Daily Information Update 31 August 2011

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Fort Campbell KY Daily Information

SUMMARY: 1) Fort Campbell's ACAP Policy Revision; Sept ACAP and FERP Calendar; and Fall Job Fairs (3x Attached at end) 2) Challenge Yourself at Challenge Course PT

1) Fort Campbell's ACAP Policy Revision; Sept ACAP and FERP Calendar; and Fall Job Fairs (3x Attached) For widest distribution in support of our transitioning Soldiers and recently separated veterans and their Families. This month's ACAP topics include (a) the CG's revised ACAP Policy Letter; (b) September One-Stop Job Center Calendar of Events and (c) our September National/international and regional job fairs.

a. In his final days as commander of the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) and Fort Campbell, Maj. Gen. John F. Campbell signed CG Policy Letter 26 dated August 10, 2011 (see attached), the directive for all Soldiers transitioning out of the Army with an honorable discharge to complete the Army Career and Alumni Program's Transition Assistance Program (TAP) Workshop and Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) benefits briefing in addition to the congressionally mandated ACAP pre-separation briefing. In order to implement this policy, all honorable discharge Soldiers with an end term of service or retirement date of November 1, 2011, and beyond are required to comply with the commanding general's policy and cannot clear the installation until they are in compliance. IOT advertise this change, we will publish articles in the post paper, send out multiple Campbell Connection announcements, and notify our current ACAP clients. We request that you push this change accordingly so that all Soldiers are aware of this policy change and not blind-sighted on 1 Nov with additional clearing requirements. b. See attached (One Stop Calendar Sep) for the Fort Campbell One-stop Career Center September Calendar which contains (page 1) multiple employer day hiring events (employers who want to hire transitioning Soldiers). To highlight some of our successes, in the month of July we had 28 hiring employers within the building, of which 540+ Soldiers participated and 50+ transitioning Soldiers received initial job offers. Please forward through your subordinate leaders and retention NCOs so that they can provide to Soldiers who have made the final decision to separate from the Army. c. ACAP and ACS' Family Employment Readiness Program are hosting two individual job fairs in September for our transitioning Soldiers, veterans, retirees and their Families (see flyer). On the 27th we'll have 50+ national and

31 August 2011

Info Provided by FTCKY FRSA Network

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Fort Campbell KY Daily Information

international employers for our transitioning veterans and Family members who are leaving the Fort Campbell Area. On the 28th we are hosting another 50+ local employers who are hiring for positions within a 200 mile radius of Fort Campbell. Please spread the word appropriately. b. If you have any questions about the Ft Campbell ACAP program, please call. We are always available, day, night or weekend to provide professional development briefs to your leaders, spouses and etc. Harold T. Riggins, III Transition Services Manager (TSM) Army Career and Alumni Program


Challenge Yourself at Challenge Course PT

FORT CAMPBELL, KY, (August 25, 2011) - Tired of the same old PT? Wish there was something new and exciting to try? Outdoor Recreation has just what you are looking for. You can now reserve the Challenge Course Complex for a two hour block of "Challenge Course PT". You will achieve positive PT results and learn new skills on their 50 foot climbing structure, ropes course, and more. Outdoor Recreation will provide all climbing gear, hardware and instruction. All you need to bring is your group and $5 per person. For more information about Challenge Course PT, please call Outdoor Recreation at (270) 412-7854.

31 August 2011

Info Provided by FTCKY FRSA Network

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Career Forum and Events Listing for

September 2011 (1 Sep Edition)

Family Employment Readiness Program (FERP) Classes/Events Class/Brief Dates / Times Location REMARKS
FERP Info Seminar FERP Federal Job Preparat ion I/II FERP Jump St art Resume & Cover Let t er (Civilian) ACAP and ACS Fall Job Fairs 7, 14, 21 Sept (13001430) 7 & 21 Sept (0900-1030) 13 Sept (1000-1200) 27 and 28 Sep (09001500) Bldg 5661 (Parlor Room), Screaming Eagle Blvd. Provides informat ion and overview of FERP services. Learn how t o maneuver federal job websit es and prepare a federal resume. How t o creat e or refresh your civilian resume. Up to 65 employers for 27 Sep National/International Job Fair and 50+ employers at the 28 Sep Local Job Fair

Cole Park Commons

Wyot ech

Employer Events (*See important note below) Date / Time Location Remarks
T uesdays (1200-1600) Mechanics and collision repair t raining and nat ionwide job placement . Also recruit ing NCO/Warrant s and Officers for inst ruct or posit ions. Mechanics snd collision t raining and job placement for nat ionwide dealerships and manufact urers. Also recruit ing NCO/Warrant s and Officers for inst ruct or posit ions. Inst ruct ion on how t o apply for t he Federal T roops t o T eachers P rogram. Recruit ing helicopt er pilot s, A&P cert ified helo mechanics, flight medics, and flight regist ered nurses in T N, T X, NM, KY, IA, SD). Bri n g re su m e s. In te rvi e ws con du cte d on si te . Briefing on how t o obt ain federal DHS posit ions across t he nat ion. 6 Sep (Bldg 5661 from 0900-1500), 7 Sep (Bldg 243, 0900-1000) and Bldg 5661 (10301500) 0900-1030, Bldg 2433, Indiana Ave 1100-1500, Bldg 5661 Int ernat ional/ Nat ional company recruit ing vet erans for milit ary joint , CBRN, logist ics, securit y and st abilit y operat ions, t raining and int elligence program managers.

Universal T echnical Inst it ut e

Wednesdays (0900-1500)

T roops t o T eachers P rogram Med-T rans Air Medical T ransport

Wednesdays (0900-1500) 31 Aug (1300-1600) & 1 Sep (09001500) 1 Sep (0900-1200) 6-7 Sep

Bldg 5661 (ACAP Hallway)

Depart ment of Homeland Securit y (DHS) Camber Corporat ion

Reliance Cable


Comcast Cable cont ract or recruit ing Cable T echnicians for Nashville and Mobile, AL. No experience required. All MOS welcomed. Recruit ing drivers for over t he road hauling.

Schneider T rucking Met ro Nashville P olice AWL T ransport at ion and T rucking Kent ucky St at e P olice AC AP an d AC S Fal l Job Fai rs

7 Sep (0900-1500) 13 Sep (0900-1500) 14 Sep (0900-1200) 14 Sep (0900-1300) 27 and 28 Sep (0900-1500) Bldg 5661 (ACAP Hallway) Cole P ark Commons Bldg 5661 (ACAP Hallway)

Recruit ing for Nashville P olice Recruit Class beginning 1 Jan 2012. Recruit ing for drivers for local, regional and over t he road hauls. Accept ing applicat ions for new P olice/T rooper Cadet class st art ing May 2012. Up t o 65 employers for 27 Sep Nat ional/Int ernat ional Job Fair and 50+ local employers for t he 28 Sep regional Job Fair.

*Note: Employer events susceptible to change on short notice. Visit Fort Campbell ACAP on Facebook or call the ACAP Center at 270-798-5000 for latest Employer Event updates.

See Reverse for Army Career & Alumni Program Classes

All classes require appointment based on limited seating. Call the ACAP office, (270)798-5000; SFAC ACAP Center, (270)412-6014; or the FERP office, (270)798-4412 to reserve your seat. Visit the Fort Campbell One-Stop Employment Center , Bldg. 5661, Screaming Eagle Blvd., Ft Campbell, KY.


Career Forum and Events Listing for

September 2011 (1 Sep Edition)

ACAP Classes Location
Bldg 5661 (Rm 119)

ACAP Pre-Separat ion Brief VA Benefit s Brief

Date / Time
T wice Daily (0900 & 1300)

Required for all separat ing Soldiers. IAW CG policy #26, required for all honorable discharge Soldiers wit h ET S or DA approved separat ion dat e of 1 NOV 11 and beyond. Mandat ory for all Soldiers appearing before medical board.

Mondays (0800-1200)

VA Disabled T ransit ion Assist ance Program (DT AP) and VA Educat ion Counseling T est ing T ransit ion Assist ance Program (T AP)

Mondays (1300-1500)

Mandat ory for all Soldiers appearing before medical Bldg 5661 board. (Veranda Room) IAW CG policy #26, required for all honorable discharge Soldiers wit h ET S or DA approved separat ion dat e of 1 NOV 11 and beyond. Mandat ory for all Soldiers appearing before medical board. Bldg 5661 (Rm 119) No prerequisit e

T ues-T hur (t -w 08301630/t hur 0830-1200)

Seminar: Personalit y Assessment Senior T ransit ion Assist ance Program (T AP)

7 Sep (1500-1600) Sep 12-14 (12-13t h, 0830-1630 and 14t h, 0830-1200)

Reserved for ret iring SSG and above, SFC, Warrant s English and Officers. IAW CG policy #26, required for all Educat ion Cent er honorable discharge Soldiers wit h ET S or DA (room 151) approved separat ion dat e of 1 NOV 11 and beyond. No prerequisit e Bldg 5661 (Parlor Room) Prerequisit e: T AP Workshop complet ion Bldg 5661 (Veranda Room)

Seminar: JOB Fair Preparat ion Seminar: "How t o Apply for a Federal Job" Seminar: "How t o Apply for a Depart ment of Army Job" Seminar: Int erview Preparat ion

13 or 20 Sep (15001600) 14 Sep (1500-1600) 21 Sep (1500-1600) 30 Sep (1500-1600)

SFAC ACAP Classes (Reserved for WTU, MEB and PEB Soldiers only) Class/Brief Date / Time Location Remarks
ACAP P re-Separat ion Brief VA Benefit s Brief VA Disabled T ransit ion Assist ance P rogram (DT AP ) and VA Educat ion Counseling T est ing T ransit ion Assist ance P rogram (T AP ) Workshop Seminar: "How t o Apply for a Depart ment of Army Job" Seminar: Job Fair P reparat ion Seminar: Advanced Resume Writ ing Seminar: Int erview P reparat ion Daily (0800 and 1000) T uesdays (0800 1200) T uesdays (13001500) Required for all separat ing Soldiers.

Mandat ory for Soldiers appearing for medical board.

Wednesday-Friday SFAC, 2433 (w-t 0830-1630/fri Indiana Ave. 0830-1200) 6, 13, 27 Sep (14301600) 12 Sep (1500-1600) 19 or 20 Sep (14001500) 19 or 20 Sep (15001600)

P rerequisit e: T AP complet ion. No prerequisit e.

P rerequisit e: T AP complet ion.

See Reverse for Army Career and Alumni Program and ACS Family Employment Readiness Program Classes/Events
All classes require appointment based on limited seating. Call the ACAP office, (270)798-5000; SFAC ACAP Center, (270)412-6014; or the FERP office, (270)798-4412 to reserve your seat. Visit the Fort Campbell One-Stop Employment Center , Bldg. 5661, Screaming Eagle Blvd., Ft Campbell, KY.

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