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What is/are the business question(s) to answer?

 What is the relationship between discounted sales and profit?

 Based on the discounted sales, how is the company performing in terms of profits and
 Are there any opportunities for efficiency and improvements, with respect to how
discounts are handled?

What data will be used to answer these questions? Is the data capable of
providing the information you are looking for?

The data that will be used to answer these questions is the sales data for years of 2011 to 2014.
This data should be sufficient for extracting relevant insights and answers to the questions.

Who is the audience of the visualization (to whom are these findings
ultimately being presented)?

The audience of this visualization would be the board members (including Terrence).

How will your findings ultimately be displayed? Please list any special
requirements of the user?

The findings will be displayed in the form of a PowerPoint presentation. Since the room where
the presentation will take place is large, large font sizes will be use to allow the audience to
properly view the information. Also, colors and shapes will be used to illustrate key points.

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