Reviewer in Operations Management

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REVIEWER IN OPERATIONS Organization Barriers

MANAGEMENT -refusal or reluctance to share information

(Preliminary Term) -reluctance to shake up the status quo
WEEK 1 -security issues
Operations Management Cultural Attitudes
-Science and art of ensuring that goods and -lack of trust and too much trust
services are created and delivered successfully to -fear of loss of decision-making power
customers Required Capabilities
-The design, operation, and control of the -lacking or failing to develop the requisite value
transformation process that converts such resources management skills
as labor and raw materials into goods and services People
Includes: -lacking commitment to do whatever it takes
-Design of goods, services, and the processes that -refusing to be flexible in meeting the demands of a
create them changing situation
-Day-to-day management of processes -not being motivated to perform at a high level
-Continual improvement of goods, services, and -lack of trained managers to lead value chain
processes initiatives
Importance: Technology’s Role in Manufacturing
-Encompasses both services and manufacturing Increased automated and integration of production
-Effectively and efficiently managing productivity facilities with business systems to control cost
-Plays a strategic role in an organization‟s -predictive maintenance, remote diagnostics, and
competitive success utility cost savings
Manufacturing and Services Quality
Manufacturing Organization -the ability of a product or service to reliably do
-Uses OM in the transformation process of turning what it‟s supposed to do and to satisfy customer
raw materials into physical goods expectations
Service Organization How is Quality achieved?
-Uses OM in creating non-physical outputs in the -planning for quality
form of services (employees interacting with -organizing and leading for quality
customers) -controlling for quality
Managing Productivity Quality Goals
Productivity -ISO900 Certification and Six Sigma Standards
-overall output of goods or services produced Mass Customization
divided by the inputs needed to generate that output -A design-to-order concept that provides consumers
-composite of people and operations variable with a product when, where, and how they want it.
Benefits of Increased Productivity -Makes heavy use of technology in developing
-economic growth and development flexible manufacturing techniques and engaging in
-higher wages and profits without inflation continual dialogue with customers.
-increased competitive capability due to lower costs Benefits of Mass Customization:
Value -creates an important relationship between the firm
-performance characteristics, features, attributes and and the customer in providing loyalty-building
any other aspects of goods and services for which value to the customer and in garnering valuable
customers are willing to give up resources (spend market information for the firm.
money) Value Analysis: An Applied Concept for
Value Chain Manufacturing and Service Industry
-entire series of organizational work activities that -All organizations strive to create value for their
add value at each step beginning with the customers. This value creates mind space for
processing of raw materials and ending with the product and services.
finished products in the hand of end users. -Value analysis, therefore, is a scientific method to
Value Chain Management increase this value. Value is a perception hence
-Process of managing the entire sequence of every customer will have their own perceptions on
integrated activities and information about product how they define value.
flows along the entire value chain. -However, overall at the highest level, value is
Goals of Value Chain Management: quality, performance, style, and design relative to
-to create a value chain strategy that fully integrates product cost. Increasing value necessarily does not
all members into a seamless chain that meets and mean decrease in all-inclusive cost of production
exceeds customer‟s need and creates the highest but providing something extra for which a premium
value for the customer. can be charged.
Requirements for Value Chain Management: The objective and benefits of value analysis can
A new business model incorporating be summarized as below:
-coordination and collaboration • Value analysis aims to simplify products and
-investment in information technology process. There by increasing efficiency in
-changes in organizational processes managing projects, resolve problems, encourage
-committed leadership innovation and improve communication across
-flexible jobs and adaptable, capable employees organization.
-supportive organizational culture and attitudes
Obstacle to Value Chain Management:
• Value analysis enables people to contribute in the -Shareholder and Stockholder
value addition process by continuous focus on Social
product design and services. -This pertains to fair and beneficial business
• Value analysis provides a structure through cost practices toward labor, the community, and the
saving initiatives, risk reduction and continuous region in which a firm conducts its business.
improvement. Economic
Activities for Value Analysis -The firm is obligated to compensate shareholders
1. Product/Service - The 1st step is to identify the who provide capital through stock purchases and
product or service which is based on usage/demand, other financial instruments via a competitive return
complexity in development and future potential. on investments.
2. Cost Analysis: The next step understands in Environmental
detail cost structure in developing and -This refers to the firm's impact on the environment.
manufacturing the product. The company should protect the environment as
3. Define product and function: The next step is to much as possible or at least cause no harm.
define all the primary function of the product Operations and Supply Chain Strategy
and service through satisfying the basic need -is concerned with setting broad policies and
and then taking next step in delighting the plans for using the resources of a firm and
customer. For this better understanding of product must be integrated with corporate strategy
components and characteristics is required. -can be viewed as part of a planning process that
4. Evaluation of alternatives: Through coordinates operations goals with those of the
brainstorming possible alternatives can short listed larger organizations.
which can provide value to the primary function Planning Strategy
of the product. Cost evaluation at high level -is a process just like making a product or
needs to be done for all the alternatives, and the delivering a service. The process involves a set of
cheapest alternative is short listed. activities that are repeated at different intervals over
5. Secondary Function evaluation: Secondary time.
functions of the product and services are studied Cost or Price:
and evaluated. “Make the Product or Deliver the Service
6. Recommendation: Value Analysis done has Inexpensively”
to communicate to the various level of the Quality:
management team as to get acceptance. “Make a Great Product or Deliver a Great Service”
Value Analysis Team Delivery Speed:
-The process of value analysis is carried out by “Make the Product or Deliver the Service Quickly”
value analysis team. So it becomes paramount that Delivery Reliability:
team selection for value analysis also follows a “Deliver It When Promised”
structured process. Value analysis team consists of Coping with Changes in Demand:
trained and qualified team members who have “Changes its Volume”
background and knowledge about the project. Flexibility and New-Product Introduction Speed:
Team leader is selected by the project manager. “Change It”
Team size for value analysis is 5 to 8. Other Product-Specific Criteria:
Value Analysis Process “Support It”–Technical Liaison and support
-Value analysis process can be divided into Meeting a launch date
three phases of mainly pre-analysis, analysis and -Supplier after-sale support
post analysis. -Environment Impact
-Pre-analysis contains activities of project selection -Other Dimensions
and team selection. Order Winner
-Analysis phase as the name suggests consists of -is a criterion that differentiates the products or
activities like investigation, speculation, evaluation, services of one firm from those of another.
development and presentation of the report. Depending on the situation, the order-winning
-Post-analysis consists of activities‟ criterion may be the cost of the product (price),
implementation of the report and regular audit. price quality and reliability, or any of the other
Functional Analysis part of Value Analysis dimensions developed earlier.
-Function analysis is required to transform the Order Qualifier
project elements from design of product towards -is a screening criterion that permits a firm's
function of product. The main categories are products to even be considered as possible
Basic, Secondary, Required Secondary Aesthetic, candidates for purchases. Oxford Professor Terry
Unwanted, Higher Order and Assumed. Hill states that a firm must “re-qualify the order
qualifiers” every day it is business.
WEEK 2 Strategies Are Implemented Using Operations
A Sustainable Operations and Supply Chain And Supply Chain Activities-Ikea's Strategy
Strategy ●All the activities that make up a firm's
-Strategy should describe how a firm intends to operation relate to one another. To make these
create and sustain value for its current activities efficient, the firm must minimize its total
shareholders. By adding sustainability to the cost without compromising customers' needs.
concept, we add the requirement to meet these Supply Chain Risk
current needs without compromising the ability of -the likelihood of a disruption that would impact
future generations to meet their own needs. the ability of the company to continuously
supply products or services. Operations and supply -technology acquired should align with overall
chain strategies must consider the risk in their objectives of the organization and should be
supply chains and develop initiatives to cope approved after elaborate cost-benefit analysis.
with these disruptions and mitigate their impact Technology Integration:
on the business. -technology affects all aspects of production i.e.
-Supply chain coordination risks that are associated capital, labor and customer. Therefore, a solid
with the day-to-day management of the supply technology integration plan is required.
chain which are normally dealt with using safe Technology Verification:
stock, safety lead time, overtime etc. -once technology integrated, it is important to check
-Disruption risks, which are cause by natural or whether technology is delivering operational
man-made disasters, such as earthquakes, effectiveness and is been used to its fullest.
hurricanes, and terrorism. Technology in Manufacturing and Design
Risk Management Framework -Technology is getting extensively used in
-Identify the sources of potential disruptions. customization of design products and services. The
-Assessing a type of vulnerability is the first step in usage of computers and supporting electronic
the risk management framework. These are highly systems is integral part of modern industrial and
situation dependent, but the focus should be on services industry. Current techniques can be
highly unlikely events that would cause significant broadly classified into following categories:
disruption to normal operations. Computer-Aided Design (CAD):
-Assess the potential impact of the risk. -CAD facilitates linking of two more complex
-Develop plans to mitigate the risk. components of design at very high level of accuracy
-Risk mapping involves assessment of the thus delivering higher productivity.
probability or relative frequency of an event against Computer-Aided Manufacturing System (CAM):
the aggregate severity of the loss. -Precision is very essential in operating any
-Depending on the evaluation, some risks might be machines and therefore, Computerized Numerically
deemed acceptable and the related costs considered Controlled machines are used, thus ensuring highest
a normal cost of doing business. level of accuracy.
-Hewlett-Packard employs a matrix that maps Standard for the Exchange of Product Data:
risks against specific operation and supply chain -As the name suggests product design is
strategies. The matrix helps to understand the transmitted among CAM and CAM in three
impact of different types of supply chain dimensions. Standard for The Exchange of Product
disruptions when using specific operations and Data process sharing of product across all phases of
supply chain strategies. product life cycle and serves as neutral file
Productivity exchange.
-is a common measure of how well a country, Software Systems in Manufacturing
industry, or business unit is using its resources (or -There are various software systems available to
factors of production). Since operations and supply integrated operations and manufacturing functions
chain management focuses on making the best with other business functions of organization.
use of the resources available to a firm, -Some of the common software systems are
productivity measurement is fundamental to Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Supply-
understanding operations-related performance. Chain Management (SCM), New-Product
-In its broadest sense, productivity is defined as Development (NPD) and Customer Relationship
Productivity/Inputs = Outputs Management (CRM). Enterprises Resources
-To increase productivity, we want to make this Planning (ERP)
ratio of outputs to inputs as large as practical. -links all business functions like manufacturing,
-Productivity is what we call a relative measure. marketing, human resource and finance through
-In other words, to be meaningful, it needs to be a common software platform. The main benefits
compared with something else. of the ERP solution are that it not only reduces
database errors but also delivers value to customer
WEEK 3 through faster delivery and order fulfillment.
Technology and Operations Management Automation in Production and Operations
-In last decade or so technology has changed the -Automation reduces manual intervention in the
way organization conduct their business. Advent of manufacturing process. It increases productivity
technology in operation management has increased and reduces margin of error thereby facilitating
productivity of the organization. economies of scale. There are this-advantages of
-The scope of Technology and operation automation also, such as unemployment, high
management has evolved over a period of time and breakdown cost and initial capital investment.
has moved from development of products into Therefore, automation may not be suitable in all
design, management and improvement of operating situations and in the end alignment with an overall
system and processes. organization objective is important.
-Integration of Technology with Production System Challenges
Technology drives efficiency in organization and -can be facilitating factor in bringing about
increases‟ productivity of the organization. change in operations and production
-However, bringing technology in the production management. But it may not be feasible to use
system is highly complex process, and it needs to technology in all aspects with challenge coming
following steps: through high initial cost of investment, high cost
Technology Acquisition: of maintenance and mismanagement.
WEEK 4 6. Robust design
Design of Goods and Services Issues for Product Development
Product Decision Robust design
-The good or service the organization provides -Product is designed so that small variations in
society production or assembly do not adversely affect the
-Top organizations typically focus on core products product
-Customers buy satisfaction, not just a physical -Typically results in lower cost and higher quality
good or particular service Modular design
-Fundamental to an organization's strategy with -Products designed in easily segmented components
implications throughout the operations function -Adds flexibility to both production and marketing
Product Strategy Options -Improved ability to satisfy customer requirements
-Differentiation Computer-aided design (CAD)
Shouldice Hospital -Using computers to design products and design
-Low cost products and prepare engineering prepare
Taco Bell engineering documentation
-Rapid response -Shorter development cycles, improved cycles,
Toyota improved accuracy, lower cost accuracy
New Product Opportunities -Information and designs can be designs can be
1. Understanding the Understanding the customer deployed worldwide
2. Economic change Extensions of CAD
3. Sociological and Sociological and demographic -Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DFMA)
change (DFMA)
4. Technological change Solve manufacturing problems during the
5. Political/legal change design stage
6. Market practice, professional standards, 3-D Object Modeling
suppliers, distributors Small prototype development
Quality Function CAD through the internet
Deployment -International data exchange through STEP
-Identify customer wants Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM)
Identify how the good/service will satisfy -Utilizing specialized computers and program to
Identify how the good/service will satisfy customer control manufacturing equipment
wants -Often driven by the CAD system (CAD/CAM)
Relate customer wants to product how Benefits
Identify relationships between the firm‟s Product quality
hows 2. Shorter design time
Develop importance ratings 3. Production cost reductions
Evaluate competing products 4. Database availability
Compare performance to desirable technical 5. New range of capabilities
attributes Virtual reality technology
House of Quality Sequence - used to develop an interactive, 3-D model of a
-Deploying resources through the organization in product from the basic CAD data
response to organization in response to customer -Allows people to „see‟ the finished design before a
requirements physical model is built
Organizing for Product Development -Very effective in large-scale designs such as plant
Historically layout
-distinct departments Value analysis
-Duties and responsibilities are defined -Focuses on design improvement during production
-Difficult to foster forward thinking -Seeks improvements leading either to a better
A Champion product or a product which can be produced more
-Product manager drives the product through the economically
product development through the product Environmentally friendly design
development system and related organizations -It is possible to enhance productivity, drive down
system costs, and preserve resources
Team approach -Effective at any stage of the product life cycle
Cross functional -Design
-Representatives from all disciplines or functions -Production
-Product development teams, design for -Destruction
manufacturability teams, value engineering teams The Ethical Approach
Japanese “whole organization” approach -View product design from a systems perspective
-No organizational divisions
Manufacturability and Value Engineering
Benefits: sider the entire life cycle of the product
1. Reduced complexity of products Goals
2. Additional standardization of products -Develop safe and more environmentally sound
3. Improved functional aspects of product products.
4. Improved job design and job safety -Minimize waste of raw materials and energy.
5. Improved maintainability (serviceability) -Reduce environmental liabilities
-Increase cost-effectiveness of complying with -Reduced raw material and purchases
environmental regulations -Simplified production planning and control
-Be recognized as a good corporate citizen -Improved layout, routing, and machine loading
Guidelines -Reduced tooling setup time, work-in-process, and
-Make products recyclable production time
-Use recycled materials Documents for Production
-Use less harmful ingredients Assembly drawing
-Use lighter components -Shows exploded view of product
-Use less energy -Details relative locations to show how to assemble
-Use less material the product
Legal and Industry Standards Assembly chart
For Design -Identifies the point of production where of
-Federal Drug Administration production where components flow into
-Consumer Products Safety Commission subassemblies and ultimately into the final product
-National Highway Safety Administration Route sheet
-Children‟s Product Safety Act -Lists the operations and times required to produce
For Manufacture/Assembly a component
-Occupational Safety and Health Administration Work order
-Environmental Protection Agency -instructions to produce a given quantity of a
-Professional ergonomic standards particular item, usually to a schedule
-State and local laws dealing with employment Engineering change notices (ECNs)
standards, discrimination, etc. -A correction or modification to a product‟s
For Disassembly/Disposal definition or documentation
-Vehicle Recycling Partnership -Engineering drawings
-Increasingly rigid laws worldwide -Bill of material
Time-Based Competition -Quite common with long product life cycles, long
-Product life cycles are becoming shorter and the manufacturing lead times, or rapidly changing
rate of technological change is increasing technologies
-Developing new products faster can result in a Configuration Management
competitive advantage -The need to manage ECNs has led to the
Acquiring Technology development of configuration management systems
-By Purchasing a Firm -A product‟s planned and changing components are
Speeds development accurately identified and control and accountability
Issues concern the fit between the acquired for change are identified and maintained
organization and product and the host Product Life Cycle Management
Through Joint Ventures -Integrated software that brings together most, if not
Both organizations learn all, elements of together most, if not all, elements of
Risks are shared Product design and manufacture
Through Alliances Product design
Cooperative agreements between CAD/CAM, DFMACAD/CAM, DFMA
independent organizations Product routing
Defining the Product Materials
-First definition is in terms of functions Assembly
-Rigorous specifications are developed during the Environmental
design phase Service Design
-Manufactured products will have an engineering -Service typically includes direct interaction with
drawing the customer
-Bill of material (BOM) lists the components of a -Increased opportunity for customization
product -Reduced productivity
Product Documents -Cost and quality are still determined at the design
Engineering drawing stage
-Shows dimensions, tolerances, and Shows -Delay customization
dimensions, tolerances, and materials -Modularization
-Shows codes for Group Technology -Reduce customer interaction, often through
-Bill of Material automation
-Lists components, quantities and Lists components, Documents for Service
quantities and where used -High levels of customer interaction necessitates
-Shows product structure different documentation
Group Technology -Often explicit job instructions for moments-of-
-Parts grouped into families with similar truth
characteristics -Scripts and storyboards are other techniques
-Coding system describes processing and physical Application of Decision Trees to Product Design
characteristics -Particularly useful when there are a series of
-Part families can be produced in dedicated decisions and outcomes which lead to other
manufacturing cells decisions and outcomes
-Improved design
Procedures: these circumstances, process thus develop is
-Include all possible alternatives and states of nature discontinued.
-including “doing states of nature Production Process
-including “doing nothing” -Based on the nature of product and service
-Enter payoffs at end of branch production or conversion process can be divided
-Determine the expected value of each branch and into two broad categories, continuous production
“prune” the tree to find branch and the alternative (assembly line, oil refinery) and intermittent
with the best expected the alternative with the best production (job work, service).
expected value Process Design
Transition to Production -A successful process design has to take into
-Know when to move to production account the appropriateness of the process to overall
-Product development can be viewed as Product organization objective. Process design requires a
development can be viewed as evolutionary and broad view of the whole organization and should
never complete not have a myopic outlook. And the process should
-Product must move from design to Product must deliver customer value with constant involvement
move from design to production in a timely manner of the management at various stages.
-Most products have a trial production Most Conclusion:
products have a trial production period to insure -In order to achieve a good process design,
producibility effective process strategy is required, which
-Develop tooling, quality control, and training deals with a singular line items required to
-Ensures successful production manufacture the end product. Effective process
-Responsibility must also transition as the strategy deals with raw material procurement,
-Responsibility must also transition as the product customer participation, technology investment, etc.
moves through its life cycle
-Line management takes over from design
-Three common approaches to managing transition
-Project managers
-Product development teams
-Integrate product development and manufacturing
organizations Your progress does not need to be seen or
validated by others to be real. Good luck sa
WEEK 5 Prelim Exams! Padayon!
Process Selections, Designs and Analysis ~Czaaapppeee<3
-The objective of organization is to provide service
and product, which satisfy customer and create
value for them. A product and service designed is
based on the customer feedback and requirement of
the market. Process design is where the product is
broken down into parts, which further can be
helpful in the actual manufacturing process.
Process Planning
Process Requirement:
-The very 1st step is to collect and gather
information to give structure with the end
objective. That is to make process requirement
document highlighting various stages, risk and
stakeholders for production. This will include
assessment of available technology, raw material
requirement, factory/plant layout and demand
Team Building:
-Once the process requirements are finalized, for
each objective, a team is finalized based on skill
level and experience. Function of the team is to get
familiarize with the whole process.
Planning and Implementation:
-Process planning team will develop module;
policies and procedure require for production,
which are after required approval internal as well as
external is implemented.
-A regular audit is carried out to ensure that process
thus implemented is in line and delivering value to
End of Life:
-Over a course of time there may be enhancement
of the product or product may get discontinued in

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