Integers: Natural Numbers (N)

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;I ntegers

♦ Natural numbers (N) : Counting numbers 1, 2, 3, ....... etc., are called natural numbers.
N == {1, 2, 3, 4, ....... }

Representation of natural numbers on a number line: To represent natural numbers on a

number Ii ne we shou Id draw a line and write the numbers at equal distances on it as shown.

I I I I I I I I I I I ►[
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ········

♦ Whole Numbers (W): The set of natural numbers together with zero is known as the set
of whole numbers.

W == {O, 1, 2, 3, ........ }

• Integers (Z) : The set containing negatives of natura 1num er

is called the set of integers.
. b s along with whole numbers

.·. z = [·········,--4, ~3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3! 4, ....... .

Negatives of natural Whole numbers


1 2 3 4, ...... e t c., are called positive integers and are denoted by z+.

3 4
.-. z+= {1,
2, , , ······} . dare denoted by L.
- 1 -2 -3 -4, ...... et c ., are called negative integers an

3 2
.-. z {...... , , l,} id confusion
, t· e numbers are Placed in brackets to avo
Note: 1. Usually, nega iv igns in evaluations.
arising due to twos

e.g., 3 + (- 5) = - ~ 'ther z+ or z-.

. eluded m e1 b
2. O is not '" . h. h north, east, a ave,
- . .k rofit, .income, increase, nse,
d ig ,
(i) t
To represen q . uantit1es 11 e p . .
and so on, pos1t1ve nu mbers are use .
depositing, climbing

01 : Integers

(ii) To represent quantities like loss, expenditure, decrease, fall, low, south, we:;t be\
, ow
withdrawing, sliding dnd so on, negdllve numbers are used. '
Note: 1. 0 is neither positive nor negative.
2. The + sign is not written before a positive number.

3. ~ and 0.3 are not integers as they are not whole numbers.

♦ Representation of integers on a number line: Integers are represented on the number

line as shown.

l ◄

On a number line when we

...... -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1
I •
5•••••• )
(i) add a positive integer, we move to the right.
(ii) add a negative integer, we move to the left.
{iii) subtract a positive integer, we move to the left.
{iv) subtract a negative integer, we move to the right.
♦ Properties of integers:
(i) Closure property: Closure property is satisfied with respect to addition, subtraction and
multiplication in the set of integers.
For a, b E Z, a + b E Z, a - b E Zand a x b E Z.
(ii) Commutative property: Commutative property is satisfied with respect to addition and
multiplication in the set of integers.
If a, b E Z, then a + b =b + a and a x b =b x a.
(iii) Associative property: Associative property is satisfied with respect to add\t\on and
multiplication in the set of integers.
If a, b, c E Z, then
a+ (b + c) =(a+ b) + c = c + (b + a) and ax (bx c) =(ax b) x c = c x \bx a).
(iv) Distributive property: Multiplication is distributed over addition and subtraction in the
set of integers.
For a, b and c e Z, a {b + c) = ab + ac and a (b - c) = ab - ac.
(v) Identity element: 0 is the identity under addition and 1 is the identity under multip\icat\oft.
For a e Z, a + 0 = a = 0 + a and a x 1 = a = 1 x a.
(vi) Multiplication by zero: For any integer a, a x O= Ox a = 0.
LeV8l-- 1
[ Each question has only one cor~ec~e!ion )_ 01 : Integers

m What do we ca ll the set of negat iv e

numbers and whole numbers ?
l_e_):j What is the ad ditive identity for the SPt
of intege rs? -

(A) Natural numbers (A) 0 (B) (- 1) (C) 1 (D) +lO

(B) Integers mWhich of the follow ing is t he

multiplicative identity in the set of
(C) Posit ive numbers integers?
{D) The set of w hole numbers. (A) 1 (B) (- 1) (C) 0 (D) (-10)

mJ Which of the following is the smallest BJ What is the sign of the product of two
integers with like signs ?
positive integer?
(A) Negative (B) Positive
(A) 0 (B) 100 (C) 1 (D) 9

m Whe re are the negative numbers located

on a horizontal number line ? m
(C) 0 (D) Can't be determined
What is the sign of the product of two
integers with unlike signs ?
(A) Right of 0 (B) Left of 0
(A) Negative (B) Positive
(C) Above 0 (D) Below 0 (C) 0 (D) Can't be determined
m Where do we place the positive
numbers on a vertical number line with
m Which of the following operations on
integers satisfy the commutative
respect to O ? property?
(A) Above (B) Leftside (A) -, + (B) -, X (C) +, - (D) +I> X

( C) Right side (D} Below m Over which of the following operations

is multiplication distributed in the set
m What is the opposite of earning t 100 ? of integers ?
(A) + t 100 (B} Profit oft 100 (A) -, + (B) -, x (C) +, - (D) x, +

(C} Gain oft 100 (D} Spending t 100

m With respect to which of the followin&
operations is closure property satisfied
m How is the withdrawal of
re presented ?
t 200 by the set of integers ?
(A) +, X (B) +, +, X

(A) - 200 (B) - t 200 (C) +, x, - (D) +, -, T

(C} t 200 (D} Depositing t 200 l!J What is the sign of the product
obtained when a positive integer is
liiJ What is the smallest negative integer ? multiplied by -1 1
(A} -1 (B} - 10
(A) Positive {8) Negative
(C} 0 ( D) Does not exist (C) 0 {D) Non negative
-- Level - 2
[ Each question has only one correct optlo~_] -

IP.I If a negative sign precedes a bra~ket, fD If the dividend and the divisor have lik
' - ' what happens to the terms ·ms ide 1t? signs, what is the sign of the quotient;
(A} Positive (B} Negative
(A} Their signs are changed.
(C) Zero (D) Indeterminate
{8) The terms are reciprocated.

(C) The sig 1s remain the same. m If the divid~nd an~ divisor have unlike
signs, what 1s the sign of the quotient?
(D) The terms are doubled.
(A) Positive (B) Negative
m If a positive sign precedes a bra~ket,
what happens to the terms ·ms1"de 1t?. (C) Zero {D) Indeterminate

(A) Signs of the terms will be changed. BJ Which of the following is true With
respect to -28 and -32 ?
8} Every term is reciprocated.
(A) -28 < -32 (B) -28 =-32
(C) Every term will become zero.
(C) -32 > -28 (D) -28 >-32
D) No change occurs in any of the terms.

m What is the nature ~f the product of a

fl Calculate (-32) x (-4) x (-3) x Ox (-6).
negative integer by itself, odd number (A) 27648 {B) 276480
of times?
{C) 0 (D) -27648
(A} Positive (B} Non negative
fl Which of the following orders is used
(C} Negative (D} Can't be determined while evaluating an expression ?
DJ What is the nature of the product of a (A) [ ], ( ), { } (B) { }, (), []
negative number by itself even number
(C) (),{},[] (D) (), [ ), {}
of times?

(A) Negative (B) 0 fl What is the value of the expressiol

7- [13-{-2-6 (6 of-5)}]?
(C) Positive (D) Non-negative
(A) -172 (B) 180 (C) 172 (D) O
IJ What is the representation of 30 km
BJ The sum of two integers Is 62, If one~
towards the west ?
the integers is -48, what is the ad"'
(A) 30 km east (B) -30 km
{A) 14 -14 (C) -llO (D) UO
(C) 30 km (D) 30
A man walked 3 km towards North then
BJ Is .... •
The product of two lnteP'Swhat Is di'
one of the inte1ers is --6,
8 km towards South. What is his final value of the other?
position with respect to his initial position ? 1
(Al 1 (Bl 288 (Cl O (D~+i
5 km East
8 km North
(B) 3 km South
(D) 5 km South
m What is the value of 124 II 4 -
(A) 552 (B) 496 (C) 553
Previous Contest Questions
[ Each quea uon has only one correct optio
- -- - -- -

m If P = -4 an d Q = 2 wh ich of
fol low ing exp res sio n is an inte ger
A cer tain free zin g -process req u ires
ro~ m tem pe rat ure be low ere d
tha t
fro m
Wh at
p ~O C at the rate of soc eve ry hour.
is the roo m tem per atu re afte r 10
hours ,
(A) p+Q (B)
Q (B) -5 ?C
(A) 0 oc
Q (D) p- Q (D) -lS OC
(C) p X (C) -10 oc

ffil Identify wh ich of the fol low ing m A lift descends int o an undergrou
flo or at the rate of 6 metres per minute
sta tem en ts is tru e ?
If the des cen t sta rts fro m 10 metres
(A) (-a ) is the add itiv e inv ers e of (+a above the ground level, how much tim

1x a wil l it tak e to descend 350 me tre s?

(B) for any int ege r a, a x 1 -::1:-

(A) 30 min s (B) 50 mins

(C) (-2 7) is a pe rfe ct cub e because (D) 1 hr 30 mins
3 (C) 1 hou r
(-2 7) = (-3 )

(D) 'O' is a pos itiv e int eg er

m The tem per atu re at 12 noon was 10°
abo ve zero. If it decreases at the

m If x and y are inte ge rs the n wh ich

fol low ing is alw ays an int eg er ?
of the of 2 °C per ho ur un til mid nig ht, wh
wo uld be the tem per atu re at 9 p.m

(A) -8° C (B) -G°C

(A) XX y (B) X7 Y
(D) G°C
(C) 8°C
(C) X -y (D) X +y
m In a qui z, pos itiv e marks were given
cor rec t ans we rs and negative marks
IJ Which of the following statements are inc orr ect ans we rs. If Gu ru's scores
tru e? ,-
five successive rou nds we re 3S, -10
s wh at is his tot al score at
(A) Negative inte ger s> pos itiv e integer 15, 20 and 5,
the en d?
(B) Ne gat ive inte ger s < zer o
(B) 35
(A) 25
(C) Zero < Po siti ve inte ger s (D) 55
(C) 45
(D) Positive inte ger s> neg ativ e inte ger
m A de ep well has ste ps inside it.

m In wh ich of the fol low ing pa

irs of
inte ger s, the firs t int eg er is on the
lef t
mo nke y is sitt ing on the top mo1
(i.e ., the firs t ste p). The wa ter
st ste_p
~v:! •:
th kp
of the oth er int eg er on the nu mb
er line . at the nin th ste p. If e ~o nk :Y:.c 2
3 ste ps do wn and t~e n J~~o':s it
(A) (-1 , 10) (B) (-3 , - 10) ste ps up, ho w ma ny Jump
to ma ke to rea ch the wa ter leve
(C) (- 5, - 4.9) (D) (6, -6) (D) 5
(C) 7
(A) 11 (B) 9

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