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A New Low Cost Power Line

Communication Solution for Smart

Grid Monitoring and Management
Giovanni Artale, Antonio Cataliotti, Valentina Cosentino, Dario Di Cara, Riccardo Fiorelli,
Salvatore Guaiana, Nicola Panzavecchia, and Giovanni Tinè

odern smart grids require the improvement of consolidated, its application at MV level has posed some
measurement and communication infrastruc- issues concerning the behavior of electrical network com-
tures of distribution networks, at both medium ponents (MV cables, power transformers, overhead lines) at
voltage (MV) and low voltage (LV) levels. Distributed sensing relevant PLC frequencies and the signal transmission effec-
and measurement systems are needed to provide all necessary tiveness over the MV grid. As an example, some of the authors'
data for grid monitoring, control and management, as well as research activities in the field have been focused on mea-
for the implementation of a number of smart functionalities, surement issues and procedures for the characterization and
such as remote control of distributed generators (DGs), real modeling of the PLC channel [7], with a particular focus on
time analysis of power flows, automatic meter reading (AMR), the frequency range reserved by the CENELEC EN 50065-1
demand side management (DSM), grid automation and so for PLC signals transmission, i.e., 50-148 kHz. Another im-
on [1]-[6]. Acquired network data include typical electrical portant issue for PLC exploitation in MV distribution grids
network quantities and status variables (such as powers, volt- is the signal coupling, which commonly requires the installa-
ages, currents, switches status, DGs power production, and tion of dedicated MV couplers in both primary and secondary
remote commands) and also environmental and other param- substations. To allow PLC signal transmission (with ade-
eters (temperatures, security or safety warning signals, etc.). quate bandwidth and different digital modulation techniques)
Such data must be exchanged between the different players and signal circuit insulation from the power grid, MV cou-
of the smart grid (distribution system operators, active users, plers must have low impedance in the desired PLC frequency
prosumers). Thus, a fundamental smart grids requirement is band and high impedance at power system frequencies. Com-
the development of a capillary communication system, which mercial couplers installation in the whole distribution grid
must be reliable, cost-effective and easy to be installed in is expensive and difficult; in fact, apart from equipment and
both MV and LV distribution networks. Nowadays, the most manpower costs, further overhead costs are due to temporary
common solutions make use of wireless, GSM or power line service interruption, since the coupler installation requires the
communication (PLC) systems. This last option is a very suit- substation disconnection from the grid and it is not easy in-
able solution, whose main advantages can be summarized in side the existing air insulated and, even more, gas insulated
their low installation and service costs, intrinsic security from MV switchboards.
cyber-attacks, and direct and complete control by distribu- To overcome these problems, the authors have patented an
tion system operators (DSO). In fact, power lines are already innovative PLC coupler solution [8], which is based on the ex-
located in the territory and they are owned by the DSO, thus ploitation of capacitive dividers of voltage detecting systems
communication provider costs are avoided and potential in- (VDS). Such devices are normally installed in MV switchgears
truders would encounter difficulties in accessing the network. (from 1 kV to 52 kV) to indicate the mains voltage presence and
PLC has been widely implemented to support different ensure worker safety during operations on MV switchgears
smart applications in LV networks, such as AMR or DSM. Its [9]. The developed solution includes a proper interface circuit
employment is also envisaged by some recent standards for between the PLC transceiver and the VDS socket to transmit/
remote control of DGs connected to distribution grids (for receive the PLC signal to/from the MV network. The proposed
example, CEI 0-21 in Italy or VDE-AR-N 4105 in Germany). solution allows simplifying the coupling system installation
While the PLC use in LV distribution networks is generally and reducing both equipment and manpower costs, because

The solution presented in this paper received the 2016 Best Application in I&M Award, announced at the
2017 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC 2017).

April 2018 IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine 29

such a solution does not require modifications of existing MV
switchgears. To allow transmitting/receiving the PLC sig-
nal through the VDS socket, an interface card is connected
between the PLC transceiver and the socket itself (other-
wise, the PLC signal would be almost totally short circuited
to earth). A schematic circuit of the proposed solution is rep-
resented in Fig. 3 [8], in the case of line-to-earth PLC signal
injection (i.e., the signal is injected between one cable core
and its earth-connected shield).

Interface Card Design and Related

Measurement Issues
The interface card was designed starting from a simulation
study aimed at characterizing the behavior of each electrical el-
ement of the MV network in the PLC frequency range. Models
of MV cables, MV/LV transformers and VDS system were de-
veloped and experimentally verified. The developed models
were used to design the PLC signal coupling solution through
the VDS capacitive divider [7]. Finally, the designed solution
was prototyped and experimentally tested, by means of both
laboratory and on-field measurement campaigns.
Fig. 1. Voltage detecting system with portable indicator on a MV switchboard The developed interface card (Fig. 3) consists of a transmis-
in a secondary substation. sion (Tx) and a reception (Rx) circuit, both having a variable
inductance (L) in parallel to the VDS socket line-to-ground
the electronic interface board is less expensive than a commer- connection and an amplifier. The function of the inductance is
cial MV coupler (which is not needed anymore) and no service to obtain a resonant circuit between such impedance and the
interruption and MV switchboard modifications are required VDS capacitance at the PLC signal center frequency; this cre-
for its installation (the interface board can be directly con- ates a high-impedance line-to-earth path for the signal, thus
nected to the existing VDS socket). enabling it to transmit/receive the PLC signal to/from the MV
The proposed PLC coupling solution and some experimen- network. The amplifier’s function is to increase the PLC sig-
tal on-field tests are described in the following sections. nal level in both Tx and Rx modes (before transmitting and
after receiving the signal, respectively). Furthermore, in Tx
Basic Idea of the New PLC Coupling mode, the maximum signal transfer to the MV network is ob-
Solution tained through the impedance matching circuit, which allows
Basically, a VDS is made by a MV capacitive divider, which adapting the transmitting output impedance to that of the MV
provides an LV signal to a voltage presence detector; usually capacitive divider. On the other hand, in Rx mode, a pass-band
such a detector is an external plug-in device, which is con-
nected to the dedicated MV switchboard socket by means of
a two-phase plug and hosts an audible and/or visible indi-
cator for voltage presence signalling (such as a blinking light
shown in Fig. 1).
From a circuital viewpoint, the capacitive divider MV ter-
minal is connected to the MV bus-bars; a voltage limiting
device, a measuring circuit component (usually a capacitance),
and a short circuiting device are connected between the ca-
pacitive divider LV terminal and the earth (Fig. 2). The whole
circuit can be represented by the series of the MV divider ca-
pacitance and the equivalent LV circuit capacitance, which
also includes the stray capacitance; the equivalent LV circuit
capacitance is higher than the MV divider one. Thus, the mea-
sured voltage at the VDS socket terminals is proportional to
the mains voltage; the voltage reduction ratio is proportional
to the capacitances ratio.
The patented solution consists in replacing the voltage de-
tector with a new external plug-in device, through which the
PLC signal can be injected or received; thus, the adoption of Fig. 2. Schematic circuit of the Voltage Detecting System. [9]

30 IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine April 2018

Fig. 3. Schematic circuit of the interface card: reception (Rx) circuit and transmission (Tx) circuit. [8]

filter is used to reduce the noise on the PLC signal. The desired It measures the received signal in the time domain and per-
operation mode (Tx or Rx) is selected through two switches, forms its FFT spectrum with a frequency resolution of 300 Hz.
which are controlled by a PLC transceiver digital output [9]. The inductances, the impedance matching circuit and the filter
In order to obtain repeatable and accurate results reduc- parameters are tuned to achieve the target bandwidth; for ex-
ing the influence of stray parameters and noise, measurement ample, a 6 dB bandwidth of 15 kHz is required for an efficient
procedures were developed to set the various interface card transmission of an nPSK modulated symbol with a symbol
parameters. In fact, when an interface card is connected to rate of 9600 baud/s (Fig. 5). After, a transmission test helps to
an MV switchboard, the equivalent capacitance is a priori un- perform the final fine adjustments. It should be noted that the
known. Furthermore, stray capacitances of the installation site measurement procedures allow finding the target settings in
are unpredictable. The measurement procedure allows tun- the desired PLC frequency range even in the presence of the
ing the inductance L, the impedance matching circuit and mains voltage, thus avoiding any service interruption during
filter parameters, and setting the best values for both Tx and the interface card installation.
Rx circuits. A frequency response is firstly measured sweep-
ing a sinusoidal signal with 50 kHz of SPAN around the On-Field Experimental Tests
center frequency. To ensure high input impedance, the mea- The performances of the VDS coupler prototype were veri-
surements are performed with a digital oscilloscope (Fig. 4). fied in different lines of the MV distribution networks on the

Fig. 4. Transmission station assembled inside a secondary substation. An Fig. 5. MV PLC transmission channel frequency response during an on-field
interface card prototype is connected to the VDS socket panel. sweep test around the center frequency of 86 kHz.

April 2018 IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine 31

Table 1–Fastest achievable bitrate for different MV lines [10]
Operating condition of substations under test
Line length (km) Substation #1 Substation Substation #2 Bit rate (bit/s) Modulation
1.4 terminal by pass by pass 19200 QPSK
1.4 by pass by pass by pass 9600 QPSK coded
1.1 nodal by pass 19200 QPSK
1.8 nodal nodal nodal 4800 BPSK coded

islands of Ustica and Favignana (small islands in the Mediter- Conclusions

ranean Sea). The on-field tests were performed in the presence The obtained results show that the proposed PLC coupler
of both mains voltage (i.e., 20 kV, 50 Hz), AMR PLC signals solution can be suitable for its usage on MV distribution net-
and noise. Different network topologies were considered in- works. In this framework, tests are in course for some potential
cluding MV lines connecting by-pass, nodal and terminal smart grid applications, i.e., smart metering and remote con-
substations and exploring also the case of possible intermedi- trol of distributed generators (DGs); the preliminary results
ate substations. In the test campaign presented here, an nPSK have confirmed the feasibility of the proposed solution for ex-
modem was used with a maximum symbol rate of 9600 ploiting PLC communication between DSO and distributed
baud/s. By means of the mentioned measurement procedure, measurement systems over both MV and LV grids. Further
the interface card was tuned at its first connection to each VDS ongoing research activities concern the coupling solution in-
system of the different secondary substations. As expected, tegration with the basic VDS functionality at power system
different values of variable inductance were found in different frequency (i.e., voltage detection) and its communication per-
secondary substations. However, an efficient signal trans- formances improvement. As regards this last aspect, in order
mission was obtained for all of the tested topologies and for to improve data rate and transmission bandwidth, the perfor-
different center frequencies, with a transmission data rate up mances of the proposed PLC solution are under study in the
to 19.2 kbit/s. Some of the on-field experimental results for bi- case of OFDM signals transmission.
directional communication are summarized in Table 1, where
the fastest achievable bitrate is reported, corresponding to a References
minimum success rate of 98% (percentage of received infor- [1] C. Muscas, M. Pau, P. A. Pegoraro, S. Sulis, F. Ponci and A. Monti,
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In the table, the different network configurations used for the Instrum. Meas., vol. 64, no. 5, pp. 1140-1148, May 2015.
tests are specified, in terms of lengths of the MV lines connect- [2] G. Rietveld, J.-P. Braun, R. Martin, et al.,"Measurement
ing the substations under test and their operating conditions infrastructure to support the reliable operation of smart electrical
(by-pass, nodal or terminal). As an example, one of the MV grids,” IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., vol. 64, no. 6, pp. 1355-1363,
lines tested is shown in Fig. 6, which connects two nodal sub- Jun. 2015.
stations of the Favignana MV network. [3] A. Cataliotti, V. Cosentino, D. Di Cara, S. Guaiana, N.
Panzavecchia, and G. Tinè, “A new solution for low-voltage
distributed generation interface protection system,” IEEE Trans.
Instrum. Meas., vol. 64, no. 8, pp. 2086-2095, Aug. 2015.
[4] A. Cataliotti, V. Cosentino, D. Di Cara and G. Tinè, “LV
measurement device placement for load flow analysis in MV
smart grids,” IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., vol. 65, no. 5, pp. 999-
1006, May 2016.
[5] G. Artale, A. Cataliotti, V. Cosentino, D. Di Cara, S. Guaiana, S.
Nuccio, N. Panzavecchia, and G. Tinè, “Smart interface devices
for distributed generation in smart grids: the case of islanding,”
IEEE Sensors J., vol. 17, no. 23, pp. 7803-7811, Dec. 2017.
[6] D. Della Giustina, P. Ferrari, A. Flammini, S. Rinaldi, and E.
Sisinni, “Automation of distribution grids with IEC 61850: a first
approach using broadband power line communication,” IEEE
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[7] A. Cataliotti, V. Cosentino, D. Di Cara, and G. Tinè,
“Measurement issues for the characterization of medium voltage
Fig. 6. Favignana MV line connecting two nodal substations named “4
Vanelle” and “Torregrossa.” A third nodal substation, named “S. Francesco,” is grids communications,” IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., vol. 62, no. 8,
connected in the middle of the MV line [10]. pp. 2185–2196, Aug. 2013.

32 IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine April 2018

[8] R. Fiorelli, A. Cataliotti, D. Di Cara, and G. Tinè, “Coupling circuit of Pa­ler­mo, in 2005 and 2009, respectively. Currently he is a
for power line communications, “Assignee: STMicroelectronics Researcher at the Institute of Intelligent Systems for Automa-
s.r.l., Patent US08896393 B2, Grant Date: 25/11/2014. Priority tion (ISSIA) of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR),
date: 22/12/2010, [Online]. Available: Pa­ler­mo, Italy. His current research interests include power
patents/US8896393. quality measurements, current transducers characterization
[9] "Live working - Voltage detectors - Part 1: Capacitive type to in nonsinusoidal condition, power line communications and
be used for voltages exceeding 1 kV a.c.,” IEC 61243-1, 2009, smart grids.
[Online]. Available:
[10] G. Artale, A. Cataliotti, V. Cosentino, D. Di Cara, R. Fiorelli, S. Riccardo Fiorelli ( received his bach-
Guiana, and G. Tinè, “A new low cost coupling system for power elor's degree in electronics engineering from the Politecnico
line communication on medium voltage smart grids,” IEEE Trans. di Milano University, Italy in 2003. In the same year, Riccar­do
Smart Grid., vol. PP, no. 9, Nov. 2016. joined STMicroelectronics. Since 2005, he has worked as a
Senior Application Engineer for Industrial Products. He is es-
Giovanni Artale ( received the M.S. pecially an expert in the Power Line Communication system
degree in electronics engineering and the Ph.D. degree in elec- and application field.
tronics and telecommunications engineering from University
of Pa­ler­mo, Pa­ler­mo, Italy, in 2010 and 2014, respectively. Salvatore Guaiana ( received
Currently, he is a Research Scholar at DEIM, University of Pa­ the M.S. degree in electronics and fotonics engineering from
ler­mo. His current research interests include low frequency University of Pa­ler­mo in 2012. Currently he is a Ph.D. stu-
harmonic analysis algorithms, power line communications, dent at DEIM. His current research interests include power
and smart grids. line communications, development of microcontroller
systems and communications protocols for smart grids
Antonio Cataliotti (M' 01) ( applications.
received the M.S. degree in electrical engineering from Uni-
versity of Pa­ler­mo, in 1992 and the Ph.D. degree in electrical Nicola Panzavecchia ( received
engineering in 1998. Since 2005 he has been an Associate Pro- the M.S. degree in computer science and the master's degree
fessor in electrical and electronic measurements at DEIM, in domotics and building automation from University of Pa­
University of Pa­ler­mo. His current research interests include ler­mo, in 2007 and 2011, respectively. Since 2007, he has worked
power quality measurements, power line communications as Consultant, Programmer and Web System Administrator.
and smart grids. Currently he is a Research Fellow at ISSIA-CNR, Pa­ler­mo. His
current research interests include software development for en-
Valentina Cosentino ( received ergy management and embedded systems, smart grids, power
the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Uni- line communications.
versity of Pa­ler­mo, in 2001 and 2005, respectively. Currently
she is Assistant Professor in electrical and electronic measure- Giovanni Tinè (M' 04) ( received the M.S.
ments at DEIM, University of Pa­ler­mo. Her current research degree in electronics engineering and the Ph.D. degree in
interests include energy and power quality measurements, electronics, computer science, and telecommunications en-
detection of disturbances sources in power systems, virtual in- gineering from University of Pa­ler­m o, in 1990 and 1994,
strumentation and smart grids. respectively. Currently, he is a Researcher with ISSIA-CNR,
Pa­ler­mo. His current research interests include electromag-
Dario Di Cara (M' 16) ( received the M.S. netic compatibility, power-line communications and smart
and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from University grids.

April 2018 IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine 33

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