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Artificial DNA: PNA & XNA

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Natural Arsenate DNA?

Peter E. Nielsen

To cite this article: Peter E. Nielsen (2011) Natural Arsenate DNA?, Artificial DNA: PNA & XNA,
2:1, 4-5, DOI: 10.4161/adna.2.1.15657

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Published online: 31 Mar 2011.

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Artificial DNA: PNA & XNA 2:1, 4-5; January/February/March 2011; © 2011 Landes Bioscience

Natural Arsenate DNA?

Peter E. Nielsen
University of Copenhagen, Department of Cellular & Molecular Medicine, The Panum Institute; Copenhagen N, Denmark

T he recent paper by Wolfe-Simon

et al.1 reporting a bacterial strain,
which is able to grow in high concen-
trations of arsenate, apparently in the
absence of phosphate, and claims that
in this strain arsenate is substituting for
phosphate, e.g. in nucleic acids (Figure 1),

was highly profiled, attracted broad atten-
tion, and almost immediately resulted in
heavy scientific criticism (see e.g. 2-7).

The criticism concerned both the evi-

e. dence (or rather lack of it) to convinc-
ingly support the very profound claim of
arsenate substitution in DNA, as well as
the fact that arsenate esters (and thus by
inference arsenate DNA which has not
Figure 1. Chemical structures of natural
yet been synthesized) are dramatically (phosphate) DNA and arsenate DNA.
less stable (t½ = 0.06s) than the phos-
phate esters in DNA (t½ estimated at
30.000.000 years)2. Furthermore, Wolfe- the most likely explanation may be that
Simon et al.1 provides no direct (chemi- this extraordinary bacterial strain has
cal) evidence that arsenate nucleic acids acquired an extreme ability to efficiently
or their precursors are actually present in scavenge minute traces of phosphates
or can be isolated from the bacteria. One from the environment and at the same
might for instance have obtained mass time effectively sequester high amounts
spectra of isolated (mono)nucleotides. of toxic arsenate in vacuoles as suggested
Finally, a multitude of metabolic reac- by Gerald Joyce (referred in ref. 5).
Key words: Arsenate, DNA, evolution, tions would have to substitute arsenate for However, if it could be verified that
origin of life, bacteria phosphate and thus requiring mutations life may be sustained by a “non-natural”
in the corresponding enzymes acting on DNA chemistry this would be a major sci-
Submitted: 3/28/2011 phosphate substrates (glucose phosphates, entific milestone in our understanding of
Accepted: 3/30/2011 creatin phosphate, nucleoside/tide phos- life and its evolution, but it is extremely
phates, lipid phosphates etc.) in order unlikely that the bacterial strain discov-
DOI: 10.4161/adna.2.1.15657
to sustain “arsenate life”, because the ered by Wolfe-Simon et al.1 provides such
Correspondence to: Peter Nielsen; natural enzymes selected by nature are a case, and Westheimer’s arguments for
in general inhibited by the arsenate sub- Nature’s choice of phosphate still stand.8
strates.3 Thus the overwhelming response From a more general point of view, the
Commentary to: Wolfe-Simon F, Blum JS, Kulp
TR, Gordon GW, Hoeft SE, Pett-Ridge J et al. from the scientific community is that paper by Wolfe-Simon et al.1 also reflects
A Bacterium That Can Grow by Using Arsenic the interpretation by the authors, how- on the way much science is done and
Instead of Phosphorus. Science 2010; 17:423-9 ever spectacular, seems among the least communicated today. It is well known
PMID: 21127214; DOI: 10.1126/science.1197 likely to explain their results,2-4 and that that scientific breakthroughs very often

4 Artificial DNA: PNA & XNA Volume 2 Issue 1


happen at interfaces between disciplines, technically, conceptually and historically, References

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2. Fekry MI, Tipton PA, Gates KS. Kinetic conse-
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ary and not inter disciplinary, meaning order to identify (obvious) technical and atoms in DNA with arsenic. ACS Chem Biol 2011 18:
that all science should have a solid foun- conceptual short-comings and pitfalls. 127-30.
3. Tawfik DS, Viola RE. Arsenate replacing phosphate:
dation in all the disciplines encountered, And of course: Extraordinary claims do alternative life chemistries and ion promiscuity.
(still) require extraordinary evidence. Biochemistry 2011; 50:1128-34.
4. Schwartz AW. Arsenate DNA--Evidence for a vital
force? Orig Life Evol Biosph 2011; 41:1.
5. Katsnelson A. Microbe gets toxic response. Nature
2010; 468:741.
6. Drahl C. Arsenic Bacteria Breed Backlash. Chemical
& Engineering News, Dec. 13, 2010; 7.
7. Wolfe-Simon F. Newsmaker interview: Felisa Wolfe-
Simon. Discoverer asks for time, patience over arsenic
bacteria controversy. Interview by Elizabeth Pennisi.
Science. 2010; 330:1734-5.
8. Westheimer FH: Why nature chose phosphates.
Science 1987; 235:1173-1178

e. Artificial DNA: PNA & XNA 5

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