m circuit, circumference;
altus adj high, deep; (fig) noble; profound, circumlocution; canvassing, bribery; lex de
alucinor, -ari, -atusvi to talk wildly; (mind) to ~u a law against bribery,
wander. ambo, ambae, ambo num both, two.
aluTperfo/alo. Ambracia, -ae/district of N.W. Greece.
alumnus, -Tm/foster child; pupil, Ambraciensis, -us adj see n.
aluta, -ae/ soft leather; shoe, purse, face ambrosia, -ae/food of the gods,
patch. ambrosius adj divine,
alveirium, -T and iint beehive, ambubaia, -ae/Syrian flute-girl,
alveolus, -i m basin. ambulacrum, -i nt avenue,
alveus, -ei m hollow; trough; (ship) hold; bath ambulatio, -onis/ walk, walking; walk
tub; riverbed. (place).
alvus, -I/bowels; womb; stomach, ambulatiuncula/short walk,
amabilis adj lovely, lovable, ambulo, -are, -avi, -atum vi to walk, go; to
amabilitas, -atis/ charm, travel.
amabiliter adv see amabilis. amburo, -rere, -ssi, -stum vt to bum up; to
Amalthea, -ae/nymph or she-goat; cornu make frostbitten; (fig) to ruin,
-ee horn of plenty. ambustus ppp of amburd.
Amaltheum, -T nt Atticus's library. amellus, -i m Michaelmas daisy,
amandatio/ sending away, amens, -entis adj mad, frantic; stupid,
amando, -are, -avi, -atum vt to send away, amentia, -ae/ madness; stupidity,
amans, -antis 04; fond ♦ m lover, amentum, -Tm strap (for throwing javelin),
amanter adv affectionately, ames, -itism fowler’s pole,
amanuensis, -is m secretary, amfr- etc see anfr-.
amaracinum, -ini nt marjoram ointment, amica, -ae/friend; mistress,
amaracum, -i nt, amaracus, -T m/f sweet amicio, -ire, -tus vt to clothe, cover,
marjoram. amiciter, -e adv see amicus,
amare adv see amarus. amicitia, -ae/friendship; alliance,
amarities, -ei/, amaritudo, -inis /, amaror, amictus ppp 0/amicio,
-oris m bitterness. amictus, -us m (manner of) dress; clothing,
amarus adj bitter; (fig) sad; ill-natured, amiculum, -int cloak,
amasius, -i and ii m lover. amiculus, -i m dear friend,
Amathus, -untis/ town in Cyprus. amicus, -Tm friend ♦ adj friendly, fond,
Amathusia/Venus, amissio, -onis/loss.
amatio, -onis/lovemaking, amissus ppp o/amittd.
amitor, -oris m lover, paramour. amita, -ae/aunt (on father's side).
LATIN-ENGLISH 13 amitto-angiportus

amitto, -ittere, -IsT, -issum vt to let go, lose. ampullarius, -ari m flask-maker,
Ammon, -is m Egyptian god identified with ampullor, -arl vi to use high-flown language,
Jupiter. amputatio, -onis/ pruning,
Ammoniacus odj seen. amputatus ad; (rhet) disconnected,
amnicola, -ae m/ssth growing by a river. amputo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to cut off,
amniculus m brook. prune; (fig) to lop off.
amniCUS adj see n. Amulius, -T m king of Alba Longa, grand-uncle of
amnis, -is m river. Romulus.
amd, -are, -avl, -atum vt to love, like; (coiioq) amurca,_-ae/lees of olive oil.
to be obliged to; ita me di ament I = bless my amussitatus ad; nicely adjusted.
soull; amabo please! Amyclae, -arum fpl town in S. Greece.
amoenitas, -atis/ delightfulness (esp of Amyclaeus adj see n.
scenery). amygdalum, -Int almond,
amoenus ad; delightful, amystis, -dis/emptying a cup at a draught,
amolior, -Tri, -ftus vt to remove, an con; or; perhaps; (with single question) surely
amomum, -Tnt cardamom, not; haud scio - I feel sure.
amor, -oris m love; (fig) strong desire; term of Anacreon, -ontis m Greek lyric poet.
_ endearment; Cupid; (p/) love affairs, anadema, -tism headband,
amotio, -onis/removal. anagnostes, -ae m reader,
amotus ppp of amoveo, anapaestum, -int poem in anapaests,
amoveo, -overe, -dvT, -otum vt to remove; anapaestus ad;: - pes anapaest,
to banish. anas, -tis/duck.
amphibolia, -ae/ ambiguity. anaticula/duckling,
Amphion, -onis m musician and builder of anatinus adj see n.
Thebes. anatocismus, -I m compound interest.
Amphionius odj see n. Anaxagoras, -aem early Greek philosopher.
amphitheatrum, -Int amphitheatre. Anaximander, -rim early Greek philosopher.
Amphitrite, -es/sea goddess-, the sea. anceps, -ipitis adj two-headed; double;
Amphitryo, -onis m husband of Alcmena. wavering, doubtful; dangerous ♦ nt danger.
Amphitryoniades m Hercules, Anchises, -ae m father of Aeneas.
amphora, -ae/a two-handled jar; liquid Anchiseus adj Aeneas.
measure; (naut) measure of tonnage. Anchisiades m Aeneas,
Amphrysius adj of Apollo. ancile, -is nt oval shield (esp one said to have
Amphrysus, -Tm river in Thessaly. fallen from heaven in Numa's reign).
ample adv see amplus. ancilla, -ae/ servant,
amplector, -ctl, -xus vt to embrace, encircle; ancillaris ad; of a young servant,
(.mind) to grasp; (speech) to deal with; (fig) to ancillula/young servant,
cherish. ancisus ad; cut round,
amplexor, -ari, -atus vt to embrace, love, ancora, -ae/anchor,
amplexus ppao/amplector. ancorarius adj see n.
amplexus, -usm embrace, encircling, ancorale, -ism cable.
amplificatio, -onis/enlargement; (rhet) a Ancus Marcius, -T, -I m 4th king of Rome.
passage elaborated for effect. Ancyra, -ae/ Ankara (capital of Galatia).
amplifice adv splendidly, andabata, -ae m blindfold gladiator.
amplifico, -are, -avl, -atum vt to increase, Andrius adj see Andros,
enlarge; (rhet) to enlarge upon, androgyne, -es/hermaphrodite,
amplio, -are, -avl, -atum vt to enlarge; (law) androgynus, -I m hermaphrodite.
to adjourn. Andromache, -es / wife of Hector.
ampliter adv see amplus, Andromeda, -ae/ wife of Perseus-, a
amplitudo, -inis/size; (fig) distinction; (rhet) constellation.
fullness. Andronicus, -Im Livius (earliest Latin poet).
amplius adv more (esp amount or number), Andros (-us), -I m Aegean island,
further, longer; - ducenti more than 200; - anellus, -Im little ring,
non petere take no further legal action; ~ anethum, -Im fennel,
pronuntiare adjourn a case, anfractus, -us m bend, orbit; roundabout
amplus adj large, spacious; great, abundant; way; (words) digression, prolixity,
powerful, splendid, eminent; (sup) angelus, -I m angel,
distinguished. angina, -ae/quinsy.
ampulla, -ae/a two-handled flask; (fig) high- angiportum, -Im alley,
flown language. angiportus, -us m alley.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -arc = 1st; -era = 2nd; -era = 3rd and -Ira = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
ango-antenna 14 LATIN-ENGUSH

ango, -ere vt to throttle; (fig) to distress, reason, thought, opinion, imagination; heart,
torment. feelings, disposition; courage, spirit, pride,
angor, -oris m suffocation; (fig) anguish, passion; will, purpose; term of endearment;
torment. ~T in mind, in heart; -T causa for amuse¬
anguicomus ad; with snakes for hair, ment; -6 fingere imagine; -6 male est I am
anguiculus, -Tm small snake, fainting; aequo -6 esse be patient, calm;
anguifer, -iadj snake-carrying, bono -d esse take courage; be well-
anguigena, -ae m one born of serpents; disposed; ex -o sincerely; ex -d effluere be
Theban. forgotten; in -o habere purpose; meo -o in
anguilla, -ae/eel. my opinion.
anguimanus adj with a trunk, Anio, -dnis m tributary of the Tiber.
anguipes, -edis ad; serpent-footed, Anna Perenna, -ae, -ae/ Homan popular
anguis, -is m/f snake, serpent; (constellation) goddess.
Draco. annales, -ium mpi annals, chronicle,
Anguitenens, -entis m Ophiuchus, annalis ad; of a year; lex - law prescribing
angulatus ad; angular, ages for public offices,
angulus, -Tm angle, corner; out-of-the-way anne etc see an.
place; ad pares ~6sat right angles, anniculus ad; a year old.
anguste adv close, within narrow limits; anniversarius adj annual,
concisely. annon or not.
angustiae, -arum/pl defile, strait; (time) annona, -ae/year’s produce; grain; price of
shortness; (means) want; (circs) difficulty; corn; the market,
(mind) narrowness; (words) subtleties, annosus adj aged,
angusticlavius ad; wearing a narrow purple annotinus ad; last year’s,
stripe. annus, -im year; - magnus astronomical
angusto, -are vt to make narrow, great year; - solidus a full year,
angustum, -inf narrowness; danger, annuus ad; a year’s; annual,
angustus adj narrow, close; (time) short; anquiro, -rere, -sivi, -srtum vt to search for;
(means) scanty; (mind) mean; (argument) to make inquiries; (law) to institute an
subtle; (circs) difficult. inquiry (de) or prosecution (abl or gen).
anhelitus, -us m panting; breath, exhalation, ansa, -ae/handle; (fig) opportunity,
anhelo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to breathe hard, ansatus ad; with a handle; (comedy) with arms
pant; to exhale, akimbo.
anhelus adj panting, anser, -is m goose,
anicula, -ae/poor old woman. anserinus adj see n.
Aniensis, Anienus adj of the river Anio. ante prep (with acc) before (in time, place,
Anienus m Anio, comparison) ♦ adv (place) in front; (time)
anilis adj of an old woman, before.
anilitas, -tatis/old age. antea adv before, formerly.
aniliter adv like an old woman, antecapio, -apere, -dpi, -eptum vt to take
anima, -ae/ wind, air; breath; life; soul, mind; beforehand, anticipate,
ghost, spirit; -am agara, efflare expire; -am antecedo, -edere, -essi, -essum vt to
comprimere hold one’s breath, precede; to surpass,
animadversio, -dnis/ observation; censure, antecello, -ere vi to excel, be superior,
punishment. anteceptus ppp of antecapio,
animadversor, -oris m observer, antecessio, -onis/preceding; antecedent
animadverto, -tere, -ti, -sum vt to pay cause.
attention to, notice; to realise; to censure, antecessor, -orism forerunner,
punish; - in punish. antecursor, -oris m forerunner, pioneer,
animal, -alis nt animal; living creature, anteed, -ire, -iivi to precede, surpass,
animalis adj of air; animate, antefero, -ferre, -tuli, -latum vt to carry
animans, -antis m/f/nt living creature; animal, before; to prefer; to anticipate,
animatio, -dnis/being. antefixus adj attached (in front) ♦ ntpi
animatus ad; disposed, in a certain frame of ornaments on roofs of buildings,
mind; courageous. antegredior, -di, -ssus vt to precede,
animo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to animate; to antehabeo, -drew to prefer,
give a certain temperament to. antehac adv formerly, previously,
animose adv boldly, eagerly, antelatus ppp of antefero,
animosus adj airy; lifelike; courageous, antelucanus ad; before dawn,
proud. antemeridianus adj before noon,
animula, -ae/little soul. antemitto, -ittere, -isi, -issum vt to send on
animulus, -i m darling. in front.
animus, -T m mind, soul; consciousness; antenna, -ae/yardarm.
LAT1N-ENGLISH _15 antepTIam-appello

antepilani, -orum mpi (mil) the front ranks, Aornos, -im lake Avemus,
antepono, -onere, -osui, -ositum vt to set apage interi away with!, go away!
before; to prefer, apeliotes, -ae m east wind.
antequam conj before. Apelles, -is m Greek painter.
Anteros, -otism avenger of slighted love. aper, -ri m boar.
antes, -ium mpi rows. aperio, -ire, -ui, -turn vt to uncover, disclose,
antesignanus, -I m (mil) leader; (pi) defenders open; (country) to open up; (fig) to unfold,
of the standards. explain, reveal,
antesto, antisto, -ire, -etivi to excel, aperte adv clearly, openly,
distinguish oneself. apertum, -Int open space; in -6 esse be well
antestor, -ari, -itus vi to call a witness, known; be easy.
antevenio, -enire, -eni, -entum vt, vi to apertus pppo/ aperio ♦ ad; open, exposed;
anticipate; to surpass, clear, manifest; (person) frank,
anteverto, -tere, -ti, -sum vt to precede; to aperui perfof aperio.
anticipate; to prefer, apex, -icis m summit; crown, priest’s cap; (fig)
anticipatio, -onis/foreknowledge, crown.
anticipo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to take before, aphractus, -if a long open boat,
anticipate, apiarius, -I and iim beekeeper.
anticus ad; in front. Apicius, -i m Roman epicure.
Antigone, -es/ daughter of Oedipus. apicula, -ae/little bee.
Antigonus, -Tm name of Macedonian kings. apis, -is/bee.
Antiochensis ad; see n. apiscor, -isci, -tusvt to catch, get, attain,
Antiochia, -iae/ Antioch (capital of Syria). apium, -I and ii nt celery,
Antiochus, -i m name of kings of Syria. aplustre, -isnt decorated stern of a ship,
antiquarius, -I and iim antiquary, apocleti, -orum mpi committee of the Aetolian
antique adv in the old style, League.
antiquitas, -atis/antiquity, the ancients; apodyterium, -I and iint dressing room.
integrity. Apollinaris, -ineusadj: ludi -inares Roman
antiquitus adv long ago, from ancient times, games in July.
antiquo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to vote against Apollo, -inism Greek god of music, archery,
(a bill). prophecy, flocks and herds, and often identified
antiquus ad; ancient, former, old; good old- with the sun.
fashioned, honest, illustrious; antiquior apologus, -Im narrative, fable,
more important; antiquissimus most apophoreta, -drum ntpl presents for guests to
important. take home.
antistes, -itis m/f high priest, chief priestess; apoproegmena, -orum ntpl (philos) what is
(fig) master (in any art). rejected.
Antisthenes, -is and aem founder of Cynic apOStolicUS ad; see n.
philosophy. apostolus, -i m (eccl) apostle,
antistita, -ae/chief priestess, apotheca, -ae/storehouse, wine store,
antisto etc seeantesto. apparate adv see apparatus,
antitheton, -i nt (rhet) antithesis. apparatio, -onis/preparation,
Antoninus, -im name of Roman emperors(esp apparatus adj ready, well-supplied,
Pius and Marcus Aurelius). sumptuous.
Antonius, -I m Roman name (esp the famous apparatus, -us m preparation; equipment,
orator, and Mark Antony). munitions; pomp, ostentation,
antrum, -I nt cave, hollow, appareo, -ere, -ui, -itum vi to come in sight,
anularius, -i m ringmaker. appear; to be seen, show oneself; to wait
anulatus ad; with rings on. upon (an official)-, ~et it is obvious,
anulus, -I m ring; equestrian rank, apparitio, -onis/ service; domestic servants,
anus, -im rectum; ring, appiritor, -oris m attendant,
anus, -us/old woman ♦ ad; old. apparo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to prepare,
anxie adv see anxius. provide.
anxietas, -atis/anxiety, trouble (of the mind). appellatio, -onis/accosting, appeal; title;
anxifer, -iad; disquieting. pronunciation.
anxitudo, -inis/anxiety. appellator, -oris m appellant,
anxius ad; (mind) troubled; disquieting. appellitatus ad; usually called,
Aones, -um ad; Boeotian. appello, -are, -avi, -atum vt to speak to; to
Aonia/part of Boeotia. appeal to; (formoney) to dun; (law) to sue; to
Aonius adi of Boeotia, of Helicon. call, name; to pronounce.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -era = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
appello-Arachne 16 LATIN-ENGLISH

appello, -ellere, -uU, -ulsum vt to drive, apricatio, -dnis/basking.

bring (to); (naut) to bring to land, apricor, -ari vi to bask,
appendicula, -ae/ small addition, apricus ad; sunny; basking; in -um proferre
appendix, -icis/supplement, bring to light.
appendo, -endere, -endi, -ensum vt to Aprilis ad; April, of April,
weigh, pay. aprugnus ad; of the wild boar,
appetens, -entis adj eager; greedy, aps- etc see abs-.
appetenter adv see appetens, apte adv closely; suitably, rightly,
appetentia, -ae/craving, apto, -are, -avi, -atum vt to fit, put on; (fig) to
appetitio, -onis/grasping, craving, adapt; to prepare, equip,
appetitus ppp of appeto, aptus adj attached, joined together, fitted
appetitus, -usm craving; natural desire (as (with); suitable.
opposed to reason). apudprep (with acc) 1. (with persons) beside, by,
appeto, -ere, -TvT, -itum vt to grasp, try to get with, at the house of, among, in the time of;
at; to attack; to desire ♦ vi to approach, (speaking) in the presence of, to; (judgment)
appingo, -ere vt to paint (in); (colloq) to write in the opinion of; (influence) with; (faith) in;
more. (authors) in. 2. (with places) near, at, in; est -
Appius, -Tm Roman first name; Via ~ia main _ me I have; sum - me I am in my senses.
road from Rome to Capua and Brundisium. Apulia, -iae/ district of S.E. Italy.
applaudo, -dere, -si, -sum vt to strike, clap Apulus adj see n.
♦ vi to applaud. aput prep see apud.
applicatio, -dnis/applying (of the mind); ius aqua, -ae/ water; - mihi haeret I am in a fix; ~
-onis the right of a patron to inherit a client's intercus dropsy; ~m adspergere revive; -m
effects. praebere entertain; ~m et terram petere
applicatus and itus ppp of applico, demand submission; ~a et igni interdicere
applico, -are, -avi and ui, -atum and itum vt outlaw.
to attach, place close (to); (naut) to steer, aquae/pi medicinal waters, spa.
bring to land; se, animum - devote self, aquaeductus, -us m aqueduct; right of
attention (to), leading water,
apploro, -are vt to deplore, aqualiculus m belly,
appono, -onere, -osui, -ositum vt to put (to, aqualis, -is m/f washbasin,
beside); (meat) to serve; to add, appoint; to aquarius ad; of water ♦ m water carrier,
reckon. water inspector; a constellation,
apporrectus adj stretched nearby, aquaticus adj aquatic; humid,
apporto, -are, -avi, -atum vt to bring, carry aquatilis ad; aquatic,
(to). aquatio, -onis/fetching water; watering
apposco, -ere vt to demand also. place.
apposite adv suitably. aquator, -oris m water carrier,
appositus ppp of appono ♦ adj situated near; aquila, -ae/eagle; standard of a legion; (arch)
(fig) bordering on; suitable, gable; a constellation; ~ae senectus a
apposui perf o/appono, vigorous old age.
appotus adj drunk, Aquileia, -ae/ town in N. Italy.
apprecor, -ari, -atus vt to pray to. Aquileiensis adj see n.
apprehendo, -endere, -endi, -ensum vt to aquilifer, -i m chief standard-bearer.
take hold of; (mil) to occupy; (argument) to aquilinus adj eagle’s.
bring forward, aquilo, -dnis m north wind; north.
apprime adv especially, aquilonius adj northerly.
apprimo, -imere, -essi, -essum vt to press aquilus ad^swarthy.
close. Aquinas, atis adj see n.
approbatio, -onis/acquiescence; proof, Aquinum, -i nt town in Latium.
approbator, -oris m approve, Aquitania, -ia ef district of S.W. Gaul.
approbe adv very well, Aquitanus adj see n.
approbo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to approve; to aquor, -ari, -atus vi to fetch water.
prove; to perform to someone’s satisfaction, aquosusa4j humid, rainy.
appromitto, -ere vt to promise also, aquula, -ae/little stream.
appropero, -are, -avi, -atum vt to hasten ♦ vi ara, -ae/altar; (fig) refuge; a constellation;
to hurry up. ~ae et foci hearth and home,
appropinquatio, -onis/approach, arabarches, -ae m customs officer in Egypt.
appropiinquo, -are, -avi, -atum vi to Arabia, -iae/Arabia.
approach. Arabice adv with all the perfumes of Arabia.
appugno, -are vt to attack. Arabicus, Arabicius, Arabus adj seen.
appulsus ppp of appello, Arachne, -s/ Lydian woman changed into a
appulsus, -us m landing; approach. spider.
LATIN-ENGLISH 17 aranea-Arglletum

aranea, -ae/spider; cobweb, architectus, -I m architect; (fig) author,

araneola/, -olus m small spider, archon, -ontis m Athenian magistrate.
araneosus adj full of spiders’ webs, Archytas, -ae m Pythagorean philosopher of
araneum, -Int spider’s web. Tarentum.
araneus, -i m spider ♦ adj of spiders. arcitenens, -entis adj holding a bow ♦ m
Arar, -is m river Saone. Apollo.
Arateus adj see Aratus, Arctophylax, -cism (constellation) Bootes,
aratio, -dnis/ploughing, farming; arable arctos, -I/Great Bear, Little Bear; north,
land. north wind; night.
aratiuncula/small plot, Arcturus, -I m brightest star in Bootes.
arator -oris m ploughman, farmer; (pO arctus etc see artus etc.
cultivators of public land, arculpei/o/ arceo.
aratrum, -I nt plough. arcula, -ae/casket; (suet) ornament,
Aratus, -I m Greek astronomical poet. arcuo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to curve,
Araxes, -ism river in Armenia. arcus, -us m bow; rainbow; arch, curve; (math)
arbiter, -ri m witness; arbiter, judge, umpire; arc.
controller; - bibendi president of a drinking ardea, -ae/heron.
party. Ardea, -ae/ town in Latium.
arbitra, -ae/witness, ardelid, -onism busybody,
arbitrario adv with some uncertainty, ardens, -entisadj hot, glowing, fiery; (fig)
arbitrarius adj uncertain, eager, ardent,
arbitratus, -us m decision; med ~u in my ardenter adv passionately,
judgment. ardeo, -dere, -si, -sum vi to be on fire, burn,
arbitrium, -T and il nt decision (of an arbitrator), shine; (fig) to be fired, burn,
judgment; mastery, control, ardesco, -erevi to catch fire, gleam; (fig) to
arbitror, -ari, -atus vt, vi to be a witness of; to become inflamed, wax hotter,
testify; to think, suppose, ardor, -oris m heat, brightness; (fig) ardour,
arbor, (arbos), -oris/tree; ship, mast, oar; - passion.
Infelix gallows. arduum, -Int steep slope; difficulty,
arboreus adj of trees, like a tree. arduus adj steep, high; difficult, troublesome,
arbustum, -Tm plantation, orchard; (pi) trees. area, -ae/vacant site, open space,
arbustus adj wooded. playground; threshing-floor; (fig) scope (for
arbuteus adj of the strawberry tree. effort).
arbutum, -T nt fruit of strawberry tree. arefacio, -acere, -eel, -actum vt to dry.
arbutus, -If strawberry tree. arena etc see harena.
area, -ae/box; moneybox, purse; coffin; arens, -entis adj arid; thirsty.
prison cell; ex ~a absolvere pay cash. areo, -ere vi to be dry.
Arcades, -um mpi Arcadians. areola, -ae/small open space.
Arcadia, -iae/ district ofS. Greece. Areopagltes m member of the court.
Arcadicus, -ius adj see Arcadia, Areopagus, -Im Mars' Hill in Athens', a criminal
arcano adv privately, court.
arcanum, -Tnt secret, mystery, Ares, -ism Greek god of war.
arcanus adj secret; able to keep secrets, aresed, -erevi to dry, dry up.
arceo, -ere, -uT, -turn vt to enclose; to keep Arestorides, -ae m Argus,
off, prevent. aretalogus, -Im braggart.
arcessitu abi sg m at the summons, Arethusa, -ae/spring near Syracuse.
arcessitus pppo/ arcesso ♦ adj far-fetched, Arethusis adj Syracusan.
arcesso, -ere, -TvT, -Itum vt to send for, fetch; Argel, -drum mpi sacred places in Rome; effigies
(law) to summon, accuse; (fig) to derive, thrown annually into the Tiber.
archetypus, -I m original. argentaria, -ae/bank, banking; silver mine,
Archilochus, -I m Greek iambic and elegiac poet. argentarius adj of silver, of money ♦ m
archimagirus, -i m chief cook. banker.
Archimedes, -is m famous mathematician of argentatus adj silver-plated; backed with
Syracuse. money.
archipirata, -aem pirate chief, argenteus adj of silver, adorned with silver;
architecton, -onism master builder; master silvery (in colour); of the silver age.
in cunning. argentum, -Tnt silver, silver plate; money.
architector, -ari, -atus vt to construct; (fig) to Argeus, -Ivus, -olicus adj Argive; Greek.
devise. Argiletanus adj see n.
architectura, -ae/architecture. Argiletum, -Tnt part of Rome (noted for

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -Ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
argilla-artus 18 LAT1N-ENGUSH

bookshops). armed troops.

argijla, -ae/clay. armatura, -ae/armour, equipment; levis -
Argo, -us/ Jason’s ship. light-armed troops,
Argolis, -olidis/district about Argos. armatus ad; armed.
Argonautae, -arum mpi Argonauts. Armenia, -ae/ Armenia.
Argonauticus odj see n. Armeniaca, -acae/apricot tree.
Argos nt, -I, -drum mpl town in S.E. Greece. Armeniacum, -acl nt apricot.
Argous odj see Argo. Armenius odj see Armenia,
argumentatio, -dnis/adducing proofs, armentalis odj of the herd,
argumentor, -arl, -atusvt, vi to prove, armentarius,-I and ilm cattle herd,
adduce as proof; to conclude, armentum, -Int cattle (forploughing), herd
argumentum, -Int evidence, proof; (lit) (cattle etc).
subject matter, theme, plot (of a play)-, (art) armifer, -lad; armed.
subject, motif. armiger, -I m armour-bearer ♦ ad; armed;
arguo, -uere, -ul, -utum vt to prove, make productive of warriors,
known; to accuse, blame, denounce. armilla, -ae/bracelet,
Argus, -Tm monster with many eyes. armillatus ad; wearing a bracelet,
argute adv subtly. armipotens, -entis ad; strong in battle,
argutiae, -arum fpi nimbleness, liveliness; armisonus ad; resounding with arms,
wit, subtlety, slyness, armo, -ire, -avi, -atum vt to arm, equip; to
argutor, -arl, -itusvi to chatter, rouse to arms (against),
argutulus odj rather subtle, armus, -I m shoulder (esp of animals).
argutus odj (sight) clear, distinct, graceful; Arniensis odj see Arnus.
(sound) clear, melodious, noisy; (mind) Arnus, -I m river Arno.
acute, witty, sly. ard, -are, -avi, -atum vt to plough, cultivate;
argyraspis, -dis ad; silver-shielded. to live by farming; (fig-, sea, brow) to furrow.
Ariadna, -ae/ daughter of Minos of Crete. Arpinas, -itis ad; see n.
Ariadnaeus odj see n. Arpinum, -Int town in Latium (birthplace of
aridulus ad; rather dry. Cicero).
aridum, -Int dry land. arquitus odj jaundiced,
aridus ad; dry, withered; meagre; (style) flat. arr-etcsee adr-.
aries, -etis m ram; 1st sign of Zodiac; arrabo, -dnis m earnest money,
battering ram; beam used as a breakwater, ars, artis/ skill (in any craft); the art (of any
arieto, -arevt, vi to butt, strike hard. profession); science, theory; handbook; work
Arldn, -onis m early Greek poet and musician. _ of art; moral quality, virtue; artifice, fraud,
ArToniuS ad; seen, arslpet/o/ardeo.
arista, -ae/ear of corn. arsus ppp of arded.
Aristaeus, -Tm legendary founder of beekeeping. arte odv closely, soundly, briefly,
Aristarchus, -I m Alexandrian scholar; a severe arteria, -ae/windpipe; artery,
critic. arteria, -drum ntpi trachea,
Aristides, -is m Athenian statesman noted for arthriticus ad; gouty,
integrity. articulitim odv joint by joint; (speech)
Aristippeus ad; see n. distinctly.
Aristippus, -T m Greek hedonist philosopher. articulo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to articulate,
aristolochia, -ae/birthwort. articulosus ad; minutely subdivided,
Aristophanes, -is m Greek comic poet. articulus, -Im joint, knuckle; limb; (words)
Aristophaneus, and Tus ad; see n. clause; (time) point, turning point; in ipso ~6
Aristoteles, -ism Aristotle (founderof temporis in the nick of time,
Peripatetic school of philosophy). artifex, -icis m artist, craftsman, master; (fig)
Aristoteleus, and Ius ad; see n. maker, author ♦ ad; ingenious, artistic,
arithmetica, -orum ntpi arithmetic, artificial.
aritudo, -inis/dryness. artificiose odv skilfully,
Ariusius ad; of Ariusia in Chios, artificiosus ad; ingenious, artistic, artificial,
arma, -drum ntpi armour, shield; arms, artificium, -I and il nt skill, workmanship; art,
weapons (of close combat only); warfare, craft; theory, rule of an art; ingenuity,
troops; (fig) defence, protection; cunning.
implements, ship’s gear, arto, -are vt to compress, curtail,
armamenta, -orum ntpi implements, ship's artolaganus, -I m kind of cake.
gear. artopta, -ae m baker; baking tin.
armamentarium, -I and ilnt arsenal, artus odj close, narrow, tight; (sleep) deep;
armariolum, -Int small chest, (fig) strict, straitened,
armarium, -I and ilnt chest, safe, artus, -us m joint; (pf) limbs, body; (fig)
armatu m abl armour; gravl - with heavy¬ strength.
LATIN-ENGL1SH 19 arula-atavus

arula, -ae/ small altar. asperitas, -atis/roughness, unevenness,

arundo etc see harundo etc. harshness, severity; (fig) ruggedness,
arvina, -ae/ grease. fierceness; trouble, difficulty,
arvum, -Tnt field; land, country, plain. aspernatio, -onis/disdain,
arvus adj ploughed. aspernor, -iri, -atus vt to reject, disdain,
arx, arcis/ fortress, castle; height, summit; aspero, -are, -avT, -itum vt to roughen,
(.fig) bulwark, stronghold; arcem facere e sharpen; to exasperate,
_ cloaca make a mountain out of a molehill, aspersio, -onis/sprinkling,
as, assis m (weight) pound; (coin) bronze unit, aspersus ppp of aspergo,
of low value; (inheritance) the whole aspicio, -icere, -exT, -ectum vt to catch sight
(subdivided into 12 parts)-, ad assem to the last of, look at; (places) to face; (fig) to examine,
farthing; heres ex asse sole heir. consider.
Ascanius, -T m son of Aeneas. aspTritio, -onis/breathing (on); evaporation;
ascendo, -endere, -endi, -ensum vt, vi to go pronouncing with an aspirate.
up, climb, embark; (fig) to rise, aspTro, -ire, -ivT, -itum vi to breathe, blow;
ascensio, -onis/ascent; (fig) sublimity, to favour; to aspire, attain (to) ♦ vt to blow,
ascensus, -us m ascent, rising; way up. instil.
ascia, -ae/axe; mason’s trowel, aspis, -dis/asp.
ascio, -ire vt to admit. asportatio, -onis/removal,
ascisco, -Tscere, -TvT, -Itum vt to receive with asporto, -ire vt to carry off.
approval; to admit (to some kind of aspreta, -orum ntpi rough country.
association); to appropriate, adopt (esp 8SS- etc see ads-.
customs); to arrogate to oneself. Assaracus, -Tm Trojan ancestor of Aeneas.
ascTtus adj acquired, alien. asser, -ism pole, stake.
Ascra, -ae/ birthplace of Hesiod in Boeotia. assula, -ae/splinter.
Ascraeus adj of Ascra; of Hesiod; of Helicon, assulitim adv in splinters.
ascribo, -bere, -psT, -ptum vt to add (in issum, -Tnt roast; (pi) sweating-bath.
writing); to attribute, ascribe; to apply (an
assus ad; roasted.
illustration); to enrol, include,
Assyria, -ae/ country in W. Asia.
ascripticius ad; enrolled,
Assyrius ad; Assyrian; oriental,
ascriptio, -onis/addition (in writing).
astcon; (laws) and then; (vows) then; (strong
ascriptivus adj (mil) supernumerary,
contrast) and yet.
ascriptor, -oris m supporter,
ast-etc see adst-.
ascriptus ppp of ascribo,
asella, -ae/young ass. Astraea, -ae/ goddess of Justice.
asellus, -i m young ass. Astraeus, -T m father of winds; -I fratres the
Asia, -ae/ Roman province; Asia Minor; Asia,
asilus, -Tm gad fly. astrologia, -ae/astronomy,
asinus, -Tm ass; fool. astrologus, -T m astronomer; astrologer,
Asis,-djs/Asia. astrum, -Tnt star, heavenly body,
Asius (Asianus, Asiaticus) adj see n. constellation; a great height; heaven,
Asopus, -Tm river in Boeotia. immortality, glory,
asotus, -T m libertine, astu nt (indecl) city (esp Athens).
asparagus, -Tm asparagus, astus, -us m cleverness, cunning,
aspargo etc see aspergo, astute adv cleverly,
aspectabilis adj visible, astutia, -ae/slyness, cunning,
aspecto, -are vt to look at, gaze at; to pay astutus ad; artful, sly.
heed to; (places) to face, Astyanax, -ctism son of Hector and
aspectus ppp o/aspicid. Andromache.
aspectus, -usm look, sight; glance, sense of asylum, -Tnt sanctuary,
sight; aspect, appearance, asymbolus adj with no contribution,
aspello, -ere vt to drive away, at con; (adversative) but, on the other hand;
asper, -Tad; rough; (taste) bitter; (sound) (objecting) but it may be said; (limiting) at
harsh; (weather) severe; (style) rugged; least, but at least; (continuing) then,
(person) violent, exasperated, unkind, thereupon; (transitional) now; (withpassionate
austere; (animal) savage; (circs) difficult, appeals) but oh!, look now!; - enim yes, but; -
aspere adv see adj. tamen nevertheless.
aspergo, -gere, -sT, -sum vt to scatter, Atibulus, -T m sirocco,
sprinkle; to bespatter, besprinkle; aquam - atat interj (expressing fright, pain, surprise) oh!
revive. atavus, -Tm great-great-great-grandfather;
aspergo, -inis/sprinkling; spray. ancestor.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -Tre = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
Atella-attuli 20 LATIN-ENGLISH

Atella, -aefOscan town in Campania. attendo, -dere, -di, -turn vt to direct (the
Atellanicus, Atellanius adj see n. attention); to attend to, notice,
Atellanus adj: fabula -ana kind of comic show attene adv carefully,
popular in Rome. attentio, -onis / attentiveness,
ater, -riadj black, dark; gloomy, dismal; attento, -are, -avi, -atum vt to test, try;
malicious; dies -riunlucky days. (loyalty) to tamper with; to attack,
Athamanteus adj see Athamas. attentus pppo/attendo ♦ adj attentive, intent;
Athamantiades m Palaemon. businesslike, careful (esp about money).
Athamantis / Helle. attentus pppo/attineo,
Athamas, -antis m king of Thessaly (who attenuate adv simply,
went mad). attenuatusadj weak; (style) brief; refined;
Athenae, -arum/pi Athens. plain.
Athenaeus, -iensis adj see n. attenuo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to weaken,
atheos, -i m atheist, reduce; to diminish; to humble,
athleta, -ae m wrestler, athlete, attero, -erere, -rivi, -ritum vt to rub; to wear
athletice adv athletically. away; (fig) to impair, exhaust,
Athos (dat-6, acc-o, -on, -onem)m mount attestor, -an, -atus vt to confirm,
Athos in Macedonia. attexo, -ere, -uT, -turn vt to weave on; (fig) to
Atlanticus adj: mare -anticum Atlantic Ocean. add on.
Atlantiades m Mercury. Atthis, -dis/ Attica.
Atlantis/lost Atlantic island; a Pleiad. Attianus adj see Attius.
Atlas, -antis m giant supporting the sky, Atlas Attica, -ae/ district of Greece about Athens.
mountains, Attice adv in the Athenian manner.
atomus, -T m atom. Atticisso vi to speak in the Athenian manner.
atque (before consonants ac) conj (connecting Atticus adj Attic, Athenian; (rhet) of a plain
words) and, and in fact; (connecting clauses) and direct style,
and moreover, and then, and so, and yet; (in attigiperf of attingo,
comparison) as, than, to, from; - adeo and attigo see attingo.
that too; or rather; - non and not rather; - sT attineo, -inere, -inui, -entum vt to hold fast,
as if; alius - different from; contra - detain; to guard; to reach for ♦ vi to concern,
opposite to; idem - same as; plus - more pertain, be of importance, avail,
than. attingo, -ingere, -igi, -actum vt to touch; to
atqui conj (adversative) and yet, nevertheless, strike, assault; to arrive at; to border on; to
yes but; (confirming) by all means; (minor affect; to mention; to undertake; to concern,
premise) now; - si if now. resemble.
atramentum, -Tnt ink; blacking, Attis, -dism Phrygian priest of Cybele.
atratus adj in mourning. Attius, -Tm Latin tragic poet.
Atreus, -ei m son of Pelops (king of Argos). attollo, -ere vt to lift up, erect; (fig) to exalt,
Atrides m Agamemnon; Meneleaus. extol.
atriensis, -is m steward, major-domo, attondeo, -ondere, -ondT, -onsum vtto
atriolum, -i nt anteroom, shear, prune, crop; (fig) to diminish;
atrium, -i and ii nt hall, open central room in (comedy) to fleece.
Roman house; forecourt of a temple; hall (in attonitus adj thunderstruck, terrified,
other buildings). astonished; inspired,
atrocitas, -atis/hideousness; (mind) attono, -are, -uT, -itum vt to stupefy,
brutality; (philos) severity, attonsus pppo/attondeo,
atrociter adv savagely. attorqueo, -ere vt to hurl upwards,
Atropos, -if one of the Fates. attractus ppp of attraho.
atrox, -ocis adj hideous, dreadful; fierce, attraho, -here, -xi, -ctum vt to drag by force,
brutal, unyielding, attract; (fig) to draw, incite,
attactus pppof attingo, attrecto, -are vt to touch, handle; to
attactus, -us m contact, appropriate.
attagen, -is m heathcock. attrepido, -are vi to hobble along,
Attalica ntpl garments of woven gold. attribuo, -uere, -uT, -utum vt to assign,
Attalicus adj of Attalus; of Pergamum; bestow; to add; to impute, attribute; to lay as
ornamented with gold cloth. a tax.
Attalus, -i m king of Pergamum (who attributio, -onis/(money) assignment; (gram)
bequeathed his kingdom to Rome). predicate.
attamen conj nevertheless, attributum, -Tnt (gram) predicate.
attat etc see atat. attributus ppp of attribuo ♦ adj subject,
attegia, -ae/hut. attritus pppo/ attero ♦ adj worn; bruised; (fig)
attemperate adv opportunely, impudent.
attempto etc see attento. attufi perf of adfero.
LATIN-ENGLISH 21 au-aura

all inter; (expressing pain, surprise) oh! auditio, -dnis/listening; hearsay, news,
auceps, -upis m fowler; (fig) eavesdropper; a auditor, -oris m hearer; pupil,
pedantic critic, auditorium, -i and iint lecture room, law
auctarium, -Tand iint extra, court; audience.
auctificus adj increasing, auditus, -usm (sense of) hearing; a hearing;
auctio, -dnis/increase; auction sale, rumour.
auctionarius adj auction; tabulae -ae aufero, auferre, abstuli, ablatum vt to take
catalogues. away, carry away; to mislead, lead into a
auctionor, -ari, -atus vi to hold an auction, digression; to take by force, steal; to win,
auctito, -are vt to greatly increase, obtain (as the result of effort); aufer away
auctd, -are vt to increase, with!
auctor, -Oris m/f 1. (originator: of families) Aufidus, -6 m river in Apulia.
progenitor; (: of buildings) founder; (: of aufugio, -ugere, -ugi vi to run away ♦ vt to
deeds) doer. 2. (composer: of writings) author, flee from.
historian; (: of knowledge) investigator, Augeas, -ae m king of Elis (whose stables
teacher; (: of news) informant. 3. (instigator: Hercules cleaned).
of action) adviser; (: of measures) promoter; augeo, -gere, -xi, -ctum vt to increase; to
(: of laws) proposer, supporter; ratifier. 4. enrich, bless (with); to praise, worship ♦ vi
(person of influence: in public life) leader; (: of to increase.
conduct) model; (: of guarantees) witness, augesco, -ere vi to begin to grow, increase,
bail; (: of property) seller; (: of women and augmen, -inisnt growth,
minors) guardian; (: of others'welfare) augur, -is m/f augur; prophet, interpreter,
champion; me -ore at my suggestion, augurale, -is nt part of camp where auspices
auctoramentum, -Tnt contract; wages, were taken,
auctoratus ad; bound (by a pledge); hired out auguralis ad; augur’s,
(for wages). auguratio, -onis/soothsaying.
auctoritas, -itis/1. source; lead, augurato adv after taking auspices,
responsibility. 2. judgment; opinion; advice, auguratus, -us m office of augur,
support; bidding, guidance; (of senate) augurium, -Tand iint augury; an omen;
decree; (of people) will. 3. power; (person) prophecy, interpretation; presentiment,
influence, authority, prestige; (things) augurius ad; of augurs,
importance, worth; (conduct) example; auguro, -are vt, vi to take auguries; to
(knowledge) warrant, document, authority; consecrate by auguries; to forebode,
(property) right of possession, auguror, -arl, -atus vt, vi to take auguries; to
auctumn- etc see autumn-, foretell by omens; to predict, conjecture.
auctuspppo/augeo ♦ adj enlarged, great, Augusta, -ae/title of the emperor’s wife,
auctus, -usm growth, increase, mother, daughter or sister.
aucupium, -i and iint fowling; birds caught; Augustalis adj of Augustus; ludi ~es games in
(fig) hunting (after), quibbling, October; praefectus -is governor of Egypt;
aucupo, -are vt to watch for. sodales ~es priests of deified Augustus,
aucupor, -ari, -atus vi to go fowling ♦ vt to auguste adv see augustus,
chase; (fig) to try to catch, augustus ad; venerable, august, majestic.
audacia, -ae/daring, courage; audacity, Augustus, -T m title given to C Octavius, first
impudence; (pi) deeds of daring, Roman emperor, and so to his successors ♦ adj
audacter, audaciter advsee audax, imperial; (month) August, of August,
audax, -acis adj bold, daring; rash, audacious; aula, -ae/ courtyard of a Greek house; hall of a
proud. Roman house; palace, royal court; courtiers;
audens, -entis ad; bold, brave, royal power,
audenter advsee audens, aula etc see olla.
audentia, -ae/boldness, courage, aulaeum, -Tnt embroidered hangings,
audeo, -dere, -sus vt, vi to dare, venture; to canopy, covering; (theat) curtain,
be brave. aulici, -orum mpi courtiers,
audiens, -entis m hearer ♦ adj obedient, aulicus adj of the court.
audientia, -ae/hearing; ~m facere gain a Aulis, -idis and is/ port in Boeotia from which the
hearing. Greeks sailed for Troy.
audio, -ire, -TvT and ii, -Ttum vt to hear; to auloedus, -T m singer accompanied by flute,
learn, be told; to be called; to listen, attend aura, -ae/breath of air, breeze, wind; air,
to, study under (a teacher); to examine a upper world; vapour, odour, sound, gleam;
case; to agree with; to obey, heed; bene/ (fig) winds (of public favour), breeze (of
male - have a good/bad reputation. prosperity), air (of freedom), daylight (of

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -Tre = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
auraria-aviditas 22 LATIN-ENGUSH

publicity). ausus ppao/auded.

auraria, -ae/gold mine, aut conj or; either ... or; or else or at least, or
aurarius adj of gold. rather.
auratus adj gilt, ornamented with gold; gold. autem conj (adversative) but, on the other
Aurelius, -Tm Roman name; lex -ia law on the hand; (in transitions, parentheses) moreover,
composition of juries; via ~ia main road running now, and; (in dialogue) indeed.
NW from Rome. authepsa, -ae/stove.
aureolus adj gold; beautiful, splendid, autographus adj written with his own hand.
aureus adj gold, golden; gilded; (fig) beautiful Autolycus, -imarobber.
splendid ♦ m gold coin, automaton, -int automaton,
aurichalcum, -Tnt a precious metal, automatus adj spontaneous.
auricomus adj golden-leaved, Automedon, -ontis m a charioteer.
auricula, -ae/the external ear; ear. autumnalis adj autumn, autumnal,
aurifer, -iadj gold-producing, autumnus, -i m autumn ♦ adj autumnal,
aurifex, -icis m goldsmith, autumo, -arevt to assert,
auriga, -ae m charioteer, driver; groom; auxiper/o/augeo.
helmsman; a constellation, auxilia, -iorum ntpi auxiliary troops; military
aurigena, -ae adj gold-begotten, force.
auriger, -Tadj gilded. auxiliaris adj helping, auxiliary; of the
aurigo, -are vi to compete in the chariot race, auxiliaries ♦ mpi auxiliary troops,
auris, -is/ear; (rhet) judgment; (acr) auxiliarius adj helping; auxiliary,
earthboard (of a plough); ad -em admonere auxiliator, -oris m helper,
whisper; in utramvis -em dormire sleep auxiliatus, -us m aid.
soundly. auxilior, -ari, -atus vi to aid, support,
auritulus, -im “Long-Ears”, auxilium, -i and iint help, assistance,
auritus adj long-eared; attentive, avare, avaiteradvsee avarus,
aurora, -ae/dawn, morning; goddess of dawn; avaritia, -ae/greed, selfishness,
the East. avarities, -ei/avarice.
aurum, -i nt gold; gold plate, jewellery, bit, avarus adj greedy, covetous; eager,
fleece etc; money; lustre; the Golden Age. ave, avete, aveto impv hail!, farewell!
auscultatio, -onis/obedience. aveho, -here, -xi, -ctum vt to carry away;
auscultator, -oris m listener, (pass) to ride away.
ausculto, -are, -avi, -atum vt to listen to; to avello, -ellere, -elli and ulsi (-olsi), -ulsum
overhear ♦ vi (of servants) to wait at the door; (-olsum) vt to pull away, tear off; to take
to obey. away (by force), remove,
ausim subj of audeo. avena, -ae/oats; (music) reed, shepherd’s
Ausones, -um mpl indigenous people of central pipe.
Italy. Aventinum, -i nt Aventine hill.
Ausonia/Italy. Aventinus, -im Aventine hill in Rome ♦ adj of
Ausonidae mpi Italians. Aventine.
Ausonius, -is adj Italian, avens, -entis adj eager,
auspex, -icis m augur, soothsayer; patron, aveo, -erevt to desire, long for.
commander; witness of a marriage Avernalis adj of lake Avernus.
contract. Avernus, -im lake near Cumae (said to be an
auspicato adv after taking auspices; at a entrance to the lower world); the lower world
lucky moment. ♦ adj birdless; of Avernus; infernal,
auspicatus adj consecrated; auspicious, averrunco, -are vt to avert,
lucky. aversabilis adj abominable,
auspicium, -i and iint augury, auspices; right aversor, -ari, -atus vi to turn away ♦ vt to
of taking auspices; power, command; omen; repulse, decline,
- facere give a sign, aversor, -oris m embezzler,
auspico, -are vi to take the auspices, aversum, -int back.
auspicor, -ari, -atusvi to take the auspices; aversus ppp o/averto ♦ adj in the rear, behind,
to make a beginning ♦ vt to begin, enter backwards; hostile, averse,
upon. averto, -tere, -ti, -sum vt to turn aside, avert;
auster, -rim south wind; south, to divert; to embezzle; to estrange ♦ vi to
austere adv see austerus, withdraw.
austeritas, -atis/severity, avia, -ae/ grandmother,
austerus adj severe, serious; gloomy, avia, -drum ntpi wilderness,
irksome. aviarium, -int aviary, haunt of birds,
australis adj southern, aviarius adj of birds.
austrinus adj from the south, avide adv see avidus.
ausum, -Tnt enterprise. aviditas, -atis/eagerness, longing; avarice.
LATIN-ENGL1SH 23 avidus-Barcas

avidus ad; eager, covetous; avaricious, baculum, -Tm, -us, -I m stick, staff.
greedy; hungry; vast, Baetica/Roman province (now Andalusia).
avis, -is/bird; omen; - alba a rarity, Baeticus ad; see Baetis.
avitus ad; of a grandfather; ancestral, Baetis, -is m river in Spain (now
avius adj out of the way, lonely, untrodden; Guadalquivir).
wandering, astray, Bagrada, -ae m river in Africa (now
avocamentum, -T nt relaxation, Mejerdah).
avocatio, -onis/ diversion, Baiae, -arum fpi Roman spa on Bay of Naples.
avoco, -are vt to call off; to divert, distract; to Baianus adj see n.
amuse. baiulo, -are vt to carry (something heavy).
avolo, -are vi to fly away, hurry away; to baiulus, -Tm porter,
depart, vanish. balaena, -ae/whale,
avolsus, avulsuspppo/avello. balanus, -T/balsam (from an Arabian nut); a
avunculus, -T m uncle (on mother's side); - shellfish.
magnus great-uncle, balatro, -onis m jester,
avus, -T m grandfather; ancestor. bilatus, -us m bleating,
Axenus, -Tm Black Sea. balbus adj stammering,
axicia, axitia, -ae/scissors. balbutio, -Tre vt, vi to stammer, speak
axilla -ae/armpit. indistinctly; (fig) to speak obscurely.
axis, -is m axle, chariot; axis, pole, sky, clime; Baliares, -ium/pi Balearic islands.
Baliaris, Baliaricusad/seen.
azymus ad; unleavened.
balineum etc see balneum etc.
ballista, -ae/fMit) catapult for shooting stones
and other missiles; (fig) weapon,
ballistarium, -T and iTm catapult,
balneae, -arum/pi bath, baths,

B,b balnearia, -drum ntpi bathroom,

balnearius adj of the baths,
balneator, -oris m bath superintendent,
balneolum, -Tnt small bath,
balneum, -Tm bath,
bald, -are vi to bleat,
babae inter; (expressing wonder orjoy) oho! balsamum, -Tnt balsam, balsam tree,
Babylon, -onis/ ancient city on the Euphrates. baltea, -drum ntpi belt (esp swordbelt; woman's
Babylonia/ the country under Babylon. girdle; strapping).
Babylonicus, (-)oniensis adj seen. balteus, -Tm belt (esp swordbelt; woman's
Babylonius ad; Babylonian; Chaldaean, girdle; strapping).
versed in astrology, Bandusia, -aef spring near Horace's birthplace.
baca, -ae/berry; olive; fruit; pearl, baptisma, -tism baptism,
bacatus adj of pearls, baptizo, -are vt (eccl) to baptize,
bacca etc see baca. barathrum, -i m abyss; the lower world; (fig)
baccar, -ism cyclamen. a greedy person,
Baccha, -ae/_Bacchante. barba, -ae/beard.
Bacchanal, -alis nt place consecrated to barbare adv in a foreign language, in Latin; in
Bacchus; (pi) festival of Bacchus. an uncivilized way; roughly, cruelly,
bacchatio, -onis/revel. barbaria, -ae, -es acc, and -em/a foreign
Baccheus, -icus, -ius adj see n. country (outside Greece or Italy); (words)
Bacchiadae, -arum mpl kings of Corinth barbarism; (manners) rudeness, stupidity,
(founders of Syracuse). barbaricus ad; foreign, outlandish; Italian,
bacchor, -ari, -atus vi to celebrate the festival of barbarus ad; foreign, barbarous; (to a Greek)
Bacchus, to revel, rave; to rage. Italian; rude, uncivilized; savage, barbarous
Bacchus, -im god of wine, vegetation, poetry, ♦ m foreigner, barbarian,
and religious ecstasy, vine, wine, barbatulus ad; with a little beard,
bacifer, -T ad; olive-bearing, barbatus adj bearded, adult; ancient
bacillum, -Tnt stick, lictor’s staff. (Romans); of philosophers,
Bactra, -orum ntpi capital of Bactria in central barbiger, -T adj bearded,
Asia (now Balkh). barbitos (acc -on) m lyre, lute,
Bactriana/ Bactria. barbula, -ae/little beard.
Bactrianus and ius adj Bactrian. Barcas, -aem ancestor of Hannibal.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -in = 1st; -in = 2nd; -are ■ 3rd and -ira = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
BarcTnus-Bibulus 24 LATIN-ENGL1SH

Barcinus adj seen. beluosus adj full of monsters.

bardus adj dull, stupid. Belus, -T m Baal; an oriental king.
bardus, -Tm Gallic minstrel. Benacus, -Tm lake in N. Italy (nowGarda),
bard, -dnism dunce. bene adv (compar melius, superi optime) well;
barrus, -Tm elephant. correctly; profitably; very ♦ interj bravo!,
bascauda, -ae/basket (for the table). good!; - dicere speak well; speak well of,
basiatio, -dnis/kiss. praise; - emere buy cheap; - est tibi you are
basilica, -ae/public building used as exchange well off; - facere do well; do good to; - facis
and law court. thank you; rem - gerere be successful; - se
basilice adv royally, in magnificent style, habere have a good time; - habet all is well,
basilicum, -Int regal robe, it’s all right; - mereri de do a service to; -
basilicus adj royal, magnificent ♦ m highest partum honestly acquired; - tel your
throw at dice, health!; - vendere sell at a high price; -
basid, -are vt to kiss, vivere live a happy life.
basis, -is/pedestal, base, benedico, -Icere, -TxT, -ictum vt to speak well
basium, -Iand ilm kiss. of, praise; (eccl) to bless,
Bassareus, -elm Bacchus. benedictio, -onis/frcct) blessing,
Batavi, -drum mpi people of Batavia (now beneficentia, -ae/kindness.
Holland). beneficiarii, -orum mpi privileged soldiers,
batillum, -Tm firepan. beneficium, -I and ilm benefit, favour; (pot,
Battiades, -ae m Callimachus, mil) promotion; -6 tuo thanks to you.
batuo, -ere, -Ivt to beat, beneficus adj generous, obliging.
baubor, -arlvi (of dogs) to howl. Beneventanus adj see n.
Baucis, -idis/ wife of Philemon. Beneventum, -Tm town in S. Italy (now
beate adv see beatus, Benevento).
beatitas, -atis/happiness, benevole adv see benevolus,
beatitudd, -inis/happiness, benevolens, -entis adj kind-hearted,
beatulus, -Tm the blessed man. benevolentia, -ae/ goodwill, friendliness,
beatus adj happy; prosperous, well-off; rich, benevolus adj kindly, friendly; (of servants)
abundant. devoted.
Bedriacensis adj see n. benigne adv willingly, courteously;
Bedriacum, -Tm village in N. Italy. generously; (colloq) no thank you; - facere do
Belgae, -arum mpi people of N. Gaul (now a favour.
Belgium). benignitas, -atis/kindness; liberality,
Belides, -Tdae m Danaus, Aegyptus, Lynceus. bounty.
Belides, -um fpi Danaids. benignus adj kind, friendly; favourable;
bellaria, -drum mpi dessert, confectionery, liberal, lavish; fruitful, bounteous,
bellator, -oris m warrior, fighter ♦ adj bed, -are, -avl, -atum vt to gladden, bless,
warlike. enrich.
bellatorius adj aggressive, Berecyntia/Cybele.
bellatrix, -Tcis/warrioress ♦ adj warlike, Berecyntius adj of Berecyntus; of Cybele.
belle adv well, nicely; - habere be well (in Berecyntus, -I m mountain in Phrygia sacred to
health). Cybele.
Bellerophon, -ontism slayer of Chimaera, rider Berenice, -es/ a queen of Egypt) coma ~es a
of Pegasus. constellation,
Bellerophonteus adj see n. beryllus, -Tm beryl.
bellicosus adj warlike. bes, bessis m two-thirds of the as; two-thirds,
bellicus adj of war, military; -um canere give bestia, -ae/beast; wild animal for the arena,
the signal for marching or attack, bestiirius adj of beasts ♦ m beast fighter in
belliger, -Tadj martial, the arena.
belligero, -are, -avl, -atum vi to wage war. bestiola, -ae/small animal,
bellipotens, -entis adj strong in war. beta, -ae/beet.
belld, -are, -avl, -atum vi to fight, wage war. beta nt indecl Greek letter beta,
Bellona, -aef goddess of war. bibiper/o/bibo.
bellor, -arlvi to fight, bibliopola, -ae m bookseller,
bellulus adj pretty. bibliotheca, -ae, -e, -es/ library,
bellum, -Tm war, warfare; battle; - gerere bibo, -ere, -I vt to drink; to live on the banks
wage war; ~T in war. of (a river); to drink in, absorb; (fig) to listen
bellus adj pretty, handsome; pleasant, nice, attentively, be imbued; - aquas be drowned;
belua, -ae/beast, monster (esp large and Graeco more - drink to one’s health,
fierce); any animal; (fig) brute; - Gaetula bibulus adj fond of drink, thirsty; (things)
India elephant. thirsty.
beluatus adj embroidered with animals. Bibulus, -I m consul with Caesar in 59 BC.
LATIN-ENGLISH 25 biceps-bonum

biceps, -ipitis adj two-headed. - tanto, tantum twice as much; - terque

biclinium, -Tand iint dining couch for two. frequently; -• terve seldom,
bicolor, -oris adj two-coloured, bissextus, -Im intercalary day after 24th
bicorniger, -7 adj two-horned, Feb.
bicornis ad; two-horned, two-pronged; (rivers) Bistones, -um mpl people of Thrace.
two-mouthed. Bistonis/ Thracian woman, Bacchante.
bicorpor, -is adj two-bodied. Bistonius adj Thracian,
bidens, -entis ad; with two teeth or prongs bisulcilingua, -aeadj fork-tongued, deceitful,
♦ m hoe ♦ / sheep (or other sacrificial animal). bisulcus adj cloven.
bidental, -alis nt a place struck by lightning, Bithynia, -iae/ province of Asia Minor.
biduum, -Tm two days. Bithynicus, Bithynius, -us adj see Bithynia,
biennium -7 and iint two years, bito, -ere vi to go.
bifariam adv in two parts, twice, bitumen, -inis nt bitumen, a kind of pitch,
bifer, -7 adj flowering twice a year, bitumineus adj see bitumen,
bifidus adj split in two. bivium nt two ways,
biforis adj double-doored; double, bivius adj two-way.
biformatus, biformis adj with two forms, blaesus adj lisping, indistinct,
bifrons, -ontis adj two-headed, blande adv see blandus,
bifurcus adj two-pronged, forked. blandidicus adj fair-spoken,
b7gae, -arum fpi chariot and pair, blandiloquentia, -ae/attractive language,
bigatus adj stamped with a chariot and pair. blandiloquus, -entulusadj fair-spoken,
biiug7, -drum mpl two horses yoked abreast; blandimentum, -Int compliment,
chariot with two horses, allurement.
biiugis, biiugusadj yoked, blandior, -Iri, -Itus vi to coax, caress; to
biiibra, -ae/two pounds, flatter, pay compliments; (things) to please,
bilibris adj holding two pounds, entice.
bilinguis adj double-tongued; bilingual; blanditia, -a e/caress, flattery; charm,
deceitful. allurement.
bilis, -is/bile, gall; (fig) anger, displeasure; - blanditim adv caressingly,
atra, nigra melancholy; madness, blandus adj smooth-tongued, flattering,
bilix, -icisadj double-stranded, fawning; charming, winsome,
biiustris adj ten years, blatero, -are vi to babble,
bimaris adj between two seas, blatio, -ire vt to babble,
bimaritus, -7 m bigamist, blatta, -ae/cockroach,
bimater, -risadj having two mothers, blennus, -I m idiot,
bimembris adj half man, half beast; (pO bliteus adj silly,
Centaurs. blitum, -i nt kind of spinach,
bimestris adj of two months, two months old. boarius adj of cattle; forum -um cattle market in
bimulus adj only two years old. Rome.
bimus adj two years old, for two years, Bodotria, -ae/ Firth of Forth.
bini, binae, bina num two each, two by two; a Boeotarches m chief magistrate of Boeotia.
pair; (with pi nouns having a meaning) two. Boeotia, -iae/ district of central Greece.
binoctium, -i and iinr two nights, Boeotius, -us adj seen,
binominis adj with two names. boiae, -arum fpi collar.
Bion, -onis m satirical philosopher. Boil, -drum mpl people ofS.E. Gaul.
Bioneus adj satirical. Boiohaemi, -orum mpl Bohemians,
bipalmis adj two spans long. boletus, -im mushroom,
bipartito adv in two parts, in two directions. bolus, -im (dice) throw; (net) cast; (fig) haul,
bipartitus adj divided in two. piece of good luck; titbit,
bipatens, -entis adj double-opening. bombus, -im booming, humming, buzzing,
bipedalis adj two feet long broad or thick. bombycinus adj of silk,
bipennifer, -iadj wielding a battle-axe. bombyx, -ycism silkworm; silk.
bipennis adj two-edged ♦/battle-axe. Bona Dea, -ae, -ae/ goddess worshipped by
bipertito etc see bipartito. women.
bipes, -edis adj two-footed ♦ m biped. bonitas, -atis/goodness; honesty, integrity;
biremis adj two-oared; with two banks of oars kindness, affability.
♦ / two-oared skiff; galley with two banks of Bononia, -ae/town in N. Italy (nowBologna).
oars. Bononiensis adj see n.
bis adv twice, double; - ad eundem make the bonum, -int a moral good; advantage,
same mistake twice; - die, in die twice a day; blessing; (pi) property; cuT -6? who was the

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
bonus-Byzantius 26 LATIN-ENGLISH

gainer? breviter adv concisely.

bonus adj (comparmelior, super/ optimus) Brigantes, -um mpl British tribe in N. England.
good; kind; brave; loyal; beneficial; lucky Briganticus adj see n.
♦ mpl upper class party, conservatives; -a Briseis, -idos/ captive of Achilles.
aetas prime of life; -6 animo of good cheer; Britannia, -iae/Britain; the British Isles.
well-disposed; -ae artes integrity; culture, Britannicus m son of emperor Claudius.
liberal education; - a dicta witticisms; -a Britannus, (-icus) adj see n.
fides good faith; ~T mores morality; -T nummT Bromius, -T and i i m Bacchus,
genuine money; -a pars large part; bruma, -ae/winter solstice, midwinter;
conservative party; -ae res comforts, winter.
luxuries; prosperity; morality; -a venia with brumalis adj of the winter solstice; wintry; -
kind permission; -a verba words of good flexus tropic of Capricorn.
omen; well-chosen diction; ~a vox loud voice, Brundisinus adj see n.
boo, -are vi to cry aloud. Brundisium, -i and ilnt port in S.E. Italy (now
Bootes, -ae nt constellation containing Arcturus. Brindisi).
Boreas, -ae m north wind; north. Brutti I, -drum mpl people of the toe of Italy.
BoreuS adj seen. Bruttius adj see n.
Borysthenes, -is m river Dnieper. brutus adj heavy, unwieldy; stupid, irrational.
Borysthenidae mpl dwellers near the Dnieper. Brutus, -T m liberator of Rome from kings;
Borysthenius adj see Borysthenidae, murderer of Caesar.
bos, bovis m/f ox, cow; kind of turbot; - Luca bubile, -ism stall,
elephant; bovi clitellas imponere = puta bubo, -onismtfowl.
round peg in a square hole. bubula, -ae/beef.
Bosporanus adj see n. bubulcitor, -ari vi to drive oxen,
Bosporius adj: ~ Cimmerius strait from Sea of bubulcus, -Tm ploughman,
Azov to Black Sea. bubulus adj of cattle,
Bosporus, -T m strait from Black Sea to Sea of bucaeda, -ae m flogged slave,
Marmora. bucca, -ae/cheek; mouth; ranter,
Boudicca, -ae/British queen (falsely called bucco, -onis m babbler,
Boadicea). buccula, -ae/visor.
bovarius etc see boarius. bucculentus adj fat-cheeked,
Bovillae, -arum fpi ancient Latin town. bucerus adj horned,
Bovillanus adj seen, bucina, -ae/ shepherd’s horn; military
bovillus adj of oxen, trumpet; night watch,
bracae, -arum/pi trousers, bucinator, -oris m trumpeter,
bracatus adj trousered; barbarian (esp of bucolica, -orum ntpl pastoral poetry,
tribes beyond the Alps). bucula, -ae/young cow.
bracchialis adj of the arm. bufo, -onis m toad,
bracchiolum, -Tnt dainty arm. bulbus, -Im bulb; onion,
bracchium, -T and ilnt arm, forearm; bule, -es/Greek senate,
(shellfish) claw; (tree) branch; (sea) arm; buleuta m senator,
(aiaut) yardarm; (mil) outwork, mole; lev?, buleuterium nt senate house,
moll? bracchio casually, bulla, -ae/bubble; knob, stud; gold charm
bractea etc see brattea. worn round the neck by children of noblemen.
brassica, -ae/cabbage. bullatus adj wearing the bulla; still a child,
brattea, -ae/gold leaf, bumastus, -T/kind of vine,
bratteola, -ae/very fine gold leaf. buris, -ism plough-beam.
Brennus, -I m Gallic chief who defeated the Burrus old form of Pyrrhus.
Romans. Busiris, -idism Egyptian king killed by Hercules.
brevladv shortly, soon; briefly, in a few words, bustirapus, -Im graverobber.
brevia, -ium ntpl shoals, bustuarius adj at a funeral,
breviarium, -T and ilnt summary, statistical bustum, -Im funeral place; tomb, grave,
survey, official report, buxifer, -Iadj famed for its box trees,
breviculus adj shortish, buxum, -Int boxwood; flute, top, comb, tablet,
breviloquens, -entis adj brief, buxus, -I/box tree; flute.
brevis adj short, small, shallow; brief, short¬ Byzantium, -I and ilnt city on Bosporus (later
lived; concise. Constantinople, now Istanbul).
brevitas, -atis/shortness, smallness; Byzantius adj see n.
brevity, conciseness.
LATIN-ENGUSH 27 caballmus-Caius

C,c on credit; -urn corpus the back,

caedes, -is/murder, massacre; gore; the
caedo, -ere, cecidi, caesum vt to cut; to
strike; to kill, cut to pieces; (animals) to
caelamen, -inis m engraved work,
caelator, -dris m engraver,
caballinus ad; horse’s, caelatura, -ae/ engraving in bas-relief,
caballus, -?m horse, caelebs, -ibis adj unmarried (bachelor or
cacatus ad; impure, widower); (trees) with no vine trained on.
cachinnatio, -onis/loud laughter, caeles, -itisad; celestial ♦ mpi the gods,
cachinno, -arevi to laugh, guffaw, caelestis, -is ad; of the sky, heavenly; divine;
cachinno, -onism scoffer, glorious ♦ mpi the gods ♦ mpi the heavenly
cachinnus, -T m laugh, derisive laughter; bodies.
(waves) splashing. Caelianus ad; seen,
caco, -are vi to evacuate the bowels, caelibatus, -us m celibacy,
cacoethes, -is nt (fig) itch, caelicola, -aem god.
cacula, -aem soldier’s slave, caelifer, -i adj supporting the sky.
cacumen, -inis nt extremity, point, summit, Caelius, -i m Roman name; Roman hill,
treetop; (fig) height, limit, caelo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to engrave (in relief
cacumino, -are vt to make pointed. on metals), carve (on wood); (fig) to compose,
Cacus, -im giant robber, son of Vulcan. caelum, -T m engraver’s chisel,
cadaver, -is nt corpse, carcass, caelum, -Tm sky, heaven; air, climate,
cadaverosus ad; ghastly. weather; (fig) height of success, glory; -urn
Cadmea, -eae/ fortress of Thebes. ac terras miscere create chaos; ad -um ferre
Cadmeis, -eidis/ Agave; Ino; Semele. extol; de ~6 delapsus a messiah; de -6
Cadmeus, (-eius) adj of Cadmus; Theban. servare watch for omens; de -6tangi be
Cadmus, -T m founder of Thebes. struck by lightning; digito -um attingere -
cado, -ere, cecidi, casum vi to fall; to droop, be in the seventh heaven; in -6 esse be
die, be killed; (astro) to set; (dice) to be overjoyed.
thrown; (events) to happen, turn out; (money) caementum, -Tm quarrystone, rubble,
to be due; (strength, speech, courage) to caenosus ad; muddy,
diminish, cease, fail; (wind, rage) to subside; caenum, -Tm mud, filth,
(words) to end; - in suit, agree with; come caepa, -a e/, caepe, -is m onion.
under; - sub be exposed to; animTs - be Caere nt indecl (gen -itis, abl -ete)/ ancient
disheartened; causa - lose one’s case, Etruscan town.
caduceator, -oris m officer with flag of truce, Caeres, -itis and etis adj: -ite cera digni like
caduceus, -Tm herald’s staff; Mercury’s the disfranchised masses,
wand. caerimonia, -ae/sanctity; veneration (for
caducifer, -Tad; with herald’s staff, gods); religious usage, ritual,
caducus ad; falling, fallen; (fig) perishable, caeruleus, caerulus adj blue, dark blue, dark
fleeting, vain; (law) without an heir ♦ nt green, dusky ♦ ntpl the sea.
property without an heir. Caesar, -is m Julius (great Roman soldier,
Cadurci, -orum mpi Gallic tribe. statesman, author); Augustus; the emperor.
Cadurcum, -Tm linen coverlet, Caesareus, and ianus, and inus adj see n.
cadus, -im jar, flask (esp for wine); urn. caesariatus ad; bushy-haired,
caecigenus adj born blind. caesaries, -ei/hair.
Caecilianus adj see n. caesicius adj bluish.
Caecilius, -i m Roman name (esp early Latin caesim adv with the edge of the sword; (rhct)
comic poet). in short clauses.
caecitas, -atis/blindness. caesius adj bluish grey, blue-eyed.
caeco, -are, -avi, -atum vt to blind; to make caespes, -itis m sod, turf; mass of roots.
obscure. caestus, -us m boxing glove.
Caecubum, -Tnt choice wine from the Ager caesus pppo/ caedo.
Caecubus in S. Latium. caetra, -ae/targe.
caecus adj blind; invisible, secret; dark, caetratus ad; armed with a targe.
obscure; (fig) aimless, unknown, uncertain; Caicus, -T m river in Asia Minor.
apparat -6 = it's as clear as daylight; domus -a Caieta, -ae, -e, -es/ town in Latium.
a house with no windows; ~a die emere buy Caius etc see Gaius.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
Calaber-cammarus 28 LATIN-ENGLISH

Calaber, -riad; Calabrian. callide adv see callidus,

Calabria/S.E. peninsula of Italy. calliditas, -atis/skill; cunning,
Calamis, -idis m Greek sculptor. callidus ad; skilful, clever; crafty.
calamister, -ri m, -rum, -ri nt curling iron; Callimachus, -Tm Greek poet of Alexandria.
(rhet) flourish. Calliope, -es, and ea, -eae/ Muse of epic
calamistratus ad; curled; foppish, poetry.
calamitas, -atis/ disaster; (mil) defeat; (agr) callis, -ism footpath, mountain track; pass;
damage, failure, hill pastures.
calamitose adv see calamitosus, Callisto, -US/daughter of Lycaon; (constellation)
calamitosusadj disastrous, ruinous; blighted, Great Bear.
unfortunate. callosus ad; hard-skinned; solid,
calamus, -Tm reed; stalk; pen, pipe, arrow, callum, -Tnt hard orthick skin; firm flesh; (Tig)
fishing rod. callousness.
calathiscus, -T m small basket, calo, -are, -avT, -atum vt to convoke,
calathus, -Tm wicker basket; bowl, cup. calo, -onism soldier’s servant; drudge,
calator, -orism servant, calor, -oris m warmth, heat; (fig) passion,
calcaneum, -Tm heel, love.
calcar, -arism spur, Calpe, -es/Rock of Gibraltar.
calceamentum, -Im shoe, Calpurnianus adj see n.
calceatus ppp shod, Calpurnius, -Tm Roman name.
calceolarius, -T and ilm shoemaker, caltha, -ae/marigold.
calceolus, -Tm small shoe, calthula, -ae/yellow dress.
calceus, -T m shoe. caluTperf of calesco.
Calchas, -antis m Greek prophet at Troy. calumnia, -ae/chicanery, sharp practice;
calcitro, -are vi to kick; (fig) to resist, subterfuge; misrepresentation; (law)
calco, -are, -avT, -atum vt to tread, trample dishonest accusation, blackmail; being
on; (fig) to spurn. convicted of malicious prosecution; -am
calculus, -T m pebble, stone; draughtsman, iurare swear that an action is brought in
counting stone, reckoning, voting stone; good faith.
-um reducere take back a move; ~os calumniator, -oris m legal trickster,
subducere compute; ad ~os vocare subject to slanderer.
a reckoning. calumnior, -ari, -atusvt to misrepresent,
caldarius ad; with warm water. slander; (law) to bring an action in bad faith;
caldus etc see calidus. se - deprecate oneself,
Caledonia, -ae/the Scottish Highlands. calva, -ae/bald head,
Caledonius adj see n. calvitium, -T and iTm baldness,
calefacio, (calfacio), -facere, -fecT, -factum calvor, -arivt to deceive,
vt to warm, heat; (fig) to provoke, excite, calvus ad; bald.
calefacto, -are v( to warm. calx, -cis/ heel; foot; -ce petere, ferire kick;
Calendae see Kalendae. adversus stimulum ~ces = kicking against the
Calenus ad; of Cales ♦ nt wine of Cales, pricks.
caleo, -ere vi to be warm, be hot, glow; (mind) calx, -cis/pebble; lime, chalk; finishing line,
to be inflamed; (things) to be pursued with end; ad carceres a -ce revocari have to begin
enthusiasm; to be fresh. all over again.
Cales, -ium fpl town in Campania. Calydon, -onis/ town in Aetolia.
calesco, -ere, -uTvi to get hot; (fig) to become Calydonis ad; Calydonian.
inflamed. Calydonius/Deianira; -onius amnis
calide adv promptly. Achelous; ~ heros Meleager; -onia regna
calidus adj warm, hot; (fig) fiery, eager; hasty; Daunia in S. Italy.
prompt ♦ / warm water ♦ nt warm drink, Calypso, -us (acc -6)/ nymph who detained
caliendrum, -Tm headdress of hair, Ulysses in Ogygia.
caliga, -ae/soldier’s boot, camelinus ad; camel’s,
caligatus ad; heavily shod, camella, -ae/wine cup.
caliginosus ad; misty, obscure. camelus, -Tm camel.
caITgo, -inis/mist, fog; dimness, darkness; Camena, -ae/Muse; poetry,
(mind) obtuseness; (circs) trouble. camera, -ae/arched roof.
caITgo, -are vi to be misty, be dim; to cause Camerinum, -Tm town in Umbria.
dizziness. Camers, -tis, and tlnus adj of Camerinum.
Caligula, -aem emperor Gaius. Camillus, -Tm Roman hero (who saved Rome
calix, -cis m wine cup; cooking pot. from the Gauls).
calleo, -ere vi to be thick-skinned; (fig) to be camTnus, -T m furnace, fire; forge; oleum
unfeeling; to be wise, be skilful ♦ vt to know, addere ~6 = add fuel to the flames.
understand. cammarus, -Tm lobster.
LATIN-ENGLISH 29 Campania-capic

Campania, -ias f district of W. Italy. canor, -orism song, tune, sound,

Campanicus, and ius, and us ad; Campanian, canorus ad; musical, melodious; singsong 4 nt
Capuan. melodiousness.
campe, -es/evasion, Cantaber, -rim Cantabrian.
campester, -risadj of the plain; of the Cantabria, -riae/ district of N Spain.
Campus Martius ♦ nt loincloth ♦ ntpl level Cantabricus adj see n.
ground. cantamen, -inisnt charm,
campus, -T m plain; sports field; any level cantharis, -idis/beetle; Spanish fly.
surface; (fig) theatre, arena (of action, cantharus, -Im tankard,
debate)', - Martius level ground by the Tiber cantherinus ad; of a horse,
(used for assemblies, sports, military drills). cantherius, -I and iim gelding,
Camulodunum, -Int town of Trinobantes canticum, -Tnt aria in Latin comedy, song,
(now Colchester), cantilena, -ae/old song, gossip; -am eandem
camur, -Tad; crooked, canere keep harping on the same theme,
canalis, -is m pipe, conduit, canal, cantio, -onis/song; charm,
cancelli, -drum mpi grating, enclosure; cantito, -are, -avT, -atum vt to sing orplay
barrier (in public places), bar of law court, often.
cancer, -r?m crab; (constellation) Cancer; Cantium, -Iand ilm Kent,
south, tropical heat; (med) cancer, cantiunculae, -arumjpi fascinating strains,
candefacio, -ere vt to make dazzlingly white, canto, -are, -avT, -atum to sing; to play;
candela, -ae/taper, tallow candle; waxed to sing about, recite, celebrate; to proclaim,
cord; -am apponere valvis set the house on harp on; to use magic spells; to sound; to
fire. drawl.
candelabrum, -Im candlestick, chandelier, cantor, -orism, -rlx, -ricis/singer, musician,
lampstand. poet; actor.
candens, -entis ad; dazzling white; white-hot. cantus, -us m singing, playing, music;
candeo, -erevi to shine, be white; to be white- prophecy; magic spell,
hot^ canus adj white, grey, hoary; old 4 mpl grey
candesco, -ere vi to become white; to grow hairs.
white-hot. Canusinus adj see n.
candidatorius ad; of a candidate, Canusium, -Tnt town in Apulia (famous for
candidatus ad; dressed in white 4 m woof).
candidate for office, capacitas, -atis/spaciousness,
candideadv in white; sincerely, capax, -acis adj capable of holding, spacious,
candidulus ad; pretty white, roomy; capable, able, fit.
candidus ad; white, bright; radiant, beautiful; capedo, -inis/ sacrificial dish,
clothed in white; (style) clear; (mind) candid, capeduncula/small dish,
frank; (circs) happy; -a sententia acquittal, capella, -ae/she-goat; (astro) bright star in
candor, -oris m whiteness, brightness, Auriga.
beauty; (fig) brilliance, sincerity, Capena, -ae/ old Etruscan town.
canens, -entis adj white, Capenas, -us ad;: Porta -a Roman gate leading
caneo, -ere, -uT vi to be grey, be white, to the Via Appia.
canesco, -ere vi to grow white; to grow old. caper, -ri m goat; odour of the armpits,
canicula, -ae/bitch; Dog Star, Sirius, caperro, -are vi to wrinkle,
caninus ad; dog’s, canine; snarling, spiteful; - capesso, -ere, -Ivi, -Itum vt to seize, take
littera letter R. hold of, try to reach, make for; to take in
canis, -is m/f dog, bitch; (fig) shameless or hand, engage in; rem publicam - go in for
angry person; hanger-on; (dice) lowest politics.
throw; (astro) Canis Major, Canis Minor; capillatus ad) long-haired; ancient,
(myth) Cerberus, capillus, -Im hair (of head or beard); a hair,
canistrum, -Int wicker basket, capio, -ere, cepi, captum vt to take, seize; to
canities, -el/greyness; grey hair; old age. catch, capture; (mil) to occupy, take
canna, -ae/reed; pipe; gondola, prisoner; (naut) to make, reach (a goaf)', (fig)
cannabis, -is/hemp. to captivate, charm, cheat; (pass) to be
Cannae, -arum fpl village in Apulia (scene of maimed, lose the use of; to choose;
great Roman defeat by Hannibaf). (appearance) to assume; (habit) to cultivate;
Cannensis adj see n. (duty) to undertake; (ideas) to conceive,
cano, canere, cecini vt, vi to sing; to play; to form; (feeling) to experience; (harm) to
sing about, recite, celebrate; to prophesy; suffer; to receive, get, inherit; to contain,
(mil) to sound; (birds) to sing, crow. hold; (fig) to bear; (mind) to grasp; consilium

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -Tre = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
capis-carpo 30 LATIN-ENGLISH

- come to a decision; impetum - gather secret; in -ita per head; supra ~ut esse be
momentum; initium - start; oculo capi lose imminent.
an eye; mente captus insane; cupido eum Car, -is m Carian.
cepit he felt a desire. carbaseus adj linen, canvas,
capis, -dis/ sacrificial bowl with one handle. carbasus, -I/(pi-a, -drum nt) Spanish flax, fine
capistratus adj haltered, linen; garment, sail, curtain,
capistrum, -I nt halter, muzzle, carbo, -onis m charcoal, embers,
capital, -alis nt capital crime, carbonarius, -I and ii m charcoal burner,
capitalist mortal, deadly, dangerous; (law) carbunculus, -Im small coal; precious stone,
capital; important, excellent, career, -is m prison; jailbird; barrier, starting
capito, -onis m bighead. place (for races); ad -es a calce revocari have
Capitolinus ad; of the Capitol; of Jupiter. to begin all over again,
Capitolium, -In» Roman hill with temple of carcerarius adj of a prison,
Jupiter. carchesium, -I and ilnt drinking cup; (naut)
capitulatim adv summarily, masthead.
capitulum, -I nt small head; person, creature. cardiacus, -I m dyspeptic,
Cappadocia, -a e/country of Asia Minor. cardo, -inis m hinge; (astro) pole, axis,
capra, -ae/she-goat; odour of armpits; (astro) cardinal point; (fig) juncture, critical
Capella. moment.
caprea, -ae/roe. carduus, -Im thistle,
Capreae, -arum fpi island of Capri, care adv see carus,
capreolus, -I m roebuck; (pi) crossbeams. carectum, -Int sedge,
Capricornus, -Tm (constellation) Capricorn careo, -ere, -ulvi (with abl) to be free from,
(associated with midwinter). not have, be without; to abstain from, be
caprificus, -T/wild fig tree, absent from; to want, miss,
caprigenus ad; of goats, carex, -icis/sedge.
caprimulgus, -Tm goatherd, rustic, Caria, -ae/ district ofS. W. Asia Minor.
caprinus ad; of goats, Caricus adj Carian ♦ / dried fig.
capripes, -edis ad; goat-footed, caries (acc-em, abl-e)f dry rot.
capsa, -ae/box (esp for papyrus rolls). carina, -ae/keel; ship.
CapSO archaic fut of capio, Carinae, -arum fpi district of Rome.
capsula, -ae/small box; de ~a totus = out of a carinarius, -i and ii m dyer of yellow,
bandbox. cariosus adj crumbling; (fig) withered,
Capta, -ae/Minerva, caris, -idis/ kind of crab,
captatio, -onis/catching at. caritas, -atis/ dearness, high price; esteem,
captator, -oris m one who courts; legacy affection.
hunter. carmen, -inis nt song, tune; poem, poetry,
captio, -onis/fraud; disadvantage; verse; prophecy; (in law, religion) formula;
(argument) fallacy, sophism, moral text.
captiose adv see captiosus, Carmentalis adj see n.
captiosus ad; deceptive; dangerous; captious, Carmentis, -is, and a, -ae/prophetess, mother
captiuncula, -ae/quibble. of Evander.
captivitas, -atis/captivity; capture, carnarium, -i and ilnt fleshhook; larder.
captivus adj captive, captured; of captives ♦ Carneades, -is m Greek philosopher (founder
mjf prisoner of war. of the New Academy).
capto, -are, -avl, -atum vt to try to catch, Carneadeus adj see n.
chase; to try to win, court, watch for; to carnifex, -icism executioner, hangman;
deceive, trap. scoundrel; murderer,
captus ppp of capio ♦ m prisoner, carnificina, -ae/execution; torture; -am
captus, -us m grasp, notion. facere be an executioner,
Capua, -ae / chief town of Campania. carnifico, -are vt to behead, mutilate,
capularis ad) due for a coffin, carnuf- etc see carnif-.
capulus, -Im coffin; handle, hilt, caro, -nis/flesh.
caput, -itis nt head; top, extremity; (rivers) card, -ere vt to card.
source; (more rarely) mouth; person, Carpathius adj see n.
individual; life; civil rights; (person) chief, Carpathus, -I/ island between Crete and
leader; (towns) capital; (money) principal; Rhodes.
(writing) substance, chapter; principle, main carpatina, -ae/leather shoe,
point, the great thing; - cenae main dish; carpentum, -Int two-wheeled coach,
-itis accusare charge with a capital offence; carpo, -ere, -si, -turn vt to pick, pluck,
—itis damnare condemn to death; -itis gather; to tear off; to browse, graze on;
deminutio loss of political rights; -itis poena (wool) to card; (fig) to enjoy, snatch; to carp
capital punishment; -ita conferre confer in at, slander; to weaken, wear down; to divide
LAT1N-ENGL1SH 31 carptim-Caudmus

up; (Journey) to go, travel, castrensis ad; of the camp, military,

carptim adv in parts; at different points; at castro, -irevt to castrate; (fig) to weaken,
different times, castrum, -Tm fort.
carptor, -oris m carver, castus adj clean, pure, chaste, innocent; holy,
carptus ppp of carpo, pious.
carrus, -Tm waggon. casu adv by chance,
Carthaginiensis ad) see n. casula, -ae/little cottage,
Carthago, -inis/Carthage (near Tunis)-, ~ casus, -us m fall, downfall; event, chance,
Nova town in Spain (nowCartagena), accident; misfortune, death; opportunity;
caruncula, -ae/piece of flesh, (time) end; (gram) case.
carus adj dear, costly; dear, beloved. Catadupa, -orum mpi Nile cataract near Syene.
Carysteus adj see n. catagraphus ad; painted.
Carystos, -T/town in Euboea (famous for CatamTtus, -T m Ganymede,
marble). cataphractes, -ae m coat of mail,
casa, -ae/cottage, hut. cataphractus od; wearing mail,
cascus ad; old. cataplus, -T m ship arriving,
caseolus, -Tm small cheese. catapulta, -aef(Mn) catapult; (fig) missile,
caseus, -Tm cheese. catapultarius ad; thrown by catapult,
casia, -ae/ cinnamon; spurge laurel. cataracta, -ae/waterfall; sluice; drawbridge,
Caspius adj Caspian. catasta, -ae/stage, scaffold,
Cassandra, -ae/ Trojan princess and cate adv see catus,
prophetess, doomed never to be believed. cateia, -ae/javelin,
casses, -ium mpi net, snare; spider’s web. catella, -ae/small chain,
Cassianus adj see n. catellus, -Tm puppy,
cassida, -ae/helmet. catena, -ae/chain; fetter; (fig) bond,
Cassiepea, -ae, Cassiope, -es /mother of restraint; series,
Andromeda-, a constellation, catenatus adj chained, fettered,
cassis, -idis/helmet. caterva, -ae/crowd, band; flock; (mil) troop,
Cassius, -Tm Roman family name. body; (treat) company,
casso, -are vi to shake. catervatim adv in companies,
cassus ad; empty; devoid of, without (abf); cathedra, -ae/armchair, sedan chair;
vain, useless; - lumine dead; in -urn in vain. teacher’s chair.
Castalia, -ae/spring on Parnassus, (sacred to catholicus adj (eccl) orthodox, universal.
Apollo and the Muses). CatilTna, -aem Catiline (conspirator suppressed
Castaiides, -dum fpi Muses. by Cicero).
Castalius, -S adj see n. CatilTnariuS adj see n.
castanea, -ae/chestnut tree; chestnut. catTllo, -are vt to lick a plate.
caste adv see castus. catTllus, -Tm small dish.
castellanus ad; of a fortress ♦ mpi garrison, catTnus, -T m dish, pot.
castellatim adv in different fortresses, Cato, -onism famous censor and author,
castellum, -Tm fortress, castle; (fig) defence, idealised as the pattern of an ancient Roman;
refuge. famous Stoic and republican leader against
casteria, -ae/rowers’ quarters. Caesar.
castTgabilis adj punishable. Catonianus adj see n.
castTgatio, -dnis/correction, reproof. CatonTnT mpi Cato’s supporters,
castTgator, -oris m reprover. catonium, -T and iTm the lower world.
castTgatusad; small, slender. Catullianus adj see n.
castTgo, -are, -avT, -atum vt to correct, Catullus, -T m Latin lyric poet.
punish; to reprove; to restrain, catulus, -Tm puppy; cub, young of other
castimonia, -ae/purity, morality; chastity, animals.
abstinence. catus adj clever, wise; sly, cunning.
castitas, -atis/chastity, Caucasius ad; see n.
castor, -oris m beaver. Caucasus, -Tm Caucasus mountains,
Castor, -oris m twin brother of Pollux (patron cauda, -ae/tail; -am iactare fawn; -am
of sailors)-, star in Gemini, trahere be made a fool of.
castoreum, -Tm odorous secretion of the beaver. caudeus adj wooden.
castra, -orum mpi camp; day’s march; army caudex, -icis m trunk; block of wood; book,
life; (fig) party, sect; - movere strike camp; ledger; (fig) blockhead,
- munire construct a camp; - ponere pitch caudicalis ad; of woodcutting.
camp; bina - two camps. Caudmus adj seen.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -are = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -Tre = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
Caudium-cenatus 32 LATIN-ENGLISH

Caudium, -Tnt Samnite town. Cea, -ae/Aegean island (birthplace of

caulae, -arum jpi opening; sheepfold, Simonides).
caulis, -is m stalk; cabbage. cecidTper/o/ cadd.
Cauneus adj Caunian. cecidi perfof caedo,
Caunus, -if town in Caria ♦ fpl dried figs, cecini perfof cano.
caupo, -onis m shopkeeper, innkeeper, Cecropides, -idae m Theseus; Athenian.
caupona, -a e/ shop, inn. Cecropis, -idis/Aglauros; Procne; Philomela;
cauponius adj see n. Athenian, Attic.
cauponor, -arivt to trade in. Cecropius adj Athenian ♦ / Athens.
cauponula, -ae/tavern. Cecrops, -is m ancient king of Athens.
Caurus, -I m north-west wind, cedo, -ere, cessi, cessum vi to go, walk; to
causa, -ae/cause, reason; purpose, sake; depart, withdraw, retreat; to pass away, die;
excuse, pretext; opportunity; connection, (events) to turn out; to be changed (into); to
case, position; (law) case, suit; (pol) cause, accrue (to); to yield, be inferior (to) ♦ vt to
party; (rhet) subject matter; -am agere, give up, concede, allow; - bonis, possessione
orare plead a case; -am defendere speak for make over property (to); - ford go bankrupt;
the defence; -am dicere defend oneself; -a - loco leave one’s post; - memoria be
for the sake of; cum -a with good reason; forgotten.
qua de -a for this reason; in -a esse be cedo (pi cette) impv give me, bring here; tell
responsible; per -am under the pretext, me; let me; look at!
causarius adj (mil) unfit for service, cedrus, -T/ cedar, perfumed juniper; cedar
causia, -ae/Macedonian hat. oil.
causidicus, -im advocate, Celaeno, -us/a Harpy; a Pleiad.
causificor, -ari vi to make a pretext, celata ntpi secrets.
causor, -ari, -atus vt, vi to pretend, make an celeber, -ris adj crowded, populous;
excuse of. honoured, famous; repeated,
caussa etc see causa. celebratio, -onis/throng; celebration,
causula, -ae/petty lawsuit; slight cause, celebratus adj full, much used; festive;
caute adv carefully, cautiously; with security, famous.
cautela, -ae/caution, celebritas, -atis/crowd; celebration; fame,
cautes, -is/rock, crag, celebro, -are, -avi, -atum vt to crowd,
cautim adv warily. frequent; to repeat, practise; to celebrate,
cautio, -onis/caution, wariness; (law) keep (a festival); to advertise, glorify,
security, bond, bail; mihi - est I must take celer, -is adj quick, swift, fast; hasty.
care; mea - est I must see to it. Celeres^um mpl royal bodyguard,
cautor, -oris m wary person; surety, celeripes, -edis adj swift-footed,
cautuspppof caveo ♦ adj wary, provident; celeritas, -atis/speed, quickness,
safe, secure. celeriter adv see celer.
cavaedium, -T and ilnt inner court of a house, celero, -are vt to quicken ♦ vi to make haste,
cavea, -ae/cage, stall, coop, hive; (treat) cella, -ae/granary, stall, cell; garret, hut,
auditorium; theatre; prima - upper class small room; sanctuary of a temple,
seats; ultima - lower class seats, cellarius adj of the storeroom ♦ m steward.
caveo, -ere, cavi, cautum vt to beware of, ceil_ula_, -ae/little room,
guard against ♦ vi (with ab orabf) to be on celo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to hide, conceal,
one’s guard against; (with dat) to look after; keep secret; id me -at he keeps me in the
(with ne) to take care that... not; (with ut) to dark about it.
take good care that; (with subj or inf) to take celox, -ocisadj swift ♦ /fast ship, yacht,
care not to, do not; (law) to stipulate, decree; celsus adj high, lofty; (fig) great, eminent;
(comm) to get a guarantee, give a guarantee, haughty.
stand security; cave! look out! Celtae, -arum mpl Celts (esp of central Gaul)
caverna, -ae/hollow, cave, vault; (naut) hold, ♦ nt the Celtic nation.
cavilla, -ae/jeering. Celtiberi, -orum mpl people of central Spain.
cavillatio, -onis/jeering, banter; sophistry, Celtiberia, -iae/Central Spain.
cavillator, -oris m scoffer, Celtibericus adj see n.
cavillor, -ari, -atus vt to scoff at ♦ vi to jeer, Celticus adj Celtic.
scoff; to quibble. cena, -ae/dinner (the principal Roman meal)-,
cavo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to hollow, excavate, inter -am at table.
cavus adj hollow, concave, vaulted; (river) cenaculum, -Int dining-room; upper room,
deep-channelled ♦ nt cavity, hole. garret.
Caystros, -us, -Im river in Lydia (famous for cenaticus adj of dinner,
swans). cenatio, -onis/dining-room,
-ce demonstrative particle appended to pronouns cenatus ppa having dined, after dinner ♦ ppp
and adverbs. spent in feasting.
LATIN-ENGLISH 33 Cenchreae-cerula

Cenchreae, -aru mfpi harbour of Corinth. Ceos, acc -6 see Cea.

cenito, -are vi to be accustomed to dine, Cepheis/Andromeda.
ceno, -are, -avl, -atum vi to dine ♦ vt to eat, Cepheius adj of Cepheus.
dine on. Cepheus adj Ethiopian.
censeo, -ere, -uT, -urn vt (census) to assess, Cepheus, -el (acc -ea) m king of Ethiopia
rate, take a census, make a property return; (father of Andromeda).
(fig) to estimate, appreciate, celebrate; Cephisis adj see n.
(senate or other body) to decree, resolve; Cephisius m Narcissus.
(member) to express an opinion, move, vote; Cephisus, -I m river in central Greece,
to advise; to judge, think, suppose, consider; cepjperfof capio.
censui -endo for census purposes, cera, -ae/wax; honey cells; writing tablet,
censio, -onis/punishment; expression of notebook; seal; portrait of an ancestor;
opinion. prlma ~ first page.
censor, -orism censor; (fig) severe judge, Ceramicus, -I m Athenian cemetery.
critic. cerarium, -land ilm seal-duty,
censorius ad) of the censors, to be dealt with cerastes, -ae m a horned serpent,
by the censors; (fig) severe; homo - an cerasus, -I/cherry tree; cherry,
ex-censor. ceratus adj waxed.
censura, -a e/censorship; criticism, Ceraunia, -orum nt, Ceraunii m mountains in
census pppo/censed; capite ~T the poorest class Epirus.
of Roman citizens. CerbereUS adj see n.
census, -usm register of Roman citizens and Cerberus, -Im three-headed watchdog of Hades.
their property, census; registered property; cercopithecus, -I m monkey,
wealth; ~um agere, habere hold a census; cercurus, -I m Cyprian type of ship.
sine ~u poor. cerdo, -onism tradesman.
centaureum, -T nt centaury. Cerealia, -ium ntpi festival of Ceres.
Centaureus adj see n. Cerealis adj of Ceres; of corn, of meal,
Centaurus, -Tm Centaur, half man half horse, cerebrosus adj hot-headed,
centeni, -um num a hundred each, a hundred, cerebrum, -Im brain; understanding; quick
centesimus adj hundredth ♦ /hundredth temper.
part; (interest) 1 per cent monthly (12percent Ceres, -eris/ goddess of agriculture-, (fig) grain,
per annum). bread.
centiceps adj hundred-headed, cereus adj waxen; wax-coloured; (fig) supple,
centiens, -es adv a hundred times, easily led ♦ m taper,
centimanus adj hundred-handed, ceriaria, -ae/taper maker,
cento, -onism patchwork; -ones sarcire = tell cerina, -drum ntpi wax-coloured clothes,
tall stories. cerintha, -ae/honey wort,
centum num a hundred, cerno, -ere, -crevi, cretum vt to see, discern;
centumgeminus adj hundred-fold, to understand, perceive; to decide,
centumplex adj hundred-fold, determine; (law) to decide to take up (an
centumpondium, -T and ilm a hundred inheritance).
pounds. cernuus adj face downwards,
centumviralis adj of the centumviri, ceroma, -atism wrestlers’ ointment,
centumviri, -orum mpi a bench of judges who ceromaticus adj smeared with wax ointment,
heard special civil cases in Rome. cerritus adj crazy.
centunculus, -Tm piece of patchwork, certamen, -inism contest, match; battle,
saddlecloth. combat; (fig) struggle, rivalry,
centuria, -aef(Mn) company; (pol) century (a certatim adv emulously.
division of the Roman people according to certatio, -onis/contest; debate; rivalry,
property). certe adv assuredly, of course; at least,
centuriatim adv by companies, by centuries, certo adv certainly, really,
centuriatus adj divided by centuries; comitia certo, -are, -avl, -atum vi to contend,
-a assembly which voted by centuries. compete; (mil) to fight it out; (law) to dispute;
centuriatus, -us m division into centuries; (with inf) to try hard.
rank of centurion. certus adj determined, fixed, definite; reliable,
centurio, -are, -avl, -atum vt (mil) to assign unerring; sure, certain; mihi -um est I have
to companies; (pol) to divide by centuries, made up my mind; -um scire, pro ~o habere
centurio, -onism (mil) captain, centurion, know for certain, be sure; -iorem facere
centussis, -is m a hundred asses, inform.
cenula, -ae/little dinner. cerula, -ae/piece of wax; - miniata red

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -Ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
cerussa-Ciliciensis 34 LATIN-ENGLISH

pencil. chelys (acc -yn)/tortoise; lyre,

cerussa, -ae/white lead, cheragra, -ae/ gout in the hands.
cerussatus adj painted with white lead, Cherronesus, Chersonesus, -i/Gallipoli
cerva, -ae/ hind, deer, peninsula; Crimea.
cervical, -alis nt pillow, chiliarchus, -i m officer in charge of 1000 men;
cervicula, -ae/ slender neck, chancellor of Persia.
cervinus adj deer’s. Chimaera, -ae/ fire-breathing monster formed
cervix, -icis/ neck; in -Tcibus esse be a burden of lion, goat and serpent.
(to), threaten. Chimaeriferus adj birthplace of Chimaera.
cervus, -im stag, deer; (mil) palisade, Chios, -if Aegean island (famous for wine).
cessatio, -onis/ delaying; inactivity, Chius adj Chian ♦ nt Chian wine; Chian cloth,
idleness. chirographum, -i nt handwriting; document.
cessator, -oris m idler, Chiron, -onis m a learned Centaur (tutorof
cessi per/of cedo, heroes).
cessio, -onis/giving up. chironomos, -i m/f, chironomon, -untis m
cesso, -are, -avi, -atum vi to be remiss, stop; mime actor.
to loiter, delay; to be idle, rest, do nothing; chiururgia, -ae/surgery; (fig) violent
(land) to lie fallow; to err. measures.
cestrosphendone, -es/(mil) engine for chlamydatus adj wearing a military cloak,
shooting stones. chlamys, -dis/Greek military cloak.
cestus, -im girdle (asp of Venus). Choerilus, -im inferior Greek poet.
cetarium, -iand iint fishpond, choragium, -i and iim producing of a chorus,
cetarius, -i and ii m fishmonger, choragus, -i m one who finances a chorus,
cetera adv in other respects, choraules, -aem flute-player (accompanying
ceteri, -orum adj the rest, the others; (sg) the a chorus).
rest of. chorda, -ae/ string (of an instrument); rope,
ceteroqui, -n adv otherwise, chorea, -ae/dance.
ceterum adv for the rest, otherwise; but for choreus, -im trochee,
all that; besides. chorus, -im choral dance; chorus, choir of
Cethegus, -im a conspirator with Catiline. singers or dancers; band, troop.
cetr- etc see caetr-. Christianismus, -im Christianity.
cette etc see cedo. Christianus adj Christian.
cetus, -im (-e ntpi) sea monster, whale, Christus, -i m Christ.
ceu adv just as, as if. Chryseis, -eidis/ daughter of Chryses.
CeuS adj see Cea. Chryses, -ae m priest of Apollo in the Iliad.
Ceyx, -ycis m husband of Alcyone, changed to a Chrysippeus adj see n.
kingfisher. Chrysippus, -i m Stoic philosopher.
Chalcidensis, (-discus) adj seen. chrysolithos, -im//topaz,
Chalcis, -dis/ chief town of Euboea. chrysos, -im gold.
Chaldaei, -aeorum mpi Chaldeans; cibarius adj food (in cpds); common ♦ ntpi
astrologers. rations.
Chaldaicus adj see n. cibatus, -usm food.
chalybeius adj of steel. ciborium, -i and ii nt kind of drinking cup.
Chalybes, -um mpi a people of Pontus (famous cibus, -im food, fodder, nourishment,
as ironworkers). cicada, -ae/cicada, cricket,
chalybs, -is m steel. cicatricosus adj scarred,
Chaones, -um mpi a people of Epirus. cicatrix, -icis/scar; (plants) mark of an
Chaonia, -iae/Epirus. incision.
Chaonius, -is adj see n. ciccus, -im pomegranate pip.
Chaos (abl-b)nt empty space, the lower cicer, -is nt chickpea.
world, chaos. Cicero, -onism great Roman orator and author.
chara, -ae/an unidentified vegetable, Ciceronianus adj see n.
charistia, -orum ntpi a Roman family festival. cichoreum, -i nt chicory.
Charites, -um/pi the Graces. Cicones, -um mpi people of Thrace.
Charon, -ontiSm Charon (ferryman of Hades). ciconia, -ae/stork.
charta, -ae/sheet of papyrus, paper; writing, cicur, -is adj tame,
chartula, -ae/piece of paper. cicuta, -ae/hemlock; pipe,
Charybdis, -is/ monster personifying a cieo, ciere, civi, citum »t to move, stir, rouse;
whirlpool in the Straits of Messina] (fig) peril. to call, invoke; (fig) to give rise to, produce;
Chatti, -orum mpi a people of central Germany. calcem ~ make a move (in chess).
Chelae, -arumfpl (astro) the Claws (of Cilicia, -ae/country in S. Asia Minor (famous
Scorpio), Libra, for piracy).
chelydrus, -im watersnake. Ciliciensis, (-us) adj see n.
LATIN-ENGLISH 35 Cilix-circumligo

Cilix, -cis, -ssa adj Cilician ♦ nt goats’ hair circuitus, -us m revolution; way round,
garment. circuit; (rhet) period, periphrasis,
Cimbri, -drum mpi people of N. Germany. circulator, -oris m pedlar,
Cimbricus adj see n. circulor, -an vi to collect in crowds,
cimex, -icis m bug. circulus, -I m circle; orbit; ring; social group,
Cimmerii, -drum mpi people of the Crimea; circum adv round about ♦ prep (with acc) round,
mythical race in caves near Cumae. about; near; - Insulas mittere send to the
Cimmerius adj see n. islands round about.
cinaedius adj lewd, circumago, -agere, -egl, -actum vt to turn,
cinaedus, -I m sodomite; lewd dancer, move in a circle, wheel; (pass: time) to pass;
cincinnatus adj with curled hair. (: mind) to be swayed,
Cincinnatus, -Im ancient Roman dictator. circumaro, -are vt to plough round,
cincinnus, -T m curled hair; (fig) rhetorical circumcaesura, -ae/outline,
ornament. circumcido, -dere, -dl, -sum vt to cut round,
Cincius, -T m Roman tribune; Roman historian. trim; to cut down, abridge,
cincticulus, -I m small girdle, circumcirca adv all round,
cinctus ppp o/ cingo circumcisuspppo/circumcldo ♦ adj
cinctus, -USm girding; - Gabinus a ceremonial precipitous.
style of wearing the toga. circumcludo, -dere, -si, -sum vt to shut in,
cinctutus adj girded, hem in.
cinefactus adj reduced to ashes, circumcolo, -erevt to live round about,
cinerarius, -I and ilm hair curler, circumcurso, -are vi to run about,
cingo, -gere, -xl, -ctum vt to surround, circumdo, -are, -edl, -atum vt to put round;
enclose; to gird, crown; (mil) to besiege, to surround, enclose.
fortify; to cover, escort; ferrum -or I put on circumduco, -ucere, -uxl, -uctum vt to lead
my sword. round, draw round; to cheat; (speech) to
cingula, -ae/girth (of animals). prolong, drawl.
cingulum, -Tnt belt, circumductus ppp of circumduco,
cingulus, -Tm zone, circumeo etc see circued.
cinlfld, -onism hair curler, circumequito, -are vt to ride round,
cinis, -eris m ashes; (fig) ruin. circumfero, -ferre, -tuli, -latum vt to carry
Cinna, -a em colleague of Marius; poet friend of round, pass round; to spread, broadcast; to
Catullus. purify; (pass) to revolve,
cinnamomum, cinnamum, -Tm cinnamon, circumflecto, -ctere, -xl, -xum vt to wheel
cinxlpet/o/cingd. round.
Cinyphius adj of the Cinyps, river of N. circumflo, -arevt (fig) to buffet,
Africa; African. circumfluo, -ere, -xlvt, vi to flow round; (fig)
Cinyras, -ae m father of Adonis. to overflow, abound.
Cinyreius adj seen. circumfluus adj flowing round; surrounded
cippus, -I m tombstone; (pf) palisade, (by water).
circa adv around, round about ♦ prep (with acc) circumforaneus adj itinerant; (money)
(place) round, in the vicinity of, in; (time, borrowed.
number) about; with regard to. circumfundo, -undere, -udl, -usumvt to
Circaeus adj see Circe. pour round, surround; (fig) to crowd round,
circamoerium, -I and ilnt space on both sides overwhelm; (pass) to flow round,
of a wall. circumgemo, -ere vt to growl round,
Circe, -es and ae/ goddess with magic powers circumgesto, -are vt to carry about,
living in Aeaea. circumgredior, -dl, -ssus vt, vi to make an
circenses, -ium mpi the games, encircling move, surround,
circensis adj of the Circus, circumiaceo, -erevt to be adjacent,
circino, -are vt to circle through, circumicio, -icere, -iecl, -iectum vt to throw
circinus, -Tm pair of compasses, round, put round; to surround,
circiteradv (time, number) about ♦ prep (with circumiecta ntpl neighbourhood,
acc) about, near. circumiectus adj surrounding,
circued, circumeo, -ire, -TvT and ii, -itum vt, circumiectus, -us m enclosure; embrace,
vi to go round, surround; (mil) to encircle; to circumit- etc see circuit-,
visit, go round canvassing; to deceive, circumitio, -onis/see circuitio,
circuitio, -dnis/(twt) rounds; (speech) circumitus, -us m see circuitus,
evasiveness, circumlatus ppp of cjrcumf ero.
circuitus pppo/circued. circumligo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to tie to, bind

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are - 1st; -ere - 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -Ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
circumlino-cito 36 LATIN-ENGLISH

round. besiege; (fig) to encompass,

circumlino, -ere, -turn vt to smear all over, circumstrepo, -erevt to make a clamour
bedaub. round.
circumluo, -erevt to wash, circumsurgens, -entis pres p rising on all
circumluvio, -dnis/alluvial land, sides.
circummitto, -ittere, -TsT, -issum vt to send circumtentus ad; covered tightly,
round. circumtero, -ere vt to crowd round,
circummoenid (circummunio), -Ire, -Ivl, circumtextus ad; embroidered round the
-Ttum vt to fortify, edge.
circummunitio, -onis/investing. circumtono, -are, -ulvt to thunder about,
circumpadanus adj of the Po valley, circumvado, -dere, -si vt to assail on all
circumpendeo, -ere vi to hang round, sides.
circumplaudo, -ere vt to applaud on all sides, circumvagus adj encircling,
circumplector, -ctl, -xus vt to embrace, circumvallo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to blockade,
surround. beset.
circumplico, -are, -avl, -atum vt to wind circumvectio, -onis/carrying about; (sun)
round. revolution.
circumpono, -ponere, -posui, -positum vt circumvector, -ari vi to travel round, cruise
to put round. round; (fig) describe.
circumpotatio, -dnis/passing drinks round, circumvehor, -hi, -ctus vt, vi to ride round,
circumretio, -Ire, -TvT, -Ttum vt to ensnare, sail round; (fig) to describe,
circumrddo, -rosi, -rodere vt to nibble round circumvelo, -arevt to envelop,
about; (fig) to slander. circumvenio, -enlre, -enl, -entum vt to
circumsaepio, -Ire, -si, -turn vt to fence surround, beset; to oppress; to cheat,
round. circumverto, circumvorto, -ere vt to turn
circumscindo, -erevt to sjrip. round.
circumscribo, -bere, -psi, -ptum vt to draw circumvestio, -Ire vt to envelop,
a line round; to mark the limits of; to circumvincio, -Trevt to lash about,
restrict, circumscribe; to set aside; to circumviso, -ere vt to look at all round,
defraud. _ circumvolito, -are, -avl, -atum vt, vi to fly
circumscripteadv in periods, round; to hover around,
circumscriptio, -onis/circle, contour; fraud; circumvolo, -are vt to fly round,
(shet) period. circumvolvo, -vere vt to roll round,
circumscriptor, -oris m defrauder, circus, -I m circle; the Circus Maximus
circumscriptus pppo/circumscribo ♦ adj (famous Roman racecourse); a racecourse.
restricted; (suet) periodic, Cirrha, -ae/town near Delphi (sacred to
circumseco, -are vt to cut round, Apollo).
circumsedeo, -edere, -edi, -essum vt to Cirrhaeus ad; see n.
blockade, beset. cirrus, -I m curl of hair; fringe,
circumsepio etc see circumsaepio, cisprep (with acc) on this side of; (time) within.
circumsessio, -dnis/siege. Cisalpinus ad; on the Italian side of the Alps,
circumsessus pppo/circumsedeo, Cisalpine.
circumsido, -erevt to besiege, cisium, -Iand ilnt two-wheeled carriage.
circumsilio, -Irevi to hop about; (fig) to be Cisseis, -dis/Hecuba,
rampant. cista, -ae/box, casket; ballot box.
circumsisto, -sistere, -steti surround, cistella, -ae/ small box.
circumsono, -arevi to resound on all sides ♦ cistellatrix, -Icis/keeper of the moneybox,
vt to fill with sound, cistellula, -ae/little box.
circumsonus adj noisy, cisterna, -ae/reservoir,
circumspectatrix, -Icis/spy. cistophorus, -Tm an Asiatic coin,
circumspectio, -dnis/caution, cistula, -ae/little box.
circumspecto, -are vt, vi to look all round, citatus adj quick, impetuous,
search anxiously, be on the lookout, citerior (sup -imus) adj on this side, nearer.
circumspectus pppo/ circumspicio ♦ adj Cithaeron, -onis m mountain range between
carefully considered, cautious, Attica and Boeotia.
circumspectus, -us m consideration; view, cithara, -ae/lute.
circumspicio, -icere, -exl, -ectum vi to look citharista, -ae m, citharistria, -ae/lute
all round; to be careful ♦ vt to survey; (fig) to player.
consider, search for. citharizo, -are vi to play the lute,
circumstantes, -antium mpi bystanders, citharoedus, -Ima singer who accompanies
circumstetiper/o/circumsistd;perfo/ himself on the lute,
circumsto. citimus ad; nearest.
circumsto, -are, -etlvt, vi to stand round; to cito (com -ius, sup -issime) adv quickly, soon;
LAT1N-ENGLISH 37 cito-clienta

non - not easily. thunder from a clear sky; vir -issimus a

cito, -are, -avl, -atum vt to set in motion, courtesy title for eminent men.
rouse; to call (by name), appeal to, cite, classiiriusad) naval ♦ mpi marines,
mention. classicula, -ae/flotilla.
citra adv on this side, this way, not so far ♦ prep classicum, -Int battle-signal; trumpet,
(with acc) on this side of, short of; (time) classicus adj of the first class; naval ♦ mpl
before, since; apart from; ~ quam before, marines.
citreus adj of citrus wood, classis, -is/a political class; army; fleet,
citro adv hither, this way; ultro -que to and clithn, -orum mpl cage,
fro. clatratus adj barred,
citrus, -T/citrus tree; citron tree, clitrl, -drum mpisee clathri.
citus ppp of cieo ♦ adj quick, clauded, -ere vi to limp; (fig) to be defective,
civicus adj civic, civil; corona -a civic crown claudicitio, -onis/limping.
for saving a citizen’s life in war. claudico, -ire vi to be lame; to waver, be
civilis adj of citizens, civil; political, civilian; defective.
courteous, democratic; ius -e civil rights; Claudius, -Im patrician family name (esp
Civil Law; code of legal procedure, Appius Claudius Caecus, famous censor); the
civilitas, -itis/politics; politeness, Emperor Claudius.
civiliter adv like citizens; courteously, Claudius, -iinus, -iilisad)seen,
civis, -is m/f citizen, fellow citizen, claudo, -dere, -si, -sum vt to shut, close; to
civitas, -itis/citizenship; community state; cut off, block; to conclude; to imprison,
city; -ate donare naturalize, confine, blockade; agmen - bring up the
elides, -is/ damage, disaster, ruin; defeat; rear.
(fig) scourge; dare ~em make havoc, claudd, -ere etc see clauded.
clam adv secretly; unknown ♦ prep (with acc) claudus ad) lame, crippled; (verse) elegiac;
unknown to; - me habere keep from me. (fig) wavering,
climitor, -orism bawler. clauslper/o/claudo.
clamitatio, -onis/bawling. claustra, -drum ntpl bar, bolt, lock; barrier,
climito, -ire, -ivT, -itum vt, vi to bawl, barricade, dam.
screech, cry out. clausula, -ae/conclusion; (rhet) ending of a
clamd, -ire, -ivT, -itum vt, vi to shout, cry period.
out; to call upon, proclaim, clausum, -Int enclosure,
climor, -oris m shout, cry; acclamation, clausus ppp of claudd.
clamosus adj noisy, cliva, -ae/club, knotty branch; (mil) foil,
clanculum adv secretly ♦ prep (with acc) clivirium, -Iand ilnt money for buying shoe
unknown to. nails.
clandestino adv see clandestinus, divitor, -oris m cudgel-bearer,
clandestinus ad) secret, clivicula, -ae/vine tendril,
clangor, -oris m clang, noise, claviger, -im (Hercules) club bearer; (Janus)
clare adv brightly, loudly, clearly, with key-bearer,
distinction. clivis, -is/key.
dared, -ere vi to be bright, be clear; to be clivus, -Im nail; tiller, rudder; purple stripe
evident; to be renowned, on the tunic (broad for senators, narrow for
claresco, -ere, clirulvi to brighten, sound equites); -urn anni movere reckon the
clear; to become obvious; to become beginning of the year.
famous. Cleanthes, -is m Stoic philosopher.
clarigatio, -onis/ formal ultimatum to an clemens, -entis ad) mild, gentle, merciful;
enemy; fine for trespass, (weather, water) mild, calm,
clarigd, -ire vi to deliver a formal ultimatum, clementer adv gently, indulgently; gradually,
clarisonus adj loud and clear, dementia, -ae/mildness, forbearance,
cliritis, -itis/distinctness; (rhet) lucidity; mercy.
celebrity. Cleopatra, -ae/ queen of Egypt.
cliritudo, -inis/brightness; (fig) distinction. clepd, -ere, -si, -turn vt to steal,
Clarius adj of Claros ♦ m Apollo, clepsydra, -ae/ waterclock (used for timing
clard, -ire vt to illuminate; to explain; to make speakers); -am dare give leave to speak; -am
famous. petere ask leave to speak,
Claros, -I/town in Ionia (famous for worship of clepta, -aem thief.
Apollo). cliens, -entis m client, dependant; follower;
clirusadj (sight) bright; (sound) loud; (mind) vassal-state.
clear; (person) distinguished; - intonare clienta, -ae/client.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi

clientela-cognomentum 38 LATIN-ENGLISH

clientela, -ae/clientship, protection; clients, cochlea, coclea, -ae/ snail,

clientulus, -im insignificant client, cocleare, -is nt spoon.
clinamen, -inis nt swerve, codes, -itis m man blind in one eye; surname
clinatus adj inclined. of Horatius who defended the bridge.
Clio, -US/ Muse of history. COCtilis adj baked; of bricks.
clipeatus adj armed with a shield, coctus ppp o/coquo ♦ adj (fig) well considered.
clipeus, -T m, -um, -I nt round bronze shield; COCUS etc see COqUUS.
disc; medallion on a metal base, Cocytius adj see n.
clitellae, -arum/pi packsaddle, attribute of CdcytOS, -US, -i m river in the lower world.
an ass. coda etc see cauda,
clitellarius adj carrying packsaddles. codex etc see caudex,
Clitumnus, -im river in Umbria. codicilli, -orum mpl letter, note, petition;
ClivOSUS adj hilly. codicil.
clivus, -im slope, hill; - sacer part of the Via Codrus, -im last king of Athens.
Sacra. coegipet/o/cogo.
cloaca, -ae/sewer, drain. coel- etc see cael-.
Cloacina, -ae/ Venus. coemo, -emere, -emi, -emptum vt to buy
Clodius, -im Roman plebeian name (esp the up.
tribune, enemy of Cicero). coemptio, -onis/a form of Roman marriage;
Cloelia, -ae/Roman girl hostage (who mock sale of an estate,
escaped by swimming the Tiber). coemptionalis adj used in a mock sale;
Clotho (acc-o)/one of the Fates. worthless.
clueo, -ere, -eor, -eri vi to be called, be coen- etc see caen- or cen-.
famed. coeo, -ire, -ivi and ii, -itum vi to meet,
clunis, -ism//buttock. assemble; to encounter; to combine, mate;
clurinus adj of apes. (wounds) to close; to agree, conspire ♦ vt: -
Clusinus adj see n. societatem make a compact,
Clusium, -int old Etruscan town (now Chiusi). coepid, -ere, -i, -turn vt, vi begin (esp in perf
Clusius, -im Janus. tenses)-, res agi ~tae sunt things began to be
Clytaemnestra, -ae/wife of Agamemnon done; coepisse to have begun,
( whom she murdered). coeptd, -are, -avi, -atum vt, vi to begin,
Cnidius adj see n. attempt.
Cnidus, -if town in Caria (famous for worship coeptum, -int beginning, undertaking,
of Venus). coeptus ppp of coepid.
coacervatio, -onis/accumulation, coeptus, -us m beginning,
coacervo, -arevt to heap, accumulate, coepulonus, -im fellow-banqueter,
coacesco, -escere, -ui vi to become sour, coerator etc see curator,
coacto, -are vt to force, coerced, -ere, -ui, -itum vt to enclose; to
coactor, -oris m collector (of money), confine, repress; (fig) to control, check,
coactores agminis rearguard, correct.
coactum, -int thick coverlet, coercitio, -onis/coercion, punishment,
coactus adj forced, coetus, coitus, -us m meeting, joining
coactus ppp of cogo. together; assembly, crowd,
coactus, -us m compulsion, cogitate adv deliberately,
coaedifico, -are, -atum vt to build on. cogitatio, -onis/thought, reflection; idea,
coaequo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to make equal, plan; faculty of thought, imagination,
bring down to the same level, cogitatus ad) deliberate ♦ ntpi ideas,
coagmentatio, -onis/ combination, cdgito, -are, -avi, -atum vt, vi to think,
coagmento, -are, -avi, -atum vt to glue, join ponder, imagine; to feel disposed; to plan,
together. intend.
coagmentum, -int joining, joint, cognatio, -onis/relationship (by blood); kin,
coagulum, -im rennet, family; (fig) affinity, resemblance,
coalesco, -escere, -ui, -itum vi to grow cognatus, -im, -a, -ae/relation ♦ adj related;
together; (fig) to agree together; to flourish, (fig) connected, similar,
coangusto, -arevt to restrict, cognitio, -onis/acquiring of knowledge,
coarct- etc see coart-, knowledge; idea, notion; (law) judicial
coarguo, -ere, -ivt to convict, prove inquiry; (comedy) recognition,
conclusively. cognitor, -oris m (law) attorney; witness of a
coartatio, -onis/crowding together, person’s identity; (fig) defender,
coarto, -are, -avi, -atum vt to compress, cognitus adj acknowledged,
abridge. cognitus ppp of cogndscd.
coccineus, coccinus adj scarlet, cognomen, -inis nt surname; name,
coccum, -int scarlet. cognomentum, -int surname, name.
LAT1N-ENGLISH 39 cognominis-colluvid

cognominis ad; with the same name, collaxo, -are vt to make porous,
cognomino, -are, -avi, -atum vt to give a collecta, -ae/money contribution,
surname to; verba ~ata synonyms, collecticius adj hastily gathered,
cognosco, -oscere, -ovT, -itum vt to get to collectio, -onis/gathering up; (rhet)
know, learn, understand; to know, recapitulation,
recognize, identify; (law) to investigate; (mil) collectus ppp of colligo,
to reconnoitre. collectus, -usm accumulation,
cogo, -ere, coegi, coactum vt to collect, collega, -aem colleague; associate,
gather together; (liquids) to thicken, curdle; collegi perf of colligo.
to contract, confine; to compel, force; to collegium, -i and iim association in office;
infer; agmen - bring up the rear; senatum ~ college, guild (of magistrates, etc).
call a meeting of the senate, collibertus, -im fellow freedman.
cohaerentia, -ae/coherence, collibet, collubet, -uit and itum estvi it
cohaereo, -rere, -si, -sum vi to stick pleases.
together, cohere; to cling to; (fig) to be collido, -dere, -si, -sum vt to beat together,
consistent, harmonize; to agree, be strike, bruise; (fig) to bring into conflict,
consistent with. colligatio, -onis/connection,
cohaeresco, -ere vi to stick together, colligo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to fasten, tie up;
cohaesus ppp of cohaereo, (fig) to combine; to restrain, check,
coheres, -edism// co-heir, colligo, -igere, -egi, -ectum vt to gather,
cohibeo, -ere, -ui, -itum vt to hold together, collect; to compress, draw together; to
encircle; to hinder, stop; (fig) to restrain, check; (fig) to acquire; to think about; to
repress. infer, conclude; animum, mentem - recover,
cohonesto, -are vt to do honour to. rally; se - crouch; recover one’s courage;
cohorresco, -escere, -uT vi to shudder all vasa - (mil) pack up.
over. Collina Porta gate in N.E. of Rome.
cohors, -tis/ courtyard; (mil) cohort (about 600 collineo, -are vt, vi to aim straight,
men); retinue (esp of the praetor in a province); collino, -inere, -evi, -itum vt to besmear; (fig)
(fig) company. to deface.
cohortatio, -onis/encouragement, colliquefactus ad; dissolved,
cohorticula, -ae/small cohort, collis, -is m hill, slope,
cohortor, -ari, -atus vt to encourage, urge, collisi per/o/collido,
coitio, -onis/encounter; conspiracy. collisus ppp of collido,
COitUS etc see coetus. collitus ppp o/ collino,
colaphus, -Tm blow with the fist, box. collocatio, -onis/arrangement; giving in
Colchis, -idis/Medea’s country ( attheE. end marriage.
of the Black Sea). colloco, -are, -avi, -atum vt to place, station,
Colchis, -us, -icusadj Colchian. arrange; to give in marriage; (money) to
COleUS etc see Culleus. invest; (fig) to establish; to occupy, employ,
colis etc see caulis. collocupleto, -are, -avivt to enrich,
collabasco, -erevi to waver also. collocutio, -onis/conversation.
collabefacto, -are vt to shake violently. colloquium, -Iand iint conversation,
collabefio, -fieri, -factus vi to be destroyed. conference.
collabor, -bi, -psusvi to fall in ruin, collapse. colloquor, -qui, -cutusvi to converse, hold a
collaceratus adj torn to pieces. conference ♦ vt to talk to.
collacrimatio, -onis/ weeping. collubet etc see collibet,
collactea, -ae/foster-sister. colluceo, -ere vi to shine brightly; (fig) to be
collapsus ppa of collabor. resplendent.
collare, -is nt neckband. colludo, -dere, -si, -sum vi to play together
Collatia, -iae/ ancient town near Rome ♦ m or with; to practise collusion,
husband of Lucretia. collum, -Tm neck; -■ torquere, obtorquere,
Collatinus adj of Collatia, obstringere arrest.
collatio, -onis/bringing together, colluo, -uere, -ui, -utum vt to rinse, moisten.
combination; (money) contribution; (suet) COlluS etc see collum,
comparison; (philos) analogy, collusio, -onis/ secret understanding,
collator, -oris m contributor, collusor, -oris m playmate, fellow gambler,
collatus ppp of confero, collustro, -are, -avi, -atum vt to light up; to
collaudatio, -dnis/praise. survey.
collaudo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to praise colluvio, -onis, -es, -em, -e/sweepings,
highly. filth; (fig) dregs, rabble.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
collybus-commentor 40 LAT1N-ENGLISH

collybus, -im money exchange, rate of pine away.

exchange. Comensis adj see Comum.
collyra, -ae/vermicelli. comes, -itism/companion, partner;
COllyricUS adj see n. attendant, follower; one of a magistrate’s or
collyrium, -land ilm eye lotion, emperor’s retinue; (medieval title) count,
colo, -ere, -uT, cultum vt (agr) to cultivate, comes, comest pres tense of comedo,
work; (place) to live in; (human affairs) to comestus, comesus pppof comedo,
cherish, protect, adorn; (qualities, pursuits) to cometes, -ae m comet,
cultivate, practise; (gods) to worship; (men) comice adv in the manner of comedy,
to honour, court; vrtam - live, comicus, -im comedy actor, comedy writer ♦
colocasia, -ae/, -a, -orum ntpi Egyptian adj of comedy, comic,
bean, caladium. comis adj courteous, friendly,
colona, -ae/country-woman. comissabundus adj carousing,
colonia, -ae/ settlement, colony; settlers, comissatio, -onis/Bacchanalian revel,
colonicus adj colonial, comissator, -oris mreveller,
colonus, -Tm crofter, farmer; settler, comissor, -ari, -atusvi to carouse, make
colonist. merry.
color (colos), -oris m colour; complexion; comitas, -atis/kindness, affability,
beauty, lustre; (fig) outward show; (rhet) comitatus, -us m escort, retinue; company,
style, tone; colourful excuse; -orem mutare comiter adv see comis,
blush, go pale; homo nulluis -oris an comitia, -iorum ntpi assembly for the
unknown person, election of magistrates and other business
coloratus adj healthily tanned, (esp the ~ centuriata); elections,
coloro, -are, -avi, -atum vt to colour, tan; comitialis adj of the elections; - morbus
(fig) to give a colour to. epilepsy.
colossus, -Tm gigantic statue (esp that of comitiatus, -us m assembly at the elections,
Apollo at Rhodes). comitium, -T and iint place of assembly,
colostra, colustra, -ae/beestings. comito, -are, -avi, -atum vt to accompany,
coluber, -rim snake, comitor, -ari, -atus vt, vt to attend, follow,
colubra, -ae/snake. commaculo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to stain,
colubrifer, -lodj snaky, defile.
colubrinus adj wily, commanipularis, -is m soldier in the same
colulpei/o/ colo. company.
colum, -Tnt strainer, commeatus, -us m passage; leave, furlough;
columba, -ae/dove, pigeon, convoy (of troops or goods); (mil) lines of
columbar, -aris m kind of collar, communication, provisions, supplies,
columbarium, -T and ilnt dovecote, commeditor, -ari vt to practise,
columbinus adj pigeon’s ♦ m little pigeon, commemini, -isse vt, vi to remember
columbus, -im dove, cock-pigeon, perfectly.
columella, -ae/small pillar, commemorabilisadj memorable,
columen, -inis nt height, summit; pillar; (tip) commemoratio, -onis/recollection,
chief; prop. recounting.
columna, -ae/column, pillar; a pillory in the commemoro, -are, -avi, -atum vt to recall,
Forum Romanum-, waterspout, remind; to mention, relate,
columnarium, -i and iint pillar tax. commendabilis adj praiseworthy,
columnarius, -im criminal, commendaticius adj of recommendation or
columnatus adj pillared, introduction.
colurnus adj made of hazel, commendatio, -onis/recommendation;
colus, -land usf(occ m) distaff, worth, excellence.
colyphia, -orum ntpi food of athletes, commendator, -oris m commender (male).
coma, -ae/hair (of the head)-, foliage, commendatrix, -ricis/commender (female).
comans, -antis ad) hairy, plumed; leafy, commendatus adj approved, valued,
comarchus, -Tm burgomaster, commendo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to entrust,
comatus adj long-haired; leafy; Gallia - commit, commend (to one’s care or charge);
Transalpine Gaul. to recommend, set off to advantage,
combibo, -ere, -ivt to drink to the full, commensus ppaof commetior,
absorb. commentariolum, -Tnt short treatise,
combibo, -onis m fellow-drinker, commentarius, -i and iim, -ium, -land iint
comburo, -rere, -ssi, -stum vt to burn up; notebook; commentary, memoir; (law) brief,
(fig) to ruin. commentatio, -onis/studying, meditation,
combustus pppof comburo. commenticius adj fictitious, imaginary;
comedo, -esse, -edi, -esum and -estum vt to false.
eat up, devour; (Fig) to waste, squander; ae - commentor, -ari, -atus vt. vt to study, think
LATIN-ENGLISH 41 commentor-compages

over, prepare carefully; to invent, compose, leisure; -a vitae the good things of life,
write. commodum adv opportunely; just,
commentor, -oris m inventor, commodus adj proper, fit, full; suitable, easy,
commentum, -T nt invention, fiction; opportune; (person) pleasant, obliging,
contrivance. commolior, -irivt to set in motion,
commentus ppao/comminiscor ♦ adj commonefacio, -facere, -feci, -factum vt to
feigned, fictitious. remind, recall.
commeo, -are vi to pass to and fro; to go or commoneo, -ere, -uT, -itum vt to remind,
come often. impress upon.
commercium, -T and ilnt trade, commerce; commonstro, -arevt to point out.
right to trade; dealings, communication. commoratio, -onis/delay, residence; (rhet)
commercor, -ari, -itus vi to buy up. dwelling (on a topic).
commereo, -ere, -uT, -itum; -eor, -eri, -itus commoror, -ari, -atusvi to sojourn, wait;
vt to deserve; to be guilty of. (rhet) to dwell ♦ vt to detain,
commetior, -tlri, -nsus vt to measure, commotio, -onis/excitement.
commeto, -are vi to go often, commotiuncula/slight indisposition,
commictus ppp 0/commingo, commotus ppp o/commoveo ♦ adj excited,
commigro, -are, -avi, -atum vi to remove, emotional.
migrate. commoveo, -overe, -ovl, -otum vt to set in
commilitium, -T and ilnt service together, motion, move, dislodge, agitate; (mind) to
commilito, -onis m fellow soldier. unsettle, shake, excite, move, affect;
comminatio, -onis/threat (emotions) to stir up, provoke,
commingo, -ingere, -TnxI, -Ictum vt to commune, -isnt common property; state; in
pollute._ ~e for a common end; equally; in general,
comminiscor, -I, commentus vt to devise, communicatio, -onis/imparting; (rhet)
contrive. making the audience appear to take part in the
comminor, -ari, -atusvt to threaten, discussion.
comminuo, -uere, -ul, -utum vt to break up, communico, -are, -avl, -atum vt to share
smash; to diminish; to impair, (by giving or receiving); to impart,
comminus adv hand to hand; near at hand, communicate; consilia - cum make common
commisceo, -scere, -scul, -xtum vt to mix cause with.
together, join together, communio, -Ire, -Ivland il, -Itum vt to build
commiseratio, -6nis/(«Htr) passage intended (a fortification); to fortify, strengthen,
to arouse pity. communio, -onis/sharing in common,
commiseresco, -erevt to pity, communion.
commiseror, -arlvt to bewail ♦ vi (rhet) to try communis adj common, general, universal;
to excite pity. (person) affable, democratic; ~ia loca public
commissio, -onis/start (of a contest). places; ~es loci general topics; -is sensus
commissum, -Int enterprise; offence, crime; popular sentiment; aliquid -e habere have
secret. something in common,
commissura, -ae/joint, connection, communitas, -atis/fellowship; sense of
commissuspppo/committo. fellowship; affability,
committo, -ittere, -Isl, -issum vt to join, communiter adv in common, jointly,
connect, bring together; to begin, communitio, -onis/preparing the way.
undertake; (battle) to join, engage in; commurmuror, -ari, -atus vi to mutter to
(offence) to commit, be guilty of; oneself._
(punishment) to incur, forfeit; to entrust, commutabilis adj changeable,
trust; se urbl - venture into the city, commutatio, -ionis/change,
commixtus ppp o/commisceo. commutatus, -us_m change,
commode adv properly, well; aptly, commuto, -are, -avi, -atum vt to change,
opportunely; pleasantly, exchange, interchange,
commoditas, -atis/convenience, ease, comd, -ere, -psi, -ptum vt to arrange, dress,
fitness; advantage; (person) kindliness; (rhet) adorn.
apt expression. comoedia, -ae/comedy.
commodo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to adjust, comoedice adv as in comedy,
adapt; to give, lend, oblige with; (with dat) to comoedus, -I m comic actor,
oblige. comosus adj shaggy,
commodule, -um adv conveniently, compactio, -onis/joining together,
commodum, -Int convenience; advantage, compactus ppp o/ compingo,
interest; pay, salary; loan; -6 tuo at your compages, -is, -6, -inis/joint, structure,

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -Ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
compar-comprehensid 42 LATIN-ENGLISH

framework. please (someone else) as well, please very

compar, -aris m/f comrade, husband, wife ♦ much.
adj equal. complano, -are vt to level, raze to the
comparabilis adj comparable, ground.
comparate adv by bringing in a comparison, complector, -ctl, -xus vt to embrace, clasp;
comparatio, -onis/ comparison; (astro) to enclose; (speech, writing) to deal with,
relative positions; agreement; preparation, comprise; (mind) to grasp, comprehend; to
procuring. honour, be fond of.
comparativus ad; based on comparison, complementum, -Int complement,
compared, -ere vi to be visible; to be present, compleo, -ere, -evl, -etum vt to fill, fill up;
be realised. (mil) to man, make up the complement of;
comparo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to couple (time, promise, duty) to complete, fulfil, finish,
together, match; to compare; (pol) to agree completus adj perfect,
(about respective duties); to prepare, complexio, -onis/combination; (rhet)
provide; (custom) to establish; to procure, period; (logic) conclusion of an argument;
purchase, get. dilemma.
compasco, -ere vt to put (cattle) to graze in complexus, -us m embrace; (fig) affection,
common. close combat; (speech) connection,
compascuus adj for common pasture, complied, -are vt to fold up.
compeclscor, -IscI, -tus vi to come to an comploratio, -idnis/, -us, -us m loud
agreement. lamentation.
compectum, -tl nt agreement, compldrd, -are, -avl, -atum vt to mourn for.
compedio, -Ire, -rtum vt to fetter, complures, -ium ad; several, very many,
compegipet/o/compingo, compluriens adv several times,
compellatio, -onis/reprimand, complusculi, -drum adj quite a few.
compello, -are, -avl, -atum vt to call, compluvium, -I and il nt roof opening in a
address; to reproach; (law) to arraign, Roman house.
compello, -ellere, -ulT, -ulsum vt to drive, compond, -dnere, -osul, -ositum vt to put
bring together, concentrate; to impel, together, join; to compose, construct; to
compel. compare, contrast; to match, oppose; to put
compendiarius ad; short, away, store up, stow; (dead) to lay out, inter;
compendium, -I and ilnt saving; to allay, quieten, reconcile; to adjust, settle,
abbreviating; short cut; -I facere save; arrange; to devise, prepare ♦ vi to make
abridge; ~T fieri be brief, peace.
compensatio, -onis/(fig) compromise, comporto, -arevt to collect, bring in.
compenso, -are, -avl, -atum vt to balance compos, -tis adj in control, in possession;
(against), make up for. sharing; voti - having got one’s wish,
compered, -cere, -sivt, vi to save; to refrain, composite adv properly, in a polished
comperendinatio, -idnis/adjournment for manner.
two days. compositio, -onis/compounding, system;
comperendinatus, -us m adjournment for (words) arrangement; reconciliation;
two days. matching (of fighters),
comperendino, -are vt to adjourn for two compositor, -oris m arranger,
days. compositura, -ae/connection,
comperid, -Ire, -I, -turn (occ-lor) vt to find compositus pppof compond ♦ adj orderly,
out, learn; -tus detected; found guilty; -turn regular; adapted, assumed, ready; calm,
habere know for certain, sedate; (words) compound; compositd, ex
compes, -edis/fetter, bond, composito as agreed,
compesco, -ere, -ulvt to check, suppress, compotatio, -onis/drinking party,
competitor, -orism, -rix, -rlcis/rival compotio, -Ire vt to put in possession (of),
candidate. compotor, -drism, -rix, -ricis/fellow
competo, -ere, -Ivl and ii, -Itum vi to drinker.
coincide, agree; to be capable, compransor, -oris m fellow guest.
compilatio, -onis/plundering; compilation, comprecatid,_-dnis/public supplication,
compilo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to pillage, comprecor, -ari, -atusvt, vi to pray to; to pray
compingo, -ingere, -egl, -actum vt to put for.
together, compose; to lock up, hide away, comprehendo (comprendd), -endere,
compitilia, -ium and idrum ntpi festival in -end!, -ensum vt to grasp, catch; to seize,
honour of the Lares Compitales. arrest, catch in the act; (words) tc comprise,
compitalicius ad; of the Compitalia, recount; (thought) to grasp, comprehend; to
compitalis adj of crossroads, hold in affection; numero - count,
compitum, -Int crossroads, comprehensibilis adj conceivable,
complaceo, -ere, -ul and itus sum vi to comprehensio, -onis/grasping, seizing;
LATIN-ENGLISH 43 comprehensus-concino

perception, idea; (wet) period. concentus, -usm chorus, concert; (fig)

comprehensus, comprensus ppp of concord, harmony.
comprehends. conceptio, -onis/conception; drawing up
comprendo etc see comprehendo, legal formulae.
compressi perfof comprimo concept?vus adj (holidays) movable,
compressio, -onis/embrace; (hhet) conceptus ppp of concipio,
compression. conceptus, -us m conception,
compressus ppp of comprimo, concerpo, -ere, -s?, -turn vt to tear up; (fig) to
compressus, -us m compression, embrace, abuse.
comprimo, -imere, -ess?, -essum vt to concertatio, -onis/controversy.
squeeze, compress; to check, restrain; to concertator, -oris m rival,
suppress, withhold; animam - hold one’s concertatorius adj controversial,
breath; -essis manibus with hands folded, concerto, -are, -av?, -atum vi to fight; to
idle. dispute.
comprobatio, -dnis/approval. concessio, -onis/grant, permission; (law)
comprobator, -orism supporter, pleading guilty and asking indulgence,
comprobo, -are, -av?, -atum vt to prove, concesso, -are vi to stop, loiter,
make good; to approve, concessus ppp of concedo,
compromissum, -Tut mutual agreement to concessus, -us m permission,
abide by an arbitrator's decision. concha, -ae/mussel, oyster, murex; mussel
compromitto, -ittere, -TsT, -issum vt to shell, oyster shell, pearl; purple dye;
undertake to abide by an arbitrator’s trumpet, perfume dish,
decision. conchis, -is/kind of bean.
comps? perf of como. conch?ta, -ae m catcher of shellfish,
comptus ppp o/cdmd ♦ adj elegant. conchyliatus adj purple,
comptus, -us m coiffure; union. conchylium, -land i?m shellfish, oyster,
compui? perf of compello. murex; purple.
compulsus ppp of compello. concido, -ere, -?vi to fall, collapse; to subside,
compungo, -ungere, -unx?, -unctum vt to fail, perish.
prick, sting, tattoo. conc?do, -dere, -d?, -sum vt to cut up, cut to
computo, -are, -av?, -atum vt to reckon, pieces, kill; (fig) to ruin, strike down; (rhet)
number. to dismember, enfeeble,
Comum, -?nt (also Novum Comum) town in N. concieo, -iere, -?v?, -itum; concio, -?re,
Italy (nowComo), -itum vt to rouse, assemble; to stir up,
conamen, -inis nt effort; support, shake; (fig) to rouse, provoke,
conata, -orum ntpi undertaking, venture, conciliabulum, -? nt place for public
conatus, -us m effort; endeavour; inclination, gatherings.
impulse. conciliatio, -onis/union; winning over
concaedes, -ium fpl barricade of felled trees. (friends, hearers); (philos) inclination,
concalefacio, -facere, -fee?, -factum vt to conciliator, -oris m promoter,
warm well. conciliatrix, -?cis m, -?cula, -ae/promoter,
concaleo, -ere vi to be hot. matchmaker.
concalesco, -escere, -u?vi to become hot, conciliatus, -us m combination,
glow. conciliatus adj beloved; favourable,
concallesco, -escere, -u? vi to become concilio, -are, -av?, -atum vt to unite; to win
shrewd; to become unfeeling, over, reconcile; to procure, purchase, bring
concastigo, -arevt to punish severely, about, promote. _
concavo, -arevt to curve, concilium, -? and i?nt gathering, meeting;
concavus adj hollow; vaulted, bent, council; (things) union.
concedo, -edere, -ess?, -essum vi to concinne advsee concinnus,
withdraw, depart; to disappear, pass away, concinnitas, -atis, -udo, -udinis/(««£T)
pass; to yield, submit, give precedence, rhythmical style.
comply ♦ vt to give up, cede; to grant, allow; concinno, -are, -av?, -atum vt to arrange; to
to pardon, overlook. bring about, produce; (with adj) to make,
concelebro, -are, -av?, -atum vt to frequent, concinnus adj symmetrical, beautiful; (style)
fill, enliven; (study) to pursue eagerly; to polished, rhythmical; (person) elegant,
celebrate; to make known, courteous; (things) suited, pleasing,
concenatio, -dnis/dining together, concino, -ere, -u?vi to sing, play, sound
concentio, -oms/chorus. together; (fig) to agree, harmonize ♦ vt to
concenturio, -are vt to marshal. sing about, celebrate, prophesy.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
concio-condico 44 LATIN-ENGLISH

concio etc see concieo, concretum, -Int solid matter, hard frost,
concio- etc see contio-, concretus ppao/concresco ♦ adj hard, thick,
concipio, -ipere, -epl, -eptum vt to take to stiff, congealed; compounded,
oneself, absorb; (women) to conceive; concriminor, -ari, -atusvi to bring a
(senses) to perceive; (mind) to conceive, complaint.
imagine, understand; (feelings, acts) to concrucio, -are vt to torture,
harbour, foster, commit; (words) to draw up, concubina, -ae/(female) concubine,
intimate formally. concubinatus, -us m concubinage,
concisio, -onis/breaking up into short concubinus, -Im (male) concubine,
clauses. concubitus, -us m reclining together (at
concisus pppof concido ♦ adj broken up, table); sexual union.
concise. concubius adj: -ia nocte during the first sleep
concitate adv see concitatus, ♦ nt the time of the first sleep,
concitatio, -dnis/acceleration; (mind) conculco, -are vt to trample under foot, treat
excitement, passion; riot, with contempt.
concitator, -oris m agitator, concumbo, -mbere, -bul, -bitum vi to lie
concitatus pppo/concito ♦ adj fast; excited, together, lie with.
concito, -are, -SvI, -atum vt to move rapidly, concupisco, -Iscere, -Ivl, -Itum vt to covet,
bestir, hurl; to urge, rouse, impel; to stir up, long for, aspire to.
occasion. concuro, -are vt to take care of.
concitor, -oris m instigator, concurro, -rere, -rl, -sum vi to flock together,
concitus, concitus pppo/concieo; pppo/ rush in; (things) to clash, meet; (mil) to join
concio. battle, charge; (events) to happen at the
conclamatio, -onis/great shout, same time, concur.
conclamito, -are vi to keep on shouting, concursatio, -onis/running together,
conclamo, -are, -avi, -atum vt, vi to shout, rushing about; (mil) skirmishing; (dreams)
cry out; to call to help; (mil) to give the coherent design.
signal; (dead) to call by name in mourning; concursator, -oris m skirmisher,
vasa - give the order to pack up; -atum est concursio, -onis/meeting, concourse; (rhet)
it’s all over, repetition for emphasis,
conclave, -is nt room, concurso, -are vi to collide; to rush about,
concludo, -dere, -si, -sum vt to shut up, travel about; (mil) to skirmish ♦ vt to visit, go
enclose; to include, comprise; to end, from place to place.
conclude, round off (esp with a rhythmical concursus, -us m concourse, gathering,
cadence); (philos) to infer, demonstrate, collision; uproar; (fig) combination; (mil)
concluse adv with rhythmical cadences, assault, charge,
conclusio, -onis/(Mii.) blockade; end, concussiperfo/concutio,
conclusion; (rhet) period, peroration; (logic) concussus ppp of concutio,
conclusion. concussus, -us m shaking,
conclusiuncula, -ae/quibble, concutio, -tere, -ssi, -ssum vt to strike,
conclusum, -Int logical conclusion, shake, shatter; (weapons) to hurl; (power) to
conclusus pppo/ concludo: disturb, impair; (person) to agitate, alarm;
concoctus ppp of concoquo, (self) to search, examine; to rouse,
concolor, -oris adj of the same colour, condalium, -I and ilnt slave’s ring,
concomitatus adj escorted, condecet, -erevt impers it becomes,
concoquo, -quere, -xl, -ctum vt to boil condecoro, -are vt to enhance,
down; to digest; (fig) to put up with, stomach; condemnator, -oris m accuser,
(thought) to consider well, concoct, condemno, -are, -avi, -atum vt to condemn,
concordia, -ae/friendship, concord, union; sentence; to urge the conviction of; to
goddess of Concord. blame, censure; ambitus - convict of
concorditer adv amicably, bribery; capitis - condemn to death; voti
concordo, -are vi to agree, be in harmony, -atus obliged to fulfil a vow.
concors, -dis adj concordant, united, condenso, -are, -eo, -ere vt to compress,
harmonious. move close together,
concrebresco, -escere, -ui vi to gather condensus adj very dense, close, thick,
strength. condicio, -onis/arrangement, condition,
concredo, -ere, -idl, -itum vt to entrust, terms; marriage contract, match; situation,
concremo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to bum. position, circumstances; manner, mode; ea
concrepo, -are, -ui, -itum vi to rattle, creak, ~one ut on condition that; sub -ona
clash, snap (fingers) ♦ vt to beat, conditionally; his -onibus on these terms;
concresco, -scere, -vi, -turn vi to harden, vitae - way of life.
curdle, congeal, clot; to grow, take shape, condico, -Icere, -IxT, -ictum vt. vi to talk over,
concretio, -dnis/condensing; matter. agree upon, promise; ad cenam -■ have a
LATIN-ENGL1SH 45 condidi-confirmatio

dinner engagement, confarreo, -are, -atum vt to marry by

condidiper/o/ condo, confarreatio.
condigne adv see condignus, confatalis adj bound by the same destiny.
condignus adj very worthy, confeci perfof conficio.
condimentum, -int spice, seasoning, confectio, -onis/making, completion; (food)
condio, -ire, -ivi, -itum vt to pickle, preserve, chewing.
embalm; to season; (fig) to give zest to, cdnfector, -oris m maker, finisher; destroyer,
temper. confectus ppp of conficid.
condiscipulus, -im school-fellow, confercio, -cire, -tum vt to stuff, cram, pack
condisco, -scere, -dici vt to learn thoroughly, closely.
learn by heart, confero, -ferre, -tuii, -latum vt to gather
conditio etc see condicio, together, collect; to contribute; to confer,
conditio, -onis/preserving, seasoning, talk over; (mil) to oppose, engage in battle; to
conditor, -orism founder, author, composer, compare; (words) to condense; to direct,
conditorium, -i and iim coffin, urn, tomb, transfer; to transform (into), turn (to); to
conditus ad; savoury; (.fig) polished, devote, bestow; to ascribe, assign, impute;
conditus pppo/ condo, (time) to postpone; capita - put heads
conditus ppp of condio. together, confer; gradum - cum walk beside;
condo, -ere, -idi, -itum vt 1. (build, found: arts) se - go, turn (to); sermones ~ converse;
to make, compose, write; (: institutions) to signa - join battle,
establish 2. (put away for keeping, store up: confertim adv in close order,
fruit) to preserve; (: person) to imprison; confertus pppo/ confercio ♦ adj crowded, full;
(: dead) to bury; (; memory) to lay up; (; time) (mil) in close order.
to pass, bring to a close 3. (put out of sight, confervesco, -vescere, -buivi to boil up,
conceal: eyes) to close; (: sword) to sheathe, grow hot.
plunge; (: troops) to place in ambush, confessio, -onis/acknowledgement,
condocefacio, -ere vt to train, confession.
condoceo, -ere, -ui, -turn vt to train, confessus ppao/ confiteor ♦ adj
condolesco, -escere, -uivi to begin to ache, acknowledged, certain; in -6 esse/in -urn
feel very sore. venire be generally admitted,
condonatio, -dnis/ giving away, confestim adv immediately,
condono, -are, -avi, -atum vt to give, conficid, -icere, -ecT, -ectum vt to make,
present, deliver up; (debt) to remit; (offence) effect, complete, accomplish; to get
to pardon, let off. together, procure; to wear out, exhaust,
condormisco, -iscere, -ivivi to fall fast consume, destroy; (comm) to settle; (space) to
asleep. travel; (time) to pass, complete; (philos) to be
conducibilis adj expedient, an active cause; (logic) to deduce; (pass) it
conduco, -ucere, -uxi, -uctum vt to bring follows.
together, assemble, connect; to hire, rent, confictio, -dnis/fabrication,
borrow; (public work) to undertake, get the confictus ppp o/cdnfingd.
contract for; (taxes) to farm ♦ vi to be of use, confidens, -entis pres po/cdnfidd ♦ adj self-
profit. confident, bold, presumptuous,
conducti, -orum mpi hirelings, mercenaries, confidenter adv fearlessly, insolently,
conducticius adj hired, confidentia, -ae/confidence, self-
conductio, -dnis/hiring, farming, confidence; impudence,
conductor, -oris m hirer, tenant; contractor, confidentiloquus adj outspoken,
conductum, -int anything hired orrented. cdnfidd, -dere, -sus sum vi to trust, rely, be
conductus ppp of conduco, sure; sibi - be confident,
conduplico, -are v( to double, configo, -gere, -xi, -xum vt to fasten
conduro, -arevt to make very hard, together; to pierce, shoot; ( fig) to paralyse,
condus, -im steward. confingo, -ingere, -inxi, -ictum vt to make,
conecto, -ctere, -xui, -xum vt to tie, fasten, invent, pretend.
link, join; (logic) to state a conclusion, confinis adj adjoining; (fig) akin,
conexum, -im logical inference, confinium, -im common boundary; (pi)
conexus pppo/conecto ♦ adj connected; (time) neighbours; (fig) close connection,
following. borderland between,
conexus, -us m combination, cdnfio, -fieri occ pass of conficid.
confabulor, -ari, -atusvi to talk (to), discuss, confirmatio, -dnis/establishing; (person)
confarreatio, -dnis f the most solemn of Roman encouragement; ( fact) verifying; (rhet)
marriage ceremonies. adducing of proofs.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
confirmator-coniecturalis 46 LATIN-ENGL1SH

confirmator, -oris m guarantor {of money). congemino, -are, -avi, -atum vt to double,
confirmatus adj resolute; proved, certain, congemo, -ere, -ui vi to groan, sigh ♦ vt to
confirmo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to strengthen, lament.
reinforce; (decree) to confirm, ratify; (mind) conger, -ri m sea eel.
to encourage; (fact) to corroborate, prove, congeries, -ei/heap, mass, accumulation,
assert; se - recover; take courage, congero, -rere, -ssi, -stum vt to collect,
confisco, -arevt to keep in a chest; to accumulate, build; (missiles) to shower;
confiscate. (speech) to comprise; (fig) to heap (upon),
confisio, -onis/assurance. ascribe.
confisus ppaof confido, congero, -onis m thief,
confiteor, -iteri, -essus vt, vi to confess, congerro, -onis m companion in revelry,
acknowledge; to reveal, congesticius adj piled up.
confixus pppof configo, congestus ppp 0/congero,
conflagro, -are, -avi, -atum vi to burn, be congestus, -usm accumulating; heap, mass,
ablaze. _ congialis adj holding a congius,
conflictio, -onis/conflict, congiarium, -i and iint gift of food to the
conflicto, -Ire, -avi, -atum vt to strike down, people, gratuity to the army,
contend (with); (pass) to fight, be harassed, congius, -iand iim Roman liquid measure
be afflicted. (about 6 pints).
conflictus, -us m striking together, conglacio, -arevi to freeze up.
confligo, -gere, -xi, -ctum vt to dash conglisco, -ere vi to blaze up.
together; (fig) to contrast ♦ vi to fight, come conglobatio, -dnis/mustering.
into conflict. conglobo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to make
conflo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to ignite; (passion) round; to mass together,
to inflame; to melt down; (fig) to produce, conglomero, -are vt to roll up.
procure, occasion. conglutinatio, -onis/gluing, cementing;
confluens, -entis, -entes, -entium m (fig) combination.
confluence of two rivers, conglutino, -are, -avi, -atum vt to glue,
confluo, -ere, -xivi to flow together; (fig) to cement; (fig) to join, weld together; to
flock together, pour in. contrive.
confodio, -odere, -odi, -ossum vt to dig; to congraeco, -are vt to squander on luxury,
stab. congratulor, -ari, -atus vi to congratulate,
conf ore fut infin of consum. congredior, -di, -ssusvt, vi to meet, accost; to
conformatio, -onis/shape, form; (words) contend, fight.
arrangement; (voice) expression; (mind) congregabilis odj gregarious,
idea; (rhet) figure. congregatio, -dnis/union, society,
conformo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to shape, congrego, -are, -avi, -atum vt to collect,
fashion. assemble, unite.
confossus ppp of confodio ♦ adj full of holes, congressio, -onis/meeting, conference,
confractus ppp of confringo, congressus ppa of congredior,
confragosus adj broken, rough; (fig) hard, congressus, -us m meeting, association,
confregi pvrf of confringo union; encounter, fight,
confremo, -ere, -uivi to murmur aloud, congruens, -entis adj suitable, consistent,
confrico, -arevt to rub well, proper; harmonious,
confringo, -ingere, -egi, -actum vt to break congruenter adv in conformity,
in pieces, wreck; (fig) to ruin, congruo, -ere, -ivi to coincide; to
confugio, -ugere, -uglvi to flee for help (to), correspond, suit; to agree, sympathize,
take refuge (with); (fig) to have recourse congruus adj agreeable,
(to). conicid, -icere, -iecl, -iectum vt to throw
confugium, -i and iint refuge, together; to throw, hurl; to put, fling, drive,
confundo, -undere, -udi, -usum vt to mix, direct; to infer, conjecture; (augury) to
mingle, join; to mix up, confuse, throw into interpret; se ~ rush, fly; devote oneself,
disorder; (mind) to perplex, bewilder; to coniectio, -onis/throwing; conjecture,
diffuse, spread over, interpretation.
confuse adv confusedly, coniecto, -are vt to infer, conjecture, guess,
confusio, -onis/combination; confusion, coniector, -oris m (male) interpreter,
disorder; oris - going red in the face, diviner.
confusus ppp of confundo ♦ adj confused, coniectrlx, -ricis/(female) interpreter,
disorderly, troubled. diviner.
confuto, -are, -avi, -atum vt to keep from coniectura, -ae/inference, conjecture,
boiling over; to repress; to silence, confute, guess; interpretation.
congelo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to freeze, coniecturalisadj (rhet) involving a question of
harden ♦ vi to freeze over, grow numb. fact.
LATIN-ENGLISH 47 coniectus-cdnsectatrix

coniectus ppp of conicid. a respite; (fig) to be at peace, find recreation;

coniectus, -us m heap, mass, concourse; (things) to stop, be quiet,
throwing, throw, range; (eyes, mind) turning, conquinisco, -ere vi to cower, squat, stoop
directing. down.
conifer, coniger, -Iadj cone-bearing, conquiro, -rere, -sivi, -sltum vt to search
conitor, -ti, -sus and -xus vi to lean on; to for, collect.
strive, struggle on; to labour, conquisite adv carefully,
coniugalis adj of marriage, conjugal, conquisitio, -onis/search; (mil) levy,
coniugatio, -onis/etymological conquisitor, -oris m recruiting officer;
relationship. (theatre) claqueur.
coniugator, -oris m uniter, conquisitus ppp o/ conquiro ♦ adj select,
coniugialis adj marriage- (in cpds). costly.
coniugium, -Tand iim union, marriage; conr- etc see corr-.
husband, wife. consaepio, -Ire, -si, -turn vt to enclose, fence
coniugo, -are wt to form (a friendship)-, -ata round.
verba words related etymologically, consaeptum, -tint enclosure,
coniuncte adv jointly; on familiar terms; consalutatio, -onis/mutual greeting,
(logjc) hypothetically, consaluto, -are, -avi, -atum vt to greet, hail,
coniunctim adv together, jointly, consanesco, -escere, -ulvi to heal up.
coniunctio, -onis/union, connection, consanguineus adj brother, sister, kindred ♦
association; (minds) sympathy, affinity; mpi relations.
(gram) conjunction. consanguinitas, -atis/relationship,
coniunctum, -Int (rhet) connection; (philos) consceleratus adj wicked,
inherent property (of a body). conscelero, -are, -avi, -atum vt to disgrace,
coniunctus ppp of coniungo ♦ adj near; conscendo, -endere, -end!, -ensum vt, vi to
connected, agreeing, conforming; related, climb, mount, embark,
friendly, intimate. conscensio, -onis/embarkation,
coniungo, -ungere, -unxi, -unctum vt to conscensus ppp of conscendo,
yoke, join together, connect; (war) to join conscientia, -ae/joint knowledge, being in
forces in; to unite in love, marriage, the know; (sense of) consciousness; moral
friendship; to continue without a break, sense, conscience, guilty conscience,
coniunx, -ugis m/f consort, wife, husband, conscindo, -ndere, -dl, -ssum vt to tear to
bride. pieces; (fig) to abuse,
coniuratl, -drum mpi conspirators, conscio, -Ire vt to be conscious of guilt,
coniuratio, -onis/conspiracy, plot; alliance, conscisco, -scere, -vi and ii, -Itum vt to
coniuratus adj (mil) after taking the oath, decide on publicly; to inflict on oneself;
coniuro, -are, -avi, -atum vi to take an oath; mortem (sibi) - commit suicide,
to conspire, plot, conscissus ppp of conscindo,
coniux etc see coniunx. conscitus ppp of conscisco,
coniveo, -vere, -vi and xl vi to shut the eyes, conscius adj sharing knowledge, privy, in the
blink; (fig) to be asleep; to connive at. know; aware, conscious (of); conscious of
conj-etc see coni-. guilt ♦ m/confederate, confidant,
COnl- etc see coll-, conscreor, -arl vi to clear the throat,
conm- etc see comm-, conscribo, -bere, -psl, -ptum vt to enlist,
conn- etc see con-. enrol; to write, compose, draw up,
Conon, -is m Athenian commander; Greek prescribe.
astronomer. conscriptio, -onis/document, draft,
conopeum (-eum), -elm mosquito net. conscriptus ppp o/ conscribo; patres -i
conor, -arl, -atus vt to try, attempt, venture, patrician and elected plebeian members,
conp- etc see comp-, senators.
conquassatio, -onis/severe shaking, conseco, -are, -ul, -turn vt to cut up.
conquasso, -are, -atum vt to shake, upset, consecratio, -onis/ consecration,
shatter. deification.
conqueror, -ri, -stus vt, vi to complain consecro, -are, -avi, -atum vt to dedicate,
bitterly of, bewail. consecrate, deify; (fig) to devote; to
conquestio, -onis/complaining; (rhet) immortalise; caput - doom to death,
appeal to pity. consectarius ad) logical, consequent ♦ ntpl
conquestus ppa o/conqueror. inferences.
conquestus, -us m outcry. consectatio, -onis/pursuit.
conquiesco, -score, -vi, -turn vi to rest, take consectatrix, -icis/(fig) follower.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -ire = 1st; -are = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
consectio-conspicio 48 LATIN-ENGL1SH

consectio, -onis/cutting up. take up a position; (residence) to settle;

consector, -ari, -atusvt to follow, go after, (places) to subside, sink; (fig) to sink, settle
try to gain; to emulate, imitate; to pursue, down, subside.
chase. consigno, -are, -avl, -atum vt to seal, sign; to
consecutio, -onis/(philos) consequences, attest, vouch for; to record, register,
effect; (hhet) sequence, consilesco, -ere vi to calm down,
consedi perf of consido. consiliarius, -I and ilm adviser, counsellor;
consenesco, -escere, -ui vi to grow old, grow spokesman ♦ adj counselling,
old together; (fig) to fade, pine, decay, consiliator, -oris m counsellor,
become obsolete. consilior, -ari, -atus vi to consult; (with dat) to
consensio, -onis/agreement, accord; advise.
conspiracy, plot, consilium, -I and ilnt deliberation,
consensu adv unanimously, consultation; deliberating body, council;
consensus ppp of consentio, decision, purpose; plan, measure,
consensus, -US m agreement, concord; stratagem; advice, counsel; judgement,
conspiracy; (philos) common sensation; (fig) insight, wisdom; -ium capere, inire come to a
harmony. decision, resolve; ~i esse be an open
consentaneus adj agreeing, in keeping with; question; ~io intentionally; eo ~io ut with the
-urn est it is reasonable, intention of; privato ~io for one’s own
consentio, -entire, -ensl, -ensum vi to purposes.
agree, determine together; to plot, conspire; consimilis adj just like,
(philos) to have common sensations; (fig) to consipio, -ere vi to be in one’s senses,
harmonize, suit, be consistent (with); bellum consisto, -istere, -tit» vi to stand, rest, take
-• vote for war. up a position; to consist (of), depend (on); to
consequens, -entis pres pof consequor ♦ adj exist, be; (fig) to stand firm, endure; (liquid)
coherent, reasonable; logical, consequent ♦ to solidify, freeze; to stop, pause, halt, come
nt consequence. to rest; (fig) to come to a standstill, come to
consequor, -qul, -cutus vt to follow, pursue; an end.
to overtake, reach; (time) to come after; consitio, -onis/sowing, planting,
(example) to follow, copy; (effect) to result, consitor, -oris m sower, planter,
be the consequence of; (aim) to attain, get; consitus ppp of consero,
(mind) to grasp, learn; (events) to happen to, consobrinus, -Im, -a, -ae/cousin,
come to; (standard) to equal, come up to; consociatio, -onis/society.
(speech) to do justice to. consocio, -are, -avi, -atum vt to share,
consero, -erere, -evl, -itum vt to sow, plant, associate, unite,
(ground) to sow with, plant with; (fig) to consolabilis adj consolable.
cover, fill. consolatio, -onis/comfort, encouragement,
consero, -ere, -ui, -turn vt to join, string consolation.
together, twine; (mil) to join battle; manum/ consolator, -orism comforter,
manus - engage in close combat; ex iure consolatorius adj of consolation,
manum - lay claim to (in an action for consolor, -ari, -atusvt to console, comfort,
possession). reassure; (things) to relieve, mitigate,
conserte adv connectedly, consomnio, -are vt to dream about,
consertus ppp of consero, consono, -are, -ulvi to resound; (fig) to
conserva, -ae/fellow slave, accord.
conservatio, -dnis/preserving. consonus adj concordant; (fig) suitable,
conservator, -oris m preserver, consopio, -Ire, -Itum vt to put to sleep,
conservitium, -I and ilnt being fellow slaves, consors, -tisadj sharing in common; (things)
conservo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to preserve, shared in common ♦ m/f partner, colleague,
save, keep. _ consortio, -onis/partnership, fellowship,
conservus, -Im fellow slave, consortium, -I and ilnt society, participation,
consessor, -oris m companion at table, conspectus ppp o/conspicio ♦ adj visible;
fellow spectator; (law) assessor, conspicuous.
consessus, -us m assembly; (law) court, conspectus, -us m look, view, sight;
consevi perf of consero. appearing on the scene; (fig) mental picture,
considerate adv cautiously, deliberately, survey; in -um venire come in sight, come
consideratio, -onis/contemplation, near.
consideratus adj (person) circumspect; conspergo, -gere, -si, -sum vt to besprinkle;
(things) well-considered, (fig) to spangle.
considero, -are, -avl, -atum vt to look at, conspiciendus adj noteworthy,
inspect; to consider, contemplate, distinguished.
consido, -Idere, -edi, -essum vi to sit down, conspicio, -icere, -exl, -ectumvt to observe,
take seats; (courts) to be in session; (mil) to catch sight of; to look at (esp with admiration),
LATIN-ENGUSH 49 conspicor-consumo

contemplate; (pass) to attract attention, be constupro, -arevt to debauch, rape,

conspicuous, be notorious; (mind) to see, consuadeo, -ere vi to advise strongly.
perceive. Consualia, -ium ntpl festival of Consus.
conspicor, -arl, -atus vt to observe, see, consuasor, -orism earnest adviser,
catch sight of. consudo, -arevi to sweat profusely,
conspicuus adj visible; conspicuous, consuefacio, -facere, -feci, -factum vt to
distinguished. accustom.
conspiratio, -onis/concord, unanimity; consuesco, -scere, -vi, -turn vt to accustom,
plotting, conspiracy. inure ♦ vi to get accustomed; to cohabit
conspiro, -are, -avl, -atum vi to agree, unite; (with); (perf tenses) to be accustomed, be in
to plot, conspire; (music) to sound together, the habit of.
consponsor, -oris m co-guarantor, consuetudo, -inis/custom, habit;
conspuo, -ere vt to spit upon, familiarity, social intercourse; love affair;
conspurco, -are vt to pollute, (language) usage, idiom; ~ine/ex -ine as
consputo, -are vt to spit upon (with contempt). usual; epistularum - correspondence,
constabilio, -Ire, -Ivi, -itum vt to establish, consuetus ppp 0/ consuesco ♦ adj customary,
constans, -antis pres pof consto ♦ ad; steady, usual.
stable, constant; consistent; faithful, consuevi perf of consuesco,
steadfast. consul, -is m consul; - designatus consul
constanter adv steadily, firmly, calmly; elect; - ordinarius regular consul; -
consistently. suffectus successor to a consul who has died
constantia, -ae/steadiness, firmness; during his term of office-, - iterum/tertium
consistency, harmony; self-possession, consul for the second/third time; -em
constancy. creare, dicere, facere elect to the consulship;
consternatio, -onis/ disorder, tumult; L. Domitio App. Claudio -ibus in the year 54
(horses) stampede; (mind) dismay, alarm, B.C.
consterno, -ernere, -ravi, -ratum vt to consularis ad; consular, consul’s; of consular
spread, cover, thatch, pave; -rata navis rank ♦ m ex-consul.
decked ship. consulariter adv in a manner worthy of a
consterno, -are, -avl, -atum vt to startle, consul.
stampede; to alarm, throw into confusion, consulatus, -usm consulship; -um petere
constipo, -are vt to crowd together, stand for the consulship,
constiti perf of consisto, consulo, -ere, -ul, -turn vi to deliberate, take
constituo, -uere, -ul, -utum vt to put, place, thought; (with dat) to look after, consult the
set down; (mil) to station, post, halt; to interests of; (with de or in) to take measures
establish, build, create; to settle, arrange, against, pass sentence on ♦ vt to consult, ask
organize; to appoint, determine, fix; to advice of; to consider; to advise
resolve, decide; bene -utum corpus a good (something); to decide; bonT/optiml - take in
constitution. good part, be satisfied with,
constitutio, -onis/ state, condition; consultatio, -onis/deliberation; inquiry;
regulation, decree; definition, point at issue, case.
constitutum, -utlnt agreement, consulte adv deliberately,
consto, -are, -iti, -atum vi to stand together; consulto adv deliberately,
to agree, correspond, tally; to stand firm, consulto, -are, -avl, -atum vt, vi to
remain constant; to exist, be; to consist (of), deliberate, reflect; to consult; (with dat) to
be composed (of); (facts) to be established, consult the interests of.
be well-known; (comm) to cost; sibi - be consultor, -orism counsellor; consulter,
consistent; inter omnes ~at it is common client.
knowledge; mihi -at I am determined; ratio consultrix, -Icis/protectress,
-at the account is correct, consultum, -Int decree (esp of the Senate);
constratum, -Int flooring, deck, consultation; response (from an oracle).
constratus ppp of consterno, consultuspppo/consulo 4 adj considered;
constringo, -ingere, -inxl, -ictum vt to tie experienced, skilled ♦ m lawyer; iuris -us
up, bind, fetter; (fig) to restrain, restrict; lawyer.
(speech) to compress, condense, consuluiper/o/consulo.
constructio, -onis/building up; (words) (consum), futurum, fore vi to be all right,
arrangement, sequence, consummatus adj perfect,
construo, -ere, -xi, -ctum vt to heap up; to consummo, -are vt to sum up; to complete,
build, construct. perfecr
constuprator, -oris m debaucher. consumo, -ere, -psi, -ptum vt to consume,

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -Tre = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
consumptio-contio 50 LATIN-ENGUSH

use up, eat up; to waste, squander; to intensely.

exhaust, destroy, kill; to spend, devote. contente adv (from contineo) closely,
consumptio, -onis/ wasting, contentio, -onis/straining, effort; striving
consumptor, -oris m destroyer, (after); struggle, competition, dispute;
consumptus ppp of consumo, comparison, contrast, antithesis,
consuo, -uere, -ui, -utum vt to sew up; (fig) contentus ppp o/contendo ♦ adj strained,
to contrive. tense; (fig) intent.
consurgo, -gere, -rexi, -rectum vi to rise, contentus ppp o/contineo ♦ adj content,
stand up; to be roused (to); to spring up, satisfied.
start. conterminus adj bordering, neighbouring,
consurrectio, -onis/standing up. contero, -erere, -rivi, -ritum vt to grind,
Consus, -T m ancient Roman god (connected crumble; to wear out, waste; (time) to spend,
with harvest). pass; (fig) to obliterate,
consusurro, -arevi to whisper together, conterreo, -ere, -ui, -itum vt to terrify,
consutus ppp 0/consuo, contestatus adj proved,
contabefacio, -ere vt to wear out. contestor, -ari, -atus vt to call to witness;
contabesco, -escere, -ulvi to waste away, litem - open a lawsuit by calling witnesses,
contabulatio, -onis/flooring, storey, contexo, -ere, -ui, -turn vt to weave,
contabulo, -are, -avT, -atum vt to board interweave; to devise, construct; (recital) to
over, build in storeys, continue.
contactus ppp of contingo, contexte adv in a connected fashion,
contactus, -us m touch, contact; contagion, contextus adj connected,
infection. contextus, -us m connection, coherence,
contages, -is / contact, touch, conticesco (-Isco), -escere, -ulvi to become
contagio, -onis/, contagium, -T and i7 nt quiet, fall silent; (fig) to cease, abate,
contact; contagion, infection; ( fig) contigi perfof contingo,
contamination, bad example, contignatio, -onis/floor, storey,
contaminatus adj impure, vicious, contigno, -arevt to floor,
contamino, -are, -avl, -atum vt to defile; (.fig) contiguus adj adjoining, near; within reach,
to mar, spoil. continens, -entis pres pof contineo ♦ adj
contechnor, -an, -atus vi to think out plots, bordering, adjacent; unbroken, continuous;
contego, -egere, -exl, -ectum vt to cover up, (time) successive, continual, uninterrupted;
cover over; to protect; to hide, (person) temperate, continent ♦ nt mainland,
contemero, -arevt to defile, continent; essential point (in an argument).
contemno, -nere, -psl, -ptum vt to think continenter adv (place) in a row; (time)
light of, have no fear of, despise, defy; to continuously; (person) temperately,
disparage. continentia, -ae/moderation, self-control,
contemplatio, -onis/ contemplation, contineo, -inere, -inul, -entum vt to hold,
surveying. keep together; to confine, enclose; to
contemplator, -oris m observer, contain, include, comprise; (pass) to consist
contemplatus, -us m contemplation, of, rest on; to control, check, repress,
contemplo, -are, -avl, -atum, -or, -ari, contingo, -ingere, -igl, -actum vt to touch,
-atus vt to look at, observe, contemplate, take hold of, partake of; to be near, border
contempsi perfof contemno, on; to reach, come to; to contaminate; (mind)
contemptim adv contemptuously, to touch, affect, concern ♦ vi to happen,
slightingly. succeed.
contemptio, -onis/disregard, scorn, contingo, -ere vt to moisten, smear,
despising. continuatio, -onis/unbroken, succession,
contemptor, -oris m (male) despiser, deflier, series; (rhet) period,
contemptrix, -ricis/(female) despiser, continui perfof contineo,
defiler. continuo adv immediately, without delay;
contemptus ppp o/contemno ♦ adj (argument) necessarily,
contemptible. continuo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to join
contemptus, -us m despising, scorn; being together, make continuous; to continue
slighted; ~ul esse be despised, without a break; verba - form a sentence,
contendo, -dere, -di, -turn vt to stretch, continuus adj joined (to); continuous,
draw, tighten; (instrument) to tune; (effort) to successive, uninterrupted; -a nocte the
strain, exert; (argument) to assert, maintain; following night; triduum -urn three days
(comparison) to compare, contrast; (course) running.
to direct ♦ vi to exert oneself, strive; to contio, -onis/public meeting; speech,
hurry; to journey, march; to contend, address; rostrum; -onem habere hold a
compete, fight; to entreat, solicit, meeting; deliver an address; pro -one in
contente adv (from contendo) earnestly, public.
LATIN-ENGLISH 51 contionabundus-convenae

contionabundus ad; delivering a harangue, contritus ppp 0/ contero ♦ adj trite, well-worn,
playing the demagogue, controversia, -ae/dispute, argument,
contionalis adj suitable for a public meeting, debate, controversy,
demagogic. controversiosus adj much disputed,
contionarius ad; fond of public meetings, controversus adj disputed, questionable,
contionator, -oris m demagogue, contrucido, -are, -avl, -atum vt to massacre,
contionor, -an, -atus vi to address a public contrudo, -dere, -si, -sum vt to crowd
meeting, harangue; to declare in public; to together.
come to a meeting, contrunco, -are vt to hack to pieces,
contiuncula, -ae/short speech, contrusus ppp of contrudo,
contorqueo, -quere, -si, -turn vt to twist, contubernalis, -is mf tent companion; junior
turn; (weapons) to throw, brandish; (words) officer serving with a general; (fig)
to deliver forcibly, companion, mate.
contorte adv intricately, contubernium, -Iand ilnt service in the same
contortio, -onis/intricacy, tent, mess; service as junior officer with a
contortor, -oris m perverter. general; common tent; slaves’ home,
contortulus adj somewhat complicated, contueor, -eri, -itus vt to look at, consider,
contortuplicatusad; very complicated, observe.
contortus pppo/contorqueo ♦ adj vehement; contuitus, -us m observing, view,
intricate. contuli perfof confero,
contra adv (place) opposite, face to face; contumacia, -ae/obstinacy, defiance,
(speech) in reply; (action) to fight, in contumaciter adv see contumax,
opposition, against someone; (result, with contumax, -acis adj stubborn, insolent, pig¬
esse) adverse, unsuccessful; (comparison) headed.
the contrary, conversely, differently; contumelia, -ae/(verbal) insult, libel,
(argument) on the contrary, on the other invective\(physical) assault, ill-treatment,
hand; ~ atque, quam contrary to what, contumeliose adv insolently,
otherwise than ♦ prep ( with acc) facing, contumeliosus adj insulting, outrageous,
opposite to; against; contrary to, in violation contumulo, -are vt to bury,
of. contundo, -undere, -udi, -usum vt to pound,
contractio, -onis/ contracting; shortening; beat, bruise; (fig) to suppress, destroy,
despondency. contuor etc see contueor,
contractiuncula, -ae/slight despondency, conturbatio, -onis/confusion, mental
contractus ppp of contraho ♦ adj contracted, disorder.
narrow; short; in seclusion, conturbatus adj distracted, diseased,
cont' adlco, -dicere, -dlxl, -dictum (usu two conturbo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to throw into
words) vt, vi to oppose, object; (law) to be confusion; (mind) to derange, disquiet;
counsel for the other side, (money) to embarrass,
contradictio, -onis/objection, contus, -Tmpole.
contraho, -here, -xT, -ctum vt to draw contusus ppp of contundo,
together, assemble; to bring about, achieve; contutus see contuitus,
(comm) to contract, make a bargain; to conubialis adj conjugal,
shorten, narrow; to limit, depress; (blame) to conubium, -I and ilnt marriage; ius -I right of
incur; (brow) to wrinkle; (sail) to shorten; intermarriage.
(sky) to overcast, conus, -Tm cone; (helmet) apex,
contrarie adv differently, convador, -arl, -atus vt (law) to bind over,
contrarius adj opposite, from opposite; convalesco, -escere, -ul vi to recover, get
contrary; hostile, harmful ♦ nt opposite, better; (fig) to grow stronger, improve,
reverse; ex -6 on the contrary, convallis, -is/valley with hills on all sides,
contrectabiliter adv so as to be felt, convaso, -are vt to pack up.
contrectatio, -onis/touching. convecto, -are vt to bring home,
contrecto, -are, -avl, -atum vt to touch, convector, -orism fellow passenger,
handle; (fig) to consider, conveho, -here, -xi, -ctum vt to bring in,
contremisco, -Iscere, -ulvi to tremble all carry.
over; (fig) to waver ♦ vt to be afraid of. convello, -ellere, -elfl, -ulsum and olsum vt
contremo, -ere vi to quake, to wrench, tear away; to break up; (fig) to
contribuo, -uere, -ul, -utum vt to bring destroy, overthrow; signa - decamp,
together, join, incorporate, convena, -aeadj meeting,
contristo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to sadden, convenae, -arum m/f crowd of strangers,
darken, cloud. refugees.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -are = 2nd; -era = 3rd and -Tre = 4th Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
conveniens-Corfinium 52 LATIN-ENGLISH

conveniens, -entis pres pof convenio ♦ adj convolnero see convulnero,

harmonious, consistent; fit, appropriate, convolo, -are, -avi, -atum vi to flock
convenienter adv in conformity (with), together.
consistently; aptly. convolsus see convulsus,
convenientia, -ae/conformity, harmony, convolvo, -vere, -vi, -utum vt to roll up, coil
convenio, -enlre, -enl, -entum vi to meet, up; to intertwine,
assemble; (events) to combine, coincide; convomo, -ere vt to vomit over,
(person) to agree, harmonize; (things) to fit, convorrdsee converro,
suit; (impers) to be suitable, be proper ♦ vt to convorto see converto,
speak to, interview, convulnero, -arevt to wound seriously,
conventicium, -I and il nt payment for convulsus ppp of convello,
attendance at assemblies, cooperio, -Ire, -ul, -turn vt to cover over,
conventicius ad; visiting regularly, overwhelm.
conventiculum, -I nt gathering; meeting cooptatio, -onis/electing, nominating (of
place. new members).
conventio, -onis/agreement. coopto, -are, -avl, -atum vt to elect (as a
conventum, -Int agreement, colleague).
conventus ppp of convenio, coorior, -Iri, -tus vi to rise, appear; to break
conventus, -us m meeting; (law) local out, begin.
assizes; (comm) corporation; agreement; -us coortus, -us m originating,
agere hold the assizes, copa, -ae/barmaid,
converro, -rere, -rl, -sum vt to sweep up, cophinus, -1 m basket,
brush together; (comedy) to give a good copia, -ae/abundance, plenty, number;
beating to. resources, wealth, prosperity; (mil, usu pi)
conversatio, -onis/associating (with), troops, force; (words, thought) richness,
conversio, -onis/revolution, cycle; change fulness, store; (action) opportunity, facility,
over; (rhet) well-rounded period; verbal means, access; pro -a according to one’s
repetition at end of clauses, resources, as good as possible considering,
converso, -are vt to turn round, copiolae, -arum/pi small force,
conversus ppp of converro; ppp of converto, copiose adv abundantly, fully, at great length,
converto, -tere, -ti, -sum vt to turn round, copiosus ad; abounding, rich, plentiful;
turn back; (mil) to wheel; to turn, direct; to (speech) eloquent, fluent,
change, transform; (writings) to translate ♦ copis ad; rich.
vi to return, turn, change, copula, -ae/rope, leash, grapnel; (fig) bond,
convestio, -Ire, -Ivi, -Ttum vt to clothe, copulatio, -onis/coupling, union,
encompass. copulatus ad; connected, binding,
convexus ad; vaulted, rounded; hollow; copulo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to couple, join;
sloping ♦ nt vault, hollow, (fig) to unite, associate,
conviciator, -oris m slanderer, coqua, -ae/cook.
convicior, -ari, -atus vt to revile, coquino, -are vi to be a cook,
convicium, -I and ilnt loud noise, outcry; coquinus ad; of cooking,
invective, abuse; reproof, protest, coquo, -quere, -xl, -ctum vt to cook, boil,
convictio, -onis/companionship, bake; to parch, burn; (fruit) to ripen;
convictor, -orism familiar friend, (stomach) to digest; (thought) to plan,
convictus ppp of convinco, concoct; (care) to disquiet, disturb,
convictus, -us m community life, coquus (cocus), -Im cook,
intercourse; entertainment, cor, cordis nt heart; (feeling) heart, soul;
convinco, -incere, -Ici, -ictum vt to refute, (thought) mind, judgement; cordi esse
convict, prove wrong; to prove, please, be agreeable.
demonstrate. coram adv in one’s presence; in person ♦ prep
conviso, -ere vt to search, examine; to (with abl) in the presence of, before,
pervade. corbis, -is m/f basket,
convltium see convicium, corbita, -ae/ slow boat,
conviva, -ae m/f guest, corbula, -ae/little basket,
convivalis ad; festive, convivial, corculum, -Int dear heart.
convivator, -orism host, Corcyra, -ae/ island off W. coast of Greece
convivium, -Iand ilnt banquet, (now Corfu).
entertainment; guests, Corcyraeus adj see n.
convivor, -ari, -atus vi to feast together, cordate adv see cordatus,
carouse. cordatus adj wise,
convocatio, -onis/assembling, cordolium, -I and ilnt sorrow.
convoco, -are, -avi, -atum vt to call a Corfiniensis adj see n.
meeting of, muster. Corfinium, -Int town in central Italy.
LATIN-ENGL1SH 53 coriandrum-cotTd

coriandrum, -Tnt coriander. correpte adv briefly,

Corinthiacus, -iensis, -iusadj: -ium aes correptus ppp of corripio,
Corinthian brass (an alloy of gold, silver and corrideo, -ere vt to laugh aloud,
copper). corrigia, -ae/shoelace,
Corinthus, -I/Corinth, corrigo, -igere, -exi, -ectum vt to make
corium (corius m) -i and iTnt hide, skin; straight; to put right, improve, correct,
leather, strap. corripio, -ipere, -ipui, -eptum vt to seize,
Cornelia, -iae/ mother of the Gracchi. carry off, get along quickly; (speech) to
Cornelianus, -iusadj: leges ~iae Sulla’s laws. reprove, reproach, accuse; (passion) to seize
Cornelius, -I m famous Roman family name upon, attack; (time, words) to cut short; se
(esp Scipios, Gracchi, Sulla). gradum, viam - hasten, rush,
corneolus adj horny, corroboro, -are, -avi, -atum vt to make
corneus ad; of horn. strong, invigorate.
corneus ad; of the cornel tree, of cornel wood, corrodo, -dere, -si, -sum vt to nibble away,
cornicen, -cinis m horn-blower, corrogo, -are vt to gather by requesting,
cornicula, -ae/little crow, corrugo, -arevt to wrinkle,
cornicularius, -T and iim adjutant, corrumpo, -umpere, -upi, -upturn vt to
corniculum, -Tnt a horn-shaped decoration, break up, ruin, waste; to mar, adulterate,
corniger, -iodj horned, falsify; (person) to corrupt, seduce, bribe,
cornipes, -edis ad; horn-footed. corruo, -ere, -Ivi to fall, collapse ♦ vt to
cornix, -Icis/crow. overthrow, heap up.
cornu, -us, -um, -Im horn; anything horn¬ corrupte adv perversely; in a lax manner,
shaped; (army) wing; (bay) arm; (book) corruptela, -ae/ corruption, bribery;
roller-end; (bow) tip; (helmet) crest-socket; seducer.
(land) tongue, spit; (lyre) arm; (moon) horn; corruptio, -onis/bribing, seducing; corrupt
(place) side; (river) branch; (yardarm) point; state.
anything made of horn: bow, funnel, corruptor, -orism, -rix, -ricis/corrupter,
lantern; (music) horn; (oil) cruet; anything seducer.
like horn; beak, hoof, wart; (fig) strength, corruptus pppo/corrumpo ♦ ad; spoiled,
courage; - copiae Amalthea's horn, symbol of corrupt, bad.
plenty. Corsus ad; Corsican,
cornum, -Tnt cornelian cherry. cortex, -icis m/f bark, rind; cork,
cornum see cornu. cortina, -ae/kettle, cauldron; tripod of
cornus, -I/ cornelian cherry tree; javelin, Apollo; (fig) vault, circle,
corolla, -ae/small garland, corulus, -i/hazel.
corollarium, -T and iint garland for actors; Corus see Caurus.
present, gratuity. corusco, -are vt to butt; to shake, brandish ♦
corona, -ae/ garland, crown; (astro) Corona vi to flutter, flash, quiver,
Borealis; (people) gathering, bystanders; coruscus ad; tremulous, oscillating;
(mil) cordon of besiegers or defenders; sub shimmering, glittering,
-a vendere, venire sell, be sold as slaves. corvus, -Im raven; (mil) grapnel.
Coronaeus, -eus, -ensis ad; see Coronea, Corybantes, -ium mpi priests of Cybele.
coronarium aurum gold collected in the Corybantius ad; see n.
provinces fora victorious general. corycus, -I m punchball.
Coronea, -eae/ town in central Greece. coryletum, -Im hazel copse.
corono, -are, -avi, -atum vt to put a garland corylus, -i/hazel.
on, crown; to encircle, corymbifer m Bacchus.
corporeus ad; corporeal; of flesh, corymbus, -Im cluster (esp of ivy berries).
corpulentus ad; corpulent, coryphaeus, -im leader.
corpus, -oris nt body; substance, flesh; corytos, -us, -i m quiver.
corpse; trunk, torso; person, individual; (fig) cos/hard rock, flint; grindstone.
structure, corporation, body politic, Cos, Col/Aegean island (famous for wine and
corpusculum, -T nt particle; term of weaving) ♦ nt Coan wine ♦ tup! Coan clothes,
endearment. cosmeta, -ae m master of the wardrobe,
corrado, -dere, -si, -sum vt to scrape costa, -ae/rib; side, wall,
together, procure. costum, -int an aromatic plant, perfume,
correctio, -onis/amending, improving, cothurnatus ad; buskined, tragic,
corrector, -oris m reformer, critic, cothurnus, -im buskin, hunting boot;
correctus pppo/ corrigo, tragedy, elevated style.
correpo, -ere, -sivi to creep, slink, cower. COtld see COttid-.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere - 2nd; -ere - 3rd and -Tre = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
cotis-crocinus 54 LATIN-ENGLISH

COtiS/ see COS. creper, -Iadj dark; doubtful.

cottabus, -Im game of throwing drops of crepida, -ae/ sandal; no sutor supra -am = let
wine. the cobbler stick to his last.
cottana, -orum mpi Syrian figs, crepidatus adj wearing sandals,
cottldiand adv daily. crepido, -inis/pedestal, base; bank, pier,
cottldianusadj daily; everyday, ordinary, dam.
cottldie adv every day, daily, crepidula, -ae/ small sandal,
coturnix, -Icis/quail. crepitacillum, -Int rattle,
Cotyttia, -orum ntpl festival of Thracian crepito, -are vi to rattle, chatter, rustle,
goddess Cotytto. creak.
Cous adj Coan. crepitus, -us m rattling, chattering, rustling,
covinnarius, -I and iim chariot fighter, creaking.
covinnus, -I m war chariot; coach, crepo, -are, -ul, -itum vi to rattle, creak, snap
coxa, -ae, coxendix, -Icis/hip. (fingers) ♦ vt to make rattle, clap; to chatter
coxi perfof coquo. about.
crabro, -onism hornet, crepundia, -orum ntpl rattle, babies’ toys,
crambe-, -es/cabbage; ~ repetita stale crepusculum, -Int twilight, dusk; darkness.
repetitions. Cres, -etis m Cretan.
Crantor, -oris m Greek Academic philosopher. cresco, -scere, -vi, -turn vi to arise, appear,
crapula, -ae/intoxication, hangover, be born; to grow up, thrive, increase,
crapularius adj for intoxication, multiply; to prosper, be promoted, rise in
eras adv tomorrow, the world.
crasse adv grossly, dimly. Cresius adj Cretan.
Crassianus adj see Crassus, Cressa, -ae/Cretan.
crassitudo, -inis/thickness, density, Creta, -ae/Crete.
crassus adj thick, gross, dense; (fig) dull, creta, -ae/chalk; good mark.
stupid. Cretaeus and -icus and -is, -idis adj see n.
Crassus, -I m famous orator; wealthy politician, cretatus ad; chalked; dressed in white.
triumvir with Caesar and Pompey. Crete see Creta,
crastinum, -in» the morrow, creteus adj of chalk, of clay,
crastinus adj of tomorrow; die -I tomorrow, cretio, -onis/declaration of accepting an
crater, -is m, -a, -ae/bowl (esp for mixing wine inheritance.
and water); crater; a constellation, cretosus adj chalky, clayey,
cratis, -is/wickerwork, hurdle; (agr) harrow; cretula, -ae/white clay for sealing.
(mil) faggots for lining trenches; (shield) cretus pppo/ cerno ♦ ppaof cresco ♦ adj
ribs; (fig) frame, joints, descended, born.
creatio, -onis/election. Creusa, -a ef wife of Jason; wife of Aeneas.
creator, -orism, -rlx, -ricis/creator, father, crevi perfof cerno; perf of cresco,
mother. cribrum, -Int sieve.
creatus m (with abf) son of. crimen, -inis nt accusation, charge, reproach;
creber, -riadj dense, thick, crowded; guilt, crime; cause of offence; esse in -ine
numerous, frequent; (fig) prolific, abundant, stand accused.
crebresco, -escere, -ulvi to increase, criminatio, -onis/complaint, slander.
become frequent, criminator, -orism accuser.
crebritas, -atis/frequency. crimino, -arevt to accuse.
crebro adv repeatedly, criminor, -ari, -atus dep to accuse, impeach;
credibilis adj credible, (things) to complain of, charge with,
credibiliter adv see credibilis, criminose adv accusingly, slanderously,
creditor, -oris m creditor, criminosus adj reproachful, slanderous,
creditum, -itl m loan. crinalis adj for the hair, hair- (in cpds) ♦ nt
credo, -ere, -idi, -itum vt, vi to entrust, lend; hairpin.
to trust, have confidence in; to believe; to crinis, -ism hair; (comet) tail,
think, suppose; -eres one would have crinitus adj long-haired; crested; stella -a
thought. comet.
credulitas, -atis/credulity, crispans, -antisadj wrinkled,
credulus adj credulous, trusting, crispo, -are vi to curl, swing, wave,
cremo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to burn, cremate. crispus adj curled; curly-headed; wrinkled;
Cremona, -ae/ town in N. Italy. tremulous.
Cremonensis adj see n. crista, -ae/cockscomb, crest; plume,
cremor, -oris m juice, broth, cristatus adj crested, plumed,
creo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to create, produce, criticus, -I m critic,
beget; to elect (to an office); to cause, croceus adj of saffron, yellow,
occasion. crocinus adj yellow ♦ nt saffron oil.
LAT1N-ENGL1SH 55 crocio-cum

crocio, -Ire vi to croak, cucurriper/o/ curro.

crocodilus, -T m crocodile, cudo, -ere vt to beat, thresh; (metal) to forge;
crocotarius ad; of saffron clothes, (money) to coin.
crocotula, -ae/saffron dress, cuias, -tispron of what country?, of what
crocus, -Tm, -um, -T nt saffron; yellow. town?
Croesus, -Tm king of Lydia (famed for wealth). cuicuimodi (gen of quisquis and modus) of
crotalistria, -ae/castanet dancer, whatever kind, whatever like,
crotalum, -Tnt rattle, castanet. cuiuspron (interrog) whose?; (ref) whose,
cruciabilitas, -atis/torment. culcita, -ae/mattress, pillow; eyepatch.
cruciamentum, -i nt torture, culeus see culleus,
cruciatus, -us m torture; instrument of culex, -icis m/f gnat.
torture; (fig) ruin, misfortune, culTna, -ae/kitchen; food,
crucio, -are, -avi, -atum vt to torture; to culleus, culeus, -Tm leather bag for holding
torment. liquids, a fluid measure.
crudelis ad/ hard-hearted, cruel, culmen, -inisnt stalk; top, roof, summit; (fig)
crudelitas, -atis/cruelty, severity. height, acme,
crudeliter adv see crudelis, culmus, -T m stalk, straw,
crudesco, -escere, -ulvi to grow violent, culpa, -ae/blame, fault; mischief; in -a sum,
grow worse. mea ~a est I am at fault or to blame,
cruditas, -atis/indigestion. culpatus ad; blameworthy,
crudus ad; bleeding; (food) raw, undigested; culpito, -are vt to find fault with,
(person) dyspeptic; (leather) rawhide; (fruit) culpo, -are, -avT, -atum vt to blame,
unripe; (age) immature, fresh; (voice) reproach.
hoarse; (fig) unfeeling, cruel, merciless, culte adv in a refined manner,
cruento, -arevt to stain with blood, wound, cultellus, -T m small knife,
cruentus adj bloody, gory; bloodthirsty, cruel; culter, -rim knife, razor,
blood-red. cultio, -onis/cultivation.
crumena, -ae/purse; money, cultor, -oris m cultivator, planter, farmer;
crumilla, -ae/purse. inhabitant; supporter, upholder;
eruor, -oris m blood; bloodshed, worshipper.
cruppellaril, -drum mpi mail-clad fighters, cultrix, -Teis/inhabitant; (fig) nurse, fosterer,
crurifragius, -T and iTm one whose legs have cultura, -ae/cultivation, agriculture; (mind)
been broken, care, culture; (person) courting,
crus, -uris nt leg, shin, cultuspppo/colo ♦ adj cultivated; (dress) well-
crusta, -ae/hard surface, crust; stucco, dressed; (mind) polished, cultured ♦ mpi
embossed or inlaid work, cultivated land.
crustulum, -Tm small pastry, cultus, -usm cultivation, care; (mind)
crustum, -Tm pastry. training, culture; (dress) style, attire; (way of
crux, -ucis/gallows, cross; (fig) torment; abi life) refinement, civilization; (gods) worship;
in malam -cam = go and be hanged! (men) honouring,
crypta, -ae/ underground passage, grotto, culullus, -Tm goblet,
cryptoporticus, -us/covered walk, cuius, -Tm buttocks,
crystallinus ad; of crystal ♦ mpi crystal vases, cum prep (with abl) with; (denoting
crystallum, -Tm, -us, -T m crystal, accompaniment, resulting circumstances,
cubicularis, cubicularius ad; of the bedroom means, dealings, comparison, possession); ~
♦ m valet de chambre. decimo tenfold; - eo quod, ut with the
cubiculum, -Tm bedroom. proviso that; - primis especially; - magna
cubTle, -ism bed, couch; (animals) lair, nest; calamitate civitatis to the great misfortune
( fig) dem of the community; - periculo sud at one’s
cubital, -alism cushion, own peril.
cubitalis ad; a cubit long, cum con; (time) when, whenever, while, as,
cubito, -are vi to lie (in bed), after, since; (cause) since, as, seeing that;
cubitum, -Tm elbow; cubit, (concession) although; (condition) if; (contrast)
cubitus, -us m lying in bed. while, whereas; multi anni sunt - in aere mod
cubo, -are, -uT, -itum vi to lie in bed; to est for many years now he has been in my
recline at table; (places) to lie on a slope, debt; aliquot sunt anni ~ vds delegi it is now
cucullus, -Tm hood, cowl, some years since I chose you; - maxime just
cuculus, -Tm cuckoo, when; just then, just now; - primum as soon
cucumis, -eris m cucumber, as; - ... turn not only ... but also; both ...
cucurbita, -ae/gourd; cupping glass. and.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere - 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
Cumae-cursus 56 LAT1N-ENGLISH

Cumae, -arum fpi town near Naples (famous cupressus, -I/cypress,

for its Sibyl). cur adv why?; (indirect) why, the reason for.
Cumaeanum, -ani nt Cicero's Cumaean cura, -ae/care, trouble, pains (bestowed);
residence. anxiety, concern, sorrow (felt); attention
Cumaeus, -anus adj see n. (to), charge (of), concern (for); (med)
cumba, cymba, -ae/boat, skiff, treatment, cure; (writing) work; (law)
cumera, -ae/grain chest. trusteeship; (poet) love; (person) mistress,
cumTnum, -Int cumin, guardian; - est I am anxious; -ae esse be
cumque (quomque) adv -ever, -soever; at attended to, looked after,
any time. curabilis adj troublesome,
cumulate adv fully, abundantly, curalium, -I and ilnt red coral,
cumulatus adj increased; complete, curate adv carefully.
cumulo, -are, -avT, -atum vt to heap up; to curatio, -onis/charge, management; office;
amass, increase; to fill up, overload; (fig) to treatment, healing.
fill, overwhelm, crown, complete, curator, -oris m manager, overseer; (law)
cumulus, -Tm heap, mass; crowning addition, guardian.
summit. curatura, -ae/dieting.
cunabula, -orum ntpl cradle, curatus adj cared for; earnest, anxious,
cunae, -arum#! cradle, curculio, -onis m weevil,
cunctabundus adj hesitant, dilatory, curculiunculus, -Tm little weevil.
cunctans, -antisadj dilatory, reluctant; Curensis adj see n.
sluggish, tough, Cures, -ium mpi ancient Sabine town.
cunctanter adv slowly, Curetes, -um mpi attendants of Jupiter in Crete.
cunctatio, -onis/delaying, hesitation, Curetis, -idis adj Cretan.
cunctator, -oris m loiterer; one given to curia, -ae/ earliest division of the Roman people;
cautious tactics (esp Q Fabius Maximus). meeting-place of a curia', senate house; senate,
cunctor, -ari, -atusvi to linger, delay, curialis, -is m member of a curia,
hesitate; to move slowly, curiatim adv by curiae,
cunctus adj the whole of; (pi) all together, all. curiatus adj of the curiae; comitia -a earliest
cuneatim adv in the form of a wedge. Roman assembly.
cuneatus adj wedge-shaped, curio, -onis m president of a curia; - maximus
cuneus, -T m wedge; (mil) wedge-shaped head of all the curiae,
formation of troops; (theatre) block of seats, curio, -onis adj emaciated,
cuniculus, -Tm rabbit; underground passage; curiose adv carefully; inquisitively,
(mil) mine. curiositas, -atis/curiosity,
cunque see cumque, curiosus adj careful, thoughtful, painstaking;
cupa, -ae/vat, tun. inquiring, inquisitive, officious; careworn,
cupide adv eagerly, passionately. curis, -Itis/ spearL
Cupidineus adj see CupTdo. euro, -are, -avT, -atum vi to take care of,
cupiditas, -atis/ desire, eagerness, attend to; to bother about; (with gerundive) to
enthusiasm; passion, lust; avarice, greed; get something done; (with inf) to take the
ambition; partisanship, trouble; (with ut) to see to it that; (public life)
cupido, -inis/desire, eagerness; passion, to be in charge of, administer; (med) to treat,
lust; greed. cure; (money) to pay, settle up; aliud -a
Cupido, -inis m Cupid (son of Venus). never mind; corpus/cutem - take it easy;
cupidus adj desirous, eager; fond, loving; prodigia - avert portents,
passionate, lustful; greedy, ambitious; curriculum, -Tnt running, race; course, lap;
partial. (fig) career; -6 at full speed,
cupiens, -entis pres po/cupio ♦ adj eager, curro, -ere, cucurri, cursum vi to run; to
desirous. hasten, fly ♦ vt to run through, traverse;
cupienter adv see cupiens, -entem incitare = spur a willing horse.
cupio, -ere, -TvTand ii, -Ttum vt to wish, currus, -usm car, chariot; triumph; team of
desire, long for; (with dat) to wish well, horses; ploughwheels.
cupitor, -oris m desirer. cursim adv quickly, at the double,
cupitus ppp of cupio. cursito, -are vi to run about, fly hither and
cuppedia, -ae/fondness for delicacies, thither
cuppedia, -orum nt pi delicacies, curso, -are vi to run about,
cuppedinarius, -Im confectioner, cursor, -orism runner, racer; courier,
cuppedo, -inis/longing, passion, cursura, -ae/running,
cuppes, -dis adj fond of delicacies, cursus, -us m running, speed; passage,
cupressetum, -I nt cypress grove, journey; course, direction; (things)
cupresseus adj of cypress wood, movement, flow; (fig) rapidity, flow,
cupressifer, -Iadj cypress-bearing. progress; - honorum succession of
LATIN-ENGLISH 57 curto-damnificus

magistracies; - rerum course of events; -urn Cynthius, -I m Apollo.

tenere keep on one’s course; ~u at a run; Cynthus, -I m hill in Delos (birthplace of Apollo
magno ~u at full speed, and Diana).
curto, -are vt to shorten, cyparissus, -I/ cypress.
curtus adj short, broken off; incomplete, Cypris, -idis/Venus.
curulis adj official, curule; aedilis - patrician, Cyprius adj Cyprian; copper.
aediile; sella ~ magistrates’ chair; equT ~ Cyprus, -I/island of Cyprus (famed for its
horses provided for the games by the state. copper and the worship of (fenus).
curvamen, -inism bend, Cyrenaei, -aiclmpi followers of Aristippus.
curvatura, -ae/curve, Cyrenaeus, -aicus, -ensis adj see n.
curvo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to curve, bend, Cyrene, -es/, -ae, -arum/p! town and province
arch; (fig) to move. ofN. Africa.
curvus adj bent, curved, crooked; (person) Cyrneus adj Corsican.
aged; (fig) wrong. Cyrus, -I m Persian king.
cuspis, -dis/point; spear, javelin, trident, Cytaeis, -idis/Medea.
sting. Cythera, -ae/island S. of Greece (famed for its
custodela, -ae/care, guard, worship of Venus).
custodia, -ae/ watch, guard, care; (person) Cytherea, -eae and -eia, -eiae and -eis,
sentry, guard; (place) sentry’s post, -eidis/Venus.
guardhouse; custody, confinement, prison; Cythereus, Cytheriacus adj Cytherean; of
libera - confinement in one’s own house, Venus.
custodio, -Ire, -TvT and IT, -Itum vt to guard, cytisus, -I m/f cytisus (a kind of clover).
defend; to hold in custody, keep watch on; to Cyzicenus adj see Cyzicum.
keep, preserve, observe, Cyzicum, -Im, -us, -os, -I/ town on Sea of
custos, -odis mJf guard, bodyguard, Marmora.
protector, protectress; jailer, warder; (mil)
sentry, spy; container,
cuticula, -ae/skin.
cutis, -is/ skin; ~em curare = take it easy.
cyathisso, -arevi to serve wine,
cyathus, -Im wine ladle; (measure) one-
twelfth of a pint.
cybaea, -ae/kind of merchant ship.
Cybebe, Cybele, -es/ Phrygian mother-
goddess, Magna Mater.
Cybeleius adj see n.
Cyclades, -um/pl group of Aegean islands. DacI, -drum mpi Dacians, a people on the lower
cyclas, -adis/formal dress with a border, Danube.
cyclicus adj of the traditional epic stories. Dacia, -iae/the country of the DacI (now
Cyclopius adj see n. Romania).
Cyclops, -is m one-eyed giant (esp Dacicus, -id m gold coin ofDomitian's reign.
Polyphemus). dactylicus adj dactylic,
cycneus adj of a swan, swan’s, dactylus, -Im dactyl.
cycnus, -Tm swan. Daedaleus adj see n.
Cydonius adj Cretan ♦ ntpl quinces, daedalus adj artistic, skilful in creating;
cygnus&ee cycnus, skilfully made, variegated.
cylindrus, -Im cylinder; roller. Daedalus, -Im mythical Athenian craftsman and
Cyllene, -es and ae/mountain in Arcadia. inventor.
Cylleneus, -is, -ius adj see n. Dalmatae, -arum mpl Dalmatians (a people on
Cyllenius, -Im Mercury, the East coast of the Adriatic).
cymba see cumba, Dalmatia, -iae/Dalmatia.
cymbalum, -Im cymbal, Dalmaticus adj see n.
cymbium, -I and iim cup. dama, -ae/deer; venison.
Cynice adv like the Cynics. Damascenus adj see n.
Cynicus, -Ima Cynic philosopher (esp Damascus, -I/Damascus,
Diogenes) ♦ adj Cynic, damma/see dama.
cynocephalus, -Im dog-headed ape. damnatio, -onis/condemnation,
Cynosura, -ae/constellation of Ursa Minor. damnatorius adj condemnatory,
Cynosuris, -idis adj see n. damnatus adj criminal; miserable,
Cynthia, -iae/Diana. damnificus adj pernicious.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -Ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
damno-decet 58 LATIN-ENGLISH

damno, -are, -avl, -atum vt to condemn, deartuo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to dismember,
sentence; to procure the conviction of; ruin.
(heirs) to oblige; to censure; capitis/capita - deascio, -are vt to smooth with an axe; (fig) to
condemn to death; maiestatis, da maiestata - cheat.
condemn for treason; voti - oblige to fulfil a debacchor, -arl, -atus vi to rage furiously,
vow. debellator, -oris m conqueror,
damnose adv ruinously, debello, -are, -avl, -atum vi to bring a war to
damnosus adj harmful, ruinous; spendthrift; an end ♦ vt to subdue; to fight out.
wronged. debeo, -ere, -ul, -itum vt to owe; (with inf) to
damnum, -Int loss, harm, damage; (law) fine, be bound, ought, should, must; to have to
damages; ~ facers suffer loss. thank for, be indebted for; (pass) to be
Danae, -es/ mother of Perseus. destined.
Danaeius adj see n. debilis adj frail, weak, crippled,
DanaT, -orum and um mpl the Greeks. debilitas, -atis/weakness, infirmity,
Danaides, -idum jpl daughters of Danaus. debilitatio, -onis/weakening,
Danaus, -T m king of Argos and father of 50 debilito, -are, -avl, -atum vt to cripple,
daughters. disable; (fig) to paralyse, unnerve,
Danaus adj Greek, debitio, -onis/owing.
danista, -ae m moneylender, debitor, -oris m debtor,
danisticus adj moneylending, debitum, -Int debt,
dano see do. deblatero, -are vt to blab,
Danuvius, -I m upper Danube. decanto, -are, -avl, -atum vt to keep on
Daphne, -es/ nymph changed into a laurel tree. repeating ♦ vi to stop singing,
Daphnis, -idis (acc -im and -in) m mythical decedo, -edere, -essl, -essum vi to
Sicilian shepherd. withdraw, depart; to retire from a province
dapino, -are vt to serve (food), (after term of office)-, to abate, cease, die;
daps, dapis/ religious feast; meal, banquet, (rights) to give up, forgo; (fig) to go wrong,
dapsilis adj sumptuous, abundant. swerve (from duty); de via ~ get out of the
Dardania, -iae/Troy. way.
Dardanides, -idaem Trojan (esp Aeneas). decern num ten.
Dardanus, -Im son of Jupiter and ancestor of December, -ris adj of December ♦ m
Trojan kings. December.
Dardanus, -ius, -is, -idis adj Trojan. decempeda, -ae/ten-foot rule,
Dareus, -Im Persian king. decempedator, -oris m surveyor,
datarius adj to give away, decemplex, -icis adj tenfold,
datatim adv passing from one to the other, decemprimi, -orum mpl civic chiefs of Italian
datio, -onis/right to give away; (laws) towns.
making. decemscalmus adj ten-oared,
dato, -are vt to be in the habit of giving, decemviralis adj of the decemviri,
dator, -oris m giver; (sport) bowler. decemviratus, -us m office of decemvir,
Daulias, -adis adj see n. decemviri, -drum and um mpi commission of
Daulis, -dis/town in central Greece (noted for ten men (for public or religious duties).
the story of Procne and Philomela). decennis adj ten years’,
Daunias, -iadis/ Apulia. decens, -entis adj seemly, proper; comely,
Daunius adj Rutulian; Italian. handsome.
Daunus, -I m legendary king of Apulia decenter adv with propriety,
(ancestor of Turnus). decentia, -ae/comeliness.
de prep (with abl: movement) down from, from; deceptus ppp of decipio,
(origin) from, of, out of; (time) immediately decerno, -ernere, -revi, -return vt to decide,
after, in; (thought, talk, action) about, determine; to decree; to fight it out, decide
concerning; (reason) for, because of; the issue.
(imitation) after, in accordance with; - decerpo, -ere, -si, -turn vt to pluck off,
industria on purpose; - integro afresh; - gather; (fig) to derive, enjoy,
nocte during the night; diem - die from day decertatio, -onis/deciding the issue,
to day. decerto, -are, -avl, -atum vi to fight it out,
dea, -ae/goddess. decide the issue.
dealbo, -are_vt to whitewash, plaster. decessio, -onis/departure; retirement
deambulatio, -onis/walk, (from a province); deduction,
deambulo, -are, -avl, -atum vi to go for a disappearance.
walk. decessor, -orism retiring magistrate,
deamo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to be in love decessus, -us m retirement (from a
with; to be much obliged to. province); death; (tide) ebbing,
dearmatus adj disarmed. decet, -ere, -ultvt, vi it becomes, suits; it is
LATIN-ENGUSH 59 decido-dedoleo

right, proper. decretum, -int decree, resolution; (philos)

decido, -ere, -I vi to fall down, fall off; to die; doctrine.
( fig) to fail, come down. decretus ppp of decerno,
decTdo, -dere, -dl, -sum vt to cut off; to decrevi perf of decerno; perf of decresco,
settle, put an end to. decuma, -ae/tithe; provincial land tax;
deciens, deciesadv ten times, largess.
decimus, decumus adj tenth; cum ~d tenfold; decumana, -ae/wife of a tithe-collector,
-um for the tenth time, decumanus adj paying tithes; (mil) of the 10th
decipio, -ipere, -epl, -eptum vt to ensnare; cohort or legion ♦ m collector of tithes; -i,
to deceive, beguile, disappoint, ~orum mpl men of the 10th legion; porta -a
decisio, -onis/settlement, main gate of a Roman camp.
decisus ppp of decido. decumates, -ium adj pi subject to tithes,
Decius, -im Roman plebeian name (esp P decumbo, -mbere, -buivi to lie down; to
Decius Mus, father and son, who devoted their recline at table; to fall (in fight),
lives in battle). decumus see decimus,
Decius, -ianus adj see n. decuria, -ae/group of ten; panel of judges;
declamatio, -onis/loud talking; rhetorical social club.
exercise on a given theme, decuriitio, -onis/, decuriatus, -us m
declamator, -oris m apprentice in public dividing into decuriae,
speaking. decurio, -are, -ivi, -atum vt to divide into
declamatorius adj rhetorical, decuriae or groups.
declamito, -arevi to practise rhetoric; to decurio, -onism head of a decuria; (mil)
bluster ♦ vt to practise pleading, cavalry officer; senator of a provincial town
declamo, -are, -avi, -atum vi to practise or colony.
public speaking, declaim; to bluster, decurro, -rrere, -curri and rri, -rsum vt, vi to
declaratio, -onis/expression, making run down, hurry, flow, sail down; to
known. traverse; (mil) to parade, charge; (time) to
declaro, -are, -avi, -atum vt to make known; pass through; (fig) to have recourse to.
to proclaim, announce, reveal, express, decursio, -onis/military manoeuvre,
demonstrate. decursus ppp of decurro,
declinatio, -onis/ swerving; avoidance; (rhet) decursus, -us m descent, downrush; (mil)
digression; (gram) inflection, manoeuvre, attack; (time) career,
declino, -are, -avi, -atum vt to turn aside, decurtatus adj mutilated,
deflect; (eyes) to close; to evade, shun ♦ vi to decus, -oris nt ornament, glory, beauty;
turn aside, swerve; to digress, honour, virtue; (pi) heroic deeds,
declive nt slope, decline, decusso, -are vt to divide crosswise,
declivis adj sloping, steep, downhill, decutio, -tere, -ssi, -ssum vt to strike down,
declivitas, -atis/ sloping ground, shake off.
decocta, -ae/ a cold drink, dedecet, -ere, -uit vt it is unbecoming to, is a
decoctor, -oris m bankrupt, disgrace to.
decoctus ppp of decoquo ♦ adj (style) ripe, dedecoro, -are vt to disgrace,
elaborated. dedecorus adj dishonourable,
decolo, -are vi to run out; (fig) to fail, dedecus, -oris nt disgrace, shame; vice,
decolor, -oris adj discoloured, faded; - aetas crime.
a degenerate age. dedi perf of do.
decoloratio, -onis/discolouring, dedicatio, -onis/consecration.
decoloro, -are, -avi, -atum vt to discolour, dedico, -are, -avi, -atum vt to consecrate,
deface. dedicate; to declare (property in a census
decoquo, -quere, -xi, -ctum vt to boil down; return).
to cook ♦ vi to go bankrupt, dedidi perf of dedo.
decor, -drism comeliness, ornament, beauty, dedignor, -ari, -atus vt to scorn, reject,
decore adv becomingly, beautifully, dedisco, -scere, -dici vt to unlearn, forget,
decoro, -are, -avi, -atum vt to adorn, dediticius, -I and ilm one who has capitulated,
embellish; (fig) to distinguish, honour, deditio, -onis/surrender, capitulation,
decorum, -Int propriety, deditus ppp o/dedo ♦ adj addicted, devoted; -a
decorus adj becoming, proper; beautiful, opera intentionally.
noble; adorned, dedo, -ere, -idl, -itum vt to give up, yield,
decrepitus adj decrepit, surrender; to devote,
decresco, -scere, -vi, -turn vi to decrease, dedoceo, -ere vt to teach not to.
wane, wear away; to disappear. dedoleo, -ere, -ulvi to cease grieving.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
deduco-dehonestamentum 60 LAT1N-ENGLISH

deduco, -ucere, -uxl, -uctum vt to bring deflagro, -are, -avi, -atum vi to be burned
down, lead away, deflect; (mil) to lead, down, perish; to cool down, abate ♦ vt to
withdraw; (bride) to bring home; (colony) to burn down.
settle; (hair) to comb out; (important person) deflecto, -ctere, -xl, -xum vt to bend down,
to escort; (law) to evict, bring to trial; turn aside; (fig) to pervert ♦ vi to turn aside,
(money) to subtract; (sail) to unfurl; (ship) to deviate.
launch; (thread) to spin out; (writing) to defied, -ere, -evl, -etum vt to lament
compose; (fig) to bring, reduce, divert, bitterly, bewail ♦ vi to weep bitterly,
derive. deflexus ppp of deflecto,
deductio, -onis/leading off; settling a defloresco, -escere, -ul vi to shed blooms;
colony; reduction; eviction; inference. (fig) to fade.
deductor, -oris m escort, defluo, -ere, -xl, -xum vi to flow down, float
deductus pppo/deduco ♦ adj finely spun, down; to fall, drop, droop; (fig) to come from,
deerro, -are, -avi, -atum vi to go astray, be derived; to flow past; (fig) to pass away,
deesse mfin of desu m. fail.
defaeco, -are, -avt, -atum vt to clean; (fig) to defodio, -odere, -odi, -ossum vt to dig, dig
make clear, set at ease, out; to bury; (fig) to hide away,
defatigatio, -onis/tiring out; weariness, defore fut infin of desum.
defatigo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to tire out, deformis ad; misshapen, disfigured, ugly;
exhaust. shapeless; (fig) disgraceful, disgusting,
defatlscoretc see defetlscor. deformitas, -atis/deformity, hideousness;
defectio, -onis/desertion; failure, faintness; baseness. _
(astro) deformo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to form,
defector, -oris m deserter, rebel, sketch; to deform, disfigure; to describe; to
defectus pppo/deficio ♦ adj weak, failing, mar, disgrace,
defectus, -us m failure; eclipse, defossus ppp o/defodio.
defendo, -dere, -dl, -sum vt to avert, repel; defraudo, -are vt to cheat, defraud; genium -
to defend, protect; (law) to speak in defence, deny oneself,
urge, maintain; (theatre) to play (a part); defrenatus ad; unbridled,
crimen - answer an accusation, defrico, -are, -ul, -atum and turn vt to rub
defensio, -onis/defence, speech in defence, down; (fig) to satirize.
defensito, -arevt to defend often, defringo, -ingere, -egl, -actum vt to break
defenso, -arevt to defend, off, break down,
defensor, -oris m averter; defender, defrudo etc see defraudo,
protector, guard. defrutum, -I nt new wine boiled down,
defero, -ferre, -tuli, -latum vt to bring down, defugio, -ugere, -ugivt to run away from,
bring, carry; to bear away; (power, honour) shirk ♦ vi to flee.
to offer, confer; (information) to report; (law) deluiperfof desum.
to inform against, indict; to recommend (for defunctusppa o/defungor ♦ adj discharged;
public services); ad consilium - take into dead.
consideration. defundo, -undere, -udi, -usum vt to pour
defervesco, -vescere, -vi and bul vi to cool out.
down, calm down, defungor, -ungi, -unctus vi (with abD to
defessus adj tired, exhausted, discharge, have done with; to die.
defetlgo etc see defatigo, defuturus/ut pof desum
defetlscor, -tisci, -ssus vi to grow weary, degener, -is adj degenerate, unworthy, base,
deficio, -icere, -eel, -ectum vt, vi to desert, degeneratum, -atlnt degenerate character,
forsake, fail; to be lacking, run short, cease; degenero, -are, -avi, -atum vi to degenerate,
(astro) to be eclipsed; animo - lose heart, deteriorate ♦ vt to disgrace,
defigo, -gere, -xl, -xum vt to fix firmly; to degero, -ere vt to carry off.
drive in, thrust; (eyes, mind) to concentrate; dego, -ere, -I vt (time) to pass, spend; (war)
(fig) to stupefy, astound; (magic) to bewitch, wage ♦ vi to live.
defingo, -erevt to make, portray, degrandinat it is hailing heavily,
definio, -Ire, -Ivi, -Itum vt to mark the limit degravo, -are vt to weigh down, overpower,
of, limit; to define, prescribe; to restrict; to degredior, -dl, -ssus vi to march down,
terminate. descend, dismount,
definite adv precisely, degrunnio, -Irevi to grunt hard,
definitio, -onis/limiting, prescribing, degusto, -are vt to taste, touch; (fig) to try,
definition. experience.
definitivus ad) explanatory, dehinc adv from here; from now, henceforth;
definitus ad; precise, then, next.
deflo, -ierlvi to fail, dehisco, -ere vi to gape_, yawn,
deflagratio, -onis/conflagration. dehonestamentum, -Int disfigurement.
LAT1N-ENGL1SH 61 dehonesto-dementid

dehonesto, -are vt to disgrace, deliberate, consult; to resolve, determine;

dehortor, -arl, -atus vt to dissuade, -arl potest it is in doubt,
discourage. delibo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to taste, sip; to
Deianira, -a e/ wife of Hercules. pick, gather; to detract from, mar.
deicid, -icere, -iecl, -iectum vt to throw delibro, -are vt to strip the bark off.
down, hurl, fell; to overthrow, kill; (eyes) to delibuo, -uere, -ul, -utum vt to smear, steep,
lower, avert; (law) to evict; (mil) to dislodge; delicate adv luxuriously,
(ship) to drive off its course; (hopes, honours) delicatus adj delightful; tender, soft;
to foil, disappoint, voluptuous, spoiled, effeminate; fastidious,
deiectio, -onis/eviction, deliciae, -arumjpi delight, pleasure;
deiectuspppo/deicio ♦ ad) low-lying; whimsicalities, sport; (person) sweetheart,
disheartened. darling.
deiectus, -us m felling; steep slope, deliciolae, -arum jpi darling,
deiero, -are, -avl, -atum vi to swear delicium, -I and ilm favourite,
solemnly, delico, -arevt to explain,
dein etc see deinde, delictum, -Int offence, wrong,
deinceps adv successively, in order, delicuus adj lacking,
deinde, dein adv from there, next; then, deligo, -igere, -egl, -ectum vt to select,
thereafter; next in order. gather; to set aside.
Deiotarus, -7m king of Galatia (defended by deligo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to tie up, make
Cicero). fast.
Deiphobus, -I m son of Priam (second husband delingo, -ere vt to have a lick of.
of Helen). delini- etc see deleni-.
deiungo, -erevt to sever, delinquo, -inquere, -IquI, -ictum vi to fail,
deiuvo, -are vt to fail to help, offend, do wrong.
dej- etc see dei-. deliquesco, -quescere, -cul vi to melt away;
delabor, -bl, -psus vi to fall down, fly down, (fig) to pine away,
sink; (fig) to come down, fall into, deliquio, -onis/lack.
delacero, -arevt to tear to pieces, deliramentum, -Int nonsense,
delamentor, -arlvt to mourn bitterly for. deliratio, -onis/dotage,
delapsus ppa of delabor, deliro, -arevi to be crazy, drivel,
delasso, -are vt to tire out. delirus adj crazy.
delatio, -onis/accusing, informing, delitesco, -escere, -ul vi to hide away, lurk;
delator, -oris m informer, denouncer, (fig) to skulk, take shelter under,
delectabilis ad) enjoyable, delitigo, -are vi to scold.
delectamentum, -Int amusement, Delius, -iacus adj seen.
delectatio, -onis/delight, Delmataesee Dalmatae.
delecto, -are vt to charm, delight, amuse, Delos, -7/sacred Aegean island (birthplace of
delectus ppp of deligo, Apollo and Diana).
delectus, -us m choice; see also dilectus, Delphi, -drum mpl town in central Greece
delegatio, -onis/assignment. (famous for its oracle of Apollo); the Delphians.
delegi per/of deligo, Delphicus adj see n.
delego, -are, -avi, -atum vt to assign, delphinus, -7 and delphin, -is m dolphin.
transfer, make over; to ascribe, Deltoton, -Int (constellation) Triangulum,
delenificus adj charming, delubrum, -7 nt sanctuary, temple,
delenimentum, -I nt solace, allurement, delucto, -are, -or, -arivi to wrestle,
delenio, -Ire, -Ivi, -Ttum vt to soothe, solace; deludifico, -arevt to make fun of.
to seduce, win over, deludo, -dere, -si, -sum vt to dupe, delude,
delenitor, -oris m cajoler. delumbis adj feeble,
deleo, -ere, -evl, -etum vt to destroy, delumbo, -are vt to enervate,
annihilate; to efface, blot out. demadesco, -escere, -ul vi to be drenched,
Delia, -ae/Diana. demando, -are vt to entrust, commit,
Deliacus adj of Delos, demarchus, -7 m demarch (chief of a village in
deliberabundus adj deliberating, Attica).
deliberatio, -onis/deliberating, demens, -entis adj mad, foolish,
consideration. demensum, -Int ration.
deliberativus adj deliberative. demensus ppa of demetior,
deliberator, -orism consulter. dementer adv see demens
deliberatus adj determined. dementia, -ae/madness, folly,
delibero, -are, -avl, -atum vt, vi to consider, dementio, -Ire vi to rave.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
demered-depereo 62 LATIN-ENGLISH

demereo, -ere, -ui, -itum, -eor, -erivt to demutatio, -onis/ change,

earn, deserve; to do a service to. demuto, -are vt to change, make worse ♦ vi to
demergo, -gere, -si, -sum vt to submerge, change one’s mind,
plunge, sink; (fig) to overwhelm, denarius, -i and ii m Roman silver coin.
demessus ppp o/demeto, denarro, -arevt to relate fully,
demetior, -tin, -nsusvt to measure out. denaso, -are vt to take the nose off.
demeto, -tere, -ssul, -ssum vt to reap, denato, -are vi to swim down,
harvest; to cut off. denego, -are, -avi, atum vt to deny, refuse,
demigratio, -onis/emigration. reject ♦ vi to say no.
demigro, -are ui to move, emigrate, deni, -drum ad; ten each, in tens; ten; tenth,
deminuo, -uere, -ui, -utum vt to make denicalis adj for purifying after a death,
smaller, lessen, detract from; capite - denique adv at last, finally; (enumerating)
deprive of citizenship. lastly, next; (summing up) in short, briefly;
deminutio, -onis/decrease, lessening; (law) (emphasis) just, precisely,
right to transfer property; capitis - loss of denomino, -arevt to designate,
political rights. denormo, -are vt to make irregular,
demiror, -ari, -atus vt to marvel at, wonder, denoto, -are, -avi, -atum vt to point out,
demisse adv modestly, meanly, specify; to observe.
demissicius ad; flowing, dens, dentis m tooth; ivory; prong, fluke,
demissio, ^onis/letting down; (fig) dense adv repeatedly.
dejection. denso, -are, -avi, -atum, denseo, -ere vt to
demissus ppp o/demitto ♦ ad; low-lying; thicken; (ranks) to close,
drooping; humble, unassuming; dejected; densus ad; thick, dense, close; frequent;
(origin) descended, (style) concise.
demitigo, -are vt to make milder, dentalia, -ium ntpl ploughbeam.
demitto, -ittere, -isi, -issum vt to let down, dentatus ad; toothed; (paper) polished,
lower, sink; to send down, plunge; (beard) to dentio, -ire vi to cut one’s teeth; (teeth) to
grow; (ship) to bring to land; (troops) to move grow.
down; (fig) to cast down, dishearten, reduce, denubo, -bere, -psi, -ptum vi to marry,
impress; se - stoop; descend; be marry beneath one.
disheartened. denudo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to bare, strip;
demiurgus, -i m chief magistrate in a Greek (fig) to disclose.
state. denuntiatio, -onis/intimation, warning,
demo, -ere, -psi, -ptum vt to take away, denuntio, -are, -avi, -atum vt to intimate,
subtract. give notice of, declare; to threaten, warn;
Democriticus,^ -ius, -eus ad; see n. (law) to summon as witness,
Democritus, -i m Greek philosopher (author denuo adv afresh, again, once more,
of the atomic theory). deonero, -irevt to unload,
demolior, -irivt to pull down, destroy, deorsum, deorsus adv downwards,
demolitio, -onis/pulling down, deosculor, -arivt to kiss warmly,
demonstratio, -dnis/pointing out, depaciscor etc see depeciscor,
explanation. depactus ad; driven in firmly,
demonstrativus ad; (khet) for display, depasco, -scere, -vi, -stum, -scor, -sci vt to
demonstrator, -oris m indicator, feed on, eat up; (fig) to devour, destroy,
demonstro, -are, -avi, -atum vt to point out; prune away.
to explain, represent, prove, depeciscor, -isci, -tus vt to bargain for,
demorior, -i, -tuusvi to die, pass away ♦ vt to agree about.
be in love with. depecto, -ctere, -xum vt to comb; (comedy)
demoror, -ari, -atus vi to wait ♦ vt to detain, to flog.
delay. depectus ppa of depeciscor,
demortuus ppa of demorior. depeculator, -oris m embezzler,
Demosthenes, -ism greatest Athenian orator. depeculor, -ari, -atus vt to plunder,
demoveo, -overe, -ovi, -dtum vt to remove, depello, -ellere, -uli, -ulsum vt to expel,
turn aside, dislodge, remove, cast down; (mil) to dislodge; (infants)
dempsi perfof demo, to wean; (fig) to deter, avert,
demptus ppp of demo, dependeo, -ere vi to hang down, hang from;
demugitus ad; filled with lowing, to depend on; to be derived.
demulceo, -cere, -si vt to stroke, dependo, -endere, -end!, -ensum vt to
demum adv (time) at last, not till; (emphasis) weigh, pay up.
just, precisely; ibi - just there; modo - only deperdo, -ere, -idi, -itum vt to lose
now; nunc ~ now at last; post - not till after; completely, destroy, ruin,
turn - only then. depereo, -ire, -iivi to perish, be completely
demurmuro, -are vt to mumble through. destroyed; to be undone ♦ vt to be hopelessly
LATIN-ENGLISH 63 depexus-desertus

in love with, depulsio, -onis/averting; defence,

depexus ppp of depecto, depulso, -are vt to push out of the way.
depingo, -ingere, -inxl, -ictum vt to paint; depulsor, -orism repeller.
(fig) to portray, describe, depulsus ppp of depello,
deplango, -gere, -x?vt to bewail frantically, depurgo, -are vt to clean,
deplexus adj grasping, deputo, -arevt to prune; to consider, reckon,
deplorabundus adj weeping bitterly, depygis etc see depugis,
deploro, -are, -avT, -atum vi to weep bitterly deque adv down,
♦ vt to bewail bitterly, mourn; to despair of. derecta, -e, -6 adv straight,
depluit, -ere vi to rain down, derectus ppp o/derigo ♦ adj straight, upright,
depono, -onere, -osuT, -ositum vt to lay at right angles; straightforward,
down; to set aside, put away, get rid of; to derelictio, -onis/disregarding,
wager; to deposit, entrust, commit to the derelinquo, -inquere, -TquT, -ictum vt to
care of; (fig) to give up. abandon, forsake,
depopulatio, -dnis/ravaging, derepente adv suddenly,
depopulator, -orism marauder, derepo, -ere vi to creep down,
depopulor, -ari, -atus; -6, -arevt to ravage, dereptus ppp of deripio,
devastate; (fig) to waste, destroy, derideo, -dere, -si, -sum vt to laugh at,
deporto, -are, -avT, -atum vt to carry down, deride.
carry off; to bring home (from a province); deridiculum, -int mockery, absurdity; object
(law) to banish for life; (fig) to win. of derision.
deposco, -scere, -posci vt to demand, deridiculus adj laughable,
require, claim. derigesco, -escere, -u?vi to stiffen, curdle,
depositum, -Tnt trust, deposit, derigo, -igere, -ex?, -ectum vt to turn, aim,
depositus ppp 0/ depono ♦ adj dying, dead, direct; (fig) to regulate,
despaired of. deripio, -ipere, -ipu?, -eptum vt to tear off,
depravate adv perversely, pull down.
depravatio, -onis/distorting. derisor, -oris m scoffer,
depravo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to distort; (fig) derisus ppp of derideo,
to pervert, corrupt, derisus, -us m scorn, derision,
deprecabundus adj imploring, derivatio, -onis/diverting,
deprecatio, -onis/averting by prayer; derivo, -are, -av?, -atum vt to lead off, draw
imprecation, invocation; plea for off.
indulgence. derogo, -are vt (law) to propose to amend;
deprecator, -orism intercessor, (fig) to detract from,
deprecor, -ari, -atusvt to avert (by prayer); derosus adj gnawed away,
to deprecate, intercede for. deruncino, -are vt to plane off; (comedy) to
deprehendo, deprendo, -endere, -endi, cheat.
-ensum vt to catch, intercept; to overtake, deruo, -ere, -?vt to demolish,
surprise; to catch in the act, detect; (fig) to deruptus adj steep ♦ ntpi precipice,
perceive, discover, desaevio, -?revi to rage furiously; to cease
deprehensio, -onis/detection, raging.
deprehensus, deprensuspppo/ descendo, -endere, -end?, -ensum vi to
deprehendo, come down, go down, descend, dismount;
depressi per/of deprimo. (mil) to march down; (things) to fall, sink,
depressus ppp o/deprimo ♦ adj low. penetrate; (fig) to stoop (to), lower oneself,
deprimo, -imere, -essi, -essum vt to press descensio, -onis/going down,
down, weigh down; to dig deep; (ship) to descensus, -usm way down,
sink; (fig) to suppress, keep down, descisco, -Tscere, -?v? and i?, -?tum vi to
deproelior, -arivi to fight it out. desert, revolt; to deviate, part company,
depromo, -ere, psT, -ptum vt to fetch, bring describo, -bare, -ps?, -ptum vt to copy out; to
out, produce. draw, sketch; to describe; see also discribo,
depropero, -are vt to hurry up ♦ vt to hurry descriptio, -onis/copy; drawing, diagram;
and make. description.
depso, -ere vt to knead. descriptus ppp of describo; see also discriptus,
depudet, -ere, -uit vimpers not to be ashamed, deseco, -are, -u?, -turn vt to cut off.
depugis ad) thin-buttocked. desero, -ere, -u?, -turn vt to desert, abandon,
depugno, -are, -avT, -atum vi to fight it out, forsake; (bail) to forfeit,
fight hard. desertor, -oris m deserter,
depull per/of depello. desertus ppp o/ desero ♦ adj desert,

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
deservio-detorqueo 64 LATIN-ENGLISH

uninhabited ♦ ntpl deserts, destilld, -are vi to drop down ♦ vt to distil,

deservio, -Ire vi to be a slave (to), serve, destimulo, -are vt to run through,
deses, -idis ad; idle, inactive, destinatio, -onis/resolution, appointment,
desicco, -arevt to dry, drain, destinatus ad; fixed, decided,
desideo, -idere, -edlvi to sit idle, destino, -are, -avl, -atum vt to make fast; to
desiderabilis adj desirable, appoint, determine, resolve; (archery) to aim
desideratio, -onis/missing, at; (fig) to intend to buy 4 nt mark; intention;
desiderium, -land ii nt longing, sense of loss; -atum est mihi I have decided,
want; petition; me - tenet urbis I miss Rome, destiti perfof desisto.
desidero, -are, -avl, -Stum vt to feel the destituo, -uere, -ul, -utum vt to set apart,
want of, miss; to long for, desire; (casualties) place; to forsake, leave in the lurch,
to lose. destitutio, -onis/defaulting,
desidia, -ae/ idleness, apathy, destitutus ppp of destituo,
desidiose adv idly, destrictus ppp o/destringo 4 adj severe,
desidiosus ad; lazy, idle; relaxing, destringo, -ingere, -inxl, -ictum vt (leaves)
desldo, -Idere, -Sell vi to sink, settle down; to strip; (body) to rub down; (sword) to draw;
(fig) to deteriorate. to graze, skim; (fig) to censure,
designatio, -onis/specifying; election (of destruo, -ere, -xl, -ctum vt to demolish; to
magistrates). destroy.
designator etc see dissignator, desubito adv all of a sudden,
designatus ad; elect. desudasco, -ere vi to sweat all over,
designo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to trace out; to desudo, -are vi to exert oneself,
indicate, define; (pol) to elect; (art) to depict. desuefactus ad; unaccustomed,
desi I perfof desino_ desuetudo, -inis/disuse,
desilio, -idre, -ilui, -ultum vi to jump down, desuetus ad; unaccustomed, unused,
alight. desultor, -orism circus rider; (fig) fickle
desino, -nere, -Ivt to leave off, abandon 4 vi lover.
to stop, desist; to end (in). desultura, -ae/jumping down,
desipiens, -ientis adj silly, desum, deesse, -fulvi to be missing, fail, fail
desipientia, -ae/ folly, in one’s duty.
desipio, -ere vi to be stupid, play the fool, desumo, -ere, -psl, -ptum vt to select,
desisto, -istere, -titl, -titum vi to stop, leave desuper adv from above,
off, desist. desurgo, -erevi to rise,
desitus ppp 0/desino. detego, -egere, -exl, -ectum vt to uncover,
desolo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to leave desolate, disclose; (fig) to reveal, detect,
abandon. detendo, -endere, -ensum vt (tent) to strike,
despecto, -are vt to look down on, command a detentus ppp o/detined.
view of; to despise. detergo, -gere, -si, -sum vt to wipe away,
despectus ppp o/despicio 4 adj contemptible, clear away; to clean; to break off.
despectus, -us m view, prospect, deterior, -oris adj lower; inferior, worse,
desperanter adv despairingly, deterius adv worse,
desperatio, -onis/despair, determinatio, -dnis/boundary, end.
desperatus adj despaired of, hopeless; determino, -are, -avi, -atum vt to bound,
desperate, reckless. limit; to settle.
despero, -are, -avl, -atum vt, vi to despair, detero, -erere, -rivi, -rltum vt to rub, wear
give up hope of. away; (style) to polish; (fig) to weaken,
despexiper/o/despicio, deterreo, -ere, -ul, -itum vt to frighten away;
despicatio, -onis/contempt, to deter, discourage, prevent,
despicatus ad; despised, contemptible, detersus ppp of deterged,
despicatus, -us m contempt, detestabilis ad; abominable,
despicientia, -ae/contempt, detestatio, -onis/execration, curse;
despicio, -icere, -exi, -ectum vt to look down averting.
on; to despise ♦ vi to look down, detestor, -ari, -atus vt to invoke, invoke
despoliator, -oris m robber, against; to curse, execrate; to avert,
despolio, -are vt to rob, plunder, deprecate.
desponded, -ondere, -ondland opondl, detexo, -ere, -ul, -turn vt to weave, finish
-onsum vt to pledge, promise; to betroth; to weaving; (comedy) to steal; (ftp) to describe,
devote; to give up, despair of; animum - detineo, -inere, -inul, -entum vt to hold
despair. back, detain; to keep occupied,
despumo, -are vt to skim off. detondeo, -ondere, -ondl, -onsum vt to
despuo, -ere vi to spit on the ground 4 vt to shear off, strip.
reject. detono, -are, -ulvi to cease thundering,
desquamo, -are vt to scale, peel. detorqueo, -quere, -si, -turn vt to turn aside.
LATIN-ENGLISH 65 detractatid-dicio

direct; to distort, misrepresent, completely, win the day.

detractatio, -onis/declining, devitatio, -onis/avoiding,
detrectator, -oris m disparager, devito, -are vt to avoid,
detractio, -onis/removal, departure, devius adj out of the way, devious; (person)
detracto etc see detrecto, solitary, wandering off the beaten track;
detractus ppp of detraho, (fig) inconstant.
detraho, -here, -xT, -ctum vt to draw off, devoco, -are, -avl, -atum vt to call down,
take away, pull down; to withdraw, force to fetch; to entice away,
leave; to detract, disparage, devolo, -are vi to fly down,
detrecto, -are, -avl, -atum vt to decline, devolvo, -vere, -vi, -utum vt to roll down,
shirk; to detract from, disparage, fall; (wool) to spin off.
detrimentosusadj harmful, devoro, -are, -avl, -atum vt to swallow, gulp
detrimentum, -Tnt loss, harm; (mil) defeat; ~ down; to engulf, devour; (money) to
capere suffer harm, squander; (tears) to repress; (trouble) to
detritus ppp of detero, endure patiently.
detrudo, -dere, -si, -sum vt to push down, devors-, devort-see devers-, devert-.
thrust away; to dislodge, evict; to postpone; devortia, -drum ntpi byways,
(fig) to force. devotio, -onis/devoting; (magic) spell,
detrunco, -are, -avl, -atum vt to cut off, devoto, -are vt to bewitch,
behead, mutilate, devotus ppp of devoveo ♦ adj faithful;
detrusus ppp of detrudo, accursed.
deturbo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to dash down, devoveo, -overe, -ovl, -otum vt to devote,
pull down; (fig) to cast down, deprive. vow, dedicate; to give up; to curse; to
Deucalion, -onism son of Prometheus bewitch.
(survivor of the Flood). devulsus ppp of devello,
Deucalioneus adj see Deucalion, dextella, -ae/little right hand,
deunx, -cis m eleven twelfths, dexter, -eri and riadj right, right-hand; handy,
deuro, -rere, -ssl, -stum vt to burn up; to skilful; favourable,
frost. dexteritas, -atis/adroitness,
deus, -I (voc deus, pi di, deos, deum, dis) m dextra /right hand, right-hand side; hand;
god; dt meliora! Heaven forbid!; dTte ament! pledge of friendship,
bless you! dextra prep (with acc) on the right of.
deustus ppp of deurb. dextre (compar -erius) adv adroitly,
deutor, -Ivi to maltreat, dextrorsum, -rsus, -vorsum adv to the right,
devasto, -are vt to lay waste, dip/ of deus.
deveho, -here, -xl, -ctum vt to carry down, diabathrarius, -i and ilm slipper maker,
convey; (pass) to ride down, sail down, diabolus, -I m devil,
devello, -ellere, -eld and olsl, -ulsum vt to diaconus, -Im (bccl) deacon,
pluck, pull out. diadema, -tisnt royal headband, diadem,
develo, -arevt to unveil, diaeta, -ae/diet; living room,
deveneror, -arlvt to worship; to avert by dialectica, -ae, -e, -es/dialectic, logic ♦ ntpi
prayers. logical questions,
devenio, -enlre, -enl, -entum vt to come, dialectice adv dialectically,
reach, fall into. dialecticus adj dialectical ♦ m logician.
deverbero, -are, -avl, -atum vt to thrash Dialis adj of Jupiter ♦ m high priest of Jupiter.
soundly. dialogus, -Im dialogue, conversation.
deversor, -ari vi to lodge, stay (as guest), Diana, -ae/virgin goddess of hunting (also
deversor, -oris m guest, identified with the moon and Hecate, and
deversoriolum, -Int small lodging, patroness of childbirth).
deversorium, -Iand ilnt inn, lodging, Dianius adj of Diana ♦ m sanctuary of Diana,
deversorius adj for lodging, diaria, -orum ntpi daily allowance of food or
deverticulum, -Int by-road, by-pass; pay.
digression; lodging place; (fig) refuge, dibaphus, -I/Roman state robe,
deverto, -tere, -tl, -sum vi to turn aside, put dica, -ae/lawsuit,
up; to have recourse to; to digress, dicacitas, -atis/raillery, repartee,
devertor, -tl, versus vi see deverto, dicaculus adj pert.
devexus adj sloping, going down, steep, dicatio, -onis/declaration of citizenship,
devincio, -cire, -xl, -ctum vt to tie up; (fig) to dicax, -acis adj witty, smart,
bind, lay under an obligation, dichoreus, -Im double trochee,
devinco, -incere, -ici, -ictum vt to defeat dicio, -onis/power, sway, authority.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are - 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere - 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
dicis causa-dilabor 66 LATIN-ENGLISH

dicis causa for the sake of appearance, difficulter adv with difficulty,
died, -are, -avl, -atum vt to dedicate, diffidens, -entis adj nervous,
consecrate; to deify; to devote, give over. diffidenter adv without confidence,
died, -cere, -xi, dictum vt to say, tell; to diffidentia, -ae/mistrust, diffidence,
mention, mean, call, name; to pronounce; diffido, -dere, -susvi to distrust, despair,
(sh£t) to speak, deliver; (law) to plead; diffindo, -ndere, -di, -ssum vt to split, open
(poetry) to describe, celebrate; (official) to up; (fig) to break off.
appoint; (time, place) to settle, fix ♦ vi to diffingo, -erevt to remake,
speak (in public); causam - plead; ius - diffissus ppp of diffindo,
deliver judgment; sententiam - vote; ~cd diffisus ppa of diffido,
namely; ~xT I have finished; dictum factum diffiteor, -eri vt to disown,
no sooner said than done, diffluens, -entis ad; (rhet) loose,
dicrotum, -Tnt bireme. diffluo, -ere vi to flow away; to melt away; (fig)
Dictaeus ad; Cretan, to wallow.
dictamnus, -if dittany (a kind of wild diffringo, -ere vt to shatter,
marjoram). diffugio, -ugere, -ugi vi to disperse,
dictata, -orum ntpl lessons, rules, disappear.
dictator, -oris m dictator, diffugium, -i and iint dispersion,
dictatorius ad; dictator’s, diffundito, -are vt to pour out, waste,
dictatura, -ae/dictatorship. diffundd, -undere, -udi, -usum vt to pour
Dicte, -es/ mountain in Crete (where Jupiter off; to spread, diffuse; to cheer, gladden,
was brought up). diffuse adv expansively,
dictio, -onis/speaking, declaring; style, diffusilis adj diffusive,
expression, oratory; (oracle) response, diffusus pppo/diffundo ♦ adj spreading;
dictito, -are vt to keep saying, assert; to plead (writing) loose.
often. DTgentia, -ae/tributary of the Anio (near
dicto, -are, -avl, -atum vt to say repeatedly; Horace's villa).
to dictate; to compose. digero, -rere, -ssi, -stum vt to divide,
dictum, -int saying, word; proverb; bon mot, distribute; to arrange, set out; to interpret,
witticism; command, digestio, -onisf(aHEf) enumeration,
dictus pppof died. digestus ppp o/digero,
Dictynna, -ae/Britomartis; Diana. digitulus, -T m little finger,
Dictynnaeus ad; see n. digitus, -T m finger; toe; inch; (pf) skill in
didicT perf of disco. counting; -urn porrigere, proferre take the
dido, -ere, -idi, -itum vt to distribute, slightest trouble; ~um transversum non
broadcast. discedere not swerve a finger's breadth;
Dido, -usand -onis (acc-o)f Queen of Carthage. attingere caelum -6 reach the height of
diduco, -ucere, -uxi, -uctum vt to separate, happiness; liceri -6 bid at an auction;
split, open up; (mil) to disperse; (fig) to part, monstrari -6 be a celebrity; extremi, summi
divide. -I the fingertips; concrepare -Is snap the
diecula, -ae/one little day. fingers.
dierectus ad; crucified; abi - go and be digladior, -ari vi to fight fiercely,
hanged. dignatio, -onis/ honour, dignity,
dies, -eim/f day; set day (usu fern); a day’s digne adv see dignus.
journey; (fig) time; - meus my birthday; ~em dignitas, -atis/worth, worthiness; dignity,
dicere impeach; ~em obire die; ~em de -e, rank, position; political office,
~em ex ~e from day to day; in -em to a later digno, -arevt to think worthy,
day; for today; in ~es daily. dignor, -ari vt to think worthy; to deign,
Diespiter, -rism Jupiter, dignosco, -ere vt to distinguish,
diffamo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to divulge; to dignus ad; worth, worthy; (things) fitting,
malign. proper.
differentia, -ae/difference, diversity; digredior, -di, -ssus vi to separate, part; to
species. deviate, digress.
differitas, -atis/difference, digressio, -onis/parting; deviation,
differo, -erre, distuli, dilatum vt to disperse, digression.
to divulge, publish; (fig) to distract, disquiet; digressus ppa o/digredior,
(time) to put off, delay ♦ vi to differ, be digressus, -us m parting,
distinguished. diiudicatio, -onis/decision,
differtus odj stuffed, crammed, diiudico, -are vt to decide; to discriminate,
difficilisodj difficult; (person) awkward, surly, diiun-etc see disiun-
difficiliter adv with difficulty, di labor, -bl, -psus vi to dissolve,
difficultas, -atis/difficulty, distress, disintegrate; to flow away; (troops) to
hardship; surliness. disperse; (fig) to decay, vanish.
LATIN-ENGLISH 67 dilacero-discedo

dilacero, -are vt to tear to pieces, dinumero, -are vt to count, reckon up; to pay
dilamino, -arevt to split in two. out.
dilanio, -are, -avi, -atum vt to tear to shreds, diobolaris adj costing two obols.
dilapido, -arevt to demolish, dioecesis, -is/ district; (eccl) diocese,
dilapsus ppa of dilabor, dioecetes, -aem treasurer.
dilargior, -irivt to give away liberally, Diogenes, -ism famous Cynic philosopher; a
dilatio, -onis/putting off, adjournment, Stoic philosopher.
dilato, -are, -avi, -atum vt to expand; Diomedes, -is m Greek hero at the Trojan War.
(pronunciation) to broaden, Diomedeus adj see n.
dilator, -oris m procrastinator, Dionaeus adj see Dibne.
dilatus ppp of differo, Dione, -es and -a, -a e/ mother of Venus;Vemis.
dilaudo, -are vt to praise extravagantly, Dionysius, -im tyrant of Syracuse.
dilectusppp of diligo ♦ adj beloved, Dionysus, -i m Bacchus; -ia, -iorum ntpi Greek
dilectus, -us m selection, picking; (mil) levy; festival of Bacchus.
-um habere hold a levy, recruit. diota, -ae/ a two-handled wine jar.
ditexlperfof diligo, diploma, -tisnt letter of recommendation.
diligens, -entisadj painstaking, Dipylon, -int Athenian gate.
conscientious, attentive (to); thrifty, Dircaeus adj Boeotian.
diligenter advsee diligens, Dirce, -es/ famous spring in Boeotia.
diligentia, -ae/carefulness, attentiveness; directus ppp o/dirigo ♦ adj straight;
thrift. straightforward, simple; see also derectus,
diligo, -igere, -exi, -ectum vt to prize diremi perfof dirimo,
especially, esteem, love, diremptus ppp o/dirimo,
dilorico, -arevt to tear open, diremptus, -us m separation,
diluceo, -ere vi to be evident, direptio, -onis/plundering.
dilucescit, -cescere, -xitvi to dawn, begin to direptor, -oris m plunderer,
grow light. direptus ppp of diripio,
dilucide adv see dilucidus, direxi perfof dirigo.
dilucidus adj clear, distinct, diribeo, -ere vt to sort out (votes taken from
diluculum, -int dawn, ballot-boxes).
diludium, -i and iint interval, diribitio, -onis/sorting,
dilud, -uere, -ui, -utum vt to wash away, diribitor, -oris m ballot-sorter,
dissolve, dilute; to explain; (fig) to weaken, dirigo, -igere, -exi, -ectum vt to put in line,
do away with. arrange; see also derigd.
diluvies, -iei/, -ium, -iand iint flood, deluge, dirimo, -imere, -emi, -emptum vt to part,
diluvio, -arevt to inundate, divide; to interrupt, break off; to put an end
dimano, -are vi to spread abroad, to.
dimensio, -onis/measuring, diripio, -ipere, -ipui, -eptum vt to tear in
dimensus adj measured, pieces; to plunder, ravage; to seize; (fig) to
dimetior, -tiri, -nsus vt to measure out. distract.
dimeto, -are, -or, -ari vt to mark out. diritas, -atis/ mischief, cruelty,
dimicatio, -onis/lighting, struggle, dirumpo, disrumpo, -umpere, -upi,
dimico, -are, -avi, -atum vi to fight, struggle, -upturn vt to burst, break in pieces; (fig) to
contend. break off; (pass) to burst (with passion),
dimidiatus adj half, halved, diruo, -ere, -i, -turn vt to demolish; to scatter;
dimidius adj half ♦ nt half, aere -tus having one’s pay stopped,
dimissio, -onis/sending away; discharging, diruptuspppo/dirumpo.
dimissus ppp of dimitto, dirus adj ominous, fearful; (pers) dread,
dimitto, -ittere, -isi, -issum vt to send away, terrible ♦ fpl bad luck; the Furies ♦ ntpl
send round; to let go, lay down; (meeting) to terrors.
dismiss; (mil) to disband, detach; (fig) to dirutus ppp of diruo ♦ adj bankrupt,
abandon, forsake. dis, ditis adj rich.
dimminud, -ere vt to dash to pieces, Dis, Ditis m Pluto.
dimoveo, -overe, -ovi, -otum vt to part, discedo, -edere, -essi, -essum vt to go away,
separate; to disperse; to entice away. depart; to part, disperse; (mil) to march
Dindymene, -enes/Cybele. away; (result of battle) to come off; (pol) to go
Dindymus, -im mountain in Mysia (sacred to over (to a different policy); to pass away,
Cybele). disappear; to leave out of consideration; ab
dinoscosee dignosco, signis ~ break the ranks; victor ~ come off
dinumeratio, -onis/reckoning up. best.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
disceptatio-dispono 68 LATIN-ENGL1SH

disceptatio, -onis/discussion, debate, run about, run different ways,

disceptator, -oris m, -rix, -ricis/arbitrator, discursus, -us m running hither and thither,
discepto, -arevt to debate, discuss; (law) to discus, -I m quoit,
decide. discussus ppp of discutio,
discerno, -ernere, -revT, -return vt to divide, discutio, -tere, -ssl, -ssum vt to dash to
separate; to distinguish between, pieces, smash; to scatter; to dispel,
discerpo, -ere, -si, -turn vt to tear apart, diserte, -im adv distinctly; eloquently,
disperse; (fig) to revile, disertus adj fluent, eloquent; explicit,
discessio, -onis/separation, departure; disicio, -icere, -iecl, -iectum vt to scatter,
(senate) division. cast asunder; to break up, destroy; (mil) to
discessus, -us m parting; departure; rout.
marching away. disiecto, -arevt to toss about,
discidium, -i and ilnt disintegration; disiectuspppo/disicio.
separation, divorce; discord, disiectus, -usm scattering,
discido, -ere vt to cut in pieces, disiunctid, -onis/separation, differing;
discinctus pppo/discingo ♦ adj ungirt; (logic) statement of alternatives; (rhet) a
negligent; dissolute. sequence of short co-ordinate clauses,
discindo, -ndere, -di, -ssum vt to tear up, cut disiunctius adv rather in the manner of a
open. dilemma.
discingo, -gere, -xT, -ctum vt to ungird, disiunctuspppo/disiungo ♦ adj distinct,
disciplina, -ae/teaching, instruction; distant, removed; (speech) disjointed; (logic)
learning, science, school, system; training, opposite.
discipline; habits. disiungo, -ungere, -unxi, -unctum vt to
discipulus, -Tm, -a, -ae/pupil, apprentice, unyoke; to separate, remove,
discissus ppp of discindd. dispalesco, -erevi to be noised abroad,
discludo, -dere, -sT, -sum vt to keep apart, dispando, -andere, -ansum and -essum vt to
separate out. spread out.
disco, -ere, didic? vt to learn, be taught, be dispar, -arisadj unlike, unequal,
told. disparilis adj dissimilar,
discolor, -oris adj of a different colour; disparo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to segregate,
variegated; different, dispart- etc see dispert-.
disconducit it is not worthwhile, dispectus ppp of dispicio,
disconvenio, -Trevi to disagree, be dispello, -ellere, -ull, -ulsum vt to scatter,
inconsistent. dispel.
discordabilis adj disagreeing, dispendium, -land il nt expense, loss.
discordia, -ae/discord, disagreement, dispenno etc see dispando,
discordiosus adj seditious, dispensatio, -onis/management,
discordo, -arevi to disagree, quarrel; to be stewardship.
unlike. dispensator, -oris m steward, treasurer,
discors, -dis adj discordant, at variance; dispenso, -are, -avl, -atum vi to weigh out,
inconsistent. pay out; to manage, distribute; (fig) to
discrepantia, -ae/disagreement, regulate.
discrepatio, -onis/dispute, dispercutio, -ere vt to dash out.
discrepito, -are vi to be quite different, disperdo, -ere, -idi, -itum vt to ruin,
discrepo, -are, -ulvi to be out of tune; to squander.
disagree, differ; to be disputed, dispereo, -Ire, -ilvi to go to ruin, be undone,
discretus pppo/ discerno, dispergo, -gere, -si, -sum vt to disperse,
discribo, -bere, -psi, -ptum vt to distribute, spread over, space out.
apportion, classify. disperse adv here and there,
discrimen, -inis nt interval, dividing line; dispersus ppp o/dispergo.
distinction, difference; turning point, dispertio, -Ire, -Ivl, -Itum; -ior, -Irivt to
critical moment; crisis, danger, apportion, distribute,
discrimino, -are vt to divide, dispertitio, -onis/division,
discripte adv in good order, dispessuspppo/dispando.
discriptio, -onis/apportioning, distributing, dispicio, -icere, -exl, -ectum vt to see
discriptus pppo/ discribo ♦ adj secluded; well- clearly, see through; to distinguish, discern;
arranged. (fig) to consider.
discrucio, -arevt to torture; (fig) to torment, displiceo, -ere vi (with dat) to displease; sibi -
trouble. be in a bad humour.
discumbo, -mbere, -bul, -bitum vi to displodo, -dere, -sum vt to burst with a
recline at table; to go to bed. crash.
discupio, -erevi to long, dispono, -onere, -osul, -ositum vt to set out,
discurro, -rrere, -curri and rri, -rsum vi to arrange; (mil) to station.
LATIN-ENGLISH 69 disposite-distribud

disposite adv methodically, dissociabilis adj disuniting; incompatible,

dispositio, -onis/arrangement, dissociatio, -onis/separation,
dispositura, -ae/arrangement, dissocio, -are, -avl, -atum vt to disunite,
dispositus ppp of dispono ♦ adj orderly, estrange.
dispositus, -us m arranging, dissolubilis ad; dissoluble,
dispudet, -ere, -uit v impers to be very dissolute adv loosely, negligently,
ashamed. dissolutio, -onis/breaking up, destruction;
dispulsus ppp o/dispelld. looseness; (law) refutation; (person)
disputatio, -onis/ argument, weakness.
disputator, -oris m debater, dissolutum, -Int asyndeton,
disputo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to calculate; to dissolutus ppp of dissolvo ♦ adj loose; lax,
examine, discuss, careless; licentious.
disquiro, -ere vt to investigate, dissolvo, -vere, -vi, -utum vt to unloose,
disquisitio, -dnis/inquiry. dissolve; to destroy, abolish; to refute; to
disrumpo etc see dirumpo, pay up, discharge (debt); to free, release,
dissaepio, -Ire, -si, -turn vt to fence off, dissonus adj discordant, jarring, disagreeing,
separate off. different.
dissaeptum, -Int partition, dissors, -tis adj not shared,
dissavior, -arivt to kiss passionately, dissuaded, -dire, -si, -sum vt to advise
dissedi p erf of dissideo, against, oppose.
dissemino, -are vt to sow, broadcast, dissuasio, -onis/advising against,
dissensio, -onis/disagreement, conflict, dissuasor, -oris m opposer.
dissensus, -us m dissension, dissulto, -arevi to fly asunder,
dissentaneus adj contrary, dissuo, -ere vt to undo, open up.
dissentio, -entire, -ensl, -ensum vi to dissupi etc see dissipo,
disagree, differ; to be unlike, be distaedet, -ere v impers to weary, disgust,
inconsistent, distantia, -ae/diversity,
dissep- etc see dissaep-. distendo (-no), -dere, -dl, -turn vt to stretch
dissereno, -arevi to clear up. out, swell.
dissero, -erere, -evl, -itum vt to sow, plant at distentus ppp 0/distendo ♦ adj full ♦ ppp of
intervals. distineo 4 adj busy,
dissero, -ere, -ul, -turn vt to set out in order, distermino, -are vt to divide, limit,
arrange; to examine, discuss, distichon, -Int couplet,
disserpo, -ere vi to spread imperceptibly, distincte adv distinctly, lucidly,
disserto, -are vt to discuss, dispute, distinctio, -onis/ differentiating, difference;
dissideo, -idere, -edi, -essum vi to be (gram) punctuation; (rhet) distinction

distant; to disagree, quarrel; to differ, be between words.

unlike, be uneven, distinctuspppo/distinguo 4 adj separate,
dissignatio, -onis/arrangement, distinct; ornamented, set off; lucid,
dissignator, -oris m master of ceremonies; distinctus, -us m difference,
undertaker. distineo, -mere, -inul, -entum vt to keep
dissigno, -are vt to arrange, regulate; see also apart, divide; to distract; to detain, occupy;
designo. to prevent.
dissilio, -Ire, -ulvi to fly apart, break up. distinguo, -guere, -xl, -ctum vt to divide,
dissimilis adj unlike, different, distinguish, discriminate; to punctuate; to
dissimiliter adv differently, adorn, set off.
dissimilitudo, -inis/unlikeness, disto, -arevi to be apart, be distant; to be
dissimulanter adv secretly, different.
dissimulantia, -ae/dissembling, distorqueo, -quere, -si, -turn vt to twist,
dissimulatio, -onis/disguising, distor^
dissembling; Socratic irony, distortio, -onis/contortion,
dissimulator, -oris m dissembler, distortus ppp o/distorqueo 4 adj deformed,
dissimulo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to dissemble, distractio, -onis/parting, variance,
conceal, pretend that... not, ignore, distractus ppp o/distraho 4 adj separate,
dissipabilis adj diffusible, distraho, -here, -xl, -ctum vt to tear apart,
dissipatio, -onis/scattering, dispersing, separate, estrange; to sell piecemeal, retail;
dissipo, dissupo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to (mind) to distract, perplex; aciem - break up
scatter, disperse; to spread, broadcast; to a formation; controversias - end a dispute;
squander, destroy; (mil) to put to flight, voces - leave a hiatus.
dissitus ppp o/dissero. distribuo, -uere, -ul, -utum vt to distribute,

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere - 2nd; -are - 3rd and -ire - 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
distribute-dolo 70 LATIN-ENGL1SH

divide. quality.
distribute adv methodically, divinitus adv from heaven, by divine
distributio, -onis/ distribution, division, influence; excellently,
districtus pppo/distringo ♦ adj busy, divino, -are, -avi, -atum vt to foresee,
occupied; perplexed; severe, prophesy.
distringo, -ngere, -nxi, -ctum vt to draw divinus adj divine, of the gods; prophetic;
apart; to engage, distract; (mil) to create a superhuman, excellent ♦ m soothsayer ♦ nt
diversion against, sacrifice; oath; res -a religious service,
distrunco, -are vt to cut in two. sacrifice; -a humanaque all things in heaven
distuli perf of differo. and earth; ~T credere believe on oath,
disturbo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to throw into divisi perf of divido,
confusion; to demolish; to frustrate, ruin, divisio, -onis/division; distribution,
ditesco, -ere vi to grow rich, divisor, -oris m distributor; bribery agent,
dithyrambicus adj dithyrambic. divisus pppo/divido ♦ adj separate,
dithyrambus, -i m dithyramb, divisus, -us m division,
ditiae, -arum jpi wealth, divitiae, -arumfpi wealth; (fig) richness,
ditio etc see dicid. divor- etc see diver-.
dito, -are vt to enrich. divortium, -i and iim separation; divorce (by
diu (comp diutius, sup diutissime) adv long, a consent); road fork, watershed,
long time; long ago; by day. divulgatus adj widespread,
diurnum, -i nt day-book; acta -a Roman daily divulgo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to publish, make
gazette. public.
diurnus ad; daily, for a day; by day, day- (in divulsus ppp of divello,
cpds). divum, -i nt sky; sub -6 in the open air.
dius adj divine, noble, divus adj divine; deified ♦ m god.
diutine adv long, dixipe 7/0/died.
diutinus ad; long, lasting, do, dare, dedi, datum vt to give; to permit,
diutissime, -ius etc see diu. grant; to put, bring, cause, make; to give up,
diuturnitas, -atis/long time, long duration, devote; to tell; to impute; fabulam ~ produce
diuturnus adj long, lasting, a play; in fugam - put to flight; litteras - post
diva, -ae/goddess, a letter; manus - surrender; nomen - enlist;
divarico, -are vt to spread, operam - take pains, do one’s best; poenas -
divello, -ellere, -elli, -ulsum vt to tear apart, pay the penalty; vela - set sail; verba -
tear in pieces; (fig) to tear away, separate, cheat.
estrange. doced, -ore, -ui, -turn vt to teach; to inform,
divendo, -ere, -itum vt to sell in lots, tell; fabulam - produce a play,
diverbero, -are vt to divide, cleave, dochmius, -iand iim dochmiac foot,
diverbium, -iand iint (comedy) passage in docilis adj easily trained, docile,
dialogue. docilitas, -atis/aptness for being taught,
diverse adv in different directions, variously, docte adv skilfully, cleverly,
diversitas, -atis/contradiction, doctor, -orism teacher, instructor,
disagreement, difference, doctrina, -ae/instruction, education,
diversus, divorsuspppo/diverto ♦ adj in learning; science.
different directions, apart; different; doctus ppp of doced ♦ adj learned, skilled;
remote; opposite, conflicting; hostile ♦ mpl cunning, clever.
individuals. documentum, -im lesson, example, proof.
diverto, -tere, -ti, -sum vi to turn away; Doddna, -ae/town in Epirus (famous for its
differ. oracle of Jupiter).
dives, -itis adj rich, Dodonaeus, -is, -idis adj see Dodona.
divexo, -are vt to pillage, dodrans, -antis m three-fourths,
dividia, -ae/ worry, concern, dogma, -tism philosophical doctrine,
divido, -idere, -isi, -isum vt to divide, break dolabra, -ae/pickaxe,
open; to distribute, apportion; to separate, dolens, -entis pres pof doled 4 adj painful,
keep apart; to distinguish; (jewel) to set off; dolenter adv sorrowfully,
sententiam ~ take the vote separately on the doled, -ere, -ui, -itum vt, vi to be in pain, be
parts of a motion. sore; to grieve, lament, be sorry (for); to
dividuus adj divisible; divided, pain; cui ~et meminit = once bitten, twice shy.
divinatio, -onis/foreseeing the future, doliaris adj tubby,
divination; (law) inquiry to select the most doliolum, -int small cask,
suitable prosecutor. ddlium, -iand ii nt large wine jar.
divine adv by divine influence; prophetically; dolo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to hew, shape with
admirably. anaxe.
divinitas, -atis/divinity; divination; divine dolo, -dnis m pike; sting; fore-topsail.
LATIN-ENGLISH 71 Dolopes-ductito

Dolopes, -um mpl people of Thessaly. dormio, -ire, -ivi, -itum vi to sleep, be asleep,
Dolopia, -iae f the country of the people of dormitator, -oris m dreamer,
Thessaly. dormito, -are vi to be drowsy, nod.
dolor, -oris m pain, pang; sorrow, trouble; dorsum, -im back; mountain ridge,
indignation, resentment; (rhet) pathos, dos, dotis/ dowry; (fig) gift, talent.
dolose adv see doloSUS. Dossenus, -im hunchback, clown,
dolosus ad; deceitful, crafty, dotalis adj dowry (in cpds), dotal,
dolus, -im deceit, guile, trick; - malus wilful dotatus ad; richly endowed,
fraud. ddto, -are vt to endow,
domabilis ad; tameable, drachma (drachuma), -ae/a Greek silver
domesticus ad; domestic, household; coin.
personal, private; of one’s own country, draco, -onis m serpent, dragon; (astro) Draco,
internal ♦ mpl members of a household; draconigena, -aa adj sprung from dragon’s
bellum - civil war. teeth.
domiadv at home, drapeta, -ae m runaway slave.
domicilium, -iand ii nt dwelling, Drepanum, -i, -a, -orum m town in W. Sicily.
domina, -ae/mistress, lady of the house; dromas, -dis m dromedary,
wife, mistress; (fig) lady, dromos, -Tm racecourse at Sparta.
dominans, -antispres pof dominor ♦ adj Druides, -um, -ae, -arum mpi Druids.
(words) literal ♦ m tyrant, Drusianus adj see Drusus.
dominatio, -onis/mastery, tyranny, Drusus, -im Roman surname (esp famous
dominator, -oris m lord, commander in Germany under Augustus).
dominatrix, -ricis/queen, Dryades, -umfpi woodnymphs, Dryads.
dominatus, -usm mastery, sovereignty, Dryopes, -um mpl a people of Epirus.
dominicus ad; (eccl) the Lord’s, dubie adv doubtfully,
dominium, -Tand iint absolute ownership; dubitabilis ad; doubtful,
feast. dubitanter adv doubtingly, hesitatingly,
dominor, -ari, -atus vi to rule, be master; dubitatio, -onis/ wavering, uncertainty,
(fig) to lord it. doubting; hesitancy, irresolution; (rhet)
dominus, -T m master, lord; owner; host; misgiving.
despot; (eccl) the Lord. dubito, -are, -avi, -atum vt, vi to waver, be in
Domitianus ad; m Roman Emperor. doubt, wonder, doubt; to hesitate, stop to
Domitius, -Tm Roman plebeian name (esp with think.
surname Ahenobarbus). dubium nt doubt.
domito, -are vt to break in. dubius ad; wavering, uncertain; doubtful,
domitor, -oris m, -rix, -ricis/tamer; indecisive; precarious; irresolute ♦ nt doubt;
conqueror, in -um vocare call in question; in -um venire
domitus ppp of domd. be called in question; sine -6, baud ~e
domitus, -us m taming, undoubtedly.
domo, -are, -ui, -itum vt to tame, break in; to duceni, -orum ad; 200 each,
conquer. ducentesima, -ae/one-half per cent,
domus, -us andT/house (esp in town); home, ducenti, -orum num two hundred,
native place; family; (philos) sect; -T at home; ducenties, -iens adv 200 times,
in peace; -i habere have of one’s own, have duco, -cere, -xi, ductum vt to lead, guide,
plenty of; -um home(wards); -6 from home, bring, take; to draw, draw out; to reckon,
donabilis ad; deserving a present, consider; (mil) to lead, march, command;
donarium, -iand iint offering; altar, temple, (breath) to inhale; (ceremony) to conduct;
donatio, -onis/presenting, (changed aspect) to take on, receive; (dance)
donativum, -Tnt largess, gratuity, to perform; (drink) to quaff; (metal) to shape,
donec (donicum, donique) con; until; while, beat out; (mind) to attract, induce, deceive;
as long as. (oars) to pull; (origin) to derive, trace; (time)
dono, -are, -avi, -atum vt to present, bestow; to prolong, put off, pass; (udders) to milk;
to remit, condone (for another’s sake); ( fig) (wool) to spin; (a work) to construct,
to sacrifice. compose, make; (comm) to calculate; ilia -
donum, -Tm gift; offering, become broken-winded; in numero hostium
dorcas, -dis/gazelle. - regard as an enemy; os - make faces; parvi
Dores, -um mpl Dorians (mostly the Greeks of - think little of; rationem - have regard for;
the Peloponnese). uxorem - marry.
Doricus adj Dorian; Greek. ductim adv in streams.
Doris, -dis/a sea nymph; the sea. ductito, -are vt to lead on, deceive; to marry.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -ire = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
ducto-ebur 72 LATIN-ENGLISH

ducto, -are vt to lead, draw; to take home; to dupondius, -I and ii m coin worth two asses,
cheat. durabilis adj lasting,
ductor, -oris m leader, commander; guide, duramen, -inis nt hardness,
pilot. durateus adj wooden,
ductus ppp o/ducd. dure, -iter adv stiffly; hardily; harshly,
ductus, -us m drawing, drawing off; form; roughly.
command, generalship, duresco, -escere, -ul vi to harden.
dudum adv a little while ago, just now; for duritas, -atis/harshness.
long; haud - not long ago; iam - adsum I duritia, -ae, -es, -em/hardness; hardiness;
have been here a long time; quam - how severity; want of feeling,
long. duro, -are, -avl, -atum vt to harden, stiffen;
duellum etc see bellum. to make hardy, inure; (mind) to dull ♦ vi to
Duillius, -Tm consul who defeated the harden; to be patient, endure; to hold out,
Carthaginians at sea. last; (mind) to be steeled.
duim pres subj of do. duruiperf of duresco.
dulce, -iter adv see dulcis, durus adj hard, harsh, rough; hardy, tough;
dulcedo, -inis/ sweetness; pleasantness, rude, uncultured; (character) severe,
charm. unfeeling, impudent, miserly; (cmcs) hard,
dulcesco, -erevi to become sweet, cruel.
dulciculusadj rather sweet, duumvirletc see duovirl.
dulcifer, -Iadj sweet. dux, ducis m leader, guide; chief, head; (mil)
dulcis adj sweet; pleasant, lovely; kind, dear, commander, general,
dulcitudo, -inis/sweetness, duxlper/o/ducd.
dulice adv like a slave. Dymantis, -antidis/Hecuba.
Dulichium, -Tnt island in the Ionian Sea near Dymas, -antis m father of Hecuba.
Ithaca. dynamis, -is/plenty.
Dulichius adj of Dulichium; of Ulysses, dynastes, -ae m ruler, prince.
dum conj while, as long as; provided that, if Dyrrhachinus adj see n.
only; until ♦ adv (enclitic) now, a moment; Dyrrhachium (Dyrrachium), -Int Adriatic
(with neg) yet. port (now Durazzo).
dumetum, -I nt thicket, thornbushes.
dummodo conj provided that,
dumosus adj thorny,
dumtaxat adv at least; only, merely,
dumus, -Tm thornbush.
duo, duae, duo num two.
duodeciens, -esadv twelve times,
duodecim num twelve,
duodecimus adj twelfth,
duodeni, -orum adj twelve each, in dozens,
duodequadragesimus adj thirty-eighth,
duodequadraginta num thirty-eight, e prep see ex.
duodequinquagesimus adj forty-eighth, ea/pron she, it ♦ adj see is.
duodetrlciensadv twenty-eight times, ea adv there, that way.
duodetriginta num twenty-eight, eadem adv the same way; at the same time,
duodeviceniadj eighteen each, eadem/adj see idem,
duodeviginti num eighteen, ealdem, eapse fof ipse,
duoetvicesimani, -anorum mpi soldiers of eapse/o/ ipse,
the 22nd legion. eatenus adv so far.
duoetvicesimus adj twenty-second, ebenus etc see hebenus.
duoviri, duumviri, -drum mpi a board of two ebibo, -ere, -Ivt to drink up, drain; to
men; colonial magistrates; - navales naval squander; to absorb,
commissioners (for supply and repair); - eblandior, -Iri vt to coax out, obtain by
sacrorum keepers of the Sibylline Books, flattery; ~itus obtained by flattery.
duplex, -icisadj double, twofold; both; Eboracum, -!m York,
(person) false. ebrietas, atis/drunkenness,
duplicarius, -I and ilm soldier receiving ebriolus adj tipsy.
double pay. ebriositas, -atis/addiction to drink,
dupliciter adv doubly, on two accounts, ebriosus adj drunkard; (berry) juicy,
duplico, -are, -avl, -atum vt to double, ebrius adj drunk; full; (fig) intoxicated,
increase; to bend. ebullio, -Irevi to bubble up ♦ vt to brag about,
duplus adj double, twice as much ♦ nt double ebulus, -Im, -um, -I nt danewort, dwarf elder,
♦ / double the price. ebur, -is nt ivory; ivory work.
LAT1N-ENGLISH 73 Eburacum-efficio

Eburacum, -Tut York, promulgate; ludos - put on a show; tribus -

eburatus ad; inlaid with ivory, nominate tribes of jurors,
eburneolus ad; of ivory, edoceo, -ere, -ul, -ctum vt to instruct
eburneus, eburnus adj of ivory; ivory-white, clearly, teach thoroughly,
ecastor interj by Castor! edomo, -are, -ul, -itum vt to conquer,
ecceadv look!, here is!, there is!; lo and _ overcome.
behold!; -a, -am, -illam, -istam here she is!; Edonus ad; Thracian.
-urn, -ilium here he is!; -os, -as here they edormio, -Trevi to have a good sleep ♦ vt to
are! _ sleep off.
eccere interj there now! edormisco, -ere vt to sleep off.
eccheuma, -tis nt pouring out. educatio, -onis/bringing up, rearing,
ecclesia, -ae/a Greek assembly; (eccl) educator, -oris m foster father, tutor,
congregation, church. educatrix, -Icis/nurse.
eccum etc see ecce. educo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to bring up, rear,
ecdicus, -T m civic lawyer. _ train; to produce.
ecf- see eff-. educo, -ucere, -uxl, -uctum vt to draw out,
echidna, -ae/viper; - Lernaea hydra, bring away; to raise up, erect; (law) to
echinus, -T m sea-urchin; hedgehog; a rinsing summon; (mil) to lead out, march out; (ship)
bowl. to put to sea; (young) to hatch, rear, train,
Echion, -onis m Theban hero. edulis ad; edible,
Echionides m Pentheus. eduro, -arevi to last out.
Echionius ad; Theban. edurus ad; very hard,
Echo, -us/ wood nymph; echo, effarcid etc see effercio.
ecloga, -ae/selection; eclogue, effatus ppaof eff or ♦ adj solemnly pronounced,
ecquanddadv ever, declared ♦ nt axiom; (pf) predictions,
ecqul, -ae, -od adj interrog any. effectio, -onis/performing; efficient cause,
ecquid, -ladv whether, effector, -orism, -rix, -rlcis/producer,
ecquis, -idpron interrog anyone, anything, author.
ecquo adv anywhere, effectus ppp of efficio,
eculeus, -I m foal; rack, effectus, -us m completion, performance;
edacitas, -atis/gluttony, effect.
edax, -acis ad; gluttonous; (fig) devouring, effeminate adv see effeminatus,
carking. effeminatus adj effeminate,
edento, -are vt to knock the teeth out of. effemino, -are, -avl, -atum vt to make a
edentulus ad; toothless; old. woman of; to enervate,
edepol interj by Pollux, indeed. efferatus adj savage,
ediperfof edo. effercio, -cire, -turn vt to cram full,
edico, -Icere, -IxI, -ictum vt to declare; to efferitas, -atis/wildness,
decree, publish an edict, effero, -are, -avl, -atum vt to make wild; (fig)
edictio, -onis/decree, to exasperate.
edicto, -are vt to proclaim, effero (ecfero), -re, extuli, elatum vt to
edictum, -Int proclamation, edict (espa bring out, carry out; to lift up, raise; (dead)
praetor's). to carry to the grave; (emotion) to transport;
edidl perfof edo. (honour) to exalt; (news) to spread abroad;
edisco, -ere, edidici vt to learn well, learn by (so//) to produce; (trouble) to endure to the
heart. end; se - rise; be conceited,
edissero, -ere, -ul, -turn vt to explain in effertus ppp o/effercio ♦ adj full, bulging,
detail. efferus adj savage.
edisserto, -are vt to explain fully, effervesco, -vescere, -bul vi to boil over; (fig)
editicius ad; chosen by the plaintiff, to rage.
editio, -onis/publishing, edition; statement; effervo, -ere vi to boil up.
(law) designation of a suit, effetus ad; exhausted,
editus pppof edo ♦ adj high; descended ♦ nt efficacitas, -atis/power,
height; order. efficaciter adv effectually,
edo, edere and esse, edi, esum vt to eat; (fig) efficax, -acis ad; capable, effective,
to devour. efficiens, -entis pres pof efficio ♦ adj effective,
edo, -ere, -idl, -itum vt to put forth, efficient.
discharge; to emit; to give birth to, produce; efficienter adv efficiently,
(speech) to declare, relate, utter; (action) to efficientia, -ae/power, efficacy,
cause, perform; (book) to publish; (pol) to efficio, -icere, -eel, -ectum vt to make.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
effictus-electilis 74 LATIN-ENGL1SH

accomplish; to cause, bring about; (numbers) egi perfof ago.

to amount to; (soil) to yield; (theory) to make ego pron I; -met I (emphatic).
out, try to prove, egredior, -di, -ssus vi to go out, come out; to
effictus ppp 0/effingo, go up, climb; (mil) to march out; (naut) to
effigies, -eT, -a, -ae/likeness, copy; ghost; disembark, put to sea; (speech) to digress ♦
portrait, statue; (fig) image, ideal, vt to go beyond, quit; (ftp) to overstep,
effingo, -ngere, -nxT, -ctum vt to form, surpass.
fashion; to portray, represent; to wipe clean; egregie adv uncommonly well, singularly,
to fondle. egregius adj outstanding, surpassing;
efflagitatio, -onis/urgent demand, distinguished, illustrious,
efflagitatus, -us m urgent request, egressus ppa of egredior,
efflagito, -are vt to demand urgently. egressus, -us m departure; way out;
effITctim adv desperately, digression; (naut) landing; (river) mouth,
effflctd, -are vt to strike dead. egui perf of egeo.
effITgo, -gere, -xi, -ctum vt to exterminate, egurgito, -are vt to lavish,
efflo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to breathe out, blow ehem interj (expressingsurprise) ha!, so!
out ♦ vi to billow out; animam - expire, eheu interj (expressing pain) alas!
effloresco, -escere, -ulvi to blossom forth, eho interj (expressing rebuke) look here!
effluo, -ere, -xT vi to run out, issue, emanate; el dat of is.
(fig) to pass away, vanish; (rumour) to get ei interj (expressing alarm) oh!
known; ex animo - become forgotten, eia interj (expressing delight, playful
effluvium, -I and iTnt outlet, remonstrance, encouragement) aha!, come
effodio, -odere, -odi, -ossum vt to dig up; now!, come on!
(eyes) to gouge out; (house) to ransack, eiaculor, -arivt to shoot out.
effor, -ari, -atus vt to speak, utter; (augury) to eicio, -icere, -ieci, -iectum vt to throw out,
ordain; (logic) to state a proposition, drive out, put out; (joint) to dislocate; (mind)
effossus ppp of effodio, to banish; (naut) to bring to land, run
effrenate adv see effrenatus, aground, wreck; (rider) to throw; (speech) to
effrenatio, -onis/impetuousness, utter; (theat) to hiss off; se - rush out, break
effrenatus ad) unbridled, violent, unruly, out.
effrenus ad; unbridled, eiectamenta, -drum ntpi refuse,
effringo, -ingere, -egl, -actum vt to break eiectio, -onis/banishment.
open, smash. eiecto, -are vt to throw up.
effugio, -ugere, -ugivi to run away, escape ♦ eiectus ppp o/eicio ♦ adj shipwrecked,
vt to flee from, escape; to escape the notice eiectus, -us m emitting,
of. eiero, eiuro, -are vt to abjure, reject on oath,
effugium, -T and iint flight, escape; means of forswear; (office) to resign; bonam copiam ~
escape. declare oneself bankrupt,
effulgeo, -gere, -sivi to shine out, blaze, eiulatid, -onis/, eiulatus, -us m wailing,
effultus adj supported, eiulo, -are vi to wail, lament.
effundo, -undere, -udi, -usum vt to pour eiuSpron his, her, its; -modi such,
forth, pour out; (crops) to produce in ej- etc see ei-.
abundance; (missiles) to shoot; (rider) to elabor, -bT, -psusvi to glide away, slip off; to
throw; (speech) to give vent to; (effort) to escape, get off; to pass away,
waste; (money) to squander; (reins) to let go; elaboratus adj studied,
se ~, ~undi rush out; indulge (in), elabdrd, -are, -avi, -atum vi to exert oneself,
effuse adv far and wide; lavishly, take great pains ♦ vt to work out, elaborate,
extravagantly. elamentabilis ad; very mournful,
effusio, -dnis/pouring out, rushing out; elanguesco, -escere, -Tvi to grow faint; to
profusion, extravagance; exuberance, relax.
effususpppo/effundo ♦ adj vast, extensive; elapsus ppa of elabor.
loose, straggling; lavish, extravagant, elate adv proudly.
effutio, -ire vt to blab, chatter, elatio, -dnis/ecstasy, exaltation.
egelidus adj mild, cool, elatrd, -are vt to bark out.
egens, -entis pres po/ egeo ♦ adj needy, elatuspppo/efferd ♦ adj high; exalted.
egenus adj destitute. elavo, -avare, -avi, -autum and -otum vt to
egeo, -ere, -ui vi to be in want; (with abl or gen) _ wash clean; (comedy) to rob.
_ to need, want. Elea, -ae/town in S. Italy (birthplace of
Egeria, -ae/ nymph who taught Numa. _ Parmenides).
egero, -rere, -ssi, -stum vt to carry out; to Eleates, -aticus adj see n.
discharge, emit, elecebra, -ae/snare.
egestas, -atis/want, poverty. electe adv choicely,
egestus ppp of egero. electilis adj choice.
LATIN-ENGUSH 75 electid-emeritus

electio, -onis/ choice, option, eloquentia, -ae/ eloquence,

electo, -are vt to coax out. eloquium, -I and ilnt eloquence,
electo, -are vt to select. eloquor, -qul, -cutus to speak out, speak
Electra, -a e/ a Pleiad (daughter of Atlas; sister eloquently.
of Orestes). eluceo, -cere, -xlvi to shine out, glitter,
electrum, -Tnt amber; an alloy of gold and eluctor, -ari, -atus vi to struggle, force a way
silver. out ♦ vt to struggle out of, surmount,
electus pppof eligo ♦ odj select, choice, elucubrd, -are, -or, -ari, -atus vt to compose
electus, -us m choice. by lamplight.
elegans, -antis adj tasteful, refined, elegant; eludificor, -ari, -atusvt to cheat, play up.
_ fastidious; (things) fine, choice, eludo, -dere, -si, -sum vt to parry, ward off,
eleganter adv with good taste, foil; to win off at play; to outplay,
elegantia, -ae/taste, finesse, elegance; outmanoeuvre; to cheat, make fun of ♦ vi to
fastidiousness, finish one’s sport,
elegiperfo/ eligo, elugeo, -gere, -xlvt to mourn for.
elegi, -orum mpi elegiac verses, elumbis ad) feeble.
elegia, -ae/elegy. eluo, -uere, -ul, -utum vt to wash clean;
Eleleides, -eidum/pl Bacchantes. (money) to squander; (fig) to wash away, get
Eleleus, -elm Bacchus, rid of.
elementum, -Tnt element; (pi) first elusus ppp of eludo,
principles, rudiments; beginnings; letters elutus ppp of eluo ♦ adj insipid,
(of alphabet). eluvies, -em -§/ discharge; overflowing,
elenchus, -ima pear-shaped pearl, eluvio, -onis/deluge.
elephantomacha, -aem fighter mounted on an Elysium, -Tnt Elysium.
elephant. Elysius adj Elysian.
elephantus, -I, elephas, -antis m elephant; em interj there you are!
_ ivory. emancipatio, -onis/giving a son his
Eleus, -ius, -ias adj Elean; Olympian. independence; conveyance of property,
Eleusin, -is/Eleusis (Attic town famous for its emancipo, -arevt to declare independent; to
mysteries of Demeter). transfer, give up, sell,
Eleuslus odj see Eleusin, emano, -are, -avl, -atum vi to flow out; to
eleutheria, -ae/liberty. spring (from); (news) to leak out, become
elevo, -are vt to lift, raise; to alleviate; to _ known.
make light of, lessen, disparage, Emathia, -ae/ district of Macedonia;
elicio, -ere, -ul, -itum vt to lure out, draw out; _ Macedonia, Thessaly.
(god) to call down; (spirit) to conjure up; (fig) Emathius ad) Macedonian, Pharsalian; -des,
to elicit, draw. ~dum fpl Muses.
elldo, -dere, -si, -sum vt to dash out, squeeze ematuresco, -escere, -ul vi to soften,
out; to drive out; to crush, destroy, emax, -acisadj fond of buying,
eligo, -igere, -eg!, -ectum vt to pick, pluck emblema, -tis nt inlaid work, mosaic,
out; to choose. embolium, -land ilnt interlude,
elimino, -are vt to carry outside, emendabilis ad) corrigible,
ellmo, -are vt to file; (fig) to perfect, emendate adv see emendator,
elinguis adj speechless; not eloquent, emendatio, -onis/correction,
elinguo, -are vt to tear the tongue out of. emendator, -drism, -rix, -ricis/corrector,
Elis, -idis/ district and town in W. emendatus ad) faultless,
Peloponnese (famous for Olympia). emendo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to correct,
Elissa, -ae/Dido. improve.
elisus ppp of elldo. emensus ppaof emetior ♦ adj traversed,
elixus odj boiled, ementior, -Iri, -Itus vi to tell lies ♦ vt to
elleborosus ad) quite mad. pretend, fabricate; -Itus pretended,
elleborus, -I m, -um, -I nt hellebore, emercor, -arivt to purchase,
ellum, ellam there he (she) is! emereo, -ere, -ul, -itum, -eor, -eri vt to earn
eloco, -are vt to lease, farm out. fully, deserve; to lay under an obligation; to
elocutio, -onis/ delivery, style, complete one’s term of service,
elocutus ppaof eloquor, emergo, -gere, -si, -sumvt to raise out; (fig)
elogium, -i and il nt short saying; inscription; to extricate ♦ vi to rise, come up, emerge;
(will) clause. (fig) to get clear, extricate oneself; (impers)
eloquens, -entis adj eloquent, it becomes evident.
eloquenter adv see adj. emeritus ppaof emereor ♦ ad) superannuated,

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -Ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
emersus-enuntio 76 LATIN-ENGLISH

worn-out ♦ m veteran, enarrabilis adj describable.

emersus ppp ofe mergo enarro, -are, -avl, -atum vt to describe in
emetica, -ae/emetic. detail.
emetior, -tin, -nsus vt to measure out; to enascor, -sci, -tus vi to sprout, grow,
traverse, pass over; (time) to live through; enato, -are vi to swim ashore; (fig) to escape.
(fig) to impart, enatus ppa of enascor.
emeto, -erevt to harvest, enavigo, -arevi to sail clear, clear ♦ vt to sail
emi perf of emo. over.
emico, -are, -ul, -atum vi to dart out, dash Enceladus, -Tm giant under Etna.
out, flash out; (fig) to shine, endromis, -dis/sports wrap.
emigro, -are, -avl, -atum vi to remove, Endymion, -onis m a beautiful youth loved by
depart. the Moon, and doomed to lasting sleep.
eminens, -entisprespof emineo ♦ adj high, eneco, -are, -ul and -avl, -turn and atum vt to
projecting; (fig) distinguished, eminent, kill; to wear out; to torment,
eminentia, -ae/prominence; (painting) light, enervatus adj limp,
emineo, -ere, -ulvi to stand out, project; to enervis adj enfeebled,
be prominent, be conspicuous, distinguish enervo, -ire, -avl, -atum vt to weaken,
oneself. unman.
eminor, -arlvi to threaten, enico etc see eneco,
eminus adv at or from a distance, enim conj (affirming) yes, truly, in fact;
emiror, -arlvt to marvel at. (explaining) for, for instance, of course; at -
emissarium, -land il m outlet, but it will be objected; quid - well?; sod -
emissarius, -land ilm scout, but actually.
emissicius adj prying, enimvero conj certainly, yes indeed.
emissio, -onis/letting go, discharge, Enipeus, -el m river in Thessaly.
emissus ppp of emitto, enisus ppa of enitor.
emissus, -us m emission, eniteo, -ere, -Ul vi to shine, brighten up; (fig)
emitto, -ittere, -TsT, -issum vt to send out, let to be brilliant, distinguish oneself,
out; to let go, let slip; (missile) to discharge; enitesco, -escere, -ulvi to shine, be brilliant,
(person) to release, free; (sound) to utter; enitor, -tl, -sus and xus vi to struggle up,
(writing) to publish. climb; to strive, make a great effort ♦ vt to
emo, -ere, emi, emptum vt to buy, procure; give birth to; to climb,
to win over; bene - buy cheap; male - buy enlxe adv earnestly,
dear; in diem - buy on credit, enixus ppa o/enitor ♦ adj strenuous.
emoderor, -arlvt to give expression to. Ennianus adj see n.
emodulor, -arlvt to sing through, Ennius, -I m greatest of the early Latin poets.
emolior, -TrT vt to accomplish, Ennosigaeus, -Im Earthshaker, Neptune,
emollio, -Ire, -il, -Itum vt to soften; to end, -are, -avlvi to swim out, swim ashore; to
mollify; to enervate, fly away.
emolumentum, -Int profit, advantage, enodate adv lucidly,
emoneo, -erevt to strongly advise, enodatio, -onis/unravelling,
emorior, -T, -tuus vi to die; (fig) to pass away, enodis adj free from knots; plain,
emortualis adj of death, enodo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to elucidate,
emoveo, -overe, -ovl, -otum vt to remove, enormis adj irregular; immense,
drive away. enotesco, -escere, -ulvi to get known,
Empedocles, -ism Sicilian philosopher. enoto, -are vt to make a note of.
Empedocleus adj see n. ensiculus, -Im little sword,
empiricus, -Tm empirical doctor, ensiger, -Iadj with his sword,
emporium, -I and ilnt market, market town, ensis, -ism sword,
emptio, -onis/buying; a purchase, enthymema, -tism argument,
emptito, -are vt to often buy. enubo, -bere, -psl vi to marry out of one’s
emptor, -oris m purchaser, station; to marry and go away,
emptus ppp of emo. enucleate adv plainly.
emulgeo, -ere vt to drain, enucleatus adj (style) straightforward; (votes)
emunctus ppp o/emungo ♦ adj honest.
discriminating. enucleo, -arevt to elucidate,
emungo, -gere, -xl, -ctum vt to blow the enumeratio, -onis/enumeration; (rhst)
nose of; (comedy) to cheat, recapitulation.
emunio, -Ire, -Ivl, -Itum vt to strengthen, enumero, -are vt to count up; to pay out; to
secure; to build up; to make roads through, relate.
en inter) (drawing attention) look!, see!; (excited enuntiatio, -onis/proposition.
question) really, indeed; (command) come enuntiatum, -Int proposition,
now! enuntio, -arevt to disclose, report; to
LATIN-ENGLISH 77 enuptio-Erigoneius

express; to pronounce, epularis adj at a banquet,

enuptio, -onis/ marrying out of one’s epulo, -dnis m guest at a feast; priest in
station. charge ofreligious banquets,
enutrio, -Tre vt to feed, bring up. epulor, -arl, -atus vi to be at a feast ♦
vt to
eo, Tre, TvTand iT, itum vi to go; (mil) to march; feast on.
(time) to pass; (event) to proceed, turn out; in epulum, -Int banquet,
alia omnia - vote against a bill; in sententiam equa, -ae/mare.
- support a motion; sic eat so may he fare!;! eques, -itis m horseman, trooper; (pi)
(mocking) go on! cavalry; knight, member of the equestrian
eo adv (place) thither, there; (purpose) with a order.
view to; (degree) so far, to such a pitch; equester, -risadj equestrian; cavalry- (in
(time) so long; (cause) on that account, for cpds).
the reason; (with compar) the; accedit eo equidem adv (affirming) indeed, of course, for
besides; res erat eo loc? such was the state of my part; (concessive) to be sure,
affairs; eo magis all the more, equinus adj horse’s,
eodem adv to the same place, purpose or equlria, -drum ntpi horseraces.
_ person; ~ loci in the same place. equitatus, -us m cavalry,
Eos/ dawn ♦ m morning star; Oriental. equitd, -arevi to ride,
Edus adj at dawn, eastern. equuleus etc see eculeus.
Epaminondas, -aem Theban general. equulus, -Tm colt.
epastus ad; eaten up. equus, -Im horse; (astro) Pegasus; - bipes
ephebus, -T m youth (18 to 20). seahorse; -6 merere serve in the cavalry; -is
ephemeris, -idis/diary. virlsque with might and main,
Ephesius ad; seen. era, -ae/mistress (of the house); (goddess)
Ephesus, -If Ionian town in Asia Minor. Lady.
ephippiatus ad; riding a saddled horse, eradlcd, -are vt to root out, destroy,
ephippium, -Tandilm saddle, eradd, -dere, -si, -sum vt to erase, obliterate.
ephorus, -Im a Spartan magistrate, ephor. Erato/ Muse of lyric poetry.
Ephyra, -ae, -e, -es/Corinth. Eratosthenes, -ism famous Alexandrian
Ephyreius adj see Ephyra. geographer.
Epicharmus, -Tm Greek philosopher and comic Erebeus ad; seen.
poet. Erebus, -I m god of darkness; the lower world.
epichysis, -is/kind of jug. Erechtheus, -el m legendary king of Athens.
epicopus adj rowing. Erechtheus ad; see n.
Epicureus, epicus adj epic. Erechthidae mpl Athenians
Epicurus, -Tm famous Greek philosopher. Erechthis, -idis/Orithyia; Procris,
Epidaurius adj see n. erectus pppo/erigo ♦ adj upright, lofty; noble,
Epidaurus, -T/ town in E. Peloponnese. haughty; alert, tense; resolute,
epidicticus adj (rhet) for display, erepd, -ere, -si vi to creep out, clamber up ♦
epigramma, -tism inscription; epigram, vt to crawl over, climb,
epilogus, -Tm peroration, ereptio, -onis/seizure, robbery,
epimenia, -drum ntpi a month’s rations. ereptor, -oris m robber,
Epimethis, -dis/Pyrrha (daughter of ereptus ppp of eripio,
Epimetheus). erga prep (with acc) towards; against,
epiredium, -I and ilnt trace. ergastulum, -Int prison (esp for slaves)-, (pi)
Epirotes, -otae m native of Epirus. convicts.
Epiroticus, -ensisad;seen. ergo adv therefore, consequently; (questions,
Epirus, -os, -if district of N.W. Greece. commands) then, so; (resuming) well then;
episcopus, -Tm bishop, (with gen) for the sake of, because of.
epistolium, -I and ilnt short note, Erichthonius, -Ima king of Troy; a king of
epistula, -ae/letter; ab -Is secretary, Athens ♦ adj Trojan; Athenian,
epitaphium, -land il nt funeral oration, ericius, -I and ilm hedgehog; (mil) beam with
epitheca, -ae/addition. _ iron spikes.
epitoma, -ae, -e, -es/abridgement, Eridanus, -Im mythical name of river Po.
epityrum, -Int olive salad, erifuga, -aem runaway slave,
epops, -ism hoopoe, erigd, -igere, -exl, -ectum vt to make
epos (pl-e)nt epic. upright, raise up, erect; to excite; to
epoto, -are, -avl, -um vt to drink up, drain; to _ encourage.
waste in drink; to absorb, Erigone, -esf (constellation) Virgo.
epulae, -arum/pl dishes; feast, banquet. Erigoneius adj see n.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
erilis-Eurydice 78 LAT1N-ENGLISH

erilis adj the master’s, the mistress’s. essedarius, -I and ilm chariot fighter,
Erinys, -yos/Fury; (fig) curse, frenzy. essedum, -int war chariot,
Eriphyla, -ae/ mother of Alcmaeon (who killed essito, -are vt to usually eat.
her). est pres of edo.
eripio, -ipere, -ipul, -eptum vt to tear away, estrix, -Icis/glutton.
pull away, take by force; to rob; to rescue; se esurialis adj of hunger,
- escape. esurio, -Ire, -Itum vi to be hungry ♦ vt to
erogatio, -dnis/paying out. hunger for.
erogito, -are vt to enquire, esuritio, -onis/hunger,
erogo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to pay out, esus ppp of edo.
expend; to bequeath, et conj and; (repeated) both ... and; (adding
errabundus adj wandering, emphasis) in fact, yes; (comparing) as, than ♦
erraticus adj roving, shifting, adv also, too; even.
erratio, -onis/wandering, roving, etenim conj (adding an explanation) and as a
erratum, -T nt mistake, error, matter of fact, in fact,
erratus, -us m wandering, etesiae, -arum fpi Etesian winds,
erro, -are, -avl, -atum vi to wander, stray, etesius adj see n.
lose one’s way; to waver; to make a mistake, ethologus, -I m mimic,
err 4 vt to traverse; stellae -antes planets, etiam adv also, besides; (emphatic) even,
erro, -onis m vagabond, actually; (affirming) yes, certainly;
error, -oris m wandering; meander, maze; (indignant) really!; (time) still, as yet; again; -
uncertainty; error, mistake, delusion; atque - again and again; - caves! do be
deception. careful!; nihil - nothing at all.
erubesco, -escere, -ul vi to blush; to feel etiamdum adv still, as yet.
ashamed ♦ vt to blush for, be ashamed of; to etiamnum, etiamnunc adv still, till now, till
respect. then; besides.
eruca, -ae/colewort. etiamsi conj even if, although,
eructo, -are vt to belch, vomit; to talk etiamtum, etiamtuncadv till then, still.
drunkenly about; to throw up. Etruria, -ae/ district of Italy north of Rome.
erudio, -Ire, -if, -Itum vt to educate, instruct, Etruscus adj Etruscan,
erudite adv learnedly, etslconj even if, though; and yet.
eruditio, -onis/education, instruction; etymologia, -ae/etymology,
learning, knowledge, eu interj well done!, bravo!
eruditulus adj somewhat skilled, Euanm Bacchus.
eruditus pppof erudio ♦ adj learned, educated, Euander and rus, -rim Evander (ancient king
accomplished. on the site of Rome).
erumpo, -umpere, -upl, -upturn vt to break Euandrius adj seen,
open; to make break out ♦ vi to burst out, euax interj hurrah!
break through; to end (in), Euboea, -oeae/ Greek island.
eruo, -ere, -I, -turn vt to uproot, tear out; to Euboicus adj Euboean.
demolish, destroy; to elicit, draw out; to euge, eugepae interj bravo!, cheers!
rescue. Euhan m Bacchus.
eruptio, -onis/eruption; (mil) sally. euhans, -antis adj shouting the Bacchic cry.
eruptus ppp of erumpo. Euhias/ Bacchante.
erus, -im master (of the house); owner. Euhius, -Im Bacchus.
erutus ppp o/erud. euhoe interj ecstatic cry of Bacchic revellers.
ervum, -Int vetch. Euius, -i m Bacchus.
Erycinus adj of Eryx; of Venus; Sicilian ♦ / Eumenides, -um/pi Furies,
Venus. eunuchus, -Im eunuch.
Erymanthius, -isadj seen. Euphrates, -is m river Euphrates.
Erymanthus and -I m mountain range in Eupolis, -dism Athenian comic poet.
Arcadia, (where Hercules killed the bear). Euripides, -is m Athenian tragic poet.
Eryx, -cis m town and mountain in the extreme Euripideus adj see n.
W. of Sicily. Euripus, -I m strait between Euboea and
esca, -ae/food, tit-bits; bait, mainland-, a channel, conduit.
escarius adj of food; of bait ♦ mpi dishes, Europa, -ae and e, -es/ mythical princess of
escendo, -endere, -endi, -ensum vi to climb Tyre (who was carried by a bull to Crete)',
up, go up ♦ vt to mount, continent of Europe.
escensio, -onis/raid (from the coast); Europaeus adj see n.
disembarkation, Eurotas, -ae m river of Sparta.
esculentus adj edible, tasty. Eurous adj eastern.
Esquiliae, -iarum jpi Esquiline hill in Rome. Eurus, -I m east wind; south-east wind.
Esquillnusadj Esquiline ♦ /Esquiline gate. Eurydice, -es/ wife of Orpheus.
LATIN-ENGLISH 79 Eurystheus-exanimis

Eurystheus, -elm king of Mycenae (who evoco, -are, -avi, -atum vt to call out,
imposed the labours on Hercules). summon; to challenge; to call up; to call
euscheme adv gracefully. forth, evoke.
Euterpe, -es/ Muse of music. evolo, -are, -avi, -atum vi to fly out, fly away;
Euxinus m the Black (Sea), to rush out; (fig) to rise, soar,
evado, -dere, -si, -sum vi to come out; to evolutio, -onis/unrolling (a book),
climb up; to escape; to turn out, result, come evolvo, -vere, -vi, -utum vt to roll out, roll
true ♦ vt to pass, mount; to escape from, along; to unroll, unfold; (book) to open, read;
evagor, -ari, -atusvi (mil) to manoeuvre; (fig) (fig) to disclose, unravel, disentangle,
to spread ♦ vt to stray beyond, evomo, -ere, -ui, -itum vt to vomit up,
evalesco, -escere, -ui vi to grow, increase; to disgorge.
_ be able; to come into vogue. evulgo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to divulge, make
Evander etc see Euander, public.
evanesco, -escere, -uivi to vanish, die away, evulsio, -onis/pulling out.
lose effect. evulsus ppp of evello.
evangelium, -land iint (eccl) Gospel, ex, e prep (with abf) (place) out of, from, down
evanidus adj vanishing, from; (person) from; (time) after,
evasi perf of evadd. immediately after, since; (change) from
evasto, -are vt to devastate, being; (source, material) of; (cause) by reason
eveho, -here, -xi, -ctum vt to carry out; to of, through; (conformity) in accordance with;
raise up, exalt; to spread abroad; (pass) to ex itinere on the march; ex parte in part; ex
ride, sail, move out. quo since; ex re, ex usu for the good of; e re
evello, -ellere, -elli, -ulsum vt to tear out, publica constitutionally; ex sententia to
_ pull out; to eradicate, one’s liking; aliud ex alio one thing after
evenio, -enire, -eni, -entum vi to come out; another; unus ex one of.
to turn out, result; to come to pass, happen, exacerbo, -are vt to exasperate,
befall. exactio, -onis/expulsion; supervision; tax;
eventum, -int result, issue; occurrence, (debts) calling in.
event; fortune, experience, exactor, -oris m expeller; superintendent; tax
eventus, -usm result, issue; success; collector.
fortune, fate. exactus ppp of exigo ♦ adj precise, exact,
everbero, -are vt to beat violently, exacuo, -uere, -ui, -utum vt to sharpen; (fig)
everriculum, -Tnt dragnet, to quicken, inflame.
everro, -rere, -ri, -sum vt to sweep out, clean exadversum, -usadv, prep (with acc) right
out. opposite.
eversio, -onis/overthrow, destruction, exaedificatio, -onis/construction,
eversor, -oris m destroyer, exaedifico, -are vt to build up; to finish the
eversus ppp of everro; ppp of everto, building of.
everto, -tere, -ti, -sum vt to turn out, eject; to exaequatio, -onis/levelling,
turn up, overturn; to overthrow, ruin, exaequo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to level out; to
destroy. compensate; to put on an equal footing; to
evestigatus adj tracked down, equal.
evictus ppp of evinco, exaestuo, -ire vi to boil up.
evidens, -entis adj visible, plain, evident, exaggeratio, -onis/exaltation,
evidenter adv see evidens, exaggero, -are, -avi, -atum vt to pile up; (fig)
evidentia, -ae/distinctness, to heighten, enhance,
evigilo, -are, -avi, -atum vi to be wide awake exagitator, -oris m critic,
♦ vt to compose carefully, exagito, -are, -avi, -atum vt to disturb,
evilesco, -ere vi to become worthless, harass; to scold, censure; to excite, incite,
evincio, -cire, -xi, -ctum vt to garland, exagoga, -ae/export.
crown. exalbesco, -escere, -ui vi to turn quite pale,
evinco, -incere, -ici, -ictum vt to overcome, examen, -inis nt swarm, crowd; tongue of a
conquer; to prevail over; to prove, balance; examining.
eviro, -are vt to castrate, examino, -are, -avi, -atum vt to weigh; to
eviscero, -are vt to disembowel, tear to consider, test.
pieces. examussim adv exactly, perfectly,
evitabilis adj avoidable, exanclo, -are vt to drain; to endure to the end.
evito, -are, -avi, -atum vt to avoid, clear, exanimalis adj dead; deadly,
evocati, -orum mpi veteran volunteers, exanimatio, -onis/panic,
evocator, -oris m enlister. exanimis adj lifeless, breathless; terrified.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere - 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
exanimo-excusatio 80 LATIN-ENGLISH

exanimo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to wind; to kill; excio, -Ire, -TvT and iT, -itum and Ttum vt to call
to terrify, agitate; (pass) to be out of breath, out, rouse, summon; to occasion, produce; to
exanimus see exanimis, excite.
exardesco, -descere, -sT, -sum vi to catch excipio, -ipere, -epl, -eptum vt to take out,
fire, blaze up; (fig) to be inflamed, break out. remove; to exempt, make an exception of,
exaresco, -escere, -ulvi to dry, dry up. mention specifically; to take up, catch,
exarmo, -are vt to disarm, intercept, overhear; to receive, welcome,
exaro, -are, -avi, -atum vt to plough up; to entertain; to come next to, follow after,
cultivate, produce; (.brow) to furrow; succeed.
(writing) to pen. excisio, -onis/destroying,
exarsTpei/o/exardesco, excisus ppp of excido.
exasciatus adj hewn out. excitatus adj loud, strong,
exaspero, -are, -avi, -atum vt to roughen; excito, -are, -avi, -atum vt to rouse, wake up,
(fig) to provoke. summon; to raise, build; to call on (to stand
exauctoro, -are, -avi, -atum vt (mil) to up); (fig) to encourage, revive, excite,
discharge, release; to cashier, excitus, excitus ppp of excio,
exaudio, -Ire, -ivl, -Ttum vt to hear clearly; to exclamatio, -onis/exclamation,
listen to; to obey, exclamo, -are, -avi, -atum vi to cry out,
exaugeo, -ere vt to increase, shout ♦ vt to exclaim, call,
exauguratio, -onis/ desecrating, excludo, -dere, -si, -sum vt to shut out,
exauguro, -arevt to desecrate, exclude; to shut off, keep off; (egg) to hatch
exauspico, -are vi to take an omen, out; (eye) to knock out; (fig) to prevent,
exbibo etc see ebibo. except.
excaeco, -are vt to blind; (river) to block up. exclusio, -onis/shutting out.
excandescentia, -ae/growing anger, exclusus ppp of excludo,
excandesco, -escere, -ulvi to burn, be excoctus ppp o/ excoquo,
inflamed. excogitatio, -onis/thinking out, devising,
excanto, -are vt to charm out, spirit away, excogito, -are, -avi, -atum vt to think out,
excarnifico, -are vt to tear to pieces, contrive.
excavo, -are vt to hollow out. excolo, -olere, -olui, -ultum vt to work
excedo, -edere, -essi, -essum vi to go out, carefully; to perfect, refine,
go away; to die, disappear; to advance, excoquo, -quere, -xl, -ctum vt to boil away;
proceed (to); to digress ♦ vt to leave; to to remove with heat, make with heat; to dry
overstep, exceed. up.
excellens, -entis pres po/excelld ♦ adj excors, -dis adj senseless, stupid,
outstanding, excellent, excrementum, -Tnt excretion,
excellenter adv see excellens, excreo etc see exscreo,
excellentia, -ae/superiority, excellence, excresco, -score, -vi, -turn vi to grow, rise
excello, -ere vi to be eminent, excel, up.
excelse adv loftily, excretus ppp of excerno
excelsitas, -atis/loftiness. excrucio, -are, -avi, -atum vt to torture,
excelsum, -Tnt height, torment.
excelsus adj high, elevated; eminent, excubiae, -arum fpi keeping guard, watch;
illustrious. sentry.
exceptio, -onis/exception, restriction; (lew) excubitor, -oris m sentry,
objection excubo, -are, -ul, -itum vi to sleep out of
excepto, -are vt to catch, take out. doors; to keep watch; (fig) to be on the alert,
exceptus ppp of excipio, excudo, -dere, -di, -sum vt to strike out,
excerno, -ernere, -revl, -return vt to sift out, hammer out; (egg) to hatch; (fig) to make,
separate. compose.
excerpo, -ere, -si, -turn vt to take out; to exculco, -are vt to beat, tramp down.
select, copy out extracts; to leave out, omit, excultus ppp of excolo.
excessus, -usm departure, death, excurro, -rrere, -curri and rrl, -rsum vi to run
excetra, -ae/snake, out, hurry out; to make an excursion; (mil) to
excidio, -onis/destruction, make a sortie; (place) to extend, project; (fig)
excidium, -iand iint overthrow, destruction, to expand.
excido, -ere, -Tvi to fall out, fall; (speech) to excursio, -onis/raid, sortie; (gesture)
slip out, escape; (memory) to get forgotten, stepping forward; (fig) outset,
escape; (person) to fail, lose; (things) to excursor, -oris m scout,
disappear, be lost. excursus, -us m excursion, raid, charge,
excido, -dere, -di, -sum vr to cut off, hew out, excusabilis adj excusable,
fell; to raze; (fig) to banish, excusate adv excusably,
excieo vtsee excio. excusatio, -onis/excuse, plea.
LATIN-ENGLISH 81 excuso-exorator

excuso, -are, -avl, -atum vt to excuse; to cause, occasion,

apologize for; to plead as an excuse, exhilaratus adj delighted,
excussus ppp of excutio, exhorresco, -escere, -ulvi to be terrified ♦ vt
excusus ppp of excudo, to be terrified at.
excutio, -tere, -ssi, -ssum vt to shake out, exhortatio, -onis/encouragement,
shake off; to knock out, drive out, cast off; exhortor -ari, -atusvt to encourage,
(fig) to discard, banish; to examine, inspect, exigo, -igere, -egl, -actum vt to drive out,
exdorsuo, -are vt to fillet, thrust; (payment) to exact, enforce; to
exec- etc see exsec-. demand, claim; (goods) to dispose of; (time)
exedo, -esse, -edi, -esum vt to eat up; to to pass, complete; (work) to finish; (news) to
wear away, destroy; (feelings) to prey on. ascertain; to test, examine, consider,
exedra, -ae/hall, lecture room, exigue adv briefly, slightly, hardly,
exedrium, -I and ilnt sitting room. exiguitas, -atis/smallness, meagreness,
exeml perf of eximo. exiguus adj small, short, meagre ♦ nt a little
exemplar, -aris nt copy; likeness; model, bit.
ideal. exilio etc see exsilio.
exemplares mpi copies, exilis adj thin, small, meagre; poor; (style) flat,
exemplum, -Int copy; example, sample, insipid.
precedent, pattern; purport, nature; exilitas, -atis/thinness, meagreness,
warning, object lesson; ~ dare set an exiliter adv feebly,
example; ~i causa, gratia for instance, exilium etc see exsilium,
exemptus ppp of eximo, exim see exinde,
exentero, -arevt (comedy) to empty, clean eximie adv exceptionally,
out; to torture. eximius adj exempt; select; distinguished,
exeo, -Ire, -iT, -itum vi to go out, leave; to exceptional.
come out, issue; (mil) to march out; (time) to eximo, -imere, -emi, -emptum vt to take
expire; to spring up, rise ♦ vi to pass beyond; out, remove; to release, free; to exempt;
to avoid; - ex potestate lose control, (time) to waste; (fig) to banish.
exeq- etc see exseq-. exin see exinde.
exerceo, -ere, -uT, -itum vt to keep busy, exinanio, -Ire, -ii, -Itum vt to empty; to
supervise; (ground) to work, cultivate; (mil) pillage.
to drill, exercise; (mind) to engage, employ; exinde adv (place) from there, next; (time)
(occupation) to practise, follow, carry on; then, thereafter, next; (measure)
(trouble) to worry, harass; se ~ practise, accordingly.
exercise. existimatio, -onis/opinion, judgment;
exercitatio, -onis/ practice, exercise, reputation, character; (money) credit,
experience. existimator, -oris m judge, critic,
exercitatus ad; practised, trained, versed; existimo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to value,
troubled. estimate, judge, think, consider,
exercitium, -land ii nt exercising, existo etc see exsisto,
exercito, -are vt to exercise, exlstumo vt see existimo,
exercitor, -oris m trainer, exitiabilis adj deadly, fatal,
exercitus ppp of exerced ♦ adj disciplined; exitialis adj deadly,
troubled; troublesome, exitiosus adj pernicious, fatal,
exercitus, -us m army (esp the infantry); exitium, -land ii nt destruction, ruin,
assembly; troop, flock; exercise, exitus, -us m departure; way out, outlet;
exero etc see exsero, conclusion, end; death; outcome, result,
exesor, -oris m corroder. exlex, -egis adj above the law, lawless,
exesus ppp of exedo, exoculo, -are vt to knock the eyes out of.
exhalatio, -onis/vapour, exodium, -land ii nt afterpiece,
exhalo, -are vt to exhale, breathe out ♦ vi to exolesco, -scere, -vi, -turn vi to decay,
steam; to expire. become obsolete,
exhaurio, -rire, -si, -stum vt to drain off; to exoletus adj full-grown,
empty; to take away, remove; (fig) to exonero, -are, -avl, -atum vt to unload,
exhaust, finish; (trouble) to undergo, endure discharge; (fig) to relieve, exonerate,
to the end. exoptatus adj welcome,
exheredo, -arevt to disinherit, exopto, -are, -avl, -atum vt to long for,
exheres, -edis adj disinherited, desire.
exhibeo, -ere, -uT, -itum vt to hold out, exorabilis adj sympathetic,
produce (in public); to display, show; to exorator, -oris m successful pleader.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
exordior-expono 82 LAT1N-ENGLISH

exordior, -diri, -sus vt to lay the warp; to expertus ppa of experior ♦ adj proved, tried;
begin. experienced.
exordium, -T and ilnt beginning; (rhet) expetesso, -ere vt to desire,
introductory section. expeto, -ere, -iviand ii, -Itum vt to aim at,
exorior, -Iri, -tus vi to spring up, come out, tend towards; to desire, covet; to attack; to
rise; to arise, appear, start, demand, require ♦ vi to befall, happen,
exornatio, -onis/embellishment, expiatio, -onis/atonement,
exornator, -oris m embellisher, expictus ppp of expingo,
exorno, -are, -avi, -atum vt to equip, fit out; expilatio, -onis/pillaging.
to embellish, adorn. expilator, -oris m plunderer,
exoro, -are, -avi, -atum vt to prevail upon, expilo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to rob, plunder,
persuade; to obtain, win by entreaty, expingo, -ingere, -inxi, -ictum vt to portray,
exorsus ppaof exordior ♦ adj begun ♦ ntpl expio, -are, -avi, -atum vt to purify; to atone
preamble. for, make amends for; to avert (evil),
exorsus, -us m beginning. expiro etc see exspiro,
exortus ppaof exorior. expiscor, -ari, -atus vt to try to find out,
exortus, -us m rising; east. ferret out.
exos, -ossis adj boneless. explanate adv see explanatus,
exosculor, -ari, -atus vt to kiss fondly. explanatio, -onis/explanation.
exosso, -are vt to bone. explanator, -oris m interpreter,
exostra, -ae/stage mechanism; (fig) public. explanatus od; distinct,
exosus ad; detesting. explano, -are, -avi, -atum vt to state clearly,
exoticus adj foreign. explain; to pronounce clearly,
expallesco, -escere, -uivi to turn pale, be explaudd etc see explodo,
afraid. explementum, -i nt filling,
expalpo, -arevt to coax out. expleo, -ere, -evi, -etum vt to fill up; to
expando, -ere vt to unfold, complete; (desire) to satisfy, appease; (duty)
expatro, -are vt to squander, to perform, discharge; (loss) to make good;
expavesco, -ere, expavi vi to be terrified ♦ vt (time) to fulfil, complete,
to dread. expletio, -onis/ satisfying,
expect- etc see exspect-. expletus ppp of expleo 4 adj complete,
expedio, -ire, -iviand ii, -itum vt to free, explicate adv plainly,
extricate, disentangle; to prepare, clear (for explicatio, -onis/ uncoiling; expounding,
action); to put right, settle; to explain, analyzing.
relate; (impers) it is useful, expedient, explicator, -drism, -rix, -ricis/expounder.
expedite adv readily, freely, explicatus adj spread out; plain, clear,
expeditio, -onis/(m/0 expedition, enterprise, explicatus, -us m explanation,
expeditus ppp of expedio ♦ adj light-armed; explicitus adj easy.
ready, prompt; at hand ♦ m light-armed explico, -are, -avi and ui, -atum and itum vt to
soldier; in ~o esse, habere be, have in unfold, undo, spread out; (book) to open; (mil)
readiness. to deploy, extend; (difficulty) to put in order,
expello, -ellere, -uli, -ulsum vt to drive settle; (speech) to develop, explain; to set
away, eject, expel; to remove, repudiate, free.
expendo, -endere, -endi, -ensum vt to explodo, -dere, -si, -sum vt to hiss off, drive
weigh out; to pay out; (penalty) to suffer; away; (fig) to reject,
(mincf) to ponder, consider, judge, explorate adv with certainty,
expensum, -int payment, expenditure, exploratio, -onis/spying,
expergefacio, -facere, -feci, -factum vt to explorator, -oris m spy, scout,
rouse, excite. exploratus ad) certain, sure,
expergiscor, -gisci, -rectus vi to wake up; to exploro, -are, -avi, -atum vt to investigate,
bestir oneself. reconnoitre; to ascertain; to put to the test,
expergo, -ere, -I, -itum vt to awaken, explosi perf of explodo
experiens, -entis pres po/experior ♦ adj explosio, -onis/driving off (the stage),
enterprising. explosus ppp of explodo,
experientia, -ae/experiment; endeavour; expolio, -ire, -ivi, -itum vt to smooth off,
experience, practice. polish; (fig) to refine, embellish,
experimentum, -I nt proof, test; experience, expolitio, -onis/smoothing off; polish,
experior, -iri, -tus vt to test, make trial of; to finish.
attempt, experience; (law) to go to law; (perf expono, -onere, -osui, -ositum vt to set out,
tenses) to know from experience, put out; (child) to expose; (naut) to
experrectus ppa of expergiscor. disembark; (money) to offer; (fig) to set
expers, -tis adj having no part in, not sharing; forth, expose, display; (speech) to explain,
free from, without. expound.
LATIN-ENGLISH 83 exporrigo-exsplro

exporrigo, -igere, -exl, -ectum vt to extend, exscribo, -bere, -psi, -ptum vt to copy out; to
smooth out. note down.
exportatio, -onis/exporting, exsculpo, -ere, -si, -turn vt to carve out; to
exporto, -are, -avl, -atum vt to carry out, erase; (fig) to extort,
export. exseco, -are, -ul, -turn vt to cut out; to
exposco, -ere, expoposci vt to implore, pray castrate.
for; to demand, exsecrabilis adj cursing, deadly,
expositiciusadj foundling, exsecratio, -onis/ curse; solemn oath,
expositio, -onis/narration, explanation, exsecratus adj accursed,
expositus ppp of expono ♦ adj open, affable; exsecror, -ari, -atus vt to curse; to take an
vulgar. oath.
expostulatio, -onis/complaint exsectio, -onis/cutting out.
expostulo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to demand exsecutio, -onis/management; discussion,
urgently; to complain of, expostulate, exsecutus ppa of exsequor,
expotus ppp of epoto, exsequiae, -arumfpi funeral, funeral rites,
expressus ppp o/exprimo ♦ adj distinct, exsequialis adj funeral,
prominent. exsequor, -qul, -cutusvt to follow, pursue;
exprimo, -imere, -essi, -essum vt to to follow to the grave; (duty) to carry out,
squeeze out, force out; to press up; (fig) to accomplish; (speech) to describe, relate;
extort, wrest; (art) to mould, model; (words) (suffering) to undergo; (wrong) to avenge,
to imitate, portray, translate, pronounce. punish.
exprobratio, -onis/reproach, exsercio vt see exsarcio.
exprobro, -are, -avl, -atum vt to reproach, exsero, -ere, -ul, -turn vt to put out, stretch
cast up. out; to reveal.
expromo, -ere, -psl, -ptum vt to bring out, exserto, -are vt to stretch out repeatedly,
fetch out; (acts) to exhibit, practise; exsertus ppp o/ exsero ♦ adj protruding,
(feelings) to give vent to; (speech) to disclose, exsibilo, -are vt to hiss off.
state. exsiccatus adj (style) uninteresting.
expugnabilis adj capable of being taken by exsicco, -are, -avl, -atum vt to dry up; to
storm. drain.
expugnacior, -oris adj more effective, exsico etc see exseco,
expugnatio, -onis/storming, assault, exsigno, -are vt to write down in detail,
expugnator, -orism stormer. exsilio, -Ire, -ulvi to jump up, spring out; to
expugno, -are, -avl, -atum vt to storm, start.
reduce; to conquer; (fig) to overcome, exsilium, -Iand il nt banishment, exile;
extort. retreat.
expuliper/o/ expello, exsisto, -istere, -titl, -titum vi to emerge,
expulsio, -onis/ expulsion, appear; to arise, spring (from); to be, exist,
expulsor, -orism expeller. exsolvo, -vere, -vi, -utum vt to undo, loosen,
expulsus ppp of expello, open; to release, free; to get rid of, throw
expultrix, -Icis/expeller. off; (debt, promise) to discharge, fulfil, pay
expungo, -ungere, -unxi, -unctum vt to up; (words) to explain,
prick out, cancel, exsomnis adj sleepless, watchful,
expurgatio, -onis/excuse, exsorbeo, -ere, -ui vt to suck, drain; to
expurgo, -are vt to purify; to justify, devour, endure.
exputo, -are vt to consider, comprehend, exsors, -tisadj chosen, special; free from,
exquiro, -rere, -sivi, -sltum vt to search out, exspargo etc see exspergo,
investigate; to inquire; to devise, exspatior, -ari, -atusvi to go off the course,
exquisite adv with particular care, exspectabilis adj to be expected,
exquisitus ppp of exquiro ♦ adj well thought exspectatio, -onis/ waiting, expectation,
out, choice. exspectatus adj lookedfor, welcome,
exsaevio, -Ire vi to cease raging, exspecto, -are, -avl, -atum vt to wait for, till;
exsanguis adj bloodless, pale; feeble, to see; to expect; to hope for, dread; to
exsarcio, -clre, -turn vt to repair, require.
exsatio, -arevt to satiate, satisfy, exspergo, -gere, -sum vt to scatter; to
exsaturabitis adj appeasable, diffuse.
exsaturo, -are vt to satiate, exspes adj despairing,
exsce- etc see esce-. exspiratio, -onis/exhalation.
exscindo, -ndere, -dl, -ssum vt to extirpate, exspiro, -are, -avi, -atum vt to breathe out,
exscreo, -are vt to cough up. exhale; to emit ♦ vi to rush out; to expire,

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -are = 2nd; -are = 3rd and -Tra - 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
exsplendesco-exunctus 84 LATIN-ENGLISH

come to an end. clean; to plunder,

exsplendesco, -ere vi to shine. exterior, -oris adj outer, exterior,
exspolio, -arevt to pillage. exterius adv on the outside,
exspuo, -uere, -ul, -utum vt to spit out, eject; extermino, -arevt to drive out, banish; (fig) to
(.fig) to banish, put aside.
exsternd, -arevt to terrify, externus adj outward, external; foreign,
exstillo, -are vi to drip, strange.
exstimulator, -oris m instigator, extero, -erere, -rlvl, -rrtum vt to rub out,
exstimulo, -arevt to goad on; to excite, wear away.
exstinctio, -onis/annihilation, exterreo, -ere, -ul, -itum vt to frighten,
exstinctor, -oris m extinguisher; destroyer, extersus ppp of extergeo,
exstinguo, -guere, -xl, -ctum vt to put out, exterus see exter.
extinguish; to kill, destroy, abolish, extexo, -ere vt to unweave; (fig) to cheat,
exstirpo, -arevt to root out, eradicate, extimesco, -escere, -ul vi to be very
exstiti perfof exsisto, frightened ♦ vt to be very afraid of.
exsto, -are vi to stand out, project; to be extimus adj outermost, farthest,
conspicuous, be visible; to be extant, exist, extin-etc see exstin-.
be. extispex, -icis m diviner,
exstructio, -onis/erection, extollo, -ere vt to lift up, raise; (fig) to exalt,
exstruo, -ere, -xl, -ctum vt to heap up; to beautify; (time) to defer,
build up, construct. extorqueo, -quire, -si, -turn vt to wrench
exsudo, -are vi to come out in sweat ♦ vt (fig) out, wrest; to dislocate; (fig) to obtain by
to toil through. force, extort.
exsugo, -gere, -xl, -ctum vt to suck out. extorris adj banished, in exile,
exsul, -is mjf exile. extortor, -oris m extorter,
exsulo, -are, -avi, -atum vi to be an exile, extortus ppp of extorqueo,
exsultatio, -onis/great rejoicing, extra adv outside; ~ quam except that, unless
exsultim adv friskily, ♦ prep (with ecc) outside, beyond; free from;
exsulto, -are, -avi, -atum vi to jump up, except.
prance; (fig) to exult, run riot, boast; (speech) extraho, -here, -xl, -ctum vt to draw out, pull
to range at will, out; to extricate, rescue; to remove; (time) to
exsuperabilis ad; superable. prolong, waste.
exsuperantia, -ae/superiority, extraneus, -I m stranger ♦ adj external,
exsupero, -are, -avi, -atum vi to mount up; foreign.
to gain the upper hand, excel ♦ vt to go over; extraordinarius ad; special, unusual,
to surpass; to overpower, extrarius adj external; unrelated ♦ m
exsurdo, -arevt to deafen; (fig) to dull, stranger.
exsurgo, -gere, -rexi, -rectum vi to rise, extremitas, -atis/extremity, end.
stand up; to recover. extremum, -Tnt end; ad - at last,
exsuscito, -are vt to wake up; (fire) to fan; extremum adv for the last time,
(mind) to excite. extremus adj outermost, extreme; last;
exta, -orum ntpl internal organs, utmost, greatest, meanest,
extabesco, -escere, -uivi to waste away; to extrico, -are, -avi, -atum vt to disentangle,
vanish. extricate; to clear up.
extaris adj sacrificial. extrinsecus adv from outside, from abroad;
extemplo adv immediately, on the spur of the on the outside.
moment; quom - as soon as. extritus ppp of extero.
extemporalis ad; extempore, extrudo, -dere, -si, -sum vt to drive out; to
extempulo see extemplo, keep out; (sale) to push,
extendo, -dere, -dl, -turn and extensum vt extuli perfof effero,
to stretch out, spread, extend; to enlarge, extumeo, -erevi to swell up.
increase; (time) to prolong; se - exert extundo, -undere, -udi, -usum vt to beat
oneself; Ire per -tum funem walk the out, hammer out; (comedy) to extort; (fig) to
tightrope. form, compose.
extensus ppp of extendo, exturbo, -ire, -avi, -atum vt to drive out,
extento, -are vt to strain, exert, throw out, knock out; (wife) to put away; (fig)
extentus ppp 0/extendo ♦ ad; broad, to banish, disturb,
extenuatio, -onis/(/met) diminution, exubero, -are vi to abound.
extenuo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to thin out, exul etc see exsul.
rarefy; to diminish, weaken, exulcero, -are, -avi, -atum vt to aggravate,
exter adj from outside; foreign, exululo, -are vi to howl wildly ♦ vt to invoke
exterebro, -are vt to bore out; to extort, with cries.
extergeo, -gere, -si, -sum vt to wipe off, exunctus ppp of exungo.
LATIN-ENGLISH 85 exundo-fala

exundo, -are wi to overflow; to be washed up. facile adv easily; unquestionably; readily;
exungo, -ere vi to anoint liberally, pleasantly.
exuo, -uere, -ul, -utum vt to draw out, put facilis adj easy; well-suited; ready, quick;
off; to lay aside; to strip, (person) good-natured, approachable;
exuro, -rere, -ssT, -stum vt to burn up; to dry (fortune) prosperous,
up; to burn out; (fig) to inflame, facilitas, -atis/ease, readiness; (speech)
exustio, -onis/ conflagration, fluency; (person) good nature, affability,
exutus ppp of exuo. facinorosus adj criminal,
exuviae, -arum/p! clothing, arms; hide; facinus, -oris nt deed, action; crime,
spoils. facio, -ere, feci, factum (z'mpfac, pass fid) vi
to make, create, compose, cause; to do,
perform; (profession) to practise; (property)
to put under; (value) to regard, think of;
(words) to represent, pretend, suppose ♦ vi
to do, act; (religion) to offer sacrifice; (with ad

F,f or dat) to be of use; copiam - afford an

opportunity; damnum - suffer loss; metum
- excite fear; proelium - join battle; rem -
make money; verba ~ talk; magni - think
highly of; quid tibi faciam? how am I to
answer you?; quid te faciam? what am I to do
with you?; fac sciam let me know; fac
faba, -ae/bean. potuisse suppose one could have,
fabalis adj bean- (in cpds). factio, -onis/making, doing; group, party,
fabella, -ae/short story, fable; play, faction (esp in politics and chariot racing).
faber, -rim craftsman (in metal, stone, wood), factiosus adj factious, oligarchical,
tradesman, smith; (m/0 artisan; - ferrarius factito, -are, -avi, -atum vt to keep making
blacksmith; - tignarius carpenter ♦ adj or doing; to practise; to declare (to be),
skilful. factor, -oris m (sport) batsman,
Fabius, -Im Roman family name (esp Q F factum, -int deed, exploit,
Maximus Cunctator, dictator against Hannibal). factus ppp o/facio.
Fabius, -ianusadj see n. facula, -ae/little torch,
fabre adv skilfully. facultas, -atis/means, opportunity; ability;
fabrefacio, -facere, -feci, -factum vt to abundance, supply, resources,
make, build, forge, facunde adv see facundus,
fabrica, -ae/art, trade; work of art; facundia, -ae/eloquence.
workshop; (comedy) trick, facundus adj fluent, eloquent,
fabricatio, -onis/structure, faeceus adj impure,
fabricator, -oris m artificer. faecula, -ae/wine lees,
Fabricius, -Tm Roman family name (esp CF faenebrisadj of usury,
Luscinus, incorruptible commander against faeneratio, -onis/usury,
Pyrrhus). f aenerato adv with interest,
Fabricius, -ianusadj seen. faenerator, -oris m moneylender,
fabrico, -are; -or, -ari, -atusvt to make, faenero, -are; -or, -ari, -atusvt to lend at
build, forge. interest; to ruin with usury; (fig) to trade in.
fabrilis adj artificer’s ♦ ntp! tools, faenilia, -um ntpi hayloft,
fabula, -ae/ story; common talk; play, drama; faenum, -Tnt hay; ~ habet in cornu he is
fable;-ae! nonsense!; lupus in -a = talk of the dangerous.
devill faenus, -oris nt interest; capital lent at
fabulor, -ari, -atusvi to talk, converse ♦ vt to interest; (fig) profit, advantage,
say, invent. faenusculum, -Int a little interest.
fabulosus adj legendary, Faesulae, -arum fpl town in Etruria (now
facesso, -ere, -TvT, -itum vt to perform, carry Fiesole).
out; to cause (trouble) ♦ vi to go away, retire, Faesulanus adj see n.
facete adv humorously; brilliantly, faex, faecis/sediment, lees; brine (of
facetiae, -arum/pi wit, clever talk, humour, pickles); (fig) dregs,
facetus adj witty, humorous; fine, genteel, fagineus, faginus adj of beech,
elegant. fagus, -7/beech.
facies, -el/form, shape; face, looks; fala, -ae/siege tower, used in assaults;
appearance, aspect, character. (Circus) pillar.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
falarica-Faunus 86 LATIN-ENGLISH

falarica, -ae/a missile, firebrand, farrago, -inis/mash, hotch-potch; medley,

falcarius, -T and ilm sicklemaker. farratus adj of corn; filled with corn,
falcatus ad; scythed; sickle-shaped, farsiper/o/farcio.
falcifer, -lad; scythe-carrying. fartem, -imface filling; mincemeat,
Falernus ad; Falernian (of a district in N. fartor, -orism fattener, poulterer.
Campania famous for its wine) ♦ nt Falernian fartus ppp o/farcio.
wine. fas nt divine law; right; - est it is lawful,
Falisci, -drum mpl a people of S.E. Etruria possible.
(with chief town Falerii). fascia, -ae/band, bandage; streak of cloud,
Faliscus ad; see n. fasciculus, -i m bundle, packet,
fallacia, -ae/trick, deception, fascino, -are vt to bewitch, (esp with the evil
fallaciter adv see fallax, eye).
fallax, -acis ad; deceitful, deceptive, fascinum, -int, -us, -im charm,
fallo, -Iere, fefelli, -sum vt to deceive, cheat, fasciola, -ae/small bandage,
beguile; to disappoint, fail, betray; (promise) fascis, -is m bundle, faggot; soldier’s pack,
to break; to escape the notice of, be burden; (pi) rods and axe carried before the
unknown to; (pass) to be mistaken; me -lit I highest magistrates; high office (esp the
am mistaken; I do not know, consulship).
false adv wrongly, by mistake; fraudulently, fassus ppa o/fateor
falsidicus ad; lying, fasti, -drum mpl register of days for legal and
falsificus ad; deceiving, public business; calendar; registers of
falsiiurius ad; perjurious, magistrates and other public records,
falsiloquus ad; lying, fastidio, -ire, -ii, -itum vt to loathe, dislike,
falsiparens, -entis adj with a pretended despise ♦ vi to feel squeamish, be disgusted;
father. to be disdainful.
falso adv see false. fastidiose adv squeamishly; disdainfully,
falsus ppp 0/fallo ♦ adj false, mistaken; fastidiosus adj squeamish, disgusted;
deceitful; forged, falsified; sham, fictitious fastidious, nice; disagreeable,
♦ nt falsehood, error. fastidium, -iand ii nt squeamishness, distaste;
falx, falcis/sickle, scythe; pruning hook; (mil) disgust, aversion; disdain, pride,
siege hook. fastigate adv in a sloping position,
fama, -ae/talk, rumour, tradition; public fastigatus ad; sloping up or down,
opinion; reputation, fame; infamy, fastigium, -i and ii nt gable, pediment; slope;
famelicus ad; hungry. height, depth; top, summit; (fig) highest
fames, -is/hunger; famine; (fig) greed; (nwer) degree, acme, dignity; (speech) main
poverty of expression, headings.
famigeratio, -onis/rumour, fastus adj lawful for public business,
famigerator, -oris m telltale, fastus, -usm disdain, pride.
familia, -ae/domestics, slaves of a Fata ntpi the Fates.
household; family property, estate; family, fatalis ad; fateful, destined; fatal, deadly,
house; school, sect; pater -as master of a fatiliter adv by fate,
household; -am ducere be head of a sect, fateor, -ten, -ssusvt to confess,
company etc. acknowledge; to reveal, bear witness to.
familiaris ad; domestic, household, family; faticanus, -inus adj prophetic,
intimate, friendly; (entrails) relating to the fatidicus ad; prophetic ♦ m prophet,
sacrificer ♦ m servant; friend, fatifer, -iad; deadly,
familiaritas, -atis/intimacy, friendship, fatigatio, -onis/ weariness,
familiariter adv on friendly terms, fatigo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to tire, exhaust; to
famosus adj celebrated; infamous; worry, importune; to wear down, torment,
slanderous. fatiloqua, -ae/prophetess,
famula, -ae/maidservant, handmaid, fatisco, -ere; -or, -ivi to crack, split; (fig) to
famularis ad; of servants, become exhausted.
famulatus, -us m slavery, fatuitas1 -atis/ silliness,
famulor, -ari vi to serve, fatum, -int divine word, oracle; fate, destiny;
famulus, -Tm servant, attendant ♦ adj divine will; misfortune, doom, death; -6
serviceable. obire die a natural death,
fanaticus ad; inspired; frantic, frenzied. fatur, fatus 3rd pers, ppa o/ for.
fantfigerund o/for. fatuus adj silly; unwieldy ♦ m fool,
fandum, -im right. fauces, -iumfpl throat; pass, narrow channel,
fanum, -Tnt sanctuary temple. chasm; (fig) jaws.
far, farrisnr spelt; corn; meal. Faunus, -im father of Latinus (god of forests
farcio, -cire, -si, -tum vt to stuff, fill full. and herdsmen, identified with Pan)] (pi)
farina, -ae/meal, flour. woodland spirits. Fauns.
LATIN-ENGLISH 87 fauste-Fescenmnus

fausteadvsee faustus, feriatus adj on holiday, idle,

faustitas, -atis/ good fortune, fertility, ferinus adj of wild beasts ♦/game,
faustus adj auspicious, lucky, ferio, -Ire vt to strike, hit; to kill, sacrifice;
fautor, -oris m supporter, patron, (comedy) to cheat; foedus - conclude a
fautrix, -Tcis/protectress. treaty.
favea, -ae/pet slave, feritas, -atis/ wildness, savagery.
faveo, -ere, favl, fautum vi (with dat) to ferm§ see fere.
favour, befriend, support; - linguis keep fermentum, -Int yeast; beer; (fig) passion,
silence. vexation.
favilla, -ae/embers, ashes; (fig) spark, fero, ferre, tufi, latum vt to carry, bring,
favitor etc see fautor. bear; to bring forth, produce; to move, stir,
Favonius, -Im west wind, zephyr, raise; to carry off, sweep away, plunder;
favor, -oris m favour, support; applause, (pass) to rush, hurry, fly, flow, drift; (road) to
favorabilis adj in favour; pleasing, lead; (trouble) to endure, suffer, sustain;
favus, -7 m honeycomb, (feelings) to exhibit, show; (speech) to talk
fax, facis/torch, wedding torch, funeral about, give out, celebrate; (bookkeeping) to
torch; marriage, death; (astro) meteor; (fig) enter; (ernes) to allow, require; se - rush,
flame, fire, instigator; guide; facem praeferre move; profess to be, boast; condicionem,
act as guide. legem - propose terms, a law; iudicem - sue;
faxim, faxo old subj and fut o/facid. sententiam, suffragium - vote; signa -
febricula, -ae/slight fever, march; attack; aegre, graviter - be annoyed
febris, -is/ fever. at; laudibus - extol; in oculis ~ be very fond
Februarius, -I m February ♦ adj of February, of; prae se - show, declare; fertur, ferunt it is
februum, -Tnt purification; Februa pi festival of said, they say; ut mea fert opinio in my
purification in February. opinion.
feci perf of facio. ferocia, -ae/courage; spirit; pride,
fecunditas, -atis/fertility; (style) presumption.
exuberance. ferocitas, -atis/high spirits, aggressiveness;
fecundo, -arevt to fertilise, presumption.
fecundus adj fertile, fruitful; fertilising; (fig) ferociter adv bravely; insolently.
abundant, rich, prolific. Feronia, -ae/ old Italian goddess.
fef elU perf of falld. ferox, -ocis adj warlike, spirited, daring;
fel, fellis nt gall bladder, bile; poison; (fig) proud, insolent.
animosity. ferramentum, -Int tool, implement,
feles, -is/cat. ferrarius adj of iron; faber - blacksmith ♦ /
feficitas, -itis/happiness, good luck, iron-mine, iron-works,
feliciter adv abundantly; favourably; happily, ferratus adj ironclad, ironshod ♦ mpi men in
fefix, -Icis adj fruitful; auspicious, favourable; armour.
fortunate, successful, ferreus adj of iron, iron; (fig) hard, cruel;
femella, -ae/girl. strong, unyielding,
femina, -ae/female, woman, ferrugineus adj rust-coloured, dark,
femineus adj woman’s, of women; unmanly, ferrugo, -inis/rust; dark colour; gloom,
femur, -oris and inis nt thigh, ferrum, -Int iron; sword; any iron implement;
fen- etc see faen-. force of arms; - et ignis devastation,
fenestra, -ae/window; (fig) loophole, fertilis adj fertile, productive; fertilising,
fera, -ae/wild beast, fertilitas, -atis/fertility.
feracius adv more fruitfully, ferula, -ae/fennel; staff, rod.
feralis adj funereal; of the Feralia; deadly ♦ ferus adj wild; uncivilised, cruel ♦ m beast,
ntpl festival of the dead in February. fervefacio, -ere, -turn vt to boil,
ferax, -acis adj fruitful, productive, fervens, -entis pres po/ferveo ♦ adj hot;
f erbul perf of f erveo. raging; (fig) impetuous, furious,
ferculum, -Int litter, barrow; dish, course, ferventer adv hotly.
fere adv almost, nearly, about; quite, just; ferveo, -vere, -bul vi to boil, burn; (fig) to
usually, generally, as a rule; (with neg) rage, bustle, be agitated,
hardly; nihil - hardly anything, fervesco, -ere vi to boil up, grow hot.
ferentarius, -I and ilm a light-armed soldier. fervidus adj hot,raging; (fig) fiery, violent,
Feretrius, -Im an epithet of Jupiter. fervo, -vere, -vi vi see ferveo.
feretrum, -I nt bier. fervor, -oris m seething; heat; (fig) ardour,
feriae, -arum/pi festival, holidays; (fig) passion.
peace, rest. Fescenninus adj Fescennine (a kind of ribald

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs, -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -Tre = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
fessus-firmo 88 LATIN-ENGLISH

song, perhaps from Fescennium in Etruria). Fidius, -I m an epithet of Jupiter.

fessus ad; tired, worn out. fldo, -dere, -susvi (with datorabf) to trust,
festinanter adv hastily, rely on.
festinatio, -onis/haste, hurry, fiducia, -ae/ confidence, assurance; self-
festino, -arevi to hurry, be quick ♦ vt to confidence; (law) trust, security,
hasten, accelerate, fiduciarius ad; to be held in trust,
festinus ad; hasty, quick, fldus adj trusty, reliable; sure, safe,
festive adv gaily; humorously, figo, -gere, -xl, -xum vt to fix, fasten, attach;
festivitas, -atis/gaiety, merriment; humour, to drive in, pierce; (speech) to taunt,
fun. figularis adj a potter’s,
festivusadj gay, jolly; delightful; (speech) figulus, -Tm potter; builder,
humorous. figura, -ae/shape, form; nature, kind;
festuca, -ae/rod (with which slaves were phantom; (rhet) figure of speech,
manumitted). figuro, -are vt to form, shape,
festus ad; festal, on holiday ♦ nt holiday; feast, filatim adv thread by thread,
fetialis, -is m priest who carried out the ritual in filia, -ae/daughter,
making war and peace. filicatus adj with fern patterns,
fetura, -ae/breeding; brood, filiola, -ae/little daughter,
fetus adj pregnant; newly delivered; ( fig) filiolus, -Im little son.
productive, full of. filius, -land i! m son; terrae - a nobody,
fetus, -us m breeding, bearing, producing; filix, -cis/fern.
brood, young; fruit, produce; (fig) filum, -Im thread; band of wool, fillet; string,
production, shred, wick; contour, shape; (speech)
fiber, -rl m beaver. texture, quality,
fibra, -ae/fibre; section of lung or liver; fimbriae, -arumjpi fringe, end.
entrails. fimus, -Im dung; dirt.
fibula, -ae/clasp, brooch; clamp, findo, -ndere, -dl, -ssum vt to split, divide; to
ficedula, -ae/fig pecker, burst.
ficte adv falsely. fingo, -ere, finxi, fictum vt to form, shape,
fictilis ad; clay, earthen ♦ nt jar; clay figure, make; to mould, model; to dress, arrange; to
fictor, -oris m sculptor; maker, inventor, train; (mind, speech) to imagine, suppose,
fictrix, -Icis/maker, represent, sketch; to invent, fabricate;
fictura, -ae/shaping, invention, vultum - compose the features,
fictus pppo/fingo ♦ adj false, fictitious ♦ nt finio, -Ire, -Ivi, -Itum vt to bound, limit; to
falsehood. restrain; to prescribe, define, determine; to
ficulnus ad; of the fig tree, end, finish, complete ♦ vi to finish, die.
ficus, -I and us/fig tree; fig. finis, -is m (occf) boundary, border; (pf)
fidele adv faithfully, surely, firmly, territory; bound, limit; end; death; highest
fidelia, -ae/pot, pail; de eadem -a duos point, summit; aim, purpose; ~ bonorum the
parietes dealbare = kill two birds with one chief good; quern ad -em? how long?; ~e
stone. genus up to the knee,
fidelis ad; faithful, loyal; trustworthy, sure, finite adv within limits,
fidelitas, -atis/faithfulness, loyalty, finitimus adj neighbouring, adjoining; akin,
fideliter adv faithfully, surely, firmly. like ♦ mpl neighbours,
Fidenae, -arum fpl ancient Latin town. finitor, -oris m surveyor,
Fidenas, -atis adj see n. finitumus adj see finitimus,
fidens, -entis pres po/fldd ♦ adj bold, resolute, finitus pppo/flnio ♦ adj (rhet) well-rounded,
fidenter adv see fidens, finxl perf o/fingo.
fidentia, -ae/self-confidence, fid, fieri, factus vi to become, arise; to be
fides, -el/trust, faith, belief; trustworthiness, made, be done; to happen; qui fit ut? how is it
honour, loyalty, truth; promise, assurance, that?; ut fit as usually happens; quid me flat?
word; guarantee, safe-conduct, protection; what will become of me?
(comm) credit; (law) good faith; - mala firmamen, -inism support,
dishonesty; res -que entire resources; -em firmamentum, -Im support, strengthening;
facere convince; -em servare erga keep faith (fig) mainstay.
with; di vostram -eml for Heaven's sake!; ex firmator, -orism establishes
fide bona in good faith, firme adv powerfully, steadily,
fldes, -is/ (usu pi) stringed instrument, lyre, firmitas, -atis/firmness, strength;
lute; (astro) Lyra, steadfastness, stamina,
fid! perf of findd. firmiter adv see firme,
fidicen, -inism musician; lyric poet, firmitudo, -inis/strength, stability,
fidicina, -ae/music girl, firmd, -are, -avl, -atum vt to strengthen,
fidicula, -ae/small lute. support, fortify; (mind) to encourage,
LATIN-ENGLISH 89 firmus-flds

steady; (fact) to confirm, prove, assert, flammeus adj fiery, blazing; flame-coloured ♦
firmus ad; strong, stable, firm; (fig) powerful, m bridal veil,
constant, sure, true, flammifer, -Tad; fiery,
fiscella, -ae/wicker basket, flammo, -are, -avT, -atum vi to blaze ♦ vt to
fiscina, -ae/wicker basket, set on fire, burn; (fig) to inflame, incense,
fiscus, -I m purse, moneybox; public flammula, -ae/little flame,
exchequer; imperial treasury, the flatus, -usm blowing, breath; breeze; (fig)
emperor’s privy purse, arrogance.
fissilis adj easy to split, flavens, -entis adj yellow, golden,
fissio, -onis/ dividing, flavesco, -ere vi to turn yellow.
fissum, -Tnt slit, fissure, Flavianus ad; see n.
fissus pppo/findo. Flavius, -Tm Roman family name (esp the
fistuca, -ae/rammer. emperors Vespasian, Titus and Domitian).
fistula, -ae/pipe, tube; panpipes; (med) ulcer, flavus ad; yellow, golden,
fistulator, -oris m panpipe player. flebilis adj lamentable; tearful, mournful,
fTsus ppa of fldd. flebiliter adv see flebilis,
fTxTpei/o/flgo. flecto, -ctere, -xT, -xum vt to bend, turn; to
fixuspppo/fTgo ♦ adj fixed, fast, permanent. turn aside, wheel; (promontory) to round;
flabellifera, -ae/ fanbearer. (mind) to direct, persuade, dissuade ♦ vi to
flabellum, 4nt fan. turn, march.
flabilis adj airy. fled, -ere, -evT, -etum vi to weep, cry ♦ vt to
flabra, -orum ntpl blasts, gusts; wind, lament, mourn for.
flacceo, -ere vi to flag, lose heart, fletus, -usm weeping, tears.
flaccesco, -erevi to flag, droop, flexanimus ad; moving.
flaccidus adj flabby, feeble, flexT perf o/flecto.
flaccus adj flap-eared. flexibilis ad; pliant, flexible; fickle,
Flaccus, -Tm surname of Horace. flexilis adj pliant,
flagello, -are vt to whip, lash, flexiloquus adj ambiguous,
flagellum, -Tm whip, lash; strap, thong; (vine) flexio, -onis/bending, winding, (voice)
shoot; (polyp) arm; (feelings) sting, modulation.
flagitatio, -onis/demand, flexipes, -edis adj twining,
flagitator, -oris m demander, dun. flexuosus adj tortuous,
flagitiose adv infamously, flexura, -ae/bending.
flagitiosus adj disgraceful, profligate, flexuspppo/flecto ♦ ad; winding,
flagitium, -land iim offence, disgrace, flexus, -us m winding, bending; change.
shame; scoundrel. fITctus, -us m collision.
flagito, -are, -avT, -atum vt to demand, fid, -are, -avT, -atum vt, vi to blow; (money) to
importune, dun; (law) to summon, coin.
flagrans, -antis pres p of flagro ♦ adj hot, floccus, -T m bit of wool; triviality; ~7 non facio
blazing; brilliant; passionate, = I don't care a straw for.
flagranter adv passionately, Flora, -ae/goddess of flowers.
flagrantia, -ae/blazing; (fig) shame, Floralis adj see n.
flagro, -are vi to blaze, burn, be on fire; florens, -entis pres po/floreo ♦ adj in bloom;
(feelings) to be excited, be inflamed; (ill-will) bright; prosperous, flourishing,
to be the victim of. fldred, -ere, -uTvi to blossom, flower; (age) to
flagrum, -Tm whip, lash, be in one’s prime; (wine) to froth; (fig) to
flamen, -inis m priest of a particular deity, flourish, prosper; (places) to be gay with,
flamen, -inis m blast, gale, wind, fldrescd, -ere vi to begin to flower; to grow
flaminica, -ae/ wife of a priest. prosperous.
FlaminTnus, -Tm Homan surname (esp the floreus adj of flowers, flowery.
conqueror of Philip V of Macedon). floridulus adj pretty, little.
flaminium, -TandiTnt priesthood. floridus ad; of flowers, flowery; fresh, pretty;
Flaminius, -Tm Roman family name (esp the (style) florid, ornate,
consul defeated by Hannibal). florifer, -Tadj flowery,
Flaminius, -ianus adj: Via ~ia road from Rome florilegus adj flower-sipping,
N.E. to Ariminum. ftorus ad; beautiful.
flamma, -ae/flame, fire; torch, star; fiery flos, -orism flower, blossom; (wine) bouquet;
colour; (fig) passion; danger, disaster, (age) prime, heyday; (youth) downy beard,
flammeolum, -Tm bridal veil, youthful innocence; (fig) crown, glory;
flammesco, -ere vi to become fiery. (speech) ornament.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: are = 1st; -era = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -Ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
flosculus-fortuna 90 LATIN-ENGLISH

flosculus, -Tm little flower; (fig) pride, fons, fontism spring, source; water; (fig)
ornament. origin, fountainhead,
fluctifragus ad; surging, fontanus ad; spring- (in cpds).
fluctuatio, -onis/wavering, fonticulus, -T m little spring,
fluctuo, -are vi to toss, wave; (fig) to rage, for, fari, fatus vt, vi to speak, utter,
swell, waver, forabilis ad; penetrable,
fluctuosus adj stormy, foramen, -inisnt hole, opening,
fluctus, -us m wave; flowing, flood; (fig) foras adv out, outside,
disturbance; -us (pf) in simpulo = a storm in a forceps, -ipismtf tongs, forceps,
teacup. \ forda, -ae/cow in calf,
fluens, -entis pres p o/fluo ♦ adj lax, loose, fore, forem flit infin, imperfsubj o/SUItl.
enervated; (speech) fluent, forensis ad; public, forensic; of the
fluenta, -drum ntpi stream, flood, marketplace.
fluenter adv in a flowing manner, foris, -is/ (usu pf) door; (fig) opening,
fluentisonus adj wave-echoing, entrance.
fluidus adj flowing, fluid; lax, soft; relaxing, forTs adv out of doors, outside, abroad; from
fluito, -are vi to flow, float about; to wave, flap, outside, from abroad; - cenare dine out.
move unsteadily; (fig) to' waver, forma, -ae/form, shape, appearance; mould,
flumen, -inisnt stream, river; (fig) flood, flow, stamp, last; (person) beauty; (fig) idea,
fluency; adverso -ine upstream; secundo nature, kind.
-ine downstream, formamentum, -Tm shape,
flumineus ad; river- (in cpds). formatura, -ae/shaping.
fluo, -ere, -xT, -xum vi to flow; to overflow, Formiae, -arum/pi town in S. Latium.
drip; (fig) to fall in, fall away, vanish; Formianus ad; of Formiae ♦ nt villa at
(speech) to run evenly; (ciecs) to proceed, Formiae.
tend. formTca, -ae/ant.
fluto etc see fluito, formicinus ad; crawling,
fluvialis adj river- (in cpds). formidabilis ad; terrifying,
fluviatilis ad; river- (in cpds). formido, -are, -avT, -atum vt, vi to fear, be
fluvidus etc see fluidus, terrified.
fluvius, -I and ii m river, stream, formido, -inis/terror, awe, horror;
fluxi perfoftluO. scarecrow.
fluxus ad; flowing, loose, leaky; (person) lax, formidolose adv see formidolosus,
dissolute; (thing) frail, fleeting, unreliable, formidolosus ad; fearful, terrifying; afraid,
focale, -is nt scarf, formo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to shape, fashion,
foculus, -Tm stove, fire, form.
focus, -I m hearth, fireplace; pyre, altar; (fig) formositas, -atis/beauty.
home. formosus ad; beautiful, handsome,
fodico, -are vt to nudge, jog. formula, -ae/rule, regulation; (law)
fodio, -ere, fodi, fossum vt to dig; to prick, procedure, formula; (philos) principle,
stab; (fig) to goad, fornacula, -ae/ small oven,
foede adv see foedus, fornax, -acis/furnace, oven, kiln,
foederatus adj confederated, fornicatus ad; arched,
foedifragus ad; perfidious, fornix, -icism arch, vault; brothel,
foeditas, -atis/foulness, hideousness, foro, -are vt to pierce.
foedo, -are, -avT, -atum vt to mar, disfigure; Foroiuliensis adj see Forum Iuli.
to disgrace, sully. fors, fortis/chance, luck ♦ adv perchance; -te
foedus adj foul, hideous, revolting; vile, by chance, as it happened; perhaps; ne -te in
disgraceful. case; si -te if perhaps; in the hope that,
foedus, -eris nt treaty, league; agreement, forsan, forsit, forsitan adv perhaps,
compact; law. fortasse, -isadv perhaps, possibly; (irony)
foen- etc see faen-. very likely.
foeteo, -ere vi to stink, forticulus ad; quite brave,
foetidus adj stinking, fortis adj strong, sturdy; brave, manly,
foetor, -oris m stench, resolute.
foetu-etc see fetU-. fortiter adv vigorously; bravely,
foliatum, -Tnt nard oil. fortitudo, -inis/courage, resolution;
folium, -T and ilnt leaf, strength.
folliculus, -Tm small bag; eggshell, fortuito adv by chance,
follis, -is m bellows; punchball; purse, fortuitus adj casual, accidental,
fomentum, -Tnt poultice, bandage; (fig) fortuna, -ae/chance, luck, fortune; good
alleviation. luck, success; misfortune; circumstances,
fomes, -itis m tinder, kindling. lot; (pf) possessions; -ae filius Fortune’s
LATIN-ENGLISH 91 fortunate-frons

favourite; ~am habere be successful, Fregellae, -arum fpi town in S. Latium.

fortunate adv see fortunatus, Fregellanus ad; see n.
fortunatus ad; happy, lucky; well off, rich, fregi p erf o/frango,
blessed. fremebundus ad; roaring,
fortuno, -are vt to bless, prosper. fremitus, -us mroaring, snorting, noise,
foruU, -drum mpi bookcase, fremo, -ere, -uT, -itum vi to roar, snort,
forum, -1 nt public place, market; market grumble ♦ vt to shout for, complain,
town; Roman Forum between the Palatine and fremor, -drism murmuring.
Capitol; public affairs, law courts, business; frendo,_-ere vi to gnash the teeth,
- boarium cattle market; - olitorium freno, -are, -avl, -atum vt to bridle; (fig) to
vegetable market; - piscatorium fish curb, restrain.
market; - agere hold an assize; - attingere frenum, -Int (pi -a, -orum nt, -T, -drum m)
enter public life; cedere ~o go bankrupt; utT bridle, bit; (fig) curb, check; -os dare give
-6 take advantage of a situation. vent to; -um mordere = take the bit between
Forum lull colony in S. Gaul (nowFr6jus). one's teeth.
forus, -Tm gangway; block of seats; (bees) cell frequens, -entis ad; crowded, numerous,
frame. populous; regular, repeated, frequent; ~
fossa, -ao/ditch, trench, senatus a crowded meeting of the senate,
fossio, -onis/digging, frequentatio, -onis/accumulation,
fossor, -oris m digger, frequenter adv in large numbers; repeatedly,
fossus pppo/fodio. often.
fotus ppp of foveo, frequentia, -ae/full attendance, throng,
fovea, -ae/pit, pitfall, crowd.
foveo, -ere, fovi, fotum vt to warm, keep frequento, -are, -avl, -atum vt to crowd,
warm; (med) to foment; to fondle, keep; ( fig) populate; to visit repeatedly, frequent; to
to cherish, love, foster, pamper, encourage; repeat; (festival) to celebrate, keep,
castra - remain in camp, fretensis ad; of the Straits of Messina,
fractus ppp o/frango ♦ ad; weak, faint, fretum, -Int strait; sea; (fig) violence; -
fraga, -orum ntpi strawberries, Siciliense Straits of Messina,
fragilis ad; brittle, fragile; frail, fleeting, fretus, -us m strait,
fragilitas, -atis/frailness, fretus adj relying, confident,
fragmen, -inis nt (pi) fragments, ruins, fried, -are, -uT, -turn vt to rub, rub down,
wreck. frictus ppp of frlgo.
fragmentum, -int fragment, remnant, frigefacto, -are vt to cool,
fragor, -oris m crash, din; disintegration, frlged, -ere vi to be cold; (fig) to be lifeless,
fragosus ad; crashing, roaring, breakable; flag; to be coldly received, fall flat,
rough. frigerans adj cooling,
fragrans, -antis ad; fragrant, frigesco, -erevi to grow cold; to become
framea, -ae/German spear, inactive.
frango, -angere, -egl, -actum vt to break, frigida, -ae/cold water,
shatter, wreck; to crush, grind; (fig) to break frigide adv feebly,
down, weaken, humble; (emotion) to touch, frigidulus adj rather cold, faint,
move; cervicem - strangle, frigidus ad; cold, cool; chilling; (fig) dull,
frater, -ris m brother; cousin; (fig) friend, ally, torpid; (words) flat, uninteresting,
fraterculus, -Tm brother, frlgo, -gere, -xl, -ctum vt to roast, fry.
fraterne adv like a brother, frlgus, -oris nt cold; cold weather, winter;
fraternitas, -atis/brotherhood. death; (fig) dullness, inactivity; coldness,
fraternus ad; brotherly, a brother’s, fraternal, indifference.
fratricida, -ae m fratricide, friguttio, -Irevi to stammer,
fraudatio, -onis/deceit, fraud, frio, -are vt to crumble,
fraudator, -oris m swindler, fritillus, -1 m dice box.
fraudo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to cheat, defraud; frivolus ad; empty, paltry,
to steal, cancel. frlxlpei/o/frlgo.
fraudulentus ad; deceitful, fraudulent, frondator, -oris m vinedresser, pruner.
fraus, -audis/deceit, fraud; delusion, error; frondeo, -ere vi to be in leaf,
offence, wrong; injury, damage; leg! ~dem frondesco, -ere vi to become leafy, shoot,
facere evade the law; in -dem incidere be frondeus ad; leafy,
disappointed; sine ~de without harm, frondifer, -lad; leafy,
fraxineus, fraxinus adj of ash. frondosus adj leafy.
fraxinus, -I/ash tree; ashen spear. frdns, -ondis/leaf, foliage; garland of leaves.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -Tre = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
frons-functus 92 LAT1N-ENGL1SH

frons, -ontis/forehead, brow; front, facade; swift passing; refuge; (fig) avoidance,
(fig) look, appearance, exterior; -ontem escape; -am facere, in -am dare put to flight,
contrahere frown; a -onte in front; in -onte fugacius adv more timidly,
in breadth. fugax, -acis ad; timorous, shy, fugitive; swift,
frontalia, -um ntpl frontlet, transient; (with gen) avoiding.
fronto, -onism a broad-browed man. fugTperfo/fugid
fructuarius ad; productive; paid for out of fugiens, -entis pres po/fugio ♦ adj fleeting,
produce. dying; averse (to).
fructuosus adj productive; profitable, fugio, -ere, fugT, -itum vi to flee, run away,
fructus ppao/fruor. escape; to go into exile; (fig) to vanish, pass
fructus, -us m enjoyment; revenue, income; swiftly ♦ vt to flee from, escape from; to
produce, fruit; (fig) consequence, reward; shun, avoid; (fig) to escape, escape notice of;
~ui esse be an asset (to); -um percipere reap -e quaerere do not ask; me -it I do not notice
the fruits (of), or know.
frugalis ad; thrifty, worthy, fugitivus, -7 m runaway slave, truant,
frugalitas, -atis/thriftiness, restraint, deserter ♦ adj fugitive,
frugaliter adv temperately, fugito, -arevt to flee from, shun,
fruges etc seefrGx. fugo, -are, -av7, -atum vt to put to flight; to
fruglad; (indecl) frugal, temperate, honest; banish; to rebuff,
useful. fulcimen, -inis m support,
frugifer, -Tad; fruitful, fertile, fulcio, -cTre, -si, -turn vt to prop, support; to
frugiferens, -entis adj fruitful, strengthen, secure; (fig) to sustain, bolster
frugilegus ad; food-gatherering. up.
frugiparus adj fruitful, fulcrum, -I nt bedpost; couch.
frumentariusad; of corn, corn- (in cpds) ♦ m fulgeo, -gere, -s7vi to flash, lighten; to shine;
corn dealer; lex -a law about the (fig) to be illustrious,
distribution of corn; res -a commissariat, fulgidus ad; flashing.
frumentatio, -onis/foraging, fulgo etc see fulgeo.
frumentator, -oris m corn merchant, fulgor, -oris m lightning; flash, brightness;
forager. (fig) splendour.
frumentor, -an, -atus vi to go foraging, fulgur, -is nt lightning; thunderbolt;
frumentum, -Tnt corn, grain, (pD crops, splendour.
frumscor, -Tvt to enjoy, fulguralis adj on lightning as an omen.
fruor, -uT, -uctus vt, vi (usu with abl) to enjoy, fulgurator, -oris m interpreter of lightning.
enjoy the company of; (law) to have the use fulguritus adj struck by lightning.
and enjoyment of. fulguro, -are vi to lighten.
frustillatim adv in little bits, fulica, -ae/coot.
frustra adv in vain, for nothing; groundlessly; fulTgo, -inis/soot; black paint.
in error; - esse be deceived; - habere foil, fulix, -cis/see fulica.
frustramen, -inisnt deception, fullo, -onism fuller.
frustratio, -onis/deception, frustration, fullonius ad; fuller’s.
frustro, -are; -or, -ari, -atus vt to deceive, fulmen, -inism thunderbolt; (fig) disaster,
trick. fulmenta, -ae/heel of a shoe,
frustulentus ad; full of crumbs, fulmineus adj of lightning; (fig) deadly,
frustum, -7m bit, scrap, fulmino, -are vi to lighten; (fig) to threaten.
frutex, -icis m bush, shrub; (comedy) fulsT per/ of fulcio; per/o/fulgeo.
blockhead. fultura, -ae/support,
fruticetum, -7m thicket, fultus pppo/fulcio.
fruticor, -ari vi to sprout, Fulvia, -iaef wife ofM. Antony.
fruticosus adj bushy. _ Fulvius, -7 m Roman family name.
frux, -ugis/, -uges, -ugum fruits of the fulvus ad; yellow, tawny, dun.
earth, produce; (fig) reward, success; virtue; fumeus ad; smoking.
se ad -ugem bonam recipere reform, fumidus ad; smoky, smoking.
f uam oid pres sub; o/SUm. fumifer, -Tad; smoking.
fucatus adj counterfeit, artificial, fumifico, -are vi to burn incense.
fuco, -are, -avT, -atum vt to paint, dye (esp fumificus ad; steaming.
red). fumo, -arevi to smoke, steam.
fucosus adj spurious, fumosus adj smoky, smoked.
fucus, -7m red dye, rouge; bee glue; (fig) fumus, -7m smoke, steam.
deceit, pretence, funale, -is nt cord; wax torch; chandelier.
fucus, -7m drone. funambujus, -7m tightrope walker.
fud7per/o/fundo. functio, -onis/performance.
fuga, -ae/flight, rout; banishment; speed, functus ppao/fungor.
LATIN-ENGLISH 93 funda-galbaneus

funda, -ae/sling; dragnet, impersonate.

fundamen, -inis nt foundation, furor, -orism madness, frenzy, passion.
fundamentum, -Tnt foundation; ~a agere, furtificus adj thievish.
iacere lay the foundations. furtim adv by stealth, secretly.
Fundanus ad; see Fundi, furtive adv secretly.
fundator, -oris m founder. furtivus adj stolen; secret, furtive.
Fundi, -drum mpi coast town in Latium. furto adv secretly.
fundito, -are vt to sling, furtum, -Tnt theft, robbery; (pi) stolen goods;
funditor, -oris m slinger. (fig) trick, intrigue,
funditus adv utterly, completely; at the furunculus, -Tm pilferer,
bottom. furvus ad; black, dark,
fundo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to found; to fuscina, -ae/trident.
secure; (fig) to establish, make secure, fusco, -are vt to blacken,
fundo, -ere, fudi, fusum vt to pour, shed, fuscus adj dark, swarthy; (voice) husky,
spill; (metal) to cast; (solids) to hurl, scatter, muffled.
shower; (mil) to rout; (crops) to produce in fuse adv diffusely,
abundance; (speech) to utter; (fig) to spread, fusilis adj molten, softened,
extend. fusio, -onis/outpouring.
fundus, -Tm bottom; farm, estate; (law) fustis, -ism stick, club, cudgel; (mil) beating to
authorizes death.
funebris ad; funeral- (in cpds); murderous, fustuarium, -I and ilnt beating to death,
funeratus adj killed, fusus ppp of fundo ♦ adj broad, diffuse;
funereus adj funeral- (in cpds); fatal, copious.
funesto, -are vt to pollute with murder, fusus, -Im spindle.
desecrate. futtile adv in vain.
funestus adj deadly, fatal; sorrowful, in futtilis adj brittle; worthless.
mourning. futtilitas, -itis/ futility.
funginus adj of a mushroom, futurum, -I nt future.
fungor, -gi, functus vt, vi (usu with abf) to futurus/utpo/sum ♦ adj future, coming.
perform, discharge, do; to be acted on.
fungus, -Im mushroom, fungus; (candle) clot
on the wick,
funiculus, -Im cord.
funis, -is m rope, rigging; -em ducere be the
funus, -eris nt funeral; death; corpse; ruin,
fur, furis m thief; slave,
furacissime odv most thievishly,
furax, -acis adj thieving,
furca, -ae/fork; fork-shaped pole; pillory, Gabii, -iorum mpl ancient town in Latium.
furcifer, -Im gallows rogue, Gabinius, -Im Roman family name lesp Aulus,
furcilla, -ae/ little fork, tribune 67 B.C.).
furcillo, -are vt to prop up. Gabinius, -ianus adj: lex -ia lawgiving Pompey
furcula, -ae/ forked prop; ~ae Caudinae Pass command against the pirates.
of Caudium, Gabinus adj see Gabil.
furenter adv furiously, Gades, -iumfpi town in Spain (nowCadiz).
furfur, -is m bran; scurf. Gaditanus adj see n.
Furia, -ae/Fury, avenging spirit; madness, gaesum, -Int Gallic javelin.
frenzy, rage. Gaetufi, -drum mpl African people N of Sahara.
furialis ad; of the Furies; frantic, fearful; Gaetulus, -icusad; Gaetulian; African.
infuriating, Gaius, -Im Roman praenomen (esp emperor
furialiter odv madly, Caligula).
furibundus ad; mad, frenzied, Gaius, -ia m/f (wedding ceremony) bridegroom,
furio, -are, -avi, -atum vt to madden, bride.
furiose adv in a frenzy, Galatae, -arum mpl Galatians of Asia Minor.
furiosusad; mad, frantic, Galatia, -iae/Galatia.
furnus,-tm oven. Galba, -aem Roman surname (esp emperor
furo, -ere vi to rave, rage, be mad, be crazy, 68-9).
furor, -arl, -atus vt to steal; to pillage; to galbaneus ad; of galbanum, a Syrian plant.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are — 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere - 3rd and -ire - 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
galbinus-geometres 94 LATIN-ENGLISH

galbinus adj greenish-yellow ♦ ntpi pale green geminus adj twin, double, both; similar ♦ mpi
clothes. twins (esp Castor and Pollux).
galea, -ae/helmet. gemitus, -us m groan, sigh; moaning sound,
galeatus adj helmeted. gemma, -ae/bud, precious stone, jewel;
galeritus adj rustic. jewelled cup, signet,
galerum, -Int, -us, -T m leather hood, cap; wig. gemmatus adj bejewelled,
galla, -ae/oak apple. gemmeus adj jewelled; sparkling,
Gain, -drum mpi Gauls (people of what is now gemmifer, -Iadj gem-producing,
France and N. Italy). gemmd, -arevi to bud, sprout; to sparkle,
Gallia, -iae/Gaul. gemo, -ere, -ul, -itum vi to sigh, groan, moan
Gallicanus adj of Italian Gaul. ♦ vt to bewail.
Gallicus adj Gallic ♦ fa Gallic shoe, Gemoniae, -arum jp/ steps in Rome on which
galhna, -ae/hen; ~ae albae filius fortune’s bodies of criminals were thrown.
genae, -arumfpi cheeks; eyes, eye sockets,
gallinaceus adj of poultry, genealogus, -Im genealogist,
gallinarius, -T and ilm poultry farmer. gener, -Im son-in-law.
Gallograeci, -orum mpi Galatians. generalis adj of the species; universal,
Gallograecia, -iae/ Galatia, generaliter adv generally,
gallus, -Tmcock. generasco, -erevi to be produced,
Gallus, -I m Gaul; Roman surname (esp the generatim adv by species, in classes; in
lyric poet; priest of Cybele).
generator, -oris m producer,
ganea, -ae/low eating house,
genero, -are, -avl, -atum vt to breed,
ganeo, -onis m profligate,
ganeum, -Int low eating house.
generosus adj high-born, noble; well-stocked;
Gangaridae, -arum mpi a people on the
generous, chivalrous; (things) noble,
Ganges, -is m river Ganges.
genesis, -is/birth; horoscope.
Gangeticus adj see n.
genethliacon, -Int birthday poem.
gannio, -Trevi to yelp; (fig) to grumble.
genetivus adj native, inborn.
gannitus, -us m yelping.
genetrix, -Icis/mother.
Ganymedes, -is m Ganymede, (cup bearer in
genialis adj nuptial; joyful, genial.
genialiter adv merrily.
Garamantes, -um mpi N. African tribe.
geniculatus adj jointed.
Garamantis, -idis adj see n.
genista, -ae/broom.
Garganus, -I m mountain in E. Italy.
genitabilis adj productive.
garrio, -Ire vi to chatter,
genitllis adj fruitful, generative; of birth.
garrulitas, -atis/chattering, genitaliter adv fruitfully.
garrulus adj talkative, babbling, genitor, -oris m father, creator.
garum, -Tnt fish sauce. genitus pppo/ gigno.
Garumna, -ae/river Garonne, genius, -I and ilm guardian spirit; enjoyment,
gaudeo, -ere, gavisus vt, vi to rejoice, be inclination; talent; ~io indulgere enjoy
pleased, delight (in); in se, in sinu - be oneself.
secretly pleased. gens, gentis/clan, family, stock, race; tribe,
gaudium, -I and ilm joy, delight, enjoyment, people, nation; descendant; (pi) foreign
gaulus, -Im bucket. peoples; minime gentium by no means; ubi
gausape, -is nt, -a, -drum pi a woollen cloth, gentium where in the world,
frieze. genticus adj national,
gavisus ppa of gaudeo, gentilicius adj family,
gaza, -ae/treasure, riches, gentilis adj family, hereditary; national ♦ m
gelide adv feebly. kinsman.
gelidus adj cold, frosty; stiff, numb; chilling ♦ gentilitas, -atis/clan relationship,
/cold water, genu, -usm knee,
gelo, -arevt to freeze. genualia, -um ntpi garters,
Geloni, -drum mpi Scythian tribe (now genui perfo/gigno.
Ukraine). genuinus adj natural,
gelu, -usm frost, cold; chill, genuinus adj of the cheek ♦ mpi back teeth,
gemebundus adj groaning, genus, -eris nt birth, descent, noble birth,
gemellipara, -ae/mother of twins, descendant, race; kind, class, species,
gemellus adj twin, double; alike ♦ m twin, respect, way; (logic) genus, general term; id
geminatio, -dnis/doubling, - of that kind; in omni -ere in all respects,
gemino, -are, -avl, -atum vt to double, bring geographia, -ae/geography,
together; to repeat ♦ vi to be double. geometres, -ae m geometer.
LATIN-ENGLISH 95 geometria-gracilis

geometria, -ae/geometry, gladius, -i and iim sword; (fig) murder, death;

geometricus ad; geometrical ♦ ntpi geometry, -ium stringere draw the sword; suo sibi -id
germane adv sincerely. iugulare = beat at his own game.
German!, -drum mpl Germans. glaeba, -ae/sod, clod of earth; soil; lump,
Germania, -iae/Germany. giaebula, -ae/ small lump; small holding,
Germanicus ad;, m cognomen of Nero Claudius glaesum etc see glesum.
Drusus and his son. glandifer, -iadj acorn-bearing,
germanitas, -atis/brotherhood, sisterhood; glandium, -land i!nt glandule (in meat).
relation of sister colonies, glans, -andis/acorn, nut; bullet,
germanus ad; of the same parents, full glarea, -ae/gravel.
(brother, sister); genuine, true ♦ m full glareosus ad; gravelly,
brother ♦ / full sister, glaucuma, -ae/cataract; -am ob oculos
germen, -inism bud, shoot; embryo; (fig) obicere = throw dust in the eyes of.
germ. glaucus ad; bluish grey,
gero, -rere, -ssl, -stum vt to carry, wear; to gleba etc see glaeba.
bring; (plants) to bear, produce; (feelings) to glesum, -!nt amber,
entertain, show; (activity) to conduct, glis, -iris m dormouse,
manage, administer, wage; (time) spend; gliscd, -ere vi to grow, swell, blaze up.
morem - comply, humour; personam - play globosus ad; spherical,
a part; se - behave; se medium - be neutral; globus, -!m ball, sphere; (mil) troop; mass,
prae se - exhibit; res ~stae exploits, crowd, cluster,
gero, -onis nt carrier, glomeramen, -inis nt bell,
gerrae, -arum/pi trifles, nonsense, giomerd, -are, -avi, -atum vt to form into a
gerro, -onis m idler, ball, gather, accumulate,
gerulus, -i m carrier. glomus, -eris nt ball of thread, clue,
Geryon, -onism mythical three-bodied king gloria, -ae/glory, fame; ambition, pride,
killed by Hercules. boasting; (pi) glorious deeds,
gess! perfof gero. gloriatio, -onis/boasting,
gestamen, -inis nt arms, ornaments, burden; gloriola, -ae/a little glory,
litter, carriage, glorior, -an, -atus vt, vi to boast, pride
gestio, -onis/performance, oneself.
gestio, -irevi to jump for joy, be excited; to gloriose adv see gloriosus,
be very eager. gloriosus ad; famous, glorious; boastful,
gestito, -arevt to always wear or carry, gluten, -inisnt glue,
gesto, -are vt to carry about, usually wear; to glutinator, -oris m bookbinder,
fondle; to blab; (pass) to go for a ride, drive, gluttio, -!re vt to gulp down,
sail. gnaruris, gnarus ad; knowing, expert;
gestor, -oris m telltale. known.
gestus ppp of gero. gnatus see natus,
gestus, -us m posture, gesture; gesticulation. gnavussee navus.
Getae, -arum mpl Thracian tribe on the lower Gnosius and iacus and ias ad; of Cnossos,
Danube. Cretan.
Get'lCUSad; Getan, Thracian, Gnosis, -idis/Ariadne.
gibbus, -Tm hump. Gnosus, -i/Cnossos (ancient capital of Crete)
Gigantes, -um mpl Giants, sons of Earth. ♦ /Ariadne.
Giganteus ad; see n. gobio, -onis, gobius, -land iim gudgeon.
gigno, -ere, genu!, genitum vt to beget, Gorgias, -aem Sicilian sophist and teacher of
bear, produce; to cause, rhetoric.
gilvus ad; pale yellow, dun. Gorgo, -onis/ mythical monster capable of
ging!va, -ae/gum. turning men to stone, Medusa.
glaber, -riad; smooth, bald ♦ m favourite Gorgoneus ad/ equus - Pegasus; Iacus -
slave. Hippocrene.
glacialis ad; icy. Gortyna, -ae/ Cretan town.
glacies, -ei/ ice. Gortynius, -iacus ad; Gortynian, Cretan,
glacio, -arevt to freeze, gorytos, -! m quiver,
gladiator, -oris m gladiator; (pt) gladiatorial grabatus, -!m camp bed, low couch.
show. Gracchanus ad; see n.
gladiatorius ad; of gladiators ♦ nt gladiators’ Gracchus, -im Roman surname (esp the
pay. famous tribunes Tiberius and Gaius).
gladiatura, -ae/gladiator's profession. gracilis ad; slender, slight, meagre, poor;

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -are = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
gracilitas-gurgustium 96 LATIN-ENGUSH

(style) plain. gratiosus adj in favour, popular; obliging,

gracilitas, -atis/slimness, leanness; (style) grator, -ari, -atus vi to rejoice, congratulate,
simplicity. gratuito adv for nothing,
graculus, -Tm jackdaw, gratuitus adj free, gratuitous,
gradatim adv step by step, gradually, gratulabundus adj congratulating,
gradatio, -onis/ (rhet) climax, gratulatio, -onis/rejoicing; congratulation;
gradior, -adi, -essus vi to step, walk. public thanksgiving.
Gradivus, -im Mars. gratulor, -ari, -atus vt, vi to congratulate; to
gradus, -us m step, pace; stage, step towards; give thanks.
firm stand, position, standing; (pi) stair, gratus adj pleasing, welcome, dear; grateful,
steps; (hair) braid; (math) degree; (fig) thankful; (acts) deserving thanks; -urn
degree, rank; citato, piano ~u at the double; facere do a favour,
suspenso ~u on tiptoe; da ~u daicibe gravate adv reluctantly, grudgingly,
disconcerted. gravatim adv unwillingly,
Graece adv in Greek. gravedinosus adj liable to colds,
Graecia,-iae/Greece; Magna - S. Italy, gravedo, -inis/cold in the head,
graecisso, -arevi to ape the Greeks, graveolens, -entis adj strong-smelling,
graecor, -ari vi to live like Greeks. gravesco, -ere vi to become heavy; to grow
Graeculusadj (contemptuous) Greek. worse.
Graecus adj Greek. graviditas, -atis/pregnancy,
Graiugena, -aem Greek. gravido, -are vt to impregnate,
Graius adj Greek, gravidus adj pregnant; loaded, full,
grallator, -oris m stiltwalker. gravis adj heavy; loaded, pregnant; (smell)
gramen, -inism grass; herb, strong, offensive; (sound) deep, bass; (body)
gramineusadj grassy; of cane, sick; (food) indigestible; (fig) oppressive,
grammaticus adj literary, grammatical ♦ m painful, severe; important, influential,
teacher of literature and language ♦ f/ntpl dignified.
grammar .literature, philology, gravitas, -atis/ weight, severity, sickness;
granaria, -orum ntpi granary, importance, dignity, seriousness; annonae -
grandaevus adj aged, very old. high price of corn.
grandesco, -ere vi to grow, graviter adv heavily; strongly, deeply;
grandiculus adj quite big. severely, seriously, violently; gravely, with
grandifer, -7adj productive, dignity; - ferre be vexed at.
grandiloquus, -Tm grand speaker; boaster, gravo, -are vt to load, weigh down; to oppress,
grandinat, -arevi it hails, aggravate.
grandis adj large, great, tall; old; strong; gravor, -ari vt, vi to feel annoyed, object to,
(style) grand, sublime; - natu old. disdain.
granditas, -atis/grandeur, gregalis adj of the herd, common ♦ m
grando, -inis/hail, comrade.
granifer, -7adj grain-carrying, gregarius adj common; (mil) private.
granum, -7 m seed, grain, gregitim adv in crowds.
graphice adv nicely, gremium, -Tm bosom, lap.
graphicus adj fine, masterly, gressus ppa of gradior.
graphium, -7 and i7ni stilus, pen. gressus, -usm step; course.
grassator, -orism vagabond; robber, grex, -egis m flock, herd; company, troop.
footpad. grunnio, -ire vi to grunt.
grassor, -ari, -atus vi to walk about, prowl, grunnitus, -us m grunting.
loiter; (action) to proceed; (fig) to attack, grus, -uis/crane.
rage against. gryps, -ypism griffin.
grate adv with pleasure; gratefully, gubernaclum (gubernaculum), -im rudder,
g rates jp/ thanks. tiller; helm, government,
gratia, -ae/charm, grace; favour, influence, gubernatio, -onis/steering, management,
regard, friendship; kindness, service; gubernator, -drism steersman, pilot,
gratitude, thanks; -am facere excuse; -am governor.
referre return a favour; in -am redire cum be gubernatrix, -icis/directress,
reconciled to; -as agere thank; -as habere guberno, -are, -avi, -atum vt to steer, pilot;
feel grateful; -a (with gen) for the sake of; ea to manage, govern.
-a on that account; -is for nothing. gula, -ae/gullet, throat; gluttony, palate,
Gratiae, -arum fpi the three Graces. gulosus adj dainty.
gratificatio, -onis/obligingness, gurges, -itis m abyss, deep water, flood;
gratificor, -ari vi to do a favour, oblige ♦ vt to (person) spendthrift,
make a present of. gurgulio, -onis/gullet, windpipe,
gratiis, gratis adv for nothing. gurgustium, -iand ii m hovel, shack.
LATIN-ENGL1SH 97 gustatus-harundo

gustatus, -us m sense of taste; flavour, character, quality; disposition, feeling,

gusto, -are, -avT, -atum vt to taste; to have a hac adv this way.
snack; (fig) to enjoy, overhear; primis labris hactenus adv thus far, so far; till now.
- have a superficial knowledge of. Hadria, -aef town ir, N. Italy, Adriatic Sea.
gustus, -us m tasting; preliminary dish, Hadrianus, -anlm emperor Hadrian.
gutta, -ae/drop; spot, speck, Hadriaticus and acusad; of emperor Hadrian.
guttatim adv drop by drop, haedilia, -ae/little kid.
guttur, -is m throat, gluttony, haedinus ad; kid’s,
gutus, -7 m flask. haedulus, -i m little kid.
Gyas, -ae m giant with a hundred arms. haedus, -Im kid; (astro, usu pi) the Kids (a
Gygaeus odj see n. cluster in Auriga).
Gyges, -is and ae m king of Lydia (famed for Haemonia, -ae/Thessaly.
his magic ring). Haemonius ad; Thessalian.
gymnasiarchus, -Tm master of a Haemus, -7m mountain range in Thrace.
gymnasium. haereo, -rare, -si, -sum vi to cling, stick, be
gymnasium, -land ilnt sports ground, school, attached; (nearness) to stay close, hang on;
gymnasticus adj gymnastic, (continuance) to linger, remain (at);
gymnicus adj gymnastic, (stoppage) to stick fast, come to a standstill,
gynaeceum, -§T and Tum, -II nt women’s be at a loss.
quarters. haeresco, -ere vi to adhere,
gypsatus ad; coated with plaster, haeresis, -is/sect,
gypsum, -7m plaster of Paris; a piaster haesi perfof haereo,
figure. haesitantia, -ae/stammering,
gyrus, -Im circle, coil, ring; course. haesitatio, -onis/stammering; indecision,
haesito, -are vi to get stuck; to stammer; to
hesitate, be uncertain,
hahae, hahahae see ha.
halitus, -us m breath, vapour,
hallex, -icism big toe.
H,h halluc- see aluc-.
halo, -are vi to be fragrant ♦ vt to exhale,
haluc etc see aluc.
halyaeetos, -Im osprey,
hama, -ae/water bucket.
Hamadryas, -adis/ woodnymph.
ha interj (expressing joy or laughter) hurrah!, ha hamatilis ad; with hooks,
ha! hamatus adj hooked.
habena, -ae/strap; (pf) reins; (fig) control; Hamilcar, -ism father of Hannibal.
-as dare, immittere allow to run freely, hamus, -7m hook; talons.
habeo, -ere, -ul, -itum vt to have, hold; to Hannibal, -ism famous Carthaginian general in
keep, contain, possess; (fact) to know; (with 2nd Punic War.
infin) to be in a position to; (person) to treat, hara, -ae/stye, pen.
regard, consider; (action) to make, hold, harena, -ae/sand; desert, seashore; arena (in
carry out ♦ vi to have possessions; the amphitheatre).
orationem - make a speech; in animo ~ harenosusad; sandy,
intend; pro certo - be sure; se - find oneself, hariola, -ae/, hariolus, -7 m soothsayer,
be; sibi, secum - keep to oneself; (fight) ~et a hariolor, -ari vi to prophesy; to talk nonsense,
hit!; bene ~et it is well; sic -et so it is; sic harmonia, -ae/concord, melody; (fig)
-eto be sure of this. harmony.
habilis ad; manageable, handy; suitable, harpago, -are vi to steal,
nimble, expert, harpago, -onis m grappling hook; (person)
habilitas, -atis/aptitude, robber.
habitabilis adj habitable, harpe, -es/scimitar.
habitatio, -onis/dwelling, house, Harpyiae, -arum jp! Harpies (mythical
habitator, -oris m tenant, inhabitant, monsters, half woman, half bird).
habito, -are, -avl, -atum vt to inhabit ♦ vi to harundifer, -lad; reed-crowned,
live, dwell; to remain, be always (in), harundineusad; reedy,
habitudo, -inis/condition, harundinosus ad; abounding in reeds,
habitus pppo/habed ♦ adj stout; in a humour, harundo, -inis/reed, cane; fishing rod; shaft,
habitus, -us m condition, appearance; dress; arrow; (fowling) limed twig; (music) pipe,

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
haruspex-herus 98 LATIN-ENGLISH

flute; (toy) hobbyhorse; (weaving) comb; by the golden-fleeced ram, and drowned in the
(writing) pen. Hellespont).
haruspex, -icis m diviner (from entrails); Hellespontius, -iacus adj see n.
prophet. Hellespontus, -i m Hellespont (now
haruspica, -a e/soothsayer, Dardanelles),
haruspicinus adj of divination by entrails ♦ / art helluo, -onis m glutton,
of such divination. helluor, -arlvi to be a glutton,
haruspicium, -Tand ilnt divination. helvella, -ae/a savoury herb.
Hasdrubal, -ism brother of Hannibal. Helvetii, -orum mpi people of E. Gaul (now
hasta, -ae/spear, pike; sign of an auction Switzerland).
sale; sub ~a vendere put up for auction, Helvetius, -CUS adj seen.
hastatus adj armed with a spear ♦ mpl first line hem interj (expressing surprise) eh?, well well!
of Roman army in battle; primus ~ 1st company hemerodromus, -Im express courier,
of hastati. hemicillus, -I m mule,
hastile, -is nt shaft, spear, javelin; vine prop, hemicyclium, -land iint semicircle with
hau, haud odv not, not at all. seats.
hauddum adv not yet. hemina, -ae/half a pint,
haudquaquam adv not at all, not by any hendecasyllabi, -orum mpi
means. hendecasyllabics, verses of eleven
haurio, -rire, -si, -stum vt to draw, draw off, syllables.
derive; to drain, empty, exhaust; to take in, hepteris, -is/ship with seven banks of oars.
drink, swallow, devour, hera etc see era.
haustus ppp of haurio, Hera, -ae/ Greek goddess identified with Juno.
haustus, -us m drawing (water); drinking; Heraclitus, -I m early Greek philosopher.
drink, draught, Heraea, -aeorum ntpi festival of Hera.
haut etc see haud. herba, -ae/blade, young plant; grass, herb,
hebdomas, -dis/week. weed.
Hebe, -es/goddess of youth (cup bearer to the herbesco, -erevi to grow into blades,
gods). herbeus adj grass-green,
hebenus, -I/ebony, herbidus adj grassy,
hebeo, -ere vi to be blunt, dull, sluggish, herbifer, -Iadj grassy,
hebes, -tisadj blunt, dull, sluggish; obtuse, herbosus adj grassy, made of turf; made of
stupid. herbs.
hebesco, -ere vi to grow dim or dull, herbula, -ae/little herb,
hebeto, -are vt to blunt, dull, dim. hercisco, -ere vt to divide an inheritance,
Hebrus, -Im Thracian river (nowMaritza). hercle interj by Hercules!
Hecate, -es/goddess of magic (and often herctum, -Tnt inheritance.
identified with Diana). Hercule interj by Hercules!
Hecateius, -eis adj seen. Hercules, -is and Im mythical Greek hero, later
hecatombe, -es/hecatomb. deified.
Hector, -ism son of Priam (chief warrior of the Herculeus adj: arbor - poplar; urbs -
Trojans against the Greeks). Herculaneum,
Hectoreus adj of Hector; Trojan. here etc see heri.
Hecuba, -ae and e, -es/ wife of Priam. hereditarius adj inherited; about an
hedera, -ae/ivy. inheritance.
hederiger, -Iadj wearing ivy. hereditas, -atis/inheritance; ~ sine sacris a
hederosus adj covered with ivy. gift without awkward obligations,
hedychrum, -Tnt a cosmetic perfume, heredium, -I and il nt inherited estate,
hei, heiaetcsee ei, eia. heres, -edis m//heir, heiress; (fig) master,
Helena, -ae and e, -es/ Helen (wife of successor,
Menelaus, abducted by Paris). her!adv yesterday,
Helenus, -Im son of Priam (with prophetic herilis etc see erilis.
powers). Hermes, -ae m Greek god identified with
Heliades, -um/pi daughters of the Sun Mercury; Hermes pillar.
(changed to poplars or alders, and their tears to Hernici, -orum mpi people of central Italy.
amber). Hernicus adj see n.
Helice, -es/the Great Bear. Herodotus, -I m first Greek historian.
Helicon, -onis m mountain in Greece sacred to heroicus adj heroic, epic,
Apollo and the Muses. herolna, -ae/ demigoddess.
Heliconiades, -um/p! the Muses. herois, -dis/demigoddess.
Heliconius adj see Helicon. heros, -is m demigod, hero,
Hellas, -dis/ Greece. herous adj heroic, epic,
Helle, -es/mythical Greek princess (carried herus etc see erus
LATIN-ENGLISH 99 Hesiodeus-honestas

Hesiodeus, -TuSad; see n. hid, -are vi to be open, gape, yawn; (speech) to

Hesiodus, -Im Hesiod (Greek didactic poet). be disconnected, leave a hiatus ♦ vt to sing,
Hesperia, -iae/ Italy; Spain. hippagogi, -drum fpi cavalry transports,
Hesperides, -idum fpi keepers of a garden in hippocentaurus, -Tm centaur,
the far West. hippodromos, -im racecourse.
Hesperius, -is <24 western. Hippolytus, -i m son of Theseus (slandered by
Hesperus, -T m evening star, stepmother Phaedra).
hesternus odj of yesterday, hippomanes, -ism mare’s fluid; membrane
heu inter*' (expressing dismay or pain) oh!, alas! on foal’s forehead.
heus inter) (calling attention) ho!, hallo! Hipponacteus adj of Hipponax ♦ m iambic
hexameter, -rl m hexameter verse, verse used by Hipponax.
hexeris, -is/ship with six banks of oars, Hipponax, -Ctism Greek satirist.
hiatus, -us m opening, abyss; open mouth, hippotoxotae, -arum mpl mounted
gaping; (gram) hiatus. archers.
Hiberes, -um mpi Spaniards. hira, -ae/the empty gut.
Hiberia, -iae/Spain. hircinus ad; of a goat.
hiberna, -orum ntpi winter quarters, hircosus adj goatish.
hibernacula, -orum ntpi winter tents. hircus, -im he-goat; goatish smell.
Hibernia, -ae/Ireland, hirnea, -ae/jug.
hiberno, -are vi to winter, remain in winter hirq- etc see hire-.
quarters. hirsutus adj shaggy, bristly; uncouth,
hibernus ad; winter, wintry. hirtus adj hairy, shaggy; rude,
Hiberus, -icus ad; Spanish. hirudo, -inis/leech,
Hiberus, -T m river Ebro, hirundininus adj swallows’,
hibiscum, -I nt marsh mallow, hirundo, -inis/swallow,
hibrida, hybrida, -aem//mongrel, half- hised, -ere vi to gape; to open the mouth ♦ vt
breed. to utter.
hic, haec, hoc pron, adj this; he, she, it; my, the Hispania, -iae/Spain.
latter, the present; hie homo I; hoc magis the Hispaniensis, -us ad; Spanish,
more; hoc est that is. hispidus ad; hairy, rough.
hie adv here; herein; (time) at this point, Hister, -rim lower Danube,
hice, haece, hdee emphatic forms of hic, haec, historia, -ae/ history, inquiry; story,
hoc historicus ad; historical ♦ m historian,
hicine, haecine, hdcineemphatic/ormso/hic, histricus adj of the stage,
haec, hoc. histrio, -dnis m actor,
hiemalis adj winter, stormy, histrionalis adj of an actor,
hiemo, -are vi to pass the winter; to be histrionia, -ae/acting,
wintry, stormy. hiulce adv with hiatus,
hiems, (hiemps), -is/winter; stormy hiuled, -are vt to split open,
weather, cold. hiulcus adj gaping, open; (speech) with hiatus,
Hieronymus, -im Jerome. hodie adv today; nowadays, now; up to the
Hierosolyma, -orum ntpi Jerusalem. present.
Hierosolymarius adj see n. hodiernus adj today’s,
hieto, -are vi to yawn. holitor, -oris m market gardener,
hilare adv see hilaris. holitoriusadj for market gardeners,
hilaris ad; cheerful, merry. holus, -eris nt vegetables,
hilaritas, -itis/cheerfulness. holusculum, -Tnt small cabbage.
hilaritudo, -inis/merriment. Homericus adj see n.
hilaro, -are vt to cheer, gladden. Homerus, -Tm Greek epic poet, Homer.
hilarulus adj a gay little thing. homicida, -ae m killer, murderer,
hilarus etc see hilaris. homicidium, -landiint murder,
hillae, -arum/pi smoked sausage. homo, -inis m//human being, man; (pi)
Hilotae, -arum mpl Helots (of Sparta). people, the world; (derogatory) fellow,
hilum, -int something, a whit, creature; inter ~ines esse be alive; see the
hinc adv from here, hence; on this side; from world.
this source, for this reason; (time) homullus, -i, homuncio, -dnis,
homunculus, -im little man, poor creature,
hinnio, -ire vi to neigh, mortal.
honestas, -atis/good character, honourable
hinnitus, -us m neighing,
hinnuleus, -im fawn. reputation; sense of honour, integrity;

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -Ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
honest e-hybrida 100 LATIN-ENGLISH

(things) beauty. hortamen, -inisnt encouragement,

honeste adv decently, virtuously, hortamentum, -Tm encouragement,
honesto, -arevt to honour, dignify, hortatio, -onis/harangue, encouragement,
embellish. hortator, -oris m encourager.
honestus adj honoured, respectable; hortatus, -us m encouragement.
honourable, virtuous; (appearance) Hortensius, -Tm Roman family name (esp an
handsome ♦ m gentleman ♦ nt virtue, good; oratorio Cicero's time).
beauty. hortor, -ari, -atus vt to urge, encourage,
honor, -oris m honour, esteem; public office, exhort, harangue,
position, preferment; award, tribute, hortulus, -Tm little garden,
offering; ornament, beauty; -oris causa out hortus, -Tm garden; (pf) park,
of respect; for the sake of; -orem praefari hospes, -itism, hospita, -ae/host, hostess;
apologize for a remark, guest, friend; stranger, foreigner ♦ adj
honorabilis adj a mark of respect, strange.
honorarius adj done out of respect, honorary, hospitalis adj host’s, guest’s; hospitable,
honorate adv honourably, hospitalitas, -atis/ hospitality,
honoratus adj esteemed, distinguished; in hospitaliter adv hospitably,
high office; complimentary, hospitium, -Tand iT m hospitality, friendship;
honorifice adv in complimentary terms, lodging, inn.
honorificus adj complimentary, hostia, -ae/victim, sacrifice,
honoro, -are, -avT, -atum vt to do honour to, hostiatus adj provided with victims,
embellish. hosticus adj hostile; strange ♦ nt enemy
honorus adj complimentary. territory.
honos etc see honor. hostTlisadj of the enemy, hostile.
hora, -ae/hour; time, season; (pi) clock; in hostTliter adv in hostile manner.
-as hourly; in -am vivere = live from hand to hostTmentum, -T nt recompense,
mouth. hostio, -Tre vt to requite,
horaeum, -Tm pickle. hostis, -is m// enemy.
Horatius, -Tm Roman family name (esp the hue adv hither, here; to this, to such a pitch; -
defender of Rome against Porsenna); the lyric illuc hither and thither,
poet Horace. hui interj (expressing surprise) ho!, my word!
Horatius adj see n. huiusmodTsuch.
hordeum, -Int barley, humane, -iter adv humanly; gently, politely,
horia, -ae/fishing smack, humanitas, -atis/human nature, mankind;
horno adv this year, humanity, kindness, courtesy; culture,
hornotinus adj this year’s, refinement.
hornus adj this year’s, humanitus adv in accordance with human
horologium, -land i!nt clock, nature; kindly.
horrendus adj fearful, terrible; awesome, humanus adj human, humane, kind,
horrens, -entis pres pof horreo ♦ adj bristling, courteous; cultured, refined, well-educated;
shaggy. -6 maior superhuman,
horreo, -ere, -uTvi to stand stiff, bristle; to humatio, -onis/burying,
shiver, shudder, tremble ♦ vt to dread; to be hume-, humi-see ume-, umi-.
afraid, be amazed. humilis adj low, low-lying, shallow; (condition)
horresco, -ere vi to stand on end, become lowly, humble, poor; (language)
rough; to begin to quake; to start, be commonplace; (mind) mean, base,
terrified ♦ vt to dread, humilitas, -atis/low position, smallness,
horreum, -Tm barn, granary, store, shallowness; lowliness, insignificance;
horribilis adj terrifying; amazing, meanness, baseness,
horride adv see horridus, humiliter adv meanly, humbly,
horridulus adj protruding a little; unkempt; humo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to bury,
(fig) uncouth. humus, -if earth, ground; land; -Ton the
horridus adj bristling, shaggy, rough, rugged; ground.
shivering; (manners) rude, uncouth; hyacinthinus adj of the hyacinthus,
frightening. hyacinthus, -Tm iris, lily.
horrifer, -iadj chilling; terrifying, Hyades, -um jp/ Hyads (a group of stars in
horrifice adv in awesome manner, Taurus).
horrifico, -are vt to ruffle; to terrify, hyaena, -ae/hyena.
horrificus adj terrifying, hyalus, -Tm glass.
horrisonus adj dread-sounding, Hybla, -ae/mountain in Sicily (famous for
horror, -oris m bristling; shivering, ague; bees).
terror, fright, awe, a terror, Hyblaeus adj see n.
horsum adv this way. hybrida etc see hibrida.
LATIN-ENGLISH 101 Hydaspes-idcirco

Hydaspes, -is m tributary of river Indus (now iactus, -us m throwing, throw; intra teli
Jelum). iactum within spear’s range,
Hydra, -ae/hydra (a mythical dragon with iacul perf of iaceo.
seven heads). iaculabilisad; missile,
hydraulus, -T m water organ, iaculator, -oris m thrower, shooter; light-
hydria, -aefewer. armedsoldier.
Hydrochous, -im Aquarius, jaculatrix, -Icis/huntress,
hydropicus ad; suffering from dropsy, iaculor, -ari, -atus vt to throw, hurl, shoot; to
hydrops, -is m dropsy, throw the javelin; to shoot at, hit; (fig) to aim
hydrus, -T m serpent. at, attack.
Hylas, -ae m a youth loved by Hercules. iaculum, -Int javelin; fishing net.
Hymen, -enis, Hymenaeus, Am god of iaien- etc see ien-.
marriage; wedding song; wedding. iam adv (past) already, by then; (present) now,
Hymettius ad; see n. already; (future) directly, very soon;
Hymettus, -Tm mountain near Athens (emphasis) indeed, precisely; (inference)
(famous for honey and marble). therefore, then surely; (transition) moreover,
Hypanis, -is m river of Sarmatia (now Bug). next; iam dudum for a long time, long ago;
Hyperborei, -orum mpi fabulous people in the immediately; iam iam right now, any
far North. moment now; non - no longer; iam ... iam at
Hyperboreus ad; see n. one time ... at another; iam nunc just now;
Hyperion, -onism father of the Sun; the Sun. iam pridem long ago, for a long time; iam
hypodidasculus, -Im assistant teacher, turn even at that time; si iam supposing for
hypomnema, -tis nt memorandum. the purpose of argument,
Hyrcani, -orum mpi people on the Caspian Sea. iambeus ad; iambic,
Hyrcanus ad; Hyrcanian. iambus, -Im iambic foot; iambic poetry,
lanalisad; see lanus.
laniculum, -Int Roman hill across the Tiber.
ianitor, -oris m doorkeeper, porter,
ianua, -ae/door; entrance; (fig) key.
lanuarius ad; of January ♦ m January,
lanus, -I m god of gateways and beginnings;
archway, arcade.
Iapetionides, -ae m Atlas.
Iapetus, -Im a Titan (father of Atlas and
Iapyx, -gisad; Iapygian; Apulian ♦ m wesf-
Iacchus, -Im Bacchus; wine, north-west wind from Apulia.
iaceo, -ere, -ulwi to lie; to be ill, lie dead; lison, -onis m Jason (leader of Argonauts,
(places) to be situated, be flat or low-lying, be husband of Medea).
in ruins; (.dress) to hang loose; (fig) to be Iasonius adj see n.
inactive, be downhearted; (things) to be Iaspis, -dis/jasper.
dormant, neglected, despised, Iber - etc see Hiber-,
iacio, -ere, iecl, iactum vt to throw; to lay, ibi adv there; then; in this, at it.
build; (seed) to sow; (speech) to cast, let fall, ibidem adv in the same place; at that very
mention. moment.
iactans, -antis pres po/iacto ♦ ad; boastful, Ibis, -is and idis/ibis.
iactanteradv ostentatiously, Icarium, -Int Icarian Sea.
iactantia, -ae/boasting, ostentation, Icarius ad; seen.
iactatio, -onis/tossing, gesticulation; Icarus, -I m son of Daedalus (drowned in the
boasting, ostentation; - popularis publicity, Aegean).
iactatus, -us m waving, Ico, -ere, -I, ictum vt to strike; foedus - make
iactito, -are vt to mention, bandy, a treaty.
iacto, -are, -avl, -atum vt to throw, scatter; to ictericus ad; jaundiced,
shake, toss about; (mind) to disquiet; (ideas) ictis, -dis/ weasel,
to consider, discuss, mention; (speech) to ictus pppo/Tco.
boast of; so - waver, fluctuate; to behave ictus, -us m stroke, blow; wound; (metre) beat.
Ida, -ae, -e, -esf mountain in Crete; mountain
ostentatiously, be officious,
iactura, -ae/throwing overboard; loss, near Troy.
Idaeus ad; Cretan; Trojan.
idcirco adv for that reason; for the purpose.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd, -ere - 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
idem-illustris 102 LATIN-ENGLISH

Idem, eadem, idem pron the same; also, illaboro, -are vi to work (at),
likewise. iliac adv that way.
identidem adv repeatedly, again and again, illacessitus adj unprovoked,
ideo adv therefore, for this reason, that is illacrimabilis adj unwept; inexorable,
why. illacrimo, -are; -or, -irivi to weep over,
idiota, -ae m ignorant person, layman. lament; to weep,
Idolon, -Int apparition, illaesus adj unhurt,
idonee adv see idoneus, illaetabilis adj cheerless,
idoneus adj fit, proper, suitable, sufficient. illapsus ppa of illabor,
Tdus, -uum jp! Ides (the 15th March, May, July, illaqueo, -arevt to ensnare,
October, the 13th of other months). illatus ppp of Infero,
iecTper/o/iacio. illaudatus adj wicked.
iecur, -oris and inoris nt liver; (fig) passion, ille, -a, -ud pron and adj that, that one; he, she,
jecusculum, -Int small liver, it; the famous; the former, the other; ex -6
ieiuniosus adj hungry, since then.
ieiunitas, -atis/fasting; (fig) meagreness, illecebra, -ae/attraction, lure, bait, decoy
ieiunium, -Iand ilnt fast; hunger; leanness, bird.
ieiunus adj fasting, hungry; (things) barren, illecebrosus adj seductive,
poor, meagre; (style) feeble, illectus ppp of illicio,
ientaculum, -int breakfast, illectus adj unread,
igitur adv therefore, then, so. illepide adv see illepidus,
ignarus adj ignorant, unaware; unknown, illepidus adj inelegant, churlish,
ignave, -iter adv without energy, illex, -icis mJf lure,
ignavia, -ae/idleness, laziness; cowardice, illex, -egisadj lawless,
ignavus adj idle, lazy, listless; cowardly; illexi perf of illicio,
relaxing. illibatus adj unimpaired,
ignesco, -ere vi to take fire, burn, illiberalis adj ungenerous, mean, disobliging,
igneus adj burning, fiery, illiberalitas, -atis/meanness,
igniculus, -im spark; (fig) fire, vehemence, illiberaliter adv see illiberalis,
ignifer, -Iadj fiery. illic, -aec, -uc pron he, she, it; that,
ignigena, -aem the fireborn (Bacchus), illic adv there, yonder; in that matter,
ignipes, -edisadj fiery-footed, illicio, -icere, -exi, -ectum vt to seduce,
ignipotens, -entisadj fire-working (Vulcan), decoy, mislead.
ignis, -is m fire, a fire; firebrand, lightning; illicitator, -oris m sham bidder (at an
brightness, redness; (fig) passion, love, auction).
ignobilis adj unknown, obscure; low-born, illicitus adj unlawful,
ignobilitas, -atis/obscurity; low birth, illido, -dere, -si, -sum vt to strike, dash
ignominia, -ae/dishonour, disgrace, against.
ignominiosus adj (person) degraded, illigo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to fasten on, attach;
disgraced; (things) shameful, to connect; to impede, encumber, oblige,
ignorabilis adj unknown, illim adv from there,
ignorantia, -ae/ignorance, illimis adj clear.
ignoratio, -onis/ignorance. illinc adv from there; on that side,
ignoro, -are, -avi, -atum vt to not know, be illino, -inere, -evi, -itum vt to smear over,
unacquainted with; to disregard, cover, bedaub,
ignosco, -score, -vT, -turn vt, vi to forgive, illiquefactus adj melted,
pardon. illisi perf of illido,
ignotus adj unknown; low-born; ignorant, illisus ppp of illido.
ilex, -icis/holm oak. illitteratus adj uneducated, uncultured,
Ilia, -um ntpl groin; entrails; - ducere become illitus ppp of illino,
broken-winded. illo adv (to) there; to that end.
Ilia, -ae/ mother of Romulus and Remus. illotus adj dirty.
Iliades, -adae m son of Ilia; Trojan. illuc adv (to) there; to that; to him/her.
Tlias, -dis/the Iliad; a Trojan woman, illuceo, -ere vi to blaze,
ilicetadv it’s all over, let us go; immediately, illucesco, -cescere, -xivi to become light,
ilicd adv on the spot; instantly, dawn.
pignus adj of holm oak. illudo, -dere, -si, -sum vt, vi to play, amuse
Ilithyia, -ae / Greek goddess of childbirth. oneself; to abuse; to jeer at, ridicule,
Ilium, -on, -int, -os, -i/Troy. illuminate adv luminously,
Ilius, -acus adj Trojan. illumino, -are, -avi, -atum vt to light up; to
ilia adv that way. enlighten; to embellish,
illabefactus adj unbroken. illusio, -onis/irony.
illabor, -bi, -psus vi to flow into, fall down. illustris adj bright, clear; distinct, manifest;
LAT1N-ENGLISH 103 illustro-immunid

distinguished, illustrious, immergo, -gere, -si, -sum vt to plunge,

illustro, -are, -avi, -atum vt to illuminate; to immerse.
make clear, explain; to make famous, immerito adv unjustly,
illusus pppo/illudd. immeritus ad; undeserving, innocent;
illuvies, -el/dirt, filth; floods. undeserved.
Illyria, -a e/, -cum, -cl nt Illyria. immersabilis ad; never foundering,
Illyricus, -usadjsee Illyricum. immersus ppp of immergo,
Illyrii, -orum mpi people E. of the Adriatic. immetatus ad; unmeasured,
Ilva, -ae/Italian island (nowElba), immigro, -are, -avT, -atum vi to move (into),
imaginarius ad; fancied, immineo, -ere, -ui vi to overhang, project; to
imaginatio, -onis/ fancy, be near, adjoin, impend; to threaten, be a
imaginor, -ari, vt to picture to oneself, menace to; to long for, grasp at.
imago, -inis/likeness, picture, statue; imminuo, -uere, -ui, -utum vt to lessen,
portrait of ancestor; apparition, ghost; echo, shorten; to impair; to encroach on, ruin,
mental picture, idea; (fig) semblance, mere imminutio, -onis/mutilation; (met)
shadow; (rhet) comparison, understatement.
imbecille adv faintly. immisceo, -scere, -scul, -xtum vt to
imbecillitas, -atis/ weakness, helplessness, intermingle, blend; se - join, meddle with,
imbecillus ad; weak, frail; helpless, immiserabilis ad; unpitied,
imbellis ad; non-combatant; peaceful; immisericorditer adv unmercifully,
cowardly. immisericors, -dis ad; pitiless,
imber, -ris m rain, heavy shower; water; (fig) immissio, -onis/letting grow,
stream, shower. immissus ppp of immitto.
imberbis, imberbus ad; beardless, immTtis ad; unripe; severe, inexorable,
imbibo, -ere, -Tvt (mind) to conceive; to immitto, -ittere, -TsT, -issum vt to let in, put
resolve. in; to graft on; to let go, let loose, let grow; to
imbrex, -icis/tile, launch, throw; to incite, set on.
imbricus ad; rainy, immixtus ppp of immisceo,
imbrifer, -Tad; rainy. immo adv (correcting preceding words) no, yes;
imbuo, -uere, -ui, -utum vt to wet, steep, dip; on the contrary, or rather; - si ah, if only,
(fig) to taint, fill; to inspire, accustom, train; immobilis ad; motionless; immovable,
to begin, be the first to explore, immoderate adv extravagantly.
imitabilis ad; imitable. immoderatio, -onis/excess,
imitamen, -inis nt imitation; likeness, immoderatus adj limitless; excessive,
imitamenta, -orum ntp! pretence, unbridled.
imitatio, -onis/imitation, immodeste adv extravagantly,
imitator,-oris m, -rix,-ricis/imitator, immodestia, -ae/license,
imitatus ad; copied. immodestus ad; immoderate,
imitor, -ari, -atus vt to copy, portray; to immodice adv see immodicus,
imitate, act like. immodicus ad; excessive, extravagant,
immadesco, -escere, -ulvi to become wet. unruly.
immane adv savagely, immodulatus ad; unrhythmical,
immanis ad; enormous, vast; monstrous, immolatio, -onis/ sacrifice,
savage, frightful. immolator, -oris m sacrificer,
immanitas, -atis/vastness; savageness, immolitus ad; erected,
barbarism. immolo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to sacrifice; to
immansuetus ad; wild, slay.
immaturitas, -atis/over-eagerness, immorior, -I, -tuus vi to die upon; to waste
immaturus ad; untimely, away.
immedicabilis ad; incurable, immorsus ad; bitten; (fig) stimulated,
immemor, -is ad; unmindful, forgetful, immortalis ad; immortal, everlasting,
negligent. immortalitas, -atis/immortality; lasting
immemorabilis ad; indescribable, not worth fame.
mentioning. immortaliter adv infinitely,
immemoratus ad; hitherto untold, immotus adj motionless, unmoved,
immensitas, -atis/immensity. immovable.
immensum, -Tnt infinity, vast extent ♦ adv immugio, -ire, -i I vi to roar (in),
exceedingly. immulgeo, -ere vt to milk,
immensus ad; immeasurable, vast, unending, immundus ad; unclean, dirty,
immerens, -entis ad; undeserving. immunio, -Ire, -ivlvt to strengthen.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -Ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
immunis-impolrte 104 LATIN-ENGLISH

immunisadj with no public obligations, tyrannical.

untaxed, free from office; exempt, free imperite adv awkwardly,
(from). imperitia, -ae/inexperience,
immunitas, -atis/exemption, immunity, imperito, -are vt, vi to rule, command,
privilege. imperitus ad; inexperienced, ignorant,
immunitus ad; undefended; (roads) imperium, -I and ilnt command, order;
unmetalled. mastery, sovereignty, power; military
immurmuro, -are vi to murmur (at), command, supreme authority; empire; (pi)
immutabilis ad; unalterable, those in command, the authorities,
immutabilitas, -atis/immutability. impermissus adj unlawful,
immutatio, -onis/exchange; (rhet) impero, -are, -avi, -atum vt, vi to order,
metonymy. command; to requisition, demand; to rule,
immutatus ad; unchanged, govern, control; to be emperor,
immuto, -are, -avi, -atum vt to change; imperterritus adj undaunted,
(words) to substitute by metonymy, impertio, -Ire, -Ivland ii, -Ttum vt to share,
impacatus ad; aggressive, communicate, impart,
impactus pppo/impingo. imperturbatus ad; unruffled,
impar, -aris ad; unequal, uneven, unlike; no impervius ad; impassable,
match for, inferior; (metre) elegiac, impetibilis ad; intolerable,
imparatus adj unprepared, unprovided, impetis (gen), -e (ab/)m force; extent,
impariter adv unequally, impetrabilis ad; attainable; successful,
impastus ad; hungry, impetratio, -onis/favour,
impatiens, -entis adj unable to endure, impetrio, -Ire vt to succeed with the auspices,
impatient. impetro, -are, -avi, -atum vt to achieve; to
impatienter adv intolerably, obtain, secure (a request).
impatientia, -ae/want of endurance, impetus, -us m attack, onset; charge; rapid
impavide adv see impavidus, motion, rush; (mind) impulse, passion,
impavidus ad; fearless, undaunted, impexus ad; unkempt,
impedimentum, -Tnt hindrance, obstacle; impie adv wickedly.
(pf) baggage, luggage, supply train, impietas, -atis/impiety, disloyalty, unfilial
impedio, -ire, -TvTand ii, -Ttum vt to hinder, conduct.
entangle; to encircle; (fig) to embarrass, impiger, -riadj active, energetic,
obstruct, prevent, impigre adv see adj.
impeditio, -onis/obstruction, impigritas, -atis/energy1
impeditus adj (mil) hampered with baggage, impingo, -ingere, -egi, -actum vt to dash,
in difficulties; (place) difficult, impassable; force against; to force upon; (fig) to bring
(mind) busy, obsessed, against, drive.
impegi perfof impingo, impio, -are vt to make sinful,
impello, -ellere, -uli, -ulsum vt to strike, impius adj (to gods) impious; (to parents)
drive; to set in motion, impel, shoot; to undutiful; (to country) disloyal; wicked,
incite, urge on; (fig) to overthrow, ruin, unscrupulous,
impendeo, -erevi to overhang; to be implacabilis ad; implacable,
imminent, threaten, implacabiliter adv see adj.
impendio adv very much, implacatus adj unappeased,
impendium, -iand iint expense, outlay; implacidus adj savage,
interest on a loan. impleo, -ere, -evi, -etum vt to fill; to satisfy;
impendo, -endere, -endi, -ensum vt to (time, number) to make up, complete; (duty)
weigh out, pay out, spend; (fig) to devote, to discharge, fulfil,
impenetrabilis ad; impenetrable, implexus ad; entwined; involved,
impensa, -ae/expense, outlay, implicatio, -onis/entanglement.
impense adv very much; earnestly, implicatus ad; complicated, confused,
impensus pppo/impendo ♦ adj (cost) high, implicite adv intricately,
dear; (fig) great, earnest, implico, -are, -avland ul, -atum and itum vt
imperator, -oris m commander-in-chief, to entwine, enfold, clasp; (fig) to entangle,
general; emperor; chief, master, involve; to connect closely, join,
imperatorius ad; of a general; imperial, imploratio, -dnis/beseeching.
imperatum, -i nt order, imploro, -are, -avi, -atum vt to invoke,
imperceptus ad; unknown, entreat, appeal to.
impercussus ad; noiseless, implumis ad; unfledged,
imperditus ad; not slain, impluo, -ere vi to rain upon,
imperfectus ad; unfinished, imperfect, impluvium, -I and ii nt roof-opening of the
imperfossus adj not stabbed Roman atrium; rain basin in the atrium.
imperiosus ad; powerful, imperial; impolite adv without ornament.
LATIN- ENGLISH 105 impoITtus-inanitas

impolitus ad; unpolished, inelegant, impugnatio, -onis/assault,

impollutus ad; unstained, impugno, -are, -avl, -atum vt to attack; (fig)
impono, -onere, -osui, -ositum vt to put in, to oppose, impugn,
lay on, place; to embark; {fig) to impose, impuliper/o/impello.
inflict, assign; to put in charge; (tax) to impulsio, -onis/pressure; (mind) impulse,
impose; (with dat) to impose upon, cheat, impulsor, -oris m instigator,
importo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to bring in, impulsus ppp of impello,
import; (fig) to bring upon, introduce, impulsus, -usm push, pressure, impulse; (fig)
importune adv see adj. instigation.
importunitas, -atis/insolence, ill nature, impune adv safely, with impunity,
importunus adj unsuitable; troublesome; impunitas, -itis/impunity.
ill-natured, uncivil, bullying, impunite adv with impunity,
importuosus adj without a harbour, impunitus ad; unpunished,
impos, -tis adj not master (of), impuratus adj vile,
impositus, impostus pppo/impono. impure adv see adj.
impotens, -entis ad; powerless, weak; with impuritas, -itis/uncleanness.
no control over; headstrong, violent, impurus ad; unclean; infamous, vile,
impotenter adv weakly; violently, imputatus ad; unpruned,
impotentia, -ae/poverty; want of self- imputo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to put to one’s
control, violence, account; to ascribe, credit, impute.
impraesentiarum adv at present, Imulus adj little tip of.
impransus ad; fasting, without breakfast, Imus ad; lowest, deepest, bottom of; last,
imprecor, -arl vt to invoke, in prep (with abf) in, on, at; among; in the case
impressio, -6nis/(/w/i) thrust, raid; (mind) of; (time) during; (with acc) into, on to, to,
impression; (speech) emphasis; (rhythm) towards; against; (time) for, till; (purpose)
beat. for; ~ armTs under arms; - equo on
impressus ppp of imprimo, horseback; - ed esse ut be in the position of;
imprimis adv especially, be on the point of; - horas hourly; - modum
imprimo, -imere, -essi, -essum vt to press in the manner of; - rem of use; - universum
upon, impress, imprint, stamp, in general.
improbatio, -onis/blame. inaccessus ad; unapproachable,
improbe adv badly, wrongly; persistently, inacesco, -ere vi to turn sour.
improbitis, -itis/badness, dishonesty, Inachides, -idae m Perseus; Epaphus.
improbo, -are, -ivl, -atum vt to disapprove, Inachis, -idis/Io.
condemn, reject. Inachius adj of Inachus, Argive, Greek.
improbulus adj a little presumptuous, Inachus, -I m first king of Argos.
improbus adj bad, inferior (in quality); inadsuetus ad; unaccustomed,
wicked, perverse, cruel; unruly, persistent, inadustus adj unsinged,
rebellious. inaedifico, -are, -avl, -atum vi to build on,
improcerus adj undersized, erect; to wall up, block up.
improdictus ad; not postponed, inaequabilis ad; uneven,
impromptus ad; unready, slow, inaequalis ad; uneven; unequal; capricious,
improperatus adj lingering, inaequaliter adv see adj.
improsper, -lad; unsuccessful, inaequatus ad; unequal,
improspere adv unfortunately, inaequo, -are vt to level up.
improvide adv see adj. inaestimabilis adj incalculable; invaluable;
improvidus ad; unforeseeing, thoughtless, valueless.
improvisus ad; unexpected; -6, de -6, ex -6 inaestuo, -are vi to rage in.
unexpectedly. inamabilis ad; hateful,
imprudens, -entis adj unforeseeing, not inamaresco, -ere vi to become bitter,
expecting; ignorant, unaware, inambitiosus ad; unambitious,
imprudenter adv thoughtlessly, unawares, inambulatio, -onis/walking about,
imprudentia, -ae/thoughtlessness; inambulo, -are vi to walk up and down,
ignorance; aimlessness, inamoenus ad; disagreeable,
impubes, -eris and is ad; youthful; chaste, inanimus ad; lifeless, inanimate,
impudens, -entis adj shameless, impudent, inanio, -Ire vt to make empty,
impudenter adv see adj. inanis adj empty, void; poor, unsubstantial;
impudentia, -ae/impudence, useless, worthless, vain, idle ♦ nt (philos)
impudicitia, -ae/lewdness. space; (fig) vanity.
impudicus ad; shameless; immodest. inanitas, -itis/empty space; inanity.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
inaniter-incogitabilis 106 LATIN-ENGL1SH

inaniter adv idly, vainly, inceste adv see adj.

inaratus ad) fallow. incesto, -are vt to pollute, dishonour,
inardesco, -discere, -sT vi to be kindled, incestus ad; sinful; unchaste, incestuous ♦ nt
flare up. incest.
inass- etc see inads-. incestus, -us m incest,
inattenuatus ad; undiminished, incho- etc see incoh-.
inaudax, -acis ad; timorous, incido, -idere, -idl, -asum vi to fall upon, fall
inaudio, -Tre vt to hear of, learn, into; to meet, fall in with, come across; to
inauditus ad; unheard of, unusual; without a befall, occur, happen; in mentem - occur to
hearing. one.
inaugurato adv after taking the auspices, incido, -dere, -dT, -sum vt to cut open; to cut
inauguro, -are vi to take auspices ♦ vt to up; to engrave, inscribe; to interrupt, cut
consecrate, inaugurate, short.
inaures, -ium/pi earrings, incile, -is nt ditch,
inauro, -are, -avi, -atum vt to gild; (fig) to incilo, -arevt to rebuke,
enrich. incingo, -gere, -xl, -ctum vt to gird, wreathe;
inauspicato adv without taking the auspices, to surround.
inauspicatus ad; done without auspices, incino, -ere vt to sing, play,
inausus adj unattempted, incipio, -ipere, -epi, -eptum vt, vi to begin,
incaeduus ad; uncut. incipisso, -ere vt to begin,
incalesco, -escere, -uivi to grow hot; (fig) to incise adv in short clauses,
warm, glow. incisim adv in short clauses,
incalfacio, -ere vt to heat, incisio, -onis/clause.
incallide adv unskilfully, incisum, -int clause,
incallidus ad; stupid, simple, incisus ppp of incido,
incandesco, -escere, -uTvi to become hot; to incitamentum, -int incentive,
turn white. incitate adv impetuously,
incanesco, -escere, -uTvi to grow grey, incitatio, -onis/inciting; rapidity,
incantatus adj enchanted, incitatus ppp of incito ♦ adj swift, rapid; equd
incanus adj grey, -6 at a gallop.
incassum adv in vain, incito, -are, -avi, -atum vt to urge on, rush; to
incastigatus adj unrebuked, rouse, encourage, excite; to inspire; to
incaute adv negligently, increase; se - rush; currentem - = spur a
incautus ad; careless, heedless; unforeseen, willing horse.
unguarded. incitus adj swift.
incedo, -edere, -essi, -essum vi to walk, incitus ad; immovable; ad -as, -a redigere
parade, march; (mil) to advance; (feelings) to bring to a standstill.
come upon. inclamo, -are vt, vi to call out, cry out to; to
incelebratus ad; not made known, scold, abuse.
incenatus ad; supperless, inclaresco, -escere, -uivi to become famous,
incendiarius, -land ii m incendiary, inclemens, -entis adj severe,
incendium, -Tand ii nt fire, conflagration; inclementer adv harshly,
heat; (fig) fire, vehemence, passion, inclementia, -ae/severity,
incendo, -ere, -T, incensum vt to set fire to, inclinatio, -onis/leaning, slope; (fig)
burn; to light, brighten; (fig) to inflame, tendency, inclination, bias; (circs) change;
rouse, incense, (voice) modulation.
incensio, -dnis/burning. inclinatus ad; inclined, prone; falling; (voice)
incensus ppp of incendo, deep.
incensus adj not registered, inclino, -are, -avi, -atum vt to bend, turn; to
incepi perfof incipio, turn back; (fig) to incline, direct, transfer; to
inceptio, -onis/undertaking, change ♦ vi to bend, sink; (mil) to give way;
incepto, -are vt to begin, attempt, ( fig) to change, deterioriate; to incline, tend,
inceptor, -oris m originator, turn in favour,
inceptum, -int beginning, undertaking, inclitus etc see inclutus,
attempt. includo, -dere, -si, -sum vt to shut in, keep
inceptus ppp of incipio, in, enclose; to obstruct, block; (fig) to
incero, -are vt to cover with wax. include; (time) to close, end.
incerto adv not for certain, inclusio, -onis/imprisonment,
incertus ad; uncertain, doubtful, unsteady ♦ inclusus ppp of includo,
nt uncertainty. inclutus adj famous, glorious,
incesso, -ere, -TvTvt to attack; (fig) to assail, incoctus ppp of incoquo,
incessus, -us m gait, pace, tramp; invasion; incoctus adj uncooked, raw.
approach. incogitabilis adj thoughtless.
LATIN-ENGL1SH 107 incogitans-indagator

incogitans, -antis adj thoughtless, incredibilis adj incredible, extraordinary,

incogitantia, -ae/thoughtlessness. incredibiliter adv see adj.
incogito, -are vt to contrive, incredulus adj incredulous,
incognitus ad; unknown, unrecognised; (law) incrementum, -Tnt growth, increase;
untried. addition; offspring.
incohatus adj unfinished, increpito, -arevt to rebuke; to challenge,
incoho, -are, -avT, -atum vt to begin, start, increpo, -are, -uT, -itum vi to make a noise,
incola, -ae/inhabitant, resident, sound; (news) to be noised abroad ♦ vt to
incolo, -ere, -uT vt to live in, inhabit ♦ vi to cause to make a noise; to exclaim against,
live, reside. rebuke.
incolumis adj safe and sound, unharmed, incresco, -scere, -vlvi to grow in, increase,
incolumitas, -atis/safety, incretus adj sifted in.
incomitatus adj unaccompanied, incruentatus adj unstained with blood,
incommendatus adj unprotected, incruentus adj bloodless, without bloodshed,
incommode adv inconveniently, incrusto, -are vt to encrust,
unfortunately. incubo, -are, -uT, -itum vi to lie in or on; (fig)
incommoditas, -atis/inconvenience, to brood over.
disadvantage. incubuiperf of incubo; perf 0/incumbo
incommodo, -arevi to be inconvenient, inculco, -are, -avl, -atum vt to force in; to
annoy. force upon, impress on.
incommodum, -Tnt inconvenience, inculpatus adj blameless,
disadvantage, misfortune, inculte adv uncouthly.
incommodus adj inconvenient, troublesome, incultus adj uncultivated; (fig) neglected,
incommutabilis adj unchangeable, uneducated, rude,
incompertus adj unknown, incultus, -us m neglect, squalor,
incomposite adv see adj. incumbo, -mbere, -bul, -bitum vi to lean,
incompositus adj in disorder, irregular, recline on; to fall upon, throw oneself upon;
incomptus adj undressed, inelegant, to oppress, lie heavily upon; (fig) to devote
inconcessus adj forbidden, attention to, take pains with; to incline,
inconcilio, -arevt to win over (by guile); to incunabula, -drum ntpi swaddling clothes;
trick, inveigle, embarrass, (fig) cradle, infancy, birthplace, origin,
inconcinnus adj inartistic, awkward, incuratus adj neglected,
inconcussus adj unshaken, stable, incuria, -ae/negligence.
incondite adv confusedly, incuriose adv carelessly,
inconditus adj undisciplined, not organised; incuriosus adj careless, indifferent,
(language) artless, incurro, -rrere, -rrland curri, -rsum vi to run
inconsiderate adv see adj. into, rush, attack; to invade; to meet with,
inconsideratus adj thoughtless, ill-advised, get involved in; (events) to occur, coincide,
inconsolabilis adj incurable, incursio, -dnis/attack; invasion, raid;
inconstans, -antisadj fickle, inconsistent, collision.
inconstanter adv inconsistently, incurso, -are vt, vi to run into, assault; to
inconstantia, -ae/fickleness, inconsistency, frequently invade; (fig) to meet, strike,
inconsulte adv indiscreetly, incursus, -US m assault, striking; (mind)
inconsultu without consulting, impulse._
inconsultus adj indiscreet, ill-advised; incurvo, -are vt to bend, crook,
unanswered; not consulted, incurvus adj bent, crooked,
inconsumptus adj unconsumed, incus, -udis/anvil,
incontaminatus adj untainted, incusatio, -dnis/blaming.
incontentus adj untuned, incuso, -are, -avi, -atum vt to find fault with,
incontinens, -entis adj intemperate, accuse.
incontinenter adv without self-control, incussl perf of incutio.
incontinentia, -ae/lack of self-control, incussus pppo/incutio.
inconveniens, -entis adj ill-matched, incussus, -us m shock.
incoquo, -quere, -xl, -ctum vt to boil; to dye. incustoditus adj unguarded, unconcealed.
incorrectus adj unrevised, incusus adj forged.
incorrupte adv justly, incutio, -tere, -ssi, -ssum vt to strike, dash
incorruptus adj unspoiled; uncorrupted, against; to throw; (fig) to strike into, inspire
genuine. with.
increbresco, increbesco, -escere, -ulvi to indagatio, -dnis/search.
increase, grow, spread. indagator, -oris m explorer.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere — 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
indagatrix-industria 108 LATIN-ENGLISH

indagatrix, -ricis/female explorer, insulting treatment; indignation,

indigo, -arevt to track down; (fig) to trace, indignor, -arl, -atus vt to be displeased with,
investigate. be angry at.
indigo, -inis/(hunf) drive, encirclement, indignus ad; unworthy, undeserving;
indaudio etc see inaudio, shameful, severe; undeserved,
inde adv from there, from that, from them; on indigus adj in want,
that side; from then, ever since; after that, indiligens, -entisadj careless,
then. indiligenter adv see adj.
indebitus adj not due. indiligentia, -ae/ carelessness,
indeclinatus adj constant, indipiscor, -I, indeptus vt to obtain, get,
indecor, -is adj dishonourable, a disgrace, reach.
indecore adv indecently, indireptus adj unplundered,
indecoro, -arevt to disgrace, indiscretus adj closely connected,
indecorus adj unbecoming, unsightly, indiscriminate, indistinguishable,
indefensus adj undefended, indiserte adv without eloquence,
indefessus adj unwearied, tireless, indisertus adj not eloquent,
indefletus adj unwept, indispositus adj disorderly,
indeiectus adj undemolished, indissolubilis adj imperishable,
indelebilis adj imperishable, indistinctus adj confused, obscure,
indelibatus adj unimpaired, inditus ppp of indo.
indemnatus adj unconvicted, individuus adj indivisible; inseparable ♦ nt
indeploratus adj unlamented, atom.
indeprensus adj undetected, indo, -ere, -idl, -itum vt to put in or on; to
indeptus ppao/indipiscor, introduce; to impart, impose,
indesertus adj unforsaken, indocilis adj difficult to teach, hard to learn;
indestrictus adj unscathed, untaught.
indetonsus adj unshorn, indocte adv unskilfully,
indevitatus adj unerring, indoctus adj untrained, illiterate, ignorant,
index, -icis m forefinger; witness, informer; indolentia, -ae/freedom from pain,
(book, art) title, inscription; (stone) indoles, -is/ nature, character, talents,
touchstone; (fig) indication, pointer, sign. indolesco, -escere, -ulvi to feel sorry,
India, -iae/India, indomitus adj untamed, wild; ungovernable,
indicatio, -onis/ value, indormio, -Ire vi to sleep on; to be careless,
indicente me without my telling, indotatus adj with no dowry; unhonoured;
indicium, -land ilnt information, evidence; (fig) unadorned.
reward for information; indication, sign, indubito, -are vi to begin to doubt,
proof; - profiteri, offerre = turn King's indubius adj undoubted,
evidence; - postulare, dare ask, grant indued, -ucere, -uxl, -uctumvt to bring in,
permission to give evidence, lead on; to introduce; to overlay, cover over;
indico, -Ire, -avl, -atum vt to point out; to (fig) to move, persuade, seduce; (book¬
disclose, betray; to give information, give keeping) to enter; (dress) to put on; (public
evidence; to put a price on. show) to exhibit; (writing) to erase; animum,
indico, -Icere, -IxT, -ictum vt to declare, in animum ~ determine, imagine,
proclaim, appoint, inductio, -onis/leading, bringing on; (mind)
indictus ppp o/ indico, purpose, intention; (logic) induction,
indictus adj not said, unsung; causa ~a inductus ppp of induco,
without a hearing. indugredior etc see ingredior,
IndicUS adj see n. indui perf 0/induo.
indidem adv from the same place or thing, indulgens, -entis pres po/indulged ♦ adj
indidi per/of indo. indulgent, kind,
indifferens, -entis adj neither good nor bad. indulgenter adv indulgently,
indigena, -aem native ♦ adj native, indulgentia, -ae/indulgence, gentleness,
indigens, -entis adj needy, indulged, -gere, -si vi (with dat) to be kind to,
indigentia, -ae/need; craving, indulge, give way to; to indulge in ♦ vt to
indigeo, -ere, -ulvi (with abl) to need, want, concede; sibi - take liberties,
require; to crave, induo, -uere, -ul, -utum vt (dress) to put on;
indiges, -etis m national deity, (fig) to assume, entangle,
indigestus adj confused, indup- etc see imp-,
indignabundus adj enraged, induresco, -escere, -ulvi to harden,
indignans, -antisadj indignant, indurd, -are vt to harden.
indignatio, -onis/indignation, Indus, -Im Indian; Ethiopian; mahout.
indigne adv unworthily; indignantly, Indus adj see n.
indignitas, -atis/unworthiness, enormity; industria, -ae/diligence; da, ax -a on
LAT1N-ENGLISH 109 industrie-Tnfideliter

purpose. inextricabilis adj inextricable.

industrie adv see industrius, Infabre adv unskilfully.
industrius adj diligent, painstaking, Infabricatus adj unfashioned.
indutiae, -arum fpi truce, armistice, Infacetus adj not witty, crude.
indutus ppp of induo. Infacundus ad; ineloquent.
indutus, -us m wearing, Infamia, -ae/disgrace, scandal.
induviae, -arum jpi clothes, Infamis ad; infamous, disreputable.
induxi perfof indued. Infamo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to disgrace,
inebrio, -arevt to intoxicate; (fig) to saturate, bring into disrepute.
inedia, -ae/starvation, Infandus adj unspeakable, atrocious.
ineditus adj unpublished, Infans, -antis adj mute, speechless; young,
inelegans, -antis adj tasteless, infant; tongue-tied; childish ♦ m/f infant,
ineleganter adv without taste, child.
ineluctabilis adj inescapable, Infantia, -ae/inability to speak; infancy; lack
inemorior, -Tvi to die in. of eloquence.
inemptus ad; unpurchased, Infatuo, -are vt to make a fool of.
inenarrabilis ad; indescribable, Infaustus ad; unlucky.
inenodabilis adj inexplicable, Infector, -oris m dyer.
ineo, -Ire, -Ivland ii, -itum vi to go in, come in; Infectus ppp of inf icio.
to begin ♦ vt to enter; to begin, enter upon, Infectus ad; undone, unfinished; re -a without
form, undertake; consilium - form a plan; achieving one’s purpose.
gratiam - win favour; numerum ~ Infecunditas, -atis/infertility.
enumerate; rationem - calculate, consider, Infecundus ad; unfruitful.
contrive; suffragium - vote; viam - find out a Infelicitas, -atis/misfortune.
way. Inf ellciter adv see adj.
inepte adv see adj. Infelico, -are vt to make unhappy.
ineptia, -ae/stupidity; (pf) nonsense, Infelix, -Icisad; unfruitful; unhappy, unlucky.
ineptio, -Ire vi to play the fool, Infense adv aggressively.
ineptus ad; unsuitable; silly, tactless, absurd, Infenso, -arevt to make dangerous, make
inermis, inermus ad; unarmed, defenceless; hostile.
harmless. Infensus adj hostile, dangerous.
inerrans, -antis adj fixed, Infercio, -Ire vt to cram in.
inerrd, -are vi to wander about in. Inferiae, -arum fpi offerings to the dead.
iners, -tis adj unskilful; inactive, indolent, Inferior, -oris compar of inferus.
timid; insipid. Inferius compar of infra.
inertia, -ae/lack of skill; idleness, laziness, Inferne adv below.
ineruditus adj uneducated, Infernus ad; beneath; of the lower world,
inesed, -are vt to entice, deceive, infernal ♦ mpl the shades ♦ ntpl the lower
inevectus ad; mounted, world.
inevitabilis ad; inescapable, Infero, -re, intuli, illatum vt to carry in,
inexcitus ad; peaceful, bring to, put on; to move forward; (fig) to
inexcusabilis ad; with no excuse, introduce, cause; (book-keeping) to enter;
inexercitatus ad; untrained, (logic) to infer; bellum - make war (on);
inexhaustus ad; unexhausted, pedem ~ advance; se - repair, rush, strut
inexorabilis ad; inexorable; (things) severe, about; signa - attack, charge.
inexperrectus ad; unawakened, Inferus (compar-ior, superI infimus) adj lower,
inexpertus adj inexperienced; untried, below ♦ mpl the dead, the lower world ♦
inexpiabilis ad; inexpiable; implacable, compar lower; later; inferior ♦ superl lowest,
inexplebilis ad; insatiable, bottom of; meanest, humblest.
inexpletus ad; incessant, Infervesco, -vescere, -bul vi to boil.
inexplicabilis ad; inexplicable; impracticable, Infeste adv aggressively.
unending. Infesto, -are vt to attack.
inexplorato adv without making a Infestus ad; unsafe; dangerous, aggressive.
reconnaissance. Inficet- see infacet-
inexploratus adj unreconnoitred, Inficio, -icere, -eci, -ectum vt to dip, dye,
inexpugnabilis adj impregnable, safe, discolour; to taint, infect; (fig) to instruct,
inexspectatus ad; unexpected, corrupt, poison.
inexstinctus ad; unextinguished; insatiable, Infidelis adj faithless.
imperishable. Infidelitas, -atis/disloyalty.
inexsuperabilis adj insurmountable. Infideliter adv treacherously.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are - 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -Ire - 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
infidus-ingurgito 110 LATIN-ENGLISH

infidus ad; unsafe, treacherous. Infrendo, -ere vi to gnash.

Infigo, -gere, -xl, -xum vt to thrust, drive in; Infrenis, -us adj unbridled.
(fig) to impress, imprint. Infreno, -are, -avl, -atum vt to put a bridle
InfTm us superi of Inf erus. on, harness; (fig) to curb.
Infindo, -ere vt to cut into, plough. Infrequens, -entis adj not crowded,
Infinitas, -atis/boundless extent, infinity. infrequent; badly attended.
Infinite adv without end. Infrequentia, -ae/small number; emptiness.
Infinitio, -onis/infinity. Infringo, -ingere, -egi, -actum vt to break,
Infinitus adj boundless, endless, infinite; bruise; (fig) to weaken, break down, exhaust.
indefinite. Infrons, -ondisad; leafless.
Infirmatio, -onis/invalidating, refuting. Infucatus adj showy.
Infirme adv feebly. Infula, -ae/woollen band, fillet, badge of
Infirmitas, -atis/ weakness; infirmity, honour.
sickness. Infumus etc see infimus.
Infirmo, -are vt to weaken; to invalidate, Infundo, -undere, -udi, -usum vt to pour in
refute. or on; to serve; (fig) to spread.
Infirmus adj weak, indisposed; weak-minded; Infusco, -arevt to darken; to spoil, tarnish.
(things) trivial. Infusus ppp o/Infundo.
Tnfit vi (defec) begins. ingemino, -are vt to redouble ♦ vi to be
Infitialis ad; negative. redoubled.
Infitias eo deny. ingemisco, -iscere, -ul vi to groan, sigh ♦ vt
Infitiatio, -onis/denial. to sigh over.
Infitiator, -oris m denier (of a debt). ingemo, -ere, -ulvt, vi to sigh for, mourn,
Infitior, -ari, -atus vt to deny, repudiate. ingenero, -are, -avl, -atum vt to engender,
Infixus ppp o/Inflgo. produce, create.
Inflammatio, -onis/(fig) exciting. ingeniatus adj with a natural talent,
Inflammo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to set on fire, ingeniose adv cleverly,
light; (fig) to inflame, rouse. ingeniosus ad; talented, clever; (things)
Inflate adv pompously. naturally suited.
Inflatio, -onis/flatulence. ingenitus ppp o/ingigno ♦ adj inborn, natural,
Inflatus, -us m blow; inspiration ♦ adj blown ingenium, -Iand i! nt nature; (disposition) bent,
up, swollen; (fig) puffed up, conceited; (style) character; (intellect) ability, talent, genius;
turgid. (person) genius.
inflecto, -ctere, -xl, -xum vt to bend, curve; ingens, -entisad; huge, mighty, great,
to change; (voice) to modulate; (fig) to affect, ingenue adv liberally, frankly,
move. ingenuitas, -atis/noble birth, noble
infletus ad; unwept. character.
Inflexio, -dnis/bending. ingenuus ad; native, innate; free-born; noble,
Inflexus ppp of Inf lecto frank; delicate.
Infligo, -gere, -xl, -ctum vt to dash against, ingero, -rere, -ssl, -stum vt to carry in; to
strike; to inflict. heap on; to throw, hurl; (fig) to press,
Inflo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to blow, inflate; (fig) obtrude.
to inspire, puff up. ingigno, -ignere, -enul, -enitum vt to
Influo, -ere, -xl, -xum vi to flow in; (fig) to engender, implant,
stream, pour in. inglorius ad; inglorious,
Infodio, -odere, -odi, -ossum vt to dig in, ingluvies, -el/maw; gluttony,
bury. ingrate adv unwillingly; ungratefully,
informatio, -onis/sketch, idea. ingratiis, ingratis adv against one’s will,
Informis ad; shapeless; hideous. ingratus adj disagreeable, unwelcome;
Informo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to shape, ungrateful, thankless,
fashion; to sketch; to educate, ingravesco, -ere vi to grow heavy, become
infortunatus ad; unfortunate. worse, increase.
Infortunium, -I and ii nt misfortune. ingravo, -are vt to weigh heavily on; to
Infossus ppp of infodio. aggravate.
Infra (compar Inferius) adv underneath, below ingredior, -dl, -ssus vt, vt to go in, enter; to
♦ compar lower down ♦ prep (with acc) below, walk, march; to enter upon, engage in; to
beneath, under; later than, commence, begin to speak,
infractio, -onis/ weakening, ingressio, -onis/entrance; beginning; pace,
infractus ppp o/Infringo. ingressus, -us m entrance; (mil) inroad;
Infragilis ad; strong, beginning; walking, gait,
infremo, -ere, -ulvi to growl, ingruo, -ere, -Tvi to fall upon, assail,
infrenatus ppp o/Inf reno. inguen, -inism groin,
infrenatus ad; without a bridle. ingurgito, -are vt to pour in; >• ~ gorge
LATIN-ENGLISH 111 ingustatus-inopia

oneself; {fig) to be absorbed in. iniuratusadj unsworn,

ingustatus adj untasted, iniuria, -ae/wrong, injury, injustice; insult,
inhabilis ad; unwieldy, awkward; unfit, outrage; severity, revenge; unjust
inhabitabilis adj uninhabitable, possession; -a unjustly,
inhabito, -arevt to inhabit, iniuriose adv wrongfully,
inhaereo, -rere, -sT, -sum vi to stick in, cling iniuriosus adj unjust, wrongful; harmful,
to; to adhere, be closely connected with; to iniurius adj wrong, unjust,
be always in. iniussu without orders (from),
inhaeresco, -ere vi to take hold, cling fast, iniussusadj unbidden,
inhalo, -arevt to breathe on. iniuste adv see adj.
inhibeo, -ere, -u7, -itum vt to check, restrain, iniustitia, -ae/injustice, severity,
use, practise; - remis/navem back water, iniustusadj unjust, wrong; excessive, severe,
inhibitio, -onis/backing water, ini - etc see ill-,
inhio, -are vi to gape ♦ vt to gape at, covet, inm- etc see imm-.
inhoneste adv see adj. innabilis adj that none may swim,
inhonesto, -arevt to dishonour, innascor, -sci, -tus vi to be born in, grow up
inhonestus adj dishonourable, inglorious; in.
ugly. innato, -are vt to swim in, float on; to swim,
inhonoratus adj unhonoured; unrewarded, flow into.
inhonorus adj defaced, innatusppao/innascor ♦ adj innate, natural,
inhorreo, -ere, -uivt to stand erect, bristle, innavigabilis adj unnavigable.
inhorresco, -escere, -u7 vi to bristle up; to innecto, -ctere, -xui, -xum vt to tie, fasten
shiver, shudder, tremble, together, entwine; (fig) to connect; to
inhospitalis adj inhospitable, contrive.
inhospitalitas, -atis/ inhospitality, innitor, -ti, -xus and sus vi to rest, lean on; to
inhospitus adj inhospitable, depend.
inhumane adv savagely; uncivilly, inno, -are vi to swim in, float on, sail on.
inhumanitas, -atis/barbarity; discourtesy, innocens, -entis adj harmless; innocent;
churlishness, meanness, upright, unselfish,
inhumaniter adv = inhumane, innocenter adv blamelessly,
inhumanus adj savage, brutal; ill-bred, innocentia, -ae/innocence; integrity,
uncivil, uncultured, unselfishness,
inhumatus adj unburied, innocue adv innocently,
inibi adv there, therein; about to happen. innocuus adj harmless; innocent; unharmed,
7nicio, -icere, -ieci, -iectum vt to throw into, innotesco, -escere, -uivi to become known,
put on; ( fig) to inspire, cause; (speech) to innovo, -are vt to renew; se - return,
hint, mention; manum - take possession, innoxius adj harmless, safe; innocent;
iniectus, -us m putting in, throwing over, unharmed.
inimice adv hostilely. innuba, -aeadj unmarried,
inimicitia, -ae/enmity, innubilus adj cloudless,
inimico, -are vt to make enemies, innubo, -bere, -psivi to marry into,
inimicus adj unfriendly, hostile; injurious ♦ innumerabilis adj countless,
m//enemy; -issimus greatest enemy, innumerabilitas, -atis/countless number,
inique adv unequally, unjustly, innumerabiliter adv innumerably,
iniquitas, -atis/unevenness; difficulty; innumeralis adj numberless,
injustice, unfair demands, innumerus adj countless,
iniquus adj unequal, uneven; adverse, innuo, -ere, -ivi to give a nod.
unfavourable, injurious; unfair, unjust; innupta, -aeadj unmarried.
excessive; impatient, discontented ♦ m Ino, -us /daughter of Cadmus.
enemy. inoblitus adj unforgetful.
initio, -are vt to initiate, inobrutus adj not overwhelmed,
initium, -iand iim beginning; (pi) elements, inobservabilis adj unnoticed,
first principles; holy rites, mysteries, inobservatus adj unobserved,
initus pppo/ineo. inoffensus adj without hindrance,
initus, -us m approach; beginning, uninterrupted.
iniucunde adv see adj. inofficiosus adj irresponsible; disobliging,
iniucunditas, -atis/unpleasantness, inolens, -entisadj odourless,
iniucundusadj unpleasant, inolesco, -scere, -vivi to grow in.
iniungo, -ungere, -unxi, -unctum vt to join, inominatus adj inauspicious,
attach; (fig) to impose, inflict. inopia, -ae/want, scarcity, poverty.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -Tre = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
inopmans-insipienter 112 LAT1N-ENGLISH

helplessness. Inscriptio, -onis/inscribing, title.

inopinans, -antis ad; unaware. Inscriptus ppp o/Inscribd.
inopinato adv unexpectedly. Insculpo, -ere, -si, -turn vt to carve in,
inopinatus ad; unexpected; off one’s guard. engrave on.
inopinus ad; unexpected. Insectatio, -onis/hot pursuit; (words)
inopiosus ad; in want. abusing, persecution.
inops, -is adj destitute, poor, in need (of); Insectator, -oris m persecutor.
helpless, weak; (speech) poor in ideas, Insector, -arl, -atus; -6, -are vt to pursue,
inoratus adj unpleaded, attack, criticise,
inordinatus adj disordered, irregular, insectus adj notched.
inornatus adj unadorned, plain; uncelebrated. Insedabiliter adv incessantly.
InOUS adj see n. Insedi pet/o/lnsldo.
inp - etc see imp -. Insenesco, -escere, -ul vi to grow old in.
inquam vt (defec) to say; (emphatic) I repeat, Insensilis adj imperceptible.
maintain. Insepultus ad; unburied.
inquies, -etisad; restless, Insequens, -entis pres pof Insequor ♦ adj the
inquieto, -arevt to unsettle, make difficult, following.
inquietus ad; restless, unsettled, Insequor, -qul, -cutusvt to follow, pursue
inquilinus, -!m inhabitant, tenant, hotly; to proceed; (time) to come after, come
inquinate adv filthily, next; (fig) to attack, persecute.
inquinatus ad; filthy, impure, Insero, -erere, -evl, -itum vt to graft; (fig) to
inquino, -are, -avl, -atum vt to defile, stain, implant.
contaminate. Insero, -ere, -ul, -turn vt to let in, insert; to
inquiro, -rere, -sivi, -situm vt to search for, introduce, mingle, involve.
inquire into; (law) to collect evidence, Inserto, -are vt to put in.
inquisitio, -onis/searching, inquiry; (law) Insertus ppp of insero.
inquisition. Inservio, -ire, -il, -Itum vt, vi to be a slave (to);
inquisitor, -oris m searcher, spy; to be devoted, submissive (to).
investigator, Insessus ppp of Insido
inquisitus ppp of inquiro, Insibilo, -are vi to whistle in.
inquisitus ad; not investigated, Insideo, -ere vi to sit on or in; to remain fixed
inr-etc see irr-. ♦ vt to hold, occupy.
insalutatus ad; ungreeted, Insidiae, -arumjpi ambush; (fig) trap,
insanabilis ad; incurable. trickery.
Insane adv madly. Insidiator, -oris nt soldier in ambush; (fig)
Insania, -ae/madness; folly, mania, poetic waylayer, plotter.
rapture. Insidior, -ari, -atus vi to lie in ambush; (with
Insanio, -Ire, -Ivi, -itum vi to be mad, rave; to dat) to lie in wait for, plot against.
rage; to be inspired. Insidiose adv insidiously.
Insanitas, -atis/unhealthiness. Insidiosus adj artful, treacherous.
Insanum adv (slang) frightfully. Insido, -Idere, -edi, -essum vi to settle on;
insanus ad; mad; frantic, furious; outrageous. (fig) to become fixed, rooted in ♦ vt to
insatiabilis ad; insatiable; never cloying. occupy.
Insatiabiliter adv see adj. Insigne, -is nt distinguishing mark, badge,
insatietas, -atis/insatiateness. decoration; (pf) insignia, honours; (speech)
insaturabilis adj insatiable. purple passages.
Insaturabiliter adv see adj. Insignio, -Irevt to distinguish.
inscendo, -endere, -end!, -ensum vt, vi to Insignis ad; distinguished, conspicuous.
climb up, mount, embark. Insignite adv remarkably.
Inscensio, -onis/going on board. Insigniter adv markedly.
Inscensus ppp of Inscendo. Insilia, -um ntpi treadle (of a loom).
Insciens, -entis adj unaware; stupid. Insilio, -Ire, -ulvi to jump into oronto.
Inscienter adv ignorantly. Insimulatio, -onis/accusation.
Inscientia, -ae/ignorance, inexperience; Insimulo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to charge,
neglect. accuse, allege (esp falsely).
Inscite adv clumsily. Insincerus ad; adulterated.
Inscitia, -ae/ ignorance, stupidity, Insinuatio, -onis/ingratiating.
inattention. Insinuo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to bring in,
inscitus adj ignorant, stupid. introduce stealthily ♦ vi to creep in, worm
Inscius ad; unaware, ignorant. one’s way in, penetrate; se - ingratiate
Inscribo, -bere, -psl, -ptum vt to write on, oneself; to make one’s way into,
inscribe; to ascribe, assign; (book) to entitle; insipiens, -entis ad; senseless, foolish,
(forsale) to advertise. insipienter adv foolishly.
LAT1N-ENGLISH 113 Tnsipientia-Tnsuo

Insipientia, -ae/folly. Instimulator, -orism instigator,

Insisto, -istere, -tit! vi to stand on, step on; to instimulo, -are vt to urge on.
stand firm, halt, pause; to tread on the heels, instinctor, -oris m instigator,
press on, pursue; to enter upon, apply instinctus adj incited, inspired.
_ oneself to, begin; to persist, continue, Instinctus, -us m impulse, inspiration.
insitio, -onis/grafting; grafting time. Instipulor, -arl, -atusvi to bargain for.
Insitivus adj grafted; (fig) spurious. instita, -ae/flounce of a lady’s tunic.
Insitor, -oris m grafter, Institi perf of Insisto,
insitus pppo/Insero ♦ adj innate; institio, -onis/ stopping.
incorporated. Institor, -oris m pedlar.
Insociabilis adj incompatible. Instituo, -uere, -ul, -utum vt to set, implant;
Insolabiliter adv unconsolably. to set up, establish, build, appoint; to
Insolens, -entis adj unusual, unaccustomed; marshal, arrange, organize; to teach,
excessive, extravagant, insolent. educate; to undertake, resolve on.
Insolenter adv unusually; immoderately, Institutio, -onis/custom; arrangement;
insolently. education; (pi) principles of education,
Insolentia, -ae/inexperience, novelty, institutum, -Int way of life, tradition, law;
strangeness; excess, insolence. stipulation, agreement; purpose; (pi)
Insolesco, -erevi to become insolent, elated. principles.
Insolidus adj soft. Tnsto, -are, -it! vi to stand on or in; to be close,
Insolitus adj unaccustomed, unusual. be hard on the heels of, pursue; (events) to
Insomnia, -ae/sleeplessness. approach, impend; (fig) to press on, work
Insomnis adj sleepless. hard at; (speech) to insist, urge,
Insomnium, -land ilnt dream. instratus ppp o/Insterno.
Insono, -ire, -ulvi to resound, sound; to make Instrenuus adj languid, slow.
a noise. Instrepo, -ere vi to creak.
Insons, -ontisadj innocent; harmless. Instructio, -onis/building; setting out.
Insopitus adj sleepless. Instructius adv in better style,
Inspecto, -are vt to look at. instructor, -orism preparer,
inspectus ppp of Inspicio. instructus ppp o/Instruo ♦ adj provided,
Insperans, -antis adj not expecting, _ equipped; prepared, versed.
insperatus adj unexpected; ~o, ex ~6 Instructus, -us m equipment.
unexpectedly. Instrumentum, -Int tool, instrument;
inspergo, -gere, -si, -sum vt to sprinkle on. equipment, furniture, stock; (fig) means,
Inspicio, -icere, -exl, -ectum vt to look into; _ provision; dress, embellishment.
to examine, inspect; (mil) to review; (mind) to Instruo, -ere, -xl, -ctum vi to erect, build up;
consider, get to know, (mil) to marshal, array; to equip, provide,
inspico, -are vt to sharpen. prepare; (fig) to teach, train.
Inspiro, -are, -avl, -atum vt, vi to blow on, Insuasum, -Int a dark colour.
breathe into. Insuavis adj disagreeable.
inspoliatus adj unpillaged. Insudo, -are vi to perspire on.
Insputo, -are vt to spit on. Insuefactus adj accustomed.
instabilis adj unsteady, not firm; (fig) Insuesco, -scere, -vi, -turn vt to train,
inconstant. accustom ♦ vi to become accustomed.
Instans, -antispres po/Tnstd ♦ adj present; Insuetus ppp of Insuesco.
urgent, threatening. Insuetus adj unaccustomed, unused; unusual.
Instanter adv vehemently, Insula, -ae/ island; block of houses.
instantia, -ae/presence; vehemence. Insulanus, -Im islander.
Instar nt (indecf) likeness, appearance; as good Insulse adv see adj.
as, worth. Insulsitas, -atis/ lack of taste, absurdity.
Instauratio, -onis/renewal. Insulsus adj tasteless, absurd, dull.
Instaurativus adj renewed. Insulto, -are, vt, vi to jump on, leap in; (fig) to
Instauro, -are, -avl, -atum vt to renew, exult, taunt, insult.
restore; to celebrate; to requite. Insultura, -ae/ jumping on.
Insterno, -ernere, -ravi, -ratum vt to spread Insum, inesse. Infulvi to be in or on; to
over, cover. belong to.
Instigator, -oris m instigator. Insumo, -ere, -psl, -ptum vt to spend,
Instigatrix, -ricis/female instigator, devote.
instigo, -are vt to goad, incite, instigate. Insuo, -uere, -ul, -utum vt to sew in, sew up
Instillo, -are vt to drop on, instil. in.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
Tnsuper-intercurso 114 LATIN-ENGLISH

Insuper adv above, on top; besides, over and strain, spread; (weapon) to aim; (tent) to
above; (prep with abl) besides, pitch; (attention, course) to direct, turn; (fact)
insuperabilis ad; unconquerable, impassable. to increase, exaggerate; (speech) to
Insurgo, -gere, -rexi, -rectum vi to stand up, maintain; (trouble) to threaten ♦ vi to make
rise to; to rise, grow, swell; to rise against. for, intend; animo - purpose; se - exert
Insusurro, -arevt, vi to whisper. oneself.
Insutus ppp o/Insud. intente adv strictly.
intabesco, -escere, -ul vi to melt away, waste intentio, -onis/straining, tension; (mind)
away. exertion, attention; (law) accusation,
intactilis adj intangible. intento, -arevi to stretch out, aim; (fig) to
intactus adj untouched, intact; untried; threaten with, attack.
undefiled, chaste, intentus ppp o/intendo ♦ adj taut; attentive,
intaminatus ad; unsullied, intent; strict; (speech) vigorous,
intectus ppp o/integd. intentus, -us m stretching out.
intectus ad; uncovered, unclad; frank, intepeo, -ere vi to be warm,
integellus ad; fairly whole orpure. intepesco, -escere, -ulvi to be warmed,
integer, -rladj whole, complete, unimpaired, inter prep (with acc) between, among, during,
intact; sound, fresh, new; (mind) unbiassed, in the course of; in spite of; - haec
free; (character) virtuous, pure, upright; meanwhile; - manus within reach; - nos
(decision) undecided, open; in -rum confidentially; - se mutually, one another; -
restituere restore to a former state; ab, da, sicarios in the murder court; - viam on the
ex ~rd afresh; -rum est mihi I am at liberty way.
(to). interamenta, -orum nipt ship’s timbers,
intego, -egere, -exl, -ectum vt to cover over; interaptus adj joined together,
to protect. interaresco, -erevi to wither away,
integrisco, -ere vi to begin all over again, interbibo, -ere vi to drink up.
integratio, -onis/renewing. interbito, -ere vi to fall through,
integre adv entirely; honestly; correctly, intercalaris ad; intercalary,
integritas, -atis/ completeness, soundness; intercalarius ad; intercalary,
integrity, honesty; (language) correctness, intercald, -are vt to intercalate,
integro, -arevt to renew, replenish, repair; intercapedo, -inis/interruption, respite,
{mind) to refresh. intercedo, -edere, -essi, -essum vi to come
integumentum, -In» cover, covering, between, intervene; to occur; to become
shelter. surety; to interfere, obstruct; (tribune) to
intellectus ppp of intellego, protest, veto.
intellectus, -usm understanding; (word) interceptio, -onis/taking away,
meaning. interceptor, -oris m embezzler,
intellegens, -entisprespo/intellego ♦ ad; interceptus ppp of intercipio,
intelligent, a connoisseur, intercessio, -onis/(law)becoming surety;
intellegenter adv intelligently, (tribune) vetoL
intellegentia, -ae/discernment, intercessor, -oris m mediator, surety;
understanding; taste, interposer of the veto; obstructor,
intellego, -egere, -exl, -ectum vt to intercido, -ere, -Ivi to fall short; to happen in
understand, perceive, realize; to be a the meantime; to get lost, become obsolete,
connoisseur. be forgotten.
intemeratus ad; pure, undefiled, intercido, -dere, -dl, -sum vt to cut through,
intemperans, -antis adj immoderate, sever.
extravagant; incontinent, intercino, -ere vt to sing between,
intemperanter adv extravagantly, intercipio, -ipere, -epi, -eptum vt to
intemperantia, -ae/excess, extravagance; intercept; to embezzle, steal; to cut off,
arrogance._ obstruct.
intemperate adv dissolutely, intercise adv piecemeal,
intemperatus adi excessive, intercisus ppp of intercido,
intemperiae, -arum/pi inclemency; intercludo, -dere, -si, -sum vt to cut off,
madness. block, shut off, prevent; animam -
intemperies, -ei/ inclemency, storm; (fig) suffocate.
fury. interclusio, -onis/stoppage,
intempestive adv inopportunely, interclusus ppp of intercludo,
intempestivus ad; unseasonable, untimely, intercolumnium, -i and il nt space between
intempestus ad; (night) the dead of; two pillars.
unhealthy. intercurro, -erevi to mingle with; to
intemptatus ad; untried. intercede; to hurry in the meantime,
intendo, -dere, -dl, -turn vt to stretch out, intercurso, -arevi to crisscross; to attack
LATIN-ENGUSH 115 intercursus-interpres

between the lines, parts; to erase here and there,

intercursus, -us m intervention, interloquor, -qul, -cutus vi to interrupt,
intercus, -tisad;: aqua - dropsy, interluceo, -cere, -xl vi to shine through, be
interdico, -icere, -ixi, -ictum vt, vi to forbid, clearly seen.
interdict; (praetor) to make a provisional interlunia, -orum ntpi new moon,
order; aqua at igni ~ banish, interluo, -erevt to wash, flow between,
interdictio, -onis/ prohibiting, banishment, intermenstruus ad; of the new moon ♦ nt new
interdictum, -i nt prohibition; provisional moon.
order (by a praetor), interminatus ppao/interminor 4 adj
interdiu adv by day. forbidden.
interdo, -are vt to make at intervals; to interminatus adj endless,
distribute; non ~uim I wouldn’t care, interminor, -arl, -atus vi to threaten; to
interductus, -usm punctuation, forbid threateningly.
interdum adv now and then, occasionally, intermisceo, -scere, -scul, -xtum vt to mix,
interea adv meanwhile, in the meantime; intermingle.
nevertheless, intermissjo, -onis/ interruption,
interemi perf of interimo, intermitto, -ittere, -Isl, -issum vt to break
interemptus ppp of interimo, off; to interrupt; to omit, neglect; to allow to
intereo, -Ire, -ii, -itum vt to be lost, perish, elapse ♦ vi to cease, pause,
die. intermixtus ppp of intermisceo.
interequito, -are vt, vi to ride between. intermorior, -I, -tuus vi to die suddenly,
interesse in/in o/ intersum intermortuus ad; falling unconscious,
interfatio, -onis/interruption, intermundia, -orum ntpi space between
interfatur, -ari, -atus vi to interrupt, worlds.
interfectio, -onis/killing. intermuralis ad; between two walls,
interfector, -oris m murderer, internatus ad; growing among,
interfectrix, -ricis/murderess, interneclnus adj murderous, of
interfectus ppp of interficio, extermination.
interficio, -icere, -eel, -ectum vt to kill, internecio, -onis/ massacre, extermination,
destroy. internecivus adj = interneclnus.
interfio, -ierl vt to pass away, internecto, -ere vt to enclasp,
interfluo, -ere, -xlvt, vi to flow between, internodia, -drum ntpi space between joints,
interfodio, -ere vt to pierce, internosco, -scere, -vi, -turn vt to
interfugio, -ere vi to flee among, distinguish between,
interfui perf of intersum, internuntia, -iae/messenger, mediator,
interfulgeo, -erevi to shine amongst, go-between.
interfusus ppp lying between; marked here internuntio, -arevi to exchange messages,
and there. internuntius, -land il m messenger, mediator,
interlaced, -ere vi to lie between, go-between.
interibi adv in the meantime, internus adj internal, civil 4 ntpi domestic
intericio, -icere, -iecl, -iectum vt to put affairs.
amongst or between, interpose, mingle; intero, -erere, -rivi, -rltum vt to rub in; (fig)
anno -iecto after a year, to concoct.
interiectus, -usm coming in between; interpellatio, -onis/ interruption,
interval. interpellator, -oris m interrupter,
interi I perf of intereo. interpello, -are, -avl, -atum vt to interrupt;
interim adv meanwhile, in the meantime; to disturb, obstruct,
sometimes; all the same, interpolis ad; made up.
interimo, -imere, -emi, -emptum vt to interpolo, -are vt to renovate, do up; (writing)
abolish, destroy, kill. to falsify.
interior, -oris adj inner, interior; nearer, on interpono, -onere, -osul, -ositum vt to put
the near side; secret, private; more between or amongst, insert; (time) to allow
intimate, more profound, to elapse; (person) to introduce, admit;
interitio, -onis/ruin, (pretext etc) to put forward, interpose; fidem
interitus, -usm destruction, ruin, death, ~ pledge one’s word; se - interfere, become
interjunctus ad; joined together, involved.
interius adv inwardly; too short, interpositio, -onis/ introduction,
interlabor, -Ivi to glide between, interpositus ppp of interpono,
interlego, -ere vt to pick here and there, interpositus, -us m obstruction,
interlino, -inere, -evl, -itum vt to smear in interpres, -tism//agent, negotiator;

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -are = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
interpretatio-intumesco 116 LATIN-ENGLISH

interpreter, explainer, translator, intestato adv without making a will,

interpretatio, -onis/ interpretation, intestatus adj intestate; not convicted by
exposition, meaning, witnesses.
interpretatus adj translated, intestinus adj internal ♦ nt and ntpl intestines,
interpretor, -ari, -atus vt to interpret, entrails.
explain, translate, understand, intexo, -ere, -ul, -turn vt to inweave,
interprimo, -imere, -essi, -essum vt to embroider, interlace,
squeeze. intibum, -Im endive,
interpunctio, -dnis/punctuation. intime adv most intimately, cordially,
interpunctus od; well-divided ♦ ntpl intimus adj innermost; deepest, secret;
punctuation. intimate ♦ m most intimate friend,
interquiesco, -scere, -vlvi to rest awhile, intingo (intinguo), -gere, -xi, -ctum vt to
interregnum, -im regency, interregnum; dip in.
interval between consuls, intolerabilis adj unbearable; irresistible,
interrex, -egis m regent; deputy consul, intolerandus adj intolerable,
interritus adj undaunted, unafraid, intolerans, -antisadj impatient; unbearable,
interrogatio, -onis/question; (law) cross- intoleranter adv excessively,
examination; (logic) syllogism, intolerantia, -ae/insolence.
interrogatiuncula, -ae/short argument, intono, -are, -ul, -atum vi to thunder,
interrogo, -are, -avT, -atum vt to ask, put a thunder out.
question; (law) to cross-examine, bring to intonsus adj unshorn, unshaven; long-haired,
trial. bearded; uncouth.
interrumpo, -umpere, -upT, -upturn vt to intorqueo, -quere, -si, -turn vt to twist, wrap
break up, sever; (fig) to break off, interrupt, round; to hurl at.
interrupte adv interruptedly. intortus pppo/intorqueo ♦ adj twisted, curled;
intersaepio, -Tre, -si, -turn vt to shut off, confused.
close. intra adv inside, within ♦ prep (with acc) inside,
interscindo, -ndere, -dT, -ssum vt to cut off, within; (time) within, during; (amount) less
break down. than, within the limits of.
intersero, -erere, -evl, -itum vt to plant at intrabilis adj navigable,
intervals. intractabilis adj formidable,
intersero, -ere, -uT, -turn vt to interpose, intractatus adj not broken in; unattempted,
intersitus pppo/intersero. intremisco, -Iscere, -uivi to begin to shake,
interspiratio, -onis/pause for breath, intremo, -erevi to tremble,
interstinguo, -guere, -ctum vt to mark, spot; intrepide adv see adj.
to extinguish. intrepidus adj calm, brave; undisturbed,
interstringo, -ere vt to strangle, intrico, -are vt to entangle,
intersum, -esse, -fulvi to be between; to be intrinsecus adv on the inside,
amongst, be present at; (time) to elapse; -est intritus adj not worn out.
there is a difference; it is of importance, it intrivi perf o/interd.
concerns, it matters; mea -est it is intro adv inside, in.
important for me. intro, -are, -avi, -atum vt, vi to go in, enter; to
intertextus adj interwoven, penetrate.
intertraho, -here, -xi vt to take away, introduco, -ucere, -uxi, -uctum vt to bring
intertrimentum, -I nt wastage; loss, damage, in, introduce, escort in; to institute,
interturbatio, -onis/confusion, introductio, -onis/bringing in.
intervallum, -Tm space, distance, interval; introeo, -Ire, -il, -itum vi to go into, enter,
(time) pause, interval, respite; difference, introfero, -ferre, -tuli, -latum vt to carry
intervello, -ere vt to pluck out; to tear apart, inside.
intervenio, -enire, -enl, -entum vi to come introgredior, -di, -ssus vi to step inside,
on the scene, intervene; to interfere (with), introitus, -us m entrance; beginning,
interrupt; to happen, occur, introlatus ppp o/intrdfero.
interventor, -oris m intruder, intromitto, -ittere, -TsI, -issus vt to let in,
interventus, -us m appearance, intervention; admit.
occurrence. introrsum, introrsus adv inwards, inside,
interverto, -tere, -tl, -sum vt to embezzle; to introrumpo, -ere vi to break into,
rob, cheat. introspecto, -are vt to look in at.
interviso, -ere, -I, -um vt to have a look at, introspicio, -icere, -exl, -ectum vt to look
look and see; to visit occasionally, inside; to look at, examine,
intervolito, -are vi to fly about, amongst, intubum etc see intibum,
intervomo, -ere vt to throw up (amongst), intueor, -eri, -itus vt to look at, watch; to
intervorto vt see interverto, contemplate, consider; to admire,
intestabilis adj infamous, wicked. intumesco, -escere, -ul vi to begin to swell,
LATIN-ENGLISH 117 intumulatus-iocularius

rise; to increase; to become angry, inveterasco, -scere, -vlvi to grow old (in); to
intumulatus ad; unburied, become established, fixed, inveterate; to
intuor etc see intueor, grow obsolete.
inturbidus adj undisturbed; quiet, inveteratio, -onis/chronic illness,
intus adv inside, within, in; from within, inveteratus ad; of long standing, inveterate.
intutus ad; unsafe; unguarded, invexipet/o/ inveho.
inula, -ae/elecampane, invicem adv in turns, alternately; mutually,
inultus ad; unavenged; unpunished, each other.
inumbro, -are vt to shade; to cover, invictus adj unbeaten; unconquerable,
inundo, -are, -avl, -atum wt, wi to overflow, invidentia, -ae/envy.
flood. invideo, -idere, -Idl, -Tsum vt, vi to cast an
inungud, -unguere, -unxi, -unctum vt to evil eye on; (with dat) to envy, grudge; to
anoint. begrudge.
inurbane adv see adj. invidia, -ae/envy, jealousy, ill-will;
inurbanus ad; rustic, unmannerly, unpopularity,
unpolished. invidiose adv spitefully,
inurgeo, -ere vi to push, butt, invidiosus ad; envious, spiteful; enviable;
inuro, -rere, -ssT, -stum vt to brand; {fig) to invidious, hateful,
brand, inflict, invidus adj envious, jealous, hostile,
inusitate adv strangely, invigilo, -are vi to be awake over; to watch
inusitatus adj unusual, extraordinary, over, be intent on.
inustus ppp of inuro, inviolabilis adj invulnerable; inviolable,
inutilis adj useless; harmful, inviolate adv inviolately.
inutilitas, -atis/ uselessness, harmfulness, inviolatus ad; unhurt; inviolable,
inutiliter adv unprofitably. invisitatus adj unseen, unknown, strange,
invado, -dere, -si, -sum vt, vi to get in, make inviso, -ere, -I, -um vt to go and see, visit,
one’s way in; to enter upon; to fall upon, have a look at; to inspect,
attack, invade; to seize, take possession of. invisus adj hateful, detested; hostile,
invalesco, -escere, -uivi to grow stronger, invisus adj unseen.
invalidus ad; weak; inadequate, invitamentum, -lot attraction, inducement,
invasi perf of invado, invitatio, -onis/invitation; entertainment,
invectio, -onis/importing; invective, invitatus, -usm invitation,
invectus ppp of inveho. invite adv unwillingly.
inveho, -here, -xl, -ctum vt to carry in, bring invito, -are, -avl, -atum vt to invite; to treat,
in; se - attack. entertain; to summon; to attract, induce,
invehor, -hi, -ctusvi to ride, drive, sail in or invitus ad; against one’s will, reluctant,
into, enter; to attack; to inveigh against, invius ad; trackless, impassable; inaccessible,
invendibilis adj unsaleable, invocatus ppp of invoco,
invenio, -enlre, -eni, -entum vt to find, come invocatus ad; unbidden, uninvited,
upon; to find out, discover; to invent, invoco, -are, -avl, -atum vt to call upon,
contrive; to win, get. invoke; to appeal to; to call,
inventio, -onis/invention; (rhet) compiling involatus, -us m flight,
the subject-matter. involito, -are vi to play upon,
inventor, -orism inventor, discoverer, involo, -are vi to fly at, pounce on, attack,
inventrix, -ricis/ inventor, discoverer, involucre, -is nt napkin,
inventus ppp 0/invenio ♦ nt invention, involucrum, -lot covering, case,
discovery. involutus ppp of involvo ♦ adj complicated,
invenustus adj unattractive; unlucky in love, involvo, -vere, -vl, -utum vt to roll on; to
inverecundus ad; immodest, shameless, wrap up, envelop, entangle,
invergo, -ere vt to pour upon, involvolus, -1 m caterpillar,
inversio, -onis/transposition; irony, invulneratus adj unwounded,
inversus ppp 0/inverto ♦ adj upside down, io interj (Joy) hurrah!; (pain) oh!; (calling) ho
inside out; perverted, there!
inverto, -tere, -tT, -sum vt to turn over, loannes, -is m John.
invert; to change, pervert, iocatio, -onis/joke.
invesperascit, -erevi it is dusk, iocor, -ari, -atus vt, vi to joke, jest.
investigatio, -onis/search, iocose adv jestingly.
investigator, -orism investigator, iocosus ad; humorous, playful.
investigo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to follow the iocularisad; laughable, funny ♦ ntp! jokes.
trail of; (fig) to track down, find out. jocularius ad; ludicrous.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -Tre = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
ioculator-iter 118 LATIN-ENGLISH

iocuiator, -oris m jester, irrisor, -oris m scoffer,

ioculor, -arivi to joke, irrisus ppp of irrideo,
ioculus, -Tm a bit of fun. irrisus, -us m derision,
iocus, -Tm (pi-a. -drum nt) joke, jest; extra irritabilis adj excitable,
-urn joking apart; per -urn for fun. irritamen, -inisnt excitement, provocation,
Iones, -um mpi Ionians. irritatio, -onis/incitement, irritation,
Ionia, -ia Of Ionia, coastal district of Asia Minor. irrito, -are, -avl, -atum vt to provoke, incite,
Ionium, -Tnt Ionian Sea, W. of Greece. enrage.
ildnius, -icusadj Ionian, irritus adj invalid, null and void; useless, vain,
iota nt(indecl) Greek letter I. ineffective; (person) unsuccessful; ad -um
lo vis gen of luppiter. cadere come to nothing,
Iphianassa, -ae/Iphigenia. irrogatio, -onis/imposing,
Iphigenia, -ae/daughter of Agamemnon irrogo, -arevt to propose (a measure) against;
( who sacrificed her at Aulis to Diana). to impose.
ipse, -a, -um, -Tus prep self, himself etc, in irroro, -are vt to bedew. _
person, for one’s own part, of one’s own irrumpo, -umpere, -upl, -upturn vt, vi to
accord, by oneself; just, precisely, very; the rush in, break in; to intrude, invade,
master, the host. irruo, -ere, -Ivi to force a way in, rush in,
ipsissimus his very own self; nunc -um right attack; (speech) to make a blunder,
now. irruptio, -onis/invasion, raid,
Tra, -ae/anger, rage; object of indignation. irruptus ppp o/irrumpo,
Iracunde adv angrily. irruptus adj unbroken,
Iracundia, -ae/irascibility, quick temper; is, ea, id pron he, she, it; this, that, the; such;
rage, resentment. non is sum qui I am not the man to; id (with
Iracundus adj irascible, choleric; resentful. vi) for this reason; id quod what; ad id
Irascor, -Tvi to be angry, get furious. hitherto; for the purpose; besides; in ad est
Irate adv seeadj. it has come to this; one is on the point of; it
Iratus ad) angry, furious. depends on this.
Ire infin of eo. Ismara, -orum ntpi, -us, -I m Mt Ismarus in
Tris, -dis (acc-m)/messenger of the gods; the Thrace.
rainbow. Ismarius adj Thracian.
Ironia, -ae/irony, Isocrates, -is m Athenian orator and teacher of
irrasus adj unshaven. rhetoric.
irraucesco, -cescere, -si vi to become hoarse, istac adv that way.
irredivivus adj irreparable, iste, -a, -ud, -lus pron that of yours; (law) your
irreligatus adj not tied, client, the plaintiff, the defendant;
irreligiose adv see adj. (contemptuous) the fellow; that, such.
irreligiosus adj impious, Isthmiusadj, ntpi the Isthmian Games.
irremeabilis adj from which there is no Isthmus (-os), -I m Isthmus of Corinth.
returning. istic, -aec, -uc and oc pron that of yours, that,
irreparabilis adj irretrievable, istlc adv there; in this, on this occasion,
irrepertus adj undiscovered, istinc adv from there; of that,
irrepo, -ere, -slvi to steal into, insinuate istiusmodl such, of that kind,
oneself into. isto, istoc adv to you, there, yonder,
irreprehensus adj blameless, istorsum adv in that direction,
irrequietus adj restless, istuc adv (to) there, to that,
irresectus adj unpared, ita adv thus, so; as follows; yes; accordingly;
irresolutus adj not slackened, itane? really?; non ita not so very; ita ut just
irretio, -Ire, -ii, -rtum vt to ensnare, entangle, as; ita ... ut so, to such an extent that; on
irretortus adj not turned back, condition that; only in so far as; ita ... ut non
irreverentia, -ae/disrespect, without; ut... ita just as ... so; although ...
irrevocabilis adj irrevocable; implacable, nevertheless.
irrevocatus adj without an encore, Itali, -orum mpi Italians.
irrideo, -dere, -si, -sum vi to laugh, joke ♦ vt Italia, -iae/Italy.
to laugh at, ridicule, Italicus, -is, -us adj Italian,
irridicule adv unwittily. itaque conj and so, therefore, accordingly,
irridiculum, -I nt laughing stock, item adv likewise, also,
irrigatio, -onis/irrigation, iter, -ineris nt way, journey, march; a day’s
irrigo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to water, irrigate; journey or march; route, road, passage; (fig)
to inundate; (fig) to shed over, flood, refresh, way, course; - mihi eat I have to go to; - dare
irriguus adj well-watered, swampy; grant a right of way; - facere to journey,
refreshing. march, travel; ex, in -inere on the way, on
irrisio, -onis/ridicule, mockery. the march; magnis -ineribus by forced
LAT1N-ENGLISH 119 iteratio-iussus

marches. Iuleus adj of lulus; of Caesar; of July,

iteratio, -onis/ repetition, lulius, -7m Roman family name (esp Caesar);
itero, -are, -avl, -atum vt to repeat, renew; to (month) July,
plough again. lulius, -ianUS adj seen,
iterum adv again, a second time; ~ atque - lulus, -7 m son of Aeneas, Ascanius.
repeatedly. iumentum, -7m beast of burden, packhorse.
Ithaca, -ae, -e, -es/island W. of Greece iunceus adj of rushes; slender,
(home of Ulysses). iuncosusadj rushy,
Ithacensis, -us adj Ithacan. iunctid, -onis/union,
Ithacus, -Tm Ulysses. iunctura, -ae/joint; combination;
itidem adv in the same way, similarly. relationship.
itio, -onis/going. iunctuspppo/iungd ♦ adj connected, attached,
ito, -are vi to go. iuncus, -7m rush.
itus, -us m going, movement, departure, iungo, -gere, iunxT, iunctum vt to join
iuba, -ae/ mane; crest, together, unite; to yoke, harness; to mate;
luba, -ae m king of Numidia (supporter of (river) to span, bridge; (fig) to bring together,
Pompey). connect, associate; (agreement) to make;
iubar, -ism brightness, light, (words) to compound,
iubatusadj crested, iunior, -orisadj younger,
iubeo, -bere, -ssi, -ssum vt to order, iuniperus, -7/juniper,
command, tell; (greeting) to bid; (med) to lunius, -7m Roman family name; (month) June,
prescribe; (pol) to decree, ratify, appoint, lunius adj of June.
iucunde adv agreeably, luno, -onis / Roman goddess wife of Jupiter,
iucunditas, -atis/delight, enjoyment, patroness of women and marriage.
iucundus adj delightful, pleasing, lunonalisadjsee n.
ludaea, -ae/ Judaea, Palestine, lunonicola, -ae m worshipper of Juno.
ludaeus, -7 m Jew. lunonigena, -ae m Vulcan,
ludaeus, ludaicus adj Jewish, lunonius adj = lundnalis.
iudex, -icism judge; (pf) panel of jurors; (fig) luppiter, lovis m Jupiter (king of the gods, god
critic. of sky and weather); - Stygius Pluto; sub love
iudicatio, -onis/judicial inquiry; opinion, in the open air.
iudicatum, -7 m judgment, precedent, iurator, -oris m sworn judge,
iudicatus, -us m office of judge, jureconsultus etc see iurisconsultus.
iudicialisadj judicial, forensic, iureiuro, -are vi to swear,
iudiciarius adj judiciary, iurepentus etc see iurispentus.
iudicium, -7and i7 m trial; court of justice; iurgium, -7and i7m quarrel, brawl,
sentence; judgment, opinion; discernment, iurgo, -are vi to quarrel, squabble ♦ vt to
taste, tact; in ~ vocare, ~d arcessere sue, scold.
summon. iuridicialis adj of law, juridical,
iudico, -are, -av7, -atum vt to judge, iurisconsultus, -7m lawyer,
examine, sentence, condemn; to form an iurisdictid, -onis/administration of justice;
opinion of, decide; to declare, authority.
iugalis adj yoked together; nuptial, iurispentus adj versed in the law.
iugatio, -onis/training (of a vine). iuro, -are, -av7, -atum vi, vt to swear, take an
iugerum, -7 m a land measure (240 x 120 feet). oath; to conspire; in nomen - swear
iugisadj perpetual, never-failing, allegiance to; in verba ~ take a prescribed
iuglans, -andis/ walnut tree, form of oath; -atus having sworn, under
iugo, -are, -av7, -atum vt to couple, marry, oath.
iugosus adj hilly, ius, iurism broth, soup,
lugulae, -arumjpi Orion's Belt. ius, iurism law, right, justice; law court;
iugulo, -are, -av7, -atum vi to cut the throat jurisdiction, authority; - gentium
of, kill, murder, international law; ~ publicum constitutional
iugulus, -7 m, -um, -7 m throat, law; summum - the strict letter of the law; -
iugum, -7m (animals) yoke, collar; pair, team; dicere administer justice; suT iuris
(mil) yoke of subjugation; (mountain) ridge, independent; iure rightly, justly,
height, summit; (astho) Libra; (loom) iusiurandum, iurisiurandlm oath,
crossbeam; (ship) thwart; (fig) yoke, bond, i u ss7 perfof i u bed.
lugurtha, -ae m king of Numidia (rebel against iussu abl m by order,
Rome). iussus pppo/ iubeo ♦ m order, command,
Iugurth7nus adj see n. prescription.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -Ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
iuste-labruscum 120 LATIN-ENGLISH

iuste adv duly, rightly,

iustificus adj just dealing,
iustitia, -ae/justice, uprightness, fairness,
iustitium, -Tand il nt cessation of legal
iustusadj just, fair; lawful, right; regular,
proper ♦ nt right ♦ ntpl rights; formalities,
obsequies. Kalendae, -arum fpi Kalends, first day of
iutusppp of iuvo. each month.
iuvenalisadj youthful ♦ ntpl youthful games, Karthagdsee Carthago.
luvenalis, -is m Juvenal (Roman satirist).
iuvenaliteradv vigorously, impetuously,
iuvenca, -ae/heifer; girl,
iuvencus, -i m bullock; young man ♦ adj
iuvenesco, -escere, -uT vi to grow up; to grow
young again,
iuvenllisadj youthful,
iuveniliter adv see adj.
iuvenisadj young ♦ m//young man or woman
(20-45 years), man, warrior,
iuvenor, -an vi to behave indiscreetly,
iuventa, -ae/youth. labasco, -ere vi to totter, waver,
iuventas, -atis/youth, labecula, -ae/aspersion,
iuventus, -utis/youth, manhood; men, labefacio, -facere, -feci, -factum (pass -fio,
soldiers. -fieri) vt to shake; (fig) to weaken, ruin,
iuvo, -are, iuvi, iutum vt to help, be of use to; labefacto, -are, -avl, -atum vt to shake; (fig)
to please, delight; ~at me I am glad, to weaken, destroy,
iuxta adv near by, close; alike, just the same ♦ labellum,-Tnt Up.
prep (with acc) close to, hard by; next to; very labellum, -I nt small basin.
like, next door to; - ac, cum, quam just the Laberius, -Tm Roman family name (esp a
same as. writer of mimes).
iuxtim adv near; equally. labes, -is/sinking, fall; ruin, destruction,
TvT perfof eo. labes, -is/spot, blemish; disgrace, stigma;
Ixion, -onis m Lapith king (bound to a revolving (person) blot.
wheel in Tartarus). labia, -iae/lip.
Ixloneus adj see n. Labienus, -Im Roman surname (esp Caesar's
Ixionidae, -arum mpi Centaurs. officer who went over to Pompey).
Ixionides, -ae m Pirithous. labiosus adj large-lipped,
labium, -I and ilnt lip.
labo, -are vi to totter, be unsteady, give way;
to waver, hesitate, collapse,
labor, -bi, -psusvi to slide, glide; to sink, fall;
to slip away, pass away; (fig) to fade,
decline, perish; to be disappointed, make a
labor (-os), -oris m effort, exertion, labour;
work, task; hardship, suffering, distress;
(astro) eclipse.
laborifer, -Tadj sore afflicted,
J see I. laboriose adv laboriously, with difficulty,
laboriosus adj troublesome, difficult;
laboro, -are, -avl, -atum vi to work, toil, take
pains; to suffer, be troubled (with), be in
distress; to be anxious, worried ♦ vt to work
out, make, produce.
labos etc see labor.
labrum, -i nt lip; edge, rim; primis -is gustare
acquire a smattering of.
labrum, -Tnt tub, vat; bath,
labrusca, -ae/ wild vine,
labruscum, -Tnt wild grape.
LATIN-ENGLISH 121 labyrintheus-laniatus

labyrintheus adj labyrinthine, Laertius adj see n.

labyrinthus, -I m labyrinth, maze (esp that of laesiperf of laedo,
Cnossos in Crete). laesio, -onis/attack.
lac, lactis nt milk. Laestrygones, -um mpi fabulous cannibals of
Lacaena, -ae/Spartan woman ♦ adj Spartan. Campania, founders of Formiae.
Lacedaemon 1-6), -onis (acc-ona)/Sparta. Laestrygonius adj see n.
Lacedaemonius adj Spartan, laesus ppp of laedo,
lacer, -T adj torn, mangled, lacerated; tearing, laetabilis adj joyful,
laceratio, -onis/tearing, laete adv gladly,
lacerna, -ae/cloak (worn in cold weather). laetifico, -are vt to gladden,
lacernatus adj cloaked, laetificus adj glad, joyful,
lacero, -are, -avi, -atum vt to tear, lacerate, laetitia, -ae/joy, delight, exuberance,
mangle; (ship) to wreck; (speech) to slander, laetor, -arl, -atus vi to rejoice, be glad,
abuse; (feeling) to torture, distress; (goods, laetus adj glad, cheerful; delighting (in);
time) to waste, destroy, pleasing, welcome; (growth) fertile, rich;
lacerta, -ae/lizard; a seafish. (style) exuberant,
lacertosus adj brawny, laeve adv awkwardly,
lacertus, -T m upper arm, arm; (pi) brawn, laevus adj left; stupid; ill-omened,
muscle. unfortunate; (augury) lucky, favourable ♦/
lacertus, -7 m lizard; a sea fish, left hand.
lacesso, -ere, -TvTand ii, -Ttum vt to strike, laganum, -7m a kind of oilcake,
provoke, challenge; (fig) to incite, lageos, -7/a Greek vine,
exasperate. lagoena, -ae/flagon.
Lachesis, -is/ one of the Fates. lagois, -idis / a kind of grouse.
lacinia, -ae/flap, corner (of dress). lagona, -ae/flagon.
Lacinium, -7nt promontory in S. Italy, with a Laiades, -ae m Oedipus.
temple of Juno. Laius, -7 m father of Oedipus.
Lacinius adj see n. lailo, -are vi to sing a lullaby,
Laco (-on), -onism Spartan; Spartan dog. lama, -ae/bog.
Laconicus adj Spartan ♦ nt sweating bath, lambero, -are vt to tear to pieces,
lacrima, -ae/tear; (plant) gumdrop. lambo, -ere, -7vt to lick, touch; (river) to wash,
lacrimabilis adj mournful, lamenta, -orum ntpl lamentation,
lacrimabundus adj bursting into tears, lamentabilis adj mournful, sorrowful,
lacrimo, -are, -avi, -atum vt, vi to weep, weep lamentarius adj sorrowful,
for. lamentatio, -onis/ weeping, lamentation,
lacrimosus adj tearful; lamentable, lamentor, -ari, -atusvi to weep, lament ♦ vt
lacrimula, -ae/tear, crocodile tear, to weep for, bewail,
lacrum- etc see lacrim-. lamia, -ae/witch.
lactans, -antis adj giving milk; sucking, lamina (lammina, lamna), -ae/plate, leaf
lactatio, -onis/allurement, (of metal, wood)-, blade; coin,
lactens, -entis adj sucking; milky, juicy, lampas, -dis/torch; brightness, day.
lacteolus adj milk-white, Lamus, -7 m Laestrygonian king.
lactes, -jum jpi guts, small intestines, lana, -ae/ wool.
lactesco, -ere vi to turn to milk, lanarius, -7and iim wool-worker,
lacteus adj milky, milk-white, lanatus adj woolly,
lacto, -are vt to dupe, wheedle, lancea, -ae/spear, lance,
lactuca, -ae/lettuce, lancino, -are, vt to tear up; to squander,
lacuna, -ae/hole, pit; pool, pond; (fig) laneus adj woollen,
deficiency. languefacio, -erevt to make weary,
lacunar, -aris nt panel ceiling, langueo, -erevi to be weary, be weak, droop;
lacuno, -are vt to panel, to be idle, dull.
lacunosus adj sunken. languesco, -escere, -ulvi to grow faint,
lacus, -us m vat, tank; lake; reservoir, cistern, droop.
laedo, -dere, -si, -sum vt to hurt, strike, languide adv see adj.
wound; ( fig) to offend, annoy, break. languidulusadj languid,
Laelius, -7m Roman family name (esp the languidus adj faint, languid, sluggish; listless,
friend of Scipio). feeble.
laena, -ae/a lined cloak. languor, -oris m faintness, fatigue,
Laertes, -aem father of Ulysses. weakness; dullness, apathy,
Laertiades m Ulysses. laniatus, -usm mangling; (mind) anguish.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
laniena-Latium 122 LATIN-ENGLISH

laniena, -ae/butcher’s shop, largTtor, -oris m liberal giver, dispenser;

lanificium, -land iT nt wool-working, spendthrift; briber.
lanificus adj wool-working, largus adj copious, ample; liberal, bountiful,
laniger, -Tadj fleecy ♦ m/f ram, sheep, laridum, -Tnt bacon fat.
lanio, -are, -avT, -atum vt to tear to pieces, Larissa (Larisa), -ae/ town in Thessaly.
mangle. Larissaeus, -ensis adj see n.
lanista, -ae m trainer of gladiators, fencing Larius, -T m lake Como,
master; (fig) agitator, larix, -cis/larch.
lanitium, -land iT m woolgrowing, larva, -ae/ghost; mask,
lanius, -land iTm butcher, larvatus adj bewitched,
lanterna, -ae/lamp lasanum, -Tnt pot.
lanternarius, -Tand iT m guide, lasarpTcifer, -Tadj producing asafoetida.
lanugo, -inis/down, woolliness. lascTvia, -ae/playfulness; impudence,
LanuvTnus adj see n. lewdness.
Lanuvium, -Tnt Latin town on the Appian Way. lascTvio, -Tre vi to frolic, frisk; to run wild, be
lanx, lancis/dish, platter; (balance) scale. irresponsible.
Laomedon, -ontis m king of Troy (father of lascTvus adj playful, frisky; impudent, lustful.
Priam). laserpTcium, -T and iT nt silphium,
Laomedonteus adj and ontiades, -ae m son of lassitudo, -inis/fatigue, heaviness,
Laomedon-, (pf) Trojans. lasso, -are, vt to tire, fatigue,
Laomedontiusadj Trojan, lassulus adj rather weary,
lapathum, -Tnt, -us, -If sorrel. lassus adj tired, exhausted,
lapicTda, -ae m stonecutter. late adv widely, extensively; longe -que far
lapicTdTnae, -arum/pi quarries, and wide, everywhere,
lapidarius adj stone- (in cpds). latebra, -ae/hiding place, retreat; (fig)
lapidatio, -onis/throwing of stones, loophole, pretext,
lapidator, -oris m stone thrower, latebricola, -aeadj low-living,
lapideus adj of stones, stone- (in cpds). latebrose adv in hiding.
lapido, -are vt to stone ♦ vi to rain stones, latebrosus adj secret, full of coverts; porous,
lapidosus adj stony; hard as stone, latens, -entis pres pof lateo ♦ adj hidden,
lapillus, -Tm stone, pebble; precious stone, secret.
mosaic piece. latenter adv in secret.
lapis, -dism stone; milestone, boundary lateo, -ere, -ui vi to lie hid, lurk, skulk; to be
stone, tombstone; precious stone; marble; in safety, live a retired life; to be unknown,
auctioneer’s stand; (abuse) blockhead; bis ad escape notice.
eundem (offendere) ~ make the same mistake later, -is m brick, tile; ~em lavare = waste one's
twice-, Juppiter - the Jupiter stone. time_.
Lapithae, -arum and -um mpi Lapiths lateramen, -inis nt earthenware,
(mythical people of Thessaly). laterculus, -Tm small brick, tile; kind of cake,
Lapithaeus, -eius adj seen, latericius adj of bricks ♦ nt brickwork,
lappa, -ae/ goosegrass. laterna etc see lanterna,
lapsio, -dnis/tendency. latesco, -ere vi to hide oneself,
lapso, -are vi to slip, stumble, latex, -icis m water; any other liquid.
lapsus ppaof labor. Latiar, -iarisnt festival of Jupiter Latiaris.
lapsus, -us m fall, slide, course, flight; error, Latiaris adj Latin.
failure. latibulum, -Tnt hiding place, den, lair,
laquearia, -ium ntpi panelled ceiling, laticlavius adj with a broad purple stripe ♦ m
laqueatus adj panelled, with a panelled senator, patrician,
ceiling. latifundium, -Tand iT nt large estate.
laqueus, -Tm noose, snare, halter; (fig) trap. Latine adv in Latin, into Latin; - loqui speak
Lar, Laris m tutelary deity, household god; Latin, speak plainly, speak correctly; -
hearth, home. reddere translate into Latin.
lardum etc see laridum. LatTnitas, -atis/good Latin, Latinity; Latin
large adv plentifully, generously, very much, rights.
largificus adj bountiful, LatTnusadj Latin ♦ m legendary king of the
largifluus adj copious, Laurentians.
largiloquus adj talkative, latio, -onis/bringing; proposing,
largior, -Tri, -Ttusvt to give freely, lavish; to latito, -are vi to hide away, lurk, keep out of
bestow, confer ♦ vi to give largesses, the way.
largitas, -atis/liberality, abundance. latitudo, -inis/breadth, width; size; broad
Iargiteradv = large pronunciation.
largitio, -onis/giving freely, distributing; Latium, -Tnt district of Italy including Rome;
bribery. Latin rights.
LATIN-ENGLISH 123 Latius-lego

Latius = Latiaris, Latinus. Lavinium, -7 m town of ancient Latium.

Latois, -idis/Diana. Lavinius adj see n.
Latois , -ius adj see n. lavo, -are, lavi, lautum (lavatum and
latom-etc see lautum-. lotum) vt to wash, bathe; to wet, soak, wash
Latona, -ae/ mother of Apollo and Diana. away.
Latonigenae, -arum pi Apollo and Diana. laxamentum, -7m respite, relaxation,
Latonius adj,/Diana, laxe adv loosely, freely,
lator, -oris m proposer. laxitas, -atis/roominess,
Latous adj of Latona ♦ m Apollo, laxo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to extend, open out;
latrator, -oris m barker, to undo; to slacken; (fig) to release, relieve;
latratus, -us m barking, to relax, abate ♦ vi (price) to fall off.
latro, -are wi to bark; to rant, roar ♦ vt to bark laxus adj wide, loose, roomy; (time) deferred;
at; to clamour for. (fig) free, easy,
latro, -onis m mercenary soldier; bandit, lea, -ae/lioness.
brigand; (chess) man. leaena, -ae/lioness.
latrocinium, -Iand iTm highway robbery, Leander, -rim Hero’s lover (who swam the
piracy. Hellespont).
latrocinor, -ari, -atus vi to serve as a lebes, -etism basin, pan, cauldron,
mercenary; to be a brigand or pirate, lectica, -ae/litter, sedan chair,
latrunculus, -7 m brigand; (chess) man. lecticarius, -7 and iim litter-bearer,
latumiae etc see lautumiae, lecticula, -ae/small litter; bier,
latus ppp of ferd. lectio, -onis/selecting; reading, calling the
latus adj broad, wide; extensive; roll.
(pronunciation) broad; (style) diffuse, lectisterniator, -oris m arranger of couches,
latus, -eris nt side, flank; lungs; body; - dare lectisternium, -7and iim religious feast,
expose oneself; - tegere walk beside; -eris lectito, -are vi to read frequently,
dolor pleurisy; ab -ere on the flank, lectiuncula, -ae/light reading,
latusculum, -7 m little side, lector, -oris m reader,
laudabilis adj praiseworthy, lectulus, -7 m couch, bed.
laudabiliter adv laudably, lectus, -7 rn couch, bed; bier,
laudatio, -onis/commendation, eulogy; lectus ppp of lego ♦ adj picked; choice,
panegyric, testimonial, excellent.
laudator, -orism, -rix, -rlcis/praiser, Leda, -ae and e, -es/ mother of Castor, Pollux,
eulogizer; speaker of a funeral oration, Helen and Clytemnestra.
laudatus adj excellent, Ledaeus adj see n.
laudo, -are, -avT, -atum vt to praise, legatio, -onis/mission, embassy; members
commend, approve; to pronounce a funeral of a mission; (mil) staff appointment,
oration over; to quote, name, command of a legion; libera - free
laurea, -ae/ bay tree; crown of bay; triumph, commission (to visit provinces); votiva -
laureatus adj crowned with bay; (despatches) free commission for paying a vow in a
victorious. province.
Laurentes, -um mpi Laurentians (people of legator, -orism testator,
ancient Latium). legatum, -7m legacy, bequest,
Laurentius adj see n. legatus, -7 m delegate, ambassador; deputy,
laureola, -ae/triumph. lieutenant; commander (of a legion),
laureus adj of bay. legifer, -7ad; law-giving,
lauricomus adj bay-covered, legio, -onis/legion (up to 6000 men)', (pi)
lauriger, -7adj crowned with bay. troops, army,
laurus, -7/bay tree; bay crown; victory, legionarius adj legionary,
triumph. legirupa, -ae; -io, -ionis m lawbreaker,
laus, laudis/praise, approval; glory, fame; legitime adv lawfully, properly,
praiseworthy act, merit, worth, legitimus adj lawful, legal; right, proper,
laute adv elegantly, splendidly; excellently, legiuncula, -ae/small legion,
lautia, -drum ntpi State banquet, lego, -are, -av7, -atum vt to send, charge,
lautitia, -ae/luxury. commission; to appoint as deputy or
lautumiae, -arum/pi stone quarry; prison, lieutenant; (wilf) to leave, bequeath,
lautus ppp o/lavd ♦ adj neat, elegant, lego, -ere, Ieg7, lectum vt to gather, pick; to
sumptuous; fine, grand, distinguished, choose, select; (sail) to furl; (places) to
lavabrum, -7 m bath. traverse, pass, coast along; (view) to scan;
lavatio, -onis/ washing, bath; bathing gear. (writing) to read, recite; senatum - call the

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
leguleius-fiber 124 LATIN-ENGL1SH

roll of the senate. Lesbis, Lesbius adj see n.

leguleius, -7and ii m pettifogging lawyer, Lesbos (-us), -7/Aegean island (home of
legumen, -inis nt pulse, bean, Alcaeus and Sappho).
lembus, -7 m pinnace, cutter. Lesbous /Lesbian woman,
Lemnias/Lemnian woman. letalis adj deadly.
Lemnicola, -ae m Vulcan, Lethaeus adj of Lethe; infernal; soporific,
lemniscatus adj beribboned. lethargicus, -7 m lethargic person,
lemniscus, -7m ribbon (hanging from a victor's lethargus, -7 m drowsiness.
crown). Lethe, -es/ river in the lower world, which
Lemnius adj seen. caused forgetfulness.
Lemnos l-us), -7/ Aegean island, abode of letifer, -7adj fatal,
Vulcan. leto, -are vt to kill,
Lemures, -um mpi ghosts, letum, -7nt death; destruction.
lena, -ae/procuress; seductress. Leucadius adj see n.
Lenaeus adj Bacchic ♦ m Bacchus, Leucas, -dis and dia, -diae/ island off W.
lemmen, -inism solace, comfort, Greece.
lemmentum, -7nt sop. Leucothea, -ae, -e, -es/ Ino (a sea goddess).
lenio, -7re, -7v7and i7, -7tum vt to soften, Leuctra, -drum ntpi battlefield in Boeotia.
soothe, heal, calm. LeUCtriCUS adj see n.
lenis adj soft, smooth, mild, gentle, calm, levamen, -inism alleviation, comfort,
lenitas, -atis/softness, smoothness, levamentum, -7nt mitigation, consolation,
mildness, tenderness, levatio, -dnis/relief; diminishing.
leniter adv softly, gently; moderately, half¬ Iev7 per/of lino,
heartedly. leviculus adj rather vain,
lenitudo, -inis/smoothness, mildness, levidensis adj slight,
lend, -onis m pander, brothel keeper; levipes, -edis adj light-footed,
go-between. levis adj (weight) light; (mil) light-armed; (fig)
lenocinium, -7and i7nt pandering; easy, gentle; (importance) slight, trivial;
allurement; meretricious ornament, (motion) nimble, fleet; (character) fickle,
lenocinor, -ari, -atus vi to pay court to; to unreliable.
promote. levis adj smooth; (youth) beardless, delicate,
lenonius adj pander’s, levisomnus adj light-sleeping,
lens, lentis/lentil, levitas, -atis/lightness; nimbleness;
lente adv slowly; calmly, coolly, fickleness, frivolity,
lentesco, -ere vi to become sticky, soften; to levitas, -atis/smoothness; fluency,
relax. leviter adv lightly; slightly; easily,
Ient7scifer, -i adj bearing mastic trees. levo, -are vt to lighten, ease; (fig) to alleviate,
Ient7scus, -7/mastic tree, lessen; to comfort, relieve; to impair;
lentitudo, -inis/slowness, dullness, apathy, (danger) to avert; se - rise,
lento, -are vt to bend, levo, -arevt to smooth, polish,
lentulus adj rather slow, levor, -drism smoothness,
lentus adj sticky, sluggish; pliant; slow, lex, legis/law, statute; bill; rule, principle;
lasting, lingering; (person) calm, at ease, contract, condition; legem ferre propose a
indifferent, bill; legem perferre carry a motion; lege
lenunculus, -7 m skiff, agere proceed according to law; sine lege
leo, -onis m lion. out of control.
Leonidas, -ae m Spartan king who fell at libamen, -inis nt offering, libation,
Thermopylae. libamentum, -7 m offering, libation,
leomnus adj lion’s. fibatid, -onis/libation.
Leont7n7, -orum mpi town in Sicily. ITbella, -ae/small coin, as; level; ad -am
Leont7nus adj see n. exactly; ex -a sole heir,
lepas, -dis/limpet. libellus, -7 m small book; notebook, diary,
lepide adv neatly, charmingly; (.reply) very letter; notice, programme, handbill;
well, splendidly. petition, complaint; lampoon,
lepidus adj pleasant, charming, neat, witty, libens, -entis adj willing, glad,
lepos (lepor), -drism pleasantness, charm; libenter adv willingly, with pleasure,
wit. liber, -ri m inner bark (of a tree); book;
lepus, -orism hare, register.
lepusculus, -7m young hare. Liber, -7m Italian god of fertility (identified
Lerna, -ae and e, -es/marsh near Argos with Bacchus).
(where Hercules killed the Hydra). liber, -7adj free, open, unrestricted,
Lernaeus adj Lernaean. undisturbed; (with abf) free from; (speech)
Lesbias, -iadis/Lesbian woman. frank; (pol) free, not slave, democratic.
LATIN-ENGLISH 125 Libera-Umus

Libera, -ae/Proserpine; Ariadne. licentia, -ae/freedom, license; lawlessness,

Liberalia, -alium ntpl festival of Liber in March. licentiousness.
liberalis adj of freedom, of free citizens, liceo, -ere, -uT vi to be for sale, value at.
gentlemanly, honourable; generous, liberal; liceor, -eri, -itus vt, vt to bid (at an auction),
handsome. bid for.
liberalitas, -atis/courtesy, kindness; licet, -ere, -uit and itum est vi (impers) it is
generosity; bounty. permitted, it is lawful; (reply) all right ♦ con;
fiberaliter adv courteously, nobly; generously, although; mihi - I may.
liberatio, -dnis/delivery, freeing; (law) Licinius, -Tm Roman family name (esp with
acquittal. surname Crassus).
liberator, -oris m liberator, deliverer, Licinius adj see n.
libere adv freely, frankly, boldly, licitatio, -dnis/bidding (at a sale).
liberi, -orum mpi children, licitor, -an, vi to make a bid.
libero, -are, -avi, -atum vt to free, set free, licitus adj lawful,
release; to exempt; (law) to acquit; (slave) to licium, -Tand iint thread.
give freedom to; fidem ~ keep one’s ITctor, -oris m lictor (an attendant with fasces
promise; nomina - cancel debts, preceding a magistrate).
liberta, -ae/freedwoman. licuiper/o/liced; per/o/liquesco,
libertas, -atis/ freedom, liberty; status of a lien, -enis m spleen,
freeman; (pol) independence; freedom of ligamen, -inis nt band, bandage,
speech, outspokenness, ligamentum, -Int bandage.
libertinus adj of a freedman, freed ♦ m Liger, -is m river Loire,
freedman ♦/freedwoman. lignarius, -Tand ii m carpenter,
libertus, -im freedman. lignatio, -dnis/fetching wood,
libet (lubet), -ere, -uit and itum est vi lignator, -drism woodcutter,
(impers) it pleases; mihi - I like; ut - as you ligneolus ad; wooden,
please. ligneus ad; wooden,
libidinose adv wilfully. lignor, -arivi to fetch wood,
libidinosus ad; wilful, arbitrary, extravagant; lignum, -int wood, firewood, timber; in silvam
sensual, lustful. -a ferre = carry coals to Newcastle.
libido (lubidb), -inis/desire, passion; ligo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to tie up, bandage;
wilfulness, caprice; lust, (fig) to unite.
libita, -drum ntpl pleasure, fancy. ligo, -onism mattock, hoe.
Libitina, -ae/goddess of burials, ligula, -ae/shoestrap.
libo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to taste, sip, touch; Ligur, -rism//Ligurian.
to pour (a libation), offer; to extract, take out; Liguria, -riae/ district of N.W. Italy.
to impair. ligurio (ligurrio), -Tre vt to lick; to eat
libra, -ae/pound; balance, pair of scales; ad daintily; (fig) to feast on, lust after,
-am of equal size. liguritio, -onis/daintiness.
libramentum, -int level surface, weight (to Ligus, -rism/f Ligurian.
give balance or movement)-, (water) fall, Ligusticus, -stlnusad;seen.
libraria, -ae/head spinner, ligustrum, -Int privet.
librariolus, -im copyist, lilium, -T and iint lily; (mil) spiked pit.
librarium, -i and iint bookcase, lima, -ae/file; (fig) revision,
librarius adj of books ♦ m copyist, limatius adv more elegantly,
libratus adj level; powerful, limatulus ad; refined,
librilis ad; weighing a pound, limax, -acis/slug, snail,
libritor, -oris m slinger. limbus, -im fringe, hem.
libro, -are, -avi, -atum vt to poise, hold limen, -inis nt threshold, lintel; doorway,
balanced; to swing, hurl, entrance; house, home; (fig) beginning,
libum, -i nt cake. limes, -itis m path between fields, boundary;
Liburna, -ae/a fast galley, frigate. path, track, way; frontier, boundary line.
Liburni, -orum mpi people of Illyria. limb, -are, -avi, -atum vt to file; (fig) to polish,
Liburnus ad; Liburnian. refine; to file down, investigate carefully; to
Libya, -ae, -e, -es/Africa. take away from.
Libycus adj African. limosus ad; muddy,
Libyes, -um mpi Libyans, people in N. Africa. limpidus ad; clear, limpid,
Libyssus, Libystinus, Libystis ad; = Libycus, limus ad; sidelong, askance.
licens, -entis ad; free, bold, unrestricted, Iimus, -im mud, slime, dirt,
licenter adv freely, lawlessly. limus, -Tm ceremonial apron.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -Tre = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
Imea-longe 126 LAT1N-ENGLISH

linea, -ae/line, string; plumbline; boundary; document, ordinance; literature; learning,

ad -am, recta -a vertically; extrema ~a scholarship; -as discere learn to read and
amare love at a distance, write; homo trium -arum thief (offur)\ sine
lineamentum, -7 m line; feature; outline, -Is uncultured.
lineus adj flaxen, linen, litterarius ad; of reading and writing,
lingo, -erevt to lick. litterate adv in clear letters; literally,
lingua, -ae/tongue; speech, language; tongue litterator, -oris m grammarian,
of land; - Latina Latin, litteratura, -ae/writing, alphabet,
lingula, -ae/tongue of land, litteratus ad; with letters on it, branded;
liniger, -7 adj linen-clad, educated, learned.
lino, -ere, levi, litum vt to daub, smear; to litterula, -ae/small letter; short note; (pf)
overlay; (writing) to rub out; (fig) to befoul, studies.
linquo, -ere, I7qu7 vt to leave, quit; to give up, litura, -ae/correction, erasure, blot,
let alone; (pass) to faint, swoon; -itur ut it litus pppof lino.
remains to. litus, -orisnt shore, beach, coast; bank; -
linteatus ad; canvas, arare labour in vain,
linteo, -onis m linen weaver, lituus, -im augur’s staff; trumpet; (fig)
linter, -ris/boat; trough, starter.
linteum, -i m linen cloth, canvas; sail, livens, -entis pres p of liveo ♦ adj bluish, black
linteus ad; linen, and blue.
lintriculus, -7 m small boat, liveo, -ere vi to be black and blue; to envy,
linum, -7 m flax; linen; thread, line, rope; net. livesco, -ere vi to turn black and blue.
Lipara, -ae, -e, -es/island N. of Sicily (now Livianus adj = Livius,
Lipari). lividulus adj a little jealous,
Liparaeus, -ensis ad; seen, lividus adj bluish, black and blue; envious,
lippio, -ire vi to have sore eyes, malicious.
lippitudo, -inis/inflammation of the eyes, Livius, -i Roman family name (esp the first
lippus ad; blear-eyed, with sore eyes; (fig) Latin poet); the famous historian, Livy.
blind. Livius adj see n.
liquefacio, -facere, -feci, -factum (pass-fio) livor, -oris m bluish colour; envy, malice,
vt to melt, dissolve; to decompose; (fig) to lixa, -aem sutler, camp-follower,
enervate. locatio, -onis/leasing; lease, contract,
liquens, -entis adj fluid, clear, locatoriusad; concerned with leases,
liquesco, -ere, licui vi to melt; to clear; (fig) to locito, -are vt to let frequently,
grow soft, waste away, loco, -are, -avi, -atum vt to place, put; to give
liquet, -ere, licuit vi (impers) it is clear, it is in marriage; to let, lease, hire out; to
evident; non - not proven, contract for; (money) to invest,
liqui perfof linquo, loculus, -im little place; (pf) satchel, purse,
liquido adv clearly. locuples, -etisad; rich, opulent; reliable,
liquidus adj fluid, liquid, flowing; clear, responsible.
transparent, pure; (mind) calm, serene ♦ nt locupleto, -are vt to enrich,
liquid water. locus, -im(pl-i m and-a nt) place, site, locality,
liquo, -are vt to melt; to strain, region; (mil) post; (theatre) seat; (book)
liquor, -ivi to flow; (fig) to waste away, passage; (speech) topic, subject, argument;
liquor, -oris m fluidity; liquid, the sea. (fig) room, occasion; situation, state; rank,
Liris, -is m river between Latium and Campania. position; -T individual spots; -a regions,
lis, litis/quarrel, dispute; lawsuit; matter in ground; -T communes general arguments;
dispute; litem aestimare assess damages, -6 (with gen) instead of; in -6 opportunely;
litatio, -onis/favourable sacrifice. eo ~i in the position; interea ~T meanwhile,
(itera etc see littera, locusta, -ae/locust.
litigator, -oris m litigant, locutio, -onis/speech; pronunciation,
litigiosus ad; quarrelsome, contentious; locutus ppa of loquor,
disputed. lodix, -icis/blanket,
litigium, -land iinr quarrel, logica, -orumntpi logic,
litigo, -arevi to quarrel; to go to law. logos (-us), -im word; idle talk; witticism,
lito, -are, -avi, -atum vi to offer an lolig-etc see lolHg-.
acceptable sacrifice, obtain favourable lolium, -I and il nt darnel,
omens; (with dat) to propitiate ♦ vt to offer lolligo, -inis/cuttlefish,
successfully, lomentum, -int face cream.
litoralis ad; of the shore, Londinium, -int London,
litoreus ad; of the shore, longaevus adj aged.
littera, -ae/letter (of the alphabet), longe adv far, far off; (time) long; (compar) by
litterae, -arum/pl writing; letter, dispatch; far, very much; - esse be far away, of no
LATIN-ENGLISH 127 longinquitas-ludus

avail; ~ lateque everywhere, Lucilius, -im Roman family name (esp the first
longinquitas, -atis/length; distance; Latin satirist).
duration. Lucina, -ae/goddess of childbirth.
longinquus adj distant, remote; foreign, lucisco etc see lucesco.
strange; lasting, wearisome; (hope) long Lucmo (Lucumo), -onism Etruscan prince
deferred. orpriest.
longitudo, -inis/length; duration; in -inem Lucretia, -iae/ wife of Collatinus, ravished by
lengthwise. Tarquin.
longiusculus adj rather long, Lucretius, -im Roman family name (esp the
longule adv rather far. philosophic poet).
longulus adj rather long, lucrifuga, -ae m non-profiteer.
longurius, -iand il m long pole, Lucrinensis adj see n.
longus adj long; vast; (time) long, protracted, Lucrinus, -im lake near Baiae (famous for
tedious; (hope) far-reaching; ~a navis oysters).
warship; -urn est it would be tedious; ne lucror, -ari, -atus vt to gain, win, acquire,
-um faciam = to cut a long story short. lucrosus adj profitable,
loquacitas, -atis/talkativeness. lucrum, -int profit, gain; greed; wealth; ~i
loquaciter adv see adj. facere gain, get the credit of; -6 esse be of
loquaculus adj somewhat talkative, advantage; in -is ponere count as gain,
loquax, -acis adj talkative, chattering, luctamen, -inis nt struggle, exertion,
loquella, -ae/ language, words, luctatio, -onis/wrestling; fight, contest,
loquor, -qui, cutus vt, vi to speak, talk, say; to luctator, -oris m wrestler,
talk about, mention; (fig) to indicate; res luctificus adj baleful,
-quitur ipsa the facts speak for themselves, luctisonus adj mournful,
lorarius, -Iand iTm flogger. luctor, -ari, -atus vi to wrestle; to struggle,
loratus adj strapped, fight.
loreus adj of leather strips, luctuosus adj sorrowful, lamentable,
lorica, -ae/breastplate; parapet, luctus, -us m mourning, lamentation;
loricatus adj mailed, mourning (dress).
loripes, -edis adj bandylegged, lucubratio, -onis/ work by lamplight,
lorum, -Int strap; whip, lash; leather charm; nocturnal study.
(pf) reins. lucubro, -are, -avi, -atum vi to work by night
lotos (-us), -I/lotus. ♦ vt to compose by night,
lotus ppp of lavo. luculente adv splendidly, right,
lubenssee libens. luculenter adv very well,
lubentia, -ae/pleasure. luculentus adj bright; (fig) brilliant, excellent,
lubet, lubldo see libet, libido. rich, fine.
lubrico, -arevt to make slippery. Lucullus, -im Roman surname (esp the
lubricus adj slippery, slimy; gliding, fleeting; conqueror of Mithridates).
(fig) dangerous, hazardous. lucus, -im grove; wood,
Luca bos/elephant. ludia, -ae/woman gladiator,
Lucania, -iaef district of S. Italy. ludibrium, -iand ii nt mockery, derision;
Lucanica/ kind of sausage. laughing stock; sport, play; ~io habere make
Lucanus adj Lucanian ♦ m the epic poet Lucan. fun of.
lucar, -aris nt forest tax. ludibundus adj playful; safely, easily,
lucellum, -Int small gain, ludicer, -riadj playful; theatrical,
luceo, -cere, -xivi to shine, be light; (impers) ludicum, -int public show, play; sport,
to dawn, be daylight; (fig) to shine, be clear; ludificatio, -onis/ ridicule; tricking,
meridie non -cere = largue) that black is white. ludificator, -oris m mocker,
Luceres, -um mpl a Roman patrician tribe. ludifico, -are; -or, -ari, -atus vt to make a fool
Luceria, -iae/ town in Apulia. of, ridicule; to delude, thwart,
Lucerinus adj see n. ludio, -onism actor,
lucerna, -ae/lamp; (fig) = midnight oil. ludius, -iand iim actor; gladiator,
lucesco, -ere vi to begin to shine, get light, ludo, -dere, -si, -sum vi to play; to sport,
dawn. frolic; to dally, make love ♦ vt to play at; to
lucide adv clearly, amuse oneself with; to mimic, imitate; to
lucidusadj bright, clear; (fig) lucid, ridicule, mock; to delude,
lucifer, -iadj light-bringing ♦ m morning star, ludus, -im game, sport, play; (pi) public
Venus; day. spectacle, games; school; (fig) child’s play;
lucifugus adj shunning the light. fun, jest; (love) dalliance; -um dare humour;

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
luella-macero 128 LATIN-ENGLISH

-os facere put on a public show; make fun of. lutulentus adj muddy, filthy; (fig) foul,
luella, -ae/atonement. lutum, -T nt dyer’s weed; yellow,
lues, -is/plague, pest; misfortune. lutum, -Tnt mud, mire; clay,
Lugdunensis adj see n. lux, lucis/light; daylight; day; life; (fig)
Lugdunum, -Tnt town in E. Gaul (nowLyons), public view; glory, encouragement,
lugeo, -gere, -xi vt, vi to mourn; to be in enlightenment; luce in the daytime; prime
mourning. luce at daybreak; luce carentes the dead.
lugubris adj mourning; disastrous; (sound) luxT perf of luced; perf of luged.
plaintive ♦ ntpl mourning dress, luxor, -arivi to live riotously,
lumbi, -orum mpi loins, luxuria, -ae, -es, -eif rankness, profusion;
lumbricus, -T m worm, extravagance, luxury.
lumen, -inis m light; lamp, torch; day; eye; luxurio, -are, -or, -arivi to grow to excess, be
life; (fig) ornament, glory; clarity, luxuriant; (fig) to be exuberant, run riot,
luminare, -is m window, luxuriose adv voluptuously,
luminosus adj brilliant, luxuriosus adj luxuriant; excessive,
luna, -ae/moon; month; crescent, extravagant; voluptuous,
lunaris adj of the moon, luxus, -us m excess, debauchery, pomp.
lunatus adj crescent-shaped, Lyaeus, -T m Bacchus; wine.
luno, -arevt to bend into a crescent, Lycaeus, -Tm mountain in Arcadia (sacred to
luo, -ere, -Tvt to pay; to atone for; to avert by Pan).
expiation. Lycion, -onism father of Callisto, the Great
lupa, -ae/she-wolf; prostitute, Bear.
lupanar, -aris nt brothel, Lycaonius adj see n.
lupatus adj toothed ^ m and ntpl curb. Lyceum (LycTum), -Tnt Aristotle's school at
Lupercal, -alis nt a grotto sacred to Pan. Athens.
Lupercalia, -alium ntpl festival of Pan in lychnuchus, -Tm lampstand.
February. lychnus, -Tm lamp.
Lupercus, -T m Pan; priest of Pan. Lycia, -ae/ country in S. W. Asia Minor.
lupinum, -Tnt lupin; sham money, counters, Lycius adj Lycian.
lupinus adj wolfs. Lyctius adj Cretan.
lupinus, -im lupin; sham money, counters, Lycurgus, -T m Thracian king killed by Bacchus;
lupus, -im wolf; (fish) pike; toothed bit; Spartan lawgiver; Athenian orator.
grapnel; - in fabula = talk of the devil. Lydia, -ia ef country of Asia Minor.
luridus adj pale yellow, ghastly pallid, Lydius adj Lydian; Etruscan.
luror, -oris m yellowness, Lydus, -T m Lydian,
luscinia, -ae/nightingale. lympha, -ae/water,
luscitiosus adj purblind, lymphaticus adj crazy, frantic,
luscus adj one-eyed, lymphatus adj distracted.
lusio, -onis/play. Lynceus, -eTm keen-sighted Argonaut.
Lusitania, -iae/part of W. Spain (including lynx, lyncis m/f lynx,
what is now Portugal)- lyra, -ae/lyre; lyric poetry,
Lusitanus adj see n. lyricus adj of the lyre, lyrical.
lusitd, -are vt to play, Lysias, -ae m Athenian orator.
lusor, -oris m player; humorous writer,
lustralis adj lustral, propitiatory;
lustratio, -dnis/purification; roving,
lustrd, -are, -avi, -atum vt to purify; (motion)
to go round, encircle, traverse; (mil) to
review; (eyes) to scan, survey; (mind) to
consider; (light) to illuminate,
lustror, -ari vi to frequent brothels,
lustrum, -Tnt den, lair; (pi) wild country; (fig)
brothels; debauchery.
lustrum, -Int purificatory sacrifice; (time) five Macedo, -onism Macedonian.
years. Macedonia/Macedonia.
lusus pppo/ludd. Macedonicus, -onius adj see n.
lusus, -us m play, game, sport; dalliance, macellum, -Tnt market,
luteolus adj yellow. maced, -ere vi to be lean,
Lutetia, -ae/town in N. Gaul (nowParis), macer, -ri adj lean, meagre; poor,
luteus adj yellow, orange, maceria, -ae/wall.
luteus adi of clay; muddy, dirty, (fig) vile, macero, -are vt to soften; (body) to enervate;
lutitd, -are vt to throw mud at. (mind) to distress.
LAT1N-ENGLISH 129 macescd-male

macesco, -ere vi to grow thin, mourning.

machaera, -a e/sword, magalia, -um ntpl huts,
machaerophorus, -T m soldier armed with a mage etc see magis,
sword. magicus adj magical.
Machaon, -onism legendary Greek surgeon. magis (mage) adv more; ed ~ the more, all the
Machaonius adj see n. more.
machina, -ae/machine, engine; {fig) scheme, magister, -rT m master, chief, director;
trick. {school) teacher; {fig) instigator; ~ equitum
machinamentum, -Tnt engine, chief of cavalry, second in command to a
machinatio, -onis/mechanism, machine; dictator; - morum censor; - sacrorum chief
(fig) contrivance. priest.
machinator, -oris m engineer; {fig) contriver, magisterium, -TandiTnt presidency,
machinor, -ari, -atusvt to devise, contrive; tutorship.
(fig) to plot, scheme. magistra, -ae/mistress, instructress,
macies, -ei/leanness, meagreness; poorness, magistratus, -usm magistracy, office;
macilentus adj thin, magistrate, official,
macresco, -ere vi to grow thin, magnanimitas, -atis/greatness,
macritudo, -inis/leanness, magnanimus adj great, brave.
macrocollum, -Tm large size of paper, Magnes, -etism Magnesian; magnet.
mactabilis adj deadly, Magnesia/ district of Thessaly.
mactatus, -us m sacrifice, Magnesius, -essus, -etis adj seen.
macte blessed; well done! magnidicus adj boastful,
macto, -are, -avT, -atum vt to sacrifice; to magnifice adv grandly; pompously,
punish, kill. magnificentia, -ae/greatness, grandeur;
macto, -are vt to glorify, pomposity.
macula, -ae/spot, stain; {net) mesh; {fig) magnifico, -are vt to esteem highly,
blemish, fault. magnificus (compar-entior superi -entissimus)
maculo, -are, -avT, -atum vt to stain, defile, adj great, grand, splendid; pompous,
maculosus adj dappled, mottled; stained, magniloquentia, -ae/elevated language;
polluted. pomposity.
madefacio, -facere, -feci, -factum (pass-flo, magniloquus adj boastful,
-fieri) vt to wet, soak. magnitudo, -inis/greatness, size, large
madeo, -ere vi to be wet, be drenched; to be amount; dignity.
boiled soft; {comedy) to be drunk; (fig) to be magnopere adv greatly, very much,
steeped in. magnus {comparmaior super/maximus) adj
madesco, -ere vi to get wet, become moist, great, large, big, tall; {voice) loud; {age)
madidus adj wet, soaked; sodden; drunk, advanced; {value) high, dear; (fig) grand,
madulsa, -aem drunkard. noble, important; avunculus - great-uncle;
Maeander (-ros), -rim a winding river of Asia -a loqui boast; -T aestimare think highly of;
Minor ; winding, wandering. ~T esse be highly esteemed; -6 stare cost
Maecenas, -atism friend of Augustus, patron of dear; -6 opere very much,
poets. magus, -Tm wise man; magician ♦ adj magic.
maena, -ae/sprat. Maia, -ae/ mother of Mercury.
Maenala, -orum ntpl mountain range in Arcadia. maiestas, -atis/greatness, dignity, majesty;
Maenalis, -ius adj of Maenalus; Arcadian. treason; -atem laedere, minuere offend
Maenalus (-os), -Tm Maenala. against the sovereignty of; lex -atis law
Maenas, -dis/Bacchante. against treason.
Maenianum nt balcony. maior, -oris compar of magnus; - natu older,
Maenius, -Tm Roman family name; -ia columna elder.
whipping post in the Forum. maiores, -orum mpi ancestors; in -us
Maeonia, -ae/Lydia. credere/ferre exaggerate.
Maeonides, -dae m Homer. Maius, -Tm May ♦ adj of May.
Maeonius, -s adj Lydian; Homeric; Etruscan. maiusculus adj somewhat greater; a little
Maeoticus, -usadj Scythian, Maeotie. older.
Maeotis, -dis/Sea of Azov, mala, -ae/cheek, jaw.
maereo, -ere vi to mourn, be sad. malacia, -ae/dead calm,
maeror, -orism mourning, sorrow, sadness, malacus adj soft.
maestiter adv see adj. male (compar peius, superi pessime) adv badly,
maestitia, -ae/sadness, melancholy, wrongly, unfortunately; not; (with words
maestus adj sad, sorrowful; gloomy; having bad sense) very much; - est animo I

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere « 3rd and -Tre = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
maledice-manus 130 LAT1N-ENGLISH

feel ill; - sanus insane; - dicere abuse, curse; to stay, stop; to last, abide, continue ♦ vt to
~ facere harm, wait for, await; in condicione - abide by an
maledice adv abusively, agreement.
maledictio, -dnis/abuse. Manes, -ium mpl ghosts, shades of the dead;
maledictum, -T m curse, the lower world; bodily remains,
maledicus adj scurrilous, mango, -dnis m dealer,
malefactum, -i nt wrong, manicae, -arum fpi sleeves, gloves;
malefice adv see adj. handcuffs.
maleficium, -iand iTnt misdeed, wrong, manicatus adj with long sleeves,
mischief. manicula, -ae/little hand,
maleficus adj wicked ♦ m criminal, manifesto, -are vt to disclose,
malesuadus adj seductive, manifesto adv clearly, evidently,
malevolens, -entis adj spiteful, manifestus adj clear, obvious; convicted,
malevolentia, -ae/ill-will, caught.
malevolus adj ill-disposed, malicious, manipl- etc see manipul-.
malifer, -7adj apple-growing, manipularis adj of a company ♦ m private (in
maligne adv spitefully; grudgingly, the ranks); fellow soldier,
malignitas, -atis/malice; stinginess, manipulatim adv by companies,
malignus adj unkind, ill-natured, spiteful; manipulus, -im bundle (esp of hay)-, (mil)
stingy; (soil) unfruitful; (fig) small, scanty, company.
malitia, -ae/badness, malice; roguishness, Manlius, -ianus adj see n.
malitiose adv see adj. Manlius, -i m Roman family name (esp the
malitiosus adj wicked, crafty, saviour of the Capitol from the Gauls); a severe
maliv- etc see malev-. disciplinarian,
malle m/in o/maid. mannus, -i m Gallic horse,
malleolus, -im hammer; (.mil) fire-brand. mano, -are, -Svi, -atum vi to flow, drip,
malleus, -im hammer, mallet, maul. stream; (fig) to spread, emanate,
maid, -le, -ui vt to prefer; would rather. mansi perfof maned.
malobathrum, -int an oriental perfume. mansio, -dnis/remaining, stay,
malui perfof maid. mansito, -are vi to stay on.
malum, -int apple, fruit. mansuefacio, -facere, -feci, -factum (pass
malum, -int evil, wrong, harm, misfortune; -fid,-fieri) vt to tame.
(inter/) mischief, mansuesco, -scere, -vi, -turn vt to tame ♦ vi
malus, -i/apple tree, to grow tame, grow mild.
malus, -i m mast, pole. mansuete adv see adj.
malus (comparpeior super/pessimus) adj bad, mansuetudo, -inis/tameness; gentleness,
evil, harmful; unlucky; ugly; T in -am rem go mansuetus pppo/mansuesco ♦ adj tame;
to hell! mild, gentle.
malva, -ae/mallow. mansus ppp of mandd; ppp of maned,
Mamers, -tis m Mars. mantele, -ism napkin, towel,
Mamertini, -drum mpl mercenary troops who mantelum, -i m cloak,
occupied Messana. mantica, -ae/knapsack,
mamma, -ae/breast; teat, manticinor, -ari, -atus vi to be a prophet,
mammilla, -ae/breast. mantd, -arevi to remain, wait.
manabilis adj penetrating, Mantua, -ae/ birthplace of Vergil in N. Italy.
rpanceps, -ipism purchaser; contractor, manualis adj for the hand,
mancipium, -iand iint formal purchase; manubiae, -arum fpi money from sale of booty.
property; slave. manubrium, -iand ii m handle, haft,
mancipo, -arevt to sell, deliver up. manuleatus adj with long sleeves,
mancup- etc see mancip-. manumissio, -dnis/emancipation (of a
mancus adj crippled. slave).
mandatum, -i nt commission, command; manumitto, -ittere, -isi, -issum vt to
(law) contract. emancipate, make free,
mandatus, -us_m command, manupretium, -land ii nt pay, wages, reward,
mandd, -are, -avi, -atum vt to entrust, manus, -us/hand; corps, band, company;
commit; to commission, command, (elephant) trunk; (art) touch; (work)
mandd, -ere, -i, mansum vt to chew, eat, handiwork, handwriting; (war) force, valour,
devour. hand to hand fighting; (fig) power; - extrema
mandra, -ae/drove of cattle, finishing touch; - ferrea grappling iron; ~um
manducus, -im masked figure of a glutton, dare give up, yield; -0 artificially; ~u mittere
manem (indecf) morning ♦ adv in the morning, emancipate; ad ~um at hand; in ~u obvious;
early. subject; in -us venire come to hand; in -ibus
maned, -ere, mansi, mansum vi to remain; well known; at hand; in -ibus habere be
LATIN-ENGLISH 131 mapalia-Medea

engaged on; fondle; per -us forcibly; per -us Massilia, -ae/Greek colony in Gaul (now
tradere hand down, Marseilles).
mapalia, -urn ntpi huts, Massiliensis adj see n.
mappa, -ao/ napkin, cloth. mastigia, -ae nt scoundrel,
Marathon, -onis/ Attic village famous for mastruca, -ae/sheepskin.
Persian defeat. mastrucatus adj wearing sheepskin.
Marathonius ad; see n. matara, -ae and is, -is/ Celtic javelin,
Marcellia, -iorum ntpi festival of the Marcelli. matellio, -onis m pot.
Marcellus, -I m Roman surname (esp the mater, -ris/mother; Magna - Cybele,
captor of Syracuse). matercula, -ae/poor mother,
marceo, -erevi to droop, be faint, materia, -ae; -es, -ei/matter, substance;
marcesco, -ere vi to waste away, grow wood, timber; (fig) subject matter, theme;
feeble. occasion, opportunity; (person) ability,
Marcianus ad; see n. character.
marcidus ad; withered; enervated. materiarius, -land iim timber merchant,
Marcius, -Tm Roman family name {esp Ancus, materiatus adj timbered,
fourth king). materies etc see materia,
Marcius adj seen. materior, -ari vi to fetch wood,
mare, -is nt sea; - nostrum Mediterranean; - maternus ad; mother’s,
inferum Tyrrhenian Sea; - superum matertera, -ae/aunt (maternal),
Adriatic. mathematicus, -I m mathematician;
Maredticusad; Mareotic; Egyptian, astrologer.
margarita, -ae/pearl. matricida, -ae m matricide,
margino, -are vt to put a border or kerb on. matricidium, -land il nt a mother’s murder,
margo, -inis mlf edge, border, boundary; matrimonium, -Iand ilm marriage,
- cenae side dishes. matrimus adj whose mother is still alive,
Marianus ad; seen. matrona, -ae/married woman, matron, lady,
Marica, -aef nymph of Minturnae. matronalis ad; a married woman’s,
marinus ad; of the sea. matula, -ae/pot.
maritalisad; marriage- (in cpds). mature adv at the right time; early, promptly,
maritimus ad; of the sea, maritime, coastal ♦ maturesco, -escere, -ulvi to ripen,
ntpi coastal area, maturitas, -atis/ripeness; (fig) maturity,
marltd, -are vt to marry, perfection, height.
maritus, -i m husband ♦ ad; nuptial. maturd, -are, -avl, -atum vt to bring to
Marius, -Im Roman family name (esp the maturity; to hasten, be too hasty with ♦ vi to
victor over Jugurtha and the Teutons). make haste.
Marius adj see n. maturus adj ripe, mature; timely, seasonable;
marmor, -is nt marble; statue, tablet; sea. early.
marmoreus ad; of marble; like marble. Matuta, -ae/goddess of dawn.
Maro, -onis m surname of Vergil, matutinus ad; morning, early.
marra, -ae/kind of hoe. Mauritania, -ae/Mauretania (nowMorocco).
Mars, Martis m god of war, father of Romulus; Maurus, -Im Moor ♦ adj Moorish, African.
war, conflict; planet Mars; aequo Marte on Maurusius adj see n.
equal terms; sud Marte by one’s own Mavors, -tis m Mars.
exertions. Mavortius ad; seen,
Mars!, -drum mpi people of central Italy, famous maxilla, -ae/jaw.
as fighters. maxime adv most, very much, especially;
Marsicus, -us ad; Marsian. precisely, just; certainly, yes; cum - just as;
marsuppium, -I and i!nt purse. quam - as much as possible.
Martialis ad; of Mars. maximitis, -atis/great size,
Marticola, -a em worshipper of Mars. maximus superi of magnus,
Martigena, -ae m son of Mars. maxum-etcsee maxim-,
Martius ad; of Mars; of March; warlike, mazonomus, -Im dish,
mas, maris m male, man ♦ adj male; manly, meapte my own.
masculus ad; male, masculine; manly. meatus, -us m movement, course,
Masinissa, -aem king of Numidia. mecastor inter; by Castor!
massa, -ae/lump, mass. mecum with me.
Massicum, -Im Massic wine. meddix tuticus m senior Oscan magistrate.
Massicus, -I m mountain in Campania, famous Medea, -ae/ Colchian wife of Jason, expert in
for vines. magic.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -Ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
Medeis-Menelaeus 132 LATIN-ENGUSH

Medeis adj magical, mei, mellis nt honey,

medentes, -entum mpi doctors, melancholicus adj melancholy,
medeor, -erivi (with dat) to heal, remedy, melepi melos.
mediastinus, -i m drudge, Meleager (-ros), -rim prince of Calydon.
medica, -ae/lucern (kind of clover). melicus adj musical; lyrical,
medicabilis adj curable, melilotos, -T/kind of clover,
medicamen, -inis nt drug, medicine; melimela, -orum ntpl honey apples.
cosmetic; (fig) remedy. MeUnum, -Tnt Melian white,
medicamentum, -Tnt drug, medicine; potion, melior, -oris adj better,
poison; (fig) relief; embellishment, melisphyllum, -Tnt balm.
medicatus, -us m charm, Melita, -ae/Malta.
medicina, -ae/medicine; cure; (fig) remedy, Melitensis adj Maltese,
relief. melius nt melior ♦ adv better,
medico, -are, -avi, -atum vt to cure; to steep, meliuscule adv fairly well,
dye. meliusculus adj rather better,
medicor, -arivt, vi to cure, mellifer, -Tadj honey-making,
medicus adj healing ♦ m doctor, mellitus adj honeyed; sweet,
medietas, -atis/mean. melos, -T nt tune, song.
medimnum, -int, -us, -Tm bushel, Melpomene, -es/ Muse of tragedy.
mediocris adj middling, moderate, average, membrana, -ae/skin, membrane, slough;
mediocritas, -atis/mean, moderation; parchment.
mediocrity. membranula, -ae/piece of parchment,
mediocriter adv moderately, not particularly; membratim adv limb by limb; piecemeal; in
calmly. short sentences.
Mediolanensis adj see n. membrum, -T nt limb, member; part, division;
Mediolanum, -Tnt town in N. Italy (now clause.
Milan). memet emphatic form of me.
meditamentum, -Tnt preparation, drill, meminT, -isse vi (with gen) to remember,
meditatio, -onis/thinking about; think of; to mention.
preparation, practice, Memnon, -onis m Ethiopian king, killed at Troy.
meditatus adj studied, Memnonius adj see n.
mediterraneus adj inland, memor, -is adj mindful, remembering; in
meditor, -ari, -itus vt, vi to think over, memory (of).
contemplate, reflect; to practise, study, memorabilis adj memorable, remarkable,
medius adj middle, the middle of; memorandus adj noteworthy.
intermediate; intervening; middling, memoratus, -us m mention,
moderate; neutral ♦ nt middle; public ♦ m memoratus adj famed.
mediator; -um complect? clasp round the memoria, -ae/memory, remembrance; time,
waist; -um se gerere be neutral; -6 midway; lifetime; history; haec - our day; -ae
-6 temporis meanwhile; in -um for the prodere hand down to posterity; post
common good; in -um proferre publish; de hominum -am since the beginning of
-6 tollere do away with; e -6 abire die, history.
disappear; in -6 esse be public; in -6 positus memoriola, -ae/weak memory,
open to all; in -5 relinquere leave undecided, memoriter adv from memory; accurately,
medius fidius interj by Heaven! memoro, -are, -avT, -atum vt to mention,
medix etc see meddix, say, speak.
medulla, -ae/marrow, pith, Memphis, -is and idos/ town in middle Egypt.
medullitus adv from the heart, Memphites and Itis and Iticus adj of
medullula, -ae/marrow. Memphis; Egyptian.
Medus, -Tm Mede, Persian. Menander (-ros), -ri m Greek writer of comedy.
Medus adj see n. Menandreus adj see n.
Medusa, -ae/ Gorgon, whose look turned menda, -ae/fault,
everything to stone. mendacium, -Tand iT nt lie.
Medusaeus adj: - equus Pegasus. mendaciunculum, -Tnt fib.
Megalensia (Megalesia), -ummpi festival of mendax, -acis adj lying; deceptive, unreal ♦
Cybele in April. m liar.
Megara, -ae/, -drum ntpl town in Greece near mendicitas, -atis/beggary.
the Isthmus. mendico, -are; -or, -ari, vi to beg, go begging.
Megareus and icus adj Megarean. mendicus adj beggarly, poor ♦ m beggar.
megistanes, -um mpi grandees. mendose adv see adj.
mehercle, mehercule, mehercules interj by mendosus adj faulty; wrong, mistaken.
Hercules! mendum, -Tnt fault, blunder.
meio, -ere vi to make water. Menelaeus adj see n.
LATIN-ENGLISH 133 Menelaus-Midas

Menelaus, -T m brother of Agamemnon, husband sink; (fig) to bury, plunge, drown,

of Helen. mergus, -Im (bird) diver,
Menoetiades, -aem Patroclus, meridianus ad; midday; southerly,
mens, mentis/mind, understanding; meridiatio, -onis/siesta,
feelings, heart; idea, plan, purpose; courage; meridies, -ei/midday, noon; south,
venit in mentem it occurs; mente captus meridio, -are, vi to take a siesta,
insane; ea mente ut with the intention of. merito, -are vt to learn,
mensa, -ae/table; meal, course; counter, merito adv deservedly,
bank; secunda - dessert, meritorius adj money-earning ♦ ntpl lodgings,
mensarius, -land iTm banker, meritum, -Int service, kindness, merit;
mensio, -onis/(metre) quantity, blame.
mensis, -is m month, meritus ppp of mereo ♦ adj deserved, just,
mensor, -orism measurer, surveyor, merops, -is/bee-eater,
menstrualis ad; for a month, mersi perfof mergo,
menstruus ad; monthly; for a month ♦ m a merso, -are vt to immerse, plunge; to
month’s provisions, overwhelm,
mensula, -ae/little table, mersus ppp of mergo,
mensura, -ae/measure, measurement; merula, -ae/blackbird.
standard, standing; amount, size, capacity, merum, -Int wine.
mensus ppa of metior, merus ad; pure, undiluted; bare, mere,
menta, -ae/mint. merx, mercis/goods, wares.
Menteus adj see n. Messalla, -aem Roman surname (esp
mentions, -ientis m fallacy, ~ Corvinus Augustan orator, soldier and literary
mentio, -onis/mention, hint, patron).
mentior, -IrT, -Ttus vi to lie, deceive ♦ vt to say Messallina, -Inae/ wife of emperor Claudius;
falsely; to feign, imitate, wife of Nero.
mentitus adj lying, false. Messana, -ae/Sicilian town (nowMessina),
Mentor, -is m artist in metalwork; messis, -is/harvest,
ornamental cup. messor, -oris m reaper,
mentum, -Int chin, messorius ad; a reaper’s.
meo, -are vi to go, pass, messui perfof meto.
mephitis, -is/noxious vapour, malaria, messus ppp 0/ meto.
meracus adj pure, meta, -ae/pillar at each end of the Circus course;
mercabilis ad; buyable, turning point, winning post; (fig) goal, end,
mercator, -orism merchant, dealer, limit.
mercatura, -ae/commerce; purchase; goods, metallum, -Int mine, quarry; metal,
mercatus, -us m trade, traffic; market, fair, metator, -oris m surveyor.
mercedula, -ae/poor wages, small rent, Metaurus, -Im river in Umbria, famous for the
mercenarius adj hired, mercenary ♦ m defeat of Hasdrubal.
servant. Metellus, -Im Roman surname (esp the
merces, -edis/pay, wages, fee; bribe; rent; commander against Jugurtha).
(fig) reward, retribution, cost, Methymna, -ae/ town in Lesbos.
mercimonium, -land ilnt wares, goods, Methymnaeus adj see n.
mercor, -art, -atus vt to trade in, purchase. metior, -tlri, -nsus vt to measure, measure
Mercurius, -Im messenger of the gods, god of out; to traverse; (fig) to estimate, judge,
trade, thieves, speech and the lyre; stella ~T meto, -tere, -ssul, -ssum vt to reap, gather;
planet Mercury. to mow, cut down.
Mercurialis adj see n. metor, -arl, -atus vt to measure off, lay out.
merda, -ae/dung. metreta, -ae/ liquid measure (about 9
merenda, -ae/lunch. gallons).
mereo, -ere, -ul; -eor, -erl, -itusvt, vi to metuculosusad; frightful,
deserve; to earn, win, acquire; (mil) to serve; metuo, -uere, -ul, -utum vt to fear, be
bene - de do a service to, serve well; - equo apprehensive.
serve in the cavalry, metus, -usm fear, alarm, anxiety,
meretricius adj a harlot’s, meus ad; my, mine,
meretricula, -ae/pretty harlot, ml dat of ego; voc and mpl of meus.
meretrix, -icis/harlot, mica, -ae/crumb, grain,
mergae, -arum/p! pitchfork, micd, -are, -ulvi to quiver, flicker, beat, flash,
merges, -itis/ sheaf. sparkle.
mergo, -gere, -si, -sum vt to dip, immerse, Midas, -ae m Phrygian king whose touch turned

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -tire = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -Ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
migratid-miseror 134 LATIN-ENGLISH

everything to gold. Minois, -idis/Ariadne.

migratio, -onis/removal, change, Minoius, -US adj seen.
migro, -are, -avi, -atum vi to remove, minor, -ari, to threaten; to project,
change, pass away ♦ vt to transport, minor, -oris adj smaller, less, inferior;
transgress. younger; (pi) descendants.
miles, -itis m soldier, infantryman; army Minos, -is m king of Crete, judge in the lower
troops. world.
Milesius adj see n. Minotaurus, -I m monster of the Cretan
Miletus, -ti/ town in Asia Minor. labyrinth, half bull, half man.
milia, -um ntpi thousands; - passuum miles, Minturnae, -arum/pi town in S. Latium.
miliarium (milliarium), -land iint milestone, Minturnensis adj see n.
militaris adj military, a soldier’s, minum-etc see minim-,
militariter adv in a soldierly fashion, minuo, -uere, -ul, -utum vt to make smaller,
militia, -ae/military service, war; the army; lessen; to chop up; to reduce, weaken ♦ vi
-ae on service; domi -aeque at home and (tide) to ebb.
abroad. minus nt minor ♦ adv less; not, not at all; quo -
milito, -arevi to serve, be a soldier. (prevent) from,
milium, -land ii nt millet. minusculus adj smallish,
mille, (pi —ia) num a thousand; - passus a mile. minutal, -alis nt mince,
millensimus, -esimusadj thousandth. minutatim adv bit by bit.
millia etc see milia. minute adv in a petty manner,
milliarium etc see miliarium. minutuspppof minuo ♦ adj small; paltry,
milliens, -esadv a thousand times. mlribilisadj wonderful, extraordinary,
Milo, -onis m tribune who killed Clodius and was mirabiliter adv see adj.
defended by Cicero. mirabundus adj astonished,
Milonianus adj seen. miraculum, -Tnt marvel, wonder;
Miltiades, -is m Athenian general, victor at amazement.
Marathon. mirandus adj wonderful,
miluinus adj resembling a kite; rapacious, miratio, -onis/ wonder,
miluus (milvus), -Tm kite; gurnard, mirator, -orism admirer,
mima, -ae/ actress. miratrix, -Icis adj admiring,
Mimallonis, -dis/Bacchante, mire adv see adj.
mimice adv see adj. mirifice adv see adj.
mimicus adj farcical. mirificus adj wonderful,
Mimnermus, -im Greek elegiac poet. mirmillo see murmillo.
mimula, -ae/actress, mlror, -ari, -atus vt to wonder at, be
mimus, -Im actor; mime, farce, surprised at, admire ♦ vi to wonder, be
mina, -ae/ Greek silver coin. surprised.
minaciter adv see adj. mlrus adj wonderful, strange; -um quam,
minae, -arumjpi threats; (wall) pinnacles, quantum extraordinarily,
minanter adv threateningly, miscellanea, -drum mpi (food) hotchpotch,
minatio,-onis/threat. misceo, -scere, -scul, -xtum vt to mix,
minax, -acis adj threatening; projecting. mingle, blend; to join, combine; to confuse,
Minerva, -ae/ goddess of wisdom and arts, esp embroil.
weaving; (.fig) talent, genius; working in wool; misellus adj poor little.
sus -am = "teach your grandmother!" Misenensis adj see n.
minianus adj red-leaded, Misenum, -Int promontory and harbour near
miniatulus adj painted red. Naples.
minime adv least, very little; (reply) no, not at miser, -Iadj wretched, poor, pitiful, sorry,
all. miserabilis adj pitiable, sad, plaintive,
minimus adj least, smallest, very small; miserabiliter adv see adj.
youngest. miserandus adj deplorable,
minio, -are, -avi, -atum vi to colour red. miseratio, -onis/pity, compassion, pathos,
minister, -rim, ~ra, -rae/attendant, servant; misere adv see adj.
helper, agent, tool. _ misereo, -ere, -uT, -eor, -eri, (with
ministerium, -land ii nt service, office, duty; gen) to pity, sympathize with; -at me I pity, I
retinue. am sorry.
ministrator, -orism, ~rix, -ncis/assistant, miseresco, -ere vi to feel pity,
handmaid. miseria, -ae/misery, trouble, distress,
ministro, -are vt to serve, supply; to manage, misericordia, -ae/pity, sympathy, mercy,
minitabundus adj threatening, misericors, -dis adj sympathetic, merciful,
minitor, -ari, -6, -are vt, vi to threaten, miseriter adv sadly.
minium, -land ilnt vermilion, red lead. miseror, -ari, -atus vt to deplore; to pity.
LATIN-ENGL1SH 135 mTsT-Molossis

misT perf of mitto. just; (time) just now, a moment ago, in a

missa, -aef(eccL) mass, moment ♦ con; if only; non - not only; non -
missilis ad; missile, ... sed not only ... but also ...; - non all but,
missio, -onis/sending; release; (mil) almost; - ... - sometimes ... sometimes; - ...
discharge; (gladiators) quarter; (events) end; turn at first... then,
sine -one to the death, modulate adv melodiously,
missito, -are vt to send repeatedly, modulator, -orism musician,
missus pppo/mitto. modulatus ad; played, measured,
missus, -US m sending; throwing; - sagittae modulor, -arl, - atus vt to modulate, play,
bowshot. sing.
mitella,^ -ae / turban, modulus, -Im measure,
mitesco, -ere vi to ripen; to grow mild. modus, -I m measure; size; metre, music;
Mithridates, -ism king of Pontus, defeated by way, method; limit, end; eius ~T such; -6, in,
Pompey. -urn like.
Mithridateus, -icus adj see n. moecha, -ae/adulteress,
mitigatio, -onis/soothing, moechor, -arl vi to commit adultery,
mitigo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to ripen, soften; moechus, -I m adulterer,
to calm, pacify. moenera etc see munus,
mltisad; ripe, mellow; soft, mild; gentle, moenia, -um ntpi defences, walls; town,
mitra, -ae/turban, stronghold,
mitto, -ere, misi, missum vt to send, moenio etc see munio.
dispatch; to throw, hurl; to let go, dismiss; to Moesi, -orum mpl people on lower Danube
emit, utter; (news) to send word; (gift) to (now Bulgaria).
bestow; (event) to end; (speech) to omit, stop; mola, -ae/millstone, mill; grains of spelt,
sanguinem - bleed ; ad cenam - invite to molaris, -ism millstone; (tooth) molar,
dinner; missum facere forgo, moles, -is/mass, bulk, pile; dam, pier,
mitulus, -I m mussel, massive structure; (fig) greatness, weight,
mixtim adv promiscuously, effort, trouble,
mixtura, -ae/mingling. moleste adv see adj.
Mnemosyne, -es/ mother of the Muses. molestia, -ae/trouble, annoyance, worry;
mnemosynon, -Int souvenir, (style) affectation.
mobilis ad; movable; nimble, fleet; excitable, molestus ad; irksome, annoying; (style)
fickle. laboured.
mobilitas, -atis/agility, rapidity; fickleness, molimen, -inis nt exertion, labour;
mobiliter adv rapidly, importance.
mobilito, -arevt to make rapid, molimentum, -Int great effort,
moderabilis ad; moderate, molior, -Iri, -itus vt to labour at, work, build;
moderamen, -inisnt control; government, to wield, move, heave; to undertake, devise,
moderanter adv with control, occasion ♦ vi to exert oneself, struggle,
moderate adv with restraint, molitio, -onis/laborious work,
moderating adv gradually, molitor, -orism builder,
moderatio, -onis/control, government; mollesco, -erevi to soften, become
moderation; rules. effeminate,
moderator, -oris m controller, governor, molliculusadj tender,
moderatrix, -Icis/mistress, controller, mollio, -Ire, -Ivi, -Itum vt to soften, make
moderatus ad; restrained, orderly, supple; to mitigate, make easier; to
moderor, -ari, -atus vt, vi (with dat) to demoralize.
restrain, check; (with acc) to manage, mollis adj soft, supple; tender, gentle;
govern, guide. (character) sensitive, weak, unmanly; (poetry)
modeste adv with moderation; humbly, amatory; (opinion) changeable; (slope) easy,
modestia, -ae/temperate behaviour, molliter adv softly, gently; calmly;
discipline; humility, voluptuously.
modestus adj sober, restrained; well- mollitia, -ae, -es, -el/ softness, suppleness;
behaved, disciplined; modest, unassuming, tenderness, weakness, effeminacy,
modialis adj holding a peck, mollitudo, -inis/softness; susceptibility,
modice adv moderately; slightly, mold, -ere vt to grind.
modicus ad; moderate; middling, small, mean, Molossi, -orum mpl Molossians, people in
modificatus adj measured, Epirus.
modius, -Iand ii m corn measure, peck, Molossicus, -US ad; see n.
modo adv only; at all, in any way; (with imp) Molossis, -idis/country of the Molossians.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
Molossus-mulceo 136 LATIN-ENGL1SH

Molossus, -T m Molossian hound, morior, -T, -tuus vi to die; to decay, fade,

moly, -os nt a magic herb, moriturus fut p of morior,
momen, -inisnt movement, momentum, morologus ad; foolish,
momentum, -Tnt movement; change; (time) moror, -ari, -atus vi to delay, stay, loiter ♦ vt
short space, moment; (fig) cause, influence, to detain, retard; to entertain; (with neg) to
importance; nullius -T unimportant, heed, object; nihil, nil - have no objection to;
momordi perfof mordeo. to not care for; to withdraw a charge
Mona, -ae/Isle of Man; Anglesey, against.
monachus, -Tm monk, morose adv see adj.
monedula, -ae/jackdaw, morositas, -atis/peevishness,
moneo, -ere, -ui, -itum vt to remind, advise, morosus adj peevish, difficult.
warn; to instruct, foretell, Morpheus, -eosm god of dreams.
moneris, -is/galley with one bank of oars, mors, mortis/death; corpse; mortem sibi
monerula etc see monedula, consciscere commit suicide; mortis poena
moneta, -ae/mint; money; stamp, capital punishment,
monile, -ism necklace, collar, morsiuncula, -ae/little kiss,
monim- etc see monum-. morsus pppof mordeo ♦ ntpl little bits,
monitio, -dnis/admonishing. morsus, -us m bite; grip; (fig) sting, vexation,
monitor, -oris m admonisher; prompter; mortalis adj mortal; transient; man-made ♦ m
teacher. human being.
monitum, -int warning; prophecy, mortalitas, -atis/mortality, death,
monitus, -us m admonition; warning, mortarium, -T and iT nt mortar,
monogrammus ad; shadowy, mortifer, -Tad; fatal.
monopodium, -iand ii m table with one leg. mortuus ppao/morior ♦ ad; dead ♦ m dead
mons, montis m mountain, man.
monstrator, -oris m shower, inventor, morum, -Tnt blackberry, mulberry,
monstratus a<# distinguished, morus, -if black mulberry tree,
monstre adv see adj. morus adj foolish ♦ m fool,
monstro, -are, -avT, -atum vt to point out, mos, moris m nature, manner; humour,
show; to inform, instruct; to appoint; to mood; custom, practice, law; (pi) behaviour,
denounce. character, morals; - maiorum national
monstrum, -Tnt portent, marvel; monster, tradition; morem gerere oblige, humour;
monstruosus adj unnatural, more, in morem like.
montanus ad; mountainous; mountain- (in Mosa, -ae m river Meuse.
cpds), highland, Moses, -is m Moses,
monticola, -ae m highlander, motio, -onis/motion.
montivagus adj mountain-roving, moto, -are vt to keep moving,
montuosus, montosus ad; mountainous, motus ppp of moved.
monumentum, -Tnt memorial, monument; motus, -us m movement; dance, gesture;
record. (mind) impulse, emotion; (pol) rising,
Mopsopius ad; Athenian, rebellion; terrae - earthquake,
mora, -ae/delay, pause; hindrance; space of movens, -entis pres pof moveo ♦ adj movable
time, sojourn; -am facere put off. ♦ ntpl motives.
mora, -a ef division of the Spartan army. moveo, -ere, movT, motum vt to move, set
moralis ad; moral, in motion; to disturb; to change; to dislodge,
morator, -oris m delayer, expel; to occasion, begin; (opinion) to shake;
moratus ad; mannered, of a nature; (writing) (mind) to affect, influence, provoke ♦ vi to
in character. move; castra - strike camp; se - budge; to
morbidus ad; unwholesome, dance.
morbus, -Tm illness, disease; distress, mox adv presently, soon, later on; next.
mordaciter adv see adj. Moyses see Moses.
mordax, -acis ad; biting, sharp, pungent; (fig) mucidus adj snivelling; mouldy.
snarling, carking. Mucius, -Tm Roman family name (esp
mordeo, -dire, momordi, -sum vt to bite; to Scaevola, who burned his right hand before
bite into, grip; (cold) to nip; (words) to sting, Porsena).
hurt, mortify. mucro, -onism point, edge; sword,
mordicus adv with a bite; (fig) doggedly, mucus, -Tm mucus,
mores pi of mos. mugilis, -is m mullet,
moretum, -Tm salad, muginor, -an vi to hesitate,
moribundus ad; dying, mortal; deadly, mugio, -Tre vi to bellow, groan.
morigeror, -ari, -atusvi (with dat) to gratify, mugTtus, -us m lowing, roaring,
humour. mula, -ae/she-mule.
morigerus ad; obliging, obedient. mulceo, -cere, -si, -sum vt to stroke, caress;
LAT1N-ENGL1SH 137 Mulciber-musicus

to soothe, alleviate, delight. mundus ad; clean, neat, elegant; in -6 esse be

Mulciber, -is and 7 m Vulcan, in readiness.
mulco, -are, -avl, -atum vt to beat, ill-treat, mundus, -7m toilet gear; universe, world,
damage. heavens; mankind.
mulctra, -ae/, -arium, -an, and aril, -um, -7 munerigerulus, -7m bringer of presents,
nt milkpail. munero, -are, -or, -arivt to present, reward,
mulgeo, -ere, muls7vt to milk, munia, -orum ntpi official duties,
muliebris adj woman’s, feminine; effeminate, municeps, -ipis m!f citizen (of a municipium),
muliebriter adv like a woman; effeminately, fellow-citizen,
mulier, -is/woman; wife, municipalis ad; provincial,
mulierarius adj woman’s, municipium, -7and i7nt provincial town,
muliercula, -ae/girl. burgh.
mulierositas, -atis/ fondness for women, munifice adv see adj.
mulierosus ad; fond of women, munificentia, -ae/liberality,
mulinus ad; mulish, munifico, -are vt to treat generously,
mulio, -onis m mule driver, munificus ad; liberal,
mulionius ad; mule driver’s, munimen, -inisnt defence,
mullus, -7 m red mullet. munimentum, -7nt defencework, protection,
muls7 perf of mulced; perfof mulgeo. munio, -7re, -i7, -7tum vt to fortify, secure,
mulsus ppp of mulceo. strengthen; (road) to build; (fig) to protect,
mulsus adj honeyed, sweet ♦ nt honey-wine, munis ad; ready to oblige,
mead. munitio, -onis/building; fortification; (river)
multa, -ae/penalty, fine; loss, bridging.
multangulus ad; many-angled, munito, -are vt (road) to open up.
multaticius adj fine- (in cpds). munitor, -orism sapper, builder,
multatio, -onis/fining. munus, -eris nt service, duty; gift; public
multesimus adj very small, show; entertainment; tax; (funeral) tribute;
multicavus adj many-holed. (book) work.
multicia, -orum ntpi transparent garments, munusculum, -7nt small present.
multifariam adv in many places, muraena, -ae/a fish.
multifidus ad; divided into many parts, muralis ad; wall- (in cpds), mural, for fighting
multiformis ad; of many forms, from or attacking walls,
multiforus adj many-holed. murex, -icis m purple-fish; purple dye,
multigeneris, -us adj of many kinds, purple; jagged rock,
multiiugis, -us adj yoked together; complex, muria, -ae/brine.
multiloquium, -7and i7nt talkativeness, murmillo, -onis m kind of gladiator.
multiloquus adj talkative, murmur, -is nt murmur, hum, rumbling,
multimodis adv variously, roaring.
multiplex, -icisad; with many folds, tortuous; murmurillum, -7nt low murmur,
many-sided, manifold, various; (comparison) murmuro, -are vi to murmur, rumble; to
far greater; (character) fickle, sly. grumble.
multiplico, -are, -avi, -atum vt to multiply, murra, -ae/myrrh.
enlarge. murreus ad; perfumed; made of the stone
multipotens, -entisadj very powerful, called murra.
multitudo, -inis/great number, multitude, murrina, -ae/ myrrh wine,
crowd. murrina, -orum ntpi murrine vases,
multivolus adj longing for much, murt- etc see myrt-.
multo adv much, far, by far; (time) long, murus, -7m wall; dam; defence,
multo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to punish, fine, mus, muris mJf mouse, rat.
multum adv much, very, frequently, Musa, -aef goddess inspiring an art, poem; (pf)
multus (comparplus super/plurimus)ad; studies.
much, many; (speech) lengthy, tedious; musaeus ad; poetic, musical.
(time) late; ~a nocte late at night; ne -a = to musca, -ae/fly.
cut a long story short. muscipula, -ae/, -um, -7 nt mousetrap,
mulus, -7m mule. muscosus adj mossy,
Mulvius ad; Mulvian (a Tiber bridge above musculus, -7m mouse; muscle; (mil) shed,
Rome). muscus, -7m moss,
mundanus, -7m world citizen, musice adv very pleasantly,
munditia, -ae, -es, -§7/ cleanness; neatness, musicus ad; of music, of poetry ♦ m musician
elegance. ♦ /music, culture ♦ ntpi music.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -are = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -Ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
mussito-natu 138 LATIN-ENGLISH

mussito, -ire vi to say nothing; to mutter ♦ vt

to bear in silence.
musso, -are vt, vt to say nothing, brood over;
to mutter, murmur.
mustaceum, -Tnt, -us, -I m wedding cake,
mustela, -ae/ weasel,
mustum, -Tnt unfermented wine, must;
mutabilis ad; changeable, fickle, nablium, -iond ii nt kind of harp,
mutabilitas, -atis/fickleness, nactus ppa of nanciscor,
mutatio, -onis/change, alteration; nae etc see ne.
exchange. naenia etc see nenia.
mutilo, -are, -avT, -atum vt to cut off, maim; Naevianus adj see n.
to diminish, Naevius, -im early Latin poet.
mutilusadj maimed. naevus, -i m mole (on the body).
Mutina, -aeftown in N. Italy (now Modena). Naias, -adis and s, -dis/water nymph, Naiad.
Mutinensis adj see n. Naicus ad; see n.
mutio etc see muttio. nam con; (explaining) for; (illustrating) for
muto, -are, -avT, -atum vt to shift; to change, example; (transitional) now; (interrog) but;
alter; to exchange, barter ♦ vi to change; (enclitic) an emphatic particle.
~ata verba figurative language, namque con; for, for indeed, for example,
muttio, -irevi to mutter, mumble, nanciscor, -i, nactus and nanctus vt to
mutuatio, -dnis/borrowing. obtain, get; to come upon, find,
mutue adv mutually, in turns, nanus, -im dwarf.
mutuito, -are vt to try to borrow, Napaeae, -arum/pi dell nymphs,
mutuo adv = mutue, napus, -i m turnip.
mutuor, -ari, -atus vt to borrow, Narbo, -onis m town in S. Gaul.
mutus adj dumb, mute; silent, still, Narbonensis adj see n.
mutuum, -T nt loan, narcissus, -i m narcissus,
mutuus adj borrowed, lent; mutual, nardus, -If, -um, -i nt nard, nard oil.
reciprocal; -urn dare lend; -urn sumere naris, -is/nostril; (pi) nose; (fig) sagacity,
borrow; ~um facere return like for like. scorn.
Mycenae, -arum/pi Agamemnon's capital in S. narrabilis ad; to be told.
Greece. narratio, -onis/narrative.
Mycenaeus, -ensis adj, -is, -idis/Iphigenia. narrator, -oris m storyteller, historian.
Mygdonius adj Phrygian, narratus, -us m narrative.
myoparo, -onis m pirate galley, narro, -are, -avi, -atum vt to tell, relate, say;
myrica, -ae/tamarisk. male - bring bad news,
Myrmidones, -um mpi followers of Achilles. narthecium, -iand ii nt medicine chest,
Myron, -onis m famous Greek sculptor. nascor, -sci, -tus vi to be born; to originate,
myropola, -aem perfumer, grow, be produced.
myropolium, -iand iint perfumer’s shop, Naso, -onis m surname of Ovid.
myrothecium, -iand ii nt perfume-box. nassa, -ae/wicker basket for catching fish;
myrrh- etc see murr-. (fig) snare.
myrtetum, -int myrtlegrove. nasturtium, -iandiim cress,
myrteus adj myrtle- (in cpds). nasus, -im nose,
Myrtoum mare Sea N.W. of Crete. nasute adv sarcastically,
myrtum, -int myrtle-berry, nasutus ad; big-nosed; satirical,
myrtus, -iand us/myrtle. nata, -ae/daughter.
Mysia, -ia ef country of Asia Minor. natalicius adj of one’s birthday, natal ♦/
Mysius, -US adj see n. birthday party.
mysta, -ae m priest of mysteries, natalis ad; of birth, natal ♦ m birthday ♦ mpl
mystagogus, -im initiator, birth, origin.
mysterium, -i and ii nt secret religion, natatio, -onis/ swimming.
mystery; secret, natator, -orism swimmer.
mysticus adj mystic. natio, -onis/tribe, race; breed, class.
Mytilenae, -arum/pi; -e, -es/capital of natis, -isf (usupi) buttocks.
Lesbos. nativus ad; created; inborn, native, natural.
Mytilenaeus adj see n. nato, -are vi to swim, float; to flow, overflow;
Mytilenensis adj see n. (eyes) to swim, fail; (fig) to waver,
natrix, -icis/watersnake.
natu abl m by birth, in age; grandis magno -
quite old; maior - older; maximus - oldest.
LATIN-ENGLISH 139 natura-negotidsus

natura, -ae/birth; nature, quality, character; nebulo, -onis m idler, good-for-nothing,

natural order of things; the physical world; nebulosus adj misty, cloudy,
(physics) element; rerum - Nature, nec etc see neque,
naturalis adj by birth; by nature, natural, necdum adv and not yet.
naturaliter adv by nature, necessarie, -6 adv of necessity, unavoidably,
natus ppa of nascor ♦ m son ♦ adj born, made necessarius ad) necessary, inevitable;
(for); old, of age; pro, e re nata under the indispensable; (kin) related ♦ m//relative ♦
circumstances, as things are; annos viginti ntpl necessities.
~ 20 years old. necesseadj (indecl) necessary, inevitable;
nauarchus, -I m captain, needful.
naucl: non esse, facere, habere to be necessitas, -atis/ necessity, compulsion;
worthless, consider worthless, requirement, want; relationship,
nauclericus adj skipper’s, connection.
nauclerus, -T m skipper, necessitudo, -inis/necessity, need, want;
naufragium, -land iTnt shipwreck, wreck; - connection; friendship (pf) relatives,
facere be shipwrecked, necessum etc see necesse.
naufragus ad; shipwrecked, wrecked; (sea) necne adv or not.
dangerous to shipping ♦ m shipwrecked necnon adv also, besides,
man; (.fig) ruined man. need, -are, -ivT, -atum vt to kill, murder,
naulum, -1« fare, necopinans, -antis adj unaware,
naumachia, -ae/mock sea fight, necopinato adv see adj.
nausea, -ae/seasickness, necopinatus adj unexpected,
nauseo, -are vi to be sick; (fig) to disgust, necopinus adj unexpected; unsuspecting,
nauseola, -ae/squeamishness, nectar, -is nt nectar (the drink of the gods).
nauta, (navita!, -aem sailor, mariner, nectareus adj of nectar,
nauticus adi nautical, sailors’ ♦ mpi seamen, necto, -ctere, -xi and xul, -xum vt to tie,
navalis adj naval, of ships ♦ nt and ntpi fasten, connect; to weave; (fig) to bind,
dockyard; rigging, enslave (esp for debt)-, to contrive, frame,
navicula, -ae/boat. necubi conj so that nowhere,
navicularia, -ae/shipping business, necunde conj so that from nowhere,
navicularius, -i and iTm ship-owner, nedum adv much less, much more,
navifragus ad; dangerous, nefandus adj abominable, impious,
navigabilis ad) navigable, nefarie adv see adj.
navigatio, -onis/voyage, nefarius adj heinous, criminal,
naviger, -7adj ship-carrying, nefas nt (indecl) wickedness, sin, wrong ♦ interj
navigium, -T and il nt vessel, ship, horror!, shame!
navigo, -are, -avT, -atum vi to sail, put to sea nefastus adj wicked; unlucky; (days) closed to
♦ vt to sail across, navigate, public business,
navis, -is/ ship; - longa warship; - mercatoria negatio, -onis/denial,
merchantman; - oneraria transport; - negito, -are vt to deny, refuse,
praetoria flagship; ~em deducere launch; neglectio, -onis/neglect,
-em solvere set sail; -em statuere heave to; neglectus ppp of neglego,
-em subducere beach; -ibus atque quadrigis neglectus, -us m neglecting,
with might and main, neglegens, -entisprespof neglego ♦ adj
navita etc see nauta, careless, indifferent,
navitas, -atis/energy, neglegenter adv carelessly,
naviter adv energetically; absolutely, neglegentia, -ae/carelessness, neglect,
navo, -are vt to perform energetically; coldness.
operam ~ be energetic; to come to the neglego, -egere, -exi, -ectum vt to neglect,
assistance (of), not care for; to slight, disregard; to
navus adj energetic. overlook.
Naxos, -T/Aegean island (famous for wines and nego, -are, -avl, -atum vt, vi to say no; to say
the story of Ariadne). not, deny; to refuse, decline,
ne interj truly, indeed, negotialis adj business- (in cpds).
ne adv not ♦ conj that not, lest; (fear) that; negotians, -antis m businessman,
(purpose) so that... not, to avoid, to prevent, negotiatio, -onis/banking business,
-ne enclitic (introducing a question). negotiator, -oris m businessman, banker,
Neapolis, -is/Naples. negotiolum, -Int trivial matter,
Neapolitanus adj see n. negotior, -arl, -atus vi to do business, trade,
nebula, -ae/mist, vapour, cloud. negotiosus adj busy.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are a 1st; -are = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
negotium-nitens 140 LAT1N-ENGLISH

negotium, -T and iint business, work; trouble; for his great age and wisdom).
matter, thing; quid est -i? what is the neu etc see neve,
matter? neuter, -riadj neither; neuter,
Neleius adj see n. neutiquam adv by no means, certainly not.
Neleus, -elm father of Nestor. neutro adv neither way.
Neleus adj seen. neve, neu conj and not; neither, nor.
Nemea, -ae/ town in S. Greece, where Hercules neviper/o/neo.
killed the lion. nex, necis/murder, death,
Nemea, -orum ntpl Nemean Games. nexilis adj tied together,
Nemeaeus adj Nemean. nexum, -Tm personal enslavement,
nemo, -inis mff no one, nobody ♦ adj no; - non nexus ppp of neetd.
everybody; non - many; - Onus not a soul, nexus, -us m entwining, grip; (law) bond,
nemoralis adj sylvan, obligation, (esp enslavement for debt).
nemorensis adj of the grove, niadv not ♦ conj if not, unless; that not; quid ni?
nemoricultrix, -Teis/forest dweller, why not?
nemorivagus adj forest-roving, niceterium, -Tand ii m prize,
nemorosus adj well-wooded; leafy, nietd, -are vi to wink,
nempe adv (confirming) surely, of course, nidamentum, -Tm nest,
certainly; (in questions) do you mean? nidor, -oris m steam, smell,
nemus, -drism wood, grove, nidulus, -Tm little nest,
nenia, -ae/dirge; incantation; song, nursery nidus, -Tm nest; (pl) nestlings; (fig) home,
rhyme. niger, -riadj black, dark; dismal, ill-omened;
ned, nere, nevi, netum vt to spin; to weave. (character) bad.
Neoptolemus, -T m Pyrrhus (son of Achilles). nigrans^-antis adj black, dusky,
nepa, -ae/scorpion, nigresco, -ere vi to blacken, grow dark,
nepos, -Otis m grandson; descendant; nigrd, -are vi to be black,
spendthrift. nigror, -oris m blackness,
nepotlnus, -Tm little grandson, nihil, nil m (indecl) nothing ♦ adv not; - ad nos
neptis, -is/granddaughter. it has nothing to do with us; - est it’s no use;
Neptunius adj: - herds Theseus. - est quod there is no reason why; - nisi
Neptunus, -Tm Neptune (god of the sea); sea. nothing but, only; - non everything; non -
nequam adj (indeef) worthless, bad. something.
nequaquam adv not at all, by no means, nihilum, -Tm nothing; ~i esse be worthless; -o
neque, nec adv not ♦ conj and not, but not; minus none the less,
neither, nor; - ... et not only not... but also, nil, nilum see nihil, nihilum.
nequeo, -Tre, -TvT, -Ttum vi to be unable, Niliacus adj of the Nile; Egyptian.
cannot. NTlus, -Tm Nile; conduit,
nequiquam adv fruitlessly, for nothing; nimbifer, -Tadj stormy,
without good reason. nimbosus adj stormy,
nequior, nequissimus compar, superi of nimbus, -Tm cloud, rain, storm,
nequam. nimid adv much, far.
nequiter adv worthlessly, wrongly, nTmTrum adv certainly, of course,
nequitia, -ae, -es/worthlessness, badness. nimis adv too much, very much; non ~ not
Nereis, -eidis/Nereid, sea nymph. very.
Nereius adj see n. nimium adv too, too much; very, very much,
Nereus, -ei m a sea god; the sea. nimius adj too great, excessive; very great ♦
Neritius adj of Neritos; Ithacan. nt excess.
Neritos, -Tm island near Ithaca. ningit, ninguit, -ere vi it snows,
Nero, -onis m Roman surname (esp the ningues, -iumjpi snow.
emperor). Nioba, -ae, -e, -es/daughter of Tantalus
Neronianus adj see n. (changed to a weeping rock).
nervose adv vigorously. NiobeUS adj see n.
nervosus adj sinewy, vigorous. NTreus, -eT and eos m handsomest of the Greeks
nervuli, -orum mpi energy. at Troy.
nervus, -T m sinew; string; fetter, prison; Nisaeus, -eius adj see n.
(shield) leather; (pl) strength, vigour, Niseis, -edis/Scylla.
energy. nisi conj if not, unless; except, but.
nescio, -Tre, -TvTand IT, -Ttum vt to not know, nisus ppa of nrtor.
be ignorant of; to be unable; ~ quis, quid nisus, -us m pressure, effort; striving,
somebody, something; - an probably, soaring.
nescius adj ignorant, unaware; unable; NTSUS, -Tm father of Scylla.
unknown. nitedula, -ae/dormouse,
Nestor, -oris m Greek leader at Troy (famous nitens, -entis pres pof niteo ♦ adj bright;
LATIN-ENGLISH 141 niteo-novacula

brilliant, beautiful. nomino, -are, -avl, -atum vt to name, call; to

niteo, -ere vi to shine, gleam; to be sleek, be mention; to make famous; to nominate; to
greasy; to thrive, look beautiful, accuse, denounce,
nitesco, -ere, nituTvi to brighten, shine, nomisma, -tis nt coin,
glow. non adv not; no.
nitidiuscule adv rather more finely. Nonae, -arum fpi Nones (7th day of March,
nitidiusculus ad; a little shinier. May, July, October, 5th of other months).
nitide adv magnificently. nonagesimus ad; ninetieth,
nitidus ad; bright, shining; sleek; blooming; nonagiens, -es adv ninety times,
smart, spruce; (speech) refined, nonaginta num ninety,
nitor, -oris m brightness, sheen; sleekness, nonanus ad; of the ninth legion,
beauty; neatness, elegance, nondum adv not yet.
nitor, -tl, -sus and xus vi to rest on, lean on; to nongenti, -orum num nine hundred,
press, stand firmly; to press forward, climb; nonna, -ae/nun.
to exert oneself, strive, labour; to depend nonne adv do not?, is not? etc.; (indirect)
on. whether not.
nitrum, -int soda, nonnullus adj some,
nivalis adj snowy. nonnunquam adv sometimes,
niveus ad; of snow, snowy, snow-white, nonus ad; ninth ♦ / ninth hour,
nivosus ad; snowy, nonusdecimus ad; nineteenth.
nix, nivis/snow. Noricum, -l nt country between the Danube and
nixor, -an vi to rest on; to struggle. the Alps.
nlxus ppp of nitor. NdriCUS ad; see n.
nlxus, -us m pressure; labour. norma, -ae/rule.
no, nare, navlvi to swim, float; to sail, fly. nospron we, us; I, me.
nobilis adj known, noted, famous, notorious; noscito, -are vt to know, recognise; to
noble, high-born; excellent, observe, examine.
nobilitas, -atis/ fame; noble birth; the nosed, -scere, -vi, -turn vt to get to know,
nobility; excellence. learn; to examine; to recognise, allow; (perf)
nobilito, -are, -avl, -atum vt to make famous to know.
ornotorious. nosmetpron (emphatic) see nos.
nocens, -entis pres po/ noceo ♦ ad; harmful; noster, -rladj our, ours; for us; my; (with
criminal, guilty. names) my dear, good old ♦ m our friend ♦
noceo, -ere, -ul, -itum vi (with dat) to harm, mpl our side, our troops; ~ri, -rum of us.
hurt. nostras, -atis ad; of our country, native,
nocivus ad; injurious, nota, -ae/mark, sign, note; (writing) note,
noctifer, -I m evening star, letter; (pi) memoranda, shorthand, secret
noctiluca, -ae/moon. writing; (books) critical mark, punctuation;
noctivagus ad; night-wandering, (wine, etc) brand, quality; (gesture) sign; (fig)
noctu adv by night, sign, token; (censor's) black mark; (fig)
noctua, -ae/owl. stigma, disgrace.
noctuabundus ad; travelling by night, notabilis adj remarkable; notorious,
nocturnus ad; night- (in cpds), nocturnal, notabiliter adv perceptibly,
nodo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to knot, tie. notarius, -land ii m shorthand writer;
nodosus ad; knotty. secretary.
nodus, -Im knot; knob; girdle; (fig) bond, notatio, -onis/marking; choice; observation;
difficulty. (censor) stigmatizing; (words) etymology,
nolo, -le, -ul vt, vi to not wish, be unwilling, notesco, -ere, notulvi to become known,
refuse; -I, -Tte do not. nothus ad; bastard; counterfeit,
Nomas, -dism//nomad; Numidian. notio, -onis/(/aw) cognisance, investigation;
nomen, -inisnt name; title; (comm) demand, (philos) idea.
debt; (cram) noun; (fig) reputation, fame; notitia, -ae, -es, -el/fame; acquaintance;
account, pretext; - dare profiteri enlist; - (philos) idea, preconception,
deferre accuse; -ina facere enter the items of noto, -are, -avl, -atum vt to mark, write; to
a debt. denote; to observe; to brand, stigmatize,
nomenclator, -oris m slave who told his master notu iperfof notesco,
the names of people. notuspppo/nosco ♦ ad; known, familiar;
nominatim adv by name, one by one. notorious ♦ mpl acquaintances.
nominatio, -onis/nomination. Notus (-os), -Im south wind,
nominito, -are vt to usually name. novacula, -ae/razor.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
novalis-nusquam 142 LATIN-ENGLISH

novalis, -is/, -e, -is nt fallow land; field; crops. num interrog particle surely not? (indirect)
novitrlx, -Icis/renewer. whether, if.
noveadv unusually. Numa, -aem second king of Rome.
novellus adj young, fresh, new. numen, -inis nt nod, will; divine will, power;
novem num nine. divinity, god.
November, -ris adj of November ♦ m numerabilis adj easy to count,
November. numeratus ad; in cash ♦ nt ready money,
novendecim num nineteen, numero, -are, -avl, -atum vt to count,
novendialis adj nine days’; on the ninth day. number; (money) to pay out; (fig) to reckon,
noveni, -orum adj in nines; nine. consider as.
Novensiles, -ium mpi new gods, numero adv just now, quickly, too soon,
noverca, -ae/ stepmother, numerose adv rhythmically,
novercalis ad; stepmother’s. numerosus od; populous; rhythmical,
novT perfof nosco. numerus, -I m number; many, numbers; (mil)
novicius ad; new. troop; (fig) a cipher; (pf) mathematics; rank,
noviens, -esadv nine times, category, regard; rhythm, metre, verse; in
novissime adv lately; last of all. -6 esse, habert be reckoned as; nullo -6 of no
novissimus ad; latest, last, rear, account.
novitas, -atis/ newness, novelty; Numida adj see n.
strangeness. Numidae, -arum mpi Numidians (people ofN.
novo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to renew, refresh; Africa).
to change; (words) to coin; res ~ effect a Numidia, -iae/ the country of the Numidians.
revolution. Numidicus adj see n.
novus adj new, young, fresh, recent; strange, Numitor, -oris m king of Alba (grandfather of
unusual; inexperienced; - homo upstart, Romulus).
first of his family to hold curule office; -ae nummarius ad; money- (in cpds), financial;
res revolution; -ae tabulae cancellation of mercenary.
debts; quid -I what news? nummatus od; moneyed,
nox, noctis/night; darkness, obscurity; nummuli, -orum mpi some money, cash,
nocte, noctu by night; de nocte during the nummus, -I m coin, money, cash; (Roman coin)
night. sestertius; (Greek coin) two-drachma piece,
noxa, -ae/hurt, harm; offence, guilt; numnam, numnesee num.
punishment. numquam adv never; - non always; non -
noxia, -ae/harm, damage; guilt, fault, sometimes.
noxius adj harmful; guilty, numquid (question) do you? does he? etc;
nubecula, -ae/cloudy look, (indirect) whether.
nubes, -is/cloud; (fig) gloom; veil, nunc adv now; at present, nowadays; but as it
nubifer, -Tad; cloud-capped; cloudy, is; - ... - at one time ... at another,
nubigena, -ae m cloudborn, Centaur, nuncupatio, -onis/pronouncing.
nubilis adj marriageable, nuncupo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to call, name;
nubilus ad; cloudy; gloomy, sad ♦ ntpl clouds, to pronounce formally,
nubo, -bere, -psi, -ptum vi (women) to be nundinae, -arum/pi market day; market;
married. trade.
nucleus, -Im nut, kernel, nundinatio, -onis/trading,
nudius day since, days ago; - tertius the day nundinor, -ari vi to trade, traffic; to flock
before yesterday. together ♦ vt to buy.
nudo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to bare, strip, nundinum, -Tnt market time; trinum - 17
expose; (mil) to leave exposed; to plunder; days.
(fig) to disclose, betray, nunq- etc see numq-
nudus ad; naked, bare; exposed, defenceless; nuntiatio, -onis/ announcing,
wearing only a tunic; (fig) destitute, poor; nuntio, -are, -avl, -atum vt to announce,
mere; unembellished, undisguised; report, tell.
vestimenta detrahere -6 = draw blood from a nuntius adj informative, speaking ♦ m
stone. messenger; message, news; injunction;
nugae, -arum/pi nonsense, trifles; (person) notice of divorce ♦ nt message,
waster. nuper adv recently, lately,
nugator, -oris m silly creature, liar, nupslper/o/ nubo.
nugatorius ad; futile, nupta, -ae/bride, wife,
nugax, -acis ad; frivolous, nuptiae, -arumjpl wedding, marriage,
nugor, -arl, -atus vi to talk nonsense; to nuptialis ad; wedding- (in cpds), nuptial,
cheat. nurus, -us/ daughter-in-law; young woman,
nullus, -Ius (dat-T)adj no, none; not, not at all; nusquam adv nowhere; in nothing, for
non-existent, of no account ♦ mJf nobody. nothing.
LATIN-ENGLISH 143 nuto-obloquor

nuto, -are vi to nod; to sway, totter, falter. obhaeresco, -rescere, -si vi to stick fast,
nutricius,-I m tutor. obiaceo, -ere vi to lie over against,
nutrico, -are, -or, -arivt to nourish, sustain, obicio, -icere, -iecl, -iectum vt to throw to,
nutricula, -ae/nurse, set before; (defence) to put up, throw
nutrimen, -inis nt nourishment. against; (fig) to expose, give up; (speech) to
nutrirnentum,_-int nourishment, support, taunt, reproach,
nutrio, -ire, -Ivl, -Ttum vt to suckle, nourish, obiectatid, -onis/reproach.
rear, nurse. obiecto, -are vt to throw against; to expose,
nutrix, -Icis/nurse, foster mother, sacrifice; to reproach; (hint) to let on.
nutus, -us m nod; will, command; (physics) obiectuspppo/ obicio ♦ adj opposite, in front
gravity. of; exposed ♦ ntpl accusations,
nux, nucis/nut; nut tree, almond tree. obiectus, -us m putting in the way,
Nycteis, -idis/Antiopa, interposing,
nympha, -ae, -e, -es/bride; nymph; water. obiratus ad; angered,
Nysa, -ae/birthplace of Bacchus. obiter adv on the way; incidentally,
Nysaeus, -eis, -ius adj seen. obitus ppp of obeo.
obitus, -us m death, ruin; (astro) setting; visit.
obiurgatio, -onis/reprimand,
obiurgator, -oris m reprover,
obiurgatoriusad; reproachful.

0,o obiurgito,_-are vt to keep on reproaching,

obiurgo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to scold,
rebuke; to deter by reproof,
oblanguesco, -escere, -ulvi to become
oblatratrix, -Icis/nagging woman,
oblatus ppp of offero,
6 interj (expressing joy, surprise, pain, etc) oh!; oblectamentum, -Int amusement,
(with voc) O! oblectatio, -onis/delight,
ob prep (with acc) in front of; for, on account of, oblecto, -are, -avl, -atum vt to delight,
for the sake of; quam - rem accordingly, amuse, entertain; to detain; (time) to spend
obaeratus ad; in debt ♦ m debtor, pleasantly; se - enjoy oneself,
obambulo, -are vi to walk past, prowl about, obfldd, -dere, -si, -sum vt to crush, strangle,
obarmo, -are vt to arm (against), obligatio, -onis/pledge.
obaro, -are vt to plough up. obligo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to tie up,
Obc- etc see OCC-. bandage; to put under an obligation,
obdo, -ere, -idi, -itum vt to shut; to expose, embarrass; (law) to render liable, make
obdormisco, -Iscere, -Tvivi to fall asleep ♦ vt guilty; to mortgage,
to sleep off. obfirno, -are vt to cover with mud.
obduco, -ucere, -uxi, -uctum vt to draw oblino, -inere, -evl, -itum vt to smear over;
over, cover; to bring up; (drink) to swallow; to defile; (fig) to overload,
(time) to pass. oblique adv sideways; indirectly,
obducto, -are vt to bring as a rival, obliquo, -are vt to turn aside, veer,
obductus ppp of obduco, obliquus adj slanting, downhill; from the side,
obduresco, -escere, -ul vi to harden; to sideways; (look) askance, envious; (speech)
become obdurate. indirect.
obduro, -are vi to persist, stand firm, oblisus ppp of oblido,
obdutico, -onis/ veUing. oblitesco, -ere vt to hide away,
obeo, -Ire, -Ivl,and il, -itum vi to go to, meet; oblittero, -are, -avl, -atum vt to erase,
to die; (astro) to set ♦ vt to visit, travel over; cancel; (fig) to consign to oblivion,
to survey, go over; to envelop; (duty) to oblitus ppp of oblino,
engage in, perform; (time) to meet; diem - oblitus ppa of obliviscor,
die; (law) to appear on the appointed day. oblivio, -onis/oblivion, forgetfulness,
obequito, -arevi to ride up to. obliviosus adj forgetful,
oberro, -are vi to ramble about; to make a obliviscor, -visci, -tus vt, vi to forget,
mistake. oblivium, -land II nt forgetfulness, oblivion,
obesus ad; fat, plump; coarse, oblocutor, -oris m contradicter.
obex, -icism//bolt, bar, barrier, oblongus adj oblong,
obf - etc see off- obloquor, -qul, -cutus vi to contradict,
Obg -etc see ogg- interrupt; to abuse; (music) to accompany.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -are = 2nd; -are = 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
obluctor-obsto 144 LATIN-ENGLISH

obluctor, -ari vi to struggle against, compliant; (gods) gracious,

obmolior, -Trivt to throw up (as a defence). obsequenter adv compliantly,
obmurmuro, -are vi to roar in answer, obsequentia, -ae/complaisance,
obmutesco, -escere, -ulvi to become silent; obsequiosus adj complaisant,
to cease. obsequium, -land it nt compliance,
obnatus adj growing on. indulgence; obedience, allegiance,
obnitor, -tT, -xus vi to push against, struggle; obsequor, -qui, -cutus vi to comply with,
to stand firm, resist, yield to, indulge,
obnixe adv resolutely, obsero, -are vt to bar, close,
obnixus ppa o/obnitor ♦ adj steadfast, obsero, -erere, -evi, -itum vt to sow, plant; to
obnoxie adv slavishly, cover thickly.
obnoxiosus adj submissive, observans, -antis pres po/observo ♦ adj
obnoxius adj liable, addicted; culpable; attentive, respectful,
submissive, slavish; under obligation, observantia, -ae/ respect,
indebted; exposed (to danger), observatio, -onis/watching; caution,
obnubo, -bere, -psi, -ptum vt to veil, cover, observito, -are vt to observe carefully,
obnuntiatio, -onis/announcement of an observo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to watch, watch
adverse omen. for; to guard; (laws) to keep, comply with;
obnuntio, -are vt to announce an adverse (person) to pay respect to.
omen. obses, -idism//hostage; guarantee,
oboediens, -entis pres po/oboedid ♦ adj obsessio, -dnis/blockade.
obedient. obsessor, -orism frequenter; besieger,
oboedienter adv readily, obsessus ppp of obsideo,
oboedientia, -ae/obedience, obsideo, -idere, -edi, -essum vt to sit at,
oboedio, -Ire vi to listen; to obey, be subject frequent; (mil) to blockade, besiege; to block,
to. fill, take up; to guard, watch for ♦ vi to sit.
oboleo, -ere, -uTvt to smell of. obsidio, -onis/siege, blockade; (fig)
oborior, -Tri, -tusvi to arise, spring up. imminent danger.
obp- etc see opp- obsidium, -landilnt siege, blockade;
obrepo, -ere, -sT, -turn vt, vi to creep up to, hostageship.
steal upon, surprise; to cheat, obsido, -ere vt to besiege, occupy,
obretio, -Ire vt to entangle, obsignator, -orism sealer; witness,
obrigesco, -escere, -ulvi to stiffen, obsigno, -are, -avi, -atum vt to seal up; to
obrogo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to invalidate (by sign and seal; (fig) to stamp,
making a new law). obsisto, -istere, -titl, -titum vi to put oneself
obruo, -ere, -i, -turn vt to cover over, bury, in the way, resist,
sink; to overwhelm, overpower ♦ vi to fall to obsitus ppp of obsero.
ruin. obsolefio, -fieri vi to wear out, become
obrussa, -ae/test, touchstone. degraded.
obrutus ppp of obruo. obsolesco, -scere, -vi, -tumvi to wear out,
obsaepio, -Tre, -si, -turn vt to block, close, become out of date,
obsaturo, -arevt to sate, glut, obsoletius adv more shabbily,
obscaen- etc see obscen-. obsoletus ppa of obsolesco ♦ adj worn out,
obscene adv indecently, shabby; obsolete; (fig) ordinary, mean,
obscenitas, -atis/indecency, obsonator, -oris m caterer,
obscenus adj filthy; indecent; ominous, obsonatus, -us m marketing,
obscuratio, -dnis/darkening, obsonium, -land ilnt food eaten with bread,
disappearance, (usu fish).
obscure adv secretly, obsono, -are, -or, -ari vi to cater, buy
obscuritas, -atis/darkness; (.fig) provisions; to provide a meal,
uncertainty; (rank) lowliness, obsono, -are vi to interrupt,
obscuro, -are, -avi, -atum vt to darken; to obsorbeo, -ere vt to swallow, bolt,
conceal, suppress; (speech) to obscure; obstantia, -ium ntpi obstructions,
(pass) to become obsolete, obstetrix, -Icis/midwife,
obscurus adj dark, shady, hidden; (fig) obstinatio, -onis/determination,
obscure, indistinct; unknown, ignoble; stubbornness.
(character) reserved. obstinate adv firmly, obstinately,
obsecratio, -onis/entreaty; public prayer, obstinatus adj firm, resolute; stubborn,
obsecro, -arevt to implore, appeal to. obstino, -are vi to be determined, persist,
obsecundo, -are vi to comply with, back up. obstipesco etc see obstupesco,
obsediperfo/obsideo, obstipus adj bent, bowed, drawn back,
obsep- etc see obsaep-. obstiti perf o/ obsisto; perfof obsto,
obsequens, -entis pres po/obsequor ♦ adj obsto, -are, -it* vi to stand in the way; to
LATIN-ENGLISH 145 obstrepo-occlsor

obstruct, prevent. obtuli perfof offerd.

obstrepo, -ere, -uT, -itum vi to make a noise; obtundo, -undere, -udi, -usum and -unsum
to shout against, cry down, molest ♦ vt to vt to beat, thump; to blunt; (speech) to
drown (in noise); to fill with noise, deafen, annoy.
obstrictus ppp of obstringo, obturbo, -are vt to throw into confusion; to
obstringo, -ingere, -inxT, -ictum vt to bind bother, distract.
up, tie round; (fig) to confine, hamper; to lay obturgesco, -ere vi to swell up.
under an obligation, obturd, -are vt to stop up, close,
obstructio, -dnis/barrier. obtusus, obtunsus ppp o/obtundo ♦ adj
obstructus ppp o/obstrud. blunt; (fig) dulled, blurred, unfeeling,
obstrudo (obtrudo), -dere, -sT, -sum vt to obtutus, -us m gaze.
force on to; to gulp down, obumbro, -arevt to shade, darken; (fig) to
obstruo, -ere, -xT, -ctum vt to build up cloak, screen,
against, block; to shut, hinder, obuncus ad) hooked,
obstupefacio, -facere, -feci, -factum (pass obustus ad) burnt, hardened in fire,
-fid, -fieri) vt to astound, paralyse, obvallatus ad) fortified,
obstupesco, -escere, -uT vi to be astounded, obvenio, -enire, -eni, -entum vi to come up;
paralysed. to fall to; to occur.
obstupidus ad) stupefied, obversor, -ari vi to move about before;
obsum, -esse, -fuivi to be against, harm, (visions) to hover.
obsuo, -uere, -uT, -utum vt to sew on, sew up. obversus ppp of obverto ♦ adj turned towards
obsurdesco, -escere, -uivi to grow deaf; to ♦ mpl enemy.
turn a deaf ear. obverto, -tere, -ti, -sum vt to direct towards,
obsutus ppp of obsuo, turn against.
obtego, -egere, -exi, -ectum vt to cover obviam adv to meet, against; - ire to go to
over; to conceal. meet.
obtemperitid, -onis/obedience. obvius adj in the way, to meet; opposite,
obtempero, -are, -avi, -atum vi(with dat) to against; at hand, accessible; exposed,
comply with, obey. obvolvo, -vere, -vi, -utum vt to wrap up,
obtendo, -dere, -di, -turn vt to spread over, muffle up; (fig) to cloak,
stretch over against; to conceal; to make a occaeco, -are, -avi, -atum vt to blind,
pretext of. obscure, conceal; to benumb,
obtentus ppp o/ obtendo; ppp of obtined. occallesco, -escere, -uivi to grow a thick
obtentus, -us m screen; pretext, skin; to become hardened,
obtero, -erere, -rivi, -ritum vt to trample on, occand, -ere vi to sound the attack,
crush; to disparage. occasio, -dnis/opportunity, convenient
obtestatid,-onis/adjuring; supplication, time; (mil) surprise,
obtestor, -ari, -atusvt to call to witness; to occasiuncula, -ae/opportunity.
entreat. occasus, -USm setting; west; downfall, ruin,
obtexd, -ere, -uT vt to overspread. occatio, -dnis/harrowing,
obticeo, -ere vi to be silent. occator, -oris m harrower.
obticesco, -escere, -ui vi to be struck dumb. occedd, -ere vi to go up to.
obtigi perfof obtingo, occento, -are vt, vi to serenade; to sing a
obtigdsee obtegd. lampoon.
obtined, -inere, -inui, -entum vt to hold, occepi perf o/occipio,
possess; to maintain; to gain, obtain ♦ vi to occepsd archaic fut of OCCipid.
prevail, continue. occepto, -arevt to begin,
obtingo, -ngere, -givi to fall to one’s lot; to occidens, -entis pres po/occidd ♦ m west,
happen. occidio, -dnis/massacre; -one occidere
obtorpesco, -escere, -ui vi to become numb, annihilate.
lose feeling. occidd, -dere, -di, -sum vt to fell; to cut
obtorqueo, -quere, -si, -turn vt to twist down, kill; to pester.
about, wrench. occidd, -idere, -idi, -asum vi to fall; to set; to
obtrectatio, -dnis/disparagement, die, perish, be ruined,
obtrectator, -oris m disparager, occiduus adj setting; western; failing,
obtrecto, -are vt, vi to detract, disparage, occind, -ere, -uivi to sing inauspiciously.
obtritus ppp of obterd. occipio, -ipere, -epi, -eptum vt, vi to begin,
obtrudo etc see obstrudo, occipitium, -iand ii nt back of the head,
obtrunco, -are vt to cut down, slaughter, occisio, -dnis/ massacre,
obtueor, -eri, -or, -ivt to gaze at, see clearly. occisor, -oris m killer.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
occisus-offero 146 LATIN-ENGUSH

occisus ppp of occido, octuplus adj eightfold,

occlamito, -are vt to bawl, octussis, -is m eight asses,
occludo, -dere, -si, -sum vt to shut up; to oculatus adj with eyes; visible; -a die vendere
stop. sell for cash.
occo, -arevt to harrow, oculus, -Im eye; sight; (plant) bud; (fig)
occubo, -ire vi to lie. darling, jewel; -os adicere ad glance at,
occulco, -are vt to trample down, covet; ante -os pdnere imagine; ex -Is out of
occulo, -ere, -ul, -turn vt to cover over, hide, sight; esse in -Ts be in view; be a favourite,
occultatio, -onis/concealment, odi, -isse vt to hate, dislike,
occultator, -oris m hider. odidse adv see adj.
occulte adv secretly, odiosusadj odious, unpleasant,
occulto, -are, -avl, -atum vt to conceal, odium, -land ilnt hatred, dislike, displeasure;
secrete. insolence; -id esse be hateful, be disliked,
occultus pppof occulo 4 ad] hidden, secret; odor (-os), -oris m smell, perfume, stench;
(person) reserved, secretive ♦ nt secret, (fig) inkling, suggestion,
hiding. _ odoratio, -onis/ smelling,
occumbo, -mbere, -bul, -bitum vi to fall, odoratus adj fragrant, perfumed.
die. odoratus,_-us m sense of smell; smelling,
occupatio, -dnis/taking possession; odorifer, -Iadj fragrant; perfume-producing,
business; engagement, odord, -are vt to perfume,
occupatus ad; occupied, busy, oddror, -arl, -atus vt to smell, smell out; (fig)
occupo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to take to search out; to aspire to; to get a
possession of, seize; to occupy, take up; to smattering of.
surprise, anticipate; (money) to lend, invest, oddrus adj fragrant; keen-scented,
occurro, -rere, -rl, -sum vi to run up to, meet; odds etc see odor.
to attack; to fall in with; to hurry to; (fig) to Odrysius adj Thracian.
obviate, counteract; (words) to object; Odyssea, -ae/Odyssey.
(thought) to occur, suggest itself, Oeagrius adj Thracian.
occursatio, -onis/fussy welcome, Oebalia, -iae/Tarentum.
occurso, -are vi to run to meet, meet; to Oebalides, -idae m Castor, Pollux.
oppose; (thought) to occur, Oebalis, -idis/Helen.
occursus, -us m meeting. Oebalius adj Spartan.
Oceanitis, -Itidis/ daughter of Ocean. Oebalus, -Im king of Sparta.
Oceanus, -I m Ocean, a stream encircling the Oedipus, -odis and I m king of Thebes; solver of
earth; the Atlantic, riddles.
ocellus, -Im eye; darling, gem. oenophorum, -Int wine basket.
ocior, -oris adj quicker, swifter, Oenopia, -ae/Aegina.
ocius adv more quickly; sooner, rather; Oenotria, -ae/S.E Italy.
quickly. Oenotrius adj Italian,
ocrea, -ae/ greave. oestrus, -Im gadfly; (fig) frenzy.
ocreatus adj greaved. Oeta, -ae, -e, -es/ mountain range in Thessaly,
Octavianus adj of Octavius ♦ m Octavian (a associated with Hercules.
surname of Augustus). OetaeUS adj see n.
Octavius, -Im Roman family name (esp the ofella, -ae/morsel.
emperor Augustus; his father). off a, -ae/pellet, lump; swelling.
octavum adv for the eighth time, offectus ppp of officio.
octavus adj eighth ♦ /eighth hour, offendo, -endere, -end!, -ensum vt to hit; to
octavusdecimus adj eighteenth, hit on, come upon; to offend, blunder; to
octiens, -esadv eight times, take offence; to fail, come to grief,
octingentesimus ad; eight hundredth, offensa, -ae/displeasure, enmity; offence,
octingenti, -orum num eight hundred, injury.
octipes, -edis adj eight-footed. offensio, -onis/stumbling; stumbling block;
OCtO num eight. misfortune, indisposition; offence,
October, -risadj of October ♦ m October, displeasure.
octogeni, -orum adj eighty each, offensiuncula, -ae/slight displeasure; slight
octogesimus ad) eightieth, check.
octogiens, -esadv eighty times, offenso, -are vt, vi to dash against,
octoginta num eighty, offensus ppp 0/ offendo ♦ adj offensive;
octoiugis adj eight together, displeased ♦ nt offence,
octdnl, -drum adj eight at a time, eight each, offensus, -us m shock; offence,
octophoros adj (litter) carried by eight offero, -re, obtuli, oblatum vt to present,
bearers. show; to bring forward, offer; to expose; to
octuplicatus adj multiplied by eight. cause, inflict; se - encounter.
LAT1N-ENGLISH 147 offerumenta-opes

offerumenta, -ae/present. years.

officina, -ae/workshop factory, Olympicus, -us ad; Olympic.
officio, -icere, -eel, -ectum vi to obstruct; to Olympionices, -ae m Olympic winner.
interfere with; to hurt, prejudice, Olympus, -I m mountain in N. Greece, abode of
officiose adv courteously, the gods; heaven.
officiosus adj obliging; dutiful, omasum, -I nt tripe; paunch,
officium, -T and il nt service, attention; omen, -inis nt omen, sign; solemnity,
ceremonial; duty, sense of duty; official omentum, -Int bowels,
duty, function. ominor, -ari, -atusvt to forebode, prophesy,
offigo, -ere vt to fasten, drive in. omissus ppp of omitto ♦ adj remiss,
offirmatus adj determined, omitto, -ittere, -Isl, -issum vt to let go; to
offirmo, -are vt, vi to persevere in. leave off, give up; to disregard, overlook;
offlecto, -erevt to turn about, (speech) to pass over, omit,
offrenatus adj checked, omnifer, -Iadj all-sustaining,
offucia, -ae/(cosmetic) paint; (fig) trick, omnigenus adj of all kinds,
offulgeo, -gere, -sivi to shine on. omnimodis adv wholly,
offundo, -undere, -udi, -usum vt to pour out omnino adv entirely, altogether, at all; in
to; to pour over; to spread; to cover, fill, general; (concession) to be sure, yes;
offusus ppp of offundo, (number) in all, just; - non not at all.
oggannio, -Ire vi to growl at. omniparens, -entis adj mother of all.
oggero, -ere vt to bring, give. omnipotens, -entis ad; almighty,
Ogygius ad; Theban, omnis adj all, every, any; every kind of; the
oh interj (expressing surprise, joy, grief) oh! whole of ♦ nt the universe ♦ mpi everybody
ohe interj (expressing surfeit) stop!, enough! ♦ ntpi everything,
oi interj (expressing complaint, weeping) oh!, oh omnituens, -entis ad; all-seeing,
dear! omnivagus ad; roving everywhere,
oiei interj (lamenting) oh dear! omnivolus ad; willing everything,
Oileus, -elm father of the less famous Ajax. onager, -rim wild ass.
olea, -ae/olive; olive tree, onerariusad; (beast) of burden; (ship)
oleaginus ad; of the olive tree, transport.
olearius adj oil- (in cpds) ♦ m oil seller, onero, -are, -avl, -atum vt to load, burden;
oleaster, -ri m wild olive, (fig) to overload, oppress; to aggravate,
olens, -entis pres p of oleo ♦ adj fragrant; onerosus ad; heavy, burdensome, irksome,
stinking, musty. onus, -eris nt load, burden, cargo; (fig)
oleo, -ere, -ulvt, vi to smell, smell of; (fig) to charge, difficulty.
betray. onustus ad; loaded, burdened; (fig) filled.
oleum, -Int olive oil, oil; wrestling school; - et onyx, -chis mJf onyx; onyx box.
operam perdere waste time and trouble, opacitas, -atis/shade.
olfacio, -facere, -feci, -factum vt to smell, opaco, -arevt to shade.
scent. opacus adj shady; dark.
olfacto, -are vt to smell at. ope abl of ops.
olidus adj smelling, rank, opella, -ae/light work, small service,
olim adv once, once upon a time; at the time, at opera, -ae/exertion, work; service; care,
times; for a good while; one day (in the attention; leisure, time; (person) workman,
future). hired rough; -am dare pay attention; do
olit - etc see hollt-. one’s best; ~ae pretium worth while; -a mea
ollva, -ae/olive, olive tree; olive branch, thanks to me.
olive staff. operarius ad; working ♦ m workman,
olivetum, -I nt olive grove. operculum, -Int cover, lid.
olivifer, -Iadj olive-bearing. operimentum, -Int covering,
ofivum, -Tnt oil; wrestling school; perfume. operio, -Ire, -ui, -turn vt to cover; to close;
olla, -ae/pot, jar. (fig) to overwhelm, conceal,
olle, ollus etc see Hie. operor, -ari, -atusvi to work, take pains, be
olor, -oris m swan, occupied.
olorinus ad; swan’s, operose adv painstakingly,
olus etc see holus. operosus adj active, industrious; laborious,
Olympia, -ae / site of the Greek games in Elis. elaborate.
Olympia, -drum ntpi Olympic Games. opertus ppp of operio ♦ adj covered, hidden ♦
Olympiacus ad; = Olympicus. nt secret.
Olympias, -adis/ Olympiad, period of four opes pi of ops.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -era = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
opicus-ordinatim 148 LATIN-ENGLISH

opicus adj barbarous, boorish, ops, -opis/power, strength; help.

opifer, -Iadj helping. Ops goddess of plenty.
opifex, -icismff maker; craftsman, artisan, Ops- etc see obs-.
opilio, -onism shepherd, optabilis adj desirable,
opimitas, -atis/ abundance, optatio, -onis/wish.
opimus adj rich, fruitful, fat; copious, optatus adj longed for ♦ nt wish; -ato
sumptuous; (style) overloaded; spolia -a according to one’s wish,
spoils of an enemy commander killed by a optimas, -atis adj aristocratic ♦ mpl the
Roman general. nobility.
opinabilis adj conjectural, optime adv best, very well; just in time,
opinatio, -onis/conjecture, optimus adj best, very good; excellent; -6 iure
opinator, -oris m conjecturer, deservedly.
opinatus, -us m supposition, optio, -onis/ choice ♦ m assistant,
opinio, -onis/opinion, conjecture, belief; optivus adj chosen.
reputation, esteem; rumour; contra, praeter opto, -are, -avi, -atum vi to choose; to wish
-onem contrary to expectation, for.
opiniosus adj dogmatic, optum-etc see optim-.
opinor, -arl, -atus vi to think, suppose, opulens, -entisadj rich,
imagine ♦ adj imagined. opulentia, -ae/wealth; power,
Opipare adv see adj. opulento, -are vt to enrich,
opiparus adj rich, sumptuous, opulente, -eradv sumptuously,
opitulor, -arl, -atus vi (with dat) to help, opulentus adj rich, sumptuous, powerful,
oportet, -ere, -uitvt (impers) ought, should, opum fpl resources, wealth,
oppedo, -ere vi to insult, opus, -eris nt work, workmanship; (art) work,
opperior, -Irl, -tus vt, vi to wait, wait for. building, book; (mil) siege work; (colloq)
oppeto, -ere, -Ivi, -Itum vt to encounter; to business; (with esse) need; viro - est a man is
die. needed; magno -ere much, greatly,
oppidanus adj provincial ♦ mpl townsfolk, opusculum, -Int little work,
oppido adv quite, completely, exactly, ora, -ae/edge, boundary; coast; country,
oppidulum, -Int small town, region; (naut) hawser,
oppidum, -Int town, oraculum, -I nt oracle, prophecy,
oppignero, -are vt to pledge, orate adv see adj.
oppilo, -are vt to stop up. oratio, -onis/speech, language; a speech,
oppleo, -ere, -evi, -etum vt to fill, choke up. oration; eloquence; prose; emperor’s
oppono, -onere, -osui, -ositum vt to put message; -onem habere deliver a speech,
against, set before; to expose; to present; oratiuncula, -ae/short speech,
(argument) to adduce, reply, oppose; orator, -oris m speaker, spokesman, orator,
(property) to pledge, mortgage, oratorius adj oratorical,
opportunitas, -atis/suitableness, oratrix, -Icis/suppliant,
advantage; good opportunity, oratus, -us m request,
opportune adv opportunely, orbator, -oris m bereaver.
opportunus adj suitable, opportune; useful; orbiculatus adj round,
exposed. orbis, -is m circle, ring, disc, orbit; world;
oppositio, -onis/opposing. (movement) cycle, rotation; (style) rounding
oppositus pppo/ oppono ♦ adj against, off; - lacteus Milky Way; - signifer Zodiac; -
opposite. fortunae wheel of Fortune; - terrarum the
oppositus, -us m opposing, earth, world; in -em consistere form a
oppsul per/ of oppond. circle; in -em Ire go the rounds,
oppressio, -onis/violence; seizure; orbita, -ao/ rut, track, path,
overthrow. orbitas, -atis/childlessness, orphanhood,
oppressus ppp of opprimo, widowhood.
oppressus, -us m pressure, orbitosus adj full of ruts,
opprimo, -imere, -essi, -essum vt to press orbo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to bereave, orphan,
down, crush; to press together, close; to make childless.
suppress, overwhelm, overthrow; to orbus adj bereaved, orphan, childless;
surprise, seize. destitute,
opprobrium, -land iim reproach, disgrace, orca, -ae/vat.
scandal. orchas, -dis/ kind of olive,
opprobro, -arevt to taunt, orchestra, -ae/senatorial seats (in the
oppugnatio, -dnis/attack, assault, theatre).
oppugnator, -oris m assailant, Orcus, -I m Pluto; the lower world; death,
oppugno, -are, -avl, -atum vt to attack, ordinarius adj regular,
assault. ordinatim udv in order, properly.
LATIN-ENGLISH 149 drdinatio-ovum

ordinatio, -onis/orderly arrangement, oscillum, -7m little mask,

ordinatus ad; appointed, oscitans, -antis pres po/oscitd ♦ adj listless,
ordino, -are, -avi, -atum vt to arrange, drowsy.
regulate, set in order, oscitanter adv half-heartedly,
ordior, -diri, -sus vt, vi to begin, undertake, oscito, -are; -or, -arivi to yawn, be drowsy,
ordo, -inis m line, row, series; order, osculatio, -onis/kissing.
regularity, arrangement; (mil) rank, line, osculor, -ari, -atus vt to kiss; to make a fuss
company, (pi) captains; (building) course, of.
layer; (seats) row; (pol) class, order, station; osculum, -7 m sweet mouth; kiss.
ex -ine in order, in one’s turn; one after the Oscus adj Oscan.
other; extra -inem irregularly, unusually. Osiris, -is and idis m Egyptian god, husband of
Oreas, -dis/mountain nymph. Isis.
Orestes, -is and ae m son of Agamemnon, whom Ossa, -ae/ mountain in Thessaly.
he avenged by killing his mother. osseus adj bony,
Oresteus adj see n. ossifraga, -ae/osprey.
orexis, -is/appetite. ostendo, -dere, -dl, -turn vt to hold out,
organum, -7 m instrument, organ, show, display; to expose; to disclose, reveal;
orgia, -orum ntpi Bacchic revels; orgies, (speech) to say, make known,
orichalcum, -7nt copper ore, brass, ostentatio, -onis/display; showing off,
oricilla, -ae/lobe. ostentation; pretence,
oriens, -entis pres pof orior ♦ m morning; east, ostentator, -oris m displayer, boaster,
origo, -inis/beginning, source; ancestry, ostento, -are vt to hold out, proffer, exhibit;
_ descent; founder. to show off, boast of; to make known,
Orion, -onis and onism mythical hunter and indicate.
constellation. ostentum, -Im portent.
orior, -in, -tus vi to rise; to spring, descend, ostentus ppp of ostendo.
oriundus ad; descended, sprung, ostentus, -us m display, appearance; proof.
ornamentum, -7m equipment, dress; Ostia, -ae/, -drum ntpl port at the Tiber mouth.
ornament, decoration; distinction, pride of. ostiarium, -land ilnt door tax.
ornate adv elegantly. ostiatim adv from door to door.
ornatus pppo/ orno ♦ adj equipped, furnished; Ostiensis ad; see n.
embellished, excellent, ostium, -land ilnt door; entrance, mouth.
ornatus, -us m preparation: dress, ostrea, -ae/oyster.
equipment; embellishment, ostreosus adj rich in oysters.
orno, -are, -avi, -atum vt to fit out, equip, ostreum, -Int oyster.
dress, prepare; to adorn, embellish, honour. ostrifer, -7 adj oyster-producing.
ornus_, -if manna ash. ostrinus adj purple.
oro, -are, -avi, -atum vt to speak, plead; to ostrum, -7m purple; purple dress or
beg, entreat; to pray. _ coverings.
Orontes, -is and 7 m river of Syria. OSUS, OSUrUSppa andfut pofddl.
Oronteus ad; Syrian. Otho, -onis m author of a law giving theatre seats
Orpheus, -el and eos (acc -ea) m legendary to Equites; Roman emperor after Galba.
Thracian singer, who went down to Hades for Othonianus adj see n.
Eurydice. otiolum, -Int bit of leisure,
Orpheus, -icus adj see n. otior, -ari vi to have a holiday, be idle,
orsus ppa of ordior ♦ ntpl beginning; utterance, otiose adv leisurely; quietly; fearlessly,
orsus, -us m beginning, otiosus ad; at leisure, free; out of public
ortus ppa of orior ♦ adj born, descended, affairs; neutral, indifferent; quiet,
ortus, -us m rising; east; origin, source. unexcited; (things) free, idle ♦ m private
Ortygia, -ae and e, -es/Delos. citizen, civilian.
Ortygius ad; see n. otium, -land ilnt leisure, time (for), idleness,
oryx, -gism gazelle, retirement; peace, quiet,
oryza, -ae/rice. ovatio, -onis/minor triumph.
os, ossisnt bone; (fig) very soul, ovUe, -ism sheep fold, goat fold,
os, -oris nt mouth; face; entrance, opening; ovillus adj of sheep,
effrontery; uno ore unanimously; in ore esse ovis, -is/sheep.
be talked about; quo ore redibo how shall I ovo, -are vi to rejoice; to celebrate a minor
have the face to go back? triumph,
oscen, -inis m bird of omen. ovum, -Int egg.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -Tre = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
pabulatio-palpus 150 LAT1N-ENGLISH

pagatim adv in every village,

P,P pagella, -ae/small page,

pagina, -aef(book) page, leaf,
paginula, -ae/small page,
pagus, -I m village, country district; canton,
pala, -ae/spade; (ring) bezel,
palaestra, -ae/ wrestling school,
gymnasium; exercise, wrestling; (shet)
pabulatio, -onis/ foraging, exercise, training.
pabulator, -oris m forager, palaestrice adv in gymnastic fashion,
pabulor, -arlvi to forage, palaestricus adj of the wrestling school,
pabulum, -Int food, fodder, palaestrita, -ae m head of a wrestling school,
pacalis adj of peace. palam adv openly, publicly, well-known ♦ prep
pacatus ad; peaceful, tranquil ♦ nt friendly (with abf) in the presence of.
country. Palatinus adj Palatine; imperial.
Pachynum, -Tnt S.E. point of Sicily (nowCape Palatium, -I m Palatine Hill in Rome; palace,
Passaro). palatum, -I nt palate; taste, judgment,
pacifer, -iadj peace-bringing, palea, -ae/chaff.
pacificatio, -onis/peacemaking, palearia, -iumntpf dewlap.
pacificator, -oris m peacemaker, Pales, -isf goddess of shepherds.
pacificatorius adj peacemaking, Palilis ad; of Pales ♦ ntpf festival of Pales.
pacifico, -are vi to make a peace ♦ vt to palimpsestus, -I m palimpsest.
appease. Palinurus, -I m pilot of Aeneas; promontory in S.
pacificus adj peacemaking. Italy.
pacTscor, -IscT, -tus vi to make a bargain, paliurus, -i m Christ’s thorn.
agree* vt to stipulate for; to barter, palla, -ae/ woman’s robe; tragic costume.
paco, -are, -avi, -atum vt to pacify, subdue, Palladium, -dl nt image of Pallas.
pactio, -onis/bargain, agreement, contract; Palladius adj of Pallas.
collusion; (words) formula. Pallanteus adj see n.
Pactolus, -T m river of Lydia (famous for its Pallas, -dis and dos/ Athene, Minerva; oil;
gold). olive tree.
pactor, -oris m negotiator, Pallas, -antis m ancestor or son ofEvander.
pactum, -Jnt agreement, contract, pallens, -entis pres pof palleo * adj pale;
pactus ppa of pacTscor ♦ adj agreed, settled; greenish.
betrothed. palleo, -ere, -ulvi to be pale or yellow; to
Pacuvius, -Im Latin tragic poet. fade; to be anxious.
Padus, -I m river Po. pallesco, -escere, -ulvi to turn pale, turn
paean, -inis m healer, epithet of Apollo; yellow.
hymn of praise, shout of joy; (metre) paeon, palliatus adj wearing a Greek cloak,
paedagogus, -Tm slave who took children to pallidulus adj palish,
school. pallidus adj pale, pallid, greenish; in love,
paedor, -oris m filth. palliolum, -Int small cloak, cape, hood,
paelex, -icis/mistress, concubine. pallium, -Iand il nt coverlet; Greek cloak,
paelicatus, -us m concubinage. pallor, -orism paleness, fading; fear,
Paeligni, -orum mpi people of central Italy. palma, -aef(hand) palm, hand; (oar) blade;
Paelignus adj seen, (tree) palm, date; branch; (fig) prize, victory,
paene adv almost, nearly, glory.
paeninsula, -a e/peninsula, palmaris adj excellent,
paenitendusadj regrettable, palmarius ad; prizewinning,
paenitentia, -ae/repentance, palmatus adj palm-embroidered,
paenitet, -ere, -uit v», vi(impers) to repent, palmes, -itis m pruned shoot, branch,
regret, be sorry; to be dissatisfied; an ~et is palmetum, -Int palm grove,
it not enough? palmifer, -Iadj palm-bearing,
paenula, -ae/travelling cloak, palmosus adj palm-clad,
paenulatus adj wearing a cloak, palmula, -ae/oar blade,
paeon, -onism metrical foot of one long and palor, -ari, -atusvi to wander about, straggle,
three short syllables. palpatio, -onis/flatteries,
paeoniusadj healing. palpator, -oris m flatterer,
Paestanus adj see n. palpebra, -ae/eyelid.
Paestum, -I nt town in S. Italy. palpito, -are vi to throb, writhe,
paetulus adj with a slight cast in the eye. palpo, -are; -or, -arl vt to stroke; to coax,
paetus adj with a cast in the eye. flatter.
paganus adj rural * m villager, yokel. palpus, -Tm coaxing.
LATIN-ENGLISH 151 paludamentum-paro

paludamentum, -Tnt military cloak, papyrus, -Tm//papyrus; paper,

paludatus adj in a general’s cloak, par, paris adj equal, like; a match for; proper,
paludosus ad; marshy, right ♦ m peer, partner, companion ♦ nt pair;
palumbes, -Is m// wood pigeon, par part respondere return like for like;
palus, -i m stake, pale, pares cum paribus facillime congregantur =
palus, -udis/ marsh, pool, lake, birds of a feather flock together; ludere par
paluster, -risadj marshy, impar play at evens and odds,
pampineus ad; of vineshoots. parabilis adj easy to get.
pampinus, -T m vineshoot. parasTta, -ae/ woman parasite,
Pan, -anos (acc-ana)m Greek god of shepherds, parasitaster, -ri m sorry parasite.
hills and woods, esp associated with Arcadia. parasTticusad; of a parasite.
panacea, -ae/ a herb supposed to cure all parasTtus, -T m parasite, sponger,
diseases. parate adv with preparation; carefully;
Panaetius, -Tm Stoic philosopher. promptly.
Panchaaeus ad; see n. paratio, -onis/trying to get.
Panchaaius adj see n. paratragoedo, -are vi to talk theatrically,
Panchaia, -iae / part of Arabia. paratus ppp of paro ♦ ad; ready; equipped;
panchrestus ad; good for everything, experienced.
pancratium, -i and il nt all-in boxing and paratus, -us m preparation, equipment.
wrestling match. Parca, -ae/Fate.
pandiculor, -arevi to stretch oneself. parce adv frugally; moderately,
Pandion, -onism king of Athens, father of pared, -cere, pepercT, -sum vt, vi(with dat) to
Procne and Philomela. spare, economize; to refrain from, forgo;
Pandionius ad; see n. (with inf) to forbear, stop,
pando, -ere, -i, pansum and passum vt to parcus adj sparing, thrifty; niggardly, scanty;
spread out, stretch, extend; to open; (fig) to chary.
disclose, explain, pardus, -T m panther.
pandus ad; curved, bent. parens, -entis pres po/pared ♦ adj obedient ♦
pango, -ere, panxiand pepigi, pactum vt to mpl subjects.
drive in, fasten; to make, compose; to agree, parens, -entis m// parent, father, mother;
settle. ancestor; founder.
panicula, -ae/tuft. parentalis adj parental ♦ ntpl festival in honour
panicum, -int Italian millet, of dead ancestors and relatives.
panis, -is m bread, loaf. parento, -are vi to sacrifice in honour of dead
Paniscus, -Im little Pan. parents or relatives-, to avenge (with the death of
panniculus, -Tm rag. another).
Pannonia, -ae/ country on the middle Danube. pared, -ere, -uT, -itum vi to be visible, be
Pannonius adj see n. evident; (with dat) to obey, submit to, comply
pannosus ad; ragged. with; -et it is proved,
pannus, -Tm piece of cloth, rag, patch. paries, -etis m wall,
Panormus, -i/town in Sicily (nowPalermo). parietinae, -irum/pi ruins.
pansa adj splayfoot. Parilia, -ium ntpl festival of Pales.
pansus ppp of pandd. parilis adj equal.
panthera, -ae/panther. parid, -ere, peperi, -turn vt to give birth to;
Panthoides, -aem Euphorbus. to produce, create, cause; to procure.
Panthus, -T m priest of Apollo at Troy. Paris, -idis m son of Priam (abducter of Helen).
pantices, -um mpl bowels; sausages. pariter adv equally, alike; at the same time,
panxi perfof pango. together.
papae interj (expressing wonder) ooh! paritd, -are vt to get ready.
papas, -aem tutor. Parius adj see Paros,
papaver, -is nt poppy. parma, -ae/shield, buckler,
papavereus ad; see n. parmatus adj armed with a buckler,
Paphius ad; seen. parmula, -ae/little shield.
Paphos, -if town in Cyprus, sacred to Venus. Parnasis, -idis adj Parnassian.
papilio, -onism butterfly, Parnasius adj = Parnasis.
papilla, -ae/teat, nipple; breast, Parnasus, -Tm mount Parnassus in central
pappus, -Tm woolly seed, Greece, sacred to the Muses.
papula, -ae/pimple. paro, -are, -avT, -atum vt to prepare, get
papyrifer, -Tadj papyrus-bearing, ready, provide; to intend, set about; to
papyrum, -Tnt papyrus; paper. procure, get, buy; to arrange.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs, -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -Tre = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
parocha-patrius 152 LATIN-ENGLISH

parocha, -ae/provision of necessaries (to passerculus, -7 m little sparrow,

officials travelling). passim adv here and there, at random;
parochus, -7 m purveyor; host, indiscriminately,
paropsis, -dis/dish. passum, -Int raisin wine,
Paros, -If Aegean island (famous for white passus ppp of pando ♦ adj spread out,
marble). dishevelled; dried,
parra, -ae/owl. passus ppa of patior.
Parrhasis, -idis, -ius ad) Arcadian, passus, -us m step, pace; footstep; mille ~us
parricida, -ae m parricide, assassin; traitor, mile; milia -uum miles,
parricidium, -land ilparricide, murder; high pastillus, -7m lozenge,
treason. pastor, -oris m shepherd,
pars, -tis/part, share, fraction; party, side; pastoralis ad; shepherd's, pastoral,
direction; respect, degree; (with pi verb) pastoricius, pistorius ad; shepherd's,
some; (pi) stage part, role; duty, function; pistus ppp of pasco,
magna ~ the majority; magnam -tern pistus, -us m pasture, food.
largely; in earn -tern in that direction, on Patara, -ae/ town in Lycia (with oracle of
that side, in that sense; nulla ~te not at all; Apollo).
omni ~te entirely; ex ~te partly; ex altera ~te Pataraeus and eus adj see n.
on the other hand; ex magna ~te to a large Patavinus adj see n.
extent; pro -te to the best of one’s ability; Patavium, -I nt birthplace of Livy (now
~tes agere play a part; duae -tes two-thirds; Padua).
tres -tes three-fourths; multis -ibus a great patefacio, -facere, -feci, -factum (pass -fid,
deal. -fieri) vt to open, open up; to disclose,
parsimonia, -ae/thrift, frugality, patefactio, -onis/disclosing,
parthenice, -es/a plant. patefio etc see patefacio,
Parthenope, -es/ old name of Naples. patella, -ae/small dish, plate,
Parthenopeius ad; see n. patens, -entis pres pof pateo ♦ adj open,
Parthi, -orum mpi Parthians (Rome's great accessible, exposed; broad; evident,
enemy in the East). patenter adv clearly,
Parthicus, -US ad; see n. pateo, -ere, -ulvi to be open, accessible,
particeps, -ipis adj sharing, partaking ♦ m exposed; to extend; to be evident, known,
partner. pater, -rism father; (pi) forefathers; senators,
participo, -are vt to share, impart, inform, patera, -ae/dish, saucer, bowl,
particula, -ae/particle. paterfamilias, patrisfamilias m master of
partim adv partly, in part; mostly; some ... the house.
others. paternus ad; father’s, paternal; native,
partio, -Ire, -Ivi, -Itum; -ior, -Iri vt to share, patesco, -ere vi to open out; to extend; to
distribute, divide, become evident.
partite adv methodically, patibilis ad; endurable; sensitive,
partitio, -onis/distribution, division, patibulatus adj pilloried,
parturio, -Ire vi to be in labour; (fig) to be patibulum, -Int fork-shaped yoke, pillory,
anxious ♦ vt to teem with, be ready to patiens, -entis pres pof patior ♦ adj able to
produce; (mind) to brood over, endure; patient; unyielding,
partus pppof pario ♦ ntpl possessions, patienter adv patiently,
partus, -us m birth; young, patientia, -ae/endurance, stamina;
parum adv too little, not enough; not very, forbearance; submissiveness,
scarcely. patina, -ae/dish, pan.
parumper adv for a little while, patior, -tl, -ssus vt to suffer, experience; to
parvitas, -atis/smallness, submit to; to allow, put up with; facile - be
parvulus, parvolus ad) very small, slight; well pleased with; aegre - be displeased
quite young ♦ m child. with.
parvus (comp minor superlminimus)ad; small, Fatrae, -arum/pl Greek seaport (nowPatras).
little, slight; (time) short; (age) young; -I esse patrator, -oris m doer.
be of little value. patratus ad): pater - officiating priest.
Pascha, -ae/Easter. Patrensis ad; seen.
pasco, -scere, -vi, -stum vt to feed, put to patria, -ae/native land, native town, home,
graze; to keep, foster; (fig) to feast, cherish patricius adj patrician ♦ m aristocrat,
♦ vi to graze, browse, patrimonium, -land ilnt inheritance,
pascuus adj for pasture ♦ nt pasture. patrimony.
Pasiphae, -es/wife of Minos (mother of the patrimus ad) having a father living,
Minotaur). patrisso, -are vi to take after one’s father,
passer, -ism sparrow; (fish) plaice; - marinus patritus adj of one's father,
ostrich. patrius adj father’s; hereditary, native.
LAT1N-ENGLISH 153 patro-pellio

patro, -aro, -avi, -itum vt to achieve, thought.

execute, complete. pecu nt flock of sheep; (pi) pastures,
patrocinium, -land iT nt patronage, advocacy, pecuarius adj of cattle ♦ m cattle breeder ♦
defence. ntpl herds.
patrocinor, -ari vi (with dat) to defend, peculator, -orism embezzler,
support. peculatus, -us m embezzlement,
patrona, -ae/patron goddess; protectress, peculiaris adj one’s own; special,
safeguard. peculiatus adj provided with money,
patronus, -im patron, protector; (law) peculiosus adj with private property,
advocate, counsel, peculium, -Iand il nt small savings, private
patruelis adj cousin’s ♦ m cousin, property.
patruus, -Tm (paternal) uncle ♦ adj uncle’s, pecunia, -ae/property; money,
patulus adj open; spreading, broad, pecuniarius adj of money,
paucitas, -atis/small number, scarcity, pecuniosus adj moneyed, well-off.
pauculus adj very few. pecus, -orism cattle, herd, flock; animal,
paucus adj few, little ♦ mpi a few, the select pecus, -udis/sheep, head of cattle, beast,
few ♦ ntpl a few words, pedalis adj a foot long,
paulatim adv little by little, gradually, pedarius adj (senator) without full rights,
paulisper adv for a little while. pedes, -itis m foot soldier, infantry ♦ adj on
Paullus, -i m = Paulus, foot.
paulo adv a little, somewhat, pedester, -risadj on foot, pedestrian;
paululus adj very little ♦ nt a little bit. infantry- (in cpds); on land; (writing) in prose,
paulum adv = paulo, prosaic.
paulus adj little. pedetemptim adv step by step, cautiously.
Paulus, -T m Roman surname (esp victor of pedica, -ae/fetter, snare.
Pydna). pedis, -ism louse.
pauper, -is adj poor; meagre ♦ mpl the poor, pedisequa, -ae/handmaid.
pauperculus adj poor. pedisequus, -I m attendant, lackey.
pauperies,-el/ poverty, peditatus, -us m infantry.
paupero, -are vt to impoverish; to rob. pedum, -Int crook.
paupertas, -atis/poverty, moderate means, Pegaseus and is, -idis adj Pegasean.
pausa, -ae/stop, end. Pegasus, -I m mythical winged horse
pauxillatim adv bit by bit. (associated with the Muses).
pauxillulus adj very little, pegma, -tism bookcase; stage elevator,
pauxillus adj little, peiero, -are vi to perjure oneself,
pavefactus adj frightened, peior, -oriscomparo/rnalus.
paveo, -ere, pavivi to be terrified, quake ♦ vt peius adv worse,
to dread, be scared of. pelagius adj of the sea.
pavesco, -ere vt, vi to become alarmed (at). pelagus, -I (pl-e)nt sea, open sea.
pavTpei/o/pasco, pelamys, -dis/young tunny fish.
pavide adv in a panic, Pelasgi, -orum mpi Greeks.
pavidus adj quaking, terrified, Pelasgias and is and us adj Grecian.
pavimentatus adj paved, Peleus, -eland eos (acc-ea) m king of
pavimentum, -Int pavement, floor, Thessaly (father of Achilles).
pavio, -Ire vt to strike, Pelias, -ae m uncle of Jason.
pavito, -are vi to be very frightened; to PeliaS and iacus and ius adj see Pelion.
shiver. Pelldes, -Idae m Achilles; Neoptolemus.
pavo, -onism peacock, Pelion, -Tnt mountain in Thessaly.
pavor, -oris m terror, panic, Pella, -ae, -e, -es/town of Macedonia
pax, pacis/peace; (gods) grace; (mind) (birthplace of Alexander).
serenity ♦ inter) enough!; pace tua by your pellacia, -ae/attraction.
leave. Pellaeus adj of Pella; Alexandrian; Egyptian,
peccatum, -Int mistake, fault, sin. pellax, -acis adj seductive,
pecco, -are, -avl, -atum vi to make a mistake, pellectio, -onis/reading through,
go wrong, offend, pellectus ppp of pellicio,
pecorosus adj rich in cattle, pellego etc see perlego,
pecten, -inism comb; (fish) scallop; (loom) pellicio, -icere, -exi, -ectum vt to entice,
reed; (lyre) plectrum, inveigle.
pecto, -ctere, -xl, -xum vt to comb, pellicula, -ae/skin, fleece,
pectus, -orisnt breast; heart, feeling; mind, pellio, -onis m furrier.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -Ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
pellis-perbenigne 154 LATIN-ENGLISH

pellis, -is/skin, hide; leather, felt; tent, weight, value; -i esse be of importance; -i
pellitus ad; wearing skins, with leather coats, habere care at all about.
pello, -ere, pepuli, pulsum vt to push, knock, pensus ppp of pendo,
drive; to drive off, rout, expel; (lyre) to play; penteris, -is/quinquereme.
(mind) to touch, affect; (feeling) to banish, Pentheus, -ei and eos m king of Thebes (killed
pelluc- etc see perluc-. by Bacchantes).
Pelopeis and eius and BUS adj see n. penuria, -ae/want, need,
Pelopidae, -idarum mpi house of Pelops. penus, -usand i mJf, -um, -i, -us, -oris m
Pelopoias adj see n. provisions, store of food,
Peloponnesiacus, -ius adj seen. pependi p erf of pended; perf of pendo,
Peloponnesus, -7/Peloponnese, S. Greece. peperci perf of pared,
Pelops, -ism son of Tantalus (grandfather of peperi perf of parid.
Agamemnon). pepigi perf of pangd.
peloris, -idis/a large mussel, peplum, -int, -us, -T m state robe of Athena.
pelta, -ae/light shield, pepuli perf of pelld.
peltastae, -arum mpi peltasts. per prep (with acc. space) through, all over;
peltatus adj armed with the pelta. (: time) throughout, during; (: means) by, by
Pelusiacus ad; see n. means of; (: cause) by reason of, for the sake
Pelusium, -Tm Eygptian town at the E. mouth of of; - Tram in anger; ~ manus from hand to
the Nile. hand; - me as far as I am concerned; - vim
Pelusius adj seen. forcibly; ~ ego te deos oro in Heaven’s name
pelvis, -is/basin, I beg you.
penarius adj provision- (in cpds). pera, -ae/bag.
Penates, -ium mpi spirits of the larder, perabsurdus ad; very absurd,
household gods; home, peraccommodatusadj very convenient,
penatiger, -Tad; carrying his home gods, peracer, -risad; very sharp,
pended, -ere, pependi vi to hang; to peracerbus adj very sour,
overhang, hover; to hang down, be flabby; peracesco, -escere, -uivi to get vexed,
(fig) to depend; to gaze, listen attentively; peractio, -onis/last act.
(mind) to be in suspense, be undecided, peractus ppp of peragd.
pendo, -ere, pependi, pensum vt to weigh; peracute adv very acutely,
to pay; (fig) to ponder, value ♦ vi to weigh, peracutus adj very sharp, very clear,
pendulus adj hanging; in doubt. peradulescens, -entis ad; very young,
Peneeis and eius and eus ad; see n. peraeque adv quite equally, uniformly,
Penelope, es and a, -ae/wife of Ulysses peragitatus adj harried,
(famed for her constancy). perago, -agere, -egi, -actum vt to carry
Penelopeus adj see n. through, complete; to pass through, pierce;
penes prep (with acc) in the power or to disturb; (law) to prosecute to a conviction;
possession of; in the house of, with, (words) to go over, describe,
penetrabilis adj penetrable; piercing, peragratio, -onis/ travelling,
penetralis ad; penetrating; inner, inmost ♦ peragro, -are, -avi, -atum vt to travel
ntpl inner room, interior, sanctuary; remote through, traverse,
parts. peramans, -antis adj very fond,
penetro, -are, -avi, -atum vt, vi to put into, peramanter adv devotedly,
penetrate, enter. perambulo, -arevt to walk through, traverse,
Peneus, -Tm chief river of Thessaly. peramoenus adj very pleasant,
penicillus, -im painter’s brush, pencil, peramplus ad; very large,
peniculus, -im brush; sponge, peranguste adv see adj.
penis, -is m penis, perangustus ad; very narrow,
penite adj inwardly. perantiquus ad; very old.
penitus adv inside, deep within; deeply, from perappositus adj very suitable,
the depths; utterly, thoroughly, perarduus ad; very difficult,
penna, pinna, -ae/feather, wing; flight, perargutus ad; very witty,
pennatus ad; winged, perard, -are vt to furrow; to write (on wax),
penniger, -Tad; feathered, perattente adv see ad;.
pennipotens, -entis 04; winged, perattentus ad; very attentive,
pennula, -ae/little wing, peraudiendus adj to be heard to the end.
pensilis adj hanging, pendent, perbacchor, -ari vt to carouse through,
pensio, -dnis/payment, instalment, perbeatus adj very happy,
pensito, -are vt to pay; to consider, perbelle adv very nicely,
penso, -are, -avi, -atum vt to weight out; to perbene adv very well,
compensate, repay; to consider, judge, perbenevolus adj very friendly,
pensum, -Tm spinner’s work; task, duty; perbenigne adv very kindly.
LATIN-ENGLISH 155 perbibo-perelegans

perbibo, -ere, -7 vt to drink up, imbibe, percursio, -onis/ running over,

perbito, -erevi to perish, percurso, -are vi to rove about,
perblandus ad; very charming, percursus ppp o/percurro.
perbonus ad; very good, percussio, -onis/beating; (fingers) snapping;
perbrevis ad; very short, (music) time.
perbreviter adv very briefly, percussor, -oris m assassin,
perca, -ae/perch. percussus ppp of percutio,
percalefactus ad; quite hot. percussus, -usm striking,
percalesco, -escere, -ulwi to become quite percutio, -tere, -ssi, -ssum vt to strike, beat;
hot. to strike through, kill; (feeling) to shock,
percallesco, -escere, -uT»i to become quite impress, move; (colloq) to trick,
hardened ♦ vt to become thoroughly versed perdelirus ad; quite crazy,
in. perdidi perfof perdo,
percarus ad; very dear, perdifficilis ad; very difficult,
percautus ad; very cautious, perdifficiliter adv with great difficulty,
percelebro, -are vt to talk much of. perdignus ad; most worthy,
perceler, -is ad; very quick, perdiligens, -entis ad; very diligent,
perceleriter adv see adj. perdiligenter adv see adj.
percello, -ellere, -uli, -ulsum vt to knock perdisco, -scere, -dici vt to learn by heart,
down, upset; to strike; (fig) to ruin, perdiserte adv very eloquently,
overthrow; to discourage, unnerve, perdite adv desperately; recklessly,
percenseo, -ere, -ulvt to count over; (place) perditor, -orism destroyer,
to travel through; (fig) to review, perditus ppp o/perdo ♦ adj desperate, ruined;
perceptio, -onis/harvesting; understanding, abandoned, profligate,
idea. perdiu adv for a very long time,
perceptus ppp of percipio, perdiuturnus adj protracted,
percieo, -iere, -io, -Tre vt to rouse, excite, perdives, -itis ad; very rich,
percipio, -ipere, -epi, -eptum vt to take, get perdix, -icisW/partridge.
hold of; to gather in; (senses) to feel; (mind) perdo, -ere, -idi, -itum vt to destroy, ruin; to
to learn, grasp, understand, squander, waste; to lose; di te -uint curse
percitus ppp o/ percieo ♦ adj roused, excited; you!
excitable. perdoceo, -ere, -ui, -turn vt to teach
percoctus ppp o/percoquo, thoroughly.
percolo, -are vt to Alter through, perdolesco, -escere, -uivi to take it to heart,
percolo, -olere, -olui, -ultum vt to embellish, perdomo, -are, -ui, -itum vt to subjugate,
to honour. tame completely,
percomis ad; very friendly, perdormisco, -erevi to sleep on.
percommode adv very conveniently, perduco, -ucere, -uxi, -uctum vt to bring,
percommodus ad; very suitable, guide to; to induce, seduce; to spread over;
percontatio, -onis/ asking questions, to prolong, continue,
percontator, -oris m inquisitive person, perducto, -arevt to guide,
percontor, -ari, -atusw to question, inquire, perductor, -orism guide; pander,
percontumax, -acisadj very obstinate, perductus ppp of perduco,
percoquo, -quere, -xi, -ctum vt to cook perduellio, -onis/treason.
thoroughly, heat, scorch, ripen, perduellis, -is m enemy,
percrebesco, percrebresco, -escere, -u7vi perduint archaic subj of perdo,
to be spread abroad, perduro, -are vi to endure, hold out.
percrepo, -are, -uTvi to resound, peredo, -edere, -edi, -esum vt to consume,
perculi perfof percello, devour.
perculsus ppp of percello, peregre adv away from home, abroad; from
percultus ppp of percolo, abroad.
percunct- etc see percont-. peregrinabundus ad; travelling,
percupidus ad; very fond, peregrinatio, -onis/living abroad, travel,
percupio, -ere vi to wish very much, peregrinator, -orism traveller,
percuriosus ad; very inquisitive, peregrinitas, -itis/foreign manners,
percuro, -arevt to heal completely, peregrinor, -ari, -atus vi to be abroad, travel;
percurro, -rrere, -curriand rri, -rsum vt to to be a stranger.
run through, hurry over; (fig) to run over, peregrinus adj foreign, strange ♦ m
look over ♦ vi to run along; to pass, foreigner, alien.
percursatio, -onis/travelling through. perelegans, -antis adj very polished.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -*f« = 2nd; -*r« = 3rd and -ir« = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
pereleganter-perillustris 156 LAT1N-ENGLISH

pereleganter adv in a very polished manner, over; os - put on a bold face,

pereloquens, -entis ad; very eloquent, perfrigefacio, -ere vt to make shudder,
peremi perf of perimo, perfrigesco, -gescere, -xl vi to catch a bad
peremnia, -ium ntpi auspices taken on cold.
crossing a river, perfrigidus adj very cold,
peremptus ppp of perimo, perfringo, -ingere, -egl, -actum vt to break
perendie adv the day after tomorrow, through, fracture, wreck; (fig) to violate; to
perendinus adj (the day) after tomorrow, affect powerfully,
perennis ad; perpetual, unfailing, perfrixi perfo/ perfrigesco.
perennitas, -atis/continuance. perf ruct us ppa of perf ruor.
perenno, -are vi to last a long time, perfruor, -ul, -uctus vi (with abf) to enjoy to
pereo, -Ire, -ii, -itum vi to be lost, pass away, the full; to fulfil,
perish, die; (fig) to be wasted, be in love, be perfuga, -ae m deserter,
undone. perfugio, -ugere, -uglvi to flee for refuge,
perequito, -are vt, vi to ride up and down, desert to.
pererro, -are, -avl, -atum vt to roam over, perfugium, -land ilnt refuge, shelter,
cover. perfunctid, -onis/performing,
pereruditus ad; very learned, perfunctus ppa of perfungor,
peresus ppp of peredo. perfundo, -undere, -udi, -usum vt to pour
perexcelsus adj very high, over, drench, besprinkle; to dye; (fig) to
perexigue adv very meagrely, flood, fill.
perexiguus adj very small, very short, perfungor, -gi, perfunctus vi (with abl) to
perfacete adv very wittily, perform, discharge; to undergo,
perfacetus ad; very witty, perfuro, -ere vi to rage furiously,
perfacile adv very easily, perfusus ppp of perfundo.
perfacilis adj very easy; very courteous, Pergama, -orum ntpl Troy.
perfamiliaris adj very intimate ♦ m very close Pergamenus adj see n.
friend. Pergameus od; Trojan.
perfecte adv fully. Pergamum, -Int town in Mysia (famous for its
perfectio, -onis/completion, perfection, library).
perfector, -oris m perfecter. pergaudeo, -ere vi to be very glad,
perfectus ppp o/perficio ♦ adj complete, pergo, -gere, -rexi, -rectum vi to proceed, go
perfect. on, continue ♦ vt to go on with, continue,
perfero, -ferre, -tuli, -latum vt to carry pergraecor, -ari vi to have a good time,
through, bring, convey; to bear, endure, put pergrandis adj very large; very old.
up with; (work) to finish, bring to completion; pergraphicus ad; very artful,
(law) to get passed; (message) to bring news, pergratus ad; very pleasant,
perficio, -icere, -eel, -ectum vt to carry out, pergravis adj very weighty,
finish, complete; to perfect; to cause, make, pergraviter adv very seriously,
perficus adj perfecting, pergula, -ae/balcony; school; brothel,
perfidelis adj very loyal, perhibeo, -ere, -ul, -itum vt to assert, call,
perfidia, -ae/treachery, dishonesty, cite.
perfidiose adv see adj. perhilum adv very little,
perfidiosus ad; treacherous, dishonest, perhonorifice adv very respectfully,
perfidus adj treacherous, faithless, perhonorificus ad; very complimentary,
perflgo, -gere, -xl, -xum vt to pierce, perhorresco, -escere, -uivi to shiver,
perflabilis adj that can be blown through, tremble violently ♦ vt to have a horror of.
perflagitiosus ad; very wicked, perhorridus adj quite horrible,
perflo, -are vt to blow through, blow over, perhumaniter adv see adj.
perfluctuo, -are vt to flood through, perhumanus ad; very polite.
perfluo, -ere, -xlvi to run out, leak, Pericles, -is and I m famous Athenian statesman
perfodio, -odere, -odi, -ossum vt to dig and orator.
through, excavate, pierce, periclitatio, -onis/experiment,
perforo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to bore through, periclitor, -ari, -atus vt to test, try; to risk,
pierce. endanger ♦ vi to attempt, venture; to run a
perfortiter adv very bravely. risk, be in danger,
perfossor, -orism: - parietum burglar. periculose adv see adj.
perfossus ppp o/perfodio. periculosus adj dangerous, hazardous,
perfractus ppp of perfringo. periculum (periclum), -int danger, risk;
perfregiperfo/perfringo. trial, attempt; (law) lawsuit, writ,
perfremo, -ere vi to snort along. peridoneus adj very suitable,
perfrequens, -entis ad; much frequented. peri I perf of pereo.
perfrico, -are, -ul, -tum and atum vt to rub all perillustris ad; very notable; highly honoured.
LATIN-ENGLISH 157 perimbecillus-perniciosus

perimbecillus ad; very weak, permagnus adj very big, very great,
perimo, -imere, -emi, -emptum vt to permananter adv by flowing through,
destroy, prevent, kill, permanasco, -erevi to penetrate,
perincommode adv see ad;, permaneo, -anere, -ansi, -ansum vi to last,
perincommodus adj very inconvenient, persist, endure to the end.
perinde adv just as, exactly as. permano, -are, -avl, -atum vi to flow or ooze
perindulgens, -entis adj very tender, through, penetrate.
perinfirmus od; very feeble, permansio, -dnis/ continuing, persisting,
peringeniosus ad; very clever, permarinus ad; of seafaring,
periniquus adj very unfair; very permaturesco, -escere, -ul vi to ripen fully,
discontented. permediocris adj very moderate,
perinsignis adj very conspicuous, permensus ppa of permetior,
perinvitus adj very unwilling, permeo, -are vt, vi to pass through, penetrate,
periodus, -if sentence, period. permetior, -tlrl, -nsus vt to measure out; to
Peripatetici, -orum mpi Peripatetics traverse.
(followers of Aristotle). permirus adj very wonderful,
peripetasmata, -um ntpi curtains, permisceo, -scere, -scul, -xtum vt to
periratus adj very angry, mingle, intermingle; to throw into
periscelis, -dis/anklet. confusion.
peristroma, -atis nt coverlet, permissio, -onis/unconditional surrender;
peristylum, -Int colonnade, peristyle, permission.
perite adv expertly. permissus ppp of permitto,
peritia, -ae/practical knowledge, skill, permissus, -us m leave, permission,
peritus ad; experienced, skilled, expert, permitialis adj destructive,
periucunde adv see adj. permities, -el/ruin.
periucundusad; very enjoyable, permitto, -ittere, -TsI, -issum vt to let go, let
periurium, -land ilnt perjury, pass; to hurl; to give up, entrust, concede; to
periurosee peiero. allow, permit,
periurusad; perjured, lying, permixte adv see adj.
perlabor, -bl, -psus vi to glide along or permixtio, -onis/mixture; disturbance,
through, move on. permixtus ppp 0/permisceo ♦ adj
perlaetus adj very glad, promiscuous, disordered,
perlapsus ppao/perlabor. permodestus adj very moderate,
perlate adv very extensively, permoleste adv with much annoyance,
perlateo, -ere vi to lie quite hidden, permolestus adj very troublesome,
perlatus ppp o/perfero. permotio, -onis/excitement; emotion,
perlego, -egere, -egl, -ectum vt to survey; to permotus ppp o/permoved.
read through, permoveo, -overe, -ovl, -otum vt to stir
perlevis adj very slight, violently; (fig) to influence, induce; to excite,
perleviter adv see adj. move deeply.
perlibens, -entis adj very willing, permulceo, -cere, -si, -sum vt to stroke,
perlibenter adv see adj. caress; (fig) to charm, flatter; to soothe,
perliberalis ad; very genteel, appease.
perliberaliter adv very liberally, permulsus ppp o/permulceo,
perlibet, -ere vi (impers) (I) should very much permultus adj very much, very many,
like. permunio, -Ire, -Ivi, -Itum vt to finish
perlicio etc see pellicio, fortifying; to fortify strongly,
perlito, -are, -avl, -atum vi to sacrifice with permutitio, -onis/change, exchange,
auspicious results, permuto, -are, -avl, -atum vt to change
perlonge adv very far. completely; to exchange; (money) to remit
perlongus adj very long, very tedious, by bill of exchange,
perlub- etc see perlib-. perna, -ae/ham.
perluceo, -cere, -xlvi to shine through, be pernecessarius ad; very necessary; very
transparent; (fig) to be quite intelligible, closely related,
perlucidulus ad; transparent, pernecesse adj indispensable,
perlucidus adj transparent; very bright, pernego, -are vi to deny flatly.
perluctuosus ad; very mournful, perniciabilis adj ruinous,
perluo, -ere vt to wash thoroughly; (pass) to pernicies, -ei/destruction, ruin, death.
bathe. perniciose adv see adj.
perlustro, -arevt to traverse; (fig) to survey. perniciosus ad; ruinous.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
pernlcitas-persector 158 LATIN-ENGLISH

pernicitas, -atis/agility, swiftness, perplexor, -arl vi to cause confusion,

perniciter adv nimbly, perplexus adj confused, intricate, obscure,
pernimiusadj much too much, perplicatus adj interlaced,
pernix, -Icis adj nimble, agile, swift, perpluo, -ere vi to let the rain through, leak,
pernobilis adj very famous, perpolio, -Ire, -TvT, -Ttum vt to polish
pernocto, -arevi to stay all night, thoroughly.
pernosco, -scere, -vi, -turn vt to examine perpolitus adj finished, refined.
thoroughly; to become fully acquainted perpopulor, -arl, -atusvt to ravage
with, know thoroughly, completely.
pernotesco, -escere, -uivi to become perpotatio, -onis/drinking bout,
generally known, perpoto, -arevi to drink continuously ♦ vt to
pernotus ppp of pernosco, drink off.
pernox, -octis adj all night long, perprimo, -ere vt to lie on.
pernumero, -are vt to count up. perpugnax, -acis adj very pugnacious,
perd, -onism rawhide boot, perpulcher, -rladj very beautiful,
perobscurus adj very obscure, perpuliper/0/ perpello,
perodiosus adj very troublesome, perpurgo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to make quite
perofficiose adv very attentively, clean; to explain,
peroieo, -erevi to give off a strong smell, perpusillus adj very little,
peropportune adv very opportunely, perquam adv very, extremely,
peropportunus adj very timely, perquiro, -rere, -sivi, -sltum vt to search for,
peroptato adv very much to one’s wish, inquire after; to examine carefully,
peropus est it is most essential, perquisitius adv more accurately,
peroratio, -onis/peroration. perraro adv very seldom,
perornatus adj very ornate, perrarus adj very uncommon,
perorno, -are vt to give great distinction to. perreconditus adj very abstruse,
peroro, -are, -avl, -atum vt to plead at perrepo, -ere vt to crawl over,
length; (speech) to bring to a close; to perrepto, -are, -avl, -atum vt, vi to creep
conclude. about or through,
perosus adj detesting, perrexi perf of pergo,
perpaco, -are vt to quieten completely, perridicule adv see adj.
perparce adv very stingily, perridiculus adj very laughable,
perparvulus adj very tiny, perrogatio, -onis/passing (of a law),
perparvus adj very small, perrogo, -are vt to ask one after another,
perpastus adj well fed. perrumpo, -umpere, -upi, -upturn vt, vi to
perpauculus adj very very few. break through, force a way through; (fig) to
perpaucus adj very little, very few. break down.
perpaulum, -I nt a very little, perruptus ppp of perrumpo.
perpauper, -is adj very poor, Persae, -arum mpi Persians,
perpauxillum, -Tnt a very little, persaepe adv very often,
perpello, -ellere, -ud, -ulsum vt to urge, persalse adv see adj.
force, influence. persalsus adj very witty,
perpendiculum, -Tnt plumbline, ad ~ persalutatio, -onis/greeting everyone in
perpendicularly. turn.
perpendo, -endere, -end!, -ensum vt to persaluto, -are vt to greet in turn,
weigh carefully, judge, persancte adv most solemnly.
perperam adv wrongly, falsely, persapiens, -entisadj very wise,
perpes, -etis adj continuous, persapienter adv see adj.
perpessio, -onis/suffering, enduring. perscienter adv very discreetly,
perpessus ppa of perpetior, perscindo, -ndere, -di, -ssum vt to tear
perpetior, -tl, -ssus vt to endure patiently, apart.
allow. perscitus adj very smart.
perpetro, -are, -avl, -atum vt to perform, perscribo, -bere, -psi, -ptum vt to write in
carry out. full; to describe, report; (record) to enter;
perpetuitas, -atis/ continuity, uninterrupted (money) to make over in writing,
duration. perscriptio, -onis/entry; assignment,
perpetuo adv without interruption, forever, perscriptor, -oris m writer,
utterly. perscriptus ppp of perscribo,
perpetuo, -are vt to perpetuate, preserve, perscrutor, -ari, -atus vt to search, examine
perpetuus adj continuous, entire; universal; thoroughly.
in -um forever. perseco, -are, -ul, -tum vt to dissect, to do
perplaceo, -ere vi to please greatly, away with.
perplexe adv obscurely. persector, -arl vt to investigate.
LATIN-ENGLISH 159 persecutio-pertractus

persecutio, -6nis/(/aw) prosecution. perspicuus adj transparent; clear, evident.

persecutus ppa of persequor, persterno, -emere, -ravi, -ratum vt to pave
persedeo, -edere, -edi, -essum vi to remain all over.
sitting. perstimulo, -arevt to rouse violently,
persegnis adj very slow. perstiti perfof persisto, perfof persto,
Perseius adj see Perseus, persto, -are, -iti, -atum vi to stand fast; to
persentio, -entire, -ensi vt to see clearly; to last; to continue, persist,
feel deeply. perstratus ppp of persterno,
persentisco, -erevi to begin to see; to begin perstrepo, -ere vi to make a lot of noise,
to feel. perstrictus ppp of perstringo,
Persephone, -es/Proserpine, perstringo, -ingere, -inxi, -ictum vt to
persequor, -qui, -cutus vt to follow all the graze, touch lightly; (words) to touch on,
way; to pursue, chase, hunt after; to belittle, censure; (senses) to dull, deaden,
overtake; (pattern) to be a follower of, copy; perstudiose adv very eagerly,
(enemy) to proceed against, take revenge on; perstudiosus adj very fond,
(action) to perform, carry out; (words) to persuadeo, -dere, -si, -sum vi (with dat) to
write down, describe. convince, persuade; -sum habeo, mihi -sum
Perses, -ae m last king of Macedonia. est I am convinced,
Perses, -ae m Persian. persuasio, -onis/convincing.
Perseus, -Stand eos (acc-ea) m son of Danae persuasus, -us m persuasion,
(killer of Medusa, rescuer of Andromeda). persubtilis adj very fine,
Perseus adj seen. persulto, -are vt, vi to prance about, frisk
perseverans, -antispres pof persevero ♦ adj over.
persistent. pertaedet, -dere, -sum est vt (impers) to be
perseveranter adv see adj. weary of, be sick of.
perseverantia, -ae/persistence. pertego, -egere, -exi, -ectum vt to cover
persevero, -are, -avi, -atum vi to persist ♦ vt over.
to persist in. pertempto, -are vt to test carefully; to
perseverus adj very strict. consider well; to pervade, seize,
Persicus adj Persian; of Perses. pertendo, -ere, -i vi to push on, persist ♦ vt to
Persicum nt peach. go on with.
persido, -idere, -edi, -essum vi to sink down pertenuis adj very small, very slight,
into. perterebro, -are vt to bore through,
persigno, -are vt to record, pertergeo, -gere, -si, -sum vt to wipe over;
persimilis ad; very like, to touch lightly.
persimplex, -icis ad; very simple. perterrefacio, -ere vt to scare thoroughly,
Persis, -idis/Persia. perterreo, -ere, -ui, -itum vt to frighten
persisto, -istere, -titi vi to persist, thoroughly.
persolus adj one and only, perterricrepus adj with a terrifying crash,
persolutus ppp of persolvo, perterritus adj terrified,
persolvo, -vere, -vi, -utum vt to pay, pay up; pertexo, -ere, -ui, -turn vt to accomplish,
to explain. pertica, -ae/pole, staff,
persona, -ae/mask; character, part; person, pertimefactus ad; very frightened,
personality. pertimesco, -escere, -ui vt, vi to be very
personatus adj masked; in an assumed alarmed, be very afraid of.
character. pertinacia, -ae/perseverance, stubbornness,
persono, -are, -ui, -itum vi to resound, ring pertinaciter adv see adj.
(with); to play ♦ vt to make resound; to cry pertinax, -acis ad; very tenacious;
aloud. unyielding, stubborn.
perspecte adv intelligently, pertineo, -ere, -ui vi to extend, reach; to tend,
perspecto, -are vt to have a look through, lead to, concern; to apply, pertain, belong;
perspectus ppp of perspicio ♦ adj well-known, quod ~et ad as far as concerns,
perspeculor, -ari vt to reconnoitre, pertingo, -ere vi to extend,
perspergo, -gere, -si, -sum vt to besprinkle, pertolero, -are vt to endure to the end.
perspicax, -acis adj sharp, shrewd, pertorqueo, -erevt to distort,
perspicientia, -ae/full understanding, pertractate adv in a hackneyed fashion,
perspicio, -icere, -exi, -ectum vt to see pertractatio, -onis/handling,
through; to examine, observe, pertracto, -arevt to handle, feel all over; (fig)
perspicue adv clearly, to treat, study,
perspicuitas, -atis/clarity. pertractus ppp of pertraho.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
pertraho-peto 160 LATIN-ENGLISH

pertraho, -here, -xl, -ctum vt to drag across, pervictus ppp of pervincd.

take forcibly; to entice, pervideo, -idere, -idi, -isum vt to look over,
pertrect- etc see pertract-. survey; to consider; to discern,
pertristis ad; very sad, very morose, pervigeo, -ere, -ui vi to continue to flourish,
pertufi perf of perfero, pervigil, -is adj awake, watchful,
pertumultuose adv very excitedly, pervigilatio, -onis/vigil.
pertundo, -undere, -udi, -usum vt to pervigilium, -T and ilnt vigil,
perforate. pervigilo, -are, -avi, -atum vt, vi to stay
perturbate adv in confusion, awake all night, keep vigil,
perturbatio, -dnis/ confusion, disturbance; pervilis adj very cheap,
emotion. pervinco, -incere, -ici, -ictum vt, vi to
perturbatrix, -icis/disturber, conquer completely; to outdo, surpass; to
perturbatus pppo/perturbo ♦ adj troubled; prevail upon, effect; (argument) to carry a
alarmed. point, maintain, prove,
perturbo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to throw into pervivo, -erevi to survive,
disorder, upset, alarm, pervius adj passable, accessible,
perturpis adj scandalous, pervolgo etc see pervulgo,
pertusus pppo/pertundo ♦ adj in holes, leaky. pervolito, -are vt, vi to fly about,
perungo, -ungere, -unxi, -unctum vt to pervolo, -are, -avi, -atum vt, vi to fly through
smear all over. or over, fly to.
perurbanus ad; very refined; over-fine, pervolo, -elle, -oluivi to wish very much,
peruro, -rere, -ssi, -stum vt to burn up, pervoluto, -arevt (books) to read through,
scorch; to inflame, chafe; to freeze, nip. pervolvo, -vere, -vi, -utum vt to tumble
Perusia, -iae/Etruscan town (nowPerugia). about; (book) to read through; (pass) to be
Perusinus adj see n. very busy (with),
perustus ppp of peruro, pervor- etc see perver-.
perutilis ad; very useful, pervulgatus ad; very common,
pervado, -dere, -si, -sum vt, vi to pass pervulgo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to make
through, spread through; to penetrate, public, impart; to haunt,
reach. pes, pedis m foot; (length) foot; (verse) foot,
pervagatus ad; widespread, well-known; metre; (sailrope) sheet; pedem conferre come
general. to close quarters; pedem referre go back;
pervagor, -ari, -atus vi to range, rove about; ante pedes self-evident; pedibus on foot, by
to extend, spread ♦ vt to pervade, land; pedibus ire in sententiam take sides;
pervagus adj roving, pedibus aequis (naut) with the wind right aft;
pervarie adv very diversely, servus a pedibus footman,
pervasto, -are, -avi, -atum vt to devastate, pessime superi of male,
pervasus ppp of pervado, pessimus superi of malus,
pervectus ppp of perveho, pessulus, -im bolt.
perveho, -here, -xi, -ctum vt to carry, pessum adv to the ground, to the bottom; -
convey, bring through; (pass) to ride, drive, dare put an end to, ruin, destroy; - ire sink,
sail through; to attain, perish.
pervello, -ere, -ivt to pull, twitch, pinch; to pestifer, -lad; pestilential; baleful,
stimulate; to disparage, destructive.
pervenio, -enire, -eni, -entum vi to come to, pestilens, -entis ad; unhealthy; destructive,
arrive, reach; to attain to. pestilentia, -ae/plague, pest; unhealthiness,
pervenor, -arivi to chase through, pestilitas, -atis/plague.
perverse adv perversely, pestis, -is/plague, pest; ruin, destruction,
perversitas, -atis/perverseness, petasatus adj wearing the petasus,
perversus (pervorsus)pppo/perverto ♦ adj petasunculus, -I m small leg of pork,
awry, squint; wrong, perverse, petasus, -im broadbrimmed hat.
perverto, -tere, -ti, -sum vt to overturn, petesso, -erevt to be eager for.
upset; to overthrow, undo; (speech) to petitio, -onis/thrust, attack; request,
confute. application; (office) candidature, standing
pervesperi adv very late, for; (law) civil suit, right of claim,
pervestigatio, -onis/thorough search, petitor, -oris m candidate; plaintiff,
pervestigo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to track petiturio, -Ire vt to long to be a candidate,
down; to investigate, petitus ppp of peto.
pervetus, -eris ad; very old. petitus, -us m falling to.
pervetustus adj antiquated, peto, -ere, -Ivland ii, -Itum vt to aim at,
pervicacia, -ae/obstinacy; firmness, attack; (place) to make for, go to; to seek,
pervicaciter adv see adj. look for, demand, ask; to go and fetch; (law)
pervicax, -acis adj obstinate, wilful; dogged. to sue; (love) to court; (office) to stand for.
LAT1N-ENGLISH 161 petorritum-physice

petorritum, -Tm carriage, at Sparta.

petro, -dnis m yokel. Philo (-on), -dnis m Academic philosopher
Petronius, -I m arbiter of fashion under Nero. (teacher of Cicero).
petulans, -antis adj pert, impudent, Philoctetes, -aem Greek archer who gave
lascivious. Hercules poisoned arrows.
petulanter adv see adj. philologia, -ae/ study of literature,
petulantia, -ae/pertness, impudence. philologus adj scholarly, literary.
petulcus adj butting. Philomela, -ae/sister of Procne; nightingale,
pexus ppp o/pecto. philosophe adv see adj.
Phaeaccius and cus, -x adj Phaeacian. philosophia, -ae/philosophy,
Phaeaces, -cum mpi fabulous islanders in the philosophor, -arl, -atusvi to philosophize,
Odyssey. philosophus, -7m philosopher ♦ adj
Phaedra, -ae/stepmother of Hippolytus. philosophical,
Phaedrus, -7 m pupil of Socrates; writer of Latin philtrum, -Int love potion,
fables. philyra, -ae/inner bark of the lime tree,
Phaethon, -ontis m son of the Sun (killed while phimus, -7m dice box.
driving his father's chariot). Phlegethon, -ontis m a river of Hades.
Phaethonteus adj see n. Phlegethontis adj see n.
Phaethontiades, -um fpl sisters of Phaethon. Phliasius adj seen.
phalangae, -arum/pi wooden rollers, Phlius, -untis/ town in Peloponnese.
phalangitae, -arum mpi soldiers of a phdca, -ae/seal.
phalanx. Phocaicus adj see n.
phalanx, -gis/phalanx; troops, battle order. Phoceus adj see n.
Phalaris, -dism tyrant of Agrigentum. Phocis, -idis/ country of central Greece.
phalerae, -arum fpi medallions, badges; Phocius adj see n.
(.horse) trappings. Phoebas, -adis/prophetess.
phaleratus adj wearing medallions; Phoebe, -es/Diana, the moon.
ornamented. Phoebeius, -eus adj see n.
Phalereus, -icusadj seen. Phoebigena, -ae m son of Phoebus,
Phalerum, -Int harbour of Athens. Aesculapius.
pharetra, -ae/quiver, Phoebus, -Im Apollo; the sun.
pharetratus adj wearing a quiver. Phoenice, -ces/Phoenicia.
Pharius adj see n. Phoenices, -cum mpi Phoenicians,
pharmaceutria, -ae/sorceress, phoenicopterus, -7 m flamingo.
pharmacopola, -ae m quack doctor. Phoenissus adj Phoenician ♦ /Dido.
Pharsalicus, -iuS adj see n. Phoenix, -Icis m friend of Achilles.
Pharsalus (-os), -7/town in Thessaly (where phoenix, -Icis m phoenix.
Caesar defeated Pompey). Phorcis, -idos = Phorcynis.
Pharus (-os), -if island off Alexandria with a Phorcus, -Im son of Neptune (father of
famous lighthouse; lighthouse, Medusa).
phaselus, -7m//French beans; (boat) pinnace. Phorcynis, -ynidos/Medusa.
Phasiacus adj Colchian. Phraates, -ae m king of Parthia.
Phasianus, -ana m//pheasant. phrenesis, -is/delirium,
Phasis, -disand dos m river of Colchis. phreneticus adj mad, delirious.
Phasis adj seen, Phrixeus adj see n.
phasma, -tism ghost. Phrixus, -7m Helle’s brother (who took the ram
Pherae, -arum fpl town in Thessaly (home of with the golden fleece to Colchis).
Admetus). Phryges, -um mpi Phrygians; Trojans.
Pheraeus adj see n. Phrygia, -iae/Phrygia (country of Asia Minor);
phiala, -ae/saucer. Troy.
PhIdiaCUS adj see n. Phrygius adj Phrygian, Trojan.
Phidias, -ae m famous Athenian sculptor. Phthia, -ae/ home of Achilles in Thessaly.
philema, -tis nt kiss. Phthiota, -dtes, -otae m native of Phthia.
Philippi, -orum mpi town in Macedonia (where phthisis/consumption.
Brutus and Cassius were defeated). PhthlUS adj see n.
Philippeus adj see n. phy interj bah!
Philippicae fpl Cicero's speeches against Antony. phylaca, -ae/prison,
Philippicus adj see n. phylarchus, -I m chieftain,
Philippus, -7m king of Macedonia; gold coin, physica, -ae and e, -es/physics.
philitia, (phiditia), -drum ntpi public meals physice adv scientifically.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -Tre = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
physicus-pistris 162 LATIN-ENGLISH

physicus adj of physics, natural ♦ m natural Pindarus, -T m Pindar (Greek lyric poet).
philosopher ♦ ntpi physics, Pindus, -Tm mountain range in Thessaly.
physiognomon, -onis m physiognomist, pinetum, -Tnt pine wood.
physiologia, -ae/natural philosophy, pTneusad; pine- (in cpds).
science. pingo, -ere, pinxT, pictum vt to paint,
piabilis ad; expiable. embroider; to colour; (fig) to embellish,
piacularis ad; atoning ♦ ntpi sin offerings, decorate.
piaculum, -Tnt sin offering; victim; pinguesco, -ere vi to grow fat, become
atonement, punishment; sin, guilt, fertile.
piamen, -inis m atonement, pinguis ad; fat, rich, fertile; (mind) gross, dull;
pica, -ae/magpie. (ease) comfortable, calm; (weather) thick ♦
picaria, -ae/pitch hut. m grease.
picea, -ae/pine. pTnifer, -T, piniger, -Tad; pine-clad,
Picens, -entis adj = Picenus. pinna, -ae/feather; wing, arrow; battlement;
Picenum, -enim Picenum. (fish) fin.
Picenus adj of Picenum in E. Italy. pinnatus adj feathered, winged,
piceus ad; pitch black; of pitch, pinniger, -Tad; winged; finny,
pictor, -oris m painter, pinnipes, -edisadj wing-footed,
pictura, -ae/painting; picture, pinnirapus, -T m plume-snatcher,
picturatus ad; painted; embroidered, pinnula, -ae/little wing,
pictus pppo/pingo ♦ adj coloured, tattooed; pinoteres, -ae m hermit crab.
(style) ornate; (fear) unreal, pTnso, -ere vt to beat, pound.
picus, -Tm woodpecker, pTnus, -us and T/stone pine, Scots fir; ship,
pie adv religiously, dutifully. torch, wreath.
Pieris, -dis/Muse. pinxT perfof pingo.
Pieri US ad; of the Muses, poetic, pio, -are vt to propitiate, worship; to atone
pietas, -atis/sense of duty (to gods, family, for, avert; to avenge,
country), piety, filial affection, love, piper, -is m pepper,
patriotism. pipilo, -are vi to chirp.
piger, -riadj reluctant, slack, slow; numbing, Piraea, -drum ntpi Piraeus (port of Athens).
dull. PTraeeus and us, -Tm main port of Athens.
piget, -ere, -uit vt (impers) to be annoyed, Piraeus ad; see n.
dislike; to regret, repent, pirata, -ae m pirate,
pigmentarius, -iand iim dealer in paints, piraticus adj pirate ♦ /piracy.
pigmentum, -im paint, cosmetic; (style) PTrene, -es/spring in Corinth.
colouring. PTrenis, -idiSod; see n.
pignerator, -oris m mortgagee, Pirithous, -Tm king of the Lapiths.
pignero, -are vt to pawn, mortgage, pirum, -Tm pear,
pigneror, -ari, -atus vt to claim, accept, pirus, -T/pear tree.
pignus, -oris and eris nt pledge, pawn, Pisa, -ae/ Greek town near the Olympic Games
security; wager, stake; (fig) assurance, site.
token; (pf) children, dear ones, PTsae, -arum fpi town in Etruria (nowPisa).
pigritia, -ae, -es, -ei/sluggishness, Pisaeus adj see rt.
indolence. Pisa n U S adj see n.
pigro, -are, -or, -arivi to be slow, be slack, piscarius ad; fish- (in cpds), fishing- (in cpds).
pila, -ae/mortar, piscator, -oris m fisherman,
pila, -ae/pillar; pier, piscatorius adj fishing- (in cpds).
pila, -ae/ball, ball game, piscatus, -us m fishing; fish; catch, haul,
pilanus, -Tm soldier of the third line, pisciculus, -Tm little fish,
pilatus adj armed with javelins, piscina, -ae/fishpond; swimming pool,
pilentum, -im carriage, piscinarius, -land i!m person keen on fish
pilleatus ad; wearing the felt cap. ponds.
pilleoius, -Tm skullcap, piscis -is m fish; (astso) Pisces,
pilleum, -Tm, pilleus, -T m felt cap presented piscor, -ari, -atus vi to fish,
to freed slaves; (fig) liberty, piscosus adj full of fish,
pilosus adj hairy, pisculentus adj full of fish.
pilum, -Tm javelin. Pisistratidae, -idarum mpi sons of Pisistratus.
pilus, -Tm division of triarii; primus - chief Pisistratus, -Tm tyrant of Athens.
centurion. pistillum, -Tm pestle,
pilus, -Tm hair; a whit. pistor, -oris m miller; baker,
Pimplea, -ae and is, -idis/Muse. pistrilla, -ae/little mortar,
Pimpleus ad; of the Muses. pistrinum, -Tm mill, bakery; drudgery,
Pindaricus ad; see n. pistris, -is and Tx, -Icis/ sea monster, whale;
LATIN-ENGLISH 163 pithecium-poculum

swift ship. pleased with.

pithecium, -land ilnt little ape. plausibilis adj praiseworthy,
prtulta, -ae/phlegm; catarrh, cold in the plausor, -orism applauder.
head. plaustrum, -Tnt waggon, cart; (astro) Great
pituitosus adj phlegmatic, Bear; - percellere upset the applecart.
pius adj dutiful, conscientious; godly, holy; plausus ppp of plaudo.
filial, affectionate; patriotic; good, upright ♦ plausus, -usm flapping; clapping, applause.
mpl the blessed dead, Plautinus adj seen.
pix, picis/pitch. Plautus, -Im early Latin comic poet.
placabilis adj easily appeased, plebecula, -ae/rabble.
placabilitas, -atis/readiness to condone, plebeius adj plebeian; common, low.
placamen, -inis, placamentum, -Int peace¬ plebicola, -aem friend of the people,
offering. plebiscitum, -Int decree of the people,
placate adv calmly, plebs (plebes), -is/ common people,
placatio, -onis/propitiating, plebeians; lower classes, masses,
placatus pppof placo ♦ adj calm, quiet, plecto, -erevt to punish,
reconciled, plectrum, -Int plectrum; lyre, lyric poetry.
placenta, -ae/cake. Pleias, -dis/Pleiad; (pi) the Seven Sisters,
Placentia, -iae/town in N. Italy (now plene adv fully, entirely,
Piacenza). plenus adj full, filled; (fig) sated; (age) mature;
Placentinus adj see n. (amount) complete; (body) stout, plump;
placeo, -ere, -ul, -itum vi (with dat) to please, (female) pregnant; (matter) solid; (style)
satisfy; ~et it seems good, it is agreed, copious; (voice) loud; ad -urn abundantly,
resolved; mihi ~eo I am pleased with myself, plerumque adv generally, mostly,
placide adv peacefully, gently, plerusque adj a large part, most; (pf) the
placidus adj calm, quiet, gentle, majority, the most; very many,
placitum,-! nt principle, belief, plexus adj plaited, interwoven.
placitus ppaof placeo ♦ adj pleasing; agreed PHassee Pleias,
on. plicatrix, -Icis/clothes folder,
placo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to calm, appease, plico, -are, -avl and ul, -atum and itum vt to
reconcile. fold, coil.
plaga, -ae/blow, stroke, wound, PHnius, -I m Roman family name (esp Pliny the
plaga, -ae/region, zone, Elder, who died in the eruption of Vesuvius);
plaga, -ae/hunting net, snare, trap, Pliny the Younger, writer of letters.
plagiarius, -land iim plunderer, kidnapper, ploratus, -us m wailing,
plagigerulus adj much flogged, ploro, -are, -avl, -atum vi to wail, lament ♦ vt
plagosus adj fond of punishing, to weep for, bewail,
plagula, -ae/curtain. plostellum, -I nt cart,
planctus, -us m beating the breast, ploxenum, -Int cart box.
lamentation. pluit, -ere, -it vi (impers) it is raining,
plane adv plainly, clearly; completely, quite; pluma, -ae/soft feather, down,
certainly. plumbeus adj of lead; (fig) heavy, dull,
plango, -gere, -xl, -ctum vt, vi to beat noisily; worthless.
to beat in grief; to lament loudly, bewail, plumbum, -I nt lead; bullet, pipe, ruler; -
plangor, -oris m beating; loud lamentation, album tin.
planipes, -edis m ballet dancer, plumeus adj down, downy,
planitas, -atis/ perspicuity, plumipes, -edisadj feather-footed,
planities, -el, (-a, -ae)/level ground, plain, plumosus adj feathered,
planta, -ae/shoot, slip; sole, foot, plurimus superi of multus,
plantaria, -ium ntpi slips, young trees, plus, -uris compar of multus ♦ adv more,
planus adj level, flat; plain, clear ♦ nt level plusculus adj a little more,
ground; de -6 easily, pluteus, -Im shelter, penthouse; parapet;
planus, -Im impostor, couch; bookcase.
platalea, -ae/spoonbill, Pluto, -onis m king of the lower world.
platea, -ae/street. Plutonius adj seen.
Plato, -onis m Plato (founder of the Academic pluvia, -ae/rain.
school of philosophy). pluvialis adj rainy.
Platonicus adj see n. pluvius adj rainy, rain- (incpds).
plaudo, -dere, -si, -sum vt to clap, beat, pocillum, -I nt small cup.
stamp ♦ vi to clap, applaud; to approve, be poculum, -Int cup; drink, potion.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -Tre = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
podagra-porcella 164 LATIN-ENGLISH

podagra, -ae/gout. Pomptinus adj Pomptine (name of marshy

podagrosus adj gouty, district in S. Latium).
podium, -Iand ii nt balcony, pdmum, -int fruit; fruit tree,
poema, -tism poem, pomus, -I/fruit tree.
poena, -a e/penalty, punishment; poenas pondero, -are vt to weigh; to consider, reflect
dare to be punished. on.
Poem, -drum mpi Carthaginians. ponderosus adj heavy, weighty,
Poenus, Punicus adj Punic, pondd adv in weight; pounds,
poesis, -is / poetry, poem, pondus, -erisnt weight; mass, burden; (fig)
poeta, -aem poet, importance, authority; (character) firmness;
poetice adv poetically, (pf) balance,
poeticus adj poetic ♦ / poetry, pone adv behind.
poetria, -ae/poetess. pond, -ere, posui, positum vt to put, place,
pol inter) by Pollux!, truly, lay, set; to lay down, lay aside; (fig) to
polenta, -ae/pearl barley, regard, reckon; (art) to make, build; (camp)
polio, -Ire, -Ivi, -Itum vt to polish; to improve, to pitch; (corpse) to lay out, bury; (example)
put in good order, to take; (food) to serve; (hair) to arrange;
polite adv elegantly, (hope) to base, stake; (hypothesis) to suppose,
politia, -ae/Plato’s Republic, assume; (institution) to lay down, ordain;
politicus adj political, (money) to invest; (sea) to calm; (theme) to
politus adj polished, refined, cultured, propose; (time) to spend, devote; (tree) to
pollen, -inis nt fine flour, meed, plant; (wager) to put down ♦ vi (wind) to
pollens, -entispres po/polleo ♦ adj powerful, abate.
strong. pons, pontis m bridge; drawbridge; (ship)
pollentia, -ae/power. gangway, deck,
polleo, -ere vi to be strong, be powerful. ponticulus, -im small bridge.
pollex, -icis m thumb. Ponticus adj see Pontus,
polliceor, -eri, -itus vt to promise, offer. pontifex, -icis m high priest, pontiff,
pollicitatio, -onis/promise. pontificalis adj pontifical,
pollicitor, -ari, -atus vt to promise. pontificatus, -us m high priesthood,
pollicitum, -Int promise. pontificius adj pontiff’s,
Pollio, -onis m Roman surname (esp C. ponto, -dnis m ferryboat,
Asinius, soldier, statesman and literary patron pontus, -I m sea.
under Augustus). Pontus, -Im Black Sea; kingdom of Mithridates
poliis, -inis m^see pollen, in Asia Minor.
pollucibiliter adv sumptuously, popa, -ae m minor priest,
polluctus adj offered up ♦ nt offering, popanum, -Int sacrificial cake,
pollud, -uere, -ui, -utum vt to defile, pollute, popellus, -Im mob.
dishonour. popina, -ae/eating house, restaurant,
Pollux, -ucis m twin brother of Castor popino, -dnis m glutton,
(famous as a boxer). popl- etc see publ-.
polus, -I m pole, North pole; sky. poples, -itis m knee,
Polyhymnia, -ae/a Muse. poposci perfof POSCO
Polyphemus, -I m one-eyed Cyclops. poppysma, -tis nt clicking of the tongue,
polypus, -im polypus, populabilis adj destroyable.
pomarium, -i and iint orchard, populabundus adj ravaging,
pomarius, -land ii m fruiterer, popularis adj of, from, for the people;
pomeridianusadj afternoon, popular, democratic; native ♦ m fellow
pomerium, -land ii nt free space round the countryman ♦ mpi the people’s party, the
city boundary, democrats.
pomifer, -iadj fruitful, popularitas, -atis/courting popular favour,
pomoerium see pomerium, populariter adv vulgarly; democratically,
pdmdsus adj full of fruit, populatio, -dnis/ plundering; plunder,
pompa, -ae/procession; retinue, train; populator, -oris m ravager.
ostentation. populeus adj poplar- (in cpds).
Pompeianusadj see n. populifer, -iadj rich in poplars,
Pompeii, -drum mpi Campanian town buried by populor, -ari, -atus; -o, -are vt to ravage,
an eruption of Vesuvius. plunder; to destroy, ruin,
Pompeius, -Im Roman family name (esp populus, -Im people, nation; populace, the
Pompey the Great). public; large crowds; district,
Pompeius, -anus adj seen. populus, -I/poplar tree,
Pompilius, -Im Numa (second king of Rome). porca, -ae/ sow.
PompiliUS adj see n. porcella, -ae/, -us, -Im little pig.
LATIN-ENGUSH 165 porcina-potentatus

porcina, -ae/pork. possessor, -orism occupier, possessor,

porcinarius, -Iand ilm pork seller. possessus pppof possideo and possido,
Porcius, -Im family name of Cato. possideo, -idere, -edi, -essum vt to hold,
Porcius adj see n. occupy; to have, possess,
porculus, -I m porker, possido, -Idere, -edi, -essum vt to take
porcus, -Im pig, hog. possession of.
porgo etc see porrigo. possum, -sse, -tul vi to be able, can; to have
Porphyrion, -onis m a Giant, power, avail.
porrectio, -onis/extending. post adv (place) behind; (time) after; (sequence)
porrectus pppo/porrigo ♦ adj long, next ♦ prep (with acc) behind; after, since;
protracted; dead, paulo ~ soon after; - urbem conditam since
porrexi perfof porrigo. the foundation of the city,
porricio, -ere vt to make an offering of; inter postea adv afterwards, thereafter; next, then;
caesa et porrecta = at the eleventh hour. - quam conj after.
porrigo, -igere, -exl, -ectum vt to stretch, posterior, -oris adj later, next; inferior, less
spread out, extend; to offer, hold out. important.
porrigo, -inis/scurf, dandruff, posteritas, -atis/posterity, the future,
porro adv forward, a long way off; (time) in posterius adv later.
future, long ago; (sequence) next, moreover, posterus adj next, following ♦ mpi posterity,
in turn. postfero, -re vt to put after, sacrifice,
porrum, -int leek. postgeniti, -orum mpi later generations,
Porsena, Porsenna, Porsinna, -aefkingof posthabeo, -ere, -ul, -itum vt to put after,
Clusium in Etruria. neglect.
porta, -ae/gate; entrance, outlet, posthac adv hereafter, in future,
portatio, -onis/carrying, postibi adv then, after that,
portendo, -dere, -dl, -turn vt to denote, posticulum, -im small back building,
predict. posticus adj back- (in cpds), hind- (in cpds) ♦ m
portentificus adj marvellous. back door.
portentosus adj unnatural. postidea adv after that,
portentum, -Im omen, unnatural happening; postilla adv afterwards,
monstrosity, monster; (story) marvel, postis, -is m doorpost, door,
porthmeus, -eland eos m ferryman, postliminium, -land ilnt right of recovery,
porticula, -ae/small gallery, postmeridianus adj in the afternoon,
porticus, -us m portico, colonnade; (mil) postmodo, postmodum adv shortly,
gallery; (philos) Stoicism, presently.
portio, -onis/share, instalment; pro -one postpono, -onere, -osul, -ositum vt to put
proportionally. after, disregard.
portitor, -orism customs officer, postputo, -are vt to consider less important,
portitor, -orism ferryman, postquam conj after, when,
porto, -are, -avl, -atum vt to carry, convey, postremo adv finally,
bring. postremus adj last, rear; lowest, worst,
portorium, -land il m customs duty, tax. postridie adv next day, the day after,
portula, -ae/small gate, postscaenium, -land ilm behind the scenes,
portuosus adj well-off for harbours, postscribo, -ere vt to write after,
portus, -us m harbour, port; (fig) safety, postulatio, -onis/demand, claim; complaint,
haven. postulatum, -I nt demand, claim,
posca, -ae/a vinegar drink, postulatus, -us m claim,
posco, -ere, poposci vt to ask, require, postulo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to demand,
demand; to call on. claim; (law) to summon,prosecute; to apply
Posidonius, -Im Stoic philosopher (teacherof for a writ (to prosecute),
Cicero). postumus adj last, last-born,
positio, -onis/position, climate. postus etc see pOSitUS.
positor, -oris m builder. pOSUI perf of pond,
positura, -ae/position; formation. potatio, -onis/drinking.
positus pppo/pono ♦ adj situated. potator, -oris m toper,
posse injin of possum. pote etc see potis.
possedi perfof possideo; perfof possido. potens, -entis adj able, capable; powerful,
possessio, -onis/seizing; occupation; strong, potent; master of, ruling over;
possession, property, successful in carrying out.
possessiuncula, -ae/small estate. potentatus, -us m political power.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -are = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
potenter-praedestino 166 LATIN-ENGL1SH

potenter adv powerfully; competently, prematurely; to forestall.

potentia, -ae/power, force, efficacy; praecido, -dere, -dl, -sum vt to cut off,
tyranny. damage; (fig) to cut short, put an end to.
poterium, -Tand iT nt goblet, praecinctus ppp of praecingo,
potesse archaic infin of possum, praecingo, -ingere, -inxi, -inctum vt to gird
potestas, -atis/power, ability; control, in front; to surround.
sovereignty, authority; opportunity, praecino, -inere, -inul, -entum vt to play
permission; (person) magistrate; (things) before; to chant a spell ♦ vt to predict,
property; -item sui facere allow access to praecipio, -ipere, -epl, -eptum vt to take
oneself. beforehand, get in advance; to anticipate; to
potin can (you)?, is it possible? teach, admonish, order,
potio, -onis/drink, draught, philtre, praecipitanter adv at full speed,
potio, -Irevt to put into the power of. praecipitem acc of praeceps,
potior, -Iri, -Itus vi (with gen and abl) to take praecipito, -are, -avl, -atum vt to throw
possession of, get hold of, acquire; to be down, throw away, hasten; (fig) to remove,
master of. carry away, ruin ♦ vi to rush headlong, fall;
potior, -oris adj better, preferable. to be hasty.
potis adj (indecl) able; possible. praecipue adv especially, chiefly,
potissimum adv especially. praecipuus adj special; principal,
potissimus adj chief, most important. outstanding.
potito, -arevt to drink much. praecise adv briefly, absolutely,
potius adv rather, more. praecisus ppp o/praecldd ♦ adj steep,
poto, -are, -avl, -atum and um vt to drink. praeclare adv very clearly; excellently,
potor, -oris m drinker. praeclarus adj very bright; beautiful,
potrix, -Tcis/ woman tippler. splendid; distinguished, noble,
pOtU? p erf of possum. praecludo, -dere, -si, -sum vt to close, shut
potulenta, -orum ntpi drinks. against; to close to, impede,
potus ppp of poto ♦ adj drunk. praeco, -onis m crier, herald; auctioneer,
potus, -us m drink. praecogito, -are vt to premeditate,
praeadv in front, before; in comparison ♦ prep praecognitus adj foreseen,
(with abf) in front of; compared with; (cause) praecolo, -olere, -olui, -ultum vt to cultivate
because of, for; - se openly; - se ferre early.
display; - manu to hand, praecompositus adj studied,
praeacutus adj pointed, praeconium, -Iand il nt office of a crier;
praealtus adj very high, very deep, advertisement; commendation,
praebeo, -ere, -uT, -itum vt to hold out, praeconius adj of a public crier,
proffer; to give, supply; to show, represent; praeconsumo, -ere, -ptum vt to use up
se - behave, prove, beforehand.
praebibo, -ere, -ivt to toast, praecontrecto, -arevt to consider
praebitor, -oris m purveyor, beforehand.
praecalidus adj very hot. praecordia, -orum ntpi midriff; stomach;
praecanus adj prematurely grey, breast, heart; mind.
praecautus ppp of praecaveo, praecorrumpo, -umpere, -upl, -upturn vt to
praecaveo, -avere, -avi, -autum vt to guard bribe beforehand,
against ♦ vi to beware, take precautions, praecox, -cis adj early, premature,
praecedo, -dere, -ssT, -ssum vt to go before; praecultus ppp o/praecolo,
to surpass ♦ vi to lead the way; to excel, praecurrentia, -iumntpi antecedents,
praecello, -ere vi to excel, be distinguished ♦ praecurro, -rrere, -currl and rrl, -rsum vi to
vt to surpass. hurry on before, precede; to excel ♦ vt to
praecelsus adj very high, anticipate; to surpass,
praecentio, -dnis/prelude. praecursio, -onis/previous occurrence;
praecento, -are vi to sing an incantation for. (bhet) preparation.
praeceps, -ipitis adj head first, headlong; praecursor, -oris m advance guard; scout,
going down, precipitous; rapid, violent, praecutio, -erevt to brandish before,
hasty; inclined (to); dangerous ♦ nt edge of praeda, -ae/booty, plunder; (animal) prey;
an abyss, precipice; danger ♦ adv headlong; (fig) gain.
into danger. praedabundus adj plundering.
praeceptio, -onis/previous notion; precept, praedam_no,_-are vt to condemn beforehand,
praeceptor, -oris m teacher, praedatio, -onis/plundering,
praeceptrix, -ricis/teacher, praedator, -oris m plunderer,
praeceptum, -Int maxim, precept; order, praedatorius adj marauding,
praeceptus ppp of praecipio, praedelasso, -are vt to weaken beforehand,
praecerpo, -ere, -si, -turn vt to gather praedestino, -arevt to predetermine.
LATIN-ENGLISH 167 praediator-praemetuenter

praediator, -oris m buyer of landed estates, praefloro, -are vt to tarnish,

praediatorius ad; relating to the sale of praefluo, -ere vt, vi to flow past,
estates. praefoco, -are vt to choke,
praedicabilis adj laudatory, praefodio, -odere, -6di vt to dig in front of;
praedicatio, -oriis/ proclamation; to bury beforehand.
commendation, praefor, -ari, to say in advance,
praedicator, -oris m eulogist, preface; to pray beforehand; to predict,
praedico, -are, -avl, -atum vt to proclaim, praefracte adv resolutely.
make public; to declare; to praise, boast, praefractus ppp 0/praefringo ♦ adj abrupt;
praedico, -Icere, -IxI, -ictum vi to mention stern.
beforehand, prearrange; to foretell; to praefrigidus adj very cold,
warn, command, praefringo, -ingere, -egl, -actum vt to break
praedictio, -dnis/foretelling. off, shiver.
praedictum, -Int prediction; command; praefui per/o/praesum.
prearrangement. praefulcio, -cire, -si, -tum vt to prop up; to
praedictus ppp of praedico, use as a prop.
praediolum, -Int small estate, praefulgeo, -ulgere, -ulsivt to shine
praedisco, -ere vt to learn beforehand, conspicuously; to outshine,
praedispositus ad; arranged beforehand, praegelidus ad; very cold,
praeditus ad; endowed, provided, praegestio, -Ire vi to be very eager,
praedium, -Iand ilnt estate, praegnans, -antis ad; pregnant; full,
praedives, -itis adj very rich, praegracilis adj very slim,
praedo, -onis m robber, pirate, praegrandis adj very large, very great,
praedor, -ari, -atus vt, vi to plunder, rob; (fig) praegravis adj very heavy; very wearisome,
to profit. praegravo, -arevt to weigh down; to eclipse,
praeduco, -ucere, -uxl, -uctum vt to draw in praegredior, -di, -ssus vt. vi to go before; to
front. go past; to surpass.
praedulcis ad; very sweet, praegressio, -onis/precession, precedence,
praedurus ad; very hard, very tough, praegustator, -oris m taster,
praeemineo, -erevt to surpass, praegusto, -are vt to taste beforehand,
praeeo, -Ire, -Tv!and il, -itum vi to lead the praehibeo, -ere vt to offer, give,
way, go first; (formula) to dictate, recite first praeiaceo, -erevt to lie in front of.
♦ vt to precede, outstrip, praeiudicium, -land il nt precedent, example;
praeesse infin of praesum, prejudgment.
praefatio, -onis/formula; preface, praeiudico, -are, -avl, -atum vt to prejudge,
praefatus ppa of praefor, decide beforehand.
praefectura, -ae/superintendence; praeiuvo, -arevt to give previous assistance
governorship; Italian town governed by Roman to.
edicts, prefecture; district, province, praelabor, -bl, -psus vt, vi to move past, move
praefectus ppp 0/ praeficio ♦ m overseer, along.
director, governor, commander; - classis praelambo, -ere vt to lick first,
admiral; - legionis colonel; - urbis or urbi praelatus ppp of praefero,
city prefect (of Rome), praelego, -ere vt to coast along,
praefero, -ferre, -tud, -latum vt to carry in praeligo, -arevt to bind, tie up.
front, hold out; to prefer; to show, display; to praelongus ad; very long, very tall,
anticipate; (pass) to hurry past, outflank, praeloquor, -qul, -cutusvi to speak first,
praeferox, -ocisadj very impetuous, very praeluceo, -cere, -xl vi to light, shine; to
insolent. outshine.
praefervidus adj very hot. praelustris adj very magnificent,
praefestino, -are vt to be too hasty; to hurry praemandata ntpl warrant of arrest,
past. praemando, -are, -avl, -atum vt to bespeak,
praefica, -ae/hired mourner, praemature adv too soon,
praeficio, -icere, -eel, -ectum vt to put in praematurus adj too early, premature,
charge, give command over, praemedicatus adj protected by charms,
praefidens, -entis adj over-confident, praemeditatio, -onis/thinking over the
praefigo, -gere, -xl, -xum vt to fasten in future.
front, set up before; to tip, point; to transfix, praemeditatus ad; premeditated,
praefinio, -Ire, -Ivland il, -Itum vt to praemeditor, -ari, -itus vt to think over,
determine, prescribe, practise.
praefiscine, -ladv without offence. praemetuenter adv anxiously.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
praemetuo-praesepis 168 LATIN-ENGLISH

praemetuo, -ere vi to be anxious ♦ vt to fear absurd.

the future. praepotens, -entis adj very powerful,
praemissus ppp o/praemitto, praeproperanter adv too hastily,
praemitto, -ittere, -TsT, -issum vt to send in praepropere adv too hastily,
advance. praeproperus adj overhasty, rash,
praemium, -T and il m prize, reward, praeputium, -land il nt foreskin,
praemolestia, -ae/apprehension. praequam adv compared with,
praemolior, -iri vt to prepare thoroughly, praequestus adj complaining beforehand,
praemoneo, -ere, -ui, -itum vt to forewarn, praeradio, -are vt to outshine,
foreshadow. praerapidus adj very swift,
praemonitus, -us m premonition, praereptus pppof praeripio,
praemonstrator, -oris m guide, praerigesco, -escere, -ui vi to become very
praemonstro, -are vt to guide; to predict, stiff.
praemordeo, -ere vt to bite off; to pilfer, praeripio, -ipere, -ipui, -eptum vt to take
praemorior, -T, -tuus vi to die too soon, before, forestall; to carry off prematurely;
praemunio, -ire, -TvT, -Ttum vt to fortify, to frustrate.
strengthen, secure. praerodo, -dere, -sum vt to bite the end of,
praemunitio, -onis/(rhet) preparation, nibble off.
praenarro, -are vt to tell beforehand, praerogativa, -ae/tribe or century with the
praenato, -are vt to flow past. first vote, the first vote; previous election;
Praeneste, -ism//Latin town (now omen, sure token,
Palestrina). praerogativus adj voting first.
Praenestinus ad) seen. praerosus ppp of praerodo,
praeniteo, -ere, -uivi to seem more praerumpo, -umpere, -up!, -upturn vt to
attractive. break off.
praenomen, -inis nt first name, praeruptus ppp o/praerumpo ♦ adj steep,
praenosco, -ere vt to foreknow, abrupt; headstrong.
praenotio, -dnis/preconceived idea, praes, -aedis m surety; property of a surety,
praenubilus adj very gloomy, praesaep- etc see praesep-.
praenuntia, -iae/harbinger, praesagio, -ire vt to have a presentiment of,
praenuntio, -are vt to foretell, forebode.
praenuntius, -land ii m harbinger, praesagitio, -onis/foreboding,
praeoccupo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to take first, praesagium, -land iint presentiment;
anticipate. prediction.
praeolit mihi I get a hint of. praesagus adj foreboding, prophetic,
praeopto, -are, -avi, -atum vt to choose praescio, -ire, -ilvt to know before,
rather, prefer. praescisco, -ere vt to find out beforehand,
praepando, -ere vt to spread out; to expound. praescius adj foreknowing,
praeparatio, -onis/preparation, praescribo, -bere, -psi, -ptum vt to write
praeparo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to prepare, first; to direct, command; to dictate,
prepare for; ex -ato by arrangement, describe; to put forward as a pretext,
praepedio, -ire, -Ivi, -Itum vt to shackle, praescriptio, -onis/preface, heading; order,
tether; to hamper. rule; pretext.
praependeo, -ere vi to hang down in front, praescriptum, -Int order, rule,
praepes, -etisadj swift, winged; of good praescriptus ppp of praescribo,
omen i/bird. praeseco, -are, -ui, -turn and -atum vt to cut
praepilatus adj tipped with a ball, off, pare.
praepinguis ad) very rich, praesens, -entis adj present, in person;
praepolleo, -ere vi to be very powerful, be (things) immediate, ready, prompt; (mind)
superior. resolute; (.gods) propitious ♦ ntpl present
praepondero, -are vt to outweigh, state of affairs; in -ens for the present; -in
praepono, -onere, -osui, -ositum vt to put re -enti on the spot,
first, place in front; to put in charge, appoint praesensio, -onis/ foreboding;
commander; to prefer, preconception.
praeporto, -are vt to carry before, praesensus ppp of praesentio,
praepositio, -onis/preference; (gram) praesentarius adj instant, ready,
preposition. praesentia, -ae/presence; effectiveness,
praepositus ppp 0/praepono ♦ m overseer, praesentio, -entire, -ensi, -ensumvt to
commander. presage, have a foreboding of.
praepossum, -sse, -tuivi to gain the upper praesepe, -ism, -es, -is/stable, fold, pen;
hand. hovel; hive._
praepostereadv the wrong way round, praesepio, -ire, -si, -turn vi to barricade.
praeposterus adj inverted, perverted; praesepis/= praesepe
LATIN-ENGLISH 169 praesertim-praetura

praesertim adv especially, praeter adv beyond; excepting ♦ prep (with acc)
praeservio, -Irevi to serve as a slave, past, along; except, besides; beyond, more
praeses, -idis m guardian, protector; chief, than, in addition to, contrary to.
ruler. praeterago, -ere vt to drive past,
praesideo, -idere, -edi vi to guard, defend; to praeterbito, -ere vt, vi to pass by.
preside over, direct, praeterduco, -ere vt to lead past,
praesidiarius ad; garrison-, praeterea adv besides; moreover; henceforth,
praesidium, -land ilnt defence, protection; praetereo, -Ire, -il, -itum vi to go past ♦ vt to
support, assistance; guard, garrison, pass, overtake; to escape, escape the notice
convoy; defended position, entrenchment, of; to omit, leave out, forget, neglect; to
praesignifico, -are vt to foreshadow, reject, exclude; to surpass; to transgress,
praesignis ad; conspicuous, praeterequitans, -antis adj riding past,
praesono, -are, -ul vi to sound before, praeterfluo, -ere vt, vi to flow past,
praespargo, -ere vt to strew before, praetergredior, -di, -ssus vt to pass, march
praestabilis ad; outstanding; preferable, past; to surpass,
praestans, -antisprespof praesto ♦ ad; praeterhac adv further, more,
outstanding, pre-eminent, praeteritus ppp of praetereo ♦ adj past, gone
praestantia, -ae/pre-eminence. by ♦ ntpl the past.
praestes, -itis ad; presiding, guardian. praeterlabor, -bl, -psus vt to flow past, move
praestTgiae, -arum fpi illusion, sleight of past ♦ vi to slip away,
hand. praeterlatus adj driving, flying past,
praestigiator, -orism, -rix, -ricis/conjurer, praetermeo, -arevi to pass by.
cheat. praetermissio, -onis/omission, passing
praestino, -are vt to buy. over.
praestiti perf of praesto, praetermitto, -ittere, -Isl, -issum vt to let
praestituo, -uere, -ul, -utum vt to pass; to omit, neglect; to make no mention
prearrange, prescribe, of; to overlook.
praestitus ppp o/praestd. praeterquam adv except, besides,
praesto adv at hand, ready, praetervectio, -onis/passing by.
praesto, -are, -itl, -itum and atum vi to be praetervehor, -hi, -ctus vt, vi to ride past, sail
outstanding, be superior; (impers) it is better past; to march past; to pass by, pass over,
♦ vt to excel; to be responsible for, answer praetervolo, -are vt, vi to fly past; to escape,
for; (duty) to discharge, perform; (quality) to praetexo, -ere, -ul, -turn vt to border, fringe;
show, prove; (things) to give, offer, provide; to adorn; to pretend, disguise,
se - behave, prove. praetextatus ad; wearing the toga praetexta,
praestolor, -ari, -atusvt, vi to wait for, under age.
expect. praetextus ppp of praetexo ♦ adj wearing the
praestrictus ppp of praestringo, toga praetexta ♦ /toga with a purple border;
praestringo, -ingere, -inxl, -ictum vt to Roman tragedy ♦ nt pretext,
squeeze; to blunt, dull; (eyes) to dazzle, praetextus, -usm splendour; pretence,
praestruo, -ere, -xl, -ctum vt to block up; to praetimeo, -ere vi to be afraid in advance,
build beforehand, praetinctus ad; dipped beforehand,
praesul, -ism//public dancer, praetor, -orism chief magistrate,
praesultator, -orism public dancer, commander; praetor; propraetor, governor,
praesulto, -are vi to dance before, praetorianus ad; of the emperor’s
praesum, -esse, -fulvi (with dat) to be at the bodyguard.
head of, be in command of; to take the lead; praetorium, -land il nt general’s tent, camp
to protect. headquarters; governor’s residence; council
praesumo, -ere, -psl, -ptum vt to take first; of war; palace, grand building; emperor’s
to anticipate; to take for granted, bodyguard.
praesutus ad; sewn over at the point, praetorius ad; praetor’s, praetorian; of a
praetempto, -arevt to feel for, grope for; to propraetor; of the emperor’s bodyguard ♦ m
test in advance. ex-praetor; -ia cohors bodyguard of general
praetendo, -dere, -dl, -turn vt to hold out, or emperor; porta ~ia camp gate facing the
put before, spread in front of; to give as an enemy.
excuse, allege. praetorqueo, -ere vt to strangle first,
praetento etc see praetempto. praetrepidans, -antis ad; very impatient,
praetentus ppp 0/praetendo ♦ ad; lying over praetrunco, -are vt to cut off.
against. praetuli perf of praefero,
praetepeo, -ere, -ul vi to glow before. praetura, -ae/praetorship.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
praeumbrans-principatus 170 LATIN-ENGLISH

praeumbrans, -antisadj obscuring, repress, check, stop,

praeustus adj hardened at the point; prendo etc see prehendo,
frostbitten. prensatio, -dnis/canvassing.
praeut adv compared with, prenso (prehenso), -are, -av7, -atum vt to
praevaleo, -ere, -ulvi to be very powerful, clutch at, take hold of, buttonhole,
have most influence, prevail, prensus ppp of prehendo,
praevalidus adj very strong, very powerful; presbyter, -7m (sect) elder,
too strong. presse adv concisely, accurately, simply,
praevaricatio, -onis/collusion. press? perf o/premo
praevaricator, -oris m advocate guilty of pressio, -onis/fulcrum,
collusion. presso, -are vt to press,
praevaricor, -ari, -atusvi (with dat) to favour pressus ppp of premo ♦ adj (style) concise,
by collusion. compressed; (pace) slow; (voice) subdued,
praevehor, -hi, -ctusvi to ride, fly in front, pressus, -us m pressure,
flow past. prester, -eris m waterspout,
praevenio, -enlre, -eni, -entum vt, vi to come pretiose adv expensively,
before; to anticipate, prevent, pretiosus adj valuable, expensive;
praeverro, -ere vt to sweep before, extravagant.
praeverto, -ere, -7; -or, -ivt to put first, pretium, -7and i? m price, value; worth;
prefer; to turn to first, attend first to; to money, fee, reward; magni -T, in -id
oustrip; to anticipate, frustrate, prepossess, valuable; operae - worth while,
praevideo, -idere, -Tdi, -Tsum vt to foresee, prex, -ecis/request, entreaty; prayer; good
praevitio, -are vt to taint beforehand, wish; curse.
praevius adj leading the way. Priameis, -eidis/Cassandra.
praevolo, -are vi to fly in front, Priameius adj see Priamus.
pragmaticus adj of affairs ♦ m legal expert, Priamides, -idae m son of Priam.
prandeo, -ere, -T vi to take lunch ♦ vt to eat. Priamus, -7 m king of Troy.
prandium, -Tand iint lunch, Priapus, -7m god of fertility and of gardens.
pransor, -oris m guest at lunch, pridem adv long ago, long,
pransus adj having lunched, fed. pridie adv the day before,
prasinus adj green, primaevus adj youthful,
pratensis adj meadow, primam, -orum mpi soldiers of the 1st legion,
pratulum, -Tnt small meadow, primarius adj principal, first-rate,
pratum, -7 nt meadow; grass, primigenus adj original,
prave adv wrongly, badly, primipilaris, -is m chief centurion,
pravitas, -atis/irregularity; perverseness, primipilus, -7 m chief centurion,
depravity. primitiae, -arumjpi first fruits,
pravus adj crooked, deformed; perverse, bad, primitus adv originally,
wicked. primo adv at first; firstly,
Praxiteles, -is m famous Greek sculptor. primordium, -7and i? nt beginning; ~ia rerum
Praxitelius adj see n. atoms.
precario adv by request, primoris adj first, foremost, tip of; principal ♦
precarius adj obtained by entreaty, mpl nobles; (mil) front line,
precatio, -onis/prayer, primulum adv first,
precator, -oris m intercessor, primulus adj very first,
preces pio/prex, primum adv first, to begin with, in the first
preciae, -arum fpi kind of vine, place; for the first time; cum, ubi, ut - as
precor, -ari, -atus vt, vi to pray, beg, entreat; soon as; quam - as soon as possible; - dum in
to wish (well), curse. the first place.
prehendo, -endere, -end?, -ensum vt to take primus adj first, foremost, tip of; earliest;
hold of, catch; to seize, detain; to surprise; principal, most eminent; - venio I am the
(eye) to take in; (mind) to grasp, first to come; prima lux dawn, daylight; -6
prehenso etc see prenso, mense at the beginning of the month; -Ts
prehensus ppp of prehendo, digitis with the fingertips; -as agere play the
prelum, -7nt wine press, oil press, leading part; -as dare give first place to; in
premo, -mere, -ss7, -ssum vt to press, -is in the front line; especially,
squeeze; to press together, compress; (eyes) princeps, -ipis adj first, in front, chief, most
to close; (reins) to tighten; (trees) to prune; to eminent ♦ m leader, chief; first citizen,
press upon, lie, sit, stand on, cover, conceal, emperor; (mil) company, captain, captaincy
surpass; to press hard on, follow closely; ♦ pi (mil) the second line,
(coast) to hug; to press down, lower, burden; principalis adj original; chief; the emperor’s,
(fig) to overcome, rule; (words) to disparage; principatus, -us m first place; post of
to press in, sink, stamp, plant; to press back, commander-in-chief; emperorship.
LATIN-ENGUSH 171 principialis-prodeo

principialis adj from the beginning, procellosus adj stormy,

principium, -land iTntbeginning,origin; first procer, -is m chief, noble, prince,
to vote ♦ pi first principles; (mil) front line; proceritas, -atis/height; length,
camp headquarters. procerus adj tall; long,
prior, -oris (nt -us) adj former, previous, first; processio, -onis/advance,
better, preferable ♦ mpl forefathers, processus, -us m advance, progress,
prisce adv strictly. procido, -ere, -Tvi to fall forwards, fall down,
priscus adj former, ancient, old-fashioned, procinctus, -us m readiness (for action),
pristinus adj former, original; of yesterday, proclamator, -oris m bawler.
prius adv previously, before; in former times; proclamo, -are vi to cry out.
- quam before, sooner than, proclinatus adj tottering,
prlvatim adv individually, privately; at home, proclino, -are vt to bend,
privatio, -onis/ removal, proclive adv downwards; easily,
privatus adj individual, private; not in public proclivis, -us adj downhill, steep; (mind)
office ♦ m private citizen. prone, willing; (act) easy; in -I easy,
Privernas, -atis adj see n. proclivitas, -atis/descent; tendency,
Privernum, -Im old Latin town. proclivusetc see proclivis.
privigna, -ae/stepdaughter, Procne, -es/ wife of Tereus (changed to a
privignus, -Im stepson; pi stepchildren, swallow); swallow.
privilegium, -Iand ilnt law in favour of or proconsulate m proconsul, governor,
against an individual. proconsularis adj proconsular,
privo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to deprive, rob; to proconsulatus, -us m proconsulship,
free. procrastinatio, -onis/procrastination,
privus adj single, one each; own, private, procrastino, -are vt to put off from day to
pro adv (with ut and quam) in proportion (as) ♦ day.
prep (with abf) in front of, on the front of; for, procreatio, -onis/begetting.
on behalf of, instead of, in return for; as, as procreator, -orism creator, parent,
good as; according to, in proportion to, by procreatrix, -Icis/ mother,
virtue of; - eo ac just as; ~ 06 quod just procreo, -are vt to beget, produce,
because; - eo quantum, ut in proportion as. procresco, -erevi to be produced, grow up.
pro interj (expressing wonder or sorrow) O!, alas! Procrustes, -aem Attic highwayman (who
proagorus, -Im chief magistrate (in Sicilian tortured victims on a bed).
towns). procubo, -are vi to lie on the ground,
proavitus adj ancestral, procudo, -dere, -dl, -sum vt to forge; to
proavus, -Im great-grandfather, ancestor, produce.
probabilis adj laudable; credible, probable, procul adv at a distance, far, from afar,
probabilitas, -atis/credibility. proculco, -are vt to trample down,
probabiliter adv credibly, procumbo, -mbere, -bul, -bitum vi to fall
probatio, -onis/approval; testing, forwards, bend over; to sink down, be
probator, -oris m approver, broken down.
probatus adj tried, excellent; acceptable, procuratio, -onis/management; (religion)
probe adv well, properly; thoroughly, well expiation.
done! procurator, -orism administrator, financial
probitas, -atis/goodness, honesty, agent; (province) governor,
probo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to approve, procuratrix, -Icis/governess,
approve of; to appraise; to recommend; to procuro, -are, -avl, -atum vt to take care of,
prove, show. manage; to expiate ♦ vi to be a procurator,
probrosus adj abusive; disgraceful, procurro, -rrere, -curriand rri, -rsum vi to
probrum, -Int abuse, reproach; disgrace; rush forward; to jut out.
infamy, unchastity. procursatio, -onis/charge.
probus adj good, excellent; honest, upright, procursator, -orism skirmisher,
procacitas, -atis/impudence. procurso, -are vi to make a sally,
procaciter adv insolently, procursus, -us m charge,
procax, -acis adj bold, forward, insolent, procurvus adj curving forwards,
procedo, -edere, -essi, -essum vi to go procus, -Im nobleman,
forward, advance; to go out, come forth; procus, -I m wooer, suitor.
(time) to go on, continue; (fig) to make Procyon, -onis m Lesser Dog Star,
progress, get on; (events) to turn out, prodeambulo, -are vi to go out for a walk,
succeed. prodeo, -Ire, -il, -itum vi to come out, come
procella, -ae/hurricane, storm; (mil) charge. forward, appear; to go ahead, advance; to

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -Tre = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
prodesse-proinde 172 LATIN-ENGL1SH

project. profess; to make an official return of; to

prodesse infin o/prosum. promise, volunteer,
prodico, -Icere, -Ixi, -ictum vt to appoint, profligator, -oris m spendthrift,
adjourn. prof ligatus ad; dissolute,
prodictator, -oris m vice-dictator, profligd, -are, -avi, -atum vt to dash to the
prodigeadv extravagantly, ground; to destroy, overthrow; to bring
prodigentia, -ae/profusion, almost to an end; to degrade,
prodigialiter adv unnaturally, proflo, -are vt to breathe out.
prodigiosus adj unnatural, marvellous, profluens, -entis pres p of profluo ♦ adj
prodigium, -Iand ilnt portent; unnatural flowing; fluent ♦ /running water,
deed; monster. profluenter adv easily,
prodigo, -igere, -egl, -actum vt to squander, profluentia, -ae/fluency,
prodigus adj wasteful; lavish, generous, profluo, -ere, -xivi to flow on, flow out; (fig) to
proditio, -dnis/betrayal. proceed.
proditor, -oris m traitor, profluvium, -land iint flowing,
proditus ppp of prodo, profor, -arl, -atus vi to speak, give utterance,
prodo, -ere, -idl, -itumvt to bring forth, profugio, -ugere, -ugivi to flee, escape; to
produce; to make known, publish; to betray, take refuge (with) ♦ vt to flee from,
give up; (tradition) to hand down, profugus ad; fugitive; exiled; nomadic,
prodoceo, -ere vt to preach, prof uiperf of prosum.
prodromus, -I m forerunner, profundo, -undere, -udi, -usum vt to pour
produco, -ucere, -uxl, -uctum vt to bring out, shed; to bring forth, produce; to
forward, bring out; to conduct; to drag in prostrate; to squander; se - burst forth, rush
front; to draw out, extend; (acting) to out.
perform; (child) to beget, bring up; (fact) to profundus ad; deep, vast, high; infernal; (fig)
bring to light; (innovation) to introduce; profound, immoderate ♦ nt depths, abyss,
(rank) to promote; (slave) to put up for sale; profuse adv in disorder, extravagantly.
(time) to prolong, protract, put off; (tree) to profusus ppp o/profundo ♦ adj lavish;
cultivate; (vowel) to lengthen, excessive._
producte adv long, progener, -I m grandson-in-law.
productio, -onis/lengthening. progenero, -are vt to beget,
producto, -are vt to spin out. progenies, -ei/ descent; offspring,
productus ppp of produco ♦ adj lengthened, descendants.
long. progenitor, -oris m ancestor,
proegmenon, -Im a preferred thing, progigno, -ignere, -enui, -enitum vt to
proeliator, -oris m fighter, beget, produce.
proelior, -ari, -atus vt to fight, join battle, prognatus ad; born, descended ♦ m son,
proelium, -I and iinr battle, conflict, descendant.
profano, -arevt to desecrate, Progne see Procne.
profanus ad; unholy, common; impious; ill- prognostica, -orum ntpi weather signs,
omened. progredior, -di, -ssusvi to go forward,
profatus ppa of profor, advance; to go out.
profectio, -onis/ departure; source, progressio, -onis/advancing, increase;
profecto adv really, certainly, (rhct) climax.
profectus ppa of proficiscor, progressus ppa of progredior,
profectus ppp of proficio. progressus, -us m advance, progress;
profectus, -usm growth, progress, profit, (events) march,
profero, -ferre, -tuli, -latum vt to bring proh see pro interj.
forward, forth or out; to extend, enlarge; prohibeo, -ere, -ui, -itum vt to hinder,
(time) to prolong, defer; (instance) to prevent; to keep away, protect; to forbid,
mention, quote; (knowledge) to publish, prohibitio, -onis/forbidding,
reveal; pedem - proceed; signa ~ advance, proicio, -icere, -ieci, -iectum vt to throw
professio, -dnis/declaration; public down, fling forwards; to banish; (building) to
register; profession, make project; (fig) to discard, renounce; to
professor, -oris m teacher, forsake; (words) to blurt out; (time) to defer;
professorius ad; authoritative, se - rush forward, run into danger; to fall
professus ppa of profiteor, prostrate.
profestus ad; not holiday, working, proiectio, -onis/forward stretch,
proficio, -icere, -eel, -ectum vi to make proiectuspppo/ proicio ♦ adj projecting,
progress, profit; to be of use. prominent; abject, useless; downcast;
proficiscor, -iciscl, -ectus vi to set out, start; addicted (to).
to originate, proceed, proiectus, -us m jutting out.
profiteor, -iterl, -essus vt to declare, proinde, proin adv consequently, therefore;
LATIN-ENGLISH 173 prolabor-properus

just (as). promptus ppp o/prdmo 4 adj at hand, ready;

prolabor, -bT, -psus vi to slide, move prompt, resolute; easy,
forward; to fall down; (fig) to go on, come to; promulgatio, -onis/promulgating.
to slip out; to fail, fall, sink into ruin, promulgo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to make
prolapsio, -onis/falling, public, publish.
prolapsus ppa of prolabor, promulsis, -idis/hors d’oeuvre.
prolatio, -onis/extension; postponement; promunturium, -iand ii nt headland,
adducing. promontory, ridge,
prolato, -are vt to extend; to postpone. promus, -i m cellarer, butler,
prolatus ppp of profero, promutuus adj as a loan in advance,
prolecto, -are vt to entice, pronepos, -Otis m great-grandson,
proles, -is/offspring; child; descendants, pronoea, -ae/providence,
race. pronomen, -inis nt pronoun,
proletarius, -land il m citizen of the lowest pronuba, -ae/matron attending a bride,
class. pronuntiatio, -onis/declaration; (rhet)
prolicio, -cere, -xivt to entice, delivery; (logic) proposition,
prolixe adv fully, copiously, willingly, pronuntiator, -orism narrator,
prolixus adj long, wide, spreading; (person) pronuntiatum, -atint proposition,
obliging; (ernes) favourable, pronuntio, -are, -avi, -atum vt to declare
prologus, -T m prologue, publicly, announce; to recite, deliver; to
proloquor, -qul, -cutusvt to speak out. narrate; to nominate,
prolubium, -land ilnt inclination, pronurus, -us/granddaughter-in-law.
proludo, -dere, -si, -sum vi to practise, pronus adj leaning forward; headlong,
proluo, -uere, -ui, -utum vt to wash out, downwards; sloping, sinking; (fig) inclined,
wash away. disposed, favourable; easy,
prolusio, -dnis/prelude. prooemium, -i and il nt prelude, preface,
proluvies, -ei/flood; excrement, propagatio, -onis/propagating; extension,
promereo, -ere, -ui; promereor, -eri, -itus propagator, -orism enlarger,
vt to deserve, earn. propago, -are, -avi, -atum vt to propagate; to
promeritum, -int desert, merit, guilt. extend; to prolong.
Prometheus, -ei and eos m demigod who stole propago, -inis/(plant) layer, slip; (men)
fire from the gods. offspring, posterity,
Prometheus adj see n. propalam adv openly, known,
prominens, -entisprespof promineo 4 adj propatulum, -Tnt open space.
projecting ♦ nt headland, spur, propatulus adj open.
promineo, -ere, -uivi to jut out, overhang; to prope adv (comp propius, superi proxime) near;
extend. nearly 4 prep (with ace) near, not far from,
promiscam, -e, -ueadv indiscriminately, propediem adv very soon,
promiscuus (promiscus) adj indiscriminate, propello, -ellere, -ufl, -ulsum vt to drive,
in common; ordinary; open to all. push forward, impel; to drive away, keep
promisi perf o/promitto off.
promissio, -onis/promise. propemodum, -o adv almost,
promissor, -oris m promiser, propendeo, -endere, -endi, -ensum vi to
promissum, -int promise, hang down; to preponderate; to be disposed
promissus ppp 0/promitto 4 adj long, (to).
promitto, -ittere, -isi, -issum vt to let grow; propense adv willingly,
to promise, give promise of. propensio, -onis/inclination,
promo, -ere, -psi, -ptum vt to bring out, propensus adj inclining; inclined, well-
produce; to disclose, disposed; important,
promont- etc see promunt-, properanter adv hastily, quickly,
promotus ppp 0/promoveo 4 ntpt preferable properantia, -ae/haste.
things. properatio, -onis/haste,
promoveo, -overe, -ovi, -dtum vt to move properato adv quickly,
forward, advance; to enlarge; to postpone; properatus adj speedy,
to disclose. propere adv quickly,
prompsi perf of promo, properipes, -edis adj swiftfooted,
prompte adv readily; easily, propero, -are, -avi, -atum vt to hasten, do
prompto, -arevt to distribute, with haste 4 vi to make haste, hurry.
promptu abi m: in ~ at hand, in readiness; Propertius, -Tm Latin elegiac poet.
obvious, in evidence; easy. properus adj quick, hurrying.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
propexus-prosubigo 174 LAT1N-ENGL1SH

propexus adj combed forward, prorsum adv forwards; absolutely,

propino, -are vt to drink as a toast; to pass on prorsus adv forwards; absolutely; in short,
(a cup). prorumpo, -umpere, -upl, -upturn vt to
propinquitas, -atis/nearness; relationship, fling out; (pass) to rush forth ♦ vi to break
friendship. out, burst forth.
propinquo, -arevi to approach ♦ vt to hasten, proruo, -ere, -I, -turn vt to throw down,
propinquus adj near, neighbouring; related ♦ demolish ♦ vi to rush forth,
mf relation ♦ nt neighbourhood, proruptus ppp o/prorumpo,
propior, -oris adj nearer; more closely prosapia, -ae/lineage,
related, more like; (time) more recent, proscaenium, -land ilnt stage,
propitio, -are vt to appease, proscindo, -ndere, -dl, -ssum vt to plough
propitius adj favourable, gracious, up; (fig) to revile.
propius adv nearer, more closely, proscribo, -bere, -psl, -ptum vt to publish in
propola, -ae/ retailer, writing; to advertise; to confiscate; to
propolluo, -ere vt to defile further, proscribe, outlaw,
propono, -onere, -osul, -ositum vt to set proscriptio, -onis/ advertisement;
forth, display; to publish, declare; to proscription.
propose, resolve; to imagine; to expose; proscripturio, -Ire vi to want to have a
(logic) to state the first premise; ante oculos proscription.
- picture to oneself. proscriptus ppp o/proscribo ♦ m outlaw,
Propontiacus adj see n. proseco, -are, -ul, -turn vt to cut off (for
Propontis, -idis and idos/Sea of Marmora. sacrifice).
proporro adv furthermore; utterly, prosemino, -are vt to scatter; to propagate,
proportio, -onis/ symmetry, analogy, prosentio, -entire, -ensl vt to see
propositio, -onis/purpose; theme; (logic) beforehand.
first premise. prosequor, -qul, -cutus vt to attend, escort;
propositum, -Tm plan, purpose; theme; to pursue, attack; to honour (with); (words)
(logic) first premise, to proceed with, continue.
propositus ppp of propono, Proserpina, -ae/Proserpine (daughterof
propraetor, -oris m propraetor, governor; Ceres and wife of Pluto).
vice-praetor. proseucha, -ae/place of prayer,
proprie adv properly, strictly; particularly, prosilio, -Ire, -ui vi to jump up, spring
proprietas, -atis/peculiarity, property, forward; to burst out, spurt,
proprltim adv properly, prosocer, -I m wife’s grandfather,
proprius adj one’s own, peculiar; personal, prospecto, -are vt to look out at, view; to look
characteristic; permanent; (words) literal, forward to, await; (place) to look towards,
regular. prospectus ppp of prospicio,
propter adv near by ♦ prep (with acc) near, prospectus, -us m sight, view, prospect;
beside; on account of; by means of. gaze.
propterea adv therefore, prospeculor, -arl vi to look out, reconnoitre ♦
propudium, -Tand iT nt shameful act; villain, vt to watch for.
propugnaculum, -Int bulwark, tower; prosper, prosperus adj favourable,
defence. successful,
propugnatio, -onis/defence. prospere adv see adj.
propugnator, -oris m defender, champion, prosperitas, -atis/good fortune,
propugno, -are vi to make a sortie; to fight in prospero, -are vt to make successful,
defence. prosper.
propulsatio, -onis/repulse. prosperus etc see prosper,
propulso, -are, -avl, -atum vt to repel, avert. prospicientia, -ae/foresight,
propulsuspppo/prdpello. prospicio, -icere, -exl, -ectum vi to look out,
Propylaea, -orum ntpl gateway to the Acropolis watch; to see to, take precautions ♦ vt to
of Athens. descry, watch for; to foresee; to provide;
pro quaestorem proquaestor. (place) to command a view of.
proquam conj according as. prosterno, -ernere, -ravi, -ratum vt to throw
prora, -ae/prow, bows; ship. in front, prostrate; to overthrow, ruin; se -
prorepo, -ere, -si, -turn vi to crawl out. fall prostrate; to demean oneself,
proreta -ae m man at the prow. prostibulum, -Int prostitute,
proreus, -el m man at the prow. prostituo, -uere, -ul, -utum vt to put up for
proripio, -ipere, -ipul, -eptum vt to drag out; sale, prostitute.
to hurry away; se - rush out, run away, prosto, -are, -it!vi to project; to be on sale; to
prorogatio, -onis/extension; deferring, prostitute oneself.
prorogo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to extend, prostratus ppp of prosterno,
prolong, continue; to defer. prosubigo, -ere vt to dig up.
LATIN-ENGUSH 175 prosum-pubens

prosum, -desse, -fulvi(with dat) to be useful provisio, -onis/foresight; precaution.

to, benefit. proviso adv with forethought.
Protagoras, -aem Greek sophist (native of proviso, -ere vi to go and see.
Abdera). provisor, -oris m foreseer; provider.
protectus ppp of protego. provisus ppp of provideo.
protego, -egere, -exi, -ectum vt to cover provisus, -us m looking forward; foreseeing;
over, put a projecting roof on; (fig) to shield, providing providence,
protect. provivo, -vere, -xlvi to live on.
protelo, -are vt to drive off. provocatio, -onis/challenge; appeal,
protelum, -Int team of oxen; (fig) succession. provocator, -oris m kind of gladiator,
protendo, -dere, -dT, -turn vt to stretch out, provoco, -are, -avl, -atum vt to challenge,
extend. call out; to provoke; to bring about ♦ vi to
protentus ppp of protendo, appeal.
protero, -erere, -rivi, -ritum vt to trample provolo, -are vi to fly out, rush out.
down, crush; to overthrow, provolvo, -vere, -vi, -utum vt to roll
proterreo, -ere, -ul, -itum vt to scare away, forward, tumble over; (pass) to fall down,
proterve adv insolently; boldly, humble oneself, be ruined; se ~ wallow,
protervitas, -atis/forwardness, insolence, provomo, -ere vt to belch forth,
protervus adj forward, insolent, violent. proxime adv next, nearest; (time) just before
Protesilaeus adj see n. or after; (with acc) next to, very close to,
Protesilaus, -Im first Greek killed at Troy. very like.
Proteus, -eT and eos m seagod with power to proximitas, -atis/nearness; near
assume many forms. relationship; similarity,
prothyme adv gladly, proximus adj nearest, next; (time) previous,
protinam adv immediately, last, following, next; most akin, most like ♦
protinus adv forward, onward; continuously; m next of kin ♦ nt next door,
right away, forthwith, proxum etc see proxim-.
protollo, -ere vt to stretch out; to put off. prudens, -entis adj foreseeing, aware; wise,
protractus ppp of protraho, prudent, circumspect; skilled, versed (in),
protraho, -here, -xT, -ctum vt to draw on (to); prudenter adv prudently; skilfully,
to drag out; to bring to light, reveal, prudentia, -ae/prudence, discretion;
protritus ppp of protero, knowledge.
protrudo, -dere, -si, -sum vt to thrust pruina, -ae/hoar frost,
forward, push out; to postpone, pruinosus adj frosty,
protu II perfof profero. pruna, -ae/live coal,
proturbo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to drive off; to prunitiusad; of plum tree wood,
overthrow. prunum, -Int plum,
prout conj according as. prunus, -T/plum tree,
provectus ppp o/proveho ♦ adj advanced, prurio, -Ire vi to itch,
proveho, -here, -xl, -ctum vt to carry along, prytaneum, -Tnt Greek town hall,
transport; to promote, advance, bring to; prytanis, -is m Greek chief magistrate,
(speech) to prolong; (pass) to drive, ride, sail psallo, -ere vi to play the lyre or lute,
on. psalterium, -land ilnt kind of lute,
provenio, -enlre, -enl, -entum vi to come psaltria, -ae/girl musician,
out, appear; to arise, grow; to go on, prosper, psecas, -adis/slave who perfumed the lady’s
succeed. hair.
proventus, -us m increase; result, success, psephisma, -tis nt decree of the people.
proverbium, -Iand ilnt saying, proverb. Pseudocato, -onis m sham Cato.
providens, -entisprespof provided ♦ adj pseudomenos, -Tm sophistical argument,
prudent. pseudothyrum, -Int back door,
providenter adv with foresight, psithius adj psithian (kind of Greek vine).
providentia, -ae/foresight, forethought, psittacus, -I m parrot,
provided, -idere, -Idl, -Isum vi to see ahead; psychomanteum (-Turn), -Int place of
to take care, make provision ♦ vi to foresee; necromancy.
to look after, provide for; to obviate, -pte enclitic (to pronouns) self, own.
providus adj foreseeing, cautious, prudent; ptisanarium, -I and il nt gruel.
provident. Ptolemaeeus, -USad;seen.
provincia, -ae/sphere of action, duty, Ptolemaeus, -I m Ptolemy (name of Egyptian
province. kings).
provincialis ad; provincial ♦ mpi provincials. pubens, -entis adj full-grown; (plant) juicy,

Noun declensions ahd verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -Ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
pubertas-pupa 176 LATIN-ENGL1SH

pubertas, -atis/ manhood; signs of puberty, pugneus adj with the fist,
pubes (puber), -eris adj grown up, adult; pugno, -are, -avT, -atum vi to fight; to
(plant) downy. disagree; to struggle; secum - be
pubes, -is/ hair at age of puberty; groin; inconsistent; -atum est the battle was
youth, men, people. fought.
pubesco, -escere, -uTvi to grow to manhood, pugnus,-Tm fist,
become mature; to become clothed, pulchellus adj pretty little,
publicanus adj of public revenue ♦ m tax pulcher, -riadj beautiful, handsome; fine,
farmer. glorious.
publicatio, -dnis/confiscation. pulchre adv excellently; well done!
publice adv by or for the State, at the public pulchritudo, -inis/ beauty, excellence,
expense; all together, puleium, pulegium, -Tand iT nt pennyroyal,
publicitus adv at the public expense; in pulex, -icis m flea.
public. pullarius, -Tand ii m keeper of the sacred
publico, -are, -avT, -atum vt to confiscate; to chickens.
make public. pullatus adj dressed in black,
Publicola, -ae m P. Valerius (an early Roman pullulo, -are vi to sprout,
consul). pullus, -Tm young (of animals), chicken,
publicum, -T nt State revenue; State territory; pullus adj dark-grey; mournful ♦ nt dark grey
public. clothes.
publicus adj of the State, public, common ♦ m pulmentarium, -ariand -ariT, -um, -T nt
public official; -a causa criminal trial; res -a relish; food,
the State; di -6 at the public expense; in -6 pulmo, -onism lung,
in public. pulmoneus adj of the lungs,
Publius, -I m Roman first name, pulpa, -ae/fleshy part,
pudendus ad; shameful, pulpamentum, -Tm tit-bits,
pudens, -entis adj bashful, modest, pulpitum, -Tm platform, stage,
pudenter adv modestly, puls, pultis/porridge.
pudet, -ere, -uit and itum est vt (impers) to pulsatio, -onis/beating,
shame, be ashamed, pulso, -are, -avT, -atum vt to batter, knock,
pudibundus adj modest, strike.
pudice adv see adj. pulsuspppo/pelld.
pudicitia, -ae/modesty, chastity, pulsus, -us m push, beat, blow; impulse,
pudicus ad; modest, chaste, pultiphagus, -Tm porridge eater,
pudor, -oris m shame, modesty, sense of pulto, -are vt to beat, knock at.
honour; disgrace. pulvereus adj of dust, dusty, fine as dust;
puella, -ae/girl; sweetheart, young wife, raising dust.
puellaris adj girlish, youthful, pulverulentus adj dusty; laborious,
puellula, -ae/little girl, pulvillus, -Tm small cushion,
puellus, -Tm little boy. pulvmar, -aris nt sacred couch; seat of
puer, -im boy, child; son; slave, honour.
puerilis adj boyish, child’s; childish, trivial, puIvTnus, -Tm cushion, pillow.
pueriliter adv like a child; childishly, pulvis, -eris m dust, powder; arena; effort.
pueritia, -ae/childhood, youth, pulvisculus, -T m fine dust.
puerperium, -Tand ii nt childbirth, pumex, -icism pumice stone; stone, rock.
puerperus adj to help childbirth ♦ / woman in pumiceus adj of soft stone.
labour. pumico, -are vt to smooth with pumice stone.
puertia etc see pueritia, pumilio, -onism//dwarf, pygmy.
puerulus, -im little boy, slave, punctim adv with the point.
pugil, -is m boxer. punctum, -Tm point, dot; vote; (time) moment;
pugilatio, -ionis/, -us, -us m boxing, (speech) short section,
pugillaris ad; that can be held in the hand ♦ punctus pppo/pungd.
mpl, ntpl writing tablets, pungo, -ere, pupugi, punctum vt to prick,
pugillatoriusadj: follis ~ punchball. sting, pierce; (fig) to vex.
pugio, -onism dirk, dagger, Punicanus adj in the Carthaginian style.
pugiunculus, -Tm small dagger, Punice adv in Punic,
pugna, -ae/fight, battle, puniceusadj reddish, purple.
pugnacitas, -atis/fondness for a fight, Punicum, -Tm pomegranate.
pugnaciter adv aggressively, Punicus adj Punic, Carthaginian; purple-red.
pugnaculum, -Tm fortress, punio (poenio), -Tre; -ior, -Trivt to punish; to
pugnator, -oris m fighter, avenge.
pugnax, -acis ad; fond of a fight, aggressive; pumtor, -oris m avenger,
obstinate. pupa, -ae/doll.
LATIN-ENGLISH 177 pupilla-quadrantarius

pupilla, -ae/ward; (eye) pupil, Pydna, -ae/ town in Macedonia.

pupillaris adj of a ward, of an orphan, Pydnaeus adj see n.
pupillus, -T m orphan, ward, pyga, -ae/buttocks.
puppis, -is/after part of a ship, stern; ship, Pygmaeus adj Pygmy.
pupugi perf of pungo, Pylades, -aeand is m friend of Orestes.
pupula, -ae/(eye) pupil, Pyladeus adj see n.
pupulus, -Tm little boy. Pylae, -arum fpl Thermopylae.
pure adv cleanly., brightly; plainly, simply, Pylaicus adj see n.
purely, chastely. Pylius adj see n.
purgamen, -inis nt sweepings, dirt; means of Pylos, -T/Pylus IPeloponnesian town, home of
expiation. Nestor).
purgamentum, -In» refuse, dirt, pyra, -ae/funeral pyre.
purgatio, -onis/purging; justification, Pyramaeusadjsee Pyramus,
purgo, -are, -avT, -atum vt to cleanse, purge, pyramis, -idis/pyramid.
clear away; to exculpate, justify; to purify, Pyramus, -Tm lover of Thisbe.
puriter adv cleanly, purely, Pyrene, -es/Pyrenees.
purpura, -ae/purple-fish, purple; purple pyrethrum, -Tnt Spanish camomile.
cloth; finery, royalty. Pyrgensis adj see PyrgT.
purpuratus adj wearing purple ♦ m courtier, Pyrgi» -orum mpl ancient town in Etruria.
purpureusadj red, purple, black; wearing pyropus, -I m bronze.
purple; bright, radiant, Pyrrha, -ae and e, -es/ wife of Deucalion.
purpurissum, -Tni kind of rouge, Pyrrhaeus adj seen.
purus adj clear, unadulterated, free from Pyrrho, -onis m Greek philosopher (founder of
obstruction oradmixture; pure, clean; plain, the Sceptics).
unadorned; (moral) pure, chaste ♦ nt clear Pyrrhoneus adj see n.
sky. Pyrrhus, -T m son of Achilles; king of Epirus,
pus, puris nt pus; (fig) malice, enemy of Rome.
pusillus adj very little; petty, paltry, Pythagoras, -aem Greek philosopher who
pusio, -onis m little boy. founded a school in S. Italy.
pustula, -ae/pimple, blister, Pythagoreus, -icusadj Pythagorean.
putamen, -inis nt peeling, shell, husk, Pythius, -icusadj Pythian, Delphic ♦ m Apollo
putatio, -onis/pruning, ♦ /priestess of Apollo ♦ ntpl Pythian Games.
putator, -orism pruner. Pytho, -us/Delphi.
puteal, -alis nt low wall round a well or sacred Python, -onis m serpent killed by Apollo.
place. pytisma, -tis nt what is spit out.
putealis adj well- (in cpds). pytisso, -are vi to spit out wine,
puteo, -ere vi to stink. pyxis, -dis/small box, toilet box.
Puteolanus adj see n.
Puteoli, -orum mpl town on the Campanian
puter, putris, -ris adj rotten, decaying;
crumbling, flabby.
putesco, -escere, -uTvi to become rotten,
puteus, -I m well; pit.
putide adv see putidus,
putidiusculus adj somewhat nauseating,
putidus a4; rotten, stinking; (speech) affected,
puto, -are, -avT, -atum vt to think, suppose; qua adv where, which way; whereby; as far as;
to think over; to reckon, count; (money) to partly ... partly.
settle; (tree) to prune, quacumque adv wherever; anyhow,
putor, -oris m stench, quadam; - tenus adv only so far.
putrefacio, -facere, -feci, -factum vt to quadra, -ae/square; morsel; table,
make rotten; to make crumble, quadrageni, -orum adj forty each,
putresco, -ere vi to rot, moulder, quadragesimus adj fortieth i/2 'A per cent
putridus adj rotten, decayed; withered, tax.
putris etc see puter, quadragiens, -is adv forty times.
putus adj perfectly pure, quadraginta num forty.
putus, -I m boy. quadrans, -antis m quarter; (coin) quarter as.
pycta, -es, -ae m boxer. quadrantarius adj of a quarter.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
quadratum-quassatio 178 LATIN-ENGLISH

quadratum, -T nt square; (astro) quadrature, out of; -urn facere make a living,
quadratus pppo/quadro ♦ adj square; -6 qualibet adv anywhere; anyhow,
agmine in battle order, qualisad; (interrog) what kind of?; (relat) such
quadriduum, -Tnt four days, as, even as.
quadriennium, -T and ii nt four years, qualiscumque adj of whatever kind; any,
quadrifariam adv in four parts, whatever.
quadrifidus ad; split in four, qualiscunque ad; = qualiscumque.
quadrigae, -arumfpi team of four; chariot, qualitas, -atis/quality, nature,
quadrigarius, -land ii m chariot racer, qualiter adv just as.
quadrigatus ad; stamped with a chariot, qualubetadv anywhere; anyhow,
quadrigulae, -arum fpi little four horse team, qualus, -Im wicker basket,
quadriiugl, -orum mpi team of four, quam adv (interrog, excf) how?, how much?;
quadriiugis, -us adj of a team of four, (comparison) as, than; (with super!) as ... as
quadrilibris ad; weighing four pounds, possible; (emphatic) very; dimidium - quod
quadrimulus ad; four years old. half of what; quTntd die - four days after,
quadrimus ad; four years old. quamdiu adv how long?; as long as.
quadringenarius adj of four hundred each, quamlibet, quamlubetadv as much as you
quadringeni, -orum adj four hundred each, like, however.
quadringentesimus adj four-hundredth, quamobrem adv (interrog) why?; (relat) why ♦
quadringenti, -orum num four hundred, con; therefore.
quadringentiens, -esadv four hundred quamquam con; although; and yet.
times. quamvis adv however, ever so ♦ con; however
quadripertitus ad; fourfold, much, although,
quadriremis, -is/ quadrireme, quanam adv what way.
quadrivium, -land ii m crossroads, quando adv (interrog) when?; (relat) when;
quadro, -are vt to make square; to complete ♦ (with si, ne, num) ever ♦ con; when; since,
vi to square, fit, agree, quandocumque, quandocunqueadv
quadrum, -i nt square, whenever, as often as; some day.
quadrupedans, -antis ad; galloping, quandoque adv whenever; some day ♦ con;
quadrupes, -edis adj four-footed, on all fours seeing that.
♦ m/f quadruped. quando quidem conj seeing that, since.
quadruplator, -oris m informer, twister, quanquam etc see quamquam,
quadruplex, -icis adj four-fold, quantillus ad; how little, how much,
quadruplum, -I nt four times as much, quantopere adv how much; (after tantopere)
quaerito, -are vt to search diligently for; to as.
earn (a living); to keep on asking, quantulus adj how little, how small,
quaero, -rere, -slvl and sil, -sltum vt to look quantuluscumquead; however small,
for, search for; to seek, try to get; to however trifling.
acquire, earn; (plan) to think out, work out; quantum adv how much; as much as;
(question) to ask, make inquiries; (law) to -cumque as much as ever; -libet however
investigate; (with in fin) to try, wish; quid much; -vis as much as you like; although,
-ris? in short; si ~ris/~rimus to tell the truth, quantus ad; how great; so great as, such as; -I
quaesitio, -onis/inquisition. how dear, how highly; -6 (with compar) how
quaesitor, -oris m investigator, judge, much; the; in -um as far as.
quaesitus pppo/ quaero ♦ adj special; far¬ quantuscumquead; however great,
fetched ♦ nt question ♦ ntpl gains, whatever size.
quaesiviper? o/quaero, quantuslibet adj as great as you like,
quaeso, -ere vt to ask, beg. quantus quantus ad; however great,
quaesticulus, -Im slight profit, quantusvlsadj however great,
quaestio, -onis/seeking, questioning; quapropter adv why; and therefore,
investigation, research; criminal trial; quaqua adv whatever way.
court; servum in -dnem ferre take a slave for quare adv how, why; whereby; and therefore,
questioning by torture; -ones perpetuae quartadecumani, -orum mpi men of the
standing courts. fourteenth legion.
quaestiuncula, -ae/trifling question, quartanus adj every four days ♦/ quartan
quaestor, -oris m quaestor, treasury official, fever ♦ mpi men of the fourth legion,
quaestorius ad; of a quaestor ♦ m ex-quaestor quartarius, -Iand ii m quarter pint,
♦ nt quaestor’s tent or residence, quartus adj fourth; quartum/quarto for the
quaestuosus ad; lucrative, productive; fourth time.
money-making; wealthy, quartusdecimus ad; fourteenth,
quaestura, -ae/quaestorship; public money, quasi adv as if; as it were; (numbers) about,
quaestus, -us m profit, advantage; money¬ quasillus, -Im, -um, -I nt wool basket,
making, occupation; ~ul habere make money quassatio, -onis; shaking.
LAT1N-ENGL1SH 179 quasso-qulntanus

quasso, -are, -avi, -atum vt to shake, toss; to quidnam nt see quisnam.

shatter, damage. quidni adv why not?
quassuspppo/quatid ♦ adj broken, quidpiam nt = quispiam,
quatefacio, -facere, -feci vt to shake, give a quidquam nt = quisquam.
jolt to. quidquid nt = quisquis,
quatenus adv (interrog) how far?; how long?; quies, -etis/rest, peace, quiet; sleep, dream,
(re/af) as far as; in so far as, since, death; neutrality; lair,
quater adv four times; - decies fourteen quiesco, -scere, -vT, -turn vi to rest, keep
times. quiet; to be at peace, keep neutral; to sleep;
quaterni, -orum adj four each, in fours, (with acc and infin) to stand by and see; (with
quatid, -tere, -ssum vt to shake, disturb, infin) to cease.
brandish; to strike, shatter; (fig) to agitate, quiete adv peacefully, quietly,
harass. quietus ppa o/quiesco ♦ adj at rest; peaceful,
quattuor num four, neutral; calm, quiet, asleep.
quattuordecim num fourteen, quilibet, quaelibet, quodlibet pron any,
quattuorviratus, -us m membership of anyone at all.
quattuorviri. quin adv (interrog) why not?; (correcting)
quattuorviri, -drum mpi board of four indeed, rather ♦ conj who not; but that, but,
officials. without; (preventing) from; (doubting) that.
-que conj and; both... and; (after neg) but. quinam, quaenam, quodnam pron which?,
quemadmodum adv (interrog) how?; (relat) what?
just as. Quinct- etc see Quint-,
queo, -ire, -iviand ii, -itum vi to be able, can. quincunx, -uncis m five-twelfths; number
quercetum, -int oak forest, five on a dice; in -uncem dispositi arranged
querceus adj of oak. in oblique lines.
quercus, -us/oak; garland of oak leaves; quindeciens, -esadv fifteen times,
acorn. quindecim num fifteen; - primi fifteen chief
querela, querella, -ae/complaint; plaintive magistrates. _
sound. quindecimviralis adj of the council of fifteen,
queribundus ad; complaining, quindecimviri, -orum mpi council of fifteen,
querimonia, -ae/complaint; elegy, quingeni, -orum adj five hundred each,
queritor, -Sri vi to complain much, quingentesimus adj five-hundredth,
quernus adj oak- (in cpds). quingenti, -orum num five hundred,
queror, -ri, -stus vt, vi to complain, lament; quingentiens, -es adv five hundred times,
(birds) to sing. quini, -orum adj five each; five; - deni fifteen
querquetulanus adj of oakwoods. each; - viceni twenty-five each,
querulus adj complaining; plaintive, quinquageni, -orum adj fifty each,
warbling. quinquagesimus adj fiftieth */2 per cent
questus ppa of queror, tax.
questus, -us m complaint, lament, quinquaginta num fifty.
qui, quae, quodpron (interrog) what?, which?; Quinquatria, -iorum and ium ntpi festival of
(relat) who, which, that; what; and this, he, Minerva.
etc.; (with si, nisi, ne, num) any. Quinquatrus, -uumjpl festival of Minerva.
quiadv (interrog) how?; (relat) with which, quinque num five.
whereby; (indef) somehow; (excf) indeed, quinquennalis adj quinquennial; lasting five
quia conj because; -nam why? years.
quicquam nt see quisquam. quinquennis adj five years old; quinquennial,
quicque nt set quisque, quinquennium, -iand iint five years,
quicquid nt see quisquis, quinquepartitus adj fivefold,
quicum with whom, with which. quinqueprimi, -orum mpi five leading men.
quTcumque, qulcunquepron whoever, quinqueremis adj five-banked ♦/
whatever, all that; every possible, quinquereme.
quid nt see quis ♦ adv why? quinqueviratus, -us m membership of the
quidam, quaedam, quoddam pron a certain, board of five.
a sort of, a_ quinqueviri, -orum mpi board of five,
quiddam nt something, quinquiens, -esadv five times,
quidem adv (emphatic) in fact; (qualifying) at quinquiplico, -are vt to multiply by five,
any rate; (conceding) it is true; (alluding) for quintadecimani, -orum mpi men of the
instance; ne ... - not even, fifteenth legion.
quidlibet nt anything. quintanusadj of the fifth ♦ /street in a camp

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -are = 2nd; -era = 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
QuTntilianu s-raeda 180 LATIN-ENGUSH

between the 5th and 6th maniples ♦ mpl men of (fut) one day.
the fifth legion. quoniam conj since, seeing that,
Quintilianus, -Tm Quintilian (famous teacher quopiam adv anywhere,
of rhetoric in Rome). quoquam adv anywhere,
Quintilis adj of July, quoque adv also, too.
quintum, -6 odv for the fifth time. quoquo adv to whatever place, wherever,
Quintus, -i m Roman first name. quoquo modo adv howsoever,
quintus ad; fifth, quoquo versus, -um adv in every direction,
quintusdecimus ad; fifteenth, quorsus, quorsum adv where to?, in what
quippe adv (affirming) certainly, of course ♦ direction?; what for?, to what end?
conj (explaining) for in fact, because, since; - quotad; how many; as many as, every,
qui since I, he etc. quotannis adv every year,
quippiam etc see quispiam, quotcumque ad; however many,
quippiniadv certainly. quoteni, -orum ad; how many.
Quirinalis ad; of Romulus; Quirinal (hill). qUOtld- etc see COttld-.
Quirinus, -i m Romulus ♦ ad; of Romulus. quotiens, -esadv how often?; (relat) as often
Quiris, -itism inhabitant of Cures-, Roman as.
citizen; citizen, quotienscumque adv however often,
quiritatio, -onis/ shriek. quotquot ad; however many,
Quirites pi inhabitants of Cures; Roman quotumus ad; which number?, what date?,
citizens. quotus ad; what number, how many; -
quirito, -are vi to cry out, wail, quisque how few; -a hora what time,
quis, quid pron who?, what?; (indef) anyone, quotuscumquead; whatever number,
anything. however big.
quis poetic form of quibus, quousque adv how long, till when; how far.
quisnam, quaenam, quidnam pron who?, quovis adv anywhere.
what? quum etc see CUm conj.
quispiam, quaepiam, quodpiam and
quidpiam pron some, some one, something,
quisquam, quaequam, quicquam and
quidquam pron any, anyone, anything; nec -
and no one. /
quisque, quaeque, quodque pron each,
every, every one; quidqua, quicque
everything; decimus - every tenth; optimus
- all the best; primus - the first possible,
quisquiliae, -arum/pi refuse, rubbish,
quisquis, quaequae, quodquod, quidquid
and quicquid pron whoever, whatever, all. rabide adv furiously,
quivis, quaevis, quodvis, quidvis pron any rabidus ad; raving, mad; impetuous,
you please, anyone, anything, rabies, -em, -e/madness, rage, fury,
quiviscumque, quaeviscumque, rabid, -ere vi to rave,
quodviscumquepron any whatsoever, rabiose adv wildly,
quo adv (interrog) where?; whither?; for what rabiosulus ad; somewhat rabid,
purpose?, what for?; (relat) where, to which rabiosus ad; furious, mad.
(place), to whom; (with compar) the (more); rabula, -aem wrangling lawyer,
(with si) anywhere ♦ con; (with subf) in order racemifer, -I ad; clustered,
that; non - not that. racemus, -Im stalk of a cluster; bunch of
quoad adv how far?; how long? ♦ con; as far as, grapes; grape,
as longas; until, radiatus ad; radiant,
quocirca con; therefore, radicitus adv by the roots; utterly,
quocumque adv whithersoever, radicula, -ae/small root,
quod con; as for, in that, that; because; why; - radio, -arevt to irradiate ♦ vi to radiate, shine,
si but if. radius, -i and iim stick, rod; (light) beam, ray;
quodam modo adv in a way. (loom) shuttle; (math) rod for drawing
quoi, quoius old forms o/cui, cuius, figures, radius of a circle; (plant) long olive;
quolibet adv anywhere, in any direction. (wheel) spoke.
quom etc see cum con;'. radix, -Icis/root; radish; (hill) foot; (fig)
quominus con; that not; (preventing) from. foundation, origin.
quomodo adv (interrog) how?; (relat) just as; rado, -dere, -si, -sum vt to scrape, shave,
-cumque howsoever; -nam how? scratch; to erase; to touch in passing, graze,
quonam adv where, where to? pass along.
quondam adv once, formerly; sometimes; raeda, -ae/four-wheeled carriage.
LATIN-ENGLISH 181 raedarius-recens

raedarius, -land il m driver. 2. (relation) respect, consideration;

Raeti, -orum mpl Alpine people between Italy procedure, method, system, way, kind.
and Germany. 3. (reason) reasoning, thought; cause,
Raetia, -iae/country of the Raetl. motive; science, knowledge, philosophy; -
RaeticUS and ius and US adj see n. atque usus theory and practice; - est it is
ramalia, -ium ntpi twigs, brushwood, reasonable; Stoicorum ~ Stoicism; -onem
ramentum, -I nt shavings, chips, ducere, inire calculate; -onem habere take
rameus adj of branches, account of, have to do with, consider; -onem
ramex, -icis m rupture, blood vessels of the reddere give an account of; cum -one
lungs. reasonably; meae -ones my interests; a
Ramnenses, Ramnes, -ium mpl one of the -onibus accountant.
original Roman tribes; a century of equites. ratiocinatio, -onis/reasoning; syllogism,
ramosus adj branching, ratiocinativus adj syllogistic,
ramulus, -I m twig, sprig, ratiocinato^ -oris m accountant,
ramus, -Tm branch, bough, ratiocinor, -an, -atus vt, vi to calculate; to
rana, -ae/ frog; frogfish. consider; to argue, infer,
rancens, -entis adj putrid, rationalis adj rational; syllogistic,
rancidulus adj rancid, ratis, -is/raft; boat.
rancidus adj rank, rancid; disgusting, ratiuncula, -ae/small calculation; slight
ranunculus, -Im tadpole, reason; petty syllogism,
rapacida, -ae m son of a thief, ratus ppaofreor ♦ adj fixed, settled, sure;
rapacitas, -atis/greed, valid; pro -a (parte) proportionally; -urn
rapax, -acis adj greedy, grasping, ravenous, ducere, facere, habere ratify,
raphanus, -Im radish, raucisonus adj hoarse,
rapide adv swiftly, hurriedly, raucus adj hoarse; harsh, strident,
rapiditas, -atis/rapidity, raudus, -eris nt copper coin,
rapidus adj tearing, devouring; swift, rapid; raudusculum, -im bit of money.
hasty, impetuous. Ravenna, -aef port in N.E. Italy.
rapina, -ae/pillage, robbery; booty, prey, Ravennas, -atis adj see n.
rapio, -ere, -uT, -turn vt to tear, snatch, carry ravis, -im/hoarseness,
off; to seize, plunder; to hurry, seize ravus adj grey, tawny,
quickly. rea, -ae/defendant, culprit,
raptim adv hastily, violently, reapse adv in fact, actually.
raptio, -onis/abduction, Reate, -ism ancient Sabine town.
rapto, -are, -avT, -atum vt to seize and carry Reatinus adj seen,
off, drag away, move quickly; to plunder, rebellatio, -onis/revolt,
lay waste; (passion) to agitate, rebellatrix, -Icis/rebellious.
raptor, -oris m plunderer, robber, ravisher. rebellio, -onis/revolt.
raptuspppof rapid ♦ nt plunder, rebellis adj rebellious ♦ mpl rebels,
raptus, -us m carrying off, abduction; rebellium, -Iand ilnt revolt,
plundering. rebello, -are vi to revolt,
rapulum, -Im small turnip, rebito, -ere vi to return.
rapum, -Im turnip. reboo, -arevi to re-echo ♦ vt to make resound,
rarefacio, -facere, -feci, -factum (pass-fio. recalcitro, -arevi to kick back,
-fieri) vt to rarefy. recaleo, -ere vi to be warm again,
raresco, -erevi to become rarefied, grow thin; recalesco, -ere vi to grow warm again,
to open out. recalfacio, -facere, -feclvt to warm again,
raritas, -atis/porousness, open texture; recalvus adj bald in front,
thinness, fewness, recandesco, -escere, -ulvi to whiten (in
rard, -eadv seldom. response to); to glow.
rarus adj porous, open in texture; thin, scanty; recanto, -are, -avl, -atum vt to recant; to
scattered, straggling, here and there; (mil) in charm away.
open order; few, infrequent; uncommon, reccidl perf of recido.
rare. recedo, -edere, -essi, -essum vi to move
rasl perf of rado back, withdraw, depart; (place) to recede;
rasilis adj smooth, polished. (head) to be severed,
rastrum, -Im hoe, mattock. recello, -ere vi to spring back,
rasus pppof rado. recens, -entis adj fresh, young, recent;
ratio, -onis/1. (reckoning of) account, (writer) modern; (with ab) immediately after
calculation; list, register; affair, business. ♦ adv newly, just.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
recenseo-redardesco 182 LATIN-ENGL1SH

recenseo, -ere, -uT, -um vt to count; to recompositus adj rearranged,

review. reconciliatio, -onis/restoration,
recensio, -onis/revision, reconciliation.
recensus ppp of recenseo, reconcilio, -are, -avl, -atum vt to win back
recepiper/o/ recipio. again, restore, reconcile,
recepticulum, -T nt receptacle, reservoir; reconcinno, -are vt to repair,
refuge, shelter. reconditus ppp 0/recondo ♦ adj hidden,
recepto, -arevt to take back; to admit, secluded; abstruse, profound; (disposition)
harbour; to tug hard at. reserved.
receptor, -orism (male) receiver, recondo, -ere, -id?, -itum vt to store away,
shelterer. stow; to hide away, bury,
receptrix, -Icis/(female) receiver, shelterer. reconflo, -are vt to rekindle,
receptum, -Int obligation. recoquo, -quere, -xl, -ctum vt to cook again,
receptus ppp of recipio. boil again; to forge again, recast; (fig) to
receptus, -us m withdrawal; retreat; return; rejuvenate.
refuge; -uT canere sound the retreat, recordatio, -onis/recollection,
recessi perfof recedo, recordor, -ari, -atus vt, vi to recall,
recessim adv backwards, remember; to ponder over,
recessus, -us m retreat, departure; recess, recreo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to remake,
secluded spot; (tide) ebb. reproduce; to revive, refresh,
recidivus adj resurrected; recurring, recrepo, -are vt, vi to ring, re-echo,
recido, -idere, -cidl, -asum vi to fall back; to recresco, -scere, -vi vi to grow again,
recoil, relapse; (fig) to fall, descend, recrudesco, -escere, -uTvi (wound) to open
recldd, -dere, -dl, -sum vt to cut back, cut again; (war) to break out again,
off. recta adv straight forward, right on.
recingo, -gere, -ctum vt to ungird, loose, recte adv straight; correctly, properly, well;
recino, -ere vt, vi to re-echo, repeat; to sound a quite; (inf) good, all right, no thank you.
warning. rectid, -onis/government.
reciper-etc see recuper-. rector, -orism guide, driver, helmsman;
recipio, -ipere, -epl, -eptum vt to take back, governor, master,
retake; to get back, regain, rescue; to rectum, -I nt right, virtue,
accept, admit; (mil) to occupy; (duty) to rectus ppp o/rego ♦ adj straight; upright,
undertake; (promise) to pledge, guarantee; steep; right, correct, proper; (moral) good,
se - withdraw, retreat; nomen - receive virtuous.
notice of a prosecution, recubo, -arevi to lie, recline,
reciproco, -are vt to move to and fro; (ship) to recultus ppp o/ recold,
bring round to another tack; (proposition) to recumbo, -mbere, -bui vi to lie down,
reverse ♦ vi (tide) to rise and fall, recline; to fall, sink down,
reciprocus adj ebbing, recuperatio, -onis/recovery,
recisus ppp of recldd. recuperator, -orism recapturer; (pi) board of
recitatio, -onis/reading aloud, recital, justices who tried civil cases requiring a quick
recitator, -oris m reader, reciter, decision, esp cases involving foreigners.
recito, -are, -avl, -atum vt to read out, recite, recuperatorius adj of the recuperatores,
reclamatio, -onis/outcry (of disapproval). recupero, -are, -avl, -atum vt to get back,
reclamito, -arevi to cry out against, recover, recapture,
reclamo, -are vi to cry out, protest; to recurd, -are vt to restore,
reverberate, recurro, -ere, -Ivi to run back; to return,
reclinis adj leaning back, recur; to revert.
reclino, -are, -avl, -atum vt to lean back, recurso, -are vi to keep coming back, keep
recludo, -dere, -si, -sum vt to open up; to recurring.
disclose. recursus, -us m return, retreat,
reclusus ppp of recludo, recurvo, -are vt to bend back, curve,
recoctus ppp of recoquo, recurvus adj bent, curved,
recogito, -arevi to think over, reflect, recusatio, -onis/refusal, declining; (law)
recognitio, -onis/review, objection, counterplea,
recognosco, -dscere, -ovi, -itum vt to recusd, -are, -avl, -atum vt to refuse,
recollect; to examine, review, decline, be reluctant; (law) to object, plead
recolligo, -igere, -egl, -ectum vt to gather in defence.
up; (fig) to recover, reconcile, recussus adj reverberating,
recolo, -olere, -olui, -ultum vt to recultivate; redactus ppp o/ redigo
to resume; to reflect on, contemplate; to redambulo, -are vi to come back,
revisit. redamd, -are vt to love in return,
recomminiscor, -Ivi to recollect. redardesco, -ere vi to blaze up again.
LATIN-ENGLISH 183 redarguo-refrigesco

redarguo, -ere, -ivt to refute, contradict, redux, -cis adj (gods) who brings back; (men)
redauspico, -are vi to take auspices for going brought back, returned,
back. refectus ppp of reficio,
redditus ppp of reddo, refello, -ere, -Ivt to disprove, rebut,
reddo, -ere, -idi, -itum vt to give back, refercio, -cire, -si, -turn vt to stuff, cram,
return, restore; to give in, response, repay; choke full.
to give up, deliver, pay; (copy) to represent, referio, -Ire vt to hit back; to reflect,
reproduce; (speech) to report, repeat, recite, refero, -ferre, -ttull, -latum vt to bring back,
reply; to translate; (with adj) to make; carry back; to give back, pay back, repay; to
iudicium - fix the date for a trial; ius - repeat, renew; (authority) to refer to, trace
administer justice, back to; (blame, credit) to ascribe; (likeness) to
redegiperf of redigo, reproduce, resemble; (memory) to recall;
redemi perfof redimo (news) to report, mention; (opinion) to
redemptio, -onis/ransoming; bribing; reckon amongst; (record) to enter; (senate) to
(revenue) farming, lay before, move; (speech) to reply, say in
redempto, -are vt to ransom, answer; gratiam - be grateful, requite;
redemptor, -oris m contractor, pedem, gradum - return; retreat; rationes -
redemptura, -ae/contracting, present an account; se - return,
redemptus ppp o/redimo, refert, -ferre, -tulit vi (impers) it is of
redeo, -Ire, -ii, -itum vi to go back, come importance, it matters, it concerns; mea - it
back, return; (speech) to revert; (money) to matters to me.
come in; (circs) to be reduced to, come to. ref ertus ppp o/refercio ♦ adj crammed, full,
redhalo, -are vt to exhale, referveo, -ere vi to boil over,
redhibeo, -ere vt to take back, refervesco, -ere vi to bubble up.
redigo, -igere, -egl, -actum vt to drive back, reficio, -icere, -eel, -ectum vt to repair,
bring back; (money) to collect, raise; (to a restore; (body, mind) to refresh, revive;
condition) to reduce, bring; (number) to (money) to get back, get in return; (pol) to
reduce; ad irritum - make useless. re-elect.
redii perf of redeo, refigo, -gere, -xl, -xum vt to unfasten, take
redimiculum, -int band, down; (fig) to annul,
redimio, -Ire, -il, -Itum vt to bind, crown, refingo, -erevt to remake,
encircle. refixus ppp of refigo,
redimo, -imere, -emi, -emptum vt to buy reflagito, -arevt to demand back,
back; to ransom, redeem; to release, rescue; reflatus, -us m contrary wind,
(good) to procure; (evil) to avert; (fault) to reflecto, -ctere, -xl, -xum vt to bend back,
make amends for; (comm) to undertake by turn back; (fig) to bring back ♦ vi to give
contract, hire. way.
redintegro, -are, -avl, -atum vt to restore, reflexus ppp of reflecto,
renew, refresh, reflo, -are, -avl, -atum vi to blow contrary ♦
redipiscor, -Ivt to get back, vt to breathe out again,
reditio, -onis/returning. refluo, -ere vi to flow back, overflow,
reditus, -us m return, returning; (money) refluus adj ebbing.
revenue. reformido, -are vt to dread; to shun in fear,
redivivus adj renovated, reformo, -are vt to reshape.
redoleo, -ere, -ui vi to give out a smell ♦ vt to refotus ppp of refoveo,
smell of, smack of. refoveo, -overe, -ovl, -otum vt to refresh,
redomitus adj broken in again, revive.
redono, -are vt to restore; to give up. refractariolus adj rather stubborn,
reduco, -ucere, -uxl, -uctum vt to draw refractus ppp of refringo,
back; to lead back, bring back; to escort refragor, -ari, -atus vi (with dat) to oppose,
home; to marry again; (troops) to withdraw; thwart.
(fig) to restore; (to a condition) to make into, refregi perf of refringo,
reductio, -onis/ restoration, refreno, -are, vt to curb, restrain,
reductor, -oris m man who brings back, refrico, -are, -ui, -atum vt to scratch open; to
reductus ppp of reduco ♦ adj secluded, aloof, reopen, renew ♦ vi to break out again,
reduncus ad; curved back, refrigeratio, -onis/coolness.
redundantia, -ae/extravagance. refrigero, -are, -avl, -atum vi to cool, cool
redundo, -are, -avl, -atum vi to overflow; to off; (fig) to flag.
abound, be in excess; (fig) to stream, refrigesco, -gescere, -xi vi to grow cold; (fig)
reduvia, -ae/hangnail. to flag, grow stale.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
refringo-reliquus 184 LAT1N-ENGLISH

refringo, -ingere, -egi, -actum vt to break regusto, -are vt to taste again,

open; to break off; (fig) to break, check, reicio, -icere, -iecl, -iectum vt to throw back,
refrixi perfof refrigesco, throw over the shoulder, throw off; to drive
refugio, -ugere, -uglwi to run back, flee, back, repel; to cast off, reject; to reject with
shrink ♦ vt to run away from, shun, contempt, scorn; (jurymen) to challenge,
refugium, -land ilnt refuge, refuse; (matter for discussion) to refer; (time)
refugus adj fugitive, receding, to postpone; se - fling oneself,
refulgeo, -gere, -sivi to flash back, reflect reiectaneus adj to be rejected,
light. reiectio, -onis/rejection; (law) challenging,
refundo, -undere, -udi, -usum vt to pour reiecto, -are vt to throw back,
back, pour out; (pass) to overflow, reiectus ppp of reicio.
refususpppo/ refundo, relabor, -bl, -psus vi to glide back, sink back,
refutatio, -onis/refutation. fall back.
refutatus, -us m refutation, relanguesco, -escere, -Ivi to faint; to
refuto, -are, -avl, -atum vt to check, repress; weaken.
to refute, disprove, relatio, -onis/(law) retorting; (pi)
regalis adj king's, royal, regal, magistrate’s report; (rhct) repetition,
regaliter adv magnificently; tyrannically, relator, -oris m proposer of a motion,
regero, -rere, -ssT, -stum vt to carry back, relatus ppp of refero,
throw back. relatus, -us m official report; recital,
regia, -ae/palace; court; (camp) royal tent; relaxatio, -onis/easing,
(town) capital. relaxo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to loosen, open
regie adv regally; imperiously, out; (fig) to release, ease, relax, cheer,
regificus adj magnificent, relectus ppp of relego,
regigno, -ere vt to reproduce. relegatio, -onis/banishment.
Regillanus and ensis adj see Regillus. relego, -are, -avl, -atum vt to send away,
Regillus, -Jm Sabine town; lake in Latium send out of the way; to banish; (fig) to reject;
(scene of a Roman victory over the Latins). to refer, ascribe.
regimen, -inism guiding, steering; rudder; relego, -egere, -egi, -ectum vt to gather up;
rule, command, government; ruler, (place) to traverse, sail over again; (speech)
regina, -ae/queen, noblewoman. to go over again, reread,
Reginus adj see Regium, relentesco, -ere vi to slacken off.
regio, -onis/ direction, line; boundary line; relevipet/o/relmo.
quarter, region; district, ward, territory; relevo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to lift up; to
(fig) sphere, province; e -one in a straight lighten; (fig) to relieve, ease, comfort,
line; (with gen) exactly opposite, relictio, -onis/abandoning.
regionatim adv by districts. relictus ppp of relinquo,
Regium, -land il nt town in extreme S. of relicuus etc see reliquus,
Italy, (now Reggio). religatio, -onis/tying up.
regius adj king’s, kingly, royal; princely, religio, -onis/religious scruple, reverence,
magnificent. awe; religion; superstition; scruples,
reglutino, -are vt to unstick, conscientiousness; holiness, sanctity (in
regnator, -oris m ruler, anything); object of veneration, sacred place;
regnatrix, -Icis adj imperial, religious ceremony, observance,
regno, -are, -avl, -atum vi to be king, rule, religiose adv devoutly; scrupulously,
reign; to be supreme, lord it; (things) to conscientiously.
prevail, predominate ♦ vt to rule over, religiosus adj devout, religious; superstitious;
regnum, -I nt kingship, monarchy; involving religious difficulty; scrupulous,
sovereignty, supremacy; despotism; conscientious; (objects) holy, sacred,
kingdom; domain. religo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to tie up, fasten
rego, -ere, rexl, rectum vt to keep straight, behind; (ship) to make fast, moor; (fig) to
guide, steer; to manage, direct; to control, bind.
rule, govern; - fines (law) mark out the relino, -inere, -evlvt to unseal,
limits. relinquo, -inquere, -IquI, -ictum vt to leave,
regredior, -dl, -ssus vi to go back, come back, leave behind; to bequeath; to abandon,
return; (mil) to retire, forsake; (argument) to allow; (pass) to
regressus ppa of regredior, remain.
regressus, -us m return; retreat, reliquiae, -arum fpi leavings, remainder,
regula, -ae / rule, ruler; stick, board; (fig) relics.
rule, pattern, standard, reliquus adj remaining, left; (time)
regulus, -I m petty king, chieftain; prince. subsequent, future; (debt) outstanding ♦ nt
Regulus, -I m Roman consul taken prisoner by remainder, rest; arrears ♦ mpl the rest; -um
the Carthaginians. •at it remains, the next point is; -I facer*
LATIN-ENGLISH 185 rell—repercussus

leave behind, leave over, omit; in ~um for remugio, -Ire vi to bellow in answer, re-echo,
the future, remulceo, -cere, -slvt to stroke; (tail) to
rell - etc see rel-. droop.
reluceo, -cere, -xlvi to blaze, remulcum, -Int towrope.
relucesco, -cescere, -xT vi to become bright remuneratio, -onis/recompense, reward,
again. remuneror, -ari, -atusvt to repay, reward,
reluctor, -ari, -atus vi to struggle against, remurmuro, -are vi to murmur in answer,
resist. remus, -I m oar.
remaneo, -anere, -ansi vi to remain behind; Remus, -Im brother of Romulus.
to remain, continue, endure, renarro, -are vt to tell over again,
remano, -are vi to flow back, renascor -scl, -tus vi to be born again; to
remansio, -dnis/ remaining behind, grow, spring up again,
remedium, -Iand ilnt cure, remedy, renatus ppa of renascor,
medicine. renavigo, -are vi to sail back,
remensus ppa of remetior, rened, -ere vt to unspin, undo,
remeo, -are vi to come back, go back, return, renes, -um mpl kidneys,
remetior, -tlri, -nsus vi to measure again; to renlded, -ere vi to shine back, be bright; to be
go back over. cheerful, smile, laugh,
remex, -igis m rower, oarsman. renidesco, -ere vi to reflect the gleam of.
Remi, -orum mpl people of Gaul (in region of renitor, -Ivi to struggle, resist,
what is now Rheims). rend, -arevi to swim back,
remigatio, -dnis/rowing, rend, -dnis m fur.
remigium, -land iTnt rowing; oars; oarsmen, renddo, -are vt to tie back in a knot,
remigo, -are vi to row. renovamen, -inis nt new condition,
remigro, -arevi to move back, return (home), renovatio, -dnis/renewal; compound
reminiscor, -Ivt, vi (usu with gen) to interest.
remember, call to mind. renovd, -are, -avl, -atum vt to renew,
remisceo, -scere, -xtum vt to mix up, restore; to repair, revive, refresh; (speech)
mingle. to repeat; faenus - take compound interest,
remisse adv mildly, gently, renumero, -are vt to pay back,
remissio, -onis/release; (tension) renuntiatio, -dnis/report, announcement,
slackening, relaxing; (payment) remission; renuntio, -are, -avl, -atum vt to report, bring
(mind) slackness, mildness, relaxation; back word; to announce, make an official
(illness) abating. statement; (election) to declare elected,
remissuspppo/remitto ♦ adj slack; negligent; return; (duty) to refuse, call off, renounce,
mild, indulgent, cheerful, renuntius, -land ii m reporter,
remitto, -ittere, -Isl, -issum vt to let go back, renud, -ere, -Ivt, vi to deny, decline, refuse,
send back, release; to slacken, loosen, relax; renutd, -are vi to refuse firmly,
to emit, produce; (mind) to relax, relieve; re or, reri, ratus vi to think, suppose,
(notion) to discard, give up; (offence, penalty) repagula, -drum ntpl (door) bolts, bars,
to let off, remit; (right) to resign, sacrifice; repandus ad; curving back, turned up.
(sound) to give back ♦ vi to abate, reparabilis ad; retrievable,
remixtus ppp of remisceo, reparco, -ere vi to be sparing with, refrain,
remolior, -Iri, -Itus vt to heave back, repard, -are, -avl, -atum vt to retrieve,
remollesco, -ere vi to become soft again, be recover; to restore, repair; to purchase;
softened. (mind, body) to refresh; (troops) to recruit,
remollio, -Irevt to weaken, repastinatio, -dnis/digging up again,
remora, -ae/hindrance. repello, -ellere, -pud, -ulsum vt to push
remoramina, -um ntpl hindrances, back, drive back, repulse; to remove, reject,
remordeo, -dere, -sum vt(fig) to worry, rependo, -endere, -endl, -ensum vt to
torment. return by weight; to pay, repay; to requite,
remoror, -ari, -atus vi to linger, stay behind compensate.
♦ vt to hinder, delay, defer, repens, -entis ad; sudden; new.
remorsus ppp of remordeo, repensus ppp of rependo,
remote adv far. repente adv suddenly,
remotio, -onis/ removing, repentino adv suddenly,
remotus ppp o/removed ♦ ad; distant, remote; repentinus ad; sudden, hasty; upstart,
secluded; (fig) far removed, free from, reperco etc see reparco,
removed, -overe, -ovl, -otum vt to move repercussus ppp of repercutio,
back, withdraw, set aside; to subtract. repercussus, -us m reflection, echo.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
repercutio-res 186 LATIN-ENGL1SH

repercutio, -tere, -ssT, -ssum vt to make reprendo etc see reprehendo,

rebound, reflect, echo, repressor, -oris m restrainer,
reperio, -Tre, repperT, -turn vt to find, find repressus ppp of reprimo,
out; to get, procure; to discover, ascertain; reprimo, -imere, -essi, -essum vt to keep
to devise, invent. back, force back; to check, restrain,
repertor, -oris m discoverer, inventor, suppress.
author. repromissio, -onis/counterpromise,
repertus ppp o/reperid ♦ ntpi discoveries, repromitto, -ittere, -TsI, -issum vt to
repetitio, -onis/repetition; (rhet) anaphora, promise in return, engage oneself,
repetitor, -oris m reclaimer, reptd, -are vi to creep about, crawl along,
repetitusppp 0/repeto ♦ adj-. alte/longe - far¬ repudiatio, -onis/ rejection,
fetched. repudio, -are, -avl, -atum vt to reject,
repeto, -ere, -Ivland il, -rtum vt to go back to, refuse, scorn; (wife) to divorce,
revisit; to fetch back, take back; (mil) to repudium, -land ilnt divorce; repudiation,
attack again; (action, speech) to resume, repuerasco, -ere vi to become a child again;
repeat; (memory) to recall, think over; to behave like a child,
(origin) to trace, derive; (right) to claim, repugnanter adv reluctantly,
demand back; res - demand satisfaction; repugnantia, -iurnmpi contradictions,
reclaim one’s property; pecuniae -undae repugno, -are, -avi, -atum vi to oppose,
extortion. resist; to disagree, be inconsistent,
repetundae, -arum jp! extortion (by a repulsa, -ae/refusal, denial, repulse;
provincial governor). (election) rebuff.
repexus adj combed. repulso, -arevi to throb, reverberate,
repleo, -ere, -evT, -etum vt to fill up, refill; to repulsus ppp of repello
replenish, make good, complete; to satiate, repulsus, -usm (light) reflection; (sound)
fill to overflowing. echoing.
repletus adj full, repungo, -ere vt to prod again,
replicatio, -onis/rolling up. repurgo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to clear again,
replico, -are vt to roll back, unroll, unfold, cleanse again; to purge away,
repo, -ere, -si, -turn vi to creep, crawl, reputatio, -onis/ pondering over,
repono, -onere, -osui, -ositum vt to put reputo, -are, -avl, -itum vt to count back; to
back, replace, restore; to bend back; to put think over, consider,
(in the proper place); (performance) to requies, -etis/rest, relaxation, repose,
repeat; (something received) to repay; (store) requiesco, -scere, -vi, -turn vi to rest, find
to lay up, put away; (task) to lay aside, put rest; to cease ♦ vt to stay,
down; (hope) to place, rest; (with pro) requietus adj rested, refreshed,
substitute; in numero, in numerum - count, requirito, -are vt to keep asking after,
reckon among. requiro, -rere, -slvland sil, -sltum vt to
reporto, -are, -avl, -atum vt to bring back, search for, look for; to ask, inquire after;
carry back; (prize) to win, carry off; (words) (with ex orab) to question; to need, want, call
to report. for; to miss, look in vain for.
reposco, -ere vt to demand back; to claim, requisitus ppp of requiro,
require. res, rei/thing, object; circumstance, case,
repositus ppp o/repono ♦ adj remote, matter, affair; business, transaction; fact,
repostor, -oris m restorer, truth, reality; possessions, wealth, money;
repostus etc see repositus, advantage, interest; (law) case; (mil)
repotia, -drum ntpi second drinking. campaign, operations; (rol) politics, power,
repperlped»/ reperio. the State; (writing) subject matter, story,
reppull perfof repello history; - mihi est tecum 1 have to do with
repraesentatio, -onis/vivid presentation; you; - divina sacrifice; - militaris war; -
(comm) cash payment. publica public affairs, politics, the State,
repraesento, -are, -avl, -atum vt to exhibit, republic; - rustica agriculture; rem facere
reproduce; to do at once, hasten; (comm) to get rich; rem gerere wage war, fight; ad rem
pay cash. to the point, to the purpose; in rem usefully;
reprehendo, -endere, -end!, -ensumvt to ob rem to the purpose; ob earn rem
hold back, catch, restrain; to hold fast, therefore; Tin malam rem go to the devil!;
retain^ to blame, rebuke, censure; to refute, contra rem publicam unconstitutionally; e re
reprehensio, -onis/check; blame, publica constitutionally; re vera in fact,
reprimand, refutation, actually; ea re for that reason; tua re, ex tua
reprehenso, -are vt to keep holding back, re to your advantage; ab re unhelpfully; a re
reprehensor, -oris m censurer, critic, (nata) as things are; pro re according to
reviser. circumstances; res adversae failure,
reprehensus ppp of reprehendo. adversity; res dubiae danger; res gestae
LATIN-ENGLISH 187 resacro-restituo

achievements, career; res novae revolution; resono, -are vi to resound, re-echo ♦ vt to

res prosperae, secundae success, prosperity; echo the sound of; to make resound,
rerum maximus greatest in the world; rerum resonus adj echoing.
scriptor historian, resorbed, -ere vt to suck back, swallow again,
resacro etc see resecro, respecto, -are vi to look back; to gaze about,
resaevio, -Ire vi to rage again, watch ♦ vt to look back at, look for; to have
resaluto, -are vt to greet in return, regard for.
resanesco, -escere, -ulvi to heal up again, respectus ppp of respicio,
resarcio, -cire, -tum vt to patch up, repair, respectus, -us m looking back; refuge;
rescindo, -ndere, -dl, -ssum vt to cut back, respect, regard.
cut open, break down; to open up; (law, respergo, -gere, -si, -sum vt to besprinkle,
agreement) to repeal, annul, splash.
rescisco, -Iscere, -Ivland ii, -Itum vt to find respersio, -dnis/sprinkling,
out, learn. respersus ppp of respergo,
rescissus ppp of rescindo, respicio, -icere, -exi, -ectum vt to look back
rescribo, -bere, -psl, -ptum vt to write back, at, see behind; (help) to look to; (care) to have
reply; to rewrite, revise; (emperors) to give a regard for, consider, respect ♦ vi to look
decision; (mil) to transfer, re-enlist; (money) back, look.
to place to one’s credit, pay back, respiramen, -inis nt windpipe,
rescriptus ppp 0/rescribo ♦ m imperial respiratio, -dnis/breathing; exhalation;
rescript. taking breath, pause,
reseco, -are, -ul, -turn vt to cut back, cut respiratus, -us m inhaling,
short; to curtail; ad vlvum - cut to the quick, respiro, -are, -avl, -atum vt, vi to breathe,
resecro, -are vt to pray again; to free from a blow back; to breathe again, revive; (things)
curse. to abate.
resectus ppp of reseco, resplendeo, -erevi to flash back, shine
resecutus ppa of resequor, brightly.
resedi perf of resided; perf of resldd. responded, -ondere, -ondl, -onsum vt to
resemino, -are vt to reproduce, answer, reply; (lawyer, priest, oracle) to
resequor, -qul, -cutus vt to answer, advise, give a response; (lawcourt) to
resero, -are, -avl, -atum vt to unbar, unlock; appear; (pledge) to promise in return;
to disclose. (things) to correspond, agree, match; par pari
reservo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to keep back, ~ return like for like, give tit for tat.
reserve; to preserve, save, responsio, -dnis/answering; refutation,
reses, -idis adj remaining; inactive; idle; responsito, -are vi to give advice,
calm. respdnsd, -are vt, vi to answer back; to defy,
resided, -idere, -edivi to remain behind; to responsor, -oris m answerer,
be idle, be listless; (fig) to remain, rest, responsum, -int answer, reply; response,
resldd, -Idere, -edivi to sit down, sink down, opinion, oracle.
settle; to subside; (fig) to abate, calm down, respublica, relpublicae/public affairs,
residuus adj remaining, left over; (money) politics, the State, republic,
outstanding. respud, -ere, -Tvt to spit out, eject; to reject,
resigno, -arevt to unseal, open; (fig) to reveal; refuse.
(comm) to cancel, pay back, restagno, -are vi to overflow; to be flooded,
resilio, -Ire, -ul vi to spring back; to recoil, restauro, -are vt to repair, rebuild,
rebound, shrink, resticula, -ae/rope, cord,
resimus adj turned up. restinctio, -dnis/quenching.
resina, -ae/resin. restinctus ppp o/restinguo,
resinatus adj smeared with resin, restinguo, -guere, -xl, -ctum vt to
resipio, -ere vi to savour of, smack of. extinguish, quench; (fig) to destroy,
resipisco, -Iscere, -iland ul vi to come to restio, -dnis m rope maker,
one’s senses. restipulatio, -dnis/counterobligation,
resisto, -istere, -titlvi to stand still, stop, restipulor, -arlvt to stipulate in return,
halt; to resist, oppose; to rise again, restis, -is/rope,
resolutus ppp o/resolvo. restiti perf of resisto; perf of restd.
resolvo, -vere, -vi, -utum vt to unfasten, restito, -are vi to stay behind, hesitate,
loosen, open, release; to melt, dissolve; to restituo, -uere, -ul, -utum vt to replace,
relax; (debt) to pay up; (difficulty) to banish, restore; to rebuild, renew; to give back,
dispel; (fax) to abolish; (words) to explain, return; (to a condition) to reinstate; (decision)
resonabilis adj answering. to quash, reverse; (character) to reform.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -Ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
restitutio-revoco 188 LAT1N-ENGLISH

restitutio, -onis/restoration; reinstating, retraho, -here, -xl, -ctum vt to draw back,

restitutor, -oris m restorer, drag back; to withdraw, remove,
restitutus ppp of restituo. retrecto etc see retracto,
resto, -are, -itT vi to stand firm; to resist; to retribuo, -uere, -ul, -utum vt to restore,
remain, be left; to be in store (for); quod -at repay.
for the future. retro adv back, backwards, behind; (time)
restricte adv sparingly; strictly. back, past.
restrictus ppp 0/restringo ♦ adj tight, short; retrorsum adv backwards, behind; in reverse
niggardly; severe. order.
restringo, -ngere, -nxT, -ctum vt to draw retrudo, -dere, -sum vt to push back; to
back tightly, bind fast; (teeth) to bare; (fig) to withdraw.
check. rett u IT perfof refero.
resulto, -are vi to rebound; to re-echo, retundo,-undere, -udlandtudl, -usum and
resumo, -ere, -psT, -ptum vt to take up again, unsum vt to blunt; (fig) to check, weaken,
get back, resume. retunsus, retusus ppp of retundo ♦ ad; blunt,
resupino, -are vt to turn back, throw on one’s dull.
back. reus, -I m the accused, defendant; guarantor,
resupinus ad; lying back, face upwards. debtor, one responsible; culprit, criminal;
resurgo, -gere, -rexi, -rectum vi to rise voti - one who has had a prayer granted,
again, revive. revalesco, -escere, -ulvi to recover,
resuscito, -are vt to revive, reveho, -here, -xl, -ctum vt to carry back,
retardatio, -onis/hindering. bring back; (pass) to ride, drive, sail back,
retardo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to retard, detain, revello, -ellere, -eld, -ulsum (olsum)vt to
check. pull out, tear off; to remove,
rete, -is nt net; (fig) snare. revelo, -are vt to unveil, uncover,
retectuspppo/retego. revenio, -enlre, -enl, -entum vi to come
retego, -egere, -exi, -ectum vt to uncover, back, return.
open; to reveal, revera adv in fact, actually,
retemptd, -are vt to try again, reverendus ad; venerable, awe-inspiring,
retendo, -endere, -end!, -entum and ensum reverens, -entisprespo/revereor ♦ ad;
vt to slacken, relax, respectful, reverent,
retensus ppp of retendo, reverenter adv respectfully,
retentio, -onis/holding back, reverentia, -ae/ respect, reverence, awe.
retento etc see retempto. revereor, -eri, -itus vt to stand in awe of; to
retento, -arevt to keep back, hold fast, respect, revere.
retentus ppp of retendo; ppp of retineo, reversio (revorsio), -dnis/turning back;
retexi perfof retego. recurrence.
retexo, -ere, -ul, -tum vt to unravel; (fig) to reversus ppa of revertor,
break up, cancel; to renew, reverto, -ere, -I; revertor, -tl, -sus vi to turn
retiarius, -land il m net-fighter, back, return; to revert,
reticentia, -ae/ saying nothing; pause, revex!per/o/reveho,
reticeo, -ere, -ul vi to be silent, say nothing ♦ revictus ppp of revinco,
vt to keep secret. revincio, -cire, -xl, -ctum vt to tie back, bind
reticulum, -Int small net, hairnet; network fast.
bag. revinco, -incere, -Ici, -ictum vt to conquer,
retinaculum, -Int tether, hawser, repress; (words) to refute, convict,
retinens, -entisprespo/retineo ♦ ad; revinctus ppp of revincio,
tenacious, observant, reviresco, -escere, -ulvi to grow green
retinentia, -ae/memory. again; to be rejuvenated; to grow strong
retineo, -inere, -inui, -entum vt to hold again, flourish again,
back, detain, restrain; to keep, retain, revlsd, -ere vt. vi to come back to, revisit,
preserve. revlvesco, -visco, -viscere, -xl vi to come to
retinnio, -Ire vi to ring, life again, revive,
retono, -are vi to thunder in answer, revocabilis ad; revocable,
retorqueo, -quere, -si, -turn vt to turn back, revocamen, -inisnt recall,
twist. revocatio, -onis/recalling; (word)
retorridus ad; dried up, wizened, withdrawing.
retortus ppp of retorqueo, revoco, -are, -avl, -atum vt to call back,
retractatio, -onis/hesitation, recall; (action) to revoke; (former state) to
retracto, -are, -avl, -atum vt to rehandle, recover, regain; (growth) to check; (guest) to
take up again; to reconsider, revise; to invite in return; (judgment) to apply, refer;
withdraw ♦ vi to draw back, hesitate, (law) to summon again; (performer) to
retractus ppp o/ retraho ♦ adj remote. encore; (troops) to withdraw.
LATIN-ENGLISH 189 revold-rogatus

revolo, -are vi to fly back, ♦ m jester ♦ nt joke.

revolsus etc see revulsus, rigens, -entis pres pof rigeo ♦ adj stiff, rigid,
revolubilisadj that may be rolled back, frozen.
revolutus pppo/revolvo, rigeo, -ere vt to be stiff,
revolvo, -vere, -vi, -utum vt to roll back, rigesco, -escere, -ulvi to stiffen, harden; to
unroll, unwind; (speech) to relate, repeat; bristle.
(thought) to think over; (writing) to read over; rigide adv rigorously.
(pass) to revolve, return, come round, rigidus adj stiff, rigid, hard; (fig) hardy, strict,
revomo, -ere, -uTwt to disgorge, inflexible.
revor- etc see rever-. rigo, -are vt to water, moisten, bedew; to
revulsus ppp of revello, convey (water).
rex, regis m king; tyrant, despot; leader; rigor, -orism stiffness, hardness; numbness,
patron, rich man. cold; strictness, severity,
rexi perfof rego. rigu? perfof rigesco,
Rhadamanthus, -Tm judge in the lower world. riguus adj irrigating; watered,
Rhaeti etc see Raetl. rima, -ae/crack, chink,
Rhamnus, -untis/town in Attica (famous for rimor, -ari, -atus vt to tear open; to search
its statue of Nemesis). for, probe, examine; to find out.
Rhamnusis, -usidis/Nemesis. rimosus adj cracked, leaky,
Rhamnusius adj see n. ringor, -T vi to snarl,
rhapsodia, -a ef a book of Homer. ripa, -ae/river bank; shore.
Rhea, -ae/Cybele. Riphaei, -orum mpl mountain range in N.
Rhea Silvia, -ae, -a e/ mother of Romulus and Scythia.
Remus. Riphaeus adj see Riphaei,
Rhegium etc see Regium. ripula, -ae/riverbank.
Rhenanus adj Rhenish, riscus, -Im trunk, chest,
rheno etc see rend. risl perf of rideo,
Rhenus, -Im Rhine. risor, -oris m scoffer.
Rhesus, -T m Thracian king (killed at Troy). risus, -us m laughter, laugh; laughing stock,
rhetor, -oris m teacher of rhetoric; orator, rite adv with the proper formality or ritual;
rhetorica, -ae and e, -es/art of oratory, duly, properly, rightly; in the usual manner;
rhetoric. fortunately.
rhetorice adv rhetorically, in an oratorical ritus, -usm ritual, ceremony; custom, usage;
manner. ~u after the manner of.
rhetoric?, -drum mpi teachers of rhetoric, rivalis, -is m rival in love,
rhetoricus ad) rhetorical, on rhetoric, rivalitas, -atis/ rivalry in love,
rhinoceros, -otis m rhinoceros, rivulus, -I m brook.
rho nt (indecf) Greek letter rho. rivus, -I m stream, brook; e ~d flumina magna
Rhodanus, -Tm Rhone. facere = make a mountain of a molehill.
Rhodius adj see Rhodope. rixa, -ae/quarrel, brawl, fight,
Rhodope, -es/mountain range in Thrace. rixor, -ari, -atus vi to quarrel, brawl,
Rhodopeius adj Thracian. squabble.
Rhodos (Rhodus), -I/island of Rhodes. robiginosus ad; rusty.
Rhoeteum, -Tnt promontory on the Dardanelles robigo, -inis/rust; blight, mould, mildew.
(near Troy). roboreus adj of oak.
Rhoeteus adj Trojan. roboro, -arevt to strengthen, invigorate,
rhombus, -im magician’s circle; (fish) turbot, robur, -orism oak; hard wood; prison,
rhomphaea, -ae/long barbarian javelin, dungeon (at Rome); (fig) strength, hardness,
rhythmicus, -Im teacher of prose rhythm, vigour; best part, 61ite, flower,
rhythmos (-us), -i m rhythm, symmetry, robustus adj of oak; strong, hard; robust,
rica, -ae/sacrificial veil, mature.
ricinium, -land i? nt small cloak with hood. rodo, -dere, -si, -sum vt to gnaw; (rust) to
rictum, -Tnt, -us, -us m open mouth, gaping corrode; (words) to slander,
jaws. rogalis adj of a pyre,
rideo, -dere, -si, -sum vi to laugh, smile ♦ vt rogatio, -onis/proposal, motion, bill;
to laugh at, smile at; to ridicule request; (hhet) question,
ridibundus adj laughing, rogatiuncula, -ae/unimportant bill;
ridicularia, -ium ntpi jokes, question._
ridicule adv jokingly; absurdly, rogator, -orism proposer; polling clerk,
ridiculus adj amusing, funny; ridiculous, silly rogatus, -usm request.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -are = 2nd; -era = 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
rogito-rupes 190 LATIN-ENGLISH

rogito,_-are vt to ask for, inquire eagerly, rublg- etc see roblg-.

rogo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to ask, ask for; (bill) rubor, -oris m redness; blush; bashfulness;
to propose, move; (candidate) to put up for shame.
election; legem ~, populum ~ introduce a rubrica, -ae/red earth, red ochre.
bill; magistratum populum - nominate for rubuT perf of rubesco,
election to an office; milites sacramento ~ rubus, -Tm bramble bush; bramble,
administer the oath to the troops; maid blackberry.
emere quam rogare I'd rather buy it than ruetd, -are; -or, -arT vt, vi to belch,
borrow it. ructus, -us m belching,
rogus, -Tm funeral pyre. rudens, -entispres po/rudd ♦ m rope; (pi)
Roma, -ae/Rome. rigging.
Romanus adj Roman. Rudiae, -iarumjpl town in S. Italy (birthplace
Romuleus, -us adj of Romulus; Roman. of Ennius).
Romulidae, -idarum mpi the Romans. rudiarius, -Tand iT m retired gladiator,
Romulus, -Tm founder and first king of Rome. rudimentum, -Tnt first attempt, beginning.
rorarii, -orum mpi skirmishers, Rudinus adj see Rudiae
roridus adj dewy, rudis adj unwrought, unworked, raw; coarse,
rorifer, -7adj dew-bringing, rough, badly-made; (age) new, young;
rord, -ire vi to distil dew; to drip, trickle ♦ vt (person) uncultured, unskilled, clumsy;
to bedew, wet. ignorant (of), inexperienced (in),
ros, roris m dew; moisture, water; (plant) rudis, -is/ stick, rod; foil (for fighting practice)-,
rosemary; - mannus rosemary, (fig) discharge.
rosa, -ae/ rose; rose bush, rudd, -ere, -TvT, -Itum vi to roar, bellow, bray;
rosaria, -drum ntpi rose garden, to creak.
roscidus adj dewy; wet. rudus, -eris nt rubble, rubbish; piece of
Roscius, -Tm: L. - Otho tribune in 67 BC, whose copper.
law reserved theatre seats for the equites; Q. - rudus, -erisnt copper coin.
Gallus famous actor defended by Cicero; Sex. - Rufuli, -drum mpi military tribunes (chosen
of Ameria, defended by Cicero. by the general).
Roscius, -ianus adj see n. rufulus adj red headed,
rosetum, -Tnt rosebed. rufus adj red, red-haired,
roseus adj rosy; of roses. ruga, -ae/ wrinkle, crease,
rdsTpeifo/rddo. rugo, -are vi to become creased,
rostratus adj beaked, curved; columna -a rugosus adj wrinkled, shrivelled, corrugated,
column commemorating a naval victory. rulpei/o/rud.
rostrum, -Int (bird) beak, bill; (animal) snout, rulna, -ae/fall, downfall; collapse, falling in;
muzzle; (ship) beak, end of prow; (pi) debris, ruins; destruction, disaster, ruin
orators’ platform in the Forum, (fig).
rosus ppp of rodd. ruinosus adj collapsing; ruined,
rota, -ae/wheel; potter’s wheel, torture rumex,-icis/sorrel,
wheel; car, disc. rumifico, -arevt to report.
roto, -are, -avT, -atum vt to turn, whirl, roll; Rumina, -a Of goddess of nursing mothers; ficus
(pass) to revolve, -alis the fig tree of Romulus and Remus
rotunde adv elegantly, (under which the she-wolf suckled them).
rotundo, -are vt to round off. ruminatio, -dnis/chewing the cud; (fig)
rotundus adj round, circular, spherical; ruminating.
(style) well-turned, smooth, rumind, -are vt, vi to chew the cud.
rubefacio, -facere, -feci, -factum vi to rumor, -oris m noise, cheering; rumour,
redden. hearsay; public opinion; reputation,
rubens, -entis pres po/rubeo ♦ adj red; rumpia etc see rhomphaea,
blushing. rumpo, -ere, rupi, ruptum vt to break, burst,
rubed, -ere vi to be red; to blush, tear; to break down, burst through; (activity)
ruber, -riadj red; mare -rum Red Sea; Persian to interrupt; (agreement) to violate, annul;
Gulf; oceanus - Indian Ocean; Saxa ~ra stone (delay) to put an end to; (voice) to give vent
quarries between Rome and Veii. to; (way) to force through,
rubesco, -escere, -uivi to redden, blush, rumusculi, -drum mpi gossip,
rubeta, -ae/toad. runa, -ae/dart.
rubeta, -drum ntpi bramble bushes, runco, -arevt to weed,
rubeus adj of bramble. rud, -ere, -T, -turn vi to fall down, tumble; to
Rubied, -onis m stream marking the frontier rush, run, hurry; to come to ruin ♦ vt to dash
between Italy and Gaul. down, hurl to the ground; to throw up, turn
rubicundulus adj reddish, up.
rubicundus ad; red, ruddy. rupes, -is/rock, cliff.
LATIN-ENGLISH 191 rupl-saeta

rupi perfof rumpo. saburra, -ae/sand, ballast.

ruptor, -oris m violator, Sacae, -arum mpl tribe of Scythians.
ruptus ppp of rumpo. sacciperium, -iand iint purse-pocket,
ruricola, -ae adj rural, country- (in cpds). sacco, -are vt to strain, filter,
rurigena, -aem countryman, sacculus, -i m little bag, purse,
rursus, rursum (rusum) adv back, saccus, -i m bag, purse, wallet,
backwards; on the contrary, in return; sacellum, -int chapel,
again. sacer, -ri adj sacred, holy; devoted for
rus, rurisnt the country, countryside; estate, sacrifice, forfeited; accursed, criminal,
farm; rus to the country; run in the country; infamous; Mons ~ hill to which the Roman
rure from the country, plebs seceded; Via -ra street from the Forum to
ruscum, -int butcher’s-broom. the Capitol.
russus ad) red. sacerdos, -otis m/f priest, priestess,
rusticanus ad) country- (in cpds), rustic, sacerdotium, -i and ii nt priesthood,
rusticatio, -onis/country life, sacramentum, -int deposit made by parties to a
rustice adv in a countrified manner, lawsuit; civil lawsuit, dispute; (mil) oath of
awkwardly. allegiance, engagement,
rusticitas,_-atis/country manners, rusticity, sacrarium, -iand ii nt shrine, chapel,
rusticor, -ari vi to live in the country, sacratus ad) holy, hallowed; -ata lex a law
rusticulus, -im yokel. whose violation was punished by devotion to the
rusticus adj country- (in cpds), rural; simple, infernal gods.
rough, clownish ♦ m countryman. sacricola, -ae m/f sacrificing priest or
rusum see rursus. priestess.
ruta, -aef(herb) rue; (fig) unpleasantness, sacrifer, -iad) carrying holy things,
ruta caesa ntpi minerals and timber on an sacrificalis ad) sacrificial,
estate. sacrificatio, -onis/ sacrificing,
rutilo, -are vt to colour red ♦ vi to glow red. sacrificium, -iand ii nt sacrifice,
rutilus ad) red, auburn, sacrifico, -are vt, vi to sacrifice,
rutrum, -im spade, shovel, trowel, sacrificulus, -i m sacrificing priest; rex - high
rutula, -ae/little piece of rue. priest.
Rutuli, -orum mpl ancient Latin people. sacrificus ad) sacrificial,
Rutulus ad) Rutulian. sacrilegium, -iand ii nt sacrilege,
Rutupiae, -iarumfpi seaport in Kent (now sacrilegus ad) sacrilegious; profane, wicked
Richborough). ♦ m templerobber.
Rutupinus adj see n. sacro, -are, -avi, -atum vt to consecrate; to
rutuspppo/ruo. doom, curse; to devote, dedicate; to make
inviolable; (poetry) to immortalize,
sacrosanctus ad) inviolable, sacrosanct,
sacrufico etc see sacrifico,
sacrum, -rim holy thing, sacred vessel;

shrine; offering, victim; rite; (pi) sacrifice,
worship, religion; -ra facere sacrifice; inter
-rum saxumque = with one's back to the wall;
hereditas sine -rls a gift with no awkward
saeclum etc see saeculum,
saecularis adj centenary; (eccl) secular,
Saba, -ae/ town in Arabia Felix. pagan.
Sabaeus ad) see n. saeculum, -int generation, lifetime, age; the
Sabazia, -iorum ntpi festival of Bacchus. age, the times; century; in -a (eccl) for ever,
Sabazius, -im Bacchus, saepe adv often, frequently,
sabbata, -orum ntpi Sabbath, Jewish holiday. saepe numero adv very often,
Sabellus, -im Sabine, Samnite. saepes, -is/hedge, fence,
Sabellus, -icus adj seen. saepimentum, -int enclosure,
Sabini, -orum mpl Sabines (a people of central saepio, -ire, -si, -turn vt to hedge round,
Italy). fence in, enclose; (fig) to shelter, protect,
Sabinus ad) Sabine 4/Sabine woman 4 nt saeptus ppp of saepio 4 nt fence, wall; stake,
Sabine estate; Sabine wine; herba -a savin (a pale; (sheep) fold; (Rome) voting area in the
kind of juniper). Campus Martius.
Sabrina, -ae/river Severn. saeta, -ae/hair, bristle.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
saetiger-sancio 192 LATIN-ENGUSH

saetiger, -iadj bristly, saltatorius adj dancing- (in cpds).

saetosus adj bristly, hairy, saltatrix, -icis/ dancer,
saeve, -iter adv fiercely, cruelly, saltatus, -us m dance,
saevidicus adj furious, saltern adv at least, at all events; non - not
saevio, -Tre, -iT, -Ttum vi to rage, rave, even.
saevitia, -ae/rage; ferocity, cruelty, salto, -are vt, vi to dance,
saevus adj raging, fierce; cruel, barbarous, saltuosus adj wooded,
saga, -ae/ fortune teller, saltus, -us m leap, bound,
sagacitas, -atis/(dogs) keen scent; (mind) saltus, -us m woodland pasture, glade; pass,
shrewdness. ravine.
sagaciter adv keenly; shrewdly, saluber adj see salubris,
sagatus adj wearing a soldier’s cloak, salubris adj health-giving, wholesome;
sagax, -acisadj (senses) keen, keen-scented; healthy, sound.
(m/nd) quick, shrewd, salubritas, -atis/healthiness; health,
sagma, -ae/stuffing, fattening; food, rich salubriter adv wholesomely; beneficially,
food; fatted animal. saluiper/o/salid.
sagino, -arevt to cram, fatten; to feed, feast, salum, -int sea, high sea.
sagid, -ire vi to perceive keenly, salus, -utis/health; welfare, life; safety;
sagitta, -ae/arrow. good wish, greeting; ~utem dicere greet; bid
sagittariusL-Tand ii m archer, farewell.
sagittifer, -i adj armed with arrows, salutaris adj wholesome, healthy; beneficial; -
sagmen, -inis nt tuft of sacred herbs (usedas littera letter A (forabsolvo = acquittal).
a mark of inviolability). salutariter adv beneficially,
sagulum, -int short military cloak, salutatio, -onis/greeting; formal morning
sagum, -int military cloak; woollen mantle. visit, levee.
Saguntinus adj see Saguntum. salutitor, -oris m morning caller; male
Saguntum, -int, -us (os), -i/ town in E. Spain. courtier.
sagus adj prophetic. salutatrix, -ricis/ morning caller; female
sal, salis m salt; brine, sea; ( fig) shrewdness, courtier.
wit, humour, witticism; good taste, salutifer, -i adj health-giving,
salaco, -onis m swaggerer. salutigerulus adj carrying greetings,
Salaminius adj see Salamis. saluto, -are, -avi, -atum vi to greet, salute,
Salamis, -inis/ Greek island near Athens', town wish well; to call on, pay respects to.
in Cyprus. salve adv well, in good health; all right,
salaputium, -iand iint manikin, salve impvof salved.
saliriusadj salt- (in cpds) ♦ nt allowance, salveo, -ere vi to be well, be in good health;
salary. ~e, -eto, -ete hail!, good day!, goodbye!;
salax, -acisadj lustful, salacious, -ere iubeo I bid good day.
salebra, -ae/roughness, rut. salvus, salvos adj safe, alive, intact, well;
Saliaris adj of the Salii; sumptuous, without violating; all right; - sis good day to
salictum, -i nt willow plantation, you!; -a res est all is well; -a lege without
salientes, -iumjpi springs, breaking the law.
salignus adj of willow. Samaous adj see Same.
Salii, -orum mpl priests of Mars. Samarobriva, -ae/Belgian town (now
salillum, -int little saltcellar, Amiens).
salinae, -arum/pi saltworks, sambuca, -ae/harp.
salinum, -int saltcellar, sambucistria, -ae/harpist.
salio, -ire, -ui, -turn vi to leap, spring; to Same, -es / old name of the Greek island
throb. Cephallenia.
saliunca, -ae/Celtic nard. Samius adj Samian ♦ ntpl Samian pottery.
saliva, -ae/saliva, spittle; taste, Samnis, -itis adj Samnite.
salix, -icis/willow. Samnium, -i and ii nt district of central Italy.
Sallustianus adj see Sallustius. Samos (-us), -i/ Aegean island off Asia Minor
Sallustius, -im Sallust (Roman historian); his (famous for its pottery and as the birthplace of
wealthy grand-nephew. Pythagoras).
Salmoneus, -eosm son of Aeolus (punished in Samothraces, -um mpl Samothracians.
Tartarus for imitating lightning). Samothracia, -iae and a, -ae/Samothrace
Salmonis, -idis/h/s daughter Tyro. (island in the N. Aegean).
salsamentum, -int brine, pickle; salted fish, Samothracius adj see n.
salse adv wittily. sanabilis adj curable,
salsus adj salted; salt, briny; (fig) witty, sanatio, -onis/ healing,
saltatio, -onis/dancing, dance. sancio, -cire, -xi, -ctum vt to make sacred or
saltator, -oris m dancer. inviolable; to ordain, ratify; to enact a
LATIN-ENGLISH 193 sanctimonia-Saturnalia

punishment against, sarcinarius adj baggage- (in cpds).

sanctimonia, -a e/ sanctity; chastity, sarcinator, -orism patcher.
sanctid, -dnis/decree, penalty for violating sarcinula, -ae/little pack,
a law. sarcio, -cire, -si, -turn vt to patch, mend,
sanctitas, -atis/ sacredness; integrity, repair.
chastity. sarcophagus, -Tm sepulchre,
sanctitudo, -inis/sacredness. sarculum, -Jnt light hoe.
sancto adv solemnly, religiously. Sardes (-is), -iumjpi Sardis (capital of Lydia).
sanctor, -orism enacter. Sardianus adj see Sardes.
sanctus pppo/sancio ♦ adj sacred, inviolable; Sardinia, -iniae/island of Sardinia,
holy, venerable; pious, virtuous, chaste, sardonyx, -chis/sardonyx.
sandaligerula, -ae/sandalbearer. Sardus, -ous, -iniensis ad; see Sardinia,
sandalium, -Tand iTnt sandal, slipper, sario, -Tre, -TvTand ul vt to hoe, weed,
sandapila, -ae/common bier, sarisa, -ae/ Macedonian lance,
sandyx, -ycis/scarlet, sarisophorus, -Tm Macedonian lancer.
sane adv sensibly; (intensive) very, doubtless; Sarmatae, -arum mpi Sarmatians (a people of
(ironical) to be sure, of course; (concessive) of S.E. Russia).
course, indeed; (in answer) certainly, surely; Sarmaticus, -is adj see Sarmatae,
(with impv) then, if you please; - quam very sarmentum, -Int twigs, brushwood.
much; haud - not so very, not quite, Sarpedon, -onis m king of Lycia.
sanguen etc see sanguis, Sarra, -ae/Tyre.
sanguinans, -antisadj bloodthirsty, sarracum, -Tnt cart.
sanguinarius adj bloodthirsty, Sarranus adj Tyrian,
sanguineus adj bloody, of blood; blood-red. sarrio etc see sarid.
sanguinolentus ad; bloody; blood-red; sarsi perfof sarcio,
sanguinary. sartago, -inis/frying pan.
sanguis, -inis m blood, bloodshed; descent, sartor, -orism hoer, weeder.
family; offspring; (fig) strength, life; -inom sartus ppp of sarcio,
dare shed one’s blood; -inem mittere let sat etc see satis.
blood. satago, -erevi to have one’s hands full, be in
sanies, -em, -e/diseased blood, matter; trouble; to bustle about, fuss,
venom. satelles, -itis m/f attendant, follower;
sanitas, -atis/(body) health, sound condition; assistant, accomplice,
(mind) sound sense, sanity; (style) satias, -atis/ sufficiency; satiety,
correctness, purity, satietas, -atis/sufficiency; satiety,
sanna, -ae/grimace, mocking, satin, satine see satisne.
sannio, -onis m clown. satio, -are, -avl, -atum vt to satisfy, appease;
sand, -are, -avT, -atum vt to cure, heal; (fig) to to fill, saturate; to glut, cloy, disgust,
remedy, relieve. satio, -onis/sowing, planting; (pf) fields,
Sanqualis avis/osprey. satis, sat ad; enough, sufficient ♦ adv enough,
sanus ad; (body) sound, healthy; (mind) sane, sufficiently; tolerably, fairly, quite; - accipio
sensible; (style) correct; male - mad, take sufficient bail; - ago, agito have one’s
inspired; sanun es? are you in your senses? hands full, be harassed; - do offer sufficient
sa nxT perfof sancio. bail; - facio satisfy; give satisfaction, make
sapa, -ae/new wine, amends; (creditor) pay.
sapiens, -entis pres pof sapio ♦ adj wise, satisdatio, -onis/giving security,
discreet ♦ m wise man, philosopher; man of satisdo see satis,
taste. satisfacio see satis,
sapienter adv wisely, sensibly, satisfactio, -dnis/amends, apology,
sapientia, -ae/ wisdom, discernment; satisne adv quite, really,
philosophy; knowledge, satiuscomparo/satis; better, preferable,
sapio, -ere, -IvT and uT vi to have a flavour or sator, -oris m sower, planter; father;
taste; to have sense, be wise ♦ vt to taste of, promoter.
smell of, smack of; to understand, satrapes, -is m satrap (Persian governor).
sapor, -oris m taste, flavour; (food) delicacy; satur, -Tad; filled, sated; (fig) rich,
(fig) taste, refinement. satura, -ae/mixed dish; medley; (poem)
Sapphicus ad; see Sappho. satire; per -am confusingly,
Sappho, -US/ famous Greek lyric poetess, native satureia, -drum ntpi (plant) savory,
of Lesbos. saturitas, -atis/repletion; fulness, plenty.
sarcina, -ae/bundle, burden; (mil) pack. Saturnalia, -iumand iorum ntpt festival of

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -Tre = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
Saturnia-scTsco 194 LATIN-ENGLISH

Saturn in December. shoulders.

Saturnia, -iae/Juno. scapus, -7m shaft; (loom) yarnbeam.
Saturninus, -I m revolutionary tribune in 103 and scarus, -7m (fish) scar,
100 B.C. scatebra, -ae/gushing water,
Saturnius adj see n. scateo, -ere; -6, -ere vi to bubble up, gush
Saturnus, -T m Saturn (god of sowing, ruler of out; (fig) to abound, swarm,
the Golden Age)-, the planet Saturn, scaturigines, -umjpi springs,
saturo, -ire, -avT, -atum vt to fill, glut, scaturio, -Ire vi to gush out; (fig) to be full of.
satisfy; to disgust. scaurus adj large-ankled.
satus ppp of serd ♦ m son ♦ / daughter ♦ ntpi scelerate adv wickedly,
crops. sceleratus adj desecrated; wicked, infamous,
satus, -us m sowing, planting; begetting, accursed; pernicious,
satyriscus, -I m little satyr, scelero, -are vt to desecrate,
satyrus, -T m satyr, scelerosus adj vicious, accursed,
sauciatio, -onis/wounding, sceleste adv wickedly,
saucio, -are vt to wound, hurt, scelestus adj wicked, villainous, accursed;
saucius ad; wounded, hurt; ill, stricken. unlucky.
Sauromatae etc see Sarmatae, scelus, -erism wickedness, crime, sin;
saviatio, -dnis/kissing. (person) scoundrel; (event) calamity,
saviolum, -7m sweet kiss, seen-etc see scaen-.
savior, -arlvt to kiss, sceptrifer, -7 adj sceptered.
savium, -7and i7 m kiss, sceptrum, -7m staff, sceptre; kingship,
saxatilis adj rock- (in cpds). power.
saxetum, -7 nt rocky place, sceptuchus, -Im sceptre-bearer,
saxeus adj of rock, rocky, scheda etc see scida,
saxificus adj petrifying, schema, -ae/form, figure, style.
saxosus adj rocky, stony, Schoeneis, -eidis/ Atalanta.
saxulum, -7nt small rock, Schoeneius adj see Schoeneis.
saxum, -7 m rock, boulder; the Tarpeian Schoeneus, -el m father of Atalanta.
Rock. schoenobates, -ae m rope dancer,
scaber, -riadj rough, scurfy; mangy, itchy, schola, -ae/learned discussion, dissertation;
scabies, -em, -ej'roughness, scurf; mange, school; sect, followers,
itch. scholasticus adj of a school ♦ m rhetorician,
scabillum, -7 m stool; a castanet played with scida, -ae/sheet of paper,
the foot. sciens, -entis pres pof scio ♦ adj knowing,
scabo, -ere, scab! vt to scratch. purposely; versed in, acquainted with,
Scaea porta, -ae, -ae/ the west gate of scienter adv expertly,
Troy. scientia, -ae/knowledge, skill,
scaena, -ae/stage, stage setting; (fig) scilicet adv evidently, of course; (concessive)
limelight, public life; outward appearance, no doubt; (ironical) I suppose, of course,
pretext. scilla etc see squilla.
scaenalis adj theatrical, scindo, -ndere, -di, -ssum vt to cut open,
scaenicus adj stage- (in cpds), theatrical ♦ m tear apart, split, break down; to divide, part,
actor. scintilla, -ae/spark,
Scaevola, -ae m early Roman who burned his scintillo, -arevi to sparkle,
hand off before Porsenna; famous jurist of scintillula, -ae/little spark,
Cicero's day. scio, -Ire, -7vl, -itum vt to know; to have skill
scaevus adj on the left; perverse ♦ /omen, in; (with inf in) to know how to; quod ~iam as
scalae, -arum/pi steps, ladder, stairs, far as I know; ~itd you may be sure.
scalmus -7m tholepin, Sclpiades, -ae m Scipio,
scalpellum, -7nt scalpel, lancet, scipio, -onis m staff.
scalpo, -ere, -si, -turn vt to carve, engrave; to Scipio, -onis m famous Roman family name
scratch. (esp the conqueror of Hannibal Africanus);
scalprum, -7m knife, penknife; chisel, Aemilianus (destroyer of Carthage and patron
scalpurrio, -Ire vi to scratch. of literature).
Scamander, -rim river of Troy (also called scirpeus adj rush (in cpds) ♦ / wickerwork
Xanthus). frame.
scammonea, -ae/(plant) scammony. scirpiculus, -7m rush basket,
scamnum, -7m bench, stool; throne, scirpus, -7 m bulrush.
scando, -ere vt, vi to climb, mount, sciscitor, -arl, -atus; -6, -are vt to inquire; to
scapha, -ae/boa^ skiff, question.
scaphium, -7and il m a boat-shaped cup. scisco, -scere, -vi, -turn vt to inquire, learn;
scapulae, -arum/pt shoulder blades; (sol) to approve, decree, appoint.
LATIN-ENGLISH 195 scissus-secta

scissuspppof scindo ♦ adj split; (voice) harsh, scrutor, -ari, -atus vt to search, probe into,
scitamenta, -orum ntpi dainties, examine; to find out.
scite adv cleverly, tastefully, sculpo, -ere, -si, -turn vt to carve, engrave.
scitor, -ari, -atus vt, »i to inquire; to consult, sculponeae, -arum fpi clogs.
scitulus adj neat, smart, sculptilis adj carved.
scitum, -Int decree, statute, sculptor, -oris m sculptor.
scitus ppp of scid; ppp of seised ♦ adj clever, sculptus pppo/ sculpd.
shrewd, skilled; (words) sensible, witty; scurra, -ae m jester; dandy.
(appearance) fine, smart, scurrilis adj jeering.
scitus, -us m decree, scurrilitas, -atis/scurrility.
sciurus, -I m squirrel, scurror, -ari vi to play the fool.
sciviperfof scio; perfof scisco, scutale, -is nt sling strap.
scobis, -is/sawdust, filings, scutatus adj carrying a shield.
scomber, -rl m mackerel, scutella, -ae/bowl.
scopae, -arumjpi broom. scutica, -ae/whip.
Scopas, -ae m famous Greek sculptor. scutra, -ae/flat dish.
scopulosus adj rocky, scutula, -ae/small dish.
scopulus, -Im rock, crag, promontory; (fig) scutula/wooden roller; secret letter.
danger. scutulata, -ae/a checked garment.
scorpio, -dnis, -us and os, -I m scorpion; (mil) scutulum, -Int small shield.
a kind of catapult, scutum, -Int shield.
scortator, -oris m fornicator, Scylla, -ae/ dangerous rock or sea monster
scorteus adj of leather, (in the Straits of Messina).
scortor, -arivi to associate with harlots, Scyllaeus adj see Scylla.
scortum, -Int harlot, prostitute, scymnus, -I m cub.
screator, -oris m one who clears his throat scyphus, -Im wine cup.
noisily. Scyrius, -ias adj see Scyros.
screatus, -us m clearing the throat, Scyros and US, -I/ Aegean island near Euboea.
scriba, -ae m clerk, writer, scytala see scutula.
scribo, -bere, -psl, -ptum vt to write, draw; Scytha and es, -ae m Scythian.
to write down, describe; (document) to draw Scythia, -iae/Scythia (country N.E. of the Black
up; (law) to designate; (mil) to enlist, Sea).
scrinium, -land il nt book box, lettercase. Scythicus adj Scythian.
scriptio, -onis/ writing; composition; text, Scythis, -idis/Scythian woman.
scriptito, -are, -avl, -atum vt to write sepron himself, herself, itself, themselves;
regularly, compose. one another; apud - at home; in his senses;
scriptor, -drism writer, author; secretary; inter ~ mutually,
rerum - historian. sebum, -Int tallow, suet, grease,
scriptula, -drum ntpl lines of a squared secedo, -edere, -essi, -essum vi to
board. withdraw, retire; to revolt, secede,
scriptum, -Int writing, book, work; (law) secerno, -ernere, -revl, -return vt to
ordinance; duodecim ~a Twelve Lines (a separate, set apart; to dissociate; to
game played on a squared board). distinguish.
scriptura, -ae/ writing; composition; secessio, -onis/ withdrawal; secession,
document; (pol) tax on public pastures; (will) secessus, -usm retirement, solitude; retreat,
provision. recess.
scriptus ppp of scribo, secludo, -dere, -si, -sum vt to shut off,
scriptus, -us m clerkship, seclude; to separate, remove,
scripulum, -I nt small weight, scruple, seclusus ppp o/secludo ♦ adj remote,
scrobis, -is/ ditch, trench; grave, seed, -are, -ui, -turn vt to cut; to injure; to
scrofa, -ae/breeding sow. divide; (med) to operate on; (motion) to pass
scrofipascus, -I m pig breeder, through; (dispute) to decide,
scrupeus adj stony, rough, secretio, -onis/ separation,
scruposus adj rocky, jagged, secreto adv apart, in private, in secret,
scrupulosus adj stony, rough; ( fig) precise, secretum, -Int privacy, secrecy; retreat,
scrupulum etc see scripulum, remote place; secret, mystery,
scrupulus, -Im small sharp stone; (fig) secretus ppp o/ secerno ♦ adj separate;
uneasiness, doubt, scruple, solitary, remote; secret, private,
scrupus, -I m sharp stone; (fig) uneasiness, secta, -ae/path; method, way of life; (pol)
scruta, -drum ntpl trash. party; (philos) school.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
sectarius-semibos 196 LATIN-ENGL1SH

sectarius adj leading, seditiosus adj mutinous, factious;

sectator, -oris m follower, adherent, quarrelsome; troubled,
sectilis adj cut; for cutting, sedo, -are, -avT, -atum vt to calm, allay, lull,
sectio, -dnis/auctioning of confiscated seduco, -ucere, -uxT, -uctum vt to take
goods. away, withdraw; to divide,
sector, -oris m cutter; buyer at a public sale, seductio, -onis/taking sides,
sector, -an, -atus vt to follow regularly, seductus pppof seduco ♦ adj remote,
attend; to chase, hunt, sedulitas, -atis/earnestness, assiduity;
sectura, -ae/digging, officiousness.
sectus pppof seco, sedulo adv busily, diligently; purposely,
secubitus, -us m lying alone, sedulus adj busy, diligent, assiduous;
secubo, -are, -uT vi to sleep by oneself; to live officious.
alone. seges, -itis/cornfield; crop.
secuTperfo/ seed, Segesta, -ae/ town in N.W. Sicily.
secul- etc see saecul-. Segestanus adj see Segesta,
secum with himself etc. segmentatus adj flounced,
secundam, -orum mpi men of the second segmentum, -Tnt brocade,
legion. segne, -iter adv slowly, lazily,
secundarius adj second-rate, segnipes, -edis adj slow of foot,
secundo adv secondly, segnis adj slow, sluggish, lazy,
secundo, -are vt to favour, make prosper, segnitia, -ae and es, -em, -e/slowness,
secundum prep (place) behind, along; (time) sluggishness, sloth.
after; (rank) next to; (agreement) according segrego, -are, -avT, -atum vt to separate, put
to, in favour of ♦ adv behind, apart; to dissociate,
secundus adj following, next, second; seiugatus adj separated,
inferior; favourable, propitious, fortunate ♦ seiugis, -ism chariot and six.
fpl (play) subsidiary part; (fig) second fiddle seiunctim adv separately,
♦ ntpl success, good fortune; -6 flumine seiunctio, -onis/separation,
downstream; res ~ae prosperity, success, seiunctuspppo/seiungo.
securicula, -ae/little axe. seiungo, -gere, seiunxl, seiunctum vt to
securifer, -Tadj armed with an axe. separate, part,
securiger, -Tadj armed with an axe. selectio, -onis/choice,
securis, -is/axe; (fig) death blow; (pol) selectus ppp of seligo.
authority, supreme power, Seleucus, -I m king of Syria.
securitas, -atis/freedom from anxiety, selTbra, -ae/half pound,
composure; negligence; safety, feeling of seligo, -igere, -egT, -ectum vt to choose,
security. select.
securus adj untroubled, unconcerned; sella, -ae/seat, chair, stool, sedan chair; -
carefree, cheerful; careless, curulis chair of office for higher magistrates.
secus nt (indeef) sex. sellisternia, -orum ntpl sacred banquets to
secus adv otherwise, differently; badly; non - goddesses.
even so. sellula, -ae/stool; sedan chair,
secutor, -oris m pursuer, sellularius, -Tand iT m mechanic,
sed conj but; but also, but in fact, semanimusetesee semianimis,
sedate adv calmly, semel adv once; once for all; first; ever; -
sedatio, -onis/calming, atque iterum again and again; - aut iterum
sedatus pppof sedo ♦ adj calm, quiet, once or twice.
composed. Semele, -es/ mother of Bacchus.
sedecim num sixteen, Semeleius adj see Semele
sedecula, -ae/low stool, semen, -inis nt seed; (plant) seedling, slip;
sedentarius adj sitting, (men) race, child; (physics) particle; (fig)
sedeo, -ere, sedi, sessum vi to sit; (army) to origin, instigator,
be encamped, blockade; (magistrates) to be sementifer, -Tadj fruitful,
in session; (clothes) to suit, fit; (places) to be sementis, -is/sowing, planting; young corn.
low-lying; (heavy things) to settle, subside; sementTvusadj of seed time,
(weapons) to stick fast; (inactivity) to be idle; semermisetesee semiermis,
(thought) to be firmly resolved, semestris adj half-yearly, for six months,
sedes, -is/seat, chair; abode, home; site, semesus adj half-eaten,
ground, foundation. semet pron self, selves,
sedTper/o/ sedeo, semiadapertus udj half-open,
sedile, -is nt seat, chair, semianimis, -us adj half-dead,
seditio, -onis/insurrection, mutiny, semiapertus adj half-open,
seditiose adv seditiously. semibos, -ovisadj half-ox.
LATIN-ENGUSH 197 semicaper-sentio

semicaper, -riadj half-goat. Sempronius, -T m Roman family name (esp

semicrematus, semicremus adj half- the Gracchi).
burned. Sempronius, -ianus adj see n.
semicubitalis ad; half a cubit long, semuncia, -ae/ half an ounce; a twenty-
semideus ad; half-divine ♦ m demigod, fourth.
semidoctus ad; half-taught, semunciarius ad; (interest) at the rate of one
semiermis, -us adj half-armed, twenty-fourth.
semiesus ad; half-eaten, semustulatus adj half-burned,
semifactus od; half-finished, semustus adj half-burned,
semifer, -Tad; half-beast; half-savage. senaculum, -Tnt open air meeting place (of
Semigermanus ad; half-German, the Senate).
semigravis adj half-overcome, senariolus, -Tm little trimeter,
semigro, -are vi to go away, senarius, -Tand iTm (iambic) trimeter,
semihians, -antisadj half-opened, senator, -oris m senator,
semihomo, -inism half-man, half-human, senatorius adj senatorial, in the Senate,
semihora, -ae/half an hour, senatus, -us m Senate; meeting of the Senate,
semilacer, -Tad; half-mangled, senatusconsultum, -Tnt decree of the
semilautus ad; half-washed. Senate.
semilTber, -Tad; half-free, Seneca, -aem Stoic philosopher, tutor of Nero.
semilixa, -ae m not much better than a camp senecta, -ae/old age.
follower. senectus ad; old, aged,
semimarinus adj half in the sea. senectus, -utis/old age; old men.
semimas, -aris m hermaphrodite ♦ adj seneo, -ere vi to be old.
castrated. senesco, -escere, -uTvi to grow old; (fig) to
semimortuus adj half-dead, weaken, wane, pine away,
seminarium, -Tand iTnt nursery, seed plot, senex, -is (compar-tor)adj old (over 45) ♦ mlf
seminator, -oris m originator, old man, old woman.
seminecis adj half-dead, senT, -drum adj six each, in sixes; six; - deni
seminium, -Tand iT nt procreation; breed, sixteen each.
semino, -are vt to sow; to produce; to beget, senilis ad; of an old person, senile,
seminudus ad; half-naked; almost unarmed, senio, -onis m number six on a dice,
semipaganus ad; half-rustic, senior compar of senex.
semiplenus ad; half-full, half-manned, senium, -T and iT nt weakness of age, decline;
semiputatus ad; half-pruned. affliction; peevishness.
SemTramis, -is and idis / queen of Assyria. Senones, -um mpi tribe ofS. Gaul.
SemTramius ad; see n. sensT p erf of sentio,
semirasus ad; half-shaven, sensifer, -T adj sensory,
semireductus adj half turned back, sensilis ad; having sensation,
semirefectus ad; half-repaired, sensim adv tentatively, gradually,
semirutus ad; half-demolished, half in ruins, sensus pppo/sentio ♦ ntpi thoughts,
semis, -issis m (coin) half an as; (interest) ‘/z sensus, -usm (body) feeling, sensation,
per cent per month (/'.e. 6 per cent per annum)', sense; (intellect) understanding, judgment,
(area) half an acre, thought; (emotion) sentiment, attitude,
semisepultus ad; half-buried, frame of mind; (language) meaning, purport,
semisomnus adj half-asleep. sentence; communis - universal human
semisupTnus adj half lying back, feelings, human sympathy, social instinct,
semita, -ae/path, way. sententia, -ae/opinion, judgment; purpose,
semitalis ad; of byways, will; (law) verdict, sentence; (pol) vote,
semitarius adj frequenting byways, decision; (language) meaning, sentence,
semiust-etc see semust-. maxim, epigram; mea -a in my opinion; de
semivir, -Tad; half-man; emasculated; mea ~a in accordance with my wishes; ex
unmanly. mea -a to my liking; ex animi mei -a to the
semivTvus adj half-dead, best of my knowledge and belief; in -am
semodius, -Tand iT m half a peck, pedibus ire support a motion,
semotus pppo/semoveo ♦ adj remote; sententiola, -ae/phrase.
distinct^ sententiose adv pointedly,
semoveo, -overe, -6vT, -otum vt to put sententiosus adj pithy,
aside, separate. senticetum, -T nt thornbrake.
semper adv always, ever, every time, sentina, -ae/bilge water; (fig) dregs, scum,
sempiternus adj everlasting, lifelong. sentio, -Tre, sensi, sensum vt (senses) to

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -art = 1st; -are = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
sentis-Sertorianus 198 LATIN-ENGLISH

feel, see, perceive; (circs) to experience, sepulcrum, -int grave, tomb,

undergo; (mind) to observe, understand; sepultura, -ae/burial, funeral,
(opinion) to think, judge; (law) to vote, sepultuspppo/sepelio.
decide. Sequana, -ae/river Seine.
sentis, -ism thorn, brier, Sequani, -drum mpi people ofN. Gaul.
sentisco, -erevt to begin to perceive, sequax, -acis ad; pursuing, following,
sentus adj thorny; untidy, sequens, -entis pres pof sequor ♦ adj
senulpeifo/ senesco, following, next.
seorsum, seorsus adv apart, differently, sequester, -ri and ris m trustee, agent,
separabilis ad; separable, mediator.
separatim adv apart, separately, sequestrum, -rim deposit,
separatio, -dnis/separation, severing, sequius comparo/secus; otherwise; nihilo -
separatius adv less closely, nonetheless.
separatus ad; separate, different, sequor, -qui, -cutus vt, vi to follow; to
separo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to part, separate, accompany, go with; (time) to come after,
divide; to distinguish, come next, ensue; (enemy) to pursue;
sepelio, -eiTre, -eliviand elil, -ultum vt to (objective) to make for, aim at; (pulling) to
bury; (fig) to overwhelm, overcome, come away easily; (share, gift) to go to, come
sepia, -ae/cuttlefish. to; (words) to come naturally,
Seplasia, -ae/ street in Capua where perfumes sera, -ae/door bolt, bar.
were sold. Serapeum, -eint temple of Serapis.
sepono, -onere, -osuT, -ositum vt to put Serapis, -is and idis m chief Egyptian god.
aside, pick out; to reserve; to banish; to serenitas, -atis/fair weather,
appropriate; to separate, serend, -are vt to clear up, brighten up.
seposituspppo/ sepono ♦ ad; remote; serenus adj fair, clear; (wind) fair-weather;
distinct, choice, (fig) cheerful, happy ♦ nt clear sky, fair
sepse pron oneself, weather.
septem num seven. Seres, -um mpi Chinese,
September, -ris m September ♦ ad; of seresco, -ere vi to dry off.
September. seria, -ae/tall jar.
septemdecim etc see septendecim, serica, -drum ntpi silks.
septemfluus ad; with seven streams, Sericus ad; Chinese; silk.
septemgeminus ad; sevenfold, series, -em, -e/row, sequence, succession.
septemplex, -icis ad; sevenfold, seridadv in earnest, seriously.
septemtrid etc see septentriones, seriola, -ae/small jar.
septemviralis adj of the septemviri ♦ mpi the Seriphius adj see Seriphus.
septemviri. Seriphus (-os), -i/Aegean island,
septemviratus, -us m office of septemvir, serius ad; earnest, serious,
septemviri, -orum mpi board of seven serius comparo/sero.
officials. sermo, -dnis m conversation, talk; learned
septenarius, -Tand ii m verse of seven feet, discussion, discourse; common talk,
septendecim num seventeen, rumour; language, style; every day
septeni, -orum adj seven each, in sevens, language, prose; (pf) Satires (of Horace),
septentrio, -dnis m, -ones, -onum mpi Great sermocinor, -arivi to converse,
Bear, Little Bear; north; north wind, sermunculus, -im gossip, rumour,
septentrionalis adj northern ♦ ntp! northern sero, -ere, sevi, -satum vt to sow, plant; (fig)
regions. to produce, sow the seeds of.
septiens, -esadv seven times, sero, -ere, -turn vt to sew, join, wreathe; (fig)
septimani, -orum mpi men of the seventh to compose, devise, engage in.
legion. sero (compar-ius) adv late; too late,
septimum adv for the seventh time; ~ serpens, -entis mlf snake, serpent;
decimus seventeenth, (constellation) Draco.
septimus ad; seventh, serpentigena, -ae m offspring of a serpent,
septingentesimus ad; seven hundredth, serpentipes, -edis adj serpent-footed,
septingenti, -drum adj seven hundred, serperastra, -orumntpi splints,
septuagesimus ad; seventieth, serpd, -ere, -si, -turn vi to creep, crawl; (fig)
septuaginta adj seventy, to spread slowly,
septuennis adj seven years old. serpyllum, -int wild thyme,
septumus ad; see septimus, serra, -ae/saw.
septunx, -uncis m seven ounces, seven- serracum etc see sarracum.
twelfths. serratus adj serrated, notched,
sepulcralis ad; funeral, serrula, -ae/small saw.
sepulcretum, -im cemetery. Sertorianus adj see Sertorius.
LATIN-ENGLISH 199 Sertorius-SicanT

Sertorius, -I m commander under Marius, who sestertius, -land il m sesterce, a silver coin.
held out against Sulla in Spain. Sestius, -I m tribune defended by Cicero.
sertus ppp of sero ♦ ntpl garlands, Sestius, -ianusadj of a Sestius.
serum, -T nt whey, serum, Sestos (-us), -T/town on Dardanelles (home
serum, -Tnt late hour. of Hero).
serusadj late; too late; -a nocte late at night, Sestus adj see Sestos,
serva, -ae/maidservant, slave, set- etc see saet-.
servabilis adj that cannot be saved, Setia, -iae/ town in S. Latium (famous for
servator, -oris m deliverer; watcher, wine).
servatrix, -Icis/deliverer, Setialnusadj see Setia,
servilis adj of slaves, servile, setius compar of secus,
serviliter adv slavishly. seu etc see sfve.
Servilius, -I m Roman family name of many severe adv sternly, severely,
consuls. severitis, -itis/strictness, austerity,
Servilius, -anus adj see n. severus adj strict, stern; severe, austere;
servio, -Ire, -Ivland i i, -Ttum vi to be a slave; grim, terrible.
(with dat) to serve, be of use to, be good for; sevl perf of sero.
(property) to be mortgaged, sevoco, -ire vt to call aside; to withdraw,
servitium, -land ilnt slavery, servitude; remove.
slaves. sevum etc see sebum.
servitudo, -inis/slavery, Sex num six.
servitus, -utis/slavery, service; slaves; sexagenarius adj sixty years old.
(property) liability. sexageni, -drum adj sixty each,
Servius, -I m sixth king of Rome; famous jurist of sexagesimus adj sixtieth,
Cicero's day. sexigiens, -es adv sixty times,
servo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to save, rescue; to sexiginti num sixty,
keep, preserve, retain; to store, reserve; to sexangulus adj hexagonal,
watch, observe, guard; (place) to remain in. sexcen- etc see sescen-.
servolus, -Im young slave, sexcenarius adj of six hundred,
servos, -I m see servus, sexennis adj six years old, after six years,
servula, -ae/servant girl, sexennium, -land il nt six years,
servulus, -I m young slave, sexiens, -es adv six times,
servus, -I m slave, servant ♦ adj slavish, sexprimi, -drum mpi a provincial town,
serving; (property) liable to a burden, council.
sescenaris adj a year and a half old. sextadeciminl, -drum mpl men of the
sescenl, -drum adj six hundred each, sixteenth legion.
sescentesimusad; six hundredth, sextins, -antis m a sixth; (coin, weight) a sixth
sescenti, -orum num six hundred; an of an as.
indefinitely large number, sextarius, -land ilm pint.
sescentiens, -esadv six hundred times, Sextilis, -is m August ♦ adj of August,
sese etc see se. sextula, -ae/a sixth of an ounce,
seselis, -is/(plant) seseli, sextum adv for the sixth time,
sesqui adv one and a half times, sextus adj sixth; - decimus sixteenth,
sesquialter, -Iadj one and a half, sexus, -us m sex.
sesquimodius, -land ilm a peck and a half, si conj if; if only; to see if; si forte in the hope
sesquioctavus adj of nine to eight, that; si iam assuming for the moment; si
sesquiopus, -eris nt a day and a half’s work, minus if not; si quando whenever; si quidem
sesquipedalis adj a foot and a half, if indeed; since; si quis if anyone, whoever;
sesquipes, -edis m a foot and a half, mirum si surprising that; quod si and if, but
sesquiplaga, -ae/a blow and a half, if.
sesquiplex, -icis adj one and a half times, sibila, -drum ntpi whistle, hissing,
sesquitertius adj of four to three, sibild, -are vi to hiss, whistle ♦ vt to hiss at.
sessilis adj for sitting on. sibilus, -Im whistle, hissing,
sessio, -dnis/sitting; seat; session; loitering, sibilus adj hissing.
sessito, -are, -avivi to sit regularly, Sibulla, Sibylla, -ae/prophetess, Sibyl.
sessiuncula, -ae/small meeting, Sibyllinus adj see Sibylla.
sessor, -drism spectator; resident, sic adv so, thus, this way, as follows; as one is,
sestertium, -Int 1000 sesterces; dena ~ia as things are; on this condition; yes.
10,000 sesterces; centena milia -tum 100,000 sica, -ae/dagger.
sesterces; deciens -ium 1,000,000 sesterces. Sicani, -orum mpl ancient people of Italy

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
Sicania-simulans 200 LATIN-ENGLISH

(later of Sicily). in order.

Sicania, -iae/Sicily. Sila, -ae/ forest in extreme S. Italy
Sicanus, -ius adj Sicanian, Sicilian, silanus, -Im fountain, jet of water,
sicarius, -Tand iTm assassin, murderer, silens, -entis pres pof sileo ♦ adj still, silent ♦
sicce adv (speech) firmly, mpl the dead.
siccitas, -atis/dryness, drought; (body) silentium, -land il nt stillness, silence; (fig)
firmness; (style) dullness, standstill, inaction.
sicco, -are, -avl, -atum vt to dry; to drain, Silenus, -I m old and drunken companion of
exhaust; (sore) to heal up. Bacchus.
siccoculus adj dry-eyed, sileo, -ere, -ulvi to be still, be silent; to cease
siccus adj dry; thirsty, sober; (body) firm, ♦ vt to say nothing about,
healthy; (argument) solid, sound; (style) flat, siler, -is nt willow.
dull ♦ nt dry land. silesco, -ere vi to calm down, fall silent,
Sicilia, -ae/Sicily. silex, -icis m flint, hard stone; rock,
sicilicula, -ae/little sickle. silicernium, -I and il nt funeral feast,
Siciliensis, -s, -disadj Sicilian. sifigo, -inis/winter wheat; fine flour,
sTcine is this how? siliqua, -ae/pod, husk; (pf) pulse,
slcubi adv if anywhere, wheresoever. sillybus, -Im label bearing a book’s title.
Siculus adj Sicilian. Silures, -um mpl British tribe in S. Wales.
sTcundeadv if from anywhere, silurus, -Tm sheatfish.
slcut, slcutladv just as, as in fact; silus adj snub-nosed,
(comparison) like, as; (example) as for silva, -ae/wood, forest; plantation,
instance; (with subj) as if. shrubbery; (plant) flowering stem; (lit)
Sicyon, -onis/ town in N. Peloponnese. material.
Sicyonius adj see Sicyon, Silvanus, -Tm god of uncultivated land.
sidereus adj starry; (fig) radiant. silvesco, -ere vi to run to wood,
Sidicini, -orummpi people of Campania. silvestris adj wooded, forest- (in cpds); wild;
Sidicinus adj seen. pastoral.
sldo, -ere, -Ivi to sit down, settle; to sink, silvicola, -ae m//sylvan,
subside; to stick fast. silvicultrix, -icisadj living in the woods,
Sidon, -onis/ famous Phoenician town. silvifragus adj tree-breaking,
Sidonis, -onidisadj Phoenician ♦/Europa; silvosus adj woody,
Dido. slmia, -ae/ape.
Sidonius adj Sidonian, Phoenician, simile, -is nt comparison, parallel,
sidus, -eris nt constellation; heavenly body, similis adj like, similar; - atque like what; veri
star; season, climate, weather; destiny; (pi) - probable.
sky; (fig) fame, glory, similiter adv similarly.
siem archaic subj of sum. similitudo, -inis/likeness, resemblance;
Sigambrietc see Sugambri. imitation; analogy; monotony; (rhst) simile,
Sigeum, -Tnt promontory near Troy. simiolus, -Tm monkey,
SIgeus, -ius adj Sigean. simitu adv at the same time, together,
sigilla, -orum ntpl little figures; seal, simius, -land ilm ape.
sigillatus adj decorated with little figures, Simols, -entis m river of Troy.
signator, -oris m witness (to a document), Simonides, -is m Greek lyric poet of Ceos
signifer, -Iadj with constellations; - orbis (famous for dirges).
Zodiac ♦ m (mil) standard-bearer, Simonideus adj see n.
significanter adv pointedly, tellingly, simplex, -icisadj single, simple; natural,
significatio, -onis/indication, signal, token; straightforward; (character) frank, sincere,
sign of approval; (rhct) emphasis; (word) simplicitas, -atis/singleness; frankness,
meaning. innocence.
significo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to indicate, simpliciter adv simply, naturally; frankly,
show; to betoken, portend; (word) to mean, simplum, -Tnt simple sum.
signo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to mark, stamp, simpulum, -Int small ladle; excitare fluctus in
print; (document) to seal; (money) to coin, ~6 = raise a storm in a teacup.
mint; (fig) to impress, designate, note, simpuvium, -land iint libation bowl,
signum, -Tnt mark, sign, token; (mil) standard; simul adv at the same time, together, at once;
signal, password; (art) design, statue; likewise, also; both ... and; - ac atque, ut as
(document) seal; (astro) constellation; ~a soon as ♦ conj as soon as.
conferre join battle; -a constituere halt; -a simulacrum, -Int likeness, image, portrait,
convertere wheel about; -a ferre move camp; statue; phantom, ghost; (writing) symbol;
attack; -a inferre attack; -a proferre (fig) semblance, shadow,
advance; -a sequi march in order; ab -is simulamen, -inism copy,
discedere leave the ranks; sub -Is Ire march simulans, -antis pres pof simulo ♦ adj
LATIN-ENGLISH 201 simulate-socio

imitative. sirempse adj the same.

simulate adv deceitfully, Siren, -enis/Siren.
simulatio, -onis/pretence, shamming, slris, slritperfsubjo/sino.
hypocrisy. Sirius, -I m Dog Star ♦ adj of Sirius,
simulator, -oris m imitator; pretender, sirpe, -is nt silphium,
hypocrite. sirus, -I m corn pit.
simulatque conj as soon as. sis (for si vis) adv please,
simulo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to imitate, sisto, -ere, stiti, statum vt to place, set,
represent; to impersonate; to pretend, plant; (law) to produce in court; (monument)
counterfeit. to set up; (movement) to stop, arrest, check ♦
simultas, -atis/feud, quarrel, vi to stand, rest; (law) to appear in court;
simulusadj snub-nosed, (movement) to stand still, stop, stand firm; se
slmus adj snub-nosed, - appear, present oneself; tutum - see safe;
sin conj but if; - aliter, minus but if not. vadimonium - duly appear in court; ~7 non
sinapi, -isnt, -is, -is/mustard. potest the situation is desperate,
sincere adv honestly, sistrum, -Tm Egyptian rattle, cymbal,
sinceritas, -atis/integrity, sisymbrium, -Iand i!nt fragrant herb,
sincerus adj clean, whole, genuine; (fig) pure, perhaps mint.
sound, honest. Sisyphius adj, -ides, -idae m Ulysses.
sincipitamentum, -Tm half a head, Sisyphus, -I m criminal condemned in Hades to
sinciput, -itis m half a head; brain, roll a rock repeatedly up a hill.
sine prep (with abl) without, -less (in cpds). sitella, -ae/lottery urn.
singillatim adv singly, one by one. Sithonis, -idis adj Thracian.
singularis adj one at a time, single, sole; Sithonius adj Thracian.
unique, extraordinary, siticulosus adj thirsty, dry.
singulariter adv separately; extremely, sitiens, -entis pres pof sitio ♦ adj thirsty, dry;
singularius adj single, parching; (fig) eager,
singuli, -drum adj one each, single, one. sitienter adv eagerly.
singultim adv in sobs, sitio, -Ire vi to be thirsty; to be parched ♦ vt to
singulto, -arevi to sob, gasp, gurgle ♦ vt to thirst for, covet,
gasp out. sitis, -is/ thirst; drought.
singultus, -usm sob, gasp, death rattle, sittybus etc see sillybus,
singulus etc see singuli situla, -ae/bucket.
sinister, -rladj left; (fig) perverse, situs pppof sino ♦ adj situated, lying; founded;
unfavourable; (Roman auspices) lucky; (fig) dependent.
(Greekauspices) unlucky, situs, -US m situation, site; structure; neglect,
sinistra, -rae/left hand, left-hand side, squalor, mould; (mind) dullness,
sinistre adv badly, slve conj or if; or; whether ... or.
sinistrorsus, -um adv to the left, sTvTpet/o/sino.
sino, -ere, sivi, situm vt to let, allow; to let smaragdus, -Imlf emerald,
be; ne di slrint God forbid! smilax, -acis/bindweed.
Sinope, -es/ Greek colony on the Black Sea. Smintheus, -elm Apollo.
Sinopensis, -eus adj see Sinope. Smyrna, -ae/ Ionian town in Asia Minor.
Sinuessa, -a eftown on the borders of Latium Smyrnaeus adj see Smyrna.
and Campania. Sobol- etc see subol-.
Sinuessanus adj see Sinuessa, sobrie adv temperately; sensibly,
sinum etc see sinus. sobrina, -ae/cousin (on the mother's side).
sinuo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to wind, curve, sobrinus, -I m cousin (on the mother's side).
sinuosus adj winding, curved, sobrius adj sober; temperate, moderate;
sinus, -usm curve, fold; (fishing) net; (geog) (mind) sane, sensible.
bay, gulf, valley; (hair) curl; (ship) sail; (toga) soccus, -I m slipper (esp the sock worn by actors
fold, pocket, purse; (person) bosom; (fig) in comedy); comedy,
protection, love, heart, hiding place; in -0 socer, -Tm father-in-law.
gaudere be secretly glad, sociabilis adj compatible,
sinus, -Im large cup. socialis adj of allies, confederate; conjugal,
siparium, -Iand ilnt act curtain, socialiter adv sociably.
slpho, -onism siphon; fire engine, sociennus^-1 m friend,
siquando adv if ever. societas, -atis/fellowship, association;
siqul, slquispron if any, if anyone, whoever, alliance.
siquidem adv if in fact ♦ conj since. socio, -are, -avi, -atum vt to unite, associate,

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -Ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
sociofraudus-sonor 202 LATIN-ENGLISH

share. sollicitatio, -onis/inciting.

sociofraudus, -T m deceiver of friends, sollicito, -are, -avl, -atum vt to stir up,
socius adj associated, allied ♦ m friend, disturb; to trouble, distress, molest; to
companion; partner, ally, rouse, urge, incite, tempt, tamper with,
socordia, -ae/indolence, apathy; folly, sollicitudo, -inis/uneasiness, anxiety,
socordius adv more carelessly, lazily, sollicitus adj agitated, disturbed; (mind)
socors, -dis adj lazy, apathetic; stupid. troubled, worried, alarmed; (things) anxious,
Socrates, -is m famous Athenian philosopher. careful; (cause) disquieting,
Socraticus adj of Socrates, Socratic ♦ mpl the solliferreum etc see soliferreum,
followers of Socrates, sollistimus etc see solistimus,
socrus, -us/mother-in-law. soloecismus, -Im grammatical mistake.
sodalicium, -Iand iint fellowship; secret Solon, -onism famous Athenian lawgiver.
society. solor, -ari, -atus vt to comfort, console; to
sodalicius adj of fellowship, relieve, ease.
sodalis, -is mJf companion, friend; member of solstitialis adj of the summer solstice;
a society, accomplice. midsummer.
sodalitas, -atis/companionship, friendship; solstitium, -land il nt summer solstice;
society, club; secret society. midsummer, summer heat,
sodalitius etc see sodalicius, solum, -T nt ground, floor, bottom; soil, land,
sodes adv please. country; (foot) sole; (fig) basis; -6 aequare
sol, solis m sun; sunlight, sun’s heat; (poetry) raze to the ground,
day; (.myth) Sun god; - oriens, -is ortus east; solum adv only, merely.
- occidens, -is occasus west, solus (gen -Ius, dat -I) see vicis; adj only, alone;
solaciolum, -T nt a grain of comfort, lonely, forsaken; (place) lonely, deserted,
solacium, -land iTnt comfort, consolation, solute adv loosely, freely, carelessly, weakly,
relief. fluently.
solamen, -inis nt solace, relief, solutio, -onis/loosening; payment,
solaris adj of the sun. solutuspppof solvo ♦ adj loose, free; (from
solarium, -land ilnt sundial; clock; balcony, distraction) at ease, at leisure, merry; (from
terrace. obligation) exempt; (from restraint) free,
solatium etc see solacium, independent, unprejudiced; (moral) lax,
solator, -oris m consoler, weak, insolent; (language) prose,
soldurii, -orum mpl retainers, unrhythmical; (speaker) fluent; oratio -a,
soldus etc see solidus, verba -a prose.
solea, -ae/sandal, shoe; fetter; (fish) sole, solvo, -vere, -vi, -utum vt to loosen, undo; to
solearius, -land i! m sandal maker, free, release, acquit, exempt; to dissolve,
soleatus adj wearing sandals, break up, separate; to relax, slacken,
soleo, -ere, -itus vi to be accustomed, be in weaken; to cancel, remove, destroy; to
the habit, usually do; ut - as usual, solve, explain; to pay, fulfil; (argument) to
solide adv for certain, refute; (discipline) to undermine; (feelings) to
soliditas, -atis/solidity, get rid of; (hair) to let down; (letter) to open;
solido, -are vt to make firm, strengthen, (sail) to unfurl; (siege) to raise; (troops) to
solidus adj solid, firm, dense; whole, dismiss ♦ vi to set sail; to pay; navem - set
complete; (fig) sound, genuine, substantial sail; poenas - be punished; praesens - pay
♦ nt solid matter, firm ground, cash; rem - pay; sacramento - discharge;
soliferreum, -int an all-iron javelin, -vendo esse be solvent.
solistimus adj (aug) most favourable, Solyma, -orum ntpi Jerusalem.
solitarius adj solitary, lonely, Solymus adj of the Jews,
solitudo, -inis/solitariness, loneliness; somniculose adv sleepily,
destitution; (place) desert, somniculosus adj sleepy,
solitus ppa of soled ♦ adj usual, customary ♦ nt somnifer, -T adj soporific; fatal,
custom; plus -6 more them usual, somnio, -are vt to dream, dream about; to
solium, -land il nt seat, throne; tub; (fig) rule, talk nonsense.
solivagus adj going by oneself; single, somnium, -land ilm dream; nonsense, fancy.
sollemne, -is nt religious rite, festival; usage, somnus, -Tm sleep; sloth.
practice. sonabilis adj noisy.
sollemnis adj annual, regular; religious, sonipes, -edis m steed.
solemn; usual, ordinary, sonitus, -usm sound, noise.
sollemniter adv solemnly, sonivius adj noisy.
sollers, -tis adj skilled, clever, expert; sono, -are, -ul, -itum vi to sound, make a
ingenious. noise ♦ vt to utter, speak, celebrate; to sound
sollerter adv cleverly, like.
sollertia, -ae/skill, ingenuity. sonor, -orism sound, noise.
LATIN-ENGLISH 203 sonorus-speculatorius

sonorus adj noisy, loud, spadix, -Icis adj chestnut-brown,

sons, sontis adj guilty, spado, -onis m eunuch,
sonticus adj critical; important, spargo, -gere, -si, -sum vt to throw, scatter,
sonus, -Tm sound, noise; (fig) tone, sprinkle; to strew, spot, moisten; to
sophistes, -aem sophist. disperse, spread abroad,
Sophocles, -is m famous Greek tragic poet. sparsus pppo/spargo ♦ adj freckled.
Sophocleus adj of Sophocles, Sophoclean. Sparta, -ae, -e, -es/ famous Greek city.
sophus adj wise. Spartacus, -I m gladiator who led a revolt
sopio, -Tre, -TvT, -Ttum vt to put to sleep; (fig) against Rome.
to calm, lull. Spartanus, -icusadj Spartan.
sopor, -oris m sleep; apathy, Spartiates, -iatae m Spartan,
soporifer, -Tadj soporific, drowsy, spartum, -Int Spanish broom,
soporo, -are vt to lull to sleep; to make sparulus, -Tm bream,
soporific. sparus, -Tm hunting spear,
soporus adj drowsy. spatha, -ae/broadsword,
Soracte, -is nt mountain in S. Etruria. spatior, -ari, -atus vi to walk; to spread,
sorbeo, -ere, -uivt to suck, swallow; (fig) to spatiose adv greatly; after a time,
endure. spatiosus adj roomy, ample, large; (time)
sorbillo, -are vt to sip. prolonged.
sorbitio, -onis/drink, broth, spatium, -Iand il nt space, room, extent;
sorbum, -int service berry, (between points) distance; (open space)
sorbus, -if service tree, square, walk, promenade; (race) lap, track,
sordeo, -ere vi to be dirty, be sordid; to seem course; (time) period, interval; (opportunity)
shabby; to be of no account, time, leisure; (metre) quantity,
sordes, -is/ dirt, squalor, shabbiness; species, -el/ seeing, sight; appearance, form,
mourning; meanness; vulgarity; (people) outline; (thing seen) sight; (mind) idea; (in
rabble. sleep) vision, apparition; (fair show) beauty,
sordesco, -ere vi to become dirty, splendour; (false show) pretence, pretext;
sordidatus adj shabbily dressed, in (classification) species; in ~em for the sake of
mourning. appearances; like; per -em under the
sordide adv meanly, vulgarly, pretence; sub ~e under the cloak,
sordidulus adj soiled, shabby, specillum, -Int probe,
sordidus adj dirty, squalid, shabby; in specimen, -inis nt sign, evidence, proof;
mourning; poor, mean; base, vile, pattern, ideal,
sorex, -icism shrewmouse. speciose adv handsomely,
soricinus adj of the shrewmouse. speciosus adj showy, beautiful; specious,
sorites, -ae m chain syllogism, plausible.
soror, -oris/sister, spectabilis adj visible; notable, remarkable,
sororicida, -ae m murderer of a sister, spectaclum, spectaculum, -Int sight,
sororius adj of a sister, spectacle; public show, play; theatre, seats,
sors, sortis/lot; allotted duty; oracle, spectamen, -inis nt proof,
prophecy; fate, fortune; (money) capital, spectatio, -onis/ looking; testing,
principal. spectator, -oris m onlooker, observer,
sorsum etc see seorsum, spectator; critic,
sortilegus adj prophetic ♦ m soothsayer, spectatrix, -Icis/observer.
sortior, -Iri, -Itus vi to draw or cast lots ♦ vt to spectatus pppo/ specto ♦ adj tried, proved;
draw lots for, allot, obtain by lot; to worthy, excellent.
distribute, share; to choose; to receive, spectio, -onis/the right to take auspices,
sortitio, -onis/drawing lots, choosing by lot. specto, -are, -avl, -atum vt to look at,
sortitusppaof sortior ♦ adj assigned, allotted; observe, watch; (place) to face; (aim) to look
-6 by lot. to, bear in mind, contemplate, tend towards;
sortitus, -us m drawing lots. (judging) to examine, test,
Sosius, -Im Roman family name (esp two spectrum, -Int spectre,
brothers Sosii, famous booksellers in Rome). specula, -ae/ watchtower, lookout; height,
sospes, -itis adj safe and sound, unhurt; specula, -ae/slight hope,
favourable, lucky, speculabundus adj on the lookout,
sospita, -ae/saviour, specularis adj transparent ♦ ntpl window,
sospitalis adj beneficial, speculator, -oris m explorer, investigator;
sospito, -are vt to preserve, prosper, (mil) spy, scout.
soter, -eris m saviour. speculatorius adj for spying, scouting ♦ /spy

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
speculatrix-squilla 204 LATIN-ENGLISH

boat. spolio, -are, -avl, -atum vt to strip; to rob,

speculatrix, -Teis/watcher, plunder.
speculor, -an, -atus vt to spy out, watch for, spolium, -land il nt (beast) skin; (enemy)
observe. spoils, booty.
speculum, -Int mirror, sponda, -ae/bed frame; bed, couch,
specus, -us m, nt cave; hollow, chasm, spondilium, -I and il nt hymn accompanied by
spelaeum, -Int cave, den. the flute.
spelunca, -ae/cave, den. spondeo, -ere, spopondi, sponsum vt to
sperabilis adj to be hoped for. promise, pledge, vow; (law) to go bail for;
sperata, -atae/bride. (marriage) to betroth,
Spercheis, -idis adj see Spercheus spondeus, -Im spondee,
Spercheus (-os), -7 m river in Thessaly. spongia, -ae/sponge; coat of mail,
sperno, -ere, sprevi, spretum vt to remove, sponsa, -ae/fianc6e, bride,
reject, scorn. sponsalia, -ium ntpi engagement,
sperd, -are, -avl, -atum vt to hope, hope for, sponsio, -onis/promise, guarantee; (law)
expect; to trust; to look forward to. agreement that the loser in a suit pays the
spes, speT/hope, expectation; praeter spem winner a sum; bet.
unexpectedly; spe deiectus disappointed. sponsor, -oris m guarantor, surety,
Speusippus, -i m successor of Plato in the sponsuspppo/sponded ♦ m fianc6,
Academy. bridegroom ♦ nt agreement, covenant,
sphaera, -ae/ball, globe, sphere. sponsus, -us m contract, surety.
Sphinx, -ingis/ fabulous monster near Thebes. sponte/(abl) voluntarily, of one’s own
spTca, -ad f (grain) ear; (plant) tuft; (astro) accord; unaided, by oneself; spontaneously,
brightest star in Virgo. spopondi perfof spondeo
spTceus adj of ears of corn. sportella, -ae/fruit basket,
spTculum, -Int point, sting; dart, arrow, sportula, -ae/small basket; gift to clients,
spina, -ae/thorn; prickle; fish bone; spine, dole.
back; (pi) difficulties, subtleties, spretio, -onis/contempt,
spinetum, -Int thorn hedge, spretor, -drism despiser.
spineus adj of thorns, spretus ppp of sperno,
spinifer, -I adj prickly. sprevi perfof sperno,
spinosus adj thorny, prickly; (style) difficult, spuma, -ae/foam, froth,
spinter, -eris nt elastic bracelet, spumesco, -ere vi to become frothy,
splnus, -I/blackthorn, sloe, spumeus adj foaming, frothy,
splra, -ae/coil; twisted band, spumifer, -Iadj foaming,
spirabilis adj breathable, life-giving, spumiger, -lad; foaming,
spiraculum, -7 nt vent, spumo, -are vi to foam, froth,
spiramentum, -Int vent, pore; breathing spumosus adj foaming,
space. spud, -uere, -ul, -utum vi to spit ♦ vt to spit
spiritus, -us m breath, breathing; breeze, air; out.
inspiration; character, spirit, courage, spurce adv obscenely,
arrogance. spurcidicus adj obscene,
splrd, -are, -avl, -atum vi to breathe, blow; to spurcificus adj obscene,
be alive; to be inspired ♦ vt to emit, exhale; spurcitia, -ae and es, -el/filth, smut,
(fig) to breathe, express, spurco, -are vt to befoul,
spissatus adj condensed, spurcus adj filthy, nasty, foul,
spisse adv closely; slowly, sputatilicus adj despicable.'
spissesco, -erevi to thicken, sputator, -oris m spitter.
spissus adj thick, compact, crowded; slow; sputo, -are vt to spit out.
(fig) difficult. sputum, -Int spit, spittle,
splendeo, -ere vt to be bright, shine; to be squaleo, -ere, -uTvi to be rough, stiff, clotted;
illustrious. to be parched; to be neglected, squalid,
splendesco, -erevi to become bright, filthy; to be in mourning,
splendide adv brilliantly, magnificently, squalide adv rudely,
nobly. squalidus adj rough, scaly; neglected,
splendidus adj bright, brilliant, glittering; squalid, filthy; (speech) unpolished,
(sound) clear; (dress, house) magnificent; squalor, -oris m roughness; filth, squalor,
(person) illustrious; (appearance) showy, squama, -ae/scale; scale armour,
splendor, -oris m brightness, lustre; squameus adj scaly,
magnificence; clearness; nobility, squamifer, -7adj scaly,
spoliatio, -dnis/plundering. squamiger, -7adj scaly ♦ mpi fishes,
spoliator, -oris m robber, squamosus adj scaly,
spoliatrix, -Tcis/robber. squilla, -ae/prawn, shrimp.
LATIN-ENGUSH 205 st-stlpendium

St inter? sh! statutus ppp of statuo,

stabilimentum, -Tnt support, stega, -ae/deck.
stabilio, -Ire vt to make stable; to establish, stelio see stellio.
stabilisadj firm, steady; (fig) steadfast, Stella, -ae/star; - errans planet.
unfailing. stellans, -antis adj starry.
stabilitas, -atis/firmness, steadiness, stellatus adj starred; set in the sky.
reliability. stellifer, -Iadj starry.
stabulo, -are vt to house, stable ♦ vi to have a stelliger, -Iadj starry.
stall. stellio, -onis m newt.
stabulum, -Tnt stall, stable, steading; lodging, stemma, -tis nt pedigree.
cottage; brothel, stercoreus adj filthy.
stacta, -ae/myrrh oil. stercoro, -are vt to manure.
Stadium, -land itnt stade, furlong; racetrack. stercus, -orism dung.
Stagira, -orum ntpl town in Macedonia sterilis adj barren, sterile; bare, empty;
(birthplace of Aristotle). unprofitable, fruitless,
Stagirites, -Itaem Aristotle, sterilitas, -atis/barrenness.
stagno, -are vi to form pools; to be inundated sternax, -acis ad; bucking,
♦ vt to flood. sterno, -ere, stravi, stratum vt to spread,
stagnum, -Int standing water, pool, swamp; cover, strew; to smooth, level; to stretch out,
waters. extend; to throw to the ground, prostrate; to
stamen, -inism warp; thread; (instrument) overthrow; (bed) to make; (horse) to saddle;
string; (priest) fillet, (road) to pave.
stamineus adj full of threads. sternumentum, -Int sneezing,
Stata adj: Stata mater Vesta, sternuo, -ere, -Tvt, vi to sneeze.
statarius adj standing, stationary, steady; Sterope, -es/a Pleiad,
calm ♦ /refined comedy ♦ mpl actors in this sterquilinium, -land ii, l-um, -I) nt dung
comedy. heap.
statera, -ae/scales. sterto, -ere, -ul vi to snore.
statim adv steadily; at once, immediately; - ut Stesichorus, -Im Greek lyric poet.
as soon as. stetlpei/o/sto.
statio, -onis/standing still; station, post, Stheneleius and eis and eidis adj see n.
residence; (pi) sentries; (naut) anchorage. Sthenelus, -Tm father of Eurystheus; father of
Statius, -Tm Caecilius (early writer of comedy)-, Cycnus.
Papinius (epic and lyric poet of the Silver Age). stigma, -tisnt brand,
stativus adj stationary ♦ ntpl standing camp, stigmatias, -aem branded slave,
stator, -oris m attendant, orderly. stilla, -ae/drop.
Stator, -oris m the Stayer (epithet of Jupiter). stillicidium, -i and ilnt dripping water,
statua, -ae/statue, rainwater from the eaves,
statumen, -inis nt (ship) rib. stillo, -are, -avl, -atum vi to drip, trickle ♦ vt
statuo, -uere, -ul, -utum vf to set up, place; to let fall in drops, distil,
to bring to a stop; to establish, constitute; to stilus, -Im stake; pen; (fig) writing,
determine, appoint; to decide, settle; to composition, style; -um vertere erase,
decree, prescribe; (with infin) to resolve, stimulatio, -onis/incentive.
propose; (with acc and infin) to judge, stimulatrix, -Icis/provocative woman,
consider, conclude; (army) to draw up; stimuleus adj smarting,
(monument) to erect; (price) to fix; (sentence) stimulo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to goad; to
to pass; (tent) to pitch; (town) to build; trouble, torment; to rouse, spur on, excite,
condicionem - dictate (to); finem - put an stimulus, -Tm goad; (mil) stake; (pain) sting,
end (to); ius ~ lay down a principle; modum pang; (incentive) spur, stimulus,
- impose restrictions; apud animum - make stinguo, -ere vt to extinguish,
up one’s mind; de se - commit suicide; stipatio, -onis/ crowd, retinue,
gravius - in deal severely with, stipator, -oris m attendant; (pf) retinue,
statura, -ae/height, stature, bodyguard.
status pppof sisto ♦ adj appointed, due. stipendiarius adj tributary, liable to a money
status, -usm posture, attitude; position; tax; (mil) receiving pay ♦ mpl tributary
(social) standing, status, circumstances; peoples.
(pol) situation, state, form of government; stipendium, -land ilnt tax tribute; soldier’s
(nature) condition; rei publicae - the political pay; military service, campaign; - merere,
situation; constitution; de ~u movere merer! serve; - emerer! complete one’s
dislodge. period of service.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd, -ere = 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
stlpes-stultus 206 LATIN-ENGLISH

stipes, -itism log, trunk; tree; (insult) strenue adv energetically, quickly,
blockhead. strenuitas, -atis/energy, briskness,
stipo, -are, -avT, -atum vt to press, pack strenuus adj brisk, energetic, busy; restless,
together; to cram, stuff full; to crowd round, strepito, -are vi to make a noise, rattle,
accompany in a body, rustle.
stips, stipis/donation, contribution, strepitus, -us m din, clatter, crashing,
stipula, -ae/stalk, blade, stubble; reed, rumbling; sound.
stipulatio, -onis/promise, bargain, strepo, -ere, -ulvi to make a noise, clang,
stipulatiuncula, -ae/ slight stipulation, roar, rumble, rustle etc ♦ vt to bawl out.
stipulatus adj promised, striata, -ae/scallop,
stipulor, -arivt, vi to demand a formal strictim adv superficially, cursorily,
promise, bargain, stipulate, strictura, -ae/mass of metal,
stiria, -ae/ icicle, strictus pppof stringo ♦ adj close, tight,
stirpes etc see stirps, strideo, -ere, -T; -6, -ere, -Tvi to creak, hiss,
stirpitus adj thoroughly, shriek, whistle.
stirps, -is/lower trunk and roots, stock; stridor, -oris m creaking, hissing, grating,
plant, shoot; family, lineage, progeny; stridulus adj creaking, hissing, whistling,
origin; ab ~e utterly, strigilis/scraper, strigil.
stiva, -ae/plough handle, strigo, -are vi to stop, jib.
stlattarius adj seaborne, strigosus adj thin, scraggy; (style) insipid,
sto, stare, steti, statum vi to stand; to stringo, -ngere, -nxl, -ctum vt to draw
remain in position, stand firm; to be together, draw tight; to touch, graze; to cut
conspicuous; (fig) to persist, continue; off, prune, trim; (sword) to draw; (mind) to
(battle) to go on; (hair) to stand on end; (naut) affect, pain.
to ride at anchor; (play) to be successful; stringor, -oris m twinge,
(price) to cost; (with ab, cum, pro) to be on strix, -igis/screech owl.
the side of, support; (with in) to rest, depend stropha, -ae/trick.
on; (with per) to be the fault of; stat sententia Strophades, -umfpi islands offS Greece.
one’s mind is made up; per Afranium stetit strophiarius, -land iim maker of
quominus dimicaretur thanks to Afranius breastbands.
there was no battle. strophium, -Tand iTnt breastband; headband,
Stoice adv like a Stoic. structor, -oris m mason, carpenter; (at table)
Stoicus adj Stoic ♦ m Stoic philosopher ♦ ntpl server, carver.
Stoicism. structura, -ae/construction, structure;
Stola, -ae/long robe (esp worn by matrons). works.
stolide adv stupidly, structus ppp of struo,
stolidus adj dull, stupid, strues, -is/heap, pile,
stomachor, -ari, -atus vi to be vexed, be struix, -icis/heap, pile,
annoyed. struma, -ae/tumour,
Stomachose adv see adj. strumosus adj scrofulous,
stomachosus adj angry, irritable, struo, -ere, -xT, -ctum vt to pile up; to build,
stomachus, -Tm gullet; stomach; taste, erect; to arrange in order; to make, prepare;
liking; dislike, irritation, chagrin, to cause, contrive, plot,
storea (storia), -ae/rush mat, rope mat. strutheus adj sparrow- (in cpds).
strabo, -onis m squinter. struthiocamelus, -T m ostrich.
strages, -is/heap, confused mass; havoc, Strymon, -onis m river between Macedonia
massacre. and Thrace (nowStruma).
stragulus adj covering ♦ nt bedspread, rug. Strymonius adj Strymonian, Thracian,
stramen, -inis nt straw, litter, studeo, -ere, -ulvi (usu with dat) to be keen,
stramentum, -Tnt straw, thatch; straw bed; be diligent, apply oneself to; to study;
covering, rug. (person) to be a supporter of.
stramineus adj straw-thatched, studiose adv eagerly, diligently,
strangulo, -are, -avT, -atum vt to throttle, studiosus adj (usu with gen) keen on, fond of,
choke. partial to; studious ♦ m student,
stranguria, -ae/difficult discharge of urine, studium, -Tand i J nt enthusiasm, application,
strategema, -tis nt a piece of generalship, inclination; fondness, affection; party spirit,
stratagem. partisanship; study, literary work,
strategus, -Tm commander, president. stulte adv foolishly,
stratioticus adj military. stultiloquentia, -ae/foolish talk,
stratum, -Tnt coverlet, blanket; bed, couch; stultiloquium, -land iT nt foolish talk,
horsecloth, saddle; pavement, stultitia, -ae/folly, silliness,
stratus pppof sterno ♦ adj prostrate. stultividus adj simple-sighted,
Stravi perfof sterno. stultus adj foolish, silly ♦ m fool.
LAT1N-ENGL1SH 207 stupefacio-subigito

stupefacio, -facere, -feci, -factum (pass subamarus ad; rather bitter,

-flo, -fieri) vt to stun, astound, subaquilus adj brownish,
stupeo, -ere, -uivi to be stunned, be subausculto, -are vt, vi to listen secretly,
astonished; to be brought to a standstill ♦ vt eavesdrop.
to marvel at. subbasilicanus, -T m lounger,
stupesco, -ere vi to become amazed, subblandior, -Irlvi (with dat) to flirt with.
stupeus etc see stuppeus, SUbC- etc see SUCC-.
stupiditas, -atis/ senselessness, subdidiper/o/subdo.
stupidus ad; senseless, astounded; dull, subdifficilis ad; rather difficult,
stupid. subdiffido, -ere vi to be a little doubtful,
stupor, -oris m numbness, bewilderment; subditicius ad; sham,
dullness, stupidity, subditivus adj sham,
stuppa, -ae/tow. subditus ppp o/subdo ♦ adj spurious,
stuppeus ad; of tow. subdo, -ere, -id!, -itum vt to put under,
stupro, -are, -avl, -atum vt to defile; to plunge into; to subdue; to substitute, forge,
ravish. subdoceo, -erevt to teach as an assistant,
stuprum, -Tnt debauchery, unchastity, subdole adv slily.
sturnus, -Tm starling. subdolus adj sly, crafty, underhand,
Stygiusad; of the lower world, Stygian. subdubito, -are vi to be a little undecided,
stylus etc see stilus. subduco, -ucere, -uxl, -uctum vt to pull up,
Stymphalicus, (-ius, -is) ad; Stymphalian. raise; to withdraw, remove; to take away
Stymphalum, -Tnt, Stymphalus, -T m secretly, steal; (account) to balance; (ship) to
district of Arcadia (famous for birds of prey haul up, beach; se - steal away, disappear,
killed by Hercules). subductio, -onis/(ship) hauling up; (thought)
Styx, -ygisand ygos f river of Hades. reckoning.
Styxius ad; see n. subductus ppp of subdued,
suadela, -ae/persuasion, subedo, -esse, -edl vt to wear away
suadeo, -dere, -si, -sum vi (with dat) to underneath,
advise, urge, recommend, subegi perfof subigo.
suasio, -onis/ speaking in favour (of a subeo, -Ire, -il, -itum vi to go under, go in; to
proposal); persuasive type of oratory, come up to, climb, advance; to come
suasor, -oris m adviser; advocate, immediately after; to come to the
suasus ppp of suadeo, assistance; to come as a substitute, succeed;
suasus, -us m advice, to come secretly, steal in; to come to mind,
suaveolens, -entis ad; fragrant, suggest itself ♦ vt to enter, plunge into; to
suaviatio etc see saviatio, climb; to approach, attack; to take the place
suavidicus ad; charming, of; to steal into; to submit to, undergo,
suaviloquens, -entis adj charming, suffer; (mind) to occur to.
suaviloquentia, -ae/charm of speech, suber, -is nt cork tree; cork,
suavior etc see savior, subesse injin o/subsum.
suavis adj sweet, pleasant, delightful, subf-etc see suff-.
suavitas, -atis/sweetness, pleasantness, subg- etc see sugg-.
charm. subhorridus adj somewhat uncouth,
suaviter adv see suavis, subiaceo, -ere, -ul vi to lie under, be close
suavium etc see savium. (to); to be connected (with),
sub prep 1. with abl (place) under, beneath; (hills, subicid, -icere, -iecl, -iectum vt to put under,
walls) at the foot of, close to; (time) during, bring under; to bring up, throw up; to bring
at; (order) next to; (rule) under, in the reign near; to submit, subject, expose; to
of. 2. with acc (place) under, along under; (hills, subordinate, deal with under; to append, add
walls) up to, to; (time) up to, just before, just on, answer; to adduce, suggest; to
after; - ictum venire come within range; - substitute; to forge; to suborn; se ~ grow up.
manum to hand, subiecte adv submissively,
subabsurde adv see adj. subiectio, -onis/laying under; forging,
subabsurdus ad; somewhat absurd, subiecto, -are vt to lay under, put to; to throw
subaccuso, -are vt to find some fault with, up.
subactio, -onis/working (the soil), subiector, -oris m forger,
subactus ppp of subigo, subiectuspppo/subicio ♦ adj neighbouring,
subadroganteradv a little conceitedly, bordering; subject, exposed,
subagrestis ad; rather boorish, subigitatio, -onis/lewdness,
subalaris adj carried under the arms. subigito, -are vt to behave improperly to.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
subigo-subservio 208 LAT1N-ENGLISH

subigo, -igere, -egT, -actum vt to bring up to; subnexuspppo/subnecto.

to impel, compel; to subdue, conquer; subniger, -rl adj darkish.
(animat) to tame, break in; {blade) to sharpen; subnixus and susadj supported, resting (on);
(boat) to row, propel; (cooking) to knead; relying (on),
{earth) to turn up, dig; {mind) to train, subnuba, -ae/rival.
subilpei/o/subed. subnubilus adj overcast,
subimpudens, -entis adj rather impertinent, subo, -are vi to be in heat,
subinanis adj rather empty, subobscenus adj rather indecent,
subinde adv immediately after; repeatedly, subobscurus adj somewhat obscure,
subinsulsus adj rather insipid, subodiosus adj rather odious,
subinvideo, -ere vi to be a little envious of. suboffendo, -ere vi to give some offence,
subinvisus adj somewhat odious, suboles, -is/offspring, children,
subinvito, -are vt to invite vaguely, subolesco, -erevi to grow up.
subirascor, -scl, -tusvi to be rather angry, subolet, -ere vi (impers) there is a faint scent;
subiratus adj rather angry, ~ mihi I detect, have an inkling,
subitarius adj sudden, emergency (in cpds). suborior, -Trivi to spring up in succession,
subito adv suddenly, suborno, -are, -avl, -atum vt to fit out, equip;
subituspppof subeo ♦ adj sudden, to instigate secretly, suborn,
unexpected; (man) rash; (troops) hastily subortus, -us m rising up repeatedly,
raised ♦ nt surprise, emergency, subp- etc see supp-.
subiunctus ppp o/subiungo subrancidus adj slightly tainted,
subiungo, -ungere, -unxi, -unctum vt to subraucus adj rather hoarse,
harness; to add, affix; to subordinate, subrectus ppp of subrigo,
subdue. subremigo, -are vi to paddle under (water),
sublabor, -bl, -psus vi to sink down; to glide subrepo, -ere, -si, -turn vi to creep along,
away. steal up to.
sublapsus ppa of sublabor, subreptus ppp o/subripio.
sublate adv loftily, subrideo, -dere, -si vi to smile,
sublatio, -dnis/elevation. subridicule adv rather funnily,
sublatus ppp 0/tollo ♦ adj elated, subrigo, -igere, -exl, -ectum vt to lift, raise,
sublecto, -are vt to coax, subringor, -Ivi to make a wry face, be rather
sublectus ppp of sublego, vexed.
sublego, -egere, -egl, -ectum vt to gather subripio, -ipere, -ipul and upul, -eptum vt to
up; to substitute; (child) to kidnap; (talk) to take away secretly, steal,
overhear. subrogo, -arevt to propose as successor,
sublestus adj slight, subrostrani, -drum mpi idlers,
sublevatio, -onis/alleviation. subrubeo, -erevi to blush slightly,
sublevo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to lift up, hold subrufus adj ginger-haired,
up; to support, encourage; to lighten, subruo, -ere, -I, -turn vt to undermine,
alleviate. demolish.
sublica, -ae/pile, palisade, subrusticus adj rather countrified,
sublicius adj on piles. subrutus ppp o/subrud.
subligaculum, -I, subligar, -arism loincloth, subscribo, -bere, -psl, -ptum vt to write
subligo, -are vt to fasten on. underneath; (document) to sign, subscribe;
sublime adv aloft, in the air. (censor) to set down; (law) to add to an
sublimis adj high, raised high, lifted up; indictment, prosecute; (fig) to record; (with
(character) eminent, aspiring; (language) dat) to assent to, approve,
lofty, elevated, subscriptio, -dnis/inscription underneath;
sublimitas, -atis/loftiness, signature; (censor) noting down; (law)
sublimus etc see sublimis, subscription (to an indictment); register,
sublingio, -onis m scullion, subscriptor, -oris m subscriber (to an
sublino, -inere, -evl, -itum vt: os ~ to fool, indictment).
bamboozle. subscriptus ppp of subscribo,
sublitus ppp of sublino, subseclvus etc see subsicivus,
subluceo, -ere vi to glimmer, subseco, -are, -ui, -ctum vt to cut off, clip,
subluo, -ere vt (river) to flow past the foot of. subsediperf o/subsido.
sublustris adj faintly luminous, subsellium, -land ii nt bench, seat; (law) the
sublutus ppp of subluo, bench, the court.
subm- etc see summ-. subsentio, -entire, -ensl vt to have an
subnatus adj growing up underneath, inkling of.
subnecto, -ctere, -xul, -xum vt to tie under, subsequor, -qul, -cutus vt, vi to follow
fasten to. closely; to support; to imitate,
subnego, -arevt to half refuse. subservio, -Ire vi to be a slave; (fig) to comply
LAT1N-ENGL1SH 209 subsiclvus-successus

(with). subtimed, -ere vt to be a little afraid of.

subsicivus adj left over; (time) spare; (work) subtractus ppp o/subtraho.
overtime. subtraho, -here, -xi, -ctum vt to draw away
subsidiarius adj in reserve ♦ mpi reserves, from underneath; to take away secretly; to
subsidium, -land il nt reserve ranks, reserve withdraw, remove,
troops; relief, aid, assistance, subtristis adj rather sad.
subsldo, -Idere, -edi, -essum vi to sit down, subturpiculus adj a little bit mean,
crouch, squat; to sink down, settle, subside; subturpis adj rather mean,
(ambush) to lie in wait; (residence) to stay, subtus adv below, underneath,
settle ♦ vt to lie in wait for. subtusus adj slightly bruised,
subsignanus adj special reserve (troops), subucula, -ae/shirt, vest,
subsigno, -arevt to register; to guarantee, subula, -ae/awl.
subsilio, -Ire, -ulvi to leap up. subulcus, -Tm swineherd.
subsisto, -istere, -titl vi to stand still, make a Subura, -ae/ a disreputable quarter of Rome.
stand; to stop, halt; to remain, continue, hold Suburanus adj see Subura,
out; (with dat) to resist ♦ vt to withstand, suburbanitas, -atis/nearness to Rome,
subsortior, -Iri, -Itus vt to choose as a suburbanus adj near Rome ♦ nt villa near
substitute by lot. Rome ♦ mpi inhabitants of the towns near
subsortitio, -onis/ choosing of substitutes Rome.
by lot. suburbium, -Iand il nt suburb,
substantia, -ae/means, wealth, suburgeo, -ere vt to drive close (to),
substerno, -emere, -ravi, -ratum vt to subvectio, -onis/transport.
scatter under, spread under; (fig) to put at subvecto, -are vt to carry up regularly,
one’s service, subvectus ppp of subveho,
substiti perfof subsisto subvectus, -us m transport,
substituo, -uere, -ul, -utum vt to put next; to subveho, -here, -xi, -ctum vt to carry up,
substitute; (idea) to present, imagine, transport upstream.
substitutus ppp o/substituo subvenio, -enlre, -enl, -entum vi (with dat)
substo, -are vi to hold out. to come to the assistance of, relieve,
substratus ppp of substerno, reinforce.
substrictus ppp o/substringo ♦ adj narrow, subvento, -are vi (with dat) to come quickly to
tight. help.
substringo, -ngere, -nxi, -ctum vt to bind subvereor, -erivi to be a little afraid,
up; to draw close; to check, subversor, -oris m subverter.
substructio, -onis/foundation, subversus ppp of subverto,
substruo, -ere, -xi, -ctum vt to lay, pave, subverto, -tere, -tl, -sum vt to turn upside
subsulto, -are vi to jump up. down, upset; to overthrow, subvert,
subsum, -esse vi to be underneath; to be subvexi perfof subveho,
close to, be at hand; (fig) to underlie, be subvexus adj sloping upwards,
latent in. subvolo, -are vi to fly upwards,
subsutus adj fringed at the bottom, subvolvo, -ere vt to roll uphill,
subtemen, -inis nt woof; thread, subvorto etc see subverto,
subter adv below, underneath ♦ prep (with acc succavus adj hollow underneath,
and abf) beneath; close up to. succedo, -edere, -essi, -essum vt, vi (with
subterduco, -cere, -xi vt to withdraw dat) to go under, pass into, take on; (with dat,
secretly. acc, in) to go up, climb; (with dat, acc, ad, sub)
subterfugio, -ugere, -uglvt to escape from, to march on, advance to; (with dat, in) to
evade. come to take the place of, relieve; (with dat,
subterlabor, -I vt. vi to flow past under; to slip in, ad) to follow after, succeed, succeed to;
away. (result) to turn out, be successful,
subterraneus adj underground, succendo, -endere, -end!, -ensum vt to set
subtexo, -ere, -ul, -turn vt to weave in; to fire to, kindle; (fig) to fire, inflame,
veil, obscure. succenseo etc see suscenseo.
subtilis adj slender, fine; (senses) delicate, succensus ppp of succendo,
nice; (judgment) discriminating, precise; succenturiatus adj in reserve,
(style) plain, direct, succenturio, -onis m under-centurion,
subtilitas, -atis/fineness; (judgment) successi pet/o/succedo.
acuteness, exactness; (style) plainness, successio, -onis/succession,
directness. successor, -orism successor,
subtiliter adv finely; accurately; simply. successus ppp o/succedo.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -era = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -Tre = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
successus-sum 210 LATIN-ENGLISH

successus, -us m advance uphill; result, suffice.

success. suffigo, -gere, -xi, -xum vt to fasten
succidia, -ae/leg or side of meat, flitch, underneath, nail on.
succido, -dere, -dl, -sum vt to cut off, mow suffimen, -inis, suffimentum, -i nt incense,
down. suffid, -ire vt to fumigate, perfume,
succido, -ere, -Ivi to sink, give way. suffixus ppp of suffigo.
succiduus ad; sinking, failing, sufflamen, -inis nt brake,
succinctus ppp 0/succingo, suffid, -are vt to blow up; to puff up.
succingo, -gere, -xl, -ctum vt to gird up, suffoco, -are vt to choke, stifle,
tuck up; to equip, arm. suffodio, -odere, -ocii, -ossum vt to stab; to
succingulum, -Im girdle, dig under, undermine,
succino, -ere vi to chime in. suffossus ppp o/suffodio.
succisus ppp of succido, suffragatio, -dnis/voting for, support,
succlamatio, -onis/shouting, barracking, suffragator, -oris m voter, supporter,
succlamo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to shout after, suffragatorius ad; supporting a candidate,
interrupt with shouting, suffragium, -land ii nt vote, ballot; right of
succontumeliose adv somewhat insolently, suffrage; (fig) judgment, approval; - ferra
succresco, -ere vi to grow up (from or to), vote.
succrispus adj rather curly, suffragor, -ari, -atus vi to vote for; to
succumbo, -mbere, -bul, -bitum vi to fall, support, favour,
sink under; to submit, surrender, suffringo, -ere vt to break,
succurro, -rere, -rl, -sum vi to come quickly suffugio, -ugere, -ugivt to run for shelter ♦
up; to run to the help of, succour; (idea) to vt to elude.
occur. suffugium, -land iint shelter, refuge,
SUCCUS etc see SUCUS. suffulcio, -cire, -si, -tum vt to prop up,
succussus, -us m shaking, support.
succustos, -odism assistant keeper, suffundo, -undere, -udi, -usum vt to pour in;
succutio, -tere, -ssl, -ssum vt to toss up. to suffuse, fill; to tinge, colour, blush; to
sucidus ad; juicy, fresh, plump, overspread,
sucinum, -Int amber, suffuror, -art vi to filch,
suctus ppp of sugo. suffuscus adj darkish,
sucula, -ae/winch, windlass, suffusus ppp o/suffundo.
sucula, -ae/piglet; (pD the Hyads. Sugambri, -drum mpl people ofN.W. Germany.
sucus, -Im juice, sap; medicine, potion; taste, suggero, -rere, -ssl, -stum vt to bring up to,
flavour; (fig) strength, vigour, life, supply; to add on, put next,
sudarium, -1 and iint handkerchief, suggestum, -Int platform,
sudatorius ad; for sweating ♦ nt sweating suggestus ppp of suggero,
bath. suggestus, -us m platform, stage,
sudis, -is/ stake, pile, pike, spike, suggrandis ad; rather large,
sudd, -are, -avl, -atum vi to sweat, perspire; suggredior, -di, -ssus vi to come up close,
to be drenched with; to work hard ♦ vt to approach ♦ vt to attack,
exude. sugillatio, -dnis/affronting.
sudor, -oris m sweat, perspiration; moisture; sugillatus ad; bruised; insulted,
hard work, exertion. sugo, -gere, -xi, -ctum vt to suck,
sudus adj cloudless, clear ♦ nt fine weather, suigeno/se.
sueo, -ere vi to be accustomed, SUIperfof SUO.
suescd, -scere, -vi, -turn vi to be accustomed SUilluS ad; of pigs,
♦ vt to accustom. sulco, -are vt to furrow, plough,
Suessa, -ae/ town in Latium. sulcus, -Im furrow; trench; track,
Suessiones, -urn mpi people of Gaul (now sulfuretc see sulpur.
Soissons). Sulla, -aem famous Roman dictator.
suetus ppp o/ suescd ♦ adj accustomed; usual. Sullanus adj see n.
Suevi, -drum mpl people ofN.E. Germany. sullaturio, -Ire vi to hanker after being a
sufes, -etism chief magistrate of Carthage. Sulla.
suffarcinatus ad; stuffed full, Sulmd, -onism town in E. Italy (birthplaceof
suffectus ppp of sufficio ♦ ad; (consul) Ovid).
appointed to fill a vacancy during the regular Sulmonensis adj see n.
term of office. sultis adv please.
suffero, -re vt to support, undergo, endure. sum, esse, fuivi to be, exist; - ab belong to; -
suffes etc see sufes. ad be designed for; - ax consist of; eat, aunt
sufficio, -icere, -eel, -ectum vt to dye, tinge; there is, are; est mihi I have; mihi tecum nil
to supply, provide; to appoint in place (of est I have nothing to do with you; eat quod
another), substitute ♦ vi to be adequate, something; there is a reason for; eat ubi
LATIN-ENGLISH 211 sumen-superinicio

sometimes; est ut it is possible that; est (with sumptus, -us m expense, cost.
gen) to belong to, be the duty of, be Sunium, -I and ii m S.E. promontory of Attica.
characteristic of; (with infin) it is possible, it sud, suere, sui, sutum vt to sew, stitch, join
is permissible; sunt qui some; fuit Ilium Troy together.
is no more. suomet, suopte emphatic abl of SUUS.
sumen, -inis nt udder, teat; sow. suovetaurilia, -ium ntpi sacrifice of a pig,
summa, -ae/main part, chief point, main sheep and bull.
issue; gist, summary; sum, amount, the supellex, -ectiiis/furniture, goods, outfit,
whole; supreme power; - rerum the general super etc adj see superus,
interest, the whole responsibility; - super adv above, on the top; besides,
summarum the universe; ad -am in short, in moreover; left, remaining ♦ prep (with abf)
fact; in conclusion; in -a in all; after all. upon, above; concerning; besides; (time) at;
Summanus, -Tm god of nocturnal thunderbolts. (with acc) over, above, on; beyond; besides,
summas, -atis adj high-born, eminent, over and above,
summatim adv cursorily, summarily, supera etc see supra.
summatus, -usm sovereignty, superabilis adj surmountable, conquerable,
summe adv in the highest degree, extremely, superaddo, -ere, -itum vt to add over and
summergo, -gere, -sT, -sum vt to plunge above.
under, sink. superans, -antis pres p of supero ♦ adj
summersuspppo/summergd. predominant.
sumministro, -are, -avT, -atum vt to superator, -oris m conqueror,
provide, furnish. superbe adv arrogantly, despotically,
summisseadv softly; humbly, modestly, superbia, -ae/arrogance, insolence,
summissio, -onis/ lowering, tyranny; pride, lofty spirit,
summissuspppo/summitto ♦ adj low; (voice) superbiloquentia, -ae/arrogant speech,
low, calm; (character) mean, grovelling, superbio, -Ire vi to be arrogant, take a pride
submissive, humble. in; to be superb.
summitto, -ittere, -TsT, -issum vt (growth) to superbus adj arrogant, insolent, overbearing;
send up, raise, rear; to despatch, supply; to fastidious; superb, magnificent,
let down, lower, reduce, moderate; to supercilium, -land ii nt eyebrow; (hill) brow,
supersede; to send secretly; animum - ridge; (fig) arrogance,
submit; se - condescend, superemineo, -erevt to overtop,
summoleste adv with some annoyance, superesse infin o/supersum.
summolestusad; a little annoying, superficies, -el/surface; (law) a building (esp
summoned, -ere, -uTvt to drop a hint to. on another's land).
summorosus adj rather peevish, superfio, -ierivi to be left over,
summotor, -oris m clearer, superfixus adj fixed on top.
summotusppp o/summoved. superfluo, -ere vi to overflow,
summoveo, -overe, -dvi, -otum vt to move superfuiper/o/supersum.
away, drive off; to clear away (to make superfundo, -undere, -udi, -usum vt, vi to
room); to withdraw, remove, banish; (fig) to pour over, shower; (pass) to overflow,
dispel. spread out.
summum, -Tm top, surface, superfusus ppp of superfundo,
summum adv at the most, supergredior, -di, -ssus vt to surpass,
summus adj highest, the top of, the surface superiacio, -iacere, -ieci, -iectum and
of; last, the end of; (fig) utmost, greatest, iactum vt to throw over, overspread; to
most important; (person) distinguished, overtop; (fig) to exaggerate,
excellent ♦ m head of the table, superiectus ppp of superiacio.
summutd, -arevt to substitute, superimmineo, -ere vi to overhang,
sumo, -ere, -psl, -ptum vt to take, take up; to superimpendens, -entis adj overhanging,
assume, arrogate; (action) to undertake; superimpono, -onere, -osui, -ositum vt to
(argument) to assume, take for granted; place on top.
(dress) to put on; (punishment) to exact; (fora superimpositus ppp of superimpono,
purpose) to use, spend, superincidens, -entis adj falling from above,
sumptio, -onis/assumption, superincubans, -antis adj lying upon,
sumptuarius adj sumptuary, superincumbo, -ere vi to fling oneself down
sumptuosa adv see adj. upon.
sumptuosus adj expensive, lavish, superingero, -ere vt to pour down,
extravagant, superinicid, -icere, -ieci, -iectum vt to throw
sumptus pppo/ sumo. upon, put on top.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -ire = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
superiniectus-surdaster 212 LATIN-ENGLISH

superiniectus ppp of superinico. supparus, -Im, supparum, -I nt woman’s

superinsterno, -ere vt to lay over, linen garment; topsail,
superior, -orisadj higher, upper; (time, order) suppeditatio, -onis/abundance,
preceding, previous, former; (age) older; suppedito, -are, -avl, -atum vi to be at hand,
(battle) victorious, stronger; (quality) be in full supply, be sufficient; to be rich in
superior, greater, ♦ vt to supply, furnish,
superlatio, -onis/ exaggeration, suppedo, -ere vi to break wind quietly,
superlatus adj exaggerated, suppetiae, -arum/pi assistance,
superne adv at the top, from above, suppetior, -iri, -atus vi to come to the
supernus adj upper; celestial, assistance of.
supero, -are, -avl, -atum w to rise above, suppeto, -ere, -Ivl, and IT, -Itum vi to be
overtop; to have the upper hand; to be in available, be in store; to be equal to, suffice
excess, be abundant; to be left over, survive for.
♦ wt to pass over, surmount, go beyond; to suppilo, -arevt to steal,
surpass, outdo; (mil) to overcome, conquer; suppingo, -ingere, -actum vt to fasten
(naut) to sail past, double, underneath.
superobruo, -ere vt to overwhelm, supplanto, -arevt to trip up.
superpendens, -entis adj overhanging, supplementum, -Im full complement;
superpono, -onere, -osui, -ositum vt to reinforcements.
place upon; to put in charge of. suppleo, -ere vt to fill up, make good, make
superpositus ppp of superpono, up to the full complement,
superscando, -ere vt to climb over, supplex, -icis adj suppliant, in entreaty,
supersedeo, -edere, -edi, -essum vi to supplicatio, -onis/day of prayer, public
forbear, desist from. thanksgiving.
superstes, -itis adj standing over; surviving, suppliciter adv in supplication,
superstitio, -dnis/awful fear, superstition, supplicium, -land ilnt prayer, entreaty;
superstitiose adv superstitiously; sacrifice; punishment, execution, suffering;
scrupulously. -id afficere execute.
superstitiosus adj superstitious; prophetic, supplico, -are, -avl, -atum vi (with dat) to
supersto, -ire vt, vi to stand over, stand on. entreat, pray to, worship,
superstratus adj spread over, supplodo, -dare, -si vt to stamp,
superstruo, -ere, -xl, -ctum vt to build on supplosio, -onis/stamping,
top. suppono, -onere, -osui, -ositum vt to put
supersum, -esse, -fulvi to be left, remain; to under, apply; to subject; to add on; to
survive; to be in abundance, be sufficient; to substitute,falsify.
be in excess. supporto, -are vt to bring up, transport,
supertego, -ere vt to cover over, suppositicius adj spurious,
superurgens, -entis adj pressing from suppositio, -onis/substitution,
above. suppositus ppp of suppono,
superus (compar-ior, superi supremus, supposui perfof suppono,
summus) adj upper, above ♦ mpl the gods suppressio, -onis/embezzlement,
above; the living ♦ ntpl the heavenly bodies; suppressus ppp o/supprimo ♦ adj (voice) low.
higher places; mare -um Adriatic Sea. supprimo, -imere, -essi, -essum vt to sink;
supervacaneus adj extra, superfluous, to restrain, detain, put a stop to; to keep
supervacuus adj superfluous, pointless, secret, suppress,
supervado, -ere vt to climb over, surmount, suppromus, -I m underbutler,
supervehor, -hi, -ctusvt to ride past, sail suppudet, -ere vt (impers) to be a little
past. ashamed.
supervenio, -enlre, -enl, -entum vt to suppuro, -arevi to fester,
overtake, come on top of ♦ vi to come on the suppus adj head downwards,
scene, arrive unexpectedly, supputo, -are vt to count up.
superventus, -us m arrival, supra adv above, up on top; (time) earlier,
supervolito, -arevt to fly over, previously; (amount) more; - quam beyond
supervolo, -arevt, vi to fly over, what ♦ prep (with acc) over, above; beyond;
supino, -are, -avl, -atum vt to upturn, lay on (time) before; (amount) more than, over,
its back. suprascando, -ere vt to surmount,
supinus ad; lying back, face up; sloping, on a supremum adv for the last time,
slope; backwards; (mind) indolent, careless, supremus adj highest; last, latest; greatest,
suppactus ppp of suppingo, supreme ♦ ntpl moment of death; funeral
suppaenitet, -ere vt impcrs to be a little sorry, rites; testament,
suppalpor, -arlvi to coax gently, sura, -ae/calf (of the leg),
suppar, -aris adj nearly equal, surculus, -i m twig, shoot; graft, slip,
supparasitor, -arl vi to flatter gently. surdaster, -rladj rather deaf.
LATIN-EN GUSH 213 surditas-Syrius

surditas, -atis/deafness, postpone.

surdus ad; deaf; silent, sustineo, -'mere, -inul, -entum vt to hold up,
surena, -ae m grand vizier (of the Parthians). support; to check, control; (fig) to uphold,
surgo, -ere, surrexl, sur rectum vi to rise, maintain; (food, means) to sustain, support;
get up, stand up; to arise, spring up, grow, (trouble) to bear, suffer, withstand; (event) to
surpere etc = surripere etc. put off.
surr- etc see subr-. sustollo, -ere vt to lift up, raise; to destroy.
surrexl perfof surgo. sustudperf o/tollo.
surrupticius ad; stolen, susurrator, -oris m whisperer.
surrupul perfof subripio, susurro, -are vt, vi to murmur, buzz, whisper.
sursum, sursus adv upwards, up, high up; - susurrus, -usm murmuring, whispering.
deorsum up and down, susurrus ad; whispering.
sus, suism//pig, boar, hog, sow. sutela, -ae/trick.
Susa, -drum ntpl ancient Persian capital. sutilis adj sewn.
suscenseo, -ere, -uTvi to be angry, be SUtor, -oris m shoemaker; ~ ne supra
irritated. crepidam ~ let the cobbler stick to his last.
susceptio, -dnis/undertaking. sutorius ad; shoemaker’s; ex-cobbler,
susceptus pppof suscipio, sutrinus ad; shoemaker’s.
suscipio, -ipere, -dpi, -eptum vt to take up, sutura, -ae/seam.
undertake; to receive, catch; (child) to SUtUS pppof suo.
acknowledge; to beget; to take under one’s suusad; his, her, its, their; one’s own, proper,
protection. due, right ♦ mpl one’s own troops, friends,
suscito, -are, -avi, -atum vt to lift, raise; to followers etc ♦ nt one’s own property.
stir, rouse, awaken; to encourage, excite, Sybaris, -is/town in S. Italy (noted for its
suspecto, -arevt, vi to look up at, watch; to debauchery).
suspect, mistrust. Sybarita, -Itae m Sybarite.
suspectus pppof suspicio ♦ ad; suspected, Sychaeus, -I m husband of Dido.
suspicious. sycophanta, -ae m slanderer, cheat,
suspectus, -us m looking up; esteem, sycophant.
suspendium, -land IT nr hanging, sycophantia, -ae/deceit,
suspendo, -endere, -endi, -ensum vt to sycophantiose adv deceitfully,
hang, hang up; (death) to hang; (building) to sycophantor, -ari, vi to cheat.
support; (mind) to keep in suspense; Syene, -es/town in S. Egypt (now Assuan),
(movement) to check, interrupt; (pass) to syllaba, -ae/syllable.
depend. syllabatim adv syllable by syllable,
suspensus pppof suspendo ♦ ad; raised, symbola, -ae/contribution.
hanging, poised; with a light touch; (fig) in symbolus, -Im token, symbol,
suspense, uncertain, anxious; dependent; -6 symphonia, -ae/concord, harmony,
gradu on tiptoe, symphoniacus ad; choir (in cpds).
suspicax, -acis adj suspicious, Symplegades, -um fpi clashing rocks in the
suspicio, -icere, -exl, -ectum vt to look up at, Black Sea.
look up to; to admire, respect; to mistrust. synedrus, -Im senator (in Macedonia).
suspTcio, -onis/mistrust, suspicion, Synephebi, -drum mpl Youths Together
suspiciose adv suspiciously, (comedy by Caecilius).
suspiciosus ad; suspicious, syngrapha, -ae/promissory note,
suspicor, -arl, -atus vt to suspect; to surmise, syngraphus, -Im written contract; passport,
suppose. pass.
suspiratus, -us m sigh, Synnada, -drum ntpl town in Phrygia (famous
suspiritus, -us m deep breath, difficult for marble).
breathing; sigh. Synnadensis ad; see n.
suspirium, -land ilnt deep breath, sigh, synodus, -ontis m bream,
susplrd, -are, -avi, -atum vi to sigh ♦ vt to synthesis, -is/dinner service; suit of clothes;
sigh for; to exclaim with a sigh, dressinggown.
susque deque adv up and down, Syphax, -acis m king of Numidia.
sustentaculum, -!m prop, Syracusae, -arum/pl Syracuse.
sustentatio, -dnis/forbearance. Syracusanus, Syracusanius, Syracosius
sustento, -are, -avi, -atum vt to hold up, ad; Syracusan.
support; (fig) to uphold, uplift; (food, means) Syria, -iae/country at the E. end of the
to sustain, support; (enemy) to check, hold; Mediterranean.
(trouble) to suffer; (event) to hold back. Syrius, -us and iacus, -iscus od; Syrian.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are » 1st; -are - 2nd; -are «■ 3rd and -ira = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
syrma-tantus 214 LATIN-ENGLISH

syrma, -ae/robe with a train; (fig) tragedy. Taenarides, -idaem Spartan (asp Hyacinthus).
Syrtis, -is/ Gulf of Sidra in N. Africa-, sandbank. Taenarius, -i&adj of Taenarus; Spartan.
Taenarum (-on), -Int, Taenarus (-os), -Im//
town and promontory in S. Greece (now
Matapan); the lower world,
taenia, -ae/hairband, ribbon,

T,t taesum estpei/o/taedet.

taeter, -rlad) foul, hideous, repulsive,
taetre adv hideously,
taetricus see tetricus,
tagax, -acis ad) light-fingered.
Tagus, -Im river of Lusitania (nowTagus),
talaris ad) reaching to the sulkies 4 ntpl winged
tabella, -ae/ small board, sill; writing tablet, sandals; a garment reaching to the ankles,
voting tablet, votive tablet; picture; (pf) talarius ad) of dice.
writing, records, dispatches, Talasius, -land il m god of weddings; wedding
tabellarius odj about voting 4 m courier, cry.
tabeo, -erevi to waste away; to be wet. talea, -ae/rod, stake,
taberna, -ae/cottage; shop; inn; (circus) talentum, -Int talent, a Greek weight about
stalls. 25.4kg; a large sum of money (esp the Attic
tabernaculum, -Int tent; - capere choose a talent of 60 minae).
site (for auspices), talio, -onis/retaliation in kind,
tabernarii, -orum mpi shopkeepers, talis ad) such; the following,
tabes, -is / wasting away, decaying, melting; talpa, -ae/mole.
putrefaction; plague, disease, talus, -Im ankle; heel; (pf) knuckle bones,
tabesco, -escere, -uT vi to waste away, melt, oblong dice.
decay; (fig) to pine, languish, tarn adv so, so much, so very,
tabidulus odj consuming, tamdiu adv so long, as long,
tabidus ad) melting, decaying; pining; tamen adv however, nevertheless, all the
corrupting, infectious, same.
tabificus adj melting, wasting, Tamesis, -is and a, -ae m Thames,
tabula, -ae/board, plank; writing tablet; tametsicon) although.
votive tablet; map; picture; auction; (pf) tamquam adv as, just as, just like 4 cory as if.
account books, records, lists, will; - Sullae Tanagra, -aeftown in Boeotia.
Sulla’s proscriptions; XII -aa Twelve Tables Tanais, -is m river in Sarmatia (nowDon).
of Roman laws; ~aa novae cancellation of Tanaquil, -ilis/ wife of the elder Tarquin.
debts. tandem adv at last, at length, finally;
tabularium, -land il nt archives, (question) just.
tabulatio, -onis/flooring, storey, tango, -ere, tetigi, tactum vt to touch,
tabulatum, -Int flooring, storey; (frees) layer, handle; (food) to taste; (with force) to hit,
row. strike; (with liquid) to sprinkle; (mind) to
tabum, -Int decaying matter; disease, plague, affect, move; (place) to reach; to border on;
taceo, -ere, -ul, -itum vi to be silent, say (task) to take in hand; (by trick) to take in,
nothing; to be still, be hushed ♦ vt to say fool; (in words) to touch on, mention; da caelo
nothing about, not speak of. tactus struck by lightning,
tacite adv silently; secretly, tanquam see tamquam.
taciturnitas, -atis/ silence, taciturnity, Tantaleus ad), -ides, -idae m Pelops, Atreus,
taciturnus ad) silent, quiet, Thyestes or Agamemnon.
tacitus pppo/taceo 4 odj silent, mute, quiet; Tantalis, -idis/Niobe or Hermione.
secret, unmentioned; tacit, implied; per -urn Tantalus, -Im father of Pelops (condemned to
quietly. hunger and thirst in Tartarus, or to the threat of
Tacitus, -Im famous Roman historian. an overhanging rock).
tactilis odj tangible. tantillus adj so little, so small,
tactio, -onis/touching; sense of touch. tantisper adv so long, just for a moment,
tactus ppp of tango. tantopere adv so much,
tactus, -us m touch, handling, sense of touch; tantulus ad) so little, so small,
influence. tantum adv so much, so, as; only, merely; ~
taeda, -ae/pitch pine, pinewood; torch; modo only; - ndn all but, almost; - quod only
plank; (fig) wedding. just.
taedet, -ere, -urt and taesum est vt(impers) tantummodo adv only,
to be weary (of), loathe, tantundem adv just as much, just so much,
taedifer, -Ia4; torch-bearing, tantus ad) so great; so little 4 m so much; so
taedium, -land ilm weariness, loathing. little; ~i esse be worth so much, be so dear,
LATIN-ENGLISH 215 tantusdem-temperamentum

be so important; -6 so much, so far; (with taxo, -are vt to value, estimate,

compar) so much the; -6 opera so much; in taxus, -I/yew.
■um to such an extent; tria ~a three times as Taygeta, -drum ntpi, Taygetus, -I m mountain
much. range in S. Greece.
tantusdem odj just so great, Taygete, -es/a Pleiad,
tapeta, -aem, -ia, -ium ntpi carpet, tapestry, te accand abl of tu.
hangings. -te suffix for tu.
Taprobane, -es/Ceylon. Teanensis ad; see n.
tarde adv slowly, tardily, Teanum, -I nt town in Apulia; town in Campania.
tardesco, -ere vi to become slow, falter, techina, -ae/trick.
tardipes, -edis ad; limping, Tecmessa, -ae/ wife of Ajax.
tarditas, -atis/slowness, tardiness; (mind) tector, -oris m plasterer,
dullness. tectoriolum, -Tnt a little plaster,
tardiusculus ad; rather slow, tectorium, -I and ii nt plaster, stucco,
tardo, -are, -avl, -aturn vt to retard, impede tectorius odj of a plasterer,
♦ vi to delay, go slow, tectum, -Int roof, ceiling, canopy; house,
tardus adj slow, tardy, late; (mind) dull; dwelling, shelter.
(speech) deliberate. tectus pppo/tego ♦ adj hidden; secret,
Tarentinus ad; Tarentine. reserved, close,
Tarentum, -Inr town in S. Italy (now tecum with you.
Taranto). Tegea, -ae/ town in Arcadia.
tarmes, -itis m woodworm. Tegeaeus od; Arcadian ♦ m the god Pan ♦/
Tarpeiusad; Tarpeian; mons - the Tarpeian Atalanta.
Rock on the Capitoline Hill from which criminals Tegeatae, -atarum mpi Tegeans.
were thrown. teges, -etis/mat.
tarpezrta, -ae m banker. tegillum, -int hood, cowl,
Tarquiniensis adj of Tarquinii. tegimen, -inis nt covering,
Tarquinii, -iorum mpi ancient town in Etruria. tegimentum, -Int covering,
Tarquinius adj of Tarquin. tegm- etc see tegim-.
Tarquinius, -Im Tarquin (esp Priscus, the fifth tego, -ere, texi, -tectum vt to cover; to hide,
king of Rome, and Superbus, the last king). conceal; to protect, defend; to bury; latu* -
Tarracina, -ae/, -ae, -arum fpi town in Latium. walk by the side of.
Tarraco, -dnis/town in Spain (now tegula, -ae/tile; (pi) tiled roof,
Tarragona). tegum- etc see tegim.
T arr aconensis ad; see n. Teius adj of Teos.
Tarsensis adj see n. tela, -ae/web; warp; yarnbeam, loom; (fig)
Tarsus, -I/ capital of Cilicia. plan.
Tartareus ad; infernal. Telamon, -onism father of Ajax.
Tartarus (-os), -Im, -a, -drum ntpi Tartarus, Telegonus, -I m son of Ulysses and Circe.
the lower world (esp the part reserved for Telemachus, -I m son of Ulysses and Penelope.
criminals). Telephus, -!m king of Mysia (wounded by
tat interj hallo there! Achilles' spear).
Tatius, -I m Sabine king (who ruled jointly with tellus, -uris/the earth; earth, ground; land,
Romulus). country.
T atius ad; see n. telum, -int weapon, missile; javelin, sword;
Taum, -I m Firth of Tay. (fig) shaft, dart.
taureus ad; bull’s ♦/whip of bull’s hide. temerarius ad; accidental; rash, thoughtless,
Taurl, -drum mpi Thracians of the Crimea. temere adv by chance, at random; rashly,
Tauricus adj seen. thoughtlessly; non - not for nothing; not
tauriformis adj bull-shaped. easily; hardly ever,
Taurini, -drum mpi people ofN. Italy (now temeritas, -atis/chance; rashness,
Turin). thoughtlessness.
taurinus ad; bull’s. temerd, -are, -avl, -atum vt to desecrate,
Tauromenltanus adj see n. disgrace.
Tauromenium, -Iand iint town in E. Sicily. temetum, -Int wine, alcohol.
taurus, -imbull. temnd, -ere vt to slight, despise.
Taurus, -I m mountain range in S.E. Asia Minor. temo, -dnis m beam (of plough or carriage);
taxatio, -dnis/valuing, cart; (astpo) the Plough.
taxeus adi of yews, Tempe ntpi famous valley in Thessaly.
taxillus, -I m small dice. temperamentum, -I nt moderation,

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -ara = 1st; -ara » 2nd; -are = 3rd and -ira = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
temperans-terebra 216 LAT1N-ENGLISH

compromise. aim, tend; (with inf in) to endeavour, exert

temperans, -antis pres po/temperd ♦ adj oneself.
moderate, temperate, tenebrae, -arum/pi darkness, night;
temperanter adv with moderation, unconsciousness, death, blindness; (place)
temperantia, -ae/moderation, self-control, dungeon, haunt, the lower world; (fig)
temperate adv with moderation, ignorance, obscurity.
temperatio, -onis/proper mixture, tenebricosus cdj gloomy,
composition, constitution; organizing tenebrosus adj dark, gloomy.
power. Tenedius adj see n.
temperator, -oris m organizer, Tenedos (-us), -if Aegean island near Troy.
temperatus pppo/tempero ♦ adj moderate, tenellulus adj dainty little,
sober. teneo, -ere, -u! vt to hold, keep; to possess,
temper!adv in time, at the right time, occupy, be master of; to attain, acquire;
temperies, -el/due proportion; temperature, (argument) to maintain, insist; (category) to
mildness. comprise; (goaf) to make for; (interest) to
tempero, -are, -avl, -atum vt to mix in due fascinate; (law) to bind, be binding on; (mind)
proportion, blend, temper; to regulate, to grasp, understand, remember; (move¬
moderate, tune; to govern, rule ♦ vi to be ment) to hold back, restrain ♦ vi to hold on,
moderate, forbear, abstain; (.with dat) to last, persist; (rumour) to prevail; cursum -
spare, be lenient to. keep on one’s course; se - remain; to
tempestas, -atis/time, season, period; refrain.
weather; storm; (fig) storm, shower, tener, -Iadj tender, delicate; young, weak;
tempestive adv at the right time, effeminate; (poet) erotic,
appropriately. tenerasco, -erevi to grow weak,
tempestivitas, -atis/seasonableness, tenere adv softly,
tempestivus adj timely, seasonable, teneritas, -atis/weakness,
appropriate; ripe, mature; early, tenor, -orism steady course; uno -or*
templum, -Tnt space marked off for taking without a break, uniformly,
auspices; open space, region, quarter; tensa, -ae/ carriage bearing the images of the
sanctuary; temple. gods in procession.
temporarius adj for the time, temporary, tensus pppo/tendo ♦ adj strained,
temptabundus adj making repeated tenta- etc see tempta-,
attempts. tentigo, -inis/lust,
temptamentum, -i nt trial, attempt, proof, tento etc see tempto,
temptamina, -urn ntpi attempts, essays, tentorium, -Iand i!nt tent,
temptatio, -onis/trial, proof; attack, tentus ppp of tendo
temptator, -oris m assailant, tenuiculus adj paltry,
tempto, -are, -avl, -atum vt to feel, test by tenuis adj thin, fine; small, shallow; (air)
touching; to make an attempt on, attack; to rarefied; (wafer) clear; (condition) poor,
try, essay, attempt; to try to influence, mean, insignificant; (style) refined, direct,
tamper with, tempt, incite; venas - feel the precise.
pulse. tenuitas, -atis/thinness, fineness; poverty,
tempus, -oris nt time; right time, insignificance; (style) precision,
opportunity; danger, emergency, tenuiter adv thinly; poorly; with precision;
circumstance; (head) temple; (verse) unit of superficially.
metre; (verb) tense; -ore at the right time, in tenuo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to make thin,
time; ad -us at the right time; for the attenuate, rarefy; to lessen, reduce,
moment; ante -us too soon; ex -ore on the tenus prep (with gen orabf) as far as, up to,
spur of the moment; to suit the down to; verbo - in name, nominally.
circumstances; in -ore in time; in -us Teos, -I /town on coast of Asia Minor
temporarily; per -us just in time; pro -ore to (birthplace of Anacreon).
suit the occasion, tepefacio, -facere, -feci, -factum vt to
temulentus adj intoxicated, warm.
tenacitas, -atis/firm grip; stinginess, tepeo, -ere vi to be warm, be lukewarm; (fig)
tenaciter adv tightly, firmly, to be in love.
tenax, -acis adj gripping, tenacious; sticky; tepesco, -escere, -ulvi to grow warm; to
(fig) firm, persistent; stubborn; stingy, become lukewarm, cool off.
tendicula, -ae/little snare, tepidus adj warm, lukewarm,
tendo, -ere, tetendi, tentum and tensum vt tepor, -orism warmth; coolness,
to stretch, spread; to strain; (arrow) to aim, ter adv three times, thrice,
shoot; (bow) to bend; (course) to direct; (lyre) terdeciens and es adv thirteen times.
to tune; (tent) to pitch; (time) to prolong; terebinthus, -I/turpentine tree,
(trap) to lay ♦ vi to encamp; to go, proceed; to terebra, -ae/ gimlet.
LATIN-ENGLISH 217 terebrd-Teutom

terebro, -are vt to bore, fever ♦ mpl men of the third legion,

teredo, -inis/grub. tertio adv for the third time; thirdly,
Terentia, -iae/Cicero’s wife. tertium adv for the third time,
Terentius, -Im Roman family name (esp the tertius adj third; - decimus (decumus)
comic poet Terence). thirteenth.
Terentius, -ianusadj seen, teruncius, -land iim quarter-as; a fourth; (fig)
teres, -etisadj rounded (esp cylindrical, farthing.
smooth, shapely; (fig) polished, elegant. tesqua (tesca), -drum ntpl waste ground,
Tereus, -eland eos m king of Thrace (husband desert.
of Procne, father of ttys). tessella, -ae/cube of mosaic stone,
tergeminus adj threefold, triple, tessera, -ae/cube, dice; (mil) password; token
tergeo, -gere, -si, -sum vt to wipe off, scour, (for mutual recognition of friends); ticket (for
clean; to rub up, burnish, doles).
terginum, -Int rawhide, tesserarius, -I and ii m officer of the watch,
tergiversatio, -onis/refusal, subterfuge, testa, -ae/brick, tile; (earthenware) pot, jug,
tergiversor, -ari, -atusvi to hedge, boggle, be sherd; (fish) shell, shellfish,
evasive. testamentarius adj testamentary ♦ m forger
tergo etc see tergeo. of wills.
tergum, -T nt back; rear; (land) ridge; (water) testamentum, -Im will, testament,
surface; (meat) chine; (skin) hide, leather, testatio, -onis/calling to witness,
anything made of leather; -a vertere take to testatus ppa o/testor ♦ adj public,
flight; a -6 behind, in the rear, testiculus, -Im testicle,
tergus, -oris see tergum, testificatio, -onis/giving evidence,
termes, -itis m branch. evidence.
Terminalia, -ium ntpl Festival of the god of testificor, -arl, -atus vt to give evidence,
Boundaries. vouch for; to make public, bring to light; to
terminatio, -onis/decision; (words) clausula, call to witness.
termino, -are, -avT, -atum vt to set bounds to, testimonium, -land ii m evidence, testimony;
limit; to define, determine; to end. proof.
terminus, -Im boundary line, limit, bound; testis, -is m//witness; eyewitness,
god of boundaries, testis, -is m testicle.
term, -drum adj three each; three, testor, -arl, -atusvt to give evidence, testify;
tero, -ere, -trivi, trltum vt to rub, crush, to prove, vouch for; to call to witness,
grind; to smooth, sharpen; to wear away, use appeal to ♦ vi to make a will,
up; (road) to frequent; (time) to waste; (word) testu (abl-u)nt earthenware lid, pot.
to make commonplace. testudineus adj of tortoiseshell, tortoise- (in
Terpsichore, -es fMuse of dancing. cpds).
terra, -ae/dry land, earth, ground, soil; land, testudo, -inis/tortoise; tortoiseshell; lyre,
country; orbis -arum the world; ubi -arum lute; (mil) shelter for besiegers, covering of
where in the world. shields; (building) vault,
terrenus adj of earth; terrestrial, land- (in testum, -i nt earthenware lid, pot.
cpds) ♦ nt land. tete emphatic acc of tu.
terreo, -ere, -ul, -itum vt to frighten, terrify; tetendi perfof tendo,
to scare away; to deter, teter etc see taeter.
terrestris adj earthly, on earth, land- (in cpds). Tethys, -os/sea goddess; the sea.
terribilis ad; terrifying, dreadful, tetigi perfof tango.
terricula, -orum ntpl scare, bogy, tetrachmum, tetradrachmum, -Im four
terrifico, -are vt to terrify, drachmas.
terrificus adj alarming, formidable, tetrao, -onis m blackcock, grouse or
terrigena, -ae m earth-born, capercailzie.
terriloquus adj alarming, tetrarches, -ae m tetrarch, ruler,
territo, -are vt to frighten, intimidate, tetrarchia, -ae/tetrarchy.
territorium, -land iTnt territory, tetricus adj gloomy, sour,
territus adj terrified. tetull archaic perf of fero.
terror, -oris m fright, alarm, terror; a terror. Teucer, -rim son of Telamon of Salamis; son-in-
terslper/o/tergeo. law of Dardanus.
tersus pppo/tergeo ♦ adj clean; neat, terse. Teucri, -rorum mpl Trojans.
tertiadecimani, -orum mpi men of the Teucria, -riae/Troy.
thirteenth legion. Teutoni, -orum and es, -um mpl Teutons (a
tertianus adj recurring every second day ♦ /a German people).

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -arc = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
Teutonicus-TTcTnus 218 LAT1N-ENGL1SH

Teutonicus ad; Teutonic, German, Thespiae, -arum/pi Boeotian town near

texiperfo/tego. Helicon.
texd, -ere, -uT, -tum vt to weave; to plait; to Thespiensis and as, -adis ad; Thespian.
build, make; (fig) to compose, contrive, Thespis, -ism traditional founder of Greek
textilis adj woven ♦ nt fabric, tragedy.
textor, -oris m weaver, Thessalia, -iae/Thessaly (district of N.
textrinum, -Tnt weaving; shipyard, Greece).
texture, -ae/web, fabric, Thessalicus, -us and is, -idis ad; Thessalian.
textus ppp o/texo ♦ nt web, fabric, Thetis, -idis and idos/sea nymph (mother of
textus, -us m texture, Achilles); the sea.
texulperf o/texo. thiasus, -T m Bacchic dance.
Thais, -idis / an Athenian courtesan. Thoanteus ad; see n.
thalamus, -i m room, bedroom; marriage bed; Thoas, -antis m king of Crimea (killed by
marriage. Orestes); king of Lemnos (father of Hypsipyle).
thalassicus ad; sea-green, tholus, -I m rotunda,
thalassinus ad; sea-green. thorax, -acism breastplate.
Thales, -is and etis m early Greek philosopher Thraca, -ae, (-e, -es), (-ia, -iae)/Thrace.
(one of the seven wise men). Thracius, (Threicius) adj Thracian.
Thalia, -a e/ Muse of comedy. Thrasea, -ae m Stoic philosopher under Nero.
thallus, -i m green bough. Thrasymachus, -i m Greek sophist.
Thamyras, -ae m blinded Thracian poet. Thrax, -acis m Thracian; kind of gladiator.
Thapsitanus ad; see Thapsus. Thressa, -ae, (Threissa, -ae)/Thracian
Thapsus (-os), -i /town in N. Africa (scene of woman.
Caesar's victory). Threx, -ecism kind of gladiator.
Thasius ad; see Thasus. Thucydides, -ism famous Greek historian.
Thasus (-OS), -i / Greek island in N. Aegean. Thucydidiusad; Thucydidean.
Thaumantias, -dis/Iris, Thule, -es/island in the extreme N. (perhaps
theatrilis ad; of the theatre, in the theatre, Shetland).
theatrum, -int theatre; audience; (fig) thunnus see thynnus,
theatre, stage. thur, -is nt = tus, turis.
Thebae, -arum/p! Thebes (capital of Boeotia); Thurii, -iorum mpi town in S. Italy.
town in Upper Egypt. ThurTnUS ad; seen,
Thebais, -aidis/Theban woman; epic poem by thus see tus.
Statius. thya (thyia), -ae/citrus tree.
Thebanus ad; Theban, Thybris, -is and idis m river Tiber.
theca, -ae/case, envelope. Thyestes, -ae m brother of Atreus (whose
Themis, -dis/goddess of justice. son's flesh he served up to him to eat).
Themistocles, -iand is m famous Athenian Thyesteus ad/, -iades, -iadae m Aegisthus.
statesman. Thyias (Thyas), -adis/ Bacchante.
Themistocleus ad; see Themistocles, Thyle see Thule,
thensaurarius ad; of treasure, thymbra, -ae/savory.
thensaurus see thesaurus, thymum, -int garden thyme.
theologus, -im theologian. Thynia, -iae/Bithynia,
Theophrastus, -i m Greek philosopher thynnus, -im tunnyflsh.
(successor to Aristotle). Thynus, (-iacus), (-ias)ad; Bithynian.
Theopompeus, -inusad;seen. Thyoneus, -eim Bacchus,
Theopompus, -i m Greek historian. thyrsus, -i m Bacchic wand,
thermae, -arumfpl warm baths. tiara, -ae/, -as, -ae m turban.
Thermodon, -ontis m river of Pontus (where Tiberianus adj see n.
the Amazons lived). Tiberinus, -inisadj, -inus, -ini m Tiber.
Thermodonteus, -ontiacus ad; Amazonian, Tiberis (Tibris), -is m river Tiber.
thermopolium nt restaurant serving warm Tiberius, -im Roman praenomen (esp the
drinks. second emperor).
thermopoto, -are vt to refresh with warm tibi dat 0/tu.
drinks. tibia, -ae/shinbone; pipe, flute,
Thermopylae, -arum/pi famous Greek pass tibicen, -inis m flute player; pillar,
defended by Leonidas. tibicina, -ae/flute player,
thesaurus, -I m treasure, store; storehouse, tibicinium, -iand ii nt flute playing.
treasury. Tibullus, -i m Latin elegiae poet.
Theseus, -eland eos m Greek hero (king of Tibur, -is nt town on the river Anio (now
Athens). Tivoli).
Theseus, -eius adj, -Ides, -Idae m Tiburs, -tis, (-tinus), (-nus) adj Tiburtine.
Hippolytus; (pf) Athenians. Ticinus, -Im tributary of the river Po.
LATIN-ENGLISH 219 Tigellinus-topice

Tigellinus, -7 m favourite of Nero. Tityos, -I m giant punished in Tartarus.

tigillum, -I nt small log, small beam, Tmolus, -7m mountain in Lydia.
tignarius adj working in wood; faber ~ toculio, -onism usurer,
carpenter. tofus, -Imtufa.
tignum, -7 m timber, trunk, log. toga, -ae/toga (dress of the Roman citizen); (fig)
Tigranes, -is m king of Armenia. peace; - candida dress of election
tigris, -is and idis/tiger. candidates; - picta ceremonial dress of a
tllia, -ae/ lime tree. victor in triumph; - praetexta purple-edged
Timaeus, -I m Sicilian historian; Pythagorean toga of magistrates and children; - pura,
philosopher; a dialogue of Plato. virilis plain toga of manhood,
timefactus ad; frightened, togatus adj wearing the toga ♦ m Roman
timed, -ere, -ulvt, vi to fear, he afraid, citizen; client ♦ /drama on a Roman theme,
timide odv timidly, togula, -ae/small toga,
timiditas, -atis/timidity, cowardice, tolerabilis adj bearable, tolerable; patient,
timidus ad; timid, cowardly, tolerabiliter adv patiently,
timor, -oris m fear, alarm; a terror, tolerans, -antis pres po/tolero ♦ adj patient,
tinctilis ad; dipped in. toleranter adv patiently,
tinctus ppp of tingo, tolerantia, -ae/endurance,
tinea, -ae/moth, bookworm, toleratio, -onis/enduring.
tingo, -gere, -xl, -ctum vt to dip, soak; to dye, toleratus adj tolerable.
colour; (.fig) to imbue, tolero, -are, -avl, -atum vt to bear, endure; to
tinnimentum, -7 nt ringing noise, support, sustain.
tinnio, -Ire vt, vi to ring, tinkle, tolleno, -onis m crane, derrick, lift,
tinnitus, -us m ringing, jingle, tollo, -ere, sustuli, sublatum vt to lift, raise;
tinnulus od; ringing, jingling, to take away, remove; to do away with,
tintinnabulum, -Int bell, abolish, destroy; (anchor) to weigh; (child) to
tintino, -are vi to ring, acknowledge, bring up; (mind) to elevate,
tinus, -I m a shrub, laurustinus. excite, cheer; (passenger) to take on board;
tinxi perf of tingo. signa - decamp.
TIphys, -OSm helmsman of the Argo. Tolosa, -ae/Toulouse.
tippula, -ae/water spider. Tolosan us adj see Tolosa.
Tiresias, -aem blind soothsayer of Thebes. tolutim adv at a trot,
Tiridates, -ae m king of Armenia. tomaculum, -Int sausage,
tiro, -onis m recruit, beginner. tomentum, -Int stuffing, padding.
Tiro, -onis m Cicero's freedman secretary. Tomis, -is/town on the Black Sea (to which
tirocinium, -land iim first campaign; Ovid was exiled).
recruits; (fig) first attempt, inexperience. Tomitanus adj see Tomis.
Tironianus ad; see Tiro, Tonans, -antis m Thunderer (epithet of
tirunculus, -Im young beginner. Jupiter).
TIryns, -this/ancient town in S.E. Greece tondeo, -ere, totondi, tonsum vt to shear,
(home of Hercules). clip, shave; to crop, reap, mow; to graze,
Tirynthius adj of Tiryns, of Hercules ♦ m browse on; (fig) to fleece, rob.
Hercules, tonitralis adj thunderous,
tis archaic gen o/tu. tonitrus, -us m, -ua, -uorum ntpi thunder,
Tisiphone, -es/a Fury. tono, -are, -uivi to thunder ♦ vt to thunder
Tisiphoneus adj guilty. out.
Titan, -finis, (-anus, -ani) m Titan (an ancient tonsa, -ae/oar.
race of gods)', the sun. tonsillae, -arum/pi tonsils,
Titanius, (-aniacus), (-finis) adj see n. tonsor, -oris m barber,
Tithonius adj see n. tonsorius adj for shaving,
Tithonus, -I m consort of Aurora (granted tonstricula, -ae/barber girl,
immortality without youth). tonstrina, -ae/barber’s shop,
titillatio, -onis/tickling, tonstrix, -Icis/woman barber,
titillo, -are vt to tickle, tonsura, -ae/shearing, clipping,
titubanter adv falteringly. tonsus ppp of tondeo,
titubatio, -onis/staggering, tonsus, -us m coiffure,
titubo, -are vt to stagger, totter; to stammer; tophus see tofus.
to waver, falter. topiarius adj of ornamental gardening ♦ m
titulus, -I m inscription, label, notice; title of topiarist ♦ / topiary,
honour; fame; pretext. topice, -es/the art of finding topics.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ara = 3rd and -ira - 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
toraMraiectus 220 LATIN-ENGLISH

toral, -alis nt valance, trabs, -abis/ beam, timber; tree; ship; roof.
torcular, -aris and um, -in» press, Trachin, -inis/town in Thessaly (where
toreuma, -tis nt embossed work, relief, Hercules cremated himself).
tormentum, -I nt windlass, torsion catapult, Trachinius ad; see Trachin,
artillery; shot; rack, torture; (fig) torment, tractabilis adj manageable, tractable,
anguish. tractatio, -onis/handling, treatment,
tormina, -um ntpi colic, tractatus, -us m handling,
torminosus adj subject to colic, tractim adv slowly, little by little,
torno, -are, -avi, -atum vt to turn (in a lathe), tracto, -are, -ivi, -atum vt to maul; to handle,
round off. deal with, manage; (activity) to conduct,
tornus, -Tm lathe, perform; (person) to treat; (subject) to
torosus adj muscular, discuss, consider,
torpedo, -inis/numbness, lethargy; (fish) tractus ppp o/traho ♦ adj fluent,
electric ray. tractus, -us m dragging, pulling, drawing;
torpeo, -ere vi to be stiff, be numb; to be train, track; (place) extent, region, district;
stupefied. (movement) course; (time) lapse; (word)
torpesco, -escere, -uivi to grow stiff, numb, drawling.
listless. tradidipei/o/trado.
torpidus ad; benumbed, traditio, -onis/surrender; handing down,
torpor, -oris m numbness, torpor, traditor, -oris m traitor,
listlessness. traditus ppp o/trado.
torquatus adj wearing a neckchain. trado, -ere, -idi, -itum vt to hand over,
Torquatus,-! m surname of Manlius. deliver, surrender; to commit, entrust; to
torqueo, -quere, -si, -turn vt to turn, twist, betray; to bequeath, hand down; (narrative)
bend, wind; (missile) to whirl, hurl, brandish; to relate, record; (teaching) to propound; se -
(body) to rack, torture; (mind) to torment, surrender, devote oneself,
torques and is, -is m//neckchain, necklace, traduco (transduco), -ucere, -uxi, -uctum
collar. vt to bring across, lead over, transport
torrens, -entis pres po/torreo ♦ adj scorching, across; to transfer; to parade, make an
hot; rushing, rapid ♦ m torment, exhibition of (in public); (time) to pass,
torreo, -ere, -ui, tostum vt to parch, scorch, spend.
roast. traductio, -onis/transference; (time)
torresco, -erevi to become parched, passage; (word) metonymy,
torridus ad; parched, dried up; frostbitten, traductor, -oris m transferrer,
torris, -is m brand, firebrand, traductus ppp o/traducd.
torsi per/o/torqueo, tradux, -ucis m vine layer,
torte adv awry, tragice adv dramatically,
tortilis ad; twisted, winding, tragicocomoedia, -ae/tragicomedy.
tortor, -arivi to writhe, tragicus adj of tragedy, tragic; in the tragic
tortor, -oris m torturer, executioner, manner, lofty; terrible, tragic ♦ m writer of
tortuosus adj winding; (fig) complicated, tragedy.
tortus pppo/torqueo ♦ adj crooked; tragoedia, -ae/tragedy; (fig) bombast,
complicated. tragoedus, -i m tragic actor,
tortus, -us m twisting, writhing, tragula, -ae/kind of javelin,
torulus, -i m tuft (of hair), trahea, -ae/sledge.
torus, -i m knot, bulge; muscle, brawn; couch, traho, -here, -xi, -ctum vt to draw, drag, pull,
bed; (earth) bank, mound; (language) take with one; to pull out, lengthen; to draw
ornament. together, contract; to carry off, plunder;
torvitas, -atis/wildness, grimness, (liquid) to drink, draw; (money) to squander;
torvus ad; wild, grim, fierce, (woof) to spin; (fig) to attract; (appearance) to
tostus ppp o/torred. take on; (consequence) to derive, get; (praise,
tot ad; (indecf) so many, as many, blame) to ascribe, refer; (thought) to ponder;
totidem ad; (indecf) just as many, the same (time) to spin out.
number of. traicio, -icere, -ieci, -iectum vt to throw
totiens, toties adv so often, as often, across, shoot across; (troops) to get across,
totondi perf of tondeo. transport; (with weapon) to pierce, stab;
totus (gen-Tu», dat-T)adj entire, the whole, all; (river, etc) to cross; (fig) to transfer ♦ vi to
entirely, completely taken up with; ex -6 cross.
totally; in -6 on the whole, traiectio, -onis/crossing, passage; (fig)
toxicum, -i nt poison, transferring; (shct) exaggeration; (words)
trabalis adj for beams; clavus - large nail, transposition,
trabea, -ae/ceremonial robe, traiectus ppp of traicio.
trabeatus adj wearing a ceremonial robe. traiectus, -us m crossing, passage.
LATIN-ENGLISH 221 tralat—transs-

tralat- etc see translat-. transfusus ppp of transfundo,

Tralles, -ium fpl town in Lydia. transgredior, -di, -ssusvt, vi to step across,
Trallianus adj seen. cross over, cross; to pass on; to exceed,
traluceo etc see transluceo. transgressio, -onis/passage; (words)
trama, -ae/woof, web. transposition.
trames, -itis m footpath, path. transgressus ppa of transgredior,
tramitto etc see transmitto. transgressus, -us m crossing,
tranato etc see transnato. transicio etc see traicio.
trano, -are, -avi, -atum vt, vi to swim across; transigo, -igere, -egl, -actum vt to carry
(air) to fly through, through, complete, finish; (difference) to
tranquille adv quietly, settle; (time) to pass, spend; (with cum) to put
tranquillitas, -atis/quietness, calm; (fig) an end to; (with weapon) to stab,
peace, quiet. transii perf o/transeo,
tranquillo, -are vt to calm, transilio, transsilio, -Ire, -ulvi to jump
tranquillusadj quiet, calm ♦ nt calm sea. across ♦ vt to leap over; (fig) to skip,
trans prep (with acc) across, over, beyond, disregard; to exceed.
transabeo, -Ire, -ilvt to pierce, transitio, -onis/passage; desertion; (disease)
transactor, -orism manager, infection.
transactus pppo/transigo, transito, -are vi to pass through.
transadigo, -ere vt to drive through, pierce. transitus ppp of transeo.
Transalpinus adj Transalpine, transitus, -us m passing over, passage;
transcendo (transscendo), -endere, -end?, desertion; passing by; transition,
-ensum vt, vi to pass over, surmount; to translaticius, tralatlcius adj traditional,
overstep, surpass, transgress, customary, common,
transcribo (transscrlbo), -bere, -psl, translatio, tralatio, -dnis/ transporting,
-ptum vt to copy out; (fig) to make over, transferring; (language) metaphor,
transfer. translativus adj transferable,
transcurro, -rere, -ri, -sum vt, vi to run translator, -orism transferrer,
across, run past, traverse, translatus ppp of transfero,
transcursus, -us m running through; (speech) translego, -ere vt to read through,
cursory remark, transluceo, -ere vi to be reflected; to shine
transd- etc see trad-, through.
transegiperfo/transigo. transmarinus adj overseas,
transenna, -ae/net, snare; trellis, transmeo, -are vi to cross,
latticework. transmigro, -arevi to emigrate,
transeo, -Ire, -ii, -itum vt, vi to pass over, transmissio, -onis/crossing,
cross over; to pass along or through; to pass transmissus ppp o/transmitto.
by; to outstrip, surpass, overstep; (change) transmissus, -us m crossing,
to turn into; (speech) to mention briefly, transmitto, -ittere, -Isl, -issum vt to send
leave out, pass on; (time) to pass, pass away, across, put across; to let pass through; to
transfero, -ferre, -tulf, -latum vt to bring transfer, entrust, devote; to give up, pass
across, transport, transfer; (change) to over; (place) to cross over, go through, pass
transform; (language) to translate; (shet) to ♦ vi to cross.
use figuratively; (time) to postpone; (writing) transmontanusad; beyond the mountains.
to copy. transmoveo, -overe, -ovl, -otum vt to move,
transfigo, -gere, -xl, -xum vt to pierce; to transfer.
thrust through. transmuto, -are vt to shift,
transfixus ppp of transfigo, transnato, tranato, -are vi to swim across ♦
transfodio, -odere, -odi, -ossum vt to run vt to swim.
through, stab. transno etc see trand.
transformis ad; changed in shape, Transpadanus ad; north of the Po.
transformo, -are vt to change in shape, transpectus, -us m view,
transfossus ppp o/transfodio. transpicio, -ere vt to look through,
transfuga, -aem/f deserter, transpono, -onere, -osul, -ositum vt to
transfugio, -ugere, -ugl vi to desert, come transfer.
over. transporto, -are vt to carry across, transport,
transfugium, -Iand i! m desertion, remove.
transfundo, -undere, -udi, -usum vt to transpositus ppp o/transpdno.
decant, transfuse, Transrhenanus ad; east of the Rhine.
transfusio, -onis/transmigration. transs- etc see trans-.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -era = 3rd and -ire * 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
Transtibermus-trifaux 222 LAT1N-ENGLISH

Transtiberinus adj across the Tiber. Treveri, -orum mpi people of E. Gaul (about
transtineo, -ere vi to get through, what is nowTr&ves).
transtrum, -Tnt thwart. Trevericus adj see n.
transtuUper/o/transfero triangulum, -Int triangle,
transuito, -are vi to jump across, triangulus ad; triangular,
transutus adj pierced, triarii, -orum mpi the third line (in Roman
transvectio, -onis/crossing, battle order), the reserves,
transvectus ppp o/transveho. tribuarius ad; of the tribes,
transveho, -here, -xi, -ctum vt to carry tribulis, -is m fellow tribesman,
across, transport. tribulum, -Int threshing sledge,
transvehor, -hi, -ctusvi to cross, pass over; tribulus, -I m star thistle,
(parade) to ride past; (time) to elapse, tribunal, -alis m platform; judgment seat;
transverbero, -are vt to pierce through, camp platform, cenotaph,
wound. tribunatus, -usm tribuneship, rank of
transversus (traversus) adj lying across, tribune.
crosswise, transverse; digitum -um a tribunicius ad; of a tribune ♦ m ex-tribune,
finger’s breadth; de -6 unexpectedly; ex -6 tribunus, -Im tribune; - plebis tribune of the
sideways. people, a magistrate who defended the
transvolito, -are vt to fly through, rights of the plebeians; - militum or militaris
transvolo, -are vt, vi to fly across, fly through; military tribune, an officer under the
to move rapidly across; to fly past, legatus; ~T aerarii paymasters,
disregard. tribuo, -uere, -ui, -utum vt to assign, allot; to
transvorsusetc see transversus, give, bestow, pay; to concede, allow; to
trapetus, -T m olive mill, oil mill, ascribe, attribute; (subject) to divide; (time)
trapezita etc see tarpezlta. to devote,
Trapezus, -untis/Black Sea town (now tribus, -us m tribe.
Trebizond). tributarius ad;: ~ae tabellae letters of credit,
Trasumennus (Trasimenus), -I m lake in tributim adv by tribes,
Etruria (where Hannibal defeated the Romans). tributio, -onis/distribution,
trav-see transv-. tributum, -I nt contribution, tribute, tax.
tra vectio etc see transvectio. tributus ppp o/tribuo.
traxi perf of traho. tributus adj arranged by tribes,
treceni, -orum adj three hundred each, tricae, -arum/pi nonsense; tricks, vexations,
trecentesimus adj three-hundredth, triceni, -orum adj thirty each, in thirties,
trecenti, -drum num three hundred, triceps, -ipitis adj three-headed,
trecentiens, -es adv three hundred times, tricesimus ad; thirtieth,
trechedipna, -orum ntpi dinner shoes (of trichila, -ae/arbour, summerhouse,
parasites). triciens, -esadv thirty times,
tredecim num thirteen, triclinium, -Iand i! nt dining couch; dining
tremebundus ad) trembling, room.
tremefacio, -facere, -feci, -factum vt to trlco, -onism mischief-maker.
shake. tricor, -arl vi to make mischief, play tricks.
tremendus ad; formidable, terrible, tricorpor, -is adj three-bodied.
tremesco (tremlsco), -erevi to begin to tricuspis, -idisad; three-pointed.
shake ♦ vt to be afraid of. tridens, -entisad; three-pronged ♦ m trident.
tremo, -ere, -ulvi to tremble, quake, quiver ♦ tridentifer, -Tad; trident-wielding.
vt to tremble at, dread, tridentiger, -i adj trident-wielding.
tremor, -orism shaking, quiver, tremor; triduum, -Int three days.
earthquake. triennia, -ium ntpi a triennial festival.
tremulus adj trembling, shivering, triennium, -land il nt three years.
trepidanter adv with agitation, triens, -entis m a third; (coin) a third of an as;
trepidatio, -onis/agitation, alarm, (measure) a third of a pint,
consternation. trientabulum, -Int land given by the State as a
trepide adv hastily, in confusion, third of a debt.
trepido, -are, -avl, -atum vi to be agitated, trientiusad; sold for a third,
bustle about, hurry; to be alarmed; to trierarchus, -I m captain of a trireme,
flicker, quiver ♦ vt to start at. trieris, -is/trireme.
trepidus adj restless, anxious, alarmed; trietericus ad; triennial ♦ ntpi festival of
alarming, perilous, Bacchus.
tres, trium num three, trieteris, -idis/ three years; a triennial
tressis, -is m three asses, festival.
tresviri, triumvirorum mpi three trifariam adv in three parts, in three places,
commissioners, triumvirs. trifaux, -aucis adj three-throated.
LATIN-ENGLISH 223 trifidus-trusus

trifidus ad; three-forked. Triton, -onis m sea god (son of Neptune);

triformis adj triple. African lake (where Minerva was born).
trifur, -uris m archthief. Tritonius, -oniacus, -onis adj of Lake Triton,
trifurcifer, -T m hardened criminal. of Minerva ♦ / Minerva,
trigeminus ad; threefold, triple ♦ mpi triplets. tritura, -ae/threshing,
triginta num thirty. tritus pppof tero ♦ adj well-worn; (judgment)
trigon, -onis m a ball game. expert; (language) commonplace, trite,
trilibris ad; three-pound. tritus, -us m rubbing, friction,
trilinguis ad; three-tongued. triumphalis adj triumphal ♦ nip! insignia of a
trifix, -Tcis ad; three-ply, three-stranded. triumph.
trimestris adj of three months. triumphd, -are, -avl, -atum vi to celebrate a
trimetrus, -T m trimeter. triumph; to triumph, exult ♦ vt to triumph
trim us ad; three years old. over, win by conquest,
Trinacria, -iae/ Sicily. triumphus, -Im triumphal procession,
Trinacrius, -is, -idisad; Sicilian, victory parade; triumph, victory,
trim, -drum adj three each, in threes; triple. triumvir, -I m commissioner, triumvir; mayor
Trinobantes, -um mpi British tribe in East (of a provincial town).
Anglia. triumviralis ad; triumviral.
trinodis ad; three-knotted, triumviratus, -us m office of triumvir,
triobolus, -I m half-a-drachma. triumvirate.
Triones, -um mpi the Plough; the Little Bear, triumviri, -drum mpi three commissioners,
tripartito adv in or into three parts, triumvirs.
tripartitus, tripertltusadj divided into three trivenefica, -ae/old witch,
parts. trivlpei/o/tero.
tripectorus ad; three-bodied, Trivia, -ae/Diana.
tripedalis ad; three-foot, trivialis ad; common, popular.
tripert- etc see tripart-, trivium, -land ilnt crossroads; public street.
tripes, -edis adj three-legged, trivius ad; of the crossroads.
triplex, -icisad; triple, threefold ♦ m three Troas, -adis/the district of Troy, Troad;
times as much ♦ mpi three-leaved writing Trojan woman ♦ adj Trojan,
tablet. trochaeus, -I m trochee; tribrach,
triplus ad; triple. trochlea, -ae/block and tackle,
Triptolemus, -I m inventor of agriculture, judge trochus, -Im hoop.
in Hades. Troglodytae, -arum mpi cave dwellers of
tripudio, -arevi to dance, Ethiopia.
tripudium, -I and i I m ceremonial dance, Troia, -ae/Troy.
dance; a favourable omen (when the sacred Troilus, -I m son of Priam.
chickens ate greedily). Troiugena, -aem/f Trojan; Roman.
tripus, -odis/tripod; the Delphic oracle, Troius and anus and cus ad; Trojan,
triquetrus adj triangular; Sicilian, tropaeum, -I m victory memorial, trophy;
triremis ad; with three banks of oars ♦ / victory; memorial, token.
trireme, Tros, -diSm king of Phrygia; Trojan,
trls etc see tres. trucidatio, -onis/butchery,
triscurria, -orum ntpi sheer fooling, trucido, -are, -avl, -atum vt to slaughter,
triste adv sadly; severely, massacre.
tristi = trivisti, truculente adv see truculentus,
tristiculus ad; rather sad. truculentia, -ae/ferocity, inclemency,
tristificus adj ominous, truculentus ad; ferocious, grim, wild,
tristimonia, -ae/sadness, trudis, -is/pikeL
tristis adj sad, glum, melancholy; gloomy, trudo, -dere, -si, -sum vt to push, thrust,
sombre, dismal; (taste) bitter; (smell) drive; (buds) to put forth,
offensive; (temper) severe, sullen, ill- trulla, -ae/ladle, scoop; washbasin,
humoured. trunco, -are, -avl, -atum vt to lop off, maim,
tristitia, -ae/sadness, sorrow, melancholy; mutilate.
moroseness, severity, truncus, -Im (tree) trunk, bole; (human) trunk,
tristities, -ei/sorrow, body; (abuse) blockhead ♦ ad; maimed,
trisulcus adj three-forked, broken, stripped (of); defective.
tritavus, -im great-great-great-grandfather, truslper/o/trudo.
triticeus adj of wheat, wheaten. trusito, -are vt to keep pushing.
triticum, -Tnt wheat. trusus pppof trudo.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ara = 2nd; -are = 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
trutina-turrrtus 224 LATIN-ENGLISH

trutina, -ae/balance, scales. (speech) to din, importune.

trux, -ucis adj savage, grim, wild. Tunes, -etism Tunis,
trygonus, -Tm stingray. tunica, -ae/tunic; (fig) skin, husk,
tu pron you, thou. tunicatus adj wearing a tunic,
tuatim adv in your usual fashion. tunicula, -ae/little tunic,
tuba, -ae/trumpet, war trumpet. tunsus ppp of tundo,
tuber, -is nt swelling, lump; (food) truffle. tuor etc see tuecr.
tuber, -is/kind of apple tree. turba, -ae/disorder, riot, disturbance; brawl,
tubicen, -inis m trumpeter. quarrel; crowd, mob, troop, number,
tubilustria, -orum ntpi festival of trumpets. turbamenta, -drum ntpi propaganda,
tuburcinor, -arivt to gobble up, guzzle. turbate adv in confusion,
tubus, -7 m pipe. turbatio, -dnis/confusion.
tudito, -are vt to strike repeatedly, turbator, -oris m agitator,
tueor, -eri, -itus and tutus vt to see, watch, turbatus ppp o/turbd ♦ adj troubled,
look; to guard, protect, keep, disorderly.
tugurium, -7and i7nt hut, cottage, turbellae, -arum/pi stir, row.
tuitio, -onis/defence, turben etc see turbo,
tuitus ppa o/tueor. turbide adv in disorder,
tul7per/o/fero. turbidus adj confused, wild, boisterous;
Tullianum, -7nt State dungeon of Rome. (water) troubled, muddy; (fig) disorderly,
Tullianus adj see Tullius. troubled, alarmed, dangerous,
Tulliola, -ae/little Tullia (Cicero's daughter). turbineus adj conical.
Tullius, -7and i7m Roman family name (esp the turbo, -are, -av7, -atum vt to disturb, throw
sixth king); the orator Cicero. into confusion; (water) to trouble, make
Tullus, -7m third king of Rome. muddy.
turn adv (time) then, at that time; (sequence) turbo, -inis m whirl, spiral, rotation; reel,
then, next ♦ conj moreover, besides; - ... - at whorl, spindle; (toy) top; (wind) tornado,
one time ... at another; - ... cum at the time whirlwind; (fig) storm,
when, whenever; cum ... - not only ... but; - turbulente and eradv wildly,
demum only then; - ipsum even then; - turbulentus adj agitated, confused,
maxime just then; - vero then more than boisterous, stormy; troublemaking,
ever. seditious.
tumefacio, -facere, -fec7, -factum vt to turdus, -7 m thrush.
make swell; (fig) to puff up. tureus adj of incense.
tumeo, -ere vi to swell, be swollen; (emotion) turgeo, -gere, -s7 vi to swell, be swollen;
to be excited; (pride) to be puffed up; (speech) to be bombastic,
(language) to be turgid, turgesco, -erevi to swell up, begin to swell;
tumesco, -escere, -u7vi to begin to swell, (fig) to become enraged,
swell up. turgidulus adj poor swollen,
tumidus adj swollen, swelling; (emotion) turgidus adj swollen, distended; bombastic,
excited, enraged; (pride) puffed up; turibulum, -7nt censer,
(language) bombastic. turicremus adj incense-burning,
tumor, -oris m swelling, bulge; hillock; (fig) turifer, -7adj incense-producing,
commotion, excitement, turilegus adj incense-gathering,
tumulo, -are vt to bury, turma, -ae/troop, squadron (of cavalry);
tumulosus adj hilly. crowd.
tumultuarius adj hasty; (troops) emergency. turmalis adj of a troop; equestrian,
tumultuatio, -onis/commotion, turmatim adv troop by troop.
tumultuo, -are; -or, -ari vi to make a Turnus, -7 m Rutulian king (chief opponent of
commotion, be in an uproar, Aeneas).
tumultuose adv see tumultuosus, turpiculus adj ugly little; slightly indecent,
tumultuosus adj uproarious, excited, turpificatus adj debased,
turbulent. turpilucricupidus adj fond of filthy lucre,
tumultus, -us m commotion, uproar, turpis adj ugly, deformed, unsightly; base,
disturbance; (mil) rising, revolt, civil war; disgraceful ♦ nt disgrace,
(weather) storm; (mind) disorder, turpiter adv repulsively; shamefully,
tumulus, -7 m mound, hill; burial mound, turpitudo, -inis/deformity; disgrace,
barrow. infamy.
tunc adv (time) then, at that time; (sequence) turpo, -are vt to disfigure, soil.
then, next; - demum only then; - quoque turriger, -7adj turreted.
then too; even so. turris, -is/tower, turret; siege tower;
tundo, -ere, tutudi, tunsum and tusum vt to (elephant) howdah; (fig) mansion,
beat, thump, hammer; (grain) to pound; turritus adj turreted; castellated; towering.
LAT1N-ENGL1SH 225 tursi-ululatus

tursi perfof turgeo,
turtur, -is m turtledove,
tus, turis nt incense, frankincense.
Tusculanensis ad; at Tusculum.
Tusculanum, -anint villa at Tusculum (esp
Tusculanus ad; Tusculan.
tusculum, -T nt a little incense. uber, -is nt breast, teat; (fig) richness,
Tusculum, -Inf Latin town near Rome. uber, -is ad; fertile, plentiful, rich (in);
Tusculusadj Tusculan. (language) full, copious,
Tuscus adj Etruscan, uberius (superi -rime) compar adj more fully,
tussio, -Trevi to cough, have a cough, more copiously.
tussis, -is/cough, ubertas, -atis/richness, plenty, fertility,
tusus ppp of tundo, ubertim adv copiously,
tutamen, -inis m defence, ubiadv (interrog) where; (retat) where, in
tutamentum, -7m protection. which, with whom; when
tUte emphatic form of tu. ubicumque adv wherever; everywhere.
tuteadv safely, in safety, Ubii, -drum mpl German tribe on the lower
tutela, -ae/keeping, charge, protection; (of Rhine.
minors) guardianship, wardship; (person) ubinam adv where (in fact)?
watcher, guardian; ward, charge. ubiquaque adv everywhere,
tUtemet emphatic form o/tU. ubique adv everywhere, anywhere,
tutor, -an, -atus, -6, -arevt to watch, guard, ubiubiadv wherever,
protect; to guard against, ubivis adv anywhere,
tutor, -oris m protector; (law) guardian, udus adj wet, damp,
tutudi perf o/tundo. ulcero, -are vt to make sore, wound,
tutus ppp of tueo ♦ adj safe, secure; cautious ♦ ulcerosus adj full of sores; wounded,
nt safety. ulciscor, -i, ultus vt to take vengeance on,
tuus adj your, yours, thy, thine; your own, punish; to take vengeance for, avenge,
your proper; of you. ulcus, -eris nt sore, ulcer; - tangere touch on a
Tydeus, -eland eos m father of Diomede. delicate subject.
Tydides, -idae m Diomede, ufigo, -inis/moisture, marshiness.
tympanotriba, -ae m timbrel player, Ulixes, -is m Ulysses, Odysseus (king of Ithaca,
tympanum (typanum), -int drum, timbrel hero of Homer's Odyssey).
(esp of the priests of Cybele); (mechanism) ullus (gen-Tus, dat-T)adj any.
wheel. ulmeus adj of elm.
Tyndareus, -ei m king of Sparta (husband of ulmus, -i/elm; (pi) elm rods,
Leda). ulna, -ae/elbow; arm; (measure) ell.
Tyndaridae, -idarum mpi Castor and Pollux. ulterior, -oris compar adj farther, beyond,
Tyndaris, -idis/Helen; Clytemnestra. more remote,
Typhoeus, -eos m giant under Etna. ulterius compar of ultra,
Typhoius, -is adj seen. ultimus superi adj farthest, most remote, the
typus, -i m figure, end of; (time) earliest, latest, last; (degree)
tyrannice adv see tyrannicus, extreme, greatest, lowest ♦ ntpl the end;
tyrannicida, -ae m tyrannicide, -urn for the last time; ad -um finally,
tyrannicus adj tyrannical, ultio, -onis/vengeance, revenge,
tyrannis, -idis/despotism, tyranny, ultor, -oris m avenger, punisher,
tyrannoctonus, -i m tyrannicide, ultro adv beyond, farther, besides ♦ prep (with
tyrannus, -i m ruler, king; despot, tyrant. acc) beyond, on the far side of; (time) past;
Tyras, -aem river Dniester. (degree) over and above,
Tyrius a4i Tyrian, Phoenician, Carthaginian; ultrix, -icis ad; avenging,
purple. ultro adv on the other side, away; besides; of
tyrotarichos, -i m dish of salt fish and cheese. one’s own accord, unasked, voluntarily,
Tyrrhenia, -iae/Etruria. ultro tributa ntpl State expenditure for public
Tyrrhenus ad; Etruscan, Tyrrhenian. works.
Tyrtaeus, -im Spartan war poet. ultus ppa of ulciscor,
Tyrus (-os), -i/Tyre (famous Phoenician ulula, -ae/screech owl.
seaport). ululatus, -us m wailing, shrieking, yells,

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -are = 2nd; -are = 3rd and -ira = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
ululo-urbicapus 226 LATIN-ENGLISH

ululo, -are, -avi, -atum vi to shriek, yell, howl undequadraginta num thirty-nine,
♦ vt to cry out to. undequinquagesimus adj forty-ninth,
ulva, -ae/sedge. undequinquaginta num forty-nine,
umbella, -ae/parasol. undesexaginta num fifty-nine,
Umber, -riadj Umbrian ♦ m Umbrian dog. undetricesimus adj twenty-ninth,
umbilicus, -7m navel; (fig) centre; (book) undevicesimani, -orum mpi men of the
roller end; (sea) cockle or pebble, nineteenth legion.
umbo, -onis m boss (of a shield)-, shield; elbow, undevicesimus ad; nineteenth,
umbra, -ae/shadow, shade; (dead) ghost; undeviginti num nineteen,
(diner) uninvited guest; (fish) grayling; undique adv from every side, on all sides,
(painting) shade; (place) shelter, school, everywhere; completely,
study; (unreality) semblance, mere shadow, undisonus adj sea-roaring,
umbraculum, -int arbour; school; parasol, undo, -are vi to surge; (fig) to roll, undulate,
umbraticola, -ae m lounger, undosus adj billowy.
umbraticus adi fond of idling; in retirement, unetvicesimani, -orum mpi men of the twenty-
umbratilis adj in retirement, private, first legion.
academic. unetvicesimus adj twenty-first,
Umbria, -riae/Umbria (district of central Italy). ungo (unguo), -gere, unxi, unctum vt to
umbrifer, -iadj shady. anoint, smear, grease,
umbro, -are vt to shade. unguen, -inism fat, grease, ointment,
umbrosus adj shady. unguentarius, -iand ii m perfumer,
umecto, -are vt to wet, water. unguentatus adj perfumed,
umectus adj damp, wet. unguentum, -i nt ointment, perfume,
umeo, -ere vi to be damp, be wet. unguiculus, -im fingernail,
umerus, -7 m upper arm, shoulder. unguis, -ism nail (of finger or toe)-, claw, talon,
umesco, -ere vi to become damp, get wet. hoof; ad -em with perfect finish;
umide adv with damp. transversum -em a hair’s breadth; de tenero
umidulus ad; dampish. ~i from earliest childhood,
umidus adj wet, damp, dank, moist. ungula, -ae/hoof, talon, claw,
umor, -oris m liquid, fluid, moisture. unguo etc see ungo.
umquam, unquam adv ever, at any time. unice adv solely, extraordinarily,
una adv together. unicolor, -oris adj all one colour,
unanimans, -antisadj in full agreement, unicus adj one and only, sole; unparalleled,
unanimitas, -atis/concord, unique.
unanimus adj of one accord, harmonious, uniformis adj simple.
uncia, -ae/a twelfth; (weight) ounce; (length) unigena, -aeadj only-begotten; of the same
inch. parentage.
unciarius ad; of a twelfth; (interest) 8V4 per unimanus ad; with only one hand,
cent. unio, -onis m a single large pearl,
unciatim adv little by little, uniter adv together in one.
uncinatus ad; barbed, universalis ad; general,
unciola, -ae/a mere twelfth, universe adv in general,
unctio, -onis/anointing, universitas, -atis/the whole; the universe,
unctito, -are vt to anoint regularly, universus adj all taken together, entire,
unctiusculus ad; rather too unctuous, general ♦ mpi the community as a whole ♦ nt
unctor, -oris m anointer. the universe; in -urn in general,
unctura, -ae/anointing (of the dead), unquam etc see umquam.
unctuspppo/ungd ♦ adj oiled; greasy, unus num one ♦ adj sole, single, only; one and
resinous; (fig) rich, sumptuous ♦ nt the same; the outstanding one; an
sumptuous dinner, individual; - at alter one or two; - quisque
uncus, -7m hook, grappling-iron, every single one; nemo - not a single one; ad
uncus adj hooked, crooked, barbed, -um to a man.
unda, -ae/wave, water; (fig) stream, surge, unxiperf of ungo.
unde adv from where, whence; from whom, upilio, -onism shepherd,
from which; - petitur the defendant; - unde upupa, -ae/hoopoe; crowbar.
from wherever; somehow or other, Urania, -ae and e, -esfMuse of astronomy.
undeciens and es adv eleven times, urbane adv politely; wittily, elegantly,
undecim num eleven, urbanitis, -atis/city life; refinement,
undecimus adj eleventh, politeness; wit.
undecumque adv from wherever, urbanus adj town (in cpds), city (in cpds);
undem, -drum ad; eleven each, eleven, refined, polite; witty, humorous;
undenonaginta num eighty-nine, impertinent ♦ m townsman,
undeoctoginta num seventy-nine. urbicapus, -i m taker of cities.
LATIN-ENGL1SH 227 urbs-uvidus

urbs, urbis/city; Rome, ut, utladv how; (relat) as; (explaining)

urceolus,-Im jug. considering how, according as; (place)
urceus, -T m pitcher, ewer, where; - in oratore for an orator ♦ conj 1. with
uredo, -inis /blight, indie: (manner) as; (concessive) while, though;
urgeo, -gere, -si vt, vi to force on, push (time) when, as soon as. 2. withsubj:
forward; to press hard on, pursue closely; to (expressing the idea of a verb) that, to;
crowd, hem in; to burden, oppress; (purpose) so that, to; (causal) seeing that;
(argument) to press, urge; (work, etc) to urge (concessive) granted that, although; (result)
_ on, ply hard, follow up. that, so that; (fear) that not; ~ ... ita while ...
urina, -ae/urine. nevertheless; - non without; - quT seeing
urinator, -oris m diver, that I, he, etc, - quisque maxime the more,
urna, -ae/ water jar, urn; voting urn, lottery utcumque (utcunque) adv however;
urn, cinerary urn, money jar. whenever; one way or another,
urnula, -ae/small urn. utensilis adj of use ♦ ntpi necessaries,
uro, -ere, ussi, ustum vt to burn; to scorch, uter, -ris m bag, skin, bottle,
parch; (cold) to nip; (med) to cauterize; uter (gen -rlus, dat-rl), -ra, -rum pron which (of
(rubbing) to chafe, hurt; (passion) to fire, two), the one that; one or the other,
inflame; (vexation) to annoy, oppress, utercumque, utracumque, utrumcumque
ursa, -ae/she-bear, bear; (astro) Great Bear, pron whichever (of two),
Lesser Bear. uterlibet, utralibet, utrumlibet pron
ursTpe r/o/urged, whichever (of the two) you please, either
ursinus adj bear’s, one.
ursus, -I m bear, uterque, utraque, utrumque pron each (of
urtica, -ae/ nettle, two), either, both.
urus, -1 m wild ox. uterum, -I nt, uterus, -I m womb; child; belly,
Usipetes, -etum, (-il, -idrum) mpi German utervis, utravis, utrum vis pron whichever
tribe on the Rhine. (of two) you please; either.
usitate adv in the usual manner, Utl injin of utor.
usitatus adj usual, familiar, utl etc see ut.
uspiam adv anywhere, somewhere, utibilis adj useful, serviceable.
usquam adv anywhere; in any way, at all. Utica, -ae/town near Carthage (where Cato
usque adv all the way (to, from), right on, committed suicide).
right up to; (time) all the time, as long as, Uticensis adj see n.
continuously; (degree) even, as much as; - utilis adj useful, expedient, profitable; fit (for),
quaque everywhere; every moment, on utilitas, -atis/usefulness, expediency,
every occasion. _ advantage.
USSl perf of uro. utiliter adv usefully, advantageously,
ustor, -oris m cremator, utinamadv I wish!, would that!, if only!
ustulo, -are vt to burn, utique adv at least, by all means, especially,
ustus ppp of uro. utor, utl, usus vi (with abl) to use, employ; to
usucapio, -apere, -dpi, -aptum vt to acquire possess, enjoy; to practise, experience;
ownership of, take over, (person) to be on intimate terms with, find;
usucapio, -dnis/ownership by use or utendum rogare borrow,
possession. utpote adv inasmuch as, as being,
usura, -ae/use, enjoyment; interest, usury, utrarius, -Iand ilm watercarrier.
usurarius ad; for use and enjoyment; paying utricularius, -land il m bagpiper,
interest. utrimque (utrinque) adv on both sides, on
usurpatio, -dnis/making use (of), either side.
usurpo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to make use of, utro adv in which direction.
employ, exercise; (law) to take possession utroblquesee utrubique.
of, enter upon; (senses) to perceive, make utroque adv in both directions, both ways.
contact with; (word) to call by, speak of. utrubladv on which side.
USUSppao/UtOr. utrubique adv on both sides, on either side.
usus, -us m use, enjoyment, practice; utrum adv whether.
experience, skill; usage, custom; utut adv however.
intercourse, familiarity; usefulness, benefit, uva, -ae/grape, bunch of grapes; vine;
advantage; need, necessity; - eat, venft cluster.
there is need (of); -ul esse, ex -u esse be of uvesco, -ere vi to become wet.
use, be of service; ~u ventre happen; - et uvidulus adj moist.
fructus use and enjoyment, usufruct. uvidus adj wet, damp; drunken.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -ara = 1st; = 2nd; -ara - 3rd and -ira = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
uxor-varix 228 LATIN-ENGLISH

uxor, -oris/wife. valens, -entis pres pof valeo ♦ adj strong,

uxorcula, -ae/little wife. powerful, vigorous; well, healthy,
uxorius adj of a wife; fond of his wife. valenter adv strongly,
valentulus adj strong,
valeo, -ere, -ul, -itum vi to be strong; to be
able, have the power (to); to be well, fit,
healthy; (fig) to be powerful, effective,

V,v valid; (force) to prevail; (money) to be worth;

(word) to mean; - apud have influence over,
carry weight with; -are iubeo say goodbye
to; -a dico say goodbye; -aaa away with you!
valesco, -ere vi to grow strong, thrive,
valetudinarium, -land il nt hospital,
valetudo, -inis/state of health, health;
vacans, -antis pres po/vaco ♦ adj unoccupied; illness.
(woman) single. valgus adj bow-legged,
vacatio, -onis/freedom, exemption; valide adv powerfully, very,
exemption from military service; payment validus adj strong, powerful, able; sound,
for exemption from service, healthy; effective.
vacca, -ae/cow. vallaris adj (decoration) for scaling a rampart,
vaccinium, -Iand il nt hyacinth, valles, vailis, -is /valley,
vaccula, -ae/heifer, vallo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to palisade,
vacefld, -ieri vi to become empty, entrench, fortify,
vacillo, -aravi to stagger, totter; to waver, be vallum, -Int rampart, palisade,
unreliable, entrenchment.
vacive adv at leisure, vallus, -Im stake; palisade, rampart; (comb)
vacivitas, -atis/want, tooth.
vacivus adj empty, free, valvae, -arum jpi folding door,
vaco, -are, -avl, -atum vi to be empty, vanesco, -ere vi to disappear, pass away,
vacant, unoccupied; to be free, aloof (from); vanidicus, -Im liar,
to have time for, devote one's time to; -at vaniloquentia, -ae/idle talk,
there is time, vaniloquus ad; untruthful; boastful,
vacuatus adj empty. vanitas, -atis/emptiness; falsehood,
vacuefacio, -facere, -feci, -factum vt to worthlessness, fickleness; vanity,
empty, clear. vanitudo, -inis/falsehood,
vacuitas, -atis/freedom, exemption; vannus, -I/winnowing fan.
vacancy. vanus adj empty ; idle, useless, groundless;
vacuus adj empty, void, wanting; vacant; free false, untruthful, unreliable; conceited,
(from), clear; disengaged, at leisure; (value) vapidus adj spoilt, corrupt,
worthless; (woman) single ♦ nt void, space, vapor, -oris m steam, vapour; heat,
vadimonium, -land il nt bail, security; - vaporarium, -land il m steam pipe,
sistere appear in court; - deserere default, vaporo, -irevt to steam, fumigate, heat ♦ vi
vado, -ere vi to go, go on, make one's way. to bum.
vador, -irl, -atus vt to bind over by bail, vappa, -ae/wine that has gone flat; (person)
vadosus adj shallow. good-for-nothing.
vadum, -Int shoal, shallow, ford; water, sea; vapulo, -are vi to be flogged, beaten; to be
bottom. defeated.
vae inter) woe!, alas! variantia, -ae/diversity.
vafer, -riadj crafty, subtle, variatio, -onis/difference,
vafre adv artfully, varico, -arevi to straddle,
vage adv far afield. varicosus adj varicose,
vagina, -ae/sheath, scabbard; (grain) husk, varicus adj with feet wide apart,
vagio, -Ire vi to cry. varie adv diversely, with varying success,
vagitus, -us m crying, bleating, varietas, -atis/difference, diversity,
vagor, -ari, -atusvi to wander, rove, go far vario, -are, -avi, -atum vt to diversify,
afield; (fig) to spread, variegate; to make different, change, vary ♦
vagor, -oris m cry. vi to change colour; to differ, vary,
vagus adj wandering, unsettled; (fig) fickle, varius adj coloured, spotted, variegated;
wavering, vague. diverse, changeable, various; (ability)
vah inter) (expressing surprise, joy, anger) oh!, versatile; (character) fickle.
ah! Varius, -Im epic poet (friend of Vergil and
valde adv greatly, intensely; very, Horace).
vale, valete inter) goodbye, farewell. varix, -icis/varicose vein.
LATIN-ENGLISH 229 Varro-vendibilis

Varro, -dnis m consul defeated at Cannae; vel con) or, or perhaps; or rather; or else;
antiquarian writer of Cicero's day. either ... or ♦ adv even, if you like; perhaps;
Varronianus ad; see Varro. for instance; - maximus the very greatest.
varus ad; knock-kneed; crooked; contrary. Velabrum, -Int low ground between Capitol and
vas, vadis m surety, bail. Palatine hills.
vas, vasis (p/vasa, -orum)m vessel, dish; velamen, -inis nt covering, garment,
utensil, implement; (mil) baggage, velamentum, -Int curtain; (pi) draped olive
vasarium, -land il nt furnishing allowance (of branches carried by suppliants,
a governor). velarium, -land iT nt awning,
vascularius, -land ilm metalworker. velati, -drum mpl supernumerary troops,
vasculum, -Tnt small dish. veles, -itis m light-armed soldier, skirmisher,
vastatio, -onis/ravaging. velifer, -I ad; carrying sail,
vastator, -oris m ravager. velificatio, -dnis/sailing.
vaste adv (size) enormously; (speech) coarsely. velifico, -are vi to sail ♦ vt to sail through,
vastificus ad; ravaging. velificor, -arivi to sail; (with dat) to make an
vastitas, -atis/ desolation, desert; effort to obtain.
devastation, destruction, Velinus, -Ima Sabine lake.
vastities, -el/ruin. velitaris ad; of the light-armed troops,
vasto, -are, -avT, -atum vt to make desolate, velitatio, -dnis/skirmishing.
denude; to lay waste, ravage, velites pi of veles,
vastus ad; empty, desolate, uncultivated; velitor, -arl vi to skirmish,
ravaged, devastated; (appearance) uncouth, velivolus ad; sail-winged,
rude; (size) enormous, vast, velle infin of void.
visum etc see vas. vellico, -are vt to pinch, pluck, twitch;
vates, -is mJf prophet, prophetess; poet, bard. (speech) to taunt, disparage,
Vaticanus ad; Vatican (hill on right bank of vello, -ere, vellland vulsi, vulsum vt to
Tiber). pluck, pull, pick; to pluck out, tear up.
vaticinatio, -dnis/prophesying, prediction, vellus, -eris nt fleece, pelt; wool; fleecy
vaticinator, -oris m prophet, clouds.
vaticinor, -ari, -atus vt, vi to prophesy; to velo, -are, -avT, -atum vt to cover up, clothe,
celebrate in verse; to rave, rant, veil; (fig) to conceal,
vaticinus ad; prophetic. velocitas, -atis/speed, rapidity,
-vecon; or; either ... or. velociter adv rapidly,
vecordia, -ae/senselessness; insanity, veldx, -ocisad; fast, quick, rapid,
vecors, -dis ad; senseless, foolish, mad. velum, -Int sail; curtain, awning; remis -Tsque
vectigal, -alis nt tax; honorarium (to a with might and main; -a dare set sail,
magistrate); income, velut, velutladv as, just as; for instance; just
vectio, -dnis/transport, as if.
vectis, -is m lever, crowbar; (door) bolt, bar. vemens etc see vehemens,
Vectis, -is/ Isle of Wight, vena, -ae/vein, artery; vein of metal; water
vectd, -arevt to carry; (pass) to ride, course; (fig) innermost nature of feelings,
vector, -oris m carrier; passenger, rider, talent, strength; -as temptare feel the pulse;
vectorius ad; transport (in cpds). -as tenere have one’s Anger on the pulse
vectura, -ae/transport; (payment) carriage, (of).
fare. venabulum, -Int hunting spear.
vectus ppp of veho. Venafranus ad; see n.
Vediovis, -is = Veiovis. Venafrum, -Int Samnite town famous for olive
vegetus ad; lively, sprightly. oil.
vegrandis ad; small. venalicius ad; for sale ♦ m slave dealer,
vehemens, -entis ad; impetuous, violent; venalis ad; for sale; bribable ♦ m slave
powerful, strong. offered for sale,
vehementer adv violently, eagerly; venaticus adj hunting (in cpds).
powerfully, very much, venatio, -onis/hunting; a hunt; public show
vehementia, -ae/vehemence, of fighting wild beasts; game,
vehiculum, -Int carriage, cart; (sea) vessel, venator, -oris m hunter,
veho, -here, -xT, -ctum vt to carry, convey; venatorius odj hunter’s,
(pass) to ride, sail, drive. venatrix, -Icis/ huntress,
Veiens, -entis, (-entanus), (-us) ad; see Veil. venatura, -ae/hunting,
Veil, -drum mpl ancient town in S. Etruria. venatus, -us m hunting,
Veiovis, -is m ancient Roman god(anti-Jupiter). vendibilis adj saleable; (fig) popular.

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -ire = 1st; -are = 2nd; -era = 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
venditatid-vernula 230 LATIN-ENGLISH

venditatio, -onis/ showing off, advertising, venustas, -itis/charm, beauty,

venditator, -oris m braggart, venuste adv charmingly,
venditio, -onis/sale. venustulus adj charming little,
vendito, -are vt to try to sell; to praise up, venustus adj charming, attractive, beautiful,
advertise; se ~ ingratiate oneself (with), vepallidus adj very pale,
venditor, -oris m seller, veprecula, -ae/little brier bush,
vendo (pass veneo), -ere, -idi, -itum vt to sell; vepres, -is m thombush, bramblebush.
to betray; to praise up. ver, veris nt spring; - sacrum offerings of
veneficium, -Tand ilnt poisoning; sorcery, firstlings.
veneficus adj poisonous; magic ♦ m sorcerer veratrum, -Tnt hellebore,
♦ /sorceress. verax, -acis adj truthful,
venenatus adj poisonous; magic, verbena, -ae/vervain; (pf) sacred boughs
venenifer, -Tad) poisonous, carried by heralds or priests.
veneno, -are vt to poison, verber, -is nt lash, scourge; (missile) strap; (pf)
venenum, -i nt drug, potion; dye; poison; flogging, strokes.
magic charm; (fig) mischief; charm, verberabilis adj deserving a flogging,
vened, -ire, -il, -itum vi to be sold, verberatio, -onis/punishment.
venerabilis adj honoured, venerable, verbereus adj deserving a flogging,
venerabundus adj reverent, verbero, -are, -avT, -atum vt to flog, beat,
veneratio, -onis/respect, reverence, lash.
venerator, -oris m reverencer. verbero, -onis m scoundrel,
Venereus, Venerius adj of Venus ♦ m highest verbose adv verbosely,
throw at dice. verbosus adj wordy.
veneror, -ari, -atusvt to worship, revere, verbum, -Tnt word; saying, expression; (gram)
pray to; to honour, respect; to ask for, verb; (pf) language, talk; - a (da, pro) -6
entreat. literally; ad -urn word for word; -i causa
Venetia, -iae/ district of the Veneti. (gratia) for instance; -6 orally; briefly; -a
Veneticus adj see n. dare cheat, fool; -a facara talk; mats -Ts in
Venetus adj Venetian; (colour) blue. my name.
venTperf of venio. vereadv really, truly, correctly,
venia, -ae/indulgence, favour, kindness; verecunde adv see adj.
permission, leave; pardon, forgiveness; verecundia, -ae/modesty, shyness;
bona tua -a by your leave; bona -a audire reverence, dread; shame,
give a fair hearing, verecundor, -ari vi to be bashful, feel shy.
veni T perf of vened. verecundus adj modest, shy, bashful,
venio, -ire, veni, ventum vi to come; (fig) to verendus adj venerable,
fall into, incur, go as far as; in amicitiam - vereor, -eri, -itus vt, vi to fear, be afraid; to
make friends (with); in spem - entertain revere, respect.
hopes. veretrum, -Tnt the private parts.
venor, -ari, -atusvt, vi to hunt, chase, Vergiliae, -arumjpi the Pleiads.
venter, -ris m stomach, belly; womb, unborn Vergilius, -Tm Vergil, Virgil (famous epic
child. poet).
ventilator, -oris m juggler, vergo, -ere vt to turn, incline ♦ vi to turn,
ventilo, -arevt to fan, wave, agitate, incline, decline; (place) to face,
ventio, -onis/coming. veridicus adj truthful,
ventito, -arevi to keep coming, come veri similis adj probable,
regularly. veri similitudo, -inis/probability,
ventosus adj windy; like the wind; fickle; veritas, -atis/truth, truthfulness; reality,
conceited. real life; (character) integrity; (language)
ventriculus, -T m belly; (heart) ventricle, etymology,
ventriosus a4> pot-bellied, veritus ppa of vereor,
ventulus, -T m breeze, vermiculatus adj inlaid with wavy lines,
ventus, -T m wind, mosaic.
venucula, -ae/kind of grape, vermiculus, -Tm grub,
venum, veno for sale, vermina, -um ntpi stomach pains,
venumdd (venundo), -are, -edi, -atum vt to vermis, -is m worm.
sell, put up for sale. verna, -ae/slave born in his master's home.
venus, -eris/charm, beauty; love, mating. vernaculus adj of home-bora slaves; native.
Venus, -eris/goddess of love; planet Venus; vernTlisadj slavish; (remark) smart,
highest throw at dice. verniliter adv slavishly,
Venusia, -iae/town in Apulia (birthplace of verno, -are vi to bloom, be spring-like; to be
Horace). young.
Venusinus adj see Venusia. vernula, -ae/young home-bom slave; native.
LATIN-ENGL1SH 231 vernus-vetustas

vernus adj of spring, reasonable,

vero adv in fact, assuredly; (confirming) verutum, -T nt javelin,
certainly, yes; (climax) indeed; (adversative) verutus adj armed with the javelin,
but in fact; minime - certainly not. vervex, -icis m wether,
Verona, -ae/town in N. Italy (birthplace of vesania, -ae/madness,
Catullus). vesaniens, -entis adj raging,
Veronensis adj see Verona, vesanus adj mad, insane; furious, raging,
verpus, -I m circumcised man. vescor, -Tvi (with abf) to feed, eat; to enjoy,
verres, -is m boar. vescus adj little, feeble; corroding,
Verres, -is m praetor prosecuted by Cicero. vesica, -ae/bladder; purse; football,
verrinus adj boar’s, pork (in cpds). vesicula, -ae/ small bladder, blister,
Verrius and Inus adj see n. vespa, -ae/wasp.
verro, -rere, -ri, -sum vt to sweep, scour; to Vespasianus, -I m Roman emperor.
sweep away, carry off. vesper, -is and I m evening; supper; evening
verruca, -ae/wart; (fig) slight blemish, star; west; -e, -I in the evening,
verrucosus adj warty, vespera, -ae/ evening,
verrunco, -are vi to turn out successfully, vesperasco, -ere vi to become evening, get
versabundus adj rotating, late.
versatilis adj revolving; versatile, vespertilio, -onism bat.
versicolor, -oris adj of changing or various vespertinus adj evening (in cpds), in the
colours. evening; western,
versiculus, -Tm short line; (pf) unpretentious vesperugo, -inis/evening star.
verses. Vesta, -ae/ Roman goddess of the hearth.
versificator, -oris m versifier, Vestalis adj Vestal ♦ / virgin priestess of Vesta.
versipellis adj of changed appearance; crafty vester, -ft adj your, yours,
♦ m werewolf. vestibulum, -Int forecourt, entrance,
verso, -are, -avT, -atum vt to keep turning, vestigium, -land ilnt footstep, footprint,
wind, twist; (fig) to upset, disturb, ruin; track; (fig) trace, sign, vestige; (time)
(mind) to ponder, consider, moment, instant; e ~io instantly,
versor, -ari, -atus vi to live, be, be situated; to vestigo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to track, trace,
be engaged (in), be busy (with), search for, discover,
versum adv turned, in the direction, vestimentum, -Int clothes,
versura, -ae/borrowing to pay a debt; loan, vestio, -Ire, -il, -Ttum vt to clothe, dress; to
versus pppo/verto ♦ adv turned, in the cover, adorn.
direction. vestipica, -ae/ wardrobe woman,
versus, -us m line, row; verse; (dance) step, vestis, -is/clothes, dress; coverlet, tapestry,
versute adv craftily, blanket; (snake) slough; -am mutare change
versutiae, -arum/pl tricks, one’s clothes; go into mourning,
versutiloquus adj sly. vestispica etc see vestipica.
versutus adj clever; crafty, deceitful, vestitus, -us m clothes, dress; covering;
vertex, -icis m whirlpool, eddy; whirlwind; mutare -urn go into mourning; redire ad
crown of the head, head; top, summit; (sky) suum -um come out of mourning.
pole. Vesuvius, -I m the volcano Vesuvius,
verticosus adj eddying, swirling, veteranus adj veteran,
vertigo, -inis/turning round; dizziness, veterasco, -scere, -vlvi to grow old.
verto, -tere, -tl, -sum vt to turn; to turn over, veterator, -oris m expert, old hand; sly fox.
invert; to turn round; to turn into, change, veteratorie adv see veteratorius,
exchange; (cause) to ascribe, impute; veteratdrius adj crafty,
(language) to translate; (war) to overthrow, veterinus adj of burden 4/and ntpi beasts of
destroy; (pass) to be (in), be engaged (in) ♦ vi burden.
to turn; to change; to turn out; in fugam - put veternosus adj lethargic, drowsy,
to flight; terga - flee; solum - emigrate; vitio veternus, -I m lethargy, drowsiness,
- blame; anno -tente in the course of a year. vetitus pppo/ veto ♦ nt prohibition,
Vertumnus, -I m god of seasons. veto, -are, -ul, -itum vt to forbid, prohibit,
veru, -us nt spit; javelin, oppose; (tribune) to protest,
verum adv truly, yes; but actually; but, yet; - vetulus adj little old, poor old.
tamen nevertheless. vetus, -eris adj old, former ♦ mpi the ancients
verum, -I nt truth, reality; right; -T similis ♦ fpl the old shops (in the Forum) ♦ ntpl
probable. antiquity, tradition.
verus adj true, real, actual; truthful; right. vetustas, -atis/age, long standing; antiquity;

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -are = 2nd; -ara = 3rd and -ira = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
vetustu s-vUlic 232 LATIN-ENGLISH

great age, future age. victorious.

vetustus adj old, ancient; old-fashioned, victoria, -ae/victory.
vexamen, -inis nt shaking, victoriatus, -us m silver coin stamped with
vexatio, -onis/shaking; trouble, distress, Victory.
vexator, -oris m troubler, opponent, Victoriola, -ae/ little statue of Victory.
vexiperf of veho. victrix, -Icis/conqueror ♦ adj victorious,
vexillarius, -land iTm standard-bearer, victus pppof vinco.
ensign; (p/) special reserve of veterans, victus, -us m sustenance, livelihood; way of
vexillum, -Tm standard, flag; company, troop; life.
- proponere hoist the signal for battle, viculus, -I m hamlet,
vexo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to shake, toss, vicus, -Im (city) quarter, street; (country)
trouble, distress, injure, attack, village, estate.
via, -ae/road, street, way; journey, march; videlicet adv clearly, evidently; (ironicaf) of
passage; (fig) way, method, fashion; the course; (explaining) namely,
right way; -a properly; inter -a* on the way. video, -ere, vldl, visum vt to see, look at;
vialis ad; of the highways, (mind) to observe, be aware, know; to
viarius ad; for the upkeep of roads, consider, think over; to see to, look out for;
viaticatus ad; provided with travelling to live to see; (pass) to seem, appear; to seem
money. right, be thought proper; me ~e rely on me;
viaticus adj for a journey ♦ nt travelling viderit let him see to it; mihi -eor esse I think
allowance; (mil) prizemoney, savings, I am; si (tibi) videtur if you like,
viator, -oris m traveller; (law) summoner. viduata adjwidowed.
viblx, -Tcis/weal. viduitas, -atis/bereavement, want;
vibro, -are, -avl, -atum vt to wave, shake, widowhood.
brandish, hurl, launch ♦ vi to shake, quiver, vidulus, -I m trunk, box.
vibrate; to shimmer, sparkle, viduo, -are vt to bereave,
viburnum, -Tm wayfaring-tree or guelder viduus adj bereft, bereaved; unmarried; (with
rose. abf) without ♦/widow; spinster.
vicanus ad; village (in cpds) ♦ mpl villagers. Vienna, -aeftown in Gaul on the Rhone.
Vica Pota, -ae, -aef goddess of victory. vietUS ad; shrivelled,
vicarius ad; substituted ♦ m substitute, proxy; vigeo, -ere, -ulvi to thrive, flourish,
underslave. vigesco, -ere vi to begin to flourish, become
vTcatimadv from street to street; in villages, lively.
vice (with gen) on account of; like, vigesimus etc see vicesimus,
vicem in turn; (with gen) instead of; on vigil, -is ad; awake, watching, alert ♦ m
account of; like; tuam - on your account, watchman, sentinel; (pi) the watch, police,
vicenarius adj of twenty, vigilans, -antis pres pof vigilo ♦ adj watchful,
viceni, -drum adj twenty each, in twenties, vigilanter adv vigilantly,
vices pi of vicis. vigilantia, -ae/ wakefulness; vigilance,
vicesimam, -orum mpl men of the twentieth vigilax, -acis adj watchful,
legion. vigilia, -ae/lying awake, sleeplessness;
vicesimarius adj derived from the 5 per cent tax. keeping watch, guard; a watch; the watch,
vicesimus ad; twentieth 4/a 5 per cent tax. sentries; vigil; vigilance,
vlclperfo/vinco. vigilo, -are, -avl, -atum vi to remain awake;
vicia, -ae/vetch. to keep watch; to be vigilant ♦ vt to spend
viciens and es adv twenty times, awake, make while awake at night,
vicinalis adj neighbouring, vlgintlnum twenty.
vicinia, -ae/neighbourhood, nearness, vigintiviratus, -us m membership of a board of
vicinitas, -atis/neighbourhood, nearness, twenty.
vicinus adi neighbouring, nearby; similar, vigintiviri, -orum mpl a board or commission
kindred ♦ mlf neighbour ♦ nt neighbour¬ of twenty men.
hood. vigor, -oris m energy, vigour,
vicis gen (acc-em, abl -e)/interchange, vilica, -ae/wife of a steward,
alternation, succession; recompense, vilico, -are vi to be an overseer,
retaliation; fortune, changing conditions; vilicus, -I m overseer, manager of an estate,
duty, function, place; in ~em in turn, steward.
mutually. vllis ad; cheap; worthless, poor, mean,
vicissim adv in turn, again. common.
vicissitudo, -inis/interchange, alternation. vilitas, -atis/cheapness, low price;
victima, -ae/victim, sacrifice. worthlessness,
victimarius, -land iim assistant at sacrifices. viliter adv cheaply,
victito, -are vi to live, subsist. villa, -ae/country house, villa,
victor, -orism conqueror, victor, winner ♦ adj villic- etc see vUic-.
LAT1N-ENGLISH 233 villosus-vTs

villosus adj hairy, shaggy, violenter adv violently, furiously,

villula, -ae/small villa, violentia, -ae/violence, impetuosity,
villum, -1 nt a drop of wine, violentus adj violent, impetuous, boister¬
villus, -T m hair, fleece; (cloth) nap. ous.
vlmen, -inism osier; basket, violo, -are, -avi, -atum vt to do violence to,
vimentum, -im osier. outrage, violate; (agreement) to break,
Viminalis adj Viminal(h/7/ of Rome). vipera, -ae/viper, adder, snake,
vimineus adj of osiers, wicker, vipereus adj snake’s, serpent’s,
vinaceus adj grape (in cpds). viperinus adj snake’s, serpent’s,
Vinalia, -ium ntpi Wine festival, vir, viri m man; grown man; brave man, hero;
vinarius adj of wine, wine (in cpds) ♦ m vintner husband; (mil) footsoldier.
♦ nt wine flask, virago, -inis/heroine, warrior maid,
vincibilis adj easily won. virecta, -orum ntpi grassy sward,
vincio, -cire, -xi, -ctum vt to bind, fetter; to vireo, -ere, -uivi to be green; (fig) to be fresh,
encircle; (fig) to confine, restrain, envelop, flourish,
attach. vires pi of vis.
vinclum nt see vinculum, viresco, -ere vi to grow green,
vinco, -ere, vici, victum vt to conquer, virga, -ae/twig; graft; rod, staff, walking
defeat, subdue; to win, prevail, be stick, wand; (colour) stripe,
successful; (fig) to surpass, excel; (argument) virgator, -oris m flogger.
to convince, refute, prove conclusively; virgatus adj made of osiers; striped,
(life) to outlive, virgetum, -i nt thicket of osiers,
vinctus ppp o/vincio. virgeus adj of brushwood,
vinculum, -int bond, fetter, chain; (pf) prison, virgidemia, -ae/crop of flogging,
vindemia, -ae/vintage grape harvest, virginalis adj maidenly, of maids,
vindemiator, -oris m vintager, virginarius adj of maids,
vindemiola, -ae/ small vintage. virgineus adj maidenly, virgin, of virgins,
Vindemitor, -oris m the Vintager (a star in virginitas, -atis/maidenhood,
Virgo). virgo, -inis/ maid, virgin; young woman, girl;
vindex, -icis m champion, protector; constellation Virgo; a Roman aqueduct,
liberator; avenger ♦ adj avenging, virgula, -ae/wand.
vindicatio, -onis/punishment of offences, virgulta, -orum ntpi thicket, shrubbery;
vindiciae, -arum fpl legal claim; ~as ab cuttings, slips,
libertate in servitutem dare condemn a free virguncula, -ae/little girl,
person to slavery. viridans, -antis adj green,
vindico, -are, -avi, -atum vt to lay claim to; viridarium, -land iT nt plantation, garden,
to claim, appropriate; to liberate, protect, viridis adj green; fresh, young, youthful ♦ ntpi
champion; to avenge, punish; in libertatem - greenery.
emancipate. viriditas, -atis/ verdure, greenness;
vindicta, -ae/rod used in manumitting a freshness.
slave; defence, deliverance; revenge, viridor, -arivi to become green,
punishment. virilis adj male, masculine; man’s, adult;
vTnea, -ae/vineyard; vine; (mil) penthouse manly, brave, bold; ~ pars one’s individual
(for besiegers), part or duty; pro -T parte, portione to the best
vinetum, -int vineyard, of one’s ability,
vinitor, -oris m vine-dresser, virilitas, -atis/manhood,
vinnulus adj delightful, viriliter adv manfully,
vinolentia, -ae/wine drinking, viritim adv individually, separately,
vinolentus adj drunk, virosus adj slimy; rank.
vinosus adj fond of wine, drunken, virtus, -utis/manhood, full powers; strength,
vinum, -i nt wine, courage, ability, worth; (mil) valour,
vinxi per/of vincio, prowess, heroism; (moral) virtue; (things)
viola, -ae/violet; stock, excellence, worth.
violabilis adj vulnerable, virus, -i nt slime; poison; offensive smell; salt
violaceus adj violet, taste.
violarium, -i and ii nt violet bed. vis (acc vim. ablyi, pi vires)/power, force,
violarius, -iand ii m dyer of violet, strength; violence, assault; quantity,
violatio, -onis/desecration, amount; (mind) energy, vigour; (word)
violator, -oris m violator, desecrator. meaning, import; (pi) strength; (mil) troops;
violens, -entis adj raging, vehement. per vim forcibly; de vi damnari be convicted

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -are = 1st; -ere = 2nd; -ere * 3rd and -ire « 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
vis-volo 234 LATIN-ENGLISH

of assault; pro vTribus with all one’s scandalous conduct,

might. vituperator, -oris m critic,
vTs 2nd pers of void, vitupero, -arevt to find fault with, disparage;
viscatus adj limed. (omen) to spoil._
visceratio, -onis/ public distribution of vivarium, -land ilm fishpond, game preserve,
meat. vivatus adj animated.
visco, -are vt to make sticky, vlvax, -acisadj long-lived; lasting; (sulphur)
viscum, -Inf mistletoe; bird lime, inflammable.
viscus, -eris (usu p/-e ra, -arum) nt internal vivesco, -ere vi to grow, become active,
organs; flesh; womb, child; (.fig) heart, vividus adj full of life; (art) true to life, vivid;
bowels. (mind) lively.
visendus adj worth seeing, viviradix, -Icis/a rooted cutting, layer,
visio, -onis/apparition; idea, vlvlsco etc see vlvescd.
vlsitd, -are vt to see often; to visit, vivo, -vere, -xl, -ctum vi to live, be alive; to
viso, -ere, -T, -um vt to look at, survey; to see enjoy life; (fame) to last, be remembered;
to; to go and see, visit. (with abl) to live on; ~ve farewell!; -xarunt
Visurgis, -is m river Weser. they are dead.
vlsus ppp of video ♦ nt vision, vlvus adj alive, living; (light) burning; (rock)
vlsus, -us m sight, the faculty of seeing; a natural; (water) running; -6 videntique
sight, vision. before his very eyes; ms -6 as long as I live,
vita, -ae/life, livelihood; way of life; career, in my lifetime; ad -um resecare cut to the
biography. quick; de ~6 detrahere take out of capital,
vitabilis adj undesirable, vix adv with difficulty, hardly, scarcely,
vitabundus adj avoiding, taking evasive vixdum adv hardly, as yet.
action. Vlxl per/ of VIVO.
vitalis adj of life, vital ♦ nt subsistence ♦ ntpl vocabulum, -im name, designation; (gram)
vitals. noun.
vitaliter adv with life, vocalis adj speaking, singing, tuneful ♦ /
vitatio, -onis/avoidance. vowel.
Vitellius, -I m Roman emperor in AD 69. vocamen, -inism name,
Vitellius, -ianus adj see n. vocatio, -onis/invitation; (law) summons,
vitellus, -Im little calf; (egg) yolk, vocatus, -us m summons, call,
viteus adj of the vine, vociferatio, -onis/loud cry, outcry,
viticula, -ae/little vine, vociferor, -arl vt to cry out loud, shout,
vitigenus adj produced from the vine, vocito, -are, -avl, -atum vt to usually call; to
vitilena, -ae/procuress. shout.
vitio, -are, -avl, -atum vt to spoil, corrupt, vocivus etc see vacivus,
violate; to falsify, voco, -are, -avl, -atum vt to call, summon; to
vitiose adv badly, defectively, call, name; (gods) to call upon; (guest) to
vitiositas, -atis/vice. invite; (mil) to challenge; (fig) to bring (into
vitiosus adj faulty, corrupt; wicked, some condition or plight); - de name after; -in
depraved; - consul a consul whose election dubium - call in question; in iudicium - call
had a religious flaw in it. to account.
vitis, -is/vine; vine branch; centurion’s staff, vocula, -ae/weak voice; soft tone; gossip,
centurionship. volaema ntpl kind of large pear.
vitisator, -oris m vine planter, Volaterrae, -arum fpl old Etruscan town (now
vitium, -land il nt fault, flaw, defect; (moral) Volterra).
failing, offence, vice; (religion) flaw in the Volaterranus adj see n.
auspices. volaticus adj winged; fleeting, inconstant,
vrto, -are, -avl, -atum vt to avoid, evade, volatilis adj winged; swift; fleeting,
shun. volatus, -us m flight.
vitor, -oris m basket maker, cooper. Volcanius adj see n.
vitreus adj of glass; glassy ♦ ntpl glassware. Volcanus, -im Vulcan (god of fire); fire,
vitricus, -Im stepfather. volens, -entis pres po/volo ♦ adj willing, glad,
vitrum, -Im glass; woad. favourable; mihi -anti est it is acceptable to
vitta, -ae/headband, sacrificial fillet. me.
vittatus adj wearing a fillet. volg- etc see vulg-.
vitula, -aef(ofcow) calf. volito, -are vi to fly about, flutter; to hurry,
vitulinus adj of veal ♦ / veal. move quickly; (fig) to hover, soar; to get
vitulor, -ari vt to hold a celebration. excited.
vitulus, -im calf; foal; - marinus seal. voln- etc see Vuln-.
vituperabilis adj blameworthy. void, -are, -avi, -atum vi to fly; to speed,
vituperatio, -onis/blame, censure; volo, velle, volul vt to wish, want; to be
LATIN-ENGLISH 235 voldnes-vulva

willing; to will, purpose, determine; to emit, discharge,

(opinion) to hold, maintain; (word, action) to vorago, -inis/ abyss, chasm, depth,
mean; - dicere I mean; bene ~ like; male - vorax, -acis odj_ greedy, ravenous; consuming,
dislike; oratum te - I beg you; paucis te - a voro, -are, -avl, -atum vt to swallow, devour;
word with you!; numquid vis? (before leaving) (sea) to swallow up; (reading) to devour,
is there anything else?; quid sibi vult? what vors-, vort- etc see vers-, vert- etc.
does he mean?; what is he driving at?; velim VOS pron you.
facias please do it; vellem fecisses I wish you Vosegus, -Im Vosges mountains.
had done it. voster etc see vester.
volones, -um mpi volunteers, votivus adj votive, promised in a vow.
volpes etc see vulpes. votd etc see veto.
VolscT, -drum mpl people in S. Latium. votum, -Int vow, prayer; votive offering;
Volscus adj Volscian. wish, longing; -T damnari have one’s prayer
volsella, -ae/tweezers. granted.
volsus ppp of vello. votus ppp o/voveo.
volt, voltis older forms of vult. Vultis. voveo, -ere, vovT, votum vt to vow, promise
Voltumna, -ae/patron goddess of Etruria. solemnly; to dedicate; to wish,
voltus etc see vuttus. vox, vocis/ voice; sound, cry, call; word,
volubilis ad; spinning, revolving; (.fortune) saying, expression; accent; una voce
fickle; (speech) fluent, unanimously.
volubilitas, -atis/whirling motion; Vulcanus see Volcanus.
roundness; fluency; inconstancy, vulgaris adj common, general,
volubiliter odv fluently. vulgariter odv in the common fashion,
volucer, -risad; winged; flying, swift; fleeting, vulgitor, -oris m betrayer,
volucris, -is/bird; insect, vulgatus ad; common; generally known,
volumen, -inis nt roll, book; coil, eddy, fold, notorious.
voluntirius ad; voluntary ♦ mpl volunteers, vulgivagus ad; roving; inconstant,
voluntas, -atis/will, wish, inclination; vulgd odv publicly, commonly, usually,
attitude, goodwill; last will, testament; sua everywhere.
-ate of one’s own accord; ad -atem with the vulgo, -are, -avl, -atum vt to make common,
consent (of). spread; to publish, divulge, broadcast; to
volup odv agreeably, to one’s satisfaction, prostitute; to level down,
voluptabilis ad; agreeable, vulgus, -I nt (occ m) the mass of the people,
voluptas, -atis/pleasure, enjoyment; (pf) the public; crowd, herd; rabble, populace,
entertainments, sports, vulneratio, -onis/wounding, injury,
voluptuarius ad; pleasureable, agreeable; vulnero, -are, -avl, -atum vt to wound, hurt;
voluptuous. to damage.
volutabrum, -T m wallowing place, vulnificus adj wounding, dangerous,
volutatio, -onis/wallowing, vulnus, -eris nt wound, injury; (things)
voluto, -are vt to roll about, turn over; (mind) damage, hole; (fig) blow, misfortune, pain,
to occupy, engross; (thought) to ponder, vulpecula, -ae/little fox.
think over; (pass) to wallow, flounder, vulpes, -is/fox; (fig) cunning,
volutus ppp of volvo, vulsl perf of vello,
volva, -ae/womb; (dish) sow’s womb, vulsus ppp o/velld.
volvo, -vere, -vl, -utum vt to roll, turn round; vulticulus, -Ima mere look (from),
to roll along; (air) to breathe; (book) to open; vultum etc see vultus,
(circle) to form; (thought) to ponder, reflect vultuosus ad; affected,
on; (time) to roll on; (trouble) to undergo; vultur, -is m vulture,
(pass) to roll, revolve ♦ vi to revolve, elapse, vulturius, -land ii m vulture, bird of prey;
vomer, -eris m ploughshare, (dice) an unlucky throw.
vomica, -ae/sore, ulcer, abscess, boil, Vulturnus, -Im river in Campania.
vomis etc see vomer, vultus, -us m look, expression (esp in the
vomitio, -onis/vomiting, eyes); face; (things) appearance,
vomitus, -us m vomiting, vomit, vulva etc see volva.
vomo, -ere, -uT, -itum vt to vomit, throw up;

Noun declensions and verb conjugations are shown on pp xiii to xxv. The present infinitive ending of a verb shows
to which conjugation it belongs: -ire = 1st; -ire = 2nd; -ere = 3rd and -ire = 4th. Irregular verbs are shown on p xxvi
Xanthippe-zothecula 236 LAT1N-ENGLISH

Xenocrates, -is m disciple of Plato.

X,x Xenophanes, -is m early Greek philosopher.

Xenophon, -ontis m famous Greek historian.
Xenophonteus adj see n.
xerampelinae, -arum fpi dark-coloured
Xerxes, -is m Persian king defeated at Salamis.
Xanthippe, -es/ wife of Socrates. xiphias, -ae m swordfish,
Xanthus, -7 m river of Troy (identified with xystum, -I nt, xystus, -T m open colonnade,
Scamander); river of Lycia. walk, avenue.
xenium, -land iT m present.

Zeno and on, -dnis m founder of Stoicism; a
philosopher of Elea; an Epicurean teacher of
Zephyrrtis, -idis / Arsinoe (queen of Egypt).
Zephyrus, -7 m west wind, zephyr; wind.
Zethus, -7 m brother of Amphion.
Zeuxis, -is and idis m famous Greek painter.
Zacynthius adj see n. zmaragdus etc see smaragdus.
Zacynthus (-os), -I/island off W. Greece Zmyrna etc see Smyrna,
(now Zante). zodiacus, -7 m zodiac,
Zama, -ae/town in Numidia (where Scipio zona, -ae/belt, girdle; (geog) zone; (.astro)
defeated Hannibal). Orion’s Belt.
Zamensis adj see n. zonarius adj of belts; sector - cutpurse ♦ m
zamia, -ae/harm. belt maker.
Zanclaeus and eius adj see n. zonula, -ae/little belt,
Zancle, -es/ old name of Messana. zotheca, -ae/private room,
zelotypus adj jealous. zothecula, -ae/cubicle.



753 Foundation of Rome. Romulus became first king.

600-510 Rome ruled by Etruscan kings.
510 Expulsion of Tarquin and republic established.
507 Consecration of Temple of Jupiter on Capitol.
451 Code of Twelve Tables laid basis of Roman law.
390 Gauls sacked Rome.
367 Lex Liciniae Sextiae; plebeians allowed to be consul.
354 Treaty with Samnites.
343-341 First Samnite war; Romans occupied northern Campania.
340-338 Latin War; separate treaties made with Latins.
327-304 Second Samnite war; Rome increased influence in southern Italy.
321 Samnites defeated Romans at Caudine Forks; truce.
312 Appian Way, first Roman road, built.
298-290 Third Samnite war; Rome now all-powerful in southern Italy.
287 Hortensian Law; People’s Assembly became a law-making body.
282-272 Wars with Tarentum and King Pyrrhus of Epirus.
270 Whole peninsula under Roman power.
264-241 First Punic war; Rome defended Greek cities in Sicily.
260 Fleet built; first naval victory at Mylae against Carthaginians.
241 Roman victory over Carthage secured Sicily, source of corn supply.
226 River Ebro treaty; Carthage should not cross into northern Spain.
218-201 Second Punic war against Hannibal.
216 Rome defeated at Battle of Cannae.
214-205 First Macedonian war with Philip V.
202 Scipio defeated Hannibal at Zama.
201 Peace concluded with Carthage; Rome now controlled the western
200-196 Second Macedonian war; freedom of Greece proclaimed.
172-168 Third Macedonian war; Perseus crushed at Pydna.
148 Macedonia became a Roman province.
146 Carthage destroyed; Corinth destroyed.
133 Tiberius Gracchus became tribune; his assassination caused class
123-122 Gaius Gracchus carried out political/economic reforms.
121 Gaius was killed.
111-105 Marius and Sulla conducted war against Jugurtha of Numidia.
91-89 Social war between Rome and allies.
89-85 War with Mithridates VI of Pontus.
83-82 Civil war between Sulla and Marius; Sulla captured Rome.
81-79 Sulla, dictator, restored constitution, introduced reforms.
78 Death of Sulla.

77-72 Pompey fought Sertorius in Spain.

73-71 Spartacus’ slave revolt.
70 Pompey and Crassus joint consuls; tribunes restored.
67 End of war against Mithridates; pirates controlled by Pompey.
63 Cicero suppressed Catiline’s conspiracy.
60 First Triumvirate (Caesar, Pompey, Crassus) was formed.
S8-S1 Caesar conquered Gaul.
S3 Battle of Carrhae; Rome defeated by Parthians; Crassus killed.
49 Caesar crossed Rubicon; civil war with Pompey began.
48 Pompey defeated by Caesar at Pharsalus; Caesar became dictator.
44 Caesar assassinated; Antony sought revenge against conspirators.
43 Second Triumvirate (Antony, Octavian, Lepidus).
42 Battle of Philippi; Triumvirate defeated Brutus and Cassius.
41-40 Antony and Octavian divided territory.
33-32 Rupture between Antony and Octavian.
31 Battle of Actium; Octavian defeated Antony and Cleopatra at sea.
27 Octavian returned powers to Senate; received name Augustus.
18 Julian laws promoted morality, condemned adultery, regulated
12 Augustus became Pontifex Maximus, head of state religion.
2 Augustus became ‘pater patriae’, father of his country; apex of his


4 Tiberius adopted as Augustus’ heir.

6 Annexation of Judaea.
9 Varus’ three legions destroyed in Germany.
14 Death of Augustus.
14-37 Tiberius emperor; efficient administrator but unpopular.
14-16 Germanicus’ successful campaign in Germany.
19 Germanicus died mysteriously; funeral at Antioch.
21-22 Sefanus organized Praetorian Guard.
26-31 Sefanus powerful in Rome; executed in 31.
37-41 Caligula emperor; cruel and tyrannical, was murdered by a tribune.
41-54 Claudius emperor; conquered Britain; showed political judgement.
57-68 Nero emperor; great fire (64); Christians persecuted.
68- 69 Year of four emperors - Galba, Otho, Vitellius, Vespasian.
69- 79 Vespasian began Flavian dynasty. Colosseum built.
70 Titus, Vespasian’s son, captured Jerusalem, destroyed the Temple.
79-81 Titus emperor. Vesuvius erupted (79), Pompeii destroyed.
81-96 Domitian emperor. Border built in Germany; period ended in terror.
96-98 Nerva emperor after Domitian’s assassination.
98-117 Trajan emperor - conqueror of Dacia and Parthian empire.
117-138 Hadrian, cultured traveller, soldier and administrator of empire.
122 Hadrian’s Wall built between Solway and Tyne.
138-161 Antoninus Pius emperor; orderly, peaceful rule.
141-143 Antonine’s Wall built between Forth and Clyde.
161-180 Marcus Aurelius emperor; Commodus, his son, shared power (177-

162 War with Parthia.

175-180 War against Germans on the Danube.
180-192 Commodus emperor.
193-211 Septimius Severus became emperor after crisis; died in Britain.
Authorized special benefits for army.
211-217 Deterioration under criminal rule of Caracalla.
212 All free men of the empire became citizens.
284-305 Diocletian and Maximian co-emperors, empire divided into 12
dioceses. Prices imposed throughout empire.
303 Christians persecuted by Diocletian.
312 Constantine’s victory at Milvian Bridge gave him Rome.
313 Edict of Milan ended persecution of Christians.
324 Constantine became sole emperor.
325 Council of Nicaea made Christianity religion of the empire.
330 Constantine made Byzantium seat of government; renamed it Con¬
337 Constantine died a Christian, trying to reorganize the empire.
379-395 Emperor Theodosius kept empire formally intact.
410 Alaric and Goths captured and destroyed Rome.


There was no written constitution. The Republic evolved from the struggle
between the Senate and the People - Senatus Populusque Romanus - SPQR.

The Senate (Senatus)

This was the governing body, largely in the hands of the nobles (nobiles) or
patricians (patricii).

• it prepared proposals to bring before the people

• it passed decrees (senatus consulta)
• it dealt with emergencies
• it controlled finances and building contracts
• it appointed magistrates to provinces
• it directed foreign relations
• it supervised state religion

The People (Populus)

The resolutions of the people, plebiscita, could have the force of law, but the
Senate was allowed greater control. There were four assemblies:

• comitia curiata formal duties

• comitia centuriata elected magistrates
• comitia tributa elected lesser magistrates
• concilium plebis passed plebiscita

The Knights (Equites)

A third element, or class, emerged (originally from Rome’s cavalry) to engage
in trade and finance. These businessmen acquired more political influence and
became wealthy. By the time of Cicero, they could enter the Senate. Cicero
tried to reconcile the three classes, senatores, equites and plebs by his
concordia ordinum (harmony of the classes).

Magistrates (Magistratus)
A magistrate was an official elected annually by the people. Offices were held
in a strict order - cursus honorum. After ten years’ military service, a young
man could begin on the lowest rung of the ladder as follows:

Age Office Number Duties

28 Quaestor (8) • administered finance
maintained public records
30 Aedile (4) • maintained roads, water supply
organized games and festivals
33(39) Praetor (6) • civil judge
could introduce laws
39(43) Consul (2) • commanded army
conducted elections
presided over Senate
carried out its decrees

Other magistrates:
Tribune (10) • defended plebs’ rights
(tribunus plebis) had right of veto
Censor (2) • conducted census (every 5 years)
conducted purification
revised roll of senators
Dictator (1) ruled in crisis (maximum of 6 months)
conducted military and domestic

Imperium (supreme power) was held by consuls and praetors and dictators.
Potestas (power to enforce laws) was held by all magistrates.
Lictores (lictors or officials) carried fasces (bundles of rods) in front of
consuls, praetors and dictators as a sign of their authority.


At the time of Augustus there were 28 legions (later 25), each legion consisting
of approximately 5000 infantrymen, trained for close combat. It was organ¬
ized as follows:

Legio Legion 5000 men

10 Cohortes Cohorts 500 men
6 Centuriae Centuries 80/100 men

Legatus legionary commander
6 Tribuni Militum tribunes
60 Centuriones centurions (from ranks), in charge of

Recruitment Citizens

Length of service 20/25 years

Duties Offensive in important battles, repelling

invasion etc

Pay 250/300 denarii per day

On retirement Land or cash bounty

Additional auxiliary forces were recruited to help the legions. Particularly

necessary were cavalry, drawn from all parts of the Empire, slingers,
bowmen, etc. Infantrymen were often recruited locally and formed cohorts of
about 500 men.

Auxilia Auxiliaries
Ala Cavalry unit 500 men approx.
16 Turmae turmae 32 men
Cohors Infantry unit 500 men

Decurio Decurion (cavalry officer)

Recruitment Non-citizens

Length of service 25 years

Duties Frontier skirmishes, occupation, assisting


Pay 100 denarii per day

On retirement Citizenship for self/family

The Praetorian Guard was the Emperor’s special bodyguard. Three cohorts
were based in Rome, six more in nearby towns.

Praetorium Praetorian Guard 4500 men

9 Cohortes cohorts 500 men

2 Praefecti Praetorio praetorian prefects

Recruitment Citizens (Italy)

Length of service 16 years

Duties Preserving emperor’s power and safety

Pay 1000 denarii per day

On retirement 5000 denarii


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ENNIUS (Quintus Ennius: b 239 B.C.) Annales.

PLAUTUS (Titus Maccus or Maccius Plautus: b 254 B.C.) Amphitruo; the

Aulularia; the Menaechmi and Miles Gloriosus.

TERENCE (Publius Terentius Afer) Andria; Mother-in-law; Phormio.

LUCRETIUS (Titus Lucretius Carus: 94 - 55 B.C.) De Rerum Natura.

CATULLUS (Gaius Valerius Catullus: c.84 - c.54 B.C.) Lyric poetry; Ave atque

CICERO (Marcus Tullius Cicero: b 106 B.C.) Pro Caelio; De Legibus; the
Tusculan Disputations; De Officiis; Philippics.

JULIUS CAESAR (Gaius Iulius Caesar: b c.102 B.C. and assassinated in 44

B.C.) Bellum Gallicum; Bellum Civile.

SALLUST (Gaius Sallustius Crispus: 86 - 35 B.C.) Bellum Catilinae; Bellum


VIRGIL (Publius Vergilius Maro: 70 -19 B.C.) Eclogues; Georgies;

the Aeneid.

HORACE (Quintus Horatius Flaccus: b 65 A.D.) Satires; Odes; Epistles.

LIVY (Titus Livius: 59 B.C. -17 A.D.) Ab Urbe Condita.

OVID (Publius Ovidius Naso: 43 B.C. -17 A.D.) the Heroides, Ars Amatoria; the
Metamorphoses; Tristia.

SENECA (Lucius Annaeus Seneca: 4 B.C. - 65 A.D.) Dialogi; Epistolae Morales.

QUINTILIAN (Marcus Fabius Quintilianus: c.35 - c.95 A.D.) Institutio Orato¬


MARTIAL (Marcus Valerius Martialis: 40 -104 A.D.) the Epigrams.

JUVENAL (Decimus Iunius Iuvenalis) Satires.

TACITUS (Cornelius Tacitus) Agricola; Germania; Histories; the Annals.

PLINY (Gaius Plinius Secundus: b 61 or 62 A.D.) Letters.



The following list of geographical names and their adjectives includes both
ancient and medieval Latin forms. The former are printed in Roman type, the
latter in Italics. Medieval place names tend to have a variety of Latin forms,
but only one has been selected in each case; occasionally both the ancient and
the medieval forms have been given. Modern names which have a ready¬
made Latin form (e.g. America) have been omitted, and many names not
included in this selection can be easily Latinized on the analogy of those
which do appear.

Aachen AquJsgranum nt adj Aqulsgranensis

Aberdeen Aberddniaf adj Aberddnensis
Abergavenny Gobannium nt
Aberystwith Aberistyvium nt
Adige, River Athesis m
Adriatic Mare superum nt adj Hadriaticus
Aegean Mare Aegaeum nt adj Aegaeus
Afghanistan Ariana / adj Arianus
Africa Libya/, adj Libycus,
Africa/ Africanus
Agrigento Agrigentum nt adj Agrigentinus
Aisne, River Axona m
Aix-en-Provence Aquae Sextiae fpl adj Aquensis
Aix-la-Chapelle Aquisgranum nt adj Aquisgranensis
Aix-Les-Bains Aquae Gratianae fpl
Ajaccio Adiacium nt adj Adiacensis
Aldborough Isurium (nt)
Alexandria Alexandrea,
Alexandria / adj Alexandrinus
Algiers Algerium nt adj Algermus
Alps Alpes fpl adj Alpinus
Alsace Alsatia f
Amalfi Amalphis/ adj Amalphltanus
Ambleside Galava /
Amiens Ambianum nt adj Ambianensis
Amsterdam Amstelodamum nt adj Amstelodamensis
Ancaster Causenna efpl
Angers Andegavum nt adj Andegavensis
Anglesey Mona /
Aniene, River Anio m adj Anienus
Anjou Andegavensis ager m
Ankara Ancyra/ adj Ancyranus
Antibes Antipolis / adj Antipolitanus
Antioch Antiochia/ adj Antiochenus
Antwerp Antwerpium nt adj Antwerpiensis
Anzio Antium nt adj Antias, Antianus
Aosta Augusta Praetoria/

Aragon Aragoniaf
Archangel Archangelopolis f
Ardennes Arduenna/
Arezzo Aretium nt adj Aretlnus
Argenteuil Argentolium nt
Argyll Argadia f
Arles Arelas/ adj Arelatensis
Armagh Armacha/ adj Armachanus
Arno, River Arnus m adj Arniensis
Arras Atrebates mpl adj Atrebatensis
Artois Atrebates mpl
Assisi Asslsium nt adj Asslsiensis
Athens Athenae fpl adj Atheniensis
Atlantic Mare Atlanticum nt
Augsburg Augusta (f) adj Augustanus
Autun Augustodunum nt adj Augustodunensis
Auvergne Arverni mpl adj Arvernus
Aventine Aventinus m
Avignon Avenio/ adj Avenionensis
Avon, River Auvona m
Babylon Babylon / adj Babylonius
Baden-Baden Aquae Aureliae/p!
Balearic Islands Baliares Insulae fpl adj Baliaricus
Balkh Bactra ntpl adj Bactrianus
Baltic Balticum Mare nt
Bangor Bangertium nt adj Bangertiensis
Barcelona Barcino/ adj BarcinQnensis
Bari Barium nt adj Barensis
Basle Basilea/ adj Basileensis
Basques Vascones mpl adj Vasconicus
Bath Aquae (fpl) Sulis
Bayeux Augustodurum nt
Bayreuth Baruthum nt
Beauvais Bellovaci mpl adj Bellovacensis
Beirut Berytus/ adj Berytius
Belgium Belgae mpl adj Belgicus
Bergen Bergae fpl
Berlin Berotinum nt adj Berolinensis
Berne Verona/
Berwick Barvicum nt
Besanyon Vesontio m adj Bisuntinus
Black Sea Pontus (Euxinus) m adj Ponticus
Bobbio Bobbium nt adj Bobbiensis
Bohemia Boiohaemi mpl
Bologna BonQnia/ adj Bononiensis
Bonn Bonnaf
Bordeaux Burdigala f adj Burdigalensis
Boulogne Bononia / adj Bononiensis
Bourges Avaricum nt adj Avaricensis
Brabant Brabantiaf
Braganza Brigantia/ adj Brigantiensis

Brancaster Branodunum nt
Brandenburg Brandenburgiaf adj Brandenburgensis
Bremen Bremaf adj Bremensis
Breslau Bratislaviaf adj Bratislaviensis
Brindisi Brundisium nt adj Brundisinus
Bristol Bristolium nt adj Bristoliensis
Britain Britannia / adj Britannicus
Brittany Armoricae/p/
Bruges Brugaefpl adj Brugensis
Brunswick BrunsvJcum nt adj Brunsvicensis
Brussels Bruxellaefpl adj Bruxellensis
Bucharest Bucarestum nt adj Bucarestiensis
Burgos BurgJ mpl adj Burgitanus
Burgundy Burgundiones mpl
Cadiz Gades fpl adj Gaditanus
Caen Cadomum nt adj Cadomensis
Caerleon Isea/
Caermarthen Maridunum nt
Caernarvon Segontium nt
Caerwent Venta (f) Silurum
Cagliari Caralis/ adj Caralitanus
Cairo Cairus f
Calais Caletum nt adj Caletanus
Cambrai Cameracum nt adj Cameracensis
Cambridge Cantabrigiaf adj Cantabrigiensis
Campagna Campania / adj Campanus
Cannes Canoef
Canterbury Durovernum nt, adj Cantuariensis
Cantuaria f
Capri Capreae fpl adj Capreensis
Cardigan Ceretica /
Carlisle Luguvallium nt
Cartagena Carthago Nova/
Carthage Carthago/ adj Carthaginiensis
Caspian Sea Mare Caspium nt
Cevennes Gehenna/ adj Gebennicus
Ceylon Taprobane/
Champagne Campania f adj Campanicus
Chartres Carnutes mpl adj Carnotenus
Chelmsford Caesaromagus m
Cherbourg Caesaris burgus m
Chester Deva/
Chichester Regnum nt
China Seres mpl adj Sericus
Cirencester Corinium (nt)
Clairvaux Clara Vallis f adj Claravallensis
Clermont Nemossus/
Cluny Cliniacum nt adj Cliniacensis
Clyde, River ClOta /
Colchester Camulodunum nt
Cologne Colonia Agrippina/ adj Coloniensis

Como, Lake Larius m adj Larius

Constance, Lake Lacus Brigantlnus m
Copenhagen Hafniaf
Corbridge Corstopitum nt
Cordoba Corduba/ adj Cordubensis
Corfu Corcyra/ adj Corcyraeus
Corinth Corinthus/ adj Corinthius
Cork Corcagiaf adj Corcagiensis
Cornwall Cornubiaf
Cracow Cracovia f adj Cracoviensis
Crete Creta/ adj Cretensis, Creticus
Cumberland Cumbriaf
Cyprus Cyprus/ adj Cyprius
Cyrene Cyrenae fpl adj Cyrenaicus
Damascus Damascus/ adj Damascenus
Danube, River llower) Ister m,
(upper) Danuvius m
Dardanelles Hellespontus m adj Hellespontius
Dee, River Deva/
Denmark Dania/ adj Danicus
Derby Derventid m
Devon Devoniaf
Dijon Divio f adj Dividnensis
Dneiper, River Borysthenes m
Dneister, River Danaster m
Don, River (Russian) Tanais m
Doncaster Danum nt
Dorchester Durnovaria/
Douro, River Durius m
Dover DubrI mpl
Dover, Straits of Fretum Gallicum nt
Dresden Dresda f adj Dresdensis
Dublin Dublinum nt adj Dubiinensis
Dumbarton Britannodunum nt
Dundee Taodunum nt
Dunstable Durocobrlva efpl
Durham Dunelmum nt adj Dunelmensis
Ebro, River Hiberus m
Eden, River Ituna /
Edinburgh Edinburgum nt adj Edinburgensis
Egypt Aegyptus/ adj Aegyptius
Elba Ilva/
Elbe, River Albis m
England Anglia / adj Anglicus
Etna Aetna/ adj Aetnaeus
Europe Europa adj Europaeus
Exeter Isea (f) Dumnoniorum
Fiesole Faesulae fpl adj Faesulanus
Flanders Menapii mpl
Florence Florentia/ adj Florentlnus
Fontainebleau Bellofontanum nt
Forth, River Bodotria /

France Gallia/ adj Gallicus

Frankfurt Francofurtum nt
Frejus Forum (nt) Iulil adj Foroiuliensis
Friesland Frisii mpl adj Frisius
Gallipoli Callipolisf adj Callipolitanus
Galloway Gallovidiaf
Ganges Ganges m adj Gangeticus
Garda, Lake Benacus m
Garonne, River Garumna /
Gaul Gallia/ adj Gallicus
Gdansk Gedanum m
Geneva Genava/ adj Genavensis
Geneva, Lake Lemannus lacus m
Genoa Genua/ adj Genuensis
Germany Germania/ adj Germanicus
Ghent Gandavum nt adj Gandavensis
Gibraltar Calpe/ adj Calpetanus
Gibraltar, Straits of Fretum Gaditanum nt
Glasgow Glasguaf adj Glasguensis
Gloucester Glevum nt
Gothenburg Gothoburgum nt
Graz Graecium nt
Greece Graecia/ adj Graecus
Greenwich Grenovicum nt
Grenoble Gratianopolis /
Groningen Groningaf
Guadalquivir, River Baetis m
Guadiana, River Anas m
Guernsey Sarniaf
Hague, The Haga (/) Comitis
Halle Hallaf adj Hallensis
Hamadan Ecbatana ntpl
Hamburg Hamburgum nt adj Hamburgensis
Hanover Hannoveraf
Harwich Harvfcum nt
Havre Gratiae Portus m
Hebrides Ebudae Insulae fpl
Hexham Axelodunum nt
Holland Batavi mpl adj Batavus
Ibiza Ebusus/ adj Ebusitanus
Ilkley Olic&na/
Inn, River Aenus m
Ipswich Gippevicum nt
Ireland Hibernia / adj Hibernicus
Isar, River Isara/
Istanbul Byzantium nt adj Byzantinus
Italy Italia/ adj Italicus
Jersey Caesarea/
Jerusalem Hierosolyma ntpl adj Hierosolymitanus
Jutland Chersonnesus
Karlsbad Aquae Carolinaefpl

Kent Cantium nt
Kiel Chilonium nt
Koblenz Confluentes mpl
Lancaster Lancastriaf
Lanchester Longovicium nt
Land’s End Bolerium
Promunturium nt
Lausanne Lausonium nt adj Lausoniensis
Lebanon Libanus m
Leeds Ledesiaf
Leicester Ratae (fpl) Coritanorum
Leiden Lugdunum (nt) Batavorum
Leipsig Lipsiaf adj Lipsiensis
Lerida Ilerda / adj Ilerdensis
Lichfield Etocetum nt
Limoges Augustorltum nt
Lincoln Lindum nt
Lisbon Olislpo m adj Olislponensis
Lizard Point Damnonium
Promunturium nt
Loire, River Liger m adj Ligericus
Lombardy Langobardiaf
London Londinium nt adj Londiniensis
Lorraine Lotharingiaf
Lucerne Luceria f adj Lucernensis
Lund Londinium (nt)
Lyons Lugdunum nt adj Lugdunensis
Madrid Matritum nt adj Matritensis
Maggiore, Lake Verbannus m
Main, River Moenus m
Mainz Mogontiacum nt
Majorca Baliaris Maior/
Malta Melita/
Man, Isle of Monapia/
Manchester Mancunium nt
Marmara, Sea of Propontis /
Marne, River Maternaf
Marseilles Massilia/ adj Massiliensis
Matapan Taenarum nt adj Taenarius
Mediterranean Mare internum nt
Melun Melodunum nt
Merida Emerita / adj Emeritensis
Messina Messana / adj Messanius
Metz Divodurum nt
Meuse, River Mosa/
Milan Mediolanum nt adj Mediolanensis
Minorca BaliSris Minor/
Modena Mutina/ adj Mutingnsis
Mons Montes mpl
Monte Cassino Casinum nt adj Casinas
Moray Moraviaf

Morocco Mauretania/ adj Maurus

Moscow Moscoviaf
Moselle, River Mosella/
Munich Monacum nt adj Monacensis
Nantes Namnetes mpl
Naples Neapolis/ adj Neapolitanus
Neckar, River Nicer m
Newcastle Pons (m) Aelil, adj Novocastrensis
Novum Castrum nt
Nice Nicaea/ adj Nicaeensis
Nile, River Nilus m adj Niloticus
Nimes Nemausus/ adj Nemausensis
Norway Norvegiaf adj Norvegianus
Norwich Nordovlcum nt
Oder, River Viadrus m
Oporto Portus Calensis m
Orange Arausio/
Orkneys Orcadesfpl
Orleans Aurelianum nt adj Aurelianensis
Oudenarde Aldenardaf
Oxford Oxoniaf adj Oxoniensis
Padua Patavium nt adj Patavinus
Palermo Panormus m adj Panormitanus
Paris Lutetia/, Parisii mpl adj Parlsiensis
Patras Patrae fpl adj Patrensis
Persian Gulf Mare Rubrum nt
Piacenza Placentia/ adj Placentinus
Po, River Padus adj Padanus
Poitiers Limonum nt
Poland Poldniaf
Portsmouth Magnus Portus m
Portugal Lusitania/
Pozzuoli Puteoli mpl adj Puteolanus
Prague Pragaf adj Pragensis
Provence Provincia/
Pyrenees Pyrenaei montes mpl
Red Sea Sinus Arabicus m
Rheims Durocortorum nt
Rhine, River Rhenus m adj Rhenanus
Rhodes Rhodos / adj Rhodius
Rhone, River Rhodanus m
Richborough Rutupiae fpl adj Rutupinus
Rimini Ariminum adj Ariminensis
Rochester Durobrlvae/pl
Rome Roma/ adj Romanus
Rotterdam Roterodamum nt adj Roterodamensis
Rouen Rothomagusf adj Rothomagensis
Saar, River Sangonaf
Salisbury Sarisberia/
Salzburg luvavum nt adj Salisburgensis
Saone, River Arar m

Savoy Sabaudia f
Scheldt, River Scaldis m
Schleswig Slesvicum nt
Scilly Isles Cassiterides fpl
Scotland Caledonia/ adj Caledonius
Seine, River Sequana/
Severn, River Sabrina/
Seville Hispalis/ adj Hispalensis
Shrewsbury Saldpiaf
Sicily Sicilia/ adj Siculus
Sidra, Gulf of Syjtis (maior)/
Silchester Calleva (Jj Atrebatum
Soissons Augusta (f) Suessionum
Solway Firth Ituna (0 aestuarium
Somme, River Samara/
Spain Hispania / adj Hispanus
St. Albans Verulamium nt
St. Andrews Andreopolisf
St. Bernard (Great) M5ns Penninus m,
(Little) Alpis Graia /
St. Gallen Sangallense coenobium nt adj Sangallensis
St. Gotthard Alpes summae fpl
St. Moritz Agaunum nt adj Agaunensis
Strasbourg Argentoratus/ adj ArgentorStensis
Swabia Suevia / adj Suevicus
Sweden Suecia f adj Suecicus
Switzerland Helvetia/ adj Helveticus
Syracuse Syracusae/pi adj Syracusanus
Tangier Tingi/ adj Tingitanus
Taranto Tarentum nt adj Tarentinus
Tarragona Tarraco/ adj Tarraconensis
Tay, River Tausm
Thames, River Tamesis m
Thebes Thebae fpl adj Thebanus
Tiber, River Tiberis m adj Tiberinus
Tivoli Tibur nt adj Tiburtinus
Toledo Toletum nt adj Toletanus
Toulon Tolonaf adj Tolonensis
Toulouse Tolosa/ adj TolSsanus
Tours Caesarodunum nt
Trfeves, Trier Augusta (f) Treverorum
Trieste Tergeste nt adj Tergestinus
Tripoli Tripolis/ adj Tripolitanus
Tunis Tun6s/ adj Tunetanus
Turin Augusta (f) TaurlnOrum adj Taurinus
Tuscany Etruria/ adj EtrOscus
Tyrrhenian Sea Mare Inferum nt
Utrecht Ultraiectum nt adj Ultraiectensis
Vardar, River Axius m
Venice Veneti mpl, Venetiae fpl adj Venetus
Verdun Virodunum nt adj Virodunensis

Versailles Versaliae fpl adj Versaliensis

Vichy Aquae {fpl) Sblis
Vienna Vindobonaf adj Vindobenensis
Vosges Vosegus m
Wales Cambria f
Wallsend Segedunum nt
Warsaw Varsaviaf adj Varsaviensis
Wash, The Metaris (m) aestuarium
Wear, River Vedra/
Weser, River Visurgis m
Westminster Westmonasterium nt adj Westmonasteriensis
Wiesbaden Mattiacum nt adj Mattiacus
Wight, Isle of Vectis/
Winchester Venta (f) Belgarum
Worcester Vigornia /
Worms Vormatia f
Wroxeter Viroconium nt
York Eburacum nt adj Eburacensis
Zuider Zee Flevo m
Zurich Turicum nt adj Tigurinus


Cardinal Ordinal
1 Onus 1 primus 1st
2 duo II secundus, alter 2nd
3 tres III tertius 3rd
4 quattuor IV quartus 4th
5 quinque V quintus 5th
6 sex VI sextus 6th
7 septem VII septimus 7th
8 oct6 VIII octavus 8th
9 novem IX nOnus 9th
10 decem X decimus 10th
11 undecim XI undecimus llth
12 duodecim XII duodecimus 12th
13 tredecim XIII tertius decimus 13th
14 quattuordecim XIV quartus decimus 14th
15 quindecim XV quintus decimus 15th
16 sedecim XVI sextus decimus 16th
17 septendecim XVII septimus decimus 17th
18 duodeviginti XVIII duodevicesimus 18th
19 undeviginti XIX undevicesimus 19th
20 vlgintl XX vicesimus 20th
21 vlgintl unus XXI vicesimus primus 21st
28 duodetriginta XXVIII duodetricesimus 28th
29 undetriginta XXIX OndetrlcOsimus 29th
30 triginta XXX tricesimus 30th
40 quadraginta XL quadragesimus 40th
50 quinquaginta L quinquagesimus 50»h
60 sexaginta LX sexagesimus 60th
70 septuaginta LXX septuagesimus 70th
80 octdginta LXXX octogesimus 80th
90 nonaginta XC nonagesimus 90th
100 centum C centesimus lOOth
101 centum et Onus a centesimus primus 101st
122 centum vlgintl duo CXXII centesimus vicesimus alter 122nd
200 ducenti cc ducentesimus 200th
300 trecenti ccc trecentesimus 300th
400 quadringenti cccc quadringentesimus 400th
500 quingenti D quingentesimus 500th
600 sescentl DC sOscentesimus 600th
700 septingenti DCC septingentesimus 700th
800 octingenti DCCC octingentesimus BOOth
900 nOngentl DC CCC nongentesimus 900th
1000 mille M millesimus 1000th
1001 mille et Onus MI millesimus primus 1001st
1102 mille centum duo MCII millesimus centesimus alter 1102nd
3000 tria milia MMM ter millesimus 3000th
5000 quinque milia 100 quinquies millesimus 5000th
10,000 decem milia CCIOO decies millesimus 10,000th
100,000 centum milia CCCI000 centies millesimus 100,000th
1,000,000 decies centena milia CCCCI0000 decies centies millesimus 1,000,000th


Distributive Adverb
1 singuli 1 semel 1st
2 bini II bis 2nd
3 teml (trlnl) III ter 3rd
4 quaterni IV quater 4th
5 qulnl V quinquies 5th
6 sen! VI sexies 6th
7 septeni VII septies 7th
8 octOni VIII octies 8th
9 noveni IX novies 9th
10 deni X decies 10th
11 undent XI undecies llth
12 duodeni XII duodecies 12th
13 terni dem XIII ter decies 13th
14 quaterni dem XIV quattuordecies 14th
15 quim dem XV quindecies 15th
16 sem dem XVI sedecies 16th
17 septem dem XVII septies decies 17th
18 duodeviceni XVIII duodevlcies 18th
19 ondevicem XIX undevlcies 19th
20 vicem XX vicies 20th
21 vicem singuli XXI semel et vicies 21 st
28 duodetrlcem XXVIII duodetricies 28th
29 undetriceni XXIX undetrlcies 29th
30 tricem XXX tricies 30th
40 quadrageni XL quadragies 40th
50 quinquageni L quinquagies 50th
60 sexageni LX sexagies 60th
70 septuageni LXX septuagies 70th
80 octogeni LXXX octogies 80th
90 nOnagenl XC nonagies 90th
100 centeni C centies lOOth
101 centeni singuli Cl semel et centies 101st
122 centem vicem bim CXXII centies vicies bis 122nd
200 duceni cc ducenties 200th
300 treceni ccc trecenties 300th
400 quadringeni cccc quadringenties 400th
500 qulngem D quingenties 500th
600 sexceni DC sexcenties 600th
700 septingeni DCC septingenties 700th
800 octingeni DCCC octingenties 800th
900 nOngem DCCCC nongenties 900th
1000 singula milia M mlllies lOOOth
1001 singula milia singuli MI semel et mlllies 1001st
1102 singula milia centeni bini MCII mlllies centies bis 1102nd
3000 trina milia MMM ter mlllies 3000th
5000 quina milia 100 quinquies mlllies 5000th
10,000 dena milia CCI00 decies mlllies 10,000th
100,000 centena milia CCCI000 centies mlllies 100,000th
1,000,000 decies centena milia CCCCIOOOO mlllies mlllies 1,000,000th


Three days of the month have special names:

Kalendae the 1st.

Nonae the 5th of most months, but the 7th of March, May, July and October.
“In March, July, October, May,
The Nones are on the 7th day.”

Idus the 13th of most months, but the 15th of March, May, July and October.
If the date is one of these three days, it is expressed in the ablative, with the
adjective of the month in agreement, e.g.
1st January, Kalendis Ianuarils, usually abbreviated Kal. Ian.
The day immediately before any of these three is expressed by pridie with the
accusative, e.g.
4th February, pridie Nonas Februarias, usually abbreviated prid. Non. Feb.
All other dates are expressed as so many days before the next named day, and
in reckoning the interval both the date and the named day are counted, e.g. the
11th is the 5th day before the 15th.
The formula is all in the accusative, begining with the words ante diem, e.g.
11th March, ante diem quintum Idus Martias, usually abbreviated a.d. V Id.
The following selection of dates for April and May should be a sufficient guide
to the dates of any month in the year:—

Kal. Apr. 1 Kal. Mai.
a.d IV Non. Apr. 2 a.d. VI Non. Mai.
a.d. Ill Non. Apr. 3 a.d. V Non. Mai.
prid. Non. Apr. 4 a.d. IV Non. Mai.
Non. Apr. 5 a.d. Ill Non. Mai.
a.d. VIII Id. Apr. 6 prid. Non. Mai.
a.d. VII Id. Apr. 7 Non. Mai.
a.d. VI Id. Apr. 8 a.d. VIII Id. Mai.
a.d. V Id. Apr. 9 a.d. VII Id. Mai.
a.d. IV Id. Apr. 10 a.d. VI Id. Mai.
a.d. Ill Id. Apr. 11 a.d. V Id. Mai.
prid. Id. Apr. 12 a.d. IV Id. Mai.
Id. Apr. 13 a.d. Ill Id. Mai.
a.d. XVIII Kal. Mai. 14 prid. Id. Mai.
a.d. XVII Kal. Mai. 15 Id. Mai.
a.d. XVI Kal. Mai. 16 a.d. XVII Kal. Iun.

a.d. XV Kal. Mai. 17 a.d. XVI Kal. Iun.

a.d. XII Kal. Mai. 20 a.d. XIII Kal. Iun.
a.d. VII Kal. Mai. 25 a.d. VIII Kal. Iun.
prid. Kal. Mai. 30 a.d. Ill Kal. Iun.
— 31 prid. Kal. Iun.

A year is denoted either by giving the names of the consuls or by reckoning the
number of years from the traditional date of the foundation of Rome, 753 B.C.
(A date B.C. should be subtracted from 754, a date A.D. should be added to 753.)

E.g. “In the year 218 b.c.,” either P. Cornelio Scipione Ti. Sempronio Longo
coss. or a. u. c. DXXXVI.


12 unciae 1 pes
5 pedes 1 passus
12S passus 1 stadium
8 stadia mQle passus
The Roman mile was about 1.48 km.

100 pedes quadrati 1 scripulum
144 scripula 1 actus quadratus
2 actus quadrati 1 iugerum
2iugera 1 heredium
100 heredia 1 centuria
The iugerum was about 2529.28 square metres.

4 cochlearia = 1 cyathus
12 cyathi = 1 sextarius
(liquid) 6 sextarii = 1 congius
8 congii = 1 amphora
20 amphorae = 1 culleus
(dry) 8 sextarii = 1 semodius
2 semodii = 1 modius
The sextarius was about half a litre, the modius about 9 litres.

4 scripula = 1 sextula
6 sextulae = 1 uncia
12 unciae = 1 libra
The Roman lb. was about 326 gr, and the uncia was therefore about 27 gr. The
twelfths of the libra have the following names, which are also used to denote
fractions generally, e.g. heres ex triente, heir to a third of an estate.
V12 uncia s/i2 quincunx 3A dOdrans
*/« sextans 'A semis % dextans
Vi quadrans 7/i2 septunx u/i2 deunx
‘/3 triens %b£s


2'/i asses = 1 sestertius (or nummus)
4 sestertii = 1 denarius
25 denarii = 1 aureus

The sesterce is represented by a symbol for 2'A, properly II S(emis), usually

standardized in the form HS. The ntpl sestertia with the distributive numeral denotes
thousands of sesterces, and the numeral adverb with the gen pi sestertium (under¬
standing centena milia) means hundred thousands, e.g.

10,000 sesterces = dena sestertia = HSX

1,000,000 ” = decies sestertium = HSlXl

100 drachumae = 1 mina
60 minae = 1 talentum


Both vowels and syllables in Latin may be described as long or short. A long
vowel or syllable is one on which the voice dwells for a longer time than on a
short one, in much the same way as a minim is long compared with a crotchet in
musical notation.
A syllable is long if the vowel in it is either long in itself or followed by two or
more consonants. The letter x counts as a double consonant, the letter h not at
all, and the following pairs of consonants occurring in the same word after a
short vowel do not necessarily make the syllable long:
br, cr, dr, fr, gr, pr, tr; fl, gl, pi.
A syllable is short if its vowel is a short one and not followed by two or more
consonants (except for the groups noted in the preceding paragraph).

Examples: In duco both the vowels are long (“by nature”) and therefore the
two syllables are long.
In deus both the vowels are short, neither is followed by more than one
consonant, and therefore the two syllables are short; but if a word beginning
with a consonant follows, then the syllable -us will become long.
In adsunt both the vowels are short, but they are both followed by two
consonants, and the two syllables are therefore “long by position”.
This long or short characteristic of Latin vowels and syllables is called
“quantity.” To determine the quantities of vowels no general rules can be
given, and some of them are now not known for certain. The vowel quantities
of words will have to be learned when the words are learned, or else looked up
when the need arises. In final syllables, however, there is a certain regularity
to be found, and the following table shows the commonest of these:


Long Short

-a 1st decI abl sing 1st decI nom and voc sing
1st conj impv sing all nom and acc ntpl
numerals and most adverbs ita, quia
-e 5th decI abl sing all other noun and verb endings
2nd conj impv sing
most adverbs bene, male
Greek nouns enclitics

■i all endings, except quasi, nisi: and sometimes

mihi, tibi, sibi, ibi, ubi
■o all endings, except sometimes iambic words, esp
cito, duo, ego, homo, modo,
puto, rogo, scio
-u all endings
-as all endings, except Greek nouns
-es all endings, except 3rd dec! nom sing with short
-e- in stem
es (be) and compounds
-is 1st and 2nd dec! dat all others
and ab! pi
3rd dec! acc pi
4th conj 2nd pers sing
vis, sis, velis
-os all endings, except 2nd decI nom sing
os (bone)
compos, impos
-us 3rd dec! nom sing with long all others
-u- in stem
4th dec! gen sing and nom
and acc pi


Latin Verse is a pattern of long and short syllables, grouped together in “feet”
or in lyric lines.
The commonest Feet employed in Latin metres are:

Anapaest (short—short—long)
Dactyl (long—short—short)
Iambus (short—long)
Proceleusmatic (short—short—short—short)
Spondee (long—long)
Tribrach (short—short—short)
Trochee (long—short)


The longer lines usually have a regular break near the middle, occurring
either in the middle of a foot (Caesura) or at the end of a foot (Diaeresis). This
break need not imply a pause in the sense of the words, but merely the end of a
word, provided that it does not go too closely with the word following, as in the
case of a preposition before a noun. See examples on pages 4-9 where the
caesura is marked t, and the diaeresis //.

A vowel or a vowel followed by m at the end of a word (“open vowel”) is
regularly elided before a vowel at the beginning of the next word in the same
line. In reciting, the elided syllable should not be dropped entirely, but slurred
into the following vowel. An open vowel at the end of a line does not elide
before a vowel at the beginning of the next line.

Where the metre requires the fined syllable in a line to be long, this syllable
may in fact be a short one. This position in the line is commonly called a syllaba
anceps, and marked down as being either long or short. It is perhaps better to
regard this syllable, when the vowel is short, as long by position, since metrical
length is a matter of duration, and the end of a line calls naturally for a slight
pause in reading, even if the sense rims on to the next line. In the metrical
schemes which follow, a long final syllable should be understood in this sense:
it may in itself be a short one.

Latin metres fall into three fairly distinct categories, associated with three
different genres of verse: 1. Dactylic
2. Iambic and Trochaic
3. Lyric

The Dactylic metres are the Hexameter and the Pentameter. The Hexameter
is the medium of epic, didactic and pastoral poetry, of satires and epistles, and
other examples of occasional verse. In conjunction with the Pentameter it
forms the Elegiac Couplet, the metre most commonly used for love poetry,
occasional pieces, and the epigram.

Dactylic Hexameter

The first four feet may be either dactyls or spondees, the 5th is regularly a
dactyl, the 6th always a spondee. In Virgil and later poets the last word is either
disyllabic or trisyllabic. A Caesura normally occurs in either the 3rd or the 4th
foot, and pastoral poetry often has the “Bucolic Diaeresis” at the end of the 4th
foot. In Virgilian and later usage there is a tendency for words and feet to
overlap in the first four feet and to coincide in the last two. Similarly in the first
part of the line the metrical ictus and the normal accent of the spoken word
tend to fall on different syllables, whereas they regularly coincide in the last
two feet.


Class(em) ap|tent tacT|tT soci|osqu(e) ad | fitora| torquent

(Virgil, Aen. 4,289)

Occasional lines will be found in the poets, which deliberately violate the
above rules for the sake of obtaining some special effect,

per co|nubia| nostra/ per| mcep|tos hyme|naeos

(Aen. 4,316)

The above echoes Greek hexameter, where the final word is Greek and has
four syllables, and the caesura comes between the two short syllables of the
dactyl in the 3rd foot:

cum soclfis na|toquet pe|natibus| et mag|rils dls

(Aen. 3,12)
Note the solemn, archaic touch, suggesting a line of Ennius, where the 5th foot
is a spondee, and the last word is monosyllabic.

parturient monies,* na|scetur| ndicu|lus mus

(Hor, A. P. 139)
The monosyllabic ending, above, creates a comic effect.

Dactylic Pentameter
This line has two equal parts of 2'A feet each. The two feet in the first part may
be either dactyls or spondees, those in the second part are always dactylic. The
two half-feet are long (though the final syllable may be a short one), and there
is always a diaeresis between the two parts of the line. In Ovid and later poets
the last word in the line is regularly disyllabic.

Aene|an am|mo // noxque cfi|esque re|fert
(Ovid, Her. 7,26)


The following procedure may assist beginners to scan a normal hexameter or

pentameter correctly:—

1. Mark off elisions.

2. Mark the first syllable long, and (Hexameter) the last five dactyl and
spondee, or (Pentameter) the last seven syllables, two dactyls and a long
3. Mark all diphthongs long.
4. Mark all syllables that are long by position, omitting any doubtful cases.
5. Mark any other syllables known to be long.
6. Mark any syllables known to be short.
7. Fill in the few (if any) remaining syllables, and identify the principal
8. Read the line aloud.


The Iambic and Trochaic metres occur mainly in dramatic verse, but some are
found elsewhere, as in the lyrics of Catullus and Horace. The principal Iambic
metres are the Senarius, the Septenarius, and the Octonarius; the principal
Trochaic metres are the Septenarius and Octonarius.

Iambic Senarius
Basically this line consists of six iambic feet, but in practice such a line is very
Phasel|lusH|le quern | vTde|tis, hos|pi tes
(Cat. 4,1)

In drama the last foot is always iambic, and the Sth regularly a spondee. The
spondee is also very common in the first four feet, the dactyl and the tribrach
are frequent, occasionally the anapaest is found, and, more rarely, the
proceleusmatic. There is usually a caesura in either the third or the fourth

fn hac| ha bi tas|se plate|a dlc|tumst Chry|sTdem
(Ter, And. 796)

lambic Septenarius

This line consists of seven and a half feet, basically iambic, but allowing the
same variations as in the Senarius. The 4th foot is regularly an Iambus, and is
usually followed by a diaeresis: this is an aid to identifying the line.

N(am)7dcir|c(o) accer|sor nup|tTas| quod m(i) ad|para|ri sen|s!t
(Ter, And. 690)

Iambic Octonarius

This line has eight iambic feet, with the same variations as in the other iambic
lines. The 4th and 8th feet are regularly iambic, and a diaeresis follows the 4th

Cura|bTtur.| sed pater| adest.| cavet(e) es|se trls|tem sen|tiat
(Ter, And. 403)

Trochaic Septenarius

Apart from drama, this line is common in popular verses, and comes into its
own in later Latin poetry. It consists of seven and a half trochees, but in
practice only the seventh foot is regularly trochaic, while the others may be
spondee, dactyl, tribrach, or (more rarely) anapaest. There is usually a
diaeresis after the 4th foot.

Cras a|met qul| nunqu(am) a|mavlt,| qulqu(e) a| mavlt| eras a|met
(Pervigilium Veneris)

Trochaic Octonarius

This is a line of eight trochees, allowing the same variations as above. There is
a diaeresis after the 4th foot.

Proin tu| sollicr|tudTn|(em)Tstam| falsam| quae t(e) ex|cruciat| mittas
(Ter, Heaut. 177)

In most lyric metres the line is not to be subdivided into feet, but is itself the
unit of scansion, and has a fixed number of syllables. The commonest, which
are those used by Catullus and Horace, are the Hendecasyllabic, the Ascle-
piads, the Glyconie and the Pherecratie, which occur either singly or in
combinations to form either couplets or stanzas of four lines. Beside these
groupings there are the Alcaic and Sapphic stanzas. Elisions occur much more
rarely than in the other metres.

This is Catullus’s favourite line. It consists of eleven syllables in the following

Either the first or the second syllable may occasionally be short, and there is
usually a caesura after the 5th syllable.

Vivamus, mea Lesbl(a), atqu(e) amemus
(Cat. 5,1)


There are two Asclepiad lines, of which the Lesser is by far the commoner. It
has twelve syllables, in the following pattern with a caesura after the 6th

Maecenas, atavis* edite regibus

(Hor, Od. 1,1,1)

The Greater Asclepiad is formed by adding a choriambus - - - - after the 6th

syllable with a diaeresis both before and after it.

Nullam, Vare, sacra vite prius severis arborem
(Hor, Od. 1,18,1)


The Glyconie occurs by itself in Catullus, but more usually it is found in

combination with the Lesser Asclepiad or the Pherecratie. It consists of eight
syllables (-—), so that it is like a Lesser Asclepiad minus the
choriambus. It has no regular caesura.

Donec gratus eram tibi
(Hor. Od. Ill, 9,1)


The Pherecratie is a Glyconie minus the second last (short) syllable. It is found
only in combination with other lines.

Suspendisse potent!
(.Hor.Od. 1,5,11)

Alcaic Stanza

The Alcaic stanza has four lines, of which the first two have the same pattern
— ----.In these there is a regular caesura after the 5th syllable. The
third line is — --— and the 4th--—. Neither of the last two
lines has a regular break in it.

Nunc est bibendum,* nunc pede fiber5
pulsanda tellus,* nunc Saliaribus
ornare pulvinar deorum
tempus erat dapibus, sodales.
(Hor, Od. I. 37,1-4)

Sapphic Stanza

The Sapphic stanza also has four lines, of which the first three are the same:
-. As in the Alcaic there is a caesura after the 5th syllable. The
last line is a short Adonic

Integer vitae* scelerisque purus
non eget Mauris* iacufis nequ(e) arcu
nec venenatis* gravida sagittis,
Fusce, pharetra.

(Hor, Od. I. 22,1-4)


What follows is a list of some of the Latin phrases used in English today.
ab initio from the beginning.
abovo (lit: from the egg) from the beginning.
absit omen (lit: may the (evil) omen be absent) may the
presentiment not become real or take place.
ab urbe condita (used in dates) from the foundation of the city (i.e. from
the foundation of Rome in 753 B.C.).
A.D. abbr for anno Domini.
ad hoc (lit: for this) for a particular purpose only: an ad hoc
committee; an ad hoc decision.
ad hominem (lit: according to the person) 1 directed against a
person rather than against his or her arguments. 2
based on or appealing to emotion rather than reason.
ad infinitum without end; endlessly; to infinity.
ad interim for the meantime; for the present: ad interim
ad-lib (abbr for ad libitum) ♦ adj improvised; impromptu
♦ adv without restraint; freely; as one pleases ♦ vb to
improvise and deliver without preparation.
ad libitum (lit: according to pleasure) as one pleases,
ad majorem Dei gloriam for the greater glory of God (the Jesuit motto).
ad nauseam (lit: to (the point of) nausea) to a disgusting extent.
ad rem (lit: to the matter) to the point; without digression: to
reply ad rem; an ad rem discussion,
advocatus diaboli devil’s advocate.
ad valorem (lit: according to value) in proportion to the estimated
value of the goods taxed.
aet. (abbr for aetatis) at the age of.
Agnus Dei Lamb of God.
alma mater (lit: nurturing mother) one’s former university, college
or school.
alter ego (lit: other self) 1 a second self. 2 a very close and
intimate friend.
a.m. abbr for ante meridiem.
AMDG abbr for ad majorem Dei gloriam.
amor patriae love of one’s country; patriotism.
an. (abbr for anno) in the year,
anno Domini in the year of our Lord.
anno urbis conditae in the year of the foundation of the city (i.e. of Rome in
753 B. C., used in dates)
anno regni in the year of the reign (of).

annus mirabilis (lit: wonderful year) a year of wonders.

antebellum (lit: before the war) of or during the period before a
war, especially the American Civil War.
ante meridiem before noon.
ante-mortem before death (esp in legal or medical contexts).
a.p. (abbr for ante prandium) before a meal (in
apparatus criticus (lit: critical apparatus) textual notes (list of variant
readings, etc., relating to a document, especially in a
scholarly edition of a text).
aq. abbr for aqua.
aqua vitae (lit: water of life) brandy,
a.r. abbr for anno regni,
arbiter elegantiae or judge in a matter of taste.
arcus senilis (lit: senile bow) opaque circle around the cornea of the
eye (often seen in elderly people).
argumentum ad (lit: argument according to the person: Logic) 1
hominem fallacious argument that attacks not an opponent’s
beliefs but his motives or character. 2 argument that
shows an opponent’s statement to be inconsistent with
his other beliefs.
ars longa vita brevis art is long, life is short.
AUC abbr for: 1 ab urbe condita. 2 anno urbis conditae,
aut vincere aut mori death or victory,
aurora australis the southern lights,
aurora borealis the northern lights.
ave 1 hail! 2 farewell!
ave atque vale hail and farewell!
Ave Maria Hail Mary,
beatae memoriae of blessed memory,
Beata Virgo the Blessed Virgin,
Beata Virgo Maria the Blessed Virgin Mary.
b. i.d (abbr for bis in die) twice a day (in prescriptions).
bis dat, qui cito dat the person who gives promptly gives twice,
BV abbr for Beata Virgo,
c, ca abbr for circa.
camera obscura (lit: dark chamber) camera obscura.
carpe diem (lit: seize the day) enjoy the pleasures of the moment,
without concern for the future.
casus belli (lit: occasion of war) 1 an event or act used to justify a
war. 2 the immediate cause of a quarrel,
caveat emptor let the buyer beware,
cetera desunt the rest is missing.

ceteris paribus other things being equal,

circa around.
Codex Juris Canonici (lit: book of canon law) the official code of canon law (in
the Roman Catholic Church).
cogito, ergo sum I think, therefore I am (the basis of Descartes'
compos mentis of sound mind; sane.
coram populo in the presence of the people; openly.
corpus delicti (lit: the body of the crime: law) the body of facts that
constitute an offence.
Corpus Juris Canonici (lit: body of canon law) the official compilation of
canon law (in the Roman Catholic Church).
Corpus Juris Civilis (lit: body of civil law) the body of Roman or civil law.
corrigenda things to be corrected.
corpus vile (lit: worthless body) person or thing fit only to be the
object of an experiment.
culpa 1 (law) an act of neglect. 2 (gen) a fault; sin; guilt,
cum grano salis with a grain of salt; not too literally.
cum laude (chiefly US) with praise (the lowest of three
designations for above-average achievement in
curriculum vitae (lit: the course of one’s life) curriculum vitae.
de facto adv in fact ♦ adj existing in fact,
de gustibus non est there is no arguing about tastes.
de jure according to law; by right; legally,
de mortuis nil nisi say nothing but good of the dead.
de novo anew.
Deo gratias thanks be to God.
Deo Optimo Maximo to God, the best, the Greatest.
Deo volente God willing.
de profundis out of the depths of misery or dejection.
deus ex machina (lit: the god from the machine) 1 (in ancient Greek and
Roman drama) a god introduced into a play to resolve
the plot. 2 any unlikely or artificial device serving this
Dies Irae (lit: the day of wrath) 1 a famous Latin hymn of the
13th century, describing the Last Judgment. It is used
in the Mass for the dead. 2 a musical setting of this
hymn, usually part of a setting of the Requiem,
disjecta membra the scattered remains,
DOM abbr for Deo Optimo Maximo.
dramatis personae (lit: the persons of the drama) the list of characters in a

Ecce Homo behold the man {the words of Pontius Pilate to Christ's
accusers [John 19:5]).
editio princeps (lit: the first edition) the first printed edition of a work.
e.g., eg abbr for exempli gratia.
emeritus retired from office.
e pluribus unum one out of many (motto of USA).
ER 1 (abbr for Elizabeth Regina) Queen Elizabeth; 2 (abbr
for Eduardus Rex) King Edward.
errare est humanum to err is human,
erratum (pl errata) error.
et seq. (abbr for et sequens) and the following.
et seqq. (abbr for et sequentia) and those that follow.
ex (lit: out of, from) 1 (finance) not participating in;
excluding; without: ex bonus; ex dividend; ex rights.
2 (commerce) without charge to the buyer until
removed from: ex quay; ex ship; ex works.
ex cathedra (lit: from the chair) 1 with authority. 2 defined by the
pope as infallibly true, to be accepted by all Roman
exeat (lit: let him or her go out) formal leave of absence,
exempli gratia for example.
exeunt they go out {used as a stage direction).
exeunt omnes they all go out {usedas a stage direction).
exit he or she goes out {used as a stage direction).
ex libris (lit: from the books (of)) from the collection or library
ex officio by right of position or office.
ex parte {law) on behalf of one side or party only {of an
application in a judicial proceeding): an ex parte
ex post facto having retrospective effect: an ex post facto law.
ex silentio (lit: from silence) based on a lack of evidence to the
contrary {of a theory, assumption etc).
extempore (lit: instantaneously) without planning or preparation;
ex voto adv, adj in accordance with a vow ♦ n offering made in
fulfilment of a vow.
facile princeps (lit: easily first) an obvious leader.
fecit {abbr fee) (he or she) made it (used formerly on works of art next
to the artist's name).
felo de se suicide.
festina lente more haste, less speed,
fiat lux let there be light,
Fidei Defensor defender of the faith.

fidus Achates (lit: faithful Achates) faithful friend or companion (the

name of the faithful companion of Aeneas in Virgil's
floruit (he or she) flourished (used to indicate the period when
a historical figure, whose birth and death dates are
unknown, was most active).
fons et origo the source and origin.
genius loci (lit: genius of the place) 1 the guardian spirit of a place.
2 the special atmosphere of a particular place.
Gloria in Excelsis Deo (lit: glory to God in the highest) I the Greater
Doxology, beginning in Latin with these words. 2 a
musical setting of this.
Gloria Patri (lit: glory to the father) 1 the Lesser Doxology,
beginning in Latin with these words. 2 a musical
setting of this.
hinc illae lacrimae hence those tears.
HJ (abbr for hic jacet) here lies (on gravestones).
HJS (abbr for hic jacet sepultus) here lies buried (on
horrible dictu horrible to relate,
ibid. abbr for ibidem.
ibidem in the same place (in annotations, bibliographies, etc.,
when referring to a book, article, chapter, or page
previously cited).
id est that is (to say); in other words.
idem the same (used to refer to an article, chapter, etc.,
previously cited).
i.e. abbr for id est.
ign. abbr for ignotus.
ignoratio elenchi (lit: an ignorance of proof: Logic) 1 a purported
refutation of a proposition that does not in fact prove it
false but merely establishes a related but strictly
irrelevant proposition. 2 the fallacy of arguing in this
ignotum per ignotius (lit: the unknown by means of the more unknown) an
explanation that is obscurer than the thing to be
ignotus unknown,
ignis fatuus will o’ the wisp.
Imp. 1 (abbr for Imperator) Emperor; 2 (abbr for
Imperatrix) Empress.
in absentia in one’s absence; in the absence of: he was condemned
in absentia,
in aeternum forever; eternally,
in articulo mortis at the point of death.

in camera (lit: in the chamber) in private,

in extenso at full length.
in extremis (lit: in the furthest reaches) 1 in extremity; in dire
straits. 2 at the point of death.
infra below.
infra dig (abbr for infra dignitatem) beneath one’s dignity.
in loco parentis in place of a parent (said of a person acting in a parental
in medias res (lit: into the midst of things) in or into the middle of
events or a narrative.
in memoriam in memory of; as a memorial to (used in obituaries,
epitaphs etc).
in perpetuum for ever.
in personam (lit: against the person) directed against a specific
person or persons (law: of a judicial act).
in propria persona in person; personally.
in rem (lit: against the matter) directed against property
rather than against a specific person (law: of a judicial
in rerum natura in the nature of things.
INRI (lit: Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews) abbr for Iesus
Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum (the inscription placed over
Christ's head during the Crucifixion).
in situ (lit: in position) in the natural, original, or appropriate
inter alia among other things,
inter alios among other people.
inter vivos (law) between living people: an inter vivos gift.
in toto totally; entirely; completely.
in utero within the womb.
in vacuo in a vacuum.
in vino veritas in wine there is truth.
in vitro (lit: in glass) made to occur outside the body of the
organism in an artificial environment (of biological
processes or reactions): in vitro fertilization.
in vivo (lit: in a living (thing)) occurring or carried out in the
living organism (of biological processes or
ipse dixit (lit: he himself said it) an arbitrary and unsupported
ipsissima verba the very words.
ipso facto by the fact itself.
i.q. (lit: the same as) abbr for idem quod,
lapsus linguae a slip of the tongue.
1c (abbr for (in) loco citato) in the place cited.

lex loci the law of the place,

lex non scripta the unwritten law; common law.
lex scripta the written law; statute law.
lex talionis the law of revenge or retaliation.
loc. cit. (abbr for (in) loco citato) in the place cited (in textual
magna cum laude (chiefly US) with great praise (the second of three
designations for above-average achievement in
magnum opus a great work of art or literature (especially the greatest
single work of an artist).
mala fide undertaken in bad faith.
mare clausum (lit: closed sea: law) a sea coming under the
jurisdiction of one nation and closed to all others.
mare liberum (lit: free sea: law) a sea open to navigation by shipping
of all nations.
mare nostrum (lit: our sea) the Mediterranean,
mater mother (often used facetiously).
mater dolorosa (lit: sorrowful mother) the Virgin Mary sorrowing for
the dead Christ (especially as depicted in art).
materfamilias (lit: mother of family) the mother of a family or the
female head of a family.
materia medica (lit: medical matter) 1 the branch of medical science
concerned with the study of drugs used in the
treatment of disease. 2 the drugs used in the treatment
of disease.
mea culpa (lit: my fault) an acknowledgement of guilt.
memento mori (lit: remember you must die) an object, such as a skull,
intended to remind people of the inevitability of death.
mens sana in corpore a healthy mind in a healthy body.
mens rea (lit: guilty mind: law) a criminal intention or
knowledge that an act is wrong.
miles gloriosus a braggart soldier (especially as a stock figure in
mirabile dictu wonderful to relate.
mittimus (lit: we send) a warrant of commitment to prison or a
command to a jailer directing him to hold someone in
modus operandi procedure; method of operating; manner of working.
modus ponens (lit: mood that affirms) the principle that whenever a
conditional statement and its antecedent are given to
be true its consequent may be validly inferred.

modus tollens (lit: mood that denies) the principle that whenever a
conditional statement and the negation of its
consequent are given to be true, the negation of its
antecedent may be validly inferred.
modus vivendi (lit: way of living) a working arrangement between
conflicting interests; practical compromise.
motu proprio (lit: of his own accord) an administrative papal bull,
multum in parvo much in a small space,
mutatis mutandis with the necessary changes.
NB, N.B., nb, n.b. (abbr for nota bene) note well.
nem. con. (abbr for nemine contradicente) no-one contradicting;
nemo me impune no-one provokes me with impunity.
ne plus ultra (lit: not more beyond) the extreme or perfect point or
nihil nil; nothing,
nihil obstat there is no obstacle.
nil desperandum (lit: nothing to be despaired of) never despair.
nisi prius (lit: unless previously) 1 in England (a) a direction that
a case be brought up to Westminster for trial before a
single judge and jury, (b) the writ giving this direction.
2 in the US a court where civil actions are tried by a
single judge sitting with a jury as distinguished from
an appellate court.
nolens volens whether willing or unwilling.
noli me tangere (lit: do not touch me) a warning against interfering
with or against touching a person or thing.
nolle prosequi (lit: do not pursue) an entry made on the court record
when the plaintiff in a civil suit or prosecutor in a
criminal prosecution undertakes not to continue the
action or prosecution.
nolo contendere (lit: I do not wish to contend) a plea made by a
defendant to a criminal charge having the same effect
in those proceedings as a plea of guilty but not
precluding him from denying the charge in a
subsequent action.
non compos mentis (lit: not in control of one’s mind) mentally incapable of
managing one’s own affairs; of unsound mind; insane.
non prosequitur (lit: he does not proceed) a judgment in favour of a
defendant when the plaintiff failed to take the
necessary steps in an action within the time allowed.
non sequitur (lit: it does not follow) 1 (gen) a statement having little
or no relevance to what preceded it. 2 (Logic) a
conclusion that does not follow from the premises,
nulli secundus second to none.

numen (lit: divine power) 1 (especially in ancient Roman

religion) a deity or spirit presiding over a thing or
place. 2 a guiding principle, force, or spirit.
Nunc Dimittis (lit: now let depart) 1 the Canticle of Simeon (Luke
2:29-32). 2 a musical setting of this.
ob. 1 abbr for obiit. 2 (abbr for obiter) incidentally; in
obiit he or she died (on gravestones).
obiter dictum (lit: something said in passing) 1 (law) an observation
by a judge on some point of law not directly in issue in
the case before him and thus neither requiring his
decision nor serving as a precedent, but nevertheless
of persuasive authority. 2 any comment, remark, or
observation made in passing.
obscurum per obscurius (lit: the obscure by means of the more obscure) an
explanation that is obscurer than the thing to be
omnium-gatherum (often facetious) a miscellaneous collection;
onus probandi (law) the burden of proof.
op. cit. (abbr of opere citato) in the work cited.
opus anglicanum (lit: English work) fine embroidery (especially of
church vestments).
ora pro nobis pray for us.
0 tempora! 0 mores! oh the times! oh the customs!
p.a. abbr of per annum.
pace by leave of; with due deference to (used to
acknowledge politely someone who disagrees with the
speaker or writer).
pari passu with equal speed or progress; equably (often used to
refer to the right of creditors to receive assets from the
same source without one taking precedence).
passim here and there; throughout (used to indicate that what is
referred to occurs frequently in the work cited).
paterfamilias (lit: father of the family) 1 the male head of a
household. 2 the head of a household having authority
over its members.
pax vobiscum peace be with you.
peccavi (lit: I have sinned) a confession of guilt.
peculium (lit: property) property that a father or master allowed
his child or slave to hold as his own.
per annum every year; year by year.
per ardua ad astra through difficulties to the stars (motto of the RAF).
per capita (lit: according to heads) of or for each person,
per contra on the contrary.

per diem (lit: for the day) 1 every day; by the day. 2 an allowance
for daily expenses, usually those incurred while
per mensem every month; by the month.
per pro (abbr for per procurationem) by delegation to; through
the agency of (used when signing documents on behalf
of someone else).
persona grata an acceptable person (especially a diplomat acceptable
to the government of the country to which he is sent).
persona non grata unacceptable or unwelcome person.
petitio principii (lit: an assumption at the beginning: Logic) a form of
fallacious reasoning in which the conclusion has been
assumed in the premises; begging the question.
pia mater (lit: pious mother) the innermost of the three
membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord.
pinxit (he or she) painted this (used formerly on works of art
next to the artist's name).
p.m., P.M., pm, PM abbr. for 1 post meridiem 2 postmortem.
post-bellum (lit: after war) of or during the period after a war,
especially the American Civil War.
post hoc (lit: after this: Logic) the fallacy of assuming that
temporal succession is evidence of causal relation.
post hoc, ergo propter after this, therefore because of this (a fallacy of
hoc reasoning).
post meridiem after noon.
postmortem (lit: after death) n 1 dissection and examination of a
dead body to determine the cause of death. 2 analysis
or study of a recently completed event ♦ adj occurring
after death.
PP abbr for 1 per pro. 2 post prandium after a meal (in
PPS (lit: after postscript; abbr for post postscriptum)
additional postscript.
pr (abbr for: per rectum) through the rectum (in
prima facie at a first view.
primum mobile (lit: first moving (thing)) prime mover,
primus inter pares first among equals.
prn (abbr for pro re nata) as the situation demands, as
needed (in prescriptions).
pro forma (lit: for form’s sake) 1 prescribing a set form or
procedure. 2 performed in a set manner,
pro patria for one’s country,
pro rata in proportion,
pro tempore for the time being.
proxime accessit (lit: he or she came next) the runner-up.

q.e. (abbr for quod est) which is.

QED abbr for quod erat demonstrandum,
QEF abbr for quod erat faciendum.
quid pro quo (lit: something for something) 1 a reciprocal exchange.
2 something given in compensation, especially an
advantage or object given in exchange for another.
quis custodiet ipsos who will guard the guards?
q.l. (abbr for quantum libet) as much as you please (in
qm (abbr for quaque mane) every morning (in
qn (abbr for quaque nocte) every night (in prescriptions).
quod erat which was to be proved.
quod erat faciendum which was to be done.
quot homines, tot there are as many opinions as there are people.
quo vadis? whither goest thou?
qqv (abbr for quae vide) which (words, items etc) see
(denoting a cross reference to more than one item).
qs (abbr for quantum sufficit) as much as will suffice (in
qv (abbr for quod vide) which (word, item etc) see
(denoting a cross reference).
rara avis (lit: rare bird) an unusual, uncommon or exceptional
person or thing.
reductio ad absurdum (lit: reduction to the absurd) 1 a method of disproving a
proposition by showing that its inevitable
consequences would be absurd. 2 a method of
indirectly proving a proposition by assuming its
negation to be true and showing that this leads to an
absurdity. 3 application of a principle or a proposed
principle to an instance in which it is absurd.
requiescat (lit: may he or she rest) a prayer for the repose of the
souls of the dead.
requiescat in pace may he or she rest in peace.
res gestae (lit: things done) 1 things done or accomplished;
achievements. 2 (law) incidental facts and
circumstances that are admissible in evidence because
they introduce or explain the matter in issue.
res ipsa loquitur (uw) the thing or matter speaks for itself.
res judicata (law) a matter already adjudicated upon that cannot be
raised again.
res publica (lit: the public thing) the state, republic, or

resurgam I shall rise again.

RI 1 (abbr for Regina et Imperatrix) Queen and Empress.
2 (abbr for Rex et Imperator) King and Emperor.
rigor mortis (lit: rigidity of death) the stiffness of joints and
muscular rigidity of a dead body.
RIP abbr for requiescat or requiescant in pace.
risus sardonicus (lit: sardonic laugh) fixed contraction of the facial
muscles resulting in a peculiar distorted grin, caused
especially by tetanus.
sanctum sanctorum (lit: holy of holies) 1 (Bible) the holy of holies. 2 (often
facetious) an especially private place,
sartor resartus the tailor patched.
schola cantorum (lit: school of singers) a choir or choir school
maintained by a church.
scire facias (lit: cause (him) to know) 1 (law, rare) a judicial writ
founded upon some record, such as a judgement,
letters patent, etc., requiring the person against whom
it is brought to show cause why the record should not
be enforced or annulled. 2 a proceeding begun by the
issue of such a writ.
semper fidelis always faithful,
semper idem always the same.
seq. (abbr for sequens) the following (one).
seqq. (abbr for sequentia) the following (ones),
seriatim in order.
sic thus (often used to call attention to some quoted
sic itur ad astra such is the way to the stars,
sic transit gloria mundi so passes the glory of the world.
si monumentum if you seek (his) monument, look around you
requiris, circumspice (inscription on the architect Sir Christopher Wren's tomb
in St Paul's Cathedral).
sine die without a day.
sine prole (law) without issue.
sine qua non (lit: without which not) an indispensable condition or
si (abbr for sine loco) without place (of publication).
sp abbr for sine prole,
spiritus asper rough breathing,
spiritus lenis smooth breathing.
SPQR (abbr for Senatus Populusque Romanus) the Senate
and People of Rome.
sq. (abbr for sequens) the following (one).
sqq. (abbr for sequentia) the following (ones).

Stabat Mater (lit: the mother was standing) 1 a Latin hymn, probably
of the 13th century, commemorating the sorrows of
the Virgin Mary at the crucifixion and used in the Mass
and various other services. 2 a musical setting of this
status quo (lit: the state in which) the existing state of affairs,
stet let it stand.
sub judice before a court of law or a judge; under judicial
sub rosa (lit: under the rose) secretly,
sub voce under the word.
sui generis (lit: of its own kind) unique.
sui juris (lit: of one’s own right) (law) of full age and not under
disability; legally competent to manage one’s own
affairs; independent.
summa cum laude (chiefly u.s.) with the utmost praise (the highest of three
designations for above-average achievement in
examinations. In Britain it is sometimes used to
designate a first-class honours degree).
summum bonum the principle of goodness in which all moral values are
included or from which they are derived; highest or
supreme good.
suo jure (chieflylaw) in one’s own right.
suo loco (chiefly law) in a person or thing’s own or rightful
supra above.
sursum corda lift up your hearts (to God),
SV abbr for sub voce.
tabula rasa (lit: a scraped tablet) 1 the mind in its uninformed
original state. 2 an opportunity for a fresh start; clean
taedium vitae (lit: weariness of life) the feeling that life is boring and
Te Deum (lit: Thee, God) 1 an ancient Latin hymn in rhythmic
prose, sung or recited at matins in the Roman Catholic
Church and in English translation at morning prayer in
the Church of England and used by both churches as an
expression of thanksgiving on special occasions. 2 a
musical setting of this hymn. 3 a service of
thanksgiving in which the recital of this hymn forms a
central part.
te igitur (lit: Thee, therefore: Roman Catholic Church) the first
prayer of the canon of the Mass,
tempore in the time of.
tempus fugit time flies.
terminus ad quem (lit: the end to which) the aim or terminal point.
terminus a quo (lit: the end from which) the starting point; beginning.

terra firma the solid earth; firm ground.

terra incognita an unexplored or unknown land, region or area for
tertium quid a third something.
t.i.d. (abbr for ter in die) three times a day (in prescriptions).
tu quoque you likewise (a retort made by a person accused of a
crime implying that the accuser is also guilty of the same
uberrima fides utmost good faith,
ubique everywhere.
ubi supra where (mentioned or cited) above.
ultima Thule (lit: the most distant Thule) 1 the utmost boundary or
limit. 2 a remote goal or aim.
ultra vires beyond one’s powers,
una voce with one voice.
urbi et orbi (Roman Catholic Church) to the city and the world (a
phrase qualifying the solemn papal blessing).
ut diet. (abbr for ut dictum) as directed,
utinfra as below.
ut supra as above.
V. abbr for 1 verso. 2 versus. 3 vide,
vade in pace go in peace.
vade mecum (lit: go with me) a handbook or other aid carried on the
person for immediate use when needed.
vaee victis woe to the conquered!
vale farewell!
veni, vidi, vici I came, I saw, I conquered.
venire facias (lit: you must make come: law) a writ directing a
sheriff to summon suitable persons to form a jury.
verbatim et litteratim word for word and letter for letter.
verb. sap. (abbr for verbum sapienti sat est) a word is enough to
the wise.
verso 1 the back of a sheet of printed paper. 2 the side of a
coin opposite to the obverse; reverse.
versus 1 against; in opposition to. 2 as opposed to; in contrast
via by way of.
via media a middle course.
vice in the place of; instead of; as a substitute for.
vice versa the other way round.
vide see.
videlicet namely; to wit.

vi et armis (lit: by force and arms) a kind of trespass accompanied

by force and violence.
VIR (abbr for Victoria Imperatrix Regina) Victoria,
Empress and Queen,
virginibus puerisque for maidens and youths,
vis inertiae the power of inertia.
viva voce (lit: with living voice) adv, adj by word of mouth ♦ n an
oral examination,
viz. abbr for videlicet.
vl (abbr for varia lecto) variant reading.
vollente Deo God willing.
vox populi the voice of the people; popular or public opinion,
vox populi, vox Dei the voice of the people is the voice of God.
VR (abbr for Victoria Regina) Queen Queen Victoria.
VRI (abbr for Victoria Regina et Imperatrix) Victoria,
Queen and Empress.
A, a
a, an art not translated; (a certain) quidam; twice abnormal adj inusitatus; (excess) immodicus,
a day bis in die; four acres a man quaterna in abnormally adv inusitate, praeter mOrem.
singulos iugera. aboard adv in navi; go - navem conscendere;
aback adv: taken - deprehensus, put - impOnere.
abaft adv in puppl ♦ prep post, pone, abode n domicilium nt, sedes f.
abandon vt relinquere; (wilfully) abolish vt tollere, e mediO tollere, abolere;
derelinquere, deserere; (to danger) obicere; (law) abrogare.
(to pleasure) dedere; (plan) ab icere; - hope abolition n dissolutio/, (law) abrogatio/,
spem abicere. abominable adj detestabilis, nefarius,
abandoned adj perditus, abominably adv nefarie, foede,
abase vt deprimere; - oneself s6 prOsternere. abominate vt detestari,
abash vt perturbare; ruborem incutere (dat). abomination n odium nt; (thing) nefas nt.
abate vt minuere, imminuere; (a portion) aboriginal adj priscus,
remittere ♦ vi (fever) decedere; (passion) aborigines n aborigines mpi.
defervescere; (price) laxare; (storm) cadere, abortion n abortus m.
abatement n remissio /, deminutio/, abortive adj abortivus; (fig) inritus; be - ad
abbess n abbatissa/, inritum redigi.
abound vi abundare, superesse; - in abundare
abbey n abbatia/,
(abf), adfluere (abl).
abbot nabbasm.
abounding adj abundans, adfluens; cOpiOsus
abbreviate vt imminuere,
abbreviation n (writing) nota/,
about adv (place) usu expressed by cpd verbs;
abdicate vt se abdicare (abi). (number) circiter, fere, ferme ♦ prep (place)
abdication n abdicatio/, circa, circum (acc); (number) circa, ad (acc);
abduct vt abripere, (time) sub (acc); (concerning) de (abf); ~ to die
abduction n raptus m. moriturus; I am - to go in eO est ut earn,
aberration n error m. above adv supra; from - desuper; over and -
abet vt adiuvare, adesse (dat), favere (dat). Insuper ♦ prep supra (acc); (motion) super
abettor n adiutor m, minister m, fautor m, (acc); (rest) super (abf); be - (conduct)
socius m. indignari.
abeyance n: in - intermissus; be in - iacere. abreast adv (ships) aequatis prOris; walk - of
abhor vt odisse, invisum habere, latus tegere (dat).
abhorrence n odium nt. abridge vt contrahere, compendi facere,
abhorrent adj: - to alienus ab. abridgement n epitome/,
abide vi (dwell) habitare; (tarry) commorari; abroad adv peregre; (out of doors) foris; be ~
(last) durare; - by vtfus stare (abi), perstare peregrinari; from - peregre,
in (abf). abrogate vt dissolvere; (law) abrogare,
abiding adj perpetuus, diOturnus. abrupt adi subitus, repentinus; (speech)
ability n(to do) facultas/, potestas/; (physical) concisus.
vires fpl; (menta!) ingenium nt; to the best of abscess n vomica/.
my - prO meS parte, prO virili parte, abscond vi aufugere.
abject adj abiectus, contemptus; (downcast) absence n absentia/; in my - me absente;
demissus. leave of - commeatus m.
abjectly adv humiliter! demisse. absent adj absens; be - abesse; - oneself vi
abjure vt eiurare. deesse, non adesse,
ablative n ablativus m. absent-minded adj immemor, parum
ablaze adj flagrans, ardens. attentus.
able adj peritus, doctus; be - posse, valere. absolute adj absolutus, perfectus; (not limited)
able-bodied adj rObustus. Infinitus; (not relative) simplex; - power
ablution n lavatio/. regnum nt, dominatus m; - ruler rex.
ably adv perite, docte. absolutely adv absolute, omnlnd.
abnegation n abstinentia/. absolution n venia/.
absolve-accuser 2 ENGLISH-LATIN

absolve vt absolvere, exsolvere; (from accommodating adj facilis,

punishment) condonSre. accommodation n hospitium nt.
absorb vt bibere, absorbere; (fig) distringere; accompany vt comitari; (courtesy) prOsequI;
I am -ad in tOtus sum in (abl). (to Forum) deducere; (music) concinere (dat).
absorbent adj bibulus, accomplice n socius m, particeps m, cOnscius
abstain vi abstinere, se abstinere; (from m.
violence) temperare, accomplish vt efficere, perficere, patrare,
abstemious odj sobrius, accomplished adj doctus, peritus,
abstinence n abstinentia/, continentia/. accomplishment n effectus m, perfectio/,
abstinent odj abstinens, sobrius, finis m; ~s pl artes fpl.
abstract adj mente perceptus, cOgitatiOne accord vi inter s6 congruere, consentire ♦ vt
comprehensus ♦ n epitome/ ♦ vt abstrahere, dare, praebere, praestare ♦ n consensus m,
demere. concordia/; (music) concentus m; of one's
abstraction n (idea) nOtiO/; (inattention) own - sua sponte, ultrO; with one - una vOce.
animus parum attentus, accordance n: in - with ex, e (abf), secundum
abstruse odj reconditus, obscurus, abstrusus, (acc).
absurd odj ineptus, absurdus, according adv; - to ex, e (abi), secundum (acc);
absurdity n ineptiae fpi, insulsitas/. (proportion) prO (abl); - es prflut.
absurdly adv inepte, absurde, accordingly adv itaque, igitur, ergO.
abundance n cbpia/, abundantia/, there is - accost vt appellare, adloqul, compellare,
of abunde est (gen). account n ratio/ (story) narratio/, expositio/
abundant adj cOpiOsus, abundans, largus; be on - of ob (acc); propter (acc), causa (gen); be
- abundare. of no - (person) nihili aestimari, nequam
abundantly adv abunde, abundanter, adfatim. esse; on that - idcircO ideO; on your - tua
abuse vt abuti (ab/); (words) maledicere (dat) gratia, tuO nOmine; give an - rationem
♦ n probra ntpl, maledicta ntpl, convicium nt, reddere; present an - rationem referre; take
contumelia /. - of rationem habere (gen); put down to my
abusive adj maledicus, contumeliosus, - mihi expensum ferre; the -s balance ratio
abut vi adiacere; -ting on confinis (dat), cOnstat/convenit.
finitimus (dat). account vi: - for rationes reddere, adferre
abysmal adj profundus. (cOr); that ~s for it haec causa est; (prov) hinc
abyss n profundum nt, vorago f (water) gurges illae lacrimae.
m; (fig) barathrum nt. accountant n a rationibus, ratiocinator m.
academic adj scholasticus; (style) umbratilis; accountable adj reus; I am - for mihi ratio
(sect) Academicus. reddenda est (gen).
academy n schola/ (Plato's) Academia/, account book n tabulae fpl; cOdex accepti et
accede vi adsentlrl; - to accipere, expensi.
accelerate vt, vi adcelerare, festinare; accoutred adj Instructus, Ornatus,
(process) matflrare. accoutrements n ornamenta ntpl, arma ntpl.
accent n vox/ (intonation) sonus m; (mark) accredited adj ptiblica auctoritate missus,
apex m ♦ vt (syllable) acuere; (word) sonum accretion n accessio/.
admovere (dat). accrue vi (addition) cedere; (advantage)
accentuate vt exprimere, redundare.
accept vt accipere. accumulate vt cumulare, congerere,
acceptable adj acceptus, gratus, probabilis; coacervare ♦ vi crescere, cumulari,
be - placere. accumulation n cumulus m, acervus m.
acceptation n significatio/, accuracy n cQra/ (writing) subtilitas/.
access n aditus m; (addition) accessio/ (illness) accurate adj (work) exactus, subtilis; (worker)
impetus m. diligens.
accessary n socius m, particeps m. accurately adv subtiliter, ad amussim,
accessible adj (person) adfabilis, facilis; be - diligenter.
(place) patere; (person) facilem se praebere, accursed adj sacer; (fig) exsecratus,
accession n (addition) accessio/ (king's) scelestus.
initium regni. accusation n (act) accusatio/; (charge) crimen
accident n casus m, calamitas/, nt; (unfair) Insimulatio/ (false) calumnia/
accidental adj fortuitus, bring an - against accusare; (to a magistrate)
accidentally adv casu, fortuito, nOmen deferre (gen).
acclaim vt adciamare. accusative n (case) accflsatlvus m.
acclamation n clamor m, studium nt. accuse vt accusare, criminari, reum facere;
acclimatize vt alieno caelo adsuefacere. (falsely) Insimulare; tha ~d reus; (said by
accommodate vt accommodare, aptare; prosecutor) iste.
(lodging) hospitium parare (dat); - oneself to accuser n accusator m; (civil suit) petitor m;
morigerari (dat). (informer) delator m.
E NGUSH-LAT1N 3 accustom-adjudicate

accustom vt adsuOfacere; ~ oneself (mil) pugnare, in acie dimicare; man of - vir

adsuOscere, consuescere, strenuus.
accustomed ad; adsuOtus; be ~ solere; active ad/ impiger, strenuus, sedulus, navus,
become ~ adsuescere, consuescere, actively adv impigro, strenue, naviter,
ace n unio/; I was within an - of going activity n (motion) motus m; (energy) industria
minimum afuit quin Irem. /, sedulitas /.
acerbity n acerbitas /. actor n histrio m; (in comedy) cOmoedus m; (in
ache n dolor m ♦ vi doiere. tragedy) tragoedus m.
achieve vt cOnficere, patrare; (win) consequi, actress n mima/,
adsequl. actual ad; vOrus, ipse,
achievement n factum nt, res gesta, actually adv re vera,
acid adj acidus. actuate vt movOre, incitare,
acknowledge vt (fact) agnoscere; (fault) acumen n acumen nt, ingenl acies, argutiae
fateri, confiteri; (child) tollere; (service) fpl.
gratias agere prO (ab/); I have to ~ your latter acute ad; acutus, acer; (pain) acer; (speech)
of 1st March accepi litteras tuas Kal. Mart, argutus, subtilis.
datas. acutely adv acuto, acriter, arguto,
acknowledgement n confessio /; gratia/. acuteness n (mind) acumen nt, aciOs/,
acme n fastigium nt, fids m. subtilitas /.
aconite n aconitum nt. adage n proverbium nt.
acorn n glans /. adamant n adamas m ♦ adj obstinatus,
acoustics n res auditoria/, adamantine adj adamantinus,
acquaint vt certiorem facere, docere; ~ adapt vt accommodare,
oneself with cognOscere; -ed with gnarus adaptable od; flexibilis, facile
(gen), peritus (gen). accommodandus,
acquaintance n (with fact) cognitio/, scientia adaptation n accommodatio/,
/, (with person) familiaritas/, usus m; (person) add vt addere, adicere, adiungere; be ~ed
nOtus m, familiaris m. accedere,
acquiesce vi (assent) adquiescere; (submit) adder n vipera/.
aequO animO patl. addicted ad; dOditus.
acquiescence n: with your - te non addition n adiunctio/, accessio/,
adversante, pace tua. additamentum nt, incrOmentum nt; in ~
acquire vt adqulrere, adipisci, cOnsequI; Insuper, praeterea; in ~ to praeter (acc).
nancisci. additional ad; novus, adiunctus.
acquirements n artes/pi. addled ad; (egg) inritus; (brain) inanis,
acquisition n (act) comparatio/, quaestus m; address vt compellare, alloqui; (crowd)
(thing) quaesitum nt. cOntiOnem habOre apud (acc); (letter)
acquisitive adj quaestuosus, Inscribere; - oneself (to action) accingi ♦ n
acquit vt absolvere; - oneself sO praestare, adloquium nt; (public) cOntiO/, OratiO/, (letter)
officio fungi, Inscriptio /.
acquittal n absolutio/, adduce vt (argument) adferre; (witness)
acre n iugerum nt. producere,
acrid adj asper, acer, adept ad; peritus.
acrimonious adj acerbus, truculentus, adequate adj idoneus, dignus, par; be ~
acrimony n acerbitas/, sufficere.
acrobat n funambulus m. adequately adv satis, ut par est.
acropolis n arx/. adhere vi haerOre, adhaerOre; - to inhaerOre
across adv transversus ♦ prep trans (acc). (dat), inhaerOscere in (abi); (agreement)
actn factum nt, facinus nt; (play) actus m; (pol) manere, stare in (abi).
actum nt, senatus cOnsultum nt, decretum nt; adherent n adsectator m; (of party) fautor m;
I was in the - of saying in eO erat ut dicerem; (of person) cliens m.
caught in the - dOprehOnsus ♦ vi facere, adhesive adj tenax.
agere; (conduct) sO gerere; (stage) adieu inter; vale, valOte; bid - to valOre iubOre.
histrionem esse, partes agere; (pretence) adjacent ad; finitimus, vicinus; be - to
simulare ♦ vt: - a part partes agere, adiacOre (dat).
persOnam sustinere; - the part of agere; - as adjoin vi adiacOre (dat).
esse, munere fungi (gen); ~ upon adjoining adj finitimus, adiGnctus; proximus,
(instructions) exsequi, adjourn vt (short time) differre; (longer time)
action n (doing) actio/, (deed) factum nt, prOferre; (case) ampliare ♦ vi rem differre,
facinus nt; (legal) actio/, lis/, (mil) proelium prOferre.
nt; (of play) 3cti0/, (of speaker) gestus m; bring adjournment n dilatio/, prolatio/,
an - against litem intendere, actiOnem adjudge vt addicere, adiudicare.
Instituere (dat); be in - agere, rem gerere; adjudicate vi decernere.
adjudicator-affect 4 ENGLISH-LAT1N

adjudicator n arbiter m. (money) credere; (opinion) dicere; (to

adjunct n appendix /, accessio/, honours) provehere; (time) matQrare ♦ vi
adjure vt obtestari, obsecrare, procedere, progredi, adventare; (mil) signa
adjust vt (adapt) accommodare; (put in order) prOferre, pedem Inferre; (progress)
componere. prOficere; (walk) incedere; ~ to the attack
adjutant n (mil) optio m; (civ//) adiutor m. signa Inferre ♦ n progressus m, prOcessus m;
administer vt administrare, gerere; (Justice) (attack) impetus m; (money) mQtuae
reddere; (oath to) iureiQrando adigere; pecuniae; in ~ maturius; fix in ~ praefinire;
(medicine) dare, adhibere, get in - praecipere,
administration n administratio/, advanced adj provectus; well - (task)
administrator n administrator m, procurator adfectus.
m. advancement n (pol) honOs m.
admirable odj admirabilis, egregius, advantage n (benefit) commodum nt, bonum
admirably adv egregie, nt, usus m; (of place or time) opportunitas/;
admiral n praefectus classis; ~'s ship navis (profit) fructus m; (superiority) praestantia/, it
praetoria. is an - bono est; be of - to prodesse (dat),
admiralty n praefecti classium, usui esse (dat); to your - in rem tuam; it is to
admiration n admiratio/, laus/, your - tibi expedit, tua interest; take ~ of
admire vt admirari; mirari, (cmcs) uti; (person) decipere, fallere; have an
admirer n laudator m; amator m. - over praestare (dat)-, be seen to - maxima
admissible adj aequus, placere.
admission n (entrance) aditus m; (of guilt etc) advantageous adj utilis, opportflnus.
cOnfessiO /. advantageously adv utiliter, opportune.
admit vt (let in) admittere, recipere, accipere; advent n adventus m.
(to membership) adsclscere; (argument) adventitious adj fortuitus.
concedere; (fault) fateri; ~ of pati, recipere. adventure n (exploit) facinus memorabile nt;
admittedly adv sane. (hazard) periculum nt.
admonish vt admonere, commonere, hortari, adventurer n vir audax m; (social) parasitus m.
admonition n admonitio/, adventurous adj audax,
ado n negotium nt; make much ~ about nothing adversary n adversarius m, hostis m.
fluctas in simpulo excitare; without more - adverse adj adversus, contrarius, inimicus,
protinus, sine mora, adversely adv contrarie, inimice, male,
adolescence n prima adulescentia/, adversity n res adversae/pl, calamitas/,
adolescent adj adulescens ♦ n adulescentulus m. advert vi: - to attingere,
adopt vt (person) adoptare; (custom) advertise vt proscribere; venditare,
adsclscere; - a plan consilium capere, advertisement n proscriptio/, libellus m.
adoption n (person) adoptio/; (custom) advice n consilium nt; (pol) auctoritas f, (legal)
adsumptiO/ by ~ adoptivus, responsum nt; ask - of cOnsulere; on the - of
adoptive adj adoptivus, Sulla auctore Sulla,
adorable adj amabilis, venustus, advisable adj utilis, operae pretium,
adorably adv venuste, advise vt monere, suadere (dat), censere (dat);
adoration n (of gods) cultus m; (of kings) - against dissuadere,
veneratio/; (love) amor m. advisedly adv cOnsultO.
adore vt (worship) venerari; (love) adamare, adviser n auctor m, suasor m.
adorn vt Ornare, exOrnare, decorare, advocacy n patrocinium nt.
adornment n Ornamentum nt, decus nt; advocate n patrOnus m, causidicus m;
Ornatus m. (supporter) auctor m; be an - causam dicere
adrift adj fluctuans; be - fluctuare, ♦ vt suadere, censere,
adroit adj sollers, callidus, adzen ascia/,
adroitly adv callide, scite, aedile n aedilis m.
adroitness n sollertia/, calliditas/, aedile's adj aedilicius,
adulation n adulatio/, adsentatiO/. aedileship n aedilitas/,
adulatory adj blandus, aegis n aegis/; (fig) praesidium nt.
adult adj adultus. Aeneid n Aeneis/,
adulterate vt corrumpere, adulterare, aerial adj aerius.
adulterer n adulter m. aesthetic adj pulchritGdinis amans,
adulteress n adultera/, artificiosus.
adulterous adj incestus, afar adv procul; from - procul.
adultery n adulterium nt; commit - affability n cOmitas/, facilitas/, bonitas/.
adulterare. affable adj cOmis, facilis, commodus.
adults np( puberOs mpl. affably adv cOmiter.
adumbrate vt adumbrBre. affair n negotium nt, res/
advance vt prOmovCre; (a cause) fovere; affect vt afficere, movere, commovere;
ENGLISH-LATIN 5 affectation-aimlessness

(concern) attingere; (pretence) simulare, minister m.

affectation n simulatio/; (swt) adfectatiO/ (in aggrandize vt augOre, amplificare,
diction) Insolentia/, quaesita ntpi. aggrandizement n amplificatio/,
affected ad; (style) molestus, ptitidus. aggravate vt (wound) exulcerare; (distress)
affectedly adv putide, augSre; become ~d ingravescere,
affecting adj miserabilis, aggravating adj molestus,
affection n amor m, caritas/, studium nt; aggregate n summa/.
(family) pietas/. aggression n incursio/, iniuria/.
affectionate ad/ amans, pius, aggressive adj ferox,
affectionately adv amanter, pie. aggressiveness n ferocitas/,
affiance vt spondere, aggressor n oppugnator m.
affidavit n testimonium nt. aggrieved ad; Iratus; be - indignari,
affinity n affinitas/, cognatio/, aghast adj attonitus, stupefactus; stand -
affirm vt adfirmare, adseverare. obstupescere,
affirmation n adfirmatio/. agile adj pernix, vOlOx.
affirmative adj: I reply in the - aio. agility n pernicitas/,
affix vt adflgere, adiungere. agitate vt agitare; (mind) commovere,
afflict vt adfllctare, angere, vexare; affligere, perturbare.
affliction n miseria/, dolor m, r6s adversae/pi. agitation n commOtiO/, perturbatio/,
affluence n cOpia/, opes/pi. trepidatio/, (pol) tumultus m.
affluent ad; dives, opulentus, locuples, agitator n turbator m, concitator m.
afford vt praebere, dare; I cannot - res mihi aglow ad; fervidus ♦ adv: be - fervere,
nOn suppetit ad. ago adv abhinc (acc); three days ~ abhinc tres
affray n rixa/, pugna/. dies; long ~ antiquitus, iamprldem,
affright vt terrere ♦ n terror m, pavor m. iamdudum; a short time - dudum.
affront vt offendere, contumeliam dicere (dat) agog adj sollicitus, erectus,
♦ n iniuria/, contumelia /. agonize vt cruciare, torquere,
afield adv foris; far - peregre, agonizing adj horribilis,
afloat ad; natans; be - natare, agony n cruciatus m, dolor m.
afoot adv pedibus; be - geri, agrarian adj agrarius; - party agrarii mpi.
aforesaid ad; supra dictus, agree vi (together) cOnsentlre, congruere;
afraid ad; timidus; be - of timere, metuere; (with) adsentlrl (dat), sentire cum; (bargain)
vereri. pacisci; (facts) cOnstare, convenire; (food)
afresh adv denuO, de integro. facilem esse ad concoquendum; - upon
Africa n Africa/, constituere, compOnere; it is agreed constat
aft adv in puppi, puppim versus, (inter omnes).
after adj posterior ♦ adv post (acc), postea; the agreeable adj gratus, commodus, acceptus,
day ~ postrldiO ♦ conj postquam; the day - agreeabieness n dulcedo/, iucunditas/.
postridie quam ♦ prep post (acc); (in rank) agreeably adv iucunde.
secundum (acc); (in imitation) ad (acc), de agreement n (together) consensus m,
(abi); ~ all tamen, denique; - reading the concordia/, (with) adsensus m; (pact) pactio/,
book libr6 lecto; one thing - another aliud conventum nt, foedus nt; according to ~
ex alio; immediately ~ statim ab. compacto, ex composite; be in - consentire,
aftermath n eventus m. congruere.
afternoon n: in the - post meridiem ♦ adj agricultural adj rQsticus, agrestis,
postmeridianus. agriculture n rOs rustica/, agri cultflra/.
afterthought n posterior cogitatio/, aground adv: be ~ sidere; run - in litus eicl,
afterwards adv post, postea, deinde, offendere.
again adv rQrsus, iterum; ~ and - etiam atque ague n horror m, febris/,
etiam, identidem; once - denuO; (newpoint in ahead adv ante; go ~ anteire, praeire; go-~ adj
a speech) quid? impiger; ships in line ~ agmen navium,
against prep contra (acc), adversus (acc), in aid vt adiuvare, succurrere (dat), subvenire
(acc); ~ the stream adverse flumine; - one's (dat) ♦ n auxilium nt, subsidium nt.
will invitus, aide-de-camp n optio m.
agape ad; hians. ail vt dolOre ♦ vi aegrotare, labOrare, languere,
age n (life) aetas/, (epoch) aetas/, saeculum nt; ailing adj aeger, Infirmus,
old ~ senectus/; he is of ~ sul iuris est; he is ailment n morbus m, valetQdO/.
eight years of - octO annOs natus est, nOnum aim vt intendere; ~ at petere; (fig) adfectare,
annum agit; of the same - aequalis, spectare, sequi; (with verb) id agere ut ♦ n
aged adj senex, aetate provectus; (things) finis m, prOpositum nt.
antiquus. aimless adj inanis, vanus,
agency n opera;; through the ~ of per (acc). aimlessly adv sine ratione,
agent n actor m, procurator m; (in crime) aimlessness n vanitas/.
air-amaze 6 ENGLISH-LATIN

air n aer m; (breeze) aura /, (look) vultus m, (approve) comprobare; it is -ed licet (dat +
species/; (tune) modus m; in the open - sub infin); - for vtfus rationem habere (gen).
dlv6; ~s fastus m; give oneself -s sO iactare. allowance n venia/, indulgentia/, (pay)
airily adv hilare. stipendium nt; (food) cibaria ntpl; (fortravel)
airy adj (of air) aerius; (light) tenuis; (place) viaticum nt; make - for indulgOre (dat),
apertus; (manner) hilaris, ignoscere (dat), excusare,
aisle n ala/, alloy n admixtum nt.
ajar ad/ semiapertus, all right adj rOctfi; it is - bene est.
akin adj consanguineus, cognatus, allude «: - to designare, attingere,
alacrity n alacritas/. significare.
alarm n terror m, formido/, trepidatio/, allure vt adlicere, pellicere,
(sound) clamor m; sound an - ad arma allurement n blanditia/, blandimentum nt,
conclamare; give the - increpare; be in a illecebra/,
state of - trepidare ♦ vt terrere, perterrere, alluring adj blandus,
perturbare. alluringly odv blande,
alarming adj formidolosus, allusion n mentio/, indicium nt.
alas interj heu. alluvial adj: - land adluvio/.
albeit conj etsi, etiamsi, ally n socius m ♦ vt sociare, coniungere.
alcove n zotheca/, almanac n fasti mpi.
alder n alnus/, almighty adj omnipotens,
alderman n decuriO m. almondn (nut) amygdalum nt; (tree) amygdala
ale n cervisia/. /•
alehouse n caupona/, taberna/, almost adv paene, fere, ferme, propemodum.
alert adj prOmptus, alacer, vegetus, almsn stipem (no nom)f.
alertness n alacritas/, aloe n aloe/.
alien adj externus; - to abhorrens ab ♦ n aloft adj sublimis ♦ adv sublime,
peregrinus m. alone adj sOlus, solitarius, unus ♦ adv sOlum.
alienate vt alienare, abalienare, avertere, along prep secundum (acc), praeter (acc) ♦ adv
avocare. porrO; ali - iamdUdum, ab initiO; - with una
alienation n alienatio/, cum (abf).
alight vi (from horse) descendere, desilire; alongside adv. bring - adpellere; como - ad
(bird) Insidere. crepidinem accedere,
alight adj: be ~ ardore; set - accendere, aloof adv procul; stand - se remov6re ♦ adj
alike adj par, similis ♦ adv aeque, pariter, semOtus.
alive adj vivus; be ~ vivere, aloofness n sOlitudO/, secessus m.
ali adj omnis; (together) universus, cunctus; aloud adv clare, magna vOce.
(whole) totus; - but paene; - for studiosus alphabet n elementa ntpl.
(gen); ~ in cOnfectus; - of totus; - over with Alps n Alpes/pl.
actum de (abf); ~ the best men optimus already adv iam.
quisque; - the more eO plQs, tanto pias; at - also adv etiam, et, quoque; Idem.
ullO modO, quid; it is - up with actum est de altar nara/.
(abf); not at ~ haudquaquam ♦ n fortunae/pi. alter vt mutare, commutare; (order) invertere,
allay vt sedare, mitigare, lenire, alteration n mutatio/, commOtatiO/.
allegation n adfirmatiO/; (charge) Insimulatio altercation n altercatio/, iurgium nt.
/• alternate adj alternus ♦ vt variare,
allege vt adfirmare, praetendere; (in excuse) alternately adv invicem,
alternation n vicem (no nom)f, vicissitQdO/.
allegiance n fides/; owe - to in fide esse (gen); alternative adi alter, alius ♦ n optio/,
swear ~ to in verba iurare (gen). although conj quamquam (indic), etsi/etiamsi
allegory n allegoria/, immutata Oratio/, (+ condclause); quamvis (+ subj).
alleviate vt mitigare, adlevare, sublevare, altitude n altitudo/.
alleviation n levatio/, levamentum nt. altogether adv omnlnO; (emphasis) pldnO,
alley n (garden) xystus m; (town) angiportus m. prOrsus.
alliance n societas/, foedus nt. altruism n beneficentia/.
allied ad; foederatus, socius; (friends) alumn alumen nt.
coniunctus. always adv semper.
alligator n crocodilus m. amalgamate vt miscere, coniungere.
allocate vt adsignare, impertire, amalgamation n coniunctiO/, temperatio/.
allot vt adsignare, distribuere; be -ted amanuensis n librarius m.
amass vt cumulare, coacervare.
allotment n (land) adsignatiO/. amateur n idiota m.
allow vt sinere, permittere (dat), concedere amatory ad; amatorius.
(dat), pati; (admit) fateri, concOdere; amaze vt obstupefacere; attonare; be -d
ENGLISH-LATIN 7 amazement-anoint

obstupescere. anarchical adj seditiosus,

amazement n stupor m; in - attonitus, anarchy n rei publicae perturbatio, leges
stupefactus. nullae fpl, licentia/.
ambassador n legatus m. anathema n exsecratio/, (object) pestis/,
amber n sucinum nt. ancestor n proavus m; -s pi maiOres mpl.
ambidextrous adj utrlusque manus compos, ancestral adj patrius,
ambiguity n ambiguitas/, (rhbt) amphibolia/. ancestry n genus nt, origO/.
ambiguous adj ambiguus, anceps, dubius, anchor n ancora/, lie at - in ancoris stare;
ambiguously adv ambigue, weigh - ancoram tollere ♦ vi ancoram
ambition n gloria / laudis studium, iacere.
ambitious adj gloriae cupidus, laudis avidus, anchorage n statio/,
amble vi ambulare, ancient adj antiquus, priscus, vetustus; ~
ambrosia n ambrosia/, history, - world antiquitas/, from/in - times
ambrosial adj ambrosius, antiquitus; the ~s veteres,
ambuscade n Insidiae/pl. and conj et, atque, ac, -que; -... not nec,
ambush n Insidiae fpl ♦ vt insidiari (dat), neque; - so itaque,
ameliorate vt corrigere, melidrem reddere, anecdote n fabella/.
amelioration n profectus m. anent prep de (abi).
amenable adj facilis, docilis, anew adv denuO, ab integro,
amend vt corrigere, emendare, angel n angelus m.
amendment n emendatio/. angelic od) angelicus; (fig) divinus, eximius,
amends n (.apology) satisfactio/, make - for anger n Ira/ ♦ vt inritare.
expiare; make - to satisfacere (dat), angle n angulus m ♦ vi hamo piscari,
amenity n (scenery) amoenitas/ (comfort) angler n piscator m.
commodum nt. Anglesey n Mona/,
amethyst n amethystus/. angrily adv irate,
amiability n benignitas/, suavitas /. angry ad) Iratus; be - irasci (dat).
amiable ad) benignus, suavis, anguish n cruciatus m, dolor m; (mind) angor
amiably adv benigne, suaviter, m.
amicable adj amicus, cOmis. angular ad) angulatus,
amicably adv amlc€, comiter, animal n animal nt; (domestic) pecus/, (wild)
amid, amidst prep inter (acc). fera /.
amiss adv perperam, secus, incommode; take animate vt animare,
- aegre ferre, animated ad) excitatus, vegetus,
amity n amicitia/, animation n ardor m, alacritas/,
ammunition n tela ntpi. animosity n invidia/, inimicitia/,
amnesty n venia/. ankle n talus m.
among, amongst prep inter (acc), apud (acc). annalist n annalium scriptor,
amorous ad) amatorius, amans, annals n annales mpl.
amorously adv cum amOre. annex vt addere,
amount vi: - to efficere; (fig) esse ♦ n summa annexation n adiectiO/.
/. annihilate vt delere, exstinguere, perimere,
amours n amores mpl. annihilation n exstinctio/, internecio/,
amphibious adj anceps, anniversary n dies anniversarius; (public)
amphitheatre n amphitheatrum nt. sollemne nt.
ample ad) amplus, satis, annotate vt adnotare.
amplification n amplificatio/, annotation n adnotatio/.
amplify vt amplificare, announce vt nuntiare; (officially) denuntiare,
amplitude n amplitildO/, cepia/, prOnOntiare; (election result) renuntiare,
amputate vt secare, amputare, announcement n (official) denOntiatiO/
amuck adv: run ~ bacchari, (news) nuntius m.
amulet n amuletum nt. announcer n nOntius m.
amuse vt delectare, oblectare, annoy vt inritare, vexare; be ~ad with aegre
amusement n oblectamentum nt, delectatio/, ferre.
for ~ animi causa, annoyance n molestia /, vexatio/, (felt) dolor
amusing ad) ridiculus, facetus, m.
an indef an see a. annoying adj molestus.
anaemic adj exsanguis, annual adj annuus, anniversarius.
analogous ad) similis, annually adv quotannis.
analogy n prOportiO/, comparatio/, annuity n annua ntpi.
analyse vt excutere, perscrOtarl. annui vt abrogare, dissolvere, tollere.
analysis n explicatio/, annulment n abrogatio/.
anapaest n anapaestus m. anoint vt ungere, illinere.
anomalous-applaud 8 ENGLISH-LATIN

anomalous adj novus, (after*!, nisi, num, ne) quis; (interrog) ecquis,
anomaly n novitas/, numquis; (after neg) quisquam; hardly ~
anon adv mox. nemo fere.
anonymous adj incerti auctoris, anyhow adv ullo modo, quOquO modo,
anonymously adv sine nomine, anyone pron see anybody,
another adj alius; (second) alter; of ~ alienus; anything pron aliquid; quidvis, quidlibet;
one after ~ alius ex alio; one - inter se, alius (interrog) ecquid, numquid; (after neg)
alium; in - place alibi; to ~ place alio; in - quicquam; (aftersi, nisi, num, ne) quid;
way aliter; at - time alias, hardly ~ nihil fere,
answervt respondere (dat); (by letter) anywhere adv usquam, ubivis,
rescribere (dat); (agree) respondere, apace adv cito, celeriter,
congruere; - a charge crimen defendere; - apart adv seOrsum, separatim ♦ adj diversus;
for vtfus (surety) praestare; (account) be six feet - sex pedes distare; set ~
rationem referre; (substitute) Instar esse sOponere; stand ~ distare; joking ~ remOtO
(gen) ♦ n responsum nr; (to a charge) defensio iocO; ~ from praeter (acc).
/; ~ to the name of vocSrl; give an - apartment n cubiculum nt, conclave nt.
respondere. apathetic adj lentus, languidus, ignavus,
answerable adj reus; I am ~ for ... ratio mihl apathy n lentitudo/, languor m, ignavia/,
reddenda est... (gen). ape n simia / ♦ vt imitari,
ant n formica/. aperture n hiatus m, foramen nt, rima/,
antagonism n simultas/, inimicitia/, apex n fastigium nt.
antagonist n adversarius m, hostis m. aphorism n sententia/,
antarctic adj antarcticus, apiary n alvearium nt.
antecedent adj antecedens, prior, apiece adv in singulOs; two - bini,
antediluvian adj priscus, horridus, aplomb n confidentia/,
Deucalioneus, apocryphal adj commenticius,
antelope n dorcas/, apologetic adj cOnfitens, veniam petens,
anterior adj prior, apologize vi veniam petere, se excQsare.
anteroom n vestibulum nt. apology n excflsatio/.
anthology n excerpta nrpl; make an - apoplectic adj apopiecticus.
excerpere. apoplexy n apoplexis/.
anthropology n res humanae fpi. apostle n apostolus m.
anticipate vt (expect) exspectare; (forestall) apothecary n medicamentarius m.
antevenire, occupare, (in thought) animo appal vt perterrere, cOnstemere.
praecipere. appalling adj dirus.
anticipation n exspectatio/, spes/, apparatus n Instrflmenta ntpi, Ornamenta ntpi.
praesumptio/. apparel n vestis/, vestimenta ntpi.
antics n gestus m, ineptiae fpi. apparent adj manifestus, apertus, evidens,
anticyclo.ien serenitas/, apparently adv specie, ut videtur,
antidote n remedium nt, medicamen nt. apparition n visum nt, species/,
antipathy n fastidium nt, odium nt; (things) appeal Vi (to magistrate) appellare; (to people)
repugnantia/, prOvocare ad; (to gods) invocare, testari; (fo
antiphonal adj alternus, senses) placere (daf) ♦ n appellatio/,
antiphony n alterna ntpi. prOvocatiO/, testatio/.
antipodes n contraria pars terrae, appear vi (in sight) apparere; (in court) sisti; (in
antiquarian adj historicus, public) prOdlre; (at a place) adesse, advenire;
antiquary n antiquarius m. (seem) videri.
antiquated adj priscus, obsoletus, appearance n (coming) adventus m; (look)
antique adj antiquus, priscus, aspectus m, facies /; (semblance) species/
antiquity n antiquitas/, vetustas/, veteres (thing) visum nt; for the sake of -s in
speciem; (formula) dicis causfi; make one's -
antithesis n contentio/, contrarium nt. procedere, prOdlre.
antlers n cornua ntpi. appeasable adj placabilis,
anvil n incfls/. appease vt placare, lenire, mitigare, sedare,
anxiety n sollicitudo/, metus m, cQra/ appeasement n placatio/; (of enemy)
anxietas/. pacificatio/.
anxious adj sollicitus, anxius; avidus; appellant n appellator m.
cupidus. appellation n nOmen nt.
any adj ullus; (interrog) ecqui; (after*!, nisi, append vt adiungere, subicere.
num, ne) qui; (indef) quivis, quilibet; hardly - appendage n appendix/, adiQnctum nt.
nullus fer6; - further longius; - longer (of appertain vi pertinere.
fime) diutius. appetite n adpetltus m; (for food) fames/.
anybody pron aliquis; (indef) quivis, quilibet; applaud vt plaudere; (fig) laudare.
ENGL1SH-LATIN 9 applause-arise

applause n plausus m; (fig) adsensio/, m.

adprobatio /. apricot n armeniacum nt; - tree n armeniaca/.
apple n pomum nt; malum nt; - tree malus/, - April n mensis Aprilis m; of - Aprilis,
of my eye ocellus meus; upset the ~ cart apron n operimentum nt.
plaustrum percellere, apropos of prep quod attinet ad.
appliance n machina/, InstrGmentum nt. apse n apsis/.
applicable adj aptus, commodus; be ~ apt adj aptus, idoneus; (pupif) docilis,
pertinere. promptus; - to pronus, proclivis ad; be - to
applicant n petitor m. solere.
application n (.work) industria/; (mental) aptitude n ingenium nt, facultas/.
intentio/; (asking) petitio/; (med) fomentum aptly adv apte.
nt. aquarium n piscina/.
apply vt adhibere, admovere; (use) utl (abf); ~ aquatic adj aquatilis.
oneself to s6 adplicare, incumbere in (acc) ♦ aqueduct n aquae ductus m.
vi pertinere; (to a person) adlre (acc); (for aquiline adj (nose) aduncus.
office) petere. arable land n arvum nt.
appoint vt (magistrate) creare, facere, arbiter n arbiter m.
cSnstituere; (commander) praeficere; arbitrarily adv ad libidinem, licenter.
(guardian, heir) Instituere; (time) dicere, arbitrary adj libidinosus (act); (ruler) superbus.
statuere; (fora purpose) destinare; (to office) arbitrate vi dliudicare, disceptare.
creare. arbitration n arbitrium nt, dliudicatiO/.
appointment n constitutum nt; (duty) arbitrator n arbiter m, disceptator m.
mandatum nt; (office) magistratus m; have an arbour n umbraculum nt.
- with cOnstitutum habere cum; keep an - ad arbutus n arbutus/.
constitutum venire. arc n arcus m.
apportion vt dispertire, dividere; (land) arcade n porticus/.
adsignare. arch n fornix m, arcus m ♦ vt arcuare ♦ adj
apposite adj aptus, appositus, lascivus, vafer.
appraisal n aestimatio/. archaeologist n antiquitatis investigator m.
appraise vt aestimare, archaeology n antiquitatis investigatio/,
appreciable adj haud exiguus, archaic adj priscus,
appreciate vt aestimare, archaism n verbum obsoletum nt.
appreciation n aestimatio/. archbishop n archiepiscopus m.
apprehend vt (person) comprehendere; (idea) arched adj fornicatus,
intellegere, mente comprehendere; (fear) archer n sagittarius m.
metuere, timere. archery n sagittariorum ars/,
apprehension n comprehensio/; metus m, architect n architectus m.
formido /. architecture n architectura/,
apprehensive adj anxius, sollicitus; be ~ of architrave n epistylium nt.
metuere. archives n tabulae (publicae) fpi.
apprentice n discipulus m, tiro m. arctic adj arcticus, septentrionalis ♦ n
apprenticeship n tirocinium nt. septentriones mpl.
apprise vt docere, certiorem facere, ardent adj ardens, fervidus, vehemens.
approach vt appropinquare ad (acc), accedere ardently adv ardenter, acriter, vehementer.
ad; (person) adire ♦ vi (time) adpropinquare; ardour n ardor m, fervor m.
(season) appetere ♦ n (act) accessus m, aditus arduous adj difficilis, arduus.
m; (time) adpropinquatio/; (way) aditus m; area n regio/; (math) superficies/.
make -es to adire ad, ambire, petere, arena n harena/.
approachable adj (place) patens; (person) argonaut n argonauta m.
facilis. argosy n oneraria/.
approbation n adprobatio/, adsensio/. argue vi (discuss) disserere, disceptare;
appropriate adj aptus, idoneus, proprius ♦ vt (dispute) ambigere; disputare; (reason)
adsclscere, adsumere. argumentari ♦ vt (prove) arguere,
appropriately adv aptg, commode, argument n (discussion) contrdversia/,
approval n adprobatio/, adsfinsus m, favor m. disputatio/; (reason) ratio/, (proof, theme)
approve vt, vi adprobare, comprobare, argumentum nt.
adsentlri (dat); (law) sciscere, argumentation n argumentatio/,
approved adj probatus, spectatus, argumentative adj litigiosus,
approximate adj propinquus ♦ vi: - to aria n canticum nt.
accgdere ad. arid adj aridus, siccus,
approximately adv prope, propemodum; aright adv recte, v6re.
(number) ad (acc). arise vi oriri, cooriri, exsistere; - from nasci
appurtenances n Instrumenta ntpi, apparatus ex, proficisci ab.
aristocracy-asphalt 10 ENGUSH-LATIN

aristocracy n optimates mpl, nobiles mpl; artificer n artifex m, opifex m, faber m.

(govt) optimatium dominatus m. artificial adj (work) artificiosus; (appearance)
aristocrat n optimas m. fQcatus.
aristocratic adj patricius, generosus, artificially adv arte, manQ.
arithmetic n numeri mpl, arithmetica ntpl. artillery n tormenta ntpl.
ark n arca/. artisan n faber m, opifex m.
arm n bracchium nt; (upper) lacertus m; (sea) artist n artifex m; pictor m.
sinus m; (weapon) telum nt ♦ vt armare ♦ vi artistic adj artificiosus, elegans,
arma capere. artistically adv artificiose, eleganter,
armament n belli apparatus m; copiae fpi. artless adj (work) inconditus; (person) simplex,
armed adj (men) armatus; light— troops levis artlessly adv incondite; simpliciter, sine dolo,
armatura /, velites mpl. artlessness n simplicitas/,
armistice n indutiae fpi. as adv (before adj, adv) tam; (after aequus, Idem,
armlet n armilla/. similis) ac, atque; (correlative) quam, qualis,
armour n arma ntpl; (kind of) armfitfira/. quantus ♦ coni (compar) ut (+ indic), sicut,
armourer n (armorum) faber m. velut, quemadmodum; (cause) cum (+ indic),
armoury n armamentarium nt. quOniam, quippe qui; (time) dum, ut ♦ relat
armpit n ala /. pron qui, quae, quod (+ subj); ~ being utpote; -
arms npl (mil) arma ntpl; by force of - vi et follows ita; - for quod attinet ad; - H quasi,
armls; under - in armls. tamquam si, velut; (= while) usu expressed by
army n exercitus m; (in battle) acies f, (on pres part, - it were ut ita dicam; - yet adhQc;
march) agmen nt. - soon - simul ac/atque (+ perf indie); - ... as
aroma n odor m. possible quam ( + superf).
aromatic odj fragrans, as n (coin) as m.
around adv circum (acc), circa (acc) ♦ prep ascend vt, vi ascendere,
circum (acc). ascendancy n praestantia/, auctoritas/,
arouse vt suscitare, erigere, excitare, ascendant adj surgCns, potens; be in the -
arraign vt accusare. praestare.
arrange vt (in order) componere, Ordinare, ascent n ascensus m; (slope) clivus m.
digerere, dispOnere; (agree) pacisci; - a ascertain vt comperire, cognOscere.
truce indutias compOnere. ascetic adj nimis abstinens, austerus,
arrangement n Ordo m, collocatio/, dispositio asceticism n duritia/.
/, pactum nt, cOnstitfltum nt. ascribe vt adscrlbere, attribuere, adsignfire.
arrant ad; summus. ash n (tree) fraxinus/ ♦ adj fraxineus,
array n vestis/, habitus m; (mil) acies/♦ vt ashamed adj: I am - pudet me; - of pudet (+
vestire, exOmare; (mil) Instruere, acc of person, + gen of thing).
arrears n residuae pecQniae jpi, reliqua ntpl. ashen adj pallidus,
arrest vt comprehendere, adripere; (attention) ashes n cinis m.
in se convertere; (movement) morari, ashore adv (motion) in lltus; (rest) in lltore; go
tardare ♦ n comprehSnsiO/. - egredi.
arrival n adventus m. Asia n Asia /.
arrive vi advenire (ad + acc), pervenire (ad + aside adv separatim, se- (in cpd).
ask vt (question) rogfire, quaerere; (request)
arrogance n superbia/, adrogantia/, fastus m. petere, poscere; (beg, entreat) orfire; - for vt
arrogant adj superbus, adrogfins. fus petere; rogfire; sclscitfirl; percontfirl.
arrogantly adv superbe, adroganter. askance adv oblique; look - at limis oculis
arrogate vt adrogfire. aspicere, invidere (dat).
arrow n sagitta/. askew adv prfive.
arsenal n armamentarium nt. aslant adv oblique.
arson n incensionis crimen nt. asleep odj sfipltus; be - dormire; fall -
art n ars/, artificium nt; fine ingenuae artes. obdormire, somnum inire,
artery n arteria/. asp n aspis/.
artful odj callidus, vafer, astQtus. asparagus n asparagus m.
artfully adv callide, astute. aspect n (place) aspectus m; (person) vultus m;
artfulness n astutia/, dolus m. (emes) status m; have a southern - ad
artichoke n cinara/. meridiem spectfire; there is another ~ to the
article n r6s/, merx/, (clause) caput nt; (term) matter aliter se res habet,
condicio/. aspen n pOpulus/.
articulate adj explanatus, distinctus ♦ vi asperity n acerbitas/,
explanare, exprimere, asperse vt maledicere (dat), calumnifirl.
articulately adv explanate, clare, aspersion n calumnia/, cast -s on calumnifirl.
articulation n pronuntiatio/. Infamia aspergere,
artifice n ars/, artificium nt, dolus m. asphalt n bitumen nt.
ENGL1SH-LATIN 11 asphyxia-attaint

asphyxia n strangulatis /. assured adj (person) fidens; (fact) exploratus,

asphyxiate vt strangulare. certus.
aspirant n petitor m. assuredly adv certo, certe, profecto, sane,
aspirate n (gram) aspiratis/. astern adv a puppi; (movement) retrO; ~ of
aspiration n spSs/, (pol) ambitio/. post.
aspire vi: - to adfectare, petere, sperare. asthma n anhelitus m.
ass n asinus m, asellus m; (fig) stultus. astonish vt obstupefacere; attonare,
assail vt oppugnare, adoriri, aggredi. astonished ad; attonitus, stupefactus; be ~ed
assailable adj expugnabilis. at admirari.
assailant n oppugnator m. astonishing ad; mirificus, mirus,
assassin n sicarius m, percussor m. astonishment n stupor m, admiratio/,
assassinate vt interficere, occidere, iugulare. astound vt obstupefacere,
assassination n caedes/, parricidium nt. astray ad; vagus; go ~ errare, aberrare,
assault vt oppugnare, adoriri, aggredi; deerrare.
(speech) invehi in (acc) ♦ rt impetus m, astride ad; varicus.
oppugnatio/; (personaf) vis/, astrologer n Chaldaeus m, mathematicus m.
assay vt (metal) spectare; temptare, cOnarl. astrology n ChaldaeOrum divinatio/,
assemble vt convocare, congregare, cdgere ♦ astronomer n astrologus m.
vi convenire, congregari, astronomy n astrologia/,
assembly n coetus m, conventus m; (plebs) astute ad; callidus, vafer,
concilium nt; (Roman people) comitia ntpl; astuteness n calliditas/,
(troops) cOntiO/, (things) congeries/, asunder adv separatim, dis- (in cpd).
assent vi adsentlrl, adnuere ♦ n adsensus m. asylum n asylum nt.
assert vt adfirmare, adseverare, dicere, at prep in (abi), ad (acc); (time) usu expressed by
assertion n adfirmatiO/, adseveratio/, dictum abi; (towns, small islands) loc; - the house of
nt, sententia/. apud (acc); ~ all events saltern; see also dawn,
assess vt c6nsere, aestimare; ~ damages hand, house etc.
litem aestimare. atheism n deos esse negare,
assessment n census m, aestimatio/, atheist n atheos m; be an ~ deOs esse negare.
assessor n censor m; (assistant) cOnsessor m. Athenian od; Atheniensis.
assets n bona ntpl. Athens n Athenae fpl; at/from - Athenis; to -
assiduity n diligentia/, sedulitas/, industria/, Athenas.
assiduous ad; diligens, sedulus, industrius, athirst ad; sitiens; (fig) avidus,
assign vt tribuere, attribuere; (land) athlete n athleta m.
adsignare; (in writing) perscribere; (task) athletic ad; robustus, lacertosus,
delegare; (reason) adferre. athletics n athletica ntpl.
assignation n constitutum nt. athwart prep trans (acc).
assignment n adsignatiO/, perscriptio/, (task) atlas n orbis terrarum descriptio/,
munus nt, pensum nt. atmosphere n aer m.
assimilate vt aequare; (food) concoquere; atom n atomus/, corpus individuum nt.
(knowledge) concipere, atone vi: - for expiare,
assist vt adiuvare, succurrere (dat), adesse atonement n expiatio f, piaculum nt.
(dat). atrocious ad; immanis, nefarius, scelestus,
assistance n auxilium nt, opem (no nom)f; atrociously adv nefarie, sceleste,
come to the - of subvenire (dat); be of - to atrociousness n immanitas/,
auxilio esse (dat). atrocity n nefas nt, scelus m, flagitium m.
assistant n adiutor m, minister m. atrophy vi marcescere,
assize n conventus m; hold ~s conventus attach vt adiungere, adflgere, illigare; (word)
agere. subicere; ~ed to amans (gen).
associate vt cOnsociare, coniungere ♦ vi rem attachment n vinculum nt; amor m, studium
inter se cOnsociare; ~ with familiariter uti nt.
(abi) ♦ n socius m, sodalis m. attack vt oppugnare, adoriri, aggredi;
association n societas/; (club) sodalitas/, impetum facere in (acc); (speech) Insequi,
assort vt digerere, dispOnere ♦ vi congruere, invehi in (acc); (disease) ingruere in (acc) ♦ n
assortment n (of goods) variae merces/pi. impetus m, oppugnatio/, incursus m.
assuage vt lenire, mitigare, sedare, attacker n oppugnator m.
assume vt (for oneself) adsumere, adrogare; attain vt adsequl, adipisci, consequi; ~ to
(hypothesis) ponere; (office) inire, pervenire ad.
assumption n (hypothesis) sumptio/, positum attainable ad; impetrabilis, in prOmptu.
nt. attainder n: bill of - privilegium nt.
assurance n (given) fides/, pignus nt;(felt) attainment n adeptio/,
fiducia/; (boldness) confidentia/, attainments npi doctrina/, eruditio/,
assure vt confirmare, promittere (dat). attaint vt maiestatis condemnare.
attempt-avert 12 ENGLISH-LATIN

attempt vt conari, temptare; (with effort) augur n augur m; ~'s staff lituus m ♦ vi
moliri ♦ n conatus m, inceptum nt; (risk) augurari; (fig) portendere,
periculum nt; first ~s rudimenta ntpl. augural adj auguralis,
attend vt (meeting) adesse (dat), interesse augurship n auguratus m.
(dat); (person) prosequi, comitari; (master) augury n augurium nt, auspicium nt; Omen nt;
apparere (dat); (invalid) cGrare ♦ vi animum take ~ies augurari; after taking -las
advertere, animum attendere; - to (task) augurato.
adcurare; - upon prOsequi, adsectari; - the august adj augustus.
lectures of audire; not - aliud agere; - first to August n mensis Augustus, Sextilis; of -
praevertere (dat); well ~ed frequens; thinly Sextilis.
~ed Infrequens. aunt n (paternal) amita/, (maternal) matertera
attendance n (courtesy) adsectatiO/; (mk>) /
curatio/, (service) apparitio/; constant - auspices n auspicium nt; take - auspicari;
adsiduitas /; full - frequentia/ poor ~ after taking ~ auspicato; without taking -
Infrequentia/; dance - on haerere (daf). inauspicato.
attendant n famulus m, minister m; (on auspicious adj faustus, felix,
candidate) sectator m; (on nobleman) auspiciously adv feliciter, prospere,
adsectator m; (on magistrate) apparitor m. austere adj austerus, severus, dQrus.
attention n animadversio/, animi attentio/; austerely adv severe,
(to work) cura/; (respect) observantia/ austerity n severitas /, duritia /.
attract - digitO mOnstrari; call - to indicare; authentic adj verus, certus,
pay ~ to animadvertere, observare; authenticate vt recognoscere,
ratiOnem habere (gen); ~ I hOc age! authenticity n auctoritas/, fides/,
attentiveadj intentus; (to work) diligens, author n auctor m, inventor m; scriptor m.
attentively adv intenta, diligenter, authoress n auctor/,
attenuate vt attenuare, authoritative adj fidus; imperiosus,
attest vt confirmare, testari, authority n auctoritas/, potestas/, ifls nt; (mil)
attestation n testificatio/, imperium nt; (ut) auctor m, scriptor m;
attestor n testis m. enforce ~ ius suum exsequi; have great -
attic n cenaculum nt. multum pollere; on Caesar's ~ auctOre
attire vt vestire ♦ n vestis /, habitus m. Caesare; an - on peritus (gen).
attitude n (body) gestus m, status m, habitus authorize vt potestatem facere (dat),
m; (mind) ratio/. mandare; (law) sancire,
attorney n actor m; advocatus m. autobiography n de vita sua scriptus liber m.
attract vt trahere, attrahere, adlicere. autocracy n imperium singulare nt, tyrannis/.
attraction n vis attrahendi; illecebra/ autocrat n tyrannus m, dominus m.
invitamentum nt. autocratic adj imperiosus,
attractive adj suavis, venustus, lepidus, autograph n manus/, chirographum nt.
attractively adv suaviter, venuste, lepide, automatic adj necessarius,
attractiveness n venustas/, lepOs m. automatically adv necessario,
attribute vt tribuere, attribuere, adsignare ♦ autonomous adj liber,
n proprium nt. autonomy n libertas/.
attrition n attritus m. Autumn n auctumnus m.
attune vt modulari, autumnal adj auctumnaiis.
auburn adj flavus. auxiliaries npi auxilia ntpl, auxiliarii mpl.
auction n auctio/ (public) hasta/ hold an - auxiliary adj auxiliaris ♦ n adiutor m; - forces
auctionem facere; sell by ~ sub hasta auxilia ntpl; novae copiae fpl.
vendere. avail vi valfire ♦ vt prOdesse (dat); - oneself of
auctioneer n praeco m. uti (abi) ♦ n Osus m; of no - frustra,
audacious adj audax; protervus, available adj ad manum, in prOmptO.
audaciously adv audacter, proterva, avalanche n montis ruina/.
audacity n audacia/, temeritas/, avarice n avaritia/, cupiditas/.
audible adj: be ~ exaudiri posse, avaricious adj avarus, cupidus,
audibly adv clara vOce. avariciously adv avare,
audience n auditOrSs mpl; (interview) aditus m; avenge vt ulcisci (+ abf), vindicare,
give an ~ to admittere, avenger n ultor m, vindex m.
audit vt Inspicere ♦ n rationum Inspectio/, avenue n xystus tn; (fig) aditus m, idnua/.
auditorium n cavea/, aver vt adfirmare, adseverare.
auditory adj auditorius, average n medium nt; on the - ferC.
auger n terebra/. averse adj aversus (ab); be - to abhorrere ab.
augment vt augere, adaugere ♦ vi cr6scere, aversion n odium nt, fastidium nt.
augeri. avert vt arcere, depellere; (by prayer)
augmentation n incrementum nt. deprecari.
ENGUSH-LATIN 13 aviary-balmy

aviary n aviarium nr. bachelor n caelebs m; (degree) baccalaureus

avid adj avidus, m.
avidity n aviditas/. back n tergum nt; (animal) dorsum nt; (head)
avidly adv avide. occipitium nt; at one's - a tergo; behind one's
avoid vt vitare, fugere, declinare; (battle) ~ (fig) clam (acc); put one's - up stomachum
detrectare. movere (dat); turn one's - on se avertere ab
avoidance n fuga/, declinatio/, ♦ adj aversus, posticus ♦ adv retrO,
avowvr fateri, confiteri, retrOrsum, re- (in cpds) ♦ vt obsecundare
avowal n confessio/. (dat), adesse (dat); - water inhibere remls,
avowed adj apertus, inhibere navem ♦ vi; - out of detrectare,
avowedly adv aperte, palam, defugere.
await vt exspectare; ( future) manere, backbite vt obtrectare (dat), maledicere (dat).
awake vt suscitare, exsuscitare ♦ vi backbone n spina/,
experglscl ♦ adj vigil, backdoor n posticum nt.
awaken vt exsuscitare, backer n fautor m.
award vt tribuere; (.law) adiudicare ♦ n background n recessus m, umbra/,
(decision) arbitrium nt, iudicium nt; (thing) backing n fidOs/, favor m.
praemium nt.
backslide vi desciscere,
backward adj aversus; (slow) tardus; (late)
aware ad; gnarus ♦ adj conscius (gen); be ~
scire; become ~ of percipere,
backwardness n tarditas/, pigritia/,
away adv 3-, ab- (in cpd); be - abesse ab (abi);
backwards adv retro, retrorsum,
far - procul, longO; make - with dO medio bacon n lardum nt.
tollere. bad ad; malus, pravus, improbus, turpis; go -
awe n formido/, reverentia/, religio/; stand in corrumpi; be - for obesse (dat), nocere (dat).
- of vereri; (gods) venerari, badge n Insigne nt, Infula/,
awe-struck ad; stupidus, badger n males /♦ vt sollicitare
awful adj terribilis, formidolosus, dirus, badly adv male, prava, improba, turpiter,
awfully adv formidolose, badness n pravitas/, naquitia/, improbitas/,
awhile adv aliquamdiu, aliquantisper, baffle vt eludere, fallere, frustrari,
parumper. bag n saccus m, folliculus m; hand- mantica/,
awkward adj incallidus, inconcinnus; (to bagatelle n nugae fpl, floccus m.
handle) inhabilis; (fig) molestus, baggage n impedimenta ntpl, vasa ntpi,
awkwardly adv incallide, imperite, sarcinae fpl; ~ train impedimenta ntpl;
awkwardness n imperitia/, Inscitia/, without - expeditus.
awl n subula/, bail n vadimonium nt; (person) vas m; become ~
awning n velum nt. for spondere pro (abi); accept - for vadari;
awry adj pravus, dissidens, keep one's ~ vadimonium obire ♦ vt
axe n securis/. spondere pro (abi).
axiom n pronuntiatum nt, sententia/, bailiff n (pol) apparitor m; (private) vllicus m.
axiomatic ad; Ovidens, manifestus, bait n esca/, illecebra/ ♦ vt lacessere.
axis naxis m. bake vt coquere, torrere.
axle n axis m. bakehouse n pistrina/.
aye adv semper; for - in aeternum, baker n pistor m.
azure ad; caeruleus. bakery n pistrina/.
balance n (scales) libra/, trutina/; (equilibrium)
libramentum nt; (money) reliqua ntpl ♦ vt
librare; (lig) compensare; the account ~s
ratio constat.

B,b balance sheet n ratio accepti et expansi,

balcony n podium nt, Maenianum nt.
bald ad; calvus; (style) aridus, ieiunus.
baldness n calvitium nt; (style) ieiQnitas/.
bale n fascis m; ~ out vt exhaurire,
baleful adj ffinestus, perniciosus, tristis,
baa vi balare ♦ n balatus m. balk n tignum nt ♦ vt frustrari, dOcipere.
babble vi garrire, blaterare, ball n globus m; (play) pila/; (wool) glomus nt;
babbler n garrulus m. (dance) saltati8/.
babbling adj garrulus, ballad n carmen nt.
babe n infans m/f. ballast n saburra/,
babel n dissonae vOcCs fpi. ballet n saltatio/,
baboon n simia/. ballot n suffragium nt.
baby n Infans m/f. ballot box urna/.
Bacchanalian ad; Bacchicus. balm n unguentum nt; (fig) solatium nt.
Bacchante n Baccha/. balmy adj lSnis, suavis.
balsam-battle 14 ENGL1SH-LATIN

balsam n balsamum nt. bargain n pactum nt, foedus nt; make a -

balustrade n cancelli mpi. pacisci; make a bad ~ male emere; into the -
bamboozle vt confundere, gratiis ♦ vi pacisci,
ban vt interdicere {dat), vetare ♦ n barge n linter/.
interdictum nt. bark n cortex m; (dog) latratus m; (ship) navis/,
banal odj tritus, ratis/ ♦ vi latrare,
banana n ariena/; (tree) pala/, barking n latratus m.
band n vinculum nt, redimiculum nt; (head) barley n hordeum nt; of - hordeaceus,
Infula/, (men) caterva/, manus/, grex/ ♦ vi: barn n horreum nt.
~ together cOnsocidrl. barrack vt obstrepere (dat).
bandagen fascia/, Infula/♦ vt obligare, barracks n castra ntpl.
adligare. barrel n cupa/; ligneum vas nt.
bandbox n: out of a - (fig) da capsula, barren adj sterilis,
bandeau n redimiculum nt. barrenness n sterilitas/,
bandit n latrO m. barricade n claustrum nt, munimentum nt ♦ vt
bandy vt iactare; - words altercari ♦ odj varus, obsaepire, obstruere; - off intersaepire,
bane n venenum nt, pestis/, pernicies/, barrier n impedimentum nt; (racecourse)
baneful odj perniciosus, pestifer, career nt.
bang vt pulsare ♦ n fragor m. barrister n advocatus m, patrOnus m,
bangle n armilla/. causidicus m.
banish vt pellere, expellere, eicere; (law) aqua barrow n ferculum nt; (mound) tumulus m.
et igni interdicere (dat); (temporarily) barter vt matare ♦ vi merces matare ♦ n
relegare; (feeling) abstergere, mutatio/, commercium nt.
banishment n (act) aquae et ignis interdictio base adj turpis, vilis; (birth) humilis, ignobilis;
/; relegatio/; (state) exsilium nt, fuga/, (coin) adulterinus.
bank n (earth) agger m; (river) ripa/; (money) base n fundamentum nt; (statue) basis/, (hili)
argentaria/. radices fpl; (mil) castra ntpl.
banker n argentarius m; (public) mensarius m. baseless adj falsus, inanis,
bankrupt odj: be ~ solvendo nOn esse; declare basely adv turpiter.
oneself - bonam cOpiam eiurare; go ~ basement n basis/, (storey) Imum tabulatum
decoquere ♦ n decoctor m. nt.
banner n vexillum nt. baseness n turpitudo/.
banquet n cena/, epulae fpl; convivium nt; bashful adj pudicus, verecundus,
(religious) daps/ ♦ vi epulari, bashfulness n pudor m, verecundia/,
banter n cavillatio/ ♦ vi cavillari, basic adj primus.
baptism n baptisma nt. basin n alveolus m, pelvis/, wash~ aqualis m.
baptize vt baptizare. basis n fundamentum nt.
bar n (door) sera/, (gate) claustrum nt; (metat) bask vi apricari.
later m; (wood) asser m; (lever) vectis m; basket n corbis/, fiscus m; (forbread)
(obstacle) impedimentum nt; (law-court) canistrum nt; (for wool) quasillum nt.
cancelli mpi; (barristers) advocati mpl; basking n apricatio/,
(profession) forum nt; of the - forensis; bas-relief n toreuma nt.
practise at the - causas agere, bass adj (voice) gravis,
bar vt (door) obserare; (way) obstare (dat), bastard adj nothus,
interclOdere, prohibere; (exception) bastion n propugnaculum nt.
excipere, excludere, bat n vespertilio m; (games) clava/,
barb n aculeus m, dens m, hamus m. batch n numerus m.
barbarian n barbarus m ♦ odj barbarus, Bath n Aquae Sulis fpl.
barbarism n barbaria/, bath n balneum nt; (utensil) labrum nt, lavatio/,
barbarity n saevitia/, ferocia/, immanitas/, Turkish - LacOnicum nt; cold - frigidarium
inhumanitas/. nt; hot - calidarium nt; - superintendent
barbarous acfi barbarus, saevus, immanis, balneator m ♦ vt lavare,
inhumanus. bathe vt lavare ♦ vi lavari, perlui,
barbarously adv barbare, inhumane, bathroom n balnearia ntpl.
barbed adj hamatus, baths n (public ~) balneae fpl.
barber n tOnsor m; ~'s shop tonstrina/, batman ncaiOm.
bard n vates m/f, (Gallic) bardus m. baton n virga/, scipio m.
bare adj nQdus; (mere) merus; lay ~ nudare, battalion n cohors/,
aperire, detegere ♦ vt nudare, batter vt quassare, pulsare, verberare,
barefaced odj impudens, battering ram n aries m.
barefoot adj nudis pedibus, battery n (assault) vis/.
bare-headed adj capite aperto, battle n pugna/, proelium nt, certamen nt; a -
barely adv vix. was fought pugnatum est; pitched - iustum
ENGUSH-LATIN 15 battle-axe-begin

proelium; line of ~ acies /; drawn - anceps beating n verbera ntpi; (defeat) clades/;
proelium ♦ vi pugnare, contendere; - order (time) percussio/, get a - vapulare,
acies /. beatitude n beatitudO/, felicitas/,
battle-axe n bipennis/, beau n nitidus homO m; (lover) amans m.
battlefield, battle-linen acies/, beauteous ad; pulcher, fOrmOsus.
battlement n pinna/, beautiful adj pulcher, formOsus; (looks)
bawl vt vociferari, clamitare, decOrus; (scenery) amoenus,
bay n (sea) sinus m; (tree) laurus/, laurea/; of - beautifully adv pulchro,
laureus; at - interclusus ♦ adj (colour) spadix beautify vt exOrnare, decorare,
♦ vi(dog) latrare. beauty n fOrma/, pulchritudo/, amoenitas/,
be vi esse; (circs) versari; (condition) se habere; beaver n castor m, fiber m; (helmet) buccula/.
- at adesse (det)-, - amongst interesse (dat); - becalmed ad; vento destitutus,
in inesse (dat); consul-to— consul because conj quod, quia, quOniam (+ indic),
designatus; how are you? quid agis?; so - it quippe qui; ~ of propter (acc).
esto; see also absent, hera etc. beck n nutus m.
beach n litus nt, acta/ ♦ vt (ship) subdQcere. beckon vt innuere, vocare,
beacon n ignis m. become vi fieri; what will ~ of me? quid me
bead n pilula/. flet? ♦ vt decOre, convenire in (acc).
beadle n apparitor m. becoming ad; decens, decOrus.
beak n rostrum nt. becomingly adv decOre, convenienter,
beaked adj rOstratus. bed n cubile nt, lectus m, lectulus m; go to -
beaker n cantharus m, scyphus m. cubitum Ire; make a - lectum sternere; be
beam n (wood) trabs/, tignum nt; (balance) -ridden lecto teneri; camp - grabatus m;
iugum nt; (light) radius m; (ship) latus nt; on flower- pulvinus m; marriage - lectus
the - a latere ♦ vi fulgere; (person) adridere. genialis m; river- alveus m.
beaming adj hilaris, bedaub vt illinere, oblinere,
bean n faba/. bedclothes n stragula ntpi.
bear n ursus m, ursa/; Great B~ septentriones bedding n stragula ntpi.
mpl, Arctos/; Little B~ septentrio minor m, bedeck vt Ornare, exOrnare.
Cynosura/; ~'s ursinus ♦ vt (carry) ferre, bedew vt inrOrare.
portare; (endure) ferre, tolerare, pati; bedim vt obscurare,
(produce) ferre, fundere; (child) parere; - bedpost n fulcrum nt.
down upon appropinquare; - off ferre; - out bedraggled ad; sordidus, madidus,
vt arguere; ~ up vi: - up under obsistere (dat), bedroom n cubiculum nt.
sustinere; - upon inniti (dat); (refer) bedstead n sponda /.
pertinOre ad; - with vtfus indulgere (dat); - bee n apis/; queen - rex m.
oneself se gerere; I cannot ~ to adduci non beech n fagus/ ♦ adj faginus,
possum ut. beef n bubula/,
bearable adj tolerabilis, beehive n alvus/.
beard n barba/ ♦ vt ultro lacessere, beekeeper n apiarius m.
bearded ad; barbatus, beer n cervisia/, fermentum nt.
beardless ad; imberbis. beet n beta/.
bearer n baiulus m; (letter) tabellarius m; (litter) beetle n (insect) scarabaeus m; (implement)
lecticarius m; (news) nuntius m. fistuca /.
bearing n (person) gestus m, vultus m; beetling ad; imminens, minax,
(direction) regi6/, have no - on nihil befall vi, vt accidere, evenire (dat); (good)
pertinere ad; I have lost my -s ubi sim contingere (dat).
nescio. befit vt decere, convenire in (acc).
beast n bestia/; (large) belua/; (wild) fera/; before adv ante, antea, antehac ♦ prep ante
(domestic) pecus/. (acc); (place) prO (abi); (presence) apud (acc),
beastliness n foeditas/, stuprum nt. cOram (abi) ♦ conj antequam, priusquam,
beastly ad; foedus, beforehand adv ante, antea; prae (in cpd).
beast of burden n iumentum nt. befoul vt inquinare, foedare,
beatn ictus m; (heart) palpitatio/, (music) befriend vt favere (dat), adiuvare; (in trouble)
percussio/; (oars, pulse) pulsus m. adesse (dat).
beat vt ferire, percutere, pulsare; (the body in beg vt Orare, obsecrare, precari, poscere ab,
grief) plangere; (punish) caedere; (whip) petere ab; - for petere ♦ vi mendicare,
verberare; (conquer) vincere, superare ♦ vi beget vt gignere, prOcreare, generare,
palpitare, micare; - back repellere; - in begetter n generator m, creator m.
perfringere; - out excutere; (metal) beggar m mendicus m.
extundere; - a retreat receptui canere; - beggarly adj mendicus, indigens,
about the bush circuitione uti; be -en beggary n mendicitas/, indigentia/,
vapulare; dead - confectus. begin vi, vt incipere, coepisse; (speech)
beginning-best 16 ENGLISH-LATIN

exordiri; (plan) Instituere, incohare; (time) (law) ifidices mpl; seat on the - lfldicatus m.
inlre; ~ with incipere ab. bend vt flectere, curvare, inclinare; (bow)
beginning n initium nt, principium nt, intendere; (course) tendere, flectere; (mind)
exordium nt, inceptio/; (learning) rudimenta intendere ♦ vi se Inflectere; (person) s6
ntpl, elementa nfpi; (origin) orlgO/, fOns m; at demittere; - back reflectere; - down vi
the ~ of spring ineunte v6re. deflectere; se demittere ♦ n flexus m,
begone interj apage, te amove, anfractus m.
begotten odj genitus, natus, beneath adv subter ♦ prep sub (acc or abf).
begrudge vt invidere (dat). benediction n bonae preces fpl-
beguile vt decipere, fallere, benedictory adj faustus,
behalf n: on - of pro (abf); on my ~ me6 benefaction n beneficium nt, donum nt.
nomine. benefactor n patronus m; be a - bene mereri
behave vi se gerere, se praebere (with adj); (de).
well ~d bene moratus, beneficence n beneficentia/, llberaiitas/.
behaviour n mOres mpt. beneficent adj beneficus,
behead vt detruncare, secGrl percutere, beneficial adj utilis, salubris,
behest n iussum nt. benefit n beneficium nt; (derived) fructus m;
behind adv pOne, post, a tergO ♦ prep post (acc), have the - of frul (abf) ♦ vt prodesse (dat),
pone (acc). usui esse (dat).
behindhand adv ser5; be - parum proficere, benevolence n benevolentia/, benignitas/,
behold vt aspicere, conspicere, intueri ♦ interj benevolent ad; benevolus, benignus,
ecce, en. benevolently adv benevole, benigna,
beholden adj obnoxius, obstrictus, obligatus, benighted ad; nocte oppressus; (%) igndrus,
behoof n usus m. indoctus.
behove vt oportere. benign adj benignus, cdmis.
being n (life) animatio/; (nature) natura/; bent n(mind) inclinatio/, ingenium nt ♦ adj
(person) homo m/f. curvus, flexus; (mind) attentus; ba - on
bejewelled adj gemmeus, gemmatus, stud6re (dat).
belabour vt verberare, caedere, benumb vt stupefacere,
belated adj serus, benumbed ad; stupefactus, torpidus; ba -
belch vi ructare, eructare, torpere.
beldam n anus/. bequeath vt legare,
beleaguer vt obsidere, circumsedere, bequest n legatum nt.
belie vt abhorrere ab, repugnare, bereave vt orbare, privare,
belief n fidas/, opinio/; (opinion) sententia/, to bereavement n damnum nt.
the best of my ~ ex animi mei sententia; past bereft adj orbus, orbatus, privatus,
- incredibilis. berry n baca/.
believe vt, vi (thing) credere; (person) credere berth n statio/; give a wide - to devitare,
(dat)\ (suppose) credere, putare, arbitrari, beryl n beryllus m.
opinari; ~ in gods deos esse credere; make ~ beseech vt implorare, Orare, obsecrare,
simulare. beset vt obsidere, circumsedere,
believer n deorum cultor m; Christianus m. beside prep ad (acc), apud (acc); (close) iuxta
belike adv fortasse. (acc); ~ the point nihil ad rem; be - oneself
belittle vt obtrectare. nOn esse apud sg.
bell n tintinnabulum nt; (public) campana/. besides adv praeterea, accedit quod; (in
belle n formosa/, pulchra/. addition) Insuper ♦ prep praeter (acc).
belles-lettres n litterae fpi. besiege vt obsidere, circumsedere,
bellicose adj ferOx. besieger n obsessor m.
belligerent adj belli particeps. besmear vt illinere,
bellow vi rfldere, mugire ♦ n mugitus m. besmirch vt maculare,
bellows n follis m. besom n scOpaefpl.
belly n abdomen nt, venter m; (sail) sinus m ♦ vi besotted adj stupidus,
tumere. bespatter vt aspergere,
belong vi esse (gen), proprium esse (gen), bespeak vt (order) imperare; (denote)
inesse (dat)-, (concern) attinere, pertinere, significare.
belongings n bona ntpl. besprinkle vt aspergere,
beloved adj carus, dilectus, gratus, best adj optimus; the - part maior pars ♦ n flOs
below adv Infra, subter ♦ adj Inferus ♦ prep m, robur nt; do one's - pro virili parte agere;
Infra (acc), sub (abi, acc). do one's ~ to operam dare ut; have the ~ of it
belt n z6na/; (sword) balteus m. vincere; make the - of (a situation) aequO
bemoan vt deplorare, lamentari, animO accipere; to the - of one's ability prO
bemused ad; stupefactus, stupidus, virili parte; to the - of my knowledge quod
bench n subsellium nt; (rowing) transtrum nt; sciam ♦ udv optima.
ENGL1SH-LATIN 17 bestial-bizarre

bestial adj foedus. bigoted adj contumax.

bestir vt movere; - oneself experglscl. bigotry n contumacia/, nimia obstinatio/.
bestow vt dSnare, tribuere, dare, conferre, bile n bilis/, fel nt.
bestride vt (horse) sedere in (abf). bilgewater n sentina/.
bet n pignus nt ♦ vt opponere ♦ vi pignore bilk vt fraudare.
contendere. bill n (bird) rOstrum nt; (implement) falx/; (law)
betake vt conferre, recipere; - o.s. se rogatio/, lex/, (money) syngrapha/) (notice)
conferre. libellus m, titulus m; introduce a - populum
bethink vt: ~ oneself s£ colligere; ~ oneself of rogare, legem ferre; carry a - legem
respicere. perferre.
betide vi accidere, evenire. billet n hospitium nt ♦ vt in hospitia dividere.
betoken vt significare; (foretell) portendere. billhook n falx/.
betray vt prOdere, tradere; (feelings) arguere; billow n fluctus m.
without -ing one's trust salva fide, billowy adj undOsus.
betrayal n proditio/. billy goat n caper m.
betrayer n proditor m; (informer) index m. bin n lacus m.
betroth vt spondere, despondere, bindvt adligare, deligare, vincire; (by oath)
betrothal n sponsalia ntpi. adigere; (by obligation) obligare,
better adj melior; it is - to praestat (infin); get obstringere; (wound) obligare; ~ fast
the ~ of vincere, superare; I am - (in health) devincire; - together conligare; - over vt
melius est mihi; I had - go praestat Ire; get - vadari.
convalescere; think ~ of sententiam mutare binding n compages/* adj (law) ratus; it is -
de ♦ adv melius ♦ vt corrigere; ~ oneself on oportet.
prOficere. bindweed n convolvulus m.
betterment n profectus m. biographer n vitae narrator m.
between prep inter (acc). biography n vita/,
beverage n potio/. bipartite adi bipartitus,
bevy n manus/, grex/. biped n bipes m.
bewail vt deflere, lamentari, deplorare. birch n betula/) (flogging) virgae ulmeae fpl.
beware vt cavere. bird n avis/; ~s of a feather pares cum paribus
bewilder vt confundere, perturbare, facillime congregantur; kill two ~s with one
bewildered adj attonitus, stone uno saltu duos apros capere, de eadem
bewilderment n perturbatio/, admiratio/, fidelia duos parietes dealbare; -'s-eye view
bewitch vt fascinare; (fig) delenire, of despectus in (acc).
beyond adv ultra, supra ♦ prep ultra (acc), birdcatcher n auceps m.
extra (acc); (motion) trans (acc); (amount) birdlime n viscum nt.
ultra, supra (acc); go/pass - excedere, birth n (act) partus m; (origin) genus nt; low -
Ogredl. ignobilitas/; high - nobilitas/, by - natu,
bezel n pala/. ortu.
bias n inclinatio/; (party) favor m ♦ vt birthday n natalis m.
inclinare. birthday party n natalicia ntpi.
biassed adj prOpensior. birthplace n locus natalis m; (fig) incunabula
bibber n pOtor m, pOtator m. ntpl.
Bible n litterae sacrae fpl. birthright n patrimonium nt.
bibulous adj bibulus, bisect vt dividere,
bicephalous adj biceps, bishop n episcopus m.
bicker vi altercari, iurgare. bison n urus m.
bid vt iubOre; (guest) vocare, invitare ♦ vi (at bit n pars/; (food) frustum nt; (broken off)
auction) liceri; ~ for liceri; - good day fragmentum nt; (horse) frenum nt; - by ~
salvere iubere; ho ~s fair to make progress minutatim; a ~ adv aliquantulum; a - sad
spes est eum profecturum esse, tristior,
biddable adj docilis, bitch n canis /.
bidding n iussum nt; (auction) licitatio/, bite vt mordere; (frost) urere ♦ n morsus m;
bide vt manere, opperiri, with a ~ mordicus,
biennial adj biennalis, biting adj mordax.
bier n ferculum nt. bitter adj (faste) acerbus, amarus; (words)
bifurcate vi se scindere, asper.
bifurcation n (road) trivium nt. bitterly adv acerbe, aspere,
big adj magnus, grandis, amplus; (with child) bittern n butio m, ardea/,
gravida; very ~ permagnus; talk - glOriarl. bitterness n acerbitas/,
bight n sinus m. bitumen n bitumen nt.
bigness n magnitudo/, amplitodo/. bivouac n excubiae fpl ♦ vi excubare,
bigot n nimis obstinatus fautor m. bizarre adj Insolens.
blab-bluff 18 ENGLISH-LATIN

blab vt, vi garrire, effutire, blind ad; caecus; (in one eye) luscus; (fig)
black ad; (dull) ater; (glossy) niger; (dirt) ignarus, stultus; (alley) nOn pervius; (forces)
sordidus; (eye) lividus; (looks) trux; - and necessarius; turn a - aya to c0nlv6re in (abi)
blue llvidus; 4 n Strum nt, nigrum nt; dressed 4 vt excaecare, caecare; (fig) occaecare;
in - atratus; (in mourning) sordidatus, (with light) praestringere,
blackberry n mOrum nr. blindfold odj capite obvolfltO.
blackbird n merula /. blindly adv temere.
blacken vt nigrare, nigrum reddere; blindness n caecitas/, (fig) temeritas/,
(character) Infamare, obtrectare (dat). Insipientia/,
blackguard n scelestus, sceleratus m. blink vi nictare,
blacking n atramentum nt. bliss n felicitas/, laetitia/,
blacklist n proscriptio/, blissful ad; felix, beatus, laetus,
black magic n magicae artes fpi. blissfully odv feliciter, beate,
blackmail n minae/pi 4 vt minis cogere, blister n pustula/,
black mark n nota/, blithe ad; hilaris, laetus,
blacksmith n faber m. blithely adv hilare, laete,
bladder n vesica /. blizzard n hiems/.
blade n (grass) herba/ (oar) palma/; (sword) bloated ad; tumidus, turgidus,
blob n gutta/, particula/.
blame vt reprehendere, culpare; I am to -
block n ( wood) stipes m, caudex m; (stone)
reus sum 4 n reprehensio/, culpa/,
massa/, (houses) Insula/, - letter quadrata
blameless ad; innocens,
littera; stumbling - offensio/,
blamelessly adv innocenter,
block vt claudere, obstruere, interclfldere; ~
blamelessness n innocentia/, integritas/,
the way obstare.
blameworthy ad; accusabilis, nocens,
blockade n obsidio/; raise a ~ obsidionem
blanch vt exalbescere, pallescere,
solvere 4 vt obsidere, interclfldere.
bland ad; mitis, lenis,
blandishment n blanditiae fpi. blockhead n caudex m, barO m, truncus m.
blank ad; vacuus, pflrus; (look) stolidus, blockhouse n castellum nt.
blanket n lodix/ wet - nimium severus, blond ad; flavus.
blare vi canere, stridere 4 n clangor m, stridor blood n sanguis m; (shed) eruor m; (murder)
m. caedes/, (kin) genus nt; let - sanguinem
blarney n lenocinium nt. mittere; staunch - sanguinem supprimere;
blaspheme vi maledicere, bad - simultas/, in cold - cOnsultO; own flesh
blasphemous ad; maledicus, impius, and - consanguineus.
blasphemy n maledicta ntpi, impietas/, bloodless odj exsanguis; (victory) incruentus,
blast n flatus m, Inflatus m 4 vt disicere, bloodshed n caedes/,
discutere; (crops) rOblgine adficere. bloodshot ad; sanguineus,
blatant ad; raucus, bloodstained ad; cruentus,
blaze n flamma/, ignis m, fulgor m 4 vi bloodsucker n hirfldO/.
flagrare, ardere, fulgOre; - up exardescere bloodthirsty ad; sanguinarius,
4 vt: - abroad pervulgare, blood vessel n vena/,
blazon vt promulgare, bloody ad; cruentus,
bleach vt candidum reddere, bloom n flos m; in - florens 4 vi flOr€re,
bleak od; desertus, tristis, inamoenus, florescere, vigere.
bleary-eyed adj lippus, blossom n flOs m 4 vi efflorescere, flOrere.
bleat vi balare 4 n balatus m. blot n macula/; (erasure) litflra/4 vt maculare;
bleed vi sanguinem fundere 4 vt sanguinem - out delere, oblitterare,
mittere (dat); my heart -» animus mihi dolet, blotch n macula/.
bleeding odj crudus, sanguineus 4 n sanguinis blotched odj maculosus,
missio/. blow vt, vi (wind) flare; (breath) adflare,
blemish n macula /, vitium nt 4 vt maculare, anhelare; (instrument) canere; (flower)
foedare. efflorescere; (nose) emungere; - out vi
blend vt miscere, immiscere, admiscere 4 n exstinguere; ~ over vi (storm) cadere; (fig)
coniQnctiO /. abire; - up vi Inflare; (destroy) discutere,
bless vt be3re; laudare; (rea) benedicere; - disturbare 4 n ictus m; (on the cheek) alapa/
with augere (abi); ~ my soull ita me di ament! (fig) plaga/; (misfortune) calamitas/ aim a -
blessed ad; beatus, fortunatus; (emperors) at petere; come to -s ad manfls venire,
divus. blowy ad; ventOsus.
blessing n (thing) commodum nt, bonum nt; bludgeon n fustis m.
(eccl) benedictio/. blue ad; caeruleus; black and ~ llvidus; true -
blight n rOblgO/, GredO/4 vt rOblgine adficere; fidissimus; - blood nObilitas/.
(fig) nocOre (dat). bluff n rupes/, promunturium nt 4 ad;
ENGLISH-LATIN 19 blunder-border

inurbanus 4 vt fallere, decipere, verba dare boisterousness n tumultus m, violentia/,

(dat), impOnere (dat). bold adj audax, fortis, intrepidus; (impudent)
blunder vi errare, offendere 4 n error m, impudens, protervus; (language) liber;
erratum nt; (in writing) mendum nt. (headland) prOminens; make - audere,
blunt ad; hebes; (manners) horridus, rusticus, boldly adv audacter, fortiter, intrepide;
inurbanus; be ~ hebere ♦ vt hebetare, impudenter.
obtundere, retundere, boldness n audacia/, confidentia/;
bluntly adv liberius, plana et aperte, impudentia/, petulantia/; (speech) libertas/,
blur n macula/ ♦ vt obscurare, bolster n pulvinus m 4 vt: - up sustinere,
blurt vt: ~ out emittere, confirmare.
blush vi rubere, erubescere ♦ n rubor m. boltn (door) claustrum nt, pessulus m, sera/;
bluster vi declamitare, latrare, (missile) telum nt, sagitta/, (lightning) fulmen
boa n boa/. nt; make a - for it se prOripere, aufugere; a -
3oadicea n Boudicca/. from the blue res subita, res inopinata 4 vi
boar n verres m; (wild) aper m. (door) obserare, obdere,
board n tabula/, (table) mensa/ (food) victus bombard vt tormentis verberare; (fig)
m; (committee) concilium nt; (Judicial) lacessere.
quaestio/; (often men) decemviri mpi; bombast n ampullae fpi.
(gaming) abacus m, alveus m; on - in navi; go bombastic ad; tumidus, Inflatus; be -
on - in navem conscendere; go by the - ampullari.
intercidere, perire; above ~ sine fraude ♦ vt bond n vinculum nt, catena/, compes/, (of
(building) contabulare; (ship) conscendere; union) cOpula/, iugum nt, nOdus m;
(person) victum praebere (dat) 4 vi: - with (document) syngrapha/, (agreement) foedus
devertere ad. nt 4 adj servus, addictus,
boarder n hospes m. bondage n servitQs /, famulatus m.
boast vi gl&riarl, se iactare; - of glOriarl de bone n os nt; (fish) spina / 4 vt exossare,
(abi) 4 n glbria/, glOriatiO/, iactatiO/. boneless ad; exos,
boastful odj gloriosus, bonfire n ignis festus m.
boastfully odv glOriOse. bonhomie n festivitas/,
boasting n glOriatiO/ 4 ad; glOriOsus. bon motn dictum nt, sententia/,
boat n linter/, scapha/, cymba/, (ship) navis/, bonny ad; pulcher, bellus,
be in the same - (fig) in eadem navi esse, bony adj osseus,
boatman n nauta m. boo vt explSdere.
boatswain n hortator m. book n liber m; (small) libellus m; (scroll)
bobbin n fusus m. volumen nt; (modern form) c6dex m; -s (comm)
bode vt portendere, praesagire, rationes fipl, tabulae jpl; bring to - in iudicium
bodiless adj sine corpore, vocare.
bodily adj corporeus, bookbinder n glQtinator m.
bodkin n acus/. bookcase n librarium nt, pegma nt.
body n corpus nt; (dead) cadaver nt; (small) bookish odj litterarum studiosus,
corpusculum nt; (person) homo m/f; (of people) book-keeper n actuarius m.
globus m, numerus m; (of troops) manus/, bookseller n librarius m, bibliopSla m.
caterva /; (of cavalry) turma/, (of officials) bookshop n bibliotheca/, libraria taberna/,
collegium nt; (heavenly) astrum nt; in a ~ bookworm n tinea/.
OniversI, frequentes, boom n (spar) longurius m; (harbour) obex m/f
bodyguard n custos m, stipatores mpi; 4 vi resonare.
(emperor's) praetorian! mpi. boon n bonum nt, beneficium nt, donum nt 4 ad;
bog n palus/, festivus; - companion sodalis m, compotor
bogey n mOnstrum nt. m.
boggle vi tergiversari, haesitare, boor n agrestis m, rflsticus m.
boggy adj paluster, boorish adj agrestis, rQsticus, inurbanus,
bogus adj falsus, fictus. boorishly adv rustice,
Bohemian ad; liberior, solutior, libidinosus, boost vt efferre; (wares) venditare,
boil vt coquere; (liquid) fervefacere; - down boot n calceus m; (mil) caliga/, (rustic) per6 m;
decoquere ♦ vi fervere, effervescere; (sea) (tragic) cothurnus m 4 vi prodesse; to -
exaestuare; (passion) exardescere, aestuare; Insuper, praeterea,
- ovar effervescere ♦ n (meo) fflrunculus m. booted adj calceatus, caligatus,
boiler n cortina/, booth n taberna/,
boiling adj (hot) fervens, bootless adj infltilis, vanus,
boisterous ad; (person) turbulentus, bootlessly adv frustra,
vehemens; (sea) turbidus, agitatus; (weather) booty n praeda/, spolia ntpl.
procellosus, violentus, border n 6ra/, margd/, (country) finis m;
boisterously adv turbide, turbulente. (dress) limbus m 4 vt praetexere, marginare;
bordering-breach 20 ENGLISH-LATIN

finire ♦ vi: ~ on adiacere (dat), imminere duplici spe uti; rain- arcus m ♦ vi flectere,
(dat), attingere; (fig) finitimum esse (dat). inclinare ♦ vi caput demittere,
bordering odj finitimus, bowels n alvus/; (fig) viscera ntpl.
bore vi perforare, perterebrare; (person) bower n umbraculum nt, trichila/.
obtundere, fatigare; - out exterebrare ♦ n bowl n (cooking) catinus m; (drinking) calix m;
terebra/; (hole) foramen nt; (person) homo (mixing wine) cratera / (ball) pila/4 vt
importunus m, ineptus m. volvere; - over proruere,
boredom n lassitudo/, bow-legged ad; valgus,
borer n terebra/. bowler n (game) dator m.
born adj natus; be ~ nasci, bowstring n nervus m.
borough n municipium nt. box n arca/, capsa/, (for clothes) cista/; (for
borrow vt mutuari, medicine) pyxis/; (forperfume) alabaster m;
borrowed adj mutuus; (fig) alienus, (tree) buxus/; (wood) buxum nt; (blowon ears)
borrowing n mutuatio/; (to pay a debt) alapa/ 4 vt includere; - the ears of alapam
versura /. ducere (dat), colaphSs Infringere (dat) 4 vi
bosky ad; nemorOsus. (fight) pugnis certare,
bosom n sinus m; (fig) gremium nt; - friend boxer n pugil m.
familiaris m/f, sodalis m; be a ~ friend of ab boxing n pugilatio/,
latere esse (gen). boxing glove n caestus m.
boss n bulla/; (shield) umbo m. boy n puer m; become a - again repuerascere,
botanist n herbarius m. boycott vt repudiare,
botany n herbaria/, boyhood n pueritia /; from - a puerO.
botch vi male sarcire, male gerere, boyish adj puerilis,
both pron ambO, uterque (gen utriusque, each boyishly adv pueriliter.
of two) 4 adv: - ... and et... et, cum ... turn, bracen (building) fibula/ (strap) fascia/ (pair)
bother n negotium nt 4 vt vexare, molestus par nt 4 vt adligare; (strengthen) firmare,
esse (dat) 4 vi operam dare, bracelet n armilla/.
bothersome adj molestus, bracing adj (air) salubris,
bottle n lagoena/, amphora/ ♦ vt (wine) bracken n filix/,
diffundere. bracket n uncus m.
bottom n fundus m; (ground) solum nt; (ship) brackish adj amarus,
carina/; the - of Imus; be at the - of (cause) bradawl n terebra/,
auctOrem esse; go to the ~ pessum Ire, brag vi gloriari, se iactare.
perire; send to the - pessum dare; from the ~ braggart n gloriosus m.
funditus, ab InfimO. braid vt nectere.
bottomless adj profundus, fundo carens, brain n cerebrum nt; ingenium nt.
bottommost ad; Infimus, brainless adj sdcors, stultus,
bough n ramus m. brainy ad; ingeniosus,
boulder n saxum nt. brake n (wood) dumetum nt; (on wheel)
boulevard n platea/, sufflamen nt.
bounce vi salire, resultare, bramble n rubus m.
bound n finis nt, modus m, terminus m; (leap) brann furfur nt.
saltus m; set ~s to modum facere (dat) 4 vt branch n ramus m; (kind) genus nt 4 vi: - out
finire, definire, terminare ♦ vi salire, ramOs porrigere,
saltare ♦ adj adligatus, obligatus, obstrictus; branching ad; ramosus,
be - to (duty) debere; it is - to happen brand n (fire) torris m, fax/ (mark) nota/
necesse est eveniat; be - for tendere in (acc); (sword) ensis m, (variety) genus nt 4 vt (mark)
be storm- tempestate teneri, inurere; (stigma) notare; - new recens,
boundaries npi fines mpi. brandish vt vibrare,
boundary n finis m; (of fields) terminus m; brass n orichalcum nt.
(fortified) limes m; - stone terminus nt. bravado n ferOcitas/, out of - per speciem
boundless ad; immensus, Infinitus, ferOcitatis.
boundlessness n Infinitas/, immensum nt. brave ad; fortis, acer 4 vt adire, pati,
bounteous adj see bountiful, bravely adv fortiter, acriter,
bounteously adv large, liberaiiter, c6pi6s6. bravery n fortitQdft/, virtOs/.
bountiful adj largus, liberalis, benignus, bravo interj bene, euge, macte,
bounty n largitas/, liberaiitas/, (store) cOpia/. brawl n rixa/, iurgium nt 4 vi rixari,
bouquet n corollarium nt; (of wine) flOs m. brawn n lacerti mpi.
bourn n finis m. brawny ad; lacertosus, rObflstus.
bout n certamen nt; (drinking) cOmissatiO/. bray vi rudere.
bovine adj bQbulus; (fig) stolidus, brazen ad; aeneus; (fig) impudens.
bow n arcus m; (ship) prOra/, (courtesy) brazier n foculus m.
salQtatiS/, have two strings to one's - breach n (in wall) ruina/, (of friendship)
ENGLISH-LATIN 21 breach of the peace-bring

dissensio/ ♦ vt perfringere; - of trust mala bribe vt corrumpere ♦ vi largiri ♦ n pecunia/,

fides; commit a ~ of promise prOmissIs non merces/.
stare. briber n corruptor m, largitor m.
breach of the peace n iurgium nt, tumultus m. bribery n ambitus m, largitio/,
bread n panis m. brick n later m ♦ adj latericius,
breadth n latitudo/; in - in latitudinem (acc). brickwork n latericium nt.
break vt frangere, perfringere; - down vt bridal adj nuptialis; (bed) genialis ♦ n nuptiae
Infringere, diruere; - in vt (animal) domare; ~ M-
into pieces dirumpere; - off vt abrumpere, bride n nupta/.
defringere; (action) dirimere; - open bridegroom m maritus m.
effringere, solvere; ~ through vtfus bridge n pOns m ♦ vt pontem impOnere (dat).
interrumpere; - up vt dissolvere, bridle n frenum nt ♦ vt frenare, Infrenare,
interrumpere; - one's word fidem fallere, brief adj brevis; to be ~ ne longum sit, ne
violare; without -ing the law salvis legibus multa.
♦ vi rumpi, frangi; (day) illucescere; briefly adv breviter, paucis verbis,
(strength) deficere; - off vi desinere; - into briefness n brevitas/,
intrare; - out vi erumpere; (sore) brier n vepres m, sentis m.
recrudescere; (trouble) exardescere; - up vi brig n liburna/.
dilabi, dissolvi; (meeting) dimitti; - through brigade n legio/, (cavalry) turma/,
vi inrumpere; - with dissidere ab ♦ n brigadier n legatus m.
intermissio/, intervallum nt. brigand n latro m, praedo m.
breakable adj fragilis, brigandage n latrocinium nt.
breakage n fractum nt. bright adj clarus, luculentus; (sky) serenus;
breakdownn (activity) mora /, (health) (intellect) ingeniosus; (manner) hilaris,
debilitas /. laetus; be - lucere, splendere,
breaker n fluctus m. brighten vt illustrare; laetificare ♦ vi
breakfast n ientaculum nt, prandium nt ♦ vi lucescere; (person) hilarem fieri,
ientare, prandere. brightly adv clare.
breakwater n moles /. brightness n fulgor m, candor m; (sky)
bream n sparulus m. serenitas/.
breast n pectus nt; (woman's) mamma/; make brilliance n splendor m, fulgor m; (style) nitor
a clean - of confiteri, m, lumen nt. Insignia ntpl.
breastplate n lOrlca /. brilliant adj clarus, illustris, splendidus; (fig)
breastwork n lOrlca/, pluteus m. Insignis, praeclarus, luculentus,
breath n spiritus m, anima/; (bad) halitus m; brilliantly adv splendide, praeclare, luculente,
(quick) anhelitus m; (of wind) aura/, adflatus brim n labrum nt, margo/; fill to the - explere,
m; below one's ~ mussitans; catch one's - brimstone n sulfur nt.
obstipescere; hold one's - animam brindled adj varius,
comprimere, continere; take a - spiritum brine n salsamentum nt.
ducere; take one's - away exanimare; waste bring vt ferre; (person) ducere; (charge)
one's ~ operam perdere; out of - intendere; (to a place) adferre, addOcere,
exanimatus. advehere, deferre; (to a destination)
breathable adj spirabilis, perducere; (to a worse state) redigere; -
breathe vt, vi spirare, respirare; (quickly) about vt efficere; - before deferre ad,
anhelare; - again respirare; - in vt, vi referre ad; - back vt (thing) referre; (person)
spiritum dficere; - out vt, vi exspirare, reducere; - down vt deducere, deferre; ~
exhalare; - upon Inspirare (dat), adflare forth (from store) depromere; (child) parere;
(dat)-, ~ one's last animam agere, efflare, (crops) ferre, edere; - forward vt (for
breathing n halitus m, respiratio/, discussion) iactare, iacere; (reason) adferre;
breathing space n respiratio/, - home (bride) deducere; (in triumph)
breathless adj exanimatus, deportare; - home to pervincere; - in vt
breeches n bracae fpi. invehere, inducere, intrOdflcere; (import)
breed n genus nt ♦ vt generare, prOcreare; importare; (revenue) reddere; - off vt
(raise) educare, alere; (fig) adferre, efficere; (success) reportare; - on Inferre, importare;
well-bred generOsus. (stage) inducere; - out vt efferre; (book)
breeder n (animal) matrix/; (man) generator edere; (play) dare; (talent) elicere; - over
m\(fig) natrix/. perducere, traducere; - to bear adferre; - to
breeding n (act) fetura/; (manners) mores mpl; light nfldare, detegere, - to pass perficere,
good - humanitas/, peragere; - to shore ad litus appellere; ~
breeze n aura/, flatus m. together contrahere, cogere; (enemies)
breezy adj ventosus; (manner) hilaris, conciliare; - up vt (child) educare, tollere;
brevity n brevitas/. (troops) admovere; (topic) proferre; - upon
brew vt coquere ♦ vi (fig) parari, imminere. oneself sibi consciscere, sibi contrahere.
brink-bunk 22 ENGL1SH-LATIN

brink n Ora/, margo/. buccaneer n praedo m, pirata m.

briny adj salsus. buck n cervus m ♦ vi exsultare,
brisk adj alacer, vegetus, acer. bucket n situla/, fidelia/,
briskly adv acriter. buckle n fibula/ ♦ vt fibula nectere; ~ to
briskness n alacritas/. accingi.
bristle n seta/ ♦ vi horrere, horrescere. buckler n parma /.
bristly adj horridus, hirsutus. buckram n carbasus m.
Britain n Brittania/. bucolic adj agrestis,
Britons n Brittani mpi. bucolics n bucolica ntpl.
brittle adj fragilis. bud n gemma/, flosculus m ♦ vi gemmare,
broach vt (topic) in medium proferre, budge vi moveri, cedere,
broad adj latus; (accent) latus; (Joke) budget n publicae pecuniae ratio/ ♦ vi: - for
inurbanus; (daylight) multus, providere (dat).
broadcast vt disseminare, buff adj lflteus.
broaden vt dilatare, buffalo n urus m.
broadly adv late, buffet n (blow) alapa/; (fig) plaga f, (sideboard)
broadsword n gladius m. abacus m ♦ vt iactare, tundere,
brocade n Attalica ntpi. buffoon n scurra m, balatrO m.
brochure n libellus m. buffoonery n scurrilitas/.
brogue n perO m. bug n cimex m.
broil n rixa/, iurgium nt ♦ vt torrere, bugbear n terricula ntpl, terror m.
broiling adj torridus. bugle n bucina/,
broken adj fractus; (fig) confectus; (speech) bugler n bQcinator m.
Infractus. build vt aedificare, struere; (bridge) facere;
broken-hearted adj dolore cOnfectus. (road) mfinlre; ~ on vt (add) adstruere;
broker n Institor m. (hopes) ponere; - on sand in aqua
bronze n aes nt ♦ adj aeneus, aeratus, fundamenta ponere; - up vt exstruere; (to
brooch n fibula/. block) inaedificare; (knowledge) Instruere; -
brood n fetus m; (fig) gens / ♦ vi incubare (daf); castles in the air spem inanem pascere 4 n
(fig) incubare (daf), fov6re; ~ over meditari, statura /.
brook n rivus m ♦ vt ferre, pati, builder n aedificator m, structor m.
brooklet n rivulus m. building n (act) aedificatio/; (structure)
broom n (plant) genista/; (brush) scOpae fpi. aedificium nt.
broth n ius nt. bulb n bulbus m.
brother n frater m; (full) germanus m; ~ and bulge vi tumOre, tumescere, prominere ♦ vi
sister maritus mpl. tuberculum nt; (of land) locus prominens m.
brotherhood n fraternitas/, bulk n magnitudo/, amplitfidO/; (mass) mOies
brother-in-law n levir m, uxoris frater m, f, (most) pierique, maior pars,
sorOris maritus m. bulky adj amplus, grandis,
brotherly adj fraternus, bull n taurus m; ~'s taurinus; take the - by the
brow n frons/; (eye) supercilium nt; (hili) horns rem fortiter adgredl.
dorsum nt. bulldog n Molossus m.
browbeat vt obiurgare, exagitare, bullet n glans/,
brown adj fulvus, spadix; (skin) adustus, bulletin n libellus m.
browse vi pasci, depasci, bullion n aurum Infectum nt, argentum
bruise vt atterere, frangere, contundere ♦ n Infectum nt.
vulnus nt. bullock n iuvencus m.
bruit vt pervulgare, bully n obiurgator m, patruus m ♦ vt obiurgare,
brunt n vis/; bear the - of exhaurire, exagitare.
brush n paniculus m; (artist's) pOnicillus m; bulrush n scirpus m.
(quarrel) rixa/♦ vt verrere, detergere; (teeth) bulwark n propugnaculum nt; (fig) arx/.
defricare; - aside vt aspernari, neglegere; - bump n (swelling) tuber nt, tuberculum nt;
up vt (fig) excolere. (knock) ictus m ♦ vi: - against offendere,
brushwood n virgulta ntpi; (for cutting) bumper n plenum pOculum nt ♦ adj plenus,
sarmenta ntpl. maximus.
brusque adj parum c6mis. bumpkin n rusticus m.
brutal adj atrox, saevus, inhumanus, bumptious adj adrogans.
brutality n atrocitas/, saevitia/. bunch n fasciculus m; (of berries) racemus m.
brutally adv atrOciter, inhumane, bundle n fascis m; (of hay) manipulus m ♦ vt
brute n belua/, bestia/, obligare.
brutish adj stolidus, bung n obtOramentum nt ♦ vt obturare,
bubble n bulla/ ♦ vi bullare; - over bungle vt male gerere,
effervescere; ~ up scatere. bunk n lectus m, lectulus m.
E NGL1SH-LATIN 23 buoy-calamitous

buoy n cortex m ♦ vt sublevare, modo ♦ prep praeter (acc); nothing - nihil

buoyancy n levitas/ nisi; ~ that, ~ what quin; not ~ what
buoyant ad; levis; (fig) hilaris, nihilominus.
burn lappa/. butcher n lanius m ♦ vt trucidare,
burden n onus nt; beast of - iumentum nt ♦ vt butcher's shop n laniena /.
onerare; be a ~ oneri esse, butchery n strages /, occidio/,
burdensome ad; gravis, molestus, butler n prOmus m.
bureau n scrinium nt. butt n (cask) cadus m; (of ridicule) ludibrium nt
burgeon vi gemmare, ♦ vt arietare; ~ in interpellare,
burgess n municeps m. butter n bfityrum nt.
burgh n municipium nt. butterfly n papilio m.
burgher n municeps m. buttock n clunis mtf.
burglar n fur m. button n bulla/.
burglary n furtum nt. buttonhole vt (fig) detinere, prensare,
burial n funes nt, humatio/, sepultQra/ buttress n anterides fpl ♦ vt fulcire,
burin n caelum nt. buxom ad; nitidus.
burlesque n imitatio/ ♦ vt per iocum imitari, buy vt emere; ~ provisions obsonare; - back vt
burly ad; crassus. redimere; - off vt redimere; - up vt coemere,
burn vt incendere, urere; (to ashes) cremare ♦ buyer n emptor m; (at auctions) manceps m.
vi ardere, flagrare; - up amburere, buzz n stridor m, susurrus m ♦ vi stridere,
comburere, exurere; be -ed down susurrare,
deflagrare; ~ out vi exstingui; ~ the midnight buzzard n buteo m.
oil lucubrare ♦ n (Meo) ambustum nt. by prep (near) ad (acc), apud (acc); prope (acc);
burning ad; igneus, (along) secundum (acc); (past) praeter (acc);
burnish vt polire. (agent) a, ab (abl); (instrument) abl; (time) ante
burrow n cuniculus m ♦ vi defodere, (acc); (oath) per (acc) ♦ adv prope, iuxta; ~
burst vt rumpere, dirumpere ♦ vi rumpi, and - mox; be ~ adesse, adstare; - force of
dirumpi; - in inrumpere; - into tears in arms vi et armas; ~ land and sea terrl
lacrimas effundi; - open refringere; - out marique.
erumpere, prOrumpere; - out laughing bygone ad; praeteritus,
cachinnum tollere; - through perrumpere bystander n arbiter m; pi circumstantes mpl.
per (acc); - upon offerri (dat), invadere ♦ n byway n deverticulum nt, trames m, semita/
eruptio/ (noise) fragor m; ~ of applause byword n prOverbium nt.
ciamOres mpl; with a - of speed citato gradu,
citato equO.
bury vt sepelire, humare; (ceremony) efferre;
(hiding) condere; (things) defodere; (fig)
obruere; ~ the hatchet amicitiam
bush n frutex m; dumus m; beat about the -
circuitione fltl.
bushel n medimnus m.
bushy ad; fruticOsus; (thick) densus; (hair)
busily adv strenue, impigre, cabal n factio/.
business n negotium nt; (occupation) ars/, cabbage n brassica/ caulis m.
quaestus m; (public life) forum nt; (matter) r6s cabin n casa/ (ship) cubiculum nt.
/ it is your - tuum est; make it one's - to id cabinet n armarium nt.
agere ut; you have no - to nOn te decet cable n funis m; (anchor) ancorale nt.
(infin); mind one's own - suum negOtium cache n thesaurus m.
agere; - days dies fasti mpl. cachet n nota/.
businessman negotiator m. cackle vi strepere n ♦ strepitus m, clangor m.
buskin n cothurnus m. cacophonous ad; dissonus,
bustn imagO/. cacophony n voces dissonae fpl.
bustle vi trepidare, festinare; ~ about cadaverous ad; cadaverosus,
discurrere. cadence n clausula numerOsa/, numerus m.
busy ad; negOtiOsus, occupatus; (active) cadet n (son) natfl minor; (mil) contubernalis
operOsus, impiger, strenuus; - in occupatus m.
(abO; - on intentus (dat); keep ~ vt exercere; cage n cavea/ ♦ vt inclQdere.
- oneself with pertractare, studere (dat). caitiff n ignavus m.
busybody n: be a - alienis negOtls se cajole vt blandiri, delenire,
immiscere. caken placenta/
but con) sed, at; (2ndplace) autem, tamen ♦ odv calamitous ad; exitiosus, calamitosus.
calamity-captain 24 ENGLISH-LATIN

calamity n calamitas/, malum nt; (mil) clades/, candour n ingenuitas/, simplicitas/, libertas
calculate vt rationem ducere, inire, /.
calculation n ratio/, cane n (reed) harundO/; (for walking, punishing)
calculator n ratiocinator m. virga/ ♦ vt verberare,
calendar n fasti mpi. canine ad; caninus,
calends n Kalendae fpl. canister n capsula/,
calf n (animat) vitulus m, vitula / (leg) sura/, canker n (plants) robigo/; (fig) aerugfl/,
calibre n (f/g) ingenium nt, auctoritas/, carcinoma nt ♦ vt corrumpere.
call vt vocare; (name) appellare, nominare; Cannae n Cannae/i>!.
(aloud) clamare; (to a place) advocare, cannibal n anthropophagus m.
convocare; - aside sevocare; - down (curse) cannon n tormentum nt.
detestari; - for vtfus postulare, requirere; ~ cannot non posse, nequire; I ~ help but...
forth evocare, excire, elicere; - in vt facere non possum quin ... (subj~), non
advocare; ~ together convocare; ~ on vtfus possum n6n ... (infin).
(forhelp) implorare; (visit) salfltare; - off vt canny ad; prGdens, providus, cautus,
avocare, revocare; ~ out vt exclamare; ~ up circumspectus,
vt (dead) excitare, elicere; (mil) evocare ♦ n canoe n linter /.
vox/, clamor m; (summons) invitatio/; (visit) canon n n6rma/, regula/; (eccl) canonicus m.
salutati 8/. canopy n aulaeum nt.
caller n salutator m. eant n fOcus m, fucata verba ntpi ♦ vt
calling n ars/, quaestus m. obliquare.
callous ad; durus; become ~ obdflrescere. cantankerous ad; importunus,
callow ad; rudis. cantankerousness n importunitas/,
calm adj tranquillus, placidus; (mind) aequus canter n lanis cursus m ♦ vi leniter currere,
♦ vi: ~ down (fig) defervSscere ♦ vt sedare, canticle n canticum nt.
tranquillare ♦ n tranquillitas/; dead - (at canto n carmen nt.
sea) malacia/. canton n pagus m.
calmly adv tranquille, placide; aequo anim6. canvas n carbasus m, linteum nt ♦ adj
calumniate vt obtrectare, criminari; (falsely) carbaseus; under - sub pellibus,
calumniari. canvass vi ambire ♦ vt prensare, circumire,
calumniator n obtrectator m. canvassing n ambitus m, ambitio/,
calumny n opprobria ntpi, obtrectatio/, cap n pilleus m; (priest's) galerus m, apex m.
calve vi parere, capability n facultas/, potestas/,
cambric n linteum nt. capable adj capax, doctus, peritus,
camel n camelus m. capably adv bene, docte,
camouflage n dissimulatio/ ♦ vt dissimulare, capacious adj capax, amplus,
camp n castra ntpi; summer - aestiva ntpi; capacity n capacitas/, amplitudo/; (mind)
winter ~ hiberna ntpi; in - sub pellibus; pitch ingenium nt.
- castra ponere; strike - castra movere ♦ adj caparison n ephippium nt.
castrensis ♦ vi tendere, cape n (geog) promunturium nt; (dress)
campaign n stipendium nt, bellum nt; (rapid) chlamys/.
expeditio/ ♦ vi bellum gerere, stipendium caper vi saltare; (animat) lascivire ♦ n saltus
merere. m.
campaigner n miles m; old ~ veteranus m; (fig) capering n lascivia/,
veterator m. capital ad; (chief) praecipuus, princeps;
campbed n grabatus m. (excellent) egregius; (law) capitalis; convict
camp followers n lixae mpi. of a ~ offence capitis damnare ♦ n (town)
can n hirnea/. caput nt; (money) sors/, (class) negotiatores
can vi posse (+ infin); (knowhow) scire, mpi; make - out of Oti (abi).
canaille n vulgus nt, plebs/. capitalist n faenerator m.
canal n fossa navigabilis/, euripus m. capital punishment n capitis supplicum nt.
cancel vt inducere, abrogare, capitation tax n capitum exactio/.
cancellation n (writing) litQra/, (law) Capitol n Capitolium nt.
abrogatio/. capitulate vi se dedere; troops who have -d
cancer n cancer m; (fig) carcinoma nt, ulcus nt. dediticii mpl.
cancerous ad; (fig) ulcerosus. capitulation n deditio/,
candelabrum n candelabrum nt. capon ncapOm.
candid ad; ingenuus, apertus, liber, simplex. caprice n libido/, inconstantia/,
candidate n petitor m; ba a - for petere. capricious adj inconstans, levis,
candidature n petitio/. capriciously adv inconstanter, leviter,
candidly adv ingenue.
capriciousness n inconstantia/, libido/,
candle n candela/. capsize vf evertere ♦ vi everti,
candlestick n candelabrum nt. captain m dux m, praefectus m, princeps m;
ENGLISH-LAT1N 25 captaincy-castigation

{mil) centurio m; (naval) navarchus m; (of carrion n cadaver nt.

merchant ship) magister m ♦ vt praeesse (dat), carrot n carota/.
ducere. carry vt portare, vehere, ferre, gerere; (law)
captaincy n centuriatus m. perferre; (by assault) expugnare; ~ away
caption n caput nt. auferre, avehere; (by force) rapere; (with
captious adj morosus; (question) captiosus, emotion) efferre; ~ all before one evincere; -
captiously adv morose, along (building) ducere; - back reportare;
captiousness n morositas/, revehere, referre; ~ down deportare,
captivate vt capere, delenire, adlicere. devehere; ~ in invehere, introferre; ~ off
captive n captivus m. auferre, asportare, avehere; (by force)
captivity n captivitas/, vincula ntpi. abripere, eripere; (prize) ferre, reportare;
captor n(by storm) expugnator m; victor m. (success) bene gerere; ~ on vt gerere;
capture n (by storm) expugnatio/ ♦ vt capere, (profession) exercere; - out vi efferre,
earn currus m. egerere, evehere; (task) exsequi; - out an
caravan n commeatus m. undertaking rem suscipere; ~ over
carbuncle n (med) furunculus m; (stone) transportare, transferre; - the day vincere;
acaustus m. - one's point pervincere; - through
carcass n cadaver nt. perferre; - to adferre, advehere; - up
card n charta/; (ticket) tessera/, (wool) pecten subvehere ♦ vi (sound) audiri; - on vi
nt ♦ vt pectere, pergere; (flirt) lascivire,
cardamom n amomum nt. cart n plaustrum nt; carrus nt; put the ~ before
cardinal adj praecipuus; - point cardo m ♦ n the horse praeposterum dicere ♦ vt plaustro
(fccl) cardinalis. vehere.
caren cOra/; (anxiety) sollicitudo/; (attention) Carthage n Carthago, Carthaginis/.
diligentia/; (charge) custodia/; take - Carthaginian adj Carthaginiensis; Punicus;
cavere; take - of curare ♦ vi curare; - for vt the -s Poeni mpl.
fus (look after) curare; (like) amare; I don't ~ carthorse n iumentum nt.
nil moror; I couldn't care less about... flocci carve vt sculpere; (on surface) caelare; (meat)
non facio ..pendo; I don't ~ about mitto, secare; - out exsculpere,
nihil moror; for all I ~ per me. carver n caelator m.
career n curriculum nt; (pol) cursus honorum; carving n caelatura/,
(completed) res gestae/pi ♦ vi ruere, volare, cascade n cataracta m.
carefree adj securus, case n (instance) exemplum nt, res/; (legal)
careful adj (cautious) cautus; (attentive) actio/, lis/, causa/; (plight) tempus nt; (gram)
diligens, attentus; (work) accuratus, casus m; (receptacle) theca/, involucrum nt; in
carefully adv caute; diligenter, attente; ~ si; (to prevent) ne; in any - utut est res; in
accurate. that - ergo; such is the - sic se res habet;
careless ad; incautus, neglegens, civil ~ causa privata; criminal - causa
carelessly adv incaute, neglegenter, publica; win a - causam, litem obtinere; lose
carelessness n incuria/, neglegentia/, a - causam, litem amittere,
caress vt fovere, blandiri ♦ n blandimentum casement n fenestra/,
nt, amplexus m. cash n nummi mpl; (ready) numeratum nt,
cargo n onus nt. praesens pecunia/; pay - ex arca absolvere,
caricature n (picture) gryllus m; (fig) imago repraesentare,
detorta/♦ vt detorquere, cash box n arca/.
carmine n coccum nt ♦ adj coccineus, cashier n dispensator m ♦ vt (mil) exauctorare.
carnage n strages/, caedes/, cash payment n repraesentatio/,
carnal adj corporeus; (pleasure) libidinosus, cask n cupa/,
carnival n feriae fpi. casket n arcula/, pyxis/,
carol n carmen nt ♦ vi cantare, casque n galea/, cassis/,
carouse vi perpotare, comissari ♦ n cast vt iacere; (account) inire; (eyes) conicere;
comissatio/. (lots) conicere; (covering) exuere; (metal)
carp vi obtrectare; - at carpere, rSdere. fundere; ~ ashore eicere; ~ away proicere; -
carpenter n faber m, lignarius m. down deicere; (humble) abicere; ~ in one's
carpet n tapete nt. teeth exprobrare; ~ lots sortiri; - off vi
carriage n(conveying) vectura/, (vehicle) abicere, exuere; - out proicere, eicere,
vehiculum nt; (for journeys) raeda/, pellere ♦ n iactus m; (moulding) typus m,
petorritum nt; ( for town) carpentum nt, forma/; with a ~ in the eye paetus,
pilentum nt; (deportment) gestus m, incessus casta net n crotalum nt.
m; - and pair bigae/pl; - and four quadrigae castaway n eiectus m.
fpl. caste n ordo m.
carrier n vector m; (porter) baiulus m; latter - castigate vt animadvertere, castigare,
tabellarius m. castigation n animadversis/, castigatio/.
castle-ceremoniously 26 ENGLISH-LATIN

castle n arx/, castellum nt. cave n spelunca/, caverna/ antrum nt; - in vi

castrate vt castrare, concidere, coniabl.
casual adj fortuitus; (person) neglegOns. cavern n spelunca/, caverna/
casually adv temerO. cavil vi cavillari; - at carpere, cavillari ♦ n
casualty n Infortunium nt; pi: casualties occisi capti 6/, cavillatio /
mpl. cavity n caverna / cavum nt.
casuist n sophistes m. cavort vi saltare,
cat n feles/. caw vi cornicari,
cataclysm n diluvium nt, ruina/, cease vi desinere, desistere,
catalogue n index m. ceaseless adj adsiduus, perpetuus,
catapult n catapulta /, ballista/ ceaselessly adv adsidue, perpetuo,
cataract n cataracta/. cedar n cedrus ft adj cedrinus,
catarrh n gravedo/ liable to - gravfidinOsus. cede vt cedere, concedere,
catastrophe n calamitas/ ruina/, ceiling n tectum nt; (panelled) lacOnar nt,
catastrophic adj calamitosus, exitiosus, laquearium nt.
catch vt capere, deprehendere, excipere; celebrate vt (rite) celebrare, agitare; (in
(disease) contrahere, nancisci; ( fire) crowds) frequentare; (person, theme)
concipere, comprehendere; (meaning) laudare, celebrare, dicere,
intellegere; - at captare; - out vi celebrated adj praeclarus, illOstris, nOtus; the
deprehendere; - up with adsequl; ~ birds - ille.
aucupSrl; ~ fish piscari ♦ n bolus m. celebration n celebratio/ (rite) sollemne nt.
categorical adj (statement) planus, celebrity n celebritas/, fama/ (person) vir
categorically adv sine exceptione, illustris.
category n numerus m, genus m. celerity n celeritas /, vOlOcitas/.
cater vi obsonare, celery n apium nt.
cateran n praedator m. celestial adj caelestis; divinus.
caterer n obsonator m. celibacy n caelibatus m.
Caterpillar n eruca/, celibate n caelebs m.
caterwaul vi ululare, cell n cella/
catgut n chorda/ cellar n cella/.
catharsis n purgatio/ cernent n ferrOmen nt ♦ vt coagmentare,
cathedral n aedes/, cemetery n sepulchretum nt.
catholic adj generalis, cenotaph n tumulus honorarius, tumulus
catkin n iulus m. inanis m.
cattle n (collectively) pecus nt; (singly) pecus/ censer n turibulum nt, acerra/
(forplough) armenta ntpl. censor n cfinsor m ♦ vt cSnsfire.
cattle breeder n pecuarius m. censorious adj censorius, obtrectator,
cattle market n forum boarium nt. censorship n censura/
cattle thief n abactor m. censure n reprehensio/, animadversio/
cauldron n cortina/. (censor's) nota/ ♦ vt reprehendere,
cause n causa/ (person) auctor m; (law) causa animadvertere, increpare; notare,
Z (party) partes jpl; give - for materiam dare census n census m.
(gen); make common - with facere cum, cent n: one per - centesima/ 12 per - per
stare ab; plead a - causam dicere; in the - of annum centesima/(ie monthly).
pro (abl); without ~ iniuria ♦ vt efficere ut (+ centaur n centaurus m.
subj'), facere, facessere (with ut); cflrare centaury n (piant) centaureum nt.
(with gerundive); (feelings) movere, inicere, centenarian n centum annOs natus m, nata/
ciere. centenary n centesimus annus m.
causeless adj vanus, sine causa, centesimal adj centesimus,
causeway n agger m. central adj medius.
caustic adj (fig) mordax, centralize vt in Qnum locum conferre; (power)
cauterize vt adOrere. ad Qnum deferre.
cautionn (wariness) cautio/, prodentia/ centre n centrum nt, media pars/ the - of
(warning) monitum nt ♦ vt monere, medius.
admonere. centuple adj centuplex,
cautious adj cautus, prOvidus, prOdens. centurion n centurio m.
cautiously adv caute, prudenter, century n (mil) centuria/ (time) saeculum nt.
cavalcade n pompa/, ceramic adj fictilis,
cavalier n eques m ♦ adj adrogans. cereal n frumentum nt.
cavalierly adv adroganter. ceremonial adj sollemnis ♦ n ritus m.
cavalry n equites mpl, equitatus m i adj ceremonious adj (rite) sollemnis; (person)
equester; troop of ~ turma/ officiosus.
cavalryman n eques m. ceremoniously adv sollemniter; officiOsO.
ENGUSH-LATIN 27 ceremony-charming

ceremony n caerimonia /, ritus m; (politeness) /; (pol) res novae fpl; (alternation) vices fpl,
officium nt; (pomp) apparatus m; master of vicissitude/, (money) nummi minOres mpl ♦
ceremonies designator m. vt mutare, commutare, permutare ♦ vi
cerise n coccum nt ♦ adj coccineus, mutari; ~ hands abalienari; ~ places ordinem
certain adj (sure) certus; (future) exploratus; a permutare, inter se loca permutare,
- quidam, quaedam, quoddam; be - (know) changeable adj inconstans, mutabilis,
pr5 cert5 scire/habere. changeableness n inconstantia/, mutabilitas
certainly adv certs, certo, sine dubio; (yes) ita, /.
mtxime; (concessive) quidem, changeful adj varius,
certainty n (thing) certum nt; (belief) fides/; for changeless adj constans, immQtabilis.
a - pr5 certo, explorate; regard as a ~ pro changeling adj subditus m.
explorato habere, channel n canalis m; (sea) fretum nt;
certificate n testimonium nt. (irrigation) rivus m; (groove) sulcus m.
certify vt (writing) recognoscere; (fact) chant vt cantare, canere ♦ n cantus m.
adfirmare, testificari, chaos n chaos nt; (figi) perturbatio/,
cessation n finis m; (from labour) quies/; chaotic odj perturbatus,
(temporary) intermissio/; (of hostilities) chap n rima/; (man) home m.
indutiae fpl. chapel n sacellum nt, aedicula/.
chafe vt urere; (fig) inritare ♦ vi stomachari, chaplain n diaconus m.
chaff n palea/ ♦ vt ludere, chaplet n corbna/, sertum nt.
chaffinch n fringilla/, chaps n (animal) malae fpl.
chagrin n dolor m, stomachus m ♦ vt chapter n caput nt.
stomachum facere (dat), sollicitare, char vt amburere.
chain n catena/; (for neck) torquis m; character n (inborn) indoles/, ingenium nt,
(sequence) series/; ~s pi vincula ntpl ♦ vt natflra/, (moral) mores mpl; (reputation)
vincire. existimatio/; (ft/nd) genus nt; (mark) signum
chair n sella/; (of office) sella curiilis/; (sedan) nt, littera/, (tueat) persona/, partes fpl\
sella gestatoria/, lectica/; (teacher's) sustain a ~ personam gerere; I know his -
cathedra /. scio qualis sit.
chairman n (at meeting) magister m; (of characteristic adj proprius ♦ n proprium nt.
debate) disceptator m. characteristically adv suo more,
chalet n casa/, characterize vt describere; proprium esse
chalice n calix m. (gen).
chalk n creta/ charcoal n carbo m.
chalky odj cretosus. charge n (law) accusatio/, crimen nt; (mil)
challenge n provocatio/ ♦ vt provocare, impetus m, decursus m; (cost) impensa/;
lacessere; (statement) in dubium vocare; (fig) (task) mandatum nt, onus nt; (trust) cura/,
invitare, deposcere, tutela/, bring a ~ against litem intendere
challenger n provocator m. (dat); entertain a - against nomen recipere
chamber n conclave nt; (bed) cubiculum nt; (gen); give in - in custodiam tradere; put in -
(bridal) thalamus m; (parliament) cflria/. of praeficere (acc, dat); be in ~ of praesse
chamberlain n cubicularius m. (dat) ♦ vt (law) accusare; (falsely) Insimulare;
chambermaid n serva/, ancilla/, (mil) incurrere in (acc), signa Inferre in (acc),
chameleon n chamaeleon/. impetum facere in (acc); (duty) mandare;
chamois n rupicapra/. (cost) ferre, Inferre; (empty space) complere;
champ vt mandere. (trust) committere; (speech) hortari; - to the
Champion n propugnator m, patronus m; account of expensum ferre (dat).
(winner) victor m ♦ vt favere (dat), adesse chargeable adj obnoxius,
(dat). charger n (dish) lanx/; (horse) equus m.
chance n fors/, fortuna/, casus m; charily adv caute, parce,
(opportunity) occasis/; potestas/, facultas/, chariot n currus m; (races) quadrigae jpl; (war)
(prospect) sp6s/; game of - alea/; by - cfisG, essedum nt.
fortuItO; have an eye to the main ~ foro utl; charioteer n auriga m; (war) essedarius m.
on the ~ of si forte ♦ adj fortuitus ♦ vi charitable adj benevolus, benignus,
accidere, evenire; it chanced that... accidit charitably adv benevole, benigne,
ut...(+ subj); ~ upon vtfus incidere in, charity n amor m, benignitas/; llberalitas/.
invenire ♦ vt periclitari, charlatan n planus m.
chancel n absis/. charm n (spell) carmen nt; (amulet) bulla/, (fig)
chancellor n cancellarius m. blanditiae jpl, dulcedo/, illecebra/, (beauty)
chancy adj dubius, periculosus, venus/, lepos m ♦ vt (magic) fascinare;
chandelier n candelabrum nt. (delight) delectare, delenire,
chandler n candelarum propola m. charming odj venustus, lepidus; (speech)
change n mutatio/, commutatio/, permutatis blandus; (scenery) amoenus.
charmingly-choiceness 28 ENGUSH-LATIN

charmingly adv venuste, blande, cherry n (fruit) cerasum nt; (tree) cerasus/,
chart n tabula/. chess n latrunculi mpl.
charter n diploma nt ♦ vt conducere, chessboard » abacus m.
chary adj (cautious) cautus; (sparing) parcus, chest» (box) arca/, arcula/; (body) pectus nt; -
chase vt fugare; (hunt) vOnari; (pursue) of drawers armarium nt.
persequi, Insequi; (engrave) caelare; ~ away chestnut n castanea ft adj (colour) spadix,
pellere, abigere ♦ n venatus m, vOnatiO/ chevalier n eques m.
(pursuit) Insectatio /. chevaux-de-f rise n Oricius m.
chaser n (in metal) caelator m. chew vt mandere,
chasm n hiatus m. chic adj expolitus, concinnus,
chaste adj castus, pudicus; (style) purus, chicanery n (law) calumnia/ (fig) dolus m.
chasten vt castigare, corrigere, chick» pullus m.
chastener n castigator m, corrector m. chicken n pullus m; don't count your -s before
chastise vt castigare, animadvertere, they're hatched adhuc tua messis in herba
chastisement n castigatio/, poena/. est.
chastity n castitas/, pudicitia/, chicken-hearted adj timidus, ignavus,
chat vi colloqui, sermocinari ♦ n sermO m, chick-pea n cicer nt.
colloquium nt. chide vt reprehendere, increpare, obifirgare.
chatelaine n domina/, chief » princeps m, dux m t adj praecipuus,
chattels» bona ntpi, res mancipi, primus; - point caput nt.
chatter vi garrire; (teeth) crepitare ♦ n chief command n summa imperii,
garrulitas/, loquacitas/. chiefly adv in primis, praesertim, potissimum,
chatterbox n lingulaca m/f. chieftain n princeps m, regulus m.
chatterer» garrulus m, loquax m. chilblain n pernio m.
chattering adj garrulus, loquax ♦ n garrulitas child n Infans m/f; puer m, puerulus m, puella/
/, loquacitas/, (teeth) crepitus m. filius m, filia/ ~'s play ludus m.
cheap adj vilis; hold - parvi aestimare; buy - childbed » puerperium nt.
bene emere. childbirth n partus m.
cheapen vt pretium minuere (gen). childhood n pueritia/ from ~ a puerO.
cheaply adv viliter, parvO pretio, childish adj puerilis,
cheapness» vilitas/, childishly adv pueriliter,
cheat vt decipere, fraudare, defraudare, childless adj orbus,
frustrari ♦ n fraudator m. childlessness n orbitas/,
check vt cohibere, coercere; (movement) childlike adj puerilis,
impedire, inhibere; (rebuke) reprehendere; children npl liberi mpl.
(test) probare ♦ n impedimentum nt, mora/ chill n frigus »t ♦ adj frigidus ♦ vt refrigerare,
(mil) offensio/; (rebuke) reprehensio/; (test) chilly adj frigidus, frigidior,
probatio / (ticket) tessera/, chime vi sonare, canere; ~ in interpellare; (fig)
checkmate n incitae calces jpl ♦ vt ad incitas cOnsonare ♦ » sonus m.
redigere. chimera n chimaera/; (fig) somnium nt.
cheek n gena/; (impudence) Os nt; ~spl malae chimerical adj commenticius,
jpl; how have you the - to say? quo Ore dicis? chimney » caminus m.
cheekbone » maxilla /. chin» mentum nt.
cheeky adj impudens, china n fictilia ntpl.
cheep vi pipilare. chink » rima/; (sound) tinnitus m ♦ vi crepare,
cheer vt hilarare, exhilarare; hortari; (in tinnire.
sorrow) cOnsOiari ♦ vi clamare, adclamare; ~ chip » assula/, fragmentum nt ♦ vt dolare,
up! bonO animO es! ♦ n (shout) clamor m, chirp vi pipilare,
plausus m; (food) hospitium nt; (mind) animus chirpy adj hilaris.
m. chisel n scalprum nt, scalpellum nt ♦ vt
cheerful adj alacer, hilaris, laetus, sculpere.
cheerfully adv hilare, laete, chit n (child) pusiO m, puerulus m.
cheerfulness» hilaritas/, chitchat n sermunculi mpl.
cheerily adv hilare, chitterlings n hillae jpl.
cheerless adj tristis, maestus, chivalrous adj generOsus.
cheerlessly adv triste, chivalry n virtus/ (men) iuventfls/ (class)
cheery adj hilaris, equitOs mpl.
cheese » caseus m. chive n caepe nt.
chef n coquus m. chock n cuneus m.
cheque» perscriptio/, syngrapha/, chock-full adj refertus,
chequer vt variare. choice n delectus m, electio/ (of alternatives)
chequered udj varius; (mosaic) tessellatus, optiO/♦ adj lOctus, eximius, exquisitus,
cherish vt fovOre, colere. choiceness n Olegantia/, praestantia/.
ENGLISH-LATIN 29 choir-clansman

choir n chorus m. circumscribe vt circumscribere; (restrict)

choke ut suffocSre; (emotion) reprimere; coercere, finire.
(passage) obstruere. circumspect adj cautus, prudens,
choler n bllis/; (anger) Ira/, stomachus m. circumspection n cautio/, prudentia/,
choleric adj iracundus. circumspectio /.
choose vt legere, eligere, deligere; circumspectly adv caute, prudenter,
(alternative) optare; (for office) designare; circumstance n res/; -s rerum status m;
(with inf in) velle, malle, (wealth) res/; as ~s arise e re nata; under the
chop vt concidere; - off praecidere ♦ n (meat) ~s cum haec ita sint, essent; under no ~s
offa/. nequaquam.
chopper n securis/. circumstantial adj adventicius; (detailed)
choppy adj (sea) asper, accuratus; ~ evidence coniectura/.
choral adj symphoniacus, circumstantially adv accurate, subtiliter,
chord n (string) nervus m, chorda/, circumvallation n circummunitio/,
chortle vi cachinnare. circumvent vt circumvenire, fallere,
chorus n (singers) chorus m; (song) concentus circus n circus m.
m, symphonia/; in - una vOce. cistern n lacus m, cisterna/,
christen vt baptizare. citadel n arx/.
Christian adj Christianus. citation n (law) vocatio/; (mention)
Christianity n Christianismus m. commemoratio /.
chronic adj inveteratus; become ~ cite vt in ius vocare; (quote) commemorare,
inveterascere. proferre.
chronicle n annales mpl, acta publica ntpi ♦ vt citizen n civis m/f; (of provincial town) municeps
in annaifis referre, m; fellow - civis m/f; Roman ~s Quirites mpl ♦
chronicler n annalium scriptor m. adj civilis, civicus.
chronological adj: in - order servato citizenship n civitas /; deprived of - capite
temporum ordine; make a ~ error deminfltus; loss of - capitis deminfltio/.
temporibus errare. citron n (fruit) citrum nt; (tree) citrus/.
chronology n temporum ratio/, temporum City n urbs/, oppidum nt.
ordo m. civic adj civilis, civicus,
chronometer n horologium nt. civil adj (of citizens) civilis; (war) civilis,
chubby adj pinguis. intestinus, domesticus; (manners) urbanus,
chuck vt conicere; - out extrudere. comis, officiosus; (lawsuit) privatus,
chuckle vi ridere ♦ n rlsus m. civilian n togatus m.
chum n sodalis m. civility n urbanitas/, comitas/; (act) officium
church n ecclesia/. nt.
churl n rusticus m. civilization n exculta hominum vita/, cultus
churlish adj difficilis, importunus; avarus, atque humanitas.
churlishly adv rustice, avare, civilize vt excolere, expolire, ad humanum
churlishness n morositas/, avaritia/, cultum deducere.
chute n (motion) lapsus m; (place) declive nt. civil warn bellum civile, bellum domesticum,
cicada n cicada/, bellum intestinum,
cincture n cingulum nt. clad adj vestitus.
cinder n cinis m. claim vt (for oneself) adrogare, adserere;
cipher n numerus m, nihil nt; (code) notae fpl; in (something due) poscere, postulare,
~ per notas. vindicare; (at law) petere; (statement)
circle n orbis m, circulus m, gyrus m; form a - adfirmare ♦ n postulatio/, postulatum nt; (at
in orbem consistere ♦ vi se circumagere, law) petitio/, vindiciae/pl.
circumire, claimant n petitor m.
circlet n Infula/. clamnchama/.
circuit n ambitus m, circuitus m; (assizes) clamber vi scandere,
conventus m. clammy adj umidus, lentus,
circuitous ud; longus; a ~ route circuitus m; clamorous adj vociferans,
(speech) ambages fpl. clamour n strepitus m, clamores mpl ♦ vi: -
circular adj rotundus. against obstrepere (dat).
circulate vt (news) pervulgare ♦ vi circumagi; clamp n confibula/,
(news) circumferri, percrebrescere, clan n gens/,
circulation n ambitus m; be in - in manibus clandestine adj fOrtlvus.
esse; go out of - obsolescere, clandestinely adv clam, furtim.
circumcise vt circumcidere, clang n clangor m, crepitus m ♦ vi increpare,
circumference n ambitus m. clangour n clangor m.
circumlocution n ambages fpl, circuitio/, clank n crepitus m ♦ vi crepitare,
circumnavigate vt circumvehi. clansman n gentilis m.
dap-closely 30 ENGLISH-LAT1N

clap vi plaudere, applaudere; - ayes on (mind) acumen nt; (style) perspicuitas/.

conspicere; - in prison in vincula conicere clear-sighted adj sagax, perspicax,
♦ n plausus m; (thunder) fragor m. cleavage n discidium nt.
clapper n plausor m. cleave vt (out) findere, discindere ♦ vi (cling): -
claptrap n iactatio/. to haerere (dat), adhaerere (dat).
claque n plausores mpl, operae fpl. cleaver n dolabra/.
clarify vt purgdre; (knowledge) illGstrare ♦ vi cleft n rima/, hiatus m i adj fissus, discissus,
liquSre. clemency n clementia/, indulgentia/ with -
clarinet n tibia/, clementer.
clarion n lituus m, cornu nt. clement adj clemens, misericors,
clarity n perspicuitas/, clench vt (nail) retundere; (hand) comprimere,
clash n concursus m; (sound) strepitus m, clerk n scriba m; (of court) lector m.
crepitus m; (fig) discrepantia/ ♦ vi elever adj callidus, ingeniosus, doctus, astQtus.
concurrere; (sound) increpare; (fig) cleverly adv docte, callide, ingeniose,
discrepare ♦ vt confligere, cleverness n calliditas/, sollertia/.
clasp n fibula/; (embrace) amplexus m ♦ vt clew n glomus nt.
implicare; amplecti, complecti; - together clich6 n verbum tritum nt.
interiungere. client n cliens m/f) (lawyer's) cOnsultor m; body
class n (pol) OrdO m, classis/; (kind) genus nt; of -s clientela/,
(school) classis / ♦ vt describere; - as in clientele n clientela/,
numero (gen pi) referre, repOnere, habere, cliff n rup6s/, scopulus m.
classic n scriptor classicus m. climate n caelum nt.
classical adj classicus; - literature litterae climax n (rhet) gradatio/; (fig) culmen nt.
Graecae et ROmanae. climb vt, vi scandere, ascendere; - down
classics npi scriptores Graeci et ROmanl. descendere ♦ n ascensus m.
classify vt describere, in Ordinem redigere, climber n scandens m.
class-mate n condiscipulus m. clime n caelum nt, plaga/.
clatter n crepitus m ♦ vi increpare, clinch vt confirmare,
clause n (gram) incisum nt, membrum nt; (law) cling vi adhaerere; - together cohaerere,
caput nt; (will) elogium nt; in short -s inclsim. clink vi tinnire ♦ n tinnitus m.
claw n unguis m, ungula/ ♦ vt (unguibus) clip vt tondere; praecidere,
lacerare. clippers n forfex/,
clay n argilla/, made of - fictilis, clique n factio/.
clayey adj argillaceus, cloak n (rain) lacerna/ (travel) paenula/ (mil)
claymore n gladius m. sagum nt; paludamentum nt; (Greek) pallium
clean adj mundus; (fig) purus, castus; - slate nt; (fig) involucrum nt; (pretext) species/ ♦ vt
novae tabulae fpl; make a - sweep of omnia tegere, dissimulare,
tollere; show a - pair of heels se in pedes clock n hOrologium nt; (sun) solarium nt;
conicere; my hands are - innocens sum ♦ adv (water) clepsydra/ ten o'- quarta hOra.
prOrsus, totus ♦ vt purgare, clockwise adv dextrOvorsum, dextrorsum,
cleanliness n munditia/, clod n glaeba/.
cleanly adj mundus, nitidus ♦ adv munde, clog n (shoe) sculpOnea/; (fig) impedimentum
pure. nt ♦ vt impedire,
cleanse vt purgare, abluere, detergere, cloister n porticus/,
ciear adj clarus; (liquid) limpidus; (space) cloistered adj (fig) umbratilis,
apertus, purus; (sound) clarus; (weather) close adj (shut) clausus; (tight) artus; (narrow)
serenus; (fact) manifestus, perspicuus; angustus; (near) propinquus; (compact)
(language) illfistris, dilucidus; (conscience) refertus, densus; (stingy) parcus; (secret)
rectus, innocens; K is - liquet; - of liber (abi), obscurus; (weather) crassus; - together
expers (gen); be - about recte intellegere; densus, refertus; at - quarters comminus; be
keep - of evitare; the coast is - arbitri - at hand Instare; keep - to adhaerere; - to
absunt ♦ vt (of obstacles) expedire, purgare; prope (acc), iuxta (acc) ♦ adv prope, iuxta ♦ n
(of a charge) absolvere; (selb pQrgare; (profit) angiportus m.
lucrari; - away amovere, tollere; - off vt close vt claudere, operire; (finish) perficere,
(debt) solvere, exsolvere ♦ vi facessere; - finire, conclfldere, terminare; (ranks)
out eluere, detergere; - up vt (difficulty) densare ♦ vi claudi; conclfldl, terminari;
illustrare, 6n6dare, explicare ♦ vi (weather) (time) exire; (wound) coire; (speech)
disserenascere. perOrare; - with (fight) manum cOnserere,
clearance n purgatio/; (space) intervallum m. signa cOnferre; (deal) pacisci; (offer)
clearing n (in forest) lGcus m. accipere ♦ n finis m, terminus m; (action)
clearly adv clare; manifeste, aperte, exitus m; (sentence) conclusio/, at the - of
perspicue; (with clause) videlicet, summer aestate exeunte.
clearness n claritas/, (weather) serenitas/, closely adv prope; (attending) attente;
ENGLISH-LATIN 31 closeness-cold

(associating) coniunctg; follow - Instare (dat). coastal adj litoralis, maritimus,

closeness n propinquitas/; (weather) gravitas coastline n litus nt.
/, crassitQdO/, (with money) parsimonia/; coat n pallium nt; (animals) pellis/ ♦ vt
( friends) coniunctiO/, (manner) cautiC/. inducere, inlinere.
closet n cubiculum nt, cella/♦ vt includere, coating n corium nt.
dot n (blood) concrgtus sanguis m ♦ vi coax vt blandiri, delenire,
concrfiscere. coaxing adj blandus ♦ n blanditiae/pl.
cloth n textile nt; (piece) pannus m; (linen) cob n (horse) mannus m; (swan) cygnus m.
linteum nr; (covering) stragulum nt. cobble n lapis m ♦ vt sarcire,
clothe vt vestire. cobbler n sutor m.
clothes n vestis/, vestitus m, vestimenta ntpi. cobweb n araneum nt.
clothier n vestiarius m. cockn gallus m, gallus gallinaceus m; (other
clothing n vestis/, vestitus m, vestimenta ntpl. birds) mas m; (tap) epitonium nt; (hay)
clotted adj concretus, acervus m.
cloud n nubes/, (storm) nimbus m; (dust) cockatrice n basiliscus m.
globus m; (disfavour) invidia/♦ vt nubibus cockchafer n scarabaeus m.
obducere; (fig) obscOrare. cockcrow n galli cantus m ♦ vt erigere.
clouded adj obnfibilus. cockerel n pullus m.
cloudiness n nubilum nt. cockroach n blatta/.
cloudless adj purus, serenus, cocksure adj confidens.
cloudy adj obnObilus. cod n callarias m.
clout n pannus m. coddle vt indulgere (dat), permulcere.
clover n trifolium nt. code n formula/ (sacret) notae/pl.
cloven adj (hoof) bifidus, codicil n codicilli mpl.
clown n (boor) rflsticus m; (comic) scurra m. codify vt in ordinem redigere.
clownish adj rQsticus, inurbanus, coequal adj aequalis.
clownishness n rusticitas/. coerce vt cOgere.
cloy vt satiare, coercion n vis/.
cloying adj putidus, coffer n arca/, cista/; (public) fiscus m.
club n (stick) fustis m, clava/ (society) coffin n arca /.
sodalitas/, - together vi in commune cog n dens m.
consulere, pecfinias conferre, cogency n vis/, pondus nt.
club-footed adj scaurus, cogent adj gravis, validus.
cluck vi singultire ♦ n singultus m. cogitate vi cOgitare, meditari.
clue n indicium nt, vestigium nt. cogitation n cogitatio/; meditatio/.
clump n massa/, (earth) glaeba/ (trees) cognate adj cognatus.
arbustum nt; (willows) salictum nt. cognition n cognitio/.
clumsily adv inepte, ineleganter; incondite, cognizance n cognitio/; take ~ of cognoscere.
Infabre. cognizant adj gnarus.
clumsiness n Inscitia/. cohabit vi consuescere.
clumsy adj (person) inconcinnus, ineptus; cohabitation n cOnsuetudo/.
(thing) inhabilis; (work) inconditus, coheir n coheres m/f.
cluster n cumulus m; (grapes) racemus m; cohere vi cohaerere; (statement) congruere,
(people) corOna/♦ vi congregari, coherence n coniunctiO/, (fig) convenientia /.
clutch vt prehendere, adripere; - at captare coherent adj congruens,
nt, comprehensio/ from one's ~es e cohesion n coagmentatio/,
manibus; in one's ~es in potestate, cohesive adj tenax,
clutter n turba/ ♦ vt impedire, obstruere, cohort n cohors /.
coach n currus m, raeda/, pilentum nt; (trainer) coii n spira/ ♦ vt glomerare,
magister m ♦ vt edocere, praecipere (dat). coin n nummus m ♦ vt cudere; (fig) fingere,
coachman n auriga m, raedarius m. coinage n moneta/ (fig) fictum nt.
coagulate vt cogere ♦ vi concrescere, coincide vi concurrere; (opinion) cOnsentlre.
coagulation n concretio/. coincidence n concursus m; consensus m; by a
coal n carbO m; carry -s to Newcastle in silvam ~ casu.
ligna ferre. coincidental adj fortuitus,
coalesce vi coire, coalescere, coiner n (of money) signator m.
coalition n coitio/, conspiratio/, coi n iugum nt.
coarse adj (quality) crassus; (manners) colander n colum nt.
rusticus, inurbanus; (speech) Infacetus, cold adj frigidus; (icy) gelidus; very -
coarsely adv inurbane, ineleganter, perfrigidus; be, feel - algere, frlgOre; get -
coarseness n crassitudo/; rusticitas/, algescere, frigescere ♦ n frigus nt; (felt)
coast n litus nt, Ora maritima/ ♦ vi: ~ along algor m; (malady) gravedo/; catch -
legere, praetervehi. algescere, frigus colligere; catch a -
coldish-comic 32 ENGLISH-LAT1N

gravedinem contrahere; have a - gravedine coit n equuleus m, equulus m.

labOrSre. coltsfoot n farfarus m.
coldish ad; frigidulus, frigidior, column n columna/; (mil) agmen nt.
coldly adv (manner) sine studio, coma n sopor m.
coldness n frigus m, algor m. comb n pecten m; (bird) crista/, (loom) pecten
cold water n frigida/, m; (honey) favus m ♦ vt pectere,
colic n tormina ntpi. combat n pugna/, proelium nt, certamen nt ♦
collar n collare nt. vi pugnare, dimicare, certare ♦ vt pugnare
collarbone n iugulum nt. cum (abi), obsistere (dat).
collate vt conferre, comparare, combatant n pugnator mfodj pugnans; non ~
collateral ad; adifinctus; (evidence) imbellis.
consentaneus. combative ad; fer6x, pugnax,
collation n collatio/; (meaI) prandium nt, combination n coniunctiO/, cOnfusiO/
merenda/. (persons) cOnspiratiO/; (illegal) coniQratid/
colleague n collega m. combine vt coniungere, iungere ♦ vi coire,
collect vt colligere, cogere, congerere; coniungi ♦ n societas /.
(persons) congregare, convocare; (taxes) combustible ad; igni obnoxius,
exigere; (something due) recipere; ~ oneself combustion n deflagratio/, incendium nt.
animum colligere; cool and ~ed aequO animo come vi venire, advenire; (after a journey)
♦ vi convenire, congregari. devenire; (inter/) age!; how ~s h that.. .7; qui
collection n (persons) coetus m, conventus m; fit ut...?; - across vi invenire, offendere; -
(things) congeriesf; (money) exactio/, after sequi, excipere, succedere (dat); ~
collective ad; communis, again revenire, redire; ~ away vi abscedere;
collectively adv communiter, (when pulled) sequi; - back vi revenire,
collector n (of taxes) exactor m. redire; regredi; - between intervenire,
college n collegium nt. intercedere; ~ down vi devenire,
collide vi concurrere, cOnflictari. descendere; (from the past) tradi, prddl; ~
collier n carbonarius m. forward vi procedere, prddlre; - from vi
collision n concursus m. (origin) defluere; - in vi inire, introire;
collocation n collocatio/, ingredi; (revenue) redire; - near accedere ad
collopnoffa/ (acc), appropinquare (dat); ~ nearer and
colloquial ad; cottidianus. nearer adventare; - of vi (family) ortum esse
colloquy n sermo m, colloquium nt. ab, ex (abi); - off vi evadere, discedere; ~ on
collude vi praevaricari, vi procedere; (progress) prbficere; (inter/)
collusion n praevaricatio/, age, agite; - on the scene intervenire,
collusive ad; praevaricator, supervenire, adesse; - out vi exire, egredi;
colonel n legatus m. (hair, teeth) cadere; (flower) florescere; (book)
colonial ad; colonicus ♦ n colOnus m. edi; - over vi transire; (feeling) subire,
colonist n colOnus m. occupare; - to vi advenire ad, in (acc);
colonization n deductio/, (person) adire; (amount) efficere; - to the
colonize vt colOniam deducere, constituere in hplp of subvenire (dat); succurrere (dat); ~ to
nought ad nihilum recidere; - to pass
colonnade n porticus/. evenire, fieri; - together convenire, coire; -
colony n colOnia/.
up vi subire, succedere; (growth) prbvenlre;
colossal ad; ingens, vastus,
~ upon vtfus invenire; he is coming to animus
colossus n colossus m.
ei redit.
colour n color m; (paint) pigmentum nt;
comedian n (actor) cSmoedus m; (writer)
(artificia!) fucus m; (complexion) color m;
cbmicus m.
(pretext) species /; take on a ~ colOrem
comedienne n mima/.
ducere; under - of per speciem (gen); local ~
comedy n comoedia /
materia de regione sumpta ♦ vt colorare; comeliness n decor m, decSrum nt.
(dye) Inficere, fQc8re; (fig) praetendere (dat) comely odj decorus, pulcher,
♦ vi rubere, erubescere, comestibles n victus m.
colourable ad; speciosus. comet n cometes m.
coloured ad; (naturally) coloratus; (artificially) comfort vt solari, consblSrl, adlevare ♦ n
fucatus. solacium nt, cOnsoiatifi/
colourful ad; fucOsus, varius, comfortable nd; commodus; make oneself -
colouring n pigmentum nt; (dye) fucus m. corpus cQrare.
colourless ad; perlucidus; (person) pallidus; comfortably adv commode,
(fig) Insulsus. comforter n cOnsfiiator m.
colours n (mil) signum nt, vexillum nt; (rol) comfortless adj incommodus; be - solatia
partesfpi; sail under false - alieno nOmine carere.
fltl; with flying ~ maxima cum gloria, comforts npi commoda ntp/.
colour sergeant n signifer m. comic ad; cOmicus; facetus ♦ n scurra m.
ENGLISH-LATIN 33 comical-compartment

comical adj facetus, ridiculus, committee n delecti mpi.

coming adj futOrus ♦ n adventus m. commodious adj capax,
comity n comitas /. commodity n merx/, res/,
command vt iubere (+ acc and infin), imperare commodore n praefectus classis m.
(dat and ut +subf); ducere; (feelings) regere; common adj (for all) communis; (ordinary)
(resources) frul (abl); (view) prOspectare ♦ n vulgaris, cottldianus; (repeated) frequens,
(mil) imperium nt; (sphere) prOvinciaf) (order) creber; (inferior) nequam ♦ n compascuus
imperium m, iussum nt, mandatum nt; be in - ager m, pratum nt; - man homo piebeius m; -
(of) praeesse (daf); put in - of praeficere soldier gregarius miles m.
(dat); - of language facundia/, commonalty n plebs/,
commandant n praefectus m. commoner n horne piebeius m.
commandeer vt pOblicare. common law n mSs maiorum m.
commander n dux m, praefectus m. commonly adv fere, vulgo,
commander in chief n imperator m. common people n plebs/, vulgus nt.
commandment n mandatum nt. commonplace n tritum proverbium nt; (rhet)
commemorate vt celebrare, memoriae locus communis m ♦ adj vulgaris, tritus,
tradere. commons n plebs/; (food) diaria ntpi.
commemoration n celebratio/. common sense n prudentia/.
commence vt incipere, exOrdlrl, initium commonwealth n civitas/, r6s poblica/,
facere (gen). commotion n perturbatio/, tumultus m;
commencement n initium nt, exordium nt, cause a - tumultuari,
principium nt. communal adj communis,
commend vt laudare; (recommend) commune n pagus m ♦ vi colloqui, sermones
commendare; (entrust) mandare; - oneself s6 cOnferre.
probare. communicate vt communicare; (information)
commendable ad) laudabilis, probabilis, nuntiare, patefacere ♦ vi: - with
commendation n laus/, commendatio/, communicare (dat), commercium habere
commendatory adj commendaticius, (gen), agere cum (abl).
commensurable adj par. communication n (dealings) commercium nt;
commensurate adj congrufins, conveniens, (information) litterae fpl, nuntius m; (passage)
comment vi dicere, scribere; ~ on commeatus m; cut off the ~s of intercludere,
interpretari; (with notes) adnotare ♦ n communicative adj loquax,
dictum nt, sententia/, communion n societas/.
commentary n commentarii mpi. communique n litterae fpl, praedicatio/,
commentator n interpres m. communism n bonOrum aequatio/,
commerce n mercatOra/, commercium nt; community n civitas/, commune nt;
engage in - mercaturas facere, negotiari, (participation) communio/,
commercial dealings n commercium nt. commutation n motatio/,
commercial traveller n Institor m. commute vt mfltare, commfltare.
commination n minae fpl. compact n foedus nt, conventum nt ♦ adj
comminatory adj minax, densus ♦ vt densare.
commingle vt intermiscere, companion n socius m, comes m/f; (intimate)
commiserate vt misereri (gen). sodalis m; (at school) condiscipulus m; (in
commiseration n misericordia/; (rhet) army) commilito m, contubernalis m.
commiseratio /. companionable adj facilis, commodus,
commissariat n res frumentaria/, companionship n sodalitas/, cOnsuetOdO/,
commeatus m; (staff) frumentarii mpf. (mil) contubernium nt.
commissary n legatus m; rei frumentariae company n societas/, cOnsuetOdO/,
praefectus m. (gathering) coetus m, conventus m; (guests)
commission n (charge) mandatum nt; cenantes mpl; (commercial) societas/;
(persons) triumviri mpl, decemviri mpl, etc; (magistrates) collegium nt; (mil) manipulus m;
(abroad) lOgatiO/; get a - (mil) tribflnum fieri; (tueat) grex m, caterva/; - of ten decuria/,
standing - (law) quaestio perpetua/♦ vt comparable adj comparabilis, similis,
mandare, adlOgSre. comparative adj magnus, si cum aliis
commissioner n lOgatus m; three -s triumviri cOnfertur.
mpl; ten ~s decemviri mpl. comparatively adv ut in tali tempore, ut in ea
commit vt (charge) committere, mandare; regiOne, ut est captus hominum; - few
(crime) admittere; (to prison) conicere; (to an perpauci, nullus fer6.
undertaking) obligare, obstringere; - to compare vt comparare, cOnferre; ~d with ad
memory memoriae tradere; - to writing (acc).
litteris mandare; - an error errare; ~ a theft comparison n comparatio/, collatio/; (rhet)
fflrtum facere; see also suicide, similitOdO/, in - with prO (abl).
commitment n manus nt, officium nt. compartment n cella/, pars/.
compass-conceit 34 ENGLISH-LATIN

compass n ambitus m, spatium nt, modus m; compliment n blandimentum nt, honOs m ♦ vt

pair of -es circinus m ♦ vt circumdare, blandiri, laudare; - on gratulari (dat) de
cingere; (attain) cOnsequI. (abi).
compassion n misericordia/, complimentary adj honorificus, blandus,
compassionate ad; misericors, demons, compliments npi (as greeting) salOs/.
compassionately adv clementer, comply vi obsequi (dat), obtemperare (dat)-,
compatibility n convenientia/. mOrem gerere (dat), morigerari (dat).
compatible ad; congruens, conveniens; be - component n elementum nt, pars/,
congruere. comport vt gerere,
compatibly adv congruenter, convenienter, compose vt (art) compOnere, condere,
compatriot n civis m, popularis m. pangere; (whole) efficere, cOnfiare; (quarrel)
compeer n par m; aequalis m. compOnere, dirimere; (disturbance) sedare;
compel vt cOgere. be ~d of cOnsistere ex (abi), constare ex
compendious adj brevis, (abi).
compendiously adv summatim. composed adj tranquillus, placidus,
compendium n epitome /. composer n auctor m, scriptor m.
compensate vt compensare, satisfacere composite ad; multiplex,
(dat). composition n (process) compositio/,
compensation n compensatio f) pretium nt, scriptura/, (product) opus nt, poema nt,
poena/. carmen nt; (quality) structura/,
compete vi certare, contendere, composure n securitas/, aequus animus m;
competence n facultas/, (law) ius nt; (money) (face) tranquillitas/.
quod sufficit. compound vt miscere; (words) duplicare,
iungere ♦ vi (agree) pacisci ♦ adj compositus
competent adj peritus, satis doctus, capax;
♦ n (word) iunctum verbum nt; (area)
(witness) locuples; it is - licet,
competition n certamen nt, contentio/, saeptum nt.
compound interest n anatocismus m.
competitor n competitor m, aemulus m.
comprehend vt intellegere, comprehendere;
compilation n collectanea ntpi, liber m.
(include) continere, complecti,
compile vt componere,
comprehensible adj perspicuus,
compiler n scriptor m.
comprehension n intellegentia/,
complacency n amor sui m.
comprehensio /.
complacent adj sui contentus,
comprehensive adj capax; be ~ late patere,
complain vi queri, conqueri; - of (person)
multa complecti.
nOmen deferre (gen).
compress vt comprimere, coartare ♦ n
complainant n accusator m, petitor m.
fOmentum nt.
complaint n questus m, querimonia/, (law)
compression n compressus m.
crimen nt; (meo) morbus m, valetudo/,
comprise vt continere, complecti,
complaisance n comitas/, obsequium nt,
compromise n(by one side) accommodatio/,
complaisant ad; cOmis, officiosus, facilis, (by both sides) comprOmissum nt ♦ vi
complement n complementum nt; numerus compromittere ♦ vt implicare, in
suus m; make up the - of complere,
suspicionem vocare; be -d in suspicionem
complete vt (amount, time) complere, explere;
(work) cOnflcere, perficere, absolvere,
comptroller n moderator m.
peragere ♦ adj perfectus, absolutus, integer;
compulsion n necessitas/, vis/, under -
(victory) iGstus; (amount) expletus,
completely adv funditus, omnlnO, absolute, compulsory adj necesse, lege imperatus; use
plane; penitus. - measures vim adhibere,
completeness n integritas/, (perfection) compunction n paenitentia/.
perfectio/. computation n ratio/.
completion n (process) absoiatio/, confectio/, compute vt computare, rationem dQcere.
(end) finis m; bring to - absolvere, comrade n socius m, contubernalis m.
complex ad; implicatus, multiplex, comradeship n contubernium nt.
complexion n color m. concatenation n series/,
complexity n implicatio/. concave adj concavus,
compliance n accommodatio/, obsequium nt, conceal vt celare, abdere, abscondere; (fact)
obtemperatio/. dissimulare.
compliant ad; obsequens, facilis, concealment n occultatio/; (place) latebrae
complicate vt implicare, impedire, fpl; (of facts) dissimulatio/, in - abditus,
complicated ad; implicatus, involatus, occultus; be in - latere, latitare; go into -
impeditus. delitescere,
complication n implicatio/, concede vt concedere.
complicity n conscientia/. conceit n (idea) nOtiO/, (wit) facetiae fpl; (pride)
ENGL1SH-LAT1N 35 conceited-confidential

superbia/, adrogantia/, vanitas /. concurrently adv simul, una.

conceited adj glOriOsus, adrogans. concussion n ictus m.
conceitedness n adrogantia/, vanitas /. condemn vt damnare, condemnare;
conceive vt concipere, comprehendere, (disapprove) improbare; - to death capitis
intellegere. damnare; - for treason de maiestate
concentrate vt (in one place) cOgere, damnare.
congregare; (attention) intendere, defigere, condemnation n damnatio/; condemnatio/,
concentrated ad; densus, condemnatory adj damnatorius,
concentration n animi intentio/, condense vt densare; (words) premere,
concept n noti6/. condescend vi descendere, se submittere,
conception n conceptus m; (mind) condescending adj cOmis.
intellegentia/, informatio/; (idea) nOtiO/, condescension n comitas/,
cogitatio /, consilium nt. condiment n condimentum nt.
concern vt (refer) attinere ad (acc), interesse condition n (of body) habitus m; (external)
(gen); (worry) sollicitare; it ~s me mea refert, status m, condicio/, res/ (in society) locus m,
mea interest; as far as I am -ed per me ♦ n fortuna/, (of agreement) condicio/, lex/; ~s of
r6s/, negOtium nt; (importance) momentum sale mancipi lex/ on - that ea condicione ut
nt; (worry) sollicitudo/, cura/, (regret) dolor (subf); in - (animals) nitidus ♦ vt fOrmare,
m. regere.
concerned adj sollicitus, anxius; be - dolere; conditional adj: the assistance is ~ on ea
be - about moleste ferre, condicione succurritur ut (subf).
concerning prep de (abi). conditionally adv sub condicione,
concernment n sollicitudo/, conditioned adj (character) mOratus.
concert n (music) concentus m; (agreement) condole vi: ~ with cOnsOlarl.
consensus m; in ~ ex composito, unO animO ♦ condolence n consolatio/,
vt compOnere; (plan) inire, condonation n venia/,
concession n concessio/; by the ~ of concessu condone vt condonare, ignoscere (dat).
(gen); make a - concedere, tribuere, conduce vi condocere (ad), proficere (ad),
conciliate vt conciliare, conducive adj Qtilis, accommodatus,
conciliation n conciliatio/, conduct vt ducere; (escort) deducere; (to a
conciliator n arbiter m. place) addflcere, perdOcere; (business)
conciliatory adj pacificus, gerere, administrare; (self) gerere ♦ n
concise adj brevis; (style) densus, mOres mpl; (past) vita/, facta ntpl; (business)
concisely adv breviter, administratio/; safe - praesidium nt.
conciseness n brevitas/, conductor m dux m, ductor m.
conclave n secretus cOnsessus m. conduit n canalis m, aquae ductus m.
conclude vt (end) terminare, finire, conficere; cone ncOnus m.
(settle) facere, compOnere, pangere; (infer) coney n cuniculus m.
Inferre, colligere. confabulate vi colloqui,
conclusion n (end) finis m; (of action) exitus m; confection n cuppedo/,
(of speech) perOratiO/; (inference) coniectura confectioner n cuppedinarius m.
/ (decision) placitum nt, sententia/, In - confectionery n dulcia ntpl.
denique; try ~s with contendere cum. confederacy n foederatae civitates fpi,
conclusive adj certus, manifestus, gravis, societas/.
conclusively adv sine dubio, confederate adj foederatus ♦ n socius m ♦ vi
concoct vt coquere; (fig) conflare, coniurare, foedus facere:
concoction n (fig) machinatio/, confederation n societas/,
concomitant adj adiunctus. confer vt cOnferre, tribuere ♦ vi colloqui,
concord n concordia/, (music) harmonia/, sermOnem cOnferre; - about agere de (abi).
concordant adj concors, conference n colloquium nt, congressus m.
concordat n pactum nt, foedus nt. conferment n dOnatiO/.
concourse n frequentia/, celebratio/ confess vt fateri, cOnfitOrl.
(moving) concursus m. confessedly adv manifesto,
concrete adj concretus; in the - re. confession n cOnfessiO/.
concretion n concretio/, confidant n conscius m.
concubine n concubina/, confide vi fidere (dat), confidere (dat) ♦ vt
concupiscence n libido/, credere, committere.
concur vi (time) concurrere; (opinion) confidence n fides/, fldOcia/, have - in fidere
consentire, adsentlre. (dat), cOnfldere (dat); inspira - in fidem
concurrence n (time) concursus m; (opinion) facere (dat); teli in - tutis auribus depOnere.
consensus m. confident adj fidens; - in fretus (abi); be - that
concurrent adj (time) aequalis; (opinion) certo scire, prO certo habere,
consentaneus; be - concurrere, consentire. confidential adj arcanus, intimus.
confidentially-consciousness 36 ENGLISH-LAT1N

confidentially adv inter nOs. congratulatory adj gratulabundus,

confidently adv fidenter, congregate vt congregare, cOgere ♦ vi
confiding adj credulus, convenire, congregari,
configuration n figura/, forma/, congregation n conventus m, coetus m.
confine vt (prison) inclGdere, in vincula congress n conventus m, cOnsessus m,
conicere; (.limit) terminare, circumscribere; concilium nt; senatus m.
(restrain) coercere, cohibere; (to bed) congruence n convenientia/,
detinere; be -d (women) parturire, congruent adj conveniens, congruens,
confinement n custodia/, vincula ntpi, congruently adv convenienter, congruenter,
inclGsio/, (women) puerperium nt. congruous adj see congruent,
confines n fines mpi. conical adj turbinatus,
confirm vt (strength) corrSborfire, firmare; coniferous adj cOnifer.
(decision) sancire, ratum facere; (fact) conjectural adj opinabilis,
adfirmSre, comprobare, conjecturally adv coniectGra.
confirmation n confirmatio/, adfirmatiO/. conjecture n coniectura/ ♦ vt conicere,
confirmed adj ratus, augurari.
confiscate vt pQblicare. conjoin vt coniungere.
confiscation n pGblicatiO/. conjoint adj coniunctus.
conflagration n incendium nt, deflagratio/, conjointly adv coniuncte, una.
conflict n (physical) concursus m; (hostile) conjugal adj coniugaiis.
certamen nt, proelium nt; (verbal) contentio/, conjugate vt declinare,
contrOversia/1 (contradiction) repugnantia/, conjugation n (gram) declinatis/,
discrepantia/ ♦ vi inter se repugnare, conjunct adj coniGnctus.
conflicting adj contrarius, conjunction n coniunctio/, concursus m.
confluence n confluens m. conjure vt (entreat) obtestari, obsecrare;
confluent adj cOnfluOns. (spirits) elicere, ciere ♦ vi praestigiis uti.
conform vt accommodare ♦ vi se cOnfOrmare conjurer n praestigiator m.
(ad), obsequi (dat), mOrem gerere (dat). conjuring n praestigiae fpi.
conformable adj accommodatus, conveniens, connate adj innatus, natGra Insitus,
conformably adv convenienter, connect vt iungere, coniungere, cOpulSre,
conformation n structflra/, conformatio/, connectere.
conformity n convenientia/, consensus m. connected adj coniunctus; (unbroken)
confound vt (mix) confundere, permiscere; continens; (by marriage) adflnis; be ~ed with
(amaze) obstupefacere; (thwart) frustrari; contingere; be closely ~ed with inhaerere
(suppress) opprimere, obruere; - youl di te (dat), cohaerere cum (abi).
perduint. connectedly adv coniQncte, continenter,
confounded adj miser, sacer, nefandus, connection n coniunctio/, contextus m, series
confoundedly adv mirum quantum nefarie, /, (kin) necessitudo/, (by marriage) adflnitas/;
confraternity n fraternitas/, - between ... and ... ratio (gen)... cum ...
confront vt se oppOnere (dat), obviam Ire (aW); I have no - with you nil mihl tecum est.
(dat), se cOram offerre, connivance n venia/, dissimulatio/,
confuse vt permiscere, perturbare, connive vi conivere in (abi), dissimulare,
confused adj perturbatus, connoisseur n intellegens m.
confusedly adv perturbate, prOmiscue. connotation n vis/, significatio/.
confusion n perturbatio/, (shame) rubor m. connote vt significare,
confutation n refutatio/, connubial adj coniugaiis.
confute vt refGtare, redarguere, convincere. conquer vt vincere, superare,
cong6 n commeatus m. conquerable adj superabilis, expugnabilis,
congeal vt congelare, dflrare ♦ vi conqueror n victor m.
concrescere, conquest n victoria/, (town) expugnatio/,
congealed adj concretus, (prize) praemium nt, praeda/, tha - of Groace
congenial adj concors, congruens, iflcundus. Graecia capta.
congeniality n concordia/, mOrum similitudo conscience n conscientia/; guilty ~ mala
/. conscientia; have a clear - nullius culpae sibi
congenital adj nativus, cOnscium esse; have no - nullam religionem
conger n conger m. habOre.
congested adj refertus, densus; (with people) conscientious adj probus, rOligiOsus.
frequentissimus. conscientiously adv bona fide, religiose,
congestion n congeries/, frequentia/, conscientiousness n fides/, religio/,
conglomerate vt glomerare, conscious adj sibi cOnscius; (aware) gnarus;
conglomeration n congeries/, cumulus m. (physically) mentis compos; be - sentire,
congratulate vt gratulari (dat), consciously adv sciens,
congratulation n gratulatio/. consciousness n animus m; (of action)
ENGLISH-LATIN 37 conscript-co nsu m mate

conscientia/; ha lost - animus eum reliquit, consolatory adj consolatorius,

conscript n tlrO m ♦ vt conscribere, console vt cOnsOiarl.
conscription n delectus m; (of wealth) consoler n consolator m.
publicatio / consolidate vt (liquid) cogere; (strength)
consecrate vt dedicare, consecrare; (self) corroborare; (gains) obtinere ♦ vi
devovere. concrescere.
consecrated adj sacer, consolidation n concretis/, confirmatio/
consecration n dedicatio/, cOnsecratio/; consonance n concentus m.
(self) devOtiO/. consonant adj cSnsonus, haud absonus ♦ n
consecutive adj deinceps, continuus, consonans/
consecutively adv deinceps, ordine, consort n censors mJf, socius m; (married)
consensus n consensus m. coniunx m/f ♦ vi: ~ with familiariter utl (abl),
consent vi adsentlre (dat), adnuere (infin); coniunctissime vivere cum (abf).
(together) c6nsent!re ♦ n (one side) adsensus conspectus n summarium nt.
m; (all) consensus m; by common ~ omnium conspicuous a# eminens, insignis,
consensu. manifestus; be - eminere,
consequence n eventus m, exitus m; (logic) conspicuously adv manifests, palam, ante
conclusio/, (importance) momentum nt, oculSs.
auctoritas/, it is of - interest; what will be conspiracy n coniuratiO/.
the - of? quO evadet? conspirator n coniuratus m.
consequent adj consequens, conspire vi coniurare; (for good) cSnspIrare.
consequential adj consentaneus; (person) constable n lictor m.
adrogans. constancy n constantia/, firmitas/; with -
consequently adv itaque, igitur, propterea. constanter.
conservation n conservatio/, constant ad; constans; (faithful) fidus, fidelis;
conservative adj rei poblicae conservandae (continuous) adsiduus.
studiosus; (estimate) mediOcris; ~ party constantly adv adsidue, saepe, crebrS.
optimates mpi. constellation n sidus nt.
conservator n custOs m, conservator m. consternation n trepidatio/, pavor m; throw
conserve vt conservare, servare, into ~ perterrere, cSnsternere.
consider vt considerare, contemplari; (reflect) constituency n suffragatores mpl.
secum volfltare, meditari, deliberare, constituent ad;: ~ part elementum nt ♦ n
cOgitare; (deem) habere, ducere; (respect) (voter) suffragator m.
respicere, observare, constitute vt creare, constituere; esse,
considerable ad; aliquantus, nonnullus; constitution n natura/, status m; (body)
(person) illustris. habitus m; (pol) civitatis forma/, rei publicae
considerably adv aliquantum; (with compar) status m, leges fpl.
aliquanto, multo. constitutional ad; legitimus, ifistus.
considerate ad; humanus, benignus, constitutionally adv e re publica,
considerately adv hQmane, benigne, constrain vt cbgere.
consideration n consideratio/, contemplatio constraint n vis/; under ~ coactus; without ~
/, deliberatio/, (respect) respectus m, ratio/; sua sponte.
(importance) momentum nt; (reason) ratio/; constrict vt comprimere, constringere,
(pay) pretium nt; for a - mercede, data constriction n contractio/
mercede; in - of propter (acc), prO (abl); on construet vt aedificare, exstruere,
no ~ nequaquam; with - cOnsultO; without - construction n aedificatis/, (method)
temere; take into ~ ad cOnsilium deferre; structura/; (meaning) interpretatio/, put a
show - for respectum habere (gen). wrong - on in malam partem interpretari,
considered ad; (reasons) exquisitus, construe vt interpretari,
considering prep pro (abf), propter (acc) ♦ con; consul n consul m; - elect consul designatus;
ut, quoniam. ex ~ consularis m.
consign vt mandare, committere, consular ad; consularis,
consist vi cOnstare; ~ in constare ex (abf), consulship n consulatus m; stand for the ~
contineri (abl), positum esse in (abl); ~ with consulatum petere; hold the - consulatum
congruere (dat), convenire (dat). gerere; in my - me cSnsule.
consistence n firmitas/, consult vt cOnsulere; - the interests of
consistency n cOnstantia / cOnsulere (dat) ♦ vi deliberare, consiliari,
consistent ad; cOnstans; (with) consentaneus, consultation n (asking) consultatio/
cOngruens; (of movement) aequabilis; be - (discussion) deliberatio/,
cohaerere. consume vt cOnsOmere, absflmere; (food)
consistently adv constanter. edere.
consolable ad; cOnsOiabilis. consumer n consumptor m.
consolation n cOnsOiatiO/, (thing) sOiacium nt. consummate ad; summus, perfectus ♦ vt
consummation-contriver 38 ENGL1SH-LAT1N

perficere, absolvere. continual adj adsiduus, perpetuus,

consummation n absolutio /; finis m, eventus continually adv adsidue, semper,
m. continuance n perpetuitas/, adsiduitas/.
consumption n consumptio/; (disease) tabOs continuation n continuatis/, (of a command)
/, phthisis /. prorogatis/; (of a story) reliqua pars/,
consumptive adj pulmonarius, continue vt continuare; (time) prSdflcere;
contact n tactus m, contagiO/; come in - with (command) prorogare ♦ vi (action) pergere;
contingere. (time) manere; (endurance) perstare, dflrare;
contagion n contagio/, ~ to imperf indic.
contagious ad; tabificus; be ~ contagiis continuity n continuatio/, (of speech)
vulgari. perpetuitas /.
contain vt capere, continere; (self) cohibere, continuous ad; continuus, continens,
container n vds nt. perpetuus.
contaminate vt contaminare, Inficere, continuously adv perpetuS, continenter,
contamination n contagio/, labes/, contort vt contorquere, detorquere,
contemplate vt contemplari, intueri; (action) contortion n distortis/,
in animo habere; (prospect) spectare, contour n forma/,
contemplation n contemplatio/; (thought) contraband adj interdictus, vetitus,
cogitatio /. contract n pactum nt, mandatum nt,
contemplative ad; cogitans, meditans; in a ~ conventum nt; (pol) foedus nt; trial for a
mood cogitationi deditus, breach of - mandati iudicium m ♦ vt (narrow)
contemporaneous ad; aequalis, contrahere, adducere; (short) deminuere;
contemporaneously adv simul, (illness) contrahere; (agreement) pacisci; (for
contemporary ad; aequalis, work) locare; (fo do work) conducere ♦ vi
contempt n contemptio/; be an object of ~ pacisci.
contemptui esse; treat with ~ contemptum contraction n contractis/; (word)
habere, conculcare. compendium nt.
contemptible ad; contemnendus, abiectus, contractor n redemptor m, conductor m.
vilis. contradict vt (person) contradicere (dat),
contemptuous ad; fastidiosus, refragari (dat); (statement) Infitias Ire (dat);
contemptuously adv contemptim, fastidiose, (self) repugnare (dat).
contend vi certare, contendere; (in battle) contradiction n repugnantia/, infitiae fpl.
dimicare, pugnare; (in words) adfirmare, contradictory adj repugnans, contrarius; be ~
adseverare. inter se repugnare,
contending ad; contrarius, contradistinction n oppositis /.
content ad; contentus ♦ n aequus animus m ♦ contraption n machina/,
vt placere (dat), satisfacere (dat); bo -ed contrariety n repugnantia/.
satis habere. contrariwise adv g contrario,
contentedly adv aequS animo, contrary adj contrarius, adversus; (person)
contention n certamen nt; controversia/; difficilis, morosus; ~ to contra (acc), praeter
(opinion) sententia/, (acc); ~ to expectations praeter opiniSnem ♦
contentious ad; pugnax, litigiosus, n contrarium nt; on the - e contrariS, contra;
contentiously adv pugnaciter, (retort) immo.
contentiousness n controversiae studium nt. contrast n discrepantia/ ♦ vt comparare,
contentment n aequus animus m. oppSnere ♦ vi discrepare,
contents n quod inest, quae insunt; (of speech) contravene vt (law) violare; (statement)
argumentum nt. contradicere (dat).
conterminous ad; adflnis. contravention n violatis/.
contest n certamen nt, contentis/ ♦ vt (law) contribute vt conferre, adferre, contribuere.
lege agere de (abi); (office) petere; (dispute) ♦ vt: - towards cSnferre ad (acc), adiuv3re; -
repugnare (dat), resistere (dat). to the cost impensas cSnferre.
contestable ad; controversus, contribution n conlatis/; (money) stipem (no
contestant n petitor m, aemulus m. nom)f.
context n contextus m. contributor n qui cSnfert.
contiguity n vicinia/, propinquitas/, contributory adj adiunctus.
contiguous ad; vicinus, adiacens; be ~ to contrite adj paenitens.
adiacere (dat), contingere, contrition n paenitentia/.
continence n continentia/, abstinentia/, contrivance n machinatis/, excSgitatiS/;
continent ad; continens, abstinens ♦ n (thing) machina/, (idea) cSnsilium nt; (deceit)
continens /. dolus m.
continently adv continenter, abstinenter, contrive vt machinari, excSgitare, struere; (to
contingency n casus m, r6s/. do) efficere ut.
contingent ad; fortuitus ♦ n (mil) numerus m. contriver n machinator m, artifex m, auctor m.
ENGL1SH-LAT1N 39 control-corn

control n (restraint) frenum nt; (power) mihi persuasum habeO.

moderatio /, potestas /, imperium nt; have - convincing adj (argument) gravis; (evidence)
of praeesse (dat); out of ~ impotens ♦ vt manifestus.
moderari (dat), imperare (dat). convincingly adv manifesto,
controller n moderator m. convivial adj convivalis, festivus,
controversial adj concertatorius, conviviality n festivitas/,
controversy n controversia/, disceptatio/, convocation n conventus m.
controvert vt redarguere, impugnare, in convoke vt convocare,
dubium vocare. convolution n spira/,
contumacious adj contumax, pervicax, convoy n praesidium nt ♦ vt prosequi,
contumaciously adv contumaciter, convulse vt agitare; be -d with laughter se in
pervicaciter. cachinnos effundere.
contumacy n contumacia/, pervicacia/. convulsion n (med) convulsio/, (pol) tumultus
contusion n sugillatio/. m.
conundrum n aenigma nt. convulsive adj spasticus.
convalesce vi convalescere, COO vi gemere.
convalescence n melior valetudo/. cook vt coquere ♦ n coquus m.
convalescent adj convalescens, cookery n ars coquinaria/,
convene vt convocare. cool adj frigidus; (conduct) impudens; (mind)
convenience n opportunitas/, commoditas/, impavidus, lentus ♦ n frigus nt ♦ vt
(thing) commodum nt; at your - commodo refrigerare; (passion) restinguere, sedare ♦
tuO. vi refrigescere, refrigerari, defervescere,
convenient adj idoneus, commodus, coolly adv aequo animO; impudenter,
opportunus; be ~ convenire; very ~ coolness n frigus nt; (mind) aequus animus m;
percommodus. impudentia/.
conveniently adv opportune, commode, coop n hara/, (barre!) cupa/ ♦ vt includere,
convention n (meeting) conventus m; co-operate vi operam conferre; ~ with
(agreement) conventum nt; (custom) mOs m, adiuvare, socius esse (gen).
iusta ntpl. co-operation n consociatio/; auxilium nt,
conventional adj iustus, solitus, opera /.
conventionality n mOs m, consuetudo/, co-operative adj (person) officiosus,
converge vi in medium vergere, in eundem co-operator n socius m.
locum tendere. co-opt vt cooptare,
conversant adj peritus, doctus, exercitatus; coot n fulica/,
be - with versari in (abi). copartner n socius m.
conversation n sermo m, colloquium nt. copartnership n societas/,
converse n sermo m, colloquium nt; (opposite) cope vi: - with contendere cum (abi); able to ~
contrarium nt ♦ vi colloqui, sermOnem with par (dat); unable to - with impar (dat).
conferre ♦ adj contrarius, copier n librarius m.
conversely adv e contrario, contra, coping n fastigium nt.
conversion n mutatio/, (moral) morum copious adj copiosus, largus, plenus,
emendatio /. abundans.
convert vt mOtare, convertere; (to an opinion) copiously adv copiose, abundanter,
deducere ♦ n discipulus m. copiousness n copia/, ubertas/.
convertible adj commutabilis, copper n aes nt ♦ adj aeneus,
convex adj convexus, coppersmith n faber aerarius m.
convexity n convexum nt. coppice, copse n dumetum nt, virgultum
convey vt vehere, portare, convehere; nt.
(property) abalienare; (knowledge) copy n exemplar nt ♦ vt imitari; (writing)
communicare; (meaning) significare; - exscribere, transcribere,
across transmittere, traducere, copyist n librarius m.
transvehere; - away auferre, avehere; ~ coracle n linter/,
down devehere, deportare; - into coral n curalium nt.
importare, invehere; ~ to advehere, adferre; cord n funiculus m.
- up subvehere. cordage n funes mpl.
conveyance n vehiculum nt; (property) cordial adj comis, festivus, amicus; (greetings)
abalienatio /. multus.
convict vt (prove guilty) convincere; (sentence) cordiality n comitas/, studium nt.
damnare ♦ n reus m. cordially adv c8miter, libenter, ex anime.
conviction n (law) damnatio/, (argument) cordon n corbna/.
persuasio/ (belief) fides/; carry ~ fidem core n (fig) nucleus m.
facere; have a - persuasum habere, cork n suber nt; (bark) cortex m.
convince vt persuadere (dat); I am firmly ~d corn n frumentum nt ♦ adj frumentarius; (on
corndealer-country 40 ENGLISH-LATIN

the foot) clSvus m; price of - annOna/. mihi stetit, talento 6ml; ft ~ me my freedom
corn dealer n frfimentarius m. libertatem perdidi ♦ n pretium nt, impensa S',
cornfield n seges/, - of living annOna/; to your - incommodo tuO,
cornel n (tree) cornus/. detrimento tuO; at the - of one's reputation
corner n angulus m. violata fama, nOn salva existimatione; I sell
cornet n cornu nt. at ~ price quanti 6ml vendO.
cornice n corona /. costliness n sumptus m; caritas/,
coronet n diadema nt. costly ad; carus; (furnishings) lautus,
corporal adj corporeus, sumptuOsus.
corporal punishment n verbera ntpi. costume n habitus m.
corporation n collegium nt; (civic) cosy adj commodus,
magistratus mpl. cot n lectulus m.
corporeal adj corporeus, cote n columbarium nt.
corps n manus/, cottage n casa/, tugurium nt.
corpse n cadaver nt. cottager n rusticus m.
corpulence n obesum corpus nt. cotton n (free) gossympinus/1, (cloth) xylinum
corpulent ad; obesus, pinguis, nt.
corpuscle n corpusculum nt. couch n lectus m ♦ vi recumbere ♦ vt (lance)
corral n praesepe nt. intendere; (words) exprimere, reddere,
correct vt corrigere, emendare; (person) cough n tussis/♦ vi tussire,
castigare ♦ adj v6rus; (language) integer; council n concilium nt; (small) consilium nt.
(style) emendatus. councillor n (town) decurio m.
correction n emendatio / (moral) correcti6/; counsel n (debate) consultatio/, (advice)
(punishment) castigatio/. cOnsilium nt; (law) advocatus m, patrOnus m;
correctly adv bene, vere. take - consiliari, deliberare; take - of
correctness n (fact) veritas/; (language) cOnsulere ♦ vt suadere (dat), monere,
integritas / (moral) probitas/,
counsellor n consiliarius m.
corrector n emendator m, corrector m.
count vt numerare, computare; ~ as dfleere,
correspond vi (agree) respondere (dat),
habere; - amongst ponere in (abf); - up vt
congruere (dat); (by letter) inter se scribere,
enumerare; ~ upon cOnfldere (dat); be ~ed
correspondence n similitudo/; epistulae/pi.
among in numero esse (gen) ♦ vi aestimari,
correspondent n epistularum scriptor m.
haberi ♦ n ratio/; (in indictment) caput nt;
corresponding adj par.
(title) comes m.
correspondingly adv pariter,
countenance n facies/, vultus m, Os nt; (fig)
corridor n porticus/.
favor m; put out of - conturbare ♦ vt favOre
corrigible adj emendabilis,
(dat), indulgere (dat).
corroborate vt cOnfirmare.
counter n (forcounting) calculus m; (forplay)
corroboration n confirmatio/,
tessera/; (shop) mensa/ ♦ adj contrarius ♦
corrode vt erOdere, edere,
adv contra, obviam ♦ vt obsistere (dat),
corrosive ad; eddx.
respondere (dat).
corrugate vt rfigare.
corrugated adj rugosus, counteract vt obsistere (dat), adversari (dat);
(malady) mederi (dat).
corrupt vt corrumpere, depravare; (text)
vitiare ♦ adj corruptus, vitiatus; (person) counterattack vt in vicem oppugnare,
pravus, venalis; (text) vitiatus, adgredl.
corrupter n corruptor m. counterattraction n altera illecebra/,
corruptible ad; (matter) dissolflbilis; (person) counterbalance vt compensare, exaequare,
venalis. counterclockwise adv sinistrorsus,
corruption n (of matter) corruptio/; (moral) counterfeit ad; falsus, fQcatus, adsimuiatus,
corruptela/, depravatio j) (bribery) ambitus fictus ♦ vt fingere, simulare, imitari,
m. countermand vt renuntiare,
corsair n piratam, counterpane n lodix/, stragulum nt.
cort&ge n pompa/, counterpart n par m/f/nt.
coruscate vi fulgere, counterpoise n aequum pondus nt ♦ vt
coruscation n fulgor m. compensare, exaequare,
Corybant n Corybas m. countersign n (mil) tessera/.
Corybantie ad; Corybantius, counting table n abacus m.
cosmetic n medicamen nt. countless ad; innumerabilis,
cosmic adj mundanus, countrified ad; agrestis, rQsticus.
cosmopolitan adj mundanus, country n (region) regiO/, terra/, (territory)
cosmos n mundus m. fines mpl; (native) patria/, (not town) rfls nt;
cost vt emi, stare (dat); it - me dear mdgnO (open) agrl mpl; of our - nostras; live in the -
mihi stetit, male emi; it - me a talent talento rusticari; living in the - rusticatio/.
ENGLISH-LAT1N 41 country house-credit

country house n villa/. coy adj pudens, verecundus,

countryman n agricola m; fellow - popularis coyly adv pudenter, modeste,
m, clvis m. coyness n pudor m, verecundia/,
countryside n agrl mpi, rus nt. cozen vt fallere, decipere,
couple n par nt; a ~ of duo ♦ vt copulare, crab n cancer m.
coniungere. crabbed adj mOrOsus, difficilis,
couplet n distichon nt. crack n (chink) rima/; (sound) crepitus m ♦ vt
couragen fortitude/, animus m; (mil) virtus/; findere, frangere; (whip) crepitare (abi) ♦ vi
have the ~ to audere; lose - animOs (open) fatiscere; (sound) crepare, crepitare,
demittere; take - bond animd esse, crackle vi crepitare,
courageous adj fortis, acer; audax, crackling n crepitus m.
courageously adv fortiter, acriter, cradle n cunae fpl; (fig) incunabula ntpi.
courier n tabellarius m. craft n ars/; (deceit) dolus m; (boat) navigium
course n (movement) cursus m; (route) iter nt; nt.
(sequence) series/; (career) decursus; (for craftily adv callide, sollerter; dolose,
races) stadium nt, circus m; (of dinner) craftsman n artifex m, faber m.
ferculum nt; (of stones) drdd m; (of water) craftsmanship n ars/, artificium nt.
lapsus m; of ~ certa, sane, scilicet; as a crafty adj callidus, sollers; dolosus,
matter of - continud; in due - mox; in the - of crag n rupes /, scopulus m.
inter (acc), in (abf); keep on one's - cursum eram vt farcire, refercire; (with food)
tenSre; be driven off one's -deicl; second - saginare.
secunda mensa. cramp n convulsio/; (tool) confibula/ ♦ vt
court n (space) area/; (of house) atrium nt; (of coercere, coartare.
king) aula /, (suite) cohors/, comites mpl; (law) crane n (bird) grus/; (machine) machina/,
indicium nt, indices mpl; pay - to ambire, trochlea/.
Inservire (dat); hold a ~ forum agere; bring crank n uncus m; (person) ineptus m.
into ~ in ids vocare ♦ vt colere, ambire; crannied adj rimosus,
(danger) se offerre (dat); (woman) petere, cranny n rima/.
courteous adj cdmis, urbanus, hQmanus. crash n (fall) ruina/; (noise) fragor m ♦ vi
courteously adv cdmiter, urbane, ruere; strepere.
courtesan n meretrix/, crass adj crassus; - stupidity mera stultitia,
courtesy n (quality) cdmitas/, hdmanitas/; crate n crates fpl.
(act) officium nt. crater n crater m.
courtier n aulicus m; -s pi aula/, cravat n focale nt.
courtly adj officidsus. crave vt (desire) concupiscere, adpetere,
cousin n cdnsobrlnus m, cdnsobrlna/. exoptare; (request) orare, obsecrare,
cove n sinus m. craven adj ignavus.
covenant n foedus nt, pactum nt ♦ vi pacisci, craving n cupido/, desiderium nt, adpetltiO/.
cover vt tegere, operire; (hide) vdiare; (march) crawl vi (animal) serpere; (person) repere,
claudere; - ovor obdflcere; - up vi obtegere crayfish n commarus m.
♦ n integumentum nt, operculum nt; (shelter) craze n libldO/ ♦ vt mentem alienare,
latebrae jpl, suffugium nt; (pretence) species craziness n dementia/,
/ under ~ of sub (abf), sub specie (gen); take - crazy adj demens, fatuus,
delitescere. creak vi crepare,
covering n integumentum nt, involucrum nt, creaking n crepitus m.
operculum nt; (of couch) stragulum nt. cream n spuma lactis/, (fig) fl5s m.
coverlet n lodix/. crease n ruga/♦ vt rugare,
covert adj occultus; (language) obliquus ♦ n create vt creare, facere, gignere,
latebra/, perfugium nt; (thicket) dumetum nt. creation n (process) fabricatio/, (resuit) opus
covertly adv occulte, secrete, nt; (human) homines mpl.
covet vt concupiscere, expetere, creative adj (nature) creatrix; (mind) inventor,
covetous adj avidus, cupidus, inventrix.
covetously adv avide, cupide, creator n creator m, auctor m, opifex m.
covetousness n aviditas/, cupiditas/, creature n animal nt; (person) homO m/f.
covey n grex/, credence n fides/.
cow n vacca/ ♦ vt terrere, credentials n litterae commendaticiae jpl;
coward n ignavus m. (fig) auctoritas/.
cowardice n ignavia/, credibility n fides/, (source) auctoritas/,
cowardly adj ignavus, credible adj credibilis; (witness) locuples,
cower vi subsldere. credit n (belief) fides/, (repute) existimatio/
cowherd m bubulcus m. (character) auctoritas/, gratia/ (comm) fides/,
cowl n cucullus m. be a - to decus esse (gen); It is to your - tibi
coxswain n rector m. laudi est; give - for laudem tribuere (gen);
creditable-crust 42 ENGL1SH-LAT1N

have ~ fide stare ♦ vt credere (dat); (with pravus; (winding) flexuOsus; (morally)
money) acceptum referre (dat). perversus.
creditable adj honestus, laudabilis, crookedly adv perverse, prave,
creditably adv honeste, cum laude, crookedness n pravitas/,
creditor n creditor m. croon vt, vi cantare.
credulity n credulitas/, crop n (grain) seges/, messis/, (free) fructus m;
credulous ad; credulus, (bird) ingluvies/ ♦ vt (reap) metere; (graze)
creed n dogma nt. carpere, tondere; - up vi intervenire,
creek n sinus m. cross n (mark) decussis m; (torture) crux/ ♦ ad;
creel n vidulus m. transversus, obliquus; (person) acerbus,
creep vi (animal) serpere; (person) repere; Iratus ♦ vt transire; (wafer) traicere;
(flesh) horrere, (mountain) transcendere; superare; (enemy)
cremate vt cremare, obstare (dat), frustrari; - out vt (writing)
crescent n luna/, expungere ♦ vi transire; - ovor (on foot)
crescent-shaped odj lunatus, transgredi; (by sea) transmittere,
cress n nasturtium nt. crossbar n iugum nt.
crest n crista/, crossbow n scorpie m.
crested adj cristatus, cross-examination n interrogatio/,
crestfallen adj demissus, cross-examine vt interrogare, percontari,
crevasse n hiatus m. cross-grained adj (fig) morosus.
crevice n rima/. Crossing n transitus m; (on water) traiectus m.
crew n nautae mpl, remiges mpl, grex/, turba/. cross purpose n: be at ~s diversa spectare,
crib n (cot) lectulus m; (manger) praesepe nt. cross-question vt interrogare,
cricket n gryllus m. crossroads n quadrivium nt.
crier n praecO m. crosswise adv ex transverso; divide ~
crime n scelus nt, facinus nt, flagitium nt. decussare.
criminal adj scelestus, facinorosus, flagitiosus crotchety adj morosus, difficilis,
♦ n reus m. crouch vi subsldere, se submittere,
criminality n scelus nt. crow n cornix/; es the - flies recta regione ♦ vi
criminally adv sceleste, flagitiose, cantare; (fig) exsultare, gestire,
crimson n coccum nt ♦ adj coccineus, crowbar n vectis m.
cringe vi adulari, adsentarl. crowd n turba/, concursus m, frequentia/,
crinkle n ruga/. (small) grex m; multitudo/; in -s gregatim ♦
cripple vt debilitare, mfltiiare; (fig) frangere ♦ vi frequentare, celebrare ♦ vt (place)
adj claudus, complere; (person) stipare,
crisis n discrimen nt. crowded adj frequens.
crisp adj fragilis; (manner) alacer; (hair) crown n corona/; (royal) diadema nt; (of head)
crispus. vertex m; (fig) apex m, flOs m; the - of
crisscross adj in quincuncem dispositus, summus ♦ vt coronare; (fig) cumulare,
criterion n index m, indicium nt; take as a - fastigium imponere (dat).
referre ad (acc). crucial adj gravissimus, maximi mOmentl; -
critic n ifldex m; (literary) criticus, moment discrimen nt.
grammaticus nt; (adverse) castigator m. crucifixion n crucis supplicium nt.
critical od; (mind) accuratus, elegans; (blame) crucify vt cruci suffigere,
censorius, severus; (danger) periculosus, crude adj crudus; (style) diirus, inconcinnus,
dubius; - moment discrimen nt. crudely adv dure, aspere,
critically adv accurate, eleganter; severe; cum crudity n asperitas/.
periculo. cruel adj crfldeiis, saevus, atrOx.
criticism n iudicium nt; (adverse) reprehensio cruelly adv crfideiiter, atrOciter.
/• cruelty n crudelitas/, saevitia/, atrOcitfis/.
criticize vt iQdicare; reprehendere, castigare, cruise n navigatio/♦ vi navigare,
croak vi (raven) crOdre; (frog) coaxare, cruiser n speculatoria navis/,
croaking n cantus mi adj raucus, crumb n mica/.
crock n olla/. crumble vi corruere, putrem fieri ♦ vt
crockery n fictilia ntpi. putrefacere, friare,
crocodile n crocodilus m; weep ~ tears crumbling adj putris,
lacrimas confingere, crumple vt rQgare.
crocus n crocus m. crunch vt dentibus frangere,
croft n agellus m. crupper n postilena/.
erone n anus/. crush vt frangere, contundere, obterere; (fig)
crony n sodalis m. adfllgere, opprimere, obruere ♦ n turba/,
crook n pedum nt ♦ vt incurvare, frequentia/.
crooked adj incurvus, aduncus; (deformed) crust n crusta/; (bread) frustum nt.
ENGUSH-LATIN 43 crusty-cyclone

crusty ad; (fig) stomachosus, (artistic) eiabSratus; (strange) mirus, novus,

crutch n baculum nt. curiously adv cflriose; summa arte; mirum in
cry vt, vi clamare, clamitare; (weep) flere; modum.
(infant) vagire; - down detrectare; - out curl n (natural) cirrus m; (artificial) cincinnus m
exclamare, vociferari; - out against ♦ vt (hair) crispare ♦ vi (smoke) volvi,
adciamare, reclamare; - up laudare, curling irons n calamistri mpl.
venditare ♦ n clamor m, vox/, (child's) curly ad; crispus.
vagitus m; (of grief) ploratus rr.. currency n (coin) moneta/; (use) usus m; gain -
cryptic ad; arcanus. (rumour) percrebrescere,
crystal n crystallum nt ♦ adj crystallinus. current adj vulgatus, usitatus; (time) hic ♦ n
cub n catulus m. flumen nt; with the ~ secundo flumine;
cube n cubus m. against the - adverso flumine,
cubit n cubitum nt. currently adv vulgo,
cuckoo n coccyx m. curriculum n institutis/,
cucumber n cucumis m. curry vt (favour) aucupari,
cud n: chew the ~ ruminari. curse n exsecratio/, maledictum nt; (formula)
cudgel n fustis m ♦ vt verberare. exsecrabile carmen nt; (fig) pestis/; -s
cue n signum nt, indicium nt. (interi) malum! ♦ vt exsecrari, maledicere
cuff n (blow) alapa/. (dat).
cuirass n lorica/. cursed adj exsecratus, sacer; scelestus,
culinary ad; coquinarius. cursorily adv breviter, strictim.
cull vt legere, carpere, delibare. cursory adj brevis,
culminate vi ad summum fastigium venire. curt adj brevis.
culmination n fastigium nt. curtail vt minuere, contrahere,
culpability n culpa/, noxa/. curtailment n deminutio/, contractio/,
culpable ad; nocens. curtain n aulaeum nt ♦ vt velare,
culprit n reus m. curule adj curulis.
cultivate vt (land) colere, subigere; (mind) curve n flexus m, arcus m ♦ vt flectere,
excolere; (interest) fovere, studere (dat). incurvare, arcuare,
cultivation n cultus m, cultura/, cushion n pulvinus m.
cultivator n cultor m, agricola m. custodian n custos m.
cultural adj hQmanior. custody n custodia/, tutela/; (prison) career
culture n humanitas/, bonae artes fpl. m; hold in ~ custodire,
cultured adj doctus, litteratus, custom n mos m, consuetudo/; (national)
culvert n cloaca/. Institutum nt; ~s pl portoria ntpl.
cumber vt impedire, obesse (dat)-, (load) customarily adv plerumque, de m5re, vulgo,
onerare. customary ad; solitus, usitatus; (rite)
cumbersome odi molestus, gravis, sollemnis; it is - mos est.
cumulative adj alius ex alio, be - cumulari, customer n emptor m.
cuneiform adj cuneatus, customs officer n portitor m.
cunning adj callidus, astutus ♦ n ars/, astutia cut vt secare, caedere, scindere; (corn)
/, calliditas /. metere; (branch) amputare; (acquaintance)
cunningly adv callide, astOte. aversari; (hair) detondere; - away
cup n pQculum nt; drink the - of (fig) exanciare, abscindere, resecare; - down rescindere,
exhaurire; in one's ~s ebrius, potus, caedere, succidere; ~ into incidere; - off vt
cupboard n armarium nt. abscidere, praecidere; (exclude) excladere;
Cupid n Cupids m, Amor m. (intercept) intercludere, intercipere; (head)
cupidity n avaritia/, abscindere; - out vt excidere, exsecare;
cupola n tholus m. (omit) omittere; - out for aptus ad, natus ad
cupping glass n cucurbita/, (acc); - round circumcidere; - short
cur n canis m. praecidere; (speech) incidere, interrumpere;
curable ad; sanabilis, ~ through intercidere; ~ up vt concidere ♦ n
curative adj saiabris. vulnus nt.
curator n custSs m. cutlass n gladius m.
curb vt frenare. Infrenare; (fig) coercere, cutlery n cultri mpl.
cohibere ♦ n frenum nt. cutter n sector m; (boat) lembus m.
curdle vt cogere ♦ vi concrescere, cutthroat n sicarius m.
curds n concretum lac nt. cutting n (piant) propagS/♦ adj acutus; (fig)
cure vt sanare, mederi (dat) ♦ n remedium nt; acerbus, mordax,
(process) sanatio/, cuttlefish n sepia/,
curio n deliciae fpl. cyclamen n baccar nt.
curiosity n studium nt; (thing) miraculum nt. cycle n orbis m.
curious adj (inquisitive) curiSsus, cupidus; cyclone n turbd/.
cylinder-day 44 ENGUSH-LAT1N

cylinder n cylindrus m. dank ad; Qmidus.

cymbal n cymbalum nt. dapper adj concinnus, nitidus,
cynic n (philos) cynicus m. dapple vt variare, distinguere,
cynical adj mordax, acerbus, dappled adj macuiesus, distinctus,
cynically adv mordaciter, acerbe, dare vt audere; (challenge) prOvocare; I - say
cynicism n acerbitas/, haud scie an.
cynosure n cynosQra /. daring n audacia/♦ adj audax,
cypress n cypressus/. daringly adv audacter,
dark adj obscflrus, opacus; (colour) fuscus,
ater; (fig) obscurus; it is getting -
advesperascit; keep - silere ♦ n tenebrae/pl;
(mist) callgO/; keep in the ~ c618re.

D,d darken vt obscurare, occaecare,

darkish ad; subobscQrus.
darkling adj obscurus,
darkness n tenebrae fpl; (mist) cailgO/.
darksome adj obscflrus.
darling ad; carus, dilectus ♦ n deliciae fpl,
voluptas /.
dabble vi: - in gustare, leviter attingere, darn vt resarcire,
dactyl n dactylus m. darnel n lolium nt.
dactylic adj dactylicus, dart n telum nt; iaculum nt ♦ vt emicare, se
dagger n sica/, pugifl/. conicere ♦ vt iacuiarl, iacere.
daily ad; diurnus, cottidianus ♦ adv cottldie, in dash vt adfllgere; (hope) frangere; ~ against
dies. illidere, incutere; - down deturbare; - out
daintily adv molliter, concinni; fastidiose, elidere; - to pieces discutere; - to the
daintiness n munditia/, concinnitas/; ground prosternere ♦ vi currere, s6 incitare,
(squeamish) fastidium nt. ruere ♦ n impetus m; (quality) ferOcia/.
dainty ad; mundus, concinnus, mollis; dashing adj ferox, animOsus.
fastidiosus ♦ npl: dainties cuppedia ntpl. dastardly ad; ignavus,
daisn suggestus m. date n (fruit) palmula/ (time) tempus nt, dies
daisy n bellis/, m; out of - obsoletus; become out of -
dalen vallis/, exolescere; to - adhflc; be up to ~ praesenti
dalliance n lascivia/. more fltl ♦ vt (letter) diem adscrlbere; (past
dally vi lGdere; morari, event) repetere ♦ vi initium capere,
dam n molgs/, agger m; (animal) mater/♦ vt dative n dativus m.
obstruere, exaggerare, daubvt inlinere.
damage n damnum nt, detrimentum nt, daughter n filia/, (little) filiola/.
malum nt; (inflicted) iniuria/; (law) damnum daughter-in-law n nurus/,
nt; assess ~s litem aestimare ♦ vt laedere, daunt vt terrere, perterrere,
nocere (dat); (by evidence) laedere; dauntless ad; impavidus, intrepidus,
(reputation) violare, dauntlessly adv impavide, intrepide,
damageable ad; fragilis, dawdle vi cessare, cunctari,
dame n matrCna/, domina/, dawdler n cunctator m.
damn vt damnare, exsecrari, dawn n aurCra/, diluculum nt; (fig) origO/;
damnable ad; detestabilis, improbus, prima lux/ at - prima lflce ♦ vi dllflcescere;
damnably adv improbe, day -s dies illucescit; it ~s upon me mente
damnation n malum nt. concipio.
damp ad; Gmidus ♦ n flmor m ♦ vt madefacere; day n dies m/f; (period) aetas/ - about alternis
(enthusiasm) restinguere, demittere, diebus; - by ~ in dies; cotidie; by - adj
damsel n puella/, virgo/, diflrnus ♦ adv interdifl; during the - interdiu;
damson n Damascenum nt. every - cotidie; from - to - in dies, diem de
dance vi saltare ♦ n saltatio/, (religious) die; late in the - multO die; next - postridie;
tripudium nt. one -/some - Olim; the - after adv postridie ♦
dancer n saltator m, saltatrix/, con; postridie quam; the - after tomorrow
dandruff n porrige/, perendie; the - before adv pridie ♦ conj pridie
dandy n delicatus m. quam; the - before yesterday nfldius tertius;
danger n periculum nt, discrimen nt. the present - haec aetas; time of - h6ra;
dangerous ad; periculosus, dubius; (in attack) twice a - bis (in) di6; -s of old praeteritum
Infestus. tempus; -s to come posteritas; better -s res
dangerously adv periculose, prosperae; evil -s res adversae; three -s
dangle vt suspendere ♦ vi pendere. triduum nt; two -s biduum nt; win
ENGL1SH-LATIN 45 daybook-decision

tha - vincere, nt.

daybook n adversaria ntpl. debatable adj ambiguus, dubius,
daybreak n aurOra/, prlma liix/. debate vt disputare, disceptare ♦ n
daylight n dies m; (become) ~ illucescere, controversia/, disceptatio/, altercatib/.
daystar n lucifer m. debater n disputator m.
daytime n dies m; in the ~ interdiu. debauch vt corrumpere, pellicere ♦ n
daze vi obstupefacere ♦ n stupor m. comissatio/.
dazzle vt praestringere, debauched adj perditus, pravus,
dazzling adj splendidus, nitens, debauchee n comissator m.
deacon n diaconus m. debaucher n corruptor m.
deaconess n diaconissa/, debauchery n luxuria/, stuprum nt.
dead adj mortuus; (in battle) occisus; (lit) debilitate vt debilitare,
frigidus; (place) iners, s&litarius; (senses) debility n Infirmitas/.
hebes; - of night nox intempesta / be - to debit n expensum nt ♦ vt in expensum referre,
non sentire; in ~ earnest serib ac verb; rise debonair adj urbanus, comis,
from the - reviviscere ♦ adv prorsus, debouch vi exire,
omnlnb. debris n rudus nt.
dead beat adj confectus, debt n aes alienum nt; (booked) ndmen nt; (fig)
dead body n cadaver m. debitum nt; be in - in aere alieno esse; pay off
dead calm n malacia/, ~ aes alienum persolvere; run up ~ aes
dead certainty n rbs certissima, alienum contrahere; collect ~s nomina
deaden vt (senses) hebetare, obtundere; (pain) exigere; abolition of ~s novae tabulae jpi.
restinguere. debtor n debitor m.
deadlock n incitae fpi; reach a - ad incitas decade n decem anni mpl.
redigi. decadence n occasus m.
dead loss n mera iactura. decadent adj degener, deterior,
deadly adj funestus, exitiosus, exitiabilis; decamp vi (mil) castra movere; (fig)
(enmity) implacabilis; (pain) acerbissimus. discedere, aufugere,
dead weight n moles/. decant vt defundere, diffundere,
deaf adj surdus; become ~ obsurdescere; be - decanter n lagoena/,
to non audire, obdurescere contra, decapitate vt detruncare,
deafen vt (with noise) obtundere, decay vi dilabi, perire, putrescere; (fig)
deafness n surditas/. tabescere, senescere ♦ n ruina/, lapsus m;
deal n (amount) cbpia/, a good - aliquantum nt, (fig) occasus m, defectio/,
bona pars/, (wood) abies/♦ adj abiegnus ♦ vt deceased adj mortuus,
(blow) dare, Infligere; (share) dividere, deceit n fraus/, fallacia/, dolus m.
partiri ♦ vt agere, negotiari; - with vtfus deceitful adj fallax, fraudulentus, dolosus,
(person) agere cum (abf); (matter) tractare, deceitfully adv fallaciter, dolose,
dealern (wholesale) negotiator m, mercator m; deceive vt decipere, fallere, circumvenire,
(retail) caupb m. fraudare.
dealings n commercium nt, negbtium nt, res/, deceiver n fraudator m.
dean n decanus m. December n mgnsis December m; of -
dear adj (love) carus, gratus; (cost) carus, December.
pretibsus; my - Quintus ml Quinte; decemvir n decemvir m; of the ~s
(beginning of letter from Marcus) Marcus decemviralis.
Quintb salfltem; - me! (sorrow) hei!; decemvirate n decemviratus m.
(surprise) ehem!; buy ~ male emere; sell - decency n honestum nt, decorum nt, pudor m.
bene vendere. decent adj honestus, pudens,
dearly adv (love) valde, ardenter; (value) decently adv honeste, pudenter,
magni. deception n fraus/, fallacia/,
dearness n caritas/. deceptive adj fallax, fraudulentus,
dearth n inopia/, penflria/. decide vt, vi (dispute) dliudicare, decernere,
death n mors/, (natural) obitus m; (violent) nex dirimere; ~ to do statuere, constituere
/, interitus m; condemn to - capitis damnare; (infin); I have ~d mihi certum est; - the issue
put to - interficere; give the - blow to decernere.
interimere. decided adj certus, firmus,
deathbed n: on one's - moriens, moribundus, decidedly adv certe, plane,
deathless adj immortalis, deciduous adj caducus,
deathly adj pallidus, decimate vt decimum quemque occidere,
debar vt prohibere, excludere, decipher vt expedire, enodare,
debase vt depravare, corrumpere; (coin) decision n (of judge) iOdicium nt; (of council)
adulterare; (self) prbsternere, demittere, decretum nt; (of senate) auctoritas/ (of
debasement n dedecus nt; (coin) adulterium referee) arbitrium nt; (persona!) sententia/
decisive-deflect 46 ENGLISH-LATIN

(quality) cOnstantia/. deeply adv alte, graviter; (inside) penitus; very

decisive ad; certus; ~ moment discrimen nt. ~ valde, vehementer,
decisively adv sine dubiO. deep-seated adj (fig) inveteratus,
deck vt Omare, exOmare ♦ n deern cervus m, cerva/ (fallow) dama/,
(ship) p6ns m; with a ~ cOnstratus. deface vt deformare, foedare,
decked adj Ornatus; (ship) cOnstratus. defaced adj deformis,
declaim vt, vi declamare, prOnQntiare. defacement n deformitas/,
declamation n declamatio/, defalcation n peculatus m.
declamatory adj declamatorius, defamation n calumnia/, opprobrium nt.
declaration n adfirmatio/, adseverStiO/; defamatory adj contumeliosus, probrOsus.
(formal) professio/; (of war) denuntiatio/, defame vt Infamare, obtrectare, calumniari,
declare vt affirmare, adsevOrare; (secret) default vi deesse; (money) nOn solvere ♦ n
aperire, expOnere; (proclamation) defectio/, culpa/ let judgment go by -
denuntiare, edicere; (property in census) vadimonium deserere, nOn respondere,
dedicare; (war) indicere, defaulter n reus m.
declension n declinatio/, defeat vt vincere, superare; (completely)
declination n declinatio/, devincere; (plan) frustrari, disicere ♦ n
declinen (slope) declive nt, deiectus m; (of age) clades/; (at election) repulsa/, offensio/, (of
senium nt; (of power) defectio/ (of nation) plan) frustratio/.
occasus m ♦ vi inclinare, occidere; (fig) defeatism n patientia/.
ruere, delabi, degenerare ♦ vt detrectare, defeatist n imbellis m.
recusare; (gram) declinare, defect n vitium nt.
decode vt expedire, enodare, defection n defectio/, seditio/.
decompose vt dissolvere ♦ vi putrescere, defective adj mancus, vitiOsus.
decomposed adj putridus, defence n praesidium nt, tutela/ patrocinium
decomposition n dissolutio/ nt; (speech) defensio/; speak in - defendere,
decorate vt Ornare, decorare, defenceless adj inermis, indefensus; leave -
decoration n Ornamentum nt; (medal) insigne nudare.
nt. defences npi munimenta ntpi, munitiones fpl.
decorous adj pudens, modestus, decOrus. defend vt defendere, tu§rl, custodire.
decorously adv pudenter, modeste, defendant n reus m.
decorum n pudor m, honestum nt. defender n defensor m, propugnator m; (law)
decoy n illecebra/ ♦ vt adlicere, inescare, patrOnus m.
decrease n deminutio/, decessio/ ♦ vt defensible adj iustus.
deminuere, extenuare ♦ vi decrescere, defensive adj defensionis causS; be on the ~
decree n (of magistrate) decretum nt, edictum se defendere.
nt; (of senate) cOnsultum nt, auctoritas/; (of defensively adv defendendo,
people) scitum nt ♦ vt edicere, decernere; defer vt differre, prolatare ♦ vi mOrem gerere
(people) sciscere, iubere; the senate ~s (dat); I - to you in this hoc tibi tribuO.
placet senatui. deference n obsequium nt, observantia/
decrepit adj Infirmus, debilis, decrepitus, show - to observare, Inservire (dat).
decrepitude n Infirmitas/, debilitas/, deferential adj observans, officiosus,
decry vt obtrectare, reprehendere, deferment n dilatio/, prolatio/,
decurion n decurio m. defiance n ferOcia/, minae/pi.
dedicate vt dedicare, consecrare; (life) defiant adj ferOx, minax,
devovere. defiantly adv ferOciter, minaciter,
dedication n dedicatio/; devCtiO/. deficiency n vitium nt; (lack) pOnQria/, inopia
dedicatory adj commendaticius, /■
deduce vt colligere, concludere, deficient adj vitiosus, inops; be - deesse,
deduct vt demere, detrahere, deficere,
deduction n (inference) conclusio/, deficit n lacuna/.
cOnsequOns nt; (subtraction) deductio/, defile n fauces/pl, angustiae fpl ♦ vt inquinare,
deminutio/. contaminare.
deedn, factum nt, facinus nt; gestum nt; (legal) defilement n sordes/, foeditas/.
tabulae fpl; ~spl res gestae fpl. define vt (limits) finire, definire, terminare;
deem vt ducere, censere, habere, (meaning) explicare,
deep adj altus, profundus; (discussion) definite adj certus, definitus,
abstrusus; (sleep) artus; (sound) gravis; definitely adv definite; prOrsus.
(width) latus; three - (mil) terni in definition n definitio/, explicatio/.
latitudinem ♦ n altum nt. definitive adj definitivus,
deepen vt defodere, altiOrem reddere; (fig) deflate vt laxare.
augere ♦ vi altiOrem fieri; (fig) crescere, deflect vt deducere, declinare ♦ vi deflectere,
deepest adj Imus. degredi.
ENGLISH-LATIN 47 deflection-denomination

deflection n declinatio/, flexus m. delirious ad; delirus, amens, furiSsus; be -

deform vt deformare, furere, delirare,
deformed adj deformis, distortus, delirium n furor m, amentia/,
deformity n deformitas/, pravitas/. deliver vt (from) liberare, exsolvere, eripere;
defraud vt fraudare, defraudare, (blow) intendere; (message) referre; (speech)
defrauder n fraudator m. habere; ~ to deferre, tradere, dare; ~ up
defray vt solvere, suppeditare, dedere, tradere; be ~ed of parere,
deft adj habilis, deliverance n liberatis/,
deftly adv habiliter, deliverer n liberator m.
defunct adj mortuus. delivery n (of things due) traditio/; (of speech)
defy vt contemnere, spernere, adversari (dat); actio/, prSnQntiatiS/; (of child) partus m.
(challenge) provocare, lacessere, dell n convallis /.
degeneracy n depravatio/, Delphi n Delphi mpl.
degenerate adj degener ♦ vi degenerare, delude vt decipere, frustrari, deludere,
desciscere. deluge n eluvio/ ♦ vt inundare,
degradation n Infamia/, ignominia/, nota/, delusion n error m, fraus/,
degrade vt notare, abicere; (from office) delusive adj fallax, inanis,
movere. delve vt fodere,
degrading adj turpis, indignus, demagogue n plebicola m.
degree n gradus; (sociaO locus m; in some - demand vt poscere, postulare, imperare;
aliqua ex parte; by ~s gradatim, sensim, (urgently) flagitare, poscere; (thing due)
deification n apotheosis/. exigere; (answer) quaerere; - back repetere
deified adj (emperor) divus, ♦ n postulatis /, postulatum nt.
deify vt consecrare, inter deos referre, demarcation n limes m.
deign vi dignari, demean vt (self) demittere,
deity n deus m. demeanour n gestus m, mos m, habitus m.
dejected adj adfllctus, demissus, demented adj demens, furiosus,
dejectedly adv animo demisso, demerit n culpa/, vitium nt.
dejection n maestitia/, demesne n fundus m.
delay vt demorari, detinere, retardare ♦ vi demigod n heros m.
cunctari, cessare ♦ n mora/, cunctatio/, demise n obitus m ♦ vt legare,
delayer n morator m, cunctator m. democracy n civitas popularis/,
delectable adj iucundus, amoenus, democrat n homS popularis m/f.
delegate vt legare, mandare, committere ♦ n democratic adj popularis,
legatus m. demolish vt demoliri, diruere, destruere;
delegation n legatio/, legati mpl. (argument) discutere,
delete vt delere. demolition n ruina/, eversio/,
deleterious ad; perniciosus, noxius, demon n daemSn m.
deletion n (writing) litflra/. demonstrate vt (show) monstrare, ostendere,
deliberate vi deliberare, consulere ♦ adj (act) indicare; (prove) demonstrare,
consideratus; (intention) certus; (manner) demonstration n exemplum nt; (proof)
consideratus; (speech) lentus, demonstratio/.
deliberately adv de industria, demonstrative adj (manner) vehemens; (rhet)
deliberation n deliberatis/, demonstrativus.
deliberative ad; deliberativus, demoralization n corruptio/, depravatio/,
delicacy n (Judgment) subtilitas/, elegantia/; demoralize vt corrumpere, depravare,
(manners) mollitia/, luxus m; (health) labefactare,
vaietOdo/; (food) cuppedia ntpl. demote vt locO movere,
delicate adj mollis; (health) Infirmus; (shape) demur vi gravari, recusare ♦ n mora/,
gracilis; (feelings) humanus, dubitatio/.
delicately adv molliter; humane, demure adj modestus, verecundus,
delicious ad; suavis, lautus, demurely adv modeste, verecunde,
delight n voluptas/, gaudium nt, delectatio/♦ demureness n modestia/, verecundia/,
vt delectare, oblectare, iuvare ♦ vi gaudere, pudor m.
delectari. demurrer n(law) exceptio/,
delightful ad; iucundus, dulcis, festivus; den n latibulum nt, latebra/, (of vice) lustrum
(scenery) amoenus, nt.
delightfully adv iucunde, suaviter, denarius n denarius m.
delimitation n definitio/. denial n Infitiatio/, negatio/.
delineate vt describere, depingere, denigrate vt obtrectare, calumniari.
delineation n descriptis/, denizen n incola m/f.
delinquency n culpa/, delictum nt, noxa/, denominate vt nOminare, appellare.
delinquent n nocens m/f, reus m. denomination n nOmen nt; (religious) secta/.
denote-design 48 ENGLISH-LATIN

denote vt notare, significare, frangere; be -ed iacere, animum

denouement n exitus m. despondere.
denounce vt dfiferre, incflsare. depressing adj maestus, tristis,
denouncer n delator m. depression n (place) cavum nt; (mind) tristitia
dense adi densus; (crowd) frequens; (person) /, sollicitfldO/.
stolidus. deprivation n privatio/, spoliatio/.
density n crassitudo/ (crowd) frequentia/. deprive vt privare, spoliare,
dent n nota /. depth n altitfldO/ (place) profundum nt,
dentate adj dentatus. gurges m.
denture n dentes mpi. deputation n legatio/, legati mpl.
denudation n spoliatio/. depute vt legare, mandare,
denude vt spoliare, nfldare. deputy n legatus m; (substitute) vicarius m.
denunciation n (report) indicium nt, delatio/, derange vt conturbare,
(threat) minae/pi. deranged adj Insanus, mente captus,
deny vt Infitiari, Infitias Ire, negare, abnuere; derangement n perturbatio/, (mind) Insania
(on oath) abiurSre; - oneself genium /, dementia/,
defraudare. derelict adj desertus,
depart vi discedere (abf), abire, exire, egredi, dereliction n (of duty) neglegentia/,
department n (district) regio/, pars/ (duty) deride vt deridere, inlfldere.
provincia/, mQnus nt. derision n risus m, irrisio/.
departure n discessus m, abitus m, digressus derisive adj mordax,
m, exitus m; (change) mutatiO/ (death) obitus derivation n origo/.
m. derive vt dflcere, trahere; (advantage) capere,
depend vi pendere; (be dependent) pendere ex parare; (pleasure) decerpere, percipere; be
(abf), nltl (abf)\ (rely) fidere, cOnfldere; ~ing -d defluere.
on fretus (abf). derogate vi derogare, detrahere; ~ from
dependable adj fldus. imminuere, obtrectare,
dependant n cliens m/f. derogation n imminfltiO/, obtrectatio/,
dependence n clientela/ (reliance) fiducia/, derogatory adj indignus; - remarks
dependency n provincia /. obtrectatio /.
dependent adj subiectus, obnoxius, derrick n trochlea/,
depict vt describere, depingere; (fo the life) descant vt disserere ♦ n cantus m.
expingere. descend vi descendere; (water) delabi; (from
deplete vt deminuere, heaven) delabi; (by inheritance) pervenire,
depletion n deminutio/, prOdl; (morally) delabi, s6 demittere; be -ed
deplorable adj turpis, nefandus, pessimus, from oriri ex (abi).
deplorably adv turpiter, pessime, misere, descendant n progenies/, ~s pi minOres mpl,
deplore vt deplorare, deflere, conqueri, posteri mpl.
deploy vt explicare; instruere, dispOnere. descent n descensus m; (slope) clivus m,
depopulate vt vastare, nfldare. deiectus m; (birth) genus nt; (hostile) decursus
depopulation n vastatio/, sOlitfldO/. m, incursio/ make a - upon inrumpere in
deport vt (banish) deportare; (self) gerere, (acc), incursare in (acc).
deportation n exsilium nt. describe vt describere; (telf) narrare; (portray)
deportment n gestus m, habitus m. depingere, exprimere,
depose vt demovere, depellere; (evidence) description n descriptio/, (tale) narratio/
testari. (kind) genus nt.
deposit n fldflcia/, depositum nt ♦ vt descry vt cernere, conspicere, prospectare,
depOnere, mandare, desecrate vt profanare, exaugurare,
depositary n sequester m. desecration n exauguratio/, violatio/.
deposition n (law) testimonium nt, indicium desert vt deserere, derelinquere, destituere ♦
nt. vi desciscere, deficere ♦ adj desertus,
depository n apotheca/, solitarius ♦ n (place) sOlitfldO/, loca deserta
depot n (for arms) armamentarium nt; (for ntpl; (merit) meritum nt.
trade) emporium nt. deserted a<fj desertus,
deprave vt depravare, corrumpere, deserter n desertor m; (mil) transfuga m.
depraved adj pravus, desertion n defectio/, transfugium nt.
depravity n depravatio/, turpitfldO/. deserve vt mereri; dignus esse qui (+ subj)\ -
deprecate vt abominari, deprecari, wall of bene mereri de (abf).
deprecation n deprecatio/. deserved adj meritus,
depreciate vt obtrectare, detrectare, deservedly adv merito,
depreciation n obtrectatio/, (price) vilitas/, deserving adj dignus,
depredation n praedatio/, direptio/. desiccate vt siccare,
depress vt deprimere; (mind) adfllgere, design n (drawing) adumbratio/ (plan)
ENGLISH-LATIN 49 designate-devolve

cOnsilium nt, prdpositum nt; by - consulto ♦ desuetude n desuetfldo/.

vt adumbrare; in animO habere, desultorily adv carptim,
designate vt designare, mOnstrare; (as heir) desultory adj varius, inconstans,
scribere; (as official) designare ♦ adj detach vt abiungere, seiungere, amovere,
designatus. separare.
designation n nomen nt, titulus m. detachment n (mil) manus/, cohors/; (mind)
designedly adv de industria, consults, integer animus m, liber animus,
designer n auctor m, inventor m. detail n: -s pl singula ntpl; in - singillatim ♦ vt
designing adj vafer, dolosus, exsequi.
desirable adj optabilis, expetendus, gratus, detain vt demorari, detinere, distinere,
desire n cupiditas/; studium nt; (.uncontrolled) morari.
libido / (natural) adpetltiO/♦ vt cupere; detect vt deprehendere, patefacere,
(much) exoptare, expetere; (command) detection n deprehensio/,
iubere. detective n inquisitor m.
desirous adj cupidus, avidus, studiosus, detention n retentio/, (prison) vincula ntpl.
desist vi desistere, deter vt deterrere, absterrere, impedire,
desk n scrinium nt. deteriorate vi degenerare,
desolate adj desertus, solitarius; (place) deterioration n depravatio/, lapsus m.
vastus ♦ vt vastare. determinate adj certus, finitus,
desolation n solitudo/, vastitas/; (process) determination n obstinatio/, constantia/
vastatio /. (intention) prOpositum nt, sententia/,
despair vi desperare de (abi), animum determine vt (fix) finire; (decide) statuere,
despondere ♦ n desperatio/, constituere.
despairingly adv desperanter, determined adj obstinatus; (thing) certus; I
despatch see dispatch, am ~ to mihi certum est (infin).
desperado n homo desperatus m. determinedly adv constanter,
desperate adj (hopeless) desperatus; (wicked) deterrent n: act as a ~ to deterrere,
perditus; (dangerous) periculosus, detest vt Odisse, detestari,
desperately adv desperanter, detestable adj detestabilis, odiOsus.
desperation n desperatio/, detestation n odium nt, invidia/,
despicable adj despectus, abiectus, turpis, dethrone vt regno depellere,
despicably adv turpiter, detour n circuitus m; make a ~ iter flectere;
despise vt contemnere, despicere, spernere, (mil) agmen circumducere,
despiser n contemptor m. detract vi: ~ from derogare, detrahere,
despite n malevolentia/, odium nt. detraction n obtrectatio/,
despoil vt spoliare, nQdare. detractor n obtrectator m, invidus m.
despoiler n spoliator m, praedator m. detriment n damnum nt, detrimentum nt.
despond vi animum despondere, desperare, detrimental adj damnOsus; be - to detrimento
despondency n desperatio/, esse (dat).
despondent adj abiectus, adfllctus, demissus; devastate vt vastare, populari,
be ~ animum despondere, devastation n vastatio/, populatio/ (state)
despondently adv animO demisso, vastitas /.
despot n dominus m, rex m. develop vt evolvere, explicare; (person)
despotic adj imperiosus, superbus, educare, alere ♦ vi crescere; - into evadere
despotically adv superbe, in (acc).
despotism n dominatio/, superbia/, regnum development n explicatio/; (of men) educatio
nt. / (of resources) cultus m; (of events) exitus m.
dessert n secunda mensa/, deviate vi decedere de via, aberrare,
destination n finis m. declinare; (speech) degredi,
destine vt destinare, designare; ~d to be deviation n declinatio/; (from truth) error m;
futurus. (in speech) digressus m.
destiny n fatum nt; of - fatalis, device n (plan) consilium nt; (machine)
destitute adj inops, pauper, privatus; - of machina/; (emblem) Insigne nt.
expers (gen). devii n diabolus m; go to the ~ abi in malam
destitution n inopia/, egestas/, crucem!; talk of the ~ lupus in fabula!
destroy vt delere, evertere, dirimere, devilish adj scelestus, impius,
perdere. devil-may-care adj praeceps, lascivus,
destroyer n eversor m. devilment n malitia/,
destructible adj fragilis, devilry n magicae artes/pi.
destruction n exitium nt, eversio/, excidium devious adj devius, errabundus,
nt. devise vt excOgitare, commentari, fingere,
destructive adj exitiabilis, perniciosus, devoid adj vacuus, expers; be - of carere (abi).
destructively adv perniciose. devolve vi obtingere, obvenire ♦ vt deferre.
devote-diplomacy 50 ENGLISH-LATIN

committere. diffidence n diffidentia/ (shyness) pudor m;

devote vt dedicare; (attention) dedere, with ~ modeste.
trSdere; (life) devovere, diffident ad; diffidens; (shy) modestus,
devoted ad; deditus, studiosus; (victim) verecundus,
d§v0tus, sacer; be - to studere (dat), diffidently adv modeste,
incumbere (dat). diffuse vt diffundere, dispergere; be -d
devotee n cultor m. diffluere ♦ adj fusus, diffQsus, cOpiOsus.
devotion n amor m, studium nt; religio/, diffusely adv diffuse, cOpiOse.
devour vt devorare, consumere; (fig) haurire, diffuseness n copia/.
devout ad; pius, religiosus, dig vt fodere; ducere; (nudge) fodicare; - up vt
devoutly adv pie, religiose, effodere, eruere,
dew n rOs m. digest vt coquere, concoquere ♦ n
dewy ad; roscidus, summarium nt.
dexterity n ars/, sollertia/, digestion n concoctio/, with a bad ~ crudus,
dexterous ad; sollers, habilis, digger n fossor m.
dexterously adv sollerter, habiliter, dignified adj gravis, augustus,
diabolical ad; scelestus, nefarius, dignify vt honOrare, honestare,
diadem n diadema nt. dignity n gravitas/, maiestas /, amplitudo/,
diagnose vt discernere, diiQdicare. digress vi devertere, digredi, declinare,
diagnosis n iQdicium nt. digression n declinatio/, digressus m.
diagonal ad; obliquus, dike n (ditch) fossa/ (mound) agger m.
diagram n forma/, dilapidated adj ruinosus,
dial n solarium nt. dilapidation n ruina/,
dialect n dialectus/, sermo m. dilate vt dilatare; (speech) plura dicere,
dialectic n ars disserendi/, dialectice/♦ odj dilatorily adv tarde, cunctanter,
dialecticus. dilatoriness n mora/ cunctatio/.
dialectician n dialecticus m. dilatory ad; tardus, lentus, segnis,
dialogue n dialogus m, colloquium nt. dilemma n nodus m, angustiae fpl; be in a ~
diameter n diametros/, haerere; be on the horns of a - auribus
diamond n adamas m. tenOre lupum.
diaphanous ad; perlucidus, diligence n diligentia/, industria/, cura/,
diaphragm n praecordia ntpi. diligent adj diligens, industrius, sedulus,
diary n ephemeris/, diligently adv diligenter, sedulO.
diatribe n convicium nt. dill n anethum nt.
dice n talus m, tessera/, game of ~ alea/, dilly-dally vi cessare,
dictate vt dictare ♦ n praeceptum nt; ~s of dilute vt diluere, temperare,
nature natQrae iudicia ntpl. dim adj obscQrus; (fig) hebes ♦ vt obscurare;
dictation n dictata ntpl; (fig) arbitrium nt. hebetare.
dictator n dictator m; ~'s dictatorius, dimension n modus m; ~s pi amplitude/,
dictatorial ad; imperiosus, superbus, magnitudo/.
dictatorship n dictatura/. diminish vt minuere, imminuere, extenuare,
diction n (enunciation) elocQtiO/; (words) OratiO Infringere ♦ vi decrescere,
/• diminution n imminOtiO/, deminutio/,
dictionary n verborum thesaurus m. diminutive adj parvulus, exiguus ♦ n(word)
die n signum nt; the ~ is cast iacta alea est ♦ vi deminutum nt.
mori, perire, obire; (in battle) cadere, diminutiveness n exiguitas/,
occumbere; - off demori; - out emori; be dimly adv obscure,
dying to exoptare. dimness n tenebrae fpl, callgO/.
diet n (food) diaeta/ (meeting) conventus m. dimple n gelasinus m.
differ vi differe, discrepare, dissentire, din n fragor m, strepitus m; make a - strepere
difference n discrepantia/, dissimilitodo/ (of ♦ vt obtundere,
opinion) dissensio/; there is a - interest, dine vi c6n8re.
different adj diversus, varius, dissimilis; - diner n conviva m.
from alius ... ac; In - directions diversi; they dinghy n scapha/.
say ~ things alius aliud dicit, dingy adj sordidus; (colour) fuscus,
differentiate vt discernere, dining room n cenatio/,
differently adv diverso, varie, alius aliter; - dinner n cena/,
from aliter... ac. dinner party convivium nt.
difficult ad; difficilis, arduus; very ~ dint n ictus m; by - of per (acc).
perdifficilis, perarduus, dip vt imbuere, mergere ♦ vi mergi; - into
difficulty n difficultas/, labor m, negotium nt; (study) perstringere,
with ~ difficulter, aegre, vix; be in - diploma n diploma nt.
laborare. diplomacy n (embassy) legatio/ (tact)
ENGL1SH-LATIN 51 diplomat-discouragement

iudicium nt, sagacitas /. disavowal n Infitiatis/,

diplomat n legatus m. disband vt dimittere,
diplomatic ad; sagax, circumspectus, disbelief n diffidentia/, suspicis/,
diptych n tabellae fpi. disbelieve vt diffidere (dat).
diread; dirus, horridus, disburden vt exonerare,
direct vt regere, dirigere; (attention) disburse vt erogare, expendere,
attendere, admovere, advertere; (course) disbursement n impensa/,
tendere; (business) administrare, moderari; disc n orbis m.
(letter) Inscribere; (order) imperare (dat), discard vt mittere, ponere, proicere.
iubere; (to a place) viam monstrare (dat); discern vt conspicere, dispicere, cernere; (fig)
(weapon) intendere ♦ ad; rectus, directus; intellegere.
(person) simplex; (language) apertus ♦ adv discernment n iudicium nt, intellegentia/,
recta. sagacitas /.
direction n (of going) cursus m, iter nt; (of discharge vt (load) exonerare; (debt)
looking) pars/, regio/, (control) administratis exsolvere; (duty) fungi (abi), exsequi;
/, regimen nt; (order) praeceptum nt, iussum (officer) exauctSrare; (troops) missSs facere,
nt; in the - of Rome Romam versus; in ali ~s dimittere; (weapon) iacere, iacuiarl;
passim, undique; in both -s utroque, (prisoner) absolvere; (from body) edere,
directly adv (place) rficta; (time) prStinus, reddere ♦ vi (river) effundi, Influere ♦ n
continuo, statim; (language) aperte ♦ conj (bodily) defluxis/; (mil) missiS/, dimissio/; (of
simulae. a duty) perfunctis/,
directness n (fig) simplicitas/. disciple n discipulus m.
director n dux m, gubernator m, moderator m. discipline n (mil) modestia/ (punishment)
dirge n nenia/. castigatis/; (study) disciplina/ ♦ vt coercere,
dirkn pugio m. castigare.
dirt n sordes/; (mud) lutum nt. disciplined ad; modestus,
dirty ad; sordidus, foedus; (speech) inquinatus disclaim vt renuntiare, repudiare, reicere.
♦ vt foedare, inquinare, disclaimer n repudiatio/,
disability n vitium nt. disclose vt aperire, patefacere, indicare,
disable vt debilitare, imminuere, disclosure n indicium nt.
disabled ad; mutilus, debilis, discoloration n decoloratio/,
disabuse vt errorem demere (dat). discolour vt decolorare,
disaccustom vt desuefacere, discoloured ad; decolor,
disadvantage n incommodum nt, discomfit vt vincere, conturbare,
detrimentum nt; it is a ~ detrimento est. deprehendere.
disadvantageous ad; incommodus, iniquus, discomfiture n clades/; (pol) repulsa/,
disadvantageous^adv incommode, discomfort n molestia/, incommodum nt.
disaffected ad; alienatus, seditiosus, disconcert vt conturbare, percellere,
disaffection n alienatio/, seditio/, disconcerting ad; molestus,
disagree vi discrepare, dissentire, dissidere, disconnect vt abiungere, seiungere.
disagreeable ad; molestus, incommodus, disconnected ad; dissolutus, abruptus,
iniQcundus. disconnectedly adv dissolute,
disagreeably adv moleste, incommode, disconsolate ad; maestus, demissus,
disagreement n discordia/, dissensio/, disconsolately adv animo demisso,
discrepantia/. discontent n offensio/, fastidium nt, taedium
disallow vt improbare, abnuere, vetare, nf.
disappear vi deperire, perire, abire, discontented ad; invidus, fastidiosus, parum
diffugere, evanescere, contentus.
disappearance n decessio/, fuga/, discontentedly adv invitus, iniquo animd.
disappoint vt decipere, spe deicere, frustrari; discontinuance n intermissio/.
be ~ed in a hope a spe decidere, de spe deicl. discontinue vt intermittere ♦ vi desistere,
disappointment n frustratio/, malum nt. desinere.
disapprobation n reprehensis/, improbatio/, discord n discordia/; (music) dissonum nt.
disapproval n improbatio/, discordance n discrepantia/, dissensio/,
disapprove vt, vi improbare, reprehendere, discordant adj discors, discrepans; (music)
disarm vt exarmare, dearmare; (fig) mitigare, dissonus, absonus.
disarrange vt turbare, confundere, discount vt detrahere; (fig) praetermittere ♦
disarranged adj incompositus, n decessio/; be at a ~ iacere.
disarrangement n turbatio/. discountenance vt improbare,
disarray n perturbatis/ ♦ vt perturbare, discourage vt dehortari, deterrere; be ~d
disastern calamitas/, casus m; (mil) clades/, animum dSmittere, animO deficere,
disastrous ad; infelix, exitiSsus, calamitosus, discouragement n animi abiectio/; (cause)
disavow vt diffiteri, Infitiari. incommodum nt.
discourse-disobey 52 ENGLISH-LATIN

discourse n sermo m; (lecture) OratiO / ♦ vi disguise n integumentum nt; (fig) species /,

conloqul, disserere, disputare, simulatio/, in - mfltata veste ♦ vt obtegere,
discourteous ad; inurbanus, asper, involvere; (fact) dissimulare; - oneself
inhumanus. vestem matare.
discourteously adv inhumana, rQstice. disgust vt displicere (dat), fastidium movere
discourtesy n inhumanitas/, acerbitas/. (dat)-, be -ed stomachari; I am -ed me taedet,
discover vt (find) invenire, reperlre; (detect) me piget ♦ n fastidium nt, taedium nt.
deprehendere; (reveal) aperire, patefacere; disgusting adj taeter, foedus, defOrmis.
(learn) cogn8scere. disgustingly adv foede,
discoverer n inventor m. dish n lanx/, (course) ferculum nt.
discovery n inventum nt. dishearten vt percellere; be -ed animO
discredit vt notare, fidem imminuere (gen) ♦ n deficere, animum demittere,
invidia/, labes/, be in - iacere. dishevelled adj solutus, passus,
discreditable ad; inhonestus, turpis, dishonest adj perfidus, iniquus, improbus,
discreditably adv inhoneste, turpiter, dishonestly adv improbe, dolo malo,
discreet ad; prudens, sagax, cautus, dishonesty n mala fides /, perfidia /, fraus/.
discreetly adv prfidenter, sagaciter, caute, dishonour n dedecus nt, ignOminia/,
discrepancy n discrepantia/, dissensio/, turpitadO/ ♦ vt dedecorare,
discretion n prodentia/, (tact) iudicium nt; dishonourable adj ignOminiOsus, indecorus,
(power) arbitrium nt, arbitratus m; at your - turpis.
arbitratu tuO; surrender at - in deditionem dishonourably adv turpiter, inhoneste,
venire, sine ulla pactione s6 tradere; years disillusion vt errOrem adimere (dat).
of - adulta aetas/, disinclination n odium nt.
discretionary adj liber, disinclined ad; invitus, aversus,
discriminate vt, vi discernere, internoscere, disinfect vt pflrgare.
distinguere. disingenuous od; dolosus, fallax,
discriminating adj perspicax, sagax, disingenuously adv dolOse.
discrimination n discrimen nt, iQdicium nt. disinherit vt abdicare, exheredare,
discursive adj vagus, loquax; be - excurrere, disinherited adj exheres,
discuss vt agere, disputare, disceptare de disintegrate vt dissolvere ♦ vi dilabi,
(ab/); ~ terms of peace de pace agere, dissolvi.
discussion n disceptatio/, disputatio/, disinter vt effodere, eruere,
disdain vt contemnere, aspernari, fastidire ♦ disinterested adj gratuitus, favOris expers,
n contemptio/, fastidium nt. disinterestedly adv sine favore,
disdainful ad; fastidiosus, superbus, disinterestedness n innocentia/, integritas/,
disdainfully adv fastidiose, superbe, disjoin vt seiungere.
disease n morbus m; pestilentia/, disjointed ad; parum cohaerens,
diseased adj aeger, aegrotus, disk n orbis m.
disembark vi 6 nave egredi ♦ vt milites e nave dislike n odium nt, offensio/, invidia/ ♦ vt
expOnere. Odisse; I - mihi displicet, m6 piget (gen).
disembarkation n egressus m. dislocate vt extorquere,
disembodied ad; sine corpore, dislocated adj luxus.
disembowel vt exenterare, dislodge vt demovere, deicere, depellere,
disencumber vt exonerare, detrfldere.
disengage vt expedire, liberare; (mind) disloyal adj Infidus, Infidelis; (to gods, kin,
abstrahere, abducere, country) impius,
disengaged adj vacuus, OtiOsus. disloyally adv Infideliter,
disentangle vt expedire, explicare, disloyalty n perfidia/, Infidelitas/, impietas/,
exsolvere. dismal ad; fanestus, maestus,
disfavour n invidia/, dismally adv misere,
disfigure vt deformare, foedare, dismantle vt nadare; (building) diruere,
disfigured adj deformis, dismay n pavor m, formldO/ ♦ vt terrere,
disfigurement n defOrmatiO/. perturbare.
disfranchise vt civitatem adimere (dat). dismember vt discerpere,
disfranchised ad; capite dominatus, dismiss vt dimittere; (troops) missOs facere;
disfranchisement n capitis deminfltiO/. (from service) exauctOrare; (fear) mittere,
disgorge vt evomere. pOnere.
disgrace n dedecus nt, ignominia /, Infamia/ ♦ dismissal n missio/, dimissio/,
vt dedecorare, dedecori esse (dat). dismount vi degredi, (ex equO) descendere,
disgraceful ad; ignominiosus, flagitiosus, disobedience n contumacia/,
turpis; - thing flagitium nt. disobedient ad; contumax,
disgracefully adv turpiter, flagitiose, disobediently adv contra iflssa.
disgruntled adj mOrOsus, invidus. disobey vt nOn parere (dat), aspernari.
ENGLISH-LATIN 53 disoblige-distant

disoblige vt displicere (dat), offendere, dubium vocare.

disobliging adj inofficiosus, difficilis, disqualification n impedimentum nt.
disobligingly adv contra officium, disqualify vt impedire,
disorder n turba/, confusio/ (med) morbus m; disquiet n sollicitudo/♦ vt sollicitare,
(pol) motus m, tumultus m ♦ vt turbare, disquisition n disputatio/,
miscere, sollicitare. disregard n neglegentia/, contemptio/ ♦ vt
disorderly adj immodestus, inordinatus, neglegere, contemnere, omittere,
incompositus; (pol) turbulentus, seditiosus; disrepair n vitium nt; in ~ male sartus,
in a ~ manner nullO Ordine, temere, disreputable adj inhonestus, Infamis,
disorganize vt dissolvere, perturbare, disrepute n Infamia/,
disown vt (statement) Infitiari; (thing) abnuere, disrespect n neglegentia/, contumacia/,
repudiare; (heir) abdicare, disrespectful adj contumax, Insolens,
disparage vt obtrectare, detrectare, disrespectfully adv insolenter,
disparagement n obtrectatio/, probrum nt. disrobe vt nudare, vestem exuere (dat) ♦ vi
disparager n obtrectator m, detrectator m. vestem exuere.
disparate adj dispar. disrupt vt dirumpere, divellere,
disparity n discrepantia/, dissimilitudo/, disruption n discidium nt.
dispassionate adj studii expers, dissatisfaction n molestia/, aegritudo/, dolor
dispassionately adv sine Ira et studio, m.
dispatch vt mittere, dimittere; (finish) dissatisfied adj parum contentus; I am ~ with
absolvere, perficere; (kill) interficere ♦ n ... me taedet (gen)_
(letter) litterae jp/; (speed) celeritas/, dissect vt incidere; (fig) investigare,
dispel vt dispellere, discutere, dissemble vt, vi dissimulare; mentiri,
dispensation n (distribution) partitio/ dissembler n simulator m.
(exemption) venia/; (of heaven) sors/; by disseminate vt divulgare, disseminare,
divine ~ divinitus. dissension n discordia/, dissensio/ (violent)
dispense vt dispertiri, dividere ♦ vi: ~ with iurgium nt.
Omittere, praetermittere, repudiare, dissent vi dissentire, dissidere ♦ n dissensio/,
dispersal n dimissio/, diffugium nt. dissertation n disputatio/,
disperse vt dispergere, dissipare, dlsicere ♦ disservice n iniuria/, incommodum nt.
vi diffugere, dilabi. dissimilar adj dispar, dissimilis,
dispirited adj dOmissO animO; be ~ animO dissimilarity n discrepantia/, dissimilitudo/,
deficere, animum demittere, dissident adj discors,
displace vt locO movere, dissimulation n dissimulatio/,
display n ostentatio/, iactatiO/; for - per dissipate vt dissipare, diffundere,
speciem ♦ vt exhibere, ostendere, praestare, disperdere.
s6 ferre. dissipated adj dissolutus, lascivus,
displease vt displicere (dat), offendere; be ~d luxuriosus.
aegre ferre, stomachari, indignari, dissipation n dissipatio/; (vice) luxuria/,
displeasing adj ingratus, odiosus, licentia/.
displeasure n invidia/, offensio/, odium nt. dissociate vt dissociare, sOiungere.
disport vt: - oneself ludere, dissociation n separatio/, discidium nt.
disposal n (sale) venditio/ (power) arbitrium dissoluble adj dissolubilis,
nt. dissolute adj dissolQtus, perditus, libidinosus,
dispose vt (troops) disponere; (mind) dissolutely adv libidinose, luxuriose,
inclinare, adducere ♦ vi: - of abalienare, dissoluteness n luxuria/,
vendere; (get rid) tollere; (argument) dissolution n dissolutio/, discidium nt.
refellere. dissolve vt dissolvere; (ice) liquefacere;
disposed adj adfectus, inclinatus, prOnus; (meeting) dimittere; (contract) dirimere ♦ vi
well - benevolus, bonO animO. liquescere; (fig) solvi,
disposition n animus m, adfectiO/, ingenium dissonance n dissonum nt.
nt, natflra/; (of troops) dispositio/, dissonant adj dissonus,
dispossess vt detrodere, spoliare, dissuade vt dissuadere (dat), dehortari,
disproportion n inconcinnitas/, dissuasion n dissuasio/,
disproportionate adj impar, inconcinnus, distaff n colus/.
disproportionately adv inaequaliter, distance n intervallum nt, spatium nt; (long
disprove vt reffltare, redarguere, refellere, way) longinquitas/ at a - (far) longe; (within
disputable adj dubius, ambiguus, sight) procul; (fight) eminus; at a ~ of...
disputation n disputatio/, spatiO (gen) ...; within striking - intra iactum
dispute n altercatio/, controversia/, (violent) ten.
ifirgium nt; beyond - certissimus ♦ vi distant adj longinquus; (measure) distans;
altercari, certare, rixari ♦ vt negare, in (person) parum familiaris; be - abesse (abi).
distaste-doe 54 ENGLISH-LATIN

distaste n fastidium nt. diverge vi devertere, digredi; (road) s6

distasteful adj molestus, iniflcundus. scindere; (opinions) discrepare,
distemper n morbus m. divergence n digressio/; discrepantia/,
distend vt distendere, divers adj complures,
distil vt, wi stillare. diverse adj varius, diversus,
distinct ad; (different) diversus; (separate) diversify vt variare.
distinctus; (clear) clarus, argutus; (marked) diversion n (of water) derivatio/, (of thought)
distinctus; (sure) certus; (well-drawn) avocatio/, (to amuse) oblectamentum nt;
expressus. creata a - (mil) hostes distringere; for a -
distinction n discrimen nt; (dissimilarity) animi causa.
discrepantia/, (public status) amplitudo/ diversity n varietas/, discrepantia/,
(honour) honOs m, decus nt; (mark) Insigne nt; divert vt deflectere, avertere; (attention)
there is a - interest; without - prOmiscue. avocare, abstrahere; (water) derivare; (fo
distinctive odj proprius, Insignitus, amuse) oblectare, placere (dat).
distinctively adv proprie. Insignite, diverting adj iflcundus; (remark) facetus,
distinctly adv clare, distincte, certe, divest vt exuere, nudare; - oneself of (fig)
expresse. ponere, mittere.
distinguish vt distinguere, internoscere, divide vt dividere; (troops) diducere; - among
dlifldicare, discernere; (honour) decorare, partiri, distribuere; - from separare ab,
Ornare; - oneself eminere, seiungere ab; ~ out dispertiri, dividere ♦ vi
distinguished adj Insignis, praeclarus, discedere, se scindere; (senate) in
egregius, amplissimus, sententiam Ire; be ~d (opinions) discrepare,
distort vt detorquere; (fig) depravare, divination n divinatio/, (from birds) augurium
distorted adj distortus, nt; (from entrails) haruspicium nt.
distortion n distortio/; depravatio/, divine adj divinus ♦ vt divinare, augurari,
distract vt distrahere, distinere, avocare; hariolari; by - intervention divinitus,
(mind) alienare, divinely adv divine.
distracted adj amens, Insanus, diviner n divinus m, augur m, haruspex m.
distraction n (state) indiligentia/, (cause) divinity n (status) divinitas/, (god) deus m, dea
invitamentum nt; (madness) furor m, /•
dementia/, to - effllctim. divisible adj dividuus,
distraught adj amens, demens, division n (process) divisio/, partitio/
distress n labor m, dolor m, aegrimonia/, (variance) discordia/, dissensio/, (section)
aerumna/, be in - Iab0r3re ♦ vt adfllgere, pars/ (grade) classis/; (of army) legiO/, (of
sollicitare. time) discrimen nt; (in senate) discessio/,
distressed adj adfllctus, sollicitus; be - at rem divorce n divortium nt, repudium nt ♦ vt (wife)
aegre ferre. nflntium mittere (dat); (things) divellere,
distressing adj tristis, miser, acerbus, separare.
distribute vt distribuere, dividere, dispertire, divulge vt aperire, patefacere, evulgare,
distribution n partitio/, distributio/, edere.
district n regiO/, pars/. dizziness n vertigo/,
distrust n diffidentia/^ vt diffidere (dat), nOn dizzy adj vertiginosus; (fig) attonitus,
credere (dat). dovt facere, agere; (duty) fungi (abf); (wrong)
distrustful adj diffidens, admittere; - away with vtfus tollere; (kill)
distrustfully adv diffidenter, interimere; - one'» beat to id agere ut (subi);
disturb vt perturbare, conturbare; - without repudiare; - not... noll/nollte (+
commovere; (mind) sollicitare, infin); how - you -? quid agis?; I have nothing
disturbance n turba/, perturbatio/, (pol) to ~ with you mihi tecum nihil est
mOtus m, tumultus m. commercl; it has nothing to - with me nihil
disturber n turbator m. est ad me; that will - iam satis est; be done
disunion n discordia/, discidium nt. fieri; have done with defungi (abf).
disunite vt dissociare, seiungere. docile adj docilis,
disuse n desuetudo/ fall into - obsolescere, docility n docilitas/.
disused adj desuetus, obsoletus, dock n (ships) navale nt; (law) cancelli mpl ♦ vt
disyllabic adj disyllabus, praecidere.
ditch n fossa/, scrobis m. dockyard n navalia ntpl.
drthyrambic adj dithyrambicus, doctor n medicus m; (univ) doctor m ♦ vt
dittany n dictamnum nt. cflrare.
ditty n carmen nt, cantilena/, doctrine n dogma m, decretum nt; (system)
diurnal adj diOrnus. ratio /.
divan n lectus m, lectulus m. document n litterae fpl, tabula/,
dive vi demergi, dodge vt declinare, evadere ♦ n dolus m.
diver n Qrlnator m. doe n cerva/.
ENGLISH-LATIN 55 doer-draught

doer n actor m, auctor m. /, dolus m.

doff v« exuere. doublet n tunica/,
dog n canis m/f; - star Canicula /, ~'s caninus ♦ doubly adv bis, dupliciter,
vt Insequi, Instare (dat). doubt n dubium nt; (hesitancy) dubitatio/;
dogged adj pertinax, (distrust) suspicio/; give one the benefit of
doggedly adv pertinaciter, the - innocentem habere; no - sane; I do not
dogma n dogma nt, praeceptum nt. - that... non dubito quin ... (+ sub/); there is
dogmatic adj adrogans. no ~ that nOn dubium est quin (subj~) ♦ vt
dogmatically adv adroganter. dubitare; (distrust) diffidere (dat), suspicari,
doing n factum nt. doubtful adj dubius, incertus; (result) anceps;
dole n sportula/ ♦ vt: - out dispertiri, (word) ambiguus.
dividere. doubtfully adv dubie; (hesitation) dubitanter,
doleful adj lugubris, flebilis, maestus, doubtless adv scilicet, nimirum,
dolefully adv flebiliter, doughty adj fortis, strenuus,
dolefulness n maestitia/, miseria/. dove n columba/.
doli n pupa/. dovecote n columbarium nt.
dolorous adj lugubris, maestus, dowdy adj inconcinnus,
dolour n maestitia/, dolor m. dower n dos/ ♦ vt dotare,
dolphin n delphinus m. dowerless adj indotatus,
dolt n stipes m, caudex m. down n plumae fpl, lanugo/; (thistle) pappus m.
domain n ager m; (king's) regnum nt. down adv deorsum; be - iacere; - with!
dome n tholus m, testudo/. perea(n)t; up and - sursum deOrsum ♦ prep
domestic adj domesticus, familiaris; (animal) de (abf); ~ from de (abf).
mansuetus ♦ n famulus m, servus m, famula downcast adj demissus, maestus,
/, ancilla/; -s p 1 familia/, downfall n rulna/; (fig) occasus m.
domesticate vt mansuefacere, downhearted adj demissus, fractus animi,
domesticated adj mansuetus, downhill adj declivis; (fig) proclivis ♦ adv in
domesticity n lares sui mpl. praeceps.
domicile n domicilium nt, domus/, downpour n imber m.
dominant adj superior, praepotens, downright adj directus; (intensive) merus.
dominate vt dominari in (acc), imperare (dat); downstream adv secundo flumine.
(view) despectare. downtrodden adj subiectus, oppressus.
domination n dominatio/, dominatus m. downward adj declivis, proclivis.
domineer vi dominari, regnare, downwards adv deorsum.
dominion n imperium nt, regnum nt. downy adj plumeus.
don vt induere ♦ n scholasticus m. dowry n dos/.
donate vt dOnare. doyen n pater m.
donation n donum nt. doze vi dormitare.
donkey n asellus m. dozen n duodecim.
donor n donator m. drab adj sordidior.
doom n fatum nt ♦ vt damnare, drachma n drachma/.
door n (front) ianua/; (back) posticum nt; draftn (writing) exemplum nt; (mil) dilectus m;
(double) fores fpl; folding ~s valvae/pi; out of (money) syngrapha/, (literary) silva/♦ vt
~s foris; (fo) foras; next - to iuxta (acc). scribere; (mil) mittere,
doorkeeper n ianitor m. drag vt trahere ♦ vi (time) trahl; - on vi (war)
doorpost n postis m. producere ♦ n harpago m; (fig)
doorway n 6stium nt. impedimentum nt.
dormantadj s6pltus; lie - iacere. dragnet n everriculum nt.
dormitory n cubiculum nt. dragon n dracfi m.
dormouse n glis m. dragoon n eques m.
dose n pOculum nt. drain n cloaca/♦ vt (water) derivare; (land)
dot n pOnctum nt. siccare; (drink) exhaurire; (resources)
dotage n senium nt. exhaurire.
dotard n senex delirus m. drainage n derivatio/.
dote vt desipere; ~ upon deamare, drake n anas m.
doting adj desipiens, peramans, drama n fabula/; the - scaena/.
dotingly adv perdite. dramatic adj scaenicus.
double adj duplex; (amount) duplus; (meaning) dramatist n fabularum scriptor m.
ambiguus ♦ n duplum nt ♦ vt duplicare; dramatize vt ad scaenam compdnere.
(promontory) superare; (fold) complicare ♦ vi drape vt velare.
duplicari; (mil) currere, drapery n vestimenta ntpi.
double-dealer n fraudator m. drastic adj vehemens, efficax.
double-dealing adj fallax, doldsus ♦ n fraus draught n (air) aura/; (drink) haustus m; (net)
draughts-due 56 ENGL1SH-LAT1N

bolus m. ♦ n gestatio/,
draughts n latrunculi mpi. drivel vi delirare.
draw vt ducere, trahere; (bow) addflcere; drivelling adj delirus, ineptus ♦ n ineptiae/pi.
(inference) colligere; (picture) scribere, driver n auriga m; rector m.
pingere; (sword) stringere, destringere; drizzle vi rOrare.
(tooth) eximere; (water) haurire; - aside droll adj facetus, iocuiaris.
sSdQcere; - away SvocSre; - back vt drollery n facetiae/pi.
retrahere ♦ vi recedere; - near dromedary n dromas m.
adpropinqufire; - off detrahere; (water) drone n (bee) fflcus m; (sound) bombus m ♦ vi
dSrlvSre; - out vi edflcere; (lengthen) fremere.
prOdflcere; - over obdflcere; - taut droop vi demitti; (flower) languescere; (mind)
addflcere; - together contrahere; - up vt (mil) animum demittere,
Instruere; (document) scribere, drooping adj languidus,
drawback n scrupulus m; this was the only ~ drop n gutta/ ♦ vi cadere; (liquid) stillare ♦ vt
h6c flnum defuit. mittere; (anchor) iacere; (hint) emittere;
drawing n descriptio/1, (art) graphic6/. (liquid) Instillare; (work) desistere ab (abl) ♦
drawing room n sellaria/, vi: - behind cessare; - in vi visere,
drawings npi lineamenta ntpi. supervenire; ~ out excidere,
drawl vi lente dicere, dross n scOria/, (fig) faex/,
drawling adj lentus in dlcendd. drought n siccitas/,
dray n plaustrum nt. drouth n sitis/,
dread n formido/, pavor m, horror m i adj drove n grex/,
dirus ♦ vt expavescere, extimescere, drover n bubulcus m.
formidare. drown vt mergere, obruere; (noise) obscurare
dreadful adj terribilis, horribilis, ♦ vi aqua perire,
formidolosus, dirus, drowse vi dormitare,
dreadfully adv vehementer, atrOciter. drowsily adv somniculOse.
dream n somnium nt ♦ vt, vi somniare, drowsiness n sopor m.
dreamy adj somniculosus, drowsy adj semisomnus, somniculosus,
dreariness n (place) vastitas/ (mind) tristitia drub vt pulsare, verberare,
drudge n mediastinus m ♦ vi labOrare.
dreary adj (place) vastus; (person) tristis, drudgery n labor m.
dregs n faex/ (of oil) amurca/ drain to the - drug n medicamentum nt ♦ vt medicare.
exhaurire. Druids n Druidae, Druides mpi.
drench vt perfundere, drum n tympanum nt; (container) urna/,
dress n vestis/ vestitus m, vestimenta ntpi; drummer n tympanista m.
(style) habitus m ♦ vt vestire; (wound) cflrare; drunk adj potus, ebrius, temulentus,
(tree) amputare ♦ vi indui; - up vi vestum drunkard n ebriosus m.
induere. drunken adj ebridsus, temulentus,
dressing n (med) fomentum nt. drunkenness n ebrietas/,
drift n (motion) motus m; (snow) agger m; dry adj siccus, aridus; (thirst) sitiens; (speech)
(language) vis /1 see the - of your speech aridus, frigidus; (joke) facetus; be - arere ♦
video quorsum OrStiO tua tendat ♦ vi fluitare; vt siccare ♦ vi arescere; - up exarescere,
(fig) labi, ferrl. dryad n dryas/.
drill n terebra/ (mil) exercitatio/♦ vt (hole) dry rot n robigo/,
terebrare; (mil) exercere; (pupil) Instruere, dual adj duplex,
drink vt, vi bibere, pOtare; - a health duality n duplex natura/,
propinare, GraecO mbre bibere; - deep of dubiety n dubium nt.
exhaurire; ~ in haurire; ~ up epCtare ♦ n dubious adj dubius, incertus; (meaning)
pOtiO/. ambiguus.
drinkable adj potulentus, dubiously adv dubie; ambigue,
drinker n pOtor m. duck n anas / ♦ vt demergere ♦ vi demergi, s6
drinking bout n potatio/, demittere.
drip vi stillare, destillare, duckling n anaticula/,
drive vt agere; (force) cOgere; - away abigere; duct n ductus m.
(fig) pellere, prOpulsare; - back repellere; - dudgeon n dolor m, stomachus m.
home defigere; - in/into Infigere in (acc); due adj debitus, meritus, iflstus; be - deberi; it
(flock) cOgere in (acc); - off depellere; - out is - to me that... not per me stat qufiminus
exigere, expellere, exturbare; - through (+ subj); be - to orlrl ex, fieri (abl) ♦ n ifls nt,
transfigere ♦ vi vehi; - away avehi; - back debitum nt; (tax) vectigal nt; (harbour)
revehi; - in invehi; - on vt impellere; - round portOrium nt; give every man his - suum
circumvehi; - past praetervehi; what ara cuique tribuere ♦ adv recta; - to ob (+ acc);
you driving at? quOrsum tua spectat OratiO? propter (♦ acc).
ENGLISH-LAT1N 57 duel-eating

duel n certamen nt.

dug n uber nt.
duke n dux m.
dulcet ad; dulcis.
E, e
dull adj hebes; (weather) subnubilus; (language)
frigidus; (mind) tardus; be - hebere; become
- hebgscere ♦ vt hebetare, obtundere,
retundere, each adj & pron quisque; (of two) uterque; ~
dullard n stolidus m. other inter se; one - singuli; - year
dulness n (mind) tarditas/, stultitia/, quotannis.
duly adv rite, ut par est. eager adj avidus, cupidus, alacer; - for avidus
dumb adj mQtus; be struck ~ obmutescere, (+geri).
dun n flagitator m ♦ Vt flagitare ♦ adj fuscus, eagerly adv avide, cupide, acriter,
dunce n baro m. eagerness n cupido/, ardor m, studium nt;
dune n tumulus m. alacritas/,
dung n fimus m. eagle n aquila/.
dungeon n career m, robur nt. ear n auris/, (of corn) spica/, give - aurem
dupevt deludere, fallere ♦ n credulus m. praebere, auscultare; go in at one - and out
duplicate n exemplar nt 4 vt duplicare, at the other surdis auribus narrari; prick up
duplicity n fraus /, perfidia/. one's ~s aures erigere; with long -s auritus,
durability n firmitas/, firmitudo/. earl n comes m.
durable adj firmus, perpetuus, earlier adv ante; antea,
durably adv firme. early adj (in season) maturus; (in day)
duration n spatium nt; (long) diuturnitas/. matutinus; (at beginning) primus; (in history)
duresse n vis/. antiquus ♦ adv (in day) mane; (before time)
during prep inter (acc), per (acc). mature, temperi; - in life ab ineunte aetate,
dusk n crepusculum nt, vesper m; at - prima earn vt mereri, cOnsequI; - a living victum
nocte, primis tenebris, quaerere, quaestum facere,
dusky adj fuscus. earnest adj (serious) serius; (eager) acer,
dust n pulvis m; throw - in the eyes of sedulus ♦ n pignus nt; (money) arrabo m; in -
tenebras offundere (dat) ♦ vt detergere, sedulo, enixe.
dusty adj pulverulentus, earnestly adv seriO, graviter, sedulo,
dutiful adj pius, officiosus, earnestness n gravitas/, studium nt.
dutifully adv pie, officiose. earnings n quaestus m.
dutifulness n pietas/. earring n elenchus m.
duty n (mora!) officium nt; (task) munus nt; (tax) earth n (planet) tellus/; (inhabited) orbis
vectigal nt; be on - (mil) stationem agere, terrarum m; (land) terra/, (soil) solum nt,
excubare; do one's - officio fungi; do - for humus/; (fox's) latibulum nt; where on -? ubi
(pars) in locum suffici (gen); (thing) adhiberi gentium?; of the - terrestris,
pro (abi); it is my - debeo, me oportet, meum earthen adj (ware) fictilis; (mound) terrenus,
est; it is the - of a commander ducis est; earthenware n fictilia ntpi ♦ adj fictilis,
sense of - pietas/. earthly adj terrestris,
duty call n salutatio/. earthquake n terrae motus m.
duty-free adj immflnis. earthwork n agger m.
dwarf n ndnus m. earthy adj terrenus,
dwell vi habitare; - in incolere; - upon (theme) easen facilitas / (leisure) Otium nt; at -
commorari in (abi). OtiOsus; (in mind) securus; HI at - sollicitus ♦
dweller n incola m. vt laxare, relevare; (pain) mitigare,
dwelling n domus/, domicilium nt; (place) easily adv facile; (gladly) libenter; (at leisure)
sedes/. OtiOse; not - nOn temere,
dwindle vi decrescere, extenuari. easiness n facilitas/.
dye n focus m, color m ♦ vt Inficere, ffleare. east n Oriens m, sOlis ortus m; - wind eurus m.
dyer n Infector m. Eastern Pascha/,
dying adj moribundus, moriens. easterly, eastern adj orientalis,
dynasty n domus (regia)/. eastward adv ad orientem,
dyspepsia n cruditas/. easy adj facilis; (manner) adfabilis, facilis;
(mind) securus; (speech) expeditus;
(discipline) remissus; - circumstances
divitiae jpl, abundantia/,
eat vt edere; cOnsQmere; vesci (abf); ~ away
rOdere; - up exedere,
eatable adj esculentus,
eating n cibus m.
eaves-element 58 ENGLISH-LATIN

eaves n suggrunda/, efficient ad; capax, peritus; (logic) efficiens,

eavesdropper n sermonis auceps m. efficiently adv perite, bene,
ebb n decessus m, recessus m; at ~tido effigy n simulacrum nt, effigies/,
minuente aestu; be at a low ~ (fig) iacere ♦ wi effloresce vi fldrescere.
recedere, efflorescence n (fig) flfis m.
ebony n ebenus/, effluvium n halitus m.
ebullient ad; fervens, effort n opera/, cenatus m; (of mind) intentia/,
ebullition n fervor m. make an - enltl.
eccentric ad; Insolens, effrontery n audacia/, impudentia/,
eccentricity n insolentia/, effusive ad; officiesus.
echo n imdgo/ ♦ vt, vi resonare, egg n avum nt; lay an - avum parere ♦ vt
eclipse n defectus m, defectio/ ♦ vt obscurare; impellere, Instigare,
be ~d deficere, laborare, egoism n amor sul m.
eclogue n ecloga/. egoist n sui amans m.
economic ad; quaestuosus, sine iactura. egotism n iactatie/.
economical ad; (person) frugi, parcus, egotist n gloriosus m.
economically adv nulla iactura facta, egregious ad; singularis,
economics n rei familiaris dispensatio/, egress n exitus m.
economize vi parcere, eight num octe; - each octanl; - times octiens.
economy n frugalitas/, eighteen num duodeviginti,
ecstasy n alacritas/, furor m. eighteenth ad; duodevicesimus,
ecstatic ad; gaudio elatus, eighth ad; octavus,
eddy n vertex m ♦ vi volutari, eight hundred num octingenti,
edge n ora/, margd/l (of dish) labrum nt; (of eight hundredth ad; octingentesimus,
blade) acies/; take the - off obtundere; on - eightieth ad; octogesimus,
(fig) suspense animo ♦ vt (garment) eighty num octOginta; - each oct0g6nl; - times
praetexere; (blade) acuere ♦ vi: - in se octOgiens.
Insinuare, either pron alteruter, uterlibet, utervis ♦ coni
edging n limbus m. aut, vel; - ... or aut... aut; vel... vel.
edible ad; esculentus, ejaculation n clamor m.
edict n edictum nt, decretum nr. eject vt eicere, expellere,
edification n eruditio/, ejection n expulsio/,
edifice n aedificium nt. eke vt: eke out parcenda producere,
edify vt erudire. elaborate vt elaborare ♦ ad; elaboratus,
editvt recogndscere, recensere, exquisitus.
edition n editia/. elaborately adv summO labore, exquisite,
educate vt erudire, Infarmare; - in Instituere elan n ferOcia/.
ad (acc). elapse vi abire, intercedere; allow to -
education n doctrina/, (process) InstitQtie/. intermittere; a year has ~d since annus est
eel n anguilla/, cum (indic).
eerie ad; monstruosus, elated ad; elatus; be - efferri,
efface vt delere, tollere, elation n laetitia/,
effect n (result) eventus m; (impression) vis/, elbow n cubitum nt.
effectus m; (show) iactatie/; ~s pi bona ntpl; elder ad; natu maior, senior ♦ n (tree)
for ~ iactatianis causa; in - re vera; to this - sambflcus/.
in hanc sententiam; without ~ inritus ♦ vt elderly ad; aetate provectus,
efficere, facere, patrare, elders np/ patres mpl.
effective ad; valens, validus; (hh£t) gravis, eldest ad; natu maximus.
Ornatus. elecampane n inula/.
effectively adv valide, graviter, Ornate, elect vt eligere, deligere; (magistrate) creare;
effectiveness n vis/, (colleague) cooptare ♦ ad; designatus;
effectual ad; efficax, idaneus. (special) lectus,
effectually adv efficaciter, election n (pol) comitia ntpl.
effectuate vt efficere, cdnsequl. electioneering n ambitio/,
effeminacy n mollities/, elector n suffragator m.
effeminate ad; mollis, effeminatus, elegance n elegantia/, lepOs m, munditia/,
effeminately adv molliter, effeminate, concinnitas/.
effervesce vi effervescere, elegant ad; elegans, concinnus, nitidus,
effete ad; effetus, elegantly adv eleganter, concinne,
efficacious ad; efficax, elegiae ad;: - verse elegi mpl, versus alterni
efficaciously adv efficaciter, mpl.
efficacy n vis/, elegy n elegia/.
efficiency n virtQs/, peritia/. element n elementum nt; ~s pl initia ntpl,
ENGLISH-LATIN 59 elementary-enable

principia ntpl; out of one's - peregrinus, embezzle vt peculari, depeculari,

elementary adj primus, embezzlement n peculatus m.
elephant n elephantus m, elephas m. embezzler n peculator m.
elevate vt efferre, erigere, embitter vt exacerbare,
elevated adj editus, altus, emblazon vt Insignire,
elevation n altitude/; (style) elatio/. emblem n Insigne nt.
eleven num undecim; - each undOnl; - times embodiment n exemplar nt.
undeciens. embody vt repraesentare; (mil) cOnscrlbere.
eleventh adj undecimus, embolden vt confirmare; - the hearts of
elf n deus m. animOs cOnfirmare.
elicit vt elicere; (with effort) eruere. emboss vt imprimere, caelare,
elide vt elidere. embrace vt amplecti, complecti; (items)
eligible adj idoneus, aptus. continere, comprehendere; (party) sequi;
eliminate vt tollere, amovere. (opportunity) adripere ♦ nt amplexus m,
elite n flOs m, r6bur nt. complexus m.
elk n alces/. embroider vt acu pingere,
ell n ulna /. embroidery n vestis picta/,
ellipse n (ruet) detractio/; (oval) ovum nt. embroil vt miscOre, implicare,
elm n ulmus/♦ adj ulmeus, emend vt emendare, corrigere,
elocution n pronuntiatio/, emendation n emendatio/, corrOctiO/.
elongate vt producere, emerald n smaragdus m.
elope vi aufugere. emerge vi emergere, exsistere; egredi,
eloquence n eloquentia/, (natural) facundia/, emergency n tempus nt, discrimen nt ♦ adj
dicendi vis/. subitarius.
eloquent ad; eloquens; (natural) facundus; emigrate vi migrare, emigrare,
(fluent) disertus. emigration n migratio/,
eloquently adv facunde, diserte. eminence n (ground) tumulus m, locus editus
else adv aliOquI, aliter ♦ adj alius; or - aliOquI; m; (rank) praestantia/, amplitudo/,
who ~ quis alius, eminent adj egregius, eminens, insignis,
elsewhere adv alibi; - to alio, amplus.
elucidate vt enOdare, illustrare, eminently adv egregie, prae ceteris, in
elucidation n enodatio/, explicatio/, primis.
elude vt evitare, frustrari, fallere, emissary n legatus m.
elusive adj fallax, emit vt emittere.
emaciated adj macer, emolument n lucrum nt, emolumentum nt.
emaciation n macies/, emotion n animi motus m, commOtiO/,
emanate vi manare; (fig) emanare, oriri, adfectus m.
emanation n exhalatio/, emotional adj (person) mObilis; (speech)
emancipate vt emancipare, manu mittere, flexanimus.
liberare. emperor n princeps m, imperator m.
emancipation n libertas/. emphasis n pondus nt; (words) impressio/,
emasculate vt enervare, delumbare. emphasize vt exprimere,
embalm vt condire. emphatic adj gravis.
embankment n agger m, mOies/. emphatically adv adseveranter, vehementer.
embargo n interdictum nt. empire n imperium nt.
embark vi conscendere, navem conscendere; employ vt Gtl (ab/); (forpurpose) adhibere;
~ upon (fig) ingredi ♦ vt impOnere. (person) exercOre.
embarkation n conscensio/, employed adj occupatus,
embarrass vt (by confusing) perturbare; (by employees npi operae fpl.
obstructing) impedire; (by revealing) employer n redemptor m.
deprehendere; be -ed haerere, employment n (act) usus m; (work) quaestus
embarrassing adj incommodus, m.
intempestivus. empower vt permittere (dat), potestatem
embarrassment n (in speech) haesitatio/, (in facere (dat).
mind) sollicitGdO/ (in business) angustiae fpl, emptiness n inanitas/.
difficultas/, (cause) molestia/, empty adj inanis, vacuus; (fig) vanus, inritus ♦
impedimentum nt. vt exhaurire, exinanire ♦ vi (river) Influere,
embassy n legatio/. emulate vt aemulari,
embedded adj defixus, emulation n aemulatio/.
embellish vt adOrndre, exOrnare, decorare, emulous adj aemulus,
embellishment n decus nt, exOrnatiO/, emulously adv certatim.
Ornamentum nt. enable vt potestatem facere (dat); efficere
embers n cinis m, favilla/. ut (subf).
enact-enquire 60 ENGLISH-LATIN

enact Vt decernere, edicere, sciscere; (part) energetically adv impigre, naviter, strenue,
agere. energy n impigritas/, vigor m, incitatio/,
enactment n decretum nt, lex/. (mind) contentio/, (style) nervi mpl.
enamoured adj amans; be - of deamare. enervate vt enervare, emollire,
encamp vi castra p5nere, tendere. enervation n languor m.
encampment n castra ntpi. enfeeble vt Infirmare, debilitare,
encase vt inclQdere. enfold vt involvere, complecti,
enchant vt fascinare; (fig) delectare. enforce vt (law) exsequi; (argument)
enchantment n fascinatio/, blandimentum confirmare.
nt. enfranchise vt civitate dOnare; (slave) manQ
enchantress n saga/, mittere.
encircle vt cingere, circumdare, amplecti, engage vt (affection) devincire; (attention)
enclose vt inclQdere, saepire, distinere, occupare; (enemy) manum
enclosure n saeptum nt, maceria/, cOnserere cum (abi); (hire) condQcere;
encompass vt cingere, circumdare, (promise) spondere, recipere; - the enemy
amplecti. proelium cum hostibus committere; be -d in
encounter vt obviam Ire (dat), occurrere versari in (abf) ♦ vi: - in ingredi, suscipere,
(dat); (in battle) concurrere cum (abf), engagement n (comm) occupatio/, (mil) pugna
congredi cum ♦ n occursus m, concursus m. /, certamen nt; (agreement) spOnsiO/ keep an
encourage vt confirmare, (co)hortari, - fidem praestare; break an - fidem fallere; I
sublevare, favere (dat). have an ~ at your house prOmisi ad te.
encouragement n hortatio/, favor m, engaging adj blandus,
auxilium nt. engender vt ingenerare, ingignere,
encroach vi invadere; - upon occupare; (fig) engine n machina/,
imminuere, engineer n machinator m ♦ vt mOliri.
encrust vt incrustare, engraft vt Inserere.
encumber vt impedire, onerare, engrave vt Insculpere, incidere, caelare,
encumbrance n impedimentum nt, onus nt. engraver n sculptor m, caelator m.
end n finis m; (aim) prOpositum nt; (of action) engraving n sculptura/, caeiatQra/.
Oventus m, exitus m; (of speech) perOratiO/, - engross vt distringere, occupare; ~ed in totus
to - continui; at a loose - vacuus, OtiOsus; for in (abf).
two days on - biduum continenter; in the - engulf vt devorare, obruere,
denique; the - of extremus; (time) exactus; enhance vt amplificare, augere, exaggerare,
put an ~ to finem facere (dat), finem enigma n aenigma nt, ambages/pi.
impOnere (dat); to the - that eO cOnsiliO ut enigmatic ad; ambiguus, obscQrus.
(sub/); to what ~? quO?, quOrsum? ♦ vt finire, enigmatically adv per ambages, ambigue,
conficere; (mutual dealings) dirimere ♦ vi enjoin vt imperare (dat), iniungere (dat).
desinere; (event) evadere; (sentence) cadere; enjoy vt frui (abf); (advantage) Qti (abf);
(speech) perOrare; (time) exire; ~ up as (pleasure) percipere, decerpere; - oneself
evadere; - with desinere in (acc). delectari, genio indulgSre.
endanger vt periclitari, in discrimen enjoyable adi iucundus.
adducere. enjoyment n fructus m; delectatio/, voluptas
endear vt devincire, /.
endearing adj blandus, enlarge vt augere, amplificare, dilatare;
endearment n blanditiae fpi. (territory) propagare; - upon amplificare,
endeavour vt cOnari, eniti ♦ n cOnatus m. enlargement n amplificatio/, prolatio/,
ending n finis m, exitus m. enlighten vt inlQstrare; docere, erudire,
endive n intubum nt. enlightenment n eruditio/, humanitas/,
endless ad; Infinitus; (time) aeternus, enlist vt scribere, conscribere; (sympathy)
perpetuus. conciliare ♦ vi nOmen dare,
endlessly adv sine fine, infinite, enliven vt excitare,
endorse vt ratum facere, enmesh vt impedire, implicare,
endow vt dflnare, Instruere, enmity n inimicitia/, simultas/,
endowed adj praeditus (+ abf). ennoble vt honestare, excolere,
endowment n donum nt. ennui n taedium nt.
endurance n patientia/, enormity n immanitas/, (deed) scelus nt,
endure vi dGrare, permanere ♦ vt ferre, nefas nt.
tolerare, pati. enormous ad; immanis, ingens,
enemy n (public) hostis m, hostes mpl; (private) enormously adv immensum,
inimicus m; greatest - inimicissimus m; ~ enough adj satis (indecl gen) ♦ adv satis; more
territory hosticum nt. than - satis superque; I have had - of... me
energetic ad; impiger, navus, strenuus; (style) taedet (gen)....
nervOsus. enquire vi quaerere, percontari; - into
ENGLISH-LATIN 61 enquiry-errand

cognoscere, inquirere in (acc). envelope n involucrum nt.

enquiry n percontatio £ (legal) quaestio/, enviable ad; beatus,
enrage vt inrltfire, incendere, envious ad; invidus, invidiosus,
enrapture vt delectare, enviously adv invidiose,
enrich vt ditare, locupletare; - with augere environment n vicinia/; our ~ ea in quibus
(abl). versamur,
enrol vt adscrlbere, conscribere ♦ vi nOmen envoy n legatus m.
dare. envy n invidia/ ♦ vt invidere (dat).
enshrine vt dedicare; (fig) sacrare, enwrap vt involvere,
enshroud vt involvere, ephemeral adj brevis,
ensign n signum nt, Insigne nt; (officer) ephorn ephorus m.
signifer m. epic adj epicus ♦ n epos nt.
enslave vt in servitutem redigere, epicure n delicatus m.
enslavement n servitus/, epigram n sententia/; (poem) epigramma nt.
ensnare vt decipere, inlaqueare, inretire, epilepsy n morbus comitialis m.
ensue vi Insequi. epilogue n epilogus m.
ensure vt praestare; - that efficere ut (subj). episode n eventum nt.
entail vt adferre. epistle n epistula/, litterae fpi.
entangle vt impedire, implicare, inretire. epitaph n epigramma nt, titulus m.
entanglement n implicatio/. epithet n adsUmptum nt.
enter vt inire, ingredi, intrare; (riding) invehi; epitome n epitome /.
- into introire in (acc); - upon inire, ingredi epoch n saeculum nt.
♦ vt (place) intrare; (account) ferre, inducere; equable adj aequalis; (temper) aequus,
(mind) subire. equal adj aequus, par; be ~ to aequare; (task)
enterprise n inceptum nt; (character) sufficere (dat) ♦ n par m/f ♦ vt aequare,
prOmptus animus m. adaequare.
enterprising adj prOmptus, strenuus, equality n aequalitas/,
entertain vt (guest) invitare, excipere; (state of equalize vt adaequare, exaequare,
mind) habere, concipere; (to amuse) equally adv aeque, pariter,
oblectare. equanimity n aequus animus m.
entertainer n acroama nt. equate vt aequare,
entertainment n hospitium nt; equator n aequinoctialis circulus m.
oblectamentum nt; acroama nt. equestrian adj equester,
enthral vt capere. equidistant adj: be ~ aequo spatio abesse,
enthusiasm n studium nt, fervor m; - for idem distare.
studium nt (+ gen). equilibrium n libramentum nt.
enthusiastic ad; studiosus, fervidus, equine ad; equinus,
enthusiastically adv summo studio, equinoctial ad; aequinoctialis,
entice vt inlicere, elicere, invitare, equinox n aequinoctium nt.
enticement n illecebra/, lOnOcinium nt. equip vt armare, Instruere, Ornare,
entire adj integer, totus. Universus, equipment n arma ntpi, Instrumenta ntpi,
entirely adv omnlnO, funditus, penitus, adparatus m.
entitle vt (book) Inscribere; be ~d to mereri, equipoise n libramentum nt.
dignum esse qul (subj), iUs habere (gen). equitable adj aequus, iUstus.
entity n res/. equitably adv iUste, aeque,
entomb vt humare, sepelire, equity n aequum nt, aequitas/,
entrails n intestina ntpi, exta ntpi. equivalent adj par, Idem Instar (gen).
entrance n aditus m, introitus m; (act) equivocal adj anceps, ambiguus,
ingressio/; (of house) vestibulum nt; (of equivocally adv ambigue,
harbour) Ostium nt. equivocate vi tergiversari,
entrance vt fascinare, cOnsOplre, capere, era n saeculum nt.
entreat vt implorare, obsecrare; (successfully) eradicate vt evellere, exstirpare,
exOrare. erase vt delere, inducere,
entreaty n preces fpi. erasure n litOra/.
entrenchment n mUnltiO/. ere conj priusquam.
entrust vt committere, credere, mandare; (for erect vt erigere; (building) exstruere; (statute)
keeping) depOnere. pOnere ♦ ad; erectus,
entry n introitus m, aditus m; make an ~ (book) erection n (process) exstructio/; (product)
in tabulas referre, aedificium nt.
entwine vt implicare, involvere, erode vt rOdere.
enumerate vt numerare, dinumerare, erotic ad; amatorius,
enunciate vt edicere; (word) exprimere, err vi errare, peccare,
envelop vt implicare, involvere. errand n mandatum nt.
errant-exacerbate 62 ENGLISH-LATIN

errant adj vagus, deducere.

erratic adj inconstans, evacuation n discessio/,
erroneous ad; falsus, evade vt declinare, devitare, eludere,
erroneously adv falso, perperam, evaporate vt exhalare ♦ vi exhalari,
error n error m; (mora!) peccatum nt; (writing) evaporation n exhalatio/,
evasion n tergiversatio/,
mendum nt.
evasive adj ambiguus.
erudite adj doctus, eve n vesper m; (before festival) pervigilium nt;
erudition n doctrina/, eruditio/,
on the - of pridie (gen).
erupt vi erumpere, even ad; aequus, aequalis; (number) par ♦ adv
eruption n eruptio/, et, etiam; (tentative) vel; - if etsi, etiamsi;
escapade n ausum nt.
tametsi; ~ more etiam magis; - so
escape vi effugere, evadere ♦ vt fugere,
nihilominus; ~ yet etiamnum; not -... n§
evitare; (memory) excidere ex (abl)', ~ the
quidem ♦ vt aequare,
notice of fallere, praeterire ♦ n effugium nt, evening n vesper m ♦ adj vespertinus; ~ is
fuga/; way of - effugium nt. drawing on invesperascit; in the - vesperi,
eschew vt vitare. evening star n Vesper m, Hesperus m.
escort n praesidium nt; (private) deductor m ♦ evenly adv aequaliter, aequabiliter,
vt comitari, prosequi; (out of respect) evenness n aequalitas/, aequabilitas/,
deducere. event n Oventum nt; (outcome) eventus m.
especial adj praecipuus, eventide n vespertinum tempus nt.
especially adv praecipue, praesertim, eventuality n casus m.
maxime, in primis, eventually adv mox, aliquando, tandem,
espionage n inquisitio/, ever adv unquam; (after si, nisi, num, ne)
espouse vt (wife) ducere; (cause) fovere, quandO; (always) semper; (after interrog)
espy vt conspicere, conspicari, -nam, tandem; - so nimium, nimium
essay n conatus m;(test) periculum nt; (literary) quantum; best ~ omnium optimus; for - in
libellus m ♦ vt conari, incipere, aeternum.
essence n vis /, natura/, everlasting adj aeternus, perpetuus,
essential adj necesse, necessarius, immortalis.
essentially adv necessario, evermore adv semper, in aeternum,
establish vt Instituere, condere; (firmly) every adj quisque, omnis; ~ four years quintO
stabilire. quOque annO; - now and then interdum; in -
established adj firmus, certus; be - cOnstare; direction passim; undique; - other day
become - (custom) inveterascere, alternis diebus; - day cottldie ♦ adj
establishment n (act) constitutio/, (domestic) cottldianus.
familia /. everybody pron quisque, omnes mpl; - agrees
estate n fundus m, rus nt; (in money) res/; inter omnes constat; - knows n6m0 est quin
(rank) ordo m. sciat.
esteem vt aestimare, respicere ♦ n gratia/, everyday adj cottldianus.
opIniS /. everyone pron see everybody.
estimable ad; optimus. everything omnia ntpi; your health is - to me
estimate vt aestimare, rationem inire (gen) ♦ mea maxime interest te valere,
everywhere adv ubique, passim,
n aestimatio f, iudicium nt.
evict vt dOicere, detrudere,
estimation n opinio/, sententia/,
eviction n deiectio/.
estrange vt alienare, abalienare,
evidence n testimonium nt, indicium nt;
estrangement n alienatio/, discidium nt.
(person) testis m/f; (proof) argumentum nt; on
estuary n aestuarium nt.
the - of fide (gen); collect ~ against inquirere
eternal adj aeternus, perennis,
in (acc); turn King's ~ indicium profiteri,
eternally adv semper, aeternum, evident adj manifestus, evidens, clarus; it is -
eternity n aeternitas/.
etesian winds n etesiae fpi. evidently adv manifesto, clarg.
ether n (sky) aether m. evil adj malus, improbus, sceleratus,
ethereal adj aetherius, caelestis, evildoer n sceleratus m, maleficus m.
ethic, ethical adj moralis, evil eye n fascinum nt, malum nt, improbitas/,
ethics n mores mpl, officia ntpi. evil-minded adj malevolus,
Etruscan n Etruscus m ♦ adj like bonus. evince vt praestare,
etymology n verborum notatio/. evoke vt evocare, elicere,
eulogist n laudator m. evolution n series/, progressus m; (mil)
eulogize vt laudare, conlaudare. decursus m, decursio/,
eulogy n laudatio/. evolve vt explicare, evolvere ♦ vi crescere,
eunuch n eunuchus m. ewen ovis/,
euphony nsonus m. ewer n hydria /.
evacuate vt (place) exinanire; (people) exacerbate vt exacerbare, exasperare.
ENGL1SH-LATIN 63 exact-expedite

exact vt exigere ♦ adj accuratus; (person) excruciating adj acerbissimus,

diligens; (number) exactus, exculpate vt purgare, absolvere,
exaction n exactiO /. excursion n iter nt; (mil) excursio/.
exactly adv accurate; (.reply) ita prorsus; ~ as excuse n excusatio/, (false) species/ ♦ vt
perinde que. excusare, ignOscere (dat)-, (something due)
exactness n cura/, diligentia/. remittere; plead in ~ excusare; put forward
exaggerate vt augere, in maius extollere, as an - praetendere.
exalt vt efferre, extollere; laudare. execrable adj detestabilis, sacer, nefarius,
exaltation n elatio/. execrate vt detestari, exsecrari,
examination n inquisitis/, scrutatio/; (of execration n detestatio/, exsecratio/.
witness) interrogatio/; (test) probatio/, execute vt efficere, patrare, exsequi;
examine vt investigare, scrutari; Inspicere; supplicio afficere; (behead) securi
(witness) interrogare; (case) quaerere de percutere.
(abi); (candidate) probare, execution n effectus m; (penalty) supplicium
examiner n scrfltator m. nt, mors /.
example n exemplum nt, documentum nt; for ~ executioner n carnifex m.
exempli gratia; make an - of animadvertere exemplar n exemplum nt.
in (acc); I am an ~ exemplo sum. exempt adj immanis, liber ♦ vt liberare,
exasperate vt exacerbare, inrltare. exemption n (from tax) immunitas/, (from
exasperation n inrltatis/. service) vacatio /.
excavate vt fodere, exercise n exercitatio/, usus m; (school)
excavation n fossio/. dictata ntpl ♦ vt exercere, uti (abi); (mind)
excavator n fossor m. acuere.
exceed vt excedere, superare, exert vt extendere, intendere, Qtl (abf)i -
exceedingly adv nimis, valde, nimium oneself mOlIrl, eniti, se intendere,
quantum. exertion n molimentum nt; (mind) intentio/,
excel vt praestare (dat), exsuperare ♦ vi exhalation n exhalatio/, vapor m.
excellere. exhale vt exhalare, exspirare,
excellence n praestantia/ virtus/. exhaust vt exhaurire; (tire) defatigare,
excellent adj egregius, praestans, optimus, cOnficere.
excellently adv egregie, praeclara, exhaustion n defatigatio/.
except vt excipere ♦ prep praeter (acc) ♦ adv exhaustive adj plenus,
nisi ♦ conj praeterquam, nisi quod, exhibit vt exhibere, ostendere, expOnere; (on
exception n exceptio/; make an ~ of excipere; stage) edere.
take ~ to gravari quod; with the - of praeter exhibition n expositio/, ostentatio/,
(acc). exhilarate vt exhilarare,
exceptional adj egregius, eximius, exhort vt hortari, cohortari,
exceptionally adv egregie, eximie, exhortation n hortatio/, hortamen nt.
excerpt vt excerpere ♦ n excerptum nt. exhume vt gruere,
excess n immoderatio/, intemperantia/ ♦ adj exigency n necessitas /.
supervacaneus; be in - superesse. exile n exsilium nt, fuga/, (temporary)
excessive adj immoderatus, immodestus, relegatio/ (person) exsul m; live in ~
nimius. exsulare ♦ vt in exsilium pellere, deportare;
excessively adv immodice, nimis, (temporarily) relegare,
exchange vt mutare, permutare ♦ n exist vi esse,
permOtatiO/ (of currencies) collybus m. existence n vita/,
exchequer n aerarium nt; (emperor's) fiscus m. exit n exitus m, egressus m.
excise n vectigalia ntpi ♦ vt excidere, exodus n discessus m.
excision n excisio/. exonerate vt absolvere,
excitable adj mobilis, exorbitant adj nimius, immoderatus,
excite vt excitare, concitare; (to action) exotic adj peregrinus,
incitare, incendere; (to hope) erigere, expand vt extendere, dilatare,
exacuere; (emotion) movere, commovere, expanse n spatium nt, latitudo/.
excitement n commotio/. expatiate vi: ~ upon amplificare,
exclaim vt exclamare; ~ against adclamare expatriate vt exterminare ♦ n extorris m.
(dat). expect vt exspectare, sperare,
exclamation n clamor m, exclamatio/, expectancy, expectation n spes/,
exclude vt excludere, exspectatio /; opinio/,
exclusion n exclusio/. expediency n utile nt, Qtilitas/.
exclusive adj proprius, expedient adj utilis, commodus; it is ~ expedit
exclusively adv sOlum. ♦ n modus m, ratio/.
excogitate vt excogitare, expediently adv commode,
excrescence n tuber nt. expedite vt maturare.
expedition-exuberant 64 ENGUSH-LATIN

expedition n (mil) expeditio/, expressively adv significanter.

expeditious adj prOmptus, celer, expressiveness n vis/.
expeditiously adv celeriter, expressly adv plane
expel vt pellere, expellere, Sicere. expulsion n expulsio/, eiectiO/.
expend vt impendere, expendere, expurgate vt pOrgare.
expenditure n impensae/j>l, sumptus m. exquisite adj elegans, exquisitus, eximius;
expense n impOnsae fpl, impendia ntpl; at my ~ (judgment) subtilis,
meO sumptfl; at the public - de publicO. exquisitely adv eleganter, exquisite,
expensive adj cflrus, pretiosus; (furnishings) ex-service adj emeritus,
lautus. extant ad; superstes; be - exstare,
expensively adv sumptuOsO, magno pretio, extempore adv ex tempore, subito ♦ ad;
experience n Qsus m, experientia/♦ vt extemporalis.
experiri, pati. extemporize vi subita dicere,
experienced adj peritus, expertus (+ gen). extend vt extendere, dilatare; (hand)
experiment n experimentum nt ♦ vi: - with porrigere; (line) dOcere; (office) prOrogare;
experiri. (territory) propagare ♦ vi patOre, porrigi; -
expert adj peritus, scions. into incurrere in (acc).
expertly adv perito, scienter. extension n productio/ prolatio/ (of office)
expertness n peritia/. prOrogatiO/ (of territory) propagatio/, (extra)
expiate vt expiare, luere. incrOmentum nt.
expiatio n (act) expiatio/, (penalty) piaculum extensive ad; effflsus, amplus, latus.
nt. extensively adv late.
expiatory adj piacularis. extent n spatium nt, amplitudo/, to a larga -
expiration n (breath) exspiratio/ (time) exitus magna ex parte; to some - aliqua ex parte;
m. to this ~ hactenus; to such an - adeO.
expire vi exspirare; (die) animam agere, extenuate vt levare, mitigare,
animam efflare; (time) exire, exterior adj externus, exterior ♦ n species/,
expiry n exitus m, finis m. exterminate vt occldiOne occidere,
explain vt explicare, expOnere, explanare, interimere.
interpretari; (lucidly) enOdare; (in detail) extermination n occidio/, internecio/,
edisserere. external adj externus,
explanation n explicatio/, OnodatiO/, externally adv extrinsecus,
interpretatio/. extinct ad; mortuus; (custom) obsoletus,
explicit adj expressus, apertus, extinction n exstinctio/, interitus m.
explicitly adv aperte, extinguish vt exstinguere, restinguere,
explode vt discutere ♦ vi dirumpi, extinguisher n exstinctor m.
exploit n factum nt, ausum nt; -spl r6s gestae extirpate vt exstirpare, excidere,
fpl ♦ vt Qtl (abi), frul (abi). extol vt laudare, laudibus efferre,
explore vt, vi explorare, scrutari, extort vt extorquere, exprimere,
explorer n explorator m. extortion n (offence) rOs repetundae fpl.
explosion n fragor m. extortionate adj iniquus, rapax,
exponent n interpres m, auctor m. extra adv Insuper, praeterea ♦ ad; additus,
export vt exportare ♦ n exportatio/, extract vt excerpere, extrahere ♦ n: make -s
exportation n exportatio/, excerpere.
expose vt dOtegere, denOdare, patefacere; extraction n evulsio/, (descent) genus nt.
(child) expOnere; (to danger) obicere; (mil) extraneous ad; adventicius, alienus,
nfldare; (forsale) prOpOnere; - o.s. se extraordinarily adv mirifico, eximio,
obicere. extraordinary ad; extraordinarius; (strange)
exposed adj apertus, obnoxius, mirus, novus; (outstanding) eximius,
exposition n explicatio/, interpretatio/, Insignis.
expostulate vi expostulare, conqueri, extravagance n intemperantia/, (language)
expostulation n expostulatio/, immoderatio/, luxuria/, (spending) sumptus
exposure n (of child) expositio / (of guilt) m.
dOprehOnsiO/; (to hardship) patientia/, extravagant ad; immoderatus, immodestus;
expound vt expOnere, interpretari, (spending) sGmptuOsus, prodigus,
expounder n interpres m. extreme adj extrOmus, ultimus,
express vt (in words) exprimere, declarare, extremely adv valdO, vehementer,
eloqui; (in art) effingere ♦ adj expressus; extremity n extremum nt, finis m; (distress)
(speed) celerrimus. angustiae fpl; the - of extrOmus.
expression n significatio/ (word) vOx/, extricate vt expedire, absolvere; - oneself
verbum nt; (face) vultus m. Omergere.
expressive ad; significans; - of index (pen); be exuberance n ubertas/, luxuria/,
very - maximam vim habere. exuberant ad; uber, laetus, luxuriosus.
ENGLISH-LAT1N 65 exuberantly-fall

exuberantly adv Qbertim. facetiously adv facete, salse,

exude vt exsudare ♦ vi manare, facetiousness n facetiaefpi, sales mpi.
exult vi exsultari, laetari, gestire, facile ad) facilis,
exultant ad; laetus, facilitate vt expedire,
exultantly adv laete, facilities npi opportunitas /
exultation n laetitia/. facility n facilitas/
eye n oculus m; (needle) foramen nt; cast ~s on facing ad) adversus ♦ prep exadversus (acc).
oculOs conicere in (acc); have an ~ to facsimile n exemplar nt.
spectare; in your -s iudice te; keep one's ~s fact n res/, verum nt; as a matter of -
on oculos defigere in (abl); lose an - altera enimv6r0; the - that quod; in - r6 vera ♦ conj
oculo capi; see ~ to - cOnsentlre; set ~s on etenim; (climax) denique,
conspicere; shut one's -s to cOnlvere in faction n factio/
(at;/); take one's ~s off oculOs deicere ab factious ad) factiosus, seditiosus,
(at>/); up to the ~s in totus in (at)/); with a cast factiously adv seditiose,
in the - paetus; with sore -s lippus; sore ~s factor n procurator m.
lippitudo/ with one's own -s cSram; with factory n officina/,
one's -s open sciens ♦ vt intufirl, aspicere, faculty n facultas/, vis/,
eyeball n pupula/, fad n libido /
eyebrow n supercilium nt. fade vi deflorescere, marcescere,
eyelash n palpebrae pilus m. faded ad) marcidus,
eyelid n palpebra/, faggot n sarmentum nt.
eyeshot n oculorum coniectus m. fail vi deficere, deesse; (fig) cadere, decidere;
eyesight n acies/ oculi mpi. (in business) ford cedere; - to non posse; - to
eyesore n turpe nt; ft is an ~ to me oculi mei come non venire ♦ vt deficere, destituere,
dolent. failing n culpa/, vitium nt.
eye tooth n dens caninus m. failuren (of supply) defectio/ (in action)
eyewash n sycophantia/ offensio/ (at election) repulsa/
eyewitness n arbiter m; be an - of interesse fain adv libenter.
(dat). faint ad) (body) languidus, defessus;
(impression) hebes, levis; (courage) timidus;
(colour) pallidus; be - languere; hebere ♦ vi
intermori, animO linqui; I feel - animO male

faint-hearted ad) animo demissus; timidus,
faintly adv languide; leviter,
faintness n defectio/, languor m; levitfis/.
fair ad) (appearance) pulcher, fOrmOsus; (hair)
flavus; (skin) candidus; (weather) serenus;
(wind) secundus; (copy) purus; (dealings)
aequus; (speech) speciosus, blandus; (ability)
fable n fabula/, apologus m. mediocris; (reputation) bonus ♦ n nundinae
fabled odj fabulosus. fpl; - and square sine fuco ac fallaciis,
fabric n (built) structflra/, (woven) textile nt. fairly adv iure, ifiste; mediocriter,
fabricate vt fabricari; (fig) comminisci, fairness n aequitas/.
fingere. fair play n aequum et bonum nt.
fabricated at# commenticius, f airy n nympha/
fabrication n (process) fabricatis/ (thing) faith n fides/ in good - bona fide,
commentum nt. faithful ad) fidelis, fidus,
fabricator n auctor m. faithfully adv fideliter,
fabulous ad) commenticius, fictus, faithfulness n fidelitas/,
fabulously adv incredibiliter, faithless ad) Infidelis, infidus, perfidus,
facade n frOns/ faithlessly adv Infideliter,
face n facies/ Os nt; (aspect) aspectus m; faithlessness n Infidelitas/
(impudence) Os nt; - to - cOram; how shall fake vt simulare,
I have the - to go back? quO Ore redibo?; on falchion n falx/
the - of it ad speciem, prlmO aspectu; put falcon n falcO m.
a bold - on fortem se praebere; save - fall vi cadere; (gently) labi; (morally) prOlabl;
factum pQrgdre; set one's - against (dead) concidere, occidere; (fortress)
adversari (dat) ♦ vt spectare ad (acc); expugnari, capi; - at accidere; - away
(danger) obviam Ire (dat), si oppOnere deficere, desciscere; - back recidere; (mil)
(dat) ♦ vi (place) spectare, vergere; - pedem referre; - between intercidere; -
about (mil) signa convertere, behind cessare; - by the way intercidere; ~
facetious ad) facetus, salsus. down decidere, delabi; (building) ruere.
fallacious-fathomless 66 ENGLISH-LATIN

corruere; - due cadere; - flat se quadam tenus; thus - hactenus; - and wide
prOsternere; (speech) frigere; ~ forward late; ~ be it from me to say equidem dicere
prolabi; - foul of incurrere in (acc); - nolim; - from thinking ... I aded nOn credo...
headlong se praecipitare; - in, into incidere; ut; as - as prep tenus (abl) ♦ adv Qsque ♦ conj
- in with occurrere (dat); ~ off decidere; (fig) quatenus; (know) quod,
dgsclscere; - on incumbere in (acc), incidere farce n mlmus m.
in (acc); ~ out excidere; (event) evenire; farcical adj ridiculus.
(hair) defluere; ~ short of deesse ad; ~ to (by fare vi se habere, agere ♦ n vectura/, (boat)
lot) obtingere, obvenire (dat); ~ to the naulum nt; (food) cibus m.
ground (case) iacere; ~ upon invadere, farewell interj vale, valete; say - to valere
ingruere in (acc); (one's neck) in collum iubOre.
invadere ♦ n casus m; (building) rulna/; far-fetched adj quaesitus, arcessitus, alte
(moral) lapsus m; (season) autumnus m; the - repetitus.
of Capua Capua capta. farm n fundus m, praedium nt ♦ vt (soil) colere;
fallacious adj captidsus, fallax, (taxes) redimere; - out locare,
fallaciously adv fallaciter, farmer n agricola m; (of taxes) publicanus m.
fallacy n captio/, farming n agricultura/,
fallible adj: be - errare solere, farrow vt parere ♦ n fetus m.
fallow adj (land) novalis ♦ n novale nt; lie ~ far-sighted adj prOvidus, prudens,
cessare. farther adv longius, ultra ♦ adj ulterior,
false adj falsus, fictus. farthest adj ultimus, extremus ♦ adv
falsehood n falsum nt, mendacium nt; tell a - longissime,
mentiri. fasces n fascOs mpl.
falsely adv falso, fascinate vt delenire, capere,
falsify vt vitiare, interlinere, fascination n dulcedo/, delenimenta ntpi,
falter vi (speech) haesitare; (gait) titubare, lenocinia ntpl.
faltering adj (speech) Infractus; (gait) titubans fashion n mOs m, usus m; (manner) modus m,
♦ n haesitatio/. ratio/; (shape) fOrma/♦ vt fingere, fOrmare;
fame n f§ma/, gloria /, nomen nt. after the - of rltG (gen); come into - in
famed adj illustris, praeclarus, morem venire; go out of - obsolescere,
familiar adj (friend) intimus; (fact) notus; fashionable adj elegans; it is -- mOris est.
(manner) cOmis; - spirit genius m; be ~ with fashionably adv eleganter,
novisse; be on - terms with familiariter utl fast adj (firm) firmus; (quick) celer; make -
(abl). deligare ♦ adv firme; celeriter; be - asleep
familiarity n usus m, consuetudo/, arte dormire ♦ vi ieiunus esse, cibO
familiarize vt adsuefacere. abstingre ♦ n ieiunium nt.
familiarly adv familiariter, fasten vt figere, ligare; ~ down defigere; - on
family n domus/, gens/ ♦ adj domesticus, inligare; - to adligare; - together conligare,
familiaris; ~ property res familiaris/, cOnflgere.
famine n fames /. fastening n iunctura/.
famished adj famelicus. fastidious adj delicatus, elegans,
famous adj illustris, praeclarus, nobilis; make fastidiously adv fastidiose,
- nobilitare; the ~ ille. fastidiousness n fastidium nt.
fan n flabellum nt; (winnowing) vannus/ ♦ vt fasting n ieiunium nt, inedia/ ♦ adj ieiunus.
ventilare; - the flames of (fig) Inflammare, fastness n arx/, castellum nt.
fanatic n (religious) fanaticus m. fat adj pinguis, opimus, obesus; grow -
fanciful adj (person) inconstans; (idea) pinguescere ♦ n adeps m/f.
commenticius. fatal adj (deadly) funestus, exitiabilis; (fated)
fancy n (faculty) mens/; (idea) oplnatid/, fatalis.
(caprice) libido/; take a - to amare incipere; fatality n fatum nt, casus m.
~ oneself se amare ♦ vt animo fingere, fatally adv: be - wounded vulnere perire.
imaginari, sibi propOnere; - you thinking .. .1 fate n fatum nt, fortuna/, sors/.
tS crSdere ...! ♦adj delicatus, fated adj fatalis.
fancy-free adj securus, vacuus, fateful adj fatalis; fQnestus.
fang n dfins m. Fates npl (goddesses) Parcae fpl.
fantastic adj commenticius, monstruosus, father n pater m; (fig) auctor m ♦ vt gignere; -
fantasy n imaginatio/, (contemptuous) upon addicere, tribuere,
somnium nt. father-in-lawn socer m.
far adj longinquus ♦ adv longe, procul; (with fatherland n patria/,
compar) multO; be - from longe abesse ab; be fatherless adj orbus,
not - from doing haud multum abest quin fatherly adj paternus,
(+subj); by - longe; how -? quatenus?, fathom n sex pedes mpl ♦ vt (fig) exputare,
quoGsque?; so - hactenus, eatenus; (limited) fathomless adj profundus.
ENGLISH-LATIN 67 fatigue-fervour

fatigue n fatigatio/, defatigatio/ ♦ vt fatigare, feed vt alere, pascere ♦ vi pasci; ~ on vesci

defatigare. (abi) ♦ n pabulum nt.
fatness n pinguitudo/, feel vt sentire; (with hand) tractare, tangere;
fatten vt saginare, (emotion) capere, adficl (abf); (opinion)
fatty ad; pinguis, censere, sentire; - one's way pedetemptim
fatuity n Insulsitas/, ineptiae fpl. progredi ♦ vi sentire; 1 - glad gaudeo; - sure
fatuous ad; fatuus, Insulsus, ineptus, pro certo habere.
fault n culpa/, vitium nt; (written) mendum nt; feeling n sensus m, tactus m; (mind) animus m,
count as a - vitie vertere; find - with adfectus m; (pity) misericordia/ good -
incusare; it is not your - that... non per te voluntas/; bad ~ invidia/,
stat quominus (sub/). feign vt simulare, fingere,
faultily adv vitiose, mendose, feignedly adv simulate, ficte,
faultiness n vitium nt. feint n simulatio/.
faultless adj emendatus, integer, felicitate vt gratulari (dat).
faultlessly adv emendate, felicitation n gratulatio/,
faulty ad; vitiosus, mendosus, felicitous ad; felix, aptus,
faunn faunus m. felicity n felicitas/,
fauna n animalia ntpi. feline ad; felinus.
favour n gratia/, favor m; (done) beneficium feli vt (tree) succidere; (enemy) sternere,
nt; win - with gratiam inire apud; by your ~ caedere ♦ adj dirus, crudelis, atrOx ♦ n mons
bona venia tua ♦ vt favere (dat), indulgere m; (skin) pellis/.
(dat). fellow n socius m, aequalis m; (contemptuous)
favourable ad; faustus, prosperus, secundus, homo m.
favourably adv fauste, feliciter, benigne, fellow citizen n civis m/f.
favourite ad; dilectus, gratissimus ♦ n fellow countryman n civis m/f, popularis m/f.
deliciae fpl. fellow feeling n misericordia/.
favouritism n indulgentia/, studium nt. fellowship n societas/, sodalitas/.
fawn n hinnuleus m ♦ ad; (colour) gilvus ♦ vi: - fellow slave n conservus m;
upon adulari. fellow soldier n commilito m.
fawning adi blandus ♦ n adulatio/, fellow student n condiscipulus m.
fear n timor m, metus m, formido/ ♦ vt timere, felon n nocens m.
metuere, formidare, vereri; fearing that felonious ad; scelestus, sceleratus.
veritus ne (+ imperfsubj). felony n scelus nt, noxa/.
fearful adj timidus; horrendus, terribilis, felt n coactum nt.
formidolosus. female ad; muliebris ♦ n femina/.
fearfully adv timide; formidolose, feminine adj muliebris.
fearless ad; impavidus, intrepidus, f en n palus /.
fearlessly adv impavide, intrepida, fenee n saepes/; sit on the ~ quiescere,
fearlessness n fidentia/, audacia/, medium se gerere ♦ vt saepire; ~ off
fearsome ad; formidolosus, intersaepire ♦ vi batuere, rudibus ludere,
feasible ad;; it is - fieri potest, fencing n rudium ludus m; - master lanista m.
feast n epulae/pl; (private) convivium nt; (public) fend vt arcere ♦ vi providere,
epulum nt; (religious) daps/; (festival) festus fennel n ferula/.
dies m ♦ vi epulari, convivari; (fig) pasci ♦ vt: ~ fenny ad; paluster.
one's eyes on oculos pascere (abi). ferment n fermentum nt; (fig) aestus m ♦ vt
feat n factum nt, facinus nt. fermentare; (fig) excitare, accendere ♦ vi
feather n penna/, (downy) pluma/; birds of a ~ fervere.
flock together pares cum paribus facillime fermentation n fervor m.
congregantur, fern n filix/.
feathered adi pennatus, ferocious ad; ferox, saevus, truculentus,
feathery adj plumeus, ferociously adv truculente,
feature n lineamentum nt; (fig) proprium nt. ferocity n ferocitas/, saevitia/.
February n mensis Februarius m; of - ferret n viverra m ♦ vt: - out rimari, gruere,
Februarius. ferry n traiectus m; (boat) cymba/, pontO m ♦ vt
federal ad; socialis, foederatus, transvehere,
federate vi societatem facere, ferryman n portitor m.
federated adj foederatus, fertile adj fertilis, fecundus,
federation n societas/, foederatae civitates fertility n fertilitas/, fecunditas/.
fpl. fertilize vt fecundare, laetificare,
fee n honos m, merces/, fervent adj fervidus, ardgns.
feeble adj imbecillus, Infirmus, debilis, fervently adv ardenter,
feebleness n imbecillitas/, Infirmitas/. fervid adj fervidus,
feebly adv infirme. fervour n ardor m, fervor m.
festal-finite 68 ENGLISH-LATIN

festal adj festus, transferre.

fester vi exulcerari, figure n figura/, forma/;(in art) signum ne; (of
festival n dies festus m, sollemne nt. speech) figura/, translatio/; (p/, on pottery)
festive adj (time) festus; (person) festivus, sigilla ntpi ♦ vt figurare, fOrmare; (art)
festivity n hilaritas/; (event) sollemne nt. fingere, effingere; - to oneself sibi
festoon n sertum nt ♦ vt coronare, prOponere.
fetch vt arcessere, addflcere; (price) venire figured adj sigillatus,
(gen); - out depromere; - water aquari. figurehead n (of ship) Insigne nt.
Fetching adj lepidus, blandus, filament n fibra/,
fetid adj foetidus, pQtidus. filch vt fOrarl, surripere.
fetter n compes /, vinculum m ♦ vt compedes filen (tool) lima/; (line) OrdO m, agmen nt; (of
inicere (dat), vincire; (fig) impedire, papers) fasciculus m; -s pl tabulae jpi; in
fettle n habitus m, animus m. single - simplici ordine; the rank and -
feud n simultas/, inimicitia/, gregarii milites ♦ vt limare,
fever n febris/. filial adj pius,
feverish adj febriculosus; (fig) sollicitus, filigree n diatreta ntpi.
few adj paucl; very - perpauci; how quotus fili vt implere, explere, complere; (office) fungi
quisque? (abi); ~ up supplere.
fewness n paucitas/. fillet n Infula/, vitta/ ♦ vt (fish) exossare,
fiance n sponsus m. fillip n stimulus m.
fiasco n calamitas/; be a ~ frigere. filly n equula/.
fiat n edictum nt. film n membrana/.
fibre n fibra/. filter n cdlum nt ♦ vt deliquare ♦ vi percolari,
fickle adj inconstans, levis, mobilis, filth n sordes/, caenum nt.
fickleness n inconstantia/, levitas/, mobilitas filthily adv foede, inquinate,
/. _ filthiness n foeditas/, impuritas/,
fiction n fabula/, commentum nt. filthy adj foedus, impflrus; (speech)
fictitious adj fictus, falsus, commenticius; inquinatus,
(character) personatus, fin n pinna/.
fictitiously adv ficte, final adj ultimus, postremus, extrOmus.
fidelity n fidelitas/, fides/, finally adv denique, tandem, postremo,
fidget vi sollicitari. finance n res nummaria/; (state) vectigalia
field n ager m; (ploughed) arvum nt; (of grain) ntpi.
seges/; (mil) campus m, acies/; (scope) financial adj aerarius,
campus m, locus m; in the - (mil) militiae; financier n faenerator m.
hold the ~ vincere, praevalere; ~ of vision finch n fringilla/.
conspectus m. find vt invenire, reperire; (supplies) parare;
fiend n diabolus m. (verdict) iudicare; (pleasure) capere; - fault
fiendish adj nefarius, improbus, with incusare; - guilty damnare; - out
fierce adj saevus, acer, atrox; (look) torvus, comperire, cognOscere.
fiercely adv acriter, atrOciter, saeve, finder n inventor m.
fierceness n saevitia/, atrocitas/, finding n iudicium nt, sententia/.
fieriness n ardor m, fervor m. finen (law) multa/, damnum nt; in - denique ♦
fiery adj igneus, flammeus; (fig) ardens, vt multare ♦ adj (thin) tenuis, subtilis;
fervidus, (refined) elegans, mundus, decOrus;
fife n tibia/. (beautiful) pulcher, venustus; (showy)
fifteen num quindecim; ~ each quindeni; ~ speciosus; (of weather) serenus,
times quindeciens, finely adv pulchre, eleganter, subtiliter,
fifteenth adj quintus decimus, fineness n tenuitas/; elegantia/ pulchritfldO/,
fifth adj quintus ♦ n quinta pars/, species/, serenitas/,
fiftieth adj quinquagesimus, finery n ornatus m, munditiae jp(-
fifty num quinquaginta. finesse n astutia/, ars/, argutiae fpl.
fig n ficus/; (tree) ficus/; of - ficulnus; not care finger n digitus m; a ~'s breadth transversus
a ~ for flocci non facere, digitus; not lift a - (in effort) ne manum
fight n pugna/, proelium nt ♦ vi pugnare, quidem vertere ♦ vt pertractare,
dimicare; ~ it out decernere, decertare; ~ to fingertips npl extremi digiti,
the end depugnare ♦ vt (battle) committere; finish n finis m; (art) perfectio/ ♦ vi finire,
(enemy) pugnare cum (abi). perficere; conficere; (with art) perficere,
fighter n pugnator m. expolire ♦ vi desinere; - off transigere,
fighting n dimicatio/, peragere, absolvere,
figment n commentum nt. finishing post n meta/.
figurativeadj translatus; in - language finishing touch n manus extrema,
translatis per similitudinem verbis; use -ly finite adj circumscriptus.
E NGLISH-LATIN 69 fir-flee

fir n abies/, of - abiegnus, (dat).

fire n ignis m; (conflagration) incendium nt; (in fixedly adv intente.
hearth) focus m; (%) ardor m, calor m, fixity a stabilitas/; (of purpose) constantia/.
impetus m; be on - ardere, flagrare; catch ~ fixtures api adflxa ntpi.
flammam concipere, ignem comprehendere; flabbergast vt obstupefacere,
set on - accendere, incendere ♦ vt flabbiness a mollitia/.
incendere; (fig) inflammare; (missile) flabby adj flaccidus, mollis,
iacularl. flag a vexillum at; - officer praefectus classis
firebrand n fax/, m ♦ vi flaccere, flaccescere, languescere,
fire brigade n vigiles mpi. flagellate vt verberare,
fireplace n focus m. flagon a lagoena/,
fireside n focus m. flagrant ad; manifestus; flagitiosus,
firewood n lignum nt. flagrantly adv flagitiose,
firm n societas/♦ adj firmus, stabilis; (mind) flagship a navis imperatoria/.
constans; stand ~ perstare, flail a fustis m.
firmament n caelum nt. flair a indicium at.
firmly adv firme, constanter, flake a squama/; ~s pi (snow) nix/.
firmness n firmitas/, firmitudo/; constantia/, flame a flamma/ ♦ vi flagrare, exardescere,
first adj primus, princeps; (of two) prior ♦ adv flaming adj flammeus,
primum; at ~ primo, principio; at ~ hand flamingo a phoenicopterus at.
ipse, ab ipsO; come in - vincere; give - aid to flank a latus nt; cornu at; on the - ab latere, ad
ad tempus mederi (dat); I was the - to see latus ♦ vt latus tegere (gen).
primus vidi, flap a flabellum at; (dress) lacinia/♦ vt
first-class adj classicus, plaudere (abi).
first fruits npi primitiaefpi. flare a flamma/, fulgor at ♦ vi exardescere,
firstly adv primum, flagrare.
first-rate adj eximius, luculentus, flash a fulgor at; (lightning) fulgur at; (time)
firth n aestuarium nt, fretum nt. momentum at ♦ vi fulgere; (motion) micare,
fiscal adj vectigalis, aerarius, flashy adj speciosus,
fish n piscis m ♦ vi piscari; (fig) expiscari, flask a ampulla/.
fisher, fisherman n piscator m. flat ad; planus; (ground) aequus; (on back)
fishing n piscatus m ♦ adj piscatorius, supinus; (on face) pronus; (music) gravis;
fishing-rod n harundo/. (style) aridus, frigidus; fall - (fig) frigere ♦ a
fish market n forum piscarium nt. (land) planities/, (sea) vadum at; (house)
fishmonger n piscarius m. tabulatum nt.
fish pondn piscina/, flatly adv prorsus,
fissile adj fissilis, flatness a planities/,
fissure n rlma/. flatten vt aequare, complanare,
fist npugnus m. flatter vt adulari (dat), adsentarf (daf), blandiri
fit n (med) convulsio/; (of anger, illness) impetus (dat).
m; by -s and starts temere, carptim ♦ vt flatterer a adsentator m.
aptare, accommodare; (dress) sedere (dat); ~ flattering adj blandus.
out armare, Instruere ♦ adj aptus, idoneus, flatteringly adv blande.
dignus; I see - to mihi videtur; ~ for aptus ad flattery a adulatio /, adsentatio /, blanditiae fpl.
(+ acc). flatulence a inflatio/.
fitful adj dubius, inconstans, flatulent adj inflatus.
fitfully adv inconstanter, flaunt vt iactare ♦ vi iactare, gloriari.
fitly adv digne, apte, flaunting a iactatio/ ♦ ad; gloriosus.
fitness n convenientia/. flauntingly adv gloriose.
fitting n adparatus m. Instrumentum nt ♦ adj flautist a tibicen m.
idOneus, dignus; it is - convenit, decet, flavour a gustatus m, sapor m ♦ vt imbuere,
fittingly adv digna, convenienter, condire.
five num quinque; - each quini; - times flavouring a conditis/.
quinquiens; - years quinquennium nt, flavourless adj Insulsus.
lustrum at; - sixths quinque partes, flaw a vitium at.
five hundred aum quingenti; - each quingeni; flawless ad; emendatus.
- times qulngentiens. flax a linum at.
five hundredth adj quingentesimus, flaxen adj flavus.
fix vt figere; (time) dicere, constituere; flay vt deglubere.
(decision) statuere ♦ a angustiae fpl; put in a ~ flea a pulex m.
deprehendere. fleck a macula / ♦ vt variare.
fixed adj fixus; (attention) intentus; (decision) fledged adj pennatus.
certus; (star) merrSns; be firmly ~ in Insidere flee vi fugere, effugere; (forrefuge) confugere.
fleece-follow 70 ENGLISH-LAT1N

fleece n vellus nt ♦ vt tondere; (fig) spoliare, defluere; - into Influere in (acc); - out
fleecy adj laneus, profluere, emanare; ~ past praeterfluere; -
fleet n classis/ ♦ adj velox, celer, through permanare; - together cOnfluere; ~
fleeting adj fugax, towards adfluere ♦ n flumen nt, cursus m;
fleetness n velocitas/, celeritas/, (tide) accessus m; (words) flumen nt.
flesh n cardf; (fig) corpus nt; in the - vlvus; flower n flos m, flosculus m ♦ vi flOrOre,
one's own ~ and blood consanguineus; put AOrOscere.
on - pinguescere, floweret n flosculus m.
fleshiness n corpus nt. flowery adj floridus.
fleshliness n libido/, flowing adj profluens; - with abundans (abi).
fleshly adj libldinOsus. flowingly adv profluenter.
fleshy adj pinguis, flown adj Inflatus.
flexibility n lentitia/, fluctuate vi aestuare, fluctuare.
flexible adj flexibilis, lentus, fluctuating adj inconstans, incertus.
flicker vi coruscare, fluctuation n aestus m, dubitatio/.
flickering adj tremulus, fluency n facundia/, verborum cOpia/.
flight n (flying) volatus m; (fleeing) fuga/ fluent adj disertus, prOfluens.
(steps) scala/; put to ~ fugare, in fugam fluently adv diserte, profluenter.
conicere; take to - se in fugam dare, terga fluid adj liquidus ♦ n liquor m.
vertere. fluidity n liquor m.
flightiness n mobilitas/. fluke n (anchor) dens m; (luck) fortuitum nt.
flighty adj mobilis, inconstans, flurry n trepidatio/ ♦ vt sollicitare, turbare,
flimsy adj tenuis, pertenuis, flush n rubor m; in the first - of victory victoria
flinch vi recedere. elatus ♦ vi erubescere ♦ adj (full) abundans;
fling vt iacere, conicere; (missile) intorquere; - (levef) aequus.
away abicere, prOicere; - open patefacere; - fluster n trepidatio/ ♦ vt turbare, sollicitare,
in one's teeth obicere (dat); - to the ground flute n tibia/; play the ~ tibia canere,
prOsternere ♦ vi se incitare ♦ n iactus m. fluted adj striatus.
flint n silex m. flutter n tremor m; (fig) trepidatio/ ♦ vi (heart)
flinty adj siliceus, palpitare; (mind) trepidare; (bird) volitare,
flippancy n lascivia/, fluvial adj fluviatilis,
flippant adj lascivus, protervus, flux n fluxus m; be in a state of - fluere,
flippantly adv petulanter, fly n musca/ ♦ vi volare; (flee) fugere; - apart
flirt vt ludere, lascivire ♦ n lascivus m, lasciva dissilire; - at involare in (acc); - away
/• avolare; - from fugere; - in the face of
flit vi volitare, obviam Ire (dat); ~ out evolare; ~ to advolare
flitch n succidia/. ad (acc); ~ up evolare, subvolare; let - at
float vi innare, fluitare; (in air) volitare; - immittere in (acc).
down defluere. flying adj volucer, volatilis; (time) fugax,
flock n grex m; (wool) floccus m ♦ vi foal n equuleus m, equulus m ♦ vr parere,
concurrere, congregari, cOnfluere; - in foam n spuma/ ♦ vi spumare; (with rage)
adfluere. saevire.
flog vt verberare, virgis caedere, foaming adj spumeus.
flogging n verbera ntpi. focus vt (mind) intendere.
flood n (deluge) eluvio/ (river) torrens m; (tide) fodder n pabulum nt.
accessus m; (fig) flumen nt ♦ vt inundare, foe n hostis m; (private) inimicus m.
floodgate n cataracta/. fog n caligo/, nebula/.
floor n solum nt; (paved) pavimentum nt; foggy adj cailginOsus, nebulosus.
(storey) tabulatum nt; (threshing) area / ♦ vt foible n vitium nt.
contabulare; be ~ed (in argument) iacere. foil n (meta!) lamina/, (sword) rudis/ ♦ vt
flora n herbaefpl. eludere, ad inritum redigere,
floral adj floreus, foist vt inculcare, interponere,
florid adj floridus, fold n sinus m; (sheep) ovile nt ♦ vt plicare,
flotilla n classicula/. complicare; (hands) comprimere; (sheep)
flounce vi se conicere ♦ n Instita/, includere; ~ back replicare; - over plicare; -
flounder vi volutare; (in speech) haesitare, together complicare; ~ up in involvere in
flour n farina/. (abi).
flourish vi florere, vigere ♦ vt vibrare, folding doors npi valvae/pi-
iactare ♦ n (rhet) calamistri mpl; (music) foliage n frondes jpi.
clangor m. folk n homines mpl ♦ adj patrius,
flout vt aspernari, inludere (dat). follow vt sequi; (calling) facere; (candidate)
flow vi fluere, manare; (tide) accedere; - back adsectarl; (enemy) Insequi; (example)
recedere; - between interfluere; - down imitari; (instructions) p8r6re (dat);
ENGLISH-LATIN 71 follower-forget

(predecessor) succedere (dat); (road) forcen vis/; (band of men) manus m; by - of

pergere; (speaker) intellegere; - closely arms vi et armis ♦ vt cOgere, impellere;
Insequi; - hard on the heels of Insequi, (way) rumpere, moliri; (growth) festinare, -
Insistere (dat), Instare (dat); ~ out exsequi; - an engagement hostes proeliari cogere; -
to the grave exsequi; - up subsequi, down detrudere; - out extrudere, expellere,
Insistere (dat) ♦ vi (time) Insequi; (inference) exturbare; - upon inculcare; - a way in
sequi; as -s ita, in hunc modum, introrumpere, inrumpere.
follower n comes m; (ofcandidate) adsectator forced adj (march) magnus; (style) quaesitus; ~
m; (of model) imitator m; (of teacher) auditor march magnum iter,
m. forceful adj validus,
following adj talis; Insequens, proximus, forceps n forceps m/f.
posterus; on the ~ day postridie, postero die, forces npl (mil) copiae jpl.
proximo die ♦ n adsectatores mpl. forcible adj validus; (fig) gravis,
folly n stultitia/, dementia/, Insipientia/, forcibly adv vi, violenter; (fig) graviter,
foment vt fovere; (fig) augere, ford n vadum nt ♦ vt vado transire,
fond adj amans, studiosus; ineptus; be - of fore adj prior; to the - praesto ♦ adv: ~ and aft
amare. in longitudinem.
fondle vt fovere, mulcere. forearm n bracchium nt ♦ vt: be -ed
fondly adv amanter; inepte, praecavere.
food n cibus m; (fig) pabulum nt. forebode vt ominari, portendere; prasentlre.
fool n stultus m, ineptus m; (jester) scurra m; foreboding n praesensio/; omen nt.
make a - of ludibrio habere; play the - forecast n praedictio/ ♦ vt praedicere,
desipere ♦ vt decipere, ludere; - away providere.
disperdere ♦ vi desipere. forecourt n vestibulum nt.
foolery n ineptiae jpl, nugae fpi. forefathers n maiores mpl.
foolhardy adj temerarius, forefinger n index m.
foolish adj stultus, ineptus, Insipiens, foreground n eminentia ntpi.
foolishly adv stulte, inepte, forehead n frons/.
foolishness n stultitia/, Insipientia/, foreign adj peregrinus, externus; (goods)
foot n pes m; (mil) peditatus m; a - long pedalis; adventicius; ~ to alienus ab; - ways
on - pedes; set - on Insistere (dat); set on - peregrinitas/.
Instituere; the - of Imus ♦ vt (bill) solvere, foreigner n peregrinus m, advena m.
football n follis m. foreknow vt praenoscere,
footing n locus m, status m; keep one's - foreknowledge n providentia/.
Insistere; on an equal - ex aequo, foreland n promunturium nt.
footman n pedisequus m. foremost adj primus, princeps,
footpad n grassator m. forenoon n antemeridianum tempus nt.
footpath n semita /, trames m. forensic adj forensis,
footprint n vestigium nt. forerunner n praenuntius m.
foot soldier n pedes m. foresee vt praevidere,
footstep n vestigium nt; follow in the -s of foreshadow vt praemonere,
vestigiis ingredi (gen), foresight n providentia/.
foppish adj delicatus, forest n silva/.
for prep (advantage) dat; (duration) acc; (after forestall vt occupare, antevenire,
noun) gen; (price) abl; (behalf) pro (abl); (cause) forester n silvicola m.
propter (acc), causa (gen); (after neg) prae foretaste vt praegustare,
(abl); (feelings) erga (acc); (lieu) prd (abl); foretell vt praedicere, vaticinari,
(purpose) ad, in (acc); (time fixed) in (acc) ♦ forethought n providentia/.
conj namque; nam (1st word), enim (2nd forewarn vt praemonere,
word); (with pron) quippe qul; - a long time foreword n praefatio/,
diu; ~ sometime aliquamdid. forfeit n multa/, damnum nt ♦ vt amittere,
forage n pabulum nt ♦ vi pabulari, frumentari, perdere, multari (abl); (bail) deserere,
forager n pabulator m, frOmentator m. forfeiture n damnum nt.
foraging n pabulatio/, frumentatis/. forgather vi congregari, convenire,
forasmuch as con) quOniam. forge n fornax/ ♦ vt fabricari, excudere;
foray n incursift/. (document) subicere; (will) suppOnere;
forbear vi parcere (dat), supersedere (infin). (signature) imitari; (money) adulterinos
forbearance n venia/, indulgentia/, nummos percutere.
forbears n maiOrSs mpl. forged adj falsus, adulterinus, commenticius,
forbid vt vetare (+acc and infin), interdicere forger n (of will) subiector m.
(dat and quominus and subj); Heaven - I dl forgery n falsum nt, commentum nt.
meliOra! forget vt oblivisci (gen); (thing learnt)
forbidding adj tristis. dediscere; be forgotten memoria cadere, ex
forgetful-fratricide 72 ENGLISH-LATIN

animo effluere. foster child n alumnus m, alumna/.

forgetful ad; immemor; (by habit) obliviosus, foster father n altor m, educator m.
forgetfulness n oblivio/, foster mother n altrix/, nutrix/,
forgive vt ignoscere (dat), veniam dare (dat). foul ad; foedus; (speech) inquinatus; fall - of
forgiveness n venia/, inruere in (acc).
forgo vt dimittere, renuntiare; (rights) foully adv foede, inquinate,
decedere de Hire. foul-mouthed adj maledicus,
fork n furca/, (small) furcula/, (road) trivium foulness n foeditas/.
nt. found vt condere, fundare, Instituere; (metal)
forlorn adj inops, destitutus, exspes, fundere.
form n forma/, figura/, (of procedure) formula foundation n fundamenta ntpl.
f, (condition) vigor m; (etiquette) mos m; (seat) founder n fundator m, conditor m ♦ vi
scamnum nt; (school) schola/, (hare's) submergi, naufragium facere,
latibulum nt ♦ vt fOrmare, fingere, efficere; foundling n expositicia/.
(mil) Instruere; (plan) inire, capere, fount n fons m.
formal ad; iustus; (rite) sollemnis, fountain n fons m.
formality n iusta ntpi, ritus m; as a - dicis fountainhead n fons m, origo/,
causa; with due - rite, four num quattuor (indecl); - each quaterni; -
formally odv rite. times quater; - days quadriduum nt; - years
formation n fOrma/, figura/, (process) quadriennium nt.
cOnfOrmatiO/; in - (mil) Instructus, fourfold adj quadruplex ♦ adv quadrifariam,
former ad; prior, pristinus, vetus; the ~ ille. four hundred num quadringenti; ~ each
formerly adv antea, olim, quondam, quadringeni; - times quadringentiens,
formidable ad; formidolosus, four hundredth adj quadringentesimus,
formidably adv formldolOse. fourteen num quattuordecim; - each quaterni
formula n formula/, (dictated) praefatio/. deni; - times quater deciens.
formulate vt compOnere. fourteenth ad; quartus decimus,
forsake vt derelinquere, destituere, deserere, fourth adj quartus ♦ n quadrans m; three -s
forswear vt peierare, abiurare. dodrans m, tres partes fpl.
fort n castellum nt. fowl n avis /; gallina/.
forth adv foras; (time) posthac, fowler n auceps m.
forthwith adv extemplo, statim, prOtinus. fox n vulpes/, ~'s vulpinus,
fortieth ad; quadragesimus, foxy adj astQtus, vafer,
fortification n (process) munitio/, (place) fraces n rixa/,
mOnlmentum nt, arx/. fraction n pars/,
fortify vt mfinlre, emunire, commQnlre; (fig) fractious ad; difficilis,
cOnfirmare. fracture n fractum os nt ♦ vt frangere,
fortitude n fortitudo/. fragile ad; fragilis,
fortnight n quindecim dies mpi. fragility n fragilitas/,
fortnightly adv quinto decimO quOque die. fragment n fragmentum nt.
fortress n arx/, castellum nt. fragrance n odor m.
fortuitous odj fortuitus, fragrant ad; suavis,
fortuitously adv fortuito, casu, fragrantly adv suaviter,
fortunate ad; felix, fortunatus, frail adj fragilis, Infirmus, debilis,
fortunately adv feliciter, bene, frailty n debilitas/, (moral) error m.
fortune n fortOna/, fors f) (wealth) r6s /, frame vt fabricari, fingere, effingere;
divitiae fpl; good - felicitas/, secundae r6s (document) compOnere ♦ n fOrma/, (of mind)
fpl; bad ~ adversae risfpl; make one's - rem adfectiO/, habitus m; in a - of mind animatus,
facere, rem quaerere; te!l ~s hariolari, framer n fabricator m, opifex m; (of law) lator m.
fortune-hunter n captator m. framework n compages/.
fortune-teller n hariolus m, saga/, franchise n suffragium nt, civitas/,
forty num quadraginta; ~ each quadrageni; - frank ad; ingenuus, apertus; (speech) liber,
times quadragiens, frankincense n tus nt.
forum n forum nt. frankly adv ingenue, aperte; libere,
forward adj (person) protervus, auddx; (fruit) frankness n ingenuitas/, (speech) libertas/,
praecox ♦ adv porrO, ante; bring - prOferre; frantic adj furens, furiosus, delirus,
come - prOdlre ♦ vt (letter) perferre; (cause) frantically adv furenter,
adiuvare, favere (dat). fraternal ad; fraternus,
forwardness n audacia/, alacritas/. fraternally adv fraterne,
forwards adv porrO, prOrsus; backwards and - fraternity n fraternitas/, (society) sodalitas/
rursum prOrsum, hflc illflc. (guild) collegium nt.
fosse n fossa/. fraternize vi amicitiam iungere.
foster vt alere, nfltrlre; (fig) fovere. fratricide n fratricida m; (acf) fratris
ENGLISH-LATIN 73 fraud-fulfil

parricidium nt. frigate n liburna/.

fraud n fraus/, dolus m, falsum nt; (criminal) fright n horror m, pavor m, terror m; take -
dolus malus m. extimescere, expavescere,
fraudulence n fraus/. frighten vt terrere, exterrere, perterrere; -
fraudulent adj fraudulentus, doldsus. away absterrere; - off deterrere; ~ the life
fraudulently adv dolose, dolo maid, out of exanimare.
fraught ad; plenus, frightful adj horribilis, immanis; (look) taeter.
fray n pugna/, rixa/ ♦ vt terere, frightfully adv foede.
freak n mOnstrum nt; (caprice) libido/. frigid adj frigidus.
freckle n lentlgd/. frigidity n frigus nt.
freckly ad; lentiginosus, frill n flmbriae/pi; (rhet) calamistri mpi.
free adj liber; (disengaged) vacuus; (generous) fringe n fimbriae fpi.
liberalis; (from cost) gratuitus; (from duty) frisk vi lascivire, exsultare.
immunis; (from encumbrance) expeditus; be - frisky adj lascivus.
from vacare (abl); I am still - to integrum est fritter vt: - away dissipare; (time) extrahere.
mihl (infin); set ~ absolvere, liberare; (slave) frivolity n levitas/.
manu mittere ♦ adv gratis, gratuito ♦ vt frivolous adj levis, inanis.
liberare, expedire, exsolvere, frivolously adv inaniter.
freebooter n praedo m. f ro adv: to and - huc illuc.
freeborn adj ingenuus, frock n stola/.
freedman n libertus m. frog n rana/.
freedom n libertas f; (from duty) immunitas /. frolic n ludus m ♦ vi ludere, lascivire,
freehold n praedium liberum nt ♦ adj frolicsome ad; lascivus, hilaris,
immunis. from prep ab (abl), a (before consonants); (out) e,
freely adv libere; (lavishly) copiose, large; ex (abl); (cause) propter (acc); (prevention)
(frankly) aperte; (voluntarily) ultro, sua qudminus, quin; ~ all directions undique,
sponte. front n frons/; in - a fronte, adversus; in - of
freeman n civis m. pro (+abf).
free will n voluntas /; of one's own - sua frontier n limes m, confinia ntpi; -s fines mpi.
sponte. front line n prima acies,
freeze vt gelare, glaciare ♦ vi concrescere, frost n gelu nt.
freezing adj gelidus; it is ~ gelat, frostbitten adj: be ~ vi frigoris ambQrl.
freight n vectflra/; (cargo) onus nt ♦ vt frosty adj gelidus, glacialis,
onerare. froth n spuma/ ♦ vi spumas agere,
freighter n navis oneraria/. frothy ad; spumeus,
frenzied adj furens, furiosus, fanaticus, froward adj contumax,
frenzy n furor m, Insania/, frown n frontis contractio/ ♦ vi frontem
frequency n adsiduitas/. contrahere,
frequent ad; frequens, creber ♦ vt frozen adj glacialis,
frequentare, commeare in (acc). fructify vt fecundare,
frequently adv saepe, saepenumero, frugal adj parcus, frugi,
frequenter. frugality n frugalitas/, parsimonia/,
fresh adj (new) recens, novus; (vigorous) frugally adv parce, frugaliter,
integer; (water) dulcis; (wind) acer, fruit n fructus m; (tree) mala ntpi; (berry) baca/;
freshen vt renovare ♦ vi (wind) ( fig) fructus m; ~spl (of earth) fruges fpl.
increbrescere, fruiterer n pomarius m.
freshly adv recenter, fruitful adj facundus, fructuosus,
freshman n tlr6 m. fruitfully adv feraciter,
freshness n novitas/, viriditas/, fruitfulness n fecunditas/, ubertas/.
fret vi maerere, angi ♦ vt sollicitare, fruition n fructus m.
fretful ad; mdrdsus, querulus, fruitless ad; inutilis, vanus,
fretfulness n morositas/. fruitlessly adv nequiquam, frustra,
fretted adj laqueatus, fruit tree n pomum nt.
friable ad; puter, frustrate vt frustrari, ad inritum redigere,
friction n tritus m. frustration n frustratio/.
friend n amicus m, familiaris m/f, hospes m, fry vt frigere.
sodalis m; make ~s with se conferre ad frying pan n sartago/; out of the ~ into the fire
amicitiam (gen). incidit in Scyllam qui vult vitare
friendless ad; sine amicis, Charybdim.
friendliness n cOmitas/, officium nt. fuel n fomes m.
friendly ad; cOmis, facilis, benignus; on ~ fugitive adj fugitivus ♦ n fugitivus m,
terms familiariter, transfuga m; (from abroad) extorris m.
friendship n amicitia/, familiaritas/. fulfil vt (duty) explere, impigre; (promise)
fulfilment-gander 74 ENGLISH-LATIN

praestare; (order) exsequi, perficere, futility n vanitas/, futtilitas/.

fulfilment n absolutio/, future adj futOrus, posterus ♦ n posterum nt,
full adj plenus (+ abi), refertus, expletus; reliquum nt; in - posthac; for the - in
(entire) integer; (amount) solidus; (brother) posterum.
germanus; (measure) iustus; (meeting) futurity n posterum tempus nt, posteritas/.
frequens; (style) copiosus; at - length
porrectus; at - speed citato gradu, citato
fuller n fullo m.
full-grown odj adultus.
full moon n luna plena.
fullness n (sty/e) cOpia f (time) matflritas/.
fully adv plene, penitus, funditus.
fulminate vi intonare.
fulsome adj fastidiosus, putidus.
fumble vi haesitare. gabble vi garrire,
fumen fumus m, halitus m ♦ vi stomachari, gable n fastigium nt.
fumigate vt suffire. gadfly n tabanus m.
fun n iocus m, ludus m; for ~ animl causa; make gag vt 5s praeligare (dat), os obvolvere (dat).
- of inludere, deludere, ludibrio habere, gage n pignus nt.
function n officium nt, munus nt. gaiety n laetitia/, hilaritas/, festivitas/,
fund n cOpia/. gaily adv hilare, festive,
fundamental adj primus ♦ n principium nt, gain n lucrum nt, quaestus m ♦ vt comparare;
elementum nt. adipisci; (profit) lucrari; (thing) parare,
fundsnpi sors/, pecuniaefpl. consequi, capere; (case) vincere; (place)
funeral n funus nt, exsequiae fpl ♦ adj funebris. pervenire ad; (possession of) potiri (gen);
funeral pile n rogus m. (victory) reportare; - ovor conciliare; -
funeral pyren rogus m. ground increbrescere; - possession of
funeral rites npi exsequiae fpl. Inferiae fpl. potior (+ abi); - the upper hand rem obtinere,
funereal adj funebria, lugubris. gainful adj quaestuosus,
funnel n Infundibulum nt. gainsay vt contradicere (dat).
funny adj ioculfiris, ridiculus. gaitn incessus m, ingressio/,
fur n pellis m. gaiters n ocreae fpl.
furbelow n Instita/. gala n dies festus m.
furbish vt expolire; - up interpolare. galaxy n circulus lacteus m.
Furies npi Furiae jpi. gale n ventus m.
furious adj saevus, vehemens, periratus. gall n fel nt, bilis m ♦ vt urere,
furiously adv furenter, saeve, vehementer. gallant adj fortis, audax; (courteous)
furl vt (sail) legere. officiosus.
furlong n stadium nt. gallantly adv fortiter; officiose,
furlough n commeatus m. gallantry n virtus/; urbanitas/.
furnace n fornax/. gall bladder n fel nt.
furnish vt praebere, suppeditare; (equip) gallery n porticus/.
Instruere, ornare, galley n navis actuaria/; (cook's) culina/,
furniture n supellex/, galling adj amarus, mordax,
furrow n sulcus m ♦ vt sulcare, gallon n congius m.
furry adj villosus. gallop n cursus m; at the - citato equ6,
further adj ulterior ♦ adv ultra, porro; amplius admisso equ6 ♦ vi admissd equo currere,
♦ vt adiuvare, consulere (dat). gallows n Infelix arbor m, furca/,
furtherance n progressus m; (means) gallows bird n furcifer m.
Instrumentum nt. galore adv adfatim.
furthermore adv praeterea, porro, gamble n alea/ ♦ vi alea ludere,
furthest adj ultimus ♦ adv longissime, gambler n aleator m.
furtive adj furtivus, clandestinus, gambling n alea/.
furtively adv clam, furtim. gambol n lusus m ♦ vi ludere, lascivire,
fury n furor m, saevitia/; Ira/, exsultare.
fusevt fundere; (together) coniungere. game n ludus m; (with dice) alea/; (hunt)
fusion n coniunctio/. praeda/; play the - recte facere; public -•
fuss n importunitas/, querimonia/ ♦ vi ludi mpl; Olympie -a Olympia npi; the -'* up
conqueri, sollicitari, actum est ♦ adj animdsus.
fussy adj importflnus, incommodus, gamester n aleator m.
fusty adj mucidus, gammon n perna/,
futile adj inanis, infltilis, futtilis. gander n anser m.
ENGLISH-LATIN 75 gang-get

gang n grex m, caterva/, generality n vulgus nt, plerlque mpi.

gangster n grassator m. generalize vi universe loqui,
gangway n forus m. generally adv fere, plerumque; (discuss)
gaol n career m. Infinite.
gaoler n custos m. generalship n ductus m.
gap n hiatus m, laeflna/. generate vt gignere, generare,
gape vi hiare, inhiare; (opening) dehiscere, generation n aetas /, saeculum nt.
garb n habitus m, amictus m ♦ vt amicire, generic ad/ generalis,
garbage n quisquiliae/pi. generically adv genere,
garden n hortus m; (public) hortl mpi. generosity n llberalitas/, largitas/,
gardener n hortulanus m; (ornamental) generous ad/ liberalis, largus, benignus,
topiarius m. generously adv liberaliter, large, benigne,
gardening n horti cultura/; (ornamental) genesis n origo/, principium nt.
topiaria /. genial ad/ comis, hilaris,
gargle vi gargarissare. geniality n comitas/, hilaritas/.
garish ad/ speciosus, fucatus. genially adv comiter, hilare,
garland n sertum nt, corona/♦ vi coronare. genitive n genitivus m.
garlic n alium nt. genius n (deity) genius m; (talent) ingenium nt,
garment n vestis/, vestimentum nt. indoles/; of ~ ingeniosus,
garnish vt ornare, decorare, genre n genus nt.
garret n cenaculum nt. genteel ad/ urbanus, politus,
garrison n praesidium nt, defensores mpi ♦ vt gentility n urbanitas/, elegantia/.
praesidio munire, praesidium collocare in gentle ad/ (birth) ingenuus; (manner) humanus,
(abi). indulgens, mitis; (slope) lenis, mollis; (thing)
garrotte vt laqueo gulam frangere (dat). placidus, lenis.
garrulity n garrulitas/, gentleman n vir m, ingenuus m, vir honestus
garrulous ad/ garrulus, loquax, m.
gasn vapor m. gentlemanly ad/ ingenuus, liberalis,
gash n vulnus nt ♦ vt caedere, lacerare, honestus.
gasp n anhelitus m, singultus m ♦ vi anhelare. gentleness n humanitas/, indulgentia/,
gastronomy n gula/, lenitas/.
gaten porta/. gentlewoman n ingenua/, mulier honesta/,
gather vt colligere, cogere; (fruit) legere; gently adv leniter, molliter, placide,
(inference) colligere, conicere ♦ vi gentry n ingenui mpi, optimates mpi;
congregari. (contempt) homines mpi.
gathering n conventus m, coetus m. genuine ad/ verus, germanus, sincerus,
gauche ad/ inconcinnus, illepidus, genuinely adv germane, sincere,
gaudily adv splendide, speciose, genuineness n fides/,
gaudy ad/ speciosus, fucatus, lautus, geographical ad/ geographicus; ~ position
gauge n modulus m ♦ vt metiri. situs m.
Gaul n Gallia/; (person) Gallus m. geography n geographia/.
gaunt ad/ macer, geometrical ad/ geometricus,
gauntlet n manica/, geometry n geometria/.
gauze n Coa ntpi. Georgies n Georgica ntpl.
gay ud/ hilaris, festivus, laetus, germ n germen nt, semen nt.
gaze vi intueri; ~ at intueri, adspectare, germane ad/ adflnis.
contemplari, germinate vi gemmare,
gazelle n oryx m. gesticulate vi se iactare, gestu uti.
gazette n acta diurna ntpl, acta publica ntpl. gesticulation n gestus m.
gear n Instrumenta ntpl; (ship's) armamenta gesture n gestus m, motus m.
ntpl. get vi adipisci, nancisci, parare; (malady)
gelding n canterius m. contrahere; (request) impetrare; (return)
gelid ad/ gelidus, capere; (reward) ferre; ~ sth done curare
gem n gemma/, (with gerundive); - sb to do persuadere (dat),
gender n genus nt. adducere; ~ by heart ediscere; ~ in reponere;
genealogical ad/ de stirpe, ~ the better of superare; go and ~ arcessere
genealogical table n stemma nt. ♦ vi fleri; - about (rumour) palam fleri,
genealogist n genealogus m. percrebrescere; ~ away effugere; ~ at
genealogy n genealogia/, (intent) spectare; ~ behind cessare; - off
general ad/ generalis, universus; (usuaf) absolvi; - on proficere; ~ out effugere,
vulgaris, communis; in ~ omnino ♦ n dux m, evadere; ~ out of hand lascivire; ~ out of the
imperator m; ~'s tent praetorium nt. way de via decedere; ~ ready parare; ~ rid of
generalissimo n imperator m. abicere, tollere; - to pervenire ad;
get-up-go 76 ENGLISH-LATIN

- to know cognOscere; ~ together glare n fulgor m ♦ vi fulgore; - at torvis oculis

congregari; ~ up exsurgere. in tuOrl.
get-up n ornatus m. glaring adj (look) torvus; (fault) manifestus; be
ghastliness n pallor m. - ante pedOs positum esse,
ghastly adj pallidus; (sight) taeter, glass n vitrum nt; (mirror) speculum nt.
ghost n larva/, IdOlon nt; -s pi manOs mpi; give glassy ad; vitreus,
up the - animam agere, efflare, glaze vt vitro obducere,
giant n Gigas m. gleam n fulgor m, lux/ ♦ vi fulgOre, lOcOre.
gibberish n barbaricus sermO m. gleaming ad; splendidus, nitidus,
gibbet n furca/, glean vi spicas legere,
gibe vi inridOre. gleaning n spicilegium nt.
giddiness n vertigo/, glebe n fundus m.
giddy ad; vertiginosus; (fig) levis, glee n hilaritas/, gaudium nt.
gift n donum nt; (small) mQnusculum nt; -s pl gleeful adj hilaris, festivus, laetus,
(mind) ingenium nt. gleefully adv hilare, laeto,
gifted adj ingeniosus, glenn vallis/.
gig n cisium nt. glib adj prOfluOns, facundus.
gigantic ad; ingens, immanis, glibly adv profluenter.
gild vt inaurare. glide n lapsus m ♦ vi labi; - away Olabl.
gill n (measure) quartarius m; (fish) branchia/. glimmer vi sublucOre ♦ n: a - of hope spOcula
gilt adj auratus, /.
gimlet n terebra/, glimpse n aspectus m ♦ vt conspicari,
gin n pedica/, laqueus m. glint vi renldOre.
ginger n zingiberi nt. glisten vi fulgOre, nitOre.
gingerly adv pedetemptim. glitter vi micare,
giraffe n camelopardalis/. gloaming n crepusculum nt.
gird vt circumdare; - on accingere; - oneself gloat vi: - over inhiare, animO haurire, oculOs
pascere (abi).
cingi; - up succingere,
girder n tignum nt. globe n globus m, sphaera/; (inhabited) orbis
terrarum m.
girdle n cingulus m ♦ vt cingere,
globular ad; globosus,
girl n puella f, virgo/.
globule n globulus m, pilula/,
girlhood n aetas puellaris/,
gloom n tenebrae fpi; tristitia/.
girlish adj puellaris,
gloomy ad; tenebricosus; tristis, dOmissus.
girth n ambitus m, amplitudo/,
glorify vt illustrare, extollere, laudare,
gist n firmamentum nt.
glorious ad; illustris, praeclarus, splendidus,
givevt dare, donare, tribuere; (thing due) gloriously adv praeclaro, splendido,
reddere; - away largiri; (bride) in
glory n laus/, gloria/, decus nt ♦ vi gloriari, sO
matrimonium collocare; (secret) prOdere; ~ iactare.
back reddere, restituere; ~ birth (to) parere;
gloss n nitor m ♦ vt: - over (fig) dissimulare,
- in (name) profiteri; - off emittere; - out glossy ad; nitidus,
(orders) edere; (sound) Omittere; - thanks
glove n manica /.
gratias agere; - up dedere, tradere; (hope of)
glow n (light) lumen nt; (heat) ardor m;
desperare; (rights) dOcOdere de, renuntiare;
(passion) calor m ♦ vi lOcOre, ardOre, calOre,
- way cedere; (mil) inclinare ♦ vi labare; - in
se victum fateri; (mil) manus dare; - out (fait)
glowing adj candOns, ardOns, calidus,
deficere; (pretend) ferre; ~ up desistere; -
glue n gluten nt ♦ vt glutinare,
way cedere.
glum adj tristis, maestus,
giver n dator m.
glut vt explore, saturare ♦ n satietas/,
glacial ad; glacialis. abundantia /.
glad adj laetus, alacer, hilaris; be - gaudere, glutton n ganeo m, helluO m.
gladden vt exhilarare, oblectare, gluttonous adj edax, vorax, avidus,
glade n saltus m. gluttony n gula/, edacitas/.
gladiator n gladiator m. gnarled adj nOdOsus.
gladiatorial od; gladiatorius; present a - show gnash vt, vi frendere; - one's teeth dentibus
gladiatores dare, frendere,
gladly adv laeto, libenter, gnat n culex m.
gladness n laetitia/, alacritas/, gaudium nt. gnaw vt rodere; - away OrOdere.
glamorous ad; venustus, gnawing adj mordax,
glamour n venustas/. go vi Ire, vadere; (depart) abire, discOdere;
glance n aspectus m ♦ vi oculOs conicere; - at (event) 0vadere; (mechanism) movOrl; -
aspicere; (fig) attingere, perstringere; - off about incipere, adgredl; - after Insequi; -
stringere. away abire, discOdere; - back redire,
ENGLISH-LATIN 77 goad-grandson

regredi; - before anteire, praeire; ~ by goose flesh n horror m.

praeterire; (rule) sequi, uti (ab/); ~ down gore n eruor m f vt cornibus confodere,
descendere; (storm) cadere; (star) occidere; gorge n fauces fpi, gula/; (geog) angustiae fpi ♦
- for petere; - forward progredi; ~ in intrare, vt: ~ oneself se ingurgitare,
ingredi; - in for (profession) facere, gorgeous adj lautus, splendidus,
exercere; - off abire; ~ on pergere; (event) gorgeously adv laute, splendide,
agi; - out exire, egredi; (fire) extingul; ~ over gorgeousness n lautitia/,
transire; (to enemy) desciscere; (preparation) gormandize vi helluari.
meditari; (reading) legere; (work done) gory adj cruentus,
retractare; - round circumire, ambire; ~ gospel n evangelium nt.
through percurrere; penetrare; (suffer) gossip n (talk) sermunculus m, rumusculus m,
perferre; - to adire, petere; - up ascendere; fama/; (person) lingulaca/♦ vi garrire,
- to the help of subvenire (+dat); - to meet gouge vt eruere,
obviam Ire; - with comitari; ~ without gourd n cucurbita/.
carere (abf), se abstinere (abl) ♦ n vis/, gourmand n helluo m, ganeo m.
acrimonia/. gout n podagra/, articularis morbus m.
goad n stimulus m ♦ vt irritare; pungere; (fig) gouty ad; arthriticus,
stimulare. govern vt (subjects) regere; (state)
go-ahead ad; impiger, administrare, gubernare; (emotion)
goal n finis m, meta/, moderari (dat), cohibere,
goat n caper m, capra/, governess n educatrix/,
gobble vt devorare. government n gubernatio/, administratio/;
go-between n internuntius m, internuntia/, (men) magistratus mpl.
(bribery) sequester m. governor n gubernator m, moderator m;
goblet n pbculum nt, scyphus m. (province) proconsul m, pr8curator m.
godndeusm. gown n (men) toga/; (women) stola/,
goddessn deaf. grab vt adripere, corripere,
godhead n divinitas/, numen nt. grace n gratia/, lepos m, decor m; (favour)
godless ad; impius, gratia/, venia/; (of gods) pax/ be in the good
godlike ad; divinus, ~s of in gratia esse apud (acc); with a bad -
godliness n pietas/, religio/, invitus ♦ vt decorare, ornare,
godly ad; pius. graceful adj deedrus, venustus, lepidus,
godsend n quasi caelo demissus, gracefully adv venuste, lepide,
going n itift/; (way) iter nt; (departure) graceless adj illepidus, impudens,
profectio/, discessus m. gracious ad; benignus, propitius, misericors,
goitre n struma nt. graciously adv benigne, llberaliter.
gold n aurum nt ♦ ad; aureus, graciousness n benignitas/, llberaiitas/.
golden ad; aureus; (hair) flavus, gradation n gradus m.
gold leaf n bractea/. grade n gradus m.
goldmine n auraria/. gradient n clivus m.
goldsmith n aurarius m, aurifex m. gradual ad; lenis.
good ad; bonus, probus; (fit) iddneus, aptus; gradually adv gradatim, sensim, paulatim.
(considerable) magnus; - day I salve, salvete!; graft n surculus m; (pol) ambitus m ♦ vt
- looks fOrma/, pulchritudo/ - nature Inserere.
facilitas /, cOmitas/♦ n bonum nt, grafting n Insitio/.
commodum nt; do -- to prOdesse (dat); make - grain n frflmentum nt; (seed) granum nt;
supplere, praestare; seem ~ videri; ♦ inter; against the - invita Minerva,
bene. grammar n grammatica/,
goodbye interj vale, valete; say - to valere grammarian n grammaticus m.
iubere. granary n horreum nt.
good-for-nothing ad; nequam, grandad; (person) amplus, illGstris, egregius;
good-humoured ad; cOmis. (way of life) lautus, magnificus; (language)
good-looking ad; pulcher, grandis, sublimis.
goodly adi pulcher; (size) amplus, granddaughter n neptis/, great ~ proneptis/.
good nature n facilitas/, comitas/, grandeur n maiestas/, magnificentia/; (style)
good-natured adj facilis, benignus, granditas/.
benevolus. grandfather n avus m; great - proavus m;
goodness n bonitas/, (character) virtfls/, great-great— abavus m; of a - avitus,
probitas /, pietas /. grandiloquence n magniloquentia/,
goodsnpi bona ntpl, res/; (forsale) merx/, grandiloquent ad; grandiloquus, tumidus,
good-tempered ad; mitis, lenis, grandiose ad; magnificus,
goodwill n benevolentia/, favor m, gratia/. grandmother n avia/, great ~ proavia/.
goose n anser m/f. grandson n nepbs m; great - pronepSs m.
grant-grudgingly 78 ENGUSH-LATIN

grant vt dare, concedere, tribuere; (admit) perire.

fateri ♦ n concessio/, grievance» querimonia/; iniuria/.
grape n uva/. grieve vi dolere, maerere, lugere,
graphic adj expressus; give a ~ account of ante grievous adj tristis, luctuosus; molestus,
oculOs ponere, oculis subicere. gravis, acerbus,
grapnel n manus/errea/, harpago/, grievously adv graviter, valde,
grapple w luctari. 7 grim adj trux, truculentus; atrOx.
grappling iron n manus ferrea/. grimace n Oris depravatio/ make a - Os ducere,
grasp vt prensare, comprehendere; (with grime n sordes/, lutum nt.
mind) complecti, adsequl, percipere, grimy adj sordidus, lutulentus,
intellegere; - at captare, adpetere ♦ n grin n risus m ♦ vi adrldere.
manus/, comprehensio/; (mind) captus m. grind vt contundere; (corn) molere; (blade)
grasping adj avSrus, rapax, acuere; ~ down (fig) opprimere,
grass n herba/, grindstone ncOs/.
grasshopper n gryllus m. grip vt comprehendere, arripere ♦ n
grassy adj herbosus; herbidus, comprehensio/; come to ~s with in
grate n focus m ♦ vt atterere; - upon complexum venire (pen),
offendere. gripe n tormina ntpi.
grateful adj gratus; feel - gratiam habere, grisly adj horridus, dirus,
gratefully adv grate, grist n (fig) emolumentum nt.
gratification n voluptas/, grit n harena/.
gratify vt mOrem gerere (dat), morigerari groan n gemitus m ♦ vi gemere, ingemere,
(dat), gratificari (dat). groin n inguen nt.
gratifying adj iucundus. groom n agaso m.
gratis adv gratuito, gratis, groove n canalis m, stria/.
gratitude n gratia/; show - gratiam referre, grope vi praetentare,
gratuitous adj gratuitus, gross adj crassus, pinguis; (morally) turpis,
gratuitously adv gratuito, foedus.
gratuity n stips/; (mil) donativum nt. grossly adv foede, turpiter; (very) valde,
grave n sepulchrum nt ♦ adj gravis, austerus ♦ grossness n crassitudo/; turpitiidO/.
vt scalpere, grotto n spelunca/, antrum nt.
gravel n glarea/, ground n (bottom) solum nt; (earth) terra/,
gravely adv graviter, severe, humus/, (cause) ratio/, causa/; (sediment)
gravitate vi vergere. faex/ on the - humi; on the -s that quod (+
gravity n (person) severitas/, tristitia/, (artes) subj); to the - humum; gain ~ proficere;
gravitas/, momentum nt; (physics) nOtus m; (rumour) increbrescere; lose - cedere; (mil)
by force of - nutu suO. inclinare ♦ vt Instituere ♦ vi (ship) sidere,
gray adj ravus; (hair) canus, grounding n Institutio/.
graze vi pasci ♦ vt (cattle) pascere; (by touch) groundless adj vanus, inanis,
stringere, groundlessly adv frustra, temere,
grazing n pastus m. grounds n faex/; (property) praedium nt;
grease n arvina/ ♦ vt ungere, (reason) causa/ I have good ~ for doing nOn
greasy adj pinguis, unctus, sine causa facio, iustis de causis facio,
great adj magnus, grandis, ingens, amplus; groundwork n fundamentum nt.
(fame)insignis, praeclarus; as - as ... tantus group n globus m, circulus m ♦ vt dispOnere.
... quantus; - deal plurimum; ~ many grouse n (bird) tetraO m; (complaint) querela/
plQriml; how - quantus; very ~ permagnus, ♦ vi queri.
greatcoat n lacerna/, grove n nemus nr, lQcus m.
greatest adj maximus, grovel vi serpere, se prosternere, se
greatly adv multum, magnopere, advolvere.
greave n ocrea/, grovelling adj humilis, abiectus.
greed n avaritia/. grow vi crescere, gliscere; (spread)
greedily adv avare, cupide, percrebrescere; (become) fieri; - old
greedy adj avarus, cupidus; avidus. (con)senescere; ~ up adolescere, pubescere;
Greek adj Graecus. let - (hair) promittere ♦ vt (crops) colere;
green adj viridis; (unripe) crOdus; be ~ virere. (beard) demittere,
greenness n viriditas/. growl n fremitus m ♦ vi fremere,
greens n olus nt. grown-up adj adultus, grandis,
greet vt saltitare. growth n incrementum nt, auctus m.
greeting n salQs/, salutatio/. grub n vermiculus m.
grey adj ravus; (hair) canus. grudge n invidia/ ♦ vt invidere (dat); (thing)
greyhound n vertagus m. gravari.
grief n dolor m, maeror m, lQctus m; come to - grudgingly adv invitus, gravate.
ENGLISH-LATIN 79 gruesome-hallo

gruesome adj taeter,

gruff adj acerbus, asper,
grumble vi queri, mussare ♦ n querela/,
grumpy ad; morosus, querulus,
grunt n grunnitus m ♦ vi grunnire,
guarantee n (money) sponsio/; (promise) fides
t; (person) praes m ♦ vt spondere, praestare,
guarantor n sponsor m.
guard n custodia/, praesidium nt; (person)
cust5s m; on ~ in statione; be on one's ~
cavere; keep - stationem agere; off one's ~
imprudens, inopinans; be taken off one's -
de gradu deicl ♦ vf custodire, defendere;
(keep) conservare; ~ against cavere, habit n mOs m, cOnsuetudO/ (dress) habitus m,
guarded adj cautus, vestitus m; be in the - of solere,
guardedly adv caute, habitable ad; habitabilis,
guardhouse n custodia/, habitation n domus/, domicilium nt; (place)
guardian n custos m; (of minors) tutor m. sedes/.
guardianship n custodia/, tutela/, habitual adj usitatus,
guardian spirit n genius m. habitually adv ex mOre, persaepe,
gudgeon n gobius m. habituate vt adsuefacere, Insuescere,
guerdon n praemium nt, merces/, hack vt caedere, concidere ♦ n (horse)
guess n coniectura/ ♦ vt divinare, conicere. caballus m.
guest n hospes m, hospita / (at dinner) conviva hackneyed adj tritus.
m; uninvited ~ umbra/; ~'s hospitalis, Hades n Inferi mpl.
guffaw n cachinnus m ♦ vi cachinnare, haft n manubrium nt.
guidance n moderatio/; under the ~ of God hag n anus/,
ducente deo. haggard adj ferus,
guide n dux m, ductor m; (in policy) auctor m ♦ haggle vi altercari,
vt ducere; (steer) regere; (control) moderari, hail n grando/ ♦ vi: it ~s grandinat ♦ vt
guild n collegium nt. salutare, adciamare ♦ interj ave, avete; salve,
guile n dolus m, fraus/, salvete; 1 - from Rome ROma mihi patria est.
guileful adj dolOsus, fraudulentus, hair n capillus m; crinis m; (single) pilus m;
guilefully adv dolose, (animals) seta/, villus nt; deviate a ~'s
guileless adj simplex, innocens, breadth from transversum digitum
guilelessly adv sine fraude, discedere ab; split ~s cavillari,
guilt n culpa/, scelus nt. hairdresser n tOnsor m.
guiltless adj innocens, InsOns. hairless ad; (head) calvus; (body) glaber,
guiltlessly adv integre, hairpin n crinale nt.
guilty adj nocens, sOns; find - damnare, hairsplitting ad; captiosus ♦ n cavillatio/,
guise n species/. hairy ad; pllOsus.
guitar n fides fpl; play the ~ fidibus canere, halberd n bipennis/.
gulf n sinus m; (chasm) hiatus m. halcyon n alcedo/; ~ days alcedonia ntpl.
gull n mergus m ♦ vt decipere, hale adj validus, rObustus ♦ vt trahere, rapere,
gullet n gula/, guttur nt. half n dimidium nt, dimidia pars / ♦ adj
gullible ad; credulus, dimidius, dimidiatus; ~ as much again
gulp vt devorare, haurire, sesqui; well begun is - done dimidium facti
gum n gumml nt; (mouth) gingiva/. qui coepit habet,
gumption n prQdentia/. half-asleep adj semisomnus,
gurgle vi singultare, half-baked ad; (fig) rudis,
gush vi se profundere, emicare ♦ n half-dead ad; semianimis, semivivus,
scaturigines fpl. half-full adj semiplenus,
gust n flamen nt, impetus m. half-hearted ad; incuriosus, sOcors.
gusto n studium nt. half-heartedly adv sine studio,
gusty adj ventosus. half-hourn semihora/,
gutn intestinum nt ♦ vt exenterare; (fig) half-moon n luna dimidiata/.
extergere, half-open adj semiapertus,
gutter n canalis m. half pound n selibra/,
guzzle vi se ingurgitare, half-way adj medius; - up the hill in medio
gymnasium n gymnasium nt, palaestra/, colie.
head of a - gymnasiarchus m. half-yearly ad; semestris,
gymnastic adj gymnicus; ~s pl palaestra/. hall n atrium nt; (public) exedra/,
gyrate vi volvi. hallo interi heus.
hallow-harp 80 ENGUSH-LATIN

hallow vi sacrare. hapless adj miser, Infelix,

hallucination n error m, somnium nt. haply adv fortasse.
halo n corona/. happen vi accidere, evenire, contingere;
halt vi Insistere, consistere ♦ vt sistere ♦ n: (become) fieri; as usually -s ut fit; - upon
come to a - consistere, agmen constituere ♦ incidere in (acc); it -s that accidit ut
adj claudus. (+subj).
halter n capistrum nr; (fig) laqueus m. happily adv feliciter, beate, bene,
halve vt bipartire, happiness n felicitas/.
ham n perna/, happy adj felix, beatus; laetus; (in some
hamlet n vlcus m. respect) fortunatus.
hammer n malleus m ♦ vt tundere; - out harangue n cOntiO/ ♦ vt cOntiOnarl apud (+
excudere. acc), hortari.
hamper n corbis/♦ vt impedire; (with debt) harass vt vexare, lacessere, exagitare,
obstringere. sollicitare.
hamstring vt poplitem succidere (dat). harassing adj molestus,
hand n manus/; left - laeva/, sinistra/, right ~ harbinger n praenuntius m.
dextra/; an old ~ veterator m; at ~ praesto, harbour n portus m ♦ vt recipere,
ad manum; be at ~ adesse; at first ~ ipse; at harbour dues n portoria ntpl.
second ~ ab aliO; on the one - ... on the other hard adj durus; (anes) asper, iniquus; (task)
et... et, quidem ... at; near at ~ in expedito, difficilis, arduus; - of hearing surdaster;
inibl; the matter in - quod nunc Instat, quae grow - durescere ♦ adv sedulo, valde; -by
in manibus sunt; get out of - lascivire; have prope, iuxta; I am - put to it to do aegerrime
a - in interesse (dat); have one's -s full satis faciO.
agere; lay ~s on manum adferre, inicere hard cash n praesens pectinia/.
(dat); live from - to mouth ad horam vivere; harden vt dOrare ♦ vt durescere; (fig)
pass from ~ to - per manus trSdere; take in - obdurescere; become ~ed obdurescere.
suscipere; ~s pi (workmen) operaefpl ♦ vt hard-fought adj atrOx.
tradere, porrigere; - down tradere, hard-hearted adj crudelis, durus, inhOmanus.
prOdere; - over deferre, reddere, hardihood n audacia/.
handbill n libellus m. hardily adv severe,
handbook n ars/, hardiness n rObur nt; duritia/,
handcuffs n manicae fpl. hardly adv vix, aegre; (severely) duriter,
handful n manipulus m. acerbe; - any nullus fere,
handicap n impedimentum nt. hardness n duritia/; (fig) asperitas/, iniquitas
handicraft n artificium nt, ars operOsa/. f, (difficulty) difficultas/; - of hearing surditas
handily adv habiliter, /•
handiness n habilitas/; commoditas/, hard-pressed adj: be ~ labOrare.
handiworkn opus nt, manus/, hardship n labor m, malum nt, iniOria/.
handkerchief n sudarium nt. hard-working adj industrius, navus, sedulus,
handle n (cup) ansa/; (knife) manubrium nt; hardy adj diirus, robustus, severus,
(fig) ansa/, occasio/♦ vt tractare, hare n lepus m.
handling n tractatio/, hark interj ausculta, auscultate ♦ vt: - back to
handmaid n famula/, repetere.
handsome adj fOrmOsus, pulcher; (gift) harm n iniuria/, damnum nt, malum nt,
liberalis. detrimentum nt; come to - detrimentum
handsomely adv pulchre; llberaliter. capere, accipere ♦ vt laedere, noefire (dat).
handsomeness n pulchritudo/, forma/, harmful adj damnOsus, noxius,
hand-to-hand adv: fight - manum conserere, harmfully adv male,
comminus pugnare, harmless adj innocens,
handwriting n manus/, harmlessly adv innocenter; (escape) salvus,
handy adj (to use) habilis; (near) praesto, incolumis, inviolatus,
hang vt suspendere; (head) demittere; (wall) harmonious adj cOnsonus, canOrus; (fig)
vestire ♦ vt pendere; - back gravari, concors; (things) congruens,
dubitare; - down dependere; - on to haerere harmoniously adv modulate; concorditer;
(dat); - over imminere (dat), impendere (dat); convenienter.
go and be ~ed abl in malam crucem! harmonize vi concinere, c6nsentlre,
hanger-on n cliens mtf, assecla mtf. congruere.
hanging n (death) suspendium nt; -* pi aulaea harmony n concentus m; (fig) concordia/,
ntpl ♦ adj pendulus, ednsensus m.
hangman n carnifex m. harness n arma ntpl ♦ vt Infrenare, iungere.
hanker vi: - after appetere, exoptare, harp n fides fpl; play the - fidibus canere ♦ vi: -
hap n fors/. on (fig) cantare, dictitare; be always -ing on
haphazard adj fortuitus. the same thing cantilenam eandem canere.
ENGLISH-LAT1N 81 harpist-hearty

harpist n fidicen m, fidicina/, hepron hie, ille, is.

harpoon n iaculum nt. head n caput nt; (person) dux m, princeps m;
harpy n Harpyia/, (composition) caput nt; (mind) animus m,
harrow n rastrum nt ♦ vt occare, ingenium nt; ~ over heels cernuus; off one's ~
harrower n occator m. dOmOns; be at the - of ducere, praeesse
harrowing adj horrendus, (dat); come to a - caput facere; (fig) in
harry wt vexare, diripere, discrimen adduci; give one his - indulgere
harsh adj durus, acerbus, asper; (person) (dat), habenas immittere (dat); keep one's ~
inclemens, severus, praesenti animO Gtl; lose one's ~ sul
harshly adv acerbe, aspere; severe, compotem nOn esse; shake one's ~ abnuere
harshness n acerbitas/, asperitas/; ♦ vt dfleere, praeesse (dat); - off intercipere
crudelitas /. ♦ vi (in a direction) tendere,
hartn cervus m. headache n capitis dolor m.
harvest n messis/♦ vt metere, demetere, headfirst adj praeceps,
harvester n messor m. heading n caput nt.
hash n farragO/ ♦ vt comminuere, headland n promunturium nt.
haste n festinatio/, properatio/, in - headlong adj praeceps ♦ adv in praeceps; rush
festinanter; in hot ~ incitatus; make - - sO praecipitare.
festinare. headquarters n (mil) praetorium nt.
hasten vt matflrare, adcelerare ♦ vi festinare, headship n principatus m.
properare, maturare, headsman n carnifex m.
hastily adv properO, raptim; temerg, headstrong ad; impotOns, pervicax,
incOnsulte; Iracundo. headway n profectus m.
hastiness n temeritas/ (temper) Iracundia/, heady ad; inconsultus; (wine) vehemens,
hasty adj properus, celer; (action) inconsultus, heal vt sanare, medOrl (dat) ♦ vi sanescere; -
temerarius; (temper) Iracundus, acer; over - over obduci,
praeproperus, healer n medicus m.
hatn petasus m. healing adj salGbris.
hatch vt exclfldere, parere, health n valetGdo/, salGs/, state of ~ valetudo
hatchet n dolabra /. /, ill - valetGdo/, be in good ~ valere; drink
hate n odium nt, invidia/ ♦ vt Odisse, the - of propinare (dat).
hated adj: to be ~ (by sb) odiO esse (+ dat). healthful adj salGbris.
hateful adj odiOsus, invisus, healthiness n sanitas/,
hatefully adv odiOsO. healthy adj sanus, integer; (conditions)
hatred n odium nt. salQber.
haughtily adv adroganter, superbe, heap n acervus m, cumulus m; in ~s acervatim
insolenter. ♦ vt acervare; - together congerere; - up
haughtiness n fastus m, adrogantia/, adcumuiare, coacervare, congerere.
superbia /. hear vt audire; (case) cognOscere; - clearly
haughty adj adrogOns, superbus, Insolens. exaudire; ~ in secret inaudire,
haul vt trahere ♦ n bolus m. hearer n auditor m.
haulage n vectura/. hearing n (sense) auditus m; (act) auditio/; (of
haulm n culmus m. case) cognitio/, get a ~ sibi audientiam
haunch n femur nt. facere; hard of - surdaster; without a ~
haunt vt frequentare ♦ n locus m; (animals) indicta causa,
lustrum nt. hearken vi auscultare,
have vt habOre, tenOre; (get done) cGr8re hearsay n fama /, rGmor m.
(gerundive): I - a house est mihi domus; I - to heart n cor nt; (emotion) animus m, pectus nt;
go mihi abeundum est; - it out with rem (courage) animus m; (interior) viscera ntpl; by
dOcernere cum; - on gerere, gestare, indui; I - memoria, memoriter; learn by - Odiscere;
had better go melius est Ire, praestat Ire; I the - of the matter rOs ipsa; lose ~ animum
had rather malim, mallem, dOspondere; take to - graviter ferre.
haven n portus m; (fig) perfugium nt. heartache n dolor m, angor m.
havoc n exitium nt, vastatio/, ruina/. heartbroken ad; animi fractus, aeger; be -
hawk n accipiter m ♦ vt (wares) circumferre, animO laborare,
hawker n Institor m. heartburning n invidia/,
hay n faenum nt; make ~ while the sun shines heartfelt od; sincOrus.
forO fltl. hearth n focus m; ~ and home arae et foci,
hazard n periculum nt, discrimen nt, alea/ ♦ vt heartily adv vehementer, valde,
periclitari, in aleam dare, heartiness n studium nt, vigor m.
hazardous ad; periculosus, heartless adj dGrus, inhGmanus, crGdelis.
haze n nebula/. heartlessly adv inhGmanO.
hazel n corylus/, heartlessness n inhumanitas/, crGdOlitas/.
hazy adj nebulosus; (ftg) incertus. hearty adj studiosus, vehemOns; (health)
heat-hide 82 ENGLISH-LATIN

rObustus; (feeling) sincerus, helper n adiutor m, adiutrix/.

heat n ardor m, calor m; (emotion) ardor m, helpful adj fitilis; be ~ to auxilio esse (dat).
aestus m; (race) missus m ♦ vt calefacere, helpless adj inops,
fervefacere; (fig) accendere; become ~ed helplessness n inopia/,
incalescere. hem n ora/, limbus m ♦ vt: - in interclodere,
heatedly adv ferventer, ardenter, circumsedOre.
heath n inculta loca ntpi. hemlock n cicuta/,
heathcock n attagen m. hemp n cannabis/,
heathen n paganus m. hen n gallina/.
heather n erlce/. hence adv hinc; (consequence) igitur, ideO.
heave vt tollere; (missile) conicere; (sigh) henceforth, henceforward adv dehinc,
dOcere ♦ vi tumere, fluctuare, posthac, ex hOc tempore,
heaven n caelum nt, dl mpi; ~ forbid! dl her adj suus, eius.
meliora; from - divinitus; in ~'s name pro herald n praecO m; (pol) fetialis m ♦ vt
deum fidem!; be in seventh - digito caelum praenuntiare,
attingere. herb n herba/, olus nt.
heavenly adj caelestis, divinus, herbage n herbae fpi.
heavily adv graviter. herd n pecus nt; grex/, armentum nt ♦ vi
heaviness n gravitas/, pondus nt; (of spirit) congregari,
maestitia /. herdsman n pastor m.
heavy adj gravis; (air) crassus; (spirit) here adv hic; be - adesse; - and there passim;
maestus; (shower) magnus, densus, here ... there alibi... alibi; from - hinc; - is
heckle vt interpellare, ... ecce (acc)_
heckler n interpellator m. hereaboutsodv hie fere,
hectic adj violens, acer, fervidus, hereafter adv posthac, postea,
hector vt obstrepere (dat). hereat adv hic.
hedge n saepes / ♦ vt saepire; ~ off hereby adv ex hoc, hinc,
intersaepire ♦ vi tergiversari, hereditary adj hereditarius, patrius,
hedgehog n echinus m, ericius m. heredity n genus nt.
heed vt curare, respicere ♦ n cura/, opera/; herein adv hie.
pay - animum attendere; take - cavere, hereinafter adv Infra,
heedful adj attentus, cautus, diligens, hereof adv eius rel.
heedfully adv attente, caute, hereupon adv hie, quo facto,
heedfulness n cQra/, diligentia/, herewith adv cum hOc, una.
heedless adj incautus, immemor, neglegens, heritable adj hereditarius,
heedlessly adv incaute, neglegenter, temere, heritage n hereditas/,
heedlessness n neglegentia/, hermaphrodite n androgynus m.
heel n calx/; taka to one's ~s se in pedes hermit n homo solitarius m.
conicere ♦ vi se inclinare, hero n vir fortissimus m; (demigod) herOs m.
hegemony n principatus m. heroic adj fortissimus, magnanimus; (epic)
heifer nbflcula/. herOicus; (verse) herOus.
height n altitudo/; (person) proceritas/; (hili) heroically adv fortissime, audacissime.
collis m, iugum nt; (fig) fastigium nt; the ~ of heroism n virtus/, fortitQdO/.
summus. heron n ardea/,
heighten vt augere, exaggerare, herspron suus, eius.
heinous adj atrOx, nefarius, herself pron ipsa/; (reflexive) se.
heinously adv atrociter, nefarie, hesitancy n dubitatio/.
heinousness n atrocitas/, hesitant adj incertus, dubius,
heir n heres m; sole - heres ex asse, hesitate vi dubitare, haesitare,
heiress n heres/, hesitating adj dubius,
heirship n hereditas/, hesitatingly adv cunctanter,
hell n Tartarus m. Inferni mpi. hesitation n dubitatio/; with - dubitanter,
hellish adj Infernus, scelestus, heterogeneous adj diversus, alienigenus,
helm n gubernaculum nt, clavus m. hew vt dolare, caedere; - down excidere,
helmet n galea/, interscindere,
helmsman n gubernator m. hexameter n hexameter m.
helots n Hilotae mpl. heyday n flos m.
help n auxilium nt, subsidium nt; I am a - hiatus n hiatus m.
auxilio sum ♦ vt iuvare (+ acc), auxiliari, hiccup n singultus m ♦ vi singultire,
subvenire (dat), succurrere (dat) ♦ vi hidevt celare, abdere, abscondere, occultare;
prOdesse; I cannot - facere nOn possum quin ~ away abstrudere; - from celare (acc) ♦ vi
(subf); it can't be -ad fieri nOn potest aliter; se abdere, latere; - away delitescere ♦ n
so - me God ita me dl ament. pellis/, corium m.
ENGLISH-LATIN 83 hideous-homicide

hideous adj foedus, deformis, turpis, hitherto adv adhQc, hactenus, hucusque,
hideously adv foede, hive n alvearium nt.
hideousness n foeditas/, deformitas /. hoar adj canus ♦ n pruina/,
hiding n (place) latebra/, hoard n thesaurus m, acervus m ♦ vt condere,
hierarchy n ordines mpi. recondere,
high adj altus, excelsus; (ground) editus; (pitch) hoarfrost n pruina/,
acutus; (rank) amplus; (price) carus; (tide) hoarse adj raucus, fuscus,
maximus; (wind) magnus; - living luxuria/; - hoarsely adv rauca voce,
treason maiestas /, ~ and mighty superbus; hoary adj canus.
on - sublimis ♦ adv alte. hoax n fraus/, fallacia/, ludus m ♦ vt decipere,
highborn adj nobilis, generosus, fallere.
high-class adj (goods) lautus, hobble vi claudicare,
high-flown adj Inflatus, tumidus, hobby n studium nt.
high-handed adj superbus, Insolens, hob-nob vi familiariter uti (abi).
high-handedly adv superbe, licenter, hocus-pocus n tricae jpi.
high-handedness n licentia/, superbia/, hoe n sarculum nt ♦ vt sarrlre.
highland adj montanus, hog n sus m, porcus m; ~'s porcinus,
highlander n montanus m. hogshead n dolium nt.
highlands npi montana mpi. hoist vt tollere; (sail) vela dare,
highly adv (value) magnl; (intensity) valde, hold n (grasp) comprehensio/, (power)
highly-strung adj trepidus, potestas/; (ship) alveus m; gain a - over
high-minded adj generosus, obstringere, sibi devincire; get - of potiri
high-spirited adj ferox, animdsus. (abi); keep - of retinere; lose - of Smittere;
highway n via/. take ~ of prehendere, comprehendere ♦ vt
highwayman n grassator m, latro m. tenere, habere; (possession) obtinere,
hilarious adj festivus, hilaris, possidere; (office) gerere, fungi (abf);
hilariously adv festive, hilare, (capacity) capere; (meeting) habere; - a
hilarity n festivitas/, hilaritas/. meeting concilium habere; - one's own with
hill n collis m, mons m; (slope) clivus m. parem esse (dat); ~ over differre, prolatare;
hillock n tumulus m. - water (fig) stare ♦ vi manere, durare;
hilly adj montuosus, clivosus, (opinion) ducere, existimare, adfirmare; -
hilt n manubrium nt, capulus m. back vt retinere, inhibere ♦ vi gravari,
himself pron ipse; (reflexive) se. dubitare; - cheap parvi facere; ~ fast vt
hindn cerva/. retinere, amplecti ♦ vi haerere; ~ good
hinder vt impedire, obstare (dat), morari, valere; - out vt porrigere, extendere; (hope)
hindmost adj postremus; (in column) ostendere ♦ vi durare, perstare; - together
novissimus. cohaerere; - up tollere; (falling) sustinere;
hindrance n impedimentum nt, mora/, (movement) obstare (dat), morari; - with
hinge n cards/. adsentlre (dat).
hint n indicium nt, suspicio/; throw out a ~ holdfast n fibula/.
inicere ♦ vt subicere, significare, holding n (land) agellus m.
hip n coxendix/, hole n foramen nt, cavum nt; make a ~ in
hippodrome n spatium m. pertundere, perforare,
hire vt condflcere; - out locare ♦ n conductio/, holiday n otium nt; festus dies m; on ~
locatio/; (wages) merces/, feriatus; ~s p! feria e jpi.
hired adj mercennarius, conductus, holily adv sancte,
hireling n mercennarius m. holiness n sanctitas /.
hirsute ad; hirsutus, hollow adj cavus, concavus; (fig) inanis, vanus
his adj suus, eius. ♦ n cavum nt, caverna/♦ vt excavare,
hiss vi sibilare ♦ vt: - off stage explodere, hollowness n (fig) vanitas/.
exsibilare ♦ n sibilus m. holly n aquifolium nt.
historian n historicus m, rerum scriptor m. holy adj sanctus.
historical adj historicus, homage n observantia/, veneratis/, pay - to
history n historia/; the - of Rome res venerari, colere.
ROminae fpi, since the beginning of ~ post home n domus/, (town, country) patria/; at -
hominum memoriam; ancient - antiquitas/, domi; from ~ domo ♦ adj domesticus ♦ adv
histrionic adj scaenicus, domum.
hit n ictus m, plaga/, a -I (in duel) habet! ♦ vt homeless adj profugus,
ferire, icere, percutere; - against offendere; homely adj simplex, rusticus; (speech)
- upon invenire. piebeius.
hitch n mora/ ♦ vt implicare; - up succingere, homestead n fundus m.
hither adv hOc; - and thither hue illQc ♦ adj homewards udv domum,
citerior. homiciden (act) homicidium ir, caedes/;
homily-hugeness 84 ENGLISH-LATIN

(person) homicida m. horseradish n armoracia/,

homily n sermo m. horse soldier n eques m.
homogeneous adj aequabilis, horticulture n hortorum cultus m.
homologous adj consimilis, hospitable adj hospitalis,
hone n cos / ♦ vt acuere, hospitably adv hospitaliter,
honest adj probus, frugl, integer, hospital n valetudinarium nt.
honestly adv probe, integre, hospitality n hospitalitas/, hospitium nt.
honesty n probitas/, fides/, hostn hospes m; (inn) caupO m; (number)
honey n mel nt. multitudo/; (mil) exercitus m.
honeycomb n favus m. hostage n obses m/f.
honeyed adj mellitus, mulsus, hostelry n taberna/, deversorium nt.
honorarium n stips/, hostile adj hostilis, Infensus, inimicus;
honorary adj honorarius, Infestus; in a - manner Infense, hostiliter,
honour n honos m; (repute) honestas/; inimice.
existimatis/; (chastity) pudor m; (trust) fides/ hostility n inimicitia/ hostilities pi bellum nt.
(rank) dignitas/ (award) decus nt, Insigne nt; hot adj calidus, fervidus, aestuOsus; (boiling)
(respect) observantia/♦ vt honorare, fervens; (fig) ardens; be - calere, fervere,
decorare; (respect) observare, colere; do ~ to ardere; get - calescere,
honestare. hotch-potch n farrago/,
honourable adj honestus, probus; (rank) hotel n deversorium nt.
illustris, praeclarus, hot-headed adj ardens, temerarius, praeceps.
honourably adv honeste, hotly adv ardenter, acriter.
hood n cucullus m. hot-tempered adj Iracundus.
hoodwink vt verba dare (dat). hot water n calida/.
hoof n ungula/. hound n canis m ♦ vt Instare (dat).
hook n uncus m, hamus m ♦ vt hamo capere, hour n hOra/.
hooked adj aduncus, hamatus, hourly adv in horas.
hoop n circulus m; (toy) trochus m. house n domus/, aedes fpl; (country) villa/,
hoot vt obstrepere; - off (stage) explodere, (family) domus/, gens/ at the - of apud (acc);
hop n saltus m; catch on the - in ipso articulo full - frequens senatus, frequens theatrum
opprimere ♦ vi salire. ♦ vt hospitio accipere, recipere; (things)
hope n spes/; in the ~ that si forte; give up - condere.
spem depOnere, desperare; past - household n familia/, domus/♦ adj
desperatus; entertain -s spem habere ♦ vt familiaris, domesticus,
sperare. householder n paterfamilias m, dominus m.
hopeful adj bonae spei; be - aliquam spem housekeeping n rei familiaris cura /.
habere. housemaid n ancilla/,
hopefully adv nOn sine spe. housetop n fastigium nt.
hopeless adj desperatus, housewife n materfamilias/, domina/,
hopelessly adv desperanter, housing n hospitium nt; (horse) Ornamenta
hopelessness n desperatio/, ntpl.
horde n multitudo/, hovel n gurgustium nt.
horizon n finiens m. hover vi pendere; (fig) impendere,
horizontal adj aequus, libratus, how adv (interrog) quemadmodum; quOmodO,
horizontally adv ad libram, quO pactO; (excf) quam; - great/big/large
horn n cornu nt; (shepherd's) bucina/, quantus; - long (time) quamdiii; - many quot;
horned adj corniger. - much quantum; - often quotiens,
hornet n crabro m; stir up a -'s nest crabrones howbeit adv tamen.
inrltare. however adv tamen; autem, nihilominus;
horny adj corneus, utcumque, quOquO modO; - much quamvis,
horoscope n sidus natalicium nt. quantumvis; - great quantuscumque.
horrible adj horrendus, horribilis, dirus, howl n ululatus m ♦ vi ululare; (wind) fremere,
foedus. howsoever adv utcumque,
horribly adv foede, hub n axis m.
horrid adj horribilis, hubbub n tumdltus m.
horrify vt terrere, perterrere, huckster n Institor m, propOla m.
horror n horror m, terror m; odium nt. huddle n turba/ ♦ vi congregari,
horse n equus m; (cavalry) equites mpl; flog a hue n color m; - and cry clamor m.
dead - asellum currere docere; spur a huff n offensio / ♦ vt offendere,
willing - currentem incitare; ~'s equinus, hug n complexus m ♦ vt complecti,
horseback n: ride on -back in equO vehi; fight huge adj ingOns, immanis, immensus, vastus,
on -back ex equO pugnare, hugely adv vehementer,
horseman n eques m. hugeness n immanitas/.
ENGUSH-LATIN 85 hulk-idiocy

hulk n alveus m. hurtful adj nocens, damnosus,

hull n alveus m. hurtfully adv nocenter, damnOse.
hum n murmur nt, fremitus m ♦ vi hurtle vi volare; se praecipitare,
murmurare, fremere, husband n vir m, maritus m ♦ vt parcere (dat).
human adj humanus, husbandry n agri cultura/, (economy)
human being n homo m/f. parsimonia/.
humane adj hOmanus, misericors, hush n silentium nt ♦ vt silentium facere (dat),
humanely adv hQmane, humaniter, lenire ♦ vi tacere, silere; - up comprimere,
humanism n litterae fpi. celare ♦ interj st!
humanist n hom5 litteratus m. hushed adj tacitus.
humanity n humanitas/; misericordia/, huskn folliculus m, siliqua/♦ vt deglubare.
humanize vt excolere, husky adj fuscus, raucus,
humanly adv hQmanitus. hustle vt trudere. Instare (dat).
human nature n humanitas/, hut n casa/, tugurium nt.
humble adj humilis, modestus ♦ vt deprimere; hutch n cavea/.
(oneself) summittere. hyacinth n hyacinthus m.
humbleness n humilitas/. hybrid n hibrida m/f.
humbly adv summisse, modeste, hydra n hydra/.
humbug n tricae fpi. hyena n hyaena/,
humdrum adj vulgaris; (style) pedester, hygiene n salubritas/.
humid adj umidus, madidus; be - madere, hygienic adj salubris,
humidity n umor m. hymeneal adj nuptialis,
humiliate vt deprimere, dedecorare, hymn n carmen nt ♦ vt canere,
humiliation n dedecus nt. hyperbole n superlatio/.
humility n modestia/, animus summissus m. hypercritical adj Aristarchus m.
humorist n homo facetus m. hypocaustn hypocaustum nt.
humorous adj facetus, iocuiaris, ridiculus, hypocrisy n simulatio/, dissimulatio/,
humorously adv facete, hypocriten simulator m, dissimulator m.
humour n facetiae fpi; (disposition) ingenium hypocritical adj simulatus, fictus,
nt; (mood) libido/; be in a bad - sibi hypothesis n positum nt, sumptio/,
displicere ♦ vt indulgere (dat), morem coniectura/.
gerere (dat), morigerari (dat). hypothetical adj sumptus.
hump n gibbus m.
hunchback n gibber m.
hundred num centum; - each centeni; - times
hundredth adj centesimus,
hundredweight n centumpondium nt.
hunger n fames/♦ vi esurire,
hungrily adv avide.
hungry adj esuriens, ieiunus, avidus; be ~
hunt n venatiO/, venatus m ♦ vt venari,
indagare, exagitare, I pron ego.
hunter n venator m. iambic adj iambeus.
hunting n venatio/, (fig) aucupium nt. iambus n iambus m.
hunting spear n venabulum nt. ice n glacies /.
huntress n venatrix/, icicle n stiria/.
huntsman n venator m. icon n simulacrum nt.
hurdle n crates/; (obstacle) obex m/f. icy adj glacialis, gelidus.
hurl vt conicere, ingerere, iacularl, iacere. idea n nOtiO/, notitia/, imagO/; (Platonic) fOrma
hurly-burly n turba/, tumultus m. /; (expressed) sententia/; conceive the ~ of
hurrah interj euax, io. InfOrmare; with the - that eO consiliO ut (+
hurricane n procella/. subf).
hurried adj praeproperus, praeceps, trepidus, ideal adj animO comprehensus; (perfect)
hurriedly adv properato, cursim, festinanter, perfectus, optimus ♦ n specimen nt, species
hurry vt adcelerare, maturare ♦ vi festinare, /, exemplar nt.
properare; - along vt rapere; - away vi identical adj Idem, consimilis.
discedere, properare; - about vi discurrere; identify vt agnOscere.
- on vt maturare; - up vi properare ♦ n identity n: establish the - of cognOscere quis
festinatio/; in a ~ festinanter, raptim, sit.
hurt n iniuria/, damnum nt; vulnus nt ♦ vt Ides nidus fpi.
laedere, nocere (dat); it ~s dolet. idiocy n animi imbecillitas/.
idiom-immorality 86 ENGLISH-LATIN

idiom n proprium nt, sermo m. illogical atjj absurdus,

idiomatic adj proprius, ill-omened adj dirus, Infaustus,
idiomatically adv sermone suo, sermone ill-starred adj Infelix,
proprio. ill-tempered adj Iracundus, amarus,
idiosyncrasy n proprium nt, libido/, stomachosus.
idiot nexcors m. ill-timed adj immaturus, intempestivus,
idiotic adj fatuus, stultus, ill-treat vt malefacere (dat).
idiotically adv stulte, inepte, illuminate vt illuminare, illustrare,
idle adj ignavus, deses, iners; (unoccupied) illumination n lumina ntpi.
otiosus, vacuus; (useless) inanis, vanus; be - illusion n error m, somnium nt.
cessare, desidere; lie ~ (money) iacere ♦ vi illusive, illusory adj fallax,
cessare. illustrate vt illustrare; (with instances)
idleness n ignavia/, desidia/, inertia/, otium exemplo confirmare,
nt. illustration n exemplum nt.
idler n cessator m. illustrious adj illustris, Insignis, praeclarus,
idly adv ignave; otiose; frustra, nequiquam, illustriously adv praeclare,
idol n simulacrum nt; (person) deliciae fpl. ill will n invidia/.
idolater n falsorum deorum cultor m. image n imago/, effigies/; (idof) simulacrum
idolatry n falsorum deorum cultus m. nt; (verba!) figura/, similitudo/,
idolize vt venerari, imagery n figurae fpl.
idyll n carmen Theocriteum nt. imaginary adj commenticius, fictus,
if conj si; (interrog) num, utrum; ~ anyone si imagination n cogitatio/, opinatio/,
quis; - ever si quando; ~ not nisi; ~ only dum, imaginative adj ingeniosus,
dummodo; ~ ... or sive ... sive; as ~ quasi, imagine vt animO fingere, animum indflcere,
velut; but - sin, quodsl; even - etiamsi, ante oculOs pOnere; (think) opinari, arbitrari,
igneous adj igneus. imbecile adj animO imbecillus, fatuus, mente
ignite vt accendere, incendere ♦ vi ignem captus.
concipere. imbecility n animi imbecillitas/.
ignoble adj (birth) ignobilis; (repute) imbibe vt adbibere; (fig) imbui (abi).
illiberalis, turpis. imbrue vt Inficere.
ignominious adj ignominiosus. Infamis, imbue vt imbuere, Inficere, tingere.
turpis. imitable adj imitabilis.
ignominiously adv turpiter, imitate vt imitari.
ignominy n ignominia/, Infamia/, dedecus nt. imitation n imitatio/; (copy) imagO/.
ignoramus n idiota m, indoctus m. imitator n imitator m, imitatrix/, aemulator
ignorance n Inscitia/, ignoratio/, m.
ignorant adj ignarus, indoctus; (of something) immaculate adj integer, emendatus,
Inscitus, rudis; (unaware) Inscius; be ~ of immaculately adv integre, sine vitio,
nescire, ignorare. immaterial adj indifferens,
ingorantly adv Inscienter, Inscite, indocte, immature adj immaturus,
ignore vt praetermittere, immeasurable adj immensus, Infinitus,
ilex n Ilex/. immediate adj Instans, praesens; (neighbour)
Iliad n Ilias/. proximus.
ili adj aeger, aegrotus, invalidus; (evii) malus; immediately adv statim, extemplo,
be ~ aegrotare; fall ~ in morbum incidere; ~ cOnfestim.
at ease sollicitus ♦ adv male, improbe ♦ n immemorial adj antiquissimus; from time ~
malum nt, incommodum nt, aerumna/, post hominum memoriam,
damnum nt. immense adj immensus, immanis, ingens,
ill-advised adj inconsultus, vastus.
ill-bred adj agrestis, inurbanus, immensely adv vehementer,
ill-disposedadj malevolus, invidus, immensity n immensum nt, magnitOdo/.
illegal adj illicitus, vetitus, immerse vt immergere, mergere,
illegally adv contra leges, immigrant n advena m.
ill-fated adj Infelix, immigrate vi migrare,
ill-favoured adj turpis, imminent adj Instans, praesens; be -
ill-gotten adj male partus, imminere, impendere,
ill-health n valetfldo/. immobile adj fixus, immobilis,
illicit adj vetitus, immoderate adj immoderatus, immodestus,
illimitable adj Infinitus, immoderately adv immoderate, immodeste,
illiteracy n litterarum inscitia/, immodest adj impudicus, inverecundus,
illiterate adj illitteratus, ineruditus, immolate vt immolare,
ill-natured adj malevolus, malignus, immoral adj pravus, corruptus, turpis,
illness n morbus m, valetOdO/. immorality n corrupti mCres mpl, turpitudo/.
ENGLISH-LATIN 87 immorally-impressive

immorally adv prave, turpiter, impetus n impetus m.

immortal adj immortalis, aeternus, impiety n impietas/.
immortality n immortalitas/, impinge vi incidere.
immortalize vt in astra tollere, impious adj impius, profanus; it is - nefas est.
immortally adv aeternum, impiously adv impie,
immovable adj fixus, immobilis, impish adj improbus,
immune ad; immunis, vacuus, implacable adj implacabilis, inexorabilis,
immunity n immunitas/, vacatio/, durus.
immure w includere, implacably adv dQre.
immutability n immutabilitas/, impiant vt Inserere, ingignere,
immutable ad; immutabilis, implement n Instrumentum nt ♦ vt impiare,
imp n puer improbus m. exsequi.
impact n ictus m, incussus m. implicate vt implicare, impedire,
impair vt imminuere, corrumpere, implication n indicium nt.
impale vt induere. Infigere, implicit ad; tacitus; absolutus,
impalpable adj tenuissimus, implicitly adv abscondite; (trust) omnino,
impart vt impertire, communicare; (courage) summa fide.
addere. implore vt implorare, obsecrare,
impartial adj aequus, medius, imply vt significare, continere; be -ied inesse.
impartiality n aequabilitas/, impolite ad; inurbanus, illepidus,
impartially adv sine favbre. impolitely adv inurbane,
impassable adj invius; (mountains) impolitic ad; inconsultus, imprudens,
inexsuperabilis; (fig) inexplicabilis, imponderable adj levissimus,
impasse n mora/, incitae fpi. import vt importare, invehere; (mean) velle ♦
impassioned adj ardens, fervidus, n significatio/.
impassive ad; rigidus, sensQ carSns. importance n gravitas/, momentum nt; (rank)
impatience n aviditas/; (of anything) dignitas /, amplitudo/, auctoritas /; it is of
impatientia/. great - to me mea magni refert,
impatient ad; trepidus, avidus; impatiens, important adj gravis, magni momenti; it is ~
impatiently adv aegre, interest (+ gen) refert; more most ~
impeach vt diem dicere (dat), accusare, antiquior, antiquissimus,
impeachment n accusatio/, crimen nt. importation n invectio/.
impeccable adj emendatus, imports api importaticia ntpi.
impecunious adj pauper, importunate ad; molestus,
impede vt impedire, obstare (dat). importune vt flagitare, Instare (dat).
impediment n impedimentum nt. impose vt imponere; (by order) indicere,
impel vt impellere, incitare, iniungere; - upon illudere, fraudare, abuti
impend vi impendgre, imminere. Instare, _ (abi)..
impenetrable ad; impenetrabilis; (country) imposing ad; magnificus, lautus,
invius, impervius. imposition n fraus/; (tax) tributum nt.
impenitent adj: I am - nil me paenitet. impossible adj: it is - fieri non potest,
imperative adj necessarius, impost n tributum nt, vectigal nt.
imperceptible adj tenuissimus, obscurus, impostor n planus m, fraudator m.
imperceptibly adv sensim, imposture n fraus/, fallacia/,
imperfect ad; imperfectus, vitiosus, impotence n Infirmitas/,
imperfection n vitium nt. impotent adj Infirmus, debilis; (with rage)
imperfectly adv vitiose, impotens.
imperial adj imperatorius, regius, impotentlyadv frustra; (rage) impotenter,
imperil vt in discrimen adducere, labefactare, impound vt includere; (confiscate) publicare,
imperious od) imperiosus, superbus, impoverish vt in inopiam redigere,
imperiously adv superbe, impracticable adj: be - fieri nOn posse,
imperishable ad; immortalis, aeternus, imprecate vt exsecrari,
impersonate vt partes agere (pen), imprecation n exsecratio/,
impertinence n importunitas /, protervitas/. impregnable adj inexpugnabilis,
impertinent od; importunus, protervus, impregnate vt imbuere, Inficere,
ineptus. impress vt imprimere; (on mind) Infigere;
impertinently adv importune, inepte, (person) permovere; (mil) invitum scribere,
proterve. impression n (copy) exemplar nt; (mark)
imperturbable ad; immotus, gravis, signum nt; (feeling) impulsio/, (belief)
impervious ad; impervius, impenetrabilis, opinatio/; make an - of exprimere; make an
impetuosity n ardor m, violentia/, vis/. - on commovere; have the ~ opinari,
impetuous ad; violens, fervidus, effrenatus, impressionable adj credulus,
impetuously adv effrenate. impressive adj gravis.
impressively-incomprehensible 88 ENGUSH-LAT1N

impressively adv graviter, inattention n incuria/, neglegentia/.

jmpressiveness n gravitas/, inattentive adj neglegens,
imprint n impressio/, signum nt ♦ vt inattentively adv neglegenter,
imprimere; (on mind) infigere, inurere, inaudible adj: be ~ audiri nOn posse,
imprison vt includere, in vincula conicere. inaugurate vt inaugurare, consecrare,
imprisonment n custodia/, vincula ntpi. inauguration n consecratio/,
improbable adj incredibilis, haud verisimilis, inauspicious adj Infaustus, Infelix,
impromptu adv ex tempore, inauspiciously adv malis Ominibus,
improper adj indecorus, ineptus, inborn adj innatus,
improperly adv prave, perperam, incalculable ad; inaestimabilis,
impropriety n culpa/, offensa/, incantation n carmen nt.
improve vt emendare, corrigere; (mind) incapable adj inhabilis, indocilis; be ~ nOn
excolere ♦ vi proficere, meliorem fieri, posse.
improvement n emendatio/, profectus m. incapacitate vt debilitare,
improvident adj improvidus; (with money) incapacity n inertia/, Inscitia/,
prodigus. incarcerate vt inclQdere, in vincula conicere.
improvidently adv improvide; prodige, incarnate adj humana specie indutus,
improvise vt ex tempore compOnere, incautious ad; incautus, temerarius,
excogitare. incautiously adv incaute,
imprudence n imprfldentia/. incendiary ad; incendiarius,
imprudent odj imprudens, incense n tus nt ♦ vt inritare, stomachum
imprudently adv imprudenter, movOre (dat); be ~d stomachari,
impudence n impudentia/, audacia/. incentive n incitamentum nt, stimulus m.
impudent ad; impudens, audax, inception n initium nt, exordium nt.
impudently adv impudenter, proterve, incessant ad; adsiduus.
impugn vt impugnare, in dubium vocare, incessantly adv adsidue.
impulse n impetus m, impulsus m. incest n incestus m.
impulsive ad; praeceps, violentus, inch n digitus m, uncia/,
impulsively adv impetu quodam animi, incident n eventum nt, casus m, r6s/.
impulsiveness n impetus m, violentia/, incidental ad; fortuitus,
impunity n impGnitas/; with - impune, incidentally adv casu,
impure adj impurus, incestus, inquinatus, incipient odj primus,
impurely adv impure, inceste, inquinate, incisive ad; acer.
impurity n impuritas/, sordes fpi. incite vt instigare, impellere, hortari,
imputation n crimen nt. incitare.
impute vt attribuere, adsignare; ~ as a fault incitement n invitamentum nt, stimulus m.
vitio vertere. inciter n Instimulator m.
in prep in (abi); (with motion) in (acc); (authors) incivility n importunitas/, inhumanitas/,
apud (acc); (time) abi; - doing this dum hoc inclemency n (weather) intemperies/,
faciO; ~ my youth adulescens; - that quod ♦ inclement odj asper, tristis,
adv (rest) intr8; (motion) intro, inclination n inclinatio/, animus m, libido/
inaccessible ad; inaccessus, (slope) clivus m.
inaccuracy n neglegentia/, incuria/; (error) incline vt inclinare; (person) indQcere ♦ vi
mendum nt. inclinare, incumbere; - towards s6
inaccurate ad; parum diligens, neglegens, adclinare ♦ n adclivitas/, clivus m.
inaccurately adv neglegenter, inclined adj inclinatus, propensus; I am - to
inaction n inertia/. think haud scio an.
inactive adj iners, quietus; be ~ cessare, include vt inclQdere, continere, complecti,
inactivity n inertia/, Otium nt. incognito adv clam,
inadequate ad; impar, parum idoneus, incoherent adj interruptus; be - non
inadequately adv parum, cohaerere.
inadvertency n imprudentia/, income n fructus m, merces/.
inadvertent adj imprudens, incommensurateod; dispdr.
inadvertently adv imprudenter, incommode vt molestiam adferre (dat).
inane adj inanis, vanus; ineptus, stultus, incomparable ad; singularis, eximius,
inanely adv inepte, incompatibility n discrepantia/, repugnantia
inanimate ad; inanimus, /
inanity n ineptiae/pf, stultitia/, incompatible adj Insociabilis, repugnans; be
inapplicable adj: be - non valere, - with dissidere ab, repugnare (dat).
inappropriate ad; alienus, parum aptus, incompetence n inertia/, Inscitia/.
inarticulate adj Infans, incompetent ad; iners, Inscitus,
inartistic ad; sine arte, durus, inelegans, incomplete adj imperfectus,
inasmuch asconj quoniam, cum (subf). incomprehensible adj incrOdibilis.
ENGLISH-LATIN 89 inconceivable-induce

inconceivable adj incredibilis, indescribable adj inenarrabilis,

inconclusive ad; inanis, indestructible ad; perennis,
incongruous adj absonus, alienus, indeterminate ad; incertus,
inconsiderable ad; exiguus, index n index m.
inconsiderate adj improvidus, inconsultus, indicate vt indicare, significare,
inconsistency n discrepantia/, inconstantia/, indication n indicium nt, signum nt.
inconsistent ad; inconstans; be - discrepare; indict vt diem dicere (dat), accusare, nOmen
be - with abhorrere ab, repugnare (dat). deferre (gen).
inconsistently adv inconstanter, indictment n accusatio/,
inconsolable ad; non consolabilis, indifference n neglegentia/, languor m.
inconspicuous adj obscurus; be ~ latere, indifferent adj (manner) neglegens, frigidus,
inconstancy n inconstantia/, levitas /. securus; (quality) mediocris,
inconstant ad; inconstans, levis, mobilis, indifferently adv neglegenter; mediocriter;
inconstantly adv inconstanter, (without distinction) promiscue, sine
incontestable adj certus, discrimine.
incontinence n incontinentia/. indigence n indigentia/, egestas/,
incontinent adj intemperans, indigenous ad; indigena,
inconvenience n incommodum nt ♦ vt indigent adj indigens, egenus.
incommodare. indigestible ad; crudus,
inconvenient ad; incommodus, indigestion n cruditas/,
inconveniently adv incommodo, indignant ad; indignabundus. Iratus; be ~
incorporate vt Inserere, adiungere. indignari.
incorrect adj falsus; be ~ non cOnstare. indignantly adv Irate,
incorrectly adv falsO, perperam, indignation n indignatio/, dolor m.
incorrigible ad; improbus, perditus, indignity n contumelia/, indignitas/,
incorruptibility n integritas/, indigo n Indicum nt.
incorruptible adj incorruptus, indirect ad; obliquus,
increase n incrementum nt, additamentum nt, indirectly adv oblique, per ambages,
auctus m ♦ vt augere, amplificare ♦ vi indirectness n ambages jpi.
crescere, increscere, indiscipline n lascivia/, licentia/,
increasingly adv magis magisque. indiscreet adj inconsultus, imprudens,
incredible adj incredibilis, indiscreetly adv inconsulte, imprudenter,
incredibly adv incredibiliter, indiscretion n imprudentia/; (act) culpa/,
incredulous ad; incredulus indiscriminate ad; promiscuus,
increment n incrementum nt. indiscriminately adv prOmiscue, sine
incriminate vt criminari, discrimine.
inculcate vt inculcare. Infigere, indispensable ad; necesse, necessarius,
incumbent ad;: It is ~ on oportet, indisposed adj Infirmus, aegrotus, (will)
incur vt subire; (guilt) admittere, aversus, alienatus; be - aegrotare;
incurable ad; Insanabilis, abhorrere, alienari,
incursion n incursio/, indisposition n Infirmitas /, valetudo/.
indebted adj obnoxius; be ~ debere, indisputable ad; certus, manifestus,
indecency n obscenitas/, indisputably adv certe, sine dubio,
indecent adj obscenus, impudicus, indissoluble ad; indissolubilis,
indecently adv obscene, indistinct adj obscurus, obtusus; (speaker)
indecision n dubitatio/, balbus.
indecisive adj anceps, dubius; the battle is - indistinctly adv obscure; pronounce -
ancipitl Marte pugnatur, opprimere; speak - balbutire,
indecisively adv incerto eventu, individual ad; proprius ♦ n homO m/f, privatus
indecorous ad; indecOrus. m; -s pl singuli mpl.
indeed adv profectO, sane; (concessive) individuality n proprium nt.
quidem; (interrog) itane vOrO?; (reply) certe, individually adv singulatim, prlvatim.
v6r0; (with pron) demum; (with adj, adv, conj) indivisible ad; individuus,
adeO. indolence n desidia /, ignavia/, inertia/.
indefatigable adj impiger, indolent ad; deses, ignavus, iners,
indefensible adj: be ~ defendi nOn posse; indolently adv ignave,
(belief) tenOrl nOn posse; (offence) excGsarl indomitable ad; indomitus,
nOn posse. indoor ad; umbratilis,
indefinite ad; incertus, ambiguus, Infinitus, indoors adv intus; (motion) intra,
indefinitely adv ambigue; (time) in incertum, indubitable ad; certus,
indelicate adj pQtidus, indecOrus. indubitably adv sine dubio,
independence n libertas/. induce vt indflcere, adducere, persuadere
independent adj liber, sul iuris. (dat).
inducement-inherent 90 ENGLISH-LATIN

inducement n illecebra/, praemium nt. infiltrate vi se Insinuare,

induction n (logic) inductio/, infinite adj Infinitus, immensus,
indulge vt indulgere (dat). infinitely adv longe, immensum,
indulgence n indulgentia/, venia/; (favour) infinitesimal adj minimus,
gratia /. infinity n Infinitas/.
indulgent ad; indulgens, lenis. infirm ad; Infirmus, invalidus,
indulgently adv indulgenter. infirmary n valetudinarium nt.
industrious ad; industrius, impiger, diligens. infirmity n morbus m.
industriously adv industrio. inflame vt accendere, incendere. Inflammare.
industry n industria/, diligentia/, labor m. be ~d exardescere,
inebriated ad] ebrius. inflammation n (meo) Inflatio/.
inebriation n ebrietas/. inflate vt Inflare.
ineffable adj eximius. inflated adj (fig) Inflatus, tumidus,
ineffective ad; inutilis, invalidus. inflexible ad; rigidus,
ineffectively adv inaniter. inflexion n (gram) flexura/; (voice) flexiO/.
ineffectual adj inritus. inflict vt Infligere, incutere; (burden)
inefficient adj Inscitus, parum strenuus. imponere; (penalty) sumere; be ~ed with
inelegant adj inelegans, inconcinnus. laborare ex.
inelegantly adv ineleganter. infliction n poena/; malum nt.
inept ad; ineptus. influence n (physical) impulsio/, momentum
ineptly adv inepte. nt; (moral) auctoritas/; (partial) gratia/ have
inequality n dissimilitudo/, iniquitas/. - valOre; have great - with plflrimum posse
inert adj iners, socors, immobilis, apud; under the - of Instinctus (abf) ♦ vt
inertia n inertia/. impellere, movere, adducere,
inertly adv tarde, lente, influential adj gravis, potens; gratiosus,
inestimable adj inaestimabilis, influenza n gravedo/.
inevitable adj necessarius, inform vt docere, certiorem facere; - against
inevitably adv necessario, nomen deferre (gen).
inexact adj parum subtilis, informant n index m, auctor m.
inexhaustible ad; perennis, information n indicium nt, nuntius m.
inexorable adj inexorabilis, informer n index m, delator m; turn - indicium
inexpediency n infltilitas/, incommodum nt. profiteri.
inexpedient adj inutilis; it is ~ non expedit, infrequent ad; rarus,
inexpensive adj vllis. infrequently adv rarO.
inexperience n imperitia/, Inscitia/, infringe vt violare, imminuere,
inexperienced ad; imperitus, rudis. Inscitus, infringement n violatio/,
inexpert adj imperitus, infuriate vt efferare,
inexpiable adj inexpiabilis, infuriated ad; furibundus,
inexplicable adj inexplicabilis, inenodabilis, infuse vt Infundere; (fig) inicere.
inexpressible ad; inenarrabilis, ingenious ad; ingeniosus, callidus; (thing)
inextricable adj inexplicabilis, artificiosus.
infallible adj certus, erroris expers, ingeniously adv callide, summa arte,
infamous ad; Infamis, flagitiosus, ingenuity n ars/, artificium nt, acQmen nt.
infamously adv flagitiose, ingenuous ad; ingenuus, simplex,
infamy n Infamia/, flagitium nt, dedecus nt. ingenuously adv ingenue, simpliciter,
infancy n Infantia/, (fig) incunabula ntpl. ingenuousness n ingenuitas/,
infant n Infans m/f. inglen focus m.
infantile ad; puerilis, inglorious adj inglorius, ignobilis, inhonestus,
infantry n pedites mpl, peditatus m. ingloriously adv sine gloria, inhoneste,
infantryman n pedes m. ingot n later m.
infatuate vt Infatuare, ingrained adj Insitus.
infatuated o4) demens, ingratiate vt: - oneself with gratiam inire ab,
infatuation n dementia /. se Insinuare in familiaritatem (gen)\ -
infect vt Inficere, oneself into s6 Insinuare in (acc).
infection n contagio/, ingratitude n ingratus animus m.
infer vt Inferre, colligere, ingredient n pars/,
inference n conclusio/, inhabit vt incolere, habitare in (abi).
inferior adj (position) Inferior; (quality) inhabitable adj habitabilis,
deterior. inhabitant n incola m/f.
infernal adj Infernus. inhale vt haurire,
infest vt frequentare. inharmonious ad; dissonus,
infidel adj impius. inherent ad; Insitus; be - in inhaerere (dat),
infidelity n perfidia/, Infidelitas/. inesse (dat).
ENGUSH-LATIN 91 inherently-inspire

inherently adv natura, inquisition n inquisitis/,

inherit vt excipere. inquisitive adj curiosus,
inheritance n hereditas/, patrimonium nt; inquisitiveness n curiositas/,
divide an ~ herctum ciere; come into an - inquisitor n inquisitor m.
hereditatem adire, inroad n incursis/, impressio/; make an -
inheritor n heres m/f. incursare.
inhibit vt prohibere, inhibere, insane adj Insanus, mente captus; be -
inhospitable adj inhospitalis, Insanire.
inhuman adj inhumanus, immUnis, crudelis, insanity n Insania/, dementia/,
inhumanity n inhumanitas/, crfldeiitas/. insatiable adj Insatiabilis, inexplebilis,
inhumanly adv inhumane, crudeliter, Insaturabilis.
inimical adj inimicus, insatiably adv Insaturabiliter,
inimitable adj singularis, eximius, inscribe vt Inscribere,
iniquitous adj iniquus, improbus, nefarius, inscription n epigramma nt; (written)
iniquity n scelus nt, fiagitium nt. Inscriptis /.
initial adj primus. inscrutable adj obscurus,
initiate vt initiare; (with knowledge) imbuere, insect n bestiola/.
initiative n initium nt; take the ~ initium insecure adj instabilis, intutus,
capere, facere; occupare (inf). insecurity n pericula ntpi.
inject vt inicere. insensate adj ineptus, stultus,
injudicious adj inconsultus, imprudens, insensible adj torpidus; (fig) durus,
injunction n iussum nt, praeceptum nt. insensitive adj durus,
injure vt laedere, nocere (dat). inseparable adj coniunctus; be the ~
injurious adj damndsus, nocens, companion of ab latere esse (gen).
injury n iniuria/, damnum nt; (bodily) vulnus inseparably adv coniuncte.
nt. insert vt Inserere, immittere, interpbnere.
injustice n iniuria/, iniquitas/. insertion n interpositio/.
ink n atramentum nt. inshore adv prope litus.
inkling n auditio/, suspicio/. inside adv intus; (motion) intro ♦ adj interior ♦
inland adj mediterraneus; further - interior. n pars/interior ♦ prep intra (acc); get right -
inlay vt Inserere. se Insinuare in (acc); turn ~ out excutere; on
inlet n sinus m, aestuarium nt. the - interior.
inly adv penitus. insidious adj Insidiosus, subdolus,
inmate n inquilinus m. insidiously adv InsidiSse.
inmost adj intimus. insight n intellegentia/, cognitis/,
inn n deversorium nt; caupona/, taberna/. insignia n Insignia ntpi.
innate adj innatus, Insitus, insignificance n levitas/,
inner adj interior, insignificant adj levis, exiguus, nullius
innermost adj intimus, momenti; (position) humilis,
innkeeper n caupo m. insincere adj simulatus, fucosus,
innocence n innocentia/. insincerely adv simulate,
innocent adj innocens, Insons; (character) insincerity n simulatio/, fraus/.
integer, castus. insinuate vt Insinuare; (hint) significare ♦ vi
innocently adv innocenter, integre, caste, se Insinuare,
innocuous adj innoxius, insinuating adj blandus,
innovate vt novare, insinuation n ambigua verba ntpi.
innovation n novum nt, nova res/, insipid adj Insulsus, frigidus,
innovator n novarum rerum auctor m. insipidity n Insulsitas /.
innuendo n verbum inversum nt. insist vi Instare; - on postulare,
innumerable adj innumerabilis, insistence n pertinacia/.
inoffensive adj innocens, insistent adj pertinax,
inoffensively adv innocenter, insolence n Insolentia/, contumacia/,
inopportune adj intempestivus, superbia /.
inopportunely adv intempestive, insolent adj Insolens, contumax, superbus,
inordinate adj immodicus, immoderatus, insolently adv Insolenter,
inordinately adv immoderate, insoluble adj inexplicabilis,
inquest n quaestio/; hold an - on quaerere de. insolvency n rei familiaris naufragium nt.
inquire vi exquirere, rogare; - into inquirere insolvent adj: be ~ solvendo non esse,
in (acc), investigare. inspect vt Inspicere; (mil) recensere,
inquiry n quaestiS/, investigatis/; (asking) inspection n cognitis/, (mil) recensio/,
interrogatis/; make ~ exquirere; make -ies inspector n cfirator m.
about inquirere in (acc); hold an - on inspiration n adfldtus m, instinctus m.
quaerere de, quaestiSnem Instituere de. inspire vt Instinguere, incendere.
instability-interment 92 ENGL1SH-LATIN

instability n mobilitas/, intelligible adj perspicuus, apertus,

install vt inaugurare, intemperance n intemperantia/, licentia/,
instalment n pensi6/. intemperate adj intemperans, intemperatus,
instance n exemplum nt; for ~ exempli causa, intemperately adv intemperanter,
gratia; at the - admonitu; at my ~ me intend vt (with inf) in animO habere, velle;
auctore ♦ vt memorare, ( with object) destinare,
instant adj Instans, praesens ♦ n temporis intense adj 3cer, nimius,
punctum nt, momentum nt. intensely adv valde, nimium,
i nstantaneous adj praesens, intensify vt augere, amplificare; be -ied
instantaneously adv continuo, Ilico. ingravescere,
instantly adv Ilico, extemplo, intensity n vis/.
instead of prep pro (.abl), locO (gen); (with verb) intensive adj acer, multus, adsiduus.
non ... sed. intensively adv summO studio,
instigate vt Instigare, impellere, intent adj erectus, intentus; be - on animum
instigation n impulsus m, stimulus m; intendere in (acc) ♦ n consilium nt; with -
auctOritas/; at my - me auctOre. consultO.
instigator n Instimulator m, auctor m. intention n consilium nt, prOpositum nt; it is
instil vt imbuere, adsplrare, inicere. my - mihl in animO est; with the - of ea
instinct n natura/, ingenium nt, sensus m. mente, eO cOnsiliO ut (subj).
instinctive adj naturalis, intentionally adv consulto, de industria,
instinctively adv natura, ingenio suo. inter vt humare,
institute vt Instituere, inaugurare, intercalary adj intercalaris,
institution n Institutum nt; societas/, intercalate vt intercalare,
instruet vt docere, Instituere, Instruere; intercede vi intercedere, deprecari,
erudire; (order) praecipere (dat). intercept vt excipere, intercipere; (cut off)
instruction n doctrina/, disciplina/; intercludere.
praeceptum nt; give ~s denuntiare, intercession n deprecatio/; (tribune's)
praecipere. intercessio /.
instructor n doctor m, praeceptor m. intercessor n deprecator m.
instructress n magistra/, interchange vt permutare ♦ n permutatio/,
instrument n Instrfimentum nt; (music) fides vicissitudo/.
fpl; (legal) tabulae/pl. intercourse n commercium nt, usus m,
instrumental adj utilis, consuetudo /.
instrumentalist n fidicen m, fidicina/, interdict n interdictum nt ♦ vt interdicere
instrumentality n opera/, (dat), vetare.
insubordinate ad; turbulentus, seditiosus, interest n (advantage) commodum nt; (study)
insubordination n intemperantia/, licentia/, studium nt; (money) faenus nt, Gsfira/,
insufferable adj intolerandus, intolerabilis, compound ~ anatocismus m; rate of - faenus
insufficiency n inopia/, nt; ~ at 12 per cent (per annum) centOsimae
insufficient adj minor; be ~ nOn sufficere, fpl; it is of ~ interest; it is in my ~s me8
insufficiently adv parum, interest; consult the ~s of cOnsulere (dat);
insulate vt segregare. take an - in animum intendere (dat) ♦ vt
insuit n iniuria/, contumelia/, probrum nt ♦ vt delectare, capere; (audience) tenere; -
maledicere (dat), contumeliam impOnere oneself in studOre (dat).
(dat). interested adj attentus; (for gain) ambitiOsfis.
insulting adj contumeliosus, interesting adj iucundus, novus,
insultingly adv contumeliose, interfere vi intervenire: (with) se interpOnere
insuperable adj inexsuperabilis, (dat), se admiscere ad; (hinder) officere (dat).
insupportable adj intolerandus, intolerabilis, interference n interventus m, intercessio/,
insurance n cautio/, interim n: in the ~ interim, interea,
insure vi cavSre. interior adj interior ♦ n pars interior/,
insurgent n rebellis m. (country) interiOra ntpl.
insurmountable adj inexsuperabilis, interject vt exclamare,
insurrection n motus m, seditio/, interjection n interiectiO/.
intact adj integer, intactus, incolumis, interlace vt intexere,
integrity n integritas/, innocentia/, fides/, interlard vt variare,
intellect n ingenium nt, mens/, animus m. interlock vt implicare,
intellectual adj ingeniosus, interloper n interpellator m.
intelligence n intellegentia/, acumen nt; (mil) interlude n embolium nt.
nuntius m. intermarriage n cOnubium nt.
intelligent adj ingeniosus, sapiens, argutus, intermediary adj medius ♦ n internuntius m.
intelligently adv ingeniose, sapienter, satis intermediate adj medius,
acute. interment n humatio/.
ENGLISH-LATIN 93 interminable-inviting

interminable ad; sempiternus, longus, intrepid adj intrepidus, impavidus,

intermingle vt intermiscere ♦ vi se intrepidity n audacia/, fortitudo/.
immiscere. intricacy n implicatio/,
intermission n intercapedo /, intermissio /. intricate adj implicatus, involutus,
intermittent adj interruptus, intricately adv implicite,
intermittently adv interdum, intrigue n factio /, artes fpl, fallacia / ♦ vi
intern vt includere, machinari, fallaciis uti.
internal adj internus; (pol) domesticus, intriguing adj factiosus; blandus,
internally adv intus, domi, intrinsic adj verus, innatus,
international adj: ~ law ius gentium, intrinsically adv per se.
internecine adj internecivus, introduce vt inducere, Inferre, importare;
interplay n vices/pi- (acquaintance) commendare; (custom)
interpolate vt interpolare, Instituere.
interpose vt interponere ♦ vi intercedere, introduction n exordium nt, prooemium nt; (of
interposition n intercessio/, person) commendati6/; letter of ~ litterae
interpret vt interpretari, commendaticiae jpi.
interpretation n interpretatio/. intrude vi se interponere, intervenire,
interpreter n interpres m/f. intruder n interpellator m, advena m; (fig)
interrogate vt interrogare, percontari, alienus m.
interrogation n interrogatio/, percontatio/, intrusion n interpellatio/.
interrupt vt (action) intercipere; (speaker) intuition n sensus m, cognitio/.
interpellare; (talk) dirimere; (continuity) inundate vt inundare.
intermittere. inundation n eluvio/.
interrupter n interpellator m. inure vt durare, adsuefacere.
interruption n interpellatio/; intermissis/, invade vt invadere.
intersect vt dividere, secare, invalid adj aeger, debilis; (null) inritus.
intersperse vt distinguere, invalidate vt infirmare.
interstice n rlma/. invaluable adj inaestimabilis.
intertwine vt intexere, implicare, invariable adj constans, immutabilis.
interval n intervallum nt, spatium nt; after an ~ invariably adv semper.
spatio interposito; after an ~ of a year anno invasion n incursio/.
interiecto; at ~s interdum; at frequent ~s invective n convicium nt.
identidem; leave an ~ intermittere, inveigh vi: ~ against invehi in (acc), Insectari.
intervene vt intercedere, intervenire, inveigle vt illicere, pellicere.
intervention n intercessio/, interventus m; by invent vt fingere, comminisci, invenire.
the ~ of intercursu (gen). invention n inventum nt; (faculty) inventio/.
interview n colloquium nt, aditus m ♦ vt inventor n inventor m, auctor m.
convenire. inverse adj inversus.
interweave vt implicare, intexere, inversely adv inverso ordine.
intestate adj intestatus ♦ adv intestato, invert vt invertere.
intestine adj intestinus; (pol) domesticus ♦ npl invest vt (in office) inaugurare; (mil) obsidere,
intestina ntpl; (victim's) exta ntpl. circumsedere; (money) locare,
intimacy n familiaritas/, investigate vt investigare, indagare; (case)
intimate adj familiaris; be an ~ friend of ab cognoscere.
latere esse (gen); a very ~ friend investigation n investigatio/, indagatio/;
perfamiliaris m/f ♦ vt denuntiare, (case) cognitio/.
intimately udv familiariter, investment n (mil) obsessio/; (money) locata
intimation n denuntiatio/; (hint) indicium nt. pecunia /.
intimidate vt minari (dat), terrorem inicere inveterate adj inveteratus, vetus; become -
(dat). inveterascere,
intimidation n metus m, minae fpl. invidious adj invididsus.
into prep in (acc), intra (acc). invidiously adv invidiose,
intolerable adj intolerandus, intolerabilis, invigorate vt recreare, reficere,
intolerably adv intoleranter, invincible adj invictus,
intolerance n impatientia/, inviolable adj inviolatus; (person)
intolerant adj impatiens, intolerans, sacrosanctus,
intonation n sonus m, flexio/, inviolably adv inviolate,
intone vt cantare, inviolate adj integer.
intoxicate vt ebrium reddere, invisible adj caecus; be ~ videri non posse,
intoxicated adj ebrius, invitation n invitatio/; at the ~ of invitatu
intoxication n ebrietas/, (gen).
intractable adj indocilis, difficilis, invite vt invitare, vocare,
intransigent adj obstinatus. inviting adj suavis, blandus.
invitingly-jaw 94 ENGL1SH-LAT1N

invitingly adv blande, suaviter, irritability n Iracundia/.

invocation n testatio/, irritable adj Iracundus.
invoke vt invocare, testari, irritate vt inrltare, stomachum movere (dat).
involuntarily adv Inscienter, invitus, irritation n Iracundia/, stomachus m.
involuntary adj coactus, island n Insula/.
involve vt implicare, involvere; be -d in islander n Insulanus m.
inligarl (abl). isle n Insula/.
invulnerable adj inviolabilis; be - vulnerari isolate vt segregare, separare,
nOn posse, isolation n solitude/.
inward ad; interior, issue n (result) eventus m, exitus m; (children)
inwardly adv intus, proles/, (question) res/, (book) editio/,
inwards adv introrsus, decide the ~ decernere, decertare; the point
inweave vt intexere, at - qua de re agitur ♦ vt distribuere; (book)
inwrought adj intextus, edere; (announcement) prOmulgare; (coin)
irascibility n Iracundia/ erogare ♦ vi egredi, emanare; (result)
irascible adj Iracundus, evadere, evenire,
irate ad; iratus, isthmus n isthmus m.
ire n Ira/. it pron hoc, id.
iris n hyacinthus m. itch n (disease) scabies/, (fig) cacoethes nt ♦ vf
irk vt incommodare; I am ~ed me piget, prurire.
irksome ad; molestus, item n nOmen nt, res/,
irksomeness n molestia/, iterate vt iterare.
iron n ferrum nt; of - ferreus ♦ adj ferreus, itinerant adj vagus, circumforaneus.
ironical adj inversus, itinerary n iter nt.
ironically adv inversis verbis, its adj suus, eius.
iron mine n ferraria/, itself pron ipse, ipsa, ipsum.
ironmonger n negotiator ferrarius m. ivory n ebur nt ♦ adj eburneus.
ironmongery n ferramenta ntpi. ivy n hedera /.
iron oren ferrum Infectum nt.
iron-tipped adj ferratus,
irony n illusio/, verborum inversio/,
irradiate vt illustrare,
irrational adj absurdus, ratiOnis expers;
(animal) brutus.
irrationally adv absurde, sine ratiOne.
irreconcilable ad; repugnans, Insociabilis,
irrefutable adj certus, invictus,
irregular ad; incompositus; (ground)
inaequalis; (meeting) extraordinarius; jabber vi blaterare,
(troops) tumultuarius, jackdaw n graculus m.
irregularity n inaequalitas/; (conduct) jaded ad; defessus, fatigatus,
pravitas/, licentia/; (election) vitium nt. jagged adj serratus,
irregularly adv nulla Ordine; (elected) vitia, jail n career m.
irrelevant ad; alienus, jailer n custos m, carcerarius m.
irreligion n impietas/. jam vt comprimere; (way) obstruere,
irreligious ad; impius, jamb n postis m.
irremediable ad; Insanabilis, jangle vi crepitare; rixari,
irreparable ad; inrevocabilis. janitor n ianitor m.
irreproachable ad; integer, innocens, January n mensis ianuarius m; of - ianuarius.
irresistible ad; invictus, jar n urna/; (for wine) amphora/, (for water)
irresolute ad; dubius, anceps, hydria/, (sound) offensa/, (quarrel) rixa/♦ vi
irresolutely adv dubitanter, offendere,
irresolution n dubitatio/, jasper n iaspis/,
irresponsibility n licentia/, jaundice n morbus arquatus.
irresponsible adj lascivus, levis, jaundiced adj ictericus,
irretrievable ad; inrevocabilis. jaunt n: take a - excurrere,
irreverence n impietas/, jauntily adv hilare, festive,
irreverent ad; impius, jauntiness n hilaritas/.
irreverently adv impie, jaunty adj hilaris, festivus,
irrevocable adj inrevocabilis. javelin n iaculum nt, pllum nt; throw the -
irrigate vt inrigare. iacularl.
irrigation n inrigatie/. jaw n mala/; -s pi faucesfpl.
ENGLISH-LATIN 95 jay-juvenile

jay n graculus m. joyous adi see joyful,

jealous adj invidus; be ~ of invidere (dat). joyously adv see joyfully,
jealousy n invidia /. jubilant adj laetus, gaudio exsultans,
jeer n irrisio/ ♦ vi irridere; ~ at illudere. judge n ifldex m, arbiter m ♦ vt ifldicare;
jejune adj ieiflnus, exilis. (think) existimare, censere; - between
jeopardize vt in periculum adducere. diiudicare.
jeopardy n periculum nt. judgeship n iudicatus m.
jerk n subitus motus m. judgment n iudicium nt, arbitrium nt;
jest n iocus m. (opinion) sententia/; (punishment) poena/;
jester n scurra m. (wisdom) iudicium nt; in my - meo animo,
jet n (mineral) gagates m; (of water) saltus m ♦ vi meo arbitrata; pass - on statuere de; sit in -
salire. indicium exercere,
jetsam n eiectamenta rupi. judgment seat n tribnnal nt.
jettison vt eicere. judicaturen iurisdictio/; (men) indices mpi.
jetty n moles/. judicial adj iudicialis; (law) ifldiciarius.
Jewn Iudaeus. judiciary n indices mpi.
jewel n gemma/. judicious adj pradens, consideratus,
Jewish adj IOdaicus. judiciously adv pradenter.
jig n tripudium nt. jug n hydria/, urceus m.
jilt vt repudiare. juggler n praestigiator m.
jingle n nenia/♦ vi crepitare, tinnire, juggling n praestigiae fpi.
jobn opus m. juice n liquor m, sucus m.
jocose adj see jocular, juicy adj snci plenus.
jocular adj facetus, iocularis. July n mensis Quinctilis, Ifllius m; of -
jocularity n facetiae fpi. Qulnctilis, Ifllius.
jocularly adv facete, per iocum. jumble n congeries / ♦ vt confundere,
jocund adj hilaris, festivus, jump n saltus m ♦ vi salire; ~ across transilire;
jog vt fodicare; (fig) stimulare ♦ vi ambulare, ~ at (opportunity) captare, adripere,
join vt iungere, coniungere, copulare ♦ vi amplecti; - down desilire; ~ on to Insilire in
coniungi, se coniungere; - in interesse (dat), (acc).
se immiscere (dat); - battle with proelium junction n coniunctio/.
committere (+ abi). juncture n tempus nt.
joiner n faber m. June n mensis Iunius; of ~ Iunius.
joint adj communis ♦ n commissura/; (of junior adj iflnior, natu minor,
body) articulus m, nodus m; ~ by ~ juniper n iuniperus /.
articulatim. Juno n Iflno, Iflnonis/.
jointed adj geniculatus, Jupiter n Iuppiter, Iovis m.
joint-heir n coheres m/f. juridical adj ifldiciarius.
jointly adv ana, coniuncte. jurisconsult n iflrisconsultus m.
joist n tignum nt. jurisdiction n iflrisdictifl/, dicifl/; exercise ~
joke n iocus m ♦ vi iocari, ladere. ifls dicere.
joking n iocus m; - apart remoto iocO. jurisprudence n iflrisprfldentia/.
jokingly adv per iocum. jurist n iflrisconsultus m.
jollity n hilaritas/, festivitas/, jurornifldex m.
jolly adj hilaris, festivus, jury n indices mpi.
jolt vt iactare. just adj ifistus, aequus ♦ adv (exactly) prOrsus;
jolting n iactatiO/. (only) modo; (time) commodum, modo; (with
jostle vt agitare, offendere, adv) demum, denique; (with pron) adeo
jot n minimum nt; not a - nihil; not care a - n6n demum, ipse; - as (comparison) aeque ac,
flocci facere, perinde ac, quemadmodum; sicut; ~ before
journal n acta diurna ntpi. (time) cum maxime, sub (acc); ~ now modo,
journey n iter nt. nunc; - so ita prOrsus, sane; only ~ vix.
journeyman n opifex m. justice n iustitia/, aequitas/, ifls nt; (person)
Jove n Iuppiter m. praetor m; administer - ifls reddere,
jovial adj hilaris. justiciary n praetor m.
joviality n hilaritas/. justifiable adj iflstus.
jovially adv hilare. justifiably adv iflre.
jowl n mala/; cheek by - iuxta. justification n pflrgatio/, excflsatiO/.
joy n gaudium nt, laetitia/, alacritas/. justify vt excflsare, pflrgare.
joyful adj laetus, hilaris. justly adv iflste, aequO; iflre, merito,
joyfully adv laete, hilare. jut vi prOminere, excurrere,
joyfulness n gaudium nt, laetitia/. jutting adj prOiectus.
joyless adj tristis, maestus. juvenile adj iuvenllis, puerilis.
keel-kudos 96 ENGLISH-LAT1N

K,k kindred n necessitudo/, cognatio/,

propinqui mpl, cognati mpl ♦ adj cognatus,
king n rOx m.
kingdom n regnum nt.
kingfisher n alcedo/,
kingly adj regius, regalis,
kingship n regnum nt.
keel n carina/. kinkn vitium nt.
keen adj acer; (mind) acutus, argutus; (sense) kinsfolk n cognati mpl, necessarii mpl.
sagax; (pain) acerbus; I am ~ on studeo, kinsman n cognatus m, propinquus m,
keenly adv acriter, sagaciter, acute, acerbe, necessarius m.
keenness n (scent) sagacitas/, (sight) acies/ kinswoman n cognata/, propinqua/,
(pain) acerbitas/ (eagerness) studium nt, necessaria /.
ardor m. kismet n fatum nt.
keep vt servare, tenere, habere; (celebrate) kiss n Osculum nt ♦ vt Osculari,
agere, celebrare; (guard) custodire; (obey) kit n (mil) sarcina/,
observare; (preserve) conservare; (rear) kitchen n culina/,
alere, pascere; (store) condere; ~ apart kitchen garden n hortus m.
distinere; - away arcfire; ~ back detinere, kiten mlluus m.
reservare; - down comprimere; kite's adj mllulnus.
(exuberance) depascere; ~ in cohibere, knack n calliditas/, artificium nt; have the - of
claudere; - in with gratiam sequi (gen); ~ off callere.
arcere, defendere; - one's word fidem knapsack n sarcina/,
praestare; - one's hands off manus knave n veterator m.
abstinere; - house domi se retinere; - secret knavish adj improbus,
celare; - together continere; - up sustinere, knavishly adv improbe,
conservare; ~ up with subsequi; - waiting knead vt depsere, subigere,
demorari ♦ vi durare, manere ♦ n arx/, knee n genu nt.
keeper n custos m. kneel vi genibus niti,
keeping n custodia/; in - with pro (abi); be in ~ knife n culter m; (surgeon's) scalprum nt.
with convenire (dat). knight n eques m ♦ vt in Ordinem equestrem
keg n cadus m. recipere.
ken n conspectus m. knighthood n OrdO equester m.
kennel n stabulum nt. knightly adj equester,
kerb n crepido/, knit vt texere; (brow) contrahere,
kernel n granum nt, nucleus m. knob n bulla/.
kettle n lebes/. knock vt ferire, percutere; - at pulsare; -
key n clavis/; (fig) claustra ntpl, ianua/, ~ against offendere; - down de icere,
position cardo m. adfllgere; (at auction) addicere; - off
kick vi calcitrare ♦ vt calce ferire. decutere; (work) desistere ab; - out elidere,
kid n haedus m. excutere; (unconscious) exanimare; (fig)
kidnap vt surripere. devincere; ~ up suscitare ♦ n pulsus m, ictus
kidnapper n plagiarius m. m.
kidney n ren m. knock-kneed adj varus,
kidney bean n phaselus m. knoll n tumulus m.
kid's adj haedinus. knotn nOdus m ♦ vt nectere,
kill vt interficere, interimere; (in battle) knotty adj nOdOsus; - point nOdus m.
occidere; (murder) necare, iuguiare; (time) know vt scire; (person) nOvisse; - all about
perdere. exploratum habere; - again agnOscere; -
killer n interfector m. how to scire; not - ignOrare, nescire; let me
kilnn fornax/. - fac sciam, fac me certiorem; get to -
kin n cognati mpl, propinqui mpl; next of - cognOscere ♦ n in the - cOnscius.
proximi mpl. knowing adj prudens, callidus,
kind adj bonus, benignus, benevolus ♦ n genus knowingly adv cOnsultO, sciens,
nt; of such a - talis; what ~ of qualis ♦ adj knowledge n scientia/, doctrina/, (practical)
cOmis. experientia/; (of something) cognitio/,
kindle vt incendere, succendere. Inflammare, knowledgeable ad; gndrus, doctus,
kindliness n cOmitas/, hflmanitas/. known adj notus; make - declarare
kindling n (fuel) fames m. knuckle n articulus m.
kindly adv benigne. knuckle bone n talus m.
kindness n benignitas/, benevolentia/, (act) kotow vi adulari,
beneficium nt, officium nt, gratia/. kudos n gloria/, laus/.

ENGLISH-LATIN 97 label-lather

L,l landlady n caupona/.

landlord n dominus m; (inn) caupO m.
landmark n lapis m; be a ~ eminere.
landscape n agrOrum prospectus m.
landslide n terrae labes/, lapsus m.
landwards adv terram versus.
lane n (country) sOmita/, (town) angiportus m.
language n lingua/, (style) Oratio/, sermO m;
label n titulus m ♦ vt titulo Inscribere, (diction) verba ntpi; bad - maledicta ntpi.
laboratory n officina/, languid ad; languidus, remissus,
laborious ad; laboriosus, operOsus. languidly adv languide,
laboriously adv operose, languish vi languere, languescere; (with
laboriousness n labor m. disease) tabescere,
labour n labor m, operas (work done) opus nt; languor n languor m.
(workallotted) pfinsum nt; (workmen) operae lank, lanky ad/ exilis, gracilis,
fpl; be in - parturire ♦ vi laborare, eniti; ~ at lantern n lanterna/, lucerna/,
eiabSrdre; - under a delusion errOre falll. lap n gremium nt, sinus m ♦ vt lambere; (cover)
laboured ad; adfectatus. involvere.
labourer n operarius m; ~s pi operae/pi. lapse n (time) lapsus m; (mistake) erratum nt;
labyrinth n labyrinthus m. after the - of a year interiectO annO ♦ vi labl;
lace n texta reticulata ntpi; (shoe) ligula / ♦ vt (agreement) inritum fieri; (property) reverti,
nectere. larceny n furtum nt.
lacerate vt lacerare, larch n larix/ ♦ ad; larignus,
laceration n laceratio/, lard n adeps m/f.
lack n inopia/, defectio/♦ vt egere (abi), larder n cella penaria/,
carere (abi)- large ad; magnus, grandis, amplus; at ~
lackey n pedisequus m. solutus; very - permagnus; as - as ... tantus
laconic ad; brevis. ... quantus.
laconically adv unO verbo, paucis verbis. largely adv plerumque,
lacuna n lacuna/. largesse n largitio/, (mil) donativum nt; (civil)
lad n puer m. congiarium nt; give - largiri,
ladder n scala/. lark n alauda/,
lade vt onerare. lascivious ad/ libldinOsus.
laden ad; onustus, oneratus. lasciviously adv libidinose,
lading nonus nt. lasciviousness n libido/,
ladle n trulla/. lash n flagellum nt, lOrum nt; (eye) cilium nt ♦ vt
lady n domina /, matrOna/, mulier/. verberare; (tie) adligare; (with words)
ladylike ad; liberalis, honestus. castigare.
lag vi cessare. lashing n verbera ntpi.
lagoon n stagnum nt. Isssn puella/,
lair n latibulum nt. lassitude n languor m.
lake n lacus m. last ad/ ultimus, postremus, supremus; (in line)
lamb n agnus m-, (flesh) agnina/; «wt - agna /. novissimus; (preceding) proximus; at -
lame ad/ claudus; (argument) inanis; be ~ tandem, demum, denique; for the ~ time
claudicare. postremum ♦ n forma/; let the cobbler stick
lameness n claudicatio/. to his - ne sutor supra crepidam ♦ vi durare,
lament n lamentatio/, lamentum nt ♦ vt permanere.
lugere, lamentari; (regret) deplorare, lasting ad/ diQtinus, diuturnus,
lamentable ad; lamentabilis, miserabilis, lastly adv postremo, denique,
lamentably adv miserabiliter, latch n pessulus m.
lamentation n lamentatio/. latchet n corrigia/.
lamp n lucerna/, lychnus m. late ad; sOrus; (date) recens; (dead) demortuus;
lampoon n satura/ ♦ vt carmine destringere, (emperor) dlvus; ~ at night multa nocte; till ~
lance n hasta/, lancea/, in the day ad multum diem ♦ adv serO; too -
lancer n hastatus m. serO; too ~ to sOrius quam qul (subj); of -
lancet n scalpellum nt. nuper.
land n terra f) (country) terra/, regia/ lately adv nuper.
(territory) fines mpl; (native) patria/, (property) latent ad/ occultus, latitans.
praedium nt, ager m; (so/7) solum nt ♦ vt later ad; posterior ♦ adv postea, posthac, mox.
expOnere ♦ vi 6 nave egredi ♦ ad/ terrenus, latest ad/ novissimus.
terrestris. lath n tigillum nt.
landfall n adpulsus m. lathe n tornus m.
landing place n egressus m. lather n spuma/.
Latin-leave 98 ENGUSH-LAT1N

Latin adj Latinus; speak ~ Latine loqul; lay adj (eca) laicus.
understand - Latine scire; translate into ~ layer n corium nt; (stones) OrdO m; (plant)
Latine reddere; in Latin latine. propagO/.
Latinity n Latinitas/. layout n designatio/.
latituden (geos) caelum nt; (scope) libertas/, laze vi otiari.
latter adj posterior; the - hie. lazily adv ignave, Otiose.
latterly adv nuper, laziness n ignavia/, desidia/, pigritia/.
lattice n transenna/. lazy adj ignavus, desidiosus, piger.
laud n laus/ 4 vt laudare, lea n pratum nt.
laudable adj laudabilis, laude dignus, lead vt ducere; (life) agere; (wall) perdocere;
laudatory adj honorificus, (water) derivare; - across traducere; -
laugh n rlsus m; (loud) cachinnus m 4 vi ridere, around circumducere; - astray in errOrem
cachinnare; - at (joke) ridere; (person) inducere; ~ away abducere; - back
deridere; ~ up one's sleeve in sinu gaudere, reducere; ~ down deducere; - in
laughable adj ridiculus, introducere; - on adducere; - out edflcere; -
laughing stock n ludibrium nt. over traducere; - the way ducere, praeire; ~
laughter n rlsus m. up to tendere ad, spectare ad; the road ~s...
launch vt (missile) contorquere; (ship) via fert_
dfiducere; - an attack impetum dare ♦ vi: - lead n plumbum nt 4 adj plumbeus,
out into ingredi in (acc) ♦ n celOx/, lembus leaden adj (colour) lividus,
m. leader n dux m, ductor m.
laureate adj laureatus, leadership n ductus m.
laurel n laurus m ♦ adj laureus, leading adj primus, princeps, praecipuus.
lave vt lavare. leaves n folium nt, frOns/; (paper)
lavish adj prodigus, largus ♦ vt largiri, scheda/; put forth leaves frondescere,
profundere. leaflet n libellus m.
lavishly adv prodige, effuse, leafy adj frondosus.
lavishness n largitas/. league n foedus nt, societas/; (distance) tria
law n lex/, (system) ius nt; (divine) fits nt; civil - milia passuum 4 vi coniflrare, foedus
ius civile; constitutional ~ ius publicum; facere.
international ~ ius gentium; go to - lege leagued adj foederatus.
agere, litigare; break the ~ leges violare; leak n rima/ 4 vi manare, rimas agere.
pass a - (magistrate) legem perferre; (people) leaky adj rimosus.
legem iubere. lean adj macer, exilis, gracilis 4 vi niti; - back
law-abiding adj bene moratus. se reclinare; ~ on inniti in (abi), incumbere
law court n iudicium nt; (building) basilica/. (dat); ~ ovor inclinare,
lawful adj legitimus; (morally) fas. leaning n prOpensiO/ 4 adj inclinatus,
lawfully adv legitime, lege. leanness n gracilitas/, macies/,
lawgiver n legum scriptor m. leap n saltus m 4 vi salire; (forjoy) exsultare; ~
lawless adj exlex. down desilire; ~ on to Insilire in (acc).
lawlessly adv licenter. leap year n annus bissextilis m.
lawlessness n licentia/. learn vt discere; (news) accipere, audire; (by
lawn n pratulum nt. heart) ediscere; (discover) cognoscere,
law-suit n lis/, actiO/. learned adj doctus, eruditus, litteratus,
lawyer n iurisconsultus m, causidicus m. learnedly adv docte,
lax adj dissolQtus, remissus. learner n tlrO m, discipulus m.
laxity n dissolutio/. learning n doctrina/, eruditio/, litterae fpl.
lay vt pOnere, locare; (ambush) collocare, lease n (taken) conductio/; (given) locatio/ 4 vt
tendere; (disorder) sedare; (egg) parere; condflcere; locare,
(foundation) iacere; (hands) inicere; (plan) leash n cOpula/.
capere, inire; (trap) tendere; (wager) facere; least adj minimus 4 adv minime; at - saltem; to
- aside pOnere; (in store) reponere; ~ by say the - ut levissime dicam; not in the -
reponere; - down dOpOnere; (rule) statuere; haudquaquam.
- hold of prehendere, adripere; - in condere; leathern corium m, aluta/,
- a motion before referre ad; - on impOnere; leathery adj lentus.
- open patefacere; (to attack) nudare; ~ out leave n (of absence) commeatus m; (permission)
(money) impendere, 0rogare; (camp) metari; potestas/, venia/, ask ~ veniam petere; give
- siege to obsidere; - to heart in pectus - potestatem facere; obtain - impetrare; by
demittere; - up recondere; - upon your ~ pace tua, bona tua venia 4 vt
iniungere, impOnere; - violent hands on vim relinquere, deserere; (legacy) lOgdre; - alone
adferre, adhibere (dat); whatever they could non tangere, manum abstinere ab; - behind
- hands on quod cuique in manum venisset; relinquere; - in the lurch destituere,
- waste vastare ♦ n carmen nt, melos nt. derelinquere; ~ off desinere, desistere ab;
ENGLISH-LATIN 99 leaven-licentious

(temporarily) intermittere; (garment) ponere; vi decrescere.

- out praetermittere, omittere ♦ vi lesson n documentum nt; be a ~ to documento
discedere ab (+abi), abire, esse (dat); ~s pl dictata ntpl; give ~s scholas
leaven n fermentum nt. habere; give ~s in docere,
leavings n reliquiae/pl. lessor n locator m.
lecherous odj salax, lest conj ne ( + subj).
lecture n acroasis /, auditio/ ♦ vi docere, let vt (allow) sinere; (lease) locare; (imper) fac;
scholam habere, ~ alone omittere; (mention) ne dicam; -
lecturer n doctor m. blood sanguinem mittere; - down
lecture room n auditorium nt. demittere; - fall a manibus mittere; (word)
ledge n limen nt. emittere; - fly emittere; - go mittere,
ledger n codex accepti et expensi, amittere; (ship) solvere; ~ in admittere; ~
lee n pars a vento tflta. loose solvere; - off absolvere, ignoscere
leech n hirudo/. (dat); ~ oneself go genio indulgere; - out
leek n porrum nt. emittere; ~ slip amittere, omittere,
leer vi limis oculis intueri, lethal ad; mortifer,
lees n faex/; (of oil) amurcaf. lethargic ad; veternosus,
left ad; sinister, laevus ♦ n sinistra/, laeva/; on lethargy n veternus m.
the ~ a laeva, ad laevam, a sinistra, letter n epistula/, litterae fpi; (of alphabet)
leg n crus nt; (of table) pes m. littera/; the - of the law scriptum nt; to the ~
legacy n legatum nt; ~ hunter captator m. ad praescriptum; by - per litteras; ~s
legal ad; legitimus, (learning) litterae fpi; man of ~s scriptor m.
legalize vt sancire, lettered ad; litteratus,
legally adv secundum leges, lege, lettuce n lactuca/.
legate a legatus m. levee n salutatio /.
legation n legatib/. level adj aequus, planus ♦ n planities/;
legend n fabula/; (inscription) titulus m. (instrument) libra/; do one's ~ best pro virili
legendary ad; fabulosus, parte agere; put on a ~ with exaequare cum
legerdemain n praestigiae fpi. ♦ vt aequare, adaequare, inaequare; (to the
legging n ocrea/. ground) solo aequare, sternere; (weapon)
legible ad; clarus. intendere.
legion n legio/; men of the 10th ~ decumani level-headed ad; prudens,
mpl. levelled ad; (weapon) Infestus,
legionary n legionarius m. lever n vectis m.
legislate vi leges scribere, leges facere, levity n levitas /; (fun) iocl mpl, facetiae fpi.
legislation n leges fpi, leges scribendae, levy vt (troops) scribere; (tax) exigere ♦ n
legislator n legum scriptor m. dilectus m.
legitimate ad; legitimus, lewd ad; impudicus,
legitimately adv legitime, lewdness n impudicitia/,
leisure n otium nt; at - otiosus, vacuus; have ~ liable ad; obnoxius; render - obligare,
for vacare (dat). liaison n consuetudo/,
leisured ad; otiosus, liar n mendax m.
leisurely ad; lentus. libel n probrum nt, calumnia/ ♦ vt calumniari,
lend vt commodare, mutuum dare; (at interest) libellous ad; probrosus, famosus,
faenerarl; (ear) aures praebere, admovere; ~ liberal ad; liberalis; (in giving) largus,
a ready ear aures patefacere; ~ assistance benignus; ~ education bonae artes fpi.
opem ferre. liberality n llberalitas/, largitas/,
length n longitudo/; (time) diuturnitas /; at ~ liberally adv llberaiiter, large, benigne,
tandem, demum, denique; (speech) copiose, liberate vt liberare; (slave) manu mittere,
lengthen vt extendere; (time) protrahere; liberation n liberatio/.
(sound) producere, liberator n liberator m.
lengthwise adv in longitudinem, libertine n libldinSsus m.
lengthy ad; longus, prolixus, liberty n libertas/; (excess) licentia/; I am at -
leniency n clementia/. to mihl licet (inf); I am still at - to integrum
lenient adj clemens, mitis, est mihl (inf); take a - with licentius utl (abl),
leniently adv clementer, familiarius se gerere in (acc).
lentil n lens /. libidinous ad; libidinosus,
leonine ad; leOnlnus. librarian n librarius m.
leopard n pardus m. library n bibliotheca/,
less ad; minor ♦ adv minus; - than (num) intra licence n (permission) potestas/; (excess)
(acc); much stili - nedum, licentia /.
lessee n conductor m. license vt potestatem dare (dat).
lessen vt minuere, imminuere, deminuere ♦ licentious ad; dissolutus.
licentiousness-litter 100 ENGLISH-LATIN

licentiousness n libido/, licentia/, sententia,

lick vt lambere; mulcgre. lily n lilium nt.
lictor n lictor m. limb n membrum nt, artus m.
lid n operculum nt. lime n calx/ (tree) tilia/.
lie n mendacium nt; give the - to redarguere; limelight n celebritas/; enjoy the - mOnstrarl
tell a - mentiri ♦ vi mentiri; (lie down) iacgre; digito.
(place) situm esse; (consist) contineri; as far limestone n calx/.
as in me -s quantum in mS est; - at anchor limit n finis m, terminus m, modus m; mark the
stare; - between interiacOre; - down -s of determinare ♦ vt finire, definire,
cubare, discumbere; - heavy on premere; - terminare; (restrict) circumscribere,
hid latere; - in wait Insidiari; - low limitation n modus m.
dissimulare; - on incumbere (dat); - open limp adj mollis, flaccidus ♦ vi claudicare,
patere; hiare, limpid adj limpidus,
lien n nexus m. linden n tilia/.
lieu n: in ~ of locO (gen). linen linea/ (battle) acies/; (limit) modus m;
lieutenant n decurio n; legatus m. (outline) lineamentum nt; (writing) versus m;
life n vita/; (in danger) salus/, caput nt; in a straight - 6 regidne; - of march agmen nt;
(biography) vita / (breath) anima/, (rhst) read between the ~s dissimulata dispicere;
sanguis m; (time) aetas/ come to - again ship of the - navis longa; write a - pauca
reviviscere; draw to the ~ exprimere; for - scribere ♦ vt (street) saepire,
aetatem; matter of - and death capitale nt; lineage n genus nt, stirps/,
prime of - AOs aetatis; way of - mores mpl. lineal adj (descent) gentilis,
lifeblood n sanguis m. lineaments n lineamenta ntpi, oris ductas mpl.
life-giving adj almus, vitalis, linen n linteum nt ♦ adj linteus,
lifeguard n custos m; (emperor's) praetorianus liner n navis/.
m. linger vi cunctari, cessare, demorari,
lifeless adj exanimis; (style) exsanguis, lingering adj tardus ♦ n cunctatio/,
lifelike adj expressus, linguist n: be a ~ complflres linguas callere,
lifelong adj perpetuus, link n anulus m; (fig) nexus m, vinculum nt ♦ vt
lifetime n aetas/. coniungere.
lift vt tollere, sublevare; - up efferre, lintei n limen superum nt.
attollere. lion n leo m; ~'s leoninus; ~'s share maior pars.
light n lux/, lumen nt; (painting) lQmen nt; bring lioness n leaena /.
to - in lucem prOferre; see in a favourable - lip n labrum nt; be on everyone's -s in Ore
in meliOrem partem interpretari; throw - on omnium hominum esse, per omnium Ora
lumen adhibere (dat) ♦ vt accendere, ferrl.
incendere; (illuminate) illustrare, illuminare; lip service n: pay - to verbo tenus obsequi
be lit up collGcere ♦ vi: - upon invenire, _ (dat).
offendere ♦ adj illflstris; (movement) agilis; liquefy vt liquefacere,
(weight) levis; grow - illGcescere, liquid adj liquidus ♦ n liquor m.
dilucescere; make - of parvi pendere, liquidate vt persolvere,
light-armed adj expeditus, liquor n liquor m; vlnum nt.
lighten vi fulgurare ♦ vt levare, lisp vt balbutire,
lighter n linter/, lisping adj blaesus,
light-fingered adj tagax, lissom adj agilis.
light-footed adj celer, pernix, list n index m, tabula/ (ship) inclinatio/ ♦ vt
light-headed adj levis, volaticus, scribere ♦ vi (lean) se inclinare; (listen)
light-hearted adj hilaris, laetus, auscultare; (wish) cupere.
lightly adv leviter; perniciter, listen vi auscultare; ~ to auscultare, audire,
lightness n levitas/. listener n auditor m, auscultator m.
lightning n fulgur nt; (striking) fulmen nt; be listless adj languidus,
hit by ~ de caelo percutl; of ~ fulguralis, listlessness n languor m.
like adj similis, par; - this ad hunc modum ♦ literally adv ad verbum,
adv similiter, sicut, rltO (gen) ♦ vt amare; I ~ literary adj (man) litteratus; - pursuits litterae
mihi placet, me iuvat; I - to libet (inf); I don't fpl, studia ntpi.
- nil moror, mihi displicet; look - similem literature n litterae fpi.
esse, referre. lithe adj mollis, agilis,
likelihood n veri similitude/, litigant n litigator m.
likely adj veri similis ♦ adv sane, litigate vi litigare,
liken vt comparare, aequiperare, litigation n Us/,
likeness n Imago/, Instar nt, similitudo/, litigious adj HtigiOsus.
likewise adv item; (also) etiam, litter n (carriage) lectica/ (brood) fetus m;
liking n libido/, gratia/; to one's ~ ex (straw) stramentum nt; (mess) str8g6s/4 vt
ENGL1SH-LATIN 101 little-loss

sternere; (young) parere, lonely, lonesome adj solitarius,

little adj parvus, exiguus; (time) brevis; very ~ long adj longus; (hair) promissus; (syllable)
perexiguus, minimus; ~ boy puerulus mtn prSductus; (time) longus, diilturnus; in the -
paulum nt, aliquantulum nt; for a - paulisper, run aliquandO; for a - time difi; to make a -
parumper; - or nothing vix quicquam ♦ adw story short n6 longum sit, nS longum faciam
paulum, nonnihil; (with comp) paulS; - by ~ ♦ adv diu; ~ ago iampridem, iamdudum; as -
paulatim, sensim, gradatim; think - of parvl as conj dum; before - mox; for ~ difi; how -
aestimare; too ~ parum (+ gen). quamdifi, quousque; I have - been wishing
littleness n exiguitas/, iam pridem cupio; not - after haud multo
littoral n litus nt. post; any -er(time) difitius; (distance)
live vi vivere, vitam agere; (dwell) habitare; - longius; no ~er non iam ♦ vi: - for dSsiderfire,
down (reproach) eluere; - on (food) vesci exoptare, expetere; - to gestire,
(abf) ♦ adj vivus, longevity n vivacitas/.
livelihood n victus m. longing n desiderium nt, cupido ft adj avidus,
liveliness n alacritas/, hilaritas/, longingly adv avide,
livelong adj totus, longitudinally adv in longitfidinem.
lively adj alacer, hilaris, long-lived adj vivax,
liven vt exhilarare, long-suffering adj patiens,
liver niecur nt. long-winded adj verbosus, longus,
livery n vestis famularis/, longwise adv in longitfidinem.
livid adj lividus; be - livere, look n aspectus m; (expression) vultus m ♦ vi
living adj vivus ♦ n victus m; (earning) aspicere; (seem) videri, speciem praebSre; -
quaestus m. about circumspicere; ~ after prSvidere (dat),
lizard n lacerta/, curare; - at spectare ad (+ acc), aspicere,
lo interj ecce. intueri; (with mind) contemplari; - back
load n onus nt ♦ vt onerare, respicere; - down on despectare; (fig)
loaf n panis m ♦ vi grassari, despicere; - for quaerere, petere; - forward
loafer n grassator m. to exspectare; - here heus tu, ehodum; - into
loam n lutum nt. Inspicere, introspicere; ~ out prospicere;
loan n mutuum nt, mutua pecflnia/. (beware) cavere; - round circumspicere; -
loathe vt fastidire, odisse, through perspicere; - to rationem habere
loathing n fastidium nt. (gen); (leader) spem ponere in (abl)-, -
loathsome adj odiosus, taeter, towards spectare ad; - up suspicere; - up to
lobby n vestibulum nt. suspicere; - upon habere,
lobe n fibra/, looker-on n arbiter m.
lobster n astacus m. lookout n (place) specula/; (man) vigil m,
local adj indigena, loci, excubiae fpl.
locality n locus m. looks npl species/; good - forma/,
locate vt reperire; be ~d situm esse, pulchritfidS /.
location n situs m. loom n tela/ ♦ vi in conspectum se dare,
loch n lacus m. loop n orbis m, sinus m.
lock n (door) sera/; (hair) coma/ ♦ vt obserare. loophole n fenestra/,
locomotion n mStus m. loose adj laxus, solutus, remissus; (morally)
locust n locusta/. dissolfitus; lot - on immittere in (acc) ♦ vt
lodge n casa/ ♦ vi deversari ♦ vt Infigere; (undo) solvere; (slacken) laxare,
(complaint) deferre, loosely adv solfite, remisse,
lodger n inquilinus m. loosen vt (re)solvere; (structure) labefacere,
lodging n hospitium nt, deversorium nt. looseness n dissolutio/, dissoluti morSs mpl.
loft n cenaculum nt. loot n praeda /, rapina/.
loftiness n altitfido/, sublimitas/, lop vt amputare,
lofty ad; excelsus, sublimis, lopsided adj inaequalis,
log n stipes m; (fuel) lignum nt. loquacious adj loquax,
loggerhead n: be at ~s rixari, loquacity n loquacitas/,
logic n dialectica /. lord n dominus m ♦ vi: - it dominari,
logical adj dialecticus, ratiSne frStus. lordliness n superbia/,
logically adv ex ratiSne. lordly adj superbus; (rank) nObilis.
logician n dialecticus m. lordship n dominatis/, imperium nt.
loin n lumbus m. lore n litterae fpl, doctrina /.
loiter vt grassari, cessare. lose vt amittere, perdere; - an eye alters oculS
loiterer n grassator m, cessator m. capi; - heart animum despondere; - one'*
loll vi recumbere. way deerrare ♦ vi (in contest) vinci,
Ione adj sdlus, sSlitarius. loss n damnum nt, detrimentum nt; be at a ~
loneliness n sSlitfidS/. haerere, haesitare; suffer - damnum
lost-machine 102 ENGLISH-LATIN

accipere, facere; ~es (in battle) caesi mpl. luggage n impedimenta ntpi, sarcina/,
lost odj amissus, absens; be - perire, interire; lugubrious ad; lugubris, maestus,
give up for ~ deplOrare. lukewarm adj tepidus; (fig) segnis, neglegens;
lot n sors /; be assigned by - sorte obvenire; be - tepere.
draw a - sortem ducere; draw ~s for sortiri; lukewarmly adv segniter, neglegenter,
a - of multus, plurimus, lukewarmness n tepor m; (fig) neglegentia/,
loth odj invitus, incuria/.
lottery n sortes fpl; (fig) alea f. Iuli vt sOpire; (storm) sedare ♦ n intermissio/.
lotusn lotos/, lumber n scrota ntpi.
loud odj clarus, magnus, luminary n lumen nt, astrum nt.
loudly odv magna vSce. luminous adj lucidus, illustris.
loudness n magna vOx/. lump n massa/, (on body) tuber nt.
lounge vi Otiari, lumpish adj hebes, crassus, stolidus.
louse n pedis m/f. lunacy n insania/.
lout n agrestis m. lunar ad; lunaris.
lovable odj amabilis. lunatic n insanus m.
love n amor m; be hopelessly in - deperire; fall lunch n prandium nt ♦ vi prandere.
in ~ with adamare ♦ vt amare, diligere; I - to lung n pulmo m; pl (rhet) latera ntpi.
me iuvat (inf). Iunge n ictus m ♦ vi prosilire,
love affair n amor m. lurch n: leave in the - derelinquere, destituere
loveless odj amore carens, ♦ vi titubare.
loveliness n gratia/, venustas/, lure n esca/ ♦ vt allicere, illicere, elicere,
lovely ad) pulcher, amabilis, venustus, lurid adj luridus.
love poem n carmen amatorium nt. lurk vi latere, latitare, delitescere,
lover n amans m, amator m. luscious ad; praedulcis,
lovesick ad) amore aeger, lush adj luxuriOsus.
loving adj amans, lust n libido/ ♦ vi libidine flagrare,
lovingly adv amanter. concupiscere,
low adj humilis; (birth) ign5bilis; (price) vOis; lustful ad; libidinosus,
(sound) gravis; (spirits) demissus; (voice) lustily adv valide, strenue,
demissus; at - water aestus decessu; be ~ lustiness n vigor m, nervi mpl.
iacere; lay - interficere ♦ vi mugire, lustration n lustrum nt.
lower adj inferior; the ~ world inferi mpl; of lustre n fulgor m, splendor m.
the - world infernus ♦ odv inferius ♦ vt lustrous adj illustris,
demittere, deprimere ♦ vi (cloud) obscurari, lusty ad; validus, lacertosus,
minari. lute n cithara/, fides/»/,
lowering adj minax, lute player n citharista m, citharistria/,
lowest adj infimus, imus, fidicen m, fidicina/,
lowing n mugitus m. luxuriance n luxuria/,
lowland adj campestris, luxuriant adj luxuriosus,
lowlands n campi mpl. luxuriate vi luxuriari,
lowliness n humilitas/, luxuries pl lautitiae fpl.
lowly adj humilis, obscurus, luxurious adj luxuriosus, sumptuosus, lautus.
low-lying adj demisssus; be ~ sedere, luxuriously adv sumptuose, laute.
lowness n humilitas/, (spirit) tristitia/, luxury n luxuria/, luxus m.
loyal adj fidelis, fidus; (citizen) bonus, lynx n lynx m//, —eyed lynceus.
loyally adv fideliter, lyre n lyra/, fides fpl; play the - fidibus canere.
loyalty n fides/, fidelitas/. lyric ad; lyricus ♦ n carmen nt.
lubricate vt ungere, lyrist n fidicen m, fidicina/.
lucid adj clarus, perspicuus,
lucidity n perspicuitas/,
lucidly adv clare, perspicue,
luck n fortuna/, fors/ good - felicitas/, bad -
InfortQnium nt.
luckily adv feliciter, fauste, prospere,
luckless tub infelix.
lucky adj felix, fortunatus; (omen) faustus.
lucrative adj quaestuosus.
luere n lucrum nt, quaestus m.
lucubration n lUcubratiO/.
ludicrous ad; ridiculus. mace n scipio m.
ludicrously adv ridicule. machination n dolus m.
lug vt trahere. machine n machina/.
ENGLISH-LATIN 103 mackerel-manipulate

mackerel n scomber m. fingere; be made fieri,

mad adj Insanus, furiSsus, vecors, demens; be make-believe n simulatio/,
~ Insanire, furere, maker n fabricator m, auctor m.
madam n domina/. make-up n medicamina ntpi.
madden vt furiare, mentem alienare (dat), maladministration n (charge) repetundae jpl.
madly adv insane, furiose, dementer, malady n morbus m.
madness n Insania/, furor m, dementia/; malcontent adj novarum rerum cupidus,
(animals) rabies/, male ad; mas, masculus,
maelstrom n vertex m. malefactor n nocens m, reus m.
magazine n horreum nt, apotheca/. malevolence n malevolentia/.
maggot n vermiculus m. malevolent adj malevolus, malignus,
magic adj magicus ♦ n magicae artes/pi. malevolently adv maligne,
magician n magus m, veneficus m. malformation n depravatis/,
magistracy n magistratus m. malice n invidia/, malevolentia/; bear -
magistrate n magistratus m. towards invidere (dat).
magnanimity n magnanimitas/, llberalitas/. malicious ad; invidiSsus, malevolus,
magnanimous adj generosus, liberalis, malignus.
magnanimus, maliciously adv maligne,
magnet n magnes m. malign ad; malignus, invidiosus ♦ vt
magnificence n magnificentia/, adparatus m. obtrectare.
magnificent ad) magnificus, amplus, malignant ad; malevolus,
splendidus. maligner n obtrectator m.
magnificently adv magnifice, ample, malignity n malevolentia/,
splendide. malleable adj ductilis,
magnify vt amplificare, exaggerare, mallet n malleus m.
magnitude n magnitudo/, mallow n malva/,
magpie n pica/. malpractices n delicta ntpt.
maid n virgdf\ (servant) ancilla/. maltreat vt laedere, vexare,
maiden n virgo/. malversation n peculatus m.
maidenhood n virginitas/. man n (human being) homo m/f; (male) vir m;
maidenly ad; virginalis. (mil) miles m; (chess) latrunculus m; to a -
mail n (armour) lorica/; (letters) epistulae/p(. omnes ad unum; - who is qui; old - senex m;
maim vt mutilare. young - adulescens m; - of war navis longa/
maimed ad; mancus. ♦ vt (ship) complere; (walls) praesidio
main ad; princeps, primus; ~ point caput nt firmare.
♦ n (sea) altum m, pelagus nt; with might and manacle n manicae fpl ♦ vt manicas inicere
- manibus pedibusque, omnibus nervis, (dat).
mainland n continens/. manage vt efficere, gerere, gubernare,
mainly adv praecipue, plerumque, administrare; (horse) moderari; (with verb)
maintain vt (keep) tenere, servare; (keep up) posse.
sustinere; (keepalive) alere, sustentare; manageable adj tractabilis, habilis,
(argue) adfirmare, defendere, management n administratis/, cura/;
maintenance n (food) alimentum nt. (finance) dispensatio/,
majestic ad; augustus, magnificus, manager n administrator m, moderator m;
majestically adv auguste, dispensator m.
majesty n maiestas/. mandate n mandatum nt.
major adj maior. man en iuba/.
majority n maior pars/, plerlque; have manful adj virilis, fortis,
attained one's - sui iuris esse, manfully adv viriliter, fortiter,
makevt facere, fingere; (appointment) creare; manger n praesepe nt.
(bed) sternere; (cope) superare; (compulsion) mangle vt dilaniare, lacerare,
cogere; (consequence) efficere; (craft) mangy adj scaber,
fabricari; (harbour) capere; (living) quaerere; manhood n pubertas/, toga virilis/.
(sum) efficere; (with adj) reddere; (with verb) mania n Insania/,
cdgere; ~ away with tollere, interimere; ~ maniae n furiosus m.
good supplere, resarcire; ~ light of parvi manifest ad; manifestus, apertus, clarus ♦ vt
facere; - one's way iter facere; - much of declarare, aperire,
magni aestimare, multum tribuere (dat); ~ manifestation n species/,
for petere; ~ out arguere; - over delegare, manifestly adv manifests, aperte,
transferre; ~ ready parare; - a speech manifesto n edictum nt.
oratiSnem habere; ~ a truce indutias manifold ad; multiplex, varius,
componere; ~ war on bellum inferre; - up manikin n homuncio m, homunculus m.
(loss) supplere; (total) efficere; (story) manipulate vt tractare.
manipulation-mate 104 ENGLISH-LATIN

manipulation n tractatio/, marketable adj vendibilis,

mankind n homines mpl, genus humanum m. marketplace n forum nt.
manliness n virtfls/. market prices npi annona/,
manly adj fortis, virilis, market town n emporium nt.
manner n modus m, ratio /; (custom) mos m, marking n macula/,
usus m; -s pi mores mpl; after the - of rltfl, maroon vt derelinquere,
mOre (gen); good -s humanitas/, modestia/, marriage n matrimonium nt, coniugium nt;
mannered adj mOratus. (ceremony) nuptiae jpl; give in - collocare; -
mannerism n mos m. bed lectus genialis m.
mannerly ad) bene moratus, urbanus, marriageable adj nQbilis.
manoeuvren (mil) decursus m, decursio/; (fig) marrow n medulla/.
dolus m ♦ vi decurrere; (fig) machinari, marry vt (a wife) ducere, in matrimonium
manor n praedium nt. ducere; (a husband) nubere (dat).
mansion n domus/, marsh n palus/.
manslaughter n homicidium nt. marshal n imperator m ♦ vt Instruere,
mantle n pallium nt; (women's) palla/, marshy adj paluster,
manual adj: - labour opera/ ♦ n libellus m, ars mart n forum nt.
/• marten n meles /.
manufacture n fabrica/ ♦ vt fabricari, martial adj bellicosus, ferbx.
manumission n manumissio/, martyr n devotus m; (ecci.) martyr m/f.
manumit vt manu mittere, emancipare, marvel n miraculum nt, portentum nt ♦ vi
manure n fimus m, stercus nt ♦ vt stercorare, mirari; ~ at admirari.
manuscript n liber m, codex m. marvellous adj mirus, mirificus, mirabilis,
many adj multi; as ~ as tot... quot; how -? marvellously adv mire, mlrum quantum,
quot?; so ~ tot; in - places multifariam; a masculine adj mas, virilis,
good - complures; too - nimis multi; the - mash n farrago/♦ vt commiscere,
vulgus nt; very - permulti, plurimi, contundere.
map n tabula/ ♦ vt: ~ out describere, mask n persOna/ ♦ vt personam induere (dat);
designare. (fig) dissimulare,
maple n acer nt ♦ adj acernus, mason n structor m.
marvt corrumpere, deformare, masonry n lapides mpl, caementum nt.
marauder n praedator m, depopulator m. masquerade n simulatio / ♦ vi vestem
marble n marmor nt ♦ adj marmoreus. mutare; - as speciem sibi induere (gen),
March n mensis Martius m; of ~ Martius, persOnam ferre (gen).
march n iter nt; line of ~ agmen nt; by forced mass n moles/, (of small things) congeries/, (of
~es magnis itineribus; on the - ex itinere, in people) multitudo/; (sect) missa/, the ~es
itinere; quick ~ pleno gradu; a regular day's ~ vulgus nt, plebs/ ♦ vt congerere, coacervare,
iter iustum nt ♦ vi contendere, iter facere, massacre n strages/, caedes/, internecio/♦
incedere, Ire; ~ out exire; - on signa vt trucidare.
proferre, progredi ♦ vt ducere; - out massive adj ingens, solidus,
educere; - in introducere, massiveness n mOles/, soliditas/,
mare n equa/. mastn malus m.
margin n margO/, (fig) discrimen nt. master n dominus m; (school) magister m; be ~
marigold n caltha/. of dominari in (abf); (skill) peritum esse
marine adj marinus ♦ n miles classicus m. (gen); become - of potiri (abf); be one's own
mariner n nauta m. ~ sui iuris esse; not ~ of impotens (gen); a
marital adj maritus, past - veterator m ♦ vt devincere; (skill)
maritime adj maritimus, ediscere; (passion) continere,
marjoram n amaracus m. masterful adj imperiosus,
mark n nota/; (of distinction) Insigne nt; (target) masterly adj doctus, peritus,
scopos m; (trace) vestigium nt; beside the - masterpiece n praeclarum opus nt.
nihil ad rem; it is the - of a wise man to mastery n dominatio/, imperium nt,
sapientis est (inf); be wide of the - errare ♦ arbitrium nt.
vt notare, designare; (observe) masticate vt mandere,
animadvertere, animum attendere; - out mastiff n Molossus m.
(s/te) metari, designare; (forpurpose) matn storea/.
denotare. match n (person) par m/f; (marriage) ndptiae fpl;
marked adj Insignis, manifestus, (contest) certamen nt; a - for par (dat); no -
markedly adv manifesto, for impar (dat) ♦ vt exaequare, adaequare ♦
marker n index m. vi congruere.
market n macellum nt; - day nilndinae fpl; ~ matchless adj singularis, finicus.
town emporium nt; cattle - forum boarium mate n socius m; (married) coniunx m/f ♦ vt
nt; fish ~ forum piscarium nt. coniungl.
ENGLISH-LAT1N 105 material-menace

material ad; corporeus; (significant) haud levis sit cognOscere; without - immoderate ♦ vt
♦ n materies/; (literary) silva/, metlii; - out dlmStlrl; (land) metfirl.
materialize vi evenire, measured adj moderatus,
materially adv magnopere, measureless ad; Infinitus, immensus.
maternal adj mdternus. measurement n mensura/,
mathematical adj mathematicus, meat n caro/.
mathematician n mathematicus m, mechanic n opifex m, faber m.
geometres m. mechanical adj mechanicus,
mathematics n ars mathematica/, numeri mechanical device machinatio/,
mpl. mechanics n machinalis scientia/,
matin adj matutinus, mechanism n machinatio/,
matricide n (act) matricidium nt; (person) medal n Insigne nt.
matricida m. meddle vi se interponere,
matrimony n matrimonium nt. meddlesome adj curiosus.
matrix n forma/, Medes n Midi mpl.
matron n matrona/. mediate vi intercedere; - between
matter n materia/, corpus nt; (affair) res f; (med) compOnere, conciliare,
pus nt; what is the ~ with you? quid tibl est? mediator n intercessor m, deprecator m.
vi: it -s interest, refert, medical adj medicus,
matting n storea/. medicate vt medicare,
mattock n dolabra/. medicinal adj medicus, salubris,
mattress n culcita/. medicine n (art) medicina/, (drug)
mature adj maturus; (age) adultus ♦ vi medicamentum nt.
maturescere. medicine chest n narthecium nt.
maturity n maturitas/; (age) adulta aetas/, mediocre adj mediocris,
maul n fistuca/ ♦ vt contundere, dilaniare, mediocrity n mediocritas/,
maw n ingluvies/, meditate vi meditari, cOgitare, secum
mawkish adj putidus, volutare.
mawkishly adv pfltide. meditation n cogitatio/, meditatio/.
maxim n dictum nt, praeceptum nt, sententia/, medium n internuntius m; (means) modus m ♦
maximum adj quam maximus, quam adj mediocris,
plurimus. medley n farragO/.
May n mensis Maius m; of - Maius, meek ad; mitis, placidus,
may vi posse; I ~ licet mihi, meekly adv summissO animo,
mayor n praefectus m. meet adj idOneus, aptus ♦ n conventus m ♦ vi
maze n labyrinthus m. convenire ♦ vt obviam Ire (dat), occurrere
mead n (drink) mulsum nt; (land) pratum nt. (dat); (fig) obire; - with invenire, excipere,
meagre adj exilis, ieiOnus. meeting n cOnsilium nt, conventus m.
meagrely adv exiliter, ieiune. melancholic adj melancholicus,
meagreness n exilitas/. melancholy n atra bilis/; tristitia/, maestitia/
meal n (flour) farina / (repast) cibus m. ♦ ad; tristis, maestus,
mealy-mouthed adj blandiloquus, melee n turba/, concursus m.
mean adj humilis, abiectus; (birth) ignobilis; mellow adj mitis; (wine) lenis; become ~
(average) medius, mediocris ♦ n modus m, mitescere; make - mitigare,
mediocritas/♦ vt dicere, significare; (word) mellowness n maturitas/.
valere; (intent) velle, in animo habere, melodious ad; canOrus, numerosus,
meander vi sinudsO cursQ fluere, melodiously adv numerOse.
meaning n significatio/, vis/, sententia/; melody n melos nt, modi mpl.
what is the - of? quid sibi vult?, quOrsum meltvt liquefacere, dissolvere; (fig) movere ♦
spectat?. vi liquescere, dissolvi; (fig) commoveri; -
meanly adv abiecte, humiliter, away deliquescere.
meanness n humilitas/; (conduct) illiberalitas member n membrum nt; (person) socius m.
/, avaritia /. membrane n membrana/.
means n Instrumentum nt; (of doing) facultas memento n monumentum nt.
f; (wealth) opes fpl; by - of per (acc); by all ~ memoir n commentarius m.
maxime; by no - nullo modO, haudquaquam; memorable adj memorabilis,
of small ~ pauper. commemorabilis,
meantime, meanwhile adv interea, interim. memorandum n hypomnema nt.
measles n boa/. memorial n monumentum nt.
measuren modus m, mensfira/ (rhythm) memorize vt ediscere,
numerl mpl; (plan) cOnsilium nt; (law) rogatiO memory n memoria/; from - memoriter,
/, lfix/; beyond ~ nimium; in some ~ aliqua ex menaee n minae fpl ♦ vt minari, minitari;
parte; take -s cOnsulere; take the ~ of qualis (things) imminere (dat).
menacing-millet 106 ENGL1SH-LATIN

menacing adj minax, mete vt metiri,

menacingly adv minaciter, meteor n fax caelestis/,
menage n familia/. meteorology n prognSstica ntpl.
mend vt sarcire, reficere ♦ vi meliOrem fieri; methinksvt: -1 am mihi videor esse,
_ (health) convalescere, method n ratio/, modus m.
mendacious ad; mendax, methodical adj dispositus; (person) diligens,
mendacity n mendacium nt. methodically adv disposite,
mendicant n mendicus m. meticulous ad; accuratus,
mendicity n mendicitas/, meticulously adv accurate,
menial adj servilis, famularis ♦ n servus m, meticulousness n cura/,
famulus m. metonymy n immutatio/,
menstrual adj menstruus, metre n numeri mpl, modi mpl.
mensuration n metiendi ratio/, metropolis n urbs/.
mental adj cogitationis, mentis, mettle n ferScitas/, virtus/,
mentality n animi adfectus m, mens/, mettlesome adj ferox, animosus,
mentally adv cogitatione, mente, mew n (bird) larus m; ~s pl stabula ntpl ♦ vi
mention n mentio/ ♦ vi memorare, vagire.
mentionem facere (gen); (casually) inicere; miasma n halitus m.
(briefly) attingere; omit to ~ praetermittere, mid adj medius ♦ prep inter (acc).
mentor n auctor m, praeceptor m. midday n meridies m ♦ ad; meridianus,
mercantile ad; mercatorius, middle adj medius ♦ n medium nt; in the ~
mercenary ad; mercennarius, vSnaiis ♦ n medius, in mediS; - of medius,
mercennarius miles m. middling adj mediocris,
merchandise n mercBsjpi. midge n culex m.
merchant n mercator m. midget n pumilio m/f.
merchantman n navis oneraria/, midland adj mediterraneus,
merchant ship n navis oneraria/, midnight n media nox/,
merciful adj misericors, clemens, midriff n praecordia ntpl.
mercifully adv clementer, midst n medium nt; in the - medius; in the - of
merciless ad; immisericors, inclemens, inter (acc); through the ~ of per medium,
inhumanus. midsummer n solstitium m ♦ adj sdlstitiaiis.
mercilessly adv inhumane, midway adv medius,
mercurial adj hilaris. midwife n obstetrix/,
mercy n misericordia/, clementia/, venia/; at midwinter n bruma/ ♦ adj brumalis,
the ~ of obnoxius (.dat), in manu (gen). mien n aspectus m, vultus m.
mere n lacus m ♦ adj merus, ipse, might n vis/, potentia/; with - and main
merely adv solum, tantum, dumtaxat, omnibus nervis, manibus pedibusque.
meretricious adj meretricius; ~ attractions mightily adv valde, magnopere,
lenocinia ntpl. mighty ad; ingens, validus,
merge vt confundere ♦ vi confundi, migrate vi abire, migrare,
meridianti meridies m ♦ ad; meridianus, migration n peregrinatis/.
merit n meritum nt, virtus/♦ vt mereri, migratory adj advena,
meritorious ad; laudabilis, mild adj mitis, lenis, clemens,
meritoriously adv optime, mildew n robigo/.
mermaid n nympha/, mildly adv leniter, clementer,
merrily adv hilare, festive, mildness n clementia/, mansuetudo/,
merriment n hilaritas/, festivitas/, (weather) caeli indulgentia/,
merry adj hilaris, festivus; make - ludere, mile n mille passfls mpl; ~s pl milia passuum,
merrymaking n ludus m, festivitas/, milestone n lapis m, miliarium m.
mesh n macula/. militant ad; ferox,
mess n (dirt) sordes/, squalor m; (trouble) military ad; militaris ♦ n milites mpl.
turba/ (food) cibus m; (mil) contubernales military service n militia/,
mpl. militate vi: - against repugnare (dat), facere
message n nuntius m. contra (acc).
messenger n nuntius m. militia n milites mpl.
messmate n contubernalis m. milk n lac nt ♦ vt mulgere.
metai n metallum nt ♦ adj ferreus, aereus. milk pail n mulctra/.
metamorphose vt mQtare, transformare. milky ad; lacteus,
metamorphosis n mOtatifi/. mill n pistrinum nt.
metaphor n translatid/. milled adj (coin) serratus,
metaphorical od; translatus. millennium n mille anni mpl.
metaphorically adv per translationem. miller n pistor m.
metaphysics n dialectica ntpl. millet n milium nt.
ENGL1SH-LAT1N 107 million-miss

million num decies centena milia ntpi. miryadj lutulentus.

millionaire n rex m. misadventure n Infortunium nt, casus m.
millstone n mola/, molaris m. misapply vt abuti (abi); (words) invertere,
mime n mimus m. misapprehend vt male intellegere,
mimic n imitator m, imitatrix/ ♦ vt imitari, misapprehension n error m.
mimicry n imitatio/, misappropriate vt intervertere,
minatory adj minax, misbegotten adj nothus,
minee vt concidere; not - words plane misbehave vi male se gerere,
aperteque dicere ♦ n minutal nt. miscalculate vi errare, falli,
mind n mens/, animus m, ingenium nt; miscalculation n error m.
(opinion) sententia/; (memory) memoria/; be miscall vt maledicere (dat).
in one's right ~ mentis suae esse; be of the miscarriage n abortus m; (fig) error m.
same ~ eadem sentire; be out of one's ~ miscarry vi aboriri; (fig) cadere, inritum esse,
Insanire; bear in - meminisse (.gen), miscellaneous adj promiscuus, varius,
memorem esse (gen); call to - memoria miscellany n farrago/.
repetere, recordari; have a - to libet; have in mischance n Infortunium nt.
~ in animO habere; put one's ~ to animum mischief n malum nt, facinus nt, maleficium nt;
applicare ad (+ acc); make up one's - (children) lascivia/.
animum indGcere, animo obstinare, mischievous adj improbus, maleficus;
statuere; put in - of admonere (gen); speak lascivus.
one's - sententiam suam aperire; to one's - misconceive vt male intellegere,
ex sententia ♦ vt curare, attendere; - one's misconception n error m.
own business suum negotium agere ♦ vi misconduct n delictum nt, culpa/.
gravari; I don't - nil moror; never - mitte, misconstruction n prava interpretatio/,
minded odj animatus, misconstrue vt male interpretari,
mindful adj memor. misereant n sceleratus m.
mine n metallum nt; (mil) cuniculus m; (fig) misdeed n maleficium nt, delictum nt.
thesaurus m ♦ vi fodere; (mil) cuniculum misdemeanour n peccatum nt, culpa/,
agere ♦ pron meus, miser n avarus m.
miner n fossor m. miserable adj miser, infelix; make oneself ~
mineral n metallum nt. se cruciare,
mingle vt miscere, commiscere ♦ vi se miserably adv misere,
immiscere. miserliness n avaritia/,
miniature n minima pictura/. miserly adj avarus,
minimize vt detrectare. misery n miseria/, aerumna/.
minimum n minimum nt ♦ adj quam minimus, misfortune n malum nt, Infortunium nt,
minion n cliens m/f; delicatus m. incommodum nt, res adversae fpl.
minister n administer m ♦ vi ministrare, misgiving n suspicio/, cura/; have ~s parum
servire. cOnfldere.
ministry n munus nt, officium nt. misgovern vt male regere,
minor adj minor ♦ n pupillus m, pupilla/, misgovemmentn prava administratio/,
minority n minor pars/, in one's - ndndum sui misguide vt fallere, decipere,
iflris. misguided adj demens,
Minotaur n Minotaurus m. mishap n Infortunium nt.
minstrel n fidicen m. misinform vt falsa docere,
minstrelsy n cantus m. misinterpret vt male interpretari,
mintn (piant) menta/, (money) Moneta/♦ vt misinterpretation n prava interpretatio/,
cQdere. misjudge vt male iudicare.
minute n temporis momentum nt. mislay vt amittere.
minute adj minOtus, exiguus, subtilis, mislead vt decipere, inducere, auferre,
minutely adv subtiliter, mismanage vt male gerere,
minuteness n exiguitas/, subtilitas/. misnomer n falsum nOmen nt.
minutiae n singula ntpl. misogyny n mulierum odium nt.
minx n lasciva/. misplace vt in alieno locO collocare,
miracle n miraculum nt, mOnstrum nt. misplaced adj (fig) vanus,
miraculous adj mirus, mirabilis, misprint n mendum nt.
miraculously adv divinitus, mispronounce vt prave appellare,
mirage n falsa species/, misquote vt perperam prOferre.
mire n lutum nt. misrepresent vt detorquere, invertere;
mirror n speculum nt ♦ vt reddere, (person) calumniari,
mirth n hilaritas/, laetitia/. misrepresentation n calumnia/,
mirthful adj hilaris, laetus, misrule n prava administratio/,
mirthfully adv hilare, laete. miss vt (aim) aberrare (abi); (loss) requirere,
misshapen-monthly 108 ENGL1SH-LAT1N

desiderare; (notice) praetermittere ♦ n error modest adj pudicus, verecundus,

m; (girl) virgo/. modestly adv verecunde, pudenter,
misshapen adj distortus, deformis, modesty n pudor m, verecundia/,
missile n telum nt. modicum n paullulum nt, aliquantulum nt.
missing adj absens; be - deesse, desiderari, modification n mutatio/,
mission n legatio/, modify vt immutare; (law) derogare aliquid
missive n litterae fpi. de.
misspend vt perdere, dissipare, modulate vt (voice) Inflectere.
misstatement n falsum nt, mendacium nt. modulation n flexio/, inclinatio/.
mist n nebula/, caligo/. moiety n dimidia pars/.
mistake n error m; (writing) mendum nt; full of moist adj umidus.
~s mendosus ♦ vt: ~ for habere pr5 (at>0; be moisten vt umectare, rigare.
-n errare, falli, moisture n umor m.
mistletoe n viscum nt. molar n genuinus m.
mistranslate vt prave reddere, mole n (animal) talpa/; (on skin) naevus m;
mistress n domina/; (school) magistra/; (pier) mOles/.
(lover) amica/ molecule n corpusculum nt.
mistrust n diffidentia/, suspicio/♦ vt molehill n: make a mountain out of a - e rivO
diffidere (dat). flumina magna facere, arcem facere 6
mistrustful adj diffidens, cloaca.
mistrustfully adv diffidenter, molest vt sollicitare, vexare.
misty adj nebulosus, molestation n vexatio/,
misunderstand vt male intellegere 4 vi mollify vt mollire, lenire,
errare. molten adj liquefactus,
misunderstanding n error m; (quarrel) moment n temporis momentum nt, temporis
discidium nt. punctum nt; for a ~ parumper; in a ~ iam;
misuse n malus usus m ♦ vt abuti (abi). without a ~'s delay nulla interposita mora;
mite n parvulus m; (insect) vermiculus m. be of great ~ magno mOmentO esse; it is of -
mitigate vt mitigare, lenire, interest.
mitigation n mitigatio/, momentary adj brevis,
mix vt miscere; - in admiscere; - together momentous adj gravis, magni mOmenti.
commiscere; get ~ed up with admisceri momentum n impetus m.
cum, se interponere (dat). monarch n rex m, tyrannus m.
mixed adj promiscuus, monarchical adj regius,
mixture n (act) temperatio/; (state) diversitas monarchy n regnum nt.
/ monastery n monasterium nt.
mnemonic n artificium memoriae nt. monetary adj pecuniarius,
moan n gemitus m ♦ vi gemere, money n pecunia/ (cash) nummi mpl; for ~
moatn fossa/. mercede; ready ~ nummi, praesens pecQnia;
mobn vulgus nt, turba/♦ vt circumfundi in make ~ rem facere, quaestum facere,
(acc). moneybag n fiscus m.
mobile adj mobilis, agilis, moneyed adj nummatus, pecuniosus,
mobility n mobilitas/, agilitas/, moneylender n faenerator m.
mobilize vt (mil) Ovocare. moneymaking n quaestus m.
mock vt irridere, lfidibriO habere, ludificari; mongoose n ichneumon m.
(ape) imitari; - at inlQdere ♦ n ludibrium nt 4 mongrel n hibrida m.
adj simulatus, fletus, monitor n admonitor m.
mocker n derisor m. monk n monachus m.
mockery n ludibrium nt, irrisus m. monkey n simia/
mode n modus m, ratio/, monograph n libellus m.
model n exemplar nt, exemplum nt 4 vt monologue n oratio/
fingere. monopolize vt absorbere, sibi vindicare,
modeller n fictor m. monopoly n arbitrium nt.
moderate adj (size) modicus; (conduct) monosyllabic adj monosyllabus.
moderatus 4 vt temperare; (emotion) monosyllable n monosyllabum nt.
temperare (dat) 4 vi mitigari, monotonous adj aequabilis,
moderately adv modice, moderate, monotony n taedium nt.
mediocriter. monster n mCnstrum nt, portentum nt, belua/,
moderation n moderatio/, modus m; (mean) monstrosity n mOnstrum nt.
mediocritas/ monstrous adj immanis, mOnstrubsus;
moderator n praefectus m. improbus,
modern adj recens, month n mensis m.
modernity n haec aetas/ monthly adj menstruus.
E NGLISH-LATIN 109 monument-movement

monument n monumentum nt. mosquito net n conopeum nt.

monumental adj ingens. moss n muscus m.
mood n adfectio/, adfectus m, animus m; mossy adj muscosus.
(gram) modus m; I am in the - for libet (inf). most adj plurimus, pierusque; for the - part
moody adj mSrosus, tristis, maximam partem ♦ adv maxime, plurimum,
moon n luna/; new ~ interlunium nt. mostly adv plerumque, fere,
moonlight n: by ~ ad lunam, mote n corpusculum nt.
moonshine n somnia ntpi. moth n tinea/.
moonstruck adj lunaticus, mother n mater/; of a ~ maternus,
moorvt religare ♦ n tesqua ntpi. mother-in-law n socrus/,
moorings n ancorae/pl. motherless adj matre orbus,
moot n conventus m; it is a - point discrepat ♦ motherly adj maternus,
vt iactare. mother tongue n patrius sermo m.
mop n peniculus m ♦ vt detergere, mother wit n Minerva/,
mope vi maerere. motif n argumentum nt.
moral adj honestus, probus; (opposed to motion n motus m; (forlaw) rogatio/; (in
physical) animi; (philos) moralis ♦ n debate) sententia/, propose a ~ ferre; set in -
documentum nt. movere ♦ vt innuere,
morale n animus m; ~ is low iacet animus. motionless adj immdbilis.
morality n boni mOres mpi, virtQs /. motive n causa/, ratio/; i know your - in
moralize vi de officiis disserere. asking scio cur rogas,
morally odv honeste. motley adj versicolor, varius,
morals npi mores mpi. mottled adj maculosus,
morass n palus/. motto n sententia/.
moratorium n mora/. mould n forma/; (soil) humus/; (fungus)
morbid adj aeger. mucor m ♦ vt fingere, formare,
mordant adj mordax. moulder vi putrescere ♦ n fictor m.
more adj plus, pluris (in sg + gen, in pl + adf) ♦ mouldering adj puter,
adv plus, magis, amplius; (extra) ultra; - than mouldinessn situs m.
amplius quam; - than three feet amplius tres mouldy adj mucidus,
pedes; - and - magis magisque; never - moult vi pennas exuere,
immo; - or less fere; no ~ (time) n6n diutius, mound n agger m, tumulus m.
nunquam postea. mount n mons m; (horse) equus m ♦ vt
moreover adv tamen, autem, praeterea, scandere, conscendere, ascendere ♦ vi
moribund adj moribundus, ascendere; ~ up escendere,
morning n mane nt; early in the - bene mane; mountain n mons m.
this - hodie mane; good - salve ♦ adj mountaineer n montanus m.
matfltlnus. mountainous adj montudsus.
morning call n salutatio/, mourn vi maerere, lugere ♦ vt deflere,
morning watch n (naut) tertia vigilia/, lugSre
moron n socors m. mourner n plorator m; (hired) praefica/,
morose adj acerbus, tristis, mournful adj (cause) luctuosus, acerbus;
moroseness n acerbitas/, tristitia/, (sound) lflgubris, maestus,
morrow n posterus dies m; on the - posterd mournfully adv maeste,
die, postridie, mourning n maeror nt, luctus m; (dress)
morsel n offa/. sordes/pl; in - funestus; be in ~ lugere; put
mortal adj mortalis, hflmanus; (wound) on - vestem mutare, sordes suscipere;
mortifer ♦ n mortalis m/f, home m/f\ poor - wearing - atratus,
homunculus m. mouse n mus m.
mortality n mortalitas/; (death) mors/; the ~ mousetrap n muscipulum nt.
was high plurimi perierunt, mouth n os nt; (river) ostium nt.
mortally adv: be ~ wounded mortiferum mouthful n bucca/.
vulnus accipere, mouthpiece n interpres m.
mortar n mortarium nt. movable adj mSbilis ♦ npi: ~s res fpi, supellex
mortgage n pignus nt, fiducia/ ♦ vt obligare, /•
mortification n dolor m, angor m. move vt movere; (emotion) commovere; -
mortified adj: be - at aegre ferre, backwards and forwards reciprocare; - out
mortify vt mordere, vexare; (lust) coercere ♦ of the way demovere; - up admovere ♦ vi
vi putrescere, moveri; (residence) demigrare; (proposal)
mortise vt immittere, ferre, censere; ~ into immigrare in (acc); ~
mosaic n emblema nt, lapilli mpi ♦ adj on progredi.
tessellatus, movement n motus m; (process) cursus m;
mosquito n culex m. (society) societas/.
mover-name 110 ENGLISH-LATIN

mover n auctor m. conventus m; (review) recensio/.

moving adj flebilis, flexanimus, muster roll n album nt.
mow vt secare, demetere, mustiness n situs m.
mower n faenisex m. musty ad; mGcidus.
much adj multus ♦ adv multum; (with compar) mutability n inconstantia/,
multo; as ~ as tantum quantum; so ~ tantum; mutable ad; inconstans, mutabilis,
(with verbs) adeo; - less nedum; too - nimis ♦ mute ad; mutus,
n multum nt. mutilate vt mutilare, truncare,
muck n stercus nt. mutilated ad; mutilus, truncus,
mud n lutum nt. mutilation n laceratio/,
muddle n turba/♦ vt turbare, mutineer n seditiosus m.
muffle vt involvere; - up obvolvere, mutinous ad; seditiosus,
muffled adj surdus, mutiny n seditio/ ♦ vi seditionem facere,
mug n poculum nt. mutter vi mussitare,
mulberry n morum nt; (free) morus/, mutton n caro ovilla/,
mulen mulus m. mutual adj mutuus,
muleteer n mulio m. mutually adv mutuO, inter se.
mulish adj obstinatus, muzzle n Os nt, rostrum nt; (guard) fiscella/ ♦ vt
mullet n mullus m. fiscella capistrare,
multifarious ad; multiplex, varius, my ad; meus.
multiform adj multiformis, myriad n decem milia; (any large no.) sOscentl.
multiply vt multiplicare ♦ vi crOscere. myrmidon n satelles m.
multitude n multitudo/, myrrh n murra /.
multitudinous ad; creberrimus, myrtle n myrtus/ ♦ adj myrteus.
mumble vt (words) opprimere ♦ vi myrtle grove n myrtetum nt.
murmurare, myself pron ipse, egomet; (reflexive) me.
munch vt manducare, mysterious adj arcanus, occultus.
mundane adj terrestris, mysteriously adv occulte.
municipal adj municipalis, mystery n arcanum nt; (rites) mysteria ntpi;
municipality n municipium nt. (fig) latebra/,
munificence n largitas/, mystic adj mysticus,
munificent adj largus, munificus, mystical adj mysticus,
munificently odv munifice, mystification n fraus/, ambages/pi.
munitions n belli adparatus m. mystify vt fraudare, confundere,
mural adj muralis. myth n fabula/,
murder n parricidium nt, caedes/) charge with mythical ad; fabulosus,
~ inter sicarios accusare; trial for ~ quaestio mythology n fabulae fpi.
inter sicarios ♦ vt interficere, iugulare,
murderer n sicarius m, homicida m, parricida
m,percussor m.
murderess n interfectrix/,
murderous adj cruentus,
murky adj tenebrosus.
murmur n murmur nt; (angry) fremitus m ♦ vi
murmurare; fremere,
murmuring n admurmuratio/,
muscle n torus m.
muscular ad; lacertosus, nabob n rex m.
muse vi meditari ♦ n Musa/, nadir n fundus m.
mushroom n fungus m, boletus m. nag n caballus m ♦ vt obiurgltare.
music n (art) musica/; (sound) cantus m, modi naiad n naias/.
mpl. nail n clavus m; (finger) unguis m; hit the ~ on
musical ad; (person) musicus; (sound) the head rem acu tangere ♦ vt clavis
can6rus. adflgere.
musician n musicus m; (strings) fidicen m; naive ad; simplex,
(wind) tibicen m. naively adv simpliciter,
muslin n sindon/. naivete n simplicitas/.
must n (wine) mustum nt ♦ vi debere; I - go me naked adj nudus,
oportet Ire, mihi eundum est. nakedly adv aperte.
mustard n sinapi nt. name n nOmen nt; (repute) existimatio/, (term)
muster vt convocare, c6gere; (review) vocabulum nt; by - nOmine; have a bad -
recensere ♦ vi convenire, coire ♦ n male audire; have a good - bene audire; in
ENGL1SH-LATIN 111 nameless-nephew

the - of verbis (gen); (oath) per ♦ vt (acc), ad (acc); lie - adiacere (dat) ♦ vt
appellare, vocare, nfiminare; (appoint) adpropinqudre (dat).
dicer e. nearby adj iuxta.
nameless adj nominis expers, sine nomine, nearer adj propior,
namely adv nempe, died, nearest adj proximus,
namesake n gentilis m/f. nearly adv paene, prope, ferme.
nanny goat n capra/, neat adj nitidus, mundus, concinnus; (wine)
nap n brevis somnus m; (cloth) villus nt. purus.
napkin n linteum nt. neatly adv munde, concinne.
narcissus n narcissus m. neatness n munditia/.
narcotic adj somnifer, nebulous adj nebuldsus; (fig) incertus.
nard n nardus /. necessaries n res ad vivendum necessariae
narrate vt narrare, enarrare, fpl.
narration n narratio/. necessarily adv necessario, necesse.
narrative n fabula/, necessary adj necessarius, necesse; it is ~
narrator n narrator m. oportet (+ acc and infin or gerundive ofvt).
narrow adj angustus ♦ vt coartare ♦ vi necessitate vt cogere (inf), efficere ut (subf).
coartari. necessitous adj egdnus, pauper,
narrowly odv aegre, vix. necessity n necessitas f; (thing) rds necessaria
narrowness n angustiae fpl. f, (want) paupertas/, egestas/,
narrows n angustiae fpi. neck n collum nt.
nasal adj narium. neckcloth n focale nt.
nascent adj nascens. necklace n monile m, torquis m.
nastily adv foedS. nectar n nectar nt.
nastiness n foeditas/. need n (necessity) necessitas/, (want) egestas/,
nasty adj foedus, taeter, impurus. inopia/, indigentia/; there is - of opus est
natal adj natalis. (abf); there is no - to nihil est quod, cur (subf)
nation n populus m; (foreign) gens/, ♦ vt egere (abf), carere, indigere (abf); I -
national adj publicus, civilis; (affairs) opus est mihl (abf).
domesticus. needful adj necessarius,
nationality n civitas/. needle n acus/,
native adj indigena; (speech) patrius ♦ n incola needless adj vanus, inutilis,
m, indigena m/f. needlessly adv frustra, sine causa,
native land n patria/. needs adv necesse ♦ npi necessitates fpl.
nativity n ortus m. needy adj egens, inops, pauper,
natural adj natQralis; (innate) nativus, nefarious adj nefarius, scelestus,
genuinus, Insitus, negation n negatio/, Infitiatio/,
naturalization n civitas/. negative adj negans ♦ n negatio/; answer in
naturalize vt civitate ddnare. the ~ negare ♦ vt vetare, contradicere (dat).
naturalized adj (person) civitate donatus; neglect n neglegentia/, incuria/; (of duty)
(thing) Insitus. derelictio/♦ vt neglegere, Omittere,
naturally adv naturaliter, secundum nataram; neglectful adj neglegens, immemor.
(of course) scilicet, certe, negligence n neglegentia/, incuria/,
nature n natQra/; rerum natura/, (character) negligent adj neglegens, indiligens,
indoles/, ingenium nt; (species) genus nt; negligently adv neglegenter, indiligenter,
course of - natura/; I know the - of scid negligible adj levissimus, minimi momenti,
qualis sit. negotiate vi agere da ♦ vt (deaf) peragere;
naught n nihil nt; set at - parvi facere, (difficulty) superare,
naughty adj improbus, negotiation n actio/, pactum nt.
nausea n nausea/; (fig) fastidium nt. negotiator n legatus m, conciliator m.
nauseate vt fastidium movere (dat); be ~d negro n Aethiops m.
with fastidire, neigh vi hinnire.
nauseous adj taeter, neighbour n vicinus m, finitimus m.
nautical adj nauticus, maritimus, neighbourhood n vicinia/, vicinitas/,
naval adj navalis, neighbouring adj vicinus, finitimus,
navel n umbilicus m. propinquus.
navigable adj navigabilis, neighbourly ad; humanus, amicus,
navigate vt, vi navigare. neighing n hinnitus m.
navigation n r6s nautica/, (sailing) navigatio/. neither adv neque, nec; neve, neu ♦ pron
navigator n nauta m, gubernator m. neuter ♦ adj neuter, neutra, neutrum (like
navy n classis/, cdpiae navaids/pi. alter); - ... nor nec/neque ... nec/neque.
nay adv non; - more immo. neophyte n tiro m.
near adv prope ♦ adj propinquus ♦ prep prope nephew n fratris filius m, sorOris filius m.
Nereid-normally 112 ENGLISH-LATIN

Nereid n Nereis / nineteen num undeviginti; - each QndevIcCnl;

nerve n nervus m; (fig) audacia/; -* pi pavor m, ~ times deciens et noviens,
trepidatio/; have the ~ to audere ♦ vt nineteenth adj Gnd6vlcesimus.
cOnfirmare. ninetieth adj nonagesimus,
nervous ad; diffidens, sollicitus, trepidus. ninety num nOnaginta; ~ each nOnagenl; -
nervously adv trepide. times nOnagiOns.
nervousness n sollicitude/, diffidentia/. ninth adj nCnus.
nest n nidus m ♦ vi nidificare. nip vt vellicare; (frost) Grere.
nestle vi recubare. nippers n forceps m.
nestling n pullus m. nipple n papilla/
net n rete nt ♦ vt inretlre. no adv nOn; (correcting) immo; say - negare ♦
nether adj Inferior. adj nullus.
nethermost adj Infimus, Imus. nobility n nobilitas/, (persons) optimates mpi,
netting n reticulum nt. nObiles mpl.
nettle n urtica/ ♦ vt inrltare, urere. noble adj nobilis; (birth) generOsus;
neuter adj neuter. (appearance) decOrus.
neutral adj medius; be ~ neutri parti se nobleman n princeps m, optimas m.
adiungere, medium se gerere,
nobly adv nobiliter, praeclare,
neutralize vt compensare, nobody n nemo m.
never adv nunquam.
nocturnal adj nocturnus,
nevertheless adv nihilfiminus, at tamen,
nod n nutus m ♦ vi nutare; (sign) adnuere;
new adj novus, integer, recens,
(sleep) dormitare,
newcomer n advena m/f.
noddle n caput nt.
newfangled adj novus, inauditus,
node n nodus m.
newly adv nGper, modo,
newness n novitas/. noise n strepitus m, sonitus m; (loud) fragor m;
news n nuntius m; what -? quid novi?; - was make a - increpare, strepere ♦ vt: - abroad
evulgare; be ~d abroad percrebrescere,
brought that nuntiatum est (+ acc and infin).
noiseless adj tacitus,
newspaper n acta diQrna/pQblica ntpl.
newt n lacerta/. noiselessly adv tacite,
next ad; proximus; (time) Insequens ♦ adv noisily adv cum strepitG.
deinde, deinceps; ~ day postridie; - to iuxta;
noisomeadj taeter, gravis,
coma - to excipere, noisy ad; ciamOsus.
nibble vi rOdere. nomadic ad; vagus,
nice adj bellus, dulcis; (exact) accQratus; nomenclature n vocabula ntpl.
(particular) fastidiosus, nominally adv nOmine, verbO.
nicely adv belle, probe, nominate vt nOminare, dicere; (in writing)
nicety n subtilitas/, scribere.
niche n aedicula/. nomination n nOminatiO/
nick n: in the ~ of time in ipsO articulo nominative adj nominativus,
temporis. nominee n nOminatus m.
nickname n cognOmen nt. nonappearance n absentia /
niece n fratris filia/, sorOris filia/, nonce n: for the ~ semel,
niggardliness n illiberalitas/, avaritia/, nonchalance n aequus animus m.
niggardly ad; illiberalis, parcus, avarus, nonchalantly adv aequo animO.
nigh adv prope. noncombatant adj imbellis,
night n nox/, by ~ noctO; ali - pernox; spend noncommittal adj circumspectus,
the - pernoctare; be awake all - pervigilare nondescript adj Insolitus,
♦ adj nocturnus, none adj nullus ♦ pron nemS m.
night bird n noctua/. nonentity n nihil nt, nullus m.
nightfall n primae tenebrae fpl; at - sub nones n NOnae fpl.
noctem. nonexistent adj qul nOn est.
nightingale n luscinia/ nonplus vt ad incitas redigere,
nightly adj nocturnus ♦ adv noctu, nonresistahce n patientia/
nightmare n incubus m. nonsense n nGgaefpi, ineptiae fpl.
night work n IGcubratiO/. nonsensical adj ineptus, absurdus,
nimble ad; agilis, pernix, nookn angulus m.
nimbleness n agilitas/ pernicitas/ (mind) noon n meridies m ♦ ad; meridianus.
argutiae fpl. no one pron nemd m(for gen/abl use nullus).
nimbly adv perniciter, noose n laqueus m.
nine num novem; - each novOnl; - times nor adv neque, nec; nfeve, neu.
novifins; - days' novendialis, norm n n6rma/
nine hundred num nOngentl. normal ad; solitus.
nine hundredth adj nOngentOsimus. normally adv plerumque.
ENGLISH-LATIN 113 north-oath

north n septentriones mpi ♦ ad; November n mensis November m; of -

septentrionalis. November,
northeast adv inter septentriones et novice n tlrO m.
orientem. now adv nunc; (past) iam; ~ and then
northerly adj septentrionalis, interdum; just - nunc; (lately) dudum, modo;
northern adj septentrionalis. - ... - modo ... modo ♦ conj at, autem,
North Pole n arctos /. nowadays adv nunc, hodie,
northwards adv ad septentriones versus, nowhere adv nusquam,
northwest adv inter septentriones et nowise adv nullo modo, haudquaquam.
occidentem ♦ adj: ~ wind Corus m. noxious ad; nocens, noxius,
north wind n aquilo m. nuance n color m.
nose n nasus m, nares /pi; blow the ~ nucleus n semen nt.
Omungere; lead by the - labiis ductare ♦ vi nude ad; nudus,
nudge vt fodicare,
nostril n naris /.
nudity n nudatum corpus nt.
not adv non, haud; ~ at all haudquaquam; - as if nugget n massa/.
nuisance n malum nt, incommodum nt.
nOn quod, non quo; ~ but what nOn quin; -
null adj inritus.
even ne ... quidem; - so very non ita; - that nullify vt inritum facere; (law) abrogare,
non quo; and - neque; does did - (interrog) numb adj torpens, torpidus; be - torpere;
nonne; if... - nisi; that ~ (purpose) ne; (fear) become - torpescere,
ne non; - long after haud multo post; - only number n numerus m; a - of complures,
... but also non modo/solum ... sed etiam; - aliquot; a great ~ multitudo/, frequentia/, a
yet nondum. small ~ Infrequentia/ in large -s frequentes
notability n vir praeclarus m. ♦ vt numerare, enumerare,
notable adj Insignis, Insignitus, memorabilis, numberless adj innumerabilis,
notably adv Insignite, numbness n torpor m.
notary n scriba m. numerous ad; frequens, creber, plurimi,
notation n notae fpl. nun n monacha/.
notch n incisura/ ♦ vt incidere, nuptial adj nuptialis,
note n (mark) nota/; (comment) adnotatiS/; nuptials n nuptiae fpl.
(letter) litterulae fpl; (souncf) vox/; make a - of nurse n nutrix/ ♦ vt (child) nutrire; (sick)
in commentarios referre ♦ vt notare; curare; (fig) fovere.
(observe) animadvertere, nursery n (children) cubiculum nt; (plants)
notebook n pugillares mpi. seminarium nt.
noted adj Insignis, praeclarus, notus, nursling n alumnus m, alumna/,
noteworthy ad; memorabilis, nurture n educatio/,
nothing n nihil, nil nt; - but merus, nil nisi; nutnnux/.
come to - in inritum cadere; for - frustra; nutrition n alimenta ntpi.
(gift) gratis, gratuito; good for - nequam; nutritious ad; salGbris.
think ~ of nihili facere. nutshell n putamen nt.
noticen (official) proscriptio/, (private) libellus nut tree n nux/,
m; attract ~ conspici; escape - latere; escape nymph n nympha/.
the - of fallere; give - of denuntiare; take ~
of animadvertere ♦ vt animadvertere,
noticeable adj conspicuus, Insignis,
noticeably adv Insignite,
notification n denuntiatio/,
notify vt (event) denuntiare, indicare; (person)
renuntiare (dat), certiorem facere,
notion n nOtiO/, InfOrmatio/ suspicio/,
notoriety n Infamia/,
notorious adj famOsus, Infamis; (thing)
notoriously adv manifesto, O inter; 6!
notwithstanding adv nihilominus, tamen oafn agrestis m.
♦ prep: - the danger in tanto discrimine, oak n quercusf, (evergreen) Hex/; (timber)
nought n nihil, nil nt. rflbur nt ♦ adj quernus, Ilignus, roboreus; ~
noun n nOmen nt. forest quercetum nt.
nourish vt alere, nQtrlre. oakum n stuppa/,
nourisher n altor m, altrix/. oarn remus m.
nourishment n cibus m, alimenta ntpi. oarsman n remex m.
novel adj novus, inauditus ♦ n fabella/, oaten adj avenaceus.
novelty n res nova/, novitas /, Insolentia/. oath n iusiurandum nt; (mil) sacramentum nt;
oats-odium 114 ENGLISH-LATIN

(imprecation) exsecratio/; false - periflrium observation n observatio/, animadversio/

fit; take an - iurare; take an - of allegiance to (remark) dictum nt.
in verba iurare (gen), observe vt animadvertere, contemplari; (see)
oats n avena/. cernere, cOnspicere; (remark) dicere; (adhere
obduracy n obstinatus animus m. to) conservare, observare,
obdurate ad; obstinatus, pervicax, observer n spectator m, contemplator m.
obdurately adv obstinata, obsess vt occupare; I am ~ed by totus sum in
obedience n oboedientia/, obsequium nt. (abf). ■
obedient ad; oboediens, obsequens; be ~ to obsession n studium nt.
pSrere (dat), obtemperare (dat), obsequi obsolescent adj: be - obsolescere,
(dat). obsolete adj obsoletus; become - exolescere,
obediently adv oboedienter, obstacle n impedimentum nt, mora/,
obeisance n obsequium nt; make ~ to addrare. obstinacy n pertinacia/, obstinatus animus m.
obelisk n obeliscus m. obstinate adj pertinax, obstinatus,
obese ad; obesus, pinguis, obstinately adv obstinato animO.
obesity n obesitas/, pinguitudo/. obstreperous ad; ciamSsus, ferus,
obey vt parere (dat), obtemperare (dat), obstruet vt impedire, obstruere, obstare (dat);
oboedire (dat); ~ orders dicta parere, (pol) intercedere (dat); (fig) officere (dat).
obituary n mortes/pi. obstruction n impedimentum nt; (pol)
object n res/, (aim) finis m, prQpositum nt; be intercessio/
an ~ of hate odio esse; with what - quo obstructionist n intercessor m.
cOnsilio ♦ vi recusare, gravari; but, it is ~ed obtain vt adipisci, nancisci, consequi;
at enim; - to improbare, comparare; (by request) impetrare ♦ vt
objection n recusatio/, mora/; I have no - nil tenere, obtinere.
moror. obtrude vt se inculcare ♦ vt ingerere,
objectionable adj invisus, iniucundus. obtrusive adj importunus, molestus,
objective ad; externus ♦ n propositum nt, finis obtuse adj hebes, stolidus,
m. obtusely adv stolide,
objurgate vt obiurgare, culpare, obtuseness n stupor m.
oblation n donum nt. obverse adj obversus,
obligation n (legal) debitum nt; (moral) obviate vt tollere, praevertere,
officium nt; lay under an ~ obligare, obvious ad; evidens, manifestus, apertus; it is
obstringere. - apparet.
obligatory adj debitus, necessarius, obviously adv evidenter, aperte, manifesto,
oblige vt (force) cOgere; (contract) obligare, occasion n occasio/, locus m; (reason) causa/
obstringere; (compliance) morem gerere ♦ vt movere, facessere, auctorem esse (gen).
(dat), morigerari (dat); I am ~d to (action) occasional adj fortuitus,
debeo (inf); (person) amare, gratiam habere occasionally adv interdum, nonnunquam.
(dat). Occidental adj occidentalis,
obliging adj cOmis, officiosus, occult ad; arcanus,
obligingly adv cOmiter, officiose, occupancy n possessio/.
oblique ad; obliquus, occupant n habitator m, possessor m.
obliquely adv oblique, occupation n quaestus m, occupatio/,
obliquity n (mora!) pravitas/, occupier n possessor m.
obliterate vt dfilere, oblitterare, occupy vt possidere; (mil) occupare; (space)
obliteration n litura/, complere; (attention) distinere, occupare,
oblivion n oblivie/, occur vi evenire, accidere; (to mind)
oblivious ad; obliviosus, immemor. occurrere, in mentem venire,
oblong ad; oblongus, occurrence n eventum nt; res/,
obloquy n vituperatio/, opprobrium nt. ocean n mare nt, Oceanus m.
obnoxious ad; invisus, October n mensis October m; of - October,
obscene ad; obscaenus, impurus, ocular ad; oculOrum; give - proof of ante
obscenity n obscaenitas/, impuritas/, oculOs pOnere, videnti demonstrare,
obscure ad; obsciirus, caecus ♦ vt obscQrare, odd ad; (number) impar; (moment) subseclvus;
officere (dat). (appearance) novus, Insolitus,
obscurely adv obscQre; (speech) per ambages, oddity n novitas/ (person) homO ridiculus m.
obscurity n obscQritas/; (speech) ambages fpl. oddly adv mlrum in modum,
obsequies n exsequiae fpl. odds n praestantia/ be at - with dissidere
obsequious ad; officiosus, ambitiosus, cum; the - are against us impares sumus; the
obsequiously adv officiose, ~ are in our favour superiOrOs sumus,
obsequiousness n adsentatiO/. ode n carmen nt.
observance n observantia/ (rite) ritus m. odious ad; invisus, odiosus,
observant ad; attentus, diligens. odium n invidia/.
ENGUSH-LATIN 115 odorous-open air

odorous ad; odoratus, Olympiad n Olympias/.

odournodorm. Olympie ad; Olympicus; win an - victory
of prep gen; (origin) ex, dg; (cause) ab 1; all - us Olympia vincere.
n6s omnes; the city - Rome urbs Roma, Olympie Games n Olympia ntpi.
off adv procul; (prefix) ab-; - and on interdum; omen n Omen nt, auspicium nt; announce a bad
~ with you aufer tg; come - gvadere; well ~ - obnuntiare; obtain favourable ~s litare,
beatus; well - for abundans (abf). ominous ad; Infaustus, minax,
offal n quisquiliae fpi. omission n praetermissio/, neglegentia/,
offence n offgnsig/, (legal) dglictum nt; omit vt Omittere, praetermittere,
commit an ~ delinquere, omnipotence n Infinita potestas/,
offend vt laedere, offendere; be ~ed aegre omnipotent adj omnipotgns.
ferre ♦ vi delinquere; - against peccare in on prep (place) in (abl), in- (prefix); (time) abl;
(acc), violare, (coast of) ad (acc); (subject) dg (abf); (side) ab
offender n reus m. (abf) ♦ adv porrO, usque; and so - ac
offensive ad; odiosus; (smelf) gravis; deinceps; ~ hearing the news nflntiO acceptO;
(language) contumglidsus; take the ~ bellum ~ equal terms (in battle) aequO Marte; - the
Inferre. following day posterO/proximO dig;
offensively adv odiose; graviter, postrldig; - this side of citra (+ acc).
offer vt offerre, dare, praebgre; (hand) once adv semel; (past) Olim, quondam; at -
porrigere; (violence) adferre; (honour) extemplo, statim; (together) simul; for ~
dgferre; (with verb) profitgrl, pollicgrl ♦ n aliquando; - and for all semel; - more dgnuO,
condicig f; ~ for sale venditare, iterum; ~ upon a time Olim, quondam,
offering n donum nt; (to the dead) Inferiae/pl. one num unus ♦ pron quidam; (of two) alter,
off-hand ad; neglegens, incuriosus, altera, alterum; - and the same unus; ~
office n (pol) magistratus m, munus nt, honos another inter sg, alius alium; - or the other
m; (kindness) officium nt; (place) mSnsa/.
alteruter; - day Olim; - each singuli; ~ would
officer n praefectus m; legatus m. have thought ergdergs; be - of in numerO
esse (gen); be at - idem sentire; it is all -
official adj publicus ♦ n adiutor m, minister m.
nihil interest; the - alter, hie; this is the -
officially adv publicg.
hOc illud est.
officiate vi operari, officio fungi,
one-eyed ad; luscus,
officious adj molestus,
oneness n unitas/,
officiously adv molests,
onerous ad; gravis,
officiousness n occursatio/.
oneself pron ipse; (reflexive) sg.
offing n: in the - procul, one-sided ad; inaequalis, iniquus,
offset vt compSnsare. onion n caepe nt.
offspring n prOgeniSs/, liberi mpi; (animal) onlooker n spectator m.
fgtus m. only ad; Onus, sOlus; (son) unicus ♦ adv sOlum,
often adv saepe, saepenumerO; as - as tantum, modo; (with clause) nOn nisi, nil nisi,
quotiSns; totiSs ... quotiSs; how -? nihil aliud quam; (time) dgmum; if - si modo;
quotiSns?; so - totiens; very - persaepe, (wish) utinam.
ogle vi; - at limis oculis intueri, onrush n incursus m.
ogre n monstrum nt. onset n impetus m.
oh inter; (Joy, surprise) Oh!; (sorrow) prO! onslaught n incursus m; make an - on (words)
oil n oleum nt ♦ vt ungere, invehi in (acc),
oily ad; oleOsus. onto prep in (+ acc).
ointment n unguentum nt. onusn officium nt.
old ad; (person) senex; (thing) vetus; (ancient) onward, onwards adv porrO.
antiquus, priscus; - age senectus/; be ten onyxnonyx m.
years - decem annOs habere; ten years - ooze vi manare, stillare,
decem annOs natus; two years - bimus; good opaque adj haud perlucidus,
- antiquus; good - days antiquitas/; grow ~ open adj apertus; (wide) patens, hians;
sengscere; of - quondam, (ground) pOrus, apertus; (question) integer;
olden adj priscus, pristinus, lie ~ patere; stand - hiare; throw -
older ad; natu maior, senior, adaperire, patefacere; it is ~ to me to mihl
oldest ad; nata maximus, integrum est (inf); while the question is still -
old-fashioned ad; antiquus, obsolgtus. rg integra ♦ vt aperire, patefacere; (book)
old man n senex m. gvolvere; (letter) resolvere; (speech)
oldness n vetustas/. exordiri; (with ceremony) inaugurare; (will)
old woman n anus/. resignare ♦ vt aperiri, hiscere; (sore)
oligarchy n paucOrum dominatio/, recrQdescere; - out extendere, pandere; -
optimatium factiO/. up (country) aperire,
olive n olea/; - orchard ollvgtum nt. open airn: in the ~ sub dlvo.
open-handed-ostrich 116 ENGL1SH-LATIN

open-handed adj largus, munificus, ordain vt edicere, sancire,

open-handedness n largitas /. ordeal n labor m.
open-hearted adj ingenuus, order n (arrangement) 6rd8 m; (class) OrdO m;
opening n forfimen nt, hiatus m; (ceremony) (battle) acies/ (command) iussum nt,
cOnsecratiO/; (opportunity) occfisid/, ansa/ imperium nt; (money) perscriptio/ in -
♦ adj primus. dispositus; (succession) deinceps; in - that/to
openly adv palam, aperta, ut (+ sub/); in - that not ne (+ subj); put in -
open-mouthed adj: stand - at inhiare, disponere, ordinare; by - of iussu (gen); out
operate vi rem gerere ♦ vt movere, of - incompositus; without -s from iniussQ
operation n opus nt, actio/; (meo) sectio/. (gen) ♦ vt (arrange) disponere, Ordinare;
operative adj efficax, (command) iubere (+ acc and infin), imperfire
ophthalmia n lippitudo/, (dat and ut/ne +subj~).
opiate adj somnifer, orderly adj Ordinatus; (conduct) modestus ♦ n
opine vi opinari, existimare, accensus m.
opinion n sententia/, (of person) existimatio/ ordinance n edictum nt, institutum nt.
public - fama /; in my ~ meO iudiciO, meo ordinarily adv plerumque, fere.
animo. ordinary adj usitatus, solitus, cottidianus.
opponent n adversarius m, hostis m. ordnance n tormenta ntpi.
opportune adj opportunus, tempestivus, ordure n stercus m.
opportunely adv opportune, ore n aes nt; iron - ferrum Infectum nt.
opportunity n occasio/; (fo act) facultas/; Oread n (myth) Oreas/.
potestas /. organ n (bodily) membrum nt; (musical)
oppose vt (barrier) obicere; (contrast) organum nt, hydraulus m.
oppOnere ♦ vi adversari (dat), resistere (dat),
organic adj naturalis,
obstare (dat); be ~d to adversari (dat);
organically adv naturS.
(opinion) diversum esse ab.
organization n Ordinatio/, structura/.
opposite adj (facing) adversus; (contrary)
organize vt Ordinare, Instituere, adparare.
contrarius, diversus ♦ prep contra (acc),
orgies n orgia ntpi.
adversus (acc); directly - e regione (gen)
orgy n comissatio/.
♦ adv ex adverso.
orient n oriens m.
opposition n repugnantia/ (party) factio
oriental adj Asiaticus,
adversa /.
orifice n Ostium nt.
oppress vt opprimere, adfllgere; (burden)
origin n orlgO/, principium nt; (source) fOns m;
premere, onerare,
(birth) genus nt.
oppression n iniuria/, servitus/.
original adj primus, pristinus; (ut) proprius
oppressive adj gravis, iniquus; become more
♦ n exemplar nt.
- ingravescere,
originally adv principio, antiquitus,
oppressor n tyrannus m.
originate vt Instituere, auctorem esse (gen)
opprobrious adj turpis,
♦ vi exoriri; - in inndscl in (abi), initium
opprobriously adv turpiter,
ducere ab.
opprobrium n dedecus nt, ignominia/.
optical adj oculdrum. originator n auctor m.
optical illusion n oculorum ludibrium nt. orisons n preces fpl.
optimism n spes/. ornament n Ornamentum nt; (fig) decus nt ♦ vt
option n optio/, arbitrium nt; I have no ~ non Ornare, decorare; I am - ornamento sum.
est arbitrii mei. ornamental adj decOrus; be - decori esse,
optional adj: it is - for you optio tua est. ornamentally adv Ornate,
opulence n opes fpi, cOpia/. ornate adj Ornatus,
opulentatj; dives, copiosus. ornately adv Ornate,
or conj aut, vel, -ve; (after utrum) an; ~ else orphan n orbus m, orba/,
alioquln; - not (direct) annon; (indirect) orphaned adj orbatus,
necne. orthodox adj antiquus,
oracle n Oraculum nt. orthography n orthographia/,
oracular adj fatidicus; (fig) obscurus, oscillate vi reciprocare,
oral adj: give an - message voce nuntiare, osculate vt Osculari,
orally adv voce, verbis, osier n vimen nt ♦ adj vimineus,
oration n 6ratio/. osprey n haliaeetos m.
orator n orator m. ostensible adj speciosus,
oratorical adj Oratorius, ostensibly adv per speciem,
oratory n eloquentia/, rhetorice/ (for prayer) ostentation n iactatiO/, ostentatio/.
sacellum nt; of - dicendi, Oratorius, ostentatious adj glOriOsus, ambitiosus,
orb n orbis m. ostentatiously adv gloriOse.
orbit n orbis m, ambitus m. ostler n agaso m.
orchard n pomarium nt. ostrich n struthiocameius m.
ENGLISH-LATIN 117 other-overlay

Other adj alius; (of two) alter; one or the - extrinsecus ♦ n exterior pars/; (show)
alteruter; every - year tertiO quoque anno; species/, at the ~ summum, ad summum; on
on the - side of ultra (+ acc); of ~s alienus. the - extrinsecus ♦ prep extra (acc).
Otherwiseadv aliter; (if not) alioqul. outsider n alienus m; (pol) novus homO m.
otter n lutra/. outskirts n suburbanus ager m; on the ~
ought vi debere (+ inf in or gerundive ofvf); I ~ suburbanus,
me oportet; I - to have said debui dicere, outspoken adj liber,
ounce n uncia/; two ~s sextans m; three ~s outspokenness n libertas/,
quadrans m; four ~s triens m; five -s outspread adj patulus,
quincunx m; six ~s semis m; seven ~s septQnx outstanding adj egregius, Insignis,
m; eight ~s bes m; nine ~s dodrans m; ten ~s singularis; (debt) residuus,
dextans m; eleven ~s deunx m. outstep vt excedere.
our adj noster. outstretched adj passus, porrectus, extentus,
ourselvespron ipsl; (reflexive) nos. outstrip vt praevertere,
oust vt extrudere, eicere. outvote vt suffragiis superare,
out adv (rest) forts; (motion) foras; ~ of de, e/ex outward adj externus; - form species/ ♦ adv
(abf); (cause) propter (acc); (beyond) extra, domo, foras.
ultra (acc); be - (book) in manibus esse; outweigh vt praeponderare,
(calculation) errare; (fire) exstinctum esse; outwit vt decipere, circumvenire,
(secret) palam esse, outwork n propugnaculum nt, bracchium nt.
outbreak n initium nt, eruptio/, outworn adj exoletus,
outburst n eruptio/. oval adj ovatus ♦ n ovum nt.
outcast n profugus m. ovation n (triumph) ovatio/; receive an - cum
outcome n eventus m, exitus m. laudibus excipi,
outcry n clamor m, adclamatio/; raise an - oven n furnus m, fornax/,
against obstrepere (dat). over prep (above) super (abi), supra (acc);
outdistance vt praevertere, (across) super (acc); (extent) per (acc); (time)
outdo vt superare, inter (acc); ~ and above super (acc), praeter
outdoor adj sub dlvd. (acc); all ~ per; - against adversus (acc) ♦ adv
outer adj exterior, supra; (excess) nimis; (done) confectus; ~
outermost adj extremus, again denuo; - and above Insuper; - and -
outfit n InstrQmenta ntpl; vestimenta ntpl. identidem; be left - superesse, restare; it is
outflank vt circumire, all - with actum est de.
outgrow vt excedere ex. overall adj totus ♦ adv ubique, passim,
outing n excursio/, overawe vt formidinem inicere (dat).
outlandish adj barbarus. overbalance vi titubare,
outlaw n proscriptus m ♦ vi proscribere, aqua overbearing adj superbus,
et igni interdicere (dat). overboard adv e navi, in mare; throw -
outlawry n aquae et ignis interdictio/, excutere, iactare.
outlay n impensa/, sumptus m. overbold adj importunus,
outlet n emissarium nt, exitus m. overburden vt praegravare,
outline n ductus m, adumbratio/♦ vt overcast adj nubilus,
adumbrare. overcoat n paenula/, lacerna/,
outlive vt superesse (dat). overcome vt superare, vincere,
outlook n prospectus m. overconfidence n confidentia/,
outlying adj longinquus, exterior, overconfident adj confidens,
outnumber vt numero superiores esse, overdo vt modum excedere in (abi).
multitodine superare, overdone adj (style) putidus,
out-of-doorsadv foris, overdraw vt (style) exaggerare,
outpost n statio/, overdue adj (money) residuus,
outpouring n effusio/. overestimate vt maioris aestimare,
output n fructus m. overflow n eluvio/ ♦ vi abundare, redundare
outrage n flagitium nt, iniuria/ ♦ vt laedere, ♦ vt inundare.
violare. overgrown adj obsitus; be ~ luxuriare.
outrageous adj flagitiosus, indignus, overhang vt, vi impendere, imminere (dat).
outrageously adv flagitiose, overhaul vt reficere.
outrider n praecursor m. overhead adv Insuper.
outright adv penitus, prOrsus; semel, overhear vt excipere, auscultare.
outrun vt praevertere, overjoyed adj nimio gaudio elatus.
outset n initium nt. overladen adj praegravatus.
outshine vt praelucere (dat). overland adv terra.
outside adj externus ♦ adv extra, foris; overlap vt implicare.
(motion to) foras; - in inversus; from ~ overlay vt inducere.
overload-paleness 118 ENGUSH-LATIN

overload vt (fig) obruere,

overlook vt (place) despectare, imminere
(dat)', (knowledge) ignorare; (notice)
neglegere, praetermittere; (fault) ignOscere
overlord n dominus m.
overmaster vt devincere,
overmuch odv nimis, plus aequO.
overnight ad; nocturnus ♦ adv noctu, pace n passus m; (speed) gradus m; keep -
overpower vt superare, domare, obruere, gradum cOnferre ♦ vi incedere; - up and
opprimere. down spatiari, inambulare,
overpraise vt in maius extollere. pacific ad; pacificus; (quiet) placidus,
overrate vt maiOris aestimare. pacification n pacificatio/,
overreach vt circumvenire. pacifist n imbellis m.
overriding adj praecipuus. pacify vt (anger) placare; (rising) sedare,
overrule vt rescindere. pack n (mil) sarcina/, (animals) grex m; (people)
overrun vt pervagari; (fig) obsidere. turba/ ♦ vt (kit) colligere; (crowd) stlpdre; -
oversea odj transmarinus. together coartare; - up colligere,
oversee vt praeesse (dat). compOnere ♦ vi vasa colligere; send -ing
overseer n cflrator m, custOs m. missum facere ♦ adj (animal) clitellarius,
overset vt evertere. package n fasciculus m, sarcina/,
overshadow vt officere (dat). packet n fasciculus m; (ship) navis actuaria/,
overshoot vt excedere. packhorse n iumentum nt.
oversight n neglegentia/. packsaddle n clitellae fpi.
overspread vt offendere (dat), obducere. pact n foedus nt, pactum nt.
overstep vt excedere. pad n pulvillus m.
overt odj apertus. padding n tomentum nt.
overtake vt consequi; (surprise) opprimere, paddle n remus m ♦ vi remigare,
deprehendere, paddock n saeptum nt.
overtax vt (fig) abfitl (abi). paean n paean m.
overthrow vt evertere; (destroy) profligare, pagan odj paganus,
debellare ♦ n eversio/, ruina/, page n (book) pagina/, (boy) puer m.
overtly adv palam, pageant n pompa/, spectaculum nt.
overtop vt superare. pageantry n adparatus m.
overture n exordium nt; make -»to temptare, pail n situla/.
agere cum, legates mittere ad. pain n dolor m; be in ~ dolSre ♦ vt dolOre
overturn vt evertere, adficere.
overweening ad; superbus, adrogans, painful adj acerbus; (work) labOriOsus.
Insolens. painfully adv acerbO, laboriOse.
overwhelm vt obruere, demergere, painless ad; dolOris expers,
opprimere. painlessly adv sine dolOre.
overwhelming ad; Insignis, painlessness n indolentia/,
vehementissimus. pains npl opera/; take - operam dare; take ~
overwhelmingly adv mirum quantum, with (art) elabOrare.
overwork vi plfls aequO laborare ♦ vt painstaking adj dlligOns, operOsus.
conficere ♦ n immodicus labor m. painstakingly adv diligenter, summa cQrS.
overwrought adj (emotion) elatus; (style) paint n pigmentum nt; (cosmetic) fQcus m ♦ vt
eiabdratus. pingere; (red) fOcare; (in words) dOpingere;
owe vt debere. (portrait) depingere,
owing adj: be - deberi; - to (person) per; paintbrush n penicillus m.
(cause) ob/propter (acc). painter n pictor m.
owl n bubo m; ulula/. painting n pictOra/.
own ad; proprius; my ~ meus; have of one's - pair n par nt ♦ vt coniungere, compOnere.
doml habere; hold one's - parem esse ♦ vt palace n regia/.
possidere, habere; (admit) fateri, cOnfiterl. palatable adj suavis, iQcundus.
owner n dominus m, possessor m. palate n palatum nt.
ownership n possessio/, mancipium nt. palatial adj rOgius.
ox n bOs m. palaver n colloquium nt, sermunculi mpl.
ox herd n bubulcus m. pale n palus m, vallus m; beyond the ~
oyster n ostrea/. extraneus 4 adj pallidus; look - pallere;
grow ~ pallfiscere; - brown subfuscus; ~
green subviridis ♦ vi pallescere,
paleness n pallor m.
ENGLISH-LATIN 119 palimpsest-partial

palimpsest n palimpsestus m. paramour n adulter m.

paling n saepes/. parapet n lorica/,
palisade n (mil) vallum nt. paraphernalia n adparatus m.
palish ad; pallidulus. paraphrase vt vertere,
pall n (funeral) pallium nt ♦ vi taedere. parasite n parasitus m.
pallet n grabatus m. parasol n umbella/,
palliasse n stramentum nt. parboiled ad; subcrudus.
palliate vt extenuare, excusare. parcel n fasciculus m ♦ vt: - out distribuere,
palliation n excusatio/. dispertire,
palliative n lenimentum nt. parch vt torrere.
pallid adj pallidus. parched ad; torridus, aridus; be - arore.
pallor n pallor m. parchment n membrana/,
palm n (hand) palma/, (tree) palma/ ♦ vt: - off pardon n venia/ ♦ vt ignOscere (dat); (offence)
imponere, condOnare.
palmy ad; florens. pardonable ad; ignOscendus.
palpable ad; tractabilis; (fig) manifestus, pare vt deglubere; (nails) resecare.
palpably adv manifesto, propalam, parent n parens m/f, genitor m, genetrix/.
palpitate vi palpitare, micare, parentage n stirps/, genus nt.
palpitation n palpitatio/, parental ad; patrius.
palsied adj membris captus, parenthesis n interclusio/.
palsy n paralysis /. parings n praesegmina ntpl.
paltry ad; vilis, frivolus, parish n (sect) paroecia/.
pamper vt indulgere (dat). parity n aequalitas/.
pampered ad; delicatus, park n hortl mpi.
pamphlet n libellus m. parlance n sermo m.
pan n patina/, patella/; (frying) sartago/; (of parley n colloquium nt ♦ vi colloqui, agere.
balance) lanx/, parliament n senatus m; house of - curia/.
pancake n laganum nt. parliamentary ad; senatorius.
pander n lend m ♦ vi: - to lenocinari (dat). parlour n exedrium nt.
panegyric n laudatio/, parlous ad; difficilis, periculosus.
panegyrist n laudator m. parochial ad; municipalis.
panel n (wall) abacus m; (ceiling) lacunar nt; parody n carmen iocuiare nt ♦ vt calumniari.
(judges) decuria/. parole n fides/.
panelled ad; laqueatus, paronomasia n agnominatio/,
pang n dolor m. paroxysm n accessus m.
panic n pavor m ♦ vi trepidare, parricide n (doer) parricida m; (deed)
panic-stricken ad; pavidus, parricidium nt.
panniers n clitellae fpi. parrot n psittacus m.
panoply n arma ntpl. parry vt Oludere, prOpulsare.
panorama n prospectus m. parsimonious ad; parcus,
panpipe n fistula/, parsimoniously adv parce,
pant vi anhOiare. parsimony n parsimonia/, frugalitas/,
panther n panthOra /. part n pars/; (p/ay) partes fpl, persOna/, (duty)
panting n anhelitus m. officium nt; ~s loca ntpl; (ability) ingenium nt;
pantomime n mlmus m. for my - equidem; for the most - maximam
pantry n cella penaria/, partem; on the - of ab; act the - of persOnam
papn mamma/, sustinere, partes agere; have no - in expers
paper n charta/, esse (gen); in - partim; it is the - of a wise
papyrus n papyrus/, man sapientis est; play one's - officio
parn: on a - with par (dat). satisfacere; take - in interesse (dat),
parable n parabole/. particeps esse (gen); take in good - in bonam
parade n pompa/; (show) adparatus m ♦ vt partem accipere; take someone's - adesse
traducere, iactare ♦ vi pompam ducere, alicui, defendere aliquem; from all ~s
incedere. undique; in foreign ~s peregre; in two ~s
paradox n verba sScum repugnantia; -es pi biffiriam; (mil) bipartite; in three ~s
paradoxa ntpl. trifariam; (mil) tripartite; of -s ingeniOsus ♦
paragon n exemplar nt, specimen nt. vt dividere, separare, dirimere; - company
paragraph n caput nt. dlversOs discedere ♦ vi digredi, discedere;
parallel ad; parallelus; (fig) consimilis, (things) dissilire; - with renuntiare,
paralyse vt debilitare; (with fear) percellere; partake vi interesse, particeps esse; - of
be ~d torpere. gustare.
paralysis n debilitas/, (fig) torpedo/, partial ad; (biased) iniquus, studiOsus;
paramount ad) princeps, summus. (incomplete) mancus; be - to favOre (dat),
partiality-pawn 120 ENGUSH-LATIN

studere (dat); win a - victory aliqua ex parte passing n obitus m 4 adj admodum,
vincere. passion n animi mOtus m, permOtiO/, ardor m;
partiality n favor m, studium nt. (anger) Ira/, (lusf) libido/,
partially odv partim, aliqua ex parte, passionate adj ardOns, impotens, acer;
participant n particeps m/f. Iracundus.
participate vi interesse, particeps esse, passionately adv vehementer, ardenter;
participation n societas/ IracundO; be - in love amore 8rd6re.
particle n particula/. passive adj iners,
parti-coloured adj versicolor, varius, passiveness n inertia/ patientia/.
particular adj (own) proprius; (special) passport n diploma nt.
praecipuus; (exact) dfligSns, accuratus; password n tessera/,
(fastidious) fastidiosus; a - person quidam ♦ past adj praeteritus; (recent) proximus 4 n
n res / with full ~s subtiliter; give all the -s praeterita ntpl 4 prep praeter (acc); (beyond)
omnia exsequi; in - praesertim, ultra (acc).
particularity n subtilitas/, paste n gluten nt 4 vt glutinare,
particularize vt singula exsequi, pastime n ludus m, oblectamentum nt.
particularly adv praecipue, praesertim, in pastoral adj pastoralis; (poem) bQcolicus.
primis, maxima. pastry n crustum nt.
parting n digressus m, discessus mi adj pasture n pastus m, pascuum nt 4 vt pascere,
ultimus. pat vt demulcere 4 adj opportflnus.
partisan n fautor m, studiosus m. patch n pannus m 4 vt resarcire,
partisanship n studium nt. patchwork n cento m.
partition n (act) partitio/; (wall) paries m; pate n caput nt.
(compartment) loculamentum nt 4 vt patent ad) apertus, manifestus 4 n
dividere. privilegium nt.
partly adv partim, ex parte, patently adv manifesto,
partner n socius m; (in office) collega/, paternal adj paternus,
partnership n societas/, form a ~ societatem path n semita/, trames m.
inire. pathetic adj miserabilis,
partridge n perdix m/f. pathetically adv miserabiliter,
parturition n partus m. pathfinder n explorator m.
party n (pol) factiof, partes fpl; (entertainment) pathless ad; avius.
convivium nt; (mil) manus/ (individual) homo pathos n misericordia/, (rhst) dolor m.
m/f) (associare) socius m, conscius m. pathway n semita/
party spirit n studium nt. patience n patientia/
parvenu n novus home m. patient adj patiens 4 n aeger m.
pass n (hill) saltus m; (narrow) angustiae fpl, patiently adv patienter, aequO animO.
fauces fpl; (crisis) discrimen nt; (document) patois n sermO m.
diploma nt; (fighting) petitio/ things have patrician adj patricius 4 n patricius m.
come to such a - in eum locum ventum est, patrimony n patrimonium nt.
adeo r6s rediit ♦ vi Ire, praeterire; (time) patriot n amans patriae m.
transire; (property) pervenire; - away abire; patriotic adj pius, amans patriae,
(die) mori, perire; (fig) defluere; ~ by patriotically adv prO patria,
praeterire; - for haberi prO (abi); - off abire; patriotism n amor patriae m.
- on pergere; - over transire; coma to - fleri, patrol n excubiae fpl 4 vi circumire,
evenire; let - intermittere, praetermittere ♦ patron n patronus m, fautor m.
vt praeterire; (riding) praetervehi; (by hand) patronage n patrOcinium nt.
tradere; (law) iubere; (limit) excedere; patroness n patrOna/, fautrix/
(sentence) interponere, dicere; (test) patronize vt favere (dat), fovere,
satisfacere (dat); (time) degere, agere; ~ patronymic n nOmen nt.
accounts rationes ratas habere; - tha day patter vi crepitare 4 n crepitus m.
diem cOnsQmere; - a law legem ferre; - a pattern n exemplar nt, exemplum nt, nOrma/,
decree dOcernere; - off ferre; - ovar (idea!) specimen nt; (design) flgflra/
praeterire, mittere; (fault) ignOscere (dat); ~ paucity n paucitas/
round tradere; - through transire, paunch n abdomen nt, venter m.
passable adj (place) pervius; (standard) pauper n pauper m.
mediocris. pause n mora f, intervallum nt 4 vi Insistere,
passably adv mediocriter. intermittere.
passage n iter nt, cursus m; (land) transitus m; pave vt sternere; - tha way (fig) viam mflnlre.
(sea) transmissio/, (book) locus m; of - (bird) pavement n pavimentum nt.
advena. pavilion n tentorium nt.
passenger n vector m. paw n pOs m 4 vt pede pulsare.
passer-by n praeteriens m. pawn n (chess) latrunculus m; (comm) pignus nt,
ENGLISH-LATIN 121 pawnbroker-perfect

fiducia / ♦ vt oppignerare, peerless adj unicus, egregius,

pawnbroker n pignerator m. peevish ad; stomachosus, morosus,
pay n mercSs /; (mil) stipendium nt; (workman) peevishly adv stomachose, morose,
manupretium nt ♦ vt solvere, pendere; (debt) peevishness n stomachus m, morositas/,
exsolvere; (in full) persolvere; (honour) peg n clavus m; put a round - in a square hole
persolvere; (mil) stipendium numerare (dat); bovi clitellas imponere ♦ vt clavis defigere,
(penalty) dare, luere; - down numerare; - for pelf n lucrum nt.
conducere; - off dissolvere, exsolvere; - out pellet n globulus m.
expendere; (publicly) erogare; ~ up pell-mell adv promiscue, turbate,
dSpendere; - a compliment to laudare; ~ pellucid ad; perlucidus.
respects to salutare ♦ vi respondere; it -s pelt n pellis/ ♦ vt petere ♦ vi violenter cadere,
expedit. pen n calamus m, stilus m; (cattle) saeptum nt ♦
payable adj solvendus, vt scribere,
paymaster n (mil) tribunus aerarius m. penal adj poenalis,
payment n solutie/i (money) pensio/, penalize vt poena adficere, multare,
pea n pisum n; like as two ~s tam similis quam penalty n poena/, damnum nt; (fine) multa/;
lac lacti est. pay the ~ poenas dare,
peace n pax/; - and quiet otium nt; breach of penance n supplicium nt.
the - vis/; establish ~ pacem conciliare; hold pencil n graphis/.
one's - reticere; sue for - pacem petere, pending adj sub iudice ♦ prep inter (acc).
peaceable ad; imbellis, placidus, penetrable adj pervius,
peaceably adv placide, penetrate vt penetrare,
peaceful ad; tranquillus, placidus, pacatus, penetrating adj acer, acutus; (mind)
peacefully adv tranquille, perspicax.
peacemaker n pacificus m. penetration n (mind) acumen nt.
peace-offering n piaculum nt. peninsula n paeninsula/,
peach n Persicum nt. penitence n paenitentia/.
peacock n pavo m. penitent ad;: I am ~ me paenitet.
peak n apex m, vertex m. penknife n scalpellum nt.
peal n (bell) sonitus m; (thunder) fragor m ♦ vi penmanship n scriptio/, manus/,
sonare. pennant n vexillum nt.
pear n pirum nt; (tree) pirus/. penny n denarius m.
pearl n margarita/. pension n annua ntpi.
pearly ad; gemmeus; (colour) candidus. pensioner n emeritus m.
peasant n agricola m, colonus m. pensive adj attentus,
peasantry n agricolae mpi. pensiveness n cogitatio/,
pebble n calculus m. pentad; inclusus,
pebbly ad; lapidosus. penthouse n (mil) vinea/,
peccadillo n culpa/. penurious adj parcus, avarus, tenax,
peck n (measure) modius m ♦ vt vellicare, penuriousness n parsimonia/, tenacitas/,
peculate vi peculari, penury n egestas /, inopia/,
peculation n peculatus m. people n homines mpl; (nation) populus m, gens
peculiar ad; (to one) proprius; (strange) /; common - plebs / ♦ vt frequentare,
singularis. peopled adj frequens,
peculiarity n proprietas/, nota/, pepper n piper nt.
peculiarly adv praecipue, praesertim, peradventureadv fortasse,
pecuniary ad; pecuniarius, perambulate vi spatiari, inambulare,
pedagogue n magister m. perceive vt sentire, percipere, intellegere,
pedant n scholasticus m. perceptible adj: be - sentiri posse, audiri
pedantic ad; nimis diligenter, posse.
pedantically adv dlligentior. perception n sensus m.
pedantry n nimia diligentia/, perch n (bird's) pertica/; (fish) perca/ ♦ vi
peddle vt circumferre, Insidere.
pedestal n basis /. perchance adv fortasse, forsitan (subj).
pedestrian ad; pedester ♦ n pedes m. percolate vi permanare.
pedigree n stirps/, stemma nt ♦ ad; generosus, percussion n ictus m.
pediment n fastigium nt. perdition n exitium nt.
pedlar n Institor m, circumforaneus m. peregrinate vi peregrinari.
peel n cortex m ♦ vt glubere, peregrination n peregrinatio/.
peep vi dispicere ♦ n aspectus m; at ~ of day peremptorily adv praecise, pro imperid.
prlma luce. peremptory adj imperiosus.
peer vi: - at intueri ♦ n par m; (rank) patricius perennial adj perennis.
m. perfect ad; perfectus, absolutus; (entire)
perfection-peruse 122 ENGLISH-LATIN

integer; (faultless) emendatus ♦ vt perficere, perpetrate vt facere, admittere,

absolvere. perpetual adj perpetuus, perennis,
perfection n perfectio/, absolutis/, sempiternus,
perfectly adv perfecte, emendate; (.quite) perpetually adv perpetuo,
plane. perpetuate vt continuare, perpetuare,
perfidious adj perfidus, perfidiosus, perpetuity n perpetuitas/,
perfidiously adv perfidiose, perplex vt sollicitare, confundere,
perfidy n perfidia/. perplexing adj ambiguus, perplexus,
perforate vt perforare, terebrare, perplexity n haesitatio/,
perforation n foramen nt. perquisite n peculium nt.
perforce adv per vim, necessario persecute vt Insectari, exagitare; persequi,
perform vt perficere, peragere; (duty) persecution n Insectatio/,
exsequi, fungi (abl); (play) agere, persecutor n Insectator m.
performance n (process) exsecutis/, functio/, perseverance n pesevOrantia/, constantia/.
(deed) factum nt; (stage) fabula/, persevere vi perseverare, perstare; ~ in
performer n actor m; (music) tibicen m, fidicen tenere.
m; (stage) histriS m. Persian n Persam.
perfume n odor m, unguentum nt ♦ vt odSrare. persist vt Instare, perstare, perseverare,
perfumer n unguentarius m. persistence, persistency n pertinacia/,
perfumery n unguenta ntpi. perseverantia /.
perfunctorily adv neglegenter, persistent adj pertinax,
perfunctory adj neglegSns. persistently adv pertinaciter, perseveranter,
perhaps adv fortasse, forsitan (subf), nescis person n homO m/f; (counted) caput nt;
an (subj); (tentative) vel; (interrog) an. (character) persOna/ (body) corpus nt; in -
peril n periculum m, discrimen nt. ipse praesens,
perilous adj perlculSsus. personage n vir m.
perilously adv periculose, personal adj privatus, suus,
perimeter n ambitus m. personality n natura/; (person) vir egregius
period n tempus nt, spatium nt; (history) aetas m.
f, (end) terminus m; (sentence) complexio/, personally adv ipse, cOram.
ambitus m. personal property n peculium nt.
periodic adj (style) circumscriptus, personate vt persOnam gerere (gen).
periodical adj status, personification n prosopopoeia/.
periodically adv certis temporibus, personify vt humanam natQram tribuere
identidem. (dat).
peripatetic adj vagus; (sect) peripateticus, personnel n membra ntpi, socii mpi.
periphery n ambitus m. perspective n scaenographia/.
periphrasis n circuitus m. perspicacious adj perspicax, acutus,
perish vi perire, interire, perspicacity n perspicacitas/, acQmen nt.
perishable adj caducus, fragilis, mortalis, perspicuity n perspicuitas/.
peristyle n peristylium nt. perspicuous adj perspicuus,
perjure vi: - o.s. peierare. perspiration n sudor m.
perjured adj periurus. perspire vi sudare.
perjurer n periurus m. persuade vt persuadere (dat); (by entreaty)
perjury n periurium nt; commit ~ peierare. exorare.
permanence n constantia/, stabilitas/, persuasion n persuasio/.
permanent adj stabilis, difiturnus, perpetuus, persuasive adj blandus,
permanently adv perpetuo, persuasively adv blande,
permeable adj penetrabilis, pert adj procax, protervus,
permeate vt penetrare ♦ vi permanare, pertain vi pertinere, attinere,
permissible adj licitus, concessus; it is - licet, pertinacious adj pertinax,
permission n potestas/, ask - veniam petere; pertinaciously adv pertinaciter,
give - veniam dare, potestatem facere; by ~ pertinacity n pertinacia/.
of permissfi (gen); with your kind - bona tua pertinent adj appositus; be - ad rem
venia; without your ~ te invito, pertinere.
permit vt sinere, permittere (dat); I em ~ted pertinently adv apposite,
licet mihi. pertly adv procaciter, proterve,
pernicious adj perniciosus, exitiosus, perturb vt perturbare.
perorate vi perOrare. perturbation n animi perturbatio/, trepidatio
peroration n peroratio/, epilogus m. /■
perpendicular adj directus, peruke n capillamentum nt.
perpendicularly adv ad perpendiculum, ad perusal n periectio/.
lineam. peruse vt perlegere; (book) evolvere.
ENGLISH-LATIN 123 pervade-pinnace

pervade vt permanare per, complere; piazza n forum nt.

(emotion) perfundere, pick n (toof) dolabra/; (best part) lecti ntpi, flos
pervasive adj creber, m ♦ vt (choose) legere, deligere; (pluck)
perverse ad; perversus, pravus, carpere; ~ out eligere, excerpere; ~ up
perversely adv perverse, colligere.
perversion n depravatio/, pickaxe n dolabra/,
perversity n perversitas/, picked ad; electus, delectus,
pervert vt depravare; (words) detorquere; picket n (mil) statio/,
(person) corrumpere, pickle n muria/ ♦ vt condire,
perverter n corruptor m. picture n pictura/, tabula/♦ vt depingere; (to
pessimism n desperatio/, oneself) ante oculos ponere,
pest n pestis /. picturesque adj (scenery) amoenus,
pester vt sollicitare, pie n crustum nt.
pestilence n pestilentia/, pestis/, piebald adj bicolor, varius,
pestilential adj pestilens, nocens, piece n pars/; (broken off) fragmentum nt;
pestle n pistillum nt. (food) frustum nt; (coin) nummus m; (play)
petn deliciae fpl ♦ vt in deliciis habere, fabula/; break in ~s comminuere; fall to -s
delenire. dilabi; take to ~s dissolvere; tear in ~s
petard n: be hoist with his own ~ suo sibl dilaniare.
gladio iuguiari. piecemeal adv membratim, minutatim.
petition n preces fpl; (pol) libellus m ♦ vt pied adj maculdsus.
orare. pier n moles/.
petrify vt (fig) defigere; be petrified stupere, pierce vt perfodere, transfigere; (bore)
obstupescere, perforare; (fig) pungere,
pettifogger n leguleius m. piercing adj acutus,
pettiness n levitas/, piety n pietas/, religio/.
pettish adj stomachosus, pig n porcus m, sus mJf; buy a ~ in a poke spem
petty ad; levis, minutus, pretio emere; ~'s suillus,
petulance n protervitas/, pigeon n columba/; wood ~ palumbes/,
petulant ad; protervus, petulans, pig-headed ad; pervicax,
petulantly adv petulanter, pigment n pigmentum nt.
pew n subsellium nt. pigsty n hara/,
phalanx n phalanx/, pike n dole m, hasta/,
phantasy n commenticia ntpi. pikeman n hastatus m.
phantom n simulacrum nt, Idolon nt. pile n acervus m, cumulus m; (funeral) rogus m;
phases npi vices fpl. (building) moles/; (post) sublica/♦ vt
pheasant n phasianus m. cumulare, congerere; - up exstruere,
phenomenal ad; eximius, singularis, adcumulare, coacervare,
phenomenon n res/, novum nt, spectaculum pile-driver n fistuca/,
nt. pilfer vt fflrarl, surripere.
philander vi lascivire, pilferer n fur m, furunculus m.
philanthropic ad; humanus, beneficus, pilgrim n peregrinator m.
philanthropically adv humane, pilgrimage n peregrinatio/,
philanthropy n humanitas/, beneficia ntpi. pill n pilula/.
Philippic n Philippica/, pillage n rapina/, depopulatio/, expilatio/♦ vt
philologist n grammaticus m. diripere, depopulari, expilare,
philology n grammatica ntpi. pillager n expilator m, praedator m.
philosopher n philosophus m, sapiens m. pillar n columen nt, columna/,
philosophical ad; philosophus; (temperament) pillory n furca/,
aequabilis. pillow n pulvinus nt, culcita/,
philosophize vi philosophari. pilot n gubernator m, ductor m ♦ vt regere,
philosophy n philosophia/, sapientia/. gubernare,
philtre n philtrum nt. pimpn leno m.
phlegm n pituita/; (temper) lentitudo/. pimple n pustula/,
phlegmatic ad; lentus. pin n acus/ ♦ vt adflgere.
phoenix n phoenix m. pincers n forceps m/f.
phrase n locutio/; (gram) incisum nt. pinch vt pervellere, vellicare; (shoe) urere;
phraseology n verba ntpi, Oratio/. (for room) coartare,
physic n medicamentum nt; -s pi physica ntpi. pine n pinus/ ♦ vi tabescere; - away
physical ad; physicus; (of body) corporis. intabescere; - for desiderare,
physician n medicus m. pinion n penna/,
physicist n physicus m. pink ad; rubicundus,
physique n corpus nt, vires fpl. pinnace n lembus m.
pinnacle-pleasant 124 ENGLISH-LATIN

pinnacle n fastigium nt. planities/ of the - campester,

pint n sextarius m. plainly adv perspicue; simpliciter, sincere,
pioneer n antecursor m. plainness n perspicuitas/; simplicitas/,
pious ad; pius, religiosus, plaint n querella/,
piously adv pie, religiose, plaintiff n petitor m.
pip n granum nt. plaintive adj flebilis, queribundus,
pipe n (.music) fistula/, tibia/; (wafer) canalis m plaintively adv flebiliter,
♦ vi fistula canere, plait vt implicare, nectere,
piper n tibicen m. plan n cOnsilium nt; (of a work) forma/,
pipkin n olla/, designatio/; (of living) ratio/; (intent)
piquancy n sal m, vis/, prOpositum nt; (drawing) descriptio/ ♦ vt (a
piquant ad; salsus, argutus, work) designare, describere; (intent)
pique n offensio/, dolor m ♦ vt offendere, cOgitare, meditari; consilium capere or
piracy n latrocinium nt. inlre; (with verb) in animO habere (inf).
pirate n pirata m praedo m. plane n (surface) planities/ (tree) platanus/
piratical adj piraticus (too!) runcina/ ♦ adj aequus, planus ♦ vt
piscatorial adj piscatorius, runcinare.
piston n embolus m. planet n stella errans/.
pit n fovea/, fossa/; (theat) cavea/,
plank n tabula /.
pitch n pix/, (sound) sonus m ♦ vt (camp)
plant n herba/, planta/ ♦ vt (tree) serere; (field)
ponere; (tent) tendere; (missile) conicere.
cOnserere; (colony) deducere; (feet) pOnere;
pitch-black ad; piceus,
- firmly Infigere,
pitched battle n proelium iustum nt.
plantation n arbustum nt.
pitcher n hydria/,
planter n sator m, colOnus m.
pitchfork n furca/,
pitch pine n picea/, plaque n tabula/.
piteous ad; miserabilis, flebilis, plaster n albarium nt, tectorium nt; (med)
emplastrum nt; - of Paris gypsum nt ♦ vt
piteously adv miserabiliter,
pitfall n fovea/. dealbare.
pith n medulla/. plasterer n albarius m.
pithy adj (style) densus; ~ saying sententia/, plastic ad; ductilis, fusilis.
pitiable ad; miserandus, plate n (dish) catillus m; (silver) argentum nt;
pitiful adj miser, miserabilis; misericors, (layer) lamina/♦ vt inducere,
pitifully adv misere, miserabiliter, platform n suggestus m; rOstrum nt, tribunal
pitiless adj immisericors, immitis, nt.
pitilessly adv crudeliter, platitude n trita sententia/,
pittancen (food) demensum nt; (money) stips platter n patella /, lanx/,
/• plaudit n plausus m.
pity n misericordia/ take - on misereri (+acc plausibility n verlsimilitGdO/.
of person, gen of things); it is a ~ that male plausible ad; speciosus, veri similis,
accidit quod ♦ vt misereri (gen); I - me play n lGdus m; (theat) fabula/ (voice)
miseret (gen). inclinatio/; (scope) campus m; (hands) gestus
pivot n cards m. m; - on words agnominatio/ fair - aequum et
placability n placabilitas/, bonum ♦ vi ludere; (fountain) scatere ♦ vt
placable adj placabilis, (music) canere; (instrument) canere (abl);
placard n libellus m. (game) ludere (abf); (part) agere; - the part of
placate vt placare. agere; - a trick on ludificari, impOnere (daf).
place n locus m; in another - alibi; in the first ~ playbill n edictum nt.
primum; in - of loco (gen), pro (+ abf); to this player n lusor m; (at dice) aleator m; (on flute)
- hue; out of - intempestivus; give - to tibicen m; (on lyre) fidicen m; (on stage)
cedere (dat); take - fieri, accidere; take the ~ histrio m.
of in locum (gen) succedere ♦ vt ponere, playful ad; lascivus; (words) facOtus.
locare, collocare; - beside adpOnere; - over playfully adv per ludum, per iocum.
(in charge) praepOnere; - round circumdare; playfulness n lascivia/; facetiae fpi.
- upon imponere. playground n area/.
placid adj placidus, tranquillus, quietus, playmate n collusor m.
placidity n tranquillitas/, sedatus animus m. playwright n fabularum scriptor m.
placidly adv placide, quieta, plea n causa/ (in defence) defensio/, excGsatiO
plagiarism n furtum nt. /•
plagiarize vt furari, plead vi causam agere, causam 0r8re, causam
plague n pestilentia/, pestis/. dicere; (in excuse) deprecari, excusare; -
plain adj (lucid) clarus, perspicuus; with obsecrare.
(unadorned) subtilis, simplex; (frank) pleader n actor m, causidicus m.
sincerus; (ugly) invenustus ♦ n campus m. pleasant ad; iGcundus, dulcis, gratus; (place)
ENGLISH-LAT1N 125 pleasantly-policy

amoenus. plunderer n praedator m, spoliator m.

pleasantly adv iucunde, suaviter, plundering n rapina/ ♦ adj praedabundus,
pleasantry n facetiae fpi, iocus m. plunge vt mergere, demergere; (weapon)
please vt placere ( dat), delectare; try to ~ demittere ♦ vi mergi, se demergere,
Inservire (dat); just as you - quod plural adj pluralis,
commodum est; if you - sis; -d with plurality n multitudo/, plGres pi.
contentus (ah/); be ~d with oneself sibl ply vt exercere,
placere ♦ adv amabo. poach vt surripere.
pleasing adj gratus, iucundus, amoenus; be - pocket n sinus m.
to cordl esse (daf). pocket money n peculium nt.
pleasurable adj iQcundus. podn siliqua/,
pleasure n voluptas/1, (decision) arbitrium nt; it poem n poema nt, carmen nt.
is my ~ libet; derive - voluptatem capere poesy n poesis /.
♦ vt gratificari (dat), poet n poeta m.
pleasure grounds n hortl mpi poetess n poetria/,
pleasure-loving ad; delicatus, poetic adj poeticus,
plebeian adj piebeius ♦ n: the -s plebs/, poetical adj = poetic,
plebiscite n suffragium nt. poetically adv poetice,
plectrum n plectrum nt. poetry n (art) poetica/; (poems) poemata ntpl,
pledge n pignus nt ♦ vt obligare; - oneself carmina ntpl.
promittere, spondere; - one's word fldem poignancy n acerbitas/,
obligare, fidem interponere. poignant adj acerbus, acutus,
Pleiads n Pleiades/pi. poignantly adv acerbe, acute,
plenary adj Infinitus. point n (dot) pGnctum nt; (place) locus m;
plenipotentiary n legatus m. (item) caput nt; (sharp end) acies/; (of sword)
plenitude n copia/, maturitas/. mucro m; (of epigram) aculei mpl; - of honour
plentiful adj copiosus, largus. officium nt; beside the - ab re; to the - ad
plentifully adv cOpiOse, large. rem; from this - hinc; to that - eo; up to this
plenty n copia/, abundantia/; (enough) satis. - hactenus, adhuc; without - Insulsus; in - of
pleonasm n redundantia/. fact nempe; make a - of doing consulto
pleurisy n lateris dolor m. facere; on the - of death moritGrus; on
pliable adj flexibilis, mollis, lentus. the - of happening inibi; I was on the - of
pliant adj flexibilis, mollis, lentus. saying in eO erat ut dicerem; matters have
pliers n forceps m/f. reached such a - eo res recidit; come to the
plight n habitus m, discrimen nt ♦ vt spondere. - ad rem redire; the - at issue is illud
plod vi laborare, operam Insumere. quaeritur; the main - cardo m, caput nt;
plot n coniGratiO /, Insidiae /pi; (land) agellus m; turning - articulus temporis m ♦ vt acuere,
(play) argumentum nt ♦ vi coniurSre, moliri, exacuere; (aim) intendere; (punctuate)
plotter n coniuratus m. distinguere; - out indicare, demonstrare;
plough n aratrum nt ♦ vt arare; (sea) sulcare; - ostendere.
up exarare, point-blank adj simplex ♦ adv praecise,
ploughing n aratio/, pointed adj acGtus; (criticism) acGleatus; (wit)
ploughman n arator m. salsus.
ploughshare n vomer m. pointedly adv aperte, dllGcide.
pluck n fortitildO/4 vt carpere, legere; - out pointer n index m.
evellere; - up courage animum recipere, pointless adj Insulsus, frigidus,
animo adesse, pointlessly adv insulse,
plucky adj fortis. point of view n iudicium nt, sententia/,
plug n obturamentum nt ♦ vt obtGrare. poise n libramen nt; (fig) urbanitas/♦ vt
pium n prunum nt; (tree) prunus/, librare.
plumage n plumae/pi. poison n venenum nt ♦ vt veneno necare; (fig)
plumb n perpendiculum nt ♦ adj directus ♦ adv Inficere.
ad perpendiculum ♦ vt (building) ad poisoned adj venenatus.
perpendiculum exigere; (depth) scrutari, poisoner n veneficus m.
plumber n artifex plumbarius m. poisoning n veneficium nt.
plumb line n linea/, perpendiculum nt. poisonous adj noxius.
plume n crista/♦ vt: - oneself on iactare, prae poke vt trudere, fodicare.
se ferre. polar adj septentri8naiis.
plummet n perpendiculum nt. pole n asser m, contus m; (astro) polus m.
plump adj pinguis. poleaxe n bipennis/.
plumpness n nitor m. polemic n controversia/.
plunder n (act) rapina/; (booty) praeda/♦ vi police n lictOrgs mpl; (night) vigiles mpl.
praedari ♦ vt diripere, expilare. policy n ratio/, cOnsilium nt; honesty is the
polish-posture 126 ENGL1SH-LAT1N

best - ea maxime conducunt quae sunt porcupine n hystrix/,

rectissima. pore n foramen nt ♦ vi: - over scrfitarl,
polish n (appearance) nitor m; (character) incumbere in (acc).
urbanitas/, (lit) lima/ ♦ vt polire; (fig) pork n porcina/,
expolire. porous adj rarus,
polished ad; politus, mundus; (person) porridge n puls/.
excultus, urbanus; (style) limatus, portn portus mi adj (side) laevus, sinister.
polite ad) urbanus, humanus, comis, portage n vectura/.
politely adv urbane, comiter, portal n porta/.
politeness n urbanitas/, humanitas/, cfimitas portcullis n cataracta/.
/• portend vt portendere.
politic ad) prQdens, circumspectus, portent n mbnstrum nt, portentum nt.
political adj civilis, pflblicus; - life res publica portentous ad; mOnstrudsus.
porter n ianitor m; (carrier) baiulus m.
politician n magistratus m. portico n porticus/.
politics n res pflblica/; take up ~ ad rem portion n pars/, (marriage) dos/ (lot) sors/,
pQblicam accedere, portliness n amplitude/,
polity n rei pflblicae forma/, portly adj amplus, opimus,
poli n caput nt; (voting) comitia ntpl ♦ vi portrait n imago/, effigies/,
suffragia inire. portray vt depingere, exprimere, effingere,
poll taxn tribfltum nt in singula capita pose n status m, habitus m ♦ vt pOnere ♦ vi
impositum. habitum sumere,
pollute vt inquinare, contaminare, poser n nodus m.
pollution n corruptela/, posit vt pOnere.
poltroon n ignavus m. position n (geoo) situs m (body) status m,
pomegranate n malum Punicum nt. gestus m; (rank) dignitas/, (office) honds m;
pomp n adparatus m. (mil) locus m; be in a - to habere (inf); take up

pomposity n magnificentia/, gloria/, a - (mil) locum capere,

pompous adj magnificus, gloriosus, positive ad; certus; be - about adfirmare.
pompously adv magnifice, gloriose, positively adv certo, adfirmate, re vera.
pompousness n magnificentia/, posse n manus/.
pond n stagnum nt, lacfina/. possess vt possidere, habere; (take) occupare,
ponder vi secum reputare ♦ vt animO potiri (abf).
volutare, in mente agitare, possession n possessi6/, -s pi bona ntpl,
ponderous adj gravis, ponderOsus. fortunae/pi; take - of potiri (abf), occupare,
ponderously adv graviter, manum inicere (dat); (inheritance) obire;
poniard n pugio m. (emotion) invadere, incedere (dat); gain - of
pontiff n pontifex m. potior (+ abf).
pontifical adj pontificalis, pontificius, possessor n possessor m, dominus m.
pontoon n ponto m. possibility n facultas/; there is a - fieri potest,
pony n mannus m. possible adj\ it is - fieri potest; as big as -
pooh-pooh vt deridere, quam maximus,
pool n lacuna/, stagnum nt ♦ vt cOnferre. possibly adv fortasse.
poop n puppis/. post n palus m; (mil) statio/, (office) munus nt;
poor ad; pauper, inops; (meagre) exilis; (courier) tabellarius m; leave one's - locO
(inferior) improbus; (pitiable) miser; - little cedere, signa relinquere ♦ vt (troops) locare,
misellus. collocare; (at intervals) dispOnere; (letter)
poorly ad; aeger, aegrotus ♦ adv parum, dare, tabellario dare; (entry) in cOdicem
tenuiter. referre; be ~ed (mil) in statiOne esse,
pop n crepitus m ♦ vi emicare, postage n vectQra/.
pope n papa m. poster n libellus m.
poplar n pOpulus /. posterior adj posterior,
poppy n papaver nt. posterity n posteri mpl; (time) posteritas/,
populace n vulgus nt, plebs/, postern n posticum nt.
popular ad; gratus, gratiOsus; (party) posthaste adv summa celeritate,
popularis. posthumous adj postumus,
popularity n populi favor m, studium nt. posthumously adv (born) patre mortuO;
popularly adv vulgo. (published) auctOre mortuO.
populate vt frequentare. postpone vt differre, prOferre.
population n populus m, cives mpl. postponement n dliatifi/.
populous ad; frequOns. postscript n: add a - adscrlbere, subicere.
porcelain n fictilia ntpi. postulate vt sumere ♦ n sQmptiO/.
porch n vestibulum nt. posture n gestus m, status m.
ENGLISH-LATIN 127 pot-predominance

pot n olla /, matella/. prance vi exsultare,

pot-bellied adj ventriosus, prank n ludus m.
potency n vis/, prate vi garrire,
potent adj efficax, valens, prating adj garrulus,
potentate n dynastes m, tyrannus m. pray vi deOs precari, deOs venerari ♦ vt
potential ad; futurus, precari. Orare; ~ for petere, precari; - to
potentiality n facultas/, adorare.
potentially adv ut fieri posse videtur; -- an prayer(s) n precOs/pi.
emperor capdx imperil, prayerful adj supplex,
potently adv efficienter, preach vt, vi docere, praedicare,
potion n potiO /. preacher n Orator m.
pot-pourri n farrago/, preamble n exordium nt.
potsherd n testa/, prearranged adj constitutus,
pottage niQsnt. precarious ad; dubius, periculosus,
potter n figulus m; ~'s figularis, precariousness n discrimen nt.
pottery n fictilia ntpi. precaution n cautio/, providentia/, take -s
pouch n p6ra/, sacculus m. cavere, praecavere,
poultice n fomentum nt, emplastrum nt. precede vt praeire (dat), anteire (dat),
poultry n gallinae fpi. antecedere.
pounce vi involare, Insilire, precedence n primarius locus m; give - to
pound n libra/; five ~s (weight) of gold aurl cfidere (dat); take - (thing) antiquius esse;
quinque pondo ♦ vt conterere; pulsare, (person) primas agere.
pour vt fundere; - forth effundere; - in precedent n exemplum nt; (law) praeifidicium
Infundere; - on superfundere; - out nt; breach of - Insolentia/, in defiance of -
effundere ♦ vi fundi, fluere; - down ruere, Insolenter.
se praecipitare, preceding adj prior, superior.
pouring adj (rain) effusus, precept n praeceptum nt.
poverty n paupertas/, egestas/, inopia/; preceptor n doctor m, magister m.
(style) ieiunitas/. precinct n terminus m, templum nt.
powder n pulvis m. precious ad; carus; pretiosus; (style) putidus.
powdery ad; pulvereus, precious stone n gemma/.
power n potestas/; (strength) vlrOs/pl; precipice n locus praeceps m, rupes/.
(excessive) potentia/; (supreme) imperium nt; precipitancy n festinatio/.
(divine) numen nt; (legal) auctoritas/; (of precipitate vt praecipitare ♦ adj praeceps;
father) manus / as far as is in my - quantum praeproperus,
in mS est; have great - multum valere, precipitation n festinatio/,
posse; have of ~ attorney cognitorem esse; it precipitous ad; dSruptus, praeceps,
is still in my - to integrum est mihi (inf). praeruptus.
powerful adj validus, potens, precise ad; certus, subtilis; (person)
powerfully adv valde. accuratus.
powerless ad; impotens, imbecillus; be - nihil precisely adv dOmum.
valere. precision n cura/.
powerlessness n imbecillitas/, preclude vt exclQdere, prohibere,
practicable adj in apertO; be - fieri posse, precocious ad; praecox,
practical adj (person) habilis, precocity n festinata maturitas/,
practical joke n ludus m. preconceive vt praecipere; ~d idea
practical knowledge n usus m. praeiudicata opinio/,
practically adv fere, paene, preconception n praeceptio/,
practice n Qsus m, exercitatis/, (suet) preconcerted adj ex composito factus,
meditatio/, (habit) consuetudo/, mOs m; precursor n praenuntius m.
corrupt —s malae artes, predatory adj praedatorius,
practise vt (occupation) exercere, facere; predecessor n dScessor m; my - cui succSdO.
(custom) factitare; (rhet) meditari ♦ vi (meo) predestination n fatum nt, necessitas/,
medicinam exercere; (law) causas agere, predestine vt dOvovOre.
practised adj exercitatus, peritus, predetermine vt praefinire,
practitioner n (med) medicus m. predicament n angustiae/pl, discrimen nt.
praetor n praetor nt; -'s praetorius, predicate n attributum nt.
praetorian ad; praetorius, predict vt praedicere, augurari,
praetorian guards npi praetoriani mpl. prediction n praedictio/,
praetorship n praetura /. predilection n amor m, studium nt.
praise n laus/♦ vt laudare, predispose vt inclinare, praeparare,
praiser n laudator m. predisposition n inclinatio/,
praiseworthy ad; laudabilis, laude dignus. predominance n potentia/, praestantia/.
predominant-prevaricate 128 ENGLISH-LATIN

predominant ad; praepotens, praecipuus, portendere.

predominantly adv plerumque, prescience n prSvidentia /.
predominate vi pollere, dominari, prescient ad; prSvidus.
pre-eminence n praestantia/, prescribe vt imperare; (Meo) praescribere;
pre-eminent adj egregius, praecipuus, (limit) finire.
excellens. prescription n (med) compositis/, (right) usus
pre-eminently adv 6gregis, praecipue, m.
excellenter. presence n praesentia/; (appearance)
preface n prooemium nt, praefatis/ ♦ vi aspectus m; - of mind praesens animus m; in
praefari. the - of cSram (abi); apud (abi); in my - mfi
prefect n praefectus m. praesente.
prefecture n praefectQra/. present ad; praesens, Instans; be ~ adesse; be
prefer vt (charge) deferre; (to office) anteferre; - at interesse (dat) 4 n praesens tempus nt;
(choice) antepSnere (acc and dat), posthabere (gift) dSnum nt; at - in praesenti, nunc; for
(datandacc); (with verb) malle, the - in praesens 4 vt dSnare, offerre; (on
preferable ad; potior, stage) indflcere; (in court) sistere; - itself
preferably adv potius, occurrere.
preference n favor m; give - to anteponere, presentable adi spectabilis,
praeoptare; in - to potius quam, presentation n donatio/,
preferment n honSs m, dignitas/, presentiment n augurium nt.
prefix vt praetendere 4 n praepositis/, presently adv mox.
pregnancy n graviditas/, preservation n conservatio/.
pregnant adj gravida, preserve vt conservare, tueri; (food) condire,
prejudge vt praeiOdicare. preside vi praesidere (dat).
prejudice n praeiudicata opIniS/, (harmful) presidency n praefectura/.
invidia/, incommodum nt; without - cum president n praefectus m.
bona venia 4 vt obesse (dat); be ~d against press n prelum nt 4 vt premere; (crowd)
invidere (dat), male opinari de (abi). stipare; (urge) Instare (dat); - for flagitare; -
prejudicial ad; damnSsus; be ~ to obesse (dat), hard (pursuit) Insequi, Instare (dat), Insistere
nocere (dat), officere (dat), detrimento esse (dat); ~ out exprimere; - together
(dat). comprimere.
preliminaries npi praecurrentia ntpi. pressing adj Instans, gravis,
preliminary ad; primus 4 n prSiasiS/. pressure n pressio/, nisus m.
prelude n prooemium nt. prestige n auctoritas/, opinio/,
premature ad; immatQrus; (birth) abortivus, presumably adv sane,
prematurely adv ante tempus, presume vt sumere, conicere 4 vi audere,
premeditate vt praecSgitare, praemeditari, confidere; I - opinor, credo,
premeditated adj praemeditatus, presuming adj adrogans.
premier adj princeps, praecipuus, presumption n coniectflra/, (arrogance)
premise n (major) propositis/; (minor) adrogantia/, licentia/.
adsumptiO/, -s pl aedes fpl, domus/, presumptuous ad; adrogans, audax,
premium n praemium m; ba at a - male emi. presumptuously adv adroganter, audacter,
premonition n monitus m. presuppose vt praesflmere.
preoccupation n sollicitfldS/. pretence n simulatio/, species/, under - of
preoccupied ad; sollicitus, districtus, per speciem (gen); under false ~s dolO malO.
preordain vt praefinire, pretend vt simulare, fingere; - that... not
preparation n (process) adparatiS/, dissimulare,
comparatisf) (product) adparatus m; (of pretender n captator m.
speech) meditatis/, make ~s for Instruere, pretension n postulatum nt; make -s to
exSrnare, comparare, adfectare, sibi adrogare.
prepare vt parare, adparSre, comparare; pretentious adj adrogans, gloriosus,
(speech) meditari; (with verb) parare; -d for pretext n species /, under - of per speciem
paratus ad (+ acc). (gen); on the - that quod + subj.
preponderance n praestantia/. prettily adv pulchre, belle,
preponderate vi praepollere, vincere, prettiness n pulchritfidO /, lepOs m.
preposition n praepositis/. pretty ad; formOsus, pulcher, bellus 4 adv
prepossess vt commendare (dat and acc), admodum, satis.
praeoccupare. prevail vi vincere; (custom) tenere, obtinere; -
prepossessing ad; suavis, iQcundus. upon persuadere (dat); (by entreaty) exOrare.
prepossession n favor m. prevailing ud; vulgatus,
preposterous adj absurdus, prevalent ad; vulgatus; be - obtinere; become
prerogative n iQs nt. - increbrescere,
presage n Smen nt 4 vt Ominari, prevaricate vi tergiversari.
ENGLISH-LAT1N 129 prevarication-profane

prevarication n tergiversatio/, privet n ligustrum nt.

prevaricator n veterator m. privilege n ius nt, immunitas/,
prevent vt impedire (+ quominus/quin and privileged ad; immunis,
subj), prohibSre (+ acc and infin). privy a4i secretus; - to c8nscius (gen).
prevention n impeditio /. prize n praemium nt; (captured) praeda/; ~
previous adj prior, superior, money manubiae fpl ♦ vt magni aestimare.
previously adv antea, antehac, pro-Athenian adj rerum Atheniensium
prevision n providentia/. studiosus.
prey n praeda / ♦ vi: - upon Insectari; (.fig) probability n veri similitudo/,
vexare, carpere. probable adj veri similis; more ~ vero
price n pretium nt; (of corn) anndna/; at a high propior.
- magnl; at a low - parvl ♦ vt pretium probably adv fortasse,
constituere (gen). probation n probatis /.
priceless ad; inaestimabilis, probationer n tlrd m.
prick vt pungere; (goad) stimulare; - up the probe vt Inspicere, scrutari,
ears aures adrigere. probity n honestas/, integritas/,
prickle n aculeus m. problem n quaestio / the ~ is illud quaeritur,
prickly ad) aculeatus, horridus, problematical adj dubius, anceps,
pride n superbia/, fastus m; (boasting) gloria/; procedure n ratio/, modus m; (law) formula/,
(object) decus nt; (best part) flos m ♦ vt: - proceed vi pergere, procedere, progredi;
oneself on iactare, prae se ferre, (narrative) Insequi; ~ against persequi, litem
priest n sacerdos m; (especial) flamen m; high - intendere (dat); - from oriri, proficisci ex.
pontifex m, antistes m. proceedings n acta ntpl.
priestess n sacerdos/; high ~ antistita/. proceeds n fructus m, reditus m.
priesthood n sacerdotium nt, flaminium nt. process n ratio/; (law) actio/, in the - of time
prig n homo fastidiosus m. post aliquod tempus,
priggish adj fastidiosus, procession n pompa/; (fig) agmen nt.
prim adj modestior, proclaim vt edicere, pronuntiare, praedicare,
primarily adv principio, praecipue, declarare; ~ war upon bellum indicere + dat.
primary adj primus, praecipuus, proclamation n edictum nt.
prime adj primus, egregius; - mover auctor m proclivity n propensio/.
♦ n fids m; in one's - florens ♦ vt Instruere, proconsul n prOcdnsul m.
Srudlre. proconsular adj proconsularis,
primeval adj priscus, proconsulshipn proconsulatus m.
primitive adj pristinus, incultus, procrastinate vt differre, proferre ♦ vi
primordial adj priscus. cunctari.
prince n regulus m; regis filius m; princeps m. procrastination n procrastinatio/, mora/,
princely adj regalis, procreate vt generare, procreare,
princess n regis filia/. procreation n procreatio/,
principal adj praecipuus, princeps, maximus procreator n generator m.
♦ n (person) princeps m//; (money) sors/. procumbent ad; prOnus.
principally adv in primis, maxime, maximam procurator n prOcflrator m.
partem. procure vt parare, adipisci, adqulrere; (by
principle n principium nt; (rule) formula/, request) impetrare,
ratiO/, (character) fides/; ~s pl Institflta ntpl, procurer n lend m.
disciplina/; first ~s elementa ntpl, initia ntpl. prod vt stimulare,
print n nota/, signum nt; (foot) vestigium nt ♦ vt prodigal adj prOdigus ♦ n nepOs m.
imprimere, prodigality n effusio/,
prior adj prior, potior, prodigally adv effuse,
priority n: give - to praevertere (dat). prodigious adj ingens, immanis,
prise vt sublevare; - open vecti refringere, prodigy n prodigium nt, portentum nt; (fig)
prison n career m, vincula ntpl; put in ~ in miraculum nt.
vincula conicere. produce vt edere; (young) parere; (crops)
prisoner n reus m; (for debt) nexus m; (of war) ferre; (play) dare, docere; (line) prdducere;
captivus m; ~ at the bar reus m, rea / take - (in court) sistere; (into view) prdferre; (from
capere. store) prOmere, deprOmere ♦ n fructus m; (of
pristine ad; priscus, pristinus, vetus, earth) fruges fpl\ (in money) reditus m.
privacy n secretum nt. product n opus nt; ~ of fructus (gen).
private adj (individual) privatus; (home) production n opus nt.
domesticus; (secluded) secretus ♦ n (mil) productive adj fecundus, ferax, fructuosus,
gregarius miles m. productivity n fecunditas/, Qbertas/.
privately adv clam, secreto, profanation n violatio/.
private property n res familiaris/, profane adj profanus, impius ♦ vt violare,
privation n inopia/, egestas/. polluere.
profanely-propose 130 ENGLISH-LATIN

profanely adv impie, promiscuously adv promiscue,

profanity n impietas/, promise n prOmissum nt; break a - fidem
profess vt profiteri, prae se ferre; - to be fallere; keep a - fidem praestare; make a -
profiteri se. fidem dare; a youth of great - summae spei
profession n professio/; (occupation) ars/, adulescens ♦ vt promittere, polliceri; (in
haeresis/. marriage) despondere; - in return
professor n doctor m. repromittere ♦ vi: - well bonam spem
proffer vt offerre, polliceri, ostendere.
proficiency n progressus m, peritia/, attain - promising adj bonae spei,
proficere. promissory note n syngrapha/,
proficient adj peritus. promontory n promunturium nt.
profile n oris lineamenta ntpl; (portrait) obliqua promote vt favere (dat); (growth) alere; (in
im3g0/. rank) producere,
profit n lucrum nt, emolumentum nt, fructus promoter n auctor m, fautor m.
m; make a ~ out of quaestui habere ♦ vt promotion n dignitas/,
prodesse {dat) ♦ vi: - by frui (abi), fiti (ab/); prompt adj alacer, prOmptus ♦ vt incitare,
(opportunity) arripere, commovere; (speaker) subicere.
profitable adj fructuosus, Qtilis. prompter n monitor m.
profitably adv utiliter, promptitude n alacritas/, celeritas/.
profligacy n flagitium nt, perditi mOrOs mpl. promptly adv extemplo, cito,
profligate adj perditus, dissolutus ♦ n nepos promulgate vt promulgare, palam facere,
m. promulgation n promulgatio/,
profound adj altus; (discussion) abstrusus, prone adj prOnus; (mind) inclinatus,
profoundly adv penitus, prong n dens m.
profundity n altitudo/, pronounce vt eloqui, appellare; (oath)
profuse adj prodigus, effusus, interponere; (sentence) dicere,
profusely adv effQse. pronuntiare.
profusion n abundantia/, adfluentia/, in - pronounced adj manifestus, Insignis,
abunde. pronouncement n OratiO/, adfirmatiO/.
progenitor n auctor m. pronunciation n appellatio/,
progeny n progenies/, prOies/. proof n documentum nt, argumentum nt; (test)
prognostic n signum nt. probatio/ ♦ adj immOtus, impenetrabilis,
prognosticate vt Ominari, augurari, prop n adminiculum nt, firmamentum nt ♦ vt
praedicere. fulcire.
prognostication n Omen nt, praedictio/. propaganda n documenta ntpl.
programme n libellus m. propagate vt propagare,
progress n progressus m; make - proficere ♦ propagation n propagatio/.
vi prOgredl. propel vt incitare, propellere,
progression n progressus m. propensity n inclinatio/.
progressively adv gradatim. proper adj idOneus, decens, decOrus; rectus; it
prohibit vt vetare, interdicere (dat). is ~ decet.
prohibition n interdictum nt. properly adv decore; rScte.
project n prepositum nt ♦ vi eminere, exstare; property n r6s/, res mancipi, bona ntpl;
(land) excurrere ♦ vt prOicere. (estate) praedium nt; (attribute) proprium nt;
projectile n telum nt. (slave's) pecQlium nt.
projecting adj eminens, prophecy n vaticinium nt, praedictio/,
projection n eminentia/, prophesy vt vaticinari, praedicere,
proletarian adj piebeius. prophet n vates m, fatidicus m.
proletariat n plebs/. prophetess n vates/,
prolific adj fecundus, prophetic adj divinus, fatidicus,
prolix adj verbosus, longus, prophetically adv divinitus,
prolixity n redundantia/. propinquity n (place) vicinitas/; (kin)
prologue n prologus m. propinquitas/,
prolong vt ducere, producere; (office) propitiate vt placare,
prOrogare. propitiation n placatio/, litatio/,
prolongation n (time) propagatio/, (office) propitious adj felix, faustus; (god) praesens,
prOrogatiO/. proportion n mensura/; in - prO portiOne, prO
promenade n ambulatio/ ♦ vi inambulare, rata parte; in - to prO (abi).
spatiari. proportionately adv prO portiOne, prO rata
prominence n eminentia/. parte.
prominent adj eminens, Insignis; be - proposal n condicio/.
eminere. propose vt prOpOnere; (motion) ferre, rogare;
promiscuous adj prOmiscuus. (penalty) inrogare; (candidate) rogare
ENGLISH-LATIN 131 proposer-publicity

magistratum. proved adj expertus,

proposer n auctor m, lator m. provenance n origo/,
proposition n (offer) condicio/, (plan) provender n pabulum nt.
consilium nt, propositum nt; (logic) proverb n prOverbium nt.
pronuntiatum nt. proverbial adj tritus; become - in prOverbium
propound vt exponere, in medium proferre, venire.
propraetor n propraetor m. provide vt parare, praebere; - for providere
proprietor n dominus m. (dat); the law ~s lex iubet; - against
propriety n decorum nt; (conduct) modestia/, praecavere.
with - decenter, provided that con; dum, dummodo (+subj).
propulsion n impulsus m. providence n providentia/, Deus m.
prorogation n prorogatio/, provident ad; prOvidus, cautus,
prorogue vt prorogare, providential adj divinus; secundus,
prosaic adj pedester, providentially adv divinitus,
proscribe vt proscribere, providently adv caute,
proscription n proscriptio/, providing conj dum, dummodo,
prose n OratiO/, Oratio soluta/, province n provincia/
prosecute vt (task) exsequi, gerere; (at law) provincial adj provincialis; (contemptuous)
accusare, litem intendere (dat). oppidanus, municipalis,
prosecution n exsecutio/; (at law) accusatio/ provision n paratus m; make - for prOvidere
(party) accusator m. (dat); make - cavere,
prosecutor n accusator m. provisionally adv ad tempus,
prosody n numeri mpi. provisions n cibus m, commeatus m, res
prospect n prospectus m; (fig) spes / ♦ vi frumentaria/.
explOrare. proviso n condicio/; with this - hac lege,
prospective adj futurus, speratus, provocation n inritamentum nt, offensio/,
prosper vi flOrere, bona fortuna uti ♦ vt provocative ad; (language) molestus,
fortunare. invidiosus.
prosperity n fortuna /, res secundae/>1, provoke vt inritare, lacessere; (to action)
felicitas / excitare.
prosperous ad; felix, fortunatus, secundus, provoking adj odiOsus, molestus.
prosperously adv prospere, provost n praefectus m.
prostrate ad; prOstratus, adflictus; lie - iacere prow n prOra/.
♦ vt prosternere, deicere; ~ oneself prowess n virtus/.
prOcumbere, se prOicere. prowl vi grassari, vagari.
prostration n fractus animus m. proximate ad; proximus.
prosy adj longus. proximity n propinquitas/, vicinia/.
protagonist n primarum partium actor m. proxy n vicarius m.
protect vt tueri, defendere, custodire, prude n fastidiosa /
protegere. prudence n prudentia/.
protection n tutela/, praesidium nt; (law) prudent adj prudens, cautus, sagax.
patrOcinium nt; (pol) fides /; put oneself under prudently adv prQdenter, caute.
the - of in fidem venire (gen); take under prudery n fastidiosa quaedam pudicitia/.
one's - in fidem recipere, prudish ad; fastidiosus.
protector n patrOnus m, defensor m, custOs m. prune vt amputare.
protectress n patrOna/. pruner n putator m.
protege n cliens m. pruning hook n falx/.
protest n obtestatio/; (pol) intercessio/ ♦ vi pry vi inquirere; ~ into scrutari.
obtestari, reclamare; (pol) intercedere, pseudonym n falsum nOmen nt.
protestation n adseveratiO/. psychology n animi ratio/.
prototype n archetypum nt. Ptolemy n Ptolemaeus m.
protract vt dOcere, producere, puberty n pubertas/.
protrude vi prominere, public adj publicus; (speech) forensis; - life res
protruding ad; exsertus, publica/ forum nt; in - foris; appear in - in
protuberance n eminentia/, tuber nt. medium prOdire; make - in medio pOnere,
protuberant ad; eminens, turgidus, foras perferre; make a - case of in medium
proud ad; superbus, adrogans, Insolens; be - vocare; act for the ~ good in medium
superbire; be - of iactare. cOnsulere; be a - figure in luce versari,
proudly adv superbe. digito mOnstrarl ♦ n vulgus nt, homines mpl.
prove vt demonstrare, arguere, probare; (test) publican n (taxes) pQblicanus m; (inn) caupO m.
experiri ♦ vi (person) se praebere; (event) publication n editio/, promulgatio/, (book)
evadere; - oneself se praebere, se praestare; liber m.
not -n nOn liquet. publicity n lOx/, celebritas/.
publicly-put 132 ENGLISH-LAT1N

publicly adv palam; (by the state) publics. pup n catulus m ♦ vi parere,
public opinion n fama/. pupil n discipulus m, discipula/, (eye) acies/,
publish vi vulgare, divulgare; (book) edere. pflpula /.
pucker vt corrugare. pupillage n tutela/,
puerile adj puerilis. puppet n pupa/,
puerility n ineptiae fpi. puppy n catulus m.
puff n aura/ ♦ vt Inflare ♦ vi anhelare. purblind adj luscus.
puffed up adj Inflatus, tumidus. purchase n emptio/, (formal) mancipium nt ♦
pugilism n pugilatus m. vt emere.
pugilist n pugil m. purchaser n emptor m; (at auction) manceps m.
pugnacious adj pugnax. pure adj purus, integer; (morally) castus;
pugnacity n ferocitas/. (mere) merus.
puissance n potentia/, vlrSs/pi. purely adv pflre, integre; (solely) sOlum, nil
puissant adj potens. nisi; (quite) omnino, plane,
pull n tractus m; (of gravity) contentio/ ♦ vl purgation n purgatio/,
trahere, tractare; - apart distrahere; - at purge vt pQrgare, expurgare,
vellicare; ~ away avellere; ~ back retrahere; purification n lustratio/, purgatio/.
- down deripere, detrahere; (building) purify vt purgare, expurgare,
demoliri; - off avellere; - out evellere, purist n fastidiosus m.
extrahere; - through vi pervincere; (illness) purity n integritas/, castitas/.
convalescere; - up (plant) eruere, purloin vt surripere, furari,
(movement) coercere; - to pieces dilaniare. purple n purpura fi adj purpureus,
pullet n pullus gallinaceus m. purport n sententia/ (of words) vis/; what is
pulley n trochlea /. the ~ of? quO spectat?, quid vult? ♦ vt velle
pulmonary adj pulmoneus. spectare ad.
pulp n caro /. purpose n prOpositum nt, consilium nt, mens/,
pulpit n suggestus m. for that ~ eO; for the - of ad (acc), ut (subf), ea
pulsate vi palpitare, micare. mente ut, eO cOnsiliO ut (subj); on ~ cOnsultO,
pulse n (plant) legumen nt; (of blood) venae fpl; de industria; to the ~ ad rem; to what ~?
feel the ~ venas temptare, quO?, quOrsum?; to no ~ frustra, nequiquam;
pulverize vt contundere, without achieving one's - re Infecta ♦ vt in
pumice stone n pumex m. animO habere, velle,
pummel vt verberare. purposeful a4; intentus,
pump n antlia/ ♦ vt haurire; - out exhaurire, purposeless adj inanis,
pumpkin n cucurbita/, purposely adv consulte, de industria,
pun n agnominatio/. purrn murmur nt ♦ vi murmurare,
punch n ictus m ♦ vt pertundere, percutere, purse n marsupium nt, crumena/ privy -
punctilious adj riligiOsus. flscus m ♦ vt adstringere.
punctiliousness n riligiO/. pursuance n exsecutio/; in - of secundum
punctual adj accuratus, diligens, (acc).
punctuality n diligentia/, pursue vt Insequi, Insectari, persequi;
punctually adv ad hOram, ad tempus, (closely) Instare (dat), insistere (dat); (aim)
punctuate vt distinguere, petere; (course) Insistere,
punctuation n interpdnctiO/. pursuer n InsequOns m; (law) accflsator m.
puncture n pflnctiO/ ♦ vt pungere, pursuit n Insectatio/ (hunt) vSnatiO/,
pundit n scholasticus m. (ambition) studium nt.
pungency n acrimonia/; (in debate) acQlel mpl. purvey vt parare; (food) obsOnare.
pungent adj acer, mordax, purveyance n prOcQratiO/.
punish vt pQnlre, animadvertere in (acc); purveyor n obsOnator m.
poenam sQmere d6 (+abl); be -ed poenas purview n provincia/,
dare. pus n pus nt.
punishable adj poena dignus, push n pulsus m, impetus m ♦ vt impellere,
punisher n vindex m, ultor m. trudere, urgfire; - away 3mov6re; ~ back
punishment n poena/, supplicium nt; repellere; - down deprimere, detrfldere; ~
(censors') animadversio/, capital - capitis forward propellere; - in intrfldere; - on
supplicium nt; corporal - verbera ntpl, inflict incitare; - through perrumpere,
- on poena adflcere, poenam capere de (abf), pushing adj confidens,
supplicium sflmere de (ab/); submit to - pusillanimity n ignavia/, timor m.
poenam subire; undergo - poenas dare, pusillanimous adj ignavus, timidus,
pendere, solvere. pustule n pustula/.
punitive adj ulciscendi causa, put vt (in a state) dare; (in a position) pOnere; (in
puntn ponto m. words) reddere; (argument) pOnere; (spur)
puny adj pusillus. subdere; (to some use) adhibere; - an end to
ENGLISH-LATIN 133 putrefaction-quick

finem facere (dat); - a question to qualify vi proficere ♦ vt temperare, mitigare,

interrogare; - against adpOnere; - among qualities npi ingenium nt.
intericere; - aside seponere; - away ponere, quality n natura/, vis/; indoles/; (rank) locus
demovere; (store) reponere; ~ back m, genus nt; I know the ~ of scio qualis sit.
reponere; repellere; - beside adpOnere; - qualm n riligio/, scrupulus m.
between interponere; - by condere; - down quandary n angustiae fpl; be in a - haerere,
dfipOnere; (revolt) opprimere; - forth quantity n copia/, numerus m; (metre) vocum
extendere; (growth) mittere; - forward mensio/; a large - multum nt, plurimum nt; a
ostentare; (plea) adferre; - in immittere, small - aliquantulum nt.
Inserere; (ship) adpellere; - off differre; - on quarrel n dissensio/, controversia/; (violent)
imponere; (clothes) induere; (play) dare; ~ rixa/, iurgium nt ♦ vi rixari, altercari,
out Oicere; (eye) effodere; (fire) exstinguere; quarrelsome adj pugnax, litigiosus,
(money) ponere; (tongue) exserere; ~ out of quarry n lapicidinae fpl, metallum nt; (prey)
the way demovere; - out to sea in altum praeda/♦ vt excidere,
evehi, solvere; - over superimponere; - to quart n duO sextarii mpl.
adpOnere; (flight) dare in (acc), fugare, quartan n (fever) quartana/,
profligare; in fugam conicere; (sea) solvere; quarter n quarta pars/, quadrans m; (sector)
- together conferre; - under subicere; - up regio/; (direction) pars/, regio/; (respite)
(forsale) proponere; (lodge) devertere, missio/; -s castra ntpl; (billet) hospitium nt;
deversari apud; - up with ferre, pati; - upon come to close -s manum conserere; (armies)
imponere. signa conferre; winter -s hiberna ntpl ♦ vt
putrefaction n putor m. quadrifidam dividere; (troops) in hospitia
putrefy vi putrescere, dividere.
putrid adj putridus. quarterdeck n puppis/,
puzzle n nOdus m ♦ vt impedire, sollicitare; be quarterly adj trimestris ♦ adv quarto quoque
~d haerere. mense.
puzzling adj ambiguus, perplexus, quartermaster n (navy) gubernator m; (army)
pygmy n pygmaeus m. castrorum praefectus m.
pyramid n pyramis/, quarterstaff n rudis/.
pyramidal adj pyramidatus, quash vt comprimere; (decision) rescindere,
pyre n rogus m. quatrain n tetrastichon nt.
Pyrenees npi Pyrenaei (montes) mpl. quaver n tremor m ♦ vi tremere,
python n python m. quavering adj tremebundus,
quay n crepido /.
queasy adj fastidiosus,
queen n regina/; (bee) rOx m.
queer adj Insolens, ridiculus,
quell vt opprimere, domare, debellare,

0,9 quench vt exstinguere, restinguere; (thirst)

sedare, explere.
querulous adj querulus, queribundus,
query n interrogatio/ ♦ vt in dubium vocare ♦
vi rogare.
quest n investigatio/; go in - of investigare,
quack n (doctor) circulator m ♦ vi tetrinnire, anquirere.
quadrangle n area/, question n interrogatio/, (at issue) quaestio/,
quadruped n quadrupes mjf. res/; (in doubt) dubium nt; ask a - rogare,
quadruple adj quadruplex, quaerere, sciscitari, percontari; call in - in
quaestor n quaestor m; ~'s quaestorius, dubium vocare, addubitare; out of the ~
quaestorship n quaestura/, indignus; be out of the - improbari, fieri nOn
quaff vt OpOtare, haurire, posse; the - is illud quaeritur; there is no ~
quagmire n palds/. that nOn dubium est quin (subj); without -
quail n (bird) coturnix/ ♦ vt pavescere, sine dubiO ♦ vt interrogare; (closely)
trepidare. percontari; (doubt) in dubium vocare ♦ vi
quaint adj novus. Insolitus, dubitare.
quaintness n Insolentia/, questionable adj incertus, dubius.
quake vi horrere, horrescere ♦ n (earth) mOtus questioner n percontator m.
m. questioning n interrogatio/.
quaking n horror m, tremor m ♦ adj tremulus, queue n agmen nt.
qualification n condici6/; (limitation) exceptio quibble n captio/+ vi cavillari.
quibbler n cavillator m.
qualified adj (for) aptus, idOneus, dignus; (in) quibbling adj captiosus.
peritus, doctus. quick adj (speed) celer, vOlOx, citus; (to act)
quicken-rampant 134 ENGLISH-LATIN

alacer, impiger; (toperceive) sagax; (with spatium nt.

hands') facilis; (living) vlvus; be - properare, racer n cursor m.
festinare; cut to the - ad vivum resecare; racial adj gentilis.
(fig) mordere. rack n (torture) tormentum nt; (shelf) pluteus m;
quicken vt adcelerare; (with life) animare, be on the - (fig) cruciari ♦ vt torquere,
quickening odj vitalis, cruciare; - off (wine) diffundere,
quickly adv celeriter, citO; (haste) propere; racket n (noise) strepitus m.
(mind) acute; as ~ as possible quam racy adj (style) salsus,
celerrime. radiance n splendor m, fulgor m.
quickness n celeritas/, velocitas/, (to act) radiant adj splendidus, nitidus,
alacritas/, (to perceive) sagacitas/, sollertia/, radiantly adv splendide.
quicksand n syrtis /. radiate vi fulgere; (direction) diversos tendere
quick-tempered odj Iracundus, ♦ vt emittere.
quick-witted odj acutus, sagax, perspicax, radical adj Insitus, innatus; (thorough) totus ♦
quiescence n inertia/, otium nt. n novarum rerum cupidus m.
quiescent adj iners, otiosus, radically adv omnino, penitus, funditus,
quiet adj tranquillus, quietus, placidus; (silent) radish n radix /.
tacitus; be - quiescere; silere ♦ n quies/, radius n radius m.
tranquillitas f; silentium nt; (peace) pax/ ♦ vt raffish adj dissolutus,
pacare, componere. raffle n alea/ ♦ vt alea vendere,
quietly adv tranquille, quiete; tacite, per raft n ratis/.
silentium; aequo animo, rafter n trabs/, tignum nt.
quietness n tranquillitas/; silentium nt. ragn pannus m.
quili n penna/, rage n Ira/, furor m; be ali the ~ in ore omnium
quince n cydOnium nt. esse; spend one's ~ exsaevire ♦ vi furere,
quinquennial adj quinquennalis, saevire; (furiously) debacchari,
quinquereme n quinqueremis/, ragged adj pannosus.
quintessence n flos m, vis/, raid n excursio/, incursio/, impressio/; make
quip n sal m, facetiae/pt. a - excurrere ♦ vt incursionem facere in
quirk n captiuncula/; -s pl tricae fpl. (acc).
quit vt relinquere ♦ adj liber, solutus, rail n longurius m ♦ vt saepire ♦ vi: - at
quite adv admodum, plane, prorsus; not - maledicere (dat), convicia facere (dat).
minus, parum; (time) nondum, railing n saepes/, cancelli mpl.
quits n pares mpl. raillery n cavillatio/.
quiver n pharetra /♦vi tremere, contremere, raiment n vestis/.
quivering adj tremebundus, tremulus, rain n pluvia/, imber m ♦ vi pluere; it is raining
quoit n discus m. pluit.
quota n pars/, rata pars/, rainbow n arcus m.
quotation n (act) commemoratio/, (passage) rainstorm n imber m.
locus m. rainy adj pluvius.
quote vt proferre, commemorare, raise vt tollere, elevare; (army) cogere,
quoth vt inquit. conscribere; (children) educare; (cry) tollere;
(from dead) excitare; (laugh) movere;
(money) conflare; (price) augere; (siege)
exsolvere; (structure) exstruere; (to higher
rank) 6vehere; - up erigere, sublevare,
raisin n astaphis/,

R,r rajah n dynastes m.

rake n rastrum nt; (person) nepos m ♦ vt
radere; - in conradere; - up (fig) eruere,
rakish adj dissolutus.
rally n conventus m ♦ vt (troops) in ordinem
revocare; (with words) hortari; (banter)
rabbit n cuniculus m. cavillari ♦ vi se colligere,
rabble n turba/; (class) vulgus nt, plebecula/, ram n aries m; (battering) aries m ♦ vt: - down
rabid adj rabidus, fistucare; - home (fact) inculcare,
rabidly adv rabide. ramble n erratio/ ♦ vi vagari, errare,
race n (descent) genus nt, stirps/; (people) gens rambling adj vagus; (piant) erraticus; (speech)
/, nomen nt; (contest) certamen nt; (fig) cursus fluens.
m, curriculum nt; (wafer) flumen nt; run a - ramification a ramus m.
cursu certare; run the - (fig) spatium rammer n fistuca/,
decurrere ♦ vi certare, contendere, rampage vi saevire,
racecourse n(foot) stadium nt; (horse) rampant adj ferOx.
ENGUSH-LATIN 135 rampart-rearguard

rampart n agger m, vallum nt. ratiocination n ratiocinatio/,

ranch n latifundium nt. ration n demensum nt.
rancid adj putidus. rational ad; animo praeditus; be - sapere.
rancour n odium nt, acerbitas/, invidia/, rationality n ratio/,
random adj fortuitus; at ~ temere, rationally adv ratiOne.
range n ordo m, series/; (mountain) iugum nt; rations npi cibaria ntpi, diaria ntpl.
(of weapon) iactus m; within - intra tell rattle n crepitus m; (toy) crotalum nt ♦ vi
iactum; come within - sub ictum venire ♦ vt crepitare, increpare,
Ordinare ♦ vi evagari, pervagari; (in speech) raucous ad; raucus,
excurrere. ravage vt depopulari, vastare, diripere,
rank n (line) ordo m; (class) ordo m; (position) rave vi furere, Insanire; (fig) bacchari,
locus m, dignitas/; ~ and file gregarii milites saevire.
mpl; keep the -s Ordines observSre; the -s raven n cornix/.
(mil) acies, aciei/, leave the -s ordine egredi, ravenous ad; rapax, vorax,
ab signis discedere; reduce to the -s in ravenously adv avide,
Ordinem redigere ♦ vt numerare ♦ vi in ravine n fauces/jd, hiatus m.
numero haberi. raving adj furiosus, Insanus ♦ n furor m.
rank adj luxuriosus; (smell) gravis, foetidus, ravish vt rapere; (joy) efferre,
rankle vi exulcerare, raw adj crudus; (person) rudis, agrestis,
rankness n luxuries/, ray n radius m; the first - of hope appeared
ransack vt diripere, spoliare, prima spes adfulsit.
ransom n redemptio/, pretium nt ♦ vt raze vt excidere, solO aequare,
redimere, razor n novacula/.
rant vi latrare, reach n (space) spatium nt; (mind) captus m;
ranter n rabula m, latrator m. (weapon) ictus m; out of - of extra (acc);
rap n ictus m ♦ vt ferire, within - ad manum ♦ vt advenire ad (+ acc);
rapacious ad; rapax, avidus, attingere; (space) pertinere ad; (journey)
rapaciously adv avide, pervenire ad.
rapacity n rapacitas/, aviditas/, react vi adficl; ~ to ferre,
rape n raptus m. reaction n: what was his ~ to? quO animO
rapid adj rapidus, veiOx, citus, incitatus. tulit?
rapidity n celeritas/, velocitas/, incitatio/. read vt legere; (a book) evolvere; (aloud)
rapidly adv rapide, velociter, cito. recitare; ~ over perlegere,
rapine n rapina/. reader n lector m.
rapt adj intentus. readily adv facile, libenter, ultro,
rapture n laetitia/, alacritas/. readiness n facilitas/; in - ad manum, in
rare ad; rarus; (occurrence) Infrequens; prbmptu, in expedito,
(quality) singularis, reading n lectio/,
rarefy vt extenuare, readjust vt denuO accommodare,
rarely adv raro. ready ad; paratus, prOmptus; (manner) facilis;
rarity n raritas/; (thing) res Insolita/, (money) praesens; get, make - parare,
rascal n furcifer m, scelestus m. expedire, adornare,
rascally adj improbus, reaffirm vt iterum adfirmare.
rash adj temerarius, audax, inconsultus; real adj verus, germanus,
praeceps. real estate n fundus m, solum nt.
rashly adv temere, inconsulte, realism n veritas/,
rashness n temeritas/, audacia/, realistic ad; veri similis,
rat n mus m/f. reality n res/, r6s ipsa/, verum nt; in - revera,
rate n (cost) pretium nt; (standard) nOrma/, realize vt intellegere, animadvertere; (aim)
(tax) vectigal nt; (speed) celeritas/, at any - efficere, peragere; (money) redigere,
(concessive) utique, saltem; (adversative) really adv vere, revera, profectO; ~? itane
quamquam, tamen ♦ vt (value) aestimare; verO?
(scold) increpare, obiurgare. realm n regnum nt.
rather adv potius, satius; (somewhat) reap vt metere; ~ the reward of fructum
aliquantum; (with comp) aliquanto; (with percipere ex.
verbs) maiO; (correcting) immo; - sad tristior; reaper n messor m.
I would ~ malo; I ~ think haud sciO an; - than reappear vi revenire.
magis quam, potius quam, rearvt alere, educare; (structure) exstruere ♦
ratification n (formal) sanctio /. vi se erigere ♦ n tergum nt; (mil) novissima
ratify vt ratum facere, sancire; (law) iubOre. acies/, novissimum agmen nt; in the - a
rating n taxatio/, aestimatio/; (navy) nauta m; tergO; bring up the ~ agmen claudere, agmen
(scolding) obiurgatiO/. cOgere ♦ adj postremus, novissimus,
ratiocinate vi ratiocinari. rearguard n novissimum agmen nt,
rearrange-recruit 136 ENGLISH-LATIN

novissimi mpl. recitation n recitatio/.

rearrange vt Ordinem mOtare (gen), recite vt recitare; (details) enumerare.
reason n (faculty) mens/, animus m, ratio/; reciter n recitator m.
(sanity) sanitas/, (argument) ratio/, (cause) reck vt ratiOnem habere (gen).
causa/, (moderation) modus m; by ~ of reckless adj temerarius, incautus, praeceps.
propter (acc); for this - idcircO, ideO, recklessly adv incauto, temerO.
propterea; in ~ aequus, modicus; with good recklessness n temeritas /, neglegentia/.
- iure; without ~ temere, sine causa; without reckon vt (count) computare, numerare;
good ~ frustra, iniuria; give a ~ for ratiOnem (think) cOnsOre, ducere; (estimate) aestimare;
adferre (gen); I know the - for sciO cOr, - on cOnfldere (dat); ~ up dinumerare; (cost)
quamobrem (subj); there is no ~ for nOn est aestimare; - with contendere cum.
cur, nihil est quod (subj); lose one's ~ reckoning n ratio/.
Insanire ♦ vi ratiocinari, disserere, reclaim vt repetere; (from error) revocare,
reasonable adj aequus, iQstus; (person) recline vi recumbere; (at table) accumbere;
modestus; (amount) modicus, (plur) discumbere,
reasonably adv ratiOne, iustO; modice, recluse n homO solitarius m.
reasoning n ratio /, ratiocinatio/, recognition n cognitio/,
reassemble vt colligere, cogere, recognizance n vadimonium nt.
reassert vt iterare, recognize vt agnoscere; (approve) accipere;
reassume vt recipere, (admit) fateri.
reassure vt firmare, confirmare, recoil vi resilire; ~ from refugere; - upon
rebate vt deducere, recidere in (acc).
rebel n rebellis m ♦ adj seditiosus ♦ vt recollect vt reminisci (gen).
rebellionem facere, rebellare, desciscere, recollection n memoria/, recordatio/.
rebellion n seditio/, motus m. recommence vt renovare, redintegrare,
rebellious adj seditiosus, recommend vt commendare; (advise)
rebound vi resilire. suadere (dat).
rebuff n repulsa/ ♦ vt repellere, aversari, recommendation n commendatio/, (advice)
rebuild vt renovare, restaurare, consilium nt; letter of ~ litterae
rebuke n reprehensio/, obiurgatio/ ♦ vt commendaticiae.
reprehendere, obiflrgare, increpare, recompense vt remOnerarl, gratiam referre
rebut vt refutare, redarguere, (dat) ♦ n praemium nt, remflneratiO/.
recalcitrant adj invitus, reconcile vt componere, reconciliare; be ~d in
recall n revocatio/, reditus m ♦ vt revocare; gratiam redire.
(from exile) reducere; (to mind) reminisci reconciliation n reconciliatio/, gratia/,
(gen), recordari (gen). recondite adj reconditus, abstrusus,
recant vt retractare, recondition vt reficere,
recantation n receptus m. reconnaissance n exploratio/,
recapitulate vt repetere, summatim dicere, reconnoitre vt, vi explorare; without
recapitulation n enumeratio/, reconnoitring inexplorato,
recapture vt recipere, reconquer vt recipere,
recast vt reficere, retractare, reconsider vt reputare, retractare,
recede vi recedere. reconstruet vt restituere, renovare,
receipt n (act) acceptio/, (money) acceptum nt; reconstruction n renovatio/,
(written) apocha/. record n monumentum nt; (ur) commentarius
receive vt accipere, capere; (in turn) excipere, m; -s p/ tabulae jpl, fasti mpl, 8cta ntpl; break
receiver n receptor m. the - priores omnes superare ♦ vt in
recent adj recens, commentarium referre; (history)
recently adv nuper, recens, perscribere, narrare,
receptacle n receptaculum nt. recount vt narrare, commemorare,
reception n aditus m, hospitium nt. recourses have - to (forsafety) cOnfugere ad;
receptive adj docilis, (as expedient) decurrere ad.
recess n recessus m, angulus m; (holiday) recover vt recipere, recuperare; (loss)
feriae jpl. reparare; ~ oneself s6 colligere; - one's
recharge vt replere, senses ad sanitatem reverti ♦ vi
recipe n compositio/, convalescere.
recipient n qui accipit, recovery n recuperatio/, (from illness) salOs/.
reciprocal adj mQtuus. recreate vt recreare,
reciprocally adv mOtuO, inter se. recreation n requies/, remissio/, lodus m.
reciprocate vt referre, reddere, recriminate vi in vicem accdsare.
reciprocity n mfltuum m. recrimination n mutua accQsatiO/.
recital n narratio/, enumeratio/; (ur) recitatio recruit n tlrO m ♦ vt (mil) conscribere;
/. (strength) reficere.
ENGLISH-LATIN 137 recruiting officer-regularity

recruiting officern conquisitor m. reflux n recessus m.

rectify vt corrigere, emendare, reform n emendatio/ ♦ vt (lines) restituere;
rectitude n probitas/, (error) corrigere, emendare, meliorem
recumbent adj supinus, facere ♦ vi se corrigere,
recuperate vi convalescere, reformation n correctio/,
recurvi recurrere, redire, reformer n corrector m, emendator m.
recurrence n reditus m, reversio/, refract vt Infringere,
recurrent ad; adsiduus. refractory adj contumax,
red adj ruber. refrain vi temperare, abstinere (dat),
redden vi erubescere ♦ vt rutilare, supersedere (inf).
reddish adj subrufus, refresh vt recreare, renovare, reficere; (mind)
redeem vt redimere, liberare, integrare.
redeemer n liberator m. refreshed ad; requietus,
redemption n redemptio/, refreshing ad; dulcis, iucundus.
red-haired adj rufus. refreshment n cibus m.
red-handed adj: catch - in manifesto scelere refuge n perfugium nt; (secret) latebra/; take -
deprehendere, with perfugere ad (acc); take - in confugere,
red-hot adj fervens, refugee n profugus m.
red lead n minium nt. refulgence n splendor m.
redness nrubor m. refulgent adj splendidus,
redolent adj: be - of redolere, refund vt reddere,
redouble vt ingeminare, refusal n recusatio/, detrectatio/,
redoubt n propugnaculum nt. refuse n purgamenta ntpl; (fig) faex/♦ vt
redoubtable ad; infestus, formidolosus, (request) denegare; (offer) detrectare,
redound vi redundare; it ~s to my credit mihi recusare; (with verb) nolle,
honOrl est. refutation n refGtatiO/, reprehensio/.
redress n remedium nt; demand - res refute vt refellere, redarguere, revincere,
repetere ♦ vt restituere, regain vt recipere,
reduce vt minuere, attenuare; (to a condition) regal adj regius, regalis,
redigere, deducere; (mil) expugnare; - to the regale vt excipere, delectare; ~ oneself
ranks in Ordinem cOgere. epulari.
reduction n imminutio/, (mil) expugnatio/, regalia n Insignia ntpl.
redundancy n redundantia/, regally adv regaliter.
redundant ad; redundans; be - redundare, regard n respectus m, ratio/; (esteem) gratia/;
reduplication n geminatio/, with ~ to ad (acc), quod attinet ad ♦ vt (look)
re-echo vt reddere, referre ♦ vi resonare, intueri, spectare; (deem) habere, ducere;
reed n harundO/. send ~sto salutem dicere (dat).
reedy adj harundineus. regarding prep de (abi).
reef n saxa ntpi ♦ vt (sa/7) subnectere, regardless adj neglegens, immemor.
reek n ffimus m ♦ vi fOmare. regency n interregnum nt.
reel vi vacillare, titubare, regent n interrex m.
re-enlist vt rescribere, regicide n (person) regis interfector m; (act)
re-establish vt restituere, regis caedes/,
refashion vt reficere, regime n administratio/,
refer vt (person) delegare; (matter) rOicere, regimen n victus m.
remittere ♦ vi: - to spectare ad; (in speech) regiment n legio/.
attingere, perstringere, region n regiO/, tractus m.
referee n arbiter m. register n tabulae fpi, album nt ♦ vt in tabulas
reference n ratio/, (in book) locus m. referre, perscribere; (emotion) ostendere,
refine vt excolere, expolire; (metai) sflmere.
excoquere. registrar n tabularius m.
refined adj humanus, urbanus, politus, registry n tabularium nt.
refinement n humanitas/, cultus m, elegantia regret n dolor m; (for past) desiderium nt; (for
/. fault) paenitentia/ ♦ vt dol6re; I ~ me
refit vt reficere. paenitet, me piget (gen).
reflect vt reddere, repercutere ♦ vi meditari; ~ regretful ad; maestus,
upon considerare, sOcum reputare; (blame) regretfully adv dolenter,
reprehendere. regrettable adj Infelix, Infortunatus,
reflection n (of light) repercussus m', (image) regular ad; (consistent) cOnstans; (orderly)
imagO/, (thought) meditatio/, cOgitatiO/, Ordinatus; (habitual) solitus, adsiduus;
(blame) reprehensio/; cast -s on maculis (proper) iQstus, rectus.
aspergere, vitiO vertere; with due - regularity n moderatio/, OrdO m; (consistency)
considerate; without - inconsulte. cOnstantia/.
regularly-remuneration 138 ENGLISH-LATIN

regularly adv ordine; constanter; iuste, recte, relief n levatio/, levamen nt, adlevamentum nt;
regulate vt ordinare, dirigere; (control) (aid) subsidium nt; (turn of duty) vices/pi; (art)
moderari. eminentia/; (sculpture) toreuma nt; bas -
regulation n lex/, decretum nt. anaglypta ntpl; in - eminens, expressus;
rehabilitate vt restituere, throw into ~ exprimere, distinguere,
rehearsal n meditatio/, relieve vt levare, sublevare; (aid) subvenire
rehearse vt meditari. (dat); (duty) succedere (dat), excipere; (art)
reign n regnum nt; (emperor's) principatus m; distinguere.
in the ~ of Numa regnante NumS ♦ vi religion n religio/, deOrum cultus m.
regnare; (fig) dominari, religious adj religiosus, pius; ~ feeling religio
reimburse vt rependere, /.
rein n habena/; give full - to habenas religiously adv religiose,
immittere ♦ vt Infrenare, relinquish vt relinquere; (office) se abdicare
reindeer n rend m. (abi).
reinforce vt firmare, confirmare, relish n sapor m; (sauce) condimentum nt; (zest)
reinforcement n subsidium nt; ~s pi novae studium nt ♦ vt delectari (abi).
copiae fpl. reluctance n: with - invitus,
reinstate vt restituere, reducere, reluctant adj invitus,
reinstatement n restitutio/, reductio/; (to reluctantly adv invitus, gravate,
legal privileges) postliminium nt. rely vi fidere (dat), cOnfldere (dat).
reinvigorate vt recreare, relying ad; fretus (abi).
reiterate vt dictitare, iterare, remain vi manere, morari; (left over) restare,
reiteration n iteratio/, superesse.
reject vt reicere; (with scorn) respuere, remainder n reliquum nt.
aspernari, repudiare, remaining adj reliquus; the - ceteri pi.
rejection n reiectio/, repulsa/. remains n reliquiae fpl.
rejoice vi gaudere, laetari ♦ vt delectare, remand vt (law) ampliare,
rejoicing n gaudium nt. remark n dictum nt ♦ vt dicere; (note)
rejoin vt redire ad ♦ vi respondere, observare.
rejoinder n responsum nt. remarkable adj Insignis, egregius,
rejuvenate vt: be ~d repuerascere, memorabilis.
rekindle vt suscitare, remarkably adv Insignite, egregie,
relapse vi recidere, remediable ad; sanabilis,
relate vt (teli) narrare, commemorare, remedy n remedium nt ♦ vt mederi (dat),
exponere; (compare) conferre ♦ vi sanare.
pertinere. remember vt meminisse (gen); (recall)
related adj propinquus; (by birth) cognatus; (by recordari (gen), reminisci (gen).
marriage) adflnis; (fig) finitimus, remembrance n memoria/, recordatio/,
relation n (tale) narratio/; (connection) rati6/; remind vt admonere, commonefacere,
(kin) necessarius m, cognatus m, adflnis m. reminder n admonitio/, admonitum nt.
relationship n necessitudo/; (by birth) reminiscence n recordatio/.
cognatio/; (by marriage) adflnitas/, remiss ad; dissolutus, neglegens,
(connection) vicinitas/, remission n venia/,
relative adj cum ceteris comparatus ♦ n remissness n neglegentia/.
propinquus m, cognatus m, adflnis m, remit vt remittere; (fault) ignOscere (dat);
necessarius m. (debt) dOnare; (punishment) condOnare;
relatively adv ex comparatione, (question) referre,
relax vt laxare, remittere ♦ vi languescere, remittance n pecunia/,
relaxation n remissio/, requies/, ludus m. remnant n fragmentum nt; -s pi reliquiae fpl.
relay n: -s of horses dispositi equi mpl. remonstrance n obtestatio/, obiflrgatiO/.
release vt solvere, exsolvere, liberare, remonstrate vi reclamare; ~ with obiflrgare;
expedire; (law) absolvere ♦ n missio/, - about expostulare,
liberatio/. remorse n paenitentia/, cOnscientia/.
relegate vt relegare. remorseless ad; immisericors,
relent vi concedere, placari, flecti. remote ad; remotus, reconditus,
relentless ad; immisericors, inexorabilis; remotely adv procul,
(things) improbus, remoteness n longinquitas/,
relevant ad; ad rem. removal n amOtiO/; (going) migratio/.
reliability n fiducia/, remove vt amovere, demere, eximere,
reliable ad; fidus, removere; (out of the way) demovere ♦ vt
reliance n fiducia/, fides/. migrare, demigrare,
reliant ad; fretus, remunerate vt remQnerarl.
relic n reliquiae fpl. remuneration n merces/, praemium nt.
ENGLISH-LATIN 139 rend-reserve

rend vt scindere, divellere. representative n legatus m.

render vt reddere; (music) interpretari; repress vt reprimere, cohibere,
(translation) vertere; (thanks) referre, repression n coercitio/,
rendering n interpretatio/, reprieve n mora/, venia/ ♦ vt veniam dare
rendez-vous n constitutum nt. (dat).
renegade n desertor m. reprimand vt reprehendere, increpare ♦ n
renew vt renovare, integrare, Instaurare, reprehensio/.
redintegrare. reprisals n ultio/.
renewal n renovatio/; (ceremony) Instauratio reproach vt exprobare, obicere (dat) ♦ n
/• exprobratio/, probrum nt; (cause)
renounce vt renuntiare, mittere, repudiare, opprobrium nt.
renovate vt renovare, reficere, reproachful adj contumeliosus,
renown n fama/, gloria/, reprobate adj perditus,
renowned adj praeclarus, Insignis, notus, reproduce vt propagare; (likeness) referre,
rent n(tear) fissum nt; (pay) merces/ ♦ vt (hire) reproduction n prOcreatio f; (likeness) imagO
conducere; (lease) locare, /•
renunciation n cessio/, repudiatio/. reproductive adj genitalis,
repair vt reficere, sarcire ♦ vi se recipere ♦ n: reproof n reprehensio/, obiurgatio/.
keep in good - tueri; in bad - ruInOsus. reprove vt reprehendere, increpare,
reparable adj emendabilis, obiurgare.
reparation n satisfactio/, reptile n serpens/,
repartee n facetiae fpi, sales mpl. republic n libera respublica/, civitas
repast n cena /, cibus m. popularis/.
repay vt remunerari, gratiam referre (dat); republican adj popularis,
(money) reponere, repudiate vt repudiare,
repayment n solutio/, repudiation n repudiatio/,
repeal vt abrogare ♦ n abrogatio/, repugnance n fastidium nt, odium nt.
repeat vt iterare; (lesson) reddere; (ceremony) repugnant adj invisus, adversus,
Instaurare; (performance) referre, repulse n depulsio/; (at election) repulsa/♦ vt
repeatedly adv identidem, etiam atque etiam, repellere, aversari, propulsare,
repel vt repellere, defendere, repulsion n repugnantia/.
repellent adj iniucundus. repulsive adj odiosus, foedus,
repent vi: I ~ me paenitet (+ gen of thing). reputable adj honestus,
repentance n paenitentia/. reputation n fama/, existimatio/; (for
repentant adj paenitens. something) opIniO/(gen); have a - nomen
repercussion n eventus m. habere.
repertory n thesaurus m. repute n fama/, existimatio/; bad - Infamia/,
repetition n iteratio/, reputed adj: I am ~ to be dicor esse,
repine vi conqueri, request n rogatiO/, postulatum nt; obtain a ~
replace vt repOnere, restituere; ~ by impetrare ♦ vt rogare, petere; (urgently)
substituere. deposcere.
replacement n supplementum nt. require vt (demand) imperare, postulare;
replenish vt replere, supplere, (need) egere (abi); (call for) requirere,
replete adj plenus, requirement n postulatum nt, necessarium nt.
repletion n satietas/, requisite adj necessarius,
replica n apographon nt. requisition n postulatio/ ♦ vt imperare,
reply vi respondere ♦ n respOnsum nt. requital n gratia/, vices fpi.
report n (talk) fama f, rumor m; (repute) opinio requite vt gratiam referre (dat), remunerari,
/; (account) renuntiatio /, litterae fpi, (noise) rescind vt rescindere, abrogare,
fragor m; make a - renuntiare ♦ vt referre, rescript n rescriptum nt.
deferre, renuntiare, rescue vt eripere, expedire, servare ♦ n salus
repose n quies /, requies/ ♦ vt reponere, /; come to the - of subvenire (dat).
pOnere ♦ vi quiescere, research n investigatio/,
repository n horreum nt. resemblance n similitudo/, imagO/, Instar nt.
reprehend vt reprehendere, culpare, resemble vt similem esse (dat), referre,
reprehensible adj accusabilis, improbus, resent vt aegre ferre, indignari,
reprehension n reprehensio/, culpa/. resentful adj Iracundus,
represent vt describere, effingere, exprimere, resentment n dolor m, indignatio/,
imitari; (character) partes agere (gen), reservation n (proviso) exceptio/,
personam gerere (gen); (case) prOpOnere; reserve vt servare; (store) recondere; (in a
(substitute for) vicarium esse (gen). deal) excipere ♦ nt (mil) subsidium nt;
representation n imagO/, imitatio/; make ~s (disposition) pudor m, reticentia/; (caution)
to admonOre. cautiO/; in ~ in succenturiatus; without ~
reserved-retort 140 ENGLISH-LATIN

palam. resplendent adj splendidus, illustris,

reserved adj (place) adsignatus; (disposition) resplendently adv splendida,
taciturnus, tectus, respond vi respondere,
reservedly adv circumspecte, response n responsum nt.
reserves npi subsidia ntpi. responsibility n auctoritas/, cura/,
reservoir n lacus m. responsible adj reus; (witness) locuples; be -
reside vi habitare; - in incolere, for praestare.
residence n domicilium nt, domus/, responsive adj (pupil) docilis; (character)
resident n incola m/f. facilis.
residual adj reliquus, rest n quies/, Otium nt; (after toil) requies/)
residue, residuum n reliqua pars/, (remainder) reliqua pars/; be at ~
resign vt cedere; (office) abdicare me, te etc de requiescere; set at ~ tranquillare; the - of
(+abl); ~ oneself acquiescere ♦ vi se reliqui ♦ vi requiescere, acquiescere; - on
abdicare. niti (abf), inniti in (abi) ♦ vt (hope) pOnere in
resignation n abdicatio/; (state of mind) (abi).
patientia/, aequus animus m. rest n ceteri mpl.
resigned adj patiens; be ~ to aequo animo resting place n cubile nt, sedes/.
ferre. restitution n satisfactio/; make - restituere;
resilience n mollitia/, demand - res repetere,
resilient adj mollis. restive adj contumax,
resist vt resistere (dat), adversari (dat), restless adj inquietus, sollicitus; be ~
repugnare (dat). fluctuari.
resistance n repugnantia/; offer - obsistere restlessness n sollicitudo/,
(dat). restoration n renovatio/; (of king) reductio/,
resistless adj invictus, restore vt reddere, restituere; (to health)
resolute adj fortis, constans, recreare; (topower) reducere; (damage)
resolutely adv fortiter, constanter, reficere, redintegrare,
resolution n (conduct) fortitudo/, constantia/; restorer n restitutor m.
(decision) decretum nt, sententiaf; (into parts) restrain vt coercere, comprimere, cohibere,
secretio/. restraint n moderatio/, temperantia/, freni
resolve n fortitude/, constantia/♦ vt mpl; with - abstinenter,
decernere, constituere; (into parts) restrict vt continere, circumscribere,
dissolvere; the senate ~s placet senatui, restricted adj artus; - to proprius (gen).
resonance n sonus m. restriction n modus m, finis m; (limitation)
resonant adj canorus, exceptio /.
resort n locus celeber m; last - ultimum resuit n eventus m, eventum nt, exitus m; the -
auxilium nt ♦ vi frequentare, ventitare; (have is that quO fit ut ♦ vi evenire, evadere,
recourse) decurrere, descendere, confugere, resultant adj consequens,
resound vi resonare, personare, resume vt repetere,
resource n subsidium nt; (means) modus m; -s resuscitate vt excitare, suscitare,
pl opes/pi, copiae fpl. retail vt divendere, vendere,
resourceful adj versutus, callidus, retailer n caupo m.
resourcefulness n calliditas/, versfltus retain vt retinere, tenere, conservare,
animus m. retainer n satelles m.
respect n (esteem) honos m, observantia/; retake vt recipere,
(reference) rati5/; out of - honoris causa; pay retaliate vi ulcisci,
one's ~s to salutare; show - for observare; in retaliation n ultio/,
every ~ ex omnl parte, in omni genere; in - of retard vt retardare, remorari,
ad (acc), ab (abf) ♦ vt honorare, observare, retention n conservatio/,
vereri. retentive adj tenax,
respectability n honestas/, reticence n taciturnitas/,
respectable adj honestus, liberalis, frugi, reticent adj taciturnus,
respectably adv honeste, reticulated adj reticulatus,
respectful adj observans, retinue n satellites mpl, comitatus m.
respectfully adv reverenter, retire vi recedere, abscedere; (from office)
respectfulness n observantia/, abire; (from province) decedere; (mil) pedem
respective adj suus (with quisque), referre, se recipere,
respectively adv alius ... alius, retired adj emeritus; (place) remotus,
respiration n respiratio/, spiritus m. retirement n (act) recessus m, decessus m;
respire vi respirare. (state) solitudo/, Otium nt; life of - vita
respite n requies/, intercapedo/, intermissio privata.
/• retiring adj modestus, verecundus,
resplendence n splendor m. retort vt respondere, referre ♦ n
ENGLISH-LAT1N 141 retouch-right

responsum nt. res novae/pi; (revolt) mOtus m; effect a ~ res

retouch vt retractare, novare.
retrace vt repetere, iterare, revolutionary ad; seditiosus, novarum rerum
retract vt revocare, renuntiare, cupidus.
retreat n (mil) receptus m; (place) recessus m, revolve vi volvi, versari, converti ♦ vt (in
secessus m; sound the - receptui canere ♦ vt mind) volutare,
se recipere, pedem referre; regredi, revulsion n motatio/,
retrench vt minuere, recidere, reward n praemium nt, merces/ ♦ vt
retrenchment n parsimonia/, remunerari, compensare,
retribution n poena/, rhapsody n carmen nt; (epic) rhapsodia/,
retributive adj ultor, ultrix, rhetoric n rhetorica/ of ~ rhetoricus; exercise
retrieve vt reparare, recipere, in - declamatio/; practise ~ declamare;
retrograde adj (fig) deterior, teacher of - rhetOr m.
retrogression n regressus m. rhetorical ad; rhetoricus, declamatorius,
retrospect n: in - respicienti, rhetorically adv rhetorice,
retrospective ad;: be - retrorsum se referre, rhetorician n rhetOr m, declamator m.
retrospectively adv retro, rhinoceros n rhinoceros m.
return n reditus m; (pay) remuneratio/; (profit) rhyme n homoeoteleuton nt; without - or
fructus m, pretium nt; (statement) professio/, reason temere.
make a ~ of profiteri; in ~ for pro (+ abf); in - rhythm n numerus m, modus m.
in vicem, vicissim ♦ vt reddere, restituere, rhythmical adj numerosus,
referre ♦ vi redire, revenire, reverti; (from rib n costa/.
province) decedere, ribald ad; obscenus,
reunion n convivium nt. ribaldry n obscenitas/,
reunite vt reconciliare, ribbon n Infula/.
reveal vt aperire, patefacere, rice n oryza/.
revel n comissatio/, bacchatio/; ~s pi orgia ntpi rich adj dives, locuples; opulentus; (fertile)
♦ vi comissari, bacchari; ~ in luxuriari, uber, opimus; (food) pinguis,
revelation n patefactio/. riches n divitiae fpi, opes/p/.
reveller n comissator m. richly adv opulente, large, laute,
revelry n comissatio/. richness n ubertas/, cOpia/.
revenge n ultio/; take - on vindicare in (acc) ♦ ridvt liberare; get ~ of depOnere, demovere,
vt ulcisci. exuere.
revengeful ad; ulciscendi cupidus, riddle n aenigma nt; (sieve) cribrum nt ♦ v(
revenue n fructus m, reditus m, vectigalia ntpi. (with wounds) cOnfodere.
reverberate vi resonare, ride vi equitare, vehi; ~ a horse in equO vehi; -
reverberation n repercussus m. at anchor stare; - away abequitare, avehi; -
revere vt venerari, colere, back revehi; - between interequitare; ~
reverence n veneratio/; (feeling) religio/; down devehi; ~ into invehi; - off avehi; ~ out
reverentia/. evehi; - past praetervehi; ~ round
reverent ad; religiosus, pius, circumvehi (dat), circumequitare; ~ up and
reverently adv religiose, down perequitare; ~ up to adequitare ad,
reverie n meditatio/, somnium nt. advehi ad.
reversal n abrogatio/. rider n eques m.
reverse ad; contrarius ♦ n contrarium nt; (mil) ridge n iugum nt.
clades/t vt invertere; (decision) rescindere, ridicule n ludibrium nt, irrisus m ♦ vt irridere,
reversion n reditus m. illudere, ludibrio habere,
revert vi redire, reverti, ridiculous ad; ridiculus, deridiculus,
review n recognitio/, recensio/ ♦ vt (mil) ridiculously adv ridicule,
recOnsOre. riding n equitatio/,
revile vt maledicere (dat). rife ad; frequens,
revise vt recognoscere, corrigere; (lit) limare. riff-raff n faex populi/.
revision n emendatio/; (lit) lima/. rifle vt expilare, spoliare,
revisit vt revisere. rift n rima/.
revival n renovatio/. rig vt (ship) armare, Ornare ♦ n habitus m.
revive vt recreare, excitare ♦ vi reviviscere, rigging n rudentOs mpl.
renasci. right ad; rectus; (just) aequus, iustus; (true)
revocation n revocatio/, rectus, verus; (proper) legitimus, fas; (hand)
revoke vt renuntiare, Infectum reddere, dexter; it is - decet (+ acc and infin); it is not -
revolt n seditio/, defectio/ ♦ vi deficere, dedecet ( + acc and infin); you are - vera dicis;
rebellare. if I am - nisi fallor; in the - place in locO; at
revolting ad; taeter, obscenus. the - time ad tempus; at - angles ad pares
revolution n (movement) conversio/; (change) angulOs; on the - a dextra ♦ adv recto, bene.
righteous-rooted 142 ENGLISH-LATIN

probe; (Justifiably) ifire; - up to usque ad aemulari.

(+ acc); ~ on recta ♦ n (leg a!) ius nt; (moral) fas rivalry n aemulatio/.
nt ♦ wt (replace) restituere; (correct) river n flumen nt, fluvius mi adj fluviatilis,
corrigere; (avenge) ulcisci, riverbed n alveus m.
righteous adj iustus, sanctus, pius, riverside n ripa /.
righteously adv iuste, sancte, pie. rivet n clavus m ♦ vt (attention) defigere,
righteousness n sanctitas/, pietas/. rivulet n rivulus m, rivus m.
rightful odj iustus, legitimus, road n via/, iter nt; on the - in itinere, ex
rightfully adv iuste, legitime, itinere; off the - devius; make a - viam
right handn dextra/, munire.
right-hand ad; dexter; - man comes m. roadstead n statio/.
rightly adv recte, bene; iure. roam vi errare, vagari; - at large evagari,
right-minded ad; sanus, roarn fremitus m ♦ vi fremere,
rigid adj rigidus. roast vt torrere ♦ adj assus ♦ n assum nt.
rigidity n rigor m; (strictness) severitas/. robvt spoliare, exspoliare, expilare; (of hope)
rigidly adv rigide, severe. deicere de.
rigmarole n ambages/pi. robber n latrO m, fur m; (highway) grassator m.
rigorous ad; durus; (strict) severus. robbery n latrocinium nt.
rigorously adv duriter, severe. robe n vestis/; (woman's) stola/, (of state)
rigour n duritia/; severitas/. trabea/ ♦ vt vestire,
rile vt inritare, stomachum movere (dat). robust adj robustus, fortis,
rill n rivulus m. robustness n rObur nt, firmitas/,
rim n labrum nt. rock n saxum nt; (steep) rupes/, scopulus m ♦ vt
rime n pruina/. agitare ♦ vi agitari, vacillare,
rind n cortex m. rocky ad; saxOsus, scopulosus,
ring n anulus m; (circle) orbis m; (of people) rod n virga/; (fishing) harundO/.
corona/; (motion) gyrus m ♦ vt circumdare; roe n (deer) capreolus m, caprea/; (fish) Ova ntpl.
(bell) movere ♦ vi tinnire, sonare, rogue n veterator m.
ringing n tinnitus m ♦ ad; canorus, roguery n nequitia/, scelus nt.
ringleader n caput nt, dux m. roguish ad; improbus, malus,
ringlet n cincinnus m. rolen partes/pi.
rinse vt colluere. roll n (book) volumen nr, (movement) gyrus m;
riot n tumultus m, rixa/; run - exsultare, (register) album nt; call the - of legere;
luxuriari, tumultuari, turbas efficere; (revel) answer the - call ad nOmen respondere ♦ vt
bacchari. volvere ♦ vi volvi, volutari; - down vt
rioter n comissator m. devolvere ♦ vi defluere; - over vt prOvolvere
riotous adj tumultuosus, seditiosus; ♦ vi prOiabl; - up vt convolvere,
(debauched) dissolutus; - living comissatio/, roller n (aos) cylindrus m; (for moving)
luxuria /. phalangae/pi; (in book) umbilicus m.
riotously adv tumultuose; luxuriose, rollicking adj hilaris,
rip vt scindere. rolling adj volubilis.
ripe ad; matfirus; of - judgment animi Roman adj Romanus ♦ n: the ~s ROmanI mpl.
maturus. romance n fabula/, amor m.
ripen vt maturare ♦ vi maturescere, romantic adj fabulosus; amatorius.
ripeness n maturitas/, Rome n ROma/; at ~ ROmae; from - Roma; to -
ripple n unda/ ♦ vi trepidare, ROmam.
rise vi oriri, surgere; (hili) ascendere; (wind) romp vi ludere.
cOnsurgere; (passion) tumescere; (voice) roof n tectum nt; (of mouth) palatum nt ♦ vt
tolli; (in size) crescere; (in rank) ascendere; tegere, integere,
(in revolt) cooriri, arma capere; ~ and fall rookn corvus m.
(tide) reciprocare; - above superare; ~ again room n conclave nt; camera/; (small) cella/,
resurgere; ~ in (river) oriri ex (abi); - out (bed) cubiculum nt; (dining) cenaculum nt;
emergere; - up exsurgere ♦ n ascensus m; (dressing) apodyterium nt; (space) locus m;
(slope) clivus m; (increase) incrementum nt; make - for locum dare (dat), cOdere (dat).
(start) ortus m; give ~ to parere, roominess n laxitas/.
rising n (sun) ortus m; (revolt) mOtus m ♦ ad; roomy adj capax,
(ground) editus. roost vi stabulari,
risk n periculum nt; run a - periculum subire, rooster n gallus gallinaceus m.
ingredi ♦ vt periclitari, in aleam dare, root n radix/; take - coalescere ♦ vt: - out
risky ad; periculosus, eradicare.
rite n ritus m. rooted adj (fig) defixus; deeply - (custom)
ritual n caerimonia/. inveteratus; be ~ in Insidere (dat)\ become
rival ad; aemulus ♦ n aemulus m, rivalis m ♦ vt deeply - inveterascere.
ENGL1SH-LATIN 143 rope-rural

rope n funis m; (thin) restis/, (ship's) rudens m; rudder n gubernaculum nt, clavus m.
know the ~s peritum esse, ruddy adj rubicundus, rutilus,
rose n rosa/. rude adj (uncivilized) barbarus, durus,
rosemary n ros marinus m. inurbanus; (insolent) asper,
rostrum n rostra ntpl, suggestus m. importunus.
rosy adj roseus, purpureus, rudely adv horride, rustice; petulanter,
rotn tabes/♦ vi putrescere, putescere ♦ vt rudeness n barbaries/; petulantia/,
putrefacere. importunitas /.
rotate vi volvi, se convertere, rudiment n elementum nt, initium nt.
rotation n conversio/; (succession) ordo m, rudimentary adj primus, incohatus.
vicissitudo/; in - ordine; move in - in orbem rue n (herb) ruta/ ♦ vt: I - me paenitet (gen).
Ire. rueful adj maestus,
rote n: by - memoriter, ruffian n grassator m.
rotten adj putridus, ruffle vt agitare; (temper) sollicitare,
rotund adj rotundus, commovere,
rotundity n rotunditas/. rug n stragulum nt.
rouge n fucus m ♦ vt fucare, rugged adj horridus, asper,
rough adj asper; (art) incultus, rudis; ruggednessn asperitas/,
(manners) agrestis, inurbanus; (stone) ruin n ruina/; ( fig) exitium nt, pernicies/; go to
impolitus; (treatment) durus, severus; - pessum Ire, dilabi ♦ vt perdere, deperdere,
(weather) atrox, procellosus ♦ vi: ~ it duram pessum dare; (moral) corrumpere,
vitam vivere. depravare; be ~ed perire,
rough-and-ready adj fortuitus, ruined adj ruInSsus.
rough draft n (lit) silva /. ruinous adj exitiosus, damnosus,
roughen vt asperare, exasperare, rule n (instrument) regula/, amussis/;
rough-hew vt dolare, (principle) norma/, lex/, praeceptum nt;
roughly adv aspere, duriter; (with numbers) (government) dominatis/, imperium nt; ten-
circiter. foot ~ decempeda/; as a - fere; lay down ~s
roughness n asperitas/, praecipere; make it a ~ to Instituere (inf); -
round adj rotundus; (spherical) globosus; of thumb usus m ♦ vt regere, moderari ♦ vi
(cylindrical) teres ♦ n (circle) orbis m; (motion) regnare, dominari; (judge) edicere; (custom)
gyrus m; (series) ambitus m; go the ~s (mil) obtinere; - over imperare (dat).
vigilias circumire ♦ vt (cape) superare; - off ruler n (instrument) regula/; (person) dominus
rotundare; (sentence) concludere; - up m, rector m.
compellere ♦ adv circum, circa; go - ambire ruling n edictum nt.
♦ prep circum (acc), circa (acc). rumble vi mugire,
roundabout adj: - story ambages jpi; - route rumbling n mugitus m.
circuitus m, anfractus m. ruminate vi ruminari,
roundly adv (speak) aperte, libere, rummage vi: - through rimari,
rouse vt excire, excitare; (courage) adrigere. rumour n fama/, rumor m.
rousing adj vehemens, rump n clunis/.
rout n fuga/; (crowd) turba/ ♦ vt fugare, run vi currere; (fluid) fluere, manare; (road)
fundere; in fugam conicere; profligare, ferre; (time) labi ♦ n cursus m; ~ about
route n cursus m, iter nt. discurrere, cursare; - across incidere in
routine n usus m, 5rd6 m. (acc); - after sectari; ~ aground offendere; ~
rove vi errare, vagari, away aufugere, terga vertere; (from) fugere,
rover n vagus m; (sea) pirata m. defugere; - down decurrere, defluere ♦ vt
row n (line) 6rdo m; (noise) turba/, rixa/ ♦ vi (in words) obtrectare; ~ high (fig) gliscere; ~
(boat) remigare ♦ vt remls incitare, into incurrere in (acc), Influere in (acc); - off
rowdy adj turbulentus, with abripere, abdiicere; - on pergere; - out
rower n remex m. (land) excurrere; (time) exire; (supplies)
rowing a remigium nt. deficere; - over vt(with car) obterere; (details)
royal adj regius, regalis, percurrere; ~ riot luxuriari; ~ through
royally adv r6gi6, regaliter, (course) decurrere; (money) disperdere; -
royalty n (power) regnum nt; (persons) reges short deficere; - up to adcurrere ad; - up
mpl, domus regia /. against incurrere in (acc); - wild lascivire ♦
rub vt fricare, terere; - away conterere; - vt gerere, administrare,
hard defricare; - off detergere; ~ out delere; runaway adj fugitivus,
~ up expolire, rung n gradus m.
rubbing n tritus m. runner n cursor m.
rubbish n quisquiliae jpi; (talk) nugae fpi. running n cursus m ♦ adj (water) vlvus.
rubble n rudus nt. rupture n (fig) dissidium nt ♦ vt dirumpere,
rubicund adj rubicundus. rural adj rusticus, agrestis.
ruse-sanction 144 ENGLISH-LATIN

ruse n fraus/, dolus m. seek - in flight salutem fuga petere,

rush n (plant) car ex/, iuncus m; (movement) saffron n crocus m ♦ adj croceus,
impetus m ♦ vi currere, sO incitare, ruere; ~ sag vi demitti.
forward s6 prOripere; prOruere; - in inruere, sagacious adj prudOns, sagax, acGtus.
incurrere; - out evolare, se effundere ♦ adj sagaciously adv prGdenter, sagaciter,
iunceus. sagacity n prGdentia/, sagacitas/,
russet ad; flavus. sage n sapiens m; (herb) salvia/ ♦ adj sapiens,
rust n (iron) ferrugo/; (copper) aerugo/♦ vi sagely adv sapienter.
robiginem trahere, sail n velum nt; set - vela dare, navem solvere;
rustic adj rusticus, agrestis, shorten - vela contrahere ♦ vi navigare; -
rusticate vi rusticari ♦ vt relegare, past legere, praetervehi,
rusticity n mOres rustici mpi. sailing n navigatio/.
rustle vi increpare, crepitare ♦ n crepitus m. sailor n nauta m.
rusty adj roblginOsus. sail yard n antenna/,
rut n orbita/. saint n vir sanctus m.
ruthless adj inexorabilis, crudelis, sainted adj beatus,
ruthlessly adv crudeliter, saintly adj sanctus.
rye n secale nt. sake n: for the - of gratia (gen), causa (gen),
propter (acc); (behalf) pro (abl).
salacious adj salax,
salad n moretum nt.
salamander n salamandra /.

S,s salary n merces/.

sale n venditio/ (format) mancipium nt;
(auction) hasta/, for ~ venalis; be for -
prOstare; offer for ~ venum dare,
saleable adj vendibilis,
salient adj eminens; ~ points capita ntpi.
sabbath n sabbata ntpi. saline adj salsus,
sable adj ater, niger, saliva n saliva /.
sabre n acinaces m. sallow adj pallidus,
sacerdotal adj sacerdotalis, sally n eruptio/ (wit) facetiae jp/ ♦ vi
sack n saccus m; (mil) direptio/ ♦ vt diripere, erumpere, excurrere,
expilare; spoliare, salmon n salmO m.
sackcloth n cilicium nt. salon n atrium nt.
sacred adj sacer, sanctus, salt n sal m ♦ adj salsus,
sacredly adv sancte, saltcellar n salinum nt.
sacrednessn sanctitas/, saltpetre n nitrum nt.
sacrifice n sacrificium nt, sacrum nt; (act) salt-pits n salinae fpl.
immolatio/; (victim) hostia/; (fig) iactura/4 salty ddj salsus,
vt immolare, sacrificare, mactare; (fig) salubrious adj salGbris.
devovere, addicere ♦ vi sacra facere; (give salubriously adv salQbriter.
up) prOicere. salubriousness n salubritas/,
sacrificer n immolator m. salutary adj salGtaris, Gtilis.
sacrilege n sacrilegium nt. salutation n salGs /.
sacrilegious adj sacrilegus, salute vt salGtare.
sacristan n aedituus m. salvage vt servare, eripere,
sacrosanct adj sacrosanctus, salvation n salGs/.
sadadj maestus, tristis; (thing) tristis, salve n unguentum nt.
sadden vt dolOre adficere. salver n scutella/.
saddle n stratum nt ♦ vt sternere; (fig) same adj Idem; ~ as Idem ac; all the -
impOnere. nihilominus; one and the -Gnus et Idem;
saddlebags n clitellae fpi. from the ~ place indidem; in the - place
sadly adv maesto, ibidem; to the - place eOdem; at the - time
sadness n tristitia/, maestitia/. simul, eOdem tempore; (adversative) tamen;
safe adj totus; (out of danger) incolumis, it is all the - to me mea nOn interest.
salvus; (to trust) fidus. ~ and sound salvus ♦ Samnites n Samnites, Samnitium mpi.
n armarium nt. sample n exemplum nt, specimen nt ♦ vt
safe-conduct n fides pGblica/. gustiire.
safeguard n cautio/, propugnaculum nt ♦ vt sanctify vt cOnsecrGre.
defendere. sanctimony n falsa rOligiO /.
safely adv toto, impOne. sanction n comprobatio/, auctoritas/ ♦ vt
safety n salus/, incolumitas/, ratum facere.
ENGLISH-LATIN 145 sanctity-scheme

sanctity n sanctitas/. sapere; ~ of olere, redolere,

sanctuary n fanum nt, delubrum nt; (formen) savoury adj conditus.
asylum nt. saw n (tool) serra/ (saying) pr8verbium nt ♦ vt
sand n harena/. serra secare,
sandal n (outdoors) crepida/; (indoors) solea/. sawdust n scobis/.
sandalled adj crepidatus, soleatus. say vt dicere; ~ that... not negare; - no
sandpit n harenaria/. negare; he -s (quoting) inquit; he -s yes ait;
sandstone n tofus m. they - ferunt (+ acc and infin).
sandy ad; harenosus; (colour) flavus. saying n dictum nt.
sane ad; sanus. scab n (disease) scabies/; (over wound) crusta
sangfroid n aequus animus m. /
sanguinary ad; cruentus. scabbard n vagina/,
sanguine ad; laetus. scabby adj scaber.
sanitary ad; salubris. scaffold, scaffolding n fala/,
sanity n mens sana/. scald vt arere.
sap n sucus m ♦ vt subruere. scale n (balance) lanx/; (fish, etc) squama/;
sapience n sapientia/. (gradation) gradus mpl; (music) diagramma nt
sapient ad; sapiens. ♦ vt scalis ascendere,
sapling n surculus m. scallop n pecten m.
sapper n cunicularius m. scalp n capitis cutis/.
sapphire n sapphirus/. scalpel n scalpellum nt.
sarcasm n aculei mpl, dicacitas/. scamp n verbera m.
sarcastic adj dicax, aculeatus. scamper vi currere,
sardonic ad; amarus. scan vt contemplari; (verse) metiri,
sash n cingulum nt. scandal n Infamia/, opprobrium nt; (talk)
satchel n loculus m. calumnia /.
sate vt explere, satiare. scandalize vt offendere,
satellite n satelles m. scandalous ad; flagitidsus, turpis,
satiate vt explere, satiare, saturare. scansion n syllabarum enarratia/.
satiety n satietas/. scant ad; exiguus, parvus,
satire n satura /; (pi, of Horaee) sermSnes mpl. scantily adv exigue, tenuiter,
satirical ad; acerbus, scantiness n exiguitas/,
satirist n saturarum scriptor m. scanty adj exiguus, tenuis, exilis; (number)
satirize vt perstringere, notare, paucus.
satisfaction n (act) expletis/; (feeling) scapegoat n piaculum nt.
voluptas/ (penalty) poena/ demand - res scar n cicatrix/.
repetere. scarce adj rarus; make oneself ~ se amovere,
satisfactorily adv ex sententia, de media recedere ♦ adv vix, aegre,
satisfactory adj idoneus, gratus, scarcely adv vix, aegre; - anyone nem8 fere,
satisfied adj: be - satis habere, contentum scarcity n inopia/, angustiae/pi.
esse. scare n formida/ ♦ vt terrere; ~ away
satisfy vt satisfacere (dat); (desire) explere, absterrere.
satrap n satrapes m. scarecrow n formida/,
saturate vt imbuere, scarf n focale nt.
satyr n satyrus m. scarlet n coccum nt ♦ adj coccinus,
sauce n condimentum nt; (fish) garum nt. scarp nrOpes/.
saucer n patella/, scathe n damnum nt.
saucily adv petulanter, scatter vt spargere; dispergere, dissipare;
saucy adj petulans, (violently) disicere ♦ vi diffugere,
saunter vi ambulare, scatterbrained ad; desipiens,
sausage n tomaculum nt, hillae fpi. scattered adj rarus.
savage adj ferus, efferatus; (cruel) atrOx, scene n spectaculum nt; (place) theatrum nt.
inhumanus; saevus, scenery n loci facies/, species/; (beautiful)
savagely adv feraciter, inhumana, amoenitas/.
savagery n feracitas/, inhumanitas/. scent n odor m; (sense) odaratus m; keen -
savant n vir doctus m. sagacitas/ ♦ vt odararl; (perfume) odoribus
save vt servare; ~ up reservare ♦ prep praeter perfundere,
(acc). scented adj odaratus.
saving ad; parcus; - clausa exceptia/ ♦ n sceptic n Pyrrhaneus m.
compendium nt; -s p/ peculium nt. sceptical adj incredulus,
saviour n liberator m. sceptre n sceptrum nt.
savory n thymbra/. schedule n tabulae fpi, ratie/.
savour n sapor m; (of cooking) nidor m ♦ vi scheme n consilium nt, ratie/ ♦ vt machinari,
schemer-seaworthy 146 ENGL1SH-LAT1N

moliri. scribe n scriba m.

schemer n machinator m. script n scriptum nt; (handwriting) manus/,
schism n discidium nt, secessio/, scroll n volumen nt.
scholar n vir doctus m, litteratus m; (pupil) scrub vt detergere, defricare,
discipulus m. scruple n religio/, scrupulus m.
scholarly ad; doctus, litteratus, scrupulous ad; religiosus; (careful) diligens,
scholarship n litterae Jpi, doctrina/, scrupulously adv rOligiOsO, diligenter,
scholastic ad; umbratilis, scrupulousness n religio/; diligentia/,
school n (elementary) ludus m; (advanced) scrutinize vt scrutari, introspicere in (acc),
schola/ (high) gymnasium nt; (sect) secta/, excutere.
domus/ ♦ vt Instituere, scrutiny n scrutatio/.
schoolboy n discipulus m. scud vi volare,
schoolmaster n magister m. scuffle n rixa/.
schoolmistress n magistra/, scull n calvaria/, (oar) remus m.
science n doctrina/, disciplina/, ars/, scullery n culina/,
scimitar n acinaces m. sculptor n fictor m, sculptor m.
scintillate vi scintillare, sculpture n ars fingendi/ (product) statuae fpl
scion n progenies/. ♦ vt sculpere,
Scipio n Scipio, Scipidnis m. scum n spuma/.
scissors n forfex/, scurf n porrigO /.
scoff vi irridere; - at deridere, scurrility n maledicta ntpl.
scoffer n irrisor m. scurrilous ad; maledicus,
scold vt increpare, obiurgare. scurvy ad; (fig) turpis, improbus,
scolding n obiurgatio/. scythen falx/.
scoop n trulla/ ♦ vt: ~ out excavare, sea n mare nt; aequor nt; open ~ altum nt; put to
scope n (aim) finis m; (room) locus m, campus - solvere; be at - navigare; (fig) in errOre
m; ample ~ laxus locus, versari ♦ adj marinus; (coast) maritimus,
scorch vt exurere, torrere, seaboard n lltus nt.
scorched ad; torridus. seafaring ad; maritimus, nauticus,
score n (mark) nota/; (total) summa/ seafightn navale proelium nt.
(reckoning) ratio/ (number) vlgintl ♦ vt seagull n larus m.
notare ♦ vi vincere, seal n (animal) phoca/; (stamp) signum nt ♦ vt
scorn n contemptid/ ♦ vt contemnere, signare; - up obsignare,
spernere. seam n sutura/,
scorner n contemptor m. seaman n nauta m.
scornful ad; fastidiosus, seamanship n scientia et usus nauticarum
scornfully adv contemptim. rerum.
scorpion n scorpio m, nepa/, seaport n portus m.
scot-free ad; immunis, impunitus, sear vt adurere, torrere,
scoundrel n furcifer m. search n investigatio/ ♦ vi investigare,
scour vt (clean) tergere; (range) percurrere, explorare ♦ vt excutere, scrutari; in - of
scourge n flagellum nt; (fig) pestis/ ♦ vt causa (+ gen); - for quaerere, exquirere,
verberare, virgis caedere, investigare; - into inquirere, anquirere; -
scout n explorator m, speculator m ♦ vi out explorare, indagare,
explorare, speculari ♦ vt spernere, searcher n inquisitor m.
repudiare. searching ad; acutus, diligens,
scowl n frontis contractio / ♦ vi frontem seashore n litus nt.
contrahere, seasick adj: be - nauseare,
scraggy ad; strigdsus. seasickness n nausea /.
scramble vi: - for certatim captare; - up seaside n mare nt.
scandere, season n anni tempus nt, tempestas/ (right
scrap n frustum nt. time) tempus nt, opportunitas/ In -
scrape vt radere, scabere; - off abradere, tempestive ♦ vt condire,
scraper n strigilis/. seasonable ad; tempestivus,
scratch vt radere; (head) perfricare; - out seasonably adv tempestivo,
exsculpere, eradere. seasoned adj (food) conditus; (wood) duratus,
scream n clamor m, ululatus m ♦ vi clamare, seasoning n condimentum nt.
ululare. seat n sOdes/, (chair) sedile nt; (horne) domus/,
screech n ululatus m ♦ vi ululare, domicilium nt; keep one's ~ (riding) in equO
screen n obex m/f) (from sun) umbra/; (fig) haerere ♦ vt collocare; - oneself InsidOre.
velamentum nt ♦ vt tegere, seated adj . be - sedOre.
screw n clavus m; (of winepress) cochlea/, seaweed n alga/.
scribble vt propere scribere. seaworthy ad; ad navigandum Qtilis.
ENGLISH-LATIN 147 secede-send

secede vi secedere, seeker n indagator m.

secession n secessio /. seem vi videri.
seclude vt secludere, abstrudere, seeming ad; speciosus ♦ n species/,
secluded adj secretus, remotus, seemingly adv ut videtur,
seclusion n solitudo/, secretum nt. seemly adj decens, decorus; it is - decet,
second ad; secundus, alter; a - time iterum ♦ seep vi manare, percolari,
n temporis punctum nt; (person) fautor m; - seer n vates m/f.
sight hariolatio/♦ vt favere (dat), adesse seethe vi fervere,
(dat). segregate vt secernere, segregare,
secondary adj Inferior, deterior, segregation n separatis/,
seconder n fautor m. seize vt rapere, corripere, adripere,
second-hand adj alienus, tritus, prehendere; (mil) occupare; (illness) adficere;
secondly adv deinde, (emotion) invadere, occupare,
secrecy n secretum nt, silentium nt. seizure n ereptio/, occupatio/,
secret ad; secretus; occultus, arcanus; seldom adv raro.
(stealth) furtivus ♦ n arcanum nt; keep - select vt eligere, excerpere, deligere ♦ adj
dissimulare, celare; in - clam; be ~ latere, lectus, electus.
secretary n scriba m, ab epistolis, a manu, selection n electio/, delectus m; (ut) ecloga/,
secrete vt celare, abdere, self n ipse; (reflexive) se; a second - alter Idem,
secretive adj tectus, self-centred ad; gloriosus,
secretly adv clam, occulte, secreto, self-confidence n confidentia/, fiducia/,
sect n secta/, schola/, domus/, self-confident adj confidens,
section n pars/. self-conscious adj pudibundus,
sector n regio/, self-control n temperantia /.
secular ad; profanus. self-denial n abstinentia/,
secure adj tutus ♦ vt (mil) firmare, emunire; self-evident adj manifestus; it is - ante pedes
(fasten) religare; (obtain) parare, nancisci. positum est.
securely ad; tuto. self-governing adj liber,
security n salus/, impunitas/; (money) cautio self-government n libertas/,
/, pignus nt, sponsio/; sense of - securitas/; self-important ad; adrogans.
give good - satis dare; on good - (loan) self-interest n ambitio/,
nominibus rectis cautus; stand ~ for selfish adj inhumanus, avarus; be - sua causa
praedem esse pro (abi). facere.
sedan n lectica/. selfishly adv inhumane, avare,
sedate adj placidus, temperatus, gravis. selfishness n inhumanitas/, incontinentia/,
sedately adv placide. avaritia /.
sedateness n gravitas/. self-made adj (man) novus.
sedge n ulva/. self-possessed ad; aequb animo,
sediment n faex/. self-possession n aequus animus m.
sedition n seditio/, motus m. self-reliant adj confidens,
seditious adj seditiosus. self-respect n pudor m.
seditiously adv seditiose. self-restraint n modestia/,
seduce vt illicere, pellicere. self-sacrifice n devotio/.
seducer n corruptor m. selfsame adj unus et Idem,
seduction n corruptela/. sell vt vendere; (in lots) divendere; be sold
seductive ad; blandus. venire.
seductively adv blande. seller n venditor m.
sedulity n diligentia/. selvage n limbus m.
sedulous adj diligens, sedulus. semblance n species/, imago/,
sedulously adv diligenter, sedulo. semicircle n hemicyclium nt.
see vt videre, cernere; (suddenly) conspicari; senate n senatus m; hold a meeting of the ~
(performance) spectare; (with mind) senatum habere; decree of the - senatus
intellegere; go and ~ visere, invisere; ~ to consultum nt.
videre, cbnsulere (dat); curare (+ accand senate house n curia/.
gerundive); ~ through dispicere; - that you senator n senator m; (provincia/) decurio m; ~s
are vide ut sis, fac sis; - that you are not vide pi patres mpl.
n£ sis, cave sis. senatorial ad; senatorius.
seed n semen nt; (in a plant) granum nt; (in fruit) send vt mittere; - across transmittere;
acinum nt;(fig) stirps/, progenies/. - ahead praemittere; - away dimittere; -
seedling n surculus m. back remittere; - for arcessere; (doctor)
seed-time n sementis /. adhibere; - forth emittere; - forward
seeing that con; qubniam, siquidem, praemittere; ~ in immittere, intromittere; -
seek vt petere, quaerere. out emittere; (in different directions)
senile-settle 148 ENGL1SH-LATIN

dimittere; - out of the way ablSgSre; ~ up series n series /, OrdO m.

submittere, serious ad; gravis, serius, severus,
senile adj senilis, seriously adv graviter, serio, severe,
senility n senium nt. seriousness n gravitas/,
senior adj natfl mSior; (thing) prior, sermon n OratiO/.
sensation n sensus m; (event) res nova/; lose - serpent n serpens /.
obtorpescere; create a ~ homings serpentine adj tortuOsus.
obstupefacere. serrated adj serratus,
sensational adj novus, prodigiosus, serried ad; cOnfertus.
sensen (faculty) sensus m; (wisdom) prudentia servant n (domestic) famulus m, famula/,
/; (meaning) vis/, sententia/; common ~ (public) minister m, ministra/; family -s
prudentia/; be in one's ~s apud sg esse, familia/.
mentis suae esse; out of one's ~s demens; servant maid n ancilla/,
recover one's ~s resipiscere; what is the - of serve vt servire (daf); (food) ministrare,
quid sibi vult? ♦ vt sentire, adpOnere; (interest) conducere (daf) ♦ vi (mil)
senseless adj absurdus, ineptus, Insipiens, stipendia merere, militare; (suffice)
senselessly adv Insipienter, sufficere; - as esse prO (abf); ~ in the cavalry
senselessness n Insipientia/, equO mergre; ~ in the infantry pedibus
sensibility n sensus m. mergre; having ~d one's time emeritus; - a
sensible adj prudens, sapiens, sentence poenam subire; - well bene mergrl
sensibly adv prudenter, sapienter, de (abf).
sensitive adj mollis, inrltabilis, patibilis, service n (status) servitium nt, famulatus m;
sensitiveness n mollitia/, (work) ministerium nt; (help) opera/, (by an
sensual adj libidinosus, equal) meritum nt, beneficium nt; (mil) militia
sensuality n libido/, voluptas/, /, stipendia ntpl; be of - to prOdesse (daf),
sensually adv libidindse. bene mereri de; I am at your - adsum tibi;
sentence n (judge) iudicium nt, sententia/, complete one's ~ stipendia emergrl.
(oram) sententia/; pass - iudicare; execute ~ serviceable ad; utilis,
lege agere ♦ vt damnare; - to death capitis servile ad; servilis; (fig) abiectus, humilis,
damnare. servility n adulatio/,
sententious adj sententiosus, servitude n servitus/,
sententiously adv sententiose, session n conventus m; be in - sedere,
sentient adj patibilis, sesterce n sestertius m; 10 ~s decern sestertii;
sentimentn (feeling) sensus m; (opinion) 10,000 ~s dena sgstertia ntpl; 1,000,000 ~s
sententia/; (emotion) mollitia/, decies sestertium.
sentimental adj mollis, flebilis, set vt pOnere, locare, statuere, sistere; (bone)
sentimentality n mollitia/, condere; (course) dirigere; (example) dare;
sentimentally adv molliter, (limit) impOnere; (mind) intendere; (music)
sentries npi stationes/pi, excubiae fpi. modulari; (sail) dare; (sentries) dispOnere;
sentry n custos m, vigil m; be on - duty in (table) Instruere; (trap) parare ♦ vi (astro)
statiOne esse. occidere; ~ about incipere; - against
separable adj dividuus, separabilis, opponere; - apart sgpOnere; ~ aside
separate vt separare, dividere, disiungere; sgpOnere; ~ down (writing) perscribere; -
(forcibly) dirimere, divellere ♦ vt digredi ♦ eyes on cOnspicere; ~ foot on ingredi; ~ forth
adj separatus, secretus, expOnere, Odere; ~ free liberare; ~ in motion
separately adv separatim, seorsum, movOre; ~ in order componere, dispOnere; -
separation n separatiof; (violent) discidium off (decoration) distinguere; (art) illOminare;
nt. ~ on (to attack) immittere; - on foot
September n mensis September m; of - Instituere; - on fire incendere; ~ one's heart
September. on exoptare; ~ out vi proficisci; ~ over
sepulchral adj fOnebris. praeficere, imponere; ~ up statuere; (fig)
sepulchre n sepulcrum nt. constituere.
sepulture n sepultura/, set adj (arrangement) status; (purpose) certus;
sequel n exitus m, quae sequuntur, (rule) praescriptus; (speech) compositus; of ~
sequence n series/, OrdO m. purpose consulto ♦ n (persons) numerus m;
sequestered adj secretus, (things) congeries/; (current) cursus m.
serenade vt occentare, setback n repulsa/,
serene ad; tranquillus, sgcGrus. settee n lectulus m.
serenely adv tranquille, setting n (astro) occasus m; (event) locus m.
serenity n sgcQritSs /. settle n sella/ ♦ vt statuere; (annuity)
serf n servus m. praestare; (business) transigere; (colony)
serfdom n servitas/, deducere; (debt) exsolvere; (decision)
sergeant n signifer m. constituere; (dispute) decidere, compOnere
ENGLISH-LA TIN 149 settled-shelve

♦ vi (abode) considere; (agreement) shame n (feeling) pudor m; (cause) dedecus nt,

constituere, convenire; (sediment) desidere; ignominia/; it ~s pudet (+ acc of person, gen of
-in Insidere (daf)- thing); it is a - flagitium est ♦ vt ruborem
settled adj certus, exploratus, incutere (dat) ♦ interj pro pudor!
settlement n (of a colony) deductio/; (colony) shamefaced adj verecundus,
colonia / (of dispute) dOcIsiO/, composition shameful adj ignominiosus, turpis,
(to wife) dOs/. shamefully adv turpiter,
settler n colonus m. shameless ad; impudens,
set to n pugna/. shamelessly adv impudenter,
seven num septem; - each septeni; - times shamelessness n impudentia/,
septiens. shank n crus nt.
seven hundred num septingenti, shape n forma/, figura/♦ vt formare, fingere;
seven hundredth ad; septingentesimus, (fig) Informare ♦ vi: - well proficere,
seventeen num septendecim, shapeless adj Informis, deformis,
seventeenth ad; septimus decimus. shapelessness n deformitas/,
seventh ad; septimus; for the - time shapeliness n forma/,
septimum. shapely ad; formosus,
seventieth ad; septuagesimus, shard n testa/.
seventy num septuaginta; - each septuSgenl; - share n pars/; (plough) vomer m; go -s with
times septuagiens. inter se partiri ♦ vt (give) partiri, impertire;
sever vt incidere, separare, dividere, (have) communicare, participem esse (gen).
several adj compldres, aliquot, sharer n particeps m/f, socius m.
severally adv singuli. shark n volpes marina/,
severe adj gravis, severus, durus; (style) sharp adj acutus; (fig) acer, acutus; (bitter)
austerus; (weather) asper; (pain) acer, amarus.
gravis. sharpen vt acuere; (fig) exacuere,
severely adv graviter, severe, sharply adv acriter, acute,
severity n gravitas/; asperitas/; severitas/, sharpness n acies/; (mind) acumen nt,
sew vt suere; - up consuere; - up in Insuere in argutiae jpl; (temper) acerbitas/,
(acc). shatter vt quassare, perfringere, adfllgere;
sewer n cloaca/, (fig) frangere.
sex n sexus m. shave vt radere; - off abradere,
shabbily adv sordide, shavings n ramenta ntpl.
shabbiness n sordes/pi. she pron haec, ea, ilia,
shabby adj sordidus. sheaf n manipulus m.
shackle n compes/, vinculum nt ♦ vt impedire, shear vt tondere, detondere,
vincire. shears n forfices jpl.
shade n umbra/; (colour) color m; -s pi manes sheath n vagina /.
mpl; put in the - officere (dat) ♦ vt opacare, sheathe vt recondere,
umbram adferre (dat). shed vt fundere; (blood) effundere; (one's
shadow n umbra/, own) profundere; (tears) effundere;
shadowy ad; obscurus; (fig) inanis, (covering) exuere; - light on (fig) lumen
shady adj umbrOsus, opacus, adhibere (dat).
shaft n (missile) telum nt, sagitta/, (of spear) sheen n nitor m.
hastile nt; (of cart) temO m; (of light) radius m; sheep n ovis /; (flock) pecus nt.
(excavation) puteus m. sheepfold n ovlle nt.
shaggy ad; hirsutus, sheepish ad; pudibundus,
shake vt quatere, agitare; (structure) sheepishly adv pudenter,
labefacere, labefactare; (belief) Infirmare; sheer ad; (absolute) merus; (steep) praeruptus,
(resolution) labefactare, commovere; - sheet n (cloth) linteum nt; (metal) lamina/;
hands with dextram dare (dat) ♦ vi quatl, (paper) carta/, scheda/, (sail) pes m; (water)
agitari, tremere, horrescere; - off decutere, aequor nt.
excutere; - out excutere, shelf n pluteus m, pegma nt.
shaking n tremor m. shell n concha/, (egg) putamen nt; (tortoise)
shaky actf Instabilis, tremebundus, testa/.
shall aux vb-/ut indic. shellfish n conchylium nt.
shallot n caepa Ascaldnia/. shelter n suffugium nt, tegmen nt; (refuge)
shallow adj brevis, vadosus; (fig) levis, perfugium nt, asylum nt; (lodging) hospitium
shallowness n vada ntpt;(fig) levitas/. nt; (fig) umbra/♦ vt tegere, defendere;
shallows n brevia ntpl, vada ntpl. (refugee) excipere ♦ vi latere; - behind (fig)
sham adj fictus, falsus, fucSsus ♦ n simulatio/, delitescere in (abl).
species/ ♦ vt simulare, sheltered adj (life) umbratilis,
shambles n laniena/. shelve vt differre ♦ vi se demittere.
shelving-sicken 150 ENGUSH-LAT1N

shelving adj declivis, shortly adv (time) brevi; (speak) breviter; -

shepherd n pastor m. after paulo post, nec multo post,
shield n scutum nt; clipeus m; (small) parma/; shortness n brevitas/, exiguitas/; (difficulty)
(fig) praesidium nt ♦ vt protegere, angustia efpl.
defendere. short-sighted adj (fig) improvidus,
shift n (change) mutatio/ (expedient) ars/, imprudens.
dolus m; make - to efficere ut; in ~s per vices short-sightedness n imprudentia/,
♦ vt mutare; (move) movere ♦ vi mutari; short-tempered adj iracundus,
discedere. shot n ictus m; (range) iactus m.
shiftless adj iners, inops. should vi (duty) debere,
shifty adj vafer, versutus, shoulder n umerus m; (animal) armus m ♦ vt
shilling n solidus m. (burden) suscipere,
shimmer vi micare ♦ n tremulum lumen nt. shout n clamor m, adciamatio/ ♦ vt, vi
shin n tibia/. clamare, vociferari; - down obstrepere
shine vi lticere, fulgere; (reflecting) nitere; (fig) (dat); - out exclamare,
eminere; ~ forth eiflcere, enitere; effulgere; shove vt trudere, impellere,
- upon adfulgere (dat) ♦ n nitor m. shovel n rutrum nt.
shingle n lapilli mpi, glarea/. show n species/; (entertainment) ludi mpl,
shining adj lucidus, splendidus; (fig) illustris, spectaculum nt; (stage) ludicrum nt; for ~ in
shiny adj nitidus. speciem; put on a - spectacula dare ♦ vt
ship n navis/; admiral's ~ navis praetoria; monstrare, indicare, ostendere, ostentare;
decked ~ navis tecta, navis constrata ♦ vt (point out) demonstrare; (qualities) praestare;
(cargo) imponere; (to a place) navi invehere, - off vi se iactare ♦ vt ostentare,
shipowner n navicularius m. shower n imber m ♦ vt fundere, conicere.
shipping n naves fpi. showery ad/ pluvius,
shipwreck n naufragium nt; suffer ~ showinessn ostentatio/,
naufragium facere, showing off n iactatio/.
shipwrecked adj naufragus, showy adj speciosus.
shirk vt defugere, detrectare, shred n fragmentum nt; in ~s minutatim; tear
shirt n subucula/. to -s dilaniare ♦ vt concidere,
shiver n horror m ♦ vi horrere, tremere ♦ vt shrew n virago/,
perfringere, comminuere, shrewd adj acutus, acer, sagax,
shivering n horror m. shrewdly adv acute, sagaciter,
shoal n (fish) examen nt; (water) vadum nt; ~s pl shrewdness n acumen nt, sagacitas/.
brevia ntpl. shriek n ululatus m ♦ vi ululare,
shock n impulsus m; (battle) concursus m, shrill adj acutus, argutus,
conflictus m; (hair) caesaries/, (mind) shrine n fanum nt, delubrum nt.
offensio/♦ vt percutere, offendere, shrink vt contrahere ♦ vi contrahi; - from
shocking adj atrOx, detestabilis, flagitidsus. abhorrere ab, refugere ab, detrectare,
shoddy adj vilis, shrivel vt corrflgare ♦ vi exarescere,
shoe n calceus m. shroud n integumentum nt; ~s pl rudentes mpl
shoemaker n sutor m. ♦ vt involvere,
shoot n surculus m;(vine) pampinus m ♦ vi shrub n frutex m.
frondescere; (movement) volare; - up shrubbery n fruticetum nt.
emicare ♦ vt (missile) conicere, iaculari; shudder n horror m ♦ vi exhorrescere; ~ at
(person) iaculari, transfigere, horrere.
shop n taberna/. shuffle vt miscere ♦ vi claudicare; (fig)
shore n litus nt, ora/ ♦ vt fulcire, tergiversari.
short adj brevis; (broken) curtus; (amount) shun vt vitare, evitare, defugere,
exiguus; for a ~ time parumper, paulisper; ~ shut vt claudere; (with cover) operire; (hand)
of (number) intra (acc); be - of indigere (abf); comprimere; - in inclQdere; - off
cut - interpellare; in - ad summam, denique; interclOdere; - out exclfldere; - up
very - perbrevis; fall - of non pervenire ad, includere.
abesse ab; run ~ deficere; to cut a long story shutter n foricula/, lOminare nt.
- ne multis morer, ne multa, shuttle n radius m.
shortage n inopia/, shy adj timidus, pudibundus, verecundus,
shortcoming n delictum nt, culpa/, shyly adv timide, verecunde,
short cut n via compendiaria/. shyness n verecundia/,
shorten vt curtare, imminuere, contrahere; sibyl n sibylla/.
(sail) legere, sick adj aeger, aegrotus; be - aegi Otare; feel -
shorthand n notae/pi. nauseare; I am - of me taedet (pen),
shorthand writer n actuarius m. sicken vt fastidium movCre (dat) ♦ vi
short-lived adj brevis. nauseare, aegrotare.
ENGLISH-LATIN 151 sickle-siren

sickle n falx/, sill n Ilmen nt.

sickly ad; invalidus, silliness n stultitia/, ineptiae fpi.
sickness n nausea/ (illness) morbus m, silly ad; fatuus, ineptus; stultus; be - desipere.
aegritudo/. silt n llmus m.
side n latus m; (direction) pars/; (faction) partes silver n argentum nt ♦ adj argenteus,
fpl\ (kin) genus nt; on all ~s undique; on both silver mine n argentaria/,
-s utrimque; on one - un§ ex parte; on our - silver plate n argentum nt.
a nobis; be on the - of stare ab, sentire cum; silver-plated adj argentatus,
on the far ~ of ultra (acc); on this - hlnc; on silvery adj argenteus,
this ~ of cis (acc), citra (acc) ♦ vi: ~ with stare similar ad; similis,
ab, facere cum. similarity n similitudo/,
sideboard n abacus m. similarly adv similiter,
sidelong adj obliquus, simile n similitude/,
sideways adv oblique, in obliquum, simmer vi Igniter fervgre.
sidle vi obliquo corpore incedere, simper vi molliter subridere,
siege n obsidio/, oppugnatis/, lay - to simple adj simplex; (mind) fatuus; (task)
obsidere. facilis.
siege works n opera ntpi. simpleton n homo ineptus m.
siesta n meridiatis/; take a - meridiare. simplicity n simplicitas/ (mind) stultitia/,
sieve n cribrum nt. simplify vt faciliorem reddere,
sigh n suspirium nt; (loud) gemitus m ♦ vi simply adv simpliciter; (merely) sOlum,
suspirare, gemere. tantum.
sight n (sense) visus m; (process) aspectus m; simulate vt simulare,
(range) cSnspectus m; (thing seen) simulation n simulatio/,
spectaculum nt, species/; at - ex tempore; at simultaneously adv simul, Una, eOdem
first ~ primo aspectu; in ~ in conspectu; tempore.
come into - in cSnspectum se dare; in the ~ sin n peccatum nt, nefas nt, delictum nt ♦ vi
of in oculis (gen); catch - of conspicere; lose peccare.
- of e conspectu amittere; (fig) oblivisci since adv abhinc; long - iamdUdum ♦ con;
(gen) ♦ vt conspicari, (time) ex quO tempore, postquam; (reason)
sightless ad) caecus, cum (+ subf), quoniam; ~ ha quippe qul ♦
sightly ad; decorus. prep ab (abi), ex (abl), post (acc); ever ~ usque
sign n signum nt, indicium nt; (distinction) ab.
Insigne nt; (mark) nota/; (trace) vestigium nt; sincere ad; sincgrus, simplex, apertus,
(proof) documentum nt; (portent) Smen nt; sincerely adv sincOre, ex animO.
(Zodiac) signum nt; give a - innuere ♦ vi sincerity n fides/, simplicitas/,
signum dare, innuere ♦ vt subscribere (dat); sinew n nervus m.
(as witness) obsignare, sinewy adj nervOsus.
signal n signum nt; give the - for retreat sinful adj improbus, impius, incestus,
receptui canere ♦ vi signum dare ♦ adj sinfully adv improbg, impie,
Insignis, egregius, sing vt canere, cantare; ~ of canere,
signalize vt nobilitare, singe vt adurere,
signally adv egregie. singer n cantor m.
signature n nOmen nt, manus/, chirographum singing n cantus m ♦ adj canOrus.
nt. single adj Unus, sOlus, Unicus; (unmarried)
signet n signum nt. caelebs ♦ vt: - out Sligere, excerpere,
signet ring n anulus m. single-handed ad; Unus.
significance n interpretatio/, significatio/, singly adv singiliatim, singuli,
vis/; (importance) pondus nt. singular ad; singularis; (strange) novus,
significant ad; gravis, clarus, singularly adv singulariter, praecipue,
signification n significatio/, sinister ad; infaustus, malevolus,
signify vt significare, velle; (omen) sinkvi dgsldere; (in water) demergi; - in iniabl,
portendere; it does not ~ nOn interest, Insidere ♦ vt deprimere, mergere; (well)
silence n silentium nt; in ~ per silentium ♦ vt fodere; (fig) dgmergere.
comprimere; (argument) refutare, sinless ad; integer, innocens, castus,
silent ad; tacitus; (habit) taciturnus; be ~ sinner n peccator m.
silgre, tacSre; be ~ about silgre, tacere; sinuous ad; sinuOsus.
become - conticescere, sip vt gustare, libare,
silently adv tacite, siphon n sipho m.
silhouette n adumbratio/. sir n (to master) ere; (to equal) vir optime; (title)
silk n bombyx m; (clothes) serica ntpl ♦ adj eques m.
bombycinus, sOricus. sire n pater m.
silken adj bombycinus. siren n slrOn /.
sirocco-slipper 152 ENGL1SH-LATIN

sirocco n Auster m. slagn scoria/.

sister n soror/; ~'s sorOrius. slake vt restinguere, sedare,
sisterhood n germanitas/; (society) sorOrum slam vt adfllgere.
societas/. slander n maledicta ntpl, obtrectatio/; (law)
sister-in-law n gl6s/. calumnia / ♦ vt maledicere (daf). Infamare,
sisterly adj sorOrius. obtrectare (daf).
sit vi sedere; - beside adsidOre (daf); - down slanderer n obtrectator m.
cOnsIdere; - on Insidere (daf); (eggs) slanderous ad; maledicus,
incubare; - at table accumbere; - up (af slang n vulgaria verba ntpl.
night) vigilare. slant vi in transversum Ire.
site n situs m, locus m; (forbuilding) area/, slanting adj obliquus, transversus,
sitting n sessio/, slantingly adv oblique, ex transverso,
situated adj situs. siap n alapa / ♦ vt palma ferire,
situation n situs m; (circs) status m, condicio/, slapdash adj praeceps, temerarius,
six num sex; - each s6nl; ~ or seven sex slash vt caedere ♦ n ictus m.
septem; - times sexiens. slate n (roof) tegula/ (writing) tabula/ ♦ vt
six hundred num sescentl; - each sescenl; - increpare.
times sescentiens. slatternly ad; sordidus, incomptus,
six hundredth adj sescentesimus. slaughter n caedes/, strages/ ♦ vt trucidare,
sixteen num sedecim; - each sen! deni; ~ times slaughterhouse n laniena/,
sOdeciens. slave n servus m; (domestic) famulus m; (home-
sixteenth adj sextus decimus, born) verna m; be a - to Inservire (daf);
sixth adj sextus; for the - time sextum, household ~s familia/,
sixtieth adj sexagesimus, slave girl n ancilla/,
sixty num sexaginta; - each sexageni; ~ times slavery n servitos /.
sexagiens. slavish adj servilis,
size n magnitudo/, amplitudo/, (measure) slavishly adv serviliter,
mensura/, fOrma/. slay vt interficere, occidere,
skatevi per glaciem labl; ~ on thin ice (fig) slayer n interfector m.
incedere per ignes suppositos cineri dolOsO. sleek adj nitidus, pinguis,
skein n glomus nt. sleep n somnus m; go to - obdormiscere ♦ vi
skeleton n ossa ntpi. dormire; - off vt edormire,
sketch n adumbratio/, descriptio/ ♦ vt sleeper n dormitor m.
adumbrare, Informare, sleepiness n sopor m.
skewer n veru nt. sleepless adj insomnis, vigil,
skiff n scapha/, lenunculus m. sleeplessness n Insomnia/.
skilful adj peritus, doctus, scitus; (with hands) sleepy adj somniculosus; ba - dormitare,
habilis. sleeve n manica/,
skilfully adv perite, docte; habiliter, sleight of hand n praestigiae fi?i.
skill n ars/, peritia/, sollertia/, slender ad; gracilis, exilis,
skilled adj peritus, doctus; - in peritus (+ gen). slenderness n gracilitas/.
skim vt despumare; - over (fig) legere, slice n frustum nt ♦ vt secare,
perstringere. slide n lapsus m ♦ vi labi,
skin n cutis/ (animal) pellis / ♦ vt pellem slight adj levis, exiguus, parvus ♦ n
detrahere (dat). neglegentia/♦ vt neglegere, offendere,
skinflint n avarus m. slightingly adv contemptim.
skinny ad; macer, slightly adv leviter, paululum,
skip vi exsultare ♦ vt praeterire, slightness n levitas/,
skipper n magister m. slim adj gracilis,
skirmish n leve proelium nt ♦ vi velitari, slime n limus m.
skirmisher n veles m, excursor m. slimness n gracilitas/.
skirt n Instita/, (border) limbus m ♦ vt slimy ad; llmOsus, mucOsus.
contingere (daf); (motion) legere, sling n funda/ ♦ vt mittere, iaculdrl.
skittish adj lascivus, slinger n funditor m.
skulk vi latere, delitescere, slink vi se subducere,
skull n caput nt. slip n lapsus m; (mistake) offensiuncula/
sky n caelum nt; of the - caelestis, (piant) surculus m ♦ vi labi; - away elabi,
skylark n alauda/, dilabi; - out elabi; (word) excidere; givatha
slab n tabula/. - to eifldere; let - amittere, emittere;
slack adj remissus, laxus; (work) piger, (opportunity) Omittere; there's many a - twixt
neglegens. the cup and the lip inter Os et offam multa
slacken vt remittere, detendere ♦ vi laxari, interveniunt,
slackness n remissio/ pigritia/. slipper n solea/.
ENGLISH-LATIN 153 slippery-so

slippery adj lubricus, smirk vi subridere.

slipshod ad; neglegens, smith n faber m.
slit n rima/♦ vt findere, incidere, smithy n fabrica/.
sloen splnus m. smock n tunica/.
slope n declive nt, clivus m; (steep) deiectus m smoke n fumus mfvi fumare.
♦ vi s6 demittere, vergere, smoky adj fumosus.
sloping adj declivis, devexus; (up) adcllvis. smooth adj levis; (skin) glaber; (talk) blandus;
slot n rlma /. (sea) placidus; (temper) aequus; (voice) levis,
sloth n inertia/, segnitia/, desidia/, ignavia/. teres ♦ vt sternere, limare,
slothful adj ignavus, iners, segnis. smoothly adv leviter, leniter,
slothfully adv ignave, segniter. smoothness n levitas/, lenitas/,
slouch vi languide incedere. smother vt opprimere, suffocare,
slough n (skin) exuviaejpi; (bog) palus/. smoulder vi fumare,
slovenliness n ignavia/, sordes fpl. smudge n macula/,
slovenly adj ignavus, sordidus. smug adj sui contentus,
slow adj tardus, lentus; (mind) hebes. smuggle vt furtim importare,
slowly adv tarde, lente. smugness n amor sui m.
slowness n tarditas/. smutn fuligo/.
sludge n limus m. snack n cenula/; taka a - gustare,
slug n limax/. snag n impedimentum nt, scrupulus m.
sluggard n homo ignavus m. snail n cochlea/.
sluggish adj piger, segnis; (mind) hebes, snake n anguis m, serpens/,
sluggishly adv pigre, segniter, snaky adj vipereus.
sluggishness n pigritia/, inertia/. snap vt rumpere, praerumpere; - the fingere
sluice n cataracta/. digitis concrepare ♦ vi rumpi, dissilire; - at
slumber n somnus m, sopor m ♦ vi dormire, mordere; - up corripere,
slump n vilis annona/. snare n laqueus m, plaga/, pedica/ ♦ vt inretlre.
slur n nota/, cast ~ on detrectare ♦ vt: - words snarl n gannitus m ♦ vi gannire,
balbutire. snatch vt rapere, eripere, adripere,
sly adj astutus, vafer, callidus; on the - ex corripere; ~ at captare,
opinato. sneak n perfidus m ♦ vi conrepere; - in se
slyly adv astute, callide, Insinuare; - out elabi,
slyness n astutia/. sneaking adj humilis, furtivus,
smack n (blow) ictus m; (with hand) alapa/ sneer n irrisio/♦ vi irridere, deridere,
(boat) lenunculus m; (taste) sapor m ♦ vi sneeze n sternutamentum nt ♦ vi sternuere,
ferire ♦ vi: ~ of olere, redolere, sniff vt odOrarl.
small adj parvus, exiguus; how - quantulus, snip vt praecidere, secare,
quantillus; so ~ tantulus; very ~ perexiguus, snob n homo ambitidsus m.
minimus; a - meeting of Infrequens, snood n mitra/,
smaller adj minor, snooze vi dormitare,
smallest adj minimus, snore vi stertere,
smallness n exiguitas/, brevitas/. snoring n rhoncus m.
small talk n sermunculus m. snort n fremitus m ♦ vi fremere,
smart ad; (action) acer, alacer; (dress) snout n rostrum nt.
concinnus, nitidus; (pace) velox; (wit) snow n nix/ ♦ vi ningere; ~ed under nive
facetus, salsus ♦ n dolor m ♦ vi dolere; (fig) obrutus; it is -ing ningit,
uri, morderi. snowy adj nivalis; (colour) niveus,
smartly adv Scriter; nitide; v§16citer; facete, snub vt neglegere, praeterire,
smartness n alacritas/; (dress) nitor m; (wif) snub-nosed adj simus,
facetiae fpl, sollertia /. snuff7i (candle) fungus m.
smash n ruina/ ♦ vt frangere, comminuere, snug adj commodus,
smattering n: get a - of odorari, primis labris snugly adv commoda.
attingere; with a - of imbfitus (abi). so adv (referring back) sic; (referring forward) ita;
smear vt oblinere, ungere, (with adj and adv) tarn; (with verb) adefi;
smell n (sense) oddrStus m; (odour) odor m; (of (consequence) erg6, itaque, igitur; and ~
cooking) nidor m ♦ vt olfacere, odOrSri ♦ vi itaque; ~ great tantus; so-so sic; - as to ut; -
olere. be it esto; - big tantus; - far usque ade6,
smelly adj olidus, adhuc; - far as quod; ~ far from adeO nOn; -
smelt vt fundere. little tantillus; - long as dum; - many tot; -
smile n risus m ♦ vi subridere; - at adrldere much adj tantus ♦ adv tantum; (with compar)
(dat); ~ upon ridere ad; (fig) secundum esse tanto; - often totiens; - that ut (+ subj); - that
(dat). ... not (purpose) n6; (result) ut n6n; and - on
smiling adj laetus. deinceps; not - very haud ita; say - id dicere.
soak-sop 154 ENGLISH-LATIN

soak vt imbuere, madefacere, spectatus; become - concrescere; make ~

soaking ad; madidus, cOgere.
soap n sapo m. solidarity n societas/.
soar vi in sublime ferri, subvolare; - above solidify vt cOgere ♦ vi concrescere.
superare. solidity n soliditas/.
sob n singultus m ♦ vi singultare, solidly adv firme, constanter.
sober ad; sobrius; (conduct) modestus; (.minet) soliloquize vi secum loqui.
sanus. soliloquy n unius Oratio/.
soberly adv sobrie, modeste, solitary ad; solus, solitarius; (instance) unicus;
sobriety n modestia/, continentia/. (place) desertus,
so-called adj qui dicitur, solitude n solitudo/,
sociability n facilitas/, solo n canticum nt.
sociable ad; facilis, cOmis. solstice n (summer) solstitium nt; (winter)
sociably adv faciliter, cOmiter. bruma/.
social adj socialis, commflnis. solstitial adj solstitialis, brumalis,
socialism n popularis ratio/, soluble adj dissolubilis,
socialist n homo popularis m/f. solution n (of puzzle) enOdfitiG/.
society n societas/; (class) optimates mpl; solve vt enodare, explicare,
(being with) convictus m; cultivate the - of solvency n solvendi facultas/,
adsectari; secret - sodalitas/, solvent adj: be - solvendo esse,
sod n caespes m, glaeba/. sombre adj obscurus; (fig) tristis,
soda n nitrum nt. some adj aliqui; (pf) nonnulli, aliquot; ~ people
sodden adj madidus, sunt qui (+subj); - ... other alius ... alius; for
soever adv -cumque, - time aliquamdiu; with - reason n6n sine
sofa n lectus m. causa ♦ pron aliquis; (pf) nonnulli, sunt qui
soft adj mollis; (fruit) mitis; (voice) submissus; (subf), erant qui (subj).
(character) delicatus; (words) blandus, somebody pron aliquis; - or other nescioquis.
soften vi mollire; (body) enervare; (emotion) somehow adv quodammodo, nescio
lenire, mitigare ♦ vi mollescere, mitescere, quomod<5.
soft-hearted adj misericors, someone pron aliquis; (negative) quisquam; -
softly adv molliter, leniter; blande, or other nescioquis; ~ else alius,
softness n mollitia/, mollities/, something pron aliquid; - or other nescioquid;
soil n solum nt, humus/♦ vt inquinare, - else aliud.
foedare. sometime adv aliquando; (past) quondam,
sojourn n commoratis/, mansio/♦ vi sometimes adv interdum, nonnumquam; -...
commorari. ~ modo ... modo.
sojourner n hospes m, hospita/, somewhat adv aliquantum, nOnnihil, paulum;
solace n solatium nt, levatio/ ♦ vt solari, (with compar) paulo, aliquanto,
cSnsoiari. somewhere adv alicubi; (to) aliquO; - else
solar adj solis. alibi; (to) aliO; from - alicunde; from - else
solder n ferrumen nt ♦ vt ferruminare, aliunde.
soldier n miles m; be a - militare; common - somnolence n somnus m.
manipularis m, gregarius miles m; fellow - somnolent ad; semisomnus,
commilito m; foot - pedes m; old - veteranus son n filius m; smell ~ filiolus m.
m ♦ vi militare, song n carmen nt, cantus m.
soldierly ad; militaris, son-in-law n gener m.
soldiery n miles m. sonorous adj sonOrus, canOrus.
sole adj solus, unus, unicus ♦ n (foot) planta/, soon adv mox, brevi, citO; as ~ as ut primum,
(fish) solea/. cum primum (+ futperf), simul ac/atque (+
solecism n soloecismus m. perf indic); as - as possible quam primum;
solely adv solum, tantum, modO. too - praemature, ante tempus,
solemn adj gravis; (religion) sanctus, sooner adv prius, maturius; (preference)
solemnity n gravitas/; sanctitas/, libentius, potius; - or later sOrius Ocius; no ~
solemnize vt agere, said than done dictum factum,
solemnly adv graviter; rite, soonest adv maturissime.
solicit vt flagitare, obsecrare, SOOt n fflllgO/.
solicitation n flagitatio/, soothe vt delenire, permulcere,
solicitor n advocatus m. soothing adj lenis, blandus.
solicitous adj anxius, trepidus, soothingly adv blande.
solicitously adv anxie, trepide, soothsayer n hariolus m, vates m/f, haruspex
solicitude n cura/, anxietas/. m.
solid adj solidus; (metal) purus; (food) firmus; SOOty ad; fQmOsus.
(argument) firmus; (character) constans, sop n of f a /, (fig) delenimentum nt.
ENGL1SH-LATIN 155 sophism-specify

sophism n captis/, south n meridies / 4 adj australis 4 adv ad

sophist n sophistes m. meridiem.
sophistical adj aculeatus, captiosus, south-east adv inter solis ortum et meridiem,
sophisticated adj lepidus, urbanus, southerly adj ad meridiem versus,
sophistry n captis/, southern adj australis,
soporific adj soporifer, somnifer, south-west adv inter occasum solis et
soprano adj acutus, meridiem.
sorcerer n veneficus m. south wind n auster m.
sorceress n venefica/, saga/, souvenir n monumentum nt.
sorcery n veneficium nt; (means) venena ntpl, sovereign n rex m, regina/ ♦ adj princeps,
carmina ntpl. summus.
sordid adj sordidus; (conduct) illiberalis, sovereignty n regnum nt, imperium nt,
sordidly adv sordide, principatus m; (of the people) maiestas/.
sordidness n sordes fpi; illiberalitas/. sown scrofa/, sfls/.
sore adj molestus, gravis, acerbus; feel - sow vt serere; (field) conserere ♦ vi sementem
dolere ♦ n ulcus nt. facere.
sorely adv graviter, vehementer, sower n sator m.
sorrel n lapathus/, lapathum nt. sowing n sementis/.
sorrow n dolor m, aegritudo/; (outward) span aquaejp/.
maeror m; (fordeath) lfictus m ♦ vi dolere, space n (extension) spatium nt; (not matter)
maerere, lfigere. inane nt; (room) locus m; (distance)
sorrowful adj maestus, tristis, intervallum nt; (time) spatium nt; open ~ area
sorrowfully adv maestg. / leave a - of intermittere ♦ vt: - out
sorry adj paenitens; (poor) miser; I am *> for disponere.
(remorse) me paenitet, me piget (gen); (pity) spacious adj amplus, capax,
me miseret (gen). spaciousness n amplitudo/,
sort n genus nt; a - of quidam; all ~s of omnes; spade n pala/, rutrum nt.
the - of talis; this - of huiusmodl; the span n (measure) palmus m; (extent) spatium nt
common - plebs/ I am not the - of man to 4 vt iungere.
non is sum qui (+ subj); I am out of ~s mihi spangle n bractea/.
displiceo ♦ vt digerere, componere; (votes) spangled adj distinctus,
diribere. spar n tignum nt.
sortie n excursio/, excursus m, eruptio/, make spare vt parcere (dat); (to give) suppeditare; -
a - erumpere, excurrere. time for vacare (dat) 4 adj exilis; (extra)
SOtn ebriosus m. subseclvus.
sottish adj ebriosus, temulentus, sparing adj parcus,
sottishness n vinolentia/, sparingly adv parce,
soul n anima/, animus m; (essence) vis/ spark n scintilla/ (fig) igniculus m.
(person) caput nt; not a ~ nemO unus; the - of sparkle vi scintillare, nitere, micare,
(fig) medulla/. sparrow n passer m.
soulless adj caecus, durus, sparse adj rarus,
sound n sonitus m, sonus m; (articulate) vox/; spasm n convulsio/,
(confused) strepitus m; (loud) fragor m; spasmodically adv interdum,
(strait) fretum nt 4 vt (signa!) canere; spatter vt aspergere,
(instrument) Inflare; (depth) scrutari, spawn n ova ntpl.
temptare; (person) animum temptare (gen) 4 speak vt, vi loqui; (make speech) dicere,
vi canere, sonare; (seem) videri; ~ a retreat contionari, Orationem habere; - out eloqui; -
receptui canere ♦ adj sanus, salubris; to adloqul; (converse) colloqui cum; ~ well of
(health) firmus; (sleep) artus; (judgment) bene dicere (dat); it ~s for itself res ipsa
exquisitus; (argument) verus; safe and - loquitur.
salvus, incolumis. speaker n orator m.
soundly adv (beat) vehementer; (sleep) arte; speaking n: art of - dicendi ars/ practise
(study) penitus, diligenter, public ~ declamare 4 adj: likeness ~ vivida
soundness n sanitas/, integritas/. imago.
Soup n ius nt. spear n hasta/.
sour adj acerbus, amarus, acidus; turn ~ spearman n hastatus m.
acescere; (fig) coacescere ♦ vt (fig) special adj praecipuus, proprius,
exacerbare. speciality n proprium nt.
source n fOns m; (river) caput nt; (fig) fOns m, specially adv praecipuo, praesertim,
orlgC / have its - in oriri ex; (fig) proficisci species n genus nt.
ex. specific adj certus,
sourness n acerbitas/ (temper) mOrOsitas/. specification n designatio/.
souse vi immergere. specify vt denotare, designare.
specimen-spread 156 ENGLISH-LATIN

specimen n exemplar nt, exemplum nt. spit n veru nt ♦ vi spuere, sputare; - on

specious adj speciosus. conspOtare; - out exspuere,
speciously adv speciose. spite n invidia/, malevolentia/, livor m; in - of
speciousness n species/. me me invitO; in ~ of the difficulties in his
speck n macula /. angustiis ♦ vt incommodare, offendere,
speckled adj maculis distinctus. spiteful adj malevolus, malignus, invidus,
spectacle n spectaculum nt. spitefully adv malevole, maligne,
spectacular adj spectabilis. spitefulness n malevolentia/,
spectator n spectator m. spittle n sputum nt.
spectral adj larvalis. splash n fragor m ♦ vt aspergere,
spectre n larva/. spleen n splen m; (fig) stomachus m.
speculate vi cogitare, coniecturas facere; splendid adj splendidus, lflculentus; insignis;
(comm) forO uti. (person) amplus.
speculation n cogitatio/, coniectura/, (comm) splendidly adv splendide, optime,
alea /. splendour n splendor m, fulgor m; (fig) lautitia
speculator n contemplator m; (comm) aleator f, adparatus m.
m. splenetic adj stomachosus,
speech n oratio/; (language) sermo m, lingua/; splice vt iungere.
(to people or troops) contio/; make a - splint n ferula/.
orationem/contionem habere, splinter n fragmentum nt, assula/♦ vt findere,
speechless adj elinguis, mutus, split vt findere ♦ vi dissilire ♦ adj fissus ♦ n
speed n celeritas/, cursus m, velocitas/; with fissum nt; (fig) dissidium nt.
all ~ summa celeritate; at full - magno cursu, splutter vi balbutire,
incitatus; (riding) citato equo ♦ vt spoil n praeda/ ♦ vt (rob) spoliare; (mar)
adcelerare, maturare ♦ vi properare, corrumpere ♦ vi corrumpi,
festinare. spoiler n spoliator m; corruptor m.
speedily adv celeriter, cito, spoils npl spolia ntpl, exuviae/pi.
speedy adj celer, velOx, citus, spoke n radius m; put a - in one's wheel
spell n carmen nt. inicere scrupulum (dat).
spellbound adj: be ~ obstipescere. spokesman n interpres m, 6rator m.
spelt n far nt. spoliation n spoliatio/, direptio/.
spend vt impendere, insumere; (public money) spondee n spondeus m.
erogare; (time) agere, consumere, terere; sponge n spongia/.
(strength) effundere; - itself (storm) sponsor n sponsor m; (fig) auctor m.
desaevire; ~ on insumere (acc& dat). spontaneity n impulsus m, voluntas/.
spendthrift n nepos m, prodigus m. spontaneous adj voluntarius,
sphere n globus m; (of action) provincia/, spontaneously adv sua sponte, ultrO.
spherical adj globosus, spoon n cochlear nt.
sphinx n sphinx/. sporadic adj rarus,
spice n condimentum nt; -s p/ odorgs mpl ♦ vt sporadically adv passim,
condire. sport n ludus m; (in Rome) campus m; (fun)
spicy adj odoratus; (wit) salsus. iocus m; (ridicule) ludibrium nt; make ~ of
spider n aranea/; ~'s web araneum nt. illudere (dat) ♦ vi ludere,
spike n dens m, clavus m. sportive adj lascivus,
spikenard n nardus m. sportiveness n lascivia/,
spill vt fundere, profundere ♦ vi redundare. sportsman n venator m.
spin vt (thread) nere, deducere; (top) versare; sportsmanlike adj honestus, generosus,
- out (story) producere ♦ vi circumagi, spot n macula/, (place) locus m; (dice)
versari. punctum nt; on the - Ilicb ♦ vt maculare;
spindle n fusus m. (see) animadvertere.
spine n spina/, spotless adj integer, pQrus; (character) castus,
spineless adj enervatus, spotted adj maculosus,
spinster n virgo/, spouse n coniunx m/f.
spiral adj intortus ♦ n spira/, spout n (ofjug) Os nt; (pipe) canalis m ♦ vi
spire n conus m. 6mic8re.
spirit n (life) anima/; (intelligence) mens/; (soul) sprain vt intorquere,
animus m; (vivacity) spiritus m, vigor m, vis/, sprawl vi se fundere,
(character) ingenium nt; (intention) voluntas/; sprawling adj fflsus.
(of an age) mores mpi; (ghost) anima/; -s p! spray n aspergo/ ♦ vt aspergere,
manes mpi; full of - alacer, animosus, spread vt pandere, extendere; (news)
spirited adj animosus, acer, divulgare; (infection) vulgare ♦ vi patere;
spiritless adj iners, fractus, timidus, (rumour) manare, increbrescere; (feeling)
spiritual adj animi. gliscere.
ENGLISH-LATIN 157 spreadeagl»-stand

spreadeaglevr dispandere, stability n stabilitas/, firmitas/, constantia/,

spreading adj (tree) patulus, stabilize vt stabilire, firmare,
spree n comissatio/, stable adj firmus, stabilis ♦ n stabulum nt,
sprig n virga/. equile nt; shut the ~ door after the horse is
sprightliness n alacritas/, stolen clipeum post vulnera sumere.
sprightly adj alacer, hilaris, Stack n acervus m ♦ vt congerere, cumulare.
spring n (season) ver nt; (water) fOns m; (leap) stadium n spatium nt.
saltus m ♦ vi (grow) crescere, £n8scl; (leap) staff n scipio m, virga f) (augur's) lituus m;
salire; - from oriri ex, proficisci ex; - on to (officers) contubernaias mpl.
Insilllre in (acc); - up exoriri, exsilire ♦ vt: ~ stag n cervus m.
a leak rlmfis agere; ~ a surprise on stage n pulpitum nt, proscenium nt; (theatre)
admirationem movere (dat) ♦ adj vernus, scOna /, theatrum nt; (scene of action) campus
springe n laqueus m. m; (of journey) iter nt; (of progress) gradus m ♦
sprinkle vt aspergere; - on Inspergere (dat). ad; scenicus ♦ vt (play) dare, doc£re.
sprint vi currere. stage fright n horror m.
sprout n surculus m ♦ vi fruticari. stagger vi titubare ♦ vt obstupefacere,
spruce ad; nitidus, concinnus. stagnant ad; iners.
sprung adj ortus, oriundus. stagnate vi (fig) cessare, refrigescere,
spume n spuma/. stagnation n cessatio/, torpor m.
spur n calcar nt; - of a hili prominens collis; on stagy ad; scenicus.
the - of the moment ex tempore ♦ vt staid ad; severus, gravis,
incitare; ~ the willing horse currentem stain n macula/, labes/; (fig) dedecus nt,
incitare; ~ on concitare, ignOminia/ ♦ vt maculare, foedare,
spurious ad; falsus, fucosus, fictus, contaminare; - with Inficere (abi).
spurn vt spernere, aspernari, respuere, stainless ad; piirus, integer.
spurt vi Smicare; (run) se incitare ♦ n impetus Stair n scalae ;pi, gradus mpl.
m. staircase n scalae fpi.
spy n speculator m, explorator m ♦ vi speculari Stake n palus m, stipes m; (pledge) pignus nt; be
♦ vt conspicere; - out explorare, at - agi, in discrimine esse ♦ vt (wager)
squabble n iOrgium nt ♦ vi rixari, dapOnere.
squad n (mil) decuria, stale adj obsoletus, effatus; (wine) vapidus,
squadron n (cavalry) ala/, turma/; (ships) stalemate n: reach a - ad incitas redigi,
classis /. stalk n (corn) calamus m; (piant) stipes m ♦ vi
squalid ad; sordidus, deformis, incedere ♦ vt vanari. Insidiari (dat).
squali n procella/, stall n (animal) stabulum nt; (seat) subsellium
squally adj procellosus, nt; (shop) taberna/ ♦ vt stabulare,
squalor n sordes fpl, squalor m. stallion n equus m.
squander vt dissipare, disperdere, effundere, stalwart ad; ingens, robustus, fortis,
squanderer n prodigus m. stamina n patientia/,
square n quadratum nt; (town) area/ ♦ vt stammer n haesitatio/ ♦ vi balbutire,
quadrare; (account) subdflcere ♦ vi cOnstare, stammering adj balbus,
congruere ♦ adj quadratus, stamp n fOrma/; (mark) nota/, signum nt; (of
squash vt conterere, contundere, feet) supplOsiO/♦ vt imprimere; (coin) ferire,
squat vi subsldere ♦ adj brevis atque obesus, signare; (fig) inurere; - one's feet pedem
squatter n (on land) agripeta m. supplodere; - out exstinguere,
squawk vi crocire, stampede n discursus m; (fig) pavor m ♦ vi
squeak n stridor m ♦ vi stridere, discurrere; (fig) expavescere,
squeal n vagitus m ♦ vi vagire, stance n status m.
squeamish ad; fastidiosus; feel ~ nauseare, stanchion n columna/.
fastidire. stand n (position) statio/, (platform) suggestus
squeamishness n fastidium nt, nausea/, m; make a - resistere, restare ♦ vi stare;
squeeze vt premere, comprimere; - out (remain) manere; (matters) se habere ♦ vt
exprimere. statuere; (tolerate) ferre, tolerare; - against
squint ad; perversus ♦ n: person with a ~ resistere (dat); ~ aloof abstare; - by adsistere
strabo m ♦ vi strabo esse, (dat); (friend) adesse (dat); (promise)
squintem strabo m. praestare; - convicted manifestum teneri; -
squinting adj paetus, down concedere; ~ fast cOnsistere; - one's
squire n armiger m; (landed) dominus m. ground in locO perstare; - for (office) petere;
squirm vi volutari, (meaning) significare; (policy) postulare; - in
squirrel n sciurus m. awe of in metO habere; - in need of indigere
squirt vt eicere, effundere ♦ vi amicare, (abf); ~ on Insistere in (abi); - on end
stab n ictus m, vulnus nt ♦ vt fodere, ferire, horrere; - on one's dignity gravitatem suam
percutere. tueri; ~ out eminere, exstare; (against)
standard-step 158 ENGUSH-LATIN

resistere (dat); (to sea) in altum provehi; ~ statuary n fictor m.

out of the way of decedere (dat); ~ over statute n statua/, signum nt, imago/.
(case) ampliare; - still consistere, Insistere; statuette n sigillum nt.
~ to reason sequl; - trial reum fieri; - up stature n forma/, statura/.
surgere, consurgere; - up for defendere, status n locus m.
adesse (dat); ~ up to responsare (dat). status quo n: restore the ~ ad integrum
standard n (mil) signum nt; (measure) norma /; restituere.
~ author scriptor classicus m; up to ~ iustus; statutable adj legitimus,
judge by the - of referre ad. statute n lex/.
standard-bearer n signifer m. staunch vt (blood) sistere ♦ adj fidus,
standing adj perpetuus ♦ n status m; (social) constans.
locus m, ordo m; of long - inveteratus; be of stave vt perrumpere, perfringere; ~ off
long ~ inveterascere, arcere.
stand-offish adj tectus, Stay n firmamentum nt; (fig) columen nt;
standstill n: be at a - haerere, frigere; bring (sojourn) mansio/, commoratio/ ♦ vt (prop)
to a - ad incitas redigere; come to a - fulcire; (stop) detinere, demorari ♦ vi
Insistere. manere, commorari.
stanza n tetrastichon nt. stead n locus m; stand one in good - prodesse
Staple n uncus m ♦ adj praecipuus. (dat).
Star n stella/, astrum nt; sldus nt; shooting ~s steadfast adj firmus, stabilis, constans; - at
acontiae fpl. home tenere se domi,
starboard adj dexter. steadfastly adv constanter,
Starch n amylum nt. steadfastness n firmitas/, constantia/,
stare n obtutus m ♦ vi intentis oculis intueri, steadily adv firme, constanter,
stupere; - at contemplari, steadiness n stabilitas /; (fig) constantia/,
stark adj rigidus; simplex ♦ adv plane, omnino, steady adj stabilis, firmus; (fig) gravis,
starling n sturnus m. constans,
starry adj stellatus. steak n offa/.
startn initium nt; (movement) saltus m; Steal vt surripere, furari ♦ vi: - away se
(Journey) profectio f; by fits and ~s carptim; subducere; - over subrepere (dat); - into se
have a day's - on die antecedere ♦ vt Insinuare in (acc); ~ a march on occupare,
incipere. Instituere; (game) excitare; stealing n furtum nt.
(process) movere ♦ vi (with fright) resilire; Stealth n furtum nt; by - furtim, clam,
(journey) proficisci; ~ up exsilire, stealthily adv furtim, clam,
starting place n carceres mpi. stealthy adj furtivus, clandestinus,
startle vt excitare, terrere, steam n aquae vapor m, fumus m ♦ vi fumare,
starvation n fames/. steed n equus m.
starve vi fame confici; (cold) frigere ♦ vt fame steel n ferrum nt, chalybs m ♦ adj ferreus ♦ vt
enecare. durare; - oneself obdurescere,
starveling n famelicus m. steely adj ferreus,
Staten (condition) status m, condicio/; (pomp) steelyard n statera/,
adparatus m; (pol) civitas/, res publica/; the steep adj arduus, praeceps, praeruptus;
- of affairs is ita se res habet; I know the - of (slope) declivis ♦ vt imbuere,
affairs quo in loco res sit sciO; of the - steeple n turris/,
publicus ♦ adj publicus ♦ vt adfirmare, steepness n arduum nt.
exponere, profiteri; - one's case causam steer vi gubernare, regere, dirigere ♦ n
dicere. iuvencus m.
stateliness n maiestas/, gravitas/, steering n gubernatio/,
stately adj gravis, grandis, nobilis, steersman n gubernator m; rector m.
statement n adfirmatiO/, dictum nt; (witness) stellar adj stellarum.
testimonium nt. stem n stipes m, truncus m; (ship) prora/ ♦ vt
state of health n valetudo/, adversari (dat); - the tide of (fig) obsistere
state of mind n adfectio/. (dat).
statesman n vir rei publicae gerendae stench n foetor m.
peritus m, consill publici auctor m. stenographer n exceptor m, actuarius m.
statesmanlike adj prudens, stenography n notae fpl.
statesmanship n civilis prudentia/, stentorian adj (voice) ingens,
static adj stabilis. step n gradus m; (track) vestigium nt; (of stair)
Station n locus m; (mil) statio/, (sociat) locus m, gradus m; - by - gradatim; flight of -s
ordo m ♦ vt collocare, ponere; (in different gradus mpl; take a - gradum facere; take -s
places) disponere. to rationem inire ut, videre ut; march in - in
stationary adj immotus, statarius, stabilis. numerum Ire; out of - extra numerum ♦ vi
statistics n census m. gradi, incedere; - aside decedere; - back
ENGL1SH-LATIN 159 stepdaughter-storm

regredi; - forward prodire; ~ on insistere commovere; - up excitare, incitare ♦ vi

(dat). moveri.
stepdaughter n privigna/, stirring adj impiger, tumultuosus; (speech)
stepfather n vitricus m. ardens.
stepmother n noverca/. stitch vt suere ♦ n sutura/; (in side) dolor m.
stepson n privignus m. Stock n stirps/, genus nt, gens f; (equipment)
stereotyped adj tritus, Instrumenta ntpi; (supply) copia/,
sterile adj sterilis, (investment) pecuniae fpl; live- res pecuaria/
sterility n sterilitas/, ♦ vt Instruere ♦ adj communis, tritus,
sterling adj integer, probus, gravis, stockade n vallum nt.
stern adj durus, severus; (look) torvus ♦ n stock dove n palumbes m/f.
puppis/. stock in trade n instrumenta ntpi.
sternly adv severe, duriter, stocks n (ship) navalia ntpi; (torture) compedes
sternness n severitas/, fpl-
stew vt coquere. stock-still adj plane immotus,
steward n procurator m; (of estate) vilicus m. stocky adj brevis atque obesus,
stewardship n procuratio/. stodgy adj crudus. Insulsus.
Stick n (for beating) fustis m; (for walking) Stoic n Stoicus m ♦ adj Stoicus,
baculum nt ♦ vi haerere; - at nothing ad stoical adj durus, patiens,
omnia descendere; - fast in inhaerere (dat), stoically adv patienter,
inhaerescere in (abi); - out eminere; - to stoicism n Stoicorum ratio/, Stfiicorum
adhaerere (dat); - up eminere; ~ up for disciplina /.
defendere ♦ vt(with glue) conglutinare; (with stoke vt agitare,
point) figere; - into Infigere; - top on stole n stola/,
praefigere. stolid adj stolidus,
stickler n diligens (gen). stolidity n Insulsitas/,
sticky adj lentus, tenax. stolidly adv stolide.
Stiff adj rigidus; (difficult) difficilis; be ~ rigere, Stomach n stomachus m; venter m ♦ vt pati,
stiffen vt rigidum facere ♦ vi rigere, tolerare.
stiffly adv rigide, stone n lapis m, saxum nt; (precious) gemma/,
stiff-necked adj obstinatus, lapillus m; (of fruit) acinum nt; leave no -
stiffness n rigor m. unturned omnia experiri; kill two birds with
stifle vt suffocare; (fig) opprimere, one - find saltu duos apros capere; hewn -
restinguere, saxum quadratum; unhewn - caementum nt
stigma n nota/, ♦ vt lapidibus percutere ♦ adj lapideus; -
stigmatize vt notare, blind plane caecus; - deaf plane surdus.
stile n saepes/. stonecutter n lapicida m.
stili adj immotus, tranquillus, quietus; tacitus Stony adj (soil) lapidosus; (path) scrfiposus;
♦ vt lenire, sedare ♦ adv etiam, adhuc, (feeling) dfirus, ferreus,
etiamnum; (past) etiam tum; (with compar) stool n sedecula/.
etiam; (adversative) tamen, nihilominus, stoop vi se demittere; - to descendere in
stillness n quies/, silentium nt. (acc).
stilly adj tacitus, stop n mora/; (punctuation) punctum nt; come
stilted adj (language) Inflatus, to a - Insistere; put a - to comprimere,
stilts n grallae fpl. dirimere ♦ vt sistere, inhibere, finire;
stimulant n stimulus m. (restrain) cohibere; (hole) obtfirfire; - up
stimulate vt stimulare, acuere, exacuere, occlfidere, intercludere ♦ vi desinere,
excitare. desistere; (motion) Insistere,
stimulus n stimulus m. stopgap n tibicen m.
Sting n aculeus m; (wound) ictus m; (fig) stoppage n interclfisifi/, impedimentum nt.
aculeus m, morsus m ♦ vt pungere, mordere, stopper n obturamentum nt.
stingily adv sordide. store n copia/ (place) horreum nt; (for wine)
stinginess n avaritia /, sordes fpl, tenacitas /. apotheca/; be in - for manere; set great - by
stinging adj (words) aculeatus, mordax, magni aestimare ♦ vt condere, reponere; -
stingy adj sordidus, tenax, away recondere; - up reponere, congerere,
stink n foetor m ♦ vi foetere; - of olere, storehousen (fig) thesaurus m.
stinking adj foetidus. storekeeper n cellarius m.
Stint n modus m; without - abunde ♦ vt storeship n navis frfimentaria/.
circumscribere, storey n tabulatum nt.
stipend n merces/. stork n ciconia/.
stipulate vt pacisci, stipulari, storm n tempestas/, procella/, take by -
stipulation n condicio/, pactum nt. expugnare ♦ vt (mil) expugnare ♦ vi saevire;
stir n tumultus m ♦ vt movere, agitare; (fig) - at Insectari, invehi in (acc).
stormbound-stripe 160 ENGLISH-LATIN

stormbound ad; tempestate detentus, strawberry tree n arbutus m.

stormer n expugnator m. stray vt aberrare, deerrare; vagari ♦ adj
storming n expugnatio/, errabundus.
stormy ad; turbidus, procellosus; (fig) streak n linea/, macula/; (light) radius m;
turbulentus. (character) vena/♦ vt maculare,
story n fabula/, narratio/, (short) fabella/ stream n flumen nt, fluvius m; down ~ secundo
(untrue) mendacium nt. flumine; up - adverse flumine ♦ vt fluere, se
storyteller n narrator m; (liar) mendax m. effundere; - into influere in (acc).
Stout adj pinguis; (brave) fortis; (strong) streamlet n rivus m, rivulus m.
validus, robustus; (material) firmus, street n via /, platea /.
stouthearted adj magnanimus, strength n vires fpl; (of materia!) firmitas/, (fig)
stoutly adv fortiter, rObur nt, nervi mpl; (mil) numerus m; know
stove n caminus m, fornax/. the enemy's ~ quot sint hostes scire; on the -
Stow vt repOnere, condere; ~ away vi in navi of fretus (abi).
delitescere, strengthen vt firmare, corroborare; (position)
straddle vi varicare, mOnire.
straggle vi deerrare, palari, strenuous adj impiger, strenuus, sedulus,
straggler n palans m. strenuously adv impigre, strenue,
straggling adj dispersus, rarus, strenuousness n industria/,
straight ad; rectus, directus; (fig) apertus, stress n (words) ictus m; (meaning) vis/;
verax; in a ~ line recta, 6 regiOne; set - (importance) momentum nt; (difficulty) labor
dirigere ♦ adv directo, recta, m; lay great - on in magnO discrimine pOnere
straighten vt corrigere, extendere, ♦ vt exprimere.
straightforward ad; simplex, directus; (easy) stretch n spatium nt, tractus m; at a - sine ulla
facilis. intermissione ♦ vt tendere, intendere;
straightforwardness n simplicitas/, (length) producere, extendere; (facts) in
straightness n (fig) integritas/, maius credere; - a point indulgere; - before
straightway adv statim, extemplo. obtendere; ~ forth porrigere; - oneself (on
Strain n contentio/; (effort) labor m; (music) ground) stem!; - out porrigere, extendere ♦
modi mpl; (breed) genus nt ♦ vt intendere, vi extendi, patescere.
contendere; (injure) nimia contentione strew vt (things) sternere; (place) cOnstemere.
debilitare; (liquid) deliquare, percolare ♦ vi stricken adj saucius.
eniti, vires contendere, Strict adj (defined) ipse, certus; (severe)
strained ad; (language) arcessitus, severus, rigidus; (accurate) diligens.
strainer n colum nt. Strictly adv severe; diligenter; - speaking
strait ad; angustus ♦ n fretum nt; ~s pi scilicet, immo.
angustiae fpl. strictness n severitas/; diligentia/,
straiten vt coartare, contrahere; -ed stricture n vituperatio/,
circumstances angustiae fpl. stride n passus m; make great ~s (fig) multum
strait-laced adj tristis, severus. proficere ♦ vi incedere, ingentes gradus
Strand n litus nt; (of rope) filum nt ♦ vt (ship) ferre.
eicere. strident adj asper.
strange ad; novus. Insolitus; (foreign) Strife n discordia/, pugna/.
peregrinus; (another's) alienus; (ignorant) Strike vt ferire, percutere; (instrument)
rudis, expers. pellere, pulsare; (sa/7) subdocere; (tenf)
strangely adv mire, mirum in modum, detendere; (mind) venire in (acc); (camp)
strangeness n novitas/, Insolentia/, movere; (fearinto) incutere in (acc); ~ against
stranger n (from abroad) advena /; peregrinus offendere; - out delere; - up (music)
m; (visiting) hospes m, hospita/, (not of the incipere; - a bargain pacisci; be struck
family) externus m; (unknown) ignotus m. vapulare ♦ vi (work) cessare,
strangle vt strangulare, laqueO gulam striking adi Insignis, Insignitus, egregius,
frangere. strikingly adv insignite,
strap n lOrum nt, habena/, string n (cord) resticula/, (succession) series/,
strapping ad; grandis, (instrument) nervus m; (bow) nervus m; have
stratagem n consilium nt, fallacia/, two ~s to one's bow duplici spe Oti ♦ vt (bow)
strategic ad; (action) prfldens; (position) intender e; (together) coniungere.
idOneus. stringency n severitas/,
strategist n artis bellicae peritus m. stringent adj severus,
strategy n ars imperatoria/, cOnsilia ntpl. strip vt nudare, spoliare, denudare; - off
straw n (stalk) culmus m; (collective) exuere; (leaves) stringere, destringere ♦ n
stramentum nt; not care a - for flocci nOn lacinia/.
facere ♦ ad; stramenticius, stripe n virga/, (on tunic) clavus m; -s pl
strawberry n fragum nt. verbera ntpl.
ENGLISH-LATIN 161 striped-subsidence

striped adj virgatus, sturdily adv fortiter,

stripling n adulescentulus m. sturdiness n robur nt, firmitas/.
Strive vi niti, enltl, contendere; (contend) sturdy ad) fortis, robustus,
certare. sturgeon n acipenser m.
Stroke n ictus m; (lightning) fulmen nt; (oar) stutter vi balbutire,
pulsus m; (pen) linea/; - of luck fortQna stuttering adj balbus,
secunda/ ♦ vt mulcere, demulcere, sty n hara /.
stroll vi deambulare, spatiari, style n (kind) genus nt, ratio/; (of dress) habitus
strong ad) fortis, validus; (health) robustus, m; (of prose) elocOtiO/, Oratio f; (pen) stilus m
firmus; (materia!) firmus; (smell) gravis; ♦ vt appellare.
(resources) pollens, potens; (feeling) Seer, stylish adj elegans, lautus, expolitus,
magnus; (language) vehemens, probrosus; be stylishly adv eleganter,
- valere; be twenty - vigintl esse numerO. suasion n suasio/,
strongbox n arca/, suave adj blandus, urbanus,
stronghold n arx/. suavity n urbanitas /.
strongly adv valide, vehementer, fortiter, subaltern n succenturio m.
Scriter, graviter. subdivide vt dividere,
strong-minded adj pertinax, constans, subdivision n pars/, momentum nt.
strophe n stropha/. subdue vt subigere, devincere, redigere,
Structure n aedificium nt; (form) structura/; domare; (fig) cohibere,
(arrangement) compositio/. subdued adj demissus, summissus.
struggle n (effort) conatus m; (fight) pugna/, subject n (person) civis m/f; (matter) res/,
certamen nt ♦ vi niti; certare, contendere; (theme) locus m, argumentum nt ♦ adj
(fight) luctari; - upwards eniti, subiectus; - to obnoxius (dat) ♦ vt subicere;
strut vi magnifice incedere, obnoxium reddere,
stubble n stipula/, subjection n servitus/,
stubborn adj pertinax, pervicax, subjective ad) proprius,
stubbornly adv pertinaciter, pervicaciter, subject matter n materia/.
stubbornness n pertinacia/, pervicacia/, subjoin vt subicere, subiungere.
stucco n gypsum ni. subjugate vt subigere, debellare, domare,
Stud n clavus m; (horses) equi mpl. sublime ad) sublimis, elatus, excelsus,
studded adj distinctus. sublimely adv excelse,
Student n discipulus m; be a - of studere (dat). sublimity n altitudo/, elatio/.
studied ad) meditatus, accuratus; (language) submarine ad) submersus,
exquisitus, submerge vt demergere; (flood) inundare ♦ vi
studio n officina/. se demergere,
studious ad) litteris deditus, litterarum submersed ad) submersus,
studiosus; (careful) attentus, submission n obsequium nt, servitium nt; (fig)
studiously adv de industria, patientia/.
study vt studere (dat); (prepare) meditari; - submissive adj submissus, docilis,
under audire ♦ n studium nt; (room) obtemperans.
bibliotheca /. submissively adv submisse, oboedienter,
stuff n materia /; (cloth) textile nt ♦ vt farcire, patienter.
refercire; (with food) saginare, submit vi se dedere; - to parere (dat),
stuffing n sagina f; (of cushion) tomentum nt. obtemperare (dat), pati, subire ♦ vt
stultify vt ad inritum redigere, (proposal) referre.
stumble vi offendere; - upon incidere in subordinate adj subiectus, secundus ♦ vt
(acc), offendere, subiungere, subicere.
stumbling block n offensio/, suborn vt subicere, subornare,
stump n stipes m. subpoena vt testimonium denuntiare (dat).
!stun vt stupefacere; (fig) obstupefacere, subscribe vt (name) subscribere; (money)
confundere, conferre.
stunned adj attonitus, subscription n collatio/,
stunt vt corporis auctum inhibere, subsequent ad) sequens, posterior,
stunted adj curtus. subsequently adv postea, mox.
Stupefaction n stupor m. subserve vt subvenire (dat), commodare,
stupefied adj: be - stupere, obstupefacere, subservience n obsequium nt.
stupefy vt obstupefacere, subservient ad) obsequens; (thing) Qtilis,
stupendous adj mirus, mirificus, commodus.
stupid adj stultus, hebes, ineptus. subside vi desidere, residere; (fever)
Stupidity n stultitia/. decedere; (wind) cadere; (passion)
Stupidly adv stulte, inepte, defervescere.
stupor n stupor m. subsidence n labes/.
subsidiary-sumptuous 162 ENGL1SH-LATIN

subsidiary adj subiectus, secundus, sudden adj subitus, repentinus,

subsidize vt pecunias suppeditare (dat). suddenly adv subito, repente,
subsidy n pecGniae/pl, vectigal nt. sue vt in ius vocare, litem intendere (dat); ~ for
subsist vi constare, sustentari. rogare, petere. Orare.
subsistence n victus m. suffer vt pati, ferre, tolerare; (injury) accipere;
substance n (matter) res/, corpus nt; (essence) (loss) facere; (permit) pati, sinere ♦ vi dolOre
natura/, (gist) summa/; (reality) res/; (wealth) adficl; ~ defeat cladem accipere; - from
opes fpl. laborare ex, adficl (abi); ~ for poenas dare
substantial adj solidus; (rea!) verus; (gen).
(important) gravis; (rich) opulentus, dives, sufferable adj tolerabilis,
substantially adv re; magna ex parte, sufferance n patientia/, tolerantia/.
substantiate vt confirmare, suffering n dolor m.
substitute vt subicere, reponere, substituere suffice vi sufficere, suppetere,
♦ n vicarius m. sufficiency n satis,
substratum n fundamentum nt. sufficient adj idoneus, satis (gen).
subterfuge n latebra/, perfugium nt. sufficiently adv satis,
subterranean ad; subterraneus, suffocate vt suffocare,
subtle adj (fine) subtilis; (shrewd) acutus, suffrage n suffragium nt.
astutus. suffuse vt suffundere,
subtlety n subtilitas/; acumen nt, astutia/, sugar n saccharon nt.
subtly adv subtiliter; acute, astute, suggest vt admonere, inicere, subicere; -
subtract vt detrahere, demere; (money) itself occurrere.
dedflcere. suggestion n admonitio/, at the - of
subtraction n detractio/, deductio/, admonitu (gen); at my - me auctore,
suburb n suburbium nt. suicidal adj funestus.
suburban adj suburbanus, suicide n mors voluntaria/; commit ~ mortem
subvention n pecuniae fpl. sibi consciscere.
subversion n eversio f, ruina/, suit n (law) lis/, actio/; (clothes) vestitus m ♦ vt
subversive adj seditiosus, convenire (dat), congruere (dat); (dress)
subvert vt evertere, subruere, sedare (dat), decere; it ~s decet; to - me de
subverter n eversor m. mea sententia,
succeed Vi (person) rem bene gerere; (activity) suitability n convenientia/.
prospere evenire; - in obtaining impetrare suitable adj aptus (+ acc), idoneus (+ acc).
♦ vt Insequi, excipere, succedere (dat). suitably adv apte, decenter,
success n bonus eventus m, res bene gesta/, suite n comites mpi, comitatus m.
successful adj felix; (thing) secundus; be ~ suitor n procus m, amans m.
rem bene gerere; (play) stare, sulk vi aegre ferre, morosum esse,
successfully adv feliciter, prospere, bene, sulky adj morosus, tristis,
succession n (coming next) successio/1, (line) sullen adj tristis, m6r6sus.
series/, OrdO m; alternate - vicissitudo/; in ~ sullenness n morositas/,
deinceps, ex Ordine, sully vt Infuscare, contaminare,
successive adj continuus, perpetuus, sulphur n sulfur nt.
successively adv deinceps, ex Ordine; sultriness n aestus m.
(alternately) vicissim. sultry adj aestuosus,
successor n successor m. sum n summa/, - of money pecilnia/ ♦ vt
succinct adj brevis, pressus, subducere, computare; - up summatim
succinctly adv breviter, presse, describere; to ~ up uno verbo, quid plflra?
succour n auxilium nt, subsidium nt ♦ vt summarily adv strictim, summatim; sine
subvenire (dat), succurrere (dat), opem mora.
ferre (dat). summarize vt summatim describere,
succulence n sucus m. summary n summarium nt, epitome/ ♦ adj
succulent adj sQcidus. subitus, praesens.
succumb vi succumbere, deficere, summer n aestas/ ♦ adj aestivus; of ~
such adj talis, eiusmodl, hGiusmodl; (size) aestivus.
tantus; at - a time id temporis; - great summit n vertex m, culmen nt;(fig) fastigium
tantus. nt; the - of summus.
suchlike adj huiusmodl, eiusdem generis, summon vt arcessere; (meeting) convocare;
suckvt sugere; - in sorbere; - up exsorbere, (witness) citare; - up courage animum
Cbibere. sumere.
sucker n surculus m. summons n (law) vocatiO/♦ vt in ifls vocare,
sucking adj (child) lactens. diem dicere (dat).
suckle vt nfltrlcarl, mammam dare (dat). sumptuary adj sumptuarius,
suckling n lactens m/f. sumptuous adj sGmptu6sus, adparatus,
ENGL1SH-LATIN 163 sumptuously-surpass

magnificus, lautus. supplement n appendix/ ♦ vt amplificare,

sumptuously adv sumptuose, magnifice. supplementary ad; additus,
sun n sol m ♦ vt: - oneself apricari. suppleness n mollitia/
sunbeam n radius m. suppliant n supplex m/f.
sunburnt adj adustus. supplicate vt supplicare, obsecrare,
sunder vt separare, dividere. supplication n preces fpi.
sundial n solarium nt. supplies np/ commeatus m.
sundry adj diversi, complures. supply n cOpia /♦ vt suppeditare, praebere;
sunlight n sol m. (loss) suppiore.
sunlit ad; apricus. support n firmamentum nt; (help) subsidium nt,
sunny adj apricus, serenus. adiumentum nt; (food) alimenta ntpl; (ofparty)
sunrise n solis ortus m. favor m; (of needy) patrOcinium nt; I ~ subsidio
sunset n solis occasus m. sum (dat); lend ~ to rumours alimenta
sunshade n umbella/. rumoribus addere ♦ vt fulcire; (living)
sunshine n sol m. sustinere, sustentare; (with help) adiuvare,
sup vi cenare. opem ferre (dat); (at law) adesse (dat).
superabundance n abundantia/, supportable ad; tolerabilis,
superabundant ad; nimius, supporter n fautor m; (at tria!) advocatus m; (of
superabundantly adv satis superque. proposal) auctor m.
superannuated ad; emeritus, supporting cast n adiutdres mpl.
superb ad; magnificus, suppose vi (assume) ponere; (think)
superbly adv magnifice, existimare, opinari, credere; ~ it is true fac
supercilious adj adrogans, superbus, verum esse.
superciliously adv adroganter, superbe, supposedly adv ut fama est.
superciliousness n adrogantia/, fastus m. supposing conj si; (for the sake of argument) si
supererogation n: of ~ ultro factus, iam.
superficial adj levis; acquire a ~ knowledge of supposition n opinio/; on this ~ hoc posito,
primis labris gustare, supposititious ad; subditus, subditivus,
superficiality n levitas/ suppress vt opprimere, comprimere;
superficially adv leviter, strictim. (knowledge) celare, reticere; (feelings)
superfluity n abundantia/, coercere, reprimere,
superfluous ad; supervacaneus, nimius; be - suppression n (of fact) reticentia/
redundare. supremacy n imperium nt, dominatus m,
superhuman adj divinus, humano maior, principatus m.
superimpose vt superimponere, supreme ad; summus; be ~ dominari; -
superintend vt procurare, praeesse (dat). command imperium nt.
superintendence n cOra/. supremely adv anice, plane,
superintendent n curator m, praefectus m. sure ad; certus; (fact) exploratus; (friend) fidus;
superior ad; melior, amplior; be ~ praestare, be - of compertum habere; feel ~ persuasum
superare ♦ n princeps m, praefectus m. habere, haud scire an; pro certo habere;
superiority n praestantia/; have the ~ make ~ of (fact) comperire; (action) efficere
superare; (in numbers) plures esse, ut; to be - quidem; - enough re vera,
superlative adj egregius, optimus, surely adv certo, certe, nonne; (tentative)
supernatural adj divinus, scilicet, sane; ~ you do not think? num
supernaturally adv divinitus, putas?; ~ not num.
supernumerary ad; adscrlptlcius; - soldiers surety n (person) v3s m, praes m, sponsor m;
accensi mpl. (deposit) fiducia/; be - for spondere pro.
superscription n titulus m. surf n fluctus m.
supersede vt succedere (dat), in locum surface n superficies /; - of the water summa
succedere (gen); - gold with silver pro auro aqua.
argentum supponere, surfeit n satietas/♦ vt satiare, explere,
superstition n religio/, superstitia/. surge n aestus m, fluctus m ♦ vi tumescere,
superstitious ad; religiosus, superstitiosus, surgeon n chirurgus m.
supervene vi Insequi, succedere, surgery n chlrflrgia/
supervise vt procOrare. surlily adv morose,
supervision n cura/ surliness n morositas/.
supervisor n curator m. surly ad; m6r6sus, difficilis,
supine ad; supinus; (fig) neglegens, segnis, surmise n coniectura/ ♦ vi suspicari,
supinely adv segniter, conicere, augurari,
supper a cOna/; after ~ cenatus, surmount vt superare,
supperlessad; ieiunus. surmountable adj superabilis,
supplant vt praevertere, surname n cognCmen nt.
supple ad; flexibilis, mollis. surpass vt excellere, exsuperare, antecedere.
surpassing-system 164 ENGLISH-LATIN

surpassing adj excellens, sweat n sudor m ♦ vi sGdare.

surplus n reliquum nt; (money) pecuniae sweep vt verrere; - away rapere; ~ out
residuae fpl. everrere.
surprise n admiratis/, (cause) res inopinata/; sweet adj dulcis, suavis,
take by - deprehendere ♦ adj subitus ♦ vt sweeten vt dulcem reddere,
deprehendere; (mil) opprimere; be ~d sweetheart n deliciae fpl.
demirari; be ~d at admirari, sweetly adv dulciter, suaviter,
surprising adj mirus, mirabilis, sweetness n dulcitudo/, suavitas/,
surprisingly adv mire, mirabiliter, sweet-tempered adj suavis, comis,
surrender vt dedere, tradere, concedere ♦ vi swell n tumor m ♦ vi tumere, tumescere; (fig)
se dedere; ~ unconditionally to se suaque gliscere ♦ vt inflare,
omnia potestati permittere (gen) ♦ n deditio swelling adj tumidus ♦ n tumor m.
/ (legal) cessio/; unconditional - permissis/, swelter vi aestu laborare,
surreptitious adj furtivus, swerve vi declinare, devertere ♦ n declinatio
surreptitiously adv fUrtim, clam; get in ~ /■
inrepere in (acc). swift adj celer, velox, incitatus,
surround vt circumdare, cingere, swiftly adv celeriter, velociter,
circumvenire, circumfundere, swiftness n celeritas/, velocitas/,
surrounding adj circumiectus; -s n vicinia/, swill vt (rinse) colluere; (drink) epOtare.
survey vt contemplari, considerare; (land) swim vi nare, innare; (place) natare; - across
metari ♦ n contemplatis/, (land) mensura/, tranare; - ashore enare; - to adnare.
surveyor n finitor m, agrimensor m, metator swimming n natatio/.
m. Swindle vt circumvenire, verba dare (dat) ♦ n
survival n salus/. fraus /.
survive vt superare ♦ vt superesse (dat). swine n sus m/f.
survivor n superstes m/f. swineherd n subulcus m.
susceptibility n mollitia/, swing n (motion) oscillatio/♦ vi osciliare ♦ vt
susceptible adj mollis, librare.
suspect vt suspicari; be ~ed in suspiciSnem swinish adj obscenus,
venire. swirl n vertex m ♦ vi volutari,
suspend vt suspendere; (activity) differre; switch n virga / ♦ vt flectere, torquere,
(person) loco movere; be ~ed pendere, swivel n cardo/.
suspense n dubitatio/; be in ~ animi pendere, swollen adj tumidus, turgidus, inflatus,
haerere. swoon n defectio/ ♦ vi intermori,
suspicion n suspicio/ direct ~ to suspicionem swoop n impetus m ♦ vi labi; - down on
adiungere ad. involare in (acc).
suspicious adj (suspecting) suspiciosus; sword n gladius m; put to the - occidere; with
(suspected) dubius, anceps, fire and - ferro ignique.
sustain vt (weight) sustinere; (life) alere, swordsman n gladiator m.
sustentare; (hardship) ferre, sustinere; (the sworn adj iuratus.
part of) agere. sybarite n delicatus m.
sustenance n alimentum nt, victus m. sycophancy n adsentatiO/, adulatio/.
sutler n lixa m. sycophant n adsentator m, adulator m.
suzerain n dominus m. syllable n syllaba/.
swaddling clothes n incunabula ntpi. syllogism n ratiocinatio/,
swagger vi se iactare. sylvan adj silvestris,
swaggerer n homo gloriosus m. symbol n signum nt, insigne nt.
swallow n hirundo/♦ vt devorare; ~ up symmetrical adj concinnus, aequus,
absorbere. symmetry n concinnitas/, aequitas/,
swamp n palus/ ♦ vt opprimere, sympathetic adj concors, misericors,
swampy adj GliginOsus. sympathetically adv misericorditer,
swan n cycnus m; ~'s cycneus, sympathize vi consentire; - with misereri
swank vi se iactare. (gen).
sward n caespes m. sympathy n concordia/, consensus m;
swarm n examen nt; (fig) nubes/ ♦ vi: - round misericordia/,
circumfundi. symphony n concentus m.
swarthy adj fuscus, aquilus, symptom n signum nt, indicium nt.
swathe vt conligare. syndicate n societas/.
sway n dicio/, imperium nt; bring under one's synonym n verbum idem dOcldrans nt.
~ suae dicionis facere ♦ vt regere ♦ vt synonymous adj idem deciardns.
vacillare. synopsis n summarium nt.
swear vi iurare; - allegiance to iurare in verba syringe n clyster m.
(gen). system n ratio/, formula/ (philos) disciplina/.
E NGLISH-LATIN 165 systematic-tassel

systematic ad; ordinatus, cdnstdns. tollere; (task) incipere, adgredl ad; (in turn)
systematically adv ratione, ordine, excipere; (room) occupare; - upon oneself
systematize vt in ordinem redigere. recipere, sibi sQmere.
taking ad/ gratus ♦ n (mil) expugnatio/,
tale n fabula/, fabella/.
talent n (money) talentum nt; (ability) ingenium
nt, indoles/.
talented ad/ ingenidsus.
It talk n sermo m; (with another) colloquium nt;
common - fama/; be the ~ of the town in ore
omnium esse ♦ vi loqul; (to one) colloqui
cum; - down to ad intellectum audientis
descendere; - over conferre, disserere de.
talkative ad/ loquax,
tabernacle n tabernaculum nt. talkativeness n loquacitas/.
table n mensa/; (inscribed) tabula/; (list) index tali ad/ procerus, grandis,
m; at - inter cenam; turn the ~s on par pari tallness n proceritas /.
referre. tallow n sebum nt.
tablet n tabula f, tabella/, tally n tessera/ ♦ vi congruere,
taboo n religio/, talon n unguis m.
tabulate vt in ordinem redigere, tamarisk n myrica/.
tacit adj tacitus, tambourine n tympanum nt.
tacitly adv tacite, tamevt domare, mansuefacere ♦ ad/
taciturn ad/ taciturnus, mansuetus; (character) ignavus; (language)
taciturnity n taciturnitas/, Insulsus, frigidus,
tack n clavulus m; (of sail) pes m ♦ vt: ~ on tamely adv ignave, lente,
adsuere ♦ vi (ship) reciprocari, navem tameness n mansuetfidd/; (fig) lentitudo/,
flectere. tamer n domitor m.
tackle n armamenta ntpl ♦ vt adgredl. tamper vi: ~ with (person) sollicitare; (writing)
tact n iudicium nt, communis sensus m, interpolare,
hflmanitas /. tanvt imbuere,
tactful ad/ prudens, humanus. tang n sapor m.
tactfully adv prudenter, humaniter. tangible ad/ tactilis,
tactician n rei militaris peritus m. tangle n nodus m ♦ vt implicare,
tactics n res militaris/, belli rati5/. tank n lacus m.
tactless ad/ ineptus. tanned ad/ (by sun) adustus,
tactlessly adv inepte. tanner n coriarius m.
tadpole n ranunculus m. tantalize vt ludere,
tag n appendicula/. tantamount ad/ par, Idem,
tail n cauda/; turn - terga vertere. tantrum n Ira/.
tailor n vestitor m. tap n epitonium nt; (touch) plaga / ♦ vt (cask)
taint n labes/, vitium nt ♦ vt inquinare, relinere; (hit) ferire,
contaminare. Inficere, tape n taenia/.
takevt capere, sumere; (auspices) habere; taper n cereus m ♦ vi fastigari,
(disease) contrahere; (experience) ferre; (fire) tapestry n aulaea ntpl.
concipere; (meaning) accipere, interpretari; tarn pix/.
(in the act) deprehendere; (person) dQcere; - tardily adv tarde, lente,
after similem esse (dat, gen)\ ~ across tardiness n tarditas/, segnitia/,
transportare; - arms arma sumere; - away tardy ad/ tardus, lentus,
demere, auferre, adimere, abdflcere; ~ back taren lolium nt.
recipere; - by storm expugnare; ~ care that targe n parma/,
curare ut/ne (+ subj); - down detrahere; (in target n scopus m.
writing) exscribere; ~ for habere pro; - hold tariff n portorium nt.
of prehendere; ~ in (as guest) recipere; tarnn lacus m.
(information) percipere, comprehendere; tarnish vt Infuscare, inquinare ♦ vi Infuscari,
(with deceit) decipere; - in hand incipere, tarry vi morari, commorari, cunctari,
suscipere; - off demere; (clothes) exuere; - tart ad/ acidus, asper ♦ n scriblita/.
on suscipere; - out eximere, extrahere; tartly adv acerbe,
(from store) promere; - over excipere; - tartness n asperitas/.
place fieri, accidere; - prisoner capere; ~ task n pensum nt, opus nt, negdtium nt; take to
refuge in cfinfugere ad (+ infin); - the field in ~ obiurgare.
aciem descendere; - to se dedere (dat), taskmaster n dominus m.
amare; - to oneself suscipere; - up sumere, tassel n fimbriae/p/.
taste-term 166 ENGUSH-LATIN

taste n (sense) gustatus m; (flavour) sapor m; ~ the truth vera dicere; - lies mentior ♦ vi
(artistic) iudicium nt, elegantia/; (forrhetoric) valere; ~ the difference between discernere;
aures_fpl; of - doctus; in good ~ elegans ♦ vt I cannot - nescib.
gustare, degustare ♦ vi sapere; - of resipere. telling adj validus,
tasteful adj elegans, temerity n temeritas/,
tastefully adv eleganter, temper n animus m, ingenium nt; (bad) Ira/,
tastefulness n elegantia/, Iracundia/; (ofmetaf) temperatib/ ♦ vt
tasteless adj Insulsus, inelegans, temperare; (fig) moderari (daf).
tastelessly adv Insulse, ineleganter, temperament n animl habitus m, animus m.
tastelessness n Insulsitas/, temperamental adj incbnstans.
taster n praegustator m. temperance n temperantia/, continentia/,
tasty adj dulcis, temperate adj temperatus, moderatus,
tattered adj pannosus, sobrius.
tatters n pannl mpl. temperately adv moderate,
tattoo vt compungere, temperature n calor m, frigus nt; mild ~
taunt n convicium nt, probrum nt ♦ vt temperies/.
exprobrare, obicere (daf ofpers, acc of tempest n tempestas/, procella/,
charge). tempestuous ad; procellosus,
taunting ad; contumeliosus, temple n templum nt, aedes/; (head) tempus
tauntingly adv contumeliose, nt.
taut ad; intentus; draw ~ adducere, temporal adj hGmanus, profanus,
tavern n taberna/, hospitium nt. temporarily adv ad tempus,
tawdry ad; vllis. temporary adj brevis,
tawny adj fulvus. temporize vi temporis causa facere,
tax n vectigal nt, tributum nt; a 5 per cent - tergiversari.
vicesima/; free from ~ immunis ♦ vt vectigal tempt vt sollicitare, pellicere, invitare,
imponere (daf); (strength) contendere; - with temptation n illecebra/,
(charge) obicere (acc & daf), Insimulare, tempter n impulsor m.
taxable ad; vectigalis, ten num decem; ~ each dbnl; ~ times deciens.
taxation n vectigalia ntpl. tenable ad; inexpugnabilis, stabilis, certus,
tax collector n exactor m. tenacious adj tenax, firmus,
tax farmer n publicanus m. tenaciously adv tenaciter,
taxpayer n assiduus m. tenacity n tenacitas/,
teach vt docere, erudire. Instituere; tenant n inquilinus m, habitator m; (on land)
(thoroughly) edocere; (pass) discere; - your colonus m.
grandmother sus Minervam, tenantry n coloni mpl.
teachable ad; docilis, tend vi spectare, pertinere ♦ vt curare, colere.
teacher n magister m, magistra/, doctor m; tendency n inclinatio/, voluntas/.
(philos) praeceptor m; (of literature) tender ad; tener, mollis ♦ vt deferre, offerre.
grammaticus m; (of rhetoric) rhetor m. tenderhearted ad; misericors.
teaching n doctrina/, disciplina/, tenderly adv indulgenter.
team n (animals) iugum nt. tenderness n indulgentia/, mollitia/.
tear n lacrima)) shed -s lacrimas effundere ♦ tendon n nervus m.
vt scindere; - down revellere; ~ in pieces tendril n ciaviculus m.
dilaniare, discerpere, lacerare; ~ off tenement n habitatio/; block of ~s Insula/.
abscindere, deripere; ~ open rescindere; ~ tenet n dogma nt, decretum nt.
out evellere; ~ up convellere, tennis court n sphaeristerium nt.
tearful ad; flebilis, tenor n (course) tenor m; (purport) sententia/.
tease vt ludere, inrltare. tense ad; intentus ♦ n tempus nt.
teat n mamma/, tension n intentio/.
technical ad; (term) proprius, tent n tabernaculum nt; (general's) praetbrium
technique n ars/, nt.
tedious ad; longus, lentus, odibsus. tentacle n bracchium nt.
tediously adv moleste, tentatively adv experiendo,
tedium n taedium nt, molestia/, tenterhooks n: on - animi suspensus,
teem vi abundare, tenth ad; decimus; for the - time decimum;
teeming adj fecundus, refertus, men of the ~ legion decumani mpl.
teens n: in one's ~ adulescentulus, tenuous ad; r3rus.
teethe vt dentire. tenure n possessib/.
tell vt (story) narrare; (person) dicere (daf); tepid ad; tepidus; be - tepere,
(number) enumerare; (inform) certiorem tergiversation n tergiversatio/,
facere; (difference) intellegere; (orderjiubere term n (limit) terminus m; (period) spatium nt;
(+ acc and infin), imperare (4 ut/ne andsubf); (word) verbum nt ♦ vt appellare, nuncupare.
ENGLISH-LATIN 167 terminate-thinker

terminate vt terminare, finire ♦ vi desinere; integere.

(words) cadere. thawvt dissolvere ♦ vi liquescere, tabescere,
termination n finis m, terminus m. the art not expressed; (emphatic) ille; (with
terminology n vocabula ntpl. compar) quO ... eo.
terms npl condicio /, lex /; propose - theatre n theatrum nt.
condicionem ferre; be on good - in gratia theatrical adj scenicus.
esse; we come to ~ inter nos convenit, theft n furtum nt.
terrain n ager m. their adj eorum; (ref to subject) suus.
terrestrial adj terrestris, theme n materia/, argumentum nt.
terrible adj terribilis, horribilis, horrendus, themselves pron ipsl; (reflexive) se.
terribly adv horrendum in modum, then adv (time) turn, tunc; (succession) deinde,
terrific adj formidolosus; vehemens, tum, posted; (consequence) igitur, ergo; now
terrify vt terrere, perterrere, exterrere, and ~ interdum; only ~ tum demum,
terrifying adj formidolosus, thence adv inde.
territory n ager m, fines mpl. thenceforth adv inde, postea, ex eo tempore,
terror n terror m, formido/, pavor m; object of theologian n theologus m.
~ terror m; be a ~ to terrori esse (dat). theology n theologia/.
terrorize vt metum inicere (dat). theorem n propositum nt.
terse adj pressus, brevis, theoretical adj contemplativus,
tersely adv presse, theory n ratio/; ~ and practice ratio atque
terseness n brevitas/, usus.
tessellated adj tessellatus, there adv ibi, illlc; (thither) eo, illuc; from -
test n experimentum nt, probatio/; (standard) inde, illinc; here and ~ passim; ~ is est;
obrussa/; put to the - experiri, periclitari; (interi) ecce.
stand the - spectari ♦ vt experiri, probare, thereabout(s) adv circa, circiter, prope,
spectare. thereafter adv deinde, postea,
testament n testamentum nt. thereby adv ea re, hoc facto,
testamentary adj testamentarius, therefore adv itaque, igitur, ergo, idcirco,
testator n testator m. therein adv inibl, in eo.
testify vt testificari, thereof adv eius, eius rel.
testifying n testificatio/, thereon adv Insuper, in eo.
testily adv stomachose, thereupon adv deinde, statim, inde, quo facto,
testimonial n laudatio/. therewith adv cum eo.
testimony n testimonium nt. thesis n propositum nt.
testy adj difficilis, stomachosus, thews n nervl mpl.
tether n retinaculum nt, vinculum nt ♦ vt they pron il, hi, illl.
religare. thick adj densus; (air) crassus,
tetrarch n tetrarches m. thicken vt densare ♦ vi concrescere,
tetrarchy n tetrarchia/. thickening n concretio/,
text n verba ntpl. thicket n dumetum nt.
textbook n ars /. thickheaded adj stupidus, hebes,
textile adj textilis. thickly adv dense; ~ populated frequens,
textual adj verbSrum. thickness n crassitudo/.
texture n textus m. thickset adj brevis atque obesus,
than conj quam abi; other - alius ac. thick-skinned adj: be - callere; become -
thank vt gratias agere (dat); - you bene facis; occallescere,
no, ~ you benigne, thief n fur m.
thankful adj gratus, thieve vt furari, surripere.
thankfully adv grate, thievery n furtum nt.
thankfulness n gratia/, thievish adj furax,
thankless adj ingratus, thigh n femur nt.
thanklessly adv ingrate, thin adj exilis, gracilis, tenuis; (attendance)
thanks n gratiae jpi, grates fpl; return - gratias Infrequens ♦ vt attenuare, extenuare; - out
agere, gratfis persolvere; ~ to you opera tua, rarefacere; - down diluere,
beneficio tuO; it is - to sb that... not per thine adj tuus.
aliquem stat quominus (+ subj). thing n res/; as ~s are nunc, cum haec ita sint.
thanksgiving n gratulatio/, (public) think vi cOgitare; (opinion) putare, existimare,
supplicatio/. arbitrari, rerl, credere; as I - mea sententia;
that pron (demonstrative) ille; (relat) qui ♦ conj - about cogitare d6; - highly of magnl
(statement) occ & infin; (command, purpose, aestimare; - nothing of nihili facere; ~ out
resuit) ut; (fearing) ne; (emotion) quod; oh ~ exc6gitare; ~ over reputare, in mente
utinam. agitare.
thatch n culmus m, stramenta ntpl ♦ vi tegere, thinker n philosophus m.
thinking-thug 168 ENGLISH-LATIN

thinking adj sapiens ♦ n cogitatio/; - that threatening adj minax, imminens,

ratus, arbitratus, threateningly adv minaciter,
thinly adv exiliter, tenuiter; rare, three num tres; ~ each term; - times ter; - days
thinness n exilitas/, gracilitas/; (person) triduum nt; - years triennium nt; ~ quarters
macies/, (number) exiguitas/, Infrequentia/ tres partes fpl, dodrans m.
(air) tenuitas/, three-cornered adj triangulus, triquetrus,
thin-skinned adj inrltabilis. threefold adj triplex.
third adj tertius; for the - time tertium ♦ n three hundred num trecenti; - each treceni; -
tertia pars/, triens m; two -s duae partes, times trecentiens.
bes m. three hundredth adj trecentesimus.
thirdly adv tertiO. three-legged adj tripes.
thirst n sitis/ ♦ vi sitire; - for sitire, three-quarters n dOdrans m, tres partes fpl.
thirstily adv sitienter, thresh vt terere, exterere.
thirsty adj sitiens. threshing floor n area/.
thirteen num tredecim; - each ternl deni; - threshold n Ilmen nt.
times terdeciens, thrice adv ter.
thirteenth adj tertius decimus, thrift n frugalitas /, parsimonia/.
thirtieth adj tricesimus, thriftily adv frugaliter,
thirty num triginta; - each triceni; - times thrifty adj parcus, frugi.
triciens. thrill n horror m ♦ vt percellere, percutere ♦ vi
thispron hie. trepidare.
thistle n carduus m. thrilling adj mirabilis,
thither adv eO, illuc, thrive vi vigere, valere, crescere,
thole n scalmus nt. thriving adj valens, vegetus; (crops) laetus,
thong n lorum nt, habOna/. throat n fauces fpl, guttur nt; cut the - of
thorn n spina/, sentis m. iuguiare.
thorny adj spInOsus. throaty adj gravis, raucus,
thorough adj absolutus, germanus; (work) throb vi palpitare, micare ♦ n pulsus m.
accuratus. throe n dolor m; be in the -s of laborare ex.
thoroughbred adj generosus, throne n solium nt; (power) regnum nt.
thoroughfare n via/, throng n multitudo/, frequentia/ ♦ vt
thoroughly adv penitus, omnlnO, funditus, celebrare; - round stipare, circumfundi
thoroughness n cura/, diligentia/, (dat).
thou pron to. throttle vt strangulare,
though conj etsi, etiamsi, quamvis (+subj), through prep per (acc); (cause) propter (acc),
quamquam all (+ indic). abi ♦ adv: ~ and - penitus; carry - exsequi,
thought n (faculty) cogitatio/, mens/, animus peragere; go - transire; run - percurrere; be
m; (an idea) cOgitatum nt, nOtiO/, (design) - with perfunctum esse (abf).
cOnsilium nt, prOpositum nt; (expressed) throughout adv penitus, omnlnO ♦ prep per
sententia/, (heed) cautio/, providentia/ (acc).
(rhft) inventio/ second ~s posteriores throw n iactus m, coniectus m ♦ vt iacere,
cOgitatiOnes. conicere; - about iactare; - across traicere;
thoughtful adj cOgitabundus; prOvidus. - away abicere; (something precious)
thoughtfully adv provide, prOicere; - back rOicere; - down deturbare,
thoughtless adj inconsideratus, incOnsultus, deicere; - into inicere; - into confusion
imprOvidus, immemor. perturbare; - off excutere, exsolvere; -
thoughtlessly adv temere, inconsulte, open patefacere; ~ out eicere, prOicere; -
thoughtlessness n inconsiderantia/, over inicere; (fig) destituere; - overboard
imprfldentia /. iactQram facere (gen); ~ to (danger) obicere;
thousand num mllle; ~s pi mflia (+ gen) ntpl; - - up eicere; (building) exstruere; - a bridge
each milleni; ~ times mllliens; three - tria over pontem inicere (dat), pontem
mllia. faciendum cflrare in (abf)-, ~ light on (fig)
thousandth adj millesimus, lflmen adhibere (dat); ~ a rider equitem
thrall n servus m. excutere.
thraldom n servitus/. throwing n coniectiO/, iactus m.
thrash vt verberare, thrum n licium nt.
thrashing n verbera ntpl. thrush n turdus m.
thread n fllum nt; hang by a - (fig) fTlO pendCre thrust vt trOdere, pellere, impingere; - at
♦ vt: - one's way se Insinuare, petere; ~ away detrfldere; ~ forward
threadbare ad; tritus, obsoletus, protrudere; - home defigere; - into
threat n minae fpl, minatio/, Infigere, impingere; - out extrfldere.
threaten vt minari (datofpers), denuntiare ♦ thud n gravis sonitus m.
vi imminere, impendere. thug n percussor m, sicarius m.
ENGLISH-LAT1N 169 thumb-titled

thumb n pollex m; have under one's - in the wrong - intempestive; beating ~

potestate sua habere, percussio/, convenient - opportflnitas/; for a
thump n plaga/ ♦ vt tundere, pulsare, ~ aliquantisper, parumper; for a long - diu;
thunder n tonitrus m ♦ vi tonare, intonare; it for some ~ aliquamdiu; for the - being ad
-s tonat. tempus; from ~ to - interdum, identidem;
thunderbolt n fulmen nt. have a good ~ genio indulgere; have - for
thunderern tonans m. vacare (dat); in - ad tempus, tempore; in a
thunderstruck adj attonitus, short ~ brevi; in good - tempestivus; in the -
thus adv (referring back) sic; (referring forward) of apud (acc); keep ~ (marching) gradum
ita; - far hactenus, conferre; (music) modulari; many ~s saepe,
thwack vt verberare, saepenumerO; pass, spend - tempus sumere,
thwart vt obstare (dat), officere (dat), degere; several ~s aliquotiens; some -
remorari, frustrari ♦ n (boat's) transtrum nt. aliquandd; waste - tempus terere; what is
thy adj tuus. the ~? quota hOra est?; ~ expired emeritus,
thyme n thymum nt; (wild) serpyllum nt. time-honoured adj antiquus,
tiara n diadema nt. timeliness n opportunitas/.
ticket n tessera/, timely ad; opportunus, tempestivus, maturus,
tickle vt titillare, timid adj timidus,
tickling n titillatis/. timidity n timiditas /.
ticklish adj lubricus, timidly adv timide,
tidal adj: - waters aestuarium nt. timorous adj timidus,
tide n aestus m; (time) tempus nt; ebb - aestus timorously adv timido,
recessus m; flood ~ aestus accessus m; turn tin n stannum m, plumbum album nt ♦ adj
of the - commutatio aestus; the ~ will turn stanneus.
(fig) circumagetur hic orbis, tincture n color m, sapor m ♦ vt Inficere,
tidily adv concinna, munde, tinder n fomes m.
tidiness n concinnitas/, munditia/, tinge vt imbuere. Inficere, tingere,
tidings n nuntius m. tingle vi horrOre.
tidy adj concinnus, mundus, tingling n horror m.
tie n (bond) vinculum nt, copula/; (kin) tinkle vi tinnire ♦ n tinnitus m.
necessitudo / ♦ vt ligare; (knot) nectere; - tinsel n bractea/ (fig) species/, fOcus m.
fast devincire, constringere; - on illigare; - tint n color m ♦ vt colOrOre.
to adligare; ~ together colligare; ~ up tiny adj minutus, pusillus, perexiguus,
adligare; (wound) obligare, tip n apex m, cacumen nt, extremum nt; the ~ of
tier n OrdO m. primus, extremus ♦ vt praefigere; - over
tiff n dissSnsio/. invertere,
tiger n tigris m, more usuf. tipple vi potare,
tight adj strictus, astrictus, intentus; (close) tippler n pOtor m, Obrius m.
artus; draw - intendere, adducere, tipsy adj temulentus,
tighten vt adstringere, contendere, tiptoes n: on - suspOnsO gradu,
tightly adv arte, anguste, tirade n obiurgatiO/, declamatio/,
tightrope n extentus funis; - walker n tire vt fatigare; - out defatigare ♦ vi dOfetlscI,
funambulus m. fatigari; I - of me taedet (gen); it ~s taedet (+
tigress n tigris/, acc of person, gen of thing).
tile n tegula/, imbrex/, later nt. tired adj (de)fessus, lassus; ~ out defessus; I
till cortj dum, donec ♦ prep usque ad (acc), in am - of me taedet,
(acc); not - demum ♦ n arca/ ♦ vt colere, tiresome adj molestus, difficilis,
tillage n cultus m. tiring adj laboriosus, operOsus.
tiller n (agr) cultor m; (ship) clavus m, tiro n tlrO m, rudis m.
gubernaculum nt. tissue n textus m.
tilt vt inclinare, tit n: give - for tat par pari respondere.
tilth n cultus m, arvum nt. Titan n Titan m.
timber n (for building) materia/, (firewood) titanic adj immanis.
lignum nt. titbit n cuppedium nt.
timbrel n tympanum nt. tithe n decuma/.
timen tempus nt; (lifetime) aetas/, (interval) tithe gatherer n decumanus m.
intervallum nt, spatium nt; (of day) hora/, titillate vt titillare.
(leisure) Otium nt; (rhythm) numerus m; titillation n titillatio/.
another - alias; at ~s aliquando, interdum; at title n (book) InscrlptiO/, index m; (inscription)
ali -s semper; at any ~ umquam; at one ~ . titulus m; (person) nOmen nt, appellatio/,
at another alias ... alias; at that ~ tunc, id (claim) ius nt, vindiciae fpi; assert one's - to
temporis; at the right - ad tempus, matflre, vindicare; give a - to Inscribere,
tempestivi; at the same - simul; tamen; at titled adj nObilis.
title deed-toughness 170 ENGLISH-LATIN

title deedn auctoritas/, toothed adj dentatus,

titter n rlsus m ♦ vi ridere, toothless adj edentulus,
tittle-tattle n sermunculus m. toothpick n dentiscalpium nt.
titular adj nomine. toothsome adj suavis, dulcis,
to prep ad (acc), in (acc); (attitude) erga (acc); top n vertex m, fastigium nt; (tree) cacGmen nt;
(.giving) dat; (towns, small islands, domus, rOs) (toy) turbo m; from - to toe ab Imis unguibus
acc ♦ conj (purpose) ut ♦ adv. come - animum usque ad verticem summum; the - of
recipere; - and fro huc illuc, summus ♦ vt exsuperare; - up supplere ♦ adj
toad n bufo m. superior, summus,
toady n adsentator m, parasitus m ♦ vt tope vi potare,
adsentari (dat). toper n potor m.
toadyism n adsentatio/. topiary adj topiarius. ♦ n topiarium opus nt.
toast n: drink a - propinare ♦ vt torrere; (drink) topic n res /, (rhct) locus m; - of conversation
propinare (dat). sermo m.
today adv hodie; ~'s hodiernus, topical adj hodiernus,
toe n digitus m; big - pollex m. topmost adj summus,
toga n toga/. topography n descriptio/,
together adv Qna, simul; bring - cogere, topple vi titubare; ~ over prolabi,
congerere; come - convenire, congregari; topsail n dolo m.
put - conferre, componere, topsyturvy adv praepostere; turn - sursum
toil n labor m; (snare) r6te nt ♦ vi laborare; - at deorsum versare, permiscere,
elaborare in (abi). tor n m5ns m.
toilet n (lady's) cultus m. torch n fax/, lampas/,
toilsome ad; laboriosus, operosus, torment n cruciatus m; (mind) angor m ♦ vt
toil-worn adj labore confectus, cruciare; (mind) discruciare, excruciare,
token n Insigne nt, signum nt, indicium nt. angere.
tolerable adj tolerabilis, patibilis; (quality) tormentor n tortor m.
mediocris; (size) modicus, tornado n turbo m.
tolerably adv satis, mediocriter, torpid adj torpens; be - torpere; grow -
tolerance n patientia/, tolerantia/. obtorpescere,
tolerant adj indulgens, tolerans, torpor n torpor m, inertia/,
tolerantly adv indulgenter, torrent n torrens m.
tolerate vt tolerare, ferre, indulgere (dat). torrid adj torridus,
toleration n patientia /; (freedom) libertas /. torsion n tortus m.
toll n vectigal nt; (harbour) portarium nt. torso n truncus m.
toll collector n exactor m; portitor m. tortoise n testudo/,
tomb n sepulcrum nt. tortoiseshell n testudo/,
tombstone n lapis m. tortuous adj flexuosus,
tome n liber m. torture n cruciatus m, supplicium nt;
tomorrow udv cras; ~'s crastinus; the day instrument of ~ tormentum nt ♦ vt torquere,
after - perendie; put off tilt ~ in crastinum cruciare, excruciare,
differre. torturer n tortor m, carnifex m.
tone n sonus m, v6x/ (painting) color m. toss n iactus m ♦ vt iactare, excutere; - about
tongs n forceps m/f. agitare; be ~ed (af sea) fluitare,
tongue n lingua/, (shoe) ligula/, on the tip of total adj totus, universus ♦ n summa/,
one's - in primoribus labris, totality n Gniversitas/.
tongue-tied adj elinguis, Infans, totally adv omnino, plane,
tonnage n amphorae jpi. totter vi labare, titubare; make - labefactare,
tonsils n tonsillae fpl. tottering n titubatio/.
tonsure n rasura/. touch n tactus m; a ~ of aliquantulum (gen);
too adv (also) etiam. Insuper, quoque; (excess) finishing - manus extrema/ ♦ vt tangere,
nimis ♦ compar adj: ~ far extra modum; - attingere; (feelings) movere, tangere ♦ vi
much nimium; - long nimium diti; ~ great to inter se contingere; - at navem appellere ad;
maior quam qui (subf); ~ late serius; - little - on (topic) attingere, perstringere; - up
parum (+gen). expolire.
tool n Instrumentum nt; (agr) ferramentum nt; touch-and-go adj anceps ♦ n discrimen nt.
(person) minister m. touching adj (place) contiguus; (emotion)
tooth n dens m; ~ and nail toto corpore atque flexanimus ♦ prep quod attinet ad (acc).
omnibus ungulis; cast in one's teeth touchstone n (fig) obrussa /.
exprobrare, obicere; cut teeth dentire; in the touchy adj inrltabilis, stomachesus.
teeth of obviam (dat), adversus (acc); with tough adj durus,
the teeth mordicus, toughen vt durare,
toothache n dentium dolor m. toughness n duritia/.
ENGLISH-LATIN 171 tour-transplant

tour n iter nt; (abroad) peregrinatio/, trammel vt impedire.

tourist n viator m, peregrinator m. tramp n (man) planus m; (of feet) pulsus m ♦ vi
tournament n certamen nt. gradi.
tow n stuppa/; of - stuppeus ♦ vt adnexum trample vi: - on obterere, proterere,
trahere, remulcb trahere. proculcare.
toward(s) prep ad (acc), versus (after noun, trance n stupor m; (prophetic) furor m.
acc); (feelings) in (acc), erga (acc); (time) sub tranquil adj tranquillus, placidus, quietus,
(acc). sedatus.
towel n mantele nt. tranquility n tranquillitas/, quies/, pax/.
tower n turris/♦ vi eminere, tranquillize vt pacare, sedare,
towered adj turritus, tranquilly adv tranquille, placide, tranquillo
town n urbs/, oppidum nt; country ~ animo.
municipium nt ♦ adj urbanus, transact vt agere, gerere, transigere,
town councillor n decurio m. transaction n res/, negotium nt.
townsman n oppidanus m. transactor n actor m.
townspeople npi oppidan! mpl. transalpine ad; transalpinus,
towrope n remulcum nt. transcend vt superare, excedere,
toy n crepundia ntpl ♦ vi ludere, transcendence n praestantia/,
trace n vestigium nt, indicium nt ♦ vt transcendent adj eximius, egregius,
investigare; (draw) describere; ~ out excellens.
designare. transcendental ad; divinus,
track n (mark) vestigium nt; (path) callis m, transcendentally adv eximie, egregie, unice,
semita/; (of wheel) orbita/; (of ship) cursus m transcribe vt describere, transcribere,
♦ vt investigare, indagare, transcriber n librarius m.
trackless adj invius, transcript n exemplar nt, exemplum nt.
tract n (country) tractus m, regio/; (book) transfero translatio/; (ofproperty) alienatio/
libellus m. ♦ vt transferre; (troops) traducere; (property)
tractable adj tractabilis, facilis, docilis, abalienare; (duty) delegare,
trade n mercatura/, mercatus m; (a business) transference n translatio/,
ars/, quaestus m; freedom of ~ commercium transfigure vt transformare,
nt ♦ vi mercaturas facere, negotiari; - in transfix vt transfigere, traicere, transfodere;
vendere, venditare, (mind) obstupefacere; be ~ed stupere,
trader n mercator m, negotiator m. stupescere.
tradesman n opifex m. transform vt commutare, vertere,
tradition n fama/, mos maiorum m, memoria transformation n commutatio/,
/. transgress vt violare, perfringere ♦ vi
traditional adj a maioribus traditus, patrius, delinquere.
traditionally adv more maiorum, transgression n delictum nt.
traduce vt calumniari, obtrectare (dat). transgressor n violator m.
traducer n calumniator m, obtrectator m. transience n brevitas/,
traffic n commercium nt; (on road) vehicula transient adj fluxus, caducus, brevis,
ntpl ♦ vi mercaturas facere; - in vendere, transit n transitus m.
venditare. transition n mutatio/; (speech) transitus m.
tragedian n (author) tragoedus m; (actor) actor transitory adj brevis, fluxus,
tragicus m. translate vt vertere, reddere; - into Latin
tragedy n tragoedia/, (fig) calamitas/, malum Latine reddere.
nt. translation n: a Latin - of Homer Latine
tragic adj tragicus; (fig) tristis, redditus Homerus,
tragically adv tragice; male, translator n interpres m.
tragicomedy n tragicocomoedia/, translucent ad; perlucidus,
trail n vestigia ntpl ♦ vt trahere ♦ vi trahi, transmarine ad; transmarinus,
train n (line) agmen nt, ordo m; (of dress) Instita transmission n missio/,
/; (army) impedimenta ntpi; (followers) transmit vt mittere; (legacy) tradere, prodere,
comites mpl, satellites mpl, cohors / ♦ vt transmutable adj mutabilis,
Instituere, Instruere, docere, adsuefacere; transmutation n mutatio/,
exercere; (weapon) dirigere, transmute vt mutare, commutare,
trainer n (sport) lanista m, aliptes m. transom n trabs/,
training n disciplina/, institutio/; (practice) transparency n perlucida natura/.
exercitatio/, transparent ad; perlucidus; (fig) perspicuus,
trait n lineamentum nt. transparently adv perspicue,
traitor n proditor m. transpire vi (get known) emanare, divulgari;
traitorous ad; perfidus, perfidiosus, (happen) evenire,
traitorously adv perfidiose. transplant vt transferre.
transport-tripartite 172 ENGLISH-LATIN

transport n vectflra/ (.ship) navis oneraria/, trembling n tremor m, horror m t adj

(emotion) elatiO/, summa laetitia/ ♦ vt tremulus.
transportare, transvehere, transmittere; be tremendous adj immanis, ingens, vastus,
~ed (fig) efferri, gestire, tremendously adv immane quantum,
transportation n vectora/. tremor n tremor m.
transpose vr invertere; (words) traicere. tremulous adj tremulus,
transposition n (words) traiectiO/. trench n fossa/,
transverse adj transversus, obliquus, trenchant ad; acer.
transversely adv in transversum, oblique, trenchantly adv acriter,
trap n laqueus m; (fig) Insidiae fpl ♦ vt decipere, trend n inclinatio/ ♦ vi vergere,
excipere; (fig) inlaqueare. trepidation n trepidatio/,
trappings n Ornamenta ntpl, Insignia ntpi; trespass n delictum nt ♦ vi delinquere; - on
(horse's) phalerae fpl. (property) invadere in (acc); (patience, time,
trash n nugae fpl. etc) abut! (abl).
trashy ad; vilis. trespasser n qui iniussu domini ingreditur,
Trasimene n Trasimenus m. tress n crinis m.
travail n labor m, sfldor m; (women's) trial n (essay) experientia/ (test) probatio/
puerperium nt ♦ vi laborare, sudare; (law) iudicium nt, quaestio/; (trouble) labor m,
parturire. aerumna/ make - of experiri, periculum
travel n itinera ntpi; (foreign) peregrinatio/ ♦ vi facere (pen); be brought to ~ in ifldicium
iter facere; (abroad) peregrinari; - through venire; put on - in iudicium vocare; hold a -
peragrare; - to contendere ad, in (acc), on quaestionem habere de (abl).
proficisci in (acc). triangle n triangulum nt.
traveller n viator m; (abroad) peregrinator m. triangular adj triangulus, triquetrus,
traverse vt peragrare, lustrare; ~ a great tribe n tribus m; gens/; (barbarian) natiO/.
distance multa milia passuum iter facere, tribulation n aerumna/,
travesty n perversa imitatio/ ♦ vt perverse tribunal n iudicium nt.
tribune n tribunus m; (platform) rOstra ntpi.
trayn ferculum nt.
tribuneship, tribunate n tribunatus m.
treacherous adj perfidus, perfidiosus;
tribunician adj tribunicius,
(ground) Iflbricus.
tributary ad; vectigalis ♦ n: be a - of (river)
treacherously adv perfidioso,
Influere in (acc).
treachery n perfidia /.
tribute n tributum nt, vectigal nt; (verba/)
tread Vi incedere, ingredi; - on Insistere (dat)
laudatio/; pay a - to laudare,
♦ n gradus m, incessus m.
trice n: in a ~ mOmentO temporis,
treadle n (loom) Insilia ntpi.
trick n dolus m, fallacia/, fraus/, Insidiae fpl,
treadmill n pistrinum nt.
ars/ (conjurer's) praestigiae/)!; (habit) mOs m
treason n maiestas /, perduellio/ be charged
♦ vt fallere, decipere, eludere; (with words)
with ~ maiestatis accusari; be guilty of high
verba dare (dat); ~ out Ornare, distinguere,
- against maiestatem minuere, laedere
(gen). trickery n dolus m, fraus/, fallaciae fpl.
treasonable adj perfidus, perfidiosus, trickle n guttae fpl ♦ vi manare, destillare,
treasure n gaza/, thesaurus m; (person) trickster n fraudator m, veterator m.
deliciae fpl ♦ vt maximi aestimare, diligere, tricky adj Iflbricus, difficilis,
fovere; ~ up condere, congerere, trident n tridens m, fuscina/,
treasure house n thesaurus m. tried adj probatus, spectatus,
treasurer n aerarl praefectus m; (royal) triennial adj trietericus,
dioecetes m. triennially adv quarto quOque annO.
treasury n aerarium nt; (emperor's) fiscus m. trifle n nugae fpl, paululum nt ♦ vi lfldere,
treat n convivium nt; delectatio/ ♦ vt (in any nugari; ~ with lfldere.
way) fltl (abi), habere, tractare, accipere; trifling adj levis, exiguus,
(patient) cflrare; (topic) tractare; (with triflinglyadv leviter,
hospitality) invitare; - with agere cum; ~ as a trig ad; lepidus, concinnus,
friend amici locO habere, trigger n manulea/.
treatise n liber m. trim adj nitidus, concinnus ♦ vt putare,
treatment n tractatio/ (meo) curatio/, tondere; (lamp) oleum Instillare (dat) ♦ vi
treaty n foedus nt; make a - foedus ferire, temporibus servire,
treble ad; triplus; (voice) acQtus ♦ n acQtus trimly adv concinne,
sonus m ♦ vt triplicare, trimness n nitor, munditia/,
tree n arbor /. trinket n crepundia ntpi.
trek vt migrare ♦ n migratio/. trip n iter nt ♦ vt supplantare ♦ vi labi, titubare;
trellis n cancelli mpl. - along currere; - over incurrere in (acc).
tremble vi tremere, horrere. tripartite adj tripartitus.
ENGLISH-LATIN 173 tripe-tunny

tripe n omasum nt. trumpery n nugae fpl ♦ adj vilis,

triple adj triplex, triplus ♦ vt triplicare. trumpet n tuba/, bOcina/.
triply adv trifariam. trumpeter n bucinator m, tubicen m.
tripod n tripus m. trump up vt ementiri, confingere,
triremen triremis/. truncate vt praecidere,
trite adj tritus. truncheon n fustis m, scipio m.
triumph n triumphus m; (victory) victoria/ ♦ vi trundle vt volvere.
triumphare; vincere; ~ over devincere, trunk n truncus m; (elephant's) manus/; (box)
triumphal adj triumphalis, cista/.
triumphant adj victor; laetus, truss n fascia/ ♦ vt colligare,
triumvir n triumvir m. trust n fides/, fiducia/; breach of - mala fides;
triumvirate n triumviratus m. held in ~ fiduciarius; put - in fidem habere
trivial adj levis, tenuis, (dat) ♦ vt confidere (dat), credere (dat);
triviality n nugae fpl. (entrust) committere, concredere,
trochaic adj trochaicus, trustee n tutor m.
trochee n trochaeus m. trusteeship n tutela/,
Trojan n Troianus m. trustful adj credulus, fidens,
troop n grex/, caterva/; (cavalry) turma/ ♦ vi trustfully adv fidenter,
confluere, congregari, trustify adv fideliter,
trooper n eques m. trustiness n fides/, fidelitas/.
troops npl copiae fpl. trusting adj fidens,
trope n figura/, translatio/, trustingly adv fidenter,
trophy n tropaeum nt; set up a ~ tropaeum trustworthily adv fideliter,
pOnere. trustworthiness n fides/, integritas/.
tropic n solstitialis orbis m; ~s p 1 loca fervida trustworthy adj fidus, certus; (witness)
ntpl. locuples; (authority) certus, bonus,
tropical adj tropicus, trusty adj fidus, fidelis,
trot vi tolutim Ire. truth n veritas/, verum nt; in ~ re vera,
troth n fides/. truthful adj verax,
trouble n incommodum nt, malum nt, molestia truthfully adv vere,
/, labor m; (effort) opera/, negotium nt; truthfulness n fides/.
(disturbance) turba/, tumultus m; take the ~ try vt (attempt) conari; (test) experiri,
to operam dare ut; be worth the ~ operae temptare; (harass) exercere; (judge)
pretium esse ♦ vt (disturb) turbare; (make iudicare, cognoscere; - for petere, quaerere,
uneasy) sollicitare, exagitare; (annoy) trying adj molestus,
incommodare, molestiam exhibere (dat); ~ tub n alveus m, cupa/,
oneself about curare, respicere; be ~d with tubby adj obesus,
laborare ex. tube n fistula/,
troubler n turbator m. tufa n tofus m.
troublesome adj molestus, incommodus, tuft n crista/,
difficilis. tug vt trahere, tractare,
troublesomeness n molestia/, tuition n Institutio/.
troublous adj turbidus, turbulentus, tumble vi concidere, corruere, prolabi ♦ n
trough n alveus m. casus m.
trounce vt castigare, tumbledown adj ruinosus,
troupe n grex/, caterva/, tumbler n poculum nt.
trousered adj bracatus, tumid adj tumidus, Inflatus,
trousers n bracae fpl. tumour n tuber nt.
trow vi opinari. tumultn tumultus m, turba/, (fig) perturbatio
truant adj tardus ♦ n cessator m; play - /•
cessare, n6n comparare, tumultuous adj tumultuosus, turbidus,
truce n indutiae fpl. tumultuously adv tumultuOse.
truck n carrus m; have no - with nihil tumulus n tumulus m.
commercl habere cum. tun n dolium nt.
truckle vi adsentarl. tune n modi mpl, carmen nt; keep in ~
truculence n ferocia/, asperitas/. concentum servare; out of - absonus,
truculent adj truculentus, ferOx. dissonus; (strings) incontentus ♦ vt (strings)
truculently adv ferociter, intendere,
trudge vi r£pere, pedibus incedere, tuneful adj canOrus.
true adj verus; (genuine) germanus, verus; tunefully adv numerOsO.
(loyaf) fidus, fidelis; (exact) rectus, iustus. tunic n tunica/; wearing a - tunicatus,
truism n verbum tritum nt. tunnel n cuniculus m.
truly adv revera, profecte, vere. tunny n thunnus m.
turban-tyro 174 ENGUSH-LATIN l\

turban n mitra/, mitella/, tutorship n tutela/,

turbid adj turbidus, twaddle n nugae fpl.
turbot n rhombus m. twang n sonus m 4 vi increpare,
turbulence n tumultus m. tweak vi vellicare,
turbulent adj turbulentus, turbidus, tweezers n forceps m/f, volsella/,
turbulently adv turbulente, turbide, twelfth adj duodecimus 4 n duodecima pars/,
turf ncaespes m. uncia/, eleven -s deunx m; five ~s quincunx
turgid adj turgidus, Infletus, m; seven ~s septunx m.
turgidity n (rhet) ampullae fpl. twelve num duodecim; - each duodeni; - times
turgidly adv inflate, duodeciens.
turmoil n turba/, tumultus m; (mind) twelvemonth n annus m.
perturbatio/. twentieth adj vicesimus 4 n vicesima pars/
turn n (motion) conversio/, (bend) flexus m, (tax) vicesima/.
anfractus m; (change) commutatis/, twenty num viginti; - each viceni; ~ times
vicissitOdo/; (walk) spatium nt; (of mind) viciens.
adfectus m; (of language) sententia/, twice adv bis; ~ as much duplus, bis tantO; ~ a
cSnformatiS/ ~ of events mutatio rerum /; day bis die, bis in die.
bad - iniuria/; good - beneficium nt; - of the twig n virga/, ramulus m.
scale momentum nt; take a ~ for the worse in twilight n (morning) diluculum nt; (evening)
peiOrem partem verti; in ~s invicem, crepusculum nt.
vicissim, alterni; in one's - locS Ordine ♦ vt twin adj geminus 4 n geminus m, gemina/,
vertere, convertere, flectere; (change) twine n resticula/ 4 vt nectere, implicare,
vertere, mutare; (direct) intendere, dirigere; contexere 4 vi se implicare; - round
(translate) vertere, reddere; (on a lathe) complecti,
tornare; ~ the edge of retundere; - the head twinge n dolor m.
mentem exturbare; ~ the laugh against twinkle vi micare,
risum convertere in (acc); ~ the scale (fig) twirl vt intorquere, contorquere 4 vi
momentum habere; - the stomach nauseam circumagi.
facere; ~ to account uti (abl), in rem suam twist vt torquere, intorquere 4 vi torqueri,
convertere ♦ vi versari, circumagi; (change) twit vt obicere (dat).
vertere, mutari; (crisis) pendere; (direction) twitch vt vellicare 4 vi micare,
converti; (scale) propendere; - king's/ twitter vi pipilare.
queen's evidence indicium profiteri; - two num duo; ~ each bini; - days biduum nt; -
against vt alienare ab 4 vi desciscere ab; - years biennium nt; ~ years old bimus; - by ~
around (se) circumvertere; ~ aside vt bini; - feet long bipedalis; in - parts
deflectere, declinare ♦ vi devertere, s6 bifariam, bipartito,
declinare; - away vt avertere, depellere ♦ vi two-coloured adj bicolor.
aversari, discedere; - back vi reverti; ~ two-edged adj anceps,
down vt invertere; (proposal) reicere; - into twofold adj duplex, anceps,
vi vertere in (acc), mutari in (acc); - out vt two-footed adj bipes,
eicere, expellere ♦ vi cadere, evenire, two-headed adj biceps,
evadere; - outside in excutere; - over vt two-horned adj bicornis,
evertere; (book) evolvere; (in mind) volOtare, two hundred num ducenti; - each duceni; -
agitare; - round vt circumagere ♦ vi times ducentiens.
converti; - up vt retorquere; (earth) versare; two hundredth adj ducentesimus,
(nose) corrugare ♦ vi adesse, intervenire; ~ two-oared adj biremis,
upside down invertere, two-pronged adj bidens, bifurcus,
turncoat n transfuga m. two-way adj bivius,
turning n flexus m, anfractus m. type n (pattern) exemplar m; (kind) genus
turning point n discrimen nt, meta/, nt.
turnip n rapum nt. typhoon n turbo m.
turpitude n turpitudo/, typical adj proprius, solitus,
turquoise n callais / 4 adj callainus, typically adv de mOre, ut mos est.
turret n turris/, typify vt exprimere,
turreted adj turritus, tyrannical adj superbus, crudelis,
turtle n testudo/; turn - inverti, tyrannically adv superbe, crfldeiiter.
turtle dove n turtur m. tyrannize vi dominari, regnare,
tusk n dens m. tyrannous adj see tyrannical
tussle n luctatio / 4 vi luctari, tyrannously adv see tyrannically,
tutelage n tutela/, tyranny n dominatio/, regnum nt.
tutelary adj praeses. tyrant n rex m, crudelis dominus m; (Greek)
tutor n praeceptor m, magister m 4 vt docere, tyrannus m.
praecipere (dat). tyro n tlr6 m, rudis m.
ENGL1SH-LAT1N 175 ubiquitous-unchangeable

unassuming adj modestus, demissus; ~

U,u manners modestia/,
unassumingly adv modeste,
unattached at# liber,
unattempted ad; intentatus; leave ~
unattended adj solus, sine comitibus,
unattractive ad; invenustus,
ubiquitous adj omnibus locis praesfins. unauthentic ad; incerto auctare,
ubiquity n universa praesentia/, unavailing adj inQtilis, inanis,
udder n fiber nt. unavenged adj inultus,
ugliness n foeditas/, deformitas/, turpitfldo/. unavoidable adj necessarius,
ugly adj foedus, deformis, turpis, unavoidably adv necessario,
ulcer n ulcus nt, vomica/. unaware ad; inscius, ignarus,
ulcerate vi ulcerari, unawares adv inopinata, de improviso;
ulcerous adj ulcerosus, incautus.
ulterior adj ulterior, unbalanced ad; turbatus,
ultimate ad; ultimus, extremus, unbar vi reserare.
ultimately adv tandem, ad ultimum, unbearable adj intolerabilis, intolerandus,
umbrage n offensio/; take - at indigne ferre, unbearably adv intoleranter,
pati. unbeaten adj invictus.
umbrageous adj umbrosus, unbecoming adj indecbrus, inhonestus; it is ~
umbrella n umbella/, dedecet.
umpire n arbiter m, disceptator m. unbeknown adj igndtus.
unabashed adj intrepidus, impudens, unbelief n diffidentia/,
unabated adj integer. unbelievable ad; incredibilis,
unable ad; impotens; be ~ non posse, nequire, unbelievably adv incredibiliter,
unacceptable adj ingratus, unbelieving ad; incredulus,
unaccompanied ad; s51us. unbend vt remittere, laxare ♦ vi animum
unaccomplished ad; Infectus, imperfectus; remittere, aliquid de severitate remittere,
(person) indoctus, unbending adj inexdrabilis, severus,
unaccountable ad; inexplicabilis, unbiassed adj integer, incorruptus, aequus,
unaccountably adv sine causa, repente, unbidden ad; ultra, sponte,
unaccustomed adj Insuetus, Insolitus, unbind vt solvere, resolvere,
unacquainted ad; ignSrus (gen), imperitus unblemished adj pQrus, integer,
(gen). unblushing adj impudens,
unadorned ad; inornatus, incomptus; (speech) unblushingly adv impudenter,
nQdus, enucleatus, unbolt vt reserare,
unadulterated adj sincerus, integer, unborn ad; nandum natus,
unadvisedly adv imprudenter, inc&nsultS. unbosom vt patefacere, effundere,
unaffected adj simplex, candidus, unbound adj solatus,
unaffectedly adv simpliciter, unbounded adj Infinitus, immensus,
unaided adj sine auxilio, nudus, unbridled adj Infrenatus; (fig) effrenatus,
unalienable ad; proprius, indomitus, impotens.
unalloyed ad; pfirus. unbroken ad; integer; (anima!) intractatus;
unalterable ad; immutabilis, (friendship) inviolatus; (series) perpetuus,
unaltered ad; immutatus, continuus.
unambiguous ad; apertus, certus, unburden vt exonerare; - oneself of aperire,
unambitious ad; humilis, modestus, patefacere.
unanimity n consensio/, unanimitas/, unburied adj inhumatus, insepultus,
unanimous ad; concors, unanimus; be - idem unbusinesslike ad; iners,
omnes sentire. uncalled-forad; supervacaneus,
unanimously adv ana voce, omnium uncanny adj mirus, mdnstrudsus.
cdnsensu. uncared-for ad; neglectus,
unanswerable ad; necessarius, unceasing adj perpetuus, adsiduus.
unanswerably adv sine controversia, unceasingly adv perpetua, adsidue.
unappreciative adj ingratus, unceremonious ad; agrestis, inurbanus,
unapproachable adj inaccessus; (person) unceremoniously adv inurbane,
difficilis. uncertain adj incertus, dubius, anceps; be -
unarmed adj inermis, dubitare, pendere,
unasked adj ultra, sua sponte, uncertainly adv incerte, dubitanter,
unassailable ad; inexpugnabilis, uncertainty n incertum nt; (state) dubitatia/.
unassailed ad; intactus, incolumis. unchangeable adj immatabilis; (person)
unchanged-understanding 176 ENGLISH-LAT1N

cOnstans. uncontrolled adj liber, solutus,

unchanged adj immutatus, Idem; remain - unconventional adj insolitus, solfltus.
permanere. unconvicted adj indemnatus,
uncharitable adj inhumanus, malignus, unconvincing adj incredibilis, n6n veri
uncharitableness n LnhOmanitas/. similis.
uncharitably adv inhumane, maligne, uncooked adj crudus,
unchaste adj impudicus, libidinosus, uncorrupted adj incorruptus, integer,
unchastely adv impudice, uncouple vt disiungere.
unchastity n incestus m, libido/, uncouth adj horridus, agrestis, inurbanus,
unchecked adj liber, indomitus, uncouthly adv inurbane,
uncivil adj inurbanus, importunus, uncouthness n inhumanitas/, rusticitas/.
inhumanus. uncover vt detegere, aperire, nudare,
uncivilized adj barbarus, incultus, ferus, uncritical adj indoctus, credulus,
uncivilly adv inurbane, uncultivated adj incultus; (fig) agrestis,
uncle n (paternaI) patruus m; (materna!) rusticus, impolitus,
avunculus m. uncultured adj agrestis, rudis,
unclean adj immundus; (fig) impurus, uncut adj intonsus,
obscenus. undamaged adj integer, inviolatus,
uncleanly adv impure, undaunted adj intrepidus, fortis,
uncleanness n sordes fpi; (fig) impuritas/, undecayed adj incorruptus,
obscenitas/, undeceive vt errorem tollere (dat), errOrem
unclose vt aperire. eripere (dat).
unclothe vt nfldare, vestem detrahere (dat). undecided adj dubius, anceps; (case) integer,
unclothed adj nudus, undecked adj (ship) apertus,
unclouded adj serenus, undefended adj indefensus, nudus,
uncoil vt explicare, evolvere, undefiledadj integer, incontaminatus,
uncomely adj defflrmis, turpis, undemonstrative adj taciturnus,
uncomfortable adj incommodus, molestus, undeniable adj certus,
uncomfortably adv incommode, undeniably adv sine dubio,
uncommitted adj vacuus, undependable adj inconstans, mfibilis.
uncommon adj rdrus, Insolitus, inusitatus; under adv Infra, subter ♦ prep sub (abi). Infra
(eminent) egregius, singularis, eximius, (acc); (number) intra (acc); (motion) sub (acc);
uncommonly adv rar5; egregie, unice, ~ arms in armis; - colour (pretext of) specie
uncommonness n Insolentia/, (gen), per speciem (gen); - my leadership me
uncommunicative adj tectus, taciturnus, duce; - the circumstances cum haec ita sint;
uncomplaining adj patiens, labour ~ laborare ex; ~ the eyes of in
uncompleted adj imperfectus, conspectu (+ gen); ~ the leadership of abl *
uncompromising adj durus, rigidus, duce.
unconcern n secOritas/. underage adj impubes,
unconcerned adj securus, otiosus, undercurrent n: an ~ of latens,
unconcernedly adv lente, underestimate vt mineris aestimare,
uncondemned adj indemnatus, undergarment n subucula/,
unconditional adj absolutus, undergo vt subire, pati, ferre,
unconditionally adv nulla condicidne. underground adj subterraneus 4 adv sub
uncongenial adj ingratus, terra.
unconnected adj separatus, disiunctus; undergrowth n virgulta ntpi.
(style) dissolutus, underhand adj clandestinus, furtivus 4 adv
unconquerable adj invictus, clam, furtim.
unconquered adj invictus, underline vt subscribere,
unconscionable adj improbus, underling n minister m, satelles m/f.
unconscionably adv improbe, undermine vt subruere; (fig) labefacere,
unconscious adj: ~ of Inscius (gen), ignarus labefactare,
(gen); become - s6plrl, animO linqui, undermost adj Infimus,
unconsciousness n sopor m. underneath adv Infra 4 prep sub (abl), Infra
unconsecrated adj profanus, (acc); (motion) sub (acc).
unconsidered adj neglectus, underprop vt fulcire.
unconstitutional adj illicitus, underrate vt obtrectare, extenuare, minoris
unconstitutionally adv contra leges, contra aestimare.
rem publicam. understand vt intellegere, comprehendere;
uncontaminatedadj purus, incorruptus, (be told) accipere, comperire; (in a sense)
integer. interpretari; - Latin Latine scire.
uncontrollable adj impotens, effrenatus, understandable adj credibilis,
uncontrollably adv effrenate. understanding adj sapiens, peritus 4 n
ENGLISH-LATIN 177 undertake-unfortified

intellegentia/; ( faculty) mens/, intellectus m; unendurable adj intolerandus, intolerabilis,

(agreement) consensus m; (condition) unenjoyable od/ iniucundus, molestus,
condicid /. unenlightened ad/ rudis, ineruditus,
undertake vt suscipere, sumere, adire ad; unenterprising ad/ iners,
(.business) conducere; (case) agere, unenviable ad/ non invidendus,
defendere; (promise) recipere, spondere, unequal ad/ impar, dispar.
undertaker n dissignator m. unequalled adj Qnicus, singularis,
undertaking n inceptum nt, inceptio/, unequally adv inaequaliter, inique,
undervalue vt minOris aestimare, unequivocal ad/ apertus, planus,
underwood n virgulta ntpi. unerring ad/ certus,
underworld n Inferi mpi. unerringly adv certe.
undeserved adj immeritus, iniustus. unessential ad/ adventicius, supervacaneus,
undeservedly adv immerito, indigne, uneven ad/ impar; (surface) asper, iniquus,
undeserving adj indignus, inaequabilis.
undesigned adj fortuitus, unevenly adv inique, inaequaliter,
undesignedly adv fortuito, temero, unevenness n iniquitas/, asperitas/.
undesirable adj odiOsus, ingratus, unexamined ad/ (case) incognitus,
undeterred adj immotus, unexampled ad/ inauditus, unicus,
undeveloped adj immaturus, singularis.
undeviating adj directus, unexceptionable ad/ emendatus; (authority)
undigested adj crudus, certissimus.
undignified adj levis, inhonestus, unexpected ad/ improvisus, inopinatus,
undiminished adj integer, Insperatus.
undiscerniblead/ invisus, obscQrus. unexpectedly adv de improviso, ex Insperato,
undisciplined adj lascivus, immoderatus; inopinato, necopinato,
(mil) inexercitatus, unexplored ad/ inexploratus,
undiscovered adj ignOtus. unfading ad/ perennis, vivus,
undisguised adj apertus, unfailing ad/ perennis, certus, perpetuus,
undisguisedly adv palam, aperto, unfailingly adv semper,
undismayed ad/ impavidus, intrepidus, unfair ad/ iniquus, iniustus.
undisputed adj certus, unfairly adv inique, iniaste.
undistinguished ad/ ignobilis, inglorius, unfairness n iniquitas/, iniustitia/.
undisturbed adj tranquillus, placidus, unfaithful od/ Infidelis, Infidus, perfidus,
undo v< (knot) expedire, resolvere; (sewing) unfaithfully adv Infideliter,
dissuere; (fig) Infectum reddere, unfaithfulness n Infidelitas/,
undoing n ruina/. unfamiliar ad/ novus, ignOtus, Insolens; (sight)
undone ad/ infectus; (ruined) perditus; be - invisitatus.
perire, disperlre; hopelessly - deperditus, unfamiliarity n Insolentia/,
undoubted ad/ certus, unfashionable ad/ obsoletus,
undoubtedly adv sine dubio, plane, unfasten vi solvere, refigere,
undress vt exuere, vestem detrahere (dat). unfathomable ad/ Infinitus, profundus,
undressed adj nudus, unfavourable ad/ iniquus, adversus,
undue adj nimius, immoderatus, iniquus, importunus.
undulate vi fluctuare, unfavourably adv inique, male; ba - disposed
undulation n spira/, averse animO esse,
unduly adv nimis, plus aequO. unfed ad/ ieiunus.
undutiful adj impius, unfeeling ad/ dfirus, crudelis, ferreus,
undutifully adv impie, unfeelingly adv crudeliter,
undutifulness n impietas/. unfeigned ad/ sincerus, verus, simplex,
undying adj immortalis, aeternus, unfeignedly adv sincere, vere,
unearth vt eruere, detegere, unfilial adj impius.
unearthly ad/ mOnstruOsus, divinus, hOmanO unfinished od/ Infectus, imperfectus,
maior. unfit adj inutilis, incommodus, alienus,
uneasily adv aegrO. unfix vt refigere.
uneasiness n sollicitudo/, perturbatio/, unflinching od/ impavidus, firmus,
uneasy ad/ sollicitus, anxius, inquietus, unfold vt explicare, evolvere; (story)
uneducated ad/ illitteratus, indoctus, rudis; expOnere, enarrare,
ba - litteras nescire, unfolding n explicatio/.
unemployed adj otiosus, unforeseen adj improvisus,
unemployment n cessatio/. unforgettable ad/ memorabilis,
unencumbered adj expeditus, liber, unforgiving adj implacabilis,
unending ad/ perpetuus, sempiternus, unformed adj Informis,
unendowed ad/ indotatus. unfortified ad/ immQnltus, nudus.
unfortunate-unless 178 ENGLISH-LATIN

unfortunate ad; infelix, Infortunatus, unhonoured adj inhonoratus,

unfortunately adv Infeliciter, male; ~ you did unhoped-for adj Insperatus,
not come male accidit quod non venisti, unhorse vt excutere, equo deicere.
unfounded adj inanis, vanus, unhurt adj integer, incolumis,
unfrequented adj desertus, unicorn n monoceros m.
unfriendliness n inimicitia/, uniform adj aequabilis, aequalis ♦ n Insignia
unfriendly ad; inimicus, malevolus; in an - ntpl; (mil) sagum nt; in - sagatus; put on - saga
manner inimice. sumere.
unfruitful adj sterilis; (fig) inanis, vanus, uniformity n aequabilitas/, constantia/.
unfruitfulness n sterilitas/, uniformly adv aequabiliter, uno tenore,
unfulfilled adj Infectus, inritus. unify vt coniungere.
unfurl vt explicare, pandere, unimaginative adj hebes, stolidus,
unfurnished adj nfldus. unimpaired ad; integer, incolumis, illibatus,
ungainly adj agrestis, rflsticus. unimpeachable ad; (character) integer; (style)
ungallant adj inurbanus, parum cdmis. emendatus.
ungenerous adj illiberalis; ~ conduct unimportant ad; levis, nullius m6mentl.
illiberalitas/. uninformed ad; indoctus, ignarus,
ungentlemanly adj illiberalis, uninhabitable ad; inhabitabilis,
ungirt adj discinctus, uninhabited ad; desertus,
ungodliness n impietas/, uninitiated adj profanus; (fig) rudis,
ungodly ad; impius. uninjured adj integer, incolumis,
ungovernable adj impotens, indomitus, unintelligent adj Insipiens, tardus, excors,
ungovernableness n impotentia/, unintelligible ad; obscQrus.
ungraceful adj inconcinnus, inelegans, unintelligibly adv obscOre.
ungracefully adv ineleganter, unintentionally adv imprudens, temere,
ungracious adj inhamanus, petulans, uninteresting adj frigidus, aridus,
importunus. uninterrupted adj continuus, perpetuus,
ungraciously adv acerbe, uninterruptedly adv continenter, sine ulla
ungrammatical adj barbarus; bo - intermissione.
soloecismum facere, uninvited adj invocatus; - guest umbra/,
ungrateful adj ingratus, uninviting ad; iniucundus, invenustus,
ungrudging adj largus, nSn invitus, union n coniunctio/; (sociaf) cOnsociatiG/,
ungrudgingly adv sine invidia, societas/; (pol) foederatae civitates fpl;
unguarded adj intutus; (word) incautus, (agreement) concordia/, consensus m;
incdnsultus. (marriage) coniugium nt.
unguardedly adv temere, inconsulte, unique adj unicus, egregius, singularis,
unguent n unguentum nt. unison n concentus m; (fig) concordia/,
unhallowed adj profanus, impius, consensus m.
unhand vt mittere, unit n unio/.
unhandy ad; inhabilis, unite vt coniungere, cGnsociare, copulare ♦ vi
unhappily adv Infeliciter, misere, coire; cGnsentlre, cCnspTrare; (rivers)
unhappiness n miseria/, tristitia/, maestitia confluere.
/. unity n (concord) concordia/, consensus m.
unhappy ad; Infelix, miser, tristis, universal adj universus, communis,
unharmed adj incolumis, integer, salvus, universally adv universus, omnis; (place)
unharness vt disiungere. ubique.
unhealthiness n valetudo/; (climate) gravitas universe n mundus m, rerum natura/,
/ university n academia/.
unhealthy ad; invalidus, aeger; (climate) unjust ad; iniustus, iniquus,
gravis, pestilens. unjustifiable adj indignus, inexcusabilis,
unheard ad; inauditus; (law) indicta causa, unjustly adv iniuste, iniuria.
unheard-of ad; inauditus, unkempt adj horridus,
unheeded adj neglectus, unkind adj inhumanus, iniquus,
unheeding ad; immemor, securus, unkindly adv inhumane, aspere,
unhelpful adj difficilis, invitus, unkindness n inhumanitas/.
unhesitating ad; audax, promptus, unknowingly adv imprudens, Inscius,
unhesitatingly adv sine dubitatione, unknown adj ignotus, incognitus; (fame)
unhewn ud; rudis, obscurus.
unhindered adj expeditus, unlawful ad; vetitus, iniflriOsus.
unhinged adj mente captus, unlawfully adv iniuridse, iniuria.
unhistorical adj fictus, commenticius, unlearn vt dediscere,
unholiness n impietas/, unlearned ad; indoctus, ineruditus,
unholy ad; impius. unless con; nisi.
ENGLISH-LATIN 179 unlettered-unreservedly

unlettered adj illitteratus, unostentatiously adv nulla iactatione.

unlike ad; dissimilis (+ gen ordat), dispar, unpaid adj (services) gratuitus; (money)
unlikely adj non verisimilis, debitus.
unlimited ad; Infinitus, immensus, unpalatable adj amarus; (fig) iniucundus,
unload vt exonerare, deonerare; (from ship) Insuavis.
exponere. unparalleled adj unicus, inauditus,
unlock vt reserare, recludere, unpardonable adj inexcusabilis,
unlooked-for adj Insperatus, inexpectatus. unpatriotic adj impius,
unloose vt solvere, exsolvere, unpitying adj immisericors, ferreus,
unlovely ad; invenustus, unpleasant adj iniucundus, ingratus,
unluckily adv Infeliciter, insuavis, gravis, molestus,
unlucky ad; Infelix, Infortunatus; (day) ater, unpleasantly adv iniucunde, ingrate,
unmake vt Infectum reddere, graviter.
unman vt mollire, frangere, debilitare, unpleasantness n iniucunditas /, molestia /.
unmanageable ad; inhabilis, unpleasing adj ingratus, invenustus,
unmanly adj mollis, enervatus, muliebris, unploughed adj inaratus,
unmannerliness n importunitas/, unpoetical adj pedester,
inhumanitas /. unpolished adj impolitus; (person) incultus,
unmannerly ad; importunus, inhumanus, agrestis, inurbanus; (style) inconditus, rudis,
unmarried ad; (man) caelebs; (woman) vidua, unpopular adj invidiosus, invisus,
unmask vt nudare, detegere, unpopularity n invidia/, odium nt.
unmatched adj unicus, singularis, unpractised adj inexercitatus, imperitus,
unmeaning adj inanis, unprecedented adj Insolens, novus,
unmeasured adj infinitus, immoderatus, inauditus.
unmeet ad; parum idoneus, unprejudiced adj integer, aequus,
unmelodiousad; absonus, absurdus, unpremeditated adj repentinus, subitus,
unmentionable adj Infandus, unprepared adj imparatus,
unmentioned adj indictus; leave ~ amittere, unprepossessing adj invenustus, illepidus,
unmerciful adj immisericors, inclemens, unpretentious adj modestus, verecundus,
unmercifully adv inclementer, unprincipled ad; improbus, levis, pravus,
unmerited ad; immeritus, indignus, unproductive adj infecundus, sterilis,
unmindful adj immemor. unprofitable adj inutilis, vanus,
unmistakable adj certus, manifestus, unprofitably adv frustra, ab re.
unmistakably adv sine dubie, certe, unpropitious adj Infelix, adversus,
unmitigated adj merus, unpropitiously adv malis Ominibus,
unmixed adj purus, unprotected adj indefensus, intfltus, nudus,
unmolested adj intactus, unprovoked adj ultrO (adv).
unmoor vt solvere, unpunished adj impunitus ♦ adv impune,
unmoved adj immetus. unqualified adj non idoneus; (unrestricted)
unmusical adj absonus, absurdus, absolutus.
unmutilated adj integer, unquestionable adj certus,
unnatural adj (event) mOnstruOsus; (feelings) unquestionably adv facile, certe,
impius, inhumanus; (style) arcessitus, unquestioning adj credulus,
pfltidus. unravel vt retexere; (fig) enodare, explicare,
unnaturally adv contra naturam; impie, unready adj imparatus,
inhumane; putide, unreal adj falsus, vanus,
unnavigable adj innavigabilis, unreality n vanitas/.
unnecessarily adv nimis, unreasonable adj iniquus, importunus,
unnecessary adj inutilis, supervacaneus, unreasonableness n iniquitas/,
unnerve vt debilitare, frangere, unreasonably adv Inique,
unnoticed adj: be - latere, fallere, unreasoning ad; stolidus, temerarius,
unnumbered adj innumerus, unreclaimed adj (land) incultus,
unobjectionable adj honestus, culpae expers, unrefined adj impolitus, inurbanus, rudis,
unobservant adj tardus, unregistered adj incensus,
unobserved adj: be ~ latere, fallere, unrelated adj alienus,
unobstructed adj apertus, purus, unrelenting adj implacabilis, inexorabilis,
unobtrusive adj verecundus; be - fallere, unreliable adj incertus, levis,
unobtrusiveness n verecundia/, unreliably adv leviter,
unoccupied adj vacuus, OtiOsus. unrelieved adj perpetuus, adsiduus.
unoffending adj innocens, unremitting adj adsiduus.
unofficial adi privatus, unrequited adj inultus, inanis,
unorthodox adj abndrmis. unreservedly adv aperte, sine ulla
unostentatious adj modestus, verecundus. exceptiOne.
unresponsive-unthinking 180 ENGLISH-LATIN

unresponsive adj hebes, unskilfully adv indocte, Inscite, incallide,

unrest n inquies/, sollicitudo/, unskilfulness n Inscitia/, imperitia/,
unrestrained adj liber, impotens, effrenatus, unskilled adj imperitus, indoctus; ~ in
immoderatus. imperitus (+ gen).
unrestricted adj liber, absolutus, unslaked adj (lime) vivus; (thirst) inexpletus,
unrevenged adj inultus, unsociable adj Insociabilis, difficilis,
unrewarded adj inhondratus. unsoiled adj integer, purus,
unrewarding adj ingratus, vanus, unsolicited adj voluntarius ♦ adv ultrO.
unrighteous adj iniustus, impius, unsophisticated adj simplex, ingenuus,
unrighteously adv iniuste, impie, unsound adj Infirmus; (mind) Insanus;
unrighteousness n impietas/, (opinion) falsus, perversus,
unripe adj immaturus, crudus, unsoundness n Infirmitas/; Insanitas f)
unrivalled adj egregius, singularis, unicus, pravitas/.
unroll vt evolvere, explicare, unsparing adj inclemens, immisericors;
unromantic adj pedester, (lavish) prOdigus.
unruffled adj immotus, tranquillus, unsparingly adv inclementer; prOdige.
unruliness n licentia/, impotentia/, unspeakable adj Infandus, incredibilis,
unruly adj effrenatus, impotens, unspeakably adv incredibiliter,
immoderatus. unspoilt adj integer,
unsafe adj periculosus, dubius; (structure) unspoken adj indictus, tacitus,
Instabilis, unspotted adj integer, purus,
unsaid adj indictus. unstable adj Instabilis; (fig) inconstans, levis,
unsatisfactorily adv non ex sententia, male, unstained adj purus, incorruptus, integer,
unsatisfactory adj parum idoneus, malus, unstatesmanlikeadj illiberalis,
unsatisfied adj parum contenus. unsteadily adv inconstanter; walk ~ titubare,
unsavoury adj Insuavis, taeter, unsteadiness n (fig) inconstantia/,
unscathed adj incolumis, integer, unsteady adj Instabilis; (fig) inconstans,
unschooled adj indoctus, ineruditus, unstitch vt dissuere,
unscrupulous adj improbus, impudens, unstring vt retendere,
unscrupulously adv improbe, impudenter, unstudied adj simplex,
unscrupulousness n improbitas/, unsubdued adj invictus,
impudentia/. unsubstantial adj levis, inanis,
unseal vt resignare, solvere, unsuccessful adj Infelix; (effort) inritus; be -
unseasonable adj intempestivus, offendere; I am ~ mihi nOn succedit,
importunus. unsuccessfully adv infeliciter, re Infecta,
unseasonableness n incommoditas/, unsuitable adj incommodus, alienus,
unseasonably adv intempestive, importflne. importunus; it is ~ dedecet,
unseasoned adj (food) n6n conditus; (wood) unsuitableness n incommoditas/.
viridis. unsuitably adv incommode, inepte,
unseat vt (rider) excutere, unsuited adj parum idoneus,
unseaworthy adj Infirmus, unsullied adj purus, incorruptus,
unseeing adj caecus, unsure adj incertus, dubius,
unseemly adj indecorus unsurpassable adj inexsuperabilis,
unseen adj invisus; (ever before) invisitatus, unsurpassed adj unicus, singularis,
unselfish adj innocens, probus, liberalis, unsuspected adj latens, nOn suspectus; be -
unselfishly adv llberaliter. latere, in suspicionem nOn venire,
unselfishness n innocentia/, llberalitas/. unsuspecting adj improvidus, imprfldens.
unserviceable adj inutilis, unsuspicious adj nOn suspicax, credulus,
unsettle vt ad incertum revocare, turbare, unswerving adj constans,
sollicitare. unsworn adj iniQratus.
unsettled adj incertus, dubius; (mind) unsymmetrical adj inaequalis,
sollicitus, suspensus; (times) turbidus, untainted adj incorruptus, integer,
unsew vt dissuere, untamable adj indomitus,
unshackle vt expedire, solvere, untamed adj indomitus, ferus,
unshaken adj immotus, firmus, stabilis, untaught adj indoctus, rudis,
unshapely adj deformis, unteach vt dedocere,
unshaven adj intonsus, unteachableadj indocilis,
unsheathe vt destringere, stringere, untenable adj inanis, infirmus,
unshod adj nudis pedibus, unthankful adj ingratus,
unshorn adj intonsus, unthankfully adv ingrate,
unsightliness n deformitas/, turpitudo/, unthankfulness n ingratus animus m.
unsightly adj foedus, deformis, unthinkable adj incredibilis,
unskilful adj indoctus. Inscitus, incallidus. unthinking adj inconsideratus, improvidus.
ENGLISH-LATIN 181 unthriftily-urbanely

unthriftily adv prodige. unwind vt evolvere, retexere,

unthrifty adj prodigus, profusus. unwise adj stultus, Insipiens, imprudens,
untidily adv neglegenter. unwisely adv Insipienter, imprudenter,
untidiness n neglegentia/. unwittingly adv imprudens. Insciens,
untidy adj neglegens, inconcinnus, squalidus. unwonted adj Insolitus, inusitatus,
untie vt solvere. unworthily adv indigne,
until conj dum, donee ♦ prep usque ad (acc), in unworthiness n indignitas/,
(acc); - now adhfle. unworthy adj indignus (+ abi).
untilled adj incultus, unwounded adj intactus, integer,
untimely adj intempestivus, immaturus, unwrap vt evolvere, explicare,
importunus. unwritten adj nOn scriptus; ~ law mOs m.
untiring adj impiger; (effort) adsiduus. unwrought adj Infectus, rudis,
unto prep ad (acc), in (acc). unyielding adj dfirus, firmus, inexorabilis,
untold adj innumerus, unyoke vt disiungere.
untouched adj intactus, integer, up adv sursum; - and down sursum deOrsum;
untoward adj adversus, malus, ~ to usque ad (acc), tenus (abi, after noun);
untrained adj inexercitatus, imperitus, rudis, bring - subvehere; (child) educare; climb -
untried adj intemptatus, inexpertus; (trial) escendere; come ~ to aequare; lift - erigere,
incognitus, sublevare; from childhood ~ a puerO; it is all
untrodden adj avius. ~ with actum est de; well - in gnarus (gen),
untroubled adj tranquillus, placidus, quietus; peritus (gen); what is he ~ to? quid struit? ♦
(mind) securus. prep (motion) in (acc) ♦ n: ~s and downs (fig)
untrue adj falsus, fictus; (disloyal) infidus, vicissitudines fpl.
Infidelis. upbraid vt exprobrare (dat pers, acc charge);
untrustworthy adj infidus, mobilis, obicere (dat and acc), increpare, castigare,
untruth n mendacium nt, falsum nt. upbringing n educatio /.
untruthful adj mendax, falsus, upheaval n eversiO/.
untruthfully adv false, false, upheave vt evertere,
untuneful adj absonus, uphill adj acclivis ♦ adv adversO colie, in
unturned adj: leave no stone ~ nihil adversum collem,
intemptatum relinquere, omnia experiri, uphold vt sustinere, tueri, servare,
untutored adj indoctus, incultus, upholstery n supellex/,
unused adj (person) Insuetus, Insolitus; (thing) upkeep n impensa/.
integer. upland adj montanus,
unusual adj Insolitus, inusitatus, Insolens, uplift vt extollere, sublevare,
novus. upon prep in (abi), super (abt); (motion) in (acc),
unusually adv Insolenter, praeter super (acc); (dependence) ex (abt); ~ this quO
consuetudinem. facto.
unusualness n Insolentia/, novitas/. upper adj superior; gain the - hand superare,
unutterable adj Infandus, inenarrabilis, vincere.
unvarnished adj (fig) simplex, nudus, uppermost adj supremus, summus,
unveil vt (fig) aperire, patefacere, uppish adj superbus,
unversed adj ignarus (gen), imperitus (gen). upright adj rectus, erectus; (character)
unwanted adj supervacaneus, integer, probus, honestus,
unwarily adv imprudenter, incaute, uprightly adv recte; integre,
inconsulte. uprightness n integritas/,
unwariness n imprudentia/, upriver adj, adv adverse flumine,
un warlike adj imbellis, uproar n tumultus m; clamor m.
unwarrantable adj iniquus, iniustus. uproarious adj tumultuosus,
unwarrantably adv iniuria. uproariously adv tumultuose,
unwary adj imprudens, incautus, inconsultus, uproot vt eradicare, exstirpare, eruere,
unwavering adj stabilis, immotus, upset vt evertere, invertere, subvertere; ~ the
unwearied, unwearying adj indefessus, apple cart plaustrum percellere ♦ adj (fig)
adsiduus. perturbatus,
unweave vt retexere. upshot n eventus m.
unweddedadj (man) caelebs; (woman) vidua, upside-down adv: turn ~ evertere, invertere;
unwelcome adj ingratus, (fig) miscere.
unwell adj aeger, aegrotus, upstart n novus homO m ♦ adj repentinus,
unwept adj indefletus, upstream adj, adv adversO flumine.
unwholesome adj pestilens, gravis, upward(s) adv sursum; - of (number) amplius,
unwieldy adj inhabilis, urban adj urbanus, oppidanus,
unwilling adj invitus; be ~ nolle, urbane adj urbanus, cOmis.
unwillingly adv invitus. urbanely adv urbane, cOmiter.
urbanity-variance 182 ENGLISH-LATIN

urbanity n urbanitas/.
urchin n (boy) puerulus m; (animal) echinus m.
urge vt urgere, impellere; (speech) hortari,
incitare; (advice) suadere; (request)
sollicitare; - on incitare ♦ n impulsus m;
desiderium nt.
urgency n necessitas/,
urgent ad) praesens, gravis; be ~ instare,
urgently adv graviter, vacancy n inanitas/, (office) vacuitas/; there is
urn n urna/. a ~ locus vacat; elect to fili a - sufficere,
usage n mos m, Institutum nt, usus m. vacant ad; inanis, vacuus; be ~ vacare,
use n Qsus m; (custom) mos m, cOnsuetOdO/ be vacate vt vacuum facere,
of ~ flsul esse, prodesse, condQcere; out of - vacation n feriae fpi.
desuetus; go out of ~ exolescere; in common vacillate vi vacillare, dubitare,
~ flsitatus; it's no ~ nil agis, nil agimus ♦ vt vacillation n dubitatio/,
utl (ably, (improperly) abutl; (for a purpose) vacuity n inanitas/,
adhibere; (word) usurpare; - up consumere, vacuous ad; vacuus,
exhaurire; ~dto adsuetus (dat); solere (+ vacuum n inane nt.
infin); I ~d to do faciebam, vagabond n grassator m ♦ adj vagus,
useful ad) utilis; be ~ usul esse, vagary n libido/,
usefully adv Qtiliter. vagrancy n erratio/.
usefulness n utilitas/ vagrant n grassator m, vagus m.
useless adi inutilis; (thing) inanis, inritus; be ~ vague adj incertus, dubius,
nihil valere. vaguely adv incerte,
uselessly adv inutiliter, frustra, vain n vanus, inanis, inritus; (person)
uselessness n inanitas/, glOriOsus; in ~ frustra,
usher n (court) apparitor m; (theatre) vainglorious od; glOriOsus.
designator m ♦ vt: - in indflcere, vainglory n glOria/, iactantia/.
introducere. vainly adv frustra, nequiquam,
usual ad) usitatus, solitus; as ~ ut adsolet, ut vale n vallis/,
fert consuetude, ex cOnsuetudine; out of the valet n cubicularius m.
- Insolitus, extra ordinem, valiant adj fortis, acer,
usually adv fere, plerumque; he ~ comes valiantly adv fortiter, acriter,
venire solet. valid adj ratus; (argument) gravis, firmus,
usufruct n usus et fructus m. validity n vis/, auctoritas/,
usurer n faenerator m. valley n vallis/,
usurp vt occupare, invadere in (acc), valorous adj fortis,
Usurpare. valour n virtus/,
usurpation n occupato/, valuable ad; pretiosus,
usury n faenerati6/, usura/; practise ~ valuation n aestimatio/.
faenerari. value n pretium nt; (fig) vis /, honor m ♦ vt
utensil n Instrumentum nt, vas nt. aestimare; (esteem) diligere; - highly magni
utility n utilitas/, commodum nt. aestimare; ~ little parvi aestimare, parvi
utilize vt utl (ably, (for a purpose) adhibere, facere.
utmost ad; extremus, summus; at the - valueless ad; vilis, minimi pretl.
summum; do one's - omnibus viribus valuer n aestimator m.
contendere. van n (in battle) prima aciOs/; (on march)
utter adj tetus, extremus, summus ♦ vt primum agmen nt.
emittere, edere, eloqui, pronuntiare, vanguard n primum agmen nt.
utterance n dictum nt; (process) pronuntiatio/, vanish vi diffugere, evanescere, dilabi,
utterly adv funditus, omnlnO, penitus, vanity n(unreality) vanitas/; (conceit) gloria/,
uttermost ad; extremus, ultimus. vanquish vt vincere, superare, devincere,
vanquisher n victor m.
vantage n (ground) locus superior m.
vapid ad; vapidus, Insulsus,
vapidly adv Insulse,
vaporous ad; nebulosus,
vapour n vapor m, nebula/, (from earth)
exhalatio /.
variable ad; varius, motabilis,
variableness n mutabilitas/, inconstantia/,
variance n discordia/, dissensio/,
discrepantia/; at - discors; be at ~ dissidere,
ENGLISH-LAT1N 183 variant-vesture

inter se discrepare; set at - alienare, ventilate vt perflare; (opinion) in medium

variant adj varius, proferre, vulgare,
variation n varietas/, vicissitudo /. ventilation n perflare,
variegate vt variare, venture n periculum nt; (gamble) alea/, at a -
variegated adj varius, temere ♦ vi audere ♦ vt periclitari, in aleam
variety n varietas/; (number) multitudo/, dare.
(kind) genus nt; a - of diversi, venturesome adj audax, temerarius,
various adj varius, diversus, venturesomeness n audacia/, temeritas/,
variously adv varie, veracious adj verax, veridicus,
variet n verbero m. veracity n veritas/, fides/,
varnish n pigmentum nt; (fig) fucus m. verb n verbum nt.
varnished adj (fig) fucatus, verbally adv per colloquia; (translate) ad
vary vt variare, mutare; (decorate) distinguere verbum, verbum prO verbo,
♦ vi mfltarl. verbatim adv ad verbum, totidem verbis,
vase n vas nt. verbiage n verba ntpi.
vassal n ambactus m; (fig) cliens m. verbose adj verbosus,
vast adj vastus, immanis, ingens, immensus. verbosity n loquendi profluentia/,
vastly adv valde. verdant adj viridis.
vastness n magnitudo/, immensitas/, verdict n sententia/, iudicium nt; deliver a -
vatn cupa/. sententiam pronuntiare; give a ~ in favour of
vault n (arch) fornix/; (jump) saltus m ♦ vi causam adiudicare (dat).
salire. verdigris n aerugo/.
vaulted adj fornicatus, verdure n viriditas/.
vaunt vt iactare, ostentare ♦ vi s6 iactare, verge n Ora/ the ~ of extremus; on the - of
gloriari. (fig) prope (acc) ♦ vi vergere,
vaunting n ostentatio/, gloria/ ♦ adj verification n confirmatio/,
glOriOsus. verify vt confirmare, comprobare,
veal n vitulina/. verily adv profecte, certe,
vedette n excursor m. verisimilitude n veri similitQdO/.
veer vi se vertere, flecti, veritable adj verus,
vegetable n holus nt. veritably adv vere,
vehemence n vis/, violentia/, (passion) ardor verity n veritas/,
m, impetus m. vermilion n sandix/,
vehement adj vehemens, violentus, acer, vermin n bestiolae fpl.
vehemently adv vehementer, acriter, vernacular adj patrius ♦ n patrius sermo m.
vehicle n vehiculum nt. vernal adj vernus,
Veii n Veli, Veiorum mpl. versatile adj versOtus, varius,
veil n rica/; (bridal) flammeum nt; (fig) versatility n versatile ingenium nt.
integumentum nt ♦ vt velare, tegere, verse n (line) versus m; (poetry) versus mpl,
vein n vena/. carmina ntpl.
vellum n membrana/. versed adj Instructus, peritus, exercitatus,
velocity n celeritas/, velocitas /. versification n ars versus faciendi,
venal adj venalis, versify vt versii inclfldere ♦ vi versus facere,
vend vt vendere, version n (of story) fOrma/; give a Latin - of
vendetta n simultas/, Latine reddere,
vendor n caupo m. vertex n vertex m, fastigium nt.
veneer n (fig) species/, fGcus m. vertical adj rectus, directus,
venerable adj gravis, augustus, vertically adv ad lineam, recta linea, ad
venerate vt colere, venerari, perpendiculum,
veneration n veneratio/, cultus m. vertigo n vertigo/,
venerator n cultor m. vervain n verbena/,
vengeance n ultio/, poena/; take - on ulcisci, verve n acrimOnia /.
vindicare in (acc); take - for ulcisci, very adj ipse ♦ adv admodum, valde,
vindicare, vehementer ♦ superi: at that - moment tum
vengeful adj ultor, maxime; not ~ nOn ita.
venial adj ignoscendus, vessel n (receptacle) vas nt; (ship) navigium nt.
venison n dama/, ferina/, vest n subucula/ ♦ vt: - power in imperium
venom n venenum nt; (fig) virus nt. deferre (dat); -ed interests nummi locat! mpl.
venomous adj venenatus, vestal adj vestaiis ♦ n virgO vestalis/.
ventn spiraculum nt; (outlet) exitus m; give ~ vestibule n vestibulum nt.
to profundere, emittere ♦ vt emittere; vestige n vestigium nt, indicium nt.
(feelings on) profundere in (acc), erumpere vestment n vestimentum nt.
in (acc). vesture n vestis/.
vetch-visitation 184 ENGLISH-LATIN

vetch n vicia/. vileness n turpitudo/, impuritas/.

veteran adj veteranus ♦ n (mil) veteranus m; vilification n obtrectatio/, calumnia/.
(fig) veterator m. vilify vt obtrectare, calumniari, maledicere
veto n interdictum nt; (tribune's) intercessio/ (dat).
♦ vt interdicere (dat); (tribune) intercedere villa n villa/.
(dat). village n pagus m, vicus m; in every ~ pagatim.
vexvt vexare, sollicitare, stomachum movere villager n paganus m, vicanus m.
(dat); be -ed aegre ferre, stomachari, villain n furcifer m, sceleratus m.
vexation n (caused) molestia/; (felt) dolor m, villainous adj scelestus, sceleratus, nequam,
stomachus m. villainously adv sceleste,
vexatious adj odiOsus, molestus, villainy n scelus nt, nequitia/,
vexatiously adv moleste, vindicate vt (right) vindicare; (action) purgare;
vexed adj Iratus; (question) anceps, (belief) arguere; (person) defendere,
via prep per (acc). propugnare pro (abl).
viaduct n pons m. vindication n defensio/, purgatio/,
viands n cibus m. vindicator n defensor m, propugnator m.
vibrate vi vibrare, tremere, vindictive adj ultor, ulciscendi cupidus,
vibration n tremor m. vinen vitis/; wild - labrusca/.
vicarious ad; vicarius, vinedresser n vinitor m.
vice n (general) pravitas /, perditi mSres mpi; vinegar n acetum nt.
(particular) vitium nt, flagitium nr; (clamp) vineyard n vinea/, vinetum nt.
fibula/. vintage n vindemia/.
viceroy n procurator m. vintner n vinarius m.
vicinity n vicinia/, vicinitas/, violate vt violare,
vicious adj pravus, vitiOsus, flagitiosus; violation n violatio/,
(temper) contumax, violator n violator m.
viciously adv flagitiose; contumaciter, violence n violentia/ vis /, iniflria/ do - to
vicissitude n vicissitude/; ~s p/ vices /pi. violare; offer - to vim Inferre (dat).
victim n victima/, hostia/, (fig) piaculum nt; violent adj violentus, vehemens; (passion)
(exploited) praeda/ be the - of labdrare ex; acer, impotens; ~ death nex/.
fall a - to morl (abl); (trickery) circumveniri violently adv vehementer, per vim.
(abl). violet n viola/.
victimize vt nocere (dat), circumvenire, viper n vipera/.
victor n victor m. viperous adj (fig) malignus,
victorious adj victor m, victrix/; be ~ vincere, virgin n virgO / ♦ adj virginalis,
victory n victoria/; win a - victoriam virginity n virginitas /.
reportare; win a - over vincere, superare, virile ad; virilis,
victory message n laureatae litterae fpi. virility n virtus/,
victory parade n triumphus m. virtually adv re vera, fere.
victual vt rem frumentariam suppeditare virtue n virtus/, honestum nt; (woman's)
(dat). pudicitia/; (power) vis/, potestas/, by - of ex
victualler n caupo m; (mil) frumentarius m. (abl).
victuals n cibus m; (mil) frflmentum nt, virtuous adj honestus, probus, integer.
commeatus m. virtuously adv honeste.
vie vi certare, contendere; - with aemulari, virulence n vis/, virus nt.
view n conspectus m; (from far) prospectus m; virulent adj acerbus.
(from high) despectus m; (opinion) sententia/ virus n virus nt.
exposed to - in medio; entertain a - sentire; visage n 8s n, facies/.
in - of propter (acc); in my - mea sententia, vis-a-visprep exadversus (acc).
meO iudicio; end in ~ propositum nt; have in ~ viscosity n lentor m.
spectare; point of - indicium nt; with a - to viscous adj lentus, tenax.
e5 cOnsiliO ut ♦ vt Inspicere, spectare, visible adj evidens, conspicuus, manifestus;
intueri. be ~ apparere,
vigil n pervigilium nt; keep a ~ vigilare, visibly adv manifesto.
vigilance n vigilantia/, diligentia/, vision n (sense) visus m; (power) aspectus m;
vigilant adj vigilans, diligens, (apparition) visum nt, visio/ (whim) somnium
vigilantly adv vigilanter, diligenter, nt.
vigorous adj acer, vegetus, integer; (style) visionary adj vanus ♦ n somnians m.
nervosus. visit n adventus m; (formal) salOtatid/, (long)
vigorously adv acriter, strenue, commoratio/; pay a - to invisere ♦ vi visere;
vigour n vis/, nervi mpl, integritas/, - occasionally intervisere; go to - invisere,
vile adj turpis, impurus, abiectus. visitation n (to inspect) recensio/; (to punish)
vilely adv turpiter, impure. animadversio/.
ENGL1SH-LATIN 185 visitor-waiter

visitor n hospes m, hospita/, ( formal) saldtator votary n cultor m.

m. voten suffragium nt; (opinion) sententia/, -
visor n buccula/, for (candidate) suffragari (dat); (senator's
vista n prospectus m. motion) discedere in sententiam (gen) ♦ vi
visual adj oculorum, (election) suffragium ferre; (judge)
visualize vt animO cernere, ante oculOs sententiam ferre; (senator) censere; take a ~
pOnere. (senate) discessionem facere ♦ vt (senate)
visually adv oculis. decernere; - against (bill) antiquare,
vital adj (of life) vitalis; (essential) necessarius, voter n suffragator m.
maximi momenti, votive ad; vOtivus.
vitality n vis/, (style) sanguis m. vouch vi spondere; - for praestare, testificari,
vitally adv praecipue, imprimis, voucher n (person) auctor m; (document)
vitals n viscera ntpl. auctoritas /.
vitiate vt corrumpere, vitiare, vouchsafe vt concedere.
vitreous adj vitreus, vow n vOtum nt; (promise) fides/ ♦ vt vovere;
vitrify vt in vitrum excoquere, (promise) spondere,
vituperate vt vituperare, obiQrgare. vowel n vocalis /.
vituperation n vituperatio/, maledicta ntpl. voyage n navigatio/, cursus m ♦ vi navigare,
vituperative adj maledicus, vulgar adj (common) vulgaris; (low) piebeius,
vivacious adj alacer, vegetus, hilaris, sordidus, insulsus,
vivaciously adv hilare, vulgarity n sordes fpl, insulsitas/,
vivacity n alacritas/, hilaritas/, vulgarly adv vulgO; insulse,
vivid adj vividus, acer, vulnerable ad; nudus; (fig) obnoxius; be -
vividly adv acriter, vulnerari posse.
vivify vt animare, vulture n vultur m;(fig) vulturius m.
vixen n vulpes/,
vocabulary n verborum cOpia/.
vocal adj: - music vOcis cantus m.
vocation n officium nt, manus nt.
vociferate vt, vi vOciferari, clamare,
vociferation n vociferatio/, clamor m.
vociferous ad; vociferans,
vociferously adv magnis clamoribus,
vogue n mOs m; be in - flOrere, in honOre esse,
voice n vOx/ ♦ vt exprimere, eloqui,
void adj inanis, vacuus; - of expers (gen); null
and - inritus ♦ n inane nt ♦ vt evomere,
Omittere. wadn massa/.
volatile ad; levis, mobilis, wade vi per vada Ire; ~ across vadO transire,
volatility n levitas/, waft vt ferre, vehere,
volition n voluntas/, wag n facetus home m, iocuiator m ♦ vt
volley n imber m. movOre, mOtare, agitare ♦ vi moveri, agitari,
volubility n volubilitas/, wage n merces/ (pf) merces/, manupretium
voluble ad; volubilis. nt; (fig) pretium nt, praemium nt ♦ vt gerere;
volume n (book) liber m; (mass) m016s/, (of - war on bellum Inferre (daf)/gerere.
sound) magnitudo/, wager n spOnsiO/♦ vi spOnsiOnem facere ♦ vt
voluminous ad; cOpiOsus. depOnere, oppOnere.
voluntarily adv ultrO, sua sponte, waggery n facetiae fpl.
voluntary ad; voluntarius; (unpaid) gratuitus, waggish ad; facetus, ridiculus,
volunteer n (mil) evocatus m ♦ vt ultrO offerre waggle vt agitare, motare,
♦ vi (mil) nOmen dare. wagon n plaustrum nt, carrus m.
voluptuary n delicatus m, homO voluptarius waif n inops mJf.
m. wail n eiuiatus m ♦ vi eiulare, deplorare,
voluptuous adj voluptarius, mollis, delicatus, lamentari.
luxuriosus. wailing n ploratus m, lamentatio/,
voluptuously adv molliter, delicate, waist n medium corpus nt; hold by the -
luxuriose. medium tenere.
voluptuousness n luxuria/, libido/, wait n: have a long ~ diu exspectare; lie in -
vomit vt vomere, evomere; - up evomere, insidiari ♦ vi manere, opperiri, exspectare; -
voracious adj vorax, edax, for exspectare; - upon (accompany)
voraciously adv avide, adsectari, deducere; (serve) famulari (dat);
voracity n edacitas/, gula/, (visit) salfitare.
vortex n vertex m, turbo m. waiter n famulus m, minister m.
waive-watering 186 ENGLISH-LATIN

waive vt deponere, remittere. warlike adj ferOx, bellicosus,

wake vt excitare, suscitare ♦ vi experglscl. warm adj calidus; (fig) acer, studiosus; be ~
wake n vestigia ntpl; in the - pone, a tergo; calere; become ~ calefieri, incalescere; keep
follow in the ~ of vestigiis instare (pen), - fovere; ~ baths thermae jpi ♦ vt calefacere,
wakeful adj vigil, tepefacere, fovere ♦ vi calefieri,
wakefulness n vigilantia/. warmly adv (fig) ferventer, studiose,
waken vt excitare ♦ vi experglscl. warmth n calor m.
walkn (act) ambulatio/, deambulatio/; (gait) warn vt monere, admonere,
incessus m; (place) ambulatio/, xystus m; ~ of warning n (act) monitio/, (particular) monitum
life status m; go for a ~ spatiari, deambulare nt; (lesson) documentum nt, exemplum nt.
♦ vi ambulare, Ire, gradi; (with dignity) warp n stamina ntpl ♦ vt depravare, Inflectere,
incedere; ~ about inambulare; - out egredi, warped adj (fig) pravus,
wall n murus m; (indoors) paries m; (afield) warrant n auctoritas/ ♦ vt praestare,
maceria/; -s pi (of town) moenia ntpl ♦ vt warranty n cautio/.
munire, saepire; - up inaedificare, warrior n bellator m, bellatrix/, miles m.
wallet n pera/, warship n navis longa/,
wallow vi volutari, wart n verruca/.
walnut n iuglans/. wary adj providus, cautus, prudens,
wan odj pallidus, wash vt lavare; (of rivers, sea) adluere; - away
wand n virga/. diluere; - clean abluere; - out (fig) eluere ♦
wander vi errare, vagari; (in mind) alucinari; vi lavari.
- over pervagari, washbasin n aqualis m.
wanderer n erro m, vagus m. washing n lavatio/,
wandering adj errabundus, vagus ♦ n erratio wasp n vespa/.
/, error m. waspish adj acerbus, stomachosus,
wane vi decrescere, senescere, waste n detrimentum nt, intertrimentum nt;
want n inopia/, indigentia/, egestas/, penuria (extravagance) effusio/; (of time) iactura/;
/; (craving) desiderium nt; in ~ inops; be in - (land) solitudo/, vastitas/♦ adj desertus,
egere ♦ vt (lack) carere (abi), egere (abi), vastus; lay ~ vastare, populari ♦ vt
indigere (abi); (miss) desiderare; (wish) consumere, perdere, dissipare; (time)
velle. terere, absumere; (with disease) absumere ♦
wanting adj (missing) absens; (defective) vi: - away tabescere, intabescere,
vitiosus, parum idoneus; be - deesse, wasteful adj prodigus, profusus; (destructive)
deficere ♦ prep sine (abi). damnosus, perniciosus,
wanton adj lascivus, libidinosus ♦ vi wastefully adv prOdige.
lascivire. wasting n tabes/,
wantonly adv lascive, libidinosi, wastrel n nebulo m.
war n bellum nt; regular ~ iustum bellum; watch n (being awake) vigilia/; (sentry) statiO/,
fortunes of - fortuna belli; outbreak of - excubiae jpi; keep - excubare; keep - on,
exortum bellum; be at - with bellum gerere over custodire, invigilare (dat)-, *et ~ vigilias
cum; declare ~ bellum indicere; discontinue dispOnere; at the third - ad tertiam bucinam
- bellum deponere; end ~ (by agreement) ♦ vt (guard) custodire; (observe) intueri,
componere; (by victory) conficere; enter ~ observare, spectare ad (+ acc); - for
bellum suscipere; give the command of a - observare, exspectare; (enemy) Insidiari
bellum mandare; make - bellum Inferre; (dat); ~ closely adservare.
prolong a ~ bellum trahere; provoke ~ watcher n custos m.
bellum movere; wage ~ bellum gerere; watchful adj vigilans,
wage - on bellum Inferre (dat) ♦ vi bellare. watchfully adv vigilanter,
warble vi canere, cantare. watchfulness n vigilantia/.
warbling adj garrulus, canorus ♦ n cantus m. watchman n custos m, vigil m.
war cry n clamor m. watchtower n specula/,
ward n custodia/; (person) pupillus m, pupilla watchword n tessera/, signum nt.
/; (of town) regio/ ♦ vt: ~ off arcere, water n aqua/; deep - gurges m; fresh - aqua
defendere, propulsare, dulcis; high - maximus aestus; running -
warden n praefectus m. aqua profluens; stili ~ stagnum nt; fetch -
warder n custos m. aquari; fetching - aquatio/; cold ~ frigida/;
wardrobe n vestiarium nt. hot ~ calida/; troubled ~s (fig) turbidae rOs ♦
wardship n tutela/. vt (land) inrigare; (animal) adaquare,
warehouse n apotheca/, water carrier n aquator m; (Zodiac) Aquarius
wares n merx/, merces fpi. m.
warfare n bellum nt. water clock n clepsydra/,
warily adv providenter, caute, waterfall n cataracta/.
wariness n circumspectio/, cautio/. watering n aquatio/, - place n (spa) aquae fpl.
ENGL1SH-LAT1N 187 water pipe-well-bred

water pipe n fistula/, terere, conterere; - out conficere ♦ vi

watershed n aquarum divortium nt. durare; ~ off minui.
water snake n hydrus m. wearily adv cum lassitudine, languide,
water spout n prester m. weariness n fatigatio/, lassitfldo/; (of)
watery ad; aquosus, umidus, taedium nt.
wattle n crates/. wearisome ad; molestus, operosus,
wave n unda/, fluctus m ♦ vt agitare, iactare ♦ laboriosus.
vi fluctuare. weary adj lassus, fessus, dafessus, fatigatus 4
waver vi dubitare, fluctuari, nutare, vacillare, vt fatigare; I am waary of me taedet (+ gen).
labare, inclinare. weasel n mustela/.
wavering adj dubius, inconstans 4 n dubitatio weather n tempestas/, caelum nt; fine -
/, fluctuatis/. serenitas/4 vt superare,
wavy adj undatus; (hair) crispus, weather-beaten adj tempestate duratus,
wax n cera/ 4 vt cerare ♦ vi crescere, weave vt texere,
waxen adj cereus, weaver n textor m, textrix/.
waxy adj cerosus. web n (on loom) tela/, (spider's) araneum nt.
way n via/; (route) iter nt; (method) modus m, wed vt (a wife) ducere; (a husband) nubere
ratio/; (habit) mos m; (ship's) impetus m; ali (dat).
the - to, from usque ad, ab; by the ~ wedding n nuptiae fpl.
(parenthesis) etenim; get in the - of wedge n cuneus m 4 vt cuneare,
intervenire (dat), impedire; get under ~ wedlock n matrimdnium nt.
navem solvere; give - (structure) labare; (mil) weed n inutilis herba/ 4 vt runcare,
cadere; give - to indulgere (dat); go out of weedy adj exilis,
one's - to do ultrS facere; have one's ~ week n hebdomas/,
imperare; in a - quodam mod&; in this - ad ween vt arbitrari, putare,
hunc modum; it is not my - to non meum est weep vi flere, lacrimari; - for deflere,
(infin); lose one's - deerrare; make - de via deplorare.
decedere; make - for cadere (dat); make weeping n flatus m, lacrimae/p/.
one's - into sa Insinuare in (acc); on the - weevil n curculio m.
inter viam, in itinere; out of the - avius, weft n subtemen nt; (web) tela/,
davius; (fig) reconditus; pave the - for weigh vt pendere, examinare; (anchor) tollere;
praeparare; put out of the - tollere; right of - (thought) ponderare; ~ down degravare,
iter; stand in the - of obstare (dat); that - opprimere; - out expendere 4 vi pendere,
iliac; this ~ hac; -s and means opas fpl, weight n pondus nt; (influence) auctoritas/,
reditus mpl. momentum nt; (burden) onus nt; have great -
wayfarer n viator m. (fig) multum valere; he is worth his - in gold
waylay vt Insidiari (dat). auro contra constat,
wayward adj protervus, inconstans, levis, weightily adv graviter,
waywardness n libido/, levitas/. weightiness n gravitas/,
WOpron nos. weighty ad; gravis,
weak ad; debilis, Infirmus, imbacillus; (health) weir n moles /.
invalidus; (argument) levis, tenuis; (senses) weird adj mOnstruOsus 4 n fatum nt.
hebes. welcome adj gratus, exspectatus, acceptus 4
weaken vt debilitare, Infirmare; (resistance) n salutatio/ 4 vt excipere, salvere iubere 4
frangere, labefactare ♦ vi imminui, labare, interj salve, salvete,
weakling n imbacillus m. welfare n salus/.
weakly ad; invalidus, aeger ♦ adv Infirma, well n puteus m; (spring) fons m 4 vi scatere 4
weak-minded adj mollis, adj salvus, sanus, valens; be - valere 4 adv
weakness n debilitas/, Infirmitas/; (of bene, probe; (transition) age 4 interj
argument) levitas/; (of mind) mollitia/, (concession) esto; (surprise) heia; ~ and good
imbecillitas/, (flaw) vitium nt; have a - for estd; ~ begun is half done dimidium facti qui
delectari (abf). coepit habet; - done! probe!; ~ met
weal n salus/, res/; (mark of blow) vibex/, the opportune venis; - on in years aetate
common - ras publica/, provectus; all is ~ bene habet; as ~ etiam; as
wealth n divitiae fpl, opes fpl; a - of copia/, - as cum ... tum, et... et; let - alone quieta
abundantia /. non movere; take - in bonam partem
wealthy adj dives, opulentus, locuples, accipere; wish - favere (dat); you may - say
beatus; make ~ locupletare, ditare; very - iure dicis; you might as ~ say illud potius
praedives. dicas.
wean vt lacte dapellere; (fig) dadocare. well-advised adj prudens,
weapon n telum nt. well-behaved adj modestus,
wear n (dress) habitus m; - and tear wellbeing n salus/.
intertrimentum nt ♦ vt gerere, gestare; (rub) well-bred adj generosus, liberalis.
well-disposed-wholesale 188 ENGLISH-LATIN

well-disposed adj benevolus, amicus, whereon adv in quo, in qua.

well-informed <24 eruditus, whereupon adv quo facto,
well-judged adj elegans, wherever conj ubiubi, quacumque,
well-knit adj densus. wherewith adv qul, cum quo.
well-known adj notus, nobilis; (saying) tritus. wherry n linter/,
well-nigh adv paene. whetvt acuere; (fig) exacuere,
well-off adj beatus, fortunatus; you are - bene whether conj (interrog) utrum; (single question)
est tibl. num; (condition) slve, seu; - ... or utrum...
well-read adj litteratus, an (in indir question); (in cond clauses) seu
well-timed adj opportunus, (sive) ... seu (sive); «... not utrum ... necne
well-to-do adj beatus, dives, (in indir question).
well-tried adj probatus, whetstone n cOs /.
well-turned adj rotundus, whey n serum nt.
well-versed adj peritus, expertus, which pron (interrog) quis; (of two) uter; (relat)
well-wisher n amicus m, benevolens m. qul ♦ adj qul; (of two) uter.
well-worn adj tritus. whichever pron quisquis, qulcumque; (of two)
welter n turba / ♦ vi misceri, turbari; (wallow) utercumque.
volutari. whiff n odor m.
wench n muliercula/, while n spatium nt, tempus nt; for a ~
wend vt: - one's way Ire, se ferre, parumper; a little ~ paulisper; a long ~ diu; It
west n occidens m, sSlis occasus m ♦ adj is worth - expedit, operae pretium est; once
occidentalis. in a ~ interdum ♦ conj dum + pres indie (=
westerly, western adj occidentalis, during the time that); + imperf indie (= all the
westwards adv ad occidentem, time that) ♦ vt: - away degere, fallere,
west wind n Favonius m. whilst conj dum.
wet adj umidus, madidus; be ~ madere; ~ whim n libido/, arbitrium nt.
weather pluvia/ ♦ vt madefacere, whimper n vagitus m ♦ vi vagire,
wether n vervex m. whimsical adj facetus, Insolans,
wet nurse n nQtrlx/. whimsically adv facets,
whack n ictus m, plaga/ ♦ vt pulsare, whimsy n deliciae jpi, facetiae jpi.
verberare, whine n quiritatio/ ♦ vi quiritare,
whale n balaena/, whinny n hinnitus m ♦ vi hinnire,
wharf n crepido/. whip n flagellum nt, flagrum nt ♦ vt flagellare,
whatpron (interrog) quid; (adj) qul; (re/af) id verberare.
quod, ea quae; - kind of? qualis, whirl n turbo m ♦ vt intorquere contorquere ♦
whatever, whatsoever pwn quidquid, vi contorqueri.
quodcumque; (adj) qulcumque. Whirlpool n vertex m, vOragO/.
wheat n triticum nt. whirlwind n turbo m.
wheaten adj triticeus, whisper n susurrus m ♦ vt, vi susurrare.
wheedle vt blandiri, pellicere, Insusurrare; - to ad aurem admonere, in
wheedling adj blandus ♦ n blanditiae jpi. aurem dicere.
wheel n rota/4 vt flectere, circumagere ♦ vi whistle n (instrument) fistula f; (sound) sibilus
se flectere, circumagi, m ♦ vi sibilare.
wheelbarrow n pabo m. white adj albus; (shining) candidus;
wheeze vi anhelare, (complexion) pallidus; (hair) canus; turn -
whelm vt obruere, exalbescere ♦ n album nt; (egg) albumen nt.
whelp n catulus m. white-hot adj: to be - excandescere,
when adv (interrog) quando, quo tempore ♦ whiten vt dealbare ♦ vi albescere,
conj (time) cum (+ subi), ubi (+ indic). whiteness n candor m.
whence adv unde, whitewash n albarium nt ♦ vt dealbare,
whenever conj quotiens, utcumque, whither adv quO; ~soever quOcumque.
quandocumque, cum (+ perf/piuperf indic); (es whitish adj albulus.
soon as) simul ac. whizz n stridor m ♦ vi stridere, increpare,
where adv ubi; (fo) quo; ~ ... from unde; ~ to who pron quis; (relat) qul.
quo (interrog and relat). whoever pron quisquis, qulcumque.
whereabouts n locus m; your ~ quo in loco sis. whole adj totus, cunctus; (unhurt) integer,
whereas conj quOniam; (contrast) not incolumis; (healthy) sOnus ♦ n totum nt,
expressed. summa/, universitas/; on the - plerumque,
whereby adv quo pacts, quo. wholehearted adj studiosissimus
wherefore adv (interrog) quarg, cGr; (relat) wholeheartedly adv ex animO.
quamobrem, quapropter, wholesale adj magnus, cOpiosus; - business
wherein adv in quo, in qua. negotiatio f; - dealer mercator m, negotiator
whereof adv cQius, cuius rel. m.
ENGLISH-LATIN 189 wholesome-wish

wholesome adj salutaris, salflbris. vincere; - over delenire, conciliare ♦ vi

wholesomenessn salubritas/, vincere.
wholly adv omnino, tOtus. wince vi resilire,
whoop n ululatus m ♦ wi ululare, winch n machina/, sucula/
whose pron cuius. wind n ventus m; (north) aquila m; (south)
why adv cur, quare, quamobrem, qua de auster m; (east) eurus m; (west) favonius m; I
causa. get - of subolet mihi; run before the ~ vento
wick n mergulus m. se dare; take the ~ out of one's sails sua sibi
wicked adj improbus, scelestus; (to gods, kin, gladia iuguiare; there is something in the ~
country) impius. nescioquid olet; which way the - blows
wickedly adv improba, scelesta, impia, qudmodo se res habeat,
wickedness n improbitas/, scelus nt, wind vt torquere; ~ round intorquere ♦ vi
impietas/. flecti, sinuare; - up (speech) perarare,
wicker adj vimineus ♦ n vimen nt. windbag n verbasus m.
wide adj latus, amplus; be - of aberrare ab ♦ winded adj anhelans,
adv lata; far and - longa lateque. windfall n repentinum bonum nt.
widely adv lata; (among people) vulg6. winding adj flexuasus, tortuasus ♦ n flexia/,
widen vt laxare, dilatare, flexus m; ~s pi (speech) ambages fpl.
widespread adj effusus, vulgatus, windlass n machina/, sucula/
widow n vidua /. window n fenestra /
widowed adj viduus, orbus, windpipe n aspera arteria/.
widower n viduus m. windward adj ad ventum conversus ♦ adv: to
widowhood n viduitas /. - ventum versus,
width n latitudo/, amplitudo/, windy adj ventOsus.
wield vt tractare, gestare, uti (abi). wine n vlnum nt; (new) mustum nt; (undiluted)
wife n uxor/, merum nt.
wifely adj uxorius, winebibber n vlnasus m.
wig n capillamentum nt. wine cellar n apotheca/.
wild adj ferus, indomitus, saevus; (piant) wine merchant n vinarius m.
agrestis; (land) incultus; (temper) wine press n prelum nt.
furibundus, impotens, amans; (shot) wing n ala/ (mil) cornO nt, ala/ (of bird) penna
temerarius; ~ state feritas/, / take ~ evolare; take under one's - patranus
wild beast n fera/. fleri (gen), clientem habere, in custadiam
wilderness n s61itudo/, loca deserta ntpl. recipere.
wildly adv saeve, winged adj alatus, pennatus, volucer,
wildness n feritas/ wink n nictus m ♦ vi nictare; - at conivere
wile n dolus m, ars/, fraus/. (dat).
wilful adj pervicax, contumax; (action) winner n victor m.
cfinsultus. winning adj blandus, iacundus.
wilfully adv contumaciter; consulta, winningly adv blande, iucunde.
wilfulnessn pervicacia/, libido/, winning post n meta/,
wilily adv astflte, vafra, winnings n lucra ntpl.
wiliness n astutia/. winnow vt ventilare; (fig) excutere,
will n (faculty) voluntas/, animus m; (intent) winnowing-fan n vannus /
cdnsilium nt; (decision) arbitrium nt; (of gods) winsome adj blandus, suavis,
nfitus m; (document) testamentum nt; ~ and winter n hierns/ (mid) bruma ft adj hiemalis,
pleasure libido/; against one's - invitus; at - hibernus ♦ vi hibernare,
ad libidinem suam; good - studium nt; ill ~ winter quarters n hiberna ntpl.
invidia/ with a - summa studia; without wintry adj hiemalis, hibernus,
making a - intestatus, intestata ♦ vt velle,/ut; wipe vt detergere; - away abstergere; - dry
(legacy) legare; as you - ut libet, siccare; ~ off detergere; - out delere; -- the
willing adj libens, paratus; be - velle; not be - nose emungere,
naile. wire n filum aeneum nt.
willingly adv libenter. wiry adj nervdsus.
willingness n voluntas/. wisdom n sapientia/ (in action) prudentia/
willow n salix/ ♦ adj salignus. (in judgment) consilium nt.
willowy adj gracilis. wise adj sapiens, prudens,
wilt vi flaccescere. wisely adv sapienter, prudenter,
wily adj astQtus, vafer, callidus. wish n optatum nt, vbtum nt; (forsomething
wimple n mitra/ missing) desiderium nt; -espl (greeting) salus
win vt ferre, obtinere, adipisci; (after effort) / ♦ vt optare, cupere, velle; -• for exoptare,
auferre; (victory) reportare; (fame) cdnsequl, expetere, desiderare; ~ good-day salvere
adsequl; (friends) sibi conciliare; - the day iubere; as you - ut libet; I - I could utinam
wishful-workaday 190 ENGLISH-LATIN

possim. woman n femina/, mulier/, old - anus/,

wishful ad) cupidus, married - matrOna/; -'» muliebris,
wishing n optatio/, womanish adj muliebris, effeminatus,
wisp n manipulus m. womanly adj muliebris,
wistful ad) desideri plenus, womb n uterus m.
wistfully adv cum desiderio, wonder n admiratio/, (of a thing)
wistfulness n desiderium nt. admirabilitas/, (thing) miraculum nt, mirum
wit n (humour) facetiae/pl, sales mpl; (intellect) nt, portentum nt ♦ vi mirari; - at admirari,
argutiae/pi, ingenium nt; caustic ~ dicacitas demirari.
/; be at one's wits' end valde haerere; be out wonderful adj mirus, mirabilis, admirabilis; -
of one's ~s delirare; have one's ~s about one to relate mirabile dictu,
prudens esse; to - nempe, dlcO. wonderfully adv mire, mirabiliter, mirum
witch n saga/, striga/. quantum.
witchcraft n veneficium nt, magicae artes/pi. wonderfulness n admirabilitas/,
with prep (person) cum (abl); (thing) abl; (in wondering adj mirabundus,
company) apud (acc); (fight) cum (abf), contra wonderment n admiratio/,
(acc); be angry - Irasci (dat); begin - incipere wondrous adj mirus, mirabilis,
ab; rest ~ esse penes (acc); end - desinere in wont n mOs m, consuetudo/.
(acc); what do you want ~ me? quid me vis? wonted adj solitus,
withdraw vt deducere, detrahere; (fig) woo vt petere.
avocare; (words) retractare ♦ vi discedere, wood n silva/, nemus nt; (materiar) lignum nt;
abscedere, se recipere, se subducere, gather ~ lignari; touch -I absit verbo invidia
withdrawal n (mil) receptus m. ♦ ad; ligneus,
wither vt torrere ♦ vi deflorescere, woodcutter n lignator m.
withered adj marcidus, wooded adj silvestris, saltuosus,
withhold vt abstinere, retinere, supprimere, wooden adj ligneus,
within adv intus, intra; (motion) intrC ♦ prep woodland n silvae/pi ♦ adj silvestris,
intra (acc), in (abi). woodman n lignator m.
without adv extra, foris; from - extrinsecus; wood nymph n dryas/.
be - vacare (abl), carere (abf) ♦ prep sine woodpecker n picus m.
(abf), expers (gen); I admire ~ fearing ita wood pigeon n palumbes m/f.
laudo ut nOn timeam; ~ breaking the law woodwork n tigna ntpl.
salvis legibus; you cannot see - admiring woodworker n faber tignarius m.
videre non potes quin laudes; you cannot woody ad; silvestris, silvOsus.
appreciate ~ seeing for yourself aestimare wooer n procus m.
non potes nisi ipse videris; ~ doubt sine woof n subtemen nt.
dubio; ~ the order of iniussu (gen)-, ~ striking wool n lana/.
a blow re integra. woollen adj laneus,
withstand vt resistere (dat), obsistere (dat); woolly adj lanatus.
(attack) ferre, sustinere, word n verbum nt; (spoken) vox/, (message)
withy n vlmen nt. nuntius m; (promise) fides/, (term)
witless adj excors, ineptus, stultus, vocabulum nt; - for - ad verbum, verbum e
witness n (person) testis mJf; (to a document) verbo; a - with youl paucis te void; break
obsignator m; (spectator) arbiter m; (evidence) one's - fidem fallere; bring back ~
testimonium nt; call as - antestari; bear ~ renuntiare; by - of mouth 6re; fair ~s
testificari; call to ~ testari ♦ vt testificari; blanditiae fpl; give one's *> fidem dare; have a
(see) videre, intueri, ~ with colloqui cum; have ~s with iurgare
witnessing n testificatis/, cum; have a good ~ for laudare; in a - un6
witticism n dictum nt; ~s pi facetiae/pi. verbo, denique; keep one's - fidem
wittily adv facets, salse, praestare; of few ~s taciturnus; take at one's
wittingly adv sciens. - credere (dat).
witty ad; facetus, argutus, salsus; (caustic) wording n verba ntpl.
dicax. wordy ad; verbosus.
wizard n magus m, veneficus m. work n (energy) labor m, opera/, (task) opus nt;
wizardry n magicae artes fpl. (thing done) opus nt; (book) liber m; (trouble)
wizened ad/ marcidus, negotium nt; ~s (mil) opera ntpl; (mechanism)
woad n vitrum nt. machinatio/ (place) officina/ ♦ vi laborare ♦
wobble vi titubare; (structure) labare, vt (men) exercere; (metaf) fabricari; (soif)
woe n luctus m, dolor m, aerumna/; ~s p! mala subigere; (results) efficere; ~ at SlabOrSre; -
ntpi, calamitates fpl; - to vae (dat). in admiscere; ~ off exhaurire; - out
woeful ad; tristis, maestus, aerumnosus, elaborare; ~ up (emotion) efferre; - one's
woefully adv triste, misere, way up proficere ♦ vt geri,
wolf n lupus m, lupa/; ~'s lupinus. workaday adj cottldianus.
ENGL1SH-LAT1N 191 workhouse-wryness

workhouse n ergastulum nt. coronare.

working n (mechanism) machinatio/; (soil) wreck n naufragium nt ♦ vt frangere; (fig)
cultus m. perdere; be ~ed naufragium facere,
workman n (unskilled) operarius m; (skilled) wreckage n fragmenta ntpi.
opifex m, faber m; workmen operae fpl. wrecked adj (person) naufragus; (ship)
workmanship n ars/, artificium nt. fractus.
workshop n fabrica/, officina/, wrecker n perditor m.
world n (universe) mundus m; (earth) orbis wren n regulus m.
terrarum m; (nature) rerum natura/, wrench vt intorquere, extorquere; - away
(mankind) homines mpl; (masses) vulgus nr; of eripere; - open effringere,
the - mundanus; man of the - homo urbanus wrest vt extorquere,
m; best in the - rerum optimus, omnium wrestle vi luctari,
optimus; where in the - ubi gentium, wrestler n luctator m, athleta m.
worldliness n quaestus studium nt. wrestling n luctatio/.
worldly adj quaestui deditus, wretch n sceleratus m, nequam homom; poor
worm n vermis m ♦ vi: ~ one's way se - miser homo m.
insinuare. wretched adj Infelix, miser; (pitiful) flebilis,
worm-eaten adj vermiculosus, wretchedly adv misere,
wormwood n absinthium nt. wretchedness n miseria/; maestitia/,
worn adj tritus, wriggle vi se torquere,
worried adj sollicitus, anxius, wriggling adj sinuosus,
worry n cura/, sollicitudo / ♦ vi sollicitari ♦ vt wrightn faber m.
vexare, sollicitare; (of dogs) lacerare, wring vt torquere; - from extorquere,
worse adj peior, deterior; grow ~ wrinkle n ruga/ ♦ vt corrugare,
ingravescere; make matters - rem wrinkled adj rugosus,
exasperare ♦ adv peius, deterius, wrist n prima palmae pars/,
worsen vi ingravescere, deterior fieri, writ n (legar) auctoritas/,
worship n veneratio/, deorum cultus m; (rite) write vt scribere; (book) conscribere; - off
sacra ntpl, res divinae jpl ♦ vt adorare, inducere; - on inscribere (dat); - out
venerari, colere. exscribere, describere; - out in full
worst adj pessimus, deterrimus; - enemy perscribere.
inimicissimus m; endure the - ultima pati; writer n (ut) scriptor m, auctor m; (clerk)
vincere. scriba m.
worsted n lana/. writhe vi torqueri.
worth n (value) pretium nt; (mora!) dignitas/, writing n (act) scriptio/; (resuit) scriptum nt.
frugalitas/, virtus/; (prestige) auctoritas/♦ wrong adj falsus, perversus, pravus; (unjust)
adj dignus; for all one's - pro virili parte; iniustus, iniquus; be go - errare ♦ n
how much is it -? quanti venit?; it is - a lot iniuria/, culpa/, noxa/, malum nt; do ~
multum valet; it is ~ doing operae pretium peccare, delinquere; right and - (moral)
est. honesta ac turpia ntpl ♦ vt laedere, nocere
worthily adv digne, merito, (dat); (by deceit) fraudare,
worthiness n dignitas/, wrongdoer n, maleficus m, sceleratus m.
worthless adj (person) nequam; (thing) vilis, wrongdoing n scelus nt.
inanis. wrongful adj iniustus, iniQriosus, iniquus,
worthlessness n levitas/, nequitia/; vilitas/, wrongfully adv iniuria, iniuste, inique,
worthy adj dignus; (person) frugi, honestus; - wrong-headed adj perversus,
of dignus (abi). wrong-headedness n perversitas/,
wound n vulnus nt ♦ vt vulnerare; (feelings) wrongly adv falso, depravate, male,
offendere. perperam,
wounded adj saucius, wroth adj Iratus,
wrangle n ifirgium nt, rixa/♦ vi iurgare, wrought adj factus.
rixari, altercari. wry adj detortus; make a - face 5s ducere,
wrap vt involvere, obvolvere; - round wryness n pravitas /.
intorquere; - up involvere,
wrapper n involucrum nt.
wrapping n integumentum nt.
wrath n Ira/, Iracundia/,
wrathful adj Iratus,
wrathf ully adv Iracunde,
wreak vt: - vengeance on saevire in (acc),
wreath n corona/, sertum nt.
wreathe vt (garland) torquere; (object)
yacht-zone 192 ENGLISH-LATIN

wishes of mOrem gerere (dat), obsequi (dat).

Y,y yielding adj (person) facilis, obsequens; (thing)

mollis ♦ n cessio/, deditio/,
yoken iugum nt ♦ vt iungere, coniungere.
yokel n agrestis m.
yolk n vitellus m.
yonder odv illlc ♦ adj ille, iste.
yoren: of - quondam, Olim.
yacht n phaselus m. you pron to, vOs.
yard n (court) area / (measure) trfes pedas, young adj iuvenis, adulescens; (child) parvus;
yardarm n antenna /. ~er junior, natu minor; -est natu minimus ♦
yarn n fllum nt; (story) fabula/, n fetus m, pullus m, catulus m.
yawn n hiatus m ♦ vi hiare, Oscitare; (chasm) young man n iuvenis m; adulescens m.
dehiscere, youngster n puer m.
yBpron vOs. your ad/ tuus, vester,
yean vt parere. yourself pron ipse.
year n annus m; every ~ quotannis; for a - in youth n (age) iuventus/, adulescentia/,
annum; half ~ semestre spatium nt; this ~'s (person) iuvenis m, adulescens m; (collective)
hornus; twice a - bis annd; two ~s biennium iuventus /.
nt; three ~s triennium nt; four -s youthful adj iuvenllis, puerilis,
quadriennium nt; five ~s quinquennium nt. youthfully adv iuvenlliter.
yearly ad; annuus, anniversarius ♦ adv
yearn «; - for desiderare, exoptare,
yearning n desiderium nt.
yeast n fermentum nt.
yell n clamor m; (of pain) eiuiatiO/♦ vi clamare,
yellow adj flavus; (pale) gilvus; (deep) fulvus;
(gold) luteus; (saffron) croceus,
yelpn gannitus m ♦ vi gannire,
yeoman n colOnus m.
yes odv ita verO (est), maxime; (correcting) zeal n studium nt, ardor m.
immo. zealot n studiosus m, fautor m.
yesterday odv herl ♦ n hestemus dies m; ~'s zealous ad; studiosus, ardens,
hestemus; the day before - nudius tertius, zealously adv studiose, ardenter,
yet odv (contrast) tamen, nihilominus, attamen; zenith n vertex m.
(time) adhflc, etiam; (with compar) etiam; and zephyr n FavOnius m.
- atqui, quamquam; as ~ adhuc; not - zero n nihil nt.
nOndum. zest n (taste) sapor m; (fig) gustatus m, impetus
yew n taxus/. m.
yield n fructus m ♦ vt (crops) ferre, efferre; zigzag n anfractus m ♦ ad; tortuosus,
(pleasure) adferre; (concession) dare, zither n cithara/,
concedere; (surrender) dedere ♦ vi cedere; zodiac n signifer orbis m.
(surrender) s6 dedere, se tradere; - to the zonen cingulus m.
Grammar and Verb Tables

This book is designed to help pupils and students of Latin to

understand the grammar of the language. For beginners, the book
provides an introduction to and explanation of the basic forms. More
advanced students will find it an invaluable guide for reference and

All parts of speech (nouns, pronouns, adjectives etc) are treated

separately and clearly explained for the benefit of learners.
Differences in usages are illustrated by extensive examples from
many Latin authors. American students and teachers, please note: this
book is designed for use by students around the world, many of whom use
British case ordering (Norn, Voc, Acc, Gen, Dat, Abl).

A special section on word order in Latin, one of the greatest problems

for students and pupils, has been included to guide the learner
through both simple and compound sentences.

For ease of reference, all necessary structures, such as Indirect

Statement, Conditional Sentences etc, have been listed under
Contents. Each is then explained, for both English and Latin usage,
to show the learner how to recognize the structure and translate it
into English. Further examples of all structures are provided, for

Handy, practical hints are given in the section on Translation

Guidelines, to highlight the more common problems that confront
students, and to assist in translation.

The final part of the grammar section lists the many "false friends"
or confusable words that often lead students and pupils astray when
translating from Latin. This section is of particular importance for
examination candidates.

Tables of regular verbs provide information on verb formation and

usage, while unique verbs are given in full with their meanings. A
special feature of the grammar is a list of the 400 most common
verbs, both regular and irregular. Irregular parts of verbs are
highlighted and the conjugation number of each listed, so that by
referring to the table indicated by this number, any part of the verb
may be deduced.
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• • • •

to show motion towards, without a preposition, before

names of towns and small islands (-*11) '' Athenas legati missi sunt
..... _. Ambassadors were sent to Athens
Note also: domum (home), rus (to the country),
foras (outside) 12 vitam bonam vixit
for an object with similar meaning to the verb (cognate) he lived a good life




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talis (of such a kind), and qualis (of which land), are
brevis (short), facilis (easy), gravis (heavy), levis
« G
> y
(light), omnis (all), tristis (sad), turpis (disgraceful),
G +o
0 £
.£ 8 E0 0
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declined like fortis.

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XX «•£
+■> 2 CD
« 5
C ® s
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m unimportant matters

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O.ti Q) «4HC <4-1 C »i «X
o — o o 3 2 a, c
!n PaP^'s rebus

</> c ® g
X 53 O c CO _0O
3 cd O “ I's
C «= ss co
small things

lx X
(0 E CD C
C co
1 res Parvae

E o cd <D
cd co cd > cd
o pc
*-* J*
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0> g
*. •4X I-1
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(M P0 It)

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CD cd CD u>
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CD ° 4-» J—v CD
£ * «*? 00 CD

cd +2
C t
ID ^
cd <D si
ix 1-1 2'<d X_
a> a> s'3-
There are two ways of using adjectives.

3 V|_|
Xx C/3 j5 m
C CD g S?
XX > c 3 O S3
<s <u ■55.2 O
*§ C ^■s & c
® o J E lx C/3 >x

.> c c o +* cd O id 3 £ S
X o cd o
Ss « CD X ^ E o
g S XX co CD D
±3 CD x 2 sr! X^ 8.S S.S
£ £
Use of Adjectives

ra o 81 °~e C co ^3 xx
0 t nj O
X d
^ s- •g > CO I
(U ^ I 3 >«^
<D X
co CO CD
S' § CD X 1-, ■S E ’■w F—'
O 4-»
3 a> > * a>
CD > cd
X1 6
ID X Tj ai
X »i X D
e CD
X s$ a>
cd cd
o C
X' <u
c o
cd X
o^X is u co ^X
Cd 4->
co op
c w
cd ?
C co
Z3 cd e a d).«
CD 00 3 E gx jO X
X c O «4-1 «X l> CD
HW c o X £ r> cn
•a T3
T3 T3
CO «J <0

n gs
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-s *
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E C/5

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« « ooo
- o .2 c£,it c
S —’ «) s: a, 10
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a> - £«Sl •25.8« $58« M« «i e 8 2 i
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lillsi «1.18 c 5

•a 2
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o o ®

.2 »■ c
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3 6 E o o o

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c3 * 0> si
2 io
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o I’g g.S2.i 3‘5 '5
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o a,
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'P -X
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® fc 8« |.£P| sii
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a> ’X
.> E B u<
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o £
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« 2 Xi C/5
30 = o
O- <a «2 . <D (A
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-*-> 3
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.2.2 »- 3
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-*-J -b-» ^
■2 a O 0) ♦3 (A C .2 —
cu CO-3 '5 d.
C/3 C/3 3 * 'E S e.g E § 3 O
C/5 <u <u.S2 Ut —. (0 CO
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<u 3
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■S u <A « > co<
cd co !o 13 2 3
SSS 06 E S ’> CO ,3 0 O- co
k > 4->,
w CM CO ir>

Sometimes the superlative can be translated by “very”,

“quam” with the superlative means “as ... as possible”

is a>
O > .D O
0) _ in in -'■P £
t> P 3 3
c^2 TD 3
+! 03 ,, co to co o55
b b b b L. k. cox a>
-*-/ E
^ CO jd
or even as a positive adjective in English (->4)

JS 3 O O '0 iO O iO
%££££££ «E ss 7/5
0! oi E~ x*
c a ■*4
X CO CO CO CO 10 <0

O 3 S i cn ® 3-S TJ
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. o-c a>
0) ■a *3
u '3
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01 <£ o o
II o o el

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co ^

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e3 o

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Prepositions governing the Ablative
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3 u-a
<N "3 >>

CO m

6 tf
mllia (thousands) declines as follows:

S2 e£ «•3
Urn Q) Q c E M M
mllle (thousand) does not decline.

O §3 3 Em m
a> ♦- - u-O J5 3 3
-a c •oja 55 (0 (0 3 XX
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® 3 3 3 3 3
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o e > 3 .B

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It is incredible now he was able to do such things


incredibile est quomodo talia facere potuerit

CO e/3 o

-a g

No one heard what the king had decided

-o w>
u g> 5
z x^3

nemo audivit quid rex constituisset

w u a

or No one heard the king’s decision

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> g ^ <D
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c ft D -*->

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aj .— 3 3 §
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TT 4>
E-c D.

3 •c >-
Q. o


o £ do (B
iP CD +2>jd


O e.
verb is in the present and the imperfect subjunctive is

Note that eum is used to refer to “him” instead of se

til when referring to the subject of the main clause as in
c a) c •
o q,J2
c BB
5 a>
tj ujc
3 c *
used where the main verb is past (->1)

■a a; ~a
2 « <13.

85 g’
03 C

W 13
5 *15*
the first example (~»1)

3X> 3
U cd 03 03 «3
2 X!
o 8-cCJ ID CO
3 V) 3 00 i
cD C 3
CO 03
PJ v> o
3 <«
o-E'*? o o o ° CD
H *-> -t-> O Cfl C/3 C/5

2 3 •? 03 •
<A 9 >
pq 03 C '43.
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2 5 ® 3
ra o ®

8 8, re
*5 •*“*
C/5 u 8 §
a> £2 cO •
c c
E 3 3
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O a> B o ®8 ‘G 3
3 «
B o o
0.33 o
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o E ®
> O 8*

w o
co ■fcH a>
V c cd
H *c * -a o ® B Lh

z DO
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.2 £
</> 2
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§ Ef
<D -P

*X X

U -*-»
JO a>

.X X.- £
w C 3

u 4*3 s-g
> ES *1
> c <J CO <23
co .

ll M .2 o C
m C <D ^ CD fc- (U
_ ®
11 J&’S
<d cd «‘re £•3

8-c §£ O
C 8 5 >«
§£ ®
c >>


co C
co co
E ®
33 *3 0) 18
< 2 CO o
3 E « o CO
?i I a
0} CO P *“< co £ co c 3 c co £ 2
tS «
> £ > IS 3 C*S 3.^ 3 ^
co 2 C CD o E
re J2 3 "5 +~* to 3
3-6 re > DO
.HU* .a « O CO E j= 5tj x > re
C j= c «->

e? §1
rtT3 S

cjs 2J
E£ E «->
cO ^
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« 53
c S3
it 3«
ai cO ®
i "I
® co

c 2 -2c • ^£*• «
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co P Jo'p 0 3-3
t* o

C/5 CO ^ co'
<u 3 CO 3 co
.■5 co 5 CT3
E ^ E >
£ 6 2 §
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rewE ®o c > 2 t
i I g* E <u ^ cd Ph ^
0 2
CD 3 »—3 q,)

<d > O) ^ & re co Q) 3 £ * «.o E S
> M > HI > M >HH HH CO a>H IS
ctf V»


MB -T3
O U.
« cd 0x5
C h-» .s
« C T3
> a> vh
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o< re
re m <u

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3* C

C *Q

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- ° a CO
W 00C^ cd
O c ire a,
§ C2 X
w c
■ are
^ g re jo cd
"•— CD
H k.
<TJ >iu C
CO 2
z LL
H- "tD <d .
C/5 sit5
c o—'

s|i i
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cd Cl co
a> 00
• *-H

•3 1
• *■4

<u £
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pa TJ V
CJ 3 -a
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2 £ 6
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00 £ % «_

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>—" c/s r?3 Z.S

c/d S
2 c
W e
c/D o
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<0 c ♦3
o o

If anyone had gone up to heaven, he would have seen

(b) si quis in caelum ascendisset, pulchritudinem side¬
0> <d a <D C^-T3
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’ll 2 <u ■0.2
Z 2 >> o E a 3 o.
x <u CO 1—1 CL, i" a CD
pq O.'_r- </> «j QJ ^ x^ o 3
C/3 X 3*0 t: *-
§<5 o CD x J> Js£ I* og
<u g
2 <u £
Xi 2 « «.op X 73
c ^ " ~x

the beauty of tne stars

.<» E eo -3 gi 3>T3 •E °
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cO eJ
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2^ (A a & £x

rum conspexisset
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c/d >> g 3 ** 13 9 ss
CO — X E 0.2
® o 3 2
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S « c 2 3 2 e2jr! 35. ID
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u Ss 5
So 52 C

^ CO 0) 3
3, « co o
6a a> o

£3 si

c 1 V
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3 -*-»
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a ff3 TJ CD »
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13 o
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• pN
— <U .2 c

He was wise since he had devoted all his years to study


sapiens erat qui studiis totos annos dedisset


3 C 55 _r
C/5 6 ■5« £>
a> ® . a O ** CO'S
£ * « *
SS5SS 8-2 «"S
«8 8 = a .5
«8.2S §.S frt CO h Cg

cd «*§ crc/3 UOtfl S


u CO C a> to <D
to—* >
O ss -8§ o> Srjfl •B CJ
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fs„ Sv D CO 05
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-C 05 SM
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to 3
3 O
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2 </>
«.2 S -tf : p £
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5"a to aj C/3 3
C/5 X O to s 3 $> 2 cd
H 5« cd 2 T3 CO 05
3 to -JS CD
x ?! M 3 O 2 CO <b o M of
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IT) «3
.£ o
.S3 TJ
cO T3 O
c U
00 O
CO c c

post tertium diem quam redierat, mortuus est

3 o
C/D 6 O
W to 3
o 0
W £ T5
Q. 0

He died three days after his return

C 0
io §E
O o
-r SJ
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to 0 £
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c/i »*h rrr


O) 0) •
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co o »
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3 3
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^ i> ”<3 c
o o
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2 (A
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to ot) o o> w
H C— <o i &
c E
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c a-= 33 £ E 3 O’ 9
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O c
a sf c£ c.-a cc O <0 “ ss 1
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3 SZ
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O C/3

d>«- 2
O» c ? c w
O C.S2 i£
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Sii jj > (D

03 T3 O ! ■§£



a> E E
c JX 3
o (d 3 ■o
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.2 > « (A

B3 > CO
« c
C/D o C c o
a> 9) £
a |1
CO E $
O 3
O (A
yi jd

multa Antonio concessit dum interfectores patris


h' CO“‘d

And so the lark abandoned her nest before the farmer

<L> <D
~cd 0 O
E a ■S o
a X ‘C
tu a
c wc
< <u co
ii 3 X
X CJ o
X tu 33 lH 3
T3 3 c
d> 00 63 tu O’
§8 « s» E <u
0) c c a 3
Xl <U 3 <u .o E
0> O- X
sS +->
” en^fhis^XrtSt0"5 ‘°

3 B% ‘5
i -B 3 2
V I 3
c Ih
3 & X
00 00
<D Ii o “ to C
a> <u
£ -a
c -c"'® o tu

frumentum meteret

could reap the com

3 3 _x E
E" ;3xto O IU
D. X
0) 3 _
^ roi J? O 'S
a< tO !e-S cdDbg

e* E
E« Ix ■i £
£ 3
CO to Q n acS CO
3 =. O Q* O) «S’* cd
2* i*
a> £ <u 0 w 3 ® >>2 3 £ «X
55 in

-3 <5 -3,2*
a) o 5 o crc « S c'E <u y
42 E42^> c &> c o o ®x g cd
X o X x (0 PQ Q.CQ E c >t-t o« o > E-i s .tie

CN eo

a> cd 0>
Clauses which take Indicative or Subjunctive (contd)

o tu a>
co a
a> V
E 5
3 C0 •5
E o-1
cl (Q
0) 3 i-
O <X £ CT CM 2 g to *

O °c (A
X g
Temporal Clauses (contd)

c 3 <U+J
8f& >"3
o tu
> 2 S x E
"O X 3 ■» OX
* C 3 3 CX 3 c"
E is E XO
IU >
to ;p
.3 0
3 |8 _c D 3 •S o
-o to © 3 X 00 tO Q
O- 4»
a> i %G 6 S'
5 a. c '% E.E ■geg.
k. § ®
o ® g
*0 s-i |Xo

X 3 a
• • •





W *“ CM CO

» s 05 O c 25
e c
n 1/5
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c/3 _ jH ©

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2 ai
.2 >
15 o’ 3 O
-2 ° ?
13 05 1 E
tt) J2 O aj <0 ^ CO 3
(A u G. > o_ j> H 05 O’
— O. ■-3 -O cm s E 23 E
U .2 °
z re IS 05
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cO </>
> ^ O 05 0-3 O E
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2 3
w (0 13 § « 45 ~ ■5 « 05 ~
k. go **•2
CD C « CD ~ c-2

0) S'
05 > A? C/3 3
m m 45 Q5 45-2
O E 45
H «Pe ££ «2
mJ (4H £2 £ ®
CM o
00 6 0» 0»
O -*-* *8
C 3 «3
aafl §
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to .&1
u « 2 « «3 £
d C w u »
fl'C c E J?
W 3 a Eg fc
CT1*-. 43 >• 2S
2 l'§-c2‘l
ul m g’D-8‘§
C/3 |5«Ss
S g --- *=

«8 0 1—1
(A »
■o .2 «> g «a
§ 3 6 8 «
<u -sis!
•SS S.i5
era -3a
•*-H O QJ
<u 5x> £.►>
cd T3JS-43
W CM CO in

After cuius (of, concerning which) the noun lau¬

The relative sometimes agrees with the following word,

especially with the verb esse (->5)
dationis is repeated (-+4)

2 0»
W I/)
C/5 0)
CM a
0C (3


C/D .
t5 ^ T3 cd
cd 0>-2 w
w S £.g
5 g Eu
vj -v c o
'a 5(2 M “
£ ~S — 0> T3
2 3 C8
cd 6 o-Uj:
w «“ <N « LO

<0*5 cd


W «5 •
«4H -M W
Ji o f 18
D ^ 5-^
o 0.2
>> o § § 8 S>L
<u °
?oa° « 5 .2 $_,
S 0) c y q ^ s
c o
c «O «O J? 5? I ca
C/D o <u <u a> a> & cgj= °
W 3 JS J3 66
2 Of)S^
w </) ._ 3 € /"“v ^
•p <x> cdjq
3 3 0- ■=
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3 ^
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c/D > D a> °o a; s ll)
r- “D 2 ^
■ mm
4-> 5>§5£ * 2 6.S
*2 3 <U
J2 63 < O^a.tS
CNJ a>
r*» 5
CM «,°pC
4—i *53
'2 co

C/D O o
PJ w - c
>JO -
U Vp 52^3
o 5 s>
2 50 2 ^ o
W C °<SJ3 «2
H O 'O -a £ -a
2 .cd’ CX . C/3
C/5 -*■-
-M •
-4 0< *3 Cd L.
co ill »3
o'Sg E^S
■e e^.f e


53 §3 co
C/5 cr C/5
a> r o
co S eo
oi O aU x_ *e<
w CNJ CO ir>

3 w
I in


C/) w o
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> ■S' 3

co m a
«-> ■o
flj 3
CM «

O) ■-
CO -*-*

_ s ■<§
<u is .a s </) i
w CO in

2 c
w o
2 (A
w ©

C/D >
R ©

CO w V O
'-* CD'S O.
Vh C/5 >3 O<U
C/5 2-C COD.
C/5 S^oc1»
P3 3 ^ eo"a ..m
-a DC .„ >>. «
(J .Sts 53 S
Z S '3 co J5 ^
2 c/5
w X “E 22
H C e-d s
= lt?,s“l|l|l|
S 0*2,2 3 J I S*£ *JB 6

£ w <u-Cr^Q-„-a
T3"«uC s_^i—I ^SaS*°
u >,


6«3 c oZ’S

w CM CO Lf>

c T3 >
DO t
T3 C a> c/i
T3 >
I 2
O «3c
G =3 > XI
k. cD O
4» e? l- >x
O. o
c o o
c o
^ CM
o o
c c
2*2 .ID
«3 cO CD o
6 ° DO C/5

** lH SPlH aj o ®fC c +x
CD 05 C D
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B .ts 4)^2.*s O Oj 3^ '43 ID
>>->x >> CO 3± >
53 CD C ID O 0) O S? o j? C c c '43
C e o c c c C CD C CD cO
C/5 E
*- 4x
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23 3
a> cr

Z c (A 4) E3 3 2 «
*5 £ W Q.
PJ o > '5 '5 If

0) 3
V) V)

</> 05
c § EO’ O’ 3

o o
C/5 C/5
EE 3 3
W a) 0) 2
■ ■Mi a> « a> <D Q ID 3£ O O G
o- E

c c
c c
o o
co co oE

c C c c c c 2 c c C C OS
s • • •
CO o
CO 5
.O^ CB W « CO
Z o C >3«
o «Q 4i,H
Sc o
05” J3=3
05 Q c
O -a
C o-
CO 05 C" *-> 05 O0
Z u o E -2
2 «5 CO

. £ ■2 o S'2
co o C-g
'^^'o i
05 c/3 °'X3 Sa £ E ts*
J= 2ft= « <J5 Q)2 o —j
8.S 3"S *=
« £<
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3 DO
*W V C
m C 3 o2^-
M Co g co •—
.05 O O -3 0) c
'C vJS+j *= co S.°
05o <•> O ir «
CO -O *=. c
£ o 5 2 So o
0X5-0 fc 05 Q.O
«3 ■C 05 5
_r- H
?ugo - c ox: to c 6
£ Bo| °
T3C?U °§ -5 u
= °^ j o
w e bj C
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C 003 O C0
J C/3 *J O ms %$ e

«23 C 05
“ C -a 3 0) .£ S3 eg MU>t: V3
CO C .O O o
3 to
C/3 »
C/3 e O l! « o£ C0 > "O 5 D. 22
00 o X
— &T3 0-19'
— 00 a X c/3 -
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o o O « T3
to CO o p C 0) >0*^0 c
.c —
— 3 §00'“ S«-P £° co
O 00 ^r/} — a X %££ C/3
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o — ■3
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'3 « 0.0 o^ O
o c^o' -°<2 C cr
n^X' o " cO oo-g* o c
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«,§ C C «■ O O 05
c [C
Cl , -v. "3
«° ■“ O o ^ „ 00 J2 ^
c <+i \*u ^r—< o ? r:
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CO r-
(/3 «
1 g«5 C/3
“ i. o o£ o CO
D)^ 15*5 ^“c® o>
X5 o 1-1 ^ *® X a f8 X O 2 O ■£J
.52-3 o L.^3
“TV i- >— gvC c/3 OU m .ts « «2 x: o
Z V) Mo-5-0.2 o> ■fi
■"’ey3 8S» "■§ ;~g
l-H c
0) W-a 2 Sfpo
<*-.3 c/>
2 c*
o co
0)~ t<3 r j cO <*/
p 00 o °
C 3ca y O®
»— Sooow £ 5< O 00 -C to 05 .£ o ‘S
a> •S ^-Sc.c' 0)3 C t=X C o c “
<-> o '«I ^ O L (»
% 9 — D. ^ 05 Cd
hJ !S .£ o t. m T 2 C 3^ o 05 X C0T3
3 O T3 O
C/D u o.23j2 *= 3 «c i3 *—i c Sia
cj c/d cd cd
z CD “Z o c o «•
. 05 i5 <- ex
05 2 . Cp 05 g C/D Vh --I
oo cd
c E 2-a-S-S c. 05 g*S cd c
O 2 U bj 91 o
o </> -c o £ § c 2
2 ■
* S OJ^*£5’
2Po ^ CIS ®>
a) .525 u ° Jg^ •£ 000-
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0) (o’?
4»w o.2
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° Q.
</> co C j; c «
O « r» 3 cd 05
c T3 ,« <u£ y
CO CO 1-ajg *>o c '5
Luo; s « sii u-.t;
H SflUl co «3' CD




IO 1


^ o> Cj2 a>
c E'O o> $
! *j w ‘FT ^
<Tv V l,
cc'§ |.s

O c g*s-a

I 111

« S 3^S S,T
«8« ~p£-c




English is not so precise as Latin in its use of tenses.
Use the tense that seems most natural in English; for
example, English past tense for historic present in
Latin, or English present tense for Latin future perfect
in a conditional clause (-*3)
co E

gl >
L—'+J X
*1 ... «0
y 0, 00
y ?TJ
si S?
o o
X oj
<S> 1_
2 —-S O C'g
c ° « O
e-E £ «T3
0> o.
<U g o COTS O »1 c
c§ cd cd
co £?
:w a\
cd i> 0>
~x1S .gx * £ X> > CO
5 cd.ti

(O ^
a> TJ t5®p
O • E I E_ia
& s E2^c
a 2‘E e* §
e o ms’s’ll
a> sii« <d O Q.X >


omnia (everything) and multa (many things) are often

£ 2
> i2
cd 5
4= o
a T3
s s
W M .

a> c O
■*2 0)
c T3 cd -*-•
o o
. 3> c
_, O 1
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O Cl
(A S >>c S> E 4> T-
E 5 £ e a *
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•c « s E ■£ <u "J=
JJ </)
x 4>
«■» « g>« c g c «P <A
1_ 3 o
.2 «
<A 2| (A JA

(0 0)
Ql O c OC 2 £>
c (A
I oc-S-S
a> ■*-» -,
<u &
> <u O
8(O“C K
o a >
■5 <u S"m 0)-S «41 'O
</) X V*-, o.j> a,
3 § w o

o 111 cd
O 4> 1 s

X j= Sc E
< 6 8 O Z • J . <3
g-g p>« 42 g
o*S 0.1
= c «5 0
T3X P o
> o >
- 53 § C
■° u

<u o3s||
13 0) § g
■o </3 CO «3
„1 g*
oc o-grt o
o g*
o..5 «*5 fc
s c C O o
3 g c eo o
*i O
<0 i3 «3 2iE«!
(A W).
E -C W££^c«i
_0J <A o- 032 <o a> oo

O) “ O ^ c
o « ^3 Q.^ &>
k- C °^§T3
03 <L> ^ ^ is
a. LU s-gS
c O o =“s-S
IBM > cr « 3
•*-> p-c c “ o
X 9J
- °42

<D -C
X If

OD 33=^1«
Cu 00 CO tD

CO S t J §X
. 03 ^
c/5 <X £ a£ °"o O.Ec
c E E

n- 'b
Q) (ft

Cl<=; Q. fc- (ft
q, c (ft 3 O 3 'S
C o i i i



iter, -in



t_ v. •—
% * %

® ® £ (ft (ft (A

11 E E


aa ® 3 3 3
h 3 3
o u
EE c J2JS25

O 5

2 ■o
2 CJ

<u (A (ft
o (A MO 3 (ft

« <0
11 t!«5
9 9 9

_ C
O M eQ h"H MH t—i NH CO

3 E
2£ ® « 12 '* <a © in
c <;> «A
3 (0
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■o 0)
E (A
* * £ £•§ *2 ttt S « 22 3 3
o o o>o
(A M (0 CO CO CO
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-Q JS'S ■O.-S
3 •s&s. si
JS -C u)

• m i
" 7.C 1 ”
» E E gjg
0)0) 333 c c
- <0 <0 MO MO «MO
False Friends/Confusables (contd)

.c CL
<L> <u cd x:
T3 4) 4> CT3 04 2
<L> C/3
fc. e/J jd •—r c il c <D C £ 'o
£-2 O 3 C ct3 3 CJ <L>
o^ Cd ^ •r <u O E cd .E — 2 «
-C 3 .5 2 > > 5^3 2 C/) E "S '5b

<0 Q.
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"5 V)
C0 Q. E 0)
03 ’7 '
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c i= £ = =2 0) o> O) (0 iO
"<5 "!5 ssl ,2 |
+* 4-«
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p* £ <u 05 05 3
V fc 2*J
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£3 t*
° E
DO _
3 05
*’fi S
"fi i® .5.3 a
3 JS 2co
O (0
2 Oa
>>■= ™ o -t-> S-,
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E <2 05 g T3 .5 O
0) <0
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2 S5^
V S3 > .2 o
<u 0-0 c] >2 >»a
2*3 .5«xi
<-] ’“O

J3 E‘|
*2 Sag'
fi <u E.S — O
205 M c/3

W _ N
s ell
> >-< * l| _

C C1*
a> <u
«*3 CD
“t c '5 u
05 05 £ JO
05 afiJg
Uc O 3 Q.S ?2
a <Jd a < a,®.5

' ® o o o o
-i-< -«-•
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C 0)
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(A <A
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(A c/>
(A c
C l/)^ c.2 4c- 3 </>~
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!«-> c ** l! k k k k k k U k b k k u
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co CO CO « « M to cO cO cd cd ca cO
</) CM JS

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O (C H SESEHEE I E E E 6 g E ! E E E E E E
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c b
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till .g.Sl
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o k. *C
U3 o Ou Cc

> <A c/>


O § O
a; cd


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£ <0 -< <N ro Q.—I CN fO












§ t

c •«-»
O «°
cO o

so VQ

Q o-


Denotes completing something in the future (->4)
Is often used with void, possum, nolo etc (-►5)
Denotes an action which precedes another action in
the future, often in a subordinate clause (->6)
b1: b
in •» 5 2 *g 3 b p b
■.'=3 lI^EEc l :£ 3
fc. 3 E cO icO icO icO to 3 .2 3 c c o
w.<2 3 c E c JQ 43 JD JO X> JO b b 4"^ C C C
•*-. 1—4
+3 t C 3
I — I— I— • —
l<U KU 10) KU KU KL>
« *-* »H »l-H » ♦»-* Cd
. yH
l<D Id) «1> KU d>
C/5 X3 *"0 *0 TJ TD *0 T3 *"0 *"0 T3 'Q 'Q '■Q 'O 'Q 'Q
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
cd cd cd cd cd cd cd cd cd cd cd cd cd cd cd cd cd cd

b1: b
^ b- 3.E 3
W „ - 3.1 =
b b 4^ c
.2 3 E ♦; k1: b
> AB
III m ^ |! 5
c c c
cd «cd »cd »cd »cd cd .2 3
b k fi c c c § *5 I
o u.tJ.i.l 3 i<U iQJ id) i<D i(D kD CO KU KU KU KU <U
4-> -4—> 4-> -4-> +-» 4-»
4-» -4-> 4-» 4-> 4-> 4-> tsts tststf jo a tsts tits


b 'Z b

,2 3 epl «i ^ |! 5
b b C C C
L«3gr3 cO icO icO icO kO cO 5 -B5.i £3
KU KU «D XU KU KU KU kU 10) KU no kU KU KU KU KU KU Iflj
c§§ egg J3.Q J0.3 JO JO
CO 3 CO cO CO CO «•S’S'S’S’rt cO 3 cO 3 cO cO
go-a go-a <£
*jC"o -*j5ts
m C b (A C b o
»-i CM to 1-t CM to •—
W ft 3 S
«J w §
*- e 3
(A b. 3 ,3 O
O) i? >- 'c 3 5 «3 ill
S MI.3.E3 i- k k_ 4-> c c c
3 y 3 KO ICO ICO ICO 3 3*‘E£.§.3§
K .2 3 c c S CXJ JQjQ J3 J2 JO & ,£5 ,jQ ^ ,Q ,£3
o> C 5 o ICO ico <0 KO cO cc icO KO icO KO KO icO § <d icd icd »cd Kd Kd
.C o ^EEEEEE | E E E E E E 1 E E E E E E
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u •a O) ^ d)

Sg 8 g>6

ti u 3)5
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11 O
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*8 g
co to
is.- to ' 1> 0) to

DC 2 w Q-«
5-0 g

S g, c
^ <N —' g)
■o* Jr
8 « QJ
o.0, •S § § '-g
ug DO hSu ,
o^-d .s a
Vb_ O) v) C «•S & «
c ,
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° fl) M
«/J </) 3 S
C c
o 5 oi
(0 (A O p
0) O-Er
22 r; C 0) 0) DOC J«.S
Ct O 3 .as <3^
c ^ac
d>«2 to - tf o " a o
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h 22 o o 5
o 0/5 ** 8 | 25 £ c
‘3 |S! S. .§ TO
co ^
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^ 12
O) 53 opt:
C o 3
<L> <L> <U
3 ■5 *5 TD TD ,_, C
=. E'?u
O ^ L- c c C T) C (K «0
c 4j U p JO CO CO *-* c
o {22a CJ
o> Eij:5

"S-O-o 1« E
p n—
hi ill §1S ill 111 111
® •p§ C/3 C
a. si g» I I
Ilf = .- Is -a
3 3
3 3
i (0 I CO i

rv O


a> 1^4 CO1
c ^ » <u

*!§> £

«4-4 0) « i ? g
c 8yP
3 1 111*
« C ^ C a>
0 a
CL S« ao
1 8

« 0 c 5J-9 w
CL o > ** 0.53,0
®‘S <0 3 0.3
0 r 3 B» « CO
ii s g
e « a J* s S s
CL 0. P’S cLS

O T3
XJ <I>
J» 2 §
I» 5 S°
— ^ <U
SgS? *gS>
I §>6 Is as

•u P
o I’S
« 03 O
C/3 >
1 H

a a a
§ «
X) P-s- —
-a £
<w ^
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a. £ 5>.tS
o-S >
-2 ojjg
t? “if iii

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n n n.
«J o <U "> <0 «8
-4 -4
S £ £
a. -H
^■4 >—


K) Tt

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M n 4t U. 4-4

5 -s
00 03 '

5 £

*" 6
6 •
£ *
03 •r,03


dr °
X 03
O. >.


§ c

-fr-3 dT Q< "O

^ .g
• *-4 <D ^ 4-3

w _03
•e 4->



£ T3


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6 > OJ CO cd
X c
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o <u
^ >
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.5 >, &
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31 2 «
? >
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O X3
43 ■& Q> cd
a> >

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g 03


»« O
a> c >
C 43 «
«3 > J3 a
«3 CO-0 0)
■J & -a
J= 43

>*?« * <l> «3
<2 5^ •O 4-* S
-3 c jg

■a III
1-4 ^ V.
> ^ °
— O O XI
c _ 03 c 2 c S3
o ■0 33 «

C/3 _o
I 03
" x

> £
O > c c c
c-c S3 i
• «*— c i
. 0)
X) X)
<d a> a)
> > >
cd cd cd
a. (A a o£
c o O
SI 9
I- F
(0 >> x
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CO (0
e c.2 ♦-
c c.2*-* C (/) ■» C
C V) +* c +- c d> KD D KD KD D
(d icO (d ic3 m3 (d U|
^1 Lh Ih
|»-( IfH l-H fl
Ih ,>h
« «H
T3 T3 h3 '"O '"O rO T3 ^ T3 T3 T3 T3
3 ;3 3 3 3 3 P 3 3 3 3 3
cd cd cd cd cd cd cd cd cd cd cd cd

0) e c.2 ♦*
C (/) c c
c C.S2*- O) 10) <D «D KD d>
C (/> 4-> fc 4-> C b h b M Ih Ih

mitteretis - you (pi) might send

is Kd c9 ks id cd O D CD D D D
.3 5.3 jg .g .3
CS tswti 13
co 6 § £ S 6 6 eeeeee 3

audirent - they might hear


amaret - she might love

haberem - I might have
§* 3
in C 0)
<A 3 </) 4^ e >3:
c i.2 ♦- u.§ E «a E.s +* u 2 >»
fc (A 4^ C C 0) «U i4) <D
<U Kl) > OfcP (d
(u id Kd cd nd (d d g fcH (H U( ^ M
e v u iu a> <u <u G «U id Id) KD KD KD °.S >>g

^ -§’§’§ «3 3
3)32 33 31
2-3 3 cd cd cd cd S!^l
>> C 0)
CM ^333333 JSX3-C-C
C o s w «.
o P
o I
• Mi
o> 3 </> c/> E “ « m
■ ■■%
t~ Ec
.12 ^
E <n c.2 3
♦rf C 4^ C
0) lO 0) kd KD <D
c 2 (0 4^ C >H C
$ <D KD <D KD KD D ic3 k3 ic3 k3 <3 k3 <0 3 3 (0
o Ui eee e(d e(d e(0 (de e fle
o £ cd cd cd 1- CM

>5 %
JSJ&1* «•S JP
SsliS «■a -3o>
B.’S o>
•s a §2 1
l! fll if -♦-*
sijii C
8 > 0 3"0 T3 . <L>
a> a) i
O C “ ► o> n. .
]s -i. § 3 j 21 c? ■aoi>
9>« «J-H
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43'a «.?y y .a«g •SB "•KT
3 ta a
> 0)
*^•5 E “>5 a r
0) «* E
G_ •■er
> 8^3 ip §•
0> ii -«-> c
> ‘cjEai-s
Z'Z 03-2 § 1 a -M
l-s II
< 3c

s w a) «> y ?> C 0
s T3 -a 4) 3 Ja o 3J) § “3 •>
c <3 'C M ™ 9) o 'h'l!
■a iu .s 0)■ 2E o op
jS «3 “ EtS
3 Sa c ^3 S3
-*-» E
tUs-s fa fa c 9) 9) 3
3 Sjf SS w j c--
3 '
■s* fau C5? “•:»>
S3 "O
O Tz 9)
CO 9) ”5
O ^
9) 3 CD "S
CM 0) S3 3
(O £
I? if! I
5 £2 3 o.§
9, el fS3


c X ’O
-o j>_’q3
X x r-
■g > a>
O ^
-= >>«
<U 2 X3 'E <d£ 5
>> <r+j-2 a>
2 oag ax Ex
S'S ajX
5 ex.2P
*tll >><U '*•’ c
X I b
1 g i i
u c.. .
7) = — C 3
X |1=5
E (OC'r 3
cd X <0 C <Q

The imperfect subjunctive passive is sometimes trans¬


s 5 5i «I« S
3 3 3 3 3 3
cd ed ed cd cd cd

„ >. 3 .5 3
£££££ B
lated by using “might be” (-+2)

<L> QJ O QJ <D <L>

ti tt ti C ti tJ
CO rg’g’si 'i'i’i'§'§'§
by using “may be” (->1)

3 «fegfl
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£ a> o <> *l> «a> a>
« « E E fc C E C
C/) Scd
Ic c
cd cd cd cd cd
3 3 o
X ra
3 ai
(/> 3
® C
s O
f o


•a —
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x s o
T3 > 03 "O
rrt rrt
S; r* r§i x
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•“f-S _C •*-« cs w
o>X c/3
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o S
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n < ■
„ m23 >

o >—-s ‘E .HP'S
> 0)0-
^ ,C Q. Ex ex
•C £ 55 s.a»>j3
!> C 0> &0
K? d 3
co 3 O I C-G'c
EX O >>
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a> >» I
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fflC m r
75 I c </> X
</> g
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2 ».2
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B «x-o 2 2 X "3 55
E‘" <o a E E « 3-£
ctj X <0 (0 «£ (0 C


0 e** i-Ss
I :•?•?•?•£ ‘5

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3 3 3 3 3 3
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0 •a
> %
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o I 11
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0 1 Jilili
> a §*E §13 3 3 3 3 3 ,= 3 3 3 3 33
U 03 03 03 03 CO cd ; cd cd cd cd cd cd
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3 •<3
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0 I0
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8 $ E o ? ci id i§ id ii «3
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‘3! 175 '55 CA CA CA 0) 0) «

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O) 5
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"5. £ Q.

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3 |t*

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°ts « 4)
<*- C0 +- u. E
a> o _ 1(0 ICO 1(0 1(0
co >
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V o> 8
a X c (0 u
•* s
E ’55 O)
.52 c ■
p P
CM o
CO to c 5 D) 5 o>
r^ X a> o Hf.c £.S -
H G. O i to S (0 Q.
In the future active -urus, -a, -urn and in the perfect
passive -us, -a, -um agree in number and gender with
IT) •3
r* fe¬
07 07 ed
X cd X) 07
Xi x
o o
« a> *7 C *7 c
00 07 "O 00 07
!ES 07 07
T3.S x> cd.5 Xi
p *
C (A £#
cd o
07 « 0-0 07

the noun or pronoun in indirect speech.

t 3 3 J3 00 > xi oo fc. >
•a5.ti.ti '=3*-
H I— l-H 07 07^ 3 07 07 2 cd
X)XX> TD XI "O X>X>£ J3 X3X3^ x:
2 Cd Cd Cd 3 3 3
cmx: xi-c ■ cd cd cd o o O O -fe7
*7 O o

0) > 07 3
X! x> 07
a> c C
XI op a/ 00 07
:=8 O) C o> ■u c 07
^ *77 X3 c X3
p • o O',X> 0) 07 O 07
C (A -3 00
‘07 > 173 00^_,
3 3 07 07 > tO s
07 07 S« —
ca c/3
173 «3 03 XSX)
<*j E £ 6 c o o o o o
■ HH
■ MB
(A C
(0 (0

> a>
0> fe¬
!£ > ll
* o cd 07
< cd xs X
o ox
O 9 h
Xl »•3 »8
•Ex .Ex
u £
.0> £ a.2 6 “>
«7.3 3 2g;? cd w cd o> o) cd
a> XXX TD 'O T3 x:x3x: x: x> -C
CL cd cd cd 3 P 3 h cd cd cd o o o o o o

o> T3
> C
o 0>
2=2 V)
« S’1® O
% ^ <D «-*
§ 3 « 00 >
00 c
(/> a) C c/d
h V £ 2 u Soj;
<0 «0 «J
So n 07 cd
3 C/3 C/3 2xx si; .2
*“ C8 M CO co ’§6 6 c o o o
'I T3
! B
to 03
II > 7/5 C
* 5& ujt
uj c
M ^ g
^ Q C
Lu K
il < t 5 i

cG I Jill

c a> c
22 ^ 45 43 S >
o/ <u
' 3 a «<u
V) il£
*5 V
c CO •c
T u_
lO »>o o
« .O* O .£ -r Q
_ X co 05*0 c s t
P M s-i
.5 0 3 0^^ Q.'—'
•e m o a o tj t: CO
r £
instead ot using the perfect tense

C v> >
3 <U (0 00
O O **- c
c c CO -a
l-l a> cd ■§E § <u
o Eo *s«
4> a> CO
<« II
O £ § *-> 0
c >
a^B c <u co 9.S 3
</) -a
X CO a>
o co
c 5 0-9^0
o C 3 J3 C
^ £ * O
C/D c -a C •£ o
o c’w)c 00
cost V
0) o I Je! ~0 O eofi 8-
■ Mi «5 o o
§ 0) 3 «•
.ti a> -D
c X
co S
^ f
o o a> lO
so: c 3 '® 10 Ift ■-
c cO
■B :5 cm 6 •oSSo'p^lf o
(/> OOOo®tt>Oc
CO 0) a 4g £1 < >CQ.c/>C"Oc/>.=
r*> 7)

o 13

</> s.S
3 SJ

2 «j
«■5 0) C/3
‘5 *i
is £ <u
O C3>

E-g 5k
is js >_ „ O)
3 O) c
>* «j-S -6
E 3 c
-I o v mm ^

♦■> ”0 CC 0}
E «o
c a> «- ^ 2 3 q>
3 s
« Cl.
cl E
g) E "2
O) e k-i
a op <B O
t S *- o tt>
+5 3 o cc <0
V) (0 o
a >> 3 0) E
E^ o <U
2£ °!
sCCS an ocs <0Xi


c s> *o .*>
It denotes an action going on at the same time as the

1| « DC
•3g #».S C S li
' c g DC
11 00« «u.E PS p
P .£ « •6 § •3 3
-a > 3 a) o cfS^
•13 a> TJfl h C0X3 0)
O -C
a> *-» •»‘3 -ax:x> °
*T3 2 °» * S g
<d £
to.» > §
73 a> E S D> DC a' «o
•£.£ 2P
c c §-S3j:
It can be used as a noun (-*2)

g> a
«3 £ c ktf’Sf
U> CL _ c « « 75 H >
O «- li CO G c/3
„ g)3 k
^ o
« a § a/.fe OT3
8*8 a ^ V5
C ^ C
G3 a, > a>
.&a, o o > ^ oo
.H «

?a 51

E fi
g DO
main verb (-*1)

CL U a. o a xi > o X5 *S CD

o>.S ^ a> C
«N-CX •a «
v> £u T3-C
65|S5S «5

J£ 52 gs
» -p.
o c
Note th£
in -ns v

the sente

a e5 0) (0
'o h. «£'e o>
* •» *s CL ■SSj . 3
00 t £ o.
9) w> "SciSS C
g DO
S .s 0)
re S« JZ IE c 3 O (A
a. S5 h- PiJ F o
£ §
«- cD.2 • D <s
00 € g
3 >
■» C
C/3 3 ~
■O S
a ™
e"s 3
= co o
5re -c93 E--
C qj
0) n •“6 1/1 3
(rt 53 TJ 3 re
■o S 03 3 “»
" C15 gS|
■A ? S re ^
” feoo ■old: 3 o
3 C/3 (0 -*—>
re cx
(U CD © 0 E
</> 3
o o> re
c -4_l u
" 03 °
re 3 a> — <l> .t: re
re p jo
o g*s 3 2
oc |X3 S- 3 01 .tS re
C/3 8 ©;£ 8 t-§ E X!
<D "os OB re «0 3 •s
'a 3 a> 5 <5 (U
o-fC 2
® H JO S|c3
«3 V»
W (N

The forms futurus (going to be) and venturus (going

It denotes an action that is going to take place (->2)

03 .
-a c (A OB tS 8
C <L> 3.S—-a
03 > So
W O SJcm STB. .ga
03 03 TJ 03 re S^s
5^ 3j= jj a
§\« jg b 3
C/5 *0
00^ 03 <d
3 o
- cd oc
c c
a o C
to come) are often used as adjectives.

03 C/5
Ofi c/5
ia xr : jj </> ^
3 = > o 3 O
E « 8 •?'c
in &> 93 O OX3 C
0 vi
£ V I""3 J.s 8
Ml rJ C=-J3 .•a
CO » c CO E OB
©S' o
w u
:« 03 3 <u
=2 a> (A
(A OUC Opx)
<n CN
3 B^_ .5 B 2 o
■*-< 9J
E «
qj ••S'? c •O re
c X cd a) T3 -*-*
CO o u S' 03 J* 03
cd' re £
CQ ■a §. C
cd 5 c
re o
93 c CM 1/1 «1 _ 93
3 -a 03 •a o

</) o <u 11S
W 0) ‘■0 > - 3 P t/>
re o
> O) 3 c_ s 5 93
>2 S
3 p
3 .22 u
o E ‘c t§§ 03 <A « •| li>> 03
00 re o cdt^x o 1-S-2 ®
Q. 0 I— O r- re S> O
00 o
00 E «0 ■*-*

■n SPw

= £? c-c
a>.B a
C/D M'S ^ a-*:
3 <L> 3
«x: c0 kX

3 3 00
TS 00 "D
c c
C c c
■p X CD 3 a>

M b ts Er"
a <u
B cn
a> JJ

3 ®P
■o 00 1-c2
r.B <u
eg XI XI x 2x
■ mma

■ ■■%

c iO c
£ ■§ 'K

a * B
.> a> 2
«5 T3
co 5 ?
0) 3 O
> O
T3 T3 <D
o B ii CO
cd CO T3
c/5 ® C B
,> 1 3
M T3 '£ 00 2 -*—>
0) B c

■ MB
§ «
c T3 4->
■o 3 a cd D CD
c O
C "co
3 X X> ^ -<
t- k cd C/5 '—'
<0 CD c
0) X
0) o B C
k | M
0 X 3
a> CO O 1
> V)« CD -
“D • »— ,P. C/5 T3 <0
C0 ^ CL)
C C/5 <0 C/5 C CU -
(0 > »*~H > v>
<n ■a TJ -T-J
<u •a ?
k 5 Z s5 &
<0 <0 (U M 0) -B
O) O oc . . 00 CJ
a> CL) <u « £S cu.Si,
a £ £ £
C/5 I H ca


W CO in (O

C0 -Si £ S c
co 3 co •S c
co C C
o CO 03 TJ
3 TJ .2i a
03 03 O 03 _ 41 03
> (A <0 CO
> C 3 .§
c 03
3 T
T 2
— « 03
03 n XI co
o 5 a
o co
o c
o 03
00 03
i § >> 03
c co
OS XT <->
a. ► 03
o a) a> <u o 03
> -C
03 SP _> fs o
■ MB
> 03 TJ TJ ”3
T3 XI c ■g c
co £ u (A
3 2 ll 03
H 2
> w
'% In
o 00
do a 03 >, '£ 00
■O a> TJ 03 a
_ 03 g CO 03
03 •)-> 3
c CD CO u
■£ « (3 "3
03 J, 03 X
CD t *3
T3 33 g,
•S-g f TJ ~
n 55
C <0
CO *5 cO (U 00 O a oto
C/D (3 03
O </) C/D
co r; x TJ f
O cd 3« *
■§8 03 03 cl C^
■o c T $ 2-c CO 203
a 3--
§ c 3 TJ k. ^ CM Tj ■—' a
OTJ 03 <0
(0 i_
c 3 ■e t C CO <«
a 03 •~-' S OD
~ 03 *
o -e s
00 CO
03 3
2 > p" St <u S2 r- 03
£ ■o & co
00 <U
03 CO
<u\p b TJ >
OO o CG °°a
TJ >
c 03 0>.£L, ^ si 03 -
3 03
-*-< •5 cO
-CtJ S2 k-, OS
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00 0) (0
00 E c
3 E
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o ®
(A ^ ta ®6
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CO 2
fcflfl .2 OT3 O. 4) <u 5 jLg 4)
3 « a" E " S2 .2 "5c£ S- +J
3 Cfl «5 C (A u
03 >rt C.2 tBB ■O to" -* r- Crt o CT3
» <a
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35 E.ts
c ChU e.ts £ ig.ts'E 4)
> </>
o E
C 2
co E 03 T3
•C «3
co ti C ^ E 03
3 - DO
C SO .t; 5
O £"§> 3 ?
>> o ^
03 O 4> u
.3.0 </>-C 0 t 9»
T3 ca <a to 2
E 41
C TJ _. T3 .c J3 « ca Q.S •ts 4)
DO 3 4) O E6 |S
sf, > 3 O 03 ° "O .£t •c2
c -C
E ° S g 5 Mro
C 03
E eu
— c a-o
5; 03 *5.2 CO o 2~
g S| o= 41 2 0 03 3 ,u
= .= >
> 3 «lo 0) c .2 a
•— D. « Q. v— m-0 n ■*- gH
ea !2 E .2
'5 i2 *™
— r+4 f o ‘ E
. w E*S Sg
*2 > 41 T3 Tf Crt
3.2 £ «
« a
o> 5 ® a *
._ 4> -3 s S*
.«•- 3 ■■ ro At ,a
0) C/3
.a M g - 03
.2 3 float co*-*
'V o P
OtS 26 E« E~ E~ Sts g, fits Sts a*6-ii C.tS 15 e.ts 0.31 c £

Pel CO in co r- oo o>

Ic a
g 03
41 >
a *D
DO a:
C/3 6
Od *

Dh o 03
3 6
</> CO
n 03

# .P 6

§ co v 03
> X)
O ca u E«o
</) e 03
o TJ •a;
fSJ £ E c
CD a £ £ §
00 E
o>> cn c/3
> 43
s 2 >>
- 00
XJ 2 ^ "O rj <3 80 '3 P'O
E >
>>4) C < U<u 00> <U G > <U
3 cd*r* .3« co *r" _ co -c T3
1 ’S%£'S G 43 £ 3£3
c o
H t= o o'
>> >1 E
z (U
w E (A 2-0 42
4) 4) >>T3

00. JJ
z (A (A

(A (A
4) 4) ii .SB *'C 00
o (0
o *-*
+■* 00
Ph c/5 CO 8>£
Op ope
p E 3 g 83 c c*e s1!
w •cd 31 «0 3 83 .33 £2.3
Q C e 1 aj £ o o o •&-S
2 0043 f S
O cd"i o
o (0 So
• • o 0)
•c 83
2 %•*
43 03


"O *3 3 80 — -g (A 4) (A E (A
'TD a> 83 43 <U "co ^ 3
„ 2 3 3
0) 3-C 3 3*C
k (A (A
-4-* 43 43 3
co o '=3 +->
3 2 3 3 •u
c C
H-H §-
>i icO icO 'CO icd ICO icO icO icO
>> »—< Oi
e e e c e c e e
o o o o o o o o
E (A
55 Cl CJ o o o o o o o
E (0 <0 O.S2
k. k.
3 (A w
</> 4) 0) <0 0) 0)
IS c/5
'E y>
co — C/3 Uj 4-* t f

§ 3 63 S p 8E 5! C ^ O
t~ 2 § uj **“j
tt ted 1(0 1(0 § a 8
7 I
e c sat: 1^3^
G 3 c o
£ o 3 o cd 3 o o o
c o
S o C O o o Jo2a

2 I

„ w 5 = 3
^•S2 E E c
«3 k3 <3 «3 «9 «3
c c e e e e e c c c c c
o o o o o o o o o o o o
u o o o o ej u u u u u u

o H
to _

i* £ t'S ^
„ w 3 .E 3 "O
M .. s:i2 ©
'c 2 „ - 3.S 5 l~=EEc Sfc.5E.Ei 3
h cd «d <d <d «d cd ,e
uxSEEc u, .£> 43.0 .£-O 4i ♦3
3 s O «8 «8 «8 *8 <8
rb <d *cd *cd *cd *cd cd
£ c c c c c c
cc Kd Kd Kd Kd Kd Kd
=> C G C C C C C
o o o o o o % o o o o o o 5 O O O O O O
2 I u u u u u o < O o CJ o u o c o o o o o o
Second, Third, Fourth Conjugations infinitives
Present verfirT to be afraid
These are conjugated like the passive form of verbs of the Future veriturus esse to be going to be afraid
corresponding conjugations. A summary is provided as Perfect veritus esse to have been afraid



* o
.3 £

« fiUnOt
_ _
8 5*c
> > >

a> fa 5
C © O
<D <D <D
w? 2
00 . T3

§ *
« o'4-1-a
ai,a> c3 «s






•s c




T3 •o.Jj
.2J O p3
z 00
■p «
a £
,4> > 2 9S
O •—< CO • E 33
© a>
SO jj

w ’Iftf U 4> <9

33 43 33
.2$ S-c.2 2J=
— !> tf)J3£ co E I E § u u poo
Q 3333

E i„
S . «
. ?il
M M (A
5SS333 kill SE
t S3
'43-43 S3
•43TT43 S3 » 53 '43 S3 S3 S3 •43 S3 S3 S3
C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C c c c c
4) &> <□ Q> « 4) 1) 4> <D <L> ovv 4> 4> t> <U

o u ♦*
♦-* »{^ Qj

ct: a tSs 2i*c .a— £ e

_ <u u
X as cl
t b,
I5 >
§ i
>P3 oJ2 3 3 4>
£^UhClclpl S £ u. a. 1&1& S §


e I
S 'I * 4*“
ro S°
0=3 T3 OS S
O) = 15 a> = 2
3 *2'*-; *,2f
w 3
Q O c
o £
_. w D D
cio 9 5« Co -*-*■*-» -*-*
a _ 3 3_ 3 a a a
orcrcro o o
£ n> o <u o o o
3 o co (O co co CO CO
H c* =3
% O >«
■O—• O ©
y >4 hh a
ro 2 gJs S
o p | c'c 4> tS'E ij'c
<M I 5 3 g 8.3*8 §-2a I I'l.l'l ls.1 |sl|
o> £ o
W3 e f SSC3043
? £ .5 u. a. a. uu mil in till
195 T3
<U "O g cd
c g § TJ
3 !3x>
TJ 0 •a 2 CU +■>
T3 <U a> «J; 2 c3
CU > «■a % &
> 2 -o .g
S3 2 cd
43 -M ^ o
o_35 ^J3 00*J 2 §>
■g2 .so
3 00 cd u
43 43
tj43 o3 6 E O O
43 DC

£ 0)
3 3 E _ a 0) a
5 a io
3 k b
E <2
a> (A a;
0) (A
(A (0 (A
3 3 3
3 a
a co co co co co c/} CO « to
ft 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
cd cd cd cd cd cd cd cd cd
ti o
a *,13
g o
s t <y jo to
5 b «i: 5! o <u s ts g
o | g§ 8 0
S*S 93 3^3 9 _ _
P ■-81 sU -3
§ I)- 3 5 <U45 oc 0 3 5 a> 3
§ 0-i Oh Uh wOhO, S 0( (Li ?cx tu

oc o

3 o
.S Cd ■ 3 tH 2 «3
5 cd cdXJ
<u cu jStj T3 -t->
> a <u
33 “ ^43 H DO DC
T3 ? co
3 3
*c •5
3 cd 0 cd cd
-a c <U tjtj TJ T3
g* E
E ^ CO
Semi-deponent Verbs

cSl "g o
J2 3 (A
2 Meats E 3 3
•S^ re O ii ■a> 0) c/> “D ■a
d CHI p
TJ 43 43 -3
iO 40 43
ia> ia>
o o o o TJT3 T3 TJ X TJ
8g! 3 3 3
cd cd cd
3 3
cd cd
3 3
cd cd
s§ s
°° h
n c
QJ± 0) *-
Th 0-3 0, 2. 0) ■4-* LU -«-»
S 14) 0) -O o 5 o






£ E TJ 3i® C

(0 0(0 0
< O g
cn a

pO o>
*-x> CL)
-C -»-* 43
§ CD >)

c ed 3c
JJ 3-° *|sf5
>*2,.c ESE
'E 3 “ „ 3 &
Bo«S O.C
«§>Sl^5 _ >*e £ >,-5
• Mi


W c £
he/she/it will be

P <L)
you {pi) will be

O is 1
they will be
we shall be

2 0> a> Cl
XI c
P 53
<Z> (A ■e •c P
</J o
a> .. MM >
JQ > u
§ k.

■I °
g « OX)
K (0

=§3 to p 3 .. ♦j


• ^B >2-c a> ^ E «A ^ E P c

c <o « ♦- E £ (Q «0 (Q *0 « <0
c («««« Isssssi;

inds of esse are listed in the principal parts


° c
c 8
•S xi 15
c 4> C
S> §>
v c
4S 5 c -O CL)0) 4)
OS K CO oc
X) V Ss 0>X> fi XXX c
l)”0 u > 0> x c OS V 'S
> «S x c « > c u JJ xx poo 00
CO Cu»i = ^££•$15
C1* os >
0) «jX «Sf-O-Sg
X c ® os >,2
XX <U X 00X <U — >

g |x
g'S-jj? gjSx
g E >
js .5 ^ «s (A
Cv C/5 C — ■sAsfsfi 3
E o « « o
'gg^ggl (A (A
« >X 5 5,: >-> >>X £ >»•5 0) ® 3
c <A
<A ®
> «
he e .2 *' c v
3 . c 2.2 ♦* 2— >w
a> u
b .£ ,2 x £ tz .£ *5 C '5 5 g>
3 ® « ® « ® ® I 3*331* ill
•p O)
C co
!£ a> •g 1
U a
CO S3 =5 3 = = 3 3 3 3 3.3.3
-Sco a, 1£ I On a

as G
CA >1 as c
CO as as as 3
3 _ X as as
as <.
£ as as
fli ^N e OS'0

a> - m c > as JO 3
«•° § OS OS £ as S G CW ^
eo > CW 35
3 0) X as os X cd <D s» as
> >X s •O'0 os s-xx g-o
S'" c as j> eO T3 G Xta as X
—. >
e-c 2 a> raX X cO Cn «
3~J= as 2x X 3
as Os - X OS OS O) . JD ^ —- CO Os ~C=
X 3v 2.S’<
x c-cx
C 55 js
o aj£x JsS T3 '—'X x *o 2 2
o 2 3^ 2 3 “ -3 3 \ rt.
X o o X o os ca o IS ^ O "
►- >>c £ >>■£ 1-1 >>c £ >>•5 n >X ?
-O a>
> (A
to M c c.2*-
1 <A
o c a +* e 3 c K E -.2 4-
a> *§

(0 l(Q <0 ICO ICO (0 j§.E

</> § 'Pk<D k U h. k k.
V) ?
uj 3 3 3 3 3 3
as as as as as a> d) (1) O <D d)
a> — 0. s- H- «- >*- *- *- *22323= 5^ = = = = =

2 G
<L> 0)
GJ -O 3 0>
t- e0 «0 <U «5
J1-- 1
<U sSi <L>
I am abi
you sin


«» s» ctf
- JS
£ C/5
8gJ M

4) IA IA
> ia
3 ^ cw*- |.2S
«J E «*£■££ O (0 ICO 03 ICQ ICO CD io .2 .t; .E .ts 3
Uj h. U u U U L Uj U U Li U U U
o ct (D d> <D CD CL) <D
3= 4) m <u (U 0) 0)
£ 1 ® 8 <A
w <A S +J
® (A
X +rf +4 +4 +4 4^ +*
o b o o o - S= O O O O o o
c £ O.O.O. 0.0.0. § a o. a a a a u. aaaaaa

3 Sa> _©
§ -o
© > ©

•a ■sg
£ © co
e o o
ts E«Ae.2 4*
c +- C *3 C
• M • mm imp •■§ tam tmm
® ©
■ ^■1
—. k © © ® a> e « g.88- |,8
A & 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 5 3
ft. 4_> 4->
3 3 3
3 £ H M +Z +£.
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X z>

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I shall have borne


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% IO Wfrf 2 g*
§ <0 I «
cc 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0)
a. «*-«*-*-*- 5.2 55 s2 u.
ferre (to bear) (contd) Subjunctive
X 03 o
+-< o o
<u <u
00 ^ o

a> E E X
6 o o 00 <u
& o o _ '>
0 00
q> <U o CU u o id B
a> X
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i CO
>. X X
00 00
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Gerundive faciendus
p •
C (A (A
3 3 3

a> ill ts<0

0) _a>
c M G • .fi-—
3 «a |c
■ «■% 3 § E h «* S (A O .sg
if C 00 3<S
3 |E*-||i I 11» if trt:
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CL 0-
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« cu
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5 XJ
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so E

<u O)*-*

> JQ
2 W • r—t
1/3 |wX co "cO
o X !o
X C/3
X cu cO X
£3 I o
3 " X X
x <u C/3 C/3

« - >>x
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Xi a> E E
<u > CO 5rf lO
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ct m
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ro G p h M *s
o S « cu O 3
o a>
P ■ mm

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a^ O
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LET c i fe c b E
3 U> e c 3 c Uj C «5 I s
V) g 2 KO CO KO KO «
£•««•«« is ^•2


cd cd CD
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aa> DO
DO 04
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00 X
o00 CO
C/J =3
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co 4->
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o K O r-

2: £ E
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g| I5 I 2
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C £ o
sS,&.«£i&S c.2 5 10 5 a> 5 «
I— • i is 26 IS £.>
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volfins, -entis


a Q>

c 1
I had wished

J= £
1 CO

•5 <U
-c X
</> £ ed CO
£ IA


0) «0
o > 3
e c.24-
£2, v C l/l V e»' c
ca 2 «- ^ «B W «0 «0 ICO <0
a> o
2 c,2 £ .0.0 J3 -0.0.0

— 5, cc 4) ifl) id) I® 10) ia>

-O S® £=2 =
0) C £ O£ 3 O 3 O =i a
0 aa
0 0 a
0 o o
0 0 to
> _ £>>>>>> ?>>>>>>
nolle (not to wish, to be unwilling)
• This verb was originally n6n volo.


<0^ S£

c c c c c c c
& O O O O O <3
&£ c e2c =


O « K0 <0 KO KB <0

- c

5 «

jE h

£ £

£ c

c c
1 shall not have wished Infinitives
Present nolle not to wish
Perfect noluisse not to have wished



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o o
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■ aaa

s (A
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!o uj :r ir •.= 1= 1= i= S3 c U h
3 g1 «5 i« «5 «5 «5 «5 £ «0 S; 1(0 (£
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o T3
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O E I <U £
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D <u ,a>
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_c -C
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■fi s a> IA

S! E > </> e
E c.2
Ek «-
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T3 <U
3 o
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X o
ca !>
£ >-
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£ <U <d <u

<& X X >> >>
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jLG P V a> C
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3 5 6* £ «•a

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*1 g.g|. •g 1 ■§
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