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9, SEPTEMBER 2013 2391

Medium Voltage Smart Grid: Experimental Analysis

of Secondary Substation Narrow Band Power
Line Communication
Giovanni Artale, Antonio Cataliotti, Member IEEE, Valentina Cosentino, Dario Di Cara,
Riccardo Fiorelli, Pierluca Russotto, and Giovanni Tinè Member IEEE

Abstract—This paper is focused on the possibility of employing operation and management. [1]–[9]. Such advanced measure-
narrow band power line communication (PLC) in medium ments capabilities require also the presence of a proper two-
voltage (MV) distribution networks. The topic is investigated
ways always on communication infrastructure, which should
by means of both simulations and experimental tests, which
were carried out in the distribution network of Ustica Island. be able to meet the needs of management and remote control of
In detail, a two-way MV communication was tested between two DGs and networks. This would allow the participation of DGs
secondary substations connected by an MV cable power line. to the grid regulation (by means of proper control strategies for
Each substation has a by-pass connection at MV bus-bars and voltage and power factor regulation and production shuttering),
an MV/LV oil filled power transformer. In this paper, the MV and
thus avoiding critical situations, such as grid instability and
the PLC systems under test are described and the experimental
tests are presented, which were carried out to evaluate the control problems or the operation in unwanted islanding con-
parameters of the simulation model. The aforesaid model is ditions. As regards this, currently there are several limitations
described and a comparison is shown between simulation and because of the limits of the existing interface devices (IDs)
results of experiments, which were carried out in the presence of of DGs and the lack of proper communication systems for
voltage net, i.e., 24 kV. Finally, the possibility is investigated of
information exchange between the utility and DGs. Even the
a reliable communication and the faster achievable bit-rate; the
analysis is performed by means of further experimental results standardization in the field is not complete. At international
of several communication tests, which were carried out with level, IEC and IEEE have introduced some standards for IDs,
different modulation techniques. requirements and testing conditions for islanding detection and
Index Terms—Attenuation, communication equipment testing, DGs disconnection, normal voltage and frequency operation
communication systems, narrow band power line communica- ranges, and so on [3]. At national level, some standards have
tion, power system communication, power system measurements, been published recently in different countries; they concern
smart grids. the reference technical rules for the connection of active and
passive users to the low voltage (LV) electrical networks
I. Introduction [10]–[11]. For example, they provide some thresholds for

T HE evolution of measurement and communication sys-

tems represents a key step for the real development of
smart grids and the integration of distributed generators (DGs)
the disconnection of DGs (in terms of over/under voltage
and frequency) and the possibility for the utility to remotely
command the disconnection of the DGs or to modify the
by renewable sources. In fact, in the smart grid viewpoint, aforementioned thresholds, in order to avoid the operation in
measurements play a crucial role, not only for the known islanding conditions.
functions of the smart metering, but also for sensing, automa- Therefore, an important issue for the development of smart
tion, protection, and control functions and advanced system grids is the capability of transferring data concerning the
Manuscript received November 11, 2012, revised February 1, 2013,
status of the medium voltage (MV) grid among substations
accepted March 21, 2013. Date of publication July 9, 2013; date of current within the grid itself. The development of such communication
version August 7, 2013. This research was supported in part by Linea di infrastructure, especially in the presence of DGs, would allow
intervento del POR FESR Sicilia 2007-2013 - REGIONE SICILIANA
Progetto “REIPERSEI” (Reti Elettriche Intelligenti per la Penetrazione delle
to implement a number of smart functions for automation and
Energie Rinnovabili nei Sistemi Elettrici delle Isole minori) CUP under remote control, fault location and isolation, service restoration,
Grant G53F110000200004 and by STMicroelectronics. The Associate Editor voltage regulation, power quality monitoring, anti-islanding
coordinating the review process was Dr. Carlo Muscas.
G. Artale, A. Cataliotti, V. Cosentino, and P. Russotto are with the Depart-
protection, system diagnostic and so on.
ment of Energy, Information Engineering and Mathematic Models (DEIM), As regards the communication protocols, the IEC 61850
Universitadi Palermo, Palermo 90139, Italy (e-mail:; protocol is already used for automation systems in primary;;
D. D. Cara and G. Tinè are with the National Research Council (CNR),
substations [12]. It could also represent a good platform for
Institute of Intelligent System for Automation (ISSIA), Palermo 90139, Italy the development of the target applications, with particular
(e-mail:; respect to the implementation of control and protection func-
R. Fiorelli is with the ST Microelectronics S.r.l., Agrate 20864, Italy (e-mail:
tions at secondary substations level [13]–[14]. Moreover, the
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIM.2013.2270924 employment of this protocol is also considered in some
c 2013 IEEE

standards, as in [10]. On the other hand, substations at the MV In previous papers, the authors have carried out some
level are not equipped with such communication capabilities. studies in the field of the PLC technology applications in MV
A large variety of communication technologies can be involved networks. Firstly, in [25]–[26], an MV cable model in the PLC
in the realization of smart grid infrastructures, each one having frequency range was presented and experimentally validated.
its own advantages and drawbacks: wire lines and fiber- Secondly, a complete PLC system model was experimentally
optic cables, wireless communication (CDMA, GSM, GPRS, validated both in laboratory and on-field preliminary tests
UMTS, WiMAX, HiperLAN etc.), radio communication, and [27]–[29]; the model was developed in the case of MV cables,
wireless local area networks (WLAN, WiFi, ZigBee, etc.) including also the transformer model proposed in [24]. In [30],
[15]–[17]. Among them, power line communication (PLC) is the PLC system was studied in the case of MV overhead lines.
the only wire line technology that has cost comparable to In [31]–[32] a new MV/LV power transformer model was
wireless, since the communication lines are already present presented, in order to study its influence on signal transmission
(i.e., the power lines), and they have no service cost. Moreover, and to investigate the possibility that the PLC signal can cross
for the aforesaid applications, the communications require the power transformer itself.
a relatively low-speed connectivity, which can be obtained In this paper, the possibility to employ narrow band power
by using PLC capabilities [16], [18]. In this sense, some line communication (PLC) in MV distribution networks is
solutions could be suitable for the urban territory, which furthermore investigated by means of experimental tests,
is already covered by the new generation networks (as the which were carried out in the distribution network of the
broadband); on the other hand, they could be inappropriate Island of Ustica. In detail, a two-ways MV communication
for rural areas, where the access to such technologies is was tested between two secondary substations connected by
limited and the distances between the various connection an MV cable power line. Each substation has a by-pass
points are significant. A solution could be a multilevel archi- connection at MV bus-bars and an MV/LV oil filled power
tecture, which can use different technologies, at the various transformer. The experimental tests were carried out in the
level, (PLC, wireless, radio communications), creating a low presence of voltage net, i.e., 24 kV. The experimental results
cost network infrastructure. In this perspective, wireless and are compared with the simulation results, which were previ-
radio communications solutions need an economical agree- ously obtained by implementing the model of the considered
ment between the electrical utilities and the communica- test system [33]. Moreover, the faster achievable bit-rate is
tion providers; on the contrary, the PLCs are intrinsically investigated, by means of the results of several communication
cheaper since the electrical utilities usually own the electrical tests, which were carried out by using different modulation
networks. techniques.
At the light of the aforesaid considerations, it is important In this paper, firstly, the MV network and the PLC system
to fully investigate the potentialities of PLC technology and under test are described; secondly, the development of the
to overcome its present limits, in the perspective of its use simulation model of [33] is recalled. Thirdly, the experimental
and integration into smart grid communication networks. In results on the considered PLC test system are compared with
different countries (as in Italy), PLCs are already used for the simulation results, in order to verify the developed model
supporting automatic meter reading (AMR) and advanced and to determine the best transmission frequency. Finally,
metering infrastructure (AMI) [18] in LV networks. These further experimental tests with different modulation techniques
applications make use of different transceiver solutions, which are presented and discussed, showing the faster achievable bit-
are based on single carrier modulation [frequency shift-keying rate and the transmission success rate.
(FSK), binary phase shift-keying (BPSK), quadrature phase
shift-keying (QPSK) and 8 phase shift-keying (PSK)] up to
30 kbps [18]–[19]. For these applications, low data rate narrow II. MV Network and PLC System Description
band (NB) PLCs are used, operating in the CENELEC bands A possible proposal for PLCs in an MV distribution network
(3–148.5 kHz) [20]. This is the only standardized available is presented in Fig. 1, where the communication among
band for PLC in the whole world and in some countries the primary and secondary substations is obtained by means of
use of other frequencies is not allowed. Nevertheless, the PLC power line transceivers and a proper coupling system. They
technology application in the MV network is still under study. are installed at both sides of the by-pass connection, which is
In literature, different studies have been presented on the typically present in the substations themselves. The proposed
high frequency behavior of both HV and MV overhead lines, solution allows one to maintain the communication link also
LV cables [20]–[23] and the signal propagation through MV when switches are open, thanks to the presence of a transceiver
power transformers [24]. Other open issues are the realization at both the beginning and the end of each MV feeder. In the
of reliable MV couplers and the signal propagation through case of cable lines, the core-shield signal injection is generally
power transformers. As regards this last aspect, it is a common preferred to the core-core one, because of the easier coupling
opinion that the transformer impedance, seen from the MV modality [33]. In the core-shield configuration, the signal is
terminals, is so high that the signal remains confined in the injected between the core of one cable and the shield, which
MV network [22]. For the aforesaid reasons, the PLCs are still is connected to earth at the ends of the line. The signal can
not widely used in MV systems and different communication be injected by means of capacitive or inductive couplers. In
technologies are currently employed (as GSM or Wireless), the case of CENELEC band applications, capacitive coupling
which entail extra services and equipment. device are preferable and available [34].

Fig. 2. Picture of Ustica Island in Sicily, Italy. Route of the medium voltage
cables, connecting the two substations Sidoti and Spalmatore, can be localized
in the figure.

Fig. 1. Proposed solution for PLC between primary and secondary MV

substations. MV couplers with power line transceiver are represented by gray
circle (•).

The case study presented in this paper is a portion of

the MV distribution network of the Island of Ustica, in the
Mediterranean sea. Two secondary substations are considered,
named Sidoti and Spalmatore, which are connected by a
1.4 km long cable line, as indicated in Fig. 2.
Fig. 3. Spalmatore Substation. MV switchboards and PLC transmission
The line is made up of three unipolar MV shielded cables station.
of type RG7H1R with aluminum core of 25 mm2 cross-
sections. A 20/0.4 kV/kV power transformer is installed in
and line driver for a scalable future-proof, cost effective
both Sidoti and Spalmatore substations, with a rated power
single-chip narrow-band power line communication solution.
of 100 kVA and 160 kVA, respectively. Each substation can
The embedded PHY layer is hosted in a DSP engine and
be configured in both by-pass and terminal configuration.
it implements two different modulation schemes: a B-FSK
The PLC system is based on core-shield configuration. The
modulation up to 9.6 kbps and a multimode PSK modulation
signal is transmitted and received in each substation by
up to 28.8 kbps with channel quality estimation, dual channel
a STMicroelectronics ST7580 N-PSK powerline transceiver,
receiving mode and convolutional coding. In Table I, the
which is connected to a commercial phase-to-earth capacitive
available modulation techniques are reported, together with
coupler (produced by ADD Production S.r.l.). For example,
the corresponding baud rates and bit rates.
the Spalmatore substation is reported in Fig. 3, where the MV
switchboards and the PLC transmission station are shown. In
both substations, the capacitive coupling device is connected
in parallel to one phase of the power transformer, as shown in III. Model of MV Network and PLC System
Fig. 4 (for the Sidoti substation). The MV cable power lines, the power transformers, and the
The ST7580 is a flexible power line networking system- presence of the earth were already modeled and experimentally
on-chip (SoC), which combines a high performing physical characterized in previous works [28]–[32]. As regards the
layer (PHY) digital signal processer (DSP) core and a protocol ST7580 transceiver, its model was developed starting from
controller core with a fully integrated analog front-end (AFE) the specifications provided by the manufacturer [19].

Fig. 5. Circuit model of MV phase-to-earth capacitive coupling device.

Capacitive coupling device model parameters

Fig. 4. Sidoti Substation. Capacitive coupling device connected in parallel

to one phase of power transformer.

ST7580 Available modulation techniques

In order to develop a circuital model of the capacitive

coupler, the EN 61334-3-21 standard was considered, together
with the data sheets provided by the manufacturer (ADD
production S.r.l.). The circuit model of the MV phase-to-earth
capacitive coupling device is shown in Fig. 5. The connectors
1, 2, and 3 represent the medium voltage, the low voltage, and
the ground terminals, respectively. The circuit parameters were
obtained from the data sheet and the impedance measurements,
which were performed with a ZVRE Rodhe & Schwarz vector
network analyzer. In Table II, the obtained values of the Fig. 6. (a) Test set-up for LV-to-MV frequency response measurement of
parameters of the MV coupling device are reported [33]. To capacitive coupling device. (b) Simulation and experimental results [33].
verify the behavior of the model, the frequency response of
the coupling device was experimentally evaluated. The test
HP 34401A multimeters. The frequency response was obtained
benches are shown in Figs. 6(a) and 7(a), for LV-to-MV and
by computing the attenuation at different signal frequencies,
MV-to-LV measurements, respectively. An Agilent 33220A
by means of the following expression:
signal generator was connected to the input. A 50 ohm was
connected to the output. The input and output amplitude Vout
voltages (V out and V in , respectively) were measured by two attenuation = 20 log10 . (1)

Fig. 9. Sidoti Substation. PLC transmission station, signal generator, and

multimeter for transmission channel frequency characterization.

Fig. 7. (a) Test set-up for MV-to-LV frequency response measurement of

capacitive coupling device. (b) Simulation and experimental results.

Fig. 10. Simulation and experimental results when both substations are
in by-pass connection. Signal is transmitted from Sidoti and received by
Fig. 8. Schematic representation of on-field measurement test set-up.
To verify the model performances, on-field experimental
The measured and simulated frequency responses are com- tests were carried out in the described MV portion of the
pared in Figs. 6(b) and 7(b), in LV-to-MV and MV-to-LV Ustica Island MV network; in this way the best transmission
cases, respectively. In both cases the simulation and experi- frequency was evaluated for the considered case study. The
mental results were compatible, thus confirming the reliability tests were performed in presence of voltage net, i.e., 24 kV.
of the developed model. The measurement bench of Fig. 8 was used to measure the
Finally, the complete model of the MV system for power transmission channel attenuation between the two secondary
line communication was implemented in MATLAB environ- substations. The signal was generated by a signal generator
ment; it was presented in [33], where a schematic representa- Agilent 33220A and it was injected in the MV capacitive
tion of the simulated system is also reported. coupler installed in one of the two substations. The signal
amplitude is measured at the capacitive coupler input by means
of a HP 34401A multimeter. The received signal is measured
at the input of the other capacitive coupler (in the other
IV. Simulation and Experimental Results substation) by means of a second HP 34401A multimeter.
Simulations tests were performed by transmitting a signal The test bench is shown in Fig. 9 (Sidoti substation). The
from one of the MV couplers connected to the MV bus-bars of signal frequency was also measured, together with the RMS
each substation. The attenuation between the transmission and voltage value; this was made in order to verify that the RMS
reception stations was evaluated for different frequencies (in measurement was referred to the test sinusoidal signal, thus
the frequency range of 50–145 kHz) and for different network avoiding an erroneous measurement. The tests were carried
configurations [33]. out in different network configurations, by modifying MV

Fig. 11. Simulation and experimental results when both substations are in Fig. 13. Simulation and experimental when Sidoti substation is in by-
by-pass connection. Signal is transmitted from Spalmatore and received by pass connection and Spalmatore substation in terminal connection. Signal is
Sidoti. transmitted from Spalmatore and received by Sidoti.

Transmission success rate at different frequencies with both
substations in by pass connection

Fig. 12. Simulation and experimental results when Sidoti substation is in

by-pass connection and Spalmatore substation in terminal connection. Signal
is transmitted from Sidoti and received by Spalmatore.

switchgears at MV bus-bars of the two substations. For exam- received signal is reduced, due to the presence of two nodes
ple, some simulation and measurement results (attenuation vs one in transmission and one in reception. Unfortunately, by-
frequency) are shown in Figs. 10 and 11; they refer to the cases pass connection is the most frequent net condition. Finally,
when both substations are in by-pass connection. In particular, the frequency dependent behavior of the attenuation values is
Fig. 10 refers to the case when the signal was transmitted due to the frequency band of the chosen coupling device and
from Sidoti and received by Spalmatore, while Fig. 11 to the the cable line behavior. In the frequency range between 80
case when the signal was transmitted from Spalmatore and and 110 kHz the cable line length has a positive effect on the
received by Sidoti. A second network configuration was tested, signal transmission [28].
by opening one MV switchgear at Spalmatore substation. In order to verify communication feasibility and to evaluate
Thus, Spalmatore substation became a terminal substation, the best transmission frequency in the case under examination,
while Sidoti was again in by-pass connection. In this case, a second experimental test campaign was performed by using
the simulation and measurement results are shown in Figs. 12 two ST7580 powerline transceivers, connected to the capac-
and 13. As can be seen from the figures, the trends of the itive coupling devices. Different modulation techniques with
simulations are always in agreement with the measurement different bit rates were considered, as reported in Table I. Two
results, with a maximum error of 3 dB between measurement center frequencies were taken into account, 86 and 110 kHz.
and simulation results, thus verifying the PLC developed The transmission performances were evaluated considering the
model. From the experimental results, it can be observed that success rate, which is the percentage of received information
the transmission channel attenuation depends on the frequency bit packets, with respect to the transmitted ones. The experi-
of transmission and the network configuration. Moreover, the mental results are reported in Table III. A 100% success rate
attenuation trend is similar in both network configurations, but was obtained with low bit rate modulation techniques (FSK,
a better transmission behavior was observed when the signal is BPSK-coded and QPSK-coded) while a lower success rate was
transmitted from Sidoti than from Spalmatore. This different obtained when the bit rate was increased (QPSK and 8PSK).
behavior is reasonably due to a slight difference of the two Furthermore, the best transmission frequency was 86 kHz.
capacitive coupling devices. As expected, the results obtained These results are in agreement with previous attenuation
in the case of terminal connection were better than those in results, because the increase in the bit rate implies a wider
by-pass connection; in fact, in this last case the level of the frequency band and, as previously observed, the attenuation

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Oct. 2012. interests include power quality measurements, characterization of current
[33] G. Artale, A. Cataliotti, V. Cosentino, D. D. Cara, R. Fiorelli, transducers in nonsinusoidal condition, harmonic power measurements, power
P. Russotto, and G. Tinè, “Secondary substation power line commu- line communications, and smart grids.
nications for medium voltage smart grids,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Workshop
Appl. Meas. Power Syst., Aachen, Germany, Sep. 2012, pp. 155–160. Riccardo Fiorelli was born in Reggio Calabria, Italy, in 1980. He received
[34] P. A. A. F. Wouters, P. C. J. M. van der Wielen, J. Veen, P. Wagenaars, the bachelor’s degree in electronic engineering from the Politecnico di Milano
and E. F. Steennis, “Effect of cable load impedance on coupling schemes University, Milan, Italy, in 2003.
for MV power line communication,” IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 20, In 2003, he joined STMicroelectronics, Agrate, Italy. ST. Since 2005, he
no. 2, pp. 633–645, Jun. 2005. has been an Application Engineer for industrial products. He is an expert in
the power line communication system and application field.

Giovanni Artale received the M.S. degree in electronic engineering from the Pierluca Russotto received the M.S. degree in electrical engineering from the
University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy, in 2010, where he is currently pursuing University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy, in 2011, where he is currently pursuing
the Ph.D. degree in electronic and telecommunication engineering. the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering.
His current research interests include power line communications, digital His current research interests include power systems modeling, measure-
signal processing and measurement, and communication systems for smart ment, and communication systems for smart grids and smart metering.
Giovanni Tinè (M’04) was born in Palermo, Italy, in 1961. He received
Antonio Cataliotti (M’01) received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical the Ph.D. degree in electronics, computer science, and telecommunications
engineering from the University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy, in 1992 and 1998, engineering from the University of Palermo, Palermo, in 1994.
respectively. He is currently a Researcher with the National Research Council—Institute
In 2000, he was appointed an Assistant Professor, and since 2005, he of Intelligent System for Automation, Palermo. His current research interests
has been an Associate Professor in electrical and electronic measurements include electromagnetic compatibility of power electrical drive systems,
at the Department of Electrical, Electronic and Telecommunication Engineer- power-line communications, and smart grids.
ing, University of Palermo. His current research interests include electrical
drive control and diagnostics, digital signal processing, testing of electrical
machines and drives, power quality measurements, detection of sources of
disturbances in power systems, power line communications, and smart grids.

Valentina Cosentino received the M.S. and the Ph.D. degrees in electrical
engineering from the University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy, in 2001 and 2005,
From 2005 to 2010, she was a temporary Research Fellow at the Depart-
ment of Electrical, Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering (DEIM),
University of Palermo. She is currently an Assistant Professor in electrical
and electronic measurements at DEIM. Her current research interests include
power, energy and power quality measurements, detection of sources of dis-
turbances in power systems, digital signal processing, virtual instrumentation,
and smart grids.

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