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A Review on Rheological Properties and Measurements of Dough and Gluten

Article  in  Journal of Applied Sciences · December 2010

DOI: 10.3923/jas.2010.2478.2490 · Source: DOAJ

75 1,462

3 authors:

Dayang Norulfairuz Abang Zaidel Nyuk Ling Chin

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
!‫ג‬. Universiti Putra Malaysia


Y.A. Yusof
Universiti Putra Malaysia


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J o‫ש‬nal of Applied Sciences 10 (20): 2478-2490, 2010
ISSN 1812-5654
@ 2010 Asian Network for Scientific Infonnation

A Review on Rheological Properties and Measurements of Dough and Gluten

D.N. Abang Zaidel, 2N.L. Chin and 2Y.A. Yusof


1Department ofBioprocess Engineering,

Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Natural Resources Engineering,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Skudai, Johor, Malaysia
2Department of Process and Food Engineering, Faculty ofEngineering,

Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia

Abstract: The field of rheology has seen a wider application in the food industry recently although, it is a
complex concept and that most food systems possess non-ideal characteristics. Nevertheless, the rheological
behavior of foods are able to be detennined using various techniques and equipment. Studies on rheological
properties related to dough and gluten are often challenging due to its variance in nature and high dependence
on many factors. This study attempts to give a review on the various types of experimental techniques and
set-up used in quantifying rheological properties of dough and gluten. The rheological properties are defined
and the behaviors are described by inducing stress and strains in small and large defonnation studies.

Key words: Dough, gluten, food rheology, defonnation, rheological measurement

----- Ideal elastic materials
- •- •- Ideal viscous materials
Rheology is defined as a study of the defonnation -- Viscoelastic materials

and flow of matter (Bo‫ש‬ne, 2002). The applications of

rheology have expanded into food processing, food
acceptability and handling. Many researches have been
conducted to understand the rheology of various types
of food such as food powder (Weert et al., 2001;
Grabowski et al., 2008), liquid food (Sabato, 2004; Park,
2007), gels (Michon et al., 2004; Foegeding, 2007), 0

emulsions (Robins et al., 2002; Corredig and Alexander,

2008) and pastes (Abu-Jdayil et al., 2002; Lim and t=O Time

N arsimhan, 2006). Vast food materials show a rheological

behavior that classifies them in between the liquid and Fig. 1: Creep and recovery curves for ideal elastic, ideal
solid states; meaning that their characteristic varies in viscous and viscoelastic materials (Steffe, 1996)
both viscous and elastic behaviors. This behavior, known
as viscoelasticity, is caused by the entanglement of the Dough and gluten consist of complex structures of
long chain molecules with other molecules. Figure 1 protein and carbohydrate cross links and due to this many
shows the creep and recovery test on the ideal elastic, studies had been reported on their rheological properties.
ideal viscous and viscoelastic materials. The ideal elastic The focus of this study is to provide a description of
materials have the ability to recover to its original shape rheological properties of dough and gluten, to highlight
upon the removal of stress while the stress acted on the the various types of experimental techniques and set-up
ideal viscous materials caused them to defonn and it is used in quantifying their rheological properties from past
non-recoverable. By combining both the ideal elastic and and current studies initiated.
viscous behaviors, the viscoelastic materials exhibit
behavior in recovering some of its original shape by Rheological behavior and development of dough and
storing the energy. They show a pennanent defonnation gluten: Rheological behavior of dough and gluten can be
less than the total defonnation applied to the material. detennined by two distinct measurements that are

CorrespondingAuthor: N.L. Chin, Departrnentof Process and Food Engineering,Faculty ofEngineering,

Universiti Putra Malaysia,43400 Serdang,Selangor,Malaysia Tel: +60389466353
J. Applied Sci., 10 (20): 2478-2490, 2010

fundamental and empirical. Studies on the fundamental continuously dispersed throughout. Glutenins, which are
rheology of dough and gluten are usually carried out the long polymeric proteins, are folded and the chains are
using small deformation while the empirical measurements in random orientation. As mixing proceeds, more protein
are measured using large deformation. Nonetheless,
fundamental dough and gluten rheological testings using
large deformation are growing popularity with the
presence of newer techniques and equipment. F erry (197 0)
described that the rheological behavior of gluten is related Linear
to the rheological properties of synthetic polymer where
the fundamental rheological properties of polymers reflect Other
the degree and type of cross-linking of the polymers. polymers
Thus, the rheological behavior of dough was predicted
using molecular models of gluten development during
mixing by Belton (1999) and Letang et al. (1999) as shown
in Fig. 2 and 3. In these models, gluten development
mainly involves glutenin proteins interactions with each Fig. 2: A model for the molecular structure of gluten.
other in the loop by disulphide bonds. At the early stage H!'v1W subunits are approximately by linear
of mixing, the gluten fibrils are in contact with the mixer polymers, interchain disulphide links are not
blade, the sides of the bowl and other flour particles. shown. Other polymers are approximated by
The hydrated gluten fibrils and starch granules are spheres (Belton, 1999)


Long glutenin chain
with intermolecular
covalent disulphide
(b) bond

,~ Small glutenin
subunits resulting
from the breaking
of disulphide bonds

Non covalent

• -••••h
- Hydrogen bond

r~Q. -11
- Hydrophobic
(c) interactions

~ . ~
Fig. 3: Molecular interpretation of gluten development (a) beginning of mixing, (b) optimum development and (c)
overmixing (Letang et al., 1999)

J. Applied Sci., 10 (20): 2478-2490, 2010

becomes hydrated and the glutenins tend to align than the weak flour in tenns of giving a higher response
because of the shear and stretching forces imposed. At in extensibility, bread loaf volwne and height and also
this stage, gluten networks are more developed by the volwne expansion.
cross-linking of protein wi1h disulphide bonds. At Mixing is an important step in producing gluten
optimwn dough development, the interactions between with desired strength as to produce a good quality
the polymers cross-links are becoming stronger which end-product. Processing factors during flour-water mixing
leads to an increase in dough strength, maximwn include the mixing time, work input, mixer type and
resistance to extension and restoring force after temperature. In order to achieve optimrnn dough
defonnation. When the dough is mixed longer past its development, the mixing time and work input must be
optimwn development, the cross-links begin to break due above the mmnnrnn critical level (Angioloni and
to 1he breaking of disulphide bonds. The glutenins Dalla Rosa, 2005). Different wheat flour has different
become depolymerised and the dough is ovennixed. The optimwn mixing time (Hoseney, 1985). A longer mixing
presence of smaller chains in the dough makes the dough time is expected for mixing dough from strong flour. It is
stickier. The monomeric proteins, gliadins fonn a matrix probably due to the dense particles of strong flour and
within the long polymer networks and contribute to slower water penetration (Hoseney, 1985). Sliwinski et al.
resistance to extension by fonning viscous behavior. (2004c) reported that a positive co‫ח‬elation was observed
Increasing the interactions between protein polymers between dough mixing time and the percentage of
increases gluten viscous resistance and resistance to glutenin protein in flour. Dobraszczyk and Morgenstem
extension. It was said that gliadins acted like a plasticiser, (2003) related optimurn mixing time of dough wi1h 1he
promoting viscous behavior and extensibility of gluten development of the glutens networks and monomers.
(Kuktaite, 2004). Increasing mixing time and work input above the optimwn
Many works have been attempted on detennining the level during mixing induces the changes in mechanical
rheological properties of dough (Khatkar el al., 2002; properties of dough (Cuq el al., 2002). Whilst mixing
U1hayakurnaran el al., 2002; Sliwinski el al., 2004a; speed influenced the development of gluten during dough
Chin and Campbell, 2005; Chi et al., 2005; Indrani and mixing through the intensity of mixing imparted on dough,
Rao, 2007; Skendi el al., 2010) and gluten (Arnemiya and insufficient mixing intensity would result in weak gluten
Menjivar, 1992; Janssen et al., 1996a; Kieffer et al., networks which bring failures in baking perfonnance
1998; Khatkar el al., 2002; Tronsmo et al., 2003; Song and (MacRitchie, 1985).
Zheng, 2008). ln application studies, 1he rheological Water is responsible in hydrating the protein fibrils
properties are related to the end-product quality such as and start the interactions between the proteins cross links
bread loaf volwne (Janssen et al., 1996a; Kokelaar et al., with the disulphide bonds during dough mixing. Too
1996; Kieffer el al., 1998; Tronsmo et al., 2003; much water addition to the flour will result in sluny and
Sliwinski et al., 2004b; Dobraszczyk and Sahnanowicz, too little water results in slightly cohesive powder
2008), texture (U1hayakurnaran el al., 2002; (Faubion and Hoseney, 1989). Hence, an optimwn water
Vettirnani el al., 2005; Jacob and Leelavathi, 2007; level is required to develop cohesive, viscoelastic dough
Sudha el al., 2007) and sensory atttibutes with optimwn gluten strength. While the optimwn water
(Bhattacharya el al., 2006; Lazaridou el al., 2007). level differs from flour to flour, the strong flours require
higher water level than weak flours largely due to the
Factors affecting dough and gluten rheological higher protein content and dense particles in the strong
properties: Rheological properties of dough and gluten flours. Protein content is known to be an important factor
during mixing are affected greatly by the flour in detennining the water uptake of flour (Sliwinski et al.,
composition (low or high protein content), processing 2004c). Mani el al. (1992) and Janssen el al. (1996a)
parameters (mixing time, energy, temperature) and reported that the G' and G" decreased as the water
ingredients (water, salt, yeast, fats and emulsifiers). content of dough increased. Ablett et al. (1985) explained
Studies were conducted to investigate the effect of the effect of water content on gluten networks in tenns of
protein content on the gluten quality and rheological a rubber network such that its elongation reduced as
properties (Janssen et al., 1996a; Tronsmo et al., 2003; water content increased as if in rubber network. However,
Sliwinski el al., 2004c), on bread making quality for dough, the elongation increased as water content
(Janssen el al., 1996a; Sliwinski el al., 2004b) and also on increased. It was suggested that the soft continuous
volwne expansion resulted from f‫ז‬ying (Chiang et al., phase of dough will swell in direct proportion of
2006). These works, conclusively suggested that the free-water which is responsible in the increase of the
strong flour produces a better gluten and dough quality elongation (Ablett et al., 1985).

J. Applied Sci., 10 (20): 2478-2490, 2010

Sodirnn chloride or cornmonly knovVllas salt is said to RHEOLOGICAL MEASUREMENTS OF

have a strengthening or tightening effect on the gluten DOUGH AND GLUTEN
during mixing of dough (Nirnan, 1981 ). Salt must be added
early in the dough-mixing to give maximrnn dissolution The rheological measurements used are dependent
time and accelerate gluten fonnation, tighten the dough on foods types although 1n general, the small
and increase the mixing time. Salt is used to overcome the defonnations are more meticulous than the large
low pH of dough since the effect of pH will alter the defonnation testing. In small defonnation testing, the
mixing time; a low pH gives a shorter time and a high pH rheological properties of foods are well-defined by
gives a longer tirne (Hoseney, 1985). Roach et al. (1992) exerting ve‫ז‬y small strain on the food. Large defonnation
suggested that the influences of salt on the protein testings on food material are easier to perfonn, the
solubility affect the dough properties. Salt decreases the equipments are inexpensive comparatively and they are
solubility of protein in the wheat flour dough as its more commonly used in the food industry. Table 1 shows
concentration increases. Salvador et al. (2006) folllld that the various types of rheological testing methods available
for obtaining different rheological parameters using
the elastic modulus (G') falls slightly in the presence of
different equipment.
salt. This reduction is probably due to the decrease in
inter-protein hydrophobic interactions which reduce the
Small deformation measurement: In small defonnation
tendency of the proteins to aggregate and thus reduce the
measurement, the tested material is assrnned continuous,
elasticity. The amollllt of salt added into the dough mixing
has regular shape and is exerted by small strain (1-3%
can be varied from 1.8-2.1% on flour basis (Faralmaky and
maximrnn) (Bowne, 2002). Tests perfonned by various
Hill, 2007). However, due to increase concem in health researchers to detennine the rheological properties of
related issues by consrnners in food intake, addition of dough and gluten include the dynamic oscillation
lower amollllt of salt has become one of the main focus in (Arnemiya and Menjivar, 1992; Khatkar el al., 1995;
recent studies (Farahnaky and Hill, 2007; Lynch el al., J anssen el al., 1996a, b; Uthayakumaran el al., 2002;
2009). Omission of salt entirely leads to a significant Tronsmo et al., 2003; Sivaramakrishnanel al., 2004), creep
reduction in dough and bread quality and also the recove‫ז‬y (Janssen et al., 1996a; Tronsmo et al., 2003;
senso‫ז‬y attributes of bread, where the bread was Sivaramakrishnan el al., 2004; Onyango et al., 2009) and
described as sour/acidic and having yeasty flavour stress relaxation tests (Rao et al., 2000; Li et al., 2003;
(Lynch et al., 2009). Song and Zheng, 2008; Bhattacharya, 2010).

Table 1: Rheological measurement for dough and gluten

Measured rheological Equipment
Test on dough Test on gluten parameter used
Dynamic Janssen et al. (1996b), Khatkar et al. Amemiya and Menjivar (1992), Elastic modulus, viscous Rheometer
oscillation (2002), Uthayakumaran et al. Khatkar et al. (1995) modulus, tan 6
(2002), Sivaramakrishnan et al. Janssen et al. (1996a),
(2004), Tronsmo et al. (2003)
Creep recove‫ו‬y Sivaramakrishnan et al. (2004), Janssen et al., (1996a), Shear stress, shear strain, Rheometer
Onyango et al. (2009), Tronsmo et al. (2003) apparent viscosity
Skendi et al. (2010)
Stress Rao et al. (2000), Li et al. (2003) Song and Zheng (2008) Stress, relaxation modulus, Rheometer
relaxation Bhattacharya (2010) relaxation spectrum
Uniaxial Muller et al. (1961), Janssen et al. Kieffer et al., (1998), Tronsmo et al. (2003), Extensibility, stress, strain, Brabender extensograph,
extension (1996b), Kokelaar et al., (1996), Abang Zaidel et al. (2008), Song and Zheng force, strain hardening, texture analyser,
and Gujral and Pathak (2002), (2008), Abang Zaidel et al. (2009a) maximum resistance instron UfM, SER
compression Uthayakumaran et al. (2002), to extension
Durmewind et al. (2004),
Sliwinski et al. (2004a),
Dobraszczyk and Salmanowicz (2008)
Biaxial Janssen et al. (1996b), Janssen et al. (1996a), Biaxial stress, biaxial Alveograph, DIS on
extension Kokelaar et al. (1996), Song and Zheng (2008) strain, biaxial viscosity, texture analyser,
Sliwinski et al. (2004a), Chin and strain hardening Instron UfM, overload
Campbell (2005), Indrani and Rao dynamics material
(2007), Indrani et al. (2007), testing instrument
Stojceska et al. (2007),
Dobraszczyk and Salmanowicz
(2008), Tarmer et al. (2008)

J. Applied Sci., 10 (20): 2478-2490, 2010

Dynamic oscillation: The dynamic oscillation test is most

suitable in testing the rheological properties of 0.025
(a) -<>-wht
viscoelastic material. The test material is applied with Comp-lg
sinusoidal oscillating stress or strain with time in a 0.020 ‫ד‬r­ Lgrice
dynamic oscillation shear measurement. When subjected -e- Sgrice
to a sinusoidal strain (y = y sin wt), the viscoelastic

O 0.015
material responds with a sinusoidal stress (o = 0 sin wt)

which depends on the properties of the material. The 0.010

elastic component is accounted as the storage modulus
(G') and the viscous component is measured as the loss 0.005
modulus (G"). The ratio ofthe viscous to elastic modulus
(G"/G') is equal to the tangent ofthe phase angle (tan ‫)ס‬. ~‫;חך‬
A material having higher degree cross-linking is expected 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
to have a low tan .‫ ס‬In the study of Tronsmo et al. (2003), Time (sec)
wet gluten was tested with a small strain of 2% and 0.32
frequency between 0.005-10 Hz. They reported that the ........
elastic modulus (G') was higher than the viscous modulus 0.24
(G"). This result agrees with studies by Amemiyar and

Shear strain (()

Menjivar (1992) who found that the storage modulus (G')
for all tested doughs are higher than the loss modulus Obelisk
(G"). They further described that the gluten network
behaves like a cross-linked polymer at the tested 0.08
_,..,..,,- ~--‫ד‬
frequency. Uthayakumaran et al. (2002) who conducted a ,-,,,r""'"
•..... ..·------------
study on rheological behavior of wheat gluten using 0.00
dynamic oscillation testing found that both the elastic and 0 4 8 12 16 20
10G2Htime (sec)
viscous modulus of flour doughs were significantly
higher than gluten doughs. This indicates that starch
content in the flour dough influence the viscoelasticity of Fig. 4: Creep analysis curves for (a) pure wheat (0), pure
the flour dough. Other work which utilised this testing rice (lgrice, sgrice) and composite flour (comp-lg,
method on dough include studies on effect of comp-sg) (Sivaramakrishnan et al., 2004) and (b)
different protein content (Amemiya and Menjivar, 1992; gluten with different protein content (from two
Janssen et al., 1996a; Tronsmo et al., 2003), water level types of wheat, i.e., Obelisk and Katepwa)
(Uthayakumaran et al., 2002) and mixing time (Amemiya (Janssenetal., 1996a)
and Menjivar, 1992; Janssen et al., 1996a) on the
rheological properties of dough and gluten. Sivaramakrishnan et al. (2004) performed creep recovery
Tronsmo et al. (2003) found that dough with higher test on pure wheat flour and combinations with long/short
protein content gave lower G' and G" but higher tan &. grain rice flour found that the pure wheat flour dough
J anssen et al. (1996a) found that the resistance to small showed high recovery of elastic strain after removal of
deformation was higher and more elastic for gluten with load (Fig. 4a) while the creep behavior of the two
higher protein content and as the angular frequency (w) composite flours with long and short grain rice flour
increased, G" increased more than G', indicating a viscous showed considerable variation with the pure rice flours.
behavior of gluten due to more bonds are involved in the Janssen et al. (1996a) conducted creep recovery test on
response of stress or strain. Generally, it can be two different wheat flours, weak (Obelisk) and strong flour
concluded that gluten from poor quality wheats are (Katepwa) found that Obelisk showed a higher recovery
rheologically characterised as less elastic and more of elastic strain after removal of load compared to
viscous than glutens from good quality wheats Katepwa (Fig. 4b). Janssen et al. (1996a) suggested that
(Khatkar et al., 1995; Janssen et al., 1996a; Tronsmo et al., the apparent viscosity (‫•ןז‬PP) can be estimated from the
2003). slope of the creep curve (as indicated by the arrow in
Fig. 4b and from their observation there was no clear
Creep recovery: Creep recovery is performed by strain hardening in creep tests since the slope of the
subjecting the material to a constant shear stress and curve was nearly independent of time and strain at the
the shear strain is monitored as a function of time. end of the load phase.

J. Applied Sci., 10 (20): 2478-2490, 2010

E,. • Maximumextensibilityat ftacture

1.0 E..= Totalextensibility
R.. = Maxu=imum resistanceto extension
F.,- lnitialslope of extensioncurve
Foroe(N) Maximunpoint
at fracrture


0.01 0.010 1 10 100

Time (sec)
E,. Ext Distance(mm)
Fig. 5: Normalised stress relaxation of the different
cultivars of high protein flour-water doughs at Fig. 6: Typical load-extension of gluten extension test
applied shear strain of 0.05% and strain rise time from Kieffer dough and gluten extensibility rig
of 0.2 sec (Glenlea at 12.8% protein, Wildcat at (Tronsmo et al., 2003)
14 0% protein, ESl 2 at 12.8% protein and ES20 at
12.4% protein) (Rao et al., 2000) T anner et al., 2008). F or the test of gluten quality used as
food product, large deformation is more suitable since it
Stress relaxation: In stress a relaxation test, the material gives good correlations with breadmaking quality
is given an instantaneous constant strain and the stress (Dobraszczyk and Morgenstem, 2003; Tronsmo et al.,
requir·ed to maintain the deformation is observed as a 2003) and can be related to its eating quality.
function of time. This test is a convenient means to
characterise the linear viscoelastic properties of polymers Uniaxial extension: The most commonly adapted large
which contain the information on molecular weight. deformation test of dough and gluten is the extension test
Rao et al. (2000) conducted a test with 0.05% strain on where a material is clamped at two ends and being pulled
dough for 200 sec at 25°C and relaxation spectrum was or extended by a hook at the centre of the sample at a
calculated to characterise the rheological behavior. constant strain rate. During stretching, the material
Figure 5 shows the stress relaxation curve for doughs undergoes deformation and break after the stress is
plotted as G(t)/G, versus time where G(t) is the relaxation beyond its limit or known as the tensile failure. The main
modulus at any time and G, is the initial relaxation problem encountered in tensile test is to hold the material
modulus. The longest relaxation times are associated with such a way that it breaks within the material and not at the
largest molecules. Dough and gluten obtained from strong jaws holding the material. Cutting the material in
flour (higher protein content) had higher relaxation dumbbell-shaped and clamping the wide ends is often
modulus (G(t)) and spectrum (H(,)) over the whole done to solve the problem. Clamping the material in
relaxation time than those from weak flour (lower vertical plane is usually performed for strong solid
protein content) (Li et al., 2003). It indicates that strong materials while for weak materials that cannot support its
flour dough and gluten has stronger network structure own weight, such as dough, the test is usually performed
due to entanglements, physical cross-links or combination on a horizontal plane (Boume, 2002). A typical curve of
ofboth. load-extension obtained from the test is shown in Fig. 6.
Figure 7, the stress-strain curves obtained shows that
Large deformation measurement: A material is applied to stress increases with increasing strain and reaches a
a large deformation when the stress exceeds the yield maximum at sample fracture point. The gradient of the
value. Some of the common tests used in measuring large curve is related to the modulus of gluten and the curves
deformation of dough and gluten are uniaxial extension displayed a curvature up to fracture indicating that the
and compression (Janssen et al., 1996b; Kieffer et al., modulus increased with extension. This behavior is
1998; Uthayakumaran et al., 2002; Tronsmo et al., 2003; known as strain hardening in which the force that extend
Dunnewind et al., 2004; Sliwinski et al., 2004a; Song and the material increases in order· for additional strain to
Zheng, 2008) and biaxial extension (Janssen et al., 1996a, occur. The phenomena of strain hardening occur when
b; Kokelaar et al., 1996; Dobraszczyk, 2004; Chin and the stress increases more than proportional with the
Campbell, 2005; Chi et al., 2005; Stojceska et al., 2007; strain. Sliwinski et al. (2004a) reported that strong flour

J. Applied Sci., 10 (20): 2478-2490, 2010

Suess -- S1rong cr= Fracturestress Pressure

-- Weak. e:=Fracturestrain



,, ., --Strong
~-------------+ Drumdistance
Fig. 7: Typical stress-strain curve obtained from a large
defonnation measurement of dough and gluten Fig. 8: Typical pressure-drum distance of inflating dough
bubbles from DIS
dough possesses higher strain hardening than weak flour
dough (Fig. 7) and thus prevents premature fracture of least affected by the resting time but for mixing time, they
dough and gluten. U1hayakumaran el al. (2002) perfonned both increased. The decrease of the fracture strain with
the w‫ו‬iaxial extension of gluten dough by first increasing mixing time was reported. In recent work, Song
compressing the dough sample in between two parallel and Zheng (2008) studied 1he influence of rest tirne on 1he
plates before pulling 1he dough apart by 1he moving structural development of gluten/glycerol mixtures for
upper plates at a constant strain rate. Their results biodegradable packaging material by equibiaxial
showed the strain hardening properties exhibited during defonnations on a w‫ו‬iversal testing machine.
elongation was related to the baking perfonnance. They
also suggested that gluten dough possessed larger EQUIPMENT FOR RHEOLOGICAL
elongational viscosities than flour dough. MEASUREMENTS OF DOUGH AND GLUTEN

Biaxial extension: As oppose to ‫ן‬miaxial extension, a A wide range of equipment is available to detennine
biaxial extension is where a material is stretched at equal rheological properties of dough and gluten. This section
rates in two pe‫ז‬pendicular directions in one plane discusses the working principles of common instnnnents
(Dobraszczyk and Morgenstem, 2003). Results from 1his and their attachments used for measuring rheological
test are plotted as pressure versus drum distance trace of properties of dough and gluten which include the
an inflating bubble from dough sample. Chin and rheometer for small deformation testing and the
Campbell (2005) studied 1he relationship of aeration and alveograph, extensograph, Kieffer rig and dough inflation
rheology of dough using biaxial extension and fo‫ן‬md that system from the texture analyser and the w‫ו‬iversal testing
dough from strong flour had higher peak pressure and machine for large defonnation testing.
fur1her dnnn distance before bubble rupture (Fig. 8). This
suggests that strong flour dough has stronger gluten Rheometer: The rheometer is frequently used in
network and needed higher pressure to break them. The detennining the viscoelastic properties of dough
stress-strain curve obtained (Fig. 7) shows considerable and gluten (Amemiya and Menjivar, 1992;
increase in stress with strain indicating increased shear U1hayakumaran el al., 2002; Tronsmo et al., 2003;
modulus and a clear strain hardening effect within the Skendi el al., 2010). The parallel plate configuration has
walls of 1he inflating dough bubble. The advantage of this the material loaded is between and while one plate is
test is that it resembles practical conditions experienced rotating in a sinusoidal motion, the other plate is
by the cell walls within the dough during proof and oven stationary. Surplus materials between parallel plates are
rise (Dobraszczyk and Morgenstem, 2003). Sliwinski el al. trimmed and coated with suitable fluid like silicon oil to
(2004a) studied the effect of water content, mixing time prevent it from chying. The common rheological
and resting time on the dough rheology in biaxial parameters obtained using the dynamic oscillatory, creep
extension. They reported that increasing the water recove‫ז‬y and stress relaxation often related to the
content led to a decrease of biaxial stress which behavior of dough and gluten at molecular level. Recent
supported 1he findings of Kokelaar el al. (1996) while study on the effect of water and ~-glucan from two types
strain hardening was not significantly affected by the of barley on the viscoelasticity of wheat dough was
water content. The biaxial stress and strain hardening are perfonned on a rheometer equipped with a Paar Physica

J. Applied Sci., 10 (20): 2478-2490, 2010

circulating bath and a controlled peltier system

(TEZ 150 P/MCR) that was maintained at 25::1::0.1 °C
throughout the experiment (Skendi et al., 2010).
Oscillatory and creep recovery tests were measured using
a 25 mm plate-plate geometry.

Extensograph and alveograph: The extensograph and

alveograph are probably the earliest instruments used for
empirical dough testing. The extensograph is essentially
an extensional test where a cylindrical dough sample is 111

clamped horizontally in a cradle and stretched by a

hook which is placed in the middle of the sample and
moves downwards until rupture after 45 min resting
(Kokelaar et al., 1996). Muller et al. (1961) derived the Fig. 9: The extension test of a strip of gluten on a Kieffer
equations of stress and strain from the extension test of dough and gluten extensibility rig fitted to a
dough in Brabender extensograph and also reported that texture analyser (Wang, 2003)
the maximum extensibility at fracture is a better index of
elasticity than the total extensibilit:y. sample with 5 cm length in their investigation of extension
The alveograph has been used to measure and of strong and weak flour dough using the Kieffer rig. The
evaluate wheat flours of breadmaking (Khattak et al., samples were clamped at a distance of 18 mm apart and
1974; ChenandD'Appolonia, 1985; Janssenetal., 1996b) the hooks used were with 1.20 and4.55 mm diameter. They
and cookie making qualit:y (Rasper et al., 1986; concluded that the speed of the hook had no influence on
Bettge et al., 1989). The alveograph uses air pressure to sample fracture and a thicker hook ( 4.55 mm) resulted in
inflate a thin sheet of dough, simulating the bubbles that fracture of dough occurring more often at the clamp.
are present in bread dough, that cause dough to stretch Dunnewind et al. (2004) presented the formulas for
when rising. This instrument measures the resistance to calculating fundamental rheological parameters namely
expansion and the extensibility of a dough by providing the actual and measured force acting on gluten, length of
the measurement for maximum over pressure, average gluten at fracture, stress and strain from the Kieffer rig
abscissa at rupture, index of swelling and deformation results. In comparing rheological properties of dough and
energy of dough (Indrani et al., 2007) gluten, Tronsmo et al. (2003), who performed a uniaxial
extension on dough and gluten using the Kieffer rig found
Texture analyser: The texture analyser has a robust that gluten showed higher maximum resistance to
measuring system due to the various attachments extension ( and total extensibility (Ext) than dough.
possible for a wide range of food types in different forms
and giving reports on a long list of textural properties, Dough inflation system: The Dough Inflation System
such as hardness, brittleness, elasticity, cohesiveness, (DIS) was introduced in the early 90's and was developed
stickiness, gummmess, sprmgmess, consistency, based on the concept of Alveograph to provide
fracturability, etc. In the context of dough and gluten, fundamental rheological measurements. Traditionally, the
most researchers have used the Kieffer dough and gluten DIS is used for comparing flour quality (Dobraszczyk and
extensibility rig and the dough inflation system. Roberts, 1994; Dobraszczyk, 1999; Dobraszczyk et al.,
2003) and measures the stress and strain relationships
Kieffer dough and gluten extensibility rig: The Kieffer based on the inflation of a sheet of dough through a
dough and gluten extensibilit:y rig was developed with biaxial extension test. It was designed to operate at
similar concept with the extensograph except that the constant volumetric air flow rates which vary from 10 and
sample is pulled upwards. Figure 9 shows the extension 2000 mL min-‫י‬, corresponding to maximum strain rates of
test of the gluten on Kieffer dough and gluten 0.001 to 0.2 sec-‫י‬, unlike the Alveograph which operates
extensibilit:y rig. A small amount of sample in this at strain rates in the range of 0.1 to 1 sec-‫י‬, which are at
system (Kieffer et al., 1998; Tronsmo et al., 2003; least 100 fold higher than those occurring in actual baking
Dunnewind et al., 2004; Sliwinski et al., 2004a, b). processes (Huang and Kokini, 1999; Chin and Campbell,
Kieffer et al. (1998), who investigated the extension of wet 2005). The deformations involved in biaxial extension tests
gluten, used 10 g of flour in obtaining dough during wet are preferred as they are more relevant to the t:ype of
gluten preparation. Dunnewind et al. (2004) used a 0.4 g deformation of the dough around an expanding gas

J. Applied Sci., 10 (20): 2478-2490, 2010


T‫נ‬.ghtening grip

Chaptistrip (a)
Clamps(50 mmapart) 90mmHng

T‫ו‬ghtening grip

Attachedto indtronbaseplatfunn 1§!881Plastic clips

~ Wood platfonn
Fig. 10: Attachment for measuring chapati extensibility on 11111Rubber
Instron (Gujral and Pathak, 2002) -Hook
- Gluten strip

bubble during proving and baking. Chin and Campbell

(2005) and Chin et al. (2005) used this instrument to
measure and analyse rheological properties of aerated Lower part
doughs. In principle, the sheeted dough sample is cut into ofplastic
circular sample of 55 mm diameter and 8 mm thickness,
coated with paraffin oil to prevent moisture loss and
drying and placed securely in the sample holder before
inflation into dough bubble until a break or rupture was
detected. Examples of graphs of pressure versus drum
distance and co‫ח‬esponding stress-strain produced from
Fig. 11: Tensile test set-up for gluten extensibility using
the measurement using DIS are given in Fig. 7 and 8.
two plastic clips set at 40 mm distance and a hook
attached to the Instron. Diagram from (a) top and
Unive‫·ו‬sal testing machine: The Universal Testing
(b) side view (Abang Zaidel et al., 2008)
Machine (UTM) is another altemative equipment for
rheological properties measurement of dough and gluten; a weak negative co‫ח‬elation was obtained between protein
namely to measure tensile and compressive stress. Gujral content and biaxial extensional viscosity.
and Pathak (2002) studied the extensibility of chapatti
dough by perfonning tensile test using an attachment on Improvisation in dough and gluten rheological
an Instron UTM as shown in Fig. 10. They clamped the measurement: Improvised attachments are developed
dough strip 50 mm apart and tighten the sample at the two from time to time for convenient measurements of dough
ends. The texture of the chapatti dough was reported in and gluten properties due to the inconsistency in shapes
tenns of its extensibility, peak force to rupture, modulus of and sizes of samples. Trevor et al. (2006) detennined the
defonnation and energy to rupture. Anderssen et al. extensibility of a rectangular wheat flour dough sample
(2004) used a micro-extension tester with 19 mm gap and mounted onto two cylindrical drums by stretching it until
6 mm hook diameter operating at 1 cm sec- 1 to study the a fracture occurs. They used the Sentmanat Extensional
extension of dough. Stojceska et al. (2007) conducted a Rheometer (SER) for measurement of rheological
biaxial extensional measurement of dough on Instron parameters including strain, stress, strain rate and
UTM with cylindrical test pieces of diameter 50 mm and relaxation modulus. Abang Zaidel et al. (2008) developed
thickness 12 mm and subjected it to biaxial compression an attachment on Instron for gluten extensibility studies
to a final height of 2 mm at constant displacement speed (Abang Zaidel et al., 2009a, b) (Fig. 1la, b). The set-up
of the upper plate. They found that at the given biaxial was built based on the working principle of the Kieffer
strain rate, the apparent biaxial viscosity of dough was dough and gluten extensibility rig with a dimension of
higher when compressed at lower cross-head speed and 1Ox10x70 mm gluten strip. Rested gluten strip was

J. Applied Sci., 10 (20): 2478-2490, 2010

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