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Link for the visualization on tableau

• Question 1: - How does your visualization leverage at least one “pop-out effect” or
“pre-attentive attribute?” Which one(s) was (were) chosen and why?

• Answer: - For pop out effect, it is essential that you viz has something which could
attract the eyes of the customer in first glance, hence here in my viz it is the
segregation of the sale in different forms and along with that colouring the required
areas so that attention of the customer goes directly on those point without wasting
any time.

• Question 2: - How does your visualization utilize at least one Gestalt principle?
Which principle(s) is (are) being reflected, and how?

• Answer: - Out of 6 Gestalt principle, here 2 principles are used, i.e., Similarity and
Enclosure- by grouping the similar data like sales by region, year and sub category.
Similarity- by using 2 colours for making the pop out effect.

• Question 3: - How does your design reflect an understanding of cognitive load and

• Answer: - Cognitive load is reduced by using only 2 colours thus making easy for
customer to stand out the differences between sales, which are on negative side
and which are on positive.
Cluttering is done by grouping the sales record in different categories which helps in
aggregating the sales record in a combined way rather than in scattered way.

• Question 4: - Is your visualization static or interactive? Why did you choose that

• Answer: - My viz is static. Reason for choosing static viz is that as the manager’s
persona states that she is not good in numbers, so creating a interactive viz only
makes her puzzled while taking any decision, thus pointing out the required
information directly will help her out in making any strategy.

• Question 5: - What need does this visualization address that words or numbers
alone cannot fill?

• Answer: - As in the viz numbers are transformed into bars and lines graph, thus
making the sales data more effective to understand. This helps manager to take a
right decision.

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