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Materials are anything which can be used to facilitate the learning of a language, including
coursebooks, videos, graded readers, flash cards, games, websites and mobile phone
Tomlinson (2012) mentions that SMs should be

► Informative: informing the learner about the target language,

► Instructional: guiding the learner in practicing the language,

► Experiential: providing the learner with experience of the language in use,

► Eliciting: encouraging the learner to use the language.

► Exploratory: helping the learner to make discoveries about the language.

Reflect Question

❖ What material do you use if you teach English language courses?


❖ To what extent having a textbook for teaching listening and speaking subject at university is

Material Development

❖ Material development is the planning process by which a teacher creates units and lessons with those
units to carry out the goals and objectives of the course.

❖ It is a process of making your syllabus more and more specific.

How to select appropriate ELT materials?
Learner goal
Learning Style
Proficiency Levels
Language Teaching Methods
Classroom Contexts
Generating motivation
Classroom materials basically are created by four groups of people

1.Classroom teacher

2.Curriculum development team at the school level

3.Government agency

4. Companies

Commercial Materials Authentic Materials

Ready- made material for teaching and learning Spoken or written language not
used specifically for
teaching language.
Text book, grammar book Newspaper, Articles,
Brochure, ICT
Made for pedagogical purposes use by teachers for different
Problems of selecting ELT materials

❖ Using commercial materials can also lead to ideological conflict.

❖ commercial materials are culturally diverse and geographical dissimilar.

❖ Commercial materials may be against the needs and interests of teachers and students due to cultural
The Roles and Functions of the Coursebook

❖ Some scholars support using coursebooks and some others object to them.

❖ The published materials do not always provide the types of texts and activities that a teacher is
seeking for a given class.

❖ Coursebooks limit teaching and learning process.

❖ Coursebooks should be seen as a means of ‘re-skilling’ rather than ‘de-skilling’ teachers.

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