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Topic: NADRA's (National Data Base and Registration authority) Pak-ID mobile app:

Secondary keywords:


PM Imran Khan



You're probably reading this article while sitting on a chair/sofa or laying on the bed on your
mobile screen or laptop. Let suppose your 60 years old Amma knocks on the door and say "beta
my CNIC is expired, let's visit NADRA to renew it, now imagine the scenario you're taking your
old mom to the NADRA office by facing the traffic, bearing the anger and heated looks of sun
and finally you've reached the NADRA office, but here what you see is there are hundreds of
peoples standing outside the in the line and you've got no chance but to stand, a few hours later
you take your turn and they let you in to complete the formalities, and finally your request is
submitted (but this is only possible if you're lucky enough, what if they say your documents are
incomplete? And you have to go back and bring them another day). Already feeling exhausting,
no? Yes, it is a very exhausting experience, and you have to experience this because you haven't
got any other option, that tiny little piece of paper proves you are a citizen of Pakistan, you're
only allowed to live under the green shadow of this parcham if you have that parchi.

But things are changed now because Pakistan is growing up, (it's a little slow process, but
hopefully the things are changing), now this all is possible without facing these hurdles, Pakistan
is adopting the technology in every field; authorities are working to facilitate the public. Recently
Pakistan's Prime Minister Mr Imran Khan has launched the application named "PAK-ID" in the
NADRA department.

Well, it is not the first time that Pakistan is taking the step to make things digitalize, before that
they have introduced many apps in different departments like; PITB (Punjab information
technology) has developed the app in past named "Rasta" to facilitate the public with traffic-
related problems, Humsafar app was introduced by traffic police to help you find your route,
and to look for help in the surrounding, we have the access towards all the map of Sindh's lands
and documents with the help this website named "Sindhzameen", we have the app by Pakistan
Railways under the same name, where we can book, cancel and pay for our tickets, even NADRA
has an app before named "NADRA APP" which can help us find the nearest NADRA office, and
now they have taken another step towards the technology by introducing this "PAK-ID"

PAK-ID app will help the Pakistanis to apply for the identity card from home, (like you order for
the pizza) especially this step will facilitate to overseas citizens of Pakistan. You'll be able to
submit your scanned documents and biometrics through this application, the application will
need access to your camera and files. Prime Minister Imran Khan called it a revolutionary step in
the field of the ID management system, Imran Khan also added that this is a leap towards
making Pakistan a digital and advanced country. This will mark an end to the traditional system
of exchanging papers.

It is obvious or you can call it a universal law that everything that can benefit you or you uses it
for your benefit there's always a chance that it might harm you equally and sometimes you
would face more than that. The technology of the internet is like a vast bare ground, and when
you land on this ground and set a camp in under the open sky, you'll always have the feeling of
insecurity, your privacy will be no longer secure, so when we make a profile on any site of
internet it is like we are setting up the tent in the bare ground, so we should always keep our
mind ready to face any kind of disaster or uninvited guest who can disturb our privacy.

Keeping this all in mind we should move ahead and appreciate the efforts of the authorities
because the world is moving too fast and the work ethics are changing; everybody wants to save
his/her energy. We hope that they're also aware of the risks we are afraid of, and they'll have
the solutions for it. The app is available at the Playstore and you can have it free of cost.

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