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Ticial application oP oko t-the dand in accordance ivement ts called ax tryjatton alien ee oem ee aa Wak and Bulfilling requirements c P peaple ey _scarcity period and Hous protect Fon vfamine s ___ @)_Inceeose ty feed Production _ | (ith; —Preresse—fer—erep—prok-produclion—lue-be-centod “Soprhy _ jelde nearly hoo he Farr Hemet Tt helps tnereasing ep ¥ mare yield than “in by tarmiay. Mave vounds of Crp can be Faken, Eich proauchon can be cleveloped in He | ivrigaHon dank . © Rise tm social chondlayd. With increase in crop production due to certain supply of | Water it makes 7h possible te Gm cash cmps Like banana | ishugarcane, Pebacto, com ete, thud mare money sill be availabe with He Formers which yatses thety standard (of Living |@_ Ford conte Grclures Like reservoirs detain Firds fx some. time I Daniqation d and thus reduces cleshuchve power ard thus helps in Ptove} | contol. |e Generation of Hydroelectric pone I Tha pnjeck clealgned tov trrigobion Can also be deesignec| foc poner generation. Canal” falls can be used fer per | | ! | Il generolion (6) Demeshe Daler supply | terigation helps in aus menting tha wokn, afiphy. of dian Tideky ts avedeble co FREER satis a PATO ISTIOSST OTE TESTE IIE PET ENT @_ Inland Navigation - : 2 lange trxyjation canals are olesiyned then jf _can__also be used For new gation purpose. _ @ Aflovestation —, Allong banks of cana) trees may be planted which —)agroinc along the banks of canad_an creaze tim hey — Welth of county. | Revenue generation a Due _to_clérect +ames revenue Tety™Ms are Sor — beh phic holpe in oleyelp meat 9 couitfediys (@)—focreace_in facil ties of communicahisn | The inspechon path pred provided fy ? nepechon ire 4 = ~.May pr» ide goad roadway fo vill _ (@taetin iO ead ey e 7 Due tr_assured andl _xequlav’ wader supply a singh to) 1@) Wafer Lag [ag |@Q sot fh = Crop can be sean and maximum yield ean by Obtatned and tue Above Rs. S creve —? CCA mae than [sv0o ha , —— OMiner prajeck> _belad 25 Tae —> Cen less Pha 2000h Mac projeck Meédfamerofccf TD ahakeh Nagpal CArgjak.) —_@)_ Gang Da alge fi im Beas pryect © Mandy phas i ___— Rajsthan Canal project _ @ Gor phase L te Chamba! project @)_pus River = agri project @ tedsi project _. @) b p __| 0 Hirakud dam pre JT) tavakka Barrage project | Purpose poiol of view. ea Single purpose peje: [TA project “which fs planed and Pinanced Pov one ov siggkt objective called Glog purpose payect - Ex. @© keyang payed - Por hy dm power if ® Bagh prject - for ingahion . [@ Mulhipurpsse project | _ A prject kick ts planned fur roere than one objeckve | called as multipurpose prec _ Ex@@Bhakrananqal~ for irnyahon and power qenevehon _ @ Damoday Valley ~ Re ination + prmengenerabimn FOR EDUCATIONAL USE + 4p conto] lend + Hydrological cycle ~ ~ Hydrology. | 4h te the sscience shich h_aleals _ “with Ha occurence, dishibube cand _circulotion of Wole on ear. — Hib fe the elec gle Oh ts_efreulotion of Reale TE Reler _ 190. Vawous shoe fe Weaker Fron Ocean is aveper eva: oraked tne abroospher Le The hy che) opi {| i = | | +f ocean. ocean. = The portion refained boy vegetation esehuvned to atmospler | ley evaperation and HransBisahien i* Than pation eas Tha Vapour & condensed and Falls onk earth as rain fall. Gome of He woley is evaporeled back i atmosphe _Some PovHon Pall ty olivecHon ob acean and some falls an _land surface [x A pecker falling om land is rekafaed by soil, depression and vegetation and some paxHon wuna as Tunoll. __and uliimatel joins t ocean. fined by Soit Pofiltrale Herre ugh gall. and joins ground Welw wlich joins Ghreams and ulKmatel cle Pocludes evoporahion precipifation, fo Filkecobiats Pend vunall.. * Rainfoll - i PainPall is dephh in mm ov cm of Waky that Would “stand on tha surface wf earth if it fe nof lash fn aay Uke 2vaperation . absoxplion he . fai) at 2 pla ce_ts Mm — | is called ain guage. * | Rainquage skation __ Ta place af Ahich ~woln quage ave fastalled Por meaturr of rainfall fs called Rainguage Gbahtog. * | Site sdlechion Per Rata guage stahon _ '® sik showd be in open space hoving at Leash Sm x Ss |@ ths distance of inchupeot Prom nearest obshuction she. of be Jess Phan Bom or hoice the height of obshuchior @ The guage should have level _hovizenbal catch Surtace. |@ To reduce wind Pech ts it shawd be sek neay the | ground suvfau bub of te same hme t prevent splash I of Waley fob ft, fk shadd be suPFicien by high. © A Renee should be erecked around shationte prlect _ |_xalgguaye form cattle, doze be. , (© The belone «ft Pence shoul ke nat be less than Hac | _of Ts heft - - (@_A sike thal _& shelleved fom Wyk wind shold be | chosen. . a Tex vain guage should nifle fnclallal on top of |__oxside oy He Will and TPoso, then site should be Sdeced such Hof PF SRMGYALD pieced Prom gh win ths Ju disturbed - rusk be mounkel Prerly co that | even by shong wid wind. | Type oF Rain Guages T |_Non Recording type H oe Railing uayes aL eas, Recording type [Aulomabic Refaguaze] 7 2 [— Y v Symons wleielian Tipping Sypnen Rainguage bucket bucheb. aye guage gua] watershed Hydrology 3(2#1) navigation Lesson 5 Rainfall Measurement S.1 Introduction Mostly estimates of runoff are mae based on rarntall data, tiouni! nl inten! = vf rainfall should be known by measurement, Rainlall dats ys abo sequuired for calculating irrigation requirements 7 Gorerat Moguie 1 Inimtvction of Water Resources ano Myers 5.1.1 Raingage: The purpose af the raingage ts 1 measure the depth snd intensity wht — Preoptanon falling on a Mat surtive without vonsidering anfiltiatiog, sano? are aponten Ths Leese atone PMbLeMS OF measttremtents include efeets of topuxeraphy. nearby eeyetatin had ts bese Frevantaren Lesson 5 Rovntalt . Measurement 5.2 Types of Ra Lesson 6 recording) pes tnonerecttding: ad Je mainly No types of Fain Lesson 7 Estat ot Hissing Rasta aia “The standard rainguge, known as Symon’s gage +s recommended and snstatted Hs te es Lessen8 Indian Meteorological Department. This iy vertical. finde cemisnacs ath > ead opening 127 em in diameter. A funnel shaped hood ty inserted to mminize evaporation losses. ‘The water is fanneled unio an inner eylnde 2.1 Non-recording Gage C Maan Areal f _ | a Peace —— Funes S Getoemaa) ‘Orgy love - breeds Ot Noo Hycrolggea! | ot sem Bostactons ‘ Moule 4 Types and | Geormorahoioay of Watersneas Kove Moouie § Rurotl Module 6 ryorograpn Module 7 Flood Roving Mogul 8 ought ‘ana Flood Management Masonry toungation ook - 190 em x 60 em « 60 em Monsuring . jar igiaes) = -}-—— tem ousas F ¢Source: Raghunath, 2000) 7 $1 Symon‘sRaingaw Considerations for Installation | + The site should be an upen place Fhe distance between the raingage and the neatest object hari EAE EEE RS SETS height of the objec! 4. As tor as possible Ht should be level ground 4 Inthe hulls, the wind does note ae be = chosen where it is best aficlded trom hy 64 Is § Ia fence is ere 1 ected, i should be alleast at a distance of twice the ie Rainy whet Type Raimgage «Tis gaye w cigs the pain, fie falls te 41 platfarm ofa spring or level halanee The meressiny seh of bucket and us counts are recorded on the chi ecu rt hele by a eluck driven dram, Th ‘ nord shows the accumulation of precipitation with tring in the shape of a matss curve Of recpitaion. The gaye must be serviced about once a week vshien the clock 1s ind andl the chart is repliced. For high ramfall. the recording mechani fe eee the direction of re tion of record immediately on reaching the upper ede of the recerstins shart rocattna fice) | irs | }— caten bocnet i t— Spring balance RovoMing crum — | (chart mounted) q | Clock mechanism fs", Pen Curve traced by pen of selferecording tain qaug? 20 i Total 15 | rainfall to See ic) , 5.3. Recorded mass curve of precipitation in weighing bucket type tng Raghunath, 2006) 52.2.2 Tipping Bucket Type Raingage - The upping bucket saungasse consists ot 4 “Atthe end of the recerver @ funnel is provid A pair ot 30 cm diasharp edge receiver. Wonte bucket recenves U5 mh buckets are pivoted under the fal i ips, discharging ity contents in to a tank 6 ‘Tipping of the bucket completes an electric cteut causing the moreno pe revolving drum which carries a record sheet Jinnel in such at way that wh. jing the other bucket unier the ofr funne! to mark ona clock driven ath, 2000) Fig Sa. Tipping bucket type cuingaye (Source: Rayth suv kinase ats the Recorder = Im the siphon 4 Siphon Type Autor Noat ty pe of recordin: hallow Moat 1 hallow float The vertical movement of the Moat ¢ Raunt ingaye. the rain ty fed into a Hoat chamber F yeater rises. 18 containing a tight the lev nent of the pen v! J. float and Hoat ene bby a suitable mechanism an to the move! resolving 1 suitably adjusting the dimensions of the recerving funnel n be obtained Siphon! ver at becomes fui the pen chamber, any desired seale value on the chart ca ts provided for emptying the Meat chamber quickly whene) returns to the bottom of the chart Fig $5 Siphon type sutomane rainfall wecorder inath, 2006) «Source Ri Errors in Rainfall Measurements: There are three main sources of effors 11 Faint al detects. a) instrumet 1b) improper sitting (location) of the 2) human errors ach revording type wage has inherent errors caused By mee) oh veal puatts oF the ea pene tm astin to moe Ss PUMA DATE Loa Jase a1 eB the coll anand measuring eslinder stirface whe gave ts dry etors bein Tfappros imately 25 nnn pret seach Sat te cotiect measurate aman’ of ate

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