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My lifestyle Story

University!! I could not wait to get here and the time has FINALLY come!! First day was a whirlwind
filled with lots of information, to be honest my head was about to explode with all the stuff that we
needed to know. However, I couldn’t wait to get stuck in! I have heard from the majority of people
that University is the best days of your life so as you can imagine I was expecting pretty big things. I
would say that I am an outgoing person in general and was really looking forward to meeting new
people. At lunch, I met a couple of girls who were on my course!! They where very friendly and we
chatted away. It felt great!!

On the first official day at University I was a bundle of nerves, will I like the course? Will I make
friends? However, the minute I went into our classroom I felt at home as my lecturer was really
cheerful and chatted away to us! I just know that I’m going to like it here.

Five tips for a first year student

1. Always ask for help (the lecturers don’t bite!!)

2. Write the notes that is given to you!
3. Be organised
4. Be sure that you know whereabouts your class is!!
5. Enjoy and work hard

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