FCLP Grammar Test 6a

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pName: ________________________________ Date: ____________________

First Certificate Language Practice

Grammar Progress Test 6a (Units 26–29)

1 Underline the most suitable word(s) in each sentence.

0 I suddenly remembered that I forgot/had forgotten my keys.

1 Mrs Pollock is very fond of/kind of cats.
2 I don’t know, it doesn’t depend of/depend on me.
3 If you’ve finished I can ask/ask for the bill.
4 Vienna is famous about/famous for its classical music concerts, which are
popular with/popular for tourists.
5 In Customer Services we are used to dealing with/dealing to complaints.
6 I apologize for being late/my late.
7 I’m really happy about/happy for the way that Linda and Peter have become
friends and are going out/going off together.
8 Who are you going to vote in/vote for when the election comes?
9 When the villain took out/took off his mask, the heroine fainted.
10 There they are! I’ve been looking for/looking at those keys all morning.

2 Decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.

Problems, problems
I’m going to Paris at the weekend – my friend Bernard has offered to put me (0) B
for a few days. I really need a break. First, I haven’t been getting (1) _______ with
my girlfriend. We fell (2) _______ over where we were going to spend Christmas.
Eventually I gave (3) _______ , but the argument made us face (4) _______ to the
fact that things haven’t been too good between us recently. My second problem is
work. I have so many responsibilities – I have to deal (5) _______ all the paperwork
in the office as well as taking phone calls from customers asking (6) _______ or
complaining about things. The salary doesn’t make (7) _______ for all the stress. I
really don’t think I can put (8) _______ with it any more.

0 A by B up C out D by
1 A through B by C on D round
2 A off B with C by D out
3 A up B in C off D over
4 A round B on C over D up
5 A to B by C for D with
6 A off B on C up D out
7 A for B out C round C over
8 A off B up C out D down

First Certificate Language Practice

Grammar Progress Test 6a (Units 26–29) 1
3 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence, using the words given. Do not change the word given. You must
use between two and five words, including the word given.

0 Look at those black clouds! There’s rain on the way.

Look at those black clouds! It’s going to rain.
1 This is the first time I’ve driven on the left-hand side of the road.
I’m not ____________________________________ on the left-hand side of the
2 I don’t suppose you know her email address, do you?
Do ______________________________________________ her email address?
3 I don’t want to pay the service charge.
I _______________________________________________ the service charge.
4 I’m sorry, but I don’t want to speak to him any more.
I’m sorry, but ______________________________________ speak to him any
5 You won’t get anywhere if you carry on like that.
It’s no ___________________________________________________ like that.
6 Why did you allow her to clean the house by herself?
You shouldn’t ___________________________________ the house by herself.
7 Margaret said she was sorry she was late.
Margaret ____________________________________________________ late.
8 Immigrants often have difficulty being accepted.
It’s often ______________________________________________ be accepted.
9 It was difficult for me to understand what she said.
I had ________________________________________________ what she said.
10 ‘If I were you, Francesca, I’d save some money for your future.’
He _______________________________________ some money for her future.

First Certificate Language Practice

Grammar Progress Test 6a (Units 26–29) 2

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