Laboratory 6 (55 Hours)

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Veterinary Developmental Anatomy (Embryology)

Name: __________________________ Module No: __2_____________

Year: __DVM-2___________________ Date: __11/12/22____________

Laboratory Exercise No. 6

55 hours Chick Embryo

In the chick embryo of 55-hours of incubation, the core translucent area pellucida and the
surrounding dark portion opaca are not yet clearly discernible. Due to the significant extension of the
neural canal and neural folds, the primitive streak has been significantly diminished.

The additional embryonic region has expanded in size. In front of Hensen's node, the mesoderm
has produced 11–12 pairs of somites. The cardiac vesicles and foregut are sufficiently formed. Forebrain,
midbrain, and hindbrain are the three distinct parts of the brain. Region vasculosa has replaced area
opaca. Proamnion is no longer present. There is now an anterior omphalomesenteric vein.

In summarization, the parts of an embryo present at this stage (from cephalic end to caudal end)
include the proamion, forebrain, head fold, hind brain, neural groove, 1 somite, neural fold, notochord, X
somite, Hensen’s Node, Area Opaca, Area Vasculosa, and mesoderm.

Parts of the Embryo at 55 hours with label


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