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The Success Story and Managerial Facts about Gujranwala Waste

Management Company (GWMC): The Case Study

Amir Mustaq rectified the pre-existing issues. This comprehension makes dealing with the
management issues at GWMC unavoidable. Mr. Amir recognized concrete and fundamental
issues that can be rectified. Given the company's current severe management difficulties, these
concerns must be addressed as quickly as feasible. The Government of Punjab, in collaboration
with the CDGG, intended to establish a not-for-profit private sector firm under Section 42 of the
Company Ordinance1984. Different initiatives and programs will be developed, managed,
implemented, and enforced to reinforce Gujranwala City's existing SWM system. All managerial
concerns as well as successful trip paths are mostly explored here.

Learning Objectives and Analyses

GWMC's mission is to preserve the public's health and safety while also improving the quality of
life by providing an integrated, cost-effective, and environmentally sound solid waste
management system. Our objective is to increase resource recovery and recycling through a
participative approach, as well as to provide a greener and safer environment at final disposal
sites and to raise environmental awareness in a comprehensive manner. GWMC is pursuing the
transformation of Gujranwala from the dirtiest to the cleanest city in Pakistan by providing
customized and cost-effective solutions using appropriate technology and workforce in
collaboration with public consensus and organization collaboration for Gujranwala's sustainable,
clean, and green environment.GWMC intends to create an integrated solid waste management
system to enable effective trash collection, transportation, recovery, treatment, and disposal in
Gujranwala. In order to improve GWMC's efficiency, professional personnel from several
disciplines have been hired. Furthermore, in order to provide a sustainable, efficient, and
improved waste management system and services for the city of Gujranwala, the Government of
Punjab, in collaboration with the CDGG, intended to establish a company formed not for profit
as a private sector under section 42 of the Company Ordinance1984, with the name and style of
GWMC. This will develop, manage, implement, and enforce different initiatives and projects to
strengthen Gujranwala City’s existing SWM system.

Assignment Questions

Questions 1-2 are about managerial concerns and the causes of problems, while
questions 3-4 are about the success journey and coping with persistent problems
in the near future.

1. Based on marketing and international marketing rules, what is the ideal technique
for increasing the GWMC's success ratio?

2. Can the graph show the links between GWMC's competing decisions,
particularly those related to its quick-response capability, and the problem-
solving strategies?

3. What are the GWMC's key concerns, and how far may these issues be taken? It is
unavoidable to look at the managerial components that impair the company's

4. What are the true roads to success for the GWMC, and how essential are them in
an analytical approach? Given how interesting management-related problems
there are on a regular basis, is it reasonable to conclude that, on average, retail
selling prices at the Honda Company are nearly twice as high as manufacturer's
selling prices?

Question no 1:Based on marketing and international marketing rules, what is

the ideal technique for increasing the GWMC's success ratio?

Here are the six major components needed to make any marketing plan effective:
1. Set your company apart from your competitors.

Define your strengths and opportunities against your competitors. How do your products
and services stand out? Are your competitors’ brand images stronger than yours? In
what ways can you increase your brand value? 

2. Set clear goals and objectives.

Do you have the resources for success? An effective plan means knowing how to
measure success and target growth. Are you prepared to hire new employees, ramp up
production, fine-tune customer service

3. Use market segmentation to find your target audience.

Your target customers are those who will invest their time and money into your products
and services. Your marketing plan will be much more efficient when you trim the fat.

4. Develop an appropriate, multi-channel marketing strategy.

Connecting with your customers has never been more complicated. Digital marketing
strategies include emails, websites, social media, SMS messaging, apps, SEO content,
and more to engage your customers across multiple touchpoints.

5. Plan your budget.

A well-organized plan will draw investors. A wise strategy includes planning for success
as well as setbacks.

6. Measure and collect data.

From social media followers to open rates on emails, the details can help guide you to a
more effective campaign. Setting up weekly, monthly, and quarterly goals can help you
keep track of important landmarks along the way. ‍

Question no 2:Can the graph show the links between GWMC's competing
decisions, particularly those related to its quick-response capability, and the
problem-solving strategies?

Communication in the workplace is important because it boosts employee morale,

engagement, productivity, and satisfaction. Communication is also key for better team
collaboration and cooperation. Ultimately, effective workplace communication helps
drive better results for individuals, teams, and organizations.
1. Leadership communication 

Leaders often deliver one-way communications to their teams. The goal may be to

inform or update, such as a memo about a new company policy or a change in

2. Upward communication 

Managers (and team members) often have to communicate with their own managers
and with other leaders who are not in their direct chain of command.. 

3. Updates 

Since they’re brief by nature, updates often fall short of being a type of strong
communication. Use a visual tracker or dashboard to carry the load, and save your
verbal or written commentary for drawing the audience’s attention to what is most
important — typically, what requires action or further involvement from them.

4. Presentations

These formal communication events tend to receive the lion’s share of attention, for
good reason. Presentations are communication tools that are typically aimed at a
larger audience with higher stakes. They have objectives like informing, influencing,
and persuading.

5. Meetings 

Meetings, whether large or small, are a critical part of a workplace’s internal

communication strategy. They’re also one of the least understood and most
overused types of communication. Effective meetings build synergy between teams
and quickly communicate information that would have a high potential to be
misunderstood in another format (like email).

6. Customer communications 

Communicating with customers can run the entire gamut discussed above, from
one-offs to face-to-face, virtual, spoken, or written, formal to ad hoc. In general, all
of the considerations of communication among employees go double for customers.

7. Informal interactions 

Informal communications include the emails and chats you engage in all day:
making requests, asking for information, responding to requests, and giving or
receiving support and guidance.
Question no 3:What are the GWMC's key concerns, and how far may these
issues be taken? It is unavoidable to look at the managerial components that
impair the company's success.

1. Employees need to know what the stakes are, what the game is and how it’s
played. This is often difficult for a new mid-level manager who has never quite
understood herself. As a new manager or with a new manager reporting to you,
remember that your company can support managers by having a clear vision and
communicating it well and often.

2. Employees need to understand how they can make the biggest contribution to
the vision. All employees do not need to agree with the vision, but they should be able
to align their work with the institution’s goals. Performance evaluations should be
conducted with an eye towards contributing to those goals.

3. Employees need a reason to care about contributing. A paycheck is not a reason to

care. People do have a need to belong and to feel like they matter. Does your
employee’s contribution matter? Do you care about his contribution? Do you understand
how he wants to be rewarded or what will make him feel productive?

4. Managers need to create a positive environment that fosters the traits you want
employees to display. You may need to experiment a bit here. Some teams will have
different needs and values. For example, a team that is largely DiSC C-styles will feel
rewarded by challenges, but not necessarily personal recognition.

5. Employees don’t want to feel set up for failure. Do you know what feels like failure to
your employees? Do they have the resources they need to fully contribute? Are you
second-guessing them or getting in their way? Do the rules of the game change so
often that an employee might be playing by old rules? 

6. Employees see bad behavior and poor performance going unnoticed or

unchallenged. Nothing demotivates like watching a team member goof off while others
strive for excellence. Do employees say or think “What are they going to do? Fire me?”
because no one has witnessed a reprimand

7. Employees feel ignored and/or unappreciated. Do you understand what type of

attention is beneficial to offer each of your employees or teams? Do you understand
what each employee needs to feel appreciated or is the manager basing her behaviors
on her own preferences?
8. Managers and employees both need continuing education. Without continued
opportunities for learning, a skills gap can quickly develop. It’s not always possible to
hire for new skills and it can be a waste not to invest in the human resources already

Question no 4: What are the true roads to success for the GWMC, and how
essential are them in an analytical approach? Given how interesting management-
related problems there are on a regular basis, is it reasonable to conclude that, on
average, retail selling prices at the Honda Company are nearly twice as high as
manufacturer's selling prices?

After Geo technical survey and detailed EIA, 64 acres proposed site of
Bhakraywalahas been approved for construction as sanitary landfill. By grace of Allah
out of 800 abandoned plots full of heaps of waste from several years, we have cleaned
major areas like railway tracks. , NigarPhatak, GarjakhChapaar and Mominabad
removing at least 71000 tons of waste by renting extra machinery. We are planning to
cover peri-urbanareas of Gujranwala and aiming to achieve all our targets to ensure
sustainable future for Gujranwala city.

We are aiming to bring positive attitude in citizens of Gujranwala to avoid littering on

streets and roads, disposing waste as responsible citizens only as prescribed manner we
are very active on communication measures, leading to raise awareness regarding
waste handling and disposal using electronic and social media. This all has been
achieved through hard and professional work of the entire GWMC team, committed
and dedicated to the cause of "Returning the environment back to the people of
Gujranwala". We are taking successful steps to make GWMC a highly environmental
conscious company and an organization with whom people can take in associating

Related Readings
Reading was done to gather important information for this GWMC case study. The books chosen
were pertinent to the GWMC's effective management issues as well as the background history of
how the company progressed and reached the position of success in a short period of time.
Critically, it has been deeply involved with the true substance of the GWMC based on all of its
facts and realities, as this case study clearly demonstrates.


Mr. Amir, as a manager, is concerned with the progress and management realities at
GWMC. Mr. Imran is primarily concerned with the impact of COVID-19 on company
performance and managerial challenges. The COVID-19 epidemic is affecting businesses all
throughout the world, including Honda. The current difficulties were handled by Mr. Imran at
GWMC. Mr. Imran, the CEO of Honda Company, is also concerned about the influence of
COVID-19 on GWMC's company performance, managerial challenges, and success foundations.
Businesses around the world are facing the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, and Honda
Company is no exception. Mr. Imran rectified the pre-existing issues. This comprehension makes
dealing with the management issues at GWMC unavoidable.

Mr. Amir was particularly concerned with the long-term operations of the company. Mr.
Amir was concerned about the prevalence of fundamental managerial challenges throughout the
pandemic, as well as the readily available solutions at GWMC. It is vital that you stay focused on
your responsibilities as Honda's operations manager. With this insight, the current problem is
controllable if the proper safeguards are taken. It is also critical to remember that the major
concern for GWMC operations is sustainability. GWMC proposes to build an integrated solid
waste management system in Gujranwala to enable effective trash collection, transportation,
recovery, treatment, and disposal. Professionals from many disciplines have been employed to
increase GWMC's efficiency. Uncertain future trends may have a negative impact on Honda's
business and operating results, such as factory downtime and business suspensions or shortening
of business hours at dealers, as well as a decrease in sales units, as well as increased costs to
maintain prolonged infection prevention countermeasures. Increased customer credit risk and
other factors influenced by anticipated changes, such as an increase in the unemployment rate
and a decrease in used car prices, may have a negative impact on Honda's operational
performance, including increased credit losses and losses on lease residual values. The continued
spread of COVID-19 may have an impact on Honda's liquidity and financing activities.


Because of fast urbanization, uncontrolled population, a lack of resources, institutional

deficiencies, and a lack of civic consciousness towards solid waste disposal, solid waste
management has become a severe problem in Punjab. The average solid waste collection
effectiveness in Punjab is roughly 50%, which contributes to the development of diseases such as
diarrhea, dengue fever, and hepatitis. Taking all of this into account, the Punjab government
established an Integrated Solid Waste Management project for the city of Lahore, which also
acted as a model for other major cities in the province. Following the Punjab Government's
successful experiment with solid waste management in the provincial metropolis, this modern
sanitation system has been implemented in six major Punjab cities, including Faisalabad, Multan,
Gujranwala, Sialkot, and Bahawalpur.

Main Ideas

Mr. Amir, as a manager, is concerned with the advancement and management realities at
GWMC. Mr. Imran is concentrating on the influence of COVID-19 on corporate performance
and managerial challenges. The COVID-19 pandemic is having an impact on firms all across the
world, including Honda. Mr. Imran at GWMC resolved the existing issues. Furthermore, Mr.
Amir, the CEO of Honda Company, is primarily concerned with the impact of COVID-19 on
GWMC's company performance, managerial challenges, and success foundations. Businesses
around the world are suffering the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak, and Honda Company is no
exception. Mr. Imran resolved the problems that already existed. This understanding makes
dealing with the management difficulties found at GWMC unavoidable. Mr. Amir identified
actual and basic issues that can be resolved. Given the company's current highly serious
management difficulties, it is critical that these issues be addressed as soon as possible.

Exhibit A: Annual Procurement

Exhibit B: Progress of Waste Management

Exhibit C: Progress till 2015

Exhibit D: Public Awareness
Research Methodology:
The research methodology was used in case is Qualitative method (interview). I
personally took the interview of the GM of the company and we discussed the various aspects of
the company, how they get started the company. From planning phase until date, we discussed
each point and strategies they used and how they succeed.

Teaching plan:
SR. No Activity Time
01. Every student read it carefully 20 mins
02 Brain storming/ Discussion 25 mins
03. Answers of each question 45 mins (9mins*5 questions)

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