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From the featured story for today

beaver from North America

beaver from North America
The Northern Hemisphere is home to beavers, which are huge, semiaquatic rodents. There are two living
species: the Eurasian and North American beaver (seen in the image). They both have thick bodies, big heads,
teeth that resemble chisels, hands-like front feet, webbed back feet, and flat, scaly tails. The Eurasian beaver is
larger, lighter in colour, and has a thinner tail. They both live in watery areas and are herbivorous animals that
eat plants and tree bark. Using tree branches, plants, boulders, and mud, they construct lodges and dams. Their
infrastructure has a significant impact on the environment in the area. With their children, adults cohabitate in
monogamous partnerships. Beavers scent-mark their territory with a substance known as castoreum. In the past,
beavers were hunted for their flesh, castoreum, and fur.

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