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DEFECTIVE CONTRACTS  The contract can be rescinded as the

lesion was more than ¼ of the actual

Chapter VI. Rescissible Contracts
amount, B can file a proper action in
A. Kinds—Art. 1381 court upon reaching the age of
 ART. 1381. The ff contracts are
1. Those which are entered into by REPRESENTATION OF ABSENTEES
the guardians whenever the wards
 ABSENTEE – a person who disappears
whom they represent suffer lesion
from his domicile, his whereabouts
by more than ¼ of the value of the
being unknown, and without leaving an
things which are the object
agent to administer his property.
Likewise, the absentee must suffer
2. Those agreed upon in
lesion by more than ¼ of the value of
representation of absentees, if the
the property object of the contract to
latter suffer the lesion stated in the
entitle him to remedy of rescission.
preceding number;
3. Those undertaken in fraud of CONTRACTS UNDERTAKEN IN FRAUD OF
creditors when the latter cannot in CREDITORS
any other manner collect the claims
due them;
1. There must be an existing credit
4. Those which refer to things under
prior to the contract to be
litigation if they have been entered
rescinded, although it is not yet due
into by the defendant without the
or demandable;
knowledge and approval of the
2. There must be fraud on the part of
litigants or of competent judicial
the debtor which maybe presumed
or proved; and
5. All other contracts specially
3. The creditor cannot recover his
declared by law to be subject to
credit in any other manner, it nor
being required that the debtor be
 LESION – damage or injury to the party
An action to rescind may be brought even if the
asking for rescission; disparity between
debtor has not been judicially declared
the price and the value.
insolvent, and even if the creditor has not yet
WARD – a person under guardianship
brought an action to collect his credit . BOTH
by reason of incapacity.
A is the guardian of B (minor). The
former sells the lot inherited by the latter from NOTE:
his deceased parents. The value of the lot is
Generally, the party desiring to rescind must
2M and A sold it for 100K.
show that the conveyance or alienation was
fraudulent. He has the burden of proof, except a.) Based on non-performance or non-
in the cases when there is a presumption of fulfillment of the obligation
fraud. b.) The action may be instituted only by the
injured party to the contracts;
c.) In some cases, the court may grant a
A sold his house to B, in order to term;
defraud the creditor X. X wished to rescind the d.) Non-performance of the other party is
contract. Can it be rescinded? important.

Answer: Yes, it can be rescinded given that X,

the creditor, cannot collect from A in any
manner. But if on the same day, someone lent
A money to pay X, then the contract of sale a.) There must be at the beginning valid or
may not be rescinded for the creditor may now voidable contract;
collect from A. b.) But there must be an economic or
financial prejudice against someone
c.) Requires mutual restitution
B. Characteristics
C. Rescission—Art. 1380
Universal Food Corp. v. CA, 33 SCRA 1 (1970)
1. Definition
 RESCISSION – a remedy granted by law
Magdalo Francisco Sr. discovered a formula for
to the contracting parties and
a food seasoning made from banana, it is
sometimes even to the third persons in
known as Mafran. He registered his trademark
order to secure reparation of damages
in his name. But because of insufficiency of fund
caused them by a valid contract by
to finance the expansion of his business, he
means of the restoration of things to
seek financial assistance from Tirso Reyes, who
their condition in which they were
formed UFC, eventually leading to the execution
prior to the celebration of said
of Bill of assignment. In line with the said Bill of
Assignment he was made the chief chemist with
2. As distinguished from rescission under Art. a Salary of 300 pesos/month. However, due to
1191 alleged scarcity and high prices of raw
materials, UFC issued a memo stating among
RESCISSION UNDER ART. 1381: others that the salary of Francisco Sr. be
a.) Based on lesion or fraud upon creditors stopped until the corporation resume its
b.) The action is instituted be either of the operation. Francisco Sr. received his salary of
contracting parties or by a third person; 300 pesos only a month until his services were
c.) The courts cannot grant a period or terminated. Thereafter, UFC ooked for a buyer
term within which to comply; of the corporation including its trademars,
d.) Non performance of the other party is formula and assets at a price not less than 300k.
immaterial. Now, Francisco Sr. filed an action for rescission
of the bill of assignment and damages due to his
RESCISSION UNDER ART. 1191: dismissal as the chief chemist.
ISSUE: W Francisco Sr. is entitled to rescission 5. Extent of rescission—Art. 1384
due to his dismissal from UFC
 Only to the extent to cover the
RULING: SC answered in positive. Magdalo has damages caused.
the right to the remedy of rescission.
6. Presumption of fraud—Art. 1384
Article 1191. The power to rescind
a. Badges of fraud
obligations is implied in reciprocal ones, in case
one of the obligors should not comply with Case
what is incumbent upon him. The injured party
may choose between fulfillment and rescission Oria vs. Memicking, 21 Phil. 243 (1912)
of the obligation, with payment of damages in Facts:
either case.
Actions for recovery are filed against the Oria
First, the SC pointed that the Bill of Assignment Hermanos & Co. by Gutierrez Hermanos. Prior
is reciprocal in nature, it also established that to a judgement, the company was dissolved and
UFC violated the Bill of Assignment by liquidated. A contract of sale was executed
terminating Francisco Sr. without lawful and between the company and Manuel Oria (the
justifiable cause. son of one of the partners). The trial court ruled
The petitioner contends that rescission of the in favor of GH and ordered OHC to make
Bill of Assignment should be denied, because payment, when the company refused to pay,
under article 1383, rescission is a subsidiary the sheriff levied upon the steamship
remedy which cannot be instituted except “Serantes” and announced its sale at a public
when the party suffering damage has no other auction. Prior to the auction day, Manuel Oria
legal means to obtain reparation for the same. presents a statement to the sheriff, claiming to
However, in this case the dismissal of Francisco be the owner of the steamship. Upon the
Sr. as the permanent chief chemist is a payment of GH of a bond for the auction, the
fundamental and substantial breach of the Bill auction proceeded and GH was the highest
of Assignment. He was dismissed without any bidder for the steamship. Manuel Oria filed the
fault or negligence on his part. Thus, apart from present action, praying for the prevention of
the legal principle that the option — to demand the sale of steamship, to be declared as its
performance or ask for rescission of a contract owner, and for damages of P10,000. The CFI
— belongs to the injured party, the fact remains ruled in favor of GH, declaring the sale between
that Francisco Sr. had no alternative but to file Manuel Oria and OHC fraudulent.
the present action for rescission and damages. Issue: Does the sale prejudice the rights of the
Hence, the SC declared the Bill of assignment creditors?
rescinded and modified CA’s ruling but still
ruled in favor of Francisco Sr. Ruling: The SC said this case presents every one
of the badges of fraud above enumerated.The
3. Requisites: (1383, 1385, 1389) result is clear, the sale in the form in which it
4. Effect of rescission—Art. 1389 was made leaves the creditors substantially
without recourse. The property of the company
a. With respect to third persons who acquired is gone, its income is gone, the business itself is
the thing in good faith— likely to fail, the property is being dissipated,
and is depreciating in value. Since the records
Art. 1385, 2nd and 3rd par.
shows that there was no property with which Issue: W the questioned deed was
the judgment in question could be paid, the made in fraud of the petitioner and
defendants were obliged to resort to and levy therefore, rescissible?
upon the steamer in suit. The court below was
Ruling: No. The rescission required the
correct in finding the sale fraudulent and void as
existence of creditors at the time of
to Gutierrez Hermanos in so far as was
alleged fraudulent alienation, and this
necessary to permit the collection of its
must be proved as one of the bases of
judgment. The creditor may attack the sale by
the judicial pronouncement setting
ignoring it and seizing under his execution the
aside the contract. Without, prior existing
property, or any necessary portion thereof,
debt, there can neither be injury nor fraud.
which is the subject of the sale.
While it is necessary that the credit of the
Siguan v. Lim et al., 318 SCRA 725 (1999) plaintiff in the accion pauliana must exist
prior to the fraudulent alienation, the date
Facts: of the judgment enforcing it is immaterial.
Plaintiff herein filed an accion pualiana against Since LIMs indebtedness to SIGUAN
Lim and her children to rescind the deed of was incurred a year after the execution
donation executed by Lim in favor of her of the Deed of Donation, the first
children. Petitioner claimed that sometime in requirement of accion pauliana was not
1991, Lim fraudulently transferred her met.
properties to her children by way of the Deed Even assuming arguendo that petitioner
and that the transfer is in bad faith and in fraud became a creditor of LIM prior to the
of the creditors including her. As a result of the celebration of the contract of donation, still her
conveyance, Lim was left with no sufficient action for rescission would not fare well
properties to pay her obligations. because the third requisite was not met. It is
Lim, in her defense, as regards to the essential that the party asking for rescission
questioned deed of donation maintained that it prove that he has exhausted all other legal
was not antedated and it was made in good means to obtain satisfaction of his claim.
faith at the time that she had sufficient SIGUAN neither alleged nor proved that she
property. did so. On his score, her action for rescission of
the questioned deed is not maintainable even if
The trial court ordered the rescission of the the fraud charged actually did exist.
deed of donation, but the CA reversed its
decision and dismissed the petitioner’s accion
pauliana saying that two requisites of which are ***NOTE: The action to rescind contracts in
absent. [(1) there must be a credit existing fraud of creditors is known as accion pauliana.
prior to the celebration of the contract; For this action to prosper, the following
and; (2) there must be a fraud, or at least requisites must be present:
the intent to commit fraud, to the
(1) the plaintiff asking for rescission
prejudice of the creditor seeking the
has a credit prior to the
alienation,   although demandable

CA further declared that the deed of later;

donation, appears to be executed before
Lim incurred debt from Siguan.
(2) the debtor has made a subsequent sold to him is a clear badge of fraud. The fact
contract conveying a patrimonial that, notwithstanding the title transfer,
benefit to a third person; Federico remained in actual possession,
(3) the creditor has no other legal cultivation and occupation of the disputed lot
remedy to satisfy his claim;   
13 from the time the deed of sale was executed
until the present, is a circumstance which is
(4) the act being impugned is
unmistakably added proof of the fictitiousness

of the said transfer, the same being contrary to

(5) the third person who received the the principle of ownership.
property conveyed, if it is by onerous
title, has been an accomplice in the The SC therefore, therefore, hold that the deed
fraud. of sale executed by Federico in favor of his now
deceased nephew, Rafael, is absolutely
Suntay v. CA., supra
simulated and fictitious and, hence, null and
Facts: void, said parties having entered into a sale
transaction to which they did not intend to be
Federico Suntay owned a parcel of land in legally bound. As no property was validly
Bulacan. His nephew layer, Rafael,prepared an conveyed under the deed, the second deed of
absolute deed of sale whereby Federico for 20k sale executed by the late Rafael in favor of his
would sell to him the land. The deed uncle, should be considered ineffective and
wasnotarized. Less than 3 months later, a unavailing.
counter sale was prepared, selling the land back
to Federico for the same price of 20k. However, 7. Liability for acquiring in bad faith the things
it was notarized not as a deed of sale but a alienated in fraud of creditors—
certain “real estate mortgage on a parcel of
Art. 1388
land to secure a loan of 3.5k”.
Chapter VII. Voidable or Annullable Contracts
Even after the execution of the first
deed,Frederico remained in possession of the A. Kinds—Art. 1390
property. Notwithstanding the fact that Rafael
B. Characteristics
had already become the titled owner of the
land, he (Rafael) never made any attempt to C. Annulment 17
take possession thereof,leaving Federico to
continue exercising his rights of absolute 1. As distinguished from rescission
ownership over the property. Federico now 2. Grounds—Art. 1390
wants the land’s title to be reconveyed back to
him with damages, while Rafael scoffed at the 3. Who may and may not institute action for
attack and argued that the sale was valid and annulment—Art. 1397
genuine. Case
Issue: W/N Rafael’s failure to take exclusive Singsong v. Isabela Sawmill, 88 SCRA 623
possession of the property from Federico is a (1979)
clear badge of fraud.
Ruling: The failure of the late Rafael to take
exclusive possession of the property allegedly Isabela Sawmill was formed by partners
Saldajeno, Lon and Timoteo. Saldejano
Withdraw from the partnership and after Cadwallader & Co v. Smith, Bell, & Co., 7 Phil.
dissolution, Garibay and Tubungbanua 461 (1907)
continued the business still under the name
Isabela Sawmill. The partnership is indebted to
various creditors and that Sheriff sold the assets
of Isabela Sawmill to Saldejano and was
subsequently sold to a separate company. The Issue:
plaintiffs sought to restrain the sheriff from Ruling:
proceeding with the sales and to have the CM
declared null and void in fraud of creditors. Velarde v. CA, supra

Issue: W the contract can be annulled by the 1. When one of the parties is incapacitated—
plaintiff? Art. 1399

Ruling: 2. When the thing is lost through the fault of

the party
As a rule, a contract cannot be assailed by one
who is not a party thereto. However, when a obliged to return the same—Art. 1400
contract prejudices the rights of a third person, 6. Extinguishment of the action
he may file an action to annul the contract.
D. Ratification
This Court has held that a person, who is not a
party obliged principally or subsidiarily under a 1. Requisites:
contract, may exercised an action for nullity of
2. Forms
the contract if he is prejudiced in his rights with
respect to one of the contracting parties, and a. Express or tacit—Art. 1393
can show detriment which would positively
b. By the parties themselves or by the guardian
result to him from the contract in which he has
in behalf of an incapacitated party—Art. 1394
no intervention
3. Effects:
The plaintiffs-appellees were prejudiced in
their rights by the execution of the chattel a. Action to annul is extinguished—Art. 1392
mortgage over the properties of the
partnership "Isabela Sawmill" in favopr of
Margarita G. Saldajeno by the remaining Uy Soo Lim v. Tan Unchuan, 38 Phil. 552 (1918)
partners, Leon Garibay and Timoteo
Tubungbanua. Hence, said appelees have a b. The contract is cleansed retroactively from all
right to file the action to nullify the chattel its defects—Art.
mortgage in question. 1396
4. Prescription—Art. 1391 Chapter VIII. Unenforceable Contracts
5. Effect A. Characteristics
a. Mutual restitution—Arts. 1398 and 1402 B. Kinds—Art. 1403
Case 1. Unauthorized contracts
a. Governing rules—Art. 1404

2. Contracts covered by the Statute of Frauds

a. Purpose of Statute


Philippine National Bank v. Phil. Vegetable Oil

Co., 49 Phil. 857 (1927)

Rosencor Dev’t. Corp., et al. v. Inquing, 354

SCRA 119 (2001)

b. How ratified


Carbonnel v. Poncio, et al., 103 Phil. 655 (1958)

c. Right of the parties when a contract is

enforceable but a public

document is necessary for its registration—Art.



3. Contracts executed by parties who are both

incapable of giving consent

to a contract

a. Effect of ratification by the parents or

guardian of one of the

parties—Art. 1407

b. Effect of ratification by the parents or

guardian of both parties—Art.


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