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5, MAY 2017

Arc Fault Detection Method Based on CZT

Low-Frequency Harmonic Current Analysis
Giovanni Artale, Antonio Cataliotti, Member, IEEE, Valentina Cosentino, Dario Di Cara, Member, IEEE,
Salvatore Nuccio, and Giovanni Tinè, Member, IEEE

Abstract— This paper presents a method for the detection of even when arcs are not occurring; in other cases, arc
series arc faults in electrical circuits, which has been developed fault characteristics are masked or attenuated by appliances’
starting from an experimental characterization of the arc fault current absorptions; furthermore, arcs are generally nonsta-
phenomenon and an arcing current study in several test con-
ditions. Starting from this, the authors have found that is it tionary and sporadic, and thus segments of arcing current
possible to suitably detect arc faults by means of a high-resolution can coexist with segments of normal (nonarcing) current. The
low-frequency harmonic analysis of current signal, based on chirp issue is particularly complicated in the case of series arcs,
zeta transform, and a proper set of indicators. The proposed while the loads influence is minimal in the case of parallel
method effectiveness is shown by means of experimental tests, (or line-to-neutral) arc occurrence [6]–[8]. Some examples
which were carried in both arcing and nonarcing conditions
and in the presence of different loads, chosen according to the of “masking loads” are vacuum cleaners, lamps controlled
UL 1699 standard requirements. by snap switches or dimmers, electronic variable-speed
electric hand-held shop tools, and electronic switching mode
Index Terms— Arc discharges, arc fault circuit
interrupter (AFCI), arc fault detection, electrical safety, power suppliers [1], [9]. In these cases, the AFCI may not
fault diagnosis, home protection, interrupters, power system trip, even if an arc fault is present (trip failure) or it may trip
harmonics, power system measurements, series arcs, UL 1699. even when arc is not present (unwanted trip). UL 1699 [1]
does not specify any methodology for arc fault detection, and
I. I NTRODUCTION thus AFCIs can implement different operating principles.
The scientific literature in the field mainly deals with

A RC faults are unintentional and harmful conditions in

electrical circuits, which may lead to fire ignition; they
can have different origins, such as aged or damaged wires,
arc characterization approaches [9]–[18] and several patents
are related to devices and methods for arc fault detection.
However, a comprehensive and well-established solution is
worn electrical insulation, and misused or damaged electrical still missing and research is still in course to find proper
appliances. In order to protect homes against ac arc faults, methodologies for detecting arc faults and distinguishing them
arc fault circuit interrupters (AFCIs) have been introduced from normal conditions (even in the presence of masking
in U.S., and since 2011, the National Electrical Code (NEC) loads). In the following, a detailed analysis of the state-of-the-
has required their installation in all living areas. Furthermore, art methodologies is presented, showing that some problems
NEC 2011 has introduced AFCI protection also for photo- in the field are still open.
voltaic (PV) systems; in fact, arc faults can also occur in dc In this framework, Artale et al. [19] have carried out
electric circuits, with the same dangerous consequences for an experimental characterization of arc phenomena, with a
dwelling units or commercial buildings. The AFCI require- particular focus on series arcs. This study led to the iden-
ments for home protection are covered by the UL standard tification of a proper set of indicators that can be used for
UL 1699 [1]–[3], while UL 1699B covers dc AFCIs for PV arc fault detection; such indicators can be obtained by means
applications [4], [5]. of a high-resolution low-frequency harmonic analysis of the
The detection of an arc fault is not a simple task [6]–[18]. current [20]. Starting from such parameters, an arc fault
For ac systems, main problems arise because in some cases detection method has been patented in 2015 [21].
appliances currents can be very similar to arcing currents, In this paper, the novel arc fault detection method is
Manuscript received September 6, 2016; accepted October 7, 2016. Date of presented and its effectiveness is shown in several load condi-
publication January 11, 2017; date of current version April 5, 2017. This work tions, in accordance with the UL 1699 standard requirements
was supported by STMicroelectronics, through the framework of two research for unwanted tripping tests and operation inhibition tests.
contracts with the Department DIEETCAM (now DEIM) of the University of
Palermo (Research title: “Arc fault circuit interrupter”). The Associate Editor If compared with other approaches, the proposed method can
coordinating the review process was Dr. John Lataire. allow one to better face some problems related to signal acqui-
G. Artale, A. Cataliotti, V. Cosentino, and S. Nuccio are with the Department sition and processing, in terms of both sampling frequency and
of Energy, Information Engineering and Mathematic Models, University of
Palermo, 90128 Palermo, Italy (e-mail:; acataliotti@ observation window length choice. This paper is organized;; as follows. Section II provides a survey of the state-of-the-
D. Di Cara and G. Tinè are with the Institute of Intelligent System art of arc fault detection solutions. The proposed method is
for Automation, National Research Council, 90141 Palermo, Italy (e-mail:; described in Section III. The results of the method validation
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIM.2016.2627248 are presented in Section IV.
0018-9456 © 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

II. S TATE - OF - THE -A RT S URVEY OF U.S. Pat.6 246 556, and U.S. Pat.6 259 996, or U.S. Pat.
A RC FAULT D ETECTION No. 5 839 092.
Only few methods make use of low-frequency analysis,
As already mentioned, several patents can be found mostly to fix some thresholds to distinguish the arc fault occur-
concerning the devices and methods for the detection of arc rence from a normal operating condition. Current harmonics
faults. Generally speaking, they are mostly aimed at detecting in given frequency bands are compared with some reference
of one or more distinguishing arc fault characteristics in the values, stored in device memory, which are meant to represent
current waveform, such as “shoulders” (i.e., nearly flat zero- the typical harmonic content of common loads. The differences
current segments around the normal zero crossing of the are compared with threshold values in order to detect the
waveform), high rates of rise and peaks, current amounts lower arc occurrence. As regards this, in U.S. Pat. No. 7 062 388,
than normal values (because of the voltage drop across the a frequency harmonic identifier for series arcs detection is
arc), and high-frequency broadband noise (from the tens of described, which makes use of fast Fourier transform (FFT)
kilohertz to about 1 GHz). A detailed patents analysis allowed analysis. The current harmonic content is compared with
to distinguish the various approaches, putting in evidence their one or more reference signal bands, which are meant to
main characteristics and limitations [21]. In broad outline, represent common loads. If harmonic current does not match
many solutions make use of the analysis of current waveform any reference signal band, it is recognized to be a series arc
and its first derivative (di/dt), in order to individuate peaks, signal.
shoulders, and high rates of rise (some examples of these The patent analysis puts in evidence the following problems
approaches can be found in U.S. Pat. No. 7 068 480, U.S. Pat. and limitations. Broadband analysis requires the employment
No. 5 818 237, U.S. Pat. No. 6 388 849, U.S. Pat. No. 6 031 699, of analogical solutions, mainly based on filtering. In fact,
U.S. Pat. No. 6 198 611, U.S. Pat. No. 6 972 572, U.S. Pat. digital systems would require high sampling frequency and
No. 5 691 869, and U.S. Pat. No. 5 963 405). High-frequency wide observation window, where the signal should be station-
broadband noise analysis is also used, from a few kilohertz ary; this is in contrast with the sporadic and nonstationary
to hundreds of kilohertz or even megahertz (some examples nature of the arcing phenomenon. In the cases in which a
of these approaches can be found in U.S. Pat. No. 5 835 321, low-frequency analysis is performed, it is applied to current
U.S. Pat. No. 5 706 159, U.S. Pat. No. 5 729 145, U.S. Pat. signal derivative (di/dt) or it is used to fix some thresholds
No. 6 362 628, and U.S. Pat. No. 5 805 397). In other cases, for di/dt analysis and the discrimination of arcing condi-
nonperiodicity of the signal is analyzed (see, for example, tions against normal situations. In other cases, low-frequency
U.S. Pat. No. 6 388 849 or U.S. Pat. No. 7 003 435). Several analysis is used to compare the current harmonic content
aforementioned solutions make use of more than one detection with predetermined reference signal bands, which represent
methods, in order to reduce the risk of unwanted trips or common loads. This require a prior knowledge of the electric
failures to trip; thus in many cases, the arc detector verifies circuit, in each and every working condition, in order to
the simultaneous presence of different arcing characteristics determine the reference signal bands, representing all the
(see, for example, U.S. Pat. No. 7 110 864, U.S. Pat. possible load configurations. Another problem is that hard-
No. 7 307 820, and U.S. Pat. No. 7 227 729). Some of these ware solutions would require the employment of sophisticated
solutions are based not only on the analysis of the first signal processing systems, with high processing speed and/or
derivative but also on the second derivative of the current sampling frequencies, especially when broadband measure-
signal. They can combine the broadband noise information ments are involved. The systems for the signal acquisition
with the analysis of current fundamental component (see, often include current transformers, which may have a poor
for example, U.S. Pat. No. 6 088 205). In other cases, arcs frequency response and a low signal-to-noise ratio. Better
are detected by comparing the current waveform charac- results may be obtained with shunts, which may not allow
teristics with predetermined thresholds representing typical the adequate insulation between power circuit and metering
arcing currents(see, for example, U.S. Pat. No. 7 068 480). section. Finally, solutions involving spectral analysis make
In many cases, filtering techniques are used, since digital reference to traditional algorithms, such as FFT, which require
signal processing techniques would require high sampling a stationary signal and a wide observation window, in order
frequencies to perform a correct measurement of high- to achieve adequate spectral resolution. These requirements
frequency components (such types of solutions can be found may not be fulfilled for the analysis of arcing signals, which
in U.S. Pat. No. 5 185 684 and U.S. Pat. No. 5 452 223 and are typically nonstationary, especially in large observation
U.S. Pat. 5 561 605, U.S. Pat. No. 5 706 159, and U.S. Pat. windows. Finally, the patent survey puts in evidence that
No. 5 815 352). Other solutions make use of counting-based dedicated solutions are often proposed for the detection of
techniques. The current signal is converted into sequences arc fault against those particular situations in which normal
of pulses, which are generated when an arcing characteristic appliances currents are similar to arcing currents, even when
exceeds the predetermined threshold; the pulses are then arcs are not occurring; comprehensive solutions would be more
counted up to a given threshold that is meant to identify the useful for practical application, instead.
arcing condition. In other cases, the pulses are used to charge
a capacitor; in this case, the threshold is a predetermined III. P ROPOSED S OLUTION
level of charge of such a capacitor. For example, counting- The patent survey showed that most methods are focused
based solutions can be found in U.S. Pat. No. 5 682 101, on high-frequency components or time-domain analysis.

Fig. 1. Flowchart of the proposed strategy.

On the other hand, the possibility to focus the attention on used [23], [24], [25]–[31], but they can lead to some problems,
low-frequency spectral analysis would be advantageous. such as tonal interference between different spectral com-
In fact, in the viewpoint of implementing digital sig- ponents (especially low-frequency harmonics, interharmonics,
nal processing solutions, the measurement of low-frequency and noise) or high computational and memory requirements.
components would entail low sampling frequency require- In order to face this issue, the proposed solution has
ments. With this in mind, Artale et al. [19] carried out an been developed by using the chirp zeta transform (CZT)
experimental characterization of the arc phenomenon, in the algorithm [23]. In comparison with DFT or FFT, CZT allows
case of series arcs and in the presence of masking loads, one to perform spectral analysis in a smaller frequency band
in accordance with the UL 1699 standard requirements for f W and with a better spectral resolution,  f CZT = f W /N
“unwanted tripping tests” and “operation inhibition tests.” (being N the number of signal samples) [23], [24]. For
The study was focused on low-frequency harmonic analysis example, for a current frequency of 50 Hz, and a sampling
of arcing currents, in order to find some markers that can frequency f S = 10 kHz, an observation window is of 0.08 s
be significant for the purpose of arc detection. To effec- (N = 800) leads to a spectral resolution of 500/800 =
tively study of the aforementioned characteristics, a proper 0.625 Hz, in the frequency band f W = [0–500] Hz. With
spectral analysis algorithm was required, in order to ensure the same settings, the spectral resolution of the DFT would be
a high-frequency resolution even with short observation  f DFT = f S = /N = 12.5 Hz.
window (SOW). As regards this, it is known that the most
A. Indicators
common signal processing algorithms for frequency-domain
analysis [such as those based on discrete Fourier trans- The analysis in [19] allowed one to recognize some markers
form (DFT) or FFT] require the signal to be stationary in the low-frequency spectrum, i.e., specific harmonic compo-
during the observation window [22]. On the other hand, arc nents and spectral parameters, which can be useful for arc
signal is typically nonstationary, and thus the observation detection. Starting from this, Artale et al. [20] have identified
window should be as small as possible, in order to keep the following novel indicators.
valid the condition of stationary signal. This can cause a poor 1) diff_czt: The mean value of the differences between
DFT/FFT spectral resolution; in order to improve it, inter- the N samples (Sn ) of two low-frequency spectra of
polation algorithms and/or zero padding techniques could be the current, measured in two subsequent observation

Fig. 2. Schematic and main features of the test bench.

Fig. 4. Dimmer (1000-W lamps and firing angle 90°). Experimental

Fig. 3. Resistive load. Experimental results of the proposed strategy. results of the proposed strategy. (a) Current signal. (b) Strategy output:
(a) Current signal. (b) Strategy output: nonarcing (0)/arcing (1). nonarcing (0)/arcing (1).

windows, T (k) and T (k − 1), is given by


N−1  n( f max ) n( f 4_ max ) 
diff_czt =
|Sn T (k) − Sn T (k−1) |. (1) max Sn T (k)|n( f4_
4_ min ) − max S n T (k−1)
| n( f 4_ min ) 
N =   ·100
n( f 4_ max )
max Sn T (k−1)|n( f4_ min )
2) diff_II_arm, diff_IV_arm, and diff_VI_arm: The differ-
ences between the maximum values of spectra sam-
ples S in specified frequency intervals [ f 2_min ; f 2_max ], diff_VIarm
 n( f max ) n( f 6_ max ) 
[ f 4_min ; f 4_max ], and [ f 6_min ; f 6_max ] around the second, max Sn T (k)|n( f6_ − max S n |
6_ min ) T (k−1) n( f 6_ min )
fourth and sixth harmonics, respectively, are measured in =   ·100.
n( f 6_ max )
two subsequent observation windows, T (k) and T (k−1), max Sn T (k−1) |n( f6_ min )
as follows: (4)
     3) NF: Noise floor, evaluated as the mean value of the
 n( f max ) n( f 2_ max ) 
max Sn T (k)|n( f2_
2_ min )
− max S n |
T (k−1) n( f 2_ min )  N  samples of current spectrum, which is obtained
=   ·100 without considering the samples of spectrum lobes of
n( f max )
max Sn T (k−1)|n( f 2_2_ min ) both odd and even harmonic frequencies (which can
(2) be present in both arcing and nonarcing conditions),

Fig. 5. Electric hand-held drill (minimum speed). Experimental results of the proposed strategy and current waveform details. (a) Current signal. (b) Strategy
output: nonarcing (0)/arcing (1). (c) Current signal details, normal. (d) Current signal details, arcing.

is given by In normal conditions (no-arcing), such values are updated

1  during the process, as a function of the actual operating
NF =  Sn T (k) . (5) conditions, which may vary during the normal operation,
N  n∈N depending on the load conditions (for example, in dwelling
4) diff_i: The mean value of the difference between the units, when appliances are switched OFF/ ON).
N samples of current (i n ) acquired in two subsequent A flow chart of the proposed strategy is reported in Fig. 1.
observation windows, T (k) and T (k − 1), is given by The method makes use of two observation windows for indica-
tor measurements: a short one ( SOW, for example, 2–4 current
diff_i = |i n_T (k) − i n T (k−1) |. (6) cycles) and a long one [long observation window (LOW),
n=0 integer multiple of SOW, i.e., LOW = n SOW, for example,
10–20 current cycles and n = 5]. As already mentioned,
B. Arc Fault Detection Strategy the choice of SOWs together with the adoption of CZT
In [20], it was shown that the behavior of the aforemen- algorithm allows one to perform the spectral analysis with
tioned indicators is indicative of arcing conditions occurrence. a suitable frequency resolution and processing a reasonable
For example, in the transition from normal to arcing condi- number of samples. In Fig. 1, the thin black and large lines
tions, noise floor increases and even harmonics arise (generally refer to LOW and SOW operations, respectively. In a given
they are absent for most loads); the current is nonstationary, LOW, for each indicator n measurements are made (one for
and thus its characteristics present significant variations in each SOW) and the mean value of the n measurements is
subsequent observation windows; furthermore, current RMS used to fix th and  values for the indicator; in this way,
decreases because of the voltage drop across the arc. In the th and  values are dynamically determined as a function of
case of a resistive load, such characteristics are clearly the mean values measured for each indicator. In each LOW,
visible; on the other hand, in the presence of masking th and  values updating depends on the results of compar-
loads, they are partially hidden by particular conditions, such isons between the indicators and related thresholds, determined
as the presence of even harmonics or interharmonics in during the previous LOW. Such comparisons also determine
normal (nonarcing) operation. In such cases, arcing condition the strategy response (arcing or no-arcing signaling).
can be better detected by means of simultaneous monitoring More in detail, with reference to Fig. 1, let us consider
of more than one indicators and their comparison in some a given iteration k of the algorithm (one LOW). After the
subsequent observation windows. current samples acquisition, the RMS and indicators of (1)–(6)
Starting from the aforementioned considerations, a novel arc are measured. The RMS is evaluated in LOW, while the other
fault detection strategy has been developed, which makes use indicators are evaluated in SOWs. A first series of comparisons
of the indicators previously mentioned [21]. In broad outline, is then carried out, which involves RMS, diff_i, and diff_czt.
this strategy is based on continuous monitoring of the afore- For diff_i and diff_czt, the mean values of the measurements
mentioned indicators in subsequent observation windows and in each SOW, diff_i(k,j), and diff_czt(k,j) are calculated. The
their comparison with proper thresholds (th) and related limits- related th and  values are calculated as a function of the
of-variation () values, evaluated as shown in the following. aforementioned mean values and they are stored for the next

Fig. 6. Electric hand-held drill (minimum speed). Experimental results of the indicators (a)−(f). (a) diff_czt. (b) diff_i. (c) NF. (d) diff_IIarm. (e) diff_IVarm.
(f) diff_VIarm.

iteration (k + 1); their updating depends on the results of iteration begins. For the first iteration, the th and  values
the comparison between RMS, diff_i(k,j), and diff_czt(k,j) and are set to default values, which are chosen in accordance
related thresholds. In detail, for such comparisons, the th and with the normal operation, i.e., in the absence of arcing (for
 values set during the previous iteration (k − 1) are used; the experimental tests presented in the paper, the default
if the results of comparisons are positive (i.e., within the values were those related to the resistive load of UL 1699,
limits , no arcing), the th and  values are updated to in nonarcing conditions); in this case, comparisons are aimed
the current values (k); otherwise, if the comparison results at verifying that the current signal is stationary (no-arcing
are negative (i.e., out of the limits ), the related th and condition); if so, th and  values are adapted to the actual
 values are maintained to the previous values (k − 1). operating condition. Thanks to this, a prior knowledge of the
In addition, the results of RMS, diff_i(k,j), and diff_czt(k,j) load is not necessary (other approaches already proposed in
comparisons also determine the th and  values updating literature need such information, instead) and when load varies
for the second set of indicators (NF, diff_IIarm, diff_IVarm, during normal operation, the system is able to adapt itself to
and diff_VIarm). In fact, if the comparisons results for RMS, the new load condition. On the other hand, in the case of
diff_i(k,j), and diff_czt(k,j) are positive, the th and  values system commissioning during an arcing condition, the th and
for NF, diff_IIarm, diff_IVarm, and diff_VIarm are updated;  values are kept equal to the default values, which still allows
these values, evaluated at iteration (k), are stored for the next the detection of the nonstationary behavior of current (due to
iteration (k + 1). Furthermore, the positive results of RMS, the arc presence and regardless of the load condition).
diff_i(k,j), and diff_czt(k,j) comparisons determine no-arcing
signaling (i.e., no arc is detected at iteration k). Otherwise, IV. E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS
if comparison results for RMS, diff_i(k,j), and diff_czt(k,j) are The proposed strategy for arc fault detection was
negative (i.e., out of the limits ), the th and  values for implemented in LabVIEW environment and some experi-
NF, diff_IIarm, diff_IVarm, diff_VIarm are not updated (i.e., mental tests were carried out in the test conditions of [20],
the values are kept equal to those obtained during the iteration i.e., load conditions of “unwanted tripping tests” and the
k − 1) and a second series of comparisons is carried out, “operation inhibition tests” reported in the UL 1699 (resistive
between NF, diff_IIarm, diff_IVarm, and diff_VIarm (mean loads, electronic dimmers with tungsten lamps, fluorescent
values) and the related th values. If also the results of these alone or with additional resistive loads, personal computers,
comparisons are out of the related limits , the arcing con- vacuum cleaners, and variable-speed electric hand-held drills).
dition is signaled; otherwise, no arc is detected and a new For each load condition, the test was carried out by

Fig. 7. Results after strategy output counting: nonarcing (0)/arcing (1). The gray arrows and crosses indicate the eliminated wrong outputs [see Figs. 3(b)
and 5(b)]. (a) Resistive load. (b) Electric hand held drill (minimum speed).

alternating arcing and nonarcing conditions. The behavior of Comparable performances were obtained in the other test
each indicator was monitored during the test, together with conditions, even in the presence of masking loads.
the “arcing” or “nonarcing” response. The test bench is shown For example, the results obtained in the case of a dim-
in Fig. 2. The arc generator was build according to [1] and it mer (with 1000-W lamps and firing angle 90°) and an electric
was connected in series with the load, in order to reproduce hand-held drill (minimum speed) are reported in Figs. 4 and 5,
series arcs conditions. During the tests, the arc generator was respectively. For the dimmer, in [20], it was shown that arcing
inserted or short circuited, in order to have both arcing and and nonarcing current waveforms are very similar, especially
nonarcing conditions. Network power supply (230 V, 50 Hz) in the case of low intensity arc. However, even in this case,
was used to feed the test bench. Current was sensed by the proposed strategy allowed one to identify the arc fault
means of a current shunt (0.1 , 0.001% accuracy) and it was occurrences without false indications. Similar considerations
acquired by means of a data acquisition board (NI USB 9239). can be made for the electric hand-held drill. For this load
For the experimental tests herein presented, the sampling in Fig. 5, the following are reported: the current plot with
frequency value was 10 ksamples/s. the indications of arcing/normal intervals [see Fig. 5(a)],
The results obtained in the case of resistive load are shown the strategy outputs (1/0) [see Fig. 5(b)], and the details of
in Fig. 3. In detail, Fig. 3(a) shows the plot of current normal and arcing currents, respectively [see Fig. 5(c)–(d)].
signal, with the indications of normal (nonarcing) and arcing The indicators plots are shown in Fig. 6. It can be seen that
intervals. Fig. (3b) shows the results of the proposed strategy, in this case, the arcing and nonarcing current waveforms are
whose outputs (arcing/nonarcing signaling) are represented similar; in fact, both waveforms have shoulders and high rates
with Boolean values (1/0, respectively). These results were of rise; on the other hand, a visible arcing characteristic is the
obtained with the following settings: SOW = 0.08 s (four nonstationary behavior. The indicators plots of Fig. 6 show
current cycles) and LOW = five SOWs = 0.4 s. The plots of significant variations in the presence of arc. In this case,
the monitored indicators are shown in [20]. It can be observed the strategy gives two wrong outputs (false positive) during
that the proposed strategy allowed one to identify the arc fault the start of the appliance.
occurrences; during the test, the strategy gave only two wrong The other results of the strategy outputs are summarized
indications: a false negative (failure to trip) at about 130 s in Table I. It should be noted that the number of wrong
and a false positive (unwanted trip) between 145 and 150 s indications is generally low. Moreover, these false responses
(the latter due to a temporary current interruption and the are “isolated” (i.e., one wrong response during a long sequence
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Antonio Cataliotti (M’01) received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical Salvatore Nuccio received the M.S. degree in electrical engineering from the
engineering from the University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy, in 1992 and 1998, University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy, in 1974.
respectively. In 1974, he joined the Department of Energy, Information Engineering
Since 2005, he has been an Associate Professor of Electrical and Electronic and Mathematic Models, University of Palermo, as an Assistant Professor
Measurements, Department of Energy, Information Engineering and of Electrical Measurements, where he has been a Full Professor of Electrical
Mathematic Models, University of Palermo. His current research interests Measurements since 2001. His current research interests include digital signal
include power quality measurements, power line communications, and smart processing, virtual instrumentation and power, and energy and power quality
grids. measurements.

Valentina Cosentino received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical

engineering from the University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy, in 2001 and 2005,
Currently, she is an Assistant Professor of Electrical and Electronic
Measurements, Department of Energy, Information Engineering and
Mathematic Models, University of Palermo. Her current research interests
include power, energy and power quality measurements, virtual
instrumentation, and smart grids.

Giovanni Tinè (M’04) received the M.S. degree in electronic engineering and
Dario Di Cara (M’16) received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical the Ph.D. degree in electronics, computer science, and telecommunications
engineering from the University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy, in 2005 and 2009, engineering from the University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy, in 1990 and 1994,
respectively. respectively.
Currently, he is a Researcher with the Institute of Intelligent System Currently, he is a Researcher with the Institute of Intelligent System
for Automation, National Research Council, Palermo. His current research for Automation, National Research Council, Palermo. His current research
interests include power quality measurements, power line communications, interests include electromagnetic compatibility of power electrical drive
and smart grids. systems, power-line communications, and smart grids.

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