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Veterinary Developmental Anatomy (Embryology)

Name: __________________________ Module No: __2_____________
Year: __DVM-2___________________ Date: __11/12/22____________

Laboratory Exercise No. 5

33 hours Chick Embryo

The method of exposing the contents of the egg is like the previous laboratory which
includes striking the eggshell gently using the blunt end or the handle of a fork. In viewing the
slides under the microscope, necessary personal protective equipment and proper handling of the
equipment were observed.
During this stage, the dark peripheral area opaca and central translucent area pellucida
are not distinctly visible. The primitive streak has been comparatively reduced because of great
lengthening of neural canal and neural folds. The extra embryonic sac grows and the mesoderm
gives rise to 11-12 pairs of somites in front of Hensen’s node. The foregut and the cardiac
vesicles are dufficiently developed. Next, the brain is differentiated into the forebrain, mid-brain
and hind brain. The area opaca changed into area vasculosa. The proamnion has disappeared and
the anterior ompalomesenteric vein has developed.
The summary of this activity includes the various parts of the embryo at 33 hours of
incubation. This includes the forebrain, proamnion, optic vesicle, head fold, mid brain, hind
brain, neural groove, notochord, somite, neural fold, mesoderm, Hensen’s node, area vasculosa,
area opaca, primitive groove, and primitive fold.

Picture with Labels


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